Latest from Greg Lauer on the Election

I am so thankful that Greg Lauer released his article on the election at the perfect time so I could share it with you all. I agree with the vast majority of what he shared and hope and pray that God's will involves a respect (however brief it may be) from our country's seemingly steeper and steeper slide down this slippery slope of outright rebellion to Gods Word and all that His people stand for. If all things were fair, I think we all know how the vote should turn out, but know that weights and measures are not balanced and God repeatedly calls that an abomination, see Prov 20:10, Prov 11:1, Prov 20:23. But despite what we are up against, I do believe that God is greater than all of this and His will can and will be done despite of the best efforts of the evil one. This is were our faith is tested, and no matter what happens God is on the throne... we must do our part and vote. In an effort to encourage that, I share Greg's article, which as always it beautifully researched and cross referenced. Please enjoy, I have a feeling these may be the last "normal" days we have for quite a while. All hope is in God as we pray for our desperately broken country. May God bless and protect you all and may Jesus come back soon!

(Sorry, trying really hard to paste in a beautiful image that fits this post, but Google isn't allowing it right no matter what I try....  They must not like this message....)  

Here is an excerpt:
I believe that if Trump wins this election, it just might give our country one last gasp of fresh air during which the satanic forces who are busy leading the Democrats and the deep state by the nose and our country to ruin could be held at bay long enough to give a number of people who are on the fence a chance to be brought into the kingdom before the bottom falls out in the wake of the Rapture. It would also give believers all over the country one final, God-honoring opportunity to shout out "Christ is King!" and "Jesus is Lord!" at a political rally without being mocked by the speaker. It would give members of the body of Christ one last, brief chance to raise their collective voices to point the world to the Savior without having their words shoved back down their throats by government leaders who consider it hate speech and are demonically driven to do so.

Here is the link:


  1. Thank you my brother for your article. I pray that this Mr. Viganò believes in Jesus alone for his salvation. In our country too there will be elections on November 3rd. We have the same kind of dilemma for the candidates.
    I have the peace of mind to go and vote to do my duty as a citizen but I decided to check all the names to cancel my vote, so they will not be able to use this vote to choose who they want to elect, and I will write at the bottom of the paper: Jesus is coming back soon, are you ready?
    And I think that someone will take a minute to read what is written there, and maybe even, that person will read this little message to others, even if it is in a mocking way. The message will have passed.

    1. That's great! I love that! My favorite hash tag is #spreadthelove #jesussaves

      I really enjoyed the article. I highly respect Greg and think he conveys the message so real ya know. I completely agree this American election is pivotal. I fear no matter which way it goes there is going to be civil unrest. There are extremist on both sides and I believe we are going to see a mess after the election no matter who wins. Which is sad, but it's what's in store for our failing country and plays into what has to happen for us to fall as a super power. Just means Our Father is closer to calling us home.

  2. Blessings, Lu. I finally had the time to read your articles about the 13 Crystal Skulls and the Halloween Google Doodle. It can send shivers down one’s spine. I’d bet you’re one of the few that could examine that Doodle and decipher what is truly being forecast. How subtle of the enemy. Isn’t that just how he operates? He also loves Halloween because, in his mind, that’s the one day everyone worships him, knowingly or not.

    If one adds 13 years to 2011 and all the 1111 wickedness that transpired, one arrives at 2024. I’m sure TPTB have plenty planned for that day. How apropos that occult means “hidden”.

    This “peace” summit in Saudi Arabia is looking at a 7-10 year peace deal. There’s quite the buzz in the watching Christian community.

  3. BubbaNews:

    MANY THINGS ARE BEGINNING TO TRANSPIRE AND THE END RESULT WILL BE A 7 YEAR DEAL COMING up, going into the 2025 timeframe. Or so it appears from this angle on November 1st, 2024.

    For the past few years, the Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 "normalization" process and talks have gone back and forth. But nothing has set it in motion. UNTIL NOW with the Two State Solution Alliance talks between global parties.

    The Saudi Kingdom never set crazy conditions for the normalization process with Israel that is being pushed by the United States.

    Instead, Saudi called for the implementation of demands that would be ENDORSED and backed, by the major WORLD governments, before and after the normalization process could happen.

    Saudi wanted to shift the questioning process of giving the Palestinian's a state and taking the "two-state solution" from just having discussions to a REAL PROCESS moving forward.

    The GLOBAL ALLIANCE will move forward now, and Essential elements are needed to guarantee its success and allow it to avert the failure of previous plans.

    2 pillars required to build it: The 1st pillar is the state of Palestine pillar.
    The 2nd pillar is the ARAB ROLE, which will control it all.

    Saudi Arabia has addressed this by calling for an Arab-Islamic Summit on the matter, in 10 days on Monday November 11th, to lead the way. To take control...

    Reinforcing the Palestinian pillar requires URGENT and IMMEDIATE action. One solution proposed is that the Palestinian National Council will hold an exceptional UNIFIED SESSION, attended by ALL GLOBAL PARTIES involved, and held at the ARAB LEAGUE headquarters in Cairo, IN DECEMBER.

    At this meeting, unity will be declared and a single national program that provides crucial support for the GLOBAL ALLIANCE GETS ADOPTED.

    1. RE: Google Doodle for Halloween

      Thanks Double AA,
      There is the Link to the Online Version of the Article. When I posted it, in sequence along with the others for the Week, it just so happened to corresponded to #1111, lol. Oh well. Coincidence perhaps.

      Keep the Watch,

      Lupus Human Sacrifice and Luciferian 666 Motifs

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. RE: Is it Double AA or Double A?

      That is the Theological Question!? Lol. Technically? True that. It is Double A, if one is inferring to the Single Letter of A being used twice, thus a Double A. One is taking it from the Abbreviated form of your Handle Archangel, etc. But one is using the Double AA in the sense of the Thought that there are 2 A’s noted, so thus a Double of the A, thus an ‘AA’ and to be a Play on Words going on...

      So, ‘Technically’, it is just ‘Lu’. Not ‘LuLu’. That is just a Redundancy, no? lol. But I go by that too. :)

      Now, is it Apostasia as in a Departure from the Faith or a Departure from Earth, as in the Resurrection-Rapture Event. Based on the Context of the Departed Loved ones Paul was comforting the Thessalonians with, one defers to the Apostasia implying the Departure of the Resurrected and Raptured ones to come and to thus hope for, not hope for a Departure of the Faith of the Church, and/or the Bride of Christ that must endure to remain True and Faithful, etc.

      Carry on,

    4. 🤣I thought better of my analysis and removed my comment, but, alas! You’re too swift! Not sure why my mind gravitated to such minutiae as there are much bigger fishes frying at present.

      Grappling with my 20 year-old Scotty’s sadly pending departure. He’s not looking good. Dozens of seizures have rendered him somewhat brain damaged as he wobbles now when he walks and tends to travel in circles. He’s still eating and goodness knows I have had him down for the count numerous times over the years, only to see him rally time and again. Yet, this time has an air of sad finality to it. I tell myself if the Rapture is only days away, it’s not a bad thing if he goes on ahead first. My cat Herbie seems depressed as I think he senses something terribly wrong with his much senior brother. I’ve let our Sovereign Lord know that I am in complete agreement with whatever He decides to do with my boy, just as I was last January when He called Mitch Home. Much has transpired since then and it is easy to see the wisdom of the Lord’s Timing. It’s just the aching sadness of letting them go.

    5. RE: Scotty?
      Wow, so sorry to hear about Scotty’s Condition. If it is his Time to go, then that it may be in Peace and Painless. Sometimes I think I am glad I do not have a Dog anymore as I cannot take proper care being at work all Day. And when they Pass, the feeling is like losing a Family Loved one. And in some cases even more so. Dogs, Cats and Pets in general are Loyal to the End and in a lot of cases, even more so than Spouses. There I said it.

    6. Thanks, Lu(Lu). It’s difficult watching a strapping, 14 pound black cat shrivel down to barely 6-7 pounds, bones clearly visible and spine so weakened that he can no longer sit upright at a 90 degree angle, but more like 45. If he’s not in pain, then I’m feeling it for him. As long as he’s eating, I will assume he’s not ready to go.

      They are loving creatures. I look forward to the Lord’s Millennial Kingdom where animals will no longer tear each other apart for food and will lie down together in peace. I’m comforted that it’s getting closer everyday.

    7. My beloved cat Scotty departed this earthly realm yesterday on what would have been my mother’s 84th birthday. I let him know that I truly believe our reunion in Heaven may only be days away, but, regardless, he is safe now with a safety I could never have provided him here on earth. Adopted together with his brother Mitch in 2006 and reunited now in Heaven forevermore 🧡🖤

    8. So sorry to hear about Scotty. Sending love to you.

    9. Thanks very much. It’s hitting me harder than I expected. I’ve never lost two cats in the same year. 10 months apart. I know intellectually that it’s far better for them to be with Jesus and that end of the Age of Grace is rapidly approaching, but that last image of Scotty can’t be erased from my mind. He suffered so much the last 18 months from so many seizures. I just miss my boy.

  4. From Wackadoodle Samoan: Here It is!!! November Rapture:

    1. Thank you, Hugo!
      I'm still hoping we leave by November 11, 2024, but the Lord has revealed there must be a TWO-STATE SOLUTION DEAL IN THE WORKS FIRST. There's been no specific agenda set for the November 28 meeting--it remains undisclosed. It IS likely that the global alliance will continue to discuss and advance the two-state solution, so we will have to continue to WATCH HOW THIS AFFECTS ISRAEL.

    2. Thank you, Lyn! Today I saw this video from Gevte (from 2 months ago) where he says that
      tomorrow, monday 4 and tuesday 5 is the true date for Feast of Trumpets!
      Also Jimmy Root from Last Days Awakening is speaking about this Global Alliance
      "The Two State Solution is front and center. Peace and Security for the whole world involves dividing Israel. PROPHECY IN ACTION!"

