One Year Later - 5 Things We've Learned
As I type this today is exactly 1 year since the Revelation 12 Sign appeared in the sky for all the world to see. 365 days since a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy occurred before our eyes. I have pondered that fact countless times and it still blows my mind.
Despite of that fact, the world still seems to be going about its business, unrelentingly trying to drag more and more cares of this life back into the forefront of our minds. But if you are anything like me, the fact that we saw The Revelation 12 Sign in our lifetime always seems to put things in perspective. We are most certainly the 'Revelation Generation'. We are undoubtedly on the off ramp to the End Times... I believe we can fully expect the rapture of the church to take place anytime from hear on out because of all the prophetic signs we have seen around us...not the least of which is crown jewel of end time signs...The Great Sign.
But the fact of the matter is this, it has been a year since it appeared (and I for one didn't really expect us to be living our normal lives this long afterwards). But here we are on this anniversary of sorts, so I felt it was important to do a bit of reflecting on what we have learned since that day. Here are a few things that came to me... Please add any additional items in the comments below! Happy Anniversary and God Bless You all!
1. The Sign Was Authentic
And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. (Revelation 12:1-2)I know most of you reading this have felt this way for quite a while, but one of the questions I would often get asked before 9-23-17 was "What if nothing happens?" One way to address that is to them that something did happen...something big. A great sign from the Bible appeared in the sky above our heads for all to see. When you think about that, that is an amazing thing.

But as time goes by, you might think that some people may begin to have doubts about the whole thing and its significance. That would be natural I suppose...and maybe it has happened to some. But to my knowledge, that simply hasn't been the case for anyone who intensely studied the sign. Some people didn't get it...but if you were one of them that was blessed with eyes to see, well you know, You can't un-see it! And you certainly can't forget it. God has stamped that sign in our heads and in our hearts, and its not something that will just go away.
I believe that part of the reason God gave us so many confirmations like the conception comet and Jupiter "ultrasounds" leading up to the sign was to drill it into our heads that this was the real deal. That this was not some uncanny coincidence. I have come to believe He gave us such overwhelming evidence in order to eliminate all doubt so that no matter how much time passes we couldn't deny its authenticity. It is a called a GREAT sign...and it certainly was...and time ain't gonna change that!
If you need a refresher on some of that info, check out this post from last September:
23 Articles You Can't Miss or check out The Sign page on
2. There Is Significant Escalation In Israel
Therefore he shall give them up until the timeI believe the above verse indicates that after the Rev 12 Sign there will be an escalation in the prophetic events impacting Israel which will help lead to the repentance and belief of those people. Well if that is true we should expect to see a lot of action happening there in the days since the sign. We have. Here is a partial list:
when she who is in labor has given birth;
then the rest of his brothers shall return
to the people of Israel.
(Micah 5:3)
- War in Syria leading to Ezekiel 38 Alignment of Nations
- Jerusalem Capital Recognized by shocking US Embassy Move
- First Red Heifer Born
- Extensive Peace Deal Negotiations Taking Place
- 3rd Temple Preparations Completed
- Direct Israeli Military Attacks on Damascus
- Israeli Nation State Bill Passes
(Gary called that last one the "biggest prophetic development in 50 years")
3. Our Continual Fellowship Is Essential
not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:25)One of the greatest things that has happened during this year has been the overwhelming amount of encouragement and support that has been shared on this site by all the people who comment. I am so grateful that God saw it fit to bring us all together on this humble platform to make that fellowship happen. Even though some of us are continents apart, God has made a way for us to easily support, pray for, edify, encourage and comfort one another. And according to the scripture above that is exactly what we should be doing on a regular basis as we see the Day drawing near! It is so awesome to see that happening here and it is something I certainly never imagined when this site was started. To all those who consider themselves to be in the Rev12 Family, thank you for meeting together here!
As I was preparing to type this post I asked Shelia if she would mind sharing something and she wrote me the most beautiful text which I think sums it up pretty well.
Here is what she said she learned:
"The joy and delight the comes from sharing the love and magnitude of our Almighty God EVERYDAY and the inspiration the comes from that."
She continues saying that is "something she had never experienced before the Rev 12 Sign which brought so many far flung believers together in accordance with Eph 4:4-6."
Thank you for sharing Shelia.... So many of us feel the same way! : )
4. We Think We Understand The Second Sign
And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. (Revelation 12:3-4a)Everyone has been very curious as to what the 2nd Sign in Revelation 12 is talking about. There has been abundant speculation, tons of theories...but nothing has materialized in the heavens yet to fill the bill. In my estimation we know have the most logical and legitimate explanation of that "other sign", and it is soon to take place. In short, we believe this sign could be represented by an extraordinary meteor storm/shower potentially coming this October.
The common name for this shower is called the Draconids since it radiates out of the Draco (Dragon) Constellation. Will meteor storms are extremely hard to predict, we have found evidence that the conditions seem to be aligning perfectly for a meteor storm to happen this year. Part of the reason we believe this is because in 1933 and 1946, when the earth was in a very similar placement with the parent comet of the Draconids (Comet 21p), we experienced some of the most amazing meteor storms ever recorded. The positioning is even more favorable this year!
But despite of this, a strange thing is happening in the secular astronomy world. Despite the fact there are multiple sources dating back decades looking toward the 2018 Draconids as a having huge potential, nearly all secular astronomy sites are writing off this years shower as a nothing-to-see dud. One of the most prominent sites have even removed it from their calendar!
But if things go how we think they could in just a few weeks these astronomers could be in for a big surprise. How amazing would if this theory is right and God had it predicted in His word all along!
If this is new to you, here is the best link to get you started as it provides a goods summary, tons of details, and all of the relevant articles and videos are linked there:
21P/Giacobini-Zinner - In Depth (Updated!)
5. Our Hope Will Not Put Us To Shame
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Romans 5:1-5)
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. (2 Peter 3:9-10)Why hasn't the rapture happened yet? Why aren't we in our glorified bodies just yet? Why haven't the mockers and scoffers torn us to bits yet? We are learning for the umpteenth time that God is far more patient than us. This simple truth is demonstrated to us over again in our daily lives, and the Revelation 12 Sign is no different. God is on the move and He has our back. He has given us plenty of signs, even a great sign, but the long anticipated rapture of the church has yet to take place. Why? Well the above scriptures paint a clear picture.
- He is refining us to be more like Jesus. (Romans 5:1-5)
- We have still have work to do here. (1 Cor 15:58)
- He is extremely kind and loving, giving time for more to come to repentance before unleashing His holy wrath. (2 Peter 3:9-10)
God has it all figured out and we certainly don't.... so He simply asks us to trust Him. He has given us ample evidence and warnings that the time is near and asks us to occupy until He comes. With that he gives us awesome promises to hang on to... Our hope is in Jesus, and He has promised to come take us to be with Him where He is (John 14:1-2) and that hope will never put us to shame.
On the flip side of that is the fact that Gods grace is a limited time offer. The Day of the Lord will come suddenly and unexpectedly to most.... And at that time things will get very very bad around these parts. Therefore, if you haven't given your life over to Jesus yet, please do so today before it's too late.
Awesome and Amen Brad. I have been totally delighted about the fellowship of my fellow believers these last 365 days! Despite our differences in opinion (sometimes significant), our love for Jesus has indeed brought (and kept) most of us together. Rev12daily remains my most visited daily site ,as I am always excited about what my fellow brethren are thinking, considering, musing, debating, lifting up in encouragement etc. The verse you have noted above (hebrews 10:25) encourages us to encourage each other, ALL THE MORE as you see the day approaching. As we move every moment closer to that most awesome and glorious day, I pray that we will all abound with an every growing spirit of encouragement, for our families, friends, other believers, and never forgetting the ones destined for hell and needing desperately that forgiveness and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteBlessings from the 'ends of the earth' to you all!
Hey T&T, just wanted to say that when I saw your number of months over @unsealed, my first thought was well, from what I've seen, Brother Ryan surely stands up and opposes anything that he believes stands in opposition to our Lord Jesus Christ and what you've resisted is the way of the world. So alas! and woe! to the enemy! (And alas! As it does no good whatsoever to resist time at the moment and as it's gonna run up on us no matter what, that just makes our Blessed Hope all the more precious:-) Blessings in the Shire!
Deleteamen to that Sheila! Woe and alas to the enemy who dares come against this rev12daily family! Ahh to think of that glorious day when even the concept of sin, let alone the thought of the devil himself, won't even begin to enter our minds, as we will be standing before our 'Blessed Hope' being overwhelmed by his love. Amazing!!
DeleteBeen watching the Drago constellation since 2012, when the Aztec calendar "stops" - wrong, begins. Remember well how the light descends and creates a shadow like a serpent descending the steps from the pyramid, another landmark if you will, in deciphering the mile markers. That clearly is the rise of the antichrist and his oratory skills.
ReplyDeleteThank you, this is awesome work...
a brief side comment that Russia is showing its disdain for Israel re the downed plane. Watch Russia use this as an excuse to strip Israel of all its ability to enter into Syria minus the s-400 protection etc.
Yes Ryan (over there on the Earth :-) ), while Israel has been able to maintain a good relationship with just about everyone, even Russia, Russia recently just turned against Israel. Why? Well, it's Israel. The link I posted yesterday (on the prior post) from Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsfarti nails this exact point you are making.
DeleteAlso, in summary of the 88min video from the Jack / Amir, both believe and emphatically state the Biblical Feasts of the Lord are for Israel and for Israel ONLY. The Church will not be snatched away at FoT, nor Atonement, nor Tabernacles, but these three will be fulfilled at the Jesus' second coming. With this being said, they both contend we are the generation to see all these things and we ARE the generation to be....caught moments...anytime now as Israel is now 70 (the Fig Tree is ready) and Ezekiel 38 is on the very near horizon etc....
Since the Rev 12:1-2 sign/wonder, we (the watchman community at large) have been more awake than ever. Many coming into the fold or awareness of the sign/ marker last Sept and now have been aiding with the Gospel message and helping unpack it for us too. There are several new watchperson's we did not know this time last year, now they are posting insightful Bible studies.
BTW, did you see this clip from Phil Moser Re: His Rev 12 sign Book?
Finally, I like many of you...cannot believe we are still here. After all the markers and 'accurate' speculating while nailing down day counts, Moedims/ Appointed Times, years, or phi ratios, etc...
However, we have word from Ron (Jesus Rules YTC) emphatically telling us to know the Lord's Biblical Feast Days... 3min -
I guess it really is a reason for us to be obedient to His word and to be on guard and living righteously ALL the time ALL the day long because may know not the 'time' the Bridegroom cometh for the Bride so we are to keep the lights on and shining bright...
BUT... then we have all the foreshadowing and times stated in Scripture.... The Bridegroom came at the Midnight hour. (Matt 25).
Not a time to fall asleep. We need to stay on point, stay on watch, and remain working for the Master as He comes anytime now....and we KNOW this to be TRUE!
Thank you hosting, facilitating this site Brad.
Thank you ALL for your contributions, insight, unpacking of Scripture, and of course the 'holy hugs' jousting that goes on from time to time.
Looking forward to hearing God's Trump!
In the Spirit - > IN SUCH AN HOUR AS YE THINK NOT!!!
DeleteFrom Patrick L (9/22)
6min -
24min -
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Once again thank you for viewing us. The Lord wanted us to share these Seven Flash Visions right away-which the Lord gave - One Of Them on 09/22/2018 (Today), One Of Them on 09/20/2018, One Of them on 09/16/2018, One of them on 09/15/2018, Two of them on 09/12/2018 & one more on 09/11/2018 and 07/09/2018 respectively. Messiah says it is Extremely Urgent. Something Big and Prophetic is indeed about to Happen!! High Alert: Harpazo??? Building of the Third Temple??? Peace Covenant??? Exodus??? Psalm 83??? (Isaiah 17/Ezekiel 38???) Rapture is indeed imminent!! Once again our dear fellow brethren, we do encourage you to please do take these visions to the Lord and if you would please get back to us with what the Lord reveals to you about it, we will greatly appreciate it. We hope that these extremely urgent visions from the Lord pointing to our Lord's Imminent Return encourages each one of us and helps us to discern the times which we are living in and steers us towards true and complete repentance- "Metanoia".
Never become discouraged, always stay awake, be ever watchful! It will come...
ReplyDeleteHebrews 10:35-37
35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. 36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.
Hear Hear!
DeleteEasier said than done, however.
Interesting. From the Prophecy Club
ReplyDeleteRe: National Emergency System (EAS) Start 50K Arrests?
Stan discusses the possibility of American leadership (Deep State operatives) being rounded up and arrested. Would this be a possible national emergency scenario? This scenario may or may not happen but there is enough speculation to bring it to light.
