A Soccer Analogy and The Rapture

Our brother Ron (watchman35) shared wonderful analogy regarding where we presently sit at the end of the church age. It was shared on the Unsealed Message boards but I wanted to also share it here so it will encourage you guys as well.

Hey brothers and sisters in Christ!! I have not posted here in quite awhile, but felt led to do so on this topic as an encouragement to the Body of Christ. Even if you are not a big sports fan, or soccer fan in particular, stick with me on this and I believe you will find encouragement.  (Full disclosure:  I am fully convinced of a pre-Daniel's 70th week rapture, and this post is tied to that belief. No interest in arguing or debating.  As I have heard JD Farag say on more than one occasion, I will agree to disagree agreeably.  If you hold to a different view, you are welcome to read on, but no offense will be taken if you choose not to.)

I do not follow the sport of soccer very closely and, as such, am not particularly knowledgeable about the rules. That said, I believe the Lord showed me something using a soccer analogy today to help me understand where we are on the prophetic clock related to the rapture.

First, a brief definition of my understanding of what is called stoppage time (also known as extra time) in the game of soccer. There are lengthy articles that have been written to explain the nuances of this, but I am going to attempt to keep it simple and summarize at the highest level in laymen’s terms. At the end of a soccer match (two 45-minute halves), the referee allows the game to continue for an unspecified number of minutes that are theoretically equal to the total amount of time that has been “lost” during that final half due to various forms of the stoppage of play. This includes, but is not limited to, things like substitutions, injuries, etc. However much time is lost due to stoppages is added back in “extra time” once the 90 minutes of regulation time have expired.

To me, one of the most fascinating aspects about this part of the game is that apparently no one but the referee keeping track of this extra time knows exactly how much time is really left. As regulation time ends and the game moves into extra time, the referee is the only person who knows for sure exactly when he is going to blow the whistle to indicate the official end of the game. In fact, during the extra time, the referee may even add some more minutes than he had originally allocated if additional stoppages in play warrant it in their opinion.  Players, coaches and fans just don't know for sure when time will end.

So here’s the scene. Everyone knows regulation time is over. Everyone knows that there cannot possibly be very much time left. Yet, no one knows the precise moment when the referee will blow the whistle to indicate that time is up and the game is officially over. It is within this context and understanding that I felt like the Lord impressed upon my mind the idea that we are now prophetically moving into extra time.

With Israel having already celebrated its 70th anniversary based on the Hebrew calendar last week and about to do so again in less than a month based on the Gregorian calendar on May 14th, I felt like the Lord was impressing upon me that regulation time has now ended and we have moved into extra time, where only the Great Referee of heaven knows precisely how many minutes of extra time He has chosen to allow before He blows the last Trumpet to signify the end of the game for the Church age. In the meantime, we as followers of Christ are players on the field who are charged with continuing to play hard for our team, Christ Jesus United, until the final Trumpet blows. We don’t know for sure when that will be, but we are justifiably convinced it is soon and could literally be any moment. I found this to be an awesome picture from the Lord of where we are prophetically in relationship to the harpazo. 

In one sense, there is nothing new or uniquely revelatory about this analogous picture from the rules of time in soccer, as many of us have had this sense for some time now.  Yet, at the same time, at least for me and I hope for you as well, I found it greatly encouraging to realize we are moving into extra time, with the final Trump that signals the end of the Church age about to be blown from heaven. Play hard, brothers and sisters, through to the final “whistle”, knowing with undaunted confidence that the victory has already been secured by the blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Living Son of God. Oh how I long to see Him face-to-face in a body from which every vestige of sickness, corruption, and inclination to sin has been fully and eternally removed!! Maranatha!!!

Read more: http://unsealed.boards.net/thread/1492/encouragment-soccer-analogy-god-rapture#ixzz5DYed5TuQ


  1. Last year when I wrote "The Exit Sign" article and inserted the illustration about the kids taking a bus trip to Disneyland and traveling on the Imminence Highway and getting all excited when they finally spotted the exit sign, I originally considered using the "extra time" idea from soccer. In the end, however, I finally chose a different illustration. The soccer analogy is appropriate indeed. Maranatha!


    1. Hi Greg, that bus trip analogy was very helpful for many of us. Anyone who has spent any time on a bus understands how you get accustomed to the normal sounds and momentum of that bus rolling down the highway.... and how it all changes when that driver downshifts to take the exit ramp.... The sound changes, the bus might sway a bit as you turn, and if you are not asleep you notice that things have changed and soon, very soon, you will be at your destination! : )

    2. I have taken plenty of city buses and a few greyhounds. I could never dose off because I worried I would miss my stop. A city bus doesn't announce any one's destination along the way. If you have a transfer to make, you have to be alert in order to catch the transfer bus after the bus your on stops or your waiting for the next bus.
      On a greyhound ride I was getting off along the route and not a scheduled stop. I needed to see my get-off point approaching, so I could tell the driver to stop. Same thing on my return home. It was great they did that.

    3. Dear brad thank you so much for posting this article up I have been praying for some encouraging words as I have started to notice some including myself feeling very tired of this evil sinful world but at the same time with Israel turning 70 and may 14th around the corner I have noticed oh evil satan has been all over the news with shootings back to back and horrific scenes like as if satan is trying to burn down what he can as he knows his time is short and I take comfort in my Heavenly father and the holy spirit Jesus Christ is my rock my savior and my family here and around the world keeps me pushing forward even harder then before kinda like the article as we see the end is in sight we push forward and pray and stay obedient and loving and humble as God keeps us on path as the darkness grown darker as if we all had started running holding hands racing away from the darkness towards the light of our savior Jesus Christ and we cant wait to run into his arms oh what an amazing glorious day that will be amen and maranatha!!!! Prayers for all who are in need and I can tell you I feel everyone is in need of prayer as we get closer to that final trumpet as the days get darker by the minute and seconds as days pass by as we leave tiny impressions of love , and hope from Jesus for any and all who feels that knock at their door amen !

  2. Dear Brad, TY for putting this up! I am not a real soccer fan but my country is crazy about... :)) I thought about the "regular" stopping time in a game described here but then I thought: what about a TIED GAME in a world CHAMPIONS CUP when one team MUST eliminate the other? Here, the rules are quite different and even more exhausting, crucial and ending by what is called "sudden death" decision in the end. Please read the explanation behind this link as I thought of a situation like this being even more fitting into the "waiting for rapture" analogy as it may also describe how the WAR IN HEAVEN Revelation 12:7 is actually being fought out. Whosoever has already watched a tied game in a world championship final with white knuckles jumping from the edge of his seat will relate to what I mean:

    How do over time and shootouts work in soccer? (click!)

    MARANATHA! Next stop May 14th! Daniel 9:2 please note the word "books" H5612 CEPHER... :)

    1. Hi Annabel... yes...we are in overtime of the church age. In fact, every one of us is playing a game of sudden death, as no new day, no breath, not even our next heartbeat is promised to us. Lord help me remember this and act accordingly.... Blessings to you sister!

    2. Much blessings and love to you too, Brad!! Oh I'd like to add that the other term for "sudden death" is GOLDEN GOAL :D so this is what the saints are yearning for, to enter the golden gates of heavenly Jerusalem... Sudden death is for the enemy... STRIKE!

    3. Thank you Anna for going the extra step and including the information on soccer which was interesting in light of sudden death equals the golden goal (above) = our waiting for the rapture! And, in comparing this to the War in Heaven in Revelation 22:7! I could feel my heart 'stop' in seeing this. It is awesome to consider, I feel.
      I had started to read the article last night and detoured to the linked words. And, I am not a sports fan.

    4. Sorry, Annabel - I only managed to write Anna.

  3. Ron, I think the soccer analogy for Extra Time is completely perfect. I was unfamiliar with this and so it struck a real cord with me. It fits so perfectly our situation. We absolutely know, those who are "in" the game and actively participating, the regular time is over and we no longer have the assurance of the clock ticking away the seconds. We are simply waiting for the whistle (Trumpet) to blow and the referee (God the Father) to say - Time's Up (Son Go Get My Children).I don't know the rules of Soccer and perhaps this is where Annabel's mention of Sudden Death might come in. If it's all tied up after Extra Time and we go home, then Sudden Death (Jacob's Trouble) begins and Jesus will score that final goal when anti-Christ is bound. Every new viewpoint is loved and appreciated! Blessings - Sherry

    1. Sister Sherry thank yiu for sharing your kind words that had me crying beautifully written sister and thats exacrly how I feel as I felt the truth and emotions in each analogy and word you just wrote it was very easy for me to understand thank you sister maranatha !!

