Luke 21:25-26 Going Viral!

A simple observation on Twitter about the recent catastrophic signs we have been seeing is not going unnoticed by the world. A late night tweet by Julee Dao on September 4th has been retweeted over 70,000 times in just 2 days.  I find it so amazing how God can use everyday people to spread His message, a message that seems to tie into Luke 21:25-26 just as this young lady noticed thanks in part to Google.

Just think of all the people that are reading that verse and making a connection to the lateness of the hour.  Think of how few of those people probably rarely open their Bibles, yet God is still reaching them with HIS WORD... right where they are! I can't even imagine how many seeds of faith have been planted with this one small tweet!

God is so amazing... So many big names have failed to spread the message about the lateness of the hour and the Revelation 12 Sign coming on 9/23/17... Yet God is able to use the most unlikely sources to get the word out... and by doing it in this manner HE GET'S THAT MUCH MORE GLORY!

Many thanks to our sister Olivia for sharing this with me. Here is an embed of the original tweet.  Keep an eye on the reach it has gotten, and this doesn't include all the times it has been shared on Facebook and elsewhere! 

Do you think a tweet from a regular old pastor would have spread like this?  I highly doubt it!

If you want to know more about this connection, watch this recent 4 minute clip from Pastor Biltz:


  1. Brad,

    Thank you for being a strong leader in the Lord, I've learned so much from this blog that it is a real blessing. As a recently born again believer, only going on 5 months now, I've been fascinated with the Revelation 12 sign. I may have become a believer right on time, just before we are all called to be with Jesus! Today while I was searching for more information on the bible, I came across a video that is 5 minutes long. If you search in youtube for "THE LITTLE BIBLE Pyron" you'll find it. It was a video of only a scrolling text, and it discussed new ideas I never heard before about the Revelation 12 sign. I'm the type of person who reads all different kinds of opinions, I never shy away from people who have different views, after all, it's a good thing that I do that because that's how I came across the truth in Jesus. Needless to say, the 5 minute video blew me away and has been bothering me all day. I couldn't even begin to fight against the video as a whole, some sentences I could try to counter but I couldn't counter all 5 minutes as a whole. I think he made it short and 5 minutes long on purpose for that effect. I'm coming to you and to anyone in this blog so that I can have something that can counter this new religion of Pyron's. I think his video is the great deceptions warned about, his mind can't be short of anything other than being the antichrist himself. My brain hurts thinking about this. I showed a friend of mine who is stronger than me in the faith, and they read the whole 5 minute video and were left speechless. People are starting to share his video, so this is something we have to debunk and debunk quickly. When I showed my mother, she is the one who said that this has to be the genuine article antichrist. But my mother just kept shaking her head, and never really provided me with ammunition against the 5 minute video. Can you please help me? Doctrine-wise that 5 minute video may be the greatest struggle Christians ever had to face. "The Little Bible" address is

    In the Lord Jesus,

    1. My dear brother Matt,

      My advice to anyone who is faced with conflicting or confusing information... take it to the Scriptures. All matters are settled by God's inerrant Word. The Word is the rock on which all of us stand, and if it doesn't agree with Scripture then it is discarded. There are many arguments out there that are tempting to believe... but the truth is that Satan will never come out with blatant lies. He mixes, ever so slightly, truth and lies to deceive you. Hence why a solid foundation in Scripture is paramount. Keep looking up brother! Let me know if I can help you in anyway.


    2. Thank you for your response. The problem is that I read the 5 minute video in detail, I've heard different lies before, but there is something about this one that is difficult to shake off. It seemed like Pyron was talking from a level of intellect that was hard to immediately beat. Can you do a point by point sentence by sentence refutation of his video for me? I need one done badly. Thanks.

