An Asteroid is Coming...

April 13th, 2029 This is the date that many experts believe a major asteroid is going to hit the earth. The asteroid, named "Apophis" (Asteroid 99942), is only going to get "scarily close" according to NASA... however they clearly have motive to lie due to the mass panic this would cause. They have been tracking this rock since it's discovery on June 19th, 2004...and along with them many other independent experts...and those experts (which are likely more trustworthy) are sounding the alarm.  In fact, many have accused NASA of intentionally misleading the public about the danger...

If you have studied Revelation, surely you have seen the parallels of the Seal Judgements in chapter 8 to a potential asteroid strike. 
7 The first angel blew his trumpet, and there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, and these were thrown upon the earth. And a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up. 
8 The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. 
9 A third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. 
10 The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 
11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter. 
12 The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night.
Revelation 8:7-12

Apophis will come so close to earth that it will dip below our orbiting communications satellites. It will be the largest, closest thing we have ever observed to come by earth. The orbit we have for it now is uncertain because these things are hard to measure, hard to get an exact distance for, so we cannot tell you exactly what that trajectory will be. - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Jimmy Evans was one of the few mainstream Bible teachers that actually open discussed the Revelation 12 Sign.  So my interest was piqued when he put up this recent video about that asteroid... and I learned about it just this week but many teachers like Thomas Horn have been writing and speaking about it for quite a while.  Check out this video and let us know what you think....
I will be studying this subject more and more in the days to come. I also plan to order Tom Horns book (The Messanger) and see what I think. If any of you have read it please let me know your thoughts. We know that an asteroid is coming at some point, and with the alarming convergence of phrophectic signs that have manifested in the last several years, it seems that this asteroid is right on time... Keep looking up, the Bible is 100% true and Jesus IS coming! Abba Up! Here are a couple more videos for your information:

Prophecy Watchers

700 Club Interview


  1. Brad, thank you for the new thread and another timely one at that. 2 details to flesh out a bit from my earlier studies on such scenarios, much arising from teachings presented by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti.

    1st, aligning with our Eisensteinian model of the fabric of spacetime, specifically where matter tells space how to bend, we conjecture that asteroids, most notably more massive ones, create ripples in the fabric of spacetime, as they pass through it, identical to those made by a boat on the surface of water. Thus, the fore-blast, that is, those events/collisions arriving AHEAD of the main body is not the result of chunks of the rock breaking off and somehow getting ahead of it, which tends to contradict various Newtonian laws of motion and energy, nor the result of a gravitational interaction between the asteroid and it's neighbors, themselves, though this does account for events ATTENDANT to the primary impact, and following after (1/3 the stars) . Instead, this dynamic refers to what boaters will know as the bow-shock wave. In short, the gravitational interaction between the mass of the asteroid and spacetime ITSELF create a 'wave', of sorts, in the fabric of spacetime, which travels ahead of the asteroid (boat) with the same velocity and energetic potential. Even moreso this dynamic is a MAGNIFICATION of the originating force (mass) due to it being a 3-dimensional bow-shock wave, unlike in boating with a 2-dimensional surface, also being reduced by inertia, which is absent re the fluid motion of spacetime being hampered by nothing. It is this bow-shock wave itself interacting with and collecting and sweeping a WAVE of materials AHEAD of an impacting object which is testified To In The Revelation. Furthermore, when you see BLOOD amongst the things in the sky events foretold remember the living things in the skies as well as passengers on aircraft during it.

    2nd, and Pastor Steve C. added some thought provoking details to this also, where we see it spoken of "1/3 of" various things being destroyed. In the global model, when an asteroid and its attendant fields of debris, ahead, alongside and behind, arrive in the form of a large curved wave, being wider than the plant, itself, the exposed impact area of a globe facing this 'wave' is precisely 1/3 of the planetary surface. Thus, these details perfectly align, and seemingly affirm, the asteroid impact model perfectly. Going further to what is mentioned in the videos, above, the resultant debris filed would then also, initially, cover/darken 1/3 of the skies above the earth. Pastor Steve's 'add' was that, IF this '1/3' were specifically North, Central and South America, then (1) Israel, The Apple Of Abba's Eye, is untouched, which fits the Whole Of Scripture, and (2), the absence of the U.S Superpower from ET events aligns perfectly. Certainly, you noted Mr. Tom Horn putting the impact zone DIRECTLY into that spot, i.e. the center of the Americas in the Western Hemisphere.

    The next question begged by all the truth, above, remains: how does this timeline possibly align with the moments now unfolding?


  2. Oops, sorry, I 'spaced' this one. #3, using the Americas as the impact area is the ONLY possible "1/3" of our planet, currently, which, if impacted, would result in the specific fractional loss of life foretold, as a fraction of the whole. Use any other "1/3" slice and the number killed is far more, or less, than called for in Scripture. So it was written, ...

  3. Thanks for the videos. I had heard of Apophis before. But according to Mr Horn on the video, maybe the start of the great tribulation would be in 2025 around the Feast of Tabernacles, which is scheduled to be October 6-13 according to the schedule, if my translation from English to French is correct, what would be "around" the date of the rapture?

  4. Not even referring to the article published here…it’s sort of amusing, looking around the internet, watching people already shifting and massaging their End Time models and forecasts in order to make room for this only “possible” thing. While all along, the world could get torn to shreds by an object not even discovered until about 90 days or less before it strikes. This is basically a another hyper-dramatized bit of click bait, without once entering the realm of “with God all things are possible”. But meanwhile people are wringing their hands with glee about another “sign”.

    No, it’s just another morsel of mildly interesting junk news. The Lord doesn’t need this thing any more than He “needed” Trump…or his replacement. We should spend a lot more of the available time trying to reach others, most especially the people outside our comfort zone, or our “culture”, such as it is.

  5. Anonymous, blessings, thanks for your comment, I don't know if this is junk news like you mention, but I know that on my side, I bear witness to salvation in Jesus Christ and I also like to listen to the videos. As for you, as it is written, (it's quite fun, looking around the internet, watching people already moving and massaging their End Times models and predictions in order to make room for this one. "possible" thing) but that you certainly must (spend much more free time trying to reach others, especially people outside our comfort zone, or our "culture" as it is. ) You do well to remind us that we must serve our great God, reaching others above all! ;-)

  6. Anonymous....I concur....this is junk news. There's plenty of other signs to be watching, in that we don't need to be adding conspiracy theories to the list. Does anyone really believe that a secret like this (asteroid collision) would be kept secret with the thousands of people involved with independent calculations from multiple countries?? The whistleblowers would be out en masse , eager to get the data to the public. Having come from the Intelligence field, I'm often amused by what people think the government is hiding. I was 'read in' to multiple TS SAP (Special Access Programs), some of which the public might assume there are "cool" secrets they're not telling us. I can tell you that classified information boils down to capabilities, sources, and methods. Sure, they can do some amazing things on the battlefield, but our government is not hoarding alien hardware, it's not hiding any known apocalyptic future events, it's not changing the weather, there are no chemtrails, they didn't stage 9-11, and yes, they actually went to the moon. People, the enemy (Satan) is out there. He's cunning and deceiving, and he's using these things to incite fear, and distract us from spreading the Gospel. Let's focus on the signs that Jesus told his Disciples about. Focus on the Middle East, where prophetic pawns are moving into place. And focus on getting the 'Good News' out there! I just returned from church summer camp, and was able to witness dozens of youth accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Granted, I returned with COVID, but fortunately I was fully vaccinated, so only experiencing mild symptoms. And it was worth the experience of seeing 460 teenagers lifting their hands in praise at 11 PM under the moonlight, not caring when bedtime was. Truly awe-inspiring. Which is probably why I'm a little Blessings to each and every one of you!

  7. Those are an interesting set of twins of similar thoughts on this. As to the first I would ask, with what, specifically will you be reaching out with? The Gospel? Oh, they've heard that already, having zero impact. Fairy tales. By contrast, I know of numerous people who became saved, accepting the Truth of The Gospel AFTER being impacted by the work of ministries such as Answers in Genesis which connects OBSERVABLE events with Scriptural realities. This also aligns with Christ's teachings Concerning Secular Man Accepting as factual material phenomena but stumbling at Spiritual things. Matthew 16:3; Luke 12:56 . In like manner, this package of details, regardless of its actual veracity, will definitely be Used Of Christ To Shake Some Vain Imaginations Which are set up in peoples minds against the Things Of God. Your dismissiveness strikes me as interestingly immediate, contrived, shallow and agenda driven; but that's just me.

    As for the echo which also reflexively follows, truly, your indoctrination has been complete. Your credentials do not fortify your statements of "fact", as you know them, also entirely dismissive of very many things about which you likely know nowhere near as much as you've been led (fed) to believe. Quite the contrary, your creds entirely indict your objectivity and yours is among the first line of deception and actual truth would lie far above your grade, sir, though I do appreciate your sincere perspective and service. The same aroma lingers in the air in both posts and I smell a rat, or several, actually. Fascinating.

    By the way, is everyone getting black page with muted grey text or just my PC being odd?

  8. Black and gray here too and I 100pc agree. Coincidentally,

    Cognate: 460 anómōs (an adverb) – lawlessly, acting without God's light (the written revelation of the Bible). 460 (anómōs) particularly refers to pagan behavior (perspective). See 458 (anomia).

  9. “Will” should be meeting the Lord soon. “Fully vaccinated” means Will doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know. “Nony” just chimes in with cheap, intellectually vacuous bilge occasionally.


  10. I noticed the black page and muted grey text immediately.

  11. Brad’s gonna try to get this typeface fixed, but it will be late tonight when he can get to it. Thanks for bearing with it everyone. I know it’s hard on the eyes, but praying it won’t be a big issue to clear up😊🙏

  12. It used to be that people would question the effectiveness of a vaccine if they still became ill after taking it. But now, they double down on how great the vaccine is. I don’t know if this is the great delusion, but it sure is starting to look that way.

  13. Just a few years ago I could not imagine how people would be deceived by the antichrist.

    Now after watching the sheeple of the world getting their vaccines like it's a fashion statement....

    I can not imagine how people will NOT be deceived by the antichrist.

    I will seek someone out with covid and pay them to caught in my face for 10 minutes before I take that injection.

    I will take a bullet to the head before taking that shot.

  14. cough in my face..not caught ....

  15. 😂Will...are you still working for the government and you are just here to help us??

    And the Scriptures do mention Wormwood, so something big is surely coming and if it’s something Scripture warns about, then it deserves our attention. Would our friendly and now openly Marxist leaning ‘censoring’ govt. inform us? I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. But Rev.1:3 KJV is a verse you might want to consider more before deriding others who do look into these things.

    Seriously, I pray that the jibj@bs do you no serious harm, but they apparently are not an actual
    v@€€in£ as you did get the C anyway. They are experimental gene therapy—no ifs, ands, or buts and everyone who takes them has become part of Big Pharma’s human experiment, who btw have a less than stellar track record when it comes to collateral damage and when it comes to this, no liability
    for death and injury. I do Pray all goes well with you and yours re
    your health.🙏

  16. Sheila...I retired last year in order to spend more time volunteering at the church where my wife serves as the youth pastor. I also wanted to participate as a missionary overseas (Cuba was just canceled, but we're doing Costa Rica in August, and Ecuador in October.) Just trying to reach those last few before the door to the Ark closes.

    In reference to our Marxist leaning government, yes, I agree....the policies and doctrine being promoted now are not Biblically sound....and that's an understatement. However, when we speak about the government hiding things from the public....especially BIG things like a future asteroid collision, you're talking about hundreds of people trying to keep this secret. And mind you, many of these are Christians. IT'S JUST NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Our government is way too bloated and frankly.....just not collectively intelligent enough for an operation such as this. Even in the most sensitive programs I participated in with a 'need to know' at an absolute minimum, there were dozens of agents 'read in'. Bits of info are often leaked between classification levels, and whistleblowers get a hold of the big things, like Snowden leaking the unlawful collection on citizens. In summary, I believe the masses give our government WAY to much credit. Now once the Rapture takes place, all bets are off. The propaganda that is pushed now will be stepped up several notches, and with no one holding back the enemy, there WILL be a great delusion....without a doubt.

