It's Happening - JD Farag

It's been a little while since I shared one of JD's updates, but with all that is happening in the Middle East (and here in America), he is one of the best guys to keep us informed and focused on the imminent retrun of Jesus Christ. This week he focuses in on several different prophetic happenings that are all unprecedented and simltanious. The youtube video is good, but if you want his full "uncensored" updated then click the link below. God Bless you ALL!!!


  1. StephE, please check in when you can to let us know if you are able to get out ok. Hearing traffic jammed and gas stations out of gas. Praying for all of you.

  2. RE: Path of Hurricane Milton?

    Just an Observation, but when one saw the Path of Hurricane Milton, as projected by the Weather Computer Models and where the Hurricane originated from? A ‘Red Flag’ went up in one’s Mind. No Pun Intended. Why? Hurricanes in the Caribbean normally or usually follow an Origination Point that comes from the East, based on the Atlantic Currents, then drives upward or northward up the Coast, much like it was with Hurricane Helene.

    But what is rather unusual is how this Hurricane, Milton is originating from the West Side of the Gulf of Mexico and heading East?! What? Humm…can one say, Weather Manipulation? Here is what was reported even on the Daily Beast.

    …’but the storms typically do not strike the region directly from the west from the Gulf of Mexico, instead traveling north along the coast, as seen in the paths of Hurricane Ian in 2022’.


    Zachary Folk
    October 6, 2024

    And guess what the History Channel featured on their Friday Night Edition? Weather Manipulation as a Weapon of War and the Military. And their Spin? That it is the ‘Ancient Aliens’ that are making this happen. They postulate that when a Major Earth ‘Shift’ is to occur, as in the ‘New World Order’ type, that there have been sightings of Extraterrestrial and/or UFO Activity that accompanies it. They even attribute Noah as being an 'Ancient Alien' of a Race that caused the Flood, etc. This is part of 'The Lie' that will be believed.

    All those that see the Ancient Alien Channel are believing their Narrative. They marginalize or rationalize-away the Biblical one. Essentially, they are blaming the ‘Gods’ of Old that are using Weather to ‘forecast’ a coming Change on Earth, on a Worldwide Scale no less. When one heard and saw the Episode and how nonchalantly they acknowledge the ‘Conspiracy’ as Fact, it seems that when ‘They’ say it, it ‘Common Knowledge’. But when others like have been exposing this for Decades, it is a Conspiracy.

    Keep the Watch,


    Celestial Beings Cause Catastrophic Disasters (S2, E6) | Full Episode

  3. RE: Revelation 12 Sign ‘Births’
    Mercury and the Comet, ‘Star of Jacob’…

    So, one is conjecturing that the ‘Climax’ of the Story of the Comet, Tsuchinshan C/2023 A3 will see its ‘Birth’ in the Constellation of Virgo on October 10, 2024. But the Day prior, Mercury will be ‘Birthed’ also, along with a 4-Heavenly Body Conjunction no less. One is ‘reading’ that this Astronomical Array is perhaps insinuating that the ‘Message has been Delivered’, as Mercury is the Planet associated with the ‘Messenger of the Gods’, etc.

    So, one is saying that in the next 4 Days, whatever that ‘Message’ will turn out to be, could very well be ‘Monumental’ in Prophetic Terms, as it relates to both the Bride of Christ and Israel. As it is understood, the Revelation 12 Sign is as the Motif of the Virgin overlayed with Prophetic Correlations. It is the Rapture Sign but how it is of Israel that birthed the Messiah, but of the Body of Christ that is to be Raptured, etc. Here is what one wrote on the Chart.

    Be on the Look Out!

    The purpose of this illustration is to depict the Comet Tsuchinshan C/2023 A3 as the Calendar Day approaches Yom Kippur. The Comet crossed the Ecliptic on October 2, 2024, exactly 1 Year from the HAMAS Terrorist Attack on Israel. Then on October 9, the ‘Birthing’ of Mercury occurs in the ‘Womb’ Motif associated with the Constellation of Virgo. It is as if the ‘Message has been Delivered’.

    Then the next Day, the Comet C/2023 A# which some attribute it to being the ‘Star of Jacob’ will be ‘Birthed’ also out of the Woman’s Womb on October 10, 2024. It is 1 Day from the Evening of the start of Yom Kippur on the Rabbinical Calendar. Also note that this Array of Astronomical Signs has a Quadruple Conjunction or ‘Square’ consisting of the Sun, Spica, Mercury and the Comet, etc.

    Also note that the Comet exits the Womb of Virgo at the same exact Point that it entered it, approximately 180 Day prior. As to a possible Prophetic Meaning? Consider that Virgo is the Innuendo for both Israel and the Bride of Christ. What will be that ‘Message Delivered’? Watch the 3 Days from October 9,10,11 and 12 for a possible monumental Occurrence dealing with Israel and the Church Age, perhaps.

    If this is not a 'Sign', a Heavenly Sign, then one does not know what one is... Selah.

    Mercury and Comet Births

  4. Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of the founder of Hamas wrote on X:

    “The Mossad’s patience despite the urgent need to respond to the ballistic missile attack on Israel means only one thing:

    The response is going to be devastating and on the enemy’s GROUND, where the Islamic Revolution leaders will witness horror and fear as they count their final hours.

    The Mullah’s nightmare over the future of their nuclear program is nothing in comparison to the horror awaiting them from WITHIN.

    No matter how long it will take, no one on the Mossad’s hit list can survive.”

  5. RE: Milton
    Meaning of Name

    Gender Masculine
    Usage English, Spanish (Latin American)
    Pronounced /ˈmɪl.tən/(English) /ˈmil.ton/(Spanish) [key·simplify]

    Meaning & History
    From an English Surname that was derived from a Place Name meaning ‘Mill Town’ in Old English. A Famous Bearer of the Surname was John Milton (1608-1674), the poet who wrote Paradise Lost.


    RE: Helene
    Meaning of Name

    Gender Feminine
    Usage English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Estonian, Greek Mythology (Anglicized)
    Scripts Ἑλένη(Ancient Greek)
    Pronounced /ˈhɛl.ən/(English) [key·simplify]

    Meaning & History
    English form of the Greek Ἑλένη (Helene), probably from Greek ἑλένη (Helene) meaning 'Torch' or 'Corposant', or possibly related to σελήνη (Selene) meaning 'Moon'. In Greek Mythology Helen was the Daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose kidnapping by Paris was the cause of the Trojan War. The Name was also borne by the 4th-Century Saint Helena, Mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, who supposedly found the True Cross during a trip to Jerusalem.

    The Name was originally used among Early Christians in honor of the Saint, as opposed to the Classical Character. In England it was commonly spelled Ellen during the Middle Ages, and the spelling Helen was not regularly used until after the Renaissance. A Famous Bearer was Helen Keller (1880-1968), an American Author and Lecturer who was both Blind and Deaf.


    Is the Reference to the USA as being that ‘Paradise’ that it once was and is now no more? Is the Reference to the USA, as being ‘Deaf and Blind’?

