Be Encouraged!!

Today I am sharing two encouraging resources (1 video, 1 article) that should make us even more excited to be in the presence of Jesus.  I think in these last days and with all the horrible things happening around us, I think God wants us looking at Him.  His character.  His promises.  His return.  These two things do just that!  I have been encouraged and I think you will be as well!

First, Jimmy Evans breaks down many of the promises we have coming at our final redemption when Jesus comes again.  I found the part about our new bodies especially fascinating!   Please check it out. I can't wait for the Rapture and my new body!!    God Bless you all!

Here is the video:  26 min
Today on Tipping Point, I'm revealing our final redemption and how Jesus will bring us up to live with him forever. Our final redemption will be a physical and material renewing of our earthly bodies, not just a spiritual one. 

Next I would like to share a new post that was just put up on Unsealed by Gary's dad, Greg.  It is a very encouraging look at who God really as, and how we should keep that in mind in these last days.  If you only have time to read on article today, this would be a great one!

Here is a Excerpt: 
If I could paint a picture, it would be this: Christ in agony on the Cross. The Accuser spitting in His face. The worst possible idea—agitate the Sovereign, almighty Creator of Heaven and earth at the pinnacle of His anguish: God in agony and heartbreak as His beloved Son is being murdered. He turns His back lest His furious wrath kill us all. Twelve legions of angels in shock and awe—their King on the Cross. As Michael Card has said, "on this battlefield there are no rusty swords." One angel can chain a seven-headed dragon (Rev. 20:1–2) or slay hundreds of thousands of warriors like nothing (2 Kgs. 19:35). Twelve legions, swords drawn and sharp, fully ready to deliver their King of Kings from off that Cross, sending the whole stinking world straight to the abyss. One small nod from the King and it's over. Yet the tap out never comes.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and when He sets His mind to a thing—a cosmic creating, sharing, love-extending rescue plan—you can take it to the bank. For we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come (Eph. 1:13; 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5). He didn't quit then, and He won't quit now. It is finished and your salvation is absolutely assured. It is not about you. It is about Him.

Words fail to express the severity and unwavering, unrelenting, infallible depths of His love and resolve. 

 Here is the link:


  1. AMEN! As a very young girl once said: Jesus loved us to the end of his blood! Until the last drop of his blood! Thank you Jesus!

  2. Blessings Brad and TY so much for sharing these much needed and timely encouragements in these last days of intensifying evil coming from every direction.
    As Jimmy Evans so clearly clarifies, what we all have to look forward to is Beyond Measure. And Greg’s article really takes us back to the very core of WHY we wait and watch so intently with a wonderfully expressed reminder of WHO the Source of our deep longing rests with…Our Blessed Lord and Savior Christ Jesus!
    Really delivers some of that precious Peace that goes beyond human understanding!

    Maranatha and Looking UP!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Family, Blessings Great stuff, thanks for the new thread. As we ponder our Glorious future, sharing a gander on pivotal events of the past 72 hours, or so, in roughly chronologic order:

    Russia announced redeployment of 200 tactical nukes to within 2 minutes flight time to Warsaw (CP);
    Aurora's are very energetic and broad, being seen, for ex., in New Mexico, USA (This detail was in Mandi's earlier messages);
    China expressed Taiwan's leader's visit to the U.S. as escalatory, requiring an unspecified 'response';
    Bibi Netanyahu issues statement, echoed by other Israeli officials, telling USA admin to not interfere in their current national internal dialogue;

    The USA admin responded, stating Biden wishes Bibi would drop the entire effort to reform the Justice imbalance in Israel and in light of current matters, the Prime Minister of Israel is NOT CURRENTLY WELCOME at the White House;

    A train derailment, involving numerous cars including 1 carrying highly flammable ethanol in large qty has evacuated Raymond, MN, USA (DAHBOO7);
    A loss of control of about 10 barges hitting a bridge near Louisville, KY, USA, includes 1 barge carrying 14K TONS of toxic Methanol now leaking into the water table of MILLIONS;
    Russia formally notified the USA that it will no longer be sharing ANY info concerning its nuclear tests, relocations of weapons, or anything else (WW65);
    A Russian official stated that Russia has a 'unique' weapon, unknown of, capable of eradicating the USA and, therefore, the USA is foolish to think a 1st strike would go unanswered, regardless how effective (WW65);
    China and France, through various agencies and firms, have now settled their first LNG exchange, via the Shanghai Exchange, this past Tuesday, further marking the 'de-dolarization' of the oil markets and the globe (WW65).
    The day isn't over, yet...

    "So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates." Matthew 24:33 LSV, amen

    1. THANK YOU dear Brother for that synopsis!
      Learned this via Watchwoman65:

      Hal Turner did the following article announcing the death of the U.S. Dollar in a couple of weeks:


      Ran out of time to post--sorry re. the links--big hug to all 🤗

    2. Lyn, Blessings

      Quite fitting that you would be the response here as I was planning on pivoting to a note to you after. In short, as WW65 pointed out, several foul events befell USA the very same day that Jo Bag-o-donuts cursed Israel's PM, as noted. Followers of Koenig's work immediately spot such associations to such actions.

      However, while Our Lord Uses Events To His Ends, He Does Not Share His Glory. Thus, while 5th gen war continues and Only He Knows What Else is afoot, it seems that now would be a ripe time for such an event as the Mississippi EQ splitting the USA, as GOD Makes It Clear Who Has The Bigger Fist In All Of This. Just sayin', Maranatha!

    3. Yes, Brother. The EQ event has got to be soon if the American economy is falling as fast as in "2 weeks" since they are tied together in Chris Reed's prophecy (see link above for AS IT ALL COMES DOWN, WE GO UP!):

      "Then the dream focused again on the man in the black suit. This time, he tore the $50 bill in half. When he did this, an earthquake happened under my feet.

      Another person came up to me and handed me a headline that read, "Israeli and Palestinian Two-State Solution Reached." Then another person came up to me and gave me a headline, "Major Earthquake Hits the Middle of the U.S." Then the man in the black suit took the $50 bill and started tearing it into small pieces, one by one."

      When reading this prophecy, I wondered if the first EQ he mentions is the New Madrid quake or is it a different quake? What do you think?

  5. Today I got a Shipment Notification:
    30 Mar 23 9:17 AM - Delivered
    Isn't that crazy?

  6. Hi everyone, I listened to Ricardo Garcia's video. It shows the celestial clock by the constellations and its timing for the rapture is "soon". He has his own way of delivering his message.

  7. Family, Blessings

    Here's one I think you numbers guys and gals will like. Deborah (Strength) over at Speaking Truth in Love YTC, another younger, (ibid.) sweet sister in Christ who's typology is a bit less developed and yet often drops some profound stuff along the trail, Acts 4:13, amen, was Led through some mathematic gymnastics with a type hidden in there although she doesn't realize that is what it is.

    One of the gems in her wondering as to how long she can be expected to maintain such a high-rev level as we all 'bury-the-needle' on our Watch, was to calculate the % of NOAH's life spent Evangelizing & Waiting before the flood in terms of his total lifespan and then apply that to her own. Like Unca Todd often chimes, "We aren't made to track a 24-hour news and ET cycle continuously without end."

    Her count delivers encouraging finds and adds another, heretofore untouched-upon type applied to our watch, now. At 40:10 I'm not half way through, hers is a chat on a couch, no hurries, and I have to share:

    THE 9 YEAR WARNING⚠️ 2014-2023

    As to things happening since Biden dis'ed Bibi, and those accelerating the crescendo, DAHBOO affirms that a NY Grand Jury has indicted DJT, DeSantis refuses to extradite him to the 'Soros controlled NY DA', and arrangements are being made, now, for taking down the trump card quietly n coming days, for booking and arraignment. Did a single spark just ignite a forest fire?

    Book 'em, Dano; Payoff 1.

    Might be a good time for a milk and bread run, just sayin'.


    1. Jimboni, I LOVE this gal. I only just began listening and could only grin with delight at her question to the Lord, "How much longer can I endure with this fervency?"

  8. This was a long but awesome discussion on Pete Garcia’s site with Pablo from
    @Serpents & Doves:

    “How Ancient Paganism is Going High-Tech”

    They cover a lot of ground from Eden until present day, but about halfway thru, they get into this new advanced AI Tech or ChatGPT4 which is really mind blowing. And just as I am listening to this part of their convo, I looked up to see that Fox is scrolling on the same subject:

    *Open letter warns of AI’s “catastrophic” effects.
    **Musk and 1000 experts call for a 6 month halt on AI experiments and advancement.
    ***CEO’s—No one can predict or control AI tools and call for a pause to “dangerous” AI race.

    The focus is now on AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) vs AI which involves an algorithm so highly advanced it can now access the internet and run the code that IT writes—which is indicating some sort of sentience and has led to the call for this pause. This thing has the ability for unimaginable DECEPTION as it can write its own version of the past, present and future while producing the accompanying images.

    This reminded me once again of that dream of words I shared here originally on 12/24/2018 at 2:45 pm.
    “Significant consideration should be given to the detailed “cataclysms” that accompany the likely date of departure as the “algorithms” attest to.”

    So today they are warning on MSM of “catastrophic” and “dangerous” effects from these new “algorithms” (or the “cataclysms” that accompany this new technology as well as our likely date of departure?)

    Anyway I looked up in Strong’s the timestamp for my original post on that dream and was not surprised:
    G245–allotrios—belonging to another, not one’s own, foreign, hostile, strange, alien, an enemy.
    And ironically used 14x (The Biblical number for Deliverance and Salvation.)

    One question that Pablo and Pete raise is whether or not the technology will outpace what we see revealed in the Book of Revelation and we are definitely on that precipice. Could be that this new AGI advancement and our Departure will be happening concurrently. Getting Sooo close!

    Blessings All and Keep Looking UP! Jesus IS Coming!!!

    1. Thanks for this, Sheila. As Dr. Barry Awe says, "Soon is getting sooner and sooner" or something to that effect 😁

    2. I should add the question of how likely it is that those megalomaniacs pursuing this AGI power are going to trust each other to all back off at the same time? Especially when Kwaus Schlob has stated that whoever masters this technology will be the master of the world…or something to that affect.
      Not very likely, imo.🤔

    3. Blessings, Lyn…and so true! And the EQ’s are revving up, too, along with major Yellowstone swarming. And more big damaging tornadoes indicated for the central states tonight as they are predicating an especially deadly storm season this year for the US in general. The shin kicks to Israel will def be coming right back this way.🤦‍♀️
      Ya’ll stay safe and Blessed in NC.😊🙏

    4. The Lord bless you and yours also, dear girl❤️ And hey, don't you live in TX? Texas is outside the "danger zone" of a New Madrid fault line quake but I bet we both will feel it! Jimboni and I have been discussing the soon-ness of this prophesied event in the above post.

    5. Might at that, Lyn! We have family living in AL and the FL Panhandle who would feel it, too. At our house in Northwest, FL some years back when there was just a small 3.1 or 2 quake on the New Madrid, it shook our 2 story house and cracked our concrete pool deck up and broke off a big piece of it. I thought they’d just tested a big bomb on the Eglin Range, but it was later reported to be a New Madrid EQ.
      Guess we weren’t meant to have that swimming pool, lol. Hurricane Ivan a bit later took the whole thing out with trees and we just had to fill it in.🙄

    6. I heard Bob Barber from
      @ET D&V say something I thought made a lot of sense. He was saying that based on all of the differing Rapture D&V scenarios he’s seen over the years, he believes that might be pointing to people having different Rapture experiences depending on what’s happening in one’s location. Some see a great EQ at the time, some giant Tsunamis and others see nukes coming in, Chinese invasions, or EMPS, meteor storms, or even with some, the FA Motherships are hovering overhead.
      And for some it’s day time with normal things going on and for others it’s a nighttime event.
      So I guess that different catastrophes happening in different places all at once could maybe explain why there are so many different Rapture scenario D&V’s, etc. shared.
      Personally, I’ve dreamed of watching a tsunami in NYC and warning of an an impending volcanic disaster in Yellowstone, and seeing a distant nuclear explosion from a casino window in Vegas—all places I have no reason to ever expect to find myself in. So IDK, but it wouldn’t surprise me if all these things hit the US at one time with the way these lunatics in charge are going. And it could be business as usual in other parts of the world…like in the ME, which I think Jimboni has suggested before as this govt does seem to be moving more and more assets out of the Western Hemisphere.
      We all just need to stay awake and paying attention and try to hold on to that fervency while trying to occupy as best we can. 🤷‍♀️🙏

  9. Could the Rapture Date be hidden in
    Israel's Birth Year? 1948?

    1= Nisan
    9.4. = Date in Israel/ Europe
    4/8= Date in America?
    He rose early in the morning!

    1948 has also the numbers of 1. Thessalonians 4,17!


  10. Family, Blessings Lord, help me cover all this in a cogent, relevant fashion, amen.

    Stephen, took me a moment to fathom the 9.4 & 4/8 referring to April 8th and 9th, the customary 2-day straddle, using native ways of writing each. Sharing for any others still not seeing it.

    Lyn, I've never been exposed to the D&V concerning New Madrid so I've no unction in that one but it seems likely something in the 'all of the above' category and not dismissive at all.

