Tom Horn has Passed Away

Tom Horn, a fixture on many Youtube channels and Christian TV programs has gone to be with the Lord. I have watched several of his interviews over the years, and despite some who attempt to discredit him, I have always found him genuine and trustworthy. He wasn't afraid to share what he believe God was giving him and I for one do not take that courage lightly.

One of Tom's primary focuses the last few years has been the astroid from the book of Revelation named Wormwood. (We actually did a post about this a few years ago, click here for that) Through a serious of circumstance which you can learn about in the links below, Tom was convinced that this astroid has been discovered and it's name is Apophis. While are the scientific organizations agree that Apophis will come very near to the earth on April 13th, 2029, all seem to repeat the same line that is definetly will not hit us. Keep in mind, these are the same people who say that this giant will pass 9 times closer than the moon! Put another way, this astroid is projected to be 1/10th the distance of the moon from us. My point on this has always been, if you know it will be that close, there is no way you can be 100% sure it won't hit. Attempts to do so are clearly disingenious, as any tiny assumption could be slightly off and the the trajectory would adjust a tiny bit and all of a sudden earth is totally line up for impact.

So with Tom passing on, I thought this would be as good of time as any to remind you of his study on this asteriod and it's relation to Revelation 8. I sure hope we are long gone before it's an issue, but having some knowledge about this potenital future event is defintely worth your time in my opinion. God Bless you all! Rest in Peace Tom, hope to meet you soon!

Even Neil deGrasse Tyson admits as much... He says:
“Apophis will come so close to Earth that it will dip below our orbiting communication satellites. It will be the largest closest thing we have ever observed to come by earth… the orbit we now have for it is UNCERTAIN… because these things are hard to measure and hard to get an exact distance for—WE CANNOT TELL YOU EXACTLY WHERE THAT TRAJECTORY WILL BE…”
Here is a link to where that quote can be found:

Here are a few videos of Tom discussing the Wormwood Prophecy.

Lastly, here is a short podcast where Tom describes the begining of the story. Check out this podcast Strang Report - End-Times Expert Tom Horn Shares Supernatural Encounter Behind Wormwood Prophecy


  1. God truly blessed us with the life of Tom Horn and I was grieved to hear of his illness and recent passing. God's influence in his life is quite a story and SkyWatch TV, founded by Tom Horn, is one of my favorite Youtube Channels.

    I have great respect for the research that has gone into all his work but I am hoping he is mistaken regarding Apophis being Wormwood. I explain why in this 2021 article:

    "In the book Dr. Horn shares his dream of Apophis which he believes is Wormwood and (according to NASA’s projections) will hit earth April 13, 2029, MAKING 2025 THE EARLIEST FOR A PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE. Jeffrey believes God gave Tom Horn a vision of The Dragon not Wormwood because of the description Tom gives of his dream of Apophis. . ." Excerpt from September 23 and the Coming of Planet X, the Rapture, and Cannibalism

  2. Wormwood poisons a third of the world's drinking water. I don't see how Apophis, or any other asteroid, would do this. Asteroids are giant rocks. They aren't radioactive or poisonous or anything like that.

    Instead I've thought that Apophis is the giant millstone that destroys Babylon in Rev 18:21.

  3. Look how beautiful it is to see a Jew announcing Jesus as the Messiah of Israel, their King of glory!
    Jesus is the Messiah of Israel 5.13

  4. Blessings All. If ya’ll are like me, it feels like we are just in a wait and watch mode. Haven’t been able to add to anything that everybody doesn’t already know.
    But it seems like today that something may be shifting as the Republicans came together in total unity to elect as good a Speaker as we could prob hope for as long as we are here. His bio at Wikipedia details his strong Christian-based conservative stance on everything that is so wrong with this nation. Amazing thing since “the swamp” surely despises his views, but maybe for such a time as this, this fairly new Congressman will be able to work some good in accordance with God’s Plan.🙏

    And we saw this morning another “sudden destruction” event in Southern Mexico as what was forecasted to be a tropical storm exploded in less than 24 hrs into Cat 5 hurricane making landfall over Acapulco with over a million population that had no time to prepare for such a catastrophic storm. So Prayers UP for those folks!🙏🙏🙏

    Keeping the watch and Praying Hard for the Peace of Jerusalem and as many as will to quickly call upon the Name of a Jesus Christ!😊🙏⬆️

    1. And Mike Johnson is “Preachin’ it” in his acceptance speech. He’s talking about what The Lord God wants and saying the first bill he will put forward immediately is for the full support of Israel and then he’ll be getting on top of the border issue. Haven’t heard anything like this coming out of DC in a loooong time.🙏

  5. Like Sheila I've been in a WAIT AND WATCH MODE as well. God appears to be holding back a full blown world war--at least temporarily. One thing I have noticed is the repeated call for peace via the Two-State Solution. We might be surprised at what will happen next. All I know is that everything will fall together according to HIS plan not man's:

    The Two-State Solution then the Birth of the Man Child

  6. I put a video that I put on the old message by mistake.
    God's Roadmap to the End
    Halloween Rapture Dreams: The 3-Year Warning Ending

  7. Family, Blessings

    As KoolCat elucidates so well in his Scriptural unpacks, Harpazo will interrupt WWIII at this time while saving the players needed as foretold for the Psalm & Ezekiel Wars. Should The Dragon arrive with our Rescue it will also conveniently clear the field of the Western Players bringing the table in line with final drama as detailed in Scripture & affirming the move of so much military out of the Western hemisphere as previously posted. Put on something cozy, stir up some hot Rapture chocolate and come join us by the fireside live chat this evening:

    RAPTURE !!!! FINAL COUNTDOWN !! Live tonight!!!!! 8-830 ish !!! HOLD FAST FAMILY!!!!!!! ✝️

    1. Oh, the above video is 11:38 & the following one, By Jeffrey McGaha is 08:53.

      As for The Dragon's involvement in Hallowed Eve's festivities, as covered by Dr. Barry Awe and others it would further reinforce aligning THIS judgement with the flood of Noah as the same astronomic system, ala Nibiru, Planet X, et al, the proven instigator/tool of that flood, would now also be involved again on the anniversary. Quite fitting; works for me...

      HEAD of the DRAGON 10/24/23


  8. Looking like we might be having our first j!H@d! Style attack tonight in Maine. Still on loose as people are told to lock down. 22 dead, 50-60 injured, 3 different locations incl. a Walmart.🙏

    1. Reporting on this is all over the place as Walmart denies being involved as a locale. Weird the original location couldn’t be identified. Hmmm...and now it’s a lone domestic mental case...🤷‍♀️

  9. Interesting article to note from @Rapture
    “Historic Gesture: Italy’s Move to Reunite Ancient Temple Treasures With Israel”
    …treasures that date back to the Second Temple destruction in 70 AD, so a very timely move.

    1. Oh! How prophetic indeed, Sheila! Gives me hope that the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD is pretty solid as well as the ancient records indicating Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected in 30 C.E. because the miracles that accompanied the Day of Atonement were no longer happening. Thus a very possible 2023 Rapture!

  10. More musings on the "Wedding Ring" Eclipse of 10/14 and the upcoming Partial Lunar Eclipse on 10/28...

    I think we can all generally agree that on 10/14 the Bridegroom placed a "Wedding Ring" on The Bride's left hand/finger in Virgo.   We can also agree that this was an extremely rare occurance that only happens once every 26+ million years per Stephan's calculations.   There was much debate whether this Sign would equate to the "Rapture Event" itself.   In hindsight, it clearly wasn't the case.  There was also some hope that the Rapture would happen 7 days later on 10/21, which followed the 7 day Wedding Feast typology of Esther.   Once again, "No Rapture"...just another 'Nothing Burger'!    I previously asked the question... why would YHVH give His Bride such an "encouraging sign" and not do anything for another several months or years?   I also asked...I know God's Ways are not Our Ways, but why would He do that?   As of today, I still haven't received a "satisfactory" answer to my questions either in my own mind or from other watchmen.   But could it be that YHVH purposedly delayed the Rapture Wedding Event/Ceremony for another 14 days (10/14 to 10/28) based on the following:

    •In the Bible, the number 14 represents deliverance or salvation.

    •In Strong's Concordance #14 = to be willing, to consent, yield to, accept, to desire.    Perhaps this is in reference to The Bride's willingness and desire to be with The Bridegroom.

    •Genesis 8:9 -12 – Noah sent the dove out twice and waited a total of 14 days.  That showed that the earth had dried and started growing again.    As in the Days of Noah!

    •1 Kings 8:65 – Solomon and the people had 14 days of partying for the new Temple.

    •2 Chronicles 30:15 – Hezekiah and the people had 14 days of partying for Passover.    Which had not been celebrated in a long time so it was a sort of new beginnings.

    •Esther 9:15 – The day of Purim was the 14th day of the month; this is when the Jews were allowed to kill their enemies.  This started a new period of freedom for them.   Possible typology to Jacob's Trouble?

    •Matthew 24:20 -   "Pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day".   The last day of Summer for Israel is on 10/28; Winter begins on 10/29.

    •The Goodman or Master of the House comes on a Full Moon (10/28).

    •The 177-day lunar portal cycle appears to be coming to an end.  The Partial Lunar Eclipse on 10/28/23 is the last of 8 lunar eclipses having a 177-day interval beginning on 6/5/20 (see Daniel Taylor's Facebook page or Steve Fletcher's latest video for specific details).   Not quite sure what this all means, but I found it to be rather interesting that this 177-day cycle even existed.  Any thoughts, Stephan or Lu?

    So, those are some of my thoughts plus others why The Bride should remain 'EXCITED' about potentially being being Raptured this weekend!    "Time will Tell", as Lu often says.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bob, I like your thoughts! I 'm having a bad cold at the moment and my brain is not working very well ;)
      There are also 177 days between the solar eclipses of April 20, 2023, October 14, 2023, April 8, 2024 and October 2, 2024.
      November 14, 2023 + 2520 days = Yom Kippur, 2030
      Could November 14 be the start of the tribulation and the day of our wedding, one month after the Wedding Ring Eclipse?
      November 14 is also a '68-Date (14+11+20+23=68) like the start of WW1 and WW2.
      November 13 is also 7 months and 23 days after Nisan 1 on March 23, 2023 (Lu's 723).
      And I like that November 14 is 6 months after May 14 (the same date if you flip the calendar from Tishrei to Nisan).
      Thank you Bob for your numbers! Good job!

    3. The new moon in September 2030 is on September 27, Rosh Hashana will be September 29. Yom Kippur is 10 days later.
      September 29 + 10 days = October 8, 2030
      November 14, 2023 + 2520 days = October 8, 2030
      Will God wait till the last 'possible' day?

    4. Bob, the partial phase of the lunar eclipse tomorrow is 1 h 17 m or 77 min! Only 6 % of the moon is obscured.
      So it also looks like a 'wedding ring'

    5. Stephan...sorry to hear you're suffering from a bad cold.   I've been fighting off a cold that led to a sinus infection for 4 weeks now.  Today I'm finally getting back to near normal.   But it's taken everything in my war chest of "natural medicines" to get there!

      That's really interesting that there are also 177 days between the "solar" eclipses you listed.   Wonder if that's a natural occurance or a pattern/sequence of something that YHVH is trying to show us?  Your November 14, 2023 date is intriguing, especially since it adds up to that ominous #68 or possible start date of WW3.   With all the fighting going on around the world right now that's entirely possible.

      Re that Partial Lunar Eclipse tomorrow, I didn't know that it would also look like a "wedding ring".   We'll need to check out EarthSky Community Photos tomorrow or Sunday to see what it looked like at various locations around the globe.   Two "Wedding Rings" given to The Bride in 14 days?    WFS!

  11. Well done Bob! You're becoming almost as talented as Stephan and Lu! 😁

    1. Well thank you, Carole.   The key word is "almost"!   Lol!   But the question is...where is Stephan + Lu?    We can't afford to lose any of our Rev12 watchmen when we're this close to solving the Rapture mystery!

    2. Bob!
      You all know what I am going to say! lol...

    3. Lu...since we're buds, let's leave it up to my imagination!    'IMP○$$1BLE'!    Lol!   I'm just glad you're doing ok.   It's been a rough 2-3 weeks, no?

  12. Lyn,
    I was going over some ‘Old’ Articles back in 2015. I was re-reading one about the Gates of Ba’al that were Replicas of the one that ISIS had Destroyed. If you all remember, that they were set-up in the Major World Capitals. They were in actuality a Spiritual Summoning of the Spirit of Ba’al, which is Sexual Perversion and Abortion.

    What struck me was this following statement one had made. One was not considering Hilary C., at the Time. The Article is #183 Gateways of Ba’al. It is under the ‘Synchronicity of Personages’ heading, 3rd Paragraph:

    This study suggests that the Last Days will see a ‘Playback’ of perhaps a literal ‘Queen of Heaven’…as in an Isis Female Figure to Rule. Could such a Woman with a Jezebel Spirit and an Ahab exist currently in the Nation of America in her ‘Last Political Chapter’ or the World at large for that matter? Can it be that perhaps the Wizards of Ba’al that ‘chose’ the U.S. Presidents will appoint the Female Democratic Contender to be ‘selected’ as the next U.S. President?

    I immediately thought of your Articles and Assertion that 1 Day, perhaps the Vice President will have to take over the Office of President. So, just pointing that out. It is a real possibility.



    1. Lu, thank you so much for sharing all that! If this prophecy is to be fulfilled through the VP, KH, it is supposedly to occur by October 31, 2023, per Next News Network's announcement.

      SO MUCH CONVERGING in October and November as I listed in

  13. RE: Rapture this Weekend?
    Part 1/4
    1st, Respects to Brother Tom Horn. I always enjoyed his Perspectives and Research. We have truly lost a Researcher. I did sort of disprove his Apophis Theory though, sorry. One made a Model and based on the Size and Impact Crater Dimensions, if it hits Earth, it will only be a ‘City Killer’.

