Coming Soon: War in Heaven!
Stan has been putting out alot of great videos lately, and nearly all of them reference the Revelation 12 Sign. The Great Sign has truly been a type of rosetta stone opening up our understanding of prophecy and declaring just how late the hour is. I recommend all of Stans videos, but this latest on is very interesting as he breaks down the War in Heaven and relates it to Matthew 24. Here are the verses he believes are talking about the SAME EVENT...
A another video to watch on this subject is this one titled The Powers of the Heavens Will Be Shaken. Stan did research into the winter Figs described in Rev 6:13 and found that this too is very likely describing the same event. For those of you who may have missed it, winter figs are bad figs, worthless figs that are unedible. Those bad figs falling to earth is another way to describe Satan and his army being cast out of heaven and to the earth, just like the stars being cast to the earth in Rev 12.
7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, 8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. -Revelation 12:7-8and this verse statement from the olivet discourse...
29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. - Matthew 24:29-31We believe the Revelation 12 Sign as described in verses 1 and 2 has happened. Revelation 12:4 clearly indicates Satan and his army being cast out of heaven and to the earth... just like the text about the war in heaven discribes just a few verses later. The rapture is clearly described in Rev 12:5. So the war in heaven is an event we must be aware of and ready for....
A another video to watch on this subject is this one titled The Powers of the Heavens Will Be Shaken. Stan did research into the winter Figs described in Rev 6:13 and found that this too is very likely describing the same event. For those of you who may have missed it, winter figs are bad figs, worthless figs that are unedible. Those bad figs falling to earth is another way to describe Satan and his army being cast out of heaven and to the earth, just like the stars being cast to the earth in Rev 12.
13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. 14 The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, 16 calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” Revelation 6:13-17Jesus is coming soon, but if you look at these alignments describing the events, I believe that if these crazy events come to pass we should instantly be able to describe what is happening to our friends and neighbors. If we only have limited time before the rapture we want to be able to clearly explain what is happening so we can help get all our loved ones saved in those final moments! God bless you all!
Hey friends, I was thinking about the rapture timing on my way to work this morning (as I do most mornings during my drive... well really all day lol) anyway, I was thinking about the Rev 12 sign and that because it was in the heavens it served as a sign, a warning,as we all believe here and I have thought and it has been discussed here that it could be a 7 year warning, kind of mirroring Joseph's time in Egypt. So if you follow that thought, theory, from September '17+ 7 uears would bring us to Sept '24. Kind of where Lu has been thinking. Then the 7 year trib is from '24 to Sept '31. (In the window) Additionally we all pretty much believe to there is some sort of gap before the trib starts to allow time for AC to be revealed and time to set up the false covenant. So, it is plausable that we couldsee the rapture some time before September 2024, and must give some time for the aforesaid to happen. Following my theory, I think we are still in a good high watch time for 2023! Like Lyn and others have mentioned or dreamt, I too believe we will see significant signs revealing our nearness. Anyways my 2 cent thoughts, and how interesting with the theme of the new article today! Confirmation anyone?
Family, Blessings
ReplyDeleteIn an uncharacteristically long rant of 25:15, Steve Fletcher postulates from Daniel 10:4,5 and Daniel 12:1 and that the 24th of Nissan is when Archangel Michael stands up in Revelation 12:7, 8. While I find his connection there a bit tenuous there are a few nuggets herein including that from O'Bozo's alleged birth date until this 24th of Nissan, tomorrow, April 15th, are exactly 22,539 days. That verse # in Scripture is Jonah 1:7. Enjoy:
Lyndsey, Blessings
ReplyDeleteI hadn't noticed that your post closes with a question or would've included this above as it is related. As I work with The Dragon as The Day Of The Lord and all that entangled with our Rescue model, I've been checking it against other D&V and Words as may arise as well as insights in Scripture we continue to stumble upon around here for clues as to the timing of these sub-events. We well know that one of the mysteries of Scripture and prophecy is that we are told things in an entirely non-linear spiel with no correlation, often, between order of appearance in the text and subsequent order of occurrence in our world. While there is some wiggle room, I find that Unca Todd's stellar work on TDOTL tightens things up quite a bit with The Dragon coloring in between the lines for the details.
In one of Mandi's @ Seek Heavenly Things YTC she spoke 3 lines in her 'message' which I took note of in that regard. This was after she had gone back and researched all her prior messages concerning info on the day(s) of darkness and found that the number 3 was not mentioned anywhere in that, even though the 'darkness' theme is mentioned several times. The three lines she transmitted in a subsequent message were:
Darkness falls; Obama Rises; Meteors Come Down.
THAT is an interesting choreography. While days could fit in between those bullets I don't think months would. Not really a direct answer to your question but as details continue to ratchet up, derailments abound ongoingly, toxic events are daily, and, with Mandi messaging that more is coming and all that fitting into the meme of a woman in labor, well, sooner rather than later seems to make more sense by the hour.
Thanks Jimbboni perhaps it could happen in quick succession as "they" have been preparing for decades. Either way, yes our way home is soon approaching. Come Lord Jesus Come!
Jimboni, you no doubt have seen this, but just posted the link on the prior thread--hadn't realized a new one up:
DeleteHi Fam, Todd Adkins makes some interesting correlations between the naming of this crack/hole in the ocean floor along the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the book of Revelation. Illustrating an increase in supernatural activity as we progress toward our departure, a supernatural event to be sure! He references Jonathan Cahn's new book, Return of the Gods, as well.
RE: When is Lucifer Evicted from Heaven and War Ensues?
Part 1/2
As to the possible 7-Year Countdown from the Revelation 12 Sign? It is an Interesting Possibility. Consider then, that as the Sign occurred in the Fall, it would be in the Fall of 2024, if it is to Correlate, time-wise. But with about 3 Months left in the Gregorian Calendar, most likely the Tribulation would then start in 2025, also in the Fall. One’s Logic is that a 1 Year Gap of Time from the Fall of 2024 would be, ‘Just About Right’ in having the AntiChrist Debuted and the 3rd Temple Set-Up for the Daily Sacrifices.
One does ‘Conjecture’ that, it is the Day Count, starting exactly from the Day that the Daily Sacrifices start, that will begin the 7-Year 2520 Day Count Tribulation Period. Why? We have the Biblical Clue, that at the Mid-Point of the Daily Sacrifices is when the AntiChrist puts a stop to them. And that this Mid-Point is where then a Convergence many Prophecies occurs. How so? It is then Deduced from Logic, that as the Bible states clearly, that it is from this Mid-Point that one can Precisely then count 1260 Days to the End of the 7-Year Tribulation, etc. Or perhaps, such a Time could be staggered. Not sure.
But you have, at that Mid-Point, the False Prophet, erecting that A.I. Image, next to the Rebuilt Temple. Most likely, the ‘Golden Idol’, much like Nebuchadnezzar’s, will be seemingly infused with ‘Life’, this Time around. It will be a Mockery of how YHVH breathed Life into Adam, etc. But this will be the Abomination of Desolation, spoken about in Daniel. And this is the Time, Jesus warned the Remnant Jews, that at Time, to ‘Flee to the Hills’, to the Desert’.
This is the ‘Real Exodus 2.0’. This is why, in the Bible, Jerusalem is also referred to as ‘Egypt’ and ‘Sodom’. This is the ‘Woman’ that Flees, as Depicted in the Revelation 12 Sign. This Point of Convergence will also be when the Revelation 12 Sign will literally be accomplished. This is why, I Respectfully disagree with Brother Brad, in that the Revelation 12 Sign was not Fulfilled back in September 23, 2017. Also, Brother Stan at 11:11 only believes in the 6th Seal Rapture, well into the Tribulation Period.
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DeleteIn one’s Opinion, he is mixing what pertains to Israel, with what Pertains to the Church. He emphatically teaches that the Olivet Discourse is for the Church, not Israel. Well, we all have our Interpretation, and that is fine. No Problem. But one will continue to say or state, that in such Terms, it was Fulfilled, but only Astronomically, and that it was a Sign. Nothing more. Why? No Rapture happened. No ‘Woman’, i.e., Israel ‘Fled’ to the Desert or the Hills. No Dragon has pursued this Remnant that stays back. Sure, the surrounding Muslim Nations are as a 7-Headed Red Dragon, but they have not yet Attacked Israel to this extent since 1948 and 1967.
They will fight in the up-coming Psalm 83 War. Thus, no Lucifer and his Fallen Angels are being Fought against or are currently being ‘Thrust’ to Earth. No. Iti is at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation that this Eviction occurs. Thus, there is at least 42 Months or 1260 Days from the Start of the Tribulation that this Eviction of Lucifer has to occur. Not before. Why not? It is because until then, Lucifer has ‘Admin Rights’ and His Throne(s) are still Occupied by them, even if by Proxy. It is only after the Bride of Christ has to Confront her Accuser that Jesus opens the Scrolls and the Trial of the Bride begins.
It is when Jesus finally Absolves the Bride of the Accusation, withing that Divine Counsel that she takes up those Thrones, Dominions and Powers that Lucifer had and his Fallen Angels. This is when Lucifer is forever then, Evicted from Heaven and has no place but Earth to go to, along with all his .33 of the Fallen Angels that joined his Rebellion. And this is the Time that Lucifer seeks to Counter-Attack and that War in Heaven then breaks-all-out. This will correlate then, in one’s Time and Space Continuum of the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. This is just one’s Interpretation.
The Mid-Point will also Converge with the Mandated Mark of the Beast Economic Matrix that all Peoples will need to be ‘Plugged’ into. By that Time, the Technology will be ‘Mastered’ enough to ‘Fuse’ Man with Machine at the DNA level. But only for a short Time, as such Luciferian Genetics 101 will Backfire on them as all who take the Mark, will experience a Malfunction’ with Painful Sores breaking-out’. So bad this Bodily Condition will be that People will seek to Did or commit Suicide but will not be able to.
This is Amazing, in that, whatever the Mark will do to one's Body, the Aging Gene will have been ’Deactivated’ in some way. And this, in part, will be why those taking the Mark will no longer be able to be Redeemed, as their Human Genome will be changed so much, they will cease to be Fully Human. Apparently, YHVH has a Threshold that He is going by.
Hello Lu, according to many people and some pastors, Psalm 83 is a prayer and not a prophecy of war. Pastor Jimmy Root talks about it here but as they say, everyone can believe differently, it's not about salvation. 😊 He talks about it a little later in the video around the twelfth minute or so.
DeleteThe Zechariah 12 WAR. Could We See it Before the RAPTURE?
RE: Is Psalm 83 a War Prophecy?
Bless you. Thank you for the Link. You are Correct. Psalm 83 is a Prayer. But it is a Prayer of the GOD of Israel to be Delivered or of ‘Salvation’ to Save Israel from an Impending Invasion. But there is the issue. If this Psalm 83 is just a Prayer, for only then, have no other Prayers been also Prophetic for a Future Time? This is 1 Consideration. I have heard the Arguments against this being an up-coming Geo-Political War. But one would agree with you, we all have our own Interpretations, as it is not Clear or Specific.
One can only do, at best, is to Extrapolate from the Knowledge and Understanding we have of History and Politics, concerning the Nations and Israel. But, unfortunately, most Pastors do not have this Frame of Reference. And not that they have to, but it would and does help in putting Perspective into Scripture when there is room for Context and Reference Points in History. That is all.
Here is another Consideration. If Psalm 83 is not a ‘War Prophecy’, then neither should Ezekiel 38039 be considered a War Prophecy. And it is all just ‘Metaphorical’ Language of an Ancient Invasion already taking place. The reason why Psalm 83 is considered a Prophetic War, yet to occur is how, if you list the ‘Enemies’ of Israel, all of them have ‘Invaded’ or Attacked Israel, at some point in Time in Israel’s History. OK.
But what is very Particular about his Scenario presented, is that ALL the Enemies of Israel attack, at the same time. This Scenario has never occurred to Israel or has been Possible in its History, until now. It has only been in this Last Generation that ALL of Israel’s Enemies are now in a Position, militarily to Attack Israel, all at once. Now what one does differ, slightly with those that do believe Psalm 83 will be a War, is that most understand it to be Nation-States that will declare War or Attack Israel. Not necessarily.
One Conjectures that it will be the 7 Major Islamic Para-Miliary Factions that will Attack Israel instead. These are the Hezbollah's, Fatah’s, Islamic Jihad, etc. In this way, the Arab League will say and can say that they ‘Did not Attack’ Israel, formally. It is like now with the Ukraine that it has been Reported, due to the Pentagon Leaks, that U.S. and UK Special Forces have been Fighting the Russians in the Ukraine.
So, we shall soon see, because one believes this Psalm 83 War Attack upon Israel is what will bring in the AntiChrist Israel and the World will Believe and Accept. This Psalm 83 War is what one believes will set the Stage for that Covenant of Death or with the Many to be made that will ensure Israel has a 7-Year Peace Deal with the Muslims. Perhaps. One can be wrong.
But if the Rapture is this close, from now to Fall of 2025, then the Test will be to see if this Psalm 83 War will be a War after all, will be known. I call it the Inner Ring that then sets-up the Outer-Ring of Nations that are yet to Attack Israel. That will be the Gog-Magog War, but if one believes that Ezekiel 38-39 is not just a Prayer.
Lu, you are probably aware of this but Amir Tsafarti recently posted a document he had written wherein he maintains that the Psalm 83 war was actually fulfilled in 1948 when Israel's surrounding nations came agains them. According to him the current groups are not nation states but proxies of Iran, therefore it is all Iran coming against Israel. He just posted that if the sudanese rebels succeed, the positions for the Ez 38 war are shaping up--he sees this as the next war on the horizon. Lots of theories and opinions. Interesting to watch and wait.
DeleteBlessings, Lu….your last paragraph reminded me of this article from back in July 2022:
Delete“The ‘Benjamin Button’ Effect: Scientists can reverse aging in mice. The goal is to do the same for humans”
To quote the article….
“It’s a permanent reset as far as we can tell…”and “it’s going to happen in our lifetimes.”
I’m sure they are being fully funded for this work and that it’s progressing rapidly.
Re Stan’s (@11:11 Sign) eschatology views, he seems to be espousing a privately interpreted doctrine that falls somewhere between Partial Preterism and Futurism, so I do not subscribe to his recent messaging. His teaching that the Great Tribulation has encompassed the entire 2000 yr Church Age and the mention of John of Gaschala as the one who has already performed the Abomination of Desolation in 70AD is a good clue for some type of Partial Preterism leanings mixed in with a soon expectation of the Rapture and 2nd Advent that I really find quite confusing. So yeah…no offense, Brother Brad, but Stan’s teachings are not my cup o’ tea, either.
There is a reason that Jesus said “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning, no, nor shall ever be. And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
(Matt.24:21-22 KJV)
This world ain’t seen nothing yet.🙏
For anyone who’d like another take on the difficulties of Matt.24, I’d recommend this article by Chuck Missler
Epistemology, Part 5
“Resolving the Olivet Discourse”
Blessings All and Maranatha!
I'm with you, Sheila, just can't get with Stan 11:11. I'm sure he's sincere, and it did send me back to reread Matt. 24 (Luke, Mark), but just can't align with all he says--not to mention demeanor. I'm sure it shouldn't matter, but we have Lu as such a good example of considering others' views with humility and years of scholarship that few could match! (not to puff you up, Lu, but you really do give us a measured and well reasoned/researched response to questions that arise.)
DeletePART 1/2
Thanks! It is always Good to bounce-off each other’s Thinking, which we need. We need all the Eyes, Minds and Communication looking at these End of Days. Yes, I am well aware of Tsarfati's Point of View and Rejection of the Psalm 83 War Theory. No Problem. But here is how one sees it.
So, just share from one’s Learning Curve. If you read over the Entire Prayer or Petition of Psalm 83, the Context is that Israel is a Nation, Sovereign and a People, clearly to be Understood. One would think that with this Context and this Point, all Parties would agree. Thus, consider the Contrast of when Israel existed as a Nation to need to ask for Supplication to Defend itself and when it did not.
Meaning. When Israel existed in Biblical Times, at certain Points in its History, Israel was Attacked by all these Peoples mentioned in the Psalm. But as mentioned, not all at once. The main Argument why one believes Tsarfati is mis-calculating the Prophecy is the following. Note that in the Psalm, the Core Rationale is that the ‘Name of Israel’ should be ‘Remembered No More’.
This clearly speaks of a History Israel has had…up to 70 AD. Since 70 AD with the Destruction of the 2nd Temple, and then with the Complete Diaspora of the Jews, by the Romans to the 4 Corners of the World. This Divine Judgment made Israel to stop ‘Existing’ as a National Sovereign State and People. Israel was ‘Remembered No More’. For how long? So, the Muslim Peoples that came against the Jews and Attacking her in 1948 could not say, ‘Let us Wipe Israel off the Map’, because it was not on the Map for nearly 2000 Years, or exactly 1948 Years since 70 AD. It could not be ‘Remembered’.
So, one Argues that the 7-Armies of Muslims that came Against the Jews, that Declared themselves to be the ‘Israel’ of the Bible, were but 1 Day Old. No one could ‘Remember’ an Israel for 1,948 Years since. So, this is why, it is now only, in these Last Modern Days, when Israel is back in the Promised Land that this Psalm 83 Prayer can be Answered, and will be, in one’s Prophetic Perspective. Could be wrong, of course. But, for now, Israel has been able to be ‘Remembered’ now for 75 Years in 2023, that the Muslims can now say, ‘Let us make Israel be Remembered No More’.
Also consider that yes, Iran is Financially Supporting almost all the Muslim Para-Military Factions. It is supporting Hamas, which is Sunni, despite the Iranian Muslims being Shi’ite. Iran Hate Israel so much, that they are willing to forgo their Islamic Doctrinal Issues, for the Moment. Remember, Iran is under the Control of the Fallen Angel, the
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DeletePrince of Persia. And remember that Daniel foretold that Michael was coming back in the End of Days to Fight him again. We are seeing these Stages being set now. One just sees that this Prince of Persia’s Power and Directives are being 1st carried-out by all these Muslim Para-Military Factions, that will Attack Israel, at some Point in Time. And that it will be because of, or as a result of, Damascus being Nuked by the IDF. Then Iran, along with Russia will led Directly, the 2nd Invasion, the Outer-Ring Coalition that will be the Ezekiel 38-39 War. Of course, this is just another Scenario, among many.
But you do have Hezbollah in the North and the Houthis in Yemen, in the South that are Pro-Iran. However, there are also the following that are Sunni and funded by the Saudis, the CIA and Mossad, helped by MI-6, etc.
Or, like when you had the Civil War in Syria. Under the Obama Administration, he funded the Training of the ‘Free Syrian Army’. These are what became ISIS, Al-Shabaab, etc. Also realize that during the Iraq-Iran War in the 1980s. It was the USA, primarily that supported Saddam Hussein. The Republican Guard came about this and was the one that factored in all the Killings of U.S. Military during the U.S. Invasion later on. Then you had Reagan, who armed the Mujahedin, or the ‘Muslim Freedom Fighters’ that were fighting against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Reagan even invited the Taliban Leadership to the White House and compared them to the Efforts of the American Founding Fathers. Look it up.
