21P/Giacobini-Zinner - In Depth (Updated!)
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Comet 21P as seen on October 31st, 1998 |
Many of you have been following this for a while, so I thought it would be good to dive a bit deeper into this comet. Here is some background from NASA, I would love to here if anything described here or that you find elsewhere jumps out as interesting.... If we are on the right track God's fingerprints should be all over this thing if you know what I mean!
(For starters, the ominous nature of this comet jumps out at me by the duration of its orbit (6.6 years) and the date the picture above was taken (October 31, 1998, aka Halloween).
Comet Giacobini-Zinner was discovered on Dec. 20, 1900 by Michel Giacobini at the Nice Observatory in France. The comet was later recovered by Ernst Zinner in 1913 (October 23).Overview
Comet 21P/ Giacobini-Zinner is a small comet with a diameter of 1.24 miles (2 kilometers). This comet takes about 6.6 years to orbit the Sun once. The last time comet Giacobini-Zinner reached perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) was on Feb. 11, 2012. The next perihelion passage will be in 2018.Each time that Giacobini-Zinner returns to the inner solar system its nucleus sprays ice and rock into space. This debris stream results in an annual meteor shower: the Draconids, which take place each year in early October. The Draconids radiate out of the northern constellation of Draco the dragon. Most years the shower is weak, and many times very few meteors are seen. However, there are also Draconid meteor storms (sometimes called Giacobinid meterors) on record. A meteor storm is observed when one thousand or more meteors are seen per hour at the location of the observer. During its peak in 1933, 500 Draconid meteors were seen per minute in Europe. 1946 was also a good year for the Draconids, where 50 -100 were seen per minute in the U.S.
In 1985 (Sept. 11) a re-purposed mission named ICE (International Cometary Explorer, formally International Sun-Earth Explorer-3 ([ISEE-3]) was sent to gather data from this comet. ICE was the first spacecraft to fly by a comet. ICE later joined the famous "armada" of spacecraft sent to comet Halley in 1986. Another mission named Sakigaki from Japan was scheduled to fly by this comet in 1998. Unfortunately, the spacecraft lacked sufficient propellant to reach the comet.
How Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner Got Its Name
Comets are usually named for their discoverer(s) or for the name of the observatory/telescope used in the discovery. Since both Michel Giacobini and Ernst Zinner discovered and recovered this comet it is named for them. The letter "P" indicates that Giacobini-Zinner is a periodic comet. Periodic comets have an orbital period of less than 200 years.https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/small-bodies/comets/21p-giacobini-zinner/in-depth/
Here are more posts on this comet which we have shared in the recent weeks for review or further study:
September 12th UPDATE:
I have been doing a lot more studying of this comet the last day or so and wanted to share some of what I found:
1. Comets spew debris when the sun heats them up. The closer to the sun, usually the more debris. Out of its 6.6 year orbit, the comet is closest to the sun right now. This could be creating a new big debris cloud for us to pass through!
2. They did an extensive study of this comet back in 1946 because they knew it was setting up for a big show. Harvard even did a big study and took several pictures of the meteor shower. Here is the paper if you are interested. Some of it is more helpful than others. I thought the intro and summary were especially helpful. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1950ApJ...111..104J
3. This comet is moving very fast... so even a snowflake create a streak of light when it impacts our atmosphere at that speed. That gives me hope that even though this is a relatively small comet, it doesn't take much of a rock to make a big show. Think David and Goliath.
4. They figure that this comet is made up of fairly soft material, which in my mind increases the possibility it breaks apart as the sun heats it up and creating an even larger and intense debris field for us to possibly pass through. (It would need to be big for the sign to be fulfilled in my opinion).
5. It is very revealing that the secular scientists are not paying much attention to this, or predicting a snooze-fest for this years Draconids. At best they say it "could" be a big show because the Dracodnids are "unpredictable". Wonder what they would say if they knew the Bible may have predicted this meteor shower nearly 2000 years ago!
6. One of the best tools I have found to study this comet is the 3D Solar System Simulator on The Sky Live website. You can fly around, change the dates and zoom in. Its very fun and helpful: https://theskylive.com/3dsolarsystem?obj=21p&h=06&m=00&date=2018-10-05
7. Comets are different from Astoids in that they leave a tail of stuff behind them. Astroids are just rocks with very little off gassing or spewing of material. That is why comets create meteor showers because of all the debris and particles they leave in their wake. But they only do this when they are relatively near the sun because the heating up of the sun is what causes them to break apart.
8. "Every time a comet comes by the sun it dies a little bit. Like many things in life and the universe, what makes a comet beautiful will eventually kill it."
9. The above quote and many other cool bits of info can be found in this link:
10. The fact that the comet was closest to the sun on the same day as Rosh Hashanah was very unique.
11. The total orbital distance of this comet is almost exact 7 A.U. In other words, 7 times farther than the average distance the earth is from the sun. 7 is one of Gods favorite numbers of course. https://in-the-sky.org/data/object.php?id=0021p
12. The most impressive Draconid meteor showers, which are all caused by this comet, happen when the comet has passed close in front of the earth. This scenario does not happen often and 2018 sets up perfectly. The other factor is the moon, even if the timing works out great for the comet (which is very rarely does, the moon may be bright thus hiding the streak of light with its glare. In 2018 the moon will be very dark creating ideal conditions to view the meteor shower.
13. Meteor showers are unpredictable. The size of "dust cloud" they create in their wake can vary greatly by the composition of the meteor. If the sun bakes into a very soft spot it could release a big cloud of material... All I know is that if we are interpreting this correctly (and from my studies, I think we are) then this years storm will be extraordinary.
14. In summary from what I've learned is that it speeds up as it approaches the sun and slows down when it is far from it. It also only spews ice, rock and gasses when the sun warms it... so presumable when it is closest to the sun it spews the most. In its 6.6 year orbit, it is closest right now. Lastly, this comet is made of fairly soft material that is moving very fast, so it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that the comet breaks apart at some point creating a very large cloud of debris for us to pass through, which could create the 2nd sign of Rev 12 in less than a month!
15. Go outside and look up... this comet should be visible with a cheap pair of binoculars for the next several days! https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1012840/Comet-21P-approach-watch-Green-Comet-2018-Giacobini-Zinner
If any of you are studying this comet intensely, making videos, or writing about it please email me as I would love to chat with you and put our heads together!
Here is a new graphic I made to help explain how this works:
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In early October 2018, the earth will pass through the orbit path of Comet 21p creating a potential meteor storm that could fulfill the astronomical sign described in Rev 12:3-4. |
Awesome Sitefor all things 21p:
2018 Draconids Model Predictions:
Newsweek Article on 21p:
Dear @all, IDK if these events are related (but possibly are) so please have a look into this one: SCHUMAN RESONANCE AND EARTH'S MAGNETOSPHERE REACTING AT THE SAME TIME ON WEEKEND 9/8-9 2018 / Blue Koolaid oh Ya channel (click!) Guys if you feel odd, painful all over, lacking sleep or losing your inner time clock (biorhythm) this might be the reason why... This is totally FREAKING OUT NOW, THE "red dragon" is absolutely ready to "devour the child..." (Revelation 12:4) If comet Giacobini-Zinner is on his way this might be just another celestial body adding to all of this frequency chaos around earth now. MARANATHA, Jesus is at the door, get ready!
ReplyDeleteTY So much, Brad. Also noteworthy was we just had Asteroid 2018 RC skim past the Earth at a distance of 139,700 miles, or 0.58 LD. early yesterday morning. It is bigger than Big Ben at 17 stories high and has a diameter of up to 233'. It was only just detected on Mon. 9/03/18 from the ATLAS observatory in Hawaii. So this Asteroid along with Comet 21P means we'll have had a WITNESS of 2 Heavenly Bodies just passing over our heads in their closest proximity to Earth within 36 hours. Hmmm....Colleen?
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Maranatha!
There's a new Colleen's video - Dream: Beast in House: Blood of Christ!
DeleteThank you Brad, this is really great! Maranatha!
I must admit that the bulk of our references over the last 7 or so days has had little in the way of scripture, and lots in the way of 'Colleen Minter'. In terms of our authority, it is scripture first, and personal dreams last. While I believe Colleen is totally sincere and not out to deceive, her personal interpretation of the dreams she has been having have not eventuated. From a biblical perspective, we are to be extremely hesitant in listening to Colleen's dreams and the interpretations and should be encouraging Colleen to pull back on posting her dreams and spending more time in prayer and the word (my personal opinion anyway). Sorry - just telling it like it is. I think we have been drifting into dangerous territory to be honest with the focus of our attention (but thank the Lord for Nora who brings us back to that which is important with her sharing of scripture!)
DeleteI don't think you are being completely fair, Ryan. As for me, I've spent a lot of time in Scripture the past week and a good portion of that inspired by a few of Colleen's videos. Even my own little dream had me neck deep in Mark and Luke. I just assume the folks here know to compare ALL messages with Scripture and discern for themselves if there is something to be gleaned from whatever is offered. I know it's always disappointing when someone's understanding of a certain date doesn't materialize Rapture-wise, but we all know by now to approach that part of it with caution regardless of who it is. Just being a Watchman of any sort is apparently entering dangerous territory as there are plenty of rocks being thrown in every direction and doctrinal position, right? And yes, Amen to Nora for taking the time to post encouraging Scripture in plain text as she does for us. Blessings, Brother and praying for you guys in NZ on the shaking going on there. Looks like US is about to get storm and flood battered again and definitely praying for the persecuted Christians everywhere. ME is looking really bad for any there as well. Maranatha!
DeleteAmen Sheila, thank you Ryan for your thoghts. I think also, when the Lord gives a dream, He gives also understanding. When He gives us the Word, He gives also understanding, really! He is always here, with us! And all these events and dreams, and we ourselves here together as a sign, show us that He comes quickly for us! Maranatha!
DeleteI think our assumption that people are going to discern dreams from others assumes a lot about the maturity of the readers of this blog (particularly those that read but don't necessarily post anything). 99% of what was spoken by the Apostles always had reflections either in the Old Testament, or what Christ had spoken here on earth. Our considerations of dreams, visions, strong's, gematria etc are all interesting, but should be held extremely lightly in interpretation vs that of scriptural authority. I don't think we quite make that point very clearly here, and I could go back a year to all the dreams, visions etc that people had of the rapture at various dates in 2017...all of which were proven 100% incorrect. Does that call for stoning like God commanded on false prophets in the OT. No of course not, however the seriousness of bringing 'thus saith the Lord' words should be considered more than what we currently do.
