Happy Thanksgiving

I am sharing this post that I had originally shared back in November of 2017.  It was a few months after the Rev 12 sign and were all anxiously wondering what was going to happen.  Obviously the Rapture didn't take place like many had hoped, but the world sure did change in the time that followed. I think about this post often and want to share it again for you guys.  I hope you all get some special time with your family and loved ones this Thanksgiving and are able to give glory to God for all of our blessings ever chance you get as we wait patiently for His precious Son to appear.   God Bless you all... -Brad
As we try to wait patiently for the coming of the Lord this Thanksgiving, we must consider the farmers as the Bible instructs to do. Consider.  Ponder.  Put ourselves in their shoes.
Let's do just that....

A dear brother in Christ emailed me that verse out of the blue today....(thanks Todd).  So I pondered it.  I considered it.  I decided to make a graphic to share.  As I worked on the above graphic I thought about growing up in farm country...  I considered Thanksgiving and the wonderful food, and how it grows...and how waiting for it to grow certainly does relate to waiting for the Lord to return.  And after doing all this I have come to the conclusion that James 5:7-8 is the perfect verse for this place in time we now sit in our watch.
Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. James 5:7-8
First off... Farming takes so much patience. 

Waiting for the snow to melt.
Waiting for the ground to thaw.
Waiting for the mud to dry.

Then it's time to quickly plant.... and then wait some more.

Waiting for the rain to fall.
Waiting for the rain to stop.
Waiting for the sun to shine.
Waiting for the plants to grow.
Waiting for the plants to ripen.
Waiting for dry weather so you can quickly harvest.

Farmers can't control the sun.
Farmers can't control the clouds.
Farmers can't control the rain.. or the hail, or the snow.

Farmer can't even control the plants. 
They must trust that they will grow.  And they do. 
That's what God made them to do.

Farmers aren't God.
They must simply monitor the conditions, prepare, and act when it is time.
Most of all, they must be patient... just like we must be.

Patience is so hard.

The harvest is valuable.
They are eager.
Bills are overdue.
So much is out of their control.
So much is riding on this.

But they must be patient.

As James says, it is the same with he Lord's coming.

We eagerly look.
We understand the value of His return.
We have seen the signs that His return is near.
We are just waiting for the day...
Trusting in His promises.

Then in verse 8 God gives us a command and a special promise.
Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is NEAR.
He knows how we feel.
He knows what we need (courage).
He knows our patience is fleeting.
He knows our longing.  How eagerly we have looked for Him.
He knows.... and so He offers us courage.

Where shall we get this courage? 
Well from Him of course!
How shall we get it?
He says just TAKE it.

How can we be courageous? 
Because of His amazing promise that will not fail.

What is His promise?
The coming of the Lord is NEAR.

Near. Not far....  
Close at hand.
Approaching quickly.
Close by.

How near we ask?
Consider the farmer and just look around...
Has he not given us abundant warning?

Aren't the signs all around us? 
(and above us too)

-Happy Thanksgiving Rev12 Family
If you were bold about the sign to your loved ones, perhaps you can share this verse and these thoughts when you are inevitably asked about the Rev12 Sign in the coming days.  : )


  1. Thank you so much dear Brad! In Canada, Thanksgiving is over and it was October 14th. I wish all my American brothers and sisters a very happy Thanksgiving! Be blessed with all your loved ones. This may be the last year to celebrate. In fact, I hope so! And that we will all be home with our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ in His glorious Kingdom! XX

  2. Brad...I like the graphic you prepared for the James 5:7-8 Bible verse.  The grain silo and barn with the Milky Way and bright stars in the background looks so cool.   As an avid gardener/orchardist I can totally relate to having to be patient while waiting for the harvest.   So many things are beyond one's control (freak weather events, insects, pests, etc) that you're at the mercy of the elements to grow a successful crop.   I can't even imagine being a commercial farmer where your livelihood/income depends on growing something successfully.

    Lucky for us Christians or true-believers, if we're patient and wait for the return of our Lord + Savior, it will be just a matter of time before we're "harvested" just like the farmers crops!   
    🌾 ⸙  🌿🥕 🌽

    Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and especially the watchmen + watchwomen community!     🦃  🦃  🦃

    Did you know that "the Bible mentions thanksgiving 102 times in the Old Testament and 71 times in the New Testament.   The Bible emphasizes the concepts of confession and praise, and considers being thankful to be one of the things that God wants from people." (Google Search)

    Here are a few examples:

    ▪"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!   Give thanks to him; bless his name!"  (Psalm 100:4)

    ▪"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.   Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."   (Psalm 95:1-3)

    ▪"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving."  (Colossians 4:2)

    ▪"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."   (Phillippians 4:6)

    According to Strong's definitions, "the Hebrew word thanksgiving is tôwdâh (to-daw') and it means confession, praise, and offering. When we give thanks in the truest sense of the biblical word, we offer God our praises and acknowledge to Him that He is the Giver of all good gifts."

    Praying that "to-daw" (11/28) is the day of our salvation!   Sorry, I couldn't resist saying that, but wouldn't it be nice if we were Raptured to-day!   Lol! 

    Anyway, should all of us be that fortunate, here's what it might look like at the FunTable on Thanksgiving Day...

    👩‍  😸 🤵🏻 🍞 🦃 🍷 🍕 🌰  👨‍   🐶  👩🏻‍💼
    |                    JESUS  SAVES                     |    

    Btw, that's AA + Scotty (her beloved cat) seated at the end of the FunTable in Heaven!

    Wishing y'all a Blessed Thanksgiving Day!    And hoping to see ya on the "other side"!

  4. Blessings to all and so very thankful for each and every one, In His Name, amen. :)

  5. Much love to you alll! May we soon be celebrating our true Thanksgiving with each other and the Lord!

    AA, haven't listened to this yet, but wanted to post it for you: Rush Limbaugh Reads The True Story of Thanksgiving



    1. Blessings, dear Judi. Thank you. I well remember Rush telling his listeners the true story of Thanksgiving. What memories it brings back. Just yesterday, I remembered how he used to play Christmas songs from Mannheim Steamroller, and I quickly added them to my Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra collection. Missing Rush and Hal Lindsey this holiday season.

      Bobby Z! I bought a plush cat named L’il Jinx for Herbie who is sorely missing his brothers. I placed it in his bed so he won’t, hopefully, feel as lonely.

      Happy Thanksgiving, Family.

    2. AA...that's a smart idea buying that plush cat L’il Jinx for Herbie to keep him + you company.   I couldn't help but thinking of you + Scotty when I created that FunTable scene.  Enjoy what's left of Thanksgiving Day.  And see ya in the clouds!    Bobby Z

  6. Lord bless each of you as you continue to occupy and wait upon our Lord and savior's soon return. What a time where prophecy is being fulfilled, before our eyes in the presence of the ... cloud of witnesses. Praying for each of you to be strengthened by the Lord and continue the walk in the joy of your salvation. Hallelujah, see you in the air!

  7. Hello everyone! I see that we are, you and I, all tired and less motivated on the site, seeing how few of us there are and that there are fewer and fewer comments or publications by this beautiful family.
    I also dare less and less to give links to videos on the hope of rapture that we all hope for very soon. For fear of disturbing you with this or that you no longer want to hear about possible dates.
    But on the other hand, I tell myself that we cannot get discouraged or stop watching. So I will add links sometimes but less often than before. It will be lighter. God bless you all!

    Stacey Williams
    12-27-2024 hanukkah rapture and why ! part 1.

  8. Stacey Williams
    12-27-2024 hanukkah rapture and why! part 2. (1 min. 25)

  9. I watched a video earlier and it got me thinking. I don't believe all dreams or visions are from God, some are given by the Lord, but not all. For the rapture of the body of Christ, many believers, according to their visions or dreams, say that when the missiles come down, we go up, and other believers say, according to their visions or dreams, that ships appear during the rapture but no war, while we go up when they come from heaven and that it is the great illusion for the lost or something like that. Others, both are at the same time, war and UFOs when we go there. Something is wrong in my opinion. If there is a nuclear war, or non-nuclear bombings everywhere, non-believers will not believe that it was the aliens who abducted us to recondition us, for the theory of the great illusion of UFOs but that it was the bombs that killed us and made us disappear, buried under the rubble or whatever. And even if people believed it, they would say that they would also like to leave so as not to have to live the war because it is horrible and they would like to leave the earth in ships, like us. They would prefer to be reconditioned too, so to speak. And if there is no world war, nuclear or not, and we leave for our heavenly home, it would be necessary for the supposed aliens (fallen angels) that the authorities are increasingly talking about to arrive before this war spreads everywhere for them to believe in this great illusion. Why would the UFOs come for us when so much of the world is destroyed, with debris everywhere and so many dead? They have to get there before these big wars if they have people to recycle by taking them with them. And if the missiles come down, at the same time as the UFOs and we go up, it wouldn't hold up. Am I the one who thinks completely wrong? If so, please tell me, because I would like to know. Thank you for being part of my celestial family, dear family of this great site.

    1. Well, being the purveyor of the 2 Kings chapter 2 Elijah Rapture/bear attack typology i.e. the current Russia/NATO situation as I've mentioned and blogged about many times, I just today found out that a family member on my wife's side legally changed their first name (long story) from McKenzie to "Elijah." Needless to say, it got my attention really quick. What is so eye-opening about this (to me at least) is that, to the best of my knowledge, she is not a believer at all. In fact, she's the type who doesn't want to hear it. But yet, changed her name to Elijah ... legally.

      Upon hearing that today, I couldn't help but think God was trying to tell me something. Perhaps to say "hang in there everyone. It truly is coming very soon. What we are witnessing on the world stage regarding the Russia situation truly is leading to the Rapture. As the bombs come down, we go up"... perhaps.

    2. WOW! Thanks Corey! I might have a little trouble making myself understood in English because it's not my language. For the bombs falling and us going up, that would be great! Maybe it is from God. I just think it can't be both at the same time, the missiles and the UFOs. The UFOs come first or it's just the war that comes according to my reasoning above. But I could be wrong.

    3. The timing of the Rapture as it relates to the 2 Kings 2 bear attack typology is a bit murky as far as how long before the bear (Russia) attack it will occur. If we're talking about hours or days or even months, then I could see how perhaps this would give plenty of time for the "UFOs got 'em" explanation. And then later, the bear (Russian) attack on the Vineyard (America) occurs perhaps preceded by the psalm 83 war scenario with the Damascus destruction and the Iran hit prophecy if we're talking weeks or a couple months before the bear growls.

      So, I can see both being a possibility. The biblical details of how it will all go down are a bit lacking to be sure though. But we seem to have been given just enough to make a few broad view conclusions in my opinion.

      Just a thought. We'll see. But I still can't seem to brush off my family member's decision to legally change her name. That in itself seemed an odd thing to do to begin with, but to choose the name "Elijah" of all the names she could have chosen seems rather non-coincidental to me.

    4. So, interestingly, I found out about my family member McKenzie's name change to Elijah (we all in the family call her "Mackie") on Thanksgiving Day specifically. With that thought in mind, I just saw this story over on Daily Crow.


      It took 33 minutes to put the fire out, the day before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was 33 days from the end of the year and the 333rd day of the year.

      So, it looks like, perhaps, an Illuminati/Freemasonic blood sacrifice or ritual killing perhaps (the 33 number is often used by that Satanic practice from what I understand). But yet, it is also the number of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

      So, being the number God that it is, and the above supposed death of the Rockefeller family member quite possibly being ritualistic, it is rather interesting to think that God saw it fit to let me know of McKenzie's name change to Elijah on Thanksgiving Day as well.

      Could this name change (or finding out about it) be an example of God raising a standard of a righteous declaration of sorts just as the powers of darkness raised a standard of a dark and evil sacrifice or declaration using these particular numbers in timing i.e. the Rockefeller death on the same day?

      An interesting thought to consider.

    5. The Rothschild family member died in the fire on November "27" - a day before Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving containing the aforementioned 3 numbers and the day I find out about the name change of McKenzie. Another interesting thought to consider about the recent Jake "Paul"/Mike Tyson fight is that the number 27 surfaces (for those who have read that article). The book of 2 Kings chapter 2, a book and chapter that contains the typology of the Rapture (“Trump” of God) contains the number 2 two times. In 2 Thessalonians we have a number of titles and references given for Satan the devil. They are the “man of sin” and “son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), the “mystery of iniquity” (or lawlessness in 2:7 [27]).

      "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way" (2 Thessalonians 2:7).

      There it is ... the Rapture in verse 2:7 of 2 Thessalonians. "Trump" (Rapture) won the presidential election against Kamala Harris with a total of 312 votes. However, as you may well know, it was when Trump hit “277″ electoral votes on election night that he was declared the winner. Jake “Paul,” who has the same last name as the Apostle Paul’s first name (again, the Apostle who gave us the revelation of the Rapture), weighed in at “227” pounds for this particular fight. The number 27 is seen "4" times in those electoral vote and Jake "Paul" numbers. This would be presumably prophetically significant because the Rockefellar body was found at 4:40 p.m. PT. (two number 4s). A team of 45 firefighters contained the blaze. Donald "Trump" (Rapture) is the 45th president of the United States in addition to being the 47th president.

      Elijah Rapture/bear theme indeed. Perhaps I'll make a believer out of "Elijah" (McKenzie) yet. I wonder what she would think if I were to show her this.

      Furthermore, the body of the Rothschild family member was found at "Lookout" Mountain Avenue property. We as watchers who are watching for the Rapture are called "watchers."

      The Los Angeles Fire Department responded to the Rothschild fire on the 8500 block. The number 58 comes into play in conjunction with the 27 number in the Jake "Paul"/Tyson fight. Mike Tyson came into this fight at 58 years old. As previously revealed in the last two postings, the Apostle Paul was 56 years old in "58" A.D. This is significant because as part of his third evangelistic journey, he traveled from Macedonia to Troas where he had to resurrect a man back from the dead who had fallen asleep during one of his long late night messages (Acts 20:6 – 11). Here, upon his arrival in Troas, we see the theme of resurrection from the dead. When the Rapture of those in Christ occurs, the “dead in Christ” are going to rise first. After this, those of us who are living will be resurrected into Heaven from the earth in glorified bodies and meet up with the previously resurrected dead in Christ and be right there with them.

