Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House.

But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received?

Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted?

Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have complete boldness so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. So what shall I choose? I do not know. I am torn between the two. I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better indeed. Phil 1:20-23


  1. Great thanks Brad, this is really great! Exactly for our condition now. We are no more "servants of sin", we are free now for righteousness! And we are at the Door! The events are flying quickly, the Lord is flying for us! I'm reading all stuff here, Family, want to see you all! Maranatha!

    1. You too, Alla, too! Can’t wait to meet you up there in those Clouds😊🙏

    2. Alla D, Blessings. My struggles with and, thus far, continuing good response managing my gut issues has certainly softened my heart and had you being found in my prayers for His Gentle Care not infrequently.

      In your mentioning 'The Door' I would direct all to a post I just out up prior thread, below the fold, concerning the number 4 and our impending, perhaps, MOED, 4 years since Rev 12 Great Wonder to the day. Some interesting alignments there, surely.

  2. Same thing for me Alla D! Such a big and beautiful family!

  3. RE: V for Vaccine Poster
    Well, in commemoration of the Pfizer Poison now being Fully Approved, I made a Parody Poster about it. This is now a Game-Changer as they say. No more ‘Experimental’ excuse to not take it. And sure enough, one of my Colleagues that was refusing it until now said, ‘well, it is now approved’.

    I told him, there was no Public oversight as to the decision. The Trial Data was not released to the Public that was to have been ongoing until 2023. The FDA is just taking their ‘Research Findings’ at face value. I mentioned to him, all those Pfizer shots have already been distributed and are the same ones that are still causing Death and Adverse Effect. So, now because the FDA has chanced the category that all of a sudden, all the vails stored and still to be used, have miraculously become ‘Safe’? No.

    In making the Poster, I went through some of my files and come to find out that exactly 1 years ago to the month, in March of 2020 is when the Emergency came down by Trump, who by the way is telling his Followers ‘to take the vaccine’. It was back in 2010 under Obama that they tried ‘this Plan’ before with H1N1. It failed and the WHO had to call of the ‘Pandemic’. But a National Vaccine Program was in the Obama Care that was passed in March of 2010.

    The Poster Parody is from V for Vendetta. Although I did not like the movie because it essentially portrayed the ‘Christians’ for the Fascism, its storyline is of the Government intentionally releasing a Pathogen to control the Masses - just ‘What the Doctor Ordered’.


    #537:V FOR VACCINE

    1. Jolly good poster, LuLu! 👍

    2. Chilling art work, Lu.
      I understand that a whole bunch of that stuff was about to expire and on the verge of having to be tossed out. IDK why they’d actually be worried about using it
      anyway and probably will, but I think that was likely used as a pressure button to get their speedy, but still unvetted approval. But hey...logic being what it is today, that works for most folks. I got myself told off today
      for casting shadows on the voluminous amount of “science” involved to reach this
      critical “turning point”.

    3. Lu...excellent article and poster on the vaccine.   I can see that you were also "taken back" by the story/video regarding the 3 friends of Daniel who were thrown alive into the furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar for not obeying him and bowing down to the false image (see Daniel 3).   Although you didn't comment on the Glory Day video in the previous thread, I knew that it would leave an impression on you!


    4. AMEN AND AMEN, DEAR LU AND FAMILY! Have added Lu's PS #537 to my original article, The Mask and The Mark.

  4. RE: Tetrad of Full Moons
    So, it was a busy weekend. I looked into that Blue Moon that occurred on the 22nd. Come to find out some interesting dots to connect, Astronomically. Here is my logic in all this. Ok, we had assumed an Enochian type of Calendar and count then from the Spring Equinox, thereabouts. TW Tramm, calculated then that the count would put Shavuot on June 20, the precise Summer Solstice. Awesome, but no Rapture.

    Then that possible 49+50 day double count to have been in early August did not pan-out either. Nor the association of the Wine Festival and Tu B’Av, etc. Then that the year is 1 month off and such Feasts, being ‘pushed’ to August did not materialize the Rapture either. So, what gives? Now, this is assuming 2021 is the year of the Rapture event still as many have had dreams, visions, calculations about it, etc. And especially as the Bride of Christ all over the world now is up against our ‘Red Sea’ Moment.

    So, here we are at this time where in my case, every year, it seems the Studies, Counts and Calendars go into the Rapture Black Hole. Yet, one always has this sense that from such dates calculated to the beginning of the Fall Feasts…there is something that one cannot quite pin point. What if all those day/month calculations were true but the Rapture event is to be ‘Deferred’ till after the anticipated Feast Time or Zone?

    Meaning? What has always been in the back of my mind and still comes up as have mentioned before is the typology of Boaz and Ruth. We recognize the semblance but what hit me now is to consider the overlooked detail….That detail of when they got ‘Married’. It was after the Barley and Wheat Harvest. Ok. The inference is that it was not normal to do so and wait.

    So, when was that? And this to mean that if the typology is carried out to apply that to the Rapture event to then be ‘Married’ to Jesus as our Greater Boaz, then the Rapture event could or would have to occur clearly after all the Wheat or Summer Season Harvest would be completed. So, the ‘Game’ is still on, at least for 1 more month in my book, lol.


    1. This is where we enter back to the Calendar accounting, bur Astronomically….but precisely based on the Equinoxes, and Solstices. We know that for 2021, the Fall Equinox to conclude astronomically the Summer Season finishes on September 22.

      Thus from September 23 (923) to when the Fall Feast occur could actually be when the Rapture then could occur ,as this is then the time frame where Boaz and Ruth Married. This to say that the Rapture event will be also at a ‘Deferment’ day/time, but based on the Sun, Moon and the stars. How so?

      This is where the Blue Moon or the ones that occurred exactly in-between the Summer Season are very interesting. See chart. How many? 4. A ‘Tetrad’. This is rare as it only occurs approximately every 3 years. This to say that From the Solstice of June 20, Shavuot to September 22, Fall Equinox, there are 4 Full Moons. For a total of 88 Days….this signifies an ‘End of Time’, a ‘Countdown’. Humm….It is as if a countdown and the 4th is the ‘Harvest Moon’. So, for those that are saying that September 23? Hum…..923?

      But this is contingent upon then realizing that since the Rabbinical Calendar is off, the Fall Feasts do not really start in early September, as this is still technically Summer. But they have to start after the Fall Equinox, just as it began the year after the Spring Equinox. This is how YHVH delineates Time and the Seasons to not be off.

      So, realize that many will be saying, oh no….moving the Goal Post and I hate that too, but for 2021, if this is the year, then we have to watch based on the Boaz and Ruth ‘Deferment’ of their Wedding, till after all the Harvest was done but not before the Fall Feast to begin. They ‘waited’…we must too. :)


      Chart: Tetrad of Full Moons

    2. Or what if the Rev.12 Sign was just a plain and simple 4 year warning to the opening of the Delt@ Door on 9/23/2021? Which would follow the Lazarus 4 day pattern...and the 4 months til harvest pattern...4 days of waiting, 4 months of waiting, 4 years of waiting...if the FOURscore years are to conclude in 2028. It’s almost too simple. (Rev.4:1) 🤔😊

    3. Lu...thanks for reminding us that we're ALL batting zero up to now!   Lol!   But your logic about Boaz and Ruth having to wait and that we may also have to wait until 9/23 seems sound.   After the summer harvest but before the start of the fall feasts.  Are you sure your 723 dream was not actually 923?   Or did I already say that for 823!   Hey...but wait...we still have a few hours left before Tu B' Av officially ends (gentile time!).  Lol!  Btw, that's me trying to move the goal post a little bit!

      Sheila...maybe you're on to something with that 4 day/month/year pattern.  It really could be that simple!   How stupid of us!   Lol!

    4. And 4 verses after the Rev.12:1 Sign:

      “And she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” (Rev.12:5 KJV)

    5. Hey Bob,
      What up? Na, I had not seen that Glory Days video about the 3 Hebrew ‘Children’ not bowing down to the 6-6-6 Idol. In fact, Charles posted that after my Anthrax Vaccine write-up about the Documentary and LCP Schwartz’ Statement.

      I have not read the Articles or seen the latest links after the 200 posting mark on here as I was busy researching all weekend. But then come to find the synchronicity of us all contributing to a common theme as I think GOD the Holy Spirit is bestowing on us…It is like He is sprinkling the pieces here and there.

      Like come to find out the connection and inference of Boaz and Ruth with the Shoe by Lyn. Or the 923 date of the Rapture by Jeffrey McGaha? Boy, he does lock-in that day and time. Now, almost all of what he had to say, I would/could agree. But that the Wormwood event will strike both the Coasts of the USA on 923 as we go up? There might be a calamity of sorts but it is not the Blazing Mountain that will destroy 1/3 of the Earth and Population. Sorry.

      I did like the fact that he featured one of my Bible Code charts although he stripped it of the authorship/credit. See some examples below of the Nibiru Bible Codes. It is coming. I would have actually loved to have heard more of that Retired CIA contact he has now. What….do not let that go!! Lol Ah well. Same line of thought in not commenting on the Glory Days video. I sure thought of doing it as a lot of what he said, again, I would disagreed about the CV019 being the Mark, etc.

      I did not want to do that as I did with the C-17 Plane -out of respect for his emotion and circumstance. Somethings, you just have to be quiet about and not comment and leave be. But you all know how ‘critical’ I am. It is just the nature I have been trained in Academically and are naturally predisposed in doing so anyway. For work, I have to look into the details although with my Dyslexia, it has been a ‘side thorn’ left to humble me by the LORD as I mix up names, words and numbers, as many can tell.

      But, I can see why his own family has shunned him. Same situation with Anthony Patch who says the Injections are the Mark of the Beast. Ok, so let me see….what if you get injected on your Left Arm? For those People that do not have arms, are they then injected the COVID-19 Shots in the Head? No. Where is False Prophet telling the world to follow what Messiah? For those refusing the Shot, why are they not being beheaded? I can go on…

      Bible Code: Nibiru – The Destroyer is coming

    6. I had one Reader contact me to say that he had referred my work and research on the COVID-19 and books to Anthony and Wife. They then commented on one of their weekly/daily video about how my website ‘is full of Pentagrams’. Lol. Ok. And that was it. Ah ha! I have been exposed, found out!...Seems I am a ‘Satanists’ to them so why even bother! I told you all, hahahaha…;) And this from their own Magazine that has a Dodecahedron?

      You serious? And they call themselves ‘Researchers’ who likewise are to vet their sources? Did they bother to ask me? No. And from one who also had designed one of his Book Covers, ‘Diamonds in the Rough’? Just saying that since he got married?.....yea.Well, suffice to say, for sure we are still to wait a bit more if 923 is to be significant. We just have to test our theories and hypothesis. We are not Prophets unless you Bob are ‘For Profit’ in selling all your Fig, hu? lol.

      Since I have a truck, I helped my College today get some Fence pieces at a hardware store, big box name. I live in a College town, fairly affluent, upper middle class. Our little town is booming in terms of new housing going up as many from the Bay Area San Fran are ‘escaping’. Now the average cost of an average home around here is now ~1.2 million. Thank you. But what I saw in my town is appalling. After now almost 2 year, most mid-sized private owned restaurant, closed.

      Only big box ‘Company Stores. open. And now we have a Tent City across the lot from one of our best Hotels. I never thought I would see such a day. But the forced Lockdowns are designed to do just this. Make everyone Poor. Why?

      Because through Poverty, in Poverty, more People become dependent, vulnerable, controlled and will most likely die early on. Just steps in the Great Reset to come. Oh, and by the way, once the Global Banking collapses, the vaccines had this technology that you can actually now have a Digital Wallet and be connected to the Internet!!!

      Sheila is on to something.

      Bible Code: Nibiru – A Star Will Fall

    7. We talk about the final 2 verses of Rev.22 being 20,21 and I might have missed this from someone else, but what about those final 2 verses of Isaiah 26 also being 20,21...

      *Just playing around in my Bible tonight😊

    8. Argh...wrong back button again. But I was gonna say...I’m not even trying to tell anybody this toxic potion is the MOTB, but just that it could really h-u-r-r-t them and I’m getting that old “disowning the crazy lady” stink-eye. So I can only imagine if I were trying to convince them that they are now the devil’s spawn and all is lost for them. Still just trying to get them to trust in Jesus Christ before it really IS too late. And I did hear some stats tonight that 50% were actually given placebos as part of an experimental global “control” group.
      Those ofc would have no way of knowing who they are, but TPTB would know. One can always hope and pray for that to be truth. But if it is, true to conspiracy form, I personally think that would actually be to stagger the body count across the “v@ri@nts” blamed on the refuseniks as the b00ster$ are rolled out
      when “placebos” will likely be much rarer.
      BUT GOD...He does have His Ways....🙏

    9. Sheila...there you go again...more double talk! Lol!

      Lu...back to your 723 dream...could that be your "COVID CAMP" ID Number? With posters like that, the Feds are gonna be coming for ya soon! No, I'm not a Fig Prophet! Lol!