  5. Supernatural By Design
    We are in the FINAL MOMENTS before the RAPTURE! Part 2

  6. Greg Lauer's article is timely and our Brother is correct in believing "America is coming under God's judgment, and America's fall is inevitable, and that no one—including Trump—is going to be able to turn things around to the degree that many Trump supporters are envisioning (or are "proffuh-sighing")".

    I do agree that there are many false prophets today who are telling people what they desperately want to hear. This is frustrating to those who ARE hearing from God about what is truly coming down the pike!

    Greg wrote:

    "God has already told us in His written Word what
    we can expect to see happening in the end times,
    and that the Church will escape the worst of it.
    These things are happening now, they're getting
    worse, and the Rapture is drawing excitingly close.
    I'm sorry...but what else do you need to know?"

    Yes, the Church will escape the worst of it BUT God has sent genuine warnings that the Church will BRIEFLY still be on Earth for some gnarly events before the Pre-Tribulation Rapture! That said, let me share with those of you who are interested about additional signs and other indicators connecting Donald Trump with the Last Trump of the Rapture that have us expectant that we are finally in the YEAR OF THE RAPTURE--5785:

    The Star of Jacob’s Trouble, Trump, and the Year 5785

    1. While re-reading my above article with NON-bleary eyes, I realized I forgot to insert this important part of Jonathan Cahn's prophecy to Trump, which I just added [in brackets]:

      “Mr. President, I speak of the mystery of your life,” Cahn said to Trump. “You were born on June 14, 1946. From ages past it was appointed that on that day a Scripture would be recited throughout the world. [The scripture that was appointed for the day of your birth spoke of the bringing of God's vessel a trumpet into the world.]”

      As the article states, 1946 was the year the Blaze Star of Jacob's Trouble last exploded.

  7. Lu, thank you for your new Article #1109 (The Triumphal Entry of Jesus)!
    Just like you, I think Nisan 10 is an important date. But I have a question once again…

    You wrote:

    'However, based on one’s Calculations and Interpretation, one has presented Evidence that the Triumphal Entry occurred on a Sabbath, a Saturday rather than on a Sunday. And that the Date was April 10, 32 AD.‘

    Later in the Article you wrote:

    'Thus, based on these Clues, one’s Timeline starts with a Friday Night Sabbath Dinner for Jesus at Bethany, just outside Jerusalem. He is Anointed by the Woman with her Hair. Then after the Sabbath, at 6PM, the following Day, Jesus rode into Jerusalem. This makes for Jesus not breaking the Sabbath in that no Travel was allowed. Only about 3000 Feet or about 3 Telephone Poles would be allowed.
    But it means that at Twilight, about 30 Minutes after Sunset, it would have been enough Time for there to still be Natural Light and the laying down of the Coats and Palm Tree Branches into Jerusalem.‘

    The jewish Sabbath ends at sunset. You speculate that the Triumphal Entry occurred about 30 minutes after sunset.

    So first you wrote that the Triumphal Entry occurred on a Sabbath and later you make the case that the Triumphal Entry occurred after the Sabbath. But this would be already Nisan 11, the start of the first day of the week (Sunday)…

    1. RE: Triumphal Entry of Jesus
      On a Sabbath or on a Sunday?

      Dear Triumphal Stephan, :0
      Ah, I see you are on my Trail and are holding me to my every Word. Good. :) One appreciates it. A couple of things 1st. As you know by now, over the Years…every Topic that one has and does study is all about a Learning Curve. One is ever-learning about it. And one cannot say that ‘Ah, one has completely understood it now and this is what it has to be’, etc.

      So, as one is still considering this Topic of when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, more Details are coming into focus, one believes, at least for me. How? Well, to answer the Question as to what was the Day Jesus rode into Jerusalem, consider the following Rationale. Was it on the Sabbath as one has argued, up to now? Or was it on a Sunday? Here is the Answer. It is both. What? Come on? Yes.

      1. Technically, Saturday was and is the Sabbath in a general sense. When you speak with an Observant Jew, and mention the Sabbath’, they will say, ‘Ah yes, Saturday’, etc. What is the issue is that in the Jewish Day Reckoning, the Next Day starts at Sunset, on the Sabbath, all-inclusive, as it is understood.

      2. So, Technically, yes, one can say that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a Sunday, as that Day, for the Jews is what began the ‘Sunday’ that is considered by the Gentiles, etc. But that it was and it is not, to this Day, the Sunday as one thinks in the West based on the Gregorian or Julian Calendar Day. This is where the Discrepancy lies.

      3. In the Gregorian Calendar Count, well, actually in the Julian Day Count, that was in place at the Time, the Event of Jesus riding into Jerusalem was still a Saturday Time-Frame. Thus, one could say, ‘Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the Sabbath’, and it could be True.

      So, this is one’s attempt to explain the Discrepancy that exists, now in one’s Mind about what Day. Both Assertions are technically ‘Correct’. It was a Saturday, but technically, based on the Jewish Day Count, it was on a Sunday. It is because of one’s Theory, that Jesus actually rode into Jerusalem in that Twilight Time, having a 30 Minute Window. As mentioned, it is because of the Jewish Law of not being able to Travel certain Distances and having Activities on the Sabbath, but only after that.

      One is just surmising that there was enough Sunlight to ride into Jerusalem after the Jewish Sabbath concluded, etc. Only after the Sabbath Concluded, technically was when Jesus could have mounted the Colt and the Crowd could gather all the Palm Branches and lay-down their Clothes before Jesus as Acts of Worship. This is one’s Logical Explanation. But one could be totally off. But as mentioned, that is where one is at on the Learning Curve about it. What do you think?

      Hope that helped explain one’s Rationale.
      And it is to be continued…


    2. Thank you, Lu. I can see your Rationale.
      You know, I read all your Articles ;)
      In my opinion, the time would be a little short from sunset to darkness for the Triumphal Entry of Jesus (and the disciples had to bring the donkey first).

      In Matthew 21, we read that Jesus went into the Temple after the Triumphal Entry.

      'And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David; they were sore displeased, and said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? And he left them, and went out of the city into Bethany; and he lodged there.'

      I'm not sure, if young children would be at the Temple at this late hour. And Jesus would have gone back to Bethany in complete darkness.
      But of course I wasn't there and I don't know it. Could be...
      Once again, thank you, Lu!

    3. RE: Sabbath or Sunday Triumphal Entry?
      PART 1/2

      You make a Good Point and that is why one has to further Research the Topic and Timeline. But the other Reason why one is convinced of a Saturday Triumphal Entry, is that if one does not apply the Jewish Law or Custom of Restricted Travel, then a riding into Jerusalem during Saturday would allow enough Time for all that the Bible described occurred.

      True, it is hard to depict that the Money Changers would be busy at their Benches or 'Bancas', i.e., Banks to exchange the Money for Temple Tokens at Sunset. The Daily Sacrifices would have already had terminated for the Day, at 3PM just before the Evening New Day began. So, one will still defer to a Saturday Triumphal Entry, in general.

      It is also because if one does not hold to his Saturday Triumphal Entry Time-Frame, one’s whole Theory and Timeline collapses. It is because one is using the Daniel Prophecy of the Messiah being ‘Cut-Off’ or Killed in the Midst of the Week, that in one’s Interpretation is a Dual Implication of a literal Week and Prophetic Week. Thus, the Crucifixion had to occur on a Wednesday, regardless of Modern-Day Online Calendar Converter Discrepancies.

      And if 'Prophecy is Pattern', then the Requirement for the Passover Lamb was to be inspected by the High Priest for 4 Days. It is thus thereafter, from when Jesus entered Jerusalem and cleansed the Temple that the 4-Day Time Clock Countdown to the Crucifixion begins. Here below is also the other Verses in the Context of this Passion Week that corroborate with one’s Timeline of a Saturday Triumphal Entry and Wednesday Crucifixion.

      April 9
      Jesus was at Bethany were He had stayed with Lazarus and his 2 Sisters. They held a Dinner in Honor of Jesus. One surmises that this was at the Friday Evening Time that commemorated the Start of the Weekly Sabbath.

      April 10
      Jesus then travels from Bethany, along with the Crowds that were following Him to Jerusalem. It is only believed that Bethany was about 2 Miles or 3.2 KM from Jerusalem on the other side of the Mount of Olives, North-East.

      SUNDAY: DAY 1
      April 11
      This is the Day after the Triumphal Entry, a Saturday, surmised.

      ‘And leaving them, He went out of the City to Bethany and lodged there. IN THE MORNING, as he was returning to the City, he became Hungry’. -Matthew 21:17-18

    4. LU--Interesting that you brought up the significance of Nisan 10.

      In his video at Supernatural By Design YTC-- THIS SIGN PROVES EVERYTHING: Star of Jacob's Trouble, Comet Atlas & Feast of Trumpets Eclipse 10-2--Jarrett presents why celestial signs, the Shemitah Cycle, the Essenes and even the United Nations together indicate Daniel's 70th Week begins with the start of the religious year on Nisan 1, 5785, (sundown March 29, 2025 on the Hebrew Calendar) and not Tishri 1 (September 22, 2025).
      [Links to his video in my article The Star of Jacob’s Trouble, Trump, and the Year 5785)

      I'm not saying he's correct, but thought I'd bring it up because of what you shared.

  8. 12 B-52s have been sent to the Middle East and one may be nuclear armed.

    A NoKo soldier has been captured in Ukraine.

    “ — 🇺🇸/🇮🇱/🇮🇷 NEW: The United States has reportedly sent messages to Iran through intermediaries, stating that they will not be able to restrain Israel anymore in case of another Iranian attack.”


  9. Hi dear family, I misled you about the elections in our country. My husband and I thought (without checking first) that we had elections since the media is talking about the upcoming elections. And the deputies are throwing the ball around, like in your country in the USA. But it will be in 2025 according to our research for the elections. But my idea for voting remains the same, unless God shows me something else. Sorry for the mistake! We get old fast!

  10. For and unbeliever this guy, Canadian Prepper, really gets it-- 18 mins. I don't agree with all of it of/c, but pretty astute nevertheless.

  11. I know Carole usually posts these links, so not meaning to preempt you, sister, but just wanting to share, Supernatural By Design has a really interesting vid out this morning; We are in the Last Minutes Before the Rapture, 11+ mins.