    3. I'll tell you what... if I get time I'll publish an article on my website refuting it for you. Keep an eye out.


    4. Matt, I hardly ever comment but feel I need to. I couldn't read that whole scrolling text but don't let it bother you. This guy literally made this stuff up. From his own mind. Why should I even bother to read it? It's a fiction. I tried to read the part about Jupiter to help you. He says that Jupiter is a Black Man who walks the Earth and the ancient Egyptians worshiped it. Is that what is bothering you so much. I would ask him "Where's your source, man? and so what if the ancient Egyptians worshiped it?" If you want to read, read scripture. Then you won't be bothered.You are a "baby Christian". You need to gird yourself with the belt of Truth before you go reading something like that. Don't worry. I myself have been confused before about doctrinal truth.

      Here is a great verse for you right now: Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 Ask God what He thinks. Thank Him for His Truth and ask Him for it. He will never lead you astray.

    5. Ok, I watched a little more. This guy is taking Hebrew Roots/ Black Israelite movement and twisting it. Look, we all know Jesus didn't have anglo-white skin. He may have been black or he may have had the color of skin like a present day Persian. We don't know. All we can know is His ministry and His Gospel: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 God Bless you, Matt and pick up your Bible. Don't find it fun to read? Ask God to give you a heart for His Truth and His Word.

    6. Try the Archko Volume written by W D Mahan, I bought copy on Amazon, (Classic reprint series, forgotten books). Contains records/manuscripts from the Archeological writings of the Sanhedrim and Talmuds of the Jews. Has the Valleu's notes of Pilate's report of the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus and Gamaliel's interview with Joseph and Mary and others concerning Jesus. There is a description given of Jesus and his appearance, he was paler skinned that the others around him with Brown/Blonde hair and Blue eyes!. There is also a great account of Herod Antipater's defence before the Roman Senate in regards to his conduct at Bethlehem and Jonathan's interview with the Bethlehem shepherds, letter of Melker, Priest of the Synagogue at Bethlehem. It's a good read and has strengthened my faith in the Lord. Maranatha.

    7. Forgot to write that these manuscripts are from the senatorial docket viewed from the Vatican Library in Rome and from the records in the Library at Constantinople. The author gives an in depth account of his discovery of the records and his travels to view the records, from 1856 - 1859.

    8. Jon, I'll definitely keep an eye out for that article refuting it on your website, it is much needed for me. Even when I say Jesus' name, that 5 minute video starts to play in my head. I just bookmarked your website, and am looking forward to the much needed medicine.

    9. Cammy, I am a baby Christian just like you said, and maybe I shouldn't have read the whole thing or maybe I should have just skimmed it over like you did instead of reading it all, but it seemed harmless because it was only 5 minutes. I thought "how bad can 5 minutes be?" I've asked God about this and prayed and I feel like the answer I'm receiving is that I was shown this on purpose, so that I could bring it to seasoned Christians attention and become stronger in my faith. Maybe it's a new Christian thing because maybe if I was more mature I would have done what everyone else is doing and not read it from start to finish, but I ended up reading it all and the seasoned Christians who would never be bothered by the video aren't reading it all, so I'm in a difficult place. I do love reading, and trust me I've been reading my bible more than ever between yesterday and today, but now I'm noticing the name Jesus every single time I see it. Before reading that video I had never thought about Jupiter and Jesus having the same start in name, and I never heard of Zeus being the same god as Jupiter, so the video's claim that Jupiter-Zeus is the same as j-sus thing really bothered me especially because Revelations 12 likens Jesus to Jupiter. I just need someone to read through the whole thing and give a sentence by sentence rebuttal. Jon from might do a rebuttal, that is a blessing. I thank God for people like you Cammy who spent time on my problem, I just need a detailed rebuttal from someone still, God bless.

    10. Menna Maranatha, I'll see if I can't find a copy of that, but I'm still in search for a rebuttal from someone who read Pyron's video. Thanks and God bless.

  2. Matt, not to worry. Two words to explain this dribble......Bad Drugs.... Stay strong Brother and be Encouraged...The day of our redemption is near! Shalom, Dan

    1. But "Bad Drugs" doesn't actually engage and refute the 5 minute video. I need something in detail that is concrete against what he said, especially what he said about Jupiter.