  4. Cathi posted another good Pete Garcia Omegaletter article "The end is nigh - Ten reasons why" (click!) on the end of the previous thread; it is such a good read I just post it again clickable so that it won't be overlooked. All credits to Cathi, Thank You! :)

    1. Great article. Encouraging.

    2. TY Cathi for referral and TY Annabel for the clickable!
      Both Ron and Pete’s messages are so encouraging, sensible, and perfectly timed. A really needed boost for those whom disappointment is trying to get the upper hand. I want to get Home just as soon He will have us,
      but I will not hand over my joy in the Blessed Hope in exchange for fear,
      dread, a bunker and
      dry rations. Even the few times we’ve made use of this tornado shelter got maddening after less than 30 minutes. So I’ll keep my heart and mind focused on my Savior and trying to serve Him here until that Trump does sound:--)
      Blessings All and Maranatha!!!

    3. "TY Cathi for referral and TY Annabel for the clickable!"

      My thoughts exactly! I read your post Annabel on the last thread and I was going to see if I could copy something more helpful (but not clickable!). I came here first and saw that you Annabel took the time to put a clickable link here - thanks! I appreciate the "click!" 😳

      I have to laugh Sheila what with the way you said things - the dread, a bunker, dry rations ... Exchanging fear for the Blessed Hope - A 👑 of righteousness!

    4. It's been either yesterday or the day before that the Lord has finally given me a *heart-knowledge* about the timing of the rapture, which is: it will happen at the perfect time! I know I didn't say anything new with that but He let me understand that the rapture has a perfectly appointed time on His schedule. The Lord knows when that will happen, everything is under His control. The one part I know now with my human understanding is that He's collecting all our brethren under His wings and only He knows when will the number of the family be full. Given how so many watch/wo/men are getting that we're close to the rapture/tribulation (and so many are getting that "their job" is done or ending), my presonal assumption is that it is not too far away. What I think I've got from the Lord is that He doesn't tarry with the rapture, we can rest assured that it will happen at the most fitting and perfect time from the Heavenly perspective that we'll fully understand after the rapture. The way He made me understand this was really comforting to me because I've got an uneasy restlessness last week, before that happened, before He comforted me. It felt like "hanging in the air".

    5. Sheila, Watchman on the Wall 88 had a word of encouragement today - Revelation 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.

    6. Nora, that is encouraging on the rapture and the appointed time ... I think it is needed that we hear this. Let it sink in. It may not be what we want to hear. I think as each day goes by there are thoughts of wondering ... myself anyway. I think Hal Lindsey recently talked about this, the appointed time.
      We are to rest in Him. We are to enter His rest ... at times I feel like a crabby, crying toddler with my arms flailing about as I attempt to get out of His arms ... idk

    7. Nora, I was just trying to explain to my husband (again) just this morning about the time being appointed
      and although we haven’t figured out exactly when that is, Jesus is showing us daily that we are to be expecting Him at any moment now. In fact, with all that He is showing us, it’s obvious He wants us all watching intently. I know it’s a hard wait with the way things are all around us, but we know He’s got us and we know not to take our eyes off of Him more than ever before.
      Soon and very Soon!

    8. Annabel thank you for sharing that amazing article from Pete Garcia ! Maranatha sister !!

    9. Nora, I have felt very much the same recently and have arrived at the same conclusion. The last week or so was strange and uncomfortable and I truly believe many of us were dealing with spiritual battles. The attacks from the enemy have been especially crafty and harsh lately. How's your head healing up by the way?

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Thank you for asking Miguel, my head is healing, thanks to the Lord!

      "The attacks from the enemy have been especially crafty and harsh lately." This is SO true!!!! Let's pray for each other! I described an attack I've recently had in my previous comment but decided to delete it because maybe not everything is for the net (not because I don't trust you guys, don't get me wrong please, just the net :/) So, that's very true! One more reason I yearn for His deliverance, to take us home as soon as possible! But also that assurance He gave me, that He has the perfectly appointed time, that comforted me. Also, I agree with Sheila and Cathi, at times it could get hard (especially emotionally) the waiting.

    12. Yes, I am praying for you even now as I type. (one of the few kinds of multitasking that I can perform).

      Nora, I am hearing something very awesome in the last 24 hours, that I have suspected for quite a while. I believe He is about to pour out His Spirit. Yes, the devil is taking shots at the children of the Almighty God. What a sickening level of arrogance he must have to do that. The accuser knows that his time to beat us up and break us is ending, he has been requesting extra privilege to beat us up just like he did regarding Job. The Lord is going to respond to our resolve and our loyalty to Him and is going to give us a measure of His Spirit that we have never experienced. A few weeks back, I felt He was telling me miracles were coming. This is a final hurrah before we exit.

      I am loyal to You Lord, yes Loyal Lord, my heart melts in your presence, joy blossoms in me like Spring, when I sense your closeness. I love you and to be loyal, yes loyal to you like a faithful lover is bliss. I am so small and so far from perfect; you accept, even enjoy me dearest Lord. What can I say! Bind and prevent all dark and wicked Spirits from prevailing in our lives. Pour out Your Spirit on Your Children; give us power to speak Your heart, heal in Your name, and usher in Your next chapter. Amen.

    13. Thank you for praying for me, Miguel! If you're interested, I could send you a study series on the Book of Job that puts the story of Job in a different perspective. I really-really liked it! It's a can of worm topic that's why I wouldn't like to elaborate on it so much here, (to avoid debates but I don't mind sharing it with you. I remember so that you once shared your email address here... is it *pickmikesbrain*?) True that a long time ago I posted that series here in another thread but I don't think I could find it here again.

    14. Send it please. That's correct, at gmail dot com.

      And just in case it is a difficult word for someone reading that a Loving God would allow Satan to beat on us, may I explain my feeble understanding. God only allows what ultimately makes us more like and closer to Him. So, if in fact He allows this, it is out of love.

    15. I'll send it soon! :--) The Lord is always at our side and yes, this is a misunderstood topic imo but this series explains it well, so I search my bookmarks and gonna send it.

  5. Brother Todd's newest video was also encouraging: (check the video he linked in the description box as well)

    title: 5 Words of Encouragement! Plus, Whirlwind/Destruction tie-in to Wedding/Birthday Marker

    youtube channel: IT IS FINISHED

    link of the video:


  6. And how could I forget, I think Sister Melissa's video relates to this article:

    title: Dream: Spiritual "Job" & "Method" CONCLUDING! Something NEW Ahead!!!

    youtube channel: Midnight Hour Oil

    link of the video:


    It's interesting that I've heard of many brethren lately saying that they're feeling like being in a limbo, like waiting and waiting something to happen, the other shoe to drop.

    1. Nora, yes. Even more so, many folks are commenting or posting dreams with a theme of Work is Done, New Job Coming, Assembly Line turned off, not sure what to DO next, etc. In my spirit, as well, is a sense, not of 'Limbo' as that is too undefined. Instead, feels more like a career pause when you have wrapped up a role/opportunity/direction and haven't quite seen where the next one is at or what you will be doing, specifically, but still knowing who you are and that you are on a path and advancing forwards.

      Having volunteered at some arena-sized PK conferences, it also feels like being with a company of fellow volunteers, assembling prior to being 'set-out' on my assignment, and awaiting word that the many, many final details we know are being readied are done and we can head out to help. Different 'call' this time, and different 'next' when it comes, but, in the meantime, this buzz with fellow volunteers, discussing The Lord's Work in our lives, His Purposes now, His Plans for the event, and such, all feels very familiar here in the Assembly Hall. Maranatha!

