Prophecy Update w/ Pete Garcia
Hello dear brothers and sisters. As we approach Christmas, the world seems to be sitting on a knifes edge. One one side, with the recent election you could see a time a relative peace and prosperity sweeping the nation and world. But with all of the prophetic events and political disruption, it seems that we could also fall to the opposite side wear any number of disasterous events could take place. That is what is so comforting about having atleast a basic understanding of end times prophecy... Because while no one knows the exact events and there timing, we atleast have a framework that assures us that there will be a Rapture and Jesus IS coming back and wins in the end. So that is why I wanted to share this update... Pete Garcia has long been one of the most resonable teachers out there and was very fair in his analysis of the Rev 12 Sign when he wrote about it on the Rapture Ready website. He is a very reasonable and knowledge about student of prophecy and it's always great to hear what he has to share.
Merry Christmas to you all. From our family to yours, may this season be filled with the Holy Spirit in your homes and love that only can come from faith in Jesus Christ. God Bless you all and please have a blessed Christmas season.
Merry Christmas to you all. From our family to yours, may this season be filled with the Holy Spirit in your homes and love that only can come from faith in Jesus Christ. God Bless you all and please have a blessed Christmas season.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author. touched on two themes that I've been thinking alot about lately: the door + the number 24. Regarding the door, I'm sure you've been following the discussion about Pope Francis opening the 5 Holy Doors or Portals at the Vatican or in Rome starting next week. Below are the locations and the dates they will be opened:
Delete1. Basilica of St. Peter (12-24-24)
2. Rebibbia Prison (12-26-24).
3. Archbasilica of St. John Lateran (12-29-24)
4. Basilica of St. Mary Major (1-1-25)
5. Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls (1-5-25).
I'm not quite sure what may happen, if anything, but this may be the Portal or Door to Heaven (Rapture) and/or the Portal that allows the Devil to "cross over" and enter our World. I shared some info with Lu today pertaining to the Sigil of Lucifer or the "Seal of Satan" which should shed some light on the subject matter. He said he would prepare a Chart for us when he gets a chance.
In regards to the Number 24, I can't help but get excited that this year, Christmas Day or 12/25 (1st day of Hanukkah) falls on Kislev 24 or "the four and twentieth day of the ninth month" as specified in Haggai 2:18-23. As noted at the end of Verse 19..."from this day will I bless you." Could this be the day of the Rapture?
I also found the following info on the internet:
"The number 24 holds significant spiritual meaning in the Bible, representing divine order, completeness, worship, priesthood, and the establishment of God's kingdom. In Hebrew, the number 24 is represented by the letters Kaph (signifying blessing and provision) and Daleth (signifying transition and new beginnings)."
Finally, check out this video from Steve Fletcher concerning the Roman Gladiator Door and the reference to the prisoners being freed when the Holy Door is opened at Rebibbia Prison.
Btw, the original Gladiator movie starring Russell Crowe was my all time favorite!
For clarification in my first comment concerning the dalet (door) and the 4th most popular name (John), some may not be aware that the 4th letter "dalet" (numerical value 4) was embedded into the aleph/tahv eclipse pattern.
DeleteBut I did see that story of the pope opening the five doors Bob. I thought it rather interesting as those doors are a total of 5 doors ... the number of Grace representing the Age of Grace i.e. the Church Age. I noticed that the final door portal the pope will be "opening" is the "5th" one that just so "happens" to be associated with the Apostle Paul ... the apostle who gave us the Rapture revelation.
That Hebrew meaning of 24 is most interesting and noteworthy considering the 4rh most popular name starting in 2024.
I say that if we don't see the Rapture by Christmas or before December is through, 2025 (Gregorian)/ 2024 (Hebrew) is likely the year we hear the blast.
Now, off to watch that Fletcher video you posted. Should be interesting. It seems we have an interesting larger picture over 24 forming here.
Reposted Comment below. Accidently erased it in the first one above.
DeleteAs most of us are aware, some are thinking that we are already in the first few seals of the Tribulation. Some may be thinking that, given the spiraling severity of events that are now unfolding, the Church may be heading toward being thrust into the first few seals before the Rapture actually does occur. While I understand that view, I also understand that God has a way of putting his fingerprint of verification upon a given matter.
That being the case, many if not most of us Christians who hold to a pre-tribulation Rapture see it displayed in Revelation 4:1 as the Apostle John hears the sound of a trumpet as though it were talking with him and is suddenly snatched up (raptured)through an open door after the revelation of the seven Churches of Asia (representing seven distinct periods of the Church Age) comes to an end. Some have either backed away from that view or are, at the least, questioning it. Which is good. We should always step back and evaluate and analyze. After all, this is how you can get a better perspective and learn the truth of a matter with the help of the insight from the Holy Spirit. O.k.
Now, to cover some already trodden territory as a reminder for what I will say next. America experienced an annular eclipse on October 14, 2023 in between the two eclipses that occurred on August 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024. The paths of these three eclipses combined to form a giant Hebrew letter “Aleph” and “tahv” over the USA. Many of us also are well aware that each Hebrew letter has a numerical value. Importantly, we observe that this letter Aleph has a numerical value of 1. The dalet has a numerical value of 4. Furthermore, the dalet symbolizes a door in the Hebrew meaning. Jesus raptured the Apostle John through an open door in the heavens while on the Isle of Patmos in Revelation "4:1" – thus presenting us with a picture of the future pre-tribulation Rapture.
In light of this number 4 and 1 connection embedded within these eclipses over America, the USA's prophetic purpose on the world stage in the propagation of the Gospel and declaring the return of Christ i.e its demonstrable connection to the role of the Vineyard, perhaps we shouldn’t find it at all coincidental that the “4th” most popular name in America from the year 1924 to 2023 is “John” according to the Social Security Administration (SSA) official rankings.
If I were a betting man, I would bet that the ranking still would not have changed as the year 2024 comes to an end – the same year that we have seen the much publicized 2nd Great American eclipse traverse the land. The same eclipse that finished off the trilogy of eclipses forming the “4th” Hebrew letter that equals the number 4 in numeric value and formed the letter dalet representing a “door,” taking our attention to the Apostle “John’s” Revelation “4:1” Rapture door. Again … the “4th” most popular name. It is also noteworthy that the official number released for the end of 2023 was 4,304,850 according to the above Social Security website. This means that the first number in the actual number of names is the number 4 also, or over 4 million.
As the Hebrew year 2024 will continue until March/April 2025 on the Gregorian calendar, the time when the Exodus of the ancient Israelites occurred from Egypt (a typology of the Rapture), are we indeed looking at the Rapture in the Hebrew 2024 time frame next year (2025 Gregorian) given that there are two number 24 numbers associated with the "4th" most popular name (1924 - 2024)? Seems to me that, yes indeed, the Rapture is seen in Revelation 4:1 ... and it seems that the Social Security Administration may have just given us a clue. Who knew?
Here again, the sovereignty of God seems to be on display as the prophetic hints continue to drop. Something to consider.
Afterthought ... think about the term "social security." Could God be telling us through the "4th" most popular name (John) that we have "social security" because we are going to be taken out of here in Hebrew year 2024 (Nisan in Gregorian year 2025)? This would be the ultimate "social security" from what is to come and what seems to be bearing down upon us as the world situation worsens.
DeleteCarry on watchman.
Thank you Corey!
DeleteHey Lu...did you notice that after Russell Crowe walked through the Roman Door he ended up in a fully ripe wheat field (WWW)? Say it ain't so, Joe! Lol!
DeleteBob ... Very interesting video by Steve. Indeed, as stated, it would appear that we could be looking at a 2025 (Gregorian) 2024 (Hebrew) Rapture. The 24 theme emerges again in that movie. 24 years since the movie's debut. The portal opens i.e. John's portal.
DeleteIn keeping with the theme that America's primary purpose in God's plan is to shine forth the message of the Gospel and the return of Christ to the world for the latter portion of the Church Age leading to the Rapture, we should sit up and take notice that Ohio State just passed a bill criminalizing any criticism of Israel and which could criminalize the Gospel.
DeleteOhio Senate Passes Bill Aimed at Outlawing Criticism of Israel, Criminalizing Gospel
This comes at a prophetically interesting moment considering the theme of 24 here.
Consider that the state of Ohio was the 17th state admitted into the union. The year 2017 was highly prophetic in that the Revelation 12 sign occurred in that year and the first of the Aleph/tahv/dalet eclipse trilogy occurred. Also the year that "Trump" first came to power.
So goes the purpose for America, so goes the time of grace for the lost to be saved ... which means Rapture time. 🎺
The timing of this legislation in Ohio is telling.
And of course, "Trump" is elected to the presidency for the second time in 2024 (the last Trump) - hearkening back to the wording of the apostle Paul and the Rapture.
DeleteThe prophetic plot of the Ohio State situation thickens.
DeleteTurns out that, technically, Congress forgot to approve the newly written Ohio Constitution. And when we are talking about laws, technicalities are pretty important. Without Congressional approval of the Ohio Constitution, the lands remained part of the Northwest Territory.
So how did we finally become a state? Enter an Ohio Congressman named George H. Bender. Bender was a Cleveland area politician who entered national politics in 1938 and was an Ohio Representative of the 83rd Congress in "1953" when the Ohio statehood issue resurfaced. On January 13, he introduced legislation to grant statehood to Ohio. On May 19, the House voted to grant statehood to Ohio, retroactive to March 1, 1803. Later, Bender stated that, “The State constitutional convention presented the Constitution of Ohio to Congress on February 19, 1803, and Congress chose to ignore the whole business.” Full story in link below.,to%20grant%20statehood%20to%20Ohio.
Did you see what I saw in the Ohio State union admittance? That's right. The year 1953 is when it gained technical admittance to the union.
The number "153" strikes again ... as in the apostle John's 153" fish of John chapter 21.
Given what has just happened in Ohio regarding the legislation that no doubt threatens the Gospel message, pretty darn ironic that we find 153 in the state's technical founding year.
Chalk one up for timing eh? Mere days before the pope opens the portal "door" to the Basilica of St. Paul (the Rapture Apostle) outside the walls.
This Ohio bill has passed the Ohio Senate and is making it's way through the Ohio House of Representatives. Here's another kicker ... it passed the Senate at the "135th" General Assembly. All the numbers of this assembly containing containing the number 153.
The sovereignty of God strikes again.
We should be watching closely to see if this Ohio bill becomes Ohio State law by passing the House given the prophetic implications seen in the Ohio technical founding year. Additionally, the technical founding year (1953) would make Ohio "technically" the 48th state, which is the date of the last American eclipse in the Aleph/tahv/dalet eclipse trilogy (April 8 = 4/8). Of course, this is also the date of Israel'r rebirth (1948).
DeleteI think at this point we can all see that so goes the freedom of the Gospel in America, so goes the Church Age. This Ohio bill/legislation story speaks volumes about what America's purpose in Bible prophecy is and has been all along (for those who would claim that America really has no Christian purpose and focus solely on the issue of Freemasonry etc. inherent in its founding).
What are the odds that this bill would first surface and actually pass the Senate in the state that displays a rather prophetically peculiar union admittance number relating to the Rapture.
Corey, I put the translation on the net in 2 different places to find out what you were saying from Ohio about Israel and the gospel, but it contradicts itself a little. Are you saying that those who proclaim the Gospel in Ohio will no longer be allowed to do so and that people there will no longer be able to criticize Israel? If so, it is good for Israel but bad for the Christians of this country. The translation is not always reliable.
DeleteYes, that is exactly what it would likely do. As Representative Matt Gaetz explained, the legislation is written in such a way that it disregards the Constitution of the God-given right of free speech. As the bill is written, the Gospel itself would meet the required definition of "antisemitism." The bill says that the definition of antisemitism includes "contemporary examples of antisemitism" identified by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. One of those examples includes "claims of Jews killing Jesus." If you make any public claim of the biblical fact that a certain segment of Jews killed Jesus, which as you well know is historically accurate i.e., you can be in violation of the law. Those words spoken by Mr. Gaetz himself.
