As We See The Day Approaching - Jan Markell

Jan Markell has a new show out this week that includes one of my favorite prophecy teachers, Todd Hampson. Todd is always entertaining and engaging and I encourage you all to check it out. Here is the description from the youtube page:

Jan Markell hosts two guests—Ken Mikle and author Todd Hampson. As we see the day of His return near, we will watch events in our world that may be astounding and even disconcerting. Some of these issues are discussed so that we may redeem the time as we see the day approaching.

I wantd to get a new post up, but could really use your prayers for my parents. Both are experiencing simulatinous health issues, and my mom is especially struggling with her mental and physical health. We are trying to help her the best we can but really could use your prayers. Thank you all. Abba Up!

Here is the video: (55 minutes)


  1. May our Lord Strengthen and Bless you all, Brad! Praying for your parent’s difficult health situations as well as meeting all of your needs in caregiving.🙏

  2. Along with the recent 🐝 dreams shared @Kim Fisher and some others and with the parallel of Mars (War omen) being in the Beehive Cluster M44 this month, the large swarm of bees at ‘Times’ Square in NYC the other day was interesting. Not that rare a thing as it does happen every so often when the bees no longer have a hive to call home and are seeking a new place to settle in.
    (I’m sure we can all appreciate the sense of bee-ing in limbo:)
    But what caught my attention in an encouraging way was how when the Beekeeper came to the rescue, all the bees were “safely vacuumed UP and taken away to their new home.” Works for me!
    May you All 🐝 Blessed in some way today!!!

  3. Thank you, Brad, and I will be praying for you and your parents.

    1. Thank you Brad for the new post. I will be praying for your parents and for you.

  4. Praying too for you and your parents, Brad! The Lord is near!

  5. Love ❤️ to you and yours, Brad! Am joining in prayer that the Lord will give you supernatural wisdom. Also I pray against discouragement in Jesus's name and for holy intervention and provision. Big sisterly hug! 🫂

  6. For those who need a little encouragement booster, a new interesting prophetic observation kinda struck me today. In light of an earlier article this month that I posted regarding the "42" stations of the Exodus of the ancient Israelites when brought out of Egypt after 400 years in fulfillment of God's promise (the 400-year prophecy of Exodus), we find that Donald "Trump" will receive a "400" year sentence if convicted of his charges. America reached that "400" year mark in 2020 (the year when the nascent beginnings of the NWO tyranny kicked in). Add that extra 4 years possibly being representative of the ancient Israelite's "40" years in the wilderness taking us to 2024 - the year of the second American eclipse, and we have the makings of a very interesting set of "circumstances."

    And, of course, many of us are already aware of the much discussed peculiarity of Trump's last name. For those new readers who may not be, the Rapture is accompanied by the sound of a "Trump" according to the writings of the Apostle Paul when revealing the revelation of the Rapture.

    400 year sentence? Trump? Coincidence? Probably not. A sure signal from on high that things are still on track and that we are still getting ready to leave here. The hand of God is surely at work in the affairs of man right on down to the most minute of details.

    1. and Corey, your comment appeared 4 times in my inbox . . . hmmm

    2. Surely, you jest. Are you kidding me? Ha ha ... interesting indeed. SMH. Ya see, if we're sensitive to those inner whisperings and what the spirit is (according to the Apostle John - hearing what the Spirit is saying to the Churches), we cannot, and will not, go wrong.

      That one is blowing me out of the water Judy. Thanks for letting me know.

    3. Corey, no joke! While much that you and Lu have written commends to 2024, I'm still holding out hope for 2023--until not. Don'cha think the Lord enjoys our looking and anticipating!

    4. Judy, it just now dawned on me that I had put this comment over at Unsealed also, a site that is also on the "Blogger" platform like this one is. I deleted the original version of the comment here to add to what I wanted to say and reposted it. I did the same over at Unsealed. That explains the "4" times that you received this in your inbox, but perhaps my comment revision and deleting and reposting for a total of 4 times was no coincidence either! Just a thought. Ha ha ...

      That said, I too am looking very closely to this year for the Rapture because it too has some rather interesting prophetic peculiarities that recommend it. The American eclipse in 2024 completing the "X" over America and Trump and the rest of it may be indicating something to transpire after the Rapture has already occurred - perhaps in 2023?

      So, yeah, all bets are off the table as far as I'm concerned. We're in the closing moments of the Church Age in my humble opinion. If I had to guess, we also have to take into consideration the multi-month difference in the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars, thus the possibility of a 2023-2024 Rapture open window. There's that.

      So, it in other words, it all fits together. All bets are off the table, we may well be looking at a 2023 Rapture.

    5. Yes, ofc, I subscribe to comments on unsealed also. Nevertheless, God is in the details and we can choose to take this as encouragement, yes! As Sheila often says, unless God hits the pause button, it's just hard to see how we can be here that much longer: AI, geo-political maneuverings, WHO treaties, CDBCs coming, nation re-alignments/new currencies for petroleum reserve, unimaginable social and cultural depravity at all levels, open discussion of UFOs, and on and on. So, with eyes wide open we look up (as Kim Fisher's little boy says). Thanks, Corey, for continuing to write articles (and Lyn and Lu and Greg L and Gary and Jeff) that inform and encourage the BOC.

    6. Amen Judi! After that awful display of hedonism at the WH
      priDEMONth picnic, it’s really surprising the place is still standing.
      Only The One True God could be so merciful.

      And in line with the vid that Brad shared, @Daily Crow posted an article: “WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite the Bible, Create Religions that are actually Correct”
      Yuval Harrari claims this is coming very soon.
      But they most likely need to be rid of all of us real “Fact Checkers” before
      they can freely pull that off, so perhaps another big hint to our very soon departure?

      And Corey…TY for your article on all those UFO disclosure connections and compiling that info together in one place.
      Seems like TPTB are preparing for the Rapture Event more than most of Christianity is.🤦‍♀️🙏

    7. I had that same thought when doing that UFO article Sheila. 😆 I think those demonic powers and their earthly cohorts seem to be privy to information to a time more refined time frame of something monumental occurring than what general Christianity may be aware of.

      It's all coming front and center. The numbers are there, the world circumstanced are there ... and most important of all, God's fingerprints are observably there. As I like to say periodically, it's all in the numbers man.

    8. I agree, Corey…lots of “numbers” things going on. And with all of the “7” patterns that have been associated with Trump, it’s really interesting to me that tomorrow on his 6/14/2023 birthday, he just happens to be turning “77” years old.
      Perhaps another hint at
      2023 being the year of THE Trump! 🤔🙏⬆️

    9. Just for some mind boggling Trump/7 patterns:
      “Does Donald Trump Align with the Biblical Sign of 7?”

      Really crazy how Trump, Putin and Xi Jinping are all interconnected by the number “7”. And Israel is in the mix going all the way back to 7/7/70 AD.
      And all of whom are currently making the headlines every day!
      (Allowing for the time zones, Xi Jingping was even born on Trump’s 7th Birthday on 6/15/1953)
      Considering today’s top MSM news, these “7” patterns alone make it seem like such folly for the Bidumb Admin to think they can override whatever purpose The Lord God Almighty has ordained for one DJT.
      Just Praying to soon be seeing how all of this plays out from a Balcony on High.🤷‍♀️🙏

    10. I hear ya. I just want it to happen already. That said, that is some interesting info about the various leaders and "7." I'll have to check out that link later tonight.

  7. Good interview.

    Is THIS for real? I with Tom Hughes & Todd Hampson

    Is THIS for real? I with Tom Hughes & Todd Hampson

  8. The enemy’s alien deception is getting more elaborate. On May 1, a family in Las Vegas called 911 to report seeing an “8-10 foot person with big eyes….they look like aliens to us…..they are 100% not humans.” Curiously, the cops blacked out the video of the caller’s backyard when they went to investigate.

    So, now these “aliens” are as up close and personal as our own backyard. 8-10 feet is the size of a (fallen) Angel, by some accounts.

    1. I actually postet an updated section to my latest article on my site showing the home video footage taken from a cell phone camera at the house where it occurred. You can make out the shadowy figure behind the fence. It appears to have the classic large oval-shaped eyes typical of the classic look of the alien depictions in popular media.

      Further, I cam across another picture purportedly depicting a much clearer picture of this so-called "alien" in the back yard. If it was the real deal, then there's no mistaking it. I thought I had saved the picture and link to that particular one, but I didn't. If I come across it again, I'll be sure to post it in the article. In the meantime, for those who wish to see the updated section showing the shadowy figure, I have it posted in the article.

    2. I think most know that calling 911 and making a false report is illegal, so I believe the caller was sincere. The fact that these creatures are now, reportedly, showing up on terra firma means the deception is advancing. Even the police officer maintained that his partner saw something fall from the sky. As Brian at wrote, “ the censored because of private property narrative is fallacious,” as the tv show “Cops” is centered on such. I sure would like to see the video in its entirety.

    3. The Morgan City pic looks similar to the creature in “The Descent.”

  9. From How does the Bible describe the glorified bodies we will possess in Heaven?

    While the Bible doesn’t describe in detail the glorified bodies we will receive in heaven, we know that they will be like that of Jesus’ resurrected body. Our human bodies are described in 1 Corinthians 15:42–53 as perishable, dishonorable, and weak, all due to sin. Our glorified bodies will be imperishable, honorable, and powerful. Our new bodies will no longer be “natural” bodies, subject to decay and death; we will live in “victory over sin and death,” won by Christ on our behalf (1 Corinthians 15:57).

    As imperishable bodies, they will no longer suffer from sickness and death, nor will they ever be subject to heat and cold or hunger and thirst. Our new bodies will be honorable in that they will not be shamed or shameful because of sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, the first thing they felt was shame because of their nakedness (Genesis 3:6–7). Although the Bible doesn’t portray glorified bodies as being naked, but rather clothed in white garments (Revelation 3:4–5, 18), they will be pure and undefiled by sin. Our earthly bodies are “weak” in many ways. Not only are we subject to the natural laws of gravity and time/space, we are weakened by sin and its temptations. Our glorified bodies will be empowered by the Spirit that owns us, and weakness will be no more.

    Just as our earthly bodies are perfectly suited to life on earth, our resurrected bodies will be suited for life in eternity. We will have form and solidity to the touch (Luke 24:39–40). We will likely be able to enjoy food, but will not be driven to it by necessity or fleshly desire (Luke 24:41–43). And like Moses and Elijah, we will be able to bathe in the glory of our Maker in the fellowship of His dear Son (Matthew 17:2–3; Philippians 3:10). The bodies we inherit will be more like what God originally intended, rather than what we now abide in. Gone will be the infirmity and weakness of our sinful flesh; rather, we will be glorified with Christ, and that glory will extend to the bodies we will inhabit.

  10. Thank you, AA, for this encouragement!

    1. Blessings, AA…TY for that morning picker upper! And it’s really gonna be Something Else!
      I caught a video recently about deaf people who through some new technology were able to hear for the first time in their lives. A little boy hearing his mother’s voice calling to him, a grown man hearing the sound of his own voice, a teenage girl as the doctor asked if she could clearly hear him…
      Their overwhelming emotions of joy had me in tears just realizing what those Glorified Bodies are really going to mean for all of us. And especially so for the children and Believers in Christ who’ve had to struggle through this life with serious physical disabilities. But even on our best days in this life, these physical bodies are so much closer to death than they are to LIFE as our Lord God intended it. And while the realization of what it truly means to be FULLY ALIVE in the presence of HIS GLORY is just beyond our reach for the moment, it IS a soon coming certainty for ALL who have placed their Faith in Jesus Christ and so very encouraging to think about.

    2. Blessings, Dear Sisters! Very welcome. I was nursing a stomach ache and injured knee as I contemplated one day having a Glorified, Immortal Body that will be Indestructible! Best of all, we will be serving the Lord Jesus Christ in His Millennial Kingdom in those bodies. Sometimes, I wonder what those with natural bodies in the Kingdom will think of us, but it’s surely something I/we look forward to with much anticipation, especially as we see the day drawing near (Hebrews 10:25). With the reality of the MOTB system being readied and chatter of aliens among us, it can’t be too far off the horizon.


    3. Yes, those videos of children hearing for the first time are so moving. I think many of us take our eyesight/hearing for granted. Not having those two faculties alone is unthinkable to me. I thank God, especially as I grow older without the benefit of non-furry kids to help me around the house, that by the time I really start having physical problems, He will have snatched us out of here. He always works everything out so perfectly (Romans 8:28).

  11. Greetings dear family! My little Candy got her weird little bleeding bump removed today under anesthetic, and she has to have 10 days rest, no walks, and she has painkiller to take for 2 days. I have to watch for it to heal well, no fluid coming out, swelling or heat at the surgery site. In 10 days the vet will remove his stitches. In about a week we will have the results of the analyzes of what was removed, whether it is benign or cancerous.

    Change of subject, here is a short video of Aaron, with his calculations for the rapture. It's encouraging!

    Very Encouraging Rapture Math! Let's Fly Soon! 2023 Fits!

  12. Family, Blessings

    Repoman64 has tagged the 16th/17th as a major watch day arising from his detailed calendar work. Caught that one, yesterday. This morning, Gigi chimes in with 19:23

    In 2 Days, Why is This Happening? WARNING

    On the home front, Alex' last two classes for his GED prep were Monday and today. Well, Monday we skipped class and he took the Math & Science GED tests, which are what his classes cover, and he passed both. Today his plan is to knock out the last two, English & Social Studies, which he basically aced on previous practice tests, then this chapter closes with GED done. His diversion program goes swimmingly and, with this done, Mom and I each make our payment, Alex made his first, and it likely wraps up shortly thereafter and the entire incident gets expunged as far as the east is from the west, legally speaking. Maranatha!

    1. Good to hear, Jimboni. I know you will all be glad to put this in the rear view mirror and move on (hopefully ⬆️) to better things, Praise God! Praying for His continued Provision and Protection in all things!😊🙏

    2. Yes, that is good to hear. I will continue to pray about this.

  13. New footage of the so-called "aliens" that landed in the Las Vegas family's back yard as covered by a local Las Vegas news station have been discovered. If authentic (which it does seem to be if we are looking at actual footage from that house - which we presumably so we are told), it is a clear demonstration and unmistakable picture of the classic alien look. One of the pictures, which is the most definitive, is of the "alien" standing in front of the doorbell camera. The second picture is one behind the fence with a green look to it. Again, it has the classic large eyes. I inserted the video along with two screenshots from the video into the update section of my latest posting if anyone would like to see it (if you haven't already).

    1. Hey Corey…I was just looking at this myself and took a screenshot of the ring cam alien to send to my grandson who thought I was just pulling his leg about this ‘event’. Classical “alien” look for sure.👽

      They are really working to get this ET/UFO ‘we are not alone’ disclosure stuff rubbed in deep enough so the masses will buy into their lies re the Rapture. Got to be getting soooo close now!

