Prayers for Our Land

If you were lucky enough to watch the presidential inauguration this week, you were proably like me in being amazed at how Christian the ceremony was.  From the speeches, the songs, to the multiple powerful prayers... I was just amazed.  It was a beautiful ceremony and God was glorified!   Here are a couple of the prayers below, but I urge you to go back and watch the entire ceremony as it was a beautiful day for our country.

Here are the videos and transcripts of a couple of the prayers...

Prayer by Loenzo Sewell: “Heavenly Father, we’re so grateful that you gave our 45th and now our 47th president. A millimeter miracle. We are grateful that you are the one that have called him for such a time as this, that America would begin to dream again. We pray that we would fulfill the true meaning of our creed that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. We pray that you use our president, that we will live in a nation where we will not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character. Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we are so grateful today that you will use our 47th president. So we would sing with new meaning, ‘My country, ’tis the sweet land of liberty; land where my father’s, land of the pilgrims’ pride—from every mountainside, let freedom ring.’

And because America is called to be a great nation, we believe that you will make this come true. So let freedom ring from the peritious hilltops of New Hampshire; let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania; let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado; let freedom ring from the curvaceous hilltops of California.

But God, we’re asking you not only that. Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain, GA; let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee; let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill in Mississippi; from every state, every city, every village, and every hamlet.

And when we let freedom ring, we will be able to speed up that day when all of your children—black men and white men, Protestant, Catholic, Jew and Gentile—will be able to sing in the meaning of that old spiritual: ‘Free at last, free at last.’ Thank you. God Almighty, we are free at last.

If you believe with the spirit of the Lord, if there is liberty, come on—put your hands together and give your great God great glory.”

Prayer by Franklin Graham: “Our Father and our God, thou hast said, blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. As the prophet Daniel declared: ‘Blessed be the name of God, forever and ever. For wisdom and might are His. He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.’”

“Our Father, today, as President Donald J. Trump takes the oath of office once again, we come to say thank you, O Lord our God. Father, when Donald Trump’s enemies thought he was down and out, You, and You alone, saved his life and raised him up with strength and power by Your mighty hand. We pray for President Trump that You’ll watch over, protect, guide, and direct him. Give him Your wisdom from Your throne on high. We ask that You would bless him and that our nation would be blessed through him.”

“We also ask that You would bless and protect Melania as First Lady. We thank You for the beauty, the warmth, and the grace that she shows, not only to this nation but to the whole world.”

“We thank You for Vice President-elect J.D. Vance and his wife, Lucia, and their young family. May he be a strength to President Trump, to stand beside him, to hold up his arms like Aaron held up the arms of Moses in the midst of battle.”

“The prophet Samuel reminded the people it was You that brought them up from the land of Egypt. And he said, ‘Now stand still that I may reason with you before the Lord.’ So, Father, we take this moment to stand still, to remember the great things that You have done for this nation. Thank You for the protection, the bounty, the freedoms that we so enjoy.”

“We remember to keep our eyes fixed on You, and may our hearts be inclined to Your voice. We know that America can never be great again if we turn our backs on You. We ask for Your help.”

“We pray all of this in the name of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Your Son, my Savior, and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.”


  1. Brad, dear Brother, thank you for printing out those prayers. The 1st by Loenzo Sewell moved me to tears as he quoted Dr. Martin Luther King.

    Franklin Graham's prayer spoke of the Books of Daniel and Exodus--both earmarking the time we are in as we witness the end of the Dispensation of Grace.


    1. The Bible says…. Col 3:17  And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him.

  2. RE: Off-Topic Response from Prior Post

    Bob and Fam,
    Perhaps the Reason I might ‘Write’ more succinct and clearer, since visiting Parents for the Christmas Break is that one was not distracted with all the Politics and Drama going on at my Campus. For perspective of the State's Mismanagement of Tax-Payer Funds, the State cannot account for or has 'Lost' $20 Billion, with a 'B' of the allocated Funds for the Homeless Problem. Compare that to save a State University in the upper 1/3 Tier in the State System with $23 Million to cover?

    If you all want to know and have a look, it is pretty depressing at Sonoma State. Again we have made the National News. Perhaps it is a Sign of things to come. My Position is ‘OK’ for now but just goes to show the ineptitude of the Democrat Type of Leadership that has run a Great University to the ground; much like with the Fires in L.A. Sad. But because our Spring Semester just started back-up, I will have less Time to Write and Research, as usual...







    1. Lu...I'm glad that you found Peace + Clarity from being with your parent's during Christmas Break and not having to deal with all the Politics + Drama that's going on at your campus.  So sad to hear about the mismanagement and 24 million budget deficit at Sonoma State.    Also about the 46 faculty members that will not have their contracts renewed plus the 4 management and 12 staff positions that will be eliminated.  One prays that your position will not be on the chopping block too!

      Btw, I noticed in the article that Sonoma State is eliminating their Environmental Studies Department.   That was my major at Sac State.   Who's going to save the California Tiger Salamander, Giant Garter Snake + Delta Smelt?   DJT?   Don't count on it!   When mankind destroys their environment (soil, water + air), wildlife habitat and everything else that God created and put on this magnificent Planet...we're toast!    No stewardship of the land, very few sustainable programs and lots of corporate greed these days.   May God help us all!     


  3. “We shouldn’t normalize Trump. Trump has done something no person in the world has ever done before. [A dead man, a dead politician, has risen.”] ...

    A panel of globalists at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos stating that President Trump and his America first movement has defeated their agenda. [Date: 1/"24"/25].

    Sound familiar? ...

    " ... for the "dead in Christ shall rise" first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up ...

    Statement took place on the "24th" day. Perhaps a hint that the "Trump" of the Rapture will occur before the Hebrew year 2024 is over in a few more months? We can only hope.

    1. “This is the greatest comeback in political history for a politician, and therefore he thinks he can do anything. There’s a supreme confidence now about that,” Allison continued."

      Key words in this statement made after the one above on this day of the 24th are "supreme confidence now about that"

      "This is a phenomenon we shouldn’t try to understand only in the terms we traditionally accept. We should say something strange, new, and amazing is happening here, and we should study it,” Allison further urged.

      Hmmmmm ... interesting language coming from her mouth after her first statement above wouldn't you say?

      Yale University Professor Walter Reed emphasised “I think we need to also factor in not only who has won (Trump) but also who has lost, which is to say us.” By ‘us,’ I mean the general intellectual, professional, managerial people who believed history was over, and we were merely administering and managing things according to clear and known rules,” Reed explained.

      “Something new, not necessarily better, but new, is moving into the center,” he added.

      My parting statement is this ...

      "He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the churches ..."

      Apostle John's words to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation.

    2. I think we have to keep in mind that Trump is a lame-duck president, and the pattern is that lame-duck presidents usually flex more muscle than they do in their first term. What I am seeing and I am sure many more are seeing the same thing, that Trump is more aggressive and confident this time around. It’s like he has the run of the chess board, making moves in any direction that he wants. He has the mandate to come in, as if riding a white horse waving the “America First” banner.

      Uprooting everything he touches, his cabinet will do things never done before in the Washington swamp, he is bent on solidifying his legacy as a master builder. As the world went backwards, Trump is destined to turn it upright, keeping in mind the times we are living in. The world has never seen a businessman / politician with this much political and business sway.

      In the interim, the globalist have seemingly back off of their global reset, not hardly in my opinion, let’s remember what the Bible says….. 2Th 2:7  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
      2Th 2:8  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
      2Th 2:9  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
      2Th 2:10  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

      Instead of the great reset coming out in global form, we will see the rise of the unification of the 7 headed dragon territories with the 10 horns coming out of it. If Biden / Harris or Harris / Waltz were president the global reset would have been right around the corner, America would have been taken down, no problem.

      But with Trump, it does not stop the global reset, it’s implementation is just postponed. In the meantime, his policies will be used to set up the geo-political, technological, economic infrastructures for such a time as this.

      We already have the endtime model written in scripture, I think things are shaping up to fit that model. The advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Digital ID Passports, Digital Currency, Digital Medicine, Digital Tracking, Digital Military etc. what will see is a revision of the Roman Empire, with the 10 kings / horns rising out of it.

      We will see the United States at the center of the push to divide Israel through the 2 State-solution, this will cause the United States to experience the April 8th 2024 eclipse judgement across America.

      The 3rd Temple, Two -State Solution, Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, Jews from all over the world returning to Israel, The end of Psalm 83 war, there has to be a peace-agreement in the very near future.

      The deal maker Trump will be used to bring these events about, these events could not happen under a Harris / Waltz administration.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes, I'm in agreement on that regarding President Trump. He isn't going to repel or delay anything in the globalists advancement of the destruction of America and the implementation of the New World Order. The deeply entrenched power of these Luciferian globalists is such that one doesn't get to be president of the U.S. unless you're controlled and/or "all in" with them/by them. The words spoken by them at the WEF meeting in Davos is all show. Putting so-called "opposition" against them into the American presidency is a play of theater by them to placate the gullible masses. One might say it's the role of "good cop" vs. "bad cop" ... all the while he is helping to advance their agenda.

      The point of me emphasizing their words to begin with was to show that the Holy Spirit may have been sending us (the Church) a subtle message that the Rapture is right around the corner. Hence, the words "a dead man has risen" and the following words spoken thereafter by them support the initial "hint" words i.e. hints the Holy Spirit is dropping concerning the raising of the dead in Christ. The Holy Spirit may be using certain of their words to send a message to us.

      This noteworthy statement also occurred “24” days after lightning struck “4” iconic buildings in America on New Year’s Eve in 2024: which is the number 42 in reverse - a number associated with the length of the two parts of the Tribulation and the rule of Antichrist (42 months) as well as the Rapture typology seen in 2 Kings chapter 2.

      Notable is that the official Youtube channel of the WEF is “47” minutes long and Donald Trump’s 2nd term as president is number 47.

    5. As we all may know, President Trump himself spoke at the Davos conference. As was reported by Hal Turner and, as far as I can see, sparsely mentioned by anyone else, it has been noticed by some that the American eagle (which is really a Phoenix bird) in the background over Trump’s shoulder on the screen has its head turned toward the right instead of the left as seen on the presidential podium. For those unaware, the Seal of the United States has two versions: 1 at peacetime and another for wartime. What almost no one noticed was the gigantic warning of “war” during that address.

      During peace, the head of the eagle is turned to OUR left, toward the olive branches in what WE SEE as it’s left Talon (claw). During wartime, the head of the Eagle is turned to OUR right, toward the Arrows of war in what WE SEE as it’s right Talon. On the Podium from which Trump spoke, the Eagles Head is turned to OUR left: Peace. But at the precise same time, the eagle image on the gigantic screen behind him, showed the eagle head turned toward what WE SEE as RIGHT: war.

      The aforementioned Luciferian globalist “elite” deal with symbolism an awful lot, so as to convey messages to each other. It is known that the Luciferian “elite” put these symbols in plain sight to mock the masses of people of the world whom they regard as stupid, expendable and something to be gotten rid of via their depopulation agenda through various means … including war.

      Years ago, there was a hit TV series called “West Wing,” which made a point of pointing this out in an episode. I've included the clip of the show segment in the updated section of my latest posting (THE ARROWS OF WAR: A "42" OMEN."

      The “Peace” Eagle was at the front of his Podium, and was small. The “war” Eagle was in the background, and gigantic. It can be logically deduced that the elite through Donald Trump is soon going to send the United States to war? If you will, take notice of the length of the West Wing video clip explaining the eagle symbolism. It is “42” seconds in length. You will notice that the video is 41 seconds long when seen directly on the YouTube platform. However, when it is embedded into a webpage on a site, it suddenly extends into "42" seconds instead of 41. Here again, the Old Testament Rapture typology of 2 Kings chapter 2, the two sections of the Tribulation period length and the length of the rule of the Antichrist are all associated with the number 42.

      Regarding the issue of the Rapture typology in 2 Kings chapter 2, the theme seen there is the two bears that attacked the 42 rapture mockers i.e. their mockery of Elisha after the disappearance (rapture) of Elijah. Is this yet another hint by the Holy Spirit that the modern repeat of history is about ready to play out with the two bears of Russia and China attacking America preceded by the “trump” of the Rapture – all expressed at the Davos WEF meeting?

      Something to seriously consider for 2025. Looks like their intentions are getting clearer by the day ... and at the same time, God is dropping those Rapture hints.

      Keep looking up and keep watching.

    6. It should noted that the aforementioned West Wing episode that featured an eagle on the carpet is the season one finale, titled “What Kind of Day Has It Been.” The episode aired on NBC on May 17, 2000. This proves to be quite prophetically interesting: From the time the show’s air date on television to the night of the Davos meeting in which the words A dead man, a dead politician, has risen” … were spoken was a total of “24” years (the number 42 backward), 8 months and 8 days. The number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man’s true “born again” event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.

      Jesus’ resurrection occurred three complete days after he was buried, which was at the end of the weekly Sabbath day that fell on Nisan 17. Nisan 17 was day 8, counting inclusively, from the time Christ was selected as man’s sacrificial Lamb. Jesus, after his resurrection, revealed himself alive 8 times just before his ascension into Heaven. The number 8 symbolizes circumcision of the heart through Christ and the receiving of the Holy Spirit (Romans 2:28 – 29, Colossians 2:11 – 13).

    7. President “Trump” was first elected president in 2017 for his first term in office. It was also the year that the Revelation 12 Rapture sign occurred, as well as the year that saw the first American eclipse in the eclipse triad culminating on April 8, 2024.

    8. Interestingly, from the time that the West Wing carpet eagle episode aired to the inauguration day of Donald “Trump” was 24 years, 8 months, 4 days. This also proves interesting as you get the number 48 from the last digit (days) to the middle digit (months) – and then finally you run into the number 42 (years) for the 2 Kings chapter 2 Rapture typology (the number 24 from left to right for the Hebrew year 2024 ending in April of Gregorian year 2025). April 8, 2024 (48) is also the date of the aforementioned last eclipse of the American eclipse triad.

    9. It is rather notable that we should keep getting the number 42 when read from right to left considering that the Rapture will be a judgment not just upon the whole left behind world, but Bible scripture also foreshadows the Rapture as being a special judgment upon the Christ rejecting nation of Israel. As we all know, the Hebrew language is read from right to left. One might consider this phenomenon a stroke of divine prophetic genius in the course of ominous end times signs. We see this "Rapture judgment upon the Jewish nation" theme expressed in Micah 7 ...

