The Final Judgement - Greg Lauer

The Great White Throne judgement has always been a bit foggy in my mind... Who exactly is being judged, when does it happen, etc. etc.   Thankfully Greg Lauer was led to dispel any and all confusion about this pivotal moment in our future with his latest article.  I was especially excited to see this as Greg always does such a thorough job of laying out Scripture in a easy to follow and comprehensive way.  He answers several key questions such as:

Who is sitting on the Great White Throne doing the judging?
When will this judgment occur?
What groups of people will stand to be judged?

And there are more....

Bottom line, the less fog we have in our minds regarding prophetic events that are clearly spelled out in Gods word, the sharper and more prepared we will be.  God gave us His Word to prepare us, and I believe we Honor him when we read and clear understand what He is sharing.  Thank you Greg.... can't wait until these prophecy's are fulfilled in Heaven with you all!  Abba Up!

Here is an excerpt and a link!

If you follow the above advice, you will readily see that the Church will soon be caught away to meet the Lord in the air, and not long after that Daniel's 70th Week will commence with a treaty brokered by the man who will become the Antichrist. You will see that God will seal 144,000 Jewish men to take the gospel to the world and bring countless millions to a saving faith in Christ, and that a remnant of Israel will be saved and protected by God until Christ returns at the conclusion of this seven-year period. At that time, He will destroy His enemies and establish the kingdom that His Father promised His people Israel, and a rewarded and glorified Church will return with Him to rule and reign in that kingdom, alongside Christ's resurrected and glorified disciples and other Old Testament saints. Oh, and the Great White Throne Judgment will occur after the 1,000-year kingdom is complete, and all unbelievers for all time will be judged and sent off to eternal punishment. And after it's over, God will create a new heaven and a new earth for us to dwell in forever.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Does the GWTJ involve judgement of fallen angels or nephilim? The Book of James says the church will judge angels so when does this happen?

  3. I enjoyed your article very much, Bro Greg and your personal story at the end. Whew!

  4. Another excellent article, Greg! The minute I saw the picture of Noah's Ark, I went "Of course!" It sure seems to be one of those obvious things hiding in plain sight! No other explanation for the "singled out" mention of the sea giving up its dead comes close to making as much sense. Thanks to you and our resident scholars here for all you all contribute to our watching and waiting!

    I posted the link to Corey's latest article in the previous thread just as I notice the new one here. More connections regarding the dragon sightings in NYC and around the world recently.

    The Dragon Imperative: Omens of Judgment 4

    Thanks, Brad, for keeping this site going!

    1. Just received my notification of Corey's new Dragon article--I wonder if the information I shared in my article helped him at all--gave him any leads? Looking forward to reading it 📚

  5. Family, some interesting things going on being reported by In2ThinAir regarding this record breaking hurricane, Beryl. The path is currently headed to Texas/Mexico/Louisanna in the gulf (with very warm water, so who knows what will happen). Lu, I'd be interested in what you make of the spiral patterns? We need to cover the BOC in this pathway with much prayer. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!

    4 min vid

  6. I was thinking about the prophecy update by JD Farag on Sunday. I stopped tuning in after he blamed Israel and Bibi for the Genocide of Oct 7 with nary a harsh word for the actual perpetrators. Well, I watched the update Judi linked to in the last thread, and, yet again, heard JD bash Bibi. I remember the time in years past when JD would spend nearly the entire update speaking about Israel. He seemed to be solidly on their side, and then Oct 7 revealed something quite different. I have to wonder about a Pastor and Church where a demonically possessed woman felt comfortable walking right in and sitting in the very front row, right up in JD’s grill, as he likes to say. Would that demon have been so bold in the late Chuck Missler’s Church? Or Robert Breaker’s? JD’s feeble attempts at professorial “pauses” are quite tiresome and I almost fell asleep. I feel vindicated in my decision to tune him out last October.

    1. The idea that Israel was caught in a sneak attack on the most heavily surveilled border in the world and that the IDF took many hours to respond has never sat right with me.

    2. The leftist military higher ups failed in their sacred duties.

    3. JD is perilously close to drawing a moral equivalence between the victims of the Genocide of Oct 7 and the demonic, barbaric, bloodthirsty monsters who actually committed it. Doubtless, there were intelligence failures but JD doesn’t even make an allowance for it. I see a Prime Minister fighting for the existence of his country with every tool in his arsenal while also battling traitors in his own Cabinet, the press and the most hostile American administration in history.

    4. AA, Blessings; hope all is well. I caught an overpowering whiff of JD's fatal flaws, as opposed to my own, ofc, Matt 7:3 when he poo-poo'ed the whole Revelation 12 'Thing'. Rev 12:1 KC simply cuts to the chase as only a New Yorker can do. When they claim to be Christian and then the stuff that comes out of their mouth is pure gibberish Rev 3:17 and belies zero discernment In Christ or Leading By Holy Spirit, then, operating under Discernment of Spirits, one can simply smile, knowingly, and move on. Matt 7:18 Selah'

    5. Blessings, Jimboni. Hope all is well with you. Yes, JD demonstrates alarming inconsistencies in his approach to all things Israel, in particular. Calling Benjamin Netanyahu “evil” was the last “last straw” for me.

    6. Netanyahu tried to force the covid vaccine on all Israel. I'd call that evil.

    7. Exactly! I for one, will not throw JD under the bus. I believe he tries (quite well) to follow what God shows him even when it "steps on some toes"!
      As far as the possessed woman....of course she would show up at a church where truth is being taught! There would be no reason for our enemy to try to disrupt someone not teaching God's truth!

    8. JD called Bibi evil for selling the DNA profile of every Jew in Israel to a major pharmacuetical company. JD has incredible courage to stand up and call out the many evils in this world. He has my utmost respect and appreciation for taking a stand against evil. Regarding the comment about the demonic woman in his church; as I recall demons manifest themselves to the disciples as well.

    9. I believe that JD is sincere and doing his best in what God shows him. Each person ministers to what God has given them and each specialized in a certain category and fails in another. They can't be correct in everything, because that would make them like Jesus. Pastor JD is excellent in preaching the ABC on salvation, propechy and warning people of the shot, but lacks better knowledge when it comes to demon possessions and deliverance. It's the same with others, Rass Distarr (I'm sorry, I don't know how to spell his name), was excellent in talking about demonic activities and how to be on the lookout before you accidentally open a door, but he never really taught about prophecy. Jaco from God's road map is great in showing what the enemy is up to and talking about productive programming, but he has some other strange interpretations when it comes to bibly meanings. Amir is great in keeping us up to date with Isreal, but does not seem too worried about the shot and other problems with the Elites. I'm not going to list everyone on here, but I think you get my drift. God gives each person a field to specialize in. Noone can be right about everything, that can only be Jesus. Think of ourselves as well. Each one of you also has a special way to minister. Some of you have discernment, others teach, other are uplifting, others work with numbers. Be careful to throw another person under the buss, because they don't tick all the boxes. None of us do. Take to heart with that which is correct and then pray for them on the things they lack or are wrong with so that they may get understanding.

    10. Oct 7 changed everything, imho, in both the physical and spiritual sense. The subject of Israel, God’s Chosen People and the atrocities committed that day are, paraphrasing Jon Haller, the dividing line or litmus test. I’ve stopped listening to at least a half dozen people that I, perhaps naively so, thought or perceived to be on Israel’s side. JD is an Arab and an apologist for those who participated in the slaughter of Oct 7, by omission, in not railing against them as he did Benjamin Netanyahu, who, as I recall, slaughtered no one but continues to defend his People and State even as he draws the ire of everyone around him. If one is giving JD a break for not being perfect, why not afford Bibi the same leeway? As for the demonically possessed woman in JD’s front row, as they say, weakness is provocative.

  7. Judi,
    Thanks for the Post and Alert. If you want my Take on the issue, here it is. The Spiral of the Hurricanes is based on the Fibonacci Cycle and appears in all natural Forms, even Galaxies, Planet, etc. So, that in themselves is not Novel as Hurricanes are a prime Example of this Amazing Natural Phenomena.

    It is referred to as the ‘Signature of GOD’. What is not Natural is how when you see ‘Rings’, that are equidistant and show-up for a split-second and then disappear. To me and many others that subscribe to Weather Modification Technologies, that would be it.

    According to the established and accepted Time-Frame of when the Year Hurricane Season starts, the Atlantic Hurricane Season is said to be the Period in a Year, from June 1 through November 30. It is when Tropical or Subtropical Cyclones are most likely to form in the North Atlantic Ocean. But as this Hurricane is forming in the Caribbean, not sure about that.

    One can argue that these Caribbean Cyclones occur Yearly and at Times, some are worse than others. One can itemize all the past Hurricanes that have ravaged all of the Gulf Coast. And each Time, it levels the Towns Flat and with Flooding, etc. So, why would this not be any different? Or it could be how GOD is using them to weaken the USA as part of His Divine Judgements. This would be, of course, if one for example subscribes to the 3 Eclipses that many made connections to Jonah and National Judgment. But in that case, why do the Innocent die in these Natural Calamities?

    So, that is one’s Thoughts at the Moment. It could be ‘All the Above’. But in Hind-Sight, one would bet that with the Biden Debate Debacle and the Jonah Eclipse, one is just seeing a Slow-Moving Train Wreck of a Nation spiraling down, by the Day. Not one to be ‘Doom and Gloom’, but the Circumstances in the USA, Spiritually, Economically, Politically, Internationally, are not getting or will get ‘Better’. No, they are getting Worse’. Here are one’s Thoughts and Sentiments as one was contemplating on what one sees is a Parallel to what occurred in Ancient Israel. See what you all think.

    Keep the Watch,

    Judgment begins in the House of the LORD

  8. Thank you, Lu. Yes, most certainly signs of judgment--and weather manipulation. The anomoly he talks about put me in mind of the Phi Ratio you often show us. I had forgotten the Fibonacci Cycle, and yes spirals are naturally occurring, but the backwards ones, anomaly, showing up in the eye were attention getting. It was no coincidence that Hurricane Katrina hit after after GW Bush, who supported Israel generally, also supported Ariel Sharon's plan to vacate Gaza and give God's land to the Philistines. And it was "only" a Cat 3! It's just hard to see true believers caught up in the judgments occurring before the Rapture.

    Good story, of two kings. Like Corey and Jonathan Cahn, the parallels between Israel and America are undeniable. But we never learn . . . . The US is in for a rough ride.

    1. Luke 21:25 KJV 25 (em) And there shall be signs in the sun (Rev 12:1, ibid.) , and in the moon (X- over America Eclipses, et al) , and in the stars (et al); and *upon the earth*, distress of nations (Globally currently) , with perplexity; (also) THE SEAR AND WAVES !ROARING! ; ...

      Notice if you will, it FINISHES the list.


  9. RE: Why Shavuot is not the Pentecost of Acts 2

    So, just sharing. I received an Email from some Moravian Brethren in Czechia. Cool. They shared their Teachings about why Shavuot is not the Acts 2 Pentecost. They did a Study on it that they also conveyed to their small House Church and wanted me to have it.

    Apparently, one is not the ‘only’ one with this ‘Crazy’ Theory. They came across my Website and saw/read how I have had this Theory and Teaching about that for some Time now. They mentioned if I could pass it along with the Groups one is in Fellowship with. So, here you have it. It is well done.


    PART 1/3

    Forwarded by Petr, Radim and Magdalena

    According to the Bible, the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) and the Feast of Pentecost are two distinct Feasts that are different: in the way of counting, the time of the beginning of the counting, the way in which the sacrifices are offered, and in the way of celebrating them.

    The Feasts are different from each other in the following ways:

    1) In the way of counting:
    The origin and method of their calculations differ: The Feast of Weeks is according to the Deuteronomy 16:9 and the Feast of Pentecost is according to the Leviticus 23:15-16.

    2) What a sacrifice is made:
    The Feast of Weeks is according to the Deuteronomy 16:10 and Feast of Pentecost is according to the Leviticus 23:17-20.

    3) In the way of celebrating:
    The Feast of Weeks is according to the Deuteronomy 16:11and Feast of Pentecost is according to the Leviticus 23:21.

    1. PART 2/3

      Point 1:
      Consider the differences between the beginning and the way of calculating it.
      The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) is calculated this way:

      Seven Weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the Seven Weeks from such time as thou begins to put the sickle to the corn. (Deuteronomy 16:9)

      Only seven weeks (not complete) are counted, and the calculation begins from the day the barley harvest begins (the grain harvest begins with the barley harvest). This usually happens before the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This holiday is always in the Spring.

      And the Feast of Pentecost is calculated this way:

      And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD. (Leviticus 23:15-16)

      The counting begins at the time of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. First, seven full weeks are counted (it does not correspond to a mere sum of 49 days), and then another 50 days are added, which brings us to the time of summer.

      Point 2:
      On the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) the following sacrifices are made:

      And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD thy God with a tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give unto the LORD thy God, according as the LORD thy God hath blessed thee. (Deuteronomy 16:10)

      Other offerings (sacrifices) offered are listed in detail in Numbers 28:26-31; in particular, they differ in that they do not sacrifice leavened bread, but only white flour mixed with oil. And they also differ, for example, in the numbers of sacrificed animals being offered. In contrast, on the Feast of Pentecost the following offerings (sacrifices) are made:

      Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour; they shall be bake them with leaven; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD.

      And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the first year, and one young bullock, and two rams: they shall be for a burnt offering unto the LORD, with their meat offering, and their drink offerings, even an offering made by fire, of sweet savor unto the LORD.

    2. PART 3/3
      Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering, and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings. And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits for a wave offering before the LORD, with the two lambs: they shall be holy to the LORD for the priest. (Leviticus 23:17-20)

      Point 3:
      The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) is, in contrast to the Feast of Pentecost, a Pilgrimage Holiday:

      Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD empty. (Deuteronomy 16:16)

      And on the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), in contrast to the Feast of Pentecost, God commands them to rejoice. (It is much harder to rejoice at the beginning of the harvest than at the end, when everything is done).

      And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to place his name there. (Deuteronomy 16:11)

      Other Differences:
      In the New Testament, in Acts 2:1, in the original Greek is said: And when the fiftieth day came...

      It follows that some counting of fifty days must have been completed. That is exactly how it is in Leviticus 23:16. In contrast, the counting of the Feast of Weeks does not include any counting of fifty days.

      The Feast of Pentecost is mentioned in the New Testament in three places (Acts 2:1, Acts 20:16 and 1 Corinthians 16:8), but the Feast of Weeks is not mentioned in it. We know that Paul left his missionary service in Asia Minor and hurried to reach Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (The Feast of Pentecost). (Acts 20:16)

      Here are the names of these two Feasts in the original Hebrew:

      The name of the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) comes from a Hebrew word shabuwa`, which means: seven, period of seven (days or years), week (for this see Strong's number H7620).

      The name of the Feast of Pentecost comes from the Hebrew word chămishshîym, which literally means fiftieth (for this see Strong's number H2572). In the New Testament there is a Greek word Pentecost [pentēkostē], which literally means the fiftieth day (for this see Strong's number G4005).

  10. Lu, why am I NOT surprised how Amazon has treated your books--you've been "over the target" from the get go. 👍

  11. Lu, I'm a little over half way through your book. THANK YOU for making it available to us. Such a great recap of our history, on this Independence Day and of your writings on so many of the subjects that have been discussed here over the years--all in one place! Your imagining of Eve on Resurrection morning, literally brought tears to my eyes (pg. 202). Yes, our nation is doomed, but having grown up in a military family back in the day when love of and pride in (slavery and discrimination notwithstanding) our country was commonplace, albeit naively we have since learned given the occult associations with some of the founding fathers and national leaders since, not to mention the formation and placement of many of our national monuments and capital city, nevertheless, there is much that has been and still is noble and good about America. Sorry about that sentence, ya'll, queen of run-on here. AA, I already see it, lol!

  12. Lyn, Judi and Fam,
    Thank you. While we still live, as I often say, 'On this Side of the Rapture', we are so fortunate to live in a Nation as the USA and be under Grace and Mercy. We still have Time to Change and make Things Right. If perhaps the 'House' of the Nation cannot be put back into Order, we have our House to be put in Order. And it will be just in Time for the Master of the House to return and not find us ill-prepared. As to the Rapture's Timing? One is convinced we are in the Final 4 Year...So, we wait as all Brethren before us did. :)

    Happy 4th of July Everyone!

  13. Blessings, Family. I thank God often for the gift of being born in the USA with the added bonus of the place being Washington, DC. There is nowhere on the planet quite like it. I’m not there as much as I would like to be, but the sight of the Monuments and Constitution Ave still gives me a thrill. The Potomac, Cherry Blossoms, Georgetown, K St, M St, etc, hold a special place in my heart. I still hope it will exist in some manner when God makes everything new, but it will never be comparable with the New Jerusalem.

    Happy Fourth of July, Family.

    I’m certainly guilty of some run-on sentences in the Court of Grammatical Appeals, dear Judi😘.