      AA...if we only listened to Sheila sooner about her 4 year pattern...we'd have had so much more free time (no longer the need to post here) and we'd be "Partying like 1999"! Lol! Bobby Z

    10. Dear Sheila,
      Since the Revelation 12 sign occurred on Rosh Hashanah, the four year count could also be in the Jewish calendar, in which case it happens to be September 6/7

    11. 🤣Bobby Z! I think it’s fair to say all the partying ended in March 2020. My mother went downhill health wise as soon as she turned 70, so no partying for me.

      DailyCrow has a headline that Jesse Jackson is sick now from the j#b and Bulgarians and Romanians have soundly rejected it so their countries have sold off their supplies.

    12. But Bob...if that’s the case and we had been given to know it at the time, we’d have missed out on this Pilgrim’s Progress style of journey with this incredible BOC fellowship, learning just how Amazing and Meticulous our God really is in His work among us as He has been preparing us for all that He has prepared FOR us. This time of waiting and watching, searching out and sharing every possible aspect of His Return, has likely served to not only lessen our shock, but to increase our anticipation of the Magnificent Realm we are about to enter into
      with Him.

      We’ve all come through a much deeper experience of understanding the Infallibility of His Written Word and that He truly is in control of EVERYTHING! I know “Fear not!” has taken on a whole new meaning for me over these past 4 years of walking with all of you and I am so thankful for that.😊🙏

      Blessings Christina... and that’s certainly a possibility if the 4 years are gauged on the Feast of Trumpets timing, since that was occurring back on 9/23/2017 in conjunction with the Rev.12 Sign.

      But it could go either way since the Rapture mostly involves the Gentile Body of Christ which could infer a Gentile calendar year.
      BUT GOD...Only He knows for sure when that Appointed Day will arrive.😊🙏

      Blessings ALL and just keep Looking UP Expectantly!

    13. Totally agree, Sheila.   I wouldn't trade the experience, understanding, insight, fellowship, etc. gained these past 4 years for anything!   Just wanted to see if Archangel was listening as she is a big Prince fan!

      From my earlier post to Ryan...

      One wonders...why was the Revelation 12 Sign was so subtle or not so obvious to everyone?   Could it be that it was intended that way so only the people watching and anticipating (the "true believers", the Bride of Christ) would understand it's significance?   But more importantly, maybe the subtle nature of TGW was intended to encourage us to search for more answers, to read the Bible and understand its many stories and parables, to increase our faith in Jesus Christ and to develope a relationship with Him (a kind of courtship).   Basically, experience all these things (almost 4 years now!) to be considered worthy...and be the Bride of Christ!

    14. Amen to all you said there, Bob!

    15. Blessings sister. Agree with you, it is just a possibility. Having watched for many years, we now know that only God knows exactly when. Waiting eagerly for that GREAT DAY when we all will meet our Saviour face to face.

  5. Alex Jones said this a month ago. Once again, he was ahead of the curve.


    “ IN MACRON’S FRANCE, SUPERMARKETS HAVE NOW HIRED BOUNCERS TO PREVENT THE UNVACCINATED FROM BUYING FOOD, WATER AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES "French supermarkets have hired bouncers in order to deny people basic human rights to food and water because they didn’t get the right government permission slip," independent journalist Luke Rudkowski tweeted on Friday. The alarming video he posted shows a security guard brutally grabbing a masked woman and throwing her out of the store like a trash bag. The woman gets outraged by the abusive manhandling and yells at the security guard. After she leaves, a man approaches the bouncer and scolds him for not allowing the female shopper to get "alimentaire" (a French word for food).”

  6. Has anyone else noticed how they are going after the horse paste now? Gotta get that deadly misinformation knocked down fast what with people now risking their lives with that. Reckon it will be pulled from the shelves soon, too, lest the dumb proles keep trying to cure themselves.🙄

  7. Family, Blessings

    Now, 66 days before the 66th birthday of B*ll G*tes, 'Comirnaty', the newly named 'Vax', which isn't actually a Vacc', is approved: 8/23/2021.

    C-19 declared a Pandemic
    222 months post 9/11/01
    888 days after T's '...calm before the storm' comment

    8/23/2021 Comirnaty Approved @
    *53*0 days after 3/11/20 (#53)

    Comirnaty: 53 (RFR)
    Ordo Ab Chao: 53 (RFR)
    Covid: 53 (EO)

    Comirnaty Vaccine: 76 (FR)
    the king of Babylon 76(FR)
    bottomless pit: 76 (RFR)
    Barack Obama: 76 (RFR)
    skull and bones: 76 (RFR)

    @Joseph Acquaviva2222 05:25
    Comirnaty! Let's take a quick look at the NEW NAME!


    1. Interesting gamemanship being played by the gov RE: Comirnaty V

      See footnote #8 of this brief snapshot of the new permission slip...

      The LORD will have his way (soon) with the wicked and the evil which is all over this Earth. Until then, keep the FAITH in the LORD who protects us from the snare(s), but ONLY if we remain under His wings....


      Final_Pfizer LOA to issue with BLA approval 08.23.21_v2 (1).pdf



      Mandates are not Law. Unconstitutional bureaucratic agencies are not authorized to make laws and be the legislature. Defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

      It's still under EUA ONLY, under FURTHER EXTENSION. Although the media would tell you another thing. Don't get gas lighted into this. You have a choice.

      They approved a new vaccine which is the old one rebranded. The BioNtec Covid-19 is still under EUA and both are under EUA for ages 12-15 and both are under EUA for 3rd doses.

      I want to know the ingredients!!!!

    2. A lot of people are going to be shocked and/or disappointed when their hard fought for “conservative” SCOTUS gets around their various rulings. Like it or not, there’s plenty of precedent that goes in favor of mandates. And that’s without seeing what’s bound to be a catastrophic result from the traditional cold and flu season. We’ll likely see widespread panic if it’s a hard flu season. People won’t know what they’ve got, there won’t be enough facilities to handle it, and every institution and business will be in a fritz over it.

    3. ACB was in favor of the Jacobson vs Mass decision. She can’t be trusted.

  8. Jimboni.....No doubt these numbers are not coincidental...

    When Trump made that "calm before the storm" statement, that caught my ear....but after several months went by, I soon forgot about it.

    It could be a coincidence with the 888 days, but along with many other winks, and coincidences, I believe he knew full well what was going on. The Taliban guy ..Abdul Abadar who we so timidly are listening to his August 31 deadline dictate......who released this monster? Our very own Donald Trump....along with 5000 other Taliban prisoners.

    I voted for Trump, and still feel he is hands down better than Biden, ...but I really believe Biden is the left wing, and Trump is the right wing of an evil bird.

    Jeremiah 14 has God Himself telling g Jeremiah to not pray for His people anymore.

    I feel we are in the same situation...and are now reaping a curse from God.

  9. Blessings Family!

    Blessings Sheila, thank you for posting the Jeffrey McGaha video- very interesting. And I'm diggin your thoughts on the Rev12 sign being a 4 year warning! The simplicity of it would have us all laughing in heaven if it turns out to be so :)

    Jimboni! Such an awesome PSR!! Celebrating with you in praise and prayer.
    Way to go Caleb!!

    Barb G. blessings! Just a reminder/heads up for next time. Once the comment# hits the 200 mark, hit the 'Reload' tab to post and then after posting a comment, hit it again to see your post. Anything posted after the 200 mark won't show up unless the Reload button is hit.
    All of your prior posts for Carole re boiling the rinds are there. Hope that helps!

    Lu! Blessings and a thought on your 723 dream...
    Given the recent talk of the upcoming September Rev12 anniversary being a possibility, along with Summer ending in September; What if the 7 in your 723 was pointing to the Latin
    root Septem- meaning 7? One can hope! :)

    Looking UP! family everyday and keeping you all in my prayers.
    Blessings and maranatha!!

    1. Blessing Mom and so love to see your posts, Sister! I posted my thoughts on that simplicity up above and I can just envision our Lord laughing along with us about His perfectly purposed engineering of something like that.

      And yes, Lu...Mom might be onto something there. Your 723 could even be a combination of Hebrew and Gentile calendaring. Their 7th month of Tishrei and the 23rd day of our September.🤷‍♀️😊

    2. Have you all seen this one?

      LA Fire Dept. Captain takes a stand.

      Mom and Sheila,
      That 7-23 of the Rabbinical and Western combo calendar is very interesting…7th month 23rd day…now that would be something! It would be nice if true and it does come true….But we hope and carry on.


    3. PS: About all these 4's, Delta, Doors, etc.
      There is also the thoughts about how many had/have had, of the 4th Year Probation of the Parable of the Unfruitful Fig Tree'. Could we be seeing the end of this 4-Year Probation come to a close since the Revelation 12 Sign?

      An observation from a Friend.
      May 14, 2018 Dedication of US Embassy in Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
      + 1260 days = October 25, 2021
      This would be Yom Kippur in the Enochian Calendar.

      The plot thickens...

  10. Dr Zelenko said the miscarriage rate post j#b increases 8 fold. No pregnant women were ever allowed in clinical trials.

  11. I heard on news today where the ONLY contraindication they are actually respecting is an anaphylactic reaction. In other words, if it doesn’t try to kill you right there in front of them when administered, then you are considered to be without excuse.

  12. Like Lu’s “exemptions” where 2/3 require taking the first j#b.

  13. Fam, Blessings.

    Mom, as we know, It Is The Glory Of Our Lord To Conceal A Thing & your chasing it a couple layers deep is awesome. Semper Fidelis / September Fidelis? Nice.

    A reasoning we've poked here previously is niggling at the edges and worthy of getting some attention as a tool for gauging accuracies of incoming items allegedly afoot, er, afield: Tidal Forces.

    I know I just harnessed Lyn's attention, and Lu's, as both of their work involves unpacking Nibiru/P'x' or some other incoming body's involvement with Prophecy. One familiar output of that idea is that it aligns with increasing weather and volcanic phenom spoken of in Scripture relating to End Times, ala Matt 24, et al, as the Tidal Forces of a massive, income proto-star would be felt throughout our Earth, esp in fluid things like water & air (weather) and planetary mechanics (flat or round)(Tectonics/earthquakes)(Magma Transfers/Volcanos) .

    Well, if 9/23 is the drop-kick deadline, we should be seeing, and be expecting to see incredible upticks in, as the curve/graph goes basically vertical at the end, the number and intensity of these things, phenomenally so. Add this hand-in-glove to AU lockdowns as another contributing reason for keeping everyone under the thumb as panic and reality arrive, (as spoken of, predictively, in threads I'd seen 10+/- years ago, and since, disclosing alleged plots amongst elites.)

    In observing the Iceland Volcano, as it emerges from a day, or so, of being very fogged in, and, as seismographs confirm, it is now erupting at greater intensity, a Peak Eruption 00:40 moreso then any time thus far with waves of lava 20+ meters high and plumes over 100 meters tall 00:54. The presenter posits this being in alignment with Lunar Tidal Forces of the full moon, which is sound, but not, possibly, entirely the whole picture. Meanwhile, 21 folks are known perished with a dozen, or more, missing, in North Carolina flash foods as 17+" of rain fell over a few hours these past few days. DAHBOO posted a video a week ago where he captured an energy explosion being released in the heart of the storm then approaching the east coast of the USA as the BHs maximize and direct out of an existing (possibly) highly-energized 'pool'.

    So, if these are 'trend line', and not just happenstantially aligned, then similar stories MUST ratchet up as the days immediately ahead roll by. Buckle Up and head on a swivel, folks, and they will be doing all they can to obscure it. IF 30+/- days is the clock then this roller coaster is about to get very intense. As will their actions accompanying it.


  14. Just to clarify, before the madness started, pregnant women were automatically excluded from taking part in clinical trials. No Dr in his or her right mind would have let them participate.

  15. Natural News) The FDA’s fraudulent “approval” of the failing Pfizer covid vaccine is all that leaders of blue cities and states needed to order the mass slaughter of their own employees. In mere hours after the FDA’s announcement yesterday, the State of New Jersey ordered the mass slaughter of all NJ teachers and state workers via spike protein injections, a “clot shot” that has already killed an estimated 500,000 Americans (and counting).

    The NY Dept. of Education announced a similar vaccine slaughter campaign for all education workers statewide, including teachers, school administrators, janitors and food prep workers. Los Angeles also chimed in, ordering the vaccine slaughter of its 60,000 employees, including firefighters, law enforcement officers and other first responders.

    Many other blue cities and states have joined the mass executions, demanding total compliance to an experimental, deadly vaccine — yes, it’s still a medical experiment, even according to the FDA’s own “approval” letter — despite the total lack of animal trials, bio-distribution studies and long-term safety data. In essence, these blue cities and states are committing vaccine suicide, leading to a scenario in the not-too-distant future where many of these Democrat-run cities will be collapsed ghost towns.

    1. vaccination is ramping up here in NZ and mandatory vaccinations are about to be extended...and just in; my wife was talking to her friend bout the death shot. My friend noted her aunty had just passed away 24 hours after getting her first jab. No comments from the docs about the jab however, as 'she quite clearly had heart issues which was the contributing cause'. Utterly abominable!!