30min -
I'd like to see 'justice' served before we 'go.' Meanwhile, it will surely be and create a civil mess.
DeleteCareful, 'CiD, go back and re-watch Enemy Of The State, again. That sword can cut either ways, esp in THESE times, no?
DeleteJimboni, I see a mess coming for sure and really don't want to be caught between the lines. Rumor has it the US Military has been summoned in preparation for this upcoming event.
DeleteI am quite close to downtown DC, even closer to Langley in Virginia and in the middle of all the other 'offices' in the DC/NoVA areas.
BTW, I don't have any of the stuff Gene Hackman had/ knew how to make work. I do have the cat though!
Love your candor.
Didn't you know? The cat was the Rubric, everything else was a ruse. Maranatha!
DeleteVery insightful Brad and spot on, imho. The Rev 12 Family has done and is doing what we are supposed to do, dig in the Word to know more about The Word. We've done it together, shoulder to shoulder and with very little rancor. Do we agree on all points? Certainly not and if we did, we would be redundant. We each have our place and our own growth curve and that is respected here and I appreciate that. Blessings to All my Brothers and Sisters here - you are in my Prayers. Gods Warrior I surely would like to hear from you as others would as well. If you could check in and give us an update so we can update our prayer list that would be terrific. Blessings - Sherry
ReplyDeleteYes Sherry... As I reflect on this past year one of the things that disappointed me was how certain watchman went after each other. I agree that we must stand up for truth, but I really feel that we must do everything we can to get along with our fellow family members and treat them with love and respect.... We should not attack one for whom Christ died. That is one reason I am so grateful to have you all here... those of you who come here communicate in a Christ-like manner better than any place I have ever been online. Thank you, and Thank Jesus! : )
DeleteThank you to all of the posters here. I read this blog daily. Being surrounded by people who have a marginal interest in what I am passionate about reading these posts have encouraged me immensely Amen Lord Jesus, Come please come!! Louise.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. This is a quick video to explain the Fallen Angels: The Watcher & The Nephilim and how they can only manifest here on Earth through the use of 5G Cell Networks. I wanted to start from the beginning and show you how it all works.
ReplyDeleteFrom Boogie Man (he knows Enoch and knows the fallen are here/coming and connects the rise of AI to these days)
9min -
Thank you Brad for Sharing and a thank you to all of you for words of encouragement. we are blessed to live during these times and watch the prophecies unfold. It is a time to watch the signs in the heavens and be ready to share about the good news of the Gospel. The news is that Jesus died for us while we were sinners...We are redeemed and will live eternally with our Lord and Savior. A encouraging site to listen about the urgency of the times and worship .Maranatha
ReplyDeleteLink to YTC Bond servant
ReplyDeleteHere we are one year later! Thank you, Brad, for following the Lord's prompting and launching/maintaining this site.
ReplyDeleteWe have witnessed the fulfillment of Rev. 12:1-2 in the sky and seen the Lord's patience yet again with what appears to us as a "delay." I am thankful for everyone who contributes here, and we will certainly look back on these moments with great joy and wonder. Think about how many sleepers in Christ got "woke" these past few years, and think about their relief when the Lord's appearing won't catch them by surprise (1 Thess. 5:3-4; Rev. 3:3).
The Lord has kept us on our toes, for sure, and we haven't yet lacked for confirming signs that have been shown and shared among the watchful body of Christ.
As a testimony to Brad's character, I remember when a Rev12 Daily post was linked on Jan Markell's headlines page which I have followed for a while now. I was super excited to see Brad on there, but even more glad to see his humility and maturity in Christ on display. Those who ridiculed the sign or showed indifference will come to understand in time, but we who have seen and believed are better off for it. We are strengthened in our resolve to keep our eyes fixed on our Redeemer and increase our capacity to love God and others.
Keep going, family, full-steam ahead!
Thank you Jeff. The Rev 12 Sign was so clear, and in a way, predictable. We knew it was going to happen long before it happened and that gave us boldness and confidence. What is really intriguing about this 2nd sign is that nobody knows what will happen for certain. Meteor showers are notoriously unpredictable... so there is an element of the unknown here that was there last year. We are all more seasoned as well, and hopefully even more humble and steadfast. But we shall see about the meteor shower...the experts don't expect much but will there be a October Surprise!?!? If we are interpreting it correctly, then Gods word has predicted this shower long ago and surely it will happen.
DeleteThank you again for the kind words my brother!
i am so glad to have found you folks! Brad, Jeff,etc....This has been Incredible* to say the least. Shalom believers, shalom!
DeleteSo... Yeah I tried to find out about the "Deal of the century" seems it has been buried by other more urgent topics?
ReplyDeleteEphesians 6:10-18
“Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace; above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints.”
Today's Bible reading is often quoted when describing spiritual warfare. It is definitely one of the more descriptive passages of Scripture that can help us visualize the armor of God. When I reflect on how this instruction from the Apostle Paul applies to me, I think that the first two verses hold the secret to what follows.
First things first... Paul says for us to 'be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might'. Any manner of spiritual authority that we have does not originate with us, but with God Himself. It is the strength of His might, not ours.
I think we can get into some trouble if we think that somehow we can muster up strength in our own ability to do for ourselves something that only God can do for us. It is His power, His strength, His authority and His armor. All we can do is 'put on' His helmet, His breastplate, His shield, etc.
My prayer today is that the Holy Spirit would give us wisdom on how to practically walk out this passage of Scripture in our lives. May we always know that the battle is the Lord's and that His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
Exodus 14:14
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Thanks Nora, i love this comment! Thanks Lord, Your Word is the gift that keeps giving....*
DeleteNot wanting to bear bad news, Mark 13:35 , but to point out the current conditions that I see my area of the world and the global view Luke 21:36 . The outstanding life changing events for many: Flooding in Carolinas recently and in Kentucky today; myriad of fires in the west; enough earthquakes to shake to brain; a tornado in Canada on Saturday; lawlessness with terrorism; moving out of the emerging church resultant of false doctrine; and most importantly, the conditions in Israel. Look at JD Farag's'update at . Russia, Iran, and Turkey are in the North, while the General Assembly will discuss "peace and safety" I Thessalonians 5:3 on Tuesday. The world relies on the UN and other entities to bring about peace.....Look at the UN Site And, the demands toward nations to ensure peace and safety by restricting arms cause unwanted tension globally...... See Politico
ReplyDeleteWe as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ must continue to pray for the peace of Israel, prayer that hearts will be softened before it's too late. Having our lamps filled and to know that He will soon come and reward the faithful.. Mathew 25:23 . We know the truth and believe that the Lord is Lord of all. Lord, we ask that you guide us during the last moments of our life on earth to be ready and bold in your word. Lord bless each of you as you watch and pray for the coming of the our Savior. Maranatha.
not to worry gang, Trump has his hand on the crystal ball w/ all the other world leaders. Ha ha charade you are! what a joke
DeleteNORA, your post, once again, speaks to the Heart of the Matter and Blesses ALL and makes for a tough act to follow. I do smile in seeing a parallel here with recent talk of somehow allowing the emphasis of our gaze to remain on HIM and these other efforts become the periphery. I also feel that in the Spirit within this very message and it is a Blessing, surely.
ReplyDeleteThe recent Message concerning The Authority Of The Nail has, for me, been lifted up as an archetype, for so very much here, maybe ALL of it. It Speaks with The Individual Authority of Each Member of Our Godhead, yet, even More than that, esp as it Relates to US. One side of that coin is that many-splendored Authority and the "Who is like unto our God?" behind it, along with His Jealous Rage entangled with that; The other side of the coin,
ALL of us wrestle with our own version of, "Yes, but, ..." and The Enemy confronts us with another 'IF', as he does (Luke 4:3), 'IF such and such means so and so, then WHERE IS THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING?' In THIS area Our Father Speaks to US Concerning The AUTHORITY of the Nail: ALL of these details are DIRECTLY BY HIS HAND. The Revelation 12 Sign ITSELF, WAS A NAIL. The 'nail' symbolizes that which penetrates (Hebrews 4:12) barriers, dimensions, man's sin, which is otherwise as the expanse separating Paradise and Hell, enmity of YHVH. While the Enemy cleverly crafts his own version of a tent peg, which will be allowed a space to function within, Our Father Wants us to KNOW that when we lean upon THE FACTS, as spoken of here, WE LEAN UPON THE FOUNDATION WHICH HE LAID FOR ALL TO DO SO, MARANTHA!
Amen Jimboni, ...there are few that find it*,...Thank You Father God, keep us where you are and strengthen in us the things that remain - and that we would be instruments of Your will
DeleteAmen to that Prayer!
DeleteThank you Brad! Your article is really great! I'm studying it all the day.
ReplyDeleteAnd I made for me, as usually, my little summary of it, as I understand it now.
1. The Lord gave us the Great Sign.
2. The Lord calls our attention to Israel.
3. The Lord called us together, He prepares His Church to the fulfillment of these events.
4. The Lord gives us understanding of all His Signs, as we are watching and studying.
5. The Lord gives us a firm hope now and very soon will take us to Himself.
Thank you all for your great comments here. Blessings and Maranatha!
"The virgin of Israel has fallen, she shall no more rise" Amos 5:2
DeleteThank you so much Alla. You are a shining light and I pray you feel the comforting arms of Christ wrapped around you whenever you need it. God Bless You and thank you for all you share and the encouragement you provide to us all.
DeleteAmen to all of that, Brother Jimboni. And Nora and Vee Bee, Amen as well. When Brad asked me yesterday what I'd learned since the Revelation 12 Sign, that question really provided some needful and restful reflection. A year ago today, I felt such a sense of separation coursing through my veins that I just knew it meant the Rapture was upon us. I was almost in shock when it didn't happen and I had to come back down to earth and then worse, had to deal with the "Chicken Little" repercussions. But after that day I came to realize that a huge separation actually had taken place and the most unusual sense of peace came with it. I was at peace not with the world, but from it and the things of it didn't rattle me anymore, regardless of how hard the naysayers and doubters insisted that it should. We had witnessed the Heavens declare His Glory with the "This IS The Time Frame" promise of His Appearance, SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED. As Brad said above, that's not something one can unsee, or turn back from.
ReplyDeleteAnd to add to that, the past year and a half has also provided an extremely Blessed tutorial in the Astronomical, Geological, Geopolitical, and Prophetic realms with HUGE thanks to the corporate Scriptural studies and amazing research of so many gifted Saints here, @unsealed and all along the Watchman Wall. What a wonderful year this has been as we all look for our Lord and Savior everyday with great expectation and knowing that not even one moment of that hope has been wasted.
Many Blessings All and Maranatha!
Alla, Amen to you, Sister. You have been such a sweet and steadfast blessing to all of us.
DeleteI so can't wait to meet you there in the presence of the Glory of Our Lord:-)
Amen to all - Sheila, I have felt the exact same separation and so happy you were able to put it in words. I'm at absolute peace with "whenever", for I know He is faithful and He's coming to get us when He is ready and it will be perfect. Like most all here, I will never stop looking at that next High Watch Day, but I no longer have the ups and downs - He's given me Shalom. Excellent summary Allah and Jimboni, as always, much to ponder. VeeBee you are seeing the same things we are all seeing and, though it is horrific to watch, we knew it would be awful. Norah, as always, bringing the oil to pour over the waters of our troubled souls to keep pointing us to the Strength, the Courage and the Wisdom - Jesus Christ! Blessings All - Sherry
DeleteBlessings, Sherry. I noticed you posed a thoughtful question @unsealed regarding what might be the "sign" of Rev.12:5 if I understood it right. When I read that, I thought "what if verse 5
Delete(the Harpazo) IS the sign that informs the woman's flight into the wilderness in verse 6?" IDK, I don't see a time gap there, but I don't see one not there, either. Just a thought, Sister:-)
What an intriguing thought Sheila - Signs are for Israel for they require a sign. I have contended for a very long time the Rapture will be the last work of the church on earth as a great sign to Israel. I was thinking of a sign for us, but we don't require a sign - you are right - IT'S FOR ISRAEL AND WE'RE IT! Thank you sweet Sister that really witnesses in my Spirit. The reason I've contended for quite some time it would be on a Feast Day is the added impact it would have to Israel as a sign, so this would put us beyond the Feasts unless He was conceived at Hanukah and we are taken on Hanukah after the Great Red Dragon sign in October. Just thinking out loud. Entirely possible. You go girl! Blessings - Sherry
DeleteTY, Sherry and at this point, there may be more possibilities than we realize. For all we know, there could even be something coming down ahead of the Draconoids with all the weirdness going on with closing down webcams and observatories. And if anyone believes that story about calling in the FBI with a Blackhawk and evacuating that whole area in Sunspot, NM over some janitor surfing kiddie porn, then I've got beachfront property for sale there as well. How many buildings or towns have ever been evacuated over such a thing? No, they'd drive up in a car, probably quietly confiscate the computer, then go to his house to arrest him and whoever else they could tie into the crime. Even if they did re-open the observatory, they had plenty of time to clean house of whatever they were really there for. Anyway, point being to expect anything at anytime. And just being in the midst of Tabernacles again is so exciting with Shemini Atzeret approaching. As Lovin' Jesus mentioned below, Jn7:37 is an intriguing Word...Living Waters just sounds so refreshing, Amen. Many Blessings and Maranatha!
