Peace Deal Imminent...

As most of you know, the long awaited "Deal of the Century" is finally at hand.  It has been presented to Israeli leaders and will be made public to the rest of us Tuesday.  All of this acceleration has taken place just days after the 40 month anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign.  Rather than rehash we people way smarter than myself have written, I will share with you a link and two videos.

The first is a link from Gary at Unsealed.  In it he gives some facts, some helpful links and videos, and a touch of speculation about what could be in the plan.  As always, I highly recommend checking out Gary's post and all of the posts on Unsealed.

(Btw: has anyone else noticed the has plummeted off the map on Google search rankings?  Before the Rev12 Sign a simple type of "Unsealed" into google would give me the link at about #3.  Then, about 18 months ago or so they moved up to #1.  But now, when I type it in, it's not even on the first page for me! Someday is trying to keep people from seeing The Truth!  Anyone else notice this?)

Here is the link to Gary's article:

Here are two more video that spend significant time discussing this huge prophetic marker.  This first one is from JD Faraq, 44 min:

And this 11min video from Paul Dawson:

Lastly, I am sure there will be a flood of articles coming out once the deal is made public.  I will be tied up tomorrow so please share any helpful links and analysis in the comments below for all to read.
Thank you all in advance and KEEP LOOKING UP!!!!
I will always stand with the State of Israel and the Jewish people. I strongly support their safety and security and their right to live within their historical homeland. It's time for peace!


  1. I use DuckDuckGo instead but I have noticed several Anonymous commenters making heretical damnable comments. They’re evil and are just trying to upset us but since they’re so biblically illiterate they don’t upset me but make me a tad angry. They want to insult the Glorious Gospel of Christ.

  2. If they find out about this website I am sure they will troll on over.

  3. Hmmm...I use Bing for my search engine and as soon as I type in unsealed, it is still the first to pop up.

    But WOW! on Gary's update and the comments there are all fascinating as well. It's so good to keep company with the Saints of these 2 sister sites. Between the two, I don't know of much--if anything--that has gotten past us unnoticed. As an intent Watcher for the return of our Lord and Savior, I am so thankful and have been so blessed by this high-watch Fellowship that we've all shared for these past couple of years plus. Like my favorite line from "Lonesome Dove" just before Gus gives up the ghost when he says--"It's been a party, Woodrow", I know all of this has just been a God-Given Gift in preparation for THE Party we are all about to be attending:-)

    **Miguel...@Crissi Knox YTC "Kobe Bryant's name meaning..." she explained how she arrived at the Japanese meaning of the name Kobe being "God" and "Door". I didn't research it myself, but as I understood, it had to do with name of the Japanese kanji letters that form his name.

    Blessings All and Maranatha:-)

    1. Crissi did another video in re to the circumstances of Kobe's death being predicted in the 2017 episode of the cartoon "Chamberlain Heights" called "The End of Days" along with some other implications in re to Le Bron James surpassing Kobe's record just as he is dying in that crash. She checked out the meaning of "Chamberlain" which is one who is in charge of his master's secret chambers--which in turn brings to mind Is.26:20. Ya just can't make this stuff up!

    2. Oh geez...and he died on 1/26/

    3. One more and going to bed....His retired jersey numbers 24 and 8 in Strong's, meaning indignation and destruction and again... Is.26:20,21

    4. See also Russiavids covering the same k b stuff.

      Links from nowtheendbegins re: this k b ritualistic killing (or disappearance from life above ground before entering your DUMB) were in the prior post (if you need/ want more info or confirmation of this non-tragedy).

      Also in the prior post, k b in all gematrias = apocalypse (the revealing of but to most it means the 'end' of the world as they know it).


      From PAYDROV


      Hey, the FALSE/misleading convert KW makes a guest appearance in K B's commercial at 4:22 bragging about worldly "success"

    6. Blessings all. Sheila B, that’s astounding. Is 26:20. That can’t be a coincidence and the predictive programming on KB’s death. I read the UK Mail article about him and his daughter taking Communion at their Catholic Church just before they took their copter ride. I thought Catholics take the cup too but they don’t.


    The IDF can also erect outposts anywhere in the West Bank in case of an emergency, including inside Palestinian cities. Israeli sovereignty is extended to more territory, as many of the settlement blocs are to be recognized by the U.S.
    But the plan also includes some aspects that are less palatable to Blue & White and even more so, to the right-wing. For instance, territory within the Green Line in the Negev Desert and in Wadi Ara in the center of the country, which are part of Israel today, will be handed over to the Palestinians.
    In addition, half of Area C in the West Bank will be passed on to Israel but the other half will be part of the future Palestinian state. Some 10,000 settlers who today live in outposts will have to be moved – more than were made to leave Gush Katif settlements in the 2005 one-sided pullback from the Gaza Strip. These settlers are hardliners for the most part.
    Israel will also be forced to relinquish control of some East Jerusalem's neighborhoods that were captured in 1967, hitting a sore spot by dividing the eternal capital.
    Since there is a zero chance that the peace plan will come to fruition, these are all moot points.

  5. Planes down ...Locusts swarm..... Soon the peace the last day....US military plane taken down in Afganistan 84 individuals died.... Pray for the familes

    1. Take a scroll down on the comments of this vid posted by VeeBee and you'll read others saying...

      2020 is already awful and already worse than last year...

      the end is coming...

      just have an asteriod hit us already....

      [They must have been silent watchers on Rev12Daily and Unsealed to 'steal' these comments]

  6. Sharing...

    Jaco Prinsloo - FB PAGE

    “I just asked the Lord if He had something that He wanted to share with me regarding the very strong possibility of our meeting with Him in the air later today and this was the first passage He gave me:

    Psa 37:6-7 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

    Given that Trump will be announcing the Deal of the Century at noon or 12 pm DC time, I thought this passage was very particular and had to share it with you!

    Keep looking up! We may just be out of here today!

    But if not, do not lose hope - we are very close! We will patiently endure until our Blessed Hope arrives, but personally, I think our waiting is over!”


    1. Blessings Jeova down in rainy Brazil. We pray your feet remain dry while your eyes are fixed on the sky above.

    2. This is a nice presentation, much like Jaco's as there are several pieces of informational clips strung together....

      This does a nice job reinforcing how man has contructed the current environment (emphasis on Albert Pike and the f mns setting the stage) to bring about a n w o.

      "DTs" Middle East Peace Plan Unveiled Today!
      From Shaking My Head Production (1/28)

      <<[ For the record, I do not agree/believe this is at all Dan 9:27. The "covenant" in Daniel as well as in Hebrews is NOT this man-made document, no way jose ]>>

      This document (i.e. peace plan) is part of the bigger act, it is only a prop used to get into the next scene (much like 9 ! ! was a prop used to install the evil Pat "Act" here in the us and enabling an endless war machine to keep going, creating bad actors here and there).

      This man-made document much like the man-made virus will be used to "force" people to do things they would not do otherwise and a means to go to war (with ourselves too).

      Will this (document and agreeing parties of men) actually divide God's apple????

      This is all spiritual for sure and all part of HIStory.

    3. The Bible TELLS us the day and hour to be watching for....

      See Jaco's verse above (re: the time) which = noon

      Also see 1 Thess 5:3.... (for the when) = when "they" say "peace and safety"


      "sudden destruction"

      Awake, clean, ready, oil filled and watching Bride (read Luke, this is for you/me), get ready to dance (i.e. escape)

    4. Thank you, Jeova, for sharing Jaco's FB post. I'm not on any social media so am thankful for your sharing. Your post of Jaco's brought to mind a flash vision I had during the night on 9/29/19. I'll do my best to describe the simple picture I saw:

      Again, this was a flash vision, lasting but mere moments when it happened.
      Everything was black and then instantly I saw the numbers, 8 and 12 which were aligned somewhat as on a clock except the 8 was set where 10:00 would normally be and the 12 was slightly askew counterclockwise. So hopefully that gives you an idea of where the numbers, which were white, were placed against a black backdrop.
      When the numbers flashed in my mind for the brief moments, there was also a greater than symbol (>) pointed down from above at an angle and directly at the 12.
      This is what I wrote in my journal: "It struck like lightening, and when it did, I had a sudden understanding and said, 'This is the rapture!'"

      I said it knowing it was the answer but also knowing I did not understand it one iota!

      So, with T about to reveal the DotC at noon today, and given Jaco's verse he received....who knows....

      We will continue to look up regardless, how could we ever not?

      Blessings Jeova and Rev12 family, you all have been such a gift to me these past several years.

    5. Thanks for sharing Jaco's stuff, Jeová!

    6. "So, with T about to reveal the DotC at noon today, and given Jaco's verse he received....who knows...."

