Look at the Book - 1 Thess 5:1-5

I have learned alot from watching these "Look at the Book" videos by John Piper over the years and was excited to see that he just did one for one of our most precious passages relating to the rapture... 1 Thes 1:1-5! He really breaks down how The Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night... BUT WE ARE NOT IN DARKNESS! Praise Jesus! Jesus is coming soon... and it will be a sudden, shocking, destructive, terrifying event on the world... but for us it will bring JOY because will be going HOME! Abba Up!!!


  1. Thank you for the new post!
    The last post contains 225 comments. I hope this is not a sign for 2025 ;)
    Yesterday, Aaron@Godaminute posted a video about the Rapture window.
    He showed on Stellarium that Feast of Trumpets is on October 9/10 in 2029 with the Moon being under the Feet of Virgo on that day(s). I don't use Stellarium, so I can't verify it. Yom Kippur then October 17-ish.
    Could that mean that Feast of Trumpets in 2029 is indeed after the Fall Equinox?
    I had another thought. The duration of a pregnancy is about 266 days after the conception. If we take the start of the Ukraine War on February 24th, 266 days later is November 17th. Exactly one month after the last day of Tabernacles in 2022. Could we be one month off indeed?

  2. Relevation 12 sign - October 10th, 2029= 4400 days or 144 months and 17 days or 12 years and 17 days...crazy numbers!

  3. Stephan,
    As we continue to press on and look at the Evidence, Clues, and Signs to come, you asked about how October 9,10, 2029 would look like in Stellarium. It is true that the Moon will be under the feet of Virgo but the Sun will be already half way down the Sign and Jupiter is leaving it.

    I do believe a more Approximate Rendition of the Revelation 12 Sign occurs, precisely on 9-11, exactly 1 Month prior in the Year 2029, September 11, 2029. See Chart below that has been shared and how it demonstrated that Shemini Timeline. So, yes, the Month of October’s New Moon will be on October 8. This then would be the Start of the 7th Month or Yom Teruah, if it is correct. Note that both the Rabbinical and Torah Calendar have Rosh HaShanah starting on Eve of September 10.

    No, this October 8, 2029 Day Count would follow also the theory that the 7th Month starts with the 1st New Moon after the Fall Equinox in September 22. However, there is 1 Discrepancy that is in Play also. Ken Johnson does ascribe to the Day Count that the New Month can be determined by the New Moon that is Nearest to the Equinoxes. This is for sure spoken about it by him concerning the Spring Equinox but not entirely sure if the same Principle is or could be has to be applied to the Fall Equinox.

    So, this means that in the case for 2029, the Nearest New Moon would be before the September 22, 2029 Equinox and that is how then, the 1st Day of the 7th Month, based on this Interpretation would be September 9, making the 2 Day Feast ending on September 11, 2029.

    But now that we know that the Shemini Timeline is not the one for the Rapture and/or the Tribulation Period, assuming, then we need to look for a different Bench Marker. And it might be the case, once again that as the Revelation 12 Sign that occurred Astronomically in 2017 was just that, a Sign… thus to say that this one in 2029, that one calls the Revelation 12 Sign 2.0 will be just that as well, a Sign. And that the Shemini Timeline is significant but not to pegged, now obviously, to the Timing of the Rapture or Jesus’ 2nd Coming.

    Hope that makes sense as we continue to ‘Crunch the Numbers’.
    Plus, 1 Day Closer to the Rapture, eh? :)

    Moon Calendar – October 2029

  4. I tried to research online Pipers' position on the Rapture--and it appears he is a post-Trib, one coming not two guy. Is that how ya'll read it?

    1. Hi,
      Yes, Piper has Calvinist Persuasions, nothing wrong in having that, but for the most part, Calvinists do not hold to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario. :)

      But he fought to stay open during COVID had held services, was sued and won. So, I am glad he was 1 of the Few in all of California that did. He saw through the Deception. In that aspect, if only the majority of all other Pastors would have been like him...or still can be as this COVID thing is appearing to re-emerge in the Creeping Narratives, no?

    2. Hi Judi…yes on Piper’s post-Trib stance if you can even call what he teaches any kind of Rapture at all. Sounds more like the church as a welcoming committee for the 2nd Advent to me.
      But he’s also a Lordship Salvationist with some kind of Final Salvation requirement of personal holiness, so I don’t agree with his theology at all re eschatology, or our means of Justification. So I did find this take on 1Thess.5 foreign to my faith as both a believer in The Finished Work of the Cross and a pre-Trib Heavenly Rapture. And I thought it was John McArthur who fought the “lockdown” war and won. Don’t remember hearing anything about Piper in that regard.🤷‍♀️

    3. Sheila, yeah, that was pretty much my take on it as well. Certainly on the Rapture, or lack thereof. I haven't followed his theology as have read enough from others to know I wouldn't agree. Same with others who may have really good doctrines in some areas, then ones I totally can't live with such as Replacement Theology.

  5. A few days ago, Lu wrote "November 1 is the ‘Day of the Dead’ that is celebrated around the World. One finds that interesting. Perhaps it was a Prophetic Shadow of Jesus’ Death and in so doing, destroyed Death and him who has the Power of Death over Humanity."
    November 17th is 17 days after the 'Day of the Dead'. With 17 being the 'Resurrection Number' (Christ rose on Nisan 17), November 17th looks promising.
    If the Feast of Trumpets were somewhere between October 9-11 2029, we could apply the Verse Numbers 9-11 of Acts 1 (the description of the Ascension of Jesus). And with October 18th 2029 being Yom Kippur, we have the same day again, when Jesus potentially proclaimed the Jubilee Year in 28 AD. October 18, 28 AD + 2000 years completed = October 18, 2029

  6. YES, BRAD! We certainly are CHILDREN OF LIGHT so that that day does NOT take us by surprise! And here's more proof, dear Brothers and Sisters! As promised, I wrote an article to let you know about yet ANOTHER EVENT TO OCCUR POINTING VERY POSSIBLY TO A 2022 RAPTURE:


    1. LOL, Lyn…the first thing I had to do was stop and look up the meaning of “semaphoring”. Never too old to learn something new. So that’s what the guy finally waving the plane into the gate is doing.🙃
      Ok…back to your article.

    2. Interesting stuff, Lyn. Hope if KH takes office, it’ll be after we are gone.
      Did you see my reply to your last comment on prior thread in re @Dutchsinse 10/19 report? You might find it interesting and supportive to both your EQ and darkness theory, esp with the volcanic activity involved.🤔

    3. Yes, Sheila, I meant to let you and LU both know I did read your comments on the last thread.
      (LU, you rascal you!)

      I had NOT yet caught Dutch's 10/19 report, so thank you! Both he and In2thinair YTC have revealed that the quake officials seem to be purposely NOT reporting CERTAIN quakes. I'm not sure WHO (elite advanced technology) or WHAT (Planet X system) is causing all the volcanic activity, but am so thankful God is watching over everything!

      Your black and white submarines made me think of the old TV screen images and my mind connected it with WW2 and the old blitzkrieg tactic Brandon Dawson was told was to be used against America.

      I could have added more to my Kamala article, but wanted to keep it brief. George at The Return of the King and Jaco at God's Roadmap both point to the time period mentioned in the Kamala prophecy through Brandon Dawson.

      It was a bit tricky getting this article done because I had a sick grandchild to care for all day on top of my other household duties. YOU KNOW what that's like, Sheila😉😩

    4. Prayers Up, Lyn, for that grandbaby’s wellness and your strength, too, Sister. 🙏

    5. Thank you Lyn and Sheila! The article is really astonishing for me! The Lord is great! He gives us the way and brings us to Him in the air now! Many stuff to study and share now! We are at the very door!

  7. Family, Blessings

    Lyn, I had taken note of the election following on the 8th as another auspicious point in re 11/7-8 and Our Scouts appt., though thought of nothing to comment upon it thus far. Hmmm... Prayers up for your grand child.

    On that note, on his Community page, Unca Todd has put up an "SOS" for prayers for his daughter, Summer, only stating that it is health related.

  8. Another little video lasting 5 minutes from Hourly Watch. Our brother Patrick, despite his mourning, continues to bless the body of Christ! There's a note from Christina at the end, which she wrote without his knowledge.

  9. RE: Heshvan 17?

    PART 1/2
    In researching the latest Ideas, Thoughts and Theories about the Blessed Hope, a Thought came to mind as the New Thread started and Stephan alluded to the Acts 9:11 verse Pattern and how the Next High Watch Days are centered around November. We realize that the Verses ascribed to the Scriptures are not Divinely given or Reveled. But perhaps Divinely Inspired? One can live with that. But is not Heshvan 17 the Time or Season when the Ark Door was Shut and the Flood began? Oh, yes.

    So, here is another possible Correlation to the 17 that also Stephan mentioned is associated with Jesus’ Day of the Resurrection. With that, I came across this Article below about Noah, the Beginning of the Flood and our Favorite, some Number Calculations. :) I thought it gave a Good Outline, if at least. But I must admit, that seeing all these Day-Month-Year Figures does make the Head Spin. :0

    Overview of Noah’s Ark and The Flood: Genesis Chapters 6-11

    So, I thought this Article was worthwhile to consider its Perspective. It seems very detailed to suggest that Heshvan 17 was November 6 or the up to the 8th, depending on the Year and Gregorian Conversion, etc. Now how all that would or could translate in our current Calendar, not sure but the Bible states that, ‘On the 7th Day, Heshvan [Cheshvan] 17, Noah and his Family finished bringing their Provisions and all the Animals into the Ark, and God Shut the Door. Genesis 7:16.

    Then 7 Days later, is when the Rain started to come down and the Waters of the Deep started to spring-up, etc. Note that based on this Article’s Calculation, Noah entered the Ark on October 30-31, some 47 Days after Methuselah’s Death. Not sure how that was determined.

    So, from October 31 to November 6-13? Perhaps to keep a Look-Out?
    Stephan, ET:DD, what can you make of this?...

    Jesus did say that the Last Days and the Condition of His Return would be like the ‘Days of Noah’. But that pertains to the 2nd Coming, not the Rapture Timing as one understands it, no? So, just be aware that one may be mixing ‘Apples and Oranges’ here. In Researching more about this, I do remember in 2006, how that year was Special in the Celebration of the Flood because Noah Died 2006 Year after Creation.

    So, it was sort of a Bench Mark Year. And then one came across the Work of our Brother Dan Matson that did some Speculating on this topic too. Come to find out that Brad had had a Post about it. This was way back in 2017 when this Blog had just started.

    1. PART 2/2
      So Kudos to Brad. But the issue is what ‘End’ or ‘Beginning’ of the Year does one use? Meaning, is the 1st Month, Nisan then only after the Exodus? If so, the Noah Calculation would have to start in the 7th Month, which is the 1st Month that even to this Day the Rabbinical Civil Calendar is pegged to.

      ‘As in the Days of Noah’ - Daniel Matson

      But also note the Corresponding Date in how Noah and Family did not leave the Ark until the 27th day of the 2nd Month. Genesis 8:14. 1 Year later. This corresponded to November 8. Noah remained in the Ark for 365 Days based on this Day Count but for a total of 382 Days based on this Article’s Day Count Method.

      Observations about the Article in Question:

      The only issue I have with the Article is that they hold to the view that the Ark is where Ron Wyatt presumed to have found it. It is a Natural Earth Formation in one’s Estimation and the only Topic that I would disagree with Ron Wyatt’s Work. There is compelling evidence and Eye-Witness Accounts that the Ark is in Frozen Ice in the Mountain of Ararat itself.

      Now, the Day-Month-Year Calculations are based off of the Enoch Calendar of 364 Days. Why? Before the Flood of Noah, it is understood by some that the Earth, at that Time was covered by a Water-Vapor Canopy and did not have the 23.5 Degree Tilt. That is why the whole Earth was like a Green-House as one finds Petrified Forest remains even in Antarctica to this Day.

      After the Flood, and the Canopy collapsed. YHVH introduced the 4 Seasons by the Tilt of the Earth. But the Calendar before the Flood was based on a Circle of Time, 360 Degrees with the 4 Days ascribed to the Equinoxes and Solstices, respectively.

      Now, according to this Article and Research, not sure how they surmised the Day-Month-Year, but Methuselah Died on Yom Teruah, Friday the 13th. And then I surmised that Lamech, Father of Noah lived 777 Years, and who Died 5 Years prior to the Flood. That is why if one factors-in the 5-Year Anniversary likewise, since 2017, that Year was 5777.

    2. Anyway,
      Barb, here are some Phi Ratio Spirals for ya! :0

      Chart on ‘As in the Days of Noah’.

      Notice the Symmetry in how the Flood occurred in the 600TH YEAR OF NOAH (+) 7 DAYS (Precursor)
      = Judgement.


      The END OF 6000TH YEAR (-) 7 YEARS (Tribulation Period)
      = Judgement


    3. Thanks, Lu! I still don't understand the curly qs, though.

    4. Barb,
      Oh, that Phi Ratio Spiral is just a Visual of what is called the Golden Mean or Section. It is how everything created by YHVH grows or is sectioned-off. Take for example your Hand. Each Section in the Fingers is bigger than the next Section, on average. Then the Fingers are in Proportion to the Palm. Then the Hand to the Arm, then the Arm to the Forearm. Then entire Arm + Hand to the Body, etc. It is just that these ‘Growth Patterns’ occur in Mathematical Proportion, that is all.

      Or take one’s Head and then it will be in this precise Mathematical Proportion to the Torso, then to the Legs, etc. This Proportion of Growth, is seen for example in the Sun Flower, the Nautilus, Ram’s Horns, Hurricanes, Galaxies. Artists use this Proportion in designing Buildings, for example. I also used it in one of my Pictures of my Face on my website. See Link below.