DeleteAny of you guys & gals ever read something that is so personally interesting that it just leaves you begging for more or wondering why there isn't more to the story? One of those things for me has been Matthew 27:52. Many of you know the verse & what I'm talking about, if not you can look it up. That's it- that's all we get? Now I don't know about the rest of you,but that's about the same thing to me as a person with one arm that tells me that it was bitten off & leaves it at that! Of course I would want to know just what made the bite! You just can't treat me like that! The same holds true for the Matthew verse(s).I would love to know what happened to those risen saints.Of course this is a picture of our ressurection, but I am curious anyway. Some of you may be familiar with the Pontius Pilate letters that he had written back to ceasar tibirius regarding his accounts with Jesus.I have read that these letters have been made up lies & have read that they truly exist. My gut feeling is that they are completely true, and it would be satans' desire to nullify these letters. I had wondered for a while about accounts outside of the Bible of the life of Jesus and if the Pilate letters are true,they line up with the Bible. There is an account of Romans seeing people that were known to be dead that were walking around after the ressurection. Also an account of the darkness & the earthquake at Jesus' death & much more.It is known that the Roman governor's had to report back to ceasar from the lands under Roman control.It makes perfect sense that Pilate would have an account of Jesus.I would still like to know more about these saints,but I guess will have to wait on Jesus to tell me about them.Just something interesting to read about while we wait on His appearing. You can look them up on-line & decide for yourselves if they are true. Something to think about. Come Lord soon.
ReplyDeleteDear Tommie, now there are truly more than just these questions about the risen saints that leave me with an arm bitten off in the bible, thats why I just went reading through the "hidden" scriptures of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees etc. to better understand the 'days of Noah' as they are directly compared (even equalled) to our endtimes today. :-)
DeleteAll I can tell you from Leviticus 23:10 though is that the "Firstfruits" offering had to be a SHEAF and not a single straw so these resurrected saints were certainly 'bound together' with Jesus into the Firstfruits resurrection back then. What happened to them I cannot tell either, but I have an idea from Luke 16:31 and from John 12:9-11 how people might have been reacting... But if it is not reported specifically, it might not be important to know. John 21:21-22 Blessings to you!
Tommie, so funny. Yes, I too feel like someone left me with an arm bitten off and told me nothing else. Annabel is right, there had to be a sheaf and we know he took "captivity captive" Ephesians 4:8-10. I've often asked myself, how many were there, did they walk around and talk to people, what did they say, what did the people say. Anyway, I'll be in line with you to find out about that one and a lot more. I've been making a list for years. Blessings - Sherry
DeleteSherry, regarding what you said from Ephesians and the 'captives' this is so interesting because Paradise is/was indeed located in the "heart of the (hollow) earth" so that when Jesus preached to the spirits in prison and got captives ascending in His death and resurrection He changed the rules of what was formerly in "Sheol" underneath earth in Luke 16 so that believers could now be in His presence in Heaven instantly after death. You remember the felon on the cross? Now he was one of them too but he wasn't 'captive' in Sheol (the Paradise part of it) as long as Adam and Eve were then already waiting. Sounds weird but makes sense the more you get to understand the book of Enoch concept of locations in inner earth where the dead souls go according to if they're believers or not. Hebrews 11:39-40
DeleteExactly - He cleared that place out! Blessings - Sherry
DeleteGood stuff Brad! I agree on all points...especially that we will not live our lives the same from here on out. I know it started for me in Jan of 2017. I’m not sure what the timing is, but I feel like it’s very close. As for the 2nd sign, my thought is that the 2nd sign won’t be one where we’re asking “was that it” afterwards. I don’t think it will be the Draconids shower. I don’t think it will be anything that we can predict. I think it will be absolutely unmistakeable....I don’t know what that is, but that’s my thought.
Amen Brad. I also believe this will be a very significant week with President Trump and PM Netanyahu both speaking at the UN and meeting together, the speculation surrounding the possible unveiling of the "Peace Plan," and all this in the aftermath of the Israel/Russia conflict of the past week. What a convergence that's taking place! Very soon family! Maranatha!
DeleteDO NOT MISS what is happening down in S. America. While we watch Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, WW3 is about to pop between Columbia (back by US) vs. Venezuela/Brazil (backed by Russia & China).
From Florida Maquis (9/23)
13min -
We have forces in the Caribbean ready to back Columbia and Russia is all in Venezuela & Cuba. China too has been ever increasing its presence.
Need to see where WW3 may start and it may not be the "obvious" ME.
Happy 1 yr anniversary, the following day...
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if this has been referred to or mentioned but has anyone noted that in pop culture the main movie that's been talked about by younger kids, boys mainly has been the Avengers movie? In the latest one the main character has power equivalent to that of a god (God being referred to in Thanos character) and in the end despite the people (sinners not relenting to God) winning the 'war' Thanos removes half of all the living? Is it me or does this seem not coincidental considering what we know and have studied?
Interesting precursor this movie, though admittedly I have not seen it, just know about the people disappearing via memes. I can't wait to be with our God forever; Jesus take us home, come quickly!
what! aghhhh there goes the spoiler alert!!!:?
DeleteApologize, I figured everyone but me had seen it...
DeleteI'm so out of it I hadn't even heard about it. That sounds amazing and we all know coincidence isn't a kosher word. Blessings - Sherry
DeleteYa'll should check that movie out. The predictive programming is obvious as they prepare the minds of the masses to buy into the explanation they'll be giving when we all go missing. A lot of people these days really have issues with drawing a line between fantasy and reality anyway. I've looked at some of those movie sites where they expound on the themes of these blockbuster series like the Avengers, Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy etc. and these people talk like it's all real and these characters are a real part of their lives. And there are millions upon millions of them out there who through technology are being trained to live vicarious lives through movies and gaming etc. setting them up for the NWO control. Just Saturday, I saw on Fox a guy being interviewed regarding his alien abduction experience, so the disclosure/deception really is in the works. I hear the new Mission Impossible movie is full of predictive programming re Israel as well. Haven't seen it myself, though:-/
Deletehalf joking Reticent. I haven't seen it as of yet but have been waiting for it to drop down significantly in price for the DVD so I can watch it (things aint cheap her in NZ). The way things are going in the world, maybe I need to focus on the prayer rather than the (DVD) player!
DeleteHeads up....
ReplyDeleteThere are some articles and YouTube videos that are talking about the latest news with Abbas. That is he ready to have peace talks with Israel as long as Europe and Arabia are sponsors/mediators.
If Trump does speak at the UN meeting tomorrow, and if he presents the peace deal, maybe Abbas will actually listen with open mind. I personally look for this deal because I long for more of prophecy to bring us closer to the raprure. So for me, it's exciting to see abbas coming around. Only God could change Abbas to coming to the table. Otherwise, people have said it looked impossible (but NOTHING is impossible with God) that he would and said the only way peace deal would be signed is if someone replaced him in office. And many thought he would die, and the new leader would be the one who signed peace deal. So this all is exciting to see it working out.
There's different dates online as to when tabernacles really starts. But at sundown today is the probable date.
With the possibility of rapture happening sometime in this feast (goes to the 30th), the peace deal maybe being presented, maybe even signed, and all the other signs, I have spiritial goose bumps.
I like to listen to these songs. To hear the words, imaging I'm there worshipping Jesus.
ReplyDeleteIn awe.
I suggest putting in ear plugs, get in a quiet place, close your eyes and "be there". Awesome. Amazing. I can't wait to really be there.
Watch "Heaven's Song // Walker Beach // Wake Up The World" on YouTube
Watch "In the Presence of Angels - Laura Hackett Park (Live)" on YouTube
My aunt sent me a video by perry stone where he said that atonement has a double meaning because Jesus attoned for our sins. That reminded me of a few yrs ago when I had texted her saying that it seemed like all the feasts have already been fulfilled. People believe Jesus was born on feast of trumpets ( don't know if that's correct) He atoned for our sins (that could be feast of atonement being fulfilled) and He dwells with us by living in us, every day. (Tabernacles fulfillment) I guess I had pushed those thoughts aside because everyone else keeps saying they have to be fulfilled in order.
ReplyDeleteIt got me thinking again, about it. So if that's the case, Jesus really could come back and any time. He did say He will come back at a time we think not. Although tabernacles recently jumped out at me recently. Either way, we are close
The other thing that I got reminded of when thinking about these feast being fulfilled was the Bethlehem star that showed up in 2015. June 30th is what one video said. So that's 3 yrs, 3 months
ReplyDeleteago. We've had so many signs stretched out. Seems to me that giving us the same Star they had when Jesus came the first time is a definite indicator Jesus IS coming soon. 3 years seems so long ago. But I just don't see that these signs can be that much farther from us. I mean that the longer the rapture is put off, the older those signs are. And it just doesn't seem that God would give us things that we'd all forget about as time went on.
So it all seems to say it's not much longer. God has graciously given one sign after another to get people's attention. To say He is real. If you are someone who's been questioning this, I beg you to not wait any longer. The rapture really is so near. Maybe this yr. Maybe this month, maybe today. Believe in Jesus. Accept Him, repent of your sins, ask Him to forgive you, cleans you.
The Bible says that if we repent, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. NOTHING you have done can keep you from Jesus if you repent. No sin is too great for Jesus to cleans you of. Don't let the devil lie to you. Don't believe you are not good enough to come to Jesus. It's NOT too late. I beg you to not put this off. Not just because of rapture, but because we are not guaranteed one single day. Today might be your last day.
Jesus loves you and He doesn't want anyone to perish. Hell is only for those who decided not to accept Him. But He didn't want anyone to go there. He loves you. Don't wait a second later. If you've been having a heart to search this out, then He's calling you. I know that if I grieve and have anguish over people that will be left behind, God must certainly too. You ARE valuable to Him.
When you accept Jesus, He says you become a new creation. The old passes away, and you are made new.
God, the Father loves you. Jesus loves you. Come join His family. Please, before it's too late. Those who become His children will be taken up in the rapture to escape the tribulation. I do sincerely hope you make the decision to accept Jesus Christ, Son of God, Lord over everything that exists
Sorry for bombarding y'all with messages today. But I wafted to share this.
ReplyDeleteMy aunt texted this to me. And although I just gave message of He could come at any time...He could. But she found something that made her think Jesus might have given a clue... She said
"I have wondered if John 7:37 is a clue because it says that on the last day of the feast of Tabernacle..... In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried saying, If any man thirst let him come into me and drink. It is interesting to me that the different translations of the Bible for that particular verse have both: in the last day..... and on the last day. !!!!! "
From me....
Wow. What stood out to me is it says "the greatest day" and "the most important day" and "on the last day"
A clue? Possible.
Didn't think I could get more excited.
DeleteTriumphal Arch Of Palmyra Comes To Washington D.C.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 - Brandon T. Ward
On September 26th the “Triumphal Arch of Palmyra” better known as the “TEMPLE OF BAAL” will appear in Washington D.C.
“Reports indicate this monument will be on display in Washington D.C. from September 26-30th.
That span of time covers another religions holiday. I always find that interesting, the occult loves to do this type of thing around religious dates and the children of Satan certainly love their god and father.
On another note, you should also remember September 29th happens to be the true birthdate of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
So instead of bringing Jesus Christ to Washington D.C., our nation’s capital, we are bringing a symbol of Satan to Washington D.C. to observe and honor.
I find that disturbing and disgusting.”
There's a new update of Sean Osborne today very interesting:
ReplyDeleteGlobal SITREP D3-18: The End-Game in Syria (Part II)
Quoting: "24 September 2018: The end-game in Syria is no longer about rebels. Now it's all about a big powers (i.e. nuclear powers) face-off: Russia, Syria and Iran versus Israel, the U.S. and our allies.
We've already addressed the details found in Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Isaiah 17 many times over. I went over all of that material again in recent hours, and then it hit me like a brick. …"
And also News of INN: ANALYSIS: Russia throws Israel under the bus
Very much Blessings to all! Maranatha!
