A Crown Was Given To Him....
And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.I know we all have a lot of notions regarding the seals in the Book of Revelation. We have been thought so many things for so long, that we have an immediate aversion to new ideas. It was that exact mental trap that caught so many people with the Rev 12 Sign. They did not want to look at the constellations. They thought anything written in Chapter 12 must happen in the middle of the tribulation. But we have learned a lot the last few years, and striving to have an open mind to ideas of how Revelation COULD be fulfilled should be one of those things we have learned.
Rev 6:2
I am reminded of something the late Daniel Matson once said to me... We were talking about prophecy, and balancing that with everyday family life. And he said something really profund and I loved it because it was so humble... He said something along the lines of this... "For alot of this prophecy stuff, we won't know if we are right until until the moment we are actually being raptured."
Dan's point was this... we can study and project and calculate all we want (and we agreed that is a good thing to do) but we have to keep in mind that until it actually happens, it is foolish to be dogmatic about most of it.
I am not saying to open the flood gates here, a lot of what we know is pretty settled and clear... But I for one am not one to dismiss ideas on the interpretations of the Seals. And the one I will spell out for you below really caught my eye as an interesting possibility.
First off, credit must be given to Charlie for sharing the link to the 11:11 Sign Youtube Channel in the comments area of the previous post. There was a small discussion there, but I didn't see anyone dive into this Sagittarius interpretation he gets into at around the 17 min mark (the video is shared bat the bottom of this post). Here is the interpretation/idea in a nut shell.
1. Ancient cultures would have understood the 1st Seal would have something to do with a an ancient deity having to do with a plague.
2. An ECLIPSE happened at the begging of the CV Plague in December of 2019.
3. This Eclipse looked like a crown.
4. Corona means crown, and the virus looks like a crown.
5. The crown eclipse took place in a major constellation with a striking resemblance to the horseman described in the 1st seal.
6. Rev 6:2 states a crown was given to him, the corona eclipse took place very near the head of the Sagittarius constellation, which of course is a rider on a horse with a bow.
7. The powers that be have used this plague to try change and conquer the world.
Read the passage again at the top of this post, I think you will agree that all those points match Rev 6:2 in a very startling way
To me, this pattern follows very closely the pattern of the Rev12 Sign and how the constellations unlocked the meanings encoded in Revelation. The same pattern was used on the star of Bethlehem by the magi. And all I am saying, it would not be wise of us to dismiss this alignment either and should study it further with an open mind, just as the man in the video urges us to do....
Here is the video, it starts at the point (17 min mark) where he begins talking about this. Please let me know your thoughts...
Brad, I was reading a Comment left by Ozark/Tony at one of my older articles when I noticed you had posted a new article. Guess what Ozark's Comment was about? The opening of the Seals and the timing of the Rapture!
ReplyDeleteIn 2017 I wrote an article, posted it, then took it down because my eschatology had changed after reading Dr. Robert D. Luginbill’s article, “The Heavenly Prelude to the Tribulation” wherein he shares his belief that the Seals are a synopsis of the entire 70th Week of Daniel.
Because of your new post, you've got me wondering now if I should have left that article up? I feel led to share an excerpt from my August 2017 article that I took down that contains the link to a video by Steve Cioccolanti that we can also watch and "chew on" along with the video you and Charlie have provided:
"7 Seals NOT Part of Tribulation
Wasn’t I surprised when shortly after I prayed, I came across Steve Cioccolanti’s video The Most Logical Timeline of Revelation
. Most Christians categorize the Seven Seals as occurring within The Tribulation period. Steve proposes that the Seven Seals are NOT part of the seven-year Tribulation but that they match the Pre-Tribulation Signs Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 and Luke 21!"
Thanks, Brother, for keeping us on our toes🥰
Lyn, haven't followed your links above yet, but if I am catching your drift correctly--that the seals represent, metaphorically with a literal enactment/parallel, throughout the entire Tribulation, then that opens up more avenues of thought to consider. Thanks for sharing! judi
DeleteI had also jumped down this rabbit hole a while back. Daniel11truth.com has extensive study and consideration into the theory of the Seals being played out prior to the rapture with Seal 6 being the rapture itself. I have gone back and forth on the theory. Unsealed did an article in the last year that had be teetering back to the seals being opened after the rapture. So I am unsure really; but it is an interesting idea.
Deleteand to the above video/article- it just rang out "signs in the sun moon and stars" to me. Like a neon flashing sign, the time is now!
additionally, if that is the case, then the full moon on 9/23 looks very interesting
DeleteVery intersting thoughts, Brad, thank you for posting this. I confess I hadn't watched this video from the previous thread--I don't watch many videos as I prefer to read information: much faster than listening, and easier to go back an review key points. Does the concept raised make Scriptural sense? I agree with him that there is a liklihood it could. We know that things are rarely as they seem and God is both literal and metaphorical (in this case anthropomorphic?) in information He gives us. This feels like a zoom out from the literal (rider on the white horse is an actual person) to the metaphorical. Is this accurate, I don't know but I find it an interesting possibility. And heaven knows, with all that is going on worldwide today, and the rapidity with which events are happening, the connections are very likely to be much more complex than we can see. Who of us knows if we can even believe much of what we find as "news" on the Internet anymore--even from trusted sources. That is not to discredit or dismiss those sources, rather it is very difficult to verify, for them or us, all that is put out there as "true." Thanks for giving us more to think about. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of validity to this.
ReplyDeleteHi again, all, sorry to take up more real estate here, but I just want to share some thoughts I've had about the entire cv/vx/plndmc we are experiencing. I don't remember how I learned of the R12 sign in 2017--I think from a Christian fiction author whose blog I read posted about it. But the point is what we are seeing now--the big picture--is a huge reason we should all study/be interested in Bible prophecy. I know Christians that say they don't care, can't do anything about it anyway, know one knows, we've been waiting forever, etc. My own son, with high school and college age kids he still has to plan to provide for, said, "Mom, I don't want to hear it." Fortunately, he does listen about the vx and all the other nonsense going on. My point is this. If I hadn't been a prophecy watcher, I would be as ignorant of most of my famiy and friends about the big picture of what's going on in the world and the dangers of the medical treatments we are being forced to take. It is because of sites like this one that I have learned what's in the vxs. Thank you all for the information you post. We all by this point can list a number of scientific reasons to refuse the jab. But the two most important reasons for me are the use of aborted fetal cells and the genetic engineering that defiles the Temple of the Holy Spirit. I don't want to stand before God and explain why I thought man's remedy that interfere's with God's creation (our DNA) was a valid thing to do. I do not mean to criticize anyone who has already taken the shot for whatever reason. Please don't think that. Back in the beginning we didn't know what we were dealing with and we didn't know the nature of the vccns. Even now, if one makes the hard choice to get it because of family responsibilities, God knows. It is not a salvation issue. But my overall point is that it was the interest in Bible Prophecy than even educated me to the dangers and risks involved. Gives legitimacy to why Jesus told us to be watchmen.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Hmewrdbd
Deleteand I was listening to a message this morning where the point was made that by watching the events going on around us, we know WHAT is happening and by studying Bible prophecy, we know WHY it’s happening.
So as hard as it is sometimes, we as watchmen/women can stand ready with some answers when the reality of this situation finally hits home and it will. My younger daughter who has not been vipered was confronted about it at work today as to why not. She explained her reasons and was not further pressured.
At least not for the moment. The person who had to ask her told her ‘off the record’ that her pregnant daughter is refusing to do it as well because her otherwise healthy 22 yr old friend had taken it, then passed away within 48 hours from blood clots. My daughter doesn’t want to take it, but up til now she thought I was being too extreme and over-hyping the risks and the agenda involved. Not so much now. For her, being able to provide for her family was the bigger priority if push came to shove, but after today she’s at least considering the fact that dead people don’t make it to work, either.
So mom’s not quite as crazy sounding today as I was yesterday. I told her again that if it comes down to a no choice situation to just pack those kids up, come home and we’ll all manage together until the Lord comes for us. And I didn’t get the usual “That’s never gonna happen, Mom” dismissal this time.
So we just keep praying, keep preaching and trusting our Lord to open eyes, ears and hearts as to the lateness of the hour. 🙏🙏🙏
I’ve been wondering where the specific clue is in the Bible that points to the CV since it seems to be an immensely prophetic sign.
ReplyDeleteI am the "Stan" that the guy doing the talking whose name is also Stan,, was referred to in that video. I have posted more detail than he had did not have time to elaborate on in his video.
ReplyDeleteI would be happy to add more gold nuggets to what he highlighted around the 19 minute mark in his video...if there is interest. This is one of my rabbit holes that delivered a gold nugget.
I am totally convinced for additional other reasons that the rider on the first seal is galloping to conquer, and is conquering....the severity will unfold before the worlds eyes as it will segue into seal 2 the red horse of war, and on to the financial collapse and famine that the rider of the black horse brings.....
but then comes the rider on the pale horse with his demon companions from hell ....
Very interesting to me how Revelation 6:8 ends with...."And power was given unto THEM over the fourth part of the earth,.....
Time out...I used
to think the "THEM" was the rider on the pale horse and hell that followed him....but in my opinion....it goes on to explain how each of the four horses together do the accumulative death of 1/4 the earth........please continue with verse 8......
. .. to kill with SWORD(seal 2), and with HUNGER(seal 3), and with PESTILENCE (seal 1), and with the BEASTS(seal 4..the hell coming out)...and also could be the micro beasts of the covid and its jab..seal 1also....
I have never read or heard this version anywhere, but I am sure others have caught that.
But, in my opinion...the red horse has been riding on a less visible mode since this covid was released on the world.
Matthew 24:6...makes an interesting comment..."and ye shall hear of wars and "RUMORS" of wars.."
Time out again...
RUMORS is in my mind more of a "clandestine" secretivly talked about war...all we have heard are RUMORS of who started this covid, and where did it start. Actual bombs of war are seen and felt and felt when they blow up. This covid with its killer jab is still RUMORS of war....many say no...that is conspiracy nut cases saying that,
but many of us believe it is indeed by design and being delivered as an act of war....
It wont be a RUMOR when millions start dying from the jab in the next couple years.