    2. "Even more so, many folks are commenting or posting dreams with a theme of Work is Done, New Job Coming, Assembly Line turned off, not sure what to DO next, etc" Exactly!!! :D

      Thank you for adding your own experience! Maranatha! :--)

    3. In fact I have been thinking a lot about that... What my new task will be like in the kingdom. I'm so fed up with this world now (and yes I admit with the worldlings too!). For the last few weeks I finally ordered a "Cepher Bible" as the latest presentation by Parable of the vineyard channel with Dr Pidgeon really convinced me of these old scriptures being kept, revealed and restored for the endtimes generation especially (which we are!) and there's no one here we might leave some money behind so we definitely will spend it now. Preparing for the kingdom of Christ. MARANATHA!

    4. Annabel the Cepher is wonderful, you will enjoy it. I'm a bit excited and wanted to share with you all I've posted the first section of my book Through the Eyes of A Child on my website. If you have a chance I'd appreciate a look and feedback. It feels a bit as though I'm putting a very tiny child out into the world alone, so I'm depending on Father God to protect and preserve and use it as He sees fit. https://heavenslibrary.online/new_book/

      Blessings - Sherry

    5. This movement of the Cepher worries me deeply. To be clear, this is a book, not the Bible. Although, from my understanding, the Bible is part of it, it also includes lots of other historic religious texts. We are warned not to add to the word of God. That is what it looks like to me.

    6. I agree, Miguel. (Brother Barry Scarbrough talked about this topic at this weekend very convincingly, imo.)

    7. (Concerning the topic of the apocripha-books I mean, like Jasher for ex. ,even Enoch.)

    8. Testing if I can post before I bother to write this response - again!

    9. It seems I'm acceptable today so I shall try once again to post my thoughts on this shift I am sensing to "worry" about books. Miguel I think your concern is justified if someone should be so foolish as to contend historical books or the apocrypha should take the place of, God forbid, or be given equal weight or value with scripture. However, there is much to be learned from these references. The key word must always be Balance in anything and this is no different. It really concerns me when a few begin to suggest "censoring" out the input from these sources. As a teacher on YouTube or in any venue I can understand the temptation to do so, for it does make it far simpler to say "don't read it", than to teach people to discern, to be cautious and to always allow scripture to give the final word. The apocrypha, some contained in the Cepher, did inform the thinking and the understanding of the apostles and thus, they are important. We know this is true because they are quoted in Scripture. Does that give them equal weight, no? Should some have been included in the canon, perhaps. But, since they are not we must err on the side of caution and refer to them as simply contextual information. We Trust Jesus Christ for our very Salvation, can we not then trust Holy Spirit to give us the discernment to utilize these marvelous sources of information without skewing our minds? Certainly we can. It is so much simpler, from our human standpoint, to "grab a label" - Baptist, Calvinist, Pentecostal or whatever the title might be and say - I will only look at what they say I can look at or what they teach. It is easier, but it is growth limiting and when you seek to do so you limit your own growth and your dependence upon Holy Spirit to show you His way and to broaden your understanding of Scripture. I've found secondary meanings of scripture are far more readily visible to me when I've broadened my context by understanding the culture and the thinking of the time from the apocrypha. Do I spend a load of time there - no? But God has not given me a spirit of fear - touch not, taste not. This is just my plea for balance - don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Blessings - Sherry

    10. Sherry, I do not have a problem with anything you said. Thank you for your clarification. To sum up, cautiousness, balance, and courage are all three Biblical and should be applied.

  7. I like it! Any day now that whistle(trumpet) will blow! MARANATHA!

  8. Family, today I took my change to a machine which converted it to dollars and cents. I was not sure how much I had; it was just a few pounds of coins in a jar. The machine spit out a voucher for $35.31 and rejected 24 cents worth of coins. (Total would be $35.55). Anybody want to take a stab at the numerical significance of these numbers?

    1. Ha! :) Strongs G3555 would make "nossia" the nest of birds (brood) mentioned in Luke 13:34 Hmmm...

    2. Sure, here goes. 1st, the rejected 24

      Jesus: True, yet REJECTED Jn 7-24 "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." Jn 7:24, KJV
      The Stone which the builders REJECTED: Ps 118:22-24 "24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." KJV
      They REJECTED the Father: "Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word:" Psalm 106:24
      They REJECTED His Son: "And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country." Luke 4:24, KJV
      They REJECTED His Voice: "Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;" Prov 1:24
      They REJECTED His Laws: "Because they had not executed my judgments, but had despised my statutes, and had polluted my Sabbaths, and their eyes were after their fathers' idols." Ezek 20:24, KJV
      He REJECTS their REJECTION of His Plans: " 24 Have you not observed what this people have spoken, saying, ‘The two families which the LORD chose, He has REJECTED them’? Thus they despise My people, no longer are they as a nation in their sight. 25 Thus says the LORD, ‘If My covenant for day and night stand not, and the fixed patterns of heaven and earth I have not established, 26 then I would REJECT the descendants of Jacob and David My servant" Jeremiah 33:24-25a

      Well, THAT seems fruitful and relevant. Plumbing the depths of some Strong's is a bit less direct:

      The Full Measure: 3555:
      G3555 nossia - a brood of young birds Deuteronomaic Laws (Deut 22:5-7):
      …5"A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God. 6"If you happen to come upon a bird's nest along the way, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, and the mother sitting on the young or on the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the young; 7you shall certainly let the mother go, but the young you may take for yourself, in order that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days.…

      H3555 keviyyah - burning, branding, branding scar, burn - Exodus: Laws
      23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, 24 EYE FOR EYE, TOOTH FOR TOOTH, HAND FOR HAND, FOOT FOR FOOT, 25 BURNING for BURNING , wound for wound, stripe for stripe. (Ex 21-23-25, KJV, emph mine))

      The actual measure (falling short x 24)
      G3531 Nikolaites (Nicolaitans) -- the "teaching of the Nicolaitans" refers to dominating the people, compared to the "teaching of Balaam" which refers to seducing the people. John, the author of Revelation, discusses domination within the church in 3 John 9-11.

      H3531 kebarah - a sieve -- a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining solids from liquids, FOR SEPARATING coarser from finer particles, or for reducing soft solids to a pulp.


    3. 3531. Nicolaitans. Can someone explain what that means in relation to the Revelation churches? I have not yet found a source which is totally clear, but ironically I had been thinking about it lately.

    4. God hates them. The are in one of the churches in Revelation 2:6 and Rev. 2:15.

    5. Also, Acts 6 a Nicolas a deacon was a false believer who led the church astray. These followers were into immorality.

    6. Actually, they are in two churches - Ephesus (they were cmmended for hating them as God does) whereas Smyrna embrsced this teaching.
      It is my notes that say Nicolas was a false teacher according to Irenaeus (a church father I believe).

    7. Hi Miguel and Cathi! Great thanks for your thoughts about Nicolaitans (#G3531)! I tried to make research about, it's really difficult. This word isn't translated in the Bible but transliterated from Greek. I found an interesting article in the site biblestudy.org, don't know if it's verifiable – Who are the Nicolaitans? – http://www.biblestudy.org/basicart/why-does-god-hate-practices-of-the-nicolaitans.html
      It's two-parted word – NIKOS is a conquest and LAOS is people. Then the meaning would be victorious over the people. And then the author writes: "In its ecclesiastical setting, Nicolaitans means the bishops and prelates of the Church have gained a triumphal victory or conquest over the LAITON, the laity. Members are compelled and forced to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become that thing which God hates (1Peter 5:1-3). … It's interesting to me. Many blessings!

    8. Alla, I will have to read the article link you gave. My first thoughts were that these Nicolaitans were in a deacon position and led the flock into self-indulgence in sensual activities/immortality and this taking the Grace of God and making it a license to practice licentious​. This supposedly Nicolaus (Acts 6) was a false teacher. Ephesus as a church did not allow this teaching in their Church to protect the flock. The other was allowing this teaching in their church.

    9. Looks likePergamos also was holding to the Nicolaitans teaching.
      Immorality (above) not immortality.

    10. Yes, Cathi! I thought first exactly like you. But when I read these verses I understood that it's more difficult indeed! For example Ephesus needs to repent and to return to their fist love, and positive is that they hate the "deeds of the Nicolaitans". From this article I understood that this is about the division into two classes – so as "clergy" and "laity". And the Pergamos holds the "doctrine of the Nicolaitans". Then the doctrine ought to be a special position to a special priest class. This is then heresy. We are all working together for the Lord Jesus Christ only. With this heresy the Nicolaitans don't rule with spiritual power. Sorry for my chaotic thoughts. Going to think further. Very much blessings! Maranatha!