    2. Corey, great insight on the word "working" used by Paul. Speaking of God being in the details--like prophecy, things only He could know about the future. Given the hideous expressions (and over the top in our faces overwhelming amount) of depravity celebrations this month, it would seem the day draws near! I had never put the UFO delusion to the lying wonders accompanying the revealing of the AC, but sure makes sense.

    3. Sheila ... Here's to hoping for 2023 (as they clank their bibles together as though toasting a celebratory event at a gathering of like-minded revelers).

    4. Liz ... Yes, it does make a whole lot of sense considering that the Antichrist will "call fire down from the heavens" in the sight of everyone on earth during the Tribulation according to the Apostle John. This would certainly be one more confirmation that we are looking at the UFO phenomena/delusion associated with the deceptive lie spoken of by Paul.

    5. Corey & Fam, Blessings Sometime n the past year, or so, DAHBOO, as I recall, had highlighted a directed lightning strike event which was reported on in MSM somewhere so there's that. It's been done, that way, already. Adding in it coming from a higher heaven, well now. WW65 reporter on-the-street shares that US Fed & N&TO were both under a cyber attack & that after a twitter post clarified, about a week earlier, N&TO's position that such an attack could trigger Article V, Common Defense. Meanwhile, 3 well-known R&ssian hacker groups are declaring their imminent (next 48 hours) attack on the European Banking system with promised crippling results.


      Alex passed both tests and the last grade, Soc. Studies, which delayed the longest in getting the email, and being the last one had him sweating, just a bit. He got his best score on that one when back, ooo rah. Barb G., Blessings, I pointed out your email to him and reminded him of many others, as well, upon who's prayer list Alex resides and it is something which I know he values a lot. In every time, across all generations, authenticity is currency. The authenticity exhibited by The Body Of Christ, in the effort and sincerity in such prayer, is a Witness Of Christ unachievable otherwise. Touché'! Maranatha!

    6. Amen to that toast, Corey…and since you are our Alaska Bear watcher, did you see these “2” coinciding 6/14 reports?

      “Much of Western Alaska
      Without Internet and Some Cell Service with No Quick Fix”

      A sub sea fiber optic data cable has been cut causing system a wide outage and could take up to “2” months to repair.
      They are blaming it on a heavy ice, but hmmm….

      With this ‘coincidental’ statement reported in Reuters from Putin’s ally Medvedev claiming that Russia now has a free hand to destroy their enemies undersea cables with no reason not to…moral, or otherwise….makes the
      ‘heavy ice’ excuse seem a bit lame if not downright unlikely.

      I had an interesting Bear dream the other night on 6/10 where to sum it up, I was up on this deck overlooking some kind of rustic lodge type of tourist resort and I was watching a large and noisy crowd of people following their maps from one attraction to the next. Then I saw this huge Grizzly Bear climb over a fence, cross a creek and head for the crowd. I started yelling at the people about the huge Bear coming at them, but they were too noisy and wrapped up in their tour maps to hear me. I was watching the totally unnoticed Grizzly Bear sneak right into the midst of all the oblivious tourists when I woke up.
      (IDK, but I’m going with the likelihood of it being “The Bear” that cut that cable🤷‍♀️)

    7. Sheila, Corey, you think this could be a prelude to Chna making a move on Tywon? Supposedly US making an evac plan. Praying for Greg L, his family/extended fam there and the BOC there.

    8. Jimboni Ramboni Stalloni (sorry, couldn't help myself 😁) ... Very interesting i.e. directed lightning strike. I would have no doubt that technology will be used in the mix as well.

    9. Thanks for the heads up Sheila. First time I'm hearing of this. It would certainly seem to verify my suspicion that when the bear attack on the Vineyard occurs i.e. the 2 Kinds 2 bear rapture typology, it is Alaska that will be hit first for reasons indicated in some peculiar prophetic observation.

      I just went to Hal Turner's site and saw a link to that story in the comment section. Getting ready to watch it now. Looks like a "breaking prophecy alert" update that I may want to post on my site when I get a chance.

      Very interesting dream you had there. Very prescient for our times. Our prophetic suspicions grow ever more validated with each passing day.

    10. Liz ... I would say it probably includes that scenario since both China and Russia are aligned together. An attack on America starting with Alaska, and then suddenly China moves on Taiwan.

    11. Hey Judi…well I know per GL’s latest commentary that he is not worried about it. You never know with so much smoke and mirrors going on in every direction, but I kind of have the feeling that where T’wan is concerned, that might fall in after the US and N@to are dealt with via their Ukr involvement. I mean if ur CHna, why not wait for that cuz T’wan’s not going anywhere, but hopefully the BOC will be gone when they do start trying to blow up the world. It may even be more a part of The Red Horse Seal activities.

    12. Yes, I do have to agree with Sheila here. So much smoke and mirrors. It's hard to tell what is misdirection and a real looming event anymore.

      It would seem to me that, perhaps, as Sheila said, it might be a part of the Revelation 6 activities after America is attacked. That would put the Rapture before the Taiwan narrative (if that happens at all) and before the bear attack of course.

  14. @TyGreen YTC
    “Is This A Setup?|Hacktivists Target Banking System” (5 min.)

    Is this the Problem, Reaction, Solution that the w*e*f Kraus Schlob Cyber Polygon Exercise was a prep for? Very much could be.

    Just Keep Looking UP!🙏

  15. I hope this goes through! I tried several times to post this last night but reCAPTCHA blocked it time after time. I even restarted my laptop hoping that would help but then google signed me out and I couldn't sign back in. Here's my post from last night:

    Blessings Family!
    Sheila, thank you for pointing out Gordon's audio study series on Revelation. I finally had some time to start his series and listen while I baked some gluten free cherry pies tonight. :)
    Gordon! Blessings brother, I am thoroughly enjoying listening to your study. I just finished up with
    Revelation 2:8-11 and am looking forward to the next recording. Very well done indeed!

    Jimboni, blessings and so glad to hear of Alex's expungement. Continued prayers for you and the boys. Your following post made mention of a previous directed lightning strike event as reported by DAHBOO sometime back this year and because of those words, I'm feeling a possible confirmation of sorts and the nudge to share.

    Last night during my prayer time, I heard these words on my heart:
    "As soon as the arrow flies"
    I asked the Lord if this was from Him and if so to give me understanding.
    He led me to Psalm 91:5 "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
    Nor of the arrow that flies by day,.."
    I then felt prompted to look into the Strong's breakdown for arrow and found something interesting. Arrow in Strong's is- H2671 (chets) however in the Strong's Exhaustive it's chatsats; a piercer i.e. arrow etc BUT it also says, "figuratively, (of God) thunder-bolt;..."
    The thunder-bolt stuck out to me and as I sat there and pondered this, the Lord finished His sentence.
    I then heard in my heart:
    "As soon as the arrow flies, I will lead you Home to safety."

    I wasn't sure if I would share this so I let it sit knowing He would make it clear if I should. I felt the Lord give the nudge when I read the lightening strike words in Jimboni's post. :)

    Family, I dearly hope we've not much time left. Again I just want to say how much I appreciate all of you and this most special place where we can gather and share and pray for one another and encourage each other as we wait for our Beloved Lord Jesus.

  16. Mom, thank you for that. One of my favorite images of God, from Job, is the lightning bolts stand up before Him (waiting for orders), and He clothes His hands with lightning and commands them to strike the mark! Yeah! So whether man-made DEWs or God's command, we know He is in control and we can only hope/pray even so come, Lord Jesus, soon!

    Jimboni, thanks for sharing your good news re Alex!

    Blessings, fam, keep looking up. When I decry and despair of all the evil/corruption we see happening, especially to children, I am reminded that nothing we can experience here on earth can compare to what Christ did for us on the Cross--The Son of God, The Perfect Sinless One, The Innocent One, The Holy and Righteous taking all of the evil I so vehemently protest upon Himself so we may be free of those very shackles, one with Him. So, I back up and say Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, even so, come Lord Jesus, deliver us and cleanse this world.

  17. Blessings dear Judi and Amen to that!

  18. Blessings, Mom and Judi
    …Amen and Amen! to what both of you have shared! TY so much.

    And Mom…just got off the phone with someone and we were discussing the crazy amount of cloud to ground Lightning ⚡️ we’ve been experiencing.🤔🙏

  19. COREY--I really enjoyed your "Workings" article and very much appreciated the info related to PORTALS and how they have been opened.

    QUESTION: Have you set up your Comments to be monitored? I tried posting a Comment twice and both times it never appeared. I am on the AI Naughty List and have my Comments removed from YT videos, but this has never happened to me on a blog site.

    The comment I left was a reply to JL who thinks there are "good aliens":

    The litmus test for your "good aliens" is to speak the name above all names--JESUS CHRIST. Then see what happens.

    You may be interested in checking out

    Here's a blurb about their site:

    "Our site represents over 30 years of combined research into the UFO and alien phenomena, interviews with hundreds of alien abductees, travel to dozens of UFO conferences to hear out the world’s “top speakers” and many years of public teaching on the topics, entertaining questions from people all over the world.

    We once had the same questions as you, and now we freely share the answers to those questions. Deceptive spiritual entities are posing as modern day “aliens”, bringing tormenting experiences into the lives of individuals, and offering a false gospel message, in opposition to the true message of Jesus Christ."

    1. Hi Lyn. No, my comments are not set up to be monitored. Usually, they post automatically just fine. But sometimes, the wordpress platform reads comments as spam, so they end up in my spam box. So, if a comment doesn't post, it ended up in my spam box. I always check my spam box to see if anyone's comments ended up there. I saw yours and just approved it.

  20. Thank you, Mom, that is so encouraging!

  21. 💖MOM💖

    From, here's:

    Clarke's Commentary
    Verse Psalms 91:5. The terror by night — Night is a time of terrors, because it is a time of treasons, plunder, robbery, and murder. The godly man lies down in peace, and sleeps quietly, for he trusts his body, soul, and substance, in the hand of God; and he knows that he who keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. It may also mean all spiritual foes, - the rulers of the darkness of this world. I have heard the following petition in an evening family prayer: "Blessed Lord, take us into thy protection this night; and preserve us from disease, from sudden death, from the violence of fire, from the edge of the sword, from the designs of wicked men, and from the influence of malicious spirits!"

    Nor for the arrow — The Chaldee translates this verse, "Thou shalt not fear the demons that walk by night; nor the arrow of the angel of death which is shot in the day time." Thou needest not to fear a sudden and unprovided - for death.

    NOTICE THE USE OF THE PHRASE 'SUDDEN DEATH'--and that we do NOT need fear it. What came to my mind, of course, was that the arrow is a weapon of death and that nuclear missiles are modern day weapons of mass death. Our God is so gracious to continue to assure us that WHEN THEY COME DOWN, WE GO UP!

  22. Thanks Mom for sharing what God put on your heart. Pleased to hear you are enjoying the Revelation series... and those cherry pies sound pretty good as well! : )

    1. I am looking forward to going through this series and your others as well. And in listening to your audio on Pergamum last night, I realized that Gordon isn't your first name...apologies for the mix up! I'll leave it at that so anyone who's curious can go have a listen :)

  23. “ California State Sen. Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, urged parents to "flee" the state before it's too late if they "love their children" in response to what he calls alarming language in a gender identity bill. Legislation AB 957 cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee with an 8-1 vote on Tuesday.

    Conservative outlet The Daily Signal reported that the warning followed a Democratic senator's recent amendment to identify "gender affirmation" among children's needs for "health, safety and welfare." If parents refuse to affirm their child's preferred gender, they could face child abuse charges and lose custody disputes.

    Critics of the bill say its ambiguous language could mean that parents get slapped with false allegations.”

    1. My State just became a sanctuary for the ABCs.

    2. I think losing one’s children to be the greatest fear of most, and that’s who they’re out to get.

    3. RE: Fall of the Republic

      Here is a well done Assessment of how the USA has, ‘Gotten Here’. It is more from an Intellectual Point of View. But the Dots are Connected. It is what we ‘Know’ already and others have Echoed, but 95% of Americans do not see it, nor want to at this Point in its History. It is really a Point of No Return.

      The Person, is Larry Taunton. He presents and uses a 4-Fold Square Motif, of how the Enemy has Infiltrated within, not only the USA, but the Churches as well. The Weakest Point or that which was Concentrated on was the Mind. And from there, everything is attainable, eventually to be totally Compromised. Based on where the USA is at presently, as a Spiritual Barometer, one would say that those 3 Great American Eclipse are running Parallel with her Judgment.

      And that is how much Time YHVH has given her to ‘Repent’, which she will not. So, 2024. It does not mean that the Rapture Event has to wait for then, but if it is the Days of Lot, which they are, the Snatching-Away will occur, right up the Last Possible Moment. And as the USA goes, well, Hello 'Reset'.

      Keep the Watch

      What really happened at the White House this week?
      Larry Alex Taunton

    4. TY for the link, Lu…that was very interesting and informative! I would only disagree at the end ofc with the premise of it being possible to save the US as a nation. It’s already S&G on steroids
      and it’s fate, along with that of the rest of this Beast system is already Sealed. But I know I’m one of those grieving it’s dive into depravity.😔🙏

    5. Thanks Sheila,
      Would agree. Here below is my Assessment of the Assessment, lol. But we know what comes next. It is just like the case in a Game, that they let the Clock Run Down. I have that same sense for the coming Rapture. If it is the case that the USA has passed a Judgmental Threshold, Nationally, and one does believe that…then those 3 Great American Eclipses are very Pertinent to the Timing of when the Hammer is to fall, after April 2024. And since the Revelation 12 Sign is linked to their Start Date by 33 Days, no Coincidence. I still believe it is the Sign of the Pending Rapture and why one is watching the Year 2024, that would or could be fulfilling its 7 Year Countdown (1 Sabbath Cycle of Time). Perhaps.


      White House Celebration

    6. ReallyGraceful YTC made a valid point (among many) in her latest video; American soldiers who sacrificed blood and treasure for our rights do not get a month-long celebration at the WH, do they? It’s like the pit of Hell has opened and its denizens are walking freely among us.

    7. The 4-Fold Square Motif reminds me of the late, great Rush Limbaugh’s “4 Corners of deceit” which are “government, academia, science and media.” The commies infiltrated all 4 with their godless, wicked ideas and the decline in the culture is the tragic result.

