It has been 3 years!
Dear Rev 12 Family,
Happy Anniversary! It has been 3 years since the Great Sign appeared in the heavens and came into perfect alignment above our little heads, fulfilling a very specific prophecy written in the Book of Revelation.
It has been 3 years since we looked up in awe, thanking God for eyes to see something that so many missed or worse yet, dismissed.
It has been 3 years of wondering just what The Great Wonder could mean for our catching away to Jesus. How soon Lord?
If we were close then, how much closer are we now? So close.... just look at the signs.
I remember contemplating the nature of signs back then.... traveling down highways and analyzing there placement... If the Rev 12 Sign points to the Rapture, then the question was were are they positioned in relation to each other?
Signs out in the real world point to real things. City's. Businesses. Parks. Exits. Most of the time these signs are either right on the the object they point to, or more often than not some distance before.
So take a McDonalds for instance. Yes, there are a handful signs on the restaurant itself, but think of how many signs are out there trying to get you there in the first place. Advertisements, Billboards, Posters, etc. Were are the biggest signs? On the highway.... and they have to be big so they grab your attention from far away.
Think about it, a billboard is huge compared to the the actually sign above the front door. A billboard for a McDonalds might be miles away from the actual restaurant. But it doesn't make sense for a sign to be too far away either... Just a few miles makes sense. A hundred miles doesn't. We have to be extremely close now.
The Great Sign has been seen. Numerous other signs have continued. Signs of the Peace Deal and coming beast system are in the news daily. The world is unraveling. Everything is primed for the rest of the book of Revelation to be fulfilled in rapid succession.
Yes, it has been 3 years. 3 yeas of ups and downs. 3 years of wondering. 3 years of growing and trusting and hoping.... But we are so very close now family... So close I can almost smell it!
I am comforted by the thought that we will be in Jesus's arms soon.... We will actually see him face to face. And as soon as we are there anything we have gone through up to this point will be worth it a million times over! (And we will never be hungry for Him again! John 6:51)
Keeping Looking Up! Our redemption so extremely draws near! Maranatha and ABBA UP!!!
Thanks for this Brad as always giving us a place to fellowship and share and learn.
ReplyDeleteI knew september would prove interesting, and it has, and we still have a week left.
I pray that the next days, however many it takes before He calls us up, will be our very best.
Father, I pray, in Jesus' name that You will continue to sustain us, fill us with the joy and peace of knowing You, guide us in our watch that we may understand and be able to effectively tell as many as You will bring to us. Help us to work together in love, in Jesus name. I lift up all of our burdens to You for those who are sick, lost, and hurting in some way, please help us in all of these things and heal and save and comfort all of them. Thank You for Your life and sacrifice, thank You for Your constant comfort and love in our lives. Amen.
Thank you, Brad!
DeleteI remember well three years ago, how great that experience was...
Still looking up and waiting for our blessed hope!
Hi Miguel, amen to your prayer!
He is taking care of us and, at the right time, will take us to his Glory!
Thank you Brad for providing this place for us to gather, especially during these past 3 years. Wow.
DeleteThank you family, near and afar.
Nice prayer Miguel, AMEN.
Thank you to the watching faithful at unsealed as well, for your labors and providing folks a place to gather, share (and argue).
Brad , thank you for your work and linking believers Miguel praise God He will answer your prayers
DeleteWell, FAMILY, I'm not vying for Lu's Ice Man position, but this comment will definitely put me in the running. But first, Lu, I wanted to be sure you saw what I replied in the previous post:
ReplyDeleteLu~ Your heart and good intentions for the younger generation is evident in what you shared. And your reality check re. America is right on:
". . . there is a ‘polarization’ in all facets of society, education, jobs, resources, politics, religion…you name it. But we know that was coming with the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse that ‘divided’ the nation in half and hit 7 ‘Salems’…not to give peace as most erroneously believe but to take it from the land. And here we are. By the time 2024 rolls around with the ‘X’, I think the USA will have been done-in by then. However that will look like."
Thank you so much for your analysis re. the Rev 12 Sign of the Woman and for taking the time to respond to me for I truly value your input♥
In another comment you wrote:
"As you all know, we all do have our ‘take’ and bias ‘opinion’ and interpretations for sure. But we should try to stick to Scripture. . . Blessings and I nonetheless share in you all’s expectations for these Fall Feasts still. True, each does have a flare for a potential Rapture type….fo sur.
Definitely agree we need to "stick to Scripture" and that ALL THE FEASTS have Rapture typology within them. Recently I taught the 7 Feasts to my granddaughter and it came into my spirit that the Feasts do not serve as only a reminder of what God has done but serve also TO REMIND US OF WHAT GOD HAS PROMISED HE IS GOING TO DO!!! The same goes for the Biblical types like Ruth and Boaz etc.
In other words, we may need to consider that the time of year for the Rapture may NOT be revealed in Scripture and that perhaps it is a strategic secret as I concluded in
With it being 3 years since the Rev 12 Sign of the Woman, it is my sincere hope we don't have much longer; however, America will be receiving consequences for her active part in dividing Israel. In my understanding of Scripture, the USA must fall before the Ezekiel 38 war can take place where no one comes to Israel's aid.
I'm not sure how much of America's judgment we will see, but we will indeed see some of it. Remember judgment does NOT always equal wrath (
Therefore, we need to seek the Lord Jesus Christ in the secret place for His wisdom.
I write all this with a true heart of love for you all and sure pray you all love me still. . .
@ Lyn.... Hope you catch Jeff Sherwood's latest (re: Feast of the Harvest and Feast of Weeks)
Please see TimFoster405's new compilation re: EVENTS COMING (which overlap with Dana Coverstone's visions | the upcoming High Holy Days | Feast of the Harvest/ Feast of Weeks timeframe).
ALL on the soon horizon. Yes, THINGS may happen/ DO happen on the LORD's appointed times/ days, the jews require a sign, no? 1 Corinthians 1:22-24
The Bride's rescue part of a HARVEST.... Thank you Jeff Sherwood for clearing things up, a ton.
< Yes, we watchfolk are looking and noting these signs/ markers falling on the LORD's days, but are His 'chosen' taking note too? >
Part 1: Harvest - Rapture Event Timeline
[A speculative discussion of the calendar of events for the upcoming Harvest - Rapture of souls]
Also for all you RGB fans out there, or rather fans of knowing it set "something" off ala 9/19... our friend at Exalted Lamb 1 is all over this for us to include upcoming events 9/29 (i.e. firey kick off event, ships go plunk)
Do recall fox news already pre programmed/ announced RBG's death LAST year, they actually posted it (they say incorrectly but probably correct).
RGB def a M2F!
Charlie, and All the Family of Believers!
DeleteYup I remember the announcement - pre programming re: RG. Yup, the enemy wants to mimic the Holy Spirit in pre-empting information.
Saw Tim Foster 405... Agreed . .. For the timeline, we reference the word and keep our eyes on many factors. Most importantly, God is not late and will be on time at the appointed time. As a body of believers in the Lord Jesus, we feel the urgency in our spirit; witness the chaos and violence; watch the wickedness proliferate as a disease spreads in a body; look up at signs in the heavens; the disasters in global arenas; political stances, and final seconds for the fig tree generation. I see the focused watch on Israel's and its political actions is imperative for the Body of Christ. Seeing tidbits on the year of Jubilee. It is difficult to track the years of Jubilee. History tells us that the Catholic Church celebrates their Jubilees with in brackets of 25 years.
A good notation at melios
Regarding Isaiah 61:2 wherein Jesus repeated --- Luke 4:16-21 -- and testified that He fulfilled " to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God. Jesus fulfilled Isaiah 61:1-2.
I can believe that the Lord will fulfill the acceptable year again for all the believers from evil, and for the believers- vengeance.
Looking forward to the rapture where we are "hidden away" for seven years and on to the millennium. Come Lord Jesus Come!
ReplyDelete'Zombie' Tropical Storm Paulette returns from the dead because it's 2020
Thanks Brad.
ReplyDeleteFamily, Blessings. Great new post, Brad, thanks. Some thoughts and a share.
ReplyDeleteWhat if that billboard was 3 miles long? As you drive along you see the McD logo repeated, details about the menu, the play area, which way you turn at the exit, pictures making the kids demand exiting, free coffee if you've outta state plates, and so on.
Well, what if TGW is actually a 3-year Sign? In light of recent uncoverings concerning the 3 years, Acts 20:31, my thoughts are that TGW was possibly like the title page on a closing Chapter. The title page is fastened into the same book as the chapter following. In like manner, TGW, encapsulating so much, is both the Sign marking the start, as well as the whole, until it passes the torch to The Red Dragon, making it, technically, ALL a 3-year-ish Sign, aligning with The Sign Of Jonah, i.e., 3 'days' in the fish' belly, WONDERING GREATLY.
Oh, BTW, it is STILL SUMMER until 9/26-27 per the real timepiece, above. GODS GIFTS also alights upon Leviticus 16:17, Showing that we await the Day of Atonement completing, and likely, depart prior to the 8th day, following. One commenter spoke of a dream concerning the last 4 days of September, as also apparently highlighted per Charlie's note, above, Blessings. The Equinox actually occurring, as the 26th ends into the 27th, this appears to be a confirming Marker, as we've Seen all along. Lisa @ WW65 also spent a bit of time concerning the 'Impending' which is lurking to spring, as she feels, ever strongly, in her spirit, esp w/SCOTUS announcement also stated to happen ON THE 26th, hmmm.
Another connection, as AG Barr has officially declared Seattle, Portland & NYC as 'Anarchy' zones, the 14th Amendment REQUIRES the Prez to arrest and prosecute the officials in these jurisdictions and this is being set up for after the elections. Again, hat tip RFB, having the US Army in place for 322 Vax distro ALSO puts them in place to do this and handle the civil insurrection following, in keeping with the intensive, specific training they have been getting for over a year now, for handling civil insurrection, when the Prez called up ALL reservist/inactives quite a while ago, as you may recall.
GODS GIFTS 9/23 08:50
The Sign of Jonah, FROM JONAH'S PERSPECTIVE, was not an event: IT LASTED FOR THREE DAYS.
DeleteHappy Rev 12 Day!! Yoo-hoo
DeleteOk, so no ‘Cold Water Splash’ for Jeff Sherwood per Charlie but just some observations about GODS GIFTS video that should be kept in mind in what was stated. It was stated that the Fall Equinox was ‘not’ on the 22nd but will be on the 26th. Here is the deal. The official observational sites of the world are tracking the Equinox based on the Astronomical or what is also known as the Tropical Year. Yes, there is variability due to a few factors. But have this in mind.
-First, the Solstices and Equinoxes models/timing works only if the Earth is a sphere, not a pancake. The Earth is like a big ‘clock’ which strikes the 12, 3, 6, 9 hour hands/positions of the Cosmos… and it has the 19.48 degree wobble north and south of the Equator or ‘Tropics’…Cancer for Spring, Capricorn for Fall.
-Second, the Earth in not a perfect sphere or ball, it bulges at the Equator. So, it will not perfectly align with the Solar System plane every year…thus the variability of light per days.
-Third, the Equator does not align perfectly with the direct plane of the Sun, thus a 3-day variability. But almost which is amazing and an example of the clockwork and handiwork of YHVH, the Creator.
-Forth, depending on where one is at on Earth, the latitude will determine the possible lag time of a shorter or longer day’s amount of light. So that if depending on one’s position on Earth, an approximate equal hours of the day might be more ‘exact’ on the 26th for example.
By definition, an Astronomical or Tropical Year is the time that the Sun takes to return to the same position in the cycle of seasons, as seen from Earth; for example, the time from vernal equinox to vernal equinox, or from summer solstice to summer solstice.
It is different than a Sidereal Year, which is the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun once with respect to its fixed position. That is why, in other words, they use the Astronomical as more or less the ‘average’. So, for this year, it was the 22nd, with then the variables factored as noted.
But that is fine, what I would ask as to questions about what was then stated on the video presentation was about what was said:
-‘We cannot go past the 8th Day.’ This date in question is called Shemini Atzerets. Why not? And it is being assumed the Rapture has to then take place before this day then? It is then assumed that the Israeli-UAE-Bahrain-USA deal was with the AntiChrist, if so then he was revealed before the ‘Departure’…. Sorry, I just see this as very problematic.
-The 144k will then be ‘Sealed’ to be the ‘army that will cover us?’ Where is all this coming from Scripturally? We do know the 144k will be sealed but that is into that Tribulation already.
Well, speculation and conjectures are fine, but I just see that we need discernment and vet it out a bit…like the Bereans. So, this was your ASRO 101 lesson for the day! Lol… Bob, you still there? I am taking roll you know! No smoking in the bathroom or munching on those figs until recess.
Wherever Charlie gives me permission about Sherwood’s latest claim, when it comes and goes, I can make some observations in hindsight then. Just asking questions.
If anyone would like to venture into a deep study in ASTRO 101, there is the paper and like to Charts. Enter at your own risk! lol
Glad I skipped school today:)
DeleteLol…Sorry. :) Ok, I'll stop.
DeleteBut, hey Bob….’Anyone, anyone’…Bob, Bob?’ I mean Bueller…
Greatest flick ever made. Bob D’s in the parking lot with the rough crowd. Don’t feel bad; I never needed a reason to skip school:)
DeleteHey Lu, Blessings. I agree it seems couched in things 'seen' aligning in terms of names and meanings of names associated with periods and so on. "Someone throw me a TYPE that floats!", we cry out as the waves roar about us. Her grab of that detail within Leviticus is a bit 'dartboard at the Scriptures', seemingly, yet it fits, if So Chosen and she could well Have Been Led There.
DeleteWhat I've always found intriguing is the lack of any TYPE for the various servants, et al, scurrying about trying to determine the arrival time of the Master. In light of the explosion of such activity, esp when He Is Close, as we know, our not finding ourselves in that lineup is a bit disconcerting.
"Those longing for His Appearing,..." certainly applies but the details of that longing, apart, perhaps, from being elucidated in SoS, evade note. The poet in me says that's it: SOS is all you get and it should be enough if you swim deeply there as a type of our Watching, hmmm.
Re: Jeff Sherwood's latest 'claim'
DeleteWow Ice Man, you are tough on this one person I totally respect for NOT using hunches or gizmos or visions or dreams or parroting or poaching or repackaging from others like so many do.... no jibberish talk, no nanoseconds, no WFS, no BSt.
There are so few serious line by line diligent personalites nowadays. I would say Jeff S. is a diamond in this rough terrain and I think you and he would be real good buddies. He knows more of Good Book than I but I am listening to Jeff closely (tagging along).
In summary of Jeff S.'s latest, he asks the question: How and where in scripture do the feasts of LORD = the departure/ rapture of the Bride? No one can answer from the Bible because they are NOT. Only types and shadows as you've pointed out.