    11. Miguel, I think the excellent explanations above by Alla and others will help so I hardly can add sth to it :) Yes, roughly you can tell every "clergyman" is a Nicolaite. The origin of this is (what else??) BABYLONIAN and derives from the priest system / caste calling themselves the "enlightened ones". You will find this kind of "special knowledge" exclusively reserved to the adepts in any religion AND secret societies of all sorts (especially Freemasons) where you have to initiate every higher level of "insider knowledge" by undergoing special rites. That is also the key to understanding why the great harlot Babylon is mentioned with the word "MYSTERY" on her forehead (Revelation 17:5) because the "layman" have to ask the "adepts / enlightened" to get knowledge of things which gives these ruthless priests power over the people (see John 7:49 what the pharisees thought about the people to which they should have brought light of God instead of man-made law! Btw from v.50 you can see how NICODEMUS *watch the name* was "one of THEM" and was not born again!). God absolutely HATES all these attempts to use knowledge and scriptures to get power over people to oppress them or lead them into spiritual darkness (compare Matthew 23). Our God is a God of REVELATION and not of "mystery" (if so, He will reveal it to you in time but you don't need a "priest" to do it for you). Blessings, brother! :)

    12. Miguel, I think it's NOT a coincidence that just some hours ago this video was uploaded: THIS MASONIC SABBATEAN NICOLAITAN WORLD (Edifying Others YT channel) about explaining what the Nicolaite doctrine is... LOL! :D

    13. I woke up thinking about the Nicolatians, and why does God say he hates it in Revelation. I included Smyrna above but this was incorrect.
      I read a bit more about this relating to antinomianism (freedom in Christ since no longer under the law means it doesn't matter what you do in the body - taking Grace for advantage by giving a license to sin, simply put) and gnosticism (they saw matter as evil and therefore it didn't matter what you did because real life is in the spiritual realm). And, they held to having a 'higher knowledge' in matters of the divine based on intuitive, mythical thoughts, etc. (Got Questions.org).

    14. As the Lord had really laid this idea of the Nicolaitans on my mind the last couple weeks, I was stunned when I saw the number pointed to Nicolaitans (3531 strongs greek). I know that I know the Lord wants me to have an understanding of this and how much He hates this practice. I wrestled with the question, "Lord how can I know what you hate, if many scholars disagree or are uncertain what this practice was exactly?".

      The answer is becoming clearer. This practice which the Lord hates may be related to misuse of grace, misuse of laws/rules, or misuse of power such as giving clergy too much authority or honor. The Lord truly hates all three. And I am not sure which one of you said it first (Sheila maybe), but ultimately it is the doctrines of man, those doctrines which are nowhere to be found in the Word without twisting and hiding the true character of our Holy, Loving, and Just God. This the Lord hates.

      So He is saying to me, stay true to My word, My heart, My Character. Cling to Christ and know that the blood He shed is your salvation, but does not give you the right to indulge in worldly things.

    15. Great explanations all and perfect understanding Miguel. Jesus Christ abhors anything which attempts to separate His Body from Himself. We must be solely and wholly dependent upon Him and not those who would "intervene on our behalf" - sadly, Catholicism is the largest example of this today. I'm not picking on those in Catholicism who genuinely love the Lord and Jesus' told us there are Overcomers in Thyatira. However, it is the "system" they teach - confess before a priest, be absolved by a Priest, Communion must only be offered by a Priest, etc. These are not the only, but they are certainly the biggest, shining red awful examples of the Nicolaitans in practice today. Annabel is right, it goes right on down through denominations where you have a pastor who sets himself and his knowledge over that of the people. i.e. Don't listen to what you think you understand or what you think Holy Spirit is showing you, pay attention only to what I say because I am in a preferred position with God over you. That one is even more insidious than the outright Catholic position, because it is more subtle. Blessings - Sherry

    16. Excellent thoughts and clarification Sherry. Thank you.

  9. I looked up 24 and it is to place or to set ... Also, the 24 elders, something about foundation ... I think it was Joseph buried. Or, to set food upon the table. Jesus saying he would not eat or drink again ... It could it seems almost tie in with Annabel's H355 and Luke 13:34 ... Jerusalem rejected Christ ... We are put aside (taken to Heaven) while Jacobs Trouble begins.

    1. Cathi G., hadn't even thought of the 24 Elders but it makes sense that the ones the World would hate the most and reject the strongest would be the 24 Elders Held in Highest Honor by Our Lord. In keeping with the "some go his way, and some go that way" division of the sheep and goats, and the sifting this 'tarrying' time is effecting, the duality of the '24' here seems very appropriate, Maranatha!

    2. Thanks Jimboni. I appreciate the added thoughts on the 24 elders held in highest honor by God

    3. Miguel, along with all of the good thoughts already put forth, I’ll throw in a few cents I saw on the surface

      Gk#24 and 3531
      Indignation and Nicolataines-they being those who corrupted the truth with doctrines of
      men making their converts more the children of hell than they were themselves.

      I see even a coin machine used to express God’s indignation at the massive amount of deception that is currently infiltrating the Church with false teaching and leading many astray.
      Maybe a reminder to keep our eyes on what we know to be the Truth, especially at this critical time.
      Blessings, Brother
      (and like I said, even in the smallest of things:-)

    4. Oh yes, Sheila about knowing doctrine as the takeaway.
      I like the thoughts on the coin machine ... The coin machine - intermixing with the truth.

    5. Hey Cathi. I didn’t even catch the intermingling of the coins facet there and that is certainly a clear depiction of the situation. So great catch on that, Sister!
      TY much:-D

    6. I should say the intermingling of all the actual coins in the machine. Another thought is how the machine deftly sorts those coins and spews out the faulty ones, which again makes me think of the letters to the 7 Churches. Amazing how Miguel’s experience cashing in his change has led to this whole discussion. We’ll soon be cashing in this old world for our Heavenly Home and
      Sister, the Holy Spirit just fell on me big time. Woo-hoo:-D
      Blessings and yes,

    7. So awesome for all of you to jump in and find the nuggets of God in my moment. I knew when I saw the numbers pop up on the machine that there was treasure to be gleaned worth more than the gold itself. (See what I did there?)

      I felt moved to share it and this turned out to be a fun little hunt for Him. Thank you all for the help!

      Here's what I hear/see:

      He is sifting.

      He hates the practices of the Nicolaitans.(is this Catholicism or legalism or some of both or neither? )

      The world rejects us, the church, which is represented by the 24 elders. He esteems us.

      He is growing indignant at the deception and wickedness.

      The Lord has the little chics (us) in view and is about to gather them.

      Many of us may be getting burned or wounded, but these we may wear proudly as we are marked for Him. (Galations 6:17)


    8. Well, Miguel, I am not that knowledgeable but I think a lot of the articles on Catholicism and bishops and legalism etc as to the Nicolaitans is men's thoughts and so on. I am seeing it as a person who they think was Nicolas in Acts 6 as a person of responsibility because he was a deacon in the early church who either was a false teacher who ended up teaching a different gospel as to the using grace as an excuse to indulge the flesh. It grew into a way of seeing things. I think Gnosticism plays into this. These are my simple thoughts.

    9. Or, the Nicolaus in Acts 6 has nothing to do with the Nicolatians as he was viewed as a proselyte.

    10. Miguel, thanks for your thoughts and sharing with us.
      I just listened to a second clip from Brother Todd this evening about not missing the Fantastic Finish. He said to run, walk or crawl...whatever you have to do to get to that finish line 🏁.
      What I hold so dear about this family here is that precious encouragement to keep moving forward and to keep looking up. It’s such a gift
      that keeps me both excited and restful at the same time.
      Thank you, Brother and Eveyone else here, too! Rich Blessings and with our coming King very soon!