DeleteIf we all get it wrong regarding Sept 11, then maybe rather than simply looking at the next date(s) to whet our end-times appetite, we sit back a bit and ask ourselves 'did we get it wrong', and if so, 'what are we going to do about it'. If something of significance does happen, but it turns out differently to what we had thought, perhaps some reflection on our interpretative/understanding capabilities need to be considered further as well.
Anyway - blessings for you all too and we are praying for protection on those in the path or hurricane florence.
Great thanks Ryan really! Your point about Scripture authority is very good indeed! I take daily some Scriptures and study first of all without Strong and so on. I have no dreams so no experience about. I ask the Lord in prayer and open the Bible and get an answer very oft. But all of us have different gifts (1Cor 12:4, KJV). So we help to each other here. Praying for you with earthquake. Maranatha!
DeleteWow, what a lovely, Christ-honoring, reflective discussion among the Bereans as we mind our collective walk, Praise Him! Ryan I commend you for speaking and for your thoughts. In this space we operate in a dynamic tension among various competing benchmarks and guardrails. On one had we are called to bring everything before the Lord in Prayer and subject to the acid- test of His Word, alone, amen. To Sheila B.'s point, that Colleen's videos show a clear effort to do just that, we then continue the same in our dissecting it, and Strong's, for ex., being built entirely around the Word so somewhat self-regulating, etc. And yet, that wasn't quite your point, was it? No, didn't think so. It's a part of it, but your concern is larger, as it should be.
DeleteAnother balancing act is having witnessed the Spirit Fall upon one, for a time, so it is foolish not to hearken to their operating in their apparent Gifts, balanced against, "They Wanted A King" so they got Saul, oh my. Yes, a good amen to all of your points yet held in dynamic tension with offsetting details, as mentioned. Still, hearkening to my latest post within last thread, likely missed, this is ALL training, now. Learning to juggle, and being Accountable and Mature, as you exhort us Rightly to, is part of it. You did a really good job doing it authentically and gently, thank you.
Oh, btw, I may be good with a lantern at depth, but Sheila B., you've got an eye for the Open Field. In spirit of Ryan's concerns, allow me to state that the details you highlight are of the Lord, imho, unrelated to any dating of anything, or events since or not. The Twining dynamic resonated within Colleen's work, but did not originate there, nor here, in ours. We spot echoes; The Pattern of Our Lord's Footsteps in the dust. We are taught to even consider the speech of donkeys, at times, and your eye for those nuggets was keen, Maranatha! Ofc, it doesn't mean a single thing apart from Our Daddy Loving On Us through images He Knows we will 'get'. Beyond that? He'll make sure we don't miss it. Praise His Awesome Name!
Amen to Praising His Awesome Name! I've been looking for Him in every nook and cranny for 22 years now, following those Footprints in the dust, the sand, the mud...wherever...and I doubt I'll be backing up. I do pause for reflection and rest on what He's shown me, but it's always onward in pursuit of Him and His promise to gather us Home. I can't imagine anyone who felt more real disappointment with Colleen than she felt herself. I do know in reading the many comments she received when she came back up that I saw a tremendous amount of maturity and love that she never expected to find. It would be so easy to crawl under a rock and stay hidden, but the sister didn't. By the Grace of our Lord, she came back out in humility and fortitude and I personally am grateful for that because I never know when I may need such an example to follow. And that leads right back to your TRAINING post on the other thread, Brother Jimboni, which I did take note of. TY:-) Love you ALL and Looking UP!!!
DeleteRyan, TY for mentioning that, I do observe these discussions around numbers and dreams but won't contribute to it either because of the lack of scriptures here. We are called to stay SOBER though all the time, that's what I try to do. Blessings around!
Delete1 Corinthians 15:34
1 Thessalonians 5:6-8
2 Timothy 2:26 + 4:5
1 Peter 1:13 + 4:7 + 5:8
How are you missing all of the Scripture involved? I always try to compare with Scriptures. And as we all know, dreams and visions ARE Scriptural. Steve @Blessed Hope just did a good video regarding the value our Lord places on His numbers. As he said, go black out all the numbers given in Scripture and you'll be taking out a good chunk of the Bible. Our Lord uses all of these things at His will, just like He uses those EQ sites, News feeds, and yes, even WSO, Claudia Albers and Expitaly, the Apochryphal Books, etc. to inform. And He uses different people to reveal different things to the Body. I'm just so grateful that He's given me the desire to take one little perch on this Wall of the Watching Body and I'm grateful He called you to yours and everyone else to theirs. We cannot possibly all see the same things from our individual perches, but we should all be able to share what we are seeing from our spot. Then we can use Scripture, prayer, discernment, dissection, and confirmation as our filters, but I don't think we are supposed to try to knock anyone off of their perch. He will take care of that if He deems it necessary. Blessings and Maranatha Brothers and Sisters!
DeleteY'know, it's a funny thing, I was always horrible at math and science. In school, I never could get a grip on basic algebra...and still can't. My brain just isn't wired that way. I always loved Words and Art and did quite well in vocab, english comp, literature, etc, but when it comes to our God's numbers, I love them and find them fascinating. I think that is because His numbers are so related and intertwined with words to reveal so much more of Himself to us. I never went on to a higher education, but I drank in the writings of Bullinger, Davis, Vallowe, Luton, Church, and many others who did. So maybe that is why our Lord lets me see things the way that I see them...out on the Open Field, LOL. (TY, I liked that). I could never get into Science much either, but I do understand the Gospel in the Stars and I love this Verse:
DeletePs.90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." KJV
Also interesting is that the words number, numbered, numberest, numbering, and numbers (to my count) appear in Scripture a total of 309 times:
Gk#309--anablepsis--recovery of sight, restoration of sight--used 1x in Luke 4:18.
H#309--achar--to remain behind, tarry, linger, stay, delay, defer, procrastinate--used 17x. (a good study in itself, I'm sure.
Israel will find themselves left behind to endure Jacob's Trouble for their procrastination in responding to Luke 4:18-19, but the victory (17) will come for them, too. We can all hang our hats on Hab.2:3 today:
"For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."
All Glory to our Blessed LORD! Blessings and Maranatha:-)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHey Cathi, that was funny with the chips. You've had me tickled quite a few times and I can only imagine that you are a fun person to be around. A little laughter sure makes for good medicine and I always appreciate it. TY you for being you! Blessings and sure hoping to meet you REAL soon:-)
DeleteSheila, I liked what you said and also your responses earlier to Through and Through and Annabel. I wish I could be articulate and conversant as you have been so many times.
DeleteI think you are well-grounded and an informative, knowledgeable, discerning, and articulate person.
Very well educated indeed!
(I never had any literature courses. I only had general math in school, and that was enough for me. I did not make use of attending college, it was more a way to not face the world.)
Well, I see you responded Sheila, and I had deleted my comments. I used the word articulate above twice and that bugs me.
DeleteAnyhow, thank you for the positive feedback. Just thinking about your chips response, had me laughing all over again! I can't think of anything else that tickled your funny bone ... my mind is a blank.
Just the way you enjoy the banter like with the Star Wars stuff and when you were out chasing bird pics when you least felt like it. Many times you've brought a smile to my face and you always articulate yourself pretty well. Your comments are smart, obviously thought out and provide food for thought. I also appreciate the way you are often summarize topics for us. You do a pretty good job of that and I'm terrible at it. With so much to try and keep up with these days, I know it's a huge help to my burning eyeballs. It's not exactly what my Grandma warned about, but I definitely think too much Youtube could make one go blind:-D
DeleteSheila, you just don't realize how wonderful this is for me to hear! 🤣Thank you.
DeleteI think we see all kinds of signs. The new born red heifer being another. There will be mockers, but most do have scripture to back up arguments. Keep looking up, he is at the door.
ReplyDeleteMost don't have scripture to back up arguments. Sorry.
DeleteWatch the comet since it's discovery in 1900. Watch the year 1933 as the comet illustrates the reaper throwing the dragon into the burning fire. https://youtu.be/uicVtMLrYuI
ReplyDeletePlease remember to pray for our brothers and sisters in China who are experiencing the worst period of persecution since Mao (60's). We also know that the last 4 years in India has also seen a significant rise in persecution of the believers. Tribulation is already here, and the Great Tribulation is well on its way.
Agree Ryan. It has been here (great persecution, famine, war).
DeleteRecapping NOAHS FLOOD and the days he lived in, I have found some brilliant exegetic sermons of pastor CHARLES LAWSON on YouTube (Nov2017) please watch them if you can, each around 45 minutes:
Br Lawson makes it pretty clear why there was no visible stars and constellations BEFORE the Great Flood which makes absolute sense why God would only start with Enoch the 7th from Adam to reveal to him FIRST (!) the secrets of Heaven, the names of stars and how the universe works (sorry folks, no flat earth but teaching a future 23,5 degree axis tilt!). Thus, Enoch could yet teach the following generation about it to prepare them (= book/s of Enoch) and Noah would take these scriptures into the ark to preserve them for future generations and into endtimes generation on earth. Job was then the first after the Flood to mention and describe the constellations in our canonical bible. It makes sense that only with the complete breaking of the firmament "water bubble" and the change of atmosphere and climate on earth God would take Abraham out first to show him the stars as an example of his future seed of believers. Today, we are told by astronomers that our whole solar system might be uniquely limited by a "hydrogen wall" which would also make absolute sense (Voyager I+II, New Horizon). So very probably the solar system was already designed to host another bubble of "waters above" covering and protecting the earth inside from cosmic radiation. But God knew these waters would have to break to make the stars visible and the calendar + His Feast days available as regular worship wasn't really common before (Genesis 4:26).
Maybe before Enoch and the Flood there weren't even stars visible through the mist from the earth Genesis 2:6 so the Flood judgement was in fact long ago foreseen and preordained to even get the whole gospel in the stars up there visible to mankind only afterwards? So in some parallel to this, the second judgement indeed MUST occur to reveal the "sons of God" visibly to earths inhabitants (Daniel 12:3 / Romans 8:19-23). What do you think?
Annabel brings Gen. 1:14 to mind and I think our Father has a plan bigger than we can even comprehend.
DeleteAnnabel, taking a rest from working, it is a blessing to see someone else who watches Charles Lawson. We listen to his sermons every Sunday. Charles Lawson preaches the word fervently and is extremely aware of the and time situations Lord bless you Annabel thank you for sharing and encouraging words of life
DeleteOne thing that always seemed to line up, for me, was the effect of Hyperbaric Pressure on saturation of a gas into fluids and the lives of reptiles. Scuba Divers know what I am referring to. Take the atmosphere of earth, perhaps significantly more (subsequent loss?) and COMPRESS it beneath a firmament with a wall of water above it. Done with Divine Precision, the resulting atmosphere is perfectly moisturized and free of radiations then filtered by what is above. No clouds. No rain. Oh, Reptiles? Studies show that with Oxygen levels radically higher in such high pressurizations, tomatoes have been grown the size of VW's and reptiles? Their size is limited by the size of their container and surrounding sustainable nourishment. Put the firmament back, squeeze even what we have now for atmosphere under it and you would see dino-sized reptiles in a few generations.