    2. My 2 cents .... move on, if it isn't from scripture then there is no point worrying about it. There is a lot of junk out there trying to pull us down. Just read Gods Word and stay strong.

    3. BansheeSV1, I wish I could just move on like nothing happened, I wished I was more experienced as a Christian. I guess it's my luck to come across the antichrist in my opening stages of being a believer. All of the Revelation 12 sign mania and searching for it in youtube is how i came across Pyron's video in the first place, that has to mean something. At first I was lucky to become saved right before the rapture, and then unlucky to come across the antichrist. If people think that this isn't the antichrist they're not reading the whole thing. I'm a baby Christian but I'm not new to the world and I'm not new to recognizing genuine threats. That 5 minute video is a genuine threat to all Christians who come across it. All experienced Christians are skimming through it and not reading it from beginning to end so they don't see what makes it a real threat, while inexperienced people like me decided to read it and have no chance against it. If we as a body in Christ can come together and have the mature Christians read through it and give ammunition to new Christians like me, it would edify the whole body. God bless.

  3. I got the same invite to watch the same video....guessing someone is trying to troll us.

    1. Lance M, that's scary. Maybe the rapture is happening on September 23 to snatch us all away from Pyron.

    2. I agree this guys desperate plea to watch the video cause he just can't refute it, doesn't ring true...I say troll!

    3. It's eye opening to see that ridicule is the result from some.

  4. It's a good news/bad news thing:

    The bad news is that for every good, solid, biblically sound video on YouTube, there are at least 20 that are useless junk...or worse. =:(

    The good news is that studying and striving to rightly divide the Word gives one all the discernment one needs to tell the difference. =:)

    1. Greg L. I couldn't agree more that there is a lot of junk out there, it does have a good news bad news quality about it. I should look at it as an opportunity to rightly divide the word, I just wish I started on something less methodical than Pyron's video.

  5. Dear Matt - this is a sophomoric attempt to be deep...very confusing and unclear. Doesn't warrant much time to determine its falsehood...even Richard Fynman would point out its lack of clarity. There is nothing of note in the head began to hurt as I was reading the dribble. If you are looking for a way to combat this stuff I advise you to keep your focus on the Messiah and, in the context on this website, His revelation to John. This is a diversion to be vigilant and look up...our Redeemer draws nigh.

    1. Michael Sorensen, the more I read the responses here the more I wish I was a Christian for a decade instead of being newly saved. When you read the whole thing through that discourse on Jesus name makes you feel like, well, made me feel very uncomfortable and I couldn't just shake it. Why would the bible associate Jupiter with Jesus anyway, isn't that a huge problem? I'm starting to wish that Revelation 12:1-2 wasn't so clear. and I never knew that Zeus was the same god as Jupiter from Egypt, Pyron claiming that the J-sus name means Jupiter-Zeus "proven" by Revelation 12:1-2 is scary, I'm sorry. And I've searched the entire internet, no one out there even notices it or even addresses it, it's like the church has missed it and never noticed it which makes me scared. Does Pyron have a genuine original idea of blasphemy? Because I've searched google for hours and I see people claiming Zeus is Jupiter, I see others saying that the sus in Jesus means Zeus but all of them skip over the J in the name and make no connection to Zeus and Jupiter, and no one combines those ideas while mentioning that the new testament was written in greek, and nobody combines all of this stuff together while bringing Revelation 12:1-2 into the discussion which actually associates Jupiter with the person that Pyron calls Jupiter-sus. I went to and read every single commentary on Revelation 12:1-2 and it is like they are all overlooking these things. I can't even find these things being addressed, and it's only a 5 minute video. That makes me feel like something might be wrong. I know blasphemy always will be around, but this kind of blasphemy is new to me, and if my hours of google indicate anything, this blasphemy is the genuine article antichrist. I can't see the name Jesus without thinking about Revelation 12 and Pyron's bizarre take on it, I'd like to go back to reading my bible regularly instead of seeing the name Jesus as some kind of epic word puzzle waiting to supposedly be revealed. Pyron's bizarre questions are hard for me to answer, he said that the bible is all about Jesus, why would the last book be called the revealing of Jesus as if his name is some kind of puzzle, shouldn't the revelation of Jesus have been the name of the first book of the bible and not the last? And that book contains the revelation 12 sign, almost as if that is the revelation of the name. Reading things like that in the context of a 5 minute video scares me because it's presented as if it's common sense, I know it's wrong but I can't shatter it. Sorry for all of this, I think maybe I'm just rambling at this point. Maybe if this is a burden to me I should just bear it myself, but if I am not strong enough, aren't I supposed to ask those who are strong enough to help me?