  14. AA, then we are in good company--ever try to diagram one of Paul's longer sentences, lol

  15. Like the inimitable Dirty Harry once said, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” 😆

  16.'s really nice to see those West Point cadets say they choose the Constitution over politics.   Perhaps some of us so-called Christians can learn something from them (i.e, choose the Bible or the teachings of our Lord and Savior over politics).    When we spend our time focusing on politics rather than on Jesus we're essentially wasting our precious time on Earthly vs Heavenly things.   As many of us should know, there will be no "red or blue" colors on the "other side" except for a glorious rainbow that will extend across the entire "Promised Land".   Sorry for the rant, but that's how I feel on this 4th of July.       10/4

  17. RE: Politics in the Military or Military in the Politics?

    I can understand your Sentiment. You have a Point. In the Military, as with Police and any Federal, State and Local Office, one pledges to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution. It is not ‘Perfect’ but would not want to live under any other Form of Government, unless of course it is Jesus’ and one that is free of Taxes.

    But sadly, many People in the USA argue that the U.S. Constitution is really a Façade. It really does not ‘exist’ by how many Laws, it has nullified it and stripped it of its intrinsic Authority and Power. But one thing is for sure about the U.S. Military. They, the Powers-That-Be do not want the Military to get involved Politically, but they Politicize it with their Woke Agendas, for example.

    However, being Patriotic about one’s Country is in order, and on its Independence Day. Here is a Skit we did back in my Home Church. I think I have shared it before, but or the New Ones or to just be reminded of the Sacrifices many Servicemen and Servicewomen have given their Lives in the ‘Line of Duty’, in the Line of Fire.

    2004: The Line of Duty
    This skit is in honor of all those Service Men and Women of the Armed Forces that have serviced and have paid the ultimate price to defend the nation with their very own lives. The Mime skit tribute also commemorates the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima.


    Pantomime Skit - Laurelglen Bible Church
    Bakersfield, CA - 2003

  18. Infantryman/Lieutenant Lu...I do remember your Mime skit of raising the flag at Iwo Jima.   Well done, bro!   And so nice to honor/commemorate our fallen soldiers on Independence Day!

    I agree with you, our Constitution is not perfect but I would not want to live in any other form of government or country.    Lucky for us we'll be going to a place soon (perhaps on 723!) where politics does not even exist except as a distant memory or when we're reminiscing our "past lives" while drinking new red wine at the Fun Table!

    Stay cool, Brother!   110° degrees projected for Saturday in the River City...Yikes!!!   But my figs love it!

  19. Bob!
    Please do not hate me for being ‘Cool’, lol. That is, because at 11pm Local Time, it is 59 Degrees F. (15 C) And our Week looks to be in the high 80s, 89 Degree F Tomorrow (31 C).

    Despite the Hot Weather over your way and all those Fires, try to be like the New Wine, ‘Chill’. ;-)


  20. Lu-ke...It sure must be nice having a temperature of 59° at 11pm as opposed to 90°!    But no worries, everyone loves "Cool Hand Lu-ke"!   Lol!    Do you remember that movie in the early 50's starring Paul Newman?   If not, here's a scene of you singing a song at a Florida prison camp.

    And you thought I was rebellious!

  21. Supernatural By Design

  22. “ Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child..”

    Eccl 10:16

  23. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days

    Is there a double fulfillment?

    Rel 12 Sign + 1260 days = March 6, 2021
    On this day, the Pope visited the ancient city of Ur, where Abraham was born (‚Father of all three abrahamic faiths‘)

    March 6, 2021 + 1335 days = October 31, 2024
    October 31 is 'Reformation Day'. Do you remember the 'Tower Card‘ shown in the Economist Magazine? The 'Tower‘ with Luther's Theses is split in half on this Card.

    November 1, 2024 + 2520 days = September 26, 2031
    September 26, 2031 is the Eve of Yom Kippur in 2031

    November 1, 2024 + 1260 days = April 14, 2028 (Midst of Passover)

    November 1, 2024 + 1290 days = May 14, 2028
    May 14, 2028 is Israel’s 80. birthday

    November 1, 2024 + 2595 days (1260 + 1335) = December 10, 2031
    December 10, 2031 is the start of Hannukah (Dedication of the new Temple?)

    Could the Tribulation begin 40 days after the 7. anniversary of the Rel.12 Sign? On a New Moon?

    1. Nice "number crunching", Stephan.   Your Tribulation start date of 11-1-24 makes perfect sense to me, particularly if Lu's 'WWW' happens on 723 and we get a 7-day warning from our celestial friend, Mr. Blaze Star or Yeshua...ah...ah!   

    2. Bob, 723 WWW is 100 days before October 31 :)

    3. That's a nice round number, Stephan.   But shouldn't we expect that from "The Great Mathematician"!

      Only 17+ days until 723, unless Flight 777 departs early on 7/7 [ ✈️  77   ✈️ ].    Better start packing your books, articles + graphics in your "Carry-On" bag, Lu!    Look there's Ty Green, Wonder Woman + Tom Hanks walking around in The Terminal!    Lol!

      Cap't Bob

    4. RE: 723 WWW is 100 days before October 31 :)

      Humm…Ah, I see Stephan,
      It is just like in the Year 32 AD when it was from the Day after Passover on Nisan 15 to July 23 (723) also exactly 100 Days.

      Thanks for ‘Proving’ my Hypotheses, as being a sort of Chiastic Day Count. Lol

  24. I'm sure many of you have heard or read about Betelgeuse going "supernova" in the next couple of years or 100,000 years, but have you heard about T Coronae Borealis or the Blaze Star going "nova" anytime between now and September?   Well, that's what the experts or astronomers are saying based on recent observations and the "tell-tale sign" of dimming before going nuclear.   Unlike Betelgeuse, which will go "supernova" and result in the total destruction of the star, the Blaze Star is a "recurrent nova" that becomes visible about every 80 years after a thermonuclear explosion on the surface of the white dwarf which is located about 3,000 light years from Earth.   For more info on this "once in a lifetime event", check out this video from my local news station:

    So one wonders, are there any Biblical or Prophetic implications associated with this relatively rare event?    Any thoughts, LuMan or anyone else?   To help you get started, here's some crazy ideas swirling inside my brain: 

    •I find it curious that it happens about every 80 years or "once in a generation".

    •Last time it exploded was in 1946 or 2 years before Israel became a nation.

    •The thermonuclear explosion is expected to be visible from Earth for 7 days.   Is this a 7 day warning?    Is this a sign foretelling nuclear war here on Earth?

    •Could this celestial event be so monumental that it rivals the luminosity of the North Star and becomes a "beacon" in the night sky visible to the naked eye?     One can't help but wonder, a "beacon" for what?   A celebration, a warning of something bad to come, etc?

    •According to Wikipedia, "the Blaze Star is located in the constellation Corona Borealis, which resembles a semi-circular arc or crown.   In classical mythology Corona Borealis generally represented the crown given by the god Dionysus to the Cretan princess Ariadne and set by her in the heavens."   Is YHVH about to crown His princess or Bride of Christ?    Let's hope so!

    Please feel free to add to the list as I'm sure there are many more Biblical or Prophetic meanings associated with this upcoming and rare celestial event.    Blaze 🌠 🌠 🌠

    1. Bob, fam, I wasn't going to mention this other than perhaps in the "much ado about nothing" category, but since the topic of nuclear explosions has come up, I have bumped into "nuclear topics" three days in a row.

      This was a text I sent to my brother, a non-believer, scientist, this morning. He had had me watch a video by a European physicist called Existential Physics: interesting—Over the past three days, after watching your shared video Existential Physics, I watched the movie 13 Days (Lisa Boyce had mentioned this movie about the Cuban nuclear/Missile Crisis, JFK), then my son reminded me to watch Oppenheimer (he had mentioned it before and I forgot until talking with him about 13 Days), so I watched that last night. So, Existential Physics, 13 Days (JFK, nuclear missile crisis), Oppenheimer (father of the nuclear bomb dropped on Japan, JFK again, in voting agains Strauss’ cabinet confirmation, Einstein/theoretical vs Oppenheimer/practical/pragmatic physics). I, of course, don’t understand the math/physics, but had no idea Einstein and Oppenheimer had differing views of quantum mechanics, which I picked up in Existential Physics, but didn’t understand. All that’s to say interesting “coincidences.” Hmmm🤔 [I wanted to share about the creator of physics, but he's hyper sensitive about anything religious and cuts off communication if I do.]

      Then, later this morning I read an article re amount of fentanyl crossing our border recently and the potential for deaths, compared to Fat Man Little Boy (codenames for bombs dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki) among other figures.

      Now the subject of the Blaze Star/thermonuclear explosion has come up. Coincidences???
      Given all the nuclear weapon saber rattling going on in the world today, perhaps God is signaling?

      Lots references to nuclear bombs in last few days

    2. Judi...thanks for sharing your "nuclear" stories/text with your brother, etc.   The primary reason I wrote the above post is because it was about a dwarf star going "nova" soon, resulting in a thermonuclear explosion being highly visible from Earth.   I'm not aware of any other watchmen talking about it and I felt compelled (by the HS?) to share it with the Rev12 family.    I totally agree with you, I'm seeing and hearing references to nuclear war everyday now and it's very worrisome to me.   As such, I don't think the Blaze Star going nuclear soon is a mere coincidence.   Just not sure if it is a warning, considering the Bible says the only warning this evil generation will get is the Sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:39).

      PART 1/2

      Really Good Observations. You get a ‘Blazing Star’ for the Day! Lol. But you better not be a Mason about it. ;0. We had already briefly touched upon the Subject. One had a Chart made about it as the Conversation was spurred-on by Stephan somehow. But here below is one’s Interpretation about it. You hit the same Prophetic Points as one did. For those that have a bit of a Prophetic and Astronomical Reference to the Bible by now, it becomes clearer and easier to ‘Read’ the Signs of the Sun, Moon and the Star, Blazing Star in this case.

      Debut of the Antichrist

      Now, based on one’s 723 July 23 WWW, ‘White Wheat Wedding’ Rapture Scenario? Say it does pan-out to be this Year? Then it makes absolutely Astronomical Sense what is happening in Virgo and at the Golden Gate this Fall, September and October. Realize that on Earth, the Golden Gate is the Entrance to the Earthly Jerusalem. It is Ophiuchus, the Sentinel that stands Guard there. It is he, a Metaphor for Jesus, that is preventing Lucifer, the ‘Snake’, Serpens from reaching in to take hold of the Crown, Corona Borealis. It is the Symbol for the Kingdom, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

      One surmises that after the Rapture and the Man of Sin, the Lawless One, who comes in his own Name, is revealed, he will be crowned King by the Jews, or at least by the Religious Sanhedrin. Remember a few Years back, these same Religious Leaders had commissioned and made the Crown for Messiah to be crowned with. And after the Rapture, since a large concentration of Bible-Believers will have been in the USA, America will no longer protect and provide for Israel. To the Jews, they will have no Cover and will be looking for someone to do that for them. One can say, with certain certainty that all these Astronomical Events are Signs of the Debut of the coming AntiChrist.

    4. PART 2/2
      So, they will gladly accept that Promise to protect and provide for Israel made by this Man, Come-on-the-Scene. He will gladly work out a 7-Year Peace Deal with the ‘Many L’Rabbim’, which one has presented Evidence will be with the reconstituted 70 Elders of Zion or the Sanhedrin. But one’s Conjecture is that after the Rapture, say if it is in July, you will have about 2-3 Months, wherein the Psalm 83 War Invasion of Israel occurs. All those 100s of 1000s Rockets will be unleashed at Israel, and from all 7 Sides.

      So, thereafter, to deter this Annihilation Attempt by the Muslims, Israel will be forced to show its Nuclear Teeth. This is when one surmises the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus is to occur. This Scenario is the one that one sees is most plausible that Israel will have to use to deter any further Muslim Menace. And this is what is occurring to Israel, Astrologically. How so? Israel is the Motif of the Constellation of Virgo. And there is a Missile Bombardment, in the Heavenlies as it is on Earth at this Time. How so? It is in the form of the Comet C/2023 A3. See Write-Up about it.

      #874: STAR OF JACOB
      VIRGO COMET C/2023 A3
      ‘Birth’ of the AntiChrist and Division of Israel

      During this September and October Time-Period, it would appear that Israel will be heavily bombarded by Missiles, as it were, by Comets. In this case, one tracked how Comet C/2023 A3 criss-crosses Virgo as if it was ‘Bombarding’ the Constellation. The Imagery is very ‘striking’, to say the least. Thus, one could correlate this Comet, ‘attacking’ Virgo or Israel as being Invaded by those 7-Front Paramilitary Islamic Factions. So, one is surmising that after the Rapture, the 7-Front Islamic Inner-Ring attacks Israel.

      Then Isaiah 17 will occur as Israel will need a Nuclear Deterrent to stop any further Military Escalations. And note that Damascus is not the only Muslim City that will be Destroyed. There are Biblical Passages that allude to Ammon, Jordan also being obliterated, etc. All these Prophetic Scenarios are just one’s End Times Interpretation. And again, that is if one’s 723 WWW Theory proves to be True for 2024. If so, then the Bride of Christ will not be on Earth to assess or regress what just happened. If one’s Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory does not coincide with 2024, when one will literally have to go back to the Drawing Board. And we will have that Lu’s Book Burning Bonfire and Jimboni’s!


    5. Professor Lu...I did all that research and writing and you already wrote an article about it!   Go figure, you're always way ahead of the game and me!   I can't believe I missed your article.  I must have been on vacation or sleeping in the back of your classroom.   But amazingly, we had very similar thoughts, including linking the same video from KCRA Channel 3.  What are the chances of that?  Because we had similar conclusions (yours was much more detailed and I liked how you tied the Blazing Star to the birthing of the AntiChrist/Star of Lucifer/Shining One, etc) we both deserve an A+ and we both should receive a "golden crown" at the FunTable plus several glasses of New Red Wine!    

      🚫 Mason Bob!    Lol!

    6. That scenario sounds plausible, Lu. I’m in the Book of Isaiah right now where God pronounced judgment on a multitude of cities. I think the Church has to be out of the way for the real action to begin. Real as in nuclear war and the appearance of the AC, ofc.

  25. RE: Pentecost New Wine Theory

    Apparently Lee Brainard believes I am spreading Lies about Pentecost and its association to New Wine. He did not mention my Name or Work specifically in his latest Video Critique, but he states that the Teaching is ‘Not Biblical’. He primarily is reacting to the Video Teachings of Dr. Awe and Tyler at Generation 2434.

    Now in Principle, one is with Dr. Awe and Tyler’s Camp. But as to the Details, as to the Day Count, one does not agree with their Av 9 Pentecost Timing. The issue is just what Calendar one is using and what is the Start Date. No Big Deal, but not apparently to Police Bible Brainard.


    But it is nothing to ‘Accuse’ the Brethren of ‘Spreading Lies’ because of it. That Accusation by Brainard has now been taken to a whole New Level of Scrutiny. Last Time one read the Definition of ‘Lying’ is the Willful and Deliberate Deception of others. One is convinced that it is not the case with Dr. Awe and Tyler.

    Now others have begun to take note of this New Understanding or Interpretation, like Brother Chooch, Carol Vey, Jimmy Root, etc. they are essentially taking-up the Interpretation of Dr. Awe and Tyler. There is also Nick VanderLaan and Jx Lovely does subscribe more so to one’s Calendar and Day Count alternative.

    But with any new Bent on the Bible, it does unfortunately happen. But one thinks that before he made that 1 Hour Video cutting-down the Logic and Reasoning of Dr. Awe and Tyler, he should have taken up with them in Private. In one’s Opinion, this Brainard Fellow is coming off as some sort of Scriptural Police. And that anyone not seeing his Point of View, is ‘Not Biblical’ and in fact, ‘Spreading Lies’.


    1. Lu, thanks for this topic, about New Wine and Pentecost. Studying it, it seems me true, not lies at all. Where are you last two articles, #997 & #998?
      My question about timing of this Wedding in John 2. Third day? John 2:1 (KJV)
      Third day after Nathanael came to Him? Then how many days before it, when John came to witness for Him (John 1:6, KJV)? Trying to count. Days before it –
      1:29 (The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him)
      1:35 (Again the next day after John stood…)
      1:43 (The day following Jesus … findeth Philip), 1:45 (Philip findeth Nathanael…)
      There are four days plus three days before the Wedding, in my count. Is it right?
      Should I think about Creation Week, when "it was very good" (Gen 1:31)?
      I have many thoughts about. New wine replaced water. Cleaning of the Temple. Our New Birth. First birth through water, new birth of the Holy Spirit. Jesus' first miracle. And soon comes Rapture with Resurrection. So, it's very interesting to me.

    2. Alla,
      You always ask Good Questions. :) But 1 Reason, perhaps why there is so much Contention about such topics as Pentecost being the New Wine Feast instead of the New Grain is because there is so little Evidence. One suspects that during the Writing of the New Testament, the Reason why so much was left out, was because of Familiarity and Common Knowledge at the Time. Meaning that at that 1st Century World, these Subjects and Topics were not Contended, at least not as much as they are now or Questioning.