    Just a Thought to consider the 2 Names of these 2 Hurricanes that will make a ‘X’ over Florida and the Deep South, the Bible Belt. Or, is one reading too much into the Names?


    1. LU, I was curious as to the meaning of "Milton", so THANK YOU!

      COREY made some astute connections with the "Comet of the Century--Atlas" in his new article and gives a shout out to you LU along with appropriate links:


      Also, since posting my latest article, Dr. Barry posted a video updating their situation and sharing two additional places where you can give to help the victims of Helene. I've added this information to WHAT’S GOING ON IN NC AND HOW TO HELP SURVIVORS OF HELENE.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Interesting information on Canadian Prepper YouTube channel about hurricane Milton and US military headquarters in Tampa, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East. It is headed by General Kurilla, who was or maybe still is, in Israel. A good excuse not to help anyone, if your headquarters is in the middle of a "natural" disaster. Another coincidence, maybe. Can someone post a link , thanks.

  8. Replies
    1. He's not a believer, of/c, so doesn't get the implications of this storm and calls the theories of weather manipulation nuttery, but he is a good source of information and analysis from a secular perspective. Given that Cen-Com and Ft McDill are in the direct hit path, there are just too many "coincidences" to ignore with this thing and Helene before it. May God have mercy. We know these things must happen, and our nation is overdue for judgment, but, God, Your Sons and Daughters are still here . . .

    2. Ryan Hall is doing his classic entertaining and educational informative update for Milton, live, through it all with storm chasers, data from flight hurricane chasers in the eye of Milton, now, and such. Enjoy:

      🔴LIVE - Major Hurricane Milton PRE Coverage - Live Weather Channel...

      BTW, in Luke 21:25 storms like Milton are the last sign listed...

  9. As LU and COREY and I have shared, our "Pink" Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is a significant sign of the nearness of the Rapture and the subsequent time of Jacob's Trouble. AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO VIEW IT BEGINNING OCTOBER 9!!! ☄️

    Also, Holly 2 Moons YTC just posted🌙 🌕 Has our 2 MOONS sign arrived?

    I've added the links for all these and updated:


    1. RE: Hurricanes, Comets

      Thanks for the heads-up about Cory’s Article. It is highly recommended. Be safe over there.

      Outstanding Article. Excellent. You covered a lot and it was engaging. Thanks for the collaboration as it is a ‘Tag-Team’ Effort.

      It is amazing to witness these Last Days in what is happening in the World. As mentioned before, it seems it is all ‘Falling Apart’, but in Prophetic Perspectives, it is ‘Falling into Place’. But Biblical Prophecy seems to be revving-up and coming to a Head, as they say, or a ‘Birth’? If Christians, especially in the USA have set-aside Prophecy up to now, because of whatever ‘X’ Reason, sorry, but Prophecy has now come knocking at their Door, figuratively speaking of course. And it cannot be ignored.

      Well, it still can but living with Cognitive Dissidence and Plausible Deniability can safeguard one’s Conscious or Lifestyle for so long. Now People will say, rightly so that all such Aspects of Geo-Politics and Natural Catastrophes have always occurred, since Recorded History. True, ‘Wars, Rumors of Wars, Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, etc. But that Jesus insinuated in the Language is that the Signs would suggest that ALL of them would be occurring ALL at the same Time. It is a Factor of Convergence then. And that is what we are seeing now, presently on Earth.

      The metaphorical ‘Birth Pangs’ are occurring more frequently and intensely. The World cannot deny this. It seems one wakes-up to a Day to say, ‘Now What?’ What stood-out in Dr. Awe’s latest Video is how they drove the Point that the Revelation 12 Sign was truly a ‘Wake-Up Call’ to the ‘Sleepy’ Church, especially in the USA, and perhaps Western Europe, etc. But Skeptics will say, ‘Hey, 7 Years have passed and still No Rapture, what gives?’ Sure, 7 Years is a long Span-of-Time. For sure, many Christians did ‘Wake-Up’. Others ‘Lost’ their Faith when the Rapture did not occur.

      Others began to ‘Look’ and Watch, etc. But in the Timeline of Prophecy, 7 Years is but a ‘Second’. Perhaps the Revelation 12 Sign, as a True Wake-Up Call can be likened to the ‘Waking-Up’ Call of the 10 Virgins Parable in how only 5 or 50% were and are now ‘Ready’. In looking back at this 7-Year ‘Wake-Up Call’ Astronomical Sign, one can honestly assess that there was for sure a Sifting occurring. And there needed to be as with every Prophetic Movement of the Holy Spirit, it is a Shake-Up. One is reminded of the Parable of the Seed in how there are different Types of Soil. And the ‘Yield’ of the Seed of the Gospel planted depended on one’s Constitution and Disposition to the ‘Seed’, etc.

      But in each case, there were/are Circumstances or Excuses that Sift-Out those that will truly ‘Germinate’ the Seed of the Good News. Not that by ‘Arriving’ and producing Fruit, is one above another in Worth or Ability. It is an issue of ‘Yielding’ to the Holy Spirit. In terms of a Farming Analogy, realize that Fruit does not ‘Work’ or Labor to grow itself. It can do ‘Nothing’. A Fruit is totally dependent on the Nutrients, Water, the Soil and the Vine or Branch/Stock that make it grow. All a Fruit can do, as designed, is to just ‘Yield’. Is it a Coincidence that a Crop, once harvested is called a ‘Yield?’ 'How much did it Yield?' And this is the Key to sustaining that Spiritual Oil or Unction in one’s ‘Lamp’, just Yield to the Holy Spirit’s Leading and Obey the Commands of Jesus.

      Keep the Watch,

    2. Reports of gas stations having no fuel in central and north FL. What a nightmare.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hmmmm
      Helene targets lith*ium deposit areas--land g#rab
      Milton goes from tropical storm to cat 5 in 24 hours, moving west to east in Gulf--extremely rare
      Tampa in line for direct hit, storm surges 18-20' possible up to a mile inland (I see the Gulf like a giant bowl and a huge wave, contained by land, is pushing all that water over FL
      Cent-com HQ and Ft. McDill (air support, refueling, primary area of responsibility ME, that aids Israel) in Tampa
      Bill Gates et al already has land (Tampa) set aside for 15 min city (ala Para**dise, Laha##ina?)
      Water company for 14 mil people mysteriously hacked
      Not to mention F*E#M*A conveniently has no money (yet billions go to support illegals, Ukraine and other "worthy" causes

      Oh, never mind, nothing to see here, folks.

    2. Oh and all the states hardest hit--con*serva##tive, right before elections

  11. Now this is interesting: from End Time Headlines Telegram channel:

    This comes from someone I personally know that lives in Asheville, So this isn’t from someone passed down source but someone who is there.

    We have discussed the heaviness and oppressive atmosphere of this location for years and it’s because of the things that are practiced there.