DeleteOf course, as Christians we know that Jesus as God willfully gave himself up to them to be killed, but if you so much as mention that the Jews betrayed him into the hands of the Romans, you are pretty much labeled an "antisemite" or a "Jew hater" under this proposed legislation. Simply acknowledging the narrative of the Bible, in that case, would qualify you as an "antisemite."
But we should expect this kind of anti-Christian legislation and persecution to increase as the days draw short to the Rapture and Tribulation. It is often said that the modern descendants of the Pharisees of Jesus' day are the ones behind the creation of the New World Order and the ongoing destruction of American/European western civilization ... which is very true. Jesus condemned them and called them "vipers" and "serpents."
Now, we're not talking about the average Jew who just wants to live their life and has no problem with Christians or whatever, but what we're talking about here is a certain segment of Jewish hostility toward western civilization and Christianity. It is this same segment who have gained control of the levers of power through infiltration in the west and pretty much the world. These are the power brokers and their proxies of the New World Order - and Christianity is in their crosshairs.
The Apostle Paul lets us know that they are our enemies for the Gospel's sake ...
"As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes" (Romans 11:28).
We read of many examples of the Jews persecuting Christians in the Bible. They drag Stephen outside and stone him to death on the grounds of ‘blasphemy’ (severe disrespect for God). Many more examples could be sited, but I think you get the idea. Ultimately, this hostility is going to manifest during the Tribulation wherein Christians are going to be beheaded for identifying with Christ (Noahide laws).
That is a quick rough draft of a subject that goes way down a rabbit hole of detail.
I would offer this as a further study ...
Timothy Alberino
ReplyDeleteMystery Drones over New Jersey: What’s Really Happening
Looks like some folks are detecting radioactivity in New York with sensor devices.
ReplyDeleteRADIATION DETECTORS **ALERTING** IN NEW YORK CITY; Governor Deploys Most National Guard since 9-11
Probably a false flag incoming.
Family, Blessings Mele Kalikimaka from a snow-less Denver area this Christmas.
ReplyDeleteThe state bird of Ohio is the Cardinal. The College of Cardinals, the (RC) Church's most senior officials, are responsible for choosing a new pope. In simple Gematria, 'cardinal' = 62
G62: agrammatos: Unlettered, illiterate, uneducated: Acts 4:13; Usage: The term "agrammatos" is used to describe someone who is unlettered or lacking formal education, particularly in the context of reading and writing. In the New Testament, it is used to denote individuals who are perceived as lacking scholarly training or formal education in the Scriptures or other academic disciplines.
Easily spoken of the entire Laodicean church of these last days & most of You Tube Watchmen as well as where many of us were before being drawn in by a Great Wonder; my, how far we have come.
H62: Abel Beth-maakah: Abel Beth-maakah: Proper Geographical name. 1 Kings 15:20
Cultural and Historical Background: Abel Beth-maakah was situated in the northern part of ancient Israel, near the border with Aram (modern-day SYRIA - see recent ASSAD events). It was a significant city during the time of the united monarchy and the divided kingdom. The city is noted for its strong fortifications and its role as a refuge and a place of counsel. Its name suggests a lush, fertile area, possibly indicating its agricultural significance. (Bible Hub)
Note: One school of thought is that the Jeroboam typology foretells of upcoming events and that tale was entangled with the splitting of Israel into 2 kingdoms and, in which, this city/area was featured/named. Furthermore, it is possible that during the 1st half of the Tribulation, the world gets decimated but Israel is built up to be the ONLY superpower left on the planet, i.e. 'lush, fertile area', rich in 'men and cattle'.
Many have heard of the new 'tourism motto' of Ohio: "OHIO: the heart of it all" Hmmm...
Then, ofc, there's the state motto: With God, all things are possible
Very interesting info Jimboni. A telling prophetic theme developing in Ohio it would seem.
DeleteBeing a Buckeye, myself, I just had to.
DeleteRE: 5 Portals of the Vatican
ReplyDeleteSatanic Sigils
Bob + Fam,
So, here is the Chart I configured about the 5 Doors or 'Sacra Portas' that are to be opening in the span of 13 Days. The illustration is based on a Top View of the Coordinates that Bob looked-up and plotted. I have also written-up an interpretation of them. There are very interesting correspondences for sure that one sees and discusses; that Article is forthcoming.
But thanks to Bob for doing the ‘Heavy Lifting’. As I had commented to Bob, he is no longer just a ‘C’ Average Prophecy 101 Student. Any denial of it, is just ‘False Humility’, which is Pride. :) You hear that Bob? lol
RE: Vatican Satanic Sigil Doorways
DeleteBob + Fam,
Here is one’s Interpretation of the Chart based on the Coordinates of the Ley-Lines of the Vatican, from where the Pope is to open 5 Sacred Portals or Doorways. It is a Satanic Ritual or Rite that is performed, to include Masons and all the Signatures of the Luciferians.
See what you all think,
Keep the Watch,
Ritualistic Rehearsal of escaping from a Prison
Lu...thank you so much for the detailed response and "carrying the torch" on this very important subject matter (i.e, the Pope opening the 5 Holy Doors or Portals beginning next week). Your article and chart were absolutely amazing. Perhaps the best work I've seen from you so far!
DeleteAs I had hoped, you have greatly added to the discussion on this subject. When Dr. Barry first mentioned it in his video a couple of weeks ago, followed by the work of Steve Fletcher and other watchmen, I knew I needed to learn more. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for doing all the detailed research and sharing your insights with the Rev12 family and the rest of the watchmen community. We're learning so much!
You covered so many points my head is still spinning and that's after reading your article only once! But here are a few points:
*I did not know the Masons are associated with the Catholic Church or the Vatican.
*I was not aware that this is the first time the Pope will be opening a Holy Door at a prison. As you said, the opening of these Doors will be in essence, the opening of the "Gates of Hell". Specifically, the tombs beneath the Vatican were and are, the Tombs or Prison Cells of these Fallen Deities or Angels that Lucifer is trying to liberate.
*There appears to be a connection (broken Pentagram) between the Vatican and America (District of Columbia). Is it possible that America is the Greater Babylon and Mystery Babylon is the Vatican?
*Interesting that 12/24 to 1/6 = 13 days. Coincidence?
*You mention the Roman Catholic Jubilee is a 25 year segment of time and they started the Holy Door ritual in 1423 . 2024 - 1423 = 600 or 601 years ÷ 25 = 24 times or December 24th or Kislev 24. There's that Number 24 again!
There's many more, but that's all I have for now. Should be very interesting to see what happens when the Holy Doors or Portals are opened in the coming weeks!
Thanks again, Lu.
Is this true or a rumor? This comes from a link from Watchwoman 65.
Hey is the Winter Solstice (12/21) and that means we have struck-out again. ⚾ 👉 ⚾ Or put another way, the Final Fall Flight (FFF) "high watch period" for the Rapture is now over. Finito!!! Lol! The next high watch period, in my humble opinion, is during Hanukkah, which runs for 8-9 days from December 24-25th to January 2nd. Perhaps we can call it: Heavenly Hanukkah Hope (HHH), Holy Hanukkah Hour (HHH) or maybe even Hanukkah Happy Hour (HHH)! Lol! 🎅 🍷 🎅
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts Stephan + Lu?
These acronyms (PPP, WWW, FFF + HHH) are useful when we have our Rapture debates, no? Or when we go through our monthly "Date + Wait, Rinse + Repeat" Cycle! At the very least, it reduces the amount of words when we post!
If one wants to hear more about Hanukkah, Christmas and the Winter Solstice check out this video by Carol Vey (20:47 minutes). If time is short, watch between the 8-15 minute mark.
Bob, I like Heavenly Hanukkah Hope (HHH)! Rapture on your birthday would be great!!!
DeleteHHH, PPP, WWW, FFF= Happy Passover Wedding Feast :)
DeleteStephan...I agree that Heavenly Hanukkah Hope (HHH) sounds the best and has the right connotation. And I like your Happy Passover Wedding Feast (HPWF). I see you're clearly looking forward to your favorite "high watch period", but you know, you'll first need to survive the Hanukkah-Holy Door Gauntlet! Lol!
DeleteBtw, you've got an excellent memory regarding my birthday being on the 24th. What a birthday present it would be for one to be Raptured on X'mas Eve or Kislev 24. Actually it would be a blessing (Haggai 2:19) for all of us! Then the final walk or glide over to the FunTable for some new red wine, Yeshua's pizza, fresh figs + some chocolate cake! Please make it so, #1!
Bob, you wrote: I see you're clearly looking forward to your favorite "high watch period".
DeleteF(FF) = favorite
H(HH) = high
W(WW) = watch
P(PP) = period
That's cool :)
Stephan...nice catch! That was purely accidental on my part. The "Holy Spirit" works in strange ways, no?
DeleteWhere's Lu? He must still be searching out those Scull Motif symbols at the Vatican! So cool! I think he's really onto something. You've been very quiet on the 5 Holy Doors or Portals. Any thoughts on the matter?
If what this pastor says is true, we are really close to the rapture. Creation, animals and birds go crazy.
ReplyDeleteWatchman End Times Daily Bible Prophecy Channel
If U Want 2 Hear A SHOCKING, Terrifying Sign Were DEFINITELY In The End Times, WATCH THIS & CRINGE! 7 min.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting video, long but worth its weight in gold, talking about predictive programming, drones and orbs, hidden audio frequencies (mind control) used for the movie Leave the world Behind "starting at minute 34" and more! It's much more than the B Beam project. It's mixed with the occult! There's a lot of material in this video. I had been praying to the Lord to reveal to me what's going on with the drones and all, because I like to know where I'm going with this, and, praise God, He answers quickly.
its WORSE than YOU think (DRONE EDITION)
Oh my! I see I have a lot of catching up to do with you all dear Brethren! And surprisingly, I took the time to put down my research/thoughts on whether the Seals are open or not and where the Rapture might fit into it. Here's some deep reading for your Christmas vacation time, Beloved of the Lord with excerpts from Stephanie Dawn's site (she has written articles for Unsealed):
ReplyDeleteThe Rapture and The Seals of Revelation
Thank you dear sister!
DeleteHi Lyn, I posted this on your site but thought I'd share it here so others can weigh in.
DeleteFascinating ideas, Lyn. I can see why one (I think Pastor Rich believes we are in the seals also) would think so. It is so hard to put aside presuppositions/preconceptions, teachings, we have all had for so many years. But we MUST in order to search out the truth. We may still end up with the same conclusions, but we must be open to "correction." I think of the popular interpretation of Is. 17:1-2, that it is unfilled, that so many hold to. Yet, JD Farag recently changed his mind on that, and apparently there are others who also think those verses were fulfilled in 732 BC (Wiersbe, Andy Woods, Walvrood, eg.). I watched Andy Woods' video on that today. He makes a very good case for the destruction of Damascus having already occurred. So, with the seals. If we put aside our preconceived ideas, and teachings, and really just read the text, especially in light of what we see happening in the world today, it sure seems as if we could be there. I found your statement, "There are extensive grammatical arguments regarding the tense of this verse, but it is my understanding that the first five Seals reflect the evil agenda of Satan, the Great Red Dragon, working through corrupt people and is not yet the wrath of the Lamb or God" intriguing. We aren't told these first 5 seals are the Wrath. If we believe the entire 70th week of Daniel is the Wrath, with the last 3.5 years being THE WRATH, then the early seals seem to be the "introduction/transition." It is actually the 6th seal wherein we are told the wrath of the Lamb is come. The 5th seal martyrs are typically said to be Trib martyrs, but the Bible doesn't say that specifically. After all, saints have been martyred for the past 2000+ years. Could these be they? Not to mention they are mentioned BEFORE the wrath of seal 6. At any rate, whether in the seals, or knee deep in their onslaught, we sure seem to be close to going home. Thank you dear sister, for diligently sharing, studying, warning. May God richly bless you!
