Unravelations - This Is Big

Below is a link to a fairly short but action packed article that I found quite interesting. It was shared online in a Rev12 group and I believe it is worth some investigation from you guys.  One of his big points here is that if the model from Hosea 6:2 holds, we can expect the church age to be around 2,000 years long.  We are used to using day counts of 360 or 365 in these types of calculations, but you may remember that it was recently discovered how a portion of the Dead Sea Scrolls actually describes a 364 day calendar that was in use by certain Jews.  Here is the link for that: Newly Deciphered Dead Sea Scroll Reveals 364-Day Calendar
My first thought when I heard this was, "Why are you revealing this now, Lord?" As I pondered that, one obvious answer would be that the 364 day calendar could be the key that unlocks all these day counts people are putting together.

Maybe it is... and using that key bit of information the fellow on the site below makes a solid case as to why the church age could end sometime in the summer of 2018. I think he does a great job explaining the idea and while I don't know if he is correct, I certain hope he is!  Abba Up!

Here is a link and an excerpt:
So, what happens when we take the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, and use this as our starting point? If we just add 2000 years, we end up in 2032. Well, that could of course be a very significant year. But it would be strange to do that, because Anderson already used the prophetic calendar of 360 years to prove that Daniel's prophecy had to be interpreted God's way. If we calculate with the prophetic calendar, we end up in 2003. Well, nothing that made a big impression happened back then. Not that I could think of. But recently, some Israeli archeologists deciphered a very important copper scroll with a perhaps even more interesting calendar on it. A calendar that was already known to mankind, with 364 days instead of 365. It's also known as the Enoch Calendar, as he mentions it in his book (Enoch 74:1-4, R.H. Charles' translation). What happens when we use this calendar takes prophecy to a whole new level!


  1. I admit that this is the first time I have heard of the Enochian calendar, and it is indeed interesting. I found a bit more about it here, if anyone is interested:



    Like most of you, I am not convinced that the book of Enoch is God-breathed and thus on par with Scripture (it actually *was* once in the canon and quoted as Scripture by early Christians, but ultimately removed in the fourth century for various reasons). Yet Christ's brother Jude quoted from it (Jude 1:14), and that irrefutably attests to its historical authenticity and intrinsic informational value, if nothing else. To me, that means, at the very least, that we cannot casually dismiss it out of hand as meaningless.

    Just my two shekels.

  2. Just read the later chapter 80 of Enoch to learn more about the current endtimes age of human sinful confusion of any heavenly order, seasons etc. Don't we see everything fulfilled by all weather warfare chemtrail and NASA sun simulator conspiracy just fulfilled? Will you now laugh and mock people observing it any further? (speaking in general terms, no individual address) Enoch is highly interesting to be read today and probably deliberately hidden from the canon of the bible since now. But God didn't let Satan hide it from our knowledge forever. He's in control always, MARANATHA!

  3. Not to mention the fact that this is one of the last fragments of the original collection discovered 70 years ago in Qumran, and it's just now being deciphered. NOW, just six months after the REV12 sign.

    I'm gettin' that weird feeling again. =8P

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    1. I also think that extreme caution should be used when dealing with the Book of Enoch even if I agree with the notion that perhaps we shouldn't dismiss it completely because of the Biblical mentions. BUT serious caution and discernment is still needed! Not to mention all the other extra-Biblical Books which have become very popular lately!

    2. Caution. Yes, agreed. And I don't mean to sound as if I'm jumping feet first onto the Enoch "bandwagon" here.

      But still. We are left to ponder the irrefutable fact that it wasn't *Jude* who quoted Enoch--it was *God the Holy Spirit* who quoted Enoch. What are we to make of that? Is it possible that the Holy Spirit doesn't share Dr. Kim's skepticism?

      Not trying to start a big argument...just thinking out loud here.

    3. Yeah indeed... No offense mksmiths, but when I try to inform myself about who Dr Gene Kim is (as I don't know him at all, so I google first about the teacher / person claiming sth about the bible) I get some really weird YT videos popping up entitled "The earth is hollow and Hitler lives there" such as "Didn't you know that Jesus was homosexual?" or "100% picture proof Jesus married a black woman" and lots of stuff alike. Yeah, makes me really believe that this "Dr." Gene Kim is my true and spirit-filled brother in Christ and that he is a reliable source of wisdom regarding the book of Enoch... (if this was the right Dr. Gene Kim I was looking for as there are plenty of this name on the internet from IT expert to ophtalmologist) MARANATHA!

    4. Annabel, it seems that you've got the right Dr. Gene Kim. Unfortunately.

    5. Greg L.,

      "...even if I agree with the notion that perhaps we shouldn't dismiss it completely because of the Biblical mentions." I added this because I think kind of the same what you wrote:

      "We are left to ponder the irrefutable fact that it wasn't *Jude* who quoted Enoch--it was *God the Holy Spirit* who quoted Enoch. What are we to make of that?"

      (That's why I think that we shouldn't dismiss it completely only that caution is needed.)

    6. Dear sister Annabel, and brothers and sisters; Dr Gene Kim chooses many titles as "controversy click-bait" of sorts" and then teaches the Bible. For example "Jesus Married a black woman" turns out to be: Jesus (as pictured in the song of songs) marries the church, who is "dark skinned"... and so on on others crazy-titled videos... so you have to listen to them and not judge on the title alone. Be all blessed of YHWH.

    7. Dear Hachey Leboeuf, TY for your response indeed; much appreciated. But I must say I don't really like listening to a video whose title sounds already blatantly blasphemous rather than somehow 'provoking attention'. This is not really Christian style and shouldn't be IMO you know...

      I just got some last Easter mail from my own blasphemous parents, they wanted to enlighten me about the 'true life of Christ' as a mere human faith healer and itinerant preacher by sending me some article from the Leftist atheist communist publication "Der Spiegel" (I'm German). That alone was hard to swallow... 'cuz I know where they are heading to. Blessings though, MARANATHA!

  5. Thank you Brad for posting this article! I'd like to share a video from Brother Todd because of what he says about the Enoh Calendar in it. He was the first person I've heard talking about the Enoch Calendar (back in winter and now he talks about it again).

    "4 Words & Enoch, 7th Night & Nisan 17, Psalm 46 & 9/11 @ 8:48 What time is it? Therefore we WATCH!"

    youtube channel: IT IS FINISHED

    link to the video:


    1. Thank you sister Nora for sharing this blessings to you and Maranatha !

  6. A good 7-minute video Steve Cioccolanti just posted, "Is JESUS coming SOON? 2 End-Time EXTREMES Exposed by Steve Cioccolanti." Pastor Steve was very vocal in his support of the Revelation 12 sign (as well as the blood moon tetrad and others) and it gets mentioned here.


  7. I agree, Greg, that Jude’s quote was from the HS and not Jude’s own thoughts. My opinion is that God, in His infinite wisdom, knew that the information contained in Enoch would be of little value to the generations reading the King James Bible— until now. As Daniel said, “Knowledge will be increased” in the end times, and Enoch explains to us what happened before the flood with the fallen angels, Nephilim, etc., which certainly relates to what is going on now. And Jesus, Himself said that the end would be like the days of Noah. So for me, although it’s not in our Bible, I choose to occasionally reference it in my studying. Just sayin’...

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    4. Sister Robyn I agree with you and see what you are saying I myself dis not understand the whole angels and women dna and nephlim thing at first but after some time and study grew to understand the bigger picture of all that snd my mom helped me too , and sister Cathi thank you for sharing that I am trying to understand what the situation between Jude and Enoch was can one of you wonderful women help me with that please and thank you in advance ... maranatha

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    8. Thank you so much sister Cathie G. That totally makes since and easy to understand and sister Robyn thank you now I see how that links to Enoch maranatha ...