    1. No problem sister! We share as a family! 😊

    2. Yes, Judi--Jarrett shares more numerical connections between the two Presidential candidates vying to be the 47th (4 + 7 = 11).

      I wrote a summation of his PART 1 of We are in the Last Minutes Before the Rapture in my last article:
      The Star of Jacob’s Trouble, Trump, and the Year 5785

  12. Replies
    1. Election Day - Inauguration Day = 77 days
      Inauguration Day- Nisan 9/10 = 77 days
      Nisan 9/10 = April 7 or 4/7 (47. President)

  13. As you all know, I have been watching the development of the Two-State Solution as I believe it is the KEY TO THE RAPTURE DOOR. I have been researching on-line about when the Global Alliance for the Implementation of the Two-State Solution is to meet again. I know it was mentioned that they HOPED to meet in NOVEMBER but I cannot find definite information on a November meeting date posted anywhere. Anybody have more info on it?

    1. Lyn, I found this on the community page of Bubba News: "Saudi Arabia has addressed this by calling for an Arab-Islamic Summit on the matter, in 10 days on Monday November 11th, to lead the way. To take control".

  14. “ Drama!
    Netanyahu just fired the defense minister Galant!” Amir Tsarfati

    It occurred to me that if DJT somehow wins (which would clearly be by the Hand of God), it would push
    Iran to act sooner rather than later.

  15. When asked why he demoted Union Army General Halleck and hired Ulysses Grant, Pres Lincoln replied, “I can’t spare this man. He fights.”

    Netanyahu just rid his government of the traitor Gallant and replaced him with Israel Katz.


  16. Replies
    1. Corey "42" connection: Between September 11 and November 5—America’s terror anniversary and election day, respectively—
      an asteroid named ‘4220 Flood’ is found between the horns of the constellation Taurus, the bull that
      depicts Jesus as the coming Judge

    2. Thanks for the article. I just read it. Very interesting. In scanning the news just now, I noticed that the Dow settled today at 42,221.88. Aside from the obvious 42 connection here, if you add up the next set of numbers in the figure, you get 5 - as in the number of grace for the Age of Grace i.e. the Church Age.

      The last two numbers being 8. The number 8 is the number of salvation. It is the number of Christ, of the resurrection, and of the Second Coming. The gematria of the name Jesus in Greek (the language of the New Testament) is 888: a trinity of eights, the fullness of salvation!

      And get this: on the day of the 2024 election involving "Trump" (Trump representing the Trump of the Rapture event), the U.S. military is launching a test of a hypersonic missile. The exercise will see the ICBM travel "4,200" miles from the base to Kwajalein Atoll. The officially stated reason is the Russia situation, which is tied to the Rapture/bear attack of 2 Kings chapter 2.

      Add that to the 4200 Flood asteroid extending from September 11 to election day as pointed out by Tramm, it looks to me that God is signalling that the time is at hand I would say.

      Definitely going to have to make an entry of this on my blog when I get a chance.

    3. Correction: I don't think that Russia is the "officially" stated reason for the test launch given by the military. But they did apparently say that the purpose of the test was to show the 'readiness of nuclear US forces' and provide 'confidence in the nation's nuclear deterrence' amid fears of the growing threat of the outbreak of World War III. Obviously, this would involve the Russia situation as it's allies in the Middle East are being pitted against U.S. ally Israel. Not to mention the spiralling Ukraine conflict obviously.

      So, yeah, regardless of any "official" statement, the bear theme is the driving component of all this.

  17. Apparently, DJT has 250,000 lawyers at polling stations if Chris at GRW is correct. That might make a difference this time around. We shall see.

  18. Replies
    1. Praise Jesus. I don’t know how DJT lived through the last four years, but I thank God for giving him a spine of steel to endure it all.

      “ Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure..” Isaiah 46:10

  19. Greetings to all! I just listened to a video where the brother wonders, if, since Trump will be the 47th president, and at the same time, some events will improve, like the war with Israel for example, the rapture will be further away than we think? Because something bad has to happen for the Lord to take us off the earth, and with Trump, things should improve a little instead of getting worse. I'm paraphrasing his words but that's basically his thinking. I didn't know what to answer him.

    1. In order for Ez 38,39 to happen, Israel has to be living in peace in unwalled villages, and that is certainly not the case right now. With DJT, it’s certainly possible.

    2. Carole, I confess I had those same musings. The good news, perhaps, is that Jesus tells us He will come for us at a time we least expect. Maybe during "prosperity," as AA points out, as opposed to the adversity we are all anticipating?? Lu, about time for you to weigh in ;-).

    3. YES! Dear sisters, you both bring up a very good point about this. Lu, we need your opinion. 😁

    4. Hi,
      We are very busy with Student Appointments, getting ready for the Spring Semester 2025. So, this whole Month one is pretty booked-up for me to try and Post or Respond. Also, my Back went out and seeing a Chiropractor to put me back together, lol. Just getting 'Old'. I cannot wait for the New Body.

      If anything, one thought 'They' would steal the Elections again. But here is what one stated to others that asked. 'If Harris does not win, then perhaps it is because they Cut a Deal with Trump'. Remember, he is the one that rolled-out the Military to implement the COVID Kill-Shots and told People to take them. He is for Abortion, LBGT, Pro 2 State Solution dividing the Promised Land, etc. He is a Populist though but ran with the Epstein Crowds. Sure, he is no 'Saint' and we all have a Past.

      I do not like that he had associated himself with Elon, i.e., Mr. Baphomet Suit of the Conqueror Type, etc. It seemed to me like a Type of the AntiChrist and False Prophet is immerging. Perhaps like Reagan, the Assassination Attempt may have altered his Disposition about GOD, Jesus and his Mission now. Let us hope so. This will put the Rapture still far into 2025 then as the 'Peace and Security' is what he may pull off as the Abraham Accords will be rekindled.

      And that means that for the Saudi Arabians and other Muslim Nations to join, a State of Palestine has to be carved-out from Israel. It will be forced upon them. It could perhaps be the 'Peace and Safety' but then Sudden Destruction. And that is the Key to the Timing of the Rapture, in one's Estimation. So, one's 723 July 23 'one and only High Rapture Watch Month and Day' will be what one will next be looking forward to, if one makes to that Point and Time.

      But from what one has read, it is that the Latino Men showed-up, the Christians showed-up. The issue is the Economy, Inflation-Price of Food, Fuel, Public Safety and Crime, the Open Border and Endless Billions sent to Endless War. When that is the case, issues like Abortion, Gender Equality, are not as pressing in comparison, relatively speaking.

      Like Elon's Mother. Elon publicly stated that she turned Republican when 1 of her Good Female Friends, both being Democrats, got Soccer Bunched in the Face in New York City. There is nothing better than to knock the Democrat out of a person what a Fist to the Face from Thugs that the Democrats protect. That can turn a Person into a Republican really fast, as in the case now of Elon's Mother, go figure.

      What this means for the Body of Christ? The Divine Mandate still is in play. The Commission is still to be completed. Perhaps this might be a small Reprieve but it is Robert Kennedy stated, 'I did not leave the Democratic Party, it left me'. The Democratic Party has been a Victim of its own Success or rather Demise.

      How can you 'Select' a VP Nominee, undemocratically and extol the Virtues of a Thriving Democracy? It is all rigged. Harris was propped-up. She is a Product of DEI, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. Some have state it stands for 'Did not Earn It'. True. Enough Americans have seen through the Facade of the Falsity of how the Democrats have pandered to the Lunacy of the Left and how the Nation is tired of their Identity Politics. But the Rapture is still on Schedule. It is yet to be determined but will occur, at the Right Time.


    5. Actually, LuLu, it was Reagan who said the dem party left him. Yes, Reagan was once a democrat.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Harris is the greatest gift ever given to the Grand Old Party.

  22. Things could be happening quickly: Lisa Boyce and hour ago

  23. “ People have been writing to me, asking if it's true that a military coup is beginning in Israel. My answer is: No! These are completely false news!

    Like in many Western countries, we do have a "deep state" - liberal progressive globalist elements within the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. There is indeed a great need to "drain the swamp," but, as in the case of America, the people have spoken on election day, which in our case was two years ago, and that's final.” Amir Tsarfati

    The video at the odious HT’s site is not the IDF. Their uniforms are different and they don’t march that way. The creep is engaging in wishful, anti-Israel thinking again.

  24. Double AA + Fam,
    PART 1/3

    Yes, Reagan might have originally said that, but one was quoting Robert Kennedy Jr., as he exposed the Democrat Party for what it has become, as listed by Robert Kennedy Jr., in this Video Link below.

    Former Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains why he left the Democratic Party and says if he is given a position in the Trump Administration he will work to eliminate Processed Foods from Schools.

    In Harris’ Concession Speech, she invoked ‘God’ as part of who she has relied on, but one is convinced it is not the GOD of the Bible. It is the Democrat ‘God’ whom they have made in their own ‘Image and Likeness’. This Democrat God is Pro-War, Pro-Censorship, Pro-Surveillance, Pro-Terrorist, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Big Parma, Big Agra, Big Banks, Globalist and Luciferian to the core, etc.

    Then she states that she is not ‘Loyal’ to a President but to the ‘Constitution’. What Gaslighting. It is the very Document the Democrats are seeking to destroy and is getting in the way of their Luciferian Reset and World Order. What is ‘Wild’ is that Candace Owens has investigated the Family Background of Kamala’s Jamaican Father, a Devout Marxist, and Indian Mother. Her Mother, it appears, worked in Canada, in the Jewish Hospital that was connected to the MKUltra CIA Project.

    Reveals her ongoing investigation into Kamala Harris' Connections to the MKUltra Mind Control Program. She was drafted into the MK Ultra Program.

    The Canadian Encyclopedia

    If what Owens has discovered is True, it makes perfect sense as to who Harris is. Such was the case also with Obama’s Mother. They are essentially ‘Manchurian Candidates’, Sex Slaves, etc. Kamala Harris was the California State District Attorney for 13 Years. She was given her 1st 2 Jobs by Willie Brown. Harris was his Mistress, publicly knowing that Brown was Married. Brown appointed her to those Positions. Those High-Paying Tax-Payer Paid Salaries Positions were neither earned nor merited by her.

