Trump says ‘God alone’ Prevented His Assassination

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Psalm 34:7
Just a few thoughts on this event. I share a video from NBC below, and thier headline can be read two ways... Perhaps they are mocking him, saying that it is crazy to believe in a God who saves. Or perhaps they are just reporting what He said. But regardless, we KNOW the God is REAL. He does save, and to have a bullet pass that close to your head and not kill you changes a man. Many close to Trump say that he has changed, and he has publically given God the credit for still being alive repeatedly since the event. The fact that God allowed him to survive is clearly a miracle, but to allow him to be shot in the ear, just so we all can visually see HOW CLOSE this was is amazing. God allow some pain so that something greater would come of this. The visual of him rising up give so many of us hope that God is not finished with out country yet. We will see how it plays out, but I agree with Trump, he is alive by the Grace of God alone.


  1. Something else to note...remember what President Biden said to George Stephanopoulos on ABC? That only if "the Lord God Almighty" told him to not run for reelection would he bow out. Now he has done exactly that, Biden declined to stay in the race. I am curious to see if God receives any credit, blame, acknowledgement, etc, in President Biden's televised address to the nation.

    1. Good point, Wasp, I hadn't made that connection. Ya gotta love divine irony! In case anyone is interested, MaryLu Tyndall (Christian author) posted a video on her website this morning of a woman returning from church who was accosted by a thief: there's Power in the name and the Blood of Jesus

      As Lyn often reminds us, things may get a lot dicier before our Lord calls us out, but we can be encouraged, He will not forsake us. This week is shaping up to be another for the history books. Talk about smoke and mirrors! I feel like we are watching an illusionist show: look here!, while the real action is over there! Unfortunately for the wicked, God sees it all! He will not be mocked, and recompense is coming. Abba, up!

    2. Oh WOW! Thank you dear July! The power of the name and blood of Jesus! Glory to the Son of God! Tears were flowing while watching this video!

    3. Family, Blessings

      Well, got home last week and so glad to be. Did some blogging and gaming and logistics with the boys, Alex on a couple of shopping runs on the bus with the Granny cart, things settling in. Then, Sunday, was able to actually use the rest room with some solid food finally passing through my system and it was a bit unsettling as the body adjusted back to some normalcy. So, had half a PBJ and took a nap. Then awoke to a 102f fever, rising and falling and although another bathroom visit was glorious and seemed to be breaking the fever, the nurse advise- line dispatched a non-emergency ride for a re-examine of what was up.

      Aaaand now back after surgery 2.0 on Sunday, fixing things better and now allowing greater internal recovery with a colostomy for a few months as things in there heal up, Luke 9:48. Plan is now to return, once discharged, again, and reconnect all the plumbing in a few months. My Dad flew out, prior to even knowing of this 2.0 sitch, and is now enjoying 1-on-1 grandpa time with the lads, and they, him, as I likely will be back home again this coming Fri/Sat. He was a champ and took Lyft to being me my PC and some stuff, hence this post and my sanity/ comfort, PTL!

      In re DJT's wound being specifically his EAR and comments re 'Solo Dei' in the mix, WW65 had some insight: Revelation 3:22


    4. Geez, Jimboni--I pray the healing balm of Gilead flows throughout your digestive system in Jesus' name. You are an inspiration to me as to how you just "go with the flow" trusting the Lord as you endure all these things. I just wanna give you a big ol' hug and love on you💖

  2. Thank you Brad! It's all very interesting and strange now, and also the Sign of our departure! All elements of this shooting are strange. It could be that DP came to the Lord really! All this history of his Oval Office is strange enough. We are to make good searching of the Bible. I agree with Greg Lauer: The Mirage (April 2024). I'm doubting all elements of this strange story. But you are right. God makes something strange now warning all this world about coming judgment! Hab 1:5 (KJV)

  3. I think we should now look for other possibilities for a 2024 Rapture.
    I am convinced that the Rel.12 Sign is a 7 year sign for us. This means that the earliest date for the Rapture would be September 23, 2024.
    Lu, your vision of 723 could really mean September 23 or Tishri 23 (starting on the evening of October 24, Shemini Atzeret, 2520 days before Feast of Trumpets in 2031).
    In my opinion, things have to get worse before the Rapture (attack on New York on September 23???)
    Lu, please consider these possibilities and dont't wait for July 23, 2025!

    1. I'm WITH YOU, Stephan💖I too am hopeful the Rev 12 Sign is a 7 year sign--warning to Israel and Harpazo Sign for us⬆️

    2. Welcome back, Stephan!    You make some compelling points.   The debate now seems to be whether we get Raptured in the next 3 weeks or later this Fall.   Being a person diagnosed with "Rapturitis" (lol!) I prefer the earlier date, but either one works for me as long as it happens this year!

      Let's say we get lucky and get Raptured sometime in the next 3 weeks or on the 9th of Av, do you realize that Lu's extensive research on the Pentecost 'WWW' Feast of New Wine will serve as a 'significant' bookend to the start of the 17th of Tammuzz or the beginning of "The 3 Weeks".   Now he may not have intentionally known that or may have misinterpreted his 723 dream, but in my humble opinion that's a major accomplishment if things go down as Dr. Barry + Tyler speculate.   Bottom line, if we get Raptured on the 9th of Av (or sooner!) all three of these watchmen will go down in history as being the prophetic "bookends" leading up to The Bride's departure.   Just saying...and giving credit where it's due!

    3. That's a very extensive list, Stephan.    You're going to have to come up with a new acronym now, similar to 'PPP', but with a Fall theme.   It may be needed for future debates!   Lol!

      Just want to make a minor correction to my post above.    I meant to write..."all three of these watchmen will go down in history as being the prophetic "bookends" leading up to and concluding with The Bride's departure."   Makes a little more sense that way!

    4. Bob, maybe just SON (September October November- Rapture).
      Or GGG (Great Golden Gathering) or TTT (Tabernacles Transfiguration Time)? Lol...

    5. Those acronyms all look good, Stephan!    But as the Cap't of Flight 777, you may also want to consider 'FFF' or Final Fall Flight.   Lol!   It's your "high watch period" so you get the honor of choosing! 

    6. Thank you Bob! FFF is perfect!
      I will take this one :)

    7. Stephan...your 'SON' looked good to me too.   But if your choice is 'FFF' I feel honored.   The only problem is that there probably won't be anyone to debate with as you already got Lyn "in your back pocket"!   And the other watchmen are keeping their cards close to their chest!

      Anyway, I'm glad you're back, Brother!   I came very close to putting you on the manifest AWOL list!

      Cap't Bob

  4. Hey Family + Fellow's a very informative video by Lesley Deyton talking about "The 3 Weeks" between the 17th of Tammuzz (7/23) and the 9th of Ave (8/13).   I only started watching the video due to my babysitting duties but it looks like the Jewish people and Christians alike are going to be in for a rough ride, filled with testing and judgement, during the next 3 weeks.   She refers to it as the world being in "Dire Straights".   Will the Rapture happen in the next 3 weeks or on the 9th of Av?    Let's hope so, but in the meantime, I think we better play it safe and stay in the airplane (Flight 777) and keep our seat belts on!   There's plenty of food and drink for everyone, so enjoy your time onboard before we potentially experience a "Red Sea Moment" just prior to entering "The Promised Land".

    Please feel free to chime in folks as this could be a pivotal point in our journey.

    ✈️   777   ✈️

    Cap't Bob

    1. Cap't Bob!
      The 3 weeks could extend to 3 there enough food onboard? 🍔🍔🍔🍕🍕?

    2. Stephan...don't worry, plenty of food will be available if we're stuck on the tarmac for another 3 months.   Here's a short list of our menu options:

      •In-N-Out Burgers
      •Subway sandwiches
      •Pizza from Yeshua's Pizzeria
      •Buffalo Wings
      •An assortment of Mexican food (street tacos, enchiladas, guacamole dip, etc)
      •Frappy's, Green Tea, New Red Wine, etc

      In other words, there will be no "starving" Christians onboard Flight 777.   Lol!

      Cap't Bob

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fam, I don't know what to say in this situation. If it's true about DP, as Brad posted: "he has changed, and he has publically given God the credit for still being alive", then it's the Hand of the Lord to show us something. The Sign 7 years ago was also His Hand to show us something great. And Lyn in her article "THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP" shows us also something about. And this "something" goes not so as many people thought. How many shoes are there? I think these few months before us until the end of this year 2024 are the most importable about the Greatest Change comes, it's direct before us. I would think about. Looking up!

    1. Alla--it does seem as though there are many "shoes dropping", but IF I am understanding the open visions the Lord gave me when He dropped into my spirit that a catastrophe would occur in our nation that would lead to a brief global revival just prior to the Rapture (see The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions)
      GOD'S 2ND SHOE 👞 WILL DROP when the Two-State Solution comes to pass!
      The Powers That Be (TPTB) have their dominos set in place and God is allowing them to fall in HIS timing BUT He is also going to use this Great Shaking to awaken those who have not yet made Jesus Christ their Lord!

      The Lord Jesus Christ has called me to WARN THE CHURCH of the GREAT SHAKING so that we will not fear but know it is part of God's plan. Not all agree with this, but at least I have done as He asked.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. For those interested, the DJIA closed down -504 points today (7/24) or at 39,853.   If/when it closes above 40,000 (40 × 1000) again it will be the 3rd time this year or in history.    If you've followed my previous posts this will be the final Woe, Woe, Woe!!!    Meaning...Jonah's 40 day warning to Nineveh to repent or face destruction may soon be upon us!   Seems fitting that this may all take place during the 17th Day of Tammuz/The 3 weeks of Jewish Fasting or precisely on the 9th of Av!

  9. RE: Revelation 12 Sign
    7-Year Anniversary Rapture?
    PART 1/2

    Stephan + Family,
    Good to hear from you. One realizes you were perhaps enjoying the Summer Vacation Season or just on the ‘Sidelines’ observing and watching as most do on here. One would totally concur with your Assessment that one’s ‘723’ Insight could have been or is all backwards instead. It is perhaps not a July 23 Gregorian Day Count but a Hebrew 7th Month, Tishrei and 23rd Day Count.

    Remember, we have debated this Date Variation and Interpretation in the past. One has just gone with the Gregorian Calendar Interpretation. And this Tishrei ‘723’ could put the Day Count directly linked to the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017. And how wonderful it would be to Bookend the ‘End’ from the ‘Beginning’ as Bob mentioned about it. What an Anniversary of 7 Years for which this Site, created by Brother Brad and all those here in this small Community have endeavors to Watch together.

    One does think that there is ‘Something’ to this 7 Year Anniversary and that either within the confines of a Gregorian Calendar or Rabbinical one is extremely significant. But here is the Problem as far as the New Year occurring on that September 23, 2017 Date. It was 1 of the many ‘Issues’ one tried to point-out that was not correct or correlating, as to it being the ‘Day’ of the Rapture. And what is that? The Revelation 12 Sign of 2017 did not occur on Rosh HaShanah or Yom Teruah. See Calendar Count.

    21 SEPTEMBER 2017 = 1ST OF TISHREI, 5778
    (Parashat Ha’azinu) א׳ בְּתִשְׁרֵי תשע״ח

    Rosh HaShana 5778

    The Revelation 12 Sign occurred 2 Days later. However, as mentioned and noted by other Watchmen, the 7-Year Factor is in play. It is also how it is linked to one’s other Thesis that it links or ties into when one surmises that the Mid-Tribulation Point is to occur based on this Year Count. Mainly, that 2029 will be the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period. And this Year Count is predicated on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline, with the 2029 Passover being when the Abomination of Desolation is to occur.

    1. PART 2/2
      Of course, again, all Conjecture but based on the Revelation 12 Sign’s 12 Year Cycle of when Jupiter is then next to be within the ‘Womb’ area of the Constellation of Virgo Motif. One has argued that this is the ‘True’ Revelation 12 Sign that will not only correspond Celestially or Astronomically but Geo-Political and Prophetically as the Remnant Jews and any other Jesus Believers flee to the Wilderness. Here is one’s 2nd Book on the Revelation 12 Phenomena. It is Free to Download and pass along. It is Information one has shared here and you all should be familiar with. It is just one’s attempt to consolidate the Argument.

      BOOK: REVELATION 12 SIGN - 2029
      In the Midst of the Tribulation
      What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.

      Free Online Book Download

      In one’s Interpretation, the Revelation 12 Sign of 2029 will be the start of the Exodus 2.0. in which the remaining 3.5 Year or 1260 Days will conclude with the Return of Jesus and His Bride and Holy Angels to make War. Perhaps this could be the Timeline one is arguing. Nonetheless, the Watchmen continue the Watch for Jesus, not necessarily for the Rapture. It is Jesus that brings the Blessed Hope because it is He that is the Blessed Hope, etc. Now, here is one’s Thought since July 22 that has come as one has been in Contemplation about one’s Personal High Rapture Watch. This Thought came to Mind, so one will share.

      What if, considering Complete Day Counts...Say the July 23 Theory was ‘Correct’? And one’s ‘723’ was rather a Gregorian Calendar Interpretation than a Rabbinical one, only because of the Nature of the Church Age being Gentile in the Holy Spirit’s Outreach efforts to bring in the Gentile Harvest into the In-Grafting of the Stock of Israel? What if then one factors-in the 7 Day Countdown Noah was instructed to get into the Ark with, and wait for the 'Rain'? (Judgment). Thus, the following Day Count.

      July 23
      July 24 + 7 Days = July 31, if include End Date?

      Of course one is 2nd Guessing here, but after the 31st of July, I will 'Officially' let it go, and move on to a July 23, 2025. But here are some other Interesting Day Counts. In this case from the April 8 Passover and 3rd Great American Eclipse.

      April 8, 2024 to July 31, 2024
      = 114 Days
      = 3 Months, 23 Days

      To Infinity and Beyond!

  10. Jimboni,

    Brother, my Heart brakes for you. You seen to not get a Break in this World. I cannot help but see you as a ‘Job’ going through Trials right now. But we know then, that if that is the case, it is because Lucifer has pointed you out. And Jesus is allowing this to occur to Test you then. But it is to not Destroy you but to Refine you as Pure Gold.

    Lucifer has perhaps pointed out that like the Apostle Peter, Lucifer want to sift you as Wheat. But then if so, remember what Jesus said. When it is done, ‘Strengthen the Brethren’. I just hope and pray you do not loose your Job.

    Be Still and know that YHVH is GOD.
    Jesus stated that He has us in the Palm of our Hands and Lucifer will not have you as we plead the Blood of Jesus to protect and surround your Healing and Recovery. That you Faith be refined and strengthened as you will then strengthen others with. Have Peace in the Eye of the Storm.


  11. RE: So Sure is Our Foundation – Jesus our Rock
    PART 1/2

    Jimboni + Fam
    In Time of Trials one can rely and lean on Jesus because He promised to take one’s Burden, whatever that may be in one’s Life, ‘Rain’, ‘Torrents’ or ‘Winds’. Sometimes in one’s Walk of Faith with Jesus, when Life or ‘Things’ seem to be going ‘Great’, that is when one realizes or has a sense that ‘Something is Up’ or about to manifest on this Side of the Veil of Eternity. And sure enough, Trials come.

    If one may share, back when one was younger, one was involved in the College and Career Ministry at one’s Home Base Church, Laurelglen Bible Church. The Church is Mennonite U.S. Conference and is situated in Bakersfield, California, etc. They have a Passion and Burden for World Missions. And one could not wait to jump onboard to go on Missions abroad almost every Year. That was before one then moved to work at Sonoma State, etc.

    In one’s Natural Reasoning, every Missions Trip one presumed one and the Team would be equipped to Teach, Build, Encourage the Brethren in all those various Places. And that was True. One had a chance to go to on those Missions Trips in South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, etc. It was Amazing and a Privilege. However, if one has done Missions Work, one will realize that it is only ‘Half of the Story’. One would always return from such Missions, humbled at just how Jesus not only works to use Missionaries to help support the Work in others, but how He works to also do that in oneself.

    How in particular? What one learned, 1st hand is how during a Church Mission to Kenya in Africa, now 20 Years ago, amazingly, Jesus taught one a Life-Long Lesson. It was about Foundations and what it means to ‘Be Still and how YHVH has put His Church upon a Rock’. It is about making ‘Realignments’. And the Church Body knows that the Rock is Jesus. And most importantly, it is about how Jesus is building and constructing His Bride like Building, like the School and Dormitory the Mission was to build, etc. And what was and is that Spiritual Lesson?