      But now since we are about nearly 2000 Years removed from that Society and Times, the Common Knowledge and Understanding has faded a lot. So, that seems to be then 'Missing Pieces' that our Modern Society and Understanding cannot reconcile. But for example, if one reaches 'New Wine' in an online Bible Software, like Blue Letter, one will see that in Deuteronomy there are 7 References in Scripture of the Feasts of Grain, Wine and Oil in that Book alone. There are other correlating 'Grain-Wine-Oil' Scriptures also in Isaiah and Ezekiel.

      So, the Point is that while those Objecting to the Acts 2 Pentecost being on the Feast of New Wine, because 'It is not in the Bible' is unfounded. And such a 50 Day-50 Day-50 Day Count is not only found in the Temple Scrolls that were guarded by the Ancient Essenes. Now, one does find it interesting that the mentioning of the Grain-Wine-Oil Scriptures in the Bible do seem as though they are 'Veiled' or not emphasized. But that is just how the Subjects of the Rapture and the Church Age and the Bride of Christ Concept were also 'Veiled' to a dree. It was not until the New Testament Writing and Revelation that such Concepts were fully developed, etc.

      Now, as to your Question about the 3rd Day and it connection to the Cana Wedding? Well, that Phrase is 1 of those Mysterious Sayings and Revelation found in the Bible. It is Prophetic for sure, but it is a Concept that provides only limited Insights into its full meaning. It is at least where one is at in the Understanding of it. But when the Bible mentions a Time, Place and Hour, it is Extremely Significant. So, the Cana Wedding took place on the 3 Day, Jesus rose from the Dead on the 3rd Day, etc. The 3rd Day is Tuesday. Now, perhaps that is when the Rapture Event is to take place?

      One aspect of the Saying and Timing is that it has to do with a Miracle. Well, in fact any aspect of YHVH performing something or anything is a Miracle. But in this case one would think that is a Key to the Puzzle in understanding the Context of what the 3rd Day means. It will have to be about a Miracle. If one goes back to the Creation Template, then it is also about a Separation occurring. On the 3rd Day, YHVH separated the Land from the Sea and created vegetation on the Land. And this was before the Sun was created on the 4th Day, etc. Now one subscribes to the Gap Theory, so one argues that this was a 'Re-Creation' or Refurbishing of Earth to make it suitable for Adam, as the World or Creation that was 'Became Formless and Void', but that is for another Study.

      As to your Day Counts? I have not specifically attempted to Count the Days as you have. It does tend to become ambiguous or confusing in doing so. So, in this Aspect Alla, you are ahead of the Class. For me, I just well leave it at that and relegate it to the Mysteries and Information that is 'Veiled', for now until we are on the other Side of the Rapture. Only then will we be able to see plainly and understand fully.

      That is all one can say, at the moment.
      Keep Studying Alla, the Holy Spirit will reveal things in your Heart and answer your Questions.
      One sincerely believes so, because in Scripture, YHVH instructs us to Ask, Seek and Knock and He tells us Wonderous Things.

  26. Salutations to all ! Dear Lu, I took the liberty of copying your explanations concerning the year 1952 and Israel from Lyn's previous message under the site brother's comments:
    God's Land Down Under because he looked tired of staying up and the watch dates had passed, so I wanted to encourage him. I read in an article a while ago that you don't mind, especially if it helps with understanding the math and all that. Is this still okay with you or would you rather I remove it from his site?

    1. Hello Carole!
      Blessings. Yes, please feel free to use any of my Information, Links, Books, Articles or Posts as you please. For me, it is a matter of 'Iron Sharpening Iron'. And again, to stress, that all that one does is with the Objective of searching for the Truth. It is just one's Understanding, Interpretation and Conjecture, so one can be 'Wrong', but Healthy Debate is Good so long as it does not deteriorate into Personalities and Attacks as, sadly that is what eventually happens with such Topics.


  27. So it appears the election in France was rigged and stolen from conservative Marie le Pen. America has a child in the White House. The UK has lost its mind. There is no more perfect time for the AC to make his appearance.

  28. Tyler, Generation2434 as an interesting video, 56 mins, follow up to the one he did last night on Mystery Babylon. Lu, I think you have talked about some of this before. He includes screen shots of sources to document his information. It probably won't remain up long, but I don't have a way to download it.

    1. Judi...thanks for sharing Tyler's video.   I didn't watch the first video last night about where is mystery Babylon, but his follow-up video about the Statue of Liberty and its ties to the Freemason's was absolutely brilliant.   In fact, in my humble opinion it was the best video he's made to date.    He clearly was inspired by God (Holy Spirit) to make this video.   So Bravo + Kudos to Mr. Tyler.  In other words, well done, Brother!

      I wasn't going to mention this, but after watching Tyler's video and the video shared by Lu above ("Spreading Lies about Pentecost" by Lee Brainard) it seems fitting.   One commenter wrote:

      "Rather than saying "they say", "they say", "they say".   I honestly think the right thing to do is to have them on the channel and talk about these differences in their understanding of the scriptures.   I believe there may be some things that "they" (Tyler from generation2434 and Dr. Barry Awe) say that aren't quite right but I do believe they do have some things that are Godly inspired interpretation..."

      Although Lu Vega is not mentioned by the commenter by name, he clearly should have been.   My primary reason for including the above comment is to point out that all three of these watchmen (Tyler, Dr. Barry + Lu) are clearly + frequently inspired by God to share their videos + articles so they can teach the rest of us.   Now it's true they don't always agree with each other, but that shouldn't matter and that's not how we should "judge them" as we all know "their hearts" are in the right place! 

    2. RE: Statue of Liberty
      Priests of Babylon

      Did you mention 'Non' Mason Bob? ;0 But my, Brother Tyler was on Fire!
      You know you are beckoning one's Inner-Spirit to not resist going down this Rabbit Hole, as they say. So, I did, lol. It is one of my favorite Subjects to study. I can write and talk about all Day! 'No! No Lu, don't go there... :)

      It got too long, as usual. So, here is my Reaction to Brother Tyler's Most Excellent Teaching on the Luciferian Occult. Tyler is a Brave Man.

      Statue of Liberty
      Priests of Babylon

      Blame Judi for this if you don't like it! ;0

    3. Oh Lu, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist--that's why I posted the link--you were the first one I thought of. Yes, he was on fire! Good for him, for his source documentation and that he was proactive in praying the covering of Jesus over himself and his family! We should too, as well as for you, as you are more versed in these things than anyone I know and have kept us informed for years now. Unsealed, indeed, in these last days. Now, off to read your response.

    4. Excellent and thorough response, Lu, also giving credit to Tyler's excellent work! Did you see this typo, however. I caught it b/c I had watched Tyler's video, but others may not if they don't do the math, and it is a significant data point:

      305 Feet, 6 Inches = 3661 Inches

  29. Hey Fam, Jeremy posted this over on unsealed and I asked him if could post here for your input as well. He was happy to have additional thoughts. If you want to respond here, I can copy paste there, or you can do so as well. Whatever--

    unknown has left a new comment on the post "The Final Judgment":

    Brothers and sisters, I'm looking for input, on your end, regarding the Azovmena prophecies. The latest interview that I saw with Pastor Phillip was recorded around May '24. Even then, he was pretty certain, something like 90%, that the rapture would probably be around the Feast of Trumpets 2026. That would be September 11th. And he admitted that it could be anytime before that as well.

    I'm curious what you all think, because it occurred to me that he is one of those brothers that still holds to a 33 AD crucifixion. Therefore, it would make sense to him that 2033 would be the end of the proverbial second day and 7 years before also takes you to 2026.

    My own interest is piqued mainly because I just read this article . . .

    And it meshes pretty well with an idea that has been crossing my mind for months. The Pastor says with 100% certainty that God gave him a nuclear exchange date to start WW3 on November 11th of some upcoming year. And that is exactly 7 days after this year's presidential election.

    I promise I'm coming around to my point . . . lol . . . and it's mainly this: How likely is it, do you think, that the election involving the "last Trump" (Donald) is going to be contested for days, reaffirmed or refuted on the world stage, and ultimately instigate the final conflagration? Even secular "experts" have trouble seeing any normalcy this November. And I wonder how much the Pastor's own viewpoint has informed his date probabilities, because as far I can see, a 30 AD crucifixion (and possibly a 31 AD date in some models) is far more likely to lead to a Tribulation start on November 11th of 2024.

    Sorry if this is all convoluted. I don't really have the time to edit it tonight. But it's a good bit of speculation. Assuming that anything he says is God-inspired, it's hard to see how a rapture in September of this year would leave enough Christian voters to put Trump in office, but maybe the "last Trump" is only an obvious reference for the blind masses. And how ironic would it be if the campaign of the last Trump marked a direct moment of causation for an Israel-Iran, Russia-USA, and China-Taiwan conflict? The election only comes around every 4 years, obviously, and there has never been so much riding on one election in the history of the world. Everyone is paying attention to this Last Trump. And now we have Russian subs off the coast, and Chinese troops in our theater. I don't believe it's coincidental. Do you have an opinion?


    1. Hi dear Judi!
      As I posted below, I am WAY behind with Comments. I just posted this Reply to Jeremy over at Unsealed:

      Hi Jeremy!

      You asked, "How likely is it, do you think, that the election involving the "last Trump" (Donald) is going to be contested for days, reaffirmed or refuted on the world stage, and ultimately instigate the final conflagration? Even secular "experts" have trouble seeing any normalcy this November." And you also mentioned Phillip Barnett's Azovmena prophecies.

      I've been collating prophecies including his and have shared at my blogsite what the Spirit of the Lord seems to be saying to the Church regarding 2024. It is VERY LIKELY this could be the Year of the Rapture!

      In The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture I explain how more recent revelation has come forth indicating that NYC will be the main domino to topple THIS AUTUMN causing the last series of events to fall into place and culminate in the Rapture!

  30. For what it's worth, check out Andrea's post about JD Faraq and other watchmen way above in this thread.   I think she's onto something.   Nobody is perfect in their teachings and we all have our areas of expertise.   None of us are 100% correct all the time and if we were, well... then we'd be just like Jesus as she said.  Have discernment, but let's try not to be too critical of our fellow brother's and sister's!   My 2¢ on the matter.

  31. Greetings family! Our brother Patrick from the ENDTIME Watchmen site has a very interesting video. Lu, you can say what you think if you feel like it but I think he's onto something. The more time advances, the more signs and sensible calculations present themselves in my opinion. I think it will be of interest to Bob, Lyn and Stephan too and the rest of the family.

    Mon morceau de 🧩

    1. RE: August 21-22 Rapture?
      I sure hope so! :0

      You asked to comment on the Video Teaching from 'My Piece of the Puzzle' by EndTime Watchman on his YouTube Channel. Here it is, for what it is worth, as they say.

      1. He said that the Israelites left Egypt March 31 and 110 Days later is when Moses smashed the Tablets. This is Incorrect based on one's Mount Sinai Timeline. You are welcome to forward that to him.


      2. He is using a 30 AD Crucifixion Year for his Calculations. As you all know, I subscribe to a 32 AD Crucifixion Year based on the Astronomy of Jesus’ Birth on September 11, -3BC.

      3. I did like his Inference to Leo and the Sickle Motif it represents, the LORD of the Harvest. But that is why the End of the Church Age, the Resurrection and Rapture are of the Wheat. And on a July 22nd, that is the Last Day, with July 23, being the Astrological New Year, of Leo. This is my 'Window', personally that one is looking at, every Year.

      4. I liked his Day Count from the April 8 Great Solar Eclipse to his July 27 Date. But for one’s July 23 (723) it is 3 Months 15 Days. There is only a 4 Day Difference with his Calculations. But he says, however, that that is not the Rapture Window according to him. He was so close.

      5. He calculates, based on his Interpretation of Leviticus, that there is a Double-Count, as I had asserted Years ago, which is Great. But then he is saying that ‘Pentecost is now Shifted 7 Days’. What? This I do not see, so would not agree with this aspect of it.

      6. He is basically arguing that the ‘Correct’ Count to determine Pentecost is not 100 Days but 110 Day. And that it is based on Jesus appearing 7 Days later after His Resurrection in the Upper Room. It is correct that Jesus appeared 7 Days later after His Resurrection in the Upper Room, but I disagree in how he used that to then determine the 'Correct' Pentecost, but to each their own.

      7. He then asserts that the Sun was in Regulus on August 22 when Moses came down from Sinai, and when it was there again in 30 AD, as it was in 2017 for the 1st Great American Eclipse. Not to demean or disparage the Brother’s attempts at Astronomy, but the Sun is at Regulus, on the Eclipse, exactly on August 22, every Year. This is the same effect as was and is the Revelation 12 Sign. It occurs ‘Every Year’. The difference back in 2017 was that Jupiter had its Retrograde, 9 Months in the ‘Womb’ area of Virgo. It happens every 12 Years. And the next Year will be in 2029.

      8. He then calculates a Day Count of 6 Days and then 26 Day, as a Factor of when the ‘1st Pentecost' occurred on Sinai and links it to the Great American Eclipse of an August 22 Day to determine the Day of the Rapture. Why? One disagrees but it could be possible. It will have to be Tested just like my up-coming July 23 Day for this Year of 2024.

    2. PART 2/2
      What one is sensing is that more Watchmen are accepting that there are 3 Sets of a 50 Day Count, for the Wheat, Wine and Oil Feasts. Great. And one was not the only one that started teaching about it, initially 'Yes'. But because I do not or did not teach it on YouTube, it seems it is not ‘Official’, lol, as I have mentioned before. But others now have on YouTube. For example, I was informed that this Person, Jx Lovely that is teaching about the same of a Mid-July Pentecost New Wine and possible Rapture Timing, or at least going off of the Solar Creation Calendar.

      And she is surmising that Pentecost, on New Wine is July 21-22. See video below. Now I have just seen that specific Video Teaching and it was impressive. I do not know her Theology or Faith so have Discernment of any other Videos or Teaching. One is just highlighting that other People, at least now, are teaching about all that one presented to you all Years prior.

      As you all know also, one is basing the Rapture as a Wheat Type of Harvest. That determines the Season and Window. A Mid-August Pentecost and Rapture is way, far beyond the already harvested Summer Wheat. It is about halfway into the Wine Harvest. So, that is why any Av Month Rapture does not ‘Make Sense’, Agriculturally. Remember, I grew up working on a Farm. I tended to the Almond Orchards and saw the Summer Harvest, etc. Not that living on a Farm makes one an ‘Expert’, but one sure knows the Growing Seasons.

      And the Last Point and support of a Summer Wheat Harvest Rapture, is the Typology of how Jesus used that of Himself and how it would End in a Wheat Harvest, 'Us'. Why? It is because Jesus said, He was the Wheat. See John 12:24.

      ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a Grain of wheat Falls into the Earth and Dies, it remains alone [just 1 Grain, never more]. But if it Dies, it produces much Grain and yields a Harvest.

      In the same Typology of the Wine, so it is with the Wheat. We are Transplanted in Him. Jesus is that 1 Seed of Wheat, all Believes in Him have been put into. Because of His Death, we can now live, and live Eternally. And because it was a Seed of Wheat, as Jesus later alluded to, it then takes 120 Days for a Harvest. As the Summer Wheat was planted just after the Spring Equinox in Mid-March, 120 Days will take to a Mid-July Summer Harvest.

      And according to Research, the Ancient Wheat Harvest was, according to the Egyptians, ended specifically on a July 22nd. So, we will see if one's Theory is the one as it will be put to the Test for one’s High Rapture Watch in the Year 2024. So, get all your Books, Articles and Charts ready for that Bonfire! ;0


      A Rapture Revelation (EVERYTHING Points to This!) Middle of Wheat Harvest
      Jx Lovely

    3. Carole...I was going to say the exact same thing, but Lu once again beat me to the punch!  Just like that "Blaze Star" article!    Lol! 

    4. Thank you so much dear Lu! And Bob!😁 I knew you would have a good explanation in this video. We can always count on you Lu! Do you think I could also copy all the comments you explained when it explains well too to help understand in every way? Or if you prefer that I only mention the link you gave?

    5. Carole,
      And we count on you to find all those Videos you share with us. I do not know how you do it. ;0 But, ‘Yes’, you are Free to use any portion of my Response as you please. Any Comment posted on this Blog or any other Social Media becomes ‘Public Domain’ as it is discussed in the ‘Public Square’, digitally.

      I hope he or others are open to Constructive Criticism. And again, I am not saying I am ‘Right’ but just offering one’s Perspective as asked. Although I have probably ‘Offended’ just about everyone. I do not want to come-off as a ‘Lee Brainard’. ;0


    6. Non-Mason Bob,
      So, not as fast a their ‘Blazing Star’, eh? How about this Poster? This should knock some sense into People and some Blazing Stars out of them…Or rather they might be seeing a whole lot more of them, after that Smack, no?


      Behold the Baphomet Killer

    7. Your poster says it all, Lu.    All those on the "dark side" are going to be in for one heck of an "unpleasant surprise" when that hammer/cross falls!  