    About the vaccine, yes I understand it's not approved and comes with several risks. However, I looked at the data and decided the risk was worth it. My doctor said I would very likely be put on a ventilator if I caught it (I have multiple service disabilities with my lungs), and the vaccine would help mitigate that risk. My military Doc and my VA Doc said the same thing. I trusted them, and they were right. I am currently recovering very well. I do know several people here with similar 'high risk underlying symptoms' which got COVID-19 prior to the vaccine rollout and they all struggled hard with it, a couple passing away from it. The others have long term lingering health issues from it. One of the ones that died from it was in my daughter's boyfriend's family, so it hit close to home. Now when it comes to my children, I do not recommend the vaccine. Why? Because the data shows that they will do fine with COVID and develop a natural immunity. Anyways, sorry about the rambling......and the answer is YES....I'm just trying to help. None of us have all of the answers, but when we come together, we sharpen each other like iron sharpens iron. I believe time is short, as in 3 years max, before the Bride is taken to the Bridegroom, and honestly, my mission now is to tell the good news to those with an open heart and mind. A year ago my focus was completely different, but thank the Lord, he's given me some extra time, and now all I want to know is Christ, and Him crucified.

    Blessings to you Sheila

  17. Jeremiah 17:5 says, “Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” And Will said, “my military doc and my VA doc said the same thing. I TRUSTED them and they were right.” Of course, the being right part is an opinion stated as a fact. What is noticeably absent from your testimony is seeking the Lord in prayer before you made the decision. I wonder how many children at that camp may have been sickened because of your choice. That’s unfortunate.

  18. Cheryl, after praying for a week prior to getting the vaccine, the Holy Spirit inside of me said to trust my doctors.

    If you think that the vaccine gives you the virus, I'm honestly not sure how to convince you otherwise. There's ample peer-to peer reviewed resources out there.

    Blessings Sister

  19. I don’t know whether it does or not. And neither do you. I also know God is not the author of confusion. I will pray for you that God will keep you and others around you safe.

  20. @Will...I pray it was the right choice for you with your mitigating factors and I am glad to hear you are sparing your kids the associated risks. I’m really concerned that they are publicly admitting the heart damage being done to so many young people and in spite of the benefit/risk analyses are still pushing this thing—which tells me that for them it’s never been about the CV, but about the V which deserves to be thoroughly investigated. And it’s not the govt. goons that I overestimate, it’s the satanic spirit behind them that should not be underestimated. None—not one whose criminality has been exposed has been held accountable for anything as yet.
    The problem is that no matter how ridiculous or harmful their evil actions are to anyone with half a brain, it is held up and accepted as sensible and logical by the majority who refuse to recognize the conspiracy “facts” with most evil deeds historically having been accomplished through some kind of “conspiracy”. (Gen.3:4,5)

    And yes, I too know someone who died from the C, but likely would not have with the proper treatment which was denied based on false info from the medical liar in chief. This person was denied any kind of treatment until he developed pneumonia and could no longer breathe, then put on a vent and dead in 3 days. He was only in his 40’s. He left behind a devastated 17 yr old daughter while the medicine he needed early on was right there at any pharmacy. That’s how the C killed him and that’s how it killed a lot of other people. Just a sad fact.

    We all need to be sharing the Good News of the Gospel at every opportunity while we still can and while also keeping in mind that
    Jude 1:23 KJV tells us that there are those who will only be saved out of the fire through fear. So if it takes scaring the hell out of some, then so be it. Just Praying for as many as will to quickly call upon Jesus.😊🙏

    Blessings and Looking Up!

  21. I apologize for continuing this tennis match but simply cannot resist so obvious a stroke.


    An AMAZING statement in that, this is exactly what your post is insurmountable evidence of happening, repeated by hundreds of iterations in your peers. You are living proof of the complete opposite of what you attest.

    Game; Set; Match.

    You're killin' me, Smalls.

    Matthew 24:24.

  22. “ The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.” Ronald Reagan

    Is there anyone more inherently untrustworthy and specious than someone who (purports) to be an intelligence “insider” ?

  23. OK, OK, while we're hammering simple fallacies, this also cannot go without being highlighted for all readers of this post. Stating as categorical fact that which is complete falsehood is a tool of the deceiver, not The Lord.

    "If you think that the vaccine gives you the virus,...

    Uhm, have you ever actually studied biology or the history of Western Medicine? Do you know anything about the work of Luis Pasteur? Alexander Fleming, maybe? That is actually what a vaccine DOES, BY DEFINITION, and exactly why this is NOT a vaccine. IF it were a vaccine it would introduce inert or weakened doses OF THE VIRUS ITSELF, allowing your body to fight it off in a controlled way and thus learn and retain the virus' genetic code in the immune system, forever. After that, your immune system can pump out specific antibodies, ad infinitum and you are IMMUNE. When 4,000 people recently VX'd get the virus? It is NOT a vaccine.

    So, again, your declarative statement, apart from showing that you substitute symbolism for substance, screams loudly that either you understand that this is NOT a vaccine and thus is not introducing the virus (BTW, those dying of the Vx are not dying of Covid, but heart failure and other malaises), which seems not likely in context of your other dribble, or, that you haven't a single clue of what you are ranting about. I'll put my chips on the later of those two.

    By the way, we 'conspiracy theorists' include a team of senior Israeli Medical Researchers who recently published a peer-reviewed study documenting that 260 TIMES more young people DIED from VX interactions than would have passed from the VX, alone. If standing on such FACTS makes me a conspiracy theorist then I suggest we aren't in the realm of facts, anyways, but rather, classic CIA-designed counter narratives and programming. In the law, this sum of FACTS makes everything I just said SELF-EVIDENT. I pray that Our Lord Remove The Blinders From Your Eyes And Shield All In Your Circle Of Influence From Your Indoctrinated Orwell-speak.

  24. Hi Family, TY Brad so much, I bought these books online in Kindle, reading, very interesting! Agree about this "shot in the arm", is part of great delusion, many people round about, really. Can't say one word any more to them. I think ob it also the same game as "aliens" towards great delusion, some of guys seem to change spots. I think also to avoid this delusion we can only trust in the Lord. I'm getting slowly better, the docs don't exist really! See you all soon in the air!

    1. Alla glad to hear you are feeling a little better and still keeping up. It truly is getting hard to speak to others as the enemy’s divide and conquer plans seem to be working quite well these days. The attitude I’m getting is that it’s better not to talk about pretty much anything of current importance. So we pray and then we pray some more.🙏

      Blessings, Sister and Maranatha!

  25. BRAD, HOLY SMOKES! I have been working for a long time on an article related to this topic of coming ASTEROIDS and COMETS and will probably have it finished within the next several days.

    Due to your hectic schedule you probably didn't get to read the article where I mentioned Apophis and Tom Horn. Here's an excerpt from Planet X, Passover, and Pentecost 2021 :

    "Tom Horn, of the Skywatch TV Youtube Channel, believes God has revealed to him that Apophis is Wormwood from Revelation Chapter 8 and shares it in his book The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-up of End-Time Proportions. My family and I recently watched the 2020 movie Greenland. In the story line not until it was too late were people realizing how dangerous the incoming comet was. Like the predictive programming indicates in this movie, the powers that be will only tell the people in the world that Apophis/Wormwood is coming but will not warn that it will actually hit earth!"

    I read The Messenger and found it somewhat disappointing in that it contained mostly a review of the Seven Feasts and speculates that Apophis might carry a microbe that will initiate the Mark of the Beast.

    Also Tom Horn bases his dating theories on NASA's info. NASA's message projecting the year 2029 for Apophis' next arrival and that it will miss earth I speculate is a lie. For Wormwood to occur in 2029 at midTrib would put the end of the 7 year Tribulation in 2032-2033 WAY PAST THE FIG TREE GENERATION PARAMETERS.

    If the Rapture occurs this year and Wormwood is a midTrib event, that would place Apophis' arrival closer to 2025-2026. Knowing "they" turn numbers upside down in their messaging. . . If you turn the "9" in 2029 upside down, you get 2026.

  26. Thank you Ryan for this post! Wholy agree, having the same thoughts about! Many Blessings!

  27. Blessings, Ryan...TY for your input. I got an alert on my phone yesterday to mask up and social distance whether V’d or not based on a new directive from the W*H*O. And apparently the symptoms of this “new” and deadly v@ri@nt mimics the symptoms of “hayfever”, in which case most everyone I know around here will be “symptomatic” at least to some extent this time of year.
    So I’m just wondering how soon OTC allergy meds will begin to disappear from the shelves.

    Praying for you and yours to stay healthy and safe til our Lord comes for us!😊🙏

  28. Per Jeff Berwick, the building that “collapsed” in FL had a unit that was owned by the late McAfee. It “collapsed” shortly after his “suicide.” He had tweeted the address and said his files on others were there. Not sure why he would share the address like that, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that TPTB would take down a bldg in order to get at one person or his files.

    1. Fact check: No evidence John McAfee owned unit in partially collapsed Florida condo

    2. You believe “fact checkers” ? Who’s checking those facts?

    3. CCP owns our media, Hollywood, Big Tech, Sports, medicine and politicians. Or do you believe Biden got 81 million votes too?

    4. “Will”, since you have freely admitted to being “fully vaccinated”, I, personally, consider all your posts here to be moot.

    5. Archangel, in this case, USA TODAY analysts did the "fact checking". The specific "fact checking" company you linked to is one owned by Facebook, which does indeed have ties back to the CCP. As for Biden's votes, no I do not believe he received 81 million votes. There is ample evidence of widespread fraud. Was it enough to overthrow the election? meh....we'll probably never know. But I don't believe it was to the level and scale as portrayed by Sydney Powell. Tucker Carlson gave her the chance to show her evidence to the world, and she had nothing. I believe having Trump as president was a Blessing from the Lord. I also believe his removal and subsequent installation of the current Marxist government pushing unbiblical policies and agendas is a sign of how close we are getting to the political and economical environment that will preface the ushering in of the one world government/religion/currency etc. The Lord brings kings to power and removes them according to His will. IMHO the claims made by Powell benefited the enemy, in that it created a "false flag" scenario, and ultimately gave the public another reason to rise against Christians/conservatives. Keep in mind that as the end times draws closer, will be increasingly shunned and hated for our "racist" philosophies and discriminatory beliefs. Anyhoo.....just my humble opinion.

      And it's good to know where I stand with you, beings I'm "fully vaccinated". Love ya Sister :)

    6. A moot point is one which is not relevant. Posts forwarding the agenda of disinformation and crimes against humanity, ala seen here, are not moot but to be called out as the work of Satan. Funny, we hear a call of foul as this post turns towards this topic however, ofc, it was introduced to the discussion not by anyone aware of the lies but by one of these demon infected vermin spouting this garbage and then say it is disturbing to be discussed. Hello! McFly, get a clue.

      As DBA so clearly elucidated most recently there are only 2 spirits at work in the world, Christ's and Satan's, that's it. Demons, their vermin, and mindless minions thereof have computers and work to CONTINUOUSLY attack, confuse, obfuscate and all the while claiming to be righteous warriors of truth. While whosoever has eyes to see can clearly differentiate, their stench continues amongst us until the Blessed Moment we leave and they can then wallow in themselves for ever. It is a tough call for a moderator committed to open discussion to put such in their place but their place is not here. Pity that we must address this stench but the reek is demanding it.

    7. Moot as in debatable, as in I have neither the time, energy nor inclination to begin to instruct “Will” in how utterly fallacious, misguided and counter-intuitive his posts have been 100% of the time, thus far. I have the gut instinct that he’s here to cause trouble as his posts are not borne out of a critically thinking mind, “intelligence” background notwithstanding.

    8. No need to ban....I'll kindly see myself out the door. I'm quickly realizing that if you don't tow the 'conspiracy theory' party line here, you are immediately deemed a trouble maker with a stench.