    It was because of other types of ‘Favors’ Harris allegedly provided Brown with. And as the District Attorney, what did she accomplish? She sent Parents to Jail for the Truancy of their Children not attending School. For example, under this Law Directive, Kamala arrested a Single Black Woman with a Disabled Middle School Girl. The Daughter missed some Days of School to attend Therapy and have Doctor Visits, etc. The Mother lost her Job, they lost their Home. They became Homeless. Did Kamala Care? No.

    1. PART 2/3
      This Woman is the Embedment of the Spirit of Jezebel. Imagine what she would have done to the USA as a whole if she became President, ‘With the Swipe of my Pen?’ And it was not about helping Students get to School on Time. It was about Money. Anytime a Student is not at a State School, that Absence is noted in Lost State Revenue for the State and the School, etc.

      And now in California, thanks to another World Economic Forum Graduate of the Global Leader Initiative, Gavin Newsom, Children, who are Minors and are confused and are struggling with Body Issues, Gender and Sexuality that seek Medical Operations to remove Ovaries and Breasts, for example in Girls, and whom will never be able to bear Children, if their Parents object, the State now has the Legal Law behind them, like Harris did to forcibly remove that Child from their Parents Home and go through with the Surgical Mutilation. These are Children, Minors. It is Pure Evil.


      However, as many have said, ‘All Politics is Local’. This is True in the sense that what really impacts a Local Community is the Vote on the various Measures that are on the Ballot that directly affect one’s Community. But at the Top? The Presidents are not ‘Elected’, they are ‘Selected’. One is convinced and has experienced 1st Hand how those behind the Curtain, the ‘Wizards of Oz’ who really control the Federal Government are placing their Puppets just to ‘Entertain’ the Masses in a semblance that there is indeed a Constitutional Republic. Not Really.

      And it is a Dichotomy. When the People get ‘Fed-Up’ of the Left, they vote Right. When the People get Fed-Up of the Right, they turn to the Left, etc. It is Pepsi-Coca Cola, Subway-Port of Subs, 24 Hour Fitness-Golds Gym, Ford-Chevy, Paradigm that still pushes the Agenda forward of the Wizards, etc. So, now the America of 2024 has had it with the Lunatic Liberals that are Un-Democratic, Top-Down, Marxist, Globalist, Luciferian. What is a most Important Issues is not Blue Hair, Sex-Changes, Drag Queen Story Hours, or telling People where and when they can Pray, etc.

      The Media is also the real Loser in this Election. It has shown its True Colors in how it is really the Propaganda Mouthpiece for the Left, without a Doubt. And True to Identity Politics, she was given the VP Nomination solely because of the Skin of her Color and Gender, not the Content of her Character. When running for President in the last Election, she failed to win any Primary and had to drop-out. In the 2024 Democratic Convention, no Delegates were allowed to put forth a Contender other than Kamala.

      Here is the issue that most Americans came to realize. Trump has already been the U.S. President. Despite his Adultery, and shady Associations, America knew what to expect from him. What you saw is what you got. In other Words, Trump is at least Genuine and the ‘Real Deal’. You know what to expect. He is a Straight-Shooter. On the other Hand, the Democrat Party has been exposed for what it harbors.

    2. PART 3/3
      It is a Political Anti-Christianity, the Party of Sodomy, Trans-Anything and Pedoes. Evidence? Did you all see President Biden photographed 'biting' an Infant in the Leg. Can it get anymore obvious. Please. And these Types of Luciferians do eat Babies. Evidence? Refer to Pizza-Gate. It is not a Conspiracy. It is that bad. Is it any wonder how on their Watch, the Biden-Harris Administration has overtly allowed the trafficking of Unaccompanied Migrant Children at the Border?

      Consider the following Article based on a Report from their own Government Agencies. And yet with any Citizen or Person who references the Sources and its implication, is ‘Fact-Checked’ as being ‘Misinformation’. Seriously? Perhaps YHVH is having and showing Mercy as Nineveh-USA after all. Perhaps there is that Spiritual Threshold that has allowed the Restrainer to Restrain a bit longer as there has been a Measure of Nation al Repentance and there has now been a National Reprieve and Revival.

      Story by Ali Bradley


      (NewsNation) — A new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Report argues the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) cannot account for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children at the Border.

      On August 19, 2024, the DHS published a 14-Page Report revealing more than 32,000 Unaccompanied Children did not attend their Immigration Hearings between the Fiscal Years of 2019 and 2023. What’s more, nearly 300,000 of these Kids that came across the Southern Border alone never even got a Court Date whatsoever.


      Keep the Watch,

    3. We have dodged a bullet beyond description. The Dems have never offered up a more detestable candidate. She is a prevaricator of the first class. A more obsequious, pandering, simpering, annoying woman than even HClinton. I could not have borne four years of that face and voice.

      Thank you, dear Lord Jesus for Your Mercy and utter rebuke of this enemy of your Holy Cross. In all things, Thy Will be done. Amen.

  25. Hello family! I just listened to a video with excellent advice in our daily walk with Jesus. Advice that we know but that is worth hearing again and again.

    7 Signs Someone in Your Life is a Demon - What CHOSEN ONES Must Know | CS Lewis Sermons

  26. Here is a very very interesting video from George The Return of the King.
    The Last Sign

  27. Brother Chad, Watchman On The Wall 88, is back: 11min vid. Do You Have Eyes To See!?!? JESUS Is At The Door!!!

  28. All is calm; all is bright.

    That is how many Americans feel in the aftermath of the Donald J. Trump Presidential win. And that is how it will go—for a short time—according to what the Lord has revealed by way of dreams, visions, and prophetic words. . .

    On the Road to the Rapture

    What do you believe though?

    1. Thank you, Lyn for keeping us reminded and up to date with prophetic words/Rhema/D&V. To me, the overwhelming red win of this election on all fronts (supposedly) is almost in the too good to be true category. All the dire things we anticipated didn't happen--YET--and it definitely feels like the calm before the storm. I don't for a minute think TPTB have faded into the background or have given up their agenda. Biding their time perhaps. In any case, I think we are still on borrowed time, and the other shoe is yet to drop.

      AA's comment below about MBS is particularly interesting in light of the possible lineage of the AC. For sure we live in prophetic times. Maranatha, fam!

    2. Hmewrdbd-Judi~I so appreciate you! We certainly do have a multitude of good reasons to pray for our nation as the Spirit leads us. As you know, I believe that 2nd shoe to drop is the Two-State Solution--I'm already working on a new article about that!

      Stan Deyo (inventor of the EMP Shield) believes either Mohammed bin Salman or Jared Kushner is the antichrist. I suppose it's possible...

  29. BubbaNews:

    “A former adviser to Trump, Evangelical leader Mike Evans, has been giving interviews lately since Trump has been re-elected.

    Mike Evans said that the war in Israel will likely come to a close by the time Trump takes office, January 20th.

    “Netanyahu can finish the war by January, seeing as both Hezbollah and Hamas have been significantly weakened,” Evans said. But in order to do so, Israel 🇮🇱 will have to confront Iran 🇮🇷

    Evans said that eliminating the Iranian threat would allow Trump to facilitate peace 🕊️ between Israel and the Sunni world. Peace with Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 is achievable within 1 YEAR and would be the “JEWEL of the Abraham Accords."  

    He noted that Saudi Arabia has “zero tolerance” for antisemitism. “When I met with the crown prince MBS, I found him astonishingly pro-Israel,” Evans said.

    Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman even told Evans that his own MOTHER WAS A JEW. 😳 “

    Doesn’t that mean MBS is a Jew also??

  30. BubbaNews:

    Mike Evans, “There is no leader in the Muslim world, that has influenced the decisions that are being made, to move the Muslim ☪️ world to support the state of Israel, more than this CROWN PRINCE (MBS)"

    The Temple Mount status quo could soon be changed, with MBS at the helm.

    If Bin Salman's mother was Jewish, he will be able to be accepted by the Jews to become the custodian of the Temple Mount.

    MBS will then allow the Jews to build their 3rd Temple. Both sides win.🏆

    MBS doesn’t want radical Islamists in his new Middle East vision, as Israel's enemies (Hamas & Hezbollah) are in the way.

    Netanyahu is getting rid of the Arab enemies that want to kill Israelis, but Netanyahu is also doing this to get the Saudi 🇸🇦 deal done with the Temple Mount in mind and the upcoming 3rd Temple to be built, for drastic "status quo" changes, that ONLY MBS can make happen.

    Very interesting times ahead.

    1. Thanks AA for keeping us abreast with this. It will be interesting to see what interactions MBS has with our new President Trump!
      As I commented above, Stan Deyo (inventor of the EMP Shield) believes either Mohammed bin Salman or Jared Kushner is the antichrist.

    2. Blessings, dear Lyn. Very welcome.

      Both Kushner and MBS are married with children and, disturbingly, there are reports that MBS is an abusive husband. So, not sure how this would fulfill Daniel 11:37. The AC could be someone we have never heard of and we will be gone when he comes on the scene, but, intriguing nonetheless.

  31. Blessings, Fam. Hope everyone is well.

    Having said goodbye to my 20 year-old kitty Scotty one week ago today, I was planning on spending my 3 day weekend licking my wounds and commiserating with myself. The election was a much needed distraction. Now, I have another that is not enjoyable at all. Ever heard of Paronychia? Fancy name for when one foolishly pulls off a fingernail instead of using nail clippers and one’s, in my case, thumb turns red and throbs with pain. It’s almost unbelievable how much it hurts. I finally hit on the home remedy that seems to be working, that being warm salt water soaks. I still can’t bend my thumb but 90% of the pain has gone. I’m praying it’s 100% by Tuesday as I type all day long and my left thumb is what I hit the spacebar with. You never know how much you need your thumbs until you can’t use one or the other. I recall this happening to one of my mother’s fingers and we had to go to the ER to have it drained. I think the Dr. had to remove the nail.