DeleteJimboni, yes indeed that's my impression that "they" try to SQUEEZE OUR ATMOSPHERE NOW... coughing, gasping... :-)
DeleteRenewed Moon is reporting the new moon was sighted in Israel at approx: 7:26 pm IST :)
ReplyDelete726...makes you wonder.
Strongs 726..... Harpazo!! Thanks for sharing Eric!!
DeleteI'm good with that. Really.
DeleteAnnabel, I love to listen to Pastor Lawson preach and teach. He is gifted in both areas and the things this man teaches in the Sunday School class every Sunday are an absolute treat. He preached one of the best messages about hell I ever heard I don't know how many million times its been viewed by now, but an awful lot with repostings, etc. Great brother in the Lord. I think he pretty regularly has a tussle with the Baptist hierarchy in the association because he calls it like he sees it and sticks with scripture. Scripture reigns, not denominations in his world. He is nobody's dummy and I'd put my money on his interpretation. He's not perfect any more than the rest of us are, but he's a faithful servant of the Lord. Love that man - Blessings - Sherry
ReplyDeleteS Sherry Amen The Lord has blessed us with Charles Lawson. Maranatha
DeleteI very much liked it that he would just go and do a research on his own when fighting some "secret" in Gods word out. He's also encouraging others to do so. His sermon about the change of atmosphere by the Flood and the visibility of stars only afterwards has given me great insight on the second fire judgement. I mean, God created the stars already when He knew they wouldn't be visible naturally for around 1,000 years and He would have to bring JUDGEMENT to reveal them. Same to the saints thousands of years later as a new creation not recognized by the world, only revealed at Armageddon. Now what kind of genius is behind this?? :-)
DeleteExcellent insight. I'm doing a study on Daniel's 70 7s now and when you really understand what is going on with the 1st Covenant Yahweh ever "swore - shaba". Shab is the root word for Shabuwa and also points to 7. The Covenant is 7 fold (7 promises) including Messiah. Everything in scripture points toward the fulfillment of that covenant and what Messiah did when He came. It is already Finished, we just haven't seen the full manifestation of it yet, just as you mentioned about the stars being created and not "manifested" for 1,000 years. Yes, Lawson will go where angels fear to tread - he completely ignores anything he can't find in scripture and will search anything out and talk about it from the pulpit. Blessings - Sherry
DeleteI think people need to go back and re-read the verses of Revelation Chapter 12. We see in this chapter the Great Sign, which occurred on September 23rd, 2017. Then the Bible describes another sign, that of the Red Dragon, which could very well occur this coming October. Please note the Child is raptured up to God's Throne Room, after the sign of the Red Dragon not before! I don't mean to ruin my fellow believer’s excitement for the Rapture. However I had a though this morning (9/10), it was 'Do I have the events of Revelation Chapter 12 lined up correctly?' After reading Revelation Chapter 12: 1-6, I found a big BUMMER, not going to happen yet, the Rapture that is. In fact if one reads versus 7-10, you will see the Church is raptured to God's Throne Room before Satan is cast down to the Earth.
ReplyDeleteSo in a linear order, first is the Great Sign, sign of the Red Dragon, and the the child is born and right before he can be swallowed, he is take to the Throne Room of God! SO maybe the Rapture will occur sometime after the sign of the Red Dragon...??
We got more time here on Earth brothers and sisters....how much I don't know.
I've been thinking the same thing... Also Christ fulfilled the first three or four feast days all the same year so if the rapture is years before His return to earth the Rapture doesn't have to be a feast day at all.
DeleteSo seems like it's gotta be after the meteor shower in October.
Also I can't help but think we will "feel" it getting close. Like an excitement in our spirit or something in the spiritual world.
Dear Blitz Krieg, this is my own observation and reading of the chapter all the time. Why would I research for this "Nibiru / Planet X" topic so much if it was not about the "red dragon" in fact? You're right, and verses 7-9 are just happening simultaneously, as if John was looking to another scenery in Heaven "And there was war..." Btw all these verses begin with "And... (I saw, there was etc)" this reminds me of my German lesson in school we would get a D- if we would write some essay and introduced every sentence with "And..." LOL! But in this case, it is the kind of description expressing things happening at the same time or shortly one at a time. In any case, if you watch "Blue Koolaid oh Ya" channel latest videos on the weekend 9/8-10 magnetosphere and SM this will blow your mind. There cannot be much time left now because no one would survive this much longer and then there couldn't be a rapture at all but only a resurrection of the DEAD. But it must be some living Christians according to 1 Thess4:17 so... You know what I mean? No more years in between, I guess not even months. Blessings to you, MARANATHA!
DeleteI think you are all correct. Here's why - If you look back at Passover, a 13th month should have been added. Passover occurred before the Spring Equinox and that's the point of adding the 13th month to realign the feasts with the agricultural seasons. Today - Sept 11th - is before the Fall Equinox and it is not supposed to work that way. The barley being Abib is the signal FROM SCRIPTURE to do so. This is not a rabbinical teaching, but scriptural. Thus, it would have pushed Feast of Trumpets to 10-10-18 - which is 11 or 1, 1 and 666. God is always in control and with October 10th the true FOT as well as right on the Draconid Storm - I think that must be a High Watch Date. If the Draconid Storm is the Sign of the Red Dragon - then Nibiru could be the event of the Red Dragon and coincide with a 6th Seal Rapture triggered by Nibiru and all the fall out which could mean we're still very close to going home. Regardless - He will not be one second late. Blessings - Sherry
Delete21P Comet + the 3 Hurricanes coming to the shores of the US
ReplyDeleteI don't care for his sarcasm and what have you not to mention lacking the name of Jesus, but there are points in here we've been connecting for the past several years....but pointing to the Comet and 3 Hurricanes.
Florence (to bud, new life, to reveal) + Issac (laughter) + Helene (the coming of the light) =
13min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8bHv568cpI
Here comes the 'whirlwind' (oh Annabel) to Virginia perhaps?? Hey, that's me ;-)
Praying for you Charlie and Gods warrior, for you as well in NC. I know ya'll have had enough water as it is. And it looks like we may have another Harvey type setting up to take aim at the Texas Coastline. Praying for all of those in the line of fire that our Lord be with all of his children.
DeleteI saw on John Haller where here in Austin, they are beginning to protest public buildings i.e. schools etc, being rented out on weekends to conservative Bible believing Churches and say the protests will continue until they quit renting space to the homophobes. The congregants will be harassed as they enter and exit the services to try and drive them away. I doubt it will take long for their wishes to be conceded to as the school districts will likely cave in to avoid any serious confrontation. Hello persecution in the Land of the Free....
Blessings and Maranatha!
Charlie, take care and Jesus may protect all our brethren in the region... https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-10/five-likely-hurricane-aftermath-scenarios-prepare
DeletePersonally I think all these "mega-hurricanes" are now being amplified by geoengineering methods to get people out their properties and into FEMA camps. You got the Cali fires in the West, Katrina and Harvey etc. to the South and now Florence to the East. What about the NY tsunami, when should we expect this as "announced" in so many NWO Hollywood movies yet? Wouldn't it be time for that now or was the 2004 Christmas in Indonesia just a geoengineering mistake on the wrong location? Hmmm... Its hard not to become sarcastic about this. Blessings to all my siblings in the US...
Praying with all of you! Blessings to you, Charlie and Jeramiah, for your great work for the Lord! Maranatha!
DeleteThis was a note on a YTC Re: The Leap Month
ReplyDelete"The leap month (resetting the feast dates) that everyone keeps talking about which supposedly was missed by the rabbi's in Israel is not supposed to be added UNTIL the new year..after the Feast of Trumpets.
The ancient Israelites called this a PREGNANT year..."
So a PREGNANT year +
The 120th Jubilee +
FoT on 9/11 +
Jesus' BDay on 9/11 +
The Nation of Israel @ 70years +
A year after the Great Wonder/ Sign of Rev12 which now represents the year-long wait of the Bride for The Bridegroom +
All of the other signs connecting in 2018 +
Comet 21P +
The AC unveiling himself (more than already has been said or done) to the watching/awake body (to those who are watching know exactly what was said and what it meant)....
Another anxious day ahead or perhaps long night.... anyone not going into work tomorrow?
IDK but I'm probably not going to be sleeping much tonite.
DeleteBing Art today depicted golden Honeycombs to recognize Rosh Hashanah.
SoS.5:1 "I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved." KJV
I'm thinking we're gonna be given our own little section at the Banquet so as not to disturb the others, Maranatha!
DeleteOh When the Saints go marching in....
DeleteI love it!! 😁 🎺✝️📯📯🎵🎶🎹🎼🔣
Delete:Oh Lord I want to be in that number: When the saints go marching in.
DeleteSo we are in September (the 9th month) but it really is the Hebrew New Year which is Tishri 1 or 7/1 (from Exodus).
ReplyDeleteSo....maybe a reality check from Dan Goodwin [author of the Barley Harvest] for us (harpazo). We are not on the "Biblical" calendar.
Abib Barley - Calendar Reset - Feast of Trumpets [I posted this a while ago]
24min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6L0ZJUTY9I
Dan does say, however, it is ALL predicated or determined by God's view of Israel's readiness or the nation of Israel for the harvest in God's eyes. So, did God declare the nation of Israel Abib this past Spring?,,,, meaning the Bride/ harvest of believers is ready to be plucked (Strongs Gk 353).
DeleteIt's Time (Watchman Update 9/9/18) for the Dragon (the fallen to fall to Earth)
ReplyDelete4min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajc14akkhJ0
From a YTC commenter::
ReplyDeleteTabernacles . . . NOT . . . Trumpets. Look at the Three Pilgrimage Feasts. Tabernacles is the final of the Three Pilgrimage Feasts. Paul describes the Rapture in the same terms as Moses described Tabernacles. Temporary to Permanent in a flash of light and into the promised land. Their promised land was beyond the Jordan and ours is in he sky with Jesus. Three feasts all fulfilled on the feast and in the same image as the feast. Passover was blood on wood. Pentecost was law on stone for law in flesh. Tabernacles is the Rapture going from Temporary to Permanent in a flash of light. Tabernacles. Tabernacles. Tabernacles.
I forgot where I saw this, BUT, the menorah is lit from outside in. So the Spring feasts have been fulfilled in order, so perhaps the Fall feasts are fulfilled from right to left as they are lit, so: Tab, YK, then Trumpets???