So, just saying that it is not only Iran. War is 'Business', no matter what, unfortunately. And strange Allies can come about. You have Fatah that has a Military Arm as does Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. And there are new Factions popping-up, like the Palestinian Lion’s Den. So, just to say and show that it is the ‘Prince of Persia’ but this is just an Inner-Ring Campaign, the Big One is Ezekiel 38-39 War where Iran will Invade Israel, openly. See Chart for a visual. Good Discussions to have about Eschatology. :)
Thank you, Lu, well said. In looking over the charts again it seems the destruction of Damascus is the catalyst/trigger for Ps 83 rather than a consequence of it? Given all that is involved in these events/wars, the time needed for the other associated prophecies to occur, if 2030 is going to be it, then things will need to start popping pretty soon!
DeleteThank you for your explanation dear brother! It's always interesting to read what you write.
DeleteThank you dear Brad! A video from: God's Roadmap to the End. I don't agree with everything he believes about the rapture but the video is interesting despite that.
ReplyDeleteThe Planned Assassination of Donald Trump on April 20th - Predicted In The Media
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHangfiring Hyperlinks, Batman; As we meditate on these things
ReplyDeleteWow, buckle up for this one @ Steve Fletcher 222 (Backup) 25:42 RAPTURE WATCH FOR APRIL 15 - 20, 2023
Aaron @ God a Minute unpacks the Word in the stars, now 04:12
Once Upon A Time He Took Me...
Jimboni...thanks for sharing Aaron's video. Certainly lots of symbolism being displayed in the Heavens on 2nd Passover (May 5-6th). We obviously didn't make the cut the first round, but perhaps we'll get lucky this time!
DeleteLu...did you notice how Aaron cited Psalms 18:14-15. It made me think of your article + chart of the 'Arrow' constellation, Sagitta.
"14 Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them. 15 Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils".
So here's the scenario...the Bride of Christ gets Raptured on 2nd Passover...on the same day or shortly thereafter, YHVH shoots out His arrows scattering His enemies, followed by lightning bolts or some other "supernatural event" setting the stage for the arrival of the AntiChrist and the start of the 7 year Tribulation. Or conversely, nothing happens on that day (i.e. another 'nothing burger'!) and we patiently wait and watch for another 2+ years! Ofc, we can always hope and pray for an earlier "White Wedding Wheat Harvest-Pentecost Rapture" to occur in the Summer(s) of 2023-25!
DeleteListened to the Video by Aaron at God a Minute. Yes, the verse did remind me of the Arrow, Sagitta imagery. YHVH is sure about to unleash some Arrows of His own. World War is just about here now and Escalating. I am glad to see how other Brethren are really, have really picked-up on Biblical Astronomy. It has been, had been a Lost Art because the True Renditions and Meanings point to the Person of Jesus Christ.
The Stars and Constellations speak silently of being a ‘Witness’ to the whole Plan of Redemption. This is why, Lucifer has usurped it and relegated it to Horoscope Readings to deter Christians from really understanding what it all Signifies and is bout. Jesus. Sadly, even many Christians teach against it. Now, as to his Scenario? There is a Partial Lunar Eclipse on May 5, or 2nd Passover. So that is neat. For sure, more Celestial Signaling that Point to the soon Conclusion of this present Church age. If not this Year, more likely in 2024, I am Surmising…Just saying.
Listen dear family, this is a video of about 3 minutes of a little girl who is not yet 3 years old but who will celebrate her birthday at the end of May, who talks that Jesus is in heaven right now, and he has says he is planning a party for her which is almost ready for her and many other people.
ReplyDeleteRAPTURE SOON: "He's Up in the Sky Right Now!"
RE: Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline
ReplyDeleteSheila, StephE, Stephan…
Is the Year 2030 the Rapture and Start of 7-Year Tribulation? No, ‘Come Back!’…Do not Fall for the 2030 Mob! Lol. ;0 Just Kidding. It could be. It is ‘Logical’ and a Possibility for sure. One would take the Rapture, as many have said, ‘Sooner rather than Later’. But…lol. One is just following one’s Research and not saying one is ‘Right’.
Shelia, I liked the Video Teaching very much. I like the Charts and Typologies used. I tracked it all the way to the End. I liked the fact that they too see the Prophecy in the Types of the following.
1 Jubilees
2 Tabernacle/Temple
3 Menorah
These Prophetic Templates do help determine the Age of Mankind and the Church Age. And most importantly, when the Church Age is to ‘End’. It all was ‘Good’ and ‘Great’, until they got to the Start Year to determine the Rapture and End of the Church Age. I asked in one’s Mind, ‘I wonder what Year they will pick as the Start Year’? 30 AD, 31 AD, 32 AD or 33 AD?’ Just had a Premonition that it would be 30 AD. No Problem. But I have presented all of these 3 Theories here before, over the Years. Here are the links below.
These are at least 10 Years Old in Research. I would like to see their Source Notes or where they got their Suppositions. Not that one is saying, one came up with these Notions, but I have not come across any except the Work and Research of Tony Badillo and R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, which I do Source. I wonder why they are asking for Money to do all that? Should I ask for Money to? Nonetheless, what about the Sanhedrin leaving the Temple in 30 AD? Here is a Study on the Sanhedrin, for those interested.
The Sanhedrin is re-constituted and they only really need a Room, no bigger than a Mid-Size College Lecture Room. It was set to the Side, within the Inner Wall of the Temple Precinct, called the Room of the Hewn Stone. Anyway, if we are here past the Fall Feast in 2023, this Year, then the 30 AD Year, can be ‘Checked-Off’ the List. :0 Just saying, it will be a ‘Process of Illumination’. I think 2024 will be more Probable.
Preparations for the Coming Messiah
Thank you Lu, for your insight on this video, and for sharing the links with your studies! I am going to check them out here this evening. I agree, for the 2030 timeline to work, the rapture has to be by fall of this year. As to where they received all of their information, hmm, I wonder?
DeleteLOL, Lu…I guess the only thing that keeps from from going all out for a 2030 2nd Advent is
Deletethat it just almost sounds “too tidy” in wrapping it all up from a human standpoint. However, the global demoniacs are pushing hard to wrap up their own delusional “win” in 2030. So there is that side of coin, too. So it does look to be a pivotal year for this world no matter what.
And I saw some of that information they shared @bible
That’s where I got the Sanhedrin info. I wasn’t taking notes, but I remember thinking…hmmm, guess that’s where they did some of their research.🤷♀️
I shouldn’t try to cook supper and type.🙄“keeps ‘me’ from going all out…
DeleteLu….I just reread your comment about falling in with the 2030 mob and wondered if you saw my initial response to the Messiah 2030 vid on prior thread right below the fold. Yeah…my problem with it was how they got to where they ended up without mention of any kind of Rapture, or 70th week. They made a slight mention of the 4 horsemen and the AoD and went straight into the Millennium (and I think with everyone having glorified bodies?) Pretty vague. So IDK who they are eschatologically speaking and couldn’t find anything about them in re to that.🤷♀️
DeleteI think I missed your follow-up about the 2030 Return of Jesus, when we reached that 200+ Posting on that prior Thread. But, ‘Got it’, lol. No worries. And you all know I am being Sarcastic about 2030. No disrespect for all those Hoping, Expecting a 2023-2030 Timeline. As mentioned before, I will not complain on the way up! ;0
But for me, it is just that I am coming more from a Perspective of a ‘Realistic Hope’. And this, based on what I have come to Understand or See, if at all.
So, we continue to Watch and Wait.
But 1 Day closer.
Here is what our Brother Paul Dawson in the UK Posted about this very thing. I am excited to see what that Year or Timeline will be?! This is what he posted below. I hope it is that the Timeline is…, from 2025-2032! Ta-Da! Lol…;0 He is beginning to see it! Perhaps. He has to use 1952...not 1948.
I had a brief conversation with Brother Tyler over Email, about it because a 1948 Countdown Year will exceed the Fig Tree Generation Calculus. So, he and Bro Chooch surmise that it can be, 'within the Ballpark', as they say...Perhaps. :)
I'm going to share a calculation I've been sitting on for over 2 years. I worked it out so long ago that I didn't think we would get to 2023. It's what I call 'The final Fig Tree calculation' because there's no other way that I can reconcile the dates of May 14, 1948 - May 14, 2028 with Psalm 90:10 - 70/80 years. It's very simple and not contrived. Last year I wrote a program in C++ which calculates the date. I've not shared it because it was so far away but here we are. May as well throw it out there. Will share it soon.
Stephan + Family...just finished watching Aaron's video (Let's Make Like a Fish and Get Caught Up ⬆) about all the signs in Heaven on 2nd Passover. Probably his best video ever. Anyway, just did a number count from today (4/15) to 2nd Passover (5/6) = 21 days (7 + 7 + 7). There's still hope for us leaving on Passover (on Flight 777)! Cap't Bob
ReplyDeleteAnyone feel like making a simple list of all the key points (astronomical + Biblical) Aaron made in his video. I guarantee it will be mind blowing! I'm currently watching my home team (Sacramento Kings) play the Golden State Warriors in their first game of the playoff series, but can contribute tomorrow. Are you going to help us out, Lu + Jiminiconi? Lots of interesting astronomical stuff including the spawning ritual of Chinook Salmon!
><}}}*> (Go Up…A Blessing!)
<*{{{>< (Left Behind...A Curse!)
Kings win 126 - 123! Hallelujah!!!
DeleteOk, I'll start the list tonight, but I only have time for one item. It's one that Aaron briefly mentioned in his video.
Delete•"After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to the disciples on a number of occasions. John 21 records the third of those instances and includes the notable mention of 153 fish" (quoted for context). Specifically, John 21:3 states:
"Simon Peter saith unto them, I go fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing."
Did you catch it..."that night they caught nothing". It wasn't until the next morning, when Jesus was standing on the shore, said unto them, "Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find." I believe Aaron was pointing out two things: the 153 fish were caught the next day (referring to a possible 2nd Passover Rapture) and the fish were caught on the right side of the ship (same orientation of the upward facing fish in Pisces looking down from Heaven). Another theme he mentioned is that we've been on a "long journey" pointing to a possible 2nd Passover Rapture . Hopefully, I've conveyed Aaron's words correctly!
Bob...! Some more points for the list...
Delete1) He pointed out that Uranus (which means 'heaven' in greek) was at the same place (in Pisces) during the Rel 12 Sign
2) Jupiter was at the same place during Second Passover in 30 AD
3) The Solar Eclipse on April 20 is in IC 153 (a nebula in the constellation Pisces)
For me, it is amazing that this Sign is exactly 23917 months after April 7, 30 AD and contains the date of the Rel 12 Sign!
Stephan...thank you for adding to the list. It's much appreciated, Brother! I agree it's amazing that this Sign is exactly 23917 months after April 7, 30 AD and contains the date of the Rev 12 Sign! Here's some more points from Aaron's video:
Delete•Stars, constellations, planets, etc are God's artwork...His painting can be used by "believers" for our prophetic understanding + interpretation.
•The two (2) Rapture fish in Pisces look like spawning Chinook salmon (tails together + as "one"). One male + female laying red eggs. First egg (depicted by Jupiter) released around Passover (4/9), second egg released + fertilized around 2nd Passover (5/5 thru 5/9). The 153 fish are us! Both fish die after spawning. For the believers, our old flesh is gone + a new life has begun...a New Beginning!
•Christian Fish Symbol = Faith (Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior)
Breakfast time! To be continued me (ha, ha!).
Here's some more points to add to the list:
Delete• As shown in God's artwork on or around 2nd Passover, Jupiter is in conjunction or alignment with the "upward facing" Rapture fish in Pisces. Conversely, the asteroid Apophis is in conjunction or in the tail area of the "left behind" fish. The definition of Apophis = a demon serpent of darkness whom Ra, as sun god, destroys every morning at dawn. In other words, the opposite of Jesus!
•2nd Passover was not created by God until man came to Him (via Moses) and asked for it (Numbers 9: 7-11).
•There will be a full moon on 2nd Passover (God's appointed time?)
•Nebula IC 153 is located in Pisces near the "upward facing" fish (see John 21:11 describing the 153 fish being caught without the net being broken). When the Hybrid Solar Eclipse occurs on 4/20 it will be directly over IC 153! According to Aaron, this begins the menstrual cycle and 14 days later we (the fish/egg?) become fertilized/pregnant. Please don't ask me to explain this because I don't understand it, but apparently this Hybrid Solar Eclipse has a connection to 2nd Passover.
On that note, I think it's time for me to take a break and attend to my garden/fig trees!
Bob, another point for our list:
DeleteHe pointed out that the fish is a sign or confession since the early church. The greek word 'Ichthys' (fish) is an acronym for:
I = Iesus
CH = Christos
TH = Theos (God)
Y = Hyios (Son)
S = Soter (Redeemer)
Jesus Christ, Son of God, is our Redeemer!
Bob, Stephen, and all~Sounds like Aaron's video is a great complement to Jarrett at Supernatural By Design's video. In my latest article I also see a correlation with THE FISH AND THE PLANET X DRAGON-- The Fish and the Dragon—Signs & Dreams of the Soon Rapture
DeleteThank you, Lyn! Great Article! Just read it.
DeleteI just read your Article. Thanks!
Wait. So…you saying a Possible 2023 ‘White, Wheat, Wedding’ at a Summer Time?! Lol. Like during Pentecost? (Feast of New Wine) Maybe? :0 As you noted, up to September 23, it will still be technically Summer. But as for me, that Season is my Highest Watch Time of any given Year. We will have to see. But only 4 Months away for this Year.
But do agree that this coming Hybrid Solar Eclipse on April 20 will start ‘Something’. And that it is 1 of 2, that will Bookend the Span of Time, ending in 2031. And the Middle Year will be 2029, as one has pointed that out. Exciting Times. If the Rapture happens to occur on May 5, during the 2nd Passover that will be a Partial Blood Moon, or on 4-20, I’ll take it.
And I really liked how you referenced the Davos Meeting and how they will basically set the World Stage for the ‘Finishing Touches’, with their Call for their:
Horse #1-World Leader.
Horse #2-Warning of an Economic Collapse and Shift to their Digital Currency.
Horse #3-Food Scarcity and Famines.
Horse #4-New Plandemic and further Death by Injection.
Lyn...I just read your article and indeed there's quite a bit of overlap or consensus between you, Aaron + Jarrett. This Hybrid Solar Eclipse on 4/20 is going to be very interesting to see what happens next (manifestation of the Rev 12 Dragon, Planet X, AntiChrist allowed to arise, etc.). As Lu had previously pointed out, this Hybrid Eclipse is going to be a huge bookend for all what will transpire in the next 7 years or so. Ofc, this Jupiter in Pisces in the vicinity of the "upward facing" fish on 2nd Passover is going to be very revealing too. Hopefully it will be the Rapture, but we'll see. If not, only 4 months to go before Lu's "White, Wheat, Wedding" this Summer!
DeleteKeep those pointers coming, Stephan!
Hey Stephan + case you missed it, in Steve Fletcher's latest video (10:40 mark) he said from the Sign of Jonah, when the boy was pulled from the rubble on 6-24-21, to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse on 4-20-23 = 666 days. Arise of the AntiChrist?
DeleteThanks guys for your input❤️
DeleteAll bets are off after April 20 I say! (metaphorically speaking that is 😊)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow! So much I need to catch up on above. I got as far as one of Lu's earlier posts and had to ask him,
ReplyDeleteLU~You wrote "Thus, no Lucifer and his Fallen Angels are being Fought against or are currently being ‘Thrust’ to Earth. No. Iti is at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation that this Eviction occurs."
I agree that no eviction of Lucifer et al has occurred yet, however, my understanding of Revelation 12 is that PRIOR TO the time of the harpazo of the man child in verse 5 the EVICTION occurs:
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. - Revelation 12:3 KJV
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. - Revelation 12:4 KJV
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne. - Revelation 12:5 KJV
In my study of the Word I came to the understanding that Lucifer/Dragon casts down his legion of fallen angels/stars in verse 4. Then Gary at Unsealed posted a similar article The Revelation 12 Sign Compendium giving the same understanding I had come to:
Revelation 12:1-5: The rapture of the Church.
Revelation 12:7-12: The future war in Heaven that occurs simultaneously with the rapture or very shortly after. The accuser and his accusing angels are cast out of Heaven as the Church gains entrance into Heaven. You might call this the Cosmic Shift: the Church goes up and the devil comes down. Satan and his angels are then confined to earth. [end of excerpt]
I would have included verse 4 along with Revelation 12:7-12 to explain why the Rapture would have to be either simultaneous with the eviction or shortly after. But you would believe this is not correct?
The reason I have not caught up yet with all the wonderful posts above is because I was excitedly working on a new article that I believe will bolster everybody. I was inspired by Jarrett Griffin's latest video on the soon April 20 hybrid solar eclipse. Here's an excerpt:
ReplyDelete"The Fish and the Dragon
When the April 20 eclipse occurs, the sun will be in the constellation Pisces (the Fish) along with Jupiter. Pisces, according to Jewish tradition, is associated with Haman because he was recorded to have said, "Now I shall be able to swallow them as fish which swallow one another".[6]
This made me think of how believers in Christ have been referred to as a catch of fish and how the Dragon attempts to devour us in Revelation 12. As I listened to Jarrett explain how it was the King who gave Haman (a type of Antichrist) his power (Esther 3:1) and that it is the Dragon who gives the Antichrist power (Revelation 13:2), a thought struck me—
That means the manifestation of the Revelation 12 Dragon—Planet X—will come into play soon after April 20 also IF indeed this eclipse is signaling the time when the Antichrist will be allowed to arise! In THE LAST HEAVENLY SIGNS BEFORE A 2022 RAPTURE? I shared excerpts of a March 27, 2022, email I received from a Sister in Christ in Australia stating that Planet X or Nibiru will become visible to the world “near the end of the month of June (in some year).”
The Fish and the Dragon—Signs & Dreams of the Soon Rapture
RE: When is Lucifer cast down? Before of After the Rapture? Yes.
DeleteHi Lyn,
PART 1/4
Oooh. Good Question. The Text of the Revelation 12 Passage is ‘Pregnant’ with so much Meaning, Symbology and Types. You have to re-read it several times. Sort of like my Articles. Lol. Based on the Brief Outline you posted from Gary, yes, one would and do agree with all that was written. Perhaps it is what I did not say that is missing. The following is just to add more Details to the Conversation then.
But to further Delineate that the Casting Down of the .33 Stars does not or did not involve the Revelation 12 War to Come. Lucifer’s Effort to get back into Heaven is what I call this the Revelation 12 War. And it takes place after the Rapture, as I Understand it. The .33 Portion being Swept to Earth is not part of this War, although it would appear so because it does not give any Time References. In part, one believes it is because the Casting Down of the .33 occurred before Time, etc.
However, ironically, as we know, Humanity is in a State of War with Lucifer. Heaven is in a State of War against Lucifer that break-out here and there. We see this in Daniel, how the Arch-Angels fought a Battle, and do, behind the Scenes, i.e., with the Princes of Persia, and Greece, etc. These are examples of the Celestial Beings Spiritually having Power, Authority and Influence over Nations, States, and Cities…to this Day. Here is one’s best attempt at trying to Identify the Characters in Question to start with. But realize that in the List, each has or could have varying Interpretations and Prophetic Layers that run Concurrently.
-Woman: Mary, Israel, Church Body.
-Red Dragon: Lucifer.
-.33 of Stars: Fallen Angels in League with Lucifer’s Rebellion.
-Man-Child: Jesus, Raptured Believers during Church Age.
-A Birth: Birth of Jesus, Birth of Bride of Christ at Point of Rapture.