Grill some CA venison and get your pencil out to "challenge" Jeff line by line, verse by verse..
(9/22 Update)
[BTW this one is in favor of a late summer HARVEST, it is not over and it is NOT a Lev 23 festival]
New One: Bible Study: Parable of the 10 Virgins
Jeff Sherwood (9/23)
I AM certainly NOT watching nor following charlatan/ salesman Perry Stone!
He has gone totally off the deep end, esp after his 'leave of absence' for sexual harassment of several staff this year.... I guess he is not thinking the rapture/tribulation is near? Or is he not really born again to begin with?
Note he (and many many other yters and "pastors") do the Ill_um_inati Gang Sign: Hakini Mudra all throughout his sales pitch (below)
Note: During a video conference call yesterday, I watched the #2 in command of my org do it while he was speaking..... it was obvious to me he did an obvious triangle while his hands where folded at other times.... THEY ARE EVERYWHERE and within the 'church' is no exception Right Jack Hibbs, you do it too. Amir T. does too. And the list goes on and on...
Latest on PS: Full Mental Alchemist (9/21)
Thank you Lu and Jimboni, for your answer but, Lu, what do you think about Jeff and his video?
DeleteJimboni, Charlie and Maranatha321,
DeleteDo not get me wrong, I love to listen/hear/see other’s take on these Last Days. I am respectful and civil, I think. They are fellow Watchers and are sharing what they believe to be ‘right’ or ‘coming from the LORD’. You cannot argue with that. I track with them a lot and I, for example love the charts made, a good handle on the seasons, time and Sherwood’s timelines are great. As mentioned before, he and I came to the same day count for that 99th day or ‘double-count’ of Pentecost that I do believe the LORD has revealed to many Watchers at this time because it is the Last Days just as told to Daniel would occur.
What my issue is or just question is you have to listen to what they state. It is an issue of what has been said before here and its fair, ‘just chew the meat and spit out the bones’. All I am wanting to point out is that the ‘bones’ will eventually spoil the meat and perhaps make many ‘sick’… I by no means want to be the ‘Prophecy Police’ and I asked myself, ‘you know I don’t need this drama or contention or who you think you are…’ I know some of you are thinking that… I can just read and avoid and move on as most do there, lol. But then, on the other hand, ‘you got to say something’…if at least just point it out. Is it my job to do so? Who appointed me?
As mentioned in other posts, I surely do not claim to know it all or figured it out but I am just asking, how when such make ‘absolute’ statements, then it requires ‘absolute proof’, and from Scripture. That is all I am asking. Is this too much? Sure, if you all cannot accept this, then we are done. And I say this about all my work…challenge me, ask me where, why how…So maybe I cannot expect that of other Watchers then. I do not want to hear people’s opinion just because it entered their mind or thought.
Just one thing that Sherwood made as an absolute statement. He stated that the Feast of Pentecost has now a dual fulfillment.
1-That there was the ‘Harvest’ time of the Feast of Pentecost but then
2-That there is the celebration of the Feast that is now overlaid with Tabernacles.
Are you insane? He points to the Scriptures that does allude to a separate feast to be celebrated in tandem with Tabernacles but here is when he thus says, ‘this is Pentecost because the Scriptures say it is’. No, it does not. So, for me, it is a clear ‘moving of the goal post’ and his personal interpretation. This is all fine, but he and others alike should not be teaching like this. He should be clear in saying, ‘I believe, this is how I see it, it could be’…. This would make all the difference for me.
The Scriptural reason why the Celebration of Pentecost cannot be on Tabernacles, my goodness is that if any celebration of when ‘Pentecost had fully come’ was, it was the Feast of New Wine that is Scriptural and found in Acts. It is the time that the Wheat Harvest was done and if one is sticking to Types, then Boaz and Ruth is said in Scripture that they then married right at the end of the Wheat and Barley Harvest….not on Tabernacles.
Most if not all couples married during the Summer and if there where to be any, it already passed too for this year, based on the Tu’B Av celebration just before the going into the somber and introspection of the Fall Feasts that are only a type of fasting, repenting and atonement, not at time for a joyful celebration of a wedding feast or marriage. Sorry.
But if you all want me to stop asking questions when such information is presented on this blog, I can do that. I do not mean to offend anyone.
No no kind sir. We respect your critical analysis and you are our resident social scientist, among other talents.
DeleteI am (at least) just waiting (and hoping) for some other Biblical watchman (like yourself) and yourself (the one LV) to come into total agreement (BUT this is probably not going to happen as everyone is given snippets here and there?)
We love you Lu, our brother. We just want ourselves to figure this thing out, together, but we need some great minds on here to show how this thing fits for flies.
BTW, we hvae wonderful folks here! (and watchers only) And other places too.
Re: Astro Charts w/ helio centric model and equinox etc....
But what about man-made technologies in use now replacing God's sun, moon, and stars? When the equinox discussion lit up above, I started pondering the what ifs... what if the man made technologies (aka sun simulator) are moving the seasons or already have been for a while.
The are the scientific theories then Gods Gifts shows what the sunlight is really doing, so it makes me think something is off and but what and by whom.
How many calendars? Both a solar and lunar calendar? A star calendar?
Teach (Lu)...saying Bob, Bob doesn't quite have the same ring to it as saying Bueller, Bueller...but nevertheless, you did indeed catch me skipping class today! I wish I could say I did all the fun things that Ferris did on his day off, but instead was doing more mundane things like making Pesto sauce, washing my 4Runner and picking up an Intermatic timer at Home Depot. Quite boring and tedious things to be doing on the 3rd Anniversary of the Rev12 Sign, but what can I say!
DeleteUnfortunately, I've not had a chance to watch Jeff Sherwood's video or read your Ancient Astronomy article, so nothing witty for me to say about that. But I will point out on this "anniversary" I'm grateful to you and Scottie Clark as well as many others here at the Rev12 family and at Unsealed for showing me the way. Little did I know that 3 years later I'd be calling you "Ice Man"! LOL!!! But in all seriousness, all credit goes to the "man above" who gave us The Great Wonder. Can't help but think how many thousands or millions of souls have been "saved" because of it! And by the way, it could still happen tonight! Maranatha!
Lu. I personally want and even look forward to your thoughts regarding all of the signs and speculation. Your approach and patience and humility are always admirable and exemplary in my opinion. You have gifts where I have none, so I rely heavily on what you have to say.
DeleteKeep doing what you've been doing. It helps me immensely. And I tend to have a pretty good crap detector, so I don't give much weight to some of the youtube folks who have speculated repeatedly and keep moving their targets. For me their lack of careful study is usually quite apparent, and your depth of knowledge is quite useful. But, like you, I do like to hear the other opinions and enjoy the discussion around it because there is always more to learn and consider.
Keeping it real brother. Thanks for your wealth of knowledge.
Miguel P, I second everything you just said.
DeleteAnd as Lu said if we can’t back it up with scripture we literally don’t have a leg to stand on ( yeah I think I reworded that a bit )
Blessings Rev 12 family .
Donna N
Your thoughts, analyses, and opinion are highly valued, Lu. Your contributions are invaluable, brother.
DeleteLu, I'm one of little folks here that reads your posts and saves your charts on my computer to print out for the left behind. Continue to seek the Lord ,watch for his soon appearing, and please stick around if in the Lord s will for you. Praying for you.
DeleteThere was a great wonder in heaven...and before that a wise man was born just south of the border, who taught biblical prophecy and "Ancient Astronomy" to his brethren, whose knowledge and interpretation of heavenly signs is simply astonishing, his quest for the "Truth" and reliance on "Scripture" is beyond reproach, he is often quite hilarious but has learned to occasionally say "No" to his fellow watchmen and that's ok because that's one of his greatest strengths, and why we here at Rev12 care dearly for him and enjoy teasing him and take great pleasure in giving him plenty of nicknames. Sleep well, Ice Man! And continue to do what you do best! We're almost home, brother!!!
DeleteWhat?! And now you are giving my ‘eulogy’? :O lol…I see. Well, thanks anyway you all. Appreciate the understanding and permission whenever it come up then. We do need for sure, as many eyes looking out from the wall. So, this is the time to be on the lookout a never before and any info the LORD gives you, we need to be sharing that with the Body. So, please do not hold back in sharing any information the LORD puts in your heart or mind no matter how far-fetched. As many sense, these coming months will be something else or like those videos of the Pastor Dana about ‘brace yourself’… if they are to come to pass. I realize not all take stock in dreams/visions but very interesting.
With the election outcome, no doubt there will be more riots in order. I hate to be in the big cities and if you find yourself in one, do prepare as much as you can now…extra food, water, batteries, flashlight, candles, water. It goes without saying as many naturally do. If some of those riots are not dealt with, people will not be able to venture out to go even to get food as the stores will probably be looted anyway. Not to scare people but it is going to be a ‘snowball’ effect from the elections going forward. It will be a ‘winter of discontent’. And as it was noted by you all, certain cities are deemed Anarchist Zones and others have said the Marines will be on standby…uh…:(
I was last thinking about the vaccine rollout, and you notice how they all said first, ‘it will be out by September’…then October, then November, and the latest is not until April or May of 2021?! I got to thinking…You know that they do have the vaccine even before all this. But the issue for them was how to manufacture billions. As Gates said, all 7 billion have to be vaccinated to ‘go back to normal’. And in the USA, with 350 million, realize that it will take 2 doses so that is about 700 million just right there that will be needed.
But what if, since all this lockdown come about that this forestalling has been also a factor of the prayer…of the Restrainer, restraining and doing its job?! What if the Globalist Cabal had their plan and pace/timing but with all the prayers of the remnant Church, the ‘Little Flock’, those have buffeted their evil plans? And I liked what I read in the posts that that since the Rev 12 Sign 3 years ago today, imagine just how many have come to the LORD or have gotten right?!! It is coming down to the wire as this cannot go on like this much longer. Some say a False Flag or sorts will have to be introduced to sustain the façade….And that is another reason why they want the Churches closed….no corporate prayer and praise….So, keep praying and praising!!!
Adding my hat tip, and gratitude to you Lu. Your analysis of proposed watch days and reasoning's behind them, and your "sieving" of slightly suspect bible teachings are tremendously invaluable. You are loved and appreciated here brother. Your comments and knowledge will be a legacy to you for all left behind when we are all at the cloud party!!
DeleteTeach...I'm glad to see that you're in a better frame of mind today and you liked my eulogy. Next time we have an "outburst" like that in the Romper Room you'll be sent directly to the Principal's Office! LOL!!!
DeleteBob D, you’re gonna get us put in a timeout:)
DeleteLu, my dear Brother, I think you know how much I value your input♥
DeleteIt is the essence of the BODY of Christ to need one another.
It seems my small part of being given a glimpse of an 'event order' rather than seeing connections via the heavens or numbers or calendars (as Lu and others are gifted in) has been overstated, so if anybody needs to be quiet for a while, it's me!
Blessings Lyn. Your input and opinions are greatly appreciated. We are all here to share. Nothing wrong with that.
DeleteThank you LU,
DeleteI like when you take the time to answer us all. We need each other, especially in these volatile times. And our differences. One for all! All for one! Big hug!
As a habitual reader of Rev12 but an infrequent commenter, I have to offer my gratitude to you Lu for your amazing insight, humor and raw intellect...there are many gifted "Bereans" here who offer so much encouragement, wisdom and insight - over the past 3 years I've spent hundreds (if not thousands) of hours reading and being encouraged to continue to watch.
DeleteGary's recent article on UNSEALED is wonderful and such a boost during this difficult moment of almost being at the end of September and no "Trump of God"...yet!
Has anyone seen Pastor Sandy Armstrong's most recent video regarding the 8th month? I know that given his strong anti-OSAS stance that few here may watch him, but what he revealed regarding the days of Noah and the 17th of Cheshvan is VERY intriguing. If anyone wants to check it out: (sorry, couldn't figure out how to link to the video).
Lu, Blessings, Brother. That you ask the question, and the manner in which you do, is a testimony to The Love Of Christ Dwelling In You, To His Glory, amen. Romans 12:18
DeleteAs His Body, He Works His Will In All Of Us, Through Each Of Us, praise him. 1 Corinthians 12:16
As to your Q, I thought Miguel P, Blessings, so well elucidated the likely, near-universal sentient that I felt no great rush to add mine to it. 2 Tim 2:15.
On that note, I nominate Miguel P as the Valedictorian of the 2020 Class of Rev12dbsp.c.
As to your post, esp the last paragraph re the restrainer, that is precisely what my spirit has been led to, in daily time on The Wall. Further, I am moved to lean into it in prayer and call it out as I go. In that work, what I find myself leaning against has changed, though I am vexed to name it. Still, The Unchanging Hand Does Much as we enjoin Him in Exhorted prayers. thoughts there roam, my post is over....thought I'd something more to say....
Jimboni. You're a riot - a good one! Thank you for that nomination; what I know and am is metaphorically speaking a worm.
DeleteAnything good that I exhibit is Christ, obviously. I'll think about this nomination and perhaps prepare a graduation speech. If there's time...
Frankly, Gary's newest over at unsealed, sums up my current heart perfectly.
Maranatha all!
Archangel~I truly thank you for that loving encouragement--I needed that💗
DeleteBlessings Lyn and very welcome. Your contributions truly enrich all of us and Jesus did say to “ look up” and “lift up your heads”. There is much to be learned about the infinite expanse of space and I know for me, I definitely need guidance. I’ve heard there are those who see, those who see what is pointed out to them and those who don’t see. You are a superb teacher in pointing us to what’s going on up there and we need to be aware esp in these times we are living in. It’s critically important. God bless you.
DeleteWe have two witnesses...for the Bride Rising Up NOW !
ReplyDelete#1 (dream/ vision from) Dana Coverstone re: Final Days of September
#2 (word given to) Edward Umling re: Rise My Bride
This is most appropriate for this post:
ReplyDeleteRevelation 12 Sign: 3-Year Anniversary Rapture Riddle
New from Nick VanderLaan (9/23)
No cold splashes received here, LOL. Not after what I saw this morning on the 3rd Birthday of the Rev12 Sign. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I tested it out some others who saw this as well in the Coronal Hole image for 9/23/2020
ReplyDeleteWhat I saw there is the word JAH (sacred name for the The LORD) about midway down and at a bit of a slant followed by the 18th Hebrew letter the "tzaddi" which means "the Righteousness of the Saints" etched across the face of the sun in the coronal black. I took a screenshot and printed it off, then outlined what I was seeing with a marker just to be sure.
I went to the Strong's and found that "JAH" is used only once in the KJV in Psalm 68:4 KJV and in the Strong's is given as H#3050:
H#3050--Yah orJah, the sacred name--Jah, the Lord, most vehement.
