Alas, Babylon

The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her, when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.' Rev 18:9-10
A few weeks ago I finished reading a fairly well known book titled "Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank. The book was originally published in 1959 and follows the course of a small Florida town after much of America is whipped out by Soviet nuclear missiles. While I loved the book, I don't think that our country will be destroyed in the way it describes. I believe the Bible has the answers and prophetic fulfillments will be jumping off the pages in the coming months ahead. And during the course the course of those events America will be severely dethroned as the "city on a hill" for the world.

A ominous sign that this is about to begin is only a few short months away.  7 years after the 2017 Great American Eclipse that cut a slash across our nation just a month before the Revelation 12 Sign, another even larger eclipse is due to completes the "X" that could symbolize that end of our country as we know it.  It was hard to imagine getting to this point in time 7 long years ago, but now that we are hear the symbolizing is striking. The recent and somewhat shocking name change of the popular American social media company of Twitter to X also seems to add weight to this alignment.

While we don't know exactly how much time is left, I think most of us with discernment can sense that God's favor is being lifted off our nation as lawlessness and all sorts of ungodly activities are being normalized.   There is no better time to lift our eyes up past this fallen world and eagerly toward Heaven where we will be brought to be with our Savior.

Much more on the eclipse and the prophetic significance can be found here in this excellent article by Jonathan Brentner:


  1. Looking forward to reading that article, Brad! I am working on a similar article myself but if Jonathan Brentner says it all, perhaps I won't need to?!

  2. Birth Pangs a comin' in the Home of the Brave, the Proud, the Mighty, The Donald. Let us pray for our Leaders ~ amen

  3. Well the obidumb regime has set their sights on dividing the land of Israel and it’s looking instead like they are getting a full blown division of the USA. It’s not gonna be pretty, but the timing seems to be just about right. Last I looked 26 states are standing with Texas in defiance of the feds intentional failure to defend our borders and are taking it upon themselves to protect their Constitutional State sovereignty. So whether this is exactly what these reprobates intended to happen, or they have bitten off their nose to spite their face…either way, the division is physically happening here instead of in little ol’ Israel. BUT GOD…they’ll still be standing after this nation has collapsed from within.

    Maranatha and Looking UP!

  4. Judi--Thank you for that Spirit-breathed prayer in the previous thread, dear Sister. And Sheila for yours as well! I know there are others who pray and don't comment, so I thank you ALL from my heart💖🤗Carole--you and Daniel are being prayed for! We speak life and health into all the Beloved as we place them at Jesus' feet.

    Re. the above article--Jonathan Brentner does a great job getting to the point--"I believe this year’s solar eclipse, which will complete an X over the U.S., signifies the nearness of God’s judgment even if it’s not His last warning." AND he makes sure to reach out to those who may not have made a decision about Christ yet.

    There are other things about this eclipse I would like to share with you all, so I am still going to work on that article I mentioned above😉

    1. Could it be that the dominion is being transferred?!! finally, in
      Israels favour*

    2. . . . with riches more than these ~

  5. gevte ytc has a Purim related view of rapture, saying the calendar is off by a month and that true Passover is in march rather than April. Luman is aware of this as can be seen in his Purim forecasting chart. Lu is many steps ahead, i see. Truly astounding *

  6. RE: The 'Deposit' of the Holy Spirit is likened to be as the First Fruits, and that of the New Wine

    'Rocky' Stephan,
    Here is a 'Left-Hook' thrown at you! Look out!
    'Drago' Lu

    As argued, that Event of the Holy Spirit coming Down in Acts 2, corresponded to the First Fruits of the Feast of the New Wine. What better Day, that on the very Day that the Holy Spirit, is ‘Poured’ into the Vessels, the New Vessels. Such are as New Wine Skins needed for the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be able to be contained in the New Creation in Jesus Christ. And? Consider the following Passage from Romans.

    ‘For the Earnest Expectation of the Creature waits for the Manifestation of the Sons of GOD. For the Creature was made subject to Vanity, not willingly, but by Reason of him who hath subjected the same in Hope. Because the Creature itself also shall be Delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God. For we know that the whole Creation groans and travails in Pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the First-Fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the Adoption, to wit, the Redemption of our Body’. -Romans 8:19-23

    Does one see the Correlation to the New Wine First Fruits? The Point is that when the Holy Spirit came Down, it was Himself as if the First Fruit of the New Wine. In fact, the Apostle Paul teaches that the Gift of the Holy Spirit, Indwelling and Living within the Person of a New Believer in Jesus is like a ‘Down-Payment’. The rest is yet to come and be granted. A Regenerated Person coming to Faith in Jesus is like that Stone Vessel, empty but now alive, a ‘Living Stone’ full of New Wine that was poured in by the Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

    And that Pouring is about Power of the New Creation to Present Worship and Works of Service to advance the Kingdom of Jesus until the ‘Greater Summer Wheat Harvest’ is all gathered into the Barn. This is exactly what the Concept of the First Fruits is all about. The Holy Spirit is as the Frist Fruit corresponding to the First Fruit of the New Wine event that occurred on that Acts 2 Pentecost Feast.

    Lu Vega

    1. 'Neutral Moderator Bob‘, I think you should subtract these 3 points from Lu's account again because of using violence ('Left Hook')…

      Dear 'Drago' Lu,

      I can see the Correlation to the New Wine First Fruits. But didn't Jesus fulfill the Feast of Firstfruits in the month of Nisan?
      Is not Passover the start of the New Covenant?
      If you connect the Feast of Wine with the Rapture, you could also argue that the Feast of New Oil, 50 days after 723, is connected to the Holy Spirit and the Rapture.

      Joel 2:23
      Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

      Wouldn't you agree that the former rain and the latter rain is a picture of the Holy Spirit? The former rain was already given (past tense). The latter rain will be given (future) in the 1. month of Nisan!!!

      I believe, this is indicating that the 2.coming of Christ will be in the 1. month of Nisan. When Israel is ripe for the harvest. If the 2.coming is in the 1. month, the Rapture should also occur in that month (7 years prior).

      Did I manage to sidestep your 'Left Hook'? Lol.

    2. Well Sir, Stephan you dodged and i got that left hook and have been see'in stars ever since! WOW, i kinda like it, i think it might of perhaps knocked some sense into me. God knows I could use it!!! Did you know that ole Capt.'n Bob ~ alias, Capt.n' Hook ;) actually taught Lu that move!, and prophetically speaking, me thinks i was destined to be on the receiving end of it, like i did! All things work for the good, 'eh! Cheers n Shalom ~ Keep the Balance Brother as i'm trying to do the same! So glad you found this site *

    3. Lol, Ozzie, that was very funny!!!

    4. must be a boxer in real life because you threw some nice "Counter-Punches" in response to Lu's "Left Hook".   As your "neutral" debate moderator I don't know if I can say this, but your rebuttal was quite impressive if I may say so!   But should I subtract 3 points again from Lu's debate score?   That's a tough one because we want to encourage Lu to be funny as long as he doesn't use words that promote violence.   So I think I'll give him a "pass" on this one, but if he continues to "talk smack" during the debate I'll have no choice but to send him to the "Romper Room" or face the wrath of the boxing referee!    Your final warning, LuMan!   Lol!

      Ozzie...see what happens when you're in the ring with Stephan and Lu, you inadvertently get sucker punched and knocked down by Lu's Left Hook!    Lu's playing to win (Cap't Hook taught him to play that way over the years!   Lol!) so you'd better be more careful next time you're in the ring with him.  I wouldn't want anything to happen to your eyes/vision since you're my reporter from 'Mt. Sign Eye'!   I really need you, Ozzie!     \o/

    5. RE: An Upper-Cut! Look Out…

      Dear ‘Rocky’ Stephan
      What ‘Violence’! Boxing is a Contact Sport you know, or maybe not. So is Soccer, American Football, Ice Hockey, etc. Well, one would say in your ‘Delicate’ Disposition that, ‘If you cannot stand the Heat, get out of the Kitchen’….’Cook’. lol

      Getting too ‘Hot’ for you, eh? ;0 So, how about this ‘Upper-Cut’ to you…Look Out! So, one was considering also a Day Count dealing with Eclipses, Solstices and one’s 723 Rapture Code, perhaps. Consider that the 1st Great American Eclipse occurred precisely 33 Days out from the Revelation 12 Sign back in 2017. Well, what if one Reversed the Day Count from that July 23 Date by the same Numerical Factor of 33 Days?

      July 23, 2024 – 33 Days
      = June 20, 2024, the Summer Solstice

      …Hum, very interesting no? Evidence of its potential Significance? Time will tell. Now as to your Rebuttal ‘Jabs’.

      1-Yes, Jesus was Himself as the First Fruit of the Barley Grain Offering, but not of the New Wine that GOD the Holy Spirit is associated with and that in consort with the Bride. How come? Consider how the Last Words of the Bible finish with the Wedding Invitation to ‘Come’. And that is given by the Holy Spirit and the Bride, now in Unison. Not that the Bride becomes the Holy Spirit but as a Husband and a Wife are considered now ‘One Flesh’, etc.

      2-Yes, Good Point that the Oil, the Feast of, that is also used as a Metaphor of the Holy Spirit in Scripture could allude to the Rapture Event occurring there in the 7th Month then. But. Consider the difference in the Metaphor: how one can Counter-Argue that the Metaphor of the Oil is specific to Israel, not necessarily to the Church, being Wine. The Oil was paramount to have, especially for the Temple Services. Think of the Menorah whose Lamps that to be continually Cleared, Trimmed and Supplied of the Oil to Light the Holy of Holies. And the Harvest of the Grapes is associated with Israel and the World’s Judgment, thus the Tribulation Period and Jacob’s Troubles, etc.

      3-As to the Rain Analogy? A good one, but one thinks, again that you ‘Inadvertently’ proved one’s Point that the Former and Latter Rain Metaphor of the Holy Spirit is Correct. But again, pertinent to Israel, not the Church. It is Israel that Started and will End with the need to take those ‘Spiritual Showers’, not the Bride of Christ. She does not need a ‘Later Rain’ or a Cold Splash of the Holy Spirit. The Body of Christ has that now, an Overflowing and a Constant Flowing, because of Jesus. He is the Faithful High Priest that is tending the Celestial Menorahs in the Father’s House, i.e., Book of Revelation Imagery of Jesus in the midst of the Menorah of the 7 Churches.

      4-Yes, one would also agree with you, that Jesus is to come in the ‘1st Month’, but that of the Civil Year. That is the 7th Month, in Tishrei. In fact, your Former and Latter Rain is what Jesus had promised and will to Israel. Jesus came in the 1st Year, Nisan, being as the ‘Former Rain’, on the Religious New Year. And just the same, as He is the LORD of Symmetry and Order, will return as the ‘Later Rain’ in the Last Month, which was the 1st, that being Tishrei. And that in fact, based on one’s 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline, that could very well be September 11, 2032, on the Sabbath of Return. Perhaps.

      So, yes, ‘Rocky’ Stephan, you did ‘Side-Step’ my Let Hook. But it is only because you….

      You Dance like a Bee and you Fight like a Butterfly!

      Lu Vega

    6. RE: 'Neutral’ Moderator Bob

      So Bob…Go 'Stephan' Go!!!
      I see, eh. You might as well be in the ‘Ring’ with your Contender ‘Boy’ Stephan. Lol
      No worries. I see how it is around here, ‘Insider Trading, Betting, lol…

      All Good. You are all going Down!
      But in the ‘Wise Words’ of the once Boxing Sage, Mike Tyson, perhaps his Words will ring True.

      ‘Everybody has a Plan until they get Punched in the Mouth.’


      Curly Howard from the Three Stooges wrestling
      Pop Goes The Weasel

    7. Lu...I like your line, "you might as well be in the ‘Ring’ with your Contender ‘Boy’ Stephan."   So damn funny!    That really made me laugh.   I know you think the two of us are "ganging up" on you (Ozzie + Judi have already joined the "dark side" and Lyn is "on the fence"!) we're actually here to make your case stronger by making you study and work harder to convince us and others that your theories are correct.   You know that old Proverbs 27:17 thingy again!   Nobody ever said that getting that Triple Crown was going to be easy, Brother!     👑  👑  👑

      Btw, your Three Stooges wrestling match video was really funny too!    Go "Niners" Go!!!

    8. Dance Like a Butterfly,
      Sting Like a Bee;
      That Fighter Getting The Win is
      Mohammed Ali!

      Bob D., Blessings I would encourage you to adopt the common debate scoring modality where a team can only win points, never 'lose' them. Once given, points are permanent although countermanding actions by the team can certainly inhibit points be given at all. Mets non.

      Matthew 11:12 ESV, amen

      The full moon currently grabbing attention covers 3 days, prophetically.

    9. Dear Lu!

      You think that I'm fighting like a butterfly? Flying over the fields in July? Don't underestimate the butterflies!

      You wrote:
      Jesus came in the 1st Year, Nisan, being as the ‘Former Rain’, on the Religious New Year. And just the same, as He is the LORD of Symmetry and Order, will return as the ‘Later Rain’ in the Last Month, which was the 1st, that being Tishrei.

      But if you look at the climate in Israel, the terms 'former and latter rains' are meteorological terms. The former rains happen in October/November and the latter rains in March/April before the harvest.

      So if Jesus will return as the 'Later Rain', as you wrote, this would be in March/ April and not in the Autumn, because the Later Rains are in the Spring.

      I'm not sure if our 'neutral moderator' can give you points for this contribution because you changed the terms 'former' and 'latter' rains to support a 2.coming in the Autumn!


    10. Based strictly on quantity, do you think Dr. Barry would prefer "new wine" or 4 cups of "Passover" red wine?    Lol!    Do ya'll remember Dr. Barry's video when he poured a "full bottle" of wine into one large wine glass?    So funny!    But officer..."I only had one glass of wine with my dinner!"    Lol!

    11. Love this, Lu: A Regenerated Person coming to Faith in Jesus is like that Stone Vessel, empty but now alive, a ‘Living Stone’ full of New Wine that was poured in by the Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

  7. It has been a blessing to me to already have a writing project as I go through the grieving process after my brother's death. I've been researching the significance of the letter X for a while (as has COREY--he may be working on an article as well!).

    The “X” factor that has me most convinced of the nearness of our Catching Away is the upcoming April 8 Second Great American Solar Eclipse.

    LU--You STEPHAN and BOB will especially enjoy the section where I share about the day count between April 17, 2022 (when the Planet Parade began), and July 23, 2024.

    I've put a lot of time into this one--I hope it shows:
    “X” Marks the Year of the Rapture?

    1. Well researched and nicely written article, Lyn.   You certainly covered all the pertinent areas of "X" (Disease X, Planet X, X = AntiChrist,  X Eclipses, TeXas + Nukes, etc.).   Personally, I believe your thesis of "X" Marks the Year of the Rapture is spot on!   Will it happen in 2024?   I truly believe it will as we have "two extremely high watch periods" this year:    PPP + WWW.    As you all know, I tend to favor a Passover Rapture but am totally open to a Summer Pentecost Rapture, especially since there's only a 3 month difference in time.   In my humble opinion, that short amount of time is insignificant when taking a broad view of things. 