    Yikes. What a horrendous year it has been.

    1. Dear AA, I didn't know your beautiful kitty had passed away. This makes me sad! I pray for you my sister! And about your thumb, something similar happened to me about 2 years ago. The pharmacist gave me a solution to do at home and it quickly healed. This is called the Dakin solution. It did me so much good! You mix 1 teaspoon of 4% strength bleach (e.g. La Parisienne) to 3 cups of boiled water or 1 tsp. of 6% strength bleach (eg: Javex) to 5 cups of boiled water. Dip your thumb 1 to 2 times a day in this water for 15 minutes, this helps prevent the proliferation of micro-organisms and can prevent secondary infection.

    2. Blessings, dear Carole. Thank you. I miss my Scotty but he was enduring so many health issues at the end that I’m glad he’s with Jesus now and not suffering anymore. I think our reunion in Heaven may not be that far off, praise God.

      I see Amazon carries the Dakin solution. Thanks very much. Goodness knows I’ve torn off fingernails that had rips in them before, but now my body has told me not to do this again. We carry staphylococcus on our skin, and I tore the fold just enough for it to enter and cause shocking misery. This has consumed my whole weekend and it’s my fault.

    3. Yes, it is sold online, but the homemade recipe I wrote is much cheaper. Bleach and boiled water. Anyway, I hope you get better soon. Big hug!

    4. Thanks, dear Sister. I decided to go crazy on the warm salt water soaks (every hour or two) and tried moving my thumb back and forth in it. It seems to help the range of motion. Hoping to see major improvement tomorrow🙏.

  32. MBS said his mother was an Ethiopian Jew.

  33. December 1st: a significant day?

    # 1260 days before May 14, 2028 ( Israel 's 80th birthday)
    # 6 years, 6 months and 6+6+6 days after Israel 's 70th birthday
    # meterological start of winter
    # New Moon: end of Cheshvan, start of Kislev
    # 7 months and 23 days after the Eclipse on April 8 (7/23)
    # 27960 days or 77.666666 prophetic years after Israel's rebirth
    # 40 days before Israel is 77.7777777 prophetic years old
    # start of the 9th month on the jewish calendar (the darkest month)

    1. And 70 days after the Rel.12 Sign 7th anniversary

    2. RE: Happy 11-11-11!

      I see you have a ‘723’ Factor in that December 1 Day Count. :) Interesting. Here below is 1of my Articles on the Rapture and how it is tied to the Fulfillment of the Old Testament and how it has to be. It is basically how so many Brethren say that ‘There is no Rapture’. If that is the case, then the Old Testament Prophecy of Hosea is not to be fulfilled, which is impossible. Perhaps.

      Trump, eh?

      Fulfillment of Hosea and Salvation

    3. Thank you Stephan! it's encouraging! Thank you Lu! Your article is very well explained!

    4. # 40 days after Shemini Atzeret

    5. # according to Torah Calendar, December 1st is the midst of Hanukkah

  34. Very nice definitions of the number 11. I had learned a few but this brother does an excellent job. We have often seen the number 11-11, but now I understand a little more why.
    J.C.O.M.E.S. Its all about Jesus!
    A deeper look at 11

  35. Blessings, Family.

    I have unsubscribed from everyone I used to listen to on YT with the exception of Jarrett/SupernaturalbyDesign. Want to know why? They were all wrong.

    Every single “high watch date” was wrong.

    Those who doubted the election would even taken place due to WW3 interrupting it were wrong.

    Some of them seem disappointed that DJT won.

    Some rely too heavily on one of the most despicable anti-Semites I’ve ever seen, yes, Hal Turner.

    Time to clean house.

    I will continue to watch Israel, but, let’s face facts, Israel will not turn 80 until 2028. There’s a whole lot of souls out there waiting to be brought into God’s Kingdom.

    I am sure the next few years will not be boring.

    Things truly are moving along fast now beloved Brethren! It looks like they MAY ACTUALLY MAKE KAMALA the 47th PRESIDENT WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH:

    Will Kamala be our 47th President and Trump our 48th?!

  37. Fascinating, Lyn, especially in light of Corey's latest

    Lu, Stephan, Bob, you will find his numbers very interesting!

    AA, I'm with you on a lot of the YT prognosticators . . .

    1. Just finished reading it. If they did make Harris the 47th president as the result of Biden stepping aside in his final 2-3 months in office, prophetically, it would fit very well with a "Trump" presidency being 48th in the line of presidents.

      As we all are aware, the second American eclipse occurred on 4/8 of this year. Fitting for the announcement of the Trump of God when it sounds - calling home all believers. This would give room for the devastation upon America under Harris then to be inherited by Trump (48th).

      However, after publishing the above article, the thought occurred to me that if you add the numbers 4+5, you of course get 9 (45th president - Trump). When you add the numbers 4+7, you of course get 11 (47th president - Trump). This then gives us (9-11) between the two presidencies. If they both (45th and 47th) were Trump presidencies, this would tie in perfectly with the idea that the asteroid "4220 Flood" began it's entrance into the Taurus the Bull constellation on September 11 (9-11) on election day when the "Trump" theme emerged again and into the presidency.

      Just a thought. I do wonder if William Brannon's vision of a woman president will come to pas though. We don't have much longer to find out.

    2. If you all got a look at the mile-wide smile on JB’s face today with DJT at the WH, a Cheshire Cat smile if I’ve ever seen one, you’d know not only will he not step down for KH, he and Jill may well have voted for President-Elect Trump.

    3. Thanks Judi for your feedback and Corey--I look forward to reading your article to see the tie-ins!

  38. RE: The Isaiah 45 and then Isaiah 47 Judgment of the USA?
    For dividing Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount?
    PART 1/2

    So, you all know that I do not wish to ‘Rain on anyone’s Parade’, but I like Rain, no? ;0 OK, nice Conjectures about Harris possibly sneaking-into the Office of the President this last Month. If that is to occur, the Announcement has to occur at least before Thanksgiving. That would be Wild. And also as Corey’s 9-11 with the 4-5 = 9 and the 4-7 = 11. I buy it! If that is the case, then the USA is ‘Done For’. How so? Here is an Excerpt of an Article one is working on.

    Here is the Synopsis. As many End Time Students of Prophecy have attributed Trump 45 to Cyrus the Great’s ‘Calling’ to rebuild the Temple or the House of YHVH, will the 47 Term of Trump accomplish this Feat? Perhaps so. And if Isaiah 45 is what Mandated Cyrus by Name and was called the Anointed to do so, the Religious Jews even made the Temple Coins in his and Trump’s Image. So, will the 47 as in Isaiah 47 be then what will characterize the ‘End’ or Conclusion to Trump’s Mandate? If so, the USA will be Judged just the same. Perhaps. One is not saying, ‘Thus Says the LORD’, etc.

    But Trump does know about Commerce, Banks, Construction, Building and making ‘Deals with the Devil’, etc. Trump is the New York City Real Estate King. And if New York is like ‘Babylon’ as many End Times Students surmise, then Trump is ‘King of Babylon’ too, why not. If that is the case and Isiah 45 is being correlated, prophetically with Trump, being the 45th U.S. President, then now being reelected as the 47th President, then one has ‘Bad’ and Dire News for the USA. How so?

    Read Isaiah 47 then. Is this what will occur also to the USA as it was for Babylon, in how Trump will capitulate, at any Cost to make ‘Pace and Safety’ in the Middle East? If he agrees with the Saudis to divide the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount, then the USA will surely be Divided, Dively and judged as Babylon was. Here is what Isaiah Chapter 47 Declares.

    The Fall of Babylon
    1 Go down, sit in the Dust, Virgin Daughter Babylon; sit on the Ground without a Throne, Queen City of the Babylonians. No more will you be called Tender or Delicate. 2 Take Millstones and grind Flour; take off your Veil. Lift up your Skirts, bare your Legs and wade through the Streams.3 Your Nakedness will be exposed and your Shame uncovered.

    I will take Vengeance; I will spare no one.4 Our Redeemer—the LORD Almighty is his Name is the Holy One of Israel. 5 Sit in Silence, go into Darkness, Queen City of the Babylonians; no more will you be called Queen of Kingdoms. 6 I was angry with my People and desecrated My Inheritance; I gave them into your Hand, and you showed them no Mercy.

  39. The other night my family and I watched the movie, Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit. Talk about Predictive Programming! The plot includes a dirty bomb in NYC and there's a scene where Jack Ryan says there's a 2ND GREAT DEPRESSION coming.

    If anyone wants to watch the short clip, I embedded it in On the Road to the Rapture .

  40. JIMBONI, BOB, AND EVERYBODY ELSE WHO REGULARLY COMMENT--You are missed! Just had to put that out there. It makes me realize how one day soon we will have no internet connection and we will have to totally lean on the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    1. Hi Lyn and others! I am in Hospital, very great surgary was in November 7. It was hard time! Praying for you all and reading comments. It is now better, probably tomorrow go home. Hohe the Lord comes now!

    2. Dear Alla, we continue to pray for you and Jimboni, for Caleb, for AA's thumb, and for Sheila, her husband Billy and Lu, for health. I wonder how Brad's parents are doing? I pray for them too but I don't know how they are doing now.

    3. Blessings, Alla D. Praying for your swift recovery.

      God bless and protect all our Brethren.

      Thanks, dear Carole. My thumb is back to normal👍

      Praise God.

    4. Lyn, Blessings Oh, I'm humming right along with the crew throughout the day but I've not had input/insight to share so I've been playing with the ashtray lid in the back seat. Being aloft in several lanes at once has me a bit more circumspect and, it seems, less naïve, and I play the Cheshire cat more now.

      Still, harmonizing with the Great American Eclipse detail, we remember that prophecy is pattern. Our Lord Is One Who Reveals, The Penultimate Revelation Is Himself, and thusly the patterns, ultimately emanate from that. Thus we can justly hang our hats on repetition, 1st occurrence, reiteration, and other tools of the prophetic understanding.

