Rock Harbor Church Q&A
All, I will keep this short. Pastor Brandon from Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield CA has a very informative video out where he takes questions from the congregations on current news items. You can imagine the primary focus on of the conversation as it seems like throughout the country the walls are closing in all the more regarding the j_b. Please watch this Q/A on the topic that is very informative from a Biblical perspective.... If you are feeling alone or trapped, I pray this pastor and his wisdom and resolve will encourage you.
Brad, thanks for making space in your struggles and joys to get another page up. Blessings, Family. Good stuff 'below the fold' on the prior thread, esp a nice share from Jeova' of some TW Tramm goodies we so enjoy here; make sure and check it out. Looking forwards to watching this new one, above.
ReplyDelete"That which hath been is NOW; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past." Eccl 3:15
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who IS, and who WAS, and who IS TO COME, the Almighty." Rev 1:8
"So, the last shall be first, and the first last." Matthew 20:15
Everything Points To Christ, Always. When Details Pointing To Christ Also Mirror His Nature, He Calls That Out; He Also Ordains It So For Our Instruction, Commonly. Thus, we expect to see things, at any given time, and esp as Time closes, things which NOW reflect that which has Passed while also Revealing Things To Come.
The first murder was a brother, of a brother. This last, most recent murderous event in Afghanistan NOW is brother upon brother, in that area, effectively.
The World Powers who, previously, ala WWI & II, aligned under the moniker of "Good" v "Evil", rather appropriately, no longer do so and the Afghan People HAVE BEEN LEFT BEHIND by them to face horrific abuse, murder, torture and such at the hands of those who demonically lust after blood and killing.
The picture NOW of what HAS BEEN and IS COMING shortly, upon EVERY country, is happening, FIRST, as you are reading this, in Afghanistan.
An alphabetical list of every country on Earth begins with: Afghanistan.
@REVCH12dotCOM 09:17
EVIL UNLEASHED: AFGHANISTAN NOW. WORLD NEXT. he said, Afghanistan is the 1st country on the list to experience this form of evil and we may be next. Not a positive thought for sure, but at least it implies that we may be getting very close to our departure! Let's hope so!
DeleteAnother 'first shall be last' parallel being 'to the Jew first, and then to the gentile' (as previously mentioned, both blessing (Christ was a Jew), and trial/distress (they were the first to mass vaccinate).
DeleteTY Brad for sharing this. I sent it to my schoolteacher daughter in hopes that she might can use the Religious Exemption that Rock Harbor is offering to anyone as well as gain a ton of other needed information.
ReplyDeleteTY Jimboni on heads up for Paul D. and also will refer again his message on the base agenda being the satanic theft of the sovereignty over the human body.
As the Pastor points out in the video above, this IS a choice of whether one will turn in fear to “Pharaoh” or in faith to The Lord God Almighty for their safety at this critical juncture, which again points to this being our Red Sea moment.
But either way, Pharaoh’s only intent is to kill the multitude while our Lord God’s Intent is to Save as many who will turn to Him in faith and call upon the Name of Jesus Christ.
Blessings and Looking UP!
Sheila B., Blessings.
DeleteMANYFISH adds data to things seeing NOW which will soon be upon us ALL barring our Escape:
Australia Lockdowns. LA Wackcine 'Freedom Ra!!y'. Spiritual War Manifest! 15:28
Over on his other channel, not watched yet, we find Israel's continuing connections to it and more
!srae! (& the world) Travel Restrictions and More Wackcines. 06:37
We’ve been watching Australia and it’s just unbelievable. Billy spent several years working over there and he can hardly believe they are succumbing so easily to such totalitarian measures.
DeleteHe’s worked all over the world from the Congo to Russia to Mexico to SA and Down Under and the Aussies he knew, worked with and visited the Outback with just 10 years ago were some of the most heavily tattooed and rugged bunch of individualists in the world in his opinion and now they aren’t even allowed to have a conversation with each in fear of a bug with a 99% plus survival rate. So yeah...if they are the
Beta Test for the West,
it’s gonna get ugly.
And I’m of the suspicion that some kind of big event is soon going to be instigated to distract disgusted Americans from this current political and military disaster they’ve probably intentionally created as part of their Great Reset. Just hoping for our Rescue to come first.🙏🙏🙏
...a conversation with each “other”...🤦♀️
DeleteDear family, sharing...
ReplyDelete(by T.W. Tramm - FB Page)
ONE OF THE greatest minds to ever study the Scriptures, Isaac Newton, believed that a verse in Daniel 9 predicts the year of Jesus’ return:
“From the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks” (Dan. 9:25).
In his writings on the prophecies of Daniel, Newton proposes that the “seven weeks” denote a jubilee cycle, a future 49-year period, that will begin with a rebuilding of Jerusalem and end in an appearance of Messiah.
Historically, there have been several orders to rebuild Jerusalem, e.g., 457–58 BC, 444–45 BC, 1537–38 AD. However, the only order to rebuild Jerusalem in the modern era appears to have gone forth on August 19, 1970, when a press report appeared in the Jerusalem Post detailing how, the day before, a master plan to renovate the Old City—the area recaptured during the Six Day War—had been approved.
Counting Daniel’s 49 years, plus a 50th for the Jubilee, from the plan to rebuild Jerusalem in 1970–71, we arrive at 2020–21.
Could the biblical year spanning 2020–21, beginning and ending at Nisan, be the Jubilee alluded to in Daniel?
The following are reasons it seems possible.
Bolstering the notion that the 1970–71 rebuilding of Jerusalem is relevant to Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy is a second reckoning based on the same prophecy. Daniel mentions two sets of weeks, 7 weeks and 62 weeks, and specifies that Jerusalem’s walls will be rebuilt (Dan. 9:25). Counting backward 62 weeks from 1970–71, we arrive at 1537–38 AD, the year Ottoman ruler Suleiman rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls. What is remarkable is that by adding Daniel’s 7 and 62 weeks and counting forward from 1537–38 AD, we arrive, again, at our speculative Jubilee: 2020–21.
Thus, our speculative jubilee is confirmed by two calculations of Daniel’s weeks from different restorations of Jerusalem.
In Scripture, the Jubilee is a year-long Sabbath in which servants are released and allowed to return home (Lev. 25:8–13). With the jubilee themes of rest and returning to home in view, it is interesting that 2020–21 saw a global cessation of activity due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The restrictions that kept much of the world idle or confined to their homes began around Nisan 2020 and ended around Nisan 2021, corresponding to our speculative Jubilee. While it may be coincidental, it is uncanny that a type of worldwide compulsory “sabbath” coincided with the 50th year as counted from the rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1970–71.
70–71 AD
Counting backward 50-year periods from our speculative Jubilee, 2020–21, we arrive at 70–71 AD, the year Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Romans. Significantly, some Jewish sources say the Temple was destroyed in the year after a sabbatical, or 7th, year. Since a sabbatical precedes a Jubilee, it is conceivable that Jerusalem was destroyed and the people dispersed in what was actually a jubilee year.
Why would God allow the Jews to be removed from the land in a Jubilee, which is supposed to be a year of returning to one’s home? In Scripture, the Lord instructs Israel that if they obey His laws they will dwell safely in the land (Lev. 25). However, if they ignore God’s laws, the blessings will turn into curses (Deut. 11:26–28; 28:15). Since, in the days of the Second Temple, Israel was ignoring the jubilee statute, it would make sense for judgment to fall in what was supposed to have been a Jubilee.
DeleteTo the Lord, “a day is as a thousand years” (2 Pet. 3:8). Based on the pattern set at Creation Week—six days of labor followed by one day of rest—Jesus is expected to return after 6,000 years to judge the world and reign during the thousand-year “Day of the Lord,” or Sabbath millennium.
Counting 50-year periods from Creation, the 6,000th year corresponds to the 120th Jubilee.
What is interesting is that the calculations of most chronologists have us presently already beyond the 6,000th year, or 120th Jubilee. For instance, James Ussher dated Creation to 4004 BC, making the earth 6,023 years old as of our speculative Jubilee 2020–21. Chronologist D. Petavius dated Creation to 3983 BC, making the earth 6,002 years old as of our speculative Jubilee.
Understanding that biblical chronology is not an exact science, it is intriguing to consider the possibility of Petavius being off by just a couple of years in his reckoning, making Nisan 2021—not 2019 as his calculation implies—the end of the 6,000th year.
If 2020–21 was in fact a Jubilee, the current year, 2021–22, is the first year of a new 7-year sabbatical cycle. This is significant because, assuming God is fulfilling prophecy according to His 7-year cycles, it would make sense for the 7-year Tribulation to begin in the first year of a new sabbatical cycle.
A question raised by our jubilee scenario is, if 2020–21 was a Jubilee, why did the Lord not appear at this time? The answer may relate to a fundamental jubilee statute. According to Leviticus, no harvesting is allowed during the jubilee year (Lev. 25:11, 12). Since the Rapture is a “harvest,” and Jesus came to fulfill the Law (Matt. 5:17), it could be reasoned that the biblical year following the Jubilee, the year we are presently in, 2021–22, represents the first opportunity to lawfully rapture the Church.
The Rapture occurring in the year after the final Jubilee makes sense in view of a pattern established in Jeremiah:
“Thus says the LORD: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place [Jerusalem]” (Jer. 29:10).
Notice God brings the Jews home “after” the 70 years are complete. Following the pattern of bringing His people home after the allotted number of years has fully expired, it would make sense for the Lord to allow the 6,000th year and final Jubilee to fully lapse before rapturing the Church in what would be the first year of a new sabbatical cycle.
Another hint that the Rapture may occur after the 6,000th year is the wedding at which Jesus has six water jars filled to the brim so He can turn it into wine (John 2:7). Six jugs filled to the “brim” may be a picture of the 6,000th year fully lapsing before the wedding of Messiah occurs in the first year of a new sabbatical cycle.
DeleteA popular view is that the 6,000th year, or final Jubilee, will coincide with the Second Coming. However, Scripture links the Jubilee to the Rapture:
In Isaiah, Jesus is seen executing judgment on the earth because “the year to redeem (Jubilee) had come” (Isa. 63:4). That the Jubilee “had come” indicates the order of events is Jubilee then Judgment, not Judgment then Jubilee.
In Revelation 5, as the raptured saints are seen gathered around God’s throne, Jesus receives a scroll representing the “Title Deed” to earth—a picture of the land going back to its owner per the jubilee statute (Rev. 5:6, 7 KJV). At this time, the saints begin praising the Lord for having “redeemed” them, further signifying that the “year of redemption,” or Jubilee, had come (v. 9 KJV). After this, the first seal of the scroll is opened, commencing the tribulation period (Rev. 6). Thus, the order of events is Jubilee then Judgment.
Another clue that the Rapture is a jubilee event is Pentecost. Pentecost, the 50th day, is a type of Jubilee, the 50th year. Since Pentecost celebrates the wheat harvest, signifying the rapture of the Church, the Jubilee is by association linked to the Rapture. It is significant that in Acts 2, when the Day of Pentecost had “fully come,” there were about 120 believers gathered in the upper room (Acts 1:15). The 120 Christians are likely an allusion to the 120th jubilee, corresponding to the 6,000th year.
If 2020–21 was in fact a Jubilee, the year before, 2019–20, was a sabbatical year.
In Scripture, the sabbatical is a year of economic reckoning in which debt is cancelled (Deut. 15:1). While the world’s leading economic power, the US, did not see a major financial reckoning in 2019, it is noteworthy that on August 15, corresponding to the biblical date Av 15, or Tu B’Av, an ominous sign occurred in the financial realm: the 10-year Treasury yield inverted, going lower than the 2-year yield for the first time since before the 2008 Great Recession, resulting in a headline-making 800.49 point market crash.
Seeing how the number “8” signifies a new beginning and the number “49” a Jubilee, it is striking that the 800.49 point crash occurred on Tu B’Av—a holiday associated with weddings and inheriting the Promised Land—exactly 49 years from when the plan to rebuild Jerusalem was approved on Tu B’Av (August 18) in 1970.
In 2014, two cows made news for being born with distinctive number “7s” on their heads. What made this bizarre occurrence especially intriguing, however, was the timing: The first cow made news on the biblical Feast of Trumpets (September 25). It was black in color and had a large formal appearing “7” on its head. The second cow, featured on a popular religious program, was born on the same Feast of Trumpets. This cow was red in color and had a small informal, or slapdash, appearing “7” on its head.
In prophecy circles, the cows were regarded as a modern-day version of the sign given to Pharaoh—a warning from God to a Gentile nation about 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine (Gen. 41).
Counting 7 years from the Nisan following the cow signs, the 7 years of plenty could end as late as Nisan 2022. However, it is important to note that the last harvest season to occur within this presumed 7-year period of abundance is the one we are in now—summer 2021. That summer 2021 could be the final season of plenty before a famine sweeps the world is crucial because, according to Scripture, Jesus will return to “harvest” the earth at a time when there is plenty to eat and drink (Matt. 24:37–39; Luke 17:28–30).
That the current year, 2021–22, may be pivotal as regards a 7-year famine bolsters our jubilee scenario, which has this same year marking the first in a new sabbatical cycle.
DeleteA persistent riddle in the realm of eschatology is the correct reckoning of the jubilee cycle.