      I noticed that too. :-)

  7. Interesting piece on the ~6,000 years and the "traditional" jewsish count

    Commenter: "Yes, it's true that the rabbinical calculations for the Jewish calendar have an error of over 200 years. They know that but because of respect for those men, they haven't corrected it.

    Biblical calculations put Creation at around 4004 BC (difficult to pick an accurate year as the Bible counts mostly in years rather than years and months.

    So it is reasonable to understand why there is now so much talk about the coming Messiah, particularly when many prophecies have recently been fulfilled and others seem to be setting up for fulfillment.

    If you trust the God of the Bible, you have nothing to fear. If you don't, perhaps you should rethink your position.

    The Bible speaks of bad times coming."


    Source Article (from

    (Jewish) Scientist Calculates: We Are Currently in Final Twilight Before Messiah

  8. Unsealed was basically blacklisted by Google. There was someone that compiled a list of the 100 or so websites "they don't want you to see" and Unsealed was on there. But praise God, the cat's already out of the bag and a lot of people know the url by heart.

    1. I sent "unsealed dot org" into the chat several times today on the youtube live feed of trump's announcement today.

  9. Oh yeah. I find Unsealed np at duckduckgo. Avoid google whenever I can. But, Gary, it’s confirmation that you guys are making an impact for the Kingdom.

    Air traffic control told the pilot the copter was not high enough to show as a blip on radar. VFR vs IFR just like with JFK, Jr’s accident. It was foggy. LAPD grounded their copters,

  10. It has clouded over here in DC area land....... perhaps an omen of things coming in a few minutes::

    A speech by man/men to divide God's apple


    Man-made document to divide God's apple


    'Super'natural beings


    Things coming from the firmament above


    From the shaking of the Earth below

  11. God is clear on this: Exodus 23:32-33 King James Version (KJV)

    32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.

    33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.

  12. The only thing you do with your enemies is conquer them. Don’t make agreements with those that seek your demise.

  13. One KEY quote I just heard....
    Palestinians will gain land and actually get a capital in East Jerusalem. US will open an embassy there. BUCKLE UP!


      In Joel 3:2, the Lord says: “I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land.” (3:2)

    2. Crafty wording...

      How Jerusalem remains undivided capital of Israel, at same time as East Jerusalem becomes capital of Palestinian state.

      The "undivided" is for the namesake and claim. not for the Real Estate.


      (page 19 of peace plan)


      Jerusalem should be internationally recognized as the capital of the State of Israel. Al Quds (or another name selected by the State of Palestine) should be internationally recognized as the capital of the State of Palestine.

      Neither party shall encourage or support efforts by other countries or persons to deny the legitimacy of the other party’s capital or its sovereignty. The mayors for each capital city will establish mechanisms for regular consultation and voluntary cooperation on matters of significance to the two capitals.

      The embassy of the United States to the State of Israel will remain in Jerusalem. Following the signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement, the embassy of the United States to the State of Palestine will be in Al Quds at a location to be chosen by the United States, in agreement with the State of Palestine. The United States will recognize the State of Israel and the State of Palestine in their respective capitals and encourage other nations to relocate their embassies to Jerusalem and Al Quds, as applicable.

      Judgement to follow...

    3. My response to that is uh oh. Here we go!


    4. Lyn Melvin, Blessings & Holy Hugs.

      "Immediately, it came into my spirit that JUST AS a horrifying great darkness fell prior to God making His everlasting covenant with Abram, a horrifying great darkness WILL FALL AGAIN when that same covenant is broken. " -- Lyn Melvin - article, above, emph mine.

      "Thus, When (The Lord, Christ is) Present In The Story, we will see Clear and Unmistakable Parallels in the Beginning and Ending of a thing." -- Jimboni, ala Marvin Byers, ibid.

    5. Holy Hugs back at ya, Jimboni! Exciting roller coaster ride just ahead!

  14. “Immediately after the [March 2] election, I will work towards implementing it from within a stable, functioning Israeli government in tandem with other countries in our region,” he (Gantz) said in a statement to the press before his return flight to Israel.

    “We are not going to pass it by,” Netanyahu told Trump when the two met Monday at the White House. This is the “opportunity of the century,” he said. (Both quotes from headlines on articles linked at

    Mmm, down in the shop, we boys call that a "Done Deal." The Cup has been passed and shared. The parties split the beasts and walked between them. As nothing has been 'signed', that we know of, and, much like it was at modern Israel's Genesis*, where she had governance, but no Government, she is actually unable to formally, yet, accept it (ibid. Gantz' comment).

    When such an understanding among parties exists, where no contract/treaty can be formed, for whatever reason(s), and this 'understanding' is based upon cooperations, and the mutual assent to the good of each, that situation, BY DEFINITION, is what we call a COVENANT among the parties. It's called language, folks; words have meaning.

    *Revealed/Reminded as I write, a doctrine I picked up from Marvin Byers which appears here and Affirms largely. Matching together 2 Revealed Truths Concerning ABBA and Christ. (1) He Declares Himself To BE "The Beginning" and "The End", Revelation 22:13. (2) He Is Unchanging. James 1:17.

    Thus, When Present In The Story, we will see clear and unmistakable Parallels in the Beginning and Ending of a thing. Here, precisely as it was in her Beginning, when first 'reborn', once AGAIN, without precedent, as the Unsolvable Riddle of the past MILLENIA seemingly has met it's Gordian match, we See Israel without a Government, after an election. In the DAYS from that 1st January '49 election, until formally Established on 3/10/49, Israel was in the EXACT same position as now. :) Maranatha!

    1. 1/28/1986: Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster - Keep looking UP

    2. Jimboni, by 3/10 do you mean the 10th of March, right? (Just to be sure.)

    3. In the prev. thread you wrote, "After that date (3/10), there are NO other events relating to the establishment of Israel's Statehood." That's why I'm asking.

    4. Nora, Blessings. Yes, I use Month/Date/Year format, sometime leaving off the year.

  15. The Lord gave me a verse during my Meditating on the Word and Prayer Time. POWERFUL!!

    @Pastor TH - Verse Given PTH prior to today's REVEALING of the PP, in response to Pastor's inquiry:

    For the REVELATION awaits an appointed time; it SPEAKS OF THE END and will not prove false. Though it LINGER, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3 (NIV, emph mine)

  16. Sharing...

    ”The Birthpangs would seem to be starting!! Shortly after they said "peace and safety" and making a covenant with death to NOT divide Jerusalem but to offer it to the Palestinians in a share-agreement, two massive earthquakes struck. This was a sneaky (treacherous) statement by Trump to say that Jerusalem would remain undivided but not saying in the announcement that God's city would now be shared with the Palestinians:

    1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

    Just now - two 7+ magnitude earthquakes struck in the Carribean - this would certainly seem to follow the travail that comes upon the woman as mentioned in the passage above.

    Similarly, we should expect the escape mentioned in this passage to also follow soon! Very soon!

    We fly soon!! Keep watching and be ready!”
    (Jaco Prinsloo)

    1. Jeova...Blessings and on the same page, Brother. Netanyahu said in closing remarks "security, prosperity and peace".

    2. "During the natural process of labor, the water breaks when the baby's head puts pressure on the amniotic sac, *CAUSING* it to rupture. Many doctors say that women must give birth within 12–24 hours of the water breaking"

      (2) EQ in the 7+, and near TWINS in intensity, are WITNESS. Location, Location, Location.

      On one note, has the Bride of Christ, also being the Man-child, prophetically, through her prayers and continuous petitions before The Throne, increased the pressure to rupture, now? Along with the many forces alongside surely, but still.

      "You ought to conduct yourselves in holiness and godliness ,waiting for and HASTENING (hurrying it along - NLT) the coming of the day of God," 2: Peter 3:12.

      And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who EAGERLY LOOK FORWARD to his appearing.2 Timothy 4:8 - NLT, emph mine

      If so, then THAT would surely be Worthy of a Crown from Our King Of Kings, amen.

      Oh, and 24-48 hours does happen to echo the 2-day window mentioned earlier. :) Maranatha!

  17. Re the Big reveal...I was halfway expecting Netanyahu to tearfully get down on his knees and kiss the ring of DJT, which was rather disturbing as DT stood there in that stoic pose. And he (DT) was spewing some major BS in re to the state of ISIS being 100% wiped out. (Just read @Jpost this morning where their new leader was issuing recordings to ISIS factions inspiring them to perform chem attacks against Israel.) Anyway, with the 4 year time frame allotted and some walking and praying around the circle driveway, I would not be at all surprised to see some "historic" catastrophe strike the US within the next 4 days. Just the impression and sense of dread I felt. I was trying to imagine our Lord's view of those speeches and it wasn't good. I was thinking how different things would be for Israel had they as a nation only turned to Him instead of "Egypt" to carry them through their troubles and now they must pass through Jacob's trouble. Praying God's Mercy upon them.

