New Info on Rev 12 Sign?
I am not a regular follower of Nick Vanderlaan, but I do appreciate the attention he paid to the Rev 12 Sign back in 2017. So when I saw that he had a new video out on the Rev12 Sign this week which already has over 20,000 views it peaked my interest. I would be very curious to hear your thoughts on it. I apologize up front for the abbreviated post, but I have a busy weekend and wanted to get a new post up quickly for you all. Looking forward to see your thoughts, from what I gathered my first time through the video is that when the moon the moons position under the feet of Virgo tells more to the story... a story of judgement as well as it sits in the constellation in Libra.
You can read what E.W. Bullinger says about Libra at the following link, starting on page 47:
I need to watch it more closely and do some further research before I give my opinion, but since we are now already over 200 comments on Pastor Michaels post I felt this would be a good one for discussion while we wait and see what happens over these feast days. Let me know what you think and when I get a chance to watch it again I will add more! God Bless you ALL and keep looking up!! Please Come Quickly JESUS!!
NOTE: Gary informed me that Nick Vanderlaan has some very concerning view on the Gospel... mainly that it is works based. I am not opposed to sharing different views on prophecy, but I always try to draw the line at having the correct Gospel....and from what I hear, he is definitely preaching a false gospel. I apologize for sharing his channel and but I will keep this post up to preserve the discussion that took place in the comments on a variety of topics.
Thanks, Brad, for making the time to get this up amidst the whirlwinds. Our Scout & I tuned in during diner and thought I'd digest the meal, a bit, before joining the fray, yet it seems I'm the icebreaker.
ReplyDeleteNick is certainly the salty dog and pulls no punches. I was a bit taken aback that Our Lord Plans To Go All 'Game Of Thrones', With A Co-Regent, or something, as I'd missed that part, thus far, not yet swimming as deeply as Jacques Vanderlaan Cousteau, it seems. Quite the show, looking forwards to it, surely. Setting that aside for desert, I really like that this arises now, on the eve of the THREE years' anniversary of TGW, revealing THREE of the Mazzaroth actually in the dance and so affirming the last minute Rescue, as we go up, the come down, et al, yet, within TGW, itself!
Well, of course! I would've wanted it to be there, if I'd been creative enuf to dream it up. Layer upon layer of Glory Upon Glory, amen. Aligning with Judgment 1st in the temple, then working outwards, ofc. The prophetic layering there is robust. Nick also gets a hat tip for his historical research that his 'fanciful connections' are founded in documented and lingering antiquity, not bad pizza. As we've bunny trailed so many threads concerning the 'Woman in Travail', I think Nick final wins the 'Cover-All' in this Bingo.
Quick update. My youngest, Alex, aka 'Xander', esp online, has really taken flight this year. His 1st 4 weeks in his new school, built around collaborative, project-based learning vs classical format, have been great. He quickly took his spot as a star in his classes, though in his own, counter-cultural manner. He met all his new classmates with fairly long, curly, sandy-blondish locks almost to his 14-yr old shoulders, then, after sleeping in on his 2nd Monday, oops, has me buzz-cut him and he shows up, "here come 'ol flat-top'. He's had me do this for new Civil Air Patrol sessions but for an 8th grader, regardless how cool the modern multi-cultural whatever, was certainly a part of his forming brand with the new mates. He is soaring, academically, and really finding his footing. Mom and he decided they are firing the counselor, bad listener, and reallocating the monthly to Xander regularly attending a nearby shooting range which offers rental and lessons, for both he and Scout. So, wrestling with the details and pondering gun-oil, out on the deck, worm training, et al, OK, then. For those who've stood in the gap for Alex, Praise Our Lord and thanks for bringing your supply.
PSR: No milestones to cheer about, well, not big ones easily seen, but LOTS or precursor activity we now know so well. Lots of global increase of function and ease in so many areas. Correlating challenges of sensations, some headaches, and such, but much less discomforting than in the past. Muscle mass continues to improve and all the arrows are pointing up, every day, amen. The new glasses are a major quality of life bump, oooh rah.
Sorry for all the things I forgot that I'll remember after I submit; loves to all, Maranatha!
Hey Jimboni...TY for the update. Sounds like Alex is really growing up and I've been thinking about Caleb, wondering about his progress and keeping you guys in prayer. My daughter as a science teacher has specialized in the project-based learning for the past 5 or 6 years and much prefers it as a motivating tool. These kids keep us on our toes for sure, both spiritually and physically. Looking forward to that Day when we and our loved ones all meet up in the most fantastic of circumstances. As for us in this moment, talking to Jayden daily and doing his prayers with him nightly via Facetime is helping a lot with bridging this temporary separation:-) Blessings and Prayers for All and as always, Maranatha!
DeleteThank you Brad. agreement that RBG's passing at this precise moment in time surely has some prophetic significance. Haven't put my finger on the whole of it ofc, but it's an event that has certainly thrown more serious fuel onto the fire of division that has swept this nation. Her deathbed wish that Trump not be the one allowed to replace her on the SCOTUS is an ominous portent to the possibility of an unnamed President come January--which (barring any prior catastrophic event) could alone lead to a US govt. in complete shambles under the thumb of an acting "Purge" type President Nancy Pelosi. And that in my mind is a nightmare scenario in itself. Can't even imagine...
ReplyDeleteThe Dems fear of Pres Trump has now quadrupled. They don’t believe in God but surely must be thinking what a gift to him. I kinda think that, too.
ReplyDeleteGreetings, Nick posted another video yesterday, and according to him, there is the rapture, and the Christians who stay because of unintentional sins during 10 days of tribulation which is not the great tribulation but which would make that these 10 days will be an opportunity to repent for unintentional sins and go to heaven after that, or stay for the great tribulation and everything if there is no repentance. He speaks of 3 books open in paradise, that of the righteous, that of believers with unintentional sins and the unjust. What do you think about that? Maranatha! Come and take each of us my Jesus of love!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up Carole
From the salty dog: Feast of Trumpets & the 10 Days of Awe
From another fellow watchman who does his fair share of Bible digging, not just parroting what others share or from what comes from the news.
DeleteScripture references provided below for these 'groups'
The 1% Remnant Bride (Harvesting Bride, Taken @ Tishri 1/ RH for Training)
The Bride (two groups of 5% each)
a. 5% Wise - Taken early - @ Tishri 10/ YK
b. 5% Foolish - left for refinement - taken @ Heshvan 17/ the Noah Rapture
The 90% Body (The Church - 'woman') is left behind for 1260 days and to be raptured at the mid-point when the 2 witnesses are taken up. They reside in the valley of decision when end-time events begin. Some of them will be taken as guests in the ‘Noah’ of the 5% foolish – who become refined over the 40 days after the 5% wise are taken.
We learn about this here:
Ezekiel 34: 17 “As for you, my flock, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I judge between sheep [Bride - wise] and sheep [Bride - foolish], between rams [Luke-warm] and male goats [apostate].
Luke 17: 34 I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken [wise] and the other left [foolish].
Matthew 13: 23 As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.”
End of Part 1
Part 2
DeleteHundred-Fold - 1% Remnant "chosen" Harvest Workers – “Many are called, few are chosen”
Sixty-Fold - 5% Wise Virgins
Thirty-Fold - 5% Foolish Virgins
Zero Fold - 90% Body who will need to be refined - Revelation 12:5-6
The 1% Remnant is chosen by GOD for the very purpose harvesting the 10% Bride...this group is aware of the times we live in...that have been eagerly watching...waiting...painfully waiting...almost hurting to see the LORD face to face...they are daily giving themselves over to prayer, repenting, and strive every moment of the day to live a life of holiness. They fall asleep thinking about the LORD...they wake up thinking about the LORD...they have given up EVERYTHING concerning their lives on this planet...they are consumed with seeing the LORD come and fix this detestable place that many other Christians think is just fine...The reason these people are like this is this...John 15:16...The LORD chose them to go and bear fruit...and they responded with their free will to accept this assignment. They are hungry for everything to do with the LORD and His Word - The Bible.
Most of their families think they are nuts and want them to stop talking about the return of the LORD... and for the most part they do not attend a church, since the LORD has given them a bad taste in their mouth for the 'churches of men' and the doctrines of demons that do nothing but divide the body of Christ.
The 5% 'Wise' Bride (virgins)...this is the next tier group that LOVE the LORD just as much as the 1% Bride, but are not really watching and aware of the nearness of the end-time events...they in some respects don't concern themselves with prophecy, yet do strive to know the word and strive for holiness...This group will be gathered up by the 1% Remnant group...they live by the WORD...they know abortion is murder...and will say it out loud without feeling like they should remain quiet. This group will NOT scoff at prophecy...
This group is like Mary, Lazarus' sister, who sat at the feet of Jesus and did not concern herself with what was going on around her.
The 5% 'foolish' Bride (virgins) - this group loves the LORD, but also the world to some degree. They refuse to acknowledge Jesus describes them on the road to Emmaus, He calls them 'fools' as they are slow to believe all the prophets have spoken. The written prophecy in the Bible (Jeremiah, Revelation, etc.) and also the messages the modern prophets who speak now. This group will scoff at prophecy and do everything they can to ignore prophecy. These 5% foolish Bride (Virgins) will have to endure 40 extra days (or so) to get everything they love about the world out of them...Jesus will cure them of their love for cares of this world by making the world so terrible that they will begin to hate this place...they will become fully aware of their status in the kingdom the instant the 5% wise are taken by the 1% Remnant. They will cry..."We Know you!" and Jesus will say “Depart from me, for I never knew you”. Hosea spoke about this also: [Hosea 8:2 To me they cry, “My God, we—Israel—know you.” ]
The 90% Body of Christ - this group is the Revelation 12:6 ‘’ who will have to be sent into the wilderness to be nourished and refined on earth. They will not be raptured to heaven until after the 1260 days...when the 2 Witnesses are caught up at the mid-point of the 7 years. This group is luke-warm in the love and adoration for Jesus. Many of them are ‘apostate’ believers. They believe in gay marriage and think abortion is a ‘choice’ for the mother and that LORD has no real opinion concerning babies in the womb – or that this issue is a “secular” issue that should not be discussed outsider the four walls of a church. The LORD will severely discipline them while they are in the wilderness. They typically DO NOT believe in the inerrancy the bible and very often take God’s Word and water it down to mean what secular society desires it mean.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHi Carol,
The body of Christ won't be divided. All believers who have put their faith in Jesus will be taken and receive glorified bodies at the last Trump. That includes, the good the bad and the ugly believers...
We know this because it says
In 1 Corinthians 15:51
"Behold I show you a mystery, we shall not ALL sleep, but we shall ALL be changed."
That tells us that not all believers will die, but that ALL BELIEVERS will receive a glorified body.
So to me, that includes HOT Christian's & COLD Christian's
But the people who will be left behind will be the LUKEWARM, those who are Christian in name only, but have never put their FAITH in Jesus solely as their Savior. They are trusting in their church attendance, their water baptism, their reading the Bible daily, their turning from sin and other good and nobel Acts of kindness and works of righteousness as contributary reasons to be SAVED.
Amen, Jordan! Such teachings as what Vanderlaan produces go completely against Christ's FINISHED Work on the Cross and the fact that it is by Grace that we are Saved through our Faith in His Suffiency Alone--a GIFT of God and NOT of our own works. Again the Gospel is clearly given in 1Cor.15:1,2,3,4 and the method in Eph.2;8,9,10.
DeleteThis guy may hit on some interesting astronomical points re the Heavenly Sign of Rev.12:1 and even be knocking on the same door as others re a FoT Rapture timing, but he severely mixes up God's program for the BOC with that of Israel and relies heavily on the Apocryphal books for much of his conjecture. He is legalistic to the core even down to the trimming of one's beard. Either Jesus Christ paid the FULL price for ALL sin with HIS Blood, or none of us are going anywhere but hell, because none of us are without sin--intentional or otherwise. (Rom.3:23,24,25,26,28) And Praise God (Rom.10:8,9,10,11) The entirety of the BOC are ALL going Home together just as Jordan has pointed out. And 1Thess.4:17 does NOT say only SOME of we which are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the Resurrected saints in the clouds. It just says "WE" and in the next verse tells us to "comfort one another with these words". It's not about our "unintentional" sins, but it IS about His Perfect Propitiation through His Shed Blood on that Cross at Calvary for ALL who are truly trusting in Him Alone. We who are of the BOC are ALL covered in His Blood and cloaked in His Righteousness. And that's the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Blessings, Maranatha and Looking UP with Joy, Amen!
It would be like standing there and watching our Savior suffering and bleeding on the Cross and walking away shaking our heads and saying, No, it’s just not enough!
DeleteTetelestai means It Is Finished. It’s enough.