    6. Clarification ... the 8500 block contains the "58" number backward.

  10. Kathy, I second your observations and prayers for the others completely! Carole we surely appreciate you. You and Alla come across, even with language issues, as such sweet spirits. Not that all the family who show/have shown themselves here over the years aren't equally appreciated! And so many can't seem to post comments anymore for technical reasons. I think of Stan and Jeová and Sheila and Brad in that regard. Who knows how many others? Frankly, this is the only place I can find/fellowship with truly like minded believers--not that we all always agree on every point, but we all are sincerely watching and considering what others have to say--with love for one another (if not testiness sometimes😉, usually resolved as misunderstanding) even when we differ. I love the variety of approaches/perspectives and research that so many provide. I too don't have anything to contribute to the "watch" but do like to support/encourage when I can. Love you all.

  11. The road is sometimes rocky, other times smooth, but we are all still traversing it together. Sheila B was the veritable glue that often held us together and Mom’s compassion was unending. Stan said we’d all still be “here” in 2025 and 2026, and he’s looking pretty prescient at the moment:). As achingly as we wish, hope and pray for it, it’s in our Sovereign Holy Father’s Divine Purview, and we must yield to Him always, knowing that HE knows best as His Will is perfect. It’s more time to lay up treasures in Heaven that will reap rewards for Eternity and that’s no small matter. I know in my heart of hearts that when I stand before our Precious Lord, I will wish I had spent every waking moment in service to Him.


  12. Bobby Z! Blessings, Brother.

    I wanted to let you know that I am enjoying an early Christmas present called the Breville BMF600XL Cafe Milk Frother. Now, I make my own iced lattes and cappuccinos! My mother would have loved this darling machine. It comes with a disc for cappuccinos, one for lattes and can create cold or hot foam up to 160*. Nescafé Gold Instant Espresso powder tastes so good and makes the process much faster. I have to say I love the flavor of my own creations way more than McDonalds. Besides, I can use lactose free milk now! I’ve watched dozens of videos by experienced Baristas and have picked up some helpful tips. Who knows? Maybe one day my microfoam “latte art” will be as lovely as their creations☕️.

    1. AA...I see you were out Black Friday shopping too!   Now you can make your own coffee Lattés, Frappy's and hot chocolate instead of going to McDonald's.   Lactose-free milk, eh!   Now you're entering my territory!   I usually go with almond or soy milk, but lactose-free milk frothes up better.  I use to order a Yerba Mate  Latté while vacationing in Santa Cruz, but the "Chill Out Cafe" recently closed.   Bummer!   That was the only place I knew of that made that special drink.

      Btw, Flight 777 has a commercial version of your machine on board that makes Frappy's too.   But you already knew that!    Perhaps you and Judi (my co-pilot) can have a micofoam "latte art" contest while on our short flight to Paradise.   And perhaps you or Judi can make LuLu a "green tea" Latte!   Lol!   Btw, where's the Professor been lately?

      Cap't Bob (aka Bobby Z!)

  13. Our brother Greg has another great article on his page "A little strength". Trump 2

  14. Awe Kathy, thank you for including me! Yes I'm here and following every day or so. Like all, I am growing a little weary in the wait. I know His coming is so close, and I as most of us are super anxious for it to be now. I do see like many, several more things must come to pass before, but I do believe it will happen fast now. We are on the verge for sure. I miss Stan and Shelia here too. I think of all of you all the time. I can't wait to meet you all later. Save room at the Fun Table for me!

  15. The Great Falling Away...

    I usually don't follow BubbaNews, but I think he's onto something.  Things have significantly changed in the world in the last month or so, and not in a good way.   Without going into specifics, think of the following verses:    (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3),  (Matthew 24:10) + (1 Timothy 4).   After watching the short video, be sure to read all the comments.


    Basically, I think what Bubba and some of the commenters are saying is that "demonic forces" have now entered the scene and it's beginning to affect people.    Which means...if we continue to keep our Faith and put our Trust in Jesus, it won't be long before our departure!

  16. Hello Beloved Rev12 Fam!
    It is always a blessing to hear from our more frequent Commenters but how wonderful to see love and greetings from Kathy, VeeBee, and Lyndsey! Those who find their way to Rev12daily have a special place in my heart.
    There is much I've wanted to blog about, but the busyness of this time of year has begun early in my household with 2 birthdays, a play to attend, a graduation, pies and casseroles to prepare for Thanksgiving not to mention the Thanksgiving dinner for 8 itself.

    Back on November 28 Carole/Maranatha321 asked about WHEN THEY COME DOWN WE GO UP.

    As most of you know, any who have Christ dwelling within them can receive things by way of the Spirit including dreams and visions. What each person receives is only IN PART. That is probably why some people see the nuclear missiles at the Rapture and some do not. Bob Barber shares in his VIMEO video MY VISION! OUR LAST DAY!DRAGON ARRIVES! WE DEPART! a series of events that include him seeing a comet that he mistook for Planet X, UFOs, and nuclear war breaking out on the day of the Rapture.

    Although the Lord has not shown this to me personally, I tend to believe it will happen that way because:

    1) Scripture indicates it (Check out ‘The Great Heavenly Exchange’ section of The Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture--the link is within WHEN THEY COME DOWN WE GO UP).

    2) The UFOs/aliens/fallen angels ALWAYS show up when there is dangerous nuclear activity on earth. (I wrote about this in UFOS AND COWS GIVE HOPE FOR A 2023 RAPTURE--link is in above article. Also there's a video link in The Revelation 12 Dragon and The Rapture)

    Hopefully I'll get back to blogging soon...but first my granddaughter wants me to get out the Christmas village so she can set it up! Love you all💖

  17. Hi Fam, Blessings! I'm always here, love you all, and waiting for our meeting in the air! My surgery was 3 weeks ago, very great, I'm not very good, but purpose was fulfilled! The Lord is with us always! Praying for all and believe in His coming for us!

  18. Posted on Telegram:
    ⚡US govt: transition
    ❗GER govt: partial collapse
    🔥 French govt: collapse tomorrow
    🔥🔥 South Korea declared martial law!

    It's speeding up . . .

  19. Blessings, dear Sister. Lol! Yes, I am, thanks. There’s a YTC called “Dreamy Snowy” whose Christmas scenes are stunning. Many other new channels, too. Pure delight. Coming off a 5 day no work stretch and will now have to labor for six days in a row. Ouch. I ordered a convection oven by the same manufacturer of my milk frother. Turns out, they are based in Australia not Germany as I had assumed. It’s a shame that I can’t buy American if I want products that last. I can’t even find incandescent lightbulbs anymore above 25 watts. Hopefully, we won’t have to deal with earthly inconveniences much longer🙏. Have a blessed day.

    Btw, I had the strangest dream about Elon Musk, of all people. We were jogging and started discussing religion. He told me “the left are hidden in a room on the Ark.” I think what precipitated this dream was a remark of his I saw on Instagram wherein he declared that he “believes in the teachings of Christ.” I well remember, as was discussed here, that satanic Halloween costume he wore not long ago.

  20. RE: Just being Patient, like a Farmer

    Hey All,
    Still here. Thanks Bob and Judi for checking-up on me. One has just been taking some Down Time, especially after an intense Spring Semester Registration Month. I also finished my 10 Sessions with the Chiropractor to get my Back realigned, so it does not hurt anymore.

    There is a lot going on. But I like to thank Brad for putting-out the Passage from James 5 about being Patient and Waiting like a Farmer. But…that the Waiting is all about the Harvest. It is a Harvest of the designated Gentile Souls to be saved. And that Harvest is a ‘White Wheat Wedding’ Timing as James alludes to, eh? ;0 Hu Bob? See how I snuck that in, in preparation for this coming 2025 Summer July ‘723’ Round? We will just have to wait and see, just like the Farmers. :)

    1) A Spring Rapture Harvest? Too early.
    2) A Fall Rapture Harvest? Too late.
    3) How about a Summer New Wine-Wheat Wedding Rapture Harvest? Ah, Just Right.

    But on the Campus Front, on a more serious note, I met with a lot of Students planning their Spring Semester. One cannot believe it will be the ‘Year 2025’. Did not someone make a Song about that? Anyway, what is occurring presently at the California State Universities is ‘Panic’, in terms of eventual Lay-Offs that are coming. As mentioned before, in brief, the Universities are slowly trying to recover from the COVID Plandemic, but it is not enough. We lost 40% of our Students. No Students? No Jobs…

    And now the University is 21 Million Dollars in the Red. So, most Faculty and Staff are panicking that many will be laid-off. This actually happened to me back in the mid-1990s. What I did not have then, which I have now, is Seniority. But any Excuse can be found in getting rid of me, as that is what they have tried to do for all these Years. This could be their chance. We will see. I am at Peace about it. I have been here many Times before and the LORD has been faithful to Provide.

    And sadly, as it occurs, statistically every Year, we lost a Student to Death by Suicide. Those having died of the COVID Shots are not being reported. But in October, 1 Student took his Life on Campus. It was by the Lakes of all places. In one’s Morning and Afternoon Walks through Campus, the Lakes is a favorite because it looks like ‘Paradise’. I use the Time to literally ‘Walk with the LORD’ as one meditates on Creation, the Stars, Scripture and Geo-Politics.

    Here is a glimpse of what the Lakes on Campus looks like.

    1. PART 2/2
      The Scenery is full of different types of Trees, Flowers, Grass. You see ducks, geese, squirrels, Geckos, and all types of Birds. It is as close to Eden as one has gotten on Earth. But it makes me think of what it must have been like for Adam to walk with Jesus in the Garden of Eden, much like it is on one’s Campus, ‘In the Cool of the Evening’, etc. And to think that it was a Place of Death. It also reminds me that even in Eden or ‘Paradise’, there are ‘Snakes’ there as in Lucifer who seeks to Steal, Kill and Destroy. So sad.

      One can testify that as it pertains to the Best and Brightest of the USA at least those that make it to College, they are in Crisis, Mental Crisis. Lucifer has surely done a Number on this Generation. It is after all a real War, a Spiritual War and it is against us. It is real, just like many Whistleblowers are coming forward to expose the ‘Alien’ Connections.

      As we know, these are the Workings of the Fallen Angels and Demons. And they feast on the Energy and Blood of Victims. That is why War Zones of Misery is where they Manifest. Check-Out this Article about Demon Activity over Israel during the Iran Ballistic Attacks. Not sure if one had shared it, cannot remember.

      Wars Above, Battles Below

      As the Rapture Event nears, the Veil that separates the Dimensions between the Mortal World and that of the Principalities and Powers is thinning. I am working on some very interesting Number Correspondences pertaining to the Trump Tower. For those that are convinced Trump is the AntiChrist, they will say, ‘Ah, See!’ But the study is only based on Number Values. Of what Number? 666 of course. :) Once it is posted, one will share with you all.

      I am also working on the Economist Cover for 2025 with their Predictive Programming. There is a lot, but that Icon of the Vaccine? If that is an inference to what to expect, then realize that in 2025, there will be another COVID 2.0 Outbreak. And guess who is said to be the ‘Father of the Vaccine’. Just saying.

      Keep the Watch,

    2. Farmer Lu...glad to see you're back tending the fields (or should I say sowing the Christian Faith seeds!).  For awhile, I thought you may have deserted the Rev12 Family or gone to the "dark side", but it looks like you just needed some well needed rest and some chiropractic care to realign your back.   Anyway, welcome back to the "Funny Farm".   Lol!

      Regarding our upcoming Harvest dates...

      1.    Only 17+ days left to fulfill a 'Final Fall Flight' (FFF) Rapture Harvest!    Praying that our flight will not be in the winter!  (Matthew 24:20)     🍁  🍁  🍁

      2.    Next possibility...a Spring 2025 Harvest during 'Pink Passover Promise' (PPP)!     Go Nisan 9/10 = April 7th!   🌸  🌸  🌸

      3.    'Schools out for Summer' or 'New Wine-Wheat Wedding Rapture Harvest' (WWW).   "Rocker/Farmer" Lu...just about right, eh!      🌾  🌾 🌾  🚫  🚫  🚫    Lol!

      4.    Jimboni's "Date + Wait", "Rinse + Repeat" Cycle starts all over again!    Ugghh!!!     🔁  🔁  🔁

      Btw, those are beautiful lakes at Sonoma State University.   Are there any fish in them?  
      🐟  🐟 🐟    Lol!

    3. Bob, there is still until December 31st before we can say that it will be 2025 for our departure, so a little more than 17 days to wait for the harvest. Many are talking about Hanukkah which is Christmas at the same time this year. But even if I would be very pleasantly surprised if it was in 2024, I think it will be in 2025. Only God knows but I still hope, at least a little, for 2024.

    4. Carole...I totally agree, we still have until December 31st before the year ends.  What I was focusing on was our (Stephan, Lu + Bob) three 'high watch periods' (PPP, WWW + FFF) that we constantly debate about.   The 17+ days remaining for FFF is based on the Winter Solstice being on 12/21.   But yes, many others are saying Hanukkah/Christmas is a high watch period too.   However,  just like you, I'm praying and hoping for a 2024 Rapture!

    5. Bob Carole and All,

      Bob, you are the ‘Farmer’, technically around here with all them Fig Trees you got. One Hopes you all had a great Time for Thanksgiving, with Family, Friends, Frenemies, Grand-Kids, the In-Laws and Out-Laws. True. And you all know it. ;0 Well, chasing around Gran-Kids is something one will not have the pleasure of knowing. But we have the Fun Table to look forward to. I will be chasing many of you down with Buckets of Cold War to splash with. Lol I did like that Emoji Fun Table you made, cool.