    I had shared that Article and Chart when he 1st came out with the Notion. I used Washington D.C. as the Strike-Zone, sorry Double AA and Charlie. :) So, it cannot be possible to have 1/3 of anything be affected to that degree on Earth. An Asteroid has to be at least 1000X larger to affect 1/3 of the Planet. Truly it will have to be like a Mountain Range in Size. Think of El Capitan in Yosemite Park.

    Chart: Apophis Asteroid Impact

    I am relatively doing well only to find out I have major Dental Work to do. :( I will have to trust the LORD in how that will be provided for. But what if only 9 Months to go? So, Bob, that Synopsis was really Good. I have to Mark that up on my Eschatology 101 Course Grade Book! OK, you asked for ‘Thoughts’, eh? ;0 But you all know my Eschatological Stances. Sounds ‘Fancy’, eh? I will Reiterate those Stances. One holds to the Supposition, until further Notice, Revelation, Convincing, or an In-N-Out Verse to change one’s Interpretation. See Bob, who would have thought that In-N-Out was actually Prophetic in Nature, that is having Scripture on their Products, etc.

    But one is just sharing what one sees and just Reports. I am not saying one is ‘Right’, as one often states. And as they say also, ‘GOD always Grades on the Curve’. Meaning that none of us here on Earth have had or will have any ‘Corner on the Prophetic Market’, especially on figuring-out the Timing of the Rapture. But to me Bob, I am Good. In my Mind, one thinks one has figured-it-out. ;0 But not being Presumptuous about it.

    Bob, all the ‘Signs’ have been and are Encouraging. It is all about Timing and No, the Rapture is not ‘Delayed’ in one’s Understanding. It will be ‘Right on Time’, on Schedule. I do like the Number 14 Association you mentioned. But for me, I see it and apply it to one’s 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline. How so? You mentioned the Signs. OK, how about the last Blood Moons of 2014-15? If one adds 7 Years = 2022 + 7 more Years = 2029. And? That year is the ‘Midst’ of the Prophetic Week. And as mentioned in prior Posts, the Year that the Revelation 12 with Jupiter reemerges. Consider thought that the 177 Day Interval in-between Lunar Eclipse is not ‘Rare’. See Chart:

    Dissection of a Lunar Tetrad

    Then from 2018, being the 70th Year Anniversary of Israel’s Modern Rebirth +7 = 2025, when one surmises the Tribulation Period will start with the Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah Dedication of the Daily Sacrifices commencing the 2520 Day Countdown to Jesus’ Return. This is why one believes this Hamas Attack of October 7 on those very same Feast Days are when the AntiChrist will ‘Confirm’ the Covenant with the Many, that being interpreted by one, as the 70 Elders of Zion, i.e., the Sanhedrin, etc.

    1. Part 2/4
      So, sure, one may come across as Rigid in this Scenario, but only because one is not convinced enough to cross that Threshold of there being any other possible one. And again, it is all based on the Numerical Correlations one is calculating. But for the following ‘Stances’, one is not convinced that the Rapture would or could occur outside its Prophetic Domain, that being Pentecost. And that one just sees the Church Age, Starting and Ending at that Pentecost New Wine Acts 2 type of Prophetic Book-End Intermission. Of course, one could be wrong and is Open to any and all Possibilities, but until then, one is standing on the following Presuppositions.

      -The Rapture Event is not Imminent.
      -The Rapture is best Typified by the Summer Wheat Harvest.
      -The Rapture is best Typified by the Boaz and Ruth Love Story.
      -Jesus alluded to the End of the Age to 4 Months, i.e., a Wheat Harvest.
      -The Crucifixion Year is best attributed to 32 AD, as you all know.

      One is more ‘Excited’ for the Day Count that one shared of how, exactly, applying a 9-Month Human Gestation Period of 290 Days from the Hamas Invasion of Israel, on October 7, 2023, could very well have been and is the Trigger or ‘Switch’ turned-on to the Countdown to the Rapture. That would be Amazing. But as with all these Conjectures, they cannot be proven except by Time. And that 290 Day Gestation Birthing happens to be July 23, 2024. Coincidence? I find that Amazing. As you all know, that is the 723 Number one saw, twice in a Dream/Vision back in 2020 and have shared here since then.

      So, could that indeed be the Rapture Date? Perhaps, but what Year? Well, if the Timeline is from Fall 2025 to Fall 2032, one then just uses the Process of Elimination to come to that Year. It is really just 1 Year of a choice. It is that Precise. But again, for the Record, one is not saying the Rapture will occur on July 23, 2024, but that based on Date and Numeric Calculations, it keeps coming up in one’s Research. So, at best, one will be considering it a High Watch Year, Month and Day. That is as far as one can go.

      So, for the reason given many Times over, at this Point in Time, one sounds like a ‘Broken Record’, as they say, no? ;0 But if there is a present 3.5 Year Gap or Transition going on as one also surmises, it would appear to play into one's speculated Timeline for the Tribulation Period to start in the Fall of 2025 to Fall of 2032. One just is more convinced that this Hamas Attack on Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah is Incredibly Significant. How so? Well, as mentioned before of this possible Scenario following.

      One believes it will be on this Anniversary when the Covenant is Confirmed in 2.5 Years from now. And that Confirming will be with the Rabbim, or the 70 Elders of Zion, i.e., the Reconstituted Sanhedrin. And? One’s Fall 2025-Fall 2032 has Specific Day Correspondences based on that Sabbath of ‘Beginnings’, on October 18, 2025. And from there, one has shared numerous Times, the exact 1260 + 1260 Day Count to land on Passover of March 31/April 1, 2029. And then 1260 Days later is September 11, 2032, on the Sabbath of Return. That is where one is at one's on the Learning Curve.

    2. Part 3/4
      Of course, this Supposition is based also on the Crucifixion Year being in 32 AD. Thus, using the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template, that would be exactly 2000 Years or 2 Days. And how on the 3rd Day, would then correlate to the 1000 Year or 1 Day Millennial Kingdom of Jesus on Earth, etc. As to more Evidence of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year of Jesus? Note that the Temple was being renovated for 46 years from 11 BC to 28 AD. And that Year 28 AD, is when one calculates Jesus started His Public Ministry by Proclaiming the Jubilee in the Synagogue of Nazareth, etc. And?

      As one has also shared, if one Calibrates the Jubilee Declaration by Jesus as being on a Yom Kippur of that Fall Season, then exactly 1260 Days from it leads one to April 14, 32 AD, etc. One will include the Findings of how the Chinese Astronomers attested to there being 2 Eclipses on the Same Day. When? In 32 AD. This is what one has been also sharing for Years. And it is tied to the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine. This Information has been out since at least 2014, 1st presented, one believes by a Herb Kersten. One had not been aware of it until someone read my Book on 32 AD and pointed it out.

      But as to the Dual Eclipses on the same Day? It is how the Apostle Peter related and Interpreted ‘Pentecost’ as being the fulfillment of Joel. It was in Retrospect of what occurred Astronomically at Calvary. The Sun and the Moon were both Eclipsed on the same 24 Hour Day Period. The Sun by Planet X, one conjectures and the Lunar Eclipse was a Blood Moon. As presented before, this only occurred in 32 AD. Of course, it is all Circumstantial Evidence. But having the Chinese Astronomers make the following Observation, Statements and Conclusions are beyond Amazing.

      The only Issue one has is that 2 Presenters one came across in Researching, who have divulged this Finding, argue for a 31 AD Crucifixion Year or a 33 AD one. It is because it ‘fits’ their Timeline, but so is one doing the same. But one will take the Word of the Chinese Astronomers, in that they made the Decree to be correlated to the Year 32 AD. The Issue is that the Presenter Mr. Kersten, the Originator of the Discovery argues for a 31 AD Crucifixion Year, etc.

      In his case, it is because there is no Year ‘0’. But that is not the case as the Chinese entered the Date in their Annals from the AD side of Time Reckoning. So, to say that the Conversion in Gregorian Calendar accounted for Year ‘0’. A more recent Presenter is arguing for the 33 AD Year Crucifixion. How so? He adds 1 Year from 32 AD in how Year ‘1’ does not ‘Count’. However the 2nd Source does acknowledge that the Emperor took Power in China, starting in 25 AD. And it was in the 7th Year that the Recording took place, in April, the 4th Month.

      25 AD + 7th Year = 32 AD

      Then there is the Age Discrepancy of Jesus, if the -5 BC Birth Year is used as Mr. Kersten implies. For example, because of a Comet that appeared for 70 Days, in that Year, he then concludes that it must have been the very exact Year that Jesus was Born in that Year, -5 BC. But remember that the ‘Sign is not the Event’. Proof? If one adds-up this purported Lifespan of Jesus Age to 31 AD from a -5 BC Year, it would have meant that Jesus was over 34 Years Old, not 33 when He actually Died.

      -5 BC to 31 AD = 34 Years, 7 Months

    3. Part 4/4
      The following are the 3 Main Pieces of Statements made based on the Entries of the Chronicles of the Chinese Emperor Guang Wu that some End Times Researchers believe was a Direct Inference to what occurred\, dealing with the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.


      ‘In the 2nd Month of the 2nd Year of Jian Ping, the Comet was out of Altair for more than 70 Days’. It is said that Comets appear to signify the Old being replaced by the New. Altair, the Sun, the Moon and the 5 Stars are in Movement to signify the Beginning of a New Epoch, the Beginning of a New Year, a New Month and a New Day’.

      …’The Appearance of this Comet undoubtedly symbolizes Change. The Extended Appearance of this Comet indicates that this is of Great Importance.’

      Source: Astronomy Records of the Book of the Han Dynasty
      Date Conversion: March 9, -5 BC.

      ‘Summer, 4th Month of the Year on the day of Ren Wu, Yin and Yang have mistakenly Switched. And the Sun and Moon were Eclipsed. The Sins of all the People are now on 1 Man. Pardon is Proclaimed to all under Heaven’.

      Source: History of the Later Han Dynasty
      Volume 1 Chronicles of Emperor
      Guang Wu 7th Year
      Date Conversion: April (4th Month) *32 AD. (*If 1st Year not completed is factored in.)

      ‘Eclipse on the Day of Gui Hai, Man from Heaven Died’

      Source: Panel's Number 18 of Gui Hai
      History of the Latter Han
      Annals Number 18 of Gui Hai

      ‘During the Reign of Emperor Guang Wu, on the Day of Ben Yin, being in of the 4th Month of Jian-Wu, a Halo, a Rainbow encircled the Sun’.

      Source: History of the Latter Han
      Annals Number 18 of Gui Hai

      卷一下 光武帝紀 Volume 1b: Annals of Emperor Guangwu

      Herb Kersten
      7th Day Evangelist

      Given Signs of Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection
      Nelson Walters
      Stephen Welp
      Richard Chung

    4. Lu...that was one heck of a synopsis of your life's work and Biblical research!   So, where do I begin?   Might as well start with thanking you for liking my post.   Hey, if it made it all the way to your "Eschatology 101 Course Grade Book" that's good enough for me!   After all, I'm just an ordinary guy sharing my thoughts and asking dumb questions when we might be Raptured.  The primary difference between you and me is you tend to look further down the road than me, while I tend to focus on the immediate future.   I think you referred to me as a "Rapture Junkie" needing my weekly fix!    Lol!   And I totally agree.   You on the other hand, diligently do your research and come up with a very plausible theory and stick with it.   Quite "rigidly" in fact!   Lol!    But that's the beauty of it...we need "both" perspectives or viewpoints if we ever hope to solve these Biblical mysteries.   So, I suggest from now on we listen and hear each other's ideas as well as other's, agree to disagree at times, but mainly do our best, as Christians, to encourage one another.   In the end, "Time will Tell" who is correct, but we both know when that time comes, it really won't matter as we'll finally be with Jesus.

      Sorry to hear about your need for extensive dental work.   As before, I'm always here to help out.

    5. Thank you Lu for your review!
      You wrote 'Note that the Temple was being renovated for 46 years from 11 BC to 28 AD. And that Year 28 AD, is when one calculates Jesus started His Public Ministry'
      But from 11 BC to 28 AD isn't 46 years?
      We know that the discussion with the Pharisees was shortly before the 1. public Passover (before Rosh Hashana).
      According to my research, the renovation of the Temple started in the winter of 21 BC (maybe you made a typo?).
      Winter 21 BC + 46 years = winter 26 AD
      So in my opinion, the discussion was in the spring of 27 AD (shortly before 1. public Passover).
      This discussion was during Jesus' ministry.
      If you say this discussion was in 28 AD, Jesus' ministry would have started shortly before in 27 AD. But this would mean that the year of the Crucifixion was 3,5 years later in 31 AD.

    6. John 2
      13 And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
      20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?

    7. RE: When did the 2nd Temple start to be Renovated?

      Thanks for Double-Checking one’s Math. Yes, a Typo. So, here are some further Thoughts and Observations about the Topic. I would agree with your -21 BC Start Date for the Renovations. ;0

      If one considers a Fall -21 BC Start Year for the 2nd Temple Renovations by Herod the Great I, and then adds the 46 Year Factor based on the Arguments between Jesus and the Pharisees on the Temple Mount, that would be Mathematically consistent. This possible Timeline would also concur with one’s estimated Start of Jesus’ Public Ministry, that being in 28 AD, as He Proclaimed the Year of Jubilee.