Didn’t Paul say:
DeleteRomans 7:15
15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
I would add that as we garner information re these last days that we do so prayerfully asking for Holy Spirit discernment in all that we see and hear, carefully comparing it with the Inspired Scriptures for a correct understanding in The Light of The Cross because that's who we are--children of the light:-) 1Thess.5:5,8,9,10
DeleteListening to Ravi. He mentioned where the word excruciating comes from:
Deleteexcrucio (Latin)
Origin & history
From ex- ("out of, from") + cruciō ("crucify; torture, torment").
Out of the Cross. Barbarians invented it. Roman citizens were barred from being crucified except for treason.
Zeal Life and all, Blessings. In prayer and conversing with Our Lord concerning concerns in this area and I was wandered down a couple of paths. 1st, to Whom did Jesus seek to be with, to his oft condemnation? Sinners, tax collectors and the riffraff of common folk, whom He Called to repentance, universally, while in very close contact with the reality of their lives and foibles, within smelling distance, you might say. So, He Well Knows the limits and likelihood of their walking uprightly at most points in their days. Still, He Calls Them to it, John 8:11.
DeleteHow, then, in like manner to our wrestling with the finer details of our walk being less than Righteous, while still Under The Blood, do we reconcile these irreconcilable details with Reality's Author Seemingly Breaking From It?
So, I asked, and, what occurred to me was that, if, at each Point/Miracle Where Jesus So Admonishes, He Has Also Openly Declared His Place As Their Advocate, Before The Father, Just As With Our Salvation, Then, His Statement Is BOTH An Admonition, 1 Peter 1:16; John 1:12 (emphasis on BECOME) AND A Promise, Romans 8:1.
Seen as a foil to accusations of the Accuser, be it even within our own spirit, there is great Teaching and Comfort In Our Master's Ways In This, amen.
Yes! TY Jimboni...we should always try to give Him our best because He gave us His ALL:-)
DeleteAMEN!!! Thank you Jordan, Sheila B. Archangel911 and Jimboni!!! This is also what I believe. The wrath of God has passed once on the body of Jesus and it will not come back a second time on his body.
DeleteFor me, our behavior, it is rather a principle of reward tested by fire which will take place in Heaven for those who obeyed and who remained faithful to Jesus. We may or may not deserve rewards through different things, but Jesus made us righteous to stand before the Father through his perfect sacrifice and his blood that washed us from all sins. I dare to ask the question to those who believe something else even if everyone has their convictions: If we stay for involuntary sins, during the rapture, what about the dead in Christ who rise before us? Because it is impossible that all the dead believers, walk perfectly before God. All of them have had unintentional sins in their lives. So wouldn't they all be resurrected at the last trumpet, either? God Says that "all" will be changed as my sister said above, and it is not written that "some" dead in Christ will be raised but that the dead in Christ will be raised. If that would be the case despite what is written in the Bible, in advance so that we know it, it would contradict the Word of God which never lies. That's my opinion. Bless Charlie! I will also pray for you my brother!
You are so right. At one time I was concerned about being left behind in the rapture because of sins of any type. The Holy Spirit showed me that once a person is saved & truly repentent- their true life starts in that instant. The flesh no longer matters. If a truly repentant Christian is left here at the rapture, that means that all of the dead in Christ would have to come back as well to suffer the trib. That would of course be a double standard. We know our Lord better than that. There is no difference in the soul of the saved no matter the present location of that soul- be it in heaven or here on earth. Any person that knows Christ & has preceded in death will not be treated any differently than the saved that are here for the rapture & vice-versa. I hope I have made sense to any reader on this topic.
DeleteThanks Brad for the new post. Indeed, we now have a more complete understanding of TGW of R12:1-2 from more investigation which is leading to better hindsight (here in 2020) for the 'entire' picture of the mazzaroth and the story it is telling at specific points in time. Maybe there will be even more to come forward?
Quick reminder: We are not waiting for the sound of man-made trumpet or shofar, but the T_rump of God (see Exodus 19).
Also, there will be no (man-made) shofar blowin (by man) in Israel this weekend.
See Ty Green's latest to better explain what is in scripture:
Also posted on Ty Green's page to quickly explain what we (believers) ought to be expecting;:
I can use your prayers for physical comfort/healing while we wait for the T_rump of God. So beyond my big toe, I have some internal/organ and ear "issues" going on.
Alla, you still there? You are my model for dealing and holding on! You too Jimboni.
Praying for you, BB. Incredible turnout on first day of early voting in VA.
DeleteCharlie , the BB. Heart felt knowing the body can catapult believer s toward the pts . God will cause us to rejoice in .during our pain . Praying for you. Thxs for the links
Deletealla .. see u soon and will keep u in prayer
DeletePraying for your healing Charlie.
DeleteIn prayer, Charlie!
DeleteHang in there, Charlie...Flight #777 will be departing soon and taking you to a place without any pain or suffering, but full of love, joy and gratitude as we rejoice in the Glory of our Savior. Captain Bob! 10/4
DeleteHey, 'CiD, Blessings. You place in my prayers now seasoned a bit differently, I hadn't known. My hat is currently hanging stoutly upon that hook: 'by His Stripes Are We Healed,' amen. I've specifically brought my Colonitis under that, now resolved, as well as several mouth-related details now all without issue but one I continue to bring to The Throne, though much better now as well. That Well is Beyond Measure and I encourage you to dwell there a long while, and drink deeply form it, along the Way.
DeletePraying for you, Charlie. We've been having ear issues going on as well and the nauseating imbalance problems that seem to go along with that. But Praise God...these mortal and corruptible bodies will soon be nothing more than a faint dusty memory:-)
DeleteThank you all very much.
DeleteI have constant ringing in one ear and the other keeps on flooding with fluid. I thought the ringing was from five gee but when I get outside of tower range it remains. The fluid is a new thing but it clogs every night.
[I chuckled at Sheila B.'s "imbalance" comment above, it was funny to me]
The other issue is more serious if 1) the Escape does not occur soon or 2) I do not have surgery to 'open' up the issue. If no surgery to open up the issue then I face loosing one of my kidneys and I need not have it removed before we are removed... AMEN. I have been putting 'this' off as we await in the boarding area, but time (years now since 9/23/17) keeps going by.... (Has the P1 arrived? If yes, is He ready to board the aircraft because I am literally, wasting away here). My trips to the ER for pain reduction and testing are over, it is time to remove the issue which I am avoiding and I think we all would too.
Charlie....My sincere prayers to you. My mom had ulcerative colitus and lost her whole bowel by putting it off. My son had the same happen.
DeleteGod can rapture you in the middle of the operation....but what "if" we are still here 3 years from now? We are having challenging times and my personal advice is to get that scheduled later...who knows what mayhem is coming, but in my opinion...we aint but scratched the surface.
God bless you as you deal with your decision.
Blessings Charlie, will certainly lift you up in my prayers tonight regarding these health issues.
DeleteFather, hear our prayers for our dear brother and grant him full health. May David's words be Charlie's and Alla's and all of us who need Your healing touch. Psalm 30:2 Amen and Amen
Brother Charlie,
DeleteMy heart aches for you as I know what it is like being in a hospital bed, and for me, basically dead. I am praying 2 Corinthians 4 over you, Jimboni, Alla and others that have health issues. We sure are a ‘Motley Crew’ no? Moms, older singles, Grandmothers, young families, the abandoned-divorced, unemployed, or underemployed, stress at work, discouraged, buffeted by the Enemy on all sides. It would seem all is lost or hopeless if it where not for what King David then realized. See Psalm 73. Pray this too.
When David lost everything and said to YHVH, ‘why do the Wicked prosper, and the Righteous only get persecuted and suffer…it was then that he entered into the House of the LORD and in that Presence, that he saw the end of such evil people and their circumstance. And the end result for the Righteous. Our hope is in Jesus, in close fellowship with Him now more than ever before that is need for such times as these.
Although we so long to be raptured, and it is our Blessed Hope and we have the Promise of Escape, if need be for a little while we must endure and inter into the fellowship of Christ Sufferings. Jesus knows our condition and need, and we can take comfort, as we know that He will never give us more than we can bare.
4 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
11 For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.
12 So then death worketh in us, but life in you.
13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
14 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.
15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Mom...are you doing okay, Sister? I've had both you and VeeBee on my mind and just knowing our grandma hearts will find continuous encouragement in our Blessed Hope:-)
DeleteAnd Lu...LOL! A motley crew for sure...just the kind that our Savior is so well-known for drawing to Himself. (I like to think about little ol' Zacchaeus up in that sycamore tree:-)
I always laugh when I read about Zacchaeus. How surprised he must have been when the Lord stopped, looked up at him and said Get down here we’re going to your house. I would have followed Jesus everywhere. I would have followed Moses everywhere and Elijah would have had to set me on fire to get rid of me. (And I think he might have).
DeleteBlessings Sheila and thank you dear Sister for checking on me. It's been a difficult week adjusting to their absence, however, the Lord is good and has been my strength. His lovingkindness over me in this painful valley moves my heart to tears of gratitude. He is with me and in the end, He is what matters most for He is Life Itself. So, while I'm not necessarily okay...I truly am okay. Psalm 27:13 NKJV
DeleteLooking UP with bated breath!
Praying for you Charlie! Hang in there the Israelites, when we leave there will not be “a feeble one among us”!
DeleteSheila , thank you for your prayers. Lord bless you ! We are blessed with g babies . Praying for their salivation
DeleteSo I had a thought, in keeping with the whole 3/7 theme that others have written on here, as well as other sites. If the Rev 12 sign on 23 Sep 2017 (Yom Teruah) began a 10-year period, ending on Yom Kippur, 2027, that correlates to the 10 days of awe between the two holidays.......what if the bride was taken on the 3rd day of awe this year? ....repeating a 3/7 theme of the Lord's return on the 3rd day (3rd year), then 7 days of destruction immediately afterwards, which could correlate to the future 7-year period of Daniel's 70th week. Just a thought that I had, and it increased my anticipation during this season of watching. Blessing all!
Will....Blessings and that's very possible. Our Lord in His Great Mercy could have His Timing appointed to cut it just that close in order to get that very last believer on board The Ark:-)
DeleteWill, I had had that same thought a few days ago, even before this Rosh Hashanah got under way. The 3rd day of Awe will be Sunday night to Monday night. It will still be less than three solar years since the Rev 12 sign and it will be during "summer" as fall does not begin until Tuesday. Monday is also the United Nations International Day of Peace.
DeletePosting a poach from another watchman re: 3rd day + New Moon:
DeleteAutumn Equinox 2020 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 9:30 AM on
Tuesday, September 22--> meaning September 21 is the last day of Summer.
It's the third day of Tishri (see Jeff's article at Unsealed on the 3rd day)
King David escaped on the third day after waiting 3 days by the stone Ezel
which means
David escaped the 3rd day of a New Moon.
21-0 America, ibid.
Delete<3 Gigi @BLUEHEAVEN
Blessings, all,
OK, OK, Blessings, Zeal Life and all; now let's make this a lot more interesting. One major meme, over the past year, amongst many in back channels and online, is that her passing occurred many month's previously, or longer, and 'appearances', since then, involve doubles, minimally, or worse. Undoubtedly, 'Q' folks will be hearing something more, if not already, as one example. In our world, currently, I find this scenario significantly more likely, let alone credible, than not.
ReplyDeleteThat being a possible case, and this another move in the various games afoot, then everything you highlight was well known and leveraged, as is likely MUCH more. So, in case the puzzle wasn't challenging enuf, now view it as an ORCHESTRATED moment and ask, by WHO, and WHY NOW, both in the larger sense as well as in terms of what you highlighted.
She did seem to cheat death a lot. Nine lives.
ReplyDeleteI would say something is up with the timing of the ‘official’ announcement of her death. I suspect perhaps that she even had already been dead for a while but has been keep alive medically as long as possible. Maybe to go past the election, assuming a Biden victory so he could then continue with a Liberal/Left appointment.
ReplyDeleteI think the Liberals have finally realized they will lose in doing so. Interestingly, one of my contacts emailed me reminding me how he actually predicted this a year ago and how it happened now. He also had seen the movie, Soylent Green and how the year was 2020. Not sure if anyone had realized that also or received similar emails perhaps about it. Even then, it was all pre-programed and, on schedule then... And here we are! We have arrived!! Food shortages and high prices have begun.
I realize the Bible says we should not gloat over the fall of one's enemies, but I wonder where she is at now? She single-handedly did more harm and what led to the slaughter of millions of the unborn alone. She will have to now give an account, face to face to a Jewish Savior that the authorities/Herod also wanted to abort and 'cancel'.
It is amazing and sickening how the media is eulogizing such a person as a 'hero'. The contact stated that perhaps it will be the end of ‘Liberalism’. Not likely. Sure, Trump might appoint a 'conservative' judge, but we have seen how that has played out and how they have sided with the Liberals on key issues already.