Thanks for this Alla - I was amazed waking up this morning to see Russia essentially declare its going to apply electronic warfare against Israel and we should be well and truly waking up from our slumber about the possibilities of some serious prophecy being played out these next few months. All taking place during Sukkot and Trumps UN speech (which we will wait and see as to what it contains). Quite astounding to be honest!
22min -
58min -
Latest from Many Fish
ReplyDeleteI saw this (double headed snake in Virginia) in a local news piece and was wondering when Many Fish would be on top of it and see the connections made.
Many Fish also did a good educational about the recent "Iran false flag attack" finally one who got this right what happened there...
DeleteBoth Nick VanderLaan and Jerry Toney have rebuked Scott Clarke's October Surprise and provide the points to do so...
ReplyDeleteNV - 34min -
JT- 19min -
Thank you Charlie in DC for posting the links for the 2 excellent videos about the current issue of heresy that has unfortunately been linked all along with 1 of the greatest Signs given privilege to this generation to ponder. The red flags and warnings have always been there since the beginning and some Watchers even within ‘our’ Revelation 12 Community brought them up and had been addressed but where virtually dismissed in the frenzy of the sensationalism and life it took.
DeleteHowever, such critiques have now been coming from ‘within’ the Revelation 12 Community. Beforehand, such had fallen on deaf ears. Sadder is the fact that the Church, more so in the Western and particularly that of the American contingent, the warnings has fallen on ‘etching ears’ – which would be an End-Times Sign in itself to parallel such amazing Signs and revelations.
We are seeing also in real time a prime example of how in the Last Days, there would be a turning from Sound Doctrine to teachings of men, etc. I believe the Church in this Last Generation is in part, just as guilty in its measure of its complacency to not guard against such heresy, which is now needed to be openly addressed and rebuked, as with this case/video critiques, etc.
I believe it is a symptom of the current moral state of decay within the Church reflected in the society as terms are being redefined much like ‘marriage’ and ‘gender’. Such is now the case within the Last Days Body of Christ of what does ‘born again’ really mean, and when does ‘conception ’ begin or that of the Church, who is being ‘born’, etc.
So, one is to accept now that at the resurrection of Jesus, He was ‘born again’? No. There is not 2nd life or a reincarnation. Please. I find it ironic that 1 of the main contentions is that also Paul’s writing was only for the Church and there is to be a separation of what is the Jew and Gentile ‘Gospel’…yet the Rapture of the Church is being forced to take place on a Feast of Trumpets?
It has been also decades of ‘corporate’ style congregations in the U.S. that have intentionally starved the Sheep with ‘low fat’ and ‘diet’ sermons that have ill-prepared the Flocks for such deception coming in the end and error due to a lack of in-depth knowledge, understanding and critical thinking skills. Another cause is the advent of mass media that anyone now with a ‘doctrine’ or ‘interpretation’ or such can be an ‘arm-chair theologian from a bedroom of their home that has not been grounded in Scriptures. Consider that the definition of ‘deception’ is that one may honestly and genuinely believe one has the ‘truth’ and is not deceived, etc.
As ‘Watchman’ and Watchwomen, it is needed at times to watch the Watchmen themselves. Of course, it should be done out of love and for the sake of the ‘Little Flock’. Ultimately, the Watchmen will be accountable to Jesus. One great example of those ‘rightly dividing the Word’ was the recent video of Amir Tsarfati with Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel. I think it has been one of the most profound talks in prophecy given and incredible insight and context, from Scripture. I highly recommend it.
I had suggested Scotts video to be put up here on Brads blog not because I agreed with everything in it but to see it discussed as Scott has a big YT community meanwhile and his videos about Rev12 last year were worth watching.
DeleteNick has made some good and valid points about the calendar which is already confused enough by the Jews themselves but Scott now takes this even further. I have already noticed Scotts confusion not only regarding this but also on the recent "Mid Acts" heresies he seems to follow and promote (his 'Maranatha Morning' interview some months ago, won't get into this here). If you watch Nicks rebuke you will again learn some more about the ORIGINAL calendar and the Feast days explained. Anyway, as God might use a corrupted Jewish calendar as well to get the Jews' attention, we ought to consider this also. Let's wait at least until the end of this week, end of "official" Sukkot on the corrupted calendar.
Jerry Toney in contrary is focusing on the wrong subject to make his rebuking claim and obviously didn't understand the use of the Greek word "gennao" G1080 which can mean BOTH to fertilize and to give birth (referring to the beginning AND the end of a pregnancy process). When Scott uses his argument that "Jesus was born again" he means this in a PHYSICAL way (at the resurrection) like Paul describes the whole topic of BODILY resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15 of which Jesus was the "Firstfruits out of the dead" which is not spiritually here (as He is himself God!) but physical. When Jesus explains to Nicodemus what it means to be "born again (or 'from above')" in John 3, the concept of SPIRITUAL conception is included the same as the PHYSICAL element. "You cannot ENTER the kingdom of God unless you're born again" means the same as when Paul later explains to the Corinthians that "Flesh and blood cannot INHERIT the kingdom of God". The bodily transformation FOLLOWS spiritual conception like in a natural pregnancy. Paul uses the same word "gennao" in Philemon 1:10 when describing how his (!) preaching has planted the seed = fertilized eternal faith in a believers heart. Of course, Philemon will also physically resurrect then later. The church body of Christ is of course NOT YET "born again" in the physical as the process of birth is not yet finished. Jerry Toney did not understand this whole concept at all obviously but which is correctly (!) described by Scott Clarke. Take the meat, spit the bones 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
Hello Annabel.
DeleteHope you are doing well. Thank you for your insights and perspective although I respectfully still disagree. It is not my intention to argue but to ‘agree to disagree’. It is not an issue of fellowship, yet anyway but it is very important for such issues to be addressed. I do believe there is much confusion over what is being ‘conceived’ and what is being ‘born’. I believe the terms are being used out of context as it is saying the ‘apples are oranges and the oranges are the apples’. In my years of study on this subject, here is my perspective that I have shared before on this forum and in my website.
The term, ‘born again’ should be more appropriately just be confined to the definition pertaining to individuals as Jesus put it into such a context…as with Nicodemus, etc. This End-Times new teaching that thus the ‘Corporate Body’ is thus only ‘conceived’ but not Born Again, negates the fact that its individual members are all ‘Born Again’. The term ‘Born Again’ should not be applied to the Corporate Body, period. This is the confusion.
One should rather see and explain the Corporate Body as being ‘constructed’ like the Scripture describes, that with ‘Living Stones’, a ‘Body’ for sure that is growing and maturing but that will be ‘harvested’ …NOT ‘Birthed’ and thus also analogous to a field of a certain crop. I contend that it is not that the ‘Body of Christ’ is what is being ‘gestated’ in the Body of Christ or Church but that it is Christ Himself, the ‘Image of Christ’ that is being ‘GESTATED’ or developed within the BODY, corporately by way of the individual ‘stones’ within it, the fruit, etc. This is taught by Paul, clearly in my estimation.
Paul states what is being ‘gestated’…that he ‘labors as a midwife, ‘until Christ is formed in you, the Hope of Glory’. Within this Corporate Body, not all of the individual ‘stones’ or souls that are already ‘Born Again’ have a ‘full measure’ of the ‘Image of Christ’ imprinted in one’s soul. This is the Sanctification process that is the current working of GOD the Holy Spirit, both individually and corporately. Some are newly saved, ‘baby Christians’, others are maturing in the Faith, others are died, others are mature, etc.
Yet, once collectively the Bride is completed, it means that she… as the Moon to the Sun will be reflecting the entirety of the Groom’s Glory. Yes, the Church Body was ‘made alive’ at Pentecost, is and will be…'gestating' the ‘Image of Christ’ until ‘we all reach the measure of the fullness of Christ Jesus’. Jesus was not ‘Born Again’. It is confusing many. We should abide in the Truth of what is taught from the Scriptures, that Jesus was instead resurrected, period.
Lu Vega
Dear brother Lu, just because someone uses a term in another way you've been hearing or using it for centuries in church teaching makes it not yet wrong. As I said, the word "gennao" means BOTH and yes, if Jesus resurrected He did this in the FLESH as a 100% corruptible MAN (but NOT corrupted from sin, please discern!) so this was indeed a PHYSICAL "new birth" into an incorruptable BODY. The concept and act of "fertilizing" is the same taken from Psalm 2:7 and quoted in Acts 13:33 likewise as in Hebrews 1:5 and 5:5 (always as "gennao" same word as used in John 3!). As a full HUMAN BEING, Jesus also experienced "growth in wisdom" the same as we as 'born again' saints (hopefully!) do during our spiritual walk from the moment we are "spiritually conceived" = Luke 2:52
DeleteJesus is God IN THE FLESH and was as a human being living under the SAME circumstances as the church is regarding physical resurrection. So when ever there was ONE really compelling idea I could take from Scott Clarke that I fully agree with from scripture to correct my path of thinking then this is that the church was just CONCEIVED at Pentecost and will only truly be "born" (physically!) at the resurrection / rapture. Perhaps you might therefore listen to the Q&A video Scott did to deeper and explain what he meant with this. Blessings to you, may the Holy Spirit always guide you! :-)
I've got a nickel, so while I realize that it's important to understand who we are in Jesus Christ, I would just say don't ever let these technicalities of understanding the pregnancy, i.e. the conception/birth/born againness overshadow the joy of just coming to Him as a child. It kind of reminds me of overhearing a group of little ones discussing where Babies coming from. They each know in part, but none of them have the full picture yet and they really don't need it. What they do always need to know, tho, is exactly Who's child they are. (Ya'll had my head spinning, but then I'm not that critical of a thinker:-) Blessings and Maranatha!
DeleteI believe you proved my point. Words have meaning and definition. Sure, language evolves and changes but it is not to be compared to our speculating on the timing of the Rapture, which is elusive or the hypostatic union of Jesus’ nature, etc. We are talking about the core essence of what ‘words’ defines us as ‘Christians’ and Disciples of Jesus. It seem to be ok then to be ‘flexible’ with the core and foundational terms of the Faith and what its definitions are or can become, something they are not. Sure, it can be seen as ‘splitting hairs’ as they say but again, I believe it is very important to note, discuss and go forward. The Bible is very clear of how those doctrines and teachings are to be interpreted and for nearly 2000 years to only have some say, ‘Na, it’s been all wrong’.
Take for example the very elements of our watching, the Sun, Moon and the Stars. Did you realize that the Mazzaroth even though the ‘words’ have ‘changed’ as they have gone through various cultures, yet the original meaning has stayed the same…and this, since Adam. I guess I am zealous for the WORD and because I work in the college/university environment where the very words and definitions are being re-defined before our very culture. One should listen to the teaching and wisdom of Ravi Zacharias of how he too is alarmed that we, the Church Body has lost its way. Such evidence is seen in redefinition of some meaning as words have been allowed to be ‘redefined’ in terms of its core tenants of the Fatih. Why is this such a big deal. I give you examples and one from perhaps from your very own experience as you kindly shared with me in prior posts.
1. If there is no alarm or ‘big deal’ in how language and terms evolve even in the Faith, then the nature, definitions and meaning of secular and psychology for example that you grew up with that speaks of cognitive dissonance, guilt, etc., should not really be an issue as you grew up with such ‘Freudian’ worldviews and of others. But they do; their terms mean what they say and say what they mean and therefor how sensitive you have become of psychology, if I understood your thoughts.
2. In our campus, the redefinition of marriage, gender in particular are the trends and because of such allowance, for example, a ‘men of color’ group on campus cannot meet to discuss their issues because a female wanted to participate. Why? Because she along with the campus culture and administration that is ground zero for this war for words and the culture and minds of the next degenerating generation believes a ‘man’ is not necessarily a ‘man’ but women need to be included. Yet, there is a double standard. ‘Men’ cannot join Sororities, etc.
3. Another example was who and what is ‘Born Again’, meaning a true believer and follower of Jesus. The Gay Agenda surfaced its ugly head a few years ago as it pushed for all the Cal State campuses in California to defund, and disassociate themselves from supporting Christian clubs in particular because the lead student officer ‘discriminated’ against other students that were not Christians could not lead the group as the bylaws of the club stipulated. The Chancellor caved-in and for over a year, Christian clubs were dispended, as the intended effect was resulting. See article for more background details: This meant that the Christian clubs on campus could be and would be ‘hijacked’ by students of the LGBT+ LMNOP and/or even Satanists to lead the group. Yes.
I do have a concern in your reply. You stated, ‘and yes, if Jesus resurrected He did this in the FLESH as a 100% corruptible MAN (but NOT corrupted from sin, please discern!) so this was indeed a PHYSICAL "new birth" into an incorruptable BODY.’ If I understood correctly, you are saying that Jesus lived in a ‘corruptible nature’ or state of being?
