Thoughts on the 7 Year Anniversary

If you are like me, you remember exactly what you were doing 7 years ago today.  I remember that here is was a beautiful blue sky day.  It was a Saturday and we spent the day at my parents house filled with excitement about our seeing the Blessed Hope potentially happen!  It felt like time had slowed down leading up to that day.  When I first learned about the sign it seemed like so far away.  Then as we inched closer to it, time slowed down even more as we found so many amazing nuggets in the Bible and in the Heavens confirming and enlightening us to parts of Gods prophetic word.   It was an amazing time when it seemed that the Holy Spirit was bringing His word to life right before our eyes!  We were going to see something straight out of the Book of Revelation!   Whether it fit with your preconceived interpretation of Bible Prophecy or not, It. Was. Happening.  The Heavens declared it and modern technology confirmed it.  Best us all, we could see it with our own eyes...if you had eyes to see as the Word says!  God had set this thing up from the very beginning of the universe to align in this perfect arrangement that we could only see from our little blue dot that was hurling through space.  In His infinite power and wisdom and might and creativity, He used stars and planets, sun and and moon, (even a conception comet!), all these heavenly bodies that are light-years apart physically, but aligned perfectly from our vantage point to tell this very important story.  His story.   It was, and still is the most amazing and beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes upon. 

And now that not 1, not 2 but 7 years have passed since that amazing day...  where do we stand?  Has anything changed in our world since that day that would lead us to believe we are on the verge of Christ's Return?  Ha!  It would probably be easier to list the things that haven't changed in the last 7 years.  Evil has taken root in our society and grown so thick that it attempts to choke out all that is good and true and pure around us.  Deception and lies are spread daily in the "news".  Good things are called evil, and evil things are called good!  Israel is under unprecedented worldwide pressure and attacks from it neighbors.  WW3 is but one misstep away with several nuclear powers seemingly playing a game of chicken.  A former and very possibly future president has been nearly killed not once, but twice!  Our society can't even define what a woman is anymore!   We could go on and on....

But as we remember that amazing day 7 years ago, and how close we thought we were, one might think this little believer might be getting inpatient or discouraged.   But by His Grace, I don't feel those things at all.  These 7 years have flown by, and I am so encouraged to think how much closer we are today than we were then.  The sign was real, that I know in my bones, and it woke up and entire army of watchmen to the lateness of the hour...myself included.  It gave us a rock solid reference point so we could know where we where in the timeline of Revelation.  It lit a fire in us to share the gospel and tell people about Christ's return.  It brought us deeper into parts of His word than we ever could have imagined.    It did all this and more and I truly believe that when we get to Heaven there will be 10,000 more reasons why we are still here 7 years later.  And while we probably aren't the same as we were back then (our lives may be different, families may have changed, our walk with Him might have ebbed and flowed...) I take solace in the fact that even though we may have changed a bit, God never changes and He has us right where He wants us!

God Bless you all!!  Keep Looking Up!!!  Jesus IS Coming Soon!!!!


  1. Brad, you and Gary are thinking alike as he also posted a new article: The 7th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign: War in Lebanon Has Begun.

    The heavenly happenings as the 7th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign is commemorated and the Hebrew Year 5784 comes to an end are piling up marking this time in history as unparalleled, rare, unprecedented, and once-in-a-generation, perhaps even once-in-a-millennium:

    • September 17-18, 2024, Rare Harvest Blood Supermoon
    • Two moons will be visible from end of September through November 2024
    • Blaze Star to go nova in September 2024—The Sign of the Crown
    • Pink Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) signals a “Birthing”
    • October 2, 2024, Annular Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah

    I already posted a Comment in the previous Rev12 article mentioning the 2 moons to be seen soon which remind us of all the 2 Moons Rapture Dreams given to fellow believers, but will post the link again:


    1. Lyn...excellent summary of the upcoming celestial events happening this September-November. Hopefully all these Heavenly signs point to our Rapture this Fall or perhaps as soon as during the Jewish Feast Days of October. Either way, I'm cautiously optimistic that we'll be departing soon!

      I liked your discussion on the two moons and the dreams people had tying it to the Rapture. Regarding Asteroid 2024 PT5, one wonders if this is an "asteroid scout" leading up to the fulfillment of Revelation 12:3-4 (third part of the stars falling from Heaven)? Lu, do you know where this asteroid came from and whether or not there's a potential for others to follow in the not-so-distant future? Sorry, another rabbit hole to follow!

      P.S. Lu, could you please repost your comments and link from the last thread so we all can read it. Thanks, Bro!

    2. In the articles I read about the mini-moon I wasn't aware that it is only 33 feet long!
      A 2nd moon the size of a bus may not qualify for the Rapture dreams?!

      Here's an article describing the bus-sized asteroid/2nd moon:

      ‘Mini-moon’ will start orbit of Earth later this week

    3. the mini-moon (the size of a bus) "may not qualify for the Rapture dreams", huh?   Please "Say it ain't so, Joe!"  Lol!   I'll leave this one for you and LuLu  to work out!   In the meantime, I've got some "thrusters" to install on my Boeing 777 (ha, ha!).

      ✈️   777   ✈️

    4. Dreams are not always precise so there is still a chance that the asteroid named 2024 PT5 could be the fulfillment of the 2 Moons Rapture Dreams. HOWEVER--if you look at how Tyler portrays what he saw in his dream (at the 17:30 minute mark) and how the girl on the video, "Rapture dream, two moons, Behold I come quickly!" linked in the Description Box, painted what she saw in her dream, it looks like one very large supermoon and another moon about 1/4 the size of the supermoon. 🤷‍♀️

    5. Lyn...thanks for the follow-up and links to the Tyler and Holly dreams.    I agree this upcoming "bus-sized" mini moon may not be of sufficient size to match their dreams.  But like you said "dreams are not always precise" so we'll have to wait and see how this all plays out.   If nothing else, this upcoming mini moon gives us some hope that the Rapture may happen soon.   Hallelujah!

  2. RE: Reposts per Bob’s Request…

    Bob and Rev 12 Fam,
    Thanks for the Shout-Out Bob. Yes, ‘Happy Birthday!’ regarding the Revelation 12 Sign. Can you believe it is now 7 Years Ago that it occurred? Well, at least Astronomically on this side of the Rapture and Tribulation Period. I guess we can shut-down this Blog as we ‘have arrived’, and our Collective Work is done, no?…Or perhaps a bit more to go? ;0

    I remember speaking to Brad over the Phone in Spring of 2017 when he launched this Site. Although the Paradigm then was that the Rapture Event was to occur on that Day, September 23 in 2017, obviously we had to learn a lot about what Celestial Signs mean and what are their Purpose. So, the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ came out from within and without the Church Body because of such Signs.

    But as with all things Biblical, it is about a Shifting needing to occur as the Holy Spirit saw fit. And it was mainly an American Phenomena, as most Brethren in the World, were like, ‘What are those Crazy Christians in the USA pushing and thinking about now?!’ lol

    It has been an interesting ‘Ride’ and has not the entire World changed in 7 Years? It still will and has to for what it coming. Although the Sign has reached a Biblical Numerical Milestone, one still believes its Fullness will occur at the Mid-Tribulation Time-Frame.

    That is what it is really pegged to, in one’s Assessment. That is why the Sign is not ‘Done’ just yet as one has continued to study it and write about it Post-2017. And one will still write about it, if we are to terry and as 2029 approaches.

    Can you believe we are also at the Mid-Decade Year Marker? Even if one is not a Student of the Bible and End Times, many Political and Economic Pundits are alarmed at the pace the Escalation of Certain War and Economic Collapse is now unavoidable.

    Sure, all that has been discussed and ‘Nothing has Happened’, relatively speaking. But as many End Time Students of the Bible have commented, it will be a Scenario of ‘Gradually’, then ‘Suddenly’. What is going on amongst Israel and its Inner-Ring of Muslim Enemies is amazing.

    As a Student of Political Science and Prophecy, where Israel, the USA, Russia and the Arab World are at now, are as they were during the Israeli 1948 War of Independence, the 1967 6-Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, all combined now, in one’s Estimation. One cannot deny that the literal fulfillment of Psalm 83 is developed by the Day before one’s very own Eyes.

    1. PART 2/2
      If what is occurring in Israel is not that, then we are in the wrong Business of being Watchmen or discerning the Signs of the Times, as they say. But if one applies, on the Timeline the Phi Ratio Theory of how Prophecy occurs, then this Time-Frame is what will lead to the eventual Tribulation Period, which occurs after the Rapture Event. It is the Rapture Event that is next to occur, Prophetically for the Book of Revelation to open its Seals.

      For sure, one can say with confidence that what is occurring on Planet Earth, presently is what many Students of Biblical Prophecy longed to see. At no Time in History has all Types of Events converged at the same Time. This is the Difference, this Time now that did not exist prior in Human History.

      If one reads Matthew 24 in the Greek, the stipulation inferred by Jesus is that the Signs given of Wars, Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Plandemics, Famines, Death have occurred since Eden, one would argue. But the Key is that when the listed Conditions ALL occur at the same Time was to be the Sign in itself. We have arrived.

      So, until the Rapture Call, we continue to be on the Look-Out as we Look-Up.

      Here is a Revelation 12 Sign Chart that highlighted how even the World took note of it in 2017. 'They' were and are well aware of it. So much so, that remember how Wikipedia pulled the Page, entirely. Why would 'They' not what the World to even read about what many considered to it to mean?


      Personally, as to how we have had our 'Good, Bad and Ugly' Moments discussing the Sign and other Things, is just like a Family, no? But in the End we all 'Love' each other, perhaps. But I think we have done our 7-Year 'Tribulation' Time, no? We have 'Endured to the End!' :)

      Now, it is the Worlds Turn to be in the Real Tribulation, in comparison.

    2. RE: Asteroid-ICHTHYS

      Lyn, Bob and Fam+
      With the possible depiction of a Double-ICHTHYS suggested by Bob in how the Trajectory of the Star of Jacob Comet is being depicted in the Revelation 12 Sign for 2024, what is more striking is the ICHTHYS Motif that the 2nd Moon Asteroid 2024 PT5 is depicting, presently due to its Trajectory. See Chart Link in the End-Notes. Now realize that the exact 2520th Day of the Revelation Sign, using the 360 Day/Year Count was on August 17, 2024. But note that the Day Discrepancy to the Calendar Anniversary of September 23, 2024 was exactly 37 Day or 888 Hours.

      August 17, 2024 + 888 Hours (‘Jesus’) = September 23, 2024

      For those that have a grasp of Biblical Numbers, that 888 Value is another way of saying ‘Jesus’ in Greek. And True to the Revelation 12 Sign Motif, the Man-Child is Jesus on 1 Level of several Interpretations, etc. What is rather interesting to note also, is that in reading and researching this Asteroid, Asteroid 2024 PT5, most of the Articles, which are really a ‘Mirror’ of each other, describe the Size of the Asteroid in a singular way. The Writers used a School Bus to inference the Size Comparison. And what is also interesting, is how the Asteroid is 33 Feet in Length. As one knows, that ‘33’ is also a very significant Biblical Number.

      ASTEROID 2024 PT5
      ICHTHYS Fish Symbol Trajectory

      Now, again relying on some Poetic License, this ‘ICHTHYS’ Asteroid could be a Prophetic Inference of how the Fish Symbol, like a ‘Lasso’ is coming to gather the Bride of Christ from off the Earth in the Rapture Event. One is not implying that it will occur during this Time-Frame. It could but mostly likely, as the ‘Sign is not the Event’, it is broadcasting what is to come, some Day. And consider the School Bus inference. A School Bus is used to take Students to-and-from their Home to School. But eventually Students will Graduate from their Schooling and there will be that Last Day when they will be riding the School Bus for the Last Time.

      And has not the Church Age been like a School, a Hospital, an Embassy? Has not the Local Congregation been like a School that one goes to learn about Jesus, Heaven, Hell, the End of Days, the Enemy’s Tactics, etc. But 1 Day, the ‘School Bus’, or more like it, will become the ‘Rapture Bus’. And it will take all such Students of Jesus, and what was taught and learned, all the way to Meet the ‘Principle’ of the School, no? Sure, it is a Poetic Stretch but Consider how this Asteroid just happens to occur at the 7th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign and how it is described, Astronomically.

    3. PART 2/2

      Enter the Red Dragon
      It is described in terms of how the Earth has ‘captured’ the Body and for a certain duration of Time, 56 Days, approximately, it is bound to the Earth. But then around November 25, 2024, the Bond to Earth is broken as the Asteroid is then ‘Released’ to travel to the Sun, ‘Freed’. Is that not what is the case, Spiritually speaking what is to occur at the Resurrection-Rapture Release? How so? The Body of Christ is bound on Earth, to Earth. There is a Force that keeps it below, temporarily as it is with this ‘2nd Moon’.

      But 1 Day, the Rapture Bus will leave and ‘Escape’ Earth’s Gravity and Force. The Resurrection and Rapture Event will defy all Laws of Physics on Earth. And that Rapture Bus will drive away from Earth, headed for the True Sun, or rather Son. And what a coincidence that that Orbital Escape will occur on Thanksgiving Day, i.e., a USA Christian Feast? Will it not be the case that as the Rapture Bus is headed for Glory and one’s Rendezvous with Jesus, the Bride of Christ will be giving Thanks all the way there?

      Now, from Earth’s Perspective, where did the Asteroid 2024 PT5 originate from? This is hard to tell as it is an Orbital Body. It just so happens that the Asteroid 2024 PT5 conjoins with the Star Aldhibah, the Heart of the Red Dragon Constellation on September 23, 2024. This Constellation is referred to as Draco.

      The Name of the Heart Star, Aldhibah is from the Arabic, Al-Dhi’b, which is the Feminine Form of ‘The Wolf’. And sure enough, has not the Agencies of Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah and others are circling Israel as ‘Wolves’? It is mere ‘Coincidence’ that on the precise Day of the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign that has a Red Dragon Motif as well, is when the Asteroid PT5 eclipses the Heart of the Red Dragon in the Sky from Earth’s Perspective?


      ASTEROID 2024 PT5
      In the Heart of the Red Dragon – Draco on September 23, 2024

    4. Lu, thank you for the repost.  For the benefit of you, Brad + others, I'll repost my earlier comments as well...

      All thanks and glory to our Almighty Father + Savior for giving us the Revelation 12 Sign exactly seven years ago and the millions of people who were Saved and became "born again" Christians (myself included!) as a direct result of it!   And special thanks to our own, Luis B. Vega, for connecting the prophetic dots and discovering this most beautiful and important sign that has greatly benefited and provided so much guidance and encouragement to mankind.   Hallelujah!!!

      Happy 7th Anniversary of the Rev 12 Sign everyone!   Praying that the Man-Child (Body of Christ) will be born soon!   Maranatha!!!

      Well stated, Lu.   And a great Shout-Out to Brad for creating the Rev12daily blogsite.   Without this site and our shared fellowship these past 7 years, who knows where we'd all be today!   I'd venture to say not a better place, despite all our friendy ‘Good, Bad and Ugly’ debates we've had over the years!   Lol!

    5. This is getting a bit complicated, but here's a "new post" in response to your Asteroid-ICHTHYS discussion above...

      Lu (aka "bus captain"!)...I see that "ICHTHYS" Fish symbol from Asteroid PT5 caught your attention this time.   And one would totally agree as I was not expecting to see that "fish shaped" trajectory that was shown on the NASA Space News video I posted on the previous thread.  But your graphic really drove the point home!   So cool and prophetic to see that early Christian fish symbol up in the sky.  I like your analogy that we've been in school these past 7 years since the Rev12 Sign and the "School Bus" sized asteroid will be taking us home toward the Sun, to be with Jesus (the Son!).   But honestly, wouldn't you rather fly to paradise in a Boeing jet (Flight 777) with all the comforts of home rather than take a Blue Bird bus (Route #888) so we can meet Jesus face-to-face?   Lol!   Sorry "Mr. bus operator/Cap't Lu", I couldn't resist saying that for "old time" sake!   What did you say earlier, "We're all one big happy Family most of the time"!   Or something along those lines! 

    6. Captain Bob!

      Star Date: September 23, 2024
      I guess we are going to have to Drag Race it then. But be warned that this ‘Rapture Bus’ has Nitro-Boosters and a Flux Capacitor. Once we reach 88 Miles per Hour, you will be Toast! Lol. And do realize that this Rapture Bus can fly, No Wings Required, eh? :)

      You are too much. ;0
      But to Infinity and Beyond!

    7. Doc/Mr. Bus Operator/Cap't you're going to outfit your Blue Bird with a "flux capacitor" or time machine, eh?     Just like Doc's invention on the Back to the Future movie, eh? will my crew on Flight 777 beat that?    I guess you leave us no choice but to have Boeing install some new "thrusters" on our aircraft...just like the ones they used on the Boeing Starliner!   Lol!   On second thought, maybe we'll just ask Jesus for some "Supernatural by Design" assistance.  So what do you think about that, Jarrett?   Lol!  

      Bus vs Hypersonic jet airliner.   Let the Games begin!   Or should I say...Let the "Drag Race" begin!

      Isn't it nice that we still have some humor left in us after 7 long years of Watching + Waiting!    You know that Date + Wait thingy!   Lol!

      ✈️   777   ✈️

      Cap't Bob

  3. Thank you Brother Brad for your excellent message and for your site. Soon, very soon we will see our King! Maranatha King Jesus!

    1. RE: Maranatha321...September 23, 2024
      Dear Lu, when you talk about the Rapture bus, it reminds me of a dream I had a few weeks ago. I was on a white bus, there were toilets, food, water and everything, and the bus was driving from one city to another, to the countryside and everywhere, constantly without stopping. There were people everywhere on the bus. I asked why we are always driving all over the planet without getting off the bus? And someone answered: we are waiting for the Rapture. And I woke up.

      Wow Carole!
      That is Amazing. Hoping to GOD that it is a Confirmation!
      Our ‘Spirit Airways Flight 777’ Jumbo Jet might turn-out to be a ‘Bus’ instead! :)

      Thanks for sharing…

    2. Carole that is a great share, TY. I brings to mind a few historical usages of 'the Bus' in both business and pop culture.

      Ken Kesey's 'The Merry Pranksters' conducted their escapades from a painted school bus as detailed in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. One tag line which arose amongst the 'Pranksters, from the Tribalism endemic to such a dynamic, was, "You're either on the bus or off (of) the bus."

      In 'Good to Great', James Collins informs us that one attribute of those organizations which arise from the common pack, to greatness, have in their DNA, from the start, a strong understanding of, and commitment to: 'get the right people 'on the bus''. Later is added to admonition to make sure they are each 'in the right seat' on the bus. Ephesians 4:11,12


    3. I hope this is a warning from God for us to be patient because it would be soon! I realized through this dream, that in the meantime, we lack nothing, the basic needs are all there and not only everything we need physically, but that the Lord leads us, like the bus, on the road of our lives, safe, wherever he wishes, waiting for our blessed hope.

    4. Carole, Lu + Jimboni...a quick search on YouTube shows many links to various dreams people had about being on a Rapture Bus.   Although a year old, I found this one particularly intriguing because she made reference to seeing the Sign of Jonah (which we may have witnessed during the path of the 3rd Great American Eclipse on 4/8/24) and a large explosion in the sea just before the Rapture happens (which we may experience if WW3 starts soon and nuclear explosions start happening around the globe).   She concludes by saying the 'Blue Bird' Rapture Bus (and the Boeing hypersonic jet airliner!) are both great metaphors (ha, ha)!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My thoughts is Brad has blackballed me because of of Gary's false accusation against me that I share a false gospel and now Brad won't share my original and important information on the sign I sent him a year ago. Yes he shared my video 4 years ago about the sign being about judgement scales but then last year I shared The Sign is about the 2nd Messiah, Who Messiah Yeshua's Servant, aka: The OverComer who is given the Rod of Iron as I shared in my video last year that he did not share! SHAMEFUL Brad to not share the important information on the Rod of Iron Constellation in the Rev 12 Sign with the Body of Messiah!!!!