      The Great American Eclipse is over. It began in 2017 and Was Completed & Signed By It's Author In 2024. This was not an 8-year sign, implying a fresh start, new beginnings, or the like. It was the Traditional 7-Year Warning, signaling COMPLETENESS, Finality, Immobility. America is in overtime in 2024, right NOW.

      The Great Wonder, likewise, began in 2017 and, most likely, is a 7-year sign. This is most Biblically aligned as well as being affirmed by the Great American Eclipse conveniently laid right alongside it. For the Judgement Of Our Lord To Fall Upon America Prior To Our Harpazo violates foundational truths underlying the pre-tribulation Harpazo. If one does not see that its because they fail to appreciate what is coming as Judgment. Like The Great American Eclipse, The Great Wonder will complete in 2024 as that most closely fits many things Which Our Lord Has Shown Us Of Himself & His Patterns, ibid.

      'History doesn't always repeat itself, but it generally rhymes.

    5. Lyn...thank you for the kind words  + encouragement.   As many of you know, I've been posting here at Rev12 for about 7 years now.   I've always felt comfortable expressing my views and have gone out of my way not to offend anyone.    However, as of late comments have become much more politicised than I care for.   I understand that politics are important to discuss, but at times they seem to be overshadowing our mission or ministry as watchmen/watchwomen looking for the return of Jesus Christ and interpreting Bible Prophecy.   In other words, our focus as of late seems to be on Earthly things vs Heavenly things.   As I've said before, there will be no "Red + Blue Dividing Lines" in Heaven, just True Believers!

      I am genuinely perplexed and dismayed what I see going on in the world today.  I am also somewhat fearful, but know that all these things must take place to fulfill Bible Prophecy.   However, I am also very grateful and comforted in knowing that Jesus will Rapture us before these things come to pass (Isaiah  41:10) (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

      At this point in time, I've reconfirmed my commitment to watch things unfold and put my full Faith + Trust in Jesus Christ and let "Jesus Take the Wheel".   Basically, I'm acknowledging that I have no control over what YHVH has planned for the world or mankind and that the only thing I have control over is my Faith.

      Speaking of which...

      F = Faith + Fellowship

      I know we have Faith here at Rev12, but we need to work more on our Fellowship (i.e, don't let politics interfere with that!).   Ask yourself, would Jesus want us to have Faith, yet have no Fellowship?

    6. Agree, Cap Bob! F+F! They both came from the Lord! He wants not only, but He gave them to us! Your searching is great! Waiting together, it's near!

    7. SO WONDERFUL to hear from you JIMBONI, ALLA, AND BOB! Big hugs 🤗
      Bob, I hope you don't think I'm in that category?! Any mention of candidates on my part has been what the Spirit of the Lord has revealed to the Brethren regarding them--spiritually not politically.

    8. I’m not sure how Bible prophecy can be discussed vis a vis Israel, the peace summit in Saudi Arabia, the President of the US and PM of Israel, both major players in End Times prophecy, without politics being introduced into the discussion. Lu is a political science Professor, for crying out loud. Isn’t politics supposed to be viewed through the lens of biblical prophecy? Isn’t the Bible the prism through which most subjects should be analyzed? We just had what is arguably the most historic election in American, if not world history. The Pres elect and the PM of Israel have both had recent attempts on their lives. Their tenures in office have a profound influence on the direction of their respective countries. We have suffered through an abysmal 4 years of the worst corruption ever experienced in America. Lives have been lost as a result. We just dodged a major bullet in the form of K.Harris whose qualities, both personal and professional, are downright unthinkable. Many in Israel and America are exhaling sighs of relief. I certainly am. I wish we all had DJT’s spine.

    9. The Bible is replete with political/religious figures like Herod, Pontius Pilate, Nebuchadnezzar, Sennnacherib and on and on and, undoubtedly, were major topics of discussion in their day.

      Didn’t our Lord Himself say, referring to Herod, “ …….Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.”? Luke 13:32

    10. We have what may be the Ultimate God-Wink in the form of the Pres-Elect’s last name:

      “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52

    11.'s quite clear from your comments (present and in years past) that you're quite enamored with DJT.   I have absolutely no problem with that because everyone has a right to vote for who they want to be President.   But when one comments (post since deleted) that they pity anyone who votes for KH, that "crosses the line" in my book.   When one posts such a comment, it infers that anyone who votes for KH is not worthy to make it to Heaven.   Such a comment in my opinion is not Christian-like and is not supportive of Fellowship within the Christian and Watchperson community. 

      Btw, I never said we cannot discuss politics on this site, but rather we should try to be civil when we discuss it.    For what it's worth, now that DJT has been elected President, I do believe he is the right person to fulfill end time Biblical Prophecy.

      I hope we can continue to be friends despite our political differences.

      Lu...I briefly read your post below and I think you're saying we should strive for Fellowship amongst our Brethren despite our political differences.   Not an easy task for sure, but something we should strive for.   Amen to that!

    12. Bobby Z! I never posted that I pity anyone who voted for KH. I live in MD surrounded by people who always vote democrat. It doesn’t matter if Goofy himself is the nominee, he will win MD. Surprised and pleased that DJT did get over 900K votes here. I thought you had run off and joined a rival band, although, not sure anyone can seriously rival Prince and the Revolution. I think traffic here has been decidedly slow of late as many have lost the ability to comment and others may lose it in the future and there’s no way to tell if that’s the case or a deliberate personal decision. KH’s record speaks for itself. I actually did not vote this time because it makes no difference in MD. I did vote for DJT in 2016 and 2020.

      I think my sorely missed friend and Bro Rush Limbaugh stated it best when he said he doesn’t waste his time arguing with dems. He just wants them defeated. I don’t try to convince the few dems that I know to think my way. They lost. I’m happy. I don’t pity those who voted for KH because, frankly, they’re not worthy of my pity. I pity the victims of the democrat agenda, like Rachel Morin and her family. Rachel was a 37 yr old pregnant mother of 5 who was murdered by an illegal alien as she hiked on a trail in Harford Co, MD, the worst crime in that county’s history according to the D.A and a result of JB’s open border policy.

      Jesus rebuked those who could read the skies but not the times. To me, the political and biblical climates are so intertwined that to separate them would be to deprive one of much needed perspective, and, as we already see through a glass darkly it would be a disservice, imho. DJT possesses a fearlessness that I can’t help but admire. God always picks the right man or woman for the job.

    13. Also, DJT has spoken with Rachel’s family more than once. KH never did.

    14. We are Brethren, Bobby Z, and nothing can or will ever change that. Maybe some Christians are more conservative in their views than others. I admit that I cannot reconcile what dems espouse with what the Bible says, especially what I have seen in the last 4 years. So much of what they advocate is called an abomination in the Bible. No gray areas. I think that’s why DJT won in a landslide. He flipped many counties in CA and won large chunks of NY and NJ. I believe his election will speed up rather than slow down biblical fulfillment.

    15. you thought I stopped posting because I switched bands, eh?    Oh, how I wish it were that simple, but the truth of the matter is that if I tried posting anything here it probably would've made people mad, primarily because of the political climate were  currently in.    Kind of like operating behind enemy lines!   I felt that no matter what I would have posted it was likely to cause disagreement and division amongst our Brethren.   So I chose not to post.  But now that we've aired our "dirty laundry" perhaps we can take one day at a time and focus on Jesus and End Times Bible Prophecy, with less on politics, if possible.   See you in the back of the classroom, my dear Sister!     Bobby Z

    16. “Dirty Laundry” is a great song🤣.

    17. Nice catch, AA!     When I mentioned "Dirty Laundry" it was quite inadvertent on my part as I completely forgot about that song written by Don Henley.   Such a cool song and still applicable for the times we live in.   Nothing like listening to some "Soft Rock" music to ease the tensions, eh!    Lol!     Bobby Z

    18. Bob D., Blessings and to all

      In the spirit of mature fellowship as well as our Office as Watchers I must take issue with a frame you inserted as factual, in your opinion; several, in fact. I would debate your assertion on a positive/negative conversation, which seems more the frame involved, but that is a separate debate than the one your assertion stakes out. In short, what you frame as 'Christianity' I would suggest is more appropriately entitled 'American Evangelism'. Again, I am not casting any aspersions on the underlying point, here, simply better describing, in my opinion, the frame involved.

      **When one posts such a comment, it infers that anyone who votes for KH is not worthy to make it to Heaven. "Such a comment in my opinion is not *Christian-like" and is not supportive of Fellowship within the Christian and Watchperson community. **

      As mentioned above elsewhere, the political realm is a part of our reality And Our Lord Is Lord Of ALL And Thusly, Both Rightly Included Within Our Politic but, also, that our politics are rightly included in our fellowship and our Christianity. We commune as whole persons or it is simply an inauthentic contrivance, which is unGodly. As Christians, we adhere to our pursuit of Truth as of utmost importance, somewhat like our Prime Directive:

      Pilate said, “So you are a king?” Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to: *** testify to the truth ***. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.” John 18:37

      Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jn 14:6

      2 Tim 3 16,17 spells it out for us as it relates to such comments, as you reference, and their 'fit' in a 'Christian' frame:

      16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for (*1) teaching, for (*2) reproof, for (*3) correction, and for (*4) training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every **good** work. (em)

      In light of the preponderance apparent in the themes of this verse involving clear, unmitigated confrontation/defense of Scripture, where appropriate and clear, then, it follows, as seen elsewhere in Scripture, that, if one believed that the underlying principles of a figure's politics were entirely out of line with Scripture, also appropriate to our Day/Watch, then such a world-view would clearly resonate as unsaved and those pontificating it were likely destined for Hell, that one would, in love, feel pity for such individuals. On these lines, even among peers of Theology, historically, the debate has often been quite intense and personal.

      So, to state that one 'pities' another who's worldview is so unscriptural as to be anti-Christian and likely damned is both Scriptural and an historically aligned statement to make. It does fly in the face of American Seeker-Sensitive Evangelism, and current cultural norms, for better or worse, in terms of effectiveness, but, that is a different conversation, isn't it?