DeleteHow are you. Thanks for your interjection and perspective. But, allow me to share my view and where I am coming from.
1. I do hold and am holding ‘us’ Watcher who say they are to a much higher standard than ‘new babes in Christ’ for example.
2. It is not that we who write, blog or preach publically of such topics like the Rapture, the Revelation 12 Sign, etc., are being assumed to be at such a novice level.
We are discussing this from the supposition that most if not all ‘watching’…Watchers have a higher level and ability to discern as Annabel alluded to, we have to. It is also Biblically that those who ‘Teach’ will be held accountable to a much higher standard, etc. Is this too much to ask? Do we not owe this to our Master and His Flocks?
Yes, the Gospel is simple, as the A,B,C’s that Pastor JD Farag interjects at the end of every of this sermons. Yet, ‘teachers’ are teaching or coming from the perspective that there are in fact 2 Gospels? And that is ok for a ‘pass’?
All I was saying and posted was that I was glad that Charlie in DC pointed out the 2 videos, among many others and I agreed with him for doing so and what the videos stated. But, I agree, we need not lose our Joy in the LORD in this late hour nor be contentious but do contend for the Faith.
Blessings, Lu, and I understand the higher education aspect and what you spoke of regarding the corruption of EVERYTHING in this world. However, I was not talking about remaining a babe or a novice re the milk or meat of the Word of God. I was talking about hanging on to that child-like joy that keeps one in awe of so Great a Love that makes room for all of us who truly have our faith in the One and Only Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, who died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day--and He does that despite our disagreements amid interpreting and discerning the Scriptures. Yes, we must all contend for the faith and contend for the Word, but one thing that I've learned is that everyone earnestly contends for it in the way they understand it. That's where that "come as a child" thread helps hold us all together in place as a Body and requires us to continuously and humbly look to Him for understanding. I've often wondered why, if a certain passage is so plain to me, it's not so plain to everyone else. Why is the Word written in such a way that 3 different people can read the exact same passages of Scripture, study it out for years and easily come away with 3 different understandings (pre, mid, post for ex.), then earnestly contend for each view. And yet we all know and joyfully admit that every jot and tittle of that Word is the absolute Truth. So if one has gotten a certain issue right, there's two who haven't yet. (And I'm not just talking about "armchair" theologians here.) But the Scriptures say men will know us by our love for one another, not by who's got the better understanding of a debatable issue, so I guess that's what always keeps me reaching for those tiny little shoes, forever asking our Lord and Savior by virtue of the Holy Spirit to please just lead the way:-) Maranatha and Be well, Brother.
DeleteDear Lu, I'm deeply concerned about how I must have offended your way of thinking by simply stating YES if Jesus Christ was (and is) GOD IN THE FLESH and if human FLESH IS CORRUPTIBLE then YES he was born into a corruptible human body just from mere logic. If not, he wouldn't have died and had no need for resurrection from the dead to save us. Otherwise John 1:14 wouldn't be part of scriptures like 1 John 1:1-2 too. I don't know what I've done or said that makes you react like this. All I tried to explain was the PHYSICAL side of John 3 and the true spiritual meaning behind the Greek word and the divine idea of "conception and birth" as Scott Clarke named it.
DeleteYour reasoning reminds me just of the kind of pharisee uproar about Jesus' words in John 6:53-61 as they would hold this for a cannibalism teaching and leave the scenery. If I provoked you so, I don't apologize and so be it then because I hold on to what I said. There's nothing wrong about it and whoever has an ear to hear will even today understand what the whole concept of being "gennao - born again" means to the individual and to the BODY of Christ of which He is the HEAD "born first" in the physical Colossians 1:18. Just like the disciples who didn't leave Jesus for his hard speech in John 6. Best wishes to you and No, I won't listen to Ravi Zacharias either because he cannot be my brother in Christ for the following reasons:
I do only listen to the voice of my Shepherd and Saviour alone, no man will change this ever -- MARANATHA!
Hello Sheila,
DeleteBeautiful name by the way. I could not agree more and your points are well taken. I too often have that same frustration of ‘why is it not clear’. And I agree that too often we do content for our ‘point of view’. But, if you are referring to the Joy of LORD, then that is 1 sure gift we can all unit around and agree upon. And that Joy surpasses any of our limited or perceived ‘understandings’. Praise the LORD. However, I do stand on the conviction that in such core tenants of the Faith, that being certain words and definitions, the Scriptures interpret itself and it is very clear in particular with such core terms of the faith.
Maybe not in the case of other issues or points of Faith, sure but most are either secondary or not issues of salvation nor fellowship. Consider though that Paul had this same frustration in how he admonished certain congregations about heresy and wrong or bad theology. I am sounding now like a broken record so I’ll stop but as the saying goes, ‘if we do not stand for something, we will fall for anything’.
I just see this occurring in the Revelation 12 Community that speaks to such arguments in question due to the nature of the Sign. Many within the Church, I believe are ‘falling’ for it as a direct influence from the popular culture…that instead it should be the other way around. It is not about ‘being right’ and I by no means am adamant that I know it all or I am right or arrived. Just saying that words have meaning and definitions. One cannot build up from such a faulty foundation. We need to allow Scripture to define the terms when it does and not go beyond when it does not. There is freedom and joy in that.
Blessings and health to you,
Lu Vega
Hello Annabel,
DeleteThank you for your reply. You should not be concerned; we are fellowshipping and conversing about the finer points of the Faith. How much better can it be amongst the Brethren? I did not wish to go into why I think you are off in your view of Jesus’ dual nature. I prior mentioned the ‘Hypostatic Union’ only passing but see that is an issue I like to offer my understanding.
Also, realize I am not pushing anything on anyone. However when you and others replied to my posting, then do not be concerned if I address certain points you bring up that I strongly believe and perhaps others in our Rev 12 Family that would have issues with that too. In this case the alarming disposition that Jesus’ body, the physical aspect was ‘corrupt’?! No, no, that is not Scriptural.
Allow me to quickly say why. An argument can be ‘logical’ but not valid. Then there are ‘valid’ arguments that are not truth, etc.
1. The reason Jesus had to be born of a Virgin in the 1st place was to not be contaminated by the sinful nature residing in the flesh. Jesus was the only one of His kind whose physical body had no decay because He was not born with the sinful nature that is passed down from the male chromosomes, etc.
2. Jesus only was baptized, for example as a sign of repentance and washing away of sin but only as a ‘substitution’ on our behalf, not His. He had no need to show repentance, both spiritually and physically, etc. The Scriptures state that He was without sin, pure, spotless, as the Lamb of GOD.
3. Thus, He like Adam, the Last Adam would not have needed to suffer physical death. Realize this amazing fact… as the consequence of sin is physical death. Jesus could have lived 'forever' in His physical state...
4. Thus, Jesus could not have died physically, yet He chose to lay down this life willingly out of love for His Father and for a Bride to come out of such a redemption.
5. Also, consider that Jesus was not murdered but willingly gave up His life as a sacrifice. He chose the exact time, minute to give up the ‘Ghost’, etc. This is important because if you ever witness to a Jewish person, they will emphatically reject Jesus for being a human sacrifice which they cannot accept. What is the big deal? A sacrifice is never willing, thus Jesus was not a Human Sacrifice as the animals were sacrifices...
I see your logic but all I am saying is that you should consider that the Scriptures clearly teach that Jesus was not born in sin, physically, and did not die in sin. Also beyond that, His body never even saw any physical corruption after His burial that any ordinary sinner would.
This is found and foretold in the Psalms of how He would not see His body go into decay.
Annabel, if I wanted to rile you-up or content with you, I would have replied back to your notions of the Sun as a simulation and the Flat Earth beliefs, but I do not.
In engaging in your points of view, I might seem I am somewhat Pharisaical, but you are not provoking me, so no worries. The difference is that I am teachable and am only responding to your reply to my posts. We are having a discussion so do not be defensive as I am not. You do not need to be apologetic, it is not my Bible.
I’ll be interested to research your views on why Ravi Z., is not to be considered a Brother in Christ.
Blessings and health to you and family.
Lu Vega
Lu Vega
Thank you for your most kind reply, Lu. I do appreciate iron sharpening iron and realize that it usually comes with at least some some abrasion, but my hope is always that our mutual love for our Lord and Savior and our longing for His return will prevail before all men. Many Blessings, Dear Brother and continue to grow strong in your healing:-)
Deleteas Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (Prov 27:17, KJV)
DeleteNice that it's #17. Spent some time with this one in PromiseKeepers, where I was privileged to serve as both a Point Man and an Ambassador. 1st PK conferences east of the Mississippi, in Indy that year, we packed 40 busses from 40 churches, very racially mixed, from Cincinnati, OH, to His Praise, wow, that was, esp for any who recall the race riots of Cincy 1960's, as did some who rode with us.
So, here we see the reality of a set of good friends, who's friendship includes being 'in one another's face' (Countenance) occasionally. And, as Our Lord's Wisdom so often packs layers upon layer of Truth and Reality within it, when one uses iron to sharpen iron, a legitimate process, it does work, but, oh, the sparks, they do fly! (Psalm 133:1-3) Maranatha!
Thank you Lu for your reply. So we clarified this in general. I did understand how you think Jesus Christ was NOT born into corruptible FLESH from the ovocyte DNA of his mother Mary then. I consider this as the Roman Catholic belief of the physical sinlessness of the "Virgin Mary" which makes scriptures like 2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 Peter 3:18 or Hebrews 4:25 + 9:28 completely obsolete. You may keep your belief but please don't try to press this unto me then as I will rebuke it. Try to discuss this with the LORD Jesus instead in a closet prayer if you may cling further to this doctrine. MARANATHA!
DeletePS: It is Roman Catholic belief as well to remaining standing at the cross (sacrifice issue) whereas my belief goes further from 1 Corinthians 15 (resurrection issue). Without a corruptible body raised incorruptible, I would indeed have believed in vain...
Speaking of some sites 'removing it from their calendar' (the Draconids meteor shower), I was examining the sky for the sequence of days (Oct 8th, 9th, 10th etc...) using Google Sky Map "time travel" mode and they had the audacity to not include the relevant graphic/icon in the necessary area of the sky. This was not a layering or filter error, as the Orionids shower was properly represented by the relevant graphic/icon in the sky. Add to this that most websites are severely downplaying or just not even mentioning the Draconids shower... I'd suggest we have a sort of cover-up going on. All the while they can prepare to spin whatever narrative they plan to release after the (possible) coming events.
ReplyDeleteUpdate: The most recent episode of "The Big Bang Theory" (one of the most popular sitcoms in recent times) mentioned meteor showers multiple times, though not by name.
DeleteAnton, I find this observation VERY VERY telling and this again gives me hope and encouragement to get a lift from this evil place soon (as yesterday again was a hard one...)! From any political news and developments, we might not get this outlook but only from the heavenlies. Thank you for sharing this! Blessings to you, MARANATHA! :-)
DeleteAnon et al, When I read that little comment in the article it immediately PINGED in my spirit and I recognized it as a negative confirmation of a deal here, as you also point. One model explaining all the chemtrailing is that the chemical blanket allows the sun simulator to 'light up' he atmosphere, where the simulator light, itself, 'glows' or causes to glow the dust in the air. This creates a haze, or blue screen (looking like sky but isn't) to OBSUCRE the Dragon approaching, clearly visible to ALL otherwise. This effort prevents humanity form seeking the Father from heavenly fear while also allowing a 'SURPRISE!' moment when the 'veil' is suddenly 'lifted' (Luke 21:26).
DeleteIn light of TPTB also knowing about THIS, as well, and having a parallel agenda, isn't the cover-up EXACTLY what we would expect? Anything else would actually be suspicious. The oddity here is that, once again (James 1:8) , we see an over-played hand and by *aggressively* ignoring this or removing references to it, their guilt is on display. Even so, Maranatha!
This is very interesting Anon. Thank you for sharing! I know it sounds crazy but in light of all of the established and credible data leading up to this meteor shower that has been around for decades, I see only 2 possible scenarios to this cover up...
Delete1. People have gotten lazy and are relying on others to do their projects and homework rather than studying these things for themselves. So if one person puts out bad info it gets spread rather quickly to the group. A few sup par computer models could lead to this I suppose....
2. This meteor shower is being actively blacklisted and covered up in an attempt to keep as few eyes on the sky those evenings in order to limit the number of people who witness the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Most people will only spend time outside on a cool evening looking up if there is media coverage or extensive promotion of a meteor shower, so if they can limit that then they can limit the impact on hearts and minds that may be turned toward Christ Jesus.