    11. Amen Sheila I'm encouraged by your words, and testimony. Waiting for the day that we will sit at the feet of Jesus. Maranatha

    12. Same to you, VeeBee!. Always so encouraged by your words as well, Sister! Many Blessings!

    13. I like that little 🏁. :--)

    14. Lol, Nora. Me, too.
      Reminds me to keep moving forward. I allowed myself to fall for one the enemy’s sneak attacks yesterday. So mad at myself. Rather than be a reflection of Christ, I foolishly allowed the colors of that old ugly impatient flesh to come through. I had to work through the shame and sadness of that outburst before the Lord in prayer and I really hated that. I could almost see the enemy rubbing his claws together in glee while my Savior sighed. But then for the asking that amazing Grace is lovingly applied, the devil skulks away, I apply gratitude, pray for future wisdom and move forward again. The bad part was it was such an obvious setup and I should’ve seen it as such. Headslap:-/
      We are too close to the finish line to be falling for his tricks.
      As I believe Jimboni recently reminded, we must be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves:-)
      Blessings, Sister!

    15. I think I understand better what the progression is from the churches in the disciples time and down through the ages as gnostic and/or nicolatian thinking or belief took hold from that time to the hierarchy in a church setting and the laity, the believers themselves.
      I didn't mean to imply all that was written by our church fathers was just mens thinking as to what this Nicolatian teaching means and why God hates it.
      I think some views on Act 6 and Nicolaus being one of the seven may have nothing to do with the Nicolatian teaching, for example or how it is explained by some. It was followed in two of these seven churches in Revelation, down through the ages to today.

    16. Sheila, I could absolutely relate!

  10. God please watch over the watchmen and watchfolk on the wall all across the world and please watch over all my brotgers and sisters those who i can say are all in need of prayer all needing different things as we walk these many always changing paths in life in this sinful world please comfort them with your love and drown them in your compassion and give them a side of hope and blessings as we all push forward soreading tge good news help us to edify , exult and comfort your glorious name and one another those saved and those who are still blind as ALL need you more then ever before I love you Father and we are excited for the time you come get us I pray that you give me strength to push through the large waves coming and going I pray that you keep giving wondeful gifts of joy to my brothers and sisters that make their eyes light up as we all come together in your glorious name and fellowship with each other with encouraging words, kind articles, and loving prayers and thoughts for one another until you call us home we love you very much as we wait for you amen !

    1. TY, Jeramiah. I do look forward to your daily prayers for all of us. It is a blessing and always needful.
      Much Agape love your way, Dear Brother:-)

    2. No thanks Needed Sister Sheila I am and will always be here for all of you as I know all of you are here for me with prayer , kind words , and helpful blessings your brother in Christ Jeramiah Maranatha ....

    3. Jeramiah, I really feel the Lord has gifted your prayers in a special way and they are sooooo encouraging. Can't wait to find you and give you a hug when we are all together. Thank you brother!

    4. Miguel thank you for such kind words and I too cant wait to find you and give you a big hug along with everyone else as we will all be like a bunch of kids floating and hugging and laughing and loving one another on that glorious day oh at night a d sometimes during the day I have dreams/ day dreams a out what it will be like but mostly I cant wait to see each and everyone of you and give each of you a hug every day for eternity :) that is an amazing feeling and we will all have the entire never ending eternity to pray and love each and everyone with hugs and tiny blessings ! Your welcome my brother in Christ I really cant wait to meet you in heaven :) maranatha time is so so short ...

    5. Jeremiah that s a blessing your prayer! you are so correct the Lord is our Joy. My oh my... last week was tuff. I found myself praying at the most strange times while shopping walking through the aisles, etc. I think you hit the nail on the head and praying for the lost in general. That is something that my husband does every time we pray together and as we read in Revelation our prayers are bowls of incense before the Lord Maranatha

    6. Great Amen to all of this! Maranatha!

  11. The latest news from ME today.
    JP – Pope invites Mideast religious leaders to Italy for peace summit
    Russia to deliver new air defense systems to Syria
    Iran says will punish Israel for alleged air strike in Syria
    INN – Amb Friedman seeks to call Judea and Samaria by biblical names
    Southern Israel: One killed, dozens injured in flood
    Trump 'sold Israel down the river' – "Anger among Israel supporters in Washington as administration reportedly caves to Europeans, allows Iranian medium range ballistic missiles.…" – https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/244958
    It's all very interesting! We are really at the very door! See you all then very-very soon!

    1. Many thanks for this update, dear Sister!

    2. Wow thanks for the updats sister Alla and hey Nora and VeeBee miss my sisters and brothers very much I feel with everything happening so fast and then these back to back shootings and water and food ecoli and then now another huge coming power grid exercise well time is very short and we all have seen when they do the shootings they sometimes have a drill going same time ! Please God be with us all and give us strength and comfort those who have no idea tp what os coming amen !

    3. Hey, Brother Jeramiah! I hope that all of us will meet soon! :--)

    4. Sister Nora everything is going good with my diet went to doctor yesterday lost 12 pounds and my bp is 120/70 :) so diet is working for now all thanks to all of you and our heavenly father amen ! Can't wait to see you all in the air soon maranatha !!

    5. I'm happy to hear that, Jeramiah! :--) (120/70 is a totally healthy bp!)

  12. Friends, reading through our discussions, this morning, and something arises in my mind concerning the Nicolaitans and we Watchers, in the context of this unveiling we are exploring from Miguel P's jar. I hear the Spirit exhorting US to remove the plank. While I have no issue with anything above, we have not applied Our Lord's Rebuke also to ourselves, as we must.

    There is NOTHING new under the sun. When we Watchers light upon an insight, fueled by revelation, and share that with others, we walk a dangerous mile. Think about it from THIS perspective. The Watcher empowered by this insight is now like the Nicolaitans, having the 'proper' knowledge and then, often, calling into question the validity of the faith/understanding/teachings of others, especially if rejected by them. We have all miserated at the infighting and toxic interactions all over the place in our discussions. When this happens, as it does near universally at some point, the spirit of the Nicolaitans, which Our Lord HATES, has oft times taken up residence with US. The next time you set about correcting another in the family, remember this.

    Lastly, I want to go 1 step deeper, as usual. Yes, the Nicolaitans create obstacles between God & His Children where they should be doing the opposite. However, that is not, IMHO, the core of their sin. Ultimately, in like manner to the Pharisees surrounding God's Ordinances with a hedge of THEIR OWN MAKING (Matt 23:24) (Ha! ANOTHER '24' !) the Nicolaitans seek to CONTROL GOD by boxing Him in with a maze of HIS OWN LAWS AND PRECEPTS tangled with doctrines of men. Their manipulations of the Sheep are manifestations of their arrogance and this DEEPER desire to SIT ON ABBA's THRONE themselves (Isaiah 14:13-14).

    So, again, when we find ourselves presented with a formula or insight or connection, as we so eagerly chase, we must STOP and with fear and trembling and ultimate humility share and learn and apply the Truth discovered but NEVER rebuke Our Father, directly or through our own angst, for His having missed OUR mark, Maranatha!

    1. Agree with you Jimboni, thank you! Making thoughts about! Blessings!

    2. Brother Jimboni, I am having trouble understanding you. I am sorry if I have said something inappropriate. I was not meaning to raise my experience to a level equal to or above others and certainly not above the Bible itself. Is that what you mean? I am sorry if I did.

      And can you explain "never rebuke Our Father, directly or through our own angst, for His having missed OUR mark..."?

    3. Miguel P, no, brother, no offense. My comments are more general, to us all, that we be careful not to allow ourselves to get 'puffed up' when Our Lord Grants awareness or insights, as He Loves to Do with us. This pridefullness, of a Nicolaitan nature, can be seen in how we treat each other and also in how we, perhaps indirectly, rebuke the Father when another date comes and goes. Although it is a hard teaching, even our own misery at having gotten it wrong, when we were SO SURE we had it right, can be an offense to Our Father, if this pride also sits at the heart of our sorrow. Maranatha!

    4. Wow Jimboni! I get it now. I am blessed by those thoughts and take them to heart. Thank you, thank you.

    5. I want to add Jimboni the Scripture to your thoughts, as I understood them.
      2John 7-8 (KJV)
      7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
      8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

    6. As Miguel asked, if i corrected someone in the Nicolatian views of its meanings, as in commented here and there, I apologize.

      I am not understanding seeing this as the pride of the Nicolatians ... In removing our plank and looking at ourselves in the Lord's rebuke ....
      I mean He hated what they taught.
      I see it as a deception they were teaching ... Misusing what the gospel of grace meant and saying it was okay to live in licentiousness.