    On another related note, today the Bing Art highlights "The Cape Disappointment Lighthouse"--the first Pacific Northwest lighthouse est. in 1856--and the US Coast Guard's Protecting us for 105 years.

    G#1856--exotheo--to thrust out
    H#1856--daqar--to pierce through

    G#105--aetos--an eagle 5x Matt.24:28, Luke 17:37, Rev.4:7, Rev.8:13, Rev.12:14
    H#105--agartal--basin, basket, charger 2x in Ezra 1:9 in re to Cyrus restoring the Holy Vessels to Jerusalem.

    *A strongly felt 7.7 mag about an hour ago in the Cuba Region/Cayman Islands 10 km deep.

    Blessings All and edge of seat watching!

    1. "...I was halfway expecting Netanyahu to tearfully get down on his knees and kiss the ring of DJT, which was rather disturbing as DT stood there in that stoic pose. And he (DT) was spewing some major BS in re to the state of ISIS being 100% wiped out."

      Kind of feeling the same way about how much Amir Tsarfati (from Behold Israel) has been adoring DT (and still very much adores him) kind of uncritically and praising (almost?) everything he says and does. Seemed to praise that peace plan too (when it was out only in smaller details in the prev. days) like the most benefical to Israel thus far. Right now (what I understood) in Amir's interpretation the East-Jerusalem regions given to the Palestinians by the plan don't matter. Well, I don't think so. Imo he downplays its significance.

    2. (It seems Amir also believes your VP to be a righteous man of faith. I dont know about that guy, maybe he is a real believer but that thing with the Pope wasnt right.)

    3. Blessings Nora, what gave me pause about Amir Tsarfati and Jack Hibbs was their dismissal of the Rev12 Sign. So, I know we can’t agree on every single thing, I still listen to him when things get hot in Israel. One of the best Pastors I have ever come across, Pastor Billy Crone, dismisses the Rev12 Sign too but the body of his work is so rich that I just have to remain bewildered that they ignore the beginnings of the Bible where God says He will use the sun, stars and moon for signs. Jan Markell dismisses Rev12 too but I don’t doubt their sincerity. They’re just sincerely wrong.

    4. I see it so too, Archangel. Amir is a Bro in Christ but he puts toooooooo much faith in DT&Co.

    5. The entire Calvary Chapel brood is full of compromise (ALL of them). Unfortunately this extends to any and all friends of the Calvary Chapel gang (JM, AT, BC, prophecy watchers etc..).

      Watching these folks give tell tells of the team who they are really playing for is 'enlightening.'

      As to why AT wipes the floor clean where DT or MP walk... it is because he is on their team and you all should know what team DT and MP play ain't 100% team Jesus Christ.

      Some truth but only some as they speak lies and their actions, well, they tell more than words.

      They are leading many astray from the whole truth.

    6. Blessings Beltway Brother. Pastor Billy Crone, except for the Rev12 Sign, has been right on everything and I have watched dozens of his teachings on RFID, Abortion, the JWs, Charismatic Chaos (that blew my socks off. 33 videos. I watched every single one). He is incredible. PayPal cancelled his account when he was making the abortion videos. He tells the truth without mincing words. I have heard no doctrinal compromises from him. He has explained things that I never knew about. When he filled in for Pastor JD, both teachings were on hell. Hard-hitting, upsetting teachings but you will want to warn everyone after seeing them. His style is different from Pastor JD’s but I have learned so much from him too. JD’s teaching on Job and Revelation were outstanding.

      TD Jakes, Paula White, Duplantis, the Copelands, Joyce Meier, Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen is where you go for heretical teachings.

  18. TDOTC announced 1/28/20 with DT stating the parties "have six weeks" to get this implemented.

    6w x 7d = 42 days. 1/28/20 (Today) + 42 days = 3/10/2020. Oh yes.

    As I meant to say in my earlier post, this is the point in the tennis match where the Ball is clearly on Christ's side of the net. Maranatha!

    1. I want to be on Christ’s side of the net. In fact, I want to be on Christ’s side of everything.


    Could that be because the study will lead the Americans right into a Chinese lab with a vial marked with red danger deadly virus on it ?

    1. Good Question Archangel! I think it is certainly a good thought as to why they do not want our help.


    2. Blessings Zorrobird. Watch the videos in the link I posted. They sped up the coronavirus. They know Jesus Christ is coming and they’re terrified. KB was a satanist.

  20. Watchwoman 65 YTC:


    (Despite the title, some very encouraging points are in this vid concerning the rapture.)

    1. Yeehaw, Nora! Just watched Watchwoman 65 and have to agree with her that things are going to really start happening in the next few days (and hours) and "a mighty rushing wind is about to take over the believers". I'm not sure, of course, what all we will see BEFORE the Rapture, but here's my take:
      WE HAVE MUCH TO REJOICE ABOUT! We ARE going home so very, very soon♥

  21. Just a thought... someone (I think the person was unknown or anonymous) mentioned in a comment at Unsealed that the Pals probably wont just sit a watch as Israel starts to annex land (in the near future in my estimation) with the blessing of the USA. So, I think that this plan probably has the potental to ultimately cause some prophetic ME wars.

    1. Yes, I think so. There’s a story at Drudge that hamas and fatah are having a meeting.

  22. WOWZER. loving all the comments, just caught up on them now.
    There is such an air of anticipation in the air. We are out of here anyday now, just throw brexit into the mix, a war to break out in the Middle East, and those earthquakes to keep ramping up..

    A two state solution announced - CHECK
    Peace and safety / security mentioned a lot - CHECK
    The dealer dealing treacherously - CHECK
    A covenant made, but can only be CONFIRMED when Israel has a functioning government - CHECK

    We Fly Soon!!

    1. Nice rundown, Jordan!

      Butterflies in stomach - CHECK!

    2. I think between now and Brexit and from Brexit until after the Israeli elections it's a major high-watch time period. I remember Rabbi Kaduri's prophetic description of this period of time often.


    1. They know Jesus Christ is coming and they’re terrified ! They sped up the coronavirus.

    2. This is the Year of the Corona.

  24. Another EQ in the Caymens on the same fault line downgraded to a 6.1. Created a lot of sinkholes and sand blasts similar to the New Madrid quake of 1811 per @Dutchsinse YTC latest report with pics.

    Some are posting about Gen.7:7 in relation to this 7.7 Jamaican EQ today and others are pointing out that Trump was born at Jamaica Hospital and how the number 7 has been so heavily associated with him, so that's another interesting little non-coincidence in light of today's events.

    *I just counted (6) 4.4 mag aftershocks to the 6.1 in the Caymens on USGS and (1) 4.3 so far all at 10 km deep.

    Like WW65 suggests, we need to have our noses not just pressed against, but "glued" to the watching window:-) Maranatha!


    Settlers upset.

  26. Per Pastor Cioccolanti, Wuhan province is where they have their virology research lab.

  27. Pastor Cioccolanti’s video

    1. Amenn ....Looking for that blessed hope yes I saw a YTC Watchwoman 65 and I thought about getting some superglue for the window. I can attest to the fact that I am listening to every single noise . Hallelujah ....we will not miss the voice of our Savior.Take a look at Israel News Live ..Steve Ben..D.. describes prior incidents that attest to the peace deal origination during Sharon Leadership. Alas as a nation we are not in good standing with the Lord .However as the bride of Christ .. we are washed, holy, and set apart ..Glory be to our Redeemer
      Israeli New Live with Steve Ben De....

  28. I'm a bit disappointed that nothing was said about the temple. If I understand correctly, the division is conditional on Pals behaving, which is not going to happen ever. It's still disturbing that both Bens are so willing to go along with it. Iran called it "Treason of the Century" - ironically, it fits, if for totally different reasons than they meant. It's weird that the deal can't be now "confirmed" due to the political situation in Israel. The vibes are very strange here... I feel a bit like stuck on too speedy roller-coaster.

  29. Ha! Dominika--I just left a comment above for Jimboni saying, " Exciting roller coaster ride just ahead!" referring to this article:

    1. A few of my thoughts in summation:

      1. I believe it too that a great revival will happen most likely during the tribulation period when great numbers will come to the Lord according to the Scripture.

      2. When Jesus comes for us will He find faith on the Earth? I believe His question isn't neccessarily for the time of the Second Coming only.

      Also, according to His own words the Church of Philadelphia will be: weak.