    So this really does make you think 👇🏽

    “In the so called "New Asheville" we have a River arts district that has came to represent every secular wicked thing that Asheville wanted to become. You could compare it to the French Quater in New Orleans. It has been totally washed away & they are saying all of the breweries, feminist gay transgender art galleries are gone & will never be rebuilt “

    What’s interesting is that Katrina destroyed areas like this in New Orleans as well that was full of new age, witchcraft, sorcery and sexual immorality by flooding through a hurricane

    1. RE: Weather ‘Wrath’?

      One had a chance to look-up the Water/Gulf of Mexico Current Flows. There are a lot of Map Imagines Online. But most depict the currents that are consistent with prior Hurricane Trajectories. The Currents led in from the Hot Atlantic Water Currents that bring in moisture from the Tropics. It goes from East to West and converges in the Caribbean. Because the Caribbean is congested with the Greater and Lesser Antilles, the Water Currents narrow-up and flow upward in-between Cuba and the Yucatan Peninsula.

      Then the Water Currents spread out in a Clockwise direction around the entire Gulf of Mexico Patterns. But what makes the Water Currents from the Gulf head West is funneled in-between the Florida Keys and Mainland Cuba. But this occurs once the Water-Ways are clearly out of the Gulf of Mexico Currents. In the case of Hurricane Milton, the Trajectory appears to go contrary to these Natural-Occurring Water Ways/Currents. One’s Point is that if the Hurricane, going West to East would follow the Natural-Occurring Water Ways/Currents of the Gulf of Mexico, Hurricane Milton would be squeezing through, funneled in-between the Florida Keys and Mainland Cuba. It would totally miss Florida.

      But one also understands that it is not the Water Currents that precisely direct the Hurricanes as they are above the Water Surface, etc. However, it is the Jet-Stream that pushes the Hurricanes Northward. So, even accounting for the Natural-Occurring Continental Jet-Stream would push the Hurricane nearly vertically ‘Up’ as it has done and does with nearly all prior Hurricanes and Tropical Storms.

      Perhaps because Hurricanes are so large and forceful, it does not matter which-way the Natural Water Currents go as it ‘bulldozes’ its way over them. What one is pointing out is that when the Hurricanes of the past have met-up with this Narrow Trough, in-between the Yucatan and Cuba, the Hurricane Trajectory does then follow the Natural occurring Water Way/Current. And that is what has propelled all the Hurricanes up to the U.S. Gulf Coast and up through the Eastern Seaboard. But as many People have commented, the Trajectory of Hurricane Milton coming from the West to East, from its Point of Origin in the Gulf of Mexico is peculiar.

      It is rather a very simplistic Assessment, so if anyone out there is an Expert in Hurricanes or in Meteorological Fields, please to weigh-in.

      See link to Gulf of Mexico Stream and Water Current Pattern.

    2. These hurricanes are not organic. I think they have been artificially induced as hurricane Sandy was right before the election in 2012.

    3. MonkeyWerx said HAARP is not needed anymore to manipulate weather. They can use satellites now. He said weather forecasters are in tears at what they are seeing.

  12. FYI: Why do some say October 4 was the ‘True’ Feast of Trumpets?

    One was asked about how Dr. Awe and others present the Interpretation that the True Date and how to calculate the New Month was on October 4, 2024, not October 2, when the Wedding Ring Eclipse occurred. And that subsequently, all of the following Feasts of YHVH, notably Yom Kippur is to start on the 13th of October, etc.

    Here is the ‘Reason’ for the Discrepancy, as best as one can explain it.

    Based solely on Lunar Cycles, the New Moon occurred on October 2, 2024, thus the New Month and New Civil Year. This is as understood, based on the ‘Jewish’ Calendar. It is a ‘Fixed’ Timing and Cycle.

    Moon Phase Calendar for the current Month of October 2024

    However, the Karaite and Zadok Calendar and Tradition holds that the Start of the New Month, every Month happens when the 1st Sliver of the New Moon is sighted. The Moon has to be at least 2-3% Illuminated. Thus, it was not until the 4th that this occurred.

    More Info on this Interpretation.

    Thus, the Discrepancy of how to interpret when the Jewish Month is to begin. Pick your Calendar and Interpretation. But because of this Calendar Discrepancy, you will have many Months in which the Jewish Feast will not all occur on either a New or Full Moon and are ‘Out of Sync’.

    In one’s Opinion or Assessment, the ‘Correct’ or ‘More Correct’ determination of when the Civil New Year occurred was on October 2, 2024. The Wedding Ring Eclipse ‘Gave it Away’, and it is how the Calendars, in this case the Lunar one is recalibrated with the Solar one, in one’s Interpretation.

    But, to each there own...Calendar.

  13. Don't know how to confirm this, but Video on some Telegram channels of people lining up to be baptized in a river in western NC. After they've lost everything, they've found the One Thing!

    1. Oh, I pray it is true, Judi--HALLELU-JAH!

    2. Lyn, yes! Praying that all those who couldn't get out, and are facing the possibility of death, to seek God, find Jesus. Jews too!

  14. Blessings, Family. JB Hixon has a good discussion about the AC over at John Haller’s
    YTC Fellowship Bible Chapel. He mentioned that satanist Alice Bailey was told by a demon that 2025 is the year Satan will take over the world. Maybe that’s why the globalists started the madness in earnest in 2020.

  15. Possibly some very encouraging news that we'll be departing soon...

    As reported by Israel 365 News on 10-6-24 and discussed in further detail by Patrick @Hourly Watch (see recent video posted below), "on Thursday (10/2) the first day of Rosh Hashanah, a group of Jews smuggled shofarot (ritual rams’ horns) onto the Temple Mount and, despite police efforts to stop them, blew all of the requisite shofar blasts for the holiday.   It should be emphasized that this is most probably the first time since the Second Temple stood that the shofar has sounded at Judaism’s holiest site."    See attached link for the full article:

    As noted by Patrick, could this be the fulfillment of Joel 2?

    "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand (Joel 2:1)"

    "Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:   Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet."  (Joel 2:15 -16).

    Bottom line...the Rapture is nigh!    Perhaps even by the end of this month or 'FFF'!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Here's the link to Patrick's @Hourly Watch most recent video:

  17. Thanks Bob,
    Here is a very interesting and insightful Assessment from a Brother who has been in Ground Zero in the Carolinas dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Some very sobering Comments made.

    Hurricane Helene, Government Incompetence, and Weather Wars
    Timothy Alberino

  18. As per Lu's observation of comet Atlas' entrance into Virgo 18 days (666) after the Great American Eclipse, it is interesting to realize that comet Hale-Bopp was viewable to the naked eye for a record 18 months (6+6+6).

    Both comets pointing to 2017 and both comets acting in concert with each other as a sort of "tag team" to point the world's attention to the Antichrist - especially given Hale -Bopp's travel course through the constellations.

  19. From Trumpet News Half of Wyoming is BURNING right now!

    ⚠️Nearly 73,000 acres of the Bighorn National Forest are now on fire.

    “The previous largest fire recorded in the forest’s 100-year history topped out at around 18,000 acres and took weeks to grow that size. Over the weekend, the Elk Fire grew more than 25,000 acres IN A MATTER OF HOURS.”

    We know hard times are coming, but so hard to witness. Thought we'd be outta here by now, but as Lyn says, we may have to endure more of these kinds of things yet . . .