Scriptures are so clearly unfolding, and I totally expect Christian's will see these four seals bring on the AC....and then we have 3.5 years.
I would love to be out of here, but my studies say otherwise.
These 4 seals could all unfold in a matter of months, but I feel prophesy is likened to it be written out on a large rubber band, that keeps its message in chronological order, but prayers can stretch out its fulfillment longer if its God's will.
Time will tell.
Thank you Brad! So many stuff in these very days! And now the new Vid of Gary and Jeff! Trying to read and watch all of this. We are living in the very last moments, Fam! Really! See you all then!
ReplyDeleteMore really good stuff, thanks! Lots below the fold on the last thread everyone should make sure to go see it, too. That the Rev12 sign is in the heavens above us for a witness seems a TYPE & Clue that other such figures in Revelation be found likewise with likely multiple layers/meanings as well.
ReplyDeleteOne thing which is always a bee in the bonnet in this section is the Rider having only a bow, no arrows, with so many rabbit trails there. In taking in this new thread I heard, in my spirit, "Oh, he has arrows. He has been working on them a very long time. Until he got his Crown (Corona), however, he didn't have his bow. He does, now."
Quick PSR: In the last few days Our Scout was able to sense himself rubbing the bottoms of his feet and could tell where the sensation was coming from and, yesterday, was pinching his thigh 4" below his line of paralysis and it HURT!! Watching him on the bars, today, and some things he showed me in re coming up, still bent over, out of a controlled squat, wow. If he is to stand up within days of our going up, as seen in his dreams, consistently, I am testifying that, from what I saw, and with the continuing unlocks going on in his daily workouts, Our Scout seems likely to be able to hold a stance within no more than weeks, if not days.
Praying for Scout and for you always, this is also the sign for complete recovery of us very soon, these weeks or days. I hope also for my recovery, these days are hard for me. Maranatha!
Delete“Yay!!!” You Go, Scout!
DeleteRE: ‘923’
ReplyDeleteVideo from Shaking My Head Productions
Operation Resurrect Osiris - Some Assembly Required!
Loving the Debra Snipes song “Seek Jesus.” Relentlessly inspiring and sure put a smile on my face😀.
DeleteSo all that TW Tramm information becomes null if this man's teaching is correct. Those of you who think the Rapture is soon, as I think most of the folks above this post do, are now a good bit off, or way off for that matter. GOD said we are not appointed for wrath and when Jesus opens the seals it sure appears like wrath. I think this gentleman is teaching a form of pre-wrath. If you believe the seals are not the wrath of GOD then I guess this man's teaching fits you. I thought TW Tramm's work, just a few articles back, was very convincing for a 2021 Rapture. This teaching is certainly no 2021 Rapture. The 24 Elders are present before the seals are opened. I take that to represent the BOC. Gary from Unsealed did an excellent teaching about that and it comports with TW Tramm's recent work for a summer 2021 Rapture Harvest.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, LookingUP! and I’m with you. But I guess if one cannot see the Rapture of the BOC represented in Rev.4-5, then it can go all sorts of ways. But if one does go with John’s experience being a picture of the Harpazo, then we are out of here before those Seals are opened based on Rev.5:9. Ofc, I’m an Occam’s Razor literalist type who believes the simplest explanation is usually the right one, but I guess that just makes it too easy for some people to accept. I like easy though... especially when it helps everything else to make perfect sense...at least to me, anyway.😊🙏
DeleteBlessings and definitely Looking UP!
Yeah in the end, 'time will tell' (spoken before a thousand times). If we are still here post 2021 summer (no comment from Stan or I), we can all come back to here a little more on the pre-wrath and intra-seal and pre-bowl perspectives...because we have been so kind to you...:)
Deleteforgot to add, all that to note that one of my close friends mums Facebook messaged me the other night with an "I don't know who to tell this, but I had a really unusual rapture dream last night. Have you heard of anything like that? It was really amazing".
DeleteThat’s awesome about the Rapture dream, Ryan. Maybe she’ll give you permission to share it.
DeleteAnd yes, time will surely tell, but I’d still have to see those Two Witnesses before I started fretting about going Tribulational, whether it be this year or the next. And I readily admit that you have always shown kind patience in that regard, Brother.😊
Much Blessings!🙏
Just to be clear, unless there is a pause of some sort, I believe things are moving far too fast to get in another year of the Grace Age Gospel mission. Just reading Ps.121:6-8 KJV again and feel it speaking to me about this year of 2021.
Delete“The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”
Just a thought and not being dogmatic at all, but I also find verses Ps.121:3-4 KJV interesting in that it speaks to “thee” in v.3 and then to “Israel” in v.4 as if perhaps to express a sequential order.🤔
And Psalm 128 sure sounds like a picture of the onset of the Millennial Reign, which if this IS the year, that would fit nicely with Ps.121 as a picture of of a pre-Trib Rapture 7 years prior.😊🙏
DeleteIn case you missed it, our fellow watchman, Scottie Clarke (remember him?), just released a video several hours ago. He hasn't done a video in awhile and he explains why. As you'll see, he's in a desperate situation and needs financial help right now. Rather than go into specific details, check out his latest video:
I readily admit that I don't fully understand how he got into this situation and I pray that it's legitimate...but please consider helping our Brother Scottie as he desparately needs our help. Thanks.
My hubby and I began watching Scottie's video. Halfway through I stopped it, took Tom's hand, and we both prayed for him. We just need to be led by the Holy Spirit on this as in all things.
DeleteThis is also what Mark Davidson has been teaching for a while, however he believes the first horseman of Rev 6 was Saddam Hussain...also believes the four horseman align with the four beasts of Daniel 7, however that's a longer story. They are watching Iran very closely in this regard, and I have spoken ad nauseam about an Islamic AC etc...interesting video content however from 11:11!
ReplyDeleteYes, Seal 1 was opened on 12/26/19. And the Revelation 12:1-2 sign was seen on 09/23/17. The events of Revelation have begun. The rapture is at the 6th Seal.
ReplyDeleteRevelation Outline
I. Introduction
II. Letters to the 7 Churches (Instructions for believers during the Seals. The first letter gives instructions for believers during Seal 1, second letter - Seal 2, and so on.)
III. First Vision
IV. Second Vision (retelling of the First Vision)
V. Third Vision
3 Visions
First Vision: Revelation 4-11
Second Vision: Revelation 12-15:5
Third Vision: Revelation 15:6-22:6
The First and Second Vision are of the same events. The First Vision is straight forward — it looks at the events and takes place in Heaven. The Second Vision is a retelling of what took place in the First Vision — it discusses the various characters involved and the purposes in these events. The First and Second Vision begin with a different introduction — Throne Room in the First Vision, and the Woman and the Dragon in the Second Vision. The opening of the temple of God in Heaven ends both the First and Second vision.
Revelation 17-18 are a flashback to the destruction of Babylon. This occurs earlier in the First and Second Vision.
China Will Stun The World By Launching A Digital Gold-Backed Currency At The Start Of 2022
RE: A Drudge Report Rapture?
ReplyDeleteThe review of the Revelation 12 Saga by Gary and Jeff from Unsealed.org was really good. Then Gary posted how he noticed the Drudge Report had some ‘clues’ to spot the Rapture with words and pictures. One must say that the imagery and storyline or in this case, the ‘Headlines’, of this particular day that has made history is striking. As I went over the post from Gary, to me, there just seems to there more than meets the eye as they say.
I did a write-up about it as the correlations to the Rapture from this particular day was singular as never before seen in my estimation of the Drudge Report. There was the ‘Departure’ of the ‘Last American Soldier’ that was highlighted. Then ‘The End’. ‘The ‘Secret Flight’. The ‘Hundreds Left Behind’. What? No doubt, August 30, 2021 will be a date for the History books. It is the 232nd day of the year with 123 days remaining.
As far as Signs go, the Revelation 12 one? And all this discussion of how the book of Revelation events/sequences pans-out? For sure a lot of interpretations. And as Brad said, one should have an Open Mind. As one sees it and interprets it, the Seals have not been broken. Revelation has not started. If so, who is the AntiChrist that then should be clearly, without a doubt be ‘revealed’ and known then by now?
And this after the Rapture. So, who were the Raptured that already took place? I guess we missed it after all and we all are the ‘Left Behind’ then. And we suffer the Wrath as the Seals initiate the Wrath of the Lamb? No, the Bride of Christ will be the ‘Witness’ in Court in Session after the Bema Seat of Christ Review. We will see with our own eyes then Jesus take the Scroll and start to break the Seals.
What a Day that will be also.
The Bride has to also ‘face her Accuser’ and the Scroll, opened by Jesus is the verdict, sentencing of Lucifer to then be cast out forever from being the Accuser of the Brethren. It is at the Chapter 12 marker that the casting-down of Lucifer from having access to this Judicial Court occurs.
In studying Prophecy and typologies, there are certain rules one has to go by. We cannot mix and match the context of what pertains to the Church Age and what falls under the domain of National Israel. Or one gets confused and/or convoluted in interpretations. In terms of typologies, the actual ‘Event’ in question can cast its ‘Prophetic Shadow’ backwards as in the Revelation 12 Sign or forwards as the Calling-Up of John.
#544 A Drudge Rapture?
Point is that although the Revelation 12 Sign is day specific to the 1260th Day and deals with Israel fleeing thereafter and there is a subsequent ‘Rapture’ also, the 4th one of the 7, which is the ‘middle one’, its ‘shadow’ was cast back as a precursor for the Church as a Sign of the coming Rapture in 2017. This is especially true of the book of Revelation, which is Jewish for the most part in its imagery and application.
DeleteIf one does ascribe the Rapture of the Bride as seen in the typology of John in Chapter 4, then everything else falls in line thereafter. Many say the Rapture is in Seal 6. There is a ‘Translation’ here as mentioned before, but this is the 2nd of 7 such occurrences. This one specifically pertains to the Raptured Martyrs out of Great Tribulation and as a direct result of the Evangelistic work of the 144k.
There is ‘instruction’ to the Saints, but anything before chapter 4 is for the Saints of the present Church Age that is about to close, to ‘End’ as the Drudge Report alluded to by Gary’s observation. All instruction thereafter is not to the Church Age Saints, but the Tribulation Ones. Again, as one sees it, the Revelation sequences after Chapter 4 is wholly the transactions of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years, totally Jewish in nature, context, imagery and outcome.
