Rev 12 Sign Anniversary - Last Days Awakening

Pastor Jimmy from the Last Days Awakening just put out a great video about the 7th Anniversary of the Rev 12 Sign. He starts out with a brief Psalm study and then jumps in to a very in depth summary of the Rev 12 Sign. Like us, he is convinced that Revelation 12:5 is a clear reference to the rapture of the church, thus the verses preceeding that are things that will happen before it... with the actual sign from Rev 12:1-2 happening back in 2017 and all of changes to our world and attacks on Israel and christian persecution that have happened between now and then a set-up and or manifestation of the last half of Rev 12:4. I highly encourage you to watch this video and keep looking up as proceed through what could be a very tulmutious and prophetic month of September. God Bless you all!


  1. Thank you Brad very much! You are very blessed before the Lord! Praying for you and your family! We are really ready now as never before! Blessings to all Fam!

  2. AMEN, BRAD!
    Truly we MUST be so so very close to going Home now that we are in the 7th Anniversary Year of the Revelation 12 Sign! The Great Shaking to Awaken then the Rapture will soon be upon us:


  3. RE: Astronomical Occurrences in Virgo

    SEPTEMBER 11, 2024
    Venus enters Virgo, and then leaves or is ‘Birthed’ out of Virgo on September 18, 2024.
    This is the same Day the Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs.

    Then the Wedding Ring Solar Eclipse occurs in Virgo.
    There is a Quadruple Conjunction in the Arm of Virgo.

    ‘X’ marks the Virgo Constellation with the Comet C/2023 A3.

    1. Here is what it looks like regarding how for 2024, there are 2 New Years Solar Eclipses. And how in both cases, both Venus and Mercury are part of the Conjunction with the Solar Eclipse. It takes into consideration how Pisces and Virgo Constellations are tied together, at least Astronomically.

      Religious And Civil Bookends 2024

    2. Nice graphic, Lu.   I particularly liked how you made the connection between the Quadruple Conjunction of the Sun-Moon-Mercury with the Star of Prophecy, Porrima on Virgo's left arm and the Song of Solomon 8:6 ("Set me as a Seal upon thine Heart, as a Seal upon thine Arm:  for Love is strong as Death"...).    This made me think back to the Wedding Ring Eclipse of 10-14-23 where a "Ring or Seal" was placed on the left hand/finger of Virgo, possibly representing an "engagement ring" for the Bride of Christ.   So, could the upcoming Annular Solar Eclipse/Quadruple Conjunction on 10-2-24, which is the start of Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets, be the day of the Rapture?    Coincidentally, from 10-14-23 to 10-2-24 = 354 days = "a taking up" per Strong's Concordance.   This is exactly 1 lunar year.   Sound familiar, Stephan?

      It should also be pointed out that the Esther Wedding Ceremony (Rapture Event?) falls on the 10th month (Esther 2:16) when using the Gregorian calendar.    So, all this to say...try to remain "encouraged" folks!

    3. Bob!
      Most impressive. You are definitely no longer a ‘C’ Average Bible End Times Student of Prophecy. ;0 Yes, that Wedding Ring Eclipse of 10-14-23 on the Finger of Virgo, exited Corpus Christi or the Body of Christ. And then it also exited Natal, in Brazil that insinuated a Birth. That was a Nice Correlation of how from 10-14-23 to 10-2-24 = 354 Days and inferring a Taking-Up in the Strong's Concordance, being 1 Lunar Year of a Span of Time. Very Interesting.

      But also then consider how you also pointed-out that there is a Theme of Esther going on too, Prophetically. This has been covered by the Purim Lunar Eclipse Studies and by Brother Jarrett at Supernatural by Design. But as mentioned in brief, the October 2, 2024 will only pass over 1 place in the whole Earth, at the Point of its Totality. And that place will be Easter Island. Here is a preliminary Chart with this Image one is working on. One wonders what the Prophetic Innuendo will be? If one reads the History of the Island, it has had a very troubling and ominous Experience.



      October 2, 2024 Annular Solar Eclipse

    4. Lu...thanks for the words of encouragement and suggesting my GPA should no longer be a 2.0 or 'C'.   All I can say is that I try, but also that the day counts + inspiration for my post was provided by Stephan and Jarrett at Supernatural by Design from last fall.    I did however fill in a few pieces of the puzzle.   Speaking of which, did you catch that Esther was taken unto King Ahasuerus in the seventh year of his reign (Esther 2:16).   In light of the 7 year anniversary of the Rev12 Sign coming up, could that have been a clue that the Bride of Christ will also be married or "taken up" in the 7th year, possibly between September 23-24, 2024 and 2025?    I'm sure other watchmen or watchwomen have made that observation before, but figured I'd mention it again.

      Not quite sure what to make of the October 2nd Eclipse passing in Totality over only one place in the whole Earth (Easter Island).   I briefly read the history of the Island, but nothing struck me as being significant or of a Biblical nature.    Unless of course, there's more to  those Moai statues or heads built by the Rapa Nui in ~1400 - 1650 A.D.

    5. Bob + Fam,
      No, one had not realized that when Esther was taken to the King to be his Bride, it was at the 7th Year. One has to revisit and re-read the Biblical Account. Bob, you might have narrowed-down the Time-Frame of when the Bride of Christ is to be ‘Taken’, likewise to the King’s Palace. This is, of course if one is using the Revelation12 Sign as a 7-Year Prophetic Template and if the Virgo Motif is as the Queen-Made Esther.

      If so, one’s hesitant Inclination at thinking the Bride of Christ still has about 1 more Year to go then on Earth will become a Reality. But consider that September 23, 2024 will start the 7th Year Cycle, not fully have completed 7 Years. That will not occur until September 22, 2025. So, one is saying that within this 7th Year Span of Time is when the Queen is to be taken then as identified. That also means that one’s July 23, 2025 is back on the Board to be tested again, perhaps. Consider the following Revelation 12 Day Counts.

      September 23, 2017 to September 23, 2024
      = 7 Years
      = 84 Months
      = 365 Weeks

      One also finds all the Numbers very interesting that are associated with the 7-Year Countdown of the Revelation 12 Sign. Especially the Number of Weeks, being 365 Weeks since 2017 that the Revelation 12 Sign reaches its 7-Year Anniversary in 2024. Now, one also has had a Hesitation in considering the Typology of Esther being as a Bride of Christ Prophetic Correlation. Why? One is presuming the Type has to do with Israel, primarily, especially during the Tribulation Period.

      But so was and is one’s favorite Prophetic Typology of Daniel being a Prophetic Type of the Bride of Christ. This was the case how Daniel was absent when his 3 Hebrew Colleagues of his were thrown into the Fiery Furnace. And the Fire was magnified 7X hotter. As it has been correlated and interpreted, the 7X Factor can be attributed to the 7 Tribulation Years, all-inclusive. And Daniel was nowhere to be found. He was apparently sent to a far-off Province on the King’s Command to do Business, etc.

      Despite the 2 Old Testament Accounts that clearly deal with the People of Israel, there can be Prophetic Correlations made that infer also to the Picture of the Bride of Christ, also being all-inclusive. So, as the Revelation 12 Sign is a Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period, it has cast its Prophetic Shadow into the Church Age to also be a Sign to it of its Pending Rapture, i.e., the Man-Child Event. Thus, from September 23, 2024 to September 22, 2025 is the Esther Window of the possible Rapture Timing then.

      So, blame Bob for showing us that ‘we be here still’ for at least 10 more Months to then see about testing one’s July 23 Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory, and the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest Rapture Timing. But let us Examine and Test the Season and High Watch Times at Hand 1st.


    6. The Main Reason one bring-in this Notion of one’s July 23 Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory, is that it occurs in the 4th Month of Tammuz. Concerning the Esther Month in which she was taken into the King’s palace, that Month correlates to the same 4th Month based on the Civil New Year Count. And that Count starts on Rosh HaShanah. It is the 10th Month in the Religious New Year from Nisan.

      ‘Tevet is the 4th Month of the Civil Year and the 10th Month of the Ecclesiastical Year on the Hebrew Calendar’. -Wikipedia

      And as you all know, one only has 1 Year High Watch Rapture Date, that being a July 23 Date. But to also reiterate that one’s Pentecost New Wine Theory is purely Conjecture and it remains to be Proven, conclusively. One will conclusively know when the Rapture Event eventually occurs and it does not happen one’s speculated July 23 New Wine Feast, after all.

  4. Dr Chris Zimmer
    Rapture, the Real Thing! Solar Eclipse Oct. 2nd Points to the Feast of Trumpets 2024. Be Blown Away!

  5. Bob! Good observation!

    In my opinion, the 7th anniversary of the Rel.12 Sign ist the point when the 7 years since the Rel.12 Sign will come to an end:

    2017-2018: year 1
    2018-2019: year 2
    2019-2020: year 3
    2020-2021: year 4
    2021-2022: year 5
    2022-2023: year 6
    2023-2024: year 7 (finished on September 23rd, 2024)

    So the Rapture should occur before or on September 23rd 2024 (in the 7. year) according to the Esther Analogy. Because after September 23rd, we are in the 8th year (that will conclude on September 23rd 2025). That's my understanding.

    I have changed my personal 'Rapture Window‘ a little bit :
    September 21- October 25.

    Although I am a great 'Shemini Atzeret-Fan', September 21 makes a lot of sense to me, too.
    We should get raptured before the start of the 7 'bad' years.
    September 21 is 2555 days after the Rel.12 Sign.
    2555 days are exactly 7 years (2555/365=7) or 84 months. September 21st is the last day of summer (Fall Equinox on September 22). Strongs H2555 and G2555 = chamas (Hamas), violence, evildoer.

    September 21st is on the third day after the 'Harvest Full Moon‘ on September 18 (Israel).
    Jesus resurrected on the third day after the Full Moon.

    September 21st is exactly 49 weeks to the day after the Wedding Ring Eclipse last October.
    49 weeks or 7x7 weeks. Completion?

    If we add 2024 (the year we are in) days to September 21, we land on April 7, 2030 (2000 years after the Crucifixion? It is still my favorite Crucifixion Date till the 'Rapture Window‘ will close in October).

    And if we add 1290 days we land on April 3, 2028. The 2 witnesses could resurrect 3.5 days later on Nisan 10, 2028 (April 6/7, 2028) and the 2.half of the Tribulation could begin on Nisan 10, 2028…2.coming on Feast of Trumpets in 2031?

    But maybe we have to wait till Shemini Atzeret. This is only my personal opinion of course…

    1. From the first Blood Moon on Passover 1949 - September 21, 2024 = 27.555
      Again that triple 5.
      The biblical meaning of 5 is Grace.
      The 5th letter of the hebrew alphabet is 'Hey', meaning 'look' or 'behold'

    2. Stephan!
      Thanks for the clarification on the Year Count. I got ahead of myself. ;0 This is the 7th Year, for 2024. So, it would have to correlate to this Time, right now before the 23rd of September then, based on the Esther going into the King's Palace Typology.

      But notice that from a September 23, 2024 to July 23 2025 is a 10 Month difference, like the Month of Tevet though, interesting.


    3. Lu...I knew when I pointed that about King Ahasuerus marrying Esther in the seventh year of his reign you would get 'EXCITED' as it extends our "high watch period" until September 22, 2025, which fits  in nicely with your 723 Rapture scenario and starting of the 7 year Tribulation in the Fall of 2025.   I truly was just trying to report what I thought to be the case.   Now Stephan points out (see post above) that the 7 year period from the Rev12 Sign ends this year on September 23, 2024.    So as usual, I'm a bit confused.   Anyway, I see you acknowledge Stephan's 7 year timeframe, which may mean we'll be departing this year after all!    Which is a good thing, no?

      Back to being a 'C' student!    Lol!   

    4. Bob!
      How about a C+ for Good Effort! ;0
      And who knows, maybe that '723' is September 23 after all!
      We'll take it!

    5. Lu...getting either a 'C' or C+ works for me, just as long as Jesus finds me worthy!    Now as to whether it's 723 or 923, that's for Jesus to decide but either way you win as founder of 'WWW' and the Rev12 Sign!    Kind of like, "Heads I win, Tails you Lose"!    Lol!