      None of these descriptions fit a scenario of a great&triumphant revival before the rapture (in my current understanding).

      3. The Bride's heart according the God's Word: "The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let the one who hears say, "Come!" (Rev 22:17)

      That's my heart's yearning too and many of our yearnings. Yes, we're impatient at times but no wonder when you look at this horrible world and the sin that burdens everything around us including our own flesh! I think the Lord very much understands that and He'll come for us right after He gathered that last sheep. In the Lord's eyes it's defninitely a good thing to yearn for His return.

      That's one of several reasons why I give zero credit to Maurice Sklar's "visions". (Not to mention that a very similar vision circulated a few years ago, it was probably from this guy too.)

      4. I heard that Perry Stone preaches and teaches another Gospel. I didnt look into his teachings but I heard that several times from different people who listened to him. Maybe in the future I'll check him too, until that I remain wary of his stuff.

      5. The 3 days of darkness is allegedly a Catholic false teaching. Never sit well with my discernment either.

      I believe the world will get darker and darker though as we approach the tribulation period. That in itself also seems to counter apre-rapture great revival.

      Let me add that a great awakening has been going on for a long while in Africa, Asia and at other places (everywhere but the West basically). I've heard that many times and I believe it. Just my personal opinion but my guess is that the West will remain in its Christ rejecting rottenness.

      6. Lastly but not leastly, been thinking a lot on Jesus' description about the characteristics of the very last days: people drinking, eating, doing business and marrying.

      This is basically business as usual. Certainly doesn't fit the conditions right before the 2nd Coming so only conditions before "the day of the Lord" aka the tribulation fit. Days of relative normalcy laced with increasing birth pangs like right now still fits imo.

      That's why I believe so that the rapture will happen right before things turn TRULY serious and before any serious event like this virus or a major war DESTROYS the world's already fragile economy and everyday life will be no more.

    2. a bit of correction to my 6th point: I think *the day of the Lord* references the great-trib aka the second half of the tribulation but right now, above, I meant the entire tribulation period.

      and by *everyday life* I meant a "business as usual life"

    3. Amém, Nora!
      In line with my thoughts...

    4. Re: Lyn's latest and the soon coming darkness...

      Do you recall black smokey from the series 'Lost'?

      The 'Death Angel/ Angel of Death' in Exodus

      Remember how God the Father came down to Mt. Siani in Exodus 19?

      v9 The Lord said to Moses, “See, I will come to you in a thick cloud. So the people may hear when I speak with you, and may believe you forever.” Then Moses told the Lord what the people had said.

      v10 The Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people. Today and tomorrow set them apart to be holy. Have them wash their clothes.

      v11 And let them be ready for the THIRD day. For on the THIRD day people will see the Lord come down on Mount Sinai.

      v12 Let the people know the places all around that they must not pass. Tell them, ‘Be careful that you do not go up on the mountain or touch any place around it. Whoever touches the mountain will be put to death.

      v13 No hand will touch him. But he will be killed with stones or arrows. If he be animal or man, he will not live.’ When a long sound from a horn is heard, they may come up to the mountain.”

      Grave, dark days are ahead

      See Also from Watchwoman (she was plenty of other videos containing warnings of what is still coming...)

      Exodus (Escape) then Evil Darkness: Reversal of Exodus Plagues: Vision, Word, Scriptural Revelation


    5. Nora, this is very much in line with my thoughts as well.

      And 2020 really seems like the moment before hell breaks loose, if you will. And when hell breaks loose, that is wrath, or great tribulation or jacobs trouble if those terms can be used interchangeably. We will not be here for that period. I do lean towards believing that that period is 3.5 years roughly which includes bowls, trumpets and seals happening right on top of eachother. My thinking comes a lot from the videos of Brenda Weltner YTC, who has spent the last two years reevaluationg everything she had been taught to believe about Revelation and examining it carefully against the rest of scripture. She has the rapture occuring most likely in September 2020 and has believed so for quite a while, although she is quick to say that it could happen at any moment. She has a new abridged pdf linked on her videos that anyone can download. It is interesting. Here is one of her recent videos for your convenience:

      Rev12 tells us the rapture is in 2020

      In summary, she believes the 7 year period started with rev12 sign. And that we are not in wrath because wrath is the latter half.

      Tell me what you think if you get an opportunity to check it out.

    6. The link I provided will start you at the 70 second mark, I think. That is not intentional. I'd recommend starting at the beginning.

    7. Nora--I too had heard of that Catholic doctrine and had discarded any idea of 3 days of darkness UNTIL I received what I believe was a prophetic dream from the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why in the article I wrote: "I am led to insert here that I do NOT agree with everything being said associated with the much promulgated “three days of darkness” prophecy." And then left a link sharing "my limited insight".

      It is my hope that I come across NOT as a "thus saith the Lord" type of person, but as a fellow watchman yearning to be obedient. We ALL see "in part" and see "dimly" (1 Cor 13:12). I do NOT agree with all that Perry Stone teaches (thus my CAVEAT in the right margin of my blog), but I believe there is a true pattern seen where Revelation is Genesis in reverse. Others have taught this besides Perry Stone.

      No one knows for certain what all will happen before our precious Bridegroom snatches us off this sinful planet. Who thought we would see these horrors BEFORE the Rapture:
      2019-20 Australia bushfires
      2010 Haitian earthquake
      2005 Hurricane Katrina
      2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
      Certainly those affected by these disasters don't feel like things are "relatively normal" and "business as usual". It is possible, unfortunately, that we will see increasingly horrible things BEFORE He comes for us and He is warning us so that we won't give up our watch!! That is all I am trying to do--no matter what happens, Beloved Brethren, it all points to one thing--HE IS COMING! HE IS COMING! HE IS COMING! HALLELUJAH!!!

    8. Here's the pdf from Brenda's you tube channel

      pdf for end times timing

  30. Sharing...
    Jaco Prinsloo - FB PAGE

    So what happened Yesterday when Trump announced the Deal of the Century?

    Trump got Israel to agree to break the everlasting covenant that God made with Abraham over the land that God promised to Abraham and by doing so, touching the apple of God's eye in the process. God instructed Israel as follows:

    Num 23:9 For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, THE PEOPLE SHALL DWELL ALONE, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.

    Israel has agreed NOT to dwell alone and specifically applying their mingling with other nations in the apple of God's eye - Jerusalem, which now spoils it.

    Zec 2:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

    Trump was very crafty in how he worded this arrangement and whilst saying that Jerusalem will be the UNDIVIDED capital of Israel - he drew attention away from the fact that Jerusalem will now be SHARED with the Palestinians and even this craftiness being referred to in Isaiah 21 as the treacherous dealings of the treacherous dealer - which is Trump while the spoiler would seem to be Netanyahu who agreed to spoil the apple of God's eye:

    Isa 21:2 A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease.

    This calls for Iran to attack and God's indignation to be poured out over the world, since Israel has now invoked God's indignation. This, however, is very good news for us who have become God's people because we escape before God's indignation hits the earth in full force:

    Isa 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

    Isa 26:21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

    We have so little time remaining! Keep watching more prophetic events are expected today!


    Interesting comentar:

    “I would keep an eye on the vote in the EU to approve the UK's Brexit deal - this happens 24 hours after the announcement of the Deal of the Century and it is possible that the outcome of this vote may have something to do with what we are shown in this card that featured on the cover of the Economist. From what we are shown here, 3 countries will oppose this approval and this then leading to the UK crashing out of the EU without a deal on Friday.

    Just a possibility at this point, but there is a reason this is also described in Pike's plan where the following is written:

    ‘Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against THE WORLD MINORITY OF REVOLUTIONARIES, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization,..’

    I think the hour after Brexit kicks in on the 31st is looking very good for our meeting in the air, but we will have to wait and see.”


    Come, LORD JESUS!!!

    1. Good day, Family & Blessings, Jeova'.

      Friday, the 31st, in a MF way, could also be seen as Friday the 13th and also has 311 lurking in there...

      As noted, Friday, 1/31, (sorry Nora) also being the 3rd Day since the reveal, will be precisely 40 days prior to 3/10, during which time The Son Of Man Will Deliver The Sign Of Jonah Prior To Commencing Seal Judgments Upon The Not Rescued/Unregenerate portion of the Church and the world. The Islamists also await this SAME individual, whom they agree will prophecy 40 days, although their holy book labels this person their antichrist.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jeová, I'd like to ask you to link Jaco's FB page where these posts are please! Thought I'd make an attempt to read his page...

      Without login I only found this page (I guess it's him) and I cant see anything from his posts here:

    4. It happened in another case (I think it was Dan Matson's) that I could read an account without login, thats why I thought that I'd try.