  6. Hey, LuLu. Greg Lauer mentioned you in his latest article. Here’s a snippet:

    “ The REV12 sign was discovered by Lu Vega in about 2008, who studied it privately for a couple of years before it made its way into the public purview in around 2011. But when it did, before you could say "retrograde motion" it was being studied and scrutinized by thousands of believers all over the world with the use of programs like Stellarium.”

    1. Hey Double AA,
      Thanks for pointing it out. It was a Good Read and Greg 'Let them have it', to all those Skeptics and Scoffers, lol. But as mentioned, its 12-Year Jupiter Cycle in Virgo occurs again in 2029, which one thinks could very well be the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation. So, the 'Sign' is not done just yet, entirely. :)

      Have you all been keeping-up what is happening with Northern Israel, Southern Lebanon? It is War now on 7 Fronts, just like the Metaphorical 7 Heads of the 'Red Dragon' Enemy that seeks to Devour Israel. We are now talking about Millions of People on both Sides being Displaced. One cannot help but to parallel this Timing with what the Revelation 12 Sign is also about, a Rapture Event, as Greg rightly noted several Times.

      True, back in 2008 when studying the Tetrad Blood Moons and seeing how Saturn was 'Birthed' out of Virgo during the Fall Feasts in 2015, that is when I noticed how Jupiter, at that Time was in Leo and going to be 'Birthed' next in Virgo. When I then learned the Name of Jupiter in Hebrew, 'Messiah', then the Revelation 12 Imagery described by the Apostle John hit me.

      What I showed in the Charts and then shared on the Rapture-In-The-Air Blog at the Time one was on, was that this Astronomical Alignment and/or Configuration was going to be the Biggest or 1 of the Biggest 'Signs' for the End Times Church. It was and is the 'Rapture Sign' to come. And that this Depiction would divide the Church, as in a 'Sifting' was to occur because of it... It sure has, even to this Day.


    2. Very welcome, LuLu. And, yes, I’m watching the happenings in Israel like a hawk. This is the latest post from Amir on Telegram:

      “ BREAKING REPORT:* A large number of fighters from Yemen have arrived at the headquarters of the 175th Battalion of the 5th Division of the Syrian Army in the border area with Israel in the Daraa region.”

    3. wonders if Israel will bomb Daraa before it bombs Damascus (Isaiah 17)?   Or will the Houthis continue moving northward toward Damascus?   Either way, they're toast!

    4. I remember Perry Stone decades ago saying at any given time, there are one million terrorists in Damascus.

    5. LU--I never knew "the Name of Jupiter in Hebrew, meant 'Messiah'"!!!
      I looked it up and thought I'd share what I found for those who are curious:

      The Hebrew word for Jupiter is "tzedek" or "tsedeq" and corresponds with Strong's 6664H:
      justice, rightness, righteousness
      what is right or just or normal, rightness, justness (of weights and measures)
      righteousness (in government)
      of judges, rulers, kings
      of law
      of Davidic king, Messiah
      of Jerusalem as seat of just government
      of God's attribute

  7. The last great day

    Now that the 7th anniversary of the Rel.12 Sign came and went, we have to look for the next possibilities: Rapture on "the last great day"?

    The last great day of Sukkot refers to Hoshana Rabbah, the seventh day of Sukkot, which is specifically referred to as "great" (=rabbah).
    Jesus‘ reference to the "living waters" on Hoshana Rabbah (John 7) refers to the water libation ritual that, according to the Mishna, took place in the Temple on each of the second through seventh days of Sukkot, culminating on Hoshana Rabbah.

    The book of Relevation also contains Sukkot imagery in Relevation 7; 9-17. In this passage, the people gathered before Jesus are carrying palm branches and calling out 'salvation‘.
    Sukkot is also connected to Palm Sunday, when the croud shouted Hosanna (hoshia-na = save us, we beseech you), which is a quotation from Psalms 118, one of the Hallel psalms.

    Hoshana Rabbah means "great salvation" and is the culmination of Sukkot on the seventh day on Tishri 21 (7+7+7). This year, Hoshana Rabbah is on October 23.

    According to the Jewish tradition, the congregation in the synagogue makes seven circuits around the bimah (Torah reading table) with their palm branches instead of the one circuit during the other days of Sukkot (like the walls of Jericho).

    Hoshana Rabbah is the last day one shakes the palm branches and dwells in the sukkah/ booth. It is the last day of the Feast of ingathering and full of joy.

    Why did the Blood Moons highlight Passover and Sukkot (October 23 is exactly 6 months after April 23, Passover)? Is this a clue?

    October 23 is one month after the Rel.12 Sign-Anniversary and 3 weeks after the Eclipse.
    In 2031, Sukkot will start on October 2nd. This is exactly 7 years after the Eclipse on October 2 this year...

    Sukkot makes so much sense to me!
    Every nation has to celebrate Sukkot during the Millenium...


    1. October 23, 2024 + 1260 days = April 5, 2028
      Will the 2.half of the Tribulation start on Nisan 10, 2028 (April 6, 2028)?
      October 23, 2024 + 2520 days = September 17, 2031 (Eve of Rosh Hashana)

    2. Nice "number crunching", Stephan!   I'm onboard with the possibility of the Rapture happening on "the last great day" or October 23, 2024 because it slightly extends our "high watch period" in October and falls within our "Final Fall Flight" (FFF) scenario.   Quite honestly, if the Rapture does not happen sometime during the month of October we'll probably be back to "square one".    Ughh!!!

    3. Bob, I really hope that the rapture happens this October.
      If not, my next high watch date will be Nisan 10, 2025 = April 8, 2025. One year after the Eclipse...Ughh!

    4. Stephan...I totally agree with you!   Which means the 3 of us will be back to debating 'PPP' vs 'WWW' again.  Ughh!!!   Lu was so correct in saying the 7 years we all experienced since the Rev12 Sign was "our" Tribulation.  Ughh again!!!  

      I'm so hoping and praying that we'll be departing this October or sooner     Maranatha!

    5. April 8, 2025 (Nisan 10) is 7 months and 23 days after August 17, 2024 (7th anniversary of the Rel.12 Sign in prophetic years)
      Ughh again! Lol...

    6. Stephan...if we're still here next April, be sure to remind Lu of that 723 number!    That might convince him to join our side (the "light side")!    Lol!

  8. RE: Lebanon War 3

    Not to brag, but one predicted the 3rd Lebanon War, that has broken-out just after the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign. This Prediction was based on one’s Phi Ratio Theory that Events, Places and Prophecy follow a Mathematical Pattern, based on Sacred Gematria, etc. See Chart for illustration.

    In Phi Ratio Patterns of Time

    This is the same Phi Ratio Theory has been associated with the Blood Moon Tetrads of 1949-50, 1967-68 and 2014-15. One has also used it to predict World War 3, which is a convergence of these Wars in the Middle East, and what is next to occur. At some Point in Time, the Middle East will go Nuclear.

    Have a Nice Day,

  9. RE: Hezbollah Israeli Strikes in Southern Lebanon
    Why the Middle East will go Nuclear

    The following ‘Intel’ has been forwarded from a fellow End Time Researcher named Benjamin Baruch. The itemization of Events are current, up to Mid-September of 2024. These are the occurrences of how a major Military Mobilization is underway in the Middle East.

    These events listed below could very well be the Precursors to the Psalm 83 War and Isaiah 17 Prophecies. If the Military Scenarios and Projections are unabated, this could lead to a Major Regional Military Escalation around Mid-October, just after the 1 Year Anniversary of the Hamas Attack of October 7, 2023.

    Some Observations
    -In preparation for the Hezbollah Air Strikes in Lebanon, the Netanyahu Government had an Emergency Meeting on the Sabbath with its War Cabinet, in their Underground Bunker at the Kirya.

    -It is reported that the Netanyahu Government informed Washington ahead of a Large-Scale Military Offensive into Southern Lebanon.

    -The Israeli Government announced the declaration of a Special Emergency Situation throughout all of Israel. Israel is at War now on another Front. It is essentially the 3rd Lebanon War.

    -Tsav 8 Orders went out in Israel. Tsav 8 (Order 8) is the Term used for an Emergency Call-Up Notice that summons Israelis to Reserve Service.

    -The Israeli Air Force has struck more than 1,100 Hezbollah Targets in Lebanon.

    -Israeli Jets used the Island of Cyprus for the Lebanon Bombings taking-off from a British Military Base.

    -This compromises Hezbollah because if they attack the British Base, the UK is part of NATO and the UK could invoke Article 5 to get NATO to actively join the Fight in both Israel and the Ukraine.

    -The Israeli Alert System was sent-out to at least 100 Communities inside Israel, telling Citizens to take Cover or get into Shelters immediately. Israelis have an average of 3 Minutes to get into Bomb Shelters safely from when the Sirens go off.

    -The IDF states that over 10% of its Population is currently utilizing Bomb Shelters.

    1. PART 3/3
      -Iran has publicly stated that it will not remain indifferent and will stand by the Palestinian and Lebanese People. However, they will not engage in the War, as they see their Shi’ite Proxy Hezbollah being decimated by Israel.

      -In Iran, large numbers of Ballistic Missiles have been loaded onto Truck Mounted Transporters to include Erectors and Launchers.

      -Iranian Regular Army Troops, aside from the al-Quds (Jerusalem Brigade) of the Revolutionary Guard that is already in Syria, are making their way toward Lebanon to assist Hezbollah.

      -Other Muslim Fighters, Non-State-Military from Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, have amassed in Syria, near the Golan Heights.

      -The latest approximation says these Combined Muslim Forces amount to ~40,000 Radicalized Fighters.

      -Benjamin Baruch reported that these Fighters are equipped with MANPADS. These are Shoulder-Fired Anti-Aircraft Missiles, allegedly Russian-Made.

      If the Intel on this is correct, those Russian-Made MANPADS would mean Israeli F-16's and even F-35's could be shot Out-of-the-Air during any attempt by Israel to attack these Forces inside Syria. This would be a Game-Changer.

      This is why Israel will have to go Nuclear

      Lu Vega


      Nuclear Arsenal and the Middle East Nuclear Arms Race

    2. I’ve heard that Israel will supply and operate Iron Dome batteries in Ukraine. Not sure if this is true, but what a provocative move vis a vis Russia.

      I hope the IDF can protect the reactor at Dimona along with their oil and gas facilities.

    3. Double AA,
      Yes, one has heard about that too, aside from the Guiding Systems for the Long-Range Missiles that would penetrate deep into Russia. The Leaders of Israel have ‘Chosen’ Sides in that War. There are some possible obvious Reasons.

      -Israel does not want Russian Natural Gas Pipeline Competition.
      -Israel does not want Russian aiding their Muslim Enemies at their Doorstep.

      These decisions by Israel and Russia are essentially seeding the inevitable and Biblical Ezekiel 38 War of Gog-Magog. To the Orthodox Rabbis, they know this War is Biblical and is going to happen. So, on 1 Level, it is becoming a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. On the other Hand, like with the Shi’ites of Iran, to the Rabbis of the Reconstituted Sanhedrin, such a War will usher in the Jewish Messiah.

      Seems every Branch of the 3 Abrahamic Faiths or ‘Houses’ are wishing and longing for their Version of who the Messiah is or will be. The Muslim Messiah? The Christian Messiah? Or the Jewish Messiah? Take your Pick. One picks Jesus of the New Testament.

      Be on the Look-Out,

    4. Lu...I like your Israeli Military Industrial Complex graphic.   Among other things, it depicts how close Damascus is to the northern portion of Israel.  So when does your Phi Ratio Theory predict when Isaiah 17 will be fulfilled?   We know it's very close so this should be an easy assignment for you!   Lol!   But the question is, will the Bride of Christ be here on Earth to see and experience it?   This is your "blue book" essay exam for the end of the "Summer School Session".   You have 24 hours to complete the exam!

    5. RE: When will Isaiah 17 occur?

      That is a Difficult Assignment for a Final Exam Write-Up to finish-off this Fall Semester with! But here are some Thoughts. Based on previous Atomic Detonations, one’s Suppositions, in part, has to do with the ‘Where and When’ such Events have taken place. And perhaps, based on such Precedence, and Prejudice, the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus will follow.

      It is also presuming that the Destruction of Damascus will involve a Nuclear Detonation, if at all. But the Description given in the Book of Isaiah is amazing, similar to how only a Nuclear Event could or can an entire City be ‘Gone by the Morning’. And as one has studied Nuclear Detonation Models, and combining them with the Luciferian Number correlations, one is not surprised when such Nuclear Detonations have been scheduled and perhaps will be for Damascus.

      Consider the following Reference Points connected to Placed, Dates and Times. Realize that Damascus is on the 33rd Degree Latitude North. So was the 1st Nuclear Detonation, named of all things, ‘Trinity’ in New Mexico.

      The Trinity Nuclear Test in New Mexico occurred on July 16. It marked the beginning of the Atomic Age and the start of the Islamic New Year.

      On August 6, 1945, the United States detonated its 1st Atomic Bombs to be used for the War over the Japanese City of Hiroshima. Realize that technically, World War 2 was a ‘Nuclear War’.

      Then 3 Days later on August 6, 1945, the United States detonated the 2nd Atomic Bomb over the Japanese City of Nagasaki. On an Aside Note, both of these 2 Cities had the highest Concentration of Christians in Japan. The U.S. Government essentially wiped-out the Christian Presence and Witness in Japan.

      August 9 was the 222nd Day of the Year (222nd in Leap Year which 1945 was) in the Gregorian Calendar. Then there were 144 Days remaining until the End of the Year.

      Nagasaki is on the 32nd Degree Latitude Line, North.

      Trinity, New Mexico, the Site of the 1st Nuclear Detonation is on the 33rd Degree Latitude Line, North.

      Damascus is also on the 33.33 Degree Longitude Line, North precisely.

      It is exactly 40 KM to Mount Hermon, where the 200 Watcher Type or Class of Fallen Angels descended in the Days of Enoch.

      In studying also the Fallen Angel Incursions of Genesis 6 and of Mount Hermon, one can read, especially from the Book of Enoch how the Watcher Class of these Fallen Angels gave Humanity the Secret Forbidden Knowledge of Warfare. And one thus surmises that the Nuclear Technology was given to the Ruling Elites of Earth that have corroborated with Lucifer’s Minions.

      If one wants to go on a Rabbit Trail of the Trinity Nuclear Site, one has connected that with the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation ‘Star-Gate’ Configuration. Why? Such Sites on Earth are based on Earth’s Magnetic Grid. Such Force and Energy is what can and one is convinced does open Star-Gates or ‘Portals’ that pierce the Space-Time Continuum on Earth. That is what CERN is all about, built on top of the Ancient Temple to Apollo. See Charts of the Trinity Nuclear Blast that even has Pyramids built for it. Coincidence? No.

      Keep On the Look Out.

      Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Star Map!AvJEVlv5W43x9FCdLiRlomCMT-7W?e=HCToLM

    6. Lu...although you did not specify a "precise" date when the Isaiah 17 prophecy would be fulfilled, you nevertheless provided a detailed description how it "likely" would be fulfilled, accompanied by various charts and diagrams.   As such, your often-times "rebellous student" who sits way in the back of your Bible Prophecy 101 Class next to AA, gives you an A- grade for your "blue book" End of Summer exam.   Now had you attempted to make an "educated guess" when that prophecy would be fulfilled, I would have gladly given you an A+.     However, one does acknowledge and fully recognizes that there's probably no person here on Earth that knows the "precise" date when the Isaiah 17 prophecy will be fulfilled.   So with that in did a great job, Professor Lu!

      Btw, I really liked your "Face of Ala-Lu" on your Trinity Atomic Blast Zone chart!   It definitely helped "bump you up" into the 'A' grade level.   Lol!

  10. The Return of the King
    The Seed of the Woman is Coming to Crush the Head of the Serpent!

  11. FaithInTheFire777

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. RE: Rapture Timing Triangulation?

      No one has correctly calculated the Timing of the Rapture, precisely for nearly 2000 Years. Can it be known though? Will the Holy Spirit reveal it, perhaps at the very End of the Church Age, down to the very Year? Does not the Scriptures reference how Elijah, Elisha and the School of the Prophets all know of the precise Day and Hour of Elijah’s Rapture/Departure? However, note that the Apostle Paul, in revealing the Secret of the Rapture, the ‘Apostasia’, did not equate it with how Elijah was taken. One can only surmise 3 References given as Clues that specifically identify the Timing of the Rapture, in that it is a Precise Time. Note.

      It is a ‘Triangulation’ of 3 Events that have to be in place to ‘Turn the Key Combination’ and open the ‘Rapture Gate’, metaphorically. If one can ‘Break this Rapture Enigma Machine’ Code, then, ‘You the Man’…or Woman. ;0 And what are these 3 Points/Clues? It is when the ‘Last Trump’ will be blown. Now the issue is, ‘What Last Trumpet?’ Or is it when the Rapture, that Ends the Church Age is to follow the Order of the Resurrection? Or is it when the Rapture Timing is to occur when the World will be clamoring for ‘Peace and Security’, etc. These are the 3 Clues of when, precisely the Rapture will take place.

      As to the Last Trumpet Blast? Is it the 100th Blast that many say are blown by the Jews on the Feast of Trumpets? But the issue with the Rapture occurring on the Feast of Trumpets is that the Trumpet Blasts are that of the Shofar, which are Ram’s Horns, not the Silver Trumpets that commemorated Mount Sinai. Nonetheless, will the Rapture Last Trumpet be based on the Silver Trumpet Pattern of Mount Sinai, at all?

      Are there other Times and/or Feasts that the Silver Trumpets are blown? Here below in the End of this Write-Up are the 3 Main Calendars that designate the Fall Feasts of YHVH for 2024. When asked, about what Day the Rapture occurs or when the Isaiah 17 Prophecy is to take place? Pick your Calendar. As it is, both the Torah and Solar Calendar Dates have expired for any Rapture Timing directly pegged to a Feast, if at all.

      As it has been noted, does the Rapture Event have to correlate to a Feast of YHVH? Not necessarily, but one is convinced it is not Imminent and will correspond to an ‘Appointed Time’. The Rapture Event will occur on a Specific Year, Month, Day and Hour, just like Jesus’ Resurrection. And there is the 2nd Reference as to the Timing of the Rapture. It has to do with the Order of the Resurrection. Since Jesus was 1st and that happened on Nisan 17, is that the Date factored into the Timing of the Rapture?

      Does that mean that the Rapture, being foremost the Resurrection, then is to occur at a future Nisan 17? For the Year 2025, Nisan 17 is April 16. In the Torah Calendar, the Nisan 17 Resurrection Date also is in sync and corresponds to April 16. You mentioned that one’s 723 or July 23 could still be in the ‘Running’ again? Yes, that is one’s only High Rapture Watch Date. For 2025, one will again take the Nisan 15 Day, based on the Counting of the Omer, interpreted to be the Day after Nisan 14 to start the Count.