    It is that to build on the Foundation, as any Contractor would know and Understand, you have to 1st ‘Dig Down and Deep’ in order to ‘Build-Up’. Meaning that the Foundation of a Building is only as ‘Good’ as not only its Foundation, and what it is situated on, either ‘Sand’ or a Rock’, and what the Foundation is anchored to. This is the Key to a Strong Foundation and Building. One then correlated, Spiritually this Principle to one’s Faith in Jesus and how He was and is doing the same with His Bride, etc.

    In Kenya, one’s Missionary Team was tasked to build a School and Dormitory for Aspiring Local Pastors to be trained and sent-out. It was so that they then could be equipped with the Gospel and Evangelize their surrounding Communities in Kenya. The Mission Tean was located on top of Mount Elgon with spectacular views. The Men worked on the Building. The Women met with the Local Women to encourage and edify them in the Faith. One’s church provided Resources for Widows to have Sheep.

    This small measure helped so they could support themselves. One’s Church linked Arms with the Local Church and Pastors. They in turn were linked to the former efforts of Families coming from Holland through the Wycliffe Translation Agency. Their Missionary Effort was to have Bibles translated into the Local Dialog of the Tribe that was on the Mountain. The Wycliffe House is were the Team stayed during the Mission at mount Elgon, in Kenya, Africa.

    1. PART 2/2
      This continuous Linkage in the Missionary and Evangelica Efforts taught one how the Layers of the Church Building of Jesus’ Bride have been laid down and built upon by Generations of Brethren since the 1st Pentecost. But as one can see in the Video, linked below, that one did to document the Mission, Jimboni and Family, in order for Jesus to ‘Build-Up’ upon your Life’s Foundation of Faith in Jesus, has to 1st with ‘Build-Down and Deep’. And this Hurts. As with the Physical Ground in Kenya, the Hard Ground of one’s Soul has to be ‘Pierced’ and Broken-Up. The Team used Pik-Axes and Shovels to tear into the Body of the Earth.

      But Jesus uses the Gentile Hands of no less than the Creator of the entire Universe and of Humanity. And Jesus knows that we are but Dust in this Fallen Condition, for now. And the Bible teaches that Jesus is the Great Physician. Jesus, after all, grew up working in a Carpentry Shop, no less with His Earthly Father, etc. But all that Deep Dig then provided the sites to place the Anchors that are set there and buried deep. And the Anchor or Primary Rock was/is the Corner-Stone. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Corner-Stone on which the Bride ‘Building’ is being built. When the Team surveyed the Lot of Land to build the Pastor’s School and Dormitory, the 1st Corner had to be Identified. That is where the Rock or the Corner-Stone was placed.

      It was and is from that Corner-Stone that all the Lines went out from to ‘Square’ the Building. If no such Corner-Stone exists or is laid down, the Walls would not be, could not be Straight. And as a result, when the Trials of Life, the Wind, the Rain or Floods will come, the entire building will collapse and slide down the Mountain. Such is the Spiritual Application with our Faith in Jesus. As His Bride, His Building is being Built-Up, read Job 28 for Spiritual Perspective. It speaks about how there is ‘Fire’ deep in the Earth. It is how Deep Down in the Ground, the Diamonds, Gold or Silver, Precious Onyx Stones or Sapphires come about and are then extracted Up. It speaks of how ‘Fiery Trials’ produce those in His Bride to Refine her and be made Ready for Jesus. Rapture Ready.

      Book of Job

      This is what Jesus did to Adam in building Eve with. This is what Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary to build His Bride Up with. The Bride is about ‘Done’, one would say. So, in one’s Trials and Tribulations, consider the Spiritual Lesson and Application that Jesus is doing a ‘Deep-Work’ and only setting you on His Rock. Jesus is ‘Realigning’ all Things pertaining to one’s Faith to that Corner Stone. So that when the Trials of Life, the Wind and the Floods of the Enemy come, one’s House will not slide-off and Walls collapse.

      ‘Therefore, everyone who hears these Words of Mine and acts on them is like a Wise Man who built his House on the Rock. The Rain fell, the Torrents raged, and the Winds blew and beat against that House; yet it did not fall, because its Foundation was on the Rock. But everyone who hears these Words of Mine and does not act on them is like a Foolish Man who built his House on Sand’. -Matthew 7:24-26


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry, wrong Video Link! ;0

      Laurelglen Bible Church

    4. Lu, I'm so thankful for your post here re: So sure a foundation, Jesus our Rock. Just what I needed as a confirmation of the reason for the last 5 years of my life. Your insight into the reason for the hard times the Father allows in our life helped me to have a good cry, which is a good thing. My husband went Home to Jesus last Saturday after a long hard struggle with dementia. His death was peaceful and over in seconds as his heart just stopped with his doctor in the room. The 2 months or so before that day were anything but peaceful. It seemed the more I prayed and tried to help my husband, the worse the situation got. When I switched to praying for the Father's will to be done, my husband was gone in a few days.
      Thanks again to all who prayed for him a while back. He is at peace now with all the ugliness washed away.
      I usually don't say anything about your prayer requests but I always add my prayer to those of the rest of the folks here. Blessings.

    5. Dear Kathy, praying God will comfort you as only He can. How sweet it is to trust in Jesus as the song says, and sweet to know the separation is only temporary. In a different application, but in the truth of the Rock, there was a time years ago when I was under great attack verbally from someone in my household. I lived with constant criticism and verbal assaults. One day, after having been through a loud session of being yelled at, I walked into another room, pointed my finger to the air around me (the unseen world, I am not one who sees into that realm but we all know it's there), and said loudly, "You can rage at me all you like, but I AM STANDING ON THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION." No great statement of eloquence or apologetic. Just the truth of Jesus as our ROCK. He is that, isn't He. He is our Rock in all things whether sorrow or joy or attack. And as Lu pointed out re Job, He is always using all things for our good. I love the verses in Romans 5:3-4, sufferings produce perseverance, character, hope. And this Hope is ours. May you rest in His love this day, dear Lady.

      And while I'm here, Oh my, Jimboni, agree with Lyn, you have certainly had a time of it--for years. As I'm sure there are others here who have as well. Like Kathy, I don't always chime in by posting so, but know that I pray for all prayers articulated here.

      Haven't finished watching Tyler/DBA from last night, but look forward to whatever they have to share--to put in our salad of endtimes prognostications. Just waiting for Jesus to come down with the dressing . . . . Sorry, a stupid analogy. Maranatha, fam.

      Stephan, I had been missing your comments. Glad to see you back. Sorry I kept forgetting to say so. And others of you who have gone quiet.

    6. Very sorry, dear Kathy, for the passing of your beloved husband. May God comfort you. He is near the brokenhearted, as His Holy Word tells us in Psalm 34:18, a Verse that has always helped me when I needed it the most. God bless you.

    7. sorry for your loss.   My dad followed a similar path as your husband.   When I prayed that he pass away peacefully it happened shortly thereafter.  No more pain, suffering or dementia.   Trust me, he's in a better place now!

    8. Dear Kathy, I was praying for your husband, now I will pray for you. God is our refuge and fortress, 24/7. May he grant you his grace and peace, and may his light enlighten you through this great pain. May the souls of your family come to Jesus through your peace.

    9. Dear Kathy, I'm so sorry! My dad went to the Lord very quickly, 3 years ago, he was very clever, and sudden stroke, I'm so sorry until now. But he is with the Lord, very happy, and I'm waiting for our very near meeting in the air, it is so. I wish you to be comforted before the Lord!
      Ps 94:19 (KJV)
      I wish you very many Blessings now in these very last days before our Departure!

    10. Thank you to all of you for your words of comfort and encouragement. So looking forward to meeting you all, very soon, I hope.
      Judi- it seems we lived with the same type of spiritual force affecting our loved ones. Ephesians 6:10-13 helped me to remember who was attacking me. So thankful for ABBA's word for the treasure it contains.
      Caroline- I loved your scripture reference. You are not only my sister, but almost my neighbor. Lovely to know you are just down the road.
      Bob- it's helpful to know you understand what life is like for people with dementia. It takes different forms. Some are sweet, some not so. It is always tragic and painful for all involved. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
      Carole- I am thankful for your loving heart. God is our refuge and fortress, some of my favorite words...
      Sweet Alla- thanks for the reminder that it won't be long until we see our loved ones again. I'm so looking forward to seeing my husband again as he was when I first knew him.
      ABBA bless you all today.

  12. Hey Family...if you haven't yet watched the video with Tyler + Dr. Barry be sure to check it out.   They did a masterful job in explaining that the "Feast of New Wine" was specifically written in the Bible by citing very precise examples in Scripture (using line by line, precept upon precept Teachings, etc) and as a secondary confirmation, the Dead Sea Scrolls.   They also clarified that the Feast of New Wine will occur this year between 8/4 thru 8/14, with the 9th of Av being on 8/13-14.   In my humble opinion, this is the best video they've done together as they both were clearly filled with the Holy Spirit!   Or as Lu would say...they were both On-Fire!

    I must admit before watching the video I was somewhat skeptical about the Rapture happening during the Feast of New Wine and more specifically on the 9th of Av.    However, because of their teachings (and Lu's!) there really does seem to be a Clear Connection or Typology between with the "Joining" of the Summer Wheat Harvest (representing the Body of Christ) and the Feast of New Wine (representing the Blood of Christ who died for our Sins).   In other words, the Body of Christ or the Church will be joining with the Head or Blood of Jesus (New Wine) at the Day of the Rapture and We will become "One" with Jesus and the Father (John 14:20).

    🍞  🍞  🍞  +  🍷  🍷  🍷 =  Maranatha!

    1. It’s easy to get cynical about “high watch” dates, but before I slip too far into that, I remember that Israel is at war and that changes everything.

    2. That reprehensible “stunt” clearly enacted with inside help, at the Watergate Hotel against Bibi and his delegation was from the very pit of Hell itself.

    3. AA...I agree it's easy to get cynical about all our "high watch dates", but in this particular case if anything bad is going to happen to Israel it will likely happen on the 9th of Av as that's what their history shows.    Ofc, this means we'll be departing before then or at the same time, which is a good thing, no?   So try to remain optimistic and remind yourself that Israel has a different path than ours. Bobby Z

    4. Hearing war against Hezbollah is imminent.

    5. This sounds dumb, but I think perhaps Israel waits until the Olympics are over. Remember, the Russians waited until the Winter Games concluded before launching the invasion of Ukraine. They were still sanctioned by the IOC for violating the "Olympic Truce" which begins 7 days before the games and ends 7 days after the Paralympics. This was according to an article published yesterday in USA Today. The 2024 Paralympics don't finish until September 7. So, the question is, will Israel wait that long? Only time will tell. If they feel like Israel is facing an existential threat, of course they will not. But if they think they can bide their time another 6 weeks, then the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon and a possible further war with Iran is on hold.

    6. Hezbollah fired a rocket at Israel that killed ten children on a soccer field in a Druze town.

  13. Many Fish new vid, 17 mins, re deception of the whole T/MAGA phenomenon:
    Trump Event. MAGA Deception. High Priest-Servant. Two Masters. Rebellion. CivilW@r. Falling Away

    1. Trenchant. Everyone needs to watch this video.

  14. Kathy,
    We are so sorry for the loss of your Husband. As the Healing begins, it will take many Stages. One has found, as many know, that Music helps to Heal. It has to do with its Resonance and how our Bodies are in-tune to its Frequences. If one may share also, here is a Song by Jon Foreman that I put to a Collage of Images. One particularly likes it because of how it penetrates to the Soul, as that is what Music does. It is called in ‘The House of GOD Forever’.

    Its Theme is that although we may experience Dark Days and Valleys of Shadows, Jesus is leading-us. He is going before us as the Good Shepherd. I listen to this Song when going through Trials to get Perspective and Purpose. It is because this Leading is ultimately to the Father’s House, forever. Soon we will be joining your Husband and many Loved Ones that have gone on ahead of us all. They are waiting now for us and cheering us on. May you get mush needed Rest and be Recharged.


    Music Video
    Jon Foreman - The House of GOD Forever

    1. Thank you, Lu, for your care for me today, and for all of us here all the time. You are our well loved brother. I loved your music link, I had not remembered how healing music is. You inspired me to listen to one of my favorite videos, Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill, performing "How Great Thou Art". I hope we all have voices as beautiful as hers when we gather to worship our Abba, SOON! Blessings.

  15. RE: Av 9 Rapture?

    Bob + Fam,
    Well, we shall also soon see if the Av 9 Pentecost New Wine is to occur as Dr. Awe teaches. As one shared a prior Video Music Collage, here is another one based on the Rapture Event, interpreted in various pieces of Animation. It is for those suffering from ‘Rapturitis’ and/or the ‘Rapture Blues’.

    The Song is well known, but one associates it with the Rapture as the Lyric, in Italian, speaks about a Maiden wanting to Depart with her Lover to Lands unknown. It speaks of the Heart’s Longing. It is a True Italian ‘Opera’ Romance, and just like Jacob and Rachel, Issac and Rebekah, David and Abagail, Boaz and Ruth, Jesus and the Church, etc. Here below is the English Translation.

    Music Video

    [VERSE 1]
    When I am alone
    I'm dreaming at the horizon
    And the words are missing
    Yes, I know there is no light
    In a room when the sun is missing
    If you are not with me, with me
    On the windows
    Show everyone my heart
    That you have lit
    Enclose within me
    The light that
    You've met on the road

    With you, I will depart
    Lands I have never
    Seen and lived with you
    Now, yes, I will live them
    With you, I will set out
    On ships overseas
    That I know
    No, no, they no longer exist
    With you, I will live them

    1. [VERSE 2]
      When you are away
      I'm dreaming at the horizon
      And the words are missing
      And, yes, I do know
      That you are with me, with me
      You, my moon, you are here with me
      My sun, you are here with me
      With me, with me, with me

      With you, I will depart
      Lands I have never
      Seen and lived with you
      Now, yes, I will live them
      With you, I will set out
      On ships overseas

      That I know
      No, no, they no longer exist
      With you, I will live them
      With you, I will relieve them
      With you, I will depart
      On ships overseas

      That I know
      No, no, they don't exist anymore
      With you, I will relieve them
      With you, I will depart

      Me with you

      To Infinity and Beyond!

    2. Lu, simply beautiful, both videos, but especially Con Te Partiro. Part of the music has been running through my mind for a day or so now, but only a piece, and I couldn't remember where/what it was from: I'm sure one of the tenors, Il Divo? Didn't know where to start to search. I think I have opera on the brain. After Lisa Boyce mentioned Nessun Dorma being sung to close out the RNC, I spent the better part of a day listening to numerous tenors sing it. (I do believe, BTW, that it absolutely was intended to send a message!) So thank you for this!! Beautiful message, and how well it reflects our longing, like the Song of Songs.

    3. RE: Rapture Earnest Longings

      Thanks! Opera is very Beautiful. And Nessun Dorma does capture that ‘Undying Love’ that moves a Man to Love a Woman to such a Degree. It was and is how Jesus demonstrated that He loved us; and He proved it unto Death. Although one is perplexed in comparison to that Undying Love.

      It is how one’s Spouse and those of others, on both sides, did not Love in such a Way as Vowed and abandoned what Little Love that was, on their part. And how ‘Love’ is so Cheap in these Last Days, as foretold it would ‘Grow Cold’. But the Story behind the Meaning or ‘Plot’ of the Song, Nessun Dorma, which in Italian means, ‘Let not one Sleep’ is spectacular.

      It made me think of how 1 Day, when we do get into Glory, in the Father’s House, how the Worship of the Angels will be like. Their Singing will pale in comparison to even these Songs of Human’s Best efforts on Earth. And we will be there to join them. :)


    4. Lu...both of your videos/songs were excellent.   The artwork was pretty cool too.   The 1st video had a nice image of some Bread with two glasses of Red Wine, while the 2nd video quickly showed a Jet (Flight 777!) flying overhead.   So appropriate!

      Can hardly wait for that Feast of New Wine/9th of Av or sooner Rapture!   If not, then we move on to 'FFF'! 