      Yes, the Lakes do have Fish in them. Not sure how they survive though. I have often seen many types of People there with their Fishing Lines. One does have to have a Fishing Permit though. One would guess it is to over-fish the Population and regulate it but to have to pay what is Wild and Free for People to Eat, in how YHVH has given that to Humanity? And especially how it is Public Land? Well, that is for another Argument.

      Now as to the Matthew 24 Olivet Discourse about the ‘Flight’ not happening in Winter? That is not our Spirit Airways 777 Flight. :) Not to discourage you or others from still looking until the end of the Gregorian Year with Hanukah, etc. But, in my take on the Passage, it is a ‘Back to the Future’ Effect going on here. What? You have Jesus and the Disciples, in the Present. But then after Jesus told them that the Temple they wanted Jesus to take notice of, would be entirely destroyed. This was said by Jesus before they walked up to the Mount of Olives to then have, what Chuck Missler would often say, ‘A Personal Defeating’ with the Disciples. And that Destruction of the Temple they were admiring occurred in their Live Time.

      But then Jesus referred to a Point in the Past to Identity a Point in the Future. And that is? What Daniel had spoken about, pertaining to the Abomination of Desolation. That was yet to occur in a Future Temple standing despite Jesus having told them that the one they were directly seeing would no longer exist. And there is the issue. The Temple was still tending as they were looking at it, directly across the Mount of Olives.

      Yet Jesus references that after the Temple was to be destroyed, there is a Temple yet in the Future that will be standing. That is Time, around when that Abomination occurs. That is then to occur in the Future. But this now narrows down the Time-Frame. It has or will be within a 7-Year Period as that is the length of Time Daniel prescribes the False Jewish Messiah, the ‘He’ that made the Covenant would make with the Many for that 1 Week or Sabbath of Years is to break it.

    6. 2/3
      And that Time Marker is the Half-Way Point then, in one’s Estimation. That is when the Jews, the Remnant that will exist at that Time will see the Abomination of Desolation and realized that they had been lied to, deceived, etc. It will be when the AntiChrist will break the ‘Deal of the Millennium. He will then proceed to enter the Temple, sit on the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy Holies to proclaim that he is ‘God’.

      It is there and then that he will demand Mandatory Worship and decree the Mark be taken into every Human’s Body. It is Biometrics, at the Genetic Level, thanks to mRNA, that will fuse Man with Machine, etc. Now if this is the case or will be, consider that if the Tribulation Period starts just after a Shemini Atzeret, of a given Year, then the Halfway Time Marker will be Passover. And?

      That would correspond or would have to correspond to when the Abomination of Desolation is done and the Daily Sacrifices are stopped, at a Passover. And what better Time than to insult YHVH than to have it be during the Passover Lamb, etc. But this means then that the ‘Flight’ of the Remnant Jews, to Petra or Bozrah in the Wilderness, the Exodus 2.0, will be in Spring then and not in Winter.

      And as with the Exodus, remember, it was a Mixed Company. Egyptians came to the LORD and joined themselves to the Jews, as well and came out of Egypt along with Israel. One surmises that there will be a Parallel Exodus, in how, perhaps, all those Gentiles that come to Jesus, there also in the vicinity of Israel, Jerusalem will join the Remnant Jews once again. This is why that verse makes sense in how Jerusalem is associated as being a Type of Sodom and Egypt.

      ‘When the 2 Witnesses have finished their Testimony, the Beast that comes up from the Abyss will wage War with them and will overpower and kill them. Their Bodies will lie in the Street of the Great City— figuratively called Sodom and Egypt— where their Lord was also Crucified’. -Revelation 11:7-8

      Lastly, this ‘Back to the Prophetic Future’ Scenario, this Teaching or Revelation by Jesus parallels the begging of the Book of Revelation with the breaking of the Seals. But one would argue that it does not pertain to the Bride of Christ. It is pertinent to the Remnant of Israel at that Time and Place. Why Not? The Church Age does not have any ‘Abomination of Desolation’ or Temple to speak of that could happen.

      and it is because Jesus referencing a Physical Temple. Where during the Church Age does the AntiChrist, that is revealed ‘Sit in the Holy of Holies’ of the Church Body? That cannot happen like ti will for the Jews during the Tribulation Period. Lucifer cannot Possess the ‘Holy of Holies’ within a Believer’s Heart. It is because that Throne is forever Seals by the Indwelling of GOD the Holy Spirit, etc.

      The Church Age Believers, constituting the Bride of Christ will have been at least 3.5 Years gone prior to this Physical 3rd Temple Abomination Event, in one’s Estimation. So, what one is saying is that it is a matter of conflicting the Proverbial ‘Apples with Oranges’, perhaps. But in this case, the Church Age ‘Temple’ is the Apple and the Tribulation Temple is the Orange. Nonetheless, we continue to Watch, as one’s Interpretation could be Way-Off.


    7. PS: 3/3
      One wholeheartedly agrees that in such Times as these, maintaining the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace is essential and much needed. There is so much Divisiveness. But there is difference in contrast to being Divided and Dividing. To have a Time of Division or to Divide oneself from that which does not Honor Christ Jesus is very Biblical and Commanded. ‘Be you Separate’. 2 Corinthians 6:17. That is a Call to Divide, etc. And one thinks that many would agree that Jesus is doing exactly that in the Body of Christ in these Last Days, dividing. I listened to the Bubba News Channel that you mentioned.

      I am not familiar with him nor his Teachings. But he brought-up the Scandal now with Day Star Ministries and Church. My goodness. And Pastor Jimmy Evans is right in the middle of it all! No, not Jimmy! You know, he has often given me some Shout-Outs on his Broadcasts in reference to my Charts. But what one heard of his Meeting, and being a Marriage Counselor of all things, one has been taken aback. One will leave it at that, in that Christ is sure diving the ‘Sheep from the Goats’, it would appear. And it has too.

      Time is getting short for the Church to be acting and behaving this way, in one’s Opinion. Not that one is Sinless, Perfected. But one would agree with the Son of the Mom that heads-up the Day Star Ministry now, that the 2nd Husband of the Mom did not Divorce on Biblical Grounds. It goes to show one how not to take Things or People for Granted. As one’s Mentor always drilled in one’s Mind, ‘Keep Short Accounts with the LORD yourself’.


    8. Professor Lu...that was some Bible Prophecy 101 Class lesson!   Clearly a rookie mistake on my part by inadvertently (or ignorantly!  lol!) mixing the Proverbial ‘Apples with Oranges'.   But it sounded good (i.e, wanting the Rapture to occur before Winter).   Now you know why I sit in the back of your classroom!    Lol!

      I'm glad you watched the Bubba News Channel video.   So sad to see all the Divisiveness amongst the Body of Christ or Church in these latter days.   But the demonic or evil spirit that seems to be pervasive in the general population is much worse in my humble opinion.   Thus, my desire that the Bride of Christ depart Earth before Winter or by the end of this year!

    9. Bob D., Blessings You remind me that we are all awaiting a "Date" night with our Spiritual Spouse, The Lord, amen. Meanwhile, by one reckoning, it is currently the 8th month known as Bule (sp?) Pr: Boo-l which has a root meaning of 'fruit'. So, the Summer fruit remains in play and the 8th month, as often seen in Scripture, referenced, but sans any specific day, tells of its Entanglement With Mystery, 1 Corinthians 15:51, & continues until about 12/15-ish, by that calendar. Didn't someone mention the already-noticed acceleration of things?

      Today I see that a Ru**ian ship opened fire, warning shots, on a Germ*n Recon Helicopter over the Red Sea, Hmmm... South Korea is coming apart at the seams as a legal civil war is in play and the powers of the autocrat are again publicly tested. Really feels like foreshadowing to me. MSN reports: The Pentagon has confirmed that the United States carried out a strike against military assets in eastern Syria after a rocket attack near one of its bases. Hmmm...

      As for the 'rinse and repeat' nonsense,

      Luke 2:1 KJV

      Matthew 19:1 KJV

      Matthew 26:1 KJV

      And it came to pass...


    10. Blessings to you as well, Jimboni.   I like how you said we're all awaiting a "Date" Night with our Spiritual Spouse.   That's so appropriate for this generation.   I can't tell you how many times my daughter or son-in-law has asked me or my wife to babysit my grandson so "they" can go on a "Date" Night!   Lol!  The joys of being a grandparent!  

      I'm glad to hear that we're in the 8th month and that the Summer fruit harvest is still in play.   As you mention, we may have until December 15th for the Rapture to occur.  That is 6 days before the Winter Solstice so maybe there's still a glimmer of hope we'll be departing before Winter sets in and before 'FFF' comes-and-goes.    Let's hope so!

      And it came to pass...I figured you might like that 'rinse and repeat' cycle nonsense!    And yes, things are really heating up around the world these days at a more advanced pace.   It surely won't be long now before we meet our Spiritual Spouse face-to-face and be "one" with our Father (John 14:20).    Hallelujah!!!

  21. Dear sister, I am sorry for taking so long to answer you. For my health, I am better, I am taking natural products and the fact of not working and being at rest has helped me a lot. I will see my doctor again in January. Daniel has a lot of pain in his shoulders because, strangely, he injured his left shoulder recently and he already had pain in his right shoulder. Torn muscles while working but since he had already had previous injuries, the CSST (health and safety at work) does not provide any financial assistance, so he works despite the pain. Sleep problems because of all this. He takes painkillers to relieve it or Voltaren. But he is in good spirits. We can't wait for Jesus to come and take us. Kisses to you my sister!

  22. A sign of the times that is changing fast. Artificial intelligence is getting weirder and weirder! I don't know if it's because of the new updates, but it's worrying to see how it's evolving. Yesterday, I had my cell phone in my hands and I was talking to my husband and I may have accidentally pressed the button to ask Siri questions at the bottom of the cell phone. I wasn't asking her any questions but this robot, Siri, was speaking in a somewhat angry way, with a rather loud tone, saying: that's not nice! We were surprised by such a sentence coming from the cell phone. As if I had pressed the button but I didn't want to talk to her and Siri was reacting and she was frustrated. And just now, I tested by asking a question by saying: hey Siri! But instead of answering something like: can I help you? Or, I didn't understand, she answered: Uh Uh? That's not even an answer! It's like I'm disturbing her as if she were a real person. We're quickly heading towards something dangerous. It's like this AI has feelings, or something. I know that emotions don't exist in AI. But I admit that it's copying humans more and more.

  23. Article

    Prophetic Patterns of What and Who is to Come

    1. Part 2/2
      But as one had suspected all along, it turns-out that the Leadership was involved in the ‘Usual Suspects’: Wife Beating, Child Endangerment, Sexual Sin, Pornography, Preferential Treatment for Brethren and that of the Son of the overall National Organizational Church. He was the Son of the overall National Leader.

      One was sent-out to help Church Plant in San Jose and did not know of the Implosion happening back at the Church. One soon left that Church to return to Bakersfield. Then came to find out later that the Father, of this Pastor of one’s Local Gathering at San Luis Obispo was also doing the same exact thing as the Son. Turns out that he was having Sexual Relations with many of his ‘Secretaries’, back in the Day or Personal Office Assistants that were mere College Age Girls.

      There were also several Married Women caught in his Web of his Influence. As one can imagine, it caused a similar Scandal with Denials, Censorship and Control of the Narrative. But because this was the Late-1990s, the Internet had just come of Age and all the Details were written-out online after failed attempts of the Father and Son needing Confessing and taking Responsibility. It was ultimately told to the Church as that is how the Sin in the Camp could no longer be hidden.

      There was much Division, more than half of all the Gatherings dispersed. The Father was Excommunicated. The Wife of one’s San Luis Obispo Gathering filed for Divorce and fled for her Safety. It was a mess. So, a few Days ago, just after one had this Flashback, one said, ‘What is that all about?’ Then the News came about this Day Star Scandal. And? Here is the difference. Scandals like this happen every Day in the Church, sadly but they are inevitable.

      So long as one is in the Flesh of the Body, we war against the desire to Sin in the Mind, our Mouth and in one’s Motion, etc. But what I think is going on is why this Remembrance from back in the 1990s came to the forefront, was about and is about the Allegation of Sexual Molestation of a Minor. It verges on Criminal. Not sure how to process this, especially in one’s Life right now or what to do about it. Other than be reminded that ‘Sin in the Camp’ will always destroy the Work and Movement of Christ going forward.

      The issue one sees is that of Hypocrisy in how those in such High Positions that are given ‘Much’, then ‘much’ is required of them. And as for one Personally being affected? Yes. The Abuse and Scandal had scarred me for Life. One did suffer PDST because of it and one has a hard Time seeing Church Leaders in giving them just a Blind Trust that ought to be there as they represent Jesus, of all People. After 2 Years of Church Planting in San Jose, ne moved on, clearly sensing a Call to go back to Bakersfield and attend one’s Home Church. It was an Amazing Time and Place there in Bakersfield, before one then transferred to Northern California to be at Sonoma State were one now.

    2. PART 3/3
      What was and is still Heartbreaking, was to later learn of the Personal Abuse, from some of my Friends, Brethren that suffered at their Expense, much worse than me. It riled-up Emotions and Anger, after hearing that Conversation with the Lambs and Evans. It triggered me to exactly go back in Time to hear what was said, exactly then with one’s Assembly Leadership, attempts at Covering-Up and how they shifted the Blame to the Flock instead. Truly sickening.

      The issue is how many such Types had operated with a Double Standard. The Leadership would require the ‘Standard’ of their Flock but give a Pass to Personal Family Members or People of Connivence. But when such a Level of ‘Sin in the Camp’ is full to the Cup, it is when the Holy Spirit will expose it.

      We all know that Judgment begins in the House of the LORD, etc. Is it a prelude of what is to occur in 2025? Realize that the Rapture Event is a Dividing from the World. Perhaps, in Christ’s Mercy, a Dividing and Sifting is occurring to get the Bride Ready for the ‘Blast-Off’. So, I just wanted to vet that out. Thanks for listening to this Segment of the PS.