      -21 BC + 46th Year (29 AD) = 50th Year or 29 AD

      Note the Amazing 50 Year Count that correlates to this Hypothesis. One surmises that the Decree occurred on October 31, 2023/November 1, 28 AD. This was then the 49th Year since -21 BC, making the Fall 28 to the Fall of 29 the 50th Year, etc. In turn, it would then correspond to one’s conjectured 1260 Day Ministry of Jesus, being 3.5 Years that coincides then with April 14, 32 AD.

      Consider some Observations. In the Gospel of John, there one finds the Account of the Wedding at Cana. One is presuming a Summer Time-Frame that points to the Wheat Harvest, as in a Boaz and Ruth Prophetic Typology, etc. This is by the way, one’s Prime Thesis on when the Rapture and the End of the Church Age is to occur because of this Wedding of Cana Prophetic Connection. This would insinuate that it was after the Summer, in the Fall that then Jesus proclaimed the Jubilee in the Synagogue of Nazareth.

      This Event, in one's Interpretation, is where and when one conjectures Jesus started His Official Public Ministry. In turn, as the next sequence of Events has Jesus attending His 1st Passover, 1 of 4 in total during the 3.5 Year Ministry, with the Last 1 being His own. Thus, based on the Time-Frame presented, that would be Year 29 AD, in the Spring, the 50th Year from -21 BC when the Temple is accepted by most and has started to be Renovated, etc.

      Spring 29 AD: Passover #1
      Spring 30 AD: Passover #2
      Spring 31 AD: Passover #3
      Spring 32 AD: Passover Final

      -Renovations of 2nd Temple begun by Herod: October (?), -21 BC
      -Proclamation of Year of Jubilee by Jesus: October 31, AD 28
      = 49 Years, 0 Months 0 Days
      = 2,556 Weeks 6 Days
      = 17,898 Days

    8. PART 2/2
      Why one is presuming an October 31/November 1, 28 AD Jubilee Ministry Start Date is based on Reverse-Engineering the 1260 Day Factor of Jesus’ 3.5 Year Ministry from April 14, 32 AD. Thus, it is solely a Conjecture. And with all Ancient potential Timelines, there are Disputes. Below are some Year Discrepancies to account for and/or factor-in.

      ‘After 18 Years as King of the Jews in Jerusalem, Herod (53 Years) felt the need to completely Renovate the Jewish Temple. Before being able to do so, he had to convince the vast majority of Jews to grant him Permission for such an Ambitious Project. Josephus recorded his appeal to them’.

      ‘Herod I, also known as Herod the Great constructed the Palace/Fortress, along with a small Town between 23-15 BC’.

      Note also that there is a Discrepancy as to when Herod the Great actually took Power and started to Rule as ‘King of the Jews’. That Power and Title was given to him by Rome, as it will again for the Final AntiChrist ‘King of the Jews’ Usurper, ‘Solomon 2.0’, in one’s Interpretation. But the Sanhedrin acknowledged his Authority and Power given by Room, the 4th and Last Beast Empire that is still In-Pray, by the way. And in the Gospels, the 70 Elders of Zion went so far as to Exclaim that they had ‘No King but Caesar’.

      Reign: Herod the Great I
      37–4 BC (Schürer)
      36–1 BC (Filmer)

      Of note, most Biblical Scholars and Students of Prophecy, presume and accept and use the Year -4 BC as the Time Herod the Great Died. However, one is of the Opinion and would concur with Filmer that it was instead in the Year -1 BC. The main Reason is that the supposed Lunar Eclipse that occurred or associated with his Death is the wrong one. This alternative Date is discussed in the Book about the 32 AD Crucifixion, etc.

      And this the Year that would then be correlated to a -3 BC Birth of Jesus, as that would be in Time for the 2-Year Olds and younger to have been Slaughtered and the Magi to have finally arrived in Bethlehem to have Audience with the King they had been led to Search by the Stars. That Year and Date was December 25, -1 BC, per one’s Calculations. And when Jupiter was in Virgo to boot at that Place and Time, in Retrograde. That Timeline, as mentioned would in turn, Synchronizes with a 28 AD Start of Jesus’ Ministry with the Jubilee Proclamation. Then, 1290 Days exactly, or 180 Weeks would be April 14, 32 AD, that one conjectures is the True Year, Month and Day of the Crucifixion.


    9. Lu!
      Thank you for answering my question. But to be honest, I'm even more confused now. Maybe it's my cold;)
      You wrote:

      '-21 BC + 46th Year (29 AD) = 50th Year or 29 AD'

      But October 31, -21 BC + 46 years = October 31, 26 AD (the 46th year is AD 26 not AD 29?)

      And you wrote:
      '-Renovations of 2nd Temple begun by Herod: October (?), -21 BC
      -Proclamation of Year of Jubilee by Jesus: October 31, AD 28
      = 49 Years, 0 Months 0 Days
      = 2,556 Weeks 6 Days
      = 17,898 Days'

      But after checking your Math, I got another result:

      October 31, - 21 BC to October 31, AD 28 = 48 years (= start of the 49. year)

      The 50. year (Jubilee) would start 1 year later in October AD 29

      Please recalculate this once again.

      Maybe you 'inadvertently' confirmed that the Jubilee started in October 29 AD with the Crucifixion of our Lord in the 50. year after the start of the Temple Renovations.

      You see, I can be 'Rigid', too. Lol ;0

    10. Stephan + Lu...perhaps you two need to purchase or rent some RIDGID® Tools to assist you in your mathematical/Biblical calculations.   May I suggest a RIDGID® Brushless Cordless 1 inch SDS-Plus Rotary Hammer to clear that mathematical logjam you seem to be experiencing!  

      Btw, who started this "rigid" thingy anyway?     Lol!

      Your 'Neutral' Moderator + Part Time Stand-Up Comedian! 

    11. Dear ‘Rigid’ Stephan! Lol

      You know, when I read your Response to Bob and you mentioned that you had/have a Head Cold…guess what happened to me? I am fighting-off a Head Cold too! As I often say, ‘It is Stephan’s Fault!’…lol But just the changing of Season and Stress I guess.

      But yes, with the 46 and 49, my Dyslexia is not helping. You are Right and thanks again for checking my Math. It is truly Iron-Sharpening-Iron. But as to the Topic, it is like most others dealing with End Times, Prophecy and especially trying to literally Pin-Point the Correct Start Year for anything. They are a moving Target.

      I have seen as Early, the Herod Temple Renovation, being from -23 BC to -17 BC. I have made the Year Numbers Adjustments, of course, to 'Fit' my 32 AD Crucifixion 'Agenda', I mean Theory, lol. For it to ‘Fit’ my Equation and 32 Crucifixion Year Thesis, it has to be a -19 BC Start Year for that 2nd Temple Renovation to workout with that I wanted to say. ;0
      Fall -19 BC + 46th Renovation Year Marker = Spring 29 AD
      The Temple Mount in the Herodian Period (37 BC-70 A.D.)
      ‘In 19 B.C. the Master-Builder, King Herod the Great, began the most ambitious Building Project of his Life —the rebuilding of the Temple and the Temple Mount in Lavish Style.

      But then if you step the Timeline back to its outer or Earliest Limit of a -22 BC Start Year, and then factor in a Jubilee 49 Year Count, that would also then Synchronize to one’s Timeline, supposedly.

      -22 BC + 49 Year Jubilee Cycle = Fall 28 AD making 29 AD the 50th Year

      So, I will leave it at that because my Head is hurting and not Thinking Straight at the Moment. :)

      PS: Hey, were you the Stephan that contacted by my website Email? Just wondering.

    12. Lu, I'm sorry to hear that you have a cold, too! So we shouldn't calculate too much and rather drink some tea...
      No, I wasn't that Stephan...

    13. Bob, that was very funny!
      You are a great 'Neutral' Moderator + Part Time Stand-Up Comedian!

    14. Maybe it’s just me, but considering the genocide that just took place in Israel, the war for their very existence taking place right now, the barbaric murders of infants, women, men, elderly and soldiers, worldwide pro-Hamas rallies, skyrocketing antiSemitism, threats from countries near and far and the ground invasion by the IDF into the most hostile, dangerous terrain, is it really the time to resume the endless, tiresome math banter again? Seriously?

    15. As worldwide events resemble those of 1939 Germany, it behooves us, Christians especially, to remember these words:

      “ First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

      —Martin Niemöller, German Pastor

    16. If it’s not too inconvenient, please pray for the 230 infants, toddlers, teenagers, women, men, elderly and soldiers currently being held hostage in the tunnels below Gaza.


    17. I too pray for them throughout the day. It's very difficult to think of anything else, business as usual, when the suffering there is unimaginable. I pray that Jesus will appear in person if that is what is needed to save souls. I pray He will send His angels to lead the rescuers to the captives. I pray for those who are still alive (does anyone think they are getting sufficient food/water/medical care/sanitation?). As we see Amos 1:7 and Amos 2:9 being displayed in front of us, may God be flushing out and destroying every last vestige of this evil. And may He hold back the flood that is threatening the entire ME. While I so want to go Home, I can't help grieving for God's people, Jew and Gentile.

    18. Here is a list of hostages, by name. Not all, as we don't know the names of foreign nationals, but I include them as well in prayer:

    19. Thank you, dear Judi, for caring and remembering Israel in their greatest time of need in 75 years. I will never get over the videos and pictures I have seen of the atrocities committed against them on that peaceful Shabbat morning. It’s irreparable. I have never wished so hard to be able to turn back the hands of time so that Oct 7 never happened and they’d all still be alive. Many miracles have taken place during Israel’s previous wars, and I am hoping and praying for the miraculous rescue of every single hostage and a tremendous, overwhelming victory of the IDF over all the enemies of humanity itself.

      “ And the Lord, He it is that doth go before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8


    20. Yes, I was just praying for the kinds of miracles we read about from the Holocaust. Deliverance, Lord! Souls and bodies. May His wings envelope them as they wait for escape/rescue. Praying against a vengeful slaughter when the terrorists realize they have lost. May their weapons misfire, fall back on their own heads. May God cause them to rise up and kill one another as He did in the OT for Israel's enemies.

    21. Amen and Amen.

      This is a birth pang like no other I have ever experienced. It’s unbearable physically, mentally and spiritually.

    22. Every day, part of my prayers go to Israel, to the hostages and to the families of the victims of this madness. That babies can have clean diapers and milk and not die in their mothers' arms. May everyone have drinking water and food and that disease does not reach them in these horrible damp tunnels. May God deliver the hostages and heal their physical, emotional and psychological wounds. May many of these people also come to Jesus. May the Lord protect Christians there, like Amir and the others. What consoles me is that God controls everything and that nothing will be done without his will and that he loves Israel, his people. God bless Israel and Jerusalem! Amen!

    23. Amen, dear Carole. I hate to imagine those claustrophobic tunnels. The hostages are probably being forced to move constantly through them. Interceding on behalf of Israel, the IDF, civilians and hostages everyday. May God Almighty put His hedge of protection around them all.

  14. Dr Chris Zimmer
    Two Week Rapture Warning to 11/11 | The Last Eclipse to Harpazo 2023 | and The Sign of Jonah

  15. Supernatural By Design
    *WOW* Hamas & The World War 3 Moon Prophecy of The Coming Third Temple

  16. Fam, brother Aaron, GAM, highlights another website the extensively covers the Hebrew letter Shin which is formed geologically by three valleys in Jerusalem: He literally put His name on it. The vid is 53 minutes, but the important point he makes is that with all the watching and study going on, looking for a rapture "date," more and more Scripture nuggets are being discovered--a worthy endeavor in its own right! Worth the watch. Blessings

    1. Judi,
      I haven't watched it yet but I wonder if that video aligns with the
      Prophecy of the Shin/Trident and Our Transformation

      Will check it out when I get a chance!

    2. Lyn, just looking at your Shin article again (you already knew of minimannamoments 😊) and their article didn't reference the Trident, near as I see. But your highlighting, and now Aaron as well, God's name, Shin, on Jerusalem at this time is significant I think. Events are moving so rapidly, and with one report stating 50 warships representing 11 different nations are in the Mediterranean and Red Sea areas, seems to portend WW3 for sure. Not to mention Ukraine/Russia, China's Taiwan ambitions and the instability of North Korea. The dyke has been breached and the flood is coming.

    3. Judi, the Trident was how Patrick Winfrey described his vision of the Shin which is how it all connected. I wonder if indeed "the flood is coming" as you say and Archangel has me wondering now " if Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38,39 and Psalm 83 are, somehow, going to happen concurrently instead of one at a time" as she wrote!!!

  17. As things go from bad to worse with the rising antisemitism and the pro-Hamas/Palestinian demonstrations/violence, it’s never been more important for the Body of Christ to understand The Lord God’s Point of View re Israel and her future as well as her current state. It’s all there in His Word. One’s attitude toward what God has said re Israel could well be a determining factor in His Judgement of hearts…and whether one’s heart is for The Lord God…or against Him. It’s truly a “need to know” situation with all of the propaganda and demonically inspired deceit coming from every direction, including from within the professing Christian community. True wisdom dictates prayerfully consulting the Scriptures first and foremost for the Truth and then taking The Lord God Alone at His Word and praying and walking in accordance with what He has said, knowing that the Fullness of His Word for Israel, the believing Body of Christ and this Christ rejecting world Will Be Accomplished…and soon.

    @Andy Woods latest POV update from 10-27-23 shares some relevant and pertinent information re the attempts to deceive the Church into standing against Israel as a nation and therefore taking a stand against The Lord God, Himself.

    As we pray for the suffering and sorrow of all those affected by the unimaginable evil attack on Oct. 7th that set this Pivotal War in motion, we can find courage, hope and strength through our faith in His Eternal Promises while also praying for as many as will to repent of their unbelief and call upon the Name of Jesus Christ for Salvation.🙏

  18. Excerpts from
    United Nations votes overwhelmingly in favour of humanitarian truce in Gaza

    The 193-member body passed the resolution, drafted by a group of 22 Arab countries, by a margin of 120 to 14, with 45 countries abstaining. The United States and Israel voted no.
    . .