    2. How tragic. Very sorry to hear.

    3. So sorry for your wife’s friend, Ryan. Praying God’s comfort and strength for that family.

      All of humanity has now been targeted by these power mad demonic serial killers on steroids with no apparent earthly judicial accountability.
      Only One Way out, folks...but that One Way is all we need and He IS coming! And their accountability is coming, too! There will be no escaping that, Amen.🙏


  16. Posting to help viewership |||| I personally await for the LORD and I am not waiting on any man or men for the rescue


    Stan is a good guy with the right message:

    An S O S to The US Mil
    From The11:11Sign

    A major milestone in US history begins next month. What will the unvaccinated members of our armed forces do when the vaccine mandate takes effect?


  17. Sheila wrote: “Or what if the Rev.12 Sign was just a plain and simple 4 year warning to the opening of the Delt@ Door on 9/23/2021? Which would follow the Lazarus 4 day pattern...and the 4 months til harvest pattern...4 days of waiting, 4 months of waiting, 4 years of waiting...if the FOURscore years are to conclude in 2028. It’s almost too simple. (Rev.4:1) 🤔😊”

    Here's another 4FOUR4 from 2021 Year of the Rapture and Chaos:

    "In my article Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture I alluded to the 400-Year Cycle but it was Informed Christian’s most recent video--The 400th Countdown--that shed additional light on why followers of Jesus Christ should be excited and expectant in 2021!"

    So, LU, I AGREE--we gotta have patience until the harvest season is completed like Boaz and Ruth!

    And, YES, Jimboni--let's hold onto our hats! IF the Lord is going to allow something to happen as a last ditch effort to awaken some before the Rapture, it is IMMINENT!

    1. I agree with Pastor JD: “Let’s get this show on the road.”


  18. Q: So what was the GWR12?

    Q: Are there multiple event or timelines in Revelation?

    Q: Why did we see the GWR12 (Chapter 12) when the Seals are before (in Revelation)?

    Q: How could the Day of the LORD happen (John's vision with Seal 6) THEN we see the GWR12 (Revelation 12)??

    These are questions which have been bugging me as well. Stan may have some good solutions as to why this could be. The following makes perfect sense to me, all using the words of scripture NOT from any pulpit pirate or stage hand.

    Buckle Up: How We Got The 7th Seal Wrong
    The correct understanding of the structure and timeline of the book of Revelation.


    Folks, we could be much farther down the timeline than "most" think or realize.


    1. Time to take a cold hard look (or a tepid one if you are a Laodicean) at where we stand in the End Times.

      Revelation - Are the 3 Event Lines Running?
      From The11:11Sign

    2. Haven’t looked at that link, Charlie, but for one thing Rev.12 is a PARENTHETICAL Observation of the Conflict between the Woman and the Dragon and as an overview, it is not chronologically aligned with the before and after chapters. So the seals of Rev.6 are not being shown to precede TGW of Rev.12:1.
      Remember, context is king.😊

    3. I liked this guy....
      Until he said that the chapter 4, 'Door'/Dalet calling-up of John and the 24 Elders as the representatives of the Priests/Bride is not the Rapture event.

      And why not according to him? Because there was 'no earthquake'. What? So, when the Church Age started with Pentecost coming down, was there an earthquake recorded in Scripture about it? Nope.

      His Revelation 3 Line theory is interesting but did not resonate thereafter...
      Just saying,

    4. Yeah, me neither. There’s a lot of problems with his theory of the Seals, Trumpets and Vials all pertaining to the same events—if I’m not too confused, although it was rather confusing. But just for starters, there are those 3 different linear woes to deal with. (The first woe is past, the second woe is past, the third woe is coming...)

      Then the Seal and Trumpet events are limited in judgment with God’s mercy still in play. Still a chance to repent. Not so much with the Vials. Also with the Seal and Trumpet partial judgments (at 1/4 and another 1/3) men are more “indirectly” affected by the judgements through the catastrophes of war, famine, plagues, natural and celestial disasters and raging demons, but the Vials present God’s “direct” and full judgments on men with grievous sores, blood for water, scorching of their bodies, gnawing of their tongues in agony, Armageddon, Great EQ and giant hailstones.
      And as John takes us back and forth between what is occurring on earth and what is occurring in Heaven, the scenes
      are all very different.

      So I don’t really get what he’s trying to propose, or even the reason he’s proposing it. Made no sense to me🤷‍♀️

    5. Lu...I just watched the one about Rev.4:1 not talking about the Rapture because there was no EQ. I don’t remember the mention of EQs mentioned with Enoch or Elijah, so not don’t believe it’s a prerequisite, although it’s quite possible.

      Stan seems like a personable fellow and his skit with the v@x police was funny, but I don’t understand this 3 event lines thing. Is he saying the 70th week is like Groundhog Day x 3? Or that the Seals, Trumpets and Vials all run concurrently? I’m so confused🤦‍♀️

    6. I don't understand why the calling up of John and the 24 elders is considered the rapture event??
      - firstly John is called up in order to be shown something 'come up here and I will show you...'. Nothing about describing the event of the rapture.
      - 24 elders are being shown already in place. Nothing in scriptures indicate the elders have to be there after the event. Like the 12 disciples were appointed to judge the 12 tribes of Israel BEFORE the millennial judging is expected to take place, these 24 elders may well have been appointed within a short period of time from when Christ ascended to heaven. There is nothing indicating a rapture position either way.

      But if it helps, I don't throw the 'baby out with the bathwater with regards to your other teachings Lu', just because I don't agree with your perceptions in this space.

      As Sheila would so aptly note, 'just saying'🤷‍♀️

    7. I think when the graves open and the dead rise first, there will be an enormous EQ.

    8. Blessings Ryan...and I can only tell you why I deduce Rev.4:1 as a picture of the Rapture event:

      A door is opened and a voice as a trumpet is heard and John is told to “Come up hither” to be shown the things that are coming “hereafter”. Then going forward John proceeds to share his view of both the Heavenly and earthly
      events from his position in Heaven above the fray. And other than in the parenthetical Rev.12 overview where the man child is caught up to God, there is no mention of the Church being on earth again until Rev.19 when they return with Jesus.

      In Rev.5:8-10 KJV, I see the picture of people from EVERY kindred, tongue, people and nation who have been redeemed to God and are praising the work of the Lamb before His Throne as the prayers of all these Saints have been gathered into golden vials. They (the Saints) are seen singing a new song, saying, “Thou art worthy to take the book, AND TO OPEN THE SEALS THEREOF:”
      Verse 11 then seems to differentiate the voice of the angels from those of these Saints pictured in Verse 8. So this does seem to be a gathering of the Saints with the Heavenly beings and all are present before the Throne of God.

      I don’t know exactly who the 24 Elders are comprised of except to think they are likely the Apostles and the Prophets who may or may not yet be rejoined with their physical bodies. But they are all still there in Heaven with the Lord as we speak, whether in the body or out of the body. But definitely a whole lotta spiritual happenings gonna be going on there! Those 4 beasts alone will be mind-blowing😲
      (Could all those Saints be the Church Age dead in Christ not yet resurrected? I don’t believe so just based on the conspicuous absence of the Church until the 2nd Advent occurs)

      So considering what I expect to occur at the time of our own translation from here into Heaven, the scenario John shares with us in Rev.4:1 thru 5:14 is a perfect picture of the Rapture
      preceding the opening of the Seals and the onset of the 70th week. But that’s just how I read it.😊🙏

    9. Hey Ryan,
      Here is my reply, just me and how I see, so not to be an authority about it…

      1. Why the calling-up is a ‘Rapture Event’? Well, one is just interposing the connection, mentally of the outcome. John is on Earth 1 moment, a call comes. And then next moment he is in Heaven. What do you call that? Sure not ‘Harpazo’ as in a sudden snatching from ‘danger’. So, that is why I call them a ‘Translation’…but use ‘Rapture’ in the generic all-inclusive sense. And based on my research and typologies that I love to study, Revelation has 7 of these ‘Translations’. Chapter 4 is the 1st.

      And many just do see the book of Revelation Before-During-After delineation as a ‘blueprint’ of ‘Time’, of past Church Age -Chapters 1-3, End of Church Age by the Resurrection-Rapture event Chapter 4, then what is to come after end of Church Age, Chapters 5-22.

      2. Nothing to suggest this was a Rapture event? Sure, No such details and language is given other than what you mentioned is what is just said. That is all we can go by. But of the 6 other such ‘calling-ups’, or ‘Translations’, what do you call those events. The 2 Witnesses, the Man-Child, the 144k, the Beheaded, The Multitudes by Seashore, the Sickle Harvest, etc?

      Point is you have to ‘connect the dots’ as if you apply, for example the 22 Alef Bet to each of the 22 chapters, chapter 4 is the Dalet, the Door, 5 is to reveal…and it appears it matches a cryptic order of sorts. But sure, purely conjecture. You have a better one? Do share…especially if it is a ‘Chiastic one’! ;) I actually did find one too but here is the Aleph-Bet correlation code?


    10. 3. The 24 Elders already in place? I see your point but that realm within the Throne dynamic, there is no ‘Time’ reference. It is outside of Time, regardless of when or who is chosen. The argument could be made the same of ‘The Lamb that was slain from before the foundation of the Earth’. So, was Jesus ‘crucified’ before the Earth and Human Beings were created and set in place? Or was it that in YHVH’s forethought, it was ‘good as done’?

      4. The 24 Elders is one of those what ifs or suppositions for sure of who they are. I just am convinced, as of now from what I have studied that they are a typology of the Body of Believers, of the Redeemed. But precisely taking after how King David assigned 24 Orders of Priests to minister ‘around the Throne of YHVH’ on Earth….in total and they were called, ‘Princes of the Sanctuary and Princes of YHVH’. See 1 Chronicles 23 and 24. So, again a mental connection for sure.

      But hope that added to the conversation and perspective.


      Yeah, and what Sheila said too! lol

    11. Hah...well I just know that if I imagine myself in John’s shoes while reading through those passages, it sure does feel like I’ve been Harpazoed right up into that Heavenly Throne room.😉

  19. Jayden had his first day of school yesterday and had to wait after school for over an hour for the bus to get back to pick them up. They need 30 bus drivers and only have 10 to now run multiple routes. There was also a teacher shortage as a bunch of kids arrived to find they don’t even have one. They are recruiting and now waiting for foreign teachers to come in to cover the shortage. It’s also going to make transportation more stressful and less safe.

    It looks like these loons are successfully destroying the public school system with their leftist cancel culture ideology of hatred and their viper mandates. God-fearing teachers are walking away to avoid both. Bus drivers, too. This for the most part will leave the foxes guarding the henhouse where these children are concerned.

    What decent caring teachers are still there are like my daughter—having to fight for the ability to actually teach rather than indoctrinate. And they are getting backed into corners. My daughter does not intimidate easily, but she knows she’s in for a constant battle this year. So far her principal has had her back, but she doesn’t know how long that will last when push comes to shove. She’s filing a religious exemption, but it’s the kids who are in immediate danger and not everyone can afford private schooling (also iffy) or even homeschooling. So for most people, it’s either send your children into the lion’s den, or don’t send them and have them taken away by this psychopath pedo-filled viper-biting govt.

    Parents must be super vigilant
    both in oversight and Prayer and involve themselves in any way possible between now and when Jesus comes for us. Just by the nature of what these little ones are facing, His Return surely has to be very very soon.🙏🙏🙏

  20. NTEB


    1. priceless lives and $88 billion worth of military equipment, including biometric scanners etc.

      King of all fools is Biden.

    2. This is what happens when you have a “President” who is so thoroughly compromised that our enemies are running the show. Ole JB was aka Tehran’s favorite Senator.


  21. We all know there is more coming, but what else is there? Here is a possibiliy.

    They will stagger as drunken but not on wine or strong drink. Hmmmm? How's that gonna work?

    --> Isaiah 29:9 <--

    The Rapture - HEPAdemic Prophecy of Isaiah 29 and The Son of Perdition
    From whadeffa

  22. Greg Lauer:

    8/17/2021 — From the "Zionist Muttonheads" Department...

    It's pretty much official at this point: Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban, and as I write this tens of thousands of innocent, defenseless people have been left to desperately flee for their lives.

    All courtesy guessed it: Joe Biden.

    And after the worst humiliation the United States has experienced since the chaotic closing days of Vietnam, all Biden can do is blame Trump and run and hide. That, and desperately try to spin it so it sounds like something other than what it clearly is. And make no mistake: This really is all on Biden. According to CIA analyst Matt Zeller:

    "We sent them [the Biden administration] plan after plan on how to evacuate these people. Nobody listened to us."

    As humiliating for America and for Joe Biden as this is, there is a somewhat more upbeat prophetic angle to this for born-again believers.

    Yes, this is certainly going to embolden every terrorist organization in the world—some of whom have their eyes on the land that the Jews and their Zionist masters have stolen and currently illegally occupy in Palestine.

    If you catch my drift.