      Here are 2 Articles on it for further study. Now, why I make a big fuzz about it, is that I Postulate, that since this ‘Creation Ruler’ is the ‘Signature of YHVH’, one would suspect that Time and Prophecy and/or Prophetic Events, like the Rapture could or are fashioned that way and will occur perhaps in such a Mathematical Proportion to prior Prophetic Events. Such have been the case as I have presented Evidence as the Blood Moon Tetrads and the World Wars. It is a Theory.

      In 1 of the Articles, do click on the Video to get a short Summary of the Phi Ratio Concept.


      #648: PHI RATIO CODE
      Why Prophetic Time is based on Phi Ratio

    5. #108: PHI RATIO AND PI DAY
      Once in a Century Matching Pi Sign-to-Year Event

    6. Thanks, I will check these things out. I am starting to understand what fractals are. I think.

  10. Dear Lu, according to me, and I could be wrong of course, I always understood that like the days of Noah it's about living normally, getting married, eating and drinking, having fun and everything. So, according to me, it can only be before the tribulation, and with the rapture, because as soon as the tribulation begins, it gets bad for people and many will die. There can be no normality in tribulations. I know well on the other hand that I do not teach you anything you are much more erudite in the matter than me. But if that's what I think, at the second coming of the Lord, it's not very beautiful on earth. So if I'm wrong, it's high time I found out. 😁

    1. Scholar Carole, :)
      Nice. It makes total sense. Yes, at the 2nd Coming of Jesus, it will be All-Out Global War as it will be Armageddon in Full Force. The Tribulation Period, especially at the end will not be like what is described by Jesus, as 'In the Days of Noah'. That is why then, this Time now is where we are at. That is exciting.



    2. RE: Stoning the Prophet

      So, Bob says that I am a ‘Prophet’, eh? I had not had a chance to reply to his latest ‘Blasphemy’. lol :) He is trying to Stone me, ...that is with Rocks for Batting ‘0’ so far.

      Coincidentally, so happens that I got an email, Out of the Blue, as they say from a long Time Reader. Here is the Conversation and one’s reply pertaining to the Up-Coming November Dates and how they could be tied to Noah, the 777 Lamech Factor, 5-Year Anniversary, etc.

      RE: Hampton Court 2022 Countdown

      Hi Lu,
      How are you?

      Remember this post on 5 Doves back in 2013?
      I came across it looking for the number 7777 which you mentioned in your
      letter but I noticed back then you were saying 2022 is a year to watch!
      9 years ago!

      Looks like things are really heating up at the end of October and
      beginning of November this year. For instance the new British PM has
      resigned after just 44 days.
      Yes, 44.

      Anyway, just thought I would bring your old letter to your attention one
      again and point out that the links you give at the top of your letter
      no longer work! Is there a new URL I could use please?

      ‘P’ in Perth.

      Yes, we are still here, but getting closer by the Day.
      Interesting Retro Article and that 2022 Connection.
      My University pulled the Site off of my Personal Staff Profile where I had the Links.

      Here is the new one, once I acquired a Website.

  11. Thank you, dear Family, for all your prayers🤗 It blessed me tremendously since I did not even have to ask, you simply gave your time and did it! Fortunately, my granddaughter only has the run of the mill sniffles that follow a mild sore throat, so no biggie. 😊 This may not be the case for Unca Todd's little one, though...

    Speaking of the little ones--
    Part 1
    Did you see that "they" plan to make the viper jab MANDATORY for school-age children?
    FROM: CDC is about to add covid-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule, creating total liability protection for Pfizer & Moderna

    By Lance D Johnson

    "The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is moving quickly to add the covid-19 jabs to the ever-expanding, childhood vaccine schedule. The committee will be taking a vote on October 19, 2022, with public comments accepted by the 20th.

    Anyone who has ever dealt with ACIP knows that their vote and their discussion is all for show. They ignore any data that disproves the efficacy and safety of a vaccine in question. Therefore, their vote on recommending the covid-19 vaccines for children is nothing more than a formality, — a façade — because the committee has a long history of pushing out needless, experimental and dangerous vaccines on helpless, non-consenting childhood populations.

    Once the jabs are placed on the childhood vaccine schedule, they will be protected by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). This act eliminates all financial liability of the vaccine manufacturers — facilitating vaccine injury claims through a kangaroo, taxpayer-funded system run by a Court of Federal Claims and special masters. . ."

    1. Part 2:
      There is the option of homeschooling; however, how many households with children can afford to have a parent stay home? I am hoping this is a MAJOR DEMARCATION to the Lord and He does indeed come for us BEFORE they come for us!

      In the article linked below, there is another prophetic dream shared where pioneers are seen going into the WILDERNESS. I'm hoping this is partially in reference to parents pulling their kids out of school.

      [Excerpt taken from The Great Escape from Camp FEMA]:


      Before ‘They’ Take Us, HE Will Take Us

      In my article The Mask and The Mark, I posted two videos where brethren shared their dreams that confirmed what I heard in my spirit for in their dreams the Rapture occurred when the vaccine mandate was enforced. Many (including myself) believe this Covid-19 vaccine plan is sorcery (pharmakeia) that the Bible warns us of and refuse to get jabbed (see Revelation 9:21; 18:23):

      . . . On January 8. . . I diligently sought Him and prayed, “Lord, meet with us as You met with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, but meet us in the clouds as we enter the fire of the FEMA camps.”
      Immediately I heard in my spirit, “It won’t come to that.” [Are You Ready for the Hand of God? excerpt]

    2. Thanks, Lyn…I’ve been following this one, ofc and keeping my daughter updated. I believe there are 10 States/Govs so far that say they will NOT
      be following the C*D*C guidelines…all red ofc. But while the Restraining force is still working on our behalf, we all need to be praying for these kids
      and taking great care in placing ANY trust in the medical system anywhere to NOT follow these guidelines
      as they have stated that this poison can be given in conjunction with all the other routine sh0ts required for school attendance. It would be very hard to know what has been slipped in until it’s too late. This has not only opened the door for their liability protection, but guarantees huge govt. $$ to all of the enemy’s snakes behind this untested and illegal mandate.😡

  12. Should I delete or rewrite the above comment?

    1. Lyn, Blessings

      Meh, let 'er ride, we get it, I think. Besides, Yah Speaks In Riddles, To His Prophets, Numbers 12:6,7,8, And Calls Us To Be Like Him, so there. Meanwhile...

      Todd Adkins 57 minutes ago
      Thanks so much everyone for the prayers for my daughter. The crisis aspect of everything has abated and she’s doing better. Challenges still ahead but praise God for answering the prayers of so many and moving things today in the right direction. I’m VERY blessed by all y’all!!

  13. Lu, you referenced Ken Johnson in your post yesterday and how he determines Nisan 1. I watched one of his videos and he explained that the Wednesday closest to the Vernal Equinox is Nisan 1 according to the Dead See Scrolls Calendar. In 2029, Nisan 1 would be March 21. Nisan 14, Passover, would be April 3 and Feast of Trumpets September 13 (3+50+50+50+10 days). Yom Kippur September 23. I just wanted to ask you if I understood this correctly. There is a 723 for Yom Kippur:)
    Could you verify this? Thank you!

    1. Stephan,,
      Thanks for checking this out. It is a beginning in the Research going forward. I agree that Ken Johnson does mention that 'Wednesday' nearest the Spring Equinox, is when the New Month, in this case Nisan is to start. But I have read other sites/articles that specifically state that it is the New Moon after the Equinox regardless. I wish to know more about why that Wednesday would be chosen, according to the Essenes.

      But I hold high regards for the Essenes and their Calculations. Many believe it was the Community in which John the Baptist associated himself with and hung around. In my case, over the Years, my Calculation as to when Jesus was Crucified kept coming-up with a 32 AD Year.

      It was the Year Jesus came riding and fulfilling Daniel’s Day Count to the Day. I was looking for fellow Research’s Confirmation about it. So, when I came across the Research done on the Essence that also calculated a 32 AD Year of when the Messiah was to have Died, I fell off the Chair, as they say.

      But the Essenes then hold to the Tribulation Period or the Last Week to start in 2025. And thus, why I suspect a possible 3.5 Gap of Time from now until then. Perhaps. So, now to your Calculations. It is or will be correct if the Start Date is pegged to that Wednesday ‘Nearest’ the Spring Equinox being on March 20 in 2029.

      However, something in my ‘Gut’ tells me that it is not right. Not sure why or how. It would appear that for 2029, the Pattern is Reversed. It is or could it be the 1st Full Moon after the Spring Equinox that is being counted as the 1st Day of Nisan and not from the New Moon?

      That is how the Rabbinical Jew are determining it. That would make the 14h then a New Moon. If we use the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox, that will be March 30. This then would make Passover occur, right on schedule to be on the 14th, and on the New Moon instead.

      It is totally reversed at this point from what one has Understood. Then notice that for 2029, the Rabbinical starts on the Evening of Saturday, March 31st, and on to April 1. Meaning, that there is like a 14 Day or 2 week Discrepancy we are dealing with and have to reconcile some way. And this is assuming the Year 2029 is even the Year of the Return of Jesus.

      Moon Phases for March 2029

      Also then note that if one uses this Day Count and from the Counting of the Omer, of the 15th of April, 2029, the 7th Month, assuming a Jewish 30 Day/Month Matrix, would be around October 13, 2029. For sure we need to continue studying this 2029 Year and the upcoming Spring Feasts and Equinox.

      Keep at it!

    2. Lu, thank you for your assessment! Knowing true Nisan 1 would be interesting and a key...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Family, Blessings

    Well, now, this should be interesting as I've encountered a new YTC prophetess and there are several themes being touched upon. She's younger, reminds me somewhat of Gigi @ blue heaven, and I have ZERO prior exposure so no idea her doctrine apart from what I glean from this one vid and her countenance.

    1st, we've been swimming among the Doctrine of 2nd & 3rd Witness now so long that we've become a school of fish and can be thought of as a single, collective witness. Well, here, that is. All of us, our common sources, YTC's, all of it are a collective witness. UNSEALED is another, although, together, we form a collective, again, but that's another Rabbi-Trail. So, for us, encountering a NEW voice in the din with NEW D&V or insights which affirm and expand our current understandings then brings a true 2nd witness to the faithful. Here. I see this as that.

    2nd, as I discussed with Charlie, Blessings, when I introduced him to Alain @ Ministry Revealed, et al, I Find That Our Infinitely Consistent Lord selects as his speakers those with some challenge in the area of dissertation, From The Beginning. Exodus 4:10 Unchanging, He Continues Thusly. So, while I had personal incredible issues with Alain @MR, I found it a test, of sorts, among being many other things, of my humility and other traits which allowed me to press in and ignore the one and catch the gems. So, when you bump into a possible prophet who seems to be uttering Words From On High with validity, but they ramble, or constantly repeat things, or are disorganized, or any of many other issues in their presentations, It Is Probably The Lord's Choosing. Roll with it.

    Key points: Romeo 10 was working on a timeline leading to the upcoming Blood Moon mid-November. Through an undetailed set of circumstances, The Lord Impeded her work on that timeline, and, while it was fermenting in her spirit, Just As He Rearranged Items On George's Desk from ROTK , Our Lord Changed Details In Her Powerpoint. It is a bit laborious to get to it, as she is a bit younger and not polished, ibid., but worth the journey as she takes you. Wowzers. Did I mention The Dragon Is Shown, and in proximity to our rescue? Sound Familiar? Matching details confirmed, check. Her model has the Dragon destruction happening maybe about 14 days after Harpazo, interesting, when, as shown in the revised Powerpoint, Our Lord, possibly (interp), Takes An Asteroid In The Dragon System, then visible in the sky, And Reverses Its Direction. THAT event seems, in her mind, to possibly be what triggers the stars falling details she now has in her Powerpoint, that weren't there before.

    That detail could be the pivot point which makes it impossible for TPTB to predict Dragon Destruction Date, hampering their ability to put it in PP. Sorry Jeffrey. Conversely, it could well be that their data shows it NEVER HITS, so, knowing otherwise, THEY KNOW That The Lord Will Intervene At Some Point Within A 'Window' which they allude to in PP, as Jeffrey sees. Several details aligned, check.

    That delay between Harpazo & The Day Of The Lord reconciles Amos 5:18, and all else concerning The Day Of The Lord, as Unca Todd so wonderfully unpacked, ibid., along with the Glory Of Harpazo being connected TO IT, temporally, but NOT THE SAME DAY. Expanding, confirming external, but related details, check. This is getting good.

    Let your mind ponder what games get played on this rock when Harpazo happens, who knows what the light show is at the time, and then there are 2 WEEKS of chaos and mischief before DESTRUCTION. And you thought the drama/deception/BS was already looking to be interesting. Get you gem finders out, folks, there's a LOT in here I know I missed: 56:25 @ Romeo 10 YTC 10/20/22

    God Physically Changed My Rapture Timeline! New Visions and Dreams from Jesus about what is to Come!


    1. Ok, JIMBONI, dear Brother...
      I got only halfway through Romoe 10's video before I dozed off 😴
      Correct me if I'm wrong but in summary--her understanding is that BEFORE the November 8 election lunar eclipse, there is a solar eclipse and at that time we will be Raptured?

  16. RE: The Unseen Realm and Example of the ‘Deep Things of GOD’?

    PART 1/4
    In the Spirit of introducing a ‘New Voice’ per Jimboni, and hope that it is the Holy Spirit leading, here is another one. Many perhaps have already heard/read/seen the Work of Dr. Michael Heiser. He has put out a really good Film based on his Book, the ‘Unseen Realm’. The Presentation, in one’s Opinion is masterfully composed and disclosed. Why bring up his Work? This will be a long Post. :)

    The prior Conversations about the possible Birth-Day of Jesus and Return on 9-11 in 2029 that is also tied to the Revelation 2.0 Configuration in that Year, made one think of some Observations. The prior Discussion also centered around ‘Digging Deeper’ into the ‘Deep Things of GOD’ and why that is hard for most Followers of Jesus to want to do. Why? It can get ‘Scary’ as that Video about the Vaxx being a Venue for Opening Doors to the Supernatural is compelling, and what one would agree what is going on. Why bring this Topic up again of the Supernatural and connection to the ‘Deep Things of GOD?’

