2023 Rapture Conversation

Hey Everyone, as we enter the last month of 2023 I thought it would be interesting to share an interesting coversation from 3 watchmen as they describe there thoughts on 2023 and Christs soon return. I especially appreciate Aaron from God-A-Minute and encourage you all to follow his channel if you don't already. Praying that Jesus comes soon and I will get to meet you all at His wonderful feet very very soon! In the meantime, have a Blessed few weeks as we lead up to my favorite holiday of the year! God Bless you ALL.


  1. Family, Blessings

    We've always thought that whatever the window was it was most likely to be at the last possible moment within the window to align with The Mercy Of Our Lord.

    KoolCat appears to be seriously accepting a Harpazo in a few days. As Sheila B. is finding out, "Double Glasses means business!" AT THE END it will speak, and not lie (24:30)

    RAPTURE TIME !! This is Your Commander Speaking ! ! ! ! 👨‍✈️


    1. Amen, Jimboni! Right there with @KC on this huge possibility as I “see” it with him, lol. There’s just something really feeling real about this window…
      Re those big confirming 7 plus mag EQ’s in the Philippines, I was led to read Philippians with a different lens. A lot of Rapture clues in there I’d not seen before. Esp. Philippians 4:4:
      “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”
      In this case “Rejoice” has a direct link to being “Glad for Grace Exceedingly” with the root word being a salutation of both greeting and a farewell parting and God’s Speed!
      And also:
      Philippians 3:20,21

      And I only had to use 4 different pairs of readers
      to squeeze out this little bit of juice.🤓🤦‍♀️🙏

      (They also had a 6.6 mag EQ reported there just this morning🤔)

  2. Enjoy: Aaron God a Minute: People get ready, there's a train a comin'


  3. יי משפחה...רק תחשבו, בעוד יומיים כולנו יכולים לדבר ולכתוב בעברית לפי KoolCat. ככזה, חשבתי שמוטב להתחיל להתאמן עכשיו כדי לקבל קפיצה על דברים! עוד לא הספקתי לצפות בו, אבל הנה "הסרטון החי" שלו מאמש (זה רק 4 שעות ו-3 דקות!). מוטב שיהיה לך בהישג יד את קנקן ה-KoolAid ואת דלי הפופקורן!


    Hey family...just think, in 2 days we all could be speaking and writing in Hebrew according to KoolCat.   As such, I figured I'd better start practicing now to get a jump on things!    I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but here's his "live video" from last night (it's only 4 hours and 3 minutes!).   Better have your jug of KoolAid and bucket of popcorn handy!


  4. Some encouragement for December 7, 2023

    On December 7, 2023, Israel will be 27600 days old.
    May 14, 1948 - December 7, 2023 = 27600 days
    27600 days = 76,66666666 prophetic years. Interesting...
    The number 276 is in the New Testament.
    In the 27th chapter of Acts, Luke gives a graphic account of the tragic sea voyage in which the Apostle Paul, as prisoner, sailed from Caesarea to Italy, in the custody of Julius the Centurion. And in that account, he tells us that 276 souls were saved alive from the shipwreck, not one being lost to the raging sea. This is the only location of the number 276 in the New Testament.
    I also feel like being on a sea voyage on a sinking ship...
    There are 1200 days left till Israel will be 80 prophetic years old (Fig Tree Generation)
    1200 days = 40 months (a period of testing?)
    December 7, 2023 is 13 months after the last Blood Moon on November 8, 2022.
    And it is 2330 days before the last day of Passover in 2030 (strongs 2330 = summer, heat)
    Let's hope and pray!!!

    1. Stephan...thank you for the December 7th encouraging numbers.  I particularly liked your Acts reference where the 27600 days translates into the 276 "saved" souls from the shipwreck.   Another watchman mentioned Acts 27 recently (possibly KoolCat or someone else) suggesting that we will also be saved from a sinking ship.   Something about the "sincere + relatable" way that Commander Kelly speaks gives me great encouragement for the 7th, but we'll see!

      As mentioned in the last thread, in KatMan's previous live video (around the 3/4 way mark) he went over some number counts (1260, 1290, 1335 and 2520) that we really need to look at in further detail.   Those day counts and dates could confirm the validity of his predicted December 7th Rapture scenario.  I tried to take some notes from that video, but I'm not sure if I understood it correctly.   Perhaps he went over those day counts again in last night's video!   If not, it sure would be helpful if KoolCat would draw a diagram or show on a board/paper those day counts (like Dr. Barry or Aaron) for all to see and understand (hint, hint!).

    2. Bob, I understood the hint ;)

      Here is his Timeline:

      # Rapture on December 7, 2023 (Kislev 24 according to Haggai 2). 24. of the 9. month

      # December 7, 2023 + 2520 days = October 31, 2030. End of the Tribulation on 'Judgement Day', 'Day of the Flood ', Helloween.

      # Start of the sacrificial system in the rebuilt Temple on July 14, 2024. Start of Moses' and Elijas ministry.

      # Abomination on April 20, 2027. Antichrist. 1230 days after December 7, 2023. Full Moon. April 20, 2027 + 1290 days = October 31, 2030

      # December 26, 2027 : 2 witnesses killed. On Christmas. 1260 days after July 14, 2024

      # October 1, 2027: Battle of Armaggedon

      # Dedication of the New Temple on December 15, 2030. Last day of Hannukah.
      1335 days after April 20, 2027 (Abomination)

      I forgot to mention that December 7, 2023 is 23924 months after April 7, AD 30 (Crucifixion Date?).
      Pointing to 23/24 of the 9. month (Kislev 23/24 = December 6/7, Kislev 24 starting on the evening of December 6)?

    3. April 20, 2027 = Eve of Passover

    4. Wow!
      Obama's birthday is on August 4, 1961.
      If the Abomination is on April 20, 2027, Obama will be 24000 days old.
      That's 66.666666 prophetic years!!!

    5. Wow, Wow, Wow!!!   Stephan...thank you so much for taking the time to watch KoolCat's video and put all those critical day counts, numbers and dates for everyone to see and understand.   By far, you're the best person here at Rev12 to have accomplished that task!   Kudos to you, Brother.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around what all those numbers mean, but it would appear that it means we'll be departing on 12/6-7.   Hallelujah!!!   I would encourage all other watchmen out there to look at and "critically review" those numbers to see if you come up with the same conclusion.   And that includes you, Luis B. Vega!   If KatMan is wrong, then so be it.   We'll just start all over again and continue watching until our "Appointed Time" comes!    All Glory to Yeshua...ah, ah!

    6. Sorry, a typo:
      October 1, 2030: Battle of Armaggedon

    7. Great stuff, guys, Blessings. As I shared with KoolCat & he also watched, another YTC watcher ran the numbers and the shipwreck voyage in Acts 27 which you mentioned set off to sea on the 24th DAY OF THE NINTH MONTH. Yup, hidden in Acts 27, all along.


    8. More numbers for you Stephan...

      "And Sarah was a hundred and seven and twenty years old:  these were the years of the life of Sarah."  (Genesis 23:1 KJV)  

      Meaning...127 years old or 12/7 + 23 = 12/7/23 or the day of the Rapture!

      This was mentioned on the Repoman 64 show.   Another clue or another example of a "Rapture Junkie Gone Wild"?   Lol!

  5. AMEN! and AMEN! again to Greg L.’s 12/5 commentary today
    @A Little Strength.com.

    Praise God for Israel for without them, there would be no Body of Christ. And we can know for a fact that just as The Lord God Almighty keeps His Covenant with Israel, we can rest assured that He will keep His Promise to all of us.

  6. KoolCat's timeline detail:

    # December 26, 2027 : 2 witnesses killed. On Christmas. 1260 days after July 14, 2024

    "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and MAKE MERRY (Christmas?) make merry, and shall send (Christmas?) gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth." Revelation 11:10 KJV (em)

    Meanwhile, back in Esther, folks are seeing 12/14 but KoolCat untangles that one, earlier today 16:16:

    ANOTHER AMAZING RAPTURE PROOF FOR The 24th Day of the 9th Month! ! ! LETS GOOOO! ! ! ! ! !

  7. Dear ‘322’ Stephan, lol, Bob and the Gang,
    PART 1/6
    December 5, 2023 at ----->3:22 PM<-------

    The following will be a Deep Dive but no 4+ Hour Read. ;0 Humm….Stephan, one suspected you might be of the 322 Skull Bonesmen Boys, eh? Confess! Lol. It is, just the case with all your Number ‘Wizardry’? No? ;0 So, Bob is egging me on to Comment and ‘Get in the Game’ of this December Rapture Round-Up? Not buying it! Lol. GOD Bless the KoolKat but cannot dedicate 4+ Hours or really half a Day for what Stephan summarized in a Paragraph. But I try to keep my Responses to less than 3 Postings at a Time! But also, one has just been very busy with the End of the Fall Semester on Campus and recovering from Dental Work still In-Progress.

    Anyway, as we all Speculate on the possible Rapture Timeline and High Watch Windows? All Good, as I do that too, especially with that 7-23 Number and its possible July New Wine Correspondence. But when Rapture Watch Days crosses-over to ‘I Guarantee it?’ Perhaps it is Hyperbole. It is just that it does not set well with my Spirit and actually it has the Opposite Effect. In one’s View, such ‘Proclamations’ are verging on ‘Testing’ the LORD. So, one will leave it at that, as one gets enough Abuse around here from all of you about it, lol …for even Challenging such Dispositions ‘When asked’ and when the Scrutiny levels-up to a, ‘Thus Said the LORD’, etc.

    But if anything one can freely contribute to the Debate of a December Departure? It does appear that if anything that one can Assess about this Time-Frame, it would appear that December, as in ‘12’ is Signaling a Date…as in a possible Countdown. And guess a Countdown to what Rapture Window Time is being suggested, perhaps? A July 23 Date or a 723 Code. You see, Bob ‘Did it Again’. He ‘inadvertently’ Played the Numbers and gave us ‘12/7-23’. Bob! You gave it away! ;0 Can it get any more obvious than a (723), eh? From where? From the Life-Span of Sarah’s Age in that way it was phrased 7 and 23? ;0 Oh, You Rapture Junkie! December is the New Wine July?! How so? In one’s Interpretation, it could be like the Anna Code of her Years and the Jews seeing ‘Jesus’ at the Temple Again.

    Rebirth of Israel 1948 +84 Year Anna Factor = 2032 Israel sees Jesus again.
    Bob D. December 5, 2023 at 9:05 PM
    "And Sarah was a hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah." Meaning...127 years old or 12/7 + 23 = 12/7/23 or the day of the Rapture!

    Here is the December Connection. It is a Countdown Baby! Literally. Allow one to share, without using Names, of a Sister that contacted me a few Days ago about having a Dream she had concerning ‘12’ or December (12/23). But that it was clearly, in her Mind referring to another Month. Guess which Month? She wanted to see what would be one’s Take on it and if anything was of it, Prophetically perhaps.

    1. PART 2/6

      Hi Lu,
      …I saw in my sleep 12/23. It is in July that I saw 12/23. I also was wondering if it is 12 Months 23 Days from the Time that I was given this. Could it be July 23, 2024? Looking forward to your Reply.

      Here is what one wrote back.

      Very interesting. One had been asked about the latest Rapture Date-Setting or High Watch Times for December also. As you may know, one’s Bias is towards that Summer White Wheat Wedding Typology of the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Correlation, one is Theorizing. So, it just so happens that, based on 1 Interpretation and when the Start of the Day Counts begin, it will result in a July 23rd Date Correspondence from Passover.

      But what you said about seeing 12/23 and being pegged to the Month of July? Here is what one contemplated about it. From when you got the ‘Vision’ of the 12/23 in the Month of October ‘23’ then, to the July 23, 2024 Date? That will be exactly the following Day Count.

      9 Months or 39 Weeks

      Pretty Amazing in that, as one would suggest that it is possibly ‘Signaling’ a Human Gestation Period of a Pregnancy. And that in that case, the Prophetic Metaphor would be that of a coming ‘Birth’, i.e., the Rapture perhaps? That would be wonderful. As it is, many in the Body of Christ are experiencing intense Spiritual Warfare with greater Frequency and Intensity, just like Jesus said would be the ‘Birth Pangs’ And one can Allegorize the Rapture Event as a Birthing.

      So, thanks for sharing. May it be so for 2024. Which, if it would be the case, that would be Wonderful and only a few Months to go before the Church Age concludes its Royal Commission. And the Dispensation and Witness of and to Jesus will revert back to the Jews. In that case, the 144K Jewish Evangelists and the 2 Witnesses, specifically. Exciting Times.

      We can take Comfort that when it does reach the Prophetic 'Boiling Point', the Bride of Christ will be Extracted, or ‘Birthed’ as hat Man-Child of the Revelation 12 Sign Imagery. And as Lot, per the Promise of Jesus of providing a Door of Escape when ‘Sudden Destruction’ is Pending. So, one can 'Bank' on that. But as to the Financial Situation of the USA and the World? Banks are continuing to Collapse and Close, unannounced or consolidated by the Major ones. It is all part of the Plan of Centralization, as that will be the Core Requisite for the Reset and the New Financial Order, after the Rapture.

    2. PART 3/6
      That July 23rd Day Count is also based on Counting from the Spring Equinox. It is also a Factor of a Double-Count Theory of mine. It factors-in the initial 49 Days, being Shavuot. But the True Count is then ‘Numbering’ an additional 50 Day Count thereafter. Why? That Day Count would then correspond to the Acts 2 ‘2nd’ Shavuot Count that one argues is ‘Pentecost’, etc.

      Then there is a 3rd ‘Shavuot’ 50 Day Count of New Oil in the Fall. But one is not saying that the Rapture Event will take place on a July 23rd Date or even in the Year 2024. It is just that one’s Research points to that and one is just sharing that as Conjecture and Speculation, but based on Astronomical Markers, i.e., the Spring Equinox and Biblical Harvest Typology, specifically attributed by Jesus of the ‘End of the Age’. The following is one’s Condensed Version of what the Pentecost New Wine Timeline for Summer 2024 would entail.

      -July 23, 2024? Rapture Event?
      -1 Year Gap of Time for Ashes of Red Heifer and Building of 3rd Temple.
      -AntiChrist Confirms Covenant on Hamas Attack with Sanhedrin, the ‘Many’.
      -October 18, 2025 Temple Dedicated, Week of Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah.
      -Sabbath of Beginnings 2025 to Sabbath of Return on September 11, 2032.
      -Based on Fall 2025-Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline.

      But that in one’s Research, July 23, 2024 is the Highest Watch Time ever in one’s 40 Year Rapture Watch, to even suggest the Year, Month and Day, at least that one has surmised so far. It will remain to be seen. Thus, there is the only Connection that one can ascertain for what is being Signaled for December, presently. Perhaps something is up and others like KoolKat are picking-up the Signals. But in one’s Opinion, he is taking the Calculus Out of Context and extrapolating the Rapture Event to it. To ‘Each their Own', as they say.

      And so, to reiterate, one does that to, but the ‘Hill I Die on’, that one’s Conjecture is that one’s Conjecture is solely and purely based on what is already given to us as the Clues, Types and Shadows of what the Rapture Timing is or should be consider and compared to. It is a Summer Wheat Window. Of course, all Conjecture and one’s Interpretation, but it is the only Time, that one’s Spirit gets a ‘Confirmation’ if one can call that, like at no other Time. And as shared already, also consider that the October 7, 2023 Hamas War that began, is when 2 Factors of that 7-23 ‘Code’ occurred that could be a ‘Confirmation’ of a Summer 2024 Rapture Wheat Harvest Time.

      1. Mars entered the Constellation of Virgo on September 23, 2023 (723). This signified that War was coming on the Woman, i.e., Virgo as in Israel that one pointed-out.

      2. In the Rabbinical Calendar, the October 7, 2023 Attack, which was a Religious War against YHVH’s Earthly People, Land, City and Temple, was really an Attack on YHVH, Jesus Himself. And that Day was the End of Simchat Torah, in the 7th Month, Tishrei, the 23rd Day or (723). One realizes that Simchat Torah is the 8th Day, that is a Direct Connection to Anna’s 84 Year Prophecy Timeline of when the ‘Jews will see Jesus’ as it was in the 8th Day of Jesus being Circumcised at the Temple, etc.

      3. And, in continuing with the 723 Theme, one also is now more convinced, as noticed that the Revelation 12 Sign, that occurred on the 7th Month, as in ‘Sept’ means 7 in Latin, and the 23rd Day is the other (723) Code. Meaning that the Great Sign was, is and will be a 7 Year Countdown to the Rapture that concluded the Church Age. It is as Israel is about to be passed the Baton of the Witness and Testimony of and to Jesus after the Rapture, etc.

    3. PART 4/6
      As to the Year? In the Summer of 2024? One is working on developing what could be the Final Clue concerning that, or more precisely when the Temple is to start to be Built. And that was, is and will be based on the Tetrad of Blood Moons in the 3 Set Series from 1949-50, 1967-68, 2014-15. One’s Theory is that the Prophetic Restoration of the Land, City and Temple …in the Reverse Order that they were Destroyed, as foretold by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse would be Reconstituted. Note also that the Tetrads follow the ‘New World Orders’ of how the League of Nations, the United Nations and then what will be the 10-Toe Confederation emerged after World Wars, etc.