Based on the rabbinical reckoning of the 7-year sabbatical cycle, 2015 was thought to be a jubilee year. However, questions around the accuracy of the Jewish reckoning, plus a lack of jubilee-themed events around 2015, cast doubt on this calculation.
Other jubilee reckonings have been attempted, based on various historical and biblical clues. Yet a lack of consensus leaves the puzzle unsolved.
Is it possible the Book of Daniel has held the answer to the jubilee-riddle all along, hidden in plain sight?
“From the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks” (Dan. 9:25).
Isaac Newton understood Daniel’s “weeks” to be sabbatical cycles, and the “seven weeks” to be a final jubilee cycle that would begin with a rebuilding of Jerusalem.
There has only been one rebuilding of Jerusalem in the modern era, 1970–71. Counting one jubilee period from then, we arrive at 2020–21.
Seeming to validate the 2020–21 date is a calculation based on the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall by Suleiman: 1537–38 AD + 69 weeks = 2020–21.
Our speculative 2020–21 Jubilee explains or agrees with . . .
• The year-long pandemic shutdown of 2020–21.
• The dispersion of the Jews in 70–71 AD.
• Chronologists’ reckonings of the 6,000th year.
• A convergence of signs and eschatological timelines indicating 2021–22 may be a pivotal year.
What’s more, our scenario . . .
• Allows the 6,000th year to fully conclude, allocating six full (thousand-year) “days” to fallen man before Judgment Day begins.
• Results in 2021–22 being year-one of a sabbatical cycle, an apt time for the 7-year Tribulation or a 7-year famine to begin.
• Takes into account the jubilee statute of no harvesting (thus no Rapture) in a jubilee year.
Is it possible 2020–21 was a Jubilee, that the 6,000 years are complete, and the Day of the Lord is about to begin?
In view of our rationale, it is definitely possible.
However, only time will tell if it is fact.
Delete1. Newton on Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy:
“Thus we have in this short prophecy [of Daniel], a prediction of all the main periods related to the coming of Messiah [including] the time of his second coming.”
“The weeks of years are Jewish weeks ending in sabbatical years.”
“The commandment to return and to build Jerusalem precedes Messiah the Prince 49 years.”
(See Isaac Newton, Observations Upon the prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John, Echo Library, 2007, pp. 54, 55).
2. The popular interpretation of the 7 weeks is that they mark the completion of the rebuilding of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s day. It did not “add up” to Newton, however, that the Bible’s only mention of a prophetic jubilee cycle would refer to something less than the highest degree of fulfillment for a Jubilee. Newton wrote of the 7 weeks: “The seven sevens are the compass of a Jubilee and begin and end with actions proper for a Jubilee and of the highest nature for which a Jubilee can be kept” (Newton, p. 54).
3. Ancient decrees and counts related to the rebuilding of Jerusalem coincide with Nisan. The first decree was issued in Nisan 457–58 BC by the Persian King Artaxerxes to Ezra (Ezra 7). Another decree was issued in Nisan 444–45 BC by the same Artaxerxes to Nehemiah (Neh. 2).
4. Modern rebuilding of Jerusalem: The planning and clearing of rubble in preparation for the rebuilding of Jerusalem began soon after the Israeli takeover in 1967. However, the plan to rebuild the Holy City, composed by a team of architects, engineers, and administrators, was not approved and publicly communicated until August 19, 1970. Five months later, in Tevet of the same biblical year (January 1971), the rebuilding of Jerusalem began when “a bulldozer commenced working within the perimeter of the United Nations premises at Government House”:
5. Construction timeline for Jerusalem’s walls in the days of Suleiman:
While construction continued until 1541 AD, Daniel’s countdown to Messiah begins at the initial “going forth of the command” to rebuild (Dan. 9:25). The fountains (sabils) were ordered rebuilt in 1536–37. The walls and gates were ordered rebuilt in 1537–38.
6. It is interesting that the Coronavirus pandemic began around the time President Trump unveiled a peace plan, the so-called Deal of the Century, which included provisions to divide the Land of Israel by creating a separate Palestinian state. Could the proposal to divide the Land also have something to do with the plague of 2020–21? Background: On January 28, 2020, the Trump Administration unveiled a peace map showing Israel’s redrawn borders per the Deal of the Century. Three days later, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency as the Coronavirus was found present and quickly spreading in the US and other countries. Three days after that—less than a week after the US-sponsored peace plan was unveiled—the United States declared a public health emergency due to the Coronavirus.
7. It is fascinating that the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem and later 1970 AD plan to rebuild Jerusalem both occurred in the month of Av, exactly 38 jubilee cycles apart. What’s more, the destruction of Jerusalem occurred on Av 9, or Tisha B’Av, a date associated with tragedy in Judaism, whereas the plan to rebuild Jerusalem was approved on Av 15, or Tu B’Av, a Jewish holiday associated with inheriting the Promised Land and weddings.
8. While the phrase “Day of the Lord” is often used to describe the tribulation period, it actually applies to the whole thousand-year (Sabbath–millennial) “Day.”
Delete9. The 120th Jubilee is alluded to in Genesis where God says, “My Spirit will not contend with [mortal] humans forever … their days will be a hundred and twenty” (6:3). The Lord was obviously not saying He would contend with mortals for 120 actual years from when He spoke these words as He is still contending with mortal–fallen man. Thus, Genesis 6:3 refers to the redemption of mortal man after 120 jubilees.
10. Creation date calculations:
J. Cappellus – 4005 BC
E. Greswell – 4004 BC
E. Faulstich – 4001 BC
D. Petavius – 3983 BC
Frank Klassen – 3975 BC
Becke – 3974 BC
Krentzeim – 3971 BC
11. Av 15 (Tu B’Av) calculation: The new moon of Av in 1970 would have been sighted the evening of August 3. Counting 15 days from the evening of August 3, we arrive at August 18, Av 15, or Tu B’Av, the day on which the Jerusalem Planning Committee approved the master plan to rebuild Jerusalem. The plan would not “go forth,” or be made public, until the next day, August 19, via a press report in the Jerusalem Post:
12. Dow plunge of 800.49 points:
That the Tu B’Av “yield inversion” occurred two years ago, in 2019, is noteworthy because an inverted yield has preceded by roughly two years every U.S. recession over the past 50 years. Are we soon to see a recession or worse?
13. Cow signs of 2014:
14. The currently acknowledged sabbatical cycle was computed by a third century rabbi (Hunna) who reckoned the cycle based on the notion that the Second Temple was destroyed in a sabbatical year. By counting uninterrupted 7-year periods from then, it is determined that the next sabbatical year begins in Tishrei 2021 and ends Tishrei 2022.
There are two problems with this reckoning:
1) Biblical years, including sabbaticals and Jubilees, begin and end in what Scripture calls the first month, Nisan, not in the seventh month, Tishrei, per rabbinical tradition (Ex. 12).
2) The uninterrupted count of seven-year periods ignores the intercalary insertion of a 50th year (Jubilee) every 49 years, thus rendering the overall sabbatical and jubilee reckoning inaccurate.
15. If fall 2021–22 is a sabbatical as the rabbinical reckoning suggests, the next sabbatical is fall 2028–29, and potential Jubilees are 2022–23 and 2029–30, respectively. This is important to note because the popular interpretation of the fig-tree parable has the 80-year generation ending no later than Israel’s 81st birthday in May 2029, suggesting a conclusion of end-time events in fall 2028.
I apologize for the lengthy publication, but I think it's interesting to watch.
DeleteBlessings to all!
@Lu, blessings!
DeleteA Thank you for your attention and dedication to so clearly inform us of your studies and perspectives for the time to come—our Blessed Hope!
Thank you for your interest in my son, Israel! I am sure that the prayers in your behalf were heard by the Eternal God and that, very soon, He will fulfill His magnanimous will (my prayer is that the Lord Jesus reveals Himself to my son and shows him His glorious love — he's less aloof and more approachable, I've been praying for him daily with laying on of hands with his consent and I know what a great thing the Lord Jesus will do to set my son free!).
As for your comment about the “Timeline Convergence” text, I forwarded it to Trace W. Tramm and, if there is an answer, I will post it here.
@Brad, thanks for your dedication and diligence in keeping us together in this community (also, for the reference to me -- in the previous post).
DeleteThe blessings of the Lord Jesus be on your life and family!
Thanks for this Jeova. Quick question if possible - covid in Brazil - what are you seeing/hearing on the ground in relation to deaths/co-morbidities, vaccines which are 'working' (or not), and vaccine related injuries (if aware of the info). We hear both extremes, and It would be good hearing it from 'the horses mouth', so to speak. Thanks for this and apologies if it is a sensitive question to be asking!
DeleteRyan, blessings!
DeleteCovid data in Brazil (to date): 20.4 million cases and 570 thousand deaths. The most widely applied vaccine in the population was Oxford Astrazenica, followed by the Chinese Coronavac and Pfizer.
Brazil has already vaccinated 73% of its population with at least one dose (in the age group above 18 years).
As for deaths, they have been observed even among those who took the two doses (said fully immunized).
Bolsonaro's conservative government (as well as in the United States - a polarized and divided country) has resisted as best it can, but pressured to vaccinate the population as a result of the high rates of cases and deaths.
Fortunately, we have access to Ivermectin (where you can buy it in pharmacies, even without a prescription). Many undergo early treatment and, in case of reinfection, immediate treatment with Ivermectin (I had reinfection and promptly recovered).
The end of the second wave has been reported in some states of the Brazilian federation, but the question remains: did the results come from the vaccine or from ivermectin?
Persecution is high from the media and the politicians of the left -- all in favor of the vaccine and Brazil is on the verge of an institutional break between the constituent powers.
Anyway, I believe that the Lord Jesus is in control and His sovereign will will be fulfilled and all the promises once made will be fulfilled in the Rapture of the Faithful and True Church.
Thats wonderful, I appreciate the honest reply Jeova and Ivermectin sounds like a 'saving grace' so far...unfortunately Doctors here in NZ are not permitted to offer Ivermectin should we have an outbreak.
DeleteThanks again and I guess time will tell re vaccine deaths etc. Jesus is in control, amen and amen!
Blessings all. FYI, I emailed Pastor Holthaus earlier today and asked for an exemption letter. It’s already in my inbox.
ReplyDeleteRE: Bako!
ReplyDeleteWuuhuu for Bakersfield! That is where my Home Church is at. I remember the year that this 'new Assembly' of Believers started to meet and many were curious. For those of you that many not now, that part of the State, the Bakersfield area is sort of a mini 'Bible Belt'. It is Sheep, Almond Orchard country. Lots of agriculture and that is where about 60 miles away I grew up for many years and got saved in one of those small town schools surrounding the city.
It has strong ties to Texas, Oil, Buck Owens, 'Streets of Bakersfield', that incorporates the Tex-Mex Sound. A really hospitable ‘big’ small town, at least it was. I used to work there for the local California State University before coming up to Sonoma. Kevin McCarthy is from Bakersfield. I remember Kevin coming onto campus to campaign when he was running for the State House. Merle Haggard had a gig there.
It used to be called the 'biggest little town' around. Now it does have its detractors that portray it as a backward, religious, uneducated group. And especially coming from Hollywood. How bad and why so much the hate? Because of Churches and voices like this. If you all remember the Tom Hanks movie, Cast Away?
One of floating debris that washed ashore at one point was pieces of a portable potty, but with the words, ‘Bakersfield’ that the Hollywood Directors wanted the world to make sure all to see. The nerve. But there are incredible Churches across the City but so is the growing opposition now.
However, due to its affordable housing, it has sprawled as many from the LA basin and out of state have migrated there. And now it is having 'big city' problems. I had a chance to visit my Parents this Summer there and the city is different. I had never seen so much homeless out in the open streets. We are not used to that. Nonetheless, I am glad to see such Churches and voices keeping the Spirit of Prophecy alive and well in 'Ole Bakersfield'. He had his YouTube Channel banned but it is now a 'badge of honor'.
RE: ‘What Time is it Mason?’
ReplyDeleteSo, did you all realize that this is Week 33 for 2021! lol It is from Monday, August 16 – Sunday, August 22, 2021. Not surprised then as to how certain things have been moved dramatically or will be shortly on the Earthly and Spiritual ‘Chess Board’.
If that 1 month discrepancy is valid, then ‘something’ is to be expected and look forward to in watching, The Rapture?! If not…. Next year! Nooo! Lol. I would agree though, with Sabine’s Studies that the Fall Feasts are not about Weddings anymore. So, would concur but of course the LORD could surprise us as He did say that He would come in time/day one would not expect a Wedding time no?
But one is still looking for the Boaz/Ruth timeframe. As to their wedding, if one keeps to typologies, was after the Summer Wheat Harvest. But as the noose is tightening with the COVID-19 Injections being mandated, I really like that video of Dr. Zelensky. He, out of all the other Doctors has put a Spiritual and Biblical framework, more so than all the others, which ought to be really if one truly wants to know the why and what about it. I like what he said.
‘Noah in the Bible was a Conspiracy Theorists. Until it rained.’
In discussing the apparent dissolution of the USA, the World, the Environment, Society, with Mom the other day, she mentioned, as Moms do that the LORD would not allow the Bride to suffer such detentions in all those COVID Camps. Well, I started to make the parallel argument of how during the rise of Hitler and how the same apparent Playbook is being used now.