Then even if the court becomes, 'conservative', the U.S. population is heading towards... 'bad to worse' as the Bible said it will. It has become now openly violent and hostile towards Christians.
What is sad is that it is all those young people protesting, looting, burning down are those that never got taken to Church nor told the Gospel. Or all that they saw and heard was 'mega church' style water-downed Christian Rockstar's and 20-minute sermonettes with no mention of holiness or need for repentance. And this coupled with a Marxist- Darwinian propaganda education that they are a random accident, meaningless, useless, hopeless, purposeless, terminal, and expendable…
Tumultuous times to come for sure!! I just cannot understand why the W.H.O., the CDC and un-elected scientists and billionaire eugenicist have been allowed to trump our Constitution and rule of law and dictate policy. They have or should not have any sovereignty over a nation’s laws and constitutions. It is a fix, a scam and those standing up and protesting are being put down. I also wonder where are all those who swore to uphold the constitution, within the Police and Military that are ‘just following orders’…sad.
It is getting nearer though...hope it is soon. I so long to get out of here...I want to share in the hope and encouragement of all those that believe and are expecting a FOT Rapture. I do not want to 'rain on such a parade'! No 'Cold Splashes' here. lol
But let the festivities begin!! :)
Police are policy enforcers. They should be protecting our Constitutional rights but they are there as revenue generators for the State. They are there to threaten us with use of force and violence under the color of law. Just because they’re in uniforms doesn’t mean they have a higher claim on our life and property than we do.
ReplyDeleteChina owns the NBA, Dems, tech giants,Walmart, Pentagon military higher ups and on and on and that’s why they have such a seething vendetta for Pres Trump. He comes along and threatens all of that. These same millionaire NBA players are just fine with the slave camps in China and organ harvesting and brutal persecution of Christians and other minorities. Hypocrisy is the hallmark of liberalism. That and insanity.
ReplyDeleteLiked you thoughts Ryan and your wanting to share in the excitement of a FOT Rapture. Amen! Have you tried listening to Dr. Barry Awe or George at Return of the King .. only just wondering.
ReplyDeleteI had wanted to say, too, Ryan as to these unelected officials and all that ... It is a demonic influence ... A delusion taking place. Seeing people in cars with masks on is disturbing. Having none of this seemingly abating after even the CDC came out on the low deaths by covid alone ... Nothing changed (that I know of) and it is the rise in cases that is constantly stated ... It just becomes too much, I feel as this "vaccine" is hovering over our heads ...
ReplyDeleteHey Lu...we were just talking about how these evil corrupt people who've been destroying millions of innocent lives and the moral fabric of this nation for decades are eulogized in the media like they were Saints by even their sworn public enemies when they finally croak. It was interesting when I looked at the gematria values of RBG's name this morning. It pointed to 2 things--actually 3 in Scripture--the grave in Job 30:24, judgement in Amos 3:12 and Jude 7 as an example of Sodom and Gomorrah--and as we all know, it wasn't the sin of S&G that got them destroyed, it was the legalized condoning of that sin by their government. RBG not only shaped US laws to support gay marriage, she performed them in her spare time. So unless she went from her deathbed wish of preventing a Trump appointee from undoing her evil deeds to a deathbed confession of faith in Jesus Christ for forgiveness (whenever that actually occurred) Jude 7 probably says it all re her sad end.
ReplyDeleteThe only way the cancerous evils of this world will ever be cured is for The Surgery to begin and the Rapture has to occur first. The sooner the better for the sake of all who will love and honor our Creator, esp the children because just as you said, it will only be going from bad to worse. Blessings, Maranatha, Looking Up and Listening!
Oh and I remember my mother making all of us kids watch Soylent Green back in the 70's and
ReplyDeleteI never forgot that movie. A friend recently pointed out to me that there is a company that produces "Soylent Green" meal replacement products you can buy at Walmart.
Hi Sheila,
ReplyDeleteHope all is well. Good points and concur in all you said too about Vanderlaan. I was just chatting over the phone with my Mom; checking in and discussing work, family, and prophecy. We got to talk and ask why so many people, most …here and of the world are following the dictates of their government without question. Of course, there are those that are not and are not even Christians but it seems they are the few and far between. And those that are like in Australia, Spain, Germany and the UK...
I mentioned that we are created to ‘worship’ and have a divine disposition to follow naturally to obey as much as to rebel too! lol But, as to the USA, for example most Christians have left ‘Church’, Jesus or just pay lip service. They say about 60% of Americans consider themselves ‘Christian’. That is about 200 million. Imagine then what that would mean politically, socially, etc.
We realize though that about half are Liberal, so say 100 million. And out of that, they say only 3% (30,000) are really Bible Believers and believe in the End Times and so on -if the stats are true. There could be a Gideon moment occurring and what is needed perhaps. But we are remined of just how small the Remnant really was with Lot and Noah vs the 5 Mega Cities and the Whole Pre-Flood world?! Yikes.
Then for those in the ‘Church’, most are really ‘unchurched’. Especially when it comes to Prophecy. I think in part why at least half if not more of the congregations have elected to close and perhaps permanently is because they did not teach and know of Prophecy to the point of recognizing the Game Book and strategy that they are being hoodwinked with by the W.H.O/CDC/Fauci/Authorities and such are capitulating and deferring to the ‘Scientist’ and Civic Leaders instead of the Headship of Christ and/or stand with those Pastors/Shepherds that are sounding the alarm. For sure there is separation going on, within the Church and in the world.
Then there are all that are not ‘Christians’ but that nonetheless have filled the void with something that to them, it is no different than a ‘religion’. I am thinking of the Atheists, Agnostics or just carefree, no-god in life people. Many might be or seen as ‘good’ and law-abiding even…But they have replaced Christ with the Government or a President or World Authority nonetheless that they instead follow and believe to be ‘truth’. It is really a battle for truth in an age of deception.
So, to them, how on Earth would anyone not trust their Civic Leaders and/or Scientists! How dare you do not wear a mask, social distance, stay at home, or for heaven’s sake get vaccinated?! etc. It is laughable…if not serious. Remember that doctor that was the Medical go-to on a morning show that stated, ‘yes, the Swine Flu shot was disastrous, many people got hurt.’ That was in 2010, with NBC Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman that then stated plainly, ‘Forget the conspiracy, listen to our government agencies, these guys are telling the truth, you know there’s no conspiracy here folks – just get your damn vaccine! Remember?
She even admitted the virus was basically a cocktail…and that a normal virus lasts about 3 months, it does not last for 9 months and counting?! Sad. To such people the sanctioned only ‘Scientists’, Democratic Governors, City Mayors are essentially the High Priests or their ‘religiosity’ wherein they now see the government to provide for them, protect them, save them, and speak for them, for being what is ‘truth’, etc. And anyone who would dare question the narrative is thus seen as ‘subversive’, a ‘menace’ and eventually dangerous to be taken out altogether from participating in their future utopian society.
Here is the link to the video. Most are now scrubbed off the internet. It is very eerie to hear how they use the same Play-Book over and over. These people.
ReplyDelete“According to a Reuters news article, Saudi Arabia's King Salman reaffirmed in a recent telephone call to President Trump that he is eager to achieve a "fair and permanent solution" to the Palestinian issue. This comes on the heels of Saudi Arabia's reluctance to jump on the UAE bandwagon and normalize ties with Israel before such a deal with the Palestinians is achieved.
Of course, "fair and permanent solution" is a well-worn code phrase for a two-state solution that chops Israel down to its pre-1967 borders, and is precisely what is called for as a starting point in the Arab Peace Initiative that was proposed by Saudi Arabia in 2002. Other Arab nations are echoing similar sentiments, which one would think might dampen the enthusiasm of senior advisor Jared Kushner, who is possibly still a tad hungover from the celebrations following the deal reached with the UAE.
An undaunted Kushner, however, is giddily averring that there is an excellent chance that all 22 Arab nations will eventually follow suit and normalize ties with Israel, but it didn't take long after the UAE deal for reality to set in. That is, the reality that for the major Arab players, it's a give-it-all-back, pre-1967-borders two-state solution or nothing.
The overall Arab position remains unchanged: Until there is a two-state solution in place, it's like the old Community Chest card in Monopoly:
Towing the party line, the King's son Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is similarly discussing with Jared Kushner the need for the Israelis and the Palestinians to resume negotiations to reach a peace agreement.
Prophetically, of course, this all makes perfect sense. We know that the treaty of Daniel 9:27 will divide the land of Israel and make a false peace with her Arab neighbors. And that's exactly the dish that's being whipped up in the Middle East kitchen as we speak.
This is arguably the number one story to keep an eye on right now, because this is prophecy unfolding before our very eyes. And since we know that we will not be here to see the outcome of this process, it calls to mind the Monopoly Chance card that reads:
Except where we're heading, Boardwalk will be pure gold.”
(Greg Lauer). No water boarding this time either.
Nice share, Archangel...and we've all got our "Get out of jail free" cards ready courtesy of our Blessed and Glorious Redeemer, Amen:-)
DeleteAmen to that, Sheila B. Yes, it’s good news on the prophetical front because it’s one thing to freeze annexation, which is bad enough, but quite another to agree to divide the Land.
DeleteGoing to read Deuteronomy chapter 8. I heard Ravi say that it’s one chapter Jesus loved to quote. I think maybe some people get confused about Salvation and Discipleship and thinking you have to behave right at all times to stay saved and if that’s the standard then I failed too many times to count. But I know this, every time I got in a jam and I asked God for help, He always rescued me. Praise God.
Amen, Sister...Just read it and that chapter is definitely a good reminder of who our ALL in ALL is and will always be. TY for sharing again:-)
DeleteVery welcome:)
DeletePleasing to Whom?
ReplyDeleteSo, in revisiting the Abraham Accords, this is what I came across. What may not be apparent about the historic signing ceremony of the Abraham Accord is the significance of the noted number in attendance to witness the ‘pleasant’ agreement. That number was 700. If one is a Bible student, one can obviously understand the significant of 7 as that is the derivative of 700. The number 7 signifies completion and perfection. So, I looked into the Biblical and esoteric significance and meaning of the number 700 as it relates to the occasion. How so or why? It is prophetic in the sense that the Abrahamic Accord very well will lead to the ‘confirming of the Covenant with the Many’. And that the person will be none other than the Biblical AntiChrist. Thus, it is to this person, or sprit that the 700 was assured to have been in attendance.
In Gematria, 700 is the numerical sum of C and R in how the early Christians ascribed the Chi Rho letters to Christ. In the Greek, the numerical value associated with the letters C = 600 + R = 100 is 700. This is taken from According to Peignot, the number 700 is the symbol of the Resurrection as an image of the Phoenix, this mythological bird that, once burnt, reappeared of its ashes. In Greek, the numerical value of Phoenix, ‘FOINIX’, is 700 = 500+70+10+50+10+60.
Lastly, in the Bible, the precise number of 700 is associated with a rebellion of the King, in this case King Solomon. In 1 Kings 11:1-4 it states the nature of the rebellion of the ‘willful king’ type. ‘These women were from the nations about which the LORD had told the Israelites, You must not intermarry with them, for surely they will turn your hearts after their gods. Yet Solomon clung to these women in love. He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines— and his wives turned his heart away. For when Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and he was not wholeheartedly devoted to the LORD his God, as his father David had been.’
This attitude and disposition of Israel’s King demonstrates the ‘Spirit of AntiChrist’. It shows that despite a rebuke and admonishment to forsake that which would destroy not only the King but Israel also, King Solomon refused to yield and repent of his disobedience, much like what is found in Lucifer’s spirit of rebellion. This same attitude and disposition of Israel’s false Messiah or the AntiChrist will be on display as the various plagues YHVH sends by way of the 7-Seal Judgment from Heaven by the true Messiah, Jesus will on the contrary harden his heart much like Pharaoh did.
According to the Strong's Concordance, the number 700 is associated with the word ἀρέσκω or transliterated as areskó. The meaning is to please. Please whom? Further defined as to imply to please properly, to satisfy, to make good on something, as in winning someone's favor, affection, approval because of meeting an expectation in a moral agreement. Thus, one can correlate the definition and association with that of the historic day to find favor, pleasing, approval of a moral agreement. The question still remains, whom is it directed to? In the further delineation of the meaning and given the context of the foundation laid for the confirming of the Covenant, that can only be ascribed to the coming AntiChrist, as to please the AntiChrist.
The Deal of the Century :: By Pete Garcia
In conclusion, let me (PG) sum up a few things about where I believe things are headed by way of a bulletined summary. [Disclaimer, I could be wildly wrong-this is just my theory].