    Is anyone else noticing a personal massive acceleration or manifestation of Holy Spirit in their day? Since the aspersion to Bibi by Biden, ibid., it seems we may have heard a Midnight Cry. Metaphorically, for such a thing to come from the the leader of this country could well be thought of as the darkest part of the this worldly 'Day,' i.e. MID-Night. Since then, wow. Today was a HS Roller Coaster non-stop which I hope to share in a single sentence for brevity, later.

    Lyn, apart from having no dog in that hunt so no sense of its choreography, here are some snippets from Mandi's recent message which may form a base line for several things. Intermingled are comment to the Saved, Unsaved and the Jews and also are likely time-jumbled before, during and after Harpazo, much as in Revelation. All in all, I see DWAGON TWAKS!

    the feast is being prepared; tsunami coming it's going to affect the East Coast;
    when the nukes go up you go up; lots of chaos and destruction after
    great earthquake in California 8.3 which will sever the map (Me: New Madrid, also?)
    tsunami on the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean island (New Madrid EQ would cause this)
    Yellowstone will erupt; Terror in the cities, Calamity in the streets
    rage by the people towards the government when martial law commences
    time is short the movie will be released and you will know when and what season we are in
    the birds will be flying in circles the animals will act strange
    train derailments 15 more cities are going to be hit very soon
    chemical spills radioactive plants exploding for Virginia's plant will be destroyed
    the angels are singing lined up and ready to blow the clock Tick Tock it means something (Clock Constellation the comet transited?)
    the world shuts down stock market crashes Bank switches over to digital currency martial law
    commences and B system set up

    Yesterday, The US Govt issued an official statement advising all US Citizens living in or traveling Russia to LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.

    The Nuclear Use Doctrine of Russia long includes that it is an option in response to any existential threat to the nation of Russia. Again, on the heels of this possible 'Midnight Cry', as reported by WW65, TODAY, Putin has approved a new write up of Russian Strategic Policy in which it is stated that THE WEST is now an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to the nation and peoples of Russia. She also later reported that Brazil & China have finalize their first major trade in their own currencies and China is acting as a clearing house for other nations to do the same and the US Dollar, basically as of TODAY, has been (past tense) discarded for such trade, globally.

    The Real BPEarthwatch 13:37
    50,000 North Koreans Depart For Ukraine - China Creates 500,000 PMC
    The Kings of the East Make Their Move

    1. Tomorrow, Saturday, Dr. Barry Awe will be the guest with Aaron on God a Minute YTC at 2:30 p.m. EST to discuss the Passover scenario.

      You may recall that Alex got into trouble during his exit from his last formal school situation. In short, he has to be in school or employed to comply with a diversion program (intake in May) allowing him to dodge the legal bullet, or do hard time, as well as other things required.

      Well, his 1st job, at Skate City, last Summer, had somewhat fallen apart after he missed a shift due to illness and failed to persistently chase his mgmt. folks to explain and work it out and they were too busy to deal with it and he hasn't worked there since last Summer, so, Alex has been applying at fast food places and such, getting nowhere and sweating bullets, so, today, after visiting the bank for my new Debit card number while awaiting the card, as old card was compromised, I swung by Skate City just before they opened and spoke with his managers, smoothed things over and arranged a huddle with Alex and them to get started, again, came home, got Alex, slipped him the $200 in paychecks he had never picked up (POPeye), dropped back in on Mgrs. Tatiana and TJ and Alex is back on next week schedule with the details to be covered this coming Weds with their new App for employees and other stuff, as Thurs is when schedules come out, so, as we discussed while leaving, now, Alex not only has a job but it is one which, technically he will have had 2 years, now, but, then, about a block away from Skate City, the car started sounding and feeling funky so we pull over, and the front right of the new set of 4 tires is flat, I have no idea how to retrieve the spare in this mini, having hoped the 4 newbies would hold till Harpazo, but I retrieve the fix-a-flat hack in the back and fortunately the block I drove hadn't separated the tire and rim and it got me around the corner where Alex says, "Hey, look, Big Brand Tires & Service," which he had also found on his smart phone while I was performing CPR on the flat, the sun setting in the mountains in the distance, as it gets cold with evening falling, continuing, "and its open till 6 too, and I see people in the office there," which means we have to pop in and chat with Danielle explaining that I know its late and they are likely too busy but we're getting home and got a flat a block away and wondering if there's any way they might pop a plug in an otherwise new tire for me?" who, in response says, "Oh, sure, we can fix that right up, are the keys in the car?" as she starts to work up the paperwork, "actually, its still running, right there, out the door," I say, pointing, as I continue, "well, paying you may be a challenge as I've got my card number but not the card with me,"

    2. and she says, "oh, no worry, there won't be any charge, we'll take care of it for you." as she shows us to the waiting area and offers coffee and water and I say, "didn't this used to be D&D Tire?" and she praises me for my recall and informs me that it was, formerly D&D, and then returns to serving another customer who popped in and I return to answering Alex' question concerning my earlier statement that my having left my last employee role was a classic case of change management in action where management changes in a firm, usually from a takeover or buyout, and the new folks immediately dismiss the current senior staff and why, and, while tying this back to what had happened in my case, and how it related to the experience of one of my undergrad business students, Danielle had wandered over and, upon being noticed, says, "oh, don't mind me, I just overheard what you were saying and that's exactly what's happening here," which led to a wonderfully robust dialogue uncovering that Danielle's parents had started and run D&D for 41 years, which by the way, I had used as my tire shop when living in that area years ago, and, when time came to sell, the new firm found out about Danielle, who had been in the health care admin field some time now, since her last 8-year run with D&D, and asked her to step back in to help in the change over, and she agreed but, unfortunately, the Transition Team that had spent a week, or so, with all the staff, to help them 'Brand Up' to the new owners, were already gone by when she started and she was quite appreciative of the 20 minutes, or so, free consulting I provided her, she loved some of the nuggets I dropped and is likely to engage me, in some capacity, to consult and assist her forwards, then we drove home not a penny poorer for the detour, Alex basically having his old job back, which he loved, my tire disaster but a bump in the road and a gainful opportunity in an area of my passion likely just ahead. Tomorrow should be good.

      There you go, AA, the longest run-on sentence paragraph essay you've ever read.

      To Jesus be all the Glory, amen! Maranatha!

    3. Blessings, Jimboni. I almost reached for my asthma inhaler! Such a blessing for Alex to get back to his job. I well remember my FoodTown days, running the salad bar and the revenue skyrocketing because I actually did my job and the other girls hated me because I made them look lazy. Such a shockingly novel concept that we are supposed to "earn" our money.

      I recently started taking 3mg of melatonin, sublingually, each night and have experienced the deepest, most restful sleep and vivid dreams. The dreams are more akin to screenplays with memorable dialogue. It has produced an awesome feeling of contentment throughout my day that no other supplement has ever come close to giving me. I believe the body produces less melatonin as we age, so yet another bottle on my rapidly expanding pharmaceutical shelf. And it fights acid reflux and glaucoma! I thought about the ointment I have to use at night in my eyes and the bottles of eyedrops in my refrigerator when Pastor Jimmy mentioned the new bodies we are going to get. The only "bad" side-effect of the melatonin is that at night after work, I sometimes fall into a deep slumber for about 30 minutes to an hour. I guess one might call it a catnap. Something else I'd like to mention as I meander is an astonishing recent purchase called "Addalock." It retails for 15-20 bucks and you could forget to lock every lock on your door and no one would be able to get through this baby. It works on inward-turning doors and is also good if you travel and stay at hotels, etc. If you live in an apartment and worry about others having the key, buy this. It won't violate the terms of any leasing agreement. Hear that, Lulu?

    4. Jimboni, Mandi's message parallels a prophetic poem given to another Sister in Christ (unfortunately, it's the one with the religious spirit--Vicki Parnell). Was led to watch that particular video of hers. Vickie's poem included the plague of darkness tho.

      Thanks for sharing your adventures with Alex with us--how gracious and merciful is our Lord! We too were blessed in a like manner recently.

    5. Our toilets backed up. Tom's efforts with the snake to no avail. Plumbers called in and their efforts also failed but DID NOT CHARGE US. They tried to advise but Tom was shown of the Lord to check septic tank. Lo and behold 3 year old tank FULL because leach field never updated! So, yes, we have an expensive drain field project to pay for but to add insult to injury--we had to move our raised bed garden!!! So we've been extremely busy (and sore) around here but God graced us with good weather, a helpful son, and with a now empty tank we are able to use the toilets as we wait for the new field to be laid 🙏

    6. Jimboni, we also have prayed that all our vehicles and appliances would continue to work til harpazo! Didn't think of the plumbing tho lol 😆

      AA, you made me laugh also with, "I almost reached for my asthma inhaler!" Also, I didn't realize melatonin slows glaucoma!

    7. Family, Blessings

      Archangel, in re Melatonin and your shelf. First of all, I an guessing your shelf is actually full of Nutraceuticals, not Pharmaceuticals. Nutraceuticals are food- sourced, non-toxic interventives with documented physiologic benefits beyond caloric nutrition.

      In researching Nutraceuticals with proven benefits to neurologic healing, it turns out that Melatonin, a regular supplement in Our Scout's evening regimen to assist in his sleep challenges, also functions as a very specific anti-oxidant within the sheath covering of the neurons of the central nervous system, reducing oxidative degeneration and fostering better neural function and growth. Melatonin is a neurotransmitter produced by the body, naturally, in the brain and its sleep benefits are from dynamics it assists within the brain. Bananas are the richest sources of precursor nutrients empowering the production of Melatonin in the body/brain. I am unfamiliar with any mechanism for Melatonin to migrate from the brain area to neurons throughout the body, such as are 'waking up' in Our Scout's extremities as his spinal recovery progresses, so, an ongoing supplementation assures ample supply throughout. Who knew? Maranatha!

    8. Blessings, dear Lyn! So sorry to hear of your septic tank issues. Major ick. I love how Pastor Jimmy mentioned no bathrooms needed in Heaven. My neighbor had to spend 10K on a sewer line replacement years ago when the condo assoc would not help. I invested in a sewer line service plan after that happened.

      Yes, I have read melatonin is good for retinal cells, glaucoma, etc. I bought blue light screen protectors for all my devices because I sit in front of monitors all day and in my time off. I feel much less heat emanating from them now. My eyes are not as dry and red, either.

      I am hoping my hot water heater makes it until the Rapture as it's approaching 10 years of age in May. Yes, I remember its birthday lol.

    9. Nutraceuticals! That's the word I shoulda used. I guess, subconsciously, I think of them as pharmaceuticals because, to me, they are medicines. I never took anything for sleep that worked as powerfully as melatonin, however. I'd say it goes far beyond sleep benefits as it rids me of anxiety and produces a feeling of contentment that helps me get through the workday much more easily. Just 3mg. I just feel better. It calms down my mind for sleep. My thoughts can race sometimes because, ya know, there's always something to think about or study. It shuts all that off.

      The whole DJT thing bothers me. It will play out the way it's intended to. What surreal times we live in. It makes me feel like throwing my hands up in the air. The persecution of this man never ceases.

      I have been thinking about what Pastor Jimmy said about our having real physical bodies in Heaven. I have always imagined us having somewhat spirit-like natures instead of being corporeal. It always made me smile to imagine the Apostles gathered around Jesus after His Resurrection to watch him chew the fish and honeycomb. One would require a physical body to do that. We will be like Adam and Eve before the Fall with a supernatural glow. Much to look forward to. Everyone will be beautiful.

    10. My dad said not to worry about DJT because, as the Judge once said, a prosecutor can persuade a grand jury "to indict a ham sandwich."

    11. This whole thing bothers me, too. But the Lord has it, whatever the outcome.

    12. Amen. TPTB can't do anything to him that God will not allow.

      I hope your husband is doing well, Sister. I just wanted to mention that I take Dr. Christopher's Hawthorn Berry Heart syrup. It's one quarter teaspoon 3x daily. It's benefits are too myriad to list here, but, suffice to say, it's good for all things heart-related. You can get a 32oz bottle for $32 at Amazon. I have been taking it for years. Blessings.

  11. Lu...! Thank you again for answering my questions in your Article! While I was reading Article #734, another question came up.

    If 2022 is the start of the new 'official ' Shemita Cycle, then 27 AD was the start of the 'official' Shemita Cycle?

    2022- 1995 (285×7) = 27

    How does that fit to a 32 AD Crucifixion Year? If we consider 27 AD as the start of the 'official' Shemita Cycle, the Midst of the Shemita would be 30/31 AD?

    1. RE: 923 Number in Movies

      Lyn and Stephan!
      You both got me going into a Rabbit Trail with the 923 Inference. :) It is tied to the Revelation 12 Sign as we know, but my, how the Sign is still ‘Speaking’. And now the latest Asteroid City Movie about the inference to the Date is very telling. I was replying here but got too long, as usual, so I am posting my Reply to add to the Conversation as Article #736.

      The Trailer to that Movie, Asteroid City basically gave-away the main Points of what is coming to Earth, and soon, if at least seen ‘Clearer’, for those that ‘See’ such things. In the Article, one connects 923 to the Revelation 12 Sign, to 33, as that is also in Chapter 12. Go figure. There is a whole lot more, so have a Read. Stephan, I will trey to address your question about the Shemitah of Jesus I am Proposing.