If one has this context and perimeter in mind, it might help to delineate the ‘Bodies’ and the book of Revelation sequences. Have in mind the ‘Shemitah’ or that Jewish reckoning of Time that goes by periods of 7-years, etc. And if so, then there is no overlap as some believe the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls are a rehashing of the same events. They could be but one is not convinced of that just yet. And as said by other, yes, Ryan has been very gracious with us on such matters. Much appreciated and I hope we have been reciprocating here in kind. :)
Chart: Drudge Rapture
#544 A Drudge Rapture?
Lu...excellent article and graphics, as usual! Using my copy function skills you state the following:
Delete"This means that from September 23rd, (9-23) until the actual Feast of Trumpets in October, a month away, is the ‘Rapture Window’ based on a Wedding Deferred typology is when it could or would occur. One could be wrong, of course."
Since September 7th is the date generally recognized as the start of the Feast of Trumpets, can we infer by the above statement that you believe the calendar is off by 1 month and that the true Feast of Trumpets is actually on October 7th and the Rapture Window you're anticipating is from 9/23 to 10/7? I believe that's what you're saying, but just want to clarify. I totally agree that if the Rapture is to happen in 2021 it has to happen before the start of the Fall Feasts.
Re that "Secret Flight" taking the Bride to safety...maybe we should all be a bit more "discreet" when talking about Flight 777! Cap't Bob
Bones (co-pilot): "I know nothing"!!! Lol!
Hey Bob,
DeleteYes, can you believe it? Yes, saying without saying it but saying it. Lol It is what I see from my vantage point, so can only share accordingly. And this based on the Boaz and Ruth scenario already mentioned that perhaps is an overlooked detail…a ‘Wedding Date Deferred’. And right after the Summer Season that ends on September 22.
But yes, as I was going over the correlations, was thinking of our Rev 12 Daily Motif we also got going of Spirit Airlines Flight 777 and of course our very own Captain Bob! But I wanted to not take away from Gary’s observation. For sure, might as well…they should had spray-pointed ‘Spirit Airline 777’ across that last C-17 taking off.
But this small ‘window of time’ remaining for me, will be the last for this year or it will be a ‘Bust’ for me in regard to the Rapture possibly being this year, but the LORD could surprise me. And I am fine with that! Lol But as many have noticed and commented, even the Political Pundits are amazing at the timing of what just happened in Afghanistan. And the Prophetic Symbology is off the ‘charts’, no pun intended.
One thinks that perhaps as the event and timing was ‘orchestrated’, it was a communique that the Forces of Evil are eager to take over and are signaling the inevitable. As a possible acknowledgment in geo-political terms of what will soon occur spiritually. And to put on notice their Evil Forces that they are about to be mobilized to take over once the Restrainer is set aside no? Makes perfect sense to me.
But I better watch what I post or say as they are murdering/taking-out those that are visible and vocal out in front. Luckily, I am just a ‘small fry’. But this is a good place to say, ‘I will never take one’s own life’! I am in good psychological state of mind and would hurt no one. I do not believe in violence to oneself and/or others… Seriously.
Aye Aye,
Captain My Captain
Thank you Lu! As usual it's excellent!
DeleteDon’t forget Hurricane Ida flooding as another sign.
DeleteLast plane left at midnight..
DeleteAA...wouldn't that be something if our "Secret Flight" (Flight 777) departed exactly at midnight on 9/23... exactly 4 years from the Rev12 Sign! How fitting would that be! In the meantime, we must continue to resist, stay strong and never bow down!
DeleteAbsolutely, Bobby Z! Very exciting time. ✈️✈️✈️😺😺😺😺. My first ever pet cat Tiger flew up on the plane when we moved to NY. He did fine. Only threw up once.
DeleteLooking UP! you wrote "GOD said we are not appointed for wrath and when Jesus opens the seals it sure appears like wrath."
ReplyDeleteIt is absolutely the truth, of course, that WE ARE SAVED FROM WRATH! WHEN "wrath" begins has been contested by scholars for years. It is first mentioned at the opening of SEAL 6, so some say this is when WRATH BEGINS. I have some questions, like you do, about SEALS 1-5 sounding like WRATH but will share them in a separate Comment.
I believe it is Brad's intention in introducing this info to us to be prepared in our hearts for WHAT GOD'S PLAN is according to the Scriptures. We have seen the BEGINNING OF SORROWS for the TRIBULATION/LABOR as we also see signs of OUR BIRTH AS THE MANCHILD.
In past times I thought we as the Man Child had already entered TRANSITION, however, TRANSITION IS THE WILD RIDE God warned us about. It truly will be like the first time we got on a roller coaster (or at least like MY first time). I screamed in terror the whole time but as soon as I was safely at a standstill, I wanted to ride it again!
I highly doubt any of us will want to do this ride again, but whatever WILD RIDE the Lord has in store for us, He knew we would be here for it and is counting on us to shine as lights for the short time we have left. TRANSITION in the birth process IS SHORT! VERY SHORT and VERY DIFFICULT!
Concluding paragraph from GET READY FOR A WILD RIDE!
"This is what I believe the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to His people--Buckle up (Ephesians 6:11) and hold on tight (Psalm 73:28)! And don’t be afraid (2 Timothy 1:7; Isaiah 41:10) for this wild ride will culminate in a wild escape!"
The thought just occurred to me, as a breastfeeding, female woman who has given birth to a girl and a boy, I knew what transition felt like for me. I have no idea what it felt like for the children and I have no recollection not my own birth. Just a thought, no idea if it has any relevance. :)
DeleteIn my perspective, Sheila is right that there doesn't seem to be much TIME left:
Delete"Unless there is a pause of some sort, I believe things are moving far too fast to get in another year of the Grace Age Gospel mission."
I am NOT YET convinced either way regarding whether the SEALS are opened or not. So if y'all will allow me, I just want to think out loud with you, my Rev12 Family--
I watched Steve's video again (link in very 1st Comment above) and at the 21-minute mark, when he said "JUDGMENT" something clicked in my brain.
WHAT IF the 7 Seals are when JUDGMENT at LEVEL 1 BEGINS. Then the 7 Trumpets are JUDGMENT at LEVEL 2 followed by the 7 Bowls at LEVEL 3/The GREAT Tribulation Period? (It is my understanding that JUDGMENT does NOT equal WRATH--See "New York, Chicago, L.A.")
WHAT IF the 4 Horsemen are only BEGINNING their ride at this point.
This is the only explanation (IF THE SEALS ARE BREAKING NOW) for the WRATH-LIKE EVENTS listed in the opening of the Seals. Would God keep us here on earth as 2 billion people die as a result of the release of the 4 Horsemen? I sure hope not!
Another example is the 2ND SEAL--Red Horse--WAR
Will we see only the BEGINNING of the Red Horse's Ride by way of Isaiah 17:1? (WW 3 will be the Ezek. 38-39 Magog War which is Israel alone--no USA remember.)
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine. - Revelation 6:6 KJV
"HURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE" --Lots of interpretations have been made on this. Let me add another--Could the OIL represent the 144,000 Israelis that will soon be sealed and the WINE represent the Tribulation Saints?
Ty Green just did a video where he asks the question, "What causes the global collapse?" He doesn't answer the question but wonders if the Rapture is the cause. MY VIEW: It is possible we are seeing the BEGINNING of this collapse due to the elite's activities, but the Rapture will be the ultimate cause.
Sure sounds like the Rapture. Also, I couldn't help but think of that dream (see my article The Delta Sign or The Great Escape from Camp FEMA) where this Brother said he “saw groups of Christians riding horse and carriages out into the wilderness . . . I saw people pointing in the sky screaming. I turned to look and was instantly transported up onto the hill / small mountain, and I saw the stars in the sky all shift and move . . and I heard His voice say "Behold I am coming"."
I don't know if my Comment here helped or caused further questions. Whether the Seals are opening now or not, it seems that God is beginning to JUDGE INDIVIDUAL CITIES and yet we are still here and we were chosen to be here at THIS TIME to manifest Christ to the world.
Lyn...I too am "on the fence" as to whether any of the seals have been opened. As a layperson, with limited knowledge on the subject matter, I would have to say "maybe" and only with regards to the 1st seal. It seems to me that the coronavirus, with its abilities to mutate and develop new variants or strains, despite our best efforts to control it with vaccines/booster shots, etc. we can't stop it and it just continues on its deadly way of conquering, and to conquer. I also happen to believe that war is right "around the corner" and that the 2nd seal (red horse rider) is about to be opened, but not until after the Rapture. My point is, if the seals are to be opened in a "consecutive" order, the 1st seal has to be opened before the 2nd seal and thus my reasoning that the 1st seal may have already been opened since it seems to fit the description of conquering perfectly. But honestly, this is only a guess on my part and is primarily based on my intuition or "gut feeling" of where we are today at this particular point in prophetic history. My two cents on the matter!
DeleteLu...I sense a cold water SPLASH coming my way! But that's ok, since it's rather hot in the valley today!
Hey Lyn, Bob, others,
DeleteNo, all good. And in the Spirit of having an Open Mind, so be it. Now, I might think some have a ‘Horse Blinder Effect’ -but not of the 4 Horseman lol… in that one is only seeing a portion of the whole. Or as that ‘Forest from the Trees’ axiom goes. So, we are all still ‘Students’. You all know I come from a point/perspective of being open when it comes to Prophecy but adamant or seem to come across so only because of one’s repose in the Word as one sees it pertaining to Prophecy.
It is like when I first got saved at 13. What I read and understood of what Jesus said He did, offers and has in store? All that gave me the most assured Security in one’s being. Why so much? It is because one was without all that. Not the right race, color, language, class, looks, possession, family….on and on…or of being loved really by one’s Family, etc. And especially at this age as we all know is a pivotal point in development in Children.
But I read, with the help of my 8th Grade Teacher that a Being/Person came to provide for having one’ Soul, Spirit and Body saved. That Jesus loved me. That I am going to live forever with GOD. That I would be able to Rule the Nations and sit on Heavenly Thrones? What? That GOD ‘adopted me’ and I am now a Son of a King? Royalty? So for a 13 year old Boy….that gave me Extreme Confidence, in Him.