    And when I say "Zionist masters," I mean a powerful United States with strong leadership, willing to do whatever it takes to defend and protect their most loyal ally in the Middle East: Israel.

    But the United States isn't looking all that powerful right now, nor is our "leadership" looking all that strong. To be blunt, we are looking pretty weak and pathetic on the world stage right now. And I hate to rub it in, but can you imagine for one nanosecond this happening under President Trump?

    Neither can I.

    But I can assure you that Hamas, Hezbollah, and every other radical Arab terrorist group on the planet is dancing in the streets right about now, toasting their Taliban brothers and celebrating America's geopolitical pratfall...not to mention brushing up on plans to take back the land that the Jews and their Zionist masters have stolen and currently illegally occupy in Palestine.

    And this sure rhymes with Gog Magog.

    Only thanks to Joe Biden, they are no doubt gleefully replacing that "Zionist masters" bit with "Zionist muttonheads."


    1. As you all should know, JB is just the patsy for those really pulling the strings.

      Trump is part of their "plan" as well, so PLEASE, none of "it would be better IF..."

      Hogwash, this is ALL a large orchesration of worlwide events to bring about their NWO.

      JB is a mindless, feeble looking "thing", I don't even call him human. Same goes for the rest of them.

      The $80B+ in mil hardware was purposely left for the TB as part of their appeasement "plan" in order to arm them so they could be ready for a later invasion/ take over ("Q" = follow the plan).

      Q = BHO, btw

      JB may bring BHO on as an "Advisor" to AFGAN
      From INL

      "I'll Be Back"

      ~ BHO

    2. I remember Pres Trump said the military would roll out the j#b in a powerful way. It’s true that none of them can be trusted. However, not sure if what DJT said was a head fake or not. I know TPTB couldn’t control him as much and that’s why he had to go. Our enemies feared him. In that respect and a few others, we were better off with him in the WH.

      Here’s a praise report: Owen Shroyer only spent a couple hours in jail. He’s free with certain restrictions, but he’s out, praise God.

      75 Drs walked out of a hospital in FL. They said they refuse to treat the unvaxxed, per Mike Adams.

      Don’t get sick. Don’t break any bones. Pray for God’s perfect protection over you and those you love.


    3. LOL, AA...Billy and I were just talking yesterday about whether it might be wise at our age to learn how to set a broken bone. Perish the thought, but that
      did occur to us as we had watched it being played out on an old Gunsmoke episode with the use of some tree sticks and strips of cloth. Ouch 😣
      And so much for this just recently acquired Medicare. SMH!

    4. I found myself looking at vids on appendectomies...yikes. Remember on Lost, Jack had to direct his own procedure. On Last Man on Earth, the patient bled to death. I find myself trying to remember, halfway between the belly button and right hipbone!!!

  23. yeah exactly - unbelievable really. I will save my comments on the dubious nature of the 'health care' workers who volunteered for these trials. Knowing how deeply entrenched witches/warlocks are in the health system here in in Australasia, I would put nothing past them.

  24. 2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine.

    “ Americans, told that the Pfizer COVID vaccine is now licensed, will understandably assume COVID vaccine mandates are lawful. But only EUA-authorized vaccines, for which no one has any real liability, will be available during the next few weeks when many school mandate deadlines occur.

    The FDA appears to be purposefully tricking American citizens into giving up their right to refuse an experimental product.

    While the media has trumpeted that the FDA has approved COVID vaccines, the FDA has not approved the Pfizer BioNTech vaccines, nor any COVID vaccines for the 12- to 15-year age group, nor any booster doses for anyone.

    And the FDA has not licensed any Moderna vaccine, nor any vaccine from Johnson & Johnson — so the vast majority, if not all, of vaccines available in the U.S. remain unlicensed EUA products.

    Here’s what you need to know when somebody orders you to get the vaccine: Ask to see the vial. If it says “Comirnaty,” it’s a licensed product.

    If it says “Pfizer-BioNTech,” it’s an experimental product, and under 21 U.S. Code 360bbb, you have the right to refuse.

    If it comes from Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (marketed as Janssen), you have the right to refuse.

    The FDA is playing bait and switch with the American public — but we don’t have to play along. If it doesn’t say Comirnaty, you have not been offered an approved vaccine.”


    1. The Simple Inherit Folly

      O Ye Of Little FAITH Why Did You Doubt The Promise Of God
      From StreetMinistries For Christ (aka Anthony Williams)

    2. Whatever the vial says...
      I have the right to refuse it.

      It is my body to put poison in it or vitamins in it......I will decide, not anyone else.



    3. I had a hunch why only this one and the article Jimboni provided nails it =>

      "The FDA’s clear motivation is to enable Pfizer to quickly unload inventories of a vaccine that science and the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System have exposed as unreasonably dangerous, and that the Delta variant has rendered obsolete."

      The amount of DECEIT is sickening.


      It was said today on a Watchman's YTC today...

      About those 1000s of plastic coffins......

      Thise are NOT for the LB....

      but RATHER FOR THOSE (milions upon millions) WHO TOOK THE VIPER

    4. RE: Ye of Little Faith Video

      -‘Have you taken the Snake Bite’?
      -‘These Ways seem Right Unto… the Merchants of the World’ Lol, we all know who these are!
      -‘They believe all the New Scari-ants’
      -…’The Boost-Steps’
      -‘Watching Main Scumbag Media’.
      -‘Confident wearing that ‘Diaper’ in Church’…
      -‘You got Slow-Biden’ mandating’…
      -‘When you watch the Clinton News Network all day’…

      These were good!
      For sure…’Perfect Love casts out ALL Fear’.
      1 John 4:18

      Even within the Church Body, a lot of Fear…why?
      They do not know Jesus. Nor His Promises
      And No Prophecy was/is taught.

      Since 1990s, it became ‘Seeker Friendly’.
      Do not ‘offend’, do not talk about Sin. Do not talk about Prophecy.

      The Love for Jesus is not complete.
      Knowledge of Jesus was not taught or received.
      You can only LOVE whom you Know.

    5. An article @Daily Crow reveals 60% of surveyed “Born Again Christians” are actually pluralists who do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Salvation. So this totally NEGATES their “Born Again” profession of Faith in Jesus Christ and explains why they are lining up for the viper bites. These represent those pretenders we were warned about in 1John 2:19 KJV.
      As Lu points out, they have no real Biblical knowledge nor do they want any.

    6. So true. My brother practically hates the Rapture. When I mention it, the conversation ends. I can’t remember the last time I heard him say Jesus’ Name, either. I think many of us here will find any way we can to talk about Jesus to anyone we meet or talk to on the phone ie customer service reps. Isn’t His Name always on the tip of the tongue?

    7. Sadly, this is exactly my poppa and my grandmother whom are in their eighties. I have tried and tried to explain "live and let live" is not the correct attitude to have. and yes bc they are elderly and health issues they took the jab. ='( I continue to pray for their salvation, but I do not see them changing their minds, and I do not believe they will live much past the rapture. Please lift them up in prayers that if not my words then someone's will reach their hearts. Barbara and Larry

    8. Blessings Lyndsey... and praying for both of your dear parents.

      I thought I’d give it one last shot with my eldest daughter a couple of days ago and in the most loving way I could. It only infuriated her as she told me that my strict view of exclusivity is the reason that she cannot tolerate Christianity. Sooo...I have fully put her in His (the very Author of my strict view of Exclusivity) much more Capable Hands, which is all I can do. And she had an even harsher reaction to my negative and ignorant view of modern medicine, i.e. the viper bite. But I have some hope in the fact that rather than being lukewarm, she is stone-cold. I believe it gives our Lord at least something to work with. (Rev.3:16)
      Over these many years, she’s heard it all regarding the End Times, so when it does happen, she’s gonna remember her “crazy” old mother’s words whether she wants to, or not. Then it’s 2Tim.2:25-26 KJV time which I pray day and night for her. 😊🙏

    9. Apologies, Lyndsey...I mean to pray for your grandparents😊

    10. Thanks Shelia! I will be in prayer for your daughter as well. And yes, my family and friends as well that are Luke warm or stone cold, will recall this crazy old ladies words when it all comes to be. My heart is very sad for them as I am sure Jesus' is as well. He knows all those who He has called to be His. We all hope endlessly ALL of our loved ones will be, but in the end it is their choice, and God already knows their choice. Well thats me rambling, apologies, don't mean to sound unfeeling or anything. Praying friend, she chooses soon rightly

    11. I pray too Sheila B and Lyndsey! I am with you!

    12. Hey Lyndsey...I don’t believe it’s that we are ‘unfeeling’ because if you’re anything like me, but for Jesus Christ’s Comforting Understanding, you know it would be ripping your heart out. These are our loved ones! But our greatest clue to His Ongoing Involvement in both my mind and my heart is that calm spirit that we’re able to maintain in spite of what we are hearing and seeing. We know that The One we are talking about literally hung the sun, the moon and the stars. And we know how much He loves us and that He wants to reward us just for loving Him in return. And what better reward could He give us than to answer us by giving them of our households that same precious Gift of Repentance He has given to us and All to His Great Glory...even if they have to have their eyes pried open the hard way to get them there. And that’s how I sleep at night, Sister.😴🙏

      Rich Blessings and Maranatha!

  25. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, at one point during the flooding in Waverly , NC, 1% of the towns population was considered perished or missing. Aftermath Drone footage tells an amazing tale:

    08-22-2021 Waverly, TN - Horrific Flash Flooding- town cut in half

  26. HC is “helping” with Afghanistan. Much like she did in Haiti....God help the children.

  27. "Every eye shall witness His wonder, Jesus the One." A song of encouragement. By the Hoppers.

  28. Per Chris Sky, Janet Woodcock, the woman at the FDA who got OxyContin and fentanyl approved, will be the one in charge of the j#b’s approval. Those two drugs have done wonders for the depopulation agenda.

  29. RE: FDA License Letter to Pfizer

    So, if you had a chance to go through/read the Letter from the FDA to Pfizer about the licensing of their new approval of their COVID-19 Injection now named ‘Comirnaty’? Koe-mir'-na-tee, I found it interesting what was/is one of the Signatory’s names.

    But for the new name of the Injection, ‘Comirnaty’?… Interesting choice of name? Apparently, it is a Compound Name. It is interesting how in one article I came across, they called the Injection for what it is, a ‘Product’. We know it is not a Vaccine. Here is an excerpt from an article:

    ‘The name represents a combination of the terms COVID-19, mRNA, community, and immunity, to highlight the first authorization of a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, as well as the joint global efforts that made this achievement possible with unprecedented rigor and efficiency — and with safety at the forefront — during this global pandemic, Pfizer and BioNTech said.’

    Well, reads like a 'Bunch of Malarkey' to me no? Malarkey?....We know how they like to incorporate, splice and dice all those many ‘secret ingredients’ they do not want the Public to know about or have to tell us what they are. Might as well do that for their Name too.

    So, at the end of the FDA document letter who are the Signatories? A Mary ‘Malarkey’. Malarkey? Seriously? Are they playing us that bad? Correct me if I am wrong, but does that word not mean in English, like ‘Baloney’ as in a put-on or falsity? Or is it just me?


    Mary Malarkey
    Director Office of Compliance
    and Biologics Quality Research
    Center for Biologics
    Evaluation and Research

    Merriam Webster’s
    ma·lar·key | \ mə-ˈlär-kē
    variants: or less commonly malarky

    Definition of Malarkey:
    insincere or foolish talk : bunkum He thinks that everything politicians say is a bunch of malarkey.

    FDA Letter to Pfizer for Biologics License Application (BLA)


    1. OMG, they even have a Linkedin Profile for her/it. At least give her a face and some sort of educational and background experience.

      C'mon, IF you are going to go all the way, THEN give it some credibility.

      Perhaps AA can pay her a visit during lunch tomorrow?


    2. The FDA Has Just Committed a Horrendous Crime Against Humanity

      [1] On Monday, August 23, 2021 the FDA fraudulently "approved" "COMIRNATY." This product is not currently available in the United States. Other available vaccines are NOT yet approved, but merely authorized for emergency use. Any "mandates" that do not specify "COMIRNATY" are still illegal.

      [2] The FDA approved an injectable concoction that was designed to "protect" you against last year's coronavirus. The studies were conducted well before the onset of the "Delta Variant." No details of effectiveness against variants were provided.

      [3] For the sake of their clinical trials, Pfizer-BioNTech defined COVID-19 so that some of the most commonly experienced adverse events caused by their injection (such as fever, chills and muscle pain) could easily be confused with the symptoms of mild COVID-19. They conveniently did NOT include other symptoms such as fatigue, headache and joint pain in their definition of COVID-19.

      See link for full list

    3. Oh my goodness...I just went through one of those “if you didn’t laugh, you’d have to break down crying” moments. Egads! Just when you think you have seen the worst of these creeps....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    4. 😾CID, I hope you meant “oh my goodness.” Thanks for the info. It’s another confirmation of FDA fraud. One must read the small print.