      I agree with what you and others have said...that the annular solar eclipse of 10/14/23 and the 3rd Great American Eclipse of 4/8/24 may be the last of the heavenly signs we see before the Rapture.   I particularly liked what Jarrett @Supernatural by Design said:

      "We will discover that the Story of Esther Matches the Typology of a Wedding Rapture Perfectly.   A detail that has been tucked away into the text until now.   Why is this important?   Well, it will prove that the Annular Eclipse on October 14th, 2023 is the Wedding Ring Eclipse of Esther, The Story of Haman vs Mordecai (Iran vs Israel), and why the Rapture of the Bride of Christ is right around the corner."

      I also liked your day count of 828 days between 4/17/22 (when the  Planetary Parade began) and 7/23/24 (Lu's 723 dream) tying in with Strong's H828...Augustus, the name of the Roman Emperor.   As you stated, "Could the Wedding Planetary Parade have signaled a period of God’s forbearance towards the nations that will end in the 2024 catching away of the Bride of Christ and the rise of the Final Roman Emperor, the son of perdition known as the Antichrist?"

      So Lyn, based on the above two's clear that the PPP vs WWW debate is far from over!   But the good news is that in 6 months (or less!) we'll know who's the winner.    Go 'Stephan' Go!!!  Lol!

    2. Great Article, Lyn! Well done!
      The only thing I want to add is that the Wedding Planetary Parade on April 17, 2022 could also be a 2 year sign for the Rapture;)

    3. Thanks, guys!💖 Stephan--I like the possibility of a 2-year sign for the Rapture🫓🍷

      As I responded to Gregg (over at Unsealed) who is adamant about his timeline:
      For we know in part and we prophesy in part. - 1 Corinthians 13:9 NKJV
      For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. - 1 Corinthians 13:12 NKJV

      So, yes, Bob--the debate ain't over yet😊

    4. Lyn!
      Thanks for the Article. It is 1 of your best, yet. You Delivered. And some Times, writing can channel the Hurt and the Pain of losing a Loved One. It can help and even be therapeutic for some. It has been for me in my case. You did your Research!

      I count the Annular Solar Eclipse that came through Texas, that ‘Corpus Christi’ Wedding Ring on in Virgo as the 2nd Great American Solar Eclipse across the USA. See Site. But just a minor delineation on my part. Most People are just going to be very familiar with the 1st and Last one on April 8 that makes that ‘X’. So, in that context, nothing is wrong, just pointing out that there was a Series of 3 that occurred. And how the 2nd one, was instrumental in making that Alef and Tav demarcation, etc.

      About that Vaccine Patch, Tyler at Generation 2423 did a Good Job about that as well. Hey, you are giving me way too much Credit here as a Reference! Lol. But thanks, appreciate it. But wow, that Day Count from the Planetary Parade of 2022 to the July 23 New Wine Theory Date was/is cool! I think that was ‘Inspirational’ going your way!

      But agree, we should be seeing the Shadow of the Rise of the AntiChrist Personage. We know he cannot be Revealed until the Bride of Christ is taken out and the Restrainer is set-aside, etc. Yes, as one has contributed, a very pronounced Prophetic Theme Jesus has been Broadcasting is that of Queen Esther and the Story of Purim. Although that Ominous Theme of the Menacing ‘Dragon’ Metaphor is pertaining to the Omens for National Israel, the Body of Christ is that much more to be On-Guard as a Parallel Metaphor of Deliverance, etc.

      But for those that have ‘Eyes to See’, that Astronomical ‘X’ formed at the very Heart of the USA, cannot be more Ominous also. The Prophetic Metaphor harkens back to that other Mighty and Proudly Nation, Nineveh. And in one’s Writings, the difference was that Nineveh Repented. The USA has not, will not as a whole. But as you stated, perhaps this April 8, 2024 ‘X’ across the USA will be the Last Celestial Sign before the Rapture Event. May it be so.

      One thing is for sure, the ‘Attacks’ at the Heart of the USA, even Topographically, are amazing as Food Processing Plants, Flood, Earthquakes, Modified Weather are all being let-loose in the Heartland of the USA. Then there is the Human Attack of the Adverts Effects of the Bio-Weapon Injections that have given countless, literal Heart Attack. Then the other form of Attack comes from the Fentanyl Epidemic that also ‘Stops the Heart’ Dead Cold.

      Wow, as mentioned before, Lyn you are a Master of ‘Connecting the Dots’. :0 Even Planet X in the Mix. Cool. Yes, the other Theme that is being Broadcasted is ‘Civil War’. It has been brewing for a few Years now and once the Rapture Event occurs, all those Preppers that were and are not Christian will have a ‘Come to Jesus Moment’, hopefully for many of them. But for the others, it will be Civil War Mode, literally as the U.S. Government has been basically co-opted by the Luciferian Globalist to destroy it and reduce it to a 3rd World Rate Nation.

      So, it was a Top-Notch Research Article alerting us of what the Body of Christ needs to hear and now. It is not to ‘Scare but to Prepare’. As one has mentioned before, we are giving the Brethren over at a ‘Run’…We have Solid and Accomplished Writers of our own!

      Keep the Watch,
      Lu Vega

      PS: One would encourage others to write. Just share what the Holy Spirit gives you to give to others. It can be through one's Devotionals or Studies. In one's case, that is what they are, no less. :0

    5. Wow, Lu! A Master of ‘Connecting the Dots’--now who is giving who too much credit LOL! Actually, that was very kind of you. I appreciated ALL that you wrote very much.

      That's a good point about the 3 eclipses, so I re-posted your Comment at my blog site. The October eclipse being Annular was why I didn't number it with the 2 Total Solar Eclipses as you know. But prophetically they all go together for sure!

      Thank you for encouraging others to write--yes, we have many here at Rev12 who contribute beautifully whether they have their own web site or not. Bless you, Lu🥰

    6. Lyn, i like the word, forbearance!, don't you? and i like Grand Planetary Parades in the HEAVENS!!! but thats just me :) ! BTW, remember that website?! > But thats just me>>> imma go look see whats being said over there!

  8. Hey Folks, a bit off topic perhaps but certainly not altogether is a you tube video entitled," John Lennox TRUTH BOMB That Everyone Missed?" ~ @ wise disciple ytc ~ He and Jordan Peterson go back n forth in the most dynamic n intriguing discussion arriving at and in a marvelous Goshen of absolute truth!? I found it to be quite profound rather nourishing! /// Also i have come to feel as though the , Falling Away: apostasy of end times prophecy is perhaps more than anything else, referring literally, to satan and his band of merry men (fallen angels), getting cast down and out of Heaven. Talk about a departure from truth

    1. Ozark, as they come down we go up!

    2. yes indeed Lyn, isn't this 'all the more' exciting!

    3. our departure is based upon our ''rebellion against 'disobedience''! ^ onward n Upward, forward march Christian soldiers ~ Shalom ~

    4. . .. . makes me think of the song by Ali Cambell and the U B 40 band entitled, "Sweet Sensation"!*

    5. By hook or by crook, by golly! wrong will be made Right, as darkness is dispelled by LIGHT, as SURE as eggs is eggs

  9. Just heard this song for the first time at church this morning. You may know it already, but my oh my doesn't it speak to the longings of our hearts:

    1. Judy, btwn this First Things First and Bob's sharing of the song Yeshua...ah ....ah :) ~ ~ ~*~ ~ ~ the scripture crossing my mind is the one of many that makes mention of Keeping our hearts established IN CHRIST above all else

    2. The JESUS! . . . thats what i'm talkin' about \./

    3. ... amongst thousands and thousands . . . . *

  10. Been awhile, but the Bing Art today really caught my attention…”An Icy Descent” depicting an Australian waterfall…maybe suffering from a case of pareidolia…or maybe not as my husband immediately saw it, too. What came to mind was Luke 19:40 KJV.
    Pretty cool imo to see what looks like the rock crying out with hands clasped in prayer beneath a white headcovering of cascading water.

  11. Hey folks...check out this interview (last question only) with Brock Purdy, quarterback for the San Francisco 49er's after their 17 point "come from behind" victory over the Detroit Lions in the NFC Championship game this past Sunday. 

    Question:   How did your personal journey over the last couple of years get you ready for this game but the second half in particular?

    PURDY:   “Yeah, honestly I think it's a testament to God and where he's taken me in life.   I've never been the biggest, fastest, strongest, any of that.   I feel like I've always had to sort of fight for what I get, work for what I get.   But God's always given me an opportunity, whether that was in high school, college, then obviously in the NFL.   Getting drafted last, people overlook you, that kind of stuff.   All you need is an opportunity and watch and see what He does.   I put my faith and trust in Him.   He's gotten me to where I'm at.   When I'm down 17 at half, all right, God, you've taken me here, win or lose I'm going to glorify you.   That's my peace, that is the joy, the steadfastness.   That is where I get it from.   That is the honest truth.   I leaned into that.   Sure enough, we were able to come back.”

    Reading statements like that from a professional football player or anyone else for that matter, is so rare and encouraging these days.   Basically, I'm just saying it's nice know there are other Christians out in the world today that are just like us.    Praise the Lord!    \o/

    What will be interesting is when the San Francisco 49er's play the Kansas City Chiefs in 2 weeks at the Super Bowl.   Patrick Mahomes, their starting quarterback, is also a Christian!   For verification, see the following article from last year:

    So, Yeshua..ah..ah, who's your favorite quarterback?   Or better yet, are you a Taylor Swift fan?    Lol!

    1. Bob, i lost track of pro football but was a fanatic sports fan in grade school on up into college yrs. don't get me going . . . but i was mainly a Cleveland Browns fan, growing up in Ohio as a youngin'. from Jim Brown on up... but you know i had other favorite teams and lots of favorite players... all outdated by now. i still LOVE the game a plenty. lots of folks in New England luv them Patriots n Brady, lets face it he was good under pressure, like LuMan and his lefty hook by jigger! :)

    2. Ozzie...if you've been watching the news lately or various YouTube channels, there's a lot of conspiracy theories about the upcoming Super Bowl game and especially concerning Taylor Swift.  Ofc, that was not my point as it was mainly about the uniqueness of having two Christian quarterbacks in this year's Super Bowl.  All of this will make it an interesting game to watch!

  12. Hey fam, Bro Tyler doing a very interesting live stream on the Timeline to be found in the Temple--similar to the prophetic symbolism of the Cross being found in the assigned arrangement of the tribes of Israel as they camped and moved around the Tabernacle in the wilderness.

    1. RE Cross in the Wilderness - Temple of Time

      Ah ha! Tyler has finally given-up on 31 AD! :)
      Thanks for the Shout-Out! Appreciate it. We can ‘Tag-Team’ in the Ring against those 2 ‘Butterflies’ Stephan and Bob! Lol. It will be ‘Lucha Libre’ Style.

      Thanks also for the Referral of Brother Tyler and that Teaching about the Temple of Time. One totally concurs and have done some Studies on it too. It is an Amazing Topic. There are some peculiarities one differs in that it is the Church Age that started and will end the current ‘Age’, in one’s Estimation. No Big Deal.

      But as with the Rapture, this study of the possible Cubits-to-Year Theory is based on the Doctrine of the ‘Ages of Dispensation’. One is not surprised how those that oppose the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario also vehemently opposed Dispensationalism. Here are some Charts below that show the Proportion of that ‘Cross’ Formation in the Wilderness mentioned in the Study.

      Also, one has supposed that the very Throne of YHVH is the True Pattern of how the Universe is set up and also on Earth. It is all based on Patterns and Jesus, amazingly. And such is the Tabernacle and the Temples that were set up to be a ‘Facsimile’ of what is in Heaven. One also has conjectured that the Holy of Holies, is a Geometric Tesseract and as such, it is a Chamber where a Transition or Translation of Essence occurs.

      It is a ‘Star-Gate in one’s Research. Meaning that the Presence of YHVH was there and the Angels appeared there just outside. In essence, that Veil was as the Gate of the Star to the literal Presence of the ‘Cube’ that is in Heaven wherein YHVH dwells and is Enthroned. And as it has been taught, the very Words of Jesus delineated the Temple itself in who He was a literal Personification of it.

      As you may or may not know, when Jesus said of Himself, ‘I AM the Way the Truth and the Life’. Based on Rabbinical Teaching, the Tabernacle had 3 Doors. There was the Entrance to the Tabernacle enclosed Perimeter. Then there the Door into the Tabernacle Structure itself into the Holies. Then there was the Door into the Holy of Holies. Well, the Name that the Jews called that 1st Door was the Way. Then the Door to the Holies was called the Truth. Then the Door to the Holy of Holies ‘Cube’, it was called the Life.

      1st Veil = The Way
      2nd Veil = The Truth
      3rd Veil = The Life

      John 14:6….’No one can come to the Father except through Me’ – Jesus


    2. This is why when Jesus said this of Himself, the Jew immediately realized the Ecclesiastical Significance of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Wilderness. There was no room for Doubt or Misinterpretation of the part of the Jews as to what He was insinuating, precisely. All that the Tabernacle was about, was based on what who and what Jesus is.

      And one has used the Principles of Sacred Gematria to show that even using a 360 Degree Circle, the 24 Hours Horus represent and correspond to the 24 Elders surrounding the Throne, for example. And this will be the ‘Chamber’ where in Isaiah 26:20, it is promised that the Bride will be taken as in to the Wedding Chamber to ‘Hide’ until the Indignation passes by of those Inhabitants that will be Judged for that Prophetic 1 Hour or 7 Years of Daniel’s Last Week of Years.

      Keep the Watch,


    3. And as presented before, it was/is during an Acts 2 Pentecost that the Dispensation of the Ages 'Change'. This is, if the Pattern is Prophecy and what occurred with Noah, Moses and the Holy Spirit...


    4. Lu, as I was watching Tyler last night I did think "I think Lu has written about this .. . " What I found so interesting is the notice in Hebrews 9:8-9 that the HS had actually specified the sections as "times." Fascinating. Your explanations are much more thorough, ofc, and I agree, I have always associated the end of the age with the Church's departure, but I can see where he's coming from with assigning it to the Second Coming. Is it the Rapture or the 2nd Coming? Yes. No biggie. Thanks for that explanation of the three doors. Wow, I did't know that. Amazing how so many of the things we just read and don't give a second thought to have so many more layers than we could imagine. I'm sure you've mentioned it before, but I must have missed it.

      On an aside, what do you think of the Star of Jacob due to appear on Sept. 27? Lyn, did you see the article over on Israeltoday365news: Star of Jacob will appear on Friday, September 27


      Not a Christian eschatological perspective, but interesting nevetheless. The Jews are certainly looking for their Messiah, as we have seen an uptick of, over the past years. Unfortunately, they will identify the wrong one. But God. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.