    8. AA….I saw a video last night with this Street Preacher giving out the Gospel and Bible verses on a bullhorn in the vicinity of one of these abc+++ mafia gatherings and that raynbo mob went 🦇 crazy with blood-curdling non-stop screaming and writhing
      around him with snarling faces all twisted up and their eyeballs about to pop out. Couldn’t tell if they were male or female, but they all
      reminded me of when Dorothy threw the bucket of water on the wicked witch of the West, only a hundredfold. No doubt in my mind that this brave man had found himself in the midst of a demonic stronghold that went totally berserk at hearing the Word of God being preached. It was just unreal to see how violent these beings really are. And this is while they are as yet being Restrained!😬

      Just Praying…Even so, Come! Lord Jesus!🙏

    9. I believe it. That is something one must pray diligently about before wading into a demonic stronghold like that. Robert Breaker recently preached and handed out tracts on Beale St in Memphis. So many refused to even accept the tract. One man refused a tract and shortly after started convulsing from a drug OD. Gotta be prayed up and Bibled up completely these days no matter what. Guard your minds. I watched the video with Ted Gunderson that ETDD has in his latest. A Christian lady entered a beauty supply shop, of all places, and the two owners were huddled in a corner, afraid of a demon possessed man acting erratically in their store and walking up and down the aisles. He confronted all 3 and said something to the effect of “You two don’t know who I am, but you do” pointing to the Believer. She said his irises were glazed over in an inhuman way. I think in the spiritual realm, Christians appear in red as we are under the Blood of Jesus and easy for demons to spot. Imagine the ugly horror out there that God protects us from seeing. I can’t wait to get out of this world.

  24. Hello everyone, I have a prayer request. My beautiful Candy, who had surgery on Wednesday, looked pretty good until today. The wound seems to be healing on her paw but today she is shaking all over, I don't know why. She doesn't want to move and normally barks when she sees a cat, but now she doesn't. I'll have the results of his biopsy in a few days. The enemy knows where to strike to hurt us. But God is still in control. And I'd like to know what's wrong with my little love. Thank you to those who want to pray. Candy is so fragile but so sweet and cute.

    1. Thank you very much my sister it is important for me! God bless you!

    2. Praying for your little fur baby, Carole.🙏

    3. Definitely praying for little Candy’s healing.

    4. Praying for little Candy too!

    5. Thank you Archangel! I called all the vets in the area, and all those that should be open 24/7 normally are all closed until Monday morning. She's been having a temperature of 39.3 for a few hours and it's not going away. I give her water with a pipette 2 to 3 pipettes per hour so that she does not become dehydrated. I reached a vet tech a few hours away on the phone and she says it could be an internal infection from the surgery even though the wound looks nice from the outside.

    6. Very welcome, dear Carole. Yes, it might be an infection causing the fever. I’m so sorry. Even here, I have to go to the emergency hospitals because it’s so difficult to get regular appointments with the Vet. These are places that are open from 6PM to 6AM. It’s terrible that you have to wait until Monday. Candy remains in my prayers. God bless.

  25. Family, will catch up with comments after dinner but wanted to quickly post this.
    Finally finished an article I labored over because I wanted to express clearly what was impressed in my spirit AND consolidate info on Planet X with additional things of interest--such as Nibiru's Anunnaki aliens:


    1. Lyn, I gave my email address on your site to follow up on your blog. It's confirmed. It's free? Because as soon as I confirmed, the confirmation page writes 2.88/week further down the page. Or if it costs something for something else on the page? It's not clear to me.

    2. Yes. It's free, Carole. must also provide additional feed services for a fee IF you request them.

  26. Replies
    1. Carole...thanks for sharing the video. That was probably the best discussion I've seen to date pointing to a 9th of Av (July 26/27th) Rapture.   Both Tyler and Dr. Barry seem to be genuinely 'Excited' about the prospect of the Bride of Christ leaving next month.   I certainly hope they're right.   But as always...what year!

      Note the "shout out" to Lu Vega beginning at the 1hr 55 minute mark.   So nice to see everyone on the "same page" except for a few "minor" differences!   Hallelujah!!!

    2. My birthday is July 27. Rapture would be the ultimate gift!

  27. Hey fam Gigi reporting from Hal Turner--many US cities right now with military equipment and personnel on the streets--here and in Canada.

  28. I listened to Robert Breaker’s teaching on Matthew 24. This Brother rightly divides the Word, imho. He raised the possibility of those who believe in a pre-wrath or mid Trib Rapture of unknowingly accepting the AC as Savior, or, more specifically, accepting the Son of Perdition as he is known at the start of the Great Tribulation. If they really believe the Rapture occurs 3 1/2 yrs into the Trib, then they are in grave danger because Jesus will have already Raptured His Bride and not only will they be accepting the wrong guy, they might believe a different Gospel as the Angel will be preaching during a different Dispensation. Food for thought.

    1. AA, not sure I am understanding his thoughts here? One's belief in the timing of the rapture isn't what determines who goes. Maybe he is saying they don't truly believe, are born again? It would seem that if they have a rapture-timing position they are believers?

    2. I remember he said they believe they are saved (but really are not). What a mess one can end up in when not rightly dividing the Word. It does raise the question of if they are wrong about this, what else are they wrong about? The upshot was that if they are expecting Jesus midway through the Tribulation, will they, accidentally, mistake the Son of Perdition for Jesus? And what happens when they don’t go up?

  29. Here is a little video of less than 2 minutes but it's weird!

  30. RE: Pentecost on New Wine
    Video of Brother Tyler and Dr. Awe.
    PART 1/3

    How was your ‘Special Assignment’? Bob ‘Bond’ 007, eh? I heard the Teaching by Brothers Tyler and Dr. Awe. I think it is a much needed Watershed Moment/Teaching for the End Times Community of a Major ‘Recalibration’ of End Times Thinking. But it is so sad that only about 1% of the Professing Church even Cares or is Watching. Nonetheless, as they have a solid YouTube Platform and Audience, they are getting the Word about this and how it is a Bull’s Eye for the Rapture Timing Association.

    That is now beyond any Reasonable Doubt, as they provided Scripture after Scripture, ‘Connecting the Dots’ or Typologies about a Rapture, Wine and a Harvest…the White Wheat Wedding kind, eh? Their Discussion was really good and they hit on all the Major and Typological Aspects. They showed how the Pentecost of Acts 2 was on that New Wine Feast, the 2nd of 3, 50 Day Increments, and thus, the Rapture Sequence. They practically did an Exegesis of the whole Bible pertaining to this. That was Remarkable.

    But about my Name being mentioned as a ‘Shout Out’? Not so much, lol. It was more like a Foot-Note. ;0. It was not even Pertinent to the Topic of the Rapture at New Wine. It had to do with 1 of my other Hair-Brian Theories, presented here before, that Prophetic Time is measured or occurs in a Phi Ratio manner. You can see this in the 6000 Year Timeline of Humanity, World Wars, which by the way is NOW, this Year, based on WW1 and WW2.

    There is Israel’s Independence Day, in relation to the 3 Shavuots or Feasts of Grain, Wine and Oil, in question and so on. And most importantly how one surmised how the very Life Span of Jesus’ Years on Earth match, precisely this Phi Ratio Pattern. Amazing. But Tyler is correct in how he picked-up, that even the Tabernacle of Moses was and is set to a Year Timeline corresponding to Prophetic Events. I had actually done a Study long about a similar Timeline of how I compared the Tabernacle to the Great Period of Giza and the 7 Churches. And?

    It showed when it Began and will End, presumably, etc. Also, the Tabernacle and the Temples are really a Model of the Human Body Form. It is that of Christ. See Chart at End, as an Example. This is another Theory of mine that will be expounded upon in my latest Compilation Book on Orion. Basically, Heaven, wherever that is, is Patterns like a Body, as is the Cosmos, Jerusalem, etc. But true, in terms of the General Premise, that the Acts 2 Pentecost is not the 1st Shavuot of the Jews and was and is on the Feast of New Wine, we all agree.

    I just sense that it is possibly going, a bit like the Revelation 12 Sign. As more People took to it or ‘Handled it’, they came out with different Outcomes. And you can start to sense it, at least I have in how in the Comment Section of the Video, there is already some Attitude, of ‘Who came-up with this Theory’. ‘Ricardo Garcia did’, and so on. Not to Critique, but he is insisting on going by the Sun Rising in Aries, 2000 Years Ago, which is proven not to be the case now due to Precession. He insists though that the Year is off by 1 Month because of this.

    Now there is Drift in Calendars, but that is why the 2 Solstices and the 2 Equinoxes are fixed by YHVH to Recalibrate any Calendar Drift. You cannot have told Ancient Cultures who know this, as their Life Depended upon it for their Agricultural Plantings. The Spring Equinox was when they were Planted, then 4 Seasons later, came the Harvest. Simple. It did not matter what Name of the Month it was or was off.

    1. PART 2/3
      So, if a Tribe of People waited 1 Month to Plant as he is teaching, the Seeds would properly Germinate in the Ground. And thus, they most likely would have Starved as no Substantial Harvest in the 4th Month would be had. Just pointing it out, to each their own. Even though he has acknowledged the 4 Astronomical Constants, he is still adamant about everything being shifted 1 month forward. Anyway, I do know that Dr. Awe has used my Charts before, so he must have also read my Position on this Pentecost New Wine Theory, perhaps.

      One is not saying one was and is the Originator of the Theory, but No One was presenting this before and it just did not come out of nowhere. I do agree though, that as they rightly stated, the Holy Spirit is Unlocking, Unsealing such New Perspectives of what has always been there. It would be very interesting to know where Brother Tyler and Dr. Awe got their Source about it.

      But as I have mentioned before, if one has not ‘Published it’ on YouTube, then one has not been a Source. Not that one is seeking Glory, but back 5-6 Years Ago, when one 1st started to really delve into it, there were like 2 Articles of such a Possibility of a Double Count. But not a Connection to New Wine or the Rapture, as I then Presented. So, the Concept is not really New or ‘Original’, of a Double Count, or really a triple 50 Day Count. What is and one brought to the Table is that the Pentecost of Acts 2, not being the 1s Shavuot 50 Day Count, was on a Feast of New Wine, and thus could be the Rapture Timing.

      Then this Notion of a New Wine Pentecost was later Validated by the Work of Ken Johnson in how the Dead Sea Scrolls attested to there being 3 Minor Feast, Grain, Wine and Oil. And in all of one’s Study of End Times with the Charts, Calculations and Patterns, the Year 32 AD just kept coming up. And this was 1st Encountered with the Study of the Revelation 12 Sign. Why? It is because if one holds to the Astronomical Conjunctions if -4 BC and -3 BC, and accepting Jesus’ Birth then on Rosh HaShanah on September 11, -3 BC, then Jesus being at His 33rd Year, was 32 AD.

      One just then connected the Dots and presume that the Highest Watch Season of any given Year is during a July Summer Wheat Harvest Time. But as you said right, ‘What Year?’ Well, one is Conjecturing here but you all know that, as of one’s Learning Curve, one is pointing to 2024 for the Following Reasons. You all know this, but just to Reiterate. I realize it is not what we want to hear as we want Out of Here in 2023. But. Not that I want to stay 1 more Day but from what I have seen, just based on Patterns, I see 2024 as being more Compelling than 2023 for the 4 Major Data Points listed below in Brief.

      1-REVELATION 12 SIGN IN 2017
      = 7 Year Countdown Warning, 1 Shemitah Cycle? = 2024
      Just about 1 Years’ worth of a Gap Time to have the Luciferian Reset be implemented.

      = I see it as a clear Countdown to the USA being Judged = 2024.
      So, after April of 2024, but still hold the July Summer Pentecost Rapture, that Year.

      Not 1948 with the 80 Years, based on Psalm 90 Maximum. This means 2032 - 7 Year Tribulation = 2025.
      This is the Year, in the Fall that one Surmises will be it, and it matches the Essence’s Math.

    2. PART 3/3
      By adding Peter’s and Isaiah’s 1 Day = 1000 Year Template = 2032
      This would be then the Return of Jesus and minus the 7-Year Tribulation = 2025

      Dedicated by the Jews outside the Wall in 2018, 70th Year Anniversary of Israel.
      Matched the Year, the 70th Israel was allowed back and did the same.
      + 1 Sabbath Cycle of Time Countdown to the Real one where the Daily Sacrifices will initiate the 1st Day of the 2520 Day Tribulation Period = 2025.

      Perhaps all wishful thinking. But as for Tyler’s and Dr. Awe’s 9th of Av? It is just a matter of about a 1 Week’s Difference. It just depends where one is counting from. I might have missed it but I am not sure how they are agreeing to an Av 9 Pentecost.

      I am glad I was just a ‘Foot Note’, because when it will come and go, I will not get the Mocking Emails. Or at least, I hope not. I just do not see how the Day that the 10 Commandments brought down by Moses, which was the Feast of New Wine can also be or was the 9th of Av. That is really the only issue of a Difference we have and I have discussed that with Tyler, and Dr. Awe knows.

      The only Concern or ‘Scratching My Head’ moment was how Dr. Awe ended by saying that if it Comes and Goes for this 9th of Av Date, we look towards Rosh HaShanah. Wait, what? After 2 hours of nearly Proving the Rapture is to be on a New Wine Feast White Ruth Wedding Time? What gives? ;0 I would just say, ‘Stick to your Guns, Mr. Bones’. :) But am Watching and Waiting with you all for 2023. I am not saying I am Right. And again, it is not a matter to me of being ‘Right’, just Reporting and Interpreting what one is seeing from this Corner of the Wall.

      2024 or Bust!
      But not like January 1, 2024, Gregorian Count. More so, on that Feast of New Wine in July.


      Sample of Sacred Pattern, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
      The Temple Man

    3. Blessings, Lu…and I for one can vouch for first hearing the “New Wine/Pentecost” theory from you right here on this site at least a couple of years back and you have stood firm on that for sure. Whether or not the Rapture timing plays out that way remains to be seen ofc, but you’ve been presenting much logic for your reasoning
      all along. And you (and now the other guys) may well be correct on this timing, but I just always try to keep in mind that our God’s Ways and Thoughts, being so much Higher than man’s, always leaves room for Him to Surprise us.

    4. Lu...while on "special assignment" at my favorite destination I "stumbled" upon something I hadn't heard before.   California and the rest of the world may be heading towards another El Nino weather cycle in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025.   Say what!   Where have we heard those years before?   Needless to say, it made me think of you and your studies.   According to the book which I read at a local bookstore, the last time California experienced a 3 year El Nino cycle was in 1984, 1985 and 1986.   Typically, El Nino or La Niña cycles last 1 or 2 years and alternate every 5 years or so.    In 1986, you may recall Folsom Dam was within days of overtopping despite releases of 119,000 cfs into the American River.   So with all the rains we had this past year and many of our reservoirs filled once again, one wonders if we can handle a potentially new 3 year El Nino heavy rainfall cycle?   Yikes!