    As the Rapture approaches, the Wall is becoming ‘thinner’ for such Supernatural Occurrences to Manifest. After all, the Body of Christ is presently on this Side of the Rapture, in a Spiritual War and behind Enemy Territory. And as the Apostle Paul taught, the Body of Christ, on Earth wrestles not with Flesh and Blood. So, for a Follower of Jesus, ‘Ignorance is Bliss’ is a ‘Luxury’ it cannot afford to be in, in general at this Time. It is and it can be a State of being Care-Free but now is the Time to be into the Deep Things of GOD. That is one’s Point. Now what is that? It can be Subjective and for each Believer, it might be and is different. One such Topic is what Dr. Heiser presents.

    Such Teaching is not taught in Churches. And the Enemies of the Cross would want nothing more than Believers to ‘Ignorant of the Devils’ Schemes/Devises’, etc. Or to be either a Lukewarm Christian, a Chocolate Soldier, a Compromised Christian, an Apostate, or one that knows better but decides to ‘Take it Easy’. One is not saying or suggesting that just because many Faithful Disciples of Jesus do not study Prophecy, for example, that they are not ‘Spiritual’ or have to be ‘Approved’ of Jesus in doing so.

    Prophecy, in one’s Opinion would fall under the ‘Deep Things of GOD’, perhaps. Many may not be genuinely into it or into Numbers, Astronomy or such Topics. Case in point is one’s Interest in the Rapture, as many here are like-minded in the Blog. But not so much as to other Topics like delving into what is the Outer Darkness or if the Raptured Believers will stick around for 40 Days before being Beamed-Up, etc. And one is not advocating going ‘Rambo’ either, as one knows that the Battle is in the Mind, for the Soul of every Human Being made in the Image and Likeness of YHVH.

    And above all, one’s Warfare is fought on one’s Knees in Prayer. But that many in these Last Day within the Church, especially in the USA and Europe are either Asleep or Apostate. And it is perhaps, as a direct result of not ‘Digging Deeper’ into the Deep Things of GOD. That is the Point. And Prophecy is the last thing many in the Church, sadly want to touch or Dig Deeper into. In one’s case, it is not to just get more Head Knowledge or brag about how many ‘Years’ one has ‘Studied’ Prophecy. ‘Big Deal’, as they say.

    1. PART 2/4
      It is or one thinks it should be born out of a Genuine Desire to Know Jesus Better or Deeper. And that can take many Forms or Venues based on one’s Gifts, etc. But in either Cases, here is the issue. In doing so, it takes Time, Effort, Discipline, Patience. And above all, one has to come before the LORD of Revelation, Jesus. And as it was with every Prophet, Apostle, like Daniel, Joseph, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul, John and every other Man or Woman of YHVH, when in Jesus’s Presence to be Revealed something, Jesus’ Eyes of Flame will pierce one’s Heart, Mind and Soul. That State of Exposure and Vulnerability can be and is often times, uncomfortable.

      It is because if one encounters Jesus, one will not be left the same. In one’s case, Jesus will have to Burn the Dross and make one a Vessel worthy of any Prophecy given of Insights. At least that has been one’s Understanding and has been one’s Experience. The Point is, how can Jesus trust one, with Un-Confessed Sin, or Duplicity, or not being Faithful with what ‘Little’ Jesus has Revealed to one in the 1st Place? Or what Good would it be to ‘Know’ all these ‘Deep Secrets’ if one keeps that to oneself?

      Actually, that was one’s Situation before going ‘Public’, as one only shared Studies and Meditations, Theories with Immediate Family and Friends. One was content with that and had no intent nor desire to go beyond that. One realizes, that most ‘Christians’ are not into such things, which is fine and one surely does not want to push any Interpretations or Understandings on anyone.

      One only Studies, Observes and Reports. But the End of the End of Days draw closer by the Day, and as those that are Watching for the Blessed Hope and the Appearing of Jesus, i.e., the Rapture, the Day Approaches based on how the Conditions on Earth are now as in the Days of Noah in this Last Generation.

      It is one’s Opinion that the Bride of Christ need this Knowledge and Understanding, of the ‘Deeper Things’, not for only ourselves and Peace of Mind, but to explain and give such Reasons for the Circumstances that are fast leading up to the Rapture and what is to come thereafter to one’s Neighbors, Friends, Colleagues, etc. What are the Deeper Things of GOD?

      ‘But GOD has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches All Things, yes, the Deep Things of God.’-1 Corinthians 2:10

      As mentioned, that Question can be Subjective. This is perfectly fine as it is understood that the Body of Christ has different Gifts. But Dr. Heiser’s Work here is 1 example of 1 such Topic that is of Interest that one thinks is a ‘Deeper Thing’. Dr. Heiser has done an Amazing Work in exposing the Unseen Realm that is Real, Scary and Dangerous, like that Vaxx Video.

    2. PART 3/4
      As to the Vaxx Video? The last 2 People on that Vid, one is familiar with as they were shared about 1.5 Years ago in the midst of the Plandemic. The other People in the Video, one cannot know for sure if their Deaths was directly due to the COVID Shot as there is no context. There are video of People actually dying of the Injection, on the Spot. But those that I had linked in my COVID Resource Page have been Scrubbed by YouTube.

      So, apparently you cannot even show such events, even without Words or Key Terms mentioned to be Censored. Anyway, one is sharing Dr. Heiser’ recent Documentary, over an Hour long and with lots of Ads but Well Worth the Watch. Now the Video will delve into the ‘Deep Things’, so beware and perhaps some of the Concepts and Interpretations may seem ‘Out-There’.

      One example is how it will be discussed that YHVH or the Name of GOD, is likened to the Angel of the LORD. To be clear, YHVH or Jesus is NOT an Angel Class. It will be clarified even in the Video. It is more so used of the Term to mean, Messenger. Another Discrepancy one would disagree with is that Heiser believes that Angels do not have Wings. Well, some do. There are the ones with no Wings for sure, the ‘Lower Class’, but then there are the Angelica ones with 4 Wings, the Cherubim and 6 Wings, the Seraphim, etc. Here is the Video Link.

      The Unseen Realm - documentary film with Dr. Michael S. Heiser

      And why is this Topic important or noteworthy? It is because the Demons, Fallen Angels will be Manifesting themselves after the Rapture. This Notion is spoken about in the Book of Enoch and in the Book of Revelation when Jesus sends an Angel to open-up the ‘Other Door’, the Door to the Bottomless Pit. It is the Abyss where the Titans have been Chained-Up for this very Time coming during the Last Week of Daniel. Jesus will go ‘Star Wars’ on the Earth. He will speak to the Spiritual Stronghold that Moses and Joshua had to Eliminate before going into the Promised Land.

      What do those ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ look like and is there a Corresponding Physical Manifestation of them in the Promised Land and around the World? Yes. This is why one wrote the Trilogy of the Return of the ‘Martian Saviors’. Dr. Heiser correctly identifies the ‘Why’ and ‘What’ for the Anunnaki and puts an Objective Review of all that transpired, Supernaturally behind the Scenes that is not evident at 1st when reading the Bible. Or how most just brush aside such Verses as being ‘Exaggerations’ of Giants, and Demons, Possessions, Strongholds, etc. But it is all true.

      And to that end, the Trilogy is based on one’s Research into those Sacred Sites that were the Physical Configuration based on Sacred Geometry or Geometry and Math? Why? Apparently, the Spiritual Realm is set-up that way in its constitution all over Earth. How so? One suggests, based on Google Satellite Topography that these Stronghold, are found to be a Replica of the Pyramid Triangulation found on Cydonia, Mars.

    3. PART 4/4
      This, to suggest that these Fallen Angels and Giants had direct contact with those Stationed, like on Mars, and still do. And that how all the Physical Strongholds in the Promised Land, for example were such ‘Hot Spots’ that produced a Nexus for such Fallen Angle Entities and Demons to traverse Dimensions. It is a Spiritual Grid or Map, if one wills of how such Sacred Places were places of Sacrifice and Demonic Activity.

      And why Blood was required, as in Human Sacrifices, Child Sacrifices, etc. Why? The Life is in the Blood. Apparently, in the Demon Realm, the Life Energy Force given by the Creator is harnessed to open such Triangulated Points for the purpose of opening the Spiritual Portals. That is basically it and why YHVH Commanded ‘Genocide’ of these Giant Tribes, precisely at these places throughout the Promised Land.

      That is why the Command came from YHVH to Moses and Joshua to Destroy and cast down every Physical Strong Hold. Realize that Moses was a Giant Slayer as he went all the way up to the Border of the Golan Heights, to Bashan. Why? To tear down the Asherah Poles or Obelisks, and High Place in the Groves…like Bohemian Grove, and Kill the Giants, etc. See example of such a Cydonia, Mars Triangulation of Edrei, where Moses and Joshua carried-out their Operation.


      And as it was for Israel, in the Physical Sense, so too is the same Principle and Expectation of the Warrior Bride. She must ‘Demolish’ all those Thoughts, Deeds and Words that come against the Knowledge of Jesus’. And this is again, done now within one’s Mind, Body and Soul through Prayer. Of course one’s Actions then follow as certain Circumstances require Acts to be followed-up with.

      To Compliment the Work of Dr. Heiser, one has Chronicled what one believes are those Strongholds in the Promised Land. One has shared the Link Online of the Books to Download. But here is the Link to 1 in the Trilogy Books that deals specifically with the Physical Strongholds in the Promised Land that needed to be Destroyed as they were the Hot-Spots for Fallen Angel and Demonic Trafficking.


    4. Blessings Lu…and TY so much for the “Unseen Realm” link. Fascinating how they condensed so much important Truth and Clarity re God’s Perfect Plan into that one hour plus documentary. Will be sharing it with others as well. Continued Prayers for you, Brother, in your job situation. They are needed for sure.🙏

      My daughter, Ciji, who teaches 7th grade science called this morning. She was drained in spirit and more sad than angry. Yesterday as she was doing hall monitoring at class change, a group of girls were not following hall flow instructions and she pointed them to move to the other side of the hallway. They cussed her out and then one of the girls went to the office and reported her for sexual abuse, saying that she had grabbed her breast. Thank God for the cameras which immediately proved that to be an absurd lie. But had that camera not been functioning, there likely would have been a much different outcome
      as these girls would have stood together in the false accusation. So my daughter is now realizing that all of her years and dedication to teaching can easily be wiped out
      with one spiteful lie from
      these kids—many of whom can no longer even recognize their own gender. I sent her this documentary and hoping she will find some encouragement as she faces some hard career choices. 2 other good teachers there have already resigned over similar situations at what is considered to be the better of the public schools in that area with a heavy military presence. But like I told her, this same spiritual disease has infected all of our military branches.

      Thanks again and may God be with all of us in the midst of this spiritual battle.🙏🙏🙏

      Blessings All and Maranatha!!!

    5. Sheila...That has to be the most frustrating to your daughter. I could not handle that well.as I know I would be evoking righteous indignation upon them.
      ..then get fired!

    6. Sheila,
      My Heart goes out to your Daughter. I know. I was an 8th Grade History Teacher for short while, as I have mention, I believe in passing. I loved it. That Age Group is so Impressionable. They see Teachers as Heroes next to Parents or if there are no Parents, in a sense. But it is Sad and Horrible what happened to your Daughter.

      Prayer will be made. We know that there are Bad Schools, Bad Principles, Counselor, and Bad Teachers. But the Good Ones are leaving as your Daughter noted. The Youth of this Last Generation is Out of Control. They are fulfilling Prophecy as Paul foretold that in the Latter Days, it would look like this.

      ‘But Mark This: There will be Terrible Times in the Last Days. People will be Lovers of Themselves, Lovers of Money, Boastful, Proud, Abusive, Disobedient to their Parents, Ungrateful, Unholy, without Love, Unforgiving, Slanderous, without Self-Control, Brutal, not Lovers of the Good, Treacherous, Rash, Conceited, Lovers of Pleasure rather than Lovers of God, having a Form of Godliness but denying its Power. Have nothing to do with such People’. -2 Timothy 3:1-5

      I think we can all remember such People in our Grade School Experience. But so too were the Good Schools, Principles, Counselor and Teachers. They did make and do make a Lasting Impress in one’s Life. I remember Mr. Self in the 3rd Grade. Or Mrs. McCarthy of my ENGL 12A College Lit Course, wife of Cormac McCarthy.

      Or Mr. Parker, my 8th Grade Home Room Teacher that led me to Jesus. We could all sound-off such Teachers, even in the 7th or 8th Grade, way back when. As your Daughter can probably attest, the Teacher Pay was or is always lagging and so was the Appreciation. We were over-worked, paid for supplies and always in-between Parents and the Administration dancing on the Middle Ground Line.

      However, the Rewards in making a Lasting Impression on these Young Souls was Priceless. That is the only Reason I stay at Sonoma State even though after 15 Years there, my Demotion is $8000/Year less than the Pay Rate of those other Advisors doing the same Work. Realize that all this National Nonsense of ‘Pronouns’, losing what is the Meaning of Terms has come from the Universities.

    7. The Universities that teach the Teachers has become a Haven for the Radical Left and been taken over. So, the Trickle-Down Agenda results in such Protocols that leave the Good Teachers Defenseless and on the Defense. In one’s case, it was during a Time that I was sent from my Church to Church-Plant in the Silicon Valley. It was in 1999 at the start of all that Dot.com thing that exploded in more ways than one.