    10. The phrase “they hunt every man his brother with a net” seems like a typology, or a foreshadow of the Mark of the Beast system that the Antichrist will rule over for those 42 months. It is conceivable that the internet may have something to do with this evil Mark system. Lest we forget, it is here where we should keep in mind that President number 42, Bill Clinton and his administration displayed all the hallmark signs of the beginning of the season of the rise of the Antichrist spirit throughout the earth.

      Given the fact that the aforementioned Atlas G3 comet was located in the Sagittarius constellation on the day of the 13th when it reached perigee with the sun 7 days before the inauguration of Donald Trump, a constellation that represents the Antichrist, and then finally exited from view on the very day of his inauguration, we should take note of president “42” – Bill Clinton.

      There is a picture embedded with the update section of the article that shows the young, newly elected Attorney General of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, riding in a parade. Just over his right shoulder, the marquee on the movie theatre advertises a new movie that has come to town. It is called “THE OMEN.”

      The Hollywood hit movie tells the story of Ambassador Thorn and his wife who are presented with a new baby in a hospital in Rome, Italy. The new parents do not know that the infant, given birth by Mrs. Thorn, was murdered and substituted with a baby born of a Jackal. Little Dameon Thorn grows up to become the Antichrist. Over the years, as one person after another finds out who he is, Dameon or his protectors manage to kill them.

      The movie shows the various methods used to exterminate these acquaintances. One child falls through an ice-covered lake and drowns. A man who tries to tell ambassador Thorn about his son is “accidentally” decapitated as Thorn looks on. Dozens are killed through the years. Does that sound familiar? Over 150 people who worked with Clinton during his rise in the political world before becoming president and during his presidency met untimely deaths. Michael Rivero had a homepage on the internet with a continuing “Clinton Body Count.”

    11. Consider that from Bill Clinton (president 42) to the 2nd Trump presidency (president 47) we've had a grand total of 5 presidents - the biblical number for grace i.e. the Church Age of Grace. Number 5 is a "Trump" that just so happens to come along at the end of 2,000 years since the ascension of Christ i.e. the 2 days prophecy and the foreshadowing event of Christ's two day ministry into Samaria. This takes us to 2025-2026 thereabout considering the candidates for a crucifixion year. Just in time for a "Trump."

      So yeah, this should be a wrap. Done. See ya wouldn't want to be ya.

      Ears peeled.

  4. In light of the massive prophetic hinting from on high as expressed above, we get word that there is a "nuclear incident" training exercise taking place in New York over the next several days. Other types of training also took place before - such as training for an eventual incident like 9/11 before it happened. A nuclear event in America somewhere could be blamed on Russia - hence the 2 Kings chapter 2 Rapture/ bear attack typology.

    Only time will tell if 2025 will be the year or not. Sure is looking like it. My bet is this year or sometime on into 2026 given these notable prophetic hintings ... or shall we say "omens" taking place.

  5. Wow! Great stuff Corey! And Larry--I am absolutely on the same page with you, Brother!
    Like you all I am taking in as much as my limited brain can handle and am wanting to blog about it but got other things going on that are taking priority over my writing. Big hugs to everybody🤗

    1. Come on Lyn, we need you to blog in (Lol).

    2. Well, as I'm sitting here just now after putting that info into a separate posting rather than an update to the end of the last one, I was remembering that Bill Clinton was involved in the Whitewater scandal that got so much publicity. So just out of curiosity, I searched the term "Whitewater" into the online Bible site Bible gateway. Something very interesting popped up.

      Remembering that President Clinton was president 42, shockingly, the mention of “water” can be found in Psalm “42:7” …

      “Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me” (Psalm 42:7 – KJV).

      Other translations actually use the word “whitewater” in the very same chapter number 42 – followed by the number 7 for the verse number – a number signifying completion and considered to be God’s perfect number in the Bible :

      "Chaos calls to chaos, to the tune of whitewater rapids. Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers crash and crush me” (MSG).

      Here, we see yet another correlation with Clinton and the number 42 and the 42nd psalm with the same water theme characteristic.

      What a mic drop moment that was for me. Lol 😆

    3. Actually, it appears just that one version uses "Whitewater" while all the others use just "waterfall," the accurate translation. Still the theme of water. It is quite interesting that at least the one uses "Whitewater."

  6. Greetings, beautiful family! Here is a short video that tells a lot about this great illusion that is slowly coming together. They are using AI to communicate with the orbs. Listen to this!
    Strong Delusion🛸2 Thessalonians 2:11

  7. RE: Year of the Snake

    So, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! :)
    Here is a quick Chart about it and how the Google-Doodle Artwork depicts the Snake and the 6-6-6 Numerical Association with the Apple. One just sees a Biblical throwback to Eden. And as the Bible began, so it will end...Here is the Chart to see what one is talking about.

    Google Doodle Year of the Snake
    Celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year

    1. Here is the Article about the Year of the Snake.

      YEAR OF THE SNAKE: 2025
      Google Doodle 666 Motifs

      Keep the Watch,

      ‘But the Dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any Place found in Heaven for him and his Angels. And the Great Dragon was hurled down— that Ancient Serpent called the Devil and Satan, the Deceiver of the whole World. He was hurled to the Earth, and his Angels with him’. -Revelation 12:8-9 (The Revelation 12 War)

  8. Wild 1st month of 2025! In the US' 250th year as a nation. Eager to see what signs our Father gives us next month. There coming in fast now!

    STRONG'S 726
    The Rapture Event

    ‘For the LORD Himself will descend from Heaven with a Loud Command, with the Voice of an Archangel, and with the Trumpet of GOD, and the Dead in Christ will be the 1st to Rise. After that, we who are Alive and Remain will be Caught –Up together with them in the Clouds to meet the LORD in the Air. And so we will always be with the Lord’. -1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

    The following is a Poster one made about the Rapture Event, the Harpazo that can be downloaded for Free. The Harpazo or the Rapture Mystery has been a Life Long Research Topic of mine, like it is with this Online Community. It is after all, the 'Blessed Hope', longing to see and be with Jesus.

    To Seize, Snatch, Take Away by Force

    Original Word: ἁρπάζω
    Part of Speech: Verb
    Transliteration: Harpazó
    Pronunciation: Har-Pad'-Zo

    The Rapture Event is a Rescue, an Anticipated and Amazing Event that will close-out the Church Age. It cannot be that longer. Now, how much more is ‘Longer’? That remains to be determined but, we take it 1 Day at a Time. What one has noted is that many End Times Channels and Brethren are starting to see a 32 AD Crucifixion Year and thus, a 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation Factor that suggests 2025. Perhaps as Time will only Tell.

    Free Harpazo (Rapture) Poster Download

    Luis Vega

    1. Beautiful poster Lu! I still believe that we are leaving before this terrible tribulation that is going to come on the earth but many post-tribulational believers say that the last trumpet is the 7th of the Apocalypse since it is a trumpet of God, because it is heavenly and not earthly, therefore it comes from God, that the lamb that seemed sacrificed at the beginning of John's vision, and which opens the seals is the past, since the death of Jesus, because Jesus does not have this appearance when he shows himself to John at the beginning in the first chapter, he has his glorified body, and that therefore, Jesus shows what was, and that the seals were opened. That the 24 elders are those resurrected at the time of Jesus' death, when the tombs were opened, and who are there with him from the beginning, therefore at the opening of the seals because nothing says that they died again later as some think. I don't know what else to say as a counter argument to these people since I don't understand everything in the book of Revelation. What are your responses to all these post-tribulational arguments? You have studied a lot and on my end, the more research I do, the more contradictions there are about the tribulation times. I wish I had the gift of understanding the Bible as much as you do. Even my former pastor who believed in the pre-tribulation and allowed conferences on the subject, now says we will be gone in the middle of the tribulation. It saddens me. Believers change their minds halfway through because of all that is happening.

    2. RE: Timing of the Rapture?

      Carole and Fam,
      Glad that you like the Harpazo Poster. Thanks. Now as to when will the Rapture Event occur? Or how one comes to a possible Conclusion of its Timing? All that is noted in the Write-Up I made to provide the Responses you asked about.

      It is one’s attempt to show how one would argue with others that do not hold to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario. I hope it gives more Perspective about it, as that is all one can do.

      Luis Vega

      Rationale for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario

    3. Nice discussion, Lu.  You continue to write with clarity and purpose.  I might add the way you approached this sometimes contentious topic (pre, mid or post Tribulation Rapture) in a very humble + respectful way is much appreciated as none of us know when our Blessed Hope will actually occur.  Btw, I liked your use of the 3 Factors or Filters which enabled you to come up with a logical conclusion.     Go pre-Trib!

      As a side note, my lack of posting here at Rev12 lately is because I've been extremely busy coordinating hospice care for my 92 year old mother which is on the verge of passing and being with my dad and others on the "other side".

    4. I pray for your mother Bob! And all your family!

    5. Bob,
      We are so sorry to hear about your Mother. Be the Rock, Light and Comfort to her and your Family as you reflect all that because we know Jesus and what awaits us.

    6. Thank you dear sister! I'm going to go listen to the video. XX

    7. Everyone...thanks for the kind words and well wishes.   Your thoughts and prayers for my mom are very much appreciated.   It's been 5 days now without eating food and having very little water, yet she continues to hang on.   I'm comforted by the fact that she's at home, surrounded by family and knowing that she'll be with Jesus soon.    And that we'll be with her again in the not so distant future!

  10. Oh so happy to see some new posts, it was so odd ro me no one had posted here in 2 days!
    I feel like so much is unfolding before our eyes in rapidness this new year.... is it just me? Am I just over hoping and seeing what I want to see and making more of what is really happening?? I continue to pray for discernment

    1. Hi Lyndsey! It is because so much is happening is probably why you don't see many comments posted lately. I've been working on an article connecting more dots pointing to a possible 2025 Rapture. If all stays quiet here at home I should have it finished tomorrow.

      I certainly would love your input and anyone else who ends up reading it!

    2. LOL! Just saw your previous comment, Lyndsey:

      "Wild 1st month of 2025! In the US' 250th year as a nation. Eager to see what signs our Father gives us next month. There coming in fast now!"

      My new article will probably be titled, "2025 Signs of Our Exodus".

  11. Family, Blessings

    Isn't Life Strange? The turn of a page ... -- The Moody Blues

    Consider, i if you will, that the A*my chopper recently attempting a mating ritual with an air liner near DC was a drone; there was no one on board contrary to the use of an air signal tag which generally indicates an especially important passenger (OGDF). This, on the heels of a purported pic of The Don made out like a M*fia boss with machine gun, et al, and the overladen moniker, 'F with me and find out'.

    In light of the high value (Rssn) individuals on the airliner, did we just witness a hit? Well, that thought occurred over the past few days and I considered posting it but it felt unaffirmed, the 2 or more witnesses thingy, so I paused.

    Today I see this also on Off Grid Dessert Farming (OFGD) and though we have little corroboration of the video it feels authentic and in the first few seconds above the right half of the tree line, about 33% the way in from the fight edge, if you put it on full screen in a dark room, one can see an apparent missile coming in at a downward angle from right edge to image center below it as it comes in from right-to-left. If this is organic, local cell phone footage notice the wreckage and such we see at the end. That is not what it looks like when a small plane hits an apartment building. That's what it looks like when a missile hits a wrecked airplane after it (damaged by an earlier shot?) moved into one of the apartments, moments before. 2nd in a line of hits or punch/counter punch? I vote the later...

    1. Well, it turns out the 2nd crash was a small jet, so, the explanation that it is the streak seen in the video is plausible. Seems an awfully high rate of speed notwithstanding for a small jet gaining altitude right after take off. Fish and chips

  12. Supernatural By Design
    Israel Ceasefire, AI Warfare, The Last Trump - A World War 3 Update

  13. I think with the imperial power and influence of The Trump Administration, I think this will cause the globalist WEF, Bilderbergers, etc, to move their chips towards building up the Revised Roman Empire to stave off the golden age of America under the Trump administration. Still keeping in mind that they “are” the 4th beast kingdom to rise. The 10 kings coming up inside this kingdom, the 5th kingdom being under the antichrist rule.

    Dan 7:23  Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

    Dan 7:24  And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

    I think we are seeing the geo-political cause and effect in the revision of the Roman Empire.

    The globalist are compelled to do something, now that taking down America is essentially off the table, they have to turn their attention and efforts toward Europe.

    1. Dear Brother, you would probably very much appreciate Tyler's insight at Generation2434 YTC on the BRICS nations relative to Daniel 7. I have it linked in my new article just posted:

      2025 Head-spinning Signs of Our Exodus

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry, trying to learn how to post a link on a new device.

  17. Have I got a doozy of an article for y'all today!
    One of my favorite shares is from Tyler at Generation2434 YTC who says in his video he believes Revelation 18:4 is the Rapture! (This possibly comports with a Damascus and America duo-destruction scenario.)

    2025 Head-spinning Signs of Our Exodus

  18. In line with the theme of the number 42 being associated with the Rapture symbology and two bears in 2 Kings chapter 2, it is worth noting that “two” Russian champion female figure skaters were on board the American Airlines plane. When it comes to prophetic omens from on high, perhaps we are being sent a subtle hint of the two bears of Russia and China in light of the number 42 being a part of the plane number.


    Mondo Gonzalez “ Kings without a Kingdom”.

    1. The Bible says…..Rev 17:12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

      Rev 17:13  These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

      Rev 17:14  These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

      I stay close to the scriptures as I possible can, it keeps me from going down a rabbit hole, with that said I am not of the belief that the 10 Kings are presidents or prime ministers or countries or regions. Money is power and it buys influence around the world, we see that with the oligarchs and technocrats. For example, we have seen The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation infiltrate and take over the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION to impose a world “pandemic” to depopulate the earth and make money from investments in pharmaceutical companies, we have seen the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothschilds Family finance wars on both sides to take advantage of the outcome, Elon Musk and neutral link, starlink, etc, Mark Zuckerberg and the tech giants with data-collecting, etc. these people harness billions of dollars and influence, exactly what the antichrist and false prophet will need and utilize to advance the one world government, one world religion and mark of the beast technology at his arrival in the middle of the tribulation. It will be a tic for tac, quid pro quo. Keeping in mind that these oligarchs are also Luciferians, waiting on their so-called enlighten one. Money is power in the devils system, and let’s remember, they the oligarchs had to bow in order to reach that level of power and influence.

