Our sister over at the But That's Just Me blog has a new post in which she shares some important videos relating how close we are to the return of Jesus. I really appreciate here compiling so many resources together with each post, and she even added a link Lyn Melvin's latest post as well. Many of us feel that a weight has been lifted with the new administration taking over, but let us all remain focused on our blessed hope, not in any government but in Jesus Christ alone. Our present troubles (and victories) will be just a tiny blip when compared to the immenseness of eternity that will soon lay before us (2 Cor 4:17). God Bless you all, Abba Up! Here is a link to the article... https://but-thatsjustme.com/2025-guess-we-shall-soon-find-out-keep-watching/ Here is a link to Lyn's latest... https://lynmelvin.blogspot.com/2025/02/continued-2025-head-spinning-signs-of.html
If you were lucky enough to watch the presidential inauguration this week, you were proably like me in being amazed at how Christian the ceremony was. From the speeches, the songs, to the multiple powerful prayers... I was just amazed. It was a beautiful ceremony and God was glorified! Here are a couple of the prayers below, but I urge you to go back and watch the entire ceremony as it was a beautiful day for our country. Here are the videos and transcripts of a couple of the prayers... Prayer by Loenzo Sewell: “Heavenly Father, we’re so grateful that you gave our 45th and now our 47th president. A millimeter miracle. We are grateful that you are the one that have called him for such a time as this, that America would begin to dream again. We pray that we would fulfill the true meaning of our creed that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. We pray that you use our president, that we will live in a nation where we will not be...
Happy New Year brother and sisters. As we enter into what could be an extremely consiquential 2025, I thought it would be great to share another video from Stan. He has encouraged me in so many ways and I really believe that the Lord has given him some insights that many others have overlooked. We are so close to going home now, but sadly many beleivers are asleep to the end times, and others discounting large parts of prophecy that could apply to us. I personally think the Stan has shared some amazing gems that open up prophecy in an new and exciting way that really makes alot of sense. The problem is, so many teachers are afraid to look at things with fresh eyes and it may cause some things to be missed. All I can say is that I think much of what Stan has shared in the past year or so has been amazing and I encourage you to dig in for yourself. If you have chance, also please include Stans sister in your prayers has she has been battling deblitating headaches. When you watch ...