      Primarily because of the Industry coming there and being concentrated, the Rent skyrocketed. I always had to ask for an Advance in the Monthly Pay to cover Rent Increases. I would have loved to stay in Teaching at that level but not in this Day and Age. No way. The Laws are so twisted that Teachers in the Classroom are literally ‘Sitting Ducks’ and our Public Schools have become nothing but a Shooting Gallery for our Children to Disarm the 2nd Amendment and Law Abiding Citizens.

      It makes one’s Blood Boil to learn that like in the Uvalde Shooting, as mentioned in prior Discussion, it was reported, even by the Mainstream Media that in 1 case, the Husband of 1 of the Teacher that wanted to rush in was intentionally held-up, Prevented from going in, and had his Revolves taken.

      And that they intentionally waited ‘Hours’ before going in when multiple Police/Sheriff Offices swarmed the Area? They wanted a deliberate Blood Bath. Come on. Some of these Officers in such Agencies are complicit in this Blood Letting that are offering our Children as Unwilling Sacrifices. These Luciferian Globalist Eugenicist do not stop at Killing in the Womb. Truly, Terrible Times in these Last Days. But GOD. Perhaps your Daughter can consider Private Schools, Christian Schools, if they are any better.

      Stay Strong,

      Picture: 8th Grade Social Science Class - 1999

    8. Thanks Lu and Stan, too.
      She’s talking about looking into private or charter schools now for both her and my grandson which ofc would mean a pay cut, but maybe safer
      for awhile longer. Her thing has always been that for so many of her students in public education, a good teacher was the only positive or caring influence they have and she’s always taken that as an important aspect of her job. But now….it’s becoming an ever growing “Lord of the Flies” atmosphere as the children are being empowered with the leftist indoctrination flooding the school system. Since the “Rod of correction” has been replaced with “Do what thou wilt”, many of these children are morphing into unrestrained thugs.
      Just praying for all of those out there trying to hold the line of human decency until our Lord’s

    9. Nice looking class, Lu!
      (Is that Bob there behind you clowning around with the beads?😂)

  17. An interesting dream from the YTC Worship and Watch regarding raptures, especially in light of all the partial rapture theories floating round. For the record, he states he is not a partial rapturist, and comes across as very humble and gentle.

    So in his dream, he was told that there are 3 rescues which are rewards. And as soon as one believes, the sooner they are taken in the rescue. So for example, he postulates that the imminent pre trib rapture will take ALL current believers. After the rapture, many will come to the faith and they could be taken up in a mid trib rapture, along with the 2 witnesses. At the end will be a final rapture. This will probably be predominantly the Israelites who now believe Jesus as savior.

    So if this is correct, this would mean that there is a pre, mid and post trib rapture, but Stan you're coming with us!

    Preparing for rapture dream! Upcoming high watch dates! Be encouraged by the HOLY SPIRIT! (15 mins)

    1. Now I see,
      Yes! That has been my take on the 'Raptures' that I believe there are 7 instances of what I call 'Translations' occurring in the entire Book of Revelation but starting with the Chapter 4 one, being that of the Bride of Christ.

      1 Day Closer.

  18. WOW!
    So much to read here!
    Jimboni, thanks for bringing forth that new voice!
    Lu, am familiar with Dr. Heiser and have read his book.
    Judi, I have always had it in the back of my mind (and even added the possibility to my Left Behind Letter) of a midTrib Rapture of Tribulation Saints along with the 2 witnesses.
    BUT FIRST....
    I am going to spend some time seeking the Lord's face. Talk to ya all later ❤️

    1. Lyn, will be interested to hear what the Lord shows you! While I can't embrace a partial rapture theory (any more than one that says we can lose our salvation) I am open to the possibility of subsequent events mid and post Trib. Certainly since we see through the glass darkly as it were, won't it be fun if all three rapture speculations turn out to be right? Interpreting the Book of Revelation and the timeline/chronology therein is not a cut and dried issue, so there is definitely room for study and increasing knowledge.

      Now I See, I watched that video yesterday and like you, appreciate his humble style. You gave a good summary of what he was saying I think.

      So Lu, did you find the demonic manifestations in that other cv video legitimate? They appeared so to me, but I know so many things can be faked today, and without the actual gift of discernment (every believer should be discerning! but not every believer has that specific spiritual gift), and with the spirit of desception ramping up more and more, we will need to be especialy vigilant. Not that all that was said is not true. I'm sure it is. The particular medicine is enemy inspired and intended for the destruction of many. I'm glad the distinction was made that believers who have taken the injection for one reason or another are not lost.

    2. Oops! Sorry, Judi/Hmewrdbd and Now I See--I mixed up your call names!

      I don't always worship with music, but today I was led by the Spirit to look up a song I had come across years ago-- Bride Sings Yeshua & The Supernatural Happens

      Oh! How does one express what happens in the Spirit!
      Let the Spirit of Christ speak to each of you who venture into this song!

      While in this state of worship, I believe He spoke to me about how it is pleasing to Him that we so eagerly seek to understand when He will come--that we watch with such yearning. He then told me to watch the video again and notice the expression of the Groom for he emulates the Lord's heart for His Beloved. . . The Groom is so excited! So happy! You can see he can hardly believe he is finally to be with his beloved Bride.

      Then I heard the Lord say, "That is Me!"

    3. Well, I had to share this bit of news with you, Family--
      In this 30 second video a man who lives near the Temple Mount records an anomaly. To him it looks like a translucent sheet or WEDDING DRESS!

      The video is embedded in this

      Michael Snyder article

    4. RE: CV Video of Death Snatching the Soul

      I believe wholeheartedly that all the CV Video Clips are Legitimate. It is especially the case with the last 2 of those 2 Women. I had shared those Videos when they came out. I also believe the other are Authentic as it is extremely hard to ‘Act-Out’ such Scenarios across the World but that have a similar Rendering. They are Horrifying and Sobering. It is of one witnessing the Angel of Death coming to snatch a Living Soul out of a Human, in Real Time.

      With so many CV Capture Video Cameras around now and Smart Phones, it is inevitable that such Occurrence could and are being captured. For me, it really ignited the sense of Urgency and Compassion to talk about and share Jesus with one’s colleagues, Friends, Enemies, etc. Hell is a Terrible Place to spend the rest of one’s Existence in. And that those that chose to be there will share that Eternal Incarceration with the Fallen Angels and Demon Spirit of whom Hell was designed and built for, not Humans.

      But for me, it is sad that many if not most as Jesus alluded to that the Road is wide that leads to Hell is what most People prefer to choose. No one will be in Hell, ‘accidentally’ or ‘Framed’ as so many are on this side of Eternity in the Justice System, for example. And there will be a Fair Trial on Judgment Day. So, that is my take. Just that the other Video Clips of the People Dying could not be linked to COVID, in my Opinion.

      And now the CDC has Authorized the COVID Shots to be incorporated in the Shot Schedule for Children. This will make it then Lawful for Schools to now Require them. And here in California, the Proponents of the Evil Injection Pushers backed by Big Pharma wanted to Strip Parents of any Religious or even Medical Exemptions. They had to back off as COVID Deaths subsided. But they will be back. COVID will be back.

      And as you might have hear/read, the University of Boston has just now come out with a Bio-Engineered COVID Strain that will be 80% Lethal. I wonder why? They are backtracking it now saying they did not create a ‘New Virus’. But they are Lying. If one reads the Pre-Print, that is their Preliminary Report before being Peer Reviewed, they clearly state that they did in Line 45 of the Report. A 'generated chimeric recombinant' = Bio-Engineered Gene Spliced Virus that technically is a Process of Gain of Function. They are counting on People not reading the Scientific Report, much less understanding it and what are its implications.

      ‘We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 encoding the S
      46 gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate and compared this
      47 virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant’.


      New Lab-Made Covid-19 Coronavirus At Boston University Raises Questions

  19. RE: How to determine Nisan 1/ Passover
    Lu, while I was studying your Chart 'The Blood Moon Tetrades' (1949/50, 1967/68, 2014/15), I found something interesting. The Blood Moons confirmed the Passover-Dates in these years. I checked out, if Passover was always on the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox? No!
    In 1967, the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox was on March 26th. The New Moon followed on April 9th. But Passover (marked by the Lunar Eclipse) was on April 24th, on the second Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. This is the proof that Passover can be more than one month after the Spring Equinox.
    Between 1967 and 2029, there is only a 4-day difference.
    If we use the same pattern for 2029, the first New Moon after the Spring Equinox is on April 13th. The next Full Moon (Passover?) is on April 28th.
    This would put Feast of Trumpets to October 9-11. Could the Relevation 12 Sign 2.0 on September 11, 2029 be a last sign?
    October 9-11, 2029 - 2520 days = November 15-17, 2022. Could the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th be a 1-week warning?

    1. Detective Stephan,
      PART 1/2

      Nice work in investigating the Tetrads to see if that Theory of a New Moon does start a New Month. And you discovered that based on the Tetrad Blood Moons, they do not. Here is the deal. For me, it is a Quandary because the Blood Moons do occur on a Full Moon. It is the only Phase possible as the Moon has to be a Full Moon. And it is interesting that the Rabbinical Calendar is pegged to these Phases because it is Mathematical pre-calculated to always do.

      This is why the current Rabbinical Calendar drifts and has to be added an extra Month every few Years to be in-sync with the Solar one. And this ‘mechanism’ is not calibrated with the Solar one that is re-adjusted by the Equinoxes. All that to say, the if the Solar Calendar is the correct one, then the Blood Moons and the Hillel Calendar is off and one that should not be used or it should be re-calibrated with the Solar one as many argue was before the Diaspora and Time and of the Months were determined by the Priest in the Temple.

      But as you can see now, even the Astronomical Method is not full proof as the New Moon can be up to 1 Month out. That I would agree with. We just need to re-discover the Lost Art of knowing how both the Solar and Lunar Calendars worked together. I find it interesting that the Essenes used the Enochian Solar Calendar and made adjustments. They used the Solar Disk much like a Sun Dial. See Graphic below. So, that is where my Learning Curve end Stephan.

      If you can find the ‘Combination Lock’ formula in how to reconcile both the Solar and Lunar Day Counts, you would win the Nobel Prize! But as to using it for a possible determination of when the Rapture Timing will be or could be? At best then, with what we have or understand at this Point in Time, we would be or could be 1 Month off. So, I am good to suggest the Rapture Season instead of specific Day and Time. Now why one was adamant about the Enoch Calendar Template for 2022 is that it ‘worked’ or matched nearly perfectly, at least at the start of the Year, back in April.

      But agree, that key in determining a ‘Correct’ Start of a Year, that being Nisan 1, that could/would layout the Timeline thereafter. But realize that 1 Key Bench Mark of just how close we are, regardless of which Calendar is considered is that the Generation that saw Israel back in the Promised Land, even though as a Secular ‘Zionist’ State is what one can go off of per the Condition stated by Jesus. If we continue a few more Years, that Generation will have Died Off by then and then Lucifer could claim this against Jesus as a Falsity.

    2. PART 2/2
      As we approach 2023 in the Gregorian Calendar, May 14 will mark the 75th Year Anniversary. Perhaps that will be the Year needed to be fulfilled. One suggests then that 2023 will be very significant concerning Israel. Here is the possible Biblical Significance related to the Number 75 based on the BibleStudy.com, with Emphasis added. The possible meaning of the number 75 is derived from events in Scripture as well as interesting facts about GOD'S Word. Interesting how it starts off with ‘Stephan’. ;0

      1.Stephen's Inspired Testimony before Jewish Religious Leaders is the longest Recorded Message in the Book of Acts (Acts 7). He utilizes the Number 75 to recount the Story of Jacob [Israel] and his Family migrating to Egypt due to a Famine.

      2. The English word ‘Dragon’, is found 13 Times in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 12:3 - 4, 7, 9, 13, 16 - 17, 13:2, 4, 11, 16:13 and 20:2). It is derived from the Greek Drakon (Strong's Concordance #G1404). Dragons in the New Testament are symbolic of YHVH's Chief Adversary Satan the Devil, i.e., Lucifer. In its Gematria, or total Numeric Value of the Greek word for dragon, is 4 + 100 + 1 + 20 + 800 + 50 for a value of 975. This total is 13 times 75. The Number 13 is the Number of Sin, Lawlessness and Rebellion against God, i.e., Israel’s current Spiritual Condition before YHVH.

      3. Abram (later Abraham), at 70, leaves his Hometown of Ur with his Wife Sarai (later Sarah) and his entire Family. The family lived in the city of Haran until, 5 Years later, Abram's father Terah Dies. It is at this moment that Abraham, at age 75 is called by YHVH and told to travel into the Promised Land. [Is there a Spiritual and Prophetic Parallel to occur from Israel’s 70th Year Anniversary in 5777-5778 that then 5 Years later will be Significant? In the Year 5783, which is 2023?]

      4. Psalm 75:6-7, which was written by the Levitical Priests who served during King David's Reign, offers some Wise Words concerning Advancing in Life. ‘For Promotion comes neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South. But GOD is judge [North]; He puts down one and sets up another’.

      5. The word ‘Israel’ appears more than 2,500 Times in the King James Old Testament.

      So, as one can sense, 2023 will be huge for Israel or Jacob. It speaks of a coming out of Egypt and going into the Promised Land. Will it be the Confirming of the Covenant perhaps with the ‘Dragon’? Dividing the Land at the hands of the Leftist in Government? Exciting Time to see, Geo-Politically. Remember, the Clock Metaphor of Prophecy. The Big Hand is Israel, the 2nd Hand is Jerusalem, and the Second Hand is the Temple.