And I told her that I had mentioned that although my Supervisor is very supportive, as of now to continue allowing me to work from home, our Days are Numbered. The Media is priming the Masses to blame the coming Spike of all those dying from the Vaccines or those not allowed to be treated for COVID that will be too late to save. It is horrible as Dr. Zelensky pointed out.
The point was that I mentioned, ‘why did not YHVH protect and save His Earthly Remnant from going into the Concentration Camps?’ And this to say that if the Rapture event tarries, we could very well see those ‘Resisters’ being dragged out of homes to the COVID Camps. But then this is what she told me in response and hit me square in-between my eyes.
She said, ‘yes, but the Jews presently are under judgment, in rebellion and a Diaspora. YHVH has hid His Face from them as He said He would do. However, we the Church of Christ, the Body of Christ and more importantly, the Bride of Christ is not under such conditions as a Judgment, Rebellion, Discipline and/or Diaspora. We are promised an Escape, an Open Door.’
As Job, I put my hand over my mouth, lol Now to qualify this, Praise the LORD but Jesus did warn us that we have had Tribulation to go through and there is Persecution allowed against the Bride of Christ for sure. All to say though that perhaps this coming fall, the ‘Fall’ or that Shoe that will be falling is the Rapture event.
It is the Restrainer that is keeping the Powers-That-Be from fully manifesting their deeds and mandates to have the Body of Christ all go to the Camps -just yet.
Blessing to you on this 33rd Week of the year!!!
Annie Wilkes of “Misery” was from Bakersfield😺.
DeleteMust see: Biden's Engineered Collapse of Afghanistan Hands Taliban a Major Victory.
Love those 'aha' moments. I had one on Sunday when I was asking the Lord for wisdom re the J@b after a well known conservative here in NZ had a pic of him baring his arm for the j@b on the front page of the Herald. The Holy Spirit took me to Isaiah 52 and pointed out vs 10
Delete'The LORD has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.'
He has already 'bared his arm' to take the real nail for us and demonstrating his ability to free those nations/peoples held in bondage. Compared to the j@b which is the enemies opportunity to bring us into bondage etc. I love that the bared arm is all about freedom, redemption, deliverance. So next time we are pushing to 'bare ones arm', we can remind them that Christ has already bared his so we don't need to.
Oh, Amen to that, brother!
DeleteLu...your mama is a very wise woman! Better listen to her if you know what's best! Still hopeful that our calendar is off by 1 month and that we'll be departing within a week (and avoid being sent to the COVID Camps!). Nice observation concerning the 33rd week!
DeleteNow we know where you got your smarts from, Lu, your Mom! What a wise answer🙌
DeleteRyan, that is a very encouraging picture....Daddy God rolling up His sleeves getting ready to defend His children....
DeleteAmen to Mom! And there is and has been plenty of tribulation and Christian persecution to go around throughout the Church age. And many are even facing death right now today. But it’s sort of like when people say the Rapture is waiting on that one last person to get Saved—surely a nice sentiment, but there are new people either being born or just coming to the age of accountability everyday, so that could be a never-ending criteria. And while there will ofc be that one last person to repent, there still has to be an Appointed Day that will put an end to all such tribulations and persecutions for the BOC—something that most of us have experienced at least to some degree in this life just by virtue of living in a badly broken world. Who among us hasn’t suffered health or hunger issues, been victims of crime, war, or endured grievous losses of some kind?
Delete(And especially thinking of and praying for those Christians caught in Afghanistan at the moment.)
But while we all may carry such scars, as His children, this fearsome looking worldly future doesn’t negate our joyful Hope in His Promised Return for us before it gets too much worse.😊🙏
(Is.43:2,3 is always encouraging)
Blessings Ryan and what a wonderful insight you were given!
DeleteTY for sharing that!!!
Speaking of '33':
Acquaviva2222 08:47 (No, not 08:46, on my PC, anyways)
DeleteOh...and on the 32nd post here now....Who will be the 33rd?! lol
Well, it is getting a bit interesting with that 33 factor and the video you referenced and how in it, it also showed how 888 is -as we know associated with Jesus. So, I had to share. About a week ago, I had a rare flashback to when I was working in the Registrar’s Office at Cal Poly, SLO, in 1997. We would process Student Transcripts, etc.
Thought nothing of it. But then I saw the pictures of the Taliban coming in to Kabul, on the 33rd Week of the year. Ok. But then I asked, where did I see this happen before and why Afghanistan coming up now? Well, the reason I had that flashback to the office in talking with my Colleagues is that in 1997, the Taliban first came in the same way took over Kabul. Then they placed Bin Laden there as base of operation and within a 4 years, 9-11. So, I believe it is the same Game Plan. 2021 + 4 = 2025.
Now how it is related to my work then is that the Taliban banned all Students from attending the Universities, especially Girls, Females. We had desperate pleas to process Academic Transcripts from the University of Kabul because the Taliban essentially erased all the files, Transcripts, etc. They literally wiped-out years of study and degrees now not earned nor able to be verified. It was horrible and heartbreaking. And not to mention what become of the girls and women as we know what awaits them now.
So much for the ‘Peaceful Religion of Islam’, full of Tolerance and Acceptance. So, what does all that have to do with now? Well, 1997 to 2021 is 24 years or 8-8-8. Just like in the Video and now seeing that US Airforce Cargo Plane with the Number Tags adding up to 33?…No surprises. You should inform him o the 33rd Week! Lol Which by the way, all that and this was/is planned. You think the CIA, the NSA, MOSSAD, MI6 was like…’oh man, we miss-calculated all these Tribal Thugs with guns overrunning the Capital!?’ Na.
May our Departure and Evacuation be next!
The boys of Afghanistan don’t have an easy time, either. God help them.
DeleteAFGSTAN was fully engineered, from start to finish (just like the event(s) to make us mad at them). The facade of the us being finished in AFGSTAN is still in full effect, don't be fooled by the MSM (and even Hal Turner Classics).
From Dailycrow:
So, what’s REALLY going on? Is the apparent Taliban “victory” masking the true narrative?
They (male "refugees" from AFSTAN) are being delivered to Texas and Wisconsin courtesy of us taxpayers.
Sprinkle in a little Southern America flare with Central Asian flare with some Amerian Black flare and with the "patriots" and walla, we have ourselves a rootin tootin good ole everyone against everyone.
And please scroll the comments below the piece, some great photos...
Family, Blessings.
ReplyDeleteWow, so much good stuff here. I cherish each of you so very, very much. Jeova', thank you so much for making me feel the lightweight; quite refreshing! My rants can go far afield and your thorough shares continue to raise the bar for the student, as well as the source.
Continuing on the note of the count of the number of months, weeks, days and such from this and that to that and this, we find Unbelievable! Today's Kabul news is exactly 222 days after the Capitol Hill A**ack! Gematria Rapture @ Acquaviv2222, ofc 08:50.
Pause @ 06:56 for an excellent freeze frame/side-by-side of the photos of the hooligans on the Senate floor at the Capitol Rots 01/06, alongside the photos TODAY from the Halls of Government in Afghanistan, 222 days apart and incredibly parallel. Spice that perspective with RevCH12's latest about, 1st Afghanistan...
P.S. In the tumult of the day Our Lord Went Before, And Throughout. I've yet to digest, much is still in flight and I am unable to share effectively but Praise Him! and thank you for your intercession, amen.
ReplyDeleteDing! Ding! Ding!
DeleteWe have a Winner! lol..,Woohoo!
And the 33rd Post Prize goes to Merry Lu!
So, now..what say you?
Or perhaps prophesy... :)
PS: I was tempted to post it for myself.... :) Just saying.
Dear All,
ReplyDeleteThe following information seems important :
Andy Slavitt was Biden's head of Covid till June. He has said on August 11th to "wait 3 1/2 weeks and you will see" as though he knows something that's coming up soon that we don't. Making vaccines mandatory seems like a prelude to the mark on the right hand or forehead to buy or sell. The Covid contact tracing bill is literally hr6666. Interestingly, 3 1/2 weeks from August 11th comes very close to Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets which begins September 6th.
You can check out the following on Twitter
Andy Slavitt tweet on August 11
If people who go out and buy fake vaccine cards get COVID, do they expect someone to put them on a real ventilator?
9:26 AM · Aug 11, 2021
A load of his followers on Twitter begged him to do something so that people could not get or use CDC Vaccine Record Cards, which are already being forged by the tens-of-thousands, by people who refuse to receive the Death Dart / Clot Shot poison vaccine.
Slavitt responded to those Twitter requests for something that could not be forged by posting:
·Aug 11, 2021
Replying to @ASlavitt
We need a way to track vaccination that isn’t on a little handwritten paper card. Something that’s very hard to falsify. You have ideas, contacts, resources I bet…Make it HAPPEN, Andy
Andy Slavitt
Hold on for 3 1/2 weeks and you will see…
9:34 AM · Aug 11, 2021
ay, possibly linked in with the 'false flag' event expected to get the worlds eyes off the Afghanistan disaster.
DeleteMay be brother. But it could also turn out to be the MOTB, in which case we are very near to terrible things.
DeletePlease check the following in Twitter
DeleteAndy Slavitt:
If people who go out and buy fake vaccine cards get COVID, do they expect someone to put them on a real ventilator?
Carolina- Humanity- First :
We need a way to track vaccinations that isn’t on a little handwritten paper card. Something that’s very hard to falsify. You have ideas, contacts, resources I bet.... Make it HAPPEN Andy
Andy Slavitt:
Hold on for 31/2 weeks and you will see...
ReplyDeleteSheilaB2, re "But it’s sort of like when people say the Rapture is waiting on that one last person to get Saved—surely a nice sentiment, but there are new people either being born or just coming to the age of accountability everyday, so that could be a never-ending criteria. And while there will ofc be that one last person to repent, there still has to be an Appointed Day that will put an end . . . " I've always thought the same :-). It seems that, while we can be assured God will not leave anyone behind who is appointed for the BOC, at some point, on some pre-appointed day, He will say, "enough, you all had your chances" and like Noah, He will close the door on the Ark. With the fall of Afghanistan, the path is wide open for nations to move agains Israel. Stay tuned, everyone, our Redemption draws near! Hallelujah! Judi
ReplyDeleteAmen, Judi! (Rev.22:17)
DeletePaul D.’s latest video stresses the need for the BOC to be in prayer for our Brothers and Sisters caught in Afghanistan as communications are being cut off and they are in dire straits. Even though many of us are still living in much safer circumstances at the moment, we must remember all of those who are not and continuously Pray for and Trust in His Deliverance for the Whole Body of Christ.
When Pharaoh’s armies were bearing down on the huge multitude of Israelis, there were those standing out on the frontlines directly facing the looming onslaught of his chariots and then there were those way at the back pressed against the Red Sea who knew they were coming, but didn’t have the same terrifying view as those out in front of them. So while we will not all be experiencing the same level of intimidation or persecution this side of that 70th week, we will all be Escaping together when our Lord and Savior sounds that Trump of Evacuation. And as Judi said, He’ll not be leaving even one of His behind—whether they be of the dead in Christ, or alive and remaining.
Blessings, Prayers for All and Maranatha!🙏
I just saw Hmewrdbd mention "Noah"...and I feel I must post what rabbit hole I have been digging in the last week on the topic "as in the days of Noah".
DeleteThese are .y heart felt beliefs that will go against the grain here, but trust me I am not trying to stir the pot, but just give out a sample of it to taste.
Matthew 24:38-39.." For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark. 39..and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
I have heard many say that the "them" that were taken away were Noah and the other 7 on board the ark. I have always believed the "them" are those outside the ark.
Luke 17:26-27..." And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the Son of man...27..They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage , until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all."
This passage more clearly says the ones left behind were destroyed.
Back to Matthew 24:40-41...-Verse 39 just has the flood come and "take" them all away(destroyed). The next verses 40-41..." Then two shall be left in the field; the one shall be TAKEN, the other left...41..Two women shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be TAKEN, the other left.
Time out...Would not one think the logical flow of the scriptures here having the ones TAKEN(destroyed) in the flood should also apply here with the one that is TAKEN in the field, and the women that is TAKEN while also DESTROYING them?
Here is another huge clue in my opinion...Verse 43.." But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the THIEF would come, ...
Big time out again...If God were TAKING his saints...He would be TAKING what already is His...and thus NOT being a THIEF!!..but an actual THIEF takes what is NOT his!!...
Luke 17:34-36 give examples of "two men in bed, one shall be TAKEN, and the other shall be left..." two women shall be grinding together, one shall be TAKEN, the other left..." two men shall be in the field, one shall be TAKEN, and the other left...
Let's bring this baby to full delivery...
The very next verse...37.." And they answered and said unto him, WHERE, Lord?...
37 paused.......NOTE...they did not ask the Lord where do they go? but simply ..WHERE?
37 continues...
And He said unto them.."Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles(vultures) be gathered together. "
"WHERE?" is simply where the unrighteous are dropped dead all over the their lives are taken, their bodies drop and the vultures feast on them WHERE they fell.
Revelation 19:17-18 has an angel telling all the fools that fly in the midst of heaven to feast on the flesh of captains, men, mighty men, both free and bond , rich and poor.
Further digging brings up Proverbs 2:21-22.."For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it...22..but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it"....last time out my simple mind, ..the perfect cant "remain" if the wicked transgressors are not cut off and rooted out beforehand.