      I've been studying and teaching Eschatology for over 30 years, and because of my background, I often get asked for good sites and blogs to follow. This one was on the list to check out. I don't give recommendations easily, as I like to peruse them myself first. I will definitely be warning people against this site.

      Some words of advice... invite open conversation about topics that are heavily disputed (this is how 'iron' sharpens 'iron'); test everything against scripture; treat others and ESPECIALLY newcomers with respect; vet your sources; and do everything with the greatest gift the Lord has given us....that is with love.

      Oh, real quickly before I leave, I don't remember who (Sheila??) sent prayers up for me in reference to leading a study group based on "The Chosen". I just wanted to say that we've had two sessions so far, and the feedback has been positive. The questions are getting people into the the Scriptures and igniting good discussion. So anyways, thank you for the prayers.

      Blessings all, and I hope to meet each of you in person soon!


    9. Will, please dear Brother! I read all your posts careful, and they are interesting, I noted some of them to me. I think IMHO we are here to give courage to one another. Sorry for my language, I'm not very good in English. Our posts here are from our born again spirit, it's independent from our body. My way here is very hard and painful. Therefore I learned only to pray for all things. So, praying for you and all yours! The Lord is here, he brings all things in order. See all of you very soon in the air!

  29. Brad, awesome to have the regular page back. Thank you for your Service Unto Our Lord, and, by extension, to us all.

    As you know family, Blessings, my youngest, Alex, just completed his boot camp and acceptance into Mountain View Young Marines (MVYM). Should you wish to join in my great celebration of this turning point, kindly visit Mountain View Young Marines Facebook.

    On the front page, right side, you will see a group photo, taken at Graduation last evening, under the heading which begins, "Mountain View has 15 new Young Marines!!" Alex is in the front row, far left in frame, wearing a black face cover and sporting his newly shaven head, as he requested. Hit the (+43) picture to open the various images and he again is centered, sitting, in the 2nd frame. Our flag is also better seen a few frames further on, standing next to the Regiment Flag during Graduation, followed by the next pic of Alex presenting his certificate to the room and receiving his applause. Further on, towards the end of the slides we see Alex executing the honor of retiring the Platoon Flag into MVYM's treasury and replacing it, for the platoon, with the Regiment Flag in the Platoon flag-stand, symbolizing that this Class are no longer trainees but Members of the larger Regiment and under that flag. His earlier drill training in Civil Air Patrol enabled his actions and cadence to be especially crisp and sharp at Graduation, effectively flawless and much of the reason for his being honored as Flag Bearer. At the end of the reel we again see Alex center frame, standing far left of his row, as all the recruits, in keeping with Marine Tradition, formally complete their BECOMING Young Marines by unbuttoning the top collar button of their shirt.

    Scrolling down the Home Page, after hitting "SEE MORE" Alex is also left frame in the Gym, black shorts white T shirt, holding the Platoon Flag which he and I constructed from a design by the Platoon and receiving instructions as the appointed/promoted Flag Bearer for this class. Further down, under the section starting with "Busy, busy, and good morning for our recruits!" is a good shot of Alex at morning assembly, outside, holding the Flag.

    While not achieving "Honor Grad", as he had hoped, he was certainly honored to be the Flag Bearer for the entire Platoon as well as being promoted to Squad Leader, twice, as he was moved to 1st Platoon, being Flag Bearer, so needing to be in front, and was again promoted to Platoon 1st Squad Leader after having been promoted to Platoon 2nd Squad, Squad Leader, previous to that.

    Again, thanks to all for your prayers for Alex and our family during these crazy times magnifying the craziness of simply growing up at any time. Maranatha!

  30. I really appreciate everyone's comments and perspectives on here! Whether this vaccine was an answer to heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14), or rather it was a deception by the enemy, only time will tell us for certain. I think as brothers and sisters in Christ, we can at least agree that nothing is going to deceive us into losing our salvation during the "church age" (John 10:28-29; Romans 8:38-39; Romans 11:29; John 6:37).

    All of this leads me to contemplate how difficult decisions such as this will be during Daniel's 70th week, and is a friendly reminder that our remaining time in this age is oh so short. Prayers for all of you to be the salt and light in this world that the Lord calls us to. Even so, come soon Lord Jesus.


  31. Back onto Watching topics, our brother over at Generation2434 YTC did a fine live stream where he does a fine job tying verses and events together in a rather light, yet profound study/share @ 54:10: The Eye of the Storm . While others have also used this analogy, here we see it more completely fleshed out and adding great clarity to our moment as well as, I believe, opening the box into the significance of the new D3lta variant.

    Meanwhile, over at natural News we find various articles, some by Mike and some from other sources, covering/uncovering details directly related to the repartee in our midst concerning the Jabaroo, et al:

    Mortality rate from Delta variant eight times higher in “fully vaccinated” individuals

    Chinese billionaire says CCP planning to release another covid strain this summer

    Unvaccinated West Point cadets being punished in hot, overcrowded tent

    Israeli study links Pfizer vaccine to deadly blood disease that causes blood clots

    Mom-of-3 “excited about getting vaccine” dies from blood clot in brain following Astrazeneca jab

    Young adults and adolescents are suffering heart inflammation caused by Covid-19 vaccines – cases skyrocket to at least 200 TIMES MORE than “expected” by CDC

    From hives to swelling: Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines linked to 4 skin reactions

    The government shouldn’t force young adults and teens to take experimental coronavirus vaccines, says inventor of mRNA vaccines

    1. So, if ya thought they’d lay off “summer” flu, when in a normal year, in a normal time, viruses die and people are out and about, absorbing all that good vitamin D, you’d be WRONG! The agenda stops for no one.

      Jeff’s right again about how they’re naming the “variants” after Greek alphabet letters. Alpha, beta, gamma and delta, are, also, names of brainwaves, punctuating the point that it’s ALL one big mind game..

  32. This is ridiculous. A thread regarding a possible asteroid threat quickly devolves into yet another shrill bit of vax hand-wringing. Would it be possible to contain all the vax hoopla in one place? Naw, prolly not. See ya.

    1. Don't let the door hitcha where The Good Lord Splitcha.

    2. TY for sharing, Jimboni. Having experienced my share of hurricanes, I think that “Eye of the Storm” vid from @Generation 2434 is a very fitting description of the current environment.

      To Unknown I’d just say that if you have something you’d like to add re the asteroid vids other than derision, that is the open invitation with the post. And if you’ve followed this site for any length of time, you shouldn’t be at all surprised when the convos shift to reflect the current concerns of the moment. But please be sure that we are all very aware that Wormwood or Apophis will arrive on schedule
      Per Rev.8:10-11 KJV. The Good News is that we as the Body of Christ don’t expect to be here for that event. 😊🙏

      Maranatha and Looking Up!

    3. AMEN Sheila! Let's keep our eyes open and get ready! Because despite all that, Jesus is coming!

  33. This article might be one of the best summaries I’ve seen on pegging this past year or so for exactly what it is—a factual and undeniable conspiracy against humanity:

    “The War on Reality” either @Daily Crow or

    *BUT GOD...He is always in control as this just alludes to what was foretold in Luke 12:53 and Matt.10:35,36
    along with Ps.2:1,2,3,4
    And Ps.58:8,9.

    Blessings All and hold fast! Jesus Christ is Coming!

  34. It’s obvious that we are hitting some high tension moments and it’s not taking a whole lot to light some fires these days. Just that first deriding and intentionally offensive post from an “Anonymous” individual has ignited some unpleasant confrontation here in this thread and I’m sorry about that for everyone who visits the site. But I know this is happening all across the social media board as even Christians are being pitted against one another over differences in opinions re what the C and the V’s really are as well as the timelines, high watch dates involved, pertinence of specific events, etc., not to mention the doctrinal differences that arise.

    But I also agree that there can only be 2 spirits at work in this world and they are seriously at WAR right now more than ever. It’s up to each of us as to how we are going to handle that as the temperature continues to rise along with all of the foretold deceptions. That’s why that article “The War on Reality” made such good sense as it reveals how these Two Opposing Realities at the forefront cannot co-exist and one of them must go. So I’m just gonna try to pray more about responding to and discerning enemy influence from those who are just genuinely wishing to express their differences of opinion here and ask for more of that God-given sweet spot of love without compromising on what I do believe to be true and I believe that’s all any of us can do.

    And one truth is our Brother Brad goes to a lot of trouble and keeps some late nights just to keep this forum up and available for all of us to have somewhere to go to discuss these end time issues, seek prayer from those we know will pray for us and share our faith as self monitoring adults. We don’t have a moderator here to clean up after instigators who don’t appreciate this forum or the heated disagreements that sometimes erupt between those who do. So with the basic guidelines Brad has suggested, it is what it is—an as yet imperfect human family with a common heart for our Perfect Savior and the deeply entrenched desire for His Return.

    Blessings All and Even so, Lord, come quickly!😊🙏

    1. Amen Sheila - I have been a little perturbed by some of the comments above tbh. While we are called to be discerning, our discernment should be most in action when feeling the nudge to take the place of 'the accuser of our brethren', as 'ol hairy legs' (as my friend used to call him) doesn't need any encouragement.

    2. Thank you Sheila and Ryan! Amen.

    3. Amen Sheila! I also admit that it saddened me to read comments that are not edifying for each of us. I love this site and everyone who comments, whether or not they agree with each other, because we are one family, redeemed by the blood of Christ. I pray for this site, that the glory of God will be present. And God keep us all, for we see the Day approaching! Maranatha!!!

    4. Please address by name those who have been part of the problem, so that delusional folks won’t keep posting in their hatred and sense of self righteousness. Jimboni posted a comment on Unsealed that you SHOULD find extremely disturbing.

    5. Cheryl, I have several of your prior posts should you like to peruse them.

    6. You attacked Cathi G, Sheila B2.0 and Jordan, not “anonymous”, “unknown” or “Will”. You attacked long time family members.

    7. I am perfectly happy to have my name included on the list. I know I have been wrong on occasion. But I can self reflect. Unfortunately, you and some others simply will never take a good long look in the mirror. And the vitriol you and some others spout is absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen. But the elephant in the room will be ignored of course. It’s sad. The thing is, I actually agree with most of the regular posters viewpoints here, including yours, just not the hostile spirit that shows up far too frequently. Even a hostile unknown poster needs to be answered politely, albeit firmly. Maybe you could win them to Christ that way, who knows. Most of all, pray for those you are at odds with. It’s hard to hate someone you are praying for.

    8. No hatred here, dear. No weakness, either. Simply a recognition that not everyone who comments does so from pure motives. “Will’s” comments contained the same talking points I could easily find at any left-wing, Project Mockingbird website, so that’s where it belongs. I actually did not ask him to leave; I only advised that his rejoinders would be considered by me , personally, to be moot. To answer him would result in an endless parade of back and forth in which I don’t wish to partake.

    9. I totally understand. I guess I just realize how serious the spiritual warfare has become. Take poor Zachary posting on Unsealed for instance. He can’t see anything he’s been shown. He demands proof from credible news sources, and then predictably provides a laughable media list. What’s really going on? My guess is, Satan is clutching pretty hard there and thoroughly deceiving him. Can he be reasoned with? It does not appear that way. So what should you do? PRAY for him! Is it appropriate to call down curses from God on him? No, and personally I expect that God will chasten anyone who does that, and doesn’t repent pretty quickly. So in short, I think it’s important that we all start remembering who the real enemy is. Jesus died for Zachary. Jesus died for Will. Jesus died for anonymous trolls. And none of us is more special in his eyes than anyone else. And haven’t we all made really unwise choices? I know I have. Please excuse the sermonette. I just think it needed to be said.

    10. That vaxx has turned the world on its ear. The effects are deadly and not to be trifled with for a moment. I find it terrifying to know that it crosses the sacred blood brain barrier and can cause frontal temporal dementia and strokes, among many other frightening side effects. The horror surrounding the vaxx, passport, mandates, lockdowns surely qualifies as a birth pang. We all feel it and emotions are powerful on both sides. There is no convincing some of its deleterious effects and no one can convince me that it’s safe. Some see, some see what they’re shown and some never see.