I don't know what it is, but it my gut tells me that this seems intentional. In years past...even last year.... there was plenty of media talking about this meteor storm... I even sat outside and watched it last year (it was a dud). You can still find past articles about previous draconids… but this year, basically crickets....even when the science tells you it could be AWESOME.
things are so bizarre at this point in time that for an unbeliever to grasp the truth of it all, it would require an act of God, but, all an unbeliever truly needs to know, is the truth about Jesus and that goes back to the simplicity of the gospel which also requires an act of God. Either way our God has a tough job. We need to speak truth to the little children and the youth before the adversary's world system corrupts n confuses their minds in this Babylonian age of occultic sorcery/wizardry. just sayin'...
DeleteI was just watching Colleen's last video titled "The Dividing of Time", the follow up to "A moment in Time: More Revelation!!!!" where she talks about the Light instantly dividing the darkness and correlating that to the Rapture in the twinkling of an eye. Anyway, all I could think about after watching these two videos was Who it was that literally Divided Time with His Birth and I believe this instantaneous Moment in Time that she has seen with the circle of light dividing the darkness is a picture of the birth of the Body splitting Time to join the Head who first accomplished that with His Own Birth. I'm breathless just thinking about it. I watched the Harvest Moon rise tonight, splitting the clouds and the darkness wide open. It was a beautiful sight. Bing art today depicted a reflective double moon shot over Nanjing, China and I just pray for the sake of Pastor Jin and all the Brethren like them that our Lord and Savior has stood up and is on the way, Amen.
ReplyDeletei like the way you said that Sheila!
DeleteBless you, ozark ! (and I think TPTB are definitely hiding something major. The political smokescreens and distractions are through the roof ad nauseum right now;-)
DeleteSheila Lird bless you ... I had to watch Collen's video several times. The revelation to me was God's appointed time thru history is separated by His Hand I m remembering the veil rent in two at the time of Jresu's death. In a moment the sacrifice was complete.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you, Vee Bee. It's so wonderful to just think upon the power of our God to do such a thing, isn't it? The miraculous Renting of the Veil that removed all obstacles between Him and us and declared Jesus Christ and Him crucified to be our High Priest alone--and to understand that is to understand the Way, the Truth and the Life. Just to ponder on that amazing gesture of His majesty is a heart-thrill to say the least. TY you for sharing that insight, Sister. Maranatha!
DeleteKey 'fine' point: Rent from the Top to the Bottom; NOT, from the bottom to the top, Maranatha!
DeleteAmen! An extremely FINE and amazing point. TY:-)
DeleteSheila B., et al, The Lord seems to continue to add detail here, 'luvinit. The Jews 'seek a Sign', right? Another 'detail' most modern Gentile are ignorant of and, hence, miss an entire area where Our Lord Teaches, Indicts, Publicly Shames/Admonishes and Openly Proves the true father being served by 'those who say they are Jews, and are not'. My understanding is that the Temple 'Veil' was well over EIGHT INCHES THICK, possibly more than 12. Arnold Schwarzenegger AND any other schmoe of like muscle couldn't rip it an inch, period. On top of ALL the many layers within this Act, Our Lord Gave a MAJOR SIGN right into the face of those who REQUIRED ONE as verification of His Lordship. Well, He Delivered ROYALLY. Their response? Silence. To this day. Meanwhile, publically admonishing the world that THEY are those 'of The BOOK.' Our Lord Loves His Chosen, surely, but the scene at hand quickly begins to work against His 'set-aside' for the Gentiles while PROVOKING HIS JEALOUSY FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE. Maranatha!
Deleteand the hits just keep on comin' from the Delta to the DMZ. Take the above idea and put that dynamic In your "wait another year" pipe and smoke it. Get the bowl REAL hot, inhale, mmmm, how's it taste? 365 days of THAT?! OK, now take it from Our Lord's Perspective, and how foul it is in HIS taste? But Wait, there's MORE! Now, do you see Our Lord Honoring His Name and His Word and His Plan and His Witness of the End from the Beginning by letting that taste fester in His Mouth for THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND YEARS???!!! (2 Peter 3:8) MARANATHA!
DeleteA stunning thought.
DeleteAMEN and AMEN! ozark, Hallelujah! 'nuff said
DeleteHas anyone seen/or heard anything on the president's speech th the UN today. Wondering if he mentioned the Mideast peace plane or not. I'm not sure what time he is supposed to give his speech?
ReplyDeleteHaven't heard him talk about that yet, Micah. It's mostly been about NK and Columbia and Fair Trade so far. Maybe we'll hear something on that later when Netanyahu arrives.
DeleteOh, and he had a lot of criticism for Iran and it's leadership.
DeleteAny idea when Netanyahu arrives? And will he be speaking as well? Things seem very quiet on the Mideast peace plan front. I'm starting to wonder if he is going delay any unvailing of it till some other time. I guess I'm just going to just have to be patient. Not my best quality. 😊
DeleteMICAH and Sheila, and all
DeleteWaiting... the time to wait and pray for believers take a look times of Israel. UN POTUS Trump
couple of quick comments from Trump on the peace deal, but nothing of real significance I guess except to say that it (the PP) will be released soon. Also putting pressure on everyone re Iran.
DeleteThanks for the info Through and Through as well as VeeBee and Sheila B. much appreciated.
Delete...perhaps Our Lord will return in the springtime!?!? as like in the song of solomon!
ReplyDeleteDear brother you got me here... I was just yesterday looking for some details about my own theory - which I take just as a possibility of kind of 'pattern' that I observed from the 1 full year of Noah inside the ark as I myself am praying alike from Jasher 6 since we passed 9/23 last year! - by trying to harmonize scriptures from Jubilees and Jasher into Genesis 8, read this:
It all breaks down unto the 27th day of the second month which is spring time... So IF I do recognize a sort of pattern here we might have a hard time waiting yet. I very much hope it is NOT a pattern though but yet I want to be mentally prepared to not get too much disappointed if nothing spectacular happens this week or in October. Much blessings to you!
Spring is for lovers! See you at the wedding*!!!! Shalom sis, always.... and thank you for the link^
DeleteOzark, I direct your gaze to my post, above, concerning the Veil, amen.
DeleteFamily, good day and Blessings. Daniel's latest, at informedchristians YTC, Checking The Time, has a quick addressing of various calendar issues and is spot on, imho. More than that, however, although built on a foundation of being able to trust what we see in the heavenlies, is his message concerning immanency, in light of our Wise Men Journey these past few years as well as even the turning of the Season NOW at hand in Israel. Like all our messengers, I know some have issues with Daniel in some areas, however, his latest message, after a fairly long pause, is an encouraging lift while many are waffling and pushing things out and out farther now. Daniel's enthusiasm for Our Lord's Return, and being about His Work while waiting, is infectious, surely, and while some may differ with his spin on all that, his work feels sincere and you will be blessed to watch, Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteexcellent Jimboni - the discussion on 'which calendar' that you refer to starts around the 8th minute for those with little time in their day. Great insight from Daniel.
DeleteDaniel talks so fast, but I think what he was saying is that this years Feast days are Scripturally on track with only a few days of error as opposed to being a month off. Is that right?
Deletethats what i got from it Sheila. btw, what is TPTB? i can't for the life of me...???
DeleteOzark, aha, we can see you are remiss in scanning all posts. TPTB=The Powers That Be, as some have struggled with, here, earlier. Sheila B., yes, the gist of his message was that when you place Scriptural calendar details into a context of agricultural reality, REQUIRED if those keeping the Moedim are to come to the Temple with ALL having a FULL HAND of offering, none coming empty-handed. The ONLY way the feasts spoken of, where this is MANDATED, can be adhered to is if the feast is celebrated at the CORRECT AGRICULTURAL TIME, period. A full month off and the lack of the needed item for offering, in sufficient measure for ALL, indicts the calendars as wrong, or proves them as correct. Bottom line, we may not be on TIMEX time but we certainly aren't working with a broken watch. The sundial we Watch is currently lined up close enough to sail this ship correctly to arrive at the proper shores, Maranatha!
DeleteYou have a way w/ words Jimboni and brillance in your reasoning abilities, but thats old news! Thanks for that above awesome comment on the sundial we Watch* \o/ i love it! carry on brother....
DeleteI'll Amen that one!
Deletelol Sheila - I had to put on captions just to keep up with Daniel's speaking speed.
DeleteHe noted in his comments that was the most accurate. I thought he might have been missing something from Deuteronomy regarding when the new moon comes a few days before or after 'something', but my mind has gone totally blank as to where I read that...not a good start to the 40s!!!
Forgot to note that you have to look at the small writing on each day of the Torah Calendar to see the gregorian calendar day, otherwise you will be confused with the 15 vs 25 etc. Note that this the 25th of Sept was the first day since 2010 where the fall equinox aligned perfectly with the first day of Sukkoth.
DeleteAn interesting scripture which also backs up TorahCalendar (but which doesn't originate with the vernal equinox), is Exodus 34:22 "You shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, that is, the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the year". Note that the feast of ingathering (Sukkot/Tabernacles) is not detailed in terms of 'in the seventh month' (like it does in Deut.), but 'at the turn of the year'. We know the turn of the year is the autumnal equinox itself, so really interesting to see how these align.
By the way, you can right click the playback button, I believe, and change the playback time to a slower one to slow down the speaker's presentation. Closed captions an option too but not always clear, FWIW.
DeleteHey Ryan...not to worry...I can faintly remember drawing those occasional blanks back in my forties and they were just good practice for when I'd be drawing them on a daily basis:-D
DeleteFam, I was doing some research today for my 'day job' I ran across these... straight out of the Bible...I mean a Technology News Site for the US Federal Government: I did not quite fall out of my chair, but we (our Watchman community) know these are here and what IS going to happen while these yahoos are scoffing them off... they do not know the AC is here/soon to rise and mandate such:
ReplyDelete[1] Why You’re Probably Getting a Microchip Implant Someday
September 23, 2018
Microchip implants are going from tech-geek novelty to genuine health tool—and you might be running out of good reasons to say no.... "Meanwhile, some fundamentalist-Christian communities remain convinced that the microchip implant is the manifestation of the biblically portended mark of the beast. But the primary challenge to RFID implants remains the simple underlying question posed over and over again in response to the tech: Is this really necessary?
<< C Comment >> These folks don't know what's coming their way which will compel or "force" them to take or else...just like the crazy left-behind movies by crazy Christians.
[2] US Senators Are Asking Whether Artificial intelligence Could Violate U.S. Civil Rights Laws
September 21, 2018
“We are concerned by the mounting evidence that these technologies can perpetuate gender, racial, age, and other biases,” a letter to the FTC says. “As a result, their use may violate civil rights laws and could be unfair and deceptive.”
<< C Comment >> Deceptive? Hello! Have these people seen the movies about robots and AI killing humans! Nothing for US Senators "to discuss or worry about" as AI is the new reality and will be used to absolutely violate "human rights" to the fullest extent evil can/will do. Either the actors just acting or just plain ignorant of what AI has been developed to do.
Pretty Cool...
ReplyDeleteFrom Rapture Time Awareness (9/25)
717 Means Yahweh in Hebrew and Tomorrow is 7/17! & 717 in Strongs is Gathered & Armageddon
20min -
huh, that is interesting Charlie!
DeleteArrgh...I was watching the meeting this morning between Trump and Netanyahu at the UN and the moment the question was asked, "When are you going to release the Peace Plan?" they cut the feed, said the reception was lost and went straight into the Kavanaugh mess. Really?!!
ReplyDeleteAnd now all they are relaying about the meeting is in regards to Iran:-/
these people have problems deep!, or maybe they just forgot to bring up the subject
DeleteThere will be no peace, until He returns! [anyhow .com has something to say on this]
DeleteLatest from Many Fish on this...
DeleteTrumps Triumphal Speech! Chairs "Security" Council 9/26/2018
5min -
Prayer won't help? YOU BET... Awesome story of Indonesian teen 49 days surviving in the Pacific Ocean:
Be encouraged! MARANATHA! :-)
so beautiful of a story, God IS....\o/ amen
DeleteAnnabel, this was such an amazing story that I had to check out a few numbers in relation.
DeleteThis 18 year old boy was a "Lamp Lighter" on a "Rompong", a floating fishing hut that strayed out to sea and he was miraculously rescued after 49 days by the vessel "Arpeggio". It made for an encouraging study:-)
Gk#49--hagnismos--purification--used 1x in Acts 21:26.
Gk#18--agathos--good, intrinsically good whether seen to be so, or not--used 101x--as to the believer, agathos describes what originates from God and is empowered by Him in their life, through faith.
Lamp Lighter--evalue--Gr#726--harpazo--seize, catch away, take by force, etc--used 14x , the number of deliverance.