    7. Jimboni, in fact a Nicolaite spirit INTENDS to a) twist scripture for the purpose of b) obtaining power about the brethren just to keep them down. I'm not sure if biblical church discipline and brotherly correction pointing out pure and untwisted scripture really meets the point here. I apologize if I missed something of deeper meaning. As far as I'm concerned myself, its all about helping my brethren grow in faith and to bring each other forward (myself as well) in knowledge of God to glorify HIM and HIM alone in the body of Christ. Some truth has to be spoken out loud though, this is how I only understand the true meaning of "agape" love (which is not the world's "love" according to Jesus). Much blessings, brother! ;)

    8. Cathi, I do not think you overstepped anywhere that I could see. I think Jimboni sees that there is always a possibility when we start "hearing from the Lord" on these things, that we can get puffed up and then start stumbling around in our knowledge, so to speak. I see his statements as "general, to us all" to hold steady and stay grounded in Christ, no matter what.

      Regarding the "plank", when we see the sin of Nicolaitans, we can be tempted not to check ourselves and instead we just see the sin of others. I think Jimboni was just saying that in his very professor-ly way. :-)

      Of course, when I saw this sin which God hates, I needed to know what it was, so that I could be sure I did not have it in my walk or life. That was the basis of my desire to know what it was, so that I was not carrying such a plank in my eye. For me this was a Psalm 139:24 endeavor. I want the Lord to have nothing against me.

      Does that make sense Sister Cathi? I very much appreciate your thoughts.

    9. Miguel P, yes, precisely. The Nicolaitan seeks to use 'power' to 'conquer' or 'rule over' the laity, whom are their PEERS, not their subordinates. The power they exercise is Expert Power, in that they claim access to higher or hidden knowledge, which they are 'entrusted to guard' commonly, and which 'authenticates' their power.

      The 'plank' I was calling out, not that it is always there but the temptation surely is, was that we might, ourselves, claim superiority and, in effect, find ourselves 'ruling over' our fellow laity (term used in broadest sense) in our discourse. This, then, is Nicolaitan spirit creeping into our fellowship sneakily and we need to be aware of it as a temptation of unholy self-righteousness. The relevance of THAT warning, during THESE times and coming from THIS specific event on a Watcher's day, seemed all tied together appropriately.

      Cathi G, I refer you to my initial comment, lifted from a website teaching on the Nicolaitans: the "teaching of the Nicolaitans" refers to dominating the people, compared to the "teaching of Balaam" which refers to seducing the people. Your comment appears to be mixing the two.
      "I see it as a deception they were teaching ... Misusing what the gospel of grace
      meant and saying it was okay to live in licentiousness."
      License to licentiousness, or Grace to Sin, is the deception of Balaam. I was not addressing that, at all, in my musings. As I again clarified, my focus was the spirit of the Nicolaitans being one of pride, lifting oneself up against one's brother/sister as a response to an insight given and received. As our passions are aroused in defense of our understanding of His Words to us, we must be careful to not assume a higher station, amongst our peers who haven't also 'seen' it yet, than we ought to assume. That Our Lord would be cautioning us about this very thing, at this very time, seems on the mark, IMHO. Maranatha!

    10. Well...in my simplicity, I do not see these little nuggets we catch and chase down as special insight or superior knowledge, but rather just as confirmations of that which is already known or searchable from the Scriptures.
      I love to look for Him and His Signature in everything and I see these things as His way of saying to me, “Yes child, I am everywhere, even in the simplest of things and I know exactly where you are. I know what you are thinking and feeling as you look and long for My Appearing”. That’s what it is to me...confirmation or reminders of that which is already known or knowable by anyone who wants to know. Re the whole Nicolataine thing, Thank God we are gifted to know to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling with Jesus Christ as our one and only mediator. That Scriptural knowledge alone should do away with those guys.
      Love, Blessings and Maranatha!

    11. Thank you, all of you - Miguel, Annabel, Jimboni and Sheila,!

    12. Jimboni, I understand better, now and I was seeing Balaam as part of the Nicolatian view, Jimboni. Thank you for explaining further.
      I appreciate your comments too Annabel.
      Also, Miguel thank you for your explanations and they were helpful. And, for your caring comments.
      Sheila, thank you for jumping on board! I appreciate your thoughts.

  13. Hi all, I found something interesting now – the article North Korea’s nuclear test site has collapsed ... and that may be why Kim Jong-un suspended tests, and there's video also.
    A quote: "The mountain’s collapse after a fifth blast last fall has led to the creation of a massive ‘chimney’ that could leak radioactive fallout into the air, researchers have found…"

    1. Hi Alla, I appreciate your news alert. I remember reading something about minor tremors and such because of his testing ... Surly, he has been warned more than once. Now, other countries will be worrying and fearing radiation dust going through the air.

  14. Family unsealed.org has a great new article to check out maranatha !

    1. The article was great, Gods Warrior. I am trying to think of a takeaway ... The closeness of the rapture with the 70th anniversary of Israel and the need for God to fulfil His promises to them. The tie-in with the seven-year tribulation taking place possibly in 2025 would be the 77th anniversary of Israel - and this thus as a fulfilling of the Parable of the Vineyard by Jesus and on a generation of 70 years and by reason of strength 80! That is something to think about.

    2. Correction - the end of the tribulation taking place in 2025 would be Israel's 77th anniversary.
      And, look at that! Two sevens.

    3. Amen sister Cathi love that :) the nearness is near very cery near !!!

    4. Cathi that means we are very very very close to the start of jacob trouble and the rapture wow wow wow ! This is amazing ! Maranatha sister !

    5. Just a reminder this was all from the article at Unsealed.org.

    6. From memory this was brought up before in a previous post here using Enochs calender once again pointing at 2025 being end of tribulation. More supporting evidence!

  15. Brother John at watchfortheday just posted a new yt video for a high watch day link below


    1. Oh Jeramiah, I just wanted to post this here as well but TY for being first!! Yes this "Prophecy alert" for Friday 4/27 is also great and so much encouraging! Either way, I feel we're only days away now... I'm so much looking forward to meeting you soon as well, oh what a GREAT DAY that will be! MARANATHA! :D

    2. Hello God's Warrior and Annabel iWatch John's video it was certainly a blessing. I believe I listened to Nick Van Lan (sp)i, Annabel I think you posted his link and it was interesting to hear him say the 7D generation, with little strength80 years . I wonder ...another 10 yearson earth. But I look at the world and I see the chaos going on everyday and it seems unimaginable. Revelation 11 12 to 13 .. mentioned by many fish is a verse that I was impressed with with the other day. There are so many people that I encountered during the day and either pray with them or prey for them and my heart it's sad knowing that they are refusing the Lord.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. VeeBee, the 70 years or 80 years of strenght includes the 7 years long tribulation period as well. I mean, the end point isn't the rapture but the Second Coming. We've just passed (or soon gonna pass) the 70 years long mark but after a gap of time (or maybe there won't be a gap) the 7 years long tribulation will start. What I mean to say with all of this: if we count 1947/48 as the starting point of that last *fig tree* generation, plus 80 years of strenght is 2027/28 as the latest possible year for the Second Coming to happen. Minus 7 years of tribulation is 2020/21 which would be the latest possible year for the rapture to happen. So, my conclusion is that we don't have to wait another 10 years, only 2-3 years max., if what I said previously (above) is correct. The end point event of the fig tree generation is not the Rapture of the Church but the Second Coming! (Since it includes the 7 years of tribulation which hasn't happened yet, we've already entered or gonna enter that 80 years of strenght BUT it doesn't mean that the Lord can't rapture us this year, it just means we passed the 70th mark. The 77 years and 2025 as the end point and the year of the Second Coming would be perfect!) Hope this gives a bit of comfort!

    5. Sister Nora you said that percectly and that is my view on the time we are in and sister Annabel I csnt wait to meet you very soon snd give you a super big hug as we dance in heaven I cant wait to be surrounded by all of you for eternity amen ! VeeBee you dont have to wait ten years we are at the door time is running out fast maranatha sisters and brothers I love snd cherish you all ! Amen

  16. VeeBee, I will try again ... I ask God to comfort you. He is the God of all comfort.
    2 Corinthians 1:3

  17. Hi @all, it's ALL in place now... No reason for any more delay or tarrying (yes I know! Gods timing will be just perfect!) but just let today's zerohedge article 4/25/18 about the Bill Gates' new company 'EarthNow' satellite surveillance (and other 1984 topics) sink in... A MUST READ in the light of Revelation 13! (click!)