    The resolution is non-binding, but serves as a barometer of global opinion as fighting between Israel and Hamas nears the end of its third week, following an assault by Hamas on southern Israel that killed more than 1,400 people. . .

    Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan said that “a ceasefire means giving Hamas time to rearm itself,” and that the vote was not intended to bring peace but to “tie Israel’s hands”.

    Speaking on Thursday, Erdan had said, “The only place this resolution belongs is in the dustbin of history”.

  19. “ The Nazi propaganda always made sure to blame to Jews for their own murder and to cause the world to think that they are the problem.

    The Palestinians in general and Hamas in particular is using the exact same tactics.
    It worked on the masses in the 1930s and it works on the masses even today.” -Amir Tsarfati

    I feel as if every demon from Hell has been released to torment Jews all over this world. Someone released LIVE RATS in a McDonalds and shouted “Free Palestine.” McDonalds has been kindly supplying meals for the IDF and is now literally catching hell for it.

    “Queers for Palestine.” Enough said.

    Homes of Jews from Montauk, Long Island to Paris have been marked with swastikas, Stars of David. Same with their businesses. The spirit of 1939 Germany is back. I am numb from the horror. Massive numbers of Jews are buying guns to defend themselves as they realize they are all targets now.

    I am wondering if Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38,39 and Psalm 83 are, somehow, going to happen concurrently instead of one at a time as I’ve always speculated. Amir said Israel is now being targeted on 5 fronts-Gaza, Judea Samaria, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.

    There is a frenzied, demonic insanity occurring all over this world. I have never felt such a need to pray without ceasing as I do right now. I can only guess at the magnitude of the spiritual forces at work, both good and evil.

    1. Blessings, AA…Keep Praying because it is getting intense and palpable all right. And people would do well to remember that it isn’t just the Jews they will be coming after in their foaming hatred of Jesus Christ.
      BUT GOD….it has all been Written and the End of the Matter has not and will not be changed.

      I was glad to see the Rapture is being advertised on NEWSMAX these past few days with the promotion of David Jeremiah’s new book “The Great Disappearance”.
      Our Blessed Hope IS coming!
      I’m planning to order a copy for my “left behind” answer basket and have a couple of copies sent out to some loved ones as well.

      Stay Blessed All and Keep Looking UP!!

    2. Blessings, Sister.

      If all the horror movies were compiled into one, it could NEVER equal what was done in Israel on Oct 7. The only barbarity that seems not to have been perpetrated on the victims was cannibalism. The accounts coming out are only getting worse and more gut-wrenching. As Caroline Glick said, every morning, all one can do is just cry. It was the ultimate nightmare; being attacked in one’s own home, the place of sanctuary. These invasions were personal. I can’t bear to put myself in their shoes, but, still I wonder, what would I have done? Get up on the roof somehow? Hope my cats run and hide behind the furniture? And you’re right, ofc, Christians are also on the list of enemies. I know God will make some kind of good come out of this as only He can. Right now, that and the Blessed Hope of our soon Departure are my only comfort.

    3. AA and Sheila, I very much appreciate your updates. It seems each of us has a particular area God has us watching and praying about and we need EVERYBODY'S input. I knew of the anti-J3w demonstrations but did not know what was happening to them at their own homes in America!

      And AA--you wrote, "I am wondering if Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38,39 and Psalm 83 are, somehow, going to happen concurrently instead of one at a time as I’ve always speculated." WHAT AN ASTOUNDING THOUGHT! Now I'M wondering!!!

    4. Agreed, sisters. AA, I too have wondered if the prophecied wars are occurring concurrently. As we see real life events reflect Scripture, we also see that things look different than we have perhaps always thought/been taught. With the exception of Israel dwelling in a quasi peace/unwalled villages, suggesting a once again lack of alertness to attack, prior to the Gog-Magog invasion, it would seem plausible that all the end time players are on the stage, and involved to one extent or another, now. As has been mentioned here before, the prophetic pieces on the puzzle board keep shifting around, and our view, always set in the context of Scripture, keeps refining and clarifying as we go. Who could possibly have predicted the extent, killing yes, but the absolute inhuman barbarity! of what has happened on Oct. 7. However, considering women are willing to willfully have their babies burned with saline solution or dismembered in the womb should be a clue to the moral depravity of demonically inspired actions humans are capable of.

    5. Another thought. Scripture describes the state of the nation of Israel prior to the Ez 38 war as being caught off guard, living in a land of unwalled villages. While certainly it's possible this could one day occur, but can anyone ever see Israel not knowing they must be aware of existential threat? I wonder if it's a matter of degree. Israel was caught off guard on Oct 7 b/c, although having to be aware and prepared for rocket attacks, she was living in a state of normalcy bias perhaps--had come to a type of living with the need to frequently head to shelters, yet not believing (supposedly, according to one report of the IDF commanders that day) Hamas would invade from Gaza. All that to say, I wonder if Oct 7 reflects the Ez 38 conditions--with the wars morphing together and that having been the start point, progressing differently than a linear view would seem to suggest? Just thinking out loud, but I think things are far more complicated and blended than can easily be defined.

    6. Blessings, Sister. I always imagined the seeming serenity of dwelling in “unwalled” villages was the (false) sense of security Israel would feel after having signed the 7 yr Peace Deal w/the AC. Certainly, a “fence” is not a “wall” like the one in Jerusalem that was erected to stop homicide bombers from breaking through. From the accounts I have read from survivors, none of them realized just how bad the burgeoning attack was and thought, ok, head to the shelters for a little while. One can understand as they have lived with rocket barrages for 22 years. It seems most of the relevant players, ie, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and maybe Libya and Sudan soon to follow, have stated their positions regarding the war. So, the “inner” and “outer” rings are mostly accounted for and all that remains to be seen, sadly, is when and what type of missiles will fly, what the IDF will do to Iran’s reactors, and the mobilization of enemy forces, like a cloud, on the mountains of Israel. It’s a real possibility that the IDF will employ tactical nukes which is the proverbial game-changer.

    7. 'I am wondering if Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38,39 and Psalm 83 are, somehow, going to happen concurrently instead of one at a time as I’ve always speculated.'

      AA, thank you for pointing this out! I was thinking the same!
      Even the numbers are the same: 38 and 83. Is this just coincidence?

    8. AA, there ya go! Three of us (witnesses) wondering the same thing😉

    9. Years ago, the Superintendent of the school where I was teaching, was East Indian with a doctorate (I think in English but can't remember now). He pointed out that we in the West think, reason, along linear lines, while Eastern thought/reasoning is synergistic/circular. Ever try to diagram one of Paul's longer sentences!! LOL. However, it is an important distinction for us to remember as we seek to understand scripture--written by Eastern thinking men--and the events now happening in real time. Lu, you can speak to this better than I, I am sure. Considering that to be true, could we be typically imposing a linear chronology on these end times wars (not to mention the Book of Revelation) to try to make sense of what is going on--when in actuality the significance and occurring of events, prophecies, loop back on one another (like a sine curve), thus appearing more concurrent?

    10. When I think of the differences between Eastern/Western modes of thinking, I always remember that, in biblical times, being barren was one of the worst things that could befall a woman. It was an excruciating shame to endure, ie, Hannah. I also remember that a guest under the roof of the host would be protected up to and including the very death of the host if need be, ie, Lot begging the Sodomites not to hurt the Two Men (Angels) under his roof and offering up his two daughters instead! So, I definitely concur with the Superintendent of the school that Eastern and Western modes of thinking are very different.

    11. Blessings, Judi and Lyn…I agree on the “things are far more complicated and blended than can easily be defined”. It can be mind boggling and mind numbing at the same time.
      The atrocities of Oct. 7th perpetrated on Israel were like a modern day condensed and explosive version of all of the historical atrocities they have endured over thousands of years as one foreign army after another ransacked their homeland, slew their men, ravished their women, murdered their babies and children and took what was left into cruel captivities. And then came the ultimate, but failed attempt of the “Final Solution” as the satanic hatred followed them even into their Diaspora. This time, tho, is different in the sense the rest of the world will not be allowed to sit by in willful ignorance. This time, their suffering is going to affect everyone everywhere on a global scale. There is a choice to be made and a side to be taken. No neutrality. Oct. 7th was literally a “hook in the jaw” for all the world and a preview of what is to come in accordance with God’s Written Word.
      As Netanyahu just declared, this is not a time for a ceasefire, it is a Time for War…perhaps instilling that sense of prophetic “blending” that we are now feeling.
      I saw Israel’s Gilad Erdan blasting the UN’s silence over the Oct. 7th atrocities and slapping a ‘Yellow Star’ on his jacket and vowing they will be worn until these evil acts are acknowledged and condemned.
      I don’t believe The Lord God is going to allow any
      pleas of “ignorance” from the goats come Judgment Day.

      And AA, cannibalism is not beneath them at all.
      ISIS did it. There is no telling what hasn’t been told, but this is exposing the blood thirsty instincts of the God-less reprobate minds worldwide and particularly on college campuses. They don’t know anything about anything, but they do know how to hate and scream for the blood of God’s people, both Jew and Gentile, and we will all stand in agreement with our Lord God’s Righteous Judgements.🙏⬆️

    12. Yes, Sister, cannibalism is not beneath them. Since the savages videotaped their atrocities, it remains to be seen, and I would not be surprised. There are hundreds who may never be identified as their remains are too badly burned to even extract DNA and this will further plunge the dagger into the heart of this suffering people.

      I do like Gilad Erdan very much. He is a fighter.

    13. Joel Rosenberg has another view of Psalm 83 that adds nuance to what we've been talking about re concurrence--45 mins, but not all the discussion is on Psalm 83 per se:

    14. Amen to all of this! And thanks for these thoughts! I think also for several days now that all these Scriptures are going together! Isaiah + Psalm + Ezekiel! This is amazing! And very few folks understand the situation! Events fly so suddenly and quickly! We are to be very-very ready! I think the Lord says us, prepare for suddenly and quickly departure! Blessings to all Family with loved ones!

    15. The recent shooting in Maine had me thinking about the high rate of gun ownership there, and I believe they can conceal-carry without a permit. Despite this, the shooter went unchallenged as he carried out his attacks. God forbid, all the terrorists that have entered through our porous southern border decide to act against Americans, especially on “soft targets.” Will the Bride be Raptured before something as horrific as what occurred in Israel can happen here? Is that the speeding train that the Lord will snatch us out of the way of?

  20. The simple Truth:
    “Obsessed With Destroying The Jews: The Ultimate Enemy of Israel is Satan”
    by Oliver Melnick

    (Article includes a sort of condensed “history for dummies” re Israel’s historical presence in their Land;-)

  21. Passionate appeal by the son of a founder of Hamas against all the pro Palestinian ignorance, posted in comment on 12 mins

  22. Family, Blessings This will be a longer one.

    I suggest that neither linear thought nor the cyclical Eastern mind is required to untie this Gordian knot, but, rather, the Spirit Led sharpness of a New Yorker, biting into the meat like sharp teeth. Enter Commander KoolCat Kelly who has clearly elucidated that this is neither the Psalm 83 war nor the Ezekiel 38 war, but, rather, in keeping with the TGW having set the stage in 2017 and the theme of this page, the Revelation 12:2 KJV war and the clarion cry as to our imminent departure.

    'Travail' in Rev 12:2 is not the same word as travail in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 and the difference clarifies. (Forgive me; I believe that this is the 2nd usage to which KoolCat alludes but his stream of consciousness video modality precludes me from returning and searching it out to be sure.) The first, in Revelation, captures a woman's enduring the agony and pain of the PROCESS OF childbirth; whereas the 2nd speaks to the lament of a woman AFTER a birthing has occurred. Thus, this very war, now, by its timing, and its being a true war and not another in the endless series of small cuts upon Israel we've seen for decades, is a SIGN, in itself, placing it as the Rev 12:2 war and as to the accuracy of our Watch and, in the context of the Summer Declarations, Jeremiah 8:20, the 'any day now' Imminence OF Our Lord's Rescue Of Us. WE are the Summer Harvest in Jacob's lament heard in Jeremiah. In concert with this and several other 'tells' of scripture we can clearly read the winds upon our sails and navigate correctly.

    In summary, this war will not conclude with either the destruction of the Philistines of Gaza nor WWIII. Here is another 'tell' in that these peoples are listed as being involved in the alliance against Israel in Psalm 83:5,6,7,8. As that war comes later, they cannot be eradicated now. Another 'tell', as touched upon above, is Israel dwelling without walls in the Ezekiel war, which is not the current situation, nor a likely soon future reality, and which cannot be dismissed in ANY way. Again, current events are NEITHER of these. These are to follow, after.

    What happens next is Harpazo. THAT is what interrupts this war. This also comports with Repoman64's take that we will NOT see WWIII erupt even simultaneously with our Rapture but that Seals timing requires we ALREADY be gone when peace is taken from the earth. In re the many D&V's of the dreamer witnessing missiles and, often, asteroids falling while they are unharmed and having a sense of Harpazo being involved, of which I have seen over a dozen of them, one should note that the Harpazo ITSELF is NEVER witnessed or experienced in those dreams; only the knowing that it was somehow tied to what was being seen. I declare that this aligns with Repoman64's perspective and that we are seeing the post-raptured dreamer being given HS Insight to events FOLLOWING. This is another 'tell' affirming KoolCat's perspective.