    3. PS:
      The Number 75 is also directly associated with Marriage. From research, A 75th Anniversary is called the Diamond Anniversary. It is sometimes referred to as the Diamond Jubilee and is considered the Pinnacle of anniversary Celebrations. Diamonds are the strongest Substances on Earth, as well as one of the most Desired, and therefore represent such an Esteemed Celebration.

      One cannot help but to make Prophetic Inferences of how YHVH will repair the Broken Marriage it has with National Israel. And that it will take a Tribulation or ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ to make Israel that is now nothing but a Lump of Coal, to transform it to a Diamond. And as Coal is made into Diamonds, it will take extreme Heat and Pressure, as in 7 Times Hotter. Selah.

    4. Thank you Lu, this is indeed very interesting!

    5. If we use 360-day-years:
      May 14th 1948 + 75 years = April 16th, 2022 (Passover 2022)!

    6. RE: Determining Nisan 1

      Here are some more Thoughts and Perspectives about how to determine Nisan 1, Astronomically perhaps. We have discussed that it should be considered that one Presume either the following Astronomical Conditions in determining when Nisan 1 is to occur or should.

      1. The closest New Moon after the Spring Equinox.
      2. The closest New Moon before Spring Equinox.
      3. The closest Wednesday when either is determined. (Ken Johnson)

      But, one had forgotten that the ‘Ideal’ Condition would be that the Spring Equinox is itself the Time Marker for determining the New Season and thus the 1st Month. Meaning that the Date of the Spring Equinox would then Mark the New and 1st Month, etc. However, this Combination is very rare and has only occurred 9 Times since Jesus. In this case, one wonders if this is Prophetically Significant that the Count could be tied to the Meaning of the Number 9. See Chart for a visual.

      Vernal Equinox Eclipses Since Christ

      According to BibleStudy.com, the Number 9 is used 49 times in Scripture. In 1 Aspect, he Number 9 symbolizes Divine Completeness or conveys the meaning of Finality. Christ Died at Hour 9 of the Day, or 3pm. The Number 9 also represents the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit [given to each Disciple of Jesus. It denotes the Fullness and Adequacy Believers have during this Church Age.]

      The point is that in 2015, Nisan 1 occurred on the Spring Equinox and was accented with a Total Solar Eclipse. This was the case during the Last Tetrad Blood Moons of 2014-15. Realize then the following Conditions.

      1. The Spring Equinox for 2015 was on March 20, 2015. Exactly 7 Years to 2022.
      2. There was a Total Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015, exactly. A New Moon.
      3. Its Terminus Point of the Solar Eclipse was exactly over the North Pole. Rare.
      4. The Moon was at Perigee, the closest to the Earth, thus a Super Moon.
      5. The Solar Eclipse was the 120th in the Saros Series. A Cycle of 18 Years (6+6+6).
      6. The Date of March 20, 2015 was Nisan 1 in the Rabbinical Calendar.
      7. This made, 14 Days later, April 4, 2015 the Passover that Year. A Full Moon.

    7. PART 2/2
      So, all that to say that here is a Prime Example of how that Theory of having to have a New Moon after the Spring Equinox is not necessarily True. It would be, only if a New Moon does not occur right on the Spring Equinox. This is 1 thing. The other thing is that now one can, with Confidence also assume that the New Month or the 1st Month can also then begin on a Full Moon, as this was the case for Passover in 2015. And this will be the case for specific Years one is then looking at that could lend some Clues as to the Rapture Timing, possibly.

      With such an Understanding and Clarification, perhaps this can be some new Insight into accurately determining when Nisan 1 is or should be going Forward. But based on these Amazing Celestial Signs, 1 thing is for sure, YHVH is keeping Track of Time, Prophetic Time based on such Synchronicity of the Sun, Moon and the Stars. That Last Tetrad Blood Moon Series was and is Significant, in one’s Opinion.

      What keeps coming to Mind is that in terms of Eclipses, both Solar and Lunar, what is possibly Significant is how there appears to be a ‘Bookend’ of a Time Period from 2013 to 2023. It is as though YHVH has wanted to Highlight this Segment of Time to consider or that something will be occurring at the End of it. See Chart for illustration.

      Hybrid Solar Eclipse Bookends 2013-2023

      But for example, if one takes that March 20, 2015 Nisan 1, Equinox Solar Eclipse and adds 1260 Days or 3.5 Years, the Year would be 2018. And one knows, in Hind-Sight that it was the 70th Year Anniversary of Israel’s Re-Birth since 1948 and the 1st Embassy of a Nation, that being the USA was opened in Jerusalem, being Declared Israel’s Eternal Capital.

      Also, the Altar of Sacrifice was Rededicated at the Walls of Jerusalem by the Nascent Sanhedrin, Remember that the last Blood Moon that occurred on Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles on September 28, 2015 was also a Super Moon. And exactly 726 Days, the ‘Harpazo’ Strong’s Number, led to the Revelation 12 Sign. It just shows that all these Prior Astronomical Signs are all connected and are part of a Greater Piece of the Puzzle.

      Each such Event is but a Clue or Insight, one believes Christ Jesus is giving to the World, but particularly to the Church. It is understood that the Body of Christ does not ‘operate’ on Signs and Wonders as that is the Domain and Proof given to Israel. But as the Body of Christ is presently ‘Overlapping’ the Existence of Israel again, at the End of the Church Age, as it began, one can look at those same Signs given to Israel specifically in Tandem to our Watch that is centered on Jesus’ Return, i.e., at the Resurrection Rapture Event as Solar Eclipses are pertinent to the Gentile and Blood Moons are to Israel.


    8. Thank you, detective Lu ;0
      I totally agree with the 'Ideal' Condition of Nisan 1 being on the Spring Equinox.
      I didn't realize that this was the case in 2015. The next time will be in 2053...
      Thank you for your Charts!
      I hope there will come new Puzzle Pieces soon...

  20. LU--what is the 'VAXX VIDEO' you are referring to? Was the link posted in Brad's last article?

    1. Hi Lyn,
      Here is the Link:
      Interview with a Demon - Sudden death, the soul, Pharmakeia how to escape the XXXX jab

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I get email updates from the attorney who runs thecovidblog.com and the pure, seething, uncontrollable hatred those who have received the vaxx display before dying from their 2nd or 3rd toward the unvaxxed is nothing short of demonic. Yes, I believe it's easier for the jabbed ones to be possessed by evil.

    4. LU, THANKS for that link. I believe the possessed women are for real. I think these are great examples of our authority in Christ that too many believers are ignorant of. Best part--when the Demon said JESUS IS COMING SOON!

  21. X marks the spot? Just a little data point per the Tennessee Valley Authority:
    At Cairo, Illinois (aka Little Egypt)
    where the next American Total Solar Eclipse on 4/8/2024 will cross paths with the 8/21/2017 Great American Solar Eclipse, the drought-stricken Mississippi River is approaching its lowest point in over 120 years. Another warning of things to come.🤔

    1. RE: X Marks the Spot

      Not sure if you all know, but a ‘Precursor’ Solar Eclipse prior to the ‘Famous’ one expected for August 8, 2024 will occur over Texas in October 14, 2023, next Year. If one crisscrosses it with the one in 2024, the ‘X’ will be over Texas, right next to Midland.

      Is that not the Home of the Bush’s? The Point of its Totality will center in Costa Rica and will verge down towards Brazil in the Area with our Brother Jeová lives. This 2023 Eclipse will be Annular in Type, meaning it will have that Ring or Fire or ‘Wedding Ring’ Motif.

      What is interesting is that the Website TimeAndDate stated that they will be broadcasting the Eclipse, Live from Roswell, New Mexico. Humm…We know that the Globalists want to take out Texas as that seems to be 1 of the Last Havens for America.
      One wonders if it will be an ‘Alamo 2.0’ coming.


      Eclipse America 2023

    2. *April 8, 2024 not August. :) April, August, Apples...

    3. Thanks, Lu! I was not aware that we had that annular eclipse next year.
      I probably saw it in all of the eclipse charts out there somewhere and forgot about it. Brain overload at times, lol. But interesting to note. I think they’ve dubbed the one in 2024 as The Great North American Solar Eclipse:-)

  22. Greetings, please tell me what you think about this article, on allisraelnews, because there is an article about brother in Christ, Andrew Brunson, who was incarcerated and persecuted in Turkey for 2 years and came out after that, which I hope is not what he says will happen, and that it will not be us, but the Christian tribulation martyrs who will experience what he says. I copy and paste a few sentences that he said: the Lord made him live this to prepare believers in Jesus, that we too will have to be persecuted. He even says this: he was surprised to have broken up so quickly, to the point that he even questioned the existence of God.
    Two major factors he faced in prison included pervasive fear and being offended by God.

    "The reaction is to walk away from God, to be so cold-hearted that you lose the relationship," Brunson said.
    But if we focus on preparing the heart now, we will have a better chance of overcoming the persecution, Brunson said. And that involves aligning our hearts and determining to live up to God's moral standards that "are now seen as harmful to society."

    1. Blessings, Carole…a lot of this as you know is already happening here in the US as well as in Canada and everywhere else. The viper bites were used to implement job loss and career destruction for those who were refused Faith waivers. Churches were shut down while liquor outlets stayed open. Some like those Canadian Pastors were jailed as was the case of those praying for the innocents at the PP clinic. There are Christians involved in the illegal J6 imprisonment. Christian parents are being called Nat’l threats and investigated as enemies of the state for standing up to protest the perversion at school boards. We are being censored and called haters already, not to mention those who were unwittingly coerced into taking the dangerous viper bites and are suffering those consequences. It won’t be getting any easier either, but not as bad as countries where they are already being openly murdered for the Faith and have been for a long time. Yet we know the Promise of our Blessed Hope still stands, so we can stand in His Strength “Fearing Not” and by the Grace of our Lord, I do not believe we will face anything as drastic in measure as those who enter that 70th week will be facing. So keep Looking UP, Sister! As we see all of these things setting the stage for the dragon’s arrival, we know all the more that our Rescue is at the Door!

    2. Thank you my sister! I continue to look up, but I pray that if we go through bad times, waiting for our rise to the heaven, that we will keep faith and faithfulness in our wonderful King.

  23. Hey Double A + others...check out this rendition of Sarah McLaughlin's song "Angel" by Aaron@God a Minute?


    As noted, the lyrics were written by Andrew.   Perhaps the best song I've ever heard Aaron sing + play since I've been watching his channel.    Ofc, it helps being a big Sarah McLaughlin fan!

    1. Hey, Bobby Z!!! Such a beautiful song. Sara M. brings back some sad memories for me as she was the musical guest on SNL the day I found out Michael Hutchence passed away. Nov 22, 1997. Hard to believe it has been 25 years already.

    2. AA...glad you enjoyed it!    Sorry it brought back sad memories for you.   Next time I'll have to conduct a "mind meld" before sharing any more songs.  Lol!    Bobby Zpock

    3. Lol!!! Bobby Z!!! I don't know how much time we have left before the Rapture, but I feel the Lord calling me to finally write the novel I have always wanted to sit down and write. It has been decades in the formulation, and with working from home and no other real pressing distractions at hand, and having the internet handy for instant info access, I think I have the perfect circumstances in which to get this done. I am excited about it. I ordered the fountain pen and Clairefontaine paper to get started. I imagine I have all the time in the world and that no one will read it, so ready to start on my first draft. God is so good.

    4. French paper + a fountain pen!   You going "old school" on us, AA?    Why don't you use your Tandy Radio Shack, Z80 [microprocessor] to write your novels, just like Lu uses when he writes his Postscript articles!   But better hire a good proofer!   Other than that, you should definitely go for it! Lol!

    5. 😁I read that one of my fav authors, Anne Tyler, writes her first draft in longhand and pretends that no one will ever read it, so I decided to do the same. Also, since I type on the PC all day long for work and really don't want to spend all night doing the same, I decided to go longhand with the fountain pen to avoid cramps in my hand and arm. Fountain pens just flow and you can try so many different colors, too. The right paper is crucial as the ink can bleed through the paper if it's not the right grain. If/when I have enough material for a full-length book, then I will use the PC to get it typed and printed.

    6. Years ago I used to write environmental documents with paper and pencil.   So glad when they finally invented the word processor!    For you to write a book longhand, you're clearly a better writer than I am.   I would literally need several cases of Scotch tape with all the cutting and pasting I would need to do!

    7. I wish I had held onto my old Smith Corona typewriter but know it is almost impossible to get ribbons/correction tapes now.

  24. JIMBONI, I finished the romoe 10 YTC video you linked above.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but in summary--her understanding is that BEFORE the November 8 election lunar eclipse, there is a solar eclipse and at that time we will be Raptured?

    Perhaps I should rewatch the first half and try to stay awake 😊

    I ALSO watched her newest video in which she says she believes the Rapture occurs a few days after the SOLAR ECLIPSE. In her most recent dream or vision 2 luminous doves land on her when the eclipse finishes. This would align with the DAYS OF DARKNESS prophecy and perhaps also us ministering via a double portion of God's Spirit for a short time!

    1. Lyn, Blessings

      Honestly, Sis' my cup runneth over already and I am no Lu Vega. Yes, hence my urgency in wanting to share as the details of what got changed in her PowerPoint, let alone Who Likely Orchestrated That, point to prior to 11/8, so, the 117, again in the center area, fittingly, if not the bullseye.

      One of Her 'adds' to the details, seems to indicate A Post-Harpazo Celestial Wonder Achievable Only By The Lord's Hand, That Being, The Reversal Of A Major Comet In The Sky & Already A Terror To All, Being On The Heels Of Harpazo, et al, and she surmises that that is the catalyst for the meteor shower. As I had posted earlier, that detail would certainly suffice to explain several things in our model already, such as it's uncertainty to both teams and TPTB's actions thus far in some areas, ala mis-directing McGaha, etc. Thus, Our Lord Openly Displays HIs Hand As The One Moving Before The Entire World, That Is His Style, & In So Doing Drops The Hamer Of Judgment With Dragon Fire & The DAY OF THE *LORD*. (Dah, dah, DAH!)