    2. PART 2/2
      And the Countdown is also based on the Exodus Timeline of when the Israelites left Egypt, Nisan 15, etc. Thus, it is a 99 ‘Double-Count’ of (49 Days + 50 Days). The result will be July 23, 2025. One cannot say, ‘This is the Rapture Year, Month and Day’. But it is one’s only High Watch Timing. This Day Count from Nisan 15 will again be one’s 2 Counts of 50 Days that marks the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain, Shavuot and then the 2nd 50 Day Count to land on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Wine.

      And that, as you all know very well by now is one's Acts 2 Pentecost Descent of the Holy Spirit. Note that in Israel, that Date will actually be July 22, a Tuesday. It is Scripturally known as the 3rd Day based on the Prophecy Template of Hosea 6:2. But the Template could also very well correspond to Nisan 17, Jesus’ Resurrection, occurring on the 3rd Day. So, there you have it.

      April 15, 2025 + 49 Days + 50 Day = 99 Days = Wednesday, July 23, 2025 (723)

      Rosh HaShanah: October 1/2 Annular-Wedding Ring Solar Eclipse
      Yom Kippur: October 11/12 Entrance/Exit of Comet C/2023 A3 in Virgo
      Sukkot (Tabernacles): October 17
      Shemini Atzeret: October 24
      Simchat Torah: October 25
      Halloween: October 31
      Day of Dead: November 1

      Rosh HaShanah: September 5/6
      Yom Kippur: September 14
      Sukkot (Tabernacles): September 18 (Partial Lunar Eclipse)
      Shemini Atzeret: September 26
      Simchat Torah: September 27

      Rosh HaShanah: September 6/7
      Yom Kippur: September 18
      Sukkot (Tabernacles): September 27
      Shemini Atzeret: October 9
      Simchat Torah: October 10 Eve of Entrance/Exit of Comet C/2023 A3 in Virgo

      So, if the Church Age turns the corner and the Month of October 2024 comes-and-goes, one will then default to one’s July 23, 2025 Personal Rapture High Watch Date. If either on the Anniversary of Jesus’ Resurrection, April 16-17 or the July 23 Date, the Rapture occurs in 2025, one will not complain. But to reiterate, one is only pointing-out that there are 3 Points of Reference given as to the Timing of the Rapture.

      1-At the Last Trumpet Blast. 1 Corinthians 15:52

      2-Based on the Order of the Resurrections. 1 Corinthians 15:23

      3-When the World is clamoring for ‘Peace and Safety’. 1 Thessalonians 5:3

      Now, if one can just break these 3 Codes, there you would have it.
      Until then, Keep On the Look Out,

    3. Lu...let me first start by congratulating you for attempting to answer my very difficult question:   When will Isaiah 17 be fulfilled and when will the Rapture occur (the latter added by you).   Both of them are unfair to ask, but as Watchmen or Watchwomen we ask anyway because that's what we've been trained or commanded to do.  But your answer has my head spinning.   Especially when it comes to picking the correct calendar (Rabbinical, Torah or Solar). "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" is my response!   And when will the Rapture occur?   At the Last Trumpet Blast, Order of the Resurrections or when the world is clamoring for 'Peace and Safety’?  Your guess is good as mine!   All of these are tough questions and the answers are not any easier to choose.  But we must continue to "Watch and Wait" while we try to solve these most puzzling Biblical mysteries. 

      Btw, I see you picked up on Stephan's 723 post above about April 8, 2025!    It looks like we are all in agreement that if nothing happens this October, we're going to have to wait until 2025 (either 'PPP or 'WWW').    But let's pray that it doesn't come to that again.   Lol!

      Lastly, based on your detailed post above, your grade on the "blue book" exam has been raised to an A+.    Oorah!!!

    4. According to Amir T. the trumpet is that of God, because of 1 Thess. 4:16 and it is not an earthly but heavenly instrument.

    5. RE: Trumpet of GOD

      Carole, Bob and Fam+
      One would agree that the Context of what Type of Trumpet is going to sound is the ‘Trump of GOD’ and it will sound from Heaven. The issue is, does it have its Complimentary Equivalent on Earth? Does it correspond to a particular Feast Day, or none at all? And if it is the ‘Last Trumpet’, what was the 1st Trumpet? And when? In Heaven then also? When was that?

      Over the Years, one has heard many Theories about what the ‘Trumpet of GOD’ means, was or is. Some say the sounding of the Silver Trumpets at Mount Sinai it was the 1st Trumpet of GOD. Then at Pentecost of Acts 2 was when the 2nd Trumpet of GOD occurred. Then when the Rapture of the Bride is to occur, that will be the sounding of the 3rd and Last Trumpet of GOD that ends the Church Age. Others theorize that the 1st Trumpet was on Pentecost, the 2nd Trumpet then corresponds to Yom Kippur and then the Last Trumpet correspond to Sukkot.

      So, as one can realize, this particular Piece of the Rapture ‘Puzzle’ has been ‘Lost’. One imagines that when the Apostle Paul 1st introduced this Secret of the Rapture and that the Last Generation would not tasting Death, that when he said, ‘At the Last Trumpet’, all those in the 1st Century, both Jews and then the Gentiles hearing Paul say that, exactly knew what Paul was talking about. And they knew exactly what Timing he was referring to. This Understanding has been lost or misunderstood, unfortunately.

      One thinks that as the Church Body separated more from its Jewish Roots and Identity, such Knowledge was ‘Lost’ or was not upheld, especially as the Centuries came-and-went with no Rapture to come in their lifetimes. It is understandable, but it is now the ‘End’ of the Prophetic 2 Days or 2000 Year Shelf Life of the Church Age. And like a Military Analogy, the Bugle Call in the Morning and at Night sounds-off when the Corp or the Body of Soldiers assembles and disbands.

      The Church Corp assembled at Pentecost with that Sound of the Sliver Trumpets of GOD from Heaven as they were on Mount Sinai. One conjectures that now at the End of the Church Age, the Corp, the Bride to Be, is to assemble to be ‘Disbanded’. And that takes a Trumpet Call also to conclude the Formation, that has been in place, Day-After-Day since Pentecost of 32 AD, in one’s Estimation.

      32 AD Crucifixion + 2 Days (2000 Years) = 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation = 2025

    6. And speaking of Atomic Detonations this will inevitably go off in the Middle East, that is also the Level of Energy that will be required to transform one’s Body into Immortality. It is at this Atomic and Molecular Level that burned the Image of Jesus’ Body onto the Shroud of Turin. And at the Core Reaction is such a Degree of Energy that is beyond comprehension as that is also what occurred at the Transfiguration of Jesus on the Mountain when meeting with Moses and Elijah. One is convinced that at the Rapture Moment, that Shout coming from Jesus, will be like what He did in calling Lazarus.

      It is thought that if Jesus had just said, ‘Come Out’, and not mentioned Lazarus’ Name, all of the Dead would have come out from the Dead. But at the Last Day of the Church Age, it will conclude like with that Military Bugle Call to Disband. In this case, it will come from the Captain of one’s Salvation, the Greater Joshua, along with the Trumpet of GOD Blast. It is this Divine Phenomena and Event that will product the Divine Resonance of the likes of Creation Power of Genesis that formed the Universe, out of Nothing. And one will get to be part of this ‘Re-Creation’…In the New Glorified Bodies. What a Ride it will be.

      It will be at this Atomic Level that the Shout of Jesus and the Trumpet Call will energize every Molecule in one’s Body to go ‘Nuclear’ in the ‘Change’ the Apostle Paul speaks about at the Point of the Rapture. It is how the ‘Corruptible’ will but on ‘Incorruptibility’ or Immortality. One will be given one’s New Glorified Flesh, i.e., a Body like Jesus has now. The Bride of Jesus will not need a CERN Machine or Collider to produce such a level of Energy to produce a Pure Body of Indestructible Light.

      This is after all, how the Arch-Angel Gabriel described Daniel would become in Heaven, and those that ‘Lead many to Jesus’, would be like in Glory, ‘Shining’ like the Stars, no? Until then, it is a matter of having to go through the Rehearsals. Practice makes Perfect. It is then a process of Rince, Repeat, Rince, Repeat. But 1 Year, 1 Month, 1 Day, it will be Rince, Repeat, Rapture!

      Keep on the Look Out

    7. Lu...following your "Rince, Repeat, Rapture" theme, that will only happen after Jesus makes "mincemeat" out of Satan and his minions!    Sorry, I couldn't resist saying that as my "comedic" and very "strange" mind just went there!   Lol!

      Speaking of the Devil, did you catch what George said in his recent "Return of the King" video posted by Carole above?   Specifically, on 10/2 or in the early morning of the Feast of Trumpets, the T-Atlas Comet will pass through the lower 1/3 of the Hydra or Serpent constellation pointing to Revelation 12:4.   If true, that could be a "big clue" to what may be happening next!   Start at the 3:35 minute mark in the video, but try to watch the whole thing.

    8. Bob and Carole,
      We appreciate any and all types of Rapture Timing Conjecture, as that is what we do around here. Thanks Carole for sharing George’s Video Teachings on the possible Timing of the Rapture. Bob, since you asked me about it, to see his Interpretation of the Comet C/2023 A3, starting at the 3:35 Minute Marker, I will briefly respond.

      You all know that George makes some very interesting Videos and Rapture Connections, using the Astronomy of the Signs and interjects his Interpretation, etc. All Good. However, he makes Absolute Rapture Date Statements and other Rapture Timing Conjectures that one is totally not in agreement with. Imagine that?! In this case, based on the Comet’s Trajectory, as shared by way of Charts by me, the Comet, aka ‘Star of Jacob’ is not coming from, nor is associated with Hydra, directly.

      It is in Sextans that the Comet does that ‘About Face’ and re-enters Virgo. Now, Sextans is what is called a ‘Deacon’ of Hydra, meaning that it is a Tributary of Hydra, True. But to say that the Comet is coming from Hydra and how he places the Comet Graphic in Hydra is not entirely nor accurately being portrayed. But again, that is his Interpretation as one has a different one. So, that is my Take, as it was asked of me, but everyone is free to share and interpret as led. See Chart of actual Trajectory of the Comet. See for yourself.


      Comet C/2023 A3 ‘Star of Jacob’ Trajectory

    9. Lu...thank you for confirming that the trajectory of T-Atlas Comet does not pass through Hydra or the Serpent.   Although it likely won't make any difference, I notice your screenshot was on 10-10-24, while I believe George was pointing out what occurs on 10-2-24.   Also, he said his vantage point on Stellarium was from Jerusalem in the early morning.  I am not skilled enough in Stellarium to know if either of those would make a difference.   Not trying to create an issue, just seeking the truth as this could be an important observation.  I'll give you "extra" points or a special gift for the second look!   Thanks.

  13. Tribulation Timeline 2025-2032

    Lu, you know that I am reading all your Comments, Books and Articles. I really want to understand your 2025-2032 Timeline-Theory.

    Beginning of the Tribulation Period:
    October 18, 2025 (Shemini Atzeret)

    Midpoint (Rel 12 Sign 2.0):
    April 1, 2029

    End of the Tribulation Period :
    September 11, 2032 (Sabbath of Return)

    Allow me some quotations from your Book "Relevation 12 Sign 2029":

    'What does start the Tribulation Period is when the 1st Daily Offering is made on the Altar of Sacrifice. This is when the Tribulation Period Clock Commences‘

    'In one's Timeline, one interjects a Gap Time Theory, wherein the AntiChrist, to be revealed after the Rapture, must have an allotted Time. It will not be much be enough to then 'Conquer the World‘ through 'Peace and Safety'. Then the 3rd Temple must be erected and the Daily Sacrifices must commence. This takes Time.‘

    'You then have to factor-in the Ashes of the Red Heifer and realize that there is a Waiting Period of Months before all of Israel is then considered 'Kosher‘ to present the Daily Offerings in the New Temple.‘

    You have declared that you only have a 'once in a year’ high watchdate which is 7/23. So your next high watch date is July 23, 2025. This is less than 3 months before your projected start date for the Tribulation Period on October 18, 2025. Time would be to short to establish Daily Offerings in the New Temple!

    So the Rapture should occur sooner than 7/23 or you have to shift your Timeline (and the year of the Crucifixion) to 2026-2033?

    What do you think?

  14. On May 14, 2018, the United States officially opened the Embassy in Jerusalem, 70 years to the day that President Truman recognized Israel as an independent country.
    Will Israel get the permission to build the 3. Temple exactly 7 years later?
    On the 77. Anniversary? 7 years, 7 months and 7+7+7 days after the Rel.12 Sign?

    1. Could this be the covenant with many?

    2. RE: Tribulation Timeline 2025-2032?

      Thank You for your Input and Evaluation of one’s ‘2029 Revelation 12 Sign’ Theory, based on the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline. One appreciates it as there are none that have really been able to challenge one’s Theories to have a discussion about them. So, ‘Thanks’.

      As the saying goes, you Stephan are scrutinizing my Work, Research, Comments, Books, and Articles like ‘White on Rice’. Lol ;0 No Problem. But as a ‘Disclaimer’, realize that one only is offering Conjecture, Speculation and Point of View. As these Topics of the End Times are not Salvific Issue, it is an area of Extreme Interest that one has just dedicated Time into researching such Topics. And it is based on where one is at the End Times ‘Learning Curve’. It is different for everyone and all have a differing Vantage Point. But here are one’s Response to your Inquires and Observations regarding one’s Timeline.

      1- One admits that one is using a Hybrid Timeline based on the Fusion of the Rabbinical Calendar and the Torah Calendar. One starts the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline with the Rabbinical one and ends with the Torah one. Why? One does not really know which is the one that YHVH is ‘clocking’ and counting from.

      2-So, one is surmising the start of the Tribulation Period, 3 Days after Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah. It is a Sabbath. Likewise, one is ending the 2520 Day Count 3 Days after the End of Rosh HaShanah in 2032, which is also a corresponding Sabbath, the Sabbath of Return, etc.

      3-It is correct that a 2025 July 23 Acts 2 Pentecost Rapture, i.e., New Wine correspondence will be cutting it close, if at all. However, Prophecy is occurring in a ‘Snowball’ Metaphor Type of Speed, presently. This is insinuating that Prophetic Events will occur incredibly fast, relatively speaking as they presently are, no?

      However, you make an Astute Observation in that one’s Theories, are based on a 32 AD Crucifixion Year, one’s New Wine Theory of a July 23 Date, that is based on a reinterpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16 and one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline. If they turn-out to be incorrect, then all of them will ‘Collapse’. This is why one always qualifies one’s Research and Suppositions/Theories in that ‘Time will always Tell the Truth’.

      But as mentioned, that is what one is presently able to only see and surmise from what one understands. Obviously, one cannot see clearly and only as the Years, Months and Weeks go by, does the End Times come into better Focus. It might very well be the case that one will end-up having to, once again, readjust the Tribulation Timeline. But consider how then the Essenes will have gotten it ‘Wrong’ also as they too surmised and calculated a 32 AD Crucifixion Year.

    3. PART 2/2
      They also calculated that the 70th Week of Daniel is to start in 2025. Not that the Essenes have it ‘Correct’ either, but in one’s Estimation, they have provided a Corroborating Witness of one’s Research, up this Point in Time, which is neat. However, there 7000 Year Timeline or 7-Day Creation Template has the Millennial Kingdom starting in 2075. It has to do with the Last Jubilee Count of 50 Years. Thus, if one factors that out, it is 2075 – 50 Year Jubilee = 2025.

      One is still scratching one’s Head about this and not sure how to reconcile it in the scheme of things, pertaining to one’s current Tribulation Period Timeline. So, consider that if 32 AD was indeed the Crucifixion Year, exactly 2000 Years, assuming a 365 Day/Year Calendar would be 2032 as noted.

      But one’s Question would be and is, does it have to be precisely when the Church Age Ends? This is based again in the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template. So, this would mean that one should not be assuming and subtracting the 7-Year Tribulation from 2032 but rather adding it.

      Thus, this would mean that it is in 2032 that the Church Age ‘Ends’ with the Rapture and it is from then, that the Tribulation starts. The End would be 2032 + 7 = 2039. Is this ‘more correct’ then? But what about the 70 or 80 Year Limit of the Last Fig Tree Generation, if one considers 1948 as the Countdown Year? 1948 + 80 = 2028.

      Just by this Equation alone, it would appear that the Year 2028-2029 would corroborate with being the Mid-Point of one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline. And what about the ‘Final 4’ as presented by Brother Gary? Beyond 33 AD, it will ‘not work’. Or it is just that we are not seeing nor considering all that is there but are not allowed to conceive it, just yet. The Research continues.


    4. RE: Essene 2075 Millennial Reign...Or...

      2075 – 50 Year Jubilee (-7 Year Tribulation Period)
      = 2075 - 43
      = 2032?

    5. Thank you, Lu!
      As you already wrote: Because of the Fig Tree Generation, I can't see the Rapture after 2026...
      Do you agree that a Rapture on July 23, 2025 would be too late for the start of the Tribulation on October 18, 2025?

    6. Stephan,
      I am holding-out on Hope that the 3 Month 'Gap' is enough Time to have the False Jewish Messiah be Identified, prepared to be Crowned, sanction the Temple, have the World give him Power, have the Red Heifer Ceremony to procure the Ashes, finish the 3rd Temple, then consecrate it and then Dedicate it that Sabbath after Simchat Torah of October 2025.

      Beyond this 3 Month 'Gap'? It will have to be a Recalibration and Recalculation of 'Everything' on one's Part. But have this in mind. One has been studying the End Times now since April 1980. That is now 44+ Years. One's 1st Book read was Revelation and then Daniel. Yet, one has not 'figured-it-out'. That that one is 'Special' but to point-out that despite a Person's diligent attempts at delving into such Topics, they are yet to be fully comprehended, much less 'Solved', if not by the Revelation given by the Holy Spirit, as He sees fit to do so.


    7. Stephan,
      Here are some more Thoughts about 3 Months not being enough Time of a ‘Gap’ to have the Tribulation Period start in the Fall of 2025, if the Rapture is pegged to one’s July 23 New Wine Theory Date. Consider that the Premise of this Rapture 723 correspondence is based on one’s Dream/Vision, initially. And then as one has conjectured, that as the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine is when the Church began, one is only using Logic to surmise that perhaps the End of the Church Age is to conclude on its Anniversary.

      It seems and appears Logical, but it does not have to be the case. What if, as mentioned prior that 1 of the 3 Concrete Clues of when the Rapture Event will be, is based on the Order of the Resurrections. So, what if Nisan 17 is that Correspondence after all? That would give then the ‘Gap’ Time, approximately 6 Months or ~90 Days for the Tribulation to begin and have all the details converged by then in the Fall/October of 2025, etc.

      Also consider that if around Nisan 17 would or could be the Rapture, following the Anniversary of Jesus’ Resurrection, rather, that would be or could be also the Timeframe when the False Jewish Messiah would be ‘Revealed’. And is not then the Passover connected and directly associated with Moses? And are not the Rabbinical Elders of Zion looking and expecting their Moses 2.0 to show-up? And get this. What if at that Convergence of Time and Place, the 2 Witnesses will also appear?

      And as it has been conjectured also, there are those that are convinced that 1 of the 2 Witnesses will be Moses himself. Would not that be Wild? This is predicated on the Circumstantial Evidence of how at the Mountain of the Transfiguration, it was after all, Moses and Elijah that met with Jesus. They represented the ‘Law and the Prophets’, etc. And the Scripture specifically states that it had to do with what was to occur In Jerusalem. Now, it can be in the Context of what transpired during the Life and Ministry of Jesus as He was Crucified in Jerusalem. But what if it is a case of a Double-Fulfilment Prophecy?