  20. Interesting to hear the perspective from a private citizen on the ground/helicopter attempting to rescue people impacted by Hurricane Helene.     One has to give him credit for risking his life to save others.   He dispelled some myths on the internet, but added fuel to the fire in others.    During a crisis like this, we all really need to "work together".

  21. For those who follow such things, the S & P 500 made a historic "intra-day" high today of 5785.   Coincidently, this is the current year on the Hebrew calendar which began at sunset on October 2, 2024.   What this means is anyone's guess, but it shows the two are somewhat in sync.   Perhaps someone who is good at "number crunching" (thinking of you, Stephan!) can ask "The Great Mathematician"!

  22. Apparently now a "severe" geomagnetic storm is headed to earth during the next several days. Lu, you know anything about this?

  23. RE: ‘666’ Inferences
    PART 1/2

    Adding to the ‘666’ Biblical Mystery. If you all remember that from the 1st Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, being 33 Days before the Revelation 12 Sign that occurred on September 23, 2017, to the 3rd and Last Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 was 2422 Days or 6 Years, 7 Months, and 18 Days excluding the End Date. But delineating the 7 Months and 18 Days makes it the following.

    6 Years, 6 Months, 6 Weeks, 6 Days

    Also, the Path of both Eclipses, marking that ‘X’ over the USA, intersected near Cedar Lake, that was 6.66 Miles from Carbondale as in the Element Carbon = 666. Carbon 12 in constituted by 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Electrons. Note also that the Human Body is made-up of guess what % Carbon? Yes, you guessed it, 18% or 6-6-6. Coincidence? See a visual depiction of this Element in relation to the Human Body.



    Consider the following Association with Graphene-Oxide that are in the COVID Injections that one is convinced will factor in the roll-out of the Mark of the Beast 666. Revelation 13:6. That is the ultimate 666 Association as the Luciferians seek to interface Man with Machine. Consider the following Definition of Graphene from Wikipedia.

    ‘’Graphene is an Allotrope of Carbon consisting of a single Layer of Atoms arranged in a Honeycomb [Hexagon] Nano-Structure. The Name is derived from ‘Graphite’ and the Suffix -ene, reflecting the fact that the Graphite Allotrope of carbon contains numerous Double Bonds. It is a 2-Dimensional Form of Crystalline Carbon. Graphene is a Parent Form of all Graphitic Structures of Carbon: Graphite’.

    And it will, very well be, through the 18% Carbon that the Human Body is made-up of. It will be a Natural Match. That is why the COVID Injection Mandates were a Test-Run. Back to the Eclipses. Then if one factored and added 13 Days prior to the August 21, 2017 Eclipse, being the Number of Rebellion, it would have made the entire Timespan between the Eclipses exactly 666% of a Common Year.

    Then if one wants to further ‘Connect the 666 Dots’, literally with the Eclipses, Comets, Revelation 12 Sign and the Tetrad Blood Moon, remember also the last Blood Moon of the Tetrad of 2014-15. That Lunar Eclipse occurred on September 28, 2015. It was a Super Moon as well and on Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles, etc. But from there to the Revelation 12 Sign was exactly 726 Days. And as you all can recall, in the Strong’s, the Number ‘726’ is the Word Harpazo, i.e., the Rapture. Perhaps mere Coincidence again.

    1. PART 2/2

      Strong's Concordance
      726. Harpazó
      Properly, Seize by Force; Snatch-Up, Suddenly and Decisively – like someone seizing Bounty (Spoil, a Prize); to take by an Open Display of Force (i.e. not covertly or secretly).
      Original Word: ἁρπάζω
      Part of Speech: Verb
      Transliteration: Harpazó
      Phonetic Spelling: (har-pad'-zo)
      Definition: To Seize, Catch Up, Snatch Away
      Usage: I seize, snatch, obtain by robbery.

      All this ‘666’ Numerical Association reminded one of how in 1 Kings 10:14, King Solomon was paid that ‘666’ Talents of Gold for his Yearly Salary. A Talent was an Ancient Unit of Measurement for Weight and Value in the Bible. A Talent ranges from 75 to 100 Pounds or about 35 to 45 Kilograms. If one uses the 100 Pounds and converts that to the present Day Value of Gold, as of October 2024, ($2600 per Ounce) it would be approximately the following Monetary Value.

      1 Talent = 100 Pounds
      1 Pound = 18 Ounces

      666 Talents of Gold Salary x 100 Pounds = 66,600 Pounds (33.3 Tons)
      = ~33 Average Truck Payloads

      66,600 Pounds / 18 Ounces = 3,700 Pounds or 66600 Pounds = 1,065,600 Ounces

      1,065,600 Ounces x $2,600 Ounce of Gold = $ 2,770,560,000

      3,700 Pounds x $2,600 Ounce of Gold = $9,620,000 Year Salary in Gold

      Judi or Stephan, if you all can check my Math? On some Online Talent-to-Ounce Converters, it is the following based on the Troy Ounce though. Regardless of which Equation one uses, the Salary of King Solomon was over 1 Billion a Year in Today’s Money. Solomon was essentially the wealthiest Man alive on the Planet at the Time. And he needed to be with all them 1000+ Women, needing to go Shopping at Tiffany’s and all.

      666 Talents = 704773 Ounces x $2,600 Ounce of Gold = $1,832,409,800.

      And how in Daniel 3:1, the Statue erected by King Nebuchadnezzar in the Plains of Dura was 60 Cubits high, 6 Cubits Wide and presumably 6 Cubits long in keeping with a ‘Square Base’ (60-6-6), etc. Obviously, it is all a connection to the ‘Glory of Man’ as 6 is the Number of Man, created on the 6th Day in Genesis.



  24. Weird Pareidolia (devil faces) in hurricane: In2ThinAir 3 mins

  25. Hello dear family! If anyone would like to pray for us, I am taking 5-6 weeks off and will be on sick leave. I have a decision to make between now and then if we are not all back home together on flight 777.

    Since I have constant sinusitis and pneumonia and not sleeping much, I am coughing all the time, and that is what is happening right now, I am exhausted and the doctor examined me and found out that I have what is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I will have to make a decision if I will continue to work after this sick leave, or stop working to get away from the viruses and bacteria at daycare. There will be only my husband's income and with the cost of living increasing, we will have to depend totally on God. I am 62 1/2 and Daniel is 67. We are not young anymore. I love my job and the little ones I take care of. And we haven't finished paying off the house.

    But my body is having more and more trouble coping with illnesses. This is an important decision for the rest of my life that must be taken with conviction because our future will be greatly affected.
    I also have a question if anyone can answer it. The doctor gave me a cortisone pump to help eliminate the inflammation of the sinuses and bronchi, but the name of the company is ASTRA ZENECA and it scares me a little bit considering what they are doing with the vaccine. The name of this medicine is: Symbicort 200 Turbuhaler. What do you think about this medicine?

    1. Dear Carole, I am a radio-oncologist and we have a lot of patients with COPD. Symbicort is a good treatment and you shouldn't be scared!
      Praying for you...