      1 Day Closer.

      #736: 923
      Meaning in Numbers
      Predictive Programming

    2. Lu, I have to tease you again. Maybe your next Article #737 will be the last one.
      When was the first flight of a Boeing 737? On April 9, 1955 ;). Captain Bob!!!!

    3. Stephan...that's an interesting number calculation.  The first flight of Boeing 737 occurred on 4/9 in 1955...which possibly suggests the "maiden" voyage of Flight 777 will be departing on 4/9 (Resurrection Day) in 2023!   Yippee!!!   Still don't believe that's a possibility, consider that when Comet ZTF sliced through Draco's tail on 1/23-24 to Resurrection Day on 4/9 = 77.7 days!   Perhaps another number count or story in Heaven showing us YHVH's victory over Satan? 

      Hey Lu.. you'd  better hurry up and write Article #737 before next Sunday!   However, should that day "come and go" and we're still here (i.e, a big 'nothing burger'!) then perhaps your "Gap Theory" will come into play and you'll be able to write Article #777 in 2024-25.   Timing sounds right, no?    But wait....that's only 40 more articles to write in 1-2 -years!   And we all know that's 'IMPOSSIBLE'!!!   Lol!

      Happy Palm Sunday everyone!   Btw, the engines are running and the plane is all stocked up!   Just waiting for that trumpet to sound (Rev 4:1).

      Cap't Bob

      P.S.   Did you catch that when Dr. Barry said the upcoming Jupiter-Sun conjunction in Pisces on 4/9 may be just as important as the Revelation 12 Sign?   We'll find out in 7 days...unless it's just another sign post!

    4. RE: Article #737 will be the last one. When was the first flight of a Boeing 737? On April 9, 1955

      Wow….Well, you asked and guess what? Bob, I already have the Article ready to go and was not planning to release it until next 5 Doves Posting. And guess what Day that will be? April 9! Stephan, you are a ‘Prophet’. ;0

      But, no, the Article will not be about Airplanes, but a deeper look into what that Former KGB Spy said how the USA would be taken down. And that time has come. It took 3 Generations. So, if the Rapture occurs by then…then Yes, it will be my ‘Last’ Articles as you say. But!! If we are still here past Sunday, I will be looking for some Stones, eh? ;0 No, we continue to the Next High Watch Times. :)


    5. RE: Jesus’ Shemitah?

      Good Question about, what Year did Jesus start His Ministry and was that a Shemitah Year? 27 or 28 AD? This is if, one is assuming a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. Yes, there is a 1 Year Discrepancy. If one starts with 3942 then it is 27 AD, but if one uses 3941, then it is 28 AD and when one believes Jesus started his Ministry ‘Officially’ after the Isaiah Jubilee Declaration. Or that it could be that it is 27 AD and the 28th is the Jubilee or that 50Th Day.

      These are the Details that remain allusive to pinpoint. Even Gary, who made the Spreadsheet stated that there could very well be a 1 Year Difference. So, one is not dogmatic about the 2025-2032 Timeline, but interesting to consider or what I have been working with. From the Spreadsheet here is what Gary Calculated.

      Year Starts
      (Tishri 1)
      27 AD

      Year Ends
      (Elul 29)
      28 AD

      Key Events
      Jesus' ministry begins in Year #1 of a new cycle corresponding to Day #1 of Creation: "And God said [the Word/Logos], 'Let there be light'; and there was light." Jesus: "I am the Light of the world." 69 weeks of years "unto Messiah the Prince" = 483 years from 457 BC to 27 AD.

      Anno Mundi
      28-29 AD Alternate Ministry Start Date

      Anno Mundi

      One thing is for sure, as the Years, Months, Weeks and Days come to pass, we are receiving more detail and ‘Pieces of Puzzle’. Hope it is next week but… :)


      Shemitah Spreadsheet by Gary
      He does have to update the Rapture Year though, :)

    6. Thank you, Lu! The Shemita Cycles are really mysterious...
      Wait for the Stones till May 14! If April 9 happens to be a 'Nothing-Burger', May 6 would be the next Date to watch for.
      Exactly 23917 months after April 7, 30. Crowning of King Charles, Second Passover and an Eclipse over Europe.

    7. Sorry, the Lunar Eclipse is on May 5, 2023.
      And May 14, 2023 is 2520 days before April 7, 2030.
      May 14 or Bust..

    8. And if we consider Nisan 1, 1949 (March 31) as start for the Fig Tree Generation (the 1. Nisan after May 14,1948), May 6, 2023 would be the last possible day for the Rapture before Israel's 81 birthday

  12. Sheila, what Bob Barber shared makes sense--"Some see a great EQ at the time, some giant Tsunamis and others see nukes coming in, Chinese invasions, or EMPS, meteor storms, or even with some, the FA Motherships are hovering overhead. . . So I guess that different catastrophes happening in different places all at once could maybe explain why there are so many different Rapture scenario D&V’s, etc. shared".

    RE. MOTHER SHIPS: L. A. Marzulli recently reported on yet another fallen angel mother ship being sighted--2 to 3 miles in diameter: ANOTHER Mile Wide UFO!!

    RE. ASSETS BEING MOVED OUT OF WESTERN HEMISPHERE: This reminded me of Jimboni's DRAGON TRACKS or in other words the EFFECTS OF PLANET X. As most here know, Planet X will be passing Earth some day soon casting debris from its tail which will cause much devastation to the Western Hemisphere (for more info on this see FACING THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY! especially the Natural News interview of John Moore). I believe this is the manifestation of Revelation 12:3-4 with the Rapture of the Man Child/Those in Christ in verse 5.

    It's about to get crazy! (hat tip to Jeffrey McGaha)

  13. Lyn, have you noticed that the word 'Easter' or 'Ishtar' literally contains the word 'star'?

    1. Ha! No, Stephan--never noticed that. Would be awesome if it points to a Resurrection Sunday Rapture!

      And speaking of stars or aster in the Greek--was perusing YT just a minute ago and saw this:
      Asteroid City - Official Trailer - Only In Theaters June 16

      20 seconds into it, a man speaks very quickly saying, "Each year we celebrate Asteroid Day commemorating September 23, 3007 BC when the . . . made impact."

      If anyone can fill in that blank I'd be grateful. As I shared the man speaks VERY quickly!

    2. He said: 'when the Arid Plains Meteorite made Earth impact'
      At about 1:22 into the video there is a sign 'Arid Plains Meteorite '

    3. Thanks, Stephan. Aaaaand starring--you guessed it--Tom Hanks!

  14. Family, Blessings

    In case you missed it or need the link, @ God a Minute, the fastest 02:10:03 around and numerous new shiny gems were found along the trail as these two hiked around a bit with us in tow:

    The Heavens Declare The Rapture! With Dr Barry Awe

  15. Hello dear family! I don't know if you know Brother Carlo from
    The Bible Architecture? It's great how the lord uses it to encourage us. I give you the link of his last video but if you want to understand his way of arriving at his calculations, you must listen to the old videos. What do you think Lu? A duration of 13.33 minutes.

    WARNING: ESTHER 22-32, THE DAY AND THE HOUR - PART 2 - (Word received in prayer 03/8/23)

    1. RE: Timeline from Brother Carlo?

      Thank you for sharing the Link with us. Wow, where do you find these things!? ;0
      Well, I like the fact that he too, is having a Timeline from 2025-2032. And he mentions that 2032 is the ‘End of All Things’. I appreciate his Detail and Charts, so like what he has to share. The only issue I have, that I can see, is that even though he states that the Tribulation Period is from 2025-2032, he states that Jesus’ Return will be on 2031, 1 Year Prior.

      I am not sure how he reasons that. But aside from that, his other Conjecture of the Rapture happening, possibly this year still, 2023 is still a ‘wait and see’, but that 2024 is the ‘Most Likely’ Year for the Rapture as he stated. That is something that I also have mentioned. So, I think, maybe these last few Clued and Key Pieces of the Puzzle are starting to come into focus, as other Watchmen and Watchwomen are receiving them.

      However, if such a Timeline is possible, 2025-2032, with a 2024 High Likely Rapture Year, it would put-out all the Hopes most are having about this coming Passover or Summer Pentecost or Fall Feast yet to occur for 2023. But one does not know. I will take a 2023 Rapture, no Problem!


    2. I knew you would like it my brother! It was on the suggestion of our brother from Supernatural by Design that I started listening to Carlo's videos and to understand his reasoning, you have to listen to the previous videos. But everything seems to be fine.

    3. Family, Blessings

      @ Focus on Bible Codes 11:58

      Passover Messiah - Hebrew Torah Bible Code

      & @ Mark Murchison who 19:29 shares a hug, and a dream, featuring a cat, and a Verse featuring the wind in the trees...

      GOD is on the move!!


    4. Wow! Ann's prophecy is very similar to what the Lord showed me and others! It won't be long now...

  16. Here is a nice little 10 minute video of our brother TY Green.
    A Hidden Message Within The Triumphant Entry Refresh.

  17. Blessings, Family.

    Iranian drone shot down over Golan Heights. Recent escalation.


  18. Blessings All….For anyone thinking we’ve got much time at all left here on this planet, @John Haller’s Prophecy Update for today is a real eye-opener.
    Titled “i am ai”. (notice the palindrome?)
    One hour in he dives into the rise of this AGI with the GPT4–rolled out in less than 100 days of the GPT and 100x more powerful.
    The “i am ai” demonstration reveals the religious aspect of this GPT4 as it presents itself as a “creator”, breathing life into words and adding “new levels of reality into our virtual selves”.👀
    (Ex.3:14 KJV and Gen.2:7 KJV)

    Are they are literally now making available a demon summoning device to every living room?
    In John’s opinion, the Beast System could be put together in 24 hours!

    BUT GOD…at the rate this is proceeding, we are not long for here and as one commenter noted…Joshua defeated Ai and Yeshua will destroy Ai, Praise God Forever and Ever!!!🙏

    1. Blessings, Sister. That is staggering. And Lisa Boyce had an update about "satancon"! Apparently, satan is quite the rage with after-school clubs and a whole convention dedicated to him. There is no more accurate description of this world than "reprobate" and it will get what it so righteously deserves.

    2. Like the jaunty little song lyric at the end of that Asteroid City movie trailer…
      “Freight Train, Freight Train, Going so fast…..”

    3. Mandi @ Seek Heavenly Things recently encountered Jesus Saves YTC and The Lord Has Used Her To unpack and affirm several details in Mandi's Utterances.

      @ Jesus Saves 40:34 Where many of the Cast of Characters we've seen here, such as Ophiuchus, et al, also make an appearance (comfy couch and a cup of tea a good idea):

      Timeline Nugget Pointing Towards Passover Rapture…?

    4. Blessings, AA…it really is staggering to see this set up for the Beast System so blatantly presented. And it just occurred to me re the timing of this “i am ai” video (can’t bring myself to capitalize that) being revealed to coincide with Passover and the Book of Exodus exactly where The Lord God Almighty declares HIMSELF to be I AM.

      I know a lot of folks just think of this AI as a man-generated tool that can be used for either good or evil and one that they can manage for now, but the more we learn about it, the more it seems to be a spiritually generated device that is already quite capable of using men for evil. And to think of some Christian Pastors now using AI created sermons and teachings is unsettling to say the least, especially with it’s ability for producing extremely convincing propaganda and misinformation that plays on both mind and emotion. Those creating this “intelligence” keep talking about how they are “training” it to behave in certain ways, but it would seem to me that anything that can be “trained” can also “rebel” against that training.🤷‍♀️

    5. Any field where human speech or any form of human communication is required will be replaced by the chat gpt monster. The possibilities are unthinkable.

  19. With the anticipation of a possible EXODUS this Passover Season, I remembered an exciting discovery I read in Tom Horn’s book The Messenger called “the Threshold Covenant” and wanted to share it with you.

    Most of us have grown up believing that Passover was when God instituted for the Israelites the beginning of the blood covenant rite. This is not the case.

    The word pesach from which we get our word Passover existed prior to the feast and the tenth plague. “A deep dig into the etymological roots of the word in ancient Hebrew blatantly exposes that the angel-passed-over definition is not only incorrect, but that the true meaning is far more significant!”

    May this article be a blessing to you, my Beloved Family. And may we ALL have a wonderful RESURRECTION SUNDAY CELEBRATION✨💖

    The KING Comes to the Threshold at Passover!

  20. Family, Blessings

    Since the fateful utterance of Biden to Bibi a few days ago, it seems things have moved up a peg or ten. @ Steve Fletcher 222 (Backup) 06:15 up to the U2 song/video adaptation

    <a href=">FREE AT LAST - RAPTURE WATCH FOR APRIL 3-4, 2023</a>

    As DJT arrives in NYC it is announced that a second multi-count indictment is also pending covering an entirely different set of issues. A perfect recipe for things to go from worse to worser. 32 souls, minimally, have passed from the recent tornado spree and another is in route right now. In pondering the order of things it seems logical that all events most likely to drive people into shelter and isolation will multiply and deepen for just that purpose to minimize people seeing Harpazo. Buckle up, Buttercup. Maranatha!