  16. Replies
    1. Good article that presents a strong case. I keep thinking of the charging bronze Bull of Wall St.

    2. I feel Wall St is a prominent site for an attack.

    3. Excellent article!   Looks like TW Tramm and Tyler are on the same page!'ll like my next post as it pertains to Wall Street!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Who is up for some much needed encouragement?
    I know I needed it, and so I was very heartened when these insights came to me--

    THE SIGN OF THE CROWN—Last Celestial Sign Before the Rapture?

    1. Lyn, thank you for the encouragement! Great article as always!

    2. You're On-Fire, Lyn!   Or should I say A-Blazin!   Nicely done.

    3. Thank you, Lyn, encouraging indeed. I just saw some pictures on Beginning of Sorrows News Telegram channel from the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. They are beyond decadent and sickening. All manner of "types" of people dressed (or barely) in all manner of costume, a man sitting in the midst of a banquet of fruit covered in some kind of blue-gray shimmer with fruit piled on his head and nothing but fruit covering his unmentionables. How God restrains His Hand can only be a testimony to the great love He has for the lost! Stromboli volcano is erupting in Italy again. Signs signs everywhere and not an attention paid.

      Hey Cap't, I could go with your possibilities! We may have to wait till the Sept-Oct time frame, of even November (11-11?), but it sure seems as if there can't be a lot of time left. As sound as your reasoning is for 723, Lu, I sure hope it isn't limited to only once a year! I know that thought contradicts your whole point, but to think this could go on another year??? is disheartening indeed. Not that we want our ears tickled, merely longing for our Lord's appearing, and to be out of this cesspool of a world. Bring those lambs in, Lord! many of us have loved ones among them.

    4. Thank you, Lyn! This is great! Last Sign! Will we be healed before the Rapture? Someone said to me in these last days, suddenly, that I will be healed not from me and not from docs! But I have to go to the surgeon next week, it's not good in me. Praying always for all of you! Waiting for the Lord! Maranatha!

    5. Thank you all for your encouraging feedback and information💖

      Alla--Yes, I believe that it is the Lord Jesus Christ's plan to heal those who are ill before the Rapture as I shared in the above 'Dawn Treaders' word:

      "So be encouraged. I have not forgotten you, My Most Precious Ones. Those who are now sick will no longer be ill. I am empowering you to be My Mighty Overcoming Army before I take you Home to be with Me forever."

  19. Just a follow-up to my earlier posts...the DJIA closed up +654 points today (7/26) at 40,589 or above 40,000 for the 3rd time in history and near a record high.  Plus, it traded "intraday" at 40,666!    Woe, Woe + Woe!!!    Could this be the final confirmation from YHVH (726!) that something terribly bad or ominous will happen between now and the 9th of Av?   A major attack on Israel (Psalm 83 War), destruction of mystery Babylon (NYC), start of WW3, a significant natural disaster, etc?    Only 19+  days left to find out!

    Perhaps this upcoming Jupiter/Mars conjunction on the 9th of Av will provide a clue as to what may happen?    Hey Lu, sure would be a good time to "repost" your article + chart describing the prophetic implications of the above conjunction (hint, hint!).   But what I still grapple with is that this Heavenly sign seems to imply war or judgement and less of a Rapture Event.  So, could the Rapture happen before the 9th of Av?    Perhaps on July 31 as "Last Chance Lu" suggests (lol!), on August 4th the start of the "Feast of New Wine" per Tyler + Dr. Barry, or perhaps 7 days before the 9th of Av on August 7th as in "the Days of Noah".   Thus, 3 or 4 possible "high watch days" to look forward to!   So one wonders, which "audible" will YHVH choose?   Thinking of you, Judi!

    ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️  ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

    Game time...

    Yeshua calling a 🏈 🏈🏈 "audible" on the 4th down with only seconds to go on the Prophetic Time Clock:

    "723 (🚫), 731(it's possible, or is that 'IMPOSSIBLE'!  Lol!), 804 (🍷 🍷 🍷), 807 (7-day Noah's ark warning!), 814 (9th of Av), Come up hither... (🎺 🎺 🎺) hut, hut!"    Lol!

  20. Lu, you might find this an interesting video. Sutton posted a link to it over on unsealed earlier. I sent it to Corey, as it turns out he is working on another Bear article. The bears discussion starts at 49 mins, but it's helpful to watch at least some of what he says prior to that to get his correlations of the details of 2 Kings Chapter 2 to the 4000 and 2000 years. He doesn't seem to be aware of the double 50 day count Pentecost/New Wine, but his time line parallels yours--coming from another angle. The Lord seems to be saying the same thing to multiple witnesses. As I recall Stephan and Corey speculate the possibility of the same?

    1. Just finished watching the video and I must say that this was quite an eye opener for sure. You posting that video in my comment section was a God confirmation to me considering that I just started the new bear article just last night!

      So it looks like a fall 2024 Rapture has been encoded in that bear attack story of 2 Kings chapter 2, although I will refrain on being dogmatic about that timing prognostication. But wow, it sure looks suspiciously like 2024 for sure. I must also say that I’ve been noticing this number 42 popping up not only in my own personal life (pictures will be included in my latest posting of this subject) as of late, but also regarding a well known public figure who recently has been in the spotlight in relation to the Trump RNC. I will include that in my latest bear 🐻 article.

      The signs, world events and God confirmations are coming so fast now that it is next to impossible to keep up with them – especially if you feel tasked to share them through writing. You get done with one and then … Bam … the next one comes along.

      Working in the section of field that God assigned to those who are willing is no joke. He keeps you busy, but it is exciting, rewarding and humbling throughout the execution of the task.

      Strive for the crown fellow believers! 👑👸🤴Judgment day for the reward of the believer is coming! …

      “Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire” (1 Corinthians 12:12-15).

      Get in the field and warn the lost according to the task that God has assigned for you individually!

    2. Intriguing. I think Lu and this brother are onto a realistic scenario for the Rapture this fall.

    3. Aaandd, it’s not too out there to consider that Gog/Magog began on Oct 7,2023 with Russian moves lately.

    4. AA, that would mean Psalm 83 and Gog/Magog wars are concurrent or at the least overlapping? Hmmmm. If the Trib were to begin fall of '25 or sooner, to fit the 2032 timeline, it would seem those wars would have to happen pretty quickly, as a lot has to happen between now and the AC/Israel signing of the covenant. Given how quickly things are happening now, who knows??? Anyone else thoughts? AA is referring to the above mentioned video. He says Gog/Magog started on Oct 7th (if I remember correctly), but more in passing I think. Don't remember now exactly. Is that what you heard, AA?

    5. Yes, I went back to make sure I heard him say Oct 7, 2023 and I do believe the war that started that terrible day will culminate in the attack of Gog Magog. Iranian and Russian hostility toward Israel is at an all time high and only growing worse daily. Something spiritual was triggered on Oct 7. Nothing has been or ever will be the same. April 8 triggered the end of America. When I think back to last summer, my biggest concern was which theater to see the latest Mission Impossible flick in and getting to Starbucks everyday. What a difference one year can make.

    6. This guy's fall 2024 2 Kings 2 Rapture observation/speculation would also line up with the perceived 7 years of time countdown from the Revelation 12 sign in 2017 possibly. Looking mighty suspicious to me.

    7. RE: Mama Bears Rapture? ;0

      Thanks for share that Video about the 2 Bears, and those being Females and the 42 Year Factor pertaining to the Elisha Incident in the Old Testament. As one has said before, it amazing me ‘Where do you find all these Videos?’ lol. So, I did listen to the Brother, presumably and his Discernment of the Typologies using the 8 Names of the Sites mentioned, the Psalms and the Numbers did or does resonate in one’s Spirit.

      It is very unusual of an approach, as to the Interpretation of Scriptures to suggest Prophecy from them, but that is exactly how Prophecy does work. So, it was/is refreshing to see that from others doing it without any ‘Red Flags’ going-up. One would agree wholeheartedly that when Places, People and Numbers are mentioned in Scripture, they are for a Purpose. So, the 4000 and 2000 Year correlation was great also.

      The only Interpretation that was questionable was how he is tying the start of the Gog-Magog War to the October 7, 2023 HAMAS Attacks on Israel. One would agree, in general. But then he stated that this War will then end in about 1 Year from now, Fall 2025 and that is when the Rapture is to take place. This Scenario could be possible but realize that the Walls of all Israeli Cities will need to come down, and fast. Israel has yet to fully defeat HAMAS and then engage with Hezbollah. Perhaps he might be mistaking the Psalm 83 Inner-Ring of the Regional War that is to come 1st, in one’s Estimation before the Outer-Ring Gog-Mag War ensures.

      Nonetheless, great Insights and as you said, coming from a different angle as it pertains to a Fall 2023 to Fall 2025 Timeline. As the Last Days Prophecies are becoming clearer, the Holy Spirit is reveling that to others. But one must admit that it has been a very Lonely Road when it comes to such Theories as the Revelation 12 Sign, the 32 Crucifixion Year, a Saturday Triumphal Entry and Resurrection Day, the Pentecost New Wine Correlation and one’s Cydonia Mars Star Gate Theories.

      So, to concur with the Brother about a Fall 2025 start of the Tribulation Period? It was great to hear and see his Timeline and how they reasoned a Fall Start Date, a Spring Mid-Point and a 2032 Fall Return of Jesus. This means that as of this Posting, the Rapture Window is shrinking by the Day until that October, Fall 2025 ‘Deadline’; 14 Months to be exact. One can Wait, Watch and see, but it seems like an ‘Eternity’ as they say. For me, that saves me is just to keep reminding oneself that one’s ‘723’ and 2025-2032 Timeline are but a Theory. One actually tries to detach oneself from the Theory to take it personally.

      But then, a trip to In-N-Out Burger really helps! ;0 But for me, the only other link to the '723' is that possible 7-Day Countdown to July 31. If 'Nothing' after that? That is when I will ‘Throw in the Towel’, as they say and move on to other Topics of Study. But that is what one actually did today. ;0 I went to my local Health Provider to draw Blood at the Lab to see if my Body will endure another Year’s Worth. And then I went to In-N-Out Burger. Yes Bob! ‘You can’t stop me Copper!’ lol. But I know what some of you might be saying then about that. ‘Could it be why perhaps your Body may not be lasting that long?!


    8. I am still hoping for the August 4 to August 13/14 9th of Av scenario Tyler and Bro Awe spoke of in their latest vid.

      You know what I keep thinking about lately? In my beloved birthplace Washington, DC, one of the ghouls protesting Bibi’s speech spray painted “Hamas is coming” in red on a statue or some monument among the myriad desecrations that day. America is so vulnerable now. As MonkeyWerx has stated over and over, the southern border doesn’t even matter now because they are flying them in. 2,000 America-hating Afghans are flown in each month alone. They are filling Hawaii with illegal immigrants. No place is safe. 20K Haitians were settled in a town in Ohio. What if the sleeper cells are all activated on the same day? These military-aged men are given free hotel rooms and a cellphone and told to “wait for the call.” The possibilities are the stuff of nightmares.

  21. Brother Dana
    The Acts 27-28 astro-voyage ends at the rapture fish cord! 15.16 min

  22. The attack on Israel today that could lead to an all-out war comes 2500 days after the Rel.12 Sign
    Rel 12 Sign + 2600 days = Election Day
    Election Day + 1000 days = Great Egyptian Eclipse
    In my opinion, these are significant numbers

  23. I have spent years while my grandchildren were growing up watching their soccer and lacrosse games. I am horrified at what happened in Israel today. It breaks my heart--I know i"m not alone. I can't imagine being a spectator there. 4 brothers from one family were killed. Dear God, comfort the grieving as only You can. I admit I'm glad Israel is not yet under grace, rather an eye for an eye still applies. Sorry God, and fam, that's just where I am at this moment.

  24. Paris is in spiritual, metaphorical and literal darkness at the moment.

  25. Family, Blessings 'Lil update

    Made it home this afternoon and Dad and the lads had me a spot set up nicely on the couch so spent the last few hours settling it, nibbling some real food, more today than in the past week, coordinating everyone's grand assistance for my needs and comfort. Your prayers undergird it all, Blessings on you.

    WW65 through Hal Turner, RT, et all, is reporting that the attack on the soccer field is the straw and various IDF leaders are stating that the response is locked and loaded and will be entirely disproportionate. Raptor News reports that Hezbollah fired a drone at the Israeli Oil platforms also today, which was intercepted without damage to the platforms, a new escalation, and this also is a Rubicon crossed. In re this soccer attack triggering WWIII, Joseph Acquaviva informs us that from Oct 7 to Jul 27 is 42 weeks, to the day. Shalom

  26. RE: Trump’s Assassination Attempt

    So, in the ‘Look Here’ Department, a Thought came to Mind. One wondered, ‘What is the Connection in terms of Distance from the Trump Rally at the Butler Show Grounds, PA, to the White House?’ According to Google Earth, the Ground Length in Kilometers is exactly 332 Kilometers. And? One could not help but see the Skull and Bones Motif and their 322 Numerical Signature about the Attempt then.

    But in one’s Book, the AGR Building is now the Grassy Knolls of the John F. Kennedy Assassination. And if that is the case, then for sure the Shooter was not a ‘Lone Wolf’ or Lone Shooter. There have been many YouTube Channels demonstrating how multiple Shots were being fired based on the Dissection of the Sound Bites from various Videos of the Event, etc. Here below is a Chart made to show this 332 Kilometer length to the White House. Coincidence? Could be, but not beyond the Realm of Possibility in this ever-crazier World and Presidential Election.

    Trump Assassination Attempt – Skull & Bones 322 Link

  27. So, the one billion plus viewers of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics witnessed an occultic ritual from the depths of hell, and I would wager most did not bat an eyelash. The darkness that city has now been plunged into recalls the Plague of Darkness God sent on Egypt.

    Recently, the RNC ended with a prayer to a pagan god. Again, hardly a whimper. I’d say Satan is surely softening up the global population for the entrance of the Man of Sin and Lawlessness.


    1. RE: Paris Perverted Olympics

      …And do not forget the Bearded Lady Dance. Here below is one’s Take on it. One sees a Mockery of the LORD’s Supper because it was and is a Prelude to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. And that suggests the Bride being taken out to be ushered to it.

      The Luciferians know the Departure is about to occur. They celebrate it, but as one noted in the Article, it rained on their Gay Paris Parade. And now also there were mass Power Outages. That is so indicative of the Darkness they are dabbling in and will after the Lights of Jesus are removed from off Planet Earth.

      Predictive Programming of the Coming Apocalypse

    2. Paul’s admonition to Believers who eat and drink unworthily is frightening as it is, but for those who mock the Lord’s Table… can only imagine the wrath of Almighty God that will fall on them for mocking His Precious Son, the Only One Who can save mankind from his sins.

      “ Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

      But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

      For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.” 1 Corinthians 11:27-29

    3. Oh, AMEN AA!
      And WELL SAID LU dear Brother well said 👏

  28. I saw this on the internet:
    Rapture on the feast of Pentecost, this August from the "Rapture of the church" YTchannel,
    from the Moriavian Brethren. I think it deserves more viewers !

    1. Thank you dear brother for this video!

    2. RE: Moravian Brethren Pentecost New Wine - Day Count Revision?

      Thanks for sharing the Video about the Moravian Brethren now reasoning that the Pentecost and New Wine correspond to Dr. Awe’s 9th of Av Timing. Perhaps it is but one is not 100% convinced as of yet for 2 Main Reasons. One has noted them and shared but just to be clear, one will reiterate then below.

      Now the Moravian Brethren are the ones that 1st contacted me to show how they too were calculating a July 23 or ‘723’ Pentecost New Wine Timing for 2024. Great. And they mentioned how they were in-sync with the Day Counts being tied to the Solar Calendar. Awesome. One even forwarded they Study to 5 Doves for Posting.

      But when that Theory was tested and came-and-went for 2024, one subsequently received this new Revision from the Moravian Brethren that they then posted on their YouTube Channel a 9th of Av Pentecost New Wine Day Count. What? And having introduced them to the 5 Doves Website, they also forwarded that New 9th of Av Revision Day Count Study to the 5 Doves Website in this Weeks Postings, etc.