Rompong--evalue--Gk#588--apodechomai--to take fully, welcome(persons) approve, gladly receive, embrace-- note the "force" of the prefix apo--used 7x in Luke 8:40, Luke 9:11, Acts 2:41, Acts 18:27, Acts 21:17, Acts 24:3, Acts 28:30.
Arpeggio--evalue--Gk#468--antapodoma--requittal, recompense, a just retribution, for good or bad--used 3x in Luke 14:12,14 and Rom.11:9 in opposing ways.
Heb#49--Abishag-name meaning "my father strayed, or is a wanderer"--used 5x in 1Kgs.1,2)
Heb#18--ebus--crib, trough, manger--used 3x in Job 39:9 , Prov.14:4 , Is.1:3
Lamp Lighter--Jvalue--H#340--ayab--an enemy to one's enemies--used 1x in Ex.23:22 in reference to God's promise of protection.
Rompong--Jvalue-H#317--ochori--another, other--used 6x in reference to the rise of kingdoms in Daniel chapters 2 and 7.
Arpeggio--Jvalue--H#219--owrah--light, luminousness, prosperity, herb, a light that quickens dead bodies as the dew--used 5x in 2Kgs4:39 , Esth.8:16 , Ps.139:12 , Is.18:4 , *Is.26:19.
Just to add a little something interesting about the Heb#49 --Abishag. I was reading about this beautiful Shunammite virgin's story and her being recruited to comfort King David and keep him warm in his final days, although they did not marry and she remained a virgin (1Kgs.1 and 2). So I was led off a bit on her trail. What I found was that ShuNammite and ShuLammite are likely interchangeable and in one source, the word means a "double rest". Considering who she was and that she was an integral part of the story re David's death and Solomon's ascent to the throne and the inspiration behind his order to execute Adonijah,
DeleteI wondered if she and the Shulamite woman in Song of Solomon were one and the same. And apparently there is a very good possibility of that which I found at under "Who was the Shulamite Woman?" I'd never linked the two before, but it does make sense. Just kind of filled her out a bit for me and she did "WANDER" all over searching for her true love in SOS.
Blessings and Maranatha!
Sheila B., fortunately your shovel has a GPS in the handle or you'd never make it back! Well done, Maranatha!
DeleteLOL... I do get a bit lost sometimes in those tunnels that just seem to have one Wow! turn after the next:-D
DeleteSheila, TY for all your diving into this! I couldn't imagine how much you can pull out of this story but yet the 49 = 7x7 days stood out to me too. I was more astonished about the presence of heavy storms, typhoons and earthquakes all around the Pacific and Indonesia and how this boy was obviously protected from all this too in the meantime. I very much hope he's a real child of God so he will be with us in the rapture (and his parents too who really did a good job by leading their child to Christ early like they're told in Proverbs 22:6!) Blessings to you! :-)
DeleteHi Annabel. They told his story on Fox News TV (Shannon Bream) last night and they actually emphasized his reliance on his (pictured) Bible. The articles I'd seen talked about him praying, but never said to whom, so I was glad they revealed that it was the God of our Bible. I also saw the 49th day in relation to the Jubilee year transition and believe it was no accident that he was rescued on that day. His hand is always there in the miraculous! Blessings, Sister:-)
DeleteThis was really all so wonderful Sheila.
DeleteNew from Paul Dawson-
ReplyDeleteNew from Unsealed--
ReplyDeleteI often ponder what time of the day will the rapture happen..
ReplyDeleteWill I be in work? in a meeting when all of a sudden I just disappear in front of everyones eyes! Will I be driving down the motorway, then whoosh!! Will I be at the Dinner table with my family? Will I be lying in bed, and hear a trumpet blast, look at my (un-saved) wife (who sadly thinks I am gone crazy, because I am trying to convince her that time is short, and she needs to repent ASAP, and accept Jesus as her LORD and savior for her sins)
I managed to get her to recite a "sinners prayer", but the 2nd part of that is to believe in your heart - which sadly she doesn't. I would ask for you to include her in your prayers, as it breaks my heart when I think that she will face the Great Tribulations.
I wonder will she hear the trumpet blast of God, and in that moment will she have the time to call out Jesus's name.
It is also so sad, when you look around at all the people you pass on a daily basis, either on a train, or on the street, and they are all engrossed in their mobile phones, facebook, instagram, twitter, the latest fashions, and completely unaware that their world is about to drastically change. Why cant people see.. Why wont they listen!! It is so sad.
I just don't want to be on the toilet.
DeleteHi Jordan, i so take to heart what you have shared. Take a look at the comment from a blogger known as, "GROW IN GRACE" on the very made recent post over at !
DeleteKnowing that feeling, Jordon. I'm praying for your wife whom I know is precious to you and our Lord as well in accordance with 2Tim.2:25--and if you will, please pray the same for my eldest daughter. Blessings, Brother!
DeleteThanks Sheila,
DeleteYes I will of course. I actually prayed today for all the christians who have non-believer partners / adult children. I am sure all of us the world over are in the same boat. As the scriptures say, Jesus did not come to bring peace, but devison, husband against wife, mother against daughter, father against son.
All we can see is the big minute hand at 11:59 and the seconds hand coming down to the last few seconds.
You feel like shaking them some times, pleading with them to believe and yield our warnings. But it just falls on deaf ears, and scoffing mouths.
Praying for all our Unsaved Family and Friends their Ears would be unsealed and the Scales would fall from their eyes. In Jesus Mighty Name - Amen - Blessings - Sherry
DeleteAmen Sherry! Praying with.
DeleteNice prayer, Sherry!
Delete@Charlie = LOL! 👍
DeleteMorning Family, Blessings. New @UNSEALED re Damascus and the emerging kerfluffle re the Russian jet shot down recently over Syria. In light of the recent False Flag 'shooting' at their parade, alongside this, and throw in MANYFISH recent exhortations re a clear ACT getting ready off-stage, well, definitely a post to check out and tune in to and Watch as it unfolds, Maranatha!
ReplyDelete"I like a two state solution. That's what I think works best ... That's my feeling," said Trump. In meeting on sidelines of UN General Assembly between Netanyahu and Trump, US president states publicly for first time that he ‘likes the two-state solution’, says it's his dream to strike peace deal before end of his first term.,7340,L-5358627,00.html 09.26.18 , 16:53
ReplyDeleteOh, that's all bad, how can anyone not see what is clearly written in the Word. Do Not Divide My Land. Blessings - Sherry
DeleteJoel 3:2 trigger!!!!
DeleteFrom Rodyd61169 (from August 2018)
ReplyDeleteRapture IN the 3rd Day of Tabernacles, The Midnight Hour
Skip to the 12min mark for Rody's explanation why the 3rd day of Sukkot/Tabernacles is "interesting"
25min -
Cathi G...thinking about you and praying all is well for you. And Jeramiah, you, too. I've been worried about you being in NC with all of the flooding. Let us know if you can that you are ok, Brother.
ReplyDeleteAgree! Amen!
DeleteI'm concerned about our brother Jeramiah, I've sent a couple smoke signals up with no response and surely would like to hear as well. Blessings - Sherry
DeleteI saw he dropped a comment on a video I watched last week, but that's all. Really praying he's okay with so much trouble in his home state and just hoping maybe it's a communications issue. Phone home, GW:-)
DeleteThank you, Sheila! And, Alla.
DeleteI apologize for not commenting I am here ... I wanted to but I didn't ...
Well, I lost all the copy I had just typed! A good thing. I was struggling with the nearness of Jesus returning as to recent high watch times. I was feeling distant, silent as I don't tell others about Jesus returning, the rapture, etc. which I voiced overly so in the past. I felt crippled in every comment voiced in this regard ... Sheila, I tried, pitifully so, (as previously) to say a comment with my sister about the rapture (again) but it stalls big time. I guess I am afraid of man. Well, I know this. A few times my bro-in-law responds to something said in a general I am not sure how kind of way, and he always says not liking someone telling you what religion you should be, with my sister adding a couple of times they are always being told (sermons) to share their faith (Catholicism). This time, I only said I didn't know they did this tho of course I know this as she has said this before. Duh. I try to bring it to a belief in Jesus by a single comment but it seems they don't hear me or are not listening. An impasse.
Sheila, I saw my Mom a couple of times (when at my sister's) and also today. She was remaining in the car as her husband dropped leftovers off from a meal. I went up to the car to see her. I got angry at her husband (again) as they were getting ready to leave because I realized she didn't have her seatbelt on (again). He answered me by saying he wore his seat belt! What? He is good at side-shifting. I said (again) about Mom wearing a seatbelt as I put it on her while she helped, lecturing him on stopping too fast and her hitting the window (I have said this before) and in making this a habit so it wouldn't seem like such a struggle or whatever word I used. He needs ADHD meds to slow him down, for one thing.
She has a nasty bruise by/on her spine from several days ago in backing up to her closet door. This is the second incident with this closet door. My sister told Mom's husband earlier in the week to take the door off.
Jeramiah! I had seen a comment you made on a different site a week or so ago in general - I keep waiting to see a link to ... something.
Miguel, i have been thinking about you. I hope things are going well.
I also have been watching for a crack-me-up comment from Cy & Cry! I thought I did see something, tho, on a previous post. So, I am remiss.
Cathi, we love you and are praying for you. Know this - we all have struggles and feel we don't do the things we should or speak as eloquently or as forcefully as we should. We all have "different" areas in which we struggle, but struggle we do while we are confined in these flesh suits. You write beautifully - maybe you could consider writing down your thoughts for your Brother in law and Sister and the same for your Mom and Stepdad. Just give them the letter the next time you see them as you are leaving and tell them you don't want to be remiss in saying something that might help because of your shyness. Know we pray for you and my heart breaks for your struggle. If I didn't know our Lord is perfect I would think He gave you too much bridle and me too little, but we know that's not the case. He's teaching us things through these struggles and we just have to be patient to find the message. Praying and Hugs - Blessings - Sherry
DeleteCathi, I'm in agreement with Sherry. And one thing I know is the hardest people to share our faith with is often those we are the closest to, especially when they don't want to hear it. They are the quickest to shut you down, so prayer becomes our most powerful tool in regards to them. They can't shut that down. As I've told you before, Sister, we are not all called to evangelize, but we are all called to Pray and if we are asked, to be able to give account for our faith. And knowing the Word upon which we stand, He will empower us to do that. I'm sitting here now looking at Gal.5:22-23 and I do not see one Fruit of the Spirit listed here that I have not seen tempered in you. Believe me, I get annoyed and angry like anybody else, but that of the flesh is always quickly squelched by that of the Spirit.
DeleteThe enemy's favorite tool has always been to cast doubt on our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ, but when we rebuke that and declare that it's not based upon our abilities, but on His alone, that creep has to slink off and wait for another little weak spot to appear. Then we do the same thing as many times as it takes until Jesus removes us from this War Zone. Stay with us, Sister, for there is strength in numbers and you are important in the line of encouragement.
When I was down sick and fell out for awhile, that old devil thought he saw an opportunity to knock me off the Watching Wall for good and tried to intimidate me into just letting this fellowship go. It was you guys that kicked him in the teeth and pulled me back up with your encouraging words of love and concern. I'll never forget that. For many of us, this is the strongest fellowship in Christ we've ever been a part of and our combined faith in Him is knocking a big dent in the deception out there. Praise the Lord and Maranatha!
Thank you Sheila and Sherry for your prayers, support and encouragement! People it seems do attach themselves to their religion as like an umbilical cord even if totally non-practicing. In just thinking about this, I can apply this to myself in believing, and yet ...
DeleteI just got home to read your comments after hearing on the radio it is our commission to tell the gospel and it is not burdensome and is a joy.
Sheila, I do appreciate your reading in Galatians of the fruit of the spirit ...
My thoughts of not believing or in being saved were at bay ... It makes me think of that 'bridle' Sherry you mentioned ... I had to look that word up and get an idea of what you were saying. It seems to fit here in the sense of these thoughts were constrained. I felt it, like it was intermingling within me but couldn't go anywhere. All I can say, is Thank You, God. And, realizing here the impact of prayer.
I am sitting out in the sun and looking at my Phlox which came up a couple of weeks ago (I thought I had pulled it out thinking it was a weed). It has really grown. Not just one stalk. A branch was cut off because of winds. I stuck it in the ground because it has a nice flower growing on it, an noticed today it is shrinking and discolored ... I still have two other beautiful flowers. I thought how so like us ... we need to be attached to the root. We need to be feeding on the Word. Jesus is that Word and likewise, the Word of God, our bible, the living word of God. Jesus is our root. Amen (as Colleen M. would say).