    5. Lu...I think you meant to say that Tyler has finally given up on 30 AD not 31 AD!    Begin at the 38:40 minute mark in the video to confirm this.   Details, details!!!   But I agree with you our 2023-30 Rapture Window Timeframe is about to close.   Lucky for us we may have until Nisan 1 (Jewish New Year) or a bit later for that 2023 Rapture window to remain open.   You and Judi need to reread Psalms 123 and 124 to allow yourself to get 'EXCITED'!     Perhaps my boxing ring partner Stephan has more to add to this.    

      🦋  🦋  🦋  +  🐝  🐝  🐝  =  PPP

    6. truly AWESOME stuff being posted here, wow, Wow, WOW ~ and the best is yet to come * My offer here would be, "The Chamber of 32 Doors" song by Peter Gabriel and Genesis in 1975 just before Gabriel's departure from the band, to go on his own. Gabriel and the Genesis band put their first album out in 1968, entitled "From Genesis to Revelation", ( a Masterpiece indeed)! Seven years later, in '75 they put out their 7th and final album, which happened to be a double album, entitled, "The Lamb lies down on Broadway" and that's where you will find the above mentioned song. Gabriel was young and his voice was magnificent, as he cries out from the depth of his soul

    7. Bob, thats it my prospector friend, you just hit Pay dirt! i'm not surprised. Isn't the ending of the tale/song, spectacular *

    8. Ozzie...finally got a chance to listen to the song to the very end.   Indeed, quite spectacular.   Someone in the comment section included the lyrics, which makes it so much easier to understand the meaning of the song.   Btw, that was my first time listening to that particular song.   Thanks for sharing.   You Rock, bro! 

    9. your welcome, my pleasure ~ now seek n find, 'The Carpet Crawlers' from the same album and indulge yourself my prospector friend, you won't regret it ~ trust me

    10. Another splendid song, Ozzie.   I don't believe I've heard that song before but very interesting lyrics.   It's just like one of Lu's articles, you've got to listen to it a few times to fully grasp its meaning and brilliance!   Btw, that's a compliment, Lu.   It's crazy, I have a fairly extensive collection of vinyl records but no Genesis!   I'll have to do something about that.   Thanks for sharing, Rocker/Bible Man! 

    11. With the help of my wife, it's all coming back to me, Ozzie!   Invisible Touch, Follow You Follow Me, Land of Confusion, etc... 

    12. Yes indeed Sir Bob, but that was post Gabriel and not the same, however, as Phil Collins stepped up from behind his drum set and began to sing his own hearts contents forth, well hey, hats of to him n the band for going forth to carry ON with many wonderful surprises to offer to future as well as old Genenis followers ~

  13. Greg L. @A Little has a new article up clarifying the stages of “Delusion Confusion” that we are all seeing play out before us and that will ultimately lead to the actual “strong delusion” sent by God in the midst of the 70th Week. As usual a really good read and so timely.
    I know for myself in my daily prayers I am more than ever beseeching our Lord for that blessed gift of discernment to help muddle through not only all of the outright lies of this world, but the many subtle (or not so subtle) contradictions being preached within the professing Church itself. So I do find Greg’s no-nonsense Scriptural approach to this topic to be helpful and encouraging. Thanks AGAIN, Greg!

    1. Sheila, i love the way you stated that, and completely agree that Greg is, 'one of a kind, rare! and truly gifted *

    2. Thanks Sheila for the heads up. As usual brother Greg has done an outstanding job of searching and delineating Scripture! Totally agree with him. Greg, if you still check over here once awhile, Good Job!

      Stephan, I have to agree with you (and Ozzie) about the current dispensation ending with the Rapture. But does another one begin, or rather is it the resumption of the Old one, that now must be completed to bring all things under the feet of Christ and save His Remnant Jews? In that sense, two dispensations can't run simultaneously, so yes, one must end. And the countdown begins with the Cross, so here we are again: the KEY Question is what year was Jesus crucified? Isn't it interesting that God chooses not to let us know, when His first coming was clearly laid out in the OT--thus the criticism of the Jews for not recognizing the day of His coming?

    3. hi Judy, i don't necessarily agree with the idea of grace disappearing at rapture event. [maybe at the onset of the Millennial reign!*] YES, I do agree that the old Covenant is done away with at Jesus' death and that the New and Everlasting Blood Covenant begins at that point, and that this Covenant with Many is Confirmed at Our Saviors resurrection! // Following the rapture, grace might end for the rebellious ones, but most certainly not for those who choose not to regress back to the sacrificial paradigm of old testament times ~ that's my take on it, at this moment in time.

    4. Hi Ozzie, I was responding to your agreement with Stephan about the end of this age of grace. In my understanding God's grace during this dispensation refers to our being saved by grace alone through faith alone, eternally, indwelled by the HS, therefore a part of the Body/Bride of Christ. No works needed to keep ourselves saved. Something which is not available after the Rapture, which is why I referred to the two dispensations. You make some good points. Maybe we are all using different semantics for the same thing in a way. I agree that the Old Covenant is done away with at the Cross, but does that mean Jacob's Trouble is a whole new dispensation, or rather the completion of the Old one. The Jews will go back to the LAW during that time as their way to achieve "righteousness," hence the Old Covenant. Maybe I'm just splashing around in theological waters too deep for me, lol. The important thing is the main thing: to enjoy the indescribable blessings Paul talks about in Ephesians, people need to believe in Jesus NOW. Lu?

      I like how you think, Stephan vis a vis the April timeframe(s)😃

  14. Did the Dispensations change on Pentecost?

    I think Brother Tyler was spot on in his video.
    Bob, you are right, he ruled out 30 AD, but not 31 AD.

    He said around the 36 min mark:

    'And behold, the curtain of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.
    This proofs that the counting of this Age started exactly at the moment of the cross.
    If the sections represent time, the moment when the curtain was torn, that's when your count starts.
    This curtain was Jesus!‘

    I totally agree with him.

    Lu, you wrote above:

    'And as presented before, it was/is during an Acts 2 Pentecost that the Dispensation of the Ages 'Change'.‘

    Since the New Covenant began on the Cross, what dispensation was it that existed between the Cross and Pentecost? Dispensations belong to either the Old or New Covenant. There is no crossover. Since the Covenant changed, by default the dispensation did as well.

    Can you explain this?

    The gift of the Spirit may not have been given until Pentecost, but the commission had already been given to the apostles to make disciples of all nations. That was given when Jesus first appeared to them post-ressurection. That tells us the dispensation of grace had already begun before Pentecost.

    In my opinion, the dispensation changed on Nisan 14, on the Cross, when the curtain was torn and Jesus said: It's finished.

    Nisan 10 is related to Week of Years and Jubilees.

    So, in my opinion, the Rapture could happen on April 17/18 (Nisan 9/10), April 22 (Nisan 14) or April 25 (Nisan 17).
    Bob, I am super excited!

    Blessings 🦋

    1. just a thought or thoughts to share here Stephan. i can't help but think that the old covenant ended at Our Saviors death when He was 'cut off' for the 'many' and the New Covenant began... and was then, ''confirmed'' at His resurrection * ~ essentially agreeing with you on your opinion, no?

    2. ...and perhaps further confirmed on Pentecost and perhaps further yet confirmed at Stephan's stoning???

    3. Nice counter punches, Stephan.   Without you in the ring I'd be knocked out in the 1st round!   So when you're excited, I'm very excited.   For a moment there, I thought you turned Ozzie from the "dark side" but then he follows up with that Stephan's stoning comment.   Shall I deduct 3 points from the WWW debate team again?     Lol!

    4. For a moment, I thought 'my' stoning. Lol...

    5. The next dispensation will begin with the Rapture of the Church. From the first day after the Rapture, there will be no Age of Grace anymore.
      There is no transition and that is why I have problems with a Gap Theory.
      The new dispensation has to start immediately, there is no crossover!

    6. Stephan...I reread your rebuttal above and made the following correction:

      "So when you're 'super' excited, I'm very excited."   Adjectives do matter!    Again, nicely done.   It will be interesting to see how LuMan responds.   Perfect example of Proverbs 27:17.    Go 'Stephan' Go!     

  15. RE: Comet C/2023 A3 - Star of Jacob?
    PART 1/4

    Judi and Fam,
    Thanks for that Reference to the ‘Star of Jacob’ rising Article that some of the End Times Jewish Rabbis believe is announcing the soon ‘Birth’ or Coming of their Jewish Messiah. True, they are looking at the latest possible Celestial Sign. They are considering the ‘Star of Jacob’ to be the Comet C/2023 A3, in this case. One is not so sure it will be a Comet. Realize that Israel 365 had written a similar Article back in 2019 about how the Rabbis were considering 2 Celestial Events. One had covered those Celestial Signs and Speculation here before. Below is that Article, but most of the Links have now been Deleted.

    December 29, 2019

    Then there was the Anticipation thereafter of how the Collision of 2 Planets in the Constellation of Cygnus, the Swan would have produced a ‘Star’ so bright that it could have been seen in broad Daylight. It was to have been calculated to have appeared sometime in 2022. It did not materialize as the Calculations were proven to be incorrect. Nonetheless, the Rabbis considered it the ‘Star of Jacob’ that was to Herald the coming of their Jewish Messiah that Year, in 2022. See Article one wrote about it for reference.

    Speculated Cygnus Constellation Calculation

    Then the most recent Celestial Sign, surmised by the same Body of Rabbis to be the ‘Star of Jacob’ was about how the Super Giant Red Star, Betelgeuse has gone Supernova. But because it will take Time for that ‘Event’ to get to Earth to be seen or observed, it has yet to occur from Earth’s Perspective. But what was very intriguing about this Supernova was that it is occurring in Orion. Then, there was that Asteroid, Leona 319 that made a ‘Loop’ around the Star as to ‘Highlight’ it as the Star is Flashing ‘Red’ as to ‘Alert’, Danger, etc. Because of this peculiarity, again, the same Body of Jews presumed this was the ‘Star of Jacob’ rising and announcing the soon appearing of their Jewish Messiah, etc. See Article for one’s Assessment and Reference.

    Asteroid 319 Leona - Star of the AntiChrist?

    1. PART 2/4
      Now, the latest Iteration of what could be the ‘Star of Jacob’ has been attributed to the Comet C/2023 A3. What has been a Common Theme or Prophetic Thread about the Write-Ups from Israel 365 is that they do use the same Sources of the Extra-Biblical Books known as the Talmud and the Zohar, for example. These Books are Anti-Christian and mock Jesus. They were written by the Rabbinical ‘Wizards’ and Warlocks that make-up what Jesus exposed them as being, the Synagogue of Satan.

      Although they might have some ‘Insight’ and Foresight, they are seeking another Messiah, other than Jesus. And as mentioned, they are attributing any possible Celestial Sign, to what the True Bible does say is attributed to the coming of the Messiah. One would agree that if ‘Prophecy is Pattern’, as a Star was a Forerunner to the Birth and Announcement of the coming Messiah, Jesus, perhaps there will be a Parallel Celestial Sign, such as a ‘Star’ that will rise to Herald the coming of the False Messiah Israel will accept instead.

      Here is where one will diverge in the Assessment of what was and perhaps will be the ‘Star of Jacob’ in contrast to what the Rabbinical Jewish are assessing and expecting. As to its Prophetic and Biblical Fulfilment, most Christian Sources would attribute the Star of Jacob to be that of Jesus and has been fulfilled Prophetically by His 1st Coming. Jesus is that Literal Personification of the ‘Star’, a Son of Jacob that came out of Jacob or Israel to Redeem not only Jacob but the entire World, etc. Thus far, the Rabbinical Jews that are desperate for their Version of the Biblical Messiah to come, have attributed the Star of Jacob to be a Supernova, and now a Comet perhaps. Here is one’s Assessment of what could it actually be. By Definition, a Star in the Ancient World was attributed to a Planet, a ‘Wondering Star’.

      This supposition can be correlated to how that Star was then, the Star of Bethlehem, in one’s Estimation, the Planet Jupiter. It is clearly understood that even the same Rabbinical Jews realize that Jupiter is considered the ‘Planet of the Messiah’, the ‘King’ Planet. And that it was the Union of Jupiter with Venus, in that Triple Conjunction in Leo at the Sign of the King and in Conjunction with the King Star of Regulus, that announced the Birth of the True Messiah, Jesus in -3 BC, etc. This is why one is of the Opinion and Interpretation that if such a Celestial Sign is to be had in Heralding the Advent of the False Messiah, it would have to do with the Planet Jupiter in some fashion.

      Thus, one should pay close Attention to where and when the King Planet will be from now on, as that could be the Clue of what the End Times Fulfilment of the Star of Jacob could be for the Luciferians. One found the Article about the Comet C/2023 A3 very fascinating. Now, even though the Talmud and the Zohar are not Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the ‘Prophecy’ given does have a degreed of possible Validity and Integrity as there is Foresight given. It is much like when King Saul went to the Witches of Endor to consult with Samuel, as to what to do.

    2. PART 3/4
      The Witches of Endor were astonished to realize that, as some Interpret, the actual Spirit of Samuel was allowed to surface and engage in a Dialog with King Saul. But it is an Association forbidden to do and engage in because of the ‘Familiar Spirits’ that do and can impersonate Dead Relatives, Loved Ones or Famous People, etc. One did find the Prophecy about the 3 ‘Structures’ or that implied of be the 3 Rome's was Fantastic. That Resonates if one is a History Enthusiast. If one does not know about this Supposition, it is that there are 3 Rome's or Cities on Earth that maintains the continued Power and Structure of the Beast System as outlined in the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar.

      Rome 1: Rome
      Rome 2: Constantinople
      Rome 3: Moscow

      However, realize that the Orthodox Jews cluster all Christians as being ‘Evil Edomites’ that need to be Destroyed and will once their Messiah comes On-the-Scene. It is really no different than what the Muslims believe their False Messiah, Mahdi will do to the Christians and the Jews. It is that their ‘Isa’, i.e., Muslim Jesus will return to help the Mahdi Destroy the Crosses and Murder all the Christians and Jews that do not ‘Submit the Will of Allah’.

      The Rabbinical Jews do realize that the Christians interpret that it is Jesus that was the Literal Fulfillment of who and what the Star of Jacob was inferencing to, but they reject Jesus, all the same. Now, the Date that is given in connection to the Comet C/2023 A3 is also very Intriguing. That Date of the Comet’s closest Approach or Perihelion is on September 27, 2024. It is just 4 Days after the 7th Year Anniversary completed of the Revelation 12 Sign and the Fall Equinox. It is the 270th Day of the Year.

      Now, one does think that this Comet is Prophetic. Consider that Comets are like a Billboard that is announcing an Event, and then lights are screeched across it to highlight its Image and or Message, etc. Comets are intended, in one’s Astronomical Estimation, to function much the same way to highlight a Message or Image. How? Consider where and when the Comet appears. Consider what Celestial Sign they are in and where they started and where it ends-up.