      My Thought is how could they have now, apparently ‘Jumped Ship’, as they say and taken-up the Notion that the Timing is now based on the Rabbinical Calendar? Too bad in one’s Estimation. From their Study, one would agree in what they stated, up to about 3/4th of the way down. What they say is the Rationale for their new 9th of Av Pentecost New Wine Timing is that the Jewish Calendar is ‘Floating’, and rhus, so are the Feast Days. This is True, but only because the Rabbinical Calendar is solely based on the Lunar Cycles, and that is the Outcome.

      And that is why and how then the Jewish Feasts of YHVH are ‘Floating’ and will vary from Year to Year. The Point is that it is why the Rabbinical Calendar is skewed and for 2024, you have Pentecost a Month off, in comparison to the Solar Calendar, etc. So, here are the 2 Main Reasons why one is not in Agreement with the 9th of Av being the Pentecost New Wine Timing.

      1. As noted, the Day Count is based on the ‘Floating’ Rabbinical Calendar. For 2024, a 13th Month has had to be added which has skewed the Day Counts to stretch into an August Month.

      2. The Feasts of YHVH were specifically tied to the Agricultural Cycles of Harvest Types. The Yearly Harvest Cycles do not ‘skew’. These Harvest Cycles are part of the Creation and serve as ‘Clocks’ in a sense that also keep track of Time. Meaning that one always knows ‘What Time it is’ by knowing what Harvest Cycle is occurring.

      Now sure, some Growing Seasons vary, for example in comparison to North America. But one is assuming Jerusalem Time and Growing Seasons. To expound on the Reason for Number 2, realize that in the Book of Ruth, the Barley Harvest was a Spring Harvest. It began at that Time, but ended and was threshed as the Wheat Harvest was gathered in. This is the Key Clue. How so?

      Realize that it is Agriculturally Impossible for the Barley Harvest to extend into August. And that is it. This Factor alone would or should disqualify the August Month 9th of Av being the End of the ‘Wheat’ Harvest and Start of the Wine Harvest. It is about 1 Month too late as the Barley Harvest has long been brought in. Now, with all that being said, one’s Rationale is only relying on Agricultural Cycles and based on the Creation or Solar Calendar for the Day Counts. If the ‘True’ Pentecost is rather based on the Rabbinical Lunar Calendar that only came about as a consequence of the Jewish Diaspora in the 300’s, and rather than on the Creation Calendar, that was set into motion in Creation Week by YHVH, then I will eat my Words. …At In-N-Out Burger, of course. ;0


    3. LU and All~
      It made sense to me that the Rapture would happen according to the Harvest pattern, but now I'm wondering if Father God has His own Special Day in mind.

      As well-researched as you are, Lu, you probably have come across this type of info that I included in The Rapture as a Harvest Type about 🌿🌿TWO BARLEY AND 🌾🌾TWO WHEAT HARVESTS:

      “The key to the whole issue is to remember that there were and are TWO wheat harvests in Israel. . . Not only does Israel have winter and spring wheat but they also have winter and spring barley [so TWO barley harvests], oats, rye, etc. Winter wheat is sown in the fall and harvested in the spring, about two weeks after the winter Barley harvest. The spring wheat is sown in the spring and harvested in the summer about four months later -- and this is the harvest found in Scripture for Pentecost wheat. We hope this information will help you to understand that there is a SECOND wheat harvest in Israel that is harvested about 50 days after the first wheat harvest -- and goes almost completely unnoticed because of the traditions of men.” [Excerpt from Emphasis and notes in brackets added by me.]

      Barley matured faster and would be harvested sooner than the wheat. The firstfruits of grain offered during the Festival of Unleavened Bread would have been barley (Source: Jesus and the Old Testament saints resurrected at the time of our Lord’s resurrection would have fulfilled the Barley Firstfruits Offering. The barley harvest lasted from Passover to Pentecost. As recorded in the Book of Ruth, the Barley Harvest overlapped into the Wheat Harvest.
      You wrote above, "in the Book of Ruth, the Barley Harvest was a Spring Harvest". However, the second Barley Harvest was "sown in the spring and harvested in the summer about four months later" according to that source. This info of TWO Barley Harvests makes me wonder whether the Barley Harvest COULD overlap with the Wheat Harvest in August!?

    4. RE: Rapture on a Different Date?

      Absolutely. The Rapture Event can occur on any Day that one is not looking at or expecting. And that is what Carole had brought-up also. As for one who is highly biased in the Academic and Scientific Approach, it is why one only seeks to stay within the Realm of what is tangible, like the Astronomy, Typologies and actual Day Counts that are Biblical. One can safely and with confidence ‘Anchor’ one’s Theories on what has been set forth already in those Factors.

      It is one’s Speculation and Interpretations that are and can be in Question. Yes, one is aware that there are 2 Seasonal Types for both the Barley and the Wheat. In fact, for the Jews, the Barley is extremely important to some Jewish Sects because it determines when the New Year is to begin or become ‘Aviv’. But one cannot find any Sites on how or why Barley is harvested in August. See some Site Links Below. If anyone can find that Source or Proof of an August Barley Harvest in Israel, that would satisfy one’s Mind and Thinking on the issue.

      But thanks for bringing-up the Good Point that the Father can choose when the Bride is ‘Done’ and the Rapture id to ensue. And that is also the issue in one’s Pentecost New Wine Theory, that the Rapture is connected to this Feast, presumably as its Anniversary. That Notion could be completely off. So, the Watch continues.


      Old Testament Laws: Harvest Seasons of Ancient Israel

      Barley Conditions in Israel March 2024 (Adar 5784)

      When Is Barley Harvested in Israel?

      When Is Barley Harvested in Israel?

      The Timing of the Barley Harvest in Israel

      The Timing of the Barley Harvest in Israel

      When is barley harvested in Israel?

  29. It's crazy how hard it is to follow everything that's happening! And we don't know what to believe anymore! On the Hal Turner Radio Show it says: PROOF: IRON DOME MALFUNCTION HIT FOOTBALL FIELD!

    A video has emerged from the Golan Heights that DEFINITELY shows that it was an Israeli IRON DOME MISSILE that malfunctioned and hit the soccer stadium, killing 12 children and injuring many more!

    But is this really the case? Does anyone know? Because it can have disastrous consequences one way or another! 🤷‍♀️ 😢

    1. Blessings, dear Carole. Hal Turner is one of the nastiest antisemites I have ever encountered. I never take anything he spews about Israel and the Jews at face value. He cannot be trusted.

    2. He is also an apologist for Hamas, Hezbollah and every enemy of the Cross of Christ.

    3. Very welcome, dear Carole❤️

  30. “ Erdogan threatens: “We must be strong so we can invade Israel just as we did in Nagorno Karabach (disputed area between Azerbaijan and Armenia) and in Libya."


    Only Bible believers aren’t surprised!

    Amir Tsarfati Telegram

  31. So,
    The Pentecost New Wine is now spreading. I got this from Dr. Awe’s Channel.
    However, as you know, one differs in that the Day Moses came down, that was/is Pentecost-New Wine but it was not on the 9th of Av.


    Another Prophetic Picture of the RAPTURE!!!
    Prophetic Watchmen 88

  32. RE: The Rise of the Sanhedrin
    PART 1/2
    Amidst all the Chaos, Wars, Gay Olympics, Economic Collapses, Pending Invasions and World War 3, there is a very important undercurrent of an event that is just as Profundi if not Prophetic, in one’s Estimation. That is the Rise of the Sanhedrin. For Context, it was brought-up by Donna Danna from 5 Doves. She shared an Article Link to Israel365News that featured the current state of how there is presently no Appointed Chief Rabbis of the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews in Israel.

    Office of Chief Rabbinate vacant, paving the way for prophetic return of Sanhedrin

    This is huge. Why? This could pave the way for Israel to embrace or impose the Sanhedrin as the ‘Only’ Legitimate Religious Authority in Israel. And that would reverberate to have all Jews in all the Nations adhere to this Authority. And worse, is that all Gentiles too. This would come in the form of the Noahide Laws. In a Brief Summary, here is how the Chief Rabbinate started. It was installed by an Agreement between State and Synagogue shortly after Israel’s Independence.

    Since Israel was a Secular State, based on Communist leanings from mostly Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe, it avoided anything Religious. But since the Jews are interestedly tied to their Religion, in this case the Rabbinical Denomination, a Compromise was made in that all Things Religious were defaulted to the Rabbinate. Since the Modern Jews are essentially divided mostly down Sephardic and Ashkenazi Lines, there were 2 Chief Rabbis appoint to be the Highest Religious Authority in the Land and for Jews worldwide

    This Rabbinate was established in 1953, shortly after the 1st Shemitah of 1952 had occurred when Israel was back in the Promised Land as a Sovereign Naton. The Appointments were to last 10 Years with the subsequent Appointment named shortly before the Terms were up. This has now not happened for the 1st Time in Israel’s Modern History. There is currently only and Interim Appointment as both Chief Rabbis have had their 10 Year Appointments expires. In fact, they were under a 1 Year Extension due to the Civil Discourse about the Jewish Judicial Reform, etc. Here is the Breakdown of the 10-Year Appointments since 1953.

    1953 + 10
    1963 + 10
    1973 + 10
    1983 +10
    1993 + 10
    2003 + 10
    2013 + 10
    2023 + 1 Year Extension
    2024 (No Appointments)

    2025? To be Determined. (The Sanhedrin?)

    1. PART 2/2
      This is huge, Prophetically because it could be signaling that the Rise of the Sanhedrin will be taking their Place. Why? The Article from Israel362News points out that they acknowledge that the Rabbinate is not Biblical. What is Biblical is the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin is what the Body of the 72 Elders of Zion were what YHVH instituted to help Moses govern and make Rulings for the Jews. This came about as in the Exodus Account, Moses needed help in judicating between Jews on matters of Disputes, etc.

      Thus, the 72 became the Judicial Council of Judges. And once Israel came into the Promised Land, for 100s of Years, the Judges rule was the Highest, aside from the High Priest, which was part of this 72 Council. This became known as the Sanhedrin. But it is this same Body that condemned Jesus to Death. And will be the Body that will rule Israel as the Supreme Law of the Land, not only for Jews but for the entire World after the Rapture.

      It is the Sanhedrin that will enforce the Noahide Laws. And the 1st Commandment will condemn all Jesus Followers to Death, by Guillotine as described in their By-Laws, etc. In fact, this Sanhedrin will accept and crown the coming Biblical AntiChrist that will ‘Come in his own Name’. It is the Sanhedrin that will make that Pact or Covenant. One has argued that based on the Hebrew Word Study, the ‘Many’ are inferring to the Many Teachers or Rabbis. See Article for more details.

      A Word Study of the Hebrew Text

      So, it is exciting to see the Prophetic Pieces possibly falling into place in this regard. If it would be the case, it is indicative of just how close the Scenario of what the Bible Teaches is about to occur. When precisely? Not sure but the Appointments cannot linger in a State of Vacancy or a Spiritual Vacuum much long for Israel and the Jews around the World. For context, it would be as if there was no Pope for the Roman Catholics of the World. And in the Office, a Bishop was appointed Interim. Then how does Circumstance play into the Last Days and Israel? It has to do with Netanyahu. How so?

      Netanyahu to meet the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, for the 1st Time in 1984. This is when Netanyahu represented Israel at the U.N. The Chabad-Lubavitch Jews believe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who died in 1994, the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe is the Jewish Messiah. And? He and his Inner-Circle of Rabbis insinuated that it will be Netanyahu who will hand over the ‘Keys’ of Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to the coming Jewish Messiah. When in fact it will be the Biblical AntiChrist.

      ‘The Rebbe told Netanyahu that he would have to fight with 119 People. Thid is a prophecy from the Prophet of our Generation, and he's talking about exactly the situation you're in now, in Israel… He will make it through this, and he will continue, and I hope he'll be able to hand his Keys over to Moshiach (the Messiah), and we'll have the Complete and True Redemption."-Rabbi Nachshon

      One is convinced that this Scenario will be plausible and real 1 Day. And that is when the Sanhedrin will be installed and begin its Rule during the 7-Year Tribulation that is essentially the 7-Year Pact with Death as Isaiah describes.

      Things are accelerating so fast now, as never before.

  33. Mary Greeley Nouvelles
    Prepare For Impact Cannibal CME To Impact The Earth, Will It Affect Yellowstone?

  34. Replies
    1. Hi again,
      My Reply to you got deleted. :0
      I will try again, but simply to note that I had informed Brother Dana of a possible 7-Day Daley from the July 23 Pentecost New Wine Day Count. See Screenshot of that Comment acknowledged but then apparently deleted from the Dana’s YouTube Comment Section.

    2. Greetings Lu, I know that several believers post comments and those who own the site write that it is not them who remove the comments, it is YT. Very often there is nothing negative in the comments but they are still removed. So I don't really know what to think about it!

  35. Watchman River Tom said the IOC and NBC have removed videos from YT of the blasphemous opening ceremonies due to backlash from Christians, i.e., they were losing money. X users who show the videos are getting copyright strikes by the IOC.

  36. On another site I read that the Feast of Trumpets in 2025 is exactly on September 23, the same date as the great celestial sign. I still hope the rapture is in 2024! There are also those who believe it will be on the last day, of the Feast of Tabernacles this year.

  37. RE: Paris Perverted Olympics

    One finds it rather interesting how in our Discussion of the Wheat and the Wine Season, the Olympics occurred in this July Season with similar overtones. And how the Opening Ceremony clearly mocked the Last Supper of Jesus with. Although the Official Videos have now been taken down and an ‘Apology’ has been made, the Gaslighting is that it was not the Last Supper. It really goes with how the Woke Community revels in Suspending Reality.

    One will argue that if the Last Supper was not a Mockery of the Biblical one, what they did with ‘Serving-Up’ Bacchus or Dionysus confirmed their Innuendos, Hidden in Plain Sight. Here is one’s Assessment.

    Keep the Watch,

    Dionysus, God of Wine and Gay Sex

  38. RE: Coming War with Hezbollah

    Here is a Website with a Video embedded of a Jewish Author and Researcher’s Take on how and why the IDF will need to take on Hezbollah. It was forwarded to me by Benjamin Baruch whom I helped with some of the Charts used in his latest Book.

    The Man, Edwin Black seems to be seasoned in the Geo-Political Landscape of what is about to occur in Israel. Of interest, is how he acknowledged how the IDF does have the ability to wiretap any and all Conversations in the entire Middle East.

    Just a Matter of Time,

    Israel's Next Ferocious War in Lebanon

  39. Had an opportunity to read Lu's PDF above concerning the opening ceremony in Paris Olympics. So there was much honoring of other gods taking place in blasphemy against Christianity.

    What you may find interesting is that Thomas Jolly, a French actor and artistic director, is reported to be the one who directed the blasphemous display. Probably not-so-coincidentally, Jolly is “42” years old. Furthermore, a reported 24 hours (reverse 42) after this mockery, parts of Paris suffered a blackout of electricity in the city. The city was apparently plunged into darkness. Reportedly, amidst the widespread blackout, the light continued to shine brightly upon the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus also known as the Sacre-Coeur, creating a striking and symbolic image against the night sky.

    The Director's age I thought was rather telling considering what happened on the 24th of the month this month. China and Russia (two nations with the symbol of a bear) approached the border of Alaska for the first time ever - thus taking us back to the 42 mockers of 2 Kings chapter 2.

    Not so coincidentally, the 42 mockers in 2 Kings chapter 2 who were attacked by the bears are said to have been idol worshippers.

    The director this abomination being 42 years old so close to the Alaska incident should get out attention since the Elijah/Elisha bear Rapture narrative is associated with idol worship.

    Like I've always said, the Rapture will be a blessing for believers, while it will be an act of judgment upon an idol worshipping, blasphemous, unsaved Christ rejecting world.

    Was able to add this observation to the latest bear Rapture article.


    1. If I'm not mistaken, the location where the 42 mockers in ancient Israel were located was an area where much idol worship took place.

    2. RE: Double Bears at the Gates of the USA

      Read your Article too. You did Good Job in breaking-down the Geo-Politics and Prophecy interwoven in what is occurring in the World presently. And also, your Personal ‘God-Nod’s. Crazy. ;0. But yes, I had seen the News Headlines of how for the 1st Time in History, a Chinese Bomber, along with a Russian one were edging along the Alaskan Border. So, here you have the Banda Bear and the Russian Bear tag-teaming-up to test the ‘Waters’ as they say, or in this case the Airspace.