    9. Since your here, Gods Warriir, here is the link to the Many Fish about the two goats on the bridge:

    10. Sorry about Warrior misspelled. I have this link on the previous post .. I have a glitch because of artwork that covers a comment from Sherry Sherry even tho I could leave messages.

    11. Thank you sister Cathi G. Trump towers in New york was on fire and they had a chlorine chemical attack in Syria 35 dead ....

    12. There was a 4.6 earthquake in Oklahoma and several smaller ones on Fri/Sat I believe. I didn't catch it on the regular TV news.

    13. Good morning sister Cathi G. And thank you for the info earth quakes are getting worse as days go by! Maranatha

    14. Oh and sister Cathi thank you for the link to many fish yt channle that is amazing the connections he is making just so obvious wow wow wow ! Maranatha ...

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  8. In my personal research of Daniel's 70 weeks, the argument from Sir Robert Anderson and others that Jesus presented Himself as Messiah on April 6, 32 AD is very compelling (69 weeks of years or 483 prophetic years, 173,880 days after the apparent decree to rebuild Jerusalem from Nehemiah 2 which would have been March 14, 445 BC). My one hangup is that the full moon in 32 AD was apparently on April 14 (from US Naval Observatory website and Stellarium); hence Passover or 14 Nisan (Jesus' crucifixion) that year would have been on April 14. April 6 was in fact a Sunday as best I can tell, but how could Jesus have rode into Jerusalem on the donkey that day and then Passover be a whole 8 days later (which would be Monday, doesn't make any sense)? Has anyone else looked into this and can help me out?

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    2. If anyone finds this link, please post it here. Thanks!

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    4. Thank you Robyn. The Missler article you posted further confirms teachings about Daniel's 69th week ending on April 6, 32 AD. I will try to dig for the YouTube video you referenced about Missler having the crucifixion on Wednesday (personally I believe it was Thursday but I'm not dogmatic about it). But yes if anyone else finds the link please post!

      Like I said, various resources like the US Naval Observatory (http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/SpringPhenom.php) have a full moon that year on April 14, which I confirmed on Stellarium, so that would have been Passover. I can't reconcile an April 6 Palm Sunday with an April 14 crucifixion. Sir Robert Anderson claims 14 Nisan Passover that year was April 10, which would make sense with the April 6 Palm Sunday, but doesn't make sense with the apparent full moon date that year. Help, anyone?

    5. The late New Testament professor at Dallas Seminary, Harold Hoehner, adapted Anderson's work and configured Daniel's 483 weeks to April 3, 33 AD as an alternative to 32 AD. I also found this link from a man named Sam Smith to be helpful as well: http://www.biblicalreader.com/reader/Harold_Hoehners_Chronology.htm#_ftn11

      I think his ideas and calculations are pretty sound.

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    7. Very interesting Jeff, thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to study the Sam Smith article more carefully, but after a couple read-throughs, I'm failing to understand a couple things: (1) Why he's starting the Daniel count at 444 BC (my research so far has March 14, 445 BC being 1 Nisan in the 20th year of Artaxerxes from Nehemiah 2); and (2) Why he's having to convert from the Jewish calendar to the solar calendar then round to a whole number and use that to recalculate the total number of days, etc; it just seems a bit convoluted to me (in my brief attempts to understand his calculations so far). The 33 AD scenario he's proposing does have a Friday Passover/crucifixion, which of course most of the Christian world believes; but I have a hard time getting around a Thursday crucifixion for multiple reasons (though admittedly the hangup I'm having with 32 AD is probably bigger). So all that being said, I'm not so married to my presuppositions that I'm unwilling to consider Sam Smith's proposal as a definite possibility; I just need to do some more studying. Obviously if his timeline is correct, with March 29, 33 AD, ending the 69th week (instead of April 6, 32 AD), then even the main conjecture of the original blog post here is thrown off, lol. What really matters is that despite our best efforts to know and understand, we're only human and God does know and everything is happening according to His ordained plans and purposes! Thanks again for sharing and helping broaden my perspective!

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  9. Hi everyone, so if you want to go deeper into Dead Sea scrolls and book of Enoch please bookmark or just subscribe to some REAL brother of ours on YouTube, his name is KEN JOHNSON and he teaches a lot about these ancient scripts. I can recommend his lectures very much! Do your own research on it. Blessings to you! :)

    1. Sister Annabel is right! Ken Johnson (find him on YouTube) is an expert on the early church fathers and the Dead Sea scrolls, just to name a few. He also has a website - http://biblefacts.org

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  10. Wow! How wonderful to get up and find this new posting and stuffed animals flying all around the play room and the kids all at it again, yay! I am in harmony with idea of new and valid, relevant info clarifying our vision RIGHT NOW. He is not an illusionist, Our Lord is a REVEALER of TRUTH, in ITS TIME, Maranatha and love to all.

  11. Good morning brothers and sisters I was so happy to wake up and read this new article about the enochian calander months and years very imformative indeed i never knew or had heard about enochian months I had heard about the copper or dead sea scrolls I dont think we should dismiss this ! I would like to share a video I came across that was interesting talking about what takes place 1,000 years past 2018 ... signs from heaven channle title when is age of Aquarius... maranatha


    1. Hoping Everyone is having a blessed day. I read this morning that Japan has activated a Marine Brigade for the first time since WWII in order to defend themselves from Chinese aggression. They didn’t do that lightly.

      Also, re the Book of Enoch, some years back before he passed, JRR Church did an interesting series of articles dissecting it through the writing styles. His take on it was that although some portions had been tampered with or re-authored, much of it was quite intact and authentic to one author. So when I read it, as long as it isn’t contradicting the Canonized Scriptures, I just take it as icing on the cake detail-wise.
      As far as the Enochian Calendar goes, if that is all true about it being part of the Dead Sea Scrolls and just being recently translated, that is huge at this point in time since Enoch’s message looked ahead to this last generation. Definitely a purpose there that warrants our attention. And that’s my 2 simple copper pennies:-)
      Blessings and Looking Up, Up, Up!!!

    2. Trump tower is on fire in New York

    3. Enjoyed your two copper pennies worth ... Made me think of Brett Mays, The Last Generation. I realized that he doesn't talk as I said on the previous post to do with Hope Faith as I compared them because they use background music.
      He is against the Book of Enoch. It starts at 9:40 if anyone is interested. It is brief.

    4. I listened to Ken Johnson that Annabel suggested. It was a 15-minute video on biblically non- and endorsed books giving eight examples of the endorsed books. He was easy to listen to and had a power-point chalkboard example behind him.
      I also appreciated more the excitement mentioned in the book of Enoch translated at this time. I read s quick article on the Qumran community and the 364 calendar and the logjsm in scholars producing s volume - one volume after 20 years of study. Then, after another 20 years, 33 volume after a larger team ...

    5. Good morning sister Sheila i found a link for the article on your Japan marine bergade 1st time since world war 2


  12. There has been a Chlorine gas chemical attack 35 dead in Syria today ...

    1. The Trump Tower fire was on the 50th floor. It sounded like it began in the apartment of a 67-year old man who died. He was a friend of Andy Warhol. The article said he was in financial struggles and limited support from family. No sprinklers on these residential floors.

    2. Sister Cathi G he was on the 50th floor and hr was 67 and having financle struggles kinda sounds like our stock market in a way !

      Last night on zerohedge.com they said that they spotting a very rare and troubling thing yesterday ! JPMorgan spots a rare "bad omen" now I read the article but its the stock market so it made entirely no since to me whatsoever lol but bad omen stock market with all these trade wars its only a matter of time before that thing crashes or burns in smoke ! Your trump tower fire and financle trouble could represent or relate to our stock market or cash society !