G#3050-logikos--rational, reasonable, of the word (from #3056--logos)
So "JAH, the Righteousness of the Saints" is what I saw in the face of that coronal sun image this morning on this 3rd year (or 3rd birthday) of the Rev12 Sign and I had just a rush of Holy Spirit inspired praising pouring out of my mouth. Perhaps a confirmation of who we are in Him and who it is He is coming after:-)
Psalm 68:3-4 KJV
"But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH,
and rejoice before him."
The whole of Psalm 68 seems to describe what He has done and what He is about to do and Psalm 69 seems to follow that up with a Tribulational theme.
Blessings from the "kiddo-like" section and Maranatha!
FYI, two mouthfuls over at Five Doves re: the cv cover-up and what we are NOT being told...
Perilous Times of the Last Days
By the IM (LV)
2] "Updates on the cv-1984 Testing and The Coming Vax xines"
(follow the $$$$)
By Chance
Blessings Family and Happy 3rd Anniversary! I am so thankful to have spent these last 3 years with you, even when you didn't know I was here :)
ReplyDeleteAs I finished my prayer time tonight, Father led me to this verse with the impression that someone here (known or unknown) needs to hear these words:
"I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You."
Job 42:2 NKJV
Blessings and love to the one who needs this, as well as all of my brothers and sisters.
I read another Arab state could be “normalizing” relations with Israel in the next few days.
ReplyDeleteI also believe the Restrainer is holding them back from springing their deadly vaxx on the populace and I agree with brother Barry, the domestic terrorists would have dragged us all out into the street and killed many more of us if not for the Restrainer preventing it.
I’m sure (hope) security is high for them. They sure got close to Rand Paul. I hope ppl aren’t pinning any hopes on the new Associate Justice; she said she will recuse herself from all cases that conflict with her Catholic faith. Pity Sotomayor and Kagan never recused themselves when there were clear conflicts.
ReplyDeleteHere is another analysis of the R12 sign, 3 yrs on, and "what" it could have meant IF really a "sign" (Gen 1:14).
Food for thought and many here are not going to 'agree' with these fellow believers.
Revelation 12 Sign in Virgo 3 Years Later - What Did it MEAN?
From Nelson Waters (9/23)
Was it a sign or wasn't it? In this video we discuss this with Star Sign expert FisherMan and also theories on what the sign could mean. Was it the start of a 10 year or 14 year period before the return of Jesus, or, was it even the start of the 70th Week?
We examine other star signs as well that support these theories.
Final Call ! Final Call !
It's time...get ready to hear the voice of the LORD - we will run outside and be lifted up shouting - THE LORD - HE IS COMING !
Hearing fruits and veggies wiped out in Central Valley, CA. Covered in ash.
DeleteThat doesn’t surprise me one bit one the food wipe out in Central Valley, I’m just amazed that we still have the food that we do with all the catastrophic weather everywhere is having. And so very, very thankful that I can grow some of my own food and then we have several farms and orchards close by to get fruit and veggies. But, we know the end of all things is at hand , so we know the food situation is only going to get worse. I pray fervently we are out of soon.
Blessings everyone.
Blessings Zeal Life and Donna N. I know pigs in China have been slaughtered en masse. I’m hearing of food shortages and skyrocketing prices as well. They are really going after the food supply. Ice Age Farmer YTC is excellent on this subject.
DeleteSaw vid today of a church gathering in a parking lot singing hymns. Saw one member get arrested. Saw a lady at a junior high game tased and arrested. Saw BLM/Antifa dancing in front of police cars and assaulting reporters, no arrests. Not even a ticket. UN controlled and owned law enforcement only enforcing non laws against innocent citizens.
DeleteThanks for the tip about the ice age farmer , I’ll have to check that site out. I’ve come to find out that getting the plant to grow is the easy part , the hard part is fighting the bugs etc that is try to eat the food faster than it’s growing .
I seen that video of the girl with no mask getting arrested at that ballgame- what hypocrisy the last so called cops that came to help didn’t even have a mask on either, someone said the video was out of California. ( sorry Lu ) .
I Live in AL and yes we have a state mandate here too BUT, I’ve been in any store I’ve needed to go in and not wore a mask at all , and don’t plan on wearing one.
As bro JD had said from the MASK to the MARK.
Donna N
Blessings Donna N. I think the lady was in Ohio. Whenever I see a crowd of ppl and the only one getting arrested is unmasked, like the poor man at the school board meeting, I wish everyone would throw down their masks and yell Arrest all of us! We outnumber the small group of psychopaths that are perpetuating this massive fraud. By far.
DeleteI just watched DollarVigilante’s latest vid which is sure to be taken down. In 2014, a movie called One by One about global population reduction via vaxx, bioweapons etc was made and the guy who made it and is also in it died afterward. Same thing with the movie Grey State. Jeff talked about that military website Deagle or something like that that said by 2025 America’s population would be down 70% and the economy 90%.
Well, it just means our exit is close.
Oh yes the bugs and birds. They went after my mother’s little pepper plant as I recall. Once I found a turkey vulture on my deck. That thing was scary. When I went out there he flew and sat atop the roof of the house opposite and just watched me.
Here’s a gem of cognitive dissonance; Wuhan is now party central.
Delete F
DeleteI STRONGLY recommend stocking up on food. Its simply being a good steward.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely and vitamins D3, C and zinc. Food grade hydrogen peroxide not a bad idea either. And, uh, pepper spray. Just saying.
DeleteOf course:)
DeleteHey you All,
ReplyDeleteThis will be in the Astronomical Observation department. Tomorrow night, if you go outside when you can see the Moon, South by Southwest, it will triangulate with the Jupiter-Saturn planets. These 2 giants are inching closer together for the Grand Conjunction that will occur on the Winter Solstice of December 22, 2020, which is amazing and rare/unique. This is said to be when ‘astronomically’ the Age of Aquarius is to start. It is deemed 0 degrees Aquarius even though the planets are entering Capricorn.
In fact, as one of the videos noted here pointed out about the Revelation 12 revisited for the anniversary, that the ‘Satanic Planet’, Saturn will be entering the ‘Satanic Sign’, that of Capricorn if one is going by the occultic/Luciferian dichotomy of the Mazzaroth meanings. Not good though as this double-whammy will surely spell bad omens to come out of it. Saturn will be there in Capricorn for the next 2 years. And this is where it might tag into my theory of when the Tribulation is to start.
The following are the next rounds of the Moon coming to conjoin Jupiter-Saturn, just 3 more till the Winter Solstice. What does it mean? Well, if my prognostication of how there is a flurry of coming conjunctions and alignments in Capricorn for all this Winter, and the Sign of Capricorn is one of slaughter and bloodshed, thus a Blood Moon would be in order as a prelude, a forewarning that a ‘slaughter’ is coming. I do not like the imagery of where the Blood Moon is taking place, in Taurus with the Pleiades -a type of the Church Assembly is a bit ways but still within the Sign.
Does this spell a severe persecution of the Church before the Rapture of just as the onslaught is coming as we see the Red Dragon come to devour the Man-Child at the hour of the Birth and then the Departure? Now I do not know what that will look like or the magnitude or scope but not good. Then just 12 days prior to the Grand Conjunction there will be a Total Solar Eclipse, the last for the year 2020. The following are the Moon rendezvous with Jupiter-Saturn, around:
1. October 22
2. November 19
3. Then on November 30 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: 09:44:01 72 258 116 N -t
4. December 16
5. Then on December 14 Solar Eclipse in Ophiuchus: 16:14:39 Total 142 1.025 02m10s
The Solar Eclipse will be seen in the Pacific, S. America, Antarctica, Chile, Argentina, and South Atlantic. The Solar Eclipse will just be about 7 days from the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn on the Winter Solstice of December 22, 2020. What is also ominous in my opinion is where the solar eclipse takes place in the Mazzaroth. It is near the Golden Gate, by Mercury but on the line that begins the Sign of Ophiuchus.
In the same Luciferian nomenclature, this Man ‘wrestling’ down the Serpent is not Jesus Christ but His anti-type, the AntiChrist that is supported by the Snake. Or in other words, bottom like is that these celestial eclipses and Grand Conjunction are announcing the coming of the AntiChrist! As to the timing? Well, if Saturn will be in Capricorn for 2 years, there is your possible timeframe I would venture to say. It syncs with my theory that 2022 is perhaps when the Tribulation Period will start.
Not sure of the day/month but as I have presented my theory about the time being pegged to the Altar of Sacrifice in how that 1st lamb being sacrifice will kick off the 2520-day count. What better day than on the 1st month of the Religious Year, on Passover. Of course, this presupposes a lot that has to be in place prior. This will have to wait for the next installment some time later.
Nice post, Teach! I happened to look up in the sky last night and saw the very early formation of the triangular pattern of Jupiter-Saturn-Moon you talk about. Pretty cool and it once again caught me by surprise! Looking forward to when they fully triangulate this evening. Quite an ominous scenario you lay out with all the upcoming planetary alignments, Grand Conjunction, Blood moon and solar eclipse. Definitely seems that things are lining up for difficult times ahead or at least a prelude to the Tribulation. Makes me think of L. Lott's video a couple months ago when she talked about the formation of the "Unholy Trinity/Unholy Ghost". As I recall, she stated that the enemy is going to copy everything from the Holy Trinity and from the Kingdom of Light. Specifically, there is going to be the God the Father figure (Satan in the background and not in public view), God the Son figure (the Anti-Christ) and the Holy Spirit type (the False Prophet). Better "buckle up" folks, if we're still around, but let's pray that we're not! Maranatha!
DeleteHey Bob,
DeleteWell, if what I think I see is coming, it would corroborate with many others that are seeing the same ominous times in dreams, most notably Pastor Dana. From what I can tell, he seems legit. With the election and the death of the Supreme Court Justice, it will put a lot of stress on top of what the nation and the world has been enduring. It is psychology. As mentioned before, it is really a ritual, a process of ‘re-educating’ the masses, of re-engineering society and the world. They realize there will be push back and resistance, but they are allowing it in some venues, like with ANTIFA and BLM but not other individuals or Churches.
No doubt, as with any military intelligence gathering, it is part of the ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ in how they put out feelers to adjust to the conditions for a better response. Why? So, when the ‘hammer’ falls, it will be a precise and surgical operation. They will put the Nazis SS and Soviet Commissars to shame. But so true about the duality of Lucifer in mirroring YHVH in all aspects. Many have done a list of comparison that you all may be aware of. Here are some to name a few.
-Having a Son
-Taking on flesh
And so on. But what actually entered my mind in considering this a few days ago in contemplating how it will be during the Tribulation Period, is this thought that entered my mind. We know that Jesus is depicted in several scenes, in prophecy of the past and what is to come. We see how Jesus is said to have ‘sat at the right hand of GOD on high’, after the resurrection. And then we see Jesus ‘stand’ from His throne when, for example Stephan was stoned to death and was received to Heaven. Then we see, Jesus in Revelation walking and standing also in the ‘midst’ of the Menorah that symbolizes the Church. Well, true to form, Lucifer by way of his AntiChrist’s body will be doing the same on Earth in YHVH’s Temple during the Tribulation.
The AntiChrist is depicted also entering the Holies and walking up to the Golden Menorah that will be there. He will ‘sand’ there and then enter the Holy of Holies where then, he will sit. As mentioned in prior studies made, there is no place in the Holy of Holies for anyone to sit but on the Ark of the Covenant. No High Priest that could only enter the Holy of Holies would dare do that. In fact, he had a rope tied to his leg so that if he did anything irreverently and got zapped died, they would drag him out! So, I do believe the Ark of the Covenant will be coming out after the Rapture.
So, imagine this, Lucifer in his mimicking, actually did what not even Jesus did or could during His earthly ministry. Jesus did not go in to the Temple to minister. Why not? He was functioning the office of Prophet. He is now in the true Holies ministering as High Priest. He will then enter the Holy of Holies as King at this return. But while on Earth, as Prophet, He was outside, not in front of the Menorah. He did not stand inside the Holies nor enter the Holy of Holies, which is a perfect cube that is made by 2 intersecting 3D pyramid, called a double tetrahedron.
He will at His return during a Fall Feasts sequence. He will return with the Trumpets of war on Tom Teruah with the Glorified Saints. He will clean the Temple and enter in to be crowned King and atone as the High Priest did on Yom Kippur. Satan will be cast to the pit for 1000 years as the Scapegoat then. After this, Israel will ‘tabernacle’ with their King on Sukkot. Then on the 8th Day, Shemini Atzerets, Jesus will gather all the world to read the Law.
Throne Chair of AntiChrist Illustration
Right, all of their cube symbolism is EVERYWHERE, even the 'star of David' is this cube... there is no star of David, this is another play on shapes and of the things hidden in plain sight.
DeleteThis eight pointed star (on the flag of the state of Isr_ael) is a flattened cube.
Jerusalem will be the capitol of the A C.
Masterfully done and how the SoS has coaxed so many evangelicals into following and supporting them. Well, Romans 1 comes into play, they were blind and then given over to their blindness (of the truth) because they did not listen to the voice of the shepherd but were led astray by $ and other seducing spirits.
Great follow up and illustration of the "Throne Chair of the AntiChrist", Lu. Will have to digest this further after my day in the park/picnic with my wife and daughter! Better get out today before the north winds blow the smoke back in the valley this weekend! You might want to consider getting out for some fresh air too! Perhaps you can take a drive out to that "Bohemian Grove" hideaway of yours! LOL!!!
DeleteDon’t go there Lu!
DeleteThink the High Priest had bells on his robe too.
DeleteAmerica was involved in the assassination of South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem, too.
DeleteHey Charlie,
DeleteSo, are you doing better? But yes, would agree that the symbol is the Star of Remphan. Amos 5:26 However, do realize that the symbol is much older and other nations, civilizations have used it also and perhaps even before the Flood. It might have been one of the motifs Lucifer had as its designee of sorts before his fall much like music was/is.
But as many of you might already know, the ‘Star of David’, called a hexagram becomes ‘activated’ when a circle is drawn to it. It becomes a medium or key to unlock dimension and call demons/spirits through. In all such places on Earth, the points correspond to sacred ley-lines of Earth’s energies that are construed by the Electro-Magnetic Force-field that envelopes the globe. This by the way, would not be effective is the Earth is flat…Charlie!!! lol Just saying. :) These are thus the ‘Star Gates’ or ‘Portals’ from where the Principalities and Power on high, traverse through in and out of Earth with. These sites then happen to be where all the ancient and modern ‘holy’ sites are situated, Mosques, Churches now but what where then ancient pagan temples and human sacrifices took place.
A modern marvel of where a ‘Star Gate’ is at is where CERN is located at. It is reported that it was constructed atop the Temple of Apollo or Apollyon. They seek to break this veil and let loose those Titans. As much as they want and have made contact with and see now technological across the veil, they will not be released. Not while the Church Bride is on Earth and the Restrainer is still restraining. And, not until Jesus releases them to come up upon the Earth to be unleashed on a rebellious Humanity as part of YHVH’s judgment and wrath.