      1. 1949-50
      2. 1967-68
      3. 2014-15

      1. Temple
      2. City
      3. Land

      3. Land 1948 Before Tetrad
      2. City 1967 During Tetrad
      1. Temple After Tetrad Fall 2024 (After Rapture, Temple begins to be Rebuilt?)

      The Restoration, per Jesus, has been Pegged to the 3 Tetrad Series, in one’s Interpretations and Assessment. But there is a Before, During and After Order. That is, Israel in 1948, was Birthed before the Tetrad that started in 1949. Then During the 6- Day War of 1967, that War was exactly in the ‘Midst’ when Israel recaptured Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in 70 AD. Then what is left of this Prophetic Triangulation is the Temple, yet to be Rebuilt. One is surmising that ALL of these 3 Factors have to be Reconstituted, as they existed and were a Reality when Jesus was present there and then.

      The Theory is that they have to be Present when He Returns. It is following the Laws of how the ‘Beginning is like the End and the End is like the Beginning, etc.

      So, after the Tetrad of 2014-15? Then what Year? This is where one applied the Phi Ratio Template to calculate that possible Year. And? If one uses the 1949 Blood Moon, the Beginning of the 1949-50 Tetrad to the 1968, the End of the 1967-68 Tetrad, that was 19 Year. And? 2 things.

      This specific Time-Span is following the Metonic Lunar Cycle. The Metonic Cycle or ‘Enneadecaeteris’, is a period of almost exactly 19 Years after which the Lunar Phases recur at the same Time of the Year. Then from the Beginning in 1967 of the Blood Moons of 1967-68, to the End in 2015, of the 2024-15 Blood Moon Tetrad was 47 Years, as in 1947. That is the Year the U.N. Partitioned the Promised Land between the Jews and Arabs.

    4. PART 5/6
      The Arabs refused their State of their own declared War, rather on Israel. Israel won their Partition and Statehood by Blood, Sweat and Tears. Yet the World is pressuring Israel to give back the Land. This is why the 2-State Solution is a Farce and only a Stalling Tactic of the Muslims to Strategize the Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, completely away from YHVH’s Covenant People, that the Jews were Promised all that. All that to say that, if one uses these 2 Tetrads of 1949-50 and 1967-68 in the Triangulation, the Mathematical Outcome of the Year is guess what Year? 2024. As in the Fall of 2024 that would follow the Summer New Wine Pentecost Acts 2 Rapture. This is one’s Working Theory.

      One has written a Book on the Blood Moon Phenomena and the Tetrads. See Link for an Online Free Download. But a Fall 2024 to a Fall 2025 ‘Gap of Time’ then would be corresponding to the Start of the Building of the 3rd Temple, or about 1 Year to Build, Consecrate and Dedicate it so as to be ready for the Daily Sacrifice to commence. And that the Dedication will be by the AntiChrist on a Shemini Atzeret 8th Day Week and Simchat Torah ‘Confirming of the Covenant’. One has reiterated this possible Scenario of how and who will be doing all that to start the Tribulation Period 2520 Day Count, all-inclusive. One surmises that the Key Factor is when that 1st Daily Sacrifice will be made.

      And as you all know, for Decades, one has Postulated that it is the Daily Sacrifices that will start the Day Count of the 2 Halves of the 1260 Days. And that the Confirming the Covenant with the Many is that of L’Rabbim or the ‘Many Teachers’, as in the Sanhedrin that is made-up of the High Court Rabbis or Learned Elders of Zion, etc. One surmises that from now until then, in some way, somehow, the Extreme Religious Right of Israel, mainly the Ultra-Orthodox will gain Political Power to govern all of Israel.

      And 1 Day, the Sanhedrin will recuperate their Power, both Religious and Political Supreme Power in the issues dealing with the Promised Land, Jerusalem and the Temple, as it was when Jesus was in Israel. This is to say, as a Commentary, that what is being allowed presently in Israel, as in the case for the Messianic Jews and Christian Missions to occur, amazingly is that Israel is still a Secular State. One’s Point is that it will not last much longer, especially after the Rapture Event. Why? The Rapture will close-out the Church Age and thus there will be a need to have a Worldwide Religious ‘Reset’. This is where the False Prophet will play his Prophetic Role, etc.

      Israel being Secular since its Rebirth in 1948 has been a Blessing in Disguise. Why? It has allowed for the Gospel to be Preached. Although there has been much Harassment and Opposition from guess who? The Ultra-Orthodox Jews. In the scope of Persecution and Opposition, they are just as adamantly opposed to Jesus and His Followers, as are the Muslims. And given the Chance and Opportunity to be in Power, as they have said, on the Record, they will start Killing anyone that says, ‘Jesus is LORD’, once the Sanhedrin is reconstituted. Hello Guillotines.

    5. Book

      Blood Moon Omens
      The purpose of this Book is to provide a Retrospective and Comprehensive study of the Tetrad and Blood Moon Sequences that occurred since 1949 that suggest a Prophetic Reconstitution of Israel, the End of the Church Age, and Start of Daniel’s 70th Week. The various studies provided will look back how the Blood Moon Phenomena sparked a renewed interest in Biblical Prophecy of the Last Days.

      Free Book Download

    6. Lu...looks like my "egging you on" worked!   Lol!  You know, I don't like to resort to such tactics, but when we're in one of these "extremely high" watch periods in the month of December '23...7-8 months before your 723 "highest watch date ever"...what is a "Rapture Junkie" like me to do?   Lol!   Speaking of numbers, I'm glad I once again "inadvertently" helped your case by sharing Sarah's age of 127-23 or 723!   Funny how that works!  

      So, you're not convinced of KoolCat's 100% Guarantee of the Rapture tomorrow, huh?   Well, looks like you might be in good company.   Aaron @ God a Minute discusses this in his recent video.   I'm inclined to agree, as it's a rather bold statement to make.   However, he does make a fairly convincing case and he does appear to be genuinely sincere.  Plus, I find the experiences he has gone through very "relatable".   Don't ask me to explain that as it comes primarily from my heart!   He says his "claim to fame" is reading and interpreting the Bible and making connections that others may not see, which I tend to agree.   Ofc, the caveat is that I've only been watching his videos for a couple of weeks now!

      My sense though is that YHVH has given him a "special gift or a unique perspective on things" not unlike other watchmen, but in a different area of expertise.   As such, I'm "cautiously optimistic" or even a bit 'EXCITED' that the Bridegroom may be coming for His Bride tomorrow.

      See ya on the plane and later at the FunTable!  

  8. Before I "hit the hay" tonight, thought I'd share this little tidbit with y'all.   Remember when I posted that "if" December 7th is our "Appointed Day" the numbers (12 + 7 + 23) =  42.   Well, if one thinks of Scripture, Revelation 4.1 and 4.2 certainly comes to mind: 

    "After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

    2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne."

    You catch that..."and immediately I was in the spirit."   So the only question that remains, is what "time" will I be taken:    4:20 am or 4:20 pm?    And don't forget about John 14:20!    לילה טוב וחלומות פז!  (good night and sweet dreams!)

  9. 🔔🔔🔔🔔Nothing says HAPPY HOLIDAYS like the 🔔bell ringing for PEACE AND SAFETY!
    Lo, He Comes!

    1. Nice article, Lyn.   I agree right now "It's all about Israel" and particularly the rise of anti-Semitism as Jarrett points out.  And what's with the U.N. invoking Article 99?    Btw, I found the song "My Soul Longs for You" to be a really catchy tune!   Happy Hanukkah...and hope to see you in the clouds soon (like today!).

    2. Hi, Bob! Thanks for your comment, dear Brother.

      Also, wanted to let everybody know I received this Comment from Mom:

      "Mom said...
      Blessings Lyn! Such an encouraging article! Like you, many of us are deeply longing for our Lord Jesus to come and take us Home with Him. I loved how you noted that Jesus spoke of us, His "other sheep" during the season of the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah). "...them I also must bring, and they shall HEAR MY VOICE;..." John 10:16 (emphasis mine) May the time be so this Christmas/Hanukkah season that we hear His Voice to COME UP!!

      On a side note, I am so sad that I am no longer able to post on REV12Daily since late September! Google must have changed something with 3rd party tracking or something which is preventing me from signing on. Please let the Family know that I am with them daily, following along and praying for them.
      Blessings dear Sister and Maranatha!"

      Anybody know what Mom should do to correct her problem?

    3. Thanks Lyn, My comment on your site isn't posted yet (and I didn't copy it) so can't post it here yet. MOM,. I have thought of you so often--you too Stan--so glad to hear you are ok. How odd that Brad/Stan/you can't post comments. Just strange. But glad to know you are all well and can check in elsewhere to get the message to us. Jeova, what about you? I think of you often too (and many others who used to post but have been quiet lately). I read that there is some military activity in Brazil? Praying you/your family/your congregation are safe and thriving in the advancement of Christ's Kingdom. Blessings, all

    4. Hey Mom and Fam…I had to go into “Settings” and down to “Privacy & Security” and then turn the “Tracking” ON in order to comment again. It automatically signed me back in here when I did that. Otherwise it wouldn’t allow me to even access the sign in page. And I think that was back in September after they did one of the updates. They are determined to be able to follow us around one way or the other.😏

    5. And they make sure to do it with our permission I should add.

      Blessings, Judi…I’ve had Jeova on my heart as well. I miss his always encouraging summaries and Tramm coverage.

      And been missing Mom’s good shares, too. I figured it might be one of the tech difficulties that keep arising meant to hinder and censor folks.
      BUT GOD….😊🙏⬆️

    6. From Stan to the Rev12Daily Fam--
      Lyn...Stan Foster again.. Tell everyone I am on Rev 12
      everyday....and quit trying a month ago to log in.

      Please tell them I love them all...and just wish I could
      say some nice comments. God bless..

    7. Hi Stan...so sorry you're not able to post here @Rev12.  That seems to be the trend here as we're down to only a dozen or so watchmen, which is limiting our ability to get new ideas and  perspectives.   Sadly, it's probably going to get worse, but we'll do our best while we continue to watch and wait for our Lord + Savior and hopefully our soon departure.    ✈️  777   ✈️

      Hope all is well with you and your family.   We miss your commentary, "Stairway to Heaven" (aka "Helicopter Man")!

  10. Thank you Mom and Stan for your words! We miss you! Ryan and Jeova too! I also think of Charlie. May God bless you greatly!

  11. As many of you know, KoolCat has been citing Haggai 2 as a Rapture + Tribulation typology.   I've read it several times and I totally agree with him, but parts of it are difficult to interpret, especially Haggai 2:19 which reads as follows:

    "Is the seed yet in the barn?  yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you."

    Based on his videos and some additional research on my part, please consider the meaning of the words spoken/written above:

    •Seed (Children of God or all Believers in Christ)

    •Barn (Kingdom of Heaven)

    •Vine (Jesus)

    •Fig Tree (the Israelites)

    •Pomegranate (the Bride)

    •Olive Tree (the Gentiles)

    Hopefully by knowing what these words mean you get a clearer understanding of what the Lord is saying.   Basically, none of "those things" have happened yet!   But "from this day (Kislev 24) will I bless you."   Does this mean the Lord will be Blessing + Protecting us from that day forward?   Plus, giving us a hint that the Rapture and Tribulation is near?    Ofc, the problem is we don't really know the true date of Kislev 24 based on all the different calendars and the sighting of the new moon.    But apparently it wasn't December 7th, although it could be in the next few days or December 10th as KatMan is now suggesting.   So folks, try remain positive as there's still a "glimmer of hope" for us to depart sometime in December 2023, especially considering there are other "high watch" dates from other watchmen before year-end! 

  12. But "from this day (Kislev 24) will I bless you."
    Bob, could this mean that the end of the Tribulation is on that day?
    At the beginning of Hannukah in 2030?
    There is a total solar eclipse on November 25, 2030...

    1. Stephan...honestly, I have no idea since I wasn't thinking that far ahead.   But you could be onto something!   There is so much packed into that verse it's mind-blowing.  That verse may also be confirming that the Bride (pomegranate) is a distinct and separate group from the Gentiles (olive tree) and the Jews (fig tree).   Wonder what the "real" Biblical scholars have to say!   Lol!

    2. I can't help but think of Habakkuk 3:17-19 , with similar, tho not exact elements:

      Though the fig tree does not bud
      and no fruit is on the vines,
      though the olive crop fails
      and the fields produce no food,
      though the sheep are cut off from the fold
      and no cattle are in the stalls,
      18yet I will exult in the LORD;
      I will rejoice in the God of my salvation!
      19GOD the Lord is my strength;
      He makes my feet like those of a deer;
      He makes me walk upon the heights!

      Stephan, may be on to something as both these verses seem to speak to perseverance through difficult times🤷‍♀️

  13. RE: Rapture Flash and Thunder
    PART 1/2

    Sorry the December 7 Rapture Date that was ‘Guaranteed’ did not come to Pass. But as to a December 7 Connection to the Rapture, a Day that will truly be a ‘Day of Infamy’, consider what a Reader has said about his Experience this December concerning Lightning Striking and a Thunder Count he has used to determine Distance.

    One is not normally into such things but the Day Count one looked-up as one was asked to consider, did come up with an interesting Day Count and guess what Date? It deals with the Day Count of 33 Days, the Summer Solstice and a July 23rd Date. So, just sharing as one did find it rather Interesting that it is perhaps ‘Signaling’ that as the Possible Rapture Timing.

    ‘Today in my Daily Bible Reading I had arrived at Matthew 24

    Verse 27: ‘For as the Lightning cometh out of the East, and Shineth even unto the West; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be’.

    Immediately after I finished that Sentence there was a Brilliant Flash through our Windows looking east.....As I usually do, I then began to count; 1001, 1002...up to 1006. So, 6 Seconds, just over 1 Mile away. Then there was the Tremendous Boom of Thunder. That was the only one all Day. I am wondering...6 Days? 6 Weeks? 6 Months? 6 Years? Or something else?

    Days later. Today at about 2:00pm, I had just come out from shopping for groceries, when there was another Brilliant Flash, I again began to count 1001, 1002....3, 4, 5, ‘Boom’, the Big Thunder. So, 33 Days later (not counting Today) and 1 Second has ticked off of my count. So, are there 5 1/2 Months remaining? Until ‘Something’? Is this a Sign for us? Just me? Or just a Strange Coincidence?’

    So, this Brother’s ‘Lightning and Thunder’ count, if using that December 7 Day as a Starting Date would lead to the Summer Solstice of June 20, 2024. Which in turn, would have that 33 Number Association from the June 20 Summer Solstice to that 7-23 Day Count. One found that very intriguing. Perhaps this is a Correlation, based on the December 7, 2023 Date that was or is Signaling the July 23 Date in this sort of way. And?

    1. PART 2/2

      Not sure what to make of it, other than it would or will pertain specifically to you in some way. We do know that 33 occurs in such counts. The only instance I can recall off the top of one’s Head is how it was exactly 33 Days from the Great American Eclipse back in 2017 to the Revelation 12 Sign. But if 5.5 Months from now is to be ‘Something’, then here is the Day Count.

      December 7, 2023 + 5 Months, 15 Days
      = May 22, 2024

      May 22, 2024
      = 142nd Day of the Year
      = 223 Days remain until the End of the Year.

      One sees that Reversed 322 Number of the Skull and Bones. So... There are 30 days left till Summer from that Date to the Summer Solstice on June 20. That is when the Sun will be at the Silver Gate by Orion. If one could sense 'something', well, yes, perhaps the Rapture Wheat Season on a July 23rd Date, thereabouts? So, consider the following Number Association based on that Number 33.

      June 20, 2024 Summer Solstices to
      July 23, 2024 ‘Supposed’ Rapture Date – Wheat Harvest Timing
      = 33 Days

      There are your 33 Days! Perhaps the Holy Spirit has just given you an Association or Correlation of the Rapture or to the Rapture? It will be the ‘Thunder Day!’ …In a Flash. In a Twinkling of an Eye, just like Lightning.

      As you all know, one is ‘Eying’ this Date as an extremely High Rapture Watch Date in 2024, based on the New Wine Theory that one surmises was the Acts 2 Pentecost Event. And that as the Church Age started there and then, it could ‘End’, just as it began. This is the Rapture will follow the ‘Law of Bookends’, as one calls it in that the Church Age will End on its Anniversary Start Date. Perhaps, but it is Not a ‘Guarantee’.


    2. Lu...no problemo about that 12/7 "Guaranteed Rapture Date" not happening.   After watching for 6 years I'm use to it, but I guarantee I haven't lost hope and will continue watching until the very end...which could be this Sunday as posted above!   But seriously, you got to give KatMan some credit for finding Haggai 2.   No other watchmen has discussed it to the best of my knowledge, so let's give him some slack.   At least he's trying, although a bit overconfidently at times!   Wouldn't want to lose those "imminent" or "it is possible" Rapture watchers, no?   Yikes!

      Thanks for sharing that lightning + thunder count of 33.  That's really cool how it ties into 12/7, the 2024 Summer Solstice and your 723 High Watch Day.   I'll tell you what, if we're still here after the end of 2023 or Nisan 1 (4-9-24) at the latest, you'll have my "full attention", Teach!    And reminder, no "2024 Rapture Certificates" until then!    Lol!

