Latest from Robert Breaker about the Rev12 Sign...

Pastor Robert Breaker said in a previous video that he was done talking about the Rev12 Sign. Well here we are a few weeks later and he has put out a new video on the topic (and I am glad He did). Brother Breaker gives a great summary of why some believe things are pointing to the end of this month for a potential rapture. I so appreciated this video as it was very encouraging!

Check it out and share your thoughts below.


  1. First of all, I just appreciate Br. Breaker taking the time to see what is being said, review the scripture, as we are doing and giving his opinion. He is never dismissed the sign, but always said it looks like Rev 12:1-2 to me. I also loved his point in the video where he says, "I am happy people are reading their Bibles and looking in Scripture to see what it says about Jesus' return. I want Him to come back." I believe other ministers have shown their stance on either of those topics is they'd just as soon no one read their Bible and they don't seem to be in any rush for Jesus' return. You can tell he didn't do the research himself, which he freely admits, so he's not totally up to speed on his dates, but he is listening and I really, really appreciate that. I also wrote him a private message previously after his other videos and told him so. We should all be working together - the pastors and the laity. Blessings - Sherry

    1. Agree👍Robert Breaker is a blessing and this message was good to hear...I am learning a lot from him..definitely don't hear any pastors at the church i attend speaking about topics; revelation, end. times , the trinity, hell, death......Robert has a good handle on all these topics and *he isn't afraid to share the truth*...

    2. Sherry, you have been an encouragement and continue to be. Thank you! Forward together Looking Up....with the expectation of sweet fellowship with all the bride beyond our imagination...soon. Stay encouraged. Shalom

    3. Dan you are very kind. Like you, I am so looking forward to being in a place of fellowship where we can sit underneath the Tree of Life and talk with Jesus. I have a little "video" that plays in my head and I see us all sitting there asking questions about some of our "pet theories". I can just see Him throw His head back and roar with laughter (with us, not at us) and say, "Where in the world did you get that?"

      I'm really glad Br. Breaker remade the video because he did have some date calculations wrong and I so appreciate his encouragement about our watching. I have never understood those who profess Christianity to make jests about those of us who watch. It would seem a minister would be thrilled people are excited and studying the Bible. I believe, as long as we keep our theories scriptural and remain in a spirit of kindness with each other Jesus is extremely pleased we are anxious for His coming. Watching has given me an even greater love for scripture and for the Savior. It has made me a better student in the Word and I have made acquaintance online with my brothers and sisters with whom I will spend eternity. What a joy and surely pleasing to the Lord.

      You be Blessed because you surely Blessed me - Sherry

    4. * This was another door, opened in Scripture, at least for me. Another clue in the Big Treasure Hunt we're all on. Both video's, short-n-sweet are a gift from YHWH...

      *Part One:

      *Part Two:Vayera
      Show less

  2. Looks like he took it down :( I hope he re-posts because I was really looking forward to watching.

    1. That's weird. He repeatedly stated that he was just sharing information and not setting a date or anything. He made the point that it was good for Christians to fellowship and share ideas about when Christ could return because it is an event we so look forward to and it is a enjoyable thing to speculate about and share ideas over, especially ideas which we formulate by reading the word and watch the events around us. It was a balanced video that gave a recap of the info apparently many people are sending him and he shares how he thinks it would be cool if the rapture did happen just before Halloween. Not sure why he would take it down.... not that controversial and he was very careful with his words and message in my view.

    2. I watched it yet and found it just hilarious, very encouraging. But perhaps this was somewhat "exceptional" for RBs character and personality. I must say I never saw him so happily excited and mocking the mockers. Perhaps he thought about this afterwards and took it down for that reason as he judged it 'unfitting' for a serious bible teacher. But it's OK then. You didnt "lose" anything regarding content or new revelation if you didn't watch but I found it very encouraging in the Spirit at least.