    2. Blessings, dear Carole. My mother had COPD and also used symbicort. So sorry for what you are experiencing. You and your family are in my prayers. God bless you, dear Sister.

    3. Thank you both for your prayers and thank you to Stephane for answering my question! Big hugs to you both! God bless you!

    4. Carole, here is something you can research, may help. YouTube video - URGENT WARNING: Barbara O'Neill EXPOSES The DEADLY LUNG Mistake Killing Millions - YouTube channel Eternal Health. Sorry, I can't do a link. I'm not telling you not to listen to the doctor. This is another approach to healing you can try. I know from personal experience that the human body can repair itself if a person will change their diet and their way of doing things. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made", Psalm 139:24. Praying for you!

    5. Praying for you Carole! Take please vitamins also! I'm also sick, taking vitamins! We are very very near! Blessings!

    6. I know this is mostly about asthma, but the principles are the same.

    7. Thank Allah, I have been taking multivitamins, and also vit. C and D3 and probiotics for a long time, thank you for your prayers and thank you Kathy for the info, I will check today.

  26. RE: Coronal Mass Ejection CME?
    PART 1/5

    Judi + Fam,
    Yes, a CME, Coronal Mass Ejection has been emitted by the Sun and headed towards Earth. It is believed to have been triggered by the Comet in Virgo. Coincidence? See Video Link below for an Assessment by a Stefan Burns. It is believed by some People that this is the Type of ‘Energy’ that is feeding what is presently occurring on Earth, ‘Hurricane of the Century’, matched with the ‘Comet of the Century’, etc.

    The Theory is that Electro-Magnetic Waves in the Cosmos affect one’s Brain Waves and thus Consciousness and this in turn, affects one’s Behavior or Mind-Set. To a Degree, one would tend to agree. It has to do with that Research on the Earth and Human Body Chakras one shared prior. Here below is a YouTube Channel, Stephan Burns comments on all Subjects related to Astronomy. I have liked what he has had to say, though I believe he is not a Believer. So, one is just referencing his Assessments and Work.



    Now as to CME’s you ask? Well, yes. Lol. I have done some Research, way-back-when, pre 2012 that was leading-up to that Infamous ‘End of the Mayan Calendar, if you all remember. Around 2003 is where one had researched the CME Cycles and thought that 2012 would ‘Be It’ in terms of the Rapture Event. These CME’s are what is going to happen during the Tribulation Period. At a certain Point in Time, a CME will be so intense, that it will burn-up 1/3 of all the Grass and Trees on Earth. Image that. How horrific.

    1. PART 2/5

      Now, that will be truly, ‘Global Warming’ And it will be Jesus implementing that as a Tool of His Wrath. The Heat all over the World will be so intense, that People will Die, Crops will die. These Solar Conditions will exacerbate the degree of Famine and Inflation of Food Prices. As to the Mayan Calendar of the ‘End of the World? It is because on December 21, 2012, the Earth happened to cross the Galactic Plane.

      If one draws a Line horizontally, bisecting our Milky Way Galaxy, then Earth traveled over that Imaginary Line on that Precise Date of the Winter Solstice. Coincidence? But that was and is ‘Huge’ in terms of the ‘Great Year’ in how Cosmic Time is calculated and what ‘Age’ the Earth and Humanity is heading towards. This is of course, if one is taking into account, and has to take into account, that the Earth is older than just 6000 Years from Adam. Here below is a Chart and Article, attempting to capture this Phenomena of the Solar Fare Cycles based on the Patterns of CME’s emitted, etc.

      Solar Flare Frequency Countdown from 1965-2012

    2. PART 3/5


      #16: SOLAR FLARES
      Solar Flare Frequency Count 1965 - 2020

    3. PART 4/5
      But be aware that the Research one did is now nearly 2 Decades ‘Old’, so some of the Data Points and Assertions need to be Updated, etc. Now, these Charts and Subject Matter are 1 of those that one would not normally share here as they border on the New Age Interpretations and Narratives. But one finds them very intriguing, as the Creation Mythos of the Meso-American Civilization, for example echo this Pattern and how the coming Age is that of the 5th Sun, that Humanity is about to enter. To the Luciferians, this is the Return to their Golden Age when Lucifer ruled on Earth, presumably. See Book, Earth Earliest Ages and the Research by Pastor Larry Ollison.


      WOW Faith Church

    4. PART 5/5
      What is ‘Positive’ about where the Trajectory the Earth is on now, is that it is heading back to a Time when it had a ‘Golden Age’. The Great Year is divided between the Ages of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Lead, just like the 4 Seasons on the Present ‘Standard’ Earth Calendar and Cycles of the Seasons, etc. It really is fascinating as that Cosmic Pattern is also what the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar was consisting of. It is as a ‘Facsimile’ of how the World Empires have been constituted since Babylon, that being the Head of Gold and how Human History has descended and will eventually lead to a 10-Toe Confederation of Lead and Clay, etc.



      So, one hopes that all this Information is of some Value and one is just offering Perspective. But what is occurring presently in the Heavens Above and on Earth Below is amazing. It is a ‘High’ in the Cycles of Events that are Rhythmic and Prophetic, one could add. In one’s Assessment, something is about to ‘Bust’ or be ‘Birthed’. But as cynical as one is, remember also that the ‘Signs are not the Event’, in general.

      Now as to what that ‘Bust’ or ‘Birth’ will be? That will remain to be seen as in Hind-Sight, one has a better Focus. But being Student of the Study of the End Times, we all realize that a Transition is about to occur. The End of the Church Age Commission is to conclude some Year now. Then the Transference to the Spiritual Economy of Israel will follow. It is because YHVH is not done with Israel, his ‘Wayward’ Wife that needs to be Reconciled. Even the Rabbinical Orthodox Jews realize that they are on the Road to Redemption.

      However, how Sad that they are Blind to their True Redeemer, Jesus, at least most. Once the Bride of Christ is Raptured, Israel will truly be ‘Alone’. But to the Luciferians, this will be their ‘Great Reset’. Even the World is taking note as Stefan Burns realizes how the Inner Solar System is literally ‘Exploding’ with Signs and Wonders. One appreciates his Excitement. If only Christians would be too of the nearness of the Rapture and Return of Jesus. The difference is that we ‘Have the Book’. We know why. These are the ‘Birth Pangs’ as literally the Sun can be seen, as in a Metaphor, of having Contractions and is ‘Pushing-Out’ a ‘Delivery’, i.e., Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary and the ‘Man-Child’ that is to be Raptured even, one would say.

      Keep the Watch,

  27. Praying for you Carole/Alla. StephE, I doubt you have time/access to check in here, but know we are praying for you and all those impacted by this hurricane/tornadoes. Lyn, fam, Holly2Moons posted a Rapture dream this morning:

    Huge fire in Wyoming (I read on Telegram, but can't find it now, that billions of dollars in trace minerals I think have recently been discovered there), increased seismic activity S Cal, hurricanes/tornadoes/wars-threats of wars and the list goes on. Apparently Florida's fertilizer production hit hard (thus affecting food supply), preparations being made for 15 min cities in aftermath of "natural" disasters, Mt Adams volcano (Central WA) may be awakening, Come, Lord Jesus!