    3. Bob,
      I am not being ‘Critical’ of the Brother, other than holding me or any other to their Word. Seems you are not allowed to do that, of those who ‘Guarantee’ the Rapture and still do after their Dates. To me, that is Serious. I am suggesting a Date, hesitantly, if anything on that July 23, 2024, but not ‘Guaranteeing it’. It could totally be off and related to something else altogether. It is that Hard to say, 'I think', or it could be...'It is possible', I looks like?

      No. It is a 'Gazillion % Guarantee Jesus Told me the Rapture is Confirmed...and by 3 Earthquakes that happened... as I said it, so that proves it'. And then one gets blamed for not believing him or such Types. And when the Rapture Date comes and Goes, 'He was still right'... Please, GOD help the Church.

      And how can People take ‘us’ Seriously without Accountability? But he or others do not Report to me, but they do to the LORD of Prophecy, who they are using in His Name. And they claim they are speaking on His Behalf. He or they and I will Stand or Fall by our own Words and ‘Prophecy’ as they say they are the ‘Experts’ at. I, for one, have never claimed that nor will.

      He stated, On the Record, that in a couple Days, due to a possible Discrepancy of the December 7 Rapture Date, due to Calendar Conversions, that if the Rapture does not come to pass, he will delete all his Video and Channel. Really? And that if the Rapture does not occur in a few Days, that he ‘does not say any other possibilities’ thereafter. Well, guess you have to cancel the Rapture then.

      Watch, they all say the same thing, and if one finds any fault is that they will find a way to justify why they will continue and not do as they say and that you still ‘Need to Listen’ to them. Again, it seems I may not be coming across or explaining one’s Point of View. Conjecture and Speculation and Imminence is fine as even Brother Aaron at God a Minute got that right.

      But it is when ‘I guarantee it 100% it is going to happen’ that is the Problem. If the Body of Christ does not see this as a Problem, hey, No Problem… But one will point it out, as it comes up in our Conversations here. Not that one has to, but that is just one’s Opinion. And as you say, until all that comes and goes, then perhaps ‘you might take me Seriously’. No Problem. One has never told anyone to ‘Follow or Listen to me’. None have so why start now, lol. But all I am saying is that in my Assessment of all he has said, I sense in my Spirit that something is ‘Off’ in his Spirit. But so are we all, are we all not? If you all want to continue listening to such Types, who am I?

      If anything that one can critique the Brother about is his own Words in how he himself has assessed that the Esther Typology is not of the Rapture, because it is dealing with Israel, her People, etc. I could not agree more. So, no different than that Haggai Inference of his. It does not pertain to the Church nor Rapture Typology. Just being consistent then. Can not one even hold to that? And then the ‘Fruit’ of the Spirit that is coming out in his Reaction to what Aaron at God a Minute rightly has called-out? When there is Accusation and Division caused, that is not of the Holy Spirit.


    4. Lu, FWIW, I do agree with you and take you seriously--I've just never wanted to give up on 2023 ;-). I remember back in 2020 when you said you were looking at 2022 and we all said: say it ain't so! I also don't take seriously anyone who is "absolute" about having the correct day of the Rapture--and we've seen a few others who have done that come and go over the past few years, not to mention the whining/derision and lack of grace toward those who question or disagree with said prophet. I still think our biggest watch sign is what is going on with Israel. God is doing some interesting things there in the wake of this horrific attack on Oct. 7. And, as so often pointed out here, the culmination/convergence of all the signs from different arenas and areas of study are shouting at us the day is near. We all get focused on the Gregorian year, but frankly isn't the Jewish! year the more relevant one? So many of the high watch days this year and next are, frankly, all in the same Jewish year--given the overlap--so we very well could be going home "this year."

    5. Lu...as I posted previously, I do not support or agree with anyone who "guarantees the Rapture 100%" since no person on Earth has the ability to do that.   I would never say that, so it is my expectation that others would not say that as well.   However, the last time I checked, America is a free country and people can say what they want, within reason. 

      When I first watched his videos about 2 weeks ago I was skeptical, but ended up being pleasantly surprised what he had to say.  As mentioned before, I found him sincere and relatable, perhaps because of similar life experiences and his sense of humor.   Despite his error in claiming a 100% guarantee I still believe he is a "gifted" individual and provides unique insights about the Bible and particularly his interpretation of the Word and making all the necessary interconnections so we can see the "full picture".   Dr. Barry is really good at that, but KoolCat has a completely different style.  We are all different as human beings and watchmen, so I'm not going to fault him for his unique personality.

      What bothers me most is that he's made some really great observations yet few are willing to give him credit.  As Christians we should be encouraging one another, but in this instance people/fellow watchmen are throwing petty insults at one another and creating division in the watchmen community.   Shame on us!   We can do much better!    And that's the last I'll say on this matter.   Peace Brother...and the same to all my fellow watchmen out there.

      ☮️  ☮️  ☮️

    6. Judi,
      Well said. I think there is a difference in ‘Looking’ as that is what Jesus Commanded the Church to do. And ‘Looking’ is just that and… it will be a Subjective Perception and Perspective. Thus, it is good to vet it all out in Fellowship and Wise Counsel, which we do....That is Great and we do give each other here a measure of 'Slack' because we 'know' each other, online for a bit now. There is a degree of being vulnerable without getting to offended, at times, lol....such as that 2022 Date.

      At the Time, for example, it was around 2019-2020 when the Shemitah Theory took off and it seemed plausible, thus everyone was on the Look-Out. And it was with a Measure of Anticipation and Excitement. One was in that Group. But as the Timing came and it is getting ‘Refined’, in one’s Opinion, there is Discernment that comes of it.

      For example, in one’s case, there is where one came-up with a possible 2.5 Year Overlap. This is based on what is now more convincing in how the Daniel 9:37 Timeline is a Dual Overlay of the Timeline of the 2 Christs, Christ and AntiChrist. The Theory is that it began with Jesus’ Ministry on a Shemitah but got ‘Cut-Off’. And it is then that at the ‘Midst’ of the Tribulation, it is where the Timeline picks-up, but of the AntiChrist to fulfill the complete Shemitah Typology and Year Count.

      Yes, it is a Far-Fetched Theory and perhaps not plausible or conventional but one is just sharing that as one believes it could be possible. It is only because the Shemitah Theory did not turn out to be correct, obviously. And if the Tribulation Period is to start in one, then that Start Date will have to be in the Fall of 2029. This will put the Fig Tree Generation, if one believes Israel is that, beyond the Scriptural Limit of a 70-80 Year Old Generation per Psalm 90. And that is if one is accurately surmising that one should be using Psalm 90 as a Prophetic Blueprint.

      But even then, back in 2019, one qualified that possible Shemitah Tribulation Period Timeline of 2022-29 as a real possibility. But it was qualified, at least in one’s writings, with a ‘Conscious Optimism’. It was, a Looking but I do not think anyone here on the Blog said, ‘I guarantee it’. Yes, there is that overlap of the Jewish Calendar as it is really 5784 as it is, meaning, the Year 2024 is going to be straddles as a given Year. And 2024 will be a Leap Year. What I would say, that one does believe is occurring with each passing Rapture High Watch Day is that the Holy Spirit is given us more Focus. It is to a large extent due to the Process of Elimination.

      So, yes, perhaps what remains of 2023, in the Gregorian Calendar is still In-Play. But that is if one believes or holds that the Rapture Event is Imminent. But, as one studies the possible 2025-2042 Timeline, one is seeing how the 1260 Day Counts land on the Jewish Feasts and the Year 2029 is when Jupiter returns to the constellation of Virgo. And for me, this is huge in that the whole Book of Revelation is Hinged on Chapter 12 as the ‘Midst’, and when the ‘Woman’ Flees to the Wilderness, just as the Astronomical Sign literally occurs at that Time and Place. One finds this Correlation not a mere Coincidence.

      But the other Factor pertinent to the Rapture that is directly and Scriptures associated is that of ‘Sudden Destruction’. Presently, there is really none of that as Israel is at War. The Circumstance for the Rapture Event to occur would appear to be occurring in Tandem with such Broadcasting by the World Political Pundits. So, one could argue that this is presently not the case. But to be clear, one is not saying, ‘Do not listen to such People that Guarantee the Rapture’, but that if and when Brethren ‘Go There’, that having a Measure of Accountability, is our Responsibility also, if one claim to be also of that Watcher Rapture Community. Is that Fair? Or am I coming off as being Pharisaical as some have said, lol.


    7. Bob,
      The following is one’s Opinion based on what you said. At this point, dealing with such a Topic of fixing Rapture Dates, and the Brother’s ‘Personality Style’? One will just ‘Agree to Disagree’. It is not a Salvation Issue nor should it be a Fellowship issue either. One does agree that this is a ‘Free Country’. Well not really anymore, lol, but I get what you mean. But one disagrees. Yes, ‘Free’ as a Sovereign Nation, but not in the Church Body of Jesus. We are the Body, Jesu is the Head, etc. The Church Body does not control the Mouth or Mind in the Head…that is ‘Our Problem’. The Church Body is not a Democracy, it is a Monarchy. Jesus is our King and Sovereign. No, we cannot ‘Say’ what we please in ‘His Name’.

      It is precisely this ‘Condition’, in the West but specifically in the USA that the People who Call themselves by Jesus’ Name, ‘Christian’ are largely ‘Laodicean’. That is a ‘Democracy Church Body’ that has ‘Voted’ Jesus out of the Building or Temple. And the Leaders of such Type of Churches, both the Women ‘Jezebels’ and Male ‘Nicolaitans’ are having their way with the Body of Christ. It is a Mockery and a Farce. But in Principle, sure, say what you want, even within the Church, but also receive and accept Correction, Entreaty and Disciple. One is just saying, be Accountable for what one says.

      For example, with that 2022-2029 Timeline that the Body was looking at back since around 2019, one was agreeable to that possibility and wrote about it. But as Stephan pointed out, ‘What Happened Lu?” I then told all that I was ‘Wrong’ about supporting it as it evidently did not come to pass. But it was not really one’s Theory or Conjecture to begin with. But as to what the Brethren are saying? One is not ‘Faulting’, in this particular Brother’s case, his ‘Unique Personality’ as you mentioned. That is beside the Point and not all Brethren will be agreeable as to other’s Personalities.

      Case in Point is Dr. Awe. Based on the Comment Section on his Videos. Either they Love him or Hate him. But his Style and Approach will not be agreeable to all. That is beside the Point. It is what he is saying and Teaching that matters or should. That is what we are Commanded to Evaluate. Yes, ‘Fruit Inspectors’. That is not being Legalistic or Pharisaical. It is ‘Testing Spirits’. And because we fail to do that as a Community of Fellow Rapture Watchers, we allow the ‘Gangrene’ to Spread.

      One personally does not believe that the Brother in question is Sincere nor Relatable. But that is just me. So, Personality wise, he is someone you would not listen to. But having to listen to him, excruciatingly, to know what he is teaching so as to give one’s response as ‘Egged-On’ by you?… :) You are right. He has some very Good Insights. Which is all the more sad, in one’s Humble Opinion. Why? If one were talking about a Novice or barely Saved Believer, which Paul instructed them not to Teach…that would be one thing and a Circumstance where one would or could ‘Cut some Slack’.

    8. One clear example was when Brother Barry Scarbrough a few Years ago, recommended this Young Man named Stephan Dexter. This Young Brother in the LORD, probably in his early 20’s attempted to Decipher the Rapture Timeline using the Revelation 12 Sign and his Interpretation of it. Based on his Assessment, he believed the Rapture Year would have been 2022. He gave it his Assessment. No Problem. But Brethren in their 50-60s that ‘Know the Word’, are or should be Seasoned and Mature enough to ‘Ought to Know’ better than ‘Guaranteeing’ the Rapture where there is no such Possibility to begin with.

      In one’s Humble Opinion, one is not sure why they ‘Go There’. And that the Topic of the Rapture becomes a ‘Sacred Cow’ that is being Worshipped, instead of the LORD of the Rapture. Yes, we look and wait in anticipation of the Blessed Hope as we Encourage one another with it, because it is about Jesus that is coming, not the Rapture. Yes, one leads to the other, but it is not in the Date that then becomes the Focus of the Body’s ‘Worship’ and Energy, Resources and Debate. Jesus will not Compete with the Rapture.

      Over and Out,

  14. Dear Lu, I completely agree with you. Giving dates of high surveillance is a good thing, provided that it remains a speculation, a supposition, nothing formal and that it can help us to continue moving forward in an increasingly bizarre world.

    But giving fixed dates with certainty is real audacity, with negative results, on one side or the other, of the one who sets and those who listen. Because the date is passing. It is often the result of contempt on one side or the other, especially from those who are hanging on by a thread, desperate and clinging to a fixed date, and who are even more broken when nothing happens. This happens, although not all believers react badly to a passing date, but it is not only for the glory of God.

    Jesus will come at the time appointed by God the Father, and he says: “Be ready also, for the Son of Man comes at an hour when you do not think. » » When will this happen? At the time appointed by God, not before.

    For several weeks, even months, I have been trying to stay encouraged by listening and adding videos to this site, trying to hold on to this year, but with only a slight hope for 2023 which is coming to an end. This year's videos don't really touch me anymore. I have a feeling there won't be any kidnappings this year. But emotions are unreliable, so I keep a little glimmer of hope for 2023. So I'm looking more seriously a little further ahead, from April to September 2024 to be honest. If I'm wrong, and this happens before then, "and I hope it does", I'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Even if things are less and less easy to live with, health, family disappointments, the cost of living, people's crazy reasoning, and everything, I know that the Lord will take care of us as he always did and until his return. Every day I look at the sky and say: Maranatha! Come and get us Jesus please! With this little glimmer of hope for 2023.

    1. I also agree with you Bob, that we need to give credit to those who do great Bible studies, like this brother in question, and that we learn things that we might never have known before. These are pieces to the Lord's puzzle. It's enriching!

    2. Agreed, Carole. Isn't this all a little like the analogy of several people witnessing an accident, but all from different angles. Thus, the descriptions are different, sometimes very different, but it's the same accident. All the serious watchmen/women bring something to contribute to the three dimensional picture we are all trying to see that gets us closer to the reality. I still think 2024 (you mentioned September also) makes sense, b/c it marks 7 years from the Rev12 sign that got us all started on this journey together in the first place. Stan, are you snickering at all of us???😉 We certainly can't fault anyone, and I don't think anyone here is doing that, who is making a sincere effort to discern the Times we are in--regardless of a little over the top certainty of a given date.

    3. Sister Carole!
      I loved how you phrased the Rapture as a ‘Kidnapping’! But I can relate to all that you said. The Cost of Living, the Evil, the Madness of the World is overwhelming. It seems Darkness is pressing in on all Sides. And we know it is going to get worse by the Day. Remember Lot and his Family in how their House was surrounded. But consider this that the ‘Cup of Inequity’ has to reach its Full Measure. Thus, not until then will the Rapture or the ‘Kidnapping’ from ‘Sudden Destruction’ occur, unfortunately.

      But as you correctly stated, Jesus is coming for the Bride, at the Right Time. That we can have Peace about it. We are so close. And if one’s July White Wheat Wedding Theory comes to pass, consider that we could have but 9 Months to go ...just think of being like…Pregnant and will Birth a Newborn in July!! Sorry, I hope I did not offend all the Sisters here. ;0

      But also, realize that part of being the Bride is that we continue to ‘Make ourselves Ready’. Not sure about you but the Spiritual Attack has been one of the most Intense in the past 2 Years for me, personally. Not sure why? Well, yes, because the Rapture is approaching. If we think this Time is ‘Bad’? Consider how presently the entire World is against the Jews! It is Amazing and so Prophetic.

      It is really a Hatred against the GOD of the Jews, which is our GOD and Savior too. And we got the Messiah as our Husband that Israel forfeited, that they could have had. Realize that after the Rapture, the whole World will be against the Christians. It will not compare to what the Jews are going through now.

      So, if there is any Encouragement on this side of the Rapture, is that, in comparison to what is coming, we are Blessed because we have the Promise of Jesus, of that Open Door, the Great Escape! The Kidnapping!


  15. All the Regular Readers here already know my heart but wanted to let you know I appreciate this discourse.

    We love and appreciate KoolCat for his extensive study and sharing it with us with enthusiasm BUT we must present our work humbly--

    As Lu wrote about accountability,
    "No, we cannot ‘Say’ what we please in ‘His Name’."

    Thank you, Judi for,
    "still think our biggest watch sign is what is going on with Israel."

    Bob, thank you for reminding the Body to act in love even if a Brother is in error. I was sorry to hear there has been divisiveness.

    We need to act and speak remembering that One Day we will be all together in Heaven as a Family ❤️

  16. Family, Blessings

    I sing praises unto My Lord, Jesus, that when my 'Service Engine Soon' light came on during a snowy drive to work with the engine acting sluggish in the parking lot, my lot was to wrestle with it in prayer. So much so that my 7:50 a.m. arrival, on my way home from a Graveyard shift at the warehouse, the next morning, was met with a line of 5 vehicles ahead of mine and other details creating a cost of entry demanding a side-step. Well, yesterday, I think, the light went out and Robbie, the Mini, is running swimmingly and I'm gaining some experience in these treacherous, snowy/Icy Denver driving, of late. Praise Him for Rescue and the faith to Endure, amen.