      But I digress!   I'm glad you liked Brother Tyler's + Dr. Barry's joint video.   I agree they made a compelling case for a New Wine Feast White Summer Pentecost Wedding Rapture in 2023.   But as you said...what is the correct year?    Sounds like your "sticking to your guns" for all the reasons reiterated that it won't happen until 2024.   I guess we'll find out on July 26-27th (9th of Av)!    So will we be served another "nothing burger" or will the Bride be served "unleavened bread with new wine + fresh ripe figs" at the FunTable?   Let's pray + hope it's the latter!

      Btw, thanks for dedicating your new book (Circumstantial Evidence Why The Crucifixion Was in 32 AD) to the Rev12 Family, watchmen community + your favorite "neutral" debate moderator!    Looking forward to reading it in more detail on my next train ride.   Lol!

      Happy Father's Day everyone!

    5. Oh yes…Wishing all of you dads celebrating a Happy and Blessed Father’s Day today!
      And I just want to say that I am Eternally grateful for all of the Brothers here with us and all across the Wall who are so diligently Watching for Christ’s Return in obedience to our Heavenly Father!

  31. Blessings to you, elgordo….I just finished listening to your Rev.7 study and found it so uplifting, Brother! I’ve never heard that before about how the Gospel Truth is presented in the listing order of the 12 Tribes named there in the same fashion as the Patriarch’s names are listed in Genesis to summarize the Gospel. That is truly awesome! Every jot and tittle from front to back as our God truly works every trial and tribulation to the good of ALL His children.
    And really looking forward to “the greenie’s worst nightmare” in Chapter 8.😁🙏

    TY again so much for the audio version with your gifted style of telling The Story! Praying for all the Brethren Down Under in Kiwi Land.🙏

    @Through & Through or @Zeal for Life….Ryan, thinking about you and yours, too, Brother. Praying all is well.🙏

    1. Or maybe it’s just
      Ryan @Zeal Life…it’s been awhile🤷‍♀️

    2. Thanks Sheila! Pleased it was encouraging and yeah I like those 'hidden gospel' truths as well. Proverbs 25:2 right? Like little treasures waiting to be uncovered! Pretty cold and wet down in Kiwi Land at the mo. Hopefully nicer where you are : )

  32. I wanted to post again to first say
    HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all our hard working Dads! Second, I wanted to explain about the


    In my most recent article I included a heavy word that I hesitated to give of MANY DEATHS COMING DUE TO THE WRATH OF THE DRAGON and had some back and forth with the Lord on it before including it. Then this morning He graciously provided confirmation through a video I came across so I have added that information.

    Part of what the Lord said to this woman of God is the same thing He told me AND she too was at first sad and unsure about bringing the rhema forth--"There are things I will be allowing on the earth to bring My people closer to me and to woo the unsaved into My presence. The unsaved will literally have nowhere to turn but to the Light of Christ. . . " Anyway, please seek Him about these things, Beloved in the Lord.

    I share this with you as I prepare to go incommunicado for several days for there is much happening here with family reunion activities and last minute gardening before it rains.


    Oh, and here's the hyperlink again--please read the prophetic word prayerfully--

  33. I would like to thank everyone who prayed for my little Candy. May the Lord bless each of you! Candy has no fever today and she ate tonight. Tomorrow I will speak with the vet to find out if I can consult on Wednesday with my Candy to check if everything is ok with her surgical wound and her general health. Maybe they'll get the test results from her cyst at the same time.

  34. Hi fam, interesting 2 part video on upcoming climate summit later this year, including role of K Chrles, and 7 year agreements (climate and UK/Israel), peace and security. Haven't finished them yet, and some of this is news we already know related to agenda 2030, but interesting discussion so far.

    Part 1

  35. Replies
      TW Tramm Article Review - Night Watch with Bro Chooch

    2. So, “ Eikositriophobia” is fear of the number 23. I’m so glad I don’t have that phobia because my birthday is Feb 3😝.

  36. Thank you my sister, it's very encouraging!

  37. Morning, fam, in light of the above linked video on the Globalist 7 year plans to be "confirmed" at COP28 this year and the UN plan to link digital IDs with one's bank account (proposal and meeting later this year), all of which we know is coming, here is what the natural gas supplier in Nevada recently sent out:

    "Available to eligible* Nevada customers, Move2ZeroSM lets you reduce your carbon footprint by letting us help you counterbalance emissions from your natural gas usage with carbon offsets."

    In other words, a customer can pay to subscribe to offsets to reduce their carbon credits. Social credit scoring system en route (mixed in with the fossil fuel industry trying to offset their own threats, ya think?).

    Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

  38. Lu, I have a question. Why do you think that the 3.Temple has to be rebuilt before the start of the tribulation? Why do you think that the start of the sacrificial system marks the start?
    Isn't the confirming of the covenant 'with many' the start point?

  39. Family, Blessings

    Well, seems I've entered a bit of the Lu zone with car issues. Was out with Alex and had a little run in with another car pulling out of a space in a lot. We exchanged info and agreed to not file anything although her rear bumper was hardly showing a scuff and the right front fender of my mini got another black eye. I can't get the hood open and the front right light is out so we got issues for which we ain't got scratch atm, oof. PTL I can drive it and was able to clear the tire well. Some Further Divine Intervention about now would be grand and your continued prayers and some duct tape are all that seems to be holding it all together atm. No need to post that you are praying unless already posting something else and thanks to all.

    BTW, Carole, don't think I mentioned it but was in prayer for your little one as well. Good news!


  40. According to Watchman88 and WW65, the UN has announced some kind of 7 yr rescue plan.

    1. Between that news and Tramm’s latest, I am filled with anticipation for Rapture this year👍.

    2. “ The SDG Summit, in September 2023, must signal a genuine turning point. It must mobilize the political commitment and breakthroughs our world desperately needs. It must deliver a rescue plan for people and planet.

      At the center of this rescue plan, Heads of State and Government must recommit to seven years of accelerated, sustained, and transformative action, both nationally and internationally, to deliver on the promise of the SDGs. Leaders can show their resolve by adopting an ambitious and forward-looking political declaration at the SDG Summit and presenting global and national commitments for SDG transformation.

      Delivering change at the speed and scale required to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will demand that political leaders make bold decisions to match their ambitions. It will require transferring resources from one sector to another, creating new regulatory environments, deploying new technologies, and mobilizing of a wide range of actors to advance disruptive change. Doing so can strengthen trust and social cohesion.”

    3. They might be looking for a “bold” new Leader to take charge…

    4. Just read this, AA…sounds like they are preparing to start turning this world upside down come September. Def makes 2023 look even more promising for our Departure.
      And you also have the reports that UK media is putting out the message that N@to must intervene for Ukr in order to defeat ru$$ia while they are conveniently in the midst of those AD 23 exercises over there. So it’s truly Heads UP time.

    5. Things are revving up, just like Jesus said they would.

      God is SO good. I haven’t slept in 24 hours. Herbie has been straining all day. He has bladder disease. Tried every kind of food and he always ends up having issues. I get so upset when he is pain. I said Lord, Thy Will be done (just studying how Hezekiah’s will ended up causing about 10 catastrophes but God is so gracious). As soon as I prayed that, Herbie started, literally, prancing around! He’s grooming, rolling and playing. Purring up a storm. Complete 180 from his earlier misery. We really do have to let God have His Way. It would break my heart to lose Herbie, but God’s Will for Him is so much better. Praise God.

  41. Hello dear family of my heart! Excuse the translation! Since in several places on the net, the people talk about the 3 days of darkness in the near future, I would like to know what you think about the fact that many say that it will be filled with demons who want to devour us and that people must anoint with the olive oil consecrated in prayer by the Holy Spirit, the windows, the doors and the domestic animals, the vehicles, as well as themselves to be protected from the demons which prowl everywhere. First, (if there are demons) I truly believe that born again Christians are automatically protected by the Holy Spirit within us which is stronger than that of the world, so no need to anoint walls and people and everything, second, I don't think there will be demons in the dark, there will only be darkness, third, it's not locked doors that would keep out the demons that are in the bodies to enter houses if they wish, and even being only spirits, they could enter anywhere. Fourth, they say pets should stay inside houses, pee, poop and stuff in the house because demons would be everywhere and catch them if they go outside, and I don't see any logic in that. In the Old Testament, in the darkness, there were no demons that devoured people, or animals, but it was thick.
    We could be gone before that, if there are dark days no one is 100% sure if we'll be there or not, but I think some of the things that are said on the subject are a bit far-fetched.
    Maybe it's just me and I'm totally wrong, so please I'd like your opinion on this.

    1. Carole, I agree with you that what you are sensing appears more superstition than theology. If we remember Satan is the god of this world and Jesus said in Jn 14:30

      I will not speak with you much longer, for the ruler of the world (Satan) is coming. And he has no claim on Me [no power over Me nor anything that he can use against Me [TAB]

      Not to mention Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
      And the whole passage in Ephesians 6 regarding the armor of God (who is Christ Himself indwelling us), and the authority we have been given in Christ, we do not need to resort to superstitious actions. While there are levels of authorities and powers among the evil ones, NONE can stand against the authority of Jesus Christ in us. Interesting that Paul says, having done all STAND. It would seem that the 3 days of darkness may well involve Rev 12:7-9;

      "7Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. 9And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."

      But then 12:10-11. The prince of this world will be judged, Jn.16:11, and that judgement is on the horizon. I don't say we aren't in for some perhaps scary times, but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords lives in us. We must not fear, but be resolute in who we are in Him. I do not mean to oversimplify or be cavalier about this. Spiritual warfare is a serious matter and we should be sure we are confessed up so the enemy has no accusation upon which to gain a toehold, but Jesus is our strength and protection always--even when we are not perfectly aligned with Him at the moment. I don't think there is enough solid teaching today on the authority of the believer IN CHRIST, our authority. After all, Peter tells us we are a royal priesthood: royalty, priestly, a lot of authority in the spiritual realm there.

      All that having been said, I do, however, pray over a new to me house I move into--taking the Land for Jesus and commanding any ungodly entities to leave. The home we just bought in Las Vegas had been owned by a female couple, so when we moved in I told the entities associated with that depravity to move out because JESUS was moving in!

    2. Thank you my sister that's exactly what I believe too. I think there have been so many bizarre teachings in recent years, as the Bible has warned us about. I too prayed and took authority over the evil spirits in my house but I would not spend my time anointing my house with olive oil. The Holy Spirit is my oil, and all power is in the name of Jesus!

  42. RE: What Starts the Tribulation Period?
    PART 1/3

    Hello Stephan,
    You know these are my Favorite Topics to Discuss so, one will be Long in Answering them. ;0 Yes. One does believe that the More Accurate Timing of when the 1st and Last Day of the Last Sabbath Cycle of Time will be, is based on the Daily Sacrifices being Reconstituted. One gets this Interpretation from the Book of Daniel. But also realize that one has also been Convinced that the Prophecy in Daniel is Layered or has a Dual Fulfillment. One sees the Coning of the Messiah, that is then ‘Cut Off’ or Cut as in Killed in the ‘Midst’ of Week, i.e., the Crucifixion Week.

    But also, the Prophecy Parallels the coming of the False Messiah, as in the AntiChrist, to come, and in a similar ‘Midst’ of a Week, of Years in this case, ‘Cuts’ a Covenant, as in, to Break it. This will be one’s Context, so see if one can follow one’s Logic then. As, to the Questions? One hopes to answer them as best as one can, given one’s Understanding and Interpretation of it. The Answer will be the following.

    1. Yes.
    2. 90% Probability.
    3. Does not have to be.
    4. But There are Technicalities to it.

    Most Students of the End Times presume, by Tradition, that the Start of the 7-Year Tribulation begins when the AntiChrist ‘Signs’ some sort of Peace Deal with Israel. On the surface, it can be seen as that. But is that what it says in Daniel? Not necessarily. Now, Geo-Politically, once the Covenant is Confirmed, there might be a Worldwide Televised Ceremony where the AntiChrist and Israel’s Leaders will ‘Sign’ Documents. But this is not what will Initiate the 1st Day of the 7-Year Tribulation, in one’s Assessment. Why not?

    There is a Covenant mentioned. But you do not ‘Sign’ Covenants of YHVH. The Covenant with Abraham? The Land Covenant? The Davidic Covenant? And the New Cement? All were not Co-Signaturing Required Documents. Have those who ‘Agreed’ to the Terms of the New Covenant in the Jesus Blood had to ‘Sign’ a Paper? No.

    So, one’s Point is that the Covenant that the AntiChrist will ‘Confirm’ or Make Stronger is what is already there. Many suspect it is either the Land Covenant, often called also the Palestinian Covenant. Or per chance, it could be the Oslo Accords. In that case there would be a ‘Signature’ Required. However a Careful study of Daniel 9, which speaks of the Covenant, does not tie the Day Counts to it. Rather, the Day Count is Directly tied to when the Daily Sacrifices are STOPPED. This is the Key, in my Prophetic Estimation. One then can Reverse Engineer the Count, forward and Backwards, etc.

    Daily Sacrifices Start--- + 1260 Days---STOPPED--- + 1260 Days---Return of Jesus
    Realize also that the 7 Year Tribulation Period is not 7 Gregorian Years Long. It really amounts to a Conversion of 6.66 Years total. And it is assumed they are Biblical 360 Day/Years. So There is Year Count given though, as ‘Time, Time and ½ Time’. This is to mean 3.5 Years but in the Hebrew Count. There is much Debate about what Type of Year, 360 Day? 364 Day? 365 Day, Solar Year? YHVH knew that Humanity would have differing Year Counts, so He Reiterated the Time by specifically Inferring to the Sections of 1260 Days. For the purposes of Simplification, 1260 Days will do.

    1. PART 2/3
      And in this case, a Day, is defined from Genesis as being from Sun-Down to Sun-Up, etc. Here is the Center-Piece. Daniel specifically mentions, that at the ‘Mid-Point’, assuming the Sabbath Week of Years, the AntiChrist enters the 3rd Temple to Sit himself there and Proclaim that his is ‘God’. And that from that Moment forward, he will demand Worship and that All Peoples of the World. And for that purpose, to show Allegiance, People will be Mandated to receive his Mark on their Bodies, etc.

      This presumes that at Physical Temple be built. And that the only place in the Temple that was Designed to Sit was in the Holy of Holies, i.e., the Throne Chair of YHVH replicated on Earth as it is in Heaven. Moses was given this Blueprint to make, etc. So, if one then does some Reverse Engineering Mathematical Calculations, from this Mid-Point, when the AntiChrist Stops the Daily Sacrifices, then one can Deduce when the 7-Year Tribulation started. In this Calculus, 1259 Days before. And also, conversely, it will be 1259 Day after that Jesus will return, that being the total 2520th Day Count.