    6. RE: '7-23'?
      Remember that Sept-ember comes from the Old Roman Year Count, being the 7th Month, as it is also in the Mount Sinai reckoning of the 7th Religious Month in the Jewish Calendar.

      So, just more 'Confusion' in how the Gregorian Calendar has the 9th Month, that should be 'Nove' for 9th is called the 'Seventh'. Riddle me that Batman Bob. It came about as the Months of July and August were framed from the Names of the Roman Emperors.


    7. Ahh, that explains why we can't solve this Biblical riddle!    

      Batman Bob (or is that Joker Bob!)

    8. Stephan...I forgot to mention you make a compelling case for the Rapture happening on 9-21-24 (7+7+7 = Flight 777).   So, I'll be sure to add it to the September-October "High Watch List".   One of these days we're going to get it right! 

    9. Bob, our 'High Watch List' is basically when the Sun is in Virgo (September 17- October 31)

    10. Stephan...without realizing it you've narrowed down our 'FFF' (Final Fall Flight) to 'SIV' (Sun in Virgo)!   But what about 9/11, the Birth of Jesus?    No Yeshua's Pizzeria for you!    🍕  🍕  🍕   

  6. Family, Blessings

    Well, Tomorrow afternoon Alex & I head to the Marine Recruiter station for some last minute briefing for me re ways to stay in touch during his Boot Camp and then he departs for final visit to MEPS and a plane trip to Pendleton. Ooo rah! Your prayers accompany the journey, surely, amen.

    1. prayers are with you and Alex on your way to Marine boot camp.    Not an easy thing to do for sure.   May God continue to watch over the both of you.    Oorah!!!

    2. C'est un fait accompli, monsieur, merci'.

      Alex & I bussed over to the recruiting office, there joined by 3 other recruits whom Alex has been with these past months, doing twice weekly Physical Training at the Recruiters offices, and their families, for the send off. Good Dad/Son time on the 1/4 mile walk at each end of the ride. This coming week is Processing Week, ending on Black Friday, where they are finally assigned units, etc., and meet their DRILL INSTRUCTORS, oh my.

      Jeremiah 29:11

    3. Oh, forgot to mention, and I must, that during the chat time before Sgt. Miller went into his Family Briefing time, sending an affirming comment to each family present concerning their recruit, he mentioned that "when Alex got here, he could barely WALK 500'; now when we do PT he is uniformly leading the pack." Dad smile ooo rah

    4. "Looking good, Billy Ray".   I mean, Jimboni!

  7. While Lu is right to question whether we can use Esther as a Church typology, the Lord has shown to many of us the parallelism of the Israelites leaving Egypt with the Church leaving the world at the Rapture.

    So I love what Bob shared:
    "Speaking of which, did you catch that Esther was taken unto King Ahasuerus in the seventh year of his reign (Esther 2:16). In light of the 7 year anniversary of the Rev12 Sign coming up, could that have been a clue that the Bride of Christ will also be married or "taken up" in the 7th year, possibly between September 23-24, 2024 and 2025? I'm sure other watchmen or watchwomen have made that observation before, but figured I'd mention it again."

    It reminds me of what I wrote in
    The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child :

    When the King extended his sceptre to Esther it was to show his favor and resulted in him granting her wish. Could it be that on the Day of the Rapture, a Comet or Sceptre Star, will be extended toward us, the Bride, thus granting our greatest desire--to be with our KING forever!

    1. Lyn, the 7th year will end on September 23rd!

    2. Stephan...details, details!   But yes, numbers don't lie. were clearly way ahead of the game when you made the connection between King Ahasuerus marrying Esther in the 7th year of his reign as a Rapture typology way back when your article was written in July of 2021!    I particularly liked how you suggested that the golden sceptre that the King held out to Esther (Esther 5:2) is similar to a star or comet that we may see just before the Bride of Christ gets Raptured.  Although slightly beyond Stephan's 7 year or 9-23-24 cutoff date, Comet 2023-A3 (Tsuchinshan-Atlas) may be visible to the naked eye beginning in the morning of 9/27 with it being much more visible and brighter between 10/9 and 10/12.    Which makes me think the Rapture + possible start of the 7 year Tribulation could be within that time frame or between the Feast of Trumpets (10/2-4) and the Day of Atonement (10/11-12).  As always, this is pure speculation on my part.    But you may want to watch RockIslandBooks latest video:

      Got to run now!


  8. Supernatural By Design
    Israel Vs Iran: The Epic Showdown - Unveiling Esther's END TIMES Prophecy! (Part 1)

    1. Carole...thank you for sharing.    Such a well done video as noted in my comment to Stephan above.   I can hardly wait for Part 2!    So very encouraging!

  9. Greetings, folks. Britt Gillette has a video up today. The yield curve went into positive territory last Friday. It is back in the negative today but just barely. If you have money in the stock market, I suggest you watch his video and keep in close touch with your investment people. The Fed is most likely going to cut interest rates on September 18, and it may or may not cause trouble in the stock market. We are on shaky ground.
    I can't post links with my ancient tablet, so if someone else can do it, I would be grateful. ETBP with Britt Gillette on YouTube. Blessings.

    1. Kathy...I haven't had a chance to watch Britt's video yet but I know what he's talking about since he's covered it before.   When the yield curve turns positive or no longer is inverted, history shows that it's a good time to sell stocks or equities before the economy enters into a recession or worse.   But the dilemma one has is where do you safely put your money?    Treasury Bills, Certificate of Deposits at the banks, Bond Funds, Gold, Silver, Real Estate, etc.   The problem is if the world economy tanks or the U.S. switches to a digital currency, such as CBDC, then there's really nowhere to hide!   Unless ofc, we get Raptured before then!

  10. I am not sure if we can apply the Esther Typology to the Rapture.
    Maybe. But Queen Esther was jewish and could represent Israel. The marriage in the 7th year could represent the redemption of Israel at the end of the 7 year Tribulation.
    It is interesting that Esther means 'star'...

  11. There you go dear sister Kathy! If this is the link you are talking about!

  12.'s either Ruth or Esther, or both!   Strongly suggest you watch Jarrett's Supernatural by Design video posted below.   He contrasts the two Rapture typologies but concludes that Ruth was for the 1st Coming of Jesus, while Esther is for the 2nd Coming.   He breaks down the Rapture and Tribulation chronology sequence verse by verse in the Book of Esther.   Personally, he makes a very compelling case.   What Aaron discussed in his video adds to the evidence in my opinion.   But I'm only a 'C' student with no formal Bible prophecy training, unless we include Lu's Bible Prophecy 101 class!   Lol!    'Carry-On', as Lu would say!

  13. Thank you Bob! I will watch the video!

  14. Bob, Thanks for the Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas info and suggesting Jarrett's video.

  15. could be right.   We'll have to be on the lookout out for that "sneaker" comet streaking across the sky!    Hopefully it will be from a vantage point in Heaven!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sorry I got the wrong link so I'll start again!
    Nafis Noorali

    September 26 Our Holy Judgment Day

  18. WOW! Do you remember some of the dreams young children had about the rapture during Halloween and Christmas? But nothing happened and I wondered why such young children had this kind of dream and whether it was the Lord showing them or not.

    After listening to this video, the calculations and hidden codes talk about these 2 holidays being on the same day, September 26th, and the explanations are all there. I don't really know what to think, but if the math is correct, the dreams of little ones are a warning. Lu, when you have time, if you listen to this video, you could comment because I haven't seen this kind of video yet, if I'm not mistaken. And someone else maybe could give their opinion.

    Nafis Noorali

    1. It is interesting that September 26 is Shemini Atzeret according to Torah Calendar!

    2. Hi Carole,
      Thanks for sharing the Video. It is interesting. But as Stephen commented, he is using the Torah Calendar. That being the case, then his Dates are made to line-up with his Theory that on September 26, the ‘Day of the LORD’, or the Destruction of Babylon, which he is equating to be the USA, will be all destroyed.

      But as Carl Sagan stated, ‘Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Proof’. I am not familiar enough with his Work to know how he come-up with the Numbers, like 2-2-2 or how the Dates are derived, according to his Interpretations. I can see how they are surmised, based on using the Torah Calendar, but that is different from the Rabbinical Calendar and the Solar Calendar, for example. So, it is a totally different Matrix to consider, if at all. But one cannot take that from the Presenter as Assertions will have to be Tested as those that use the Rabbinical Calendar or as one does with the Solar Calendar, for example.

      I am also not sure if he has a Pre-Tribulation/Judgment Interpretation of the End Times. If so, the Rapture Event has to occur then before the 26th or by then. Now, there is that up-coming Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18, 2024. It is the Pair, linked to the Annular ‘Wedding Ring’ Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024, which is on the Rabbinical Calendar at the start of the Civil New Year, etc. But according to the Torah Calendar, September 18, on the Lunar Eclipse is the ‘Real’ Feast of Sukkot that lasts for 7-Days, or the Feast of Tabernacles. It means that September 5th was the ‘Real’ start of the Civil New Year or what is called in Hebrew Rosh HaShanah.

      That September 18th Day of the Partial Lunar Eclipse is also when the Federal Reserve will convene their Meeting, the 6th of the 8 Meeting they have during the Year. It is projected that the Fed will cut Interest Rates at that Time. This could be the Trigger that could start the Collapse of the U.S. Stock Market and U.S. Economy, and subsequently, that of the World, perhaps. But that Federal Reserve Meeting is exactly 7 Days after 9-11 and 5 Days to the Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2024. The Meeting is exactly 14 Days from the October 2, 2024 Annular Eclipse.

      Federal Reserve Meeting – Schedule 2024

      Also realize, just for perspective, that in the Torah Calendar, that July 23 or ‘723’ Pentecost New Wine Theory Date was the 9th of Av or Tu B’Av. Interesting. But like the Rosh HaShanah occurring on September 5, nearly a Month prior to the Rabbinical Rosh HaShanah, and the Sukkot occurring on the Partial Lunar Eclipse, the Torah Calendar had Passover occur on March 25, 2024. That was on the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.

      This Torah Calendar Count had May 14, 2024, Israel’s Independence Day being Shavuot or the Feast of the First-Fruits of the Wheat. This was the 1st of the 3 First Fruits Feasts of 50 Days, of which the New Wine and then the New Oil follow. Then 50 Days from May 14, 2024, was July 4, 2024 that would have made it the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Date correlation. Then the 3rd 50-Day Count from July 4, 2024 was August 23. Note that on the Torah Calendar, the Feast of New Oil occurs on October 10, 2024. And? That is the same Time and Place where the 'Star of Jacob' Comet, C/2023 A3 will crisscross the Womb Area of Virgo, exactly where it entered back in April of 2024.

      So, all that, just to demonstrate that one’s Mathematical and/or Numerical Calculations can all be based on sound Day Counts but based on totally different Calendars. What one can agree on, is that the Torah Calendar has determined that the Rabbinical Calendar is 1 Month off or lagging in how for the Leap Year of 2024, the Rabbinical Calendar has 13 Months, and not 12. And based on those Suppositions using the Torah Calendar, any Day Count Theory will be found to be ‘True’ or Not-True. However, the Presenter’s Assertion that the USA will be totally destroyed on September 26-28 is a Serious Proposition. And perhaps something will occur on such a Date that will be dire. Time will Tell.


    3. Thank you Stephan and Lu for your answers. And thank you Lu for explaining all this well. All these calendars make me a little lost. Indeed, this brother's statement is serious about the date and the place. I don't know what this man's position is for the rapture, before, in the middle or after the tribulations. I hope he thinks he's leaving before but one thing is certain, he seems really convinced of what he says like many. To be continued....

    4. No Problem. but I also forgot to mention that this Presenter accuses Jonathan Cahn of being a 'Con and Satanic', and deceiving of the Church. And that through his Books, which the Presented states that he has read all of them, has 'encoded' the Secret Satanic Messages in them that now the Presenter has 'figured-out', etc. Again, some heavy accusations. Many People do not like Cahn, but that is usually the case with any Bible Teacher or Pastor or in this case 'Rabbi'.

    5. Blessings ...and not to forget that, a WW65 shared recently, 9/23, a significant anniversary and another '7'/23, is when a very significant meeting within the UN is happening and UN 2.0 arises...