-A Rapture: Of Jesus? But see, Jesus was not ‘Raptured’. He Ascended, slowly…
-A Wilderness: Exodus 2.0 as Remnant Jews flee to Petra/Bozrah Area for Protection.
-A War in Heaven: Lucifer mounts a Counter-Attack and Invasion attempt at Heaven.
-Eviction: Lucifer is Judicially no longer able to ‘Appear’ or keep his Place in Heaven.
-Vengeance and Wrath of Lucifer: Lucifer is Confined to Earth, not even Air, no longer.
-Persecution: Wrath of Satan against any not taking his Mark.
One has to ‘walk’ carefully between these Verses, because the Depiction starts, clearly with what we would call, Space…as the Imagery depicts the Sun, Moon and the Stars. So, it is an Astronomical Sign. Check. But then the Imagery, shifts from ‘Heaven’ to Sky’. But Sky can and is also used for the Astronomical Domain.
So, let me reiterate what I think I said. It is tricky because I am attempting to pinpoint the Revelation 12 events that occur outside of Space and Time, to a Time-Space specific Correlation of the 7-Year Tribulation. This is where the Discrepancies occur because Revelation 12 does not start out ‘When’. It does at the later part and only gives us that Date clue of a 1260 Day Count.
PART 2/4
Delete1. Yes, the Eviction of Lucifer and his Fallen Angels, from their ‘Places’ in Heaven to Earth, can occur Simultaneously or shortly after the Rapture, from the Perspective on this side of Heaven, on Earth.
In the Passage, you are right, the ‘Rapture’ does appear to occur ‘After’ the Sweeping of the Dragon’s Tail of that .33 of the ‘Stars’ from Heaven that then Fall to Earth. So, it is assumed that the Dragon is Lucifer, and the Stars are the Angels, as such have been Depicted like in the Book of Job and in Revelation, etc.
2. I think at this point I need to perhaps Delineate a bit more of how to Reconcile that .33 Portion of Fallen Angels being Cast Down to what those that ‘Lost their Place’ might mean.
Based on the Research and Work of the late Michael Heiser, who recently passed from Cancer, he is the one who developed the Notion of the Divine Counsel, etc. I agree with his Assessment that there have been more than 1 ‘Eviction’ and 'Rebellion' of the Angels or of a ‘Casting Down’ of Fallen Angels, etc.
-This is to say that the .33 Portion of the Fallen Angles could refer to the Initial Rebellion of Lucifer, before Humanity was Created in Eden. Perhaps.
-But then, you had these similar types of Celestial Angelic Hosts rule over the 70 Nations. They became Corrupt and became the ‘Gods’ of Old as they accepted Worship and abused their Power over Humanity, i.e., The Epic of Gilgamesh.
-Then you have the Mount Hermon Contingency of the 200 Angles during Enoch’s Time, or in the Days of Jared, that came for the sole purpose of mixing with Humanity, Genetically, etc.
3. So, my Point in saying all that, is that the Casting Down of the .33 ‘Stars’ happened in Eternity Past, but, as we know, Lucifer and Company still are apparently able to appear before YHVH, as seen in the Book of Job. How is this Possible, if they were ‘Evicted’.
In fact, we understand that such Mount Hermon Angels were then Imprisoned in Tartarus, in the ‘Bowls of Earth’. They are being kept there, Reserved to be unleashed during the Tribulation Period. This is the ‘Pit’ Episode wherein, their Leader, or 1 of them, Apollyon is released upon the Earth, from below, not as from Above as with the .33 Portion. And as we know, contrary to Popular Belief, Lucifer or ‘The Devil’ is not in ‘Hell’ currently. And he, Lucifer will not even be thrown into the Lake of Fire, until the Millennial 1000 Year Kingdom of Jesus on Earth is completed.
PART 3/4
Delete4. Then, you have the Fallen Angels that are still in Power, in the Air, in Earth’s Domain presently. These are the Fallen Angel Ranks that are being Restrained and War against the Body of Christ while we are on Earth, etc. And their Chief Prince is Lucifer. These are the ones the Apostle Paul described as being the following.
-Spiritual Forces
To me, what helps me, wrap one’s Mind around the possible Revelation 12 Timing of its Mythology, Mystery and Madness, lol, is that the Clue I see in how the Term, ‘They Lost their Place in Heaven’. Essentially, an ‘Eviction’ prior and ‘Eviction’ after Rapture.
One’s Rationale is that these ‘Star’s as in Angels are not Meteors hitting Earth. Such Fallen Angels do not need to Fall or be Swept down to Earth, because they are already here. Lucifer could no longer have access to it. In other words, this is the Point in the Description when Lucifer and His Fallen Angels can no longer be there in Heaven.
It is because the Bride of Christ took all their Thrones, Powers, Authority and Dominions, etc. And this will take ‘Time’, relative to Earth’s Time. It is because the Bride of Christ has to Appear before the Bama Seat of Christ, even before she then takes her ‘Seat’ in the Divine Counsel to face her Accuser, Lucifer. It is at that Time, relative to Earth, that Jesus is then given that Scroll of the 7 Seals that is basically the Reading of the Sentencing of Lucifer’s Judgment.
This is why one does not believe in that ‘Simultaneous’ Exchange Hypothesis. The Point is, these Types of Fallen Angels in the Air, presently, will be ‘Cast Down’ also at some Point in Time, during the Tribulation. But after the Rapture. And that this ‘Casting Down’ is in Stages and it started with the .33 Eviction. I get this from Clarence Larkin’s Interpretation. He Surmises that the ‘Casting Down’ of Lucifer, along with the various Rebellion Types of other Fallen Angels are in the following Stages.
-From Heaven itself, wherever that is, to outside of it, perhaps, Space.
-From the Cosmos to the Air Domain on Earth, as in the Atmosphere.
-From Air to Earth, as in the Ground.
-From Earth to the Pit, in the case of the Mount Hermon Types.
-From the Pit/Prison Lucifer will be bound for 100 Years to the Lake of Fire.
Notice that amazingly, out of all the Trillions of Galaxies Planets, and World in the Unknown Universe, it just so happens that Lucifer is ‘Trust’ down to Earth! Why us? Lol. But we see here a ‘Reverse’ Action against Lucifer’s Decree and Words. He Proclaimed his, 5 I Will’s intending to Ascend to the Throne of YHVH and be ‘Like GOD, the Most High’, etc.
Due to his Pride and having caused so much Sin, Suffering and Death in Heaven itself, the Universe, and on Earth with the Human Race, Lucifer will likewise be Thrust Down in 5 Stages of Dimensions, that will ultimately land him in the Lake of Fire.
PART 4/4
DeleteThe Revelation 12 Episode is the Climax of the Book and, in one’s Prophetic Estimation, on par with the likes of Jacob’s Ladder Dream, that of Joseph that parallels the Revelation 12 Imagery and other major Visions of the likes of Daniel with the Vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue. But since we only have Limited Intel, we have to work with only Limited Understanding. But, as ‘It gets Closer, it gets Clearer’. Not saying that one has figured it out and not Dogmatic about believing one is ‘Right’ in the Timing of the Revelation 12 War, Rapture and Sequencing.
One thing is for sure, as they say, ‘The Devil is in the Details’. In this case, literally.
So, that was a long way around to attempt to answer the Question that, how one sees it. That the ‘Eviction’ of the .33 Portion of the Fallen Angels, or Stars occurs before the Rapture, as in Eternity Past or made John made References to it in Hindsight. So, it would and does appear that this Casting down of those .33 Angel ‘Stars’ to Earth would seem to occur just prior to the Rapture, from one’s Vantage Point in Time.
One cannot argue beyond that all this presented is pure Conjecture, as mentioned, the Passage is not given a Point of Reference one could pinpoint a Specific Time Sequence to, other than at the end with that 1260 Day Countdown. But. And to be fair, most Theologians use this Portion of Revelation 12 to ‘Explain’ that .33 of the Fallen Angels are those that followed Lucifer and has. It may not be the actual case or Number, but.
This is why Lucifer is out-numbered, and the Late Chuck Missler commented on this too. This is why Lucifer has sought to fill his Ranks with ‘Operation Genesis 6’. That was and still is the Mission to Genetic Manipulation and Hybridized Humanity for the coming Revelation 12 War.
On one hand, Lucifer’s Objective has been and is, to pollute the Human Genome. Why? Due to Genesis 3:15 wherein YHVH foretold that a Human, i.e., Jesus, would Destroy Lucifer. Thus, Lucifer sought to prevent the Messiah, a Human, to Redeem Mankind. But Lucifer Failed. Then, Lucifer has to fill-in his Ranks as mentioned.
And for Humans to ‘Fight’ in the Spiritual Realm, they have to have Nephilim or Fallen Angel Genetics in their DNA Mix to be able, somehow to sustain the Inter-Dimensionality of the coming Revelation 12 War, that for such an Endeavor, i.e., the 3rd DNA Helix, through the Mark will perhaps play a Role in that. Wild Stuff for sure. But that is where one is at. :)
Dedicated to the Memory, Research and Work of Dr. Michael Heiser.
Here is a good Video Summary of what is presently occurring, given by Pastor Billy Crone.
Understanding the Signs of the Times with Pastor Billy Crone
Our Watch YouTube Channel
Family, Blessings
ReplyDeleteIf Groundhog's Day is a theme which is becoming much too familiar in your Watch then this might be a wavelength to tune into. As we linger and ruminate over the next amazing Divine Orchestration of Sun, Moon, Stars, Multiple Calendars, Sacred Geometry And Simple Numeric Symbolism, I am called to revisit a question posed quite a while ago. For our own spiritual health it may be good to step back and ask, What are we supposed to be learning from this larger meme which is afoot with The Watch?
As we might expect, there are numerous good answers and various layers to the question and it's answers. As Dr. Barry Awe often encourages us with, the deeper knowledge of and insight into, and thereby Intimacy With The Person OF Christ Is An Inescapable Outcome Which We All Enjoy. Consider this, what would have been an onerous task if pressed into, that is, the fanatical pursuit of Christ through all of Scripture, closely examining every jot and tittle as we do, well, as Lu does, anyways, with the relentlessness of a Pharisee and the Passion of a moon-swept lover, is, to us, like a Saturday afternoon at the playground is to a 10-year old. Our desperate desire to be ELSEWHERE With our Lord Drives This. Our Lord Foreknew This. In His Grace And Lovingkindness Towards Us, He Glorifies His Name Through Concealing A Matter, While Encouraging Us, Winking At Us 'Through The Lattice' (Song of Solomon 2:9) Of Eternity In HIs Word, And Again Telling The End From The Beginning. However, The Lord In Who's Image We Were Made Has An End To His Patience And Knows, From Before The Beginning, Of Our Travail as we wait. Habakkuk 2:3
It also completely informs us and overwhelms us with the reality that, as Dr. Barry Awe often shows, The Harpazo Story is EVERYWHERE in Scripture, so, likewise, it continues to emerge in our Watching, OVER and OVER, as 'the very ROCKS CRY OUT' Luke 19:40 telling the nature of Our Lord, Romans 1:20 'day and night WITHOUT CEASING' and that His Very Nature IS Harpazo, hallelujah! Psalms 19:1,2,3 . However, it does NOT, as we have learned, Constrain Our Lord Or Flawlessly Tip His Hand. Still...
Even more, From Before The Foundations Of The Worlds, Our Lord Already Adjusted The Plan For Our Benefit. Jeremiah 1:5; Ephesians 1:4 That is encouraging as we pray into every day, and every new 'find'. We Are Instructed To Watch, not until it makes sense, not until it doesn't anymore, But Until He Comes, amen. On that note, and you do NOT want to miss this one,
Steve Fletcher spends a few moments baring his soul to be leading the parade along another Groundhog's Day and some details in his wrestling with that. He then reminds us that the day count spanning the 2 Great American Eclipses is 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 Days, and that, at the exact mid-point between them, was another total eclipses over SOUTH America on the same date that the 1st C-19 Jabaroo was administered. These details have amazed us all, previously, however, it sets up a frame by which he then looks at the upcoming Hybrid Eclipse of April 20th, one of only SEVEN that there will be THIS CENTURY, and it's predecessor, and the midpoint between them.
Suffice it to say that what he found simply demanded that he share it regardless of what parade he might be concerned about leading. 12:20 of wowzers:
Even more, From Before The Foundations Of The Worlds, Our Lord Already Adjusted The Plan For Our Benefit. Jeremiah 1:5; Ephesians 1:4 ;
DeleteMatthew 24:22
That is encouraging as we pray into every day, and every new 'find'. We Are Instructed To Watch, not until it makes sense, not until it doesn't anymore, But Until He Comes, amen.
Very nice, Jimboni…Very nice! TY for sharing that thoughtful perspective.
DeleteI was spending some time in the Word today (Rev.12 in particular, TY very much, Lyn;-) revisiting commentaries and contemplating why
so many sincerely believing Christians can come to so many different and opposing conclusions, while most all will claim to be led there by the same Holy Spirit. And that is something I cannot at this point make any sense of. So your wise admonition there is very timely as we all wait to find ourselves on the exact same page together with Him.
This evening, my not so little anymore 11 yr old grandson Jayden called to let me know they had returned home from a week long vacation with his Aunt Shelly (my eldest) and then said he had a super hard “God question” for me and that he’d understand if I needed some time to figure out the answer. What I figured was this would be a question his Aunt Shelly had posed to him trying to get him to question why he believes everything his grandma tells him and to think more “scientifically”.
So I said “Go ahead, Baby, shoot.”
“If God created everything like you say He did and He knows everything that’s ever going to happen, then why did He create the Devil?”
Yep, I figured right, but I answered that age-old skeptic’s question to the best of my God-given ability, thanking Him all the while for not missing a beat. Jayden was quite satisfied and beaming broadly as he said “Thanks, Grandma and that makes total sense to me. I understand it now.”
And I’m here to tell you I couldn’t repeat again exactly what all I said to him to save my life,
BUT GOD…He WILL put the right words in your mouth at just the right moment. So very grateful to Him!
Maranatha and Looking UP!😊🙏
RE: April 20, 2023 Hybrid, Central Blood Moon of 2018, Tu B’Av?
DeletePART 1/2
What you Call me?! Lol…Hey, just being like ‘Dad’. Like it says in Romans 11:22. ‘Take notice, therefore, Of The Kindness and Severity of GOD’. And note that Jesus did not necessarily Rebuke the Pharisees for being Pharisees. But the Rebuke came for not doing and being both, Severe and Kind, Law and Mercy, which Jesus requires and just like He is and does, no? :) They did not ‘Walk their Talk’ but were Playing Church. So, I try to be and do both. I get less Stones thrown at me that way, hu Bob. ;0
But, wow Jimboni, this Video of Fletcher gave me a Prophetic ‘Whiplash’ in having to look back in the Archives. When he mentioned the Hybrid of November 13, 2013, and the Central Blood Moon of July 27, 2018? What? Are you kidding me? Since around 2010, when I wrote about both, there has not been anyone, that I know of, over the Years that has connected them both. I appreciate his Realization also, of how many are skeptical of his ‘Watch’, as it seems he is Sounding the Alarm or the Rapture, every other Day or Sign, it seems. But I cannot fault him for trying and wanting to Warn GOD’s People, about it. But I think I saw that he is recognizing that you have to have a Balance. Great.
But you made me go back into my Research Archives and man, I cannot believe it has been like, over 13 Years, that I did those Charts about the Central Blood Moon over Jerusalem and the Hybrid Timeline since Jesus. It hit me, 13 Years of Watching since then? So, here are some Points that came to Mind in listening to the Connections he made about the April 20, 2023 Hybrid Solar Eclipse coming. It will occur in-between Indonesia and North-Western Australia. People who live in the City of Darwin will have a Front-Row Seat.
Anyway, check this out and why was that Blood Moon over Jerusalem in 2018 so Significant Prophetically? On one hand, as it was mentioned, it was the longest in the Century. Check. It was over Jerusalem. Check. It was a Central Blood Moon. Check. Meaning? That the Position of the Moon was ‘Dead-Center’ in the Path of the Shadow cast from Earth upon it. I think that YHVH was, like….’This is a ‘Big One’ and Important one pay Attention’. It is also called a Bull’s Eye Eclipse for that Reason. And thus, one also made some Connotations to Taurus, the 7 Churches of Asia, and the Pleiades, etc. And.
Well, 2018 happened to be Israel’s 70th Year Anniversary Marker. This was and is huge, Prophetically. I wrote then, that it signified Israel had ‘Matured’. And? And now ready to be ‘Dealt’ with, as the Church Age is about to End. Israel being ‘Dealt’ with, as in having to ‘Pay-Up’ what, as I have explained, Israel still owes 1 Land Sabbaths she did not let the Land Rest. And thus 70 Years of Captivity. The Year 2018, also saw the Nascent Reconstituted Sanhedrin of Israel, Dedicate the Altar of Sacrifice, at the Wall of Jerusalem. Huge! It was exactly as it was with Israel after the Captivity of Babylon, 70 Years afterwards. To me, this was and is huge, I was Excited. Realize that I Surmised, that this Event, in 2018 was and is when the 3rd Temple was and has really started.
The Sign of the Coming Tribulation Period
PART 2/2
DeleteI was so excited about this Event and Year, as many Key Prophetic Events converged, that I wrote a whole Book about it. You are all Free to Download it in PDF format. Here is the Link. Have a look.
Re-Dedication of the Altar of Sacrifices
Anyway, check-out this Day Count, inspired by the one Fletcher did from the Hybrid Eclipses. This April 20, 2023 Hybrid Eclipse to the Bookend one of November 14, 2023, will be 120 Months. Where have we seen this 120 Numerical Value before?
November 3, 2013 - November 14, 2023
= 3663 days
= 10 Years, 11 Days
=120 Months, 11 Days
Could they be, perhaps Signaling that, ‘4 Months and then comes the Harvest?’ And yes, that Half-Way Day Count was the Jewish Valentines Day of Tu B’Av. It also brought back all those Discussions and Watch Times that pointed to a possible New Wine Rapture Time. But note, that the Theme is that of a Pentecost End of Wheat Harvest start of Wine First Fruits Harvest thereafter. And of course I have a Chart for all this, lol.
See list below. What I also did is to consider the Day Count from that Central Blood Moon on July 27-28, 2018 and wondered what that would be to the ‘Mid-Point’ of one’s 2025-2032 Timeline that makes March 31-April 1, 2029 the exact Midpoint. Exactly 3900 Days! What? Not sure what to do with it, but just Pure Prophetic Perfection of how YHVH encodes and Schedules such Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars, etc.
July 28, 2018 - April 1, 2029
= 3900 Days
Here below are the Charts to the Central Blood Moon in 2018 and the Feast of Love Feast Day of Tu B’Av. This is just also ‘Evidence’ that suggests the Rapture ‘Season’ coat-tails off such Motifs of a Summer ‘White, Wheat’ Wedding’, Maidens dancing in the Vineyard, Pentecost Season….having that Gentile Vibe, eh?
Thanks for Informing us.
The End-Gathering at Pentecost
Signals of the End Harvest
DeleteMatthew 10:19; Isaiah 55:8,9; Isaiah 14:12,13
Uhm, to avoid confusion, that was an 'amen!' to Sheila B.'s post, not a commentary on your addition, Lu. Wow, that was fast. So, uh, apart from triggering something with the share, cool, I got kind of lost in all of that. All that said, your 'gist of the grist is basically that it IS significant, and even in more ways than you already were aware of, and we'll have to await the details of that, as usual, eh?