      I'll leave it to those of you so Gifted to meddle in the minors of the actual details of all of this & haven't even been able to watch the one which came after. I mean, if we were quibbling over June, maybe, but this weekend? I'll let it ride and felt OK with that. Also, yes, do be well rested to glean details from her vid and it make take a few viewings for her somewhat, stream-of-consciousness delivery to get clearer, barring going back and also watching the prior vids as well, ofc.

      Let's play Captain Obvious, for a moment, and fill in the color-by-number picture in front of us. Putting this on the level of the NFL coach who enters the locker room, at Super Bowl half-time, with the words, "Gentlemen, THIS is a football, " holding one up for all to see.

      Rescue in, like, a year, or something? We've now seen the testimony of the underworld as to reality at hand, even with two witness, at some level. It is to be mandatory for the children. Well, only if a sizable chunk of Scripture concerning The Nature Of Our Lord Is Poppycock. Now,

      go play ball.


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Today/tomorrow we enter into the 8.month of the Ukraine War.
    If we count from Nisan 1, 2022 (April 2, 2022), we are in the 7th month (April 2 -October 2= 6months). Tomorrow, the day of the Solar Eclipse, will be the 23rd day of the 7th month (6 month+23 days)...and the last day of the jewish 7th month

  27. Just as a reminder: Tomorrow + 2520 days = Yom Kippur 2029 (September 18th, 2029)

  28. There will be 66 days left after tomorrow for 2022

    1. RE: October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse

      Sheila and Stephan, et al.,
      Stephan, great Number Crunching and Insights. As to the Solar Eclipse occurring Tomorrow, every time one occurs, I just wonder if the Rapture could take place or would during such a Celestial Sign. Of course, not all of the Peoples of the World would or can see it (Assuming a Globe Earth Model.). The Reason is that in 1 of the more Esoteric and Cryptic Murals that the Luciferian Globalist have fashioned, it perhaps suggests that.

      Not that one is Tracking or Validating their Insights but makes one wonder. We have discussed the Murals before, those in the Lobby or Bank of America’s U.S. Headquarters. It the one where there is a Boy of the side being ‘Introduced. Some suggest this is the ‘Golden Boy’ or AntiChrist Figure. Then at the other end, there are 3 People. Some suggest Obama, Hilary and Trump Figures.

      But what is very interesting is the Background. You have a ‘Stairway to Heaven’, then a Pyramid, a Person ‘unawares’ of the Calamity of an in-coming Asteroid that burns-up the Trees/Grass. But then the Main Motif, in one’s interpretation is the Sacred Gematria of the Tesseract in which a Female is inside and about to be ‘Raptured-Up’. And when? During a Solar Eclipse. Now this Solar Eclipse type appears to be a Total or Annular kind. So, the Partial Solar Eclipse of October 24, 2022, may not be a Time then to ponder, but just saying.

      As to the Tesseract, one had written about it back in 2020 how it can be considered a ‘Chamber’, a ‘Door’, that Isaiah inferred the People of YHVH are to take Cover for Protection during that Hour of Indignation that is to come to visit the Inhabitants on the Earth. That 3-Dimensional ‘Cube’ can be likened to the Holy of Holies and how one in passing, referred to what happens on Yom Kippur. As we know, it is how the High Priest enters this Perfect Sacred Square that then is a representation of Heaven. And how it can also construe a Celestial Merkavah by the 2 Intersecting Tetrahedrons. To those that love or understand Geometry, this will be more interesting, perhaps.

      Debut of the Golden Boy

    2. Here is what I wrote back when about it from the Article. It does have more of a tie-in to Pentecost as that is how one saw it then, and perhaps still might be the case in this coming Harvest Cycle for 2023.

      A Tesseract is construed by a 3-Deminsional Hexagram. It is an inference to a Merkavah or Celestial Chariot. This is still in inference in the Number 4 in how it functions as a ‘Stargate’ Chamber. Or in other words, the ‘Star of David’ has a Tesseract at its core. Consider that the Holy of Holies was such a ‘Chamber’ to Earth. It was separated by a Thick Veil. The High Priest could only ‘Crossover’ and enter during the Feast of Yom Kippur.

      So, the Significance? Well, just to reiterate that one’s ‘Spider Senses’ go up every Time a Solar Eclipse occurs. But it is only based on this Esoteric Mural that is eerily inferencing the Rapture of the Bride to occur on a Solar Eclipse. Nothing more. So. just an Observation.


      Key to the Timing of Pentecost and the Rapture
      List of up-coming Solar Eclipses. The Hybrid type on April 20, 2023 is the 1 to look out for.

      2022 Oct 25 11:01:19 Partial
      2023 Apr 20 04:17:55 Hybrid
      2023 Oct 14 18:00:40 Annular
      2024 Apr 08 18:18:29 Total
      2024 Oct 02 18:46:13 Annular

    3. Lu...I'm not sure if the Rapture will happen tomorrow but I'm fairly confident that Judgement Day ⚖️ is just around the corner!   At least that's what Sabine Vlaming is saying in her latest video as she discusses the prophetic implications of tomorrow's partial solar eclipse and the blood moon lunar eclipse that will follow in 2 weeks.    Check it out as she has lots of interesting tidbits that go beyond what you had previously posted.


    4. RE: October 25, 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse
      PART 1/2

      Bob and Stephan,
      Thanks for the Sabine Referral. Bob, how did you know I still use my Tandy Radio Shack, Z80 [microprocessor]? Amazing. It is you that is the Prophet?! Just kidding. But I guess I have to go over and help her Fire-Up the Invisible Plan for the Departure, eh? It was a Good Presentation although in her Comments Section, I have more Questions than Answers.

      One deals with her Theology and that I had never heard her take on the Rapture Scenario Sequence. I do know that she thinks Prince William is/will be the AntiChrist. So, he is a Contender perhaps. But she apparently believes in several ‘Bridal Departures’. I had not heard that before. Just pointing it out.

      ‘After the first bridal departure there will be a brief opportunity for the lukewarm (foolish virgins) and unsaved to repent, turn back to the Lord wholeheartedly and ready themselves for his subsequent coming akin to the last minute rescues of Lot (plus fam) and Rahab (plus household). Those who are unrepentant then still, will be subject to tribulation discipline and judgment during which time they will have to repent, seek salvation and maintain a living witness of the Lord until the end of their life (or until the Lord returns) and not accept the mark of the beast’.

      As to the Eclipse Tomorrow, on October 25, 2022, Stephan, here is a Stat for you, if you had not already covered it? If you take the Passover Date into consideration, then the following.

      Passover April 15, 2022 (Eve) + 7 Months of 30 Days/Month (210 Days)
      = November 11, 2022 (11-11-222) or a 2-2-222.

      Here is my Question or Discrepancy. One is assuming the Enochian Count by determining the New Months, using the 1st New Moon after the Spring and Fall Equinox. Why? It was/is because for 2022, it worked. The Solar and Lunar Calendars Synchronized.

      But if one uses this Model, then the September 26, 2022 Yom Teruah or Feast of Trumpets was the not the 7th Month. Meaning that it would be October, and specifically Tomorrow, October 25, 2022 on the Solar Eclipse would be it. As mentioned prior, it is a rare occurrence in that the Full Moon would determine the New Month, not being a New Moon, obviously as in this case.

      But, there is then a 46 Day or 1.5 Month Discrepancy in play if October 25 is the real New Month, as some are proposing. This would then make November 11, 2022 the Start of the Feast of Tabernacles. And guess what? Sheminini would be on the 18th…again. ;0 The other Discrepancy or Question one has is how those that are Re-Calculating the Months in this way are saying they are using the Enochian Calendar? One does not see that such a Model is being pegged to the Spring and Fall Equinoxes.

      As mentioned, one has more Questions than Answers. Now, ass to the Number 11 that is coming up on November 11 that some are Watching for the possible Rapture Timing? The following will be heavy on the Occult and its associations with the Number 11 and 11:11 or 11:11:11, that have been hijacked by the Luciferians.

      We know that all Meaning of Numbers and Mathematics comes from the Creator, YHVH. It is said that Mathematics is the Language of the Universe. But consider what occurs on November 11 as we approach this Season at this Time of Year. Just Observations.

    5. PART 2/2
      The End of the ‘War to End All Wars’ or Armistice was declared to occur on November 11 at 11am back in 1918. It is the Globalists that started the War and ended it with their Signature. It is just what they are doing now with all the Worldwide Chatter of World War 3 now wanting to get started. So, whose Signature is this 11:11:11 Numerical Value? The ’33’ Boys. See the following.

      11+11+11 = 33

      This is also how Numbers ‘Birth’ other numbers in that 11+11+11 can also be rendered 2-2-2. And this 222 is another one of those Numbers that the Occult, Masons and Luciferians use to Signal in their Cryptic Language to one another to ‘Conceal and Reveal in Plain Sight’, etc. So, this is how 11:11:11 = 33, or November 11 at 11am. Furthermore, the Number 33 is the Letters CC in Roman Numerals. The Letter C is the 3rd Letter in the Latin Alphabet.

      CC = 33

      Also, it is connected to the Occult and Nazi Esoteric Religion that Himmler introduced to Germany and especially with the SS Schutz-Staffel. The SS was stylized as ᛋᛋ from the Armanen Runes. The Germanic ᛋ is the 11th Letter, thus, 11:11 was a veiled 33.

      Astronomically, the Sun’s Magnetic Field operates on a Cycle of Polarity Reversals averaging 11.11 Years in length. The Number 11 marks the beginning of New Cycles, an Activation. Mathematically, [1111 x 1111] = 123-4-321 (Menorah Pattern). It is one of the few Numbers that are not reduced by the Addition of the Constituent Numbers. To the Occult, the Number 11 or 11:11 speaks of the following.

      -It is a ‘Master Number’.
      -Achieving a ‘Higher Level of Consciousness.
      -It is a Time, it is especially opened-up to the Universe.
      -Numbers 1 and 1 on either side, is a Motif of an Energetic Doorway being opened.
      -A Gateway or a Synchronistic Portal to other Dimensions.
      -Thought of as a Wake-Up Call. [Rapture Trumpet anyone?]

      Biblically speaking, the Number 11 is the Essence of all that is Sinful, Harmful and Imperfect from YHVH’s Standards. Think of the 2 Columns at Solomon’s Temple, Boaz and Jachin. The Temple of YHVH was the place where the Sinner could Atone for one’s Sins by the Blood of a Lamb, foreshadowing the Blood of Jesus, the fulfillment of the Lamb and Blood Atonement. The Blood was eventually sprinkled on the Ark of the Covenant where the Copy of the 10 Commandments were kept.

      The 2 Pillars on either side of the Temple Portico, were like an ‘11’. It construed a Motif of the Door Way into Heaven on Earth, i.e., ‘Star-Gate’. So, as one can surmise, this November 11 at 11am is Extremely Significant to the Occult. So, we glance at what the Enemy is Broadcasting, to not be ‘Ignorant of the Devil’s Devices’. Now, can it be inferred that what will or could actually take place on this 11:11 is the Rapture at this Time? Who knows.

      But the Occult Innuendos would appear to ‘fit’ one’s Understanding of what the Rapture Event entails: A New Level of Consciousness will be achieved as a Transition will occur in Dimensions and Bodies, for sure, It is a Promised Open Door or Portal of Escape to be taken into the Safe-Haven of YHVH’s Temple in Heaven. It will be a Wake-Up Call, i.e., the Trumpet Call, etc. We will see, but not holding my Consciousness. ;)


    6. Thanks again for the info, Lu…and speaking of the enemy’s innuendos, the IPGII video reveals this same type of 10/25 Partial Eclipse at the 2:18 min. mark. And they have also scheduled that interfaith “Cry for Peace” prayer meeting at the Roman Coliseum (infamous place of Christian Martyrdom) on the 3rd day of that convention and just a few hours after the eclipse passes by there.
      What all that might mean, IDK, but I know everything these Luciferians do is ritualistic in nature.🤷‍♀️

    7. Lu...I'm somewhat surprised that you haven't heard that Sabine believes in several "Bridal Departures".   She often discussed that in her earlier videos/articles but I haven't heard her say that recently.   As I recall, Charlie believed in that too.   So now you know where I got those crazy ideas from!   I guess you're not the only one who has been "mesmerized" by that pleasant, s**y voice of Wonder Woman!   Lol!   But seriously though, my primary belief is that YHVH will give His children a 2nd and perhaps a 3rd chance before they have to go through the Tribulation.  It's also based on my belief that we're dealing with a loving + forgiving Father, but only up to a point!    Ofc, this is pure speculation on my part and I could be entirely wrong!   In other words, I wouldn't bet the house (temple!) on it!   See what you "resurrected" again, Lu!

      Help me, Sabine!   Charlie!   Ozzie!   Stephan! Jeff!   Gary!   Dr. B?   Professor "bear hairs"!   Anyone!    Lol!

    8. RE: More on Occult 11:11?

      So, check this out. As one was pondering and looking-up more Information about what one knows of this 11:11 Phenomena, 2 Articles came to Mind. They appear to lend some more Insight as to what is occurring Spiritual ‘Behind the Veil’ as they say or will occur leading-up to November 11, 11:11. Not sure why it is occurring now, in one’s case.

      But one believes it is an example of Synchronicity occurring or it is the Prompting of the Holy Spirit. One hopes it is the later. So, one is running with it. One will though, put it the ‘Something Wicked Comes This Way’ Category concerning this coming Time from October 25 to November 11. One finds it very strange to be led to dig-up an ’Old Article written back in 2011, exactly 11 Years ago, to the Date of October 25, 2011. I know Bob just loves these Retro-Articles, eh?
      2022 – 2011 = 11 Years

      Here is the Summary of the Article intitled 11:11:11 A Heavenly Portal Opening? Back in 2011 there were many Movies coming out with this Notion of opening Spiritual Doors. They portrayed Portals opening-up and releasing Spirit Powers and Entities like the Immortals Movie that depicted the Release of the Titans.