    5. Thank you, Jeová! I can see that post but only that one. When I click on his name, his timline with his other posts doesn't show up sadly.

      Don't know why I could see Dan Matson's timline of posts without login but I can't see Jaco's.

    6. Nora, I think the difference has to do with how the account is set up, the account holder can set it to public or private or whatever, but I do not have facebook so not sure.

    7. Thank you Miguel, yep, I thought of that too that maybe thats the problem that he probably made it private.

  31. Blessings all. Please remember that the time difference between the UK and the USA is anywhere from 5-8 hours. NY is 3 hours behind and CA is 8 hours behind.

    I recall vividly the night Princess Diana was in the car “accident” looking at my clock and realizing over in the UK they will wake up and find out the news of her passing, it was 4AM there and we here in the US knew but they hadn’t found out yet unless some of them were early birds or watching intl news.

  32. Amen, Jehova'! I think now is that time! It's 3 facts with "them":
    1) they say Peace an Safety,
    2) destruction comerh upon them,
    3) they shall not escape.
    Saying goes already long, now it's a fact - we are here! Not escape comes after our departure! Come Lord now! We are waiting! Amen!

    1. Hi Alla! Wonderful to see you here. Cannot be much longer for us .

    2. Thank you, please pray for me, today come home, pain with me, don't know what is now. Only pray! Come Lord!

  33. I found this current video by Brother David (about DT's peace-plan) very insightful (and encouraging):

    Revelation 6 pushing at the gate

    1. (sorry, forgot to add that he starts to speak about that topic after the 5th minute mark, he talks about another topic at the start of the vid, tho I found it great too)

  34. IT is being welcomed everywhere....


    Escape From Wuhan

    This post is an update to Hundreds of Virus Carrying Planes Headed for US, London, Paris, Vancouver

    In that article I commented "Wuhan may be locked down. The rest of China isn't yet."

    This update shows it is indeed still possible to escape Wuhan, then depart from some other city to the US, Japan, Europe, or elsewhere.

    Please note that Scientists Estimate 44,000 Virus Cases, Doubling Every 6 Days

    This is confirmation that the US should have halted all planes from China long ago.

  35. Agreed .. an exponential growth with Coronavirus ..One plane now headed to March Airforce base in Sou Cal .. Near Corona !!!! San Bernadino. Too many questions..regarding current
    xxdemic Umm, incubation ..maybe 2 weeks , how is the virus transmitted hands , cough, far along with generations ...mutations? We know One ANSWER to a life question .Jesus is coming very Soon..!!!

  36. For some real interesting info on how this Coronavirus was played out at the Event 201 meeting held in NYC on Oct.18,2019 as well as how the human health bio-hacking discussed at Davos might soon be in use by a Totalitarian regime, tune in at the 1 hr. 3 min. mark to @John Haller's Prophecy Update YTC from 1/26 titled "Stress Tests".

    This pandemic situation and it's "side effects" could easily be the final nail in the coffin of this final age before the Trib period begins. As John H. says, it could die down into nothing much, or it could very rapidly change the face of the world. So yes, we've seen these things come and go time and again, but never have we seen a Pandemic like this in such tight convergence with so many other Prophetic fulfillments. And TPTB actually seem to be aiding and abetting the spread of this virus with flimsy screenings and quarantines as they relocate people who were possibly exposed back to their home countries. Whether or not they intentionally set it in motion, they would be remiss to ever let a good crisis go to waste as Rahm Emanuel once so eloquently expressed.

    So for us, it's prayers for the lost while our own hearts are looking up and trusting in our Savior's perfect timing. It's already getting so spiritually dark out there, but by His Loving Grace, we who have our faith resting in the Finished Work of the Cross also have The Lamp at our feet, Amen:-)

    Blessings All and Even So, Lord, Come!

    1. These are encouraging words Sheila, thank you..."It's already getting so spiritually dark out there, but by His Loving Grace, we who have our faith resting in the Finished Work of the Cross also have The Lamp at our feet..." Yes I am a bit weary and wondering but I keep looking up I keep checking the sky ....and seeking ...for His return. We need to pray for the citizens in China for the Lord to deliver them spiritually and physically. Sad to watch these dilemma s unfold. Lord by your mercy and Grace we occupy till you come .Maranatha

  37. Thought I better repost my Reply to Nora here because others may find it helpful as well:

    Nora--I too had heard of that Catholic doctrine and had discarded any idea of 3 days of darkness UNTIL I received what I believe was a prophetic dream from the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why in the article I wrote: "I am led to insert here that I do NOT agree with everything being said associated with the much promulgated “three days of darkness” prophecy." And then left a link sharing "my limited insight".

    It is my hope that I come across NOT as a "thus saith the Lord" type of person, but as a fellow watchman yearning to be obedient. We ALL see "in part" and see "dimly" (1 Cor 13:12). I do NOT agree with all that Perry Stone teaches (thus my CAVEAT in the right margin of my blog), but I believe there is a true pattern seen where Revelation is Genesis in reverse. Others have taught this besides Perry Stone.

    No one knows for certain what all will happen before our precious Bridegroom snatches us off this sinful planet. Who thought we would see these horrors BEFORE the Rapture:
    2019-20 Australia bushfires and now the Coronavirus pandemic
    2010 Haitian earthquake
    2005 Hurricane Katrina
    2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
    Certainly those affected by these disasters don't feel like things are "relatively normal" and "business as usual". It is possible, unfortunately, that we will see increasingly horrible things BEFORE He comes for us and He is warning us so that we won't give up our watch!! That is all I am trying to do--no matter what happens, Beloved Brethren, it all points to one thing--HE IS COMING! HE IS COMING! HE IS COMING! HALLELUJAH!!!
    ♥Love you all--can't wait til this part of our lives is finished!!

    1. Hey Lyn...nope, don't see you as a "thus sayeth the Lord " person, but more of a "this is how I understand it at this point" kind of person. It seems He has given us all some "insider" pieces of this amazing panorama that's He's unfolding before us and whether big or small, we are right to share them for the encouragement and nourishment of the Body. Ofc that should always help to keep our noses in HIS Word as we consider it, while knowing that we are yet living in this flesh and our brains have some tricky individual wiring that still has to be navigated alongside the leading of the Spirit because as you cited--"we ALL see in part" and "know in part" and "see dimly". But as long as we humbly recognize that and do not violate the Scriptures, I am reminded of Malachi 3:16,17,18 when we share with one another whatever He's placed in our hearts. Love and Blessings, Sister and YES! HALLELUJAH!!! HE IS COMING!!!

    2. 3 days of darkness in not an official Catholic doctrine. It's based on personal visions of some Catholic and RCC does not recognize it as valid.

      I agree it would be naive to expect we will not experience unpleasant times, when people had horrible things to deal with during the course of history and sinful choices bring consequences. From what I understand the birth process can't last too long without baby and mother being in danger. It has to be soon :)

    3. As I said, "Days of relative normalcy laced with increasing birth pangs like right now still fits imo."

      Days of relative normalcy laced with increasing birth pangs.

      Never said we won't experience unpleasant times, the current state of the world definitely s*ck! (Pardon my French!)

      Indeed for people personally struck by catastrophes it's not business as usual. That's why I called it relative normalcy and because the obvious fact that birth pangs are pretty much inceasing.

      Still: people are eating and drinking- check, people are bying and selling-check, people are marrying-check. Still business as usual LACED with increasing birth pangs.

      In case this virus outbreak implodes the world economy and the whole fanric of society is completely destroyed by it as a consequence so it will look like in the Walking Dead, yes the world will arrive to the point of business NOT as usual.

      Still, the Lord said it not me that before sh*t hits the fan: people will eat and drink, buy and sell and marry. It's his words not mine. He also talked about the birth pangs.

      As I mentioned, my conclusion from all of that is that our current times fit. And yes, I also said that as we near to the rapture and the trib period the world will get even darker. But globally, in general buying and selling, eating and drinking and marrying continues (!) according to the Lord Jesus that means a still working global economy imo (even if it's on the brink of explosion or implosion) that is still in place until/ around the rapture. So, relative normalcy in general on a global scale. When the prophecied judgments and the wrath of the Lord comes down and the seals will be finally opened after the rapture things will change dramatically even if the world isnt a pretty place right now.

      As for the rapture, it could easily push the teetering global economy from the brink to the abiss especially if war(s) break out at/around the same time.