Bob and Stephan, you guys are too funny! thanks for making us smile--if not laugh out loud. Bob, you are getting very "studious"--good work, Cap't. On the runway, just waiting for the run-up to takeoff!
Carole, thank you for sharing all the tidbits you find with us, Jimboni and Corey for your unique insights and depth, AA for Israel and political updates, Lu for incredible depth of research so freely shared, Brad for keeping the site going for all of us.
May God richly bless all of you here--those who speak up whether often or occasionally, and all those who read, are a part, but choose to remain in the background, or are unable to post for some reason--Stan, Sheila, Mom, Jeova, and others we don't know about. Merry Christmas, fam, and love from our Lord, Who loved us more than He loved His own life!
Excellent article, Lyn. I would love to chime in about the opening of the seals, but my head is still spinning after reading Lu's latest article about the opening of the 5 Doors of Lucifer. My brain can handle only so much!
DeleteJudi (co-pilot)...I'm glad to hear from you. Have you had a chance to talk to AA? She's still waiting to find out if she got the Barista job on Flight 777. Not sure what I'm talking about check out the previous thread (ha, ha!).
😆Bob, I just love your humor, Brother. And I can relate about your head spinning--I have yet to catch up with everything shared above for just that reason!
DeleteJudi, thanks for mentioning Sheila, Mom, Jeova, Stan and others who are not able to comment--SHEILA, I pray all is well with you and yours, dear Sister--I especially miss you as you were (in my opinion) a foundational commenter and even moderator. Much love to you and all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ 🥰
Lyn...for some strange reason, I was thinking about your article when I first woke up this morning. My initial thought was the saying..."All for one and one for all". Which made me think of "for one" (Revelation 4:1) and "one for" (2 Thessalonians 1:4). Weird, huh? Which apparently means I'm in the "Three Musketeers" or 4:1 camp!
DeleteThank you Lyn! Amen, Cap Bob! Agreed with you, 4:1 camp! Waiting for our Flight 777. Blessings to all Fam!
DeleteHey, LuLu. You might find this interview with real-life X File, former FBI Agent John Desouza interesting. After the Cold War/Communism vs Western freedom, Islam vs everybody, next comes the fake alien invasion as predicted by Wernher von Braun.
ReplyDeleteFormer FBI Agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion (one year later) I Redacted
Under continuity of government, the head of NORAD becomes the de facto President if an invasion occurs. Yet, another way of keeping DJT out of the White House.
DeleteBlessings, All
ReplyDeleteIn re '...think those verses were fulfilled in 732 BC', clearly JD is as far off the Reservation as when he poo-poo'ed The Great Wonder. Was Damascus a city in 733 BC? (That is the year PRIOR to 732 BC.) Yes, it was. Is Damascus a city today without any vestige or memory of its being sacked in antiquity? Yes, it is.
Has Damascus, the oldest recorded, continuously inhabited city on Earth, "ceased to be a city," (ibid.) No, it has not.
To be clear, if every single building in Damascus was burned to the ground in 732 BC and ripped apart by crane and hoist and horse, and every living soul there put to death by invaders, the historic fact of Damascus since, and to this day, make the pending nature of the prophecy of its destruction as clear as the nose on one's face. Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts.
Amen, Jimboni, agreed! Praying for you and yours! How are you now?
DeleteHmmmm, Jimboni, your comment feels a little like a knee jerk smack down, brother. If I remember correctly, you and AA both have issues with JD, and he didn't see the R12 sign as we do, (but he sure got a lot right with the jab and other things; none of us is right all the time). Fine, but there are other scholars as mentioned above who see this differently as well. I don't have a dog in this fight. My only point is that it is a reminder to me that having a teachable spirit includes being able to look at other interpretations and consider/discard/give credence to as warrants. Andy Woods takes the position (I think; I'd have to listen again) that it 's possible to be conquered by another culture/destroyed/disbursed into slavery and still be re-inhabited later. We don't know it was the total destruction you state, though researching the term ruinous heap can certainly mean that (but doesn't necessarily mean it unequivocally). His reasoning, if I understand him correctly is that the word "forever" is not used in reference to Damascus' destruction as it is used regarding Babylon in Revelation e.g., wherein Babylon will be deserted forever. Ergo, he reasons b/c Damascus isn't so identified, the 732 destruction could be a fulfillment of Is 17:1 even tho it has been continuously inhabited--though under different conquerors. I just know the older I get, the more I know I don't know, and I'm not willing to die on many swords that are not in the category of orthodox, foundational doctrines of our faith--salvation by grace, inerrancy, e.g. Nevertheless, whether Is. 17:1-2 is past (if so, yea, we are even closer to going home b/c one more domino down), or future, we are still very close to going home. Enough to get excited about either way n'est ce pas? 🥰
DeleteAlla D, Blessings Well, it's been the best of times and the worst of times. My health has stabilized, seemingly, and the colostomy tolerable. Working a mandated 50 hours, weekly, during our busiest season has been rough but, again, tolerable. However, apparently when the nurses filled out the Surgeon's Report for the Dept. of Labor, which the Doctors then signed, on the question 'is there any indication that this injury was work-related?', they answered 'no' on both statements (I had 2 surgeries/surgeons). Thus, my Workman's Comp claim, which was filed by the Post Office on my behalf while I was hospitalized, was denied. Ofc, my request for pre-authorization of the pending operation to remove the colostomy and return my digestive tract to normal functioning wasn't even considered.
DeleteSo, at the moment, I owe around $200k dollars in medical bills and live under the prospect of having this colostomy until I pass. I have 60 days to appeal, which goes out to early February, around my birthday, and plan on circling up with the Docs after the new year, when the Holidays settle down, get corrected forms and pursue.
In my spirit I am hopeful that My Heavenly Father, aka, The Great Physician, Has Orchestrated This Charade Of Incompetence To Spare Me That 3rd Surgery As The Arrival Of His Son For The Bride Is Forthwyth.
Oh my, Jimboni, your earthly troubles (boys included) are truly inexplicable. Praying for you--restored health and full resolution in your favor re workman's comp. Alla, so appreciate your sweet spirit--I truly can't wait to meet everyone from here at the fun table. Praying for you as well. You recovering well?
DeleteHmewrdbd, Blessings & Thank you. As for your response to my smack down the edginess is likely magnified by my distemper afoot with current challenges, et al. Knee-jerk implies an impulsive reaction, reflexive and without thought and it is quite the contrary. JD's attitude towards TGW belied a prideful stance as I saw it then and still do. It parallels Dr. BA's dreaming up feasts not revealed in Scripture and assigning them equal validity to those disclosed in the Word of God. While I am reflexively opposed to anyone adding or detracting from Holy Writ, it is not without thought or consideration of possible alternatives to traditional thought on certain matters. In the case of Damascus, "cease to be a city" is abundantly clear without any gymnastics or need to stretch the text like trampoline fabric.
DeleteI am reminded that Jewish scribes went through multiple ceremonial baths and cleansing before picking up a quill to simply COPY a Torah Scroll so that fresh copies could preserve the text. While it is honorable to dig deeply into God's Word and history to uncover fresh insights and possibilities, I find many Western Christin teachers fail to walk humbly in the effort and treat the topic like an academic discussion and not an area to approach in reverence and fear of the Lord. I am reminded of Jesus' 'knee-Jerk', reflexive retort when Peter did the same and spoke against the Revealed Plans of The Lord which Peter found unsavory.
Deuteronomy 4:2
Psalm 119:160
2 Timothy 3:16,17
Lu, where are your articles! Waiting for them!
ReplyDeleteAlla (aka 4:1 camper!)...if you haven't yet read Lu's article posted above (VATICAN SATANIC SIGIL/OPENING THE 5 DOORS OF LUCIFER) check it out. So good!!! But have some aspirins handy!
DeleteBtw, where you be, Lu? Are you ok? Hopefully you're just working on a new article or out buying X-mas presents for the Rev12 Family.
Thank you Bob! This is great. I study this already. I want to go Home very much! Praying!
DeleteRE: Updates
I am still here but will be taking some Time-Off as I am on Break from School. I will be heading-off to visit and stay with Family for a few Weeks. We will see what comes of 2025, but it will not be ‘Good’. Remember what the Apostle Paul stated about the Last Days; that it would be going from ‘Bad to Worse’. That, we can count-on. So, have one’s House in Order. That is the least we can do, should do and must do.
Double AA,
Yes, John DeSouza is the Real Deal. Most of what he stated is ‘Right-On’. He mentioned the Reverse Engineering of the Drones one suspected. Then about the Mass Casualty Event that will be based on that Disease X sort of Plague. The 'Emergencies', Lock-Downs, Mask Mandates and Injections are coming back.
My Website got taken down. The Tech Department Is ‘Ghosting’ me or ignoring me even though they are saying they are working on a Solution. It is a very simple ‘Fix’ but it could be because of the Content that many People would not like posted. I post on the 5 Doves Website as a Back-Up for my Articles. If I post there, then one can visit that Site, along with other Brethren who post Articles as well.
5 Doves
December 22, 2024
So, what the Drone ‘Invasion’ is all about is as one suspects is the Staging of how they, the Cabal or the Synagogue of Satan, that controls and runs the World are needing to get Ready for the Rapture. They need to control the Narrative and like COVID 1.0, they are using the same Game Plan to implement their Mass Psychosis. And this is in conjunction with the Spiritual Aspect of the Opening-Up of the Portals Rituals. It is their Pharmakeia again or Sorcery being induced on the People.
The Cabal will need to control the People that remain behind in the World, as it will truly be a ‘Brave New World and 1984’ Type of Reality from that Post-Rapture Society. But as that Brother who stated that he was shown the ‘Drone Invasion’, to Pray Against It. It is coming and not sure how all that will affect each Believer in Jesus. But we are commanded to Pray against it, Resist the Devil and leave the Consequences with Jesus. This is how we can be at Peace about it coming into the New Year and New Administration here in the USA.
Lu...I'm glad to hear you are safe and sound. Sorry to hear about the shutting down of your website. Much of what we post here can be viewed as controversial or content that is not agreeable to non-Christians so it's probably just a matter of time before we get shut down too. Oh well, we won't be here much longer so no worries!
DeleteI'm happy you'll be able to get away for Winter Break to visit family and friends. While you're travelling 🇲🇽 just watch out for the Cartel! Lol! And be sure to give your mama a big hug!
If we're still after 'HHH', then yes the rest of 2025 will likely get much worse! Praying that the opening of the "Holy Portas" causes the following:
👹 ⁶⁶⁶ ⬇
👰 💍 👫 ⚭ 💒 ⬆
Enjoy your time off and have a Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Lu! Studying always! And Bob, your Charts are really great! Get ready our Flight 777!
DeleteA blessed Christmas season to each of you all. I know have been missing in action. We can only imagine one another's spiritual afflictions... but God! FYI, I see it's the year of the dragon for Eastern countries. All in God perfect time for the rapture. Lift up your heads, and
ReplyDeleteLook up !! Soon a call for 777 boarding!
Amen! Missed you really! Blessings to all! Looking up!
DeleteI would like to wish you all Merry Christmas! And ask for a prayer from you for my left eye. I accidentally caught it with a finger. Half of my eye is blood red on the white of my eye. I have a slight sensation like I have something in my eye but nothing else at the moment. My husband works until part of the night on snow removal and I can't go to the emergency room.
ReplyDeleteI saw someone who had the same problem but the blood went away on its own after a few days. So I don't know if I should go to the emergency room and wait hours for this, or if I can just stay home. Especially during this holiday season when emergency room service is reduced.