    Being basically a N'Or Easter, myself, I find KoolCat's manner highly entertaining and quite authentic, having been raised at Archie Bunker's Place, among others, although I still quite agree on the irrelevance of that to any substance present, or not. I would spin one of Lu's comments to read as, 'And when we fail to do that as a Community of Fellow Rapture Watchers, we may allow the ‘Gangrene’ to Spread.' Quite true. In light of this very critique, and many others like it, along the way, although most not nearly as erudite, my case stands on it's own legs in that the statement is a truism but there is quite an acid bath afoot for any who step forward strongly, as Lu well knows.

    What I treasure are the numerous ironies lurking unmentioned this far. KC rails on, humorously, by some, about 'Flat Earther's' without ever acknowledging the honorable foible, if that it be, that many in that segment would vigorously defend their perspective on a simple and direct reading of The Word. KC's response basically is to point out the differences between simple and simpleton. This is done 'in character' as are many aspect of KC's persona but, as an aside, I see such qualities as endemic to the sport, not an indictment of authenticity. Still, KC's blind spot to this is telling. Especially as he has chosen to throw himself, likewise, upon the altar of public abuse, with a parallel adherence to what he sees as undeniably present in the typology now unfolding in his digs into the minor prophets. I see at least three ironies in that mix. Dr. Barry has done this numerous times as have others in the box with varying degrees of specificity along the way. What I have always found missing is the link as to 'why' whatever package of undeniable truths, such as The Great wonder, demand that said discovery 'must' be Harpazo, ibid., obviously.

    Well, setting all the Norman Lear aside, this particular mix, following an elegant Scriptural journey, poetically speaking, you alight upon The Lord, Bouncing A Specific Date Off Your Forehead Seven Times, Like One Of Those Little Rubber Balls On Elastic With A Paddle, Telling You To, 'Make Note It', And His First Utterance Is To Zerubbabel, On This Day I Will TAKE Thee... Haggai 2:23 (em) and the unpack of that verse was also show to be elegantly entwined with the vast majority of Scripture both generally and in the path to arriving at that spot. Powerfully seductive. That KC has chosen to fall upon that Sword is fascinating and What Our Lord Will Do With It, Is Ahead.

    A Question Which Arises In The Box, For Me, Is, How Will Our Lord Perfectly Honor Every Appropriate Type And Sign, In Scripture, The Heavens, And, In Our Midst, And Yet, Be Beholden To None Of It, But, Rather, Utterly Holy. He Will. He Is. Amen.


    1. Jimboni...you might like this comment someone left on KC's last video:

      "A man of integrity and conviction, a rare sight in this audio/video age we live in.   A man willing to go out on a limb and stand relatively alone armed with his thoughts, conclusions and convictions.   I salute you sir and admire you and will seek you out in the New Jerusalem!!!!"

      Here's another one that follows my line of thinking:

      "I love listening to your Bible studies.

      Let's all remember to be kind to one another please.   We are living in hard times and everyone is going through stuff.   We need the unity of the body of Christ more than ever right now.

      Matthew 22:37-40 KJV

      37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

      38  This is the first and great commandment.

      39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

      40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

    2. Jimboni, "A Question Which Arises In The Box, For Me, Is, How Will Our Lord Perfectly Honor Every Appropriate Type And Sign, In Scripture, The Heavens, And, In Our Midst, And Yet, Be Beholden To None Of It, But, Rather, Utterly Holy. He Will. He Is. Amen."

      Amen indeed.

  17. I say AMEN to everything that has been written, Jimboni, Judy, Lyn, Lu and Bob. Harmony in the body of Christ is fundamental in these last days. Whether we agree or not, the Lord knows the hearts of everyone. And he knows that we love him so much and that we are all sincere. To him be the glory!

  18. Carole...thanks for sharing Repoman's video.   The way he describes those impatient children sitting in the back of the car reminds me of the "Romper Room" we have at times here at Rev12!    LuLu, Double AA, Jimbo, Stephania, Ozzie, R2D2, co-pilot, bear hairs, Maranara123, mom, Last Chance Lyn, allah d, captain + anyone else's name I can't recall..."get back in your seats now or I won't serve you lunchy"!         Brad

  19. Speaking of AA--Archangel, are you on Christmas vacation taking a rest from the Romper Room? Am missing you Sister!

  20. The (biblical) year 2023, which started on March, 23 (Nisan 1) is a pregnant year.
    March 23, 2023 - December 24, 2023 = 276 days (9 months)
    Again that number 276 (Acts 27):
    276 souls were saved alive from the shipwreck, not one being lost to the raging sea. This is the only location of the number 276 in the New Testament.
    Wouldn't the Rapture be the best 'Christmas Gift' ?

    1. And 70 days after the Wedding Ring Eclipse

    2. Nice catch, Stephania!   Sorry, I'm still in that "Romper Room" frame of mind.   Thanks to LuLu!   Lol!   I think I'm going to contact KatMan so he can send Rocky Balboa over to rough him up a bit and get that 723 Rapture date out of his mind.  Lol!    I'm coming for you LuMan!!!   

      Ok, enough of the joking around.  Those are very interesting numbers, Stephan.   I like that December 24th Rapture date since it's my birthday.  Yeah, it would certainly make a nice birthday/Christmas Eve/Wedding gift.   3 for 1, not bad, eh!   I like that it's also 70 days from the "Wedding Ring" eclipse.   I've been waiting for that "sign" to turn into the "actual event", so maybe your 70 day calculation is what we've been waiting for?   So by my count, we have at least 6 more "high watch" days before the end of the year:

      12/10 (KoolCat's alternate 100% guaranteed date...lol!)

      12/12  (I know something is going on that day, but I forgot who mentioned it, so feel free to share)

      12/13 thru 1/10 (Supernatural by Design, Esther Rapture)
      12/14 (Gevte, 60 days from the wedding ring eclipse, 2520 days from "true" Day of Atonement or 11-7-30)

      12/21 (Winter Solstice, opening of the Silver Gate, Lu's 2nd highest watch date...did I get that right, Lu?    Lol!)

      12/27 (Patrick@Hourly Watch, Sun (Son) at the top of Tabernacles, that great "barn" in the Kingdom of Heaven?...my comment!)

      There's probably more "high watch" days from now to year-end, but those are the ones that come to mind.

    3. Bob,
      See what you get when you ‘Egg-Me-On’ to ‘Get Back into the Rapture Roulette, I mean Game?! ;0 Well, meanwhile, back to the Celestial Gates, lol. As we wait for the Rapture, the following will be a continuation of the in-depth study of how the Star-Gates in Jerusalem would or could be tied to the Rapture. But, no, no Rapture on the Winter Solstice Golden Gate? Hope so, but not a Pattern one can see, thus far. It will be a long read, so here below is the Summary and Takeaway. Foe a Visual, here is the Link to the Chart showing the Orion Constellation overlay and its Star-Gate correspondences to the Gates of Old Jerusalem.

      Orion Jerusalem Star Gates Corresponding to the House of YHVH

      But most notably, locate were the Star Mintaka, the smallest of the 3 Stars of Orion’s Belt corresponds. One argues that it precisely corresponds to where the House of YHVH once stood and will during the Tribulation Period. ‘100% Guaranteed!!’ No, well one cannot say that other than to show the Evidence that in one’s Book, literally is ‘Serious and Compelling’. I Report, You Decide. ;0

      1. The 2 Celestial Gates, the Golden and Silver ones mirrored over Jerusalem, from the Heavenlies and Heaven itself. They determine the Exact Spot the Temple stood and will again. It is over the Dome of the Tablets.

      2. It is Jesus, as a Motif and Metaphor of the Sun, that goes ‘In-N-Out’ of the Gates. But literally, He rode through the Golden Gate on that ‘Palm Saturday’ Sabbath. And He Ascended through the Silver Gate, at the Pinnacle of Mount of Olives where there is a Silver Dome Capula Shine that commemorates that Spot. And?

      3. The Orion Constellation Overlay of Jerusalem literally ‘Points’ with Orion’s Arrow or Bow to the Exact Ley-Line where Jesus was precisely Crucified. It was in Phi Ratio of Distance from the Skull Façade to the East and from the Garden Tomb to the West.

    4. PART 2/2
      That is the precise Spot or ‘Star-Gate’ His Foot will Touch-Down at His 2nd Coming. It will pierce through from Heaven to Earth. And? And we get to experience that ‘Ride’ and Gate at the Return as His Bride comes riding back along with Jesus! The Full Article is at the following Link.

      Old Jerusalem Orion Constellation Patterns

      The study got too long for posting here. But that is how the Winter Solstice could play a Role but more so of the 2nd Coming, directly as opposed to the Rapture Event itself. But to the Ancient Civilizations, the Solstices was when it was commemorated that the ‘Sun’ had Died. And then 3 Days later ‘Rose’ to New Life.

      Thus, December Solstice on the 21st + 3 Days and 3 Nights or 72 Hours = Christmas Eve, December 24. And then on December 25 is when the Magi went to see Jesus at Bethlehem, at Joseph’s House, Home of the Carpenter. Note one’s supposed Timeline given these surmised Variables.

      September 11, -3 BC Birth to December 25, -2 BC Visit of the Persian Magi:
      = 1 Year, 3 Months 14 Days
      = 67 Weeks 1 Day
      = 470 Days

      Astronomically, at that Time and Place, Jupiter ‘Stopped’ in the Constellation of Virgo, a Prelude to the Revelation 12 Sign. And thereafter, Jupiter, the Planet of the Messiah then started its forward Retrograde Motion. The Next Day, there was a Solar Eclipse in the Sign of Capricorn, the ‘Sign of Slaughter’. It was foreshadowing the Mission and Purpose of this Boy-King, come to Rescue a Fallen Humanity. Jesus was the only Hope, and He was Able and Willing.

      So, Bob, a December 24 Birthday Boy, eh? Lol. Perhaps the Celestial Star-Gate will open to that Post-Rapture ‘New Life’ we all are expecting at the Rapture Metamorphosis. Anything is possible and one is keeping Options Open. But as you all know, one still have that 723 Wheat Wedding as #1 and only Option. No 2nd Place, not even close, Hawaii Man.


    5. Lu...so I see it's the "Golden Gate" that opens on the Winter Solstice, not the "Silver Gate".   My bad!   I must have read Double AA's  "cheat sheet" incorrectly or my brain is totally "fried" from all my posting.   Either way, this old Hawaiian boy is tired!   As such, I'm going to have to keep this short.   I appreciate you sharing all your studies and will read them later when I'm not so exhausted.   But it seems that this 2023 Winter Solstice is not even close to your 2nd choice for the Rapture.   Which is too bad because we (the 100% club...lol) really wanted to issue you a "2023 Rapture Certificate" from KC College!   Speaking of which, KoolCat is having a "live" video tonight which he brings up some new Scriptural information, pointing to a 12/10 Rapture or at least sometime before year-end.    I know you're not fond of his teachings, but you may want to quickly skip through it once it's completed just to hear what he has to say.   The only thing you'll lose is time (lots of it!).   Lol!

    6. Agree, Cap Bob! Loosing time as you are! Interesting explanation of many Scriptures! Want to go really! But we are to wait for the Lord, very close! Blessings!

  21. Good morning, fam. Ross over at newnews youtube channel has an interesting take on the "hidden ones" of Psalm 83 this morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gcnb5X-NoA

    Hidden ones
    Ross: the hostages, in context of the Gaza War
    Amir Tsarfati: The Jews, in context of survival in War of 1948 and prior/subsequent attempts at eradication
    Chuck Missler: possible the raptured Church

  22. im rootin for this to happen on Capt'n Bob's BirthdaY \o/, cain't see it any other waY *

  23. A video of around 16 minutes from our brother Ross "newnews" and I like his way of teaching on the rapture. It's so simple!

  24. Blessings All…The Betelgeuse eclipse with Asteroid 319 Leona tomorrow night is pretty cool. Gonna be out myself looking up at 7:17 CST, Lord Willing, as it takes place in a matter of a few seconds. What’s really interesting is the Israel timing on 12/12 of 3:17 am which is 17 minutes into the 4th watch…4:17? As in 1Thess.4:17 perhaps? 👀
    Also noting that the name “Leona” means “Lion” and “in my strength” in the Hebrew. In the Strong’s G319 means “to be made known, or to make oneself known” and used 1x in Acts 7:13 where it speaks of Joseph being made known to his brethren at the 2nd time.
    H319 means “the after part, the end, the latter days”
    As for my local time here at 7:17 pm, H717 means to gather, to pluck (Songs.5:1)
    And Betelgeuse is 700 light yrs away and 700 times the size of our Sun. There will also be the Geminids meteor shower going on which can easily be seen with the naked eye with no moon and clear skies. AND it’s occurring right in the Midst of Hanukkah.

    @Repoman 64 did a good live today covering some more of the aspects of this rare event.

    1. thanks Sheila la la! WOW WEE ^ thats exciting!!! :)

    2. Nice write up, Sheila.   Does anyone know if that will be visible from Northern California and if so, what time?   We've got clear skies right now and I would like to see it.   Any ideas Professor/amateur astronomer, Lu?

  25. Hey family...check out the recent video from Chad @ Watchmen on the Wall 88.  He talks about how the U.N. will be having an emergency meeting tomorrow (12/12) invoking Article 377 to discuss the situation in Gaza and specifically how they will be promoting Peace + Security in the region.   In addition, Tyler@Generation 2434 will be discussing the same issue in an upcoming video at 5:30 pm.   So, that's what I couldn't remember will be happening on December 12th!


  26. RE: Betelgeuse Eclipse
    PART 1/4

    Bob, Sheila and Fam,
    Nice catch from Sheila. I have read or come across some Articles since last Year, 2022, of how some Astronomers believe the Giant Red Sun, called Betelgeuse in Orion’s ‘Shoulder’ is going Supernova or is about to. Before one delves into what one thinks or perhaps there might be some Prophetic End-Times Associations to this Betelgeuse Eclipse, here are the peculiarities about it, as reported on Space.com.

    Asteroid 319 ‘Leona’ will be ‘Occulting’ the Giant Red Sun of Orion, at his ‘Shoulder’ for only 15 Seconds. It will only be seen from the Northern Hemisphere, starting in Central Mexico. The Path will be from Left to Right on the Globe and it will extend Eastward across Southern Florida. After the Path crosses the Atlantic Ocean, the Event will be visible from Southern Europe and Eurasia. This, by the way, is Evidence that Earth is a ‘Globe’ for all you ‘Flat Foot’, I mean Flat Earth Brethren. ;0

    Leona or 319 Leona, that is how one can look that up in Stellarium, by just typing in ‘Leona’. If one does not have that in the Software Log, you have to import it as a Plug-In from the Online Asteroid Library. It is a Main Belt Asteroid that Orbits the Sun in-between Mars and Jupiter. It is said to be shaped like an Egg. Think about a ‘Birthing’ as in ‘Hatching an Egg’, perhaps. It measures approximately 50 x 34 MILES (80 x 55 Kilometers) in size. So, it is a nice sized Asteroid, as Asteroids go. One curiously did a Day Count from the Betelgeuse Eclipse, to one’s supposed New Wine July 23, 2024 Pentecost Date. Here is the Outcome.

    = 224 Days
    = 7 Months, 11 Days (711)

    That 7-11 is the Ratio of the Great Pyramid of Giza, of which it is also mirroring the 3 Belt Stars of Orion. Nonetheless, the Path of the Eclipse will be able to be seen also Online. The Virtual Telescope Project in Rome, Italy will host a Free Livestream of the Betelgeuse Eclipse. It will start at 8 p.m. EDT on Monday, December 11, 2023 (0100 GMT on December 12). The Link is below.


    This Star, Betelgeuse, has been the subject of Astronomers' Scrutiny in recent Years as it has been observed to both Brighten and then Dim Dramatically. This will be a Key Factor in one’s Prophetic Interpretation below. The Betelgeuse Eclipse with Asteroid 319 Leona on December 12, 2023 occurs on the 346th Day of the Year in the Gregorian Calendar with 19 Days remaining until the End of the Year. As Sheila mentioned, in the Strongs, H319 means, ‘The After Part, the End, the Latter Days’. And likewise, Betelgeuse is 700 Light Years away from Earth and 700 Times the Size of the Sun. These are all Biblical Inferences.

    1. PART 2/4
      Now in determining how one might ascertain a possible Prophet Link? When it comes to Biblical Astronomy, one asks the following Questions or as a Check-List. It is about ascertaining: Where, When, Who and How? So, here is one’s Assessment of possible Prophetic Implications of this Betelgeuse Eclipse. The Eclipse is occurring in the Brightest Star of Orion. It is at the Shoulder that has the Extended Arm that is holding the Torch of Light and Intersects the Silver Gate. It is the Nexus of when the Sun Enters or Passes through the ‘Star-Gate’ in the Summer Solstice. It is the Opposite Motif of the Golden Gate that is when the Sun enters or Passes through the Golden Gate on the Winter Solstice. The Occultation is occurring right in the Midst of Hanukkah.