    4. (*correction: fabric of society plus srry for all the other typos)

    5. Nora, I agree. I didn't intend to comment on the attitude of anyone on the forum, it's off-line folks who drive me insane. They expect everything to be wonderful, peace and prosperity forever. There really isn't anything more I can tell them and time is running out. I was reading Lyn's article and was stricken by the difference. I'm surrounded by a bunch of hard headed Catholics who seem to be all coming down off the fence on the wrong side :(

    6. Nora, Dominika and Sheila--Good "iron sharpening iron" comments here I am glad to say! And Nora--LOL re. your "French" and typos--I'm surprised I don't make more myself I get typing so fast sometimes ;D

    7. Dominika, at times it seems to me too that people get kind of insensitive to what surrounds us, like "that's what's been always going on, nothing new, there's always been wars" etc., and my personal favorite: "no one knows the day or hour!" but more and more people wakes up, many secular ones also that sg isn't right and how rapidly the world descend into darkness.

    8. Lyn, yeah, I typo ALL the time! LOL Even if I check it. And many times I just can't "English" well.

    9. Nora...pretty much in agreement with you re the state of things right up to the Rapture.
      I am finding that most people--even professing Believers--don't want to look at what is really going on around them as it's just "too depressing" and messes with their happiness levels. I've been told by a few..."That's why I don't watch the news anymore and you should quit watching it, too."

      I am finding that a few are taking notice of things going awry with this Coronavirus, but most will definitely make every attempt to go on "eating, drinking and giving in marriage" etc. right up to the day of sudden destruction. At this point I'm too tired to put up one-sided arguments anymore with those whose eyes glaze over as they tune me out anyway, so I'll just try to share with anyone who WILL listen and pray for Jesus to reveal the urgency of the moment to the rest of them and keep Looking UP with my watching Brethren here:-) Blessings, Sis!

  38. New video from Jaco:

    1. Hey Miguel,
      I liked your plug for this blog site, a webBOT blinder, so that your comment didnt get shadow banned by YouTube. Yep, this is where all the cool cats hang out.

      This resource is an absolute goldmine of info for anyone who is looking to understand end times prophesy, I pray many people stumble onto it before we are are gone, and take the opportunity to put their faith in Jesus for the total forgiveness of all of their sins, (all past, present and future sins.), and I pray that many more come in the months after our departure. Bless you brother.

    2. Thanks! Cool random question. Anybody else feeling frustrated, cranky and numb lately? I sure am. Blahhhhhh! I just want to be outta here.

    3. Miguel P, Blessings. Yes, all of that though Our Lord Has Upheld Through It. My thorn n side continues to be this taste/burning which I continue to manage through prayer and various distractions, but it wears on me.

      Jordan, wow. Jaco's most recent puts his chips on, aha, Friday the 31st. My chair is sitting right next to his at the table, Maranatha!

    4. Lately, I wish whining was one of the fruits of the Spirit. Lol. His grace is sufficient. Amen. Jan 31 sounds great! I will stubbornly put my chair their too and pray for His mercy while looking up.

    5. Remember it is SB weekend in Miami and perhaps there comes some more EQs => tsunamis and a ball of fire from the firmament above which hits off the coast of P R thus, wrecking the party going on in Miami and the entire us eastern seaboard.

      The "asteroid" prohecy(ies) are still inbound = EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ

    6. Miguel P, Blessings. HA! If I were Sheila B. (Blessings) I'd be wearing my tea. Caleb & I are enjoying some Poke' chops and stuffin' when I hit your line and bust a gut! I think you got a gig doing standup in the Millennial, Kingdom, that is.

      'CiD, I have so tuned out the N*L since the entire kneeling deal that I had ZERO connection, no idea at all, oh my. Immediately, many YTC D&V concerning SB and all the above, from a few years ago. I cannot recall exactly when, but I am guessing those had a spike in occurrence around a significant year marker. Nothing 'happened' and they went on the shelf along with Baseball Winks and such. Well, brother, I think you just nudges it off the shelf, Oh Boy, Maranatha!

    7. LOL, I'll throw my 2 meows in here, Miguel, and say I know how you feel because if whining WAS a fruit, I could've produced a bumper crop in just the past couple of days. Actually I've done more barking than purring for sure as I've found myself real short on patience, but I've learned to be real cautious when it comes to praying for increase on that one;-)
      (Hopefully, He will just get me over this head cold or allergies (hard to tell anymore) and back on track in the "longsuffering" department around here...

      Blessings Ya'll and Lord Willing, gonna pull up a chair to Jaco's latest and pray some more:-)

    8. Standup in the millenium! Sounds like a wonderful gig. I've met some hilarious people in my life, but if the job ain't filled, I'll take it.

      Oh the material is endless...i'd probably start with roasting Samson for letting that broad cut his hair. I mean really! Still cant believe he fell for that. Of course I've done the same thing dozens of times, so I'm qualified to poke fun. I'm definitely no Samson though...
      More of a Simpson.

      Thanks for letting me whine. Speaking of cats, this giant gray one that I inherited when I married is kind of creepy sometimes, when he isn't annoying me with hairballs and unwelcome brushes up against my clothes that require about half a lint roller. He has figured out how to tell us when he needs something and he says "hello" "mom" "dad" and my favorite, "where the heck are you, I want to go outside and chase rabbits" ok that last one is a slight exaggeration, but he would say it if he could. Really though, is this typical for cats to speak so clearly? He says "hello" repeatedly until we answer him.

    9. Miguel P, Blessings. Now I am certain that when you read this that the cat creepiness detector in you will ring out, "I knew it!" From a Psych Today article by Jessica Pierce, Ph.D., author of All Dogs Go To Heaven:

      Have you ever seen your cat at meow at other cats? Probably not. But your cat meows at you, right? Sometimes non-stop? There's a reason for this. Your cat meows at you because she is trying to tell you something (obviously).

      You see, adult cats don't meow at other cats. Instead, they communicate through scent, body language, facial expression, and touch. The meow is human-directed communication. Cats have learned that they cannot communicate with us the way they do with other cats, which is why cats meow at humans to communicate. Scientists believe cats have refined this “meow” language to converse with humans. The rest is purrfectly presented at Why Do Cats Meow at Humans?

      Praising The Creator and Awaiting CATatstrophy, Maranatha!

    10. Blessings Jimboni, I had the inauspicious task of cleaning up 2 sets of regurgitation before, actually, they wait until I am settled and comfortable, and then proceed, before I could confirm that they don’t meow at each other but they do hiss at each other.

      Some are more vocal than others. They will meow for food/attention/anything they can think of that requires me to get up when I most feel like sitting.

    11. Blessings Miguel P. In the KJV, it says Delilish nagged Samsom until his “soul was vexed until death.” I always thought she gave him wine or somehow incapacitated him to get him to sleep although that’s an assumption on my part.

      I’ve always had great sympathy for Samson and his plight.

    12. Great point archangel. I didnt mean to misrepresent; just being a clown. Actually I can relate to "vexed until death". Had my fair share of that kind of gal.

      And since you love cats so much, here's the wiki on mine.

      The description is pretty accurate but mine is bigger and scarier. :-)

    13. "Anybody else feeling frustrated, cranky and numb lately?"

      Miguel, yep, I have my things too.

      I also bring my chair!! Gonna watch Jaco's vid.

    14. Nebelung, this kitty is beautiful!

    15. Blessings Miguel P. Lol ! Samson’s story always saddened me; having his eyes gouged out, having to grind at the mill, being led around by a kid etc.

      Perfect example of why you should obey your parents ( not that I did much).

      You would love my 🐱 especially Mitch. Sweetest cat ever born. God helped me rescue a feral. He lived under the dresser for two months. Now he’s comfortable enough to jump out at me when I am near the door. So funny and he’s just so cute. If we are here, will be watching the kitten Super Bowl

    16. I would rip on Balaam for letting his donkey outsmart him but I’m sure the donkey is in Heaven and Balaam.....isn’t.

      Also, when I consider the towering figure of Moses fleeing when God turned his staff into a snake, it always makes me chuckle. I can just picture it.

      And, of course, my fav Elijah mocking the prophets of Baal out of boredom. Sitting there all day watching those fools beat and cut themselves and finally saying maybe he sleepeth. I look forward to meeting Elijah but I know he and Moses will be a bit busy for a few years.

    17. You know the 7.7 in Jamaica rattled Mar-O-Lago. I knew it would.

    18. Paul had to pause his sermon to resurrect the guy put to sleep by his preaching and fallen out of the window. Bored to death, indeed!

    19. You all are cracking me up with your jokes, cat stories, and Balaam's donkey comments--HOW I LOVE THIS FAMILY!!!

    20. Truly some comical stuff in Gods word.

      And all your mutual crankiness and comedy has really lifted my spirits. Many thanks.

      Let's take a quick poll. Likelihood that we will all still be here a year from now? 1 being not at all 10 being definitely.