    5. From our Jordan...


      Yep, straight from the CDC Director's mouth (I mean, the line she/it was reading)



      No jumble in these words (I mean, warning)

    6. I’ve been wondering about Jordan for months.

    7. Jordan...if you're watching, excellent video as usual.   You were one of the best watchmen here at Rev12 and I miss your posts.  I'll never forget when you said that people don't like having their "fun bubbles" pricked especially when talking to them about biblical prophecy, end time events or the Rapture.  Ofc, you said that in a slightly more sarcastic way, but it's so true...and sadly it's even gotten worse today!   You got tangled up in one of my posts a while back (a certain PG-13 video!) which resulted in you being "collateral damage" of all that fallout.  I feel somewhat responsible and I deeply apologize for getting you involved, although you were clearly an innocent bystander.   Please consider joining the Rev12 family once again as you were an outstanding contributor!

    8. Yes, Jordan. You are sorely missed, brother. Cathi G, too. We are almost There..


  31. 😁Bing Art it’s a beautiful “Peekaboo view of Angels Window on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona”. Cheerful scenery😊

  32. Now in Quebec we also have the compulsory vaccination passport for several places from September 1st.

    1. My husband just told me that employers across Quebec have started to require a passport to work, according to the media on television. The government was starting to demand that those who work for the healthcare system be vax ... and for public places like restaurants, cinemas and all, but employers are obeying by demanding passports from their employees even if the demand was not made by the government. The list has been growing since yesterday. We're both going to lose our jobs and our homes because of the kind of jobs we have, like many of you, unfortunately. May God guide us in the way he wants for us! I keep my eyes on our Savior and Lord, Christ the King!

    2. Amen, Carole! They’ll likely be making even Social Security benefits contingent on it as well, which is meant to be a tough one for so many of us older folks. And their goal is the destruction of all private property rights. They want to rent us a minimal spot to occupy and sell us literal crickets and worms to eat in exchange for our complete obedience.
      But No thanks! Just like Abraham, we are looking for that Great City which has foundations, whose builder and maker is GOD. We desire a better country, a Heavenly Country where our LORD GOD has prepared a place for us—each and every one of us who have placed our faith in Jesus Christ! And John 14:2-3 KJV
      is now upon us. His Grace has brought us safe thus far and His Grace will soon enough be taking us all HOME.😊🙏

      John 14:4 KJV
      And ‘4’ is the Door:-))

    3. Amen to that. Getting closer by the moment, too.

      Geoffrey over at NTEB reminded us that on Sept 11, 1991, Bush, Sr. spoke of the NWO and, now, we are on the cusp of the 20th anniversary of those diabolical words, and with many Americans trapped in Afghanistan. The foreboding is palpable.

      Dear Carole, Trudeau has ordered 293 million doses of the j#b, which averages out to 7.7 j#bs for each person in Canada. We have to keep looking up.


    4. Carole,
      Voici, mon e-mail personnel. Il est public car je le poste sur tous mes articles et sites sur le Web. S'il vous plaît contactez-moi afin que je puisse vous répondre en privé à ce sujet.


    5. I was a bit slow tonight on the whole uptake of that last verse mentioned up above...

      John 14:4 KJV

      And ‘4’ is the Door-> to our ‘14’ (Deliverance:-))

    6. I meant 30th anniversary of Bush, Sr.’s words.

    7. it's done my brother Lu, I sent you an email.

    8. Yes I would like Archangel. But how?

    9. Oh, sorry, Dear Carole! I was just trying to annoy Lu🤣.

    10. I’d email you if I knew French❤️.

  33. FDA gaslights the world with FAKE “approval” of Pfizer vaccine while Biden’s fake presidency collapses
    Wednesday, August 25, 2021 by: Mike Adams

    Natural News) We now know the FDA “approval” of the Pfizer covid vaccine is a bold, treacherous gaslighting campaign involving media lies, fake science and criminal conduct at the FDA itself. Issuing two letters on Monday, the FDA actually extended the EUA for the Pfizer vaccine while granting approval to a different vaccine called “Comirnaty” which does not exist in the marketplace and isn’t even in production.

    Through carefully crafted weasel words, the FDA has attempted to conflate the two vaccines to try to gaslight America into thinking the Pfizer covid vaccine now has full approval, all while making sure Pfizer still has legal immunity under the EUA for all the injuries and deaths caused by its vaccine. The media has played along, fraudulently reporting that the Pfizer vaccine now has “full approval” even though no such thing actually occurred.

    Then again, this entire plandemic has been nothing but fraud from the very start, so it’s no surprise that the fraud remains firmly in place at the highest levels of the criminally-run FDA, which functions as nothing more than the monopoly marketing enforcers for Big Pharma.

    The result of all this is that Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Tech are gaslighting America like never before, faking like the Pfizer mRNA vaccine has been “fully approved” by the FDA and using that as an excuse to demand full vaccine compliance.

    But it isn’t even a vaccine. Even the CDC’s own director Walensky admits this “vaccine” doesn’t halt transmission and doesn’t prevent infections. It merely reduces symptoms, which allows infected people to become superspreaders because they appear to be asymptomatic while they actually carry a far higher viral load. (See this important article by Dr. Peter McCullough for full details on why this happens.)

    What the vaccine does accomplish, however, is mass death of the vaccinated via blood clots, autoimmune disorders and more. A website called The Covid Blog is documenting many of these shocking, disturbing deaths, including a recent case of a woman whose skin began to rot off her face after she took the covid jab.


    George H.W. Bush stood before Congress on September 11th, 1991, and made the oblique threat of the coming New World Order, and 10 years to the day of that announcement, his son was president and consenting to the events on 9/11. We are fast approaching the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and America is right now surrendering to the Taliban, and creating an Islamic terror state the likes of which this world has never seen. Biden just gave the Taliban billions of dollars in weapons, equipment and military bases, think about that. This is Obama's 3rd term, and they are now finishing the work he started.

    In the ashes of America, the New World Order will rise. It is no coincidence that all this is happening right before the 20th anniversary of 9/11, that too is intentional. Walkaway Joe is the perfect man for the job.
    There are so many events and situations happening right now on so many levels, both here in America and around the world, that it’s almost impossible to rightly understand what you’re seeing. Today I’d like to help you with that by pointing a few things out, namely that all these events can be traced back to a single root cause, namely the New World Order. Perhaps the most iconic image in all this is Joe Biden turning his back to the American people and refusing to answer questions. Yep, Walkaway Joe is the perfect man for the job.

    “And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will.” Daniel 11:3 (KJB)

    While it is true that Walkaway Joe Biden is suffering from cognitive impairment, perhaps even early onset dementia, the decisions that are coming from the Biden administration and from Biden himself are not the acts of a helpless, demented man. Far from it. These outrageous things have been planned for quite a while, and are happening deliberately and with malice aforethought. America is not “stumbling its way through” the crisis in Afghanistan, it is intentionally giving power to the Taliban, intentionally showing American weakness, and intentionally taking a dive. Why, you night ask, would America ever do such a thing? The answer is right inside your King James Bible.

    “Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.” Zephaniah 3:8 (KJB)

    Henry Ford, JP Morgan, James Paul Warburg, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Bill Gates and others are a mere random sampling of the people who have been and are right now working to bring in the New World Order. But in order to do that, America has to be brought to her knees, and made like all the other nations. That is what you’re watching right now, America being stripped of her power and might, no longer a deterrent to our enemies, no longer the world’s lone superpower. In the ashes of America, the New World Order will rise. It is no coincidence that all this is happening right before the 20th anniversary of 9/11, that too is intentional.


    1. Archangel
      ...Well said and that gathered my random same thoughts into brevity.

    2. Thanks, Stan, but it’s Geoffrey Grider at Nowtheendbegins that penned it. He’s awesome.

    3. AA- Agreed; I have said for years that we will have to see the fall of America in order for the events of the end times to come about. As long as America is a super power, there would be no way for a 1 world order, religion, currency as it is explained will be from the scriptures. Having served during the OIF/OEF conflict, while I personally wasn't sent to Afghanistan, but rather Kuwait and Iraq, I had many brothers and sisters that did. Some came home, others didn't and this that is happening just sickens my stomach and creates so much anger and rage; however I am settled back down as I am reminded just as you stated above, all this must come to pass in order for scriptures to play out as God said they would. It is just a GREAT reminder, that our time and season to go home is now. Praise Jesus! Come Lord God Come!


    4. Hal Lindsey has been saying America had to fall for many decades now. Our trust and reliance on God and our Constitution have impeded TPTB for a long time, but now that secular humanism has infiltrated the culture, America has lost its protection. It had to be. God , ofc, knew it would happen. It’s tragic but here it is. I’m praying for the Americans and innocent Afghanis that are trapped. The videos at ZeroHedge of the airport and conditions are upsetting. As Pastor JD always says...the badder the bad news is...our Departure is that much closer and the sooner we get to Sept 11.... hold onto your hats.

  35. RE: A Conscientious COVID-19 Objection

    PART 1/4
    So, I wanted to weigh in the conversation as it has unfolded regarding now having ‘to take the COVID-19 Injections is ‘required’ for ‘Everything’ it seems. We knew it was coming and it has come. Now it is required, ‘mandated’ to ‘live normally’ but especially to keep one’s job and be able to go into a Grocery Store and buy food and live and provide for one’s Family. What I will say is from my heart and conscience. I object.

    Based on over a year and a half of deep research into what is in this COVID-19 Injections, and that only based on the testimony and research of the Experts and those Scientists and Doctors that have bravely come forth, I am 100% convinced that I, personally will never take this COVID-19 Injection. It is due primarily to the following.

    1-Religious/Moral Conviction of having the Shots all derived from unwilling and sacrificed Aborted Babies whose Tissue has then been used for Cell Lines to make the Shots.

    2-And then for a legitimate Fear of Phobia of dying from the RISK of having any unknown possible Adverse Event due to the weakened condition of my Natural Immunity. And this because of my Near Death Experience 3 years ago for which I am still in recovery mode and suffering its effects. I have needed to take 2 Medical Leaves and 2 Emergency Visits already since March of 2020 when the Lockdowns came into place and it was only asked of us for 2 weeks to ‘Flatten the Curve’. Remember that?

    So, for me, under no circumstances am I 100% convinced, and with no hesitation or doubt ,what so ever that I ‘might need to take it’ to continue having my job so I can eat and live. As Sheila right put it, the Powers-That-Be want everyone so distribute to be living on worm soup and crackers in some rented apartment. Lol. Will that is me currently. For me, professionally, it has been because of my Christian Stance against certain Policies in my University that I have been marginalized and demoted. No problem.

    But then I suffered the loss of being able to have a Loving Wife and potential Children. I have been robbed of that and to then lose everything financially to start over in one’s mid-50s. I have not received nor will. No problem although I so much wanted a family. But it is why I live in a small rented, ever increasing rent Apartment studio, still driving my 1988 Ford 4x4 Ranger, but hey at least it cannot be deactivated by EMP's lol. And I help myself to our little Food Bank in our Post Office Room.

    My point in saying all this that that I know what it is to ‘starve’ and not have a place to stay. Coming from a 3rd World, that was our life and what we escaped from to come to this Amazing Country that was. But as I mentioned, now they have successfully made the USA into a 3rd World Nation. If anyone has traveled abroad, especially to South America, Africa, Asia, you will realize that what makes a 3rd World is how you have extremes, the ‘very’ Rich and ‘very’ poor and they live side by side.

    1. PART 2/4
      No Middle Class that was once the bedrock and backbone of the USA. This is now a reality in my little affluent town now and ever-increasing in all of the USA. This is the Plan. So, what I want to say that, based so far on what I have researched about the COVID-19 Shot, it is NOT the Mark of the Beast. A precursor to the System and Platform, you bet.

      But I am 100% convinced that by taking the COVID-19 shot, one will NOT lose one’s Salvation nor be Damned Eternally to burn in the Lake of Fire, etc. Now, because I can live without a place to stay or food and beg, and I do not have a Family to worry about. I have No Fear anymore. You see, as I have shared before, I grew up all my life with such a Fear…of exactly all this mentioned.

      In the 3rd World, it was ‘where are going to say, what are we going to eat, who is going to protect and provide for us?’ No one. But having had the Near Death Experience and being ‘Carried by Jesus’. I rested in His arms. He took all Fear of worrying about where my next meal will come from, having a warn bed and roof over head and who will provide and protect me.

      But, for those who have not had this personal experience, nor reassurance and have a Family to feed, and you take the COVID-19 shot as the only option to be able to eat and provide for Family, I will not judge, condemn or look and treat you less for it. It is not a Salvation Issue. Now, if I believe it was the Mark, then NO! But based on the mere Medical threat and risk? It should be a NO! The Risk is too great to be taking it and worse, to be giving it to your Little Ones.

      You see, it is psychological, they want you to administer the Death Shot to them yourself so they are not culpable. The issue is that they have the whole World thinking it is a ‘Good Vaccine’, why would you Resist, Hesitate on Science? Now, if you do not take it and take a stance against it, I do not know how Jesus will provide, protect you and Family. But I know that in my case, what I thought was an end, a ‘Red Sea’ moment for me personal….has always became an Open Door through the Sea after all. I have been blessed in hind-sight, all the time.