      What if the Discussion was also to be and is of how thereafter, it will be how Moses and Elijah will likewise enter Jerusalem and eventually be Martyred at the End of their 1260 Day Commission? And do they not lie in the Streets, Dead for 3.3 Days, somewhat like Jesus was and then are Raptured up to Heaven? So, one is suggesting that one will be open and looking for that Nisan 17 Date in 2025 that could instead by a High Rapture Watch Date and Candidate, based on the Order of the Resurrection Typology. One will see.


    8. Lu, I totally agree!!!
      Wow, thank you for being open for a PPP- Rapture!
      See Bob, the discussion wasn't 'ugly' and we all agree that PPP will be our next high watch date if October passes.
      THANK YOU, LU!

    9. Stephan! Stephan! lol
      Wait a 'Rapture' Moment here...
      I am 'Open' to the Nisan 17 Date, but...Still will be holding-out for July 23, 2025! So, there...

      You Wisenheimer!

    10. I know, Lu!
      But even the fact that you are open for Nisan 17 makes me happy

    11. Stephan + Lu...both of you have been very civil in your posts.  No ugly comments at all, so kudos to both of you!    As previously stated, we all seem to be in agreement that if the Rapture doesn't happen this October or 'FFF', then the next "high watch period" is Nisan 17 or 'PPP', and if that doesn't pan out the next one is 723 or 'WWW'.    But if I was a betting man, all my chips would be placed on 'FFF' since there are so many converging signs and events that are stacking up right now that one cannot envision it not happening!   However, I'm trying to temper my 'EXCITEMENT' as we've all been at this place many times before.  

      🚫  🚫  🚫  "NOTHING BURGER"  🚫  🚫  🚫

      P.S.   Welcome to the "light side", Lu!

    12. Bob and Stephan,
      How did I ever allow you 2 to swindle me into the PPP, eh?
      Just to be clear…’Never!’ lol

      WWW: White Wheat Wedding = #1
      PPP: Nisan 17 or Whatever = #2

      It was a Set-Up! A Trap!

    13. Bob and me:
      FFF: Final Fall Flight
      PPP: Pink Passover Promise =
      WWW or Whatever=

    14. Stephan + Lu...  

      Today's Headline:   " Number Cruncher + Hawaii 5-0 swindles World Famous Bible Prophecy Author (aka "Mean Essene") into Finally Accepting 'PPP'!

      Faint voice from Mr. Bus Operator in the background:     NEVER!!!   It was all a Set-Up, a Trap!    I need to talk to my Lawyer and LuLu Publishing!  

      All in favor of 'FFF', 'PPP' + 'WWW' in that order, say 'AYE'.   All in favor of 'WWW' + 'PPP' in that order say, 'BOO'.   Lol!

      Both of you are so funny!

      Btw, I like your bus, jet + cloud emojies, Stephan. 


  15. Because the Spirit of the Lord has revealed that WHEN THE MISSLES (NUCLEAR) COME DOWN, WE GO UP, I wanted to repeat some highlights from Professor Lu's Comments above:

    ~PostScripts September 24, 2024 at 11:23 PM
    RE: Hezbollah Israeli Strikes in Southern Lebanon
    Why the Middle East will go Nuclear

    These events listed below could very well be the Precursors to the Psalm 83 War and Isaiah 17 Prophecies. If the Military Scenarios and Projections are unabated, this could lead to a Major Regional Military Escalation around Mid-October, just after the 1 Year Anniversary of the Hamas Attack of October 7, 2023.

    PostScripts September 25, 2024 at 2:17 PM
    RE: When will Isaiah 17 occur?

    That is a Difficult Assignment for a Final Exam Write-Up to finish-off this Fall Semester with! But here are some Thoughts. Based on previous Atomic Detonations, one’s Suppositions, in part, has to do with the ‘Where and When’ such Events have taken place. And perhaps, based on such Precedence, and Prejudice, the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus will follow.

    It is also presuming that the Destruction of Damascus will involve a Nuclear Detonation, if at all. But the Description given in the Book of Isaiah is amazing, similar to how only a Nuclear Event could or can an entire City be ‘Gone by the Morning’. And as one has studied Nuclear Detonation Models, and combining them with the Luciferian Number correlations, one is not surprised when such Nuclear Detonations have been scheduled and perhaps will be for Damascus.

    PostScripts September 25, 2024 at 7:26 PM
    PART 2/2

    But to reiterate, one is only pointing-out that there are 3 Points of Reference given as to the Timing of the Rapture.

    1-At the Last Trumpet Blast. 1 Corinthians 15:52
    2-Based on the Order of the Resurrections. 1 Corinthians 15:23
    3-When the World is clamoring for ‘Peace and Safety’. 1 Thessalonians 5:3

    Now, if one can just break these 3 Codes, there you would have it.

    We might only need to know what breaks Code 3. As you know I believe Code 3 -When the World is clamoring for ‘Peace and Safety’ will be the announcement of The Two-State Solution (NOT its actual implementation; just its announcement).
    Not sure about Codes 1 and 2 though 🤗

    It is possible that Damascus will be nuked almost simultaneously with Babylon America (see The Damascus Domino and the Rapture ). This would seem to be prophetic justice don't you think?

  16. RE: The King Planet

    Thanks for delineating-out the Definition and Meaning of the Word Zedek and its Prophetic Attribution concerning Jupiter’s inference with the Messiah. It is also how Jesus is described in terms of His Priesthood, being a King-of-Righteousness, i.e., Melchi-Zedek. It is also based on that Mysterious Personage that met-up with Abrham, who pledged a Tithe to this Righteous King of Salem, etc. It is also the Type of Priesthood the Body of Christ has been commissioned with also, which is amazing.

    ‘One [Jesus] who has become a Priest not by a Law of Succession, but by the Power of an Indestructible Life. For it is testified: You are a Priest forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek. 1So the Former Commandment is set aside because it was Weak and Useless’. -Hebrews 7:16-18

    As that is why the Planet Jupiter is called and associated by the Jews as the King Planet. Astronomically, it is just at the Right Place in the Alignment from the Sun that protects the Earth from being bombarded by Rogue Asteroids. And being in the Position that it is in the Orbits, it balances the entire Solar System. Read what was said of it pertaining to the Event of the Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9, back in 1994.

    ‘The events of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9’s (SL9) interaction with Jupiter greatly highlighted Jupiter's Role in protecting the Inner Planets from both Interstellar and in-System Debris by acting as a ‘Cosmic Vacuum Cleaner’ for the Solar System (Jupiter Barrier). The Planet's Strong Gravitational Influence attracts many Small Comets and Asteroids and the Rate of Cometary Impacts on Jupiter is thought to be between 2,000 and 8,000 Times higher than the Rate on Earth’.


    This Asteroid Collision in Jupiter was captured in how the Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 broke apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994. This is what also Stan noted in a few Posts ago, occurring on the 9th of Av. For example, if just 1 of those sized-Asteroids would have flown by Jupiter towards Earth, it would have destroyed the entire Planet. Here is an Excerpt from Wikipedia.

    ‘21 distinct Impacts were observed, with the largest coming on July 18 at 07:33 UTC when Fragment G struck Jupiter. This Impact created a Giant Dark Spot over 12,000 km or 7,500 mi[26] (almost 1 Earth Diameter) across, and was estimated to have released an Energy equivalent to 6,000,000 Megatons of TNT (600 Times the World's Nuclear Arsenal). Two impacts 12 Hours apart on July 19 created Impact Marks of similar size to that caused by Fragment G, and Impacts continued until July 22, when fragment W struck the Planet’.

    1. PART 2/2
      Instead, these Fragments collided with Jupiter's Southern Hemisphere between July 16-22, 1994. Notice how that was the Eve of July 23, (723). That is also why Jupiter has that swirling Giant ‘Red Dot’ that is likened to the Piercing of Jesus. It is for this Reason that the King Planet is associated with the Messiah, the King, the Lion of Judah, etc. Consider how Jupiter had conjoined with the King Sign of Leo and at the King Star of Regulus in -4 BC to -3 BC. These Conjunctions are what alerted the Wise Men of Persia that the King of Heaven was going to be born, in the Flesh, on Earth. And that Date was Astronomically identified to have been on September 11, -3 BC.

      This Calculation, by the way, is what one also has pegged the 32 AD Crucifixion Year, as that is the Age Jesus had to be, in His 33rd Year of Life, in 32 AD. So, the Comet that slammed into Jupiter broke-up into 21 Fragments (7-7-7). And it occurred during the Period of the 9th of Av. Coincidence? No. This is also why the Revelation 12 Sign that Astronomical configured back in 2017 was and is incredibly Prophetic and Significant, in one’s Estimation. It has to do with how Jupiter is connected also with the Number 888. That is the Numerical Value of the Name of ‘Jesus’. See Chart Link below that one has shared before.

      Planet of the Messiah

      And since 32 AD, the 2017 Cycle that occurred in Virgo was the 24th Time, being then an 8 x 3 = 24 Cycle, etc. But then the 25th Jupiter Retrograde Cycle in Virgo will occur in 2029. This is when Jupiter will be once again in Virgo and will approximate the Revelation 12 Sign that Year in 2029. And again, one is surmising that it could very well be the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation, if the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline turns-out to be accurate. Also consider that in terms of the Solar System, counting from the Outside, excluding Pluto, Jupiter is the Center Planet when superimposed to correspond to the Jewish Menorah Motif.

      The Planets also follow the Color Spectrum of the Visible Light, i.e., the ‘Rainbow’, which is Amazing because every Planet then has a specific Resonance or Frequency based on its Size, Composition, Color and Orbit. If one wants to follow another Rabbit Trail, one has postulated that the 7 Planets correspond to the 7 Chakras of a Human Body. This Phenomena pertaining to the Human Body, likewise, corresponds to the Color Spectrum and Resonance of Frequency the Planets are arranged in their Order within the Solar System. Truly Amazing what Jesus has created. And how one is made in the Image and Likeness of YHVH, who is Light, Sound (the Word) and Spirit.

      Thank You Jesus.

  17. RE: Comet-C-2023-A3-Trajectory in Hydra?

    Here is the updated Chart showing the Comet-C-2023-A3-Trajectory, ‘Star of Jacob’ that is coming from Sextans, not Hydra.

    It is from the Vantage Point of Jerusalem on Rosh HaShanah, October 2, 2024 just about 4 Hours before the Solar Annular Eclipse occurs. It is still pretty much the same as what it will look like from the States, in the Northern Hemisphere. Sorry for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere.


    1. Lu...thanks for taking a 2nd look at the Comet's trajectory on 10-2-24.   It's clearly outside the boundaries of Hydra or the Serpent.   I guess that means we won't have to worry about one-third of the stars falling from Heaven that day!   For your time and effort, I'll be sending you a "special gift" in about 2 months (if we're still here!) when it's completed.   It's still a "work in progress" so I can't share any details, but I think you'll like it!  

  18. I find it interesting that the Greek meaning of “Helene” is “torch”, “bright one” or “shining light” as hurricane Helene bears down on Florida with 140 mph winds. It sure feels like judgment on America. Praying for those folks in harm’s way.

  19. The Israeli attack comes 3 weeks before Tabernacles and 200 days before Nisan 17...

  20. It appears that the remaining leadership of Hezbollah has been eliminated in Lebanon.

  21. “ 20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;

    21 And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider; and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider;

    22 With thee also will I break in pieces man and woman; and with thee will I break in pieces old and young; and with thee will I break in pieces the young man and the maid;

    23 I will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his flock; and with thee will I break in pieces the husbandman and his yoke of oxen; and with thee will I break in pieces captains and rulers.”

    Jeremiah 51:20-23

  22. Hey folks...check out this photo of Comet T-Atlas taken this morning by Tameem Altameemi from the United Arab Emirates (currently on page 1).   Lu, note that he confirmed the Comet is currently located in the constellation of Sextans.   I believe this is 1st day the Comet was visible with the naked eye.   The "big show" is expected to occur between 10/9 and 10/12.  The key word is "expected"!   Please make it so #1.   Maranatha!

    1. RE: Star of Jacob Comet – Revelation 12

      That is a spectacular Photo of the Comet C/2023 A3 from the perspective of the United Arab Emirates. One superimposed onto the Photo, the Comet’s Position in the backdrop of the Constellations on the Ecliptic. It is to show just how ‘Things’ really are and what is there that is ‘Unseen’. That is why the Mazzaroth or the Zodiac is called in the New Testament by the Apostle Paul, the ‘Silent Wetness’. And in Psalm 19, King David understood that they, the Stars of the Constellations do not Speak but they put forth Knowledge and Prophecy.

      Now as one has presented the possible Prophetic Implications, just relying on the mere Motifs that the Comet is associated with, in terms of the Constellations, Trajectory and its Position, it is also spectacular to consider. As it is understood and interpreted, Comets are Bad Omens of Calamity and Demise. The Comet is pointing directly at Virgo as if to take note and how it will be the Center of the Message.

      This is why it is no Coincidence that during the October 2, 2024 Jewish Civil New Year of Rosh HaShanah, the Planet Mercury is in approximate Conjunction with the Sun and the Comet is pointing directly at this Constellation, here and now, etc. That Solar Eclipse will be the Annual Type that is deemed the ‘Wedding Ring’ and Ring of Fire Motifs Is it about a Wedding? It is also understood, among Prophecy Circles, that Virgo is the Cosmic Motif representing Israel, foremost as well as Mary, Ruth, Esther and the Body of Christ, all-inclusive. However, given the Corresponding Signs on Earth from a Geo-Political Inference, it is Israel that is being ‘Bombarded’ as if with the Comet that has made a Diagonal or Criss-Crossing Pattern in Virgo.

      Is it also mere Coincidence that this Comet, that the Rabbis in Israel are calling the Star of Jacob appeared in the Year 2024 to specifically highlight the Constellation of Virgo, on its 7-Year Anniversary, pertaining to the Revelation 12 Sign? As Harbingers of Doom and Gloom go, the Time Period during this Season that the Comet screeches across Virgo will be profound and perhaps impacting not only Israel, but the entire Middle East. That circumstance, in turn, will affect the entire World. And it is Ominous.

      Keep the Watch,

      Comet C/2023 A3 at Sextans

    2. Lu...nice chart and discussion.   The sighting of the T-Atlas Comet at this particular point in time (7 year anniversary of the Rev12 Sign in Virgo, upcoming Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement, etc) is so very 'EXCITING' to watch, while at the same time so very 'OMINOUS' for what it might imply.   Needless to say, the next 15 days or so should be very 'REVEALING' and an extremely "high watch period" for the Rapture.  Perhaps it's time we "buckle-up" our seat belts!      ✈️   777   ✈️

      Here's another photo of the Comet taken on 9-27-24 from Mauna Kea on the Hawai’i Island.  Such a glorious sight to behold!

  23. RE: Another Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary?

    Well, there is some Talk also around the Rapture End Times Community, that the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelaton12 Sign did not occur, back in September 23, 2024. But rather, that it is on October 2, 2024, the Day of the Jewish Civil New Year, Rosh HaShanah and the Wedding Ring Annular Solar Eclipse, etc. Here is the Reasoning.

    1-If one only uses the Gregorian Calendar Day Count, then, yes, it was in September 27, 2024.

    2. If one uses the Biblical Calendar of a 360 Day/Year, then the 7-Year Anniversary was August 17, 2024.

    3. But if one uses the Rabbinical Feast Day Correspondence of Rosh HaShanah to Rosh HaShanah, then it is October 2, 2024.

    Here is the Problem and Issue. As one had pointing this out back, way before September 27, 2017, that the Revelation 12 Sign did not occur on Rosh HaShanah. Those who sensationalized it on YouTube argued that since Rosh HaShanah is a 2-Day Feast, it was ‘within’ Range and thus, ‘On Rash HaShanah’. No, it was already at the 4th Day Marker, at Sundown, Jewish Time from Jerusalem when the Revelation 12 Sign occurred. See Calendar Converter.

    September 23, 2017 = Tishrei 4, 5778 (Not Tishrei 1)

    So, just saying that sometimes we just ‘Parrot’ the Research or Statements of others without vetting the Sources. One has been guilty of that, so, that is why so much the more, there is the need for Caution, Discernment and Integrity, as much as possibly, one can attain.


  24. RE: Age of the AntiChrist?

    OK, so, speaking of Comets, Dragons and Bears, Oh My? Below is the Link to the PDF showing many Charts pertaining to the Comet Hale-Bopp that was 1st identified on July 23, 1995. About a Year later, on April 11, 1996, Comet Hyakutake ‘pierced’ the Eye of Medusa, Algol, etc. And then precisely a Year later after that, on April 11, 1997 Comet Hale-Bopp crisscrossed the Eye of Medusa or that of HaSatan in the Constellation of Perseus.

    One’s Supposition, as presented and only as Pure Speculation is, what if this Comet, Hale-Bopp announced the Birth of the AntiChrist, on July 23, 1995
    (723)? Then 9 Months later, on April 11, 1996, was the Day the Comet pierced the Eye of Medusa as a Commemoration of sorts. So, one is conjecturing that someone born in July of 1995 would be 30 Years Old in July of 2025. Thus, is it a matter of a 30 Year Debut? Consider this very interesting Day Count from when Comet Hale-Bopp was discovered on July 23, 1995 to the Year to its Anniversary in 2025.

    July 23, 1995 to July 23, 2025
    = 10,958 Days
    = 30 Years
    = 360 Months

    As mentioned, one’s Working Theory about the Age of the AntiChrist is that he is mirroring the Start of Jesus’ Ministry and Age when Jesus Died. Perhaps, it will be at the 33rd Year Old Time Marker in 2029 that the AntiChrist receives the ‘Moral Wound’, Dies and is Satanically Resurrected to mimic Jesus’. And it is there and then, at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation, in 2029 that the AntiChrist breaks the ‘Covenant’ made with the Many, i.e., the Sanhedrin.

    2025 Age 30 (Start of Tribulation?) – Born on July, 1995?
    2029 Age 33 (Mid-Point?)
    2032 Return of Jesus?

    Then acting as that ‘Red Dragon’ through the AntiChrist, Lucifer will then seeks to devour Israel, as the Constellation Virgo Motif. It is at this Point in Time that the Remnant Jews flee to the Wilderness, Etc. Perhaps, but also realize that this speculated Age of the AntiChrist, based on the July 23, 1995 possible Birthday, is predicated on the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline. Also as mentioned, if the Rapture Event does not happen before then, either on Nisan 17 of 2025 or on the ‘723’ July 23, 2025 corresponding Acts 2 New Wine Pentecost, then not sure.

    So, we Keep on the Look-Out,


    A Hale-Bopp Birth Day?

    1. Lu...I'm so glad you're onboard with the October (FFF), Nisan 17 (PPP) and 723 (WWW) Rapture themes.   Finally we're all one big "Happy Family"!   I think you deserve to hit the "Easy Button"!

  25. Lu, do you know if there ever has been a total solar eclipse on a Feast of Trumpets?

    1. Ok, last year. Lol...
      The Wedding Ring Eclipse last October was 354 days before the Eclipse on October 2 this year.
      354 days is a perfect lunar year: 12 x 30 = 354

    2. May 14, 1948 - October 2, 2024 = 27.900 days or 77.5 prophetic years
      Rel 12 Sign - May 14, 2025 (Israels 77. birthday) = 2790 days or 7.75 prophetic years
      2790 days = 7 years, 7 months and 7+7+7 days
      That's cool...

    3. In Jarretts new video, he mentions that we have two partial solar eclipses on the Eve of Nisan 1 and Tishri 1.
      He says that the Tribulation Period will start on Nisan 1 and that the Rapture is between now and Nisan 1...