    Interesting to me is how there's still (even these days!) a slight sense of suspicion and awareness concerning the upcoming danger these totalitarian and fascist methods and devices may bring upon mankind - but we all know these suspicions will be instantly thrown over board after our departure, when the 2Thess2-deception comes down to earth...

    1. Annabel, TY. That article is spot on. I’m the only one I personally know here that has ever read 1984. It was such a warning and here it is now in full bloom. Wipe history from there minds and as the article stated, they have no point of reference and can only be blindly obedient. Once they get rid of the Bible, which California has just initiated that process, but for our God’s intervention, there would be no record of a Higher Power than govt. for the sheep to put their trust in. A brilliant tyrannical plan but it will be too little too late. The Victory was assured
      before the war even began. So good to know that He is the
      Almighty God with none formed before Him and none formed after Him!
      I pray He comes in time to snatch a living Baby Alfie up right in front of those NWO monsters before they can starve that poor child to death. Either way, that child belongs to Christ, but wouldn’t that be sweet?
      Blessings and prayerfully Looking Up!!!

    2. Sheila dear sister, I remember "1984" was even scheduled in my English class in high school back then (there was the alternative to Huxleys "Brave new world" too). Today I rather think this was some kind of programming too. I also know the movie but found it scary (that really means something... I'm not that easy to be scared). Tried to read the book again lately when my son covered it in school but couldn't focus, had to stop. Went back to the bible again... I cannot read any of such books anymore. Lots of hugs, Dear! :D

  18. This was a very good article, Annabel. I didn't realize this was taking place ... Bill Gates donating 1B to EarthNow to put up 500 satellites around the world. To end up keeping track of everyone.
    The DNA collection story was also good. All you see on TV are ads to get your DNA tested. It is being collected in a myriad of ways.
    Were being inculcated to accept all this.

  19. Nora that is that is right. I do hear people talking about 10 more years and a connection between the 70 and 80 years with the beginning of Israel in 1947. Well, the celebration of Israel had the Fig Tree in the sky a phenomenal view that reminded me of the words Jesus spoke regarding the nation of Israel. Thank you for sharing definitely comforting. Yesterday I was at a homeless mission we probably fed about 300 plus people. I can imagine... many of them they are not saved I continue to pray That God speak to their heart and have mercy we will see you in the air. Maranatha

    1. That happens to me too at times (and more often lately), that I wonder about people, seeing them on the street and at other places. Prayer is always very important, I agree!

  20. Annabel, thank you for posting. Lord bless you... did know this ... such an impact on the future tribulation. Marantha

    1. Meant to say did not know shocking times... Lord bless you

  21. G'day Family. Rhonda Empson's latest, Clearly heard.. We are so very close.. end of marathon, should get a look-see by y'all. It seems well in keeping with the "your Job is done here" theme afoot lately although indirectly as uses other imagery. In unpacking the Strong's connections, at the end, Rhonda didn't pull related verses but I did. WOW, oh WOW! Here was the comment I posted there, go watch and be blessed, Maranatha!

    Sister Rhonda, Strong's Greek 385, anaspao "to take up or extricate:--draw up, pull out" appears in 2 verses. Check out # 2 and what follows immediately after, wow, oh wow!!! :

    10 Now this was done THREE times, and all were DRAWN UP AGAIN INTO HEAVEN. 11 AT THAT VERY MOMENT (aka: at that INSTANT/TWINKLING) , THREE men stood before the house where I was, having been sent to me from Caesarea. 12 Then the Spirit told me to go with them, DOUBTING NOTHING (Acts 11:10-12a, NKJV, emph & comments mine). Maranatha!

    1. OK, sorry but The Spirit simply won't leave me alone on this one. The English Gematria for Caesarea is 206. Strong's G206 is 'akron' meaning: the farthest bounds, uttermost parts, end, highest, extreme. IF some of the above verses are re-read in the context of being a Harpazo verse, well, allow me:

      THREE men stood before the house where I was, (The 'house' where we now are is the flesh)
      having been SENT to me from (THE UTTERMOST/FARTHEST PARTS) Caesarea. (i.e. Heaven's highest spot)
      12 Then the Spirit told me to GO with THEM, DOUBTING NOTHING .

      At Harpazo, the Triune Godhead, All In Agreement and Each Having Completed Their Individual Tasks, will Stand before the house of human flesh, figuratively, having come from the uttermost parts (Throne-room) and, removing all sin and doubt, will, with The Final Trump, tell us to GO! with THEM (by implication, BACK TO the UTTERMOST PARTS, i.e. The Throne Room of our Abba!) Yes, I am, perhaps, exercising broad latitude in applying some things, but chew on it and ask if The Spirit agrees, or not. Maranatha!

    2. Awesome, Jimboni. Along with a lot of other implications I’ve seen today, I’m on really high watch myself.
      @It Is Finished, Bro. Todd does an intriguing 7 yr recap too.
      Also, the 12 Golden jackals found dead in Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv, (1/3 of the Yarkon population which reminded me of the Golden censer in Rev.8)
      12 teens lost in Israeli flash floods, 12 murders of Golden State killer, 12 kids in India die in bus crash....all today.
      Strong’s H#12–perishing, destruction
      G#12–abyss, deep bottomless pit
      Sure seems like these events are a harbinger for the days just ahead.

      Then there’s WFTGD’s alert message this morning as well.
      It’s like it’s all just swirling around us Looking up for “GO” time just any moment now.

    3. Sheila - its interesting that the youth killed in the Israeli flood were from the Bnei Zion school - meaning 'sons of Zion'.

      Am trying to wrangle this in my head in terms of Zion meaning Jerusalem as well as our 'heavenly jerusalem' (Israel vs Christians) vs death of Methuselah meaning 'his death shall bring' in alignment with Noahs flood. Lots to think about and align. To be honest, I am awaiting the names of the deceased and seeing if any of them are named noah or methusaleh...

      Daniel 9 'and the end shall come like a flood' etc.

    4. Sheila B., didn't want to pile on and give glory to the enemy's works but also saw headline '12 year old girl kidnapped on way to school' today. Ponder that symbolically and you can see the Tells are afoot and the next step is to spy the PATTERNS wherein Our Lord Reveals. In light of the spin about to be spun, being set up right along while the Wedding is, as well, and in light of your findings which I hadn't been lead to, hmmm.

      T&T, Intriguing. Allow me to add some seasoning to your stew. In the linked article I read that the school was officially denying any knowledge of this trip and, very specifically stated, NO PERMISSION WAS ASKED FOR, OR GIVEN. So, 12 children at Abraham's core in our times, aka the SONS of Zion, from a Hebrew Academy, are swept away by a FLOOD on a trip WITHOUT ORTHODOX PERMISSION, and, tragically, lifted to be with The Father a bit sooner than might be welcomed. As profound as that may be, In Christ we beseech Our Heavenly Father, and Our Lord Jesus to Comfort them Profoundly at this time, 1 Thess 4:13, Amen.

    5. Amen to the prayers for all of these children who perished today, that they be safe with the Lord.

      From @ Rapture Time Awareness...this is an interesting little catch:
      Today’s Google Doodle pays homage to a historic female runner, Fanny Blankers-Koen, who won 4 gold medals in 1948 Olympics
      Marathon. Her number was 692 (pares to 17 for victory) and here’s the best part...her nickname was “the Flying Housewife”!

    6. It really is feeling like crunch time and way more so than last year. As the world prepares to embrace
      the “very cool dragon energy” MSM has been so enthralled with today, our Lord and Savior is preparing to embrace His Bride. Looking Up:-)
      Blessings and Maranatha All!!!