Maybe it is the sneaky Great Last Day 'Shemini Atzaret' October 1 after 'stuff' flies here on Earth for 20 days or so and after Russia/ China invades (via Alaska and Minnesota) after or during the 3 hurricanes and after the Red Dragon is cast down to Earth.....but already in the skies above.
There's very interesting to me comment of Brother Sean Osborne today to his update of yesterday. Quoting:
ReplyDelete"Why has Al-Assad resorted to using chemical weapons so often in the past two years against rebel forces and the civilian populace?
Because his Syrian army was completely hollowed out by desertion of its Sunni component. The Syrian Arab Army today is 99.9% of the Alawite sect, a branch of Shi'a Islam.
This leaves a very basic fact on the ground regarding an invasion and conquest of Idlib Governorate - the Syrians are vastly outnumbered by the Idlib defenders. There is no mass of Russian ground troops to take part, only aircraft and cruise missiles. Iran has no army ready to storm Idlib either. Hezbollah is out and saving itself for taking the Golan and war with Israel. So too are Iranian proxy militias - they were promised to fight against Israel on the Golan - and have no interest in fighting against defenders three times as numerous as they are.
They only card Al-Assad has left to play is WMD - OR - to turn against Israel in the south and or the Kurds/CJTF-OIR to the east.
Is a chemical war of slow attrition in Idlib with the promise of severe Western Allied intervention in Al-Assad's interest in the survival of his regime?
The current pause is due to Al-Assad "doing the math."
September 11, 2018 at 6:13 AM
The Lord bless you, Alla! How are you, Sister? Praying for your health! Hopefully, He comes for us soon! :-)
DeleteFascinating, Alla. I BET he is doing the math. Thanks for that. Wouldn't it have been wonderful to be a fly on the wall during the Putin, Rouhani, Erdogan summit? They have to pull in Erdogan somehow, too, since he has much to lose. Ahh, the spoils of taking Israel should satisfy them all, yes? We are so close. Maranatha!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, it's interesting to me now, who is what here. Putin has no troops, only ships and aircraft, Iran's army isn't ready, Asad makes math, which he should have ready before all his acts. Three leaders have summits with Asad as a fly on the wall. Is it right? My question then, who will fulfill the passage, that Brother Sean mentions here – Jer 49:23-27? Hamath and Arpad are confounded, then Damascus becomes feeble and flees. Where are they to flee? The real army there is only of Turkey? They are the only of the triple alliance, hostile to Asad. Oh my! What's then ahead? Just some thoughts. Blessings to all. Maranatha!
DeleteAlla - the issue is that Turkey has significant stakes in protecting Idlib, and there are reports out that Turkey is moving heavy armament into Idlib to protect its rebels. So the 'doing the maths' is a very appropriate term...Us/Israel/France/UK and now Turkey (via proxy) vs Assad/Iran/Russia/China. Hope Assad passed his maths exams back in school because that is one formula for the failing!
Delete"Us/Israel/France/UK and now Turkey (via proxy) vs Assad/Iran/Russia/China."
DeletePerhaps a trigger for a near-global conflict?...
I remembered Brother Sean mentioning this possible prophetic outcome:
"Woe to the multitude of many people
Who make a noise like the roar of the seas,
And to the rushing of nations
That make a rushing of mighty waters!
The nations will rush like the rushing of many waters;
But God will rebuke them and they will flee far away,
And be chased like the chaff of the mountains before the wind,
Like a rolling thing before the whirlwind." - Isaiah 17:12-13
Thank you Ryan, these are wonderful thoughts! That is then, it's Turkey to fulfill the prophesy? I'm looking – Arpad is Tell Rifaat, Hamath is Hama. This is all near to fulfilling! Then comes Damaskus and then Israel! (?) But where will Asad flee?
DeleteAnd then the Lord will coming quickly! I think also that Asad's math makes no matter at all to all these players, that you mentioned. (?) Maranatha!
Great thanks Nora! That is my thought is right – the Lord comes to defend Israel and takes us before He gets involved! (?) Come Lord quickly! Maranatha!
DeleteSister Alla, it seems to me too that the days are close when the Lord's main earthly focus will be the nation of Israel again. Indeed, please come Lord quickly!
DeleteGreatest Amen Nora! I have now another question – when it's Turkey to fulfill, what then about Russia and Iran, they are all with, but all have probably different plans about Asad and Syrien? This is a complex problem, as I think about! May the Lord open this to us! Maranatha!
DeleteAlla/Nora - I am here tapping my fingers on the desk saying "just hurry up already":)
DeleteIraq is starting to boil away as well, leaving the US with some strategic headaches it seems.
Dear Qall you know what? Isn't it somehow intriguing how all these "rumours of wars" just don't seem to pan out as planned (by men)? It's all the time in the limbo somehow (which really somewhat annoys me already I must say). But the only reason can be that THE RESTRAINER IS STILL HERE on earth and God is still waiting to get all the pieces fitting and moving together into the grand scheme!
DeleteDaniel11Truth.com has the most in-depth information regarding the Arab conflict which begins and ends with Iran of anyone I've seen on-line. He takes it all the way back to the fulfillments which have occurred for Daniel 11 back to the Persian Empire. I've gained a far greater understanding of the Middle East from the elements of history and scripture he ties together. I'll go over and look for his comments on Jeremiah 49:23-27. I'm sure I'l find them there. He is a great information source for Islamic thought processes and goals balanced against what Scripture says will be the outcome. Blessings - Sherry
ReplyDeleteSherry and Alla, I was just listening to @Pearl Kolleri and she was talking about Jer.49:23 in a different context regarding a 7 day warning. I believe like she does that the Last Trump blown today for Rosh Hashanah signals a major turning point. I also think maybe there is a double indication in this verse.
DeleteJer.49:23 "Concerning Damascas, Hamath is confounded, and Arpad: for they have heard evil tidings: they are fainthearted; THERE IS SORROW ON THE SEA; it cannot be quiet." KJV
Interesting is that at the same time that this is all going down in Syria, the Oceans are roiling with severe and crippling storms. The US is about to become hard-pressed in dealing with catastrophic storm damage while at the same time trying to juggle whatever intervention in Syria TPTB deem necessary. Aside from the human suffering and displacement factor in both places, it's got to be a financial nightmare in the making. And just on storm front alone, it's looking to get much worse. 9/11/18 certainly comes bearing EVIL TIDINGS. Even so, Lord, come quickly, Amen.
(I found that extremely encouraging.)
2 Timothy 2:13:
"If we are faithless, he remains faithful. He can’t deny himself.”
We know that Hebrew 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God. We know that we are saved by faith through grace (Ephesians 2:8) which is a gift that we receive from God. Jesus told us that we can have whatever we can believe for. So needless to say, faith is an important part of our relationship with God.
But what happens during the times when we struggle with doubt and unbelief? When our circumstances are screaming so loud that it is difficult to hear the reassuring voice of God. How does our Heavenly Father deal with us in these times of faithlessness? Does He shake His head in disappointment? Does He withdraw from us and wait for us to come to our senses?
In today's Scripture verse we read an amazing promise. Even when we are faithless, He remains faithful because He can't deny Himself. I am so thankful for such a loving, patient Father who knows me through and through and understands me even in my times of doubt and despair.
He doesn't abandon us, even if we sometimes abandon Him. He has purposed in His heart to be faithful to us even when we aren't faithful to Him. Think of it this way... If you have children and they do things that disappoint you... Are they still your children? Of course they are! They came from you and they will always be connected to you because of their birthright.
I believe it is the same with Almighty God. When we have been joined with Jesus and born into His family, then it's a done deal. We are in the Beloved and the Beloved is in us. No matter how much we struggle, He remains faithful because He cannot deny Himself.
My prayer today is that every dear heart who reads this who struggles to believe, would know that our God and Father is faithful, even in our times of doubt. When we said yes to Jesus, the Godhead said yes to us for all of eternity.
May God give us the grace to rise out of our doubt and despair and live a life of faith, so we can live a believing and trusting life. But even when we do stumble and fall, may we know that God is right there to pick us up again and He promises to never leave us or forsake us.
Psalm 103:13-14:
"Like a father has compassion on his children, so Yahweh has compassion on those who fear him. For he knows how we are made. He remembers that we are dust.”
source: https://www.fatherheart.tv/daily-reading
Blessings, Nora, as you have just been a blessing to me again, Sister, proving His shelter in the height of the storm. Back when we lived in Florida, I would be riding out the worst of some Hurricane in the stairwell closet with the kids and all the pets crammed in there together, padded with pillows and blankets. The wind would be howling like a giant wolf, loud and threatening, with trees crashing outside and debris banging against the house, but in the light of a lantern, I would open the Scriptures to Psalms 107 and read it aloud numerous times, stressing Ps.107:28-31 to the kids and the critters. It had such a comforting, embracing effect until the storm passed and our Lord had once again brought us safely through. (It never failed, the husband was always abroad when the hurricanes hit, but he would always get back in time for the clean up:-) Maranatha! as He carries us safely through whatever storms might be left for us.
ReplyDeleteBlessings and hugs to you too, Sis! :-) What a wonderful Bible verse, Psalm 107 is one of my absolute favorites! I love the Book of Psalms!!!
DeleteI could only imagine what it's like to experience a hurricane! (Only heard descriptions of it- like yours- and seen it on television.) All we had -where I live- is 2 mild earthquakes (around 2-3 on the Richter scale) and even those were scary!
Family, Blessing to all, amen. As we linger & Wonder on 9/11, today, with so many, many things in the air and in flight and clearly pieces of THE puzzle all over the table, I am wondering if there wouldn't be a single, 'out of the blue' event or trigger to flip the switch, versus a complicated alignment of 4 dozen details at some point. Then I watch Mike444's latest, Dark Matter, oh my. Fantastic, surely, but it does bring together recent 'murmurings' concerning a 3-days of darkness trigger and in a way which is logical, sensible, and would work perfectly as the slide into Chaos at hand on ALL levels. Unpredictable, nearly immediate, violently arresting everything occurring in the worlds of men and forcing a re-direct. Entirely beyond ANYONE's control or fix, while occurring. Bringing ALL face-to-face with their terror and their powerlessness in the closing moments while an ESCAPE yet exists. Go watch and get your heart rate back up, Maranatha!
ReplyDeleteOh., and that post just 'happening' to have posted at 4:44? Enough already, go see MANYFISH' latest while your on YTC, Maranatha!
DeleteIm not sure if you are aware Jimboni of an old Roman Catholic 'prophecy', that after 3 days of darkness, a miraculous intervention will take place in which a 'true and lawful' Pope will be appointed.