    1. Family, Blessings

      Since the fateful utterance of Biden to Bibi a few days ago, it seems things have moved up a peg or ten. @ Steve Fletcher 222 (Backup) 06:15 up to the U2 song/video adaptation


      As DJT arrives in NYC it is announced that a second multi-count indictment is also pending covering an entirely different set of issues. A perfect recipe for things to go from worse to worser. 32 souls, minimally, have passed from the recent tornado spree and another is in route right now. In pondering the order of things it seems logical that all events most likely to drive people into shelter and isolation will multiply and deepen for just that purpose to minimize people seeing Harpazo. Buckle up, Buttercup. Maranatha!

  21. In case you missed it, Finland officially became the 31st member to join NATO today.   Here's a brief video of the ceremony.

    So from Russia's perspective, is this a "red line" that's been crossed?   It will be really interesting to see what they do next.   Clearly the Russian invasion into Ukraine has backfired as they now have an additional 832 miles of NATO border to defend and Sweden will likely become the next member to join in the near future.    Ofc, what this all means is we're that much closer to WW3 starting and "Our Blessed Hope" becoming a reality!    WFS!!! ✈️  777   ✈️

  22. Significance of the Relevation 12 Sign. What if…? A double Confirmation for a Passover Rapture in 2023?

    Family, please don't stone me. But what if… I have to share this thought.

    I am more and more convinced that 923 or September 23 is Jesus‘ Birthday. It would make totally sense. All this predictive programming and 9/11 being 13 days before 9/23 (inclusive).

    You know that I'm thinking Jesus was crucified on April 7, 30 AD. His ministry lasted 3,5 years (half a Shemita). So if this is true, his ministry started in the Fall of 26 AD (On Shemini Azeret on September 23, 26 AD, the 8. Day of Tabernacles? On his birthday?) We know that he was ‚about 30‘ at the start of his ministry.
    So a Birth in the Fall of 7 BC would fit perfectly. On which day? The New Moon before Rosh Hashana? New Moon = new beginning.
    September 23, 7 BC was 2 days before Rosh Hashana, during the New Moon.

    I know that many scholars consider the Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in Leo in 3 BC as the ‚Betlehem Star‘.

    But there was also a Triple Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces in 7 BC (May, August and December 7 BC). The Babylonians considered Saturn connected to Israel. And Pisces was connected astrogeographically to Syria/ Palestine/upper Egypt. The Conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun on Ressurection Sunday is in Pisces too.

    But what about the Relevation 12 Sign? If Jesus was born on September 23, 7 BC, the Relevation 12 Sign on September 23, 2017 was exactly on his 2023. birthday! Isn't that cool? A big clue for the Rapture being in 2023? And another Countdown of 2023 days to the Rapture? A double Confirmation???

    1. I just read Gregs Article @ and I'm glad he doesn't exclude a 30 AD Crucifixion Year.

    2. RE: -7 BC Birth Day of Jesus?

      No Stones for you...all good. Unless you say you 'are' a Prophet, no? ;0
      Interesting Perspective, but help me with the Math.

      If you say that Jesus was born in -7 BC, and it is also a popular Date, how old would Jesus be in 33 AD? Not 33 Years Old according to my calculation. Can you double-check that?
      No prob,

    3. Lu, thank you:)
      Jesus would have been 32 years in 26 AD + half of a Shemita (3,5 years older) at the Crucifixion.
      In my opinion that still fits for 'about 30'.
      I'm not sure why some scholars say that Jesus had to be 33 and 3 months at the Crucifixion. For me it would make sense that he started his ministry in the Fall (his birthday?) and was crucified 3,5 years later. So if Jesus was born in the Fall, he couldn't be 33 and 3 months at his Crucifixion.

    4. Stephan,
      OK, a follow-up Assessment then.

      If you say that Jesus was Born in -7 BC, OK. But to 1 BC = 7 Years.
      If you say that Jesus Died in 30 AD, that = 37 Years, no?
      My Point is that if you say He started His Ministry in 26 AD, I can see a 30 AD Passover Death Timing, OK.
      But He then would have had to have been 37 Years Old, not 33, in 26 AD, no? This is, if we understand that it does say, that He was ‘About 30 Years Old’ when He started His Ministry. Am I missing something?

      If your Timeline, what I think it is suggesting, is that from Fall of -7 BC, He would have been 30 Years Old in 24 AD, no? Just checking.


    5. Lu, I used the BC/AD- Calculator that you once recommended:
      From September 23, 7 BC to September 23, 26 AD = 32 years

    6. 32 would still be 'about 30' in my assessment

    7. OK, Yes, that is why if 30 AD, Jesus would 36-37 Years Old.
      So you are saying that 26 AD is the Crucifixion Year, not 30 AD?
      Sorry, just trying to understand... :)

    8. If Jesus was born in 7 BC, he was 35 years and 6 months in April 30 AD. And 32 years old at the beginning of his ministry.
      The only Specification we have in Scripture is Luke 3, 23: He was 'about 30 years old' at the start of his ministry.
      Of course, I don't know. But it would make sense to me.
      35 years old could point to the half of a 70 year Cycle...?

    9. Blessings, Lu and Stephan….Not to stick my nose too far into this back and forth theorizing of ya’lls, but the patterns being what they usually are, Gen.41:46 KJV and 2Sam.5:4 KJV might render some support for Jesus being 30 yrs of age when he began His ministry.
      Joseph was specified as being 30 yrs old when he entered the service of Pharaoh and King David was 30 yrs old when he began to reign. And since these two are so closely linked with Jesus, it’s seems a good possibility (or maybe even a probability) that He would have followed suit age-wise.🤷‍♀️

      I’ve always heard (but not sure) that per Jewish Law to be a Rabbi required one to be at least 30 years of age. Ofc, that wouldn’t negate being older, but I’m inclined to lean toward a pattern being set by Joseph and David.🤷‍♀️

    10. Sheila, you are absolutely correct. 30 would make a lot of sense.
      Why should Jesus be crucified at age of 35 years, 6 months and 15 days.
      But I just realized something very strange.
      From the Relevation 12 Sign to April 8/9 is....?
      You guessed it: 5 years, 6 months and 15 days which equals 2023 days!
      Isn't that cool?
      What are the odds? Wow...

    11. So: If Jesus was born on September 23, 7 BC and was crucified on April 7, 30 AD, he was 30 years + 2023 days old.
      Was this a big clue? Even the possible Tribulation Timeline 2023-30 would be in this numbers...

    12. Another big clue? If we add this 2023 days to the supposed Birthday of Jesus on September 23, 7 BC, we land exactly on Passover April 7, 1 BC. The same Date as in 30 AD and in 2023!
      And this Passover on April 7, 1 BC will tomorrow be exactly 2023 years ago. All coincidence?

  23. Dear Family , i just listened to Tom @Watchman River , the new one of his one year anniversary. He said he believes the Rapture is this year. I agree with him absolutely. I am going to share a dream i had 2 nights ago, i rarely remember my dreams and i know this was from The Lord. When you know you know, when in doubt you dont know . You know what i mean? In my dream i was inside a mobile home that belongs to a family member who hates me. It was a mess inside this trailer and she was following me around giving me the evil eye. She was telling me i had to go now. Then i had a vision in the dream. A large window appeared, there were people on the other side who were observing me. A woman approached the window and held out her hand to me and said "We are waiting for you, it's time to come to us." The woman was Mahalia Jackson. I am 67 so i remember her. I don't recall thinking about her ever. I went online and discovered a quote from her. She is indeed Home with The Lord. Her name Mahalia means tenderness. Jackson means God has been gracious, God is merciful. SSo i along with Tom will go out on a limb and say THIS IS IT !! Maranatha. 🙏🕊😇

    1. Blessings, Cierra and TY for sharing…I love this dream!
      The song that catapulted Mahalia Jackson to fame back in 1947 and sold “8” million copies was “Move On UP A Little Higher”. It was all about the joys of getting Home to Heaven with our Lord and Savior. Even her lifespan from 1911-1972 adds some confirmation to your dream per the Strong’s:

      H1911–hadah—a stretching out of the hand (like was done in your dream through the window)

      G1972–epipothesis—an eager longing, a desire.
      (Something we all share in with what she so wonderfully expressed in that famous old song.)

      And yes, this messed up world hates those who follow the real Truth of Jesus Christ and
      can’t wait to see us all gone so they can freely wallow in their evil sins.

      Awesome sauce, Sister!
      High expectations for 2023 for me as well!

    2. Sheila!! I knew you would find some gems in there . Thank you 🙏😇🕊

    3. Thank YOU, Cierra, for some much needed sweet and simple encouragement!

    4. I remember when Jeff called you our stalwart sister. That is how i think of you. When we get home i will tell you face to face how much you have meant to me here on this blog. ❤️

    5. Me, too, Sister! If we all felt great anticipation in 2017, how much more now??

  24. Family, Blessings

    Lyn, Blessings, this one's for you. Not sure if you started keeping an eye on Speaking Truth in Love since you were appreciative of the prior share and, in case not, her latest gives some retro on dreams of her young'un's, outta the mouths and spirits of babes, and others, and imagery repeating itself in others dreams, popular performers down under and the largest airplane ever built (Ripe-o Type-o) which was destroyed in the Ukraine fiasco thus far, all wrapped in blue and yellow.

    In writing this, I am struck that Blue and Gold are the colors of Notre Dame and wonder if there's a connection there, too, as she threads together many disparate things and that is part of the affirmations afoot here. You're currently on some esoteric trails and I figure this one will please you as well and wouldn't surprise me, at this point, if it mirrors some things you've already seen, ibid. 17:30

    I think her path, towards the end, where she begins to equate the plane 'crash' to an economic 'crash', as also recently unfolding and now 'in flight', SVB, CBDC, et al, is where this is going esp as 'largest plane' seems a fit to mankind's economy representing his ability to 'fly above', that is, the strong right arm of mankind (?) PROPHETIC DREAM CAME TRUE about "The Crash"


    1. Thanks, Brother!
      First the yellow and the blue then the crash then the Rapture.
      I remember Tetelestai on the Cross YTC. Interesting connections with them and her daughter's dream--as you said--out of the mouth of babes.

      Looking forward to her next video!

    2. but WAIT! ... there's MORE! DONT TOUCH THAT DIAL :)

      from the day that 70 nations sacrificed a lamb on The Mount of Olives until 4/9/23 is 1290 days. Daniel 12:11; From the day the earth 'Rang Like A Bell' until 4/9/23 is 153 days. "The Passover", in Hebrew, totals 153....and....and...oh, @ Steve Fletcher 222 (Backup) 10:24


  25. Hello Fam! Long time lurker here, but had to share a nugget I was led to today. Not sure what to make of it but the 'I Pet Go@t II' short film was released, June 24, 2012, 3939 days after 9/!!, and it is also 3939 days from the release to this Passover 4/6/23 (inclusive)! Wanted to share the find... Thank you all for the fellowship and finds, they benefit many of the Body! Look forward to meeting you all soon!

    1. So I just looked up 3939 in Strong's, and whoa 😳. H: wormwood
      G: paroikeó - to dwell, reside as a stranger/foreigner

    2. Grant!
      Welcome...We love Nuggets. ;) And Chicken Nugget too.

    3. Grant R, Blessings Not that we would take any input for Granted, and yours clearly speaks of a certain Choreography on it's face. But wait, there's more...

      Fittingly, we find, in the Chapter in Luke (24) which opens with, "24 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb." and, later,

      "13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles[a] from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, (!!!) Jesus himself came up (!!!) and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing him.

      17 He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?”

      They stood still, their faces downcast. 18 One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, “Are you the only one VISITING (G3939 #1) Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”

      - or - as a Type of our time, as we wait, "9 By faith he (Abraham) made his home in the promised land like a STRANGER (G3939 #2 of 2) in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. "

      Wait for it, wait for it...

      And, ofc, the other side of the coin, "18 so that there may not be among you man or woman or family or tribe, whose heart turns away today from the Lord our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations, and that there may not be among you a root bearing bitterness or WORMWOOD H3939 #1 of 8); "


    4. And, ofc, after posting this and seeing the others I watch a video which Watchwoman on the Wall posted about 3 hours ago and, in which, the Holy Spirit Has Her touch upon our living as ALIENS* IN A FOREIGN LAND (*G3939) as she spontaneously unpacks a dream she shares from some time ago which also has levels of touching upon now...10:26

      Train Coming In Fast!

    5. RE: The Dream and ‘Exodus’ Theme

      Revelation 5:5
      Then one of the Elders said to me, Do not weep! Behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, Has Triumphed to Open the Scroll and its 7 Seals.

      POSTER: Lion of Judah

  26. RE: The Societal Collapse in ‘Slow Motion’

    I thought it was Interesting. I agree with everything they said.

    Health Ranger Report
    Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 4, 2023
    Breaking news with Josh Sigurdson, plus AI chatbot suicide cult WARNING

  27. Some good stuff presented today with the livestream team @God A Minute? YT “Will We Passover At Passover”. Lots of Scriptural gold mining there!
    And @End Times Dreams & Visions YT, Bob Barber presents his charted info on the 8 dispensations with an interesting and I’d say logical theory regarding the Passover Season, the Barren Fig Tree and the timing of Stephen’s being stoned setting the tone for God’s dealing with Israel.