    3. Yes, thank you Gods Warrior for your thoughts.

  13. I think the calendars are interesting, but aren't they kind of a 'bunny trail'? Revelation 12 has not been fully exhausted and there is so much information about the end packed into that one chapter (not to mention the book of Revelation as a whole) that I wonder why we choose to wander off the trail that God put us on last fall? I've got a couple of videos on why the Revelation 12 sign is still important. Check them out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKAk4LVmi4o&t=1s (Love the blog, btw...check in every day. Blessings!)

    1. Hi hartaflame... thank you for your kind comments. I agree totally that the Rev 12 sign is still important. I watched the videos and agree with Brenda. I too believe that this chapter, the whole chapter from beginning to end, is the KEY text God gave us to help us understand how the timing of the tribulation (and clearly the events leading up to it) plays out. He shined a light on this chapter last fall and opened up a wealth of understanding.

  14. Eagle lands on the pitchers shoulder during the opening of the game !!!

  15. I hope no one thinks I am pushing for the book of Enoch to be a modern-day inclusion into the canon of Scripture--I am not. The book is actually full of some rather spurious doctrinal points. Even though Jude, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, quotes from it, that doesn't elevate the entire book to the level of Scripture. For example, the apostle Paul quoted Epimenides (Titus 1:12), but that doesn't mean there should be a book of Epimenides in the New Testament.

    The point of all of this is NOT whether the book of Enoch (which was almost certainly not written by Enoch, or even in the days of Enoch) is inspired Scripture. Considered as an entire work, it almost certainly is not.

    The point of all of this is whether Enoch's 364-day calendar is a valid basis for eschatological considerations. That is the singular issue here.

    Thus, there's little point in getting off into an argument over the book's canonicity. Sorry if I led anyone in that direction...that was not my intent.

    1. Brother Greg I totally agree and I am thankful that you shared the article I found it very interesting and knowledgeable thank you Maranatha .... there is alot going on in the world spinning out of control as we brothers and sisters try our best to grasp tiny thungs here and there and make since of them as they relate to tge holy word of God and things we have been warned about for these dark end times alomg with spreading the gospel , helping each other and others and edifying our Heavenly Father amen !!! Prayers for all of my brothers and sisters here and across the world amen!

    2. I agree Greg. The 364 days was the focus. Appreciate you digging into this brother!

    3. Greg, agreed, the emphasis is on the calendar and the day counts rather than the, still important, peripherals. I have followed the discussions about the Enochian Calendar for some time now, having a keen interest in calendration. I think the various calendar methods are the absolute reason we will not be absolutely certain about the day and hour. God foresaw the calendar confusion as he foresees all things. I'm struggling to recall a discussion we had several weeks ago (maybe months as fast as time flies now) where the presenter had done a very convincing count forward and backward using the simple 7 days forward and backward from known, identifiable dates and found conformity that seemed to me most unshakeable. I may need to go back through the archives to find it because right now it escapes me, but I'm certain he used Enochian as a part or at least comparison to his basis and findings. Does anyone else recall that one? We had some great discussions about it. I'd like to re-look at both of them together. Blessings - Sherry

      P. S. So happy to be able to comment again, yesterday was frustrating - Thanks Brad and Gary for fixing me. I thought I'd been banished!

    4. Here is the link to the calendar person I mentioned above. His name is Don Roth and I could not find a flaw in his methodology. Basically, he looked at all the calendars and melted it back down to a simple 7 day cycle with the adjustments for the differences in the earth's rotation and even picks up the addition of Joshua's Long Day. If you use his website calculator, you can go back to any date and confirm if it was a Sabbath or a High Holy Day. The adjustments occur quarterly so you don't have a month thrown in to throw things off. http://www.biblicalcalendarproof.com/calendar/generate

  16. Zerohesge.com todays events could lead to start world war 3 or extinction of mankind says ex general putin


  17. Oh goodness, we are discussing the book on Enoch in terms of canons of the bible etc. I made the mistake of researching this in depth a number of years back as part of my 'how to take on catholics 101' reading. The research only raised more questions to be honest, and I was particularly shocked to find out that Martin Luther thought that the final 4 books of the bible were 'extremely questionable' as being part of scripture (Hebrews Jude and Revelation in particular). Anyway - the best piece of information I received from all of that, was simply that the early Jews tended to view the books as fitting into one of three categories: 1) God-breathed and having a place in the bible of the day (Torah, writings of the prophets etc); 2) God-inspired, and useful for historical understanding, but not forming part of scripture (book of Enoch was "believed" to placed in this category, but only parts of it...Enoch 1 was dubious I think, and this was argued at the Council of Nicea); 3) Historical records but not necessarily God-breathed/inspired (kind of like some of my journals). a 4th category was added 'gnostic gospels' post Christ.

    Anyway - if anyone is interested - a book called 'the cannon of Scripture' by Frederick (F.F.) Bruce was the one that explained it well, however as I mentioned earlier, don't be surprised if you 'are surprised' by what you read, and with more questions than answers after reading it. Ignorance is not just blissful at times, it is also useful at supporting ones faith:/ (oxymoron perhaps??)


    1. Ryan, our dear brother Martin even couldn't get along with the letter of James which he found too much of a "Catholic" one. We shouldn't forget where he came from: God just had opened his eyes out of the Roman bondage. Luther certainly understood what GRACE is better than most of today's 'Evangelicals' do because he literally lived through it. But yet there are many things he didn't get right from his Catholic background why Jesus has to call the church of Sardis a "dead" one in Rev3:1

      I do take most of the apocryphal books as somehow "nice to have" with regards to historical and additional information (on angels, pre-flood world etc.) but they are after all not vital to me concerning my faith. We will understand all things as soon as we get there with Christ which will be very soon now. John 16:23 there will indeed be NO QUESTIONS at all when we get there... Blessings to you!

    2. Amen, Ryan and Annabel! I agree with all your thoughts. Blessings! Maranatha!

    3. Maybe, Through and Through Annabel's earlier suggestion and Alice's confirmation of Ken Johnson and Robyn also would be a good source. I only listened to one short 15-min. video on biblically non- endorsed and biblically endorsed books. He was good.
      I agree with Annabel's response to you about Martin Luther.

    4. Annabel, I have to agree with your points here on the Apochryphal Books as well as Luther.
      I like some of them for the historical details. But to me, reading them just doesn’t feel the same as reading Scripture. When I read Scripture, especially aloud, I really feel the breath of the Holy Spirit behind the words.
      When I read Enoch, Jasher or the others, I tend to have a lot of hmmms....going on.
      Like all of you, I can hardly wait to learn the Truth of these questions in the very near future.
      Blessings, Sister:-)

    5. thanks for that - Kens stuff is quite interesting, particularly his 'apocalypse of Ezra' talk. Great addition to the youtube subscription!


  18. I'm sorry to get off topic but what I see from my window (in front of a huge RCC) today again breaks my heart as today is/was "Holy Communion Sunday" again. I so much hoped I wouldn't have to watch the little ones being sacrificed to Ishtar and Molech this year (to be raptured out before, so to speak)... Matthew 18:6 LORD come quickly to hang this millstone around their neck!! MARANATHA!