Now, my Friends thought I went crazy and that I was not confident but conceited. I guess it came across that and they did not understand that to be in Jesus, to know Jesus is to be so secure of Him, because of Him. So with such precepts, I look at Prophecy in the same way. So, for example, are the Seals broken now or when we get to Heaven, soon after the Rapture? Well, let us ask…
Have the 4 Horseman begun riding or have they yet to? Well, as mentioned my approach is from a wider and all-encompassing perspective in that both are correct. That is why I have no problem when People say, ‘The Rapture takes place at Mid-Trib’. You are right. Or, ‘No, the Rapture take places in chapter 4’. You are right. Or, ‘No, the Rapture takes place at the end of the Tribulation or Pre-Wrath’. You are both Right. Lol
And, same with the Seals. What has helped me is to see typology -types of perspective that even came from Jesus Himself and how He lays it all out. At least it helps me. Take the Olivet Discourse. Jesus basically outlines the book of Revelation. The first 4 aspects of what to look for before the end of the Age and His 2nd Coming, as asked by His Disciples are essentially the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse.
What did Jesus 1st say to be on guard about? Deception. Then War. Then Famine and then Death. You can overlay the pattern from Luke 13 and Matthew 23:
DeleteFalse Christs, Wars Rumors of Wars, Famine Earthquakes, Death/Martyrdom. Then the Great Tribulation and then the Day of the LORD. He summed-up Revelation 101 in 1 sentence the 7-year Tribulation 70th Shemitah Sabbatical Cycle of Daniel’s Week of Years.
You see, both are true, there is a ‘White Horse’ Rider riding…the Spirit of Antichrist and Deception since the beginning. It started in the Garden. And each world Empire Leader or Rider’ since has had its Antichrist Figure embodying Deception or the Rider on the White Horse….You had Nimrod, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Darius, Alexander, the Caesars, the Popes, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler. But the last one, The AntiChrist to come will occur when the Seal is broken by Jesus in the presence of the Bride in that Court Room session in Heaven. The Scroll is like a “Last Will and Testament’ and the Beneficiaries need to be present as ‘Witnesses’ to execute and distribute the Estate, etc. Amazing thing though is that the Executor is not Dead!
That is why also, the Bride of Christ will not know nor see who this AntiChrist will be on Earth as the ‘revealing occurs post-Rapture. So, of course this is based on the logic of such a reasoning as mentioned. Here is my issue, if the literal Seal to reveal the AntiChrist has already happened. It would be easy then to believe and identify. Can anyone please point to him out? Surely he is conquering the world and every Nation now presently with his Peace Initiatives. And where is the 2nd Beast that is funneling all the world to worship this 1st Beast? Sorry, just do not see it.
No, as Brad shared about that Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, this is another example of the typology in play. But realize that every Sign is a facet of Jesus. In the case of Sagittarius, it is a dual natured being with a Bow and Arrow, not just Bow, having been crowed a Victor as in an Olympic competition. But notice where his arrow is aimed at? The Heart of Scorpio, the Enemy and is bloodied, Red in color.
This corresponds to the Super Giant Star Aldebaran to serve as a type of how Lucifer has suffered the Mortal Head wound by the Victor, the GOD-Man, Jesus. Now it is very interesting and true that it was then a Sign of the coming Corona Virus and how the Enemy has hijacked the Signs to get credit. But such Signs are all of the LORD, all pre-planned and ordained since before Creation. So, we can take solace that yes, the Seals have a spirit, a ‘Prophetic Echo’ throughout History and are and will but the nexus point is yet to be fulfilled in its summation/culmination as intended.
But I could be wrong.
Carry on.
Lu (teach)...a splendid rebuttal, if I may so! As a layperson (non-biblical scholar), I have to admit that it sometimes is very difficult to "see the forest through the trees". But that's why you're here...to show us the way....and point out all those little nuances re the timing of when the Seals are opened! Your detailed explanation sheds more light on the subject and I look forward to standing next to Jesus and the rest of the Bridal party in 23 to 37 days (or sometime later!) when we're all present to open the Seals! May God Bless you, Brother!
DeleteBlessings, Lyn...and that was a point I was trying to make on the prior thread in response to the @11:11 theory re the severity of the Seal, Trumpet and Bowl judgments. The first two are tempered with God’s mercy in their fractional destruction (1/4 and 1/3) with the opportunity for Repentance still there. The Bowl (or Vial) judgments not so much. So I can’t see these being the same judgments running concurrently or being repeated in some type of repetitive manner.
DeleteAlso as Lu said and I was trying to say up above, the way one views Rev.4-5 likely will determine their view of the way things play out or fall into place. IF one views it as representative of the BOC being in Heaven and seeing everything through the lens of John, then we will be watching from that vantage point as the Lamb pops open that 1st Seal, then the
2nd Seal and so on. That’s just how it reads IF one views John’s vision as beginning with the Harpazo. If not, then the breaking of the Seals timing can be interpreted any number of ways.
Meanwhile...re that “transition” period, lol,
if I’m remembering correctly that was the most nauseating part when you can’t go backwards and the only choice is to push through the pain with the surrounding voices promising you that it’s almost over. And I’ll never forget that first deep breath of relief once those little feet were clear and that little cry of surprise was heard as the birth was finally announced.
Re your roller coaster analogy, I recall Greg L. writing a really interesting article on the parallel mechanics of a coaster track some time back. And it surely has fit this wild ride getting Home. Almost there, Sister!😊🙏
Per Mike Adams:
ReplyDelete“ Former CIA operative and political analyst Robert David Steele was killed just yesterday with a hospital ventilator. And according to public announcements by Alex Jones, the medical system tried to murder his own father as well as an InfoWars journalist named Rob Dew (who was “rescued” from the hospital and is now recovering, thanks to effective treatments). Pro-liberty activist Scott McKay (The Patriot Street Fighter) has also publicly stated that his own father was recently killed by medical personnel at a hospital. These are just some of the more prominent people whose relatives have been targeted for murder by US hospitals… there are hundreds of thousands of similar examples among lesser well known individuals who have lost loved ones due to hospital murder operations.”
Thank you Brad! It's always fun to read your messages, and above all, it's encouraging! It's a blessing to all of us!
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank those who pray for my health. I actually think I found my problem. I don't have sinusitis like I usually have so often. But the problem does not go away and it has been 13 days today. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, it's because I have to wear a blue paper mask every day at work, and as you all know there is a huge amount of bacteria in these masks even though they are supposedly sterile. I have seen videos where the lab specialists analyzed masks they had just taken out of their new bags, and the masks contained staphyllococci and streptococci. It is dangerous for health. It goes in the throat and it infects. In my case, I can smell the food and taste it, but all the food tastes bad and makes my throat ache, and I cough a lot because of the sore throat. I spit often but the problem remains there. It is not normal to have a cold for so long. So I thought that the masks that make us breathe carbon dioxide as well as bacteria, could have infected me. According to my research, antibiotics can cure the infection, but I can no longer go to my doctor. He refuses to see patients with cold symptoms and I should get tested for VOC ... since I didn't take the viper people wouldn't be very nice to me either. Here we can no longer be sick, as elsewhere I suppose. I have been trying unpasteurized honey mixed with turmeric since yesterday several times a day as I have read that it can help. Please pray that the infection will leave me without needing medical attention. Be blessed by the Lord!
Carole, Blessings. Get some Colloidal Silver however you can. Take your new masks and soak them in it overnight before use. By morning their bacterial and viral content will be the same as on the moon, none. Wring it out, the silver is still fine. Colloidal Silver will never become contaminated by the germs it is exposed to. Dry for use with a blow-dryer. Not sure what masks are costing you but If you want to be very frugal, reuse the same mask for an entire week, doing the same thing each night.
DeleteTry gargling with peroxide mixed half and half with water. I saw a video today about putting 5 drops of peroxide in one ear, wait five minutes, then do the other ear. This is an old time remedy. Dr. Mandell on YouTube. Yes on colloidal silver as well, can be used in a neti pot of nasal rinse.
DeleteThanks for your good advice. The masks I use are the ones required by the government, and they are blue paper on one side and white on the other. It is the law for the work I do. Blue masks are disposable. I can't take mine which are made of fabrics and which I wash with soap when I go to the grocery store or elsewhere. My husband said he's going to buy a box of blue masks and I'm going to spray them all with rubbing alcohol spray and air dry them. Like that there will be no germs that will live. But I need you to pray that bacteria and germs leave my throat and body without going to the medical clinic.
DeleteI keep a little spray bottle of the colloidal silver in my car and spritz it in my mouth and dab some around my nose and eyes as a preventative whenever I’m on the go.
DeleteNano silver as reported by our own NIA last fall. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7486059/ Folks on this site that don't know-please get/use colloidal silver. Jimboni speaks the truth. We use it in our household & it's very,very effective. No pathogen survives exposure to silver. None can build up immunity to silver as it interferes with the way single cell pathogens use oxygen.
Delete60 "Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?" John 6:60 KJV
ReplyDeleteI've just had my feeds intro me to Glory Days YTC's video smell aka Invasion of the Body Snatchers (32:46) and share it dutifully. I've no info on this gent other than his content pulled me in and I let it run in the background while attending things.
VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED as he shares testimonial experience coupled with cogent, logical associations and connections concerning his ongoing interactions with folks who've taken the jab and it will likely keep you up at night barring Our Lord's Comfort. I am shocked this is still up. Both due to the logic resonating in his words aligning with what we've been seeing and know as well, in addition to it being simply well thought out. That said it is more chilling than the most riveting Clancy novel, ever.
These are very hard words tying together graphene oxide Nano-bot ingredients (FACT) with AI Interface technology now being a forever part of a jabbed person's flesh (FACT) and the nature of the origins of all of this and the spirits and agents involved. He comes down hard on it being the Mark and one point he makes, along the way, is that, in re shots not being on the right hand or forehead, the bots travel to the spot on the body where one is to be scanned. Apparently, the scanning device/BOT interaction, or some other method, tells the BOTS to go to the hand area where it is most commonly scanned, and electronically recognized with digital information, as seen repeatedly on the many vids out there testifying to this reality.