    Blessings All and Maranatha!!!

  28. Blessing dear family, another video of our brother Carlo from The Bible Architecture:
    WARNING: ESTHER 22-32, THE DAY AND THE HOUR - PART 3 - (Word received in prayer 03/8/23)

  29. RE: UpTime Community LIVE! 4/4/2023
    For those that might have missed it.

  30. Blessings Family! It's been a while since I've posted. I'm here with you all daily and have prayed for and with you (Stephan, your sweet Tara who passed, Barb G, your husband's health, Jimboni, you and the boys, and any needs that are posted) I haven't felt the prompting to share until this morning.

    Before I do, LYN- the Lord used your post on the prior thread to speak encouragement to my heavy heart.
    You wrote, "There was a time in my life that I was called to simply intercede....This morning the call to intercede came again and I sensed great sorrow by way of the Holy Spirit..."Rachel weeping for her children" comes to me as I type this Family."
    You cited Jeremiah 31:14-16 Verse 16 struck me.
    "Thus says the LORD: "Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for your work shall be rewarded, says the LORD, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy."
    I know you were led to share this in regards to all that is going on around us but this is what the Lord used to personally speak to my grieving heart regarding our prodigal son. "...for your work shall be rewarded"- [work] my prayers, "and they shall come back..." God WILL bring our son back to Him.
    I wanted to share this and say thank you dear Sister! because we never know how the Lord will use what He places on our hearts to unknowingly bless others.

    Okay, so this morning during my prayer time I sat quietly before the Father and within moments I heard in my heart: "You remember Daryl" The inflection was like a question but more of a statement because He knows that I know who He is talking about. I replied, "I do remember Daryl, my Lord." I then hear, "You will be fishing with him soon."

    On August 2, 2018 I was at the lab having blood work done. After checking in, I remember specifically choosing to take a seat over by the wall to avoid sitting next to anyone. I was worried about my health issue and wasn't in the mood to chat with anyone. In walks an elderly man and after checking in, he looks around, and despite all the other open chairs in the room, he decides to come and sit next to me. I have to admit, that I was a bit annoyed at first but soon realized that God put him there. I will share what I wrote in my journal under this post because I'm not sure how much I can write before it cuts off. [Maybe Lu can help me with that ;) ] but I am telling you Family, I believe this may have been angel or at least another believer who the Lord spoke though. I say this because, as you'll read in my account, the man says something very strange as we said goodbye. It threw me off because I instantly felt the otherworldliness of it. Sorry, I can't think of a better way to explain it. It was so strange that I couldn't fully remember all of it even right after because my brain was trying to wrap itself around what he was saying and WHERE he was implying. This encounter was so impactful, I will never forget it. And so for the Lord to bring this up out of the blue, almost 5 years later gives me GREAT hope as to how close we are dear Family and I want to share this with you all.
    Here is my journal account below:

    1. August 2, 2018

      The Lord revealed Himself to me today through an encounter with a stranger. A man named Daryl came and sat next to me in the waiting room at the blood draw lab. Right away he started chatting and telling me stories of his life. I knew as I sat there listening that this was a Divine Appointment orchestrated by my Father.
      Daryl was born in 1947, served in Vietnam, and because of Agent Orange he is battling Leukemia.
      It wasn’t just his stories that touched my heart, it was Daryl himself. I was disappointed when it was my time to go in for my blood draw, we said our quick goodbyes. Thankfully he was still there when I came out. I told him that I didn’t get his name, that’s when he told me it was Daryl. I gave him mine and said that I’d be praying for him. He then said, “I’ll meet you at the secret fishing hole. Remember, you go down to the oak tree…” Sadly I don’t remember the rest of his directions on how to get there because it was so surreal.
      I said, “God bless you.” And he replied, “God bless you too, kiddo.” I touched his shoulder and walked away.
      The impact from this man was so great that tears were falling down my face before I even got to the door. The tears only grew stronger as I walked out to my car, and by the time I got there I was sobbing.
      I pray that as we pass from this life into the next, I’ll remember the directions to the secret fishing hole and when I get there, Daryl will be waiting for me.

      Family, I pray this blesses and encourages you! As I was typing this out, I noticed that I had used the words, “as we pass from this life…” I sure hope that is another clue pointing to our SOON (PASSover) departure!!!
      Blessings and maranatha!

    2. MOM!!! 😮I'm astounded and delighted by your story! And now I know why I was inspired to share my intercessory burden that day--praise God!

      Daryl's surreal invitation to the "secret fishing hole" really touched me because in my youth we lived within a short walk of a secret fishing hole the locals called "the black hole". Perhaps ALL of here will meet at the secret fishing hole either in Heaven or on the New Earth!

    3. Thank you Mom for this awesome story! What an encouragement!

    4. Thank you, Mom, so amazing!

    5. Thanks so much, Mom!
      1st thought was the “153” fish and then that the deeply-rooted Oak Tree traditionally symbolizes Strength, Shelter, Refuge, Shade, Healing, the Ability to Withstand the Heat and the Storms and Righteousness. And lastly I was reminded of the old “Andy Griffith” show’s “Fishing Hole” theme song and a dream I had shared here a few years back about his guitar. I’ll have to try to track that one down again.
      Many Blessings, Sister and thanks again for sharing that timely God-prompted memory!

    6. And Mom…I forgot to mention that the name Daryl means “Dear and Beloved”, so that certainly sounds like a fitting name for someone that God would send to address you in such an amazing way;-)

  31. Brothers and Sisters, I feel led to repost my latest article which I’ve updated because of additional confirmation I have seen regarding a soon coming Plague of Darkness.

    Due to the supernatural aspect of this plague, I have held back being adamant about it but have continued to warn because of the myriad of other watchmen who have been shown it is indeed coming. I subscribed a few years ago to a young Brother in Christ’s Youtube Channel called Outpouring Gates. I want to encourage you to watch a recent but very brief (3-minutes) video he did because Zach relates the Plague of Darkness with Planet X/Nibiru and demonic activity AND shares how the Lord also revealed how Those in Christ will have “illuminated” bodies (he said he saw himself in his new body). Of course, let us remember that we each need to seek the Lord on any prophetic words no matter who speaks them.

    I’ve embedded the video in my article for the Plague of Darkness could be related to the Passover Season:

    The KING Comes to the Threshold at Passover!

  32. Family. Blessings

    This Passover, within the past 24 hours, a barrage of 30+ rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israel, 5 of them penetrating the Iron Dome. As John @ WFTGD just shared, Israel is orchestrating a major response including "unprecedented targets" which, due to the time difference, is happening as this post goes up.


  33. RE: Footsteps of the Psalm 83 War

    The Inner Ring of Muslim Nations coming against Israel could be, being Triggered now…
    Have to wait and see but may not be that much longer.

    Charts: Psalm 83 War Scenario
    This is the War that will bring-out the AntiChrist to make that ‘Peace with the Many’, thereafter…

  34. Hello fam, I haven't posted in awhile either as have been busy (translate that exhausted) with the move, and then my husband did an old man thing that they think they are still young enough to do and ended up in the ER a week ago. He fell and gashed his head and broke his collarbone in two places, so needless to say he's been pretty sore and slow moving. I don't get very far away! Thanks to all of you who prayed for us for the move. God was so in everything. I truly appreciate it.

    But I read the new posts and follow the comments, so I keep up with ya'll and prayer requests that way.

    Mom, you may not post often, but when you do it's always meaningful! This last one is a doozie, however! Thank you for sharing. As you know others of us have prodigals (yes, Lyn, I was blessed by your post also) we are praying for, so I include all the ones of us here as well. Time is getting short. I confess that after so many come and gone high watch dates (not discounting the validity of such, mind you) days, I don't get wrapped up in watching for those anymore. Still watching, and reading, ofc, just not fixed on a particular day anymore. The signs are so glaring, so numerous, so "in our faces" that truly we could be out of here any day now.

    Love you all! Soon we'll be posting "gone fishing" signs on our front doors, eh!!

    1. Amen to the “gone fishing” signs, Judi!
      And I am praying for your husband and YOU! Seems like it gets a little tougher for us older couples with each passing year when it comes to taking care of each other and just keeping each other going. BUT GOD, Amen!
      And yep, as @Barry S. likes to say, we’re just sitting on G waiting on O
      and at this point, that could really be any day
      now. Blessings as you both rest safely in His Loving Care.😊🙏

    2. Thank you, Sheila! And yes, indeed it gets harder. But God!! So good, Amen! I like that: sitting on G waiting on O. Or sitting on Com waiting on E. Or sitting on Gon waiting on E ;-)

    3. Oh! Judi! My prayers are with you and your hubby and boy can I relate! Will spare you and the Rev12 family from the spills and thrills of this aging couple 🫣

      Loved ❤️
      "Soon we'll be posting "gone fishing" signs on our front doors, eh!!"
      Big hug 🤗


  35. From Supernatural By Design " brotherJarrett":


  36. Good day, folks. Lots of encouragement here that our blessed hope is soon. Thanks to all for your contributions. They are always so heartwarming. I would like to share mine for anyone else who is hanging on by a fingernail at times. Each high watch day for several years, some of my scripture readings for that day are relevant to the rapture and end times. It was disappointing to me when the days would come and go until it occurred to me that maybe I was being told that the rapture would be on one of the future high watch days and not some random day. I still think we will know the day, because Elijah did. Anyway, here are some of my scriptures for April 8.

    Joshua 3 - Joshua leads his people across the Jordan to the Promised land -
    Joshua 3:17

    Zechariah 12 - contains the cup of trembling verse, Zechariah12:2 and the verse of Israel mourning for the One they pierced, Zechariah 12:10.

    Acts 2 - the arrival of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:2-4, the conception or birth of the church. There was an article on "The Prophetic Years" website years ago that said Enoch was raptured on his birthday, either Shavuot or Pentecost. Maybe we will leave on the birthday of the church.

    Hoping for tomorrow or Sunday, will be thrilled with the day Abba chooses, because His timing will be perfect. Blessings.

    1. Hi dear Kathy!
      Was just looking out our window at the pouring rain and praying for the Lord to help us all endure if we have to wait a little longer for Him--to strengthen us--for today I am truly feeling "of little strength". Then I saw your post--THANK YOU ❤️

    2. Lyn, isn't it amazing to come here to this comment section and often find just what you need. Abba is good. I can't  tell you how many times I've come here and left comforted, encouraged, a little less lonely or with some new (to me) scriptural nugget to get immersed in. What a blessing Brad's family room has been!

      I wonder sometimes if anyone else gets a case of the "why bothers",   finding it hard to take on new projects or do things around the house that aren't vital. I have a disreputable looking shed that I've been wanting to renovate. Carpet needs replaced and the whole interior of the house needs painted. The hens are getting older and will soon retire. Any ideas how to get past  this would be appreciated! Or maybe just not bother to get past it.

    3. Each of us, Kathy, is guided of the Lord how to order our steps. Ask Him what YOUR order is.

      My hubby and I feel called to ready our home for someone/s left behind so we are attempting to keep our chicken flock supplied with laying hens.

      It would be so much simpler if we just knew HOW MUCH LONGER right?

  37. Ok, Fam--
    If anybody has the time and inclination, I am halfway through a VERY interesting video where they are cross referencing Scripture with other ancient texts re. The Destroyer.

    At ~46 minutes the subject is the PAGAN PASSOVER also called THE FEAST OF PLANETS!

    So far i have no results with my fact checking, but then they found it in an Albert Pike book!!! Here's the link:

    Planetary Passover

    1. Good info on entities in the above video especially The Destroyer (which is evidently an entity and also a planet) however y'all should know these folks believe in a flat earth (indicated at the end). I stay neutral on that issue personally.

    2. Hey Lyn…they did reveal some interesting ancient texts type of stuff that parallels some Scriptural information, but they also teach against a pre-Trib Rapture doctrine and have a pretty heavy legalistic bent re diet and works. Not sure, but I also got the vibes of replacement theology.
      Pete Garcia is doing a very good article series titled “Ghost in the Machine” tracing how the enemy has worked from the Fall onward.

      Blessings Kathy in Pa…I can totally relate, Sister. So hard to think about keeping everything maintained and orderly here, but I believe that’s just part of our becoming detached from the things of this world. Like Lyn said, we just have to pray about what we should do or shouldn’t waste our time doing. But I feel ya!

    3. Thanks Sheila for that additional info on their beliefs!

  38. Blessings, All…from another day in Looneyland🙄🙏 ⬆️
    While we all are well aware of and understand the supernatural forces behind all of this (Thanks be to our Lord God Almighty!) even some of the secular people know something very evil is afoot
    that should terrify anyone who still has some normally functioning brain cells:
    From @BIG PICTURE with James Patrick YTC:
    “Jennifer Bilek| Who is Behind the TR*NS *GEND* ”. (38 min.)