      The illustration made will depict the Trajectory of the newly discovered Comet C/2023 A3. One will be making some Observations. The Comet appears to have originated in-between the Constellations of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer and the Constellation of Serpens. Since 32 AD, the Comet has been spiraling in place since Time began. But then around 2012, it started to gradually move past Serpens. Then from 2012 it appears to position itself in front of Virgo in 2024 around February. Then from the Spring Equinox to the Summer Solstice, a period of 4 Months or 120 Day, the Comet traversed the entire length of the Constellation of Virgo.

    3. PART 4/4
      It is in February of 2024 that the Comet shoots across the Constellation in ‘Lighting Speed’ to highlight it. Realize that Virgo is predominantly the Sign for Israel, its Beginning as Leo is the Celestial Motif for its End and Messiah, the Lion of Judah, etc. The Comet then makes a ‘U-Turn’ at the Sign of Sextans where it reached its start of Perihelion Approach around September 11, 2024. From there, it catapulted straight across the Constellation of Virgo once again at a spectacular Diagonal.

      This only takes 14 Days to get to the ‘Birthing’ Point of the Womb area of Virgo. Amazingly, it exits the ‘Womb’ Area on October 11, 2024, at the exact same Position it entered Virgo’s ‘Womb’ area on April 27, 2024. In fact, that ‘Birthing’ Point appears to be the Center-Point of the Comet’s Trajectory through Virgo. The Comet then returns in the direction of Ophiuchus as it loops around Aquila, Delphinus, and Lyra. Ophiuchus speaks of Jesus’ Victory over the Serpent that seeks to usurp the Crown, Corona Borealis.

      Aquila signifies the Arrow that pierced Christ and causes the Majestic Eagle of Heaven to Die. But this Messiah resurrected out from the Waters of Death, leaping forth like a Dolphin out of Water. To the, give Praise and Worship with the Lyre’s. The Comet then returns to the Head area of Ophiuchus to stay there in perpetuity as to signify that it has been all about what Ophiuchus did as his Foot is crushing the Head of Scorpio, the Adversary, i.e., Lucifer, described as that Ancient Serpent.

      According to Israel365 News that wrote about the Star of Jacob connection to the Comet, it is speculated by some Rabbinical Scholars of Astronomy that the Comet C/2023 A3 perhaps is the ‘Star of Jacob’. This Notion is to insinuate that the Appearing of their Messiah is at hand. When? In 2024 then. For those that come from a Christian End Times Perspective, however, it would be Heralding the Advent of the Biblical AntiChrist instead after the Rapture Event that closes-out the Church Age.

      So, does the Month, Day and Year of either September 27, 2024 or October 11, 2024 when the Comet is ‘Birthed’ out of the ‘Womb’ area of Virgo, signify that it is the ‘Star of Jacob’? Is this the Celestial Announcing of the ‘Birth’ or Advent Event of the Unveiling of who the False Jewish Messiah will be?

      But realize that Comets pertain to the Nations as a Sign and Omen. It is not necessarily given to Israel, specifically, although it is tangible. For Israel, the real Celestial Signs are the Blood Moons. And as one has presented, the Years of 2024 and 2025 have a Blood Moon Triad that occur on Purim. That is really the Celestial Sign the Rabbinical Jews should be alerted to. Why? It is because the Spirit of the Prince of Persia has risen to attempt in accomplishing what Haman failed at.

      Lu Vega

      I will develop this a bit more later and will try to answer the other ‘Jabs’ from the ‘Butterfly’ Brothers when I can, soon. Just been very busy with Work.

      Here is the Chart.
      C/’2023 A3 – Star of Jacob?

    4. RE: Are there not 4 Months and then comes the Harvest?

      So, Stephan and Bob,
      I have not had a chance to reply to the Rebuttals from Stephan the Butterfly Boy. ;0. Hey, I can talk Trash as I am Negative in the Score, eh?

      Lu the Drago: -9 PTS vs. Stephan ‘Rocky’, AKA Butterfly Boy: 0 PTS

      But there is a 1-2 Punch, back at you both, Bob, the ‘Trainer’… So, with this Comet C/2023 A3 going across the Constellation of Virgo? One could not help but see how there is a Poetry Picture of the possible Rapture Timing that would appear to corroborate with one’s Theory and Rationale of a July White Wheat Wedding. How so?

      Realize that the Constellation of Virgo is the ‘Wheat’ Woman’. She is holding Grain, of the Wheat Kind and signals the End of the Summer Harvest. She represents ‘Ruth’ as Ophiuchus is the ‘Boaz’ type looking down at her as she works the Fields, gathering in the ‘Souls’ of Men and Women. And Ophiuchus is taking care of the Dragon, Serpens that seeks to devour her and the Harvest, etc. Summer is the Time for Weddings, not Passover, not the Judgmental Fall Feasts, in one’s Estimation.

      So, as the Comet positions itself to traverse Virgo, twice, its 1st ru- through is set to start around February 21st. It is from there that the Comet starts accelerating across Virgo. And guess how long it takes? From February 21, 2024, to the June 21 Summer Solstice? It is 4 Months or 120 Days. It is reminiscent of how long Jesus said the Harvest takes from Planting to Harvesting of Wheat. One is surmising then a March 23, 2024 + 120 Days = July 23, 2024 ‘Leo’ New Year, etc. It is all connected.

      I just wanted to ‘Jab’ you both with a 1-2 Bunch back, with the Celestial Imagery of what one sees and interprets the Comet will be doing or Signaling. Of course, it is about a Birthing too, as on its way back, in ‘Lightning Speed’, it will only take 14 Days, 7x7 factor to traverse through Virgo back out of it, as if ‘Birthed’. And as mentioned, astonishingly to Exit at the same spot it Entered the ‘Womb’ Are of Virgo. Clearly it is signaling a Birth of sorts or a Debut of a Christ. A Manchild? The Bride of Christ? The AntiChrist? One will find out this Year!

      Don't throw in the Towel, just yet.

    5. state above that Team WWW or "Lu the Drago" is down by -9 points while Team PPP or "Stephan the Butterfly Boy" (aka "Rocky") has 0 points.   That's not true, as the "neutral" debate moderator originally penalized you 3 points for your "Left Hook" comment, but subsequently rewarded you 3 points for your "extra" research and studies.   So by my calculation, the score is even at 0 points each.   Not that we're keeping score!

      Ok, now that's over with, let's move on to your Comet C/2023 A3 or "Star of Jacob" study, which was brilliantly written and accompanied by superb graphics.   So kudos to you, Brother!    I believe you make a fairly compelling case that the Comet's trajectory and timing through the constellation Virgo may signify the birthing of the AntiChrist plus the Rapture of the Bride of Christ around 723.   But while I was studying your graphic drawing that depicted the specific positions and dates of the Comet's trajectory "I saw something".   Could it be the Bride of Christ is "Raptured" at the 1st crossing in Virgo's womb area on 4-26-24, while the AntiChist is "Birthed" at the 2nd crossing in the same area of Virgo on 10-10-24?   This would result in a "Gap" of time of either 167 or 168 days between the two events.   I acknowledge that I'm somewhat "biased" towards a Passover Rapture, but is it a coincidence that the Comet symbolically + prophetically passes over Virgo's womb area on 4-26-24?   This is on or near the same date that Dr. Barry and Stephan are predicting the Rapture will occur. 

      Lu, you clearly do excellent work, but did you "inadvertantly" and "graphically" show us the Rapture may happen this Passover with the AntiChrist being "Birthed" approximately 167 days later?

    6. who dere, what dere, Whoo dere?

  16. RE: Did the Dispensations change on Pentecost?
    PART 1/5

    Stephan Boy,
    Here is a ‘Check-Hook’ thrown your way…Look Out! ;0
    One is just offering one’s Understanding and Interpretation, as you know, not saying one is ‘Right’. But one may not be ‘Wrong’ either. As to the Question of, does or did or will the Dispensations change during an Acts 2 Pentecost July 23 ‘Leo’ New Year? First, one has to assess if one even ‘accepts’ the Doctrine or Teaching of Dispensations. Most of the Professing Church does not. So, have that in Mind.

    Of those that do, as oneself, one just applies the Principle of ‘Prophecy is Pattern’ in how prior Changes, primarily that of Noah, based on Rabbinical Tradition and Teaching, and Sinai, all occurred on that Pentecost ‘New Year’ of Leo, Astronomically that one is espousing as a Working Theory. And here again, it is based if one accepts the notion of that being the 99th Day from Exodus, Nisan 15, etc. This alone would ‘Disqualify’ any Assertion that it is in Nissan, at the 1st Month as Reassigned to be by YHVH to Moses of when the Dispensations ‘Change-Over’, officially.

    Now to be clear, one has been arguing, more so, when the specific Delineation of the Church Age Started and when it will End. One thinks that most would agree or are, that the End of the Church Age will occur with the Rapture Event. And one personally believes that is based on the ‘Extraction’ of the Bride of Christ’s Departure or ‘Apostacy’ Interpretation, etc. The Question is then, when did it ‘Start’?

    1. At Jesus’ Day of His Death, or Burial, or Resurrection, there and then?
    2. At Jesus’ 2nd Coming?

    One would agree, technically with the Notion, that at the Point of Jesus’ Death was there and then, that from that Second going forward, no more Blood Sacrifice of Earthly Animal Blood would be required. And not that it was the Blood of Bulls or Goats that took away Sin or can. They were Object Lessons pointing to the ‘Human’ Lamb that could only, Jesus, etc. The Age of Grace began.

    One has argued before though, that there was a Transition Period from the Death, Burial and Resurrection Sabbath to the Descent of GOD the Holy Spirit, in Corporate Form as recorded in Acts 2. This is what one is arguing was the ‘Birth’ of the Corporate ‘Body of Christ’ on Earth. This Entity never existed before, and not even the Second after Jesus Died, was Buried and was Raised back to Life, etc.

    This is to insinuate that although the Dispensation did start at the Moment of Jesus Death, Burial and Resurrection, there was yet the ‘Corporate Body of Jesus’, of Christ on Earth to be ‘Built’. And this ‘Divine Construction’ has been on-going to this Day. The New Testament teaches that Spiritual Building or Temple is being Build-Up by Living Stones. Thus, this is one’s Point. One’s Argument is focused on this Corporate Living Organism called the Body of Christ, that was ‘Birthed’ or Initiated during that Acts 2 Pentecost, 99 Days after Nisan 15.

    1. PART 3/5
      All that to say, that what is foretold has to occur, has not happened nor will the exact Moment or Second after the Bride Building is finished and Extracted from Earth. There are 2 Circumstances or Factors In-Play to consider that should be Definition, Prophetically. One is of the Interpretation that there is a Crossover. And that, although one would agree and accept that the Dispensations changed with Jesus, so did the Covenant. Agreed. But that the specific Entity of the Body of Christ came later and that is what is to determine the End of the Dispensation that has constituted the Church Age.

      Or in other words, regardless if one does not agree when the Church Age ‘Started’, its ‘Ending’ will converge or Synchronize with the End of the Dispensation of Grace. As it was noted, after the Rapture Event, the Age of Grace will be no more. So, to better grasp one’s Rationale, consider the Church Age ‘Circle’ within the overall-arching Age of Grace Circle. But the Age of Grace did not begin, ‘Start’ or was ‘Birthed’ the specific Body of Christ on that Acts 2 Pentecost Event. But rather, that the Acts 2 Event was on a New Wine Feast, on the ‘Leo’ New Year, Astronomical that signaled the End and Beginning Sequence, nonetheless. But then the following Assertion was noted.

      ‘The Gift of the Spirit may not have been given until Pentecost, but the Commission had already been given to the Apostles to make Disciples of all Nations. That was given when Jesus 1st appeared to them Post-Resurrection. That tells us the Dispensation of Grace had already begun before Pentecost’.

      All this is technically True. However, one has missed the Condition that Jesus instructed the Disciple with, precisely about this. Jesus told them to ‘Wait’ in Jerusalem and not leave so as to ‘Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit’, etc. In fact the Disciples did not ‘Wait’ as Instructed by Jesus and returned to their Fishing Enterprise up in Galilee. This is 1 Condition to consider. The other will be based on one’s Military Experience.

      When one Signed-Up to be in the Military, there was a Contract written-up that one then went over the Conditions. One had the opportunity to agree, or not, to the specific Conditions and the Duration of Time, as in a Date to Begin and a Date to End the Commission of Service. Note that once the Last Day of the Commission had been achieved, there was a Separation Time-Frame wherein a Soldier is Transitioned-Out from military to Civilian Life, etc. A Soldier does not leave the Military Base or Deployment and is ushered-out the very next Day one’s Commission is completed.

      All that to insinuate, that perhaps that is what occurred after Jesus’ Resurrection. There was a Time-Frame of a Transition that needed to then Prepare the Disciples for the Birthing of the Church, for which they were not Ready for. And that perhaps, at the End of the Church Commission, there will be that Separation Time-Frame of sorts as it was with the 38 Years that then stopped the Daily Sacrifices in 70 AD. And? It will be then when another Prince that will Come, that will re-initiate them. It was only after several Appearances of Jesus that finally convinced the Disciples of all the Significance of the Resurrection and its Testimony.

    2. PART 4/5
      Only then were they then bold enough to show-up at the Temple having ‘No Fear’ of the Repercussions of the Sanhedrin. It is this Religious Body that forbade their Testimony of Jesus to be made to Israel and the whole World after the Acts 2 Pentecost Birth of the Body of Christ, etc. During the 70th Week sometime after the Rapture Event that will be exactly as it was in the Book of Acts, one contends, i.e., Noahide Laws, etc.

      So, to reiterate, one is in Total Agreement that the Dispensation from being Under the Law of Moses that Kills, to being under the New Covenant of the Law of Grace that gives Life, started that Second after Jesus’ Death. And even then, Jesus had to present His own Blood to that Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies in Heaven, thus a Transition Stage, even so. But one is not arguing necessarily when that Dispensation Started, but more so when the Body of Christ Started and when that will End. Why? It has to do with a Temple and its building-up of it.

      Realize that as an 'Adam' Type, Jesus was ‘Put to Sleep’ and from His Side being Pierced, that Blood and Water is what has constituted the Material used to which the Bride of Jesus, much like Adam, is ‘Building’ Eve. Realize that according to the Genesis Account, Adam was Created out of Nothing. But Eve was Created out of Something, the Material of Adam, etc. This is why one is of the interpretation, that the ‘Eve’ or the Bride of Christ is as that Temple that is Scripturally taught in the Bible.

      It is Spiritually being Build-Up until that last Living Stone or ‘Brick’ is set in place. And as a further Metaphor of Construction, realize that the Corner-Stone 1st has to be set. A Building does not suddenly spring-up out of any Foundation, or else it will not be Integral, Aligned or Sound. And that ‘Building-Up’ of the ‘Eve’ Building did not happen at the precise Moment the Veil or Curtain was torn in half, from Top to Bottom, etc.