      Now the Russians have always tested the Air Defenses of the USA. The USA does that too. It is a Cat-N-Mouse Play that has occurred since the Cold War. But as you mentioned, the Chinese Banda Bear has now joined the Russian Bear in doing that. However, it is aside from all those Chinese Spy Balloons that have been allowed to enter the U.S. Airspace. Can the Signs be any clearer of what is coming? They are like Sharks circling their Prey. And the Chinese and Russians are sure hoping Kamala Harris will be selected as the Next U.S. President. But she is too busy meeting with the Drag Queens.

      Now, as to the 42 Numerical Factor of those that mocked Elisha and its possible connection to the Mockery of the Opening Olympic Ceremony? Yes, the Bible notes that Elisha was going up to Bethel in Route to Carmel and then back to Samaria. It was at Bethel where the 50 Prophets warned of his pending Rapture of Elisha at Jericho. And it was in Bethel or near there that the 42 Lads were mauled by the 2 Mama Bears for mocking the LORD’s Anointed, etc. Here is how one sees the Connection to the Olympics, Bethel, and the Mockery, etc.

      Notice that a Bull or Calf’s Head was displayed at the Ceremony as noted. Realize that it was at Bethel that the Golden Bull or Calf was erected by the King of Israel to avert the People going down to Jerusalem to Worship. And it was at Bethel that the Tabernacle once stood there during the Time of the Judges. (Judges 20). So, you had the Contention as when it was like the Ark of the Covenant was dueling-it-out with the Dagon God of the Philistines.

      Bethel was also the place where Jacob, upon sleeping on a Stone had that Vision/Dream of a Portal or Door open to Heaven, i.e., Jacob’s Ladder. So, perhaps one can see a Rapture Open Door Opportunity during this Time-Frame of how when the Golden Calf was Worshiped, there could be that Rapture Door of Escape inference. It is because, as one has presented the argument, the Golden Calf Incident that happened on Mount Sinai was when the Revelry occurred on that 100th Day from Nisan 15, that one assesses was True Pentecost and coincided with the Feast of New Wine, etc. Perhaps. Here is the Article one wrote about Beit-El, but it is connected more so towards the Cydonia Mars Star-Gate Theme and the Golden Calf. It is nonetheless as a Reference.

      Keep the Watch,

      #1010: BEIT-EL STAR GATE
      Jacob’s Ladder to the House of YHVH

    3. Just now got an opportunity to read that link Lu. Very interesting. Idol worship at Bethel goes very deep indeed. Puts a whole new perspective on these number 42 and bear themes that keep surfacing.

  40. Just a sampling of some of the headlines over on today:

    West Texas hit by over 100 earthquakes, state of disaster declared
    Singapore approves 16 insects for human consumption
    Did the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics foreshadow the coming AC?
    Australia facing sub-zero temperatures

    Wake up, world!

    1. Blessings, dear Judi. On Sunday I had lunch with my Jewish friend/neighbor. She asked me what the difference is between Jehovah Witnesses and Born Again Christians! I explained that JWs are a false, works-based cult that does not recognize the Divinity of Jesus (like all other cults). I told her that with Christianity, all one needs to do is believe in Christ’s Death, Burial and Resurrection for atonement for sins. I also explained that everyone, Gentile and Jew alike, are all born in the same boat, ie, all born with sin and only the Blood of Jesus can atone for it, that, in the OT, the blood of bulls and lambs was only a temporary covering for sin. She still has a bit of trouble understanding the Rapture, so I explained that it’s like what happened to Elijah. I thank God for the opportunity to explain His Glorious Gospel of Salvation to my Jewish friend over lunch at Outback. What an experience! I think more seeds were planted that day. Praise Jesus!

    2. AA I will pray for your neighbor. God is so good! I also have my director Lissia and a co-worker, Sabrina, who both heard the Gospel.

    3. Praying for her too, AA, and your co-workers also, Carole! You go, girl! Today, because at my age I have very little social interaction with others, and sharing the gospel verbally is not one of my gifts, I specifically drove to our local grocery store with a Starbuck's concession. I don't like to support Starbuck's (b/c of their corporate wokeness, but at least it supports local jobs), to get some real (caffeinated) coffee and pumpkin bread. The Lord has had me praying for total stranger for some years now--as I pass them by, on the road, in the store, wherever. I figure at least I can do that much! I have no idea if this is just a fantasy of mine, but I went out today to pray for those I "passed by." I haven't finished Tyler's latest video yet, but oh my goodness, how exciting to think maybe, just maybe this is it (as Lu has been saying for some time now). The darkness (descending, eh, Corey) is so heavy, surely God will step in and begin the path to cleansing and redemption soon. May God give the unsaved eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to comprehend, hearts to receive, and wills to believe the gospel! Love to you, fam.

    4. Thanks so much. Her name is Linda. It was SO refreshing to actually enunciate the Gospel to someone. I give out tracts as much as possible but to explain it in real time is such a joy. She listened closely, too. I tried to refer to the OT as much as possible in order to give her some perspective, assuming she went to Hebrew school as a child or at least has some familiarity with the Torah. I let her know that whether they believe or not, I still honor the Jews as God’s Chosen People.

  41. Family, Blessings Quick update for my Bros & Sis interceding for me and family. Pain levels diminishing enough today to bop around the house and attend to things. Was fortunate to get my union contact on the phone and he walked me though filing my claim online greatly settling my mind re my income and company compliance on my part, PTL! Not bouncing back as quickly the 2nd go round as the 1st but still improving. Slowly moving back to solid food and settling in to be like terminator doing surgery on his own internal parts during the film. Alex will likely be getting a 30-day delay on his Marines entry to be able to be here to assist me as I attend to my still open wound and other details I'll not cover here. Thanks again for all your support, love and prayers.

    While I know many have poo-poo'ed KC's input/style, I continue to hold to the teaching trail thus far as Scriptural and Spirit Led. There is some pure irony on where we've landed in circling back to Habakkuk 2:2-3, which is where this bunny trail started.

    BTW, there are 2 different words behind 'tarry' there and in tracking associations and root words there and elsewhere in this verse, it can be seen that our experience of Chasing Our Lord's Rescue through a series of Biblically sound watch dates and then finding the goal line moved and that then Revealing the next one, also well buttressed with Scripture, seemingly ad infinitum, is well outlined in those 2 verses. One detail hidden therein is that a more accurate reading of 'in the end it will speak' would be "Until the end it will speak'; addressing, as stated, our ongoing process of leapfrogging from learning/teaching/date to the next, to the next, and so on.

    Which takes us to Habakkuk 2:4. Herein we see several dichotomies, among them the dichotomy of the haughtiness of the enemy, as we do, all around, preparing for taking control after Harpazo & deceiving many to their damnation, alongside the admonition that the 'Just shall live by (his) faith.' An odd thought to put at this very spot, no? Thus, in light of the idea that we are now in a cul-de-sac of Revelation, as we approach the 7 year completion mark of rinse and repeat through ABBA's Feasts, the 'Speaking' is complete. This tells us that this is the END, that point up UNTO which it will continually Reveal. Couple this with the underlying theme that the MOED upon which Harpazo falls is told to us as being 'somewhat remote', that is, NOT affiliated with any other MOED, but standing ON ITS OWN.

    Thus, Habakkuk tells us that, at THIS point, Our Holy Professor, Christ, Has Closed His Papers And Pushed His Chair Back From His Desk. A tense silence enters the room as HIs Class Awaits What This Glorious Teacher's Next Action Will Be. He Gazes About The Class, Patiently Meeting Eyes With Each Student Present. While many wonder if this is IT, is the course concluded?, ALL pupils Covered By The Blood, now being 'The Just', KNOW That This Teacher Will Not Disappoint.

    So, we've come fully around to the place where no one actually does know the day or hour, that chase fades into memory, and from here, forwards, Christ's Glory Is Magnified Not So Much In HIs Pupils Aptitude In Modeling Types, But, In Their Patience, As The Just, Fully Edified By This 7-Year Class, to date, no longer scramble from date to date and MOED to MOED, but rather, live by FAITH, not academic performance.

    Not much longer, now, amen.


  42. Incredible news. The head of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards was eliminated in Tehran.

    1. “ To eliminate the number 1 in Hamas and the number 2 in Hezbollah in the heart of Beirut and the heart of Tehran within 10 hours, this is a clear statement to all enemies of Israel, wherever they are - none of you are protected, on any piece of land in the world.” Amir Tsarfati

  43. It appears that Elias has arrived.

    At 0:51, he wants to know who wants to walk with him? Any takers? Judi? Lu? Allah? Surely Bob.
    At 2:32, Elias is going to need all of you to shut your mouths while he speaks.

    I'm dead. Lol

    Interesting what pops up in your video feed when search out the name Elijah.

    1. LOL, don't know I'm ready to walk with Elias! Nor do I think I need to shut my mouth--lol

    2. Wow. I did not realize how Wrestling has evolved into a Musical during Intermissions? But GIECO has a 10% Discount Offer going on now. ;0

    3. After walking with Elias, you may need Geico and all their discounts. The health of your automobile is at stake if you make him mad. Maybe we can get him to tell us when the Rapture is happening since he's fresh out of Heaven..🤔

    4. RE: Are we there yet?
      PART 1/3

      At this Point in Time, one feels like a Pilot flying 1 of those Planes that enters the Bermuda Triangle and the Instruments are spinning. One is at one’s Wit’s End, as they say to ascertain any semblance of what ‘Time it is’ pertaining to the possible Rapture Timing. Here is a Draft of what one is trying to Benchmark and just sort of regroup to reiterate what one does know, of what could be and one is working with.

      Let us see if the up-coming 3 Weeks within this ‘33’ August 13-17 Day Range has anything about it pertaining to some Rapture Clues. In one’s Thought, a ‘Last Calling’ could be the Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary. But here again, which Calendar? It would be September 23, 2024, obviously if one uses the Gregorian Day Count. However, if one uses the Biblical Day Count, it will be August 17, 2024. That is where one is at.

      July 23, 2024
      ‘723’ + 50 Days (inclusive) from Feast of New Wine.
      = September 11, 2024.
      = Feast of New Oil.

      July 23, 2024
      ‘723’ on Full Buck Moon to 9 of Av, Tisha B'Av.
      = August 13, 2024.
      = 21 Days ‘777’.

      August 13-17
      = Week 33 of 2024.
      = Ranges from August 12, 2024 to August 18, 2024.

      August 13, 2024
      = 33rd Week of the 33rd Tuesday.
      = 225th Day of the Year (226th in Leap Years) in the Gregorian Calendar.
      = 140 Days remain until the End of the Year.
      = Paris Olympics is the 33rd Olympiad.

      This would be 3 days after the Rabbinical Calendar of Av 9 of August 13, 2024. (Day starting at Evening.)

      August 13, 2024
      To the Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2024 = 40 Days.

      = 9th of Av, 5784

    5. PART 2/3

      August 17, 2024
      If one uses the 360 Day Calendar and applies that to the Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2017, the end day would correspond to August 17, 2024.
      = Biblical Year 360 Days/Year x 7 Years = 2520

      August 19, 2024
      = Tu B’Av (Av 15).
      = Jewish ‘Valentines Day’.

      August 21, 2024
      = 7 Years from 2017 Eclipse,1st of 3 Great American Eclipses.

      That Greek God depicted in the Olympics was Dionysus, the God of Wine. And how on the Official Wikipedia Page, the Paris Olympics started on July 24, just the Day after one’s July 23 Pentecost New Wine Day Count. As with the Revelation 12 Sign, the Luciferians are also tracking the Events of the timing of the New Wine, at last based on the Solar Calendar.

      Tishrei 1, 5784 = September 16, 2024.
      = Rabbinical Calendar.

      But on the Solar Calendar, October 2 is 1st of Tishrei and is when the 2nd Solar Eclipse occurs that compliments the April 8 Great American Eclipse, which was the 3rd in the Series that started on August 21, 2017. It was also, as noted 7 Years ago as was/is the Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary.

      Tishrei 1, 5784 = October, 2024.
      = From Spring Equinox .

      As one can read and perceive, the determination to ‘Know’ the Correct Feast Days seems like a continual ‘Goal Post’ moving on the Timeline. If the Day Counts, calculated to Av 9, Tish B’Av and Av 15, Tu B’Av, and the following come-and-go, then one must resolve oneself to consider the Year 2025 with the same Cycle. Personally, one would think it is cutting it to close for a Fall 2025 start of the Tribulation Period. And that is if the Timeline is ‘Correct’. But there is sure a lot of ‘33’ Numerical Factors that are jumping-off the Pages.

    6. PART 1/3


      Av 9 = August 13 (Presumed Pentecost New Wine based on Dr. Awe/Tyler Calculation.)

      Av 13 = August 17 (7 Year Anniversary of Revelation 12 Sign if use 360 Day/Year Count.)

      Av 15 = August 19 (Jewish Valentines Day, ‘Snatching’ of the Brides at Shiloh.)

      Av 17 = August 21 (7 Year Anniversary of 1st Great American Eclipse. 33 Days out from September 23, 2017 Revelation 12 Sign occurring Astronomically.)

      What if the Creation Week Pattern is exclusive of Daniel’s Last Week? Meaning that the Church Age has to complete its ‘2 Days’ or 2000, completely before the Last Shemitah is played? So, say if one’s Theory of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year is the Start Year, then the following Equation.

      32 AD + 2 Days (2000 Years) = 2032

      This would then mean that the Essene Calendar that espouses a Fall 2025 start of the Tribulation Period would be incorrect. However, as it has been said, Prophecy has a Shelf Life. And with the acceleration of World Events, the Rapture Factor has to come into focus fairly soon. If not in this Late Summer/Early Fall, then it is a Total Bust for 2024.


  44. Ismail Haniyeh lived as a billionaire in Qatar. John Haller remarked on his perfectly manicured beard several times. What good is all that money doing him now?

    “ For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36

  45. Supernatural By Design
    Assassination Attempt And The 40 Weeks Prophecy *MUST WATCH TO THE END HAMAS LEADER TAKEN OUT*

    1. Corey, at the 14.23 min mark there is a 42 connection

    2. Interesting. With the inclusion of the 42 at the attempted Trump assassination, that means I've observed 5 occurrences of the number 42 including my own personal encounters. Perhaps that accounts for the number 5 in the 425 Ascent sign in my neighborhood and the 425 license plate number in the garage.

      Further, if you leave out my own personal encounters with the 42 number and only count the events with the Trump assassination, the 42 year old director of the Olympic Games ceremony and the Hulk Hogan 42 alcohol content beer (which is given Rapture significance due to his appearance at the "Trump" convention and his parents biblical names signifying the Rapture), you get a total of 3 occurrences in July of the number 42. Hence, the number 3 Uno card on the sidewalk as I walked down the street.

      Hmmmmm ... 😉👍🙏 I had to go back into that article and update it with that info. Now it looks complete.

    3. And if you reverse those numbers (my observation of 5 occurrences of the number 42 including my own and the 3 occurrences "excluding" my own), you get 53. Look familiar? The 153 fish that signify the Rapture in John 21. So where does the number 1 come into play? Answer: Today, I updated the article on August 1 - which is the technical time I watched the video above that Maranthatha 321 posted and first became aware. That's my take on the number 1. 😉

    4. And as the 42 observation has completed this day of August 1, we also have some sobering breaking news if the below info proves true. The timing seems impeccable.

      URGENT: It's ON like Donkey-Kong! Pentagon Tells Me Israel to Be ATTACKED by Iran within Next 72 Hours

  46. ⚠️ BREAKING — American intelligence indicates that within the next 72 hours, Iran and its allies will launch a large-scale attack on Israel.

  47. 🔴 We are approaching a moment in which ALMOST EVERY Resistance faction has a score to settle with the Israelis

    🇱🇧 Hezbollah – for the assassination of its Commander in the heart of Beirut.

    🇮🇷 Iran – for the assassination of Ismael Haniyeh inside Iranian territory.

    🇵🇸 Hamas – for the assassination of Ismael Haniyeh and possibly Muhammad Deif.

    🇾🇪 Yemen – for the Israeli airstrikes on al-Hodeidah port last week.

    🇮🇶 Iraqi Resistance – for the killing of several of its servicemen by a U.S. airstrike.

    🇸🇾 Syria – for the bombing of the Iranian Consulate in Syrian territory, weekly bombings of Al Bukemal and monthly bombings of Damascus. Along with the Israeli involvement in the civil war.