    1. Annabel, I just saw your comment about the trek to the mailbox:-D
      It is a little ways out there. I’ll put it this way, at this time of the year, I’m closely watching the ground all of the way for the slithery folk who are even more nasty tempered as the weather seems to be playing tricks on them. And at times I have to keep a wary eye on this gigantic black bull who often stands just across the road from the mailbox with only 4 strands of sagging wire and a few scraggly bushes between me and him. He’s an ol’ eye-roller, too. I always say, “Dear Lord, please keep that bad boy over there on his side of the fence while I grab this mail
      and calmly walk away.” So far, so good:-)

    2. Keep walking, Sheila bull-fighting sister!! ROTFL! (I do just imagine your description very vividly) In German we say "gib ihm voll auf die Zwölf" meaning "hit'em right between the eyes" when he's coming after you... Stay protected Dear, I'll pray 4u to get you mail safely until we go. Hilarious, really! :D

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  20. Well, I felt I'd been banished. I have been unable to post all day yesterday with any browser known to ma and I'm sure you see the results of my attempts on the previous post. Jimboni - your counts are off because of my attempts. It would only post with the big old Avatar in the center of the comment and even then it wouldn't show it as published so I'd have to delete. I emailed Gary and he must have fixed it. What a mess! I felt as though i was outside pounding on the glass and wishing to join in and speak but no one could hear me! Missed you all! Blessings - Sherry

    1. Lol, Sherry...I know how that feels. There’s been a few times I’ve gotten locked out. It took a lot of finagling to get signed back in. It was so frustrating and very weird.

      I’d heard some snippets here and there about Israel celebrating their 70th anniversary on 04/18/18 but I just came across a Jpost article on it that was really interesting.
      Some may have seen it awhile back but I missed it. It’s from 01/15/18 and time stamped 19:48.
      That was neat, but
      It relates the planned events and mentions honoring dignitaries both of the living and the dead and celebrating the unbreakable bond between the Heavenly Jerusalem and the earthly Jerusalem. Here’s the link for anyone who hasn’t seen or wants to refresh as it’s only 10 days away now.


      Blessings and Maranatha!

    2. Sherry im sorry to hear that and I am very thankful you made it back in missed you sister Sherry I pray your health has been good amen !

    3. Good day sister Sheila B. And thank you for sharing that with us I am going to read the article now maranatha !!!

    4. Jeramiah, Sweet friend, the same for your health as well. I pray you are safe, well and warm. Sheila - I'm posting the comment I tried to post yesterday after your Mr. Peepers. It brought back a flood of memories and lessons from the Lord. I'll repost it - after rewriting several times yesterday I copied it before trying again. If it train wrecks and locks me out again, I'll know it's Holy Spirit telling me to shut up (in love)!

      Oh, Sheila, tears streaming down my face. You are absolutely correct, our Father uses tragedy (he doesn't cause it, just uses it) to teach us His Heart. One of my beloved Maltese had a puppy back in 1983. We were living in Oklahoma at the time and it had been a horrific spring of rainstorms, tornadoes and just unbelievable weather. It was my first year of walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit. I had only months before been shown miraculously the teaching of the Baptists that miracles and wonders had ceased was categorically wrong.

      The Lord healed me of a lung condition which had me bedridden and allowed me to pray for others healing and see it occur. I saw destroying winds turned and even a flood threatening our house turned back by a group of angels. It was my beginning and master class in the Supernatural and a still Supernatural God. On one particularly rainy and stormy day we were at work only 3-4 miles from home and the rain just fell in sheets and buckets. Our house, which he'd used the angels to protect only weeks before from flooding, was flooded in a flash flood that came in and receded within 1 hour. Vangee, my Maltese, was home alone with her little puppy. I had left them in the bathroom with the door closed and there was nothing Vangee could reach to get the baby up on and he drowned. 

I locked myself in the bathroom and prayed over that baby to be resurrected for hours. I could not and would not believe God would not raise Him. I had seen so much and yet now, the answer was NO! Vangee stalked that house crying and moaning for days for her puppy and i was right there with her.

      Sheila, you are so right, He allowed me to FEEL his broken heart and devastation and the utter seemingly randomness of Miracles. 

I learned Miracles are for a sign to ourselves and others of who God is. They are not our choice, but His and He sovereignly decides when and if. He has allowed me to be used as an extension cord, but that's all I am. I have no power in my own right, I have no power to choose when and if the power for the outlet I am plugged into - Almighty God - will be turned on and when it will not be. He is Omniscient, He is Omnipresent and the All Powerful One is in control of all things at all times.

      The question I've learned to ask when I don't get what I expect or want is - "What can I learn from this situation that I could not have learned without it?" The journey in the wilderness is cut short often by simply stopping, asking and realizing what He wants me to see in the event. Once I get the lesson, then He allows me to move on. If I'm not paying attention, I have to stay in the midst of it until He has my attention. I realize He doesn't teach everyone the same way, but my thinking can be pretty black and white and He meets each of us at our need, at the point where our knowledge can become wisdom. 

You are all precious family to me - I pray for you all daily and I thank Him for each and every one of you. Thank you for Taking Time for me! Blessings - Sherry

    5. TY, Sherry for sharing that. Looking back on those painful lessons, I realize that when He allows our hearts to break like that, His heart, by the very necessity of who He is, is breaking right along with ours. And yet He will busy himself with putting us back together in a better way than we were before. That truly unconditional love that can only come from Almighty God has become more profound to me through each devastating moment I’ve experienced in this life. And you are right, we can just grab the lesson and run ever closer to Him, or we can languish until there is nowhere to look but up. Either way, He’s always right there waiting to turn our sadness into praise and joy.
      His love and mercy are so amazing:-)

    6. Many blessings and prayers sister Sherry as what you just said resonated with my soul and it also taught me a few things at the same time! My mom got sick last year and had gall stones and was in horrible pain and she prayed God stop the pain stop the pain as she laid in the hospital bed and nothing then she just stopped asking and submitted to Gods will and said your will be done she hurt so bad she thought she was going to die but as she submitted to his obedience she said the pain was totally gone amen ! I am touched and honored and sadened all at once to here your story about your Vangee and puppy and how things went and how we all have that tribulation and lessons to go through the maim thing is realizing as you did as the lesson along with experiencing Gods love for us getting the lesson by prayer and looking at it from that biblical or saved faith in our Heavenly Fathers way of getting our attention amen sister stay healthy and be ready our exit is not far away amen !

    7. And I will add that can hardly believe that He allows us to grieve so deeply and inexplicably over these tiny little lives without planning to restore that loss in His wonderful Kingdom. Can you imagine the joyous feeling at some point that such a precious gift would bring. I believe He can and does:-)

  21. Hi all, I found two Amir's updayts – today and yesterday! It's very significkant to me! Blessings!

    1. And the latest Israel news in the Israel National News:
      What are the rioters planning this Friday? – "… The statement further stated that the processions of the 'return' will continue for many months, and that the confrontation with the "occupation" will continue and escalate until the "Palestinian people" realize its goals.…"
      ANALYSIS: Russia is aiding Iran Axis prepare for war with Israel: "…Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has always said that the deployment of the Iranian axis, meaning the Iranian-backed pro-Assad coalition, in the vicinity of the Israeli border, constituted a red line.…"
      Abbas: No to any initiative not based on PA capital in Jerusalem: "We said to Egypt in the clearest possible way: 'Either we will accept all responsibility for Gaza, including security, or we will no longer be responsible for what is happening there."
      It all escalates very quickly! The Lord is coming! Blessings and health to all! Praying for you!

    2. Blessings sister Alla your in my continued prayers I hope your doing ok today ! Thank you for sharing that with us with everything marching so fast towards war its like a bomb ball rolling down a hill goimg faster and faster soon to hit and explode ! This april 18 70th year celebration isreal is holding I feel like PA or any number of groups iran take your pick is soon to attack before or during this big bash they are about to throw of celebrations we shall see , its strange all the different troops moving and even as sheila said Japan activated their marine bergade maybe against china first time since world war 3 ! I know world war 3 is coming soon !!maranatha!!!!

  22. John Hallers prophecy update takes a deep look into the daudi crown prince, the wasteland of damascus , and just how much better and more weapons Russian has against US ect also the space weapons ...