      So, I just want to share all this as the situation is getting critical now for everyone with the Rev12 Daily Family. We need the Mind of Christ and our Head, Jesus can be communicating to His Body at this dire junction in History. Here is my reasoning for not taking the COVID-19 Shot as a Conscientious Objector, for me, even though they think I am the ‘crazy’ one for not doing it.

    2. PART 3/4
      I have insisted that this particular type of Injection:

      `1. Is not a 'vaccine'. From the research I have been able to learn, I was able to articulate very simple that it:
      -have all been made/derived from Aborted Baby Tissue Cell Lines.
      -That it is 90% Graphene Oxide which is a Petroleum by-product and toxic.
      -That they have Hydrogel which is toxic.
      -That they have PEG Poly Ethylene Glycol which is a toxin.
      -That they have Lipid Particles that are toxic.
      -That they have Nano Particles or ‘Bots’ need not be there for purposes of Immunity.
      -That they have mRNA type of technology that can 'Transcribe' into ones DNA.
      -That the Protein Spikes produced will damage Red Blood Cells and cause Micro Blood Clots, etc.

      ...That I did not/do not want this type of elements introduced into my body because:

      2-I have a Phobia or a FEAR of dying due to one's weakened Immunity, if I take this type of COVID019 ‘Vaccine’. Look it up, the ADA Law honors and protects the Category of having a Phobia as a ‘Mental Condition’ for qualifying for a Disability and thus a ‘Protected Status’ needing Accommodation by Law. This is for the USA, so not sure if such provision are applicable in other Nations.

      That I cannot, in good conscience take it medically because of my Liver damage and other Medical complications such as the following.
      -Prior 3-day Coma, Near Death Experience that weakened all my Vital Organs
      -Nerve Damage in Legs, etc.

      3-That based on the CDC’s own VAERS, over 13k have reportedly died from taking the COVID-19 Shot alone (1% reported) and over 500k reported some type of an Adverse Reaction from it. As of August 24, 2021.

      4-That I genuinely have a 'Fear' of PHOBIA of taking the COVID-19 'Vaccine' because given my compromised Immunity and condition, my body would not resist any possible Adverse Effects and I do not want and will not RISK that.

      You have to insist and plead that this is not your regular ‘Vaccine’. They think such People like me are only having 'excuses', are being ‘Selfish’ and 'I did not know what I am talking about.' They mock me and my other Colleague, and they try to intimidate us. But when I reiterate the List again, and just stay to what I do know for a Fact…100% they relent a bit. I then also add that…

    3. PART 4/4
      -If the Inventor of the mRNA Vaccine, Dr. Malone of the SALK Institute has publicly stated on many public platforms that 'this type of mRNA 'Vaccine' should not be given', they somewhat relent a bit more.

      So, my Medical Doctor may not write that I am exempt from taking the COVID-19 vaccine, on Medical Grounds, so we are at their Mercy, that is the System and it is against us…And that the Schools, Businesses, can interpret any ‘Exemption’ as they wish. So, it is open-ended in that my University could say 'No'. My point? For me, so be it.

      So, I did submit my Letter of Religious Exemption. We will have to see what the School will say/do. But for me, it is a matter of:

      1-Religious Principle due to what is in it.
      2-Legitimate Phobia that one will die from it if taken due to Medical Complications. And this despite the belief that ‘Science’ says that it is People like me with such Medical Conditions/Complications are the ones that should be getting the Shots first. I disagree with them as a Conscientious Objector and that is when People get mad at me. At this point, I offer them my 4 books on the subject, and they relent a bit more. lol

      As we know, what the Doctors say and believe is Gospel and what I have to say or believe does not matter. I am very disappointed in ‘Science’ in that knowing one’s Medical Pre-Existing Conditions, it does not matter and there is no sympathy, mercy or support. But this is the World…the ‘System’, the Beast System so what do you expect? And for good measure, I interject the logic and reason of the following, that leaves them with a blank stare but still fall back on ‘Science’.

      3-That I am not going to take the Risk to my body in taking a Shot that has proven, by the CDC and Fauci ,stating on National TV that the COVID-19 Shot is not Effective after all in:
      -Preventing Infection if one takes the Shot.
      -Preventing Transmission of it to others.
      -And acquiring Lasting Immunity.
      -And that one still has to wear a Mask.
      -And that it is not affective against the Variants…

      So, they relent a bit more. But I reiterate, what is the Cost-Benefit vs. the Risk if after taking All the possible RISK and yet being no better if one had not? Who is the Crazy One here Pray Tell?! I state that I rather 'Risk' Infection -as that does not equal Death and that with Early Treatment, I have over a 90% chance of Recovery and Survival, according to the CDC’s own Stats. So, that I rather take that Risk and not on something that is Experimental and unknown as to what other Ingredients the Injections contains and that I might die. But that is not their Plan

      So, you know.

    4. Lu.....Very well said ...and I pray that God gives you and the rest of us strength to resist this jab, and endurance as we are increasingly persecuted for not doing so. As you said, it is NOT the mark of the beast, but in my different words...a "conditioning of the masses" that WILL worship and take the mark of the beast when he comes to power.

      I am convinced that whenever this mark of the beast is implemented, "worship of the AC" is a parallel requirement that will stamp your ticket to hell. Revelation mentions 6 times taking the mark of the beast..AND..worshipping him a tag team event that will seal the fate of whomever does BOTH.

      What a most wonderful but awful time to be living through. My faith gets emboldened the more I see scriptures unfolding....especially watching my country being the Babylon that is falling as we go through the next biggest moments in history......only to be superceded by the rise of the AC.

    5. Good help for those on the fence over this Lu. For those such as Carole, the likelihood of surviving both covid or the vaccine is extremely high, but the likelihood of losing ones home and producing significant health issues is even higher, for the sake of surviving a vaccine short-medium term of >99%. For me its currently a no-brainer: I have kids and I need to survive more than a few years, so until there is better long-term information on safety, I will try my 'luck' (terrible word) on vitc/zinc etc. I noticed the nitric oxide spray efficacy as well, and lo and behold, like all the other beneficial treatments, nitric oxide spray has not yet been deemed to be safe by medsafe and is not permitted for sale (we are up to the 5 key treatments now not able to be sold/used by the public here in NZ...its almost as if the government...).

      Praying for the likes of yourself, Carole and others who will be in the midst of making some tough decisions on the vaccine and implications. As long as well love each other deeply, vaccine or not. I see Brother Sean on eschatology blogspot took one for his work, but I believe it was the Jansenn one as being the 'lesser of evil'.

    6. Excellent write up, Lu.  If I were in your same situation, I would do exactly the same thing.   In fact, even though my situation is slightly different (married, one daughter and one grandson) I have also decided never to take the vaccine.  I agree, the vaccine is not the MotB, but it definitely is a precursor to it.  For that reason primarily (as well as potential short and long term side effects) I'm very leery of taking it.   But for those that don't have a choice (because it's mandatory for their job and they have families to support) I'm very pleased to hear you say that they will not lose their Salvation and will make it to Heaven (i.e, not end up in the "Lake of Fire").   Hallelujah!!!

      Several months ago I posted that the coronavirus would not be going away anytime soon and there were similarities to opening of the 1st seal (Rev 6:2) in that he (white horse rider) would go forth conquering, and to conquer.   I also wrote that despite our best attempts to develop a vaccine, which may be effective for awhile, the virus has shown it can mutate and new strains or variants are being created making the current vaccines ineffective.  Additionally, I wrote that our scientists/pharmaceutical companies are developing new vaccines and booster shots that will likely be needed in the future for the masses...but in the end, the coronavirus will be victorious.

      I bring up the past not to boast, but to show that's exactly where we are today!   More so than ever, we are all now being "forced" to make a very difficult decision (to take or not take the vaccine!).   As I said then and I'll repeat now...are you going to rely on science or trust in Jesus?   The stakes are choose wisely!

      As many of us face our "Red Sea Moment" I pray that our Lord "tarries no longer" and takes us home soon!    Maranatha!!!

    7. Greg Lauer has a new article up that addresses taking the jab or losing the job. In all of this , we must place EVERYTHING in our Lord's hands and be anxious for nothing. I need to do this myself. I am the chief sinner of worry.

    8. Blessings, Barb G. Greg got the AZ j#b which was banned in 18 countries due to blood clots😢.


  36. IF this is not clear to anyone by now, THEN.......SOY

    From MANY FISH (8/26)


    Bad Actors, Wac-Scenes. Warp Sp33d. Crickets on Man Dates & Pass Sports

    Very soon, maybe 9/11 IMHO, things are going to get exponentially crazier. Are you truly standing on solid ground? There is but one imovable rock, Jesus Christ. If you not secured to Him you will be deceived! Call on Him, He will answer. His grace and peace be with you all


    1. On the coat tails of Mr. Warp Speed above...

      The Enemy is Extinguishing The "Candle Light of God" at "Warp Speed!"

      From Anthony Williams (8/26)

      Bottomline: take the jab you will replace God's gene/light with that of LUCIFER as his name is in the contents of the jabs (luciferase), thus inserting himself in the LORD's Temple (the human body created to worship God, at free will if one chooses to do so) and standing where he ought not but humans (by DECEIT, and being BEGUILLED again) have allowed lucifer in.... physically.


  37. Anyone else see the Governor for the (blue) state of IL mandate INDOOR Mask Wearing? SMH


  39. Archangel on Aug 25 shared the hyperlink to--
    The article explains that the FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine is called Comirnaty.
    ➡️➡️➡️BUT BUT BUT⤵️
    "But licensed adult vaccines, including the new Comirnaty, do not enjoy any liability shield. Just as with Ford’s exploding Pinto, or Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup, people injured by the Comirnaty vaccine could potentially sue for damages.

    Pfizer is therefore unlikely to allow any American to take a Comirnaty vaccine until it can somehow arrange immunity for this product."

    ➡️MY INTERJECTION HERE: If you believe you need to take the FDA-approved injection, IT IS NOT EVEN AVAILABLE YET!

    Another excerpt from the article:⤵️

    "Given this background, the FDA’s acknowledgement in its approval letter that there are insufficient stocks of the licensed Comirnaty, but an abundant supply of the EUA Pfizer BioNTech jab, exposes the “approval” as a cynical scheme to encourage businesses and schools to impose illegal jab mandates."

  40. LU, dear Brother--As I wrote well below the fold in the previous Rev12daily post, the Lord has had you on my heart and I have been praying that He will make a way where there seems to be no way for you (as well as Carole and her husband).

    Though I am not yet in the same boat as you are--not having my income threatened as yet--I stalwartly stand with you and all who say NO, NO, AND NO to this Luciferian elite plan.

    Lu, again I want to thank you for all the research you have done and written up and presented on-line. It boggles my mind how many hours are represented by every Postscript article, illustration, and book.

    To be honest, I was hoping you would link us up with yet another wonderful resource--MY CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION TO A MANDATED C@VID V@CCINE by Luis B. Vega.

    Well, you did--it's in a 4-part Comment above💖

  41. So, brother Greg Lauer got j#bbed to keep his job. I pray that he won’t suffer any ill effects, but I don’t agree with his decision. I still think he’s brilliant.

    1. I found his 'argument' for taking it interesting:
      - firstly he used Sargent York as an example. Someone who went from being a pacifist to believing God had given him permission to commit murder. Unusual example.
      - render unto Caesar: 'Caesar' in NZ is telling us that we are not allowed to convince a child who is undergoing hormone therapy, to 'convert' back to the Childs God given biological sex. No thank you. Same with someone considering an abortion.
      - The mark of the beast will be a 'render unto Caesar' moment. Nope and nope again
      - Provision for his family: in one part he argues that he has to provide for his family. Fair comment. In the next part he then says 'if I die from the vaccine, see you on the other side' that providing for his family when he is dead? without dad etc.

      HOWEVER, some positives from his write-up:
      - Yes, the vax is not the MOTB, and we know that defilement of the body (in Jesus words) comes from what goes into the spirit etc.
      - A non mRNA vaccine was available. We don't have this option quite yet in NZ except in some circumstances (Jansenn and AZ).
      - The peace of God in your decision making is essential. We take the science etc and we go before God (not our boss or anyone else) and we look for guidance from him.

      I do hope that the article provides some peace to the likes of Carole with her and her husbands decisions to be made.

    2. Greg took the AZ j#b which has been banned in 18 countries for causing blood clots. You’re right, ofc; if the j#b, God forbid, kills or incapacitates him, he won’t be able to provide for his family. I don’t know how anyone can live with that constant uncertainty.

    3. I agree with you, Ryan re that “render unto Caesar” argument. Nope, Nope and Nope.
      We are living under lawless governments now that not only have no respect for God’s laws, but hold none for their own. It’s only about whatever suites their appetites for power and bloodlust through theft, murder, lies and deceit. So as a law abiding citizen, I feel no obligation to render anything to them, much less what health and life God has provided me with. That said, while I wouldn’t advise my worst enemy to trust in this toxic viper-bite and it’s blatantly obvious and corrupt agenda, the consequences for refusal or submission at this point is something each “adult” person must weigh out for themselves and hopefully through much prayer and faith. But IMO, there are no excuses for subjecting children to this risk.