  20. I would need a very quick response with the opinion of all those who want it please!
    My son who married a Muslim woman asked me if she could come to my house for the whole weekend because he is going to the army and she can't be alone, her family is in Morocco. She is very observant, Ramadan and everything, and she prays on her mat, prostrates herself every day and reads her Quran.
    I don't want to compromise with my God, to accept that someone prays by prostrating himself on his carpet to pray to Allah. I would have the impression of letting an abomination enter my house. As the Bible says, me and my house will serve the Lord.
    I want to know if as believers it is right to let this happen or if it is wrong. Because I have to talk to my son about this, I need good arguments, and I know that he gets frustrated quite quickly. I want to announce the gospel to this young woman but not at the cost of doing what God does not want. So is it wrong or right to let her free to practice her religion at my house? Thank you in advance for the answers!

    1. Dear sweet sister, I'm not going to be a lot of help to you, but will share my own struggle. As i have mentioned here before, my younger son is "married" to a man. His "husband" is a celebrity so would not ever be in our house (I feel like the mom in Sweet Home Alabama, lol), however my son and he did invite us (my husband and me) to a birthday celebration years ago for his partner. I really struggled with whether or not to go (I had been a teacher in a Christian school and two of his classmates, whom I knew well, were going to be there also). We finally decided we were going to go until my son informed me he may kiss him during a toast. He only told be b/c he was afraid I would embarrass him (I don't know what he thought I would do--walk out? I wouldn't have). At that point I just couldn't be there. Knowing ahead of time brought a different level of responsibility, I think. I know Jesus "dined with sinners," He certainly didn't avoid them, but somehow that was different, IMHO, than "celebrating , partying" sinful behavior with them. This with my son was nearly 20 years ago, and very hurtful for him and me. We have managed to stay in communication since, but the relationship is strained, as you can imagine (not to mention we are 180 degrees apart of every topic of importance! 😉). Just this past week I felt the HS comfort me regarding not having gone: God cannot be in the presence of sin--which is why we need the covering of Jesus. I just couldn't take Him there.

      As to your dilemma, I can't really advise you, I am praying God will Himself speak to you regarding His will in this. Do you think it would be possible to speak with your son to request she not practice her religion in your home? Of course WE would never consent to that request of us if the situation were reversed. But then we can practice worship and prayer and Bible reading without it's being so overt. It could possibly be an opportunity for you to take authority over the spirits of false religion and deception that hold her in bondage. After all, Greater is He in you. I know I'm not helping. I can make a case either way. Maybe someone else can weigh in here. I know there is a lot at stake: your relationship with your son, the witness of Christ to one who is deceived. Yet, we also know what fellowship with darkness has righteousness, n'est ce pas? Can someone suggest a way to be true to our Lord, while at the same time extending His love, kindness, and truth to this young woman? Praying for you, sister.❤️

    2. RE: Allowing/Permitting a Muslim to exercise Religion in one’s Home?

      This is just one’s Opinion based on the circumstances you presented. If one had the same factors to consider, this is what would help me determine my decision if to allow your Son’s Wife, a Practicing Muslim into your House while your Son is away on Military Duty.

      1. Would you as a Practicing Christian be allowed to Pray, read your Bible and speak about Jesus in a Muslim Home? Perhaps as it depends on the level of Muslim adherence. But given that she, the Wife is an Observant Muslim or more conservative, one would doubt that would allowed in their Household.

      2. One would have Reservations as allowing such a Person, despite being your Son’s Wife into your Home where the Name of Allah would be invoked. That would open your Home to such Spiritual Doors that one would be uncomfortable to allow. Your Son would no doubt be offended and disappointed but he has to see it from your Perspective. It is an issue of Respect and one’s own Christian Convictions, just as much as her Wife has.

      3. How one is seeing it is that it is you, the Christian that has to accommodate a Muslim in your Home, despite your Convictions.

      Here is a possible Solution.

      -Why is the Wife not able to be ‘alone’ for the duration of your Son’s Military Obligation?

      -Could you, rather go visit her at your Son’s Home to check-up on here instead?

      Ultimately, you we have to do what our Conviction tells us as we take it to the LORD in Prayer and have Peace about it. With that, one can be confident and bold about this Decision, even if it is with your Son.


    3. Lu, Carole, I would agree with Lu. However, a consideration --to be taken to the Lord for sure!--is that your home can also be a "city of refuge" metaphorically, in that GOD rules over your home, it is sanctified ground, and YOU have the authority of Christ over all there. Now, Lu, makes a really good point about letting spiritual doors open to your home, (I am very careful not to allow anything in my home that the enemy could use as an accusation or point of harassment). However, we do have the King of Kings, supreme Authority over all creation, living within us. In this case, purely my opinion, God would need to speak to you directly if He wants you to engage spiritual warfare directly by allowing her to stay with you--though practicing her religion, lifting up the name of a false god, in your home is off the table. She could then make her own choice as to whether to stay with you. Lu is right about their not ever allowing us to practice our beliefs in their homes.

    4. To add to Judi’s Assessment,
      Here are some further Thoughts that deal with ‘Sacred Spaces’. By allowing your Son’s Wife into your Home, it could be a Spiritual Opportunity to directly witness to her about the Real Jesus. But as Judi noted, it will be a direct Spiritual Confrontation and one has to be On-Guard, and put-on the Full Armor of GOD. Perhaps the LORD is wanting to use you for this very Purpose to make a Spiritual Advance and break-down the Gates of Hell, as Jesus inferred about taking the Battle to the Enemy.

      This could be an Open Door into her Soul, as being with Relatives of her Husband and a Guest, she could not be as ‘Defensive’ as most Muslims are about the Real Jesus and needing Salvation, etc. One also thought of, could she stay with your other Son, if not too much of a distance to travel? Anyway, as to Sacred Spaces. These 2 Example were brought-out by the Late Michael Heiser. He spoke about when the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines and taken into the House of the False Fish God, Dagon. In the following Mornings, the Idol of Dagon was found prostrated before the Ark and then severed at the Limps.

      1) What was and is Eye-Opening is that the Priests of Dagon realized and understood about Sacred Spaces. They avoided stepping on the very spot were the Ark was resting and its immediate surrounding. That was YHVH’s Territory that they could not violate without Consequences.

      ‘But when they got up early the next Morning, there was Dagon, fallen on his Face before the ark of the LORD, with his Head and his Hands broken off and lying on the Threshold (Sacred Space). Only the Torso remained. That is why, to this Day, the Priests of Dagon and all who enter the Temple of Dagon in Ashdod do not step on the Threshold. -1 Samuel 5:4-5

      2) The next Example had to do with the Curing of the Leprosy of the Syrian General, Naaman. Although not an Israelite, but in fact an ‘Enemy’ of Israel, the King of Syria implored the Prophet of YHVH to cure his favorite General. As Elisha gave him instructions, the General reluctantly obeyed and was cured. He got ‘Saved’ and asked to take Dirt from Israel from that very place of the Miracle to place around his House for ‘Protection’, as it became a Sacred Space.

      ‘If you will not, said Naaman, please let me, your Servant, be given as much Soil (Sacred Space) as a pair of Mules can carry. For your Servant will never again make a Burnt Offering or a Sacrifice to any other God but the LORD’. -2 Kings 5:17

      Realize that our Bodies, our Homes, our places of Work, Employment become ‘Sacred’, because we are there physically. Jesus sees us as the Light and the Salt of the Earth. And that is because of who is within us that is Sacred. So, our Homes are that Sacred Space and we have Total Spiritual Authority over it.

      Here is thus a possible Scenario. You could allow the Wife of your Son to come over and stay. But it is because you will be intending to witness to her and share your Faith. One suspects that as you exercise and claim your Home and every Room of your House to be Sacred Space, realize that the Wife of your Son, practicing her False God, will sense the Presence of Jesus in your House and will become very uncomfortable. Perhaps even to the point that she will prefer not to be there any longer. In a sense, she will detect a ‘Disturbance in the Force’.

      So, if you are up for a Confrontation in the Spiritual Realm, and you are up to it, prayed-up and Armored-up, it can be an Opportunity, but only if you are Physically and Mentally read and able.


    5. Wholeheartedly agree with Lu. Spiritual warfare is not to be taken lightly, but we, indwelt by Jehova Sabaoth, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Adonai, Yeshua, as priests in His Royal Kingdom, do have authority over the enemy.

      BTW, Bob, so sorry I keep forgetting to mention, but have been praying for you and your entire family. So glad to hear your mom is a believer!

    6. Continuing on--I have not been involved in confronting the enemy forces directly. I think Lyn can speak to this, and perhaps others. Lu? But I do know to declare my home sacred ground, and to draw the "blood line of Jesus" around my property (think Passover). Also, if one suspects another person is bringing an foul thing into the space, I ask God to send angels on assignment to stand guard over every entrance denying access. Also that they would wage war in the heavenlies round about, (think Frank Peretti's This Present Darkness from years ago) casting down every high and lofty thing that (dares) to exalt itself against the knowledge of God in a person's life.

    7. Thank you my brother and sister! You are so kind to have answered me! My husband Daniel told me that it bothered him a lot because she could also bring her little mat in secret, and pray with her bedroom door closed and he did not want her to invoke her god in our house. And it is a risk. To be continued!

    8. Ok, I'm sure you're tired of hearing from me by now 😉, but one more thought. If your husband is uncomfortable with her being there, then that is a prime consideration. As Christians we often naively want to befriend someone in the guise of Christian kindness and witnessing Christ's love. However, Jesus tells us to be discerning: wise as serpents, innocent as doves. We don't want to end up like the scorpion and the frog. One of my go to verses in trying to ascertain God's will is Col. 3:15a

      "Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]." TAB

    9. RE: Involvement in confronting the Enemy Forces directly? Tales from the Trenches... :)

      Here are some instances of such Spiritual Warfare one has encountered over the Years, primarily when Witnessing or directly involved in Missions and Church Planting Efforts. One has found that Spiritual Warfare has been the most intense when involved in those types of Works. If one is not ‘Working’ for the LORD advancing His Kingdom, the Enemy leaves you alone, in comparison.

      This might offend our Pentecostal Brethren. Back in the late 1990s, as one was at the Assembly at San Luis Obispo, one was sent to help Church Plant in San Jose, just South of the San Francisco Bay. I partnered-up with a Missionary Brother who was in China for a few Years and had come back. We rented a small home that became the ‘Beach Head’ to offer and lead Home Bible Studies on Wednesdays, etc.

      We would scour the Neighborhood to invite with limited success. But one Evening a Woman and friend just ‘showed-up’, Out of the Blue as they say. They stated that they ‘Were led there to our Home’. OK. As it was early before the Bible Study started, they joined us in Prayer, in preparation. This one Woman started praying in ‘Tongues’ that we all could not understand.

      I interrupted her and asked the Group, ‘Is anyone here a Jew?’ None replied. She then said it was her Prayer Language. Then she started to interpret the Prayer herself. Then I interrupted again and asked the Woman that it was not needed and there was no one to interpret. I replied by saying that in that case, one’s ‘Prayer Language’ is to be done in Private. They never came back and we had a ‘Bad’ Feeling about it that it was the LORD that led them directly to our Home Bible Study.

      In the late 1980s while living in Sacramento going to College, our Church sent a Missions Team to Mexicali, Mexico. Myself and my Roommate at the Time were leading the small Group. It was mostly all young High School Females. As we were at our assigned Local Church in the Community, the Girls all wanted to venture into the Neighborhood nearby. There was a clear delineation from where the Church was and where one entered the Neighborhood, etc. Both my Roommate and myself sensed a Dark and Evil presence about the place and crossing that Threshold. The Girls insisted but we stood firm. Clearly we sense the Holy Spirit not wanting us to take the Girls there into that place. The Holy Spirit prevented us from venturing there and then.

      When I was in France, in 1989, one was part of a Christian Youth Exchange Program that helped renovate an old Huguenot or French Protestant Church Building. One Night, we retreated after a long Day’s Work to our place of lodging. However, the Girls were late as they got distracted downtown with the local Guys. The Girls finally made it back to our place, late, but the Guys followed them. The Guys, outside started to bang on the Door asking for the Girls to come out. It became like a Lot and Family in Sodom and the Sodomites outside wanting to violate the Girls, literally.

      The Guys were Spanish Gypsies and were speaking Spanish thinking that we could not understand them, assuming we all spoke French, etc. As I was at the Front Door, I was listening to them and they, sure enough were speaking in Spanish about how they planned to rape all the Girls. And perhaps some of the Girls would have ended-up murdered. In a Loud Voice I commanded them to leave along with some Expletives in Spanish. They were stunned as their Perverse Plot was found out. They left and the Girls were forever grateful.

      I could go on. But realize that Spiritual Warfare is most intense when one puts one’s Hands to the Plow when attempting to Work to advance the Kingdom. We all need to do this and should but some of us are not.


    10. Judi...thank you for thinking of my mom and family during this difficult time.   A pastor friend of ours will be coming over tonight for a prayer session and give my mom her last rites.   My mom and dad are both Christians so fully expect to see them in Heaven fairly soon.

    11. When my son comes home with this young woman to visit us, we pray during meals to give thanks and I sometimes chat with her depending on the occasion. She is polite, so she listens. I do not teach her that God is love, she sincerely believes it herself. He is not a violent or cruel God according to her, and he is good and sovereign. 🤷‍♀️ But Jesus is only a great prophet, who never died on the cross. And God put another person in his place on this cross and Jesus will come back one day for Muslims, not for us. What heresy!

    12. Weighing in…..Spiritual Warfare on the attack of the devil can be very subtle, it kinds of remind me of the incident in the garden of Eden, when the serpent deceived Eve to gain access to the spiritual head of the household.

      In my home I take spiritual warfare very serious, I have family in Alabama, grand children in auburn and sister-in-law and her husband in Opelika right down the street.

      Because of the way I live as a Practicing Believer in Christ, they do not bring the outside world into my home, no cursing, no hats at the table, pray before eating, no rap music, no free masonry on the clothing, my step-son was a free mason, but I do not think he is any longer, but he does not wear the idolatry on his hats in my home, I consistently wrote articles exposing the dangers of membership in freemasonry on my Facebook page, in which I am sure he read, this may have influenced him on getting out of it, I surely hope so. With that being said, I am very secure in telling anyone that comes into my home that certain things are not welcome, spiritual warfare is very serious, because what you allow in, it will take spiritual warfare to get it out.

  21. Speaking in tongues is one area where there are different teachings re. it's usage in a group setting:

    If any man speak in an [unknown] tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most [by] three, and [that] by course; and let one interpret. - 1 Corinthians 14:27 KJV

    "and let that one" is translated from the Greek word "heis". I'm no expert in Greek grammar but I was taught that in this usage heis means "and let that SAME one interpret ".