      I say 2. How about you?

    21. How about the publican midget Zaccheus who climbed a tree because he was short and wanted to see Jesus. Jesus stopped under the tree and told him Get Down, I’m coming to stay at your house. The one tree He stood under contained the midget.

      38 And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly.

      39 And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.

      40 And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out,(OUT !) he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying. 41 And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.

      Exodus 32
      7 And the Lord said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou (YOU !) broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves:

      I say 1

    22. Miguel P--I'm with you with a "2" vote.

    23. Brother, suddenly I can't make a guess but this year just seems such a great possibility that I think you both are correct about 2, but let me add my quick prayer here: Lord PLEEEASE let it be 1!!!!!!!!!!! (Not at all!!!!) Kérlek Uram, legyen az elragadtatás ebben az évben!!!! (I put that little ask here in my native language too.)

    24. Beautiful to read in your native tongue. Thinking back I probably would have put 2019 at a 3 or 4. What would it take to convince me with certainty that it is this year? Not much, the indications are significant.

    25. Miguel P, Blessings. Trying to catch my breath here as your Q begs so many responses. A quick prayer, which I'm not sure has even made it quite to the Throne, just yet, and I rush headlong where Angels fear to tread.

      While my unmitigated vote for '1' likely shocks no one, that is not adequate. I am as moved, in defense of that, as, in like manner, our defense of Grace. (Some tricky commas, there; make sure picking up what I'm laying down.)

      Our Absolute defense of Absolute Grace is not whimsy or preference, but the Word, Whom IS Our Lord, Whom we love. In exact same manner, every detail of the past few days are clearly elucidated, in various manner and levels in the Word, without equivocation or error. Additionally, I testify, Revelation/Insight Into His Word, Anew, Abounds. Hark! A donkey brays! Are you listening?

      While many, if not most, who've been along since TGW, likely would have answered that same Q with a resounding '1', prior to TGW, and been amused to even have it asked, today, we have at least DOZENS of EQUALLY SIGNIFICANT Scriptural Markers immediately in our rear view and right outside the door, ladies and gents.

      AS JACO said, we're talking HOURS now as a simple reading of the Word Declares, Maranatha!

    26. The Great Wonder (TGW) of Revelation 12: 1-2

    27. Miguel...if your question pertained to next week, I'd still be have to be a 1:-D, especially the way I feel today. Just crawled out from under the covers awhile ago feeling like I might be going Home either way...ugh...not raining, but this damp chilly and gray weather is just full of water with every breath. And my critters are none too happy with me today. Even Gracie the Turtle is in a hissy mood. Also sadly enough, I have to stay away from the new baby girl:-/

      The Weather Channel reported that Jamaican 7.7 EQ sent a wave of tremors rippling across the entire US including Alaska which reminded me of the earth ringing like a bell on 11/11/18.

      Re the KJV Rev.6 usage of killing with "death", @David Benjamin noted in his comment section that back then plagues were often referred to as "The Death" as in ("The Black Death") so maybe that's why it's translated that way. And which btw a new study has traced the origins of that plague back to China. "Origins of The Black Death Traced Back To China, Gene Sequencing Has Revealed".

      Blessings All, Stay Well and Maranatha!

  39. Blessings all. I was pondering Pence’s wonderful meeting with the Pope and decided to watch Pastor Billy Crone’s teaching on Roman Catholicism. Very horrifying and we are only on the first video. Remembering that this Pope is the first ever Jesuit, Pastor Crone taught the Extreme Oath of Induction that THIS Pope took and will never abandon:

    I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

    We need to witness to Catholics really bad.

    1. And this guy IS the Pope.

    2. Wow--definitely NOT what the real Jesus would do--horrifying :-O

    3. Blessings Lyn, and the Catholic “church” has not changed and can’t wait to start burning Protest-ants at the stake again.

  40. We are headed for the spiritual dark ages. Link to Pastor Crone’s video.


  42. Ok, so this is weird...

    I've been studying Revelation this week, as usual in KJV, especially Revelation 6 as I think this may apply to now.

    I could swear that a few days ago, the 4th horse, the pale horse whose name was death, had authority to kill 1/4 of the earth by sword, hunger and pestilence. Except now, the KJV says it has authority to kill 1/4 by sword, hunger and death ...death kills by death? it doesn't even make sense. The NIV version still says plague as of today. Revelation 6:8

    This appears to be another mandela effect and it happened this week. Does anyone else remember the KJV saying killed by sword, hunger and pestilence?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The pale horse rider's name is "death" and he kills with sword (literally the islamic sword), famine, and pestilence.

      Yes, it should be (btw, I am currently looking at a Gideons' version which I am 'borrowing' from my recent hotel stay in the centennial state).

    3. My non English Bible speaks about sword, famine, plague and wild animals.

    4. Now I See, Blessings. Once again, we see ? Time manipulations/travel poking its head into the frame. Alongside, we see another Red Line being crossed as the meddling with the Holy Word of ABBA and Christ somewhat forces a Loving, Gracious and Just Father, Who's Word Is Also Himself, To Intervene & CEASE IT. Or, In Typically Divine Paradoxical Manner, Rescue His Bride/Restrainer And Let It Be, For A Brief Season. Snare, anyone? Maranatha!

    5. These comments reminded me of what "therion", which is translated "beasts" in the KJV of Rev. 6:8, really means:

      . . . The precise meaning [of therion] is multi-level and rich. Literally, therion is a diminutive of thera (beast) and therefore means ‘little beasts’. . . However, in the context of Thanatos’s arsenal, it may be more accurately portrayed as infectious diseases—perhaps, a legion of plagues that act as one unit to infect entire populations and eventually slay one fourth of mankind. excerpt

    6. Lyn, Blessings. I encountered this teaching many years ago and have never encountered any counter in any way since. Ibid. my immediate post, above, "we have at least DOZENS of EQUALLY SIGNIFICANT Scriptural Markers immediately in our rear view and right outside the door", Maranatha!

  43. As a result of the actions by a few men (really by the enemy in the spirit realm), there is going to be a (-) result (i.e. righteous judgement by God). Will we be a snowflake Christian or a real one who rides out the storm because we are firmly rooted in these last of the last of days before the (dark and stormy) time ahead.


    From Shaking My Head Production

    Riding The Storm Out In These Last Days!
    From 1/30

    From SHMP:: This is an edit of my video from January 2019. The message is even more relevant now than it was this time last year. The imagery is from 2019 and January of 2020. I hope this reaches one person and leads them to seek out Yeshua Jesus. Only he can calm your storms in life.


  44. For Thirty Pieces of Silver :: By Geri Ungurean @ RaptureReady

    Through the years, I [author] have written untold number of articles about this man/demon. He sees our globe as his stomping ground; almost like a satanic version of Monopoly.

    He is the Globalist of Globalists of all time. If you want to read other articles about him on my Word Press, just type George Soros. He started his life as a self-hating Jew (learned this from his father) and helped the Nazis to confiscate all wealth from the Jews in Germany before he ushered them onto the trains which took my people to the DEATH camps.

    His Latest Venture

    In the last few years, this madman has infiltrated the Evangelical churches by finding “hirelings” to whom he gave millions of dollars if they would just hop on the false Social Justice gospel bandwagon. And, unfortunately, there were plenty of takers, including the top people at the Southern Baptist Convention.

    “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10).


    I wonder if I can map some other hirelings from the Calvary Chapel brood back the the 30 pieces of silver....I bet I can...

    As well as the ENTIRE:

    "Christian" music INDUSTRY and "Christian" video (PureFlix) INDUSTRY


    1. Same storyline here:

      Christianity Today is yet another group with ties to George Soros and have published numerous articles promoting his (GS or the enemy's immigration policies).

  45. ARE 2 BLOOD MOONS Pointing to Jan 21-31 2020? Is This the Sudden destruction warning in the bible?

    Gigi @ blue heaven; 02:05

    1/21 was SEVEN days prior the reveal & 1/31 is THREE days after, hmm...

    1. 411 Pain After 911 Call 411 PAIN 1-800-411-PAIN

      0:15 sec

    2. Blessings Jimboni. I hope she feels better soon because her pauses caused me to forget what she was saying at the beginning.

  46. We need to rip the band aid off and admit everything we are fed from schools + media are LIES!



    (From ZOLLIE21)

    The prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God is going to “turn the world upside down.” He declares, “Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down” (Isaiah 24:1).

    According to this prophecy, sudden judgment is coming upon the earth, and it will change everything in a single hour. Within that short span, the whole world will witness fast-falling destruction upon a city and a nation, and the world will never be the same.