  32. RE: Boaz and Ruth Typology of Pentecost New Wine Wedding
    Where the Wheat meets the Wine

    So, apparently, I have a small following of some Brethren from Czechia and Slovakia, or Bohemia and Moravia. Cool. They have sent me now 2 Excellent Studies about Pentecost and New Wine. They subscribe to the July Wheat Harvest as the possible and more likely Time-Frame for the Rapture and Wedding of Jesus and His Bride, obviously based on how Boaz and Ruth Met and got Married.

    What was/is striking from the Study, is to know how they correlated the Summer Wheat Harvest with the Cana New Wine Mircale of Jesus. It has to do with the Number 6, the Number of Man that needs to be a ‘7’, Redeemed and Completed, Perfected, etc. See what you all think, but one appreciates these Hidden Nuggets that the Holy Spirit, one believes is bring to Light in their Prophetic Connection.t

    If it is this Year, 2024, then, as of this Posting, we have 13 Days to Test one’s July 23 Date Theory for this Year. If not, then we still Keep the Watch. But keep in mind the Time Zones, if even that is applicable.

    So, Cana On!

    Pentecost Wedding Rapture Typology

  33. Thank you, Lu, for sharing that. I'd much rather read, than watch, information--so can control the pace. Well presented article. As I was reading Ruth 3:4, the image of the moon (Bride) at the feet of Israel (From whom comes our Kinsman Redeemer) in the Rev12 configuration came to mind. I'm sure you or others have made that parallel, and it occurs after the late July wheat/wine harvest, but interesting to me nevertheless. I understand the symbolism, and the request, of "covering with his garment," but can't help but think there is another purpose. As someone who can't sleep with cold feet, surely uncovering his feet served to awaken him to her presence as well 😊.

    Also, notable, perhaps, is that Ruth was known to Boaz. She wasn't a stranger asking him to marry her. Nor are we with out Kinsman Redeemer. He knows us, and we Him. Ours is not an arranged marriage. No one else can do it for us. We must choose, and when we do, He does--although with Him it was a done deal before the foundation of the world😉.

    1. RE: Canopy of Boaz

      Yes Judi, great Observations. The Book of Ruth is Full and Rich in Meaning, Typologies and Metaphors. I do see also that Revelation 12 Sign ‘Echo’. If Jesus is as the Sun, and His Bride is as the Moon, then Boaz, representing Israel’s 12 Tribes or Stars, collectively as does Jesus would encapsulate the Motif of the Constellation of Virgo. Then Ruth, as the Moon would be at his Feet.

      As to the Canopy? Here is my take. As Ruth is calling to be Covered, or Married, it is then indicative of the Huppah that the Jews employ at their Weddings. It is the Coving of YHVH, of the Messiah, Jesus. It is his ‘Banner of Love’. It is like the Coving of a Hen with her Chicks that Jesus said He longed to Cover Jerusalem with, ‘But she was not willing’- at that Time and Place. It is also reminiscent of the Chamber where the Newlyweds will be ‘looked-up’ for 7 Days as the Best Man stands Watch at the Door.

      Your Dead will Live; their Bodies will Rise. Awake and Sing, you who dwell in the Dust! For your Dew is like the Dew of the Morning, and the Earth will Bring forth her Dead.

      Go, my People, enter your Rooms [Wedding Chamber Huppah] and shut your Doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the Wrath has passed. [Promise to Philadelphian Church] For behold, the LORD is coming out of His Dwelling to punish the Inhabitants of the Earth for their Iniquity. The Earth will reveal her Bloodshed and will no longer conceal her Slain’. -Isaiah 26:20

      This gives us a possible Timeline of when the Resurrection is to occur, at Dawn. And that is the Time-Frame when the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine occurred. It was the 1st Watch of the Jewish Day, 6am to 9am, with 9am being the 3rd Hour and the Time when the New Wine was to be poured-out over the Altar of Sacrifice, etc. This is why the 120+ Disciples were at the Temple ‘House’, not the Upper Room, different Words, etc.


  34. RE: Book of Ruth - Last Day of Wheat Harvest
    Day After was the Wedding

    Here is an Animated Video, Link below, of a Rendition of the Story of Ruth and Boaz. One thinks it is well done and captures the Spirit of what YHVH does to Redeem People. As it is known in the End Times Community, the Story of Ruth, a Moabite is as the Gentiles, that Jesus, the Kinsman Redeemer gave His Life to Marry, even though for the most part, the Present Church Body on Earth is not Jewish.

    What the Animated Story does note, although it is inferred, is that at the Last Day of the Harvest, both the Spring Barley and the Summer Wheat is when Ruth Bathed, Dressed, and Anointed herself to present herself to Boaz at the Threshing Floor. Then the Next Day, actually the same Day Time-Frame, Boaz went to the Elders and acquired Ruth as his Lawful Wife. He redeemed all of the Lost Possessions of Naomi, etc.

    The Point is that on that Day, the Day after the Wheat Harvest had ‘Officially’ declared to be completed, they were Married. If one then applies this Prophetic Typology and Time-Frame, this is why on the Gregorian Calendar, the July 22nd is the Last Day of the Wheat Harvest. Then it is the Next Day that is the New Year, the Leo New Year that then Opens the Lion’s Gate, is when they got Married, etc. But this would then make July 23, (723) when the New Wine First-Fruits would then be offered at the Temple. It would then signify the Beginning of the Wine Harvest.

    And that is what one Postulates, that the Acts 2 Pentecost was exactly that, the Day after the Last Day of the Wheat Harvest and then the New Wine Offering was made. This is when the Holy Spirit came down to Indwell the Disciples gathered at the House of YHVH in Jerusalem, etc. And that this subsequent Day commemorated the Wedding of Boaz and Ruth, the Kinsman Redeemer and the Gentile Bride. One then makes the Prophetic Correlation that perhaps, on this very Anniversary, some Year is when on that Day of the New Wine, Jesus as Boaz will come for His Bride, ‘Ruth’.

    It is then at the Resurrection and Rapture Event that Jesus takes her to His Father’s House, i.e., the Heavenly Huppah, the Chamber of Refuge and Rest. This is why, perhaps the very Rapture Event will coincide with this Date. It will be as the Church Age Commission of having the ‘Ruth-Majority’ Bride labor in the Wheat Fields. She, since the 1st Pentecost has labored until that ‘Last Day of the Harvest’.

    Of course, one is heavily invested in this Scenario, relying on one’s Interpretation and transfixing it to the Timing of the Rapture. This is why one is more convinced of the Summer Wheat Harvest and Boaz-Ruth Typology. The issue, is what Year? 2024 looks Promising, but one will see.



  35. Psalm 4 is the daily reading over at this morning.
    Gotta love how God does this: verse 7

    You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.

    May this SOON be not just internal but external as well. ABBA up!

    1. 🌾 🌾 🌾  🍇  🍷  🍇  ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

    2. Denver Fire Dep't:   🚫   🚫  🚫   📚 📚 📚  🔥 🔥 🔥 allowed at the Jimboni residence on 723 per Code Sections 726, 777 + 888.    Lol!

    3. And...No Burning at the Stake! lol...Maybe ;0

    4. Lu...your Rev12Family would never do that!    However, if 723 "comes and goes" without the desired outcome, we'll have no choice but to put severe restrictions on your dietary consumption of In-N-Out Burgers + Subway sandwiches until your next "high watch day" (7-23-25)!    Consider that a kind of dietary penance!   Lol! 

  36. Hello my dear family! I wanted to give you some news on Candy's health. You probably know that my little Candy often has digestive problems because I have mentioned it several times in the past. Lately she has been having frequent diarrhea with blood in her stools, tremors, no hunger or thirst and all. This happens to him several times a year.

    Last week I spent a whole night without sleeping, watching over her and going outside for her diarrhea. I cried seeing my dog ​​in trouble and not being able to do anything to help her and I begged God to heal her. I was worried about my baby love!

    I visited the vet and told him I wanted blood tests for the pancreas, as well as a stool test. For an amount of $728.00 OUTCH! I had everything, including the vet visit. Her pancreas is fine, so no pancreatitis, but her intestines are inflamed and she has Clostridium bacteria and it can't be cured but it can be treated. She will have to take probiotics every day of her life (I have been giving them for at least a year) and add psyllium powder (Metamucil) mixed with her food and when she starts another inflammation I will have to give her metronidazole twice a day for a few days. She is taking this medicine at the moment. It tastes very bad!

    At least now I know what his digestive problem is. Some dogs die from this bacteria and others do not. Thank you Lord that my dog ​​got through it again with your help!

  37. FAM! I'm WAY behind with reading comments. This is the time of year for family reunions and our anniversary ❤️ so I still will be behind for a while LOL!

    LU, I did happen to see your Ruth post above--I will have to watch that episode of Superbook along with my family 📖 📕

    I too am very expectant for a 2024 Rapture. It seemed to me our Harvest would follow the pattern of ancient Israel as you have so diligently researched. BUT we will see as you said.

    Possibly our Heavenly Father has a wedding date in mind that we have not perceived. I am watching to see if events occur as has been prophesied for this autumn before the election as I shared in The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture

  38. For those interested, the DJIA closed up +247 points today (7/12) or at 40,000.90.  This was only the 2nd time in history that it closed above 40,000.   The last time it closed above 40,000 was on 5-17-24 when it closed at 40,003.  So now we have 2 times where it's above 40,000 (40 × 1000) hinting at the nearness of judgement for Mystery Babylon (New York City!) similar to Jonah's 40 day warning to Nineveh.   Woe, Woe!    Could the "final shoe drop" when the DJIA hits 40,000 again?   Woe, Woe, Woe!!!     This is pure speculation on my part, but I've always felt that God's judgement would come to America as we approach our peak prosperity (record highs on the NYSE) vs at record lows.    To me, it just seems fitting it would end that way.   But then again, I'm reminded that "My thoughts are not your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9)!

  39. Dear Lu, would a little July 21 or 22 suit you? 😜 This video talks about high surveillance from July 21 to 22, 2024. But this brother, Dana, does not take at all the same explanations as you. He uses Paul's journey and other things. In a past video he explains a model of rapture with Paul's journey. Well done!

    Brother Dana
    Acts Ship Voyage Solved.. Finally! 18 min.

    1. RE: July 21-22 Rapture?

      Excellent Reference again is seeing others calculate the possible Rapture Window by other Means, as in Astronomy but based on the Journey of Paul. I agree with the majority that Brother Dana stated and presented. One is not sure about using the exact YouTube Video Length 'Numbers' to be a 'Confirmation of the Rapture occurring. Perhaps but...

      One has come across the suggesting that Paul's Journey, however had such 'Confirmations' in how, from Scripture Verses, the Name of Constellations, the Position of the Sun, Moon, the Locales and the Number of Days spent in each place infer the possible Correlation of how the Rapture Event could play out.

      1. I liked the fact that he realized that on the Full Moon of July, being a Buck Moon, the Moon is at the 119th Degree, if the Ecliptic is rendered as a 360 Degree Circle on July 21-22. One is splitting the Days to account for the Hebrew Day.

      2. This means that, on a July 23rd, the Day after, the Moon, still being Full, would reach the 120th Degree of Arc. This is exactly as one had shared about the Theory of Infinity in that it is at the 120th Arc that it occurs, if one flips the Formula or Equation, etc. The Point is that the Moon will be at that Position on July 22-23rd.


      3. One liked the Inference to the Binary Code of how the 119th Degree is as a Menorah of 1's and 0's that is signifying a 'Door'. Here is your Inference and link to the Leo New Year of July 23 and how that opens-up the Lion's Gate, etc.

      4. When one saw and heard the Brother’s Interpretation of Paul’s Journey, one agreed but in this Angle of Research, he perhaps does not realize that it is synchronizing with the End of the Wheat Harvest. In fact, Dana commented that the Ancient Name for Messina was Scythe. And this is what the Instrument is, that the Grim Reaper has. Or it is an inference of how the Sickle is used to harvest the Grain, as in the Summer Wheat Harvest, etc.

      5. One liked how the Inference was made that when the Rapture Event occurred, it will be on a Full Moon. And one has shared that for 2024, the End of the Wheat Harvest will coincide with the Full Moon, or the Buck Moon. This Date will coincide with July 22, which again is the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest.

      6. Also realize that this 120 Degree Arc, when the Moon is at the ‘Fracture’ of the Milky Way, or the Point where the Head is eating the Tail of the ‘Serpent in the Sky’ or Dragon Ring, is that the Sun is juxtaposed opposite of it at the opposite Gate. Here is a Linear Rendition of the Gates and notice how they are 6 Months Apart and delineates the Year in half.

    2. PART 2/2
      7. Realize that, as 1 Commentator wrote on the Video Posting, from the October 7, 2023 HAMAS Attack to the July 22-23 Date is a 9 Month Pregnancy Period. One had written about this Correlation and shared that Aspect too. But one’s Point was also that in Hebrew, the October 7 Date was Tishri 23 or the 7th Month, 23rd Day or 723.


      8. Here is where one leaps into the Movie Predictive Programming he even mentioned about the Buck Moon. Remember, for all those that saw the Movie, The Knowing? When the Professor was calling his Dad and how Judgment Day was to start on a Pentecost, once the Fire came down, the Forests were burning and what was showing prominently? A burning Buck. Coincidence?

      9. One like the Association with the Name of the Italian Port-Town of Rhegium. This is where it was surmised that its Meaning was that of a ‘Fracture’. In one’s Personal Interpretation, I believe his ‘Missed the Boat’ on the ‘Full’ Rapture Implication is that when a Fracture occurs, that is like what is to occur at the Rapture Event. It will be a ‘Fracture’ of one’s Natural Order and Domain, Dimension. It is a Separation, like with the Wheat from the Chaff.

      10. And that from the Port City of Rhegium, or ‘Rapture’, one will enter, as Paul did into that ‘Birth Canal’ of Messina. This will be, as one will traverse through the Sky, the Clouds to get to Jesus’ of the Rapture Rendezvous Place. It is as one will be ‘Delivered’ and received by Jesus, on the other Side. This ‘Rapture’ Rhegium is the Door and that is what occurs, based on one’s Research into the Lion’s Gate Typology but also based on Astronomy, etc.

      11. One other Commentator noted how the July 21-22 Date is exactly 11 Years and 11 Days from the Movie, ‘The World’s End’. The Movie was released back in 2013. One has not seen it but one thought that was for sure Hollywood Predictive Programming, nonetheless, etc.

      This same Research, which is great, would appear to ‘Confirm’ one’s Estimation about a July WWW White Wheat Wedding Rapture Window. This is why the Window is from 21-23 in one’s Book. And the Brother also mentioned different Time Zones as well. Lastly, one does refer you all to the same Day Count of how the New Testament, using the Apostle Pauls’ Missionary Journey pinpoints also when Pentecost occurred. And it was not Shavuot. In the Greek, they are 2 difference Words. But the Point is that in

      17 Sailing on from there, we arrived the Next Day opposite Chios. The Day after that we arrived at Samos, and on the Following Day we came to Miletus.

      16 Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus to avoid spending time in the province of Asia, because he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem, if possible, by the Day of Pentecost.

      17 From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the Elders of the Church’. -Acts 20:16

      If one has Time and for 2024, the ‘723’ July 23 comes-and-goes, then one will develop this Aspect of the Research into the Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory. But this was a really Good and Encouraging Video that one could Appreciate for obvious Reasons.


  40. If the Rapture indeed is July 23 or thereabouts, as I prayed yesterday, I told the Lord that I expected things to get really crazy. It has begun.

  41. Most are aware that they tried to take out 45 yesterday. The Lord gave the details of this to Brandon at Last Days YTC who shared it back in March 14, 2024:

    Prophecy Trump's ear

    Brandon was told to intercede for 45 the night before and he spent the night doing so. See his "It happened" video--17 minutes. He gives a summary of what is coming including the power grid AND GETS CUT OFF!!!

  42. It seems we have to be careful how we discuss the event that happened to 45. We are definitely being monitored. I text my husband last night when I read about it and my message was deleted from my phone. So weird! And as I expected here and unsealed to see conversation about it, only Lyn's comment shows. So I wondered if we are indeed being censored on this issue

    1. What i find interesting/puzzling (in the midst of the drama of the shooting) is watching the crowd --seemingly unconcerned while the S Service surrounds the pres. With all those shots being fired why are people not hitting the deck? Especially those behind and immediately around the pres. NYPrepper alludes to this briefly in his lates video also. I was so puzzled by this. People just milling around--even afterwards, not leaving quickly. This even seemed true of the people sitting near the man shot that the ED Physician was giving CPR to. Were they simply in shock? And this doesn't even touch the whole s service failures of security. 1963 redux?

    2. Caroline Glick played video of the same vile rhetoric that has been spewed against DJT also being flung at Benjamin Netanyahu. JD Farag has lots of company.

    3. Interesting hmewrdbound, my very first thought when I read the 1st report was setup. Hmmm. I dont like to think as a "conspiracy theorist " but somethings in my opinion just scream it. I will always concede I could be wrong... but somethings make you wonder. I don't know enough of the facts to be sure. But there is a whole lot going along that is a setup

    4. I don't really know what to think about it either but God is in control and he allowed this to happen. What will come next?
      Here is the opinion of a brother, on the community page of his site and I only copied half of it because it's quite long but the main part is copied:

      What you saw happen last night was not authentic. This was 100% a staged event.