      Note that this ‘Midst’ of the Week, when the ‘Daily’ will be taken away, is when the Literal Prophetic Fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign occurs. One finds it Amazing that in 2029, which is the Mid-Point of the 2025-2032 Timeline, exactly 12 Years later from 2017, Jupiter, the Planet of the Messiah will again be in Virgo at that Time. Jupiter has a 12 Year Cycle in that it takes that long to revisit each of the 12 Constellations. It will also Approximate the Planetary Alignments as well.

      It is from this Point that the Remnant Jews flee to Petra and Bosra Region. It will be an Exodus 2.0. One does also acknowledge that in Daniel, it only says the ‘Daily’. There is no ‘Sacrifices’ mentioned. But is it because it is assumed. The Average Hebrew at the Time, would have Realized and Understood this. One mentions this because those that dispute this Interpretation, points out that it is not the Daily Sacrifices even to be considered or Exist. So, one cannot even argue with that type of Western Mentality and Filter. Sadly.

      The additional Year Count of adding 75 Days or ‘Reaching the 1335th Day’ is when there will be a Cleansing of the Temple, the City, Israel and the World as Jesus then Transitions the Time and initiates the 1000 Year Millennial Kingdom Set-Up on Earth. But then the Question remain, if one accepts this Theory that the Daily Sacrifices ‘Start’ the Day Count, does the whole Temple need to be built 1st, in order for the Daily Sacrifices to being? Not necessarily. What is required for the Daily Sacrifices to be Performed, which is called the Sacrificial Ordinances, is the Altar of Sacrifice.

      So, if the Sanhedrin was sanctioned by the False Messiah to Start the Daily Sacrifices, all they need is the Altar. But. the Altar of Sacrifice is an Appendage to the Entire Temple Complex. Although it can be Independent of the Temple, the whole reason for the Altar is to provide the Blood to be Sprinkled on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. This is why one was very Excited back in December of 2018. The Nascent Sanhedrin actually Re-Dedicated the Altar, just outside the Walls of Jerusalem. But 1st, they need the ashes of the Red Heifer in order for any Daily Sacrifice to be ‘Qualified’, or Kosher, etc.

    2. PART 3/3
      That Altar of Sacrifice Re-Dedication Year was Israel’s 70th Anniversary since 1948, It Paralleled the 70th Year Re-Dedication by Ezra and Nehemiah after the Babylonian Captivity. That was Amazing and Prophetic. How one Interpreted that is that, from that Year in 2018, there started a 1 Sabbath Cycle of Time Countdown to when the 1st Daily Sacrifice will actually Occur, perhaps.

      Fall 2018 + 1 Sabbath of Time or 7 Years = Fall of 2025

      Of course, this Interpretation fits also the Timeline one has presented before, a Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period, etc. The way one sees it, the AntiChrist will probably Sanction all the Temple Complex at once. And one believes that it will be at that time, once the Temple and the Altar are Finished, that with Great Pomp and Circumstance, the AntiChrist, like a David, like a Solomon, will bring-out the Ark of the Covenant and place in the Holy of Holies. This Event will be designed to ‘Unify’ the entire World into a Deceptive ‘New Reset Order’ of Pace and Security. But it will be a Deception to only last 42 Months or 1260 Days.

      This is the Inferred Object in Scripture from where the AntiChrist will ‘Sit’ himself down. It will be on the Ark, which is a Throne Chair, as noted. It is hidden ~40 Feet or 12 Meters below the Site in-between the Skull Façade and the Garden Tomb. Thus, this is why one is convinced, as presented here before that after the Fall Feasts of 2025, when the Reading of the Torah will be Given, Simchat Torah, that is when the Kings of Israel gathered all the Peoples to ‘Confirm the Covenant’. It was a Reading in their Ears, and at which Time, like what occurred with King Solomon, Fire came down to Initiate the 1st Offering of the Daily Sacrifice. And if one then counts the 2 Halves of the Tribulation Period, 1260 + 1260, for the Year 2025, it would be the following. +/- 1 or 2 Days.

      OCT 18 Simchat Torah
      + (1260 Days)

      = APR 1 Passover

      +-(1260 Days)
      = SEP 11 Sabbath of Return (Of Jesus-LORD of the Sabbath).

      So, hope that long Answer to a Short Question contributes to a Better Understanding of one’s Interpretation. It does not mean it is the ‘Right’ one through.


      2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline?

    3. Lu, thank you for your detailed answer!

  43. Just something I was thinking on yesterday morning after reading another article re this D*E*I (d!ver$!ty, equ!ty and !nclu$i0n) movement that supports all facets of the abc+++ raynbo mob of screaming meemies out there and how the very acronym itself is actually a direct attack on and mockery of the reality of man’s being “made in the image of God”, or from the Latin:
    “The Imago Dei”.

    And in the Strong’s:
    G1163–dei—it is necessary, there is need of, it behooves, is right and proper.
    “Necessity established by the counsel and decree of God, esp. by that purpose of His which relates to the Salvation of men by the Intervention of Christ and which is disclosed in the OT prophecies concerning what Christ was destined finally to undergo in His Sufferings, Death, Resurrection and Ascension.”

    And this was after I was awakened at 4 am yesterday morning from a dream of what looked like a street full of lost and confused people trying to hide themselves with dirty blankets. I got up to jot down these words that I heard in the dream so as not to forget them:

    “People under the influence of this delusion will never question it.”

    I do know trying to argue the insane consequences of this rabid D*E*I movement with it’s ever growing body of proponents is like trying to argue with a block wall and it’s surely one of the most concrete signs of our soon Departure. We can see video after video of these deluded people melting down at the very mention of Jesus Christ, His Gospel, or Repentance. So I believe that dream was just more confirmation on the Judgement of Rom.1:28 KJV being here and now.

    Blessings All and Maranatha!
    Can’t be long now.🙏⬆️

  44. With so much talk about a 9th of Av Rapture, thought I'd put together this potential sequence of events based on a variety of sources from our fellow watchmen.   Some is pure speculation on my part, but if the Rapture and Tribulation were to occur in 2023 much of the following needs to happen in the next 3+ months or so.  

    7-20-23   [7 day warning before 9th of Av,  possible worldwide shaking or earthquake event to occur (1st Woe?), door to Heaven closed like in the days of Noah?]

    7-23-23   [3 days of darkness begins (2nd Woe?), dead in Christ shall rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16) sometime during or after these 3 days (a Blessing!), for those which are "alive and remain" during these 3 days of darkness see 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5 for some encouragement ("ye are the children of light, and the children of the day:  we are not of the night, nor of darkness"), possible interpretation of Lu's 723 dream?]

    7-26(27)-23   [Rapture of the Bride of Christ (a Blessing!), potential arrival of the AntiChrist, potential start of the Tribulation (a Curse! + 3rd Woe?), a Blessing + a Curse happening simultaneously?]

    9-15-23    [50 days after 9th of Av, Rosh Hashanah = beginning of Days of Awe, a 10-day period of introspection and repentance that culminates in the Yom Kippur holiday, also known as the Day of Atonement (9/25); start of the Jewish New Year,  possible start of the 7 year Tribulation (6.66 years per Lu Vega!) and a "Curse" to the Jewish people?]

    If none of the above happens, then we can probably safely say that 2024 (most likely!) or 2025 (Boo!) will be the year of the Rapture.   Again, pure speculation on my part, coming from a layman or non Biblical scholar!

    1. Thank you Bob for your potential Timeline.
      You ARE a Biblical scholar!
      For me, the '2023-window' will close around November 11 (11/11), which is '6.66 years' before Yom Kippur 2030 (maybe therefore a lot of people are seeing 1111)
      9/23 will also be a high watchdate!

    2. Stephan...thank you for the kind comment, but I really have no formal training as a Biblical scholar just what I learn here and elsewhere.  Ofc, I do my best to interpret Scripture!   I totally agree 9/23 is a high watch date, especially since it falls 2 days before Day of Atonement.  And your 11/11 date is certainly a possibility since that 11:11 number shows up so much!   Perhaps Lu has influenced me by saying if the Rapture were to happen in 2023 it must occur before the Jewish New Year.

    3. In my opinion, WW3 could start around 9th of Av. And Rapture in the jewish year 5784, hopefully at the beginning...I'm sure, Lu will agree with a Rapture in 5784;)

    4. Stephan...thanks for pointing out that WW3 may start on or around 9th of Av.   We should definitely add that to the event/timeline checklist considering WW1 started at that time and the US and its allies entered WW2 on or around 9th of Av as reported by various watchmen.   So, the month of July should be very interesting to watch + experience!   But if it happens to slip by and we're still here...our new motto will be:   Let's Go!  "Early" 5784 or Bust!   Sound familiar, Jeff?   Lol!

    5. I'm all "busted up" here, Bob. C'mon and make it happ'n, Cap'n!

      Ready to fly!

    6. Jeff...your motto clearly left an impression on me.   Now if we can just stop changing the dates!    Ugghhh!!!   I'm so glad to hear from you, Brother.   I'll do my best to make it happen this time.   But honestly, all I can do is say "Make it so #1"!     Cap't Bob

  45. Happy Pre-Summer Solstice Day!

    It is either June 20 or 21, depending on the Year and Time Zone. It is the Longest Day of the Year, so from this point onward, the Days will be getting shorter. It is almost at the Mid-Point of the Year, that being July 2. But the Summer Solstice signals, that there is 1 more Month to go to then start the Summer Wheat Harvest!

    So, I just finished my other Compilation Book, ‘Orion Star Gates’. The Theory is a ‘Strange’ Teaching as Double AA mentioned, But! I have Astro-Archaeology to back it up over the Decades, studying this Topic. ;0 Orion is in the Bible, several times. But my Main Thesis is that Heaven, wherever that is, is configured, some way, somehow with the Layout of Orion. And in fact, also with the Triangulation was found in Cydonia, Mars too.

    One is not saying YHVH is a ‘Martian’, but that the Triangulation of these 3 Temples, corresponding to the 3 Stars of Orion, is Mirrored in almost every Ancient Sacred Site on Earth, as it is in Mars, as it is in the Heavenlies or Cosmos and ultimately, as it is in Heaven. It is because it is a direct Reflection of what Heaven is configured to, perhaps. So, this is basically one’s Conjecture. We do see such Heavenly Blueprints given to Moses to makes. But here is the Line of Reason for the Mirroring of the Divine Pattern.

    Heaven-------Cosmos---------Planets like Mars------------Earth

    I just have Conjecture a possible Reverse Engineering of the Pattern. So, the Evidence is Circumstantial, but have seen enough, thanks to Google Earth, to make this Statement with a Measure of Confidence. It is that in all my Astro-Archaeology Research, the most Prominent Centers of Power on Earth, have this same Layout, there is a Grand Avenue and 3 Temples, a Large one, a 2nd Large one and then a Small one. And they then are configured to match the Celestial Ley-Lines of such Constellations and/or Stars as Orion, the Pleiades, in particular.

    The Book of Revelation does also describe that the Jerusalem of Heaven that will be coming down, has this same make-up, of a Grand Avenue, etc. So, one realizes it does not necessarily contribute to the Search for the Lost Rapture Date, but if one is interested in the ‘Secrets of the Universe’, take a look. I have included a Chart of what the Summer Solstice looks like, and behold it is of Orion with the Blazing Torch. I also included the Names of the Stars in Orion, that Infer to Jesus.

    Truly the Heavens Declare the Glory of YHVH but Lucifer has Usurped this Motif for himself as the ‘Light Bearer’, not the Light of the World, etc. The Torch Motif is made when the Sun is exactly at the Silver Gate on the Summer Solstice and this is Proof that the Universe is not some random Goo. It has Design. Even all the Constellation are in Phi Ratio Proportion, which is impossible to have occurred ‘Randomly. Anyway…as the World gets more Reprobate by the Hour

    Keep the Watch,

    Orion – Guardian of the Silver Gate

    1. Fascinating book, Lu!   I only had a chance to skim it and look at the graphics, but very cool stuff.   You mentioned "The Secrets of the Universe", did you catch his latest video indicating  Betelgeuse may go Supernova much sooner than anyone thinks (possibly within the next 10 years or sooner!)?   Ofc, it already went Supernova and the bright light would only then be visible to Earth.   Wouldn't that be something if that "supernatural event" happened before the Rapture or at the time of Jesus' 2nd Coming (2030-2032).   Talk about "perfect" timing!

    2. RE: Orion Supernova Timing

      Thanks. Yes, I remember. So there you have it. Thanks for ‘Inadvertently’ Confirming my 2025-2032 Timeline. ;0 I looked-up a few Articles on the Subject…. They pretty much all say the same thing, but one caught my attention in the way phrased it.
      ‘Betelgeuse approaches its end of days’.

      I came across one website where a Person actually calculated, when the Supernova would be visible to the Naked Eye. This is what he stated, ‘The lag for the light delay should arrive sometime in March of 2025’.

      So, that is about 7 Months from the Fall in October that one’s 2025-2032 Timeline is presently at. Seems to me then that the Tribulation will begin with a Bang! And at Jesus’ Return, would not be surprised if the Cosmos ‘Explodes’ with Radiance.

      After all, it will be no Ordinary Day, as was His Birth and Crucifixion. So, if the Constellation of Orion is His ‘Sign’, at that Time and Place, it would make sense. Both Dates were accompanied by Great Celestial Signs. It will be the Day of the LORD when He Returns. We will be glad we ride behind Him and would hate to be anyone in front of Him, that Day.

      'It's Fall 2024, or we have been here Before'.... :0

    3. Lu...once again I've "inadvertently" helped you confirm your 2025-32 Timeline!   It kind of reminds me of the headline "Teenage Shepherds Accidentally Stumbled Upon the First Set of Dead Sea Scrolls."    For further details see below:

      "In late 1946 or early 1947, Bedouin teenagers were tending their goats and sheep near the ancient settlement of Qumran, located on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea in what is now known as the West Bank.   One of the young shepherds tossed a rock into an opening on the side of a cliff and was surprised to hear a shattering sound.   He and his companions later entered the cave and found a collection of large clay jars, seven of which contained leather and papyrus scrolls.   An antiquities dealer bought the cache, which ultimately ended up in the hands of various scholars who estimated that the texts were upwards of 2,000 years old.   After word of the discovery got out, Bedouin treasure hunters and archaeologists unearthed tens of thousands of additional scroll fragments from 10 nearby caves; together they make up between 800 and 900 manuscripts."

      Anyway, now that I've "inadvertently" showed you when Betelgeuse will go Supernova, I guess all that's left for me to do now is "stumble" upon some new info showing you the "exact date" of Jesus' Crucifixion!    

      But seriously though, notice how much new info is being "revealed" to the BoC in these last days.  Kind of amazing, huh!