  19. Scientists predict that a nova in the star system called T Coronae Borealis, or T CrB, will be visible to people on Earth in September. T CrB will appear 1,500 times brighter than usual, making it the 50th brightest star in the night sky. This nova may just be the Star of Jacob Balaam described as presaging the appearance of the Messiah.
    Lu, do you have any thoughts?


      Hey Stephan,
      Back in June, we had discussed this in brief. See Article with Chart for a visual. I believe Lyn also wrote about it in a recent Article of hers. This ‘Sign’ is ‘Magnificent’. In one’s Interpretation, based on the Astronomy of it, it is functioning like a Beacon of a Light flashing ‘Red’. It is as a ‘Warning’ in the Crown that is about to be snatched or bestowed on the Serpent, i.e., the Red Dragon AntiChrist,(Serpens) that seeks to usurp it from the struggle with Ophiuchus.

      This is the Cosmic Struggle Motif of Jesus, the Strong Man, Ophiuchus, wrestling with the Serpent who rebelled and seeks to take over Heaven and YHVH’s Throne. So, if the Rapture is around the Corner, as they say and the Tribulation is soon to follow thereafter, this Astronomical ‘Depiction’ is perhaps broadcasting what is prophetically sure to follow.

      SIGNALS OF THE BLAZING STAR Debut of the Antichrist

      Remember back a few Years ago, the Orthodox Rabbis had fashioned the Crown of the Messiah. It is ready because when their False Messiah Savior comes On-the-Scene, they will have that Crowning Ceremony that will not only Identify the ‘King of the Jews’, but in one’s Interpretation will be commemorated on the Day or thereafter of a Shemini Atzeret. And as shared before, it will be as how King David, Solomon and the Returning Prophets/Leaders, upon dedicating the Temples, also ‘Confirmed the Covenant’ that was read out loud to all of Israel gather around the Temple.

      This Event, one is more convinced is what will initiate the 2520 Day 7thWeek of Daniel. It will be that Initiation of the 1st Sacrifice upon the Altar that starts the Time Countdown. Then exactly at the 1260thDay, or the Mid-Point, the Sacrifices will be halted by this same False Jewish Messiah. It will be that Betrayal and Deception played against the Jews, sadly. But that is when the Revelation 12 Sign comes into play and in one's Interpretation, is actually fulfilled in how the Woman, i.e., Israel flees to the Wilderness for those remaining 1260 Days to be protected from the Reach of the 'Red Dragon', i.e., that Old Serpent, the Devil, etc. 


    2. Stephan,
      No Problem. Here is one’s Article about the Crown ready for the Messiah to be crowned with. Notice that the Story broke back in the Year 2018. That is when they had the 70th Year Anniversary of the Altar of Sacrifice Dedication on the Walls of Israel. And if one factors a 7-Year Sabbath Cycle of when the Crown was started, it could suggest that in 2025, 7 Years from 2018 is when the Crown is to be put on the Head of whomever this Jewish Messiah will be designated with.

      2018 Crown of Messiah Campaign + 7 Year Sabbath Cycle = 2025 (Coronation?)

      As one that subscribes to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, the Bride of Christ will not be on Earth to witness the Spectacle of having the 3rd Temple Dedicated and the Jewish Messiah crowned ‘King of the Jews’. But what an amazing Sight to behold. It will perhaps be televised Live as Billions all over the World will witness it. The Royal Weddings of the World Monarchs will pale in comparison.

      BIN Exclusive:
      Campaign to Construct Messianic Golden Royal Crown

      And also consider that one is convinced that it will be at that Time and Place that the Original Ark of the Covenant that Moses built will come out. One subscribes to the Research and Work of the Late Ron Wyatt that testifies that he had discovered the Ark and the Temple Furnishings as in the Menorah and the Table of Bread, the Silver Trumpets, and many Vessels, etc. Remember, the Ark of the Covenant, with its ‘Mercy Seat’ is a Throne.

      It is in fact, the Facsimile of the very Throne of YHVH that is found in Heaven. It is from the Divine Blueprint YHVH bestowed to Moses to replicate such a Seat, Throne and ‘House’ of the Creator GOD. And how befitting, in one’s Interpretation to have the Ark of the Covenant, be incorporated in the Dedication of the House of YHVH with the reinstitution of the Daily Sacrifices as the Covenant of Moses is ‘Confirmed’ once again in their Hearing.


    3. RE: Type of the Coming AntiChrist – A King David 2.0

      The following is more of one’s Speculative Scriptural Correlation as to how the coming Jewish Messiah, that will come in ‘His Own Name’ will have the Elders of Zion designate him ‘King over all of Israel’, as they did with King David. Based on the Typology, they will go to this Man, in his 30th Birth-Year and present the Crown to him as it was with the Elders of Zion approaching King David. The coming AntiChrist False Jewish Messiah will accept. This ‘King of the Jews’, a speculated 30-Year Old Biblical AntiChrist will then sanction the Rebuilding of the 3rd Temple.

      One’s Working Theory is that on its Dedication, he will ‘Confirm the Covenant’ with the Many, whom one has argued is the L’Rabbim or the 70 Elders of Zion or the Sanhedrin. In this coming case, the Nascent Sanhedrin, that has now been reconstituted will eventually commandeer the Rule of Law, not only over all of Israel, but the World through its Noahide Laws. This will set-up the Courts that will find all those who will claim ‘Jesus as King and LORD’ to be guilty of ‘Idolatry’ and Blasphemy. And the Punishment? Death by Decapitation.

      2) BABYLONIAN TALMUD: Sanhedrin 57b3 n.30

      Here below are several Year Counts that one is convinced factors into what the Age of the AntiChrist will be and how it will also play-out. Ultimately the Typology is mirrored after Jesus, as was King David and then Solomon, as it will be also for the coming AntiChrist ‘King David 2.0’, one surmises. King David was and is the Standard of all the Kings of both Judah and Israel. But notice how David ‘Made a Covenant’ with the Elders of Zion. Then how he was 30 Years Old when David began to Reign in Hebron over Judah. This was the Age that Jesus started His Public Ministry.

      ‘Then all the Tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, Behold, we are your Bone and Flesh. In Times Past, when Saul was King over us, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD said to you, You shall be Shepherd of My People Israel, and you shall be Prince over Israel. So all the Elders of Israel came to the King at Hebron, and King David made a Covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD, and they anointed David King over Israel. David was 30 Years Old when he began to reign, and he reigned 40 Years. At Hebron he reigned over Judah 7 Years and 6 Months, and at Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah 33 Years’. -2 Samuel 5:1-5

      Then King David ruled for 40 Years. Notice if one adds the 30 Years and the 40 Years, the total is 70 Years. That is the Year Factor also for Jesus. It is how at 30 Years of Age and in 30 AD, + a 40 Year of Testing, as in the Wilderness concluded with Judgment. It was of the Temple’s Destruction, the Siege of Jerusalem and the Diaspora of the Jews from the Promised Land. Then notice how David ruled in Hebron for 7 Years. This is what one surmises will be mirrored in the David 2.0 False Jewish AntiChrist. He will likewise have the Sanhedrin go to this Man, at 30 Years of Age and be ‘Anointed’ King of the Jews, i.e., the Rabbinical Judaism Messiah.

      Then there was that 33 Year Factor in how many Years King David ruled over all of Israel. This is the Year of Jesus’ Age when Crucified, etc. And? Realize that if one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline is probable, then the Year 2025 will be the 30th Year of the AntiChrist’s Age. Then at the 1260th Day, being Passover in the Year 2029, is when the Daily Sacrifices will be halted, presumably. And? That will be the AntiChrist’s 33rd Year, if one is not mistaken. Interestingly, that is the Year the False ‘King of the Jews’ will demand Absolute Worldwide Worship as he declares that from sitting on the Ark of the Covenant, one surmises.

  20. I appreciate you folks fighting the good fight, and providing those of us who are mostly quietly watching with some scripturally based speculation. It just gets wearisome to see "the can get kicked down the road" while the world relishes in its wickedness. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.

  21. Bob Barber 17 year timeline from 2014-2031
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Very easy to understand, very well presented by Bob!

  22. RE: Rapture Door #1, Door #2 or Door #3?

    So, one wanted to reiterate the Tribulation Timeline based on the Psalms that was brought to our attention by Judi. The Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Psalm-Based Tribulation Timeline is rather fascinating, if it turns-out to be correct. Why one wishes to highlight the Timeline is to show just how close the Event is to occur. And if one has a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, then this Fall Season could be a Prime Rapture Window Watch. Following is the link to the Online Chart.

    Karl Lawley 2025-2032 Psalm Tribulation Timeline.

    How one is or can only possibly reconcile such a High Rapture Watch Window is based on how the Summer Harvesting of the Crops all come to an End. Then, Astronomically, September 23, is when it is considered the Start of the Fall Season, at least in the Northern Hemisphere and if one subscribes to a Globe Earth Model, etc.

    Now, as to this Fall Season 2024 possibly being a High Rapture Window? It is depending on which Calendar Count one is following or considering or confused about, here are the ‘Rapture Doors’ to consider, perhaps presently. Now Astronomically, that is a Fixed Event in how the Moon Phases are ‘Absolute’. It is the Interpretation of Man that is faulty. Here is why.

    1. According to the Solar Calendar, Rosh HaShanah or the ‘Head of the Year’, as in the start of the Jewish Civil New Year, corresponding to the 7th Month was on September 4, 2024.

    2. According to the Essene Calendar, Rosh HaShanah, which some say is or is not the Feast of Trumpets, occurs on September 18, 2024.

    3. According to the Rabbinical Calendar, Rosh HaShanah occurs on October 2, 2024.

    Now some observations. As it has been discussed by many End Time Students of Prophecy, the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign is to occur in the midst of all these Calculated New Years Dates. Then, as there are 2 Solar Eclipse that occur on the Jewish New Years, April 8 and October 2, consider that the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 occurs on the New Year Day Count, based on the Essene Calendar.

    So, in essence, and Essene Day Counts, makes the Gregorian Year of 2024 have 3 ‘New Year’ Days directly associated with the Solar and Lunar Eclipses occurring. Coincidence? Perhaps, but the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 is called the ‘Harvest Moon’, and it is also called a Super-Moon. Note that in 2024, there are 4 Super-Moons. They are scheduled as follows.

    1 August 19
    2 September 18
    3 October 17
    4 November 15

    1. As Above, So Below?
      The following is the Technical Explanation as to why this Moon Phase is called a ‘Super-Moon’. As the Moon orbits the Earth it does so in an Elliptical Manner. It moves closer and further away during all of its Phases, etc. The Closest Approach to Earth is called Perigee. This is within 360,000 Km / 225,000 Miles from Earth. If this Point in the Orbit coincides with a Full Moon Phase, then it is referred to as a ‘Super-Moon’. Technically speaking, saying ‘Super-Moon’ is not a Scientific Term.

      It is widely used to describe the Astronomical Phenomenon which occurs when the Full Moon is within 90% of Perigee. The ‘Official Name’ is called ‘Perigee Syzgy’. Thus, from Earth a Super-Moon will appear slightly larger than usual. It can be up to 17% larger than the smallest of Full Moons and considerably Brighter, etc. Now what is also occurring in September and October of 2024 is how the Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is crisscrossing the Virgo Constellation on its 7th Year Anniversary.

      Now, how all these Astronomical Events could be broadcasting their Warning on Geo-Political Events? Consider the Reports that the Russian Ambassador and Family along with most of the High Ranking Diplomats have returned to Russia. And? Consider that when Countries retrieve their Diplomatic Corp, it is a sure Sign of pending War being declared or initiated. It also seems the Last Days of Biden are being used to rally further escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian War. And? Putin has warned that Nuclear War is imminent and that the ‘Other Side of the Atlantic’ will not be spared in how Russia is being squeezed.

      But if the USA is to be taken over and Destroyed, it will be not only from without, by possibly Russian Nukes, but by the Unvetted Mass Immigration that has counts as high as 30 Million. Some Sources report that at least 1% of all those allowed in are of Chinese, Venezuelan and Muslim Military Age. Consider if that could be the case, it means that the USA has a 1 Million Man Army already within its Borders. And it has also been reported that Chinese Military Personnel and Assets are in Canada and in Mexico, ready to cross over when the Time comes.