That is why Matthew 13:30 ends with..."Gather ye first the tares...
Matthew 13:47-49 further adds to my points above..
47.." Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind...48..Which, when it was full, they drew to the shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away..
Here we dont have a clear statement which happens first...but verse 49 leaves no doubt...49.." So shall it be at the end of the world: the Angel's shall come forth, and sever the wicked FROM AMONG the just,. 50.. and cast them into the furnace of fire...
Stan, Forgive me if I am mis speaking here, but I see these verses as referring to the 2nd Coming and the battle of Armageddon
DeleteStan...I’ve never heard anyone who claimed to believe the “them” of the Noah passage was anyone except those on the “outside” of the ark and to think otherwise would indicate a total lack of basic reading comprehension.
DeleteAs for the rest of that pot sampling, it all goes back to context, context and context. These are 70th week, Jacob’s Trouble, Tribulation verses and not Rapture verses, so ofc those that are “taken” away here are not being rescued.
The Rapture is about the BOC (a Heavenly people) being removed from among the earth dwellers in order for God to go back to dealing with Israel and this Christ rejecting demonically led world system. The ones in these verses are those future Christ rejectors being removed from among those who will remain as an Earthly people going into the 1000 yr. Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteWhy Was the National Guard Hiring Internment/Resettlement Specialists LAST WEEK? The CDC recently presented a document for consideration of The Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings. The document describes the shielding approach as removing people from their homes, separating parents from children and bringing them to a concentration camp.
Six months ago today, Rush left us for his final trip Home. Now, he converses with the One we long to see, hear and talk to also. How I miss Rush’s illuminating perspective on all things politic and otherwise.
DeleteBlessings, Ryan...and there is always the “horse paste”....if you can get that...
ReplyDeleteJust reading about NZ’s new hard lockdown over the 1 case and listened to Ardernauci parroting Australia’s warning to not to talk to your neighbors and keep to your own little lockdown bubbles, lest one neighbor might put his ‘2’ with another neighbor’s ‘2’ and come up with ‘4’ re the “idiot science” of those in charge.
Stay safe and well in His Provision and Protection Brother!😊🙏
While the slow, continuous creep of ET events unfolding hampers our warfare, our human minds not holding up well to siege warfare and our prayers quickly becoming vague and forlorn, the dramatic events of Afghanistan help us to have a moment to press in to.
ReplyDeleteWe all know of the many miraculous signs where angels have appeared in the heat of firefights in the ME, causing the enemies of ABBA to flee in terror. We are Called to beseech Our Lord For His Angels' Warfare For Our Brothers And Sisters who will be slaughtered by the thousands, otherwise, as the powers guiding the world stage want for it to be.
I encourage all to skip a meal, lunch today, maybe, offering it up as a holy fast, and spend just 10 or 15 minutes in quiet time sitting at Jesus' feet and Asking Him To Intervene In This One.
21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. MATT 17:21 KJV
Yes, and amen! Thank you, Jimboni.
DeleteSo, if we are off 1 month in our calendar (a big if!), then can we not expect something significant (i.e; destructive) to happen in Jerusalem tomorrow on the 9th of Av (August 18th)? Should be a good test to see if we're on track for our departure on Tu B' Av (August 22-23rd). The Satanic/Evil forces have started taking their brides in Afghanistan, so isn't it reasonable to expect Jesus will be taking His Bride home soon before all "goes to hell in a handbasket"! Sorry, just had to get that in!
ReplyDeleteHey Bob; I have mostly been a FOT rescue believer, although with others studies have given other times possibilities. One thing I have always grown to believe, and now as I type I cannot recall why, but that the rapture happened on a full moon. (which is odd, bc FOT is never on a full moon) It is interesting the last full moon prior to FOT is on the 22nd, 23rd of August. Anyway; it is all very interesting, and I am so overly anxiously awaiting our call home. This Earth becomes more evil by the moment.
DeleteHi Lyndsey...I wasn't aware this was the last full moon before the FoT. So that means we must be departing on August 22-23rd! Ahhh...if it were only that simple!
DeleteBut yes, there will be a full “Blue Sturgeon Moon” on Sunday, August 22, 2021. Fyi, the next seasonal "Blue Sturgeon Moon" takes place on August 19-20, 2024.
A thought occurred to me while writing this...remember those two (2) Rapture fish in the night sky!
><}}}*> (Go Up…A Blessing!)
<*{{{>< (Left Behind...A Curse!)
Those fish don't really look like "sturgeon" (I'm a fisherman you know!) but maybe this upcoming "Blue Sturgeon Moon" will be the "final" sign we've all been waiting for! Just saying...
DeleteJust stretch him out a little, Bob😁
That's a good one, Sheila! Why didn't I think of that!!! Lol!
DeleteJACO going live in 20 minutes, God's Roadmap to the End:
ReplyDeleteThe Rapture: Timing and Events to Watch for Leading Up to our Blessed Hope!!
This gets weirder by the minute as hoodwinks normally do. It’s now being reported that many of the incoming Afghan refugees will be taken to the border in they haven’t got enough problems. And no mention AT ALL in regards to the incoming #19 vipered or not vipered situation, except from some seemingly dumbfounded Border officials.
ReplyDeleteBut then these ARE two different fear-inducing media narratives as a 911 part deux is becoming a central theme to this new intentional chaos. (Major FF anyone) SMH...the sleight of hand here is going to be really hard to keep up with in the coming days.🤦♀️
Even so, Lord, come quickly!
DeleteRepost from above on this topic of the hour...
AFGSTAN was fully engineered, from start to finish (just like the event(s) to make us mad at them). The facade of the us being finished in AFGSTAN is still in full effect, don't be fooled by the MSM (and even Hal Turner Classics).
From Dailycrow:
So, what’s REALLY going on? Is the apparent Taliban “victory” masking the true narrative?
They (male "refugees" from AFSTAN) are being delivered to Texas and Wisconsin courtesy of us taxpayers.
Sprinkle in a little South American flare with Central Asian flare with some Amerian Black flare and with the "patriots" and walla, we have ourselves a rootin tootin good ole everyone against everyone.
And please scroll the comments below the piece, some great photos...
DeleteYes Sheila, the prior fear marketing is losing its appeal as many are waking up to discover how this has been manufactured for control, so now, how timely, we have some other crises to think about..... the article above covers the wide range of what to expect now..... in reality, not from the MSM.
And yes, all those "horrible" scenes from KABULL are complete Bull^%$#.
The world is a (complete farce) stage.
I do believe this whole chaotic mess is engineered and is going to lead to numerous engineered outcomes, but I also believe that the underground church over there is in dire straits right now and they need our Prayers.
DeleteI don’t know what kind of deals have been cut with the Tals, but it probably doesn’t cover those Believers and Sharia law demands their execution. So just Praying for their Extraction sooner than later🙏🙏🙏
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAgreed and praying for them now. Happening in Aust, obviously it has been going on in Africa / Asia, in Canada now and soon coming to the us......
Extermination Happening Now
Charlie....I agree with this Afghanistan debacle way too easy of the Taliban just taking control without a fight. The keys were handed to them. Biden isnt the only baffoon behind this. Research who cut our troops from 13500 down, who released Abdu Baradar...who negotiated the release of 5000 taliban prisoners.
DeleteThere are way too many looking forward to the 2nd coming of Trump...instead of Christ.
DeleteMost certainly Stan. This is also the "rise" of the islam ic nation or "domination" over in the ME.
Mind all of us, everything has been planned and engineered by them. Nothing "chaotic" about the withdrawal, it was a planned event and so will all this "political" theatre play out.
Keep in mind the SoS in Jerusalem even controls Trum_pster and my belief is JK controls Trum_pster as "JK" is the real "force/ controller" behind things....who is controlled by Jerusalem.
These are NOT human beings, at all. There is no soul in them whatsoever, they are of the Serpent's seed.
Ephesians 6:12
Whistleblower Says Tru_mp is the "King of Israel"
Last listed comment under this video:
Q: Has the "PURGE" begun anywhere in the world today?
Dear family, BLESSINGS!
ReplyDeleteNew post from Gary (UNSEALED):
—. Enter The Dragon
...and wouldn't you know; it opens up echoing 'helta skelta on the delta':
DeleteEnter The Dragon
Vaccine Video & Religious Exemption
ReplyDeleteFrom: Rock Harbor Church
Hi Everyone
Billy Crone sent me this video that really sums up why the vaccines are not safe. I would encourage you to send it to your friends and family.
Also, we are being inundated with emails from people wanting the religious exemptions for the Vaccine and the PCR/swab tests so if you request one from us via email, it might take a few days to get it to you. We have attached the exemption form to this email and we will also have the exemptions available at our Wednesday night Bible study and on Sunday mornings. Get as many as you need and let others know.
Keep up the good fight of faith!
Rock Harbor Church
Thanks! I had emailed them on behalf of my husband and haven't gotten a will wait patiently :)
DeleteSure. I can send you the email with the exemption letter if you would like, but only if you’re comfortable with giving out your email address.
DeleteI just have to share this blistering monologue from Tucker. It reminded me that the concepts of individual freedom, national sovereignty and faith and trust in Almighty God as the Guarantor of our rights were preached from the pulpits for over a century before becoming enshrined in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It was foolhardy at best to imagine these ideas can be exported to a country still deeply rooted in 7th century customs. It did, however, enrich many profit-seeking opportunists at the cost of others’ blood and treasure.
ReplyDeleteTucker: We are led by buffoons, everything they touch turns to chaos.
By now, most of you have heard or seen the comparisons between 911 and the military cargo plane leaving Kabul International Airport. Well, as most often the case, I suddenly woke up this morning at 4:56 am and my mind immediately thought of people falling from the sky. As in 911, where many American citizens faced an extremely dire situation of either be burned alive or jump from a 110 story building, many Afghanistan citizens were faced with a similar dilemma, either be killed by the Taliban or cling on to the fuselage of an Air Force C-17 cargo plane in a desperate attempt to save their lives. Both of these events are human tragedies and depict the horror that mankind may soon face. When the Tribulation starts, those that are "left behind" are going to be put in the same dire situation...either take the MotB and go to hell or be killed and become a tribulation saint. For those that do not fully grasp or comprehend what the Tribulation will be like, these two tragedies should make it abundantly clear!
ReplyDeleteMay God have Mercy on us! It's not too late to be saved! Choose Jesus!!!
Amen. Mike Adams said the admin withheld intel info from the military that the taliban was rapidly advancing on Kabul. The rescue of Americans will not be a priority. This could create another Benghazi tragedy which seemingly isn’t a concern of the “President.”
DeleteAll a set up for the next steps...
From Informed Christians (8/17)
As I (Daniel V.) was looking at some of the footage yesterday, the Lord pointed out that the most iconic footage of the plane attempting to take off with crowds surrounding it contained a very prominent Nine 11 plastered right on the main feature of this attention-getting plane.
There is no way that this is coincidental.
Especially with the direct reference to planes (of all things) - which are also a nod to phoenix birds (as we saw clearly demonstrated in the recent Tenet film; and all the phoenixes at that same time from last year (Mulan, etc.)).
The enemy knows - and is expecting - the next Nine-11 event (with The Thief).
But it is not the calendar event; it is the Biblical, prophetic event: the rider on the white horse coming from the dimensional bottomless pit. The Destroyer (Apollyon) bringing the sudden destruction.
AA + Charlie...blessings to you both! My post was on the "heavy side" so I thought I would share this music video to cheer us all up!
Blessings, Bobby Z! Beautiful song! Mil gracias por todo.
Delete@ BLUEHEAVEN 09:09 Breaking, War Imminent./Solar eclipse 21st 2017
ReplyDelete@REVCH12dCOM 15:10 The False Prophet Speaks - The Beast is About to Arrive.
'Prophetic Similitude', an excellent and elegant term which I had not heard used previously and which provides a handle for so very much of our panorama unfolding.
@Gateway Pundit reporting the University of Washington Medical Center is removing people from organ transplant lists for viper non-compliance. This even includes heart transplants when FDA & CDC have admitted to heart related side effects. If these folks aren’t qualifying for a medical exemption, then I don’t know who could. And there are already those out there calling for the removal of SS and Medicare benefits that we’ve literally paid for our whole working lives. Maybe not THE MOTB just yet, but it’s getting pretty darn “beastly” .
ReplyDeleteIt’s getting deadly serious for many with the viper pressure, so we’ve got to trust in Jesus Christ like never before.🙏
Also they are trying to attack Gov. DeSantis in FL for using the very successful “R” treatment to treat folks by implicating him in a financial interest. Really shady headlines and definitely them accusing him of exactly what the toxic viper is all about for their own deep pockets. Disgusting as they try to eliminate any and all useful treatments in order to push their own deadly poison.
Blessings. The stories at DailyCrow are so crazy and overwhelming that I won’t even attempt to list any headlines here. I’ve heard Remdesivir attacks kidney function. Pres Trump is fortunate to be alive. After watching Jaco yesterday, it seems more of a possibility to me that he just might get back in the WH. Might be time to concede that all bets are off.
DeleteAA...This is about Florida’s successful use of Regeneron, a monoclonal antibody treatment, which I understand DT used
Deleteas well. I know that other is not good, but it’s all most people get in sync with the vents on their way out. And it also involves another huge profit incentive for Big Pharm.