    In other words if the Holy Spirit gives you an utterance in tongues you are the one to believe God to give you the interpretation. He has never failed me whenever I was led to do this.

    And it seems He has called on me to walk in this gifting for most of my life. It doesn't mean I know it all--just sharing with anyone who's interested ❤️

    1. RE: Speaking in Tongues?

      Blame Judi! She made me do it! ;0 Bless you, as I am so appreciative of my Pentecostal Origins and the Means be which one was Saved through. My 8th Grade Home-Room Teacher, Mr. Parker was a Bona-Fide Pentecostal and led me to the LORD.

      I am so appreciative of the Pentecostals as they, of all the Denominations one was to later know about, were the ones that studied and emphasized Prophecy. This is not to take-away from anyone’s Experience, as that is all we can share and go off of.

      As with the Timing of the Rapture, for me personally, it is not an Issue of Salvation and one just puts it aside. It is really not that important to me, respectfully. As Paul stated, he admonished a whole Assembly for abusing the Sign Gifts, of which Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues was and is the least of the Sign Gifts.

      Yes, some Denominations have made it a Salvation Issue. As one who has gone-out Witnessing, on Campus, Door-to-Door, and Public Places, etc., one has met all the Types, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Calvinists, Roman Catholics, 7-Day Adventists and United Pentecostals. Vertically all said I was not Saved nor a ‘Christian’ because of their held Doctrines or interpretations. This was after one Preached the Simplicity of the Gospel, etc.

      -To the Adventists, I need to keep the Sabbath or not Saved.
      -To the Calvinists, they would rip-out the ‘How to get Saved’ Pages from Gideon Bibles.
      -To the Others, I had to be Baptized in the Name of Jesus Only or am not Saved.
      -To the Others, I had to be Baptized in Water, fully or am not Saved.
      -To the United Pentecostal, if I did not Speak in Tongues, I am not Saved.

      …And the List went on. LORD help us. But as to One’s Prayer Language or Angel Language that one can self-interpret? I can see why one would be convinced that in 1 Corinthians 14:27, one could interpret the ‘One’ to be the Possessive Form to indicate that the Person doing the Speaking in Tongues is the one that can Interpret it.

      However, if that were to be the case, then given the whole Context of the Protocols, there would be no need to suggest an Order, in Turn. If the same Person speaking in Tongues can interpret it, then there would have not been a need to have such an Order Specified. That is one’s Logic and how one just Interprets it. No Problem if not. But let us see the Strong’s Definition below.

      εἷς heîs, hice; A Primary Numeral; One: man, one (another), only, other, some. See also G1527, G3367, G3391, G3762.

      εἷς, μία, ἐν, genitive ἑνός, μιᾶς, ἑνός, a cardinal numeral, one. Used:

      1. universally,

      a. in opposed to Many;

      I will leave it at that, as I do not want to or desire to ‘Pick a Fight’ or argue about such Things, other than if you do a Word Study of the Greek, one is more convinced that, as the Definition is stated, it is ‘clear’ to me, personally that it is defined in terms of Order as in Turn or in Numerical Sequence not in in Possessive, inferring a Being as in the same Person. Perhaps some of you English Majors can weigh-in on this Syntax Delineation?


    2. Just wanted to make it clear, Lu, I NEVER SAID SPEAKING IN TONGUES IS A SALVATION ISSUE.
      Nor have I said the timing of the Rapture is a salvation issue!

    3. If any man speak in an [unknown] tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most [by] three, and [that] by course; and let one[heis] interpret. - 1 Corinthians 14:27 KJV

      According to: :


      εις II

      . . . Besides its purely numerical value, our noun εις (heis) may express unity ("one flesh", Mark 10:8) and inclusivity ("each one", Matthew 17:4, Ephesians 5:33, Revelation 21:21). It may mean "even one" (Matthew 5:36), "one and the same" (Romans 3:30), "someone" (Matthew 19:16), "a certain one person" (Mark 14:51).

      The indicates that “heis” εις [Str-1520], in 1 Corinthians 14:27 is in this category.

      How each of us understands this as we “study to shew thyself approved unto God- 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV” is between us and God as I know Lu would agree with me.

    4. Lyn :)
      All Good. I only implied that some, to include various other Doctrines or Interpretations, do. My intent was not to lump you up with any of that, nor do I believe one did. Yes. It is a matter of Conscience and one’s Interpretation.

      Roger, Over and Out.

    5. Thanks for your explanation, Lu--all good 👍 Big hug 🤗

  22. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” 2 Cor 6:14

    “You shall have no other gods before Me. Exo 20:3; Deut 5:7

    “Let there be no strange god AMONG you;
    NOR shall you worship any foreign god. Psalm 81:9 (em)

    Now concerning everything which I have said to you, be on your guard; and do not mention the name of other gods, nor let them be heard from your mouth. Exo 23:13

    so that you will not ASSOCIATE with these nations, these which remain among you, or mention the name of their gods, or make anyone swear by them, or serve them, or bow down to them. Joshua 23:7 (em)

    You shall consume all the peoples whom the Lord your God will deliver to you; your eye shall not pity them, nor shall you serve their gods, for that would be a snare to you. Deut 7:16

    For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited),
    “I am the Lord, and there is none else. Isa 45:18

    “Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts:
    ‘I am the first and I am the last,
    And there is no God besides Me. Isa 44:6

    That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun
    That there is no one besides Me.
    I am the Lord, and there is no other, Isa 45:6

    1. AMEN! Thank you Jimboni! Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

  23. Supernatural By Design
    Celestial Proof: The End Times Is All About Esther

  24. For those interested, the DJIA  during "intraday trading" today (2/4) was down -6.66 at 9:32 PST.   This is perhaps the most precise number sequencing I've seen in the DJIA depicting the sign of Satan.  
       👹    ⁶⁶⁶    ⬇

    The way things are proceeding in Babylon USA today (think of Elon Musk taking control of the Treasury Department accounting/payment system and other big tech companies pledging $500 billion to construct huge AI Data Centers throughout the Country) perhaps Min Larry Washington's comments above about Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc. being the 10 Kings in Revelation 17:12-14 are worth taking a second look.

    Here's an article from ABC News about Elon Musk taking control of  the Treasury Department accounting/payment system:

    In my humble opinion, this is a key step towards dismantling the government, crashing the economic/financial system, start of the Great Reset, establishment of a New World Order, introduction of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and ultimately the Beast System as described in Revelation 13.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Speaking in unknown tongues……My spiritual experience has been, in my prayer time, after I pray in the spirit I am able to interpret fluently, stuff I didn’t even know I said in the spirit.

    When we pray in unknown tongues we are uttering mysteries from the Kingdom of God through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

    1Co 14:1 EAGERLY PURSUE and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest]; and earnestly desire and cultivate the spiritual endowments (gifts), especially that you may prophesy (interpret the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching).

    1Co 14:2 For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding].

    1. No what happens to the remaining steps or phases of the Israel / Hamas hostage deal, the two-state solution will be the end result. The two-state solution is not coming off the table. The United Nations already have a resolution broadcasting a two-state solution with the elimination of Hamas as the political head of the Gaza Strip. No matter how we look at it, there will be a two-state solution in 2025, no later than 2025.

    2. Woo-hoo, Larry! That is my belief also. Because it is the Main Domino to fall leading to the Rapture, let it be so!

    3. Don’t make promises you can’t keep😉.


  27. Supernatural By Design
    Here We Go Again, Kansas City Chiefs Prophecy & Purim

  28. Love fest going on in DC on a biblical scale. Mind boggling in intensity and implication.

  29. Very interesting vid from Many Fishers--esp in light of Supernatural By Design's recent videos, and esp all that Lu has shared with us re occult associations with DC et al--13 mins

    1. Judi,
      Thanks for the Video Link. Keith does know his Research and he is amazing at connecting the Dots. When one 1st heard about the Crash and saw the images, it did not 'feel' or seem right. And then when one realized that it was just off the Runway No. 33? Ah, yes...There is more to it than one had Time to look into it. But Many-Fish pretty much broke it down.

      If one had Money and was a Betting Man, based on the Predictive Programming, the Clues presented would mean that the Chiefs will win over the Eagles. And in a bigger scope of the possible Predictive Programming, one could even say that the Chiefs, mainly the Main Chief, the Don, is to bring down the 'Eagle', the American Eagle as the Motif of the National Emblem. Perhaps.


    2. If the Chiefs win, it could be like Jarrett said in his last video. We'll see!

      In the meantime I just listened to a video that will blow your mind. At the beginning until 10.58 min. and after the announcement of "Feed my sheep", at 15.22 min. it continues, and it is very special. And above all, very encouraging! I don't believe in chance!
      Celestial Decree to Build 3rd Temple & Begin Daniel's 70th Week 2025!

  30. Family, Blessings

    For perspective, take in just the Headline page over at Rapture Ready (News)

  31. Hey Lu and Bob, I know you aren't in the exact area, but close. You doing ok with all the flooding in Sonoma? I remember going to the Cheese Factory there years ago--yum Camembert . . .

    1. Judi and Fam,
      I live in Sonoma County and Bob lives way inland, 1 or 2 Counties over. The Flooding in our Sonoma County, was ‘Bad’ this Year, but it only occurred along the Russian River. It is about 35 Miles from where I live and next to the Bohemian Grove Compound Area.

      We do get these Yearly and Seasonal Floods but this Year has been worse in recent memory. The Weather has started to clear-up, so that helps, but California needs the Water.



  32. From God's Roadmap to the End: more on a Purim and celestial connection, 18 mins

  33. Keeping a watch on Jared Kushner, the Koch Brothers, and their association with the Qatar Government, much of that will come later.
    I am becoming throughly convinced that the Technocrats will become the 10 kings out of the revised Roman Empire.

    Let’s look up the term technocrat…. [T]echnocrats are anti-political and anti-democratic. The technocrat is fundamentally unsympathetic to the openness and equality of political democracy. Convinced of his infallibility, the technocrat is a skilled hand at closed politics. [ . . .] He tends toward authoritarianism and absolutism (the “technocratic dictatorship”).

    We have seen firsthand the exchange between Senator Rand Paul and Dr Anthony Fauci. Fauci’s demeanor was one of a technocrat, he had no respect for the political and democratic system of checks and balances, when caught in lie after lie, he still maintained that NIH did not finance gain-of-function experiments at the WUHAN LAB, although there was undeniable proof that NIH did indeed finance gain-of- function experiments at the WUHAN LAB.

    It was on full display, a technocrat against the political and democratic system of government.

    1. RE: Technocracy – Setting Stage for the Mark of the Beast System

      Minister Washington, one would agree that all that is being rolled-out are just Steps closer to the Beast Reset and New World Order. And that Beast System has to be based on A.I. and run by it and more mRNA Type of Injections. They will be required to get as many Human Bodies plugged into the Star-Link Grid Reality. Or is it an Alternative Reality? At the core of the ‘Work’ is a Spiritual and Religious Quest. And that is and will be for Lucifer to get all the Worship and Glory of Humanity and away from Jesus, etc.

      But who will make War with Beast, as the Masses will see the AntiChrist as a Savior. Remember the Luciferian Axiom of how they move and forward their Agenda. It is by fomenting such a level of Chaos, that they then usher-in the Order, their Order. But in so doing, they beguile those that naturally would support such an Order in comparison to the Leftist Lunacy. But that is the Plan and Strategy.

      What one finds is very interesting is that Musk and his Neuro-Link Technology has promised to make Humans, able to ‘See, Walk, Hear and Talk’. These were the Identifying Credentials of who and what the Messiah was to be and do. Perhaps this type of Neuro-Technology will accompany the Signs and Wonders that the coming AntiChrist will use to beguile Humanity with.

      The Delusion will be extremely strong not to succumb to it. It is why Jesus warned about being Used and Deceived. One is still convinced that it will be the Rapture Event that will dramatically accelerate the Mark of the Beast System. Consider the Logic and Rationale. If Millions go Missing, disappearing into Thin Air as they say, the impetus to ‘Tag’ every Human with an Identifying Number to Track, Surveil and Identify would be for ‘Your Safety’ and for your Family and Society’s Peace of Mind, etc.

      The Rapture Event alone would drive Billions left on Earth for ‘Answers’ and Solution. Perfect. That is what the Luciferians always plan for: Problem-Reaction-Solution. It is they that create the Problem. It is they who orchestrate the Reaction and it is they that then offer and implement their Solution. Below is a link to a YouTuber that critiques such Geo-Political undertakings and interjects a Christian, Spiritual Perspective at Times to contrast it all to. Although he is critical of the Left and the Right, what one finds very interesting is his Critical Thinking Skills and Analysis of current Geo-Political Issues.



      Dayz of Noah

    2. Brother Lu, thanks for the link to “Dayz of Noah” video, this guy is off the chain, reminds me of you. I took a look at the menu of Project 25 coming out the gate, this is exactly what Trump did in the first two weeks of his presidency.

      1) Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
      2) De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
      3) Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
      4) Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
      5) Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
      6) Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
      7) Ban biological males from competing in women' s sports

      Looks good for America, but on top of it, he is accelerating the infrastructure of AI for the formation of the mark of the beast system.

      Like I said before, it’s the same playbook that Obama did to fundamentally change America in his lame-duck presidential term. He went by the playbook in his first term, but in his 2nd term, he did what he really wanted to do. On the world stage, Trump is saying one thing to the Technocrats and locally, he is forecasting The MAGA chapter.

      I don’t trust Trump or any other politician for that matter, I know, given the timing of this “Last Trump” Presidency that it would be used to accelerate endtime Bible prophecy in the Middle East and on the world stage.

  34. RE: Of Planting the Small Seeds of the Gospel - Reaping and Sowing a Harvest
    PART 1/3

    So, the Year 2025 has started off with some very interesting Events and Predictions, as usual. If something happens to Trump at the Super Bowl, what is eerie is how he stated publicly that, ‘He left Instructions’. A lot of People are inferring the Nuking of Iran, if they are to ‘Blame’. But are they?. And then to realize as others have pointed-out that if the Eagles lose the Game, it will mark their 666th Lose, equaling their 666th Wins. Go figure.

    Geo-Politically one is reminded that it could be the Synagogue of Satan that could or will orchestrate the destruction of Iran, using the USA. This was the Satanic Strategy used to involve the USA in invading Iraq and taking-out Saddam Hussein, on their Globalist behalf, etc. It would fulfill the Prophecy about Elam becoming uninhabitable, perhaps due to all the Radiation Fallout. This is what Bill Salus has proposed.