      No bullets were fired.

      No blood was shed.

      All in the audience were actors playing roles.

      I am a Marine corps veteran with two tours in Iraq under my belt.

      I know what it looks like when shots are fired or rockets are hitting the ground. Everyone hits the ground or runs down the street.

      Go watch a replay of last night's event and show me one person that ran down the street running for their lives.

      I'll wait.

      But how did all of the blood get on him?

      Simple, his face was turned to the actors and not to the camera and he put his hand on his ear with a fake blood capsule. They use them all the time in movies.

      But how did he get those red lines on his face and how would they have been able to make it look like a snake's tounhe that quickly?

      Again, go back and watch the video and notice the mob of so-called secret service agents surrounding him and hiding him and applying the makeup on his face so no one can see.

      But what about the sniper?

      Yes, let's discuss the sniper.

      Once more I will remind you I am a veteran of the United States Marine corps so I know a few things about military.

      There is no way on Earth that the secret service in the real world would have allowed someone to access that rooftop in plain sight. This is the funniest part of the whole thing.
      What is happening right now is a sympathy card. He is actively gaining more followers right before the big events happen so the last thing everyone remembers before things go black is that the evil people are trying to kill him.

    5. Carole, now that! makes sense to me. Political theater totally. The blood even looked fake, too pink imho. The lack of urgency gives it all away. The shooter is probably really alive and the other person as well (hopefully)? Head fakes all. Can't believe anything.

    6. Was the killing of the attendee fabricated too?

    7. Why aren’t the headlines at Drudge and elsewhere screaming “45 Stages Attempt On Life In Desperate Bid for Reelection”? How did he, presumably, get the left wing media that absolutely loathes him to cooperate in the sham? Moreover, how did he get the “alphabet” agencies who also despise him to go along with the charade?

    8. Good questions, AA. Though the whole incident beggars belief, the idea that it could be pulled off as staged is just to much to believe also. So, what the heck is going on???? Besides which, T is hardly losing ground with his constituency. He doesn't need to fabricate something like this to gin up his base and gain sympathy. The dems have done enough of that already for him.

    9. He won in 2020 and will likely win again but for the fact that illegals will be voting in droves and the fraud machine achieved perfection last time around, anyway. Just stop the counting around 10PM and haul in the paper ballots, as many as needed.

      If it were faked, it’s pretty fortuitous that JB just happened to send that tweet recently about putting him in the “b$llsaye”. How did they convince him to do that?

    10. “The plan to kill Trump explained & how it got screwed up:

      April 20th: Democrats introduce a bill to strip convicted felons who are sentenced to prison of their secret service detail - Fox News

      May 30th: Trump convicted of felony on all 34 counts - AP News

      May 31st: Trump to be sentenced (possibly to prison) 4 days before RNC on Thursday, July 11th - CNN

      [Assassination planned for July 13th in Pennsylvania]

      July 2nd: Judge is forced to delay Trump’s sentencing until Sept 18th in light of Supreme Court ruling (surprise win for Trump) - AP News

      July 13th: attempted assassination of Donald Trump with clear lapse in security perimeter”

      (E on X)

    11. FWIW….

      “My name is Jonathan Willis, I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump."

    12. I think the witnesses who tried to warn the SS about what they saw are now in grave danger. Never give on-camera interviews. With biometrics, facial recognition, etc, TPTB can find out who you are and make sure you can’t testify.

  43. Replies
    1. I keep thinking about how Peter struck the High Priest’s servant Malchus and cut off his ear in Luke 22. Jesus healed it thereby saving Peter from getting executed for that crime.

      Of all places to be injured. Things that make you go hmmmm.

    2. No doubt Peter was aiming for Malchus’ head and missed. Healing his ear was the last Miracle Jesus performed before His Crucifixion.

    3. Indeed! Corey? Malchus certainly didn't have the ear to hear, bet he did afterwards! Interesting insight, AA, hadn't thought about the impact on Peter if Jesus hadn't saved him as well. The symbolism of the ear--that hears, not just the words but the message--is prominent throughout the Word, especially given the oral tradition and unavailability of the written word throughout most of history. Even today many parts of the world are illiterate. Lu, you have sure been quiet in all this😉. I suspect an article in the works, lol? There certainly seems to be a clarion call for people to wake up! How like our loving God, Who desires none to perish, to use even an attempted murder of a trump to call attention to the lateness of the hour!

    4. “ So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17

  44. I'm right there with you on the Malchus ear story. It is the same theme of hearing with the spiritual ear throughout the entirety of scripture. Simon Peter’s first name comes from the Hebrew, shamah, meaning “hearing.” Scripturally, the name is applied to the gift of spiritual hearing, as given by the Holy Spirit. as one chosen by Jesus as a founding father of the church, is centered on the fact that he has spiritual ears to ear. In the Old Testament, it is the name “Simeon,” who was Jacob’s second son through Leah. At his birth, she names him on the basis that God had heard of her plight …

    “And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Because the Lordhath heard I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son also: and she called his name Simeon (Genesis 29:33).

    Simeon was named for the hearing of the Lord. In the New Testament, Simon Peter lives up to his name, which also has it’s root in “hearing.” In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asks Simon, “But whom say you that I am?” Of course, he then identifies Jesus as Messiah, the Son of God. The 17th verse then characterizes Simon’s spiritual hearing …

    “And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 16:17).

    Here, Jesus acknowledges that Simon has ears to hear the revelation about Christ which has come from Heaven. Though he still has many tests ahead of him, Jesus takes this opportunity to surname him as Peter (meaning “rock”) signifying that he would become an immovable stone in the foundational structure of the church …

    “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

    It is at this point that it is rather interesting to again observe that the middle name of the shooter is Matthew - as in the Matthew 16 passage above. The first name of the shooter is Thomas - as in the theme of the once doubting Thomas who now believes after sticking his finger in the spear wounded side of Christ.

    1. Deuteronomy 6:4 is a pivotal verse in the life and history of Israel: “Hear O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord.” This command to “hear” signifies the hearing of the heart, not merely that of the ears. This verse is deemed so important that it is affixed to the doorposts of the Jewish faithful. It is rolled inside a small case called a “mezuzah” and is remembered as one of the key verses in the Torah. When passing through such a doorway, they pay respect to the presence of the Word of God. It’s presence there is considered to be a blessing to the household. But the key scriptural admonition is to “hear.” God requires the faithful to “hear” him, but hearing requires more than mere exposure to the Word. The interpretive power of the Holy Spirit must be present in the believer before the full meaning of the Word becomes clear. Jesus illustrated this to his disciples following his rejection by the leaders of national Israel, as told in Matthew 12. There, we find the narrative of the Pharisees attributing the power of Jesus’ work to Satan, rather than the Holy Spirit.

      In the following chapter – Matthew 13 – he began to speak of the Kingdom in parables. His disciples wondered why he was doing this, instead of just speaking plainly. His answer, in Matthew 13, is quite clear in it’s implications …

      “He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand” (Matthew 13:11-13).

      Jesus acted Judicially against the House of David – in effect cutting off their hearing because of their unbelief. In fact, scripture is full of pictures of the hearing of faith versus the deafness and blindness of unbelief. When Jesus “cut off” Israel’s spiritual hearing, Israel’s fate was sealed. All who die in unbelief toward who Jesus Christ really is are destined for eternal damnation and will not receive salvation. The unbelieving Jews sealed their fate eternally in the afterlife, but national Israel just 70 years later after Christ’s crucifixion would suffer a dispersal from their homeland by the Romans to all the nations of the world. The Jews were scattered and in unbelief. This was the utter judgment of God upon them for their unbelief and rejection of Christ’s message of salvation through him. God’s attention would then be directed to the Gentile nations of the world with the message of salvation through Christ. His attention to the Gentile nations of the world with the message of the gospel message of salvation through Christ is where it has been for the last approximately 2,000 years since his crucifixion.

    2. Later in the book of Matthew, a remarkable event takes place. It illustrates not only the principle of spiritual hearing, but may also present a prophetic picture of Israel’s spiritual future. The event in question comes as Jesus is betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane. As Judas approaches with an assorted band of soldiers and Temple officials, he comes before Jesus and greets him with the infamous kiss of betrayal. Making no resistance, Jesus announces his identity to the crowd. But one of his disciples, in a burst of zeal, draws his sword and lunges at the servant of the high priest. This is first mentioned in Matthew 26:51 …

      “And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest’s, and smote off his ear” (Matthew 26:51).

      Virtually the same account is given in Mark 14:47. Here, however, the swordsman is described simply as a bystander …

      “And one of them that stood by drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear” (Mark 14:47).

      Again in Luke 22:50 and 51, the brief narrative of this event is given. This time, however, even more new detail is added …

      “And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him. (Luke 22:50-51).

      Now we see that after the ear is cut off, Jesus, in some miraculous way, restores it fully – in the end, it is completely healed. Again, in the book of John, the record of this event is given, now in it’s most complete form. Here, we find Simon Peter named as the swordsman and Malchus identified as the servant of the High Priest. In John 18:10-11 we read …

      “Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?” (John 18:10-11).

      Jesus clearly states that his mission is not to make war against against the political and religious system of the world, but to do the will of his heavenly Father. This is but one of many times that Christ must rebuke Peter, who is both quick to hear and quick to ignore. But the event is a divinely intentioned prophetic foreview of the healing of Israel that will come in the Kingdom Age, which will be the 1,000 year millennial reign of Christ and the church upon the earth after the rapture event and seven-year judgment period called the Tribulation. As he had often done before, Peter impulsively lunged forth to do what he thought was right at the moment. No doubt, he felt that attacking the High Priest’s representative would give him the best chance at forestalling Jesus’ arrest. Since he attacked with a sword, he probably meant to leave Malchus with a mortal wound. But Peter was a fisherman, not a warrior. Malchus must have dodged at the last moment. Instead of his throat or chest, Peter took only an ear. Significantly, however, it was the ear of the servant of the High Priest.

    3. His name – Malchus – is a linguistic variant of the Hebrew word melech, meaning “king.” By the time this event took place, the leaders of national Israel had already rejected Jesus. The Jewish Priesthood was under judgment. They were about to fully act out that judgment by wounding their true King. As Isaiah 53:5 says, “He was wounded for our transgressions …” But he was healed of those wounds, rising again to restore a world that sinned against him. Ultimately, he will heal national Israel itself. In their own land, he will bring the Jews a Kingdom under his leadership, and their hearing will be restored so that they may once again serve a righteous priesthood. As stated above, this will occur during the 1,000 year millennial reign of Christ and his bride (the church made up of all born again believers) on Earth.

      In a way, the wounding of Malchus (king) is a picture of the wounding of the true King, Jesus. But more than that, the wounding of Malchus’ ear is curiously symbolic of the people of Israel. As a servant of the High Priest, Malchus depicts Israel’s role. Like him, Israel served a corrupt priesthood. They listened to the wrong voices and would soon call for the death of their Messiah. Their hearing had been “cut off.” But Jesus healed the ear of Malchus. In so doing, he was prophetically acting out that future day when he would heal the hearing of Israel. In that day, they will serve Jesus as their true High Priest. Peter correctly believed that Jesus was the Messiah and that he would bring the Kingdom to earth in the very near future. In the flesh, he acted on that belief, attempting to protect his King, even if it meant giving up his own life. But he was wrong. Once before, shortly after publicly proclaiming Jesus as Messiah, Peter had acted in the flesh. This incident is recounted in Mathew 16 where we read …

      “From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee” (Matthew 16:21-22).

      Jesus severely reprimanded Peter, even accusing him of acting in the spirit of Satan, rather than God. He knew that he must “suffer many things” in order to complete the plan of the ages. Centuries before, Moses had spoken to his people about the power of the coming Messiah who would, in the end, avenge them for all that they would suffer at the hands of their enemies. In Deuteronomy 32, the Son of Moses opens with a ringing command …

      “Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak and hear. O earth, the words of my mouth” (Deuteronomy 32:1).

      The context of Moses’ prophecy concludes with the judgment of the nations gathered against Israel during the Tribulation. In verse 44, it concludes with these telling words …

      “And Moses came and spake all the words of this song in the ears of the people …”(Deuteronomy 32:44).

      Once again, there is a clear linkage made between prophetic utterance and the ear. The ear of Malchus was once healed and made complete after being cut off. We are never told what happened to him after that. It is possible that, having experienced the loving touch of the savior of man’s soul, he went on to become a Messianic believer. In that future day when Israel’s hearing is healed, that is precisely what they will become. But for now, Israel’s ear is still “cut off” in unbelief.


    4. It is here where one could realistically say that, perhaps, by allowing Donald Trump's ear to be smote (to use the old poetic English), he is saying that the hearing of the unbelieving Gentiles is about to be cut off i.e. God is closing the door of Grace on the Gentile world for deliberately rejecting Jesus like ancient Israel did. It is rather telling that God may be signalling this by allowing a "Trump" president of the modern vineyard to have his ear wounded just as Malchus did representing Israel's unbelief. The cut-off or smoting of the ear signalling the end of the Church Age will be accomplished through a Trump - that is, the Trump of God at the Rapture.

      I think you probably get the idea, so I guess I'll stop there. Lol.

    5. It’s interesting that Peter was the preacher for the Jews and Paul for Gentiles.

      In the opening scene of The Passion of the Christ with Jim Caviezel, you see him as Christ bending down to heal the ear of Malchus.

      I saw video of a British man who predicted the attempt on DJT’s life and said afterward that DJT would be “on fire for Jesus.”

    6. Corey, when I suggested on your website that you include this information, I didn't realize you had already written an article on this subject (hadn't to the end of your comments yet). I definitely think you should link to it, if including is too much. Interesting that both cases were/are the right ear. And the symbolism keeps on giving.

    7. I think I will when I get a chance later tonight. Perhaps insert a synopsis into the main body of the article with the link. I always do this this ... I always think of more things I should have hit on after I publish. Lol 🤦‍♂️

  45. Andrea Widburg at AmericanThinker just opined that “ ….. Biden administration’s practice of persecuting Trump through trumped-up prosecutions is over,” with Judge Cannon’s dismissal of Jack Smith’s Mar-a-Lago case.

    She also went on to say, and I do agree, “ What’s so horrifying for Dems, and so miraculous, is that everything they’ve thrown at Trump has only made him stronger. Like George Washington coming through battle after battle unscathed (the same was true for Churchill during the Boer War), Trump misses death by literally a hair’s breadth. He seems destined to fulfill an important role in America, and nothing the Democrats can do will stop him. The entirely righteous collapse of Smith’s case because Smith is nothing more than an imposter fits right into this amazing narrative.”

    The memes are off the charts, including one with Trump as Neo, bending every which way to avoid bullets. Another is of a 8 foot tall Angel standing by him at the lectern. The Dems have only succeeded in making DJT even more larger than life, which I didn’t think was possible. He has even received sympathy and well wishes from leftist dictators that I’d never expect to utter such support. Just incredible times we live in.

  46. RE: Attempt on Trump

    Here you go…still a Work-in-Progress. ;0

    1. Thank you, Lu, and well said. As you say, our country has long reached the point of no return (But God), and although I could never vote for the Democratic platform (I don't care who the candidate is), they are all compromised in one way or another anyway. Dismal to contemplate but the condition of the human moral and spiritual fiber at this time in human history gives us little to be hopeful for. What we can know for sure is that God is in control, and He has the final say. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!

    2. The shortsightedness of those who believe DJT will “fix” America in 4 years is mind boggling. Do they not realize when that term is up, someone, likely a Dem, will get in there and reverse every good thing that was done, just as JB did when he occupied the Office. He cancelled the Keystone pipeline, rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, halted the funding for the construction of Trump’s border wall, etc, in his first days in Office. Trump won’t be in there after 2028 and then what?

  47. Bobby Z!!! Watching the RNC and the music is awesome.

  48. Take a look at the specific time that Trump’s ear was shot. It occurred at 6:11 p.m. In military time, it would be 1811. The act of Malchus’ severed ear perpetrated by Peter takes place in John 18:10-11. Talk about things that make you scratch your head. Was it a God confirmation? You decide.

    1. Interestingly, it was the military authorities or band of soldiers accompanied by Judas that approached Jesus … leading to Malchus’ ear being severed. So, military time corresponds with the chapter and verse number of the Malchus severed ear account by military personnel. How about that? A God confirmation for sure I would say.

  49. Replies

      Here is a Follow-Up Article about the Attempt on Trump. It is just more ‘Thinking Outlaid’ type of Discord as more Details are being made known.

      T-Minus 7 Days to July 23, Jerusalem Time for the Theory of one’s Rapture High Watch Day is to be Tested.


      Staged Events

  50. RE: Pentecost New Wine Rapture Debate

    So, in a few Days from now, we will see if one’s Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory will be a ‘Boom’ or Bust’ for 2024. :0 But consider the Time Zone Factor. For example, if the Rapture Event does occur on July 23, assuming ‘0’ Hour Jerusalem Time, 6am, then it will be 8pm Pacific Standard Time for me in California. Perhaps.