Ah, ok. Mike Adams has some rather grim thoughts on the internment camps involving organ harvesting of the unj#bbed.
Delete@Daily Crow video will have you praying fervently if you aren’t already as this man’s heartbreak for Afghan Christianity is realized.
ReplyDelete“Afghan Christian: We will continue God’s work.”
Natural News) Imagine living in a world where every hospital is overrun with vaccine-injured patients of all ages, suffering from extreme neurological damage that places previously able-bodied people in the category of requiring constant medical assistance to survive. Imagine so many people dying from covid spike protein injections (“vaccines”) that entire apartment buildings are abandoned and condemned even with the spike protein-infested dead bodies inside because no one is willing to remove the dangerous bodies.
ReplyDeleteThis dark vision of society may soon come to pass as the full effects of spike protein damage are realized. With nearly 2.5 billion around the world already injected with spike protein bioweapons, and with nearly 200 million Americans having lined up to take the shots, the world is rolling the dice on a global medical experiment that risks the survivability of entire nations (if not civilization itself) in the years ahead.
OK, OK, 'Blast from the Past' time.
DeleteThose who've been around a while will recall when we first encountered Colleen Minter in Australia, her dreams concerning '36' and 'The Authority of The Nail'; Jesus As Being 'In The Midst', and so much more. That piece of fruit gave us much juicy nourishment and focus, for a while.
The picture you just shared, esp the image of the apt bldg. with bodies littering it inside, matches EXACTLY one of the dreams which Colleen had, about that time, just BEFORE CV, and tied to Revelation of Pestilence from China, a 'Great Wall' being central in the dream. Didn't want that connection overlooked, Maranatha!
If Mike’s figures are accurate, what a hellacious scenario is on the horizon. I imagined “Omega Man” for some as yet to be revealed reason. Rev 9:18 has 1/3 of the population dying which equates to approximately 2.5 billion, exactly the number Mike said were j#bbed. If the majority start to die within 18 months, that just accelerates the timeline for our Departure. They may start dying this winter when ADE becomes unmistakable, and if it’s an especially bad flu season, all the more.
DeleteOn another note, it’s kind of ironic that the fake j#b cards that are being seized seem to mostly come from China.
And this: In a Willy Wonka-ish fashion , Australia is advertising the viper to almost a quarter of a million teens as their “Golden Ticket to Freedom”. If they want to get through school, they must come to the stadium
ReplyDeletewithout any parents present. Mum and Dad may only drop them off outside and hand them over to the care of these “enforcers” who promise to watch over their children as they are led through this devious “process”.
Just to prove this insane push for the viper bite isn’t about anyone’s health from @Daily Crow:
“This year, next year, vaxx!ne policy IS ECONOMIC POLICY and it is even a higher priority than the traditional tools of fiscal and monetary policy. Why? Because without it, we cannot turn the gate of the world economy around”
Straight from the elite horse’s mouth and this is about THEIR world economy...not the little people’s economy.
And Australian PM also said “no removal of masks” while drinking cocktails outdoors. Appears that he’s the one that’s drunk on his own power...
DeleteI just read it’s 24k kids to be ushered into the Australian stadium and not the 240k I saw earlier, but at any rate, at least 2 of them are already reportedly deceased after taking the viper bite.
DeleteHow sad.
DeleteThe video Pastor Brandon recommended about the V is very informative.
I have the Video transcribed, if anyone wants a copy of the text and to send the link to other.
DeleteIt is getting dire by the day…
ReplyDeleteFrom a SW Ohio school board meeting 8/17
Dr: Take the jab...and you will perish 6 months to 3-5 years from these three major things:
1) Drastically reduced immune system ---> perishing from any other 'preventive' injection or 'bug' down the road
2) Antibody Dependent Enhancement ---> Organ(s) Failure(s) w/NO remedies
3) Blood Clotting (due to the spike proteins)
Family, Blessings.
ReplyDeleteJust a little note of Encouragement, as so much is diabolical around. First, remember His Words, When YOU SEE these things *Begin*, lift up your heads, it is at hand! Our Classic Christian Paradigm: when the world is upside down its just getting in place for us!
Second, I believe that Every One Of Us Will Experience His Rescue As We Linger. Again, This Is In Keeping With His Ways. His Lordship, And Provision, Will Manifest In Our Lives Uniquely, As Manna For Our Heart & Spirit & Bodies, As Needed. I've a couple of those going on currently and 1 which is still in flight but which so calls out to share, involving ongoing custodial/support issues and such and which I know will be much appreciated by Lu and 'CiD and others in similar spots in their tale. The details much better relayed in person, however, suffice it to say that Haman's name tag is currently being fitted for placement on the very gallows built for me, and by the very people who built those gallows at Haman's request. A coin is technically flipping in the air still, on this one, and I am pushing against the tide of the arena I am working in, however, It Truly Seems His Doing, and, Using Me As His Instrument I've got contacts, now, effectively advocating my cause, internally, while obtaining the information needed to insure my paperwork, likely to be mailed by me to them, tomorrow, is 'built to the test', as it were. Your prayers to magnify His Will & Glory In This are coveted. It does so seem as if my missive will arrive 'on angel's wings' already.
Blessings Jimboni, I will be praying for this custodial issue you are dealing with.
DeleteOh how great is Your goodness,
which You have laid up for those who fear You,
which You have prepared for those who trust in You
in the presence of the sons of men!
Psalm 31:19
In prayer, Jimboni!
DeleteThe Lord Jesus is in control!
Praying for your situation, Jimboni.
DeleteMay He be with you in all of these things.🙏
God will work it out for you, brother.
DeleteJust a little note of reality......Multitudes of Christians in Afghanistan are hiding in fear of being persecuted and or killed.....and many are as I type this.
ReplyDeleteQuestion....Why do so many Christian's in the USA feel it will not come here?
Because of normalcy bias.
Hey, we have been blessed with as free of a life on the planet....and it is easy to think it will stay that way.
Jeremiah 50:23 asks..."How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder??
Answer....It simply is being revealed almost daily how we are being cut asunder. Throwing God out of schools, letting sin advance that is utter disgust in God's nostrils.
My mission till the day I am removed from this earth is to prepare so I can better help others as this society collapses.
Few here will believe me, but time will find us all in a fallen world and what we do now will help us immensely to spread God's word as the greatest evangelistic times are soon going to be upon us.
I have very thick cast the tomatoes and potatoes....we will be seeking such to eat in the near future.
My faith builds as the world collapses...and I am not in fear of dying for my faith. At one time in my Christian life, I feared for not being able to stand for my faith.
Just a few years ago, I could not imagine how the world would fall for an antichrist figure...though I knew they would.
Now, after seeing the sheeple get herded for the jab, and many other sheeple actions....I can not see how they will NOT be deceived.
This world is collapsing, and we havent seen nothing yet. Satan has too many more sheep to herd into his corral.
I will not be corralled, and will do my best to divert as many as I can.
cue the song by Europe "it's the final countdown".... Can't get it out of my head lol. I feel like we are so close!
ReplyDeleteAnd Stan- I am with you buddy! for years, I have been dumbfounded by how many God fearing loving people just do not see the build up to the Rapture. My husband included. He stubbornly believes we are years and years away, not in our life time; however I will say with the last 2 years, he is becoming more open to sooner than later, but still decades away. I feel honored that God chose me to have eyes to see. It was perhaps a year or two ago, I finally understood that God is only giving that gift to some.
When I get weary in the waiting, I remind myself of the facts I know. For example; The 6000 years is coming to a close (yes there is speculation on when that is exactly, but its close); the fig tree prophecy; the intensity, and abundance converging signs during this time in the sun moon and stars; the set-up within the world to implement a world order, currency, religion, the whole beast system. Those things are all happening and converging now. Our time of grace is nearing its close; and our wonderful promise to be taken home prior to the opening of the wrath of God is moments away. Praise Jesus! Soon my friends, soon!
DeleteWhile the jews have their calendar at 5781.... meaning if we go by their counting system year 6,000 is way off, but if going by other counts, year 6,000 is RIGHT AROUND the CORNER.
Better not judge a book by its cover....
Millennial Day Theory proves the soon return of Jesus possibly in 2021
Watchman Adam
God’s Timepiece Israel and talk of rebuilding the Temple and preparations by the Temple Institute, the red heifer, prayers on the Temple Mount by Jews, the Dead Sea signs,etc are also pointing towards our Departure.
DeleteExactly Archangel and Charlie; The time is so near; at the door even. I'd be bold enough to say there is OVERWHELMING evidence!
Delete🍅 🍅 🥔 🥔
ReplyDeleteI believe I want to be in that number of Saints partaking in the Heavenly events of Rev.5:8,9.
I’ve seen no signs of a great revival taking place before the Rapture and the onset of the 70th week. The statistics on true Bible believing Christians are not improving to say the least. For every one we gain, it seems many more are turning to this world and their fake “science” and the tolerance of utter wickedness for their religion. BUT GOD...there will surely be a Revival in the hearts of so many that happens afterwards and in large part because of the Rapture that will Glorify His Name and His Saving Power. I believe those golden bowls full of the prayers of the Saints in the very Presence of our God, along with those of the Trib Saints who realize they’ve been left behind, are going to be by the Grace and Mercy of our Lord God, an extremely powerful mechanism in drawing multitudes into a Saving Faith in Jesus Christ.🙏🙏🙏
DeletePerfectly stated Sheila B.
ReplyDeletePlease Note: From a work Email announcement (from the Dep Sec of HS) today, he stated MOST of the 11,000 Americans there (in kabull) are "HS" employees (and "contractors").
IF you understand the depths of the charade
you will understand why so many HS employees are there.... and why the us mil left them behind. Not any oversight.
Breaking: British Para Troops Are Running Vehicle Patrols Through Center of Kabul to Extract Trapped UK Citizens — While Biden Abandons Trapped Americans. (10K Americans are trapped.)
Much like in Benghazi, the US military is being told to stand down. I see obummer’s prints all over this.
Delete@ REVCH12dCOM 07:40
ReplyDeleteIsrael Lockdown #4. The Door ד / Delta Δ
Please forgive me, but I just have to share what I agree is the Best Trump Impersonation Ever.
Prayer Request Family:
ReplyDeleteBilly was just leaving for work this morning when a 17 yr old girl driving a truck about a mile up the road from us jumped the ditch and slammed into a big tree. She looked to be hurt pretty bad and was unconscious and trapped in the truck. Billy turned her truck off and he and another lady stayed there with her til the Sheriff and EMTs arrived while the 911 dispatcher instructed them on what to do or not do. The Paramedic had to break the passenger window to get in with a neck brace before they could move her out. We were told this afternoon that she’d had a seizure and floored the gas pedal as she left the road. She split her forehead open, cut her throat badly and broke an arm is all we know injury-wise. They said she was on her way in to an MRI appt when she had the seizure. I don’t know if she’s taken the viper or not, but that did cross my mind as her mom is a schoolteacher and most of them here are for that. Anyway, her name is Britney if ya’ll will lift her up.
Thanks so much😊🙏
I prayed for Britney! May the Lord reveal himself to this young woman!
DeleteRecalling what Dr. Zelenko said about the j#b and child sacrifice..
ReplyDeleteAustralia runs mass child sacrifice Luciferian vaccine ritual targeting 24,000 children.
New South Wales Minister for Health and Medical Research Brad Hazzard announced this week that 24,000 children would be targeted in a mass vaccination campaign under police guard, with no parents allowed inside the Qudos Bank Arena where the mass vaccinations would take place.
The Qudos Bank Arena, it turns out, has been used as a satanic temple for many years, with Luciferian "art" performances held there that worship Satan and defile God. Many satanic rock groups have performed at the facility over the years, unleashing waves of demonic energy at the facility as demonic crowds cheer Satan.
Right now, 24,000 Australian children are being marched into the arena where this satanic worship takes place. They are injected with dehumanizing, tissue-destroying spike protein biological weapons while no parents are allowed to be present. This isn't a public health initiative, obviously: It's a child sacrifice ritual being carried out on a national scale.
After seeing clips of Black Sabbath’s and Slipknot’s performances at the Qudos Arena, there can be no doubt as to the spiritual nature of what will take place there. I pray that God will intervene stop it. It’s demonic through and through. The forces of hell are being unleashed wholesale now.
DeleteLyn...not sure where you are located in western NC, but with the storm affects there, check in just to let us all know you all are okay, Sister. 😊🙏
ReplyDeleteRE: The Killing of the Mind
ReplyDeleteIf you have not already seen this video illustration by After Skool, it is right on about who Mass Psychosis works on an unsuspecting Population. If you a checklist of the things the World has been subjected to by COVID, it fits ‘hand and glove’ as they say.
What one could tell, is how fortunate the World has been yet, despite rampant Evil and Lucifer loosed as the ‘God of this World’, for now is that the solution and answer is the need for a ‘Redeemer’ and a place of Refuge called ‘Parallel Structure’. This is the Church Body, and why Fellowship and the 4 Spiritual Anchors are so important to be doing, under and living: Acts 2:42. Prayer, Teaching, Fellowship and Worship.
Soon, this ‘Restraining’ Force will be set aside and the Bride of Christ will be removed out of the Planet. As Stan reminds us, it will all spoil and is by design as the ‘Lights and the Salt’ depart.