  23. Brothers and sisters, a blessing to read all your post I'm actually catching up had to work. As I noted the comments regarding the Book of Enoch, thought about parable of the vineyard who has done several videos on specific chapters. I agree with what Annabel and other said. Ah, yes there is in God inspired words therein. I suppose you could take a look at the writings of Josephus and say there was some historical content and as someone else mentioned I believe Greg, that there is historical content in Enoch as well., so caution is good. We always need to compare scripture and be good bereans, look search and rely on the holy spirit for Direction. There is a website called word wise Bible studies some good scriptures regarding the Rapture of the church as well as the tribulation period I find it to be extremely valuable during these times. And I love the comment that was made regarding the knowledge being increased at the end times. If we look back 0 yrs ago, we would not understand someone told us that there would be a president that would acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital. Nor would we understand the globalty (not sure if this is a word) matters that are unfolding before our eyes. Maranatha

    1. VeeBee, I don’t know if “globalty” is a word or not but it should be. It’s an apt description of these elite NWO servants of Satan who see themselves as the world’s royalty.
      (And the “globalty”
      shall all go down with their rotten

  24. Unsealed has a new article update today on the syrian attack of chemicals and trump and russians action as they are all meeting now and militaries are being moved into place on all fronts and from all cornors of the world we seem to be steam rolling or flying at the spead of light towards our exit amen and maranatha ....

    1. Thank you Jeremiah, this new Gary's article is great, and your watchfulness and prayers will be great rewarded by the Lord, very-very soon! Sorry, I can't write much, I'm very sick, only praying! But I'm watching and doing my daily homework according to my plan. We are going home very really! Blessings!
      And I found also new update of JD Farag.

    2. Alla, you are to be commended for your continuous practice of completing your daily homework as you call it. Surly, our loving Father looks on you with pleasure in seeing a servant's 💟

    3. Thank you sister Alla I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and thank you for all you do my sister as I hold your hand and pray for God to give my strength to you as he gives us all strength to make it to the end of this exit we are on my sister in Christ I pray that Jesus will loft you up and you can feel his warmth and loving presence pushing back against the evil sickness amen amen amen ! Im always here if you ever need me and God has all our backs front sides and insides too amen amen amen !!!

    4. Amen Cathi I agree Alla is definately to be commended on her continued hard work and her very apreaciated work she does in her study and guidance in here as she is irreplaceable and very much needed here as I pray for her health and I am thankful to God for every single person in here and you too my dear Cathi as you have helped me so much too and all the nuggets everyone gives one another is so amazing amen ! Love you all amen!

    5. Thank you and much Blessings to you, Cathi and Jeremiah, and all our Family! I'm sure the Lord gives the answer, as He promised, and want to say, that Prayer is the Greatest Ministry of all ministries! Really! 2Cor 1:8-11 (KJV), and the last verse of this passage, very clear, speaks for itself:
      11 Ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.
      I'm sure our prayers will receive an answer! 2Ki 20:4-5

    6. Amen to all of that Jeramiah. And so thankful for every
      Brother and Sister who takes part in this site with their
      comments and/or readership
      as we all keep one another encouraged, informed and lifted up in prayer!

    7. Sister Alla that video by JD Farrag was awesome prophecy update wow !! Thank you sister...

    8. Amen sister Sheila and Alla and Cathi if you only knew how much all of you and this site means to me im so so thankful for this so we can comment and read and learn and edify amen !

    9. Sheila Cathi guys I went and looked at that site yoiu gave me for israel cuture ministies april 18th to celebrate 70 year anniversary and in the top right hand corner it has the date and time posted
      1/15/2018 @ 19:48 haha


    10. Very good catch! I even looked at the date, Gods Warrior.

    11. Yeah, I thought that was pretty neat, then I wondered if it was planned that way. Really eye catching, though. Lots of other interesting elements to be found in that coming celebration as well. The living and the dead, Heavenly Jerusalem etc.
      There’s a lot of interesting things out there across YTC pointing to 04/18-19
      as an eventful time frame. Heads Up and Maranatha!

    12. Sister Sheila i agree I have came across another channel he said they are planning a black out syops event or training to start april 15-21 called "Dark Sky" drills for power grids down and communications too and there is another one happening that week plus something with russia hacking power grids

      Channle julian t
      Title April 18 Lights out Dark Sky week


    13. Jeramiah, I keep up with julian t and been seeing this Dark Sky Week agenda. Goes along with all of the other stuff out there
      pointing to that time frame. Getting stranger everyday.
      Staying prayed up
      And looking up:-)

    14. Sheila I agree woth you 100 percent all these random drills mainly for black outs ect and lets not forget all the endless top secret rocket launches too ! Keep looking up Maranatha

  25. Sister Alla D its been my privilege to bring you before the Throne of Grace several times today as it was on my heart to do so. You are on our hearts and minds and I hope today was well for you. Rounding out the weekend and stuff from last week on MANY levels the popcorn is really popping now and I pray blessings and revelations for all in the dayS of the week ahead, Maranatha!

    1. Thank you Jimboni, it's wonderful, hand of Lord! Praying for you too! Want to say I tried silver, didn't work, an allergic reaction. The doctor gave me pain reliever, also an allergy. Spring always brings me a breakdown, now especially. Only prayer! Thank you once more! Maranatha!

    2. Sister Alla I pray that God will lift you up and wrap his loving arms around you and heal you and keep you safe amen !

  26. Greg, thank you for posting this article ... this is BIG indeed. I have been trying to calculate the number of years that man has been upon the earth and I think the year 2018 is the 5,993 year since man first walked upon the earth or 5993 AM. Using the Enoch 364 day year to add up 2,000 years since 32 AD comes to the year 2025 for the start of the Millennium, or the year 6,000 AM. If you subtract 7 years for the Tribulation period then 2018 is the year of the rapture! I have learned not to set dates but I am watching the signs of the times and sounding the alarm from the wall. My wife and I are praying for people to repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior so they are not left behind. You can read more about the 5993 sign from these articles http://the5993sign.com/ and http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/rapture-calendar/. Blessings and Maranatha!

  27. Robyn!!!
    What is happening? You removed all of your comments that revolved around myself? If I have offended you in any way, I ask your forgiveness, Robyn.

    1. Cathi, not saying this has anything to do with Robyn’s posts cause I absolutely don’t know, but I know ya’ll we’re all getting set to read that book by Carl Gallups. I kind of had a weird feeling about that as he is so adamantly against the Pre-Trib Rapture
      which pretty much goes against the grain here. I know it’s not a Salvation issue
      but it could bring about a re-evaluation in one’s thoughts. I have not read that book, so I don’t know if he covers his perspective in Gods and Thrones or not, but I personally find his arguments to be very weak. I spent too many years studying every angle of Pre, Mid, and Post
      and I just know better. Some people just envision themselves as soldiers battling for God during the Tribulation period and from a movie he made a few years ago, he seems to be one of those people. Anyway, that’s just a thought, Sister.

      Praying all is well with you Sister Robyn as your voice is treasured here.
      Love and Blessings!

    2. Sheila , I got that book on Friday and started reading it - didn't get as much read as I thought I would this past weekend - didn't realize the author wasn't Pre-Trib but anyway I'm solid enough in my faith to take whatever I read with a grain of salt and for certain don't have to agree. . I had trouble posting several weeks back - tried several different times and my post wasn't showing then after a couple days it just seem to be fixed - maybe - hopefully Robyn is having the same problem. My heart breaks seeing all these stories of dead animals and all those videos of those innocent children in Syria that was doused with chemicals , surely our LORD"S coming can't be more than days or weeks away.
      MARANATHA Donna

    3. Hey Donna. Like you, I can read differing viewpoints without rethinking where I stand, but it took a lot of comparison studies early on to confirm without a doubt that I was understanding the Scriptures rightly.
      I guess As Sherry would say, chew the meat up and spit out the bones comes into play with those who hold otherwise.
      Just had a bit of a strange feeling about that book is all. Maybe I’ll try to pick up a copy and check it out.
      Just praying things are well with Sister Robyn. I always like reading her posts.