  26. Blessings to all! Lu, I know you disagree with October 2 given the link you gave above, but I decided to upload this video because this brother always has interesting things to contribute . It does not give a date, but a 6 month window. I hope you don't mind her being here even though October 2nd is the Feast of Trumpets according to him.

    Supernatural By Design
    THIS SIGN PROVES EVERYTHING: Star of Jacob's Trouble, Comet Atlas & Feast of Trumpets Eclipse 10-2

    1. RE: Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary and Start of Tribulation on Nisan 1, 2025?
      PART 1/3

      Carole, Stephan + Fam,
      You all know that if you ask me, I am going to throw those Cold Buckets of Ice Water at you all, lol. But it is because ‘I Love You All’. ;0. Maybe. Not some of you. You know who you are! ‘;0 But by all means do share what is out there being discussed, the ‘Good, Bad and Ugly’. You do not need my Permission and I am just another Voice of Interpretation, that is all.

      So, about what our Brother Jarrett at Supernatural by Design Presented? Realize that All 3 Astronomical Events he presented on, we have discussed already, for about a Year now. We have been way Ahead of the Curve on all this. We just need a YouTube Video to make it ‘Official’. ;0. But here are some Observations of his Observations…

      No. Remember that one noted that the Revelation 12 Sign can be made to have its Anniversary, if one uses Feast-to-Feast correlation. That is Valid. Could be. But one mentioned this prior and many other People called him out on this on his Comment Section. Jarrett is Using September 20, 2017, which was Rosh HaShanah to say, that was the Date of the Revelation 12 Sign. No, No, No. It was the Moon that 3 Days later was then positioned ‘Under her Feet’ that completed the ‘Sign’, etc. Now he did say that it was ‘tied to’ the Civil New Year, but in one’s Observation, he is ‘Forcing’ the Anniversary. And if the Rapture is to occur on October 2, 2025? Count Me In!

      No. He is combining the Stars of both Serpens and Ophiuchus. Problem: Serpens is dissected by Ophiuchus. It is the only Constellation that has a ‘Break’ in that it is not continuous. So one cannot really count the Stars as being 10 for the 10 Kings that will come to rule the world after the Rapture. Perhaps, but one would not use that Motif.

      No. This is his Interpretation or the Revelation 12 Sign. He is allowed to have that Interpretation. But he is basing on how the Comet C/2023 A3 passed by there on its way through Virgo, going in and going out. Realize that the Comet then heads to Ophiuchus and not back to Serpens. The Issue? The Nova has not occurred yet. Well, it could but the Light of that Explosion has not arrived for those on Earth to See. So, Perhaps. See Chart of Comet Trajectory going out of Virgo and where it stabilizes.


    2. PART 2/3

      No. Astrology is not ‘Bad’. Man is Bad. Astrology is the Interpretation of Astronomy. Technically, what one and others like him or George at the Return of the King are doing is that. Just realize that due to the Enlightenment in Europe and the Renaissance, the Astrological Interpretation of Astronomy was separated. That Portion was then replaced by ‘Science’ or the Scientific Method. What it did is devoid the Spiritual and Religious Connotations from Astronomy. It is now like a Master Painter only half-finishing a Work of Art. One is not considering the ‘Daily Horoscope Readings’, as such.

      No. Jarrett said that ‘Jesus stated that, No one knows the Day or Hour in direct reference to the Rapture?’ He argues that Matthew 24:42-44 is about the Rapture, based on the Strong Man Analogy. One would Strongly Disagree that it is inferring to the Rapture. Jesus did not give a Rapture Context, but the 2nd Coming when Lucifer is literally Bound for 1000 Years, etc. The Context is about the Questions the Disciples asked of Jesus, of precisely, ‘When would Jesus return’, not the Rapture. The Rapture was a Mystery, which implies it was hidden, revealed by Paul. Jesus did not confuse the Disciples with that Rapture Revelation as they were Kingdom, Jerusalem and Temple Focused, not on the Church Age that was to come and be in place for 2000 Years. Well, to his credit, he has addressed Rapture Date-Setting because he has in the past.

      No. At the Minute Marker 21:00, Jarrett stated that in 2025, there will be Rabbinical and Civil New Year Eclipses again? Well, only half-correct and depending, again on which Calendar one is using. Consider the following Factors.

      Nisan 1, 2025
      = March 30, 2025 (Rabbinical)
      = March 30, 2025 (Chabad)

      Tishrei 1, 2025
      = October 3, 2025 (Rabbinical)
      = September 23, 2025 (Chabad)

      According to NASA, here are the Solar Eclipses from the October 2, 2024 Civil New Year one to the one in Mid-2026 for Context.

      2024 Oct 02 Annular
      2025 Mar 29 Partial
      2025 Sep 21 Partial
      2026 Feb 17 Annular
      2026 Aug 12 Total

    3. PART 3/3

      Perhaps. Now, notice there will be, in the Rabbinical Calendar, a Solar Eclipse again on the Eve of Nisan 1. One had observed this and had mentioned it on a Chart. It is ‘Neat’ However, there is no Civil New Year or Tishrei Solar Eclipse for either the Rabbinical or the Chabad Calendar Dates. From now to then until then there is an interesting Day Count, Eclipse to Eclipse. Tishrei 1, October 2, 2024 Civil New Year Eclipse to March 30, 2025 Nisan 1 Religious New Year = 180 Days. That is half the Biblical Year of 360 Days. Now will the Tribulation Period start there and then? Not sure. Perhaps.

      Now where one would find Common Ground, is in the Generalities. He does correlate how many of the Signs and Events, Above and Below are signaling that the Year 2025 could be the Start of the Tribulation Period. And he does believe there is a Gap Period from the Rapture to the Tribulation as one does. One would also agree that the Rapture Event is very close. And he does also state that ‘Signs’ are of Events of what is to come as in ‘The Sign is not the Event’. ;0

      Now here is one’s Dilemma when asked about, if all that others present is ‘True’ or will come to pass regarding when the Rapture Event is to occur as well as the Start of the Tribulation Period. It is a matter of Irony, a Dichotomy in the following sense. If a Person states, ‘I believe and I am convinced the Rapture will occur on ____________ Date’, surely it is because of certain perceived Factors. They can be based on Astronomical, Prophetic Patterns, Geo-Political Events, as one does. But here is the Dilemma. If one disagrees with the Statement, fine, but one cannot ‘Prove’ the converse that it is not. Why not? One can only argue from the Negative, and one cannot Affirm it.

      To do so, means that one has Absolute Knowledge of the Totality of any given Event, as in this case, the Rapture or the Start of the Tribulation Period. And one does not have Absolute Knowledge. So, with such Questions asked, this is why one often has a disclaimer, ‘Time will always Tell the Truth’. Since we are bound by Time, Space and Matter, we cannot go ahead of all that and look back, into the Future. We can and do, but from the Perspective and Revelation of one that does and Has, and that is Jesus. Also, the Bible that only gives certain Glimpses of what is to come, some in Generalities, others in Specifics.

      In Conclusion, one would agree with Jarrett in that such Signs converging presently are Amazing in Scope of what they are Broadcasting, perhaps, if one’s Interpretations are half-reasonable. The Statement that Jarrett did resonate with me is how he said, and one wholeheartedly agrees with, is how these Signs are being centered around Virgo, the Motif for both Israel and the Bride of Christ. Is the Transference of Dispensation about to occur? At this Point and Time, it is really just fine-tuning the Details, and that, we can all argue about in Fellowship.


    4. I am somewhat still in shock at just how quickly Israel dispensed with Ismail Haniyeh AND Nasrallah. It’s believed even the hideous Sinwar is dead as he has issued no communications in weeks. The IDF is trying to find his body. I know Israel has the DNA of many of these terrorists. They, sadly, saved Sinwar’s life when he had cancer years ago, so making identification of him shouldn’t be too difficult. The replacement for Nasrallah, whose days are automatically numbered now, is said to have criticized Nasrallah for being indecisive and not doing enough. If the IDF keeps up the pace and deals with the rest of the “inner ring” and I’m not sure there is one at this stage, then I’d expect the “outer ring” to start making plans vis a vis Ezekiel 38 and 39. The foreign ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey met less than 48 hours ago at the UN. I also believe the Rapture occurs before or around the time of this war and the AC then makes his appearance as the Man of Peace.

    5. RE: Nasrallah Dead

      Isreal is going all-out. From a purely Military, Political Science and Prophecy Perspective, it is Incredible what Israel has been able to accomplish against the 7-Front Muslim Menace. It has to. This will for sure escalate the War and bring about Psalm 83. Just a matter of Time, and it is ramping-up, incredibly Fast.

      October 2, 2024 looks great for ‘Peace and Safety’ then Sudden Destruction, Isaiah 17 Style. Did you all hear Netanyahu’s Speech at the UN? Most UN Nation Delegates walked out. But what he said was the Truth in the End Days filled with Deception and Reality being Relative.

      Nasrallah Dead
      Screenshot from the Drudge Report

    6. I saved a similar screenshot from Drudge earlier today. Netanyahu’s speech was a fiery powerhouse. I’ve read it was also a diversionary military tactic to put Nasrallah at ease with Bibi in the USA so he would go to the location where he was ultimately killed. Brilliant maneuver. The Sunni Arab world is celebrating Nasrallah’s demise and even tweeting out “thanks” to Netanyahu. I expect the IDF to deal with Yemen soon as the Houthis have fired missiles at Tel Abiv and even Jerusalem. Yemen is farther away from Israel than Iran, so I consider it to be an “outer ring” enemy.

    7. RE: Destroying Hezbollah Leadership

      Countless of Muslims in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Lebanon are celebrating the demise of the Hezbollah Leadership being Killed-Off by Israel. Not stating publicly, but many Muslims are glad Israel has essentially destroyed Hezbollah, as it has been a Stranglehold on the People, their Economy and Identity.

      For Decades, the Billions in Financial Aid given to them by the USA, the EU, and Rich Arab Gulf State has been squandered in a Muslim Religious Quest to destroy Israel. Perhaps 1 of the 7 'Red Dragon' Heads has been cut-off but what is coming next is that Confederation of Muslims Factions that will not let this Embarrassment be un-answered against Israel.

      LIVE: Middle East Celebrate The End Of Hezbollah
      Mahyar Tousi TV

    8. The USA owes Israel the 7 million dollars in reward money for killing Hezbollah’s CiC of the Radwan force Ibrahim Iqil. The IDF has destroyed the infrastructure of the most lethal terrorist force in history. The entire civilized world owes Israel an engraved Thank You. It was Aqil who was behind the bombing of the barracks in Beirut in 1983 that killed 241 Marines and 58 French soldiers.

      Let us not forget that it was Hezbollah who cruelly murdered US Navy diver Robert Stethem who was only 23 years old and hailed from Waldorf, Maryland. I will never forget what his corpse looked like and the film of his body being dumped on the tarmac at Beirut airport . He was a passenger on the ill-fated TWA flight 847 that was hijacked by Hezbollah in Greece in 1985. He was tortured and murdered when the demands of the terrorists were not met.

    9. I found Mahyar Tousi’s YTC last night. Good stuff.

  27. “ Jared Kushner, Trump’s son in law and the architect of the Abraham accords wrote on X:

    “September 27th is the most important day in the Middle East since the Abraham Accords breakthrough.

    I have spent countless hours studying Hezbollah and there is not an expert on earth who thought that what Israel has done to decapitate and degrade them was possible.

    This is significant because Iran is now fully exposed. The reason why their nuclear facilities have not been destroyed, despite weak air defense systems, is because Hezbollah has been a loaded gun pointed at Israel. Iran spent the last forty years building this capability as its deterrent.

    President Trump would often say, “Iran has never won a war but never lost a negotiation.” The Islamic Republic’s regime is much tougher when risking Hamas, Hezbollah, Syrian and Houthi lives than when risking their own. Their foolish efforts to assassinate President Trump and hack his campaign reek of desperation and are hardening a large coalition against them.

    Iranian leadership is stuck in the old Middle East, while their neighbors in the GCC are sprinting toward the future by investing in their populations and infrastructure. They are becoming dynamic magnets for talent and investment while Iran falls further behind. As the Iranian proxies and threats dissipate, regional security and prosperity will rise for Christians, Muslims and Jews alike.

    Israel now finds itself with the threat from Gaza mostly neutralized and the opportunity to neutralize Hezbollah in the north. It’s unfortunate how we got here but maybe there can be a silver lining in the end.

    Anyone who has been calling for a ceasefire in the North is wrong. There is no going back for Israel. They cannot afford now to not finish the job and completely dismantle the arsenal that has been aimed at them. They will never get another chance.

    After the brilliant, rapid-fire tactical successes of the pagers, radios, and targeting of leadership, Hezbollah’s massive weapon cache is unguarded and unmanned. Most of Hezbollah fighters are hiding in their tunnels. Anyone still around was not important enough to carry a pager or be invited to a leadership meeting. Iran is reeling, as well, insecure and unsure how deeply its own intelligence has been penetrated. Failing to take full advantage of this opportunity to neutralize the threat is irresponsible.

    I have been hearing some amazing stories about how Israel has been collecting intelligence over the past 10 months with some brilliant technology and crowdsourcing initiatives.

    But today, with the confirmed killing of Nasrallah and at least 16 top commanders eliminated in just nine days, was the first day I started thinking about a Middle East without Iran’s fully loaded arsenal aimed at Israel. So many more positive outcomes are possible.

    This is a moment to stand behind the peace-seeking nation of Israel and the large portion of the Lebanese who have been plagued by Hezbollah and who want to return to the times when their country was thriving, and Beirut a cosmopolitan city. The main issue between Lebanon and Israel is Iran; otherwise there is a lot of benefit for the people of both countries from working together.

    The right move now for America would be to tell Israel to finish the job. It’s long overdue. And it’s not only Israel’s fight.

    More than 40 years ago, Hezbollah killed 241 US military personnel, including 220 Marines. That remains the single deadliest day for the U.S. Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima. Later that same day, Hezbollah killed 58 French paratroopers.

    And now, over the past six weeks or so, Israel has eliminated as many terrorists on the US list of wanted terrorists as the US has done in the last 20 years. Including Ibrahim Aqil, the leader of Hezbollah’s Islamic Jihad Organization who masterminded the 1983 killing of those Marines.”. Jared Kushner

  28. “ Among the targets attacked in Yemen: the ports in Hodeidah and Ras Issa and the Al-Ahly and Ras Khatib power plants.” Amir Tsarfati

    What is the Islamic Republic of Iran going to do now with Hamas and Hezbollah out of commission and the Houthis taking a beating? I read that Nasrallah met with someone, shook his hand and that person (spy) smeared a substance on his hand that allowed him to be tracked by the IDF. James Bond stuff.

    Amazing days.

  29. COMET C/2023 A3 (TSUCHINSHAN-ATLAS) Pronounced 'Su-Chin-Shan'
    Through Virgo Constellation Possible Meaning

    PART 1/3
    The following is a study with a Chart, depicting the Comet C/2023 that is deemed the Star of Jacob, as it traverses through the Revelation 12 Sign on its 7-Year Anniversary. One will also provide a Timeline of how long it takes the Comet to streak across the Constellation of Virgo, like a ‘Bullet’, or a Missile’. It makes a Crisscrossing Path with the following Observations that will link the Assassination of Nasrallah to the Date the Comet 1st became visible and reached Perihelion September 27, 2024. Coincidence?

    Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary

    One will provide the Evidence and one’s Interpretation of what this Comet could possibly mean Prophetically. How is this Comet possibly tied to the End Times and Bible Prophecy? Consider that on September 11, 2024, the Comets began to make an ‘About-Face’ at Sextans and re-enters the Constellation of Virgo. On the 23rd of September, the Comet began to have its Tail light-up. On the 27th, it reached Parhelion and that is when, coincidentally, Netanyahu was giving the Speech at the UN and Nasrallah, Leader of Hezbollah was killed in Lebanon.

    The Comet then accelerates across Virgo where the Apex of the Comet reaches the exact Point it entered Virgo 180 Days prior. Is it a Forecast of an All-Out-Attack on Israel? Will that be the start of the Psalm 83 War? Will it be a Death and Birth Transition Period? If the Meaning of Comets are to be considered and taken seriously, then watch-out for October 10-12. This Time-Frame will be extremely Dangerous for Israel and the Bride of Christ. How so? The 2nd Portion of the Study will delve into the Meaning of Comets. The following is the Timeline of the Comet’s Trajectory across Virgo.


    SEPTEMBER 11, 2024
    Comet started to do its About-Face and re-enter the Constellation of Virgo.

    SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
    On the 7-Year Anniversary of Revelation 12 Sign, the Tail began to light-up.

    SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
    The Comet reaches Perihelion on this Date. It was the 1st Time Comet able to be seen on Earth with the Naked Eye. This is the Date also that as Netanyahu of Israel was making his Speech at the UN, to a virtually empty Chamber and Nasrallah, the Leader of Hezbollah was killed.

    1. PART 2/3

      OCTOBER 2, 2024
      Just before entering Virgo the Comet, the Feast of Rosh HaShanah begins, on the Rabbinical Calendar.

      OCTOBER 7, 2024
      As the Comet enters Virgo, there is a Quadruple Alignment with the following Celestial Bodies. Note that this is the 1 Year Anniversary of the Hamas Attack on Israel from Gaza.


      OCTOBER 10, 2024
      The Comet exits the Virgo Constellation at same Point it entered it. It is as though an ‘X’
      Marks-the-Spot is made. Note that the Comet entered Virgo’s ‘Womb’ Area 18 Days (6-6-6) after Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024.

      OCTOBER 10-12, 2024 (RED ALERT)
      Here is where one is issuing a Red Alert! As Comets are Harbingers of Death, Birth and Demise, October 10 will signal a Monumental Event concerning Israel and the Body of Christ on Earth?

      OCTOBER 11, 2024
      On this Day, the Comet begins to leave Virgo but then this is on the Eve of Yom Kippur. In the Past, the Muslims have attacked Israel on its ‘Holiest Day’, i.e., the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

      OCTOBER 16, 2024
      On this Day, which is Sukkot in the Rabbinical Calendar, the Comet reaches the Constellation of Serpens.

      OCTOBER 24, 2024
      During the Feast of Simchat Torah, the Comet is dead-center in the Heart of Ophiuchus

      This next Portion of the Study will delve into the possible Meaning of Comets. What did the Ancient Civilizations on Earth think about Comets and still do? In this case, it is about Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan. The ‘T’ is silent and pronounced, ‘Su-Chin-Shan’, reached its Perihelion on September 27, 2024, that is when Nasrallah died. And? Are there not 1000s of People, all over the World that Died and were Born on that Day?

      Why is Nasrallah being singled-out? A Comet’s Meaning, potentially depends on the ‘Who, What, Where and When’ to ascertain a possible Interpretation. One is considering only the Top World Leaders, as Nasrallah was. And also, how Hezbollah is at the Forefront of attempting to Destroy Israel on Earth presently. With that in Mind, one has to consider where the Comet is positioned at, in the backdrop of the Constellations and where it is going. Consider the Color of the Comet even.

    2. PART 3/3
      Then, more importantly, what is the Meaning of the Motif of the Stars that constitute the Constellations where the Comet is passing through. In this case, Virgo. Here is some Research about the Meaning of Comets for Context. The Word 'Comet' is derived from the Latin Word 'Cometes'. It originates from the Greek Word κόμη (Komē). The Original Meaning refers to the ‘Hair on one's Head'. Comets have highly Elliptical Orbits. Some appear regularly, like Halley's Comet, visible every 75 to 76 Years, etc.