This is an intriguing report from
ReplyDelete“Harps built for 3rd Temple destroyed in major Jerusalem forest fire”
This terrible fire burned down the workshop of the only craftsman who was creating the Biblical inspired harps in preparation of the 3rd Temple and they were all destroyed in the fire—3 decades of intricate work is gone. Although the man’s workshop was totally destroyed, his house was spared the fire. A few lines in this report just really grabbed my attention:
“I was fighting the fire all the way to the DOOR,” Micah said. “They finally told us to EVACUATE. I ran out WITHOUT a wallet or ANYTHING. We stayed with a FRIEND in Beit Zayit.” He continues, “I had ONE HARP I made ESPECIALLY FOR MY WIFE,” Micah said. “That is now the LAST TEMPLE HARP in existence.”
*Beit Zayit means “House of the Olive Tree” and the name Micah means “Who is like God”.
Just an interesting report at this moment in time and prayers for this man Micah and his wife. And I can correlate this story to both the Rapture of the church and the Tribulational escape of Israel into God’s Protective Custody.
Beit Zayit is home to a Messianic Congregation, BZMC, who base their name on Rom.11 and the grafting of the Gentiles into the Olive Tree signifying the collective people of God.
Blessings and Looking UP!
RE: A Marine’s Disobedience – the Anthrax ‘Vaccine’
ReplyDeleteAs he had chatted before about the US Military now having to take the Shots, seems day by day, little by little they are incrementally arriving at their goal. Even the Secretary of Defense alluded to this tactic; about now the entire Department of Defense is having to also take the ‘Kill Shot’.
In picking-up the conversation, I came across an inspiration of a Marine, LCP Jared Schwartz of Kentucky that refused to take, the then non-FDA Approved, Experimental Anthrax Injections. This was back in 1999.
Currently, the US Military is playing ‘nice’ as the Kill Shot is still under Emergency Use. But once the FDA gives Full Approval. The ‘Lawful Order’ will come down. And thousands in the Military will once again be faced with Court Martials like LCP Schwartz.
I highly recommend seeing the Documentary, ‘Vaccine Syndrome’ released in 2017 that based on the Pentagon’s own Report on Anthrax, more than 35,000 US Military Personnel have died of complication from the Anthrax ‘Vaccine’. And here they go again…’It is Safe and Effective’ while Government Officials make backdoor deals with this Death Corporation and rake-in millions.
It is an ingenious way also to debilitate and weaken the US Military….So, when the Chinese and Russians are ‘invited’ by Biden or Harris to come in and aid the USA because of the inevitable Chaos or perhaps the ‘Rapture’ event….The US Military will be so weakened, it will not resist or be able to resist.
If we are to go into another Lockdown by mid-September/Early October, this Nation, economically will not come out of it, what is left. Hope it will not be that much longer for those that are daily resisting this onslaught of Evil, of a Spell Casting, a Mass Psychosis…
Video: Vaccine Syndrome – Anthrax Injections
I know this is a bit of a blast from the past kinda thing, but for those who might remember “The Economist Cover: The World in 2019” and that curious little Pangolin creature that was part of the collage gracing that cover...well that little creature didn’t fade away after it’s possible animal to human C0v!d connection was dismissed. He’s actually busy making sure that the v!ru$
ReplyDeleteand it’s many v@r!ant$ are here to least in the minds of TPTB through something called the Pangolin Software System or Pango for short. from
“Meet the people who warn the world about new C0 v!d v@r!@nts”
I came across this by asking for some info on why that new delt@ v@r!@nt Paul D. talked about in his latest vid is called what it’s called. I also read somewhere else that herd immunity may no longer be possible with this one which would provide them a grand slam for the drastic measures that will have to be enforced on the non-compliant, i.e the “camps” of no return.
The depths of evil are insane,
BUT GOD...😊🙏 We’re Going Home!
Just like the insane push for getting the jab....and just take my faith out of the picture....but this insane push is so over played that my discernment makes me flee from it......but of course my faith really makes me want to flee from it.
ReplyDeleteAlso being overplayed us Bidens supposedly idiotic /stupid handling of the Afghanistan debacle. I dont think I could have messed it up anymore if I were president and tried to.
There is where my discernment raises another red flag. Biden isnt that incompetent....he is doing this by coercion.
We all know how China owns him with his obviously corrupt "business" deals with Hunter also. China could leverage Biden and that is exactly why that baffoon is selling out our country. Follow the money. China covers for Biden, we STUPIDLY but on purpose pull our troops out first...with Bidens self proclaimed superior experience, (what a joke)....then watch the civilians get roped out of their only escape as the Taliban encircle the airport.
These Taliban were strengthened with Trumps releasing of Abdul Abadar and the 5000 Taliban he also "brilliantly" released. Biden/Trump....the left and right wing of an evil bird.
Now Afghanistan is sitting on the worlds largest lithium ore, and China is pounding on securing all such strategic mi erals worldwide. Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries , but rich is such rare earth deposits.
Follow the money trail.
Jeremiah 50 asks a big question...."How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder?..
Answer....We are watching several ways as it is being systematically and blindly cut asunder....the beginning has only just started.
I way underestimated in my mind the downward spiral...but this time next summer we will all be typing stuff here that will make our jaws drop....(that is if the internet is still open to us)...
Taliban Going Door To Door Seeking Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report
FYI: Weekend Blue Moon
ReplyDeleteSo, for those with high expectation of a 13th Month discrepancy of the Rabbinical Year, this weekend will determine that, if true. Summer 2021, which began on Summer Solstice: June 20 (TW Tramm Pentecost) and ends Fall Equinox: Sept. 22, has 4 Full Moons (June 24, July 23, Aug. 22 and Sept. 20).
A nice Solstice to Equinox timeframe marking-out this particular Summer Season that is rather rare. The Fall Equinox marks the end, Astronomically of the Summer Harvest. So, perhaps the ‘Wedding’ after the Harvest has been completely brought-in? Of course, there are the Fall Feast times that many believe could still coincide with the Rapture event.
But the time is winding-down as this year is 1 month away from going into Fall and then conclude and come-up then against 2022. And as the video by After Skool presented on the psychology of how a Mass Psychosis is induced into the World, it did turn out to be true how the Summer was an engineered ‘respite’.
What is coming next is a much harder repressive Lockdown and Draconian Measure as the World has been weakened and soften-up’ due to their relentless ‘Waves of Terror’ being waged on Earth against Humanity, collective and presently. Keep up the Resistance.
Good Article on the Weekend Blue Moon
DeleteGood morning sunshine
DeleteCharlie is calling me ‘Sunshine’! :(
Get him off the Spirit Airlines 777 Plane!!
That is what I get for posting too early, CA Time!
Don’t fret, LuLu...😺
DeleteLuLu?! :(
DeleteHummm…You know, I don’t have any problem skinning Cats to eat during the coming Apocalypse.
You must feed your 3 Cats very nicely…no?
4 inside and 4 outside babies, LuLu.
DeleteAnd, yes, they are well fed but not too much. I had one that my mother fed too much and he developed diabetes. I changed his diet and he lost 5 pounds and the diabetes went away. Thank God. Giving a cat insulin and monitoring his blood sugar is a miserable and frightening job.
DeleteOh man, now I feel bad...
DeleteOk, I'll cross-out that one off the List.
lol... :)
Lu (Mr. Sunshine!)...fortunately, I have no authority to kick Charlie off Flight 777. As long as he continues to be a "good boy" and has no more "temper tantrums" in the Romper Room he remains onboard. But we'll be watching him closely! Lol!
DeleteAgreed, we'll find out this weekend if we're off by 1 month! I'm still hopeful despite the fact that nothing significant happened on the 9th of Av. But we'll just have to wait and see. Tu B' Av seems so appropriate! Especially with the "Full Blue Sturgeon Moon"! Please make it so #1. Cap't Bob (or should I say Cap't Picard!)
Full Letter:
Dear U.S. Uniformed Freedom Fighters
By Lex Greene
Yes, I am talking to you, those in uniform who swore an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the free people of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means all members of the U.S. Military, all federal, state, and local law enforcement, all members of United States National Security Agencies and yes, all judges and justices occupying a seat on a bench somewhere in the United States.
For 245-years, the American people have honored your service and mourned your losses. We have celebrated your past honor and sacrifices.
Were we mistaken?
The issue at hand today is what happens when the Commander-in-Chief or Military Command issues “unlawful orders.”
What happens when you are ordered to act against the American people on American soil, against their will?
“Military members disobey orders at their own risk. They also obey orders at their own risk. An order to commit a crime is unlawful. An order to perform a military duty, no matter how dangerous, is lawful as long as it doesn’t involve the commission of a crime.”
Any order that directly infringes upon the Natural Rights of the American people, those you have taken an oath to protect and defend, resulting in any “deprivation of Rights” or a “conspiracy” to deprive Citizens of the constitutionally protected Natural Rights, is a crime of the highest order.
It is “treason.” The Fourth Amendment protects every American’s Right to be “secure in their person.” Any act that violates this protected Natural Right is a “deprivation of Rights,” punishable by death.
Every individual must choose who and what they serve!
If you don’t know the difference between “lawful” and “unlawful” orders, now is the time to educate yourself, very quickly. If you do know the difference, now is the time for each of you to make this stand with the American people.
The new Defense Secretary recently issued an “unlawful order” for all Military personnel to be “vaccinated by force.”
This order did NOT come from the current Commander-in-Chief and this order is in direct violation of your Rights, standing Executive Orders and existing laws on the matter.
You did NOT swear an oath to be a lab rat for any “experimental gene manipulation” injections.
See link for full letter..
Can you imagine being told by a Southwest Airlines attendant to GLUE a mask to your naturally resistant 2 yr old’s face who then indicates that they have the glue for you?! (Fox News report)
ReplyDeleteIs this an example of what the viper does to the brains and souls of human beings???
DeleteYes. And in the health field those with any soul left are being forced to leave... leaving those with the viper juice to care for you/ or not IF you didn't take the viper juice yourself (in some cases).
Stan's warning to have things taken care of sooner than later rings in my ear.
Or is it only my ear is ringing?
I think Lisa Boyce is right; invasion of Taiwan by China may be next with the fall of Afghanistan. God have mercy.
DeleteAll these dominos have been "set up" in order to be pushed over by the very same beings.
What's their slogan? Order Out of Chaos
Note: Lisa Boyce is probably listening to others and just repeating what she hears....
Yes, she mentioned Prophecy News Watch.
ReplyDeletePosting a Poach from another concerning JB/ KH/ O's 3rd Term or HRC?
It appears the current president finds himself in a even the MSM is turning on him...
I (author) contend that from the beginning that JB was selected for failure, meaning that "their" plan all along was to get him elected and then find a way to get him ousted for incompetence or 'unable to fulfill the duties of the office'. The 25th Amendment to the constitution reads:
Section IV:
"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."
Summary - Under the amendment's fourth stipulation, it would only take 12 people to depose the president — Vice President Harris and 11 of 23 Cabinet members.
After JB is removed, then the current VP immediately becomes president. Then, the next step is for the new president to select a VP at 'her' discretion. The selection of the VP totally up to her and then all that is needed is a majority vote 51/49 Senate and 218/217 vote in the House and bingo - BHO is now the new VP of the United States of America. What a wonderful plan...we all knew he was coming back...
But some would say...that is NOT constitutional...there are only 3 rules for being VP:
1. Be a natural-born U.S. citizen;
2. Be at least 35 years old;
3. Be a resident in the U.S. for at least 14 years.
It does not matter that he was already president...but if something happened to Madam President Harris, technically, BHO would be allowed to be president for another 2 years. The constitution states a person can be president for up to 10 years and he has ONLY been president for 8 years...he has another two years left...but we know that all of this could be changed...right? Since his motto is:
"Change we can believe in... YES WE CAN !"
Get ready to hear ! "The 46th President of the USA - Madam President"
The only one worse than JB..
ReplyDeleteHealth authorities are pushing booster shot extermination plans to hurry and kill the masses before they fully awaken to the covid scam.
For anyone paying attention, it’s abundantly obvious now that the entire covid “plandemic” scam is a global depopulation scheme to scare people into taking spike protein bioweapons shots (“vaccines”) that will kill them over time. What the globalists didn’t anticipate, however, is the rapid awakening to the truth that’s now spreading like wildfire across the landscape of medicine and science. With more doctors, PhDs, nurses and health care workers waking up and blowing the whistle every day, the globalists are in a panic to hurry up and kill the masses before the “normies” catch on to the vaccine depopulation scam.
Hence the mad rush into a so-called “booster” shot which of course contains yet more spike protein bioweapons to accelerate mass death across the planet.
The globalists are so desperate to scare people into taking booster shots that they’re now openly admitting the existing covid vaccines are failing and simply don’t provide lasting protection at all.
Yes....the first 2 didn’t work, so come get a 3rd one...of the same stuff🤦♀️ You would think those willing lab rats would say huh...wait...what?!
DeleteBut no....some of them are even lying about already having had the first 2 so they can get to the head of the line for #3🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Oh, goodness. I read about that actor from Braveheart who basically kept the j#b I until he died the day after his third.
DeleteI meant he kept getting the j#b until he finally died. No, not Mel Gibson.