DeleteT&T, while raised RC (you grow) I was not familiarized with that one. In light of the details of Mike's Word, it would not be out of pace with the moment, as presented. In light of the super-human intelligence and Transcendent understandings of the Enemy, it is conceivable that it was actually orchestrated to this end before such technology had even begun to be envisioned by the minds of men. Fallen Angel Tech, C*RN, Darkness symbolism tied to a mocking 3-days to steal, rob and destroy? Maranatha!
DeleteWow, no one else yet? Well, circling back to the theme, here, and a quick update on Caleb, that also being at the close last time. I've now watched him stand in front of me with his legs holding about 20% of his weight and positioned without his hands. I saw him cross one set of toes over the other, and then vice versa, as his feet dangled off a chair. Look, ma! No Hands! Praise the Lord and cherish your prayers. By the way, could be relevant but Caleb's Birthday is approaching.
ReplyDelete10/07/2018 Ha!
I'm very happy for you Jimboni and Caleb! The Lord is always with us! His blessings are extraordinarily generous, it will be even better! This is also His confirmation that He is coming for us quickly! Praying for you and all yours! Very much Blessings! Maranatha!
DeleteYAY! For Caleb! That is just awesome. Our Abba Father is so very good to reward our patience and even our impatience. Tell Caleb we're rooting for him in our Prayers!
DeleteBTW, Did you catch Steve @Blessed Hope's vid 9/11 Tisha B'Av and the Number 333? It's pretty interesting. (Int'l distress signal SOS --3 dots, 3 dashes, 3 dots=333=Save Our Souls) How many are seeing the 3:33 in these final days? And our Salvation is a 3-Fold work of God. Pretty telling if you ask me. And TY for heads up on Many Fish. That was wild with the other side and their 4's. And that C*RN business from Mike 444 has been a demonic nightmare in the making from day one.Years ago, the fear was that they could easily create a Black Hole with what they were doing in there. I've no doubt it's going to play it's dark part in the coming events. Blessings, Brother and Even so, Lord, come get us quickly!
Sheila B., thank you, surely. Speaking with academic credit under my belt in Cosmology, as a science, not a philosophy class, I can banter quarks and Dark Matter and anti-matter and such at a layman's level. In short, it gives too much credit/glory to the Enemy with the Black Hole thing. Oddly, the vision in Mike's Video is like a good Asimov tale, and I had read well over 20 by that age, in that it actually works in theoretical physics as described. Asimov loved to take the reader to places imaginable because they were *theoretically* possible/conceivable (i, Robot). 'Dark Matter' is basically what they call that part of the equation which they know MUST be there, cause it works when it is, but not when it isn't, and the equation cant be wrong. Plug in 'Dark" matter and voila! it all works.
DeleteSo, the 'stuff in the cup' is as much Star Trek/Star Wars as anything else we've had fun with here. We are quite far off the reservation and that it fits right in for me, having spent 2 months in a coma and have some tales to tell there. I am setting aside putting this through a Scriptural wringer, yet, but not dismissing that, at all. In passing I have seen many YTC titles claiming such but I've not had a dog in this hunt to never looked. In short, if Our Lord Gave Satan Permission to sift Peter like wheat and we know that one part of the ET process is to do the same with us, and we are wise enough to have eyes to see parallels between beginning and endings, so a sifting of the one told to 'Feed my sheep" as a witness of his (Peter's)love of Christ, being echoed by a sifting of those very sheep, here at the end, works. That it be in a form such as this, possibly buried there in the Word but I hadn't gotten to there, yet, really does not take ANY Texas crude to make it work. As I said, THAT is not my line, here, simply a comic book look at another model
And that model is this, 'Dark Matter', as pictured n the vision, is ONE possible form esp, in light of dreams being symbolic and the technology involved here also being Fallen and Transcendent. While such an event may not involve quite the Back to the Future Prof scene, it would likely very much involve a self absorbed, illu.., brainiac and a moment of 'accidental' human error and technologies to 'distill' such from the ether of space/time and contain it. In short, the 'local' (planet-contained) dissipation of the Mater, hugging the surface of the globe, is consistent with a likely response to Earth's gravity & EM field. Outside of its containment vessel/field it likely has a relatively short 'half-life' and a 3-day 'dissipation' or decay of the visible effect, the 'sand' settling back, as it were, is reasonable and a behavior/effect on regular light as described. Isaac would love this one. The game is afoot and the plot thickens!
DeleteHitch up the collar on your trench coat, its chilly down here at the pier. So, it goes like 'dis, see. 'Ol slime-o knows he's on da lamb until a spot, certain, BAMMO. He's got all the info on the big light show, all the sheep floating into the heavens in front of everyone, dealing with that, and all kinds of likely shenanigans by the BIG Mucktymuck just BEFORE 'Ol slime-o gets the Keys to the City, himself, for a season, yeah! So's he works these last millennia, oozing Fallen tech into Fallen souls and minds, Oopart?, C*RN, and on. 'Ol slime-o says he knows within about a day of when he's got and this 'Darkness' tech trick he's got lasts about 72 hours, yeah. 'POP' goes 'dis weasel and slime-o uses the physics to cancel out (E=MC2) light on earth and says it will 'flip the scales' on things almost ready to GO, boom. Darkness hits, everything goes party time for the Fallen, Harpazo happens and no one sees it. Darkness lifts and now it's SHOWTIME. Someone mentioned a prophecy 'bout dis dance already?
Totally agree Jimboni to....uhhh....whatever it was you said:/
DeleteQuarkery science if I ever did see one...ha!
@Ryan = ROTFL!! :=D
DeleteJimboni, now that's a science lesson I think I actually got the drift of, lol. In watching the last Avengers movie, I thought if it's in the minds of men to create such a scenario, it's in the mind of the enemy to fulfill it, only I think the real script is going to be much more horrifying than what they have imagined. I know my prayer has just changed from a plea for strong faith, good courage, a sound mind and a patient heart to strong faith, good courage, a sound mind and a READY heart. In watching the news updates this morning, I feel as if we are now in the eye of the storm and I know that feeling well having been through some big ones. It's that quiet place where you catch your breath, step out to survey the initial damage, then prepare for the next and much scarier shoe to drop, the one that will tell the whole tale. But...
DeleteWe've all watched THIS STORM slowly approach our shores for a long time now, growing in size and fierce intensity and by His grace, we've chosen our Shelter and we know we are in a safe and FAIR HAVEN. As this Whirlwind swirls about us, we are so Blessed to know the End from the Beginning, Amen and Maranatha!
I am reminded of a Richard Feynman (American theoretical physicist, Cal Tech) interview where he was asked about a 'teaching style' and he immediately responded 'not a clue so I use chaos.' I loved T&T's comment, hearty LOL here, as well, and that Sheila B., was able to trundle along with it, so it goes. Trying to balance complexity with brevity and mix up styles (gangsta by the pier) for some color and wordplays that frame a deception in work, perhaps, since the Cross, Maranatha Trying to keep it real, yet make it fun while it drags on, and on, oh my!
DeleteJimboni, I've often wondered about what you might have experienced during such a long time in a coma as I know you were certainly not alone, but I just figure it will make for some thrilling conversation around that Banquet Table:-)
DeleteJimboni, just FYI there is NO DARK MATTER and NO DARK HOLES also. This is theoretical physics but NEVER proven by observation, just like the Big Bang theory or evolution...
DeleteFood for thought: Reminder! 8/1 is 7/1 (30 days off)
ReplyDeleteFrom Diana Olivieri
9min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD2aRewBuOM
ReplyDeleteFunny how the days come and go but the feeling of His soon return never goes away. I pray it never does!
ReplyDeleteOoohhh YESSS I very much pray that it goes away... WHEN HE FINALLY RETURNS!
ReplyDelete1 Peter 4:7-8
“But the end of all things is near. Therefore be of sound mind, self-controlled, and sober in prayer. And above all things be earnest in your love among yourselves, for love covers a multitude of sins.”
This is yet another Scripture passage where we read 'above all things'... love each other. No matter how great our Christian service, if it is not rooted and grounded in the love of God, it is for nought. No matter how many spiritual gifts we manifest, if love isn't the motivation, then we really are powerless.
In today's reading, Peter reminds us that love covers a multitude of sins. Love doesn't expose and embarrass, love always protects (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). Aren't you glad that this is the truth? Could you imagine if God's love didn't cover us? How would we feel if He pointed out every mistake, every sin that we made. We would be afraid to be close to Him for fear that He would humiliate us.
But that is not how love works. Love believes the best. Love protects and love covers. My prayer today is that we would truly have a revelation of what it means to live in love. If we are judging others, we are not living in love. If we are condemning those who may even deserve to be condemned, we are not living in love.
May the Holy Spirit help us to extend the grace and mercy that we have received from Him to every person we meet, whether they deserve it or not... for love covers a multitude of sins.
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
“If I speak with the languages of men and of angels, but don’t have love, I have become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but don’t have love, I am nothing. If I dole out all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but don’t have love, it profits me nothing. Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will be done away with. Where there are various languages, they will cease. Where there is knowledge, it will be done away with.”
source: https://www.fatherheart.tv/daily-reading/previous/3
Good grounding, Nora. TY, Sister!
Deletepraying That each of you continue in his strength and trust in his appointed time For me, many struggles at work.... spiritual attacks I think the Lord puts people in our paths to speak words of encouragement. Maranatha
DeleteFrom Hope Faith YTC
ReplyDeleteWarning! On the Cusp of the Rapture-- BHO is the Ac
5min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzQvh3ysVM4
My opinion.. re: these manufactured and steered hurricanes....they've been prophesized already...May we support our brothers and sisters in these areas and lift them out of the mess coming, in Jesus Name.
ReplyDeleteJudgments are about to hit via hurricane Florence
From Mike 444
19min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i91DlcgQoOI
PROPHETIC WARNING (from May 2018) RE: North Carolina!
From LatterRain333
4min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tugn3tszxcA
From Omega Watchman YTC
14min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sudfYHoq4oQ
FEMA Issues Dire Warning Ahead Of Hurricane Florence
(Do not GO TO FEMA CAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
From Dahboo7 YTC
4min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg-bbygNU0s
Prophecy Update September 12, 2018
From Blessed Hope 2018
23min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1cXL9srqpg
Isaiah 55: 8 “my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD”
From Phil Moser
17min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfcywL_AmiU
FYI to prepare and understand the foundation of the New Jerusalem and the astounding prophecies for the endtimes... Please watch this (5 min only!) Totally amazing! Recent Discoveries about Jewels prove 2,000 year old Prophecies about New Jerusalem truthful Scripture (click!) The interview is from the year 2000 already but you may be very surprised what this is about... Blessings, MARANATHA!