    If you are attached to material things — if you love this world and the things of it — you won’t want to hear what Isaiah has prophesied. In fact, even to the most righteous of God’s people, what Isaiah says might seem unthinkable. Many would surely ask, “How can an entire world be stricken in one hour?”

    If we didn’t believe the Bible is God’s pure Word, few of us would take Isaiah’s prophecy seriously. But Scripture makes it clear: in a single hour, the world is going to change. The church is going to change. And every individual on earth is going to change.

    The apostle John gives a similar warning in Revelation. He speaks of destructive judgment coming upon a city and nation: “In one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her…. For in one hour so great riches is come to nought” (Revelation 18:8, 17).

  48. Tim Henderson one hour ago

  49. I don’t know how Soros is walking around free. Hello Interpol ? He’s an international criminal. Obviously satanic forces aiding and abetting him. He broke the Bank of England by betting against the British pound. He has been trying forever to wreck the US economy (Obama beat him to it).

    Nothing new under the sun. What the Pope is trying to do is exactly what Constantine did; merge governments with the Catholic (Universal) Church. They’ve always been after a One World Religion.


  51. ...and, if we happen to still be around here come Sat Morning? And, I must confess, I have a sneaking that we may be, well, I wouldn't be suggesting attendance at any football games.

    You're Not in Kansas! Point of no Return. Jericho. Miami. Destruction. Separation! Spiritual War!

    @MF 13:55

  52. Blessings all. Not that’s it’s important or relevant really but my birthday is on Monday Feb 3.
    23 as MF would see it.

    1. Happy Birthday! My husband's birthday is the same day.

    2. Aw, Sawdy, thank you. And Happy Birthday to your husband. He must be brilliant.

    3. Your HB wish is probably the only one I will receive since I am alienated from family/friends due to politics and some of them being in a cult or hating the President thereby having to hate
      me by extension. But I don’t mind. Less distractions.

    4. Happy oncoming birthday archangel. Praying you'll be celebrating it in your new mansion. Or at the wedding feast with our Lord, Wouldn't that be nice.

      sheila (et all), feeling your weariness sister in the tiresome dealings of non-believing, non-excited, non-watching family members and friends...

      ...My mum is so totally blinded and deceived about how close our Lords return is.. that I am flabbergasted.

      She thought nothing of the peace deal, she said it was just desert land that Trump wants to give to the Palestinians. And it won't happen for at least 7 or 8 years away. Just flabbergasting that someone can be reading the Bible for 30 years and yet be so blinded to the truth. She is looking for the Antichrist confirming the covenant for 7 years, and she is looking forward to the Tribulation, as she believes she is part of the 144k who will have an end times ministry, and who the Lord will protect during the 7 years.

      She scoffs and laughs at God's GRACE, that we are saved by simply believing on JESUS, for the full payment of all our sins, she scoffs and laughs at those silly wishy washy pre-tribbers, who will "fall away" when they see there was no pre-trib Rapture.

      I sent her verses about "woe to you that desire the day of the LORD, it is darkness and not light, it is as if you ran from a lion only to meet a bear..." But she does not comprehend the utter miseries that the Tribulation period will hold.

      I am proud to be a pre-tribbers, and standing shoulder to shoulder with my true brothers and sisters watching for my Lords soon return.

      (Who are my brothers and mother? Only they that do the will of my father! What is the will of my father? Get you believe in him whom he has sent)

      All i can do is continue to pray for her and the rest of them. Just terribly sad that someone would look forward to the Tribulation as oppose to looking forward and looking up for our lords imminent return.

      Praying for all your lost family members too.

      Absolutely Awful times are ahead for those left behind.

    5. Blessings and thank you, Jordan. I am sorry about your Mum. My auntie is a JW. I just made up my mind, after getting over my anger, that I will keep praying that God will rescue her from that cult. Only God can change her heart and your mum’s.

      I was very close with my mother but she wasn’t with me. Odd, I know. But since I no longer can speak with friends and family members, I have truly realized/remembered again that we can only trust Jesus because He loved us from the start and never stopped. People will let you down but God never will.

      All we need is Jesus. When He said unless you hate mother, father, etc you cannot be My disciple, it illustrates to me that our love for Him should be so all-consuming and more profound than our love for anyone else that it’s ok to forsake them because they were never on my side to begin with. I have always been the alien in my family. Now I see why.

      There’s no distance in prayer and it’s the most powerful thing we can do for them. As Jesus said, “All that My Father has given Me will come to me.” That’s a great comfort to me.

      I am with you Jordan. And soon we and our brothers and sisters in Christ will be in His Glorious Presence. Everything else just fades away when I meditate on our Savior and His Word.


    6. Archangel, Blessings & Happy Birthday. Mine is the next day, the 4th, though I would certainly hope to be enjoying i elsewhere, or not at all, actually, as I will then have another NEW Birthday. Ofc, the great thing is that I will never have to worry about remembering all of yours as they will then all be the SAME AS MINE! Wheeee! Maranatha!

    7. Happy Birthday archangel and Jimboni and sawdy's husband!

    8. Blessings and Happy Birthday, Jimboni and Sawdy’s husband and Blessings and thank you,Miguel P and everyone! Wow, it’s like an avalanche. Now it’s confirmed with Jimboni; brilliant minds and high IQs are hallmarks of Feb birthdays.

      Ok, forgive me. But I do thank you and wish you Jimboni and Sawdy’s husband the happiest of birthdays. I have noticed that some of my favorite artists, singers, writers, actors etc all had birthdays in Feb or end of Jan. Ronald Reagan, James Dean, Charles Dickens, Abe Lincoln, Michael Hutchence and even Pretty Boy Floyd whom I have studied extensively was born on Feb 3. He never killed anyone and I think he could have been arrested instead of being killed. I don’t condone stealing but I’m definitely not going to throw stones at anyone. I have an interest in criminology and found his life and background rather thought-provoking.

      So, at 11PM GMT, the UK leaves the EU officially. That’s about 6PM EST.


  53. We have truly, as a nation, crossed the Rubicon. No turning back now.

  54. We have been divided politically, spiritually and now with the New Madrid fault, maybe physically soon.


  56. LUKE DESCRIBES a particular state of affairs at the time of the Rapture:

    “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed” (Luke 17:26-30).

    We understand that Luke’s picture of normalcy is referring to the days preceding the Rapture rather than the Second Coming because by the time of the Second Coming the earth and its inhabitants will have been utterly decimated by war, plague, famine, asteroid impacts, earthquakes, and a host of other divine judgments (Rev. 6, 8-19).

    According to the Book of Revelation, most people on the planet will not survive the tribulation period.

    In view of the burgeoning pandemic, some in the prophetic community are wondering: have we already crossed over the threshold of normalcy described in Luke, thus ruling out the possibility of an imminent Rapture?

    I don’t believe so, and here is why.

    Though the Coronavirus has caused worldwide panic and behavioral changes, the reality is that among earth’s 7.8 billion inhabitants, only about 675,000 infections have so far been reported. That equates to .008 percent of the earth’s population. Global deaths to date number around 31,000, which is about .0003 percent of the total population.

    What’s more, while it’s clear that an economic collapse of biblical scale is in the making—that the stage is being set for hyperinflation and the rise of the “beast” system—the financial, business, and social order remains intact: People are buying and selling—even hoarding. Commercial and residential construction continues. Crops are being planted, harvested, and distributed. And while public gatherings are limited or banned in many places, weddings are still being held.

    In short, despite toilet-paper shortages, semi deserted streets, and quarantine camps being constructed in cities around the world, Luke’s description of the days preceding the Rapture—people eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building, and marrying—fits today.

    Luke’s imagery could also apply to a rebound-period, a lull in the corona-crisis, that may occur later in the spring or summer. If infection rates drop off with the warmer weather as some speculate, we could see a mini-boom spurred by a combination of cabin/spring fever and the loosening of government restrictions on gatherings and commerce.

    The bottom line is that, while no one knows the day or hour, conditions remain ripe for the Rapture to occur.

    So be ready, and keep watch!

    . . .

    1. Hi Jeova,
      I agree with your sentiment on days of LOT / Noah still being in play even with this Corona Virus..

      The Scripture says, "up to the Day that Noah entered the Ark" well Noah entered the Ark 7 days before the flood came.

      So marriages were/are still well and truly going on up to to the time that we started to get shut up into our houses! And some of them are still going on with "virual attendence" / Skype meetings. I personally would be looking for some world wide directive that basically enforces a 1 week quarantine on all people to try to curtail the spread of the Covid-19 virus. this could be the equivalent to God shutting Noah into the Ark, 7 days before the Judgement came.

      God bless you brother.


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.