    2. Matt,

      The fact that the doc/video, or whatever it is, made you feel uncomfortable is a sign that you do indeed have Holy Spirit discernment my brother. That stab you feel when read/see things like this, is the spirit guiding you. Stay strong brother, you're on the right path...and you're being led by the spirit. This is the process of sanctification that will never be completed on this side of any of our lives. Years as a Christian do not equal maturity by the way. The fact that you asked shows that you are being obedient...just part of the process. Good job my friend!

    3. And to be clear...the doc made you uncomfortable because the Spirit is telling you that it is incorrect & to stay away from it.

    4. I agree, the Holy spirit will guide you, it will make you feel so uncomfortable. You just need to dismiss it and keep to the written word, I am very careful about what I read and how I view content on YT or any other media. You need to follow your Holy spirit given heart in these matters.

    5. Matt, it doesn't matter if Rev12-sign doesn't get as clear to you now but please don't be afraid by it nor being disturbed by any extrabiblical debate on names... Just stick unto the word, read 1st John letter and Psalms again and again to strenghten your faith. It's NOT about believing in Rev12-sign but ONLY in Christ! In the book of Revelation you will read ever the same command to the 7 churches: "hold fast what you got" (i.e. childlike faith in Christ, first love of Christ) and not: "believe in Rev12-sign"! Like Lance told you, the Holy Spirit makes you aware of false teaching and will protect your soul from falling into lies.

      Regarding names with Jupiter or Zeus etc. please note that from creation in Genesis people on earth had 1 tongue and 1 common knowledge of God before the Flood and before Babel. After being scattered all over the world after the Babel event Satan twisted common knowledge of God into diverse religions and different names for 'Gods'. Just FYI. Don't bother about this. Stick to the bible only. Much love and stay blessed! :)

    6. Lance M, thank you for your encouraging words, the Holy Spirit inside me does move me and makes me feel uncomfortable about what I read and saw in that video. But the Holy Spirit is guiding me to get concrete rebuttals to everything in that video, the Holy Spirit wants to make me stronger in my faith in this way.

    7. Annabel, thank you for your kind words and advice, but the Holy Spirit is guiding me to ask seasoned Christians to give detailed rebuttals to Pyron's video, if I can fight that video then I can fight anything. And it's hard to dismiss the Jupiter problem when Revelation 12:1-2 associates Jupiter with Jesus, so I don't see that part of Pyron's claim as extra-biblical. God bless.

    8. Matt, as I explained to you before: People had 1 common knowledge of God in ancient times. UT was Satan that twisted this knowledge into different 'Gods' Abd names (in different language after the Babel event). So todays' names you can find for planets and constellations are "heathen" in fact but they depict all the same story of some Messiah for mankind behind. It is no blasphemy therefore to see the (Roman) name of planet Jupiter as an (symbolic) imagery of Christ in the heavens. This planet protects earth from being hit by meteors and asteroids on a bigger scale ever since. Just like Jesus Christ the Son of God. You've got to understand that everything happening on earth has its physical example or model as well as an action and decree prior to it in Heaven (Matthew 6:10). Blessings!

    9. I just had a look into that video, total crap indeed. If you want to better understand history and names I can recommend to google for "The two Babylons pdf Alexander Hislop". Its free on the web. Blessings again! :)

    10. Matt, I can recommend a very good and helpful YouTube series to you as well, just look at "REVELATIONCHAPTER12. COM"!