    Eyes on the sky!

  28. Jupiter - red circle - changing (representing Jesus?)
    What could this mean----if anything?

  29. Looks like a beating heart . . heartbeat of the Messiah?

  30. Everybody must be on the edge of their seat watching to see what Israel might do next--Isaiah 17:1?

    1 Bride, 2 Hurricanes, 3 Earthquakes & the Rapture

      Yes, I am constantly aware of what an incredible privilege it is to be alive during this time in human history, even to have been born during the Church Age/Bride of Christ at all. It truly stupefies me. Like you, Lyn, my heart breaks for the human suffering occurring and to come. So utterly hard to think Believers are in the paths of these things--and all the others too. May all these tragedies, and what's going on in the ME, bear the fruit of salvation for those seeking answers and peace. The attack on the IDF base today, injuring 69 soldiers (last I read 4 dead and some in critical condition) will most likely ramp up the attacks on Hezbollah. The tachometer is inching toward the redline.

    2. Thank you for your article Lyn! Great article! We all hope it will take us soon. I also pray for all those people who are suffering in terrible tribulations. Because there are all kinds. I seek strength and peace from the Lord if we have to go through such trials here too. Because I am really not well in my body and I do not know how I will go through these enormous trials with the body I have at the moment. I am tired, I cough and I have headaches constantly but I am not tired of waiting for Jesus. It is certainly the same for all those who are suffering in their body. like our sister Alla, Sheila and her husband, Jimboni, Lu and so many others. But God has promised to stay close to us at all times. I also try to encourage others and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus.

    3. Lyn + Fam,
      Great Summary of what is currently ‘In-Play’ in the World. No doubt, all these ‘Signs’ and Calamities are having a Spiritual Impact on People’s Lives, especially those being directly affected. And as a result, there is Individualized Revival, one would hope, as that is where it needs to start for a whole Nation to turn back to Christ Jesus. But in general, it seems the USA, as a whole is increasingly taking-up the Mindset of Pharaoh of the Bible, as it is hardening its Heart one would say. And that was despite the 10 Plagues that ravaged his Kingdom.

      It is being no different for the Response of the USA, collectively? If one can draw some Prophetic Parallels of the USA being as an ‘Egypt’, and YHVH sending Judgments upon the Land, Animals and People, then it is also about a ‘Delivery’, an Exodus from that World as it was then. As one could deduce, along with others have made the Inference of how the Rapture Event will precisely be that ‘Delivery’ and Exodus, etc.

      But presently in the USA? On 1 Hand you see the Church Body step-up and fill-in the Void that the Federal Government lacked in terms of Rescue and Relief, concerning Hurricane Helene, in particular. It also brings the Best out of People. But then on the other Hand, one can daily see and read the total Disintegration of the Nation in more ways than one. Now, many People will say, ‘The USA and its People are no different than any others in the World’. That is a True Statement as the Human Condition is Universal and every Human is born with the Sin Nature, etc.

      But one does believe in ‘American Exceptionalism’. As a Political Scientist, one can see why the USA was and is ‘Different’, at least it was. If one know U.S. History, it is about the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’. But America was Great because she was Godly, enough to have a Spiritual Threshold of a Hedge of Protection and Blessing, despite the Degree of Deceit and Wickedness all around. What the Luciferians have done, is make the USA, now just like the Nations, a 3rd World Nation, precisely because that Spiritual Threshold is gone. And that is on the Church Witness, in one’s Estimation. And that is what has happened during the Biden Administration.

      Of course, those knowing Bible Prophecy realize that it is all part of the Plan. It is really a 3-2-1 ‘Boom’ Demolition of the USA in a Reset. It started with Obama, then Biden and now finishing-off with Harris. Trump was an ‘Interruption’ and will not be allowed to ‘Win’. But in one’s Estimation, it is really a ‘Choice’ between, as the saying goes, the ‘Lesser of 2 Evils’. Now Skeptics have said, are saying and will, that such a State of Affairs in the USA and the World have come-and-gone. They do appear to come in Cycles do they not? So, they ask, what is so different about this ‘Next Alarmist’ Time-Frame? There have been Amazing Celestial Signs in the Past, as they are now, and surely many Destabilizing Geo-Political Events to occur still in the Future.

      Well, below is a Link to a Video of a Pastor, Ex-Marine that one has shared before. He goes over the series of Dreams he had for the past 7 Years. The Catch is that he was convinced that ‘GOD’ told him not to share them, until now. And yes, it is about War, but a War that is surely coming to the USA. It does corroborate with the many other Brethren who have had similar Dreams of the same Circumstances. Now the issue is, will all ‘This’ be going down or start to occur before the American National ‘Selections’, I mean Elections? Or will it occur leading-up to or just right after the Rapture Event? One is not sure of the Pastor’s Rapture Scenario Stance, but what he does share about his Dreams is intriguing and frightful. So, have Discernment about it.

      Keep the Watch,


      Jamie Walden

    4. AMEN, Lu! You wrote: "If one can draw some Prophetic Parallels of the USA being as an ‘Egypt’, and YHVH sending Judgments upon the Land, Animals and People, then it is also about a ‘Delivery’, an Exodus from that World as it was then. As one could deduce, along with others have made the Inference of how the Rapture Event will precisely be that ‘Delivery’ and Exodus, etc."

      Jamie Walden is a mighty man of God BUT HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE PRETRIBULATION RAPTURE. So, Brethren, as Lu said--have Discernment about what Jamie Walden shares.

    5. Lyn, I didn't know his position on the Rapture, but have already picked up that he probably isn't pre-Trib. I'm not very far into the vid, but paid particular attn to what he said about the Clark Co sheriff, as I live in greater LV area. We who have been following prophetic developments for a number of years know what's happening with our border, and the greater global picture, but so disturbing nevertheless. While we know we must be close, who thought we'd be here to see the amount of Trib (overflow) creep we are already seeing? Sure hope it's not a whole lot longer. But each day we are still here I thank God for the souls added to His kingdom by the delay. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    6. Judi/Hmewrdbd--Really appreciated ALL you wrote "Like you, Lyn, my heart breaks for the human suffering occurring and to come. So utterly hard to think Believers are in the paths of these things--and all the others too. May all these tragedies, and what's going on in the ME, bear the fruit of salvation for those seeking answers and peace. . . The tachometer is inching toward the redline."

      Carole/Maranatha321... I cannot imagine how excruciating it is to have to endure a constant condition--surely it is a type of sharing in the sufferings of Christ. I do have a grown son who was born with a condition that we have prayed would be healed. There are many reasons why healing hasn't come yet for those who are awaiting it. I pray the impression in my spirit was accurate when I wrote this in January 2024:

      "A mental picture immediately came to me of the Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots game my daughter gave her two brothers this Christmas for the nostalgic fun of it, and with that vision came the thought that this year there will be a mighty spiritual battle where the Body of Christ will be knocking the block off the Red Dragon just before we fly Home!