      One is then just surmising that if Prophecy is Pattern, it will be the Rapture Event that Concludes that Spiritual Temple, the Bride of Christ, etc. How if that will coincide with the End of the actual Dispensation of Grace also? One argues, ‘Yes’. It would appear as well, because there will no longer be a Covenant of Grace, but of being back under the Law of Moses during the Tribulation Period. At that Time, most all who Call Upon the Name of Jesus, will be Martyred. It is because of the implemented Noahide Laws, one is convinced. Once Israel will be controlled, Religiously by the Nascent Sanhedrin, anyone believing Jesus is LORD or GOD will be Guilty of a Blasphemous Offense and punishable by Decapitation.

      So, this is one’s Rationale why one is more so focused on when the Body of Christ Began and perhaps it will End, if Prophecy is Pattern on that Leo ‘New Year’ that corresponds to a July 23 Summer Wheat Harvest. And that one is more convinced that it coincides with what the Acts 2 Pentecost was all about, the Beginning of the Church Age Body of Christ. And perhaps, if ‘Prophecy if Pattern’, when the Church Age will End. And that there will be about 1 Years’ worth of a Transitory Overlap as it was in the Time of Acts, by 38 Years precisely at that Time. One does see a Transitory Phase that one likens to a Military Separation Period from a Commission having been completed. That although, technically, one agrees that the Dispensation of Grace started the Second after Jesus Died, the Church or Body of Christ had not yet been ‘Born’, collectively as a Body, corporately that is like ‘Eve’ being ‘Constructed from Adam or in this case, Jesus, if that makes sense.

      Lu Vega
      Butterfly Bob! What is the 'Score' 'Traitor', I mean 'Trainer'?! lol

    3. PART 5/5

      A Wise Man once said:

      ...’and perhaps further confirmed on Pentecost and perhaps further yet confirmed at Stephan's stoning???’

      Ah Yes! Perhaps it was ‘Inadvertently’ a Double-Entendre! mad here. Hum…will Stephan live-up to His Name and end-up being ‘Stoned’, but not like in taking Drugs… :) He might need some after that Pentecost K.O. ‘Knock Out’ coming, eh?

      But one is ‘Merciful’, maybe just 1 Stone thrown, no? :)
      You are a Good Sport, Stephan…

    4. ha ha LU, yes indeed, ~ Wise men still seek Him * CHEERS!

    5. The Rapture, truly f u r t h e r ''CONFIRMS the 'NEW COVENANT'' by substantiating Jesus' resurrection and His ascension into Heaven 'eh?!!! Our Heaven Father's - apple of His eye, remnant - will take notice, I'm sure. Grace and Peace Brothers and Sisters ~ all praise and honor are Yours LORD ~<^>~ Shalom

  17. Judi,
    I think I addressed this Portion of your Though in my Rebuttal to Stephan. I would agree that the 70th Week or the 7-Year Time that will constitute the Tribulation Period is what has been On-Hold to complete the Old Covenant, being ‘Under the Law’ Dispensation. Or in other words, the 70th Week is what will complete it. And it is specifically dealing with the Restoration and Redemption of ‘Jacob’, and the Return of their Messiah, etc.


    'I agree that the Old Covenant is done away with at the Cross, but does that mean Jacob's Trouble is a whole new dispensation, or rather the completion of the Old one. The Jews will go back to the LAW during that time as their way to achieve "righteousness," hence the Old Covenant'.

    1. RE: Passover Rapture 2024?

      ‘Unbiased’ Moderator Bob,
      Here is the Deal for me. My Prophecy Policy is, ‘Sooner rather than Later!’, lol. Yes, if the ‘Falling Back’ is to occur on Passover, bring it! ;0 But as you know, one is more inclined to be looking at the Patterns and Prophetic Types. Not that Passover is not, but that it is just as a much a Theory and Supposition as one’s Theory about a possible July White Wheat Wedding ‘WWW’ Rapture Timing. And one is not even sure if it will be in 2024. As we know, it is that we only ‘See in Part’ and ‘Know in Part’.

      I think you might need to check-up on your ‘Butterfly Boy’ as that ‘Check-Hook’ I just gave him might have dazed him! Lol


    2. Dear Lu,

      of course I expected your counterattack. But we are not knocked out. Team PPP will fight untill the Rapture occurs in the month of Nisan. Lol!

      My first answer: The premise of your argument is faulty. The apostles already received the Spirit on Resurrection Day! They didn't have to wait untill Pentecost.

      John 20:22 (on Resurrection Day):
      And with that he breathed on them and said, ‚Receive the Holy Spirit.‘

      But I have to re-read your reply. Thank you for being gracious (only 1 stone)!


    3. Butterfly Boy!
      Nice Dance Moves, but ‘No Dice’. Yes, in Theory, Jesus did bestow the Gift of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples. It is and was a foregone Conclusion. However, once again, you ‘Inadvertently’ prove my ‘Transition Theory’. No, not all Disciples of Jesus, upon ‘Believing’ received the Gift of the Holy Spirit. One must Qualify this based on what occurred with the Disciples that were only Baptized into the Repentance of John.

      ‘While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the interior and came to Ephesus. There he found some Disciples and asked them. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers? No, they answered, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. Into what, then, were you Baptized? Paul asked. The baptism of John, they replied’. -Acts 19:2

      Notice how these People were clearly Disciples and Believers in Jesus. That is the Key. Apparently, there needed to be a ‘Hand-Off’ of Baptisms. Here is the Proof of the Factual Occurrence how, even after the Resurrection, there was a Gap Time wherein GOD the Holy Spirit was still being Set-Up in terms of the Church Age.

      The Point is that apparently, the Disciples all had to get on the ‘Same Page’ regarding what constitutes being ‘Put into Jesus’, as that is what the Definition of Baptism is. And by the way, there are 7 Types of them. One thus argues that although Jesus bestowed the Gift of the Holy Spirit, there appeared to be an 'Implementation' Process of sorts as evidenced by what occurred in Paul's Missionary Journeys.

      So, Stephan,
      You want to ‘Throw-In’ the Towel now and Forfeit the Inevitable, eh?

      Trainer Bob!
      This was a ‘Bob-and-Weave’ Maneuver against Stephan.
      Have one scored any Points? ;0

    4. Before seeing Lu's latest response...

      Stephan...I see that "smelling salt" I gave you worked!    Now back in the ring you go to finish "Drago" off!    Lol!

      A premature response on my part for sure!    Hmmm...I think my next move is to talk to the refs and have them deduct some points from "Drago Lu" for "taunting" my "Butterfly Boy".  

      Trainer Bob

    5. Trainer Bob,
      I see that you are seeing that 167 Day Difference from when the Comet enters the Womb of Virgo to when it exits it, at the precise same Spot. Not a Coincidence in one’s Assessment. Now, that Time-Span is 5 Months. It reminds one of how in the Book of Revelation, during the Tribulation Period, there is also a 5 Month Factor of Time.

      It is when the ‘Star-Gate’ or Door to the Bottomless Pit is opened and the God of the Locusts, Apollyon is released from the Prison of Tartarus. This will fulfill what the Book of Enoch foretold why the Fallen Angels that Sinned on Mount Hermon were kept in ‘Chains’, reserved for the Last Days.

      ‘The Locusts were not given Power to kill them, but only to Torment them for 5 Months, and their Torment was like the Stinging of a Scorpion. In those Days Men will seek Death and will not find it; they will long to Die, but Death will escape them’. -Revelation 9:5

      Note that the 5 Month Duration of Time is how long People will not be able to Die. One suspects that after receiving the Mark of the Beast into People’s Bodies, the Altercations into their DNA will be such that the Immortality Gene will be manipulated to the Point that People will not be able to Die. And the Adverse Effects of that Mandated Mark will be so excruciating that Boils will break-out all over the Bodies of all those Billions that took the Mark to their Bodies. How Horrific it will be.

      But also consider that for the Year 2024, according to the Rabbinical Calendar, the Passover will be on April 23, 2024. That is precisely 3 Months or 90 Days or 13 Weeks from the ‘Leo’ Astronomical New Year of July 23, 2024.

      Just an Observation that one finds very interesting, no?
      Go WWW! lol

      Lu Vega :)

    6. 38 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,

      22 “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, 23 which I have reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war?

      Lu and Fam, Blessings I have been quietly wrestling with the timing of the fiery details of The Day Of The Lord (TDOTL); TDOTL's possibly being the Rapture, et al; all of McGaha's work seasoning the stew with real current events and a Dragon; doings in the ME since 10/7, et al; and now TX, et al. So many scenarios you all are jousting over touch upon the interplay shortly at hand between the astronomic, spiritual, and worldly spheres in amazing fashion. In case you missed it, WW65's latest features an article highlighting hat the 1st US city touched by the upcoming X-Eclipse part Deux is the same city now embroiled in border kerfluffles: Eagle Pass. Of course. But, back to timing. Just like your debate: Which comes first? Is there a gap between? How long, Days? Seconds? What is THAT dispensation? When TDOTL occurs, and quite possibly hand in hand with Harpazo, the modern worldview is over. Finis'. Kaput. Holistically, at this point, a combination of nuclear and conventional wars, demonic attacks, spiritual Judgments and astronomic Armageddon are likely on tap, in concert, as Our Lord Opens His Book and the enemy seeks to interrupt and deceive/destroy those left behind. But, when?

      Well, I keep finding myself sitting on the field next to these verses. Note that it is verse '23' in which (Jacob's?) Trouble is tied to 'the DAY of battle and war' and that as a sub context to the Storehouses of Snow and Hail in the prior verse, also snuggled in proximity as the SAME DAY.

      This either means something or its all poetic nonsense To Amuse The Author. Well, it just so happens that if a 'Dragon Tail' event as McGaha portrays were to occur, as Scripture foretells, we are told elsewhere of 'hail and fire and BLOOD' as such an astronomic bombardment will ush aside a large area of our atmosphere, exposing a sizable chunk of, most likely the America's, to raw space -375-500 f, near instantaneously, for several minutes. Oh, by the way, the next Ghostbusters is coming out and looks to be a nice rework of the original. It's titled the
      Frozen Empire The water held in the atmosphere of that area which will be converted to snow & hail almost instantly equals in volume the Mediterranean Sea. STOREHOUSES of the snow; STOREHOUSES of the hail...on THAT day, Says The Lord...

    7. Jimboni, glad you checked in. Was just going to ask you a quick off topic question. What is the dosage recommendation for pycnogenol you gave AA some time back for pain/inflammation? I copied/saved, but cannot find. Seems it had to do with body weight?

      You raise some interesting questions in your post. I confess so many of the judgments in Revelation are simply beyond my mind to imagine. They are so out of human experience, so unimaginable in many ways. Thanks for that possible explanation.

    8. Lu...I was hoping you would respond to my 167 days or 5 months difference in time between the 2 different womb crossings of the Comet (4-26-24 minus 10-10-24).   So very interesting and especially all those things that may take place during that timeframe!   And your 3 month period between Passover and the ‘Leo’ Astronomical New Year of July 23, 2024 is so "fascinating" as Jarrett @Supernatural by Design would say!   These two scenarios pretty much define the primary differences between PPP + WWW wouldn't you say?   And I'll bet you an In-N-Out Burger that when you were preparing your Comet/Star of Jacob graphic that it was not intended to contrast these 2 potential Rapture scenarios so clearly, huh! 

      Keep those studies + charts coming, bro!   Lol!

    9. Hmewrdbd, Blessings

      A good baseline to have in mind when considering dosages of Pycnogenol is the 'Saturation Dosage' for that person. Saturation Dosage works out to 1 mg/# of body weight/24 hours. Further, assuming no significant therapeutic support is required, for the average man/woman, 25-30 mgs, once daily, which is also the common per-tablet amounts, is a good maintenance dose, ongoingly, for continuous anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory support.

      As for protocols, in serious situations where maximum benefits are required, one works up to Saturation over a week or so, to avoid the healing crisis as Pycnogenol's actions cleanse toxins when beginning the regimen, and remains thereon for 90 days, then reevaluate. I know of cases where Physicians have utilized 2-3x Saturation for many months, with some very encouraging results in the cases. As Pycnogenol is entirely non-toxic and non-contraindicated with any other meds one might be using, all of these options are safe to explore. As a water-soluble nutrient, larger daily doses are best divided into smaller amounts, usually 1/2 or 1/3, taken throughout the day.


    10. Jimboni, thank you so much for your helpful answer. The ones I order from Costco are 100mg capsules so difficult to divide. Will look for lower dosage tablets for better choice of dosages.

      With Biden pushing hard and reportedly considering unilateral recognition of a de-militarized (yeah, right) Palestinian state, the upcoming eclipse in April takes on an even more ominous portent. I think it was Bill Koenig who compiled a list of the disasters that have struck America every time our leaders promoted measures/policies to divide Israel's land. Sobering. I can remember thinking in 2020 that that had such promise for the Rapture year, and every year since, based on solid reasoning and convergences of signs, but my goodness, how much longer can we be here given the state of the world/endtimes indicaters today?

    11. The ones I get from Sprouts & Vitamin Cottage are 25 or 30 mg. A coworker I had shared Pyc with who had compressed discs from his military service found that 100 mg at breakfast and bed time, most days, gave him great relief so yours were perfect for him.

  18. Hello dear family, thank you for your prayers for my husband and me. May God bless you greatly! Daniel was able through grace to work and even do exercises to help him preserve his arm and shoulder so that his condition did not deteriorate. And I found out today that I no longer have pneumonia, “after 3 months”. Praise be to the Lord! I'm still weak and tired from the flu and I still have diarrhea problems but at least I don't have a fever anymore. Thank you dear family, it’s partly thanks to you. Kisses to all in the Lord!

    1. Wonderful news, Carole, thanks for the update, and thanks to our wonderful Lord!!

    2. I,m so happy to hear this Carole and Daniel ~ Keep on Praising Him \./

  19. So beautiful!
    The Last Watchman
    The Lord's Prayer - Rapture of the Bride of Christ - Oneness With the Lord - All in One Package!!! 5 min.

    1. Wonderful, Beautiful \./ OH how nice of you Carole ~ Shalom * Sister

    2. Please pray for safety for my son, Tony ~ He's of to the races on his motorcycle,... in the Big Leagues!!! TY Kindly *

  20. When people love Pentecost more than they love Passover

    I can't understand why people dismiss what Jesus did on the Cross in favour of him sending the Holy Spirit. It makes me sad. It doesn't matter that Jesus died for our sins? The gift of the Holy Spirit is more important?

    Jesus gave his life for us. That was the most gracious act ever.

    The Bread and the Wine during the last supper are symbolizing his Body and his Blood. This was the Marriage Proposal for his Bride. Bread and Wine are the tokens of the acceptance of the New Covenant.

    The Cross was the great divider between covenants.