I believe the Abraham Accord IS THE covenant that will be confirmed in Daniel 9:27, albeit with modifications. The last Middle East ‘peace plan’ was in 1993, almost forty years ago, and it was dead on arrival.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman is currently second in line to the Saudi throne. He is on board with the Abraham Accord, but his father is not. This is, in part, why I believe his father (the king) will die at some point in Trump’s second term. This is, in part, why I believe Trump wins a second term because the Democrats would all but dismantle this the second they took over. More importantly, Saudi’s entrance into the Accord will be the pièce de résistance that causes the domino effect for others to join
As the Abraham Accord shores up its Sunni-Israeli alliance, the Axis of Resistance (Gog-Magog, et al.) will also form along aligned interests merging in both Libya and Syria.
The Rapture event becomes the trigger for the Gog-Magog invasion of Israel. The Rapture will throw the U.S. into disarray, which means it will throw much of the Western world (Europe, Australia, Japan, etc.) into economic disarray as well. The opportunity to attack Israel will be too enticing for the Gog-Magog coalition to resist because they know (or think) no one will come to their aid.
The Sunni-Abraham Accord participants will lodge their protests at what is taking place, but will not lift a finger to help. They want no part of what is about to happen to tiny Israel.
God supernaturally (or naturally for Him, I suppose) destroys Damascus (Isaiah 17) and this coalition, so much so that Israel becomes the new powerhouse in the Middle East. “Last man standing” syndrome.
Not only will this divine victory expand their national borders by absorbing parts of Syria and Lebanon, but it will also give them the confidence to build their Third Temple on the Temple Mount. I assume that the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are either severely damaged or destroyed during this event.
At some point, either before or after Ezekiel 38, the Two Witnesses come on the scene, and the Ark of the Covenant is found. These Two are hailed as heroes at first, but will quickly become a thorn in everyone’s side as Israel enters into this newly packaged Abraham Accord.
After the Rapture and the Gog-Magog War, there will be a brief bout of global anarchy and chaos as power struggles ensue to fill the void of the USA, Russia, Turkey, and Iran. At this point, the United Nations decides to divide the world into ten regions to better manage the recent turn of events. One of the regions will be the Mediterranean Union.
The new Abraham Accord will not just be Israeli/Sunni anymore but will include a newly energized Mediterranean Union led by the lawless one himself, the rider on the white horse, Mr. Antichrist.
Sounds very plausible. You can already see the separation of regions ie Australia due to CV1984. Whether through treaties, infighting or war, regions are being divided and that’s exactly the plan.....Balkanization. US, Mexico and Canada for another example.
DeleteApparently, 9 days before RBG’s death, DJT released his list of SCOTUS nominees...
DeleteRGB may have been on ice until the most opportune moment to present her as deceased.
DeleteI am sure Trump knew the truth, but had to play by the rules to a certain degree.
He (and all the others before him) has played the role well, even these easter eggs.
DeleteReminds me of Bush Jr. just sitting there in the classroom just "waiting" for the "message" to come in so he can "put on his war face" and get to work (i.e the Patriot Act). Such a play on words.
King Solomon’s rebellion ultimately led to the division of Israel as will the Covenant the AC will confirm with them.
ReplyDeleteAligning with PBA's highlighting that the FIRST official act of Solomon was the interaction where he moves to 'divide' the child. Great Typology, Lu, Blessings, in your unpack concerning Solomon's lusts aligning with the equivalent, today, in lusts for lucre and power, et al, clearly fueling Israel's 'stance' through all of this. And this lays at the feet of a man lauded as the Wisest amongst us, having been doubly blessed, By ABBA, when it was humbly requested, for him to better lead Israel, during a *NIGHT WATCH* OF EL SHADAI, amen. For those in this motley crew bearing scars from affairs of the heart, in our lives, there is an odd comfort in this, surely.
Deleteoops, s/b: "DBA's"
DeleteYes, that’s right. Turns out, King Solomon was a pretty ruthless dictator.
DeleteFor sure,
DeleteAnd is it not odd that King Solomon, which means 'Peace' as many know took a 'salary' of 666 talents of gold. What? When he did go to the 'Dark Side', he most likely became a type of the AC to come. The AC will be welcomed as the 2nd Solomon by the Sanhedrin and Sueleman by the Muslims and all those that seek to rule the world, so much so that this Son of 'Apollo/Apollyon' will be the Destroyer and possessed by Lucifer as a type of Judas even...creepy stuff awaits.
Yes, would that the Jews had listened to Moses because he pointed them to the true Messiah. Then again, they didn’t listen to him in the desert, either.
DeleteIF 5781 is Jubilee Year, THEN YT/FoT is pushed into YK for a double whammy! See two new confirming/ affirming/corroborating studies:
ReplyDelete1] From Sabine Vlaming (9/20)
From Sabine-
If you are interested to study alongside me, I recommend the documents listed below, providing insight that we're in a Jubilee year, meaning Rosh Hashanah (start of the Civil New Year) will be celebrated on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) this year with a special role of the high priest. In addition to this special celebration, Yom Kippur yearly closes the 10 days of Awe, it also commemorates the bookend of Moses' stay on Mt. Sinai with the second tablets. It was last day of Jesus' time of trials and testing in the wilderness after which he began his public ministry (a potential foreshadowing of the bride as well). Tishri 10 also formed the closing of Jonah's timeframe of judgment given to Nineveh.
We shared prior how the bride of Christ, after her translation, will operate in the role of kings and priests (in the priestly order of Melchizedek, like Jesus). The Qumran Scrolls flank the Scriptures and give subsequent insight the Melchizedek priestly order will be revealed on a Jubilee Rosh Hashanah.
The study links:
2] Latest from Brenda Weltner:(9/19)
"Running to and fro"? Rapture at Tabernacles?
Brenda uncovers and discusses the very same thing as Sabine (FoT -> YK this 5781)
For a bonus, this warning was given back in 2016 [and specifically for a September 28th].
No 'year' given, just the month and day. If you listen to the two studies above, you'll understand the heavy implications of this warning message and how this 'date' aligns to something coming up.
Hey Charlie… I hope you’re feeling better this Sunday afternoon. Just watched B. Weltner’s video and it looks like we may experience a slight delay in our departure (Flight #777 continues to be grounded on the tarmac and it will not be allowed to take-off until all pre-flight conditions are met). Speaking of which, I guess we now have to wait for war to break out in Israel to comply with the pre-flight conditions checklist! Apparently Brenda’s timeline has shifted because of this being a Jubilee year. But is it, and is there a consensus on the matter? In the back of my mind I hear Lu’s voice saying, “Oh, that’s very convenient now that your projected [blank] date has come and gone without anything happening.” It also reminds me of when L. Lott changed her Rapture date because we were using the wrong calendar. I do not say these things to be critical, but I know Lu and others are going to have their own ideas, and rightfully so, because we’re going to need to be factual if we’re ever going to solve this rapture puzzle. I personally have no problem with changing dates as we get new info or better understanding of things, and in fact, we’ll probably change things right up until the last day. We just keep learning and it will continue even when we’re on the “other side”!
DeleteIf I understood her correctly, the Feast of Trumpets may be shifted or moved to the Day of Atonement because of it being a “Jubilee” year, we will be transformed into our “glorified” bodies on Monday, September 28 (Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement), all or some of the “true believers” will start our ministry for 5 days, and the Rapture will occur on Saturday, October 3 (1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles). Also, the 144,000 will need to see us go in order to get their “double portion” of the Holy Spirit. She readily admits that this is new information that she has had to consider and it’s all part of her continuing Bible Study. We will be finding out soon enough, but we may all want to consider dusting off our “Superhero Evangelists” suits just in case they are needed! LOL!!!
I just listened to George, The Return of the King and his short video on the Torah calendar showing a Jubilee year, etc. with his belief Oct 3 is the date most likely because of the alignment with Venus Regulus and Leo / Revelation 22.
DeleteHey Bob,
DeleteWell, I for one, am not one of those that will say or think, ‘I told you so’. I did not with the Rev 12 Sign when it came and went. I had a different take on it and kept saying it was a Sign of what is to come and not the ‘Rapture’ itself that day. In fact, I have still written about it , I still think it is in play and it has that 1260-day countdown to something. It remains to be seen. But I am critical, as I do like to ask questions of where and how and why such are making statements, especially when such say, ‘the LORD told me’…
I do not claim to know it all. But a lot of such fellow Watchers are ‘learning on the way’ or on the fly and most of the audiences are not well versed enough in Prophecy to detect the blind spots or possible error. Like Sheila once rightly said, we all have our own take and with the advent of YouTube and other social media everyone can and does put out their take. Not that I am anyone or that any number of years is a requirement. We know certain things as fact and based solely on Scripture. We or at least I realize that some pieces of the Rapture Puzzle the LORD may not nor never give us this side of the event.
But a lot of what I see/read is really going beyond to be of ‘one’s own interpretation’. So, speculating and guessing is fine with me, I must ask, what is your primary source, when did you get that idea and we then like the ‘Noble Bereans’ need to vet it out. That is why is splash you all with 'Cold Water' and 'Lightning Bolt Zaps' before, not after, lol. And as I said, I join in the expectation and excitement many have that this is the season, month, week, day perhaps, but if not, we continue.
I sure appreciate those that join me when I have my high watch days concerning Pentecost and its end of Summer type of harvest-whenever that is and year, etc. I have about 40 years studying Prophecy and I still cannot figure it out. But if the Watchers are repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results, is that not the legal definition of insanity? :)
Bob, can you order some pizzas as we wait on the tarmac? Over and out.
Cathi G.. I'll have to check out his video. Thanks for pointing that out!
DeleteLu... as always, I appreciate your wise comments. You're one of the few that will keep us honest and focused on the Biblical facts. Without all your cold splashes, where would we be? Probably a lot warmer, but definitely not on the right path! Anyway, what do you say I order some GF "vegan" pizzas while we're waiting on the tarmac!
Perhaps we should change our closing from 10/4 (ok, affirmative, over and out) to 10/3 (Up, Up and Away!) since that's the new "Rapture" date! LOL!!!
Hi Cathi & All,
DeleteYeah I watched that video by George from Return of the King,
Just an observation / Question regarding his theory that the Feast of Trumpets should actually be on the 28th of Sept.
I thought that FoT had to occur at the start of the month, which is when the Moon is a New-Moon i.e. a waxing sliver. So if FoT is actually on the 28th of Sept, it wouldn't be a new moon by then, anymore.. So Just wondering what anyone else's theory is on whether FoT is still yet future?
At this stage, I'm setting my sights on the UN security Council Peace summit next week, starting on Tuesday with the USA speaking, and Ending on the 28th with Israel and UAE speaking.. it certainly looks like "Peace and Safety" will be proclaimed by THEM alot that week!!
Vegan the air in my mouth tastes better n...uh thanks!
DeleteHere is the deal....
DeleteRosh HaShanah, which means the 'Head of the Year' is what the Jews mark the Civil New Year. It has absolutely no bearing on being a Feast of YHVH. Sure, most often both the Civil New Year, Rosh HaShanah will coincide with Yom Teruah. Yom Yeruah is the Biblical Feast of YHVH that was mandated to Moses. Yom Teruah is the Feast of Trumpets and it dos not have to 'start' the Jewish Civil Year. They are mutually exclusive. The Feast of Trumpets is what is sighted by the Sliver of the Moon to determine it.
But, sorry, another 'Cold Splash' here, lol since the Rapture is still now, again considered to occur on Yom Kippur now so permission to do it :). But most do not realize that the sighting of the Sliver of the Moon, could have only been done and only valid, authenticated from the Temple when there was a Temple and the Priests had to conduct this oversight. All this done by supposed other 'Priestly' sects or websites, not valid.
The last issue is that this is not a Jubilee Year. It is by the Torah Calendar but as mentioned prior, it is not in sync correctly or entirely. It is a good source to consider and review though. So, regardless of when Torah Calendar says Rosh HaShanah is to be, either FOT or any other day, it has no impact on Yom Teruah, which is the Feast of Trumpets and has now passed.
Now, sure the Rapture can happen at Yom Kippur, Sukkot, the 8th Day or next year's Feasts of YHVH or not...but to say that it has to be on Rosh HaShanah regardless and that is even a moving goal post now within the Feasts of YHVH...oh....yea...ok.
DeleteIF the New Year is not proclaimed until YK in a Jubilee Year, we are not in the New Year on Tishri 1 but not until Tishri 10.
THUS, it extends HARVEST time a few more days,,,,??
Of course, this does not include the equinox, but goes solely by the jewish calendar.
I have not watched George's latest, but perhaps the mazzaroth is the missing link here.
Y'all see/ listen to all those messages re: major earthquake and other stuff for super Tuesday, 9/22?
