2025? Guess We Shall Soon Find Out! Keep Watching!

Our sister over at the But That's Just Me blog has a new post in which she shares some important videos relating how close we are to the return of Jesus. I really appreciate here compiling so many resources together with each post, and she even added a link Lyn Melvin's latest post as well. Many of us feel that a weight has been lifted with the new administration taking over, but let us all remain focused on our blessed hope, not in any government but in Jesus Christ alone. Our present troubles (and victories) will be just a tiny blip when compared to the immenseness of eternity that will soon lay before us (2 Cor 4:17). God Bless you all, Abba Up! 

 Here is a link to the article... 


  1. RE: 7-Year Revelation 12 Sign - Countdown to the Rapture?

    Thanks for the new Post. Hope you and Family are doing well. Many Brethren are excited that 2025 could finally be the Rapture Year. Let us hope...

    So, of course I have an Article and Chart about the 7-Year Revelation 12 Sign Countdown to the Rapture. :) It is just to show the Perspective and based on a Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Time-Frame.

    Note that, as written about this Topic prior, the Revelation 12 Sign is not ‘Done’. One is still of the Opinion that the literal fulfillment occurs as a Delineation of the 2 Halves of the Book of Revelation Timeline. Here are some interesting Observations about the Astronomical Alignment that occurs on the 12-Year Cycle of Jupiter having its Retrograde, again in the Constellation of Virgo, in 2028-29. This Year would make it the Mid-Point of the Tribulation and when the 'Woman', Israel flees to Petra, i.e., Bosra...the Remnant, etc.


    -Enters Virgo’s ‘Womb’: November 1, 2028
    -Exits Womb: December 20, 2028 (Winter Solstice)
    -Begins Retrograde: February 14, 2029 (Valentine's Day)
    -Enters Womb: April 1, 2029 (Passover)
    -Ends Retrograde: June 20 (Summer Solstice)
    -Birthed out of Virgo: August 20, 2029



    1. Dear Lu, Brother Christian was kind to answer me. It is not what I expected but he answered and it is good. I copy his answer:

      il y a 4 heures
      That's a little long for the comments section, but if you download the free copy of my book, Witnessing the End, you will find answers for the things that we can know now. Some of the things you have asked are still being revealed, like who is the antichrist. I have a video explaining that the antichrist and the beast that rises from the sea are not really the same thing. One is a person but the other is a kingdom, a system, with many horns (leaders).
      Take a look at some of those things and if after looking through the materials you still have questions, I put my email address at the end of every video.

    2. Hello Carole,
      Thanks for getting back to us about the Brother and his Theory of the Tribulation Period having already started, back in 2020. Many Brethren do believe that as well. But as they say, ‘To each there own’. However, one is suspect even more after what little he replied to. If he cannot answer conclusively the simple Evidence that should be fact and proof by now, then one is not ‘buying it’.

      As it has been said, ‘Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidence’. That is all. One’s Critique is that by now, there should be no Guessing nor Doubt.

      Based on his Timeline, the Tribulation is already 3/4th of the way done. And if he cannot identify who the AntiChrist is by now? One cannot really follow his Interpretation. Not that one’s is better or more correct, but he is introducing Interpretations that one has not even heard of until now, 45 Years later.

      That the Beast and the AntiChrist are not the same? Sure, there is the Beast, 2 of them, from the Sea and then the Land, i.e. the False Prophet. But then there is the Beast System. Perhaps is conflating the 2 or is not really skilled a Rightly Dividing Word, in one’s Humble Opinion.

      So, one will leave it at that.
      Thanks for bring in to our Attention.


    3. Thanks Lu, I agree with you. We wouldn't be able to buy or sell, go to a restaurant, see a movie and all if we were in the tribulation since 2020. It's nice to see the different opinions on the end times, we learn more about prophecies and timelines, and our blessed hope remains in the right place if I may say so. I appreciate your time on the site despite your busyness. God bless your life!

  2. RE: July 23 New Moon
    PART 1/2

    Lyn and Fam,
    I had never thought of the Planet X possibly causing a Red Moon? Nice. :) Here are 2 Charts that depict the Morning and Evening of the July 23, 2025 New Moon. As one has advocated for this Date, it is one’s Theory and Day Calculation of when the Acts 2 Pentecost Event occurred. And that perhaps, the Anniversary of the Empowering of the Church Age Believers will see its conclusion of the Commission on the very same Day.

    The Charts will show on the July 23, 2025 Day, the Sun comes up just over the Mount of Olives toward the Eastern Horizon. The Constellation of Gemini rises from 6 AM. And from that Time to 9 AM is when back in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit came down as described to be like Tongues of Fire upon the Heads of all the Disciples of Jesus, there at the Temple Precinct. One is not convinced that this Event of Pentecost took place at the Upper Room.