    1. After Harpazo STOPS the current timeline, Israel negotiates a peace treaty with the remaining parties seen in Psalm 83, et al. I would add, here, that possibly The Dragon destruction spoken of &/or other events such as nuclear devastation, as a distraction orchestrated by Lucifer, global EMP resulting from Harpazo energy, worldwide earthquakes in Scripture accompanied by the sea and waves roaring, of course, likely also removes the America's from the stage, ibid. Going further, the alien deception, the anti-Christ's diplomacy as he enters the stage, etc., while not included in KoolCat's model, specifically, are also likely players on the stage during this interim. However, as KoolCat outlines, it is THIS dynamic of a new GLOBAL peace covenant which explains why Israel is then seen without walls, bars or gates as Israel rises to then being the ONLY remaining global superpower in the Tribulation which explains their lack of defense and the 'hook in the jaw' which pulls the powers against Israel into a conspiracy for THIS war. THIS is Ezekiel 38:8 which gives us the context of THAT war, as in Ezekiel 38:11. Ezekiel 38:12 NIV (em) goes farther:

      12 (Starving and destitute in Tribulation & still seeking revenge for Israel's prior attacks on Gaza, et al) I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the *resettled ruins (*Israel before 1948 and, though not burned by The Dragon, et al, still, Israel will suffer earthquake and other global devastations accompanying Harpazo & Tribulation) and the people *gathered from the nations (since May, 1948) , *rich in livestock and goods (*unlike the ENTIRE rest of the globe during the Tribulation), living at the *center of the land (^which, geographically, means this all happens in historic Israel's location, not elsewhere).

      So, next is Harpazo, like any day now, then the resulting chaos leads to removing Western Powers, Israel rising to global dominance and plenty amid starvation everywhere else, resulting in Israel, in her hubris, flaunting her wealth by living without walls or gates but in opulence, much like America does now, Global governance and currency, et al, likely led by Israeli technology follows, and, while Antichrist works his business, Israel is surprise attacked and THIS is what we see in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV (em):

      “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; THEN sudden destruction cometh upon them, as *travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (* The pain and anguish which comes upon a woman AFTER the separation of childbirth).


    2. P.S. 1 Thess 5:3 is another '153' and the last day of Summer, in Israel, is October 29th +/-. To clarify, a bit, the current war is seen, by KoolCat, as the specific 'TRAVAIL' seen in Revelation 12:2 KJV.


    3. Blessings, Jimboni and it works for me! I love @KC’s fireside watches. That Brother is a hoot. I don’t agree with every little thing he says, lol, and I know he ruffles some feathers, but I love the way he argues his points. I can’t get mad with him even when I think he’s really wrong about something. I was looking at my fat little Boston Terror and trying to imagine her being left behind to eat people.🤣
      I told her she’d best throw herself on the mercy of the Lord, ignore Commander KoolCat and come Home with us.🤦‍♀️
      But yeah…his studies make a lot of sense and I sure hope we are just about out of here.

  23. Family, Blessing

    Quick 'lil update on the family side.

    Our Scout's latest healing wave continues and feelings over large areas of his legs, such as feeling his jammies or pants a bit on his legs as well as general feelings of warmth or cold in such areas continues. As the process itself has evolved he is no longer getting such strong pain waves as part of it but instead feels waves of throbbing or buzzing. All in all he seems ready for another major breakthrough in leg function as some new muscle group comes on line through all of it. He and Alex have developed a relationship with a new church home and members of that body have been showing up to ferry them to services and choir practice, which Caleb now sings in and is lovin' it, and other functions as my Graveyard shift schedule is usually not in synch with that. I met the latest pair, Juan and Maria, bringing Caleb home last Sunday and was able to share TGW with them and it was well received. Que' Bueno!

    Yesterday Alex and I met with his divergence officer (DO) overseeing his divergence program to set aside the criminal consequences of his poor choices at school, last year. This was his final meeting as he signed all the paperwork and his DO completed the paperwork to be sent to the courts to close the file at his Clearing Hearing in about 2 weeks, which he doesn't even have to attend. Once that final step is attended to this will be as if it never happened and will no longer appear on any background check and his path to pursue a military or other career will again be clear. In short, in the official realm, his sins will be remembered no more; sound familiar? He has grown tremendously through this process, I am quite pleased and proud of him, and he conquered many of the demons which took him into that space and your prayers are a part of that and your reward is also ahead. Thank you, all.


    1. Blessings Jimboni with all yours! Praying for you and Caleb and Alex! The Lord is near and we are near to our Home!

    2. Thank you, brother, for this update! What a joyous thing to wake up to this morning in the midst of our uncertain world and all the horror of what Hamas did and the rest will continue to try to do around the world. May God continue to prosper your boys and you in every way. May He strengthen all of us, the Household of Faith and Remnant Jews, in body/soul/mind/spirit/heart and will today and every day until our transformation is complete in His presence.

    3. Amen! to what Judi prayed for you and yours, Jimboni! It was SO GOOD to hear from you. I was just wondering, Where is our Brother Jimboni? And voila! Big hug 🤗

    4. Good news, Jimboni! May you and the boys continued to be Blessed!

    5. That is good news! Praise the Lord!

  24. AA, Sheila, your discussion above was timely. This was posted on this morning: Palestinian child star: “We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we’re waiting for you,” she continued.

  25. Superb article by Caroline Glick, especially for those who blame Israel for the genocide of Oct. 7.

    Why are the October 7 atrocities being denied?

    1. AA, I haven't read the Caroline Glick article yet but recently watched a Rumble video by end times talk channel on this subject explaining how the Israeli intelligence was undermined on purpose by our own so-called President:

    2. I can believe it as our State Dept and DOD have Iranian or pro-Iranian agents working in them.

  26. Blessing family!
    RockIslandBooks: Countdown To Eternity - Episode 2: Headline Events on God's Calendar

  27. Blessings, All...Greg L. @A Little offers his as usual astute perspective in “Where Is This Going?” He tackles the Psalm 83 conjectures along with the Ezekiel 38 prophecy. But anyway you slice it, our Harpazo is close enough to be tasting it.🙏⬆️

    1. Thanks, Sheila, for this heads up. I check his site every few days but hadn't seen this yet. Greg, if you still check in over here, and since you don't have a comments section, very well done--as usual. I am leaning more and more to this view of Psalm 83. If I remember correctly (and it's hard with following so many news sources these days) Joel Rosenberg lands here also. And I can't help but pay attention to the views of born again Jews who have spent years in Scripture also. Regardless if where the correct interpretation of all this is, the events happening on the world stage, fluid as they are, are shouting: Where are you going, when that twinkling of an eye event occurs?

      AA, have to agree with you about Caroline Glick. I have read her articles for years, not always regularly, but I find her to be a brilliant, cogent, skillful analyst of what's going on with/in Israel.

    2. She tells it like it is. When I listen to her or read her articles, I feel I know exactly what’s going on in the Israeli street.

      I still miss the late great Charles Krauthammer and Rush Limbaugh so much. How I’d love to hear what they have to say about current events.

  28. “ Israeli forces are 800 meters away from reaching the beach in Gaza, at which point the encirclement of north Gaza will be complete.

    At which point the task of rescuing hostages and permanently degrading Hamas will truly begin.

    Tens of thousands of people gathered at Jerusalem’s Western Wall to pray for the people of Israel and for the safe return of all the hostages in Hamas captivity in Gaza.“ Amir Tsarfati

    1. I have an image in my head of the full encircling being like the crowning moment of giving birth. They will be pushing from all sides, not unlike a women pushing in labour.

    2. Sawdy, same words from Israeli commander reported by Amir Tsarfati:

      In a briefing for reporters, Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi said that the IDF would be ready to fight in other arenas as well: "I do not recommend that our enemies join the fighting." On the campaign in the Gaza Strip: "IDF fighters are crowning Gaza City, we will do everything to return as many abductees as possible"

    3. The birth pangs are getting worse. The antiSemitism is so bad at Cornell that they have cancelled classes tomorrow. The so-called bastions of higher learning appear to house the most profoundly ignorant people on earth. No wonder Jesus went to the local dock to find His Disciples and not to the “educated.”

      "pushing from all sides"

  29. “ "It's been a few weeks, but I have some time now and I wanted to write about a miracle that happened to me during those first few days of hell.

    My unit was called in on Shabbat (Saturday) morning. No official emergency call, no paperwork sent, no official order, nothing. Our brigade commander saw that the South needed a battalion to respond ASAP, and he told us to come in. I quickly got my gear together, said goodbye to my wife, and ran to the car.

    Some hours later we boarded humvees and headed straight to the Israeli border community of Kfar Aza.

    Our weapons had been handed to us on the spot. We had never shot them, didn't have time to clean them, we had no idea if they worked and the sights definitely weren't zeroed in.

    The weapons in the reserve units are notorious for being unreliable and usually don't even shoot properly before a good clean, or in some cases, a visit to the armory.

    That's how we went in to combat.

    We walked into the village and were engaged by terrorists within the first few minutes. Minutes later, we encountered one hiding in a bush with an AK-47, waiting to ambush us.

    My rifle worked perfectly, firing every shot, cycling every round, hitting what I was aiming at. Not a single jam.

    I thanked God for giving me a rifle that worked right without delay. After three days of fighting, I had learned to rely on my rifle completely.

    On Tuesday night we finished clearing Kfar Aza, were switched out by another battalion, and were sent up to a base so we could rest, shower, and finally clean and check our weapons.

    We went to the range. Immediately, my gun jammed. Another round, another jam. And another. They were getting worse. I had to take out the pliers on my utility knife to clear them.

    We ended up having to take the gun to the armory so all the internal parts could be replaced. The gun basically needed a total rebuild from the inside. The gun just didn't work.

    It was a broken rifle, and it was broken from the moment it was handed to me on Shabbat morning. But for me, in those few days in Kfar Aza, it had worked to perfection. So we could do what we needed to do.

    I heard similar stories from many other soldiers in our battalion. I look forward to the day where I can stand in my synagogue on Shabbat and express my immense gratitude for this miracle and the countless others that God performed for us." -IDF soldier

    I can only imagine the other miracles taking place that we will learn of one day.

  30. Just updated my latest article The Two-State Solution then the Birth of the Man Child with this:

    The Jerusalem Post published a surprising announcement that the Abraham Accords here to stay despite war, says Emirati official: “The Abraham Accords are not at risk amid the war between Israel and Hamas, said Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, chairman of the Defense, Interior, and Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Arab Emirates Federal National Council on Tuesday, according to the European Jewish Press.”

  31. Replies
    1. Judi...thanks for sharing T.W. Tramm's recent article.  I've been researching the Venus-Moon Occultation that will occur on 11/9 so I was glad to see him briefly discuss it.   Here's an article from providing specific details where it will be visible, most notably in Israel, the Middle East and parts of Europe (Ukraine + Russia) currently embroiled in war as Tramm noted:

      What I find intriguing is that the moon is often viewed as a symbol of the "true church" or the Bride of Christ, while Venus is viewed as Jesus or the Bright and Morning Star.   Could this conjunction or Occultation of the Moon + Venus signify a "soon coming" Wedding between the Bridegroom and the Bride as T.W. Tramm suggested?    The timing makes sense because didn't we just witness the Son of Man give His Bride a "Wedding Ring" during the Annular Eclipse of 10-14-23?    What better symbolism than to show in the Heaven's the Moon (The Bride) + Venus (The Bridegroom) coming together as one and literally, "touching" one another (see The Secrets of the Universe video below).  

    2. The Moon + Venus conjunction on 11/9 (911) could also mean that War is coming soon!
      ☪️ vs  ✝️          

  32. The Algerian parliament voted 100% for war against Israel. This is almost surreal.

  33. A very interesting video from Jarrett "Supernatural By Design"
    Erdogan 8.47 min.

  34. Here is a Telegram post by newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson:

    Tonight, a bipartisan group of members voted to send immediate aid to Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East. Our supplemental package, which is fully offset, provides Israel with advanced weapons systems, supports the Iron Dome missile defense system, and replenishes American domestic defense stockpiles. This is necessary and critical assistance as Israel fights for its right to exist.

    With antisemitism on the rise both domestically and abroad, it’s imperative that the U.S. sends a message to the world that threats made against Israel and the Jewish people will be met with strong opposition. The Senate and White House cannot let this moment pass, and I urge them to act swiftly and pass this bill as the House did today.

    Has anyone else been amazed at this man (God's doing for sure) being elected when he is such an out there, bold, outspoken man of faith? I think to myself where was he in years past, leading up to this point, given the awful leaders we have had for the past many years (T, though not faultless for sure, excluded compared to the others). Obviously for such a time as this. While I certainly don't know all God's about with this, it occurs to me that perhaps God positioned him for such a time as this to get Israel "stocked up" to have reserves for when the Church is out of here . . . 🤷‍♀️

    1. He certainly did seem to come out of nowhere. When I consider how awful recent Speakers have been, he really is a breath of fresh air. I hope he can get some good done, especially for Israel.

      I’m sure you’ve heard rumors of Obiden wanting Bibi replaced. There’s also a story about a Rabbi telling Bibi 30 years ago that he would be the one to hand over the “Scepter” to the “Messiah.”

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Family, Blessings

    As you know, I've been quite taken with KoolCat's teaching and findings of late. Acts 4:13 With the uttermost conviction and emphasis I encourage you to take in this video where he unpacks The Psalms Of Ascent. His first run was taken down within an hour as he mentioned the jab directly so he redid it at 1:00 a.m. and The Lord Even Dropped A Couple More Nuggets Into The Re-do. KoolCat does an unusually good job in this one not to bunny trail although he also connects dots throughout the entire Bible as validation and expansion of points along the way. With this one video you will see his broad eschatology buttressed by the inerrant Word Of God in the Psalms and why we are gonna blow this popsicle stand within DAYS. Psalm 49 starts it all, 1949 being the year the Fig Tree generation began:

    49 Hear this, all ye people; give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world:
    (God Speaking: Attention!!! EVERYONE ON EARTH!!!)