      And oh, my heart cries for these war crime victims and all of the suffering going on among the innocents. All I can think is Even so, Lord, come ever so quickly.
      Blessings, Sister!

    4. Sheila and Donna, I mentioned in the discussion about Gallups book that I got much good from it but wanted to point out just so no one was surprised before they ordered it, he is post trib. That always immediately causes me concern about a person's discernment. However, He didn't push that point in this particular book. But, I did want everybody to know before they went sailing into it. Gods and Thrones takes a lower shelf approach to understanding the Nephilim and the Supernatural and the causes of the flood. That is really his focus in this one. I much prefer Heiser's book, The Unseem Realm, but I suppose you could say Gallups is a second witness to the more scholarly work of Heiser - which is peer reviewed. Agree with you absolutely Sheila, none of us have everything right and we shouldn't dismiss a brother or sister because they are still clinging to something the Lord has already cleared up for us. The same is true for Heiser and he's brilliant, but he admittedly doesn't get prophecy and he doesn't get Revelation. He "think its just such a mess". Yet you certainly can't dismiss one of the most respected Old Testament scholars in the academic community. I honestly believe when any of us (I don't care how many degrees you are hauling around) dig our heals in and refuse to consider an alternative viewpoint Holy Spirit is a perfect gentleman and he'll just allow that big old blind spot to continue if you don't want to give Him access to it. He's not angry, He doesn't cast us aside and He continues joyfully working with us in the areas we're open to hearing His voice. But, when we put that big old "Work Completed" - "No More Input Accepted" sign on an area of study, He honors it to our own detriment. It is not a punitive response, but an honoring of our Freedom of Choice.

      This is the exact reason I am such a proponent of, when you are mature enough in the faith and have the gift of discernment, listening and honestly studying what others offer about different interpretations of passages. It makes no different how many years ago you were taught that or by whom. Hear and Really Listen and then decide in consort with the Holy Spirit. I only have 3 things under lock and key that cannot be touched - Jesus Christ died on the Cross, was buried on the third day according to the Scripture and Rose Again to pay for our Sin Debt by His Precious Blood - according to the Scriptures.

      If you seal the entrance to any specific area - Holy Spirit will honor the seal and you will not be given revelation in that area. You are depriving yourself and it is stubbornness, which equals rebellion, which equals witchcraft. This spoken by a previously incredibly stubborn individual who even took great pride in being so. But, when Holy Spirit chains those 3 conditions, stubbornness, rebellion & witchcraft, together for you and allows you to see yourself, if you are a transgressor in those areas, it should break your heart and bring you to your knees in Repentance. I've been there, done that and use the tee shirt to limit the callouses on my knees for those times when I continue to fail in my rehabilitation. Boy, for me, that one is never once and done. It is an ongoing process - but maybe I just had a stronghold in that area.

      We mustn't fear alternative viewpoints on Scripture - we trust Jesus without hesitation for Salvation, why would we not trust Him unhesitatingly by His Holy Spirit for Discernment on any viewpoint of scripture. Blessings - Sherry

      P. S. No, I am not recommending we commence studying the Gnostic gospels or Kabbala. I am referring specifically to alternative viewpoints and interpretations of the Holy Bible.

      P.P.S. Robyn is ok, but I doubt she'll be back.

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    12. Cathi she's ok and it wasn't at all about the book.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Sheila, I am not sure why you removed your comments. I appreciate what you said to me.

    16. Sherry, I never did originally think that Robyn deleted her comments because of the book. But, now this causes me to believe that it was because of our comments earlier and all of that which I have since deleted.
      Maybe I am still wrong, but that's okay because I need to let it go.

    17. Sheila, I was just deleting comments because after Sherry's last comment I just felt like a sad sack ... And wanted to just wash my hair of it all ... Afterall, Robyn is ok but I wasn't ... And, well I need to move on from it all.

    18. And, Sheila I trust that you were doing the same thing in deleting these comments above.
      I am not a country gal but I am an ole gal! Again thank you for your encouraging words, Sheila. Cathi

    19. Hey Cathi. I normally do not remove comments once I make them, but in this case, I just felt like they might not make sense or seem out of context to anyone else who might be reading the thread.
      Blessings, Sister:-)

    20. Oh my goodness! THANK YOU, Sheila ... for responding to me .... as I had said previously to not being left out to dry! Oh, I had prayed last night asking God that I would hear from you.
      I felt that I had, um, crawled enough on my belly (tho I meant every word) and those who needed to read any of what I wrote hopefully had done so. Any others like newbies as you said, didn't need to ...
      I take to heart your encouraging words of God working things out as He deems ... words to that effect since I can't quite remember - and apply this as a soothing balm.

    21. From Robyn - "Please let Cathi know that I love her dearly, but decided to spend more time with Him . . . "

      Blessings - Sherry

    22. Sherry, I am sorry but I see this as 'christianeeze' ... I can't think of the word, if this is close to an existing word or whatever. So, I will use my own word - poppycock.

    23. It's to Poppycock - she felt crushed and it was damaging her heart and soul. She only asked me to tell you that one thing and that she was all right. She was concerned about you, but had to do what was best for her peace of mind and we have to respect that and love her tender heart.

    24. I meant to type "not" Poppycock.

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. Sherry, it was painful for me to read what you wrote, that she is okay but you doubt she will be back.
      I thought, it is me, if it wasn't about the book! Confirmation.
      As I had thought, it was about me. And, how terrible. She isn't coming back, even. How final. Where does this leave me.
      Then, to write what Robyn said to say that she loves me but decided to spend more time with Him ... Well, for me, that was a punch to my stomach.
      I cried buckets.
      I don't pretend to know Robyn's pain in her heart ... And, it hurts me when I see or look at and admit to the conclusion that I wounded, Robyn. And, I was feeling close to her so it hurt worse.
      But, I can't afford to cry more buckets of tears. Or, tear myself apart over this even tho it is added to the list.
      And, the not knowing, the assuming, the silence - was torturous. I am not insensitive, I hope. I have been hardened, bitter and all of this in my long past. I have had my heart broken, I have been rejected. I have hurt others. Through my experiences and when I find myself unable to make restitution, to talk through it, etc., it becomes moreso emotionally painful. Oh, I have known heartache.
      I watched my sister go through a difficult thing when she hurt her sister-in-law - through the years. She tried to apologize but it was laughed off, and another family member who was their sister-in-law added her two words and my sister carried more pain.
      She wasn't able to walk away, never see this person again, to let it be in her past, behind her, to not think about it anymore, go about her business. Not any of the things that I could do - to stop the pain, to numb it, pretend it wasn't there, to forget it.
      I recently suffered two lost close friendships almost a year apart in the last three years. One I did not seek to see what was the issue. I can be needy and self-centered. So, I decided to let it be. We only saw one another once a year mostly and didn't talk hardly at all. The other friend, it was extremely painful, a year and a half ago. As I was driving home, I ended stopping at my sister's​ and cried hard on her shoulders. I have never done that.
      My friend and I did say a couple of things while still in each other's presence. I got to my car and bawled and screamed at God and cried to him. And, later we had a few texts, a few emails, but could not resolve things. We have not talked since. These were Christian women. So, it comes down to me, my personality, again.
      I am very hesitant to make friends, or have friends, Christian or otherwise I had decided. And, it's not easy to do so in the first place. I have struggled with my being alone in Heaven. My family is not saved ... Except I can decide that my sister did pray with me many years ago ... tho only Catholic orientation. My father when deathly ill also prayed with me. It was a God moment but of course I questioned it all. I was not close to him, I hardly knew him which was probably a good thing.
      I am not sure if I should say all this ... And well, just agree with you, period. Because, isn't this the Christian thing to do?