While this is very much an 'eat the meat and toss the bone' situation, it seems good info to have outlined to be better able to have on our radars as our experience in this new us/them reality plays out, and we observe any changes in those around us who we know so well, especially those of us in family groups where some/many are now jabbed. In light of the relatively short timeline in which this is already happening, I would imagine that family cohesion will be a thing of the past, SHORTLY. If you've felt that already at the edges, you haven't likely seen anything yet.
One 'aside': He mentions noticing a smell coming from the jabbed and also noticing many comments on uncensored platforms affirming the same. When he said that it immediately brought to mind the testimony of the Israeli teen who's video was all the rage a while back and he had said that Messiah would 'smell' everyone to decide who would come in and who could not. Fascinating.
Oh, we must be close, so very, very close...
Jimboni...just watched the video. Absolutely riveting and sadly, so very true! I personally have experienced similar things with those who have taken the jab. We are indeed so, very, very close!!!
DeleteIt's weird considering that on my side no one has changed or had a foul odor. My husband's work colleagues and our neighbors among others have not changed their attitude and it's been months. I was even able to preach the Gospel to my hairdresser, Céline, who received the viper twice. She was very open and listened to me patiently.
DeleteCarole, interesting. I'm not about enough to have input and that was one reason to share it. Remember that many were also given placebos AND many are also not likely being changED by the AI, yet, as it is not the plan.
DeleteThere’s an article at the Gateway Pundit about what Frankenfauci did to beagles that will leave no doubt that he has been given over to a thoroughly demonic reprobate mind.
ReplyDeleteI read that earlier and I was heartsick. I had to remind myself that God will deal with things like that at the appointed time. Sigh... :(
DeleteYes, me too. One day we will be cuddling those beagles in Heaven. God will deal with the demon-possessed monster that murdered them.
DeleteSounds like a good hellish experiment for FrankenFauci to perpetually undergo himself in his coming eternal domicile. It takes a demonic nature to inflict such torture on helpless creatures. I can’t even imagine what he’s done to children along the way in pursuit of his gene altering j@BBing fetishes. In that little monster’s case, it probably can’t be overdone.
DeleteThis brother does an elegant job with a quick overview (03:31) of our moment against a backdrop of Divine 'Red Lines' being encroached. One example, take the idea of an age of accountability below which one is incapable of fathoming the depths of spiritual things and is therefore attributed innocence BY GOD, As An Expression OF His Person + Our Lord's Divine Protection Over His Own Innocents + a scheme to deprive EVERY young one in the entire world of half of their Divinely Ordained DUAL NATURE (@ 03:20) pending the Fullness Come In. RED LINE
ReplyDeletePraise Our Lord Christ, unlike those before us for the past FIVE THOUSAND YEARS, even those Blessed To Walk With Christ As His Apostles, WE Are Chosen To See THEN END PLAY OUT!!!
Speaking of the Afghanistan exit, we all saw the visual of Noah’s Ark play out with the people clinging to the hull of that first big transport plane as it took off. (whether one believes that was a real plane or an inflatable decoy is irrelevant)The idea was planted there and perhaps even as the enemy’s mockery. And we’ve heard the phrase re “the Left Behind” all week long and I think it’s been being repeated every few minutes all day today. But there is another phrase that has been repeatedly pushed as well that caught my attention:
Delete“Anyone who wants to leave can get out.”
We know that’s an absolute lie re those who have been left behind in Afghanistan and it again reeks of the enemy’s cruel mockery.
BUT GOD...Coming from Him, that is the Absolute Truth and Promise of Jesus Christ! Anyone who wants out of this evil world only needs to call upon His Name, Believe in your heart that He is Who He said He is and He will get you out. He will NOT leave you behind!
Time is so short as the
heathens rage against our Lord God and His people and I truly believe without a doubt that our Savior is just about ready to get this man-child “Air” Born!😊🙏
Blessings, Maranatha and Looking UP!!!
I felt inspired to watch Left Behind with Nicholas Cage.
DeleteThat's kind 'a funny. You know, alongside the phrase, 'which verse of Revelation are we up to today?', in terms of world events, or things, it's often, which Nicolas Cage movie is this one?
DeleteNot sure if I've mentioned but I've an affinity for Nick, er, Mr. Cage. An individual who had worked with Nicolas Cage during some productions, usually over the telephone, was a client of mine, later, and said that I spoke exactly as he does in my phrasing and intonations and it was a bit jarring when he worked with me until he got used to it. But, if he ever heard of Nicolas Cage needing a voice double, I'd be hearing from him. 'nuff 'bout me and Nicky boy...
Has anyone caught the latest chat with Ken Potter and Jefferey McGaha ??!!! (1:33:55) Wowzers, some really good, down-to-earth stuff. By the way, when he alludes to another affirming detail he'd just gotten concerning 117 at the end of a game it was my 'Fade To Black' post above he references. 1...1...7
23 days
Ask The Watchman, Jeffrey McGaha
Nicolas was once interviewed by James Lipton on Inside the Actors Studio, and I was impressed by his scholarly, professorial tone and the resonant quality of his voice. I also like Aaron Paul’s (Pinkman on Breaking Bad) rich voice.It makes everything he says sound interesting, justifiably or not:)
ReplyDeleteTaliban Conducting ‘House-to-House Executions’ in Kabul after U.S Withdrawal. Bone-chilling audio reveals fear among Americans and Afghan allies left behind by Biden. Exodus: Biblical scene as thousands flee Taliban-held Afghanistan walking miles through the desert across the Pakistani border and into Iran. Thousands of Afghan Refugees Arrive in Idaho, Wisconsin, Montana, and Washington. WHAT EVERYONE IS MISSING ABOUT AFGHANISTAN AND THE TALIBAN’S CIA ROOTS. Afghan Journalist: Family Blown Up by Joe Biden’s Missile Strike Had Special Visas and Were About to Leave Afghanistan.
Former Pfizer VP: ‘The gloves are off,’ UK govt to inject all 12-15-year-olds without parental consent.
...aaand there's the 'House-to-House' again. H2H in Afghan, H2H in AU, they went H2H for C19 in VA.
ReplyDeleteGigi touches on H2H in her most recent vid which continues at the elevated space she's been in lately and appropriately at 17:00 In 4 days??
Meanwhile, with another length seemingly of note at 19:17 although easily taken in a bit quicker if zipping through some joviality along the way, we find It's About To Get NOISY In Heaven
22 Days
DeleteMight this explain the bizarre behavior of the vaxxed?
ReplyDeleteDybbuk: The Hebrew Meaning of The Word “Covid”.
Good morning folks and welcome to the month of September (or should I say Av!). Hopefully this will be the month when all things come together (like pieces of a puzzle) and our faith becomes reality...as in finally making it to Our Blessed Hope. But anyway, wanted to share this video by dunamis333 (15:01 minutes) as he has some interesting comments concerning the MotB (similar to Glory Day), true Pentecost, the need for discernment and the importance of having a connection with the Holy Spirit.
As discussed, he believes the Rapture will take place on September 7th (true Pentecost) based on our calendars being off by 1 or 2 months. Sound familiar, Lu? Hey Stan, please note how he compares us watchmen to Eagles, the 1%, the "High Commanders", the people who are here to warn others. Time for you to get your chainsaw out and carve some more eagles for all to see and to proclaim the Glory of Jesus Christ our Savior!
Dear brother Bob, I agree with part of what he says but not on the whole subject. I just don't believe we're in great tribulation with what's written in the Bible on the subject, it would be a lot worse than what we're going through right now. And my hairdresser who has had the two vaccines is very open to the Gospel and it is even she who opens the subject of God and I can speak freely, and she listens patiently as I mentioned earlier in the post. I believe that we must be very careful if we announce such serious things and pray that the Lord will give us conviction and peace on this hot topic. I am convinced that it is poisonous but where is the angel who must announce not to take the mark and where is the AC? I do not want to have a debate on the subject. I only give my opinion, simply! Many Christians take a few verses but they don't take the whole context with all the other verses that talk about it.
DeleteCarole...I too do not agree with all his points, however, he made an excellent presentation re the need for discernment at this particular point in time as none of us can conclusively say without any doubt that the jab is not the MotB. As said by many other watchmen, we need to be careful or conservative in our decision making re the vax as we just don't know. But mainly I wanted to share his video because of his comments regarding the importance of connecting with the Holy Spirit and the Eagle/Watchmen connection. Blessings to you, Sister!
DeleteYes, blessings to you too my brother! You're right, discernment is so important in these dark days. Thank you for your answer!
ReplyDeleteOhio Judge Orders Hospital to Treat Ventilated COVID-19 Patient With Ivermectin.
Aussies torch Covid testing clinic.
DoD had Foreknowledge of Kabul Airport Bomber – Denied Permission to Fire Predator Drone that had Lock on Him.
US woman left behind in Kabul with 130 rescue dogs thanks to DOD no-fly animal policy.
ReplyDelete“ A Tennessee woman who owns an animal rescue center in Kabul was not allowed passage home by the Department of Defense because she carried a disabled puppy in her arms — one of 130 animals she was ordered to leave behind in the final days of airlifts.
Charlotte Maxwell-Jones refused to board the plane without her puppy on Monday, so the military ordered her to leave and turn loose 130 crated dogs that mostly belonged to Americans and Afghans who evacuated, according to social media postings. This occurred even though Maxwell-Jones secured flights from nonprofit organizations that had permission to land in a neutral country.
She left the airport after being stuck there for six days and returned home to an uncertain fate.
The Taliban visited Maxwell-Jones at home last week and ordered her to leave with her employees, she said in a tearful video posted on Twitter. She raised $703,705 on a GoFundMe page for an animal evacuation and desperately sought a landing permit.
“Five minutes ago, a fairly large group of Taliban left my lawn. … One of them had a grenade launcher. They told me I should leave immediately and tried to put guards inside my house. … We settled on outside my house,” Maxwell-Jones said in her video. “They have said they will give us safe passage to the airport for as large a group that we have. They told me to leave first. It’s very obvious what will happen.”