      Pray for Zachary, Will and others. And we have to pray for ourselves for wisdom, discernment and knowledge and that our time here will soon end because it’s only growing more unbearable. And the enemy is definitely using this scenario to cause massive suffering and death.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Blessings LookingUp!. I agree with you. Just because one is trying to point out the dangers of the vaxx, it doesn’t mean that he or she isn’t sharing the Gospel. That’s just doesn’t make sense and why I said Bye! to someone who complained and said he or she was leaving because of posts about the vaxx. I don’t know where that person has been for the last 6 months or so. We are confronted every hour with horror stories about those who died, had strokes, facial paralysis and many other side effects from it. Now I’m hearing they’re going to basically destroy the military by making them take the shot. I appreciate your candor and effort to educate and warn others.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Public health officials struggle to persuade the hesitant to be vaccinated. (They’re using cellphone data and going door to door in certain areas.)

    15. There’s heartbreaking video of 12 yr-old Maddy who got the Pfizer j#b and is now in a wheelchair and requires a feeding tube.

    16. Blessings LookingUp!
      TY for sharing your thoughts. Most of us here share your serious concerns and have been trying to warn others for months. Our Brother Lu Vega, as well as others, has shared lots of solid research here on the dangers of these toxic V’s. I’m just astounded at the blatant callousness of their desire to put this into our children with no logical justification whatsoever and even more so at the parents who allow it. But as with members of my own family, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Most of those who have already given in to the choreographed plandemic fears and chosen to take this irreversible and experimental substance into their bodies are not going to accept or even acknowledge any amount of warnings.
      In fact, most of them will do everything in their power to get us to join them—which tells us they have no confidence in it as an effective v@€€in£.
      I don’t know why they don’t have ears to hear the propaganda smokescreens that come out of the very mouths of their own trusted mainstream “sources” on a daily and ever changing basis. Beats the heck out of me as the Scriptures are very clear on the the type of deceptions we should be looking for in these last days right down to the “pharmakeia” that would be coming into play. Referred to in Rev.9:21 KJV and Rev18:23 KJV as “sorceries” that upon just a little bit of study connect the use of pharmaceuticals with the great deception.
      Medical Tyranny is very real and it’s in our face here and now. While I do not believe this stage of the V is implementing the actual MOTB, it’s obviously laying the groundwork for it with a psychological
      preparation for acceptance.
      I think it was just yesterday that the chief “spokesman” for this medical fraud said that this V would bring about 2 Americas, basically admitting to the divisive nature of their plan. It’s the same in the Christian community and we all have to decide who we are going to put our trust in—man’s wishy-washy “science” efforts in search of satanically-inspired transhumanism OR in The Lord God Almighty for our Eternal Security through Jesus Christ and His Death, Burial and Resurrection.

      It’s my prayer that those Christians who’ve already chosen to trust in this elusive “science” whether out of fear or some misguided sense of “loving thy neighbor” as has been preached to me, that they will turn to Jesus Christ like never before for protection from any ill or long-term effects and have their eyes opened to the real designs of those demanding the whole world to submit to a fear-induced panic and a highly dangerous genetically modifying inj£€tion over a 99% plus survivable bug
      with even more of such to follow.

      They chose the entire Greek Alphabet to label these incoming
      “v@r!@nt$ for a reason”. And this latest D€lt@ v@ri@nt is represented by a trianglular symbol which represents a directed ‘door’ or trajectory used to manage or guide the course of. But it’s not the same DOOR we are looking for when our Lord and Savior calls us Home. This one, IMO, is their door to ‘Horus’ and will lead straight into the coming Tribulation and hell on earth.

      So those who might be on the fence about all of this...Trust in our Great Physician! These are the last of the Last Days and all ‘normal’ has left the building. Jesus Christ is our Way, our Truth, and our Life! He’s Forever Got This for ALL whose Faith is truly in Him!

      Blessings and Maranatha!

    17. Well said, Sheila!   I believe the next several weeks are going to be critical, as the pressure mounts for everyone to take the jab.  I too have family members who are "on the fence" as whether or not to take the vaccine.  That's one of the primary reasons why I pray that our departure will be soon!

    18. Amen Bob to our soon departure! Praying for your family as well as mine who are on the fence to come down on the good side! Some of mine know it’s bad news, don’t want to take it at all, but are torn between that risk and not being able to provide for their families. All I’ve got for them and ALL they need is to trust in Jesus—IF they will truly believe that. And should we get to that point, that’s where the rubber is really gonna meet the road for them.🙏🙏🙏

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Thanks Sheila for the shout-out.
      Yes, you are all welcome to the Free COVID Resource Page I have on my site. I try to vet videos and write-up Articles on related topics and research. As we are all on a learning curve, the more one digs into the side effects and what is in this mRNA Injection, the more dire the outcomes are becoming. I started to reply to these recent posts as to my current COVID Reflections of the ‘Hesitant’ but it got to long. The whole rant can be read at the following site online.

      #509: COVID-19 – I TOLD YOU SO

    21. Shelia B2,
      Thank you for your kind words and I am in complete agreement with you. I am glad to see the Rev. 12 family are keenly aware of the whole covid vaccine crime. I could see both here and at Unsealed a righteous indignation for the truth and not giving ground to the Enemy.

  35. Difficult times indeed, and until then, let God find us faithful!

    Sheila - re OTC meds, our govt is talking about removing paracetamol from supermarket shelves and making them prescription only because one individual (in the last 40 years) ODs on it. Utter stupidity and with my hay fever issues here in pine country, my OTC meds are what I rely on not to go mental. Argh and appreciate the prayers:)

  36. Blessings all. An essential element of interlopers’ disruptions is to leave lingering feelings of sadness, etc, in their wake after they have gone. Ofc, some of you feel this way, and I appreciate it. This site has survived assaults before, and, rest assured, it will survive long after the malcontents have done their treacherous work and moved on.


  37. If one is intent upon expressing an opinion, especially with the implied imprimatur of the “intelligence field” and on the heels of a post by a truly brilliant brother, at the very least, and I don’t find it unwarranted to expect or even demand, that it at least sound credible, impressive and educational. Jimboni could extol the merits of drying paint and make it interesting and worthwhile.

    Boxers don’t punch above their weight for a reason.

  38. Blessings dear family, for those interested, "A little Strength" has featured a new article about the giant we heard about lately. His article has a very good point of view. Here is the link:

  39. The man with the arm shorter than the other!

    Please dear family pray for this man whose name I don't know, because today I was asking the Lord for a divine appointment and I went for a walk with my mini Candy. Along the way, I saw this gentleman on the side of the street and we started talking. I immediately spoke of this prophetic time that we are living in and he replied that it was like the old testament with things that are happening. I brought the gospel and he was listening. He told me that he is a Freemason and that the basis of their Freemasonry is the widow and the orphan. OUF !!! I told him that religion does not save nor good works, just Jesus, but he actually did not understand salvation according to his answers after that. So if you have one minute a day for this gentleman with a shorter arm than the other, I would love that. :-)

  40. Earlier today I was watching the news and they were talking about the 'Delta' variant.   In addition to saying this variant now represents 20-25% of all new cases in the United States, the person interviewed stated "those that are unvaccinated are in trouble".  Talk about trying to scare the public!   I can't recall exactly where (likely some blogsite), but someone referred to the 'Delta' variant as the 'Scariant'.  Seems appropriate, no!   Keep in mind, I'm not trying to downplay the danger of this new variant, but this is the first time I heard anyone say that on the news (or should I say MSM!). I truly believe that our time is have no worries and continue to put your Faith + Trust in Jesus...and all will end well!   This is not an easy thing to do during the pandemic and with all the "spiritual warfare" that's going on in the world today, but what else is a 'believer' to do?

  41. Delta variant....bring it on. I do not fear it, but fear for the deceived.

  42. In the Calendar Department
    I have been studying a bit more about ‘what calendar are we on’ and using or should be. The more one digs deeper, the more there is disagreement and contention about the Enoch Calendar. The main question, if one is using it is based on 2 interpretations of when the year starts, that is what is the 1st day of the 1st month. But with that, if one could know for sure, one could then pinpoint the Feasts of YHVH more accurately. Perhaps. One method of determining the 1st day is the one already discussed and from other’s studies.

    The start of the year, using the Enochian or Essenes’ Calendar would be based on the Start of the Spring Equinox. But that determining the 1st month would be using the age-old Jewish method of sighting the Sliver of the 1st Month after the Spring Equinox. So, for the current year, all that calculated to the June 20 Summer Solstice Feast of Weeks ‘Pentecost’. But then if one incorporates the Double-Count Theory, as one has suggested that being an additional 50 days later, the true Pentecost would be around then August 8/9 as the Feast of New Wine.

    It has been now brought to one’s attention that there were/are in fact 3 Feasts spanning most of the Summer that occurred after the Passover Spring Feasts. These are Feasts that have appeared to be ‘Lost’ and not really understood by the Church, perhaps on purpose. They are the Feasts of Weeks, or the 7 Sabbaths which is the 49 days. Then the 50 additional days that is then Pentecost and would be the 2nd Feast, that of New Wine. And from there, 50 more days that would be the Feast of New Oil just in time for the Fall Feasts, but after the Fall Equinox then.

    As it is, the current Rabbinical Calendar will have in the current year the ‘Fall Feasts’ occur before the Fall Equinox, which technically then are still ‘Summer Feast’ times. So, that is evidence that the current Jewish Calendar is off, and so are the Feast days then. Not good. Well, if one then uses the 2nd method, that others do argue about the Enoch Calendar in that one starts the 1st day of the 1st calendar month right after the Spring Equinox, then the following will occur based on the Enochian Calendar calculations.

    -March 20 would have been the calibration of the Calendar.

    -March 21 would have been the start of the New Year Calendar.

    -The 14th day to determine Passover would have been then March 3.

    -Then to calculate Pentecost, one would start on the ‘day after the Sabbath’ from that Passover Week, which would have been on April 11.

    -One would then count the 7 Sabbaths or 49 days that constitutes the Feast of Weeks. This day would have been May 30.

    -Then counting 50 more days would be the Feast of New Wine or ‘Pentecost’ on July 19/20. This is if one subscribes to the Double Count Theory but that the 3 additional Feasts of Grain, Wine and Oil, in that order suggest.

    -Then 50 more days would be around October 7 and in time for the Feast of New Oil and the Start of the Fall Feasts and after the Fall Equinox.

    Article: #508 Enochian Calendar

    1. Part 2
      So, based on this approximation and calculation, if one believes that in a given year, it could be the Rapture year, and this due to the fact that the Feast of New Wine is the actual Pentecost date and when the Church started that perhaps might end…assuming the current year is the possible year of the end of the Church Age, then a more precise High Rapture Watch Date would be around June 19/20. What is interesting is that this was the same date determined from last year’s calculations. It might be the case that this year is not the Rapture year, if one subscribes to the 7-year Sabbatical Cycle Theory as well.

      As one can sense, there are a lot of moving parts. We will sees, but the lockdowns are coming now for this next and last of the 3-step initiation worldwide Spell, the ‘3rd Wave’. The excuse this time around is against Science and the Papers published showing that Variants are less potent than the original virus. As it is, the COVID-19 Injections are not ‘programmed’ for any other type as in Europe, many are coming down with the Variants despite being ‘promised’ that the COVID-19 Injections are ‘Safe and Effective’. The idea is how if one makes a copy of a copy, the 50th copy will not be as clear nor crisp as the original. This is also the same principle of one’s very DNA. As it replicates each cell in one’s body, there a schedule of 7 days and 7 years, which is amazing. But with each ‘replication’ and replacement of the DNA Master Copy, it breaks down. This is called ‘Aging’.