    11. Anabel, you said "So todays' names you can find for planets and constellations are "heathen" in fact but they depict all the same story of some Messiah for mankind behind". But
      does that mean that you agree with Pyron's theory that the name of Jesus in the bible is code for Jupiter-Zeus and you have no problem with it? To me, that would be something undesirable. I'll look into the website you suggested. God bless.

    12. Matt, I praise the LORD for having saved your precious soul just in time! I don't expect you to understand all at once yet now. But I certainly know there will be a time when you will be made perfect with Christ and understand everything 1 Corinthians 13:12 when there will be no more questions for you as for us all here as well John 16:23!

      No, I don't agree with Pyron as I said before this is crap, just forget about this. But there is a history of names you have to understand first. The book of Job names diverse constellations with 'heathen' names (Orion, Pleiades, Arcturus etc.) but you have to understand how they got their names from ancient Babel history which was not a godly reign on earth at all but a very heathen one, before (!) Abraham was called out from there (Genesis 11/12). To God it is no problem to use these stars and constellations names though because they are common to men since then. This doesn't mean that we are worshipping them as Heathens do.

    13. Annabel, thanks and I'll be reading 1 Corinthians 13:12 and John 16:23 many times over today. But I can't lie to myself and pretend that I don't need a sentence by sentence refutation of Pyron's video.

    14. Matt, if you need a "sentence for sentence refutation" of such a bunch of Pyron crap then seek for another one but me as such stuff makes me getting sick in the Holy Spirit after only reading a few words of it. Not healthy for me. No offense. Blessings to you! :)

    15. Annabel, alright I'll keep seeking for a refutation because in my case I have to, I'm already sick!

  6. I saw this on my YouTube feed this morning:

    A video from CAnswersTV. Read the description... they call the Rev 12 crowd "crackpots" and gives the Answers in Genesis rebuttal and cites Matt 24:36. It grieves my spirit that people are blind.

    1. I know it is so easy to be discouraged, but don't lose heart. We are almost home. Just a little while longer now.

      If we really are "crackpots" then it should be easy to disprove the 9/23 Rev 12 theory - yet no one has managed it, or even come close. It would have been nice if people behaved like the noble Bereans and looked into this matter to see if it was so. I guess it's easier to call us astrologers. I always suspected that when the rapture did come near, the church of Laodicea would do everything it could to deny it.

      This is a very serious subject. If it turns out all this is wrong, I'm going to feel foolish but I haven't told anyone to quit their job or sell their house; I've only urged people to watch and pay attention. If it turns out all this is right, a lot of people will have to deal with the fact they did everything they could to stop people from believing the truth about Christ's return, and actively discouraged people from waking up and taking action. That is not the legacy I want to leave behind.

      Do they realize that if the rapture does happen soon, those left behind will use their own words to deny that the mass disappearance was the rapture, on the grounds that the big-name church leaders clearly said that only crackpots and idiots believed the 9/23 theory? Given that so many "Christians in name only" will be left behind, it will be an easy lie to sell.

      I pray that God does something to wake these people up and make them see what is really going on, while there is still time left.


  7. Has anyone noticed Luke 21:26 "men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." and the largest solar flare of our sun since 2006 that happened yesterday?

    1. And that was during a solar minimum too, when the Sun was supposed to be relatively quiet.

      I don't think this is over yet. If the birth is near, I would expect the birth pangs and contractions to start getting much closer, more frequent, and more severe. I would not expect life to be quiet and serene between now and 9/23.

      I pray that the churches come to their senses while there is still time. What more is it going to take?


  8. Since you are now a Soldier for Christ, you must be properly suited up for battle.

    Your armaments are listed below:

    Ephesians Chap 6:10-17
    10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against [e]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 [f]in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

    1. Thank you for responding, but I need to have armaments against the threat I've come across. I can have 20 weapons and not know how to use them, that's how I feel as I read the bible verses you put and try to fight against Pyron's so-called "Little Bible".