      Hanukkah speaks of the Dedication of the Temple and perhaps is Signaling that soon Dedication of the 3rd Temple by the AntiChrist ‘Orion’. Orion is the Epitome of the Christ Motif that vanquishes the Enemy, Lepus the Hare, i.e., Lucifer. And from there where the River of Judgment, Eridanus proceeds from. Here is one’s specific Interpretation. Consider that the Giant Red Sun is ‘Pulsating’. One can see this or imagine it as a Red Light Siren that is going-off, as in a ‘Warning’, ‘Danger’, ‘Red Alert’, etc. Perhaps it is a Cosmic Sign of pending Calamity. But it is in the Context of the Reversal of the Orion Motif, that being Christ Jesus. Or in other words, this Celestial Sign is signaling the Coming Opposite of Christ, that is the AntiChrist. And this could be his ‘Star’.

      One has written before how in the Esoteric and Luciferian Realm, the Antithesis of the Mazzaroth is attributed to their Dark Lord, Lucifer. It is in this case that all that Orion stands for, the ‘Light Bearer’, the Victor, the Hunter, is attributed not to Jesus but Lucifer. Think of the ‘Mighty Hunter before or Against YHVH’, that being Nimrod. The Main Reasons one is suggesting this is that according to some Religious Jews, the coming Messiah that they are expecting is to come with an accompanying Star Sign.

      Could this be it? The Jewish Sages take the Notion from the ‘Star Rising out of Jacob’ to be what is to Herald the Advent and Debut of their Messiah. The following is the Work and Interpretation of the Biblical Significance and Correspondence to the Meaning of Orion as detailed by E.W. Bullinger. One will interject some Edited Wording for Context. But the Point is, take all that Meaning and ascribe it to the AntiChrist to then deduce what the coming AntiChrist ‘Orion’ will be all about before Jesus comes.

      Orion signifies the Messiah coming to Rule. Orion means, ‘Light Breaking Forth’. It is where Eridanus, that means, ‘The River of the Judge’ infers to the ‘Wrath breaking forth for His Enemies’. Orion is about ‘The Coming Prince’. Its 3 Brightest Stars are Betelgeuse, Bellatrix and Rigel.

      His Name in Ancient Times was given as Ha-ga-t, which means, ‘This is he who Triumphs’. In Egyptian Hieroglyphics, his Characters read ‘Oar’. Orion was anciently spelt Oarion, from the Hebrew Root, which means ‘Light’. So that Orion means, ‘Coming forth as Light’. In Ancient Akkadian, the Name of Orion was Ur-ana, the ‘Light of Heaven’. In Hebrew כְּסִיל, Chesil, which means a ‘Strong One’, a Hero, or Giant, etc.

    2. PART 3/4
      Orion is the most Brilliant of all the Constellations, and when he comes to the Meridian.
      The Constellation is mentioned by Name in the Bible several Times. See Job ix. 9; xxxviii. 31, and Amos v. 8. Orion’s Left Foot is significantly placed upon the Head of the Enemy. He is girded with a Glorious Girdle, studded with 3 Brilliant Stars; and upon this Girdle is hung a Sharp Sword. [Actually the Male Member in one’s Interpretation.] There are 2 Main Motifs that depict Orion either with a Club or a Light-Torch. Or he is having a Bow and Arrow depicted. In 1 Rendition, Orion lifts a Club with his Right Hand. Then in his Left, he holds forth the Token of his Victory—the Head and Skin of the ‘Roaring Lion’.

      The Brightest Star, α in the Right Shoulder, is named Betelgeuse, which means the ‘Coming of the Branch (Malachi. iii. 2) as in the Messiah. The next Star, β in the Left Root is named Rigel, or Rigol, which means the ‘Foot that Crushes’. The Foot is lifted up, and placed immediately over the Head of the Enemy, Lepus, the Hare as though in the very Act of Crushing its Head. It has Prophetic Echoes, in that the very Word used in Gen. iii. 15, thus connecting Orion with the Primeval Prophecy.

      The Name of the next Star, δ is 1 of the 3 in the ‘Belt’ of Orion. It Prophetically Speaks of the Christ that was to be Humbled in the Battle for the Souls of Humanity. In that His Heel was to be Bruised. The Name of that Star is Al Nitak, which means , ‘The Wounded One’. Similarly the Star κ in the Right Leg is called Saiph, which means ‘Bruised’. And like Ophiuchus, the other Sentinel or ‘Guardian’ of the Galaxy and Star-Gate, has 1 Leg ‘Bruised’ while with the other, he is crushing the Enemy under-foot, etc.

      So, that is basically one’s possible Prophetic Assessment. It is a Celestial Sign of the Coming AntiChrist ‘Orion’ Figure, that will Conquer, the Light Bearer that will overcome the World, Israel and the Tribulation Saints. He is the 1st Seal to be Broken after the Rapture, the Rider of the White Horse, etc. And this Occultation of its Main Star, one of the top 10 Brightest in the Known Universe of which 2 are in Orion, at the Center of the Universe is in a Cross Formation. It echoes the Antithesis of what it really portrays, the Victory of Jesus over Lucifer, the ‘Hare’ at the Cross of Calvary. See Chart for a Visual.


      And that potential Supernova of Betelgeuse is presently ‘Oscillating’ like a Police Red Light Siren that is ‘Warning’ of Danger to come. It is of Lucifer’s ‘Orion’ Mighty Hunter that will be against YHVH and His Christ, Jesus in the coming Tribulation Period. It will be a Time when he, this Orion 2.0 will be ‘Hunting-Down’ those who come to Faith in Jesus during the Tribulation Period and especially against the Believing Remnant Jews at the Midst of the 1260th Day, going forward. Thus, the Names of the Stars denote the Meaning of the Sign. In this case, as mentioned, to get a better Understanding of what this Sign or Betelgeuse Eclipse will be all about, just ‘Reverse’ the Meaning and attribute that Characteristics to Lucifer’s AntiChrist, instead of Jesus Christ.

    3. PART 4/4
      And that will be what is coming and perhaps what this Acceleration Red Siren of Orion is possible Signaling of his ‘Star’ that is Heralding the Warning. As one has shared, one wrote a whole Book about Orion and how one surmises is the Layout or Configuration of how Heaven is configured to. The Theory is that the 3 Main Stars of the ‘Belt’ is what Heaven has as the Original Template as Orion, as a ‘Body’ is how the Temple of YHVH was also configured on Earth. Is it as Jesus Defined and Associated His Body to be, as a Temple, etc. And that the Temple of YHVH, on Earth, in Jerusalem was modeled after that ‘Body’, i.e., Orion as it was and Is in Jerusalem. It is rather Amazing that this Betelgeuse Eclipse, by the Asteroid 319, is occurring at the Height of Hanukkah and how it is Signaling the AntiChrist’s Association to its Near Future Dedication, perhaps.

      But if one Understands the Orion Layout of Jerusalem, as shared here with the Chart of the Orion overlay of Old Jerusalem on Earth, the Star of Betelgeuse corresponds to the Jaffa Gate and adjacent Tower of David Fortress. Thus, it is about a King of Forces coming, but not Jesus, but rather the False ‘King of the Jews’ that Israel will accept. Thus, the Red Light Warning to the World and to Israel is to take note that this coming Orion, the Mighty Hunter, Light Bearer will be none other than Lucifer’s ‘Orion’, who is deemed the Light Bearer, Imposter, just the same. And whose AntiChrist False Messiah, Israel will gladly receive and will be dedicating their 3rd Temple and making the Covenant with their Nascent Sanhedrin 70 Elders, the Many, in one’s Interpretation.

      So, this is why one is harping about how the ‘Covenant’ to be made with the ‘Many’ and ‘Strengthened’, cannot be any Geo-Political ‘Peace Treaty’ made by Human Agencies like the U.N. Consider that in every Dispensation, since Adam, YHVH has always had a Covenant in place. There have been 7 such Covenants that have Ruled Humanity or have been Initiated with YHVH’s People, both Earthly and Spiritual. There is the Adamic, the Rainbow one of Noah, the Abrahamic, the Mosaic, the Davidic, the Land Covenant, and presently there is a Covenant in Play. It is the New Covenant in Jesus. This has defined the Church Age.

      This is why, once the Church Age completes its Royal Commission, its Covenant will also be Concluded. This is to then presume that the 7-Year Tribulation, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble will have the Mosaic Covenant reinstated, Strengthened and ‘Confirmed’ again as in the Days of Moses and up to the Time of Jesus. It will be what YHVH’s Earthly People will have to be under and have that be Reinstated, Reconstitutes, in Tandem with the Dedication of the Daily Sacrifice to be made on the newly Rededicated 3rd Temple by this ‘Orion’ come Conquering, etc. All this is one’s Assessment of what could possibly be Signaling with the Betelgeuse Eclipse in the Constellation of Orion.


      Sacred Patterns of Heaven on Earth
      What is Heaven like? Many have had Out of Body Death Experiences and Describe Heaven with the Most Pleasant of Sights, Smells, Animals, Scenery, etc. But in terms of its Structure, how is it Configured? What Measurement Standard is being used? Now one realizes that this will not be possible to Ascertain. But are there Clues as to how it is Configured and what are its Dimensions, perhaps? Yes. Biblically Speaking, the Bible does provide a Patchwork of Data Points that this Book will seek to Investigate and Present as Evidence.

      Free PDF Book Download

    4. Here Is the Chart I put together of the Betelgeuse–Asteroid 319 Leona Eclipse
      December 12, 2023
      Lu Vega


    5. Lu...you got me really "EXCITED" when you wrote:

      "The Giant Red Sun is ‘Pulsating’. One can see this or imagine it as a Red Light Siren that is going-off, as in a ‘Warning’, ‘Danger’, ‘Red Alert’, etc.   Perhaps it is a Cosmic Sign of pending Calamity.   But it is in the Context of the Reversal of the Orion Motif, that being Christ Jesus.   Or in other words, this Celestial Sign is signaling the Coming Opposite of Christ, that is the AntiChrist.   And this could be his ‘Star’."

      And why would I be "EXCITED"?   It's because the AntiChrist will be coming soon, which means the Bride of Christ will be taken even sooner!   Ofc, some of this has to do with what may take place tomorrow...Covenant with Many, U.N. invoking Article 377,  Peace + Security, Sudden Distruction without any warning, etc.   Basically, all the things that Tyler talked about in his video!

      Ofc, you have a "different take" on what this "Covenant with Many" means historically and biblically, which is ok with me.  Quoting Tyler, "these things don't happen every Tuesday, like Taco Tuesday every week."  Lol!   Or how about another quote from Lost in Space ... "Danger Will Robinson" referring to that pulsating Giant Red Sun or Betelgeuse!    Lol!

    6. It’s also an amazing coincidence in light of Dan.9:27 as Gigi @Blue Heaven pointed out that this agreement for Peace & Security re Israel’s war on Gaza to be signed tomorrow (on 12/12) also happens to be landing on the 27th day of the 9th month. Whatever one might think the Dan.9:27 Covenant pertains to, this is another huge “Heads UP!” imo.

    7. Yes, oh Grasshopper...
      But Remember.
      'The Sign is not the Event'.... ;0

    8. Lu...sadly, history has proven you correct.  But one of these "glorious days" the sign is going to be the event!   Perhaps as Sheila mentions...on the 27th day of the 9th month (Daniel 9:27).   You got to admit, lots of things going on this week!

    9. Yes, oh Grasshopper,
      Time will Always Tell the Truth. But True, 1 Day, the Sign will be the Event!
      Until then, it will all be but ‘Nothing Burgers’ and Dress Rehearsals. ;( But if one’s Timeline is correct, the Church Age has but a 'Pregnancy' of a Course away to realize... humm, say up to a July White Wheat Wedding New Wine Time-Frame? Perhaps. ;0

      If one is considering the Time-Frame from the Hamas War of October 7, 2023, then one has just about to pass the 1st Trimester, in this Typology. But one would say that such Events, Astronomical and Geo-Political are off the Charts, literally and it is just the 'Finishing Touches' being made on both Brides, really.

      Jesus is finishing the last few Touches and Ironing-Out the last remaining Wrinkles in that Wedding Dress. But so is the Bride of the Beast, being Prepared for her Debut, just the same after the Rapture. Remember, it is all about a Counterfeit Antithesis of the Real and True Prophetic Types of Jesus. You have Christ, the AntiChrist, Ture Messiah, False Messiah, Bride of Christ, Bride of AntiChrist, Heavenly Temple, Earthly Temple. Heavenly Jerusalem, Earthly Jerusalem, Mark of YHVH, then the Mark of the Beast, etc.

      But as the Son is to take and present the Bride to the Father’s House, so is Lucifer’ AntiChrist ‘Son’, Seed of the Serpent going to Present his Bride, his Harlot System, i.e., his Woman riding the Scarlet Beast, going to present her to the World. And the World will be Marrying it all.


    10. Lu...what you write makes perfect sense.  Slowly but surely, we're getting closer to being on the same page.  Now if you can just get past that #723!   Lol!

      Ozzie..."you knew it, eh"!   You sure you're not from Canada?   Lol!   Btw, how's our maple syrup (X-mas presents!) coming?   Really looking forward to it coming in the mail so I can pour it all over my GF dark chocolate chip pancakes!   Lol!

    11. Bob, please send me your mailing address! it would be a true pleasure! honest and send Lu's too. just DO IT BRO!

    12. Ozzie...I was just playing around with you, but I do appreciate the offer.   The problem is the cost of shipping and I can get a jug of maple syrup here in California for a fairly cheap price.  How about some Ben & Jerry's ice cream instead.   Just kidding!

    13. Ozark!
      GOD bless your Soul for being so willing to offer a ‘Taste of Vermont’ to us here in Crazy Kalifronia. It is a Nice Gesture, but I would have to agree with Bob,. That in Today’s Economy, Saving in any way we can, is preferable.

      So…you in ‘Ver-Mont’, eh? Like in ‘Green Mountain’? Do People live there in Vermont?! ;0 I thought only Raccoons, Deer and Beavers did? Isn’t Vermont part of Canada? ;0

      Love you!

    14. Ben n Jerrys it is, by jigger! Capt'n Bob, yer 'easy to please'!! Will be sending it via SnowGeese @ reduced rates this time of year ~ ~ ~ . . . . Lu, your comment was SO Comical :) , your both overwhelmingly welcome. Boy did that make me chuckle and 'slap my knee', "Racoons, Deer n Beavers"!!! \o/ All I know about these Green Mountains of Vermont is that if you take n flatten them out, this state gits to bein' Bigger than TEXAS * ~ Lots of love to you both and too You All, Thanks for the friendship and FUN. Many Blessen's sweet people \./ praying for Whirled Peas, SHALOM

    15. via snow geese, eh!  you'd better make sure they don't fly over any hunting clubs!  lol!   brings back fond memories of my younger days when I'd hunt those fellows to put food on the table.   ducks much tastier though.

    16. dearest Bobber, hadn't you herd? lol the trick to bringin' all the flavor out in the SnowGeese is to cook em up w/ whirled peas!*lololol Gotcha on that'n ole boy, by smokie! ;) i took n put the clue, in the above parabolic paragraph . . .

    17. This has been an Ozark B. Pickens Production ~ this is ONLY a TEST \o/, not to worry! You have been selected ~<^>~ by the Ozarkians to participate! CHEERS to ya you good ole hill country rascal ! GLORY BE \./ Soon enough, the ole' Red red robin will come Bob bob bobbin' along * PEACE n GRACE, Many Fish 153 ~ SHALOM ozarkian kinfolk!

    18. You done Good! You scored pretty far up!!

    19. Ozzie...I had to reread your earlier post to git that one.   Indeed, I'm 'easy to please' as long as I git those 'whirled peas' when I'm boiling up those snow geese.   My only problem now is I'm down with another head cold.   My wife and grandson are all sick too.  Not a fun day...can hardly wait to be healthier on the "other side" munching on raccoon, deer, beaver, snow geese, griz, fresh figs and lots of new wine to wash it all down!   Lol!  

      🍇  🍷  🍇

    20. Wellness blessings
      for you all Bob, sorry to hear ... and Yes, the "other side" MARANATHA * i too, am groaning inwardly, Big Time ~ ~ SHALOM Brother, through n through

  27. @ Nelson Walters ytc (17 hrs. ago) Palestinians Drop Bombshell . .next and final Ruler of Gaza

  28. Family, Blessings

    It is always worth noting when Prophetic details arise from various, especially disparate, or un-connected sources, in an alignment; and I haven't even watched the Many Fishers YTC video, yet, re B*O's latest flick, et al. To connect a few dots, Repoman64 has posited that there are nuances in the time associated with the 24th day of the 9th month, ala Hey Guy 2, and that, similar to the 'long day' seen elsewhere in Scripture, the entire season of Hanukah, or another, similar set of days in proximity to that 09/24 marker could also 'fit' in the original language and be referred to as a 'day'. So, welcome back our old friend, Wiggle Room, into the mix and, while Kool Cat doubles down on the specificity and irrevocability of this Typology, and more than that, an actual Command Of The Lord Likely Afoot In This, As Well. ("In The End It SHALL Speak," being viewed as such, fittingly.) Well, setting aside Mr. Wiggle, dunamis333 zeroes in on a specific event, today, of Biblical proportions and invoking a nuance on an old favorite we likely never saw coming. (Spoiler Alert)

    So, speaking of things 'said' in the text being better viewed as commands, dunamis333 points out that the UN voted today upon language which empowers member states of the Security Council to wage war on Israel as a legitimate defense of securing the 'Peace and Safety' the threat to which Israel is perpetuating. Thus, it's not so much, when they SAY peace and safety, but, rather, when they DEMAND peace and safety, and force Israel into a corner/conflict vs. the World, formally, that the verse is referring to as the lynchpin here. That happened TODAY. On at least 1 calendar, today is the 24th of the 9th month. Haggai 2:23 Fascinating.