DeleteYou are correct. But I will take Sheila's 'Amen'.
Thanks! :)
Always happy to share an Amen!😉
DeleteJimboni--Like Sheila and Lu, I just HAVE to cheer what you shared:
Delete"Consider this, what would have been an onerous task if pressed into, that is, the fanatical pursuit of Christ through all of Scripture, closely examining every jot and tittle as we do, well, as Lu does, anyways, with the relentlessness of a Pharisee and the Passion of a moon-swept lover, is, to us, like a Saturday afternoon at the playground is to a 10-year old. Our desperate desire to be ELSEWHERE With our Lord Drives This."
"We Are Instructed To Watch, not until it makes sense, not until it doesn't anymore, But Until He Comes, amen."
and referring to Lu's posts about the April 20, 2023 Hybrid Solar Eclipse Jimboni summarized--the "'gist of the grist is basically that it IS significant, and even in more ways than you already were aware of, and we'll have to await the details of that, as usual, eh?"
😁 Sheila--"I was spending some time in the Word today (Rev.12 in particular, TY very much, Lyn;-) revisiting commentaries. . ."
Delete@ God a Minute 03:25
DeleteThe Door Lamb Bread Fish & The RAPTURE! ⬆️
Thanks for heads up, Jimboni…more beautiful Celestial encouragement for the waiting Body of Christ!
DeleteOn the other side of the coin as we teeter on the edge of our Rescue and re a much lesser, but possibly more ominous and ungodly celestial sign reported yesterday by MSM:
“Mysterious Glowing Blue Spiral In The Sky Over Alaska”
This captured on film phenomena was quickly explained away as a Space X rocket launch’s fuel dispersion. But is that the truth? Or was it signaling the time for something far more sinister from the dark spiritual realm?
Blue Spirals 🌀in several forms are listed by the FBI as symbols or logos used by Pedophiles to communicate their preferences in their victims.
And @Daily Crow just happened to run a headline today about a UN Report calling for the decriminalization of ALL sexual activity, including Pedophilia.
Perhaps just before the true scope of an occult worshipping, human sacrificing, child abuse ring whose many members occupy high level positions in society
will be revealed?
IDK and putting my tin foil hat back in the drawer, but we do know the Luciferians are quite good at signaling their
comrades of things to come… “Blue spirals🌀 in the sky means the time has now come to globally legalize our filthy crimes against children.”
Such a thing wouldn’t surprise me one bit,
BUT GOD! Our Lord and Savior IS Coming!🙏
But wait, there's more...
DeleteSo, we saw that between the 2 GAE's was the mid point of 12/14/2020 which was the same date upon which the 1st Jabaroo was admin'd in the USA. Also, The mid point of the upcoming Hybrid eclipse of 4/20/23 and the last one in 2013 was the longest super blood moon of the past century AND it was over Jerusalem 7/27-28/2018, on Tu B'Av, the day of weddings, also being 727.5 days from each bookend eclipse. Thus the 7/27 eclipse, being 1727 days as a middle-marker, speaks of G727, associated with G726 but as a verb, Rapacious: to violently seize or snatch, and, H727, ARC.
Digging a bit deeper, Steve finds that that earlier Hybrid eclipse of 2013 began as a partial eclipse over Washington D.C. and then draws a line across the Atlantic to next cross East Africa, Kenya, specifically, and linger over O'Bozo's home town for 216* minutes (*6x6x6). The afore mentioned O' is recently arrived in Australia (note: Easter Hemisphere) and will be on a speaking tour there through the upcoming hybrid eclipse of 4/20/23. Hmmm...
Speaking of mid points & snake bites, we now also see that just as the USA GSE's bookended the 1st jab in the USA, 2 signs in this mix which are for the WORLD also bookend the their midpoint being the 1st Jabaroo given globally, in the U.K, 12/8/2020.
Part 2 opens with an overview to about 03:30 for 12:32 total & Part 3 runs just 02:41.
In the 3rd segment, and I think, perhaps, a WINK to those who've gotten a '3-2-1' message in D&V's, we see that the shrine in Israel commemorating victims of the holocaust has, at it's summit, an eclipse, and, that from that last Hybrid eclipse in 2013 until this upcoming New Moon Hybrid Eclipse on the 20th are 3,456 days.
H3456: yasham: to be desolate
Just listening to the panel with John and guests @WFTGD and Aaron is discussing his “Door Lamb Bread Fish & Rapture” video with Jesus being The Door.
DeleteWhile I was studying Rev.12 yesterday, I found Ironside’s Notes so encouraging as he pointed out the 4 pivotal and divisional openings of Heaven that occur in Revelation with the First Opening (if one is willing to see it as such) being the Rapture Door in Rev.4:1.
The other 3 Heavenly Openings are found in Rev.11:19, Rev.15:5 and Rev.19:11.
I believe the middle Two Openings are to reveal the Heavenly Testaments of His Holy and Righteous Judgements and the Fourth Opening is His Arrival to complete them and usher in His Millennial Reign.
Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!😊🙏
Family, Blessings
ReplyDeleteInviting you to join me ona little RabbiTrail as I am certain there is a ton here which others will unearth. It was recently reported that a sizable hole has been found in the ocean floor and later research has shown it is off-leaking a viscous fluid mixture of water and silt and stuff which acts as a lubricant between the tectonic plates. DAHBOO7, Watchwoman65 & Unca Todd Adkins have each covered it when it was news a week ago, or so. Dahboo was kind of late to the party but his video gives good technicals @ 02:50 a href="">"Newly Discovered Seafloor Seep" May Trigger Magnitude 9 Earthquake, Tsunami Off Oregon's Coastline
Well, Unca Todd sort of made a video about it. Rather, he brought it up, highlighted it in terms of its magnitude and certainly FEELING like it has some larger significance for Watchers but nothing had resonated in his spirit, yet, apart from it being prophetically ripe 'Holy Ground'.
So, I went on a little hunt for 'ocean depths' in Scripture and hit a nugget I've never heard unpacked, before, though it certainly has been, and wanted to share for a mutual dig long before I would plumb anything, myself. Further, a good dig from our perspective NOW will likely yield insights unrevealed previously. Here's the meat, a few thoughts and some verses to whet your appetite. The word, in question, in Hebrew is H8415 tehom (teh-home) and corresponds to G12 abussos.
H8415: tehom was my 1st find within Psalm 148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth,
You great sea creatures and all the *depths (H8415); That there are 36 (!) verses with this word was startling and I saw (3) (trinity) x (12) (ABBA with Man - 12 tribes, apostles, etc.), very profound. Then, in looking in to the Greek Equivalent the number of verses confirms that very point, adding a 4th '12'. Christ the door (4) interacting with Men (12) reflecting the trinity in OT (3x12) and the New Covenant in the NT (1x12) Jeremiah 31:31. That H4815 is in the 1st verses of Genesis and G12 spans into Revelation 20 demands attention seemingly.
H4815: tehom: deep, sea, abyss: (36)
4 in Genesis:
Genesis 1:2: "and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon"
Genesis 7:11: "day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven"
Genesis 8:2: "The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven"
Genesis 49:25: "thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under,"
4 in Job:
Job 28:14: " The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with"
Job 38:16: "of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?"
Job 38:30: "are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen."
Job 41:32: "to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary."
12 appearances in Psalms but in 11 verses, as it appears twice* in
Psalms 42:7: " Deep* calleth unto deep* at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves"
4 in Proverbs, several in the lesser prophets, ending in a verse telling us that the Deep has a voice, which is spoken of in several places, throughout. Is 'the deep' raising its voice with this new find? Will the movement of the earth be the result of the 'lifting of its hands?
Habakkuk 3:10: "the overflowing of the water passed by: the deep uttered his voice, and lifted up his hands"
Again, in the context of a huge hole now being open at the bottom of the ocean, breaching 2 worlds and possibly setting up great disruption
DeleteG12 abussos: boundless, bottomless: (12)
1st: Luke 8:31 And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep.
2nd: Romans 10:7 or, “ ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).
and the last (10) all in Revelation, ending with
Revelation 20:3 (Yes, boys and girls, that would be Revelation TWENTY, THREE...)
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
Blessings Jimboni…you’ve already done the deep Biblical diving there re the Pythias’ Oasis ocean seep. And it does have an ominous feel to it, especially with it just being made known to the public some ‘8’ years after first being discovered. Not much, but here’s a little tidbit to throw in….
DeleteIt was first discovered in 2015 by then grad student Brendan Philip who is presently serving as Water Infrastructure advisor in O’bidum’s WH and another big ‘climate change’ proponent.
So just looked at the Hebrew gem value of this guy’s name:
H338–i—a jackal, wolf, hyena (or the wild beasts of the islands)
Used 3x in Is.13:22, Is.34:14 and Jer.50:39
In ref to judgement on the nations and Babylon.
Lu +'s a video we all need to check out. It's about the new ChaosGPT. Very scary stuff!
I think it's time for you to beam us up now, Jesus!
Family, Blessings
ReplyDeleteAs Unca Todd Adkins comments in this latest video, The Timing Of The Lord Is Impeccable And Often A Personal Treat In Our Lives. On that note, he saw Stan's video and it opened some questions which fell right in line with Unca Todd's trek on his prior 3 videos. So, he does a really cool dive, starting at about 30 mins in to this 01:40:26 adventure easily raising as many questions as nuggets uncovered along the Way.
When is the War in Heaven? This Study Became MUCH Deeper and FAR More Revealing Than I Had Planned!
For those interested, the JWST team just released a new image of two galaxies, collectively known as Arp 220, merging together approximately 250 million miles from Earth, in the constellation Serpens (the Serpent). Here's the article and image from
It may just be me, but I find it rather interesting that this galactic collision (potentially between good and evil, light vs dark, etc) is occuring in the constellation of Serpens. Also, in the center of the image is a six (6) pronged bright star, which may be signifying something Satanic. Ofc, this may just be my imagination! Any thoughts, Lu?
Just a few hours ago Steve Fletcher did yet ANOTHER exciting informative video. I have added it to my latest article (where you can find the hyperlink to Steve's latest). Here's the excerpt:
ReplyDelete"After posting this article, STEVE FLETCHER shared his discovery of day counts associated with the American Total Solar Eclipses and the Hybrid Solar Eclipses pointing to the Jewish Day of Weddings known as Tu B’Av. This year Tu B’Av falls on August 2, which is interesting in light of the August 15 X-date given above. Also in his most recent video, 100% THE SIGN OF JONAS!!! APRIL 19-20, 2023 HYBRID SOLAR ECLIPSE, Steve shares evidence that the April 20, 2023, Hybrid Solar Eclipse is the Sign of Jonas:
But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: - Matthew 12:39 KJV
I have learned to not set my heart on any particular date, but if world events keep escalating exponentially it is a real possibility that the April 20 “Haman 2.0” Hybrid Solar Eclipse may be God’s Jonah signal for a Tu B’Av harpazo or snatching up of the Bride of Christ!"
The Fish and the Dragon—Signs & Dreams of the Soon Rapture
Just saw this and thought it prophetic:
DeleteNone of the April 19-20 eclipse will be visible from North America, but will have a livestream of the total eclipse at 9:30 p.m. EDT on April 19.
Greetings, folks. You all are so faithful to pray when there is a need. Could you please pray for Jessica Brock, she is about 21 and has cancer. I don't know where she stands with Jesus, so maybe we can pray about that for their family as well. Her mom is a sheep farmer on YouTube, Sandi Brock is her channel name. Jess has a channel as well. They both have videos about this.
ReplyDeleteI know Abba hears our prayers. He is good and His mercy endures forever.. Thank you and blessings to all.
DeleteI'll be praying for Jess, too!
DeletePraying for Jessica too!
DeleteFYI I just read (newer) comments on the Messiah 2030 video; they replied to a comment saying their 2030 return of Christ timeline also coincides with the rapture of the church, that they are one and the same. So at least that clears up their thought process which left you wondering at the end of the video.. They are post tribulation believers.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing that, StephE.
DeleteNow my question is, why be anonymous??? Here’s what it says on their website:
Who is the creator of this video?
In the interest of encouraging viewers to focus on the "what" and not the "who," at the moment we have chosen to remain anonymous. We want the focus to be on the content of the video and the Bible. If this video serves well we want it to be because of the content and message found in the video, not because it was pushed by a popular ministry. Because many of us in the faith also have differences in various doctrines, we also seek to avoid the distraction of such debates as much as possible. We can say that we believe the whole Bible to be true, and we look forward to meeting you following the first resurrection, whenever that may be.
If you could please pray for my neighbor Jacob, who has a sarcoma tumor in his hip, I would be very grateful! Please pray for his healing and salvation. They did ask me to pray for him, but I am not sure of his relationship with the Lord.
ReplyDeletePraying for Jacob, the Lord will lead him to His Grace! We are so near to go home!
DeleteTY StephE for clearing that up. Hopefully they will be pleasantly surprised in 2023:-)
DeleteAnd Prayers Up for Jacob and Jessica per Kathy’s request.🙏🙏
Thank you Alla & Sheila for your prayers! Yes, come Lord Jesus, this year sounds great to me!
DeleteI will add Jacob to my prayer list. Jacob and Jessica, both "J."
DeleteI will also pray for Jessica and Jacob and their family.
DeleteHere's the exact response, since I'm sure I botched my interpretation of it:
DeleteAll of the patterns and prophecies (40) presented in the film align the first resurrection with the second coming, which aligns with 1 Thes 4 and Rev 20 which places the first resurrection after the mark of the beast. However, Is. 26 places the wrath after the resurrection, and the wrath cannot begin until the Lamb returns. The wrath is poured out during he bowls, likely during the “10 Days of Awe” between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, following the Messiah’s return. This film is not compatible with a pre-trib perspective. However, there will likely be a Greater Exodus according to Ezekiel and Jeremiah. This is also hinted at in the 40 years in the wilderness in which Israel stopped “42” times. We are appointed to tribulation and not to wrath. There is a difference in the definition and purpose of both tribulation and wrath. This is a post-trib / pre-wrath perspective.
This presentation will be determined false, by us, if the abomination of desolation does not occur by Spring 2027.
Thank you for your prayers! ❤️
DeleteThanks again to all who prayed. We have the extreme privilege to help fill the bowls that are poured out on the altar in Revelation 8:3-4.
DeleteBlessings Family, prayers for Jessica and Jacob.
ReplyDeleteI just finished a video from Will @Worship and Watch that came across my feed. He shares a brief but interesting dream and interpretation that aligns with @SteveFletcher's latest ones. Here's the link if you're interested:
Maranatha Family and looking forward to meeting y'all down at the fishin' hole SOON :)
Yeah, I like Will's videos, watched this the other morning! Thank you for your prayers!
DeleteYes, Mom! I forgot to add it to my article...
DeleteJust added Will's dream of the Fish to my latest article. Thank you, Mom for your post--it reminded me I needed to do that❤️
DeleteFAMILY--Will's dream is like an exclamation mark punctuating the significance of this eclipse and its connection with the Sign of Jonas/Jonah!
RE: Dr. John Campbell
ReplyDeleteAs Jimboni has shared many of Dr. Campbell’s COVID Video in the past, it is a Good Example of how an Objective Point of View approach and Real Science has been applied to uncover the Soft Genocide that COVID is and how it has been Perpetrated upon Humanity. Dr. Campbell has basically come to a lot of these Conclusion now, over his ‘Journey’ of Discover and now with over 2.7 Million have been Subscribed to his Channel.
Here is ‘behind the Scenes’ interview with Neil Oliver about it. I suspect though, that as he is coming more into the Truth and Exposing the Lies, or even asking the ‘Right Questions’ and coming to the Right Conclusions, as he now clearly states, his YouTube Journal Days will be Numbered.
Interesting long form interview with Neil Oliver
Dr. John Campbell
Here is what one commented about the PCR Tests.
West New West
Im a scientist who read the PCR test at the very beginning of all of this and I understood it. I called my provincial health authority to find out how many cycles they used and after a half hour of waiting on hold I was told that I was not allowed to know how many cycles they used. That is when I knew something was very wrong with all of this.
I just found out that there was a Lunar Eclipse on May 5, 30 AD on Second Passover. Exactly on the same day as this year on Second Passover.
ReplyDeleteStephan...perhaps another confirmation that 2nd Passover is Go Time! All systems showing green for liftoff, Houston! 10/4
DeleteA faint voice can be heard in the background saying that's 'IMPOSSIBLE'...I think we're going to have a problem, Houston! Have you not read my 'Gap' timeline pre-flight instruction manual? Lol!
Here is a video of about 3 minutes and a kind of roundness is in the sky during a golf game. Weird that it's not completely round but it looks a bit oval.
ReplyDeletePlanet X Seen On LIVE T.V !!!!!
Wow! Just a quick look at his YTC and I see many compelling prophetic videos. Also i noticed his beliefs are on the legalistic side so keep that in mind if you watch.
DeleteThanks Carole❤️
I took a screen shot of this orb shaped object from the televised event on YT from April 10th and it looks like it has a little “moon” in front of it and maybe a tiny one off to the left. But then I didn’t see it in anymore of the sky shots after that. Very weird.🤷♀️
DeleteI got the screenshot from @The Masters YTC
“Masters Champion Jon Rahm’s Final Round| Every Single Shot| The Masters”
Another video of our brother Patrick "Hourly Watch" 14 minutes
ReplyDeleteRapture - Hybrid Moon Watch and Hopefully our Blessed Hope!
Since “Fish” seem to be front and center celestially speaking, Brothers John, Ronnie and @Many Fish are on @WFTGD today. For some interesting number connections,
ReplyDelete@Many Fish never fails to bring them and usually from the most unique of places:-)
Here is a rather special video. 12 minutes. I don't know what Stephan or Lu will think about it. This is from a sister in Christ who gave the link. Calculations, figures, I get a little lost but it seems logical. Explain to me Lu or Stephan or whoever!
ReplyDeleteThe vanishing 7:33 PM. Non-daylight savings time. Jerusalem full moon. Second Passover 5/5/2023
RE: May 5 Blood Moon Rapture?
DeleteHi Carole,
Where do you find these People!? :) The 1st part was interesting to me as I like the 2-Dimensional aspect of what could be the New Jerusalem layout. The way he had it though, would be a Pyramid but it could be a Perfect Cube as well. I believe they are both, a Tesseract.
He did a lot of Geometry, which is fine but thereafter, hard to follow with all those Numbers. I got lost. So, what I believe I did Understand, was that the Rapture will occur on May 5, 2023 with that Blood Moon 2nd Passover Event. And that the Tribulation Period is 7 Years + 1 Year based off of the Noah and then some 40 Day Count but with a whole lot of others I could not Understand where he got them from.
Perhaps Stephan or Stan who are more Math-Inclined and Savvy could weigh in…or others. Anything is possible but as even some commented on the Comments, he is using a 365 Day Count. Which by the way, most End Times Watcher assume. The 7-Year Tribulation is based on a 1260-Day Count. And if one divides that by the 7 Jewish Years, they come out to a 360 Based Year. FYI.
We will se. It will be interesting to see what he will say on May 6, 2023. Not being presumptuous, as many have noted this May 5 Blood Moon on 2nd Passover, no Coincidence and a Sign for sure. But the Signs are not the Events themselves. Signs point to the Event, an event to come, as with Road Signs on a Freeway, etc. I think you all know what I mean.
But…1 Day Closer!