This is where the word ‘hex’ comes from and as we are entering October with the All Hollow’s Eve, the ancient Druids would paint this hexagram in red on the doors of those that did not offer a sacrifice to them, be it an animal or human. In doing so, the Druids would command demons/spirits to enter the ‘door’ of that home and wreak havoc. Then the ‘bonfire’ is really alluding to the ‘bone fire’ that was made when the Druids would put live people as sacrifices in makeshift cages, burnt alive, much like what happens at Burning Man.
As to the ‘flattened’ square, for sure it is a powerful motif. It depicts the fusion of the duality of everything. What is the big deal? Well, pertaining to the creation of Humanity, YHVH delineated or made separations….This is the theme of Genesis 1 and 2….’YHVH, then separated’…This is what happened also at Babel…YHVH separated…. This has been the prerogative for mankind.
But Lucifer, has sought to unify, bring together and fuse the 2….Thus the age presently cry of the New World Order, come together…no borders…no family role delineation…of the blur in the sexes, transhumanism, gender-bending, and the rise of the Baphomet spirit, ‘As Above, So Below’. In particular, the fusing of the sex/gender…is no coincidence. That is why, in particular in the USA, you saw all those Baphomet statues pop up everywhere.
However, do also realize that the New Jerusalem that will be coming down from Heaven at the end of the Millennial Kingdom will be a Square. Technically it is also a ‘pyramid’ as a square, as mentioned before is construed by the 2 interlocking tetrahedrons. So, it is both really, a square and a pyramid.
Possible concept of New Jerusalem dimensions – based off of the Earth-Moon correlation of size and the Great Pyramid of Giza as a microcosm of the dimension, assuming a globe model, lol. Charlie!! :}
Bob, Bohemian Grove?!
DeleteDarn it, you discovered me! lol
Ok, I'll tell my 'Illuminated Brethren' I'll be skipping this meeting at midnight then. :(
I always thought the Star of David refers to Numbers 24:17.
DeleteI shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.
DeleteHumm, it could. That is really in the eye of the beholder as the Scripture does not really describe the shape of a ‘Star’, other than what comes to mind of how most civilizations have depicted ‘Stars’ as being a pentagram or 5-pointed shape. And if one took them literally, all the ‘Stars’ are reference to the celestial bodies of the Cosmos, and they are all ‘spherical’…Charlie!!! Lol
We see this also in the Revelation depiction of how the 7 Churches’ have those 7 Stars that are the Messengers, Angels sent to the Pastors, etc. But the reversed Pentagram ‘Star’ encircled is the complement of the Hexagram. They go together really but that is for a deeper and dark study!!
Another instance of Satan trying to rip off something that belongs to God.
DeleteBars in FL now opened for full capacity! I hope Coney Barrett is not chosen by DJT. She’s a deep state operative ala Federalist Society. She’s the lockdown Judge and heartily approves of Jacobson 1905 case that gave rise to eugenics movement and forced vaxx. Luago is the Constitutional conservative.
DeleteBig chuckles from me, dear Ryan
ReplyDeletePosting these poaches
Pastor Dana Coverstone posted this on his FaceBook Page the other day:
"I have a sense in my spirit that things will be very different in this country by Monday morning."
Please go and study the attack on the USS Liberty Navel Ship back in 1967 by the Jewish State of Israel during the Six Day War. Israel admitted the attack even though the IDF's pilots reported back and said it was a US Naval Ship. It would seem that Israel desired to pull the USA into the Six Day War...but the war ended quickly...
And with this...since there is nothing new under the sun, it appears this same "heal catcher" nation may sink an American Aircraft Carrier to pull us into another war, this time with Iran...the details are coming...
From Edward Umling (9/25)
Associated script analysis
Good points,
ReplyDeleteThe Synagogue of Satan is real for sure and doing its ‘Great Work’. Really, in the end, it is every man or in this case, ‘Nation’ for itself. However, what is not readable known or said is that it has also come to surface that this Synagogue did/does not act alone. This ‘Synagogue’ is in league with other factions that are just as nefarious; the Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians (Georgia Guidestones), you name it.
For sure, all things Satanic that presently do rule the world, as Jesus exposed. For example, President Johnson was informed and gave the go-ahead for the attack to occur as a False Flag. He was looking for a way to legitimize the USA involvement in the Middle East as it was for Vietnam at the time. He wanted to curtail the Soviet influence in Egypt and Syria which was huge.
The issue was the threat to the oil shipments that ran through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. No disrespect to you Texans, but Johnson is the same that also fabricated the Gulf of Tonkin supposed attack in 1964. It was where the Israelis got the precedence. It was an attack on a US Naval ship that never happened, as documents attest. It was another False Flag that in this case, the U.S. populace was convinced of to escalate the war in Vietnam, full scale and with military engagement. Before this, the U.S. only had an ‘advisory’ role in supporting the South Vietnamese Army and no combat operations.
Johnson is the same that passed through Congress, by strong-arming many to have all the Churches in America be censored of any discussion of endorsements of candidates running for public office. He realized the power of the pulpit! So, just keep the Christians from voting, being involved in office and keep one’s faith, ‘private’ and out of the public square. Imagine if the Christians would have run for office, school boards, universities, all aspects of government in the 1960s? Instead, most or what would end up happening is that the vacuum was filled those anti-Christian elements.
One can understand the fear of most in not having or wanting ‘religion’ as a dictate for passing law. One could say the same if Muslims ran for office. The difference is that Christians would not be pushing their ‘agenda’ as would Muslims with their Sharia and quests for world domination or the Liberal Left that has also.
Then Johnson, as it has come out in many documentaries, was part of what the CIA then labeled and coined the word, ‘conspiracy’ to discredit all those that sought to go against the official narrative of what happened with the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas Texas. It was a Sacrificial Satanic ritual in the making. So much for our ‘elected official’ that have the best ‘interest’ for the governed. Nope. Then, there is evidence that George W. Bush, working for the CIA at the time was assigned to take the body back to D.C. Of course, to make sure they hid the evidence or any other incriminating factors.
We are so fortunate though that, one day, on Earth during the Millennial Kingdom, the ‘government will be upon His shoulder’, when Jesus and the Glorified Saints, the Bride at His side will rule the Nations in true righteousness and justice, can’t wait.
A while back, I did a study on the numerical cult ritual of the Kennedy Assassination, if anyone is interested in checking it out. Of course it is long. This has been your HIST 101 lesson for the day, lol.
Food for thought from "But thats Just Me" posted 9/23
ReplyDeleteTrumpets, Atonement, & The Jubilee…He Puts It All Together
[Note from the Author]
As I have said in the past, I am a nutshell person. I love it when someone puts a subject all down in one place in a nice neat package. Well, I just saw this video that you just have to watch! He nutshells this in a different way. It goes hand in hand with my previous blog post.
What I am thinking is a time frame more towards Sukkot/Tabernacles. So, the high watch is spread over the whole week or two until end of Tabernacles. I think at the time of the birth of Jesus the set up of feast days and constellations were in the same order. I think perhaps that is why some think he was born on Trumpets and others think it was during Tabernacles.
My focus is not on actual days during these feasts but more the time span of them if that makes sense.
I am really an imminent person. I think it can be any day but during certain times it is HIGH watch. So this year is interesting when you take into consideration how these feasts are running into each other.
New series from Sabine Vlaming
ReplyDeleteA contuned look at the Almond HARVEST
[CID Note: while we are in the MIDST of the LORD's appointed days/ moedim/ Holy convocations with His chosen (see Genesis), there are harvests going on during this SAME timeframe...]
Before his feet | Part 1 of 3
Before his feet | Part 2 of 3
Before his feet | Part 3 of 3
BTW, Sabine credits/ cites the work of the sharp LV in #2.
DeleteHey, I saw that! Wow, how cool is that. :) There is still a chance then! I am sold! Well, many will say, there goes her credibility for tagging my ‘stuff’ on with hers! Lol But if you all ever wanted to know what the Stars of the Great Sign of Virgo means, below is a chart that gives the ancient meanings. It really helps to see the Sign in prophetic perspective.
Also, the chart of mine she was referencing is about the occultic layout of the District of Columbia, as many know, it is a veiled motif to ISIS, Sirius, Queen of Heaven, etc. She picked up on it being about the Lincoln ‘Altar’ and its possible connection to the sinking of the Carrier Lincoln -which many others have had visions about but remains to be seen/happen. Many realize that District of Columbia is the New Atlantean World Capital. It is the ‘New Rome’ as that is what the area was called before. It mirrors the Vatican and has a myriad of hidden layout hidden in plain sight.
The depiction of Solomon’s Temple is just one and the human form is another that times the rise of the AntiChrist to coincide with the USA’s demise :(. It is a Rated R chart, so you know. Many know that the occult/Luciferians/Masons/Satanists practice sexual magic in their rituals and that is what they have incorporated with the Washington Monument and Mall to Capital which means the head, etc. This is found also in Paris with the Eiffel Tower and other places.
They seek to harness the sexual energies using light and shadows effects to sustain their ‘magic’ and power over the land with. These people are sick, perverted, and demented. It is also laid out in a grid where it really is depicting a countdown to the destruction of the USA as the ‘Old Order’ or current ‘Phoenix’. Since the Coin Act of 1792, we are in the 33rd cycle of 7 years. Then the USA must be burnt to ashes so that it can give birth to the New One. It is sick as many will parish in the ‘transformation’. The ‘Reset’. It has come down to the wire as they say.
The Sign of the Virgin Chart
The AntiChrist Sexual Motif (I think I might have shared this already.)
Additional resources on the Masonic Monuments of Washington DC and Anthropomorphic AntiChrist.
DeleteYou guys have now started me going down on all my Rabbit Trails! lol
Lu :)
Yes, Osirus and his wife Isis who found his cut up pieces are discussed in Justin Faull’s dvd about Washington DC Belly of the Beast. I’ve watched it twice and still am amazed at all the info. Bohemian Grove is in it too.
DeleteOutstanding work, Lu. I’m supposed to be working.
DeleteBut I'm hogging-up the whole thread! :)
I'll be taking the weekend off from posting, lol...
See you all next week, LORD willing! :P
Not hogging, teaching!
DeleteBlessings Family, I'd like to share a thought regarding how close we may actually be.
ReplyDeleteFor about a month or so, the Lord had me parked in the Psalms. It was a beautiful gift from His loving hand and I thank Him greatly for it!
He has since moved me over to Nehemiah 8 to re-awaken some points He brought to my attention in the past. In meditating on Nehemiah 8 these past few days, I'm seeing some things here that seem to be connecting/aligning with findings I've watched from Sabine, Paul, Jeff S., and Dr. Barry recently.
Bear with me as I try to hash this out here as I am in no way a scholar and do not necessarily have answers, I'm just making an observation.
Like most of you have seen, this year TorahCalendar has Rosh Hashanah marked on the 10th day of the 7th month which falls on the Day of Atonement (Sept 27/28) instead of on the 1st day.
Paul @Revchap12dotcom and others are noting that this year is in fact a jubilee year, hence the two feasts on the 10th day.
So. With these things in mind, as I studied Nehemiah 8, the subject being Ezra reading the Law of Moses to the children of Israel after it had been neglected for a long time, in speaking of the 1st day of the 7th month, this stood out to me:
vs 9....."This day is holy to the LORD your God;.....
vs 10....for this day is holy to our Lord.....
vs 11.....for the day is holy......
THREE times it is emphasized that this 1st day of the 7th month is HOLY!
Verses 13-18 go on to speak of the 2nd day through the 23rd day and how they gathered the materials to build booths to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles as per the instructions found in the Law of Moses.
I found it interesting that there's no mention of the Day of Atonement in this account, BUT, alongside with the THREE mentions of this 1st day being Holy in verses 9, 10, & 11 they are instructed NOT to mourn, weep, sorrow, or grieve on this day because it is HOLY!
So that got me wondering.... Is there no mention of the Day of Atonement because this was a jubilee year and therefore Rosh Hashanah and Atonement fell on the same day? Is this why it was emphasized three times for them not to mourn or sorrow for this day was holy? Or is it simply because this day was on a sabbath?
So if indeed we are in a jubilee year, and if indeed Rosh Hashanah falls together with/on the Day of Atonement, then the 10th day of the 7th month (Sept 27/28) would mark the beginning of the new year and we would then officially be in our THIRD DAY! Am I getting this right or am I way out in left field? Lol
And for those who accept dreams/visions etc., out of curiosity to see when this was given because I had forgotten exactly when, I looked in my journal this morning for the word that I had shared with you all a while back:
"You will be circumcised into Glory on the third day." Those words were given on 9/27/17
Just sayin....
Blessings and maranatha!
Hey Mom...I'm with you! In fact I'm keeping an eye on this unique Rosh Hashanah Jubilee Day countdown, which at the moment is reading 1 day and 14 hrs plus away and looking UP for Jesus at the same time:-) I am not looking any further ahead unless these next few days pass without our Blessed Hope appearing and then I'll prayerfully edge a little further in towards Sukkot. I've just got a real sense of joy going on:-) It did occur to me today that Jayden has moved to the one State whose motto is "First in Flight" and he will be spending this weekend at a retreat in Wrightsville Beach, NC. For some reason, the Lord just keeps connecting my little Rapture buddy with "flight":-)) He's in room #430 which is "Elohim" in the Strong's Heb. and the last 4 digits of the ph# there are "5781" which is the Hebrew year Israel is now rolling into. Anyway, I'll take all the encouraging little God winks He'll give me over any sense of dread for the times ahead;-)
DeleteBlessings, Sister and Maranatha!
Blessings Sheila! Thank you for always sharing your Jayden God wink stories, I love them! They make me smile and speak encouragement to my heart :)
DeleteI love how kind the Lord is in how He speaks to His own in such personal ways.
I'm excitedly looking Up these next few days and like you, if we still find ourselves here, I've got my eye on the 8th day(Shemini Atzeret). The Lord knows I can only handle a few steps out in front of us.
We may all be meeting together soon and SOONER family!
We're goin' Home. Someday, soon, we're goin' Home;
ReplyDeletewhere Jesus Is The Light, and there never comes a night, to "Our New Home" (mirrored)
Be Blessed.
TY Jimboni...Blessings and a wonderfully encouraging share, especially as Bro. Mark said he wrote that song some time back and it's just so fitting right now with this possibly very special "Jubilee" convergence coming up over the next few days. He is such a precious soul that always reflects the light and love of Christ:-)
Delete"Everybody will be dancing, what a Happy Jubilee
The greatest Homecoming that you've ever seen"
Sheila B., Blessings, amen. I am not familiar with the singer, until now. I love watching the stories in his eyes and which cross his face, accompanying his unspoken thoughts as he touches upon the various Wonders he highlights in his gift, for us. I caught the Jubilee wink my 2nd time through, a bit louder on the desktop speakers, and smiled, ofc, when I did. Amen. Maranatha! So glad you were blessed and commented; you were first on my mind when I thought to post it, sis.