      Why it was significant, at that time is that the Year 2011 was running-up to the Infamous Mayan Doomsday Calendar Countdown of December 21, 2012, on the Winter Solstice. Here is the Article on 5 Doves. Notice the Date? October 25, 2011.

      Luis Vega
      (25 Oct 2011)
      11-11-11 | A Heavenly Portal Opening?

    9. What to make of this? Here is my take. Given the focus of 11 or 11:11 right now, one now believes, in Hind-Sight that what occurred and stared back when, exactly 11 Years ago will culminate now in an 11 Year Countdown. What that will be, not sure but Wicked for sure. What was occurring Astronomically in 2011?

      On November 11, 2011, 11:11:11, Saturn was ‘Birthed’ out of Virgo. It was a Time when one was developing the Revelation 12 Sign but, in this case, it was its Anti-Type. Saturn was of Sign of the Birthing of the AntiChrist. And Virgo was alluding to the Whore of Babylon, etc. See Chart accompanying the Study.

      Chart: 11-11-11 | A Heavenly Portal Opening?

    10. The 2nd Article is connected to this 1st Article about the 11:11:11 Door-Way. How? Consider that in 2011, the 13 Crystal Skulls made there Trek across the USA from New York to Los Angeles. And guess what date in 2011? November 11. And at 11am, they held a Ceremony to Open the Portals to the ‘New Age’, etc. Here is the Link to that Article but the Summary is as follows.

      Threshold of America's Spiritual Authority Lost

      The 13 Crystal Skull that the Mayan Shamans possessed, could Channel what the Skulls spoke to them about. Guess what the Skulls said? ‘A Savior is coming to Unite the World in Love and Peace’. That is what the Mayan Witch Doctor said that He, the Coming Savior will ‘Help’ Humanity, etc. You can see/hear that in the Video Links noted on the Article in the End Notes.

      The Trek of the 13 Skulls of Crystal that can store Information in the Quartz, started in Chichen Itza where on the Equinoxes of the Spring and Fall, that Snake Motif is configured on the Steps of the Pyramid. It is as if it is the Serpent, aka Satan is Manifesting and coming down from where?

      The Pleiades as that is what the Mayans believe in their Mythology of where their Gods came from to share all the Technology that was given to them. One example is how to make the Skulls out of pure Crystal without a Scratch.

    11. If you see the Chart, the Trek of the 13 Skulls from the Yucatan to New York to LA makes a Pyramid Motif. And if one draws a Line of where Skull stopped along the way to ‘Open the Ground to the Energies’ there, ‘from New York to LA. The Trek is like the Snake descending down the same Pyramid.

      And that is exactly what the Witch Doctors did down the Spine of America. Note that the Journey of the 13 Skulls began in Manhattan, at the Edgar Casey Center on October 27, 2011, and culminated in Los Angeles on November 11, 2011. Here is the 11:11:11 Luciferian Signatures. See Chart for a visual.

      Chart: 13 Skulls Across America

      Of course, this is the stuff of LA Marzulli, in that he has talked about this Trek and the Mayan Wizards. And what did they do at those spots? They happen to be all Ancient Giant Burial Places, i.e., the Nephilim where they conjured-up the Dead Spirits of the Giants. They are Hot Spots where the Earth Ley-Lines intersect to facilitate the crossing over of Dimension, by Portals, etc.

      They in essence, in their own words stated that they came to ‘Wake-Up’ the Spirits of the Giants that one knows are Evil, Demonic. One believes that from that Point in Time, those Spirits were Awakened in the USA and that is when the USA started going Down Hill, fast as they say.

    12. At each Stop of the Sacred Sites, along the way, Ceremonial Gatherings were held to ‘Open’ what they said, ‘The Ground and Raise the Ancient Energies that will fuel the Gateway Event in Los Angeles on 11:11:11’. They went on to say that they connected the event with the Mayan Calendar Event. How? That at 11:11 PM, on the night of the 2012 Winter Solstice there would be a Spectacular Event, at the exact Moment when our Sun and the Earth went into Alignment with the Center of the Galaxy.

      Of course, back then, 11 Years ago to the Day, October 25, 2011, one asked if such an Open Portal Event would constitute the Rapture at that Time? Now, here 11 Years later, one is asking the same Question of this up-coming 11:11 Event on November 11 but starting with the Solar Eclipse on October 24, 2022. And that the Article of Opening Portals was written to the Day?! What is going on here? Or as Paul Begley would say, ‘Something Biblical is going on!’ Perhaps but how cool is that Synchronicity?

      Will this 11 Year Countdown based on these 11:11 Synchronicity and Astronomical Correspondences signify an actual Opening -Up of our Rapture Door, Finally or we have to wait a bit more? Consider that when it is to occur, as promised, the Rapture Door will open for the Bride of Christ. But that will also leave the Doors of those Fallen Angel Entities. Those Spirits of the Giants that have Wreak Havoc on the USA and the World will finally come through their Portals onto Earth and manifest themselves to Humanity.

      We know that when the AntiChrist Savior that the Skulls communicate is to come, so will the excuse of all the People left behind to Believe and be Deceived. The whole World will accept any Rationale for the Rapture of Millions, Babies as the ‘Ancient Aliens’ Saviors have come to Save the Day. And it will be believed. So, one is excited for this coming Time Period from October 24, 2022, to November 11, 2022.

      Or Bust!

    13. That is wild, Lu…with the 10/25/2011 Five Doves article. Really interesting re ‘The Immortals’ movie and a missile piercing a Dam since that has been a high point of concern for the past week or so re which side will try to destroy that Dam to flood the Kherson Region in the Russ/Ukr war. And ofc I am reminded again of that Anthem Veterans Memorial in Phoenix with the 11/11 at 11:11am sunlight entering the portals of those 5 pillars representing the Armed Forces. It’s all so mind boggling. I was watching the last part of that “Interstellar” movie today where the key to saving humanity was found in the “wrist watch”. So weird considering some of these “watch” hints of late. Not to mention all of the Marauding Bear attacks recently being reported. IDK, but I’ll certainly be shocked if something really extraordinary doesn’t play out in the coming days between now and mid November. Just Praying it’ll be our Exit.🙏

    14. Hey Lu + Stephan...I like the 11:11:11 above.   Did you notice in Sabine's video she has a heading on one of her exhibits that says, "From the eclipse's center (Astana, Kazachstan, UTC + 6) the maximum eclipse will be at 17:17:17."    Any ideas what this may signify!   The only thing my simple mind can think of is 888 or YHVH's fingerprint.   Nice try, Bob!   Next!    Lol!

    15. Bob,
      That 17:17:17? 3 Times is a Biblical Emphasis... I would venture to say, Heshvan 17? ...When the Flood of Noah, i.e., Judgement begins! Ark Door is Closed. This Date, as discussed before, in 2022 = November 11 (11:11).

    16. Thanks, Lu.  That makes a lot more sense!

  29. Just for fun:
    Nisan 1, 2022 (April 2) + 1948 days (rebirth of Israel) = August 2, 2027.
    On this day there will be the longest eclipse of the 21st century over Egypt and Israel
    Nisan 1, 2022 (April 2) + 90 month and 10 days (Psalm 90,10) = October 11, 2029 (delayed Feast of Trumpets?)
    Tomorrow or November 17 could be promising :)

  30. Family, Blessings

    As we ponder the above, and convergences, and, ofc, in my earlier post, concerning Holy Red Lines, failed to mention that they are putting it into the global food supply, Hello, McFly..., now we see that, as DAHBOO7 shares, "HAARP Hits the Moon, Sends Beam Toward Jupiter in Largest Set of Experiments at its New Observatory".

    The payoff is to get a read on the return 'ping' and is one of a series of such high powered experiments, uhm, OVER THE NEXT 10 DAYS. Hmmm...


  31. Hi fam, in the FWIW category I want to share a dream I had on the 22nd. In the dream I knew that it was a rapture dream. I had a hard time remembering specifics when I woke up, but this is what I can recall. In the dream I saw in the daytime sky two round objects, with the second one over the first on the lower right and darker in color than the first one. Chaos was all around me on the ground and I was shouting to people "the Rapture is coming" over and over (trying to warn them). Also, I saw two round objects of different colors/shades of dull orange, one darker, one lighter. Then I had a round coin-like object in my hand both sides of which spoke to the rapture, but I can't remember specifics. I don't think I knew, just knew that these additional objects spoke to the Rapture.

    In my awake state I thought the two objects in the sky were representative of the "two moons" others have seen. Or of the "planet" captured by the FAA cameras near the sun. Now, after watching about half of Sabine's video, what I saw looks more like the noontime solar eclipse pictures. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    1. Ok, and at the risk of causing all of you one collective eye-roll 🥴: I had asked the Holy Spirit to confirm to me one more time, with the word in all caps, that we were getting to go home this year, bingo (which I continue to see in my reading--up to number 55+ now since March). Today in a comment by Sean Osborne over at Eschatology Today, he said BINGO in response to someone else. At the very least we have to know God has a sense of humor. He makes me smile. Silly as it may sound I sure hope I'm reading Him right--though I have no more indication of when than the rest of us. Blessings, and Maranatha!

    2. Here's a 2nd witness Judi! Look at the replies to the pinned comment on Blue Heaven's latest video. Someone just replied B.I.N.G.O.

      Expecting to See Jesus This Week of 2022

  32. Hi everyone, tonight I went to a mandatory training for my work on the cognitive development of children. I wanted to leave the place but I stayed because of work. So many lies and people believe it. It lifts my heart! It's a very "new age" way of looking at it, and according to neuroscientists who have studied the human brain, we have a part of the brain that is REPTILIAN. I can not believe it! They believe it! And it starts from the caveman of course according to them. Jesus, come, please, judge the earth and its inhabitants. Too many occults and lies everywhere, not to mention the rest that goes wrong. Maranatha!!!

  33. Thank you Lu for elaborating that 11:11 connection! I like the possibility that Shemini Azeret could still be on November 17/18! The next days and weeks are definitivly very promising!

  34. Blessings Family, our daughter and family were here for a visit this past week, it was a wonderful time!
    I have tried to keep up with all of your posts :)

    Stephan, your latest post above, "I like the possibility that Shemini Azeret could still be on November 17/18! The next days and weeks are definitivly very promising!" perks my eyes because of the November 17th and 18th mention. I believe the Lord may have given a God wink through our 6 year old grandson the day before they left.
    My husband and I had previously mentioned to our daughter that we are thinking about flying out to see them sometime mid December, to celebrate an early Christmas together. Our grandson got wind of that and said, "Hey Gama, how about instead of coming to our house in December, you and Gampa come to our house in November like on the 18th?" I figured something special must be happening on 11/18 for him to be so specific so I asked him what is happening on that day that he wants us to be there?
    He said, "Nothing. It's just sooner than December." and then he said, "Or you can come on the 17th."
    I put this conversation in my pocket because it stuck out big time to me because he was so specific with those dates. Why not just say, Hey Gama how about you and Gampa come in November because it's sooner than December? To me, that would be a more typical way of asking.
    So reading your and Lu's posts on the 11:11 connection and Nov 17/18 has me going, Hmmm....

    Jimboni, thanks for the heads up on Romoe 10 ytc, I'm finding her dreams and visions very interesting and if they be true, very encouraging! Continued prayers for you and the boys and can't wait to hear of our Scout's..."to stand".

    And Judi, you keep sharing your BINGO finds, dear sister :)

    These next few hours, days, weeks are super promising!
    Blessings all and looking UP!!!

    1. Mom, so good to hear from you!! I was thinking and praying for you just the other day. Glad to hear all is well. Thanks for the encouragement--on all scores 😉. Looking up indeed. Sooooo ready, as I know everyone else is. Blessings!

    2. Mom, Blessings Always a pleasure to read your posts and share in your walk. I finally mustered up the resolve to catch Romeo 10's vid about her 1st vision having come to pass, especially hesitant as not uploaded her priors, etc., but figured I skim my way through.

      In summary, her vision involved a reddish explosion, somewhat in the air, but also touching the earth, though doing it no harm. Her struggle to capture the vision had her referring to it as an 'explosion, like, of light.' Well, on 10/9 a couple of weeks after her vision, the brightest event ever recorded in space occurred, being a gamma-ray burst. The image, which she shares about half way in, looks like a big, red, fireworks explosion, although, more like concentric rings than things flinging outwards. She also shares info re evidence that the gamma rays touched the earth such that electric currents were recorded, in the earth, as a result; precisely as shown in her rendering of her vision, days earlier. She connects about 5 points made in her earlier YTC video, sharing that vision, with snippets of scientific and other articles, since, which check off, point-for-point, that that vision is this guy in the line-up, so to speak. In other words, this shoe fits that foot.

      Now, add in that she feels The Lord Has Revealed That Her Visions Are In Chronologic Order; the 1st one transpired within days of receiving it, with an event unparalleled in recorded human history, and involving a burst of light which resonated through the Earth. Next up, today's eclipse. Hmmm...


      Just got a text from the Ex, who now also teaches at the new school where Alex now attends, that he is in serious trouble & w/b calling me in 10 mins. Prayers up, ofc & thanks.

    3. Mom, cool that your grandson specifically mentioned October 17/18!

      ...another connection to October 25 (today): 1260 months ago (2 x 1260 days for the Tribulation) was the October Revolution in St Petersburg, which was the beginning of the Russian Revolution...