    I like to share a Paper done by a Brother, Allan A., from that has compiled the various Arguments for a New Wine Rapture possibility. Perhaps you all would appreciate it as it is Top-Notch, and I agree with 99.9% of what you have researched and presented in his Paper. It is Well Done.


    Here is the Link Online to the Paper.

    1. Opps, I mean this one. :)

      The Feast of New Wine (True Pentecost) as a Rapture High Watch Time 2024, 2025, 2026

  51. AA--You wrote on July 15:

    I saw video of a British man who predicted the attempt on DJT’s life and said afterward that DJT would be “on fire for Jesus.”

    That is the essence of what Brandon at Last Days YTC foretold (as I linked above on July 14).

    WOW! Have we got some incredible days ahead! Brandon mentions in his "It happened" video--length 17 minutes--the same thing God showed me of a BRIEF REVIVAL just before the Rapture.

    COREY--EXCELLENT article He that hath an ear! Need to go back and reread it.

    LOVE YOU ALL ❤️ Still in the midst of family events so not writing any time soon 📝

  52. RE: Meteor Flash over Statue of Liberty

    I am passing this along, if perhaps you may not have seen or read about it. I was informed, that 3 Days after the Assassination Attempt on Trump, a Meteor screaked across the Statue of Liberty. And there were Reports of the Ground shakes due to the Daytime Meteor seen over New York City. If you all remember Brother Tyler’s Video Teaching on New York City’s Statue of Liberty. There was a Comment made about how it is at the Gate to the Harbor and Nation.


    Then I shared now that Gate is a Triangulation based on the Cydonia, Mars Gate that is modeled after what is in Heaven, etc. So, to have this ‘Flash of Light’ above this Sentinel guarding the Silver Gate as ‘Orion’ is very telling. Crazy Stuff is happening for sure. Check this out in terms of Day Counts from the April 8, Great American Eclipse that had Nineveh and National Judgment Overtones.

    April 8, 2024 3rd and Last Great American Eclipse and Nisan 1 to,
    July 13, 2024 Trump Assassination Attempt
    = 96 Days
    = 13 Weeks

    April 8, 2024 3rd and Last Great American Eclipse and Nisan 1 to,
    July 16, 2024 Daytime Meteor above Statue of Liberty
    = 100 days
    = 144,000 minutes
    = 2400 hours


    1. Here is the Chart that shows the Triangulation of the Star-Gate of New York City, in one’s Interpretation.

      New York City Star-Gate

      And? Meaning? Well, if the 723 Date is to be ‘it’ this Year, then the Lion’s Gate is about to Open…The Question is, will this Year’s Rehearsal be the Real Deal! At Last? Time will Tell, or in this case, Days…


  53. RE: Book – When Angel Gods ruled Eden

    Inspired by the Daytime Meteor that flashed across the Port or Harbor of New York City on July 16, 2024 and in light of Brother Tyler’s Expose on the Statue of Liberty, here is one’s 4th Book in the Quest to locate and identify these Celestial Portals on Earth. Have a look as one presents the Evidence, as best as one has been able to ascertain. One is now more confident that these Triangulations on Earth are just a Mirror of what is in Heaven. As mentioned before, when one gets to Heaven, one will be looking for these 3 Structures or Temples that define Heaven itself with.

    Remember that the Bible states that there are 3 that Bear Witness in Heaven. And that these Structures, in some way or somehow, correspond to the Trinity that one is theorizing corresponds to. And that such a Pattern is replicated in the Heavenlies, or the Cosmos and on Mars or Planets, as Earth. Ultimately Earth is the final place where the Image is reproduced because they construe Extradimensional Portals or Star-Gates, etc. The Bible does give Glimpses of how here is a City up here in some Dimension. It has a Front Door and a Back Door as in a House.

    These are the Golden and Silver Gates. This Pattern is reproduced in an Amazing and Astronomical Array. Realize that the Cosmos is as a House, a Tabernacle then. This is why in Psalm 19, the Sun is described as running on a Path, the Ecliptic and enters the Houses of all the 12 Signs. It is as a Groom chasing the Bride. It has a Golden Gate and a Silver Gate that the Sun goes through on the Summer and Winter Solstices, respectively, Coincidence? No. Design. It is a Time-Keeping Mechanize using the Sun, Moon and Stars. It is a Giant Clock. And this is what Sites like Giza with the Great Pyramids were built for.

    The Giza Pyramids are like the Hands of a Clock that are keeping track of Time, Heavenly Time. That is what the Sphinx is depicting, its Beginning, with Virgo, and Ending with Leo. It is ultimately the Shory of Jesus’ Mission and Purpose. But is why the Rapture, in one’s Estimation and Research will coincide with this very Delineation of Time that is marked by the July 23 start of the Astrological Leo New Year.

    It is a Summation of the Sun’s Trek through the 12 Houses of the Celestial Signs, as was the way it was with the Tabernacle of Moses. It was how the 12 Tribes with their Standards exactly depicted how YHVH was and is Enthroned and around His Thone are the 23 Elders aa like an Encampment of Israel, etc. And this ‘House’ or Tabernacle is what was given to Israel as a Facsimile. Ultimately, it is the Earthly Jerusalem that mirrors that one in the Cosmos and Heaven itself.

    This is why it has the Golden Gate, the ‘Front Door’ on the East Side and the Silver Gate, that of the Jaffa Gate on the West. As to the Star-Gate of New York? During Brother Tyler’s Statue of Liberty Study, it was noted that the Gate echoes that of the Ishtar Gate of Babylon. And as discussed before, there is a Babylon in Long Island as well as the Land Sheaf that slides into the Ocean is named Babylon.

    1. PART 2/2
      Thus, one can correlate the Torch of the Statue of Liberty, as being a Cup that holds the Torch or Light that is upheld by the Ishtar-Nimrod figure that is the Statue of Liberty. Now how one likes to connect this Ishtar Gate of Babylon of Ancient Times with the one in New York City is the following. Consider that it was through the Ishtar Gate of Babylon that the Captives of Judah were released from and went through to return to the Promised Land, etc.

      And according to the Research of Chuck Missler, that Day was a July 23. Coincidence? No, Design. The other correlation to the significance of the Statue of Liberty being a Motif for Orion at the Silver Gate came with the Daytime Meteor that started above the Statue of Liberty and burned-out over Manhattan. One would venture to depict the Imagery as if the Torch was lit on Fire like a Match being struck across a Surface to light-up and then burn-out. And? It means that the Gate on Earth, in the Heavenlies and more importantly, in Heaven will be opening.

      As it is, one has written a whole Book on the Notion of how the Rapture Event will perhaps coincide with the Opening on the Astrological Leo New Year, and thus the Opening of the Lion’s Gate, etc. What does these Star-Gates have to do with the Church or the Rapture? Consider that as the Church goes through and out of Earth, thereafter, it is the Dragon, the AntiChrist that come in through it. Is it no coincidence that a Green Dragon was featured as a Fixture on the Empire State Building? No, it is all Predicative Programming that is signaling what is being Expected.


      Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.

      Free Online PDF Version to Download.

    2. Thanks,
      So, I have been getting a lot of Emails, wondering about one’s July 23 possible Pentecost New Wine Rapture Date. As the July 22-23 Day approaches, here are some Thoughts about it for this Year’s 'Test' or just another Rehearsal.


      Rapture – Day and Hour
      Testing the Theory

    3. Perhaps this is a ‘God-Wink’ as they say?
      At least for those that grew-up hearing this Group in the early 1990s. ;0
      Rather, if I, we are still here on July 24, I’m going to In-N-Out Burger, lol.

      Promotion Poster

    4. There is something special about 2024, 2025 and 2026. Jarrett at Supernatural by Design mentioned it in one of his videos. There’s some pattern happening these 3 years only. I like this year for the two solar eclipses in 2017 and this year and the 7th anniversary of the Rev12 Sign. Plus everything going on in Israel and America. Events in both seem intertwined. There is definitely momentum building, especially since the X solar eclipse on April 8. I hope America’s enemies do not stage an Oct 7 style attack here. I have to wonder with all the military aged men being flown in and let in via the southern border. I hope our 2nd Amendment discourages them. Maybe it will in the suburbs but you can see the rampant lawlessness in cities.

      Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

    5. 😁My mother loved that song.

    6. Lu...that was an excellent summary of your Feast of New Wine/WWW 723 Rapture theory.   With only 4-5 days to go, it seems that you're in a "reflective mode" and doing a bit of "soul searching" over all the work you've done these past years.   That's a good thing in my opinion as it shows you are being humble.   So kudos to you in that regard.

      You state that it will be a Let-Down if your 723 date comes-and-goes.   In other words, another "Nothing Burger" as in prior years.   You also make reference to "a running joke in your online community (presumably us here @Rev12!) that if your 723 Rapture date comes-and-goes there will be a Lu (Vega) chart, article + book burning bonfire to Celebrate".   Did you catch that "Celebrate"?    Please "say it ain't so, Joe"!   Lol!    I just want to say for the record, there will be no "celebrating" on my part as I would love nothing more than to be Raptured this upcoming Monday (7/22) at 8pm local time, Tuesday (7/23) at 6 am Israeli time or at the Midnight Hour following the Ruth and Boaz typology.   In other words, I'm totally on your side, LuMan!     And as a person recently diagnosed with "Rapturitis" (lol!), I was particularly encouraged by your statement..."But one cannot see a 2025 Rapture Scenario, because that would shift all Calculations to a 33 AD Crucifixion".   Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's the 1st time you've said that which is so much better than saying "if not this year (723), then next year at the same time".  Welcome to the "light side", Lu!   Lol!

      Btw, I just returned from my camping trip in the Sierra's so I may or may not have much more to say as it's been a joy to just watch all the crazy stuff going on in the world from the sidelines.  

    7. Bob! Bob! Lol
      Fire-Up the Plane! Thee Plane! Thee 'Rapture' Plane!
      This may be our last Boarding Rehearsal…Perhaps.

      Well, thanks for the Measure of Confidence. Truly. Yes, just being ironic about the ‘Celebrating’. Lol. But you are very perceptive in that I have been doing some Inner-Reflecting. I am such a Doubting Thomas or Gedeon. It is not so much about the specific Date of a July 23 (723). I can say that I have been amazed at how many Angles throughout the Years, the Number or Date has come-up. And you all have been there since then. There are only 3 or 4 Points of this 723 Connection, so one has just highlighted and noted those.

      The issue for me, that always is the Factor that is illusive, is ‘What Year’? I have been going through this July 23 Rapture High Watch Window for Years, as you all are Witnesses of. But this 2024 Year does seem different, as Double AA stated, than the Years before. Maybe it is because so much Craziness is coming to a Head. But also with this 2024 precise Year perhaps being ‘The Year’, one has also come across some amazing Timelines that converge for 2025, as one has also presented. So, it would appear.

      But remember, that all this is also based on one Interpretation. For example, as noted. If one subscribes to the September 11, -3BC Birth of Jesus, then that Equation only works for a 32 AD Year, in which Jesus was on His 33rd Birth-Year. If the Crucifixion Year was in 33 AD, as most End Time Students presume, then keeping with the same Astronomy mentioned as a Bench-Mark, Jesus would then be on His 34th Year in the Year 33 AD. And that would not sync with Scripture that states Jesus had a 3.5 Year Ministry, starting when He was 30 Years of Age, as that is when Rabbis could take-on Disciples, etc.

      So, I am ‘Cautiously Optimistic’. :0 We will soon, very soon see, if it will be a ‘Boast or Bust’ for 2024. If ‘Nothing’, then I am going to In-N-Out Burger and then shift the Studies to the next series of Topics, like World War 3, Financial Collapse, the next Plandemic, and Civil War, lol.


    8. Lu...don't forget that if your 723 Rapture date comes-and-goes you won't be able to eat any In-N-Out Burgers or Subway sandwiches until next year as part of your dietary penance!   We'll call that the Lu Vegan 723 dietary plan!    Lol!

    9. PS:
      If not aware of, Dr. Awe has a New Video on this Pentecost New Wine Theory, being on the 9th of Ave. He is Doubling-Down on that Aspect, which is totally fine. I am too. lol. But one noted that there have been a few others that have posted on his Video Comment Section that he is totally dismissing the July 21 Solar Calendar Count.

      The RAPTURE is in the EXODUS 9AV!
      Dr Barry Awe

      One such Person is ‘Brother Dana’, whom Carole shared a Video about Paul’s Journey. And how that ‘Last Voyage’ of Paul was or is like the Rapture Rehearsal. Perhaps, but one found that Rapture Journey very encouraging.

      Dr Barry please see my latest community post. I think God may be planning to use multiple calendars as a way to fulfill multiple feast days on the same nominal date. In the case of New Wine, He may be planning to use the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar- after all, we only know of the existence of the New Wine Feast from the Dead Sea Scrolls. That would be July 21st.

      All this aligns with this month's full buck moon on July 21st:

      - On the Hebraic calendar described in my latest video, July 21 is Shavuot.

      - On the ancient priestly Enochian solar calendar, July 21 is the 1st day of the month of Tammuz. Psalm 81:3- "Blow the trumpet at the new month, at the full moon.."

      - On the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar (, July 21 is the Feast of New Wine ("Acts 2 Pentecost"). And we first learned of the existence of that feast from the Dead Sea Scrolls!

      - On Torah Calendar, July 21-22 is Tu B'Av (the festival where men choose brides who dance in the field).

      Is God going to use multiple calendar types as a way to enable multiple feast days/verses to be fulfilled on the same day?

      When we look at Stellerium - we discover that the true date of Shavuot falls on 15 Sivan according to Jubilees 15:1 - which converted to Gregorian - 7/21/2024

      This is interesting: In addition to the above note - On the Torah Calendar - Tub'av falls on 7/21/2024 - when brides are chosen.

      On the DSS calendar ( Dead Sea Scroll ) - First Fruits of New Wine fall on the 3rd Az - 7/21/2024

      Here we have 3 feasts - Shavuot, Tub'av,and First Fruits of New Wine- 3 different feasts, 3 different calendars - ALL falling on the same day - 7/21/2024 ( Full Moon ) Only Yahweh could do this

      So…the Plot thickens, as Jimboni would say! :)

    10. Exactly how I would expect events to be escalating everyday in the lead up to the Rapture.

    11. Fascinating convergence on the July 21st feast dates! My goodness things are accelerating. I quit checking Drudge years ago when he went conservative-negative, but agree with AA that those headlines are indeed apocalyptic. So much happening right now, even this weekend, on so many fronts. Regardless of all the sincere speculations out there, I just don't see how this world can continue as it's going much longer without a major "happening/happenings" of some kind that affects the entire world--certainly not "years," or even one more year. Can God hit the pause button? Of course. But does it seem likely? Not to me, fwiw.

      Bob, you made me laugh out loud: "We'll call that the Lu Vegan 723 dietary plan!"

      Lots of the fam have been quiet here lately. Are we all just in wait and see mode? I know some have technical issues with posting, but hope you all are still there. We still pray for all of you. I really do look forward to meeting all who have been here for so many years and those who even have come and gone. Soon, we pray soon. I am, along with so many of you, so ready for Jesus to come and bring His righteous rule!! To rid this world of the dark evil humanity has allowed, especially against children. If for no other reason I long for the Rapture, to save the children! July 21 and o/c 23 looking really good right now. May it be, Lord Jesus!

    12. Yemen sent a suicide drone into Tel Aviv. The explosion was tremendous and killed a civilian and injured 10 others. This is a new escalation and very worrisome. It hit an apt building. Very scary. Watchman River Tom said he has heard rumors that Bibi may cancel his trip to the US.

    13. Sunday Rapture sounds mighty fine to me.

    14. Family, Blessings

      Emerging from a pain punctuated drug-addled haze of 5 days just spent at the Lutheran Med center after major abdominal surgery following an accident with my tow motor at work Sunday morning (4:00 A.M.) I will attempt to pull together data covered in a couple videos by blue heaven and link both. This is a rejoinder concerning Hmewrdbd's noting convergence around the 21st, et all. Having spent most of my time, upon emerging from the haze, watching the RNC just completed, and realizing that as Biden's likely departure from the context seems coalescing this weekend or thereabouts, should his removal from office due to cognitive decline quickly follow, or be the actual tool the Demo's use to force him out as he becomes more defiant, would leave Kamala as Prez, even if only for a spell. THAT comports with some D&V re that event happening alongside the Rapture as well as possibly triggering foreign attack also foretold as USA enemies seek to capitalize on the chaos and act prior to Trumpster taking the reins. Surely.

      In the 1st video, OPEN DOOR 5784 2024 (ends Oct 2), Gigi shares that, earlier today, after her prior video unpacking 5784, with other details, (that being our current Hebrew year), her car dash display of time/temp (appropriate), removing a zero in there, was 5784 upon starting her car, which grabbed her attention. Well, the Hebrew word for 80, the decade involved, is Pe, which means mouth, voice, or sound. As we know, '4', the number of this year in that decade, refers to Dalet, which means door, gate or entrance Tying that together we find 5784 is the year of 'voice-activated doors' wowzers. Do you see how current Election events fully comport with voice-activated doors opening and continuing to be the drama as days roll on? Esp as focus is on DJT's new tone evidenced in his delivering the longest RNC speech EVER, closing out this past RNC?