      Some Comets have such Large Orbits, that they visit the Inner Solar System once in 100s of 1000s of Years. As Comets approach the Sun, it is attracted by its Gravity. It is at this Point in Time that Comets also enter Earth’s Observable Range. It is the Heat from the Sun that starts to evaporate the Frozen Gases and Ice. This produces the Effects of the Radiation and the Solar Wind produces the Tail that is the Comet's recognizable Trademark.

      Many Comets do not make it in this Observable Range as they may burn-up, break into pieces or even disappear, as they pass the Sun. Now as to the Ancient Understanding of what Comets meant when they appeared and were observed by Humanity from Earth? It is understood that Comets became the Symbol of all kinds of Disasters. The Appearance of Comets were and are connected to Deaths, Riots, Wars and Slaughter.

      Most notably, Comets signaled the Death of Kings, Rulers or Leaders. For example when Julius Caesar was Assassinated in Rome in 44 BC, his Successor, Augustus, announced that Caesar's Soul had ridden-off with the Comet that was recorded that Year. Also, some will argue that New Comets are discovered every Year. Most do not even approach a Magnitude of Brightness where they would be visible even by using Telescopes and/or hand-held Binoculars.

      The arrival of Comet Tsuchinshan can thus be associated with the Death of Nasrallah and the Destruction of HAMAS and Hezbollah, along with their Leaderships. So, it is about an Ending and a Beginning of something or someone. Is it any Coincidence that the Constellation of Virgo is the Beginning and the End of the Mazzaroth or the 12 Signs of the Zodiac? Surely, the Comet’s arrival signals a Period of Upheaval. It has been, for Israel, as the Motif of Virgo is associated with. And it has been like the Revelation 12 Sign is depicted, Prophetically. It is now about a New Beginning being Broadcasted, perhaps. Will this be the Luciferian’s Reset? The New World Order?

      Will it be the End of HAMAS and Hezbollah but the beginning of the Inner-Ring Confederation of the other Muslim Faction that will retaliate against Israel? But other People who study the Stars and Comets state that they also consider the Direction in which the Comet is pointing to. It is implying the Direction where the Disasters are surmised to happen. But as Comets go, their Appearance from Earth’s Vantage Point means that they are ‘Temporary Influences’ in World Affairs, etc. It is also surmised in the Study of Comet that they are the most Effective when it is at its Brightest. So, the Comet begins to enter Virgo for a 2nd Time. It is as a Double Witness and emphasis.

      It does its U-Turn at Sextans, the Constellation that is pointing to Virgo. It is an Instrument to take Measurements of the Stars in relation to Earth. Then there is the Wedding Ring Solar Eclipse in Virgo, and on the Civil New Year. The Planet Mercury is there in Conjunction as if to take note that there is a ‘Message’ to be discerned by all these Astronomical Signs. It is as if the Sign is about a Wedding of the Virgin but is being ‘sprayed’ with Bullets or Missile’ in the case of Israel, literally. It is about the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign that signals a Rapture to occur.


  30. Benjamin Netanyahu is addressing the Iranians.

  31. I'm hoping this comment gets posted. Just wanted to let everyone know that Hurricane Helene came through like shock and awe. NC has been devastated in many places. We have been without power since Friday and have been told by energy company we MIGHT have power in 4 days. So THANK YOU GOD for making us prepare for emergencies like this and THANK GOD for good neighbors with power helping us! Your prayers would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Love you all ❤️

    1. sorry for what you and so many others are going through.   Hurricane Helene was such a beast with so much devastation everywhere.   Sounds like you were well prepared for the storm.   Hopefully you were able to put up a lot of your summer harvest for times such as this.   Just think, all of our Earthly problems will go away if we get Raptured next month!    Hallelujah!!!

    2. Definitely praying for all affected by the hurricane. 100 billion in damages. Never seen devastation like this.

  32. We pray for you and your husband dear Lyn. I also lost power this summer for several days. It was after very strong winds. God provided to help us. He is faithful and good!

  33. HI fam, Lyn, praying for you and all those who have been affected by Helene! May God use this as an opportunity to witness to Himself through these circumstances as He provides for His own--and believers help others.

    Some of you may know/have seen, thought about this already, but I find Amir Tsarfati's take on the two silver trumpets God instructed Moses to make, particularly intriguing. Of course, God would use both the Church and Israel to speak to the world. May more and more people have eyes to see and ears to hear! Love ya'll.

    Looks like Israel is beginning to move into Lebanon. So much happening!

  34. Hi Bob and family, just saying that the new video by Ministry Revealed ytc, entitled, 'A Coming... STAR' is quite amazing as Alan delivers what he has ben shown! Shalom

    1. Welcome back, Ozzie!  I only had a chance to briefly look at Alan's 2 hour and 46 minute video, but it looks like he's saying the Rapture + (White Horse Rider?) will take place on 10-31-24 or Halloween.    That works for me, as I've been saying the entire month of October is a "high watch period".    But honestly, I'm so bombarded with "info overload" right now that I just want to sit back and see how things unfold.   In other words, I just want to kick back peacefully and take it all in, particularly if the Rapture happens this month.    If you watched J.D.Farag's recent prophecy update video, he starts out by saying we're all being bombarded by Earthly distractions right now, and that Satan is trying to take our focus away from Jesus.   I couldn't agree with him more!    Thus, I'm trying to limit what I watch and read these days.   Hopefully that makes sense to you.   Anyway, welcome back to the Funny Farm!

    2. fall peakedas yesterday was full blown magnificience and today Nov 1st just isn't the same

    3. . . . it happened . . . . overnight * people get readY

  35. Lu, what do you know about the phosphorus bombs in Southern Lebanon? I thought these were outlawed due to their hideous inability to be extinguished?

    1. Alan apears to be gifted w/ Total View

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. sorry typo, btwn oct.31 and nov.1, 2024

    4. the above date for pre trib lift off ^ acording to Alan, then other lift of's scheduled!

  36. RE: Phosphorous Bombs used by Israel?

    According to Reports and Evidence, yes, Israel has and is using these Types of Weapons. They used them back in 2013 in Gaza and now in Southern Lebanon since the October 7, 2023 Muslim Attack. But it is a Double Standard when it comes to Israel’s use of Weapons. Yes, Civilians have been Killed and are damaged permanently by the Effects of the Agents, as well as the Land. But Israel would not have to use such Weapons if it was not attacked by the Muslims. It is also based on the Narrative.

    Israel states that they are using these Weapons under Protocol III, in that it is not a Biological/Chemical Weapon. And Israel states that the Weapons are not being used to target Civilians but are being used to create Smokescreens. Conversely, the World is accusing Israel of using them against Civilians. But realize that most, if not all of the HAMAS and Hezbollah Weapon Depots have been confirmed to be stashed in Civilian Homes, as Humans are used as Shields. Such is the Muslim Strategy of War. It is that these Types of Weapons are not explicitly banned by International Humanitarian Law.

    The ‘Agreed’ upon Law, though not binding, just requires States to take all ‘Feasible Precautions’ to avoid the Harm to Civilians caused by such Weapons. However, even within the Protocols, the use of White Phosphorus can be used in an ‘Extreme Exception’, given ‘highly Particular Circumstances’. But the World never accuses HAMAS or Hezbollah of indiscreetly launching Rockets at Civilian Populations in Israel, precisely to kill Civilians. They cause Fires, just as much to destroy the Land in Israel.

    Although Israel pledged not to use them since 2013, it is being used in Southern Lebanon as part of their Arsenal. It was reported, for example, that what caused the Death of Nasrallah was the Toxic Fumes of the Bunker-Busting Bombs. But all the Deaths and Suffering of the Muslim and other Civilians are at the Hands of the Muslim Leadership of HAMAS and Hezbollah. They have no one to blame but them. It is in their Charters to Destroy Israel at all Costs. The West refuses to interpret the Middle East Conflict as a Religious War.

    The Quest for a 2-State Solution is a Ruse. It is only a Muslim Strategy to Buy Time, to re-arm. Land for Peace has not worked. For example, Jordan, is a Fake Kingdom created by the European Colonial Powers. It was supposed to be the Palestinian State. It really is. But after the British Mandate ended, they occupied the ‘West Bank’, the Ancient Heartland of Israel, Judea and Samaria, up until the 6-Day War of 1967. Did the Jordanians grant the ‘Palestinians’ their State? No.

    And conversely, Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip, up until the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Did Egypt grant the ‘Palestinians’ their State? No. The Muslims want a 1 State Solution, and that is ‘Palestine’, and Free of any Jews and Christians as most Muslim Nations are. The Word 'Palestine' was the Name imposed the European Colonial Romans. When the UN gave the Arab Muslims their State of Palestine, they refused and rather declared War on Israel that did accept the UN Decree. As stated before, all the Death and Suffering of the Peoples in Gaza and Southern Lebanon could end, if and when the Muslims would Repent of their Genocidal Quest to Destroy Israel. This however will never happen so long as Islam is Alive and Well, along with Lucifer.


    1. Thank you, Lu, I knew you'd know. I just remember seeing (dating myself now) Davey Roever (Vietnam vet who was severely burned from a phosphorus grenade he was holding, and I remember his saying it couldn't be extinguished even underwater) years ago as he gave his testimony for Christ. I find it hard to believe they aren't in the same category as chem/bio weapons, and of/c the terrorists have brought everything on themselves. I can only pray they light up areas (nighttime) without spreading to humans (even if they do "deserve it"). I guess in some ways it isn't any different than suffering in all the other ways war brings, but there are still "rules" even if not all follow them, and God knows Oct. 7th was as hideous as it gets!

      Bob, I'm with you on information overload--just watching and waiting now. AA, thanks for the updates re Helene. I had no idea it was this bad--have been hyper-focused on Israel--all kinds of things to speculate re that severity. May God have mercy on His own!

    2. Welcome, Sister. If there were a Republican President, there would be wall to wall coverage in the news.

  37. Bad situation in Asheville, NC:

    “ Asheville North Carolina Resident Says It’s Chaos After Hurricane Helene

    He says looters are everywhere, people are vandalizing everywhere

    “There were some truckers coming in with supplies and medical stuff trying to help us”, People slashed their tires at the rest stop

    “The roads are completely blocked off. You're not getting out”

    “If you have a weapon, keep it on you because, there are people intentionally sabotaging stuff.”

  38. “ 🚨CATASTROPHIC Damage in Western, NC:

    -100 times WORSE than Katrina

    -Bodies lying everywhere.

    -Uncountable number of bodies trapped in cars.

    -THOUSANDS still missing.

    -NO Federal Aid

    -Media has been CRIMINALLY Silent.

    -Death Toll from Katrina about 1,600. This will be WAY past that.”

  39. RE: Weather Weapons

    We see you have left the ‘Kitchen’, eh? Getting too ‘Hot’? But of all the People, you should be ‘Hawaii Hot’, acclimated by now and ‘San Joaquin Hot Weather Tested’, no? ;0 But one understands Info Overload. I hope I have not contributed to it, but I suspect I have, sorry. ;0

    On a serious note, here is some Info passed to me that, based on what is presented, it appears that this Hurricane Helene was Geo-Engineered and/or Man-Manipulated. Geo-Weapons do exist. They started to be developed and implemented during the Vietnam War. Like the Train Derailments and the Food Processing Plants, this is a Prime Way to deplete Resources and Assets. And it hits the Red States with Devastation too boot


    Dane Wigington

    Dane Wigington is the Author of the Website, He is the one that has chronicled the Chem-Trail Phenomenon when the U.S. Government had been denying it all along. Most People still deny it is a Fact and are in Denial about it. According to his Assessment, the above Video provides Incontrovertible Evidence of Weather Warfare being deployed in Hurricane Helene.

    1. PART 2/2
      The following Excerpt is from an Article that also delves into this Assertion that the Hurricane was Man-Manipulated.

      “There’s no greater Weapon in use Today than a Weather Bomb. In terms of Localized Damage and Far-Reaching Destruction, these are the most Powerful in the Arsenal of the Western Militaries. In Fact, This Type Of Weaponry Has Been Deployed Over Several Decades With Devastating Effects across the Planet. And yet, very few even know they have been the Victim of a Full-Scale Weather War or Geo-Terrorist Attack.



      See: OPERATION CLOVERLEAF: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History

      -A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

      These Acts of Weather Warfare, Year-after-Year are easily blamed on ‘Climate Change’. Notice how all the Reporting is attributing the Strange Hurricane Phenomena to it.

      Keep the Watch,

    2. Here’s another angle:

      “ The flooded region of North Carolina is a major lithium distributor.”

      On another note, dock workers from Maine to Texas will go on strike at midnight. Might be a good time to stock up.

    3. Marty Breeden said there is something going on in Antarctica. All the globalists go there and, he believes, get their instructions from FA.

    4. Lu...for what it's worth, I didn't have you in mind re that "info overload" (ha, ha!).   Although if one were to peek into your 'Carry-On" luggage prior to boarding Flight 777, one would find numerous Books, Articles + Charts written by the world famous Luis B. Vega.   Now have those pieces of artwork caused your students to occasionally "scratch their heads" and cause them to swallow "Extra Strength" aspirins to clear their mind?    Yes, but all in good way, as you have educated us in wide range of topics (Bible Prophecy, Astronomy, Ancient Archeology, etc).   So while I'm currently experiencing "info overload", I always make the time to read your stuff, especially before going to bed!     Zzzzzzzzz!     Lol!

      But seriously, I truly believe Satan is trying to distract us now to get us to focus on Earthly matters (politics, rumors of war, finances, etc), so we don't focus on Jesus.   Honestly, that's all I'm saying.   Plus, you wouldn't want your Captain + Co-pilot (judi) to be in a "brain fog" while taking-off in our Hypersonic Jet Airliner?   Ofc, if we were departing in a Bus, then havinga "clear mind" or not, really wouldn't matter, no!    Lol!

      All in Fun, Lu!    You're such a good sport! Please keep those Books, Articles + Charts coming!

  40. With the White House warning of an imminent attack by Iran on Israel, perhaps it's appropriate  to reacquaint ourselves with the full version of Psalms 83 (kjv):

    1 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

    2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

    3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

    4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

    5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

    6 The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;

    7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;

    8 Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.

    9 Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison:

    10 Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth.

    11 Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna:

    12 Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession.

    13 O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind.

    14 As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire;

    15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.

    16 Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD.

    17 Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish:

    18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.

  41. Replies
    1. Amen! VeeBee, missed you very much! Blessings to you and yours!

    2. Alla,lord bless you! So many challenges ... but God!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. TW Tramm, 9/27. Asteroid King and the Feast of Trumpets


    Interesting 153 connection

    Waiting for Israel's response . . . ✹BOOM✹

  44. Breaking:
    Israel under Rocket Attack from Iran,
    Mass Shooting in Tel Aviv...

  45. Devastating video at Amir’s Telegram channel of an Arab man in Jericho getting hit by an Ir*n**n m*ss*le

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the opening of the political-security cabinet:

    “Ir*n made a big mistake tonight - and it will pay for it. The regime in Ir*n does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and our determination to retaliate against our enemies.”!

  46. “ People are flying their own helicopters in and actively rescuing people in NC and local government officials are threatening them with arrest.”
    🔗 John Bryan

    No National Guard. Maybe the RCMP can help.

  47. I read that Hurricane “Hellene” dumped 43 **trillion”” gallons of water on the Southeast and if that is not Biblical Days of Noah proportions I don’t know what else would qualify.

  48. RE: Israel Missile Attack
    PART 1/2

    What Netanyahu stated? ‘The regime in Iran does not understand our Determination to defend ourselves and our Determination to retaliate against our Enemies!’

    = Samson Option

    The Samson Option is taken from how the Jewish Judge of the Old Testament Times was captured by the Philistines. By Deception, Samson was lured to divulge the Secret of his Divine Human Strength. What contributed to Samson’s Demise is his Flirting and Spiritual Immaturity, much like Israel finds itself in. Samson was Blindsided and was made a Public Spectacle as he was paraded in Gaza, having his Eyes gouged-out and his Head was shaved. See Article for further Perspective.

    Why Israel has to use a Nuclear Weapon

    Samson was put to work as a Captive Slave, working the Mill to ground Wheat, etc. But as his Hair grew and there was an Occasion for a Feast of the Pagan God of the Philistines to occur in their Temple, Samson was showcased there as a Jewish Trophy, a spoil of War of the Enemies of the Jews and YHVH, etc. However, in Samson’s last Prayer and Request, he instructed an Attendant to be placed in-between the 2 main Pillars that held-up the entire Temple.

    With his last Strength, he displaced the Pillars causing the Entire Temple to collapse and killing everyone inside, including Samson. This is the Samson Option. It is essentially a Mutual Assured Destruction Tripwire. This is why Iran will not go all-out in its Threats against Israel, just yet. Iran will eventually have to join that Outer-Ring Coalition of Muslim Nations led by Russia. Russia will only be able to lead them because it has over-extended itself Militarily and cannot sustain its Presence in Syria, on the Doorstep of Israel's Northern Border.

    Realize that one Iran procures a Nuclear Weapon, it will attach it to 1 of its Ballistic Missiles. Iran has now attacked Israel twice. Perhaps a 3rd Time will be the Charm, as they say. As the Iranian Military Generals had stated in the Past, ‘Israel is a 1 Bomb Nation’. It was in reference to how it would take just 1 Atomic Bomb to ‘Wipe-Out’ 90% of all the Jews from Israel. In actuality, it would require 3 Detonations. These Sites would be where the Jews are concentrated presently in Israel.

    1 Tel Aviv
    2 Haifa
    3 Jerusalem

    1. PART 2/2
      However, the Muslims could not entirely destroy Jerusalem as that is the Prize and sole reason for waging a Protracted Cold War against Israel. This is why Israel will resort to the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus 1st. Israel cannot afford to ‘Wait’ on failed Diplomacy, at least on this Side of the Rapture.


      Once that occurs, then the coming False Messiah that the Jews are waiting for will make that Peace and Security. And not only with Israel’s Sanhedrin of the 70 Elder, one surmises, but with the World. Here is a Chart one has shared before to get a Perspective how a Nuclear Attack on Israel would essentially and literally ‘Wipe it off the Map’. But also realize that this is and will be an ‘Impossibility’, Biblically. It is because of YHVH’s Unconditional Military Pack He has with Israel. In Jeremiah, it states that Israel will only be destroyed or disappear if the Sun, Moon and the Stars also do.

      ‘Only if this Fixed Order departed from My Presence, declares the LORD, would Israel’s Descendants ever cease to be a Nation before Me’. Jeremiah 31:36

      Realize that his War Footing is in line with the Outline of the Luciferians that was disclosed by Albert Pike. Consider how this 3rd World War is exactly panning-out in how the Political Zionist State will be fighting Islam ‘To-the-Death’. And it will not be Israel that will Die. But the aim and Luciferian Strategy is to bring the entire Middle East and the World to the Point of an Outcry against Israel and War Exhaustion.

      And once the Middle East goes Nuclear with Israel’s Samson Option, the World will clamor for World ‘Peace and Security’ at any Price, even that of making a Deal with the Devil, literally as that is what exactly will occur per Isaiah, etc. But also realize that this Attack came on the Eve of the Rosh HaShanah Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024. Then consider how on Earth, the Wedding Eclipse reaches its Maximum over ‘Passover’ Island or Easter.

      It is where all those Statues are looking towards Heaven as if expecting something or someone to appear. And in keeping with the Passover Theme, perhaps that is part of the ‘Message’ at this Point in Time, Astronomically. It is that as the Enemy sought to Murder the Jewish First-Born, YHVH reversed the Edict and the Curse fell on the Enemy instead. This is what will be occurring next for Israel it Muslim Enemies and the World that has sided with the Muslims.