Perhaps why the firebombs, to get people off the coasts as when Cascadia goes.....
Also watching NYD for something...
This is getting more confusing by the second! I think I'll go out in my garden and munch on some figs! Oh, how I enjoy the simple life!!!
DeleteHey Charles,
DeleteHope you are doing better. Sorry, I got triggered! Lol. Well, here is my question then, who is doing the ‘proclaiming’? It is not the Jews and they are not going off the Torah Calendar. The current Rabbinical Hillel Calendar has been set mathematically and it is really on ‘auto pilot’ since the Sanhedrin officially dispersed in Tiberius in the early 300s because the Temple was destroyed and they could not observe the Moon cycles anymore directly.
They use the combined Lunar/Solar calculations and regardless of when the Sliver of the Moon, is physically sighted is irrelevant because again, it is all mathematical. We can predict such a degree all the celestial hosts without the fear of fog or rain that could supposedly ‘delay’ it. This line of thinking is beyond me. This is why the Hillel Calendar is and will always be in sync with the solar and lunar eclipses and why for example, during the 4 Blood Moon Tetrad, they coincided with the Feasts of YHVH and so on.
You see, many may not realize but the time going into the Fall Feasts YHVH is all about repentance, atonement, judgment of YHVH’s People. It is not a good time/season to associate the celebration of the Bride nor marriage or a season of joy. Sure, there is some inference to a marriage at Yom Teruah but in general, there is the 40 days of Repentance, then the scape goat and ‘opening of the Books’ at Yom Kippur that all of Israel waited in fear to see the High Priest come out and have then 1 more year of grace.
Then there are the Sukkah of the type that speak of the rebellion of how the Israelites had to live in tents for 40 years and so on. It is really a time of solemn inward contemplation and that is why when Jesus returns on Yom Teruah, He will appropriately deal with Israel with such Feast and season as Israel will be basically in shock and enter a time of morning, introspection and repentance.
Now for me, if going by the Mazzaroth as you mentioned, perhaps there is a glimmer of hope still for this year in that the 22nd is the last day of Summer. Could that last day of the Summer harvest correlate to the Rapture? We will see. But not getting my hopes up high. I just cringe at those when I hear they say’, ‘it has to happen’…. I just wish most would then man-up to say, I was wrong or did not understand fully.
Most will not and continue the yearly cycle of making the same evaluation either to safe face or not lose credibility but insist on their methodology that time after time proves to be wrong. Such who venture into such territory will always get pulverized in the fine machinery of the LORD’s spectrum of Prophecy.
Just saying…
DeleteOh no you don't, get back here! lol...
Hey, I am still waiting here on the tarmac, getting hot now and where is that Vegan pizza hu? lol.
I'll settle for one of your figs then!
Lu :)
Bob D, blessings. Please don’t worry. We know Our Savior is coming to get us. We know the season we are in. Me, I’m just watching Israel and the Peace Deals. August 13 was so stunning when the UAE deal was announced and then Bahrain. And the signing so quickly. Things are moving fast. Maybe we’re not supposed to know the day for sure. It’s fun trying to guess but maybe not to the point where we get heartbroken watching the clock and calendars. There’s also the real possibility that our Sovereign God wants it to be a surprise. Maybe it will happen on a regular old day. Wouldn’t that be like our God, too? I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if it happens on a day none of us was able to guess. Just don’t want anyone to feel let down. Jesus has already done everything for us. We can rest in Him and the joy of knowing He’s got it all under control. God bless you.
DeleteLu...that "vegan" pizza is on the way...but right now a nice cold beer or a shot of "Crown Royal" is what I need! LOL!!!
DeleteArchangel...these guys really do make my head spin! I'm not cut out for this kind of stuff. But no will probably happen on a day that we least expect it like you said. And when it does happen we'll be all smiles and thoroughly enjoying ourselves at the "Fun Table"! Maranatha!
That’s right Bob D! Just enjoy each moment of your life. Make the most of each day. I know the news swirling around can be overwhelming. I was just over at the gateway pundit and the news is sad; 3 ppl murdered in cold blood in a bar, one bar owner committed suicide, Iran talking smack, fascists training how to kick in Lindsey Graham’s door. I just remind myself things are not going to get better and that’s the way it is until we get out of here. But the King is on His way. Maranatha!
DeleteOh come on…you are leaving us? :( But yeah, welcome to the debate and Prophecy! Lol
You see, that is why most Churches will not touch it. It does require study and patience.
But if you leave or ‘check out’…maybe just a time-out is good…we will miss any nuggets you or all the others and those that never comment nor contribute from enriching the conversation. This is a safe space after all to do so.
Like Carole with the 10 days type or the 3rd year since the Sign or Will with the 3/7 type of days that I really liked. It would be nice to hear from everyone and not just the ‘regulars. We need ‘fresh bread’ lol.
But watching Prophecy does take a toll. Think of how many that started with Brad back in early 2017 are no longer with us…either by choice, discouragement, burned-out or checked-out. I totally understand.
Anyway, there are a ton of new recent vids up….GOD’s Roadmap to the End, Ty Green, others..
The Watch continues! For those of you having been in the military and having to do Night Watch, the 4th Watch of the Night, just before dawn was the worst!! :( That is were we are not now...Don't give and go back to sleep. You would not want to be found out by the Drill Sergeant!!! :)
Bob, I am trying to concentrate here! Lol at your comment above. I had to read everything twice. And, take notes. I guess I am the culprit here. I was excited in what George said in his video today (with more info to come, btw). I had read rumblings of this delay in regard to possibly being a Jubilee year.
DeleteSo, Lu is it then back to, or from the beginning, next year in the Spring/Summer ...
Archangel, isn't there a verse on His coming at an hour you expect not (and, maybe that applies more to the Great Tribulation period because of the moon not giving out its light etc?) Coirsez they won't be able to see the moon maybe to see that sliver ... Whether some kind of temple or not or maybe all those in the temple flee to the mountains coz they realize he is not the Messiah, because he is a man. Right? Anyhow.
Well, Bob I guess I will join you in the garden ... Aw the simple life.
Blessings Cathi G! Yes that’s Matthew 25:13:
DeleteWatch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
I have heard different things about this ie that our Lord is referring to the time at the end of the Trib. I always thought, well, the Trib is 7 yrs but if it’s cut short, then they won’t know the hour. But I do think the Rapture can and will happen when God in His Sovereignty has planned which to our finite minds could be any minute esp as the signs keep flying at us. The new article at Unsealed is thrilling to read. Maranatha!
Archangel, Wow , a definite word of comfort to the body. Liked a pastor who said ... God shows. timings reflected by new seasons..More souls to witness to during these days
DeleteAmen, VeeBee. Lots of hurting souls out there. We have to get our work done witnessing to them while we can.
DeleteAs to the days of the Tribulation shortened, - I had read some long time ago the thought that it has already been cut short. What do you think? I always wondered about that because of those day counts they do need to be met with the 1260, 1290 or vice versa and blessed are those who reach the 1335 days which I took to mean the day Jesus returns at his 2nd Coming to Earth.
DeleteIt’s a bit of a mystery in itself, isn’t it? The Lord did say we know not the day or hour and I think we can even extrapolate this out to the moment of one’s death. We don’t know when we will each die (if not Raptured first) and then Judgment. So, either through Judgment at death or Rapture, we all will meet Jesus. It’s an appointment we all keep. I think also the Jewish wedding is at play here because the groom comes after midnight and the bride sleeps in her wedding dress because she has to stay ready and she doesn’t know what hour the bridegroom is coming to get her. I’ve heard so many different explanations over the years and I may even be overlapping a bit but in general, I think Matthew 24 is for the Jews and Matthew 25 may be, too. I’ve learned it’s critical to know who the audience is that is being instructed. Recently, Andy Woods explained that James’ audience was Hebrew Christians that were already saved. For me, that makes a huge difference in how I interpret what is a very convicting Book. I come away thinking, yes this guy is definitely Jesus’ (half) brother:)
DeleteAll...don't worry folks, I'm not going anywhere! After 3 years of doing this stuff, it's in my blood! I've got a lot of time and energy invested in solving this Biblical mystery/Rapture puzzle and I'll be here to the bitter (I mean "Glorious") end! Abandon my friends and let you have all the fun...I don't think so! It's amazing what a little quality time in the garden will do for you. Of course, those two drinks I brought with me may have had something to do with it! LOL!!!
DeleteGotta love this Watching Family! I know our Lord surely does and He has been so faithful to provide us with the encouragement and the vision to keep after it every step of the way. We all know that in the overall scheme of time, we are in the last few minutes of the very last hour of this Age of Grace and whenever I feel any disappointment or weariness trying to creep in, I recall when Jesus asked Peter, "What, could ye not watch with me one hour?" Matt.26:40 KJV
DeleteSo we just grab a cup of Joe (or our favorite "fig" Juice) and keepa going, searching out His Word, scouring the Heavens, and sharing our latest clues/revelations because we know He IS coming for us at any given moment. And for such a time as this, what better place to be than among this Vanguard of Watchmen/women on the Wall:-)
Oh, Amen to that, Sheila B. That Passover meal sat heavy in their weary, grief stricken stomachs. I know stress and grief puts me out like a light.
DeleteDear Lu, I was not the one who wrote about the 10 days type or the 3rd year since the Sign. You have the wrong person hahaha!
What I wrote in the past was about a rainbow upside down in the sky in august and a little word
that I heard on the morning of August 4: DAWN. And it woke me up, I experienced it for the first time in my Christian life.
I wonder why I heard this word when nothing is happening?
I asked the Lord for a sign of rapture.
DeleteI forgot to mention that I asked God for proof if the word DAWN heard, came from him and that I would open his Word at random to read his answer, even though it is not something I do often, and my Bible was opened directly to Ezekiel 38: Gog and Magog. I wasn't reading Ezekiel, so that was an answer for me.
You are correct. September 17, 2020 was the actual date for the Jerusalem New Moon and beginning of the Festival of Trumpets. The ninth day at sunset per Leviticus 23 then begins the usual Day of Atonement, but during a Jubilee observance the Atonement observance is suspended and Trumpets concludes ON THE TENTH DAY per Leviticus 25. This arrives at September 26-27, 2020. Subtracting 1111 days from 9/26/2020 arrives at September 11, 2017. Adding 2550 days (per Daniel 12) to 9/17/2020 arrives at September 11, 2027. Jesus was born in September 11, 3 BC (also a Festival of Trumpets observance). The internal division is 9/17/2020 + 9-10 days + 30 days + 1260 days + 1250 days. This arrives at a date of 4/8/2024 for the Abomination of Desolation, which also happens to be the Second Great American Eclipse. The final 1260 days are shortened to 1250 due to the Final Jubilee observance and Matthew 24:22. In other words, Daniel's ENTIRE 70th week is the Final Jubilee. This is per Leviticus 26, where Israel is punished 7 times for failing to observe YHWH's statutes. It all fits together seamlessly and precisely. This is why Daniel received his vision during the 70 year Babylonian captivity, which was also a punishment for failing to observe YHWH's statutes (the Shemitah cycle). There is much more I could say, but this is enough for now.
Ryan...Isn't that just like our Lord not to leave us without someone to make us laugh and smile
ReplyDeletealong the way! And THAT MOUSE! Aramouse is a tricky opponent. Billy just came out of that back room with another empty mouse trap. The peanut butter was licked clean off without tripping it and it tripped the second Billy touched it. He said that critter doesn't even have to come into the kitchen for food cause we are just delivering it to him. And we're both starting to feel bad about trying to kill the shrewd little thing :-DDD
I’m rooting for the mouse at this juncture.
ReplyDelete“ A Russian vehicle in Syria sideswiped a light-armored American one, injuring four U.S. troops, while two Russian helicopters flew about 70 feet over top the altercation, U.S. officials said following the incident.
Over the weekend, the United States quietly sent mechanized troops into Syria and the reason is two-fold. First, there was a surprisingly violent confrontation between US and Russian forces that left 4 US soldiers with concussions. The video of that clash/attack in Syria is below, and it shows American MRAPS being surrounded by Russian mobile ground troops while Russia helicopters circle over head. Not a small deal. Secondly, ISIS has returned and has once again begun to inflict some damage.
“Thus saith the Lord GOD, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass. For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin; and within threescore and five years shall Ephraim be broken, that it be not a people.” Isaiah 7:7,8 (KJB)
It is not surprising that Syria is once again heating up after the signing of the Abraham Accords, all roads lead to the Middle East in general and to Israel is particular. All conflict in Syria is ultimately a precursor to conflict in Israel and with Israel. Syria is a major player in end times bible prophecy, and will continue to be a hotspot. And it’s hot right now.
I watched the vid and think it’s time to start burying some Russians.