    Just thinking that for those we know who think we are just being narrow minded and unloving and won’t listen to us from a Biblical standpoint, maybe a secular investigative standpoint might get their attention and help them to understand what a devious plot this really is and might even get somebody off that political correctness fence.🤷‍♀️🙏

    1. And I believe her investigative trail would eventually intersect well with the plans we saw in this video from a few months back:

      “Ectolife: The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility”
      @Hashem Al-Ghaili YTC

      BUT GOD…it’s a good thing the enemy’s camp has only been given 7 years or less to go all out with his evil designs.🙏

  39. Amir's latest update indicates rockets are now being fired into Israel from Syria. Yemen may soon join in the attacks.

    1. TY for heads up, AA. Bill Salus was on a livestream with Tom Hughes @Hope For Our Times YTC and he gives a pretty good rundown on this current set up against Israel. Prayers UP for the Peace of Jerusalem!🙏

    2. Welcome, Sis. I got an eerie feeling as I listened to Amir give the rundown of the players joining or soon to join the fray. Reminds me of the Six Day War.

  40. RE: Passover and Resurrection Sabbath,

    So interesting that this Year, 2023, is when all of the ‘Abrahamic Faiths’ converged to have Passover and Ramadan coincide. I was pondering this Year’s Passover and Resurrection Sabbath. If one does an Internet Search of ‘Resurrection Sabbath’, there are many Good Studies on the Topic. It was not Resurrection Sunday.

    Anyway, I was taken to a Study, way back in how the Hidden Sacred Name of YHVH was Encoded in what Pilate ordered the Notice to be made for Jesus’ Capital Punishment. Many have written about it and just how you had the Jews who ‘Saw’ it or could Decode the Name and wanted Pilate to Redact it. Then you had the vast majority of the Jews who did not ‘See’ Jesus for what He Really Was, the King of not only the Jews, but the Universe.

    Then you have such a Spiritual Blindness occurring now. The Key is to Lift-Up Jesus and the GOD the Holy Spirit will do the work to draw ‘All Men’ to the Cross. I was, am, very Appreciative that YHVH has allowed me and others who are Watching to ‘See’, if but a Glimpse of what is to come. And that we, as the Bride in Waiting, ‘Know’ what is coming. Yet, most others are still of the Type, like the Ruling Sanhedrin that ‘Know’ but Reject King Jesus, or the Throngs of the Masses that have no Clue what happened, what is Happening, and what will happen.

    Keep the Watch and Happy Passover and Resurrection Day!

    #739: Jesus at the Western Wall

  41. RE: Great American Eclipse 'Dooms Day for the USA?'

    Stephan, Bob and Fam,
    So, today April 8, 2023 is the start of the 1 Year Countdown to the 'X' that will 'X-Out' the the USA, Spiritually Speaking or Prophetically Speaking. As we know, the 2nd Half of the Great American Solar Eclipse will be on April 8, 2024 and it will be on Nissan 1. Go figure. As we know also, Solar Eclipses are a 'Bad Omen' for the Nations. And has it not been a Slow Divide down the Middle that the 1st Eclipse made. It feels like a Slow Motion Train-Wreck.

    And the way this Country is Descending Down fast, Morally, Financially, Educationally, Spiritually, it is Ominous, in one's Opinion. It is sad but seems that although there is Repentance occurring and many are coming to Jesus, not otherwise, the Nation as a Whole seems to be more Stubborn and getting Hard-Hearted, at least from what I can see/observe.

    The topic came up with my Supervisor and how that 1st Half back in 2017, being 33 Days out from the Revelation 12 Sign was also Encoded, with the Number 33 in more than 1 way. Here is a partial list, if you all remember.

    1 - Eclipse entered through the 33rd State, Oregon.
    2 - Eclipse exited at the 33rd Latitude just north of Charleston.
    3 - Eclipse occurs 33 Days out from the Great Sign of Revelation 12 on (9-23)
    4 - The Moon was approximately 239,000 Miles away during the Eclipse (9-23?)
    5 - Sun rose to a Darkness with a ‘Black Moon’ that occurs only every 33 Months.
    6 - Venus was 33 Degrees at an angle from the Eclipse of the Sun.
    7 - Eclipse of this Type, last occurred 99 Years prior, a Factor of 33+33+33.
    8 - The Average Shadow Width (170-70 miles) was 66 Miles 33+33.
    9 - August 21 was the 233rd day, 2-33.
    10 - Trump’s 1st Day in Office Jan 21, 2017 to Aug 21, 2017 = 7 Months exactly or
    30 Weeks, 3 Days (33) with End Day included.

    - At the Greatest Eclipse, the speed of the Eclipse was 2323 mph/33 = 40 (Judgment).
    - August 21, 2017 was Elul 1, which means ‘Harvest’.
    - April 8, 2024 will be on Nissan 1, the Religious New Year of YHVH.

    So, just wanted to point that out! Here we go....
    Keep the Watch


    1. Those are interesting numbers, Lu.   It's hard to believe we're just 1 year away from experiencing the 2nd Half of the Great American Eclipse.   Indeed, America is going downhill fast and it's going to be a "wild ride" if we're still here to experience all what's coming our way.   As such, I prefer to focus on the "here and now", particularly since it's Resurrection Day and there is a reasonable chance we could be departing today (perhaps at twilight!).   I continue to be optimistic that this could be the day of Our Blessed Hope, but if not, we'll just have to wait and watch and trust that Jesus knows what's best for us.

      Happy Easter everyone!   Enjoy your day with family and friends.   Finally some nice warm weather here in Northern California.  Just for that, I'll 2nd your Hallelujah, Lyn!      ⬆   ⬆   ⬆

  42. Praying a Blessed Resurrection Day for All as we watch, wait and long for our Lord and Savior’s Soon Return!✨🙏

  43. Yes, agree, Sheila! BTW, I know I have been absent and out of the loop (except for reading the comments as they come in), but have I missed appearances by Alla, Jeova, Ryan NZ? Not to neglect others who post occasionally as well, but Alla was posting quite regularly for awhile. Please know, everyone, that I remember all of you in my prayers--whether you are public or private.

    1. Public or private, frequent or infrequent. May God strengthen us, the Household of Faith and His Remnant Jews worldwide, in body/soul/mind/spirit/heart/and will. Unto you blessings, love, peace and grace from the Giver of all good things. Maranatha!

    2. Amen. Happy Resurrection Day!!!

    3. Thank you Judi very much for your prayers for me. I need really prayers. My sickness is getting worse and worse. I was in hospital to talk with the surgeon, he appointed inspection on April 11 on an ambulatory basis, then I will get the time for talk with him. Suggesting he thinks the new surgery very soon. But I'm always with you, my Family, reading and searching always. Downloaded Lu's articles and sharing them to my fellow-believers. Praying always for all of you. Many Blessings. Maranatha.

    4. So good to hear from you, Alla! Will definitely keep you in my prayers. May God mitigate your symptoms, fill you with peace and trust as you await your doctor appointment. Your faithfulness here is noticed and appreciated. So looking forward to meeting all of you soon! By the 'ol fishin' hole :-).

  44. Dear Alla, I also continue to pray for you. God is in control of everything. You are in his mighty good hands.

  45. Here is a nice video that talks about the day of ascension as a possible day of removal. It's musical but the writings are at the bottom of the video and it's very well explained as a possibility. I have heard about this possibility on different sites a few times.

    Rapture, start of the Endtime - Ascension Day - signs in sun-moon-stars

  46. RE: 2023-2033 Eclipse Timeline

    Bob and Stephan! And Fam…
    Do not give up! We go on to the Next High Watch Date or Season or Year, as all these High Watch Dates, are just ‘Dress Rehearsals’, right? I personally hold to the belief, that although the Passover Last Supper was Extremely Significant and Prophetic, about how Jesus would/will, ‘Not Drink of the Cup until it would be in the Kingdom’? Most take that to mean, oh, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven during the 7 Years being ‘up there’.

    Well, could be, but Remember that this was a very ‘Jewish’ Occasion and how Jesus came to His own 1st and fulfilled the Covenant Promises, etc. The Kingdom is a Jewish Term and Longing in how Geo-Politically, it is the 1000 Year Millennial Reign, that even the Apostles were asking about of Jesus. It is the Earthly Kingdom, with Israel as the Head of the Nations. Although the Apostles and any Person coming to Christ is now Part of the Bride of Christ, Jesus was fulfilling the Marriage Contract through them and by them, etc.

    And how the Prophets of Old and Patriarchs would one be ‘sitting down with’, at that time in the Kingdom, but that is on Earth. Although, we get to be the Bride of Christ during that Time, it is something that Israel, collectively will be missing-out on for having Rejected Jesus, Nationally. Remember also that there is an Order to the Resurrection. Christ Jesus being First, then those of His, have to follow the Pattern thereafter, not on the same Day or Type, Why not you ask?

    It is because the Resurrections are tied to the Type of Grains….Jesus, being Barely. So, what are we? Wheat. And what comes next is the Wheat type of Grain Harvest. We are the Wheat Resurrection and thus, cannot Rise on the different Grain Type Time-Frame, that being Barely, which is now during Passover. Remember that the Commission given to the Apostles in this ‘Intermission’ of Israel’s Time-Out, is to go to the Nations. So the Wheat Harvest and thus Pentecost has that ‘Gentile Vibe’, no?

    1. And thus the next Order of the Resurrection, corresponding to the Grain Type, is the Wheat. Just my Understanding. Could be wrong, but that is why, next we look towards the Summer for that Wonderful, ‘White Wheat Wedding’, if it is this Year. And Remember also about those 3 50-Day Counts during the Summer of the Grain, Wine and Oil ‘First Fruits’. I will be looking for that 2nd One, the New Wine Festival that occurred during Acts 2. Perhaps.

      In the Meanwhile, as we prepare for World War 3 ;0, I have been working on a Timeline of Solar and Lunar Eclipses for 2023 to 2033. I had done one back in 2009 and now was nudged to do an Update. Well. In commemoration of my Spiritual Birthday Today, April 9. 1980, out of all my 43 Years of End Times Research, this is probably my most Important Work, I think.

      The Tribulation Period has got to be in here 2023-2033, somewhere, lol. You will see why, as you read the Article and go over the Chart. I have not Posted it as I am still going over it but wanted to share that with you all 1st. As usual, it is intense and very detailed, but take the time to go over it. As you all know, in the last Year or so, my Research has come-up with a recurring Timeline of 2025-2032, and for various Angles and Calculations, Shemitahs, 1952, 32 AD Year Count, etc.

      But as I plotted-out all those Solar and Lunar Eclipses onto the 2023-2033 Timeline? Man….it just made me be a bit more ‘Confident’ in this 2025-2029-2032 possible Tribulation Timeline. Perhaps. Take a look. Of course, all Speculative but my, the Celestial Patterns are Amazing and appear to Collaborate with said 2025-2029-2032 Timeline. And if that be the case, then for sure the Rapture is just on this side of the Fall of 2025.

      1 Day Closer!

      #740: Eclipses-2023-2033 Timeline

    2. give up...NEVER!!!   But I must admit I'm a little bummed that we didn't get Raptured on Resurrection Sunday.    Everything looked so perfect, especially with that Jupiter-Sun conjunction in Pisces and with that "number list" we all had completed.  Oh well, I guess it wasn't our "appointed time" or as you would say, it didn't have that "Gentile Vibe" to it!  

      Based on your Solar + Lunar Eclipse Time Markers, it looks like we may be around till Fall of 2025 at the latest, with April 1, 2029 being the Exact Midpoint of the Tribulation.   So that's your way of cheering us up, huh!   All book-ended by 2 Hybrid Solar Eclipses, huh!    Please say it ain't so, Lu!   Lol!   But if that's what your studies show, what can a novice like me say, other than "Buckle Up Buttercup" stealing one of Jimboni's favorite phrases!   Ofc, what your Prophetic Timeline suggests is that the next 2+ years is not going to be an easy "cake-walk" down memory lane, but rather a difficult and arduous journey, full of trials and tribulations before we make it to "The Promised Land".    In other words, we should expect a few "Red Sea Moments" along the way!   I say this because 2+ years is a long time from now and there's already so much madness and evil going on in the world today.   One thing I can say for sure, if you are correct and we still have 2+ years to go, none of us will survive the upcoming ordeal without our Lord's help!

      Next up at bat...Stephan!    Hey batter, batter...aaaswing!

    3. I meant to say...swaaaaing! It's been a long weekend and I needed to read Lu's article 3 times!

    4. Bob, there is still the day of the ascension, Pentecost, and others, and it may be an ordinary day since Jesus said in Luke 12:40: Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. I'm going one day at a time, with the blessed hope of seeing Jesus face to face, and since we're all human, we can all be wrong. So many events are present, so 2 years is a long time, unless the Lord delays the escalation of it all. And thank you Lu, for your calculations and your efforts Maranatha!!!

    5. Hi Carole.   I agree we still have some "high watch" days to look forward to this year (2nd Passover, Ascension Day, Pentecost, etc).   And ofc, the Rapture can happen on a day/hour we least expect.   Probably best to take one day at a time and not get too overly excited about these high watch days as we've seen way too many come and go.   Basically, up to this point our "collective batting average" is zero!   Very humbling indeed, but one day when we least expect it, someone on our team will hit a home run!   Or, if that doesn't work out, we'll have Jesus be our pinch hitter!