“ Maxwell-Jones was allowed to airlift military dogs, so she handed 46 animals to Veteran Sheepdogs of America for transport to Turkey. A video posted Tuesday said the dogs were in a hangar and given water in preparation for transport. However, the remaining dogs weren’t so fortunate. Maxwell-Jones begged the military to allow her to open bags of kibble and spread it across the tarmac for the suddenly homeless dogs, according to social media.
ReplyDelete“In the end, the dogs and their caretakers were explicitly NOT allowed to board military aircraft, and numerous private charter aircraft were not granted access to the airport either,” SPCA International said in a statement . “Charlotte was informed that most of the [shelter] dogs had to be released into the airport on August 30 as the airport was evacuated – turning once rescued shelter dogs into homeless strays.”
SPC International blasted the U.S. government for ignoring its pleas and not recognizing “the human connection to animals” in a recent suspension of dog transport from 113 nations.
“We applied for an Emergency Exemption so that Charlotte and the dogs could get out on our chartered flight this week. But the CDC’s adherence to its import policy during this time of crisis put animals and people at risk,” SPCAI said. “We are alarmed that leaders at the CDC are not bringing a more balanced perspective to the importation of dogs, especially after the U.S. House of Representatives rebuked CDC on this issue and passed an amendment to restore a proper screening process.”
The Department of Defense was forced to address an outcry over the military dog issue on Tuesday but said nothing of how they left the country or why an American with dogs who had a flight plan was left behind.
“The U.S. military did not leave any dogs in cages at Hamid Karzai International Airport, to include the reported 'military working dogs,'” a spokesperson said .
Regarding Maxwell-Jones, the DoD said: "Despite an ongoing complicated and dangerous retrograde mission, U.S. forces went to great lengths to assist the Kabul Small Animal Rescue as much as possible."
The lack of respect shown to military dogs by leaving their escape to a nonprofit group is shameful, retired special operations Brig. Gen. Don Bolduc told the Washington Examiner. He said these evacuation policies “start at the top” and trickle down without any basis in reality.
You need to have latitude to make concessions, and in this case, that woman should be allowed on the plane with the puppy,” he said.
How completely heartless and bereft of any human emotions they are to turn away a woman holding a disabled puppy.
DeleteSo my sister with the shattered knee was on her way in for the surgery this morning when they called and told her not to come because her C test came back positive and they can’t perform the surgery🤦♀️ They were gonna do it w/o her being vipered on condition of a negative test. So yeah, like AA said...try not to break any bones, folks. No idea what’s gonna happen there. But my other sister got her set up for one of those monoclonal antibody infusion treatments, so praying that will help her.🙏
ReplyDeleteAlso my 11 yr old nephew was taken to ER for high fever. He tested positive for C. He’s on the mend now, but while they were there waiting at that small hospital, a hysterical family came in with a 14 month old girl who had just quit breathing and in spite of all efforts, their baby died. The grandfather was so angry because she had been perfectly healthy the day before when she’d gotten an MMR-DTap j@b. He was screaming that he knew that’s what killed his granddaughter and was demanding an autopsy when the police arrived. I don’t know these people, but I couldn’t help but cry with my sister as she was sharing their heartbreaking ordeal with me. Our God does know who they are and all of those like them, so just praying for them to turn to Him for comfort and strength in this upside down and deadly world.
They sure won’t be finding it anywhere else. 😔🙏
That’s both devastating and infuriating. God have mercy on them. I’m praying for your sister’s awful predicament. I saw a man in a vid say that just before he gets tested for CV, he spritzes, I have to be careful how I try to say this because there’s a father and son in jail right now for advocating it, Chl*r#ne Dio#!de into his nose and mouth and always tests negative. I’ve wondered if CS would give the same result.
DeleteDr Ardis said children should only get shots after 3 yrs of age when they’re much better able to withstand them. I think pregnant women need to find midwives.
Mike Adams said a female pilot who helped the American military was stoned to death.
Blessings Sheila, oh my goodness that poor family. So incredibly heartbreaking.
DeleteI will hold them up in my prayers as well as your sister and nephew.
The Lord can't come soon enough.
Oh that You would rend the heavens!
That You would come down!
That the mountains might shake at Your presence-
Isaiah 64:1
God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day.
Psalm 7:11
Come, Lord Jesus!
Sheila...I'm so sorry to hear that about your sister and nephew. I'll be praying for them both. Not a good start to the month, but praying that all ends well. So sad about the 14 month old girl.
DeleteThank you all very much and I know your prayers are as to our Lord as they are to me.😊🙏
DeleteGreg L.’s latest commentary put a smile on my face in re to how this evil world wants to be rid of us lovers of Jesus and how our Lord is going to accommodate them. Can’t wait😁
Nigel Farage:
Delete“ "You know, I've spent 40 years working for American companies and businesses, being allies, politically, with Donald Trump and many friends of the Republican Party. There's nobody this side of the pond who is more pro-American, more pro-respectful relationship than I am," Farage told Glenn. "And it hurts me to say this, but for Biden to unconditionally withdraw from the military mission after 20 years, without any planning or any foresight as to how we get our nationals out in the case of a Taliban advance, and to do it without even consulting the British prime minister, and refusing to answer his phone call for almost 48 hours, sends a message to us. And the message is, we cannot trust America.”
“ Despite being our closest partner for over 100 years, we cannot trust America with this man in charge. And it's a sad realization, but it's true. And I think it's even further than the relationship with the UK and the USA. I think NATO, frankly, ceases to function. So the damage that Biden has done to America's international reputation could not be greater," he added.”
RE: Ty Green’s Vid about October 8, 2021
ReplyDeleteI had a chance to view and hear Ty’s take on this 1 month discrepancy and how he too recognizes that the Rabbinical Calendar is off this year, especially for the Fall Feasts. He pegs the Astronomical Cycles to the 12 Signs which is great and not too many know about. He realizes that at every Fall, it starts with Virgo and Yom Teruah and all this that should be based on the 1st Moon after the Equinoxes. The Fall one corresponds to the Civil New Year, etc. This is because the Constellation Virgo is the start of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac. Leo is the End. This is the typology of the Sphinx fusion of, Virgo to Leo for example.
Ty actually digs-out the evidence that plainly shows how the Rabbinical Jews know they are operating on a Lunar Calendar that is off but refuse to change it until their Messiah comes. And then this fits in perfectly now when that happens, the AntiChrist will seek to ‘Change the Times, as that is what the Religious Jews are expecting. Only then will they recalibrate YHVH’s calendar that should be to the Equinoxes and Solstices as I and others have mentioned prior studies.
My question is thus, will this Astronomical Sign and timing correlate to the Rapture timing of the end of the Summer Season Harvest and the end of the Church Age then? Heavy question and the implication are Biblically, and if so, soon to be Apocalyptic for what the People of the World are about to go through.
Well, consider the following suppositions we do know and can go with for now, at least for this year. June 20, 2021 Summer Solstice was the beginning of Summer Season. Then September 22, 2021 will end of Summer Season. Many Rapture Watchers are saying September 6, then September 23 (9-23), then October 7/8, etc.
One knows that based on what one can deduce, I have and am going with the assumption of that type with Boaz and Ruth. That for me, the Rapture Window will be ‘After the Summer Season’. So that September 23 (9-23) looks good. But it can be from that time to October 7/8. I also compare it to how this logic follows perhaps. If
If June 20 was when Pentecost occurred or even on August 8th, the Restrainer came d down at the 1st Watch of the New Day. That began at 6am, in the Jewish reckoning of time. What if the Ascent of the Restrainer occurs at the ‘0’ Hour or Midnight? This would tie-in with the Boaz and Ruth typology of how Boaz was awakened by the revelation that Ruth was at his feet asking to be ‘redeemed’.
What if the End of the Church Age occurs at the 7th Watch of a day, that being 12 Midnight, which is also the 18th hour? So, awhile back I had made a Rapture Time Zone pegging the 1st Morning Watch to 6am based on Acts 2. One here is also assuming that when the Rapture event occurs, it will be based on Jerusalem Time. So, now that I suspect the Rapture event may very well be occurring as a ‘Deferred’ Wedding time, after the Summer Season like it was with Boaz and Ruth, I made a Midnight ‘0’ Hour Rapture Time Zone map to reflect this.
Midnight ‘0’ Hour Rapture Time Zone map to reflect this.
Chart: Midnight Rapture Time Zones
Midnight ‘0’ Hour Rapture Time Zone map to reflect this.
DeleteChart: Midnight Rapture Time Zones
Ty’s Video: What’s Going To Happen On October 8th?
Lu, great job!
DeleteCorroborating, I share below the new post by Trace W. Tramm on his FB page.
Lu...excellent work! Looks like you may have put the final pieces of the puzzle together! Mystery of the calendar solved! Hallelujah! And you've figured out that we'll be departing at the midnight hour (Jerusalem time) or 2-3 pm (west coast time). Hallelujah again! And it looks like 9/23 (4 year anniversary of the Rev12 Sign) may be the day of our departure or at the latest on October 7/8. Bravo! I can now make final preparations for our "Secret Flight" (Flight 777). Hallelujah! My sense is that we'll be in for a "wild ride" this month, so fellow passengers (Bride of Christ) please continue to keep your seatbelts on! Cap't Bob
DeleteBones (co-pilot): Yippee!!! I'm ready to go...but lucky for me...I get to go first!
Sally (flight attendant): Free frappy's for everyone! Green tea for Lu + Ty!
Dear family, BLESSINGS!
Fall Feasts and Calendar Reckoning 2021
(by T.W. Tramm — FB Page)
THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS will be widely observed on September 7 this year.
However, a key verse of Scripture calls this reckoning into question:
“Observe the month of Aviv [Nisan] and celebrate the Passover of the LORD your God, because in the month of Aviv he brought you out of Egypt” (Deut. 16:1).
The Hebrew word translated “observe,” shamar, in Deuteronomy means to “keep within bounds, to preserve, protect, or guard.”
What does it mean to “keep within bounds” the month of Nisan?
Since the nearest astronomical boundary is the spring–vernal equinox, it refers to observing the month at the correct time relative to the equinox. Because Nisan is the month of springtime and ripening barley, it should be observed during the spring season, i.e. after the equinox marking the change from winter to spring.