DeleteThis is a week old BS
DeleteYes I been lax about it.
DeleteOk, this is funny Charlie in DC and Archangel!
DeleteWell, he IS my brother lol!
DeleteStill laughing, Archangel!
DeleteI’ll watch anything with Charlton Heston. Loved to be scared of Omega Man.
ReplyDeleteI still need to watch the video. I got about 3 minutes. But I will stick with 9-23-17 as the Rev 12 sign. No question in my mind. Let's not forget Jupiter in retrograde motion for a gestation period / the conception comet / and the strongs connections with 726 and other connections. Wow, just
youtube: wow rapture signs / part one / part two / part three
The Lamb is Victorious - Hallelujah!
Please note: Gary at Unsealed, in his latest, has 9/23-9/24 as the R12 sign.
DeleteIt was fully displayed on the 24th (daytime) while it started on the 23rd.
Unlike Chelsi Beldel (liar + jezebel), this family needs help.
ReplyDeleteFelix (BONDSERVANT OF YESHUA HAMASHIACH) is a walking Bible and a real servant of the MOST HIGH, not a ;parrot pretty face like CB who fleeces people for new vehicles.
If you can help....Plea for help...
New article at Unsealed.
This new one from Gary reads so smoothly and ties everything up so nicely.
DeleteIt reads like a final scene of a larger play.
I will try to hang on too, but was up at 0300 this morning with some unwanted pain "there" and after talking with another BB yesterday, it seems I should present myself to the medical staff for their treatment.
@ Stan Foster, I read your fatherly and sage advice on the matter, thank you.
So much going on this week for me personally as well and now this unwanted visit/ call to the hospital is a large obstacle to manage the other things.
Maybe it is today (21-0), during these last moments of the summer harvest (on an appointed day but not a moedim).
Blessings BB. Yes, please don’t risk your health. God and Drs work together. Pray about it and do whatever God tells you to do. My cats depend on me so I have to stay well for them and for myself. It’s God and me and them. I’m praying for you. If you have Drs you trust, you might want to follow their advice.
DeleteThat article by Gary was outstanding. It does tie things together so well. He mentioned things that had slipped my mind. All the 21 days references are incredible. Everything with Israel’s lockdown, RBG, Rosh Hashanah, shofars, Iran and the timing can’t be ignored. Even the Talmud can’t be ignored because they believe it, so taking into account their belief in it is important. The Shoshani and Kaduri prophecies seem to be playing out in real time.
One day at a time. God bless you and your health. Praying for your recovery.
I think we have to be expecting our Lord is coming to get us very soon but plan for the possibility that we will be here for some more time. I’d love any reason not to pay Caesar but I still pay him. I’m still buying a little extra when I shop. Not a ton extra but enough for the proverbial rainy day. Def extra cat food. We wait expectantly but it also has to be patiently. Easier said than done, I know. Maranatha!
DeleteCharlie...I'm the world's worst about doctoring and won't go unless I actually feel like I'm at death's door and someone else is dragging me there, but if you've got a kidney about to blow, you should probably follow the aforementioned advice and seek at least some temporary medical relief, Brother. This flat earth wouldn't be the same without you;-) Blessings and Praying again for our Lord's Healing Provision to be upon you!
DeleteCharlie, I hesitated to write this to you, but felt a check in my spirit that I should do so--
There, I said it--with tons of love in my heart for you, my dearest Brother. I am totally on board with miracles of healing, but one must go wherever their faith lies. As Archangel wrote, doctors can work with God in your healthcare. I can relate to your hesitancy cuz this is an especially lousy time to have to enter a hospital or even a doctor's office, so I want to encourage you TO TRUST the Lord is WITH YOU and is FOR YOU and that YOU ARE VERY MUCH LOVED💖
Charlie in DC, I concur on getting treatment for your kidney. I had hoped to be out of here at the Rev. 12 sign as well. I had both hips replaced in 2018, my husband and I both had cancer and treatments in 2019, and here we are in 2020.... We don't know for sure how long we will be here, but maybe you have a divine appointment to witness or minister to someone on your path to wellness. I had several during my cancer treatments. I am praying for you along with the rest of this body of believers. Keep us in the loop on how you are doing!
DeleteI so love this Family!🥰 I quickly scanned over the Comments and saw much LOVE poured out to one another in the form of humor, iron-sharpening-iron and prayers. You all have been in the back of my mind as the Spirit of the Lord has been at work in me this past week.
ReplyDeleteBrad~Watched Nick Vanderlaan's vid when you first posted but have no insight as I need to rewatch it (I probably felt like you did after viewing it once ;-) My main focus this past week has been studying the MARK OF THE BEAST--a subject I NEVER took any interest in until I started hearing about the coming COVID-19 VACCINE.
It led to me doing a word study related to the MARK in Scripture and there are some eye-opening things I saw. I'm not one to "take sides" regarding the whole MASK debate, but I AM READY TO TAKE SIDES RE. THIS VACCINE:
P.S. The new article includes the connection between the NOV 1 vaccine deadline and Jaco Prinsloo's videos re. NOV 1 and The Halloween Rapture of 2020; and, of course, lots more!
DeleteHey Lyn....sounds very interesting. Going to check it out immediately.
DeleteI know this news is a some days old now, but has anyone else thought about the death of Bill G*tes Sr. this past week at age 94 and any correlations that might have in the scheme of things. I just find it interesting that he with having headed up Planned Parenthood and RGB with her role on SCOTUS as 2 of the most effective abortion proponents have both died within 4 days of each other...
Archangel and Ryan...Aramouse update! Since he made off cleanly with Billy's latest temptation and I'm pretty sure a mouse litter box is not the answer, I've decided to go to Tractor Supply to buy a live trap and then carry him off the recommended 10 miles to discourage his return. However, I would not be surprised to find the live trap empty, the bait gone and a tiny little note that says "Nice Try" :-D
ReplyDeleteLOL, Ryan...that's the problem--him and all of those "little deposits" he leaves everywhere he goes. That tiny little rascal is causing me a lot of extra laundering, vacuuming and Lysoling, so we can do it peaceable or not, but he's gotta go....unless we get Raptured out and then he can have the whole place to himself for all I care:-)
DeleteSheila B--you are such a blessing! There definitely HAS TO BE SOMETHING TO the Bill Gates Sr/RGB deaths and their part in abortion!!! But I've gotta hang up some laundry and pull some weeds, so will come back later to see what everybody has to say. . .
ReplyDeleteBlessings Sheila B and Lyn! That’s one admirable mouse. He’s a survivor. I bet he’s cute. I like the live trap because with his obvious ability to escapes traps, it almost feels like premeditated rodenticide to use the other ones. You may not get him. If the cats can’t get him, then there’s no hope. He reminds me of the lovely dogs in Iraq and Afghanistan who would find their way back to love struck soldiers who befriended them but were forced to leave them behind because of ridiculous heartless rules.
DeleteLyn, looks like God is cleaning house as it is well within His Righteous Holy Purview to do. Glory to God.
I am just reading a book by Ken Johnson called the "The Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar". In the book, if I understand it correctly, Ken describes that the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal that the Israelites were given a perfect solar calendar by God. But when they were conquered by the Greeks, they were forced to adopt the Greek pagan calendar, based on the moon. Israel has never restored their true solar calendar and continue to use the pagan moon calendar to this day. On page 53 of his book, Ken shows how the solar calendar described in the Dead Sea Scrolls, always places the 1st Tishri the day AFTER the autumn equinox and it is ALWAYS on a Wednesday. The equinox this year is Tuesday 22nd September (tomorrow) and therefore the 2 day Feast of Trumpets starts on Wednesday 23rd September to Thursday 24th September. It is interesting to note that Wednesday is the 4th day of the week and God created the sun, moon and stars on the 4th day of creation. 23rd September is also exactly 3 years after the Revelation 12 sign. Interesting!
ReplyDeleteMarkO, Blessings. I was poaching your post to put on DBA's latest and then saw you had already posted the same note there, doh!
DeleteSEPT 23rd -Rev 12 "IS" OUR SIGN!!! (Here in 2020)
ReplyDeleteFrom God's Gifts (9/21)
Remember, Darla was told to "Behold the 23rd".... Just wow, these days are special
Calling to hospital tomorrow (no time for virtual appointments), thank you all for the vote of confidence.
Hi Charlie...I'm glad to hear that you'll be calling the hospital's really important that you take care of yourself, brother! Nag, nag, nag! LOL!!! Anyway, I just watched her video and this is what my simple mind tells me. "For when they say Peace and safety (Abraham Accords signed on 9-15-20); then sudden destruction cometh upon them (after 7 day warning just like Noah was given before the flood), as travail upon a woman with child (precisely 3 years from the Rev 12 sign or 9-23-20), and they shall not escape (Rapture of the Church and/or transformation to our "glorified" bodies to minister for a few days)." [1 Thessalonians 5:3] Perhaps all too simple...but all 4 key elements are in place now!
DeleteBlessings Charlie and Bob D.!
DeleteCharlie, continued prayers for your health and I'm glad you're going in to get checked out. The Lord is with with you and will take care of you perfectly.
Bob D., my simple mind agrees with yours brother. Simple minds unite! Lol :)
Looking UP!! Not much longer Family!
Bob D., goodness I hope that wasn't offensive! I think of myself as having a simple/child-like mind so when I saw what you said, I thought, Hey me too! I certainly did not mean to imply that you're not as smart as the others here!
DeleteBlessings brother!
No offense taken, Mom! I consider myself to have a very simple mind, that's why I enjoy gardening and fishing. Sometimes it helps me see the forest through the trees! LOL!!!
DeleteOh good, thank you brother for saying so, my heart is relieved!
DeleteBlessings all. Bob D, your comment reminded me of a story I heard from Ravi in one of his priceless vids. Around 1977, Ravi, his wife and 2 yr old daughter Sarah were traveling from Jordan into Israel and had gone over the Allenby Bridge and were now waiting in line to go through Judea and Samaria. It’s a long 2 hour wait. So, his wife is holding Sarah and the Israeli soldiers are there armed to the teeth, ofc. Sarah asks a nearby soldier, “Excuse me, sir, do you have any bubble gum?” She’s basically asking a killing machine if he has any bubblelicious. He handed his machine gun to another soldier and went over to Sarah and her mom and held out his arms. Sarah went over to him and he took her into a back room. Now, Ravi is starting to worry. About 5 minutes later, they both emerge and the Israeli soldier is carrying a tray with 3 glasses of lemonade for Ravi, his wife and Sarah. Then, he puts Ravi, his wife and Sarah in his Jeep and drives them to a taxi stand where they get in a cab and keep on traveling to Jerusalem.
DeleteThere’s something to be said for simple childlike ways. They can be a real blessing:)
No worries...sleep well tonight, my sister!
DeleteThat's a beautiful story, Archangel. Sometimes acting "childlike" can be very disarming! It even works sometimes when I'm dealing with Lu! LOL!!!
DeleteI hope so lol! long do you think it's going to take for Lu to complicate matters! LOL!!!
DeleteNot long
DeleteShall we start the stop watch! Wake up, Lu!
DeleteHe’ll come out sooner or later:)
DeleteLol, Bob! you think Lu is out on a hot date with Sabine? LOL!!!
DeleteMom, et al...I was out walking around my circle driveway yesterday with my little old dog, Charlie Ray, and talking to the Lord about my having such a simple and childlike mind in anticipation of His Return and how I can't make myself seriously think much further out than the next 48 hours--which sometimes makes me feel just a little bit crazy. Then I felt Him impress on me that I was traveling in some pretty good company with some folks that have some pretty brilliant minds, yet they all share in that same childlike faith when it comes to looking for Him. It then occurred to me that as we've all been moving through these intense high-watch days--going from one highly anticipated day right on to highly anticipating the next--it all is and has been a part of our transformation "from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord". And the exchange above confirms to me that it was His Encouragement that I was hearing:-)
Delete( 2Cor.3:18 KJV )
Uh...the exchange above the above exchange, LOL.
DeleteFamily, Blessings. Circling back on the post which launched this ruckus, upon viewing it and thinking of posting it before realizing it already was, I was contemplating something along the way of, "If you want to go back and mainline some Rev12 Juice and get all twitterpated (Bambi) and through the roof with Holy Excitement with only hours to go, well then, Gods Gifts Vid is for you."
DeleteBob D., Blessings, along the line of simplicity, let's start with what does "THEN" mean? Hmmm? We all know so well how Biblical "quickly" can be quite the contrary from a temporal view.
When they say P&S, as in Senor Pope on Int'l P&S day mouthing off at the UN-yun cafe, sheesh, TOMORROW (I think)'. But, you laid it out well as a 7-day'er from the signing and the blah, blah, blah, 700 witnesses (thanx Lu, Blessings), 3 years from TGW which, as Nick reminds, left us all greatly wondering, to the day, oh my. Well folks, is this a wrap? I must agree, if we have to stretch "THEN" with the same machinery we use to extend "quickly" beyond reason, then it starts approaching meaninglessness (cool word).