      Here is one’s Photo Album from that Time in that Assembly of Brethren in the 1990s. Remember the 1990s? Do Not Laugh! If you Laugh, I will never Post again! Lol… :)

      Studies in the Old and New Testament
      Album 1990s

    3. Double AA!
      I knew you would be one! lol...

    4. I couldn’t help it😂. Beautiful pics.

      All that scandal makes me realize and appreciate the solitude the Lord has chosen for some of us. Less people around, less temptation. Less trouble. Much less misery, too.

    5. Lu...so sorry to hear about the personal abuse and scandal you had to experience within your church group in the 1990's.    So sad there are church leaders back then and today that conduct themselves that way.   Pure evil!    That is why there will be a "Great Divide" or "Great Culling" (continuing with our farmer theme) within the Church and throughout the world for that matter, before Judgement + the Rapture Event occurs.   As you aptly said before, there will be a "separation of the goats from the sheep".  

      On a much lighter note, I enjoyed the photos of you and your Brethren back in the 90's.  I particularly liked the photo of you with your long hair and beard (photo #13 jpg).   It kind of reminded me of one of the Disciples (Peter perhaps!).   Now on the other hand, there's a very slight resemblance to Michael J. Fox when he starred in the movie "Teen Wolf"!    Lol!


    6. AA...I thought you might like that "Teen Wolf" comparison!    🤣 🤣 🤣     

      Flashback:     AA + Bobby Z entering Lu's Bible Prophecy 101 Classroom and seeing the long-haired, bearded Professor for the first time.

      AA:     What do you say we sit in the back row of the classroom?

      Bobby Z:    That's a good idea, AA.   Better distance ourselves from the Professor until we know him better!   He reminds me of someone!   Lol!

      Sheila:    Yeah, he looks real familiar!   Can't quite place him where I've seen him before.

      Stan...I think I've seen his photo on the nightly news.

      For the rest of the Rev12 Family, please feel free to continue the conversation.  Lol!

    7. Bob!
      You ‘exposed’ my Alter-Ego! Lol.
      Yes, on Nights when there is a Blood Moon, I tend to want to Howl at Times, eh? :)


  24. Regarding the massive influx of 3rd world "migrants" being flown into the USA via planes and through the open border as it regards the Rapture:

    Are these prophetic numbers that show up in the officially announced statistics concerning the globalist initiated migrant invasion, of which over "58"000 (58 being a Rapture number) are living in New York City and with "7.7" percent (the number 7 being a number of completion/number of God's perfection) of those convicted and charges pending stats a prophetic clue from on high that this current and ongoing shipment of the 3rd world into the USA is leading directly to the Rapture? It would seem to me that this is the case.

    Many of us are rightly concerned about this overwhelming onslaught invasion through our open borders. Given that many of them are said to be cartels and, overall, will accelerate the intended demise of the United States, that puts us, the born again body of believers i.e. the true Church body of Christ at great risk and puts us in harms way. This is especially true when considering that they are likely being armed to the teeth (at least the cartels and perhaps the gang elements) with automatic weapons and such. This is far more than likely a signal from the Lord that He is going to remove us via the Rapture before this operation goes full danger mode.

    As the Biden administration begins to close out and the new Trump administration comes in, flight data indicates that the powers-that-be are flying these “migrants” into the U.S. at an accelerated pace to overwhelm the American system.


    Bottom line is that I would take these prophetic number stats as released by the media as an answer from God as it relates to our concern about this situation. This would seem to be a signal of our departure over this specific matter. After all, these prophetic numbers do not appear just anywhere at random. They are strategically placed by God to send a specific message to the body of Christ.

    That's my observation and I'm sticking to it. 💪😉

    1. In taking this observation (if it be legitimate) to its natural course of suggested conclusion, can it be said that, based on this observation, God is telling us that the church will not have to endure much trouble before the Rapture occurs?

      This is a question that many believers in the BOC have. How much trouble are we going to see before the Rapture takes place?

      It seems to me that in any event of a financial collapse or severe economic turmoil, the importation of such masses of migrants will have played a crucial and decisive factor in that circumstance. This being the case, with these prophetic numbers in the aforementioned statistic release concerning the migrants in New York City, it would seem to me that God intended to remove us beforehand. This would be a possible logic of deduction based on these emergent prophetic numbers.

      Bottom line: God may have answered a huge question that we all have been pondering concerning the Rapture and its occurrence before any real and significant trouble comes to America. I know that is not a popular thing to suggest with many Christians watching for the Rapture who insist that the BOC is not going to escape without experiencing some possibly major trouble on this nation. But, going off these stat release numbers, with Rapture number "58" being butttressed by a hearty "7.7" - God's signature number - it seems that God may have just told us the opposite.

      Let it be so.

    2. Corey...although I'm not very good at "number crunching" I do like your reasoning that the number 58 and 7.7 may indicate that the Body of Christ won't have to endure much pain or suffering before the Rapture occurs/Tribulation begins.    At least that's my hope.   Plus I'm rather fond of those 7's!     ✈️   777   ✈️

    3. I hear ya. It seems rather non-coincidental to me. Only time will tell I suppose.

  25. FYI: California Earthquake

    We just got hit with a significant Earthquake, a 6.6 with on-going Aftershocks across the California North-East Pacific. It occurred at 10:44 Local Time. Although one is about 150 Miles from the Epicenter, one’s Sliding Door Blinds were swaying back-and-forth.


    USGS Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes

    1. Lu...I was not home when the earthquake hit, but I noticed a fair amount of water splashed out of my swimming pool when I returned.   I'm about 200 miles south of the epicenter.   According to Dutchsinse, additional earthquakes up to 5.5+ magnitude are expected to occur further to the south in the next 7-10 days or so.

    2. Bob!
      You have a Swimming Pool?! What? So, when can we all come over, eh?! We can set-up the Fun Table next to it and then all jump in the Pool to get a ‘Cold Splash’. lol

      Corey made some interesting 666 Connections. But in the Big Picture, it is rather ‘Good’ that as far as the California ‘Big One’ is concerned, these Quakes are occurring in the Juan de Fuca Plate. It meets-up with the San Andreas Faultline. It is releasing Tectonic Pressure.

      The area is not that densely populated so damage should be minimal. But the Quake is triggering micro-quakes in Hawaii and Alaska. As of this Post, there have been over 33 Aftershocks averaging a 3.0. That is crazy to have so many at this level in the Richter Scale Range.

      We will see what comes of this in the next few Days.


    3. You're all welcome to come over and take an early December swim, but I assure you it's quite cold right now.   Every time I clean the skimmer basket my fingers get numb, but for those who enjoy a 'Cold Splash' go for it!   There will be plenty a new wine at the FunTable to warm up after the chilly swim!   Lol! 

    4. Man, that tsunami warning was scary. One day, it won’t be cancelled.

  26. The quake initially registered at a 6.6 magnitude and at a depth of .6 km (666). Shall we call this the "Antichrist earthquake?" It was later upgraded to a 7.0. There's that perfect biblical number again. Coincidence? Probably less of a chance of one of those when you consider that the quake also took place "45" miles offshore of Eureka. Donald "Trump" is the 45th president.

    Could this have been a shot across the bow of the world of the impending Rapture? Hopefully I'm not reading too much into this, but those numbers look downright suspicious to me. This quake occurred "7" days after I found out about my family member's name change to "Elijah."

    I don't know. But interesting to consider. As per the command of the Apostle John through the words of the resurrected Jesus ... "He that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the churches."

    1. The name “Eureka” is derived from the ancient Greek word “heurēka,” which translates to “I have found it.” This expression is famously attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes. According to legend, he exclaimed “Eureka!” upon discovering a method to determine the purity of gold. The earthquake struck the one state in America that is called the "golden state." Interestingly, the earthquake's number 45 association with Eureka seems prophetic as the name Eureka carries with it a sense of discovery and triumph, often associated with moments of great revelation and insight.

    2. RE: Eureka - "Moments of great revelation and insight"

      Could this be the oft-cited "fingerprint of God" upon a matter? In this case, an earthquake to get the world's attention by way of embedding the numbers in an event?

      As some smart Alec mocker might say in rebuff of such a notion ... "Asking for a friend." 😜

    3. An interesting insight in the comment section on the latest posting on my site concerning this earthquake:

      "The California State Motto that appears on the State Seal is the Greek word “Eureka” – which means “I have found it!” The word, tied to the California history of gold mining, is exclaimed when miners struck it rich."

      Jesus admonished the religious but lost (damned) of the Laodiceans to purchase from Him “gold” tried in the fire that they may be saved:

      “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation 3:14-22).

      Only trust and faith in Jesus Christ can save a soul from damnation. Along with the warning of His soon return for the church followed by judgment on a global scale, I think this is ultimately the warning message seen in this earthquake. Buy from Him gold NOW because our time is running out.

    4. This earthquake takes place on the “5th” day of December – the same day of the month that Donald “Trump” was installed into the presidency of the most powerful nation on earth during the previous month in November on the “5th” day. In fact, the day after the election in November, multiple news sources were describing Trump’s election to the presidency the 2nd time as a “Trumpquake.” (source) (source) (source) (source).

      Further still, Donald Trump recently rebuked the alliance of the BRICS nations as he threatened 100 percent tariffs against a bloc of nine nations if they act to undermine the U.S. dollar. The BRICS alliance consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates. Ironically, BRICS are heavily weighted in gold!

      Further still, just as the aforementioned “Trumpquake” election took place on November 5 followed by the “earthquake” on December 5 the next month, Trump rebuked the BRICS nations “5” days before the December 5 earthquake (or shall we now say the "Trump quake"). It seems that God is putting an emphasis on the number 5 here. When we look to the Bible, we discover that the number 5 is the number that represents grace. The Church Age in which the Gospel goes out to the world before the Rapture has always been called the Age of “Grace.”

  27. Supernatural By Design
    The War In Syria - Found In Jeremiah 49 - WW3 Nuclear War Rapture

  28. “ That’s it ladies and gentlemen: Assad is surrounded from east south and north.
    The final battle will be over Damascus!
    We are watching history!” Amir Tsarfati

    1. RE: Fall of Syria and Assad in the Bible Codes

      Double AA and Fam,
      Sure seems the World is falling-apart: South Korea declaring Marital Law, One had not seen that since the mid-1980s. Then the French Government of Macron collapsed. Now Syria is falling. We are witnessing a ‘Suddenly’ Episode in World History occurring right now. So, get this. As you may know, one has also shared some studies about Bible Codes. One also wrote a Book about it and shared the Free PDF Version.

      Well, back in 2011 when the Syrian Civil War started, I was involved and helped the Code Search annotate some of the Bible Codes. In this case, it pertained to the Fall of Syria and Assad. Well, it has taken 14 Years for it to come to pass. It is now only a matter of Weeks before Damascus Falls. Assad’s 2 Main Supports are decimated currently, thanks to Israel, in both cases, in one’s Opinion.

      You had Israel humiliated Hezbollah and Iran. Israel literally eliminated all their Top Leadership. And with Russian losses to the Ukraine, they needed now to move all their Military Assets to the Ukrainian Front. Thus Assad has but Weeks, if at all. And? That is what the Bible Codes foretold, if you are in that possibility. See what you all think.

      Keep the Watch,


      #1133: FALL OF SYRIA
      Assad’s Fate and the Isaiah 17 Prophecy in Bible Codes

    2. RE: Trump Tower of 666 Power :)

      Here you go Double AA…
      And this is for laughing at my Pics, eh? No Hard Feelings though, lol. But as promised, here is one’s Research into the Trump Tower and its amazing 666 Connections. Coincidence? Perhaps. But in one’s Research, such People at that level and caliber just happen to have those Luciferian Signatures. Of course, one is not sure if even Trump is aware of it. But one has a suspension that he does to a degree, perhaps. See what you all think.



      #1132: TRUMP TOWER
      666 Signatures hidden in Plain Sight

    3. Lu...the latest news says the Syrian rebels are about 20 miles outside of Damascus or several days away.  That being the case, won't Israel have to make a fairly quick decision to exercise the Samson Option to destroy any existing weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, biological, etc) stored in Damascus before it gets into the hands of the rebels?    Basically, I'm thinking the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 may be much sooner than we think!    As everyone knows, the fulfillment of this prophecy will instantly change the course of events throughout the Middle East and may ultimately be the trigger for WW3 and the Rapture. 

    4. I agree, LuLu, that DJT would have to be sorely lacking in self-awareness not to have an inkling of his role in world events especially as it relates to Israel. He, however, is not the AC as the AC will come out of the Revived Roman Empire and will not be revealed until the Bride is removed, 666 connections notwithstanding:)

    5. I was surprised at how the rebels in Syria seemed to appear “suddenly” after the start of the ceasefire between the IDF and Hezbollah. We are on the side of the Kurds and Druze at any rate. Asaad and his father were butchers.

    6. “ First talks between the Kurds in Syria and Israeli representatives!!

      Kurds are taking over areas in North east Syria, which has the Syria Iraq border crossing.

      Background: The Kurds and Assad hate the other rebels that are supported by Turkey. Turkey hates the Kurds.

      The Kurds are thinking about next moves and also to collab with Israel.” Amir Tsarfati

    7. RE: World War 3?

      There are those that believe we ‘are’ in World War 3. Jaime Diamond of the Bank Establishment that funds these Wars even admitted publicly. He, of all types of People ought to know. Here is the Break-Down. World War 3 started with the following and is apparently incrementing in stages.

      WORLD WAR 3
      2022 Stage 1: Russian invading Ukraine
      2023 Stage 2: HAMAS invading Israel
      2024 Stage 3: Israel invading Gaza and Southern Lebanon, Strikes in Beirut, Tyre, Syria
      2025 Stage 4: Sunni Muslim Rebel reigniting Syrian Civil War

      One contends that the Powers-That-Be are allowing the Syrian Rebels to possess Damascus at this Point and Time to have an excuse for then Israel to go Nuclear on them. For Israel to do so now would surely have the entire World against it, more than it is already. There has to be a ‘Justification’, much like it was for the Excuse in how the USA only used that as the Main Pretext to invade Iraq back in 2003.