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, this was fascinating and another along the lines of what we see in "The Signature of God" by Grant Jefferies (12/96). One which Grant missed is Mark 8:23-25 which records a similar dynamic, unknowable at the time of it's writing, and missed by most today.
Delete23 And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” 24 And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” 25 Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. (ESV)
When a person born blind has their sight restored, the brain is unable to process this new information. In an attempt to make sense of the info, the brain delivers to the conscious mind a jumble of imagery and the one now healed must undergo therapies to learn to decode the info and 'see'. (Funny, I mention this now and Sheila B.'s recent dig involved a hit on Gk#309--anablepsis--RECOVERY of sight, RESTORATION of sight, hmmm.) As this situation did not occur in medicine until the 20th Century, it was not even named until then, and has been dubbed, 'Apologesia', meaning, "The cerebral inability to give an answer to sight data received".
Here, in Mark, we see (2) healings: 1st: Blindness; 2nd: Apologesia. Clearly a 'proof text', much like the video you highlight, telling of a dynamic in Scripture, right there, but to KNOW of it, when written, defies history, apart from Divine insight, Maranatha!
It occurs to me, as I write, that this also mirrors the Giving of a Dream/Vision as a separate Gift than the Gift of Interpretations; funny that.
DeleteAnnabel, I was standing on my back porch this afternoon and noticed that the chemtrailing has started again after a long break. We’ve had some of the most breathtaking NATURAL cloud formations in the sky for the past few months. Now today the sky is all hazy and the sun is hidden. Do you have any guess as to why they take breaks in certain areas and then start again? Could be the earths orbit and the area that the dragon system is closest to needs more covering up?
DeleteBrian, here in the DC area I've notice a break in the action too. It seemed to peak the last few days in August then they've taken the last two weeks off, but then again, we've had so much rain and cloud cover who knows what is going on up at 30k feet?
DeleteYes, the combination of the natural with manmade, itneresting.
Brian, we are in rural Central Texas and we were talking about this the very thing the other day. It was chemtrailing almost every day for so long and here for the past month or so, nothing. I told my husband I guess that proves it was never just contrails from the Austin-Bergstrom airport like everyone wanted to argue. It's been stormy and heavy-laden here much of the last week, but there is something awful in the air. I don't know what it is, but if you go outside, it's hard to breathe and the air is gritty. You can taste something like dust and it makes the lips feel numb which is kinda weird with all the rain--unless it's in the rain.They are reporting it as a high mold count but it's not something I recall experiencing before.
DeleteThe facts about the gems of New Jerusalem is truly amazing and the fact that Annabel posted it here acted as just another confirmation of something our Lord was impressing on me earlier today as I was considering why we've seen all of the connectedness that we have been sharing here from day to day, pointing us from one high watch day to the next, and yet finding we are still here, still watching, still waiting and still sharing.
DeleteWhether it's something revealed to us through our study of the Scriptures, the Heavenly Bodies, the Strong's Numbers, Gematria, Math, Science, Physics, Patterns, Coins, Artwork, Current Events, Dreams, Visions, Bible Codes, Weather and Geological Phenomena, Geopolitics, Ancient Artifacts and Manuscripts, Religion etc. and our Prayers for one another...even as it ALL works to sift us and encourage our hearts for His appearing, it has a much greater purpose--To Testify of His Sovereign Will over EVERYTHING and the Authenticity of His Written Word, the Logos--every JOT and TITTLE!
Our often failed interpretations and understandings are but a reflection of our current state of being and does not hinder Him or His purpose one iota. HE IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, with none formed before Him and none formed after Him, but in His Great Mercy and Love, He's allowed us all to "trundle" (I love that word) along with each other, bearing the best witness of HIM to the world that we can in this here format of Spiritual "connectedness".
We are so incredibly Blessed, Brothers and Sisters:-) Maranatha and Looking Up!
@Sheila, that's my impression as well, always finding so much more incredible proofs and wonders about the TRUTH of Gods word while occupying with it and digging into... Malachi 3:16-17 !! God is rejoicing about that! Thank you for expressing this so well here... Much love!
Delete@Brian, about the chemtrailing I guess it depends (OMG I'm no expert in this! LOL)... I rather guess it's about the "saturation" of the atmosphere with ionized particles perhaps this is also constantly measured. You probably need those to keep the "veil" in the sky not breaking up technically, as I've always wondered why e.g. from Mexico you get the most stunning webcam images and my guess was they simply cannot afford that much money spraying stuff in the air like other nations... Just an idea. I've noticed like Sheila that rainy days make it even worse and harder to breathe as the chemicals are washed down. And the dark blueish-grey fallout I'm so sick of now having to clean from inside (!) the house constantly is definitely not getting less here. Sometimes I just cleaned the floor and 3 hours later I could wipe it again. I'm so fed up with this.
Delete@Sheila another note on your latest experience in Texas: Please watch Shaking my Head Productions about Hurricane "Florence" and you might understand how you're being sprayed in the fabrication area of this storm exactly during the last few days = https://youtu.be/e-BxkSAdF24
DeleteWOW Annabel...Im a little slow this week with keeping up with posts, but that Jewel YTC is just totally fabulous!!! God is soooooooo awesome!!!!
DeleteGod is amazing! So much proof and still, people choose not to see. Blessings - Sherry
DeleteSheila B., Wonderful post. With your post, you are lingering on an understanding uncovered in one of Colleen’s YTC vids, yesterday, and which I posted some depth additions into in comments and will now echo, here, as an ‘amen’ to your post.
Delete16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 16:16-17, ESV)
Collen’s message was pointing to this as a TYPE of the Revelation of the Messiah-ship of Jesus only proceeding from the Father, not searchable by men among the teachings of men. In like manner to the core point of your post, and Colleen’s point in her vid, The Book of The Revelation is the Revelation of a Person: Jesus, the Christ. Among men, that Revelation is available only via the Father (ibid.). The Father’s Revelation to Peter, as noted in Scripture, and The Father’s Revelation to us, and the entire World, OF THE SAME THING NOW, by Opening our eyes to The Revelation of Jesus, The Christ, through events foretold, will be THE SAME.
I agree that, as the Harpazo approaches, Watchers will be Shown of its immediate imminence. However, the key word is SHOWN. They will NOT ‘divine’ the info from any source, apart from an Orchestration of details Revealed and Connected BY OUR FATHER often through us. For this reason, on the foundation of Matthew 16:16-17, We will be invited in to the moment and Shown its arrival ONLY through “our study of the Scriptures, the Heavenly Bodies, the Strong's Numbers, Gematria, Math, Science, Physics, Patterns, Coins, Artwork, Current Events, Dreams, Visions, Bible Codes, Weather and Geological Phenomena, Geopolitics, Ancient Artifacts and Manuscripts, Religion etc.” as led by Our Father, Amen. Scoffers who ridicule our work as un-Authoritative do so opposing The Lord's Truth, as spoken above, Maranatha!
TY, Jimboni. I had started to watch Colleen's video yesterday and didn't get too far in when the family bell started ringing. I had watched @Pearl Kolleri and was very much moved by what she was saying about the darkness that surrounded her when the Rapture did not occur as she so fully expected in the 9/10--11 time frame, but how after fighting through her confusion and picking up the Sword of the Word of God, she was bathed in the Light again. She stressed the fact that although her own understanding was faulty, what she had been shown and found confirmation in was still fully legitimate and I totally agree with that. Then I was led to read Isaiah 55 through a couple of confirmations, i.e. Charlie's post above re Is.55:8 and another reference I saw to the invitation to "come, eat and and drink" in Is.55:1 which mirrored the SoS.5:1 honeycomb verse I'd posted above. The takeaway filled my heart with such joy, esp. in reading Is.55:11-12.
Delete11)"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
12) For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."KJV
I did just listen to Colleen's video intently and Amen to that Sister's words! He's reminding us all that we are in good hands:-) BTW, the Bing Art today depicts a Vineyard to celebrate the September-October Grape Harvest. Hah! I'm good to go with that! Maranatha!11
Sheila B., I sense you've yet to watch the video Colleen linked on her video prior to the One For Darlene (?). Not earth shattering and fairly short but I sense it will touch you in a very personal way somehow. If you have, more dinner table convo!
DeleteTY, Jimboni. I went back and found that, and yes, there's a sympatico there--something precious that I'm saving for a more "believable" moment to share where there are no doubting ears remaining regarding the Graciousness of our Lord:-)
DeleteAnd re Colleen's "Rapture is Imminent" video and the 1583, that was a plateful! Some confirming comments were there too. (I'll have to express my thanks to the Sisters when we get home as I can no longer make comments on Youtube.) But I was led to notice something I normally don't pay attention to and that being my view as the 711th one:
G#711-Aristoboulos- the best counselling-from #712--the best meal, early, i.e. (breakfast)-- used 1x in Rom.16:10--where Paul salutes Aristobolus, the head of a Christian household.
H#711--argvan--purple--used 3x in Dan.5:7,16,29 re Daniel's reward for correctly interpreting the WRITING ON THE WALL. Blessings and Maranatha!
Sheila B., OK, now I know what the bumper sticker on your vehicle states: "Yes, Jesus Loves you, but, I'm His Favorite." Lovely, Maranatha!
DeleteLoL, If I put a bumper sticker on my grannymobile, it might say something more like "Make Way, Another Child Of Christ Muddling Thru!" Ain't it good to know that in His Omnipresence, each one of us can be His favorite all at the same time. What a thought! TY and Blessings, Brother:-D
ReplyDelete21min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0rzRHym74A
ReplyDeleteFrom Asa
16min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF4yebQCgJA
"Florence" is geoengineering like Harvey and Katrina etc. it's NOT from God but man-made. Why do you have emergency drills just days ahead in that region? Isn't that the pattern always? Watch DAHBOO77 or Shaking my Head Productions for more insight.
DeleteTY on the Shaking My Head video, Annabel. Y'know while it's obvious to anybody with eyes that TPTB are trying to control even the air we breathe and manipulate the weather to their evil, ends, it's obvious as well that our God is in control. I think it would already be a lot worse if He were not stemming the tide until He is ready to release it to His ends. But they are surely ready take the reins as soon as it is permitted them to do so. So thankful we will not be here in the middle of it. Blessings, Sister:-)
In relation to the NOAHS FLOOD #1-3 teachings of Charles Lawson on YouTube I want to point out to an article about the book of Enoch here that correlates with the results of the earths axis tilt after the Flood and the secret of the luminaries Enoch was taught a pretty 700 years prior to this! (Men couldn't yet watch from earth what Enoch was taught already to happen much later.) The author of this article has tried to verify the locations and constellations Enoch was shown with the 'Stellarium' program. He was successful.
ReplyDeleteAstronomy confirms the accuracy of the Book of Enoch (click!)