Carole, stating unequivocally that I am not a doctor! I have had a similar thing happen and don't even know how it got there. Must have strained too hard lifting or something. A good friend of mine had it happen to her too. For both of us it went away after a few days. She went to get it checked, I didn't. I would monitor any pain, change in vision, etc. to see how urgent you think it is. Blessings.
DeleteJimboni, no offense intended. Peace?
Merry Christmas, Sisters. I’m praying for healing of your eye, dear Carole.
DeleteThank you dear AA and dear Judi! XX
DeleteRE: Eye Problem
Interesting. I too have been having issues with my Eyes, the left Eye. I went to get an Eye Exam today. This is what they told me. My Right Eye is getting better, but my Left Eye is getting worse. It is dry and here is what thy prescribed for me.
1. Special Eye Drops to help lubricate.
2. Hot Pad for the Eyes that you put in the Microwave for about 25-30 seconds to then apply to the Eyes.
3. Pain Mediation.
I was informed that if the symptoms do not alleviate themselves in 3-4 Weeks, to see my Primary Doctor about it. It could be then something to do with my Brain. Since I was a Boy, I have had sharp bolts of sensation on my Left Side of the Brain, not Pain, but like ‘Jolts’, if that makes sense. It occurs infrequently over long period of Time, even Year, but I guess I am having an episode.
I was told that it is due or could be due to Stress.
So, do go see your Doctor about it, even if it can be over Zoom, if possible.
I pray that we get healed of our Left Eye in Jesus’ Name.
Hmewrdbd, Blessings None taken; when we Bereans pick up the task it is a contact sport. Ofc, the challenge is to temper the passion with kindness, amen. Merry Christmas! He is RISEN! He is RISEN, INDEED!
DeleteHe is RISEN, INDEED. For me the message of Christmas is the Cross. Years ago I wrote a poem depicting the minutes in Heaven before Jesus was born--how heartbreaking for Abba, yet overwhelmingly poignant, noting the love, for mankind--and His Son--the picture was. The final line concluded with "He stepped into the manger and onto the Cross."
DeleteHe is RISEN, INDEED. Amen.
Happy Birthday, Bob! In position, pre-flight's done, waiting to go--soon's you give us the word to buckle up! AA I'll have a Caramel Macchiato when you get a moment after takeoff, please, while I prepare a spread of warm Brie (or Camembert, or Blue Castello) and crostini, and some of Bob's figs and summer fruit, for the fam. Waiting for the new wine in heaven. Lu, you will be giving us a running commentary, right? (praying for yours and Carole's eyes) Stephan and Corey will be correlating numbers and their significance for us, Greg L and TW Tramm will analyze and share, Lyn will pull in and comment on the other happenings and prophetic voices, Jimboni will offer his unique perspectives and insights. Ozzie still making quips and quirks. The voices we have missed, Ryan NZ, Sheila, Stan, Jeova, Mom (who always gave us a word fitly spoken) free to speak at last, Brad, who made it all possible able to sit down and rest, Carole and Alla still offering their their affirmations always.
VeeBee, forgot to mention last post, good to hear from you. The danger in mentioning anyone is that I will forget someone (I plead advanced age not negligence), please please forgive me and know that it is unintentional (I was one of those moms and teachers who "counts the jellybeans," so know God knows you). Love you all, fam. Merry Christ's Birth and RESURRECTION.
Jimboni, lest I wasn't clear, by unique I mean your writing style--Like Lu's writing, I often have to re-read to gain the nuggets therein.
DeleteBlessings, dear Judi! Merry Christmas! I have your order and will present it to you forthwith after takeoff🧋✈️🎄
DeleteAA...I've got some good news for you! I checked with the personnel department at Spirit Airways and they authorized your position as a Barista on Flight 777. Yippee!!! We all get to enjoy your tasty drinks (frappy's, mocha's, hot tea, etc) on our short flight to Paradise. ☕︎ 👩 ☕ ׂ
ReplyDelete✈️ 777 ✈️
Cap't Bob
Bobby Z! Right on! ☕️🫖🍵🥛🧋🍷🧉🍶🥤coming up!✈️✈️✈️
DeleteAA...Spirit Airways clearly hired the right person. Such enthusiasm! And where did you find all those drink emojis? I'm really impressed! Btw, I forget to mention you need to report to work tomorrow (four and twentieth day of the 9th month or Kislev 24!). The crew will meet at Angel's Lounge in the Terminal first thing in the morning! Did you hear that Judi (co-pilot)? Lu called me on his cell phone while heading south on I-5 to warn me that tomorrow could be the Big Day instead of his long theorized 723! Lol!
DeleteBobby Z! After the relief of DJT winning, I was content to ignore all those that wanted me to worry every second between Election Day and Jan 20 BUT with the advent of drones, orbs, etc, it’s a new ballgame. If all that hadn’t happened, I was willing to cruise by until Jan 20 and not worry but, if you watch that John DeSouza interview I told Lu about, the Cabal does not want the Inauguration to take place. This drone invasion must have been Plan C or D after the false charges, sham trials and assassination attempts all failed. I will be pretty much living in the Terminal from tomorrow on. Can you believe it? The Cabal is going ahead with the fake alien invasion. John DeSouza mentioned that Chuck Missler believed 2 Thessalonians 2:11 (the strong delusion) involves a fake alien invasion.
DeleteI found all the emojis somehow!
AA...I haven't had a chance to watch the John DeSouza interview but I agree with you it's probably best to spend what little time we have left in the Terminal. Anything that will shield us from the upcoming events (whether they be fake, delusional or evil). Or better yet, stay close to home and put our full Faith + Trust in Jesus!
DeleteAgreed, the hardest part in creating emoji art is finding them! So many dead ends or X boxes!
Happy Birthday, Bob! Have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Stephan. I'm one day younger or 6.'777' years old now! Sure hope that means we'll be departing soon!
DeleteHappy birthday dear Bob! God bless you today!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the blessings, Carole. Praying that your left eye gets better. Departing now would solve all our health problems. So looking forward to getting our new "glorified bodies" on the "other side"!
DeleteHappy Birthday, Cap't Bob! Blessings forever! Flight today! 🚀
ReplyDeleteThank you, Alla. Though a long shot based on our current batting average, praying that Flight 777 departs on the four and twentieth day of the 9th month or on my birthday! As Lu often says, "Time will Tell"!
DeleteBobby Z! Happy Birthday!
DeleteWhen you were growing up, did you hear the dreaded, “This present is for your birthday AND Christmas” ? lol! I hope not! 🎂🍧🍰🎉🎁🎄
Thank you, AA (aka "Barista Lady"). Most of the time I get two gifts (one for X-mas + one for my birthday), but occasionally there's someone in the family who gives me just one! Overall, it works out well though and I have no complaints. Right now I'm baking some Pamela's GF chocolate cupcakes. Yum, Yum! Lol!
DeleteBtw, I like your emojis! You need to make some "emoji art" for us someday!
Oops! I must have pressed the button twice! Oh well, double the fun!
DeleteLol! Oh, wow. Chocolate cupcakes. Enjoy.
DeleteYou know I love the Breville milk frother and convection oven so much that I think I’m going to go ahead and get their version of the instant pot/pressure cooker! It will arrive after Christmas but something else to look forward to🎄🥘🍲🍛🍜🥧
We bought an 8 qt. InstaPot a few years ago. So useful. We've made chili, beef stew, pinto beans, artichokes, corn on cob and even peach jam this year. You'll love it!
DeleteAwesome! Yes, I think so, too. Arrives Friday!
DeleteRE: Bob’s Birthday?
DeleteHappy Birthday Bob!
So Birthday Boy… You giving Jesus competition, eh? :) I see. Well, luckily Jesus was not likely born in December. I will leave it at that as I do not want to be called the ‘The Lu that stole You’z Christmas’, lol You all know I prefer the September 11, -3 BC Date, based on the Astronomy. And that Timeline then ties with the April 32 Crucifixion, Death, Burial, Resurrection and start of the Church Age, etc. And then also its possible 2000 Year Duration, along with the 7-Year Tribulation, all-inclusive. That is one's Working Theory, at least.
And then come to find out that again, solely based on Astronomy, from September 11, -3 BC, the Magi did come to Bethlehem to visit Jesus, as a Toddler approximately 15 Months later, on December 25, -2 BC. And this was when Jupiter paused for its Retrograde Motion, appearing to ‘Stop’ over Bethlehem. And Jupiter was in what Sign? Virgo. It was a Prelude to the Revelation 12 Sign.
It was shortly after the Event, that an Angle, mostly likely the Arch-Angel Gabriel warned Joseph in a Dream to flee to Egypt. It was because King Herod, the supposed ‘King of the Jews’ did not want any competition and sought to kill Jesus. Here is your Revelation 12 ‘Red Dragon’ that sought to devour the Man-Child as soon as He was born Prophetic Motif.
So, as the 3 Gifts were presented to Jesus by the Magi of Persia, as an Act of Worship, they provided the needed Economic Resources to sustain the Holy Family in Egypt. On an aside note, Jesus was also presented with the Fruit of Daniel's Labor and Prophecy. These Magi are what one calls the PhD Graduates of Daniel's Astrological-Astronomical School of Prophecy. lol
It also served, by Proxy of how Jesus took the Position of how Abraham, Joseph and Jacob went into Egypt. Those situations were all acts of Sin and Disobedience that resulted in the entire Bondage of YHVH’s People. But then YHVH rose-up a Deliverer, i.e., Moses and then Joshua, all Prophetic Types of Jesus, etc. But eventually, the Holy Family came out of Egypt, also a Type of Exodus, to return back to Israel.
All that to say, that Gift-Giving on December 25, 2024, in honor of Jesus’ Birth is ‘Appropriate’ and an Act or Tradition of the Heart to celebrate based on one's Conviction to do so or not. However, as far as one knows, it is the Death and Resurrection that GOD in the Bible explicitly commands Jesus’ Believers and Followers to commemorate, as often as one so desires. So, the ‘Pagan’ Traditions that have been incorporated within the Feast? Trees, Yule Logs, Mistletoe, and Satan-Clause, I mean Santa-Claus? Not so much. And that, I will ‘steal’ from you all. :)
Call me Grinch Lu,…that Stole Christmas 2024.
But who knows, this could be our Last Christmas Together…If one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline will be ‘it’. Why even Aaron at God-a-Minute now concurs!
I remember a Rabbi teaching that even though Dec 25 is unlikely to be the actual Birth Date of our Lord and Savior, it is still ok to celebrate the fulfillment of Prophecy. And Jesus certainly did fulfill several prophecies concerns His Birth, Birth Place, Born of a Virgin, etc.
DeleteAs far as Joseph going into Egypt being an “act of sin and disobedience”, he really didn’t have a say in the matter as his lovely brothers stripped him of his gorgeous coat, threw him into a pit and then sold him to a bunch of traveling Ishmaelites on their way to sell goods in Egypt ((Genesis 37:23-38).
God used Joseph’s predicament to save many lives, including those of his long suffering Dad and insufferable brothers by putting him into a position high enough to save them all from actual starvation (Genesis 42:1-3).
DeleteRE: Sin of Joseph, Son of Jacob?
DeleteDouble AA,
Yes, one needed to elaborate more about Joseph, as you rightly broke it down. Joseph had nothing to do with the Sin of the Sons of Jacob. And that was the Point, in how it is exactly befitting Jesus' Prophetic Typology. And one later sees how at the Banquet given by Joseph of his Brothers, it shows how Israel was ‘Blind’ to see him, even though he was right there in front of him. And only at the ‘End’ did Joseph reveal himself to Israel. It was a Bitter-Sweet Moment as it will be at the Return of Jesus. Zechariah 12:10.