    The thief on the Cross was probably the first New Covenant Believer.

    If one believes, the 'Church Age‘ or the 'Age of Grace‘ began on Pentecost, which Dispensation was between the Cross and Pentecost? They can't explain it. There can't be a crossover. That's impossible!

    The Pivotal Point is the Cross, not Pentecost. Pentecost was the gift portion.

    Ephesians 2:16 tells us that the 'Body of Christ‘ began on the Cross:

    'And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross‘

    What is the 'Body of Christ‘ built upon? On Jesus, the cornerstone, who gave his life for us!

    1. RE: ‘Loving’ Pentecost?

      ‘Trainer Bob’!?
      I cry Foul! Stephan has just hit ‘Below the Belt’. ;0
      Stephan! You are, have misrepresented me and what I have presented.

      Do I ‘Love’ Pentecost more than I Love Passover? No. It is Non-Question nor Qualifier for me. One has not argued a Value, of one more so over the other.

      I do not ‘Dismiss’ what Jesus did on the Cross over ‘Favoring’ when the Holy Spirit was sent. Come-on Stephan. You can do better than that. One is just, as mentioned multiple Times, arguing when the Church Age is to End. That is all.

      Yes, it does matter that Jesus Died for our Sins. Without this Atonement, Pentecost would have been impossible.

      The Bread and Wine during the Last Supper are Symbols of His Body and Blood. Agree.

      Bread and Wine are the Tokens of the acceptance of the New Covenant. Agree.

      The Cross was the Great Divider between Covenants. Agree.

      If one believes, the 'Church Age‘ or the 'Age of Grace‘ began on Pentecost, which Dispensation was between the Cross and Pentecost? They can't explain it. One is not arguing that there are 2 different Dispensation. One explained, maybe not that well, that one just is more convinced there is and was a verifiable and historical Overlap of when the Gift and Gifts of the Holy Spirit was and were implemented, as in initiated, that is all.

      The Pivotal Point is the Cross, not Pentecost. Pentecost was the Gift Portion. Agree.

      Ephesians 2:16 tells us that the 'Body of Christ‘ began on the Cross. Agree. But is more convinced there was a Delineation of, again, when that was Initiated, i.e., Acts 2.

      What is the 'Body of Christ‘ built upon? On Jesus, the cornerstone, who gave his life for us! Agree.

      Unbiased Moderator and Trainer for Stephan, Bob,
      At this Point and Time, this is as far as one would like to take the ‘Boxing’ Metaphor Debate. Stephan, thanks for the Debate.

      Carry On and Keep the Watch,

    2. Lu, thank you for the Debate!

    3. This is what I wrote before seeing Lu's post...

      Them thar are mighty powerful words, Stephan.   I'd love to say more, but 'Drago' has got me on a very tight leash!   Lol!

      So, how do we proceed from this point?   Clearly some or all of us are taking this PPP vs WWW debate too seriously or way too personal.    Which is really sad because none of us have a lock on the answer (i.e, when the Rapture will occur) and we're just presenting our theories amongst our Brethren.   Personally, I've always enjoyed these debates (especially when I'm sitting just outside the ring!) because we've always learned so much in the process.  However, if we all agree, perhaps it's a good time to take a break and move on to less contentious subjects, if there is such a thing!    Alternatively, we can just sit around and "twittle our thumbs" until the Rapture comes!    Nice rhyme, eh!

      Trainer Bob + 'Neutral' Moderator!

    4. hey Bob folk!, i was gonna say, twitilie de, twitilie dum! but then i thought to say, "OH TUMBLEWEEDS"! meantime i been workin' on my 'roundhouse kick'!!! Indulge yourself in that sweet video that Carole linked to us all Bro! ~ its a true gift, like your song, Yeshua !

    5. you're workin' on your 'roundhouse kick', eh!   Are you suggesting we change our debate from "regular" boxing to "kickboxing"?    I really don't think that's a good idea!    Lol!

      I listened to Carole's song and it's very similar to that 'Yeshua" song in a strange way.  I didn't want to say anything, but I'm glad you did.   Do you think it would help calm everyone's nerves down if we played those two songs during the debate?    Lol!

    6. yer sooo One of a kind Bob! Peace be with you n yours ~ you gotta get in, to get out *

    7. . . . into the Holy of holies that is, ~ the way, the Truth, and the LIFE !*

  21. Watchwoman65
    Israel has agreed to a 40 day ceasefire. Lisa thinks Two-State Solution next!

  22. From: Brother Jeová
    Path of Sites named ‘Nineveh’ during the April 8, 2024


    Matthew 12:39- An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign: and there shall no sign be given to it, BUT THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAH!

    Jonah 3:9-10- Jonah arrived in NINEVEH and urged the people to REPENT, otherwise the city would be destroyed.

    Biblical scholar Donald Wiseman speculates that an ECLIPSE took place when JONAH arrived to NINEVEH to warn the people to REPENT.

    Exodus 4:8 (April 8th) - If they do not believe the FIRST SIGN (08/21/2017), they will believe the SECOND SIGN (04/08/2024). This April 8th 2024 eclipse goes directly through 6 cities with the name NINIVEH!

    1 Nineveh, Texas.
    2 Nineveh, Indiana.
    3 Nineveh Township, Ohio.
    4 Nineveh, Pennsylvania.
    5 Nineveh, New York.
    6 Nineveh, Nova Scotia.

    Marantha King Jesus 🙌📖
    The information came from RevelationWatchman777 and Mark Allison 88 on YouTube


    1. Nineveh spelled backwards = heven in Nissan!   Still thinking of you, Lu.   "You can run, but you can't hide".   Instigator Bob!    Lol!

    2. Nice Try, 'Former Trainer' Bob. lol
      But one would guess, only if a Person is Dyslexic, perhaps! ;0

    3. As I listened to on another video, the city of Nineveh had 40 days warning so April 8 plus 40 days equals May 18, the day the Simpsons predicted for the kidnapping LOL.

  23. Greetings, now it's my little Candy who is not doing well. It really doesn't let up! She wants to stay in bed all the time, she eats if you encourage her otherwise she doesn't seem hungry, and she doesn't want to walk around and smell everywhere like she used to. She was active a few weeks ago, and I thought it would pass, but it's not getting better. She doesn't follow me around the house. She does not limp, her urine and stools are normal. She doesn't vomit either. I don't know what's wrong with her. That worries me. And I always get diarrhea no matter what I try. God, please heal Candy, me and all my brothers and sisters in Jesus who are sick. I long for all of us to enter our heavenly home. I am so tired! And I know we all think that. Maranatha King Jesus!

    1. life sure has its UPs and downs ,. . this too shall pass ~ blessings sister, keep on praising Him

    2. Blessings, dear Carole. So sorry to hear this. Pets can take pycnogenol, too.

    3. Thanks AA! How to give pycnogenol to Candy because it is in capsules? Should I buy it in liquid form if it exists? And my dog ​​weighs 8 pounds how much should I give her?

    4. Hi, dear Carole. I’m gonna paste what Bro Jimboni posted on Jan 6.

      “ AA, Blessings Considering that at 1mg per lb. of body weight a single 30mg tab of Pycnogenol mixed into some yummy food would be about 10x saturation dosage, our pets can benefit greatly at little cost, esp compared to vet bills. 10 mg one morning and see how it helps. Ditto colloidal/ionic silver added to all water bowls 50/50 for a couple of days as well would likely be my routines helping a recovering kitty, for starters. Shalom”

      So, it’s very safe. I think the smallest dose capsule is 25 or 30mg. Basically dump it in a dish and scoop 1/3 of the powder into Candy’s food. I only have 100mg capsules so I just took a little, really don’t know how milligrams it was, and mixed it in Mitch’s food.

      Praying for you and sweet little Candy.

    5. Just want to pass this info along for pet lovers. I met Dr. Geoffrey Broderick a brilliant Vet in Huntington, NY about 30 years ago. He developed a pet food/supplements called Cornucopia. He has been on Shark Tank with it. My Dr. told me this food saved her elderly little dog’s life when he just did not want to eat anymore. Boy, did that news make my whole day. His website is He will spend any amount of time on the phone with you if you have questions and he has a podcast on Iheartradio. His number is 631-427-7479.

    6. Carole & Candy, Blessings

      Pycnogenol is not generally available for consumption in liquid form that I know of. Most capsules I've seen are basically 2 half-capsules, one stuck inside the other, and can be rather easily simply pulled apart. Pair of scissors in a pinch. Poof, you have a 100 mg pile of Pycnogenol. Probably the most convenient surface to manage a powdered nutrient like this would be a small vanity or make-up mirror and a single-edged razor blade or similar (hardware store/kitchen?); make your pile into a pretty little square and cut into quarters for a good daily dose for the next 4 days. Dogs are tough little critters, even under stress, and one could try this 3x Saturation dosage (8# dog) for 4 days, mixed in with favorite food and evaluate. Best mixed with wet dog food, not dry, to ensure consumption. I look forward to hearing more later.

      Well, before I sign off and in respect of our limited number of posts per thread, a PSR is in order. For about the past 2 years, now, we've been working our way out of the woods after 2 significant deep-tissue infections, one of which required surgery to lance and drain. Our Lord Has Been Marvelously Gracious To Educate Me Very Much Along The Way and we've evolved through 4 protocols and the current one has been heartily endorsed by the past 2 docs who've examined Our Scout.

      Well, as a care giver, this PSR may be as much for my relief as for Our Scout, who is basically spared much of the experience due to his injury. In any event, over the past week, or so, Our Scout has finally returned to healthy skin from stem to stern with no infections or recovering areas, PTL. I must say it does seem as a shadow of our Hopes to see such healing finally complete and is uplifting for him, surely. Doing some movement therapy in his room, earlier, he continued to repeat the chorus, "It just keeps getting easier, and easier..."

      Speaking of milestones I achieve 63 suns on the 4th, this Sunday. Blink. James 4:14


    7. Thanks AA and Jimboni! Happy birthday in advance dear brother for tomorrow! May God grant you a great day! I need expert advice Jimboni!

      Tomorrow I'm going to buy pycnogenol, I saw it at 30 mg in my area. I'll take some for myself too. Except I don't know when to take it because I'm already taking other supplements and I feel like I'm taking a lot. I am currently taking Centrum Select 50+, Vitamin D 1000 mg, Magnesium 250 mg, Vitamin C 500 mg ((zinc 25 mg when I think about it) and Calcium 600 mg with 400 mg of Vitamin D. I also take NAC 600 mg 2 times a day, will that be too much with the pycnogenol or am I taking too many vitamins and should I stop some?

    8. Small error regarding vitamin D, it is not in mg but in IU. Big difference!

    9. Carole, Blessings Well, I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is that your regimen is fine although I imagine you could find a good, food-based multivitamin which would cover much of that in 1 pill. On that note, I would also hope you have a good multi vitamin in your mix. The bad news is you might consider also adding some papaya tabs as a nice digestive enzyme. Odds are that you are only absorbing less than half of what your taking as your body is no longer able to break it down and absorb it. Your health food store will offer various digestive enzymes & papaya is my fave. You can chew it, its yummy, or simply add it to the mix and swallow for convenience. Once an individual passes their mid-twenties the body no longer produces sufficient quantities of the enzymes needed to even extract nutrients from their diet. Thus, adding a papaya tab a half hour before meals will not only aid digestion, et al, but also allow one to actually FEED upon what one consumes.


    10. Thanks Jimboni! Centrum Select is an A-Z multivitamin. I just went and bought some Pyctogenol and Papaya Enzyme today.

    11. Carole, Blessings It is the wise student who captures the lesson and rides it away from the teaching. Remember, to best avoid a Healing Crisis, most find that starting at about 1/4 saturation, for 2-3 days and stepping up by 1/4's to 50% to 100% Saturation, depending on the challenges at hand and outcomes one is chasing, is a comfortable protocol that also gives one time to watch and feel the commonly quite subtle changes/improvements underway. Shalom

  24. Supernatural By Design

    April 8, 2024 Nisan New Year
    PART 1/2

    Rev12 Daily Family,
    One took the Time to Research a bit more about the Notion of how many Locales named ‘Nineveh’ there are or could be, based on one’s Subjective Assessment, will be ‘Crossed’ by the Moon’s Shadow or in its Proximity. Thanks to Brother Jeová from Brazil for the Reference of how others had surmised the specific Count. One has read, and heard that there are 6, then 8, Nineveh’s associated with the Path of the Great American Eclipse on April 8, 2024. But again, that Nineveh Count is based on one’s Subjective Perception of how one counts the Locales, etc.

    Here below is the Online Link to an Article one wrote that addresses the Nineveh Count and possible Prophetic Connotations for the USA. If one counts the Nineveh’s that are crossed by the Line of the Eclipse, then there are only 2 Nineveh’s. And then what about the ones found in Canada? Do they count as the emphasis is on the USA? Also realize that the Eclipse Bisects Mexico in half, just as much as the USA was. So, have a look at the neat Perspective of how the Ancient Nineveh Connection is made with this Last and 3rd Great American Eclipse.

    One supports the Presumption that the Eclipses have ‘Messaged’ a National Judgment that is Pending. Most likely, it will be executed to its fullest extent as the USA will not ‘Believe’ nor “Head’ its Divine Decree from YHVH. What one did find and has contributed to the Discussion, is how the Ground Length of the Moon’s Shadow has an Amazing Inference to the Start of the 1st U.S. Civil War. Now this following portion of one’s Report to you all, is what happened as one was finishing the Last few Paragraphs of the Article. One receive the following Email Message (with Emphasis added) from a Chris in New Zealand, etc.

    February 2, 2024

    Hi Brad and Lu –
    We are grateful for your Work, including many of Lu’s Comments. Lu’s recent Post on Nineveh referenced Donald Wiseman’s important Speculations. He was our late ‘UK Church Brother’ who would always Farewell us with ‘Keep Looking Up’. Interestingly, he Died 2nd February (back in 2010) the Day we read this Post!

    Our purpose since 2017 has been Listening to and Recording Direct Words from our LORD, and to watch His Movements and World Events in these Days. We would like to humbly offer some Inspiration to you and your Fellow Contributors, hopefully for use and Encouragement. They are Songs of a Prophetic Nature from our Family to yours. Thank You for what you are doing to Inform and Unite the Body of Christ.

    Harpazo – Music Video

    40 Days – Lyric Video

    Pilgrim Age – Album

    Snug – Music Video


    1. PART 2/2
      Well, as one believes in ‘Divine Synchronicity’, this was 1 of those Instances. If one reads carefully the last 3 Paragraphs of the Article #875, Linked below, one will realize why the Timing was exact. Amazing. It is a Testament of the Idiosyncrasies of the Holy Spirit’s Working. He Orchestrating even Thoughts that are connected in the ‘Mind’ of Christ. He communicates such Thoughts and Precepts through the ‘Channel’ of the Spiritual ‘Internet’ within His Body, etc.