Charlie in DC, Blessings. You know I've been pestering ABBA and Jesus about your comfort and wellness, amen. A thousand may fall at your side, Ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you, brother, amen. Go in peace.
Sheila...I'm glad you're enjoying our conversation (if you want to call it that!). When the teacher (Lu) is away, the children will play! LOL!!!'re way too smart for me! And very clever at that (after all, it was your mind that came up with "Superhero Evangelist" and "DEW" is on the ground!). Absolutely brilliant! Love you, brother!
A Song of Ascents. Of David, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes!
DeleteIt is like the *DEW* of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion!"
Haha, very funny. I heard that, Bob.
DeleteSo, see you turning this place into Romper Room, hum…
Ve, hav veys of makin u tak….
Lol, just ‘kidding’
Get it… :)
But here, for you Bob…just add some fig trees as props!
That's a good one, Lu! Wah, wah, wah!!! I want my Binky! And I want some milky too! LOL!!!
DeleteLu...I know nothing!!! Sergeant Schultz
DeleteI prefer the Bugaloos! :)
DeleteYes, they even believed in the Rapture!
They sure sing about it as they say, ‘come away with us into Space and far beyond!...
And don’t get any new ideas for names, ‘Buga-Lu’!! hu...
Ok, I’ll stop, no I won’t. lol
All in good fun and perhaps the Rapture tis’ soon!
Lets see...we've got Lu Skywalker, Vegaman, Iceman, Mr. Splash, Lu-king and now Buga-Lu! How many roles do you play (todas las personas)? You're on a roll Lu, so why stop now! Never seen the Bugaloos before, but they're really cool. Hope to see you soon on the "other side", dude! Gotta stick with that 70's theme, no! LOL!!!
DeleteArchangel--loved that Ravi story--thanks for sharing it.
DeleteLU--Do you have any thoughts regarding the above Nick Vanderlaan video re. Rev 12 Sign? I TOO HAVE BEEN WONDERING WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN? (You wonder about me and now I'm wondering about you🧐
Very welcome, Lyn. I can’t wait to meet Ravi in Heaven. I love that brother so much.
DeleteHey there Lyn,
DeleteThanks for thinking of me. I have been a bit busy trying to set up my ‘office’ in my small apartment…I’ll be starting to Zoom in with the students for advising. I attended a statewide zoom meeting about the coming trends for jobs in California. It is pretty bleak.
They recognize that there is no more ‘middle class’ and there is a ‘polarization’ in all facets of society, education, jobs, resources, politics, religion…you name it. But we know that was coming with the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse that ‘divided’ the nation in half and hit 7 ‘Salems’…not to give peace as most erroneously believe but to take it from the land. And here we are. By the time 2024 rolls around with the ‘X’, I think the USA will have been done-in by then. However that will look like.
They said that basically it will be low-skilled service type of jobs that will be deemed ‘essential’ but will gradually be eliminated by automation. Then you will have the high-tech sector jobs that are begging for people they cannot fill. These are obviously in military, computer, bio, chem, data….can you say 1984 stuff? There will be nothing in the middle and as the Middle Class, at least in the USA was the bedrock of avoiding the extremes we see now.
So, what they relied on was ‘higher ed. Not no more….The see the handwriting on the wall in how if the universities will not cater to the Polytechnic type of delivery, you will see universities shut down/close. No more ‘liberal arts’ majors in mass…but good riddance as that is where all this Marxist-Leftist-Atheistic-Darwinian indoctrination abounded. This is the fruit now we see. One keen operation Richie From Boston made was that he recently passed a Black Lives Matter rally and most where ‘college kids’, white girls. Just an observation here.
But I can concur in knowing why… realize that in most liberal arts colleges, universities, it is 60-80% female and ‘white’. This was the hallmark of the Middle Class in how the women went off to work and/or college. Not disparaging this but a lot has been at the expense of raising a godly family or civil society. You have 70% of African women not married and their children having no male role model, or at least a ‘good’ one. This goes also to lesser degree with Hispanic and Whites.
Point is that this last generation, that normally would have been in Sunday School, the Youth Programs at Church, have ‘left the building’ and now not only are they out in the streets because their liberal professors encourage them to but they have/will have no jobs to look forward to. And not only that, they are against their ‘Christian’ grandparents, parents, brothers/sisters, neighbors and shouting also to burn churches down, burning Bibles, and intimidating those out just for a dinner, with ‘are you a Christian’?!! This is the crowd to look out for and note when it goes down. In the rise of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, it was the trained youth that turned in their own families first.
As to Vanderlaan’s vid? I first saw it back when it came out. Nothing really stuck out at me other than what Sheila already noted. Here is the deal. Astronomically, the Rev 12 Sign ‘occurs’ every September. What was unique about the 2017 one was that it had Jupiter retrograde 9 months in the ‘womb’ area and the 3 planets aligned as the ones in Giza. That was what made it unique. There are many now that have come out of the woodwork to say that was wrong and it is this year! Ah…no. Now there might be some peculiar alignments still and conjunctions like in Spica but I would say many are stretching the narrative.
ReplyDeleteToday I was reflecting on the sufferings of our wonderful Savior.
We tend to talk about his sufferings before and during the crucifixion, but we forget the years he lived before.
Anyway I speak for myself and in reality, although I already knew it, I had not deeply realized that his sufferings started in his mother's womb. But as he had left his glory in the Kingdom of Heaven, where he was so good, happy, without pain or sadness, in intimacy with the Father, with all his power, to come to earth, separate from his own, in a tiny body human, who grew slowly, squeezed a little more day by day in this maternal womb, who lived all the human moments that we all live from the beginning of birth, the pain of birth, the disease perhaps, the grief, disappointment, sadness, physical pain, hunger, thirst, fatigue and all, so his suffering began at the very beginning and not the night of his arrest and crucifixion. Which makes a total of 33 years of earthly life living just about everything we normally experience. An incomparable Lord and God! Just my thought today! Carole
Carole...that is something so intriguing to me--the years of His life on earth that are unrecorded
Deletein Scripture and leave so much to the imagination. I know there are some extra Biblical sources that give some questionable accounts of his childhood, but we can't really know anything for sure of those years or His young adult life. And while we know He submitted Himself to experiencing the world as man does, those surely had to be some remarkable years. Hopefully He will someday soon fill in those blanks for all of us:-)
I’ve heard that Jesus’ half brothers weren’t particularly fond of Him. Imagine growing up with a Brother Who’s perfect in every way. I think they thought He was out of His Mind when He claimed to be the Son of God. They tried to get through the crowd to see Him about this. Then, ofc, eventually James became a believer.
DeleteWhen I think of Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael and Jacob and Esau, it reminds me of how awful having an older brother can be except, ofc, if it’s the Messiah. For me, it has been one of the worst conflicts of my entire life. Nothing but a lifelong battle even today as he bitterly criticized me and accused me of being a hater as I tried to witness to my cousin who, on top of dealing with her mom who is recovering from the stroke and being out of work for months, came home from her new job to find someone had poisoned her beloved kitten. That kitten has been a lifeline to her and my heart breaks for her. I have gone off the deep end many times esp when the death is sudden. I told my brother that satan doesn’t need his help. How my trying to comfort my cousin turned into such a despicable lying railing accusation against me is shocking but I’m not surprised. I’m not letting it upset me. It’s to be expected and no one is stealing my joy esp him.
Posting a Poach, as CiD likes to say, from T Renshaw's Latest, To Christ's Glory and in relevance to a theme within your chatter here. This is a comment from "That One Potato" earlier today:
DeleteAmen T! I’m trying very hard to spread the message of the gospel, but a lot of people just don’t believe me! It’s crazy how blind some are, I pray every day for them! I’m only 12, so a lot of my friends and family aren’t believers or are lukewarm Christians, but I’m trying! I’m so grateful both of my parents are strong believers, I get educated so much from them! It’s a gift from god! Amen! May god bless your day! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Luke 2:49, amen.
DeleteSheila B. you are right, we have no indication of how Jesus lived before his ministry. But we know he had a human body that suffered martyrdom on the cross and just before the cross, so I imagine sickness and physical pain from getting injured, or things like that, and the rest that humans can go through, Jesus experienced it as we do. It's just my impression. I don't think he would have a body and a heart that only hurts when he is at the time of sacrifice for us. He started paying for us from the start, but that's just my idea.
Hey Fam, blessings. Maybe one of you mental wizards can throw me a line here. In her latest, T Renshaw comes across 1111 as a day count of importance. I know many have been seeing 11:11 and posting of it forever now and, recently, I saw a post, either here on an earlier thread, INSEALED, IDR!, tying 11:11 to the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and, through that sleuthing, brought it back to pointing to 20:20, confirming our year. Does anyone know where I saw that, or saw it somewhere yourself so I can more accurately share with T?
ReplyDeleteYes, Jimboni, Sheila B posted about it in last thread. I remember because I read it several times.
DeleteIt was me on the last thread I think after watching Stan @Infinite Rapture YTC and I followed up with some digging into the meanings of the letter kaf. His video is titled "The Last Trump 11:11" (19 min.)
DeleteSheila B., Blessings, thank you. I passed it along as an add-on to my original comment, as I said I would in my 1st note I posted, as I noted I couldn't remember the exact details. As poorly as I mangled the tale, my comment still got a heart from 'T' in about 5 minutes. I am sure the full details, as I reposted your post on her Vid, will bless her number-crunching spirit.
DeleteAdding to the 11 11 convo above..
Delete[Note: The reason I posted the following was the 11+11 shown below in reply to Jimboni's Q above. All this other material we've covered before (Re: The 3rd Day) but it makes one wonder about the 22nd or 11+11. It is the equinox and Jesus stated, are there not 12 hours in a day? John 11:9]
Sharing from Elliot Hong @ Five Doves (under the month of September)
Dear Doves:
Edward Umling received the message of "Days of Awe" on 9/17.
"My elect shall receive My grace during these days."
Amazingly, the third day of this "Days of Awe" is Tuesday (The Third Day) which is the favorite wedding day for Jews.
The Wedding at Cana was on the third day, and Jesus performed the first miracle turning water of 6 jugs into wine.
6 represents men, and this miracle fits to Philippians 3:21.
"Who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body"
Also the Lord made a promise as it's written in Matthew 26:29. "I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom"
And September is a new wine season in Israel.
This coming third day is from the sunset of Tishri 3 to the sunset of Tishri 4, and it fits to $2.34.
Tishri 4 is 9/22(11+11) which is 11 days from 9/11 which is 11.
9/22 is 8 days from 9/14 when the moon and Venus got together in Gemini,
8 means New Birth and New Beginning.
The original meaning of Gemini is to marry after a long time of engagement.
9/22 is 7 days from 9/15 when the Abraham Accord was signed at the White House.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins could fit to this period of 10 days as well.
If the door to the baquet is closed on this coming third day, 2 Corinthians 3:18 will be fulfilled during the wedding. "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit"
Thus the midnight cry should be heard between Tishri 1 -4.
In the previous letters, I've been suggested that Shavout is not completed yet.
But Yom Kippur could be the completion of Shavout because Moses went up to God on Shavout, but the first set of Tablets were broken and he came down on Yom Kippur with the second Tablets.
The First and the Second represent Flesh and Spirit, and when Moses came down on Yom Kippur, his face was shinning.
The last great Shofar will be blown on Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur is also the conclusion of Pesach.
The Lord took and removed the curses as Azazel on the Cross, and completed the duties of the High Priest during Peasch.
Again, this is my (EH) opinion, but we all know it's very close.
The answer is: subtract 1111 days from September 26, 2020 and you arrive at September 11, 2017.
DeleteThis links to September 17, 2020 (the New Moon in Jerusalem and correct beginning of the Festival of Trumpets), because the ninth day at sunset is September 26, 2020 (per Leviticus 23). Adding 2550 days to September 17, 2020 (per Daniel 12) arrives at September 11, 2027 (the final Day of Atonement). You can confirm this date on Jesus was born on September 11, 3 BC.
2020-2027 AD appears to be the Final Jubilee, which has been extended seven times in punishment per Leviticus 26. This is what Daniel was seeing in Daniel 9, and why he divided the weeks into 62, 7, and 1. The final 7 + 1 "weeks" is the 49 + 7 years of the Final Jubilee observance.
This is why the Harbinger and Blood Moon Tetrad connected to September 11, 2001. Pentecost, the Omer, and the Harvest of the Church all connect together. The connection IS the Jubilee. This is the piece we have been missing.