    2. Ok, I viewed/read Pyrons little video.
      Complete balderdash.
      Right from the get-go a child of God, who reads the true Word and who has studied to show him/herself approved can quickly see through this bull.
      If you want the Truth.
      Get off of youtube and get in the Word.
      If you are truly seeking Jesus, then read his Word and you will gain a valuable understanding of Him, His ways and His plan for you.
      That's about as plain and straightforward I can tell you.

    3. I'm glad that tearing it down is easy for you, but since it is easy for you and not for me then why don't you go through sentence by sentence and teach me in detail how to easily counter Pyron's video? Telling me "it's easy" is true for you but doesn't help someone like me.

    4. Dear Matt...everyone is advising you to read the Bible and your constant response is to redirect them to review Pyron's video. Hmmm...

    5. Michael Sorensen, I've read all I can in the bible and have google search to no end trying to counter Pyron's video, you and others are telling me "it's easy to counter" but not providing me with a sentence by sentence countering it. Maybe I'm not the only one having a problem with it, maybe I'm the only one admitting to it, because it stands to reason that if it was so easy then the first response to my request would have countered Pyron's video sentence by sentence long ago. Maybe I'm so new that I don't realize that I'm not supposed to admit when there is a problem. I don't mean to sound angry but your response to me ridiculed me for asking for a sentence by sentence refutation of a small 5 minute video, and still didn't provide the refutation. Maybe I should say "Hmm" to you.

    6. Matt, I must warn you: Satan is very, VERY good at mimicking the Holy Spirit. I have felt like the Spirit was guiding me, but realized that the urges led into sin. I was shocked and a little scared. The flesh, demons, and the Spirit all give urges that feel the same. I think that Satan is messing with you, and trying to get you off track. He is the master deceiver; do not be fooled. Not all urges are true 'guidance'. My advice is to dig deep into the Word. If the urges contradict a single sentence, disregard them as rubbish.

      Matt, I am not trying to offend you, but please listen: you are derailing the comment section. These urges and 'leadings' are probably from the pit of hell; I believe it is Satan trying to get us off-base. Please, ignore the idiotic video and turn to Christ. Pray, and get grounded in God and the Word. Pray for wisdom and discernment, and God shall give! I hope this helped.

    7. Thank you for replying, I just don't see how it's biblically sound to not engage a different doctrine, in the bible God's people are constantly engaging other strange doctrines in detail, the whole first chapter of Hebrews does exactly that, so why would the same not be done today? Hebrews chapter 1 just addressed the current blasphemy of that day, and even quoted scripture in detail to shatter the doctrine of worshiping angels. It didn't just tell the readers to avoid that doctrine of worshiping angels, or say "that's easy to beat", but it gave a detailed point by point biblical breakdown of why the strange doctrine was wrong. And that book was addressed to "babies" like me, new to the faith who needed milk and not food. But Paul took the time and went point by point patiently. If the word is living and active and is alive still today, then why can't the same be done for Pyron's video for a new child like me who is not ready for food?

  9. Shep Smith of FOX news said the latest model they are using shows Irma entering Florida at Miami and exiting at Jupiter.

    That stuck me as he said Jupiter, I thought, where is Jupiter in the sky right is in Virgo's womb.
    Rev 12 sign soon to be fulfilled.

    Things keep pointing to Virgo and Jupiter.

    Look up.

    This site has landfall between the 31st and 33rd parallel, it has been shifting.;-83.0;4&l=temperature

    Titus 2:13

  10. Here's another secular source talking about Luke 21:25-26:

    Title is 'Bible Prophecy Fulfilling Itself Right Now ?'

  11. Matt, I have read your desire to figure this out as being a babe in Christ. As a babe, trying to figure out the book of Revelation is very complex without a history in the church. Many things you need will be found in reading the 4 gospels and then the book of Acts. From these books you will be able to learn about Christ's ministry and the birth of the church and His coming back.

    Also an excellent resource for things that deal with our Christian walk and how to not get too confused by all of the "religious" quagmire that is out there is
    There is only one bible and if we simply speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where it is silent, we can find out what God wants from us, not what we desire from our selves. I hope this helps.

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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.