    27. Cathi, I have no idea what transpired and don’t need to know, but I see your heart in your words here, Sister, and I want you to know that I love you as my God given family and we are connected by the Holy Spirit in a way that is unbreakable.
      That’s just how it is. Even if you never responded to me again on this side, it wouldn’t matter because we now have an eternal connection. In Heaven you will never know any kind of loneliness. None of us will. And I am still praying for your family and their miracle of knowing Jesus personally. All things are possible through Him. Can’t wait to meet you in that Throne Room, Sis. Be blessed and feel Blessed:-)

    28. Thank you Sheila B for your previous comment and this one above. I don't know what to say except Thank You. And, I will think about what you said.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Robyn, I'm praying for you! Be very blessed! Cathi also! Much blessings!

    2. There have been reports of large size hail storms with dozens of geese falling dead from the sky in Idaho sad sad story all these innocent animals being killed by hail now prayers going up !

    3. East Idaho News yt channle

    4. Saudi arabia lots of people and ani als injured by large hail storm

    5. Many fish YT channle
      Trump fire and holy fire same day along with chemical gas Syria ...


    6. Jeramiah, I don’t know if you’ve seen it but Mbb333 has set up a site just to track the odd wildlife behavior across the country and he’s got reports coming in from all over. The animals are always one of the first “Tells” (as Jimboni would say) to the balance of the earth going terribly awry.
      Many of these creatures are appearing to be dumbstruck. And we are breathing the same air they are.
      May the Lord keep us covered with His precious Blood and saving Grace!
      Blessings, Brother!

    7. Blessings my dear sister Sheila B I noticed he had added that and to add to that one of my local clients posted on their facebook today chickens and roosters showing up surrounding his store !!! Maranatha ...

    8. Wow. It’s almost like a lot of these birds are wanting to get inside buildings, like they are trying to seek shelter from something we can’t see. And seagulls flocking inland? Why are they leaving their natural habitats and food source. Something wicked this way comes and I believe these birds and animals are telling us about it. Just like in that Indonesian tsunami in 2005 I think, when all of the animals started running for higher ground just before it hit. They know.
      Blessings and Maranatha!!!

    9. Sheila B. et al, great point about the Tells of the Flocks, for sure. By the way, I wouldn't be concerned about these situations being a response to a toxin. One Truth science has been ongoing discovering is the connectedness the animals have to the electro-magnetic frequencies, to which I would add, also other higher dimensional wavelengths we cannot 'see' into. Animals are known for seeing spirit beings and sensing moves in the spirit world. As the macro stuff begins to come apart, esp if Annabel's on to something here, then our furry friends are plugged into a radio tuner now connected to a mosh pit of madness and they are adrift, with that looking different depending upon the animal and how it relates to its environ. Maranatha!

  29. While all eyes are so much focused on the Middle East and Syria war these days, two days ago nobody seemed to have noticed this one in Northern Europe: Civil defense false alarm created panic over 'Russian Invasion' in Norway town which reminds me of the Hawaiian nuclear false alarm some time ago... Tensions are rising, the "popcorn is popping" (LOL Jimboni!) everywhere now!! MARANATHA!

    1. I saw that, Annabel, and wasn’t it not too long ago that we had troops over there
      doing a joint exercise in Norway in preparation for just such an invasion?
      And just recently, they held the drill here in US prepping for a communications blackout that involved the Ham operators as well.
      The mind games they are laying on folks is incredible.
      With this Dark Sky Week coming up, the fog of deception is beginning to get a bit suffocating.
      Seeing on Fox now that Trump’s major decisions on US response to “heinous attack” in Syria will occur in next 24-48 hours. Buckling Up!

  30. Likewise interesting... is this news suggesting that after all this recent data scandal "Facebook cannot be fixed but should rather be REPLACED" (zerohedge 4/9/18) (now we do ask by which kind of global social media system other than the coming 666 one?) Hmmm...

  31. Also very interesting! YT Jerusalem's Gate – Israel strikes first after gas attack in Syria!
    Amirs update – 3 updates already for 3 days! Special update on Israeli airstrikes in Syria, April 9, 2018.
    This is probably beginning! We are almost at home! Maranatha!

    1. I agree Alla. I think it’s just about on over there. If Trump jumps in with both feet in retaliation for the gas attacks, I believe Russia and Iran will respond. Iran may already be planning a response to the Iranian’s killed in the Israeli attacks.
      Gotta be getting down to the last moments.
      Be well, Sister. Love you and prayers up!

    2. Sheila B., In light of today being the 9th and my posting, below, concerning 4/11, well now, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, ...Abba UP! Maranatha!

    3. Thus afternoon at Daily Crow:
      US – led Air and Missile Strikes against Syria “Likely, within HOURS” as UN Security Council Mtg Descends into Chaos. Russia tells US “You WANT war!” &
      Syria ‘chemical attack’: Russia and US in fierce row at UN. Nikki Haley on suspected Syria chemical attack: ‘We are on the edge of a dangerous precipice’. Maranatha!

  32. G 'Day Family. Just had something cross my radar wanted to share. I've been a contributor at The Five Doves for years now and saw a post recently to share. SEEKER posted: "Know that SUMMER is near" re their belief of Summer being the season that we will know in advance.

    In 1 Thessalonians 5:1 it says we WILL know the SEASON of the Rapture. ( Fall, Winter, Spring Summer ).
    "know that SUMMER is near...even at the doors" Matthew 24:32,33
    Luke 21:29, 30 "Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
    When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that SUMMER is now nigh at hand."
    " You yourselves know the Season" 1 Thessalonians 5:1.
    It's like 2 bookends:
    Matthew and Luke mention the beginning of SUMMER, and Jeremiah mentions the end of SUMMER.
    "The harvest is past, the SUMMER is ended, and we are not saved" (those left behind).
    Jeremiah 8:20.

    Well, what is interesting is that, in the post, the mistake is made to use Northern Hemisphere Seasonal dates, not equatorial ones. Therefore, SEEKER thinks this pushes everything back to July/August+. However, we know that Israel is what we look to and Israel as TWO seasons only: Summer & Winter and Summer? In Israel, 2018: SUMMER BEGINS MARCH 23 – (https://igoogledisrael.com/israel-summer-time-when-does-israel-change-its-summer-clock/).

    Oh, Bunny-Trail find: When did Israel change their clocks last 'Fall'? 9/23/17. Yup, even in Israel, officially, they recognized 9/23/17 as a day when These Times, they are a' changin'.

    Once again we see our Abba giving pictures, perhaps, of Harpazo in the Springtime (Song of Solomon) where there IS NO SPRING IN ISRAEL (technically, think early Summer) ) AND in the Summer for the Gentile World, the one in focus as THIS era concludes, (if correct herein) without contradiction!

    You may note, if you go, that Elliot Hong, another poster @ The Five Doves for many years, put up "A Possibility that 3 Days of Darkness begins from 411" (i.e. 4/11). Wouldn't you know it? Ron Reese' name pops up again here, see http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jan2018/ronr121.htm for his posting there, back in January 2018, "APRIL 11TH IS A DAY MARKED BY GOD!".

    Fascinating. Seems like things are right on schedule. Go figure. Maranatha!

    1. Those are some awesome deductions re the seasons, Jimboni. I had not realized until just recently that Israel only counted 2 seasons. I forget exactly where I saw it...something I was looking at regarding the New Year of the Trees back in January I think. Will check the 5 doves again.