    19. make some valid points, but as a non-Biblical scholar or as a simple-minded  layperson I was just trying to point out that it does not seem appropriate for anyone to say they pity someone based on their political affiliation or who they voted for.   I may have misunderstood AA's post which was subsequently deleted, but that was my original take of what she wrote.   One must ask, if I am so "off the mark" why did she decide to delete her own post?   

      For the record, I'm not her to chastise her, but simply to request that we try to be more civil here and focus more on Jesus + End Times Bible Prophecy and specifically, attempt to have some sort of Fellowship with our Brother's and Sister's .   Furthermore, I like to believe that Brad set-up this blog site, in part, for that exact very reason.

      Please note that AA and I ended our discussion in a very positive way.   We've debated and joked around with each other for over 7 years now.   I think we've both earned the right to say what's on our mind.   We may disagree politically or on other subject matters, but we're both Christians and we will always remain friends.   One thing to consider, we will eventually all be together in Heaven sitting at the FunTable drinking new red wine and eating unleavened bread (and eating my fresh figs!) so it would be very wise for us to continue to be Kind + Friendly towards one another.

    20. See, the thing is, Bobby Z, I rarely post a comment and then delete it. The last time I did was a few days ago when I wondered if Lu should use “Double AA” or “Double A” and I deleted it because it was unimportant lol. To post that I pity someone who votes for KH just seems judgmental that’s why I’m positive I never posted that. Maybe it was someone else that wrote that and deleted it? I am always your friend, bandmate and Sister in Christ no matter who gets your vote👍.

    21. AA...thank you for your understanding on this delicate matter.   I appreciate how we discussed and ultimately came to a resolution on this issue in a very amicable way.   This is how adults, Christ loving/fearing people handle their differences.   I'm very proud of you.   Also, this was a good learning experience for all of us here @Rev12.   And a good working example of what Fellowship is all about.    Bobby Z

    22. I appreciate that very much, Bobby Z. Thank you and Amen.

      My Jewish friend and neighbor was depressed about the election outcome. I told her that, ultimately, it is God Who puts kings in power and He removes them also. I’m sure this response was not satisfactory to her, but I told her this election will fulfill biblical prophecy.

  41. Supernatural By Design
    We are in the FINAL MOMENTS before the RAPTURE! Part 3.1

  42. RE: Politics in Prophecy?
    Part 1/2

    As with the Rapture Timing, the Pre, Mid, and Post Tribulation Timing of the Rapture Event sure stirs-up Emotions a Strong Opinions in the Body of Christ, while still on Earth. But Schisms have been all too common since the Beginning of the Church Age. One can recall how there was an Issue of how the Jewish Widows vs. the Greek or Non-Jewish Widows were being neglected. Or the issue of whether Circumcision was required for Men to be ‘Saved’; not sure about Women.

    And that is why there are so many Denominations. There are ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Aspects about going one’s separate ways. And there will always be those People that will agree with you, no matter what Stance or Interpretation one espouses, or that of others, etc. But Politics can be and is 1 of those Issues that can and does Divide the Body of Christ. Like in a Marriage, if a Couple is not relatively in the same Frame of Mind, Politically, Religiously, Spiritually, Sexually, it will be more challenging to keep the Peace and Unity.

    What one wishes to note though, regarding Politics in Prophecy, pertinent to the Harris Loss and the Trump Win, is what the Left has done. Mainly in how Women, the Liberal ones on the Left have reacted to their Candidate’s Loss and Trump’s Win. They have lost their Minds, it seems. One can personally attest that in one’s University, where about 70% of the Staff and Faculty are Female, they are having Issues in coping with the Election. Most are visibly Distraught. It is sad to see. And then come to find out that according to Reports coming in, Women have gone on a Sex Strike against their Men for having voted for Trump.

    There are even Reports of Women giving back their Engagement Ring, Breaking-Up with their Boy-Friends, and Wives serving-up Divorce Papers for their Husbands, for having voted for Trump. My Goodness. The Day before the Election was to occur, our Interim University President sent out a ‘Cautionary Message’ to the entire Campus Community about having an expectant Disposition of how Democracy works. Or in other words, not losing one’s Mind, in effect. There was just the usual Campus Referral to the Psychological Services, if Students, Professors and/or Staff needed it. Looking around, a lot of People, mostly Women, Left-Leaning Politically are sure in need of it.

    One’s Campus did not resort to how some Elite Universities provided a ‘Safe Space’ where Students could Color, take a Nap on a Mat and have Milk and Cookies served-up. As a Political Scientist by Degree, although not having taught a Course in Decades, as one is now just providing Academic Advising to Political Science Majors and other Students in the School of Social Sciences, one has not seen this level of Contempt on the side of the Left. It is rather Amazing to see the Gaslighting that is occurring.

    1. Part 2/2
      And one does see a Parallel in how the USA and Israel appear to be ‘Joined at the Hip’, sort of speaking in this Last Generation. You have the Return of Bibi and now the Return of Trump. Bottom Line, for Followers of Jesus, is that the Body is very Complex, Intricate, and Sensitive. There is a Spectrum of Development, Maturity or lack thereof, and differing Opinions that one has to deal with in the Body of Christ, just like in one’s Personal Family, no?

      But as such issues, as Politics come-up, it is recognized that not all Fellow Brethren in Jesus will agree. That is fine. It is to be expected. But one would hope that one or others would not resort to such extremes as jeopardizing the Covenant one has with Jesus and one another. We cannot give Jesus back His ‘Ring’. Well, many have over the Millennia, sadly.

      As it has been said before with such Issues as Politics, Candidates, Rapture Dates and Theology, the Core Tenets of the Faith are worth arguing over, but the non-Salvific Issues are not really; not enough to be divisive to the point of jeopardizing one’s Fellowship and Unity the Body of Christ has been placed into and has. Foremost, that is required to have with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.

      This is why the Apostles admonish the Churches to ‘Maintain the Unity of Fellowship’. It is because the Natural Proclivity of Humans, fallen in Nature is to Divide. But the Unity in Jesus, with Jesus and thus with His Body of diverse Believers is precisely designed to be a Witness to a Divided World, of how in Jesus, all that Nonsense is dealt with because of a Higher Calling. This Calling in Jesus, transcends one’s Biases, Tendencies, Theology, and Preferences, etc. Well, at least this is the Mandated Expectation of Jesus. Is it any wonder why in a Loving Relationship, in Holy Matrimony, Jesus commands only the Husband to Love his Wife?

      Is it any wonder why in the Mosaic 10 Commandments, Sons and Daughters are Obligated to ‘Love’ their Parents? No. It is to Honor them. Jesus knows. He designed the Relationship and knows what one can endure, support and accept. We all do not have to accept nor agree with each other’s Theology or Political Candidate, but we must Love Jesus and our Neighbor. These are the 2 Greatest Commandments, as Jesus reiterated during His Earthly Ministry. The one follows the other.

      This is how one can now if one is in ‘True’ Fellowship and Unity in and with Jesus. If one does not have Love for one’s Brethren or are disunited, then one has to Question one’s Unity and Fellowship with Jesus. However, it is Sculpturally relevant and warranted, that Divisions must happen. Afterall, that is what the Definition of ‘To be Holy’ means. It means to separate oneself from what does not Honor or Please Jesus, etc. And those Issues of Separation within the Church Body are Prescribed when the Issues deal with Sin, for the most part or False Theology, etc.

      But in the meanwhile, we must Keep the Watch.

      And Watching together just makes it that more interesting while we Wait, Witness and Worship. If we offend, we ask for Forgiveness, address the Issues and keep pressing onward and upward to that Heavenly Calling, no?


  43. And on a lighter note: AA, Carole, Sheila, and all us pet lovers--

    Eyes Open 1:35 vid: Another message from God, Animals go in the Rapture

    1. Thanks, Sister.

      After having two cats pass away ten months apart this year, it is a powerful reminder that it is the Most High God’s Sovereign, Divine Prerogative to call any of us Home any time He chooses. For reasons known only to Him, He chose to take Mitch and Scotty Home, and as much as I miss them, I know it was for the best.

    2. AMEN! Thank you dear sister! Praise the Lord!

  44. Oh boy . . . (from Marty's 2 Minute Warning)

    Jared Kushner reveals he has 'prioritized' exercise after leaving the White House because he thinks he could become IMMORTAL

    Kushner: 'I think that there is a good probability that my generation is, hopefully with the advances in science, either the first generation to live forever, or the last generation that’s going to die. So, we need to keep ourselves in pretty good shape.'

    You can guess where this is going and why E Musk is in the position he's in . . .

  45. Family, Blessings

    Likely most of you are aware of the theme that's been part of the Watcher dynamic these past few years of their being 2 moons in the sky being associated with our Rapture. Holly 2 Moons YTC being an example of that. Well, well, well, while in real estate its location, location, location, in prophecy its *timing, timing , timing*:

    From MSM, Story by Samir Sebti, earlier today @

    Earth’s second moon confirmed : Scientists discover new natural satellite orbiting our planet

    Astronomers at the Complutense University of Madrid first spotted this intriguing event using a powerful telescope in Sutherland, South Africa. The tiny asteroid, measuring just 37 feet wide, has been temporarily ensnared by Earth’s gravitational pull, transforming it into a mini-moon.

    Richard Binzel, an astronomer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), explains, “These happen with some frequency, but we rarely see them because they’re very small and very hard to detect. *Only recently* has our survey capability reached the point of spotting them routinely.”

    'There is no dark side of the moon, really; matter of fact, its all dark.'
    - Pink Floyd, Dark Side Of The Moon


  46. Supernatural By Design
    I Had A Word From The Lord About 11/19 and Iran

  47. Today's Headline (11/18):     "Budget Travel Icon Spirit Airlines Files for Bankruptcy Protection After Mounting Losses".    Oh no!    Flight 777 won't be able to take us to the "Promised Land".   But wait...isn't our company called Spirit Airways and our CEO Yeshua HaMashiach?    Indeed it is, so no worries!   Jesus Christ our Savior will be taking us home soon.   Perhaps even today (11/18) or tomorrow (11/19) per Jarrett @ Supernatural by Design!   So bring your boarding passes (ABC card) and get onboard Flight 777 now.    This could be our long awaited  'FFF' (Final Fall Flight)!   Ain't that right Stephan + Lu!    Lol!