Delete2nd was Lu, esp in terms of his Johnny Cash collection, ibid.
Delete:-) He can be found @Mark Murchison YTC
Delete@Barry Scarbrough is interesting this morning: "2nd Vaccine Volunteer Says, "They've Killed God; I Can't Feel God; My Soul is Dead". Believe Jesus!" I checked around for sources and found that Astrazeneca is only reporting a rare neurological attack and some other sites reporting on it have already been scrubbed, but something like this does go along with that leaked Pentagon video from 2005 discussing just such a thing in re to the B*ll G*tes VMAT 2 gene vaccine for curtailing fundamentalist fanaticism.
ReplyDelete(aka The "FunVax")
I just watched that vid. I agree with Ravi; you are a soul; you have a body.
DeleteThe Final Countdown Reloaded
ReplyDeleteFrom SMHP (9/26)
Many things are coming together to form this one world government. They still need to get rid of the old world order to bring in the one world order. We aren't there yet but we can definitely see Babylon at work here. Their system will fail in the end and judgement will be upon them. Yeshua Jesus Saves! Follow Him!
I was just watching @Watchman on the Wall 88 and listening to Bro. Chad's Bible Prophecy Update.
ReplyDeleteHe emphasized several times that "this ship is sinking" and it's time to get on the Lifeboat because the Rapture is going to occur at any moment. I was thinking the same thing yesterday morning as I saw a whole slew of articles coming out re the new revelations on the sinking of the Titanic being caused by "Auroras" that lit the sky up the night of April 15, 1912.
The theory is that the geomagnetic storms behind the Auroras disrupted naval navigation and communication systems causing the disaster with the iceberg and hindering rescue operations. (And due to that famous sense of uttered overconfidence that "Not even God, himself could sink this ship", they had few lifeboats on board.) Reminds me of Psalm 12:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Hmmm....Blessings and Looking Up!
Couldn’t someone have taken a pair of binoculars onboard? Fatal arrogance.
DeleteBlessings Archangel...but that wasn't my point there;-) The fact is that this ship IS sinking and the Titanic "incidentally" being back in the news yesterday and today with the blame for it's demise now being placed on an "Otherworldly" cause that basically "blinded" them is a glaring reminder of the consequences of challenging God's Power and Authority. Ps.12 not only reflects the boastful and vain attitude of those aboard that ship back in 1912, it reflects the attitude of the world in general today and our LORD's Promise that the faithful will VANISH from among the children of men--be removed, placed in safety and guarded forever from this wicked generation that exalts vileness:-)
DeleteAmen. Totally agree. God hates arrogance and it doesn’t go unpunished for long. I think we have entered a permanent high watch time. Things aren’t going back to how it once was. No more getting up and getting ready and going to work. I think of the time just before lockdown; we had no idea what we were entering. Who could have imagined? But as I left the building where I used to work, I wept because I knew I’d probably never see that place I worked at for 15 years again. We do have to let go. 2021 to 2028 makes sense for the Trib and will go right along with Israel turning 80 next May on some calendar:) More Arab States normalizing relations with Israel are coming in pretty quick succession. Blessings.
DeleteTy green has a video "The Year of the Jubilee"
DeleteThe Year of the Jubilee
Attention passengers on Flight #777, this is your captain speaking. On behalf of Spirit Airways, we deeply apologize for being stuck on the tarmac for so long. We’re still awaiting clearance from the control tower (the “man above”) to give us permission for take-off plus there are a few pre-flight conditions that we’re still working to resolve (like a war needing to start in Israel, proper alignment of certain planets, moon and stars, and the issue concerning whether it’s a Jubilee year plus the “all important” Feast of Trumpets/Day of Atonement “dual” day of reckoning that will occur on September 27-28).
ReplyDeleteWe at Spirit Airways appreciate your continuing patience and are pleased to announce that everyone on board will have free access to WI-FI. While you’re waiting you can check your favorite blog (Rev12daily,, etc.) and view your favorite YouTube Channels. I hear that Dr. Barry Awe can be quite funny at times and Sabine Vlaming is super smart and has a very soothing and sexy voice. Then there’s that “other guy” who’s an expert in Biblical prophecy and “Ancient” astronomy…I think his name is Lu Vega or “Ice Man” as his fellow watchmen call him. He’s quite unique in that he can be both “serious and hilarious” at the same time, a trait that very few Biblical scholars or teachers have these days.
Well, that’s all I have to say for now…so here’s your flight attendant (Sally) with a very important announcement to make. Hello passengers…just want to let everyone know that we’ll be serving complimentary snacks shortly (fresh figs, olives and communion wafers) and we’ll be offering free drinks (unfermented wine or grape juice, Bloody Mary’s and “Holy Moses” White Ale) for the duration of the flight. In addition, we’ll be offering free movies for your entertainment (“The Ten Commandments” with Charlton Heston, “The Passion of the Christ” directed by Mel Gibson and “Bruce Almighty” starring Morgan Freeman and Jim Carrey). For those of you preferring to listen to music only we offer these free “rock” songs (“Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin, “Tears in Heaven” by Eric Clapton, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” by Guns N’ Roses and “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zeppelin). Ugh…this is your co-pilot speaking (Mr. Bones)…I think we need to strike that last song, Sally…it’s not appropriate for this flight! Sorry Mr. Bones, we’ll take care of that…my bad!
This is your captain speaking again…we’ve nearly completed our pre-flight checklist and expect to be departing shortly, so please fasten your seat belts. We’re just waiting for final clearance from the control tower (“God Almighty” above). Oh, wait a second…I think I hear something over the airwaves… “Make it So, Number One”. And behold, there was a loud voice in Heaven, as if it were a trumpet saying “Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.” [Revelation 4, verse 1)
Enjoy your flight everyone! See you soon on the “other side” at the Fun Table! Captain Bob
Such a relief not to feel all the guilt for liking Zeppelin and fighting off a burgeoning crush on Watchman on the Wall 88 which I partially blame Pastor Tim for for always showing his vids. No gin & tonics? One first class seat by the window, ofc, for my cats? Please summon Captain Bob forthwith!
DeleteThat was very witty Captain Bob. Hoping we get clearance to take off in the next couple of days. it's such a cool feeling to know, that at any moment there will be a mighty trumpet to call us up, it kind of makes all your problems just disappear doesn't it!!
DeleteWell Bob...I still have my unopened bottle of New Wine that Jayden's Papa John gave me over the summer and I've already parked myself in a window seat so I can watch the sky. Got the Good Book handy and my earbuds plugged in, listening for that Trumpet Blast:-))
DeleteAnd the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Rev.22:17 KJV)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen (Rev.22:21 KJV)
Interesting...I don't have a KJV 1900, so mine doesn't say "THE END" like that.
DeleteArchangel...sorry no gin and tonics on this flight, but plenty of room for your cats and lots of Led Zeppelin music!
DeleteJordan...definetely waiting for the trumpets to sound and our Earthly problems solved! I'm tired of "pricking people's fun bubbles" with little or no success. You shouldn't have written that because I'll never get that out of my mind! I'm waiting patiently for your next video, but I'd rather hear your Irish/Scottish voice in person on the other side!
Sheila...I hope you're enjoying that bottle of wine next to that window seat! Let your imagination take you away as Flight #777 prepares for take-off. Looking forward to seeing you at the Fun Table, as you were the one who gave me the greatest support and encouragement on my 1st post here at Rev12 (remember when Fred H blasted my post re the "Prince of Peace" painting?). From me to you, with lots of love and appreciation!
DeleteI thought that Sally attendant's voice had the distinct tone of a disembodied head, but thought, nah, it's only me. Then we hear that Mr. Bones is the co-pilot and I'm like, aha! I KNEW it!
DeleteMeanwhile, no one having commented upon my allusion to some Pink Floyd in a nearby post, I'm wondering if we can requisition additional tunes as we await departure?
Thank you Captain Bob for giving us the flight information. I chose my seat next to the window too! :-) My husband Daniel is near me. My mini dog Candy is in her transport cage and she is also waiting patiently.
DeleteI will take a glass of living water if you have any on board. That will be enough for me. Maybe a glass of new red wine as well. I can't wait to leave for Wonderland, our country, and be received by the great creator of this splendid place. Carole
Archangel911, Blessings. No worries, mate, they serve SAPHIRE in the Throne Room, oh yeah.'re very astute about Sally and Mr. Bones! I would love to have Dr. B prepare a little skit about Flight #777. With those 2 characters the skit would practically write itself! Why don't you give him a call!
DeleteI'm sorry I couldn't find your post re Pink Floyd, but they can easily be added to the music list! come everyone wants a window seat? I'll make special arrangements for your husband Daniel and your dog Candy! We got a good supply of doggie treats on board already! We'll also make sure you get a nice big glass of new red wine to make it an especially memorable flight!
And, we have Dr. Barry Awe believing it is in the next 3 days. Song of Solomon 2:11,12,13
DeleteFor lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
(Dr. Awe has turtledoves in his yard, now.)
The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.
the rapture in 3 days
Sapphire! Bombay that sounds good!
DeleteHi Cathy, in her latest video Bro Chooch (Tol End TImes) thinks we are not in a jubilee year. But he hopes he is wrong. A different point of view!
Cathi G...just finished watching Dr. B's video. Boy is he pumped up and full of excitement about the Rapture happening on the FOT/D of A! Haven't seen him that excited in awhile. So, based on that I think we may be departing very soon! Better start warming the jet engines on Flight #777! He's got the Turtle Doves in his yard and I got plenty of ripe figs in my backyard! What does that tell you? As Pastor Tim says...We Fly Soon!!! Maranatha!
DeleteMeanwhile, Ty Green inserts an intricate piece and, as I mentioned to 'CiD a bit ago, for those closely 'following the bouncing ball' this section of the journey had me looking to the co-pilot, Lu, who was nowhere to be seen (assumed hanging out with the new stew, in back). Sigh. Anyways, in The Year of the Jubilee? And What May Happen Next If We’ve Interpreted Psalm 90 Correctly, Ty goes far, wide and deep and Lu's input will be awaited by all, although, with Lu having the weekend off, and Ty supporting that it more likely IS a Jubilee year, ...
DeleteDBA's latest draws our rapt attention to the Incredible Types At Hand, and Converging. As Dispensations Change, Eventually, That Last Sign isn't only a Sign, Anymore.
PF was alluded to, not mentioned. Rather surprised Archangel911, Blessings, hasn't spied it.
Which brings us to the penultimate irrefutable Sign of the Finality of 2020. This involves Spanglish humor, best understood with a Jersey accent. My comic alter-ego told me this and does a much better job, but I'll stick to the facts.
As we learned Spanglish in high school, we had to learn to count to 20, that is, Benny! See, in Spanglish, 20 is said like, Benny! Cool, huh? So, it's really Benny-Benny, ha!
Shoshani said, "There will come on the day that two ministers win the government in the land of Israel. Both their names will be Benjamin and neither of them will succeed in establishing their government or kingship.
...aaaaand that's a Wrap!
Hi Carole, I just finished watching his video. His using the timeline of Jesus quoting Isaiah 49:8 in Luke 4:18,19 (to preach the acceptable day of the Lord, 27 A.D. or 28 A.D.) as a Jubilee year didn't make sense to me. Plus, he doesn't see a Jubilee year connected to the rapture, anyway. I like what Ty Green said and Barry Awe better. I don't know really (it is all over my head), that's for sure. And, now there is still a present hope here as to 9-27/28. Then, if you throw in Jeff Sherwood's latest video we have Oct. 3 to the 15th as high watch dates. If not, then on through October (counting from 10-3 extending out 30-90 days).
DeleteHow are you doing with the mask wearing? I have had you on my mind and asking God to keep your immune system healthy.
Here is more food for thought: re: Jubilee
DeletePull up a chair.
The Day of Atonement & The Jubilee Rapture??
From the Salty Dog
I do remember posting one of Nick's last year which equates the "Day of Redemption" to the "Day of Atonement". Eph 4:30. Here we are.... full circle a year later.
Jimboni...of all weekends, Lu decides to skip this one! Bueller, Bueller!!! Buga-Lu, Buga-Lu!!! He had better be doing something fun! LOL!!! But, he's been working a lot of overtime lately and he deserves a weekend off once in a Blue Moon!
DeleteI have it on good authority that Lu is rolling with the Proud Boys this weekend:)
DeleteThat's funny, Archangel! But I have to admit I needed to look up the Proud Boys! Haven't heard of that group before. So, that's how Lu is spending his weekend! LOL!!!
DeleteOh yes, Proud Boys are in Portland this weekend. They are Patriots who love America and I heard one of their leaders say he loves Jesus. They are in Portland to countermand all the evil currently taking place there. Good guys. Much needed.
DeleteCharlie...I quickly scanned Nick's latest video re the Jubilee. Would it be safe to conclude that mankind has screwed up and lost count of what year is the Jubilee and that only God knows? No wonder nobody can figure out the day or the hour! Not trying to be cynical here, just trying to understand what he said. Get back home, Buga-Lu! LOL!!!
DeleteA commenter suggested two videos by Generation 2434, "Trumpets, Atonement and The Jubilee" (48+ min).
DeleteTrumpets, Atonement, The Jubilee
He is connecting these three along with the rapture, and I found this interesting. I could understand him more easily than others. His other video is longer, over an hour, "As You See the Day Approaching"
As You see the Day Approaching
PF....hmmmnn...Pope Francis? I do hope we leave soon because much evil is coming. Hearing things like “79 days of hell” from Election Day to Inauguration with the internet Kill Switch being deployed on Election Day to prevent communication re fraud and what we have seen of burning, looting and murder being spread far and wide and much worse. Heard Antifa is only masking the real bad ones waiting in the wings to be deployed around Election Day. Self defense is now considered criminal behavior so don’t know what recourse we have in that arena other than praying our Flight #777 is on time with zero delays.
DeleteDBA’s and Ty’s vids very encouraging.
PF = Pink Floyd, BTW, which one IS Pink?
DeleteArchangel, hi. PF - I was wondering about that so glad you made a suggestion. I couldn't think about it for long coz then my head starts to hurt. Pope F. sounds good, tho I missed his being alluded to on Dr. A's (or TG's) videos.