Dutchsinse captures what appears to be DEW on satellite imagery.
Wow Ryan...And they are all called to bless RBG''s memory by being a force for justice and equality and HUMAN DIGNITY??! And she is regarded "as an unparalleled 'tzaddik' (or righteous person) of our time"??! They must in the year 5781 make her memory a blessing through their righteous deeds??! I can certainly see how it is these people will embrace the Antichrist. They obviously have no concept of the difference between good and evil and no problem interchanging the two. Surely these are those who say they are Jews and they are not as they idolize such an anathema to all that is of The Lord God. SMH.
ReplyDeleteApparently Amir T. is DEFENDING this AA as a 'good thing' for Israel. So he is really showing his true colors, eh? Fay calls him a good man but he is just another deceiver whom many NEO-evangelicals swoon.
ReplyDeleteI did not know UAE was going to be giving a speech today (9/22) atop the Temple Mount, Jerusalem.
From Fay @ Five Doves
"Highest Watch Ever"
I (Fay) watched the signing of the Abraham Accord via the Israel 365 website. It was particularly galling to watch the UAE rep strutting his stuff on the world stage. Grinning from ear to ear - as if it were all a huge joke. Which it was. An ugly massive deception. I wept for Almighty God as this utter betrayal took place. Israel signed a covenant with death. She signed a covenant with a revolting false religion. I was astonished to see how the Israel 365 commentators (including two Rabbi's) were joyful at this signing ceremony. Seeing it as a good thing. Unbelievable.
We are not to judge, but we are urged to WATCH and WARN. I watched a very heartbreaking video clip this morning, where I saw Amir Tsarfati desperately trying to justify this "peace accord" as a good thing. Good for Israel and the Middle East.
NOTHING could be further from the TRUTH!! Amir went further and acknowledged that "eventually" the AC will come upon the world singing his false peace tune. Amir does not want to face that THIS is the false peace that prophecy speaks of. Amir is a good, good man and I can see why he wants to believe this. He is an Israeli who loves his beloved country. He has small children etc.
The bitter truth is a hard pill to swallow.
While I was half expecting sudden destruction to happen during the signing of the Abraham Accord at the White House on Tuesday September 15th, I now reckon "sudden destruction" must surely take place in Jerusalem.
When the UAE delegation are in Jerusalem on September 22nd, perhaps?
Those loud speakers that have been recently placed on the Temple Mount are probably put there for this purpose. If they all gather together on the Temple Mount to make speeches about peace and security.......whoa !
Almighty God's patience will be sorely tested. Surely His wrath will be made manifest?
What time is it? Autumn: The Fall Is The Fall America.
ReplyDeleteFrom Mike 444 (from the Prophecy 444 website)
The Eagle has landed
From Edward Umling (9/22)
0:56 sec
I turn this Nation downward
DeleteFrom Edward Umling (9/22 #2)
0:25 sec
Buckle Up, brethren. It is 'time'
We may indeed see destruction in some form occur here in America by the end of September.
DeleteI've been thinking of how twice now I have heard a Brother in Christ speak about seeing the Lord face-to-face when something devastating has occurred.
1st time was a Brother with Rivkah Ministries:
2nd time was Dana Coverstone:
The Rivkah Brother expected the Rapture, but it did not yet happen. Dana Coverstone warns that he's not setting a date for the Rapture and repeats what the Lord says to him:
“This is not a date-setting dream. . . But. . . I saw the heavens open, and I saw the Lord standing with His angels and He said, “Arise, My Bride! Arise, My Bride and prepare to pray! Arise, My Bride, arise, My Bride and prepare for battle! Arise, My Bride, Arise, My Bride, and prepare to see My face! For I am coming soon and My reward is with Me.”
I am hoping this is confirmation that a brief revival will occur after some type of national calamity then the Rapture.
Any thoughts, Dear Ones?
My quick shilling,
DeleteLook at the mazzaroth...esp @ The Bright Morning Star on [October 3rd]
Remember, Jesus IS the BMS (Revelation 22:16)
From Chadesh Culture
11 (human counting) days (of 24hrs ea) from now. God may stop time as discussed before? Anytime now.
Also, I just remembered that SEPTEMBER 22 AN ASTEROID is expected and 'Rods from God' may also be anticipated! See
DeleteDo I have time for an article on this? Uhhhh, I don't think so...
No need to...
Deletejust as I is all disinfo. I would question such type of 'intel' from such sources. They sure like to mock and laugh at us for 'falling' for it...every time.
Just saying.
Ok, Cold Water Splash Alert! Lol Duck if you do not want to get hit! :)
DeleteThis is very interesting, and I love anything that is dealing with the Mazzaroth, so it has my attention. But…lol This is just my assessment, not saying ‘I am right’ or ‘he is wrong’. True, there are direct references to Jesus saying, ‘I AM the Bright and Morning Star’, i.e., Venus. But in other accounts, Jesus referenced Himself as the Messenger sent by the Father, as in Mercury and that He indeed is King, as in Jupiter, etc. This person made though an ‘absolute statement’. He stated that this ‘has to be the Rapture’…because Venus is conjoined with Regulus in Leo. Oh no it does not.
If this was the case, why now and not the prior times Venus has been at that same spot…it is a yearly cycle. Or why not when Jupiter was there or mercury that will be also? The point is that it is very interesting and no doubt spiritually and perhaps prophetically. But to say the Rapture has to occur or will because it is a ‘Sign’ and he thinks so? This is really crossing over to the ‘of one’s own interpretation’. Now, if the Bible had stated, ‘when you see Venus join Regulus in the Lion Sign’, you bet. It does not. So, I just ask, why is the Rapture then ascribed to this specific conjunction? And this year?
As you all know, we all do have our ‘take’ and bias ‘opinion’ and interpretations for sure. But we should try to stick to Scripture. Here is my logic so you see where I am coming from. The Scriptures say clearly the following we can safely springboard from.
1. There is currently a ‘timeout’ for Israel as there is now a time of ‘harvesting’ the Gentiles.
2. We are in-between Daniels 69th and 70th week.
3. Jesus likened this time to a harvest and wheat.
I think you know where I am going with this. The only season that matches this typology is Pentecost. I realize that it has totally, without question passed for 2020. But my other question would be to such people is what makes one say, ‘it is this year!’ Sure, with each passing year, it is becoming more ominous. The Signs are leaping out of the Bible as they say.
4. We have the typology of Boaz and Ruth.
5. We have the typology of the Menorah.
And this is where I anchor my ‘thesis’ as to why, when the Rapture does come, it will most likely follow such a type given be at the end of a harvest of a Pentecost Season. It is still tricky to figure out what that will be, if either on the 50th day or what many have now come to learn, the 99th day. Coming from an ag background and working in the almond orchards. This is what also ‘sealed’ the deal for me about Pentecost. It is the Feast that has no set date. It corresponds to the 4th Stem of the Menorah, a type of Christ’s body. He is the vine or ‘stock’ and we are the branches, etc.
In grafting new almond trees, the almonds stock is placed in a cut made of a peach tree that has been cut to the stump. No branches. The point? Jesus is taking the Gentiles, the ‘wild tree’ and grafting them into Himself, who was cut in death…the 4th Stem or during this present time, in who Israel was cut to the stump. No branches. Or in other words, the Gentiles are thus not associated or correspond to any of the ‘Branches’ of Feasts to the left or right of Israel’s constitution…but the middle one, Jesus. Pentecost.
So, see you all next year!!! But like I said, this is just my interpretation but not insisting or that ‘it has to be’ and as mentioned, no one can know for sure what year?
Blessings and I nonetheless share in you all’s expectations for these Fall Feasts still. True, each does have a flare for a potential Rapture type….fo sur.
Barry Scarborough mentioned it could be next year around May and so I’ve kept that in the back of my mind, too. Things will certainly be interesting between now and then.
DeleteIf that is the case then perhaps we need to reconsider the definition of a generation because if the second coming is in the fall of 2028, then that “generation” will be older than 80 years. I know that we in our day call ourselves a particular age for an entire year, but the day after that birthday we are in the next year. The day after my 60th birthday I was in my 61st year. Our God says what He means and means what He says.
DeleteOr perhaps we have the start date of the last generation incorrect.
Still hoping for this year though.
I think he was referring to Israel turning 73 in May 2021 and a Trib timeline of 2021 to 2028.
DeleteWell, I did enjoy his latest video by you know who ... I need cheering up, and I came across this song compliments of Gina's video at Grace & Truth Ministries.
DeleteThis Train is Bound for Glory
By Flame & the Rolltones, a rendition
That song made me smile, Cathi G., even though I’m more of a Rolling Stone gal:)
DeleteGod’s Will be done. The Land will be divided as His Holy Word says. It’s grievous and tragic that people seek to please men instead of Almighty God. Sometimes I think Amir and others can’t resist anything that comes from Pres Trump. I think many world leaders can’t resist him, either. We have never had anyone in the WH quite like him and I think this is the reason God put him in there. It has been an extraordinary 3 1/2 years. World leaders have watched him weather storm after storm and win every time. He’s a force to be reckoned with. He’s fearless and I can easily believe he will win in Nov as Pete Garcia opined above so the P&S process continues. RBG’s death is another nail in the coffin, so to speak, for the Dems. Pres Trump can easily and quickly replace her. He has what he needs in the Senate and hearings aren’t even required. And if the nominee turns out to be who I think it is, when the Dems start bashing her, it will only further alienate many in the country.
ReplyDeleteCharlie...thanks for sharing. It ties in perfectly with all that was said above. Now off you go to the hospital!
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note and seeing as how TLOTR themes have popped in here every now and then, I had to smile at the Bing Art again this morning. It's celebrating "Happy Hobbit Day", marking the anniversary of the "LONG EXPECTED PARTY" which sets in motion TLOTR series. (And Sept. 22 is both Bilbo and Frodo's birthday.) Anyway, the art depicts that lovely little Hobbit burrow nestled in the greenery of a northern New Zealand hillside and I just thought to myself how content I would be with just such a sweet little "mansion" tucked into a Heavenly Hillside and going barefoot all the time while nibbling on delicious little meals 7 times a day:-) And no "orcs" allowed!
ReplyDeleteSo longing for the Return of our King! Blessings Maranatha and Looking UP!
Oh THANK YOU, SHEILA, for sharing this--I LOVE TLOTR! It is funny that the house we moved into is a style built into a hill, so I call it our hobbit house. Anyway--HAPPY HOBBIT DAY! And here's a little something for elevensies-->🍲
DeleteLOL, Lyn...I knew you would appreciate that and I was thinking of both you and Jimboni in particular as I typed it in. The Lord's timing is always meticulous, is it not?
DeleteSheila B., Blessings. As Lady Galadriel would surely enjoin: Ela sila lumen omentillo, which is to say, 'A Star Shines Upon The Hour Of our Meeting,' (Elfish Tongue, spelling uncertain). Maranatha!
DeleteLove that Sheila B. Thanks for LOTR encouragement! Also awaiting The Return of our King! He is coming soon!
ReplyDeleteIn Stunning Reversal, CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of 'Airborne' cv-1984 "In Error"
DeleteTim Henderson is saying that Trump will announce his Supreme Court nominee on Saturday. Tim sees this as a catalyst for evangelicals to get out and vote in a desire to see a conservative judge on the bench.
DeleteI’m disappointed that the Senate is going to hold 3 days of hearings. The Dems are going to try to destroy the nominee just like they tried to despicably do to Brett Kavanaugh and his family. No hearings should be held. They lost the Senate. Their behavior during hearings is abominable. What they did to Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and going back to Robert Bork is reprehensible with Biden often leading the charge although I doubt he remembers it. Big mistake. Watch some Dem suddenly produce a letter! And then 3 days morphs into 2 weeks.
DeleteHey, Fam, Blessings. Kindof appropriate that this post goes below the line. In his man across America tour, RFB has gotten stuck, the past couple days, on camera evidence not obtained inadvertently but quite deliberately over the past 24 hours or so. Best watched on a good monitor, full screen. OK, now ponder a while on what this means in terms of our real reality and a clock which is running. 16:59 Maranatha!
It is a bright one too...
DeleteGuten Tag Anabell, you love this subject
ReplyDeleteGreetings dear family, I don't know if you know Jeff Sherwood?
He made a new video of almost 1 hour but it's very interesting. I admit that his study is profound and he explains well that the rapture of the Church is not FOT or the other holidays. Points that he realized recently in his study.
He does not give a date but he gives a given period and according to him, it takes place in October. It would be nice if someone who speaks English like him came back with his opinion on this video.
Rapture Bible Study: Sept 22 HUGE Update
DeleteJeff Sherwood 9/22 59:38
Hold back the cold water splash Ice Man
DeleteFor you Charles..'up to Half the Kingdom'.. ;)