DeleteIf you all saw or have seen that Documentary about the Anthrax 'Vaccine Syndrome', you will notice how history is repeating itself. It is amazing. So, you had the Bio-Techs and High-Ups in Government Officials made sweet deals to roll-out an Anthrax Shot. So, what do you use to scare the public? An Anthrax 'Scare'.
DeleteThen come to find out that it was the CIA/FBI that had mailed out those envelopes with Anthrax and did kill innocent Postal Workers. And then some were mailed to Congress to scare them into making that 'Emergency Use' Authorization.
Fast-forward 2021...what do you use to get the world to get the COVID-19 Shots? I have read accounts where it is estimated that up to 2 billion now in the world have been injected with this Toxin. If such fall like flies, then truly the 'Great Culling' is underway. And those not taking the Poison Death Shot as Dr. Zelenko stated, those will be the ones that can only really give blood transfusions and donate organs. Such will high value targets perhaps for even Organ Harvesting...hummm...
Yes and as turns out the #19 was never the actual b!owe@p0n, it is the “cure” that is the real b!owe@p0n and over half the world so far has voluntarily lined up for it. Sheer evil genius masterminded by the father of lies. So very sad and yet so easily seen by those who’ve put their full faith in Jesus Christ Alone for Salvation and trusted in His Holy Spirit Inspired Scriptures.
DeleteThat documentary is infuriating. Unspeakably evil.
ReplyDeleteA warrant has been issued for Owen Shroyer’s arrest for standing outside of the Capital on Jan. 6th. He must turn himself in on Monday.
U.S. FDA aims to give full approval to Pfizer vaccine on Monday – NYT. The approval could boost the vaccination campaign by convincing more unvaccinated Americans that Pfizer’s shot is safe and effective and also make local officials more comfortable in implementing vaccine mandates.
‘Sickening’: Miranda Devine shares graphic showing how many US weapons, vehicles and planes the Taliban have seized.
Problem: Blacks Receive Almost All Felon Firearm Charges in Michigan; Solution: White Female Prosecutor Abandons Felony Firearm Charges in Name of Reducing System Racial Bias.
RINO PA Senate President Corman HIJACKS Election Audit By Firing Senator Mastriano’s Staff.
Legal Support and Exemption Forms
ReplyDeleteFrom: Rock Harbor Church
Hi Everyone,
Many of you have contacted me about your employer, hospital or other various places not accepting your religious exemption. Folks, that is against the law. The government knows that they cannot pass laws like the mandating of vaccines, so they are using the big businesses and medical-industrial complex to do it. It is illegal, so we cannot give up and stop there. We have to keep pushing the issue. Ask to speak with the supervisor, director, boss, or anyone in authority making these draconian decisions. Don't accept the "no" from the gatekeepers. Gatekeepers are only doing what they are told to do. They do not understand the law. Go to the authority who is responsible for implementing the mandate. Ask to speak with them or find a way to contact them. Put pressure on them. We have to be willing to use all our resources and stand against this mandate all the way. Anything less than that kind of follow-through raises questions about how strong our "conviction" really is. This decision to be unvaccinated will either be a conviction for you or a preference. In order to stand against something like this, it must come from our convictions. If a person doesn’t have a conviction but instead has a preference, then that’s not enough. Resistance comes from scriptural convictions and not from personal preference.
IF HR continues to stonewall you, then respectfully request to be given the contact information for your employer's attorneys so that your legal team can contact the appropriate persons and decline from discussing it further until having had a chance to consult with yours.
DeleteYes, I would have gone straight to legal.
DeleteAlso, we have to understand that from a biblical mindset, choices produce consequences. If we choose not to be vaccinated based on scriptural grounds, we have to eliminate the idea that we can choose, take a stand against this nonsense, and avoid the consequences. We must remind ourselves that our choices will cost us something.
ReplyDeleteWhen the government and big business/medial-industrial complex are working together (i.e., fascism) to enforce so-called "laws" that the State or the Feds cannot pass, the only option is resistance through noncompliance. Now is the time to resist. The religious exemption or even a medical exemption will not be able to keep you from the consequences of your choice. If it is your deep conviction instead of a preference, you have to own it and fight for it. Be respectful, but you have to take your stand and resist. Push the issue all the way. Do not give up. Appeal to Caesar if you have to. Here are some law firms that you can contact if you need to.
Pacific Justice Institute ACLJ
Alliance Defending Freedom
Thomas More Society
If the American people do not resist this, then these ungodly Babylonians will eliminate more freedoms. RESIST NOW!
Pastor Brandon
I’d like to add Liberty Counsel to Pastor Brandon’s fine list.
DeleteThe "American" people will only resist WHEN it hurts their pocket books/wallets. Sad, Americans are driven by $$$$ and entertainment.
The love of $$$ is a root of evil.
Who is the American SAVIOR? The petro dollar with all the NWO all over it?
So take away American's ability to make $$$ from their labors, THEN an uprising will happen.
The "American" way is TOTALLY AGAINST the HOLY teachings and ways of the LORD.
So the large (liberal) County I reside just announced all school staff MUST be vipered in order to work. We are talking 1,000s of staff (from bus drivers, to teachers, to coaches etc..).
Meanwhile the County next door has been in the National news for other (school-related) nonsense.
I am curious to know how well school is going to go?
I do not care, I am looking up.
One can go 30 days with no food and 3 days with no water.
Hey Archangel, I waited but no response, so my email is
DeleteI'm ok with putting it out there
much love :)
Hi Ally, I forwarded Pastor Brandon’s email to you. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteOn the heels of Lu, AA and Jimboni above, here is a great summary of STANDING ON CONVICTION and not BOWING DOWN (to the god(s) of this world).
We have many examples from the Bible to read and understand what happens when we do... stand on the rock...
DO not give in.... but only a few, chosen will stand while all others bow.
How many have already bowed Lu?
Do NOT Bow!
Note: from the 40min mark on, see some real humility and real human emotions, we are all experiencing some loss at this time....
Do NOT bow and remain in conviction as to what Jesus the Christ is to you. Is He everything and is He worth our Earthly sacrifice(s)?
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie (Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!)...thank you for sharing that heartfelt and well spoken video! On so many levels I can relate to what he's saying and the anguish/frustration he's going through. Just hours before watching the video, my wife and I were discussing the situation/plight we find ourselves in regarding the vaccine, etc...which ultimately led me outside into deep prayer where I asked the Lord to either: "increase" my level of faith or "take me home". Well, it didn't take long for my prayers to be answered after watching your video. I came away having much more faith and knowing that I wanted to be one of the three men standing and not bowing to the vacca (golden calf). You may have noticed that he briefly mentioned in the video that we were "chosen" a long time ago to be among the few to resist taking the vax and to not bow down to the false God. Just knowing that, or at least having the faith to believe in that, should give us the needed strength to resist and endure all the way to the end, no matter how bad it gets or what the consequences may be.
DeleteWhen I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the acronyms for the FunTable, little did I know at the time, the importance/significance of the letter "T".
Thankful for being chosen!
Bob D., Blessings.
DeleteAmen and amen. That's some really, really good stuff there.
Thank you, Jimboni. We've all seen a lot of videos these past 4 years, but you got to admit this one hits the point home based on where we're currently at today and where we want to be in the not too distant future! Such an impactful video!
DeleteIt reminds me of when Pastor Hagee said, “Death is better than compromise.”
DeleteIf you’re a union member and working under a contract, remember that getting the j#b in order to work is not in the contract. It was not negotiated. I think it’s worth striking over, imho.
I wish I could hug this brother😢.
DeleteI have compassion for this man and what he has been through but I don’t know how you can have the Mark of the beast without the beast. How can you worship the Antichrist before he has been revealed? And in Rev 14:9, it says the mark is received on the forehead or hand, not arm.
DeleteSo I am very against the jab and would discourage everyone from taking it because of the health dangers but I am not convinced that it is the Mark. It may be a precursor or is setting us all up for it. I’ve learned from Chuck Missler that Gods word is very specific and accurate and if it says hand and forehead, then it means hand and forehead.
Agreed Angel Marie, God is specific and NO, the j@b is not the v@cc1n3, 100 % sure, but it is a gateway for how the distribution of the mark might take place. The Mark will be identified by the number of the beast 666. C0v1d j@b is not that. You will not be able to buy or sell without said mark, and worship of said beast. NONE of this will be revealed until the BOC has been removed! We will see set up for it, see how it can come to be, but WILL NOT actually see it. The j@b is a bad idea, it's not safe, but taking it or not taking it will not prevent you from Jesus. God says In Roman's NOTHING, can separate you from the love of Christ, not angel not demon, not kings, not principalities, nothing! No, you should not give in to a v@cc1n3 that is not fully tested, that is forced on you, that has speculation of altering your DNA, don't take it, but if you have, I wholeheartedly believe it cannot Separate you from Jesus. God's called WILL be His. Period. Anyway my 2 cents
DeleteIt’s just too close for comfort for many of us. The similarities are unsettling. Not the MOTB according to the Bible, though.
DeleteI came across this a bit ago and it’s so weird but comes to such an interesting conclusion at the end. I had caught just a bit of Daniel V.’s “The 2012 Clock Snare” video @Informed Christians YTC, which I’m now going to go back and watch because there does seem to be a connection. But this video here is almost like an overview of where we are in time coming through the lens of an impartial observer. only 11 plus min. but at the end I was like thankful I know Who’s Side I’m on! of affairs
from 8/19/2021
“Military Insider: They Panicked When They Saw The Future”
(The word “checkmate” has been popping up all around me the past few days, to the point where I looked it up last night to get the precise meaning of it and then I stumbled on this video tonight.)
Our God is so Amazing!
ReplyDeleteThis is for the Inspector Clusoe's out here and especially for the aircraft types (Stan, Lu, Bob and Jimboni) --->
Many are onto this latest charade of televised horror of the Blimp (I mean C-17) moving among hundreds of crazed actors (I mean sons of Ishmael) at the Kabull airport.
Nice work here from J Justified on a comparison of the CGI (probably made by N-A-S-A) vs. the real thing.
🤣Where you find this stuff? It does look like a fake plane in comparison.
DeleteI don't know if that is a fake airplane, but I do have a link to a "real" C-17.
I did notice on the pic that is circulating of the Afghani's surrounding the plane, that they are all nicely dressed, color coordinated in some cases, and clean. Maybe that doesn't mean anything.
Just some thoughts-Vicki
RE: ‘Christian’ Misinformation?
DeleteOk, I will bite Charlie, :) but only because of what I hears being said in such a presentation. I believe it hurts our good cause to be credible, believable and authoritative regarding getting the Truth out there of the End Times and what is coming.
I do not know this person nor his beliefs but if he is using the same logic to ‘prove’ the Bible or End Times scenarios, I can see how many People would be, and are turned off by such definitive statements he made. After careful review and research, I hold what he had to say, on All accounts to be nonsense. Sorry. Maybe Stan can weigh in as he is actually more technically versed in flying and piloting, etc.
If I was not a Believer of Jesus, such a logic and argument about a C-17 Military Transport Plane would confirm and prove that such People will deserve their Children be removed from them and such People be sent to ‘Re-Education Camps’. We already have the World thinking we are crazy for believing in Creation, an Ark, a Tower, Manna, Red Sea parting, Jesus walking on water and Resurrecting, and Rapture, etc. Why fuel the fire?! lol
So, this is just my assessment, based on what he stated in his video. Let us break it down; what he declared in his statements and let this be an example of how to have discernment. He made the following statements about the picture of the U.S Air Force C-17 that departed from Kabul’s International Airport in the frantic evacuation event.
1. The windows are painted on.
2. The Aircraft has no front wheels.
3. The Number designation should be next to bottom window.
4. The front size of nose is/should be larger than what showing.
5. The plane has no turbines, shaft socket is hollow.
6. The picture taken of this plane actually taking off is fake.
7. The C-17 only has 1 version made.
These statements made are ALL FALSE.
1. Some planes have shades to pull-down as even new airlines on aisle seats have to reduce glare. Also depending on Sun’s angle, the depth can/will be seen. In some cases, those C-17 stationed in the hot Middle East have the glass tinted as one would have eyeglasses tinting when exposed to sunlight, etc.
2. The wheels are obfuscated by the many People running along side it. It happens to be that at this point in time of taking the picture, the front wheels are blocked. There are other pictures taken of the same event that prove the plane had its front wheels.
3. In the Air Force, certain Number and Letter designations occur in series. Not all identification are exactly alike or in the same place, placed. Some will be/are next to the cabin window alignment, others are below in case of the C-17, see graphic link.
4. Due to the angle of the frame and type of camera, the C-17s nose correspondingly will appear larger than a frame taken at a different angle. This is Photography 101.
5. Same logic, in that due to the quality and resolution of the Pixilation and/or quality of polished Mirror inside the camera, if old-school camera, the light will not be picked-up by the camera. Thus, objects having a shadow, like the inner portion of the turbines due to its lack of light will register all ‘black’. But it does not mean then that there is ‘no turbine’ to be found.
Delete6. There is the video of this exact same plane showing the People running along side it, of which 100s of frames from it have been captured. If the pictures are ‘fake’, then so is the video then. I would like to see him explain that away as fake then.