      Going a bit deeper, Gigi shares how 5784 comports to the 'year of the voice of The Doorkeeper'." John 10:3 As well as 5784, the doors OPEN at the Word (Voice) Of God. 1 Thess 4:16,17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a SHOUT, with the VOICE of the archangel. Is anyone getting this?

    15. In her earlier video, (prior link, above, is actually the 2nd), Rapture ALERT Looking at JULY21 5784 Shavuot Pentecost(ticket2heaven), we circle back to 21-0 America and I would add WW65's recent feeling that HS Told Her That DJT's recent 7/13 shooting (7/14 in Israel - another 7-day warning?) 'This Is The Beginning' (of The Judgment). Also, in the above video, Gigi shares how 2021* could be Judgment starting as bring when Biden took office, now circling back to his removal 7/21*/24.

      1st, depending upon your calendar work, though many believe it has already passed, 7/21can be construed as Shavuot, possibly a 7-day warning from 7/14 (from her earlier video to both of these) (21-0 America) & (Noah's 7-day warning).

      In Gematria, Shavuot appears as '784';
      5784 points to H5784: ur: chaff: (1) Daniel 2:25: Arabic , mote (in eye, tending to cause blindness [עִוֵּר])

      July also has a buck moon and Obama's recent movie has a buck on it's title page. SoS 2:9-2 is where we See Our Lord As A Buck Calling His Love To "Rise Up"

      Sorry these posts are so scattered, hope you get the gist. With USA election political events boiling over through these next few days, and that easily tied to triggering foreign attacks on our Homeland, even as soon as MONDAY 7/21, possibly Shavuot, in reply to the above post concerning feast conversions around that date I had to try and get it in front of y'all.


    16. Oops, H5784 chaff is in Daniel 2:35

    17. Song of Solomon 2:9-11 Note, 'winter has passed'' ESV (emph mine)
      My beloved is like a gazelle
      or a young stag (Buck).
      Behold, there he stands
      behind our wall,
      gazing through the windows,
      looking through the lattice.
      10 My beloved SPEAKS and says to me:
      “ARISE, my love, my beautiful one,
      and come away,
      11 for behold, the *winter is past*;
      the rain (of Holy Spirit / Age of Grace) is over and gone.

      And my post on Gigi's video:

      Gigi, Blessings H5784 is Ur: chaff and appears only in Daniel 2:35. Note it is Summer and the kingdoms of the world are seen as being destroyed by Christ's Coming, which aligns with Harpazo happening alongside nuclear WW3:

      31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.

      32 This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,

      33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.

      34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

      35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the CHAFF of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

    18. Gee willikers! Jimboni. Sorry to hear about your accident. I can so easily envision you behind a desk sharing gold nuggets with a classroom of young skulls full of mush rather than a big, potentially deadly piece of machinery. Sure hope you feel better soon.

  54. Great window for the Rapture. Headlines at Drudge are apocalyptic.


  55. In case anyone's interested--my son just sent me this video, 37 minutes, Chris Martenson

    There were 2 shooters

    1. Yes, last night I saw video of a figure on the water tower emerging when the first shots were fired.

    2. Out of the mouths of 2, or 3 witness, a truth is affirmed. 32:42 and fairly easy to digest well showing, most likely, 3 shooters involved. 2 Cor 2:11

      Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People - Peak Prosperity


  56. Excellent video by Brother Tyler last night: Golden Calves in the Church. So true, and much needed.

    1. Judi...I agree it was an excellent video.   It was a gutsy move on Tyler's part to produce such a video, but in my humble opinion it needed to be said.   You can't have so-called Christians do or say evil things, then other Christians conveniently look the other way and say it's ok for political or other reasons.   I previously tried to point that out by saying when we place our faith in a human being vs Jesus for our salvation, especially when it comes to politics, then our focus remains on Earthly things vs Heavenly matters.   There's so much deception in the world today that one must exercise discernment, but most importantly, one must avoid any form of "Golden Calf" worship as it's not going to end well.

      Btw, I agree with Lu...Tyler is "On-Fire" (or should I say presently filled with the Holy Spirit!).   A clear sign that the Rapture is nigh!

  57. RE: Golden Calves in the Church
    PART 1/2

    Brother Tyler is On-Fire and Right-On. He was ‘Taking Names’… Here is a very Good Video Teaching on the Church Spiritual Condition of Laodicea. If you like Archaeology as well, it will be an interesting Study to compliment Tyler’s Teaching and then one's Commentary about the Last Days Spiritual Condition of the Church Age.

    Laodicea | The 7 Churches of Revelation
    Our Daily Bread Ministries

    Exposing the Wickedness

    Once a Person sets the Mind to a particular Worldview, it is hard to let go of it or change Perspectives based on new Understanding, Revelation or Evidence. This goes for any issue, really, like Biblical Doctrine. It can be a Good and Bad Thing. Change in one’s long-held World View, for example, can be Good if one is seeking ‘Truth’ and coming to a more accurate Understanding on a certain Topic or Belief System, etc. But it can be Bad in the sense that Change can be Detrimental.

    This is what is happening now with the Last Days Church, in how many Non-Roman Catholic Denominations have abandoned Biblical Doctrine to be Socially Relevant. It is not that the Church should be affecting and changing Society. No, in these Last Days of the Laodicean Church, it is the Society that has changed it. It is astonishing to see how the Warnings of Jesus, and the Apostles have now all come upon this Last Generation of those that profess to bear the Name and Witness of Jesus on Earth. It is as the Days of Lot and Noah.

    That is what precisely is happening now in Real Time before our very Eyes with each Passing Day. For Example, this ‘Departure’ of the Faith can be seen in how ‘Pastors’ and Denominations are split and have left many Christians questioning the Biblical Stance on Homosexuality, Marriage and what is a ‘Woman’, etc. Most Western Mainstream Denominations have basically affirmed such Lifestyle because, ‘It is about Love and Devotion’. This is what the Laodicean Types have knowingly done and are doing.

    They ‘Know’ the Word and what Jesus expects of His Body and House. Yet the ‘Pastors’ motion to ‘Set all that Aside’. It is to not ‘Offend’ those type of People and to be ‘Societal Relevant’. In so doing, they seek to not Offend anyone but Jesus. Such Pastors and Denominations are the Modern-Day, Nicolaitans and the Jezebels that run the Churches. These types of People ruling the Denominations willfully fail, in these Last Days, to uphold the Standard of what it takes to give ‘Worship’, True Worship that Jesus seeks, ‘In Spirit and in Truth’. And also, to teach what is True Love, not Lust.

    1. PART 2/2
      Spiritual Contamination
      Who can approach the Holy Mountain of YHVH? Is it not those that have a Pure Heart and Clean Hands? In ourselves, this is impossible, save the Righteousness that is imputed or credited to those that turn from Sin and Call on the Name of Jesus. But in so doing, it is about a Relationship where those that ‘Call on the Name of Jesus, must depart from Iniquity’, In that case, all those Pastors and Denominations that affirm Sexual Perversion Practices, Lifestyles are Out-of-Order.

      They are Gaslighting and being Self-Deceived in their own Sin as they encourage their Congregations to do the same. It is 1 Thing to remain in Sin and be Willfully Ignorant despite having heard and understood the Gospel that they are in their Positions to be doing. It is another Thing to then Stand in the Way or at the Door and impede others from Repenting and coming to Salvation that can only be found in Jesus. And to think that a Holy GOD will somehow accept what the Nicolaitans and Jezebels are doing in His Churches? No.

      The Book of Revelation is where Jesus addresses the Core Problems and Sin within the 7 Churches of Asia. And on the whole, it has to do with Bad Theology and Sex. And it is about who you are having Sex with and what kind in these Last Days, etc. It is really the Symptoms of the Flesh and the Lies of Lucifer. But you cannot fool Jesus. He sees Everything and the condition of one’s Heart. The World can Live and Believe as they Please, and they do. But instead of the Church standing for what Jesus expects or requires, in His House…it is affirming Sin.

      This Last Days Church, in general, has lost its ‘Salt’ and Light, as a whole. But one knows that this Spiritual Condition at the End of the Church Age. It was foretold and warned would occur and be a Sign unto itself that Judgment is coming. And that Judgement begins in the House of the LORD, etc. And as the Sign to the Church and the World, it will be concluded with the Rapture Event. That is what exactly will transpire, at some Point in Time that will conclude the Age of Grace.

      The World does not know or realize just how ‘Good’ they have it now, not to take advantage of YHVH’s Clemency and Provision based on Mercy because of Jesus’. The Church Age has only been a Temporary Intermission. Jesus warned of the coming World Judgment, that it would be just like the End of that Age of Noah, due to the Flood of Noah and the End of Sodom and the surrounding Cities during Lot. They, The Powers-That-Be, know the Rapture Event is coming and they are ‘Priming the Pump’ to Condition the Masses in how they will explain-away the Rapture. It is the Great Deception, the’ Lie that will be Believed’. Below is another ‘Good’ Video Study from Billy Crone about Freemasonry.


      Luciferian Lies of the Lodge | Billy Crone
      Prophecy Watchers

    2. Tyler is live-streaming now.

  58. Hello fam, for someone who is not a believer (I pray for him and his family every time I watch one of his videos), Canadian Prepper puts worldwide events into a macrocosmic view as well as anyone out there. His latest video shows just how unprecedented and interconnected the convergence of world happenings really is. Again, he is not a believer, so language alert, but he is astute in compiling and making sense of information. Students of Bible prophecy will see the handwriting on the wall of human history sounding the alarm. 34 mins.


    Jimboni, praying you are recovering quickly!! Praying for the Household of Faith and Remnant Jews that God will strengthen us in body/soul/mind/spirit/heart/ and will today as we sit on the edges of our seats waiting for which shoe will drop next while we look for our Lord, Who ultimately is our entire focus.

    Blessings! Abba up!

  59. Breaking: Joe Biden Has Officially Dropped Out!

    @ Doc Rich 09:27

    Precisely as I had heard, in my spirit, it seemed, while fading in and out at the hospital. My PC had issues upon my return, ofc, hampering further research but it appears that an impeachment may well be in the works as well. Kamla Monday? Daniel 2:35?


    1. Shout-Out to Lynn for her covering the Kamala Harris Prophecy. ;0

    2. Indeed. First thing that occurred to me upon hearing the news. Outstanding work, Lyn.

  60. Family, Blessings

    Brad, you opened this tread with a prophetic pun though you are surely entirely unaware. Part of KoolCat's study has unpacked that every time the Lord's Glory came down, and went back up, and will return, it follows a specific path, ultimately, above the Mount of Olives. Further study reveals it is seen as a cloud of various types, depending upon the context.

    As 'when we see him we will be like him' and He Never Changes, ibid., it is most likely that our collective departure point will also be above the Mount of Olives (MoO). This also comports with the Dragon standing before the delivering woman, Israel, ready to devour her child AS IT IS BORN. (Rev 12) If Harpazo pulls us from around the globe, how does the Dragon simultaneously 'stand before' ALL of us? However,

    When Our Lord Descends With A Shout, The Dead In Christ Will Be WITH HIM, In His 'Glory Cloud'. To be apart from the body is to be WITH The Lord. They return to collect their glorified bodies and obtain the final step of The Promise. To align with this typology Of Our Lord's Glory Coming And Going, Throughout ALL Scripture, This Glory Cloud Event Most Likely Occurs ABOVE the Mount of Olives.

    When we rise to 'meet them in the air' it will not be into clouds of water and dust But Into The Cloud Of HIs Radiant Glory. KoolCat's study of the past 29 months has woven its way to an extremely strong proposition that that Bema Seat Judgment will be in THAT cloud, and, likely above Israel, spec. the Mount of Olives.

    The last step of the unpack, landing on the Moses type, points to that Glory Cloud Bema covering the MoO for 40 days. Everyone will see it, it will be a testimony to the Jews, ibid., a confirmation to the left behind/unsaved Laodiceans that they just missed the Rapture, likely be attacked by various militaries, perhaps even with nukes, and verses speak of Him Being Our 'Rear Guard' At This Time Attest To This, until we collectively go up to be Presented To The Father By The Son. Jude 1:24 John 18:9 Then the alien and other deception's pick up the tale. John 6:39

    The Great White Throne judgement has always been a bit FOGGY in my mind...

    Of course it has, Shalom

    1. Jimboni...thanks for sharing the above and I hope you're feeling better. may want to check out KoolCat's latest video as he's also predicting the Rapture to happen in 2 days or 723!   I only skimmed the video/transcript, so I know very little.   Perhaps you + Jimboni can look into it further.   So it looks like you and KC are now on the same page with both making a 100% guarantee!   Just kidding!!!   Lol!

      Btw, I'll be posting my last Flight 777 skit tomorrow morning with LBV being the main character! 

      Cap't Bob

    2. RE: KoolCat Teaching

      Cool Cat Bob, you often state, 'No Way Jose'. I'll pass on KoolKat.

    3. Lu...I think you meant to say..."Say it ain't so, Joe!"   But both quotes work for me!   Btw, I also didn't want to watch the whole video. Are you ready to fly?

    4. RE: Ready to Fly?

      Dear Cool Bob-Cat, ;0
      Yes…Took some Dyslexia Liberty to rearrange your Saying. But 'Ready to Fly in July', lol, if at least it will be a great Dress Rehearsal. Cannot argue with that. Fair Warning. I am sneaking in an In-N-Out Burger onboard the Spirit Airlines 777 Flight, in case it is a Nothing Burger for '723' this Year. ;) But as a Wise Man or Woman once said, ‘Practice Makes Perfect’, no? One Thing is for sure, Jesus is Perfecting His Bride. So, she will not be done until Jesus is Done perfecting her, as He sees fit, Rapture Dates or not.

      But as a Reminder, one is not 1000% ‘Guaranteeing’ that the Resurrection-Rapture is to occur or has to occur on this, one’s Speculated Date and Model. And that, is all it is, based on Typologies that one has perceived and interpreted. One would hope so, but as you all know, we only can see Portions, Pieces through the ‘Foggy Mirror of Prophecy’. However, 1 Day all such Perceptions and Prognostications will be made Sight. Cannot wait for that Day.

      Captain Bob, we will be looking forward to your Final Boarding Call Protocol Tomorrow. ;0
      You are too much.

      PS: As to KoolCat’s Teaching, Attitude and Videos? To each their own, as they say. Do not stop or hesitate on my account.

    5. I looked up where Yemen might be in the Bible in light of recent events and, according to what I found, it appears to be part of Sheba, as in Sheba and Dedan of Ezekiel 38:13 who do not participate in that attack, so wondering a bit at the recent escalation against Israel.

    6. but isn't that in reference to the Ez 38/39 war? Maybe Yemen is defeated in this Psalm 83 war and unable to be a part of Ez 38-39, war so just protests along with Saudi Arabia?

    7. Yes, I was thinking along that line of it being part of Psalm 83, although, one cannot really call it part of the “inner ring” geographically speaking.

    8. Yes, but perhaps the inner ring, regarding people groups, is not only geographical? Lu?

    9. I think the job the Israeli Air Force did on that Yemeni port was nothing less than masterful.

    10. RE: Yemen Israeli Attack

      One must say that Israel taking-out an entire Harbor was spectacular from a purely Military Operational Point of View. One feels bad for all the innocent People have had to pay for this type of Muslim Terrorist Regime that has taken over their Impoverished Nation.

      Yet, with all the Billions worth of Arms being used, rather to fight a Radicalized Jihadi War against Israel’s Right to exist, such Billions could be used to feed its Population. It is starving. These Muslim Types would rather poke the ‘Apple of YHVH’s Eye’ and they have tasted a bit of the Fury for the Tel Aviv Drone Attacks, credited to the Houthis.

      It just shows how Israel does have the Technological Weaponry to cause such Devastation on its Enemies. And one surmises that, it will be why Israel will win the up-coming Psalm 83 War, aside from Divine Providence. But as to the Question is Yemen part of this War? As of this Reply, it is a Yes and No Scenario.

      Geographically, it is not. See Chart of Map showing it is rather part of the Shi’ite Triangle that seeks to have a chokehold on not only Israel but Arabia. Why? The Shi’ites want control of Mecca as well as Jerusalem. There is a Muslim Prophecy that states that the Black Box, the Ka’ba in Mecca will be invaded and will be destroyed. The ‘Who’ is ambiguous, but the Shi’ites are capitalizing on it being them.

      This is why Arabia is positioning itself closer to Israel. Why? They are more afraid of Iran and its Nuclear Capacity than Israel. And to the Arabs, the Jews are ‘Blood’, although ‘Bad Blood’ through Ishmael who came from Abraham as did Issac. The Mullahs of Iran and their Version of Islam is Persian, speaking Phari and are like the Roman Catholics are to Protestantism, etc.