The problem with the modern Jewish calendar is that in some years it places Nisan 1 before the spring equinox, in the winter, causing the month of springtime to “straddle” the equinox-boundary and the festivals to be observed a month prematurely.
This is what occurred in 2021.
We should note that the Jewish calendar is not inaccurate every year. In fact, in most years, the pre-calculated calendar correctly places Nisan 1 after the equinox and the festivals occur at the proper time.
For more on calendar reckoning see the link in the notes section below. The point to be made here is that when we correctly reckon Nisan 1 after the spring equinox in 2021, the first day of the biblical year is April 13, and the fall festivals occur as follows:
Feast of Trumpets – October 7
Day of Atonement – October 16
Feast of Tabernacles – October 21–27
Notice the Feast of Trumpets lands on October 7. Thus, the impending new moon of September 7 actually marks the first day of the 6th biblical month, Elul.
For the following reasons, Elul is considered an auspicious month by prophecy watchers:
1. The name Elul originates from the Akkadian word “ulolo,” meaning “harvest.”
2. Elul is the 6th month. In Scripture, the number 6 is associated with man and his redemption after 6,000 years.
3. The constellation sign corresponding to the month of Elul is Virgo, the “Sign of the Woman” associated with the birth pains and tribulation period in Revelation 12.
4. Elul marks the halfway point of Earth’s annual circuit around the Sun, the autumnal equinox, and thus the end of the prophetic summer–harvest season. Elul is therefore a turning point, astronomically, agriculturally, and prophetically.
5. Elul 1 traditionally marks the beginning of a 40-day period of repentance leading up to the Day of Atonement. Per this tradition, every day during the month of Elul a trumpet is sounded to alert the people that Judgment Day is approaching.
6. A Jewish custom during the month of Elul is to end written letters with the blessing “K’tiva VaHatima Tova,” which means “a good writing and sealing [of judgment]” for the coming year. The theme of being sealed against judgment corresponds to Revelation 7 where 144,000 Jews are “sealed” by the Holy Spirit before God’s wrath is poured out.
7. The month of Elul is associated with financial crashes of biblical proportions—most recently two major crashes that occurred at the closing of Elul in 2001 and 2008.
8. Elul is traditionally when the king is said to be in the field as opposed to far away, or high up on the throne, like at other times. The nearness of the king is meant to inspire repentance, a turning to the proper path, while he is close by: “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isa. 55:6).
9. Beginning on Elul 1, Jews customarily read Psalm 27each day until the conclusion of the fall festival season at Tabernacles. Psalm 27 depicts the Lord sheltering His people during the Day of Trouble: “In the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock” (Ps. 27:5).
10. Elul is known as the month of the bride. The bridal theme derives from the fact that the name Elul is an acronym for the phrase spoken by the maiden in the Song of Solomon, ani ledodi vedodi li, meaning “I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine.” Significantly, the passages depicting the maiden awaiting or in the presence of her beloved mention apples and grapes—fruits harvested during the month of Elul (Song 2:3-5, 13).
DeleteIn summary . . .
Because the pre-calculated Jewish calendar failed to “keep within bounds” the month of Nisan this year, the new moon of September 7 should mark the first day of the 6th biblical month, not the first day of the 7th month.
The 6th biblical month, Elul, is . . .
A time of harvest.
Associated with the constellation Virgo.
A turning point.
A time to repent before judgment falls.
A time of trumpets sounding.
A time of financial reckoning.
A time when the King is in the field.
A season of coupling or marriage.
This year’s Elul is a time of heightened anticipation as Israel is now 73 years old. Israel’s 73rd birthday is significant because in Matthew 24 Jesus says the generation who sees the “fig tree” Israel, come to life and put forth leaves will see ALL the end-times events come to pass (vv. 32–34). The upper limit of a human lifespan in Scripture is 80 years (Ps. 90:10). Subtracting 7 years, the presumed length of the tribulation period, from Israel’s 80th birthday in 2028, the 73rd year becomes an apt time for the Tribulation to begin.
On top of that, a number of other eschatological timelines point to 2021–28 as well. For details on this unprecedented convergence, see my article entitled “Timeline Convergence 2021–28: What Does It Mean?”:
Concerning the time of Jesus’ return, Scripture says . . .
We will see the day approaching (Heb. 10:25; 1 Thess. 5:4).
No one knows the day (Matt. 24:36, 42; 1 Thess. 5:1, 2).
It will seem like He is delaying (Matt. 24:48, Matt. 25:1–13).
He is not delaying (Matt. 24:48–50; Heb. 10:37).
He is coming at an hour we think not (Matt. 24:44)
Therefore, while it is edifying to study the biblical calendar and festivals, it is wise to be ready for the Rapture at all times because the Lord could return “in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping” (Mark 13:35–37).
. . .
1. Calendar reckoning details: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-35306783/documents/b1c82a902259495590a865b2bf038663/Calendar%20Confusion%20-%20Chapter%203%20-%20Summer%20Is%20Near%20-%20TW%20Tramm.pdf
2. Below are Nisan 1 dates per the modern Jewish calendar. Years in which Nisan begins prematurely in the winter are marked with an asterisk:
2015 (5775) = March 21
2016 (5776) = April 9
2017 (5777) = March 28
2018 (5778) = March 17*
2019 (5779) = April 6
2020 (5780) = March 26
2021 (5781) = March 14*
2022 (5782) = April 2
2023 (5783) = March 23
2024 (5784) = April 9
2025 (5785) = March 30
2026 (5786) = March 19*
2027 (5787) = April 8
2028 (5788) = March 28
3. Significantly, all methods employed by today’s Jewish calendar to determine Nisan 1 involve some form of pre-calculation. In contrast, designating the new moon after the equinox Nisan 1 requires no pre-calculation—one simply waits for the equinox to occur and then designates the following new moon Nisan 1. The fundamental difference between the true biblical calendar and the modern Jewish calendar is that the latter has incorporated many rules and traditions, including pre-calculation, not found in Scripture.
4. The recent blood-moon tetrads coinciding with Passover and Tabernacles happened to occur in years in which the Jewish calendar correctly reckoned Nisan 1 after the spring equinox. Thus, the blood moons properly aligned with the festivals.
5. The 40 days of repentance recall Jonah’s preaching to the Ninevites. The Lord sent Jonah to warn the wicked inhabitants of Nineveh that they had 40 days, presumably from Elul 1 to the Day of Atonement, to repent or face judgment (Jonah 3:4).
6. Where calendars and calculations are involved, there is a margin of error. For this reason, one cannot set a date or deadline for Jesus’ return. What one can say is that a convergence of key eschatological timelines suggests the Day of the Lord is imminent.
. . .
*For more on why 2021 could be a pivotal year in Bible prophecy, see T.W. Tramm’s latest book, ‘Summer Is Near’:
Jeova...thank you for sharing T.W. Tramm's excellent article. Perfect confirmation to what Lu posted above! I genuinely believe we've finally figured out the mystery concerning the calendar and a few other things!
DeleteHey guys...check out Aaron's (God a Minute?) Sept/Oct "Rapture Gauntlet" video (4:16 min). Love it when he does that...as it makes things so simple to understand plus I enjoy his singing.
Perhaps his video is another acknowledgement that our calendar is off a month? Anyway, where is everyone? Today is a big day, in my opinion, as a significant biblical mystery may have been solved. We should be celebrating! In addition, for me personally, today is exactly 4 years to the day when I became a born-again Christian. Hallelujah!
Hey Aaron, if you're watching, would love it if you did a rendition of John Denver's or Peter, Paul and Mary's song "Leaving on a Jet Plane". Thank you, Brother! Cap't Bob
Happy Birthday my brother Bob! For my part, it was 33 years in April, the age of our Lord when he gave his life for us.
DeleteCarole, Blessings.
DeleteWhen my grandmother was carrying my mother, some many years ago, she and Grandpa Thorn decided upon 'Carolynn' as a name, 'ere she a lass. Upon giving birth to twin girls, the first born was named Carol, and the 2nd, my Mom, was named Lynn.
So, those very few sisters in Christ whom I've been blessed to travel with, and you top the list, who happen to also be named Carol, or Carole, have a special place in my heart in light of Our Lord's Clear Hand In All Of This, and Carol being like half of my Mom, or something, amen.
As you face the enemy's light show, and that is all it is, still, may this little story buck you up a bit, Cheers!
🤣I’ve got a surprise for you...it makes such perfect sense.
DeleteAnd there’s a rather sweet song about it...
DeleteThank you all for the born-again birthday wishes! It was a good day indeed...but all glory goes to our Heavenly Father for making it all possible! AA...surprise for me? Hmmm!!!
Delete🤣Actually, Bobby Z, more of a surprise for Jimboni since learning of his partiality for Caroles and Carolyns. Hopefully, we will all be meeting one another at the Fun Table soon. Frankly, the worse things get, the closer we are to getting there. The wicked plan they have for children prompted 2 FDA virologists to resign, so they are moving forward.
DeleteYou have been holding out on us! Lol! Congrats! 4 years hu? Why, you are our ‘Delta Variant’ no? ;) Better than that, you then have been our ‘Missing Link’….truly then the Rev 12 ‘Man’-‘Child’… lol. But in all seriousness. I love when we all come together to collaborate the clues of End Time Prophecy.
It is truly part of the mechanism of the Body for what it was build for or should. So as an encouragement to those that watch/read to contribute what the LORD has placed/is placing in one’s heart. Especially in this time as it is critical. Realize that topics, discussions, typologies, theories, as far out or ridiculous or not, off the wall will not or is not being taught in the Seminaries. Or as some would say Cemeteries.
You will not hear such topics/assumptions, assertions discussed in mainline Churches, not the more than half that is Left/Liberal. Then not in the Roman Catholic Church. Not in most Reformed Churches, if at all. Not in most mainline Protestant ones either, perhaps just in some of Pentecostal types. And even in the ones that do, what we talk about here or bring up would not be allowed in the large Congregational Assembly forums.