DeleteI started to listen to Generation 2434 (I don't know his name) on his Day Approaching video. He is basically having a Bible study here and later will answer chat questions (as he said at the beginning). I liked his referring to the days of Lot to the rapture in that (and I have read sth like this before or skimmed it ) that Lot, who believed, and who was a member of the family of God (Abraham's nephew) had to be prodded to get going by the two angels who were at his home to remove them *before* the destruction. His point here is that Lot wasn't watching for the rapture. He was more worldy as for ex a person today interested in the next football game of their fav team. Lot didn't seem overly concerned in leaving with his wife and two daughters.
So, we see a reason for those who struggle with a loved one not watching and missing the rapture to see things differently because Lot's behavior at a time when you would think he would be hustling his family out the door ... was dragging his feet.
Blessings Jimboni and Cathi G. Pink Floyd lol! They never entered my mind. I never really followed them so not surprising I didn’t make the connection. I was stumped there for awhile and Pope Francis was just a guess. I caught DBA’s clue about DJT, though.
DeleteYes, Lot and his family had to be dragged out of Sodom at quite literally the last second, too. Sometimes I do wonder about those with no interest at all in Biblical prophecy and even resentful towards those of us who study and care about it. I guess they will lose out on the Crown and other rewards. If I were a parent, I know I’d be pleased if my kids looked forward to my arrival home each day instead of being indifferent. Yes, my cats would run to me because they were hungry but I know they missed me too;). They better have.
As I understand it, Pink Floyd took the Pink and Floyd names from two blues musicians. Not sure which one is Pink:) Jesse Pinkman?
DeleteThanks Cathy for worrying about my health.
DeleteIt's been going well so far but it's my husband who looks like he caught something.
It is true that he has a slight problem with asthma so we don't really know. Wood stoves started in my area and it still affects it so is it asthma or a cold or ....?
Correct Bob D.,
DeleteNick qoutes (from the Book of Jubilees) the count of the Jubilee was "lost" so therefore, no one really knows.
Can someone/ sombody know? This remains to be the question to be "fully" answered in due time and we may find out soon enough.
Are folks guessing or just hoping it is? Based on my own read of Lev 25 I do not see where it says YT will slide into YK on a Jubilee Year. Is this all "wishful thinking?"
Does anyone else see this bowl of ingredients mixing together, tomorrow?
Re: 9/28 warning from 2016 (a cataclysmic event)
Re: 9/28/20 = YK/DoA on the 'Torah' calendar
Re: Solemn Assembly (aka YK) Dream from DK
Just a coincidence? Pastor's Dana's September dream was on July 10th...that's the 7th month, 10th this clue for Yom Kippur when the Bride is to "Arise" ?
This is new (9/26) and may be pointing us to Sister Mary's warning message above (re : 9/28)
"Mene mene tekel upharsin. I am coming out of My place to tread down the high places of the earth. The mountains will melt under Me and the valleys will split apart. I am now planning a disaster on this nation (USA), and you cannot free your necks from it. Then, you will not be so haughty. It has already begun. I have begun to strike you severely, bringing desolation because of your sins."
As Jimboni says, Buckle Up Butter Cup(s).
Do take this 9th day of Awe and seek the LORD while He can be found. Pray for His will be done in all things. Pray for His protection from what He is bringing to this evil/ vile/ wicked place deserving of His righteous judgement.
Pray for those in the valley of decision. Pray they will soon acknowledge Him, repent, and become born again in Christ Jesus. It may take this cataclysmic event to awken them.
What a facade/ joke of a 'prayer' march this was yesterday by these ecumenalists! These guys refuse to read the 'writing on the wall.' Ha, see latest word above! Heavy pun intended.
And don't forget:
DeleteT_rump's infamous "Calm Before the Storm" was '3' years ago at 9:23pm on 10/5 during FoTab on a full moon.
So, was this a 3 year warning of what is 'coming' from 'them' (man-made FFs and/or supernatural judgement... we know God can certainly lift His hand of protection and allow their plans to move forward on the people).
Daniel 5: The Writing On The Wall
King Belshazzar of Babylon organized a big party. Amid all the revelry, an event occurred that brought all festivities to an immediate halt. A mysterious hand appeared and in fiery letters wrote a chilling message on the wall of the king’s palace. Find out all about it in our new program: The Writing on the Wall. And consider if God were to write something on your wall, what would it be?
Wow, Charlie. Thanks for the reminder about Trump's proclamation of the "calm before the storm" on 10/5---and at 9:23, no less!
DeleteWe've also got this rare (once-in-a-three-year) harvest moon coming up on 10/1. And if I'm not mistaken, isn't October 2020 book-ended by two full moons?
The storm clouds are a gatherin' on the horizon...
NEW INFO: Revelation 12 Red Dragon Sign
ReplyDeleteFrom Nick VanderLaan
This video explains how 1/3rd of the Stars are cast to earth around the time of the Feast of Tabernacles (10/3).
This could be symbolic for Satan and his fallen angels.
DeleteIndeed. Since the stars = angles (Holy and Fallen), this is quite feasible and we will know soon enough if we can prove this theory.
DeleteThere is a story being told up above in the Mazzaroth for sure, it changes day by day and we are so fortunate today to have software programs to show us what it (the star placement in the firmament above) will be in the days ahead/ and days of past.
Psalm 19:1-4
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAh Bob you are such a lovely man, filled with the joy of the Lord encouraging us a with your humour and having us all salivating at the thought of enjoying your figs at the fun table.
ReplyDeleteActually I did upload a new video this week titled "JORDAN CLARKE | GOD'S MESSAGE TO POST-TRIBBERS " (11 mins) (no offense meant to you Ryan).
It was made with my mum in mind, who still denies we are in the last of the last days, thinking that the end won't come until 2035. she still denies that we are saved by simply believing in our heart that Jesus paid for all of our sins. She complicates Salvation into a total incoherent soup of OT & NT. And she has a whole cohort of other crazy and unbiblical notions.
I am hoping that at some point in her Christian walk that she believed the simple Gospel, Otherwise she is about to get the shock of her life very soon, when that trumpet sounds.
Jordan...thank you for the kind words...and so nice to hear your beautiful Irish/Scottish voice first thing this Sunday morning on the potential eve of our departure! Another great presentation and so professionally done. Very soothing and reassuring too! A beautiful contrast you paint between the pre and post Triber's "state of mind" and superb use of Scripture. Bravo!!! God Bless you, Brother!
DeleteJordan...forgot to mention that I'll be praying for your mum. Hopefully, she'll come to God's Grace soon, but if not, let's pray she and others like her will be given a 2nd chance! So Pre-Tribbers is spelled with two b's (didn't know that!). Must be that tribal instinct coming out in me! LOL!!! BTW, I subscribed to your channel so I wouldn't miss any in the future! Also, I'll do my best to sneak a bag or two of figs on Flight #777! I just have to get past the Captain! LOL!!!
DeleteThank you Bob. I really appreciate you praying for my mum.. she said today in a text, "sure the word "RAPTURE" is not even in the bible..." This was a total palm to forehead moment.
DeleteThis is a woman who boasts of reading the bible for 30+ years for 3 hours each night.. she constantly belittles my understanding of scripture, and takes nothing that I show her in the bible as true. And worst of all, she didnt see that that Amos 5:18-20 video I made about desiring the day of the LORD, was talking about post tribbers, she said, it is talking about PRE-TRIBBERS who are constantly looking for the Rapture, and because it never comes, it is a dark day for them with no light.. another palm slap on forehead moment!! so serious prayers needed.
She doesn't understand what GRACE means, preferring the catholic interpretation of it, of "by the grace of God we can turn from a particular sin" instead of the biblical meaning of GRACE, which is, "by the GRACE of God all of my sins have been forgiven!" Queue another Palm to forehead slap.. My head is getting sore, and red from all the palm slapping!!
RE: the Figs.. .I'm sure the captain will let you sneak on the Figs!! sure I heard he loves Figs himself, he even mentioned them a few times in his latest best selling book :)
Jordan...Blessings and still praying for Geri. If she doesn't get it now, thanks our Lord's Grace she'll get it before it's too too late and have that last chance opportunity to embrace the Truth that you've been so diligent to share with her:-)
DeleteJordan...don't feel bad, I've had some long time Catholics say the same thing to me about the Rapture not being mentioned in the Bible. As a person who went to Catholic school for 12 years, I can see why they say that because not once while I was in school or at church did anyone ever discuss the Rapture. Not even once! It just wasn't in their vocabulary or thought process. So sad...and that's what keeps believers like us so hopeful and excited about what's coming. Ask your mum if she would rather die a natural death or be Raptured. Seems like a "no brainer" to me but it takes faith and a much deeper understanding of Scripture to get to that point! Sadly, so many people have been brainwashed over the years they just can't change. For those people, they are going to need to have one of those "See It to Believe It" moments to change their minds! Blessings, Brother!
DeleteThat's funny Ryan.. it is becoming a bit of a tick at this stage.
DeleteBut you would have to agree, arguing that the word "Rapture" was not in the bible, that was defo was a palm slap moment?! :)
Thanks Sheila for your continued prayers for my mum.
I've heard it said before, "it is easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived" I think that is very true, pride rears it's ugly head, and causes us all, to beat our chest, and exclaim proudly that "we have the clear understanding, and that the other person is wrong" guilty of that myself sometimes, but thankfully we have the word of God, as a guide, and if we humble ourselves, and earnestly seek his truth, it will be revealed to us.
So I was up half the night and spent most of this morning reading up on the timing of the Jubilee year cycles and what I discovered is that there are as many different rabbinical and gentile calculations and theories as there probably are Jubilees. But for SOME REASON, The Torah Calendar has decided to post a Jubilee, Rosh Hoshanah, DoA convergence for this year of 2020, so that's what I'm going with for now:-)
ReplyDeleteJust watching @Dr. B's vid for today and at the 8 min. mark I received some more confirmation in re to what I know I saw in that Coronal Sun Image on 9/23/20 that pointed me to Ps.68:3,4 (which I shared in a comment tucked in somewhere up yonder) As DBA spoke about the Hebrew letter 'Tzaddi' and it being the 5th of the five letters that have a 'final' form--just like I saw it depicted in the coronal image beside the word JAH--he pointed out that the 'Tzaddi' goes from the form of representing a man kneeling in prayer and penance to the form that represents a man standing upright with arms outstretched in righteousness, which is only attained through the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ.
The Sages teach that in it's final form, the 'Tzaddi' represents the great reward in the world to come.
So with what Dr. B is explaining re the Open Books, that would've been an appropriate sight to see for the beginning of these Days of Awe. (Our God is so Awesome and I do believe with Him, Luke 21:25 can cover a whole lot of 'heights' :-)) Blessings and Looking Up with arms outstretched!
Ps.68:4 KJV
DeleteJust came across a fun little horse racing fact to share:
DeleteOn 9/19/2020 (Yom Teruah or Day of Trumpets) a 7 yr old mare from Blue Heaven Farms named "Starship Jubilee" running as the #4 horse won the $1 million dollar purse in the Woodbine Mile race in Ontario CAN, a Breeders' Cup "Win and You're In" race, beating out both "March to the Arch" and "War of Will" who came in 2nd and 3rd:-)
Sure hoping this is our "Starship Jubilee" year:-D
Interesting, sister Sheila.
DeleteIn The One Year Bible, Psalm 68 is the selection for 9/24-25 (divided into two parts: 68:1-18 on 9/24 and 68:19-35 on 9/25).
And, for today 9/27, the Old Testament portion is Isaiah 51:1--53:12; the New Testament portion is Ephesians 5:1-33; the Psalm is Ps. 69:19-36; and the Proverb is Prov. 24:7.
I noticed some "Atonement" themes woven throughout this daily reading:
1) Isa. 53:4-12 - Simply amazing that this passage lines up with Yom Kippur in 2020.
2) Eph. 5:2, "...Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
3) Eph. 5:25-27, "...Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her to make her holy...without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless..."
4) Ps. 69:26 - The enemies of God's people add insult to injury by mocking the one whom God afflicts unto salvation, "...they persecute those You wound and talk about the pain of those You hurt" (cf. Isa. 53:4-5, 10).
5) Ps. 69:30-31 - The praise songs and words of thanksgiving from those justified by God's atoning sacrifice (the Lamb of Isaiah 53) will be more pleasing to God than the sacrifice of animals.
As a bonus: See the thread of Isa. 51:9, 17; 52:1 and Eph. 5:14
Sheila...I can see that you got "Jubilee" on the brain like the rest of us! How many hours of sleep did you not get last night! LOL!!!
DeleteDear Sheila, with the #4,
DeleteI immediately thought of the door in Hebrews: Dalet
Jeff...Blessings, Brother and TY for sharing those daily readings for this moment in time. So amazing to be contemplating on His Atonement for us in exchange for our Eternal Joy in Him. Such an unfathomable Gift!
DeleteBob....LOL is right! All of the debate over "is it? or isn't it?" got to my brain and down the rabbit trail I went. Don't bet, but I do love to watch the ponies run and see what I can see there. The Lord speaks to this flaky little child of His in some strange ways and He always has, so I'm one of those "Where's Waldo?" kind of people when it comes to looking for some gold hidden among all of the details:-D
And Carole...yes, exactly and I couldn't help but think of the Baal worshipers "Marching to the Arch" and all those who stubbornly reject His Truth in their "War of Will" that are going to be left behind in the dust of that "Starship Jubilee" zipping up and away at warp speed and vanishing right through that Glorious Door (4) into a Royal "Blue Heaven" come Harpazo time to dwell forever in the Completeness (7) of our Lord and Savior:-)
Just Praying for as many as will to get aboard that flight RIGHT NOW!
Blessings all. I apologize up front if I missed discussion of the Gap Theory here, but I was just watching a vid by Brandon Holthaus of Rock Harbor Church and he reminded me of the verse that says Israel will be burning weapons for 7 years. Weapons left after the Gog Magog invasion. Assuming these weapons won’t be able to be burnt during the 2nd half of the Trib due to Israelis fleeing to Petra from the AC, that would mean the first 3 1/2 years of the 7 yrs of burning the weapons would necessitate a Gap between the Rapture and start of the Trib because it’s the 7 yr Covenant between Israel and the AC that starts the Trib and it’s the Peace Agreement to put an end to the Gog Magog war. Am I missing something significant here? It’s quite possible. Any and all opinions on this subject is very much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteHey response I saw to this question from is that it's only a remnant of Israel who will become the Believers who flee to Petra and the non-believing Jews will still be operating under the AC and have need of the fuel for the entirety of the 70th week. These will only recognize Jesus as the True Messiah near the very end of it. (Zech.12:10)
DeleteThanks, Sheila B. That makes sense. I had a feeling there might be a remnant who don’t flee to Petra. Brandon discussed the meaning of the AA and how it’s the lead up to the Sheba and Dedan that don’t take part in Gog Magog and the Covenant that’s strengthened by the AC puts Israel under the (supposed) protection of the AC, so the AA is not the basis for that Covenant. There’s talk of Sudan normalizing relations with Israel but since Sudan is part of Gog Magog, we know that can’t happen. He said the Covenant with the AC has Israel at a disadvantage and by no means has each on the same footing.