PS: Update on meeting with Campus Diversity Director. So, had commented about that Campus Diversity Survey that was asked to be filled out. And how toward the end, the Question of what ‘Gender’ one was, came up. Of how, there was everything but Man/Male and Woman/Female. I had mentioned that the Terms are being ‘Railroaded’ to now be based on the Terms from the Reference Point of the LGBT Community.
In researching were the ‘Word’ Cis-Gender comes from, it was an eye-opener. It is an invented term from a German Pro-Pedophile that coined it to label those that are not Trans-Gender. The Terms Trans and Cis are Latin for Trans, as ‘On the Other Side’ and Cis, as ‘On This Side’. It was developed in the mid-1990s, but then the LGBT Group took it in 2010 to Reference everyone else based on their Terms, thanks to Social Media and Platforms.
It is now also defined further to have them say, ‘Gender Assigned at Birth’. I asked, ‘Who Assigned them’. No answer. Now, it how they label anyone not their Definition. Iti is madness. The Diversity Director said that they would look at it and consider the request to have also ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’ on the Questionnaire. Here is a video on the Topic, and how even those from the LGBT that are even calling this Double Talk out.
It's Already Happening But People Don't See It... | Voddie Baucham
Lu, Blessings
DeleteAs I understand this gender bender, you've already been snookered into the game by debating your choice of 'genders'. WORDS have gender, as in Chico for male and Chica for female. Human beings do not have 'gender', they have sex, as a noun, ofc, in this context. Your sex is male or female. When you wake up as a pronoun we can discuss your proper gender. Until then, you're standing on enemy ground when you left the discussion concerning your sex.
DeleteGot it. It is a Mine-Field to try and Reason and Argue with these Type of People who have a Denial of Reality. That is 1 Thing. They they now insist you have to go along, by Law. But I called-out their Hypocrisy as they 'argue' Diversity and Inclusiveness, except when it comes to one's Opinion or Stance, which is just, 'Being'. But the War is now ragging, as that Christian Public School Teacher lost the Case, in how he would not address the Trans Students in his Classroom by their 'Preferred Pronouns'. It is a Crime now, not to.
And Christians are and will be losing their Livelihood over this. What about the Protection of Religion and the Free Exercise there of it? It is not holding 'Water', as they say, any longer. It is basically now like in Europe. 'You can be a Christian' but do not exercise your Belief. You might think Abortion is Immoral, but if you go and Pray, Silently, Peacefully in front of an Abortion Clinic? You will be Arrested. In Canada, they are arresting Pastors who Protest those Drag Queen Story Hours.
And that is what the Diversity Director said, 'We want to Counter the Hate that seeks to Control the Narrative and deny People wanting to just Express themselves'. I said, all you have to do is turn to CNN if you do not like the 'Narrative' that goes contrary to yours.
So, CNN can have their Pundits foment Hate and Violence against Christians, Mothers or Men for just being or wanting to be called Men, but those on other Platforms cannot have same 'Diversity' and accept an 'Inclusive', differing Opinion? Of course, their answer is 'No'. In terms of 'Just to Express themselves', I had a Page Printed-Out of Screenshots of several of those Drag Queens, of Men made-up, wearing Dresses, pretending to be and act like Women putting on an Adult Show, essentially.
And in front of the Children and on Children, in 1 case being Straddles in a Chair?...And no one said anything about it but rather smiled-on? My reasoning was, 'Is this the 'Free Expression' you want Children to be 'Expressed to'? I have told my Colleagues, 'Stop Sexualizing and Politicizing our Children in our Schools. Teach them Math, Reading and True Science.
This Gen Z cannot Write, Read or Think, nor Consent to Dangerous Puberty Blockers, of whom the Side Effects are Irreversible and not fully known? And in some Schools the Faculty and Admin are intentionally withholding Information about what is being Taught to these Children? And These Mothers are willingly giving-up their Children to the Drag Queen Moloch's, 'Here, you can have my Child, take it'. 'I am so Woke and Progressive'.
What is, 'When you wake-up as a pronoun we can discuss your proper gender'?
Here is another video about this whole thing...As I said, this Nation has lost its Soul, Mind and Body. I brought-up the Massacre of the Children by that Trans 'Hunting-Down' Christians in Tennessee. And she said, 'Why Judge 1 Person and Blame the whole Community'? I said, 'Why do you all not say the same when you blame anyone with a Gun or Bible, but rather see every one as an 'Extremist Christian Nationalists'?
Video: A Trans "Mother" Debates Matt Walsh On Womanhood
Matt Walsh
I said, 'You as a Woman, would say that to the Mother of those Children was Gunned-Down' for just being in Church and her Father, a Pastor'? You would say to the Mother, 'Ah, do not judge this 1 Person'... In the last 2 Years, there have been like 5-6 of the LGBT People's that have been Mass Shooters, contrary to what the New York Times, denies and says it is 'Rare'. So, just by being 'Rare', they get a pass?
It is Sick
Amen and amen; I was in no way criticizing, but acknowledging, as you expound, that this battle is long ago lost and your skirmish is their mop-up of remaining resistance after their victory. We've read The Book, this battleground is theirs, not ours, and any resistance is For The Glory Of Christ, the protection of any innocents involved & to retain our own sanity and sense of identity in the mess. This Op is about to wrap and we get evac'ed, Roger that. Remember, what the Door Mouse said....
DeleteOh, I did not take your reply in any sense, being a Criticism, although I welcome anything. I brought it up for Discussion. I was just curious, as we know you have a way with Words! Lol.
Like the last Statement. No, I do not Remember that the Door Mouse said? :0
I just know, this is a Set-Up! Lol….Go ahead. ;0
Thank you Lu!!! You are so kind to always answer my questions! I understand a little more now but I admit that there are too many numbers in the video. My primary subject at school was French, and English, but not numbers. The video comes from a link from a sister of: Watchwoman Sounding the Alarm. As you wrote maybe Stephan or Stan can answer a bit more about all those numbers.
DeleteRE: Is the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017 still Relevant or will be in these End Times?
ReplyDeleteRelated to Eclipses and Celestial Signs. Yes.
Did you come-up with this already or some of these Day Counts? I cannot remember. Let me know. The following is several Day Counts that provide Evidence as to this Assertion, that the Revelation 12 Sign is still Prophetically Relevant in terms of up-coming Celestial Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars, etc. Consider the following Day Counts from it, to the 2nd Great American Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024. As of this Posting, April 20, 2023, when the Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse occurred, consider the following Observations
The April 20, 2023 Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse, the 8th (H -n Type) since Jesus’ Crucifixion and Start of Church Age, to April 8, 2024, the coming 2nd Bookend of the Great American Total Solar Eclipse is the following.
= 354 Days
= 11 Months, 19 Days (911)
From the Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2017 to the 2nd Great American Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 is the following Day Count.
= 2389 Days excluding the End Date.
= 6 Years, 6 Months, 16 Days (6-6-6)
= 78 Months, 16 Days excluding the End Date.
This Day Count is also connected to how the Revelation 12 Sign occurred 33 Day after the 1st Great American Solar Eclipse. There were also about 10 Major Factors that coincide with other 33 Numerical Values, posted here before.
Which the Distance between these 2 Great American Total Solar Eclipse Bookends is the following.
Monday, August 21, 2017 to Monday, April 8, 2024
Great American Eclipses
= 2422 Days
= 6 Years, 7 Months, 18 Days (6-6-6) excluding the end date.
= 79 Months, 18 Days
= 664% of a Common Year (365 Days)
One would think, that given this Celestial Observations, related to these amazing Day Counts is no mere Coincidence.
Keep the Watch,
We can rest assured, Lu…
Deletewhile these reprobate “rulers” refuse to hear our outcry against this overwhelming plague of madness, our Lord God surely does. Among all of the “signs” we are now witnessing that attest to the nearness of our Rescue, this is the one, imo, that bodes the highest necessity of that nearness because it is an all out war against the souls of the little ones…the most innocent among us. And they have literally announced through the UN that children are to be fair and legal game for their filthy crimes against them.
Those Millstones are coming and coming sooner than later!🙏
(Luke 17:1-2)
Thanks Sheila,
DeleteFor those that may not have realized, Bro Chooch’s YouTube Channel got a Strike and Censored for 1 Week. Bro Chooch suspects that back on Monday, he posted about the ‘Community’, that one brought-up with that Diversity Director on my Campus. Chooch got the Notification about the Strike, just 20 Minutes after the Posting.
Perhaps someone of that Community or the Setting looking for such Posts, were the ones, who brought it to YouTube’s Attention. But the Violation used for the Strike, was for a 2019 Archived Video. Anyway, Brother Tyler brought Chooch over to his Channel for a Live Chat. What was also Cool, was that Tyler gave me a Shout-Out, at about the 8 Minute Marker for a t-Shirt I sent him and was wearing. Thanks Tyler! :)
But, Day by Day, the Darkness is Descending. By Principle, as the Days do get Darker, the Lights will get more Prominent to notice and it is an Opportunity to Shine.
PS: Bro Chooch spoke about how, now those that have the Power to Censor are just waiting for an Opportune Time, as they accumulate anything one does or says to use it against us and Censor. It is happening now. Well, come to find out, that someone is tampering with my Work Assigned Lap-Top in my Office on Campus.
Twice now, I have come in the morning to find the Flap put down on the Lap-Top. So, just documenting the Incidents and informed my Supervisor. Who knows that they put on my Lap-Top, or are intending, to perhaps incriminate me later or Delete all my Research. It is that real, the Fight and Warfare...
Beast System Coming
Thanks, Lu…I caught Tyler and Chooch last night and that was a really nice motif on the shirt. I’ve seen some reports over the last few days where they are going to be going hard after anyone who speaks against their narrative. Their little YT jail skit was pretty funny and I just hope they don’t get Tyler next. But like you say, we just keep trying to shine the light until our Lord says it’s time to come Home:-)🙏
DeleteGot woke up this morning at 4:44 to an Amber alert, but it was only a test....we had a real Amber alert last week around the same time. So weird, who does a "test" before 5 am?
ReplyDeleteFamily, Blessings
ReplyDeleteSteve Fletcher doubles down on his call that this Hybrid Eclipse wraps the Sign of Jonah. Should Harpazo be associated with The Passover, in terms of timing, then it would have to be 2nd Passover, imho, to be consistent internally and with the Spirit Of Our King. Dr. Barry Awe & Mr. Bones fully agree with some Hezekiah thrown in for good measure @ 01:56:39
The RAPTURE at the second Passover would be special for the Bride. No siesta por favor!
Family, Blessings
ReplyDeleteAs we swim in snake-infested waters we will have opportunity to minister to our own family members, or others, who've been bitten, along the way, and are either concerned or actually suffering the post-bite or post-exposure symptoms. Thus far I've still not understood spike-P's and other catalysts involved in the endemic clotting of such concern. So, whipping up any protocol is impossible.
Today my feeds brought me Elliot Overton's YTC @ EONutrition and a very helpful little video, below, @ 07:09. His site identifies him as, 'Elliot is a certified functional medicine practitioner & naturopathic nutritional therapist who practices from the UK,' and, his not being under the auspices of DSHEA or the AMA likely increase his ability to communicate more openly, much like with Dr. Campbell, also in the U.K.
In short, as his video illustrates, Spike-P's alter the chemistry of the blood such as to instigate a C-V inflammatory response. Aha! Additionally, the ability of the blood cells to uptake and handle Oxygen is impaired. As you can hear, he recommends certain I-V enzyme treatments which he shares other data sources on, for eliminating the Spike-P's, themselves, and reco's B1, B3, C, and Gingko Biloba, primarily, to help in the mean time with Oxygen uptake, mental function restoration and such. His data includes optimal choices of each for bioavailability and forms that cross the blood-brain barrier, etc. Going a bit further, if pressed and I didn't have a lot of options, I would be regularly ingesting these nutrients at higher levels and adding a healthy dosage of Pycnogenol, maybe 100 mg 3/day, which is very similar to Gingko, in many ways, and outperforms it in all of them. Gingko likely has specific things which Elliot is referring it for, also, so I wouldn't sub one for the other here, although Pycnogenol enhances dozens of interactions which are anti-inflammatory, which Gingko does not.
Eliminating Spike Protein, Blood Clots & Protecting Cardiovascular Health
Meanwhile, WW65 reports from Hal Turner that Russia has just dispatched a flotilla including a half-dozen advanced submarines into the Pacific, thought to be heading for the West Coast of USA, operationally, and the US military was positioning, as of yesterday, to evacuate (70) embassy staff in Sudan under a 'shelter in place' order for about a week, now, as fighting between govt forces and competing factions is now in the capital. Oh, and that satellite that happened to fall in Kiev was possibly the result of a Russian take down of a NATO intel satellite. I found the details on the satellite issue a bit thin, but, if true, that is a MAJOR escalation.
Fascinating new article by Corey, haven't finished it yet, but wanted to share:
Blessings, Judi…TY for heads up on Corey’s latest. Awesome as always. I love the way
Deletethat every Jot and Tittle
of His Written Word points us to Christ and the Cross and Corey does a great job in amplifying that for us.
One thing that I have come across recently in re to the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius (as mentioned in Luke 3:1) pointing to Jesus beginning his ministry in 29 AD and which would lead to the presumption of 32 or 33 AD as the Crucifixion year, is the question of whether Tiberius actually began his reign upon Augustus’ death in 14 AD, or was it earlier.
I can’t remember where I read this first, but it was said that based on historical accounts, Tiberius actually began to jointly govern as a co-equal with Augustus in 12 AD and he was officially recognized as equally powerful at that time so as to enable a smooth transition in the event of Augustus’ death, (which came 2 years later.)
If this is truly the case, then that could affect the timing of the 15th year of his reign (as recognized by Luke) and thus the timing of the Crucifixion year, plausibly supporting a 30-31 AD time frame.
(In checking for another source, I did find the historical account of Tiberius assuming co-equal power with Augustus in 12 AD @Wikipedia)
So just some more food for thought on the Crucifixion year debate.
RE: In the 15th Year of Tiberius Caesar, Jesus started Ministry Question?
DeletePART 1/2
So, Sheila,
You want to start another ‘Food Fight’, eh?! :0 We did have a Discussion about it, briefly, awhile back. So, of course one is Totally Bias as to a 32 AD Crucifixion and Church Age Start Year. And one will ‘Shamelessly’ support any and all Research showing that. ;) It is just that there is no Consensus out there in the Great Research that exists, as to what is or was the actual Date corresponding to the Start of Jesus’ Ministry 27 AD, 28 AD or 29 AD. It is ‘Clear’ in the Bible that it was referenced to the 15th Year of Tiberius’ Rule. But here lies the Discrepancy. What Year was that, actually?
You will find Good Arguments for any Year presented. So, one highlights the Research showing ‘Evidence’ of a 32 AD Crucifixion Date. For a Timeline Context, as one Surmises, if Jesus was Born on September 11, -3 BC, Jesus was 30 in the Fall of 28 AD. If His Ministry was 3.5 Years or exactly 1260 Days as on Contends, He was Crucified in the Spring of 32 AD at the Age of 33. Using this as an Alternative Time-Piece, then Tiberius would have been Co-Regent with Augustus in 13 AD (12-13 Jewish Offset). And? One possible Prophetic Nuance is that this 12 AD Year is when Jesus was 13 and made His own Co-Regent with the Father now Decreed, Sole Responsible for the Law, going forward by His Bar Mitzvah.
One would argue that 13 AD, the Co-Regent Year should be or have been calculated in the Total Year Count. And again, only because if one uses this Start Year, 13 AD, the 15th Year would be 28 AD, when one Surmises Jesus started His Ministry in the Fall. One argues that it was the occasion of Jesus Reading from Isaiah and Proclaiming the Year of Jubilee on Yom Kippur, there at the Synagogue of His Home Town of Nazareth, etc. Either way, as mentioned prior, on many occasions, at this Point in Time, the ‘Tolerance’ of the Prophetic Measurement is within 1-2 Years at most. It is that Close!
So, if the 1 Year = 1000 Year Prophetic Template is in Play for the Church Age, it is about to be over, from now 2023 to 2025, in one’s Estimation. And that makes one Happy! This would mean that Tiberius’ 15th Year would have been 28 AD. So, again, if one’s Interpretation is correct, then 13 AD, the Year Tiberius Co-Ruled with Augustus, perhaps anticipating his pending Death, should be counted. So here are the Discrepancies, because the 1st Year, being the 13th is not being counted within Conventional Historical Counts. Nonetheless, 14 AD then is used if in this case the Co-Regent Year of their Rulership is not considered, etc.
1. The Succession Year in History is debated as to being counted as a Year.
2. There is a Debate if the Co-Regency Rule is to be or was added in the Count.
3. One has to account for Julian Year that then Straddles a Jewish 2-Year Count.
Example: Julian 13 AD = 12-13 Jewish Year like 5776 was 2015-16, etc.
PART 2/2
DeleteAs to the Start of Jesus’ Ministry? One is coming, more from the Time when Herod the Great Died in 1 BC not 4 BC. Here is the brief Summary one presented in one of my Articles. One is arguing a 32 AD Date, and thus a Fall 28 AD Start of Ministry to a Spring 32 Crucifixion, and Church Age Start Year based on the following Research.
Elapsed Times for Herod the Great in Josephus
Andrew E. Steinmann, River Forest, Illinois and Rodger C. Young, St. Louis, Missouri
Professor John A. Cramer
He argues, that ‘Herod the Great most likely died shortly after the Lunar Eclipse of December 29, 1 B.C., rather than that of March 13, -4 B.C., which, as Cramer points out, is the eclipse traditionally associated with Josephus’s description in Jewish Antiquities 17.6.4’.
Death Eclipse
The other Argument has to do with the Traditional Eclipse that has also been found to be the ‘Wrong’ one in determining King Herod’s Death Date.
1 Day Closer!
Thanks, Lu…those rascally calendar differentiations are kind of maddening to me, so I guess that’s why I tend to lean more into watching the prophetic events unfold. But that’s an interesting thought re the possibility of coinciding Co-Regencies of Tiberius reign and Jesus Christ’s Ministry. And you are exactly right…either way, the timing IS close and we ARE one day closer to going Home.😊🙏
DeleteDear family, would you like to pray for a friend and sister in Christ named Pierrette please? She was losing a lot of weight, she was constantly weak and tired, and she went to see her doctor. She will soon undergo a biopsy and a scan. She had 2 blood tests and so far it seems to be 90% bone cancer according to the doctors. While waiting for the analyzes and the answers, she clings to the Lord as she told me today. If it's cancer, she refuses chemo and radiotherapy. She is going to use a book that talks about God's wonderful nature food for healing. She is not vaccinated, she knows very well what it is. She is around 60 years old. She is the mother of 5 children and she is a grandmother;
DeleteCarole, prayer sent for your friend, asking Abba to do his very best for her.
DeleteCarole…I’m praying for Pierette that our Lord will see her through this safely knowing that it is by His Stripes that we are healed. My daughter, Ciji, is about to undergo testing for the same thing because of something in her shin bone they say is often an indication of bone cancer. So I’m Praying for her as well and trusting in our God to protect them both against this disease.
Praying for Pierettes complete healing in Jesus name
DeleteThank you all for your prayers! I will put your daughter's name on my prayer list Sheila.
DeleteBlessings, Carole and TY so much!🥰
DeletePraying for Pierette and Ciji. The Lord is with them as is His unfailing love for them.
Delete"Deal with your servant according to Your mercy, and teach me Your statutes."