    If there was ever a moment for the eruption of a wide-scale regional war against Israel, it would be NOW.

    Keegan Fernandes Telegram

    1. If Israel detects any movement of Iranian 🇮🇷 missiles, it is highly likely that ISRAEL 🇮🇱 will take preemptive action IN IRAN. ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR ☢️ FACILITIES and the ballistic missiles 🚀 stored in the Zagros mountains closest to the Persian Gulf.

      The gloves are off, and Bibi indicated today that CHALLENGING days are ahead, hinting at something SIGNIFICANT.

      ELAM PROPHECY COMING UP? Jeremiah 49:34-39 It's very possible in the next few days/weeks.

      Iran’s Foreign Minister: ANY ARAB country that provides its air space to the Zionist 🇮🇱 regime to ATTACK IRAN 🇮🇷 will be a legitimate target of attack BY IRAN.

  48. RE: Psalm 83 War? Sudden Destruction? Philadelphian Open Door?

    So, one is not surprised that Israel would expect a Full Retribution from Iran. Iran had already done that back in April of 2024. Israel really and badly embarrassed the Muslims Mullahs of being able to take-out anyone Target Israel wants, and right from under their Noses, as they say. However, notice that Israel did not claim Responsibility as it did in Lebanon. Why? Israel left Iran a 'Way Out' to ‘Save Face’. Nonetheless, the World knows ‘Who Did It’.

    These are Times when now it is as it was in the Regional and Global Wars of prior Decades, pertaining to Israel's Survival. And it appears it is about to erupt again as it did for Israel in 1948 with the War of Independence, the 1967 6-Day War and then the 1973 Yom Kippur War. You had the entire Muslim Menace of the surrounding Inner-Ring of Nations attacking Israel, all at once. They were truly Miraculous Victories for Israel as a Tiny Nation prevailed like a David against a Goliath once again. However, it did get help from the USA as did the Muslims with the Soviets, all those Invasions, etc. But as Students of the Bible, the History of Israel, and Prophecy, it is all at the Core, the 'War of the Seeds'. And it will be a Duel to the Death. Of course, because of Jesus, the miraculous Victory over Sin, Satan and Death has been assured. But for Israel, the Physical Aspect is yet to still be played-out. And that is the Reason for Daniel's Last Sabbath Week, etc.

    And leading-up to that Place and Time, the World is seeing the Psalm 83 War at the Front Door of Israel and there is no turning back. Consider a Sign that says, ‘Prophecy Ahead, No U-Turn’. It might be selfish of one to say or think, but from a Military and Political Science Assessment, one would love to see and know about all those supposed Israeli IDF Super-Secret Weapons in action. It will be the only way to even the Odds as Israel is always out-numbered. Of course, it is aside from the Divine Providence of YHVH that one can sense is preparing for the Baton Hand-Off once the Rapture occurs.

    Already, the Inner-Ring of the Muslim Para-Military Factions, along with Iran, are signaling the Outer-Ring of the next Prophetic Invasion of Israel, even now it is in the Works. It is in the form of how Erdogan of Turkey is threatening to ‘Jump in the Ring’ and attack Israel. Now, all that has been stated is for Context in this Article Link below, that one was saving for this coming Weekend’s Post. But People, Places, and Prophecy are happening so fast, by the Time one posts any Articles or Books, they are outdated.

    It is about the Sanhedrin. This is huge in one’s Estimation of the End Times. How so? It has to do with how there is currently, as reported, a Vacancy in the Israel Rabbinate. That is the largest and highest Religious Authority there is in Israel. It has essentially been the Orthodox Rabbinical Version or ‘Denomination’ of Judaism since the Roman Diaspora finally exiled all the Jews starting after 70 AD. And the Point is? This Vacancy, perhaps will lead to the Nascent Sanhedrin, which was revived in the early 2000s to take its place. Hello Noahide Laws. Welcome their King Messiah, Confirm the Covenent with the Many, (L'Rabbim), etc.

    Prophecy Ahead, No U-Turns,

    New Jewish World Order

  49. Lu, et al. Several years back, I commented about a lottery ticket I purchased on a whim. While out running errands and on my way home, out of the blue the thought came to mind to stop by and purchase a lottery ticket. I was near a gas station close to my house so quickly turned in, bought the ticket and put it in the pocket of my billfold without looking at it. Spent $3.00 for one set of numbers which were randomly generated by the computer. About 1 month or so later, while grabbing my purse to head out the door, the ticket dropped out of the purse and onto the dining table upside down. I was astonished to see it as I had completely forgotten about it and then was shocked that it even fell out since it had been secured inside my billfold. So of course I decided to check to see if it was a winner before leaving and when I looked at the numbers I knew there was no way it was just a coincidence. The numbers were 08 11 33 42 55 and 06 (extra play). My birthday is 08/11/55. Unfortunately, it was not a winner, but I kept the lottery ticket. Last week, I was led to look at it again and became curious about the other numbers. Others on this site in the past and even recently have talked about the number 42. Drawn to the number, I found that from 8/11 to 9/22 is 42 days and of course we all know the relevance of 9/23/2017. This was the exact same day my husband passed away. As for the number 33 which was also drawn, you refer to it in your latest post in regards to the 33rd week. I'm not much on numbers and counts, but the numbers I received that day on the lottery ticket have stuck with me and every year I wait for something to happen. Hoping this is the year and we are outta here. 2 more notes of interest in regards to the ticket... The date of purchase was 08/11/18 and the ad which appears below the set of numbers was for the Lucky For Life game. That brought a big smile to my face. Just wanted to share. Love all the time, research and sharing done by all who post on here.

    1. FieldsofGold,
      Thanks for sharing. I always love to read such circumstances in other Brethren’s Lives and Walk of Faith. Yes, those Numbers and/or Words like in Corey’s case have happened to us too in 1 way or another. Sometimes you do a ‘Double-Take’ and ponder. But Numbers, especially are a Form of Language. In fact, some People argue that Numbers are the Language of Creation, etc.

      You know, with all the Moving Timelines regarding the Rapture’s Timing, one was reminded that though that it may be futile to most, a sure Reference Point or Marker is what is happening with Israel. That is something the Prophecy Watchmen Community can See, Address, Evaluate, Contemplate and Calculate, more so, perhaps. Or in other Words, look at Israel and you will get a sense of how close the End of the Church and the Rapture is. And from the looks of things, it is very Promising.


    2. Totally agree with watching the developments involving Israel. They are our timeline and we are getting ever so closer to our departure.

    3. There are so many terrorist nations conspiring against Israel right now that I don’t think Israel has any choice but to strike them preemptively as they did in the 1967 Six Days War. Strike fast and hard.

  50. Brother Ross at newnews: Iran going to war with Israel, this is not in scripture. 16 mins.

  51. Along with Psalm 83, we may be see the fulfillment of Obadiah:

    Thus says the Lord God concerning Edom
    (We have heard a report from the Lord,
    And a messenger has been sent among the nations, saying,
    “Arise, and let us rise up against her for battle”):
    2 “Behold, I will make you small among the nations;
    You shall be greatly despised.
    3 The pride of your heart has deceived you,
    You who dwell in the clefts of the rock,
    Whose habitation is high;
    You who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’
    4 Though you ascend as high as the eagle,
    And though you set your nest among the stars,
    From there I will bring you down,” says the Lord.
    5 “If thieves had come to you,
    If robbers by night—
    Oh, how you will be cut off!—
    Would they not have stolen till they had enough?
    If grape-gatherers had come to you,
    Would they not have left some gleanings?
    6 “Oh, how Esau shall be searched out!
    How his hidden treasures shall be sought after!
    7 All the men in your confederacy
    Shall force you to the border;
    The men at peace with you
    Shall deceive you and prevail against you.
    Those who eat your bread shall lay a [a]trap for you.
    No[b] one is aware of it.
    8 “Will I not in that day,” says the Lord,
    “Even destroy the wise men from Edom,
    And understanding from the mountains of Esau?
    9 Then your mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed,
    To the end that everyone from the mountains of Esau
    May be cut off by slaughter.

  52. 10 “For violence against your brother Jacob,
    Shame shall cover you,
    And you shall be cut off forever.
    11 In the day that you stood on the other side—
    In the day that strangers carried captive his forces,
    When foreigners entered his gates
    And cast lots for Jerusalem—
    Even you were as one of them.
    12 “But you should not have gazed[c] on the day of your brother
    [d]In the day of his captivity;
    Nor should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah
    In the day of their destruction;
    Nor should you have spoken proudly
    In the day of distress.
    13 You should not have entered the gate of My people
    In the day of their calamity.
    Indeed, you should not have [e]gazed on their affliction
    In the day of their calamity,
    Nor laid hands on their substance
    In the day of their calamity.
    14 You should not have stood at the crossroads
    To cut off those among them who escaped;
    Nor should you have [f]delivered up those among them who remained
    In the day of distress.
    15 “For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near;
    As you have done, it shall be done to you;
    Your [g]reprisal shall return upon your own head.
    16 For as you drank on My holy mountain,
    So shall all the nations drink continually;
    Yes, they shall drink, and swallow,
    And they shall be as though they had never been.

  53. Gigi, Blue Heaven, 5 mins: The Angel That Disappeared Said the Message is For Those Waiting on the LORD

    In regard to Ross' video above. While I agree we don't see this coming conflict specifically in Scripture, I just can't help but wonder if Psalm 83 and Ez 38 may overlap and thus be seen incoming?? That would mean placing the Ez war prior to/early in the Tribulation, and Ross seems to think it comes later. But it also eliminates the puzzle of Iran being in two wars with Israel. Anyone else, Lu?

    1. RE: Rapture – End of the Church Age based on the Enochian-Year?

      I am back on Campus and will not be able to Post that often now, getting ready for the Fall Semester. Maybe can post in the Evenings, etc. As to the Psalm 83 if that is an overlap of the Ezekiel 38 War? Anything is possible. One’s issue is that the Gog-Magog War starts when apparently Israel is at Ease and at Peace. So much so, that it dismantle all of its Border Security Walls. At this moment, it does not seem to be the case.

      However, how the Psalm 83 War will overlap the Gog-Magog War will be the same Principle in how World War 2 was a continuation or ‘Unfinished Business’ left over from World War 1. Here below are some more thoughts on the Timing of when the Church Age end?

      In the Bible, on 2 occasions to establish a Witness or a Matter, it is given a Day-to-Year Ratio of Prophetic Time-Keeping. It stipulates that 1 Day is as 1000 Years, and 1000 Years is as 1 Day in YHVH’s Delineation of Time. Thus, if one were to superimpose this Equation with what one surmises was/is the Crucifixion Year of 32 AD, what Year would 2000 Years coincide with? One will consider 2 Standard Versions of Calendars, the Solar 365 Day/Year one and then the Enochian 360 Day/Year one. These Day Counts are an Approximation.

      1) 2000 YEAR (365/DAY COUNT) = 730,000+ DAYS (Considering Julian Conversion.)
      April 32 AD + 2000 Years = 2032
      If one subtracts the 7-Year Tribulation Period = 2025

      2) 2000 YEAR (360/DAY COUNT) = 720,000 DAYS
      April 32 AD + 720,000 Days = 2003
      Cannot be based on the Biblical Year as the Time-Frame has passed.

      2000 Years x 364 Day/Year = 728,000
      April 32 AD + 728,000 Days = 2025
      If one adds the 7-Year Tribulation Period = 2032

      This Calculation, based on the Enochian Calendar would be in-sync to the Tribulation Period Timeline, that one is presently speculating.

      Fall 2025 to Fall 2025

      Note that in these general Calculations, the Years 2025 and 2032 reoccur. The Point is that it is possibly just showing how close the End of the Church is. And how close the Rapture is to conclude this ‘Pentecostal Intermission’ that has lasted for 2 Days or 2000 Years. Now, will it be based on the Enochian 364 Day/Year Calendar? It is only as Suggestion to consider.


  54. But on Mount Zion there shall be [h]deliverance,
    And there shall be holiness;
    The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
    18 The house of Jacob shall be a fire,
    And the house of Joseph a flame;
    But the house of Esau shall be stubble;
    They shall kindle them and devour them,
    And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau,”
    For the Lord has spoken.
    19 The [i]South shall possess the mountains of Esau,
    And the Lowland shall possess Philistia.
    They shall possess the fields of Ephraim
    And the fields of Samaria.
    Benjamin shall possess Gilead.
    20 And the captives of this host of the children of Israel
    Shall possess the land of the Canaanites
    As far as Zarephath.
    The captives of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad
    Shall possess the cities of the [j]South.
    21 Then saviors[k] shall come to Mount Zion
    To judge the mountains of Esau,
    And the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.


    1. For years, John McTernan has spoken of all those surrounding enemies of Israel being wiped out. He specifically quoted from the Book of Obadiah.

  55. So I remember reading here about possible 9th of Av. Today's news and some responses it popped in my head again, so I looked up when it is again and this explanation appeared where it told me the date
    Tisha B'Av, the 9th day of the month of Av, is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, on which we fast, deprive ourselves and pray.
    I thought how on point if the rapture were to occur that day. It would be the saddest day for the Jews, bc they will realize God's wrath has come.

    Curious thought.


    So, not to ‘Rain’ on the 9th of Av Pentecost Parade New Wine and that being the possible Rapture Event. But here is one’s Take on how, despite the possibility that the 9th of Av could be the Rapture Event, it is not, in one’s Calculation the Day of the Acts 2 Pentecost and thus New Wine Day Count. This was written with Brother Tyler and Dr. Awe in mind as they are the main Proponents of how the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine is the 9th of Av. One totally disagrees.

    We are in Full Agreement, up to this Point, but this Article is done in a Spirit of Iron-Sharpening-Iron. One will explain it all in the Details as to why. Some of the Points, one has already noted and expressed. But it is just ‘For the Record’. This is especially noted and one is convinced even more from the angle of the Chabad Protocols. It is what should be and is expected to be the Comportment of the Jews on the 9th of Av. Compare and Contrast that to the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory.

    Keep the Watch,

    What to Expect at Tisha B’Av Synagogue Services

    1. IMHO Feast of New Wine is complete gibberish and disproves the legitimacy of its adherents as teachers of anything according to The Holy Spirit. Follow not blind guides to your dismay.

      2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be COMPLETE , equipped for every good work.

      "If It Were Not So, I Would Have Told You." -- Jesus

    2. Hey Jimboni. Just wondering what you think of the tocotrienol form of Vitamin E? I started taking it recently and have noticed some powerful effects.

    3. Jimboni,
      Thanks for your Input, duly noted.
      Yes, perhaps all this ‘New Wine’ Business has been nothing but Gibberish, but so has everything else. We are still ‘Batting 0’. But as Shelia once stated about such Theories, no matter how Gibberish they are, she made a Great Point about not leaving any Rock unturned, Corner swept and outlandish Rapture Claim unvetted.

      And as Bob has stated also, it is part of the Nature of Watching. One would agree to all that as one Gibberish is all-inclusive in such Debates and Arguments when it comes to attempting to ascertain the Rapture’s Timing.

      Hope you are recovering well,

    4. Lu, Blessings Au contraire, mon Amie. The vast majority of other watch trails have NOT been gibberish simply because they did not hit a Harpazo bullseye. That is a Straw Man test and a sidestep to my retort without merit or weight. Shame on you. Scripturally sound typology built upon the clear teaching of Scripture and following Holy Spirit Lead has unveiled a vast amount of new insight and understanding into the Word of God and The Person Of Christ while often being by inference and association and uncovered typology.

      As many have surmised, along the way, and now being unpacked from the Word, itself, our journey from high watch finish line to the next appears Ordained and part of Our Lord's Sifting & Teaching process. The many gold nuggets and insights along the way which arise FROM SCRIPTURE and our deeper Berean work looking into original language and its roots and themes in no way align with this phantom feast of new wine which is constructed from entirely whole cloth, conjecture and in opposition to a clear reading of Scripture.

      To conflate the two in an attempt to neuter my rebuke is akin to saying that Israel's war v Hamas is no different than the Hamas attack on 10/7 as both resulted in many civilian deaths including women, children and various 'non-combatants', as many anti-Semite's now say.