Just yesterday my husband told me he couldn't sleep last night and went out to a place where the stars could be seen (app. 3am Germany). He reported kind of what resembled to me some Southern hemisphere / equatorial skies full of stars like he had seen never before and rare celestial phenomena like 'star cluster vortexes' that are not visible ever (!) at our place on the Northern hemisphere. The horizon around must have been glowing dark red (!) also. He was all exited about this and told me the starry skies looked like you could touch them, they were so near. (Perhaps the angels are already preparing to come down as well?) This description of his made me recall Isaiah 24:19-20 again and it might very well indicate that the pole shift and reeling of the whole earth is in full swing. If the whole globe is pulled to and fro by intense magnetic forces from the "red dragon" system this may explain why we can now observe a "Southern" starry sky in the North... And vice versa? MARANATHA!
Surprised no one has yet mentioned but seems likely a bit of a cabal 'secret', of sorts. Airport runways are numbered and that number is the number of nautical degrees from North it points or something. I had heard, a few years ago now, that pilots were having to adjust to all the runway numbers changing. Speaking of 'doing the math', Maranatha!
DeleteA Pastor's Rapture Dream...A "Pastor's" Rapture Dream
ReplyDelete11min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfOYIFWQFwE
Hurricane Florence, Biblical Signs and the Rapture Escape Plan
ReplyDelete[The effects of Hurricane Florence in the midst of many signs indicating the Rapture is near and the start of The Great Tribulation period predicted in the Bible]
From Patrick L
27min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuODd7v_tco
Charlie, watch DAHBOO77 or Shaking my Head Productions for more information about how "Florence" is man-made geoengineering and technically steered and amplified to cause desaster like all the other hurricanes before in recent past.
DeleteEverything is being orchestrated to bring about change and division. Even the actor in the WH...doing his part until the former returns.....
DeleteRed Heifer & Anti-Christ Candidates Appear? The Rebuilding Of The Temple Near?
ReplyDeleteFrom Jacob Israel
65min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsnjIY209mI
Russia Prepares For War (Vostok Exercise) As Human Hybrids Are Discovered! Spiritual Significance
ReplyDeleteFrom Jacob Israel
80min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTN9HLbLGy0
Interesting article regarding the hurricanes being across both the pacific and the atlantic (which is apparently unusual). Play connect the dots with the picture halfway down the article (where the hurricanes are circled), take the meaning of the 'head' (helene...meaning 'bright shining one'), and do we have an earthly indication of what is about to take place in the physical heavens with Draco????? Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18. Am likely reading too much into this...
Ryan, all I can say is "geoengineering"... Watch DAHBOO77 or Shaking my Head Productions for more input and information about " Florence". These kind of weather events are orchestrated on purpose (whatever that is).
DeleteEverything is being orchestrated to bring about change and division. Even the actor in the WH...doing his part until the former returns.....
DeleteI was reading the Drudge Report today and talk about some weird articles. 4 really caught my attention. My favorite:
ReplyDelete"Winery Stunned After Thief snags Grape Harvest"--A Virginia winery realizes almost their entire harvest of 2-1/2 tons of Grapes covering 3-1/2 acres was stolen sometime between sundown and dawn. Hmmm....
"375 Mountain Goats Airlifted out of Park"--In Washington State, there is a sifting of the mountain goats going on as a little more than half will be tagged, tranq'd and airlifted back to the original habitat and the others will likely be shot and killed.
(Strong's Gk#375-anapempo--to send up, send back (to a higher place)
"Zoo welcomes rare, ugly "Omen of Evil" baby..."--The Denver Zoo announces the birth of this creepy looking little yellowed-eyed, bald face, skeletal creature from Madagascar where it is said to be an "omen of evil" whenever one is spotted.
"Mysterious Observatory Evacuation Stirs Alien Theories..."-- The FBI shows up and evacuates the Sunspot Solar Observatory in S. New Mexico and week later it is still unexplained. After a Blackhawk helicopter and the Feds swooped in to inexplicably evacuate a remote part of New Mexico last Friday, incl. the local Post Office, the only explanation given by AURA (Assn. of Univ. for Research in Astronomy) is that a security issue is being addressed. The FBI is not responding to questions, leaving the internet crowd to come up with their own answers.
Blessing, ALL:-)
Sheila - Im waiting for Annabel to give us the goss regarding the Sunspot Solar Observatory FBI debacle. Surely someone will know something!
DeleteMaybe so, Ryan. But if we hear of anymore Observatory raids, we might want to pay to attention as they might be trying to conceal some INCOMING thing. We've got something going down over in Massachusetts with a series of suspected gas explosions hitting dozens of homes and buildings in the towns of Lawrence, Andover and North Andover. Lots of fires. They are evacuating and cutting power to all 3 towns. A developing story, but Hurricane Florence is ofc taking precedence news-wise.
DeleteThey got bored zapping CA or the ones to be vaporized there gone now? Some MIT folks getting uppity? Wow.
DeleteHi there, I'm in LOL :-) Funny news indeed, Sheila! Grape theft is something our German vintners would experience as well now and then in the past already. But I liked the creepy creature at DENVER Zoo (Denver, you know... the airport?)... Re: the NM Observatoriy, I heard/read about divers suggestions of the observatory being simply too old needing some renovation or some serious toxic mercury accident having happened there but also like some astronomer wanting to get some information on a dark sun he detected out from the post office (that's why they closed this one too)... There are multiple manipulations and deleting of recent satellite pictures from different locations (SDO, SECCHI, magnetosphere tracking etc.) being reported as well. We probably would'nt know now but anyways it seems suspicious. As I am not so much proficient in the geographical positions of certain locations throughout the U.S. I cannot tell what this might be about. Greetings around! :-)
DeleteSpeaking of the Denver Airport, Richie from Boston did a video recently about it. Apparently there are LOTS of occult & demonic symbols all over the airport -- statues, murals, etc, sort of "telling a story" about the coming "new world order" type of changes coming to this world. Very weird, check it out:
Sheila, about the "incoming" of sth... Yes I heard that too, especially as this is New Mexico... Naughty Beaver must have made a video (quite lengthy, didn't watch yet) and there was a shutdown of 6 locations altogether, not only one... The sun is supposed to have a big rip visible and after these pictures there was nothing more. Some satellites would now shut down between app. midnight and 6am that's exactly the timespan for much of the latest electromagnetic "action" on the dark side at night since last weekend + comet 21p and this other asteroid came flying by.
DeleteMaybe it's just me, but I saw this Grape Theft as one of those big God Winks. First I saw the Vineyard on the Bing Art celebrating the Grape Harvest in Sept.-Oct., then I read about a mysterious THIEF who comes in the NIGHT to steal away the Grape Harvest from a vineyard in VIRGINia. I didn't even have to dig any deeper on that one to shout out Glory to God! It's close, so very CLOSE!!!
DeleteMicah 7:1-2. It was also mentioned that it just happened to be 3 1/2 acres of grapes. Could it be the first half of the Trib is about to commence? (Per the view of us pre-Tribbers anyway:-)
DeleteSheila, not just you. I've been grinning about the grape take-away all day. Let's make a toast!
DeleteObadiah 1:5 (ESV) "If thieves came at night and robbed you (what a disaster awaits you!), they would not take everything. Those who harvest grapes always leave a few for the poor. But your enemies will wipe you out completely!"
DeleteAmen, CY, and so grateful to be among those watching and waiting for Him.
DeleteAhhhh !!! Sheila that is PRICELESS -- a thief coming at night to steal away the grape harvest! I love that!! God is so awesome!
DeleteRead the comments on this video by Antonio Fletcher he has 3 comments through out. talking about Feast of Trumpets being on October 10th. And also some other interesting points. Read all 3 plus inside his comments he answers other people. He makes a lot of sense.
ReplyDeleteI've heard about the barley harvest being late and he's talking about the fall equinox.
Also, comet p21 showers are about that time. So it's all interesting.
Read the comments on this video by Antonio Fletcher he has 3 comments through out. talking about Feast of Trumpets being on October 10th. And also some other interesting points. Read all 3 plus inside his comments he answers other people. He makes a lot of sense.
ReplyDeleteI've heard about the barley harvest being late and he's talking about the fall equinox.
Also, comet p21 showers are about that time. So it's all interesting.
Thank you, LJ, I did catch the video and an article on the "what to know and do" that was pretty good. I sure pray that those who've realized what's happened are able to access the materials that folks are trying to leave behind for them. I've had a framed sign explaining it nailed next to my front door since before the Rev. 12 Sign last year. Blessings and Maranatha!
DeleteScottie Clarke put a video up today about the FOT falling on Oct 10 as well. Very good, I recommend it
From Parable of the Vineyard
ReplyDeleteEnoch: Instructions for believers living at the END (2018) Part 1
9min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtmmpE8y0tA
Charlie, this is really a VERY GOOD ONE and well presented, I highly recommend to watch it for everybody here!!
DeleteAlthough I do not follow Adams channel any longer because he spreads both pretty legalistic and flat earth ideas now from a wrong understanding of scripture, his stand for the "hidden books" is something I do appreciate much. 1st Enoch was ESPECIALLY given to the LAST GENERATION you can read this already in the first chapter and it was a book "not for everybody" but only the "wise ones" i.e. the section of "Issashar" believers, the watchmen of endtimes; that was very probably the reason why God would hide it during church age by using some Jewish / Catholic conspiracy to let it drop from the canon until it was rediscovered after WW2 with the Dead Sea scrolls.
New Many Fish: 911! Bush Obama Trump! 23 46 69! Violence! As In The Days of Noah!
ReplyDeleteMany tell tells in here...
The stars (mazzaroth) say... The FoT is Oct. 10 [Well, we do have God's word declaring this from all the way back in Gen 1:14). Right there. For signs (HEB=signs or markers), seasons (HEB=moedim), days, and years....
ReplyDeleteFrom Steve Fletcher
9min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaafkjEsztE
Funny indeed as my husband is onto October also for some reason... UUUgggghhhh.... I personally cannot stand it any longer, I wanna go home so bad!!
Deletethis is gettin' very interesting....
ReplyDeleteAs no one has mentioned NICK VANDERLAANs recent video yet on the A Yom Kippur / Yom Teruah Rapture September 19 2018? (click!) I want to suggest to listen to his findings here, it's rather lengthy but he explains in detail what his thinking process of "elimination" is. Perhaps he might be right about this also? In any case, the 120th Jubilee will supposedly end around this date too (what a coincidence?!) so this would be my first guess about departure timing and not so much October. Let's see what our great God comes up with to astonish us! MARANATHA!
DeleteI think we're going to see Feast of Tabernacles first (September 24 & 25) when the ME peace plan will be presented on the 25th of September. Israel most probably will be officially divided then, as land will be given to palestinians.