That is how it was and will be with Jesus and the same ‘Sons of Jacob’ that are currently Spiritually Blind to see Jesus fully in that Day. Until then, they see 'Us', the Collective Body of Jesus on Earth. LORD help us. This is due to how they cling to the Law. As the Scripture states, once Jesus is lifted-up, the Law is removed and the Blindness, in Part, is lifted off like ‘Scales’ over the Eyes, etc. And as a True Type of Jesus to come, Joseph, being wrongly accused was elevated to Rule as 2nd in Command, usually a position reserved for the Heir-Apparent Son of the Pharaohs.
While in Prison, there were also those 2 Prophetic Elements that associated Joseph with Jesus and the New Covenant, with the Bread and the Wine, i.e., the Baker and the Cup-Bearer. Joseph ‘saved’ the known World at that Time and Place by providing Bread, as in the Wheat to do so. He also married a Gentile Bride. So, yes…it was the Sons of Jacob that wronged Joseph, sold and handed over like Jesus was in the Gospels. But Joseph realized it was for the Greater Good and how his Obedience and Sacrifice led to not only the Salvation of Israel, but the World.
Thank you, Lu. My birthday is on Christmas Eve, so no way can I be compared to Jesus. "Close but no cigar"! Lol! I'm only a simple minded watchman waiting for His return.
DeleteHey, do you want to make us all laugh here at Rev12? Do you remember that photo you shared of your younger self a couple weeks ago? The one with your long hair and beard (photo #13 jpg) that looked like Michael J. Fox when he starred in the movie Teen Wolf. Well, since you mentioned your left eye is hurting you, could you use your graphic art or AI skills and add a pirate patch to that photo? I don't know why, but I think it would be really funny in a very strange way! But do it only if you think it would be funny too! Ofc, AA will never look at you in the same way!
Now back to my birthday festivities!
Agree completely. Jesus and Joseph also never uttered a word of complaint despite the cruelty inflicted on them.
DeleteI’m finally watching The Day the Earth Stood Still. The alien ship landed in Washington DC, my birthplace. John DeSouza said the Cabal is determined to destroy DC and that DJT may even have the Inauguration at an alternate site.
Wouldn’t it be something if the IDF strikes those nasty Houthis on Christmas? It’s certainly warranted. The Houthis keep firing ballistic missiles at Tel Aviv because 75% of the population resides in and around it. I’ve heard their leaders have gone into hiding since Israel Katz has stated his intention to wipe them out. Hiding certainly didn’t save Nasrallah, et al.
Thanks for the link Lyn! The lockdown would have to be global for this to happen. Not just in the US I think. But maybe I'm wrong!
DeleteThe other night before going to bed I was reading Revelation Chapters 18 and 19 and came across the following verse:
ReplyDelete"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war". (Revelation 19:11)
While this verse is very thought provoking in itself, what caught my attention was the capitalized F + T, which made me think of the Fun Table.
As some of you may recall, I made an emoji Fun Table for Thanksgiving Day. In continuing with the same theme, here's one for Christmas Day + Hanukkah. Enjoy!
👩 😸 🤵🏻 🍮 🍞 🍗 🍷 🍖 🍲 🥙 🍇 🥗 🐶 👩🏻💼
| 🎅 🎄 🎁 ☃️ JESUS SAVES 🕎 🛐 ✝️ ✡️ |
Merry Christmas everyone!
P.S. See what you started, Sheila!
Family, A Merry Christmas Blessings For All!
ReplyDeleteDo you remember? Do you remember laughing when you were young? Before you knew. Oh, there were monsters under the bed, surely, but generally the world was simple and often a lot of fun.
There were some moments back then when something was so funny you laughed to the very bottom of your soul. We haven't laughed like that in quite a while, but, do you remember?
In the Kingdom At Hand and after our Glorious Transformation, we will enjoy a simple and easy mind and spirit, as a child but far beyond. Among The Many Glorious Aspects Of Our Lord Which We Will Encounter And Enjoy In Eternity Is Humor;)
Somewhere ahead we will bump into something so incredibly funny that we will be sure we've pulled a Glorified Muscle, laughing. We will then laugh over it when it comes up, forever.
Psalm 16:11
Merry Christmas
Humor is a good thing, especially during these stressful times we're living in. Ain't that right, LuLu! Btw, where's your Wolfman Jack, Teen Wolf, One-Eyed Pirate photo? Lol! I really liked that younger photo of you. Here's your chance to "memorialize" it and give us all a good laugh on Christmas Day.
DeleteMerry Christmas, Family!
ReplyDeleteThanks for remembering our beloved pets at the Fun Table, Bobby Z!!
“ For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
"Pets Rule, Owners Drool". Lol!
DeleteBaking chicken cutlets in the convection oven and listening to Andrea Boccelli Christmas songs. Have a bottle of those peppermint oil capsules just in case😆.
DeleteYum, yum!!! 🍗 🐔 🍗 Help me!!!
DeleteHave you ever seen this 6 minute video? If it's true, then they are fallen angels disguised as nice guys. And they'll come when we're gone from here, as they all say.
ReplyDeleteThe Secret Diary Of Admiral Richard Byrd's Exploration To The North Pole 1947.. Unbelievable Report.
As posted earlier, Pope Francis will be opening 5 Holy Doors or Portals in Rome starting on December 24th and ending on January 5th. Today (12/26) Pope Francis opened the 2nd Holy Door at the Rebibbia Prison (see video link from Steve Fletcher).
As shown in the video, Pope Francis knocks on the door 6 times with his left hand. Does this signify 666? I honestly don't know! I think we need to be careful about reading too much into this symbolic (?) gesture since we don't know if it was intentional or not. However, it probably would be a good idea to wait until all 5 doors are opened to see if anything sinister or evil happens. "Time will Tell", as Lu often says!
Looking at things from a more positive point of view, here are some quotes from Pope Francis today:
"This morning, I opened a Holy Door at the Roman prison of Rebibbia, following the one at St. Peter's. It was, we could say, "the cathedral of pain and hope."
“I like to think of hope as the anchor that is on the shore and, with the rope, we are safe. Do not lose hope: this is the message I want to give you, to give all of us … because hope never disappoints.
“In bad moments, we can all think that everything is over. Do not lose hope. This is the message I wanted to give you. Do not lose hope.”
Hey Stephan...did you notice that the overriding theme from the Pope is about hope? Which coincidentally is the same as ours!
Heavenly Hanukkah Hope (HHH)!
Yes, Bob! About one week till HHH is over. So there is still hope! Maybe in the Midst of Hanukkah?
DeleteHope in the "Midst of Hanukkah"...I like that! However, if it comes-and-goes, then we've got the "Promise of Passover" to look forward to. Or 'PPP'!
DeleteAt the 1:56 minute mark in the video, did you notice where the Pope says..."I ask Don Ben to come with me to open the Porta".
DeleteDoes anyone have any ideas what this means?
One commenter wrote: "Don is short for Donald, of Scottish origin and also means "world ruler". Ben is Hebrew for Son."
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary... Don (noun) means:
1. a head, tutor, or fellow in a college of Oxford or Cambridge University; broadly: a college or university professor
2. [Italian, title of respect, from donno, literally, lord, from Latin dominus] : a powerful Mafia leader
3. a Spanish nobleman or gentleman —used as a title prefixed to the Christian name
4. archaic: a person of consequence : GRANDEE
Finally found out who is 'Don Ben'! "Born in Romania, Archbishop Benoni Ambarus, known as 'Don Ben', became the first non-Italian bishop—apart from the pope—appointed in Italy in 2021". So nothing sinister going on here! And I thought he was the head of the Mafia! Lol!
DeleteNew video from Gary/Jeff,
I listened to this message from Pastor Jimmy Evans this morning and it’s one of his most powerful and personally impacting to me. God bless him.
ReplyDeleteGod is Closer Than You Think I Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans
Biden is pardoning death row inmates whose guilt is unquestionable.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Revelation 12 Blog family.
ReplyDeleteWell, be on the lookout, Brethren!
ReplyDeleteToday I found out that my latest article was taken down, so I had to redo it (and add C0D!NG evidently because of me mentioning c0r0n@v!rus info) and repost it: The Rapture and The Seals of Revelation
ALSO! More is coming out re. a possible Harris Presidency, so I updated that article also:
On December 22, 2024, Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show submitted CREDIBLE SOURCE CLAIMS JOE'S RESIGING & EVENTS LEAD KAMALA TO DECLARE LOCKDOWNS.
A few days later an article that originally appeared on The Gateway Pundit was republished with permission by the Vigilant News Network—‘The Hill’ Floats a Ludicrous Plan to Declare Kamala Harris President and Block Trump from Taking Office:
The Hill has floated a plan to stop Donald Trump from taking office next month and declare Kamala Harris the next president of the United States. According to an opinion piece by Evan A. Davis and David M. Schulte, who worked as editor-in-chief of the Columbia Law Review and editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal respectively, Congress has the power to block Donald Trump from taking office because he has previously engaged in a so-called “insurrection.”
Although Donald Trump won the November 2024 Presidential Election, he does not become President officially until the entire electoral process is concluded and he is sworn into office on January 20, 2025. . .
Could it be that Brandon Dawson’s prophetic vision will come to pass as was shared in my article THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP and again in Red & Blue Krisis...? In an April 2024 vision he was shown that Trump won the 2024 Presidential election, but the Senate refused to certify the election even though the Constitution does not forbid it. The Supreme Court stepped in and certified the re-election of President Donald Trump which led to a Second Civil War as far left Democrat states seceded from the United States. This resulted in violent riots and massive chaos in major cities such as Detroit, as well as the three I was shown--New York, Chicago, L.A.
My husband doesn’t think they will make Kamala President and I'm sure many of you reading this agree with him. I never thought I would say this, but I hope they do only because it will mean that IMMEDIATELY the Dominoes Will Begin to Fall Resulting in the Rapture!!! [From update located at bottom of Will Kamala be our 47th President and Trump our 48th?!]
I guess it got removed again, it isn't showing up 😞
DeleteLarry--Thanks for leaving a comment at my 2nd posting of this article. I think where my article may have been confusing is I needed to make it clear that it is POSSIBLE Seals 1-5 are NOT THE WRATH OF GOD. So IF IF IF the Rapture does occur at the 6th Seal, it will be AFTER THE RAPTURE that the WRATH OF GOD begins. I've updated the article to make this clear😊
DeleteLyndsey--My article DID get taken down AGAIN! This is my 3rd attempt to post it. Hopefully, I have all the sensitive terms coded now AND I've added further proof of their plans of a 2nd plandemic:
We have a bacteria that hospitals say is deadly and is called: the BGNPC bacteria and is gaining momentum in the province, mainly affecting hospitals. Hidden in sinks, care equipment and counters in hospitals. It affects babies as well as people of all ages. And we have our first case of bird flu affecting a human. They are going to scare people like in the past. And there will probably be an "antidote" graciously provided by our kind government. They take such good care of us! 😁 Maranatha King Jesus!
ReplyDeleteHey you remember when you recently wrote..."So there is still hope! Maybe in the Midst of Hanukkah?" Well, we're currently in the Midst or Middle of Hanukkah. Today (12/29) is the midpoint of Hanukkah which runs from 12/25 thru 1/2. We're also at the midpoint of the Pope opening the 5 Holy Doors or Portals in Rome at the Vatican. The 3rd Door was opened today (12/29) at Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. So if the Rapture Event is to happen "in the midst" of these two events it will need to happen very soon!
ReplyDeleteHere are a few Bible verses with the words "in the midst":
"The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty;
he will save,
he will rejoice over thee with joy;
he will rest in his love,
he will joy over thee with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)
"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." (Revelation 7:16-17)
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you (in the midst of thee!)?" (1 Corinthians 3:16)
A few more items that may give us all some Hope:
According to the Bible, Enoch was 365 years old when God took him to Heaven (Genesis 5:21-24). Tomorrow (12/30) is the 365th day of the year due to this being a Leap Year!