  57. RE: When will the Muslims attack Israel?

    Now, as to the ‘When’ will the All-Out Attack on Israel from its 7 Fronts occur, given the Geo-Political Events of the Middle East currently? The 9th of Av that is coming-up would be an Ideal Time, in one’s Estimation. One is more convinced that the Attack, perhaps will also coincide with a Feast Day of YHVH in some fashion. How so? Consider the Historical Precedence of when the Muslims have attacked Israel in the Past.

    When Israel declared its Independence in May of 1948, by 1 accounts, it was on the Eve of Shavuot or the Feast of New Grain. Then during the 6-Day war in 1967, the Preemptive Strike by Israel against its pending Muslim Coalition Invasion occurred, likewise during Shavuot. Then the War against the Muslim Neighbors in 1973 occurred on the Holiest Day for the Jews, on Yom Kippur. Fast-Forward to 2023 with the October 7 HAMAS Attacks? That Border Breach of Israel by both Civilians and Para-Military Factions occurred on Tishrei 23 (723), which was Shemini Atzeret.

    Thus, based on this Prophetic Type of Precedence, one could presume that the Muslims will be waiting for an Opportune Time to attack Israel. And the Muslim Coalition, however it is determined, could correspond to a similar High Holy Day of YHVH’s Feast. If the Time of the Year is toward the Late Summer, then the most Opportune Time would be a Strike during the Jew’s Day of Dread, the 9th of Av, the Saddest Day when both the 1st and 2nd Temple were destroyed.

    This Day has since then marked significant Calamities for the Jews. So, it is not out of the ordinary to keep vigilant about this Day pertaining to the next Muslim Attack or War in the Middle East Region. The other possible Date could be how that ‘Star of Jacob’ Comet that is crisscrossing the Constellation of Virgo, like a Missile being lobbed at Israel could be another possible Date Candidate.

    This is assuming Israel is as the Motif of Virgo that has then the Revelation 12 Sign innuendoes that depict the Cosmic and Biblical Conflict of the War of the Seeds, etc. Here is one interesting Observation, as one has noted before. If one uses the 360 Day/Year Day Count from the initial Astronomical Configuration of the Revelation 12 Sign back in September 23, 2017, its 7-Yeaer Anniversary occurs on August 17, 2024. It is 37 Days out from the Gregorian 365 Day/Year Count. It is also equivalent to 888 Hours, and one knows that Number in the Greek means ‘Jesus’.

    August 17, 2024 To September 23, 2024
    = 37 Days
    = 888 Hours

    Carry On.
    Prophecy Ahead, No U-Turns allowed.

  58. Replies
    1. Over 2.9 trillion wiped out today.

    2. If the Economic Patterns indicate anything, it is that War is soon to follow. As Gerald Celente often states, 'When the Economy collapses, they take you to War'.

    Predicting the next Major Middle East War

    The purpose of this Chart to illustrate that based on one’s Theory of the Phi Ratio being a Pattern of ‘GOD’s Signature’, it can be applied to the Patterns of Israeli Wars, Past, Present and Future, perhaps. In this case, that of the Wars between Israel and its Muslim Inner-Ring Enemies. One theorizes that by knowing 2 Events on a Timeline, the 3rd Event will follow, approximately. One has applied this Phi Ratio Pattern to predict when the 3rd Major War in Israel is to occur.

    This in turn is also based on the many Minor Wars that have ensured and will again be based on the Phi Ratio Pattern Theory. Applying this Phi Ratio Pattern to Biblical Prophecy, one theorizes that Events such as when the 3rd Temple in Israel is to be built, for example, can be ascertained. This Phi Ratio Pattern is seen in Creation and was the Cycle observed in the 3 Series of World Wars, World New Orders, Blood Moon Tetrad and Israel’s start of its last Prophetic Week of Years per Daniel, etc.

    One has taken the Chart, plotting the 2 prior Lebanon Wars. If what the Triangulation is suggesting, this coming 3rd Major Regional Israeli War will occur in the Mid-August to Mid-October, based on this Phi Ratio Pattern one is suggesting. The following are the Partial List since the 1st Lebanon War of how many Wars, Conflicts and Operations Israel has had so far.

    LIST OF CONFLICTS - War of the Seeds

    1985 South Lebanon conflict
    1987 1st Intifada
    2000 2nd Intifada
    2008 Gaza War 1: Operation Cast Lead
    2012 Operation Pillar of Defense
    2014 Gaza War 2: Operation Protective Edge
    2021 Israel–Palestine Crisis
    2023 Gaza War 3: Operation Iron Swords

    Now, what one is insinuating is that the Gaza Wars that have occurred back in 2008 and 2014 is a Prime Example of how the Phi Ratio works. In Hind-Sight, one should have known and considered that by plotting the 2 prior Gaza Wars, officially designated as such, one would have, with a measure of Confidence been able to gauge the 3rd Gaza War. This 3rd Gaza War, called Operation Iron Swords is the Retaliation by the IDF for the HAMAS October 7, 2023 Attack against Israel.

    The issue is a bit convoluted in that it depends on what the Military Action on the part of the IDF was designated as. For example, in 2012, there was the Operation Pillar of Cloud and it involved an IDF Military Strike against Gaza at the Time. But it was not considered a ‘War’ as was the case in 2008 and 2014, etc. Now, how the Phi Ratio of these 3 Gaza Wars now play into when the 3rd Lebanon War is to occur, is based on their Phi Ratio linkage. That is, the Phi Ratio of the 3 Gaza Wars overlaps and links, in-sync with the 1st and 2nd Lebanon Wars.

    That is to say and strongly suggest that based on this Phi Ratio Pattern, to reiterate, the likelihood of the 3rd Lebanon War will occur in late 2024, if not in 2025 sometime. One would venture to say, anytime on or after the 9th of Av. It will remain to be seen. And in some Interpretations, perhaps this coming 7-Front, Major Regional Israeli War with its Inner-Ring of Muslim Enemies will constitute the Psalm 83 War.

    Prophecy Up Ahead, No U-Turns.

    Israel Wars – Phi Ratio Patterns

    1. JPost said Western intelligence sources report Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av which is August 12-13.

    2. Which gives Israel time to strike them all preemptively. This whole scenario grows more momentous and portentous by the hour.

    3. In July 2006 Israel went to war with Lebanon. It lasted 34 days.

  60. “ Israel launches a pre-emptive attack and destroys the Al Dabaa airport near Al Qusayr inside Syria.
    According to Arab reports, many Hezbollah and Iranian missiles have now been destroyed. at least 5 attacks so far!” Amir Tsarfati

  61. RE: Israeli Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary War

    So, it all starts to make sense, Astronomically in the 7th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign. At least in one’s Mind in how the Sign is being ‘Attacked’ by a Comet as if the Sign, Virgo or in one’s Interpretations, Israel is being ‘Bombarded’ by a ‘Missile’ Attack. This is one’s Artistic Interpretation of how the Constellation of Virgo, a Biblical Euphemism for Israel is depicted as being targeted and bombarded by the Comet C/2023 A3 as it crisscrosses the entire length of the Motif that has only positioned itself in 2024 and not since 32 AD.

    This Chart and Comet is the Topic that one wrote about back at the beginning of the Year. One is taking Artistic License here to Interpret the Comet, in Time-Lapse as it crisscrossed Virgo to be what will happen to Israel in this up-coming 7-Front Assault by its Muslim Para-Military Forces. See what you think.

    Prophecy Ahead, no U-Turns allowed.

    Revelation 12 Sign Bombardment

  62. Hey Family...if you haven't seen it already check out the recent video by Tyler@Generation2434.   He covers a lot of ground but I particularly liked where he talked about the historic destruction of the Jewish Temple on the 9th of Av in 586 BC and 70 AD, and how the potential removal (Harpazo) of the "Body of Christ" Temple (1 Corinthians 6:19) on the 9th of Av in 2024 will serve to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy as they see the gentiles + others (BoC) "taken away" for their Salvation.   Pretty cool typology, huh!    Start at the 17 minute mark.

    Body of Christ  =  Temple

  63. Iran expected to attack Israel on Monday
    This is 9 months and 23 days after the Wedding Ring Eclipse!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. And 11 months and 9 days (9/11) from the Wedding Ring Eclipse to September 23rd...

    3. Stephan...I'm thinking that Iran and its proxies may wait until the Olympics are over in 7 days or 8/11.   And if they wait that long they'll probably delay another few days until 9th of Av to have history on their side.  This is pure speculation on my part.

    4. RE: ‘923’ Factors

      Good Number correlations to consider. Here is a Thought one is considering post-‘723’ for this Year, as one is still ‘Thinking Out-Laud’ like most about the Rapture’s Timing. We will see about the Av 9 possible Timing and hope that is a possibility for sure. But in keeping with one’s Temple Scroll 50-50-50 First-Fruit Feast of New Grain, New Wine and New Oil, it is the New Oil that has been the ‘Neglected’ one in considering its possible Prophetic Significance.

      Here is one’s Rationale for one’s Theory in building a case for why the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Oil could correspond to the ‘End’ of the Church Age. Or at least its Commission ending that will coincide with the Rapture Event. Here is its Foundation and Argument to consider, if at least a possibility, still for a 2024 Rapture, in one’s Opinion.

      In an Email Discussion, another Watchman rightly noted that what the Scripture does firmly establish, are the 7 Feasts Days of YHVH. Most Students of the Bible would agree to this Notion, one would think. So, there are 3 Feasts in the Spring, then the 3 Feasts in the Fall and one in-between, etc.

      Then, since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and later-on, the Temple Scrolls did the Prophecy Community, realized there was a Subset of 3 First-Fruit Feast in-between that constituted the entire ‘Bridge’ of the Spring and Fall Feasts of YHVH. And these 3 First Fruit Feast were 50 Days apart, etc. But it was not until recently that the End Times Community surmised the Prophetic Significance of 2 of the 3 that had been ‘suppressed’, that of the New Wine and New Oil.

      1- PASSOVER
      2- Unleavened Bread
      3- First-Fruits of the Barley

      A) First-Fruits of the New Grain | 1st Shavuot

      4/B) - First-Fruits of the New Wine Pentecost (Acts 2) | 2nd Shavuot

      C) First-Fruits of the New Oil | 3rd Shavuot

      5- Yom Teruah
      6- Yom Kippur

      It was noted that every Feast of YHVH has a Prophetic Theme and it was a ‘Rehearsal’ (Moed) until all of them are to be fulfilled by Jesus. And the Point is that the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Oil is no different. So, there then is one’s Logic for how this 3rd First-Fruit Feast of the Triad, which is the most overlooked, could be promising as to the possible Rapture’s Timing.

      This is the 1st Feast of the 3 that corresponds to the Ascension of Jesus.

      This is the 2nd Feast of the 3 that corresponds to the Acts 2 or Holy Spirit starting The Church Age.

      Here is the Conjecture. Could Feast of the New Oil be considered then the corresponding End of the Church Age Commission? In that, the Oil speaks of the Anointing and Kingship that could be commemorated along with the Rapture of the Bride and Marriage to follow?

      As it was noted, the Temple Scrolls show that this Scenario is a possibility. Nonetheless, the Feast of the New Oil is deliberately 'Hidden', just like the Rapture, no? It is not even considered by the Jews or Church Traditions in any way one is aware of. So, to this End, one is highlighting the Feast of New Oil then. There is 'something' there for sure and as mentioned, not only are the 3 Minor Feasts overlooked, but the last one, the Feast of the New Oil is totally neglected. This Late Summer, early Fall Window will be very interesting to watch and consider then. Lots of Convergences going on.

      Now, the Question most will have in reading this Synopsis about the New Oil Feast is, ‘When is it’? This depends on the Calendar used and when determines the Start Date. But if one keeps to the Spring Equinox Bench-Marker, based on the Solar Calendar, and one uses Nisan 15, in keeping with the Sinai, Exodus Day Count, then the following Date emerges.

      3. FEAST OF FIRST FRUIT OF THE NEW OIL = September 11

      As one can see, using this Timeline, the September 11 Date would appear to be Prophetically Significant. This would be the case if one subscribes to when Jesus was Born, on September 11, -3BC. And then, based on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline, one conjectures that the Return of Jesus could be occurring on September 11, 2032. Perhaps.


  64. Well, here we go for those who haven't seen yet. Could this be the lead-in moments to the Rapture?


    LIVE UPDATES IN PROGRESS, ISRAEL-IRAN CONFLICT -- FLASH: Russia to Enter Middle East War to Protect Iran if needed

    Looks like Russia is threatening involvement over that second link above. Looks like it really is getting ready to hit the fan. Or maybe it will, by God's providence, be walked back again from getting too serious if it isn't quite yet time.

    Say it is so.

  65. RE: Some Interesting Day Counts

    Also, highly recommend this week's John Haller’s Prophecy Update. He does a Good Job in breaking-down the Geo-Politics of where the Middle East stands right now. As it has been said, 'Israel is the Hour Hand, Jerusalem is the Minute Hand, the Temple Mount is the Second Hand', of the Prophetic Clock.


    Ismail Haniyeh Assassination July 31, 2024 to August 13, 2024 9th of Av
    Rabbinical Calendar
    = 13 Days

    October 8, 2023 HAMAS Attack, Day after to Haniyeh Assassination July 31, 2024
    = 9 Months 23 Days (923)

    October 7, 2023 HAMAS Attack to August 13, 2024 9th of Av
    = 311 Days

    October 7, 2023 HAMAS Attack to September 23, 2024 Revelation 12 Sign
    7-Year Anniversary (923)
    = 50 Weeks

    August 12, 2024, Eve of 9th of Av to September 23, 2024 Revelation 12 Sign
    7-Year Anniversary (923)
    = 40 Days

    2024-08-04 John Haller's Prophecy Update
    ‘When Will it Begin?’
    Fellowship Bible Chapel

  66. This is what it must have been like for Kings Hezekiah and Jehoshaphat, respectively, when each heard terrifying rumors of enemy armies’ intentions to attack them.

    And we know what God did to those enemy forces.

  67. RE: Lion’s Gate Halfway Time Marker - Market Crash - Rapture Timing?

    Pertaining to the Black Monday Stock Market Crash of -1033.99 Points on August 5, 2024, as they say, Hind-Sight is 20/20, but one does not live looking forward based on viewing the Rear-View Mirror, sort of speak. It was reported that the Stock Market of Japan that kicked-off the Trade Sell-off Rally had not been that drastic since the Black Monday of 1987, etc. And one finds the Number -1033.99 rather interesting with the 1000, 33 and 99 Coefficients.

    But in considering 1 of the Factors that one has built upon to suggest that July 23 or 723 Pentecost New Wine Theory, it is about the Lion’s Gate. One has brought-up this aspect about it before. For a Brief Review, it is that Agriculturally, in the Ancient Levant or Promised Land, the End of the Wheat Harvest ‘Officially’ concluded on a July 22.

    This Date was when the Nile flooded in Egypt and it was then commemorated by the Astrological Sign of the Leo New Year the following Day, that being July 23. That has been part of one’s Rapture Timing Theory as presented many Times. However, as also discussed, it is when the Lion’s Gate ‘Opens’ and that according to the Ancient Egyptians, it was when the Dead would be Resurrected and be taken to the Stars, etc. So, how does the Stock Market Crash of August 5th play into this Theory?

    Well, one’s Point is that in observing the Timeline, Astrologically, the Half-Way Time Marker from July 23 to August 23, when the Lion’s Gate is ‘Opened’, corresponds to the Eve of August 5. And that was when the Stock Market Crash occurred. Also, at that Time and Place, the Moon, Venus and Mercury were in approximate Conjunction with Regulus, the King Star of Leo. And as noted, it will be then on August 22-23, that the Lion’s Gate then ‘Closes’. That is when Astronomically the Sun will be conjoined with the King Star of Regulus at the King’s Sign of Leo, etc.

    July 23 = Astrological Leo New Year and Opening of Lion’s Gate
    Mid-Point = August 4 (Stock Market Crash of -1033.99 Points)
    August 22-23 = Sun in Leo and Closure of Lion’s Gate

    So, here is one’s Thought. One is 2nd Guessing the July 23 Pentecost New Wine association, only in the sense that, perhaps what if the Rapture’s Timing corresponds not to the 1st Day that the Lion’s Gate ‘Opened’, but rather when it ‘Closes’ on August 22-23? Nonetheless, it would appear that a flurry of Celestial Activity is being concentrated in both the Constellations of Leo and Taurus. And remember that the Amazing Conjunction of Jupiter with Mars occurs in-between the Horns of Taurus on the 9th of Av.