Psalm 119:124
"Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 124:8
"Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever."
Psalm 125:1
TY Mom for that so very much! I’ve been seeing so many answered Prayers just lately, in both big needs and small favors. Ours is truly an Awesome God!
DeleteAnd I just have to give our Lord His Due Praise for keeping us through the storm last nite.
It was a bad one here with ferocious lightning, hail, torrential rain and wind. But it passed us over and we seemed to be in the clear…nothing over us on the radar, so started to go on to bed about 10:30 pm when our tornado warnings suddenly went off. The local weatherman had said not to get too comfortable just yet cuz it was still unpredictable. But when those warnings went up, it was already right on top of us. All we had time to do was to dive into the hallway and Pray. It touched down halfway between our house and our neighbor’s house and tracked along the fence line judging by the flattened ground this morning. For a few moments I thought our walls might start giving, but they didn’t. My brother was out in his RV trailer parked behind our house and said it was bouncing up and down as it went past. He said it was a pretty wild ride.😬
But thankfully all the damage was outside as our gutters were ripped off the house, the porch and outdoor stuff was thrown around and some of our bigger trees were snapped at the base. It crossed the road into the cow pastures and luckily just ripped up more trees as far as we know before dissipating.
So hopefully that was “our” tornado for this season and considering what so many other people have suffered in these deadly tornado outbreaks, I am certainly grateful for His Mercy, Goodness and Protection!
Blessings All and Maranatha as we just keep trusting in Him and watching for His Return together.😊🙏
Sheila! All praise to our God and Father for protecting His own during the storm!!! Thank you for alerting us so, as Paul says, we can join in the praise and thanksgiving as well! God is indeed good, even so.
DeleteYes, the complexities and nuances of the Hebrew language is fascinating to me. To think that each word tells a story because the letters themselves represent word pictures! Amazing. Only God. All things begin and end in Him, eh.
Mom, your scripture shares are always so spot on and timely. Thank you.
Praying for all the prayer needs mentioned--including your daughter, Sheila.
May our gracious Lord come quickly to deliver us from this darkness that is not only descending, but overwhelming. Blessings and love to you, family.
RE: Hebrew Alefbet
DeleteInteresting Timing, in how the Study of the Alefbet has come and one has been reminded of brushing-up on both it and the Greek one, on my end. If there is anything that can be had about any Alefbet or Alphabet, in both Scripts that Humanity has evolved, it is that Jesus ascribes to it as being the Essence of who He is, the Beginning and the End; the Alpha and Omega, etc.
This Hebrew Alefbet ‘Beginning-End’ Notion insinuates a Creative Force of Communication, Language and the Logos that is identified in Genesis with Creation. The Concept of the Logos is that which Speaks into Creation and is Spoken as the Creator.
‘In the Beginning, the Word [Logos] existed. The Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD. He existed in the Beginning [Alef] with GOD. Through Him [Jesus, the Logos] all Things were made, and apart from Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was Life, and that Life brought Light to Humanity. And the Light shines on in the Darkness, and the Darkness has never put it out’. -Genesis 1:1-5
Because many believe the Alefbet is a Code also, having Numerical Value to each Letter, on can perhaps map out Scripture with it or by it. One did that for the Book of Revelation and it does seem to appear to be some Validity to it. And it would insinuated a Chapter 4 Rapture Timing. I think one has shared this before in the Revelation Alef-Bet Article below.
But you are all welcome to Download the Alefbet Poster, in PDF Format.
Related Articles
Encrypted Template of Prophetic Relevance
PDF (Free)
Oh, I too praise God for getting you all through that dangerous storm, Sheila! I believe it is a picture of our wild ride through "transition" yet to come and how He will be with us through it all!!!
DeleteBeloveds, I thought you would enjoy But That's Just Me's brief intro to Todd Adkins' video on the "hole in the ocean". I think Jimboni? probably already mentioned this video before, but if you haven't seen it yet, here's a reminder if you are interested:
ReplyDeleteThe Oracle in the Ocean?!? Hole in the ocean that may lead to MEGAquake has a weirdly prophetic name
Family, Blessings
ReplyDeleteI haven't had Kim Fisher in my orbit for quite a while but the algorithms apparently saw a topical connection & swung us back around. Wondering if anyone here has an affirmation or inkling along these lines As Our Holy Spirit Commonly Provides Around Here.
As I had posted, WW65 reported from HT that a flotilla of Russian ships were dispatched in the past week, or so, to the West Coast USA which included about 6 AKULA class fast-attack submarines. Well, it turns out that AKULA means 'shark' and speaks of these subs' nature as hunter-killer vessels in naval conflict.
Kim Fisher ropes in WW65's info alongside several D&V's in her orbit, both in the past and very recently, concerning sharks being in play as we depart and the symbolism there esp in light of these recent developments. 23:25 Sharks And Our Rescue Just In Time🌈
Meanwhile, with stars dancing within the 'cords of Orion' & Pisces, Aaron @ God a Minute put up a teaser for a mega-study now in flight concerning 'cord', 'line', and such words as arise prominently in our Rescue story, which, considering a birth involves the cutting* of a cord* in the separation* from the mother makes a lot of sense to pursue. 09:08
Jupiter, Pisces & The Cords Being Loosed
Tying it together, yesterday's Crowing Rooster Prophecy YTC video about the 2018 dream also ref'd by Kim Fisher which popped in my feeds also ties the wolf detail into the prophetic picture and some other nuggets affirming after a music intro at the beginning with the discussion starting about 01:50 in to this 32:39 share:
Dear family, BLESSINGS!
ReplyDeleteI found T.W. Tramm's last post interesting and decided to share it here for your appreciation.
OMER COUNT and JUBILEE Correlations in the Psalms
IN LEVITICUS, God instructs the Israelites to “count seven full weeks” from the day of the firstfruits offering, and celebrate the wheat harvest (Lev. 23:15, 16).
From this biblical command grew a Jewish tradition called Counting the Omer, a formal verbal counting of each of the 49 days preceding the harvest.
Counting the Omer traditionally consists of several steps:
First, a special blessing is recited: “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.”
Next, the day and week of the count are stated. For example: “Today is the first day of the second week of the Omer.”
Finally, Psalm 67 is read:
“May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us—
so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.
May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples with equity
and guide the nations of the earth.
May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
May God bless us still,
so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.”
According to the rabbis, Psalm 67 was chosen to be read during the Omer because it is composed of exactly seven verses and 49 Hebrew words, corresponding to the seven weeks and 49 days of the count. However, a prophecy in Daniel makes the selection seem also prophetic:
“From the going forth of the command to return to and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks” (Dan. 9:25).
According to Daniel, a return to Jerusalem initiates a count of seven Sabbatical weeks to Messiah the Prince. Here is the prophetic part: For the first time in more than 2,000 years, the Jews regained control of Jerusalem on the Gregorian date 6/7/67, reminding us of Psalm 67 and the Omer Count. Seeing how God uses dates and numbers as signs, could the date of the Jews’ return be a hint that this event initiates an ‘Omer Count’ of years—the seven weeks of Daniel?
Assuming this to be the case, let’s count the weeks to see where they end. Counting seven Sabbatical weeks from the start of the first week after 1967, which is 1973–1974, we arrive at 2022–23. Click on the link below for a chart:
It gets more interesting. Since seven weeks denote a jubilee period, 2023 could be a Jubilee (Lev. 25). With the once-every-50th “year of redemption” in mind, let’s consider some references to the ultimate redemption event, the Rapture, in psalms 49 and 50:
DeleteFirst, understanding that the year of redemption is declared in the seventh biblical month of the 49th year (Lev. 25:8, 9), it is significant that Psalm 49:7 mentions the cost of redeeming a person:
“No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for them.”
Next, counting forward eight verses, the resurrection–rapture is alluded to:
“God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave and take me to himself” (v. 15 NIV–NLT paraphr).
Thus, there are eight verses between the first mention of redeeming a person and the Rapture. What is interesting is that by counting forward eight months (corresponding to the eight verses) from the seventh month of the 49th year, we arrive at the third month of the 50th year, the time of the harvest festival in the Year of Jubilee.
Coincidence? Perhaps. Reading on, however, it is striking that we find a second allusion to the resurrection–rapture, beginning at Psalm 50:3:
“Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people. Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice” (Ps. 50:3–5).
It is significant that of the 150 psalms in the Bible, Psalm 50:3 (corresponding numerically to the third month of the 50th year) is the only psalm that pictures God coming in glory to gather and judge His people. While this may also be a coincidence, it is noteworthy, given the fact that the third month of a Jubilee year is considered a plausible if not likely time for the Rapture.
In summary . . .
Seeing how God uses dates and numbers as signs, the date of the Jews’ return to Jerusalem—6/7/67—may be a hint that this event initiates an ‘Omer Count’ of years—the seven-weeks of Daniel.
Additionally, allusions to the Rapture in Psalms 49 and 50 correspond to the popular view that the third month of a 50th (Jubilee) year is an auspicious time for this event.
Do these correlations in the psalms hint at the season of our redemption? Only God knows, but it is a thrilling possibility to consider in this potential Year of Jubilee.
Delete1. An “Omer” is a measure of grain equivalent to that offered up at the Temple on the day of firstfruits.
2. More on Counting the Omer:
3. It makes sense that the Gregorian–Gentile date of the Jews’ return to Jerusalem is significant, as this event fulfilled the prophecy about the end of Gentile rule over the Holy City (Luke 21:24).
4. It is significant that of the seven total verses comprising Psalm 67, verse 6 states: “the land yields its harvest.” Six is the number associated with the end of the Church Age and the harvest of humanity, after 6,000 years.
5. Psalm 67 is also known as the “Menorah Psalm,” as the seven verses match the seven branches or candlesticks of the menorah. The seven candlesticks represent the Churches (Rev. 1:20).
6. Incidentally, the 1967 return to Jerusalem occurred a week before the harvest festival of the third month. At the festival that year, for the first time in millennia, masses of Jews visited the Western Wall and walked the streets of Jerusalem as members of the sovereign Jewish nation. See “The Magic of Shavuot 1967”:
7. Concerning the counting of Sabbatical weeks, it is important to note that there are two recognized chronologies, which differ by a single year. Thus, the 1973–74 range for the start of Daniel’s seven weeks. More explanation here:
8. Psalm 49:7 states, “No man can redeem the life of another.” The Jubilee is when those who have no kinsman to pay the cost of their redemption are redeemed by divine statute (Lev. 25:45–54).
9. Psalm 50 commentaries:
10. The third month is an apt time for the resurrection–rapture because the number three, like the number seven, signifies completeness in Scripture.
Furthermore, the number three is associated with resurrection, weddings, and harvest:
• Jesus raised three people from the dead in Scripture: the daughter of Jairus, the son of a widow, and Lazarus.
• The third day is when the Lord was resurrected (1 Cor. 15:23).
• The third (thousand-year) “day” is when the main resurrection of believers will occur (Hos. 6:2).
• The third day is when Moses ascended Sinai to meet with God, a picture of believers ascending at the Rapture (Ex. 19).
• Jesus attended a wedding on the third day (John 2. 1).
• The third hour is when the Church was betrothed to the Lord, via the sending of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2).
• There are three harvest festivals—Unleavened Bread, Weeks, and Tabernacles (Ex. 23:14–17)—which correlate to the three main resurrections: Jesus’ resurrection, the Church’s resurrection, and the post-Tribulation resurrection of martyred saints.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you dear brother Jeova! What month is it exactly for us the 3rd month you are talking about? May or June?
DeleteCarole, blessings!
DeleteThe third Hebrew month is called "Sivan" and usually occurs between May and June in the Gregorian calendar.
Here is the list of Hebrew months and their correlation in the Gregorian calendar:
1. Nissan - March/April
2. Iyar - April/May
3. Sivan - May/June
4. Tamuz - June/July
5. Av - July/August
6. Elul - August/September
7. Tishrei - September/October
8. Cheshvan - October/November
9. Kislev - November/December
10. Tevet - December/January
11. Shevat - January/February
12. Adar - February/March (in common years); Adar I and Adar II (in leap years)
King Charles' Coronation Cross includes Wood from Jesus' 'True Cross' - a gift from Pope Francis
ReplyDeleteThe Cross of Wales, which will lead the coronation procession at Westminster Abbey on May 6, incorporates a relic of the cross on which Jesus was crucified. The Cross of Wales, as it's called, features two splinters reportedly taken from the cross Jesus was crucified. The pieces of wood, measuring about 0.2 and 0.4 inches, were a 'personal coronation gift' from the Pope to the King.
The Vatican believes the wood is from the 'true cross', which Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, allegedly brought from Jerusalem to Rome around 300 AD.
The splinters have been arranged in the shape of a cross at the center of the Cross of Wales behind a rose crystal gemstone at its center.
The King stamped his mark, the head of a Leopard, onto silver that was used to make that Cross of Wales which containes the two pieces of wood from Jesus' true cross.
A mocking?
The 4 Beasts in Relevation (Leopard, Bear, Lion, Dragon) are all connected to King Charles and his Royal Mark, that includes his Royal Cypher.
If we consider Nisan 1, 1949 as the start for the Fig Tree Generation, May 6/7 would be the latest possibility for the rapture:
March 31,2030 (81 years after Nisan 1, 1949) - 2520 days = May 7, 2023 (23917 months after April 7, 30 AD)
A King (born exactly 6 months after Israels rebirth), a Coronation on May 6, a Cross containing the 'True Cross', Anoiting Oil from Jerusalem, a Leopard, a Bear, a Lion, a Dragon...
Is this all coincidence?
Jupiter (The Manchild) will leave Pisces ('Rapture Fish') and will not be there again for 12 years)!
DeleteNice work, Stephan! I was hoping someone would tie in the Coronation, relic of the 'True Cross', 4 Beasts of Revelation, Fig Tree Generation, etc all together in one discussion.
DeleteIs it a coincidence that all this is happening around 2nd Passover? Perhaps! But throw in the possible Sign of Jonah occuring just weeks before, Jupiter (The Manchild) in Pisces (along with all the other signs surrounding it!), the Full Moon, the Lunar Eclipse, etc. all happening around 2nd Passover. Mere coincidence? And what does one make of Dr. Barry saying the "Rapture Sign" of Jupiter/Sun in Pisces is the most significant sign in the Heavens since the Revelation 12 Sign? Plus, as he said in his latest video...what better way to honor + distinguish the Bride of Christ from all the people who lived and died before us than for the Bride to be Raptured on 2nd Passover! It makes purrfect sense (thinking of you AA!) because in Heaven we'll continue to celebrate all the Feast Days, including the Passover-Resurrection of Jesus, but we'll also celebrate the very glorious Resurrection-Rapture of the Bride of Christ for eternity. We're really that special in the eyes of Jesus!
Finally, for me personally, to be Raptured on 2nd Passover makes sense "timing-wise" since this is the precise time of the year when fig trees are putting out their tender new shoots and putting out new leaves + summer is nigh (Matthew 24:32).
DeleteGood points and you are an 'Expert for Fig Trees'! Cool! :)
Charles will be 27 202 days old on the Day of his coronation.
Remember COP 27 in 22 and the 'new commandments' on Mt. Sinai...
Thanks, Stephan. I'm not sure about being a fig tree expert, but I'm getting pretty good at fig propagation + grafting! Everyday I tend to my trees and I see with my own eyes those tender shoots and leaves growing larger and larger...summer is so nigh! And hopefully so is Our Blessed Hope!
DeleteNice catch on that King Charles day count + COP 27 comparison. Will the Coronation kickoff the NWO, one world religion, the arrival of the AntiChrist, etc? We'll find out soon enough!
ReplyDeleteI was just working on another article that connects the May 6 coronation with the Russian subs!!!
Supposedly Henry Gruver was shown Russian subs are to nuke America around when Charles is crowned king 👑
How's THAT for a 2023 Rapture scenario!!!
Additional observation: See new section titled "SAUDI ARABIAN SINAI AND THE RAPTURE: A SIGN
Corey, Blessings I love the diligence of your dives as well as the simple presentation of details and connecting the dots. Lots of that in your encouraging and edifying article.
DeleteSteve Fletcher continues unraveling The Sign of Jonah as being entangled with the recent Hybrid eclipse and his litany of alignments, reviewed in the recent video, is astounding apart from Understanding Our ABBA.
Thoughts I'm having are that, 1st, the many layers which Steve unpacks Aligns With The Complexity Of ABBA's Signs Such That The (Single) Sign Of Jonah would also have many 'witnesses' speaking to many things, themselves, while itself being a single sign/event (i.e. the hybrid eclipse). 2nd, for an eclipse, specifically, to be 'the' sign is also quite appropriate on it's own and as an echo of other significant eclipses. 3rdly, if Steve is correct, then this is, By Our Lord's Own Specific Declaration, The LAST (& Only Specific) Sign To Be Given. That affects how we now watch as well as it speaking to the proximity of the Event. 4th, in structuring His Word Such That The 70 Weeks Declaration Is *Binary, "70 weeks are determined for thy people *AND* for your holy city,' Daniel 9:24, perhaps we are seeing a Clue that there are TWO details in the timing, Passover AND Pentecost? Wowzers.
Earlier, Steve had shown how 1 day, 3 days and 40 days are all entangled with The Sign of Jonah. Having passed the 1- and 3- day moments, he now postulates around the 40-day point with the help of a sub named Daniel, fitting. Further, Israel not having a full Passover to Pentecost season until 1949, he identifies this as Israel's 70th + 4 (barren fig tree) year anniversary, when viewed around this MOEDIM. In keeping, that would point us to Passover, and 2nd Passover, specifically, for the final inspection of the Fig Tree and, possibly, then Pentecost, thereafter.
Tying together details from DANIEL (Strong's 1840) and the APPOINTED TIME (Strong's 2165) gives us the sum of 4005. Strong's 4005? PENETECOST
Oh, and 40 DAYS from the hybrid solar eclipse identified as The Sign of Jonah? PENTECOST
As often stated, an Assumption/Departure Of The Bride On The Same Day As Her Arrival Also Fulfills The Apha/Omega Principle highlighted in Corey's fine article.
P.S. The END of May would also be the END of the FIFTH Gregorian month ...
DeleteMeanwhile, as Steve points us to the end of May, Mark Allison 88 YTC further affirms Corey calling out Saudi Arabia as a key player in these times as Saudi Arabia just announced a 'surprise cut' of 1.5 mm barrels per day to further 'market stability'. He also shares Hamas' response to info that Bibi is possibly planning assassinations of key Palestinian figures after 'Independence Day' 4/23-24, some IPGII points and such aligning with the partial eclipse around a more familiar date of 5/6-, which would also align with Hamas implying an earlier time line than Bibi's ...RIGHT ON SCHEDULE/ OIL CUT OFF ISRAEL ASSASSINATION WILL BRING THERE DOWNFALL
DeleteSheila B., Blessings It's been a while since we've had a really powerful Twin/Dualism pop up in our digs, you and I, in the Greek v Hebrew, as we've had arise* in the past. Well, Gigi @ blue heaven has bumped into a real gobstopper, forming the initial path of her share which ultimately goes far and wide including Prince Henry, the Queen, O'Bozo & Cohort, 21-0 America, Stellarium and other nuggets along the way @ 29:59. Though I doubt she follows Mark Allison 88, she does use the phrase 'right on schedule' as we go along. Meanwhile, a Kim Fisher video, which I had seen before Gigi's and is now vanished in my histories made mention of a recent dream in which her sister-in-law was at her side and she represented the dead in Christ spoke of the nearness of Harpazo, as Mr. Bones would certainly chime in about, at this point.