    As to Sowing and Reaping of the ‘Small Seeds’ of Faith? One sure is experiencing a ‘Reaping’ 1st Hand at one’s University, Sonoma State. It is the 1st in California to be ‘Falling’ Financially in the long-line for Public Universities to follow. There are no Students and they are ‘Broke’. All The prior Mismanagement and Corruption that one had pointed-out over the Years and has been marginalized for doing so has now finally come to the Light. What was done in the Darkness has come to the Light. It is a Spiritual Principle.

    But one was reminded that in Times of Testing and coming Persecution or Problems, the Holy Spirit brings to one’s Remembrance a Postcard. It is a Testament to planting a Seed and then realizing and being allowed to know about its Fruition or Harvest. Is it not the case that in our Walk of Faith with Jesus, we Walk by Faith and not by Sight on this Side of the Rapture? So, what is the Problem?

    Oftentimes, one does not even know or has doubts if such sowing of the Seed of one’s ‘Work’ or Words really has any effect for the Kingdom. We usually do not see, cannot see the Invisible in how the Seeds of the Gospel or the Building-Up of others in the Faith are being watered, nurtured, grow and produce the Fruit Jesus is looking for, etc. We do have to have Perspective and be reminded that ultimately, it is all about Jesus and His Field, His Seed and His Harvest. We just have the Pleasure to be able to help-out on this side of the Rapture.

    It is like a Father allowing a Son to ‘Help’ work on the car, or a Daughter with a Mother ‘Helping’ make and bake a cake, etc. So, as many may know, during my College Years at the California Polytechnic State University, in San Luis Obispo, one got involved in the Campus Ministry. Based out of the local House Church Assembly, we really emphasized Outreach and Bible Study.

    For example, after the Morning Service and Lunch, we would go-out and Witness, either Door-to-Door or at various Public Places. Because the Beach was only 20 Minutes away, we would often Witness at the Piers and the Boardwalks too. A lot of the People would come from the Central Valley to escape the Heat. One can understand, 1st-Hand why most Christians do not ‘Witness’ anymore. It is intense as one has gotten spit at, yelled, pushed, nearly arrested by the Police, heckled, etc. It is Abuse and one cannot sustain such a Treatment for long without consequences, etc. And?

    1. PART 2/3
      So, here is the part about the Reaping or Harvesting what one has sown, the Little Seeds. Or rather it is what GOD the Holy Spirit has sown, etc. It came in the form of a Postcard, out-of-the-blue in 1998. I think one might have mentioned this before, but the Remembrance has come-up again. And when it does, it is because one is about to go into some Contention, Opposition or Trial of Sorts. We will see.

      So we would pair-off and talk to many People as possible before heading back for the Afternoon Church Services. Most People would say, ‘Not Interested’, etc. We would try to give out Flyers of the Gospel. Some would take them, most did not. But in the reverse side of the Pamphlets, one would put one’s Personal Contact Information, etc. Well, if you all want to see and read what the Postcard stated, here it is.


      Amazingly, nearly 2 Years later, and having stayed at the same Address, which was a Miracle in itself as one moved so much that one average about a 2 year Stay in any 1 Place, it was received. Apparently, one had witnessed to a Couple from the Valley, from Fresno. In remembering their encounter, the Wife was trying to be Polite but the Husband was mean and derogatory towards me.

      We left and concluded our Session in the Field. We prayed and committed the Seeds of the Gospel sown into the People that day into Jesus’ Care. That is all we can do and are commanded to do. But to be fair, we suffered the brunt of the Encounters, ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’. One would often get Spiritual Strength from the Perspective of how it is Hard Work being there in the ‘Wheat Field’ but it is not about me. If I wanted to Obey the Commission and Please the King, then to ‘Toe the Line’. :)

      ‘Restore our Captives, O LORD, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow in Tears will reap with Shouts of Joy. He who goes out Weeping, bearing a Trail of Seed, will surely return with Shouts of Joy, carrying Sheaves of Grain’. -Psalm 126:4-6

      Well, it took 2 Years but the Holy Spirit allowed one to see the ‘Invisible’. the Work ‘Behind the Scenes’ of how it is Jesus that is the Sower, and plants the Seed. He is the Seed. And He is the Gardener. He is the Vine, we are the Branches. And it is He that nourishes the Seed to bring forth the Fruit, in His Time. It may take Days, Weeks, Decades or as in this particular Couple, 2 Years.

    2. PART 3/3
      Most oftentimes one would return a bit Discouraged. But the Postcard from 1998 shows that the Church Age is real and it is Jesus’ Time to come to Him unconditionally, by Grace to be Redeemed. One called the Phone Number on the Postcard. Well, come to find out that it was the Husband that was convicted, all the way back home to Fresno, California, about a good 3 Hour Drive. He stated that over the Weeks he finally surrendered and got Saved.

      He mentioned that his Wife also received Christ and it saved their Marriage. That Week when one called was the occasion where he and his whole Family were going to be Baptized at a Church they found and attended regularly now. Wow. Imagine that! So, in one’s mopping the Holy Spirit said, ‘So, Lu, you want Proof of the Seed, the Fruit and Harvest, eh? How is this? Well, all one could say and so was to prostrate and say, ‘I am unworthy, I am unworthy’. :)

      So, one is sharing it to encourage others. We all know or have Family Members, Prodigal Sons and/or Daughters, Neighbors, Work Colleagues that only see a ‘Vision’ or Representative of Jesus in us or who they will ever know. And what we say in our Words or Works is as planting the Small Seeds of the Gospel. It can and does make a difference. Sure, it may take 2 Year or more and one may not even know until the Bema Seat of Christ just what the Holy Spirit did with one’s Commission with those other People.

      In a similar Thought, this too happened with 1 of my Books, the ‘Circumstantial Evidence for why the Crucifixion was in 32 AD’. If you all remember, that was a very lively Debate and it helped refine one’s Presentation and Arguments. The reason why one brings it up, is that if you view Dr. Awe’s Video Teachings, he mentioned the Book in his latest Video. It is like, 2-3 Years later, but it has finally caught some Traction or a Measure of a Harvest about it. And only because if the Calculations are correct, this Year, 2025 might very well be the Rapture Year, finally. Let us Hope, the Blessed Hope.

      But once again, one was reminded, when asked, do my Books or Articles, Charts, and Codes even make a difference? Well, the Postcard from 1998 is just a glimpse that although we may not see all or know all, Jesus is working. So long as we have Breathe on this side of the Rapture, there is hope for one’s Wayward Son, Daughter, Family, Neighbor, City, State, Nation, the World. Although the World is being Dismantled, Jesus is in the Business of Restoration and redeeming Lives, Couples, Marriages, etc. And His Marriage is soon to be realized with a redeemed and restored Wayward Wife that has come to her Convictions, just like that Husband from the Postcard.

      There are many of you all that have similar Tales to Tell. Do Tell.
      Sow the Seed,

    3. Thank you my brother for sharing! You are a blessing on this site!

    4. Dear Lu, It's hard for me to think that you, who have contributed so very much through your research/articles/charts and your generous sharing of it with us, not to mention your overt outward missions and evangelism, would have doubts about fruitfulness. But then, I think we all do--especially those of us whose gift evangelism is not. As faithful stewards, we all want to be obedient to the Great Commission (never mind the emphasis placed on that by pastors/leaders throughout our lives), and when we don't see opportunities or results, we feel like failures before God. As I was thinking of that (queen of empty pockets when it comes to "souls" in the Kingdom) this morning during worship, the Lord dropped into my spirit, "What if I created you just for ME? Do you really think I'm not capable of saving whom I would save without you?" Whew.

      I've often thought I was created to Praise Him. Not that that isn't a worthy calling, but it doesn't seem enough, does it? All thats to say that in the FIRST analysis, we are all created FOR HIM. And we truly cannot bear ANY fruit without Him, but somehow we put it all on ourselves, right? I suspect when we all get to heaven we will be surprised. Paul says in Phil 1:7b, "since both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of grace with me." Who knows but what that prayer, encouraging word, smile, kindness offered, gift given is just the thing that advanced another, whose gift evangelism is, to bear fruit in his/her calling. Thus we all participate in the GRACE given by God to His sons and daughters. I am speaking to myself here, with the hope it encourages some of you who read and struggle like I do. Somehow we want to make soul winning the crown jewel (don't misunderstand me, it is THE thing, after all, what price on a human soul?) in God's gifts. But Paul makes it clear each part of the body is needed to complete the whole. I may be a stitch on the inseam of the Bride's dress, but that little stitch is still needed--to prevent raveling. I honestly feel I am entering Heaven empty handed--except for the crown of righteousness, since I do love and long for His appearing. And that's after years of working in and for the church, teaching in a Christian school, various forms of ministry over the years. When we don't "see" results, it's so easy to think there aren't any. May we all have surprises when we get to heaven. And even if we don't, may Jesus not be disappointed with us. As one who lived her whole life jumping into "leaning on my own understanding" (having come to the Lord at age 36, I had a lifetime of doing things according to my own understanding--and I've never really conquered that weakness in me), I only pray the God used me in spite of me. Lord knows our hearts are for Him, right? May we continue in Him, faithful to do what He puts before us until He comes for us. Soon, Jesus, come soon! Love you all, fam.

    5. RE: Evangelism

      Judi and Fam,
      My intention was not to ‘Guilt-Trip’ anyone for not doing Evangelism or Witnessing. :) One just shared what one was doing and going through, at that Point in Time in one’s Life. One does realize that one's Life’s Journey of Faith is like a Book, delineated by Chapters throughout Life. There are Seasons of Time that Christ Jesus has His Body doing and working as He leads.

      For example, now one cannot physically do such a Work of Evangelism anymore due to Health Issues, not to the degree as one did when one was younger. And due to the Political Correctness of these Last Days, at least in California and on a Campus, one needs to be careful now, not to just hand-out Gospel Tracks. Evangelists have to ask a Person if they are willing to receive any Material, etc.

      But in that case, whenever one sees Fellow Christians witnessing in Public or when the Gedeon’s come on Campus to give out Bibles, or one sees Christian Students witnessing to others in the Main Campus Plaza, for example, one makes sure to go-up to them and encourage them that they are making a difference and to be blessed. And as one cannot go on Missions Overseas as one did before, one has supported those that do, for example. And this is the case with many in the Body that are just not able to for various Reasons.

      In one’s personal case, for perspective, realize that being an Immigrant and in the Military has forged more of a Militaristic Disposition about the ‘Work’ of the LORD. Not that by doing the Works one is seeking the Rewards, but that one is, to a fault seeking Approbation of the Chief Commander. One has taken the literal description of how Followers of Jesus are ‘Soldiers’ in His Army, the Greater Joshua, etc.

      And for sure, one is not and cannot evaluate other Brethren in what they should or should not be doing in light of the Call in their Lives. But Paul does say that, by default everyone in the Body of Christ is a Witness and to Evangelize is everyone’s Duty. See 2 Timothy 4:5. Now how that looks like? But as pointed-out, Teaching Children, and the like is doing just that. But that will depend. And not everyone can Teach or Preach or Evangelize, depending on one’s Circumstances and Talents given.

      The Great Commission is a Comprehensive Work and a Collaboration as the Body is and noted. Remember how it is explained that some sow, others plant, others water, and others do the harvesting. Others do the ‘Heavy Lifting’ as they say. Others are never seen as they are the ‘Behind-the-Scene’s Type of Work. Just giving a Cup of Water is a Reward that is recorded in Heaven, etc. So, not all can be a Billy Graham leading Millions to Jesus. But in Proportion, one’s Scope of Influence and Reach may only be to 1 or 2 other People in their whole Lifetime.

      But it is a very Good Point to have in Perspective also that in regard to the Great Commission, one is to be ready just for Jesus. How can one Evangelize, build-up others if one is not. Ultimately, one has been redeemed for Jesus Himself. In one’s Attitude about the Great Commission, one has not been preoccupied with any Rewards, if any or how many. Jesus is the Reward. What is prominent is one's Relationship with Jesus. What good are the Works done if Jesus will say, 'Depart from Me, I never knew you'.

      This is especially True and Important to point-out, if this Year is the Rapture Year. That means that one will soon face Jesus at the Bema Seat and our Works, not ourselves will go through the Fire of that Evaluation. And as noted, it is about longing and wanting to see and be with Jesus. But what lingers in one’s Mind is how one has been given Talents and will be giving an Account of them at the Bema Seat. One thinks that is Fair to be reminded of that. And to that, one admits that one is over-sensitive in not wanting to find oneself suffering Loss and being Ashamed at what one knows and did not do. But even for that and any failure and/or short-comings, there is that Grace mentioned. Thank the LORD who Covers.

    6. Lu, I fear you misunderstood my comment. I in NO WAY took yours as a criticism of anyone else and our evangelism efforts. I was merely weighing in on the topic ("do tell"). It is a subject I have "thought about/struggled with" for years, and thought maybe others could identify, but I certainly didn't take your ponderings as directed at anyone else! We will each have to give account one day and the key is being obedient to what He puts before us--not what He puts before others. 😉 Love, judi

    7. Got it! :)
      This is a good topic to bring-up as I think we have never touched upon it. We do love to discuss End Times, Signs and Geo-Politics as this Site is all about. But many of our Critics do say that we neglect the Evangelizing Part. But knowing Prophecy and discerning the Times and the Signs of the Times are Key Components of being being able to witness more intelligently, one would say.


  35. RE: Dr. Awe’s Video – A Passover Rapture?

    I have finally finished restoring my entire Website. If anyone wants to read my Reaction to Dr. Awe’s Video about the Possible Passover Rapture Timing, it is at the following Link.

    #A14: RAPTURE PASSOVER 2025?
    The Wedding Wine 4th Cup in the Kingdom

    One is very excited about the possibility of the Rapture Year being 2025, finally? And to think that it is only Months away, if either at Passover or during Summer as one thinks. Let us Hope so.

    Keep the Watch,

    1. If it's this year, whether it's April or July, that's fine with me! I can't wait to go home with my Jesus, my King!

  36. Supernatural By Design
    *WOW* The 3 Days of Purim, Gaza and End Times Bible Prophecy Revealed!

  37. Trump owning and taking over Gaza Strip, is this worst or the same as the proposed two-state solution.

    The Bible says…..Jol 3:1  FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,

    Jol 3:2  I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and [because] they have divided My land.