      More came into my spirit and I immediately wrote it down:

      This year the Church will be under tremendous attack from the Dragon but the provision through the Lord, Yᵊhōvâ Jireh, will be amazing! There will be not only miraculous provision financially and physically but most notably provision spiritually!

      There will be a fullness of the power and glory of God manifested in the Man Child/Bride as the Church reaches the fullness of its time on earth. It will be a sight to behold! Just as the children of Israel were strengthened and made rich before the Exodus, so it will be for Those in Christ and then we will make Our Exodus!" [excerpt from 2024 the Year of the Dragon AND the Rapture?

    7. Thank you dear Sister Lyn! Always there to encourage us! For the video of this brother above, I also thought he was post-tribulation. But I wonder why, if this man is saved, which I believe he is, God would tell him that believers will go through the tribulation, the judgment of God and that this brother will lose his entire family, and that he must stay strong because it will be devastating? I am paraphrasing! If this is prophetic, how is this possible because we believe in a rapture before all of this. I am not talking about the tribulations that are happening now, like plagues and earthquakes or wars and all of this in various places. I am talking about what this brother has experienced in his dreams and it is awful and everywhere! If this is truly prophetic, does it go against the dreams of other believers who have seen that we are going before all of this? God does not contradict himself and he is not the God of confusion, but I admit that all these dreams that contradict themselves are confusion. I do not know what to think about it. This man is sincere like all the others who have visions. If he is saved and we leave before this great distress, he leaves with us. 🤷‍♀️So why all these dreams and the Lord tells him that he will be part of these great judgments on people?

    8. Carole, I find that just as puzzling, as so many of these people (with conflicting D&Vs ) seem to be genuine believers. I didn't finish the video. He also disparaged eternal security (OSAS, which, again presupposes a genuine conversion in the first place, not just a fire insurance kind of prayer with no evidence of faith thereafter), so I knew I wouldn't agree with many of his statements. He does seem to have credible background in may areas (military, etc.), however. While I believe in the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12) still being operative today, the downside is the kinds of things you point out (and the many "excesses" that have occurred in the Name of the Holy Spirit over the years), thus discernment is needed--and a firm grasp and knowledge of Scripture. Praying for you, sister, and Alla/Lu/Jimboni and others for your relief/healing. I agree with Lyn, that that is a form of filling up the sufferings of Christ--He who suffered and bore it because God appointed it for Him. Are we "appointed" for suffering? Jesus tells us we will have tribulations in this world. I believe how (I would italicize that word if I could here) we bear up under the suffering brings God glory in the heavens (see Eph. 3:10) and I believe all those who suffer much in this life will be richly rewarded in the next.

    9. I wish Jamie good luck as he endures the Tribulation. He’s obviously expecting to be here for it.

    10. The two salient bits of information I gleaned from his sermon (tirade?) is that he mocks OSAS and the real reason for the shutdown of the ports.

    11. Jamie also mentioned the “Genocide in Gaza.” Excuse me? The Genocide was in Israel on Oct 7, 2023.

      No Gospel message. No Rapture. No Blood of Jesus at all in two hours. This shows anyone can grab a microphone and make a YT video.

      He’s too much like Pastor “Brace yourself. “

    12. Praying for you dear Carole! The Lord is near! I need Him now to go Home! And thank you all for praying for me also! My next surgery will be in 3 weeks, November 6. I'm feeling no fear, only hope! Studying Lyn's articles, very interesting! November this year! Great hope!

  31. Fam, I found this thought quite intriguing--from Amir Tsarfati's devotional today:

    "Now comes the best part of this message. See, some people think, some teachers, they think that when Jesus talked about, “That generation shall not pass away,” He was talking about Israel. But I find it very odd. Why? Because He’s talking about a generation that is going to watch Israel. He doesn’t talk about the fig tree. He talks about the generation that will see the fig tree come back to life. Wow. So I believe it talks about the believers of that time. I believe that the most significant end time prophecy is the rebirth of Israel and the rebirth of the fig tree."

    Could we have been calculating the number of man's days (70-80) by applying it to Israel all wrong? However, having been born a few short years prior to 1948, my generation is for sure in that window!

    1. Moses wrote Psalm 90 when Israel was living out her punishment in the wilderness, wandering for 40 years. This was the purpose of Moses's writing to find favor with God again, for Him to ease their punishment and allow them to enter the land He has promised to them. Moses prayed that God would teach them to number their days and apply their hearts to wisdom.
      Shortly after the writing of Psalm 90, Israel entered her Promised Land. According to Leviticus 25, that entry began a count that would establish sabbaths for the land and ultimately the jubilee years. The 70th jubilee year coincides with Daniel 9:27 and Ezekiel 40 as the point at which Ezekiel’s temple will be measured for which is the strength behind Daniel 9’s covenant.
      Since Israel was commanded to number the years that lead to jubilee when they entered the land, Nisan 10 of presumably 1406 BC, then the count of 70 jubilees (70 × 49 years = 3430 years) leads to Nisan 10 (the same day Ezekiel was given his prophecy of the measuring for his temple in 573 BC) in 2025 as the year Ezekiel’s temple will be built.
      That would put the midpoint of the 70th Week on Tishri 10 2028, an exact 80 years from the reestablishment of Israel in the land. That is the link to 1948.
      And, to Moses’s point, those additional 3.5 years beyond the 70th jubilee will be characterized by labor and sorrow (Jesus' words in Matthew 24 calling the opening of the Seals the beginning if sorrows), but they will soon be cut off when Israel flies away. Moses was presumably referring to what would become the midpoint of the 70th Week as the point where Israel would be cut off and fly away. Jesus in Matthew 24 specifically talks about "their" flight, and John in Relevation about the wings of the great eagle "flying" them in their place.
      In my opinion, Psalm 90:10 leads to both the commencement of and the midpoint of Daniel‘s 70thWeek.

    2. Thanks for your calculations Stefan! I think you are right. Israel will be 80 years in the middle of Tribulation! We are so near! Looking up!

  32. Dear sister Alla, I am sorry because I saw later that I had written your name wrong above. Or rather that the translator had transcribed it this way. I should have read before posting.

    1. O my, Carole, I didn't really regard to! I'm worried about your health! I found last time that we are really near and the Lord heals us before we go Home! I hope now really for our healing! The Lord has rightly time for this! Blessings!

  33. About an hour ago (7:30 pm PDT) took several photos of the T-Atlas Comet from my backyard here in California using my wife's cellphone on the "night mode" setting.    Such an honor to see it live and in-person.   It makes some of the things we post here @Rev12 very "Real and Exciting"!   Lol!   Wish I could share the photos with everyone, but there are much better ones at Earthsky Community Photos, including this one from St. Augustine, Florida.

  34. Israel is under siege. Please pray for them.

    1. RE: Comet C/2023 3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS

      Bob + Fam,
      Thanks for sharing Bob. I plan to see if one can see tomorrow Evening, if it is not obscured by Trees. Seems one will have to drive up a bit to Higher Ground to see it before it dips below the Horizon. This is the Best Time to see it because the Sun will be going down first over the Horizon, looking West. And from this Point forward, it will be diminishing in Brightness as it goes-out of the Solar System.