      So, the ‘Monster Variants’ are now going to be used as the excuse to Lockdown the World again, and it has started. The Politicians are lying as there is no ‘Science’ behind such an assertion. But the masses are not all the wiser to ask or know. If there is a Variant that is stronger than COVID-19, it is because it’s a totally Bio-Engineered one as COVID-19 has been now confirmed be through the emails of Fauci. And one would suspect that Variants have been all lined-up in a row to release, according to their timetable. It is truly Medical Martial Law in the coming COVID World Order.

      Remember that by this coming timeline since the Winter of 2019, the 3rd Wave was predicted. It is about Culling, Contaminating and Controlling the masses from this point on. Their Reset is about to then be implemented. But this is why perhaps the culmination of the Church Age to occur with the Rapture, if it is this year would be just in time, according to how one calculates from the Enochian Calendar. Cannot say the Rapture is going to occur on July 19/20 but that it is a date to consider.


      Chart: Enochian Calendar

    2. Excellent work, Lu.   Still digesting all what you've written, but July 19th-20th works for me (especially as I am a connoisseur of New Wine!).  Not trying to take away your thunder, but our fellow watchmen over at the Sword of God are speculating that the Rapture will occur on July 18th - 20th, based on it being the 9th of Av, when Israel/Jerusalem faced their most difficult times (temple destruction,  etc.).  And Dr. Barry Awe, speculates it will be at the next new moon (July 10th?).  At least that's my understanding, but could be wrong.  Although each of you have arrived at your conclusions using different methodologies, can we all not agree that from July 10th -20th will be a very significant "high watch" period.  Hallelujah!!!   To me, that time period seems correct.  Can't quantify why, but it just feels right in my gut (spirit!).  I really hope you guys are right this time!!!

    3. Hey Captain,
      No worries. Any day earlier is fine with me. That is if, it is this year. Sure hope so. I can see why there would be like a 4-day discrepancy. I actually asked Ken by email to help explain though, on his reckoning of the start month, it does not line-up with the Solstice. He starts the month on the Wednesday, but it’s the 17th of March. That is when it begins, but that is 3-4days before the Equinox on the 20th. So that was and is my question. This is the part I am stuck at.

      He has not replied because I think I might have thrown a ‘wrench’ at his calculation, but you all know how good I am that and some Cold Water Splashes here and there. For me, if we do go past August 8th, it will be a ‘Bust’ for me regarding this year. Of course there will be the Fall Feasts many will reconsider and speculate, but not me. But if that Sabbatical Cycle is in play and accurate, then the last year, or that 7th one of the Cycle starting in Fall 2021 to Fall 2022 has to be it. And just in time because this coming Reset is going to be crazy.


      Ken Johnson Essenes' Calendar: New Wine ‘Pentecost’ on July 18

    4. Thanks for this Lu - I'm still struggling with evidence on the 'double count', but enjoy any research that I don't have to do myself:)

      And agree on the Delta mortality comment - I think the latest was 0.1% mortality. Im very comfortable with those odds!

    5. Thank you Lu! I hope too with all my heart for July! On the site of "gevte" on his last video, he says that we are an August bride. So we still have some speculative dates to watch out for.

    6. Hi,
      It is a very interesting time to be watching and it would be wonderful if this countdown in terms of days would be true, if this would be the year. I hope so. I saw and heard the video you suggested. He makes good points. He is using the same understanding of how the New Year is to start after the Spring Equinox. And by the sighting of the New Moon after that. This is how then the August day is arrived at. The problem is that there is no Scripture that states the months have to start on a New Moon.

      This custom comes from the Rabbinical Calendar tradition. There are many verses that speak of offerings having to be made on Sabbaths, Festivals and New Moons, but there is no Scripture tying a New Moon to the start of a Month. And then he bases the counting, off the Torah Calendar, so that is how he arrives at August 15 and not the 8th as I see it and it would be a New Moon. I am not sure nor understand fully why he is ‘adjusting’ the Torah Calendar but all these calculations are within a few days of each other if it is then in August.

      The other theory is to start from day 1 of the Spring Equinox and start the count from there. In that case, the Feast of Wine would be 1 month after the Summer Solstice, so July 19/20.I like the old video of Gary Stearman and JR Church. They just assumed that Pentecost was the 50th day celebrated on the 3rd Month as the Rabbinical Jews have now to this day.

      But even they suspected that the Jews are ‘jealous' and withholding info from the Gentile Bride as their Messiah is to marry and elope with the Bride at the Rapture. And how the prophetic picture of Boaz and Ruth is the perfect pattern for when the End of the Church Age is to occur, the Harvest of the Gentiles and to conclude with the Resurrection and Rapture, which would also then correspond to the 2nd Order of the Resurrection.

      I did get a response from Ken Johnson as his Essenes’ Calendar starts on the Wednesday, March 17, which is before the Spring Equinox. So I asked him why. According to his Calendar calculation, the Feast of New Wine or ‘Pentecost’ would be on July 27. So, there is that 1 week disparity. This is what he replied:

      ‘Every year the equinox shifts back because of the 364 day year, so every 5-6 years there is a Leap Week (7 Days) to put everything back in order. in the spring of AD 2022 there will be a leap week.’

      So, even the Essenes Calendar had/has a Leap Week, but interesting that it recalibrates in 2022, which I hold to be when Daniel’s 70th Week of Years starts or the Tribulation Period, from Fall 2022 to Fall 2029. But I do not think World War 3 will start on the 9th of AV for 2021 nor that the Tribulation will start this Fall either. That is next year, and as mentioned already, that is if we Rapture-out this year. What if it is 1 more year to go?! With so many Calendar calculations flying around, it is crazy! No wonder even Lucifer is off on it too! Or maybe he knows exactly when…

      We shall soon find out!

  43. LookingUp! and others, I just watched Jeff Berwick’s latest vid and he makes a timely and valid point: 90% of the trolls arguing with you online are PAID PROFESSIONALS or AI. Intelligence agencies hire massive amounts of trolls to defend the vacc and other dirty work, so it’s likely “Will” and “Zachary” are sitting at their keyboards and laughing all the way to the bank.

    Anyone who defends the vaxx here will meet with zero response from me.

    Jimboni is right about you.

    1. AA...unfortunately we don’t have any way to be sure of who these people are or are not, but just good sense tells me that some of these arguments (like over @unsealed with the Z guy) are so ridiculous on their face that it can’t really be anything else. I do know some Christians personally who really believe our govt. is just not that evil🙄 and it’s a “love thy neighbor” obligation in their opinion as well as those trusting God to protect them from themselves in case they are wrong. Those are ones we need to be praying for to be given some clarity.

      And I’ve also learned that there are shills being paid by the “opposition” to put out captivating or explosive information seemingly in support of conservative and/or Christian values that is not only false, but when proven to be false is meant to make us look like total idiots for buying into it. So it’s coming at us from all sides.

      We just need to Pray
      for discernment in everything we read
      these days. If we do that, we’ll pick up on those bad seeds and prove out the falsehoods for ourselves first😁

    2. Yes, valid points. Z’s list of “journalists” he trusts is laughable as Cheryl pointed out. There’s also a possibility, truly disturbing, that the ones that have taken the vaxx don’t want to be the only ones suffering side effects and/or dying, as misery loves company. Kind of a “If I’m going down, I’m taking others with me.”

      I do applaud LookingUp! And unknown at Unsealed for trying their best to alert others of the dangers of the vaxx. I just wanted to alert them lest they become too frustrated and upset with themselves over their perceived failure to convince the likes of Will and Zachary. They surely have alerted others who have read their posts which is to be praised and commended.

    3. No doubt there are paid trolls out there, as well as people putting out fake information to make conservatives look stupid. I believe there may be some fakers making rapture videos too. Things just keeping getting more surreal. As far as unknown on Unsealed, he started seeming a little suspect to me too. He was trying TOO hard in my opinion. It’s also possible the whole argument was staged. These days nothing is outside the realm of possibility. It’s hard when you don’t know who is on the up and up, and have to trust your gut.

    4. Cheryl....I agree. There is several conspiracy theories that I totally agree with, but on the other hand, throw in a bunch of crazy ones to obfuscate the real ones, and the whole bunch gets tossed out. Very brilliant tactic they use.

      I keep saying a fool will believe every conspiracy theory that comes along, but one that believes in none of them is a bigger fool.

      I pray for discernment daily, and in this day and age, everything plus the kitchen sink is coming at us.

    5. Extraordinary, hard-hitting interview with Dr. Peter McCullough. Highly recommended.

    6. I agree Stan. It’s like my pastor has said, it’s the 3 percent arsenic that will kill you.

    7. Thank you Archangel for your help and concern, it's was much welcome. I personally think Unknown was factually correct time and again, and also endeavored to be humble but firm. Emotions ran strong for sure as this entire subject is no small one; it's really is a struggle against the lies of the Enemy that are Hellbent to steal, kill, and destroy innocent people. I think there was righteous indignation present rather than a desire to "be right." Jesus in us moves us to speak up in the face of the Enemy's plans and actions. We just need to refine, I know I do, how we handle such situations and deliver our words so we at the end can say we fought the good fight. If Unknown is reading this too, I applaud you for caring so much, I believe the motives were pure. Thanks again, Archangel. :)

    8. Very welcome, LookingUp!. I’ve been watching the interview I linked above with Dr. McCullough over and over. It would put “Zachary” and “Will” to shame if they both deigned to watch it. He said there is NO way that vaxx should get anywhere near a pregnant woman. He is emerging as the definitive authority on the dangers of the vaxx. He has hundreds of peer-reviewed articles/research that would leave “Zachary” and his insistence on proof, catatonic.

      I’m sure I could use some work on my delivery:). Then again, I’ve never pretended to be a good relative or friend or even kind🤣🤣🤣. You and our Brethren here are SO much better than I will ever be at it. God bless you.

    9. It could be that he just got frustrated, but you can’t convince people when they think you insulted their intelligence, or when you say you question their character. I was very puzzled by his diss of rapture watchers as well.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. But a person can convince others by lying and hiding the truth from them. Satan did that to Adam and Eve.

    12. Blessings LookingUp!, A few things have come to mind re the perils of this whole V discourse:

      Matt.10:16 which is often a tough act to balance, but one which Jesus expected from His followers as He sent them out to be sheep in the midst of wolves. He’s the Only One I know to have ever managed that perfectly, but here lately you’ve given us a better example of that than most in the way you’ve addressed this critical issue. I’ve learned some good things from you.😊

      But re those who have addressed this subject in a much coarser and even what most of us find to be a rather cringeworthy manner, we also have Jude 1:22,23 to consider, which is basically an admonishment not to fall into the quicksand of compromise in the interest of always being merciful. So I’m supposing our Father, who Alone thoroughly knows the human mindset, will often use a multiple pronged approach to either reach someone with the Truth, or expose them as the detriment they are. There then will be no questions as to the Righteousness of His Judgements.

      Another thought is similar to the story in Luke 16 of the Rich Man and Lazarus in the sense that regardless of how much testimony you and others can provide, if they refuse to believe even the Scriptural warnings pointing to this time of the end, they will not even be persuaded by
      death itself.

      I’ve seen time and again reports from people who’ve lost perfectly healthy loved ones that readily admit their deaths can only be attributed to receiving the V and then turn around and encourage others to go and take “the plunge” anyway. It’s sheer lunacy and a complete denial of logic and reason.
      It’s looking more and more like whatever else this “potion” does or doesn’t do, if it doesn’t kill or seriously maim them right off, it’s costing them their critical thinking skills.
      The very fact that ‘they’ have to resort to lotto and junk food bribery, blood on your hands guilt, personal destruction threats and even some begging to cajole the remaining gullible into coming for ‘their’ not so free, but admittedly worthless protection should say it all. It’s sorcery, pure and simple. And God in His Word has duly warned us about it.

      The only “cure” for any of this chaotic global nightmare that’s going on is in Jesus Christ!
      These are the final “Wake-Up! calls being shouted from the rooftops. So just don’t be a grape!!!

      Blessings All and Maranatha!