  38. Off-Topic…..I still believe that God will use the Summer Feast of Pentecost to insert Himself in human and Holy history to rapture his church. Brother Lu’s research in this area of interest has thoroughly convince me of that. Also the 3 spring feast was used by God already for the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the summer feast is about Pentecost the sending of the Holy Spirit to birth the Church on the earth. I am of the belief that the end of the church age will conclude on the summer feast of Pentecost. Then the fall feast will be used to gather Israel, and complete the last 7 years she owes to God in captivity, which she will be refined and saved as a nation.

    The Bible says….. Dan 9:24  Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

    Dan 9:25  Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    Dan 9:26  And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    Dan 9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Also the prophet Jeremiah says…. Jer 8:19  Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of them that dwell in a far country: Is not the LORD in Zion? is not her king in her? Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities?

    Jer 8:20  The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

    Jer 8:21  For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me.

    Jer 8:22  Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

    Who is not saved? Israel as a nation is not saved. Therefore when the White Wheat Summer Rapture event occurs, they are left behind to begin the Prophesied Times of Jacob’s Troubles.

    1. RE: A Summer Wheat Rapture Timing?

      Brother Washington!
      One can only Hope. :) The ‘Check’ is the Mail. Thanks! Lol
      But it can only be redeemed in the 1st Bank of Paradise, Post-Rapture.

      You all know I am one’s worst Critic when it comes to my own Theories and Timing.
      However, this is the Year that one’s Research, up to this Point in Time, on one's Learning curve will all culminate.

      It will be a Nothing Burger, a Bust or Bliss!


  39. RE: Rapture Timing Clue?
    Part 1/3

    This is for Minister Washington and Fam,
    So, Pilgrims. Here is a Rapture Clue for you all. In one’s Meditation, one was reminded of this Verse below. It is in Romans and about the Future Glory and when that is to occur. That ‘Future Glory’ is the Rapture Event. It is about the Redemption of what is our last of the 3 Restorations: one’s Spirit, Soul and Body. Jesus has paid for all, ‘It is Finished’. Jesus saved and lit our Extinguished Spirit, is saving our Souls and will save our Mortal Bodies. Again, that is what the Rapture-Resurrection is all about. As one has mentioned before, these Facets of Jesus’ Work mirrors His Offices also.

    1. Past: Prophet
    2. Present: Priest
    3. Future: King

    It is just that as one lives in the Dimension of Space, Time and Matter, it all has to pan-out. But it is a ‘Done Deal’ as they say. Of course, the following Rapture Clue is based on one’s own Interpretation. But for Context, one will reiterate the Notion that the Rapture’s Timing is contingent upon a First Fruit Anniversary, and that it deals with the Glorification of the Body. One is more convinced that it pertains to the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine. And that is seen in Acts 2, etc.

    One is basing this Event as potentially being the Anniversary of the Rapture’s Timing. If that be the case, then the Timing is commensurate with a July Wheat Harvest Season. As one may know, one presumes that the Leviticus 23:15-16 Interpretation of the Day Count is to be a ‘Double’ Count of 49 Days or 7 Sabbaths and then an additional 50 Days, not the 50th Day. This has now been plainly corroborated with the Temple Scrolls, that in fact there were 3 Shavuots or 50 Day Counts, based on the First Fruits of the following.

    1. = First Fruits of the Wheat (Shavuot of Jews, called Pentecost by Church.) + 50 Days
    2. = First Fruits of the Wine + 50 Days
    3. = First Fruits of the Oil + 50 Days

    One bases the Day Count from Nisan 15. One is aware that other Brethren start the Count from Sunday, following the Resurrection of Jesus. But here is why one is not totally convinced about a Passover or Resurrection being the Rapture Timing. Consider that Jesus was a First Fruit, the First Fruit from among the Dead, etc. This is clearly taught in the Order of the Resurrection.

    ‘If our Hope in Christ is for this Life alone, we are to be pitied more than all Men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the Dead, the First Fruits of [The Barley] those who have Fallen Asleep. For since Death came through a Man, the Resurrection of the Dead comes also through a Man’. -1 Corinthians 15:19-21

    1. PART 2/3
      What one is proposing, as discussed in prior study, is that Jesus’ First Fruit, being Barley was unique and singular of Himself. Notice that those that came out of their Tombs also occurred later. One can see why it could be taken that in the same Time-Frame as the Barley First Fruits, the Rapture of the Body of Christ could occur. It can. However, based on the Order of the Resurrection, the separation of the Wheat involves a Tribulum that separates the Chaff from the Wheat Kernel. During the Rapture, the Bride of Christ will be 'thrown' up into the Clouds and the Winds will separate the 'Chaff'.

      The Tribulum is emblematic of the Trouble and Tribulation Jesus warned the Church Body would have to go through to be ‘Refined’, Tried and Tested, etc. What comes next is the Pressing of the Olive Oil that deals with the Wrath, Judgment and actual 7-Year Tribulation of the World and Israel. It is an intense Time of Trial as was Jesus at Gethsemane, which means a ‘Pressing-Out’. In the case of Jesus, the Pressure of bearing the Sins of Humanity upon His Body caused Sweat Drops of Blood, etc.

      So, based on one’s Day Count from the Exodus of Nisan 15, the 2nd 50 Day count, or the 99th Day corresponded to the Feast of New Wine. This was the occasion for the Golden Calf incident. Then one surmises that the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine correspond to the Acts 2 Pentecost descent of the Holy Spirit. It was about a Transformation, as in a ‘Water to Wine’ Miracle of the Wedding of Cana. Then, based on one’s Crucifixion Year Calculation of 32 AD, and applying the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template, it would mean that 2032 would be when Jesus is to return. And if one then factors-out the Last Sabbath Week, all-inclusive of Daniel’s 70th Week, then that brings one to the Year 2025. So, here is the Rapture Clue.

      Future Glory
      ‘The Creation itself will be set Free from its Bondage to Decay and brought into the Glorious Freedom of the Children of GOD. We know that the whole Creation has been groaning together in the Pains of Childbirth until the Present Time. Not only that, but we ourselves, >>>>>who have the First Fruits of the Spirit, <<<<< groan inwardly as we wait >>>>>eagerly for our Adoption as Sons, the Redemption of our Bodies’. <<<<< -Romans 8:21-22

      Thus, here are one’s Questions for Perspective regarding this Verse and Rapture Clue. The Theme is about the Future Glorification of the Body of the Redeemed. It is about an Event that will be as a Liberation, an ‘Exodus’ from this World. It is like a Human Gestation that eventually, a Child, a ‘Man-Child’ will be born, etc. But here is the Clincher. It is tied to a First Fruit Time-Frame. And that of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. When did the Holy Spirit come down and indwell Believers Individually and Corporately?

      This occurred in that Acts 2 Pentecost Event. And this Verse states that this Spirit is thus tied to a First Fruits Time-Frame of when. It is to strongly suggest that this Point in Time is connected then to when the Redemption or the Glorification of one’s Body will be Transformed. So, using Deductive Logic, if one can reasonably assert the following.

      A) That the Acts 2 Pentecost was the First Fruit of the New Wine.
      B) That it was the Occasion when the Holy Spirit came down.
      C) Thus, the Timing of when to expect the Glorification of the Body, i.e., the Rapture?

    2. PART 3/3
      This Rapture Clue reminds one of how at the Rapture-Resurrection Event, likewise one’s Mortal Body will be as those Stone Vessels of Water at the Wedding of Cana. It will be the Time wherein Jesus transformed the Water into Wine. And is not the Rapture Event then such a similar Expectation? Thus, a First Fruits, the Spirit, Glorification of the Body, at New Wine!

      It will be when the Holy Spirit, that has been ‘transforming’ one’s Water in these present Weak Earthen Vessels will transform it to the ’New Wine’ in New Wineskins? That the water in the Stone Vessels will be transformed into New Wine? And it will be the 'Good Wine' at the End, like in the Wedding of Cana?

      So, that is one’s Rapture Clue as to its Timing, on a First Fruits. It is because the Holy Spirit did not come at the First Fruits of the Barley, nor the Wheat, nor the Oil, but the New Wine. Perhaps. But nonetheless, it strongly suggests then that the Rapture Clue from Romans 8 has to do with the Summer ‘White Wheat Wedding’ Scenario one has proposed over the Years. Obviously, one can be off and not interpreting all this correctly.

      Luis Vega

  40. Dear family of my heart, I have a prayer request for those who want to pray. For about 1 1/2 years, maybe more, I realize, and my husband too, that I have more and more difficulty saying sentences without having to look for certain words. For example, I will say: I will take my hat, instead of I will take my coat, I mix up words, or I forget how to say a word and I look for it a few seconds before saying it.

    It may be aphasia according to the net, because I already had a concussion with head trauma about twenty years ago or it is the beginnings of Alzheimer's, which I would not want at all. My parents did not have Alzheimer's, my mother will be 85 this year, and my father, who died at 77, did not have it either. But my mother was adopted, so I do not know her natural family. I often have headaches, when the weather is bad or otherwise for years, caused by this accident that gave me the head trauma and the concussion.

    I admit that it scares me, Daniel also tells me about this disorder. However, it was Daniel's mother and grandmother who died of this Alzheimer's disease, not my parents. He does have some memory problems, but he works a lot and he is tired. 🤷‍♀️
    Thank you to those who want to pray, I will talk to my family doctor about it next Thursday, the 20th. I already have the beginnings of cataracts, and health problems. Oh how I wish we could go home. No more health problems! Maranatha!

    1. I'm not sure if you've heard of the X39 light therapy patches, but you should really check these things out. In a nutshell, they do not involve the injection or absorption of any kind of chemicals into the body, but it works with light. Their secret is that they heal the body and most all of what is wrong with it by activating dormant stem cells, which to my understanding is the king bling of all cells in the human body. They are everywhere.

      There have been multiple reports of people having their livers healed from liver disease, cataracts falling off of eyes, bone diseases suddenly reversing and healing themselves, and yes, even dementia issues reversing and getting eradicated from the brain, and a whole host of other ailments.

      You really should take a look at many of the testimonies on Steve Ben Noon's channel regarding these patches. I have that particular channel linked in my "News Sites" tab on my blog site. The name of the YouTube channel is called "Bennun X39."

      I personally do not have any experience with these patches, but from the testimonies I hear others talk about who do, it is something to seriously be considered.

    2. You also may want to check out this video below regarding the X39 patches as it relates to the light spectrum, Hebrew numeric and God's healing design. I have not watched the video yet myself, but it is found on his other main channel.


    3. The name of the company that developed these patches is called "LifeWave." I have visited the online site before as I am trying to get someone I know to try these patches. It was created by a guy named by David Schmidt.

    4. As far as the testimonies of those who have used the patches, some of those testimonies can also be found on Ben Nun's main channel "Israeli News Live " as well as the above named "Ben Nunn X39" channel.

    5. So I took the time to watch the video I mentioned above and it is most definitely worth the time to watch. Incidentally, the patches offered by the LifeWave company include many, but one specific one offered is one that deals with the healing of Alzheimers and dementia and things of that nature having to do with the brain.

    6. Thank you very much my brother Corey, I will go check out that link. Be blessed!

  41. The Return of the King
    Preview: The Year of Jubilee and Why it’s Important

  42. WOW! Brethren!
    There is such a deluge of signs and events I hope this article I just posted helps encapsulate most of what is happening and how it points to the real possibility of a 2025 Rapture:

    Continued 2025 Head-spinning Signs of Our Exodus—Dividing the Land = 2025 Rapture?

    1. Our Sister in Christ over at But That's Just Me blogsite recently posted about 2025 being the Year of the Rapture and she even included my article:
      2025? Guess We Shall Soon Find Out! Keep Watching!

  43. RE: Rapture in 2025?

    Lyn and Fam,
    In reading Lyn’s Great Article, does anyone ‘feel’ that ‘Something’ is surely happening behind the scenes? Something is Up…kind of sense. A lot of Christians might have had a Sigh of Relief with Trump in the Oval Office now, but one hopes that most are not going back to ‘Sleep’ or not ‘Watching’. Many have assessed that the reason why the USA has gotten to this point in the 1st Place, is that the Light, the Salt and the Salvation that is to be the Church did just that, fell asleep and stopped Watching.

    Sure, it can be taxing but, as said before, if there ever was the Place and the Time to be Awake and Watching, it is now. Here below is a Chart one made that summarizes the Church Age Span of Time. So, if one superimposes the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template since 32 AD, one’s calculated Crucifixion Year, then one has to ‘Pinch’ oneself as they say, to realize just where this Generation is at on the Map., or rather Timeline. It is the ‘Last or Terminal Generation’.

    One cannot believe the Timeline, if it is then truly suggesting that the Year of the Rapture that ends the Church Age is to be in 2025, in the Gregorian Calendar. Now as to the Season or Feast of the Year? Passover? Traditional Shavuot or Pentecost? Or on one’s New Wine Timing in July? Or the Fall Feasts with Rosh HaShanah? It will remain to be seen. But realize that it is then just a matter of Months to find out.

    Also, as the Evil Workings, behind the scenes, of what is to be Roll-Out after the Rapture are being finalized, in this apparent ‘Lull’, realize that however or whatever that looks like, it will be a Peril and a Danger for the Bride of Christ even so. And thus, the need to be ‘Snatched-Up’, or Raptured out of Harm’s Way, because what is coming is Evil and Harmful. Lucifer knows the Bride of Jesus is to ‘Escape’ and nothing more could make Lucifer happy than to thwart the Departure of the Redeemed and to capture her again. To that, one can only think of how such Plans and Means are surely beyond what the Bride of Christ can comprehend or contend with.

    However, on this Side of the Veil, this is where the Bride of Christ does have; the means and wherewithal to comprehend and contend with such Evil Plans and Schemes. The Scriptures are clean, so that one is not to be ignorant of the Enemy's Devices, nor of the Schemes and Wiles of the Devil. Also, that the Warfare of the Lamb’s Wife are Spiritual and she has been given the Full Armor of Christ. Lastly, as instructed, those Thoughts, Plans for Evil are to be and can be thrown down by Standing in Prayer, as they are to be demolished like Jericho.

    Keep the Watch,



    1. Thanks, Lu!
      Yes, we are weary in our watch but, as you said, if there ever was the Place and the Time to be Awake and Watching, it is NOW.
      Beautiful work on the chart as always!

    2. Excellent work on the chart Brother Lu, all the pieces of the Big picture are lining up, do I believe this is the year of the Catching Away of the Bride, yes. There is an urgency in spirit for the remnant to “be” ready, there is a lot of big things taking place between now and the rest of this year leading up to High Rapture Season.