    7. Amen family i seen all the 12s today and my spirit feels it is definately crunch time! Maranatha

    8. Dear Sheila and Jimboni, please take a step back from observing too much dates, numbers and symbolism out of MSM (!!) news and think about the fact that these numbers could be just placed there on purpose and the news itself could be fake. Please be aware of what times of deception we live in. #MANY FISH# channel on YT often gives cool insights into this. Most of these "news" articles with so many symbolism and numbers in it are IMO occult messages for the servants of the NWO puppeteers and some more lulling delusion for the ignorant. Don't let the enemy get you off track here, MARANATHA!

    9. very good thoughts Jimboni. No permission given, wow - awesome!

    10. Annabel - tis a difficult one, as isn't the counterfeit meant to closely replicate the real thing, meaning we could also be inadvertently avoiding the 'real thing' out of fear that it is counterfeit???

    11. Annabel, I appreciate your cautions but am well aware of what you speak. If these are all 'coincidental' that, alone, is noteworthy. However, we know well that are most likely not and that makes them MORE insightful to the moments at hand, ala Many Fish. The challenge, IMO, is figuring out which cards are we getting a peek at and which ones are being shown intentionally, for a deceptive purpose. Fortunately, Our Lord is not bewildered by any of these moves and will instruct us as we seek Him, Maranatha!

    12. Jimboni, that makes me just think of... the Simpsons S16E19 "Thank God its doomsday" - we should take into account the May 18th date again (or 1 day later like with Homer then). Didn't the Simpsons "predict" everything right so far? LOL! :D

  22. ‘Big Brother’ in India Requires Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and Finances.

    Their 13 billion people are being (or will be?)scanned, their fingerprints, eyes facials.

    “The people themselves are the biggest beneficiaries,” said Ajay B. Pandey, the Minnesota-trained engineer who leads the Unique Identification Authority of India, the government agency that oversees the system. “This identity cannot be refused.”

    If you want your allotment of rice, you will do this, or your pension ....

    1. wow, interesting Cathi - do you have a link (copy and paste will do:))


    2. Similar theme planned by the European Commission is referenced in the clickable Zerohedge article Annabel included above. Biometric ID’s for the good of all. No doubt the Beast is putting all of the control mechanisms in place.
      Even so, Lord, come quickly.

  23. Aadhaar, which means “foundation” in English, was initially intended as a difficult-to-forge ID to reduce fraud and improve the delivery of government welfare programs

    This and the above is from prophecyupdate.blogspot.com

  24. Thanks family for all the updates and all your hard work and scripture and dicernment maranatha may God bless esch snd eceryone snd may he watch and cover all with his wings of glory and comfort the lost ,blind , cold ,sick, scared and hungry and those who lost loved ones today and everyday as the world is getting darker still and the weather and demons are attacking with satan in full force ready to dtart his short time of ruling when we leave amen and God bless us all !

    1. Annabel, I just see what I see and there is a lot to see today.
      I don’t know how the concordance is synced but it just is.
      This is crazy sounding but last night as I went to take a shower and praying, I told the Lord that I am seeing Your Handwriting all over the place and then I said kind of jokingly that I could probably see You in this bottle of Suave Body wash. I picked it up and looked at the back where in bold letters among the fine print were the words Rich and Heavenly and a code 0933, which coincidentally is GK#933–Palace, King’s Court. Can you make this stuff up? IDK, but I had to smile about that one.
      Check out @blue heaven this morning.
      Shows the Queen of England and Prince Harry reading about a marathon and looking at a phone with the date 4/27 and the time 18:15 on it.
      GK# 1815–rising from death; Resurrection.
      I see this morning people on tv holding up posters popularizing this new slogan “dragon energy” in big red letters.
      Drudge headline this morning “No More War” as the Koreas snuggle up.
      @It Is Finished with Todd’s take on Vanuatu major eruption.
      I walked out this morning and looked at time 7:11 and looked up to see a beautiful rainbow and we’ve had no rain which is kind of unusual around here.
      GK#711–the best counseling.
      Made me smile again. I just take all of what I and other Watchfolk see to our Lord in prayer and ask always to be protected from the enemy’s deception.
      I trust Him and He is pretty quick to convict me when I get off track.
      Blessings and Maranatha!!!

    2. Sheila, when I saw your comment about the body wash, I almost fell out of my chair! Not because I thought it was funny or anything, but because I experienced almost the exact same moment last night. I wonder if He pointed this to us simultaneously?

      I was showering and decided to read the label on the back of the Old Spice Denali body wash. I have had this body wash for months and have been using it for months yet have never picked it up to read it. The first sentence on the back says something like, " the great eagle will carry you above the trees to the top of a mountain". This immediately struck me and I considered adding it here. When I saw your comment, I could hardly believe it.

      I do believe these little moments are from Him. I believe it's just a way for Him to encourage and say keep watching. Of course, I would never take these moments with any seriousness if they didn't align with His word, and I am not endorsing anyone to go hunting at the supermarket for a message from God.

    3. Just watched Blue Heaven's, Brother Todd's, Sister Rhonda's and many more watchfolks' updates today! The things which are going on...WOW!

    4. Nora, I watched Blue Heaven video. My thoughts on ''Boom" are that this word has a positive meaning ... Everyone seems to say it and I don't hesr it being said in a negative way more of in a positive way.
      It is Finished latest video gave me the heebie jeebies ... I tho think he should have come on to see his face. Maybe I wouldn't feel as shook up ...

    5. Miguel, thank you for sharing that! I’m not in the habit of reading the labels either but like you, I believe He is speaking to us in so many ways, big and small, to keep us watching “intently”. And just maybe our Heavenly cleansing is very near;-)
      If what I see or hear has a source in Scripture, I’m “praying”
      attention to it.
      Looking up and listening close!
      Many Blessings, Brother!!!

    6. Sheila, I have a story for you. A sixty-five year old timeless story. My husband's mother broke her string of pearls and when she decided to take them to the jeweler, they were no-where to be found. Eventually, they were spotted in the Prell bottle. Dave's younger brother had seen an advertisement about how concentrated and long-lasting Prell was and wanted to watch it for himself. (Thanks for the reminder. I hadn't thought about this for years.)

      Even a tale like this can serve as a spiritual analogy. As we watch 'pearls' drop by, we can become rather engaged with the accumulation.

      Early this year I started writing down coincidences/convergences because they were so entertaining and made me smile. (A rare treat.) I suspect Abba has something to do with it, but in any case, paying attention to the details is good practice. How much could slip by when we're focused on the mundane?

    7. Cy and Cry, TY for sharing that. I could almost smell that Prell. It was the house shampoo when we were kids.
      I do believe when we are looking, He will let us see something of Him. And with the intensity of the time we are now in, it seems He is now revealing Himself in many ways to many Believers. It also seems the more we share what we are given, the more He is giving us to share.
      Many Blessings, Sister and

  25. Good morning family I woke up to a video saying that NKO and South Korea has meet and are calling for peace and ens to war sudden desteuction maybe ??? Thoights family cause I dont know that we can trust anything from the Kim dynasty ???

    1. Here is the link on zeroheadge


    2. Jeramiah, I think it's significant with regards to the last playing piece on the chessboard which is IRAN (see the comments on Israel below). Trump will most probably cut the nuclear deal which will cause belligerent action (Iran or Israel) which will be then interrupted... by the rapture?!

  26. Brother Sean's "ME update" (at Eschatology Today):

    "HEADS UP!!

    According to U.S. SECDEF Mattis and DM Avigdor Lieberman... Israel is NOT going to wait for Iranian missiles to fly - no matter where they are currently based. They will be pre-emptively destroyed along with all Iranian bases being set up in western Syria."

    1. Nora - I loved what one of the bloggers wrote above Sean's comment.

      "Did you see Netanyahu said regarding the 70th anniversary of Israel,

      Seventy years “is the blink of an eye in historical terms,” the prime minister noted

      Just seemed appropriate =)"


    2. President Reuben Rivlin said in his 70th years' speech that this event "isn't just a significant event for the state of Israel BUT A CELEBRATION FOR THE ENTIRE FREE WORLD"... I had to look twice on what had been uttered there! :)

  27. I haven't read that yet, Nora but this fits in with what Amir at Behold Israel has been saying and in ultimately Israel being on their own.

  28. Brother Todd’s livestream video @It Is Finished titled “Love is Bigger...” is pretty cool.
    33 min. or so.

  29. best tipster correct score I;m wanting to write a longer piece so any memories you have would be helpful as well.


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.