7. The C-17 has variations. There is the C-17 and C-17A. Then there are other variations that have C-17A ER: Block 16 and the Block 21 and a C-17B ready to go as well.
So, as you can see, what this person stated is all not true and in fact laughable and in my estimation, nonsense. And it is hurting the credibility of those watching and trying to be truthful, credible and authoritative. The last thing we need now is confusion and nonsense. You did ask, lol. So, just saying…
Now the staging of this 9-11 numeration and all-inclusive numbers adding-up to 33 and how the Taliban rolled-in to the capital on the 33rd Week of the Year, and People falling in the sky from the planes as it was in 9-11, with planes? Sure, not coincidence. Consider that the US, UK, Israel that have the most sophisticated tracking satellites and can pinpoint and read license plate numbers and with drones cannot find the Taliban?
If the Powers-That-Be wanted the Taliban all killed and eliminated, it could have done that 24 years ago. That is not the plan. Remember it was when they put Obama in power that…oh look at all those brand new Toyota trucks all caravanning with machine guns mounted driving across all of northern Iraq headed for Syria….just out of nowhere?
And now, Obama 3.0 Biden placed in Office to have the Taliban all of a sudden pop up and take over the country? Realize that if what is next, as it was for 9-11, then as mentioned, once the Taliban emerged around 1997 and empowered, then 4 years later, 9-11 hit and the US went down. Can it be or will it be likewise that now Taliban 2.0 has emerged, empowered and within 4 years, 2025, the USA will go down, this time not to rise?
Consider that ‘X’ over America with the Great Eclipse that is still to come in 2024. It is the final warning of YHVH upon a rebellious ‘Nineveh’ that has not repented. It is just the time now to call out the 1s and the 2s out…
See various mark-ups of C-17s with differing shadows cast by Sun, etc.
DeleteSalient points Sunshine, per your usual.
My two word reply: Operation Fortitude
The older I get the worse my eyes are but I did notice there was an American Flag on the tail fin of the first photo, but could not see one on the Kabul plane. Also noted in a couple of news videos of Afghani's smiling and waving at the cameras as they were being photographed chasing the plane. On the flip side, what is going on over there is real. My father called to let me know there were 22 missionaries from their church denomination who are currently in hiding.
DeleteGreetings dear family in Christ! I don't know if you remember a prayer request that I made several one or two years ago. A brother in Jesus who was an elder in my church had forsaken the Lord for many years. His name is Roger. His wife who was a Christian divorced and the family has been divided ever since. He was very bitter towards the Lord. He had moved to my street and it had been several years since I had seen him before that. Of course, we have shared with him many times biblical events that are happening in this world. At first he was skeptical but God worked in his life, through all this chaos and he came back to the Lord. Glory to God! Alleluia! Thank you for those who told me they would pray for Roger.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU, Sheila, for checking in on me. Am doing fine (just busy with family and garden and canning and and and). All is well here (just a bit soggy), but am praying my 8 year old laptop will hang in there til we get outta here--LOL!
ReplyDeleteI saw you commenting on revival and I've been asking the Lord about that--"Did I hear You correctly, Lord? What is the 'national catastrophe' before the brief revival?"
It doesn't seem that this C*vid thing is the 'national catastrophe'--there have been pockets of revival I believe, but not a large move of God. I agree with you that there will be a great awakening AFTER the Rapture when the CINOs realize they have been left behind.
It just seems like our merciful God to allow something drastic as a "last ditch effort" to net the last fishes (is that correct grammar?) We truly do see as through a dark glass (1 Corinthians 13:12).
Is it just me, or do we appear to be in prime False Flag season now? I feel like I'm holding my breath waiting for ..... something!
Glad to hear all is well, Lyn! And yes there are people waking up and coming to Jesus, but so very many more seem to be rejecting and even vilifying and criminalizing true Biblical Christianity incl. the mainline denominations. To reject what God calls sinful, evil and perverse behavior is now considered a hate crime. To reject taking a corrosive snake oil into one’s own body is now considered a failure to love thy neighbor.🤦♀️
DeleteAnd yes....something big is coming, Sister. Something I don’t think we can quite imagine just yet. The delusions, illusions and crazy deceptions are in full swing. After watching @Informed Christian’s latest vid and that other one I mentioned above re the “checkmate”, I realized that here on this site, we have all been
pinging around so many clues for the past 4 yrs it’s just incredible to think back on just some of them.
Back on 8/21/2017 on the day of the GASE, the same day they shut Big Ben down for 4 yrs of restoration, we talked about that, but could not foresee then it was pointing to 2021 and in a “back to the future” sort of way to 2012 and the occult message of the London Olympics. And they’ve just put their hands back on that clock while extending the finishing touches out for a few more months. We talked about the “time loops” and “time folds”
and so many other things that are now coming into focus.
You’ve covered the Planet X thing on your site and I was thinking today about how the Australians and those Down Under are being locked down in an unbelievably draconian way clear into 2022. Told not to even speak to each other. Could that be because they might would be the first to see that Planet X system coming in and they want to silence them? IDK...just a thought. Could Daniel V. be correct about the
White Horse rider coming in with a “Time Snap” weapon as the snare? Jimboni has been dancing around the “Fowler’s trap”
and we know the enemy seeks to change the times and seasons in an effort to avoid his appointment with judgment. But
The Lord God also speaks of His Own Time Adjustment in a “shortening of the days” per Matt.24:22
and Mk.13:20.
Jayden’s 222 number has a connection with the many traps set in a masterful game of Chess. And a Chess game has 2 side by side clocks.
Mind bending stuff for sure and I’m rambling a bit, but yes...I’m looking for your Other Shoe 👠 to be dropping at any moment and I’m just hoping and praying it’s the Rapture of the Body of Christ.😊🙏
Blessings, Looking UP with ALL Trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!🙏🙏🙏
Sheila B., Blessings. I've got some stuff brewin' in my spirit and you nibble at some of it. In short, as Daniel V unpacked long ago, terrifyingly, When The restrainer Is Removed, it is only a part of a larger dynamic unfolding.
DeleteIn short, The Opposer Will Be Handed Power Like Unto ABBA, for a time, within the sphere of this realm/world. With This Test And It's Failure, We Hear Our Lord Declare, Who Is Like Unto Me?" Exodus 15:11 Consider this along the lines of Jaco's (I think) recent about the 'legal case against Satan'. Lucifer won't be able to say he was withheld what ABBA can do as he attempts to rise above, rather, his falling far short, in spite of his empowerment, testifies to ABBA's Supremacy. THIS 'time' thingy is the primary reason the period after Harpazo is a 'Snare'
This power will include control of TIME. Put that into the lens of the video you shared re 'Checkmate' and imagine being Lucifer. You get to call 'Mulligans' over and over working to get it right each time. Individuals who died in that period find themselves no longer dead, over and over, Groundhog Day, hello! Do Tribulation Saints return, to gleefully be martyred again, telling of Paradise? AKWARD!
I hadn't thought about it along the lines of the Fowler's Snare, however, it parallels. One is there voluntarily, landing oneself there by choice. How even 1 single soul then comes to Christ is entirely beyond our understanding.
I know, Jimboni and with just what I can see and sense from this side of it, I can surely understand the ANGUISHED emotions of that Brother @Glory Day that Charlie shared above. And oddly enough, at least to me, his message echoed a confusion of “time” whether he realized that, or not. Almost like something he was experiencing for a moment, but was not actually a part of.
DeleteI guess that’s why I’m such a stickler about the details of those Two Witnesses being two literal Servants of God, clothed in real sackcloth and physically Testifying in the streets of Jerusalem for the first 42 months, bringing down judgments of blood, drought and fire. It helps me to keep my bearings when some want to throw off the Pre-Trib
Rapture. As long as I’m not seeing those Two in action, I’ll be looking UP instead looking for a place to hide.😊🙏
Blessings and yes, Maranatha!
Alex Jones showed video of shoppers in France being denied entry to grocery stores because they didn’t have CV passports. Another video from Australia shows a dad being hit by police after he tried to get his 5 yr-old to submit to the nasal swab test. She was dragged off to a back room. So, even though he seemingly cooperated, the police still assaulted him. France is using foreign security forces lest they feel allegiance to their compatriots and treat them humanely.
ReplyDeleteAustralian Broadcasting Corporation Airs Weird Satanic Scene During Botched Broadcast.
Please pray for Owen Shroyer. He is a colleague of Alex Jones and has been indicted for nothing more than standing on the steps outside the Capitol on Jan 6. The DC jail is a literal communist gulag now. The prisoners are denied medical care and are beaten to the extent that one man lost an eye. Owen has to turn himself in on Monday morning.
AA...I’m praying for Owen as a fellow Texan. I know that he knows what he’s in for because they really hate him and he’s a very loud thorn in their side. May God be with him and May Jesus reveal Himself to Owen in such a way that he will understand that our true Hope is in Christ Alone and not in man’s ability to take this broken world back to any kind of a decent livable place. That ship has sailed its last voyage and there is only the ARK now.🙏
DeleteThank you, Sister. In these unreal times, it’s hard to imagine Owen facing a normal DC Court Judge who will see the sham of the whole Jan 6 incident for what it truly is and release him. They have cancelled the Court cases of the dissidents so they are in deep legal limbo now. With all the horror we are currently living through, nothing is more convincing to me that we live in a Communist/Fascist country now, other than the stolen election, than how the DC jail inmates are being mistreated and their rights violated. It’s a National abomination and disgrace.
DeleteI would need those who want to pray for me. I "still" start a cold by working with children and adults, whom I see in large numbers every day. The adults have all had the vaxxx twice. God is good because I am starting a 2 week vacation so I should be better when it comes time to get back to work, but I don't think it's sinusitis this time around as usual. I've been coughing day and night since yesterday and it's coming from my lungs and I'm exhausted. I refuse to go to the hospital and my doctor will not help me because he wants me to be vaxx .. And it's NO! Please pray for me! And thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Carole and praying for you. Maybe you can find a doctor who isn’t yet doing that and/or use a nebulizer if you have one. Also, you can treat that ‘mare’ of yours with some apple flavored horse paste. Same thing and should be available at any feed and grain store.
DeleteJust be sure to adjust the dose for her proper weight😉🙏
Blessings, Sister!
Carole, blessings to you and keeping you in my prayers. The Lord is with you and will be your help. He is ever faithful.
DeleteSoon this upside down world will be behind us; our longing to be with our Lord Jesus will no longer be a longing- we will forever be with Him. Hallelujah!
"You are wearied in the length of your way;
Yet you did not say, 'There is no hope.'
You have found the life of your hand;
Therefore you were not grieved."
Isaiah 57:10
In prayer, Carole!
DeleteAm praying, Carole.
DeletePraying for you, Carole!
DeleteAdd me.
If you can, acquire some lemons and grapefruit, boil just a few of the rines together in a cup of water, drink the liquid after an hour on the stove.... the liquid mixture is a natural remedy (aka HyrdroxQne). Add honey for sweetness.
Thank you all for praying for me. Charlie, do I boil the fruits with the peel? And I imagine that has to be one lemon and one grapefruit for a cup of water? Sorry but the translation does not help me understand as it should.
DeleteI prayed for you this morning, dear Carole. Don’t forget hot tea with honey and lemon.
DeleteGood morning, all, a friend just sent this to me--had to share: Fire and Rain, Charity Gayle:
(if the click doesn't work,
FDA will grant full approval to Pfizer's COVID vaccine on MONDAY
ReplyDeleteTo quote the article, “Full approval by the FDA could PUSH more Americans...”
Delete(....over the edge of the cliff like the good little lemmings we want them to be.)
Just Praying for the Restraining force of the Holy Spirit to hold this set up for the blanket mandates in check for the sake of the little ones until we are no longer here.🙏
ReplyDeleteSo there is (obviously) more to the jab story than just the CV angle. Surely we must know of the trans-humanism goal of these orgs.
There's A Nightmare Coming
From The11:11Sign
See also this article from 2020
"Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?"
Q: Was everyone taking in the "signal" last night and tonight? The Full Moon and the luminary Jupiter in Acquarius (the Water Bearer)?
“ Over in Israel, preparations are being made with the Biden administration to discuss implementing the Two State Solution, dividing Israel to give it to the Palestinians. The new Israeli PM Bennett is scheduled to meet with pretend president Biden on Thursday. Golly gee, I wonder if America handing Afghanistan to the Taliban has anything at all to do with dividing Israel to create a Palestinian state? 🤔 It’s a rhetorical question so please don’t bother answering it, thanks.”
DeleteBiden: "Bennett - I won't be giving you folk any more military aid until we see two states"
DeleteBennett: "ahhh, I have a better idea...why don't you bring over billions of dollars worth of gear, find some excuse to quickly depart from Israel (you know, cause Kamila said so), and leave behind all of your billions of dollars worth of tech/gear etc for us to capture as 'spoils' of your stupid departure, and then lets call it even"
Biden: "hmmm, I can't quite put my finger on it, but this jusstttt might work!??"
This is rapidly escalating into an even more untenable situation. Like the 24K kids in Australia, I hope the 11K Americans in Kabul are not being set up for a mass sacrifice on 9-11. God have mercy..
DeleteJust happened to catch an old episode of “Wagon Train” last night and it was about an evil man who wanted others to learn his evil ways. He arrived to join the train with a cruelly dominated White Horse named Lucifer.🤔