DeleteSo, going all Lyn Melvin, and pulling it from the larger BoC, Gigi reminds us that, while The Sign of Jonah may be the only SIGN Given, on the other hand, it will *BE* like The Days of Noah!
Is Something Big Coming April 27th?
For the record, my post of 4:28 and Sheila B2's of 3:09 were created at the same time, inadvertently and with no coordination or prior discussion between us, whatsoever. I submitted mine and then saw Sheila B.'s. Maranatha!
DeleteLOL, Jimboni…and you’ve got me on the clicky thing. But that is a good vid she put out. The 4/27 planetary alignment she shares near the end is very interesting. As is the Henry Gruver clip she includes confirming Lyn’s attention to that:-)
DeleteSheila B., Blessings Sure feels like a WINK to me as we share the Same Spirit. I saw that mine was still the last post so hesitated but the power of Gigi's Strong's find demanded my post. It occurred to me how it so reminded me of some early digs that you and I had shared and so I framed it thusly, taking a while with my developing post on the screen as I putzed at it and other things. (I meant to add Lyn's Gruver connection but spaced it and knew I'd dropped something but couldn't recall what. Found the Kim Fisher video, too.) So, I wrap the post only to find that my aforementioned partner in crime is meanwhile posting about the very same thing. Coolio.
DeleteBTW, my prayers in the various lists that have come up these past days; To Christ Be Our Hope And HIs Glory, amen.
Gigi @Blue Heaven is connecting some interesting dots today as well. One is the Hybrid Solar Eclipse portending the age of “hybrid-ism” that will occur with the Beast System and in fact is already occurring. Really struck me with what is happening now with this whole tr@ns movement, which for all intents and purposes is actually a human hybridization attempt on children.
ReplyDeleteAnother crazy sounding link, but it is what it is. She also touches back on that Prince Harry/QE Invictus phone video and some clues there.🤷♀️
Hmmm…another Strong’s coinkydink?
ReplyDeleteThe “Maleficent” Dragon caught on fire at Disney Land on 4/22/2023 (4 yrs 11 mo 11 days)
or ‘1807’ days after the “Maleficent” Dragon caught on fire at Disney World back on 5/11/2018.
G1807…exaireo—to take out, to pluck out, to deliver, remove, a complete rescue.
Used 8 times.
H1807–Delilah—Samson’s Philistine mistress who cut his hair off after she made him “sleep”. (Judges 16:19 KJV)
And Maleficent is the evil and deceptive queen in “Sleeping Beauty” who made the princess “sleep”.🤷♀️
More weirdness with the mystery of the 6 mutilated COWS recently found in Madison County, TX. Precision cuts with tongues and genitals removed and no blood spillage. But what makes it even stranger is that NO scavengers or birds would touch the carcasses of these cows, not even after a couple of weeks. And that is a mystery on top of a mystery, imo.
ReplyDeleteThese Texas buzzards will try to eat anything not moving.🤔
I know that when something had killed off all the fish in our pond, there were hundreds of buzzards congregated out there. I blew the boat horn cuz that was too many buzzards in one spot not to creep me out. Those birds took off in unison and they NEVER came back. So they obviously don’t like a high-pitched noise. Just made me wonder if there was some kind of high-pitched noise involved with those cow mutilations.🤷♀️
(But if you ever get stranded in the desert, a boat horn might be a handy thing to have😉)
LOL Sheila 😁
DeleteLuke 17:37
DeleteRE: Vultures and UFO Activity
That Boat Horn should have come in handy for me, back in 2018. I cannot remember if I had shared this Event on here before, but perhaps as a Refresher, especially for any New Fam…Back in 2018, I was removed from one’s Position and just allocated to do Testing at my University. Campus Politics because one stood-up to the LGBT Agenda in how they wanted and did take over our Program.
Well, at least I had a Bigger Office across Campus, at the Time. During my Lunch Hours I would go on Google Earth to Map-Out all those Ancient Sacred Sites. As you all might know, I Research the Topic of Cydonia, Mars and have this Theory that the Triangulation found there, that many have proven to be Mathematical, in Relations to those 3 Main Structures, are replicated or Mirrored on Earth. And precisely on all Ancient Megalithic Sites. But also ‘Hidden’ in the Lay-Out and Ley-Lines of Modern Capitals of the World.
I have Mapped over 500 Sites and counting. Anyway, I was studying the 7 Churches of Asia to see if such a Cydonia, Mars Triangulation existed in Laodicea, specifically as my last Church to look into. Well, as I focused in, on the 1 Square Mile View, on Google Earth, I pondered it for a while and I started to notice a Distinct Outline of the whole Plateau, on which the Ancient City was built upon. Well, as I started to outline the entire Edge in Red on the Computer, and thicken the Lines, I noted some Shadows of something flying above the Office that made the Lighting on the Patio just outside my Office flicker.
As I enhanced the Outline of what was the Ancient City of Laodicea, the Outline appeared to be that of the ‘Face of the Devil’. See Chart below. OK, perhaps or Pareidolia. But as soon as I realized that and it popped-out of the Computer Screen, it seemed, here comes 4 California Buzzards landing on the Ledge outside the Office Porch. See Picture linked. I was on the 2nd Floor. I stared at them and began Praying in my Spirit. And then they started to spread their Wings. They stayed about a Minute or 2 and then all left. OK, that was Weird. Why? I did call my Family to Pray for me.
In all my 15 Years at this Campus, and being outside at some point, every day, I have seen many types of Animals and Wild Life as we are about 2-4 Miles from an Average Mountain Range. And as a Creek runs through our Campus, we get many Wild Life, etc. But I have never seen Vultures. And, on my Spiritual Birthday of precisely April 9? As this Outline of a Devil Face appears in the Ancient Pagan City of Laodicea? What are the Odds? Well, about 80 Days later, I suffered that Near Death Experience that many say was a Miracle I survived. Was it linked to this Event? Not sure but, hummm…
So, Cow Mutilations in Texas….Buzzards?! Yep. I would say or as L.A. Marzulli would and does say, ‘Burgeoning and not going Away’. :) For sure Demonic and Fallen Angel Activities are going on there. Stay Prayed-Up!
Video: Here is L.A. Marzulli on Prophecy Watchers
Crop Circles - Secrets of the Dragon
PICTURE: Visitation of Vultures on Spiritual Birthday: April 9, 2018
CHART: Devil Face of Laodicea
ARTICLE: #347: Devil Face of Laodicea
DeleteDevil Face of Laodicea
Here are the Slides showing the Progression, of this ‘Outline’ of the Face incorporated the entire Environs of what was Ancient Laodicea. And how then one Correlates that to the Exact Dimensions of the Face on Mars. Coincidence? Could be.
Corey and Fam,
I love this sort of Topic and Discussion about Language, Letters and Words. What Perked-Up one’s Ears, as they say, is your Introduction about the ‘Hidden’ Code in Genesis 1:1.
‘We know that these two letters, when combined together to make the word “eht” (Pronounced eight), the “Word of Creation.” The את aleph-tahv is located in the middle of Genesis 1:1 – the first sentence in the Bible.’
In talking about Alphabets, Languages, Letters it is very interesting to consider how in Hebrew and in Greek, it demonstrates that there are ‘Hidden’ Codes within the Structures, like Genesis 1:1, as you brought-out. I like to share a Visual of that for those not seen it yet. As they say, ‘A Picture is worth 1000 Words’.
It is also why, if the Menorah Genesis 1:1 is a Prophetic Pattern, it is precisely why one holds to how Pentecost, corresponding to the Center Stem or 4th Branch has to do with the Present Church Age. And subsequently the Timing of the Rapture that concludes it. The 1st 3 Feasts occurred before the Church Age.
And the last 3 Feasts will occur after the Church Age. This Present Age is the ‘Pentecostal’ Intermission and still in Progress but about to be complete before the last 3 Feast, Prophetically have to be then Accomplished thereafter with the end of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.
And this is why I surmise that when the Church Age Ends, it would well have to correspond to a Pentecost Feast, in the same way and Feast that it started. Perhaps. Sure this is just Romantic Wishful Thinking. Perhaps. But do take note that one has argued the 99th Day, to correspond to the Fast of New Wine, i.e., Acts 2 and in 2024, being the 2nd of 3 Minor Summer Feast 50-Day Counts. ;)
Delete5. Trumpets - Return of Jesus
6. Yom Kippur - Cleansing of Temple
7. Sukkot - Tabernacling with Israel and World
And what about the 1335th Day mentioned in Daniel?
This will be the 75 Day Transition into the Millennial Kingdom and Building of Ezekiel’s 4th Temple.
You also brought-out the Point about the Crucifixion Year of 33 AD. No Problem. And Sheila mentioned it too. If you all have not read Brother Greg Lauer’s Article that touched upon it, you should. It is also very well explained. He even presents the Research that it could have been as far back as 12 AD that the Co-Rulership of Tiberius began, but either way, a 30 AD Year of Jesus’ Ministry would not be possible, just based on the current Traditional and Historical Year Count, knowing that Augustus Died in 14 AD, according to my ‘Judo’ Math.
14 AD + 15th Year = 29 AD + 3.5 Year Ministry = 32.5
How if one wants to stretch-out the 3.5 Ministry to have ended in mid-32 AD to cross over in to 33 AD? Sure. Just being Pharisaical, hu Jimboni!?
Dropping Hints Article
by Greg Lauer, A Little Strength Website
Ah…so that’s where I read about it. I read so many articles it gets hard to keep up with where I get what anymore.🤦♀️
DeleteAt this point, like ... where is that Trumpet thing man? Can we just go already? The numbers are all starting to run together at this point. 🤦♂️
DeleteThat said, 6 subs launched into the Pacific ocean. Is this the boom that signals the ending of that 6th millennium culminating in the Rapture and Tribulation and the commencement of the 7th?
Something's gotta give. I mean, the world is a flat out violent basket case and a freak show at this point. 🤷♂️
But regardless, let the watching continue.
Yeh, what he said 🤷♀️
DeleteI am with Corey and Lyn in that ‘Shoe’ has to Drop sometime very soon. All that has been accomplished by the Dark Forces to get to this place to be for not? No Way Jose. But as much as we want the ‘Ball to Roll’, we know that the Powers-That-Be, are Methodically aligning their Chess Board to their Maximum Effect. But so true, the level of Violence, Murder, Wars, Freak Shows is alarming. And the Numbers do seem to Run into each other. But it is like adjusting the Focus on a Lens or Cross Hairs. All those Numbers do Merge to then become Clear or Clearer. Perhaps, that is what is happening now Prophetically.
DeleteWe had our University ‘Seawolf Decision Day’, this Saturday. Yes, our Campus Mascot is a Seawolf, like those Submarines mentioned in the Dreams that some People have had or did have a while ago and now are Surfacing again…No pun intended, or perhaps. But to say that after being on ‘House Arrest’ or on Zoom for so many Years due to the Shots Mandated and Masks, Distancing, etc., it was nice to be able to see so many Parents, Staff, Professors, and Prospective Students on Campus. I estimated that we had like about 2000 People on Campus and I only counted like 5 or say still wearing a Face Mask, in 85 Degree Weather.
Our Preview Day seemed Promising, as it was like what a College Campus should look like and did prior to the Plandemic. So, it is ‘Promising’, but. For all the Fanfare and Excitement and Promise, I felt in one’s Gut that ‘The Rug will be Pulled from under us’, again. I though of, ‘Sudden Destruction’ because that is how the Apostle Paul describes the ‘Departing’, no? Eating, Drinking, Marrying, Going to Check-Out Colleges, etc. Just a near Perfect Day and then, WHAM! Sudden Destruction.
We were giving out a Quiz, as a Catch to our Table, and 1 of the Questions was, ‘What is our Mascot?’ Seawolves! It is based on the Novel by Jack London who lived near here. And it is a Class of Submarines. I just kept pondering that Notion for some Reason as some of our Staff had a ‘Paw’ design on their Shirts and I pointed to them to give a Clue to those that had no Idea taking the Quiz. But then that Afternoon, I logged on to read about all those Dreams regarding the Subs and a Wolf come sitting besides that Sister who saw the Fins of not Sharks but Submarines.
So, interesting Synchronicity on my part here, about that, so wanted to share…As we enter Summer, in about 1 more Month to go, many are saying that is when, perhaps, it will all Go Down. And if the Rapture is this Year, it would then be sometime this Pentecost Summer White Wheat Wedding Season, no?….Let it be! GO Seawolves! Lol.
Amen, Corey, on the total basket case! Reminded me of the Word given in Amos 8. Just to read a string of headlines on any given day now is mind numbing. Even the fence sitters who try to avoid knowing the rug is being pulled out from under them can’t hide from this crumbling world anymore.
DeleteBlessings, Lu…that’s wild about those CA vultures gathering on your ledge at that precise moment. Never a good sign, BUT GOD…Thankfully He pulled you through that awful attack to be an even brighter and much needed light for His people! The work He has accomplished through your hands since then is totally amazing, Brother!
And with those 6 Subs to the west….gotta know there’s something coming from the east as well, while both the southern and northern borders are closing in. Starting to feel a little sandwich-y here in the no longer US of A.👀🙏
Maranatha All as we Keep on Keeping the Watch together!
RE: Brother TW Tramm’s Jubilee Article
Good to hear from you. Hope your Wife is doing much better and the same with Israel. Say hello to them. Thanks for sharing Tramm’s Article and study on how 2023 could be our Jubilee Year, as in the Rapture! Yes. Hope and Pray it is. But one would not agree with them. Imagine that?! :) So, I will be putting-on my ‘Pharisaical Hat’ and just share where one would disagree or just have a different Perspective. All Good. I can be wrong. Tramm's Articles are always very Insightful.
Brother Tramm is re-considering the Topic of the Jubilee Count. Great. And that it was or could have been from the Liberation of Jerusalem back in June 7, 1967. Yes. He surmises, that if perhaps, a Jubilee or 49 Year Count is in play to make the 50th Year the Jubilee and perhaps that is when Christ or the Rapture is to occur? Fair. Logical. The issue is always, ‘What Start Year’?
But, realize that many Watchers had entertained this very Question back in 2012, thereabouts, as the 50th Year Anniversary was approaching in 2017. Here is the Discrepancy. Brother Tramm has decided to use the Subsequent 7 Years from that 1966 Year, which was 1973. And it is from that Year, that he then Counts the 7 Sabbatical Years for a total of 49 Years. If one uses this Calculus, sure. But.
1973 + 49 Years = 2022 + Jubilee Year = 2023.
1. Counting seven Sabbatical weeks from the start of the first week after 1967, which is 1973–1974, we arrive at 2022–23. = Disagree
This Notion is basically the ‘Judah Ben Samuel Prophecy’ that became Popularized back when, if you all were ‘Watching’ then. So, 2023? One would Argue more so, that this Year is not the Advent of Jesus Christ, but rather the AntiChrist. It would be, as in the Geo-Political, Esoteric Movements and Decisions being made behind the Scenes. All that to further his Agenda. And how it would be leading to his Ultimate Revealing, after the Rapture Event. A ‘True’ Jubilee Count would follow.
Fall 1966 + 49 Year Jubilee = Fall 2015 (End of Blood Moon Tetrad.) + 1 Jubilee Year
= Fall 2016. This is when the Jewish Civil Year turned to 5777.
If one uses Tramm’s 1973 Logic and Count, you have to also then consider that ‘Gap’ of Time from when the Decree was made to Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem by Cyrus, and then Reiterated by Artaxerxes 1 and Artaxerxes 2. So, one would not agree that one would have to wait for a whole Subsequent 7-Year Sabbath of Years later on, to start the 49-50 Jubilee Year Count from the Liberation of Jerusalem by the Jews.
2. Since seven weeks denote a jubilee period, 2023 could be a Jubilee (Lev. 25). = Disagree
DeleteThe following is the Jubilee Count by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones. Now, again if one uses 1966 as the Start Year for the Jubilee Countdown, as one Subscribers, the Jubilee would have been 2015. But according to Nolan Jones, 2023 is not a Jubilee Year, but does Corroborate the Shemitah 7-Year Sabbath Cycles that are In-Sync. Nolan Jones takes the True Jubilee Count since Israel crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land.
If that be the case and True, then 2023 is the 1st Year of a New Sabbath 7-Year Count, nothing more. This was the Logic and Rationale as to why many thought that the Beginning of the Tribulation had to start in 2023, as some still do because of this Notion based on the Shemitah Counts. This is where one is Suggesting an Off-Set of 3.5 Years to begin the Tribulation Timeline from the Fall of 2025. This is due to one's Linkage to the 2nd Half of Jesus’ Shemitah, that one also surmises is what Jesus started on. Perhaps. A Partial Jubilee Countdown by Nolan Jones follows.
1966/1967 Sab # 487
1. 1973/1974 Sab # 488
2. 1980/1981 Sab # 489
3. 1987/1988 Sab # 490 Jub # 70
4. 1994/1995 Sab # 491
5. 2001/2002 Sab # 492
6. 2008/2009 Sab # 493
7. 2015/2016 Sab # 494
2022/2023 Sab # 495
So, Tramm’s 1973 + 49 Years = 2022? Could be. One can see why many are or would be ‘Excited’ about it, as 2023 is or would be the Jubilee Year from 1973. And then, all the Prophetic Implications concerning the Rapture, for example, would need to come True then by the End of 2023, Gregorian Count. But. It is assumed that 7 Year or 1 Shemitah ‘Delay’ is not being counted since 1966-67, of the Liberation of Jerusalem that one and perhaps many other Watchers would Emphatically insist, should be where the Count needs or needs to start at.
1966 + 49 Years (1 Jubilee) = 2015 + 1 Year as the Jubilee Year
= 2016 or 5776 as in 1776.
In fact it was on September 23, 2015 that the Feast of Yom Kippur occurred. And thereafter, 3 Days later, the Pope came to Philadelphia. Think Liberty Bell, Independence, etc. It was a Hijacking and Mocking of the Liberty that Believers have in Jesus because of the True Jubilee proclaimed back in the Fall of 28 AD, one Calculates.
3. While this may also be a coincidence, it is noteworthy, given the fact that the third month of a Jubilee year is considered a plausible if not likely time for the Rapture. = Disagree
DeleteIn the Traditional Sense? Yes. Presently, both the Jewish and Traditional Christian Church Celebrates ‘Pentecost’ in the 3rd Month. But only because it is the only ‘Pentecost’ being Considered, Written about and Taught. It was and is the 1st of the 3 Harvest ‘Pentecosts’ of the Summer, as one has Posted here before and Discussed.
-3rd Month = Wheat First Fruits
-4th Month = Grape First Fruits
-5th Month = Olive/Fig First Fruits
All that to say, that the Rapture, if it is Correlated to a Pentecost Feast, which one does Concur about that, is not going to occur on those 1st Pentecost 49 Day Counts, of any given Year, in one’s Humble Opinion. And then from what Start Day does one Count the 99 Days? Either from the 15th of Nisan or the Subsequent Weekly Sabbath that the First Fruits of the Summer Harvest are Waved?
If anything Prophetic about 1967’s Liberation of Jerusalem, one tied the last 3 Blood Moon Tetrads of 1949-1967-2015 as a Trifecta of a Prophetic Alignment that would lead to the Countdown to Daniel’s 70th Week. When? Perhaps 2025-2032 as written about. The Tetrads were in Phi Ratio to each other in distance and one proposed even a ‘1947’ Numerical Correlation as they had a 19 and 47 Year distance between them.