  29. The Resolution for the Agenda 2030 was approved by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015.

    September 25, 2015 - December 12, 2023 = 3000 days
    Last Blood Moon November 8, 2022 - December 13, 2023 = 400 days

    Interesting numbers...

    1. October 7, 2023 (start of the war in Israel) - December 12, 2023 = 66 days

    2. Those are nice round numbers, Stephan.   Hey, did you notice how Lu "inadvertently" helped our case by saying the Giant Red Sun or the AntiChrist will be coming down soon?    
      👹    ⁶⁶⁶    ⬇   

      I thought I was the only one who did that!   He  must be "rattled" this week!    Lol!

  30. I just looked up the meaning of the name of the asteroid Leona which will obscure the giant star Betelgeuse.
    The first name Leona comes from the Latin “leo” which means “lion”.

  31. @Times of Israel reporting with video on a Turkish MP giving a Parliamentary speech railing against Israel and closes with the warning that they will suffer the wrath of Allah. And then he immediately fell to the floor with a massive heart attack and is said to be in critical condition. Wonder if anyone in attendance got a clue from that.🤦‍♀️

  32. Dear Sheila, I am sorry! I just realized you mentioned asteroid Leona earlier on the page. And your details are much more interesting! Thank you for your information.

  33. Thank you ALL for your informative comments. Thanks to you and Watchwoman65 I've done sort of a Part 2 to my November 18 article about the return of the Star of Bethlehem. I'm just fascinated with that subject! Jimboni, I agree with dunamis333--this finally IS the endgame!

    The Christmas Star and the Rapture

    1. Lyn, thank you sister, for this insightful article. I agree that the "Star" had to be some form of not-naturally occurring configuration. Given that this Star marked the supernatural conception and prophesied birth of the very King/Creator of the very stars in heaven He calls by name, surely His birth would be distinguished by a supernatural sign in those heavens He created. We can only wait for the next earth shaking/history making next supernatural act of God: our sudden home-going! Hallelujah!!

      With the world seeming to spontaneously combust in anti-semitism worldwide, and the nations demanding Israel capitulate (where were they when Ukraine/Sudan/Nigeria/Pakistan/India et al were suffering massive "humanitarian crises") and accept a two-state solution, it cannot be long now. Not to mention the suggestion of a multi-national governing force post Gaza war. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

    2. Agree with Judy! Well sums up what we all think about Israel! And your articles are always interesting to read Lyn! From a young age, I always believed that the Star of Bethlehem was a miracle from God. I never wondered if it was otherwise. Thank you for your dedication to providing articles for everyone.

    3. Thank you, Sisters. Carole, I too believed that as a child. Just goes to show you we're better off having the heart of a little child.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. BTW, in re dunamis333's review and prophetic analysis & placement of the recent UN vote, on 12/7, by some reckonings the aforementioned 24th day of the 9th Hebrew month, as called out in Hey Guy 2, & especially in light of Corey's stellar work in re 153, it seems a nugget was overlooked.

      153 nations of the World voted in favor of the resolution which empowers member nations of The Security Council to intervene, in WHATEVER manner they deem best, against any nation which threatens regional 'peace and security' through acts of war, or otherwise. If Israel, for example, reuses to stand down, as is being demanded by neighbors and others, then 153 nations of the world just made law by consensus empowering the states of the world to attack Israel in any manner they wish as an intervention.


      Let that sink in. That is now in the history books.

    6. Great nugget, Jimboni! Corey did see it and mentioned it the other day (see below)↙️

    7. Oops! Corey mentioned it probably at the same time YOU did!

    8. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 18:4 KJV

  34. In case you missed it, there was a strong solar X2.8 class flare today (12/14).   They say it's the strongest solar flare we've had since September 2017 (Rev12Sign!).   For more info, check out the following video.


    Today is the 60th day since the "Wedding Ring" eclipse, which was located on the left hand/ring finger of Virgo.  Could this strong solar flare be the Bridegroom's way of putting His stamp/seal of approval (think "signet" ring) for the soon taking away of His Bride?   I believe KoolCat said something along these lines..."God is making us the "signet" ring!   God is giving us the authority, through the seal, to rule the world with Him as "one" with the Trinity."   Anyway, it should be interesting to see what happens when this large solar flare hits Earth tomorrow or 12/16.

  35. Corey has a new article up--prepare to be encouraged, 153, bear hair, rapture incoming:


    Corey, great article. And we can add to the 153 Naval Taskforce the IDF's AI targeting system called The Gospel. Truly amazing how we are seeing the very "words" of Scripture being used (not to mention peace and safety--good grief that's everywhere, over and over). I love the idea of God perhaps giving us a sense/revelation of the rapture the day of, or perhaps within a window of that day, or a few days beforehand. I ask God for that. That He would give us a holy excitement/anticipation/spidey sense of our homegoing the day of--or day before. Who knows?

    1. From The Guardian: However a short statement on the IDF website claimed it was using an AI-based system called Habsora (the Gospel, in English) in the war against Hamas to “produce targets at a fast pace”.

    2. This is such a cliché but we really can't make these things up . . . .

    3. I'm feeling like I have some of those bear hairs in my throat - 42 of them to be exact. Feeling a bit under the weather with the scratchy throat, headache and the whole 42 yards of it.

      I had not heard of that A.I. "Gospel" system being used. That fits right in neatly with the "153" now doesn't it? The 153 in John 21 is directly connected to the Gospel message.

      Yeah, can't make this stuff up as they say. 🤔👍

    4. Ha! THERE'S Corey! Brother, I was thinking about you as I posted my latest and was wondering what you would share next and when. Looking forward to reading it!

    5. Yeah, that one just walked right up to me and said Hi, how are you? In big bold letters. Needless to say, it got my attention given I had just previously posted something related to 153.

    6. Jesus is reeling in the fish: From Allnews Israel:

      Light is also shining brightly among Muslims and Jews. The well-known Egyptian-born pastor Michael Youssef recently conducted an evangelistic event in Cairo and reported the good news that among 17,715 people, more than 7,850 put their faith in Christ. Reverend Youssef only expected around 6,000 at the event.

      Among Jews, leaders and staff of Behold Israel and Jews for Jesus comment that Israelis are requesting Bibles and asking questions about their Messianic Jewish faith!

      May there continue to be abundant harvest from these horrific events, born out of war. Maranatha!

    7. An interesting comment left in the comment section of that article from "Luc" ...

      Result of the vote at cop28 in DUBAI= 153
      1 Thessalonians 5:3 (153).

      "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

    8. US increasingly alone in Israel support as "153" countries vote for ceasefire at UN

    9. Surely, there are TWO Brides afoot, donchaknow

  36. Additional thought: Isn't it rather interesting that the Red Sea is at the center of a military operation today just before the "crossing" over of the Church (Rapture) just as it was the center of a military operation at the "crossing over" of the ancient Israelites to the other side as the Pharaoh pursuit them.

    Yemen Seizes ANOTHER Merchant Ship in Red Sea

    BREAKING NEWS: Insurance Companies PULL Coverage for Ships in Red Sea

    1. Wow! The signs are coming at us so fast now that it's like--well, it's like A WOMAN IN TRAVAIL whose labor pains are getting closer and closer together! By the way, Corey--love your gif image for your 153 Ingathering article. (Also, I added a link to it in my article.)

    2. Yeah, Canadian Prepper's been banging this drum like John Bonham at a clinic for some time now, that is, the idea that such an event and the resulting butterfly effect on the entire global shipping insurance/costs would fall right in line with the rather obscure events in distant countries which sparked the two prior World Wars.

    3. Lyn ... Yeah, I was hoping that it would fill in the entire header space on the desktop display, but it doesn't. Gifs never do in WordPress for some reason. I had fun putting the image together. I used the photodirector app.

  37. Blessings, Fam. I was listening to someone recently who said he disagreed with the idea that we simply disappear in the Rapture without anyone witnessing it, as if it happens in secret. Elisha and others witnessed Elijah’s Rapture, same will happen with the Two Witnesses, and someone must have seen or known about Enoch’s Rapture. This witnessing will lead some to discount the UFO/alien kidnapping if they actually see family members, coworkers, neighbors or strangers disappear before their eyes.

    The online hatred for Israel and the IDF is absolutely demonic. These miscreants purposely seek out pro Israel channels and work in teams to spew the vilest lies and emojis. Anyone seeking to defend against the vitriol is banned for days at a time. TikTok, Instagram, etc, will not fare well on Judgement Day. Jewish employees of these companies also suffer persecution.

    1. These ignorant tyrants can’t name the River and can’t name the Sea, but they know they hate Israel. The prince of the power of the air has infected their souls with his hatred for God’s Chosen.

  38. Hey fam, this just posted on Telegram: Bubbanews

    HUGE. This week, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which includes the "Expediting Israeli Aerial Refueling Act of 2023."

    This authorization will finally transfer USA KC-46A AERIAL REFUELING TANKERS ✈️ to Israel.


    The USA has the necessary capability to target Iran’s nuclear facilities, but WON'T. The KC-46A tanker will provide the single greatest boost to Israel by enhancing Israel’s ability to launch a preemptive
    strike against Iran and its ☢️ nuclear facilities.

    Israel will now get the Refueling Aircraft they have needed for the COMING ATTACK on IRAN with Elam in the crosshairs 🎯 (Jeremiah 49:35-37) the Elam area not only contains The Bushehr Nuclear ☢️ Plant, but the mountain range and coastline contains Irans long range ICBM's that can hit Israel in 400 seconds/6.66 minutes.

    The new tankers can refuel 3 Israeli jets simultaneously in 3-4 MINUTES and has cutting-edge defensive systems that Israel wants & needs for this attack."

    Notice the time it takes Iran's ICBM's to reach Israel . . . .

    1. From Sean at eschatologytoday.blogspot.com re above

      "I did not get overly excited about the NDAA because of the inherent timeline involved.

      "The “Expediting Israeli Aerial Refueling Act of 2023” requires the Department of Defense to expedite training for Israeli pilots and mechanics on Boeing’s KC-46A aerial refueling tankers before they are delivered to Israel. It also requires the Secretary of Defense to brief Congress on its efforts to expedite delivery of KC-46 aircraft to Israel, and on the potential costs and benefits of surging United States KC-46 aircraft to Israel prior to the delivery of the planes Israel has purchased."

      Expedited means no earlier than 2025 but not later than 2028 for the completion of training for IAF crew and maintenance personnel and the surging of one (1) forward deployed KC-46A aircraft of the USAF to Israel. "

    2. Blessings, dear Judi. Do you watch “TBN Israel” updates on YT with an IDF soldier named Yair Pinto? They’re informative.

    3. AA, yes, I do. Thanks for the recommendation.

      Very encouraging, Jimboni, thanks for sharing. Sheila, eyes better?

      Alla, thanks for your recent "like," sister. So looking forward to meeting all of you for dinner!

    4. Hey Judi…still struggling with the strain and light sensitivity, but supposed to be getting some new glasses in the next week that I’m told will give me 20/20 in both eyes near and far. The eye doc said I do have an issue with the macular lining in my right eye that will have to be monitored going forward and then back to the Retina clinic every 6 months to keep an eye (no pun intended;) on the left retina. But hopefully the new glasses will eliminate the strain and it will all be good going forward. Thanks for asking, Sister, and just praying along with everyone else for our very soon going Home.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Rev12 Fam, Blessings

    Setting this to ink and paper after a 10 hour shift as 2 hours mandatory OT was added an hour before clocking out.

    As we search out & ponder the heavens, And The Word, And The Work Of Our Lord Through His Creation, And Perhaps All The More At This Moment, It Is Well To Be Reminded That, In Spite Of The Delta Between The Subject And The Object In The Dance, Psalm 8:4, Our Lord Is Intensely PERSONAL With Us. John 21:12

    You will recall that Our Lord Allowed Me To Share The Great Wonder (TGW) , With Dawn, My Coworker & SIC, And Have Been Fellowshipping In Christ and Ministering Eschatology With Dawn, Since. John 21:15

    Today, doing my best to roll into that 2 hours OT as playfully as possible, I ended up getting assigned back to my usual operation for the duration of the tour; which is great, as I enjoy the work and am getting rather adroit with the intricacies and complexities involved, as well as odd, as I have always been assigned elsewhere during prior OT sessions.

    Enter Chong, a youthful Asian lady co-worker who stepped in behind me at turnover. Well, by the time I'd met with supervisors, gotten the directive and made it back out to West Wing, Chong, who I'd never worked with previously that I recalled, was clearly swimming upstream with a deluge of mail trays streaming in and, while working admirably, was quite appreciative when a peer stepped in, teamed up and we knocked out the wave.

    Cutting To The Chase, Over The Following 90 Minutes, In True Alpha/Omega Style, Our Lord Again Had Me Sharing TGW with Chong And The Endemic Fire Hose Of Info As Led And Feel Best, In The Moment. Chong has attended church since her youth but since C-19, now fellowships in church online, as I recall. With everything else, I Shared this URL & Unsealed and a few YTC's with Chong & Told Her I would Share Our Ordained Meeting, To The Glory OF Christ. As I dashed off, after the most enjoyable, fastest and incredibly productive sessions mail-moving imaginable as we whistled while we worked, so to speak, with some intense points made in lulls in the volume, Chong accepted my invitation and we Praised Our Lord In Prayer & Supplication For His Guidance As Chong Studies This Further. I invite you to do the same. John 21:16

    As I settled back into my abode at the ungodly hour of 9 a.m.-ish, Caleb & Alex are heading out to the new church they are attending and which Caleb Was A Featured Choir Member, yesterday, on stage draped in a sizable purple and gold gown on the end of about 30 choir members similarly decked and most being Elders in the church, as well. Quite an impressive photo. It turns out that, this time, the person serving the boys with a ride is Sarah, also the name of my 1st born, daughter. Stepping outside to meet Sarah and express my appreciation for the, now, 2nd Sarah in our family, Sarah graciously greeted me and I was able to quickly launch into a praise summary (yeah, summarize, me? riiiight) of my interaction with Chong, which required, for it to make any sense, that I also familiarize Sarah with TGW, ET AL, in 3 minutes, or less, car-side, which I did. As we parted, Sarah informed me that she was actually a young'un in The Lord, obliterating my paradox as this more seasoned sister was arriving to take the boys to church, so, as I'm spouting chapter and verse, off hand, and she is nodding and smiling, I'm thinking, you know...Uh, no. Oh, well. Isaiah 55:11 John 21:17

    It Seems The Trinity Likes To Work In Threes, Go Figure, And Is Very Personal & Present As The Days Pass. Comforting, no?

    John 21:14; John 21:22


    1. Awesome report, Jimboni! That’s what it’s all about…just praying for and then relishing those chances to share Christ with anyone and everyone who is willing to listen and/or share in our heart’s greatest desire. Blessings, Brother and praying for more such God-given opportunities for all of us!😊🙏⬆️

    2. What a blessing, Brother! Speaking of the things of God surely does make the time fly and the workload light ✨️

  41. Blessings dear family!
    Dr Chris Zimmer
    The Eye in the Sky Rapture, December 22, 2023 - Great Harpazo Watch!

  42. I have a question...
    Do you think that the Battle of Armaggedon is part of the Great Tribulation (at the end) before the 2. coming when Jesus will come down at the Mount of Olives or 2. coming and then Battle of Armaggedon?
    What do you think?

    1. I know, this question sounds strange. But the answer could help us to determine the end of the Tribulation. Do we come back on horses at the Battle of Armaggedon ('Feast of Trumpets'?) or dont't we come back with Jesus when he touches down at the Mount of Olives?

    2. hey Stephan, howdy brother. Watching your vids on ytc always caught my attention. Your calmness and even-keeledness is quite unique! Well sir to your above question i want to say that I've always pictured the battle occurring at the end of the 7 yr. thing, however now I feel like I really don't know. You tubers like Steve Gregg, Chris Lucas, Stephen Jones and David Nikao Wilcoxson etc... have intriguing viewpoints on dispensationalism that really do seem worth consideration.

    3. ...sorry, furthermore... if Jesus truly confirmed the covenant in the midst of Passover week, in the midst of Daniels 70th week, 3.5 yrs. after His baptism, then perhaps there is only the 2nd half of the 70th week left to unfold? Think about that and allow yourself the opportunity to embrace this wonderful concept,... it (imho) makes profound sense. Shalom Blessings

    4. Ozzie...thank you for your answer! Btw, I never made a vid...lol

    5. Dear brother Stephan, I don't know the answer to your question either. The battle before or after the tribulations? On the other hand, yesterday I listened to a “Repoman” video and there are a lot of mathematical calculations, but the video is interesting. Can you listen to it when you have time (if you want) and get back to me please? I would like to have your opinion on his calculations. I know you're good at this.
      Declaring the end from the beginning.