      The framework for the building of the 3rd temple, the sacrifice of the red heifer, the near-ness of Planet X, the rise of the Technocratic 10 kings, starlink satellite for the global internet of things, the push for the formation of the revised Roman Empire, coming plandemic 2.0, this time it will snare more people because of the Trump Effect, globalist plan to reset the world (reversed psychology (instead of fighting populism, infiltrating it with the inclusion of technocrats), the picture is become extremely bigger to see, and if seeing it, there is an expectation to be ready for the Catching Away of The Bride of Christ.

    3. RE: Rapture in 2025?

      The Sister’s Blog, ‘But That’s Just Me’ is excellent. She is also on top of what is going on. I know that not all Brethren can have a YouTube, Blog, or Website to Post, or want to but your Prayers are worth their weight in Gold. Those that do, need Spiritual Protection and ‘Back-Up’. :)

      Yes, a lot of us are very weary as Watching and Waiting does take its toll. But hopefully this will be the Rapture Year. But as often also qualifies it, one is ‘Consciously Optimistic’. Here is a Personal Note, just sharing and not sure what to make of it as it is 1 of those ‘Humm Moments’.

      A Follower of one’s Work online contacted me to catch-up as the Person was in the Hospital back in January. We got to compare Notes with my Near-Death Experience back in 2018. In the Conversation, through email, we realized just how much Time has passed, and it only seemed like ‘Yesterday’ as one can still remember what I could at the Time.

      If one knows my Testimony about it, the Doctors were amazed I survived the Episode. By all natural and logical accounts, I should have Died. But GOD. In talking with Family Members they agreed that ‘It was not my Time’ and I need to still be around. I joked that like Paul, he preferred to be with Jesus than return to Earth. But he too had a Mission to Accomplish. And?

      Will, the Person one was catching-up with stated that she is the last of her surviving Siblings of 7. She is the 7th. And she too was wondering/pondering why the LORD had kept her alive, seeing that she shared Sad News of her only surviving Brother passing-away on Valentine’s Day. I replied, well it is because you are exemplifying what the Number 7 Means, Biblically. We know it is the Number of Perfection and Completion.

      Then we realized that this Year, 2025 is the 7th Year now since my Near-Death Experience back in 2018. It was 1 of those ‘Humm’ Moments. So, she right back told me the same reason. So, perhaps, as a Personal Note of one’s Timeline, if 2025 is the Rapture Year, it is my 7th Year Anniversary. Does that mean that my ‘Extension’ was to be and is 7 Years only. An ‘Expiration Year’, eh? And as to the July 23 Date? Well the 2018 Episode occurred in July. Speaking of July 23, here is what a Sister, Donna Danna from 5 Doves posted about my July 23 Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory. I thought that was neat.

      RE: Pentecost Rapture Dates

      Donna Danna (16 February 2025)

      The interesting thing about Luis Vega's possible rapture date of his New Wine Pentecost on 7/23/2025 is the fact that it falls on the 204th day of every non-leap year which is divisible by the #17 which is a Biblical # representing "perfection, completion, victory, new beginnings & resurrection." 17 x 12 = 204.
      Also 7 + 23 + 25 = 55 which is bride in Hebrew gematria.

      It is also interesting to note that the Feast of Jewish Shavuot (Pentecost) is on 6/02/2025 which is the 153th day in every non-leap yr. which is also divisible by 17. 17 x 9 = 153. The #153 represents the 153 fishes that were caught in John 21:11 and the 153 fishes also represent the saved church.

      Hopefully one of these dates will be the Rapture date this year.

    4. RE: Gradually and then Suddenly…

      Minister Washington,
      Thanks. Yes, a lot does have to happen this Year, if it is the Extraction Year and Time to ‘Vacate’. The Bride of Jesus does have that Rendezvous to attend to. But if one hears the Weekly Prophecy Updates of John Haller, he sometimes refers to a Line from Ernest Hemingway's, ‘The Sun Also Rises’. It goes like this: ‘How did you go Bankrupt?’ The response was, ‘Gradually and then Suddenly’…

      One would suspect that if 2025 is the Rapture Year, as mentioned and we go into the High Rapture Watch Dates, from here to there will seem as it is now, ‘Gradually’. But ‘Bam!’ Once the Rapture occurs it will be ‘Suddenly’, as in Sudden Destruction.

      It was no coincidence that during the COVID Plandemic, ‘they’, the Powers-that-Be took full measure to install all those 5G Tower and Networks and all launch all those Low Orbit Sky-Net or Star-Link Satellites to set-up their Grid and have it be in place. With the Lockdowns, they were unhindered and not impeded, etc.

      At one’s University, the Talk is how A.I. is now being embraced and will be Rolled-Out in a Partnership with all those Big-Tech Moguls to incorporate it into the Educational Plans. The Apprehension is how the Inventors of the Technology, themselves are apprehensive and have sounded the ‘Alarm’. It is that A.I., if it keeps amassing Knowledge has now gone beyond the Collective Human Knowledge. And?

      And that, at some Point in Time, it could likely become Sentient, as with a Conscious and becomes ‘Alive’. One was re-reading the Account of Daniel and the 3 Hebrews in Babylon. And how the King set-up that Golden Idol. And everyone not bowing down to Worship it would be thrown into the Furnace, alive, etc. But what was interesting is that the Queue to Worship happened when a certain Sound rang out…Think of Frequency as that is what Sound is.

      So, during the Tribulation Period, the AntiChrist ‘Babylonian’ King comes at the Mid-Point and mandates all to take his Name, Mark or Number. What if his Technology Grid is such that a Signal of some kind into one’s Biometrics now fused into one’s very DNA? That Signal will be sent or transmitted out at certain Time of Day to ‘Alert’ when one is to bow down and pay Homage to the Golden Idol that will be erected on the Wing of the 3rd Temple? And?

      Here is the Clincher. As one who studies Biblical Typologies and History knows, Lucifer has always been nothing more than a Copy-Cat. It is about how YHVH Designed and Created Humanity, i.e., Adam. YHVH took the Clay from Earth and Breathed into Adam’s Nostrils YHVH’s Breath of Life. The Result was a Living Soul. This is exactly what the Book of Revelation states will occur also. Imagine this A.I. Idol, so advanced that with Luciferian Magic, it will come to ‘Life’ and be Sentient, with a Consciousness. This will prove to the World that Lucifer is a ‘Creator God’, rather than those who are adamant that ‘Jesus is LORD’ and will be decapitated for their Insubordination.

      The Crime will be Capital Punishment. And to that end, even now the Spirit of this False Technology that seeks to Transform Humanity with their High-Tech Innovations, i.e., mRNA echoes back to the Days of the Nephilim. And it is amazing how even now in 2025, the Spirit of the Nimham are ‘Alive and Well’. Consider the following Video by L.A. Marzulli. It is exposing the 6-Finger Fist of Hamas designed on a Banner in Gaza. This is why Gaza has been a ‘Thorn’ in the side of Israel since the Days of Joshua. After the Rapture, such DNA could be incorporated into the New Biometrics of the Mark for Bodily Identification of some sort. It will be about the 3rd Strand of DNA, introduced by the Injections to come that will contain Fallen Angel DNA strands. This is how Nimrod became a Gibborim. Perhaps.

      Six-Fingered Fist on Gaza Banner Linked to Biblical Nephilim

    5. Yes, LU, may your 7th Anniversary month of July also become the Wedding Anniversary of our marriage to Jesus💖 The July 23 math you shared from Donna Danna gives me MUCH ENCOURAGEMENT OF A SUMMER 2025 RAPTURE--PRAISE THE LORD🙌

  44. Does anyone know Christian Widener? He is an engineer and a believer. On Janie Duvall's site, this brother said that Jesus will return for us in 2027. 😮 That the tribulation started in 2020 and ended in 2027 for Jesus' return for us. He wrote about it. I think he is post-tribulation. These studies seem to make sense, but so many believers have Bible studies that make sense and contradict each other.🤷‍♀️ Is he credible? Lu, do you know him?

    1. RE: A 2020-2027 Tribulation Period?
      Christian Widener?

      Hello Carole and Fam,
      Yes, I am aware of Widener’s Work. He is the one that also has written a Book about the True Location of the Temple on YHVH, on the Temple Mount. However, one has not read that Book. Like him, one is convinced that the Holy of Holies is over and will be again, over the Dome of the Spirits. It is also called the Dome of the Tablets. It is rather interesting. One has a Triangulation of Evidence based on the following.

      1. The Ley Lines one can see from Google Maps, when superimposed over the entire Temple Mount from at Top View..

      2. The Phi Ratio Spiral centered on the Holy of Holies, when superimposed over the entire Temple Mount from at Top View.

      3. The Astronomical Alignments of Orion, especially the Belt Star when superimposed over the entire Temple Mount from at Top View.

      4. There is also the Sabbath Waking distance from the Mount of Olives to the Threshold of the Temple Entrance that runs in a Direct Line through the Golden Gate, etc.

      See PDF PowerPoint
      This Presentation is based on one’s Research into the 3rd Temple. Https://

      Now, that is as far as one would agree with the Brother’s Research. He has written his subsequent Book on the Prophecy of Daniel’s 70th Week. And in his Interpretation, Daniel’s 70th Week is from 2020 to 2027. He is one of those then, that believes the 7-Year Tribulation has already started. Well, if so, here would be one’s Questions.

      1. Who is the AntiChrist? It is clear that only once the Restrainer is set-aside will the Identity of the AntiChrist be revealed. Who is that?

      2. Who is the False Prophet? And where are the Signs and Wonder that even Fire from Heaven is made to come down?

      3. If the 2020-2027 Time-Frame is in-play, this is now the 5th Year into the Tribulation. One’s Point is that by now, the Mid-Point Abomination of Desolations would have occurred. Where is the Golden Idol that comes to ‘Life’?

      4. Where and what is the Mark of the Beast that is required of every Human on Earth? And if not accepting of it, where are all the Millions that are to be Decapitated for refusing it?

      5. Where are the Wars, the World Wars that amount to Billions being Slaughtered?

      6. Where are the Natural Catastrophes, at a Planetary Level that will see 1/3 of the Trees, Grass and Water either being burned-up or contaminated?

      7. Where is the Worldwide Famine that will be so severe that it will take 1 Days Wage just to feed 1 Person. And that is, if one has a Job and is plugged into the Beast System of Commerce, etc.

    2. Part 2/2
      So, as one can read, one is not convinced at all, that the Tribulation Period has already occurred back in 2020. One does, however, accept that the Seal Judgments are casting their Prophetic Shadow upon the Present Times. This is to suggest that their Prelude or Pretexts are lining-up. One is of the Interpretation that only after the Rapture Event and the Bride of Christ takes her Thrones, will Jesus then start reading His ‘Last Will and Testament’. This Event will constitute the Breaking of the Seals, etc.

      But ultimately, if the Tribulation Period has commenced, then what is the Blessed Hope about and when does it occur? One does not see the Church nor any ‘Blessing’, nor Hope during the 7-Year Tribulation. Where is that Escape Door of the Philadelphians? What is the Church Age then, if there is no difference in what Israel and the World will endure, no longer having Grace and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit?

      No. One is convinced that the Church Age, the Mystery Age of Pentecost is where Grace is the Operating Protocol of Jesus grafting-in the Gentiles into the Commonwealth of Israel. And only then, after the ‘Last Gentile’ or that 153 ‘Fish’ is caught, will the Net be brought in, the Wheat will be brought into the Barn, etc.

      See Brother Cooch’s latest Video that highlights the Teaching of the Late Chuck Missler. It goes over the Day Count Interpretation based on Sir. Robert Anderson’s Calculation. One used this as Evidence for the Crucifixion 32 AD Book. However, one differs by 4 Days to account for the Spring Equinox and the Wednesday Crucifixion, etc.

      Brother Chooch – TOL End Times

      These are one’s Thoughts and Rationale.

    3. WOW Lu! I love it so much when you answer with such conviction and with such good arguments!
      Can I copy all this and ask this brother questions or is it better to let him believe what he wants because it would be in vain? Your answers are always good.
      I would only copy the seven questions you asked and the second paragraph where you ask the subject not to see the church, nor any blessings nor blessed hopes etc. And will not mention you if you prefer not to.

    4. Carole,
      Yes, by all means, you may use any Portion of one’s Questions being asked. It would be very interesting if the Brother could address each one of them to see and follow his Logic and Interpretation of Daniel. One also forgot to add these 3 more Questions, while one is at it.

      8. As the Mid-Point of the 2020-27 Tribulation Period is past by 2 Years, who are or where the 2 Witnesses? Even if one argues for them showing-up either at the 1st Half or 2nd Half of the Tribulation, they would have been on-the-scene by now regardless.

      9. This same Question goes for the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists. Where are they? One has not seen nor read about Messianic Jews, to such a degree that have turned Heads around the World with their Testimony about Jesus being the True Messiah.

      10. Who are the 10 Toe Kings that have given their Dominion to the Beast or AntiChrist? And who were the 3 Kings that resisted?

      Also realize that since this is a Public Forum, all Comments are thus Public. And any Portion can and will be used against me. :) And to take the Opportunity to reiterate that, as asked, it is only one’s Point of View. One is not saying one is ‘Right’ or has it all figured-out. Or that one has to believe how one sees it or interprets Scripture or Prophecy, etc. As we often say around here, we are ‘Batting Zero’. But with each passing Year, it does seem that the Foggy Mirror or Prophecy Window is getting closer and cleaner, no?

      So, as to the Brother’s Engineering Background in helping determine the True Location of the House of YHVH? Superb. However, his Theology about correctly or rather incorrectly interpreting Daniel’s 70th Week, in one’s Opinion is left to be desired. One can be very critical of others Research, but one accepts no less of oneself to be held to that same Standard of Scrutiny.

      What has also become very trendy is the Research and Teaching of Sister Heather R. She is the one, that one mentioned had Common History going back to the mid-2000s in the Forum, Rapture in the Air Now. She has done some great Research and as mentioned prior, concludes a 32 AD Year Crucifixion also. She also calculates a Nisan 10 being the Triumphal Entry of Jesus. However, this Nisan 10 is a fixation in which she too has determined that the start of Daniel’s 70th Week is to commence, this Year.

      So, based on that Timeline and Rationale, April 9, 2025 is when the Tribulation Period is to start then. This is based on when the Israelites entered the Promised Land, etc. As of this Post it is 1.5 Months away. As she is Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, it has to occur by then. The other Critique of her, which one emailed her about, but have gotten Ghosted, is how she denies, adamantly using or sourcing any sort of Astronomical Correlations to Prophecy. To me, this is so sad as she is basically dismissing 1/3 of the Disposition YHVH created the Sun, Moon and the Stars to be for. In Genesis 1:14, YHVH prescribed the Sun, Moon and the Start to be for the following.