      All that to also say that the Song by Holly Christina –‘ Harpazo’ on her YouTube Channel, from New Zealand is now one’s New Favorite Rapture Song. One has also provided the Online Links to Posters made about the Great American Eclipses and a Free Resource Page as well for one’s Research and Reference related to this Topic.


      Omens of National Judgments

  26. RE: I know ‘where’ the Rapture is going to take place! Not Really :)
    This is for Stephan!

    The ‘Rapture’ will take place in the USA! This is of course if one believes that the Rapture Event will coincide with such a Celestial Sign as the Last and 3rd Great American Eclipse on April 8, 2024. Now that Date coincides with Nisan 1, the 1st Month of the Religious New Year of the Bible. It appears to have been ‘Bracketed’ by the 1st Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 that began on the Jewish Calendar of Elul 1, exactly 6.66 Years earlier.

    That 1st Great American Eclipse started the 40 Day ‘Season of Repentance'. That Time-Frame are also called the ‘Days of Awe’, etc. So, will the Biblical Rapture of the Followers and Believers of Jesus that constitutes the Bride of Christ be Separated, Divided and Extracted from Earth on that Day? Not sure but check this out. So, there is only 1 Place in the entire World named ‘Rapture’. The Town of ‘Rapture’ can be found in 1 Country.

    = Rapture, Indiana USA

    So, on the Nisan 1 New Year of April 8, 2024, the Last and 3rd Great American Eclipse will pass over the only Place in the entire World, named, Rapture, Indiana. And? It is very interesting to note the Time and Place then. The Solar Eclipse will be starting at this area, which occurs in the Constellation of Pisces, its Totality Phase. Coincidence? Connection? Convincing perhaps.

    But according to the Website GeoTargit, there are 7 Nineveh’s in the Continental USA. And there is 1 ‘Jonah’ in Texas that is also in the Path of the Moon’s Shadow on the Day of the Last Great American Eclipse. Again, many have seen the Biblical Inferences to Divine Judgment as of the likes of Ancient Egypt and Nineveh. One made an Assessment of the Nineveh Connection in the following Article that also has an interesting Civil War inference, all the same and just as Daunting and Dire...if it comes to pass.

    Omens of National Judgments


  27. Happy Birthday, Jimboni! 🎂

    Carole…praying for your little Candy to regain her appetite and hang in there with you, Sister🙏

    Lu, et al…I’ve gotten a bit of kick out of looking at these Nineveh places along the Eclipse path and their histories. All of them are unincorporated little communities with some like Nineveh, TX having interesting stories. But Rapture, Indiana….
    now locally known as Bugtown
    (because of all the bugs per somebody’s granny) was originally settled in 1838 and at its peak had 10 or 12 families who are all gone and now has only one rental property, one airplane hanger and lots of grass that is owned by a Nashville musician who happens to be an “atheist”. It supposedly was named Rapture at some point in time after a local horse belonging to the local doctor. So an actual one horse town, I guess, lol.

    It’s also the setting for a 1997 mystery novel by Terence Faherty
    “The Ordained” about a religious Adventist sect gathered in Rapture, Indiana awaiting the Event back in 1844, but 150 years later the local people are going missing one by one. Go figure.

    So in this X Eclipse path, we’ve got a Jonah, some Ninevehs, a Rapture and ofc the recent flashpoint of Eagle Pass. Just can’t hardly beat that for some serious Biblical connotations.
    But it does seem kind of foreboding in a way that these particular places along the path of this Eclipse have never amounted to much more than historical names on the map.
    A here today, gone tomorrow kind of thing.🤔🙏⬆️

    1. RE: 7 Nineveh’s in the Approximate Eclipse Path

      Thanks for the added Insights into those Nineveh Locales. Yes, when using Google Earth and zooming in on the Sites, I was like, where are the ‘Towns’? Lol. But of course, it is all Conjecture and one had a bit of Fun looking all them up. We will have to see what comes of it.

      Being on the Look Out.

    2. And I think there are some Salems, too.

  28. Hey family...check out this "street side" sermon from our Brother, Paul in London, England.   It takes a lot of guts and a special person of faith to do that out in the streets, so kudos to him.

    I like how one commenter wrote:

    "Precious Brother Paul, I once heard a beautiful brother in Jesus say that while he preaches in the street, he simply shares the perfect love of Jesus and the Gospel of Salvation over and over again.  So in every minute, literally every 60 seconds, every single person walking by will hear the Gospel!!!   It has always stuck with me, and thought it was truly an inspired way to share Salvation through Jesus Christ alone, in the 30 seconds they walk toward you, and the 30 seconds they walk pass you, they've heard everything they need to call out to Jesus!!!"

  29. Here's another inspirational video from a few days ago from a Brother that was led by the Holy Spirit.   His name is Michael from Medic4Christ.   Apparently he's a friend of Gigi @ Blue Heaven.   The theme should sound familiar...Haggai Chapter 2 + Zerubbabel!

    Basically the theme is that Jesus is coming soon and so is Judgement + The Tribulation.   Here are the verses from Haggai 2:18-23.

    18 Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider it.

    19 Is the seed yet in the barn?  yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you.

    20 And again the word of the Lord came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying,

    21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;

    22 And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.

    23 In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet:  for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of hosts.

    It should be noted that I previously posted about the meaning of the words in Verse 19 (seed, barn, vine, fig tree, pomegranate, olive tree, etc) stating that none of "those things" have happened yet, which should give us some encouragement!   But the question is when?   In my humble opinion, that was such a skillfully written (Holy Spirit inspired!) verse by our Lord, considering it was written over 2,000 years ago.   Clearly it was inspired by someone who knew the future and the time of our "Appointed Day"!

    1. Bob D. & Fam Blessings

      Zerubbabel is a compound word also involving 'Babel', as in Tower of... In drilling down through every key word and the verses those word appear in, and their usages, it is self-apparent that Zerubbabel is a Type Of Christ. As Is Appropriate, That Type Is Applicable, Interchangeably In Sculpture, to Jesus Christ, Personified, as well as to The Bride Of Christ, Who, In Comparison To The Former, Is Indistinguishable. John 1 3:2

      So, in this verse, we see THE LORD Speaking, In Essence, To Himself, Zerubbabel . After The Apotheosis Of The Bride, She Is Also Divine; Indivisible From, And Spiritually Indistinguishable From, The Lord. So, When God, The Son, Cried Out To God, The Father, In The Garden, It Will Be Similar When Christ The God-Son *Snatches ('I will *TAKE thee...') HIMSELF As The God-Bride, From The Fallen Creation Into Glory. It MUST Be This Way. Just As Sin Cannot Exist In The Presence Of The Father's Glory, For Any Time AT ALL, EVER, Neither Can Christ's Glory Co-Exist With/Within A Fallen Matrix. Not for even an INSTANT. ZERO time. Atamos. "In an instant..." 1 Corinthians 15:52

      The INSTANT The Bride Is Redeemed, She Must Depart. Typologically, in this verse, the meanings behind Zerubbabel and it's Typology Tree Clearly Being BOTH Christ-Son &/or Christ-Bride aligns with that same dynamic at Harpazo As Christ Removes HIMSELF From The Mix, Now In The Person Of The Bride. 1 John 3:1


    2. Jimboni...thanks for the detailed word explanation.   I did not know that Zerubbabel is a Type of Christ figure.   Such a deep word study!   You still watching KoolCat?

    3. hey bob folk, hey jimboni folk,... id have to take n guess,YES on all that, seein' how it was writ so many moons ago! ya know, We're already gone, but not yet. :)

    4. Ozzie...the key word is "yet", but hopefully we won't be around too much longer.     Like you said, "you gotta get in (tight with Jesus), to get out!"    Can hardly wait to check out the barn (Heaven)!

    5. Bob D. Blessings Yes, the unpack of Zerub-Babel, above, is courtesy of KoolCat's deep dives in the root words involved. In his last couple lives, another tonight, most likely, this same story he's been chasing has yielded some insights in Scripture (not sculpture) and details in Revelation and elsewhere that are new and astounding on passages which scholars have wrestled with for millennia. "In the END it will SPEAK..." and KC is listening and so am I.


    6. dearest Bobber n Jimbone folk, howdy men, hope you all enjoyed the shin dig, it was sure great havin' ya both! Where did you fellers git yer dancin' lessons frum? imma go there soon as i kin and get on up to click wit summa dem cool moves yins were doin', WOW! Just wantin' to say that i'm a bit worried bout that there zerubbabel thing , hoping its not dragon speak!, cause in the END the image of the Beast is fixin' to SPEAK some too! false this, false that, rat a tat tat! just be careful, Lu and i don't know what we'ed ever do without y'all. i hear ole Stephen took n flew the coop over this here babel ! Watch n Pray, please ~ always, in the Jesus *

    7. Ozzie...don't you worry about that Zerubbabel figure getting the best of us.   Jimboni and I have a few tricks up our sleeve in case he's not the person we think he is.    I can always run to the 'barn' and grab my 3 P's (aka 3 Pronged pitchfork) and Jimboni can run to his backyard/BBQ pit and grab his hot dog spear or flame thrower that he used to burn half the City of Denver a couple years ago!    Lol!   

      Btw, where's Stephania + LuLu?    Not the same here without our sparring partners!       

    8. Bobber folk, you oughta know by now that LuminosityMan, Stepheniah Warrior and Ozark Pickens don't fight wit carnal weaponry like you n Jimbone do! We pray ourselves away!, from you barbarians!!! . . . as in, "See Ya!, wouldn't wanna be ya"! You all, Spear chuckin', flame throwin', pitch forkin' varmints better watch out cause we gut prayers to deal w all yer wiles! Plus that yer all out numbered. HELLOooooooo! ya might want to rethink this'n and 'cool yer jets', ya blasted ruffians! besides that John Hallers 2/4/24 video is something to consider! much love bromen, yers truly,. . . this here's Paydirt-playin' in the dirt and waitin' for the guns to quit / waitin' fer the peices to fit *** Shalom :) keep on Praisin' HIM

    9. Ozzie...with comedic lines like that we (the Barbarians) didn't have a chance against the 3 of you (LuminosityMan, Stepheniah Warrior and Ozark Pickens).   Perhaps we should have enlisted KoolCat and used the Words of the Bible for our defense instead of instinctively going for our pitchforks, spears and flame throwers!   Our bad!   I assure you that won't happen next time!   Btw, you're a very formidable foe and comedian!  

    10. Bob, 'Stephania' is still here :)

      I want to recommend the latest video from Sister Kimberly @ Elijah & Moses.
      She believes that the 'Covenant with Many' is not a Peace Treaty but a Blood Covenant involving the Sacrifice of the Red Heifer.
      I like Sister Kimberly, she is so humble and I agree.
      It is interesting to me that the Red Heifer is mentioned in Hebrews 9:13:

      13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:

      14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

      The Sacrifice of the Red Heifer will be the returning to the Old Covenant / Covenant of the Law.
      Will the Sacrifice take place during the next Passover?

      Lulu, to tease you ❤:
      If the 'Church' was conceived with the Holy Spirit on 7/23,
      wouldn't the Birth be 9 months later?

      July 23 + 9 months = April 23 (1. Day of Passover, Nisan 14/15) ;))))

    11. Stephan,
      I like the idea of a 9-Month Gestation Period to when the Daily Sacrifices would be started based on the Oblation of the Red Heifer. But is not Passover next year on April 12, 2025? That 9-Month Gestation Period is some 11 Days later. If one uses a 40 Week Gestation Period, or its equivalent in Day, 280, that would be April 29, 2025.

      But here is the ‘Deal’. The Daily Sacrifices cannot occur on that very Day of the Oblation of the Red Heifer. Why not? It is not considered a Sacrifice. That is why it is held across the Kidron Valley on the Mount of Olives. Why? This Type of Oblation intentionally makes the Priests Impure. Then, the Ashes are to be Procured and Processed. This takes Time. From what one has also read, there is a Waiting Period of Consecration that will take Months before the Daily Sacrifices are Ordained and ready to be Performed.

      Of course, one supposes that the start of the Daily Sacrifices will commence as a Commemoration to coincide in tandem with the Dedication of the Altar and 3rd Temple. And that the Event will not be on a Passover, but on the Sabbath of beginnings after Simchat Torah, etc. If you all remember, one did suggest a Countdown or Gestation is in the works from the October 7, 2023 Hamas Attack on Israel. If one uses a 290 Day Gestation period, that will be July 23, 2024. Coincidence? Perhaps.

      Keep the Watch,

    12. Lulu, I started the count from July 23, 2023. This was 70 weeks after the Rel.12 Sign and perhaps significant.
      I agree that the Daily Sacrifices would start later.
      But perhaps the Blood Covenant starts with the Sacrifice of the Red Heifer? Will the Jews trust in the Blood of a Cow instead in the Blood of Jesus as mentioned in Hebrews 9? Like the Golden Calf? Just a possibility...

    13. Stephania + LuLu...glad to see you're both back in the ring (I mean ball game!).  Lol!    Moving forward, if all of us strive to keep things professional and on the "lighter side" while still making our points that support our theories, etc. we'll be in a very good place and everyone will benefit and learn from our efforts.   So with that said, "Hey, batter, batter...swing!"  

      The moral of the story...isn't baseball so much better than boxing?

    14. Hey folks, fwiw i always pictured in my mind, that the blood sacrifice will be the AoD, ultimate zenith pt. of full REBELION against our Lord n Savior, Lamb of God; Jesus the Messiah, at the beginning of the 3.5 yr. Great Tribulation and time of Jacobs TROUBLE . . . the last half of Daniels 70th week. ~ just saying. Grace n Peace

    15. the 2nd half of 70th wk. pics up where the 1st half left off and the death of TRUTH is replaced by the birth of Falsehood and that full blown REBELION, is FULLY Completed. Woe to the inhabitants. . . watch for the casting down as you listen for Michaels footsteps

    16. Stephan,
      Oh, I see. Wow. Yes…’Holy Cow’. Pun intended. ;0

      July 23, 2023 (723) + 280 Days (Human Gestation-9 Months) = April 23, 2024 Passover

      I am really latching-on to this ‘New Understanding’ that the 723 or July 23 marks that Astronomical New Year starting in the Constellation of Leo, as 1st presented to you all. And how fitting of a Prophetic Type of a New Month and Year to correlate to the New Month of the Religious New Year, Nisan occurring as a 9-Month Birthing Gestation Countdown of sorts.

      We will have to see what comes of it.
      But as it has been said, ‘Something Biblical is going on here’.


    17. The following Sabbath after Purim is called “שבת פרה” – “Shabbat Parah” – “The Sabbath of the Cow.”
      This year, the Sabbath of the Cow starts on 'Good Friday', March 29. On the same day we remember the 'real' Sin Sacrifice...

    18. This day is 6 years, 6 month and six days after the Rel.12 Sign

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Ooo, I see I have some catching up to do with the Comments--what's new, LOL!