    6. Dear Carole, I watched his video and I think his calculations are correct. Let's hope and pray...

    7. Stephan...I'm glad to hear you found Repoman's numbers correct.   LuMan, you might also want to check out the vid since he came up with the Winter Solstice (12/21-22) as a potential Rapture date.   Somewhere in the vid he mentioned the "Golden Gate", but that may have just been my imagination as I was thinking of you and your "2nd highest watch date ever"!    Lol!

      Btw, my wife and I are still sick with this nasty virus.  As such, been laying low as of late.   Now I know what Tyler went through!   Ugghhh!

      Please "beam us up", Scottie (I mean, Yeshua..ah, ah!).   We can't take it anymore down here!!!

    8. Brother Stephania, my bad based upon something I may had misread about you being Bro. Cooch. I think that Bob or Lu may have said your name as well as Bro Cooch in the same sentence or same paragraph along those lines. The joke is on me. This gives me an opportunity to share w/ you and others who may care to listen to Steve Gregg's video called, " Deconstructing Dispensationalism"... @ SteveGregVideos ytc His devout research is endless with so much to offer as you shall see if you get involved in his person. His manner is seemingly impeccable; honest, sound minded and quite sincere. He is very direct as he teaches. Grace n Peace

    9. Hi Stephan - yes, option 1. ie gathering of world's armies @ Megiddo > Battle towards and including Jerusalem > Partial desolation of Jerusalem > Israel looks to their Messiah spiritually > Israel looks upon their Messiah physically as He divides the heavens and comes on down! Note the 'then' in the passage as to the timing of the Lord's coming. ie AFTER all nations come against Jerusalem.

      Zec 14:2-3 I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. (3) Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle.

      Also good to remember that the Lord won't return for Israel until they acknowledge that He is the Messiah (Mat 23:39) and this won't happen until their affliction comes (Hos 5:15-6:1) and all natural hope is gone. They won't be able to trust in the IDF at Armageddon. They won't be able to trust in 'horses' or 'chariots' or the Iron dome or even their nukes for that matter. All hope will be gone... but God! Their saving grace will be a spiritual work happening in their hearts that will cause them to acknowledge their guilt and ask Him to come! And come He will!

      It is an amazing and ancient story that is playing out in real time.

    10. Yes, Bob n family get well soon! You must have chimed in while I was typing so I wanted to let you know and wish you wellness. Sure does sound rough. This to shall pass,.. somewheres btwn now and passover i reckon. Hope'n to cause ya to chuckle a bit there bud ;) Plenty
      of rest n plenty of fluids, and All the chicken soup you can muster! SHALOM BROTHER

    11. Bob,
      Yes, I checked-out his video. One is always open to other’s Take and Suppositions, so long as they are not in the 100%ers ;0. That you all know I have an issue with. :) So, it was interesting to see his Calculations. One cannot say anything really other than, ‘Time will always Tell the Truth’, about such things. With such Assertions as to the Possible Rapture Date, the Theory has to be put to the test, the Day of.

      This will be the case for me, come July of 2024 and if it will be on the 23rd, perhaps. But No Bob, I did not say nor insinuate that the Rapture was going to occur on the Winter Solstice due to the Golden Gate being Open, lol. My Numero Uno Rapture Window will always be that Summer July White Wheat Wedding Time of the Acts 2 New Wine First Fruits. Lol

      I only shared that info about the Star-Gates for Context and Perspective. There is something there and one has written a lot about it. It is 1 of my favorite topics to Research. Not sure if I have shared this Book before here with you all. It is about how I started delving into the theory of Astro-Archeology and the Star-Gates and how they correlate on Earth as they are in Heaven and what all that could possibly mean, Prophetically.

      In this case, it is one’s best attempt at deciphering where on Earth was Eden and what were or are the Dimensions. You are all welcome to skim through it. It starts out Philosophical in examining the meaning of what went on in Eden and what that was and is all about and how that is why it is the Battle over Authority, Marriage and Submission.

      Free PDF BOOK Download
      In Search of Earth’s Eden
      Based on Astro-Archaeology

      Bob, sorry you are sick with the Flu…Pray you get better. I am enjoying the Rain we are getting.

    12. Thank you elgordo, that was very helpful!

    13. Lu...you know I was just teasing you about the Rapture potentially happening on the Winter Solstice, your "2nd highest watch day ever"!   But you must admit, your studies made a fairly compelling case and that's why I included it on this December's "High Watch/Rapture Gauntlet List".   Plus, I really wanted you to participate in all the year-end Speculation + Excitement!   Lol!    No need to wait until the 'Summer of 24', no?    But I must agree with you, no 100% guarantee on this one.   However, one can still hang their hat on a 2023 Rapture and believe that Psalms 123 and 124 were "big clues" to when the Rapture would occur and when the 7-year Tribulation would begin!    "Time will always Tell the Truth", as you say.

      Btw, thanks for sharing your book "In Search of Earth's Eden...Dimensions of Paradise".   As of now, I've only had a chance to read the intro and check out the paintings.   Guess I'd better start reading as I only have 2-3 days left...unless ofc, you sneak a copy onboard Flight 777 with your 'carry-on' baggage!    Lol!

    14. Bob,
      I knew you were ‘Teasing’ but some reading it for the 1st Time might not have known the Context. So, I see you like Pictures more so, eh? OK, next Book I will do will be ‘Bob’s Rapture Color by Numbers’. Lol

      How is that? :) …The ‘Rapture goes here, Color Blue to match Number 1. The Crucifixion Day Color Red goes here, that is to Match Number 2, etc… :)

      Not a bad Idea! It will be an Interactive Book. I’ll ask ChatGPT to write me up one!
      But you got 12 Days till the End of the Gregorian Year to go!
      Say it isn’t so!

    15. Lu...I like your "Rapture by Color and Numbers" book idea.   Stephan and I are really going to enjoy it while playing around in the 'Romper Room'!   Before you and ChatGPT start composing it...just remember that the "color red" is reserved for the 30 AD Crucifixion year!    Lol!

      Only 12 days remaining in the Gregorian year, eh?   Say it ain't so, Yeshua...ah, ah!   Just like you to take it to the very end, Abba!   We're all counting on you to "make it so, #1"! 

    16. Ozzie...thank you for the "get well" wishes.   We're clearly on the same page about the chicken soup as we made a big pot on Sunday.   We've been eating it for 3 nights now, with 3 more to go!   Hope all is well with you and the family.   See ya at the FunTable.   Don't forget to bring the maple syrup and the Ben & Jerry's!

  43. RE: Armageddon
    PART 1/4

    From what I understand and interpret of the Return of Jesus Scenario, that Last Day of the Tribulation Period will coincide with the Return of Jesus and His Bride, for that ‘Touch-Down’. That will be on the 2520th Day or the 2nd Half of the 1260th Day and it is the Battle of Armageddon that culminates in Jerusalem for the sole purpose of Lucifer attempting to prevent Jesus from Returning and taking over all Power and Authority to then set-up His Kingdom in preparation for the Millennium. It is the Staging Ground in Megiddo, by the Sea where the Armies of the World will 1st gather to then make their way to Jerusalem.

    Lucifer and his AntiChrist and False Prophet know that Jesus, His Bride at His side and the Angelic Armies will be coming to Earth. And they will be piercing the Dimensions of Time and Space. Perhaps even through the Star-Gate of the Silver Gate as that is what corresponds to the ‘Gate of Man’. And what the Dome of Ascension is corresponding to, even in its color, by no accident and opposite the Golden Gate of those double arches attached to the Temple Mount Platform, etc.

    I also agree with Ozark’s take on how Daniel 9:27 is an overlap of the 2 Christs in how the Theme of the AntiChrist picks-up on where the Theme of the Christ left over. This is where you get Confusion and Misinterpretation of attributing what should not be to which Christ. That to say that one does not see that entire Tribulation Period being only 3.5 Years as the ‘He’ that Confirms the Covenant then ‘Breaks’ it mid-term, i.e., the Antichrist is when, then is given 100% Authority and when the Mark comes out.

    This starts at the Mid-Point of the Week that Daneil clearly delineates as it being a Time-Frame of a 7 Year Period. It is also part of the 490 Year Prophetic Equation and the 483 one. It does not work-out if one just factors-in a 3.5 Year Tribulation Period. One thinks the Confusion comes about in that it is at the Midpoint, but because there are 2 of them and Pivot on each other. As mentioned, when the Timeline of Jesus Christ merges and is completed by the Timeline of the AntiChrist, etc. Here is an attempt at depicting this Overlap.

    Surmised that began His Public Ministry on a Shemitah Cycle of 7 Years.

    28 AD |------------1260 Day Ministry-------------| 32 AD = 3.5 Years
    Cut-OFF in the Midst of Week (Passion Week = Wednesday)

    Surmised that it will conclude the 7-Year Prophetic Allotment of the Cycle of Years.

    2029 28 AD |----1260 Day Jacob’s Trouble---| 2032 AD = 3.5 Years
    TOTAL = 7 Years

    1. PART 2/4
      But here is one’s Theory on this Dual Prophetic Overlap. The Tribulation Period does not have to start or will not start as one now perceives it, on a Shemitah Cycle as most if not all End Times Students have supposed. If this Shemitah Theory is to be Correct and True then the Tribulation Period has to start, possibly at the next Juncture, which is the Year 2029. This Year would put the Fig Tree Generation well beyond a Natural Human Life-Span. It would mean Jesus would not come in the Generation that saw Israel be Reborn in 1 Day as most will have Died by then.

      Now one does believe and is convinced that rather, it is a Sabbath Cycle of Year one should be Discerning. That means that the Tribulation Period does not have to be or coincide with a Shemitah Cycle. Well, not its Beginning at least. How so? All that to say is that the Shemitah Cycle is True and Correct but that there is an Overlap based on Daniel 9:27. Meaning that it is the next Sabbath Cycle that the Year will not Mark the Start of the Tribulation Period, but rather its Mid-Point and that Year is? 2029. Here is the Math.

      Present Shemitah Cycle: 2022-2029
      2029 + 1260 Days or 42 Months/3.5 Years = 2032 (Return of Jesus?)

      Thus, if one Reverse Engineers the 7 Sabbath of Years Cycle from 2032

      2032 – 7 = 2025 (Start of the 7-Year Tribulation Period?)

      This is why one’s present Tribulation Timeline is thus from a Fall 2025-2032 Time-Frame. Which means that the Rapture Window is now as Narrow as but 1 Year of Tolerance in terms of Measurement. It is now that close in one’s Calculations. That is why this coming July New Wine Pentecost for 2024 is ‘Monumental’ for one personally. If it was Christ that ‘Confirmed the Covenant’ as many Anti-Dispensationalist make the Argument, when has He, Jesus then ‘Broken’ it. And which Covenant was? The Mosaic, the Abrahamic, David, Noahide?

      And if it was Jesus that made the Covenant in the Midst of the Passion Week, that does not make sense. Why not? It was actually before His Crucifixion, at the LORD’s Supper where Jesus did make or ‘Confirm a Covenant’ and that was the initiation of the New Covenant. If you all remember, a few years ago, we had this same Question and Discussion come up with Brother Ryan from New Zealand. But all this is just how one sees and perceives it, not saying I am Right about it. Here is my latest Research on the Matter.

      One was re-studying the Details of the Timeline that Solomon took to Build the Temple of YHVH. One thinks that each Number, Measurement, Month, Day and Timing are Prophetic and Echo perhaps how it will Repeat itself for the 3rd Temple. How so? Consider the 7-7-7 Association with the Start and Finishing of the Temple, and when it was Dedicated. And how the 723 Comes-Up even here.

    2. PART 4/4
      And? Well, how one would see a Possible July 723 Rapture Window is how the Dedication of the Temple in October by Solomon would match one’s Fall 2025-2032 Timeline. How so? As you all have heard one’s Theory of the Temple Dedication, one is more convinced that the ‘Confirming of the Covenant’ is the Mosaic one that will put Israel under the Law again. And that it will be made with the ‘Many’ that is L’Rabbim in Hebrew, to infer ‘Many Teachers’ as in the Learned Elders of Zion. Or the Nascent Sanhedrin that is the Council of the 70 that Moses constituted to help Judge the Affairs of Israel during the Exodus, etc.

      This would appear to corroborate one’s Scenario that when the 3rd Temple is to be Dedication, it will be in similar Fashion as Solomon and in the same Timing. It is believed that the Dedication of the Temple took place after Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles. That is how the Precedence of the 8th Day was Established in how Solomon kept the People for 1 Extra Day as he gave them all Gifts. This became Shemini Atzerets or the 8th Day. But there is more. Then on the 9th Day, that being what is now Simchat Torah, that is when King Solomon ‘Confirmed the Covenant’ or read aloud the Torah of Moses, the Commandments, which are Conditional, etc.

      This is why one is more convinced this could be or should be the Proper Interpretation of the Idea and not necessarily a Geo-Political Peace and Security Deal. Although that could come into play as well. But foremost, the End Times will have focused from the Promised Land, then Jerusalem and the Prize, the Temple. It is about Israel and its Rendezvous with its Destiny and Appointment yet to come with Jesus. Israel will see Jesus again. This is why one is excited about the October 18, 2024 Sabbath of Beginnings that would then appear to start the Daily Sacrifices.

      This is assuming the Dedication of the Temple has been done and the Ashes of the Red Heifer had been procured and the Building then could have taken 7 months from the Month it started and finished per the Template of Solomon’s Timeline. This is where one then can plug-in the halves of the 1260 Day Set of Times and that is where they land, Amazingly on the Feast Days, well approximately. That is as far as one has gotten with this Timeline Line. One has shared it before many times here but it is the following.

      OCT 18, 2024 Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah (On Sabbath of Beginning)
      + 1260 Days = April 1, 2029 (End of Shemitah and Mid-Point of Tribulation.)
      + 1260 Days = September 11, 2032 (On Sabbath of Return, week of Yom Teruah.)

      One has also shared the Theory that as it could appear to be the case that Jesus is returning on the very Anniversary of His 1st Appearing in the Flesh, back on September 11, -3 BC. That would be amazing. And that if one’s other Theory of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year, then if the Day-to-Year Prophecy Template is correct, then that will be exactly 2 Prophetic Days or 2000 Years to the Day.

      So, this is where one is at on the New Wine Pentecost 723 Learning Curve. One hopes to develop these Points more in detail as the Holy Spirit leads.

      Keep the Watch,

    3. Lu, thank you very much! I have been waiting for your answer!

    4. Stephan!
      I am going to start Charging 'Tuition', lol

    5. Thank you Stephan for the answer! And thank you also Lu! By the way Lu, did you see on the "community" link of: Generation2434 that our brother Tyler put the photo of your book PENTECOST NEW WINE and at the bottom there are comments from Christians and some asked for the link to buy your book?

    6. Hi Carole,
      Thanks for letting us know. Wow, cool. I was not expecting that. It is not about 'Selling Books' as I make them Free for those that cannot afford them. It is just to get the Word out because of the lateness of the 'Prophetic' Hour. But I suspect that as the Time approaches for the Theory to be Testing this coming Summer 2024, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in People, in and out of the Church, will be coming out. Just watch.

      Brother Tyler has gotten a lot of Criticism and Backlash for just sharing his take or conjecture on End Times Topics. Why I personally support his efforts is that he makes it clear that it is a 'What If'...or 'Perhaps'...or Let's think about this...'Is it Possible', etc.

      I had sent him a Copy of the Book because I suspect the Topic will be discussed as the Summer of 2024 approaches and he is one of the few Brethren that has discussed the New Wine Theory. Although he and Dr. Awe differ in the Details, the overall Concept is the same. So, I see it as a matter of encouraging one another, 'Iron Sharpening Iron' and 'figuring' it out together.

      But it is sad that out of the 1-3% of those that call themselves the Professing Church, in this Last Hour, that are watching and looking for the Signs of the Blesse Hope, it is the 99-97% of those that are attacking the 1-3%. And yes, we all do fall within those 3 Camps that Brother Aaron at God a Minute Delineated...but it is the 100%ers that the Critics focus on and lump all of us into. And that is not a Good Feeling or Proper Perspective.

      The Book is mainly just a compellation of one's Research showing the Journey or as I often say here, the 'Learning Curve' with respect to the New Wine Theory. It is the same like I did in the Book about showing the 'Circumstantial Evidence for a 32 AD Crucifixion Year'. I also just wanted to have it for the Record. But it is all just Conjecture and Theory, yet many within the Body cannot accept such Research. So be it.


    7. TY you like crazy Lu,.. sometimes I wonder if the first half of the 7 will play out twice. . .as Truth is eventually exchanged for a full blown lie in the blinding light of a Strong Delusion ~ also you know I have a strong affinity towards the Solomon 2.0 Simchat confirmation of covenant type, pattern that amazed me from the first time you ever mentioned it in my direction. ty for the book link as well ! Stay Wild at heart!!! ~~~ Bob, you are hilarious and one of a kind,... so cool ! Do enjoy, and do carry ON !!! whatever kinda brkfst cereal yer havin',.. well, Keep at it!