      Imagine the Chaos in the Cities as Migrants have essentially replaced the Traditional Minorities. It will make the Black Lives Matter Riots pale in comparison. And Putin is not joking about using Tactical Nuclear Weapons as the West, the U.S., Canada, the UK, essentially all of NATO are actively involved in the Ukraine against Russia. One would venture to guess, Ge-Politically that the Luciferians are intentionally squeezing Putin of Russia to ‘Fire’ the 1st Nuclear Shot.

      And it will not only be towards the Ukraine but the USA. Now this Outcome has some Prophetic Innuendos of the Ezekiel War. One is more convinced that this War will find its fulfillment during the 7-Year Tribulation Period, but the aspect about it that is intriguing and could find it to be a Precursor is how the Coastlands and the Nation that is living in Relative Peace, will be set Ablaze. Now, as to the proximity of the Rapture Event? Many End Times Students of Prophecy are looking at this Rapture Window.

    2. Could it be in Mid-September to Mid-October of 2024? For such Geo-Political Reasons and those Astronomical Factors mentioned, it could. It remains to be seen. But 1 Prophecy Teacher, Karl Lawley has a very interesting and compelling Timeline. He has correlated certain of the Psalms to match the coming Tribulation Period Timelines. And that Timeline is from Fall 2025 to Fall 2032. See Chart for a visual.

      It so happens to follow one’s Tribulation Timeline also. However, in 1 of his Video Teaching on the Subject, he has emphasized how that September 18, 2024 Essene Rosh HaShanah Feast could very well coincide with the Rapture Event. His is based on the Day also being a Lunar Eclipse and a Harvest Moon that commemorates the End of the Summer Crops, etc. Here is the link to the YouTube Video.

      Climbing The Psalms of Ascent's Final 10 Steps Through the Tribulation and Into the Kingdom
      Karl Lawley


      Lunar Phases – September 2024

      Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)

    3. Thank you Lu for this chart of Karl Lawley, studying it. It's very interesting! And the Psalms of Degrees are from Ps 120. When Ps 125 is for year 2025, then Ps 120 is the first Song of Degrees, for the year 2020? Is there this chart also, before the year 2025? And when it is so, then the long Psalm 119 is for the year 2019, the last year before these very Plandemy?
      Psalm 119:169 (KJV).
      And now Ps 120:2 (KJV)! There was really deceit! I would study now all through 2024, this fall, as in Psalm 124:6-7 (KJV). Is it the very Rapture?
      And now under Psalm 125 in this chart there is Psalm 77. Studying with.
      So, for this year 2024 looking for Psalm 76. This is war! This year in Israel. Many questions!
      And the next question. In this chart for the year 2031 – Ps 83 and Ps 131. Where is the war of Psalm 83? Before the Armageddon?
      Sorry, my thoughts are many and messed up now. My conclusion is to look up!

    4. Alla,
      The Post did not go through, trying again.

      Good to hear from you and that you are studying the Material. That is all we can do but this Timeline is particularly important, but also because it happens to match my Timeline, so I am a bit biased about it. Yes, my understanding is also that the Psalm 120 would correspond to the Year 2020. I still do not know all of his logic or reasoning behind it as he has that dual Psalm Numbers running together also.

      He does have other Charts, but they are on the Videos as that is how I took a Screenshot of the Psalm Timeline from. He mentioned Facebook, where he could post the Charts but there is no Link to that on his YouTube Channel. But ‘Yes’ also about the Psalm 124 (2024) in how that is the Corresponding Year that the ‘Escape’ occurs, i.e., the Rapture. Would that not be Amazing!

      Praise be to the LORD, who has not let us be torn by their Teeth. We have Escaped like a Bird from the Fowler’s Snare; the Snare has been Broken, and we have Escaped’. -Psalm 124:6-7

      Now consider that the Timeline Year Correlation is based on the Gregorian Years. So, either September 4, the 18 or October 2 is the Jewish New Year, 5785. Notice how even using the Rabbinical Calendar, September 4 was Elul 1. Then September 18 is Elul 15 and then October 2 is Tishrei 1, the 7th Month, etc. You are reading the Psalm Tribulation Timeline correctly. It is also then correlating that for 2024, there will be War. As it is known, War is already occurring with Israel and the Ukraine mainly in the World.

      But where one does see the Timeline differently is how the Psalm 83 War will occur next and what will likely bring the need to have a World Ruler or Government. That will be the Excuse. I do believe the Psalm 83 War is before the Ezekiel War and the Armageddon War. For those that want to dig deep and see one’s Assessment of the possible Scenario and how it will or could play-out, there are the Articles to consider.

      #820. Isaiah 17 Nuclear Damascus Strike

      #298. Psalm 83 War

      #299. Ezekiel 38 War

    5. One is convinced Israel will have to resort to Tactical Nuclear Strikes of Isaiah 17. Then the Psalm 83 War will be with the Inner-Ring of Muslim Nations. Because the Middle East will go ‘Nuclear’, and by that Time, the USA will have been Devastated, the World will clamor for a World Leader. There will be such a Psychosis, beyond COVID that will demand ‘Peace and Security’ at all costs.

      This is where one surmises that the Rapture Event will have helped facilitated the ‘Reset’ that the Luciferian Globalists have been working on to transition into their New World Order, etc. Then during the Tribulation, the Ezekiel 38 War will be with the Outer-Ring of Muslim Nations led by Russia, Turkey and Iran, etc.

      As noted, if this Psalm-Tribulation Timeline is the ‘Real Deal’, then the Rapture Event ‘has’ to occur by the remainder of the Jewish Calendar of October 2nd or the End of December if one is going by the Gregorian Year Count. The Psalm 124 Escape will occur 1 Year, Month, Week and Day. Many End Times Students of Prophecy can ‘Smell it in the Air’, as they say. One has to just keep referencing how close the End of the Church is because beyond 2028 will have exceeded the 80-Year Generation, if by Strength from Israel’s Rebirth in 1948.


    6. Great thanks Lu for your answer! I'm getting clearer the whole thing. My next question to the chart of Karl Lawley. It shows Psalm 128/Psalm 80 – Israel flees out of Zion.
      Then! Is it possible to count this 80 years of Moses from 1948 to 2028, when Israel is saved from AC, Mat 24:16 (KJV); Psalm 80:18-19 (KJV).

    7. Making thoughts about this topic. I think now that the end of Generation will be at the very end in Second Advent. Mat 24:34 (KJV). Thanks Lu for your hard work before the Lord! Waiting for the Lord and looking up!

  23. Supernatural By Design
    Israel Vs Iran: The Epic Showdown - Unveiling Esther's END TIMES Prophecy! (Part 2)

  24. Alla,
    You are welcome. Yes, the Year 2028, based on this Psalm-Based Tribulation Timeline is when many of the Jews in Israel, especially, that believed and accepted the False Messiah will start to question the ‘Official Sanhedrin Narrative’. It is then in the Year 2029 that the Jewish Remnant flees to the Wilderness, i.e., Petra, Bozrah, etc.

    Now remember, this Psalm-to-Year Correlation is only a Working Theory. It has yet to come True, but it will be put to the Test, exactly 1 Year, as of this Post to see how it is supposed to start, in the Fall of 2025. One would admit that it is very striking and convincing, but so far, all of our Theories have not come to pass. But it is just a matter of Time.

    Here are the other Charts you mentioned, if Karl Lawley had any. He does. They are shown in his YouTube Video from where one took the Screenshots from. Here is the Google Drive Folder where they are in PDF Format to download. Lawley also wrote a Book about this Psalm-to-Year Tribulation Timeline, over 600 Pages but it does not contain the Charts, except the 1 shared originally.

    Fall 2025-Fall 2032
    Karl Lawley

    1. One has also done a Scripture Chapter Number to Year Correlation. One is not sure if one has shared those Charts but here they are, as a complementary to the Type of Study. The Chart Timeline is based on the Warnings of Jesus from the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24.

      A Verse-to-Year Possible Prophetic Correlation
      Luis Vega

      The Google Drive Folder will have 4 Charts one has provided that are based on one’s Work and Research pertaining to the Verse-to-Year Theory. Here they are specifically.

      Based on the Sabbatical and Shemitah Overlap
      Luis Vega

      Based on the Speculated 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline
      Luis Vega

    2. RE: Suddenly
      Everything is Normal until it is not…Days of Noah, Days of Lot, Days of Babylon
      Here is a Video Teaching that was forwarded to me about ‘Suddenly’ how the Destruction and Judgment will come to the USA. It is over 1 Hour long but it is worth the hearing as it addresses the current Spiritual, Prophetic and Geo-Political condition of the USA, in particular and the World.

      Jamie Walden

      It is about being prepared for the ‘Suddenly’, that is coming and how he emphatically broke it down as to what is coming to the USA and why. It is 1 of the best Exposé of what is the Current Condition that is being or desired to be ‘Normal’. One can see why one had virtually no objections to what was being preached in that Walden is Ex-Military and has a Mind-Set of being a ‘Soldier for Christ’. It all resonated.

      One was and is impressed with his knowledge of History, Geo-Politics and the Workings of the Luciferian Elite. Walden also has a Book entitled, The Omega Dynamics that addresses the Spiritual Warfare most Contemporary Christians are losing. He speaks about a Normalcy Bias in how, in the USA in particular, decisions to Destroy it have already been made.

      Such Decisions have been made from Washington DC, by those Agencies led by the Synagogue of Satan that have virtually assured that when the ‘Suddenly’ comes to the USA, most of its People will be caught unawares and ill-prepared. But like many Examples of Faith and Preparedness found in the Old and New Testament, a Follower and Believer in Jesus can be found Watching, Waiting and Worshiping in the Midst of the ‘Suddenly’ that is to come, or as Walden argues, has arrive.


  25. ecrusymphony
    Mid-Tabernacles Rapture Timing (18 Sept-18 Oct) and the Elijah Forerunner

  26. Here are some Astronomical Observations during this coming September 17-18 Partial Lunar Eclipse.

    1. The Planet Venus will be ‘Birthed’ out of Virgo.
    2. The Moon will Occult or ‘Block’ Saturn in Aquarius.

    Also in continuing to consider the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline, one had commented on the Age of the AntiChrist Age. The Running Theory is that the many past AntiChrist Figures or Ruler of significant Empires started when they were 30 Years Old. Consider the following.

    -Alexander the Great
    -Jesus, starting Public Minister

    So, was there a False ‘Christ Star’ that announced this Birth of the AntiChrist some 30 Years proof? Yes. Perhaps the Comet Hale-Bopp was that ‘Sign’ after all. What is neat about it is that the Discoverers of the Comet, on the same Day was July 23, 1995. (723). Here is the Wikipedia Page about it.

    What was and is spectacular about it was that, according to Rabbinical Jews that interpreted it, considered it to mean, ‘Days of Noah’. And according to NASA, the last appeared was in 2215 BC. Not sure if this is the correct Era of when Noah started building or completed the Ark. So, the World must watch-out for a very Charismatic Figure who is 30 Years Old in 2025 and then 33 in the Year. 2029.

    That is the Year when, according to the Psalm-Based 7-Year Tribulation Period will be the Mid-Point. It is also when one surmises with ultimate fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign will occur. But consider that the Raptured will not see who will be this AntiChrist Figure. It is because of this Portion of Scripture.

    ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that Day shall not come, except there come a Falling-Away 1st, and then that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition’. -2 Thessalonians 2:3

    ‘For the Mystery of Lawlessness is already at Work, but the one who now Restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way. And then the Lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the Breath of His Mouth and annihilate by the Majesty of His Arrival. The coming of the Lawless One will be accompanied by the Working of Satan, with every kind of Power, Sign, and False Wonder’. -2 Thessalonians 2:8-9

    1. LU--From Stan:
      Lyn....I hate to be a nuisance again.., but I am trying to get something to Lu on Rev 12. I still can't post, but I read everything there. Lu just posted about Comet Hale Bopp's discovery date. I have a personal file of stuff I have exhaustively collected over the years, either by prayer, persistence, or just reading or hearing it. Whatever the source, I personally vet and I do not write it down unless I have verified it on many Google searches, stellarium, etc.

      Here are my FACTS on comet Hale Bopp that you can bank on....but I also insist anyone reading this ...verify it for yourself...because when you do, your testimony will have much more credibility.