      One could not see it in the East as the Sun rose too close to it and it was too far away. So, on this side of the Horizon, the West, the Window of Opportunity will be tight. And one might add, is ‘Evidence’ of a Globe Earth Model. There, I said it. Lol.

      Anyway, it seems one’s Prediction of how this Comet streaking across Virgo would be as a barrage of Missiles pounding Virgo, i.e., Israel. And it has come True. The next few Days, the Comet will be able to be seen from the Temple Mount just after Sunset, around 7-8pm Jerusalem Local Time. One hopes someone will be able to take Amazing Pictures of it over the Temple Mount. Here below is the Link of a Chart one made that approximates the Depiction of it.

      Keep the Watch.

      7-Day of Sukkot or Tabernacles on the Rabbinical Calendar is from the Evening of October 16 to the 23rd, 2024.

      Omen against Israel – War and Calamity

    2. PS:
      In using Stellarium as the Astronomical Model, if one advances the Hour Numerical Factor, the Depiction will gradually show how the Comet moved down into the Horizon. Comets can be interpreted as a 'Sword' or Knife. In this case, it is though Jerusalem is being Divided in Half, right 'Down the Middle' as they say. It is because, amazingly, the Comet is exactly Vertical in relation and position to the Horizon. It is at an ‘Up-Down’ position as it is setting over the Horizon, looking over the Temple Mount towards the West just after Sunset, etc.

      Perhaps it could be a foreshadowing or alluding to how, at the ‘Confirming of the Covenant’ with the Many, whenever that Day will come, part of the World ‘Peace and Security’ Compromise Israel will be forced to accept, will be following Stipulations. Israel will be forced to Divide the Temple Mount, Divide Jerusalem and Divide the Promised Land as Joel 2 suggests, based on some Interpretations of what is being stated.

      Carry On.

    3. Lu...I just sent you an email of the photo I took last night of the Comet.   Hopefully you get a chance to see it tonight as well.   Indeed your prediction of a "barrage of missiles" pounding Virgo (i.e, Israel) came true.   So kudos to you!    Your graphic showing the Comet coming down as a "Sword or Knife" over Israel in a "Vertical" position is quite Prophetic as it implies the dividing of Jerusalem/Israel in half, etc.    It should be interesting to see how things develop over the next few days, weeks or months!    Btw, I'm also looking forward to seeing a photograph of the Comet directly over the Temple Mount.   It should be quite a sight to behold!

    4. Bob,
      Thanks. Hey, I did not get your Email of the Comet Picture. I think it might have gone to my Spam Folder. Sorry. Can you try again? ( What one is also asking is how the Virgo Constellation is a Motif of the Bride of Christ. So, one is thinking, how does/did the Comet also factor into the ‘Message’ or Omen pertaining to the Bride of Christ. Will she be next?

      One realizes that the Bride, while on Earth, is protected from YHVH’s Wrath but it does not preclude it from having gone through Suffering and Sorrows, as Judi pointed out prior. And if the Church Age clocks into 2025, then the Body of Christ, especially in the USA will start to suffer the effects of all that has been predicted by so many. One does not see Trump being ‘Elected’ or allowed.

      But as for Israel, this present Condition is unsustainable. You have 1/3 of the entire Population evacuated from the North. 90% of the entire Population have gone into Bomb-Shelters. At least 1 full Academic Year of all levels of Schooling has been interrupted. There is virtually no Tourism. Many Israelis have lost their Jobs. Israel is fighting on 7 Fronts. The whole World is against her. It is a pretty Dire Circumstance.

      Here is one’s Assessment, in part. Based on Biblical Scenarios of what is to occur, i.e., the Rapture Event, the Evangelical Support for Israel being Gone, and the relentless Muslim Menace of the Inner-Ring of all those 7 Main Para-Military Factions, Israel is ‘Shell-Shocked’. When you have only Seconds to reach a Bomb-Shelter from when the Sirens go-off, it wears-down on the Psyche. One postulates that Israel is being conditioned, psychologically, much like COVID to have such a Mass Psychosis, that it will be driven to a Point of Desperation to search any and all types of Solution.

      And that is where, based on Israel’s Biblical History and Sensitivity or Sin, it has chosen more often than not to rely on the Geo-Political Savior of the Day. One knows how Israel would often make Peace Treaties with its Enemies or Neighbors, contrary to the Will and Wishes of YHVH. Israel relied on Strong-Men Types, i.e., Messiah Complex Types come-on-the-scene to ‘Rescue’ Israel, etc. This is what one is conjecturing will foster the Circumstances, ideally to have Israel accept the AntiChrist Figure, whomever that will be to be their Rescue.

      So, as Isaiah foretells, Israel’s Leadership will literally make a ‘Deal with the Devil’ to stop the Wars, the Killing, the Missile Barrages and Bombing, stabbing, etc. On a pure Human Level, one could understand why and could say, one would not or could not blame them. But Israel, according to the Bible, as is the Bride of Christ are Special, Unique and Called-Out because they have already a Pact or Deal with Divinity, at being YHVH. But since Israel has been returned by YHVH to the Promised Land, but still in a Spiritual State of Unbelief, and in a Blinded State of not seeing Jesus as their True Messiah, it will be all that much more convenient to accept a Messiah, made in their own ‘Image and Likeness’.

      It will work, initially but it will be a Deception and Detriment to them as it will spell their Demise, i.e., the Covenant with Death, etc. This is why 2025 will be pivotal in what these present Circumstances are maturing that will be coming to a Head. In a sense, it is very scary, but in another sense it is Supernatural as one is seeing the Literal Signs Above and Events Below.

      Be on the Look-Out,

    5. Lu...just sent you another email using the same address listed above. Let me know if you don't receive it. Thanks.

    6. Another photo of the Comet over Lake Tahoe from Earthsky Community Photos.

    7. Bob,
      :( Sorry. Nada. I double-checked my Spam an Junk Folders since yesterday. Perhaps there is a Delay? But it is unusual. You could see if your 'Send' Link has those Messages actually sent from your Device?

      Or sometimes, because the Picture is too Big, it will not send. I suspect that could be the case. As an Alternative, try posting it on your Google Drive as you had for your Fig Picts you have shared prior? Or try my Campus Email?

      Looking forward to seeing it. Man that Tahoe Picture of it was Amazing.

    8. Just forwarded it to your campus email. "3rd time's a charm" as they often say!

    9. Bob!
      I received the Pic to my Campus Email.

  35. From Steve Fletcher's channel:
    Brother Stan is the "guest speaker", so to say. Very special I think, only 13 minutes.
    Wait and See!

  36. Weird! I had put the link to Hugo's video and a link to another video and after putting them, I saw them on the site. Now when I look, there is nothing. 🤷‍♀️

  37. 2nd try!!!
    Hugo's video: 6th Seal @ Tabernacles - October 17-24, 2024

  38. ecrusymphony


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.