    2 Both low and high, rich and poor, together.

    3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the *meditation of my heart **shall be of understanding.
    * Ephesians 1:4; ** John 14:26

    4 I will incline mine ear to a parable*: I will open my **dark saying upon the ***harp.
    * Matthew 13:10,11; spec:
    **Enigma, def: something to be GUESSED AT;
    *** As I SING to you the Psalms Of Ascent

    Maranatha! 49:01:

    RAPTURE IS HAPPENING ! ! ! Psalms of Ascent ! ! 120 - 134 ✝️

  37. Hi Fam, Blessings! All is now very interesting and events are flying! Reading the last article of Greg Lauer, it's something new to me. I would learn what do you think about. My thought then if this surprise attack October 7 like Ezekiel 38? Amir awaits this story probably. All events now are surprise to me. Studying Lu's articles, very interesting now. Want to go Home now!

  38. Lisa Boyce, aka Watchwoman65, will no longer link articles from Hal Turner. That fellow’s antiSemitism knows no bounds. He is no friend of Israel. His articles about the Jewish State are so hateful, one feels challenged in even finishing them. I don’t go near his site anymore.

    1. About time, AA…I was wondering when she was gonna catch on to that.

    2. Yes, for awhile she thought his info had some value, but realized he’s just an insufferable anti-Semite. Not so easy to disguise one’s true feelings about the only Jewish State. God is exposing them all.

    3. Wow! Thanks for that info, AA. I don't read Hal Turner's site except when someone else mentions it. Does he claim to be a Christian?

    4. Welcome. Absolutely not. He appears to be a twice a year Catholic.

    5. Lisa Boyce told Hal Turner to cancel her subscription and he called her(us) “Christ killers.” I had him cancel my subscription a couple weeks ago.

    6. Apparently, he calls himself a Christian. Not sure what definition he goes by.

    7. I’ve stopped listening to JD Farag, too. He put much blame on Bibi and Israel instead of Hamas starting the day after the genocide. He has always maintained that he was raised as a “Palestinian.” 🙄

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Blessings, AA…but first and foremost, Pastor JD is a Christian Brother whose passion lies with leading people—any and all people—to Christ. And yes, he is ethnically a Palestinian Arab, but he’s never failed to support and teach emphatically Israel’s God-given right to the Land and express his love for them as God’s people. And ofc his heart is hurting for the innocent victims on both sides. He’s probably got family over there. But one thing about JD, he will always pray for the worst of the worst to get Saved because that is what he is called to do. This has to really be hard on all Saved Palestinian Christians (and there are some) who truly love Jesus Christ and know and believe God’s Word.
      And JD definitely did acknowledge Hamas is a horrifically evil and demonic organization, but he does pray for them as individuals to get Saved. And that wouldn’t be a bad thing as we’ve seen with the son of one of the Hamas founders out there risking his life to tell the truth about them and their barbaric methods and the evils committed against their own people.
      And as you know, a lot of Israelis are wondering how their govt. allowed this sudden sneak attack to even happen. Those are questions that Netanyahu’s govt. will at some point have to answer and he knows that.

      But this is totally different than an obvious antisemite like HT who lives and reports his opinions in complete ignorance of what the Bible actually says about anything and is just another prepper sensationalist who’s more often wrong than right in his geopolitical
      assessments. Always wondered at WW65’s regular reliance on him as a legitimate source for news.
      Anyway, just saying you might want to cut Pastor JD some slack on what has had to be a terribly emotional and personal situation for him to spiritually work through and address in keeping with the Word of God that he so obviously cherishes.🤷‍♀️🙏

    10. Blessings, Sister. My gut feeling about JD is the following: JD is so deeply ashamed of what his “Palestinian” people are so easily capable of doing to babies, women, children, elderly and their pets that he can only psychologically deal with the guilt by placing the blame not on Hamas, but on Bibi and Israel. Like the poem about the snake, he’s saying, “You knew I was an Arab when you met me.” I’m glad I no longer have to endure his sniveling, pandering updates.

    11. AA, wow. Comin' out guns a blazin'. Biff! BAM! Pow!

      When I first encountered JD's Mideast Prophecy Updates it was a refreshing breeze coming from one behind a pulpit, esp with his long tenure in that pursuit to speak to the prophetic, so endemic to Scripture & Our Lord, yet completely absent the entire cabal of ignorant, brainwashed and derelict pastors at large in the Western church. For about a year or more his updates were my weekly 'church' service, vicariously, and it was a blessing.

      Then came The Great Wonder, which we all also know has served as the Great Acid test of many in the BoC. The default pastoral arrogance JD displayed as he poo-poo'ed the Sign, so completely illustrated the thin veneer you refer to that I immediately dropped JD like a hot potato. From my perspective, it felt as if the sign, not having come from his own studies, but from others, and the quickly building popular uprising of word of it spreading, turned JD into a polite scoffer, at best, and I was personally deeply offended by his response and his callous handling of the Things Of Our Lord And His People. As his clear personal perspective/agenda overshadowed his ministry there was no longer any meat for me at his table and I left it having felt robbed of the authenticity of the prior time spent with him.

      Still, it is a tough call. Ofc we all have our foibles, in Kingdom matters as well as every other area, and as a brother in Christ we are called to bring the Fruit of The Spirit to our rebuke. Thus, Sheila B.'s rejoinder, Blessings, is wise. The vitriol in your characterization speaks of both a similar injury to your spirit, as you've encountered the weaknesses in JD's persona, as well as a cutting critique with which I would not argue.

      While Pastors and Preachers attain to a higher standard, may we each find space to dwell in forgiveness in this, to meditate on the impermeability of The Armor Of Our Lord Upon Our Spirits Against Such Errors and the grace to sidestep the injury to our expectations, knowing that ONLY Christ is without such error and that everyone else in the family will disappoint us at some point. May our brothers and sisters in The Lord find that kindness towards ourselves, as well, when we, likewise, stumble. Shalom.

      Proverbs 27:6; Romans 14:1

    12. Blessings, Jimboni. I recall that you had stopped listening to JD but was unclear as to exactly why. Thank you for the clarification. I was not yet an online viewer of his when TGW happened, so, I didn’t know how contemptuously he treated such a pivotal, once-in-a-lifetime event. It seems to be a Calvary Chapel “thing” ala Jack Hibbs’ similar dismissal. Billy Crone, who often subs for JD, also expressed disdain for TGW.

      There are some subjects I am willing to fight to the death over and Israel is one of them. Maybe it’s simplistic of me, but, I’ve always thought if one loves the Lord, one would naturally love Israel and His Chosen People. The last few weeks have illustrated the naïveté of my position.

      What looks like one million Hamas fans showed up in DC, pressing on the gates of the WH. It appears that terrorist entity has no less than 1-2 billion supporters on this planet. Then, we have the likes of a JD Farag, who all these years purported to be an ardent supporter of Israel and the Apple of God’s Eye. Less than 24 hours after the genocide, when the scope of the ferocious attack was still coming to light, most of his Update was devoted to everyone but the actual victims. Same thing the following week.

      I appreciate your and Sheila B’s gracious comments and the wisdom of such. Maybe, one day, I can attain such patience and understanding. I will never recover from the stories, pictures and videos I have seen of the atrocities perpetrated against the innocents who had the misfortune of being completely unarmed, in houses not made into fortresses, having only a fence separating them from demons just biding their time. Never before have the Words of 1 Peter 5:8 bludgeoned me so thoroughly. I don’t think I can ever enjoy anything quite the same again. It’s another reason I long for the Escape we are all anticipating, more so now than ever. John Haller is correct is his assessment, paraphrasing, that one’s treatment of Israel will be the most divisive issue of our time. I think Sheila B is right about shadows of the Sheep and Goat Judgment looming large, and I’m an all-or-nothing kinda gal.

    13. AA, Sheila, Jimboni, I wasn't going to weigh in on this, as being an wants-to-be-oil-on-the-waters- personality I don't feel I have anything substantive to contribute--other than in alignment with Sheila, who already expressed it beautifully. AA, Like you Israel is one of my "hills to die on"--vehemently supportive, but the land and the Remnant/True Jews (as in any culture there are deviants. I am white, but that doesn't make me a white supremacist). I'm stunned and appalled by the massive outpouring of anti-semitic demonstrations world wide! Where in the world did so many people even come from--like hornets pouring out of an underground nest??? For me God's eternal promise and choice of Israel is non-negotiable. I would never enter the doors of a Replacement Theology church. That having been said TGW is another issue. While I believe it is indeed The Great Wonder, and I don't understand how pastors of the ilk you mentioned don't see it that way, it is not a deal breaker for me--per se. It is not a doctrinal issue, and that is why I decided to join this conversation. Israel, and her place in God's plan is. Big difference. I think most here would agree about Israel. It seems to me, in my truly humble opinion, that in these days it is important to focus on the doctrines that unite us. Yes, there are "secondary" issues we can and do differ/agree on, but the orthodox foundations of the faith remain at the top of the list for things non-negotiable. That includes the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, which I know is not a universally accepted foundational doctrine. It is, however, for me, another hill to die on so to speak--a deal breaker for giving credence to a teacher/pastor/writer/speaker.

      That being said, and I haven't gone back to re-watch the JD vid being referenced, I did watch it the day he delivered it. Yes, he mentioned Trump and Bibi, but I must have missed something, because I didn't take it as blaming Israel for the Hamas attacks but rather in the context of their positions regarding the 2 state solution and the jab for which there will be huge accountability for them. At any rate, I appreciate all of you and your contributions to this site, always bringing us news and points of view to ponder.

    14. Blessings, dear Judi. I left a comment at WW65’s YTC about JD and two other subs also mentioned their discomfort listening to him commiserate with the “Palestinians” rather than the actual victims of the attack. When I tuned into his prophecy update on Oct 8, I frankly expected to hear much from him regarding what took place in Israel the previous day. So, I waited and waited and never heard the sympathy I expected. Instead, I heard something about governments clearly being capable of such attacks. Was that really the time and place to start that rabbit trail? His shed copious tears for the Arabs, who actually celebrated what happened. The following week, he talked about Bibi supposedly selling the medical files of Israelis to Phizer. SMH. Again, was that appropriate? These seemed to me attempts to misdirect and divert attention from the monsters who committed atrocities that would make Nazis blush. I don’t know what he has said since then because I’ve stopped listening to him, frankly, out of disgust.

      Billy Crone’s stance on TGW wasn’t a deal-breaker for me. It’s just a subject I agree to disagree with him on. When it comes to Israel, I refuse to listen to anyone, Christian or not, who is an adversary as it’s tantamount to fighting against God Himself, imho. The headlines at Drudge are terrifying. The Israeli government has cautioned Jews against traveling anywhere(!). God have mercy on them. The little Strip of Land is having to battle the entire world.

  39. Hamas snipers have reportedly gunned down dozens of women and children who are trying to escape Gaza traveling north to south.

  40. Eyes Open has put up a 1 min video of a bell ringing in the sky, one view of which appears to have a crack . . .

    Makes me think of the John Donne poem "For Whom the Bell Tolls." No question but that there are parallels to current events. Non-Jews will soon find out the Jews are not the only hated group . . .

  41. For Whom the Bell Tolls

    No man is an island,
    Entire of itself.
    Each is a piece of the continent,
    A part of the main.
    If a clod be washed away by the sea,
    Europe is the less.
    As well as if a promontory were.
    As well as if a manor of thine own
    Or of thine friend's were.
    Each man's death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in mankind.
    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the bell tolls,
    It tolls for thee.

    1. We are all in the same boat; all desperately needing the only Savior.

    2. Thanks a bunch, Judi--No, I will definitely check it out!

  42. Acts 4:
    8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the People and Elders,

    9 if we are being Examined Today concerning a Good Deed done to a Crippled Man, by what means this Man has been Healed,

    10 let it be known to all of You and to all the People of Israel that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you Crucified, whom GOD raised from the Dead—by Him this Man is standing before you well.

  43. A video of The Return of the King 20.58 min. The more the video goes on, the more interesting I find it.
    At the Rapture: Where Will We Meet?

  44. Replies
    1. I hadn't finished this when posted the link--basically on Western Civilization vs liberal progressivism, interesting that he gets it--

  45. Unsealed has posted Greg Lauer's article Where Is This Going?

    After reading it, I left this Comment:
    Greg, your well-researched insight into the current Middle East War helps clear up A LOT in my opinion.

    I realize you are not a fan of modern day prophecies, however, were you aware that it has been foretold that first would come The Two-State Solution then the Birth of the Man Child ? I have been writing about this for a while now but links to the specific prophecies are in:
    Prophecy of the Shin/Trident and Our Transformation

    As you wrote in your above article, 3. Israel must be at rest--NOT at war.
    If this current Middle East war ends and there is some type of agreement incorporating the Two-State Solution, it would be an historic "covenant" (bᵊrîṯ--pledge; treaty; league) that could then be what is "confirmed" (gāḇar--strengthened) in Daniel 9:27.

    In the scenario you suggest, this prophecy is looking more and more a possibility!

    1. Respectfully, I beg to differ. There is nothing I see indicating anything other than further escalation as well covered by WW65.

      So far, I put my chips on KoolCat's model where (1) the Rapture stops the war, followed THEN by (2) the peace treaty spoken of above, followed THEN by (3) the destruction of USA and Western Powers as revealed in Psalm 124 & The Great American Eclipse 2.0 (AC + Aliens + missiles, et al) followed THEN by (4) the surprise attack against the "hidden ones' spoken of in re Psalm 83 (Israeli remnant) leading to Israel's rise to sole superpower status, globally, during Jacob's trouble followed THEN by (5) the final surprise, ultimate payback attack v Israel as moved by Christ to do so, followed THEN by the 2nd Coming Of Christ With Us Beside Him And The Millennial Kingdom and the Manchild Co-Ruling With Christ As Written.