      Ok...Fact #1...Comet Hale Bopp was indeed verified on 7/23/1995.

      #2...Hale Bopp was discovered in Sagittarius.

      #3..Hale Bopps closest approach to earth was on 3/22/1997....and resulted in a mass suicide of 39 people of Heavens Cult.

      #4..On 4/11/1996...comet Hyakutake crossed near the star "algol"...right in the forehead of the "head of satan" depicted with Algol being one eye. EXACTLY one year to the day....on 4/11/1997...comet Hale Bopp made a path across this same forehead of the "head of satan" ...and it's path made a perfect cross mark with comet Hyakutake's passage a year earlier. Coincidence? hardly!

      Exactly 1000 days earlier from comet Hale Bopps crossing of the head of satan ...comet Shumaker Levy9 started impacting Jupiter on 716/1994....breaking up into 21 individual fragments that bombarded Jupiter for 7 days...from 7/16/1994 thru 7/22/1994. I am not stretching any of this info....please VERIFY !!

      Also...on the very same day that comet Hale Bopp crossed the head of satan on 4/11/1997....please check the world headlines for that very date. The cathedral that housed the Shroud of Turin caught fire, and charred some of this precious garment!.

      I have more amazing "coincidences" with comet ZTF...and Hale Bopp...the great New Madrid earthquake...etc....but if the above info doesn't raise an eyebrow, I will sit on the rest of this.

      God bless you Lyn and your dedication to endtime discussions.

    2. You're welcome, Brothers. Hey Lu, I noticed your 7/23 popped up in Stan's data:

      "Ok...Fact #1...Comet Hale Bopp was indeed verified on 7/23/1995."

    3. WOW! So if this comet represented the birth of the AC, he would be 29 years old this year, missing one year to begin his work on earth to copy Jesus who began his ministry around 30 years old? If that's it, it coincides well in any case! We would really be about to leave soon for our home and see our wonderful Savior, Jesus!

    4. Lyn + Fam,
      Yes, I saw that. Somehow the Spirit is perhaps leading one to look into this possible Comet Connection, after all this Time. When I saw that ‘723’ Date, I did a Double-Take. How interesting because as one has shared, that July 23 or 723 corresponds to the Astrological New Year and the start of the opening-up of the Lion’s Gate. In 1996, that July 23 Day Count corresponded to Tammuz 25, 5755.

      So, if that is the Day of the ‘Conception’ of the AntiChrist associated with the False Lion-King, then 9 Months later was, guess what Day? It was the End of Passover. The Hebrew Religious New Year 5756 began on April 3, 1996 and ended on Thursday, April 11, 1996.

      July 23, 1995 + 9 Month Human Gestation = April 1996 (Passover Season)

      Now some Online Sources state that the Average Human Gestation Period is 267 Days. If one aggregates a 9-Month Human Gestation Period of 260-280 Days, ~38-40 Weeks, then the ‘Birthing’ could be narrowed down to it being on that Passover of 1996 as stated. But get this, one would have to use a precise 263 Day Human Gestation Period to land at the End of the Passover Week of April 11, 1996.

      April 11, 1996, is when the Comet Hale-Bopp intersected the Eye of Algol, the Star of Satan, etc. And? Interestingly, the 263 Days is the number of Days added to the Embryo Transfer Date to calculate a Due Date for a Pregnancy conceived via in Vitro Fertilization (IVF). So? What if the AntiChrist was conceived in such a manner, by Genetic Manipulation or Hybridization in a Clandestine Black-Op Lab?

      What is also very interesting, is that on April 3, 1996, the Passover of that Year, there was a Total Lunar Eclipse. Coincidence? What if, as one has shown that in 32 AD, a Total Lunar Eclipse occurred the Day Jesus died on the Cross. And what if in turn, the AntiChrist was then Born on a Total Lunar Eclipse? If one then adds the Day Count of 263 Days to the present Yearly Count from July 23, 2024, then exactly 9 Months later will be what?

      July 23, 2024 + 263 Days = April 12, 2025

      It so happens that April 12, 2025 is exactly Passover in 2025. Coincidence? Something is up! So, one is only suggesting that this Date could be when the AntiChrist Figure turns 30 Years Old. And it could be then the Time or Season that he then ascends in the Eyes of the Sanhedrin and the Luciferian Elite that will propagate him as the ‘Savior of the World’. This is of course if the Rapture Event is to occur prior to Passover in 2025. So, there is where one is at on this Topic and its Learning Curve.


    5. Here is some Good End-Times Prophecy Preaching, in one’s Opinion.

      Matt Freeman
      Prophecy Watchers

  27. The date is a little further out than what others say in their videos but we don't really know for sure, so here's another video that says mid-October just in case...
    Possible RAPTURE TIMING (9-12 Oct) and Sign of the Dragon (Rev 12v3-4)

  28. WOOHOO!


    Just as Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine Riyad Mansour promised, today a significant step was taken towards the implementation of the Two-State Solution--the key trigger to set in motion the dominoes leading to the Rapture of the Revelation 12 Man Child!

    Pink Dreams and Dominoes

    1. Wow, Lyn, sure hoping all these things portend our soon catching up! Combined with Corey's observation of the CME pic that looks like the ultrasound of a baby in the womb and it just gets more and more exciting (Yes, Corey, it is an amazing pic! thanks for sharing!).

      Then factor in what's going on with Israel and Hezbollah! Oh my goodness. It's crazier than a spy thriller. Who would ever imagine? We are so close. I would never have thought we'd be here to see these things. But every day He tarries more names are written in His Book, hallelujah. I know many of us still have prodigal/unsaved family, and we can be sure God will give them every opportunity before He closes the door. Sure hope our leaving results in an awakening rather than a hardening! Not much longer fam. Maranatha!

    2. As Lynn mentioned, if the Two-State Solution is the Key to set the Dominoes falling resulting in the Completion of the Body of Christ and their Gathering Together unto Him (which it would seem to be the case), we must note that the baby-shaped CME that blasted forth from the Sun on the 10th occurred 7 days before the start of the United Nations meeting wherein they will reportedly begin discussions of that very matter in validating a Palestinians state. Of course, everyone here knows the important of the number 7.

  29. Today we are 7 years before the Feast of Trumpets in 2031...

  30. Since there is much chatter about the Revelation 12 sign and the approach of the 7th year since it happened, the question must be asked, " Is it a massive sign from on high that we just saw a monumental CME blasting forth from the sun shaped like an unborn baby in the womb of its mother on the 10th of this month? Take a look at it and tell me what you see (Link Below).


    Do you see what I see?

    1. As I commented at Unsealed--Great catch, Corey!!!

      "Tellingly, video footage of a massive CME release from the sun from the SOHO LASKO C3 took on the distinct appearance of an unborn child in the womb of a woman"

      (Corey provides a screen shot in his above article.)

    2. Corey...such a striking image of the unborn child in the womb area of the CME.  Hopefully, it's a sign that the male-child (BoC) will be birthed soon.

      Did you notice that the DJIA closed at 42,025.19 today?  This is a record high and it made me think of your 42 number.   Will the Russian Bear be raising it's ugly head soon (i.e, forced to use a tactical nuclear weapon resulting in the start of WW3)?    Not only is 42 in the closing Dow, but so is the year 2025 and the number 19 which is today's date.   Not quite sure what to make of it all, but thought you might find it interesting.

    3. "A sign." Yes, hopefully that is exactly what it was. Kinda remarkable that a CME would take on the exact shape of a massive unborn child spewing from the sun at the 7th anniversary month of the Rev. 12 sign. If it's a coincidence, then that is one whopper of a coincidence.

      Yes, that 42 thing is interesting. I hadn't seen the Dow today. In fact, I haven't seen much of anything today as I'm trying to get over a massive headache and stuffed up head. Makes for some hard sleeping..

      On that note, I think I may have counted 42 waves of coughing today. 😉 The Rapture would be nice right about now for that reason alone..

      On a serious note, I will say that there is a very important situation in my life involving a very important person who is associated with the number 42. Been that way since my early twenties.

      I know that's vague, but I often go back to it in times of serious contemplation of prophetic matters. The sovereignty of God at work.

      That said, I'm ready to slam my phone on the floor 42 times because of the glitchy nature of trying to type a comment on the blogger platform. 💪💪💪💪💪

    4. sorry to hear about your massive headache and stuffy nose.   That's how I started the Fall season last year.   No fun at all!   Hope you're feeling better soon.   Yes, so many meanings to the #42.   Praying that your situation with that very important person in  your life goes well.   Now back to eating my 42 figs!    Lol!

  31. Brother Paul,
    9 min vid on the 79th General Assembly of the UN coming up next week.
    The division of God's land, from the world's perspective, is a done deal. "Palestinians" have been given every right other than the right to vote . . . . But God. God has a different agenda/plan for His Beloved land and people and city, and no man can change that! Surely the Lord comes quickly. We have seen so many signs (in all manner of appearance, astronomical, geological, geo-political, sociological/depravity/violence/lawlessness, D&V, Words from the Lord) not to mention with the Key sign: Israel. Who among us would have thought we we started this Rev12 journey seven years ago that we'd still be here to see the Beast System in place and all but globally enforced with Is 17:1 on the cusp!

  32. RE: Revelation 12 Sign ‘Baby’ and Tribulation Timelines?

    Corey + Fam,
    You know, assuming the Date, September 10, 2024, was Universal Time when that Corona Ejection depicted the 'Fetus' , that means that in Israel it was already September 11, 2024 (9-11). And? This Celestial Sign could thus be adding some Prophetic ‘Weight’ to how one subscribes to a 9-11 Birth-Day of Jesus, back in -3 BC, etc. And that perhaps, that is when Jesus is to Return, if one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline is to pan-out. It would be on the Sabbath of Return, September 11, 2032.

    Even Aaron at ‘God and Minute’ YouTube Channel has come onboard with the 2025 to 2032 Tribulation Timeline. He makes a ‘Good Case’ for Jacob, i.e., Israel marrying both Sisters based on the Numerical Factor of being 77 and 84 Years Old. And? The Timeline is based on the Year 32 AD! ;) Eat your Hart-Out Stephan Boy! ;0 So, the Timeline appears to match 3 other Tribulation Timelines of mine, based on Anna, Caleb and Israel, when factoring in a 32 AD Crucifixion Year, as you all know over the Years.


    How Old Was Jacob When He Married Leah & Rachel?
    God A Minute?

    The recurring 2 Numerical Factors that appear to Israel's Years since 1948 are 77 and 84, in the case of Anna, Caleb and the Psalm-Based Timeline by Karl Lawley. One will see why when looking at the Timelines, compared, side-by-side. Of course, it does not conclusively ‘Prove’ that one's Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline will be the case, but compared to the one mentioned, they all appear to Synchronize, which is pretty neat. Have a look.

    Be on the Look-Out!



    1. Wow Lu, those are amazing! Thanks for putting it all together for us! And given this year is the UN's 79th GA (concurrent with 2-state soln resolution and Israel at war), with 80 being the number of new beginnings (longevity, beginning or freedom from oppression), we are in exciting times for sure. Abba, UP!

    2. Thank you Lu, this chart is great, all things are there. And I downloaded from Karl Lawley vids some other charts, from all his vids. I don't know how to place them as you did. The new chart is "Encrypted Timelines Discovered in the Psalms", and there he placed the third line of Psalms, for example
      Psalm 125 Psalm 126 Psalm 127 Psalm 128 Psalm 129 Psalm 130 Psalm 131
      Psalm 77 Psalm 78 Psalm 79 Psalm 80 Psalm 81 Psalm 82 Psalm 83
      *Psalm 4 *Psalm 6 *Psalm 54 *Psalm 55 *Psalm 61 *Psalm 67 *Psalm 76

      * Newly discovered Neginoth Timelines
      I'm trying to study all these but not very quickly. This is something new to me.

  33. To Lu, Bob and all ...

    It appears that the timing of these observations just got a bit more interesting. There is some late breaking (what I would call prophetic) news. This news is rich with prophetic numbers as well as a sobering reminder of what is set to take place on the world stage. One number in particular (42) and the number 5 (425) - which some may be aware has been surfacing in my own personal orbit.