DeleteNobody is talking about that and some Americans even think there will be 7 years of prosperity before the tribulation. Reason? Some American watchman said it. (Not judging that watchman, but it doesn't work that way. It would be the same that someone here is saying that it's going to last another 2000 years now, because 'a day is like one thousand years for God'. It just doesn't work like that.)
They say 7 years of prosperity, because Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel etc. And of course MAGA. Sure, sure... But if this same president presents the idea to divide Israel, then the idea of 7 years of prosperity (for America) can be thrown in the bin immediately.
I think something big is going to happen once Israel is divided, after the ME peace plan is presented.
Blessings, ozark and Thomas. And Gods warrior, you ok, Brother? Please try to check in.
DeleteWe are really missing you.
Dear Thomas, I could bet this 7 years prosperity is some Catholic teaching about Joseph in Egypt... The same false doctrine as the "3 days of darkness" prior to the rapture...
DeleteOk guys, I must confess, I have not been getting any work done, at all! I'm a real estate agent and have nothing going on right now. If the rapture doesn't happen soon, I won't be getting a paycheck. Please pray for me to stay focused on doing my job while I watch and wait! I read all the comments here and then watch a lot of the suggested videos. Love it!
ReplyDeleteStephy, will surely pray 4U (we're running out of money next spring if nothing serious happens to pay big bills) but I find it interesting that real estate business might also be in decline... Noahs days you know, planting and building? Should be an all time high! Could it be these days come to an end now? Much blessings to you, sister! :-)
DeleteHi Stephy, Hang in there, Sister. According to my husband, we are just about to hit the brick wall ourselves paycheck-wise. Work's been slow and the weather ain't helping. BUT we have a Savior who knows our details and He says TRUST ME! (Is.55:1-2) Wonderful to hear from you and many blessings:-)
DeleteThank you for your encouragement! Homes are still selling in this area, but I need to make phone calls, knock on doors, etc to get new business. I am relatively new to this area, so I don't know a lot of people! Hopefully we don't have much longer!
DeleteHi Stephy…. thank you so much for being here with us. I can so understand how you feel. I have found that in time like that we must ask God to sustain us...He is our help, He is the one that can hold us up (Psalm 54:4). He knows we have just a little strength and we need him so much (Rev 3:8). Every house you sell or client you sign is a gift from Him. So my advice would be to ask Him to send you just enough business to keep you moving forward and encouraged (but not so much that you are too wrapped up in the business to keep your eyes squarely on Him). Who knows, perhaps this slow spell is for the specific purpose of giving you time to grow closer to Him and do work for Him. That is exactly what happen to me at the time when I started this site! f
DeleteYes, that is a good prayer, I will make sure to pray for that! I have been so consumed with the end times, that I am not even trying to create new business. Which makes me feel lazy! I have been in prayer for my family. I did have some setback with my health, which I felt was The Lord saying to take a step back and be heavily in prayer. So hopefully we go home soon! I have always considered 2018 a high watch year, especially if you read Psalm 117, 118, and 119. If October passes and we're still here, then I guess it wasn't time, yet!
DeleteJust a quick note here. I saw two videos that mentioned the sunspot observatory. They said it might have to do with China spying on Whitesands weapons testing near by. They possibly were using the observatory as an antenna to transmit data/info.
ReplyDeleteI saw that one, too, micah, but IDK, it kinda rang dull with me. I'm surprised they didn't say it was the Russians interfering with our sky spying. It just seems to me they use political antics to hide all of their really dirty works. Maranatha, Brother:-)
Delete@Annabel I am so with you. I really do not want to think we will be here in October. And for this reason, I am posting a link to see what you guys think. I mean Tabernacles would not be a day anyone would expect, although I know that verse probably pertains to unbelievers? IDK, just throwing it out there. Tabernacles does start on 9/23, the anniversary of the Rev 12 sign. Also, does this make any sense? Could the fulfillment of the Rev 12: 3-4 through the Comet 21P (if it is fulfillment) be a "dual fulfillment" as in the fulfillment in the sky through God's heavenly planetary creation and also an actual fulfillment of Satan and his angels being thrown out of heaven at the same time? I always thought (or was taught) that this would be at the mid-point of the Trib, but not sure if there is different teaching on this.
Just throwing this out for rumination. We are living on fumes financially, too, but as Sheila B. says, He knows the details and we can trust Him. And I just know He is coming soon.
I haven’t seen anyone approach the rapture from the perspective of the tribulation. Specifically, when is the latest the rapture could occur? As I was thinking about this, a number of assumptions came to mind.
Delete1. Rapture occurs prior to the start of the 70th week. I am and have always been pre-trib.
2. The rapture is this year, 2018. Seems very possible, especially with the Rev 12 sign a year ago. Seems like the longer we go after that the less impact the “great sign” will have.
3. The tribulation is 2,520 days long. I have never read a good explanation of what the 1,290 or 1,335 days are, or the 2,300 mornings and evenings. I also haven’t read an account of what Mark wrote about the days being shortened – I always understood that to mean that if God hadn’t limited those days to seven years, there wouldn’t be anyone to make it to the millennium. Besides, there are several places that clearly specify that the great tribulation lasts 1,260 days.
4. The 2nd coming is on one of the fall feast days. Jesus completely fulfilled the spring feasts so it seems reasonable that He would fulfill the fall feasts in like manner.
So, if the second coming is on the Feast of Tabernacles in 2025, the 70th week starts on 11/14 this year. If the second coming is on the Day of Atonement in 2025, the 70th week starts on 11/9 and if the second coming is on the Feast of Trumpets in 2025, the 70th week starts on 10/31. Feast of Trumpets in 2025 is on 9/23 in 2025 and the fall equinox is the day before. I got the feast dates from Torah Calendar.com.
WisChE, Steve Sewell @Blessed Hope YTC tends to work with plausible day counts of the Tribulation events and Feast Days backwards to the Rapture. I believe he uses the TorCal as well, so you might like to compare your findings with his. But as we all know, it's been a fluid investigation, as they often say when the details are still a bit dim. Blessings and Maranatha!
DeleteGary just posted about the observatory closure on Unsealed
ReplyDeleteScottie has new video. Very encouraging since he almost convinced me rapture was FoT.
Praying for you family and all your struggles. Just do it day by day. He won't leave us now. I know the stress of bills and just keeping a roof over our heads.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Let's hope Brad will post this one here! I didn't quite get his point about the "moon under her feet" necessary to wait until 10/10 but the Solstice 180 degree argument was compelling though. We first of all know every kind of calendar has been corrupted and second scripture tells us Jesus will come "in an hour you think not" Matthew 24:44 as well as Israel mourning about "not being saved during summer" Jeremiah 8:20 this would be very fitting...
DeletePosted! Really loved that video... one of the best he has done! So exciting
DeleteI didn't quite get his point about the "moon under her feet" necessary to wait until 10/10"
ReplyDeleteBecause that is the "point" when the moedim should be, not when the moon is somewhere else. The moon has to be at her feet (Rev 12:1). Since Virgo and Leo are part of the 12 fixed Mazzaroth and since Virgo represents the first and Leo is the last constellation of the Mazzaroth, the moon has to be at her feet (Rev 12: 1). The Rev 12: 1 wonder is the sign (meaning signal or marker in Hebrew) of the FoT (same thing plus wandering star alignment at Jesus' conception, which the Maji saw and why they journeyed) and it happens every year. We've just have been missing it, until NOW).
**Also note (love you all, holy hugs)**
Both sun and moon give their own light, both are much closer than NASA (liars, and means "to deceive" in Hebrew) and scientists (those who try to hide God, the Creator of this enclosed, fixed system with 3 realms). Scottie's presentation using the 3D globe doesn't really work. The presentation really works when using the map the UN uses displaying the "entire" Earth on a circle to include Australia/NZ/Africa/South America. Adam, from the Parable of the Vineyard, has been rightly adjusting and Enoch very well supports this and the perfect division of 360 degrees and the 4 perfect seasons. This perfect division CANNOT be done with a 3D ball people.
The Mazzaroth, sun, moon, and all the heavenlies in the 2nd realm/heaven rotate around us, His creation. We are NOT mindlessly flying through a limitless "space" nor was this Earth an accidental bang that formed into a sphere/globe.
BTW, there are many hells UNDER the Earth's non-rounded surface. Look it up Beareans. For starters there is 1) Sheol 2) Abrahams' Bosom, 3) Bottomless Pit.... 4) Lake of Fire.... 5) Paradise... All UNDER this closed, finite system God the infinite Creator made for us to dwell "IN or ON this Earth," never to burst/penetrate through the firmament above. Man NEVER has and NEVER will. God, however, will roll back the skies like a scroll (aka firmament above) and pour down His fire from above (Isaiah 34:4, Isaiah 51:6, Revelation 6:14). Again, this CANNOT happen on a ball.
The Ball is a LIE (much like A LIE n_ sAtelLItE).
Charlie, again it is no problem to combine a globe with a hollow earth but it might get difficult if this is flattened... Don't be deceived into this either. There's nothing contradictory about Enoch and spherical universe. If you have watched Charles Lawson about "Noahs Flood 1-3" you might get the pieces together how Enoch was taught how a 23,5 degree of axis tilt would look like and how the skies would appear from earth view when this was yet FUTURE to him because this was a post-flood description of constellations etc. If you once try to understand this you might come down from the FE tree again. Blessings to you! No offense...
DeletePretty amazing and exciting times love you all
ReplyDelete(PSA: I'm not linking this video here to start an argument/debate on that topic! I'd like to put it here to represent another view/angle of it on this forum.)
ReplyDeletevideo's title: "Throw the Occultic Book of Enoch in the GARBAGE, Christians."
youtube channel: Loved by the King
link to the video:
Thank you, Nora! I commented in the past in the same vein. Other voices need to be heard 📣 (I believe imho), period.
DeleteNora, shall I bring out the horns. Yeah, and Amen! 🥁
📯 📯 📯 🎺 🎺 🎺
Cathi, :-D Btw, I'd like to add that I probably used a less stronger expression in Sister Colleen's stead (Loved by the King) in the introduction part of the vid. Otherwise, I agree with being cautious and with the notion of not supporting the Apocrypha Books as part of the Bible.
DeleteA big, hearty Amen & thank you for that video link, sister Nora!
DeleteThank you Nora for the link! Amen to this, completely agree! Blessings!
DeleteWe must have come VERY near to 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 deception now... There's a new term circulating now throughout governments and news media business: DEEP FAKE. Read this: Politicians Warn Spy Chief: There Is A New Threat Called "Deep Fakes" (zerohedge 9/15/18) (click!) MARANATHA!