    13. Shelia B2,
      Amen, to your, The only “cure” for any of this chaotic global nightmare that’s going on is in Jesus Christ! These are the final “Wake-Up! calls being shouted from the rooftops. So just don’t be a grape!!!
      Thank you for your thoughtful words!

    14. Thank you, Sheila.

      To add to what you've stated above, there is a frustrating, Laissez-faire (perhaps "lazy-faith") attitude among God's people that can be summed up in this passage from the One Year Bible entry for today, 07/02/2021. Isaiah the prophet confronts Hezekiah after the king had shown the Babylonian messengers all the treasures in Jerusalem, the safety deposit box, and likely the Father's credit card number too!

      "Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, 'Listen to this message from the Lord: The time is coming when everything in your palace—all the treasures stored up by your ancestors until now—will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the Lord. Some of your very own sons will be taken away into exile. They will become eunuchs who will serve in the palace of Babylon’s king.'

      Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, 'This message you have given me from the Lord is good.' For the king was thinking, 'At least there will be peace and security during my lifetime" (2 Kgs. 20:16-19).

      Yikes. Sound familiar?

      In the face of certain judgment, all he can say is..."Peace and safety"?!?

    15. Amen, Jeff...they are okay with things continuing on as they are, thinking it’ll all work out just that proverbial frog in the cooking pot🤷‍♀️

      As for me, I’m feeling more like that little meerkat on the Bing Art today, standing guard in a sea of gold and just holding fast.😊🙏

    16. Speaking of the false ‘Peace and Safety’ mentality now sweeping the globe, this is a clarifying article from @Rapture re “Safetyism” as the new world religion:

      “Be Safe: Don’t Visit Your Dying Parent. Don’t Leave Your House. Don’t Get Married. Don’t Have Children...”

      But as we all know, people who surrender their freedoms in exchange for safety will have neither one and can live nothing but a neurotic and fear-filled existence. 🤦‍♀️

      BUT GOD...Ps.23:4 KJV

  44. I have never seen such a foolish herd of sheep "baaing" for their covid shot from "baal"...

  45. Powerful & Excellent Opportunity, A MUST SEE: RECENTLY released: Extremely thorough interview by Del Bigtree of Dr. Robert Mallone the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the covid vaccines. This is a different video than the one I posted earlier. Dr. Mallone spells out the science driving the vaccine and how it is not a vaccine but is in truth GENE THERAPY-(@ the 14:13 mark). It shows how operation warp speed was a warp speed of the technology development BUT there was NO honest way to "warp speed" the safety testing which takes many years thereby leaving everyone on the planet being subjected to certain disaster as we are already seeing-check out VAERS reports (these only show 10% of actual adverse effects). He points out how the vaccine program is not being done safely, not even close. (@29:00 mark) Additionally, he covers the greed that drives the development of vaccines and remember what the Bible says about, greed.

  46. What if Wormwood hit the Chernobyl location? Wouldn't that be ironic? Alas, it seems to fall into the sea, not on land.

    1. Hi,
      With such a topic/question like that about Chernobyl, and Asteroids, I cannot resist in replying! :) Here is my take on what I see or interpret from Revelation. I believe the case to be both, an Asteroid to hit the Earth in the Ocean 1st, then a 2nd one in the Earth. Most believe that due to how the book is set-up and interpreted, the Bowls for example mirror or reiterate the Trumpets. I do not believe this to be the case. As you can see, their appears to be 2 events, consecutive of such an effect of 2 Asteroids.

      Asteroid #1:
      Revelation 8:8 The 2nd Angel sounded his Trumpet, and something like a Huge Mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the Sea. A .33 of the Sea turned into Blood, 9 a .33 of theLliving Creatures in the Sea died, and a .33 of the Ships were destroyed.

      Asteroid #2
      Revelation 8:10 The 3rd Angel sounded his Trumpet, and a Great Star, blazing like a Torch, fell from the sky on a .33 of the Rivers and on the Springs of Water— 11 the name of the Star is Wormwood. A .33 of the Waters turned Bitter, and many People died from the Waters that had become Bitter.

      Why 2? I believe this account is telling of how at this point in time during the Tribulation, the effects of Planet X that will come swinging by will cause these 2 Asteroids as they are discharged from its orbit as the Earth crosses its path, twice. Based on prior models and calculation of its size, being 7x that of Jupiter, the Earth would then cross its bath twice, about 5 months apart and thus 2 occasions to have an Asteroid hit Earth. Once would be in the Ocean, then the other in the Land.

      I do like your assertion of how possibly it could be at Chernobyl again. Not sure if you were/are aware that Chernobyl in Ukrainian means ‘Bitter’ as in Bitter Waters. That is exactly what the nuclear meltdown did back in 1986; nuclear as a ‘Star’ reaction it creates during its reaction. It contaminated all the water, soil, trees, rivers, animals, People, etc. All had to be evacuated. Whole forests were cut down, etc. Yet, after all these years animal life has returned and giant Radio-Wave Antennas have been set up to mitigate the Radiation.

      There is a great movie called, ‘Chernobyl 1986’ that came out in recently. It is historically very accurate and was banned in the Ukraine. Here is the link to the Trailer. I highly recommend watching it; very sobering.

      Movie Trailer: Chernobyl 1986’

      So, I believe the flyby of our 2nd Sun System, Planet X will be what the LORD will be using, in part to execute the Seal/Trumpet/Bowl Judgment upon the Earth. It will be the cause of all those worldwide Earthquakes, Pole Shifts, Tsunamis…and we are seeing the effects now leading up to the Tribulation Period with worldwide cataclysmic upheavals. In part it is due to Man’s manipulation with Weather Weapons, HAARP and other means, but I like what it does say in Revelation that 1 of the reasons for the Seal Judgments is to ‘Destroy those who Destroy the Earth’.


    2. You are all welcome to download my book on the research I have done on the subject of Planet X, Nemesis, the Red Dragon, etc. It is intertwined with Astronomy and Biblical perspectives. I do believe also that during the Tribulation Period, this ‘Red Dragon’ will astronomically be part of the planetary array in the Constellation of Virgo during the midpoint of the Tribulation Period. It is that which will truly fulfill the Revelation 12 Sign in its entirety.

      BOOK: Insights into Planet X Phenomenon

    3. I believe Fukushima may play a part in the Revelation Judgments.

    4. The Radiation from Fukushima is still being released. It is not fully contained as I believe the core has melted way beneath the Earth. It is like the biggest 'non-story' ever as it has been forgotten. I remember a few years ago, after the event, all the Radiation meter stations were shut down as to not track/record the levels as they were elevated.

      People went to the beaches with Geiger Counters and the levels were extremely high. I do not know what is the latest or the status of such reading but U.S. Government did increase of 'acceptable levels of radiation' exposed to People. See. Problem solved.

    5. It will poison the waters and kill sea creatures and humans.

  47. Thank you Lu for this Planet X download. I am currently reading " Worlds In Collision " by Immanuel Velikovsky. This book was open on Einsteins desk at his death. It is blowing my mind ! By the way , I am your neighbor. One county up from you , in Mendocino.

    1. I have heard about that with Einstein. At his age and reading such a type of book, it was probably what did him in! He might as well have been reading Revelation and perhaps he could have gotten saved! :)


  48. Sharing…
    (T.W. Tramm — FB Page)


    CONCERNING THE DAY of Jesus’ return, Scripture says . . .

    • We will see the day approaching (Heb. 10:25; 1 Thess. 5:4).

    • No one knows the day (Matt. 24:36; 1 Thess. 5:1, 2).

    • It will seem like He is delaying (Matt. 24:48, Matt. 25:1–13).

    • He is not delaying (Matt. 24:48–50; Heb. 10:37).

    • Don’t lose confidence (Heb 10:35).

    • He may come in the second or third watch (Mark 13:35).

    • Look up (Luke 21:28).

    • Be ready always (Matt. 24:44).

    • Keep watching (Mark 13:37).

    To emphasize the unpredictability of the day, Jesus uses the analogy of a homeowner keeping watch for a thief:

    “Keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Matt. 24:42–44).

    The lesson is that if a homeowner knew which day a thief was coming, he would simply watch on that day and not be surprised. However, the reality is that a homeowner cannot predict the day a thief might break in and, for this reason, must keep watch at all times. Likewise, those awaiting Jesus’ return must keep watching, because He is coming like a thief—on a day and at an hour one cannot predict—even at an hour one would not expect.

    Paul cites the thief-analogy in a letter to the Church:

    “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:1, 2).

    Per Jesus’ teaching that no one knows the day, Paul says there is no need to discuss “dates.” However, he goes on to reassure the wakeful Church that the Day of the Lord will not overtake them as a thief:

    “You, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day [of the Lord] should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day … So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober (vv. 4–6).

    Notice Paul does not say we will know the day, only that we will not be surprised when it arrives.

    The bottom line is that Scripture says watchful believers can know the season, or general timeframe, but not the day. While certain dates or times seem likely, or probable, it could instead be an hour one would not expect.

    So keep watch, because the Lord could return “in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping” (Mark 13:35–37).

    . . .


  49. Just a short story...

    On Friday I spent most of the day in ER with my dad assessing whether he needed surgery for his 'incarcerated' hernia.  At one point, two female RN's came in an attempted to push back the extruding bowel in order to avoid surgery.   We discussed various options including the risks associated with operating on someone who's 93 years old.   At one point, she jokingly said, "You know, none of us are going to make it out of here alive!"   And I quickly replied, "Except those that are Raptured!"   Which of course, triggered a puzzled look (not necessarily disbelief), a brief period of silence until the younger nurse said, "Ahh, the Rapture".  The two then quickly left the room.   Not quite sure how they truly felt about what I said, but I'm sure I got them thinking!   Hey, I even got myself thinking...about how lucky (blessed) we'll be when that day comes (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).  We all know the other alternative!

    Btw, my dad ultimately  required surgery.  The doctor called me this morning and said he was doing fine and was in "good spirits".  My wife and I will visit him this afternoon.   Maranatha!!!

    1. Bobby Z!! 93 yrs old! God bless your Dad and give him perfect health and peace until we all get Raptured. Blessings to you and all your family and have a Happy 4th of July!🍔🌭🍧🍦🎼

    2. Thank you, Archangel! That's been my prayer all along...that my parent's not pass before the Rapture. We're definitely cutting it close, at least in their case! Happy 4th of July as well!

    3. Dear Brother Bob, I just listened to the video for "Watchman On The Wall 88" and in the way it is expressed, we are ALREADY on the plane, with our seat belts in place, and we are waiting for the lift-off. He does not give a date but he looks at what is happening lately in Israel, the clock of the planet. So, Captain, do you have any idea when we take off for the Kingdom ???

    4. Carole...I honestly wish I could tell you when we'll be taking off for the Kingdom/Promised Land.   You're correct, we're all currently onboard the plane, but we're still waiting to hear our Lord's voice (as it were of a trumpet) when it's time for us to depart....."Come up hither, and I will shew thee things, which must be hereafter" (Rev 4:1).   I truly believe that we have just "a little bit longer" to wait!   May God Bless you, sister.        Captain Bob

    5. Wishing all a Happy and Blessed Holiday weekend in spite of all the craziness we are surrounded by.😊

      And Bob...that’s awesome news about your dad getting through that so well at his age! Praising God for His Goodness:-)

  50. I would like to ask prayer for my husband. He was working on hay equipment Friday afternoon and cut the tips off three fingers. Local hospital did what they could, then sent us to another hospital two hours away where there was a hand specialist. It was a very long night! He is doing well, but pain control is the issue. As we were driving to to the second hospital he said "How soon is the rapture?" I said I hope soon. Thank you everyone!

    1. Barb G...Praying for your husband, Sister.
      That must be so painful. May our Lord Jesus Christ provide quick healing and pain relief and Yes! May He come even more quickly!🙏

    2. I pray for your husband Barb G. and for the Bob's daddy too!

    3. Just prayed for your husband's healing and to get the use of his fingers again. And may Jesus come soon as in Maranatha! Praise Jesus the only Savior and the one True Healer who is credited with all healings and miracles, amen.