Making a connection with the Pope opening the 5 Holy Doors..."I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." (John 10:9)
Making a connection between the lighting of the candles of the Menorah during Hanukkah ..."Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." (John 8:12).
Speaking of darkness, there will be a rare "Black Moon" tomorrow (12/30). This occurs when there are 2 new moons in the same month (for this December 12/1 and 12/30). This relatively rare event happens about every 29 months. The good news about this darkness is that it may signal the start of the 7 year Tribulation, while the Bride of Christ gets Raptured at "midnight" tonight. Hallelujah!!! All this happening before the year ends or within our 'Heavenly Hanukkah Hope' (HHH)! Booyah!!!
Amen! High Watch now!
DeleteThat would be so cool!
DeleteAlla + Stephan...definitely a long shot, but the master may come on a day we do not expect! Quoting Jeff, "Let's go...2024 or Bust!" Go 'HHH'! Lol!
DeleteMy prognostications are all busted up, Captain Bob! Maybe I need to chime in more often so that something else that I say will stick :)
DeleteI'll still take 2024. And 2025 is looking good too. Let's make it happen, Cap'n! Wheels up!
Welcome back,'s been awhile. I couldn't help but think of you and your world famous quote you made way back in 2020 or 2021. I agree all our prognostications have been "busted up" or as we call it here at Rev12, a big "nothing burger". But we all keep trying as we know someday we're going to get it right or as you say, make it "stick"! Praying that we all experience our "Blessed Hope" soon and depart before year-end or sometime in 2025. Or "Wheels Up" as you so aptly stated!
DeleteBtw, I liked your video at with Gary about mystery Babylon. Keep up the good work and try to stay in touch with all of us here @Rev12.
✈️ 777 ✈️
Cap't Bob
Not a good sign...
ReplyDeleteThe Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) traded "intraday" down -666 at 7:11 am (PST) this morning! 👹 ⁶⁶⁶ ⬇
Lyndsey and Everybody--
ReplyDeleteMy article DID get taken down AGAIN! This is my 3rd attempt to post it. Hopefully, I have all the sensitive terms coded now AND I've added further proof of their plans of a 2nd plandemic:
Yay! I got to read it! Thanks Lyn! 2025 is coming in on a huge tsunami of prophetic happenings. Hold on Ladies and gentleman the ride is about to get very bumpy!
DeleteSo you are saying that the wrath of God is the opening of the 6th seal, that means that the previous seals are the early birth pangs that lead up to the 7 year tribulation, which are parallel with Matthew 24:3-14, I just want to be on the same page.
DeleteI am in my Finis Dake study Bible Sister Lyn, studying Matthew 24, I am seeing the things that must / are taking place that show the signs of the “end of the age” not the tribulation, but at the end of the church age, yes, I can see it now, where the first 5 seals of Revelation 6, are synonymous with the signs of Matthew 24:3-14, great work Sister Lyn, I’ve always wondered, but now I am clear.
DeleteIsn't the first seal the introduction of the Antichrist?
DeleteIn my opinion, the Rapture occurs before...
My goodness Lyn, they took it down again! Glad I got to read it the first time, but wanted to re-read after Min Larry's comment. The more I read Ch 6 the more I agree. If the white horse is not the AC as traditionally thought, but rather a p@ndmik (Toxon), then it all lines up. Verse 17 even says the wrath is come. And the events of vs 12-17, the 6th seal, sure seem to reflect what could happen at the rapture (cf Earthquake Resurrection, David Lowe).
DeleteI am still back and forth. For a long time I have agreed. I read a lot about this on Daniel11truth website years ago. But my mind recently thre back by a brother's comment recently that perhaps what we are seeing lining up is but a foreshadow or a preliminary view, idk, but I do tend to lean into your view and this brother at daniel11 that we have seen the seals open and 6 is our departure. And it kinda makes sense to me that those who have eyes and ears see, bc it is off the very traditional taught view. As will the end times signs and wonders will be
DeleteLyn, what you were saying in your article must be hitting the enemies nerves bog time and youbare on to something! You coded your words so well when I got to read it. Must be you hot a BIG nerve of truth. Well done my friend. Keep up the good fight. Do not be discouraged. Continue to follow our Lords voice and share your knowledge. The enemy CANNOT keep us down. We won't let him. Love you friend, great job as always
DeleteSide note, typing fast on a phone gives me so many typos, sorry friends!!!
DeleteStill examining this, but if we suspend our pre-conceived ideas of the rider on the white horse representing the AC, we come up with an interesting alternative. The rider is given a crown (stephanos, symbolizing victory; a more recent parallel we all saw is c0r0n@, crown, also used according to Miriam-Webster as a shortened word for c-virs) and a bow (toxon, a word used one time). Hmmm. Have we seen a victorious world-wide trial run imposition of restrictions and deaths due to the release of a toxon in recent history? Just thinking out loud, but if so, then we certainly see the effects of all 4 riders present in the world today. The question becomes, ofc, a matter of degree, since these "effects" have been in the world throughout history. So are the seals' opening an all at once blast, or could they in any way be progressive? This is not a salvation issue, and interesting for contemplation, but either way (we are or we aren't in the seals judgments already) we are close to going home. May 2025 be the year, fam--finally!
DeleteI have also believed for a while that the seals are opened. I never believed that the 24 elders were the Church. No matter what I have read on the subject, so it is easy for me to believe that the seals are opened, and that we are not here when the Lord opens the first seals. The seals are like an introduction, overlapping periods of time, where events happen. But anyway, with all that is going on. I hope we will know soon when we get home.
DeleteHappy New Year to all my brothers and sisters in Jesus, in the peace and joy of our Lord, waiting for the blessed hope! Maranatha!!!
Bobby Z! I unboxed and used my Breville pressure cooker for the first time today. I made sausage and peppers pasta using a recipe found on YT. It’s delicious and will feed me for days. My mother would be in shock lol. She would have loved this machine.
ReplyDeleteHappy, full and exhausted.
Double AA (aka PC chef!)...glad to hear you used your Breville Pressure Cooker for the first time. Sausage + Peppers Pasta. Yum, Yum!!! Now that you know what it can do and how easy it is to use you'll be making many meals with it. Such a useful machine and always lots of leftovers! Next meal to try, beef stew over white rice. You can saute or brown the meat in the same pot before adding the other ingredients.
DeleteYes, I used the sauté option when combining the half stick butter, minced garlic and shallot. Beef stew over rice sounds good. I saw a dude make pot roast that was torturous to watch because it looked SO good with the carrots and potatoes. That’s what is awesome about these machines; anyone can cook good food in them. Also, the pressure cooker preserves many of the nutrients, too. I never thought I would have this much fun cooking 🧑🍳.
DeleteAs if we didn't have enough on our collective plates to deal with already, reports are coming in from all over the world (apparently) that there is a strange fog hanging around for long periods of time.
ReplyDeleteAre we being sprayed like bugs from these drones?
Good grief. It's about time we get out of here.
Happy New Year to all of you!
ReplyDeleteWill 2025 finally be the Year of the Rapture?!
2025 contains the number of days for the 70th Week, the number is mirrored:
20 25 I 25 20
The number 25 symbolizes in the Bible "grace upon grace." It is composed of 20 (meaning redemption) and five (grace) or grace multiplied (5 x 5).
Israel will be 77 years old in 2025. Will the 3rd Temple be built in 2025?
Which chapter in the Bible contains the most 25’s?
The number 25 plays a prominent role in Ezekiel's visions of the temple, which he saw in the twenty-fifth year of Judah's captivity (Ezekiel 40:1). There are at least five measurements within the prophetic temple that are twenty-five cubits long.
Ezekiel is shown, in vision, 25 temple priests who are standing in the inner court of Jerusalem's temple.
Ezekiel 40 is the chapter in the Bible with the most 25’s. Ezekiel had his vision of the 3rd Temple on Nisan 10.
Will the 3rd Temple be built 7 years, 7 months and 7+7+7 days after the Rel.12 Sign? On Israel’s 77th birthday?
In my opinion, the Rapture will occur in the month of Nisan. Nisan 10 – Nisan 17 is very significant.
70th birthday of Israel + 2520 days (Ps. 90:10) = Nisan 10, 2025.
Nisan 10 is the day when Israel entered into the Promised Land. If Israel entered into the Promised Land in 1406 BC (according to multiple sources), 2025 is 3430 years (7 × 7 x 70 years) after that Entry.
Was the Eclipse on April 8, 2024 a 1-year-Sign?
Another possibility: Passover 2025 is on Sunday, April 13. We have the Pink Passover Full Moon (PPP) on that day. Israel will be 923 months old on that day. And on this Sunday, we Christians celebrate Palm Sunday.
Passover and Palm Sunday on the same day!
This was the day when the new covenant started. Kings were crowned on Passover. Jesus died for our sins on Passover and redeemed us. Will he redeem us on Passover again?
Relevation 7:9: After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
In my opinion, that would be the perfect day for the Rapture. We will soon find out…
Be encouraged!
In 2025, the April Full Moon will occur in the constellation Virgo, near its brightest star, Spica.
DeleteApril 14, 2025 is 77 weeks after the Wedding Ring Eclipse in Virgo
DeleteExcellent research + number crunching, Stephan. You make a compelling case for a Nisan 10, 2025 or Pink Passover Promise (PPP) Rapture. Although I'm still hoping for a Heavenly Hanukkah Hope (HHH) Rapture, there's only 2-3 days left for our "Blessed Hope" to happen. But one continues to remain positive and optimistic that our departure will occur soon and certainly no later than 2025!
DeleteYou point out that Israel will be 77 years old in 2025 and ask if the 3rd Temple will be built in 2025. Well if it's true that the Red Heifers will be too old to be sacrificed after 2025, then the 3rd Temple must be built next year!
Btw, nice observation pointing out in Revelation 7:9 that "they (the great multitudes) were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands." Rapture on Palm Sunday, eh!
Wishing you + everyone a Happy New Year!
🎆 🎇 🎈 🎉 🎆 🎇 = 🥂 = 👰 💍 👫 ⚭ 💒 ⬆
Regarding the aforementioned fog phenomenon sweeping the entire globe. People are apparently getting sick from it and some are experiencing strange burning sensations.
ReplyDeleteAs one person said about it, "Next pandemic brought to you by the military industrial complex." Smart dust courtesy of DARPA?
Interesting, I haven't seen it here in Montana and I haven't read about it. Do you know anyone in a region that is experiencing ot? I don't put anything past the "elites" anymore. Something is definitely brewing and must so leading to our departure
DeleteOkay so devils advocate to the video, at different times of year depending on weather it gets foggy, doesn't mean something crazy is happening. And you can take everyday video and spin into what is being propaganda to you. So not convinced. The drones i believe are out there and unexplained, but could some of the first videos have been sightings of satellites in the sky? Not judgements just asking. The last looked more convincing to me, but it's dark so hard to make real speculation in my opinion. Not trying to disrupt, but trying to keep open mind and see possibilities and bot fall into "mob" thinking. Know what i mean.
DeleteHappy Happy New Year my beloved fun table Rev family!! May 2025 bring us our beloved rescue! May God choose to finally bring us home. As we watch together may we bot grow weary in our wait, but grow stronger in our urgency to share the good news with friends, family, and strangers. Bc we KNOW our Father is coming for us very soon. And He will not until all that are His are claimed. So be bold this New Year and let the people know. Love you all and can't wait to meet you! Save me a seat at the fun table, I got some great dad jokes!!! Lol
ReplyDeleteLyndsey...looking forward to hearing your dad jokes at the Fun Table! Happy New Year!!!
DeleteNew article Greg Lauer: The Burden of Damascus
Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteCeleste Solum discusses current events.