Beginning of Tetrad 1949 to 1968 End of Tetrad = 19 Years
Beginning of Tetrad 1968 to 2015 End of Tetrad = 47 Years
One also correlated the Comet 67p that appeared also during the Revelation 12 Sign, as to suggest a 50 Jubilee Year Bookmark since the 1st Blood Moon of the Tetrad that occurred in that Year of Jerusalem’s Liberation in 1967. One called it the ‘Jubilee Comet’. All that to say, that the Real Jubilee Sign from the Liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 was and is the Revelation 12 Sign.
Retro Article #195: JERUSALEM JUBILEES
Prophetic Countdown to the Advent of the AntiChrist?
DeleteThe Jerusalem Jubilee
Dear Lu, BLESSINGS (The peace of the Lord Jesus - as we say here in Brazil)!
DeleteFirst of all, I thank you very much for your attention and kindness expressed in your comment (by the way, with biblical basis and supported by systematic studies and research in the Living Word - I do not consider it Pharisaical, so to speak, Berean!) about my family!
Izabel is much better now, after a period of hospitalization that required care and risked her life (moments of affliction experienced in the presence of the Lord Jesus), and I leave here all my gratitude to the brothers and sisters of this beloved family who prayed for her - the Lord heard them!
Regarding your position on Tramm's post, I inform you that I forwarded it to Tramm by email and, if necessary, I will publish here the possible response that I may receive... (I admire your writing and graphic skills, which certainly indicate that the Holy Spirit has been leading you towards awakening and vigilance here in the Rev12daily family!)
Still on the subject of insights about the rapture observed in the book of Psalms, I was led to observe the sequence of Psalms 22, 23, and 24 and their possible prophetic correlation to the time we are currently living in.
• Psalm 22, with verbs conjugated in the past tense, expresses in prophecy all the suffering of the Messiah (our beloved Savior, who died our death so that we may live the life that He is and graciously gives us - for He has risen, lives, and will return to take us "to the place that He has prepared" for each of us).
• Psalm 23, with verbs conjugated in the present tense, certifies us about the "Statute of the Sheep" that points out the "rights" we have as "Sheep of the Good Shepherd," the moment of Grace contemplated for the Faithful and True Church in these last 2000 years - indicating what we will not lack: the provision of green pastures, still waters, restoration of the soul, the comforting presence of God Himself, and the assurance of divine goodness and mercy, in addition to the promise of living "in His House for long days."
• Psalm 24, with verbs conjugated in the future tense, speaks to us about who "will ascend to the mountain of the Lord," certainly, His Eternal Glory, and the triumphant entry of the King of Glory into the "heavenly gates"! “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.” (Psalm 24:7-9 - KJV)
During biblical times, when kings returned from victorious battles with their armies and the spoils they brought, often the gates of cities were opened and structures erected to welcome the victorious warriors. The description in Psalm 24 may be interpreted as a depiction of this triumphant entry of a victorious KING into the city, with the gates being lifted up to allow his entrance. The "leaves" of the gates, or "gomos" in Hebrew, would refer to the sections of the gates that were lifted up to allow passage. The victorious KING and his ARMY would receive great honor and celebration upon their return, with the spoils of war being displayed for all to see.
Could "THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY OF THE KING OF GLORY WITH HIS ARMY OF REDEEMED VICTORS IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB" be correlated with the Gregorian year of 2024 (Psalm 24), as argued to be a real possibility by LU?
Many Blessings, Jeova…and TY for pointing out the beautiful choreography of those three Psalms. Loved that!
DeleteSo happy to hear of Izabel’s recovering. All Glory to our Lord and Savior for that!
And no doubt about it dear Brothers…we are in the Zone for going Home. At some point very soon, all of these calculations are going to converge and that will be our long awaited “Boom”, Amen!😊🙏
DeleteWow, that is a very insightful Assessment of Psalm 22-23-24 that you Correlated to 2022-2023-2024 and of a Past-Present-Future Pattern. Excellent Brother. Very Encouraging. It would appear to match what we have experienced, are and will. May the LORD hear our Prayer and Desire!
I remember back in 2012 how many also considered the Hallel Passover Psalms of Ascent 113-118. Many took to possibly mean, that Prophetically, 2013-2018 could have been the Time-Frame when the Tribulation would have started. And there is also the other Psalms of Ascent from 120-134. These are 14 total, so perhaps there could be a Hidden Code there too!
I came across this Video of a Brother’s Teaching on the Last Days Perspective. It came off of my Feed on YouTube and do not know anything about his Ministry, other than he and his Family have been in Ministry in Russia, in Moscow for some 30+ Years and he is big on expounding the Scriptures with a keen sense and understanding of Greek. He makes the Scriptures come ‘alive’.
I recommend it, based solely on this 1 video, if at all. If you all have Time, see what you think. I think it was very good. Does anyone know more about him/Ministry? Doctrine?
Are you Ready for the Last Days? - Rick Renner
@ Charis Bible College - February 6, 2023
Blessings, Lu…I watched this message and thought it was a powerful and in depth teaching on these last days. That said, I had tried to look up some info on Renner Ministries awhile back and he’s kind of hard to pin down doctrinally speaking because he does teach some good End Time messages using the Greek and Hebrew nuances and the ministry’s Gospel statement page seems sound enough. But he also seems to lean in with the Word of Faith circle at least by association and some of his other teachings seem to be on par with that ideology, which I personally reject as false doctrine. So I don’t know…kind of a mixed bag to me.🤷♀️
DeleteHmmm…knew it had to be coming as Tucker is out at Fox News. Last show was Friday.
ReplyDeleteOnly bothersome because he was prob the closest person to being a truth teller in all of MSM.
Interesting that CNN has canned Don Lemon at the same time.
Getting rid of those who strain at the govt. leash in either direction as the propaganda machine is seriously tightening their control of information.🤷♀️
A video by our brother Carlo from The Bible Architecture: WARNING: SLEEP, WEEP, THE NAZI RETURN - PART 1 (Word received in prayer 04/15/23)
ReplyDeleteHe explains an interesting connection between crying and spiritual sleep and Jesus who is coming!
Well, I really want to work on pulling together some things I'm seeing related to the Jonah Sign, King Charles, Henry Gruver and more but this month is just getting crazy busy for me! Things like relatives visiting (even though we are still waiting on the drain field to be fixed), gardening, birthday dinners, more gardening--you get the picture!
ReplyDeleteBut I wanted to share with you all that my granddaughter re-told her "Pop's truck dream" to visiting relatives and shared something I must have missed the first time around, so I added it to my article (in CAPS so you here will see what I added):
"With my dreams perhaps pointing to a Holy Wedding this Summer, it reminded me of a dream my then 9-year-old granddaughter had probably a year or so ago where she was riding in the back of Pop’s (my husband; her grandfather) truck. Our entire family was together in the truck while a large tornado or whirlwind was in view. My granddaughter said she wasn’t afraid but was wondering where we were going but saw WE WERE HEADED TOWARDS A BRIGHT LIGHT THAT WAS NOT THE SUN. She noticed something white was under her seat, so she pulled on it and out came a wedding dress with puffy short sleeves. Amazingly, it was clean—spotless--despite it being stowed in such a dirty space."
Excerpt from The Fish and the Dragon—Signs & Dreams of the Soon Rapture
More evidence of the coming Beast System...
ReplyDeleteSenate Bill 884 ("Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023”) introduced by Sinema and Lummis on March 21, 2023. Here's a quick summary of the proposed bill:
(b) Purpose.—The purpose of the Task Force shall be to establish and coordinate a government-wide effort to develop secure methods for Federal, State, local, Tribal, and territorial agencies to improve access and enhance security between physical and digital identity credentials, particularly by promoting the development of digital versions of existing physical identity credentials, including driver's licenses, e-Passports, social security credentials, and birth certificates, to—
(1) protect the privacy and security of individuals;
(2) support reliable, interoperable digital identity verification in the public and private sectors; and
(3) in achieving paragraphs (1) and (2), place a particular emphasis on—
(A) reducing identity theft and fraud;
(B) enabling trusted transactions; and
(C) ensuring equitable access to digital identity verification.
Btw, all of the above will need to be in place before the Federal government implements a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) here in the United States. Yet while this Bill goes through the Senate hearing process, the FedNow Program is slated to commence in July 2023. One wonders if that Program is a "soft" roll out for the big banks, large corporations, businesses, etc to be followed by a much "broader" roll out for the general public after the "digital identity verification system" (SB 884) gets approved? So there you have it...most, if not all the pieces of the Beast System (FedNow Program, digital identity verification system, CBDC, etc) coming together in the USA right before your eyes!
For a full version of the Bill see the attached link:
Sad article to read today @Daily Crow from on The American Worldview Inventory 2023:
ReplyDelete“Less than half of born-again Christians believe that Jesus lived sinless life on Earth:study”.
First of all, I’d say the greater percentage that’s in that category are not truly “born again” or they would certainly know different.
The article goes on to cover the decline of the Christian Faith just since the “C” was introduced. But what I found to be interesting in this study re the decline was that the percentage of the population who actually hold a Biblical worldview fell from 6% to just 4% in the past 3 years, which is really sad news, but not all that surprising. And maybe it’s just another indicator of that (4)Door being about ready to open to receive His truly Believing Remnant Home along with all of those True Believers who came and do come just before us.🙏
(1Thess.4:16,17 and Rev.4:1)
But on the other hand, I believe our Departure is going to rattle a lot of those indifferent cages into rethinking their “Biblical Worldview” leading to that Great Multitude that will ultimately be joining us in Heaven.😊🙏
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteReminds me of an article I want to start working on already in the works based on what Jesus said in Matthew 7. Truly what should be unsettling words for those who classify themselves as "Christian." But as you say, many are Christian in name only, but not truly saved/born again.
DeleteRE: Apostate Condition of Christian Testimony in the Last Days
DeleteWe know that the Last Iteration of the Church Age, corresponding, Prophetically to the 7th Church of Asia, Laodicea would be a ‘Christless Christianity’. And we are here. The Diminishing of the Testimony wherein, Jesus is ‘Voted’ outside the Church, has in one’s Opinion been, what has allowed the Spiritual Threshold to now not be enough to ‘Save Sodom’.
Case in Point, is the following Article also of how a supposed ‘Christian’ University voted to not allow an invited Speaker on Campus. In this case, it is a Chinese who survived the Cultural, Social, Political-Religious Indoctrination of Mao. But not surprises as the Campus is really ‘Leftist’ inclined and ‘Woke’, so what does one expect as the Speaker warns about the Tyranny of a Totalitarian Woke Agenda.
Christian university blocks Maoist China survivor from speaking over anti-woke views: 'Extra concerning'
If you have not already seen/heard JD Farag’s latest Sermon from this past Weekend, you should have a hear and see. I was behind this week and just got through listening to it. It is ‘Right On’. And I think one of the best Spiritual Assessment ever made by Him and made in a very Poignant Way.
DeleteProphecy Update - 2023-04-23
Making a Molehill out of a Mountain
April 23, 2023 • J.D. Farag
And speaking of Apostasy of the Christian Church and ‘Going or Working for the Dark Side’, the following is an example of one’s Work, pertaining to the Connection to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Theory of mine.
DeleteI have tried to see and note the Spiritual and Luciferian Connections that one does believe do exist at these Sacred Places on Earth. In part, because they were, literally the ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ spoken about in the Bible that YHVH warned about and Commanded to ‘Demolish’, etc.
In this case, it is a thrilling Episode in the Bible, of how the False Prophet of Balaam is involved and met his Doom. And how Moses was involved with that. And later-on, as well as Jacob. And it all centered around this Tel of Deir Alla, where Balaam lived. And?
The Prophetic Relevance is that the ‘Teachings of Balaam’ is what Jesus warned about, would be exactly the Issue, and would ‘Plague’ the End Times Church. Such a Condition has not gone away. See what you think.
Abode of the False Prophets and Rebel Kings
ReplyDeleteDear brother, here is the response that Tramm sent me regarding your comment...
"Hi Jeova,
There is a lot to dissect here, so I won’t try to comment on all of it. As for my Jubilee calculation, it is very simple, and I believe biblical. Since God counts full weeks, and the 1967 return happened after a week had already started, the count of seven full weeks cannot begin till the start of the next week (1973-74). This is exactly how the Omer count of regular weeks to Pentecost works. The Omer is counted from the day after the Sabbath following Passover, during the week of Unleavened Bread (some say the day after the Sabbath after the week of Unleavened Bread). At any rate, depending on which day of the week Passover falls, the seven-weeks count to Pentecost may start up to nearly a week later. So, we should not be at all surprised that the count from 1967 starts at the latest possible time, which is reflective of a patient or longsuffering God. I would add that the 2023 timeline is supported by the handful of other calculations, which I have posted about previously. That said, no one knows for sure. All we can do is run the numbers and see where they point. In my opinion, 2015–16 was not a Jubilee but a year of signs, a seven-year warning pointing to the present time. I think we need to be careful assuming too much about the Rev 12 sign and what it indicates, especially related to the Jubilee. No one knows. It’s all speculation.
Hope this helps. Blessings to you brother."
DeleteThank you again for your Diligence in informing us of other’s Research and Perspectives. You should ask if our Brother Tramm could join us sometimes. I think I can say that he is ‘Cordially Invited’ to join our ‘Little Flock’, Tiny but Mighty.
Sure, a bit Dysfunctional at times, Opinionated? Stubborn? Crazy? Sure. Just like a ‘Real Family’, no? :)But we have a Passion to Seek and Watch the Return of our King and Captain of our Salvation and we seek to Warn others and Encourage along the Way. I think. Just a response.
Not necessarily. He counts 1260 or 3.5 Increments of Time that does make-up a Full Week. That is without Dispute. But one surmises that, precisely, there is perhaps just that going on presently, an Off-Set of 3.5 Years that is overlapping the Full Week. That is to say that the 7-Year Tribulation Period, being a Full Week of 7 Years, will start or could start when one reaches a 3.5 Year offset. And that is why one is considering 2025-2032. Perhaps.
If that be the case, as most anticipated with the Shemitah Count, if it does not start now, in 2023, either back in September or now past in April, the next 7-Year Span of Time, to infer the Tribulation Period CANNOT start until 2029. This would put the Fig Tree Generation and the Psalm 90 Factors of both a 70 and 80 Year Matrix, well out of Prophetic Reach.
Who said that the Liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 has to do with the same Prophetic Template as Counting of the Omer? No Disrespect here as one can presume that and use it. I do the same with one’s ‘off the way’ Theories. But just saying that it does not have to be relegated to this Theory.
OK, we still have 7 Months to go, in the Gregorian Calendar Timing. Sure, a lot can happen in that time as World Events are now occurring Hourly, it seems. But. The Debut of the AntiChrist? Building of the 3rd Temple? Getting all the World on the same Digital Currency? All in 7 Months’ Time? Not likely, in one’s Opinion. PS: I get a lot of Emails from those arguing a 2023-2030 Tribulation Timeline. I say back to them. Amen! In that case, as I have always done, since 2012, and no one has yet to Oblige…And I do this in All Sincerity. It does seem a bit Presumptuous, but I am just getting tired of all such Emails. :)
'Please sign-over all your Bank Accounts, Homes, Cash, Vehicles, Property, Saving and/or other Assets to my Name, as you will no longer need them past Fall of 2023'.
DeleteI did not say 2015 was a Jubilee Year. A 7-Year Countdown? Yes. Perhaps more like it. In fact, many are looking for the Return of Jesus to be a Jubilee Year. Not so. Recall how Jesus only read the 1st Portion of Isaiah. The 2nd Portion of the Vengeance and Wrath of GOD will be what Jesus will come with to Execute upon a Wicked and Perverse World. So, really one can say that since that Fall of 28 AD up to 2032, when one calculates Jesus is to Return, it has been 1 LONG JUBILEE and will be completed as Judgment or the Law meets-up with the Mercy component of its Totality. Just crazy thinking here.
Assuming too much about the Revelation 12 Sign? Or what it Indicates? Well, again, one did not nor does not relate that to a Jubilee. But as a Sign and what it Indicates, this I will Reiterate, since coming across it circa 2008-2009. I wrote that it is perhaps the ‘Greatest’ Sign to the Church that the Church Age is about to End. And that the Rapture it portends, is what is next on the Prophetic Timeline of what will happen next. No small Indications on one’s part. But I could be wrong.
Again, Jeová, please do let Brother Tramm know that it is not a Critique but a Commentary as Iron Sharpens Iron.
Family, Blessings
ReplyDelete@ The Return of the King YTC 24:26
The Coming of the Great Red Dragon, and the Great Escape
BPEARTHWATCH opens this box and ultimately shows live images from a tool on his website which tell of an apparent atmospheric sink hole where huge volumes of air are draining into and creating a stable, low-pressure vortex as we see Ryan Hall wrestle with while tracking 'Naders & Hurricanes. As BP relates, however, in those we can see in other areas where that air is coming out of the larger system while, here, there is no corresponding 'outflow' from the system visible. Where is this huge volume of air going? This is showing as occurring in the same spots where all imagery is blocked and nothing is discussed in any current circles. 15:38 Luke 12:2; Mark 4:22
DeleteThe Great Mystery of the Earth's Poles
RE: The Return of the King
DeleteMy…A whole lot of those ‘33’ Number Connections to the States, Latitudes and Masons sounded so familiar.
Family, Blessings
ReplyDeleteAs we approach the fold I figured I get this in. Elijah % Moses YTC is one I've not been to since forever ago but this popped in my feeds and it adds more to the upcoming Coronation and the various relics being brought into that picture. She ultimately lands on Genesis 35:14 which I would note adds to 49, that being a complete set of a complete set. 29:42
RE: Religious Censoring
ReplyDeleteSo, according to some Reports, see below,1 of the Reasons why Tucker was let go was that Murdoch, the Owner of Fox (F=6, O=60, and X=600) News did not like his Religious Referencing. From what I have heard of Tucker in many video clips, I would say I agree with most. Yet, if you hear the Speech he gave at the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think-Tank, he admitted that being ‘barely’ Christian, he could have ‘Prayed’ more for the Nation and called the Audience to do so.
And Tucker referenced how the Nation is basically going to Hades in a Hand Basket. But that is to much for some. It is just the Trend and Symptoms of an Empire in Decline and on its Last Leg. Foundations cannot las that long so long they are built on Lies, Falsehood and not the Truth. To ‘Believe’ and pretend a Man is a Woman and vice-versa is 1 Thing, but not to force and Legislation that you have to ‘Believe’ you see a ‘Woman’ in a Man is a Religion.
However, we as Followers of Jesus must not put one’s Political Hope in a Political Pundit or Presidential Candidate. Sure, it may come down to a ‘Lesser of 2 Evils’, and we must do all one can, Politically to make a Change and Difference in Society, but we know what will eventually happen to the USA. When you have over 600 Faculty signing a Letter at UNC, Chapel Hill, that they do not want to teach the Constitution, Government, Civic? That says it all.
But Marxism, Totalitarian, that is OK. Whey they say, ‘We must be All-Inclusive’ in language for Biology Courses, but take out the References to Male and Female, show the Hypocrisy of the Agenda. It is not about Inclusion but Exclusion, and especially anyone like Tucker’s and all others as they think to dare mention their Beliefs.
Tucker Carlson’s Last Address Before Leaving Fox News