    4. sorry to hear what happened to your husband.  Will be praying for him tonight.  I agree, would be sweet if the Rapture were to happen soon.  Way too much pain and suffering going on right now. 

      Thank you for the prayers, Carole.   My dad was supposed to be released from the hospital today, but looks like he'll have to stay another day.  Even the Pope is having intestinal issues!

    5. Wow, so sorry to hear that. I hope and pray for a full recovery and that his employment will not be affected.

    6. He is retired, but we have a farm and hay season is in full swing. Already we have had people offer to help. Thanks for praying.

  51. The Return of the King has made a new video. I really hope he is wrong but I listened until the end and I think he has his finger on something. I would like to know what you think those they will listen to it.

    1. It felt like a bit of a stretch to me...really interesting comments however...some grumpy believers who are not going to accept a rapture date beyond 2021!

    2. Exactly Through and Through! I could be wrong but I think it is because people are disappointed to see the dates go without rapture but in reality they will do like all of us, wait and watch even if sometimes it is difficult and probably more difficult to many people . We don't know what they're going through but God will keep them, the true believers. For my part, I now believe that the signs in the sky are warnings that it is coming but it does not give a date. Just because a sign is there doesn't mean it will be the moment during the sign. So I look up and I keep the faith even if it's next year or later.

  52. Thank you all for your prayers! I changed the bandages this morning with the help of a neighbor who is an emergency room nurse. So far today Tylenol has controlled the pain. Praise the Lord. I appreciate you all so much.

    1. Oh goodness, just read the above. I accidentally shoved a wire through my fingertips on Sunday, almost taking the top skin clean off and I thought that was painful enough. Feeling for your husband but grateful to God that things are under control with his fingertips. Ryan

    2. God has been so faithful, it is almost indescribable! And we just got through the first bandage change on our own! Plus no narcotics today, only Tylenol. God is good.

    3. Ouch! Ryan...Praying for a quick healing on you hand as well🙏

      And Amen, Barb! He is so faithful toward us.
      Pastor JD Farag had such a good message on this very thing yesterday from the Book of Hebrews. Just to think on what it really means to be
      able to boldly enter His Throne Room in prayer knowing that He not only CAN, but that He WANTS to meet both our spiritual and physical needs is beyond words. And all He desires from us is to believe in Him and to trust Him.😊

      May His Blessings and Healing Touch be continually upon all of us as we wait and watch for His Return.😊🙏

    4. Hand injuries are among the bloodiest and most excruciating. So happy, Barb G, that your husband is doing so much better so quickly. God IS good.

      Your post reminded me of one of the worst injuries I have ever suffered. I cut the lower part of my thumb on a broken piece of glass once, and I had never seen so much blood in my life. I also severed the nerve which led to crushing pain all up and down my arm. The foolish Dr at the ER had me hold my hand in a bowl of iodine which quickly filled with blood. He had to use the blood pressure cuff as a tourniquet to slow the bleeding enough to give me stitches. The pain was agonizing until the pain killers kicked in. My thumb was numb for a few months until the nerve grew back. I thought I’d never have feeling again it it. Praise God.

    5. Archangel, so glad your thumb recovered feeling! Thank you for the encouraging words. We were blessed to have good doctors and nurses at both emergency rooms.

    6. Thanks, Barb G. Yes, my Dr was more concerned about my blood staining his white coat. No wonder Jeff Berwick says they wear white coats “because they’re butchers.” 🤣🤣🤣

  53. So had to trek into Walm😒rt today and went to the self checkout like usual. Wouldn’t take the money and no sign saying “cards only”. Called the WM guy over and 2 guys came. They said none of the machines are taking cash anymore due to the new “coin shortage”. I said “Uh huh! So why don’t you have signs up that say ‘No Cash’ accepted. What if I don’t have a card?” He said they have been forbidden to put such signs up and if people won’t resort to a card when their cash doesn’t work, then they have to have the register cleared and carry their stuff over to a special ‘podium’ register in the corner to pay in cash. This was after already having stood in line for 15-20 minutes to get to the first self-checkout. (And they only keep 1 manned checkout going these days.) So just a heads up on them making it difficult to use cash—AGAIN.

    1. Yeah really interesting Sheila - we are seeing this more and more as well with self-check out machines starting to move to 'card only' (testing the system). Coupled with that, we have had a huge number of local banks 'shutting shop' (physically) and moving completely online. Crazy times.

  54. In the Wormwood Department
    I had time to delve a bit more into the Apophis Asteroid flyby scenario and possible impact to Earth. I further developed my reply and from what I have researched, this Apophis will not be the Wormwood of the Bible. What is of concern is that based on this model, the whole 7-year Tribulation Period Timeline is being then re-calibrated from 2025-2032. It is where 2029 will be the approximate ‘Midpoint’ and so on.

    As to the evidence for concluding that Apophis will not be Wormwood? I used a simple Mathematical Ratio Comparison based on its size. The supposition used is based on the Asteroid actually hitting the Earth and how that will look like. Thus, I also compared the impact to a 50MT Nuclear Detonation as that is what it will amount to only.

    Based on these comparisons, Apophis will at best only affect ~3-4 million, not a 1/3 of the World. So, not intending to throw Cold Splash of Water here but for the Nuclear Detonation computer model, I chose Washington D.C., home of Charlie, so since he not posting lately, thought I Nuke his backyard and see what that would look like.

    You are welcomed, Charlie!

    Article: #510: IS APOPHIS WORMWOOD?

  55. If the Sabbatical Cycle is in play and accurate, then the last year, or that 7th year of the Cycle is starting in the Fall 2021 and goes to Fall 2022.

    I read a comment somewhere that harvests don’t take place in the seventh year or sabbath year. Hence the Rapture or harvest cannot take place in that year.

  56. Outstanding teaching from Pastor Andy Woods for the kids, too.

    The Myth of Separation of Church and State. Dr. Andrew Woods.

  57. Lu~SO appreciate your research, Brother--will be delving into your Apophis/Wormwood article as soon as I can! I have, of course, mentioned your work in my newest article that again points us to this month of JULY 2021 for a possible snatching away!

    BRAD called this Rev12 article AN ASTEROID IS COMING--I could have called my article ANOTHER RAPTURE COMET MAY BE COMING! But instead it is titled

    The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child

    I think everyone will enjoy this--especially you, Lu! And I hope Brad has time to read it also. So give me your thoughts, Fam, here at Rev12daily or (preferably) at my blogsite--Love you all lots!

  58. Hi Christina,
    Amen. In total agreement. That is why this year, I am a bit more excited about this Summer Wheat Harvest season. It is a ‘cautious’ expectation as that is what I was wondering about that Sabbatical Cycle Theory. Would it be this year, the 6th or on the 7th? It is clear that the 6th Year was a Double-Blessing and the 7th was and is to be the Year of Rest. The prophetic pattern follows the Creation Week and the gathering of Manna and perhaps now even the Gentile Souls during this Church Age.

    So, to say that no ‘Harvest’ was to be performed on the 7th Year. So, the question will be, will Christ Jesus also allow for this same pattern? We are, by all accounts in the 6th Year and about to enter the ‘Rest’/Rest Year from Fall 2021 to Fall 2021. We shall soon find out if this is the year! I wrote-up a long-winded version of this reply how the Tribulation Period cannot then occur this Fall as many/most are calculating the timeline that are using the 1948 start year.



  59. Hi Lyn,
    Thanks as always for interjecting some of my research/studies into yours. It is always good to have a 2nd pair of Eyes, Prophetic Eyes that is to see things up on the ‘Wall’. :) In reading your Scepter Star Article, I replied in segments to what came to mind because it was too long, sorry lol. I did enjoy it and the Comet assertion is something to think about.

    Lu :)

  60. Just a late night thought to sleep on 😊😴🙏

    Remember the Ever Given ship that blocked the Suez Shipping Canal for 6 days back in late March?

    Tomorrow on 7/7/2021 Egypt is finally freeing it to leave Great Bitter Lake where the ship and 25 crew members have been judicially detained for 86 days due to that 6 days of obstruction.

    So on 7/7/21:
    Ever Given (Or a Promise of Betrothal)
    Egypt (Or the World)
    The Blocker (Or the Restrainer)
    Great Bitter Lake (Or the Tribulation)
    ‘86’ is the number that in the hospitality business traditionally applies to those who are rejected, unwelcome and refused service.(That’d be us)
    ‘25’ is the Biblical number for forgiveness of sins. (That’d be us, too)

    7:47 pm sunset time in Israel on 7/7/21

    G#747–archegos—chief leader, author, captain, prince 4x
    Acts 3:15, Acts 5:31, Hebrews 2:10, Hebrews 12:2

    H#747–Arisai—a son of Haman (Esther 9:9)
    (per @ Dr. BA, his was a spirit of poison and bitterness)

    And Bob...IDK, but a 747 would work just fine for me flight-wise😉🙏

    Blessings All and everyday brings another reason to be Looking Up!

    1. Sheila...flight 747 works for me! Perhaps I can check with the boss to arrange a 'twilight' flight tonight! Just a matter of switching planes! Lol! Cap't Bob

  61. Hello dear family in Jesus! Thank you for continuing to pray for us. My husband, Daniel, struggles to cope with what we are going through here. He is not in good health and suffers from back pain, hip pain and arthritis which begins like his mother too. We still have our financial problems as well as messages from the Bank and he says if we still refuse the vaxx as soon as it becomes mandatory (he knows what's going on with that, what's in it) we'll lose our jobs and we'll be sitting in the snow this winter. He's bitter and it's not easy to live with that kind of mood and emotions when I'm at home. I told him that God has always provided and that if it happens it will always be with the help of the Lord but I think it is not enough to encourage him. Lately, everything is happening at the same time here, so for me it is more difficult to live with the emotions that my husband gives me, than with the poverty that could happen to us. I love my husband sincerely, but my struggles right now are not so much financial or health problems as what I am going through at home. Don't think he's a bad husband, because he's a good husband, and he takes care of me and our mini Candy, but he's got a fiery character. I love you all! Maranatha !!!

    1. Blessings Dear Carole. I also wonder about just how bad things are going to get before our Departure. The uncertainty is a terrible thing to contemplate. I heard Jeff Berwick say that in the UK, they want to start giving the shot to pets. It’s insane. It doesn’t make sense, but then again, nothing TPTB do makes sense. Canada has it much worse than many other countries, too, so I can see why your husband Daniel is concerned. I try not to let my mind wander because it will always go to the worst scenario possible. That’s why it’s critical to stay in the Word because it’s easy to lapse. I do believe they are going to start door to door visits. I am praying that God will keep them far from where I live. When things get real bad down here, we just have to look up and know that God is in control every minute and has His Eye on His children. It’s near impossible for your dear husband’s mental state not to affect yours. The anxiety is real. The best you can do is be strong in the Lord for him. I’m so sad for your distress. I pray that God will shower you both with His blessings and peace that only He can give. One day, this nightmare we are living in will be over. God is good always.


    2. They are already “infecting” our Zoo animals with their “cure”.Makes you wonder about that Zoo series that aired for several years until 9/21/2017. About a “mysterious outbreak of violent animal attacks on humans all over the world and those investigating the seemingly coordinated and ferocious attacks.”
      (Rev.6:8 KJV)

      Hoping they don’t show up at my door.
      I might end up posting from jail, lol. But seriously, I am wondering if in this “door to door” attempt to try to coerce (intimidate) the V resistant they will be
      coming with security teams like they do in Australia and Canada.
      That likely won’t end pretty for some folks out here in rural Texas.😬🙏
      Just trusting in Jesus to come for us before they can start trying to physically force it into those who refuse to willingly submit. I know they can’t do that with the actual MOTB, but not so sure they can’t try it at this stage. Like Australia, they’ve probably written themselves “crisis” permission to do just that into US Law somewhere.