    And as expounded in prior Posts, any Planet that conjoins with Jupiter or Saturn, the Giant Planets magnifies to the X Degree what that Planet is attributed with. In the case of Mars, the Planet of War, one is suggesting that on that Day, a Major War Effort, Campaign or Event will occur in the World that will be above and beyond the normal Celestial Association. Now as to what that will be or look like?
    Well, consider one’s Conjecture and that of even Non-Bible Prophecy Watchers that suspect Iran and its Proxies will simultaneously attack Israel. The Jews have even insinuated that the ‘Attack’ will coincide with the 9th of Av, as it reflects, ‘As Above, So Below’ with the Jupiter-Mars Conjunction in Taurus, the Sign of Wrath and Judgment. All these Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars above and the Geo-Political Wrangling's below in this Time-Frame leading-up to the 7th Anniversary of the 3 Great American Solar Eclipse that speak of the Judgment pending of the USA and then the Revelation 12 Sign 'Rapture' Event are spectacular to observe in these Last Days.

    Prophecy Ahead, No U-Turns Allowed.

    1. Love it, Lu. Thanks for the rundown! Hoping to see everyone soon in our new "outfits" :)

    2. Lu...the financial experts say the market sell-off yesterday was caused primarily by the Japanese Yen Carry-Trade.  Not to be confused with Carry-On or Cana-On!   The Bank of Japan raised interest rates last week and caught investors borrowing the Yen and investing it elsewhere where interest rates were higher, like Mexico, somewhat off guard forcing them to unwind their positions as margin calls came in from the brokers/banks.   This forced them to sell equities, etc to come up with the cash.  Ofc, once this started other investors who were not participating in the Yen Carry-Trade decided to sell too, creating a panic selling situation similar to Black Monday of 1987.    Hope this makes sense.

      Jeff...nice to hear from you.   I think it would be appropriate for you to say..."Let's go!   9th of Av or Bust!"    Lol!

    3. ‘Financial Advisor’ Bob,
      Where have you been all of my Financial Life?! ;0
      With your Stock Market ‘Insider’ Knowledge, I could have packed baggage’s full of Gold Bars onboard Flight 777. Ah, wait, that is just Pavement on the other Side of the Rapture. :)

    4. "Client" you want to invest in Gold Bars, eh?   Well, if I had got you to purchase some in 2017 the average price was $1,260 oz or is that prophetic days (ha,ha!).   Today it closed at $2,429 oz, so you would have doubled your money in 7 years.   But like you said, all those gains mean nothing or "nada" when you're on the "other side".   Unless ofc, you're into constructing "yellow brick" roads in Paradise!   But seriously, I just follow the market as a hobby now.   Knowing that the Rapture can happen any day now makes one an extremely conservative investor.   My motto now when it comes to investing is "you can run, but you can't hide".   In other words, there are very few places to safely invest now!

      "Buffett" Bob!

    5. ‘Buffett’ Bob,
      Yes, we are going to the Real Emerald City; the New Jerusalem that is Transparent Gold. And it is because Jesus has ‘invested’ in us, seeing that we were worthless. And He has provided the Way back to Eden. He is the that ‘Yellow Brick Road’. He is the Way…

      It is He that gave us that ‘Golden Ticket’, as in Willy Wonka. All we have to do is redeem it.
      ‘I’ve got, 2 Tickets to Paradise’…

      I've got a SURPRISE especially for you
      Something that both of us have always wanted to do
      I'm gonna take you on a Trip so far from here
      I've got 2 tickets in my Pocket, now Baby, WE'RE GONNA DISAPPEAR
      We've waited so long, waited so long

      I've got 2 Tickets to Paradise
      Won't you pack your Bags, we'll leave Tonight

      -Song by Eddie Money

    6. Gents, Blessings I believe there is a lesson for us in terms of the Divine Economy. Being a noble metal, gold is unaffected by whatever it contacts. For this reason, gold fillings remain pure and attractive through a lifetime of meals. Furthermore, one could walk on it with bare feet, for eternity, and it will not tarnish, nor fade.

      Meditate on this. The streets of Heaven are paved WITH GOLD. Here we again see the simple pragmatic mechanics of Our Lord and, I would suggest, a bit more. While kingdoms rage and men plot and murder for it, from eternity past, being also a picture of our Salvation & His Righteous, Gold was always intended to adorn His Royal City and to be trodden beneath the feet of His Beloved, amen. Revelation 21:21

    7. Yes Jimboni,
      If we may indulge in some Scriptural Rhetoric about our Coming Abode, it will be Spectacular to experience. One Day, the Bride is going to go through those Pearly Gates and walk on the Streets of Pure Transparent Gold. But Scripturally, we realize that the Bible teaches that we are already there, ‘Seated in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus’.

      It is the stuff of Quantum Mechanic is how 1 Thing can be in 2 Places at once. It is Mind-Blowing. But when we get the ‘Rapture Blues’, I am reminded that Jesus is waiting with us and for us, just as much if not more than one can comprehend. Jesus’ Desire was/is that His Disciples would be where He is.

      ‘After I go and prepare a Place for you, I will come back. THEN I WILL TAKE YOU WITH ME, SO THAT YOU CAN BE WHERE I AM.’ -John 14:3

      Jesus wants to share what He has and who He is with His Disciples. We only have a ‘Deposit’ or a ‘Down Payment’ with the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And as Glorious as that is, the Full Harvest is yet to be realized. Jesu wants to be with us and have His Disciples be where He is at, and that is Glory. I could not help but be reminded of that 1970’s Song in how it captures how it has ‘Been So Long’ and 1 Day, we will ‘Disappear’, i.e., the Rapture.

      I cannot believe it has been 7 Years now since this Community got together to Watch and Wait since 2017. A 7-Year Time Marker is Biblically Significant as we know and it speaks of a Completion and of a Perfection being met. May the LORD honor that Commitment. It has been the entire Time-Frame as if it was the Tribulation Period of Time.

      The Number 7 is the Foundation of God's Word. It derives much of its Meaning from being tied directly to Creation and symbolizes Completeness and Perfection (both Physical and Spiritual).

      Have we Arrived?! 2024 or Bust!

    8. "Rocker" Lu...that was an unexpected song coming from you, but very appropriate.   The lyrics are so cool.   Double AA will be very proud of you.   Welcome to the "Rev12 Rocker Club".   Lol!

      It's funny how you're original comment about bringing a bag full of Gold Bars on Flight 777 brought us here.   You even got Jimboni thinking about the "precious metal" and citing Revelation 21:21.   Needless to say, both of you Rock!    So looking forward to being in Paradise next week!

    9. Oops...I accidently hit publish before linking your song! Let's try it another time.

    10. The aesthetics and value of gold are without dispute, but, at times, when I imagine the Mansion Jesus is preparing for me, I can’t help but to see rooms full of morganite, named after American financier JP Morgan. Mined in Mozambique and like Pink diamonds in appearance, I became enamored with this lovely gemstone some years ago and purchased bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings whenever I could afford them. The first act upon opening the little box is to rush outside into the sun to partake of its natural, dazzling beauty and lush pink/orange brightness. In the Bible, it’s in the fourth row of the High Priest’s breastplate (Exodus 28:20). I could never hide my affection for morganite from the Lord, so, in His Infinite Kindness and Preparation , I’m sure my personal digs in Heaven will have it everywhere my gaze happens to fall.

    11. RE: 21-Day Daniel Delay

      That is a cool Color of a Diamond.
      A few Posts ago, one listed the Day Count from July 23, (723), in how it is 21 Days or 7-7-7 to the 9th of Av Date for 2024, being August 12-13. One also had mentioned how the July 23 Date for 2024 happened to coincide with the 17th of Tammuz. That is the Day Nebuchadnezzar and Titus broke through the Walls of Jerusalem that led to the 9th of Av. That is when, exactly then 21 Days later both Temples were Destroyed, etc.

      July 23, 2024
      ‘723’ on Full Buck Moon to 9 of Av, Tisha B'Av.
      = August 13, 2024.
      = 21 Days ‘777’.

      So, in reading some of the Comments from Dr. Awe’s latest Video about the possible Rapture occurring on the 9th of Av, a Commentator noted how from Tammuz 17 to Av 9 is 21 Days. And it is the same exact Day Count as in Daniel’s Prayer Request that was delayed by that Time, 21 Days, etc. It is the case how there was a Delay in having the Arch-Angel Gabriel, being dispatched to deliver the Answer to Daniel was intercepted. There was that Demonic and Fallen Angel ‘Interference’ going on.

      So, that was like the ‘Ah Ha’ Moment in thinking…humm…a 21 Day Delay, eh? And from one’s July 23 Date, being the same as Tammuz 17 for 2024? Not sure what to do with all that, as one does not see a Rapture Theme or Thread in Daniel’s Prayer that was Delayed? Or it could be an Aspect or Angle one is not seeing.


    12. "Bookend" Lu...perhaps this "repost" of mine will help you figure things out...

      Let's say we get lucky and get Raptured sometime in the next 3 weeks or on the 9th of Av, do you realize that Lu's extensive research on the Pentecost 'WWW' Feast of New Wine will serve as a 'significant' bookend to the start of the 17th of Tammuzz or the beginning of "The 3 Weeks".   Now he may not have intentionally known that or may have misinterpreted his 723 dream, but in my humble opinion that's a major accomplishment if things go down as Dr. Barry + Tyler speculate.   Bottom line, if we get Raptured on the 9th of Av (or sooner!) all three of these watchmen will go down in history as being the prophetic "bookends" leading up to and concluding with The Bride's departure.   Just saying...and giving credit where it's due!


      T = Thankful for being Chosen

      Benjamin Baruch

      Here is what one received about the Israeli IDF Strike. It is not to be sensational but to pass it along with a call to discern about it.

      I received several ALERTS from former Intel Colleagues tonight confirming
      "Israel is going pre-emptive."

      The Israeli Defense Force has decided they will engage in PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKES against Hezbollah in Lebanon, BEFORE Hezbollah and/or Iran can strike Israel back for the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh!

      Earlier today, I reported COVERT INTEL to my subscribers from the White House Situation Room wherein Biden and Senior Administration Officials were told "The war will begin tomorrow . . . ." meaning Wednesday.

      In that story, I wondered aloud how they could be so certain, since it is Iran that decides when they attack Israel for the assassination that Israel perpetrated in Tehran.
      One of the options which I outlined in that COVERT INTEL story was the possibility that the US KNEW the start date because Israel would attack pre-emptively.

      Now, it appears that assessment was right on the money. I can confirm now (11:24 PM Tuesday night) that Israel IS going to pre-emptively attack Hezbollah in Lebanon. As such, there is now no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that "the war" will begin Wednesday.

      I earnestly hope you have all your preps because if Israel attacks over there, it is completely possible that Iran Sleeper Cells will commence attacks OVER HERE.

    14. RE: Window or 'Door' of Opportunity
      Israeli IDF Strike on Hezbollah

      Bob + Fam,
      Oh, Yes. I now remember you posting about the ‘Bookend’ and also noted the 7-7-7 or 21 Day Count. Here is a Chart I just made about how 1 of my Contacts forwarded me some presumed Intel about how Israel is going to preemptively Strike at Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, tomorrow, August 7-8, 2014. The Chart will depict the Constellation of Leo as that is where the Triangulation of Venus-Mercury-Regulus is occurring, right in the Midst of the Lion’s Gate Window or Door.

      Note that the Sun is about to enter Leo and the Moon is a Leo’s hind Leg, etc. It is as a ‘Bookend’ in itself, Astronomically of sorts. Also, realize that the Moon is in the New Phase and any more Time elapsing will diminish the Tactical Advantage Israel will have in striking in the Dark of Night. One has also placed a Timeline against the Backdrop of how the Rising of the Sun will look like over the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel on the 7th of August. The Day-Time Filter is removed for a better Visual Effect.

      The Timeline plots the Tammuz 17 correlation to July 23 as well as the 21-Day Countdown to the 9th of Av. And then, both the 7-Year Anniversary of the 3 Great American Eclipses and the Revelation 12 Sign will be noted. Finally the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18 and the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2 will be noted. So, here is one’s Assessment. If Israel is to preemptively strike Hezbollah, it would now make sense as that is the Message Netanyahu brought to the U.S. Administration. And, the Biden Cabinet then had to meet to discuss just that. Israel will do what it has to, to protect its Sovereignty, etc.

      Now, as the possible Prophetic Implications? What if, instead of the July 23 to the August 12 Av 9 Day count being more than just a ‘Bookend’? But rather, as previously posted, the Halfway Marker of the Lion’s Gate that opened on July 23, peaks at the Mid-Point precisely on August 7-8. This is when the Maximum ‘Swing’ of the Lion’s Gate reaches its Maximum before then Closing completely on August 22. And that is when the Sun then conjoins with the King Star of Regulus in Leo.

      All that to say, is that this is precisely then the calculated Day that when the Window or Door of Opportunity will be the Widest for Israel to Strike. One is only ascertaining the Aspect of the Israeli IDF Strike based on this Lion’s Gate Theory and Day Count. One is not comfortable attempting to apply any Rapture Timing. But for sure, one is considering that as noted, perhaps at the closure of the Lion’s Gate that concludes this Time Period could be a Candidate for the Rapture’s Timing, perhaps. There is also the Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary to consider seriously.

      Chart: Israel Preemptive Strike - Hezbollah

    15. That's some mighty fine work, Lu.   You listed several distinct possibilities when Israel will preemptively strike Iran, Hezbollah, etc and when the Rapture would likely occur.   You're clearly a very wise and competitive watchman, which makes me want to compare you, Tyler and Dr. Barry with the very "sportsman-like act" of silver medalist, Simone Biles and bronze medalist, Jordan Chiles of the United States bowing down to gold medalist, Rebecca Andrade of Brazil (see photo and article).

      I believe Simone Biles said in a recent interview on the Today Show "You’re happy when you win a medal:   gold, silver, or whatever it happens to be.  You're 'happier' when Jordan Chiles, your compadre, wins a bronze."    Such a rare thing to say these days!    And both bowing down to the Gold Medal winner to show their appreciation for her hard work!    So nice to see them give praise to their fellow competitor.   Likewise, as Christians + Watchmen we should always strive to do the same for our fellow Brethren!

  68. The attacks against Watchmen and women have sharply increased of late as they seek to warn others of the soon Departure of the Church. Chris at Global Rapture Watchers and his moderator Shelly have even received death threats. Even the immensely personable Watchman River Tom’s moderators are dealing are vicious comments. Watch woman65 had to turn off her comments some time ago. The enemy does not want us communicating with each other. I believe his minions work in teams as they visit one site after another. Another sign that our time in this fallen world is winding down.

    One day….no more taxes, bills, alarm clocks, difficult coworkers, waiting on hold, noisy neighbors, sickness, standing in line, and the endless other inconveniences that life in a sinful world entails. I am not going to miss one thing. Not even close.

    1. AMEN to that!!!! Maranatha our King Jesus!

    2. AA...I totally agree with you, attacks on our fellow watchmen + women are increasing these days.   In addition, in-fighting or squabbling among our fellow Brethren are increasing as well.    That's why I shared my post above to show there's a better way.   When we humble ourselves, show compassion and praise each other for our efforts and hard work, the Body of Christ will be such a stronger and happier entity (Colossians 3:12).

    3. Indeed, Caroline, I totally agree with you/Carole/Cap't and I'm sure most of the others of us here. There is NOTHING I will miss from this life, not even the pleasant, beautiful things of God's creation and blessings in our lives. Where we are going, and out of the unbelievable ugliness, corruption, and depravity of this world, is more than we can imagine! It sure seems as if prophetic fulfillment is exponentially increasing and being unsealed--as watchmen/women and we "run to and fro" searching the Scriptures for enlightenment regarding the end of times. The devil of course doesn't want that to happen--just shows how close we are.

      Bob, agree that the BOC needs now more than ever to be humble and generous to one another. We certainly may not "get it right," but disagreements MUST be done in a spirit of gentleness and humility, even if under attack, if we are to have any credibility at all regarding our own views or witness to outsiders (Lu, that's one of the reasons I always appreciate your rebuttals). If a believer attacks, or is arrogantly critical of another believer, it's the last time I read/view that person's channel. Come, Lord Jesus!


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.