      So, when the IDF carried this Attack on Yemen, the Saudi Arabians and all other Arab Gulf States cheered secretly. Realize that Yemen is at War with the Saudis and Gulf States and have had a War, and have lobbed Ballistic Missiles at Arabia’s Capital, Riyadh. But as to the Psalm 83 War, it has sent Muslim Suicide Bombers and Recruits to fight with Hezbollah, mainly in the North of Israel on the Lebanon Border, etc.

      One thinks it will perhaps regroup and rearm to be part of and engage with the Outer-Ring of the subsequent Invasion of Israel. That will be the Gog-Magog War. That is one’s Interpretation, thus far.

      Counterbalancing the Extremist Threats

    11. Lu...I checked with the corporate offices at Spirit Airways and they made an exception for you to sneak in a few In-N-Out Burgers in your 'Carry-On' baggage, but only because you are the main star in tomorrow's Flight 777 skit.   The perks of being a "world renown" watchman!    Lol!

      ✈️   777   ✈️

      Cap't Bob

    12. Skit Director Bob,
      ‘World Renown?’…Perhaps World Rebound? Lol. Well, it is the only Time of the Year one does go out on a limb and suggest a High Rapture Date, at least to Test one’s July 23 Pentecost New Wine Theory.

      Who knows, maybe Dr. Awe’s Day Count could be the correct one in August on the 9th of Av, after all. Or it will be July 23, 2025? No! Aahh…lol. But I even have a Countdown Clock for this Year. Here, I took a Screenshot that happened to be very interesting.



    13. That's a cool screenshot, Lu.   All one's!   It's hard to imagine how are lives will dramatically change if we get Raptured in just 1 day.   Truthfully, that's all I've been thinking about since this morning.   Every move, action, garden chore, etc I've done today could be the last time I do it here on Earth.   Quite scary, yet very exhilarating! 

    14. Captain Bob,
      Yes, the possibility of it being our ‘Last Day’ on this Side of the Rapture is nerve-racking. If only Followers of Jesus lived with such expectations every Day. But one realizes that we are but Dust and do not have that capacity to sustain that type of Attention. The Cares of Life just happen, and that is expected. However, given the Spiritual State of the End Times Church, it would hurt to have more in the Body of Jesus contemplate on such a Notion of having only Hours to leave this World behind.

      Imagine how effective the Efforts of Evangelism would be and how that would impact one’s Family, City, State and Nation. But it is a Good Rehearsal then to go through. It reminds me of how Sister Sheila stated that back in 2017, when most expected the Rapture to occur on September 23, she went out to her Porch, opened the Bible and waited. That will forever stick with me in seeing the Expectation one should have, as an example. Even though one spoke against that Theory or Scenario, it became a Good Rehearsal.

      However, many other ‘Shallow’ Christians that just believe what other Rapture Watchers state, just because and without any vetting got upset to the Point of leaving the Faith. One then suspects, what Type of Faith was that? And as we often have said, our Hope and Faith, Expectation is not on the Rapture, but what the Rapture will bring, Jesus. That is whom we are Watching, Waiting and Witnessing for. Can Jesus be ‘Mad’ or upset that we thought on a particular Date, and it turned out not to be it?

      Now, as for me personally, I am glad that I only have 1 Day out of the whole Year to worry about. Lol. It helps with the Nerves and False Alarms. I can see why many get burned-out as other Watchmen prognosticate a Rapture Day, on a Weekly or Monthly basis. I would go Mad, lol. So, as to the 0 01 01 01 01 Day Countdown Screenshot that I took? In thinking about it, it reminded me of how it looks like a Binary Code. So, I put that into a Binary Calculator Converter.

      When I set it to convert from Binary to Text, the Numerical Sequence equates to the Letter ‘U’. Of course, it is set to the Western English Rendition of the Alphabet. But going with that, it is then the 21st Letter. And if you break that down, it is a 7-7-7 Denomination. And? Here is your ‘Flight 777’ for Tomorrow, perhaps? Lol. Yes, I am reading too much into it, but thought it was interesting.


      PS: Thanks to you all that are Watching this July 23 '723' Date with me. That is why I have also made it an effort to stand with you in yours or other Rapture Watcher's Dates when they have come-up, despite not seeing it or agreeing with them, etc.

    15. Lu, regardless of what comes tomorrow, for the 23rd (and I always figure Jerusalem time) will come tomorrow for us in the US pacific time zone, I'm glad we have all had this time together. Lately I have been greeting each morning with Today, Lord? At the same time paying attention to the various HWDs that have come and gone. Praying this will be it, but will keep watching in any case. I am so ready, have been for years, to be gone, but like Bob still watering my frying plants (so many! days over 110 this summer in Vegas) and living day to day. In the past, like Sheila with her Bible, I have walked through my house and said "goodbye" thanking God for the blessings/memories he has given me. But am so detached from anything here. Other than the family here at rev12 I walk the watching road alone. I know other believers who recognize the times we are in but none do what we do here. My believing son and 2 adult grandchildren don't want to hear it--they are just trying to survive daily living and planning for the future. Even my church, which believes we are in the end times and in the rapture, doesn't address the mind-spinning events we see. I tell God all the time, "though none go with me, still I will follow." It's not a salvation issue, o/c, but sad more Christians aren''t looking up--eagerly. If we're still here after the 23rd, I'm going out for an In-N-Out burger! With all that's happening and the speed of it now, how much longer can it be? I know we've been saying this for some time now, but my goodness, as AA and Bob have been saying, don't blink or we'll miss something! Abba up!

    16. Lu + Judy...I sure hope your binary to text conversion resulting in a 7-7-7 Denomination means that Flight 777 will be departing tomorrow or Tuesday.   If not, the 3 of us will be having lunch together at In-N-Out Burger on Wednesday!

       Hang in there Judi (co-pilot), we've got a plane to fly!   The passengers are counting on us!

      Cap't Bob

  61. Everybody here is contributing so much interesting info--even dear Jimboni who I pray is recovering quickly! I have not read all of it, just skimmed over.

    Dear brethren, so very much is happening but wanted to share some correlations I saw just today regarding this STRANGE JULY. If the Rapture does not happen this month, it seems that converging events could begin (or may have already begun) this month that will lead to a possible 2024 Rapture--

    Strange July Leading to a 2024 Rapture?

  62. When I compare last summer with this summer, the dichotomy is off the charts regarding the pace of events, events themselves, and the implications. I can’t imagine next summer being more impactful than what we have already experienced on a weekly basis, especially since April 8.

    1. AA...I've been telling my wife the same thing.   If this is not the late stages of giving birth to the ManChild, where contractions are increasing exponentially over time, then I don't know what is!   So much happening everyday that it's hard to keep up even as watchmen!

    2. Bobby Z!!! As Chris at Global Rapture Watchers continually points out, Israel’s economy has been hard hit and can’t take much more. Businesses have been shut down, the population of the north has been living in hotels, men who would normally be working are now fighting in the war, etc. The Houthis have affected Red Sea shipping. It is a veritable economic maelstrom against a state the size of New Jersey.

      Amir has a tweet from a dem donor who seems suspicious of JB’s resignation. He finds it odd that the letter was released on X and signed digitally with no follow-up press conference. If you recall, JB and his wife were adamantly opposed to his stepping aside.

      Things these days are curiouser and curiouser..

    3. As for “Que mala” as the CEO of Goya referred to her, she is the least qualified VP in American history and, if you recall, saw the handwriting on the wall and dropped out of the democrat primaries before the first vote was even cast.

    4. Those are interesting points you make, AA.    But as of last week after becoming increasingly frustrated on all aspects of the presidential race, I've decided to leave it up to Jesus to decide who should win.  He knows best and will chose the right person to carry out His purpose (Revelation 17:17).   Believe me, it's so much easier when I let Jesus "take the wheel"!    You should do the same.

    5. I’m just waiting to Get Out Of Here.

      Watching the news conference RFK, Jr had today after JB’s announcement. Fascinating.

  63. AMEN AA!
    Had to add this to Strange July Leading to a 2024 Rapture?:

    After posting this article, my husband informed me that Joe Biden officially withdrew from the 2024 Presidential race today, July 21, and endorsed Kamala Harris. The New York Times reported:

    President Biden on Sunday abruptly abandoned his campaign for a second term under intense pressure from fellow Democrats and threw his support to Vice President Kamala Harris to lead their party in a dramatic last-minute bid to stop former President Donald J. Trump from returning to the White House.

    “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” Mr. Biden said in a letter posted on social media. “And while it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

    Though not a black swan event, this is a significant move. My opinion as to why TPTB picked Kamala is because they know our current President will not be able to carry out his duties for the remainder of his term and America will have a Kamala Harris Presidency as a result. This would, of course, fulfill many prophecies.

    It would make sense that Kamala would be at the helm as America drops to Her knees and onto Her face as foretold by many. In prophecies I’ve shared in PRESIDENT KAMALA & SUDDEN DESTRUCTION and BUCKLE UP! (Part 2) Kamala as President in 2024 & The Fall of America, the Lord is revealing that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia. Source: The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture

  64. One last time, just for fun...

    Attention passengers on Flight 777, this is your Captain speaking.   On behalf of Spirit Airways, we deeply apologize for being stuck on the tarmac or in "The Terminal" for such a long time (can you believe its been nearly 7 years since the Rev12 Sign!).    But things are finally looking up ⬆️ for our imminent Departure as we just received an urgent message from the Control Tower (Lu Vega stating that the Rapture could happen this evening at 8 pm (PDT), at the "Midnight Hour" or at 6 am tomorrow morning (Israeli time).   Lu often calls this "High Watch" period the Feast of New Wine/White Wheat Wedding (WWW) or simply 723 based on his proprietary Day Counts, Biblical/Astronomical knowledge and a dream he had 2 years ago.   So my fellow passengers, I believe it's time to Buckle-Up your seatbelts and prepare for immediate Take-Off.

    Hey Judi (co-pilot), could you commence our pre-flight safety system check and position the aircraft on Runway 24R for take-off?    Aye, Aye, Captain!     Bones (co-pilot)...are we cleared for take-off under VFR?    Yes Captain, the weather looks good and we have excellent nighttime visibility due to the Full 'Buck' Moon tonight.   Could you also check with the ground crew to make sure the lug nuts are fully tightened on all the tires?     Aye, Aye, Captain...we don't want any of the tires to fall off during take-off (ha, ha!).    You're very funny Bones!   Btw, that happened to our competitor (United Airlines Flight 1001) recently so I just want to be very careful.    After all, we have many "born-again" Christians onboard this flight, including the Bride of Christ!   

    Sally (Flight Attendant)...could you please turn on the "Fasten Your Seatbelts" sign and provide Lu and Ty with some green tea and croissants.    Also, Archangel is asking to be served her Buffalo Wings + Frappy while she reads..."Our Pets:  Heaven Bound?"  by Traci J. Lebens as recommended by Dr. Barry + "Wife" (ha, ha!) in their recent video!    Sheila also needs some help finding her glasses.   Lol!   And can you check the manifest to see if Stan + Ozzie are onboard.   They both seem to have gone AWOL!   While you're at it, please make sure Tom Hanks is onboard since he was last seen collecting carts for quarters at "The Terminal".   Lastly, please make sure the rest of the Rev12 family + the entire Watchmen Community are well taken care of during this short flight.

    On behalf of Spirit Airways and the crew of Flight 777, we thank you for your patience, your unwavering Faith + Trust in YHVH and the fellowship we have shared over the past 7 years.   May Jesus continue to Bless the Bride of Christ by ensuring that we have a Safe + Glorious flight home, like being under the wings of an Eagle, until we unite and become "one" with our Bridegroom + Father in Heaven (John 14:20).

    ✈️   777   ✈️

    Cap't Bob

    P.S.  I've shared this song ("Leaving on a Jet Plane") before, but I believe it's worth watching again as it really captures the moment!   Btw, the video was created 7 years ago!

    God willing, our departure may be a mere 12 hours from now!

    1. Bravo, Cap't😅. This is before most of you here's time, but that song was used in the commercial for United in the late 60's-70's. TWA used UP, UP, and AWAY, which was created specifically for their marketing. Takes me back a few years! We (TWA) used to say when we hit clear air turbulence, "It's ok folks, that's just the friendly skies of United"😉. Pre-flight safety check, coming up. And for you young-uns, that was in the day before female commercial pilots. Altho I have a private pilot's license, many years old, lol, (I learned to fly in1963 in college) I didn't actually fly the aircraft--altho one captain did let me take the controls once for few seconds. My husband was a TWA pilot and he was so disgusted with the way Carl Icahn treated the airline/employees after the hostile takeover, he bought a for sale sign and put it in the cockpit window when pulling up to the terminals. They were glad to see him retire😁. They asked him to give him the sign after his last flight, but he gave it to his co-pilot to carry on!

      Lookin' up, and sure hoping that will be our forever view soon. If we're not outta here by tomorrow, I"m gonna have to get serious about that diet after all! Guess I'll have to pass on the IN-N-Out Burger🥲

    2. Judi (co-pilot)....I'm glad you liked the song and that it brought back fond memories of when you were a flight attendant at TWA.   I know your piloting skills are rusty, but you or Bones may be asked to fly the plane while I spend some time chatting with our fellow passengers.    I'm especially looking forward to talking with Ty + Lu to get their reaction while we're actually up in the air on the way to The Promised Land.   Also, I'm looking forward to meeting Wonder Woman (Sabine) for the first time.   Btw, where's she been?   Hope she is ok.   Anyway, hope Flight 777 departs tonight or tomorrow or we'll both be joining Lu on his "Lu Vegan Post 723 Dietary Plan".   In other words, no In-N-Out Burgers or Subway sandwiches for quite some time!   Lol!

  65. IN2ThinAir 4 min video on anomaly on July 13th--Signs in the earth, sky, and heavens among all the other convergences--

  66. Posted by Beginning of Sorrows News on Telegram:

    "For them this is a dream arrangement and they can really only continue to dream about it.
    The Palestinian Authority unites with all other terrorist organizations for one government and rule - the dream of US President Biden.
    The Chinese and the Russians, each with their strong finger, also in the Palestinian arena, each in turn poked a finger in the eye of the Americans whose influence in the Middle East probably remained only on Israel.

    A very, very dangerous move that could lead to recognition in the UN followed by a governmental coup in which we will accept Hamas wherever possible with world recognition and international legitimacy.

    For those who have a shadow of a doubt:
    The winner of this whole chorus is Iran in yet another brilliant move that pushes the US and Israel into corners we never dreamed of."

    Eran Malka

  67. Don’t be surprised if JB is no longer among the living.

  68. AA--You may be correct! Remember the Patricia Green prophecy I shared?

    From Hal Turner

    Vice President Kamala Harris was just rushed onto a plane in Washington, DC, heading directly to Wilmington, DE to see Biden Staff. We could see a transfer of power sooner than anyone thought.

    More if I get it.
    As I wrote above--

    My opinion as to why TPTB picked Kamala is because they know our current President will not be able to carry out his duties for the remainder of his term and America will have a Kamala Harris Presidency as a result. This would, of course, fulfill many prophecies.

    1. I can only bear the simpering and pandering if it means our exit is close, and I know it does.



      Calls Demanding ‘Proof Of Life’ To Show That Pretend President Joe Biden Isn’t Dead Grow Ever Louder As Democrat Coup For Power Advances SteadilyPublished 2 mins ago on July 22, 2024By Geoffrey Grider

      President Biden has cancelled nine trips that were scheduled for the next two weeks after suddenly dropping out of the 2024 race.

    3. You know I wouldn't be surprised as I thought it really odd he didn't hold a press conference or address today his dropping out. Seems curious to me. And the first thing I thought of Lyn when I read the news is "Lyn was right! " I read your article and it does seem some final pieces must be played out before our departure. I had so hoped Lu's theory which was sound would be the one. I'm ready to be home with the Father and fellowshipping with all of you. Not much longer, I believe. Pieces are falling into place like dominos.


    4. Lu, the 23rd isn't over till 2:00 pm PDT tomorrow, so there is still hope for the day if not the hour. With all that's going on in this country alone, not to mention the rest of the world--Bibi out of country, Houthis targeting Tel Aviv again/Haifa, other proxies fired up even more, there's just no telling what surprises are out there waiting. Frankly, I always hoped you would be right--mostly because of the depth of your research/willingness to share/refusing to be dogmatic about your theories--kinda wish God would reward you for that (well, o/c He will just maybe in heaven instead of here😊). But somehow I also think God will pull and audible. While we can certainly know the season, and the day fast approaching, He does say no man will know the day or hour (I know that's not referring to the Rapture)--just sayin'. I can't help but think no one will know--He will surprise us. What we can know is that it can't be much longer the way things are going. I know you had countless hours invested in your research, and you mind amazes me (half the time I can't keep up), but it has not been for naught. You have educated and encouraged the BOC, and isn't that what we are called to do as we see the day approaching? Take a break, get some well deserved down time, and keep on digging and sharing with the rest of us. You're the best.

      Still watching--how can we not? Blessings!


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.