    2. (3) is 2014; (4) is Psalm 83 war; (5) Ezekiel 38 war, 2030 2nd coming: Maranatha!

    3. I hope KoolCat is right, dear Brother! Nonetheless, COME LORD JESUS, COME!

  46. Replies
    1. TY Carol…my Prayer of late has been ‘Dear Lord, How do we rightly stand with YOU in the midst of so much hatred for Your Chosen People?”

      Then I came across this 10 minute testimonial tonight and I do believe it’s speaking the Heart of God for when we are confronted with the unfathomable and evil depths of the enemy’s hatred for His people:

      @Mikayla Kooper (TDM) YTC
      “Radical Muslim hated Israel UNTIL God did this…(POWERFUL)”
      (10 min.)

  47. “ Make no mistake - I can see a satanic attack regarding Israel coming not only from the progressive left and Muslim world. I see the possibility growing also among so called “Christians”. Apart from standard replacement theology preachers, there are the white supremacy nationalists who are trending on social media. Joining them are those who are into conspiracy theories. More and more Israeli Jews are approaching me asking why is it that even the Christians are turning now against Israel. I keep telling them that true Christians are still there to love and support the Jewish people. They then show me posts from people whom they considered friends, and to their astonishment those posts are full of lies and satanic propaganda such as, “The evil government of Israel did that to its people to help the government in America.”

    This is classic Holocaust denial. Eighty years ago the same type of people accused the Jews of instigating the Holocaust so they could have a Jewish state. Only a sick and diabolical mind can come up with such nonsense. God will eventually judge them, and I will do everything I can to expose them!
    If you belong to this cult of “Israel is behind it”, I am asking you to leave this channel and not be part of any of Behold Israel platforms or activities.”-Amir Tsarfati


    “ For the first time ever, Israel was pushed to the ends of the Earth last week.

    Last Tuesday, it was announced that the Arrow missile defense system shot down a ballistic missile for the first time, in this instance fired at Israel by Houthi rebels in Yemen.

    The IDF stated that air force systems tracked the missile’s trajectory and intercepted it “at the most appropriate operational time and location.”

  49. From a few days ago @Hope For Our Times YTC:
    “Israel Night | LIVE with Pastor Tom Hughes” (about 1:20:00)

    Pastor Tom really helps to clarify this demonic and global situation we are seeing from the Biblical perspective. In the midst of this current war that Israel is rightfully and necessarily waging in self-defense, as the BOC we must remember that God is moving His Prophetic Time Clock forward to fulfill His Plan for their Salvation. And we know from the Scriptures that it’s not going to be a very pleasant trip. BUT GOD…HE will be The One to get them there. And we as the BOC must be in full agreement with His Desire and His Plans for them and praying for them every step of the way. The satanically inspired calls of this deceived world for their demise will never ever prevail.

    Meanwhile in the short time we have left in this world, we must be supportive of Israel’s need to
    de-head this snake while fulfilling the mission of the Church in sharing the Gospel and praying for as many whosoevers as will to call upon the Name of Jesus Christ for their Salvation and a changed heart.🙏

  50. The most important watch week of the year 2023?

    Yom Kippur 2030 (Jubilee Year):
    7. October 2030 (7 years after the start of the war in Israel)

    The next days are 1260 days before Passover 2027: April 21/22, 2027 – April 29, 2027 (Mid Trib) and 2520 days before Yom Kippur 2030 (October 6/7, 2030)

    # November 8, 2023 + 1260 days = April 21, 2027 + 1260 days = October 2, 2030
    # November 9, 2023 + 1260 days = April 22, 2027 + 1260 days = October 3, 2030
    # November 10, 2023 + 1260 days = April 23, 2027 + 1260 days = October 4, 2030
    # November 11, 2023 + 1260 days = April 24, 2027 + 1260 days = October 5, 2030
    # November 12, 2023 + 1260 days = April 25, 2027 + 1260 days = October 6, 2030
    # November 13, 2023 + 1260 days = April 26, 2027 + 1260 days = October 7, 2030

    November 11, 2023 is making the most sense to me, because April 24, 2027 is 3500 days after the Rel.12 Sign (7 × 500 days).


    1. Stephan...I agree, the next 7 days are a very important watch week for 2023.   If we are to be Raptured this year it will likely happen during this time frame, in my humble opinion.   I might extend it one more day to 11/14, since it will be 1 month after the "Wedding Ring" Eclipse.   Plus, in the Bible, the number 14 represents deliverance or salvation.   Should we still be here after the 14th, there's a good chance Lu will be issuing "2024 Rapture Certificates" to everyone in the world (ha, ha!) or a least those of us that are enrolled in his Bible Prophecy 101 Class!

    2. Bob, I agree. November 14 is also possible.
      It is exactly 70 years and 66 months after the rebirth of Israel.
      And 1 month after the Wedding Ring Eclipse!
      I am really excited!

    3. And October 8 could be Yom Kippur in 2030 because we don't know when the New Moon will be sighted

    4. Stephen, thank you for encouraging us with those numbers!

      Macron's Peace Forum this weekend might result in a resolution to the current Middle East conflict. According to the website:
      the Forum will take place November 10-11. It may not yet be the Rapture, but I'm expecting something VERY PROPHETIC to occur on 11-11.


    A significant military escalation is taking place in the Middle East as the United States deploys an impressive array of strategic assets, including B1-B Lancer bombers. One of these bombers, recently seen flying over Saudi Arabia, was equipped with a sniper shooting system - an advanced targeting system that enables precise attacks from long distances. This development implies preparation for possible conflicts, where Iran seems to be the focus of interest.

    In a significant show of force, two B1-B Lancers bombers were stationed in Turkey, close to Iran. These bombers are not only capable of carrying nuclear warheads but are now in a position to use over 50 B61 drop nuclear bombs stored at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey under NATO's nuclear sharing program.

    Adding to the strategic confusion is the movement of the Ohio-class submarine, considered a critical element of the US nuclear triad, into the area of ​​responsibility of US Central Command. This submarine may be the USS Florida, which carries Tomahawk cruise missiles with nuclear warheads and has become a key asset to any aggressive or retaliatory nuclear strategy.

    The deployment of F-15E Strike Eagles in Jordan also contributes to this build-up. These aircraft are specially adapted for deep strike missions and are the only aircraft approved to carry the B61-12, the latest generation of nuclear drop nuclear bombs, characterized by advanced guidance systems for maximum accuracy.

    The broad military context includes the provision of an impressive troop force in the region. Includes the Eisenhower and Gerald Ford aircraft carrier groups, a Marine unit, two French helicopter carriers, and the British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

    Political actions are taking place at the same time as the military build-up. The United States House of Representatives recently approved a resolution, by an overwhelming majority, that requires preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Moreover, senior senators are considering a bipartisan resolution that could pave the way for an official declaration of war on Iran, if forces linked to it, such as Hezbollah, harm American or Israeli interests.

    A concentration of military alertness and political will indicates an unprecedented level of preparedness for a conflict that may include nuclear weapons. The presence of the B1-B Lancers bombers, with their nuclear capabilities and advanced targeting systems, is particularly indicative of the United States' preparations for a high-precision, high-risk operation. As vast amounts of equipment, munitions and people continue to be moved into the region, the possibility of an aggressive nuclear attack on Iran becomes more likely, especially in light of heightened security concerns and recent attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria.

    In summary, the situation is dire, with military, political and strategic indicators pointing to an imminent confrontation in the Middle East, where the United States and its allies appear poised for a possible aggressive strike to deter Iran's nuclear ambitions. “(SP) Amir Tsarfati

  52. Ty Green: At The White House Gates | Here's Where This Is Headed 13.16

  53. Family, Blessings

    OK, so like, now its a Rubik's Cube which Only The Mind Of Christ Can Pierce. @Many Fishers 04:45
    Or, maybe some number crunchers in here...

    11/11 Phoenix 88 OutaTime Hoover Dam Goat 444 Twin Towers 911

  54. “ An Israeli - American decision was made to destroy Hezbollah.

    The arrival of the American Naval Forces reminds me of what the United States did before its invasion of Iraq in 2003, especially after the Israeli Defense Minister announced his intention to eliminate the existential threat in the north and south of Israel, therefore 99% we will go to war.

    The situation in Lebanon will change, and the war will not stop until resolutions 1559 and 1701 are implemented, the political system (in Lebanon) will change as the balance of power changes in the region.

    Hezbollah is aware of this, and therefore it did not do so (start a war) and will not enter a war voluntarily, knowing that the decision is neither in its hands nor in the hands of Iran.

    In the United States it is said that US President Joe Biden aims to kill Hassan Nasrallah, similar to what happened to bin Laden who was killed by Barack Obama and Qassem Soleimani who was killed by Donald Trump.

    This is one of the strongest indications that the decision to go to war has already been made, let's not forget that Hezbollah, according to the US, is a terrorist organization.

    This US naval mobilization is unprecedented and is just as vulnerable as the forces mobilized for the invasion of Iraq.

    The mobilization of these forces is not a deterrent need, the US has 11 aircraft carriers deployed around the world, which gives it the ability to intervene in any area they want in no more than three hours, and these aircraft carriers are the secret of the power of the United States.

    My little comment

    Nasrallah knows that he is next in line after Gaza or while the IDF is attacking in the south, his situation in Lebanon is particularly bad at the political level, a regional war will completely change all the balances of power in the region, he is well aware of this, and this is the big question, will he sacrifice his organization and Lebanon?” - Amir Tsarfati

    (Abu Saleh)

  55. “ ISRAELI STRIKE IN SYRIA: explosions were heard in Damascus, the air defense systems were activated !” -Amir Tsarfati

  56. September 23, 2017 - November 11, 2023 = 2240 days
    Strongs 2240 = will come
    2240 = 8 x 280 (days of a pregnancy)

  57. Hey folks...check out this very encouraging video by "He cometh with the Clouds" concerning the Venus-Moon Occultation that will take place tomorrow(11/9).   He does an excellent job comparing this heavenly sign (potential day of the Rapture) with the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017.   Start around the 6:20 minute mark for a detailed discussion and screenshots from stellarium.

    Other than T.W. Tramm, very few watchmen are discussing this heavenly sign, which I don't understand why.   As I posted earlier, the Occultation of the Moon + Venus could signify the coming together/Wedding Ceremony between Jesus, the Bright and Morning Star and the Bride of Christ, the Moon.  If nothing else, it's a very encouraging sign to start this 6-7 day "High Watch Period"! 

  58. Watching a live stream of Gaza right now: intense gunfire and explosions, non-stop

    1. Sounds like the finale in a fireworks show with explosions mixed in

    2. Quick 'Lil KoolCat review as to why that is a good thing for those of us hoping for an earlier exit.

      1. The current conflict is the TRAVAIL of Rev 12:2.

      2. This conflict/'travailing' refers specifically to enduring the process of the birth, itself and that birth, referred to earlier in 12:1, is the rapture of the man child, us.
      "2 And she *being with child (*co-existing with Christians, her offspring) cried, *travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered."

      3. The "sheltered ones" referred to in Psalm 83:3 speak of those taken to a place of safety once Israel ambush attacked unexpectedly (Rev 12:6) after the post-rapture peace deal is broken. This, affirming that this conflict is NOT the Psalm 83 war.

      "3 They have taken crafty counsel against Your people,
      And consulted together against Your *sheltered ones."

      4. Psalm 83 identifies the "tents of Edom" as among the participants in the Psalm 893 war, and those are the residents of GAZA, many of whom actually dwell there, in tents, to this day:
      "For they have consulted together with one consent;
      They form a confederacy against You:
      6 The *tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites;"

      5. Therefore, the tremendous successes on the battlefield of the past 2 days, as harbingers of the eradication of Hamas, speak of the elimination, within days, of a people group which Scripture says will not be eliminated, yet.

      6. Thus, this situation affirms KoolCat's work concerning the number '8' (see his last live) as leading to a likely Harpazo in or around 11/12/23 and certainly not much past that if things continue as they are in Gaza. MIBS!


    3. KJV should be ref'd in all the above for better word-matches.

    4. I heard the IDF has the so-called “mastermind” of the attack cornered in his bunker.

  59. Bro Chooch had a very interesting post yesterday, tho I'm just now watching it. Lu/Stephan, we need your input. He poses some fascinating number correlations regarding the GASE-X and a similar one over Egypt beginning in 2027- 43 mins

  60. Blessings, Fam.

    My 19 yr-old cat Scotty had a major seizure at 2AM. It has been 10 months since his first. This one was much more violent. His head and rear alternately smacking the living room carpet as he made a circular pattern. I had fallen asleep on the couch and believe the sound woke me up. It was difficult to recognize what was happening at first as it looked like he was almost flying in a circle. If you can kindly mention his name in your prayers, I’d be very grateful. Thanks and blessings. 🐈‍⬛

    1. I pray for your cat AA! We love our pets so much that we hate seeing them suffer or be sick.

    2. Thanks very much, dear Carole!

  61. Greg L.’s 11/7/23 COMMENTARY:
    Re Israel’s very public 11/6 National Day of Prayer being answered by God “in spades”.
    So Heads UP! because that is coming and so is Jesus Christ Coming for His Church.🙏⬆️

    1. Beyond thrilling to see this all happening in real time✈️✈️✈️

  62. RE: The 2 Great Egyptian Total Solar Eclipses?
    PART 1/5

    So, you asked for one’s Assessment? No Problem. OK. This will be a Deep Dive and Chart Heavy, as one found the Topic very Interesting. The Factors all correspond to one’s Research over the Years. The following is just one’s Assessment and Interpretation, nothing more. It is based on one’s Observations and Commentary of the up-coming 2 Egyptian Total Solar Eclipses, as presented from the YouTube Channel, ‘TOL’, Thinking Out Loud. But since we have many Posts to spare, one will take advantage of the Lull and use them to Post one’s Response.