    3. Blessings Carole...and hang in there. I feel ya and I truly believe The Lord has had to give many of us a “double portion” of faith to help carry the weaker ones along. Just keep relying on His Strength to get us and our loved ones through the anxiety. It’s the only way we can make it ourselves, but make it, we will! 😊🙏

    4. All the animals in the trials died. Every single one.

    5. Parents should be aware that the ‘HOO’
      has put out a recent statement that without active parental opt-out objections, school attendance alone implies ‘informed consent’ for children to be V’d at a school sponsored clinic. If such an event is actually announced on a specific day, the only other option will be to keep kids at home that day. But I wouldn’t trust that parents will be properly pre-informed no more than they recently were in NC when some middle schoolers were bussed to a V site.
      Some crying kids managed to call their parents to come rescue them from that site just in time after their teachers had pressured them into just going along with the “guilt” tactics of being a deadly health threat to their parents and grandparents. Doubt I’d trust that “opt-out” thing for protection either. The Teacher’s Unions are already advising teachers to flaunt the laws that disagree with their agenda.
      It’s just a good idea to cover our children with Prayer before we let them out of our sight.

    6. Thank you very much Archangel, Sheila B2, for your compassion and your prayers! I know God is with us but I also need all of you! You really are my family!

  62. Adding you and your family to my prayers, Carole. It does look like it's going to be a tight squeeze before our departure across the board!

    1. Yes, Sam. Carole's situation reminded me of your friend's dream (see my Comment below).

    2. Thank you my brother Sam, You are a brother that I can't wait to meet and I appreciate for the prayers!

  63. Pertaining to the topic of Brad’s post here are some interesting articles @Rapture Ready today.

    “Why Is NASA Working So Hard To Learn How To Defend The Earth From Giant Asteroids?”

    How NASA’s DART mission aims to crash an unmanned spacecraft against asteroid in ‘defensive test’

    “How 23 giant Chinese rockets could save the world from ‘doomsday’ asteroid”

    Would they really give the average Joe much direct warning (if any at all) if they knew/know something out there (like Apophis) is coming at this planet in the much nearer future than what they are claiming? I doubt that, myself. BUT GOD...He has been warning the world for 2000 years that it IS coming and what to look for in conjunction with the time frame of it’s arrival. AND He has made provision for a Heavenly Bunker for those who don’t wish to live in fear of any of the soon coming worldly destructions through Faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.😊🙏

    We are all so Blessed who know and understand the full ramifications of John 3:16!

  64. Dear Carole AND Rev12Fam~
    First, I want to encourage you and your husband, Carole, to grab each other's hands and do some serious prayer together seeking God for wisdom. I really believe He will guide your steps if you come together like that in prayer.

    Also, your situation reminds me of the dream Sam posted in the last Rev12daily article. Here's an excerpt:

    "Then later on I saw groups of Christians riding horse and carriages out into the wilderness. They were hiding, stranded away, or something. They were just being there for one another again. I went to unload a carriage to get something to help people and I heard screaming and shouting. We thought "they" had found us. Who "they" is I don't know. When I looked up on the hill overlooking our campsite I saw people pointing in the sky screaming. I turned to look and was instantly transported up onto the hill / small mountain, and I saw the stars in the sky all shift and move. All the suns in the universe moved and realigned to form a giant cross pure white glistening burning bright and even in my dream I felt the Holy Spirit so strongly that I was overwhelmed and filled with joy and also the Fear of the Lord, and I trembled in my dream so much when I woke up I trembled and felt Him still and heard His voice say "Behold I am coming"."

    This was my Reply to Sam about that section of the dream:

    "...Before "they" come for us to force their pharmakeia agenda on us, HE WILL COME FOR US! Because there has never been a TRANSITIONAL TIME that parallels this, we will be like PIONEERS (thus the riding horse and carriages out into the wilderness)."

    IT'S TIME TO CIRCLE THE WAGONS IN CONCENTRATED PRAYER, DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!! I realize it is easy for me to give advice etc. when not in Carole's place. She is facing the WILDERNESS but we are not far behind with Biden "sicking the hounds" on the nonvaxxed. Because we are facing the unknown it can be scary BUT GOD has made us to be His Overcomers in All Things. BELOVED IN THE LORD, BE NOT AFRAID BUT TRUST IN HIM WHO IS OUR ALL AND ALL❤️‍🔥

    1. My advice, fwiw, is to keep your cellphones off and in a Faraday bag as much as you can. Apps were installed on android phones in Massachusetts that can’t be uninstalled and it doesn’t show unless you scroll thru settings to the apps. It’s how they tracking.

    2. I’m also a fan of VPNs not based in America.

    3. Lyn, my sister, thank you for the encouragements and good advice! And thank you for bringing back a piece of this dream for us! I think I need a hug from all of you! XXXX

  65. Pfizer Contents Exposed! - Stew Peters

    The inhalant version will “work” even quicker. 🙄

  66. 90 million vaccinated….966 deaths from the vaccine. That’s less than a hundredth of a percent. More people die from eating peanut butter, and many more from the flu vaccine. Put it into perspective people.

    1. Sorry, Unk. That’s just not gonna fly around here..

    2. Archangel, you are assisting with the enemy’s deception. You will have to answer for it. I will pray for you to open your eyes and your ears.


    3. I suggest you refrain from encouraging genocide. How many babies, children and adults have to die ? Haven’t enough already?

    4. OMG! Enough with the vaccine! Let’s talk about the end times. Only stupid people are resisting the vaccine. Has anyone considered a 10 year

    5. Sorry, I got cut off. Has anyone considered a 10 year tribulation, kinda in line with Rev 2:10. Like rapture happens…then 3 year gap…then 7 year tribulation. Open to any thoughts on the topic.

    6. Getting personal is the final refuge of the truly uninformed as you have demonstrably exposed yourself.

    7. Only the ignorant use “OMG” on a Christian site. Are you in your teens?

    8. Amy...Most of us here have actually spent a lot of years in the actual INTELLIGENCE field and one of the main protocols is not to rely on the wisdom of men. You do what you want when it comes to trusting in their manipulative ‘science’ for your well-being, but we choose to stand on the Wisdom of our God.
      Anyone who can look around and still can’t see the designed consequences of this whole plandemic scheme—especially where true Biblical Christianity is concerned—is as blind as the bat they are trying to blame it on.
      Look up Stockholm Syndrome. Very similar techniques:
      1)Instill fear/panic from a 99.9% survivable virus.
      2)Make subservient, with masking/social distancing, lockdowns and falsified death counts, etc.
      3)Reward with only one possible cure and one that by their own admission doesn’t actually work—keep masking and social distancing...

      Wash, Rinse, Repeat
      Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and now Lambda....

      Meanwhile, shut down Christian houses of prayer and arrest Pastors, call everyone who questions any of it a domestic terrorist, censor all who raise red flags and convince those who take the j@b$ that it’s really the unj@bbed who are the threat while whatever pharmakeia they have irreversibly injected into your body works it’s NWO magic.
      Then get a Strong’s Concordance and search out the meaning of “sorceries” in Rev.9:21KJV and Rev.18:23 KJV.
      Then go do some research on the criminal liability histories of the Pharmaceutical companies and govt. agencies you are putting your faith in
      before you come in here calling us the “stupid” ones.
      Follow the money and the power structures.
      Then keep listening to those who have everything to gain by selling you on the V and ignore those who have everything but their souls to lose for trying to warn you
      about it. But you won’t be calling us or them the “stupid” ones for long. That I can promise you.

      And the actual Trib is 7 yrs long just as Scripture states while nobody knows as yet how long the gap is between that and the Harpazo of the BOC. Could be a year or more or it could be a few weeks or less. Sincerely hope to meet you there in the clouds as a true Believer in Christ’s Finished Work on the Cross, but I am beginning to wonder
      about the critical thinking skills of those who’ve trusted in something so highly questionable rather than in the soundness of the Scriptures as we are so obviously rushing toward the onset of Daniel’s 70th week and the rising Beast System.


  67. Blessings Carole, my heart and prayers go out to you. I am sorry you are going through this difficult trial. Take heart in knowing many are praying for you. God is with you and is your help and stay. May these truths in His word bring you, and all who come to this site, encouragement and comfort.
    Blessings and SOON dear sister!

    Psalm 40
    Psalm 55:16-18
    Psalm 61:1-2
    Isaiah 41:10
    2 Corinthians 4:8-9
    2 Timothy 4:18

    1. In regards to the original article, I always thought that Wormwood was in reference to a nuclear disaster, just in the way it talked about poisoned waters, etc. I’m surprised to see all the resistance to the vaccine…our Pastor recommended it, and all our members got it that were eligible. I don’t think the kids can get it yet. But it wasn’t even an argument.

    2. I will pray for you, your Pastor and your congregation. It doesn’t sound like your Pastor teaches Revelation.

    3. On the contrary Archangel. She actually teaches Eschatology at several colleges here in Ohio as well as Illinois. I just texted her this site and she replied refrain at all costs. It’s known misinformation. So see ya later gators!

      Jessica from Columbus

    4. Thank you Mom! You really are like a mom to us and I appreciate the verses! These are good bible verses!

    5. I’ve been a long time lurker here. Is it just me or is archangel lashing out at visitors with daggers instead of love?? The Lord instructs us to love even our enemies. Just sayin’


    6. Jessica...the Bible has a lot to say about false shepherds because they do exist and many are leading their flocks away from God’s Truth into a one world religion that will be an integral part of the rising AC Beast System. That’s why we are told to study the Scriptures for ourselves. I pray that’s not the case with your Pastor, but if she is recommending that you conform to the world, then I wouldn’t bet against it. And sadly, on her advice you may never know that until it’s too late.

    7. Blessings, Richard and like I said somewhere up above, we’re in some turbulent waters now and that’s not to be unexpected. I think Jude 1:22,23 might speak to the disparity with which some are responding to this very serious tug-o-war between those who are trusting in the govt. and those who are not. This in no way, shape or form falls under normal medical protocols. Is it a final winnowing of some sort? IDK, but it sure feels like it because people are being forced to take a spiritual stand
      on this do or don’t issue and it’s going to cost us all something either way. So just Pray for the whole Body of Christ, Brother, is all I can say. 🙏

      (and anyone who doesn’t think AA will bite back should know
      better by now😉)

    8. I am 52 and my family has been on the fence about the vaccine. I watched Dr. McCullough, as well as Dr. Tenpenny. I also watched several interviews from epidemiologists in response to theirs. Others should be aware that they also spread misinformation from the swine flu as well as other vaccines. So this isn’t new for them. After much thought and prayer, we’ll be getting vaccinated on Monday. Thank you all for entertaining both sides of the argument!


    9. Female Pastor? Well that explains so much right there. The Bible is clear that women are not to have spiritual authority over men as men are the spiritual leaders of the family, just as Adam had authority over Eve. That’s Bible 101.

      It’s easier to just do what you’re told, isn’t it? Some of us would rather ask questions and be skeptical. Some of us prefer thinking over letting others decide what we should do. People do indeed perish for lack of knowledge.

      To blindly accept an injection that hasn’t been studied or tested for a minimum of ten years like regular vaccines and for which big Pharma has zero liability is an exercise in irrational thinking to the extreme. Dumbfounding.

      Don’t forget your boosters and to mask and social distance because as the “HOO” said, the vaxx won’t protect you from catching the V. 🙄

      On the bright side, I don’t think you’re a troll based on your writing skills.

    10. had to chime in. Holy Spirit filled women pastors all over this great nation. Someone obviously flunked Bible 101

    11. Yup AA - a bunch of 'Unknowns' all of a sudden poking their heads above water to say 'trust us, the Jab is wonderful'...ahhhh nope.

    12. archangel, please learn to rightly divide the Word. That was a teaching that Paul and Timothy gave to church of Corinth. Keep in context, and you can’t go wrong. God bless you sir.


    13. Unk, please heed your own advice. Men are the high priests of the family and Church Family. God created woman for the man, not the other way around,

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Google search on coronavirus hits on killer asteroid site. Sweet read! Time to go work on me bunker now


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.