    3. I did see the video shortly after Robert posted it, and I too thought it was hilarious. He's one of the best preachers on the Internet in my opinion, but he does shy away from prophecy or anything that might be construed as date setting. He was taking it to the mockers in this video, and I think he gave that some thought and took the video down for that reason, which is fine. His video on the Rev. 12 sign last December was great and had millions of viewers.

  3. I couldn't access the video either. :(

  4. Here is the video:!AiWlPaupzhQ6iuM-A77ZMgjyBZsTjQ

    1. Thanks David!! Watched and man that would be awesome for His coming by months end!! Actually I'm hoping for today or tomorrow rapture!! Be ready at any moment!! It seems that almost every month there are reasons to believe it could be sometime this month, or next month, or next year! so exciting!!!! ARE WE READY??!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

    2. Thanks David! The link worked. That was a great video! Exciting stuff!

  5. Fellow watchers, like most of you I've been studying the scriptures as they pertain to the Sign and harpazo. I feel the need to share with the body that "the last trump" paul referenced is the "salpigsk" in the Greek, the equivalent of the OT "chatsotrah", the silver clarion, blown to gather and direct movement of assemblies, the trumpet used to gather the assembly on the 8th day, Shemini Atzeret, the last festival gathering of the year as outlined and instructed by the Lord. IF the barley truly wasn't aviv this year and the omer truly wasn't ready, pushing the fall feasts back a month, then the 8th day is this November 11th sunset to sunset on the 12th, the sabbath going into resurrection sunday, 50 days from the Great Sign, when Jupiter and Venus come into conjunction while the sun is in the "throne room" constellation Libra. Purely speculative here, but Imagine that possibility, the head and body pictured joined together 50 days after the sign pointing to the rapture, the church's own rapture Pentecost. Jesus stated a handful of times in John 6, that He would raise us up on the last day. Leviticus 9:1-4 Moses told Aaron, his sons and the elders that on the 8TH DAY, after the sacrifices, THE LORD WOULD APPEAR BEFORE THEM. This is the last possible feast day "salpigsk" trumpet speculation timeframe we're left with. I love you all brothers and sisters. I hope this helps reduce some clutter, blesses you and keeps you looking up right along with me! Either way, see you soon. In truth and love as most of all in Christ our savior.

    1. As we rightly divide, it's important to make the distinction between the bugle (last trump; salpigsk), and the shofar.

    2. Thank you Rob, you're all right with that, very good ideas! Don't let the watch go down again. Much blessings to you, MARANATHA! :)

    3. I've read where is the last trumpet of God, meaning that it is made by Him and not man. The silver clarion is man made where the shofar is made by God.

  6. Robert Breaker may have removed the video because of some date issues. I watched it moments ago via the link given by David Hatterman. Ptr Robert Breaker missed (or got confused) the counting, he mentioned it is 40 days AFTER the Rev 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017 to arrive at OCT 30/31, The correct day to connect Oct 30/31 is actually Sept 21/22 F.O.T. His topic was the late Barley harvest.

    Not that he misled the viewers,but got some confusing date references. I myself messed the dates explaining to my friends since I got so familiar with Sept 23, I missed making my count to start at 21/22. So, it is better to remove the video and redo it again.

    Now, I would like to make this as the jumping board to a great topic. Vayera. A new word to add to our watch. It is fitting to for us not to disregard the 40 days purification process as commanded by God based on Leviticus 12. If we count 40 days after the birth on Sept 23, we will come to Nov 1/2. Read the Lev 12 again, the woman is expected to offer a lamb. What I found amazing is that on Genesis 18, during the 'vayera' when He (The LORD) appeared to Abraham, there was a meal offering prepared by Abraham, finest choice calf. Rightly so since it is an honor to be visited by the Lord. Another thing is on this 'vayera' event a special 'birth' is promised to Sarah. Special because it is miraculous since they are past their old age and as good as dead. Remember that on this day Sarah laughed it off.