    It appears that the European Parliamen passed a resolution on the 19th in favor of Ukraine using Western supplied weapons to attack deep within Russia. The vote number was "425" in favor. This would be the very same day of Bob's observation of the Dow Jones closing numbers (42).

    That makes this European resolution (425 vote) to attack the bear a total of "9" days after the fetus CME blast from the sun (i.e. hinting at the Rapture). The number 9 is the biblical number representing the theme of finality, divine completeness and judgment. It typically surfaces during pivotal moments of "transformation," culmination and judgment.

    With that "25" number in the Dow Jones closing number, it would absolutely give even more credence to Lu's take for sure. Incredible that "19" shows up there too on the day of the 19th.

    I've updated the latest Bear Rapture article. See new section titled:


    But the update section is pretty much what I've already shared here. Getting rather interesting.

    1. This was breaking news on Hal Turners site late last night.

    2. Multiple news sources are now corroborating this info. Wow.

      Rapture is near. Pray up and pack up cuz we're going up!

    3. PROPHETIC SUMMARY: Dow Jones Closing Number for yesterday on September 19: “42,025.19” and same day European Parliament bear attack Vote of 425

      42 = 42 mocking Israelites mauled by two bears after the Rapture of Elijah in 2 Kings chapter 2.

      25 = Possible start year of the Tribulation? Noteworthy is that the Tribulation is divided up into two halves of 42 months each in addition to being associated with the Rapture theme. Thus, the number 25 in the Dow Jones may be signaling the starting year of the Tribulation (paging Lu 👍) and/or Rapture.

      19 = the same date/day on which the Dow closed with a record high number. Occurred 9 days after (biblical number of divine completeness, finality and judgment) the fetus/womb shaped CME blast from the sun (Revelation 12 sign) occurred and closed on the same day of the European Parliament bear attack vote of 425.

    4. Regarding the European Parliament vote: It is not yet a binding law, but simply a resolution. According to Wiki:

      "A non-binding resolution is a motion adopted by a deliberative body that does not enact a law or a substantive rule, and is simply used to make known what the opinions of that body are in relation to a certain fact or event.

      This type of resolution is often used to express the body's approval or disapproval of something that they cannot otherwise vote on,[1] due to the matter being handled by another jurisdiction, or being protected by a constitution. An example would be a resolution of support for a nation's troops in battle, which carries no legal weight, but is adopted for moral support."

      But a very prophetically significant message considering the numbers.

  34. Notably, on the very same day yesterday in which the 425 resolution occurred, Israel launched strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon. Lebanon in scripture sure does display a peculiar rapture theme.

    “Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lift up thy voice in Bashan, and cry from the passages: for all thy lovers are destroyed. I spake unto thee in thy prosperity; but thou saidst, I will not hear. This hath been thy manner from thy youth, that thou obeyedst not my voice. The wind shall eat up all thy pastors, and thy lovers shall go into captivity: surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness. O inhabitant of Lebanon, that makest thy nest in the cedars, how gracious shalt thou be when pangs come upon thee, the pain as of a woman in travail!” (Jeremiah 22:20-23).

    The language of a woman in travail when presenting to us the destiny of Lebanon is rather hard to deny. In Revelation 12:4-5, we see a picture of the man child (the Church) being called up into Heaven (raptured) before the birth pangs of the Tribulation begin. It points us straight to language used of Israel’s rebirth in 1948 as seen in verse 7 of the 66th chapter of Isaiah …

    “Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God. (Isaiah 66:7-9).

    Finally, in Revelation 12:5, we see the much discussed parenthetical Rapture passage of the Apostle John as he reveals the catching up of the man child as the dragon stands before the woman …

    “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne” (Revelation 12:4-5).

    The biblical reference to Lebanon in the end times sits smack in the middle of travail Rapture language, which is clearly pre-tribulational. It is as obvious as the nose on one’s face that it pertains to the destiny of the living believers in Christ at the end of the age when the world will witness an approaching judgment upon the nation of Lebanon.

  35. As I just said at unsealed but will repeat here, it sure is looking rather interesting that we now have a fetus (man child) unborn baby shaped CME blast from the sun in September and we now have an attack upon Lebanon - a nation scripturally associated with the language of a woman in travail! (Jeremiah 22:20-23).

    Let that one sink in for a few minutes ... or a day. Feeling and looking awefully rapturesque right now. This has to be it. Not sure how much more obvious it's going to get before the actual event happens.


    1. Excellent research, Corey.    You clearly were the right person to share the DJIA closing numbers with.   I had a feeling those numbers meant something, but not nearly to the extent which you discovered, especially the European Resolution that was passed by 425 votes on the 19th!    Your research in connecting the prophetic dots, both in numbers and in real time events, makes one feel very "encouraged" about our soon departure.   Keep up the good work, Brother!

  36. Speaking of numbers...I was just watching Richard Engle of MSNBC news and he just reported that the number of people injured from the pager and walkie talkie bombs in Lebanon has increased to 777.    Perhaps another "number sign" that the Bride of Christ and Flight 777 will be departing soon!  

    ✈️   777   ✈️   +    ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  =  Paradise

    T  =  Thankful for being Chosen

    Cap't Bob

  37. Enjoy the last day of summer!
    Did you realize that it is 7 months and 7+7+7 days from the 7. anniversary of the Rel.12 Sign to the 77. anniversary of Israel?

    1. Nice catch, Stephan.  Those 777 numbers are truly revealing themselves today!   To celebrate the last day of summer I'll be going to my hometown "Farm to Fork Festival".   Perhaps I'll stand at the street corner and preach the Gospel while I hand out "fresh fall figs" and remind everyone that our "Final Fall Flight" (FFF) is nigh!   

      Preacher Bob!

    2. Corey and Stephan,
      Nice Number Correlations.

      Does not the Astronomical Equinox, the start of the Fall Season in the Northern Hemisphere occur on September 22, 2024? According to the National Weather Service, it starts at 8:44 am, Eastern Standard Time. For one’s Summer Rapture Scenario, it is the ‘Last Day’ to be considered, technically the ‘End of Summer’ and all its related Harvests. However, the Rapture Timing does not have to occur as one surmises it.

      September 23, 2024 7-Year Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary
      to May 14, 2025 Israel's ‘Birth’
      = 233 Days (322 if reverse Numbers)
      = 7 Months, 21 Days (7-7-7)
      = 33 Weeks and 2 Days (The reverse Numbers 322 in 233 Days)

      But with the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, one would have hoped. There is yet the Rosh HaShanah Civil New Year Solar Eclipse that is Annular in Type. It is associated with the Ring of Fire and/or the Wedding Ring Motif. And there is that Comet that is highlighting the Virgo Constellation. Perhaps that is what is being broadcasted in that an Attack on Israel is coming.

      Rocket Attacks and Missile Barrages occur on a Daily Basis in Israel. So, why would this Comet possibly signaling an Attack on Israel be different? With every Day passing, the Psychosis of War is taking a toll on Israeli Society. As it is, Hamas and Hezbollah have successfully caused the Evacuation of nearly 90% of the Israeli Population for the Northern Border Region and the Gaza Buffer Zones.

      Israel still has some ‘Tricks’ up its sleeve, as they say. One clear example was the Pager Attack on September 10, 2024. It was also reported at Radio Attacks, similar to the Pager ones occurred throughout Syria and Damascus but are not being reported.0
      What was also interesting was when the Pager Attack occurred in Lebanon. It was reported that it took place at 3:30pm Local Time (33). Perhaps a mere Coincidence. But in such cases, Timing is everything, as they say.

      So, a connection then to the various Timelines featuring 77 and 84. As the Jewish Rabbinical Year turns to 5785 on October 2, 2024, that ‘Passover’ Island, i.e., Easter Island link is perhaps also broadcasting something related to it. As it is known the Core Theme is about YHVH’s People escaping or being delivered. And how Darkness had enveloped Egypt and eventually the First-Born died.

      What is also getting ready to occur is the Comet C/2023 A3 striking or crisscrossing the Revelation 12 Sign. It is from now until October 15ish. And remember that on October 11, 2024, that is when it exits the ‘Womb’ imaginary Cosmic Line of the ‘Birth Cannel’. It is on that same exact spot that it entered the ‘Womb’ delineation of the Constellation. Note that this Comet took approximately 2000 Years to come out of Serpens and then only at the beginning of 2024 did it trek across Virgo.

    3. Then it does an ‘About-Face’ around September 11, 2024 and returns to screech across the entire Constellation in only a Week. That is Lightning Fast. This is why one suspects something ‘Terrible’ will happen to Israel. It so happens that on October 11, 2024, when the Comet exits Virgo’s Womb and begins its trek to Ophiucus, is the Eve of Yom Kippur, in the Rabbinical Calendar. Will October 11, 2024 signal a major Escalation in the Middle East or the Ukraine? Or Both?

      Will October 11, 2024 be connected or related to how the Psalm 83 War is to eventually occur? Remember how the Muslims attacked Israel, simultaneously back in 1973, precisely called the Yom Kippur War. Then Iran and its Muslim Proxies have stated that they are waiting for their Opportune Time to also coordinate their simultaneous Attack against Israel. And with the Pager Attack against Hezbollah, their Ego and Pride has been shaken to the Core.

      You got to hand it to the IDF/Israelis. However, during the Tribulation Period, that type of Technology is what will be used, among Face/Palm Scanners, Bio-Metrics and mRNA Genetic Tracking of one’s Body, in Real Time to track-down Noahide Law Breakers and Jesus Worshipers. As noted, if the Rapture Event does not take place, up to October 2, 2024 or what remains of the Gregorian Year, then the Psalm-to-Year Tribulation Timeline Theory will also fall apart.

      If there is no Rapture in 2024, then it also means that one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline will need to be pushed even further out. But also as noted, the Rapture Event could still occur in 2025 but it would leave a very Tight ‘Gap’ to the Fall, when the start of the Tribulation Period is presumed to occur. Again, this Timeline is based on a 32 AD Crucifixion Year Model and Calculation.

      Br on the Look-Out,

  38. Fascinating vid Supernatural By Design re solar/lunar eclipses of 2024 marking same eclipses of 1978/Camp David Accords

    1. Judi--I saw this mentioned somewhere else also and plan to include that fact in a new article because I have some exciting news of 🌝🌝 ANOTHER GREAT SIGN OF THE RAPTURE--stay tuned!

    2. Lyn, did you catch Lu's "This is when the ‘Pink Mountain’, as that is what the Color of the Comet is giving off, can be seen with the Naked Eye?"

    3. Thanks, Judi. No, I didn't see that! Which comment did he say that?

    4. Down below Sept. 21, beginning "RE: ‘Revelation 12 Sign Fish’ ICHTHYS Symbol?"

  39. "Then it does an ‘About-Face’ around September 11, 2024 and returns to screech across the entire Constellation in only a Week. That is Lightning Fast. This is why one suspects something ‘Terrible’ will happen to Israel."

    You may be onto something there Lu. Apparently, Israel is now entering the Ukraine conflict.
    UPDATE 10:03 AM EDT SATURDAY -- ISRAEL IS ENTERING **** UKRAINE **** WAR ! ! ! ! Missile Defenses in Kiev ! ! ! !

    This upcoming comet may be signalling that very thing. Getting much Revelation 12 man child rapture vibes here lately between the Lebanon connection with the labor pains of a woman (Jeremiah 22:20-23), the CME blast from the sun on the 7-year anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign, and now, the comet streaking through Virgo. Something prophetically big is in the works indeed.

    1. Corey and Fam,
      One came across those Headlines about Israel, now helping-out Ukraine more overtly. The main Reason the Russians are ‘Up in Arms’, no Pun intended is that for the Long-Range Missiles to strike deep into Russian Territory, means that they have to be guided and managed by U.S. and Israeli Satellites or Spy Networks. This is essentially causing the USA, NATO and now Israel to be directly engaged in the War. It would make the USA now at War with Russia. Did the U.S. Citizens or the European Union Citizens vote for this Escalation? No.

      These are just Geo-Political and Military Tactics and Decisions that have already been made, much like the COVID Plandemic. The Luciferians want and need their World War 3 to usher in their ‘Great Reset’. Now why Israel? Israel has a long and deep Cultural, Religious and Political Connection to Ukraine, as well as Russia. As it is, Zelensky is Jewish, but was installed by the CIA in 2014. And to that Assertion? One has read Sources that the U.S. State Department, and MOSSAD had a lot to do with it. So, Putin is now having another ‘Excuse’ to be drawn into the Outer-Ring of Muslim Nations that will eventually lead to Invade Israel, i.e., the Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 83. It is all coming together.