      1. Signs
      2. Seasons
      3 Times

      Notice the Priority or Preeminence? What many Students of End Times stress are the Patterns in Prophecy, and rightly so based on determining the Seasons and the Times. But many dismiss the Sun, Moon and the Stars for primarily being for exactly that, Signs. One suspects that the Reason why Sister Heather has distanced herself from the Astrological Signs, has to do with what happened with the Revelation 12 Sign.

      She, like me, at the Time went against the Sensationalizing of the Sign, as being the Rapture Event to be fulfilled. It could have been, but that is where one formulated that Eschatological Axion of mine, that the ‘Signs are not the Events’, etc. And the Rest is History as they say.

      Keep the Watch, Getting Warming.

    5. Thank you Lu! I will ask all these questions but I don't know if he will answer. If this brother answers me I will come back to you with a copy and paste of what he wrote.
      In order not to be used against you, I just have to not give your name and ask all these questions, I don't want you to be disappointed. At the same time, I'm curious, so asking questions doesn't bother me. No matter what people's attitude is, I'm a stranger to everyone. So it doesn't matter to me.

      PS: we stay warm here because the cold is intense and the snow is overabundant this year, as well as the winds which are strong and we have snow which is blown everywhere because of the strong wind. We don't know where to put the snow anymore. I have rarely seen it like that. We are used to it in our country, but this year, I admit, it is a bit exaggerated! There are also many accidents on the road.

    6. I know he said in a video that if we learned the prophecies we would have to unlearn them and relearn them with an open mind and that the tribulation started because of a countdown. I can't wait to see if he answers me but he seems nice.

    7. One thing I like about this is eschatological blog is that we keep each other thinking and searching. It’s not that we take each others word for a certain topic, but it helps that we are able to come to a conclusion about a matter through each others in-depth research. I think I can speak for a few of us, that when we are not commenting on this Revelation 12 blog, we are using that time to expand out research or settle in our minds on a certain eschatological matter.

      Take for example the rise of the 10 kings or 10 toes, I have become throughly convinced that these are Technocratic Billionaires, it took time and years to research and settle on that, but the point is, I have arrived to that point, and now I can go after other areas that are unresolved in my mind concerning endtime Bible prophecy, this blog is a very valuable tool, it is a very mature group of people, with such research intensity, and eschatological insight, it’s not for everyone but I thank God for this platform, and I thank you all for accepting me on this platform, I am starting to feel very much like family, Thank you very much.

    8. RE: Revelation 12 Daily Induction Protocols

      Minister Washington!
      Not so Fast, Citizen! Lol. The way I see it, to be part of this ‘Family’, you have to go through the Initiation Protocols. To be admitted, one has to suffer being: Ridiculed, Offended, Feelings Hurt, Accused, made fun of by Jokes, and the Like. Well, at least that has been one’s Experience around here. :) But I still ‘Love’ you All, lol.

      I mean, what would it be without all that, if it was not just like one’s real Life Family, eh? But perhaps because you are a Real Minister, we are all going to be on our ‘Best’ Behavior and show Respect. Now be warned that we have been described as the Loony Farm, the Asylum, and the Romper Room, and with Good Reason. But we have cried, laughed, rejoiced, sorrowed and disagreed all the way, together so far. We have known each other through our Needs in Prayer, etc.

      Anyway, of course you and anyone else, serious about Watching and Waiting with us for the Call, are Welcome to be part of this ‘Little Flock’. I have been impressed as one often states, ‘We are Tiny but Mighty’. I still say we give a Run for their Money, as they say. We have good Researchers, Writers and Contributors. And it so True we all bring what we know, find or question to the Table and we vet it out. That is all we can do as we Walk together, ever so closer to each other and nearer to the Blessed Hope.

      A lot of us, who began with this Online Fellowship are no longer with us, for various Reason. But, yes, it has been Great, overall being part of this Little Flock, on our little Corner of the Internet. One cannot believe it has been going on now for 8 Year worth of Watching and Waiting…And you all know what the Number 8 signifies, Biblically.

      Keeping the Watch,

  45. RE: Kings without a Kingdom

    Minister Washington,
    One has to revisit the study of the 10 Kings or Toes that will give their Power to the Beat or AntiChrist. The Key is how they are described as being ‘Kings’, as in Rulers, or one dare say CEO’s but without a Kingdom or Nation-State Status for that matter.

    Consider, that if indeed, one possible rendition of who the 10 Kings will be, could be based on this current Listing of who are the Top 10 Moguls of their Company and how such Corporations have more Wealth and Power than most Kingdoms or Nations on Earth presently. The List does not include 3 Top Men.

    1. Elon Musk of Tesla-X-Space-X-Star Link.
    2. Sergey Brin of Google.
    3. Steve Bezos of Amazon.

    Will these 3 Kings be the ‘3’ that resist in some sort of capacity and are tank down? It is estimated that Elon Musk alone is worth $400 Million alone. He has more Power and Wealth than most Nation's Annual GDP, Gross Domestic Product put together.

    The Mega-Companies like Alphabet Inc. (ticker: GOOG, GOOGL), Inc. (AMZN) and Tesla Inc. (TSLA) are technically not classified as Tech Companies by the Global Industry Classification Standard. Then there are the other types of Companies like BlackRock that some say really Run the World. There are also 2 other Mega-Moguls, Sam Altman who launched ChatGPT and Mark Zukerberg of Facebook. It is estimated that he along has over 3 Billion Registered Users on his Platform.

    Here below is the List of the CEO’s of the 10 biggest U.S.-listed Public Tech Companies.

    1. Tim Cook of Apple Inc. (AAPL) $3.8 Trillion

    2. Jensen Huang Of Nvidia Corp. (NVDA) $3.32 Trillion

    3. Bill Gates of Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) $3.15 Trillion

    4. Hock Tan of Broadcom Inc. (Avgo) $1.09 Trillion

    5. Morris Chang of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Tsm) $1.03 Trillion

    6. Larry Ellison of Oracle Corp. (Orcl) $454 Billion

    7. Marc Russell Benioff of Salesforce Inc. (Crm) $320 Billion

    8. Bill McDermott of Sap Se (Sap) $290 Billion

    9. Christophe Fouquet of Asml Holding Nv (Asml) $280 Billion

    10. Leonard Bosack, Founder of Cisco Systems Inc. (Csco) $236 Billion

    Surely these 10 Kings without a Kingdom could eradicate Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Corruption, etc. Yet, many are linked to how on the contrary, they sustain the Mechanisms for all the Worse Abuse there is against Humanity. Ultimately one knows that behind such Power and Wealth is the Spiritual Warfare against Jesus and His People on Earth.

    It does not include the ‘Usual Suspects’ of the International Banking Order behind the World Central Banks, or other Financial Moguls of the Stock Market. This is why, in comparison, the USA and its Constitution are in their Way. Surely such People will be giving their Technology and Infrastructure to the Beast and his Mark System. And all the Technology acquired by such Companies have been financed and paid for by the American Tax Payer.

    It has been disclosed that Google, Facebook and others had been seeded by the CIA and other Federal Spying or Intelligence Gathering Agencies. This is why not even the U.S. Elective President has Security Clearance to many of the Top Black-Ops Military Projects and Bases. Even the Federal Reserve Appointee by the U.S. President is just for ‘Show’ as a former 13th Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan said On-the-Record that the Federal Reserve in the USA, is the Highest Law of the Land, that even supersede the U.S. Constitution.

    Riddle Me that Batman.

    Allen Greenspan Admitting the FED is above the law congress and president

  46. RE: A July 23 Pentecost New Wine?

    Lyn and Fam,
    So, I had posted my Exodus Pentecost Calendar on my new Wecsite that show the Day Count, to the Day of how and why one subscribes to a July 23 being the Possible Anniversary of the Rapture occurring. I received a few inquiries about explaining it. The study and accompanying Chart can be viewed and downloaded with the following Link. I realize that the High Rapture Watch Dates are coming, especially the following.

    -March 14 Purim and on a Blood Moon, the 1st of 2 of the Triad of 3 Blood Moons.
    -Nisan 10, April 9th Passover and when the Tribulation is to start.
    -June 2, the Jewish Shavuot or ‘Pentecost’ and the 153rd Day of the Year.

    We will see. I will take anyone of them before a July 23.



    New Wine Day Count

    1. Lu, dear Bro,
      The High Rapture Watch Dates you listed, of course, included those related to a blood moon:

      -March 14 Purim and on a Blood Moon, the 1st of 2 of the Triad of 3 Blood Moons.
      -Nisan 10, April 9th Passover and when the Tribulation is to start.


    2. RE: A Blood Moon on the Rapture Day?
      PART 1/2

      Thanks for prompting me to study a bit more the Purim Triad of Blood Moons that the World is about to experience. As usual, being a Celestial Sign, there are some Keen Observations that one sees and will share that could be tied to Biblical Prophecy of the End Times, etc. The Observations will be based on one’s Interpretation.

      As to a Blood Moon, possibly happening on the Day of the Rapture and perhaps due to the Perturbation of the In-Coming 2nd Sun? Well, as one is ‘Missile-Locked’ on that July 23 Date, there will be no Blood Moon occurring at that Time. However, amazingly, the Moon will be ‘New’, and right in the Heart of the Constellation of Gemini. And?

      In Ancient Times, Gemini was the Motif of the Groom and the Bride Celestial Depiction. It is really the Motif of Jesus and the Bride. So, on July 23, 2025, the Moon is ‘Hidden’, as that is how the Rapture will occur. It will be a ‘Secret Rapture’ where no one on Earth will see it coming. As one often states, the World will state the Years much like a BC to an AD Year Count. The World will say, Pre-Rapture or Post-Rapture? Perhaps.

      So, although one listed the up-coming High Rapture Dates, it is only out of Respect for fellow Watchmen and Watchwomen. As to the Purim Blood Moon Triad? One is more convinced that as Purim was and is and will be a purely Jewish Disposition, it will not affect the Bride of Christ, necessarily. It has to do with Israel. One’s Rationale is that out of all the Feast of the Jews, to include Purim and Hanukkah, the 7 Major Feasts of YHVH all pertain to Israel.

      However the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Event is the only one that the Church Body is tied to and affected, in one’s Opinion and Interpretation. The present Pentecostal Intermission is corresponding to the 4th Stem of the 7-Branch Menorah. It is the Prophetic ‘Bridge’ and Connector to the Spring and Fall Feasts. This is why the Rapture and Extraction of the Bride of Christ will complete this ‘Pentecostal Intermission’

    3. PART 2/2
      Thereafter, the Time-Frame will revert back to the Israel Prophetic Economy that will also involve their eventual Redemption as well. Remember that Blood Moons are ‘Bad Omens’ for Israel specifically. It is in contrast to the Solar Eclipses that are the Bad Omens for the Nations, etc. Here is the Listing of one’s Observation about the Purim Blood Moon of March 14, 2025 and the Purim Blood Moon Triad for 2025-26.

      1. The Total Lunar Eclipse occurs at the Beginning of the Constellation of Virgo on the Ecliptic.

      2. The Blood Moon occurs on Pi Day, March 14 as in 3.14, being the ‘Signature of GOD’.

      3. The Purim Blood Moons, the 2 of them within the Triad are Bookends, in Virgo and Leo.

      4. The Middle Blood Moon occurs just before the 8th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign.

      5. The Middle Blood Moon occurs in Aquarius, a euphemism of pouring-out Judgment on Israel.

      6. The March 14 Purim Moon occurs right in-line, at the Heart of the American Continent.

      What is also Astronomically striking is how and where the 2 Bookend Purim Blood Moons occur. It echoes the Revelation 12 Sign in how the 1st Purim Blood Moon occurs in Virgo. Then the Last Purim Blood Moon occurs in Leo. And further, the Middle accompanying Partial Solar Eclipse, just after the Middle Blood Moon in Aquarius occurs just before the 8th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, on September 23, 2025. It happens to correspond to the End of the Rosh HaShanah Feast.

      So, as one can read, one is thinking that in terms of possible Biblical Prophecy, the Israel-Related and Purim Themed Blood Moon could have direct implications on the USA. One could see a Relation in that the USA could be seen as an ‘Esther’ Typology. It is in terms of how the Enemies of Israel plotted to Genocide the Jews in Persia, but it was flipped onto Israel’s Enemies instead. Perhaps, the Enemies of the USA and Jesus’ People likewise are in Danger.

      It is how, perhaps the Enemies of the USA and the Christians are plotting the Destruction of such People and Plans. However, if Prophecy is Pattern, Jesus will see to it that such Evil Plans will be flipped and cast upon the Enemies of the Cross instead. It will remain to be seen and how that will pan-out.


      Here is the Chart for a Visual Illustration.



      Interesting that in terms of possible Biblical Prophecy, the Israel-Related and Purim Themed Blood Moon could have direct implications on the USA.

      I really appreciate your helpful charts, Brother!


  47. Lu/Lyn, fam, I think you will find these two vids from Supernatural By Design interesting!

    Part 1

    Part 2

    With all that's going on in the world/US gov't/Israel/Technology, we are so very close. Much closer and we will be faced with the Beast system ourselves! Maranatha!

  48. Night Watch with Brother Chooch: Can The Fig Tree Generation Now Be Exclusively Pointing to 2025?!

  49. I super love coming to this blog every day. It uplifts me in out waiting. I especially love those of ypu who super research and share. I feel it. I'm encouraged and inspired. Just read Lyns new article, which h I always anticipate a new article from you Lyn. Love the way you write and it's so encouraging and uplifting. I too am in agreement with this new administration in the US that we are witnessing the un precedence. I too was BLOWN away at the claim the US would take over Gaza, I mean what???? Crazy. I too believe 2025 holds extreme significance. I am sure I am in good company of really wanting this to be the year. I so long to be home with Jesus and all of you. I admit I am falling in the weariness of the waiting and just done with this world. Im not suicidal but weary . The world is becoming so evil, it screeches awful. Our time must be close right? Oh how I long for Jesus. It is super interesting everything the US president and his team are pushing and putting into place so aggressively. To me it shouts the nearness of our calling away. I desperately read headlines every day to see what's next. It's mind blowing to me what is happening. okay I'm rambling now but you get me, love all of you! Always in my thoughts and prayers even if i don't post much. Shout out to Stan, Shelia, I know you don't post much anymore or can't but still in my thoughts and prayers luv yall Lyndsey


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.