      Stumbling Bob

  46. Hi Lu, just wondering if you could elaborate, briefly : ) on your comment "Note that this ‘Midst’ of the Week, when the ‘Daily’ will be taken away, is when the Literal Prophetic Fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign occurs." Curious what verses of Rev 12, if any, you see as having already been fulfilled in 2017 - or do you see that more as a warning sign, maybe a 7 year warning, of what is to soon come and the literal fulfillment of Rev 12 is after the woman has been in her birth pains in the first 1/2 of the Tribulation? Thx!

    1. RE: Revelation 12 Fulfillment Timing?
      PART 1/3

      Hello Gordo,
      Good Question. Ok, another Long Answer to a Down Under Question. So, one will just be offering one’s Understanding regarding the Statement made.

      ‘Note that this ‘Midst’ of the Week, when the ‘Daily’ will be taken away, is when the Literal Prophetic Fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign occurs’.

      One does have to ‘Connect the Dots’, as they say, in linking the Timing of Daniel ‘Midst with John’s ‘Midst’. One does believe they Synchronize on the same Event. But as a background to the Question? Yes. One believed the Revelation 12 Sign that occurred in 2017 was just that, a Sign. But what a Sign. One published then, that one believed then, as one still believes now, that it was and is the Greatest ‘Sign’ to the Church’, and Israel also.

      Since 32 AD when the Church Age Started with the Pentecost of New Wine in Acts 2, no Such Celestial Sign, specific to the Church has been Configured, until 2017. And for what Reason? For the Reason that it was a Wake-Up Call to the Sleeping Church to be on Notice. On Notice for what? The Rapture! One likened the Sign to the 10 Sleeping Virgins. But here is where one Differ and Parted Ways with those that Believed the Sign was the Rapture. One did not Judge, and just left it at that.

      The Sign did Wake-Up many Sleeping Saints and gave Impetus to those already Watching. It was neat how Sheila shared her Experience and how she was Watching and Waiting, at that very Moment. One cannot argue with that. But, one believes and still does, that the Sign was ‘Fulfilled’ only Astronomically. Many Brethren said that the Sign was the Fulfillment of Revelation 12, to this Day. Not so, in one’s Assessment.

      If it was, then where have the Jews gone to Petra? It is also assuming the AntiChrist has already been Revealed and actively seeking-out the Jews and those not having his Mark, to Destroy them. Where has all that occurred? Sure, Biblically Speaking, it is an ongoing Spiritual Battle, but not to the Point that the Remnant is Fleeing and those Claiming Jesus as LORD are having their Heads Decapitated, yet.

      And if this Scenario were to be so, that means also, that the Bride of Christ is thrown into the Mix of ‘Lucifer’s Wrath’, and one is already in the Tribulation period. Mind you some Brethren think this is now the case and the Seals have already been Broken, etc. So, as to the Timing of the Rapture? As the Sign came and went, the Proponents that Sensationalized, just then threw it to the Curve, under the Bus.

      What one Surmises, is that the Sign is still in Play. Why? Yes, one believes it was and is a Warning, and a Countdown to the Rapture. Now as to how many Years? Will one was somewhat excited that if one added the 1260 Day Count that is specifically pegged to it, that came to March 6, 2021. And?

    2. PART 2/3
      That was exactly the Day the Pope went to Ur of the Chaldees, and in the very House of Abraham made a ‘Pack’ with Islam. Coincidence? No Way! But all that was just the Signaling of Lucifer’s Moves. And then the whole Revelation 12 Wikipedia Page got Scrubbed. Really? Why? Because the Sign is still In-Play suggesting the Countdown to the Rapture! See, what one has heard, really is how as the Day of the Blessed Hope approaches, it is getting Prophetically Clearer.

      So, then one thought that perhaps there was to be a 5 Year Countdown? Where one is at present, is that one is more convinced now, based on other Timelines Studies, that it is a 7 Year Warning. As to the other Linked Celestial Signs? One is Surmising that the Revelation 12 Sign is occurring in Tandem with the Great American Eclipses, from 2017 to 2024, which is another 6.66 specific Timing. In fact, the Revelation 12 Sign was Linked to its start by exactly 33 Days. The Eclipse also started right at the Heart of Leo, at the King Star of Regulus. You cannot make this up, by mere Chance or Coincidence.

      And as noted in prior Posts, the next 2 Great American Eclipse will center on Virgo and end with Pisces. This to me, as an Amateur Astronomer, would be saying, the End of the Age of Pisces has been Completed. It is after all that the Rapture is what will close-out the Church Age. Thus, indeed, it would mean that the Revelation 12 Sign was a Wakeup Call. It was as a Sign one would encounter approaching a city, to warn or Alert of how much longer it will be until the ‘Arrival’.

      In the case of the Revelation 12 Sign, it was of the ‘Birth’. That is the main Depiction of the Sign as Core Motif. It is of a Birth and Rapture Sequence. It is a Birthing of the Man-Child that has multiple Meanings. So, if the Revelation 12 Sign was and is ‘The Sign’ of the Rapture pending, then it will be the Birth of the Bride, the Completion of the Spiritual Temple, etc. This means the following in terms of the Rapture Timing.

      2017 + 7 Years or 1 Sabbath (Cycle of Time) = 2024

      This is 1 Reason why one is Excited about 2024. And during a July White Wheat Wedding Harvest! ;0 At this point of one’s Learning Curve, one is just Surmising the Year Count, not the Specific Day. Realize that the ‘Birthing’ of Jupiter that was the Motif, that many alluded to the Birthing of the Church and thus the Rapture Date of September 23, 2027 precisely was not Correct. This is another of the Technicalities one tried to Bring to Light, to no avail. How so? The actual Birthing of Jupiter did not occur on that Day, it was much Earlier, due to Jupiter’s Retrogrades, etc.

      This is another Reason why one was sure that the Rapture was NOT going to occur on that September 23 Date. ;( Anyway, this is 1 of about 3 Main Data Points why one is presently Adamant about the Rapture Year being 2024. When one 1st Started handling Stellarium around 2008, as well as Google Earth, one was like a ‘Child in a Candy Store’. Having an Amateur Astronomy background, when the Revelation 12 Sign Appeared, it was really nothing out of the Ordinary, except.

    3. PART 2/3
      What made it Unique is that Jupiter is each Sign 9 Months, every 12 Years. And? And the Sun will always be approximately at the Head/Shoulder Region every Year, as will the Moon at the Feet area…What made the Configuration special is that all the major Factors came together at that Time. The Sun, Moon, and ‘Stars’, as in the 3 Planets lined up and they all Converged. OK.

      One picked-up on this Configuration as did others, as this is the Motif given in Revelation 12. But then the Sign was made out to be the possibility of what that would mean Prophetically, Biblically for the Church. And from there, the ‘Rest is History’ as they also say. So that became the Prevailing Narrative, that the Rapture was going to take place at that Time, precisely. OK. I did not agree because one of my Main Axioms into the Research of Eschatology is, ‘The Sign is Not the Event’.

      One got squeezed-out of the ‘Party’ for bringing it up, but one knew there was going to be a Great Disappointment. So, yes, by the mere virtue that YHVH’s Signs are for what is to come, meaning that the Rapture is yet to occur then. Now specific to your Question. Where in Revelation 12 does one presume that it will be in the Midst of the 7-Year Tribulation? Will that be the Literal Fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign? How so? Here are the specific Verses from Revelation 12.

      4 His Tail swept a 1/3 of the Stars from the Sky, tossing them to the Earth. And the Dragon stood before the Woman who was about to give Birth, ready to devour her Child as soon as she gave Birth.

      5 And she gave Birth to a Son, a Male-Child, who will Rule all the Nations with an Iron Scepter. And her Child was Caught-Up to GOD and to His Throne.

      6 And the Woman Fled into the Wilderness, where GOD had prepared a Place for her to be Nourished for 1,260 Days.

      Now, notice these Verses are Prophetic and Layered. It is Describing what occurred in the Past, the Present and what will occur in the Future. This is 1 Level of Interpretation. How so? One Understand that Lucifer Literally Fell from Heaven before Humanity was Created. It is understood that Jesus was Literally Birthed to a Virgin and was Born a Man on Earth. Thus, one can have Assurance, that in the Future, the Literal Fleeing of this ‘Woman’, i.e., Israel will occur. It is Israel that ‘Birthed’ the Messiah, not the Church.

      Here is the Crux of the Layered Prophecy, the Timing is given. That is 1260 Days. Using Deductive Reasoning, it is assumed that the 1st Segment of the 7 Year Tribulation Period, also being 1260, in comparison, will be the ‘Honeymoon’ between the False Messiah and Israel, the ‘Woman’. Thus, one can reasonably conclude that this 1260 Day Marker, is the ‘Midst’, and is from the Mid-Point or the 7-Year Tribulation Period to the end of it when Jesus returns.

      And there you have it. One hopes it answered and explained what you were looking for in asking. If not, it just gave more of a Rationale of where one is at with the Sign. :)

      Blessings Kiwi, Down Under,

    4. Lu,
      In your book 'The Great Sign Virgo' you have a chapter 'Sign of the son of man', 'Relevation 12 (2.0) Reloaded.'
      You wrote
      'What is also unique about the 2029 Relevation 12 Sign is that it also has the 3 planets that were in alignement in 2017. The planets are Venus, Mars and Mercury, and they are also present in the Relevation 12 Sign of 2029 but are scattered to key positions...'
      You also wrote 'The September 11, 2029 date coinciding with Yom Teruah syncs with the Jubilee Year Cycles of 7-years.'
      This sign appears on the first day of the jewish year 5790.
      Could 't it be still a sign of the Son of Man Returning?

    5. Stephan!
      You are a Detective. I have an Answer for you. But can you send me the Link to the online PDF version you have and what Page it is specifically? Then I will Answer you Question.
      Sounds Good?

    6. Lu, I bought the book via Amazon last year. The chapter 'Relevation 12 (2.0) Reloaded starts at page 403.

    7. Oh Stephan!
      You got me! Lol Yes, it is True. And Thank You for purchasing a Copy of the Book. It is just that now, with what I believe we are in a 3.5 Gap Time, from Fall 2022 to Fall 2025 I hope I am wrong with my new supposed fine-tuning of the Timeline. I might be confusing myself or need to take a Brake. Back then. I thought, like most Watchers, that the Timeline is following the ‘Conventional’ Sabbath Cycles and it is the case. True.

      And how many stated that the Tribulation Period has to start on a Sabbath Cycle. OK, I took that to be Reasonable to assume. So that is the issue. If that is True, then yes, the 7-Year Tribulation has to start this Year, before the Jewish Year Turns. If when the Jewish Year, the Civil one of Rosh Hashanah in the Fall come and no Tribulation? Then the 2023-2030 Timeline is a ‘Nothing Burger’. And I will be right, in that there is some sort of Gap that is like waiting to Synchronize the Timelines to Converge in 2025.

      That is what I am seeing now. I could be wrong. Let us hope so, so we can get out of here….It is just that in the Fall of 2022 when the New Sabbath Cycle started, ‘Nothing Happened’. So, I felt something is not right about the Timeline. I think it is off or off-set. This is where I believe there is a 3.5 or 42 Month Off-Set somewhere. That is what I have been Struggling with to Ascertain more specifically.

      I have yet to conclude my 3.5 Year Gap Theory. Too much is going on. If we are not in this ‘Intermission’ between Converging Timelines, then YES, it is this Year for all the Astronomical Reasons stated in the Book and your Calculations attest to it having to be this Year 2030. I sure hope so. But. :) From what I have studied since and shared, there seems to still be 1 more Year to go. I hope I am wrong though.

      Keep the Watch,

      PS: I am calculating that that 3.5 Year Gap or 42 Months started from Passover of 2022.

    8. Stephan,
      PS: Can I ask a Favor of you? Would you mind giving me a Rating on Amazon? I would Appreciate that greatly. If you can.

    9. Of course I will do it!
      Thank you for your honest answer!
      I would really like to know what you are thinking about this 'Relevation 2.0 Sign' on September 11, 2029!

    10. Stephan,
      Thanks! But yes, that chapter pretty much laid out what one was thinking at that time. It does seem to fit, doesn't it? You cannot go wrong with Astronomical Alignments. I thought so, and still do, but I believe that a 'More Convincing' Year is 2032 because it does also appear to show the same Calculations and Astronomical Alignments. I just think I am 3 Year off. Hopefully the Holy Spirit will give us more Insight and Clarity as the Day Approaches, and it is Approaching fast!

    11. Lu, sorry for quoting another passage of this chapter of your book. But not everybody of the Family has bought or downloaded this book.

      'It so happens that in 2029, the day and Feast matches. More amazing is that in that day, the approximate Sign of the Relevation 12 occurs as well. This is a triple confirmation here. Coincidence? Thus, will this astronomical configuration in 9-11 of 2029 fulfill the Sign of the Son of Man then? Consider that Jupiter has an approximate 12-year cycle around the Houses or Signs of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac. Jupiter is like the long-hand of a clock spanning 1 hour at wach hour, etc. And in so doing, it has its various retrogrades occurring, and thus speaks astronomically of a time achieved, etc. In this case, it will commemorate the 2. coming of Jesus no less.'

      I really like this passage. In 2032, we don't have a 'Relevation 3.0' Sign. Jupiter will move from Virgo to Libra in 2030. Libra speaking of judgement.
      I think you were spot on writing this chapter!

    12. Thanks for your reply Lu. Plenty to ponder there and I'm starting to think you like your trilogies! : ) Just a few comments on your comments:

      "Many Brethren said that the Sign was the Fulfillment of Revelation 12, to this Day. Not so, in one’s Assessment."
      I guess most now (within this community) would just see the astrological alignment & sign itself of Rev 12:1 as fulfilled. Some have tried to stretch it out and say Rev 12:3-4 occurred with a meteor shower or another event but that's weak in my opinion. And clearly a lot of the events of Rev 12 point to the mid tribulation as you alluded to.

      "It is a Birthing of the Man-Child that has multiple Meanings"
      In relation to the man child being the Church, I've always had a wee issue with the woman (Israel) experiencing "birth pains" (Rev 12:2) BEFORE the birth of the male child. I've always taken the birth pains as a pointer to the first 1/2 of the tribulation (Mic 4:10, Mic 5:3, Mat 24:8, 1 Thes 5:3). Hence if the male child was the church, and the woman first has to go into birth pains before the birth, then it is pointing to a birth/rapture during the tribulation - which I don't agree with. So here is a 'tough' challenge for you... in 100 words of less : ) what multiple meanings were you alluding to? Jesus' ascension?, the Church as His body, do you see merit in any fulfillment in what the woman brings forth in the trib - ie the 144,000 and believing remnant of Israel?

      "One got squeezed-out of the ‘Party’ for bringing it up, but one knew there was going to be a Great Disappointment."
      Oooh - sorry. Didn't know the history there but *respect* for holding to what you believe and not just going with the flow. Many were greatly disappointed as you say.