      Here is the Chart made back in Spring about this Comet that crisscrosses the Revelation 12 Sign, Virgo on its 7th Year Anniversary. Coincidence? Interestedly, the Orthodox Rabbis are calling it the ‘Star of Jacob’. If this is the case or if it could be linked to its possible Prophetic Connection, then consider what happened in Numbers 22. That is the Circumstance when Israel was crossing the Territory of Moab, marching into the Promised Land to possess it. But the Moabite King, Bal-Ek wanted to ensnare and weaken the Israelites whom he saw as a Threat. The Pagan King feared what Israel was going to do to him. He realized that the 'God of Heaven' was using the Israelites as a ‘Hammer of Judgment’ like it was with the Amorites, for al their Wickedness, etc.

      Star of Jacob – Comet C/2023 A3

      Bal-Ek hired Balaam, who loved Money to curse Israel. But after several attempts, Balaam could not curse Israel. Why not? It was and is because there was a ‘Shout of a King’ in their Midst. This is, by the way, the Key to any Victory, Spiritual primarily in that if Jesus is within one’s ‘Camp’, no Divination or Magic Sorcery will come in or can come in. The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit serve as a ‘Shield’ of Projections, etc. Now, inviting Sin into the Camp? That is another Story and that is exactly how Israel was compromised. So, the Point is that the Enemies of Israel are seeking ways to weaken Israel. These next 30+ Days will be very critical and interesting to see what occurs.


    2. Lu...after looking at your chart showing the trajectory of the T-ATLAS Comet (both incoming and outgoing) I see the ichthys symbol (or "Jesus fish") twice.   This symbol, which is shaped like a fish, was used by early Christians as a secret symbol to proclaim an affiliation with or an affinity for Christianity.   This fish symbol consists of two intersecting arcs, the ends of the right side extending beyond the meeting point so as to resemble the profile of a fish.   Now if they made a Christian fish emoji I certainly would paste it for a visual, but I'm sure you already know what it looks like.   To see the two "Jesus fish" just complete the tail section where the Comet's trajectory crosses path on March 21, 2024 and on April 26, 2024/October 10, 2024.  You'll see both a small fish and a large fish symbol.  Perhaps this unique criss-crossing pattern and trajectory of the Comet is showing us the "Jesus fish" symbol as a reminder of our history and that YHVH will be returning for us shortly.

    3. RE: ‘Revelation 12 Sign Fish’ ICHTHYS Symbol?
      ‘But I would not have you to be ignorant, Brethren, concerning them which are Asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no Hope. For if we believe that Jesus Died and Rose again, even so them also which Sleep in Jesus will GOD bring with him’. -1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

      That is an interesting, suggested Motif of the ICHTHUS Fish Symbol you can also ascribe to the Trajectory of the Comet, ‘Star of Jacob that crisscrosses the Revelation 12 Sign for 2024, on its 7th Year Anniversary. It is rather spectacular as the Comet winds-up and Down but having its ‘Apex’ right in the Womb area of the Celestial Motif depiction in Virgo. According to the Astronomy Models, the Perihelion or greatest Approach to Earth occurs on September 27-28, 2024.

      This is when the ‘Pink Mountain’, as that is what the Color of the Comet is giving off, can be seen with the Naked Eye. It will appear at that Time and Place in the Minor Constellation called Sextans. One had briefly commented originally when shared about this Comet Trajectory, but here is the possible inference, Prophetically as a possible Broadcasting to what it could mean. It is basically a Call to note that the Sign means that it is very Precise as the Instrument is used to precisely calculate the Navigational Paths in Sea Voyages.

      And taking liberty to be a bit Poetic, one realizes that the End of the Church Age and the Rapture Event is and has been all about a Trajectory and a Precise Year, Month, Week and Day when it will conclude. However, the Body of Christ may not know the actual Timing of the Rapture Event, but such Signs as the Revelation 12 and Comets are giving added introspection, Prophetically, perhaps. The following is the Definition of what the Sextant Instrument is and used for, from Wikipedia. One’s Point is that such an Instrument and its Purpose can be relative to who that is to be used for Prophecy also.

      A Sextant is a Doubly Reflecting Navigation Instrument that measures the Angular Distance between 2 Visible Objects. The primary use of a Sextant is to measure the Angle between an Astronomical Object and the Horizon for the purposes of Celestial Navigation. The Estimation of this Angle, the Altitude, is known as Sighting or Shooting the Object, or Taking a Sight. The Angle, and the Time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a Position Line on a Nautical or Aeronautical Chart—for example, sighting the Sun at Noon or Polaris at Night (in the Northern Hemisphere) to estimate Latitude (with Sight Reduction).

      Sighting the Height of a Landmark can give a Measure of Distance off and held Horizontally, a Sextant can measure Angles between Objects for a position on a Chart. A Sextant can also be used to measure the lunar distance between the moon and another celestial object (such as a Star or Planet) in order to determine Greenwich Mean Time and hence Longitude.

    4. Prophetic Correlations?

      1) A Sextant is a Doubly Reflecting Navigation Instrument that measures the Angular Distance between 2 Visible Objects.

      = Death of Jesus/Start of Church to End of Church Age and Rapture Event

      2) To measure the Angle between an Astronomical Object and the Horizon for the purposes of Celestial Navigation.

      = Correlate Celestial Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars with Geo-Political, Social, and Spiritual References taking place on Earth.

      3) The Estimation of this Angle, the Altitude, is known as Sighting or Shooting the Object, or Taking a Sight.

      = The Bible and Jesus, especially pertaining to the End Times and of His Return, admonish Students of the End Times to constantly be on the Look-Out and take Readings, Measurements for the purpose of Prophetic Estimations.

      4) The Angle, and the Time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a Position Line on a Nautical or Aeronautical Chart.

      = The best Assessments deduced by studying the Word of GOD, i.e., the Bible can help to know how to ‘measure’ Time and one’s Position within the Church Age in its Timeline.

      Sighting the Height of a Landmark can give a Measure of Distance off and held Horizontally, a Sextant can measure Angles between Objects for a position on a Chart.

      = By studying and knowing Biblical Prophecy, a Student of the End Times can discern where and when the Body of Christ is relative to the 2nd Coming. It is a Knowledge Jesus expects His Followers to be aware of, so as to not be ‘Caught Unawares’, etc.

      A Sextant can also be used to measure the Lunar Distance between the Moon and another Celestial Object (such as a Star or Planet) in order to determine Greenwich Mean Time and hence Longitude.

      = Again, Students of the Bible are that that the World should be going to, to know just how ‘Things’ on Earth will go and ‘What Time it is’, Eschatologically.

      I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in’. Romans 11:25

    5. A Greater Sextant
      As one can see and discern, the Body of Christ has a ‘Sextant’, and this is the Bible, the Holy Spirit, etc. Studying the Bible, the ‘Sextant’ and being led by the Holy Spirit, as the Captain, is about knowing the Signs of the Times, and what Time is it Prophetically. It helps the Body of Christ tell where it is on the ‘Chart’ of the Church Age. And it can help to ‘Read’ the Signs of the Time, from what the Signs are Above and Below.

      The Body, like Sailors or Captains on Navigational Voyages of Yesteryear, used this Instrument to know their Position on the Sea, relative to Land based solely on the reference to the Stars. It is the Bible that is literally one’s Sextant then as it functions to give the Captain and the Crew discernable Time and Position Markers as to not be ‘Lost’. Is not there even a Metaphor given by the Apostle Paul, who himself was shipwrecked about having a Firm Anchor, Navigation and a sturdy Vessel?

      ‘Timothy, my Child, I entrust you with this Command in keeping with the previous Prophecies about you, so that by them you may Fight the Good Fight, holding on to Faith and a Good Conscience, which some have rejected and thereby Shipwrecked their Faith’. -1 Timothy 1:18-19

      …’Until we all reach Unity in the Faith and in the Knowledge of the SON of GOD, as we Mature to the Full Measure of the Stature of Christ. Then we will no longer be Infants, tossed about by the Waves and carried around by every Wind of Teaching and by the Clever Cunning of Men in their Deceitful Scheming. Instead, speaking the Truth in Love, we will in All Things grow-up into Christ Himself, who is the Head’. -Ephesian 4:13-15

      What one can assess, is that as the Collective Body of Jesus on Earth has been like a ‘Baby’ being developed in a Gestation Period, not all has it be uniformly. It has taken Centuries for each Generation in Jesus to reach Maturity. However, 1 Year, Month, Week and Day, the entire Body of Christ that will constitute the Bride will be Extracted or delivered much like a Baby that has come to Full Term.

      Perhaps, such a 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign and this Comet accenting it at this Place and Time is 1 such ‘Measurement’ of the Dilations going on with the ‘Contraction’s in how close the Delivery of the Man-Child is to occur, i.e., the End of one’s Faith to be converted to Sight at the Glorious Appearing of Jesus in the Clouds during the Rapture Event. Until that Place and Time, one can take comfort in that the Holy Spirit, the Restrainer is restraining and is a Good and Faithful ‘Mid-Wife’.

      So, is the ‘Star of Jacob’ Comet to be seen, appearing and being able to be seen from Earth in Sextans a mere Coincidence? Or is it a Sign to ‘Take a Measurement’, and know one’s Position, Place and Timing in relation to the 7th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign? Or is it taking a ‘Measurement’ of one’s Faith in Jesus? Why? Is the Revelation 12 ‘Baby’ about to be delivered? Is the Church Age about to End? Many End Time Students of Prophecy have taken ‘Measurements’ and it would appear so. As to the Fine-Tuning? That is yet to be determined fully.

      Until then, ‘Be on the Look-Out’,


      Revelation 12 Sign – Sextans
      Star of Jacob Perihelion
      September 27, 2024 Perihelion

    6. show how fast the Comet is moving in these latter days, it took only 30+ days each to complete the two (2) ICHTHYS FISH symbols.  Not bad considering the Comet started its journey in 32 AD!    Even using your SEXTANT instrument it would be difficult to keep track of its real time positioning, but as Christians we know from all the signs we're seeing in the Heavens that are time on Earth is coming to an END.   In other words..." Hasta la vista, baby" or Rapture Time!    One ICHTHYS FISH was Taken, the other was Left Behind!

      ><}}}*>      (Go Up…A Blessing!)

      <*{{{><      (Left Behind...A Curse!)

    7. Lu, Blessings Again, we are blessed by your labors, doubly so, it seems; nay, trebly so it may yet be! Selah!

      'This symbol, which is shaped like a fish, was used by early Christians as a secret symbol to proclaim an affiliation with or an affinity for Christianity. ' Bob D., Blessings True, dat. Going a bit deeper we note that the Ichthys is crafted with a single stroke. Fitting. While the symbol is Wonderfully Fitting To Point To Christ's Ministry, it's lingering and prevalent metaphor symbolism was more a social byproduct of the Ichthys earliest appearance usually drawn with chalk or a piece of charcoal/firewood on a stone, in Rome, for example. Fish travel in schools, you know, as do followers of The Way. So, the Ichthys would often be drawn pointing to the next Ichthys, which had to be found, ahead, and so on until one arrived at the commonly secretive church gathering. Of course, groups that met regularly could distinguish nuance and likely tell who had left any given Ichthys trail by same as well as likely places to find them along the way. A simple, but intimate code, conveniently washed entirely away with the following rains. Meanwhile, the general populace start seeing Ichthys 'randomly' all over the place in public settings, like "Frodo Lives" was not uncommon in USA $1 bills, in the seventies. Well, the mind needs a box for such oddities and it became widely seen as early 'graffiti', of sorts, for The Way followers, which quickly morphed to becoming, effectively, a 'trade mark'. So, to further the evangelistic power of the Ichthys, apart from its functionality as a real-time 'sextant' for the local gathering, Christians, not uncommonly, did place Ichthys in public for persuasive value. However, those Ichthys pointed heavenwards, to Christ, and were thus easily distinguished by those 'in the know' or able to actually read that sextant.