    ✈️   777   ✈️

    Cap't Bob

    1. I hope so too! I'm starting to see videos that talk about the Christmas period, 24-25 this year, and others that talk about next year. I watch one day at a time, otherwise I wonder. Not about the rapture, it's crystal clear, that Jesus comes to take his body to heaven, the dead first and those who remain, after. But about the timing...

    2. Stephan...I see you're looking forward to enjoying some pizza + new red wine at Yeshua's Pizzeria!    Me too!

      Carole...I agree it's best to take one day at a time.   Some watchmen + watchwomen are looking ahead to Hanukkah, but this week is a very high watch period due to the "Days of Noah" prophecy and the possible start of WW3 per Jarrett.   We'll find out soon enough!

    3. Yes, Bob! I'm looking forward to rest at Yeshua's Pizzeria:)
      If not this Fall, I will patiently wait till Nisan. I just saw that DT will be 80 prophetic years old exactly on 'Easter Sunday'...

    4. Stephan...that's very interesting about DT being 80 prophetic years old exactly on Easter Sunday.   If 'FFF' comes-and-goes like all the previous high watch times, then next high watch is 'PPP' (Pink Passover Promise).   Then 'WWW' or 723!    Most certainly it will happen in 1 of those 3!   In other words, we've got it covered (ha, ha!).

    5. RE: Spirit Airways going Bankrupt?
      PART 1/2

      ‘On a long enough Timeline, the Survival Rate for Everyone drops to 0’. -Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

      Captain Bob!! Star Date 11.18.2024 Earth.
      Say that is not so, Joe! I see. It is Pizza and New Wine onboard nonetheless, eh? Well, the Rapture Departure is still a ‘Go’. But the precise Time is yet to be announced. But as we know, it will be with that Silver Trumpet Blast, the ‘Trump of GOD’. That is, as one has argued, a ‘Retreat’ Call to ‘Fall Back’ as in ‘Apostasia’ like a Departure from one’s Military Post.

      One is more convinced that it is a Physical Departure, as you all know one’s Interpretation. It is because during this Church Age, one has a ‘Commission’ to fulfill. And that is a Military one. We are not only Ambassadors as ‘Doves’, but we are ‘Soldiers’ as ‘Snakes’ during this Time on Earth. We are in a War and behind Enemy Luciferian Lines, etc. This is why the Rapture Call will coincide with a World War, perhaps. It will be during a call for ‘Peace and Safety’ but then Sudden Destruction will result instead.

      But if anyone has taken to flight, it is Putin, to their Ural Mountain Nuclear Bunker, and with their Wives; so it has been reported. Here below is what has been forwarded to me. So, if anyone wants to know how World War 3 is sizing-up? Here you go. Have a Nice War. The following points have been reported.

      1. Biden, or whomever his Handler is, has given the Greenlight for the Ukrainian Forces to deploy the Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) against targets deep inside Russian Territory.

      2. France and Great Britain have now also allowed the Ukraine to use their SCALP/Storm Shadow Missiles that can also reach deep inside Russia.

      3. It has been reported that Putin took-off on his Plane at around 3:30am (33) from Moscow, Russia heading to the Ural Mountains where they have their Nuclear Bunkers.

      4. It was reported that UK Prime Minister Starmer took a Private Jet to Brazil. Interestingly, Biden is down in Brazil as well. What is going on down there?

      5. Zelensky is prepping a Coordinated Strike with those long-range weapons inside Russia once he gets delivery of them to strike all the way to Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Ural Mountains.

    6. PART 2/2

      6. In Response to Biden’s Supply and Permission to use such weapons, Russia launched over 120 Drones/Missiles attacking Ukraine’s Infrastructure and Military Assets.

      7. Russia attacked a Building in Kiev where the Estonian Ambassador to the Ukraine was residing.

      8. Now it has been reported that several Under-Sea Cables between Finland and Germany had been cut. Sabotage is suspected.

      9. Another Communication Cable running along the bottom of the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Sweden has been cut.

      10. The Swedish Government has produced a Civilian Pamphlet on how to ‘Prepare for Crisis or War’. The Hand-Out has a Young Woman with Military Rifle in Fatigues shielding a Grown Man. Not a Good Impression to the Russians, in one’s Opinion. No offense to Women Combat Soldiers.

      11. It has been reported that Germany’s Federal Army is instructing companies on Readiness for Potential Conflict under the secretive 1,000-page ‘Operationsplan Deutschland’. The Plan targets Critical Infrastructure Protection, Cyberattack Resilience, and Civil-Military Coordination.

      12. Donald Trump Jr. said on X: ‘The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives.’

      The USA, the UK and France, and NATO in general are preparing for War. Greece prepares for War, as 1 News MSN Headline announced, etc. They are escalating the Circumstances, not wanting to deescalate a certain World War 3. To this, Russia will most likely respond militarily against those Countries. Russia has changed its ‘No 1st Nuclear Strike’ Policy. It has removed and recalled its Embassy Staff in D.C. and sees the escalation as active participation in their Conflict.

      So, how did The Economist in 2023 predict that the 2024 Presidential Race would be between Trump and a Female? See Cover Link to Article.

      Keep the Watch,
      Lu Vega

    7. Lu...aren't you lucky that you and Ty (and Wonder Woman!) booked a flight on Spirit Airways vs Spirit Airlines!   That was a close call or "near miss" in aviation terminology as you and your buds would have been stuck on the Tarmac or in the Terminal while the rest of us would be flying to the "Promised Land" as we eat Yeshua's pizza + drink new wine.   Lol!   Anyway, on behalf of the crew of Flight 777, we're so happy you chose Spirit Airways.   As always, complimentary croissants + green tea will be served to you and your friends shortly after we depart or when WW3 starts!

      Speaking of war, you provided an excellent summary of what's happening on the warfront right now.   I'm sure you've heard by now that Ukraine launched six US-made Atacms missiles targeting the south-western Bryansk region overnight.  This should get WW3 started soon as Jarrett @Supernatural by Design so accurately predicted.   Ofc, as you say, "Time will Tell" how things will unfold in the coming days, weeks or months.   But clearly we're in the "Season of War + the Rapture"!

      Btw, thanks for sharing The New Economist magazine cover from Nov '23.   Talk about Predictive Programming!

      ✈️   777   ✈️

      Cap't Bob

    8. Today, the new Economist Cover for 2025 has been released: 'The Economist's World Ahead 2025'
      Do you have any interpretations?

    9. Another News Headline Today (11/19):    "Delta Airlines to serve Shake Shack burgers on select flights starting in December".  The only catch...the meals are only available to customers sitting in First Class and on routes longer than 900 miles. 

      No problemo, all the seats on Spirit Airways Flight 777 are First Class and our flight to Heaven or Paradise is expected to be longer than 900 miles unless we briefly stop "in the clouds" to meet Jesus face-to-face.   So in order to be competitive and keep Lu happy, Spirit Airways will begin serving In-N-Out Burgers immediately.   The only catch...we must await YHVH's voice, as it were of a trumpet, saying "Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter" (Revelation 4:1).

      ✈️   777   ✈️

      Cap't Bob

    10. Lu, as for Brazil, there is a G20 meeting and that could be why your president and others are in Brazil at the moment.

  48. Many in Congress are not happy about Biden apparently starting a world war WITHOUT Congressional consent, so they are investigating to find definitive proof of impeachability under Constitutional Amendment 25. Y'all know what that means if they succeed? A Kamala Harris temporary Presidency🤯💥--a key domino towards the Rapture!
    Will Kamala be our 47th President and Trump our 48th?!

    1. Lyn, Blessings As reported by WW65, citing RT & Hal, no, not the AI in 2001 A Space Odyssey, the other one, in a speech nationally televised in Russia, Mr. Putin stated that, despite many warnings that they shouldn't, in the prior 48 hours, N*TO countries had supplied and assisted in the use of both ATACM's (USA) & Storm Shadow (UK) satellite-guided long-range misses against various targets within Mothers Russia, proper. Although leaders on site avoided injury, there were casualties and fatalities. As such, Mr. Putin basically stated, it is both a self-evident fact and the opinion of the Russian Government that Russia is now in open, armed conflict with said nations and that they are "entitled" to imminent military reprisals.

      (Rod Serling enters the vocal frame)

      Picture this ... Some US Naval Asset is removed from the map ... Bag 'o Donuts steps down for medical reasons elevating KH to the post. In light of military escalations under way, Martial Law is declared. The transition of power scheduled for January is indefinitely postponed through some form of War Powers Act. (Remember, much of the 'swamp' lives in the halls of Congress; Expect compliance.) Major Civil unrest occurs in every major US City, as foreseen by Ken Peters, as I recall, and others in various D&V commonly alongside invasion and Harpazo.

      Separately, one thread is that the end of this very month is a bit of a red line, prophetically. In light of events of the past 36 hours, that is an intriguing time line. Shalom

  49. "In a dream I had years ago, I saw a significant attack on the United States occurring during the holiday months, between November and January, near Christmas time." Excerpt from an article I just posted:

    1. The day after submitting this article Marfoogle TV (a popular pro-military YouTube Channel) posted They DON'T Want You to Know! | We WILL Be At War! (HUGE UPDATE). At about 5:30 minutes Adam mentions the exact time frame Brandon Dawson warned about—November through January. (To watch the video you can find the link in the updated portion which is in orange text at WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW—THIS Holiday Season!)

  50. The International Criminal Court has an arrest warrant for PM Netanyahu? God will act....

  51. It can't be coincidence that the Rel.12 Sign was 7 years, 7 months and 7+7+7 days before May 14, 2025. The 77th birthday of Israel.
    I think this will be the day when Israel will get the 3rd Temple.
    We won't be here to see the 3rd Temple...

  52. Supernatural By Design
    WW3 Has Already Started - Nuclear War RAPTURE Inbound COMING SOON


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.