    One was contemplating the ‘Transformation’ or the Changing that will take place at the Rapture, at a ‘Moment’ or an ‘Instance’. In the Greek, that Word is for ‘In a Moment is where one gets the Word for Atom. It is a Measure of Time or Quantity. In other words, consider that one has been promised a Glorified Body like Jesus has presently. It can walk through Walls, Appear and Reappear at will and travel to and from Heaven at the Speed of Thought. It will not Die and will never get sick or corrupt. Above all, it will not be infused Genetically with the Adamic Sinful Nature any Longer.

    ‘Listen, I tell you a Mystery: We will not all Sleep, but we will all be Changed— in an Instant, in the Twinkling of an Eye, at the Last Trumpet. For the Trumpet will sound, the Dead will be raised Imperishable, and we will be Changed’. -1 Corinthians 15:51-52

    GREEK 15:52
    ἐν >>> ἀτόμῳ <<< ἐν ῥιπῇ ὀφθαλμοῦ ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ σάλπιγγι· σαλπίσει γάρ καὶ οἱ νεκροὶ ἐγερθήσονται ἄφθαρτοι καὶ ἡμεῖς ἀλλαγησόμεθα.

    That which cannot be cut in 2, or divided, indivisible or of a Moment of Time.

    Now realize that it has been studied, that at the Time of Jesus’ Resurrection, His Body ‘Exploded’ with such Energy and Light, that it fused the Impression of His Body onto the Shroud, into the very Fibers. And it has been calculated that to do that, it would have required an Atomic Type and Level of Energy to do so. And that is what will occur at the Resurrection-Rapture Event. One’s Body will be ‘Changed’ or Transformed, at the Atomic Level.

    Jesus will miraculously change the DNA Structure to be able to have such a ‘Glorified’ Body as He has. One cannot wait for that. This is why at the Rapture, it will be about ‘Going Nuclear’, literally as one’s Body will experience such Light and Energy as one is Snatched-Up and Transformed by the Time one reaching the Rendezvous Meeting Place in the Clouds.

    1. Part 2/2
      And it will be invisible to the World, but what an Event that will be. It will match how the GOD the Holy Spirit came down and was manifested as the Tongues of Fire, of Light, of Energy, ‘Atomic’ Energy that will occur again at the Conclusion of the Church Age. Afterall, the Church Age has been a 200 Year-Long Dispensation of Power that was promised by Jesus.

      ‘The Axe lies ready at the Root of the Trees, and every Tree that does not produce Good Fruit will be cut down and thrown into the Fire. I baptize you with Water for Repentance, but after me will come One more powerful than I, whose Sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. His Winnowing Fork is in His Hand to clear His Threshing Floor and to gather His Wheat into the Barn; but He will burn up the Chaff with Unquenchable Fire’. -Matthew 3:10-12

      As one can read, the Fire came down. That was the Pentecost of Acts 2, and this Fire has fueled the Power and Enabling of the Brethren since that Day, the Day of the New Wine. And how the same Element, Fire is used to Empower but also to Purge and Judge. It has purged the Bride but will burn the Beast.

      In terms of some Astronomical Observations on that Day, the Sun is in Cancer that is interpreted to be the Sheep Pen, and the Beehive as in a Rendezvous Place. It is about the End-Gathering. The Moon will be a New Moon, so it will be ‘Invisible’ and right in the Heart of the Constellation of Gemini. As noted, the Constellation in Ancient Times was that of a Couple, a Man and a Woman, signifying the Marriage Union of Christ and His Bride, etc.

      Then the Planet of the Messiah, the King Planet is also here in Gemini. So, if one was a Jew, especially of the Type that does know about the Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars, one would take note of this Alignment seriously. One could interpret as the Messiah has come for the Bride, and has taken her, who has ‘Disappeared’ like the Moon as the Sun takes here to the ‘Cancer’ Beehive or Sheep Pen Rendezvous Place. This is the occasion where the Staging Ground will take place at the Moment of the Rapture, in the Air, amongst the Clouds before being ushered into the Father’s House through the Golden Gates of the New Jerusalem, etc.



      July 23, 2025 and on July 23, 32 AD

  3. It’s gut wrenching watching what Israel is enduring every single day. There are just no words to describe it anymore other than Hell on earth.

  4. Hamas brutally murdered 4 yr old Ariel Bibas, his nine month old brother Kfir, their mother Shiri, her mother and father and the dog. Now, Amir said the body returned today by Hamas savages is not that of Shiri Bibas. So, where is she?