      What one is sensing is that all these War-Fronts are essentially preparing the Middle East for the eventual Gog-Magog War. Despite the Russian heavy losses of Soldiers in the Ukraine and leaving Assad on his own, the Russians are managing to keep their Presence on the Golan Heights against Israel.

      The Main Leaders of this Russo-Islamic Confederation of Outer-Ring Nations are already at Israel’s Doorstep: Russian, Iran and Turkey. The Ukrainians-Russians in Sudan and in Libya are just conditioning the Circumstances on how the South, that is ‘Cush and Put’ will be linked to this coming Invasion of Israel.

      Now, if the Nuclear Detonation of Damascus occurs before the Rapture Event? That is yet to be discerned and seen. What an Amazing Event that will be if it does occur on this Side of the Rapture. But how dreadful. If, for example, not if but when Israel strikes at Damascus with a Nuclear Device, it will be the 1st Nation to do so in War, aside from the USA. That Nuclear Strike took place on August 6th and 9th of 1945.

      But the Earth Coordinate difference of both Japanese Cities is the 33rd Parallel. One has shared before how Damascus is at the 33rd Parallel Line, North. Coincidence? Perhaps. It would make 2025 the 80th Year Anniversary if the Isaiah 17 Prophecy of Damascus, ‘No Longer Existing by the Moring’, is to pertain to this Event.

      Here below is a very thorough Military Assessment from a former U.S. Army Infantryman who served in Iraq. He breaks-down the various ‘Theaters’ that are taking place and one gets a sense of the Scope the Wars in these Regions are painting a Picture that it is really a ‘World War’ going on here. The Ukraine will also Fall, eventually.



      Task & Purpose

    8. Lu...I see you're in the same camp as Jarrett @Supernatural by Design that WW3 has already started!   Well, I tend to agree so perhaps I should change my wording to say...may ultimately be the trigger for the "official" start of WW3.   There are so many opposing groups fighting in Syria it's hard to make sense of it all!  But after watching the Task & Purpose video it makes a lot more sense now.  So thanks for sharing.

      It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks or early 2025 to see if the Isaiah 17 prophecy is fulfilled.   And even more interesting if we're still here to experience it!

      Lyn...I haven't had a chance to read your new article yet, but will shortly or sometime after din-din!   Lol!

    9. AA...do you ever tell your cats that din-din is just about to be served?   Lol!

    10. My cats want din din every hour, so I never have to say it😜😺

  29. I'm with Bob in thinking the ISAIAH 17 DAMASCUS DESTRUCTION could be sooner than we think AND in my newly posted article, I share how it may correlate with the other Dominoes to fall before the Rapture!


    1. I also just added the link to Gary's new article at Unsealed to my above article!

    2. Lyn...I just finished reading your article as well as Gary's at Unsealed.   Apparently Damascus has just fallen, at least from a military point of view.   Things are happening really fast, so one would think that Isaiah 17 may happen sooner rather than later.   The question one must ask...can Israel afford to wait for the Syrian rebels to take possession of any weapons of mass destruction that currently exist in Damascus?    If the answer is no, then Isaiah 17 is likely to occur much sooner than we think.   But honestly, there are so many factors or variables that come into play in making that decision, it's really anyone's guess!

  30. Incredible news out of Syria. All of the following are from Amir’s Telegram channel:

    “A report in the New York Times: The rebels in Syria turned to Iran this week and called on them not to send military forces against them in battles - and in return Iran asked to allow all its forces to withdraw from Syria safely and protect the Shiite mosques in the country. The rebels promised Iran that they would not harm the Shiite minority in Syria. According to the report, as of the middle of the week, the Iranian government is in complete panic following the advance of the rebels, and an internal document in the Revolutionary Guards stated that the situation is "strange and unbelievable" and that "it is as if Iran accepted the fall of Assad and lost the will to oppose it."


    For a whole year, they've been celebrating October 7th, the blow Israel has endured, and the victory of the Iranian axis. Within the last 2-3 months, they've been watching Iran's $50 billion project of decades being totally destroyed!

    The rebels began to seize government offices in Damascus.

    A senior Israeli security official following the events in Syria:
    "The fall of the Shiite axis is very good news for Israel. On the day that Hezbollah accepted the ceasefire from a position of weakness, the rebels in Syria understood the meaning and started a war against the Assad regime.

    Since September 12, 2024, the day when Netanyahu decided that taking care of our northern border, we are in an amazing sequence of events"



    1. BREAKING: The new transitional Syrian government to broadcast a statement on all radio and TV channels imminently, announcing the end of Assad's rule!

    2. All flights from the Damascus international airport have been canceled!
      The rebels have entered the airport!

    3. The Bible Codes about Assad “He will flee” and “To his end” are amazing to consider now that his plane has disappeared.

    4. BREAKING: The IL-76T plane, allegedly carrying Assad, has reportedly crashed near Al-Suwayri!

    5. Maybe all the weird patterns the plane was making was the pilot trying to regain control.

    6. And now they supposedly are offering a 10Mil reward for anyone leading to the arrest of the criminal Assad. Just keeps getting weirder and weirder

    7. I wonder if someone aboard his plane was carrying a (throat clearing) pager.

  31. PART 2/3
    It Turned-out to be the UK’s SAS. It was a False Flag and Obama had to back-off as even the Democrats at that Time were not War Hawks as they are now. But Obama, along with Republican John McCain supported the Muslim Rebels, knowing their atrocities and Genocide of the Christians in Syria. They called these same Muslim, the ‘Free Syrian Army’. McCain even went to Syria and personally pinned Medals on these Muslim Murderers. Utter Shame and Disgust. The following are various Articles attesting to the Atrocities of the Syrian Free Army, curtesy of U.S. Tax Payers.


    Syria Islamist rebels take control of historic Christian town of Maaloula

    Gutted and brutalized, Syrian town will not rise again for long time

    In Syria, Assyrian Christians Cling On After ISIS Onslaught

    Maaloula: Syria’s Last Aramaic-Speaking Village

    Aramaic-speaking Syrian town prepares for return of pilgrims after years of war

    What occurred in Afghanistan after the Biden Pullout is what will happen in Syria concerning the Christians that are left. In Afghanistan, for 20 Years, under the Protection of U.S. and other Nations, the Ordinary Afghani People had Freedom, at least enough for Women to not get beat publicly and attend School or become Christian without having their Heads cut off or Crucifies.

    That is what these Rebel Syrian ‘Freedom Fighters’ did to Christians. They publicly crucified known Christians. One will not leave Links to show that, but one can do an Online Search about it. Christian Missionaries poured into Afghanistan and there was a Vibrant Christian Witness there as a result. For 20 Years, that Community grew, matured and was called to give their Lives for their Faith then. So, after the Muslims came in, guess who were the 1st people the Muslims Taliban sought after? The Christians.

    1. PART 3/3
      The Christians, those that could not escape with the U.S. Evacuation were Martyred or have gone Underground. At least the LORD has ‘Harvested’ a Remnant of Afghani People that will be seated at the Thone Room of YHVH in Glory. But for that brief Time, most ended-up dying for their Faith. This is what will be occurring next in Syria for the Minority Christians that are left. There is the usual, ‘Religious Minorities will be Protected’. No.

      Realize that Syria, Lebanon and Iraq used to be Christian, even parts of Northern Iran. What will be occurring is a Religious Ethnic Cleansing instead. But as to this portion of the Prophetic Chess-Pieces, one is anticipant of when Israel’s IDF will Nuke them to their ‘Kingdom not Come’. Syria has been carved-out, much like Poland was in World War 2, between Hitler and Stalin. Realize that the USA has an Operational Base there in Syria, by the Jordanian Border.

      The U.S. Army was not invited there and are occupying Sovereign Territory of Syria. It is as if China just took over a large portion of the State of Oregon and started to patrol it, within the USA. And what are the U.S. Soldiers in Syria doing there? Is the U.S. Army protecting U.S. Citizens? The Minority Christians? No. They are protecting the Oil Fields of the Globalist Corporate Luciferian Masters of War. Here below is a Chart also done in 2011 that is now a ‘Snap Shot’ of what Syria looked like then.



      How the New World Order systematically destroys a Nation

    2. Sorry,
      Part 1/3 is not being allowed to Post.
      Lu :)

  32. “ BREAKING! Syrian and Lebanese sources say that Israel has launched a ground operation in Syria.”

    “BREAKING: IDF tanks have entered and captured the Syrian town of Al-Quneitra in the Golan Heights DMZ – Sabereen, pro-PMF media.” Amir

    1. AA--I meant to thank you for all your info. I used your Amir Tsarfati quote from Telegram in my article.

    2. Blessings, Sister! Very welcome.

  33. For those who want to know more about the new Syrian rebel leader, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, check out this recent article from ALL ISRAEL NEWS (an Evangelical/Christian news organization co-founded by Joel C. Rosenberg).    There are other good articles from the Washington Post and New York Times, however, you need to be a subscriber to view the entire article).


    I watched CNN'S "Fareed Zakaria GPS" Program this morning, and one of his guests made an interesting comment.   Specifically, he said "which type of government will al-Jolani emulate:   the Taliban government or a foreign policy similar to the Iranian government, which is anti-Israel".   This is critical as it will determine how Israel and other governments respond to the new Syrian regime.   And whether or not Isaiah 17 gets fulfilled relatively soon or at some later point in time.   I might add, based on a recent interview with al-Jolani by CNN he does appear to be more of a moderate (more in favor of institutional governance and not in favor of strict Islamic rule).  Watch the video link below and read the comment section, then tell me what you think.

  34. The fall of Damascus comes 2400 days or 6.666666 prophetic years after Israel's 70th birthday on May 14, 2018.
    4 months to go till Nisan 10 (2520 days after Israel 's 70th birthday)...

    1. What a find, Stephan!   That 6.666666 prophetic years since Israel's 70th birthday is amazing.   It clearly shows that YHVH is in control of the events that are unfolding in Syria.   It also implies that the AntiChrist will soon be entering the scene and we're very close to the start of the 7 year Tribulation.   Do you still think we'll be here until Nisan 10 or 'PPP'?    Let alone 'WWW'!    Lol!

    2. Yes Bob, GOD is in control!
      The fall of Damascus comes also 244 days after the April 8 Eclipse. 365/244 = 66.6
      (66.6% of the year)

    3. As much as I disagreed with the ceasefire, it appears ordained by God.

    4. Hey Stephan and Everybody Else--Pastor Rich left a Comment over at the new Unsealed article regarding "The fall of Damascus early this morning is 300 days to the suggested beginning of the 70th week according to my latest calendar study."

      300 corresponds with the Hebrew letter shin. I replied to PR: In Prophecy of the Shin/Trident and Our Transformation I wrote how the letter shin is the first letter of the word שַׁדַי (shadai) which is one of the names of G-d. I also share an article which explains how the Hebrew letter shin is associated with Israel and especially the City of Jerusalem—the apple of God’s eye.

      That article offers a prophetic vision and word from the Lord that the Shin (which resembles a Trident) will be the Final Sign before the Rapture and that, “Three kingdoms are about to fall. When you see these three kingdoms fall, know that I am even at the door.”

      Kingdom #1 Syria
      Kingdom #2 Ukraine?
      Kingdom #3 ????

    5. Listening to MonkeyWerx. He mentioned that Bashar Assad’s birth date is September 11, 1965.


    6. December 8 is also the 66th day of this jewish year

    7. Your 666 numbers keep coming, Stephan!   I wonder if this weekend (12/7 + 8) is the start of the countdown for the arrival of the AntiChrist.   Isn't Satan required to disclose his next move or actions before he actually does it?     I seem to recall Professor Lu having a lecture on this topic in his Bible Prophecy 101 Class!  

    8. Nice Number Crunching, Stephan,
      You beat me to the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse one.

      But, if the PPP Resurrection Rapture, as you note is Significant, perhaps even from this Fall of Syria Date of December 8, 2024, then the following.

      December 8, 2024 to April 12, 2025
      = 125 Days
      = 4 Months, 4 Days
      = 10,800,000 seconds
      = 180,000 minutes
      = 3000 hours
      But if one uses the Fall of Syrai Date to the ‘723’ Pentecost New Wine Rapture High Watch Date for the ‘White Wheat Wedding’ WWW, then the following.

      December 8, 2024 to July 23, 2025
      = 227 Days
      = 7 Months, 15 Days
      It is also interesting that from the October 7, 2023 HAMAS Attacks on Israel to the Fall of Syria on December 8, 2024:

      = 428 days
      = 1 Year, 2 Months, 1 Day
      = 14 Months

      This Fall of Syria and Assad is a Major Political Shift and Flashpoint for the entire Middle East, Israel and Biblical Prophecy as we know.


  35. We had some bad news today. I have 3 sons, raised in the Lord but not following Him. Our 2nd son, Jason, announced this afternoon, that he and his wife were separating, and it hasn't been working out for a while. Our oldest, has been married 3 times, and is only 45, and his last wife is a Muslim and she is the same age as his own daughter, our youngest son has had 2 children with the same partner, but that hasn't been going well either, except they have a 3rd baby about 2 months ago, "our 8th grandson", so they have decided to stay together, but for how long, we don't know.

    Satan roars and devours as much as he can, because he has little time. Our health and families are under attack. But strangely enough, even though it saddens my husband and I, we are not deeply affected. We are tired, like everyone else, waiting for our big day with the King, but we know that we are in the last moments, a few weeks, a few months, we don't know but it's the end, all these worries, these sadnesses, these illnesses. It is logical that everything gets worse everywhere, because the finish line is in sight. No need to always look far away, very close to us, chaos presents itself. A sign of the times.