      Lu...don't misinterpret my comments above as not appreciating your excellent work and studies about the Solar + Lunar Eclipse Time Markers.   I recognize you're doing your best to figure out when the Tribulation will start and thus when the Rapture will occur.   My only issue is that I don't want to wait another 2+ years, especially since we all know what's coming.  It's simply a matter of human nature...I don't want to see all the evidence/facts even if it may be true.   Essentially, I want to remain optimistic + hopeful that we may be departing in the relatively near future vs looking too far ahead (i.e, 2+ years from now).   Now having said that, one doesn't always get what they want!

    6. Astronomically, the Conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun in Pisces (Rapture Sign?) is today, on April 11.
      This is 33 days before May, 14.
      And in early May, about one week before May 14, Jupiter will be in the other 'Rapture Fish'.
      Will the Fig Tree be cut down on May 14?
      April 7, 2030 - 2520 days = May 14 (75. birthday of Israel).
      So I don't give up!

    7. Lu, I think there is a mistake on Page 2 of your Article #740. Shouldn't it read '5 Shemitas' instead of '7 Shemitas '? From 28 AD- 70 AD= 42 years

    8. Sorry, I mean '6 Shemitas' = 42

  47. @Judi and family, blessings!
    It's been a while since I last posted here, but I check for updates daily! I have been praying for you, especially during the early hours of the morning...

    I know that our blessed hope is very close, and my entire being cries out for the BELOVED OF OUR SOULS to come and take us to be with Him, from whom we will never be separated again! Many trials have been testing us in this final moment, just as gold and silver are tested! HE HAS ALREADY OVERCOME FOR US!!! (it is important for us to take hold of what HE provided for us by dying our death so that we may have the LIFE that HE is!)

    My wife, Izabel, has been going through some delicate moments with her health, and I ask my dear brothers and sisters to watch with me in prayer (THE LORD JESUS ​​IS IN CONTROL!).


    1. I will pray for you and your wife!

    2. Jeová, Thank you for checking in! Along with Alla. So good to hear from the fam. Will be praying for Izabel along with Alla, Lu, AA, Carole, Jimboni/Boys, and all all the others with ongoing health issues (apologies that my mind is missing some I know), those expressed and those not. Blessings, all!

    3. Blessings, Jeova…I’m lifting Izabel in Prayer for her health issues as well and all of your family and congregation. May you all be safe in our Lord Jesus’ Care as we eagerly await His returning to gather us all up to Him.🙏

      The same for you, Alla D.!
      Hang in there, Sister. You’ve been so strong for so long, but we know it’s not for much longer.
      Much Love and Blessings!

    4. I will pray for your wife dear brother! Thank you also to all for the prayers on this site. We are a beautiful family here!

    5. Blessings Jeová! We echo your conviction in these last days. Our Lord WILL bring us home soon! Prayers for Izabel's health and healing by the One who formed her with His hands.
      Thank you for checking in and for your prayers over us. Blessings Brother

      Dear Alla, prayers for your health trials too. Surely the Lord will continue to hold you and keep you until He comes. Blessings to you sweet Sister.

      "When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches.
      Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings
      I will rejoice.
      My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me."
      Psalm 63:6-8

    6. Praying for you Jeová, especially for your wife Izabel, and for all our Family. We are really very near. Thank you Mom for this Psalm, this is exactly what I think all this time. Blessings to all!


  48. You all bless me so much for example when I see the love expressed here for our Alla and Jeova 💕

    I was also reflecting on how we are still in the Passover Season and noticed the very last Scripture Reading for Pesach VIII / פֶּסַח ח׳
    Thursday, 13 April 2023 / 22 Nisan 5783

    Isaiah 10:32-12:6 · 25

    In the first verses you get a picture of the judging of the haughty trees/nations:

    Isa 10:33 - Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled.

    Isa 10:34 - And he shall cut down the thickets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one.

    Then it goes into the prophecy of Jesus, the rod of Jesse, coming in Chapter 11 and what will happen "in that Day" and finally how He will "gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth"!

    And you KNOW the Church is Raptured before "that Day"! May this indicate that events will still transpire this Passover that lead to our Exodus!

  49. According to our brother Ricardo, it is not yet Easter.


  50. How close is this? Amir Tsarfati
    @Behold Israel YT “Breaking News” tonight. He is laying out the detrimental situation that Israel is now in with the current rabid and divisive Liberal ideology vs Jewish State being seen as a golden opportunity of weakness by the Iranian orchestrated cadre of enemies now surrounding them. BUT GOD…if Psalm 83 or Ezek.38 are any indication, this attack will not end well for their assailants.🙏 The Peace of Jerusalem!🙏

  51. Bob, and Fam,
    What is 2 Years in comparison to Eternity? But I hear you; would rather be called sooner than later, but be alive for the Rapture as that is that I believe I was given to see and understand when it comes to my personal commitments and with Family Members. Or it could all be one’s ‘Wishful Thinking’.

    But it will remain to be seen. I do like the fact of Gary at Unsealed about the Final 4 and how Tyler at Generation 2434 expounded on it. I was thinking the other Day about 2 Perspectives of the Rapture Call.

    1. On one hand you have the Old Testament Typology of Enoch, the 7th from Adam, meaning a ‘Completeness’ attained. One would be so bold then as to correlate to the 7 Churches as a Prophetic Type to suggest that in Enoch’s Case, there was no reason for Calamities, Catastrophes just before or after His Rapture Event. Or to say that ‘it just happened’. So, one could say that when the Rapture occurs, and many believe the Rapture to conclude the 7-Folde Church Age is like or will be like Enoch, will occur when relatively speaking, nothing of a Calamity or Catastrophe will occur before or right after.

    2. Then continuing in the Old Testament Rapture Types, many believe and suggest that the Rapture will be like Noah, the Ark and the Flood. Wherein, precisely a Calamity and Catastrophe occurs right before and after. That the ‘Destruction’ came suddenly but the Believers in YHVH were ‘Saved’. This is true but one has come to be more convinced that the Noah Typology is Prophetically, not of the Church Age Rapture but of the Preservation of the Jewish Remnant through the Tribulation.

    Remember that it is the ‘Wicked’ and Unbelieving that were removed from the Earth, and it was the Faithful Remnant that was Saved through the Judgment. In that case, through Water. In the coming 7-Year Tribulation, it will be through a Refiner’s Fire, metaphorically. And also because there is that 7-Day Countdown to when the Rain of Judgment begins, once the Ark Door was closed. But of course, these 2 Prophetic Typologies can only go so far. Consider that in both cases, the People in question, Enoch and Noah were not ‘Jewish’.

    3. Then on the other hand, the Apostle Paul teaches that when the Church Age comes to a Close with the Rapture Event, it will be ‘Suddenly’ and with a Calamity and Catastrophe occurring immediately after. Of course, it is predicated on the Notion if one takes the Term, ‘Departure’ to all to the Rapture in the Context of that inference of the Meaning of the Word, Apostasia.

    4. Lastly then one considered how, the Prophetic Typology of the Ministries of Elijah with Elisha, can be seen and likened to how here, there is an Israel and Church Connection. Although in this case, both are clearly Jewish. But what is most intriguing is that when it comes to the ‘Wrong’ Cliché pertaining to the Rapture, of, ‘No one knows the Day or the Hour’, is so wrong and misunderstood and interpreted. It is said so many times over, just being ‘Parroted’ without its proper Context.
    Nowhere in that Olivet Discourse was the Context about the Church Age or any Rapture. The Context is about when the New Heaven and New Earth is to come, literally, etc. But what is very intriguing about the Elijah and Elisha relationship is how both ‘Knew’ the EXACT DAY of Elijah’s Rapture or Departing. You had 100 People know exactly. There were 50 Prophets from the School of the Prophets in the South, from Jericho.

    And then you had the 50 Prophets from the School of the Prophets at Beit-El or Bethel. Seems that from the whole Breath of the Core of what was Israel at the time, from its North and Southern Points, all knew the Day of the Rapture. So…as the Day approaches, will the Holy Spirit confirm on His own of that possible Prophetic Typology as the Transference of Testimonies is passed from the Elijah, being the Type of the Church Age, to Israel, the Type of Elisha that stays behind.

  52. Astronomically, this would be correlated to that 1 Fish of the Sign of Pisces that goes along the Ecliptic and ‘Escapes’ on Pegasus’ Back. And then its Twin or other Fish of Pisces goes up but towards the Andromeda, the Chained Woman that signifies the Damsel in Distress, Metaphor. And that is what exactly will occur on Earth with Israel staying behind, but the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists and the 2 Witnesses carrying on the Testimony and Witness of Jesus, as the Church Age Saints are Raptured and taken like on Pegasus, the Winged Horse, rescued to meet Jesus in the Course, in the Air, etc.

    So, a lot to still ponder and still be on the Look-Out, on the Wall. But if there is ever a Time to be on the Wall and be Watching, these few Years are it. And again, even though one’s Research is suggesting the 2025-2032 Timeline, I think, as one has said before, that this year is interesting to note, and especially during the Summer Wheat Harvest Time. But that 2024 would be the Highest, in one’s Estimation, of any Year, given the Timeline. So, the Rapture could occur in such Days as now with no Major Worldwide Calamity or Catastrophe, like an Enoch that ‘Nothing Happened’ even after the Door was closed but for 7 Day, then ‘All Hades Broke Loose’.

    5. Or, it could be like how the Apostle Paul described it, that it would occur, right up to the Edge of a Calamity and Catastrophe Pending, but not obviously expected, but happened, ‘Suddenly’. This is Corroborated with yet another Rapture Typology in the Old Testament, ,that of Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. In this case, it is exactly like the Apostle Paul taught it. It was ‘Gradually, then Suddenly’. Remember how no Catastrophe or Calamity could occur, until the People of YHVH were withdrawn or Departed from the Vicinity, before Judgment Rained down, literally upon the Cities of the Wicked World.

    So, this is why one is convinced that when the Rapture Event does occur, it will be like all the 5 Events, perhaps all combined, as a Prophetic Culmination in some way or somehow. One does argue that the World is being Set-Up presently for this Sudden Destruction. If one has Eyes to See, this is exactly what is going on before one’s very own Eyes. And the War in the Ukraine and Middle East will be that Catalyst once the Rapture Event occurs, in one’s Political Science Estimation.

    What is happening in the Ukraine, if one knows History, is what exactly occurred in what led-up to World War 1. In that case, it was Serbia. Serbia was then, what is the Ukraine now. And a small event, a Singular Event, led to a Gradual Escalation that became Un-Checked at every Point of Escalation and led to the Eventual World War involving the Major Powers. It was all by Design, Deliberate and Dastardly down by the Luciferians of the World Rulers, then as now.

    As their Motto is ‘Order Out of Chaos’, they have to take the World to the Edge of Chaos, to a Threshold that will then demand a Reset, a Re-Ordering of the Pieces that have been made to Fall to the Ground so they can then Redefine Everything on their Terms and Conditions. Or else. And on the Other Side of the Rapture? No room for Dissent. No Civil Rights. No Individual Rights or Freedoms. No Biblical Christianity Allowed.

    So, it is Exciting to know just how close it is, perhaps, if by the Fall of 2025 or sooner. But it still has to get ‘Worse’, enough so that the whole World will clamor for a World Leader to be their ‘Savior’. It has to get that bad. As bad as it is and getting, it still has a ways to go, in one’s opinion. But as it has been stated here, it is a time to ‘Test’ one’s Faith. Remember, ‘To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain’. If we, in the USA have to experience Suffering, however, that will be for anyone, well, welcome to the Sufferings of Jesus and of all those Millions of Brethren that are, every Day and even Pay with their very own Lives.


    1. Lu...thank you for describing all the possible Rapture scenarios for us.   Knowing the full range of possibilities should help us get through the next year or two, especially if it happens anything like Enoch!    Oh how sweet that would be!   However, the other scenarios do present a challenge for us, no?   It's certainly going to be interesting how all this goes down, but like you said..."what is 2 Years in comparison to Eternity."    We haven't mentioned it in awhile here, but I believe the key to going forward is having "No Fear".   Ofc, that's easier said than done, but that's what we should be striving for.   Anyway, thanks for the "pep talk" and giving us all some well needed encouragement!   

  53. Carole,
    Thank you for the Acknowledgment that one is just Reporting what one Sees. As the Date of the Rapture may not be known or knowable, we do know that Jesus commanded us to Watch. Watch what? The Times. We know enough to realize that our Commander in Chief, our Captain, expects us to be like the Sons of Issachar.  They are Commended in the Bible, forever to be recognized like the Bereans and that Woman who gave of her last Allowance to Live off of, or of Simeon and Anna who were Examples of Watching and Waiting…to them, Jesus was literally Revealed to hem and they even Held Jesus in their Arms.

    So, as the Sons of Issachar, they ‘Knew the Signs of the Times’, of ‘What Time it was’, prophetically to know what to do. As we too, Watch and Wait, we know what to do because we know what is coming. It is Ominous, Stressful, and can be or is overwhelming. Yes, if need be, 1 or 2 more Years?  We only do what we can do. And that is to continue the Commission and Plow Forward,not looking back. While it is still ‘Day’, we need to take advantage of the Time we do have left before it all goes ‘Dark’. But I say that it will not get,cannot get ‘All Dark’ while the ‘Lights’ and Salt of Jesus is still here on Earth.