      "This is 1 Reason why one is Excited about 2024"
      Well, not long to wait to see and I hope so. I hope so.

      Blessings from a wet, wild and woolly winter down under!

    13. Giwi,
      In 100 Words or less? Ha, Not a Chance. The Revelation 12 Sign is like Daniel in that it apparently has a Double Entendre about the Coming of the Princes or Messiahs, i.e., Christs. As mentioned, I believe the Revelation Sign has Echoes of Ruth, that all missed, yet Ruth did not go into Labor or confronted a ‘Dragon’. But she did give birth to a Type of a Man-Child that would be the Great Grandfather of King David, the Archetype of the Messiah King that Ruled with an Iron Scepter, etc.

      You are asking the $65 Million Question as they say, which is it, i.e., the Man-Child? Jesus’ Ascension? The Bride of Christ? Answer? Yes. Here is the one’s Take. If the Motif is that of the Woman, Israel, then it Birthed Jesus as the Messiah, which I think all would agree. But Jesus’ Ascension was not a Rapture. It was a Gradual Accent. So, this leaves enough Prophetic Leeway to strongly suggest, in one's estimation, that the Motif can be then applied to the Bride of Christ. How so? The Term is Snatched -Away, from Danger, as it will be the Condition when the Rapture does take place, per the Apostle Paul.

      Consider that the Key is in how the Apostle Paul in Galatians 4:10 said, ‘My children, for whom I am again in the Pains of Child-Birth until Christ is formed in you,’. Here you have. it Paul is metaphorically describing himself as a ‘Woman’, ‘Pregnant’ no less, who is to Give Birth to Disciples of whom the Image of Christ is being Matured in a Believer. This is Revelation 12 Imagery. So, this is the Direct Link, in one’s best effort to Link how the Man-Child, on 1 Level of Interpretation, will be the Raptured Saints. This Notion is paralleled with the other Metaphor of completing the Spiritual Building with Living Stones or Bricks, etc.

      I would say, that since Pentecost of Acts 2, the whole Church Age has been one Big Labor Pain, ‘Much Tribulation’, Trials and Sufferings…and now, it is about to be ‘Delivered’….Jesus even alluded to his Condition of how the Birth Pains would occur more Frequent and Intense as the Church Age is about to Close and the Dilation begins. I think we are her now. It is really in Tandem with the Birthing of the Enemy’s New World Order and ‘Birthing’ of their False Christ, just as much.

      Sorry, just over 400 Words! ;0

    14. Luigi,
      Giwi? Ha... nice little combo there! : ) Appreciate your time and thoughts again. Though I will, unfortunately, be forced to dock you a few points for being 315 words over the allowable limit. Yeah I take a similar 'midrashic' view of Rev 12 seeing the ancient story (which obviously goes right back to the first prophecy in Gen 3:15) playing out multiple times. I'll keep pondering whether the final fulfillment is the Church or the faithful remnant of Israel... Have a good day!

    15. Lu and elgordo…how do you guys see the “rod of iron” rulership of Rev.2:26,27 and Rev.12:5 fitting in with the identity of the man child, or do you connect it?

  47. Family, Blessings

    Well, my background check for the Office Depot job continues to be 'pending' and it will only be part time anyways. I'm having trouble sleeping with the stress and things are closing in with rent due shortly and other things. I'm getting a bit desperate and while I'm not sure how it all works, exactly, I am pressed to say that if anyone here is led to help, my PayPal is under jimbocubed@gmail and I apologize for going there but this is the only family I might reach out to in this and your prayers and assistance are at hand in this hour. Thank you. Maranatha!

    1. Jimboni,
      I tried the Email through my PayPal, but said email does not exist? If you can give me your Name, through my email:, perhaps that will work? Or regular Mail.

      Have you tried Restaurants? They always need Kitchen Duty. Or a Fast Food Chain. Here in CA, People working at In-N-Out make around $25/Hour! I am tempted. Praying for you and let me know.

    2. Jimboni…sent you an email to the above. Let me know if you received that.

    3. Jimboni, I tried to email you at above also. Please let us know. Having same trouble as Lu

  48. Family, Blessings

    Thank you so much to those who've replied. My PayPal is under James Jennings and the Gmail address was changed previously, I thought, but I had to go and correct it just now. Give it another try and I look forward to being able to pay this forward to another down the line. Maranatha!

    1. Jimboni,
      What is the correct Email Address? There are too Many 'James Jennings'! :) Or how do we know which one...@XXXX?
      No Problem...

    2. jimbocubed@gmail should be working now

    3. OK, again, apologies as I am unfamiliar with all of this. Just set up my, I think it is. That should help. Shalom

    4. For those helping out, make sure you add the '.com' to the email. ;)

    5. Dear Jimboni, I understand you so much, our situation is quite insecure too. So I'm going to pray for you and your situation. My husband has a job for which his employer has less and less work to offer him, but we have all sorts of unforeseen things that happen, like the vet for example. And my husband is 66 years old, a lot of back pain, and exhausted, so not easy for a new job if needed. Tribulations of all kinds are increasing in strength and we need to pray for each other. We must hold on by the grace of God until he returns. I hope this is the year we go home!

    6. Hey Jimboni, gonna try after work.

      Mike Adams has some scary stuff today.

      “ Russian president Vladimir Putin is now warning the West about military escalations that could lead to nuclear war.

      He says, "the fire of war will engulf the whole of Europe. It looks like the US is ready for that too."

      At the same time, Russian influencer and professor Sergey Karaganov is calling for limited nuclear strikes on the USA and Western Europe as a way to save the world from annihilation. He says:

      "But what if the present Western leaders refuse to back down? Perhaps they have lost all sense of self-preservation? Then we will have to hit a group of targets in a number of countries to bring those who have lost their senses back to their senses."

    7. Jimboni…I forgot to put the .com on that email to jimbocubed@gmail, so I resent that message to you, but if that doesn’t work for you, just let me know. Blessings and Praying for you either way.😊🙏

    8. Blessings, Jimboni. I got through with no issues. God bless you. You are in my prayers.

    9. Jimboni, blessings to you and the boys. My PayPal was hacked a while back, so no online financial for me. I emailed you.

    10. Family, Blessings

      Thank you for the donations. I feel like I can breath this morning. Those still en route will be well received. Your kind and prayerful words uphold me as well. Hopefully Our Lord Is About My rescue as I lean into my end as I am enabled. Shalom.

    11. Kathy in Pa…same with us and PP some years back.

      Jimboni…sent you another email. The banks are getting weird. They actually had to run my cash money back through my checking acct in order to allow me
      to buy a Cashiers Check and required both your name “or” mine to be printed on it. I’ve never had to do that before.
      I was given a dumbed down explanation for all this being to protect mine and the bank’s interest in case the recipient was to reject the check, but what it really comes down to is they are tracking every dollar they can.😡

      But anyway, yes our Lord always has our good ends in Mind as He engages in our lives per our constant prayers for Him to do so. And ofc, He’s really good at using the threads of our own “predicaments” to sew some effect on others. In other words, it’s all part of the plan, man. Prayers UP for your Protection and Provision going forward.🙏

    12. I think Jimboni is a rather cute Brother. Not starting anything, just saying.

  49. Touching base while I have a few minutes--

    JIMBONI, my wonderful Brother--You KNOW you are in my prayers! And I believe your needs will be answered--praise our beautiful Lord! Like Lu and I'm sure many others--we have been where you are, but God is faithful.


    Today I came across an old video--A Stern Warning of 2023 | What is this "Full-Spectrum Dominance Weapon"? In this short video Alex Jones warns of an INVASION using a “binary, psychic, spiritual, physical, biological, full-spectrum dominance weapon” that is coming "5 years from today." My jaw dropped when I realized that exactly 5 years from the day Alex posted that message will be JUNE 24, 2023--the same date I heard in my dream. “Get ready, Planet Earth,” he says. Is his cryptic warning related to the binary system Planet X?

    The 2 minute video is linked in my latest article:

    1. There’s a reason TPTB tried so hard to destroy Alex Jones. The man is nothing if not prescient.

  50. Ha ha ... Just asked my father how much he made on his garage sale today. He answered: "400" so far." 😆🤷‍♂️😉

    1. Hey Corey…I’d say that’s a “goodly” amount!
      I want to know what you think about this Titanic submersible that’s gone missing with 5 people aboard. I can’t help but feel like there is some kind of “something” here prophetically entwined. And since you have done a “Titanic Dive” of your own prophetically speaking, just wondering if you’re getting some vibes on this heavily covered event.🤷‍♀️

    2. I have been watching this story myself. I was going to get on my desktop computer, but it's not hooked up due to my old desk being thrown out and the new one yet to arrive. But I'll try my patience on my mobile device to do an update on a previous Titanic posting on my site.

      Well, second thought, I'll give you the full Monte right here and now and post it there later after I get my new desk and computer hooked back up. Here goes (may be something, may be nothing).

      Given the observable fact that God is always in the details in the affairs of man, I would say that there is something interesting here. First, the name of the lost submersible (Titan) is closely related to the name “Titus.” “Titus,” as you will recall, was the man who, in 70 A.D. (note this date), destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem. Josephus records that, for years, signs were pointing to the destruction of Jerusalem, yet people refused to believe that God would allow it to happen. The only people who were known to escape this tragedy were those Christians who heeded the words of Jesus (Luke 21). Are these shades of what will happen to America as well given that America is closely connected to the prophecy of the transplanted “Vineyard" of Matthew 21.

      Second, "Titan" was lost in the Atlantic as we know. "Titan" is also associated with the Bible’s documented history of these mythological Atlantean Titans (the biblical Giants of old?) has seemingly, and curiously found their way into a modern prophetic sign of the end of days through the story of the Titanic. Tellingly, the logo for OceanGate’s previous Titan exploration displays the word “Titan” at its bottom with what looks to be an “eye” peering out at us. We know that these Giants (Titans) will be released once again on the earth in the Tribulation.

      Third, notice that a total of "5" people were lost in this craft. Five is the number of Grace, representing the Church Age that will be raptured. The main feature of the story is that they "disappeared" (ehem, ehem).

      Fourth, the latest on this story is that they can now hear "knockings on the wall" coming from the craft as though they might still be alive. Jesus said of the Laodicean church representing the last one at the end of the Age running alongside the raptured Philadelphia Church that he stands on the outside "knocking on the door" waiting to be let inside.

      This noise was discovered "two" days from Sunday - the day it went missing. We have 5 people (Church Age?) and "knocking" sounds on the "2nd day" after Sunday when it went missing. In other words, two thousand years after Christ first Advent in which the knocking on the Laodicean church door can be heard before the Rapture).

      Fifth, at the announcement of the knocking noises being heard, it is being publicly said that "40" days of oxygen" remain in the submersible. The number 40 is quite significant as it rained 49 days and 40 nights at the first global judgment of Noah's flood in which the "Titans" of old were destroyed.

      Sixth ... "Five" months have passed from when comet E3 ZTF was at perihelion in the night sky and the occurrence of this Titan" submersible "disappearance" event with resultant "knocking" sounds were heard event occurred. As we know from a previous article, both releases of the movie Titanic in movie theaters came when two highly prophetic comes passed through our solar system (comet ZTF in January 2023) and comet Hale Bopp in 1997.

      That's what I can see from this highly publicized event.

    3. "* Typo alert in comment above ... it rained 40 days and 40 nights, not 49 (I'm doing this on my smart phone). Slip of the finger.

    4. As it pertains to my father's garage sale reply, "400" dollars made (hearkening back to the "400" year prophecy from the 4th installment of the "America the Vineyard" series of articles two postings back on my site. His "400" dollar reply comes a day after the Titan knocking noises are heard and announced.

      All said, if there is something there, it would tell me that we're perhaps being shown some subtle clues that we're on track for a 2023-2025 Rapture window. It's getting close.

    5. No worries, Corey…we can usually decipher the typos, lol. Very good and would agree in the spirit. I didn’t think about the relevance of the “knocking”. Wow! on that astute perception.
      Another thing being clearly stated in this event that has captured the world’s attention is that these people cannot let themselves out even if they were to make it to the surface in time. They must be “Rescued”. No way, no how they can save themselves. So I believe there’s some messaging there too. I pray for these folks, but I believe just like in their dire situation, time is rapidly running out to be Rescued from a world that is so deeply entrenched in their rebellion against God,
      which the Titanic itself represented in it’s luxury and arrogance. Nope, no coincidences, Brother.
      Blessings and TY!

    6. Great observation. I remember reading something about that part of the story. That they cannot make it out of the pod even if they surfaced. Must be rescued. Can't do it themselves. One might say that the Lord is subtly (or perhaps not so subtly) hinting that these nightmarish demonic Titans of old are soon going to be released upon the earth in the sight of man. Answer his offer of rescue while you still can (speaking of the "lost").

      Speaking of your mention of the Titanic being a ship of rebellion, arrogance and comfort, this whole entire continuing story of the Titanic being a massive sign and testimony of the Lord is made all the more evident when you consider that someone uttered the words, " Not even God could sink this ship" before boarding.

      Fast forward to the people inside the lifeboats floating in the Atlantic outside the ship as they watched the horror unfolding before their eyes. The ship eventually came to the point that it began pointing upward toward the sky as it entered the final phase of plunging beneath the ocean surface. It was reported by one of the survivors on the lifeboat (so I heard) that the sinking ship looked like a finger pointing upward to the sky as it sank beneath the surface. Going to see if I can find this person's testimony of that if it exists anywhere on the net. Very telling in light of the fact that someone uttered those fateful words before boarding.

      It seems the story of the Titanic is the story that keeps on giving - right up to the end of the age.

    7. So true, Corey. @Daily Crow is noting that “Whatever the endgame is, they want you submersed in this story” with a detailed and interesting article from re the rescue attempt and some back history. A couple of notable ‘400’ mentions, too, re location of search and the water pressure. The OceanGate CEO aboard is actually married to a descendant of Isador and Ida Strauss of Macy fame, the couple who chose to perish together on the Titanic after ‘40’ years of marriage. And several “Titan” vessels are involved searching for “a Rescue that’s never been done before”…
      P8 Poseidon, C-130 Hercules, Odysseus 6K…
      🤷‍♀️Lots to dig around in there for sure.

    8. "Rescue equipment was seen arriving in St John's, Newfoundland, on US military planes last night," the article tells us.

      (1) "Rescue" equipment
      (2) St. John's Newfoundland (or shall we say New Found Land.
      (3) U.S. military planes performing the delivery of search vessels.

      In summary, this reminds us of the Apostle John giving us the description of rescue in Revelation 4:1 in which the Church is "rescued" from approaching judgment and taken to a "New Found Land" called Heaven. America being the nation whose primary prophetic purpose in God's plan from the start has been to declare the Gospel and return of Christ to the world since its very beginning - thus the U.S. military planes.