So, to say that we have a unique platform to discuss the very things that are needed to be said, or touched upon. Consider that if statistics are true that about ‘70%’ of the USA considers themselves ‘Christians’, imagine if that ‘Body’ would be as Dunamis said in his video, that we must be ‘Living the Gospel, walking in Right Living’ as that is where one gets ‘Power’ and Discernment. This I would agree with that.
And, this COVID spell and Mass Psychosis would not have been effective to deceive most, even the Body of Christ present, at least in the USA. So, nowhere will you hear studies of the Sabbatical Cycles as Lyn and other bring up, or the Enoch Calendar, being off 1 month, or the Pentecost Summer Solstice start of the Season, Astronomical correlations, the Biblical types related to world/political events…etc.
So, just to encourage that I am sure the LORD is speaking to others and we need to hear from you all to piece together the clues. I was thinking lately of the verse that came to mind how the LORD stated that, ‘He does nothing before telling it to His Prophets first’. So, where are the Prophets today? But here is a topic of discussion to say, is that Office still operating. What is a Prophet? In the general sense, anyone; Follower of Jesus that ‘prophec-es’ His Witness is one, in that sense.
But we have the More sure Word of Prophecy and that is why it is important to study Prophecy. And at least to attempt and understand it. Yes, some aspects are concrete, non-negotiable. But the details are or can be ambiguous for sure. But that is where we have the obligation to get before the LORD. This is the key. It takes time, discipline and living openly before the LORD. You just have to come before Him, and something just sit and wait. Why? Because of so many distractions, and thoughts in one’s mind, there is no room for the LORD to speak and ‘download’ His Mind into us through the Holy Spirit. So, Jesus waits until we are still, quite and at peace in our being before He will show anything, perhaps…etc.
Anyway, Bob, happy Birthday, I really liked Lyn’s article. That Shemitah 7th Year resonated with me as that is what I believe is the case presently. From Yom Teruah 2021 to Tom Teruah 2022 is the 7th Year of our present 7-Year Sabbatical Cycle, and as mentioned prior, then it is exciting to see just how close it is all coming down. And to reiterate that as one considers all such topics, ideas, typologies and theories, they are just that, and need to be tested; we are not Prophets, at least I am not…Bob!!? Anyone, Anyone…
Lu...thank you for the kind comments and birthday wishes. And no I'm not the Rev12 'Man-Child' nor a Prophet (maybe a Fig Profit!) just a "relatively new" born-again Christian who oftentimes is led by the Holy Spirit! Now you...that's another story! Are you excited as I am about potentially solving that "1 month off" calendar biblical mystery? Please tell me you are and don't be modest!
DeleteGod bless you cap’t Bob and happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteI’ll add I think it’s telling all the writhing about TX and roe now; seeing that red dragon getting PO’d….
DeleteWow, cap't Bob, happy birthday! You are 4 years now? Then you are also the sign of the Rapture – ‘in the fourth watch of the night’ Mat 14:25! I don't know my birthday, then it is every day! Maranatha!
DeleteA Blessed Re-Birth Day, Bob! The most important life-altering day of our lives as we stepped from death into Eternal life with Jesus Christ. All Glory to God! 😊🙏
DeleteThank you Dean, Alla and Sheila. Not in a million years did I think I would become a born-again Christian! Truthfully, if it were not for the Rev12 Sign and the early teachings of Scottie, Lu and the Rev12 Family I'd be like all the other "lost souls" in the world today!
DeleteVery happy for you on your anniversary, Bobby Z! You made the most important decision of your life for eternal life!
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones said the 2 FDA virologists who are leaving are doing so because of the boosters and the plan to vaxx children. They’re about to go Aussie on Americans.
AA...the funny thing, I did not make that decision myself. It just kind of happened...just like when you "fall in love" with someone, you just know it. At least that's what happened to me!
DeleteSorry for misinterpreting your "surprise" comment. Wasn't quite sure if you were referring to me. But no problemo, one of these days you'll surprise me with a very funny PG-13 video!
😇No apology necessary. I remember when my friend Jeremy explained the Gospel to me. When I heard what Jesus did and why, I believed. Like you mentioned, “you just know it.” That was 38 years ago. What a journey it has been and now here we are at the end of the Age of Grace. What an honor it is to be an eyewitness to it.
DeleteWas happily finding gold nuggets regarding a PreSeal Rapture, when OPERATION STARFALL came to my attention! So did a quick article on it. Let me all know what you think!
ReplyDeleteIn 45 Days the Stars Fall?
...aaand early this morning, about 16.5 hours ago, I was one of the 1st to watch Gigi's post @ blue heaven, in which she shares re a insider tip a couple circles out, which will be HUGE though undefined atm and possibly related to *'something'-STAR* , she couldn't recall, and I was pondering how to share. Now, we are in 2nd witness turf. Nice Job, Lyn.
Bob D., Blessings & Praise Our Lord For A Blessed Birthday.
Sheila B., oh! so in prayer for you and yours, sister, amen. Calling on the supernatural mercies Of Our Lord.
TY so much, Brother. Prayerfully they’ll all recover from the C and Lord willing, my sister will be on her feet before Him sooner than later.
DeleteI knew there was a reason to call it the viper-bite. Heard a local news report tonight that they are now working on a molecule from a type of pit viper venom that may prove to stop C0v!d reproduction. So another j@b in the works....
Anyhoo, I was asking the Lord aloud this afternoon if this was finally gonna be the month. Immediately afterwards I got an alert on my phone saying the Rain will begin at 4:44 pm. And it did. (The 4 days, the 4 months, the 4 years) IDK, but I had to smile.
Thank you Nicolas (I mean Jimboni!). You should never have revealed that to me! Lol!
DeleteI looked this Bill up to see what it’s all about and according to the govt. websites this Operation Starfall thing with HR 5123 #117 still has a ways to go before it can even be enacted. So far it has only been introduced and referred to Commitee. It has to pass that, then it has to pass the House, then go to the Senate for passing before it goes to the President to be signed.
DeleteAnd according to the gov.track.us site the prognosis indicator for passing is slim at a 2% chance. So a 45 day implementation of this ‘emergency’ program sounds unlikely at best, although we can still see the Biblical implication there just in the designated name for the program. More enemy signaling maybe?
The stated reasoning for the Bill seems to have more to do with concerns for tyrannical govts. like Cuba who want to shut down public resistance through cutting off their communications. And I think now this concern would likely apply to almost all countries trying to clamp down on the ‘plandemic’ resistance. The heavy censorship we’ve already seen attests to that. So this “American Freedom and Internet Access Act of 2021” might not necessarily be in the best interest of the govt. since the goal is to provide a way for the citizenry to get around their control measures, hence the poor prognosis for success?
If anything, people should probably be watching for this administration’s resistance to enacting something that would actually be helpful to a public in crisis. Esp. since the way they’ve addressed everything so far has only led to one crisis after another with death, destruction and despair. But then again...maybe they ARE covering up for an incoming disaster and this is the pretense they are using on paper. Hopefully we won’t be here long enough to find out either way.
They did however deploy these internet communication balloons over Puerto Rico in 2017 after Hurricane Maria shut down their power grid, so the technology is there to do it.🤷♀️
Jimboni 💖 thanks for the 👍 Brother! And the Gigi connect! We shall see, as Sheila pointed out, if this has September 2021 implications or not!
DeleteSheila, you're correct, of course, regarding H.R. 5123 having a ways to go before enacted. It will be interesting to see if it is expedited or not even passed or whether it is (as you suggested) simply more enemy signaling! Nonetheless, I agree the Biblical implications are interesting🤔
Thanks for all you have shared with us in your above comments. I very much appreciate hearing from you💖Sister.
Blessings, Lyn and same to you. Your talented gifts and dedication shared with all of us these past years has been simply amazing, Sister🥰🙏
DeleteGary @Unsealed has a new topic up on The Balaamic Prophecies of 2021. He starts off perusing the number of times we’ve all heard “Rapture typology phrasing” in just the past week amidst the numerous crises of Afghanistan, fires, floods, Cat 4 hurricane, more floods, more fires, etc. etc....
Thanks again, Gary!
Some interesting comments under the new @Unsealed article as well. Our God truly is shouting at this world.
DeleteAnd Bing Art today depicts “The Alien Egg Hatchery” located out in New Mexico’s other-worldly looking desert wilderness. 🤔
Blessing to all! Last I heard, two of my three sons were vaccinated and their spouses too. And with my grandchildren too it is the case for some. They don't believe us in everything we have said and we are conspirators. And in a way, I'm disappointed but not devastated. I had already given my children to the Lord to take care of them so that they no longer belong to me, that they belong to God. If God allows this to happen, it's ok for me. God knows what he's doing and his plan is perfect. Nothing happens without his will. I can sleep because God is sovereign. --- As for us, my husband is fine and he bought me some colloidal silver in liquid with dropper and I put it in my nose, I also rinse my mouth and throat with that and I swallow after. And the name of the product is: SOVEREIGN hihihi! But we could only have that at 10 ppm. which is not very strong but it is better than nothing. --- I'll know next Monday or Tuesday if I lose my job because I'm not vaccinated and everything. God is in control and I praise him in advance! I love ABBA! God bless you, looking forward to meeting you all very soon.
ReplyDelete10 ppm is a normal concentration of silver. The funny thing about it is it doesn't take a high ppm count to work well. 3 to 5 ppm can be a very effective ratio. Colloidal silver works best when taken on an empty stomach. I hope more people study this stuff. Anyway- come Lord Jesus soon- the day here is evil.
DeleteDear Sister, do you truly believe there is anything created by man that could take a child from God’s hand?
DeleteThank you Tommie for this information! And no dean, I don't believe that what was done by man could take a child or anything out of the hand of God. I am writing this because I am convinced that what has been put into the vaxx is toxic to the human body. And that will make my sons sick, nothing more in my case on what I think. They have been warned that it is experimental. And the huge risks.
DeleteNew thread from Brad, y’all.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta see it!
DeleteI have be dealing with herpes for the past 1 years until i got review online about Dr ubarlo people testifies how they got cured with his herbal medicine. And i order the treatment, after taking it for 14days i totally got cured with Dr ubarlo treatment. I'm recommending you diagnosis with herpes should get this treatment and be cured of it ... You can also contact him on his email address drubarlohome@gmail.com or Whatsapp+2348119508814
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