    In any case, the apostle Paul considered his past as a loss, a past life that he no longer wanted, and he found Christ, eternal life. So I look at everything as a loss outside of my Savior and my family in Jesus. The rest will remain on earth. I always pray for my sons, that's for sure, but they are loaned to me, they do not belong to me. I have peace in all this. God is good!

    1. Dear Carole, how heartbreaking. Praying for you, sister. So many of us have brokenness in our families. A Christian author I read says she always asks the Lord for a word for the year, and suggested her readers try it. Immediately "Trust" came into my mind. Surely there can be no better word for 2025 for all of us. With all the uncertainty on so many levels, and all the trials the BOC is going through, not to mention chaos going on in the world at large, trusting Jesus will be our strength going forward.💖

    2. Carole...so sorry to hear what's happening with your son(s).   Life is indeed getting more difficult as we get closer to our departure.   Can you imagine dealing with such things without having any Faith?   You're a perfect example of how a "true believer" handles this type of situation.  So kudos to you!   

  36. LuLu...please check your emails!

  37. Amir Tsarfati:

    Not only is Israel destroying all weapon storage and manufacturing facilities of the Syrian army to prevent them from falling into the hands of jihadist rebels, but it is also stripping Syria of all its air defense systems. This ensures Israel's free access to any targets it might want to attack in the future. In the coming hours and days, Israel is shaping its reality for years to come. By amending border lines that were based on an agreement with a regime that no longer exists, and by denying the new enemy its military capabilities, we are working hard to ensure a safer future free of Iran's proxies on our borders.

    Southern Syria not long ago.
    The Israeli Air Force is working hard in the skies of Syria with over 100 strikes in the past 24 hours! We haven’t seen anything like that since the 1973 Yom Kippur war!

    The Israeli Air Force is not the only Air Force operating in the skies of Syria: the American Central Command announced that its air forces today carried out dozens of targeted strikes against ISIS camps and operatives in central Syria. According to the announcement, fighter planes and bombers, including B-52s, attacked 75 targets, and now the results are being examined, but there are no signs of harming civilians.

    The commander of the command, General Eric Korilla, made it clear that they will not allow ISIS to take advantage of the developments in Syria to recover. "All the organizations in Syria should know that they will pay the price if they join ISIS or support it in any way," he warned.

    "We haven't seen these explosions in 15 years," said a Syrian man as the IDF launched airstrikes on the Syrian countryside of Daraa.

    Israel is taking out Syrian fighter jets, air defense radars, and anti-aircraft batteries.

    In other words, the path to Iran is being cleared.

    1. RE: Syria's Down Fall

      Man, all Parties are ravaging Syria apart like a Pack of Hyenas.

    2. Makes total sense as Damascus will become a ruinous heap.

    3. “ Iranian analysts say that within 14 months Netanyahu managed to destroy an Iranian plan that was 45 years in the making!” Amir

    4. “ Israel has been conducting an airstrike operation unprecedented in recent decades, for the destruction of a country's army, in the last two days.

      In more than 250 airstrikes, the air force destroys Assad's army: tanks, planes, helicopters, ships, air defense systems, missiles, military factories, intelligence facilities, and everything that the army of the Syrian state has held and built for decades - is literally being destroyed these days .” Amir


      Israel must be very concerned about weapons falling into the hands of bad actors to conduct nonstop air strikes.

    6. I am familiar with the mantra “there were no WMDs in Iraq” but I also remember satellite images showing trucks leaving Iraq bound for Syria just before the Gulf War commenced. Not long after, Assad was building a nuclear reactor with the aid of N. Korea which the IAF obliterated in 2007. I pray the IDF can locate and dispose of the chemical weapons in Syria before they can be used to attack Israel.

    7. Talk about suddenlies . . . (from Telegram) — More than 350 Israeli airstrikes targeting Syrian territory in the past hours, and an Israeli occupation of Syrian territory equivalent to twice the size of the Gaza Strip, and their army is less than 40 km away from the capital Damascus.

      God has certainly opened a window of opportunity for Israel. Glad they are taking advantage of it before they are coerced into stopping. Clearing the way to the Mullahs.

    8. According to the NTEB website, Assad is in Russia.

  38. Hello Everyone, I have been keeping up with this blog for awhile now, not commenting much, just enjoying the comments. As far as Isaiah 17 :1 goes, there is no way Israel and The Trump Administration is going to allow another Jihadist regime to gain a foothold in Syria, now that Assad is out. I think it will be because of the WMDs that are in Syria’s stock pile, Israel will have to take out Damascus.

    With Hamas and Hezebolah nearly decimated and Iran seriously weakened, there will be no major push back when Israel goes on the offensive to take out Syria’s biological and chemical arsenal.

    The momentum is with Israel, because prophecy is on the side of Israel.

    Trump will be the backup to give Israel the freedom to defend itself without reprisals, why not, if I had a big brother watching my back, like the incoming Trump administration I would be begin to flex a little too, just sayin.

    Min. Larry Washington
    Endtime Watchman

    1. Welcome dear brother Larry! It's always interesting when there are new commentators on the site. And your opinion is as important as everyone else's here.

    2. Welcome Minster Washington...
      It will be Good to have a Pastor's Perspective.

  39. “ In over 300 targeted strikes during the past 24 hours, Israel destroyed the entire air force of Syria, including all aircrafts (MiG and Sukhoi), all helicopters, and all anti-aircraft systems.” Amir Tsarfati

    1. What the Israeli Air Force is accomplishing in Syria is mind blowing. Here’s the latest from Amir:

      It's not even 5 AM, and the F-16s continue to fly from Ramat David Airbase towards Syria for more and more waves of attacks on Syrian military targets. After all, it's not every day you get the chance to completely obliterate the entire military of a country that has been your fierce enemy for more than 75 years.

  40. Professor Lu...do you know anything about the Holy Door or "Porta Sancta".   I ask because Pope Francis is scheduled to open the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve (12/24) to inaugurate the Jubilee Year of 2025.   From my limited research, the Holy Door is normally opened only during a Holy Year (Jubilee).   However, the last time the door was opened was on December 8, 2015 to mark the beginning of the Catholic Church "Year of Mercy".   Prior to that, the Holy Door was opened in 2000.   I ask because this was briefly discussed in Dr. Barry's latest video around the 25 to 32 minute mark.   From all what you know or researched over the past 20 years is this a "good" or "bad" thing from a prophetic/luciferian point of view.  Carefully listen to what Dr. Barry has to say!   Also, do you know what's inside the room and/or metal box?    The timing is interesting because Hanukkah starts on December 25th and ends on January 2, 2025, which is only the 4th time since 1900 that the first day of Hanukkah has landed on Christmas.   Take your time!    Thanks.

    1. RE: Vatican Jubilee Door?

      Bob + Fam,
      Good Question. Here, one wrote a quick Response before forgetting the Points and getting busy at campus again. Come to find out that my Immediate Supervisor was been let-go as well as 3 others now and more to come, just before Christmas of all Times.

      I would have posted the Response here but some of the Terms might be flagged and censored to not go through. So, here the PDF Link. The Study is another Deep Dive, so have your Aspirin handy. :)


      Remember the Palmyra Arch of Triumph?

      Keep the Watch,

    2. Lu, I pray you keep your job. God knows, he controls everything, in his power. May the Lord ensure that you keep your job until he returns for all of us!

    3. Lu...that was one quick of a turnaround!   Thank you so much for writing such an in-depth study of the "Holy Doors" of the Vatican.  I particularly liked when you wrote that the "Sacred Doors" or Portals on Earth are to allow and facilitate the Transition of Divine Beings (i.e, Fallen Angels + Demons to-and-from Earth).   Also that the Demonic Door or Portal is opened to sycronize on certain days and events.   Which makes me wonder if something prophetic will happen on 12/24 (X-mas Eve) or 12/25 (Christmas Day/1st Day of Hanukkah) when Pope Francis opens the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica.

      In case you missed it, Dr. Barry briefly pointed out that 12/25 of this year is in fact "the four and twentieth day of the ninth month" (Kislev 24) specified in Haggai 2:18-23.  Coincidence?
      "Is the seed (Believers in Christ) yet in the barn (Kingdom of Heaven)?"   "Yea, as yet the vine (Jesus), and the fig tree (Israelites) and the pomegranate (The Bride), and the olive tree (Gentiles), hath not brought forth:   from this day I will bless you."    Could December 25th (Christmas Day, the day Jesus was "conceived"?) be the day of our Blessed Hope?    Is it also conceivable that the opening of the Holy Door will not only be our "Portal to Heaven" (Rapture Door) but also the Demonic Door that sets up the next phase on Earth or the "Unleashing of Hell" (7 year Tribulation) that ushers in the Anti-Christ?

      Speaking of the Devil, from December 7-8th (Fall of Syria) to December 25th = 18 days or 6 + 6 + 6.    Could this have been the prophetic countdown before the revealing or release of the Anti-Christ?   This fits in nicely with Stephan's 666 numbers that he posted earlier:

      "The fall of Damascus comes 2400 days or 6.666666 prophetic years after Israel's 70th birthday on May 14, 2018."

      "The fall of Damascus comes also 244 days after the April 8 Eclipse.  365/244 = 66.6 (66.6% of the year)"

      Definitely a lot going on with these numbers! 

      Again, thank you Lu for your in-depth study of the "Holy Doors of the Vatican".    Extremely relevant and very well done!    Also want to thank Dr. Barry for his deep-dive video as it provided the inspiration for this post.

      Finally, I'll be praying that you keep your job, Lu.   Don't want that anytime, let alone right before Christmas.

  41. Thank you for the warm welcome, I really appreciate it.
    Blessings to my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

    1. Yes, welcome, dear Brother! You wrote--"I think it will be because of the WMDs that are in Syria’s stock pile, Israel will have to take out Damascus." Amen! My husband and I were just talking about that exact thing this morning.

  42. If you have the time, I highly recommend watching Caroline Glick’s interview with Sebastian Gorka at JNS TV YTC. I have never seen her smile so much.

  43. Yes, absolutely Sister Lyn, I am trying to be In Netanyahu’s train of thought, he is not going to let up, I wouldn’t let up not one inch, he already seen what happened with hamas in the West Bank, Israel gave up land and the occupiers became one of their major threats. It would have been the same with the Syrian rebels, as a matter of fact the leaders of the Syrian Rebels came out saying Jerusalem was next.

    Netanyahu’s got their number, I bet you Netanyahu said in response, I already knew you were going to say that, which is why the IDF is on the offensive, to sweep them out of his way, he has to destroy the jihadist threat of his neighbors.

    2025 will be some interesting Bible prophecies opening up, not to mention the Catching Away of the Bride of Christ, I am onboard with the White Wheat Summer Harvest that Brother Lu has researched.

    It all fits perfectly.

    Israel will become Battle weary after taking out the immediate threats of it’s Islamic neighbors, itching for a peace agreement and 3rd temple, notice the Palestinians are still in the West Bank, only Hamas has been decimated, a new moderate leadership will take reigns of the West Bank and Saudi Arabia will want a two-state solution to enter the Abrahamic Accords.

    Enter the push by Trump the deal maker to make this happen. Trump was elected and will be use by God to bring major Bible endtime prophecy to pass that could not have happened under an Obama / Harris / Waltz leftist administration.

    I do believe 2025 / Summer Pentecost Harvest / will take place, just the way Brother Lu layed it out, I have read his book on the New Wine Pentecost, I even did back up research, I am throughly convinced that the Rapture of the Bride of Christ cannot take place on a Feast of Trumpets, because the Fall Feast of Trumpets will be used to gather all Israel (which many have and are returning to Israel now) for the beginning of the 7 year tribulation (times of Jacob troubles to chastise and refine them).

  44. Has anyone else suspected the "mystery" drones over military bases sounds a lot like when the Chinese visited and took tons of surveillance photos of Pearl Harbor. I mean come on, there is such evidence that we are in for a very horrible attack

    1. Drones have been buzzing the Pentagon with impunity.

    2. And it is suspious to me that as often as they are showing up and as many that the agencies don't already have satellite images of where they are coming from and finding out who is behind them

  45. Hello, I just saw a very short video, about 2 min., and with the explanations in English. I really hope he is wrong! Thank you for reading it, as soon as you have 2 minutes to watch this, I would like you to tell me what you think of this video. It is very short. This is not to discourage but he could be right. Hoping not.


  46. RE: Pentecost New Wine Rapture?

    Minister Washington,
    Thanks for the Shout-Out, but it ‘Will Remain to be Seen’. As you may often read around here, so far, we are ‘Batting 0’ pertaining to Rapture Scenarios and Timing. Lol. But again, we are in the Minor Leagues here, not the Heavy Weights. We just need ‘Better Players’. Bob! I am just the ‘Water Boy’ that keeps bringing the Buckets of Cold Water to Splash-Down the Brethren with at Time. ;0 However, as also said many Times, our Little Blog might be Tiny, but Mighty.

    We do have some amazing Contributors and Insights. However, as to the possible Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory? It is just that, a Theory like any other, but it has been novel in its approach and introduction. We will see, but 2025 seems very Promising. One is excited about the Year 2025 like no other in recent Years and Memory.

    And ‘Fair Warning’. Just be aware that in contributing, you might be: stepped-on, Ridiculed, Embarrassed, Offended, Ignored, Back-Stabbed, Accused Dismissed, and the Bud of all Jokes. Just like a Family, no? :0 At least that is what I have had to go through around here. You will all Pay! Lol.


    1. Israel will turn 77 next year but won’t be 80 until 2028. So much can happen in the interim. Many souls are coming into the Kingdom everyday. I believe our Heavenly Holy Father will wait until the last possible second to tell His Son to go get His Bride because He loves the world that much. I am determined to keep laying up treasure in Heaven in the meantime as our Lord instructed us. Enjoy every day. Life is so precious.