      My closing surgery to reverse the colostomy and get things back to normal is to be last week of October, likely 4-6 days in the hospital with recovery a couple weeks home rest thereafter. Some cite a more imminent departure frame than most, amongst us, here, and that would be so nice to dodge this one. Your prayers Bless Our Lord and our family. Alex has encountered some challenges getting actually deployed to Boot Camp and still is here, actually. Well, all the paperwork was garnered and submitted and is flowing up the chain a few days now so, likely, he departs forthwyth.


    8. Excellent follow-up on that ICHTHYS symbol, Jimboni.   I particularly liked how you said..."apart from its functionality as a real-time 'sextant' for the local gathering, Christians, not uncommonly, did place Ichthys in public for persuasive value."    Which makes me wonder, did YHVH purposely draw those two ICHTHYS symbols in the Comet's path and trajectory to get our attention as you so eloquently described above?   If so, YHVH ("The Great Artist") paints in such a brilliant and subtle way!   In many ways, just like He painted the Rev12 Sign.

      If it helps, my "highest watch period" is from Feast of Trumpets (10/2) through Day of Atonement (10/12), which means we may be departing before your scheduled surgery.   Oorah!

    9. Another "ICHTHYS" Fish symbol?   Check out this NASA video showing the trajectory of Asteroid 2024 PT5 (commonly referred to as the 2nd Moon) which will circle the Earth for 53 days (153!) beginning at the end of this month.   The "fish like" trajectory can be seen at the 2:53 minute mark.    Another mere coincidence?

    10. Jimboni, blessings, praying for you and yours! I should also to surgeon begin October, to see the time of the next great surgery, it's near. I hope really we are to going home before.
      Blessings to all Fam! We are to watch now very carefully! Maranatha!

  40. All thanks and glory to our Almighty Father + Savior for giving us the Revelation 12 Sign exactly seven years ago and the millions of people who were Saved and became "born again" Christians (myself included!) as a direct result of it!   And special thanks to our own, Luis B. Vega, for connecting the prophetic dots and discovering this most beautiful and important sign that has greatly benefited and provided so much guidance and encouragement to mankind.   Hallelujah!!!

    Happy 7th Anniversary of the Rev 12 Sign everyone!   Praying that the ManChild (Body of Christ) will be born soon!   Maranatha!!!

    1. Bob and Rev 12 Fam,
      Thanks for the Shout-Out Bob. Yes, ‘Happy Birthday!’ regarding the Revelation 12 Sign. Can you believe it is now 7 Years Ago that it occurred? Well, at least Astronomically on this side of the Rapture and Tribulation Period. I guess we can shut-down this Blog as we ‘have arrived’, and our Collective Work is done, no?…Or perhaps a bit more to go? ;0

      I remember speaking to Brad over the Phone in Spring of 2017 when he launched this Site. Although the Paradigm then was that the Rapture Event was to occur on that Day, September 23 in 2017, obviously we had to learn a lot about what Celestial Signs mean and what are their Purpose. So, the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ came out from within and without the Church Body because of such Signs.

      But as with all things Biblical, it is about a Shifting needing to occur as the Holy Spirit saw fit. And it was mainly an American Phenomena, as most Brethren in the World, were like, ‘What are those Crazy Christians in the USA pushing and thinking about now?!’ lol

      It has been an interesting ‘Ride’ and has not the entire World changed in 7 Years? It still will and has to for what it coming. Although the Sign has reached a Biblical Numerical Milestone, one still believes its Fullness will occur at the Mid-Tribulation Time-Frame.

      That is what it is really pegged to, in one’s Assessment. That is why the Sign is not ‘Done’ just yet as one has continued to study it and write about it Post-2017. And one will still write about it, if we are to terry and as 2029 approaches.

      Can you believe we are also at the Mid-Decade Year Marker? Even if one is not a Student of the Bible and End Times, many Political and Economic Pundits are alarmed at the pace the Escalation of Certain War and Economic Collapse is now unavoidable.

      Sure, all that has been discussed and ‘Nothing has Happened’, relatively speaking. But as many End Time Students of the Bible have commented, it will be a Scenario of ‘Gradually’, then ‘Suddenly’. What is going on amongst Israel and its Inner-Ring of Muslim Enemies is amazing.

      As a Student of Political Science and Prophecy, where Israel, the USA, Russia and the Arab World are at now, are as they were during the Israeli 1948 War of Independence, the 1967 6-Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, all combined now, in one’s Estimation. One cannot deny that the literal fulfillment of Psalm 83 is developed by the Day before one’s very own Eyes.

      If what is occurring in Israel is not that, then we are in the wrong Business of being Watchmen or discerning the Signs of the Times, as they say. But if one applies, on the Timeline the Phi Ratio Theory of how Prophecy occurs, then this Time-Frame is what will lead to the eventual Tribulation Period, which occurs after the Rapture Event. It is the Rapture Event that is next to occur, Prophetically for the Book of Revelation to open its Seals.

      For sure, one can say with confidence that what is occurring on Planet Earth, presently is what many Students of Biblical Prophecy longed to see. At no Time in History has all Types of Events converged at the same Time. This is the Difference, this Time now that did not exist prior in Human History.

      If one reads Matthew 24 in the Greek, the stipulation inferred by Jesus is that the Signs given of Wars, Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Plandemics, Famines, Death have occurred since Eden, one would argue. But the Key is that when the listed Conditions ALL occur at the same Time was to be the Sign in itself. We have arrived.

      So, until the Rapture Call, we continue to be on the Look-Out as we Look-Up.

    2. Well stated, Lu.   And a great Shout-Out to Brad for creating the Rev12daily blogsite.   Without this site and our shared fellowship these past 7 years, who knows where we'd all be today!   I'd venture to say not a better place, despite all our friendy ‘Good, Bad and Ugly’ debates we've had over the years!   Lol!

    3. Here is a Revelation 12 Sign Chart that highlighted how even the World took note of it in 2017. 'They' were and are well aware of it. So much so, that remember how Wikipedia pulled the Page, entirely. Why would 'They' not what the World to even read about what many considered to it to mean?


      Personally, as to how we have had our 'Good, Bad and Ugly' Moments discussing the Sign and other Things, is just like a Family, no? But in the End we all 'Love' each other, perhaps. But I think we have done our 7-Year 'Tribulation' Time, no? We have 'Endured to the End!' :)

      Now, it is the Worlds Turn to be in the Real Tribulation, in comparison.

    4. Lu...I like your chart depicting the mockery of the Rev12 Sign in the movie industry and elsewhere.   So sad!   But no worries..."they shall not escape" (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

    5. Amen, Bob! Well deserved shout-outs to LU and BRAD!

  41. Hey Everybody!
    Putting all the celestial signs happening this autumn together with that 2nd Moon Bob mentioned is more significant than he may have realized! Remember all those 2 moon Rapture dreams?


    1. Lyn...excellent summary of the upcoming celestial events happening this September-November.  Hopefully all these Heavenly signs point to our Rapture this Fall or perhaps as soon as during the Jewish Feast Days of October.   Either way, I'm cautiously optimistic that we'll be departing soon!

      I liked your discussion on the two moons and the dreams people had tying it to the Rapture.   Regarding Asteroid 2024 PT5, one wonders if this is an "asteroid scout" leading up to the fulfillment of Revelation 12:3-4 (third part of the stars falling from Heaven)?   Lu, do you know where this asteroid came from and whether or not there's a potential for others to follow in the not-so-distant future? Sorry, another rabbit hole to follow!

    2. RE: Asteroid-ICHTHYS

      Lyn, Bob and Fam+
      With the possible depiction of a Double-ICHTHYS suggested by Bob in how the Trajectory of the Star of Jacob Comet is being depicted in the Revelation 12 Sign for 2024, what is more striking is the ICHTHYS Motif that the 2nd Moon Asteroid 2024 PT5 is depicting, presently due to its Trajectory. See Chart Link in the End-Notes. Now realize that the exact 2520th Day of the Revelation Sign, using the 360 Day/Year Count was on August 17, 2024. But note that the Day Discrepancy to the Calendar Anniversary of September 23, 2024 was exactly 37 Day or 888 Hours.

      August 17, 2024 + 888 Hours (‘Jesus’) = September 23, 2024

      For those that have a grasp of Biblical Numbers, that 888 Value is another way of saying ‘Jesus’ in Greek. And True to the Revelation 12 Sign Motif, the Man-Child is Jesus on 1 Level of several Interpretations, etc. What is rather interesting to note also, is that in reading and researching this Asteroid, Asteroid 2024 PT5, most of the Articles, which are really a ‘Mirror’ of each other, describe the Size of the Asteroid in a singular way. The Writers used a School Bus to inference the Size Comparison. And what is also interesting, is how the Asteroid is 33 Feet in Length. As one knows, that ‘33’ is also a very significant Biblical Number.

      ASTEROID 2024 PT5
      ICHTHYS Fish Symbol Trajectory

      Now, again relying on some Poetic License, this ‘ICHTHYS’ Asteroid could be a Prophetic Inference of how the Fish Symbol, like a ‘Lasso’ is coming to gather the Bride of Christ from off the Earth in the Rapture Event. One is not implying that it will occur during this Time-Frame. It could but mostly likely, as the ‘Sign is not the Event’, it is broadcasting what is to come, some Day. And consider the School Bus inference. A School Bus is used to take Students to-and-from their Home to School. But eventually Students will Graduate from their Schooling and there will be that Last Day when they will be riding the School Bus for the Last Time.

      And has not the Church Age been like a School, a Hospital, an Embassy? Has not the Local Congregation been like a School that one goes to learn about Jesus, Heaven, Hell, the End of Days, the Enemy’s Tactics, etc. But 1 Day, the ‘School Bus’, or more like it, will become the ‘Rapture Bus’. And it will take all such Students of Jesus, and what was taught and learned, all the way to Meet the ‘Principle’ of the School, no? Sure, it is a Poetic Stretch but Consider how this Asteroid just happens to occur at the 7th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign and how it is described, Astronomically.

    3. PART 2/2

      Enter the Red Dragon
      It is described in terms of how the Earth has ‘captured’ the Body and for a certain duration of Time, 56 Days, approximately, it is bound to the Earth. But then around November 25, 2024, the Bond to Earth is broken as the Asteroid is then ‘Released’ to travel to the Sun, ‘Freed’. Is that not what is the case, Spiritually speaking what is to occur at the Resurrection-Rapture Release? How so? The Body of Christ is bound on Earth, to Earth. There is a Force that keeps it below, temporarily as it is with this ‘2nd Moon’.

      But 1 Day, the Rapture Bus will leave and ‘Escape’ Earth’s Gravity and Force. The Resurrection and Rapture Event will defy all Laws of Physics on Earth. And that Rapture Bus will drive away from Earth, headed for the True Sun, or rather Son. And what a coincidence that that Orbital Escape will occur on Thanksgiving Day, i.e., a USA Christian Feast? Will it not be the case that as the Rapture Bus is headed for Glory and one’s Rendezvous with Jesus, the Bride of Christ will be giving Thanks all the way there?

      Now, from Earth’s Perspective, where did the Asteroid 2024 PT5 originate from? This is hard to tell as it is an Orbital Body. It just so happens that the Asteroid 2024 PT5 conjoins with the Star Aldhibah, the Heart of the Red Dragon Constellation on September 23, 2024. This Constellation is referred to as Draco.

      The Name of the Heart Star, Aldhibah is from the Arabic, Al-Dhi’b, which is the Feminine Form of ‘The Wolf’. And sure enough, has not the Agencies of Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah and others are circling Israel as ‘Wolves’? It is mere ‘Coincidence’ that on the precise Day of the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign that has a Red Dragon Motif as well, is when the Asteroid PT5 eclipses the Heart of the Red Dragon in the Sky from Earth’s Perspective?


      ASTEROID 2024 PT5
      In the Heart of the Red Dragon – Draco on September 23, 2024

    4. Dear Lu, when you talk about the Rapture bus, it reminds me of a dream I had a few weeks ago. I was on a white bus, there were toilets, food, water and everything, and the bus was driving from one city to another, to the countryside and everywhere, constantly without stopping. There were people everywhere on the bus. I asked why we are always driving all over the planet without getting off the bus? And someone answered: we are waiting for the Rapture. And I woke up.

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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.