Happy New Year 2025! Fire&Ice&Fog
In the "put that in your pipe and smoke it" category, In2ThinAir YTC ties together the fact that, yesterday, shortly after lightning struck the Capitol Building (Wash DC) AND the Washington Monument AND the Empire State Building, a domestic terrorist drove into the crowd celebrating New Year's on Bourbon St in New Orleans, killing at least 10 and injuring many others before perishing in a shoot out with local police.
ReplyDeleteThe vehicle he was driving when performing this murder? A special edition Ford LIGHTNING truck.
🤯TERRORIST Attack New Orleans! 03:15
2025 RAPTURE 💯 - Prepare To See God 7 min.
I am going back in to do an in-depth study of Revelation 6 and Matthew 24, especially now that Daniel’s little book is now open, by the way Happen New Year Saints of God, I also believe 2025 is the year of The Catching Away of the Bride of Christ.
ReplyDeleteLarry, You will be sharing . . . right?😊
DeleteThe WTC was hit by lightning also, so Capitol/Washington Monument/Empire State Bldg/WTC and terrorist in New Orleans driving a Lightning Ford--things that make ya go hmmmm. I see an article in the making . . . Lu? Corey? Greg L?
One incoming. Trying to find the time to do it - although it will be a short one. Couple things I've noticed.
DeleteHmewrdbd yes, absolutely
ReplyDeleteThus far this study is taking me into the Book of Zechariah 6:1-8, Revelation 6:1-11 and Matthew 24:3-14
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhen I cross reference to Zechariah 6, it reveals that the riders are spirits (messengers) to do the Lord’s bidding, in this case in Revelation 6 with the 1st four seals, it is judgment upon mankind, there is nothing that says that the rider of the white horse is the antichrist, as far as I can understand at this point. All the riders are simply four messenger spirits given a certain task to carry out.
DeleteOnly the name of the 4th horse rider is revealed, his name is death and hell followed him. There seems to be a 5 rider behind death, his name is hell.
The Bible says…. Rev 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
I will continue my in-depth study and get back later, this is eye opening very excited to what is being revealed.
Thus far I am not convinced that the Revelation 6:2 is speaking about the antichrist, it’s just not there.
ReplyDeleteLarry, Recently I was listening to a video in French, because I am French, from Quebec, and the pastor in the video studied Hebrew and Greek. He took the verses of Revelation 6 and wrote the verse in its entirety. He does this for the seals, but also for the trumpets, etc. The meaning of the chapters does not always mean what we understand when reading in our languages as translated. According to him, with the Hebrew and Greek translation, the first 4 seals are opened. The white rider is Christianity, (Catholicism) the 2nd is Communism, the 3rd is Capitalism, the 4th is Islam.
DeleteHe gives the start dates, the event itself, and everything. I am not saying he is right, but listening to the whole thing and the explanations that follow, it makes sense. This brother, Eddi, has been doing this for years. Anyway, it fits with the fact that I never really believed the 24 elders were the Church. Several things didn't add up.
Carole, could you post a link to the video you mentioned above? I would like to see what he has to say, if it can be translated. I like to see people's different ideas on scripture. Thank you!
DeleteOf course my sister! The brother whose name I misspelled, Eddy, not Eddi, speaks French and he copies the verses and translates them as he goes, with the Hebrew words and everything, so you can see the diagrams to help a little. But this is not at all the kind of video we are used to seeing and listening to. It is different but since it is my mother tongue, I understand it very well. You can read the verses in English on another web page or in your bible to help too. And some drawings or images that he adds, can perhaps help a little for understanding. He also gives the references of this information in each video. He is pre-trib like us.
DeleteThe only thing that might hurt is the translation because he constantly quotes Hebrew words and pronunciations and I have no idea how it will go with the translation. This happens to me a lot with video translations but I understand the meaning and I guess when it doesn't make sense. Except that from Hebrew to English when he usually speaks in French in the video, when the translation offers to translate into only one language at a time, I'm not sure it will go well. Let me know how it goes please. If you are able to understand, I will give you the links of the others later: The 7 trumpets, the rapture of the Church and others....
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Additional observation to the article:
ReplyDelete"From the time that New Orleans experienced its last disaster in the form of Hurricane Katrina making landfall on August 5, 2005, killing 1,392 people, to January 1, 2025 – the date of the New Orleans terror attack and “Trump” hotel cybertruck explosion is a total of 7070 days – reminding us of the 70 A.D. dispersion of ancient Israel by the Romans. As shared in previous articles, the number 7 is encoded with Donald Trump’s life. The number 7 is the number of completion and perfection in the Bible."
er ... rather, Donald Trump's life seems to be marked by the number 7. 🤦♂️
DeleteGreat article, Corey! In the second photo in your article, at first glance it looks like a man in white is standing with his head and body under lightning. Do you see that too?
DeleteI just went there to look at it again and, yes, you are correct. That does look like a man in white with lightning underneath him. I believe you're referring to that middle photo of the capitol building strike. Interesting isn't it? Kinda looks like the Rapture occurring in that photo ... or the second coming. It could be from the blurriness of the photo as well. I tried finding a more clear picture of these lightning strikes, but couldn't seem to have the patience to be able to find some.
Delete➡️LU--dear Brother!
ReplyDeleteAs noted above by Judi/Hmewrdbd on December 31, 2024, my article about the Seals was taken down yet again! I need to take your advice, Lu, and submit my articles to 5 Doves. What is the correct procedure for this?
➡️Stephan--IF the Rider on the White Horse is the AC then yes, the Rapture would have to occur before any seals are opened! IF that Rider represents a spiritual entity wearing a crown and releasing a poison responsible for the pharmakeia pandemonium of 2019-20 then perhaps that Seal is open!
Hey, FAM, I should have stuck with that Greek word--pharmakeia--in my article because all the other terms (although coded) seem to get my article knocked out! THANK YOU ALL for your encouraging comments and input--we ALL are still learning and receiving revelation regarding the truths contained in the Scripture! God's Word is amazing! Am looking forward to seeing what you all find (like Min. Larry Washington's research he's doing).
COREY--Looking forward to reading YOUR article, Bro🔍
When Blogger notifies you that you have violated their guidelines, they don't tell you which guideline you violated, so you have to guess. I think the Holy Spirit might have just shown me that I used a trademarked photo and need to replace it. So I have used a different image--let's see if THIS article stays up:
Hey Lyn,
DeleteSorry to hear you are being Censored too. I am still working on trying to Reconstitute my Website. It is a Bummer when about 20 Years’ worth of Research is deleted in a single stroke. I have saved all of my Research so, it is just time consuming. But it is a Good Idea to post on 5 Doves. It is my Back-Up.
The Brother, John Tng, the Host of the Site is a Chinese Singaporean. There is a small but vibrant Christian Witness there. So, the U.S. Censors are a bit out-of-reach, for now. Once all the Internet is connected to the Star-Links, then it is Mark of the Beast Time.
5 Doves still has that 1990s Early Internet Look, but it is 1 of the oldest End Times/Prophecy Sites on the Web, since around 1997. Now, some Brethren do criticize Brother John for allowing the Sensational to Absurd and all things in-between. But it is what it is. Here is the Information you should have and know in how to post your Articles, as a Back-Up too, if so desired.
1 URL Address:
2 The Articles are in the ‘Latter Days Letters’ Section.
3 The Articles are delineated by Year and Month type of Grid.
4 John will post on Sundays, so it is best to email one’s Articles at least 1 Day before.
I usually will email my Articles no later than 6pm, Local Time to give him enough Time to post and upload all the Letters/Posts of everyone. Note that he is at least 1 Day ahead in Time Zones. There are a good, 15-20 consistent Contributors all the Time posting. The Posts do not have the ability to make Comments like a Blog, but other Brethren will and do comment in the subsequent Week’s Posting. So, it is really ‘Old School’, but I like it. :)
Here is John’s Email where you can send the Articles through the Email format. Note though that having too many Graphics and/or Pictures many not look exactly as in one's Blog. If you do want specific pictures and/or Graphics, you do have to attach them in the Email, etc.
Since I have been posting there since around 2009, his Site has only gone down once. So, it is solid, for now. Nonetheless, I can still refer People to my Articles using this Site, like during this Time that my Website has been down now for a few Weeks.
Hope that helps.
The Community will be glad to have you.
DeleteAlso, are you aware that it IS available for the public to access your site BUT there is a WARNING THAT IT IS UNSAFE and tells you to "Go Back to Safety"? I simply clicked on the "Advanced" button and up pops in microscopic lettering a hyperlink you can click on "To Proceed to Site". I used the Brave web browser, though.
Lyn, I clicked on, and it went right to it, but I use Brave also.
DeleteLyn and Judi,
DeleteYes, the latest one was told is that my Website is 'partially' up and viewable on some Browsers. But, I cannot update or post anything on the Account. My Website still has my last Update back in Mid-December. I was told I have to reconstitute the entire Site in a New Platform. So, my 1000+ Articles and Charts will be all 'gone'. I could reconstruct them, but that will take a very long Time, Months...
So, I will just start from 2005 going forward. Perhaps it is a 'Sign' that my Posting has reached its 'Shelf Life' as Pastor JD often mentions. I can see the Site on the Firefox Browser but not on Edge or Chrome. It just depends on what Browser one is using. But it should work on every one of them and one should be able to Edit. They are making it very Frustrating and Difficult.
I keep getting the 'Run-Around' and they are not being very accommodating. But, it is a good place to start fresh and be pruned in a sense. We will see...I have about 1 more week of Reconstruction and then it should be 'Good', I hope.
Lyn, shouldn't we see 1/4 of the earth killed with sword, famine and beasts if we are in the seals already? Shouldn't we see huge inflation and world war? In my opinion, the 6th and 7th seal will start the 2nd half of Daniel's 70th week.
DeleteBut that is only my personal opinion of course.
Your opinion has been my opinion for a very long time. I am wondering that IF the Seals are opened already, could it be that the entities released are only beginning to fulfill their purposes and that most of the deaths will occur DURING the Tribulation? Perhaps God will allow them to go only so far until the Rapture? These are just my "thinking out loud" thoughts.
DeleteThank you Lyn! I simply hope that we are not here for the opening of the seals...
DeleteBrother Lu, The Lord knows that your hard work was and is not in vain, it is because of your hard work that some of us are better theologians and better Endtime prophecy students, keep up the good work Sir, we are with you as the Lord has not left you, He has chosen you for such a time as this.
DeleteCorey...over at you wrote the following:
ReplyDelete"I've also considered America to be Mystery Babylon myself in times past, or even Rome, but people do not realize that this Cabalistic/Freemasonic bloodline of Pharisaic globalist rulers have also infiltrated and taken over the Catholic Church institution as well. That is an entire detailed matter in itself."
"In fact, one could be considered an astute observer when considering Vatican City to fit the bill of the description of Mystery Babylon, but the breadcrumbs ultimately lead back to Jerusalem and the global New World Order system that will have its headquarters there."
If your theory is correct (i.e, that Vatican City is "Mystery Babylon"), then is it possible that the opening of the 5 Holy Doors or Portals in Rome may be directly tied to the 4 lightning strikes in New York/Washington DC area or "Babylon the Great"? Consider that the 4th Holy Door was opened at Basilica of St. Mary Major on 1-1-25 just hours after the lightning strikes on New Years Eve. But more importantly, these two events may signify the release of demonic or Fallen Angels (opening of the portals) and the upcoming arrival of the AntiChrist (recent lightning bolts). Consider the following verse:
"And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." (Luke 10:18)
Now to be sure, all this may be pure speculation on my part, but anything is possible as we get closer to the Rapture and the start of the 7 year Tribulation. Btw, the 5th and final Holy Door will be opened this coming Sunday (1/5) at Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. It will be interesting to see if something similar ⚡⚡⚡⚡or "supernatural" happens on or near this day!