DeleteCathi G., Hi, again, and Blessings. Good to have your voice here again and some input on how we can join you in prayer. The above love exchange and faith work amongst the Family leads me to unpack a verse it relates to which, once again, we are clueless as to context. In this case, I speak of the armor of the Lord, specifically, the Shield of Faith.
DeleteWe all know that Paul's familiarity with things military & The Games is a foundation from which he draws many metaphors and allegories. In this case, we should know that this is not our, individual, shield of faith, alone, but, more accurately and entangled with the meaning, our (collectively) shield*S* of Faith to quench the fiery darts of the Enemy.
First, the darts. To counter wear, loss of moisture making items stiff and unwieldy, and improve overall function, virtually everything a soldier wore was oiled. Their armor, weapons, clothing, helmets, shields, packs, all of it was oiled, daily, as part of their personal maintenance routine. THAT is why the darts are fiery and were invented in the first place. Oil ignites. When a line of 100 warriors approaches, and your archers hit them with a few volleys of burning darts, and their very clothing, armor and all BURSTS into flames as the oil ignites, quickly spreading, well, likely a comical affair, viewed from a distance but no longer an effective unit, surely.
Which is why the shield Paul speaks of is not a reinforced garbage can lid. The 'Shield of Faith' referred to is a long shield, likely about 4' high, 28-30" wide, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, sporting edges designed to interlock with the shield ON BOTH SIDES OF IT. The ONLY way thee shield function to quench the fiery darts, AS THEY ARE DESIGNED TO DO, is for the warriors using them to form a line, side by side, LOCKING THEIR SHIELDS TOGETHER AND LIFTING THEM UP AS A WALL at a 45 degree angle facing their attackers. Do you see it?
MY shield of faith is of little use, vulnerable from the sides and encumbering me using it, unable to fight. OUR shieldS of Faith, however, linked and lifted TOGETHER, COVER ALL from the darts and, as we share the load of the shields as can ALSO STILL FIGHT with the other arm, thrusting from UNDER THE COVER OF OUR FAITH, Maranatha!
Yes, Amen to our Root and from that Root comes the Blossom:-)
DeleteBeautiful Jimboni and so true! Blessings - Sherry
DeleteTY, Brother Jimboni, for doing again what you do so well in bringing the Scriptures alive.
DeleteJust an amazing and vivid lesson on utilizing our Armor!
Sheila B. & Sherry Griffin, thank you. Everything I said was apparent, already, in the dynamics going on in the discussions here and it seemed appropriate to edify us all with some details showing how and why it works, so well, when we lock our shields together, amen. The simple beauty of seeing the practical, real-world Truth undergirding the Word is icing on the cake! Maranatha!
DeleteJimboni, Hi and thank you! It seems I read something about the oil and fiery darts ... it was a ghastly business.
DeleteEphesians 6:16 - I certainly won't look at this verse in the same way. I didn't know about their shields being linked together. In just reading something from wiki - " In Ancient Roman warfare, the testudo or tortoise formation was a type of shield wall formation commonly used by the Roman Legions during battles, particularly sieges." - it surly does paint a picture of protection within the body of Christ which we are - one body.
Your sharing this was confirming for me. This was wonderful!
Yes, Sheila - the root and the blossom. This is just what this Phlox looks like. Small, white (mine is white) petals forming like a ball that are fragile, that feel so soft and are beautiful.
DeleteCathi G., amen and Wonderful to have a Witness and be one back. While our discussion shifts now to the Gracelet we're unpacking in the stranded Lamp Lighter, which is good, isn't it so that the other 'ball in the air', so to speak, in all of this, is the Enemy's incoming from ALL directions?! From the vague and furtive winds blowing in the subways and buses and street corners to the direct conflict thrown our way which we rebuke?
DeleteA good reminder, surely, to not be slack concerning our EXERCISE of this discipline TOGETHER and MAKING A POINT to lift each other and LOCK ARMS around topics, challenges and Our Lord, Maranatha! ********* Funny thought occurs, the more effective we are in joining our shields, 'locking arms', as I put it, the less our hands will be free to slap each other around when we disagree! Ha!
Just too funny, Jimboni. Makes me think of some slapstick comedy.
DeleteDid you know there is a book called "Gracelets: being conduits ..." by a Winn Griffin? (I don't remember your having ever said so, anyway) looked up the word 'gracelet'.
"As Jesus followers, we are the conduits for his gracelets. We are carriers of the gracelets. We don't own them, thus we cannot use them at our discretion. The gracelets are owned and operated by the Trinity. In any life circumstance, the Trinity might flow a drop or two of grace through us on its way to someone else."
Well shut my mouth if that's not a most excellent point:-D
DeleteAbout the locking of arms I mean:-)
DeleteAnd thanks, Cathi about the "gracelets'. I never knew about that!
BLOCKING OUT THE SUN. What are they hiding?
ReplyDelete4min -
WATER: The most valuable commodity in the world (being poisoned so NWO can control it)
Delete13min -
ReplyDelete30min -
The Dragon is the Key to the Rapture
ReplyDeleteFrom Jeffrey McGaha on 9/26
4min -
READY - STEADY - GO!!! Joel 3:2 triggered yesterday = watch the press conference with "Bibi & Donald" they call each other by pet name and look like TWINS SYNCHRONIZED:
"Two state solution WORKS BEST" this is an official statement that doesn't need a signature this week but which is HISTORICAL...
I agree, Annabel. I think our home going is very soon. It will be the crisis that sets everything in motion.
DeleteI found this article from a year ago and thought of you right away. Typical predictive narrative. I hope it brings you some levity.
Who thought we would be here this long? But, here we are and God is faithful. Like a pregnancy, once the baby is born, the pain is forgotten. Could it really only be days away? I so hope so! \0/
ReplyDeleteLooks like peace deal is once again delayed, for 4 more months.
From Hal Linsey:
Trump also said his administration would produce its long-awaited attempt at a new Mideast peace plan within about four months.
Trump called the embassy’s location “the primary ingredient as to why deals couldn’t get done. "That meant everything and now that’s off the table.
Now that will also mean that Israel will have to do something that will be good for the other side,” he said. “That’s a big chip that they got."
LJ that doesn't matter to me, Trump uttered this historical fact THREE TIMES in an OFFICIAL press conference at the very presence (!!) of Israeli PM Netanyahu calling himself "under his (Trumps) leadership" so in fact what do you expect more? The deal is DONE according to Joel 3:2 and most probably the rapture will now just interrupt further talks and negotiations to having it CONFIRMED (i.e. made bigger than before in Hebrew) after we're gone... Don't you think? MARANATHA! :-D
DeleteJust saw your comment, Lovin' Jesus, AFTER I posted mine below. The Rev12Daily crew is so on the ball! With or without the peace deal, end time events are still moving forward. I agree with you, Annabel, that Trump's Deal of the Century is most likely the covenant to be confirmed or made to prevail spoken of in Daniel 9:27.
DeleteAh...and it will be even more so on the ball with you chiming in, Lyn! So glad to see you here, Sister. Just FYI, when we hit the 200 mark, it gets a little weird. You have to hit the "load more" to find comments and if you use your personal icon, it usually won't let your comment be seen.
DeleteNobody knows why this is and Brad's pretty good at staying on top of it, but when we hit it, we are looking for a new thread:-D
Blessings and Marantha!
Thank you so much, Sheila<3
DeleteAs Jack Kelley used to say at the end of his articles...
ReplyDelete"If you listen carefully, you can almost hear the Footsteps of the Messiah."
Come Lord Jesus. Come.
Hey Folks, is imo kinda cool,... under interviews, he is talking w/ tony from minute to midnight about end time events timeline breakdown on a you tube video presentation and he is sound-minded as he speaks on jacobs trouble, project bluebeam deception, etc,... Shalom
ReplyDeleteHey brothers and sisters--Did you catch Todd's (IT IS FINISHED YT) video yesterday? Although President Trump has not officially presented his Mideastern Peace Plan, he did say he backs the 2-state solution:
Eyes wide open as we watch!
Psalm 66
ReplyDelete“Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious! Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name.”
Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man’s behalf! He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters on foot—come, let us rejoice in him. He rules forever by his power, his eyes watch the nations—let not the rebellious rise up against him.
Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.
I will come to your temple with burnt offerings and fulfill my vows to you- vows my lips promised and my mouth spoke when I was in trouble. I will sacrifice fat animals to you and an offering of rams; I will offer bulls and goats.
Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!”
“There are two situations when I feel really close to God. The first is when I’ve got a big problem, a problem only He can solve. I’m right there praying constantly. And the second is when it’s become obvious that He’s solved it. I shout and sing my praise, and tell anyone who’ll listen what He’s done for me. But why is my realization that He’s solved the problem cause for such celebration? Shouldn’t I have known that He would?
I remember hearing a pastor tell a story of his early days when there was no money for food. He prayed and prayed for help, his prayers becoming more urgent and more anguished as the situation deteriorated. Then one day when it seemed like things couldn’t get any worse and no help was coming, a man who had owed him $400 for a long time showed up unexpectedly at his door and gave him the money.
On his knees and in tears the pastor thanked God for rescuing him in his hour of need. “I promised to always help you,” the Lord replied. “And I’ve done so countless times. Why do you always wait for proof before thanking me?”
Good question. In Matt. 28:18-20 Jesus informed His disciples that all authority in heaven and on Earth had been given to Him. Then He told them to go and make disciples of all nations. Finally He assured them that He would always be with them, even to the very end of the Age.
Do you realize He couldn’t have been talking only to them? First of all, they had no way of personally discipling all the nations. Thomas apparently got the farthest from home, probably winding up in eastern India near Madras, but the rest stuck pretty much to the area around the Eastern Mediterranean. And second, they wouldn’t need His protection to the End of the Age. They’d all be with Him in Heaven within 60 years or so.
So He had to be talking beyond them all the way to us, upon whom the very end of the age has come. Throughout the Church Age, all who would become disciples of Jesus would receive the protection and comfort of the One to Whom all authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given.
So why do we even have problems, then? A popular Christian song says, “If I’d never had a problem, I wouldn’t know that He can solve them.” When’s the proper time to thank Him for solving yours? A well known TV preacher always ends his prayers of supplication by saying, “We count these things as accomplished, according to the promise of Your Word.”
One advantage of having problems that we can learn to trust in Him. As we do, His participation in our lives becomes so obvious that soon we realize the proper time to thank Him is when we ask for help. The abundant life He promised us (John 10:10) isn’t necessarily filled with all the luxuries of this world. It’s filled with the absolute assurance that as we put our life in His hands, we literally divest ourselves of all our cares and concerns. We ask and we receive, and our joy is complete. (John 16:24)”
By Jack Kelley
Nora, Thank you for this article and commentary. I fail dismally in thanking God ahead of time for a request I make or expressing a concern. It seems hard
Deleteto ask in the first place, worrying over it, lacking faith, trying to resolve things, ending up going in circles ...
Cathi, lack of faith (and trusting the Lord instead of my own efforts) is something I'm very frequently struggling with too and thinking how good it is that the Lord is patient because when it comes to me, lots and lots of patience is needed LOL! I've just read it in one of today's devotionals that His goodness and mercy follow us -in the original text literally *chase* after us- all the days of our lives. That's a very comforting thought and truth. Plus He is faithful even when we're struggling with unbelief and He is our merciful High-Priest who is compassionately understands us, how we work, all our weaknesses, that's another thing that helps me when I get frustrated with myself.
DeleteAs things clarify approaching the exit I found another recent YTC video from RFB (Richie From Boston) you might check out. "BANNED:The Illuminati plan revealed" is the title, Richie lets a bit of language loose in his frustration with the masses, so not to have kids nearby when listening. Some very interesting nuggets about Kazakhstan which I wasn't aware of and likely many here also not. I am guessing we are hearing this now as more will be shown later by Our Lord and He Wants us prepared too SEE and understand. Other topics are the emerging disclosure admitting chemtrailing/geoengineering and the new Bitcoin based upon "a barrel of fresh water". as we ALL know, its no longer 'coming': it's here, Maranatha!
DeleteThey've been doing it for quite some time...I remember seeing a video about them laughing just before Harvey showed up very near Corpus Christi during a committee meeting...Pretty ridiculous. That's the evil government we live with today.
I've been watching the Kavanaugh hearings today and in the Judge's bold and indignant opening statement for his defense, he said something that utterly sent a chill down my spine. He said "You've sown the wind and for decades to come, the whole country will reap the Whirlwind!" It seems like I remember this very statement being declared on the Senate floor years back and I believe Jonathan Cahn may have addressed the results of declaring such judgement on one's Nation from the center of it's government in his book The Harbinger. It's not good. Just praying for the Lord's return more than ever.