    This is the gist of the 'vayera'.... The LORD discussed with Abraham his punishment he will do to Sodom and Gomorrah ( Genesis 18: 20-23 ) . We know that Abraham bargained with the Lord from 50 down to 10 just not to destroy Sodom&Gomorrah. Arent we in the same position now but this time we are with dates.? For us we thought Sept 23 was the date, then we moved to Day of Atonement, Shemini Atzeret, then the late Barley Harvest. Lastly we have 'Vayera' on November 2. So each passing date is a time for us to prepare and share the gospel. We know that on the appointed date it will all be too late and it is finished. If Our Lord Jesus Christ will appear on Nov 2 to gather us, destruction follows what is left here on earth.

    It will not be a laughing matter.



  7. I have to say, the thought of a Halloween rapture crossed my mind just yesterday as I was driving (and, ironically, listening to another Robert Breaker lecture - Tribulation Gospel, I think). It would certainly fit with what Jesus said about “the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect"!! (Luke‬ ‭12:40‬). What day would you expect LESS than Halloween!

    1. My question here - what is Helloween in the Scripture? I thought the last time, that "an hour not extpected" or "day and hour knoweth no man" is the same point of time, and the Jews count this as Feast of Trumpet, because it is the only feast that started on a new moon. Therefore it would be logical to look at the day of the new moon, which is now October 19. If this year everything is shifted to a later time from the spring, then the Feast of Trumpets, too? Then it seems to me, that we schould wait for the Lord tomorrow. (?) He says that he comes quickly! Everything needs to be accurately defined, I want to draw up a logical scheme, because I am very confused. For example, the exact meaning of all the planets playing a role in this sign. Where are they each day in October in relation to Virgo? Sun and moon? Conjuctions? Which element appears suddenly? Ninth planet? When and the where in relation to Virgo? I have many questions, and I am very grateful to you all for your reasoning and discussion. Blessings!

    2. Alla, you might want to take a look at Paul Dawson's last video on Revelation12Dotcom on YouTube. He has linked to charts he's done which provide exactly what you are looking for. It's in the video where he goes into the things he sees coming up in the Heavens and the link to the charts he provides is

      I enjoy listening to Paul, because he does a lot of research and seems very stable and unswayed by "just a new date". He has looked forward and feels strongly the events of The Tribulation are outlined in the Mazzaroth with a beginning fairly quickly to coincide with what he's seeing in the constellations. I hope this is helpful. Like you, at times I like to have something I can print out and "hold in my hands" and mark on to look at. I love the new technology as well, but I still cling to some of my old school ways.

      Blessings - Sherry

    3. Yes, I would not have chosen that day. However, it seems like a high watch date for the reasons given. I do disagree that our blood will be left behind. Jesus' blood wasn't, and we will be like Him. Clothes, implants, jewelry- yes, but I believe our blood will become incorruptible, as said earlier, like a butterfly from a coccoon, we'll be completely changed/ transformed. Maranatha!

    4. Thank you very much, dear Sherry, and to you, Charissa, as well for your thoughts! I looked Video, it is very good and logical! Want to say, that it is new Article in Unseaded - exactly my thoughts! I'm going to read it carefully!

    5. Charissa, I agree about the blood. I surely wish he would stop that. Certainly, I could be wrong and him right. However, if you follow that train of thought then flesh would remain as well. It does not, it is "changed" and I believe it applies to the blood. I just sense this is one of those areas where if we dig our heals in on something, Holy Spirit will just allow you to remain in confusion about a certain point. I honestly think this is how doctrines of men are perpetuated - I know that's not what Breaker is doing. Man just falls so in love with some theory and continues to promote it and before long it has become a "sacred cow" to them and more important than what is clearly and plainly written. I do believe we must hold things "loosely", not only the things of this world, but also the things that aren't absolutely, plainly written in scripture. Does it have to be a Feast Day for the Lord's return and our Rapture? No, I do not believe it has to be anything. Does that makes logical sense for argument's sake? Yes, it does, but it is surely not a hill I'm willing to die on. We must be so careful to separate what we "think" or what we've been "taught", from what IS. Everything matters greatly, but nothing is worth a soul that may slip out of their consideration of coming to Christ because they saw believers fighting like children over something not "of salvation".