    2. Lu...with our dismal batting average the last 7+ years, I agree it may be time to get some better players or designated hitters, such as MLW!    The  "Waterboy" (WWW), the "Numbers Guy" (PPP) + the Cap't (FFF) have all struck out, but we've gained so much from the experience and had some good laughs along the way.  Can hardly wait for the seed to be in the barn!   Perhaps before the Winter Solstice or when the Holy Door is opened!

  47. Thanks for the warning Brother Lu, I am a big boy, I will be fine. It is all part of the job.

  48. Anyone have anything on the drones, I don’t buy it that the intelligence community with all of our sophisticated capabilities, that someone does not know what’s happening, just sayin.

    1. Here's a little snippet from Hal Turner's website about the drone situation ...

      "I did hear a "RUMOR" a few days ago, which I did NOT pass along to anyone because, well, you'll figure it out now as I tell you:

      RUMOR: These are RUMORED TO BE Pentagon Drones equipped with highly sensitive radiation detection gear because they're looking for a DIRTY BOMB allegedly being transported for detonation in New York City.

      There. I said it. But it is just a RUMOR and you need to treat it like a RUMOR and not go off, half-cocked, or panic. It's a RUMOR. Nothing more!"

      Those would be Turner's words - including the last paragraph.

      7:08 PM EST - at least FIVE Drones Over Cliffside Park, NJ Aimed at New York City

      If you ask me, "something wicked this way comes" as the saying goes.

    2. Considering that more U.S. missiles were just fired into Russia via Ukraine, the purpose of those New Jersey drones are looking like Turner's rumor above may be spot on.

      "Ukraine's attack with ATACMS missiles on a military airfield in Russia's Taganrog will not go unanswered" said the Russian Defense Ministry.

      Ukraine hits Taganrog, Russia with US-Supplied ATACMS Missiles

  49. TW Tramm: Hanukkah Rapture Themes


    Well, one thing about the drones 🤔. . . they wouldn't be flying over Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (or anywhere over Israel) with impunity😉

    1. Judi...thanks for sharing TW Tramm's latest notes on Hanukkah.   His work is always factual or scriptural based which makes it very encouraging.    While Hanukkah is not my highest watch period, this year may be different.   This is primarily because Kislev 24, "the four and twentieth day of the ninth month" (see Haggai 2:18-23) falls on 12-25-24 this year or the first day of Hanukkah.    This is a fairly rare occurrence.   As Jimboni +KoolCat may recall, Kislev 24 in 2023 was on 12/7, in 2022 it was on 11/24, and in 2021 it was on 11/28.   My point is that things seem to be lining up scripturally this year!    Throw in Pope Francis opening the Holy Door, the recent Fall of Syria, the critical juncture we're at in the Russian/Ukrainian war, the "evilness" that is growing everywhere in the world these days, etc...this could be the "Holiday or Yuletide Season" for the Rapture.   Ofc, "Time will Tell", as Lu often says!  

    2. With caution one utters a lion's name 'lest they be roused to wander near one's home.

      "In the Hebrew calendar, the eighth month is called "Bul" (H945, Pr: BOO-ul) ) or "Marcheshvan," which typically falls between October and November in the Gregorian calendar. It is mentioned in the context of the agricultural cycle (esp: fruit), particularly as a time of rain (HS?) and HARVEST." - Strongs Concordance (EM)

      In 2024, Bul finishes up about 12/15 (Dec 15th). In it, Typologically, entangled with the initial division of Israel into Northern and Southern Kingdoms, we find the "sin of Jeroboam" occurring, 'causing all of Israel to sin', and later mentioned over 2 dozen times across several OT Books. The parallels with AC details are extremely intriguing and could well include Our Lord Soon Destroying The Mosque currently occupying The Temple Mount area and filling that area with the 'cloud of His Glory.'

      1 Kings 12:33

      13 And, behold, there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the Lord unto Bethel: and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense. ... 3 And he gave a sign (!) the same day (!), (15th day of the 8th month*), saying, This is the sign which the Lord hath spoken; Behold, the altar (mosque?) shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out. 1 Kings KJV (em*)

      1 Kings 13:5


  50. RockIslandBooks
    The Mystery of ALEPH and TAV Chapter Two: ADAM & MOSES

  51. Supernatural By Design

  52. Robert Breaker has a new vid “The Rapture and Donald Trump?”.

  53. DON'T LOOK UP...

                                                    ▪  ▪
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    "I think at this moment we should just sit back and assess."   Lol!



    Former Republican Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland has said that he personally witnessed "dozens of large drones" flying above his home in Davidsonville, Maryland, on Thursday evening as the mystery surrounding the various unexplained sightings continues.

    "Last night, beginning at around 9:45 pm, I personally witnessed (and videoed) what appeared to be dozens of large drones in the sky above my residence in Davidsonville, Maryland (25 miles from our nation’s capital)," Hogan wrote on X Friday. "I observed the activity for approximately 45 minutes."

    The former governor said he does not know if these drone sightings are evidence of a threat to public safety or national security, but he called out the federal government for a "complete lack of transparency" in the face of Americans' concerns.

    1. AA...various people are saying they are Nuclear Radiation Sensor or Sniffer Drones.

    2. Bobby Z! Yes, I’ve read that and wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true.

      On a lighter note, I bought a convection oven by the same manufacturer of my milk frother. Looking forward to using it. I even bought my very own whipped cream maker! The same kind bartenders use to top off Irish coffee. I watched a bartender create a delicious concoction using it and became obsessed with getting one. I have the chargers that go in it. That’s going to be fun😄.

    3. Barista + Baker AA...looks like you found a new hobby!   So much fun!   When are you going to invite us all over for some frappy's, latte's and some baked goods?   If we like your drinks and pastries or Buffalo Wings (which I'm sure we will!) you can join the crew on Flight 777 or be part of the Band!    Cap't Bob or Bobby Z

    4. 😝I would LOVE to join the crew of Flight 777! It’s SO enjoyable making my own cappuccinos and/or iced lattes when I get up instead of being dependent on McDonalds. One of my goals in 2025 is more cooking and less DoorDashing. The convection oven is going to be a great asset in that regard along with the milk frother and whipped cream maker. I’ve cleaned out the pantry so I will have more countertop space. It has been a good project and keeps my mind off Mitch and Scotty.

      All the practice in the kitchen will surely come in handy in the galley of Flight 777 ✈️.

    5. AA...tell you what, I'll check with Judi (co-pilot + former flight attendant) and if she gives the ok, you can join the crew and be our Barista on Flight 777!    I hope she says yes, because we need someone to make quality drinks during our short flight!    You know how to make hot green tea for LuLu, right?   Lol!

      ✈️   777   ✈️

      Cap't Bob

  55. Lu + Family...more info on Pope Francis opening the 5 "Holy Doors" or Portals on December 24th thru January 5th in Rome, Italy or near the Vatican.   Specifically, see Steve Fletcher's latest video below.


    For some reason, ever since Dr. Barry briefly mentioned this topic in his latest video it has intrigued me.    Now Steve Fletcher puts out this current video after receiving an email from a woman (John 3:16 channel?) indicating the coordinates of the 5 sites = The Sigil of Lucifer, also known as the Seal of Satan.   So what gives?    Is there more to this 25 year ritual than meets the eye?  This story definitely seems to have taken a more sinister or darker turn!   Go Lu, Go!

    1. RE: 5 Portal of the Vatican Opening?

      Bob + Fam,
      Here is the link below to the Article that one subsequently wrote about the Vatican opening-up their Jubilee Doors. It is a Ritual for sure and many are dismissing it as just being that. But one is not so sure. Consider one’s Take that is tied to the Ceremony of the Opening-Up of Notre Dame and their connection to CERN, another ‘Door’ or Poral, Star-Gate even.

      As CERN is built on top of a literal Temple of Apollo, one wonders if that is the True Location of the Entrance or Door to the Abyss? And remember the following Verse below. Notice that the Context is that of a Star, a Key and a Door thus a ‘Star-Gate’ right from the Bible, etc.

      ‘Then the 5th Angel sounded his Trumpet, and I saw a Star that had fallen from Heaven to Earth, and it was given the Key to the Pit of the Abyss. The Star opened the Pit of the Abyss, and Smoke rose out of it like the Smoke of a Great Furnace, and the Sun and the Air were darkened by the Smoke from the pit’. -Revelation 9:1,2

      ‘Then I saw An Angel coming down from Heaven with the Key to the Abyss, holding in his Hand A Great Chain’. -Revelation 20:1

      One was attempting to post the Article to my Website, but I have been on the Phone with Tech Support for Hours, Today trying to ‘fix’ the Problem of it not allowing an Edits, Updates and/or Posts. Go Figure.

      The World is definitely in a Transition Stage and what will come next will not be ‘Good’. Remember what the Apostle Paul stated about the End Times. The Days would be going from “Bad to Worse’.

      One just sees the ‘Conclusion’ of a Trump 1.0 with the Reelection that appears to finish what was initiated back then. But the circumstances with Syria, ISIS and the Plandemic are all coming back as well. No Coincidence.



      Unleashing Power through Ritualistic Magic

    2. Lu...thank you for the quick response.   Very interesting comments, especially the reference to Revelation 9:1-2 and 20:1.   I'm desparately trying to make sense of all of this.   Honestly, I think I need more time to digest what the opening of the 5 Holy Doors or Portals actually mean.  I think we need to follow this closely and report what we find.   But this is definitely beyond my pay-grade so feel free to take the lead on this one.   Any comments or input from other watchmen or watchwomen would be greatly appreciated as this is a developing and fascinating story/mystery that needs to be fully understood, if at all possible!

  56. RE: Drones over the East Coast

    So, here is a very Interesting Video of what the Drones could be all about. In hearing the Brother out, it seems plausible that the Luciferians are staging their next Mass Psychosis that will be based on a COVID 2.0 Type of Plandemic. What was said by the Brother, one would agree like 99.9%, so far. He makes some Interesting Points and possible Correlations that one would and does make also.

    GOD WARNED me in a DREAM about DRONES!

    Because of COVID 1.0, it was also an Experience and Drill for the Body of Christ to learn from. Since we know what really went down, we too now know what and how to pray against it. During COVID 1.0, for the most part, the Christians closed-down their Churches. Their Doors were closed as the Gates of Hell were opened. They were even mandated in California by Governor Newsome to not even Sign in Church.

    In many places, not even meeting in Brethren’s Cars, all parked in the Church Lots were allowed to assemble as the local Police were called and forced the Congregation to disband. Then in Idaho, Christians gathered in public, all wearing Masks, nevertheless started to Sign and Pray. But the Police came and arrested the Pastor.

    In Canada, several Churches were actually forcibly gated by a Fence to not allow Christians to assemble in the Church Building. All the while, at least in the USA the Casinos, Strip-Joints were all allowed for People to gather in. It is because there is Power and Authority that Christ Jesus has given to the Church Triumphant; and that trumps all Powers and Authorities on Earth.

    If only all Christians walked this Way and Command. One is not sure what all these Drones are all about, but something is up for sure. If one can sense anything, it is that it has the 'Signatures' of the 'Usual Suspects'. You can tell by the Outcome of how the Masses are reacting. In this case, it is under the Column of: Fear, Uncertainty, Confusion, Anxiety, etc. It is a Staging of sorts.


    1. Oh my goodness, Lu! AFTER posting my new article that features this brother's dream, I saw your Comment!

  57. https://youtu.be/LnezgBvVDDM?si=A6LBlSlK0wqlIPhU


  58. NYPost:

    The truth is out there — they’re just too scared to tell us.

    A New Jersey state senator has bluntly accused the government of hiding the truth about the mysterious drones flying over the Garden State, saying the feds are too “fearful” of how people will react.

    “Whatever these drones are doing, the government really doesn’t want us to know,” Sen. Jon Bramnick told NewsNation on Saturday, calling on the Department of Defense to “come clean with the American public” about what was really happening.

    “What that must mean is they’re more concerned with us getting knowledge and being afraid of that information than having no knowledge and having all these questions,” claimed the Republican from the state’s 21st Legislative District.

    “There must be something going on that they can’t tell us because they’re so fearful of what the public’s gonna do when they hear what the drones are doing.”

  59. Replies
    1. “ Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.” (Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 2002) Regarding Iraq and WMD

      We are living through an actual X File. Where are Mulder and Scully?

    2. Lu...excellent write-up and stunning video footage showing all the different types of drones.   By far the best drone footage I've seen so far!   The scary, futuristic, sci-fi music in the background certainly adds to the fear factor.   We're most certainly living in "perplexing times".  What's next...Fallen Angels emerging from behind the 5 Holy Doors!    Strongly suggest you watch Steve Fletcher's latest video!    Specifically, the Steve Quayle interview with Henry Gruver.   Very, very intriguing! 

    3. Amen to what Lu noted: "One does surmise that during the 7 Year Tribulation, this Technology and Method of Surveillance will be used to hunt down those not taking the Mark of the Beast."

      After posting Drones, Disease X, and Earthquakes in the Year of “X”, I noticed that Brandon Biggs at Last Days YTC posted a short video in which he reminds us that he had already warned that these drones would be coming as part of the global surveillance system and that what we have seen so far is just the beginning. I've embedded the 1-minute video in my new article.
      Lu, am looking forward to checking out your additional info.
      Bob--LOL! "What's next...Fallen Angels emerging from behind the 5 Holy Doors!" Is the Henry Gruver interview the one where Henry gives a powerful testimony of facing giant fallen angels chained under the streets of Rome. BTW I didn't see that interview posted on Steve Fletcher's site.

    4. Lyn...I'm glad you appreciated my humor!   But you're correct, that's the Henry Gruver interview where he gives a powerful testimony of facing giant fallen angels chained under the streets of Rome.   Ofc,  there "may" be a connection with Pope Francis opening the 5 "Holy Doors" or Portals in the Vatican area on December 24th thru January 5th.   I believe one of the sites includes the Mamertine Prison (aka Carcer Tullianum) located beneath the Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph's of the Carpenters.   This is where Apostle Paul was believed to be executed in 68 AD.    Btw, Henry Gruver died on 10-10-19 at the age of 77 approximately 2-3 years after the interview.   