      The wreckage of Titanic is located "400" miles southeast of New Found Land - giving us a picture of the Rapture linkage to the Exodus via the 400 years of slavery of the ancient Israelites in Egypt.

    9. Dahboo777 said there is a Simpsons episode about a sinking sub😨.

    10. I saw it this morning, AA.
      Eerie, ain’t it?😯

    11. Yes and now he says the Coast Guard has found a debris field in the area.

    12. Yes and they are now confirming on MSM that at least some parts of the Titan have been found. I just pray they all
      had time for a Come to Jesus moment if they didn’t know Him beforehand, which from their bios, does seem unlikely. BUT GOD…He is known for meeting people in the deepest and darkest of places.
      Same Prayer for their loved ones as well.🙏

  51. Pri(demon)th. Robert Breaker noticed it.

  52. Stephan,
    OK, this will be Deep and hopefully will add to the Discussion why I changed my Position from a 2021-2029 Timeline to a 2025-2032 Timeline. As mentioned, the Astronomy from that Chapter, ‘Revelation 12 Sign, 2.0’ is pretty much Accurate and the Day Counts are as well, which is Amazing.

    Back before 2021, one looked forward and tried to see what the Sky would look like 7 Years into the Future. One had the Understanding, at that Time, that the Sabbath Cycle was coming to its end. At that point in one’s Understanding and ‘Learning Curve’, one logically concluded that the Tribulation could be a 2021-2029 Time Frame. But when 2021 and especially 2022 came and went, one realized the Miscalculation.

    It is always ‘What Year’? I Surmised a 3.5 Year Discrepancy. This is where I started to shared about how there is a possible overlap of Timelines to suggest we are in one, by 3.5 Years. Meaning that the Revelation 12 Sign, 2.0, occurring in 2029 was not and is not the End of the Tribulation with the Return of Jesus on September 11, 2029. But that is or will be the Mid-Point instead. Here is your 3.5 ‘Missing Time Gap’. This also links to Gordo’s Questions about the Mid-Point and what ‘Literally’ takes place.

    So, one has changed Suppositions to now say that the Revelation 12 Sign, 2.0, will actually also accompany the Prophetic or Biblical Fulfillment of the chapter of Revelation 12 at the Mid-Point of the 7-Tear Tribulation. Of course, one can be ‘Off’ again, unawares. But the 2029 Mid-Point will be accompanied by its corresponding Astronomical Configuration. That is Amazing to me. In one’s new Revised Chart, the Astronomy and Day Counts are the same. One just has shifted the Timeline 3.5 Years to the Right or into the Future.

    Thus, a 2025-2032 Timeline. Perhaps. That is where one is now. Notice on the Chart, that one has incorporated the ‘Red Dragon’ as being Planet X. Based on the Seal Judgments, one can Surmise, that this is the Time Frame when also the Catastrophic Effects of the Fly-By will Devastate the Earth. This is when you will have that Worldwide Earthquake. This is when perhaps, those 3 Days, not 3 Hours of Darkness will occur, as the 2nd Binary Sun Eclipses the Sun and due to its Position will afford that amount of Darkness.

    This is really a ‘Take 2’ of what occurred at the Crucifixion, in one’s Estimations. One interprets the Prophecy of Joel to be that both the Sun and the Moon are Eclipsed on the Same Day, given a 24 Hours Cycle, which is Impossible, except for another Heavenly Body to be in Motion. Realize that when Jesus Died, for those 3 Hours, the whole Planet was Dark, on both Hemispheres. That must have been Terrifying. The Light of the World, ‘Went Out’! One believes also that the Earthquake that occurred was Worldwide.

    1. And like it will be in the Tribulation that levels ALL Cities around the World at the same Time. No mere Localized Earthquake can or has done that. So, yes, the Revelation 12 Sign will not be configured on September 11, 2032, but what is interesting is that the Sun is right in the Middle of Leo and Virgo. It is at the very Astronomical Line of what is the ‘Beginning and the End’ of the Mazzaroth.

      And Mars, conjoined with Regulus, denoted that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has come to wage War. As an aside note, look at what is happening in Leo from now until mid-July. It is an Amazing Array of Conjunctions in Leo, in Regulus as Mars also Conjoins it.

      - July 10 Mars at Regulus
      - July 17 Triple Conjunction of Mars, Venus with Regulus
      - July 20 Triple Conjunction of Moon, Venus with Regulus
      - July 28 Mercury at Regulus

      It is a Message of a certain War. And what is happening with NATO, Russian-Ukraine War? Tt is only going to Escalate. And as shared before, based on the Phi Ratio Pattern, when applied to the World Wars 1 and 2, the Outcome of the 3, mathematically is to occur this Year.

      So, that is where I am at, the Revelation 12 Sign, 2.0 that occurs Astronomically on 9-11 of 2029 is definitely Signaling that the year 2029 is actually the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation and not the End, in one’s most recent Assessment. Note, that if 2019 would be the 2nd Coming of Jesus, then the whole 2023-2030 would be Invalid to begin with.

      But as it is now, in one’s Research, the 2025-2032 Timeline appears to Match this new Re-Calibration. But to be Clear and more Specific. The actual Astronomical Revelation 12 Sign, 2.0 occurs on September 11, 2029. But the actual Day Count of the Mid-Point occurs on March 31/April 1, 2029, which is Passover. The Point is that they are both within the Same Time Frame. And this is when one conjectures the AntiChrist will Stop the Daily Sacrifices at the 3rd Temple, etc.


      Revelation 12 Mid-Point of Tribulation 2025-2032 Timeline

    2. 'Neutal debate moderator' Bob! You have to intervene! Lu wants me to come to the other Side!
      But seriously. You know me, Lu. I just want to pick the earliest possible date for the Rapture. And I am excited. 2023 is the first of four possible years for the Rapture considering a Crucifixion between 30 and 33 AD.
      Maybe I will join you next year, but for now I have still hope.
      Thank you for informing us about the Conjunctions in Leo this July. It really looks like WW3 is starting soon (July?). Shouldn't the bride be raptured soon? I hope so!

    3. Stephan...better be careful bro, Lu's last statement has lots of subtle references to the Borg and the Dark Side!   Lol!    Sorry Lu, you set me up for that one!   But can I follow-up by saying you're really doing excellent research?   Thought I'd throw that in to "soften the blow" and stay on your "good side"!

      Speaking of which, I noticed the following in your studies:

      - July 10 Mars at Regulus
      - July 17 Triple Conjunction of Mars, Venus with Regulus
      - July 20 Triple Conjunction of Moon, Venus with Regulus
      - July 28 Mercury at Regulus

      I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but sure seems like a nice "setup" for a 9th of Av (July 26-27) Rapture!   Did you just "inadvertently" support our case?   I hope so because I'm ready to get out of here!      ✈️  777   ✈️

      P.S. Stephan, I wrote this before seeing your post. Proof that we're both on the same page (or should I say side!).

      Your "Neutral" debate moderator

  53. Tried posting this last night but was having issues again, this time with Blogger not connecting.

    Jimboni, my prayers are with you and I am trusting God to do a marvelous work of His hand on your behalf. This is the Psalm the Lord laid on my heart for you:

    "May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble;
    May the name of the God of Jacob set you on high;
    May He send you help from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion;
    May He remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah
    May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose.
    We will rejoice in Your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up
    our banners!
    May the LORD fulfill all your petitions.
    Now I know the LORD saves His anointed;
    He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand.
    Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
    But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
    They have bowed down and fallen;
    But we have risen and stand upright.
    Save, LORD!
    May the King answer us when we call."
    Psalm 20

    Blessings be upon you, Brother.

  54. RE: Who is the Man-Child of the Revelation 12 Sign?
    PART 1/2

    Sheila and Gordo,
    I think Gordo is selling himself short, why can it not be both? As best as I tried, I believe there is a Dichotomy in play or how the Revelation 12 Sign is multifaceted, that goes without saying. It is both and more. It is Jesus and it is the Church Age Saints about to be Raptured. Jesus was not Raptured but will Rule with the Iron Rod. The Church will be Raptured, but does not currently Rule, expect the False Roman Church says it does.

    The way I see it, trying to just delineate between 1 or the other does not allow YHVH to reveal that the Sign casts its Prophetic Shadow in the Past, the Present the Future. It is like a 3+ Level Chess Board in play. So, to relegate the Sign to a mere Checkers Game? So, I am just saying that it is ‘All of the Above’, and at their Respected Timing. That is the Key to understanding the Sign a little better.

    If not, one would have to use the same Rationale in then having to Reject the Trinity. How can there be 1 God but there are then 3 People in there somewhere? Does it have to be ‘1’? Can they be ‘3’ in the 1? Yes. What? Or how the Jews that insist Messiah is yet to come, cannot recognize that the 1 Messiah was to pay 2 Visits? Or how the Messiah is understood to be a Lion but then a Lamb at the same Time?

    Now some Theology is very Clear Cut, Black-White, Yes-No. Then there are a lot of Gray Areas. Then there are but Glimpses and Inferences, as is the Revelation Sign. I think that a Sign like the Revelation 12 is one of them And at best, we can handle in terms of Discernment. Our Minds cannot go beyond that, so YHVH is having Mercy on us. To think that the All Powerful Creator that made Trillions of Galaxies (If you believe in Space) and Names all the Stars, and has Armies of Angels, create Things out of Nothing, and made the Miracle of the Human Body, for example…would have to make it that Simple for us?

    He knows that we are but Dust and can only understand at a Prophetic 2nd Grade Level in terms of Revelation. And this is speaking of the 1% that were Surveyed only are Watching and trying to Discern as it is. I think the Revelation 12 Sign is a Glimpse of just how complicated Prophecy is or could be, in levels of Dimension we have yet to even be aware of. For example, back a Decade or so ago, as mentioned in prior Posts here along the way, I was helping do Bible Codes. At Best, one could do a Flat Paper one from a Plane Page of Bible Text, otherwise known as a 2 Dimensional Matrix.

    Yet the Jewish Rabbis who invented the Torah Software, were working on a Project that stipulated that the WORD of YHVH, is not only Living but is ‘Dimenionalized’. How so? If one took a Scroll Portion of any given Book of the Bible, not only could you Ascertain Equal Letter Distancing on a Flat 2 Dimensional Plane, but that the Words, because they are the very Breath of YHVH, go inward or Deep, as into a 4th and 5th and even more Dimensional Array of Ascertainable Code Matrices. This was Mind-Blowing. Is this Biblical? Yes.

  55. PART 2/2
    Consider the Apostle Paul, who was given the Mystery Revealed of the Church Age, the Rapture, etc. This is what he said about the Dimensions we Operate now within the Gospel, and of our Salvation, and we do not even realize it that is Inter-Dimensional! Just like the Bible Codes. From Ephesian 3:18.

    That Christ may Dwell in your Hearts by Faith; that you, being Rooted and Grounded in Love, may be able to Comprehend with all Saints what is the

    - Breadth, and = Dimension 1
    - Length, and = Dimension 2
    - Depth, and = Dimension 3
    - Height; = Dimension 4

    And to know the Love of Christ, = 5th Dimension
    which passed Knowledge, that ye might be Filled with all the Fullness of God.

    I hope I have not lost any of you all by now lol ;0 But the Point is that the Word of YHVH has ‘Dimensionality’ that one is not even aware of. As an aside note, I was looking over some Bible Codes and, wow, back around 2013, this Matrix Chart below? We worked on it and it was all about the coming ‘Plagues Unleashed’! What? Sometimes, like Daniel, Revelation is given, but not meant to be Understood until a Future Time or after it happens. It was during the Obama Years, but they were Practicing for COVID.

    So, in one’s Humble Opinion, the Man-Child is Jesus and it is the Church Age Saints to be Raptured, and it is of the Woman, the Jewish Remnant that flees. Notice that the 3 Innuendos all have a Departure to Safety.

    -Jesus as Man-Child Departs and is coming to Rule with Rod of Iron.
    -Church Age Saints, Raptured out.
    -Jewish Remnant that says behind, as the Woman Moving flees to Safety.

    Listen Gordo, :) You just need Read ‘Faster’. Lol Yes. I have more Time to write as I have some Time off this Summer. So, taking advantage, while we still can Communicate and have Fellowship this way. We sense that the Days of such Blogs like this will be Numbered.


    Here is that Bible Code Chart – For those that think there is some Validity to them

    Plagues Unleashed II

    1. Lu...I can totally relate to your Prophetic 2nd Grade Level reference, especially when I'm sitting next to AA in the back of your College Bible Prophecy 101 Class!   But as to the 5 Dimensions, that concept makes purrfect sense to me!   😸  One can only imagine what those 5 Dimensions will be like on the "other side"!    So you see, I'm trying my best to be on "your side", but just like Stephan, I prefer to be in Heaven sooner rather than later (2023 vs 2024 or 2025).  After all, we're only human (Christian!) and like getting 'EXCITED' about the potential nearness of the Rapture!

      Your fellow Psychology 101 Teacher (lol!)

    2. Thanks, Lu and I do agree with the aspects of both the Dual, Triune and Dimensionality levels of Scripture. I’ve seen it in so many things over the years. I think Is.66:7,8 is prob another example re the man-child touching on different prophetic times and people groups.
      The true Depths of His Word goes beyond our current human concept or comprehension of AMAZING. As Deep continues to calleth unto Deep, I believe we’ll all remain gloriously wide-eyed well into Eternity.

      (And Jeff’s latest study @Unsealed goes into some of this perception as well with 1John. Had to read that one 3 times with much more said to be coming from him and Gary.)

    3. Oh and as for which side I’m on in this 2023/2024 debate…if I’m still standing here at the Bus Stop come 2024, you guys can just slow down and pick me up on the way to the Airport. I’ll be ready!😁🙏⬆️

      (Also shoulda edited the word “both” up there in that triple reference🙄)

  56. Stephan + the "neutral" debate moderator concerning the date of Jesus' Crucifixion, I'd be remiss if I didn't share this video and article link by Aaron @ God a Minute?

    I'm glad to see some of our fellow watchmen getting involved with this debate as this may help solve this very important Biblical mystery!   Again, I'm truly taking a "neutral" position on this matter as this is far beyond my pay grade.  However, it is my hope + desire that it turns out to be 30 AD only because it may mean we'll depart sooner!   And that's my only bias.  So Lu, please don't get angry with me as we're in this together (i.e; we're both seeking the 'Arrow of Truth').   As I've said before, if there's anyone to figure out this mystery it's you based on the thorough and exhaustive research you do.   So "Carry-On" Brother, until it doesn't matter anymore!   In other words, until you're sitting between Stephan + me at the FunTable!


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.