  5. Something is happening, this is the second time I put links for videos, it appears on the site page normally, and as soon as I close the page and come back, there is nothing left of what I put! 🤷‍♀️
    This remains at 8 comments and not 10 comments.

    I had put the videos of Supernatural By Design. He made two of them. Hoping I can continue adding videos.

  6. RE: Is 2025 the Year of the Rapture?

    Judi, Carole and Fam,
    Thanks for sharing the Video of Jarrett about the 32 AD Crucifixion Year and how that leads or is connected then to 2025 and 2032. It sure seems or appears compelling, just based on the Numbers. But Many-a-Times, Theories and Number Calculations had also seemed to be ‘Solid’.

    However, what Jarrett has presented is in-line with what has been one’s latest Conjecture and Calculation also, as you all know. In fact, you all have been the 1st to know or be presented with such Theories. Jarrett did a good job at explaining the Julian to Gregorian Year Count Discrepancy. What one finds rather frustrating is how still, most Brethren dismiss it and hold to the Long-Held Teaching so either a Thursday or Friday Crucifixion, regardless of Hour Duration and how the Crucifixion was either in 31 AD still or in 33 AD, just because of Jesus’ Birth Age.

    Such people do not realize that it is impossible for Jesus to be 33 Years Old in the Year 33 AD, especially as the same type of People assert that Jesus was born in either r-7 BC, -5 BC or -1 BC, etc. It seems every Year is being ‘hit’ except the ones that are the True ones, in one’s Opinion.

    One is presently doing a Study on the Year 2025 and how it is tied to 1948, Israel and the Birth of Abraham. Why? Well, the End of the Church Age, which has been described to be of those having the Faith of Abraham, not by Works is what the Man-Child will be delivered on. In some way or manner, the Rapture will be about the Birth or Deliverance of those having this same Faith, etc.

    So, if one added 1,948 Years from the speculated Creation Year, in BC Years here is a very interesting Date that results. How the Creation Year is 1 of those Topics that is debated, divisive and not known for sure. Some have estimated that it is correlated to -4004 BC. Others have a Range of Years from that to -4001 BC, to -3992 and so on.

    If you remember, Brother Gary at Unsealed.org attempted to plot the 7-Year Shemitahs or Sabbath Cycles to possibly help determine when the Year of the Rapture was to be. That is when, back in 2022, the Hype was that it could have been the Rapture Year. Even one was on-board with this Year Calculation because it was based on the 1952 Shemitah Start of the Year Count, once Israel returned to the Promised Land. And that was because of the Law of Trees and the Parable of the Unfruitful Fig Tree. The Waiting Period was 4 Years. Thus,

    1948 + 4 Years (Law of Trees) = 1952 + 70 Years = 2022

    1. PART 2/2
      One was also factoring the 70 Year Babylonian Captivity. What one then surmised is that there is a 3.5 Time-Frame that one presented, but that the subsequent Shemitah Count or Sabbath Cycle would be what determines when the Abomination of Desolation occurs. This is then based on the following Calculation.

      2022 + 7 Year Shemitah = 2029 (Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation?)

      Thus, if one holds to a 7-Year Tribulation Period, one has to subtract the 3.5 1st Half of the Sabbath Cycle and that would then result in the Year 2025, as having to be the Start Year of the tribulation. And using Deductive Reasoning, if held to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, then the Rapture Event has to occur in 2025, just the same. Then there is one’s Creation Year Calculation. If one settles on the Year -3973 BC as Year ‘’0’, then adding the Numerical Factor of Israel’s reestablishment in the Promised Land to be 2025. Well,, one thinks this is very interesting.

      Creation -3973 BC (Year 0) + 1948 Years = Year -2025 BC

      There is also some Controversy as to when Abraham was born. Some say it was in -1948 BC. However, some have erroneously confused the AM Anno Mundi with the BC Year Count, etc. So, these are one’s Thoughts at the moment on how, if the Creation Year is actually -3973 BC, then the Numerical Factors of ‘1948’ is tied to ‘2025’. The Year 2025 is the 77th Year from 1948. And adding the Last Sabbath, or that Last Week of Years known as Daniels’ 70th Week will be the 84th Year in 2032.

      And as you all know, one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline is what one is currently considering is the Working Model as of this Write-Up. It fits well with the Timeline of the Prophetess Anna in her 84 Year Timeline, as a Euphemism of when Israel, the Jews will behold Jesus and see Him again at His return. That is, after all when He only Promised to Return, the Jewish Believing Remnant would finally say, Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the LORD’.

      Keep the Watch and not Weary…


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.