      My sister fell yesterday and shattered her knee. It’ll be a week or two before she will be able to have surgery and it’s looking like taking the j@b will be a prerequisite for that to take place. She doesn’t want to and is terrified of possible health repercussions as she deals with some serious autoimmune issues as it is. But the pain is excruciating and she
      can’t just live with an untreated shattered knee. She said they gave her an awful time at the ER last nite over not having been vipered already and talked to her as if she was a cold-blooded serial killer. Then sent her by ambulance into Austin to an ortho hospital to brace the knee as well as possible. She was so intimidated by that first ER that when they asked her about it there, she told them that she had the one and done J sh0t. And the staff treated her like a human being with no further questions. Ofc, they’ll likely know better when she goes back, but if it was me, I’d say no, I didn’t lie...I am fully covered by the
      J—as in Jesus Christ.
      Anyway, she’s in for a tough decision as well as a rough time ahead.
      She’ll be dealing with a wheelchair for months
      to come and they say at least a year of rehab after that on top of her job situation.

      BUT GOD...hopefully He will be taking us Home before all of that and she will be ready for that much more so than she has been.🙏🙏🙏

    4. I always thought Render unto Caesar meant pay your taxes. I pay mine to stay out of jail and avoid other unpleasantness. I would never consider taking something into my body as rendering unto Caesar. That’s more like Caesar rendering unto me. Jesus never said Let Caesar render unto you.

      Sorry about your sister, Sheila B2.0 . That’s why I said not to break any bones or get sick, but accidents will happen. It seems when you’re really trying not to get injured is when it happens.

      I just envision myself at the hospital saying “No I didn’t get the death shot and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t shed your spike proteins all over me. Keep your sky high viral load to yourself.” At that point, security is called.

    5. My thoughts too AA - rightly dividing the word!

      And ditto Sheila re your sister, and love your answer 'once and for all J(esus) who took the nail (spike) for me'! I was giving a kids talk at church a couple of weeks ago and spoke about how one day we will get back to being so desperate for Jesus, that we will again re-find the gifts of the spirit that we have happily put away in a closet, and will see Jesus bring miraculous healings again. Hard place to be in for your sister, and we will pray for her!

    6. TY much and yeah...I always took it to be about paying our taxes as well. But even that is a disgusting, albeit necessary effort anymore as we’ve seen the extensive corruption play out there and they just print up all of the Monopoly money they want anyway.

      And LOL, AA. I would imagine they’d be calling Security on me, too. I’d have never made it out of that first ER experience without some kind of smackdown for somebody.🤦‍♀️

    7. I actually got a call from hospital security when I was desperately trying to get my mom into a good rehab after her surgery. I left a strong message for the woman that denied her. It turned out that the security guy was entirely sympathetic. He said “I know exactly where your emotions are at because my dad just passed away.” Oh, God bless that gentleman. We need more people like him at hospitals. He said “But with the way you’re acting now, I wouldn’t be able to let you in the hospital.” 🤣

  42. Are we about to witness the collapse of this whole WH Administration with so many dead Marines (at least 12 KIA) when they knew last night that this attack on the Kabul airport was coming? They are currently in hiding and the State Dept. has issued a notice that there will be no updates today. However the Pentagon is supposed to do a press release around 3pm. Prayers up for these military families
    and all of those murdered civilians. Another devastating day courtesy of the evil and intentional acts of this current
    NWO Admin.🙏🙏🙏

    1. Sheila B., Blessings.

      It appears, to me, designed to amplify the intensity & haste of the Second Coming. Several Second Comings, actually, although, not of Jesus. That's a bonus.

    2. Blessings, Brother and I’m assuming you are referring to the 2nd coming of one DJT as was announced at that rally. IDK...remains to be seen, but I do have a feeling it won’t just be JB going down by himself and not sure I want be here to see what rises up in their place. It’s all too grossly insane not be intentionally engineered. This hellish attack has literally happened at the “gates” of an “airport”, so just Praying the BOC will be getting outta here and pronto!🙏

    3. Or maybe the 2nd coming if “O”. Well B is supposed to be addressing the nation in the next hour or so.
      Perhaps he will be announcing a new “advisor” coming on board as Charlie’s link @INL indicated. That could also be about as expected as any other
      nefarious moves TPTB are making.🤷‍♀️

  43. Mitt Romney's 17 Year Old Nephew In Hospital From Blood Clots In Brain After Vaccine, Now His Dad Is Hospitalized For The Same Thing.

  44. Dr Bryan Ardis said the Crime and Death Corp is warning of a “polio-like outbreak” among children this fall.

  45. Prayer request please: Can you all please lift in prayer my daughter-in-law, Tabitha? She's an nurse in the neuro-trauma ICU and she did a home C test which was positive. She's going to test my son tonight. They have a 2 year old little girl. I would also covet your prayers for my husband and me as we had close contact with my son and our granddaughter. Thank you so much!

    1. Praying for your family, Lori!

    2. Yes, Lori S. Praying for you and family. Blessings to you.

    3. Lori...Praying for all of you, Sister🙏

    4. Blessings to you Lori, lifting you and your family in prayer.

      "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You."
      Psalm 56:3

  46. DailyCrow:

    “Absolutely staggering U.S. loss in #Kabul — the biggest in #Afghanistan since a helicopter crash in… March 2012.” “Outrage” After Biden Admin Provides Taliban With Names Of Americans, Afghan Allies To Evacuate. Biden will break his silence on Kabul airport carnage with 5pm address to the nation after two ISIS suicide bombers killed 12 US troops and 60 Afghans: Pentagon vows to hunt down terrorists and continue shambolic evacuation. Trump Releases Statement on “Savage Kabul Attack” that Killed American Marines; Pathetic Biden Remains in Hole for 7+ Hours, White House Completely Silent. Speaker Pelosi Jokes Around For 6 Minutes While Completely Ignoring the 12 US Servicemen Killed in Kabul Blasts. General McKenzie: US Relying on Taliban to Protect Us – After 12 US Servicemen Killed in Kabul Blasts.


  47. Ever curious or wonder about the 3 red stripes in the B slogan/ signage?

    We all know JB is just rolling out the welcome mat for the Chi nese and deliberately and very quickly bring down the house.

    Just a quick 4min clip

    The possibilities are endless

  48. Soooo…. Did anybody watch vice principal B?

    Curious as to everyone’s take on the below. I find curious the quote and the next few verses..

    “Those who have served through the ages have drawn inspiration from the Book of Isaiah, when the Lord says, “Whom shall I send…who shall go for us?” And the American military has been answering for a long time: “Here am I, Lord. Send me.” “Here I am. Send me.””

  49. Thanks Lyn!!!
    Much appreciated. So…Brother Chooch at TOL YouTube Channel has finally seen the ‘Pentecost’ Double-Count Light! Lol


    I think be has come out believing the Rapture though, is like in a Week. But someone has to tell him still about the Boaz and Ruth type that they got married ‘after the Summer Season Wheat Harvest’. But if it is this year, it sure is close and exciting.

    And perhaps it might coincide with all the Chatter about September 31/October 1 deadline for those needed to have the Injections for work (or else) and what is happening in Afghanistan. It’s sickening.
    Awhile back when I first started making Charts, 1 of the 1st was of the USA compared to Rome and how this Republic was the Tabernacle Republic.

    American is being ‘cannibalized’ from within like Rome. And like the Temple, the ‘Holy Temple’ was ‘desecrated’ and defiled, it had to come down, be destroyed… :(


      Had done a study, that have shared before but seems to be coming true…that the USA was designed, timed to last only 33 Sabbatical Cycles since the ‘Money Changers’ set up USA, Inc. and the Central Bank in 1792.

      - 2021 = year ’Zero’.
      - 1792 + 7 years (Sabbatical Cycle) x 33 = *230 years = 2022
      - Excluding end year. Thus, 33rd Sabbatical Cycle is from 2015-2021
      - From 1792 Coinage Act to 2015 Year of Light (2015-16) = 223 years (Skull & Bones 322)
      - 33rd Sabbatical Cycle started in 5776 (2015-16) then 1776 to 2015 = 239 years
      - 239/13 ‘steps’ of the ‘pyramid’ = 18 periods (6-6-6)


    Please watch this video. Those who want to decide on the vaccine.

  51. Surreal headlines at DailyCrow:

    Pfizer Scheme to Churn Out ‘Variant-Specific’ Vaccines Will Lead to More Variants, Experts Warn.

    Holocaust survivors send open letter to the MHRA demanding an end to the Covid-19 Vaccine roll-out because they are seeing another Holocaust unfold before their eyes.

    If you are facing forced vax from employer whatever you do don’t quit your job.

    Australia has Fallen – Covid-19 Concentration Camps being built in Australia in the name of Public Health.

    The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4: BLOCKCHAINED. Normalization of QR Codes To Access Your Data, Your DNA, and Your BODY.

    Top U.S. Naval Officer Says Navy Chaplains Are Blocking Religious Vaccine Exemption Requests.

  52. Hi friends. My sister in law is a nurse in Raleigh, NC and her hospital has mandated the v. She just had her religious exemption approved while some others at her workplace have had their rejected. She paid $29 at for a personalized religious exemption letter.

    Their website states

    “ THE HEALTHY AMERICAN exists to support and promote Civil Rights, Human Rights and God-Given Rights

    Our programs, products and services are designed to teach you about your rights and the laws that protect them so you will be equipped and empowered to defend your freedoms.”

    So maybe they know just how the exemption needs to be worded according to law? My SIL says it’s the best money she has ever spent...

    1. Good to know, Angel Marie. Sadly, “It’s my Constitutional right to refuse” should be enough. I have dealt with enough cubicle-dwelling, non-critical thinking HR rats to know it’s probably the arbitrary decision of one to deny your SIL’s coworkers and the arbitrary decision of another to grant hers. That’s why we have to pray for God’s Divine intervention every time. They should appeal their denials. No one said this will be easy.

    2. If letters included it might help. Horror story after horror story there.

    3. Azorean Tatum: 16-year-old Tennessee kid collapses at school, dies days later after receiving Pfizer (Comirnaty) mRNA injection (Yes, the new one that doesn’t have liability protection yet).

      Story at

    4. Checked out The Healthy American site--looks like the price went up to $59! I'll stick with my JDFarag free letter for now.
      As I wrote below (see HYPERLINK below), the Religious Exemption Letters might help us temporarily but something is soon coming--perhaps on 9/11!

  53. From the Covid blog:

    “ Pfizer killing children one at a time.

    We’ve covered enough of these stories to know exactly what happened here. Young Azorean developed post-injection blood clots in his heart and/or lungs and quickly succumbed. Sadly every story we cover about kids getting these lethal injections sound very similar. 13-year-old Jacob Clynick died three days after the Pfizer mRNA injection. His heart swelled up and stopped beating. Kamrynn Thomas, 16, developed blood clots “out of nowhere” and died 11 days after the Pfizer injection.

    We’re working with a client via COVID Legal USA doing research and editing for him in a divorce case. It revealed a phenomenon that this blogger previously could not fathom. The client’s 13-year-old daughter wants to get the Pfizer injection because all of her friends are getting it. The daughter feels animosity towards the father because he is fighting against the injections. The mother wants her daughter to receive the injections. In other words, Pfizer is the “cool thing” for kids to do in 2021. And that is scary.

    Parents must take unprecedented steps in these unprecedented times. No job is worth poisoning yourself with mRNA and viral vector DNA. Likewise, you must protect your children by any means necessary. Please do not let this happen to your family. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.”

  54. So, in our Advising Meeting Friday Check-ins, we are having Students come to us very distraught/concerned and hurt whose Professors, some of them have told them directly, ‘If you do not have the Injection, you should be considered Illegal’. It is that bad now of what those that for whatever reason will not or do not want the Injections will be seen as, treated as and eventually disposed as….

    We have in place on campus essentially a Vaccine Pass system based on colors Green, Yellow and Red. Students and Staff/Faculty cannot enter any building or access Services or Res Hall, Mess Halls without it. Some of us are still able to work from home...for now. It is a conditioning to ‘Show Papers Please’. And then ‘Show your Mark’ please…


  55. As we spiral downwards at increasing speed..

  56. LU is correct, of course, that soon our Religious Exemption Letters won't work. But that's ok:

    "Our Heavenly Father has been showering us with signs of the coming end of the world’s system as we know it from Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture to archaeological signs. This only fuels our excitement as we see the nearness of our meeting our Heavenly Bridegroom Jesus Christ in the air!

    Well, guess what archeological find was recently discovered. . ."

    9/11 and the Trojan Horse Sign


  57. Wow (and sad).

    An all-volunteer force of American VETS just saved hundreds of Afghan allies in the middle of the night via a secret op called the "Pineapple Express"

    The woke brass at the White House and Pentagon have zero clue what they are doing in Afghanistan, but that doesn't mean your average soldier has lost his fighting edge.