      Alla, I will absolutely read the article. I love their work and have found much wisdom and encouragement on their site. Daniel Matson on WatchfortheDay.Org is also beginning a new article. Since time may be so short, he posts each one in segments as he completes them. I like that, it makes you feel as though you're a tiny part of the process, even though your not. He has an amazing grasp of the math and potential timelines as they correlate to prophecy.

      Blessings - Sherry

    6. Sherry, amen to all of that. Have to say that is the first time I have ever heard that teaching about our blood. From what I have seen of his ministry, he is an honorable and astute teacher but I do like those who are more willing to stick their own necks out. "People say" is a bit too much of hiding behind other people's skirts for me. I'm more in tune with those who are grasping not for straws, but for the hem of his garment and give that shout out when they catch sight of it. I'm loving the journey. It's been kind of like being in a maze. (No pagan inference intended) But you hit those walls and have to backtrack a bit to where you messed up, own it and try again. You know that heavenly exit is up ahead and it could be the very next opening you venture through. Maranatha!

    7. Daniel's article at Watch for the Day is complete and it is really simple, straightforward and clear. I think you'll really be encouraged. A tie back to Noah was where his journey began with his first two books and he's been building on it since that time. After all the winding turns he winds up at virtually the same place as those who are coming at it from simply a signs in the heavens and Daniel standpoint. I love it when everybody comes to the same place from different angles.

      Blessings - Sherry

    8. Thanks. Gonna watch it now. I couldn't find it earlier. I love reading or watching Daniel's work. Oh, and I always envision walking along a beautiful pathway with some loved ones and being able to look up and say "Look! Yonder comes the Lord! Let's go and meet Him." The idea just makes my spirit soar. Hope to see you under that tree very soon. Blessings, Sister.

    9. Thanks Sherry - this is a very good read.

  8. Just wondering about the 40 days purification for the birth of a boy and why couldn't it be the 80 days purification for the birth of a girl. If we are the bride of Christ then the Church could be considered female? Lev 12 says there's an 80 day purification (14 days plus an additional 66) of the mother giving birth to a female child. I'm all for the 40 days, but is it possible it could be 80?

    And since the woman wouldn't have visited the temple to be purified on the 40th or the 80th day, it would have been the 41st or 81st day.

    And the 81st day after Sept 23 puts you at the first day of Hanukkah Tuesday Dec 12th? Here's the calculation

    (This has the check box Include End Date)

    Hanukkah is Hebrew for "dedication" and is all about the Temple (The second Temple that Jesus was in). And believers are the true Temple. Now this is assuming the birth actually happened on Sept 23rd which may not have happened since the actual birth appears like it happens after Rev 12:1-2. But when a woman is in labor, it's not too many hours that the baby comes out and then the baby is discussed later. So it's possible the baby was born in Rev 12:2


  9. Robert has put the video back up, I just got a notification. God bless.

  10. I heard Robert Breaker say that we (in de rapture) leave our blood behind. Never heard of that. Has anyone a scripture that say so?


    1. When Jesus was resurrected after 3 days, he left behind no blood stained linen. It'll be the same for us when we’re called home.

    2. Randall you are right about that. I love Robert Breaker but I surely wish he'd get off the buckets of blood program he's on.

      Blessings - Sherry

    3. Dear Joyce, indeed this is NOT "rightly dividing" (as RB always so much stresses to do). No, it will be COMPLETE "METAMORPHOSIS" of the bodily appearance / substance according to 1 Corinthians 15. When Enoch or Elijah were taken away there's no mention of blood ever. Elijah left his mantle (and Christ left the shroud, that's why we assume leaving our clothes behind (and regarding 1 Timothy 6:7 of course).


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.