DeleteHey, many fish...
I pray all of you are well! All good here, resting in the LORD.
But I had to share this “coincidence”
Israel, “the Hebrews” are locked down on the holy days, today/tomorrow 9/28 is the day of atonement.
Look what the scriptures say in Hebrews 9/28!
Hebrews, 19th book in NT. Hebrews 9:11 – 9:28 speaks about the redemption through the blood of Christ, Atonement!
Day of Atonement on 9/28, 1st in 19 years.
Hebrews 9:28 (last verse) So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
The second time!! The timing and the message of the blessed hope, God is good ALL the TIME!
Hang in there brothers and sisters! Comfort one another with these words :)
It's all about the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah! Are you covered by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ? God bless and keep you always!
Blessings Family! Sure hope we are appointed to meet our Lord and each other tomorrow! Lord Jesus may it be so!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to share a possible understanding to a vision. I believe the Lord may have opened my eyes to something during my prayer time this morning.
Do you remember me sharing a while back a flash vision I had of the numbers 8 and 12 with an arrow or greater-than symbol pointed at the 12? It had happened during the night and it was like a flash of lightening and when it happened, I knew in my spirit it meant the rapture even though I didn't know what it meant.
Well, this morning during prayer, the Lord brought this back to my mind. I pulled up TorahCalander and decided to look at the 'What Time Is It Now?' link on their website. At the time I was looking, they were in the 1st hour/1st watch thereby the 10th day had begun and will commence at sundown at the 12th hour.
As I looked at this clock, I began to think of the Twinkling of an eye being that last nanosecond of when twilight changes over to dark. The 10th day (Atonement) will end in Israel at sunset at the close (twinkling of an eye) of the 12th hour. The books are now closed, yes?
Maybe this is why the number 12 in my vision was highlighted by the arrow? Indicating the 12th hour? What about the number 8? Well, here on the west coast, when the 12th hour and sundown are happening there, it is 8:00am here.
Maybe this is a stretch and simply wishful/hopeful thinking or maybe the Lord truly did give me understanding. I share this to hopefully encourage you, my brothers and sisters and I hope against hope we've finally come to the end! The end! Just like Sheila's 1900 KJV share of Rev 22:21 yesterday under Captain Bob's Flight 777 status....THE END!!!
Oh Wow! Mom! And that's just what I thought too...I hope this is THE END!!! of this road here for all of us and so amazing on that time zone correlation! God is so good to greatly encourage us whenever we give Him our attention. (Prov.25:2) Hope to be seeing you all together with Him any time now:-) And while I know He has that exact moment Perfectly Appointed, for us it truly is more imminent than ever before:-)
DeleteWell, as a long time reader of this blog, even though I rarely comment, I'm going to have to say goodbye. Hearing the dozens of brave men and women, including the Vice President of the United States publicly pray for repentance and revival for our country characterized as a "joke" was heartbreaking. The fact that no frequent commenter even challenged the statement or rebuked the brother who spoke it tells me you are all in agreement or do not care if our brothers and sisters in Christ are disparaged for doing exactly what the bible tells us to do when our nation falls into darkness, sin and rebellion. I am also disappointed to read that those of the post-trib belief are considered head slappingly blind. Our beliefs on the rapture are not a salvation issue and many people who are spirit filled bible believers have come to different conclusions. I myself have struggled with which interpretation of Scripture is the correct one regarding the timing of the rapture, but I realize now that this blog isn't very tolerant of anyone who isn't staunchly pre-trip. I do pray daily that pretrib is the correct view because it sure sounds better than the alternative! I also pray daily that if that is not the Lord's plan, that he would give me and my fellow believers the courage to walk the path he has given us to walk and the boldness to speak the truth like our brothers and sisters did yesterday at The Return and the Prayer March.
ReplyDeleteBlessings Jo. I watched the vid of the March earlier today. I thought VP Pence, Michelle Bachman, Bishop Harry Jackson, Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins, Darryl Strawberry and others were very eloquent and inspiring. I enjoyed their journey to the WW2 Memorial. This was much needed after all the violence I’ve watched vids of. I have no doubt God heard their prayers and it’s also my prayer that God will turn America back to righteousness. I thank God for saving Bishop Jackson’s life.
DeletePost Tribbers are always welcomed here. We have nothing against them. We are here to share opinions, ideas, thoughts, encouragement and to pray for one another. I’m sorry you feel that this is anything otherwise. I promise you it’s not. And while we may not necessarily agree with everything we each contribute, we allow everyone space to express him or herself. We see through a glass darkly and that’s why earlier I asked for help understanding the 7 yrs of Israel burning weapons in relation to the start of the Trib. God bless you. I sincerely hope you stay with us.
DeleteWith all due respect, these people on stage have an alernative motive. If this was a legitimate meeting to truly repent, I would not have stated such, but from what I've seen/heard over years from these "leaders" and some recent material, this was all a show from one of the most demonically inspired/planned places on Earth (DC).
Franklin Grahm is a ecumenalist, he is following in his dad's footsteps naturally and going even further making huge strides of bringing Chrislam to fruition.
John Con, is a cabal ist who is working hand in hand with all the "blinded" evangelicals to bring them/ the "Church" under the Noahide Laws which both DJT and MP both have agreed/signed onto....
SoS rules DC. SoS rules everything.
MP is not a 'true' Christian. He plays the part and says the right things, but he is working with the treacherous dealer behind the scenes to bring about this One World Order under the Noahide Laws (directly from the SoS).
This nation (usa) is far gone (CA just allowed adults to have sexual relations with children) and for these "pious men" (as you say ) just now to come out in the demonic us capitol right befire the selection/ election?? A bidding to the masonic luciferian order for sure.
Yes, this was a joke much like the blue party is now painting pe-do Joe as a devout catholic? Wow, really? Are people so dumbed down they will believe anyting? Well, yes, see cv-1984.
This was a rah rah party for DJT but he is on team NWO too, so it really does not matter who is in charge, it is all leading down the same path (JUDGEMENT).
This Return, was just a show by a bunch of paid actors seeming to be pious. You'll notice how frequently Jon Con appears on CBN, TBN, the 700 Club etc. to peddle his seemingly knowledgeable material on the end-times (using the Bible but really misusing it) but all it does is lead folks astray, on purpose. I was once lured by his 'teaching'.
Many have been duped.
Yes, we need to repent. For sure. But under the leadership of these ecumenalists and a faux rabbi who Christians should not be calling rabbi anyway? Nope, I don't think so.
Is this scary or what...
DeleteMichele Bachmann & Kenneth Copeland Says Their Prayers Changed The 2016 Election
Isn't KC the same charlatan who pronounced the 'end' of cv-1984 back in March and isn't KC now kicked off prime time TV?
Birds of a feather flock together... Ugh,,, americanized christianity
Jo, I was a bit behind on the comments so my apologizes. For what it is worth, out family watch a few hours of the return yesterday and I found it very moving. The Pro-Life message was incredible strong. I do not agree with those who said negative things about the event or speakers. It takes tremendous courage to be a part of something like that, and I pray that many hearts were softened yesterday and the many prayers that went up in the heart of our nation will be answered. Blessings Sister.
DeleteHey Jo...I didn't get to watch that yesterday, but I know the people of this nation can use all of the prayers they can get. The USA as a nation is in deep trouble and due for severe judgement, no doubt, but there are a whole lot of individuals in this country that can yet be drawn to faith in Jesus Christ and find Salvation through His Finished Work on that Cross. Only God knows the true hearts of those in attendance and His Word does not come back void. He will use whom He Wills when He Wills and how He Wills, so Prayers UP for all of those who were in Prayer:-)
DeleteAs far as the Pre-Trib view goes, yes most of us here are of that persuasion, but we all understand that it's not an issue of Salvation. I know that with people being people, some convos can get a little testy at times, but they usually iron themselves out and I truly feel that for the 99% part, a whole lot of love, support, encouragement, faith and prayers have evolved from this platform. So I hope you won't be too hard on those who by the Grace of God have been steadfast in keeping this little place of fellowship alive and well--not just for those who do comment, but for all of those who, like you, rarely or maybe never comment, but find comfort in knowing we are here sharing whatever we've got as we all watch and wait for the Return of our Lord Jesus. Blessings and Maranatha!
Bro Brad , I completely agree with you . Only God truly knows the heart of a person so I’ll let him be the judge and jury. I pray everyday it’s time for us to go home , BUT , if it’s not and let’s say we’re still here after this Novembers election no matter who wins I believe it’s gonna be all out war , we’re gonna need all those prayers from yesterday and more if we’re still here then. !!!
I agree with Charlie on this one. These folks have shown their true colors on too many occasions. We are to have discernment of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. That said, God can use anyone to draw people to himself.
DeleteJo....I am post trib....and of course ones eschatological beliefs is not a salvation issue.
DeleteI try to hold back my comments as although they are in a spirit of love in sharing my feelings to prepare.....often it is not taken well....
Comments that I dont take well are those that frequently judge others of faith such as Franklin Graham, Jonathan Cahn, etc. I have a dear friend that has been helped immensely by Frankling Graham over the years. I myself have talked with Jonathan Cahn and his book "The Harbinger" was the most influential book in my after reading it....I was awakened to start reading the most important book ever Bible....and with a daily passion.
These are true men of God....and they are to be commended, not condemned, for exercising 2Chronicles7-14.
I personally feel our country has reached its tipping point with our blasphemous turning away from God.....
We need ALL the prayers of ALL of us. Each one of us praying have sinful flaws, but all prayers heard by God come from people with sin. I accept prayers ANYTIME from others with sin!
Well, I had a leftist liberal tell me that Sor...os is a good guy who helps the poor and quotes scripture. There are many Lucifer ian types that appear as angels of light. Deception is everywhere. Most Christians are too nice to see evil, and can be duped unfortunately. I have come to realize that even in the prophecy crowd, people worry more about the next election, than the soon coming of Jesus. That’s what happens when folks take their eyes off of Jesus and focus on this world instead. Elevate Jesus not man.
DeleteIn The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? author David James exhaustively documents and responds to the serious flaws found throughout the New York Times best-seller from Charisma Media, The Harbinger. Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn believes he has discovered an "ancient mystery" in Isaiah:9:10 that "explains everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy.” As Cahn states at the beginning of his book “What you are about to read is presented in the form of a story, but what is contained within the story is real.”
Many have accepted Cahn’s message as being genuinely from God. However, David James has clearly demonstrated that The Harbinger falls far short of meeting the biblical requirements for such a message from God, being based on the mishandling of Scripture, faulty theology, misleading statements, the selective use of historical facts, and unsupported speculation.
What others are saying about The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction?:
"James has written this book not merely to expose error but to keep God’s people from being led astray. I believe he has accomplished these goals." —Gary E. Gilley, Senior Pastor, Southern View Chapel, Springfield, Illinois
"This book gives the reader a detailed, point-by-point analysis challenging [The Harbinger]. James does this with clear bilical methodology while avoiding personal attacks." —Paul Barreca, Teaching Pastor, Faith Bible Church, Vineland, New Jersey
"David James has done an excellent job in this review of . . . The Harbinger, [taking] a crucial look at the biblical aspects." —Jimmy DeYoung, President and Founder, Prophecy Today
"David James has used true discernment, extensive research, and biblical hermeneutics to reveal the dangerous message of The Harbinger[and its] extra-biblical revelation." —Brannon Howse, President and Founder, Worldview Weekend
"Anyone interested in The Harbinger needs to note [its] numerous presented in James's excellent analysis." —Roy B. Zuck, Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary
"Dave James provides a fair biblical analysis for anyone wanting scrutiny of The Harbinger. I commend James's book . . . for those seeking the truth rather than popularity." —Tommy Ice, Executive Director, Pre-Trib Research Center
Much more worth your $ than the mis-leading Jon Con.
Ryan...I have his Harbinger 11 book and it is alsome as well.
DeleteAnother book...The Oracle...blew me away.. There is no way you can fake actual historical events that have occured and see how they divinely align with scriptures.
Also Ryan...I dont know if you know who Hubie Synn is...but he is an accountant that knows lots of prominent people. Hubie missed a flight and was stuck on a bench at a large airport. Jonathan Cahn happened to have his flight delayed and both unknown to each other happen to sit together. Jonathan was sitting on his "Harbinger" book not knowing who or how to publish it. Hubie is a minister also and was impressioned to say to Jonathan..."Whats the good word?.. That started a chain reaction of back and forth talk. Jonathan mentioned his book he didnt know how to even start getting published. Hubie is an accountant for Charisma magazine...and the rest is history!
I have had the pleasure of being on the Jim Bakker show talking about a curved stairway I built for the Loris House project. I had an amazing long private talk with Hubie Synn. If anyone here knows about David Tyrees..sp? He has a most miraculous Super Bowl catch with one hand....that Hubie told me about. You could feel the spirit of God as he talked. You cant fake that. I will never doubt someones faith....I just wont comment if I think they arent with God.
Charlie...Not going to come in here and waste time arguing with you. I permanently quit wasting time with you on your flat earth beliefs, and will just let you jabber on against men who are true men of God. I will judge no ones faith. That is for someone whom created me.
The Jim Bakker show?I hope you don’t send him money.
DeleteChristian Research Network has an article by Marsha West entitled “ ‘The Return’ Jonathan Cahn’s upcoming prayer event produced by wolves in sheep’s clothing”. It’s more important to contend for the faith, and stand on truth then it will ever be to win a popularity contest by those who don’t think you are being “nice”.
DeleteStan, I remember that catch! That was one of the best Super Bowls ever. I bought the cap to commemorate it. They played on my bday too.
DeleteCheryl....One thing I have learned about Christians. God forgives but many Christians do not! I wont even start on the conversations I have had with Jim and Lori Bakker. Sure Jim has sinned, so have I, so have you. The big difference is Jim is on a world stage. Yes, you better have very high morals, as satan will throw every temptation at you.
DeleteI dont drink any preachers kool aid. I listen to see what matches scripture. Personally, I listen to many of Jims guests....but there are several that I wouldnt watch for more than a minute. I am adult enough to have a guarded discernment meter ....and what sets my meter off are when people judge anothers faith.
Pastor Rich addresses it better than anyone I know....with pure love.
That is the commandment I try to adhere to.
Well Stan, I don’t know where your comment went, but I will answer it anyway. People accuse others of judging, to shut them down, so that no one will look too carefully at what they are teaching. Judgement and discernment are two very different things. We should hold people accountable for false doctrine because they will lead others astray. I have nothing to forgive Jim Bakker for, but I certainly will never support his ministry. The best thing you can do is pray for these people and hope we see them in heaven. But don’t buy what they are selling. It’s like JD Farag said yesterday, Jesus IS truth. We don’t need to worry about all of the confusing messages out there by flawed people, if we will just turn to him for answers instead. We should have no need for Christian celebrities. Jesus is more than enough. And the Holy Bible does not need help either. The Holy Spirit helps us understand it.