    Well folks, BUCKLE UP! I hadn't expected to be posting a new article so soon, but was VERY inspired after Watchwoman65's latest news regarding Israel AND when the Spirit of the Lord led me to hear about TWO PATTERNS that are new to me that add to our anticipation of a 2024 Rapture:

    BUCKLE UP! Final Puzzle Piece Before Rapture

    1. Lyn nailed it! Hearts Delight * Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 153, many fish ^ going Vertical ~

  31. Greetings, thank you for your prayers for my little Candy. My little dog is better. I admit that this relieves me.
    Dear Jimboni, AA and all, do you know the company Bold by Nature? They sell pet food and supplements. I have a product for dogs and cats, a brown powder to mix with a little water (slippery elm and prebiotic) that I have to give to Candy, an hour before the meal. This is sold in the USA and Canada.
    The product I tried is slippery elm and psyllium, just 2 natural ingredients. For us humans, Pycnogenol contains pine bark and for animals, this company offers slippery elm.
    This helps support the digestive system. I saw a difference quickly. Candy is active, she goes for walks and she eats with appetite. The product is as much for cats as for dogs.
    But it is a supplement therefore to be given intermittently and additionally one hour before food to prepare the digestive system for food. It's an excellent product!

    According to the advice given to me, I will give Candy two weeks of this product, morning and evening one hour before her meal, and twice a year or more if necessary, and intermittently during the year.

    1. Blessings, dear Carole. I’ve never heard of that company, but if their supplement helps, I’m happy, too. Glad Candy is feeling better.

  32. Hey fam, going to take advantage of this comment to cover a few bases--Thanks Carole, Jimboni for the updates and info. Lu/Stephan, you guys rock the numbers. Oh my goodness! Bob/Ozzie you two keep a smile, and chuckle, on our faces. Good medicine. Lyn, thank you for your article--again, another good one :-). Buckle up for sure!

    Here's a bone to chew on. I just saw that Ramadan is from Mar 10-April 8 this year. Interesting dates considering the eclipse. May be nothing, but I thought interesting none the less. This year is simply amazing in all the biblical implications of world events and the speed with which it is all happening. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!

    1. Judi,
      Thanks for the Shout-Out to all those that Contribute. I am sure others could and should as we need all the Eyes, Ears and Mouths to make it to the Home-Stretch. But ‘No Lip’ from you Bob! ;0 This is especially critical if this is ‘The Year’ of our Blessed Hope becoming a Reality and no longer an issue of Faith.

      Lyn, great Article. One could not help coming to mind when reading about your mentioning of Hitler and his ‘Final Solution’. It gave me a flashback to that Interview with Bill Gates done by the Late Night Comedian Stephen Colbert. In the Discussion, Bill Gates said that, paraphrasing here, in order to get COVID under control, all 7 Billion People on Earth had to get Injected with his Shots. And that would be the ‘Final Solution’.

      Then, as one who studied Hitler for one’s Political Science Degree and had to read ‘The Prince’ by Machiavelli, it also made me think of Hitler’s Book that he wrote while in Prison, ‘Mein Kempt’ that outlined his ‘Final Solution’. Did you all know what that Phrase ‘Mein Kempt’ translates to in Arabic? ‘Jihad’. Thus, as one can sense a Connection of the same purpose, it is just the same Spirit of AntiChrist seeking to Destroy and Murder the First-Born of YHVH, the Christ, and His People, both the Earthly and Spiritual ones, etc.

      So, one has been working on some Articles that have taken me until now to get to and work through. In this case, it has been about how the Start Year and End Year of the Dome of the Rock Muslim Shrine, like the Decree of Suleiman to Rebuild the Wall of Jerusalem perhaps are indeed tied to when the Church Age is to conclude. So, consider the following Timelines one has surmised. One does not think such have been already covered?

      1) Dome of the Rock BUILT 689 AD + 1335 Years = 2024 Completed? Spiritual Temple of Bride

      2) Dome of the Rock BUILT 689 AD + 1260 Years = 1949 Completed? Nation Temple of Israel

      3) Dome of the Rock FINISHED 691 AD + 1260 Years 1951/52 = 1st Shemitah Back In Land

      Now, consider how many other End Times Researchers had noted the Series of 4 Blood Moons. A Series of 4 Blood Moons did occur right before the Muslim Shrine of the Dome of the Rock was started to be built. And? It was considered a Blood Moon Tetrad. No. The 4 Blood Moons were not all Total Types that make it a ‘Blood Moon’. Thus, the Series was not a True Tetrad as some Bible Commentators have asserted. Technically, a True Tetrad consists of 4 Total Lunar Eclipses. T= Total and P = Penumbral.

      687 T+
      687 T-
      688 P
      688 P
      689 AD (Dome of the Rock built.)

      But, if this Year Sequence is to be used, as presented in this study, then one’s Opinion is that the Year Count should be after the Eclipse 2-Year Event. Meaning that the Dome of the Rock, to insinuate a Type of the Abomination of Desolation, could prophetically be signaling when the Church Age is to conclude. It would also overlap and witness the other Muslim Decree from a ‘Solomon’ or Suleiman in this case of when he ordered the Walls of Jerusalem to be Restored. When? In 15

      1) 689 AD + 1260 Years + 75 Year Factor (1335th Day) = 2024

      2)1534 Decree + 490 (70 X 7) Year Factor of Daniel = 2024

      Temples at the Center of Pi

      Keep the Watch,
      Lu Vega

    2. Lu, thank you for the encouragement! Amazing!

    3. Nice "number + date crunching", LuMan.   The year of 2024 is looking very encouraging for our departure.   Looking forward to seeing everyone in the "barn" soon!   How's that for keeping my  lips "zipped"!     🤐     Lol!

  33. RE: 7 Predictions of Israel in its 76th Year Anniversary

    The following will be 7 Prognostications or perhaps Prophetic Implications as in what will become of the Modern State of Israel on its 76th Year Anniversary. One will start with the possible Implications of the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 which is Nisan 1. This is the 1st Month of the Religious New Year. And? Apparently the Prophetic Fate of Israel is intertwined with that of the USA because of this apparent Time Inference.

    And that Inference, as with the Great American Eclipse has been all about Judgment. It is recognized that the Number 40 in the Bible signifies a Time of Testing. This is seen with the Exodus Account of how Israel was judged for their Unbelief and was sentenced for 40 Years ‘Wandering in the Wilderness’ in circles until that Generation of Unbelief Died before the subsequent one would be led into the Promised Land.

    In light of the April 8, 2024 Nisan 1 New Year’s Great American Eclipse, what of it if one also factored that 40 Day Numerical Coefficient? What about a 33 Day Count, after? And what of the 76th Year Anniversary of Modern Israel’s Re-Birt since 1948? The following are some Insights, perhaps.

    From Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

    + 40 Days = May 18, 2024 (Pentecost – Traditional/Christian)
    + 6 Months 6 Weeks 6 Days = November 25, 2024 (Thanksgiving Day USA)
    + 3 Months 2 Weeks 1 Day (3-2-1 Countdown) = July 23, 2024

    + 33 Days + 3 Days (33-3) = May 14, 2024 76th Year Anniversary

    76 Number Meaning
    This is from

    1) According to Bullinger's Companion Notes, Psalm 76 could be referring to King David conquering the City of Jebus (which he renamed Jerusalem) in 1003 BC.

    Jerusalem will be Conquered or Divided to make way for the Provisional Capital of a New Palestinian State.

    2) Adam Clarke's Commentary, however, believes this Psalm 76 Song was composed after Israel split in 2 in 930 BC.

    The Promised Land of Israel will be divided to accommodate a State of Palestine.

    3) It proposes the Song was one of Thanksgiving after Sennacherib's Army was miraculously defeated when it threatened to Destroy Jerusalem in 701 BC.

    The Spirit of the Prince of Persia, via the Shi’a of Iran and Iraq will continue to seek to Destroy Jerusalem and the Modern ‘Zionist’ Entity.

    1. 4) Psalm 76, like others in the original 3rd Division of the Psalms, references the Tabernacle (Sanctuary) in Jerusalem where YHVH was Worshipped.

      The 3rd Temple will start Construction in the 76th Year of Modern Israel.

      5) The Hebrew word ‘Maas’ (Strong's Concordance #H3988) is recorded 76 Times in the Old Testament's Original Languages. The Word means to Spurn, Disdain, Despise, Refuse or Reject. It is commonly translated as Despise or Rejected.

      Israel will continue to be alienated Worldwide that will force it to run int other arms of the coming False Jewish Messiah that will promise them ‘Peace and Security’.

      6) Verse 1 of Psalm 76 mentions the Tribe of Judah, 1 of only 10 Verses in the Book to do so. The Tribe was the largest in Israel just before the People entered their Inheritance in the Promised Land. It had 76,500 Fighting Men aged 20 and above (Numbers 26). In Verse 2 of this Psalm 76 refers to Jerusalem as Salem. This Word means ‘Peace’. (Strong's #H8004). The only other Old Testament use of this City Name is in Genesis 14, where the Mysterious King-Priest-Prophet, named Melchizedek is given the title ‘King of Salem’ in verse 18.

      The AntiChrist, King of the Jews and Jerusalem will make his Mysterious Debut to Israel’ only remaining Tribe in the 76th Year.

      7) The Greek word Kephale (Strong's #G2776) is recorded 76 Times in the Original Greek of the New Testament. It is used the most in Revelation (19 Times) followed by Matthew (12). The Word means ‘Head’ in reference to the coming AntiChrist.

      ‘And I stood upon the Sand of the Sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea, having 7 Heads (Kephale) and 10 Horns. And upon his Horns, 10 Crowns. And upon his Heads (Kephale) the Name of Blasphemy’. -Revelation 13:1

      The Coming False Jewish Messiah will make that Covenant with the Many, that one is convinced will be the Reconstituted Sanhedrin that will have total Religious sway over the Socio-Political Daily Affairs of not only Israel but the entire World after the Church Age ends with the Resurrection-Rapture Event.

      As one can surmise, the Year 2024 will be a Defining Year for the Modern State of Israel. This will perhaps come to Pass, if indeed the Year also coincides with the End of the Church Age Rapture Event. However, all the above Interpretations are but Conjecture on one’s part.

      Lu Vega

    2. if King Charlie dies of cancer by chance and the Sun King, Prince William gets inserted in the equation . . .! Woe ~ weirdness abounds, pretty freaky!!! not to change the subject but all this business bout ole BobMan zippin' his lip is cracking up up sKy high! LOL :) I think Bob will "lead the Parade' on into rapture n beyond" ~ The RAPTURE PARADE about a jolly - good fellow * What a guy !

    3. trying to embarass me with your flattery?   The only parade I'll be leading is the "Romper Room/Funny Farm" parade into the abyss (not to be confused with the fiery pit!).   Lol!   

      Lucky for me I'm not the only one who has been instructed to "zip" his lips.  

      Isn't it amazing the power LuMan has over people, including the former President!    Don't mess with "The Drago"!     Lol!

  34. Heck no Mister Bob, i'm just callin' it like i see it! You do remind me of my all time 'best friend' joe! who unfortunately passed on last year at this time, so sadly. . . he was sOoo much fun and good natured, and i was so lucky to have him as a long time best friend since second grade ~ oh Wow, what can i say, how about, Heart of Gold!! anyhow, you n Lu wield great power, much like say for example, Jimboni n Stephan, and lots of others here!!! me, i'm just kinda silly and eager and fascinated and along for the ride ~ ty for your sweet help, all! Lord knows, i can be a handful ! i do thank heaven above, for being, raised on love *

    1. You're the 'OzMan', bro!   Sorry to hear about your best friend, Joe.  Your silliness and writing humor is very much appreciated here @ Rev12.   It makes things so much more "bearable" (#42) while we wait for the coming of our Lord.   Go 'Ozzie' Go!!!

    2. thanks Bob, nice of you for sure and i really appreciate it! Finding a friend is what i call, pay dirt, amen. It's a chemistry thing mixed w a bit of biology and a big lot of physics, kinda like E=mc squared ~ its wonderful * and it goes well w some
      bob dylan music and lyrics on the side! "Hey mister tamborine man' , . , . , . 'in the jingle, jangle mornings, i'll come followin' you"

    3. haha, i like that word, bearable! \o/ so darn funny!!!!!

  35. This is a really beautiful interview with country singer Toby Keith who just passed away from cancer at 62. (And imo another good way to share the Gospel in all of its simplicity with others.)

    “Toby Keith Talks About Cancer Battle, Faith (Full Interview)
    1 hr 2 min @News 9 YouTube

    1. Wow, ty Sheila. i'm not so sure that i can take this but i am goin' to try

    2. Sheila...thanks for sharing the interview with Toby Keith.   I'm only halfway through the interview but found it very inspirational so far.  I would encourage everyone to watch it.  Here's the link to the interview.

      I'm also including a link to his hit song "Don't Let the Old Man In", which he sang at the 2023 People's Choice Awards ceremony.   That same song was dedicated to Clint Eastwood and was part of his movie "The Mule" (see links below).

    3. Now that you've watched the videos, I have a question:    Is Toby Keith sleeping now or is he playing Country music in the "barn"?   Not a trick question, just curious what everyone thinks.

  36. THANK YOU ALL for your encouraging comments!

    I wanted to give you an update regarding the proposed 40-day ceasefire, so I added the following to my article:

    After posting this article, news came out of the counteroffer by Hamas which shows they are not serious about negotiating with Israel. Starting at about 11:30 minutes into his 14-minute video, Don Stewart in Breaking News, February 7, 2024 gives an excellent synopsis of the situation. He explains how the United States can apply additional pressure on Israel to end the war because a leftist Israeli Prime Minister made sure Israel was dependent upon the U.S. for the weapons and ammunition it needs to fight Hamas. “We are told the U.S. has threatened to slow down the flow or cut it off completely if Israel doesn’t put some type of ceasefire in place.”

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas is still possible. Therefore, a ceasefire leading to a peace deal THIS YEAR is still possible. (Links available at the original article:

    BUCKLE UP! Final Puzzle Piece Before Rapture)

    1. Hey Lu! I just posted a new Comment at the above article from a Brother who sends you, Gary, and I exhortation💞

  37. Family, Blessings

    FWIW, KoolCat's latest finding is that, this Sunday, being the first New Moon marking the beginning of the month, and Scripture showing that each such moon marks an Appointed Time, when coupled with the Divine Time Stamps in Haggai, has this Sunday being pregnant with much more than a football game. In fact, one of the root words within a verse describing our Solemn Assembly in Heavenly Jerusalem (Harpazo) describes a celebration involving 'public games'.

    Well, minutes ago Supernatural x Dgn adds to that frame with (13:22) *WOW* Year of the Dragon & The Esther Leap Year


    1. Oh, oops, "first" is my add in that it is ALSO the first New Moon since the 1/11 divide recently noted and that possibly aligning with Christ's preeminence in ALL things. Tic Toc ...


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.