      Israel is now at War with Iran, overtly and will need to strike now at the Heart of Iran’s Military Infrastructure, openly. Is it any Coincidence that this Escalation of the 7-Front War against Israel has occurred when the Sun is in Virgo, the Motif of Israel? And when the Ring of Fire Eclipse has the Planet Mercury conjoined at that Place and Time also? Then the Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan is pointing right at it. It is as if the ‘Message’, i.e., Mercury accenting the Eclipse in Virgo to broadcast that a Wedding is coming, and that of the Virgin Bride of Christ. But not as Israel is being bombarded.

      Lu Vega

    2. Prelude?

      “ VERY STRATEGIC. Looks like Israeli strikes knocked out all radar systems in southern Syria today, possibly clearing the way for....something HUGE.

      Before Israel attacks Iran, THEY WILL TAKE OUT THE SYRIAN AND IRANIAN RADAR SITES that have been set up the past few months especially.


      Is this for the Damascus attack? Not necessarily.

      But Israel’s plan is to take out the high end Iranian radar sites in Syria.


      We’re getting closer to seeing some MAJOR ATTACKS COMING the next few days…

      From ALL sides.” BubbaNews

    3. “ Missed this after being reported 9 hours ago…

      Map of the 4 targets bombed today by Israel in S. Syria following a SEAD strike:
      - Radar in Thaalah Airbase (W. Suwayda) - 1
      - Early warning system on Tell Kharouf (W. Suwayda) - 2
      - Air Defense base near Izraa (E. Daraa) - 3
      - Radar Battalion near Sanamayn (E. Daraa) - 4.

      Israeli attack is a confirmed SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) operation to blind Southern Syria.

      Early warning systems, radar and air defenses were destroyed in several bases incl. Thaalah Airbase (W. Suwayda). Several casualties among Assad's forces as well.” BubbaNews

    4. Revelation 12:1-2 King James Version 12 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

      (insert 7 years here)

      2 And she being with child cried, travailing* in birth, and pained* to be delivered.

      These are 2 different words in the original text. The 1st 'travailing' specifically speaks of the anguish and struggle of a delivery through childbirth by the mother. This is where we and Israel are at, NOW, prophetically. THIS war is the 'travailing in birth' and Harpazo marks the birthing, imminently, tomorrow?, ibid.

      The 2nd 'pained to be delivered' is actually a word referring to the anguish and sense of loss which a woman commonly feels after her pregnancy is complete. In context, here, in Rev 12:2 b, we see Israel entering tribulation after Harpazo, amen. It's all pretty much next on the menu.


  49. Tyler@Gen2434 has a short vid about Dr. Barry Awe whose neighborhood in SC was “obliterated” by the hurricane but, miraculously, his house still has power, so he and his wife Danialle are taking in families and feeding them. Donations can be sent to Venmo@Danialle-Awe.

  50. “ I really don’t think you understand the absolute miracles that we witnessed last night here in Israel.

    In fact, I am sure you don’t.

    Let’s break this down.

    Israel has three air defense systems, each one of them a technological wonder and that’s not me saying it. That’s Dr. Gold who basically invented the Iron Dome who told me that. The level and sophistication of the Iron Dome is simply unparalleled.

    But the Iron Dome only knows how to detonate short range rockets or missiles within a 70 km range, give or take.

    Then Israel has the David’s Sling system. That knows how to deal with mid range missiles up to approximately 300 km.

    Then we have the Arrow system that literally detonates missiles that can fly outside of the earth’s atmosphere. That has a range of about 2,400 km!! 🤯

    Last night, as Iran rained down ballistic missiles on Israel, all three defense systems were activated and implemented to perfection.

    The chances of all of these incredibly complex systems working in unison as flawlessly as they did last night, are basically non existent.

    If one thing went wrong, if one of those ballistic missiles hit an apartment building, a shopping center, or an army base, we would now be burying hundreds of Israelis.

    And all of that is not even the biggest miracle.

    A few hours ago, I got a WhatsApp message from a good friend who is a senior executive at Microsoft and who wasn’t exactly a God fearing Jew. Until yesterday.

    Here is what he wrote me.

    “If you’re looking for miracles man - last night I started believing. Missiles hit all around me but none of them hit my house or any house, for that matter.”

    He elaborated some more and shared info about the missiles that he watched land just meters away from very strategic places in Israel, to say the least.

    Each one of those defense systems is, in and of itself, pretty miraculous, but what is even more insane is the low casualty numbers from the rockets and missiles that we’re NOT intercepted.

    Where did those missiles go? I’ll tell you where. They landed in sand, in water, and in “Empty spaces”.

    Have you been to Israel? It’s a microscopic country. What empty spaces? Where are these empty spaces? 🤷‍♂️

    How have hundreds of Iranian ballistic missiles all either get detonated by miraculous systems or totally miss their mark and land in empty spaces causing zero casualties and minimal damage?!


    Listen, I get it. This thought process begs the question, where was God during the horrible terrorist attack yesterday? Where was He on October 7th? Where was He during the holocaust?

    All valid questions that require a very serious nuanced conversation.

    But if you know anything about what had to happen last night and throughout this war in general, for such a low number of casualties, you’ll know that what we witnessed last night was the equivalent of God splitting the sea right before our eyes.

    Guess what. When God split the sea, there were those who didn’t believe it was a miracle and didn’t jump in. And there are also those who feel the need to explain it naturally. Ok, that’s fine.

    You don’t want to call yesterday an act of God? That’s your choice, but like my Microsoft friend, if you look at these events objectively, you’d have a really hard time seeing those hundreds of deadly missiles land in empty spaces and not see the hand of God.

    Last night was an incredible display of the collaboration between two of the powers that protect the Jewish people: The IDF and Hashem.

    Last night will go down in history right alongside many of Israel’s accomplishments in this war including the beepers and the unprecedented low ratio between combatant and civilian, as a military operation the likes of which the world has never seen. Ever!

    Last night will be analyzed by military strategists and experts for generations.

    Last night, we witnessed history.

    Last night we witnessed open miracles.

    Last night, we witnessed God in all His glory watching over His children.”

    (Hillel Fuld on X)

    1. AA, I was tempted to post this as well (have saved it in my notes) but figured you would.🥰

      Lu, what do you know about Solfeggio Frequencies? My son told me about them today and says he has some pain relief from them. But I am always suspect of these kinds of things, even knowing there is much about creation that we don't know and don't understand.

    2. 😘I can just picture God’s Holy Angels batting down those enormous missiles. Glory to Jesus. 190 of them!

    3. One of my prayers for Israel is that God clothe His Hands with lightning and command it to strike the mark (Job 36:32)! Yeah, baby, great imagery! Keep it coming, Lord!

    4. I’ve read so much about the Six Days War and wondered what it must have been like to watch it unfold on tv. I never realized how much I would live to see vis a vis Israel. It really is a blessing and privilege. What an honor. I thank God for not letting me be born at any other time in history.

    5. Amen, sister! I realized a few years ago--guess I'm a slow learner ;-)--what an incredible honor it is to have been born during the Church Age, after the crucifixion/resurrection, not to mention at this time in human history. Imagine any other historical period and living then! God's grace is truly unfathomable.

  51. RE: Solfeggio Frequencies?
    PART 1/3

    OK, this will be a Rabbit Hole Trail, if you all want to ‘Go There’. :) I know some aspects about it other than how such a Topic/Study is related to Astronomy and the Resonance of the Planets of the Solar System and the Body. One has done some Research and will share a Link to that Article if anyone wants more Insight. Now, one would not normally share such Research. And also be aware that as one delves into this Subject, it has been hijacked by the New Age. But it is like the Study of Astronomy that has been left behind by Christianity, etc.

    So, here is the deal. One will share what one only knows, at this Point in Time. YHVH created the Universe, Ex Hihilo, or ‘Out of Nothing’. But as the Bible states, GOD ‘Spoke’, ‘Let there be Light’. This means there was Sound that came out of His Being and Essence that transmitted Life. In our Frame of Reference, it is Matter, Space and Time. One highly recommend reading about the Creation based on the Numbers 1 to 9. That is all it took and, what and how each Number is a Layer of Creation, etc.

    As YHVH breathed into Adam, thus again, GOD ejected that Light, Sound and Resonance into the Body of Adam. That is what then produced the 7 Chakras that the Human Body is based upon, 7 Frequences, based on Light Sound and Energy, i.e., Frequency. It is truly Amazing. So, the Lower Portion of one’s Body, corresponds to the Red Shift in Color and the Lower Frequencies of Sound. As the Chakra Position moves up to the Head, the Light shifts to the Blue Spectrum and resonates at the Higher Frequencies. And? So?

    Realize that Sound, Light and Frequences affects our Body, that in turn, affects our Spirit that in turn affects our Soul. This is why Sound or like in Music, ‘Can Tame the Beast’, as they say. Perhaps one has heard or read of the Experiment done on Plants. In a Controlled Experiment, identical Types of Plants were subjected to Heavy Metal, while the other was played Classical Music. Guess which one Died? Realize also that Sound is Energy. How so?

    People do not realize that for example, many People who go to Laud Rock or Metal Types of Music get within 3-10 Feet of the Giant Speaks. If they prolong there, they will go Brain-Dead as their Brains and other Organs will be ‘Cooked’ by mere Sound. Think of your Microwave Oven. Food is cooked by Frequency. Do not stand close to the Microwave. Better yet, throughout your Microwave with your TV. :) As to Laud Music? You can put a Raw Egg in such Size Speakers and in a matter of Minutes, it will be Cooked or Hard Boiled.

    It is because the Human Body is resonating on Frequences, that are affected by Light, Sound and Energy or Heat. This is the Definition of Light. One can see it, one can feel it, one can hear it, etc. Jesus said, ‘I AM the Light of the World’. If GOD Elohim is Triune, then Light is Triune, which it is. This is why Music is used to Heal People involved in Trauma or Abuse. Or as one will see, Frequencies are used to Harm People and make them ill.

    This is why the Church Sings or should when it gathered together. The Frequencies of such Music, if it is ‘Good’ Music, especially if it worships the Father and Jesus, elevates one’s Resonance. Have you all noticed or experienced that when one has finished an Amazing Worship Service, one’s Consciousness is so Elevated that it seems our Worldly Problems melt away? That is why Godly Music is prescribed in the Bible. When the Body of Christ is gathered. Why? That is 1 Method the Holy Spirit uses to Heal our Body, Spirit and Soul. Frequencies.

    1. PART 2/3

      ‘And do not get Drunk with Wine, for that is Debauchery, but be Filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and Making Melody to the LORD with your Heart’. -Ephesians 5:18–19

      The Word ‘Melody’ is the Key as that is in reference to how Melody produces a Frequency, a Vibration that then resonates with one’s Body. It then produces Healing. This is why in some Medical Fields, Light, Sound and Frequency (Energy) are used to Heal and Repair the Body. However, this is where the Rabbit Trail goes Conspiratorial. How so? Imagine the Science that is known but is being kept Secret from Humanity. Why? It is not about ‘Curing’ a Patient but ‘Treating’ a Patient. How So? If Doctors ‘cures’ a Patient, they lose a Customer. If they keep ‘treating’ a Patient, they have an Income for Life. Not implicating any Doctors here but more so, of Big Pharma, etc.

      So, what is the Conspiracy behind the Study of Resonance or Sound? Well, as it is part of the Human Bodily Creation and Constitution, and as shown is and can be and should be used more for Healing, the Frequencies bombarding Humanity have been altered. How so? Below are 2 Articles on the Subject of how the Luciferians, the ‘Usual Suspects’ changed how Music is played, for example and what and how Medicine is Practiced in the West, especially. Realize also that the Ancient Civilization, especially those of the East had this Understanding, more so and is practiced to a degree even now. Another item is the Blue Screens on Computer and Fluorescent Lighting.

      But the Study of the 7 Energy Pressure Points of a Body, i.e., Chakras has been relegated to Pseudo-Science and as mentioned, the New Age has jumped on it to use it. Why? They know it opens ‘Portals’. Frequencies are used to alter their State of Consciousness to commune with Spirits on the ‘Other Side’. This is what Yoga is all about and Meditation. For example, this is why the Buddhist Chant ‘Om’. It is the Frequency they seek to in-tune themselves with, as Frequency alters one’s Consciousness, etc. The Government knows this. Big Corporations know this.

      For the New Age, it is about altering one’s Bodily Frequencies, so much that they are in-tuned to the Frequencies that ‘Unlock’ the Body and dissect it from the Spirit. And? That is when People have Out-of-Body Experiences, Astro-Travel, along with the Aids of Narcotics, etc. For Big Tech, the Luciferians use it to control the Masses. Now, here below are 6 Main Solfeggio Frequencies. In really it should be 7 as it corresponds to the Frequency just above one’s Head. Here is an Excerpt for the Article that explains this.

      Using Tuning Forks, a study on the Effects of Sound on Matter examined the Sound Waves produced by each of the 6 Original Solfeggio Frequencies. They discovered that the Number of Nodes and Antinodes, or Tops and Bottoms, of the Sound Waves are all divisible by 3, 6, and 9. Here are the Solfeggio Hz Frequencies.

      1. 396 Hz Frequency
      2. 417 Hz Frequency
      3. 528 Hz Frequency
      4. 639 Hz Frequency
      5. 741 Hz Frequency
      6. 852 Hz Frequency

      Miraculously, all of the Solfeggio Hz Frequency Numbers can be reduced to one of these Numbers. For example, 369: 3+6+9=18; 1+8=9. And this is what Nikola Tesla had to say about Resonance or Frequencies in the Universe.

      ‘If you only knew the Magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the Key to the Universe’.

    2. PART 3/3
      So, with all that for Context and Background, here is the ‘Conspiracy’. Again, thanks to the ‘Usual Suspects’. Here below, one will allow the Author of how, currently 440 Hz has been implemented, to say it in his own Words. It essentially changes how People listen to Music or when they play Records, for those old enough to have done that or what People put in their Ears to listen to now. It is all based on a 440 Hz Frequency or Resonance. And? That is not Natural and instead of Healing, it Damages the 7 Chakras within one’s Body. That in turns affects the Mind and then the Soul, etc. One then becomes, ‘Out of Alignment’ sort of speak and ‘Sick’. And it is a way to Manipulate and Control People.

      There is allegedly something Sinister and Evil about 440 Hz. It is said that the Rockefeller Foundation had an interest in making sure the United States adopted the 440 Hz Standard in 1935 as part of a ‘War on Consciousness leading to ‘Musical Cult Control’.

      Without going too far down this rat hole, this Theory says that tuning all Music to 440 Hz turns it into a Military Weapon.

      I quote from one of the many Online Articles on the subject: ‘The Monopolization of the Music Industry features this Imposed Frequency that is ‘Herding’ Populations into Greater Aggression, Psychosocial Agitation, and Emotional Distress predisposing People to Physical Illnesses and Financial Impositions profiting the Agents, Agencies, and Companies engaged in the Monopoly’.

      One will not get into the Military Application of how Resonance and Frequency has been and will be more frequently used, no Pun intended against People. There are Military and increasingly, Police Vehicles that are mounted with Frequency Guns to ‘Zap’ People with, being used for Crowd Control. The Frequency is so intense, it will make your Ears bleed and the Ear-Drums become damaged. In some cases, permanently. And one will not delve into the Cell Phone Towers or what the Radiation being emitted from your Cell Phones is doing to disrupt and destabilize your DNA even.

      Now Personally? Here is what one often does. One is not giving Advice or suggesting one do this. But one does find YouTube Channels where Music is not played in the 440 Hz Frequency, but rather those that are played at 432 Hz. The Hertz (symbol: Hz) is the Unit of Frequency in the International System of Units (SI), often described as being equivalent to 1 Event (or Cycle) per Second. As the Articles state, this is the Natural Occurring Frequency that is in-tune with what is called the Schumann Resonance. That is what the Universe, the Solar System, Lightning is resonated to, 8 Hz.

      For example, one finds Music that is very Melodic, Low Frequency as in being played by a Cello, a Violin or Harp. One uses Headphones in a relaxed state, Medium to Mid-High Volume, either on a Couch or Bed, with one’s Body stretched-out. In such Experiences, as various Musical Notes are played, one can sense the Vibrations going into one’s Body. Realize that as Sound enters one’s Ears, that is then sensitized by one’s Brain and interpreted. But that Sound reverberates throughout every Cell of one’s Body. And that shows every Cell with that Sound Energy or Resonance to ‘re-align’ any Damaged DNA. Well, at least that is the Theory.

    3. That is why having the Correct or Corresponding ‘Sound Wave’ or Resonance will harmonize with one’s 7 Chakras as it then ‘Aligns’ the Body, the Spiritual Body that one is composed of, to Heal because of Sound and through Sound. Now to be clear, one is not saying such a Practice is a ‘Cure-All’, but that is why finding Worship Songs that have a deep and lasting Melody will elevate one’s Spirit.

      And in turn the Soul, that in turn could help contribute to even aiding in the Body’s Natural Repairing and Healing Process to occur. So, in one’s Opinion, would or does it ‘Help’? Absolutely. As to the 2 Articles one is referencing? Just realize that one is suggesting reading what is Elementary and Exploratory in Nature. One does not know the Authors beyond the Articles so, Discretion is Advised beyond that.


      Lu Vega



    4. Article by Luis B. Vega

      #27: EARTH CHAKRAS
      Fingerprint of God’s Creation

    5. Article by Luis B. Vega

      Planetary Orbits related to Resonance, Space, Time

      Vivify Tribe Founder
      Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology

    7. Lu, I knew you would know, and I thank you. Thorough as always. I should have known you had already written something about this and searched your website. Sorry to cause you extra trouble. The intricacies of God's creation, and it's effects on humans as well as the universe, is truly astonishing. I'm not surprised at all about the impact of both sound and light as even anecdotal evidence of the harsh abrasiveness of some music as compared to the benefits of other can be easily seen. I had read years ago that studies have been done to show the healing effects of harp music, e.g., and also the experiment contrasting the effects of classical vs rock music on plant. Amazing in lots of ways, really scary in the hands of the nefarious. So many ways the enemy can assault us without our having a clue (other than obvious reactions to loud harsh music/sounds, but how many more are the subtle ways). This is why "Christian rock" is so offensive--aside from the obvious accommodation to the world. Again, thank you, my friend, for always being willing to answer our questions and share your knowledge and hard work.

    8. Lu, I sent your response(s) to my son and this is his reply (interesting on the 2020 debacle thoughts)

      The emails are fantastic and he should YouTube that information for believers. I have done a bit of research on this and as you see it’s fascinating and by the same token nefarious by changing the standard and becoming controlling. The reference I was making it to the old guard before the manipulation of these frequencies. You can see the video on YouTube regarding slumann and his take on the perfect frequency. Part of what I was talking about is the reversion to the original frequencies for healing and in some case enlightenment. The 528 is said to repair DNA. Given C-vd and the v*xines something tells me this is a way to root out such stuff or possibly cure long C-vd or *v-x*nated people. Given the graphine in the vxs they can be used and stimulated at frequencies to kill or control. My gut is why there was so much pressure to get v-x*nated and why those that didn’t were such a problem. Nonetheless it makes logical sense. The old timers knew it and were able to use it. I’ve read that some of the frequencies could be used to levitate the stones for the great pyramids or Stonehenge. If true it explains a lot and why there was a concerted effort to repress such knowledge. Cool that he took the time to respond and write so well.