      Here’s something I really appreciated and felt close to heart today from Brother Todd @It Is Finished:
      He spoke of how the amount of info alone that has been revealed to us in such a short period of time reveals just how close we have to be. It is just too intense for us to be carrying it around in our hearts and heads for very long. I already feel like smoke has gotta be coming out of my ears at times as my brain tries to process
      everything we are seeing and hearing. And the frustration in my heart for those around me who refuse to admit that
      things are so drastically and rapidly escalating
      makes me want to
      hit them over the head with the Bible.
      He’s gotta be pulling us out soon and very soon!!!
      Maranatha, Brother!

    2. Thank you Jimboni, it's great! Making thoughts! Maranatha!

    3. Amen brother Jimboni thank you so much for sharing that with us I never knew that Israel only has 2 seasons winter and summer ! MARANATHA !!!

    4. The (only) two seasons are in fact biblical: read what God says about it after the flood to Noah in Genesis 8:22 Might be that we were spoiled with additional spring and autumn in the Northern hemisphere because all over the world there are hardly more than 2 seasons to be found.

      Jimboni, Jeremiah 8:20 is one of my favourites regarding the season of the foolish virgins... But yet I hope we're out here before June/July. If this fake man-made "Geostorm" weather additionally continues, I don't know how anyone of us will make it without being just fried or collapsing this summer. I mean, 2016+17 were awful already, but this one...? MARANATHA!

  33. India builds over 14,000 bunkers
    In preperarion for war so they say!!
    Article im zerohedge.com link below Maranatha ....


  34. The last trump title spring or fall rapture...yt channle blessed hope 2018


  35. Sister Cathi...I’m going to ask you to partake in some of my weird stuff
    again. I woke up this morning a little after 5am with the very vivid words “when you see the blue monoliths” repeated twice.
    That’s it. I only know this is not something from my own normal thought process. No tv or radio on either.
    I even had to look up what exactly a monolith is. Basically mountain sized rocks which are scattered around the world. Found some artwork for sale with similar titles but nothing to make sense of the phrase. So I thought I’d pick your brain.
    (Remember the foxes and foxholes? Melissa at Midnight Hour Oil had a dream about that today regarding Israel.
    Thought that was interesting.)
    So anyway, if you have any thoughts on “blue monoliths”, I’d be happy to hear them.
    Blessings, Sister!

    1. Sheila B., Hi, (feeling like a Mission-Impossible spy wearing a Cathi Disguise), how long has it been since you've seen :2001: A Space Odyssey"? When reading your post, the image leapt into my mind's eye before I even finished the sentence. I am not sure if there were more than one, but perhaps, and likely more than one scene in any event, and it may not even matter anyways in the original but only in the actual we come to see. My thoughts:

      The Blue Monolith in that story are the manifested presence/portal with the 'divine' other-worldly 'creators' who use the Monolith to commune with their creation, Man, and bump it to the next level. Ex.: Cro-Magnon 'man' touches the Monolith, present long before he was, has an internal 'awakening' and then picks up a bone and uses it as a tool (weapon, of course) and INDUSTRY and WARFARE are born simultaneously, (appropriate) in response to the 'gods' gifting Man with Hidden KNOWLEDGE & "SELF AWARENESS". Is any of this sounding like a familiar playbook?

      As we await continuing manifestations of impending Grand Deceptions, and ponder what form the Midnight Cry will take, as I posted on recently, it feels like this Word is telling us that a next event marking a 'click' of the gears to the next phase may be the APPEARANCE of such manifestations, whatever form they may actually take (?). Maranatha!

    2. YouTube: 2001: The Monolith appears ... the dawn of man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9woRJ7-mD7Y Maranatha!

    3. Wow...just wow, Jimboni. I have never watched the movie, only read about Hal and the AI aspect of it. Don’t recall reading about this monolith thing, tho. I’m gonna have to try and find it.
      Thank you my Spy Brother! That definitely gives some clarity to what and maybe why I was hearing that.
      Blessings, Brother:-)

    4. I just had my daughter order the 2001: A Space Odyssey movie for me. She was like “Mom, why in the world do you want a 50 year old sci-fi movie?” Then before I could explain, it was “Never mind, I don’t even wanna know.” :-D
      Thanks again for the heads up, Jimboni.

    5. Sheila B., I suggest you pray before watching and strongly invite The Spirit of Our Lord to Indwell your home while you do and to unpack for you what He wanted to tell you. You are being obedient in seeking His Call in this and, as you see the enemy's lie on bold and crafty display, know you do His Will in seeking Him in this (one reason He tends to Hide Things, donchaknow) AND that, in studying the wiles of that enemy, you move towards being as wise AS (equal to) serpents (to be effective while) gentle as doves, Maranatha!

    6. Sheila B., Hi, back again, miss me? My turn, wow, oh wow, or maybe we will all laugh silly at ourselves later, but check this out. 1st: Watch online (as possible), there has to be a way and seeing it sooner will pay; 2nd, as sharing my day with my teenage son, Caleb, I was unpacking your vision, my insight/post and, as I did, my prior training in this area kicked in and here it is:

      Are you sitting down? Take a deep breath. Slowly, and another. OK. Quite clearly, IF I am Over The Target with the movie pic, and I am pretty sure I am, the Message is abundantly clear. PRIOR to DEPARTURE, we will all SEE, with our OWN (Physical) EYES (Job 19:27), a physical manifestation of a technology or presence, displayed in coordinated fashion under higher intelligence, before the entire world. LIKE THE SUN. NO ONE WILL ARGUE ABOUT IF IT IS THERE.

      In light of events on the floor of the UN, today, and statements made there, ...Matthew 25:10


    7. Jimboni, I pursued your link and it led me to some in depth analysis of the film. And yes, I did have to pray while watching all of it. Nor will I argue with what you have surmised that we may all well see.
      I was reminded of several dreams/ visions reported on YT recently of an Event Horizon type of thing that all would be witnessing.
      There was a similar depiction in the film of that. My big take away was in Kubrick’s penchant for Deception. I don’t know if I could actually sit through the whole movie:-/
      What is weird is how some months back, this same film came up to me re a certain banned entity we no longer name here using the Hal and A.I
      references. I don’t know why me as I had never seen it. That one took me days to figure out who Hal even was.
      Mysterious ways, I guess.
      Yes, Brother, we must guard our hearts and minds continuously in the coming days and be prepared for the phenomenal things
      we may witness.
      Many Blessings, Teach and Maranatha!!!

    8. Sheila B., G' Day. Let me tell you 'why you'. It is specifically BECAUSE you have never seen the movie or been part of that group of folks impacted by it. It is not hard to find articles extoling that film as the most important Sci-Fi film in history, and there is a good sociological argument there. In fact, It can be challenging to find urban dwellers in USA of 40+ years of age who Haven't been significantly impacted by, and seen the film. This is one major element that validated this entire Vision for me: that the words were so clear/specific and that YOU HAD NO CLUE. Maranatha!

  36. Here the last news. Israel National News – 'Great March' is an attempt to destroy Israel
    Israel strongly condemns the chemical-weapons attack in Syria
    Haley: We will respond to Syria attack
    Trump to decide on possible military strike in next 24-48 hours:
    “I’d like to start by condemning the heinous attack on innocent Syrians with banned chemical weapons. It was an atrocious attack, it was horrible. You don’t see things like that – as bad as the news is around the world, you just don’t see those images. We are study the situation extremely closely. We are meeting with our military and everybody else. We’ll be making some major decisions over the next 24 to 48 hours.”

    1. And the latest news – US - led Air and Missile Strikes against Syria "Likely, within HOURS" as UN Security Council Mtg Descends into Chaos. Russia tells US "You WANT war!"
      Praying! The Lord comes really quickly! Maranatha!

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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.