    A group of volunteer veterans literally flew to Afghanistan to help hundreds of Afghan allies escape the country before the Taliban could find and kill them.

    Waiting for Jesus to appear and take me through the streets where the hunt is coming, guiding me to the Flight777 lounge area.

    1. Charlie...your seat on Flight 777 is 100% secure!   When you finally make it to the lounge (after the "dark forces" fail in their attempt to hunt you down and Jesus shows you the way) there will be a nice cold frappy and some buffalo wings awaiting you.  Unless of course, Archangel arrives there first!    Cap't  Bob

  58. Looking like “Katrina 2.0” might be in the immediate offing as Hurricane Ida has just been forecasted to make landfall as a CAT 4 in the vicinity of New Orleans. The name “Ida”
    means “work or LABOR”.
    They say it’s going to be a big, powerful and widespread storm and have already ordered mandatory evacs. Prayers up for all in its path.

    1. And on approx. the same day as Katrina hit there 16 years ago on Aug.29, 2005.

  59. Over 32,000 People DEAD in Brazil Following COVID-19 Vaccines According to Official Media Report

    “ by Brian Shilhavy
    Editor, Health Impact News

    A Health Impact News reader from Brazil has alerted us to official media reports stating that during a 5-month period, over 32,000 people in Brazil have died following a COVID-19 injection.

    Currently in Brazil, the following vaccines are authorized for use: AstraZeneca/Oxford, Pfizer/BioNTech, Coronavac (also called Sinovac), J&J/Janssen, and Butanvac.

    The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb. It is so big, that ICANN has given its own domain: .uol.

    Despite these high amounts of deaths following vaccination, the report states:

    “Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease.”
    But even these cases of deaths following COVID-19 injections might be under-reported, as the country’s state news agency reported in July that in the small state of Distrito Federal, at least 711 died after taking the first experimental vaccine, while another 263 people died after taking two doses of the experimental vaccines. (Source.)

    Brazil’s state news agency reports:

    Vaccination does not prevent re-infection or the evolution to more serious conditions, including death. Therefore, the Health Secretary stressed the importance of keeping the prevention measures against the new coronavirus.

    “We are always alerting people to wear masks, wash their hands, use alcohol gel, and avoid crowds. Even if we are vaccinated, we can acquire the virus and have complications”, he declared.”

  60. Glenn Beck claims US State Dept. and Biden's White House are BLOCKING his efforts to rescue Afghan Christians from the Taliban who 'want to set them on fire'

    “ Conservative commentator Glenn Beck has claimed the US State Department is blocking his efforts to rescue Afghan Christians from the threat of being 'burned alive or crucified' by the Taliban.

    Beck said in an interview with Fox News on Thursday that the organization he supports, the Nazarene Fund, has flown 5,100 Christians and other refugees out of Afghanistan since it fell to the Taliban earlier this month.

    But he claimed that on Thursday morning, shortly before the deadly bombing outside the Kabul airport, the group had 500 Afghan Christians inside the airport ready to depart, only to have them ordered back outside the gates by officials.

    Beck said that he feared members of that group were among the scores killed in the suicide bomb attack that ripped through the crowd just outside one of the airport gates.

    'We believe that our State Department is directly responsible for what we believe were some of these people,' Beck told Fox News, 'I don't know how many survived.'

    'The State Department has blocked us every step of the way,' he continued.

    'The State Department and the White House have been the biggest problem,' he said, even as other countries tried to coordinate on the efforts.

    The number of Christians in Afghanistan is thought to be below 20,000, perhaps as low as 1,000, but is difficult to gauge because many practice their faith underground for fear of retribution.

    Proselytizing and conversion from Islam were already effectively banned in Afghanistan under the Western-backed national government, and the return of the Taliban brings the threat of more harsh treatment. “


    1. Does a real Christian rescue only Christians from Afghanistan?

    2. A “real Christian”? Not sure what you’re trying to convey, but Beck is a Mormon. Not sure how many Mormons are there, but does the Taliban want to burn alive or crucify anyone who’s not a Christian in your experience?

  61. Hi All, I have been following this site & Unsealed for 4.5yrs, this is msg first comment. I want to thank all of you for your informative posts, I have leant so much & im ever so grateful for all of you. I’m now at a crossroads - my church is about to mandate if you don’t have a green card, you can’t come to church. My husband had said if you don’t get the viper our marriage is over, the leaders of the church said it’s ok, so why are you not taking it? I have tried to explain & I’ve been told it’s all mental health & made up stuff. It’s just a matter of time before my job mandates the viper. I’m standing my ground, so I’m about to lose my wonderful husband & our beautiful life & home. I’m finding it so hard, I know it’s a crossroads for everyone. You are all in my prayers, can you please pray for me too. With love

    1. Birgit, Blessings. Thank you for speaking up and sharing your situation with us. Our spiritual juice here comes from our fellowship, In Christ. You can know that, right now, many thousands of born-again brothers and sisters in Christ are praying for everyone in such situations and now we add our prayers to theirs for you.

      I praise you most highly for your actions, nay, I Praise Him Who Is Able, Who Indwells You And Who Upholds You As You Go Forwards: Jesus The Messiah, amen.

      Many thoughts & much Scripture spring to the lips to encourage, to comfort, to give context, however, I will not burden you with what you already know well. Rather, as you and many others 'count the cost' of Following Our Lord, I remind us all Of His Words Which Included The Woman Who Bore His Flesh Into The World, And Which Clearly Speak To And Affirms Your Stance with those so close:

      46 While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. 48 But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” MATT 12 ESV 46-50


    2. Dear sister, I am so sorry that you are put in this position. I will be praying for you!

    3. Standing with you. Praying with you, sister.

      May the words of the apostle Paul encourage and strengthen your heart:

      "At my first defense, no one stood with me, but everyone deserted me. May it not be charged against them. But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message would be fully proclaimed, and all the Gentiles would hear it. So I was delivered from the mouth of the lion. And the Lord will rescue me from every evil action and bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen" (2 Tim. 4:16-18).

    4. Praying for you Birgit - I honestly am flabbergasted that your husband, who promised (Im assuming) in his marriage vows to stay with you 'in sickness and health' is now placing vaccination as a condition of remaining married!!! Its 'easy' to say leave the church etc if they won't receive you; but your husband. My heart breaks for you.

    5. I pray for you and your husband! God has the situation in hand. And he takes the world in his hands. Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    6. In prayer, Birgit!

      “and the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.”
      ‭‭(Isaiah‬ ‭58:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

    7. Blessing, heart is aching for you and my prayers are with you, Sister.

      The Scripture that Jeff cited above speaks of so many if not most of us. Our Lord knew then we would all be right here, right now. And it’s not that we are the ones choosing to reject those whom we love even as they’ve chosen to reject us. We are not the ones who are wandering away from our faith and trust in Almighty God. We are not the ones shoving our light under the proverbial basket. And we are still right there for them if they are only willing to hear us...for the moment, anyway, because very soon we may well be praying for them from afar.

      I’m really beginning to see this is not about whether or not one has taken this viper under duress at this point before the Rapture, but about a whether or not one allows the fear of that duress to rule in their hearts in regards to how they will treat those who’ve chosen to reject it. I believe that has become a test of faith in this critical moment and it will be a true witness of who we all really are and whom it is we really serve...not their toxic potion...our God can shield us from those effects if need be. But a hardened heart is another matter.

      And any “church” who would participate in such a lack of faith toward God’s ability to care for His own people has linked ecumenical arms with the kingdoms of this world system and hardened their own hearts, imo.

      So keep praying, keep your own heart warm, trusting continually in our Lord’s Provision, Sister and I’m gonna be praying for your husband in particular to “see the Light”, Amen! 😊🙏

    8. What a time of testing this is turning out to be for each and every one of us. For me, the j#b is the ultimate non starter for so many reasons. The possibility of dying or ending up on life support due to a massive stroke is far scarier than any possibility of job loss could ever be. Even worse would be compromising my relationship with the Lord due to the spiritual implications of the j#b. There’s no consequence that’s worse than losing my God-given DNA. God must come first. Once that decision is made, the rest will fall into place.

      Birgit, blessings to you. Trust God above all else.

    9. Blessings Birgit, joining everyone in prayer for you. Ryan said it best- absolutely flabbergasted at what you are facing. I pray you find comfort in knowing you have a band of brothers and sisters lifting you up in prayer to our Great High Priest. Please keep us posted.

      "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me!
      For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings
      I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by.
      I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things
      for me.
      He shall send from heaven and save me;
      He reproaches the one who would swallow me up. Selah
      God shall send forth His mercy and His truth."
      Psalm 57:1-3

  62. I SO appreciate the encouragement all the Rev12 Fam wrote to Birgit for it edifies us all! Birgit, how can I add to that except to add my prayers and share how near we are to going Home:

    SHEILA wrote above--

    "I’m really beginning to see this is not about whether or not one has taken this viper under duress at this point before the Rapture, but about a whether or not one allows the fear of that duress to rule in their hearts in regards to how they will treat those who’ve chosen to reject it. I believe that has become a test of faith in this critical moment and it will be a true witness of who we all really are and whom it is we really serve..."

    WARN THEM, LYN, WARN THEM--is what I believe the Holy Spirit prodded me with to write my newest article. As Sheila said--we have entered a test of faith and it is only going to get more intense in SEPTEMBER.


    Remember how someone in the Rev12Fam told us about Former Biden White House Sr Advisor for COVID Response Andy Slavitt tweeting "Wait until 3.5 weeks"? Well, it's looking like perhaps Biden will announce a Hom3l@nd Security Card (America's version of the Gr33n P@ss) in September. 9/11?

    9/11 and the Trojan Horse Sign

    We are hitching our horses and wagons up and heading for the wilderness, so Jesus will be showing up any time now! Like Birgit, let's continue to STAND and having done all STAND!

  63. Has anyone else seen this? From Daily Crow, an article from Dave Hodges Common Sense Show-

    Unparalleled Levels of Tyranny Coming to America From Soon-to-be Released Government Policies Regard the Fate of the Unvaxed


    One of my long-term sources and a colleague met with me in person. They permitted me to view and take notes about documents that are soon going to be codified into administrative law. There is nothing really surprising here. However, it is just shocking that the day of complete tyranny has finally arrived. Here is a partial report on what I have learned.

    Homeland security cards, indicating vaccine status, are coming to America. Although it is not YET injected into your forehead or hand, it is a definitive move towards the Mark of the Beast.

    I have learned from unnamed federal government sources (2) that the compliance rate will be 100%. These cards will be used for enforcement following areas:

    Scanning the card to your phone to use in a public QR reader will ultimately be the way that vaccinated status is checked and it can double as contact tracing for covid or whatever the variant flavor of the week is.
    Boarding an airplane.
    Taking any kind of public transportation (mask included).
    Buying groceries.
    Entering any public or private store.
    Going into federal, state and local office for any reason.
    HR 1 and SB 1 will be amended to include the right to vote. There will be a grace period for illegals which will allow them to vote in 2022 and 2024.
    All participants in day care- through post graduate education will be required to show their papers.
    No driver’s license will be issued or renewed without proof.
    Eventually, public utilities will be made unavailable without your documentation.
    No medical service will be available to any resister.
    Emergency healthcare will be withheld without the documentation.
    Compliance will be a prerequisite to obtaining or refilling prescriptions.
    No marriage licenses will be granted unless both people are fully vaccinated.
    No business license will be provided to unvaxxed people.
    Homeschooling will soon be outlawed.
    Third party acquisition of health supplements, prescriptions and groceries will be criminalized.
    DUI-style roadblocks will be implemented. Each person in a car must be vaccinated, confirmed by a handheld device, or the owner’s car will be impounded and sold at auction in order to cover the enforcement fees. Vaccines will be made available after scanning the passengers and driver. Following refusal, any unvaccinated person will be sent to an isolation camp along with the driver. (Note: These roadblocks were rehearsed in Colorado both on !-70 and I-25 through a joint training exercise with the Colorado State Patrol and DHS. This was during the H1N1 scare in 2009. In the drill men, women and children boarded different busses, presumably to go to different containment facilities).
    State-run CPS’ will be used to separate families based upon child endangerment statutes. Vaccine status will be the ultimate driver of an action to remove a child from a parent.
    Possession of firearms will be equated with being a vaccine resister. Any personal possession, or transport, of firearms will be expressly forbidden. There was nothing in the document regarding outright gun confiscation, but everything else is forbidden.

    There are 30 other items, but the reader can clearly see that the ability to buy, sell or trade is blocked. There will be no exemptions, medical or religious. Citizens can arbitrarily be stopped on the street and asked for their proof of taking the jab. Anyone caught in public without the proper permission will be sent for testing and positive tests result in being sent to an isolation camp. Their actions will legally considered to be one step below manslaughter and mandatory sentencing will be demanded for repeat offenders."

    More at the article...

    My feet feel the waters of the Red Sea lapping around them. -Vicki


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.