    It was a Very Good Presentation by Brother Stephan or better known as ‘Chooch’, regarding the Study of the Criss-Crossing Egyptian Eclipses occurring in 2027 and 2034. One did listen to the very End, and as to the 1st Part of his Assessment, what he said was and is True. One would totally Agree with how many of us have already written about the ‘Egypt’ Association to the Heartland of the USA. And how the ‘X’ Marks the Spot, is an Ominous Sign of pending Judgment that has kicked-off, in one’s Opinion with the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse. And how that same Year, by 33 Days, the Revelation 12 Sign then occurred. The ‘X’ will be completed on April 8-9, 2024, etc.

    As you all know, one is of the Opinion and Interpretation that the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, along with the Revelation 12 Sign were and are the ‘Rapture Countdown’ Signs to the End of the Church Age. And that they also will coincide with the same Year, 2024 as being the possible Rapture Year that one is presently Conjecturing. But, as one also surmises, the Rapture Event is based on a Summer Wheat White Wedding Typology and Timing. It is an ‘End’ to a Harvest and Church Age Dispensation, as one sees it. Geo-Politically, the events in Israel are exactly being situated for this coming Transfer of the Witness to Jesus.

    Since 1948, the Church Age is and has been in an ‘Overlap’ of Witness, much like it was before 70 AD with the Destruction of the 2nd Temple. If indeed the Church Age started with the New Wine Descent of the Holy Spirit on that Acts 2 Pentecost, it was 70 AD minus 32 AD or a Difference of 38 Years of that ‘Overlap’. This Year Coefficient is, by the way, the same amount of Time that the Invalid was at the Pool of Siloam, trying to get ‘Healed’. See John 5:5. It spoke, Prophetically of the Spiritual Incapacity of Israel, as a whole and Metaphor. Perhaps that is how many Years one can Factor when Israel will begin to be ‘Healed’.

    However, it is if one Doubles that Time-Frame with a 38+38 Factor. Then consider the following Year Supposition of this possible ‘Restoration’ of Israel to start. How so? It is how from that Time, the Invalid Testified of the Healing Power only found in Jesus. That is what Israel must Learn, the Hard Way, i.e., Time of Jacob’s Trouble. It is at the Door for Israel, Geo-Politically. But Israel will rather seek a False Healing from a False Messiah Savior. And that it is because the Bride of Christ is at the Door of Escape that is about to be Opened, as Promised by Jesus to the Philadelphian Type of Church, etc.

    Israel 1948 + 38 Years = 1986 + 38 Years = 2024 (Year of Rapture?)

    1. PART 2/5
      Could this Equation be then the Corresponding Year that the Church Age Ends and the Spiritual Healing Process of Israel Begins? Is it also no Coincidence that the actual Pool of Siloam has been discovered at the South-Eastern Tip of the City of David about 20 Years ago? It was formally announced on August 9, 2005, some 144 Months to the Revelation 12 Sign.

      The Pool accommodated 1000s of Pilgrims as they Washed to become Ceremonially Clean to then Ascend the Pathway, up to the House of YHVH, on the Temple Mount above. Anyway, the 2nd Part of Brother Chooch’s Assessment was Outstanding. Even before he ventured into his Calculations, one paused the Video to ascertain how all these Eclipses were and are tied to the Revelation 12 Sign. That is how Relevant that Sign still is.

      One also then concluded that it was exactly 3,600 Days to the Great Egyptian Eclipse over Luxor on August 2, 2027 from the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017. And this is Significant in what Luxor Represents. More Details below. But one even Posted the Calculations on Stephan’s Comment Section, not realizing later, as one finished the Video that he too came to this same Calculus. Very Cool.

      The Equation Summaries are in the End Notes. What one assessed in the Calculations, are a bit more Details one is just contributing to the Equations and Work already done by Brother Stephan. As part of the Rapture Community one just brings Pieces of the Puzzle together. Now what one interprets the Egyptian Eclipses is that, based on one’s Learning Curve, up this Point in Time, one would hope the Rapture occurs, indeed in 2024.

      As noted, it is because one believes that the Revelation 12 Sign and the Great American Eclipse, both in 2017 are the Final Rapture Signs and Countdown in-play, currently that based on the Apostle Paul, will coincide with some sort of ‘Sudden Destruction’ Event, etc. America is indeed like an ‘Egypt’. And how the Nation has experienced, even before 2017, the Shadow of YHVH’s Judgment of the ‘Gods’ of its People in the Land, just like in Egypt. Note the 6 Years, 6 Months, 6 Weeks Countdown to the Nisan 1 or April 8-9, 2024 3rd and Final Great American Eclipse, from the one that occurred on August 21, 2017.

      Note that from the 2 Great Egyptian Solar Eclipse of August 2, 2027 to the March 20-21, 2034 (Nisan 1, 5794) = 2423 Days also as Stephan realized. Note that this March 20 2034 Eclipse occurs on the Spring Equinox. There have only been 9 since Jesus. This one, hopefully occurs in the Millennial Kingdom to be the 10th, etc. See Chart Link below in the End Notes for a Visual. And if one uses the Ancient 364 Enoch Year, that would = 6.66 Years, precisely. In the case of Egypt, there were 10 Judgments that eventually Destroyed and Bankrupted the entire Nation.

      There was an Exodus of YHVH’s People for the Promised land. And many End Times Students see the Prophetic Parallel of the Pending Rapture Event. It is and it can be likened to a present-Day ‘Egypt’, Pharaoh, Passover and Exodus, etc. In the case of America’s Judgment, there have been Droughts, Floods, Destruction of Crops, Mass Animal Die-Offs, Ebola Outbreak, then the COVID Plandemic Plague, Oil Spills, Radiation from Fukushima, Environmental Disasters as with the Rail Line Chemical Spills, Food Plant Sabotage, etc.

    2. PART 3/5
      In the USA, there is rampant Drug Use, a Fentanyl Epidemic, Mental Illness, Depression, Anxiety, Suicide, Abortion, and now Gender Identity Confusion and Endless Wars. The Nation is Divided and it will Fall. It is also like in the case of Nineveh, who also experienced a similar Total Solar Eclipse that occurred just before Jonah arrived. In that initial case, Nineveh Repented. America has not and sadly will not. It has instead Hardened its ‘Heart’, like Pharaoh.

      And that is why one believes the Prophetic Typology has been chosen with the Egypt correlation, even right down to the Mississippi River, the Glass Pyramid in Memphis, as in Memphis, Egypt and it divided the Land between the North and the South. Truly Amazing Parallels. But the Eclipses are Ominous Signs to the Nations. What the Great Egyptian Eclipse of August 2, 2027 also will have that one has noted, is where it enters the ‘Old World’, i.e., Europe. It is Signaling the Rise of the AntiChrist Domain. It Path of the Eclipse enters Europe through the Golden Gate.

      This is the Gate called the ‘Pillars of Hercules’. See Chart at End Notes, ‘Gates of Eden’. They are represented by the Rock Formations on either side of Europe and Africa. It is the Gateway to the Mediterranean, which then end in Israel, directly opposite the Golden Gate of these ‘Stone’ Gate. One Rock, that being the Rock of Gibraltar is in Spain, or the British Enclave. And the other Rock is in Morocco. It is rather Amazing that the Sun’s Path on August 2, 2027 will traverse right in-between these 2 Pillars. Then as it reaches its Maximum, over Luxor, what is so peculiar about Luxor? That is where the famous ‘Tempe of Man’ is situated at. It is a Microcosm of the Universe that is also Modeled after the Human Form.

      And it is a Model of the Temple of Solomon also, which in turn Models the Temple of YHVH in Heaven. Ultimately, such Buildings and Temples are a Model of ‘Christ’, as in Jesus. And how it is why Jesus said to the Jewish Sanhedrin, ‘Destroy this Body and I will raise it up in 3 Days’. And it is clear that Jesus insinuated that it pertained to His Body. So, in essence, one’s Physical Body is Truly the Temple of the Holy Spirit. It is a Living and Walking Microcosms of the Universe, Modeled after the Creator. It is truly Amazing. And can one wonder what the Glorified Body will be like? Look like? Feel like? What it will be capable of doing and experiencing?

      See Charts below of how this Luxor Temple of Man was Designed with other Worldwide Temple Complexes as well. And how such Ancient Sacred Sites were Modeled after the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Triangulation Pattern. Why? As you all know, one surmises that there reason why there are 3 Structures, is that in Heaven, wherever that may be, and look like, has 3 Corresponding Temples that are attributed to each of the GOD-Head. This Biblical Truth in how one ascertains the Mystery and Phenomena. One will attempt explain the Correlations. Now, one realizes that this is Deep.

    3. PART 4/5
      But consider that in other Worlds, or Planets…before the Creation of Adam and Eve were placed in Eden, Angels or other Beings, Non-Humans could have been Stationed there, like in Cydonia, Mars for example. And they then would and did also Model their Abodes with this Temple Triangulation Configuration that exists in Heaven. Thus, that same Heavenly Pattern had been and presently still is Replicated all over Earth. This Heavenly Pattern is ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ on Earth. Specifically the 3 Structures are the Massive Pentagon Fortress, the 7 Pyramid Pleiades City and the Face of Mars. How could this be possibly Biblical? Does not the Bible say that ‘GOD is our Mighty Fortress’? Does not the Bible infer that the Face of Jesus is the Shining Reflection of the Father?

      Does the Book of Revelation equate the Holy Spirit with the 7 Branch Menorah? Or the 7 Stars of the Pleiades that are held in the Hands of Jesus? All these 3 Facets disclosed in the Bible are literally in Heaven. And each Structure or ‘Temple’ could very well correspond to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Question? What Testifies or ‘Bears Witness’ in Heaven? What does the Bible teach about Heaven in this regard? Do not Temples or Structures ‘Bear Witness’ or Testify of it being a ‘Monument’ to someone or something? That they ‘Speak’ of Grandeur, Design and Purpose? So, who or what then corresponds to all that is Power and Authority in Heaven? It is the 3 Witnesses of GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Spirit. Or as in other Translations, the ’Water, the Spirit and the Blood’, etc. See 1 John 5:8.

      Thus, one surmises that each has this Model of Structures attributed to them, in some mysterious way. Realize that Heaven has Streets, Buildings, a Throne, Thrones, a Council, the Judicial Court, etc. One is well aware that the New Jerusalem coming down has Physical Dimensions, a Foundation, Doors or Gates. So, all that to say that these 2 coming Great Egyptian Eclipses, hopefully will correspond to Signs for the Jews and the AntiChrist World during the Tribulation Period. Note that the Path of Totality also goes over Mecca and exits the ‘Horn’ of Africa, which is the ‘Back-Door’ or Gateway of what are the 3 Main Continents that model Eden its 4 Main Rivers and 2 Gates, the Golden Gate as the ‘Front Door’, and the Silver Gate, as the ‘Back Door’.

      Note that the Universe has these 2 Gates at either side of its Constitution. Truly Amazing. See Charts of the Gates of Eden for a Visual and Reference to this Notion. Realize that this is why and how the Earthly Jerusalem is also configured in this Heavenly Layout. It has the main ‘Front Door’, the Golden Gate on the Eastern side facing the Mount of Olives. It is where Jesus rode into the City as King, and Messiah on a Donkey. He will enter through them again as His 2nd Coming, but now on a White Horse to Possess the Kingdom. Thus, when the Rapture Gate or Door opens, will that Day and Event correspond to an Astronomical Alignment affecting the Golden Gate?

      Ultimately, it is Jesus that is that Door, that Golden Door, the Double Arches that 1 Day, will open in Heaven as Jesus ushers His Bride to the Chambers of Isiah 26. It will be until the ‘Indignation’ passes and the Judgments upon Earth will befall all of Humanity. But as mentioned, it is for the Restoration and Healing of Israel, foremost and the Judgment of the Nations, the Egypt of the AntiChrist ‘Pharaoh’ in which Moses and Elijah will once again duel-it-out in a Contest of Power and Authority during a Time as it was for Ancient Israel, full of Signs and Wonders, Eclipse and Golden Gates. Selah.

    4. Summary

      SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 – REVELATION 12 SIGN (Tishrei 3, 5778)
      August 2, 2027 Luxor Egypt Solar Eclipse (Tammuz 28, 5787)
      = 3600 Days as in ‘360’, a Full Revelation
      = 9 Years, 10 Months, 10 Days or a ‘9-1-1’ Code

      August 21, 2017 (Av 29, 5777)

      April 8-9, 2024 = Nisan 1, 5784 (Start of 1st Month)

      = 2422 Days
      = or 6 Years, 6 Months, 6 Weeks*

      *From August 20, 2017, Eve of Eclipse to Nisan 1, 5784.
      Alternative result: Monday, April 9, 2024
      If the Smaller Units (Days) are Added 1st

      August 2-3, 2027 (Tammuz 29, 5787) – Eve of Av 1

      March 20-21, 2034 (Nisan 1, 5794)

      = 2423 Days / 364 Enoch Year
      = 6.66 Years

      Luis B. Vega



    5. He's baaack! Thanks, Lu, for this. I am still digesting, of course, but truly appreciate all your reasearch and hard work. I was beginning to worry about you, so glad you have checked again. Thank you, brother. While I find your arguments for a 2024 rapture compelling, it's just hard to see with the pace of world/ME events right now how we can be here that much longer. But God knows and His timing is perfect. Primarily, He will not leave a single one behind who is appointed to be part of the Bride, whenever that person is either conceived or says yes to the offer of the gospel. Blessings--hope your health and provision are sustaining.


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.