    9. Judi,
      No Problem. One just reiterated what one had written a while back. It is not ‘A Lot’, but if True, it is profound. But in revisiting the Topic, it made one contemplate again of how True, King David said about Mankind in his Psalm. To think that YHVH has placed His Love, Attention, Care, Plan and Purpose upon Mankind. The more one studies and delves into Astronomy, Ancient Archeology, Prophecy, etc., one is more in awe of what we do not know and who YHVH is. We have no Idea, well, a little bit and the Best is yet to come!

      ‘When I behold Your Heavens, the Work of Your Fingers, the Moon and the Stars, which You have set in Place— what Is Man that You are mindful of him, Or The Son Of Man that You care for him? You made him a little lower than the Angels; You crowned him with Glory and Honor’. -Psalm 8:3

      This is why it is so sad and disheartening of how the Road to Destruction is wide and many or most of Humanity has rather chosen to be on it. If they only knew what Jesus has to offer. Many People do and still reject Him. That is why when one has approached a Person to share the Gospel with, one prays in one’s Spirit that the Blindness that Lucifer has over their Eyes to be taken off.

      Many People reject Jesus, sadly because of the Church’s Witness. It is not stellar and living in the Last Iteration of the 7th Timeframe of the Laodiceans has not helped. But that is really neat, what your Son had to say about one’s Reply to your Question. From what he wrote, he is well-aware. And one did not get into the COVID Kill-Shots. It is precisely why ‘They’ wanted as many People taking it.

      The Nano-Particulates self-assemble within the Bloodstream to compose the Chip from within the Body. It was a ‘Trojan Horse’ Syndrome on a Worldwide Scale. Truly Criminal. And what does it take to have that Graphene Oxide be stimulated to assemble in any Formation or Comportment? Frequency, Light and/or Sound. Hello 5G Towers. Was it any coincidence all those 5G Towers went up when all people were Locked-Down? No.

      It is very interesting that he mentioned that 528 Hz can perhaps help repair DNA in those that took the Shots. And one agrees wholeheartedly about how the Megalithic Monuments were constructed using Frequency and Sound to levitate the Stone. It is a ‘Lost’ Technology, at least to the Public. The Government knows and uses it for their Research, i.e., Area 51, etc.

      In the next Post one will leave the Link to 1 of the Books I wrote about the Dangers of the COVID Shots and how Graphene Oxide was in the Solution, which the Media denied and ridiculed. The Book will show pictures of how they assemble under a Microscope and even Hydra-Created Microscopic Creatures were injected as well. Truly horrific what they did to Humanity. And all that was the Beta Test. What is coming next will be their Perfect Brew. And there will be no Religious, Psychological or Medical Exemptions allowed. Hopefully this will occur after the Rapture Event.


    10. Judi + Fam,
      Here are the Chapters that one wrote in researching the COVID Plandemic, pertaining to the Topic of how Graphene Oxide was and is still in the Shots. Feel free to download any or all of the 6 Books one wrote on COVID.

      Keep on the Look-Out!



      The Great Culling of Humanity
      How do you kill 6 Billion People on Earth? You lie to them. The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several COVID-19 Events surrounding the Political, Social, Religious Factors demonstrating how the Neo-Eugenicists have colluded with Compromised Governments, Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex to fuse Man with Machine at the DNA level for Population Control Protocols. Through a Mass Psychosis of Fear and ‘Science’ Fiction, the Great COVID Culling of Humanity has begun, 1 COVID Injection at a time.


      Page 105
      Work and Research of Craig Paardekooper


      Programmable Human Tissue
      The COVID-19 Injections are not a ‘Vaccine’. The purpose of this Book is to ascertain Evidence from Medical, Political, Social, and Religious Factors that will demonstrate how the Neo-Eugenicists in Big Pharma have colluded with Compromised Governments, Media, and the Medical Industrial Complex to fuse Man with Machine at the DNA level to transform Humanity into Living Biological Networks. Why? To implement Population Control Protocols.


      Page 27
      Hail COVID Hydra!
      COVID Injection Examined Under Microscope

      Page 55
      Black Goo
      Making the Body a Human Network Device

      Page 85
      Aluminum-Based Life Forms Found in COVID-19
      Vials Under Electron Microscope

      Page 111
      Biometric ‘Chip’ in COVID
      Shots to Monitor Vital Signs?

  52. Hmmmmm ... Let's see where this goes.

    ***** FLASH ***** BULLETIN ***** URGENT***** Russian Kheimim Airbase ATTACKED by Air Strikes and Naval Salvos, in Syria

    This may represent the very cusp of 2 Kings chapter 2 and pre-psalm 83 war beginnings - especially given that the comet of the century looms in our skies. Ominous indeed.

  53. Yes, indeedy, Corey!
    We are still awaiting the electricity's return but can catch short intervals to catch the news of Israel. CLOSER TO GOING HOME FAMILY ❣️
    Someone probably already mentioned this but more and more I realize how blessed we are despite our situation:


    1. Sorry if that made no sense 😅 I'm exhausted! What I meant to write is though we haven't got power yet, we sometimes have internet connection on our phones thanks to neighbors with power helping us❣️
      Saw that Dr. Barry's house stood through the storm and how he's ministering to his neighbors--praise the Lord Jesus Christ ✨️ 🙌👏

    2. I must be having a brain glitch, but why would TPTB want to destroy the lithium?

    3. RE: Middle East on the Edge of Nuclear War?

      Cory + Fam,
      This attack on the Russian Military Bases has/will assuredly ensure that the Ezekiel 83 War will occur against Israel. It is being reported that ‘Unknown Aircraft’ have attacked Russia's Hmeimim Airbase in Latakia / Tartus Syria. Realize that Russia has a Military Pact with Iran and Turkey. So, when Israel has been hitting Iranian Targets, Russia has to Safe Face also and is thus obliged to act.

      Israel is suspected because the Reports state that the Strike was coming from Ships off the Mediterranean Sea. If any Missiles were launched from non-Israeli Naval Ships, as in the USA or NATO, this could be the Flashpoint in World War 3 starting overtly amongst the USA, NATO against Russia. Israel is preemptively needing to Strike 1st because it has to. It does not have the Military Personnel nor Time to ‘Wait-and-See’ if the Muslims will ‘Play Nice’.

      And as surmised, just from a purely Military Standpoint, Israel will have to ‘Go-Nuclear’, at some Point-in-Time to even the Odds. Such a small Nation, having Hostilities on all 7 Fronts is unsustainable. The following is what was forwarded to me by a Contact of mine, Benjamin Baruch. He reports that News is coming-out that Syrian and Russian Air Defenses were engaged against the Air Strikes.

      It is reported that over 50 Missiles were fired by the ‘Unknown Aircrafts’. Obviously, Israel is suspected as their Hardware Signatures can be detected and identified, etc. It is reported that the Air Strike on the Russian Bases started soon after an Iranian Plane, Qashim Fars landed, suspecting of having Armaments to be distributed to Hezbollah to fight against Israel’s Ground Incursions into Southern Lebanon, etc.

      The Prophetic Plot thickens…

      Keep the Watch,

    4. Judi, I may have it wrong but perhaps the lithium mine still exists but due to NC's destruction the mining is held in abeyance OR will be taken over somehow r 😉

      "Yet, beyond the immediate toll of Helene’s wrath, another layer of frustration is emerging for the residents of these states—a painfully slow government response, compounded by the fact that all three states are currently undergoing lithium mining exploration, adding to the complexities of this disaster.

      The Destructive Path of Hurricane Helene
      Hurricane Helene made landfall with unprecedented ferocity, leaving behind a trail of destruction in communities across the Carolinas and Tennessee. Lives have been uprooted as roads have been washed away, homes destroyed, and communication lines downed. First responders are stretched thin, and many are struggling to find shelter, clean drinking water, and medical care.

      In an eerie echo of the Maui wildfires that ravaged Hawaii just months ago, locals are calling this event “Maui 2.0”—a nod to the overwhelming sense of abandonment they feel as they…


      Also related:

      The storm caused widespread devastation and flooding in western North Carolina, particularly in the town of Spruce Pine, which is home to high-purity quartz mines owned by Sibelco North America and The Quartz Corp. These mines are crucial for the production of semiconductors and solar panels.

  54. Remember my article on the BLAZE STAR titled THE SIGN OF THE CROWN—Last Celestial Sign Before the Rapture?

    What happened to the star that was supposed to have “gone nova” by now? Reported back in May and June as being imminent, the star in the constellation Corona Borealis remains dim and, as yet, refuses to live up to its name, the “Blaze Star.” With the prospect of a naked-eye comet, strong aurora displays and a “ring of fire” solar eclipse imminent, it’s dropped off the sky-watcher radar. What’s going on?

    When T CrB Will Explode
    It’s likely to happen soon, but there is no way of knowing for sure when. “Each passing day in September, the probability of the outburst increases,” said Edward Sion, Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Science at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, in an email.

    T Coronae Borealis (also called T CrB) normally shines at a magnitude of +2, about the same as the “North Star,” Polaris. However, T CrB is a recurrent nova — a “repeating new star” — that will suddenly become visible to the naked eye for a week or two. Then, it will return to its regular dim level. . .

    “The recurrence time between its previous two nova explosions was 80 years, and September of 2024 will be 78 years since its last nova explosion.”

    1. RE: Why ‘They’ Hit the Lithium Mines?

      Judi + Fam,
      Agreeing with Lyn. Here is one’s Assessment, based on a few Years of Observation, casually on the subject of Lithium Deposits/Mines. It is based on the Trend and Projection of how the Electric Vehicle Boom has taken Center-Stage in the World. And it is how the Powers-that-Be want to ween-off Humanity from Fossil Fuel.

      What happened in the Carolinas and still more to come, of this Type of Action, is based on what the Globalists did in Bolivia and Northern Argentina. A few Years back, what happened is that, as per the ‘Usual Suspects’, the Big World, Multinational Corporations of the West came in and bribed the Politicians and partnered with the Elite Ruling Families to take over all the Lithium Deposits in those Regions.

      They commandeered the Land of the Natives or the People that lived on top of the Lithium in the Land. And mind you, such Areas on Earth are extremely limited, so they are the ‘New Oil and Gold Mines’. For example, any Poor Family of the Alti-Plano Region of the Andes and Northern Argentina living and owning that part of the Land that the Lithium is found on would become Millionaires overnight .

      But this will not be allowed as the Poor are powerless to defend themselves against the Federal Governments that have the Military, the Police and the Courts in their Pocket, all paid for by the Corporations. It is about Limited Resources and the Control of them. And People, Humans are in the Way of the Globalists. Remember, the Luciferians see the excess of Humans as ‘Useless Eaters’ that have to be Culled, Controlled and Contaminated.

      This is precisely the same Game Plan of the Globalists that was used and what occurred in the Carolinas. It was about the use of a Weather Weapon to have enough Plausible Deniability, to blame it on ‘Global Warming’. It was and is to Clear-Out the People from their Land. And in comparison, it is understood that those Portions of the Carolinas, the Appalachians are far Poorer and Rural than most in the USA, etc.

      They, like the People of Bolivia and Northern Argentina are now being subjected to Eminent Domain. It is a Federal Statute that excuses the Government to take any and all Possessions from Citizens: Land, Crops, Houses, Vehicles, Resources, etc. It is not that the Globalists have wiped-out or ‘Attacked’ the Lithium Mines. No, the Mines are still there and will be cleaned-up.

      It is the People on that Land that were Attacked and are not being Cleaned-Up. The Reason the Federal Government does not even want to collect the Bodies is so that they cannot report a Body Count. It is so then the Big Mining Corporations will come in, unhindered by any Protests from the Locals for contaminating the Environment or benefiting from the Revenue it will generate in the Billions.

      Imagine each individual Families living near or on top of such Mines or Land that has Lithium? They too, like the Common Poor People of Bolivia and Northern Argentina would be Millionaires overnight. And the Revenue from Taxes would transform their Region, City and Community to a very Wealthy one. But that is not being allowed. It never has been. Here below is a Post declaring what is really happening in the Carolinas and why.

      Lu Vega

      Chris Martenson, PhD

    2. Lu, thank you for your analysis and Chris Martenson's post. How horrific--I should have realized there were nefarious purposes more than we could see. The evil is unimaginable--in so many arenas. Come, Lord Jesus. Woke up with that song going through my mind this morning and haven't listened to it since I posted it above.

      Lyn, praying for all of you. Tyler just published another charity,, that is faithbased and realiable for Helene relief. They have a 4 star rating, 100%, on charity navigator and Jimmy Root recommended them to Tyler. More on the devestation not being reported, Leo Hohmann, There's Something Nefarious Going On

    3. We live in sickening times. It’s unbearable.

    4. The IAF just dropped bunker busting bombs on Hezbollah’s new leader.

    5. 🇱🇧🇮🇱⚡- B**r*t airport was str*ck by the IDF just now - the size of impact was reportedly greater than the one that killed Hass*n Nasrall*h.

  55. Hey family...check out this photo from EarthSky Community Photos that was taken on 9-18-24 in Potomac, Maryland.   The photographer, Dyan Swenning, titles the photo Ocean Wave.   I agree, it does resemble an ocean wave, but I also see a fire breathing Dragon, a Serpent head and a partially kneeling Christ-like figure with a possible crown of thorns on His head observing the two Satanic figures from the background or at the left side of the photo.   If anyone knows how to forward this photo to Jeffrey McGaha, I'd be curious to hear what he thinks as this is his specialty.

    Lu, see what happens when one takes a small break from watching to "smell the roses" or more appropriately, to "sniff the dried fig leaves"! Lol!

    1. RE: Revelation 12 Sign Cloud Pareidolia?

      So, Bob…
      You say you took a Small Break from Watching to ‘Smell the Roses’, eh? Or more appropriate to ‘Sniff the Dried Fig Leaves?’ I think after sharing that Picture of the ‘Ocean Wave’ in the Clouds, you were more like, ‘Smoking’ them, no? ;0

      I do not know where you all find such Images. But it is rather interesting. Here is my take or what I ‘See’. One does also ‘see’ or make-out the ‘Red Dragon’. But one sees 7 of them! Perhaps.

      Of course, it is all subjective and clearly based on the Effects of Pareidolia. One may be interjecting more that than Meets the Eye, as they say but the Figure facing the ‘Dragon’ Clouds does come across, in one’s Mind as an ‘Exhausted Woman’. And is that not the Motif of Israel and the Church Body of Christ?

      If so, it is because the Birth has already occurred as she is no longer carrying the Child, the Man-Child, i.e., the 'Harpazo' Event has occurred and that is what remains of the Sign, right? It foreshadows how then Israel will remain to endure and suffer during the completion of Daniel's 70th Week, known also as the Time of Jacob's or Israel's Trouble. As Jimboni stated, it is all happening NOW, right before our Eyes, for those that have such type of Eyes to see.

      Are not these Day very Weary Times indeed?
      Is all this too much?


    2. Lu...when I chose the word "sniffing" I did so very carefully so no one here would get the impression that I was "smoking or inhaling" dried fig leaves.   But you clearly saw through my deception!  Lol!   If I were to confess to anything, I would only say that the "strain" used to help me see those Pareidolia or Pyschodelic images was the Spanish fig named "Bordissot Negra Rimada" or commonly known among fig afficiondos as "BNR"!

      Now on the other hand, you were clearly smoking a more "potent strain" than me which enabled you to see a "7 headed Red Dragon" and "a Woman appearing Exhausted" who's already given birth and will now have to endure and suffer during the 7 year Tribulation.   I must admit, you're quite good at this as well.   Looking forward to carrying on this discussion when we meet up again at our favorite "fig leaf dispensary" this weekend!     Lol!

  56. Hi All, I hope everyone is doing good. I saw the photo of the wave in the clouds, and just wanted to share a photo that I took of the clouds on Monday, the 30th of September, while I was on an evening walk with my dog near the Sarasota, FL airport. I hope this link that I made works! Let me know what you think it looks like!

    1. It's the Stay-Puffed Marshmallow man.

    2. Hello StephE,
      Well, in keeping with the 'Dragon' Them, one would say it is a 'Dragon Head' prying just over the Horizon?

      Lu :)

    3. Lu, that is what I saw as well! And even smoke coming out of the nostrils! 😊 I mean stay puffed marshmallow man was a strong second place!

    4. I'll tell you what I see in your pictures the moment I look. What jumps out at me in the first picture is the dragon on the right, and on the left, at the bottom is the woman who is kneeling, and just in front of her, near the dragon's mouth, is the baby that the dragon is trying to devour, floating in the air.
      In the second picture, there is a dragon with a closed mouth that is waiting for something.

    5. StephE...unfortunately I can't open your photo link with my tablet.   It's been an ongoing problem as of late.   So sorry, I would have liked to join the party.

      Carole...nice observation about seeing the baby or ManChild between the Red Dragon and the Woman partially kneeling down.   Those 3 images tell the whole story in itself!   I find it so interesting that the more people who look at the photo the more images and storyline are revealed.   Kind of like reading the Bible!


      If you email me, I’ll reply back with the photo!

    7. Hi StephE...thanks for the email offer to send the photo.   I consulted with my lovely wife and she was able to open the link on her cellphone.   Never thought of doing that before!   I agree with Lu, it fits in with the theme of a Dragon.   Specifically, a Dragon low on the horizon with its mouth open about ready to devour something.   The red sunset gives the illusion of a fire breathing Red Dragon.   Nice job!

    8. Yeah it just seems like an ominous sign of things to come, but we know who wins the battle! I just finished an audio book by John bevere called the bait of satan and it’s about being offended. I have really gotten a lot out of it. With all of that said, he has a great app called MessengerX that has a ton of resources on it. His wife just wrote a book called The Fight For Female ( talking about how we need to start talking about all of the perversion that is going on in the world, and she had a dragon analogy to go along with it. And then I scrolled through YouTube and just watched a video of her on Sid Roth talking about the new book and the title of the video is: Prophetic warning! Beware the dragon babies….
      It’s just weird how there has been this focus on dragons lately. I know God allowed me to see that for a reason. I just hope he reveals more!

      I’d really like to see Jesus come and get us today or tomorrow but I’m also ok if more people get saved and we need to wait longer for his appearing.

      Sorry for the long winded post, I haven’t been on here in a long time but I still come on occasionally and read the comments.

      And I am finally able to post comments from my cell phone and not just my laptop, so that’s a bonus! 😊

  57. The Return of the King
    21 Days from the Feast of Trumpets is Shemini Atzeret - "The Gathering" Rapture!

  58. Sorry, I'm a little depressed today. I think all of us know these days...
    To be honest, I don't see the rapture happening this year...

    We all know that the Tribulation Period is 'numbered‘ by 2520 days. Did you realize that 25.20 is 20.25 read from right to left or 'mirrored'? I never realized this before. But once I realized it, it struck me. The year 2025 'contains‘ the day count of the Tribulation Period. This can't be coincidence. I never saw this before. In my opinion, this is a huge clue that the 2520 day count will start in 2025 (Gregorian Year). It is right before our eyes…

    1. Stephan...before you throw in the towel for a 2024 Rapture, I'd say wait until Shemini Atzeret or October 23-25th.   I believe that was one of your highest watch days in the past.   Plus if you think we'll still be here until 2025, then you're basically saying we'll still be here to witness the Psalm 83 War, the Isaiah 17 prophecy and possibly the start of WW3 as these events are about to happen in the very near future, in my humble opinion.   Finally, I'm sure you can't wait much longer to enjoy some 🍕  🍕  🍕  at Yeshua's Pizzeria!   Just some thoughts to cheer you up!


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.