DeleteStan, even though I don't share your post trib opinion, I value your comments. I've known about the Hubie & Jonathan connection & things like that don't just happen. I feel at times that bro. Charlie is often way too wrapped up in his own self rightousness & may need to lok in the mirror before passing so much judgement on others. One of the first comments I made on here was immediately attacked by Charlie & his flat earth theology. My uncle, Grady Williams, was an aeronautical engineer with NASA As well as deputy director of design for the Apollo project. Funny thing- I never once heard him say the earth was flat. He was a fine Christian man raised by a Baptist minister. I trust my fine uncles knowledge any day over Bro Charlies' ridiculous beliefs.
ReplyDeleteHi Brother Jo, I live in Quebec, Canada and I don't know what you write about the vice president and everything. And I admit that I do not understand too much because here it is different concerning politics. And I'm sorry you think that of all about the way you look at the kidnapping and the beliefs of different groups. Like you, we know that the rapture event is not about the salvation of the soul. And to speak of myself, I have no apprehension towards those who think of a rapture before or in the middle or after the tribulation. We will all be raptured at the time chosen by our Father, no matter the time, we are all brothers and sisters in Jesus. May God bless you abundantly! Maranatha! Carole
@Bob - since you mentioned flight #777, let me add something interesting...
ReplyDeleteA Boeing 777 has gone totally missing - sad story, but true - and maybe a clue for us too -
It disappeared in March 2014, with 239 people on board, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Efforts to locate the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 drew to a close in the remote Indian Ocean on Tuesday, after a private company, hired to extend the search, admitted it had found no trace of the aircraft.
It has how many people on board? 239 - and it originated from where? from Malaysia
In Malaysia, how do they write Sept 23rd? You guessed it... 239...
Just a little interesting thing - The Great sign on Sept 23rd, 2017 was not only the Revelation 12 Sign, it was (in my opinion), GODS GREAT PROCLAMATION that the RAPTURE IS COMING SOON - Hallelujah!
And yes, every day brings us closer and closer - we are now moving at warp speed...and it will will surely come...and when it does...Halleulujah! We will be with Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.
youtube: wow rapture signs - part one / two / three
And brand new youtube on the Bible Code in Genesis 1:1 showing the Trinity in the first four words of the Bible...very interesting...
it has only 3 views and needs your help...
The Lamb...yeah, that is rather interesting. A Boeing 777 with 239 people on board, that was never found, with a connection to The Great Sign on 9-23-17. I suppose many people will be wondering what happened to the passengers on our Flight #777 when it departs and is never seen again!
DeleteSheila B, blessings. I couldn’t get your comment about TLOTR out of my head, and since I’m the perennial late bloomer in just about every gathering, yesterday I started watching the series. I’ve watched TLOTR: Fellowship of the Ring and am 2/3 of the way thru The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I see exactly what you and Lyn and Jimboni mean. Those stories transport one to a place of serenity and joyous beauty that’s almost too visceral to think put into words. Loving every minute. How magnificent that little Hobbit house built into the Heavenly Hillside is. I just want to get thru work today so I can get back on this fanciful journey. God bless.
ReplyDeleteHere's some hope
ReplyDeleteSome reasons to hope for the rapture to be on Tabernacles: makes sense to me. 😊
Out of the 7 feast given by God for the Israelites to keep, 3 are very important to God and He required that all men from each tribe attend every year.
Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles. In the Millennial Kingdom, only Tabernacles will be required. Tabernacles seems to be the most important of them all.
The blood moons happened both years on 2 of those most important feasts
Passover and Tabernacles.
I've always thought God used those 2 feasts for a specific reason. Giving us a clue.
Perhaps Tabernacles is the Rapture. Jesus gave His life for us on Passover, maybe He takes His church on Tabernacle.
If we only look at the most important feast of God, we see a picture.
Jesus became our sacrifice and gave us a proposal to be His on Passover
He gifted/ empowered us with His Holy Spirit on Pentecost
Maybe He will bring us to the wedding on Tabernacle
The way I see it is that God uses the MOST important days to Him to do significant things.
It seems very possible that He will rapture us on Tabernacles.
The feast of tabernacle is called "the season of our joy," being in heaven will definitely be our season of joy.
Tabernacle is the 7th feast, celebrated for 7 days, celebrating with great joy.
There are trumpets blown on the feast of tabernacle too. And it will be the last trumpet blown in the fall.
Jesus died on passover but was raised at the end of the Spring feasts. Maybe We are raised at the end of the Fall feasts.
I think feast of trumpets and Atonement have been fulfilled.
The feast of trumpets was fulfilled at Jesus' birth. Atonment was fulfilled by His sacrifice. (see note below)
The feast of Tabernacles is the only Fall feast not fulfilled. Not that the feast HAVE to be fulfilled by Jesus. That's mans thinking, it's not in the Bible. But God does do very significant things on the 3 most important feasts, Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.
Note: The Day of Atonement was a shadow of the coming work of Christ on Calvary; therefore this day is no longer needed because there remains no more sacrifice for sins (Heb 8:5).
And from a website called Jews for Jesus, the writer said they celebrate, instead of mourn on Atonement that their sins have been covered by Jesus. It is a celebration day.
Hey all,
ReplyDeleteSo, in catching up on the comments, I would agree to an extent, with both sides. There are points to be made and considered on both sides. That goes with every issue and topic/information presented here. But realize we will get offended. That is ok or it should be but continue.
‘Better an open rebuke than love that is concealed. The wounds of a friend are faithful, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. The soul that is full loathes honey, but to a hungry soul, any bitter thing is sweet.’ Proverbs 27:5-7
I say we need everyone’s input/perspective/opinion at this late hour. I would encourage those that are led to challenge or even rebuke and let’s talk and pray it though. As it has been said, this is a safe space and very open to a person’s point of view/perspective short of heresy. Yes, some proclamations have been or are harsh/coarse, but such is the nature of the ‘Body’ of Christ. Such a rich typology the LORD chose because at this present Church Age that is fast approaching its conclusion, is very intricate. The body has the following.
-100 organs
-206 bones
-600 muscles
-billions of cells
And so it is with us too! Lol. And some parts are meant to be seen, other not, and so on. As to the Jubilee being this year…I do not see it. I base my assessment this key hypothesis. When Jesus 1st came, it was a Jubilee, thus at His 2nd coming, it will be a Jubilee. So, what timeframe, would this ‘fit’? If one uses the -3 BC birth of Jesus to be September 11, then it was precisely 29 AD that Jesus read then Isaiah at the synagogue. Thus, what year then would conclude the Sabbath Cycles with His return on a Jubilee? 2022-2029. But that is what I see and thus going on this type and time.
Bob! What is up with your ‘airline’…? Lol…Can’t take off hu? What, is it really ‘Air Wakanda’ or what?
Well, I know that ‘I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane’:
Zeppelin?! Well, all music comes from YHVH but Lucifer has corrupted that on Earth as we know. ‘Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy >>>tabrets and of thy pipes<<< was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the Anointed [Christ] Cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. (Ezekiel 28:13-14)
This, by the way is evidence of a pre-Adamic existence of Earth that then ‘became formless and void’ with Lucifer’s rebellion and fall.
Do realize that Music comes from ‘Muse’. It is derivative of where the Jinn or desert demons influence people through music/sound. It is all frequency and resonance. And it has a direct access to the soul. That is why we need to ‘guard what we listen to and allow in’. So just be careful.
A throwback to Eric Holmberg; Reel to Reel Ministries exposing Satanism in music…
Thank you my brother, we all need each other and we must all look to Jesus in everything that is happening. The enemy loves when we look at doctrines, convictions and Christ is no longer ahead. He attacks in different ways in the BOC and he wants division. Don't be fooled, Jesus is coming back very soon. Love, forgiveness, peace between us all. My hand cannot say to my foot: I don't need you.
DeleteLu...welcome back to the Romper Room! LOL!!! We missed you, but kept ourselves quite busy talking about "Starship Jubilee" and the misadventures of Flight #777! "Air Wakanda"...why didn't I think of that! And Peter, Paul and Mary's song "Leaving On a Jet Plane"...absolutely brilliant! Did you and Jimboni come up with that one? So, I take it you're not too fond of Rock N' Roll music! I seriously contemplated including AC/DC' s "Highway to Hell" on the song list but thought better about it (and I really didn't want Brad to permanently ban me from this website!). But I did have fun writing about our situation as we sat in the aircraft (on the hot tarmac) as we waited for our eventual departure. So, our "Blessed Hope" hasn't happened as of yet, but we do still have several hours left in the day! Perhaps it will be later this evening at "twilight" when we get the "green light" for take-off! In the meantime, I think I'll kick back and listen to some Rock N' Roll music! It's fun to occasionally live on the dark side! LOL!!!
DeleteBack in Black, Bob D!!!
DeleteArchangel...Perfect song for Lu to announce he's back! LOL!!! But will he listen to the lyrics of this classic AC/DC song? I really think he should give Rock N' Roll a try (at least for a day or two) and experience what it's like to live on the dark side! It just might be what is needed for him to get a new perspective on things! LOL!
DeleteBack after a grocery run to Target and Sprouts!
Maybe we will start him on Bad Company, Marshall Tucker and Steve Miller first...
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome to download any of my books to also share. I realize they cannot be printed but what I have done is that I have bought several thumb/flash drives (that can take a lot of data) and I have placed them there along with the Bible files. I have tapped the drive to a greeting card with a note in a sealed envelope. I pray that whoever is meant to find them, that they will fall into the right hands during the Tribulation.
No doubt, Bibles will be banned and any material/websites/blogs, referencing Jesus as Christ, Savior, and/or teaching the Gospel, etc., will be banned and scrubbed from all online platforms. Such materials will be contraband, and the Tribulation Saints will be going underground, if not found out eventually.
The books are self-published as I have basically chronicled the ‘Last Days’ with the compilation of most of my articles and charts.
So, Jordan, Keith and others, you all are welcomed to them as well. I have excluded my Mars Pyramid Cydonia conspiracy ones, lol…
Booklist: Free to download in PDF format
Lu, will most definitely check these out...a great idea to download and put on thumb drives with other biblical resources that will disappear quickly for those left behind. Blessings!
DeleteRegarding the formless and void due to Lucifer’s rebellion, it also explains why darkness was upon the face of the deep.
ReplyDeleteThis will be in the ‘rolling my eyes’ department. Lol
ReplyDeleteAs many of you know, I work at Sonoma State University. It is part of the largest higher-ed conglomerate of universities in the world here in People’s Republic of California with nearly ½ million students. Presently, there is a fire occurring about 12 miles from us but not in immediate danger. The air though is very bad, smokey and grey. They did cancel school activities and appointments today though.
So, I was reading this article in the Los Angeles Times about how at one of our sister campuses down south in Long Beach, they shut the entire campus for only a few confirmed COVID cases. What caught my eye was the blatant numerology of who really is behind all this; just another affirmation. As of the posting of the article on September 26, 2020, it so happened to be noted off the bat, that it was ‘33’ days out to the lockdown of the campus.
Then, Cal State Long Beach is famous for its ‘Pyramid’ stadium/theatre. Then worse is that the campus is guess how many acres big? 322 acers as mentioned in the article even. Why? Coincidence? Not likely as the writer is probably one of those ‘Operation Mockingbird’ CIA operatives that got embedded into all the journalistic agencies to control ‘information’.
Not sure if you all knew but since July 2, and just in time for the lockdowns and ‘fear factor’ to be sustained, the U.S. Repealed the Propaganda Ban. The anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. Not no more…. It has all been orchestrated very nicely.
Cal State Long Beach article
They don’t call it “programming” for nothing. It’s designed to put ppl in trances.
DeleteSo, this is proof that there is an agenda, a scheme that is fooling the entire world and the bought-out Politicians and Scientists that should be about seeking and discovering ‘Truth’ are complicit in this Luciferian plan that is designed to enslave us. The Nations should have done what Sweden did and allow a 'heard immunity' to take its course and protect its elderly or those with complications. In the USA, they keep pushing the lockdowns to they would merge it now with the normal Flu Season as no virus can last 7-8 months.
ReplyDeleteIt is a full-on war against Humanity now, a total psyop. I do think the virus is real but a long line of CDC patented viruses unleased at us; it is biological warfare. Look at the numbers of dead, especially in the USA for a comparison from their own records/CDC. In a given year, nearly a million die of heart attacks, nearly half million die of cancers. Suicides are about 40,000 but this year alone has tripled and outpaced the supposed inflated numbers of COVID death? Why has not the world shut down for those categories if they want us ‘safe’?
From WorldoMeters website.
Number of deaths for leading causes of death: WORLD
-9,625,665 Communicable disease deaths this year
-362,376 Seasonal flu deaths this year
-5,636,018 Deaths of children under 5 this year
-31,553,163 Abortions this year
-229,182 Deaths of mothers during birth this year
-42,132,534 HIV/AIDS infected people
-1,246,473 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
-6,089,706 Deaths caused by cancer this year
-727,304 Deaths caused by malaria this year
-10,806,113,174 Cigarettes smoked today
-3,706,676 Deaths caused by smoking this year
-1,854,507 Deaths caused by alcohol this year
-795,123 Suicides this year
From CDC website
Number of deaths for leading causes of death: USA
647,457 Heart disease
599,108 Cancer
169,936 Accidents (unintentional injuries)
160,201 Chronic lower respiratory diseases
146,383 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
121,404 Alzheimer’s disease
83,564 Diabetes
55,672 Influenza and Pneumonia `
50,633 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
47,173 Intentional self-harm (suicide)
DollarVigilante just showed a lady from Sweden whose daughter is a nurse. She said fiveg ee is now affecting ppl. They’re showing up at the hospital with breathing trouble and the nurses are being told not to give them oxygen. She’s begging for help for Sweden from the US.
DeleteNothing surprises me. Here in Quebec, several nurses, paramedics and doctors say they are forced to mark "covid-19" as the reason for death on someone's death even if it is not caused by the virus and is caused by accident, suicide, heart disease, drowning and others. Some have spoken on the radio about this truth but people still believe the government and the media and not the medical professionals who talk about what is really going on.
The government inflated the numbers.
Yes, during and right after David Icke’s speech in Trafalgar Sq, the UK cops started beating ppl with billy clubs and went after the medical ppl onstage. I saw that grandmother wrestled to the ground and arrested in Australia with her poor dog not knowing what to do. I read they released her with a fine. I saw an interview with a former Aussie cop who said cops can arrest ppl preemptively now so they are in Minority Report territory now.