    4. Well, joining the meeting by cell, apparently Alex & another lad were entering some closed rooms and pranking mischief, stacking chairs, writing marching songs, in German, on the boards, and other mischief. Additional, as Alex relates, yet unverified by the other lad who, as much as I could tell on a broken call, has yet to be cornered, put a $5k laptop in his backpack from one of these rooms just prior to Fall break, last week. Not having turned that student in makes Alex an accomplice though his candor in the confrontation mitigates.

      Ofc, the entire episode and the spirit behind it falls under warfare, both generally, and that which I've been waging for Alex' path as he make daily choices and for his spirit clearly waffling in the breezes of his life at this age. Consequences TBD, interview other student first, ofc, and see where THAT tale leads. I've been praying for The Lord To Exercise Sovereignty In Guiding Alex where I can no longer do so, effectively, so, now prayerful That He Guides This To That End, amen.


    5. Praying, Jimboni. I imagine many of us here have/had kids/grankids with issues of their own. We sympathize. Come, Lord Jesus, yes!!

    6. Blessings Brother, covering all of this in prayer!

    7. Praying, Jimboni! For the Lord’s Guarding and Guidance in the very best way for Alex in body, soul and spirit.🙏

    8. Blessings, Jimboni. Just have Alex memorize the following:

      "On the advice of counsel, I invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, and respectfully decline to answer your question(s)."

    9. Au contraire, mon ami. While I cherish your input, clearly, you fail to recall to whom you are addressing this suggestion.

      When one is confronted by the entire Panzer Corp on the field of battle, one does not form a line of 100 men and say, 'Bring it on.' Character issues aside, the advice which Jiminiconi will be passing along is much less direct and more in keeping with good Sir Winston's Churchill's advice on diplomacy. Which, as I best recollect, is that, Diplomacy is

      'the very fine art of telling someone to go to H*ll in such a manner as that they are looking forwards to the trip.'


    10. I LIKE IT!

      Reminds me of Reagan's Cold War strategy, which was "We win, they lose."

      The little ne'er- do- well might try to implicate Alex so gotta come out swinging.

  35. Blessings All!
    Like Mom I too have been hosting extended family. This early morning I'm tired but cannot sleep so am here with y'all. Mom, thanks for sharing your grandson story! I'm with you re. Romoe 10--hope her understanding is accurate!

    Judi, your collective eyeball roll comment made me laugh 😁 I think God is totally into BINGO!

    You have learned well, Jimboni San! It is amazing what God will do in our children's lives if we let go of them and let Him.

    There is definitely something to that 11:11 significance--just not sure exactly what it is though 🤔 There is more than one YTC out there devoted to that concept surrounding the Rapture. Is it just me or does it seem like the more we uncover the more obvious it is that we still don't know our Departure Time? I have to admit, though, I've been learning TONS by researching and reading what everyone here and at Unsealed have shared ❤️

    1. Lyn, morning, I couldn't sleep for some reason and have been up since a little after 3 am Pacific time. I have to laugh too at the BINGO references, but as I think about the actual game and not just the exclamation/expression, maybe there is more to it--i.e. we are all waiting for Jesus to shout BINGO and then we'll all be outta here, game over. Hallelujah!!

      New from TW: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-35306783/documents/a4512d25e1ea4103ac05f8762ebd3c00/The%20Prophetic%20Month%20of%20Cheshvan%20rev%20a.pdf

      Prophetic month of Ceshvan. Hmmmm. In addition to the alarming conditions he cites as far as the world is concerned, and here in the US, I saw a piece last night on one of the mainstream stations as my husband was flipping channels: apparently bee keepers ship their hives to Florida for the winter and Hurricane Ian devestated the bee population wintering there. They can't even estimate how many were lost--the impact on food growing is immense. Some Fl citrus growers rely completely on bees for pollination. Just more on the upcoming food crisis. Come, Lord Jesus.

    2. Judi, what devastating news regarding the bees 🐝 God has performed awesome food miracles and still does, but this must portend His soon gathering of us!

      Thank you for the TW link...Will head there now 😉

  36. Blessings Judi, you're going to love this!
    This morning I was setting up the decor at church for our Women's Bible study when I noticed a pen and a small, slightly crumpled 4X4 blank piece of paper that had fallen through the open steps that lead up to the stage. I reached down through the steps to pick the things up and as I did, I turned the paper over to see if someone had written anything on it. Lo and behold, it was a BINGO sheet!! LOL
    I couldn't help but laugh and smile at this as I tucked it in my purse.
    To me, this just shows how much our Lord loves seeing all of us looking for His return, and is joining us in the fun :)

    In case any of you are wondering why in the world would there be a BINGO sheet in the sanctuary, the Middle School kids use the space Tues nights :)

    1. Hi Mom, I love this! Thanks for sharing. It's like our Lord is leaving us a trail of breadcrumbs. We love following it and looking for the next wink. (I know I just mixed my metaphors, lol). Actually rather than the Middle School kids, I would have figured the senior seniors, lol!😍

  37. Hey Lu...a week or so ago you shared a JWST image that looked like the "Fingerprint of God".   In case you missed it, the JWST team released another image yesterday that now resembles the "Hand of God", at least in my "wildly" imaginative mind!   Here's the article and photo for you to check out:


    Btw, did you notice that the two colliding galaxies were known by the common name IC 1623 (or 1+ 6 =7/23!).   Thought I'd point that out in order to keep your 723 dream alive! 

    1. aaaaand . . . it looks like a left handed A OK sign!

    2. You've got a keen eye, Judi!

      And one more thing that just came to me.    Could it be that we're seeing through these JWST images...God's fingerprint, His hand, next His body and then His face!   I sure hope so, because I'm sure looking forward to meeting our Savior face to face soon!   Perhaps as early as 11/8 or 11/11!

    3. Hey Judi...I should have mentioned this earlier.  It's almost like YHVH is saying to us with His hand sign that everything will be ok and that I've got this.   In other words, I'm here to protect you from all that's coming!    And He may also be signaling to us...Fear not my lovely Bride, I'm coming for you soon!

      Now should we see the "image" of His body in the sky (Heavens!) in the near future, we'll know this is all true!

    4. Bob, I thought of that too--sure hope it's a signal that everything is not only OK, but SOON OK! Sure made me think of our home going 🎉

    5. Judi...I must add, while I just saw a "hand" in the JWST image, you saw a hand giving a specific signal.   Kudos to you!   A perfect example of where "watchmen" working together or "collectively" can solve these kind of mysteries.   I can hardly wait to see what LuMan has to say about this!   

    6. RE: ‘Hand of GOD’

      Thanks Bob. They are remarkable images although I frown upon the that they are using Photo Shop to ‘Enhance’ the Images. And I imagine they use it to ‘clean-up’ any items not to shown as they even recorded doing that when those 1st Images came out and they actually interviewed the People in charge as they were actually docking the Images. Unbelievable.

      But the Images of all those Galaxies is Mind-Boggling. And there are Billions of them. We can measure the Speed of Light and how long it takes to travel, like around 8 Minutes from our Star or the Sun. If the Sun is about 30 Miles high, in the Flat Earth Model, not sure how that works out. No disrespect to our Flat Earth or Flat Foot Brethren. ;)

      Or that all those Billions of Galaxies, Planets, Stars all ‘fit’ and are contained within the ‘Dome’. For example, if you take the Star Regulus in Leo, the Diameter of that Sun would be from our Sun to Pluto. How can this Super Giant Star fit in our ‘Dome’? Just asking. Realize that the Flat Earth Dome Model from Edge to Edge of the ‘Pizza’ is only approximately 8000 Miles or 12000 KM wide.

      Not wanting to open up Flat Earth Can of Worms. But if the Earth is ‘Flat’ like a Pizza, why does the Southern Hemisphere not see the Star Constellations as those that do or can in the Northern Hemisphere at the same Time? And vice-versa.

      What is awesome though, back on topic, is that out of all the Billions of Galaxies out there, Earth is the Chosen Place where YHVH has chosen to place Humanity on it and become one in Jesus, the Son of GOD, taking on Flesh. One is reminded of the verse.

      ‘When I behold Your Heavens, the Work of Your Fingers, the Moon and the Stars, which You have set in place— what is Man that You are Mindful of him, or the Son of Man that You care for him? You made Him a little Lower than the Angels; You crowned Him with Glory and Honor’. - Psalm 8:4

      And that at the end of the Tribulation Period, Jesus will set up His Throne on Earth, from Jerusalem as not only the Center of the Earth, but of all the Universe. And that at the End of the 1000 Year Millennial Kingdom on Earth, Heaven itself will Superimpose itself onto Earth. The 2 Dimensions will merge in no other Spot in the known Universe but here. This is why there is Great Contention from Lucifer to prevent this from happening. It is that serious. It is 'Winner Take All'.

      And why the Tribulation Period that is coming will be like no other Time, before to compare nor will in the Future, according to Jesus. It is going to be that Horrific. But we await the ‘Falling Back’ as in Retreat, the Promised Door of Escape to the Inner Chamber of Isaiah, the Heavenly Holy of Holies. Sorry, waxing Theological here. ;0

      It will be fun to explore all those Galaxies, …hope so, at least at some Point int Time. Perhaps after the White Throne Judgment when Eternity Future begins. The latest James Web Telescope Image released does look like a ‘Hand’ that is reaching.

      Perhaps it is a ‘Heavenly Sign’ about to Rapture the Bride being pulled-up by the ‘Hand’ to the Clouds, the Stars? Or Bob, it could be a Sign for you that it is about to give you the ‘Back of the Hand’, eh? :0 What? Where that come from? Or how about to throw you a Cold Splash?! Why? Oh, just because. :)


    7. Lu...slow down, I can hear your "keystrokes" from your Tandy Radio Shack, Z80 [microprocessor] all the way here in SacraTomato!    Lol!

      Btw, I'm looking at your JWST Poster right now in my office.   And what does the header say..."What will they discover in Deep Space?"   And does it not show a "Rapturous" depiction of the Bride of Christ and the face of the Creator of the Universe?   Those JWST images that we're seeing now on a fairly regular basis clearly are showing us something, no!      

    8. Lu...I see you beat me to the punch!    Oh ye, of such little faith in one's own work!   What can I say?   Other than to say...No "back hand" for me tonight!    Lol!    Perhaps after a good night sleep and a little "hand" nudge from the HS, you'll come to see the light (i.e, the significance of the JWST image)!    SPLASH!    SPLASH!     

    9. Bob,
      I would agree that those Images being released at this Point in Time by NASA, makes you wonder if indeed there is Divine Signaling going on here. Is it any Coincidence that at this Point and Time, such Technology now exists to see that far into Space and what to make of it? Of course we have to put such Images into Perspective, as many would argue that they are a clear case of Pareidolia. But, for sure, it is fulfilling the Conditions disclosed to Daniel. It is of how the Last Generation would be characterized by…the Increase of Knowledge of such things and going ‘To and From’, etc. One can apply that to Space then, if one believes it actually exists.

      Imagine how far Humanity has come in 2000 Years since Jesus. The fastest they could travel then was the Speed of a Horse or a Sail in the Wind. And it was not until the 1800s that the Steam Engine was Invented. Yet, it has only been in the last Decades, that Humanity has placed multiple Rovers on Moon, Mars, etc. We have detonated a Device on a Comet in its Trajectory from Millions of Miles away. Imagine saying all this to the 1st Century Brethren? And we have cracked the Human Genome to change one’s DNA now, as in the Days of Noah.

      Of course all this ‘New Technology’ is not ‘New’. There is nothing ‘New Under the Sun’. One contends that all this Present Tech, is the Technology, the Forbidden Technology to some extent that was given by the Fallen Angels to Humanity before the Flood. Humanity, at least what is allowed to be released by the Luciferians is Decades, if not Centuries behind what they have in their possession, presently.

      It is understood by some, that before the Flood, there was the ‘Golden Age’ where it is said that Civilizations such as Atlantis ruled with Flying Machines, Submarines, Atomic Weapons. Free Energy was taken from the Air, like Water is in Israel, etc. And back then, according to the Sumerian Creation Account, Humanity had direct contact to Mars, for example. Thus, the Cydonia Mars Connection of the Anunnaki, etc. All this Energy Crisis and War, at this Present Time is Orchestrated. We know that. It is part of their Reset Agenda.

      Lucifer and those he has given his Power and Authority to Rule Earth, for the moment seek nothing but to Kill, Steal and Destroy; to make Humanity Suffer and make it as Miserable as possible. For all the Billions and Trillions for Money spent on War alone, it would be enough to buy everyone a Home and be feed. The World could have Free Energy now thanks to Tesla’s Theories but that was all suppressed, as we know. Remember as Kissinger wrote in his White Paper, you want to Control People? Control the Fuel and Food. That is what is going on now in Real Time.

      And this is what the Shots are all about. As 1 of the World Economic Forum Speakers clearly stated in their last Globalist Meeting. He said that ‘by 2030, Cell Phones would be obsolete’. Why? He elaborated that because by then, that Technology would be incorporated into the Body. Hello Mark of the Beast. We are seeing it form now. It made me mad in hearing Biden push the Injection as ‘Safe and Effective’ recently. Yet he had supposedly gotten the Shots and Boosters and still got COVID?

      No, Not Safe. Not Effective. And what would he say or could say of all those Parents of the countless Teens, Young and Old that have Died as a direct result of taking COVID Shots? As it was Known and Stated that Death was and is a Possible Adverse Effect. And remember that only 1% of such Deaths are being reported to the VAERS CDC Site. You have to multiply all the figures by a Factor of 100 then. And now it is approved for the ‘Regular Immunization Schedule’ for Children? That in some cases, it is up to 20+ Shots by Age 16?! But as Biden’s Handlers had him read the Script…’Just Take it, that is all, 1 a Year, You will be Protects. They are Free. They are Safe and Effective’… He is lying. Makes me Sick. No Pun intended.


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.