Bob ... That is very interesting. In fact, when I get the opportunity, perhaps later tonight, I will insert that piece of info in the article. That is very peculiar to have happen with these portal opening rituals in Rome. Especially so considering that the "4th Holy door" was opened and the number 4 being associated with a door - which was displayed in the letter dalet formation at the conclusion of the eclipse triad over America. Dalet, as we all know, has a numerical value of 4 and is the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Interesting.
DeleteIf these two events do indeed signify the arrival of the Antichrist and the release of demonic entities, it would appear that we also have some rapture signalling taking place right beside it all i.e. the "Trump" hotel, number 17, the 48 number etc.
I'll be watching world events intently when that 5th door is opened on Sunday for sure.
Corey...thank you for your initial comments. I look forward to reading your updated article whenever it's done. Please don't rush on my account! The good news about this whole thing is that we may be departing soon. Thanks for pointing that out. We go ⬆️ before 👹 comes ⬇!
DeleteIndeed Bob ... we are departing soon. An additional observation considering the number 4 theme that emerged in the April 8 2024 concluding eclipse in the American eclipse triad. As we know, the Hebrew letter dalet pattern was concluded in that eclipse and the letter dalet is the 4th letter meaning "door."
DeleteWell, as it turns out, there was a massive "G4" solar storm that burst forth from the sun on New Years Eve that likely caused the lightning that hit the 4 iconic American buildings.
Of course, that is in reference to the "8:40" a.m. arrival of the cybertruck at Trump hotel.
DeleteBrother Chooch (TOL End Times) just put out a video listing the frequency lightning hits tall buildings (specifically the 4 buildings that were hit on New Years Eve). Here's what he found:
DeleteLightning Strike Frequency
Washington Monument: at most TWICE PER YEAR
Empire State Building: average 25 TIMES A YEAR
One World Trade Center: average 31.5 TIMES PER YEAR
U.S. Capitol: UKNOWN
"The odds of all 4 being struck on the same evening on any given day is an EXTREMELY INCREDIBLY LOW PROBABILITY. "
In other words, possibly a "SUPERNATURAL EVENT" by the Father Almighty or Satan himself! "Fascinating" as Jarred would often say! Lol!
Here's the video link:
Excellent work, Brother Chooch!
As I was reading COREY's new article, he mentions the number "17".
ReplyDeleteThis reminded me that STEPHAN also mentioned it.
Do you all remember the article about my DANCE CARD DREAM of an April 17 event?
Corey also writes about the significance of the month of APRIL because of the eclipse triad of April 8, 2024!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI just read your linked article on the number April 17 Lyn. As to your suggestion that something may occur on April 17 – you may be interested in being reminded that one of the likely possibilities for the time of the exodus of the ancient Israelites from Egypt (which holds a parallel or prototype of America today) occurred right around the time of Nisan – which is the month of April (thus the 4.8/April 8 eclipse connection and the time of the arrival of the Tesla cybertruck at “Trump’s hotel in Vegas at 8:40 a.m. and “1” killed and “7” wounded [17]).
DeleteLet us also not forget about Isaiah 17 and the destruction of Damascus preceded by the Rapture – thus the April 2024 eclipse and perhaps a one year warning.
So yeah, very possible that we are looking at an April Rapture in parallelism to the exodus of the ancient Israelites.
Another "high watch period" bites the dust! Heavenly Hanukkah Hope (HHH) is now officially over. Finito! Next high watch day is January 4th per Dr. Zimmer, then January 7th per KoolCat, then Nisan 10 (April 8th) per Stephan. Looking further down the road...July 23rd or 723 (WWW) per Professor Lu. While we patiently await our glorious departure, one strongly suggests that we prepare ourselves for lots of chaos in the world. And lots of evil things too! But fear not my brethren (Isaiah 41:10).
ReplyDeleteFamily, Blessings In regards to the number '17' touched upon earlier (posting here instead of under that thread to make it easire to find when folks 'pop in':
ReplyDeleteThe number 17 symbolizes victory and overcoming the enemy in the Bible.
Significant biblical events, such as the Flood and Jesus’ resurrection, are associated with the number 17.
17 represents God’s unending love and the ultimate victory over the grave for those who remain faithful to Him.
In the book of Daniel and Revelation, the number 17 is connected to the theme of victory over evil.
Occurrences of the number 17 in the Bible highlight God’s triumph and His plan for His people.
Unveiling the 17 Biblical Meaning & Symbolism
Thinking out loud.
ReplyDelete1) The man that will be the antichrist will come up through the 10 Kingdoms.
2) The man that will be the antichrist is not possessed by Satan until Revelation 13.
3) The antichrist is only given power for 42 months, in the 2nd half of the tribulation.
4) Remember Jesus Christ was cut off at the 3 1/2 year mark into His ministry.
5) the antichrist will come in his own name to fulfill the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation.
6) * Daniel’s little book is now open and knowledge of the little book is being revealed.
The seals are opened by Jesus Christ, as He receives the 7 seal scroll from God The Father.
The seals are birth pangs which the church is now seeing, they will become more intensed after the Church is gone.
The church is not appointed to wrath, which at Revelation 6:11 there is a huge earthquake, possible from the judgment of America being at the forefront of a two-state solution, Jared Kushner.
After the Church is raptured, chaos will ensue, along with the convergence of the birth pangs, a man will rise up and seize the opportunity to unite the world, the church will will not know who this man is, but those who are left behind will know, he will be pushed to the world leader that the world is finally looking for, the luciferians will seize the opportunity to unify the world under this man, Israel, after becoming war weary will be desperate to find peace, they agree to the two-state solution at the same to appease Saudi Arabia to finally join the Abrahamic peace accord (Jared Kushner).
This man that comes on the world stage is not the antichrist at first, he will sell his soul to Satan and receive the Kingdoms of this world at the half way mark in the tribulation, then become demon possessed by Satan, then he will turn on Israel, persecute the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ in the 2nd half of the tribulation.
Also remember this man in the 1st forty months will rise up within the 10 kingdoms of the new world order / great reset.
Still working, a lot more material to cover.
Right now the signs in Matthew 24 are converging, when it gets so bad that the church can no longer be here, we will experience a Catching Away of those Who will make up the Bride of Christ.
Went to Brave Browser and found your Website Brother Lu, Awesome, can't wait for an update.
DeleteFurther proof that the antichrist does not become prominent on the world stage until he rises out of the 10 horns or 10 kings, then takes over 3 of them, he then becomes the 8th King (Last World Power) The 1st Beast of Revelation 13 / midway in the tribulation.
DeleteI believe the luciferian globalist (WHO, WEF, UN, Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Bohemiah Grove, etc) will form the 10 horns or 10 kings, they will reset the world and get it ready for their "enlighten' world leader whomever that may be.
It is clear that the little horn arises AFTER the 10 horns and not BEFORE them and that he does not have a thing to do with causing the rise of the 10. He does not revise the Roman Empire and is not on the scene of action until after the 10 king- doms are fully formed. These facts exclude the possibility of some ruler, the pope, or any man now prominent in world affairs as being the Antichrist of the future. (Excerpt from commentary Daniel 7:24 / Finis Dake Study bible).
Thanks Larry! It is so much fun to read about the discoveries and ideas of other brothers and sisters in Jesus that are added to the site. Pieces of the end time puzzle. In the body of Christ, all parts are important. In the end, all the little pieces of the puzzle will come together to form an incredible final picture. I can't wait until it is finished and we are all together rejoicing at the Lord's table! Maranatha King Jesus!
DeleteThank you Larry for your thoughts! If I understand you correct, you support a Pre Wrath Rapture and not a Pre Tribulation Rapture?
DeleteIn my opinion, Matthew 24:1-14 speakes of the 1st half of the Tribulation "beginning of sorrows". In Verse 15-28 it speaks of the second half of the Tribulation (Verse 15 is the Midpoint) and the Great Tribulation.
But again, that's only my understanding.
The Antichrist doesn't have to show up at the first day of Daniel's 70th Week.
Just sharing thoughts: Pre-Tribulation Rapture stance seems to define the Seals as being wrath, HOWEVER,
Deletewhat IF the Seals are TRANSITIONAL connecting the Grace Administration with the Time of Jacob's Trouble? Perhaps the Seals are the release of spiritual entities that are allowed to go forth BUT ARE LIMITED UNTIL THE RAPTURE. It seems there is no proper name for that since in essence it is still--Pre-Tribulation.
Having trouble posting today. Trying again, new article TW Tramm
Here's another video from Steve Fletcher re the opening of the 5 Holy Doors or Portals at the Vatican. Specifically, the opening of the 5th and last door at Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls on January 5th.
I find it fascinating how Steve makes the connection between the Altar of Zeus (formerly built in the ancient city of Pergamon and now reconstructed in Berlin) with the similar architecture of Basilica of St. Paul in Rome. Also, the reference to Revelation 2:12-13. Be sure to read all the comments from the people who watched the video. Personally, I'm trying to remain objective and keep an open mind to any and all ideas (good + evil) pertaining to the opening of the 5 Holy Doors. One wonders if anything Supernatural like the 4 lightning strikes or something else of Biblical significance will happen shortly before or after opening the 5th and Final Door? I honestly don't know, but we should find out soon enough!
Berlin’s Pergamonmuseum with the 'Throne of Satan' closed completely to visitors on 23 October 2023. 17 months and 17 days before Nisan 10, 2025...
DeleteNice catch, Stephan! Looks like you + Corey are "tag teaming" me with that number 17. Lol! My research on the Pergamonmuseum was very limited so I didn't know that it was "temporarily" closed to visitors on 10-23-23. Apparently it will be closed for 14 years due to renovation and is expected to reopen in 2037 or later. Unless ofc, the "Throne of Satan" gets occupied sooner!
DeleteOops! Based on the posts above, I see that Lyn is part of the "tag team" too! My apologies.
DeleteWatch from 21.21 minutes. Tom Horn/Josh Peck talk about the tribulation "maybe" starting in October 2025. We have to leave before then if that's the case. Very interesting video!
ReplyDeleteDavid the Watchman
Rev 8 Wormwood prophecy is the key. Tribulation Starts in 2025. Rapture of the Bride before that...
An additional thought on the Rapture theme that has seemingly emerged in the lightning strike/ Trump hotel cybertruck bomb incident:
ReplyDeleteIt is rather interesting that this blast took place in Los Vegas. Vegas is called and known as the "city of sin." In scripture, the Antichrist is known as the "man of sin."
In Luke 10:18, we have Jesus' words that he saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning. All this as the doors/portals in Rome are being opened.
Seems to be an Antichrist/Rapture theme developing in these events it would seem.
I totally agree, Corey. Two themes developing in the world right now. The Bride of Christ about to be Raptured and the AntiChrist about to enter the scene to do evil things and create division amongst people + nations and cause chaos! The lightning strikes, Las Vegas car bomb, New Orleans truck attack, etc are just a precursor of what's to come!
DeleteIt really strikes me (pardon the pun) that the 5th so-called "holy door" is opened at the St. Paul Basilica on the 5th day (today). Paul is the Apostle who gave us the revelation of the Rapture. Plus the number 5 is the number of grace ... as in the "age of grace" known as the Church Age.
DeleteWith all that is going on i.e. the drones, the so-called mysterious "fog" that is reportedly enveloping the world making people sick (which some say is coming from the drones) and everything else like the Russia, China, America conflict, it just seems that, with this lightning Trump New Orleans thing, it seems like a demonic evil has been released from "somewhere."
It would tell me that, though we've been saying that the Rapture is imminent for awhile now, this time, it looks and feels different. Like something has broken forth in the spiritual realm.
Departure imminent.
By the way ... I finally got around to putting that portal info of yours into my article. Just had to considering the timing and how well it fits with what we just saw happen.