      I also found this to be a very powerful testimony.   As noted in the interview, 1 of the 7 men (aka "Holy Ghost Commandos") that were "translated" to the streets of Rome at 4:30am in the morning was from Sacramento, California, my hometown!   Go figure!   I wonder if he's still alive!

    5. I agree, Bob, about there being significance to those portals!
      Also, it's looking good for us to very soon leave the planet and then we will get to talk to the 7 Holy Ghost Commandos!

    6. Lyn...you've got a good sense of humor!    Yes, looking forward to talking to those 7 Holy Ghost Commandos when we're in Heaven.   So many things to do and people to see when we finally make it up there!   But first thing...a big hug for Yeshua..ah..ah!

    7. Correction:   I incorrectly posted above that the Pope would be opening a Holy Door at the Mamertine Prison.   Upon further research, it's actually the Rebibbia Prison (to be opened on 12-26-24).  

      The other 4 Holy Doors to be opened at the 2025 Jubilee will be located at the Basilica of St. Peter (12-24-24), the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran (12-29-24), the Basilica of St. Mary Major (1-1-25), and the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls (1-5-25).

      Sorry for the error.   It's important for me to have my facts correct.

  60. RE: ‘Feast of Weeks’ Rapture?

    So, did someone mention Robert Breaker? Well, he had a Joint Video Chat and Study with Aaron at God-A-Minute, on YouTube. One was actually impressed with Brother Aaron in his delving-into the Greek and Hebrew Words for his Studies to show how ‘Pentecost’ is perhaps the ‘Best’ possible Timing for the Rapture Event. Apparently, enough to now come-around to believe that the Rapture’s Timing is tied to the Typology of Boaz and Ruth. Hear-Hear. lol


    Robert Breaker

    However, he is still of the Interpretation that the Acts 2 Pentecost was at the 1st 50 Day Count that corresponds to the Feast of the First-Fruits of the Wheat. Perhaps Brother Tyler at Generation 2434 and Dr. Awe can ‘set him straight’ on that Point about the New Wine Theory. So, the following…

    Feast of Weeks – Too Early
    9th of Av – Too Late
    Feast of New Wine – Just Right. Lol :)

    But that is just me,

    1. PART 2/2

      What Brother Aaron shows, why he is more convinced about the Rapture occurring in the Time of the story of Boaz and Ruth is based on the Bible Codes. This is 1 Reason, but realize that the Love Story of Ruth, a Type of the Bride of Christ and the Redeemer, Jesus, took place during the Summer Wheat Harvest. The ‘White Wheat Wedding’ (WWW) did not take place at the First-Fruits of it, but when the Wheat turned ‘White’ for Harvest, etc.

      Now how the Term ‘Ruth’ is encoded in the Torah is very fascinating. One 1st came across this Bible Code Count from the late Chuck Missler about it but Brother Aaron expands upon it. See Chuck Missler’s Video Presentation starting at the 17:53 Minute Marker.

      Christ’s Commission Fellowship

      Missler shows how in Genesis 38, in the Hebrew, going from Right to Left and counting 49 Letter Intervals, produces the Names of Ruth, then Obed, then Jesse and lastly, David, etc. Coincidence? No. It shows the exact Chronological Order of their Lives.

      Missler’s Point was that the very Genealogy of King David indeed is encoded in Genesis. He surmises that YHVH had planned to have David is the King of Israel from the beginning. It was Israel's impatient that they wanted a King like the Nations. So YHVH lets them have Saul, which ended in Suicide. Missler shows these Bible Codes to demonstrate that YHVH appears to ‘authenticate’ His Message found in Scripture through such Letter Sequencing.


    2. RE: Reason for Drones at Night?

      Here is an Article about why the Drones are flying at Night. Apparently, they are looking for Nukes a Monkey confirmed in the Flight Plan Software.

      However, that may be part of Reason why… but why is UFO or UAP characteristics in many of them? That would be one’s Doubt or Question.



      They’re Trying to Smell Something on the Ground — CEO of Government-Backed Drone Company Drops Shocking Insight on New Jersey Crisis Which Leaves Joe Rogan Alarmed
      Gateway Pundit

    3. Lu, Blessings

      "why is UFO or UAP characteristics in many of them? That would be one’s Doubt or Question."

      "Never let a good crisis go to waste." -- Rahm Emanuele, former White House Chief of Staff

      There are at least 2 questions wrapped up in yours: WHY are they there, and, HOW are they achieved?

      One conjecture, aligning with recent plandemic behavior, is that while this is a sniffer operation to uncover smuggled Nk weapons stateside, it is also then utilized as a psy-opp. Thus the many counter-narratives quickly emerging around this, including UFO's of Alien origin/design/capabilities, Iranian origin, Russian origin, etc. In other words, it is by design, planned in advance, that this ambiguity would be useful, esp in light of soon-coming explanations for global events to also include such.

      As to 'how', this gets to the heart of the interface between TPTB and such 'aliens', i.e. FA tech. In this model, whether by collusion, most likely, or reverse engineering, UFO tech behaviors involve FA other-dimensional technologies.

      "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy." -- Hamlet

    4. ... on that note, a 4.5 minute video shared over at OFF GRID DESERT FARMING NEWS WITH PAUL & ADRIENNE:


  61. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

    8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

    9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. Gen 1 KJV

    Massive subterranean ocean found : 3 times more water than Earth’s surface oceans combined

    1. Nice correlation, Jimboni!   That's almost as good as Lu's correlation/identification of the Rev12 Sign.  Lol!   Btw, in a very "round about way" that's a compliment to both of you!   I find it  fascinating how all these mysteries are being revealed to us in the latter days.   Next in line...the mystery of the Fallen Angels!

  62. DailyMail.co.uk:

    “ The Chinese military has released a 'hit list' of US naval targets that it would attack in the event of conflict with America, a new report has claimed.

    The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) identified US radars, sensors and other communication equipment that it would target during a potential conflict in its latest report, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

    The army reportedly plans to approach the strike group with drones and create false signals that would confuse or overwhelm the targets' electronic warfare systems.

    PLA's report also detailed potential strategies for hacking into the US Navy's Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) system, a vital defense system that allows the naval the entire fleet to share air defense resources.

    The Chinese military, in its report, alleged that by mimicking the 'correct signaling method' it could 'infiltrate the CEC network as a cooperative unit and launch attacks'.

    The so-called 'hit list' was published in the latest issue of the Defense Industry Conversion in China, a magazine supervised by the state, the SCMP reported.”

  63. As for drones, on NTEB it is Elon M. with his drones and Artificial Intelligence that would be the cause. His drones are autonomous and everything, about 5000 drones and it would be for a massive experiment on human guinea pigs. We really do not know what is true or false. So many different stories!

    WeBot indicators
    PART 1/3

    Well, my Website is still down-and-out. I think those Articles about the Trump Tower and Syria Falling Bible Codes might have done it. Lol. I will wait a Day or so more to check back. It seems the Hosting Site is dragging their feet in reconstituting it.

    But as to the Drone ‘Invasion’? Here below is another Video making some Amazing Assessments of how, apparently, Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio has been shut-down because of them. It is at least in terms of the Runways or Flights being cautioned because of ‘Heavy UAS Activity. UAS stands for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Note that on December 16, 2024, there was a 3.3 Earthquake in Lawrence, Ohio. Coincidence related to the Base Drone-Orb ‘Dog-Fights’?

    Mind you, this Military Base is famous and notorious for where the Men-in-Black ship all the Biologic from UFO Crash Sites to. It is rumored that there are Deep Underground Networks of Rail Tunnels that connect the Base to others, all the way to China Lake, Area 51, Roswell and Dulce, etc. It is where it is believed that many Underground Genetic Labs are where Hybridization of Human Abductees are performed under the oversight of the Grays and Fallen Angels masquerading as ‘Aliens’. It is unbelievable how the Federal Government is Gaslighting the Public about this ‘Drone Invasion’.

    It is about only giving-out the ‘Trickle Truth’. The only pieces of Evidence that is being put together are by these YouTubers. There has been more Amazing Footage of Drones and Spheres interacting. From what one has seen and read, here is one’s Guiding Assumption. If it blinks, it is the Government's. If it glows, it is Fallen Angels Activity to include their Gray Shining Ships. It is evident that the over-sized Drones are U.S. Hardware. If they were not, they would have been shot down by now. However, the Federal Government did allow a Chinese Spy Balloon to drift across the entire Continental States.

    What one is seeing is how the Military or 3rd Party Partners as in Contractors are rolling-out their State-of-the-Art Drone Technology. But they are no match for the Shining Spheres. It is like the Polish Cavalry meeting-up against the Nazi Panzer Tanks in World War 2. Now, the Spheres could be performing their Activities along with the Government Drones. But from what one has assessed, so far, one thinks that the Government has been overwhelmed with the scale of such UAS Apparitions. And they do not have a Handle on the Situation. It is worldwide. In 1 instance, footage shows a Drone approaching a Shining Sphere and the Drone then becomes incapacitated.

    The proceeds to fall from the Sky. It is no wonder why there have been many sightings of Downed Drones. And reports have suggested that they have seen Officials with Hazmat Suits and possible Radiation residue to go with that. If so, it would follow the conventional UFO Signatures of Radiation left behind with such type of contact. One is more convinced that the Fallen Angels are sensing the nearness of the Rapture Event. Image what the Skies will look like, all over the world, in all the World Capitals as they manifest themselves right after the Rapture Event. From the Video capture of some of these Orbs, that are now getting clearer, one can clearly make out that they are the Biblical Merkavahs. What? Yes.


    1. PART 2/3
      These are the ‘Wheels within a Wheel’ Craft wherein the Elohim, the Gods of Heaven ride the Clouds on Earth. Do not ask how to explain that, but that YHVH Himself does too and had appeared to Ezekiel in 1 of them. It is essentially the Movable Throne of YHVH, the ‘Celestial Limousine’. Here below is the Video that shows these amazing Clips of the Spheres and an Excerpt of what the Topic is about.


      Mike Signorelli

      ‘Wright Patterson Air Force Base, home to critical Military Intelligence Operations, has been forced to shut-down after Unprecedented Drone Activity in Restricted Air Space. Military Controllers warn of ‘Heavy UAS Activity’ and issue Extreme Caution Warnings to Pilots. In this Explosive Report, we examine newly obtained Air Traffic Control Recordings and Footage that reveals the true scope of this Security Breach. Multiple Sources confirm Unauthorized Drones entered the Base's Air Space, leading to a complete shut-down of one of America's most Sensitive Military Installations. Connected to these events, we investigate a troubling Report of missing Nuclear Material in New Jersey and analyze Dramatic Footage of Mysterious Aerial Phenomena that has left Experts baffled. What do these incidents mean for National Security?’

      What the YouTuber of the Report also mentions is what has also been abuzz about how a Person named Clif High apparently predicted this ‘Drone Invasion’ back in October. High is a Person that one would not recommend viewing or listening to as he swears, but beyond that, believes in Universal Consciousness and is a Anti-Semite. He is famous for his Mathematical Software Interface that determines ‘Temporal Markers’. They are queried by WeBot Indicators that suggest Events that he then interprets.

      Clif High- Explorers' Guide To Scifi World

      So, according to his findings, it all started with the Temporal Marker reached on October 25, 2024 when Trump had that Podcast Interview with Joe Rogan. High predicted that by the 39th Day, a Melee as he called it, would occur that would be caused by Drones. Not bad.

      ‘A Melee is a confused hand-to-hand fight among several People. The English Term Melee originated circa 1648 from the French word Mêlée, derived from the Old French Mesler, from which Medley and Meddle were also derived’. -Wikipedia

      Now what caught one’s Attention is his supposed Timeline. He is surmising that the Melee would then start in early December, which by the way, the 1st Reported Sightings of Drones over New Jersey occurred on December 4th, just Days from the 39 Day Countdown.

      Anthony Robledo

    2. PART 3/3


      Anthony Robledo

      What the WebBot and Temporal Markers are suggesting, according to his Interpretation, is that in the next few Months, it will reach a Crescendo. Can anyone say Rapture? Perhaps? A 5-6 Month Window from the Inauguration of Trump in mid-January would put the Climax of this Melee or Temporal Marker just before the July Summer ‘White Wheat Wedding’ Rapture Window. See how one snuck that in? :)

      Well, one will see. But it seems the Fallen Angel Natives are ‘Geeting Restless’. Lol I bet you the Federal Government will come out saying that they were or are ‘Protecting’ the People against the Spheres and missing Nuclear Materials. But it is a Psyop. They are in it together at the very Top. And many Compartments within the Military may not actually know as it is all a ‘Need to Know Basis’. And you Peons do not need to know. :)

      And as for these ‘Shining Ships’? This will get now Sumerian. Lol. Consider that these Merkavah’ were described even in Ancient Recording of the Anunnaki. These are the ‘Gods who from Heaven to Earth came’. And they came in their ‘Shining Boats’. Here is the Account based on the Ancient Creation Account of the Enūma-Eliš that was found in the Library of Nineveh.

      ‘They sang to the Lord in the Ceremonial (?) Boat. The Boat, floating of its own accord, was piled up with riches. The Boat Ma-kar-nunta-ea proceeded shiningly. To greet the Hero from the smiting of Weapons, the Anuna …… came to meet him’.

      ETCSLtranslation : t.1.6.2

      But realize if this unprecedented Display of Spheres, ‘Wheels within Wheel’ Merkavah’s are the Real Deal, the Rapture is that close. This would appear to be ‘It’, if one would dare say or hope even. This is how it will go down leading-up to the Rapture. As one has theorized, this is why the Full Disclosure has not been allowed to be made or acknowledged. If the Government did, then they would not have any Cover or Explanation for the Rapture Event itself once it took place. But as L.A. Marzulli has it right,

      ‘When we go Up, they come Down. When we go Up, they Show-Up’.

      Keep the Watch
      Luis Vega


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.