  44. Headline from the "Rev12Daily Newspaper" this morning...


    LuMan...would you believe these were my first thoughts upon awakening this morning!   Proof that your studies are continuously on my mind, bro!   Lol!    For the "uninitiated" and to protect myself from an "unintended" defamation lawsuit, Lu and I regularly play these "mind games" to amuse ourselves while we patiently await our departure.   But wouldn't that be something if the above Headline turns out to be true!   So, Lu... you're going to have to do some really "quick thinking" when you and Repoman are accepting your "golden gate awards" at the 1st Annual FunTable Awards Ceremony for you both correctly identifying the day and "precise time" of the Rapture!

    Now isn't this scenario better than waiting for the "Summer of 42".    Lol!

  45. Hello dear family! My family doctor called me today in the afternoon. I had another x-ray Monday morning to check for the pneumonia I had a month ago. I still have pneumonia according to the result of the 2nd x-ray. I have to take yet another antibiotic because the first one didn't cure me. There was one left to try because the others are ineffective or I have allergies to the other types. I'm going to try another cousin, from the same family as penicillin to which I am allergic. This is what remains to be tried. My husband is a little worried because we live on a small street and 4 of our neighbors have cancer and one of the neighbors died from it. It's quite strange! And the neighbor suffering from lung cancer was being treated for incurable pneumonia. She has been undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a few years now. She's about my age, early 60s. Her doctor thought it was pneumonia, based on the x-rays, but it was cancer. No matter what, God is in control and He never makes mistakes.
    Please, I would like some people who want to pray that the new antibiotic will not harm me or cause side effects.

    1. Yes, Carole, I will be praying.

    2. Yes, agreeing that it is not Cancer , new affective Treatment is found and that your Lungs be Clear and Restored.

    3. Praying for your healing, Carole and that our Lord Jesus will see to it!🙏

    4. Definitely praying for you, dear Carole.

    5. For sure praying for you, sister, and all those here who also need prayer.

    6. Praying for you dear Carole, and for all yours, and all around you who need it!

    7. Thank you! I'm starting the new antibiotic with meals this evening. I love you all!

    8. praying for you Carole ~ Shalom Blessing ~ *

    9. תפללת בשבילך, קרול. מקווה שהאנטיביוטיקה החדשה תעשה את עבודתה ותוביל להחלמה מלאה שלך. רק מתרגלים את העברית שלי לפני שאנחנו חוצים את "קו ההסתערות של היפוך החורף"! חחח!

      Translation:    Praying for you, Carole.  Hope the new antibiotic does its job and leads to your full recovery.   Just practicing my Hebrew before we cross the "Winter Solstice Rapture Line"!   Lol!

    10. Praying for your healing Carole, in Jesus' might name.

  46. Good day all. I would like to share my most unusual 11:11 sighting to date. There is an entry on Amir Tsarfati`s telegram channel this morning where an Israeli soldier opens an ipad belonging to a Paiestinian girl. Her screen saver picture was Hitler and the time was 11:11. Loved that one.

    1. 🙄

      No wonder I can’t muster an ounce of sympathy for those that comprise the thorn in Israel’s side.

    2. not to start any trouble but just sayin AA, I perceive that thorn to be the Synagogue of satan

    3. Blessings, PDL!!! I’ve always based the “thorn” on the following Scripture:

      “But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.” Numbers 33:55

      How true.

  47. Hello fam, still holding out hope for 2023: Patrick at Hourly Watch, 24 mins


    Hold on, Beloved, soon our Sun will arise with healing in His wings! PTL. May you all have a blessed Christmas! love (and prayers) you all

    1. Judi...thanks for sharing Patrick's latest video.   The info that he provided is very encouraging!   In a few moments, I'll post something that I just learned that adds to the discussion.

  48. Hey family...a few weeks ago I shared this simple diagram shown below.  My inspiration came from watching an earlier video by Patrick@HourlyWatch.   In his video, he discussed the symbolism/typology of the upcoming "heavenly alignment" on 12-27-23, where the Sun (Son/Bridegroom) will be positioned directly above a tabernacle or tent shaped, star configuration.



          *          *
      *                  *         


    If I understand the symbolism correctly, the Son (Bridegroom) is coming out of the Tabernacle to retrieve the ManChild or Bride of Christ (revised from my earlier interpretation!).   As depicted in the video and as written in Psalm 19, "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God...In Them Hath He Set a Tabernacle for the Sun...Which is as a Bridegroom Coming out of His Chamber".  For a detailed description, see Patrick's video released about 13 days ago:


    In my humble opinion, the above video is very encouraging as it implies the Bride of Christ may be Raptured on 12-27-23.  But what I recently "stumbled upon" makes me even more 'EXCITED'! Following Stephan's "number crunching" tendency, I calculated the number of days between the "Wedding Ring" eclipse (10/14) located in Virgo's left hand/finger and the Bridegroom leaving the Tabernacle (12/27) = 75 days.   This number may be significant for the following reasons:

    *A 75-year (or day!) celebration is often referred to as a "diamond anniversary" or a "diamond jubilee."    This term is commonly used to signify the special milestone or journey of being married for 75 years.

    *Israel is currently celebrating their 75th year anniversary as an independent nation.  A 75th year anniversary is a celebration of love that has lasted for three quarters of a century.

    *(Psalm 75 NIV)  We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.  You say, "I choose the appointed time; it is I who judge uprightly.  To the arrogant I say, `Boast no more,' and to the wicked, `Do not lift up your horns."

    *Not sure if this means anything, but consider that the 1335 days mentioned in Daniel 12:11 minus the 1260 days mentioned in Daniel 12:12 = 75 days!   

    *The number 75 is only mentioned once in the entire Bible and here we find it for the age of Abram when he goes to the "Promised Land" of Canaan, possibly representing Heaven (see Genesis, Chapter 12).  

    *Further quoting Genesis 12: 1-8, isn't it interesting (perhaps even prophetic!) that Abram at age 75 pitches a tent or builds an altar, or a Tabernacle to worship the Lord while temporarily in Canaan before heading back to Egypt.   "Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.   And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land:   and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.    And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Beth-el, and pitched his tent, having Beth-el on the west, and Hai on the east:  and there he builded an altar unto the Lord, and called upon the name of the Lord."
    To fully grasp or understand the meaning of the above verses and of similar verses in Exodus 25, it's important to know the definition of a Tabernacle:

    "Tabernacle, (“dwelling”), in Jewish history, the portable sanctuary constructed by Moses (and apparently also Abram!) as a place of worship for the Hebrew tribes during the period of wandering that preceded their arrival in the Promised Land."

    So to conclude, isn't it fascinating that there may be a connection between the "Wedding Ring" eclipse (10/14) and the day our Bridegroom comes out of the Tabernacle (12/27) to retrieve the ManChild or Bride of Christ to take her into "The Promised Land".  

    1. Bravo, Cap't! You're turning into a regular searcher! Thanks for your contributions. Would be wonderful if we all would be sharing "Christmas" dinner together soon! I noticed today--simply hadn't paid particular attention before--that the angels praising God at Jesus' birth were the Lord's ARMY. Of course. Christ's birth was met with the heavenly armies because His life would inaugurate the spiritual battle of all time. Now, centuries later, we see that battle being acted out in overwhelming evidence on all levels of human endeavor--especially in Israel. The climax of the battle is on the horizon--a mere 7 +/- years away--and it is intense. Bookends. The Lord of Angel Armies is mounted up and ready to ride. Are we?

    2. Yes, Bravo Bob! It is very fascinating. Thank you for this study! Thank you for 'following my number crunching tendency'...good job!

    3. Family, Blessings & Merry Christmas. Working daily (nightly) over the coming week makes navigating sleep schedule and time differences challenging to be able to call family & post here etc. in a timely manner. So, there it is. Love you all and pray blessings on every household.

      While I do not follow his channel closely enough to recall all the details, dunamis333 has an interesting spin on things with his chips all currently being on December 26th based upon some recent events and a day count back from 2030. One key detail which was fascinating with his targeting was his take on a 'covenant with many'.

      We've always taken this to speak of some type of treaty or similar arrangement hence our noting the recent COP meeting/agreement and all it's details including a 7-year span, et al. Well, in align with the enemy always copying Our Lord & Father, consider that Our Lord has the 1st 'covenant with many' in the New Covenant he established at The Last Supper. Luke 22:20; Hebrews 8:13; Hebrews 8:7,8. Thus we have, as we know, the Old Covenant, under the Law, and the New Covenant, under Grace, amen. How do we, the many, come under this New Covenant? By BELIEF in Christ And His Work At The Cross, Et Al.

      So, dunamis333 posits that the enemy's 'covenant with many' is not a written document but an act of the will of many people to move into hatred of Israel and The Chosen People Of Our Lord, And, By Extension, Further Rejecting Christ, Himself. Thus, dunamis333 sees the GLOBAL uptick in anti-Semitism and Israel bashing arising from the Gaza situation to be the evil 'covenant with many' which the enemy establishes at the end. Again, not having ferreted out all the details but using the current Gaza war as a marker dunamis333 has assigned these events to that covenant and back counted from 2030 to 12/26/23. I thought his re-defining of that covenant detail very interesting and worthy to share.


    4. 'Saturnalia' Bob, :)
      Happy Winter Solstice!

    5. Judi + Stephan...thank you for your words of encouragement.   This study certainly stretched my Biblical knowledge and abilities to the limit!

      Jimboni...thanks for dissecting dunamis333's video.

      Lu...Happy "nothing burger" Winter Solstice too!   Regarding the 75 day count, would this formula change your perspective?

      75 = 7 + (2 + 3) = 723

    6. I just listened to a video in French and the meeting that took place in December on the Sustainable Development Goals, which have 17 objectives by 2030 are equal to 153. The objectives are numbered from 1 to 17 and if we add all the numbers 1 plus 2 plus 3 and everything up to 17, that's 153 in total. I did not know that. 🤷‍♀️

    7. Bob, sorry about the ‘No Dice’ Winter Solstice Rapture. Although, Celestially, the Sun ‘Entered the House’, as through the Double Golden Gate Archways, do not go to McDonalds and wallow in Rapture Misery! ;). But an In-N-Out Burger? OK. That will even the Odds to make-up for that ‘Nothing Burger’. But that is what ‘Watching’ is all about, no? On this side of the Rapture, it is all just Signs and Rehearsals and Theories. Some are better than others or would appear so, subjectively. Others? Not so much.

      Hey Bob, you gave it a Good Run…But it is you that has made me Run the Gauntlet. Lol As to the 75 Factor? Well, 9 more Days until, in the Western Calendar, the Year concludes. If there is any ‘Redeeming’ Factor about it, it is that you, ‘Inadvertently’ have proven that Israel is 75 Years Old, completed until May 14, 2024. This is if one’s Math is correct, that will start her 76th Year, no?

      What one does see is that 723 Encoded with the 75 for 2024 still. And not that one is actively searching for that to ‘Prove’ one’s 723 Date, or a July 23, which could totally be off and not that at all. But as one was researching next Years’ Celestial Signs, it came up again. Perhaps it is another ‘Clue’ or not. But check this out. It is known that the current Rabbinical Calendar straddles the Gregorian one. That is 1 Factor. So, that means that in any given Year, the Jewish Feasts of YHVH, as they celebrated it based on the Fixed Lunar Calendar, will vary in reference to the Gregorian one.

      So, it so happens that guess what Day, the Jewish observe the start of their ‘3 Weeks’? July 23. And? That is the Start of their Mourning Period that leads to a 21 Day or a 7-7-7 Count to the 9th of Av. That as it is known is when they Commemorate the Destruction of the 2nd Temple. So, perhaps for 2024, it appears that this July 23 or a 723 is connected to the Temple. And in one’s possible supposition, perhaps it will be tied to its Prophetic Inversion of the Building of the 3rd Temple?

      Did you all See/Listen to Brother Tyler and Ty’s Video? I have just started to. Iti is long so I Have to take it in in Pieces at a Time.


      Yes, I and others also noted how the COPS 23 ended with that 153 Number Factor and how the UN Sustainable Development Goals went from 17 to 18. And that last one is tied to Israel and the Palestinian Issue of Land for Peace. As we all know, 18 is an 'encoded' 6-6-6.


    8. 2024: List of Celestial and other Significant Occurrences

      JAN 4: Mars crosses Golden Gate
      JAN 14: Mercury crosses Golden Gate
      JAN 23: Venus crosses Golden Gate
      JAN 25: New Year for Trees Tu BiShvat
      JAN 27: Mars-Mercury Conjunction at Sagittarius
      FEB 21: Mars-Venus Conjunction at Capricorn
      FEB 28: Triple Conjunction at Aquarius with Sun-Saturn-Mercury
      MAR 19: Spring Equinox Saturn-Venus Conjunction in Aquarius
      MAR 23-24: Purim
      MAR 25: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
      APR 8: Sun-Moon Conjunction at Pisces (3rd Great American Eclipse)
      APR 10: Saturn-Mars Conjunction At Aquarius
      APR 19: Venus-Mercury Conjunction at Pisces
      APR 20: Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction at Taurus
      APR 22-30: Passover
      MAY 18: Sun-Jupiter conjunction at Pleiades
      MAY 18: Uranus-Venus Conjunction at Taurus
      MAY 22: 2nd Passover
      MAY 23: Jupiter-Venus Conjunction at Taurus (Christ Star)
      JUN 4: Jupiter-Mercury at Pleiades
      JUN 4: Sun-Venus at Taurus
      JUN 4: Moon at Pleiades
      JUN 11-13: Shavuot (1st Day Count of 50 Days – Not the Acts 2 Pentecost.)
      JUN 14: Jupiter at Pleiades
      JUN 17: Venus-Mercury enter Silver Gate together
      JUN 21: Summer Solstice
      JUL 23: Mars at Pleiades
      JUL 23: Start of ‘3 Weeks’ Mourning leading to 9th of Av Destruction of Temple
      JUL 23: Speculated High Rapture Watch = 2nd 50 Day Count of Acts 2
      AUG 5: Venus-Moon-Regulus Conjunction
      AUG 19: 15th of Av ‘Jewish Valentines’ Maidens ‘Raptured’ by Tribe of Benjamin.
      AUG 12-13: 9th of Av Destruction of Temple In Memoriam
      AUG 14: Jupiter-Mars in Horns of Taurus
      SEP 9: Mars at Silver Gate
      SEP 9: Mercury-Regulus Conjunction in Leo
      SEP 18: Super Moon
      SEP 18: Partial Lunar Eclipse
      SEP 22: Fall Equinox
      OCT 1: Sun-Mercury Conjunction In Virgo
      OCT 2: Annular Solar Eclipse in Virgo w/ Mercury
      OCT 2-4: Rosh HaShanah + Fast of Gedaliah 2 more Days
      OCT 11-12: Yom Kippur
      Oct 14: Jupiter starts Retrograde in Horns of Taurus
      OCT 16-23: Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
      Oct 17: Super Moon
      OCT 23: Shemini Atzeret
      OCT 25: Simchat Torah
      NOV 15: Super Moon
      Feb 6: Jupiter ends Retrograde in Horns of Taurus
      DEC 21: Winter Solstice
      DEC 25: Hanukkah (Same as in Christmas.)

    9. Lu...have you read any of Aesop's Fables?   If so, read the one about the fox trying to get the hanging grapes.   That's Repoman and me grumbling and making a lame excuse for not being Raptured on the Winter Solstice!   Lol!

      So I gave it a Good Run, eh!   Past tense?   As you said, I still have 9 more days until "the ____ lady sings".  Lol!   But you're correct, you've done a marvelous job in surviving December's treacherous "Rapture Gauntlet" so far.   However, the 27th is the "big one" and there's always the very last day of the year, the 31st.

      Before you go to bed tonight do me a favor and reread Psalm 123 thru 130 and tell me if it doesn't describe what will likely happen in the next 7 years.   Pay particular attention to Psalm 123 and 124!   No matter how you read it, 2024 is going to be a doozy!   Perhaps even a 723 Rapture!

    10. Happy Birthday Bobber, keep on bob'n now, ya hear! ALL THE BEST BROTHER \./ Grace n Peace and ' Good Cheer ' a plenty!! GODSPEED Capt'n 777, upon your Mystery Ship

    11. Happy Birthday, Capt. Bob! You are already blessed, and wish you many Blessings!

    12. Happy Birthday 'Hawaii-Man'! Book'em Dano!

    13. Everyone...thank you for the birthday wishes.   I'm 66.6 today!   Yikes!   That explains everything, huh LuLu!    Lol!    Spending the early part of my day trimming my fig trees.   It's very therapeutic and relaxing, plus getting some nice California sunshine.   Will be having family over for dinner tonight eating my favorite...pot roast, potatoes and carrots cooked in the crockpot thanks to my lovely wife.   My daughter will be bringing me a small GF chocolate chip bundt cake.   Yum, yum!   Others will probably say yuck, yuck (thinking of you Double AA, lol!).  Anyway, thanks again for the birthday wishes and wishing ya'll a very Blessed  Christmas Eve!

    14. Bobby Z!!! Happy Birthday, dear Bro! You know, 6.6.6=18 so you’re still young and immature🤣.

      Isn’t it odd that B and M Obama executive produced a movie called “Leave the World Behind”?


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.