    We know that when the Rapture occurs of the Church Age Believers, it will be the Perfect Timing. And imagine how many People have gotten Saved, say, since the Revelation 12 Sign. That if it had occurred then, would have missed out.So, I imagine there are People, presently going or waiting to be saved just by the Time that remains, until the Rapture Event.

    Also consider that as the Days do get Darker, Morally, Economically, it can be discouraging because, statistically, it is said that only about 3% of the Body within what is called, the Professing Evangelical Church is even considering End Times Prophecy or are ‘Watching’. As one has commented before, with this Perspective, it is then only the Type of us, and like-minded Brethren from around the World that are on the Wall, if at all. Imagine if it would be 77%that were Watching and Receiving Divine Intel…as to the Clues, Insights, Perspectivesthat could be had? 

    But then we have to realize that we are not the ‘Only Ones’. Remember how Discouraged and Disillusioned the Mighty Elijah became. Even after winning that amazing Battle with the Priests of Ba’al at Mount Carmel and the Resolve he had, yet at the Words of Jezebel’s Threats, he ‘Ran’. And all the way to Mount Sinai in Arabia, in that Cave he would not come out of.

    So, the LORD took him home…yet to Return to complete ‘Unfinished Business’. Thus, we too can get Discouraged, and perhaps some are even in Despair at what is now upon us, in this Nation, the World and are reclining into our ‘Caves’ or Holes…but we have Business to do and as we are ‘Taken Home’, we will yet, must Return with Jesus to settle ‘Unfinished Business’. As in Armageddon when the Bride of Christ returns with Jesus at the end of Jacob’s Time of Distress and Despair.


    1. Thanks Lou for your response. I will give you my feelings that I have had for some time. Like everyone here, I keep looking up and I'm not afraid. I have faith in God! I am neither desperate nor discouraged. The Lord's moment will be perfect as he himself is perfect. I put videos when I can to help everyone keep watching like that's the goal, to encourage, and I watch for high viewing dates but I don't jump for joy like I have in the past or too hopeful for these dates because I know dates come and go and I don't want to be disappointed like in the beginning. I just pay attention to my emotions :-). My hope is in Jesus and not in a date. Like everyone, I hope it will be this year but if we have to continue, we will, by his grace.

    2. Carole,
      Thank you for sharing your Feelings about how you handle the ‘Rehearsals’. :) I think it is Wise. I call it, ‘Cautiously being Optimistic’. I was thinking further about how the Typology of Elijah and Elisha does speak of Specifics, concerning the Rapture of Elijah, if at least. If there is any Encouragement in that ‘No One can Know the Day or the Hour of the End of the Church Age Rapture? Well, it may not be knowable but realize that in Elijah's case, being a Type of the Bride of Christ and Elisha, the Type of Israel, they ‘All’ Knew the Day and the Hour. What?!

      Elijah knew. Elisha knew. The 50 Prophets from Bethel knew. The 50 Prophets from Jericho knew, as did their respective Disciples and Sons, etc. I really sense that this Passage is packed with Hidden Prophetic Meaning in their Numbers. I take note of the 2 Factors of 50, which echoes Pentecost, and it reminds me of one’s Double Count of 50 Days to reach the one I and many others believed could be the one correlating to the Feast of New Wine for the possible Rapture Timing. This would be sometime in the July Month as mentioned many times.

      That is why, for me, it will be the Next High Watch Date. But what I found rather Humorous, depending on the Translation read from, is how YHVH has a Sense of Humor. It could be seen here. Where? It occurs twice in how both Parties of the Disciples of the 50 Prophets go up to Elisha and tell him, ‘Ah, hey Elisha…? What? You know that the LORD will be taking Elijah TODAY, no? And Elisha responds, at least in the GOD’s Word Translation, saying the following.

      Some of the Disciples of the Prophets at Bethel came to Elisha. They asked him, Do you know that the LORD is going to take your Master from you today?" He answered, Yes, I know. BE QUIET. -2 Kings 2:3

      It is like, Yea, I know. Shut-Up!...They all knew the Day. Then later on, the Sons of the Prophets of Jericho where Elijah and Elisha then go down to, said the same thing, a Confirmation of sorts. And they all come out to Witness the Elijah Rapture Spectacle. And it was no Suprise! It is like they all brought their Portable Lawn Charis and just watched it happen…when? At an Appointed Hour. They knew what part of the Day, Elijah would be Raptured up. So, my Point is that, at least in the case of this Rapture, of Elijah, they all knew the very Day and Hour!

      And I know there is much more here than Meets the Eye, as they say. You have the Terms that could be Clues in what they Mean.

      -Beit-EL/ House of GOD, where Jacob had the Dream of the Ladder to Heaven.
      -Jericho/ City of the Moon GOD
      -Elijah/Elohim is my Jehovah
      -Elisha/Elisha is my Salvation
      (Purpose of the Tribulation is the Salvation of the Jewish Nation)
      -Disciples of the Prophets in Beit-El.
      -Sons of the Prophets in Jericho.
      -A Double Portion.
      -A Course upon Israel, i.e., the Youth mocking the Prophet. 42 Youth.
      -42 Factor could be alluding to a Period for 42 Months, or 3.5 Years.
      -And the 2 Bears, coming to Maul Israel, as in the Gog-Magog War.
      -Russian and Persian Bears, etc.
      -Could be an Inference to the coming Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

      This event could be Foreshadowing what will happen in Jerusalem with the 2 Witnesses. And how once the AntiChrist kills them, the whole world will Rejoice and make it a ‘Christmas’ out of it. So, will the Disciples and the Sons, as well as the ‘Prophets’ know exactly what Day and Even what Hour the Church Age Elijah’s are to be Snatched-Up? Perhaps.


  54. Stephan!
    Thank you for pointing that out about the Time being 6 Shemitahs and not 7 from 28 AD to 70 AD! I will make that Correction. A Thought has also come into one’s Mind, in how many People are considering the Year, 2030 to be the End of the Tribulation. And if so, then one naturally is Reverse Engineering the 7 Years from that Year to get to, which is now, 2023.

    And this is why many End Times Watchers are Excited about 2023. No Problem. It makes ‘Sense’ and follows Logic. But as with the Art of Rhetoric and Argumentation, a Logical Deductive Reason may not be necessarily ‘True’. Saying that, in one’s Theory or Question about, well, if Jesus started His Ministry on a Shemitah, and it was only ‘Half’ completed, at the 3.5 or 1260th Day, what happened to the 2nd Half?

    Is that even something one should be considering or entertaining? And if so, here is some Data or Factors that crossed into one’s Mind in relation to the 28 AD to 70 AD Span of Time. Why?

    - NOVEMBER 28 AD to APRIL 32 AD = 3.5 Years
    - Half of this 3.5 Year Time = Year 30 AD
    - 30 AD + 40 Year ‘Testing’ and Transition Factor = 70 AD Temple Destroyed

    Consider that if one takes the Average or the ‘Mid-Point of that 3.5 Year Ministry of Jesus, if it is or was from November of 28 AD to April of 32 AD, the Middle Year would be precisely 30 AD. And? Well, if one then adds the 40 Years, the Year Factor that many are using in their Calculus or Presumption, that it was 30 AD that Jesus was Crucified, rose from the Dead, and the Church Age started, that would then correlate to the 30 AD + 40 Year Factor of ‘Testing’ to the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. Just an Observation. ;0

    Much Appreciated.

  55. PS: 723 Showing Up Again :) or is it a :(

    OK, you all know that since 2020, one had this Dream of mine, about '723'. As to Dreams? One is cautious about such venues…But Dreams are Biblical…i.e., Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, etc. So, one had that 723 Factor ‘Flashed’ and it has been a ‘Mystery’ of sorts since then as it keeps reoccurring here and there, as Reported. OK. Well, it happened again, just now, lol. It is dealing with this Thought about the ‘2nd Half of Jesus’ Shemitah’, that one is considering, if at all.

    And to Reiterate, that when one Calculated the 1260 Days from the Exact Midpoint of the 2025-2032 Timeline, that being Passover on March 30, 2029, the End Date will be September 11, 2032. It is on a Sabbath, following the Week in which the Feast of Trumpets occurs. And it is called the ‘Sabbath of Return’. What? One nearly Fell-off-the-Chair', as they say… But, even though it ‘Appears’ Sound and Perfect, to the Day, it may not be ‘it’.

    Anyway, here is the 723 coming to ‘play with me again’…;0  If one takes the 3.5 Year or 1260 Day Ministry of Jesus, and ‘Halves’ it, it is 630 Days. If one then adds those 630 Days to the Speculated beginning of Jesus Ministry, with the Declaration of the Isaiah Jubilee, that one Surmises was on November 1, 28AD, then that falls on, guess what Day, excluding End Date? July 23, 30 AD. Or that recurring 7-23 Variable?! What? Is the Holy Spirit playing with me or what. Help. Lol.  

    1260Days / 2 = 630 Days.
    November 1, 28 AD + 630 Days = July 23, 32 AD

    So, from July 23, 30 AD to the 9th of AV in 70 AD, when the 2nd Temple was Destroyed = 40 Years and 20Days, thereabout. What is up with this 723 'Thing'?! It is driving me 'Crazy'....I tell you...
    Just Reporting.

    1. Lu, I'm still hoping that 723 might be pointing to 2023 😁

    2. Lu, at the risk of a collective eye-roll here, I still keep seeing "bingo" also. Not nearly as frequently, and nothing for a couple of months. I just smile and go hmmmm. It was originally "heard" in the context of Pentecost being a likely rapture date, but who knows???? For the first time i "feel" the nearness. Ofc we can't go by feelings and that's why each high watch day that has come and gone has been more of an observation/watch for me. I haven't "felt" this could be it--and I don't count for anything, but this whole living in Sodom scenario and the increasing demands/attacks of the demonically inspired entities pushing it, not to mention pending economic collapse/digital currency/war mongering/new c*vd variant etc., sure makes these days "feel" different.

      Keeping the watch--

    3. Same with me, Judi as far as really “feeling” it—like a “Heads Up! This Is really it!” kinda thing—-until just this past month, or so. It’s been like a thick vibe in my spirit of both a joyful hope for us and a dismay for those who will be the Trib Saints. Then 2 nights ago, I was sound asleep when what felt like an electrical current shot through my whole body jerking me awake and my hands just flew straight up in the air as I shouted, “Lord Jesus, Come!”
      Billy was startled awake and he was like “What are you doing?? Are you ok?”
      If I was dreaming, I didn’t remember anything and it took me a moment to actually wake up and realize I was still in the bed and nothing had changed. Very weird, but it did shake me up and set me to praying for everyone before I went back to sleep wondering what it’s really going to feel like when we ARE suddenly snatched up to meet Him in the air and gloriously transformed.

    4. Wow, Sheila, that gives new meaning to "premonition!" What the whole Trans entities don't realize is that there is a "Trans" movement alright--just not the kind they are pushing! I remember hearing/reading Barbara Johnson (I'm dating myself now) say she goes outside and jumps up and down: she calls it rapture practice ;-). As much as we all grieve for the lost, the day is coming when God will cut them off. They've had every opportunity to believe, if they refuse, they refuse. Hopefully our departure will change some minds. But we can know with absolute certainty God will do all in His power, short of violating their free will, to get through to them before they die. What's heartbreaking is He shouldn't have to. But then, we're all blinded up to the moment of belief, eh.

    5. RE: Days of Lot
      Sheila, Lyn, Judi, Barb, Carole, Bob, Jimboni, et al. :)

      PART 1/4
      I have not had the Time to watch Tyler’s or the Up-Time Bros Videos yet. But on the List for sure and look forward to it. Aaron at ‘God a Minute? :) Not so much when he made fun of a Latino Impersonation in ‘Accepting’ the Call from Dr. Awe.. Hey, I can be Sensitive too, no? :) Due to our Registration Push on Campus, I just get home too tired and end-up sleeping till Midnight! ;0 As to what Sheila has stated, the Days of Lot? If one does a careful study on what Lot did at Sodom or should have done, it is that Lot was believed to have been a Judge in Sodom.

      In those Days, the Judges and/or Magistrates sat at the Entrance of the City Gate. That is where the Judges and the Elders of the City convened to take-up matters of Judgment between People, Issues, etc. But from the Outcome and Comportment of the Men of Sodom with Lot and the Angels, notice that the Gay Lifestyle had Permeated right down to the Youth. It was Multi-Generational, in at least 3 Generation. That is all it takes. The Young were there in the Mix with the Older ones, no doubt Groomed. And yet having been Smitten by Temporary Blindness, they all still sought the Angels for Relations, in their Darkness.

      Before they had gone to Bed, all the Men from every part of the City of Sodom—both Young and Old—surrounded the House. -Genesis 19:4

      Realize that in the Ancient Cultures, especially there, in the Middle East, the Vestiges of Genesis 6 was and is still strong. Men and Women sought to have intercourse with the ‘Angels’/Spirits because, to become 1 with them, meant that they would impart their Magic Powers, Abilities and Secret Knowledge to have Control over People, Places, Wealth, etc. This was the case of those 200 Angels that came down to Mount Hermon in the Days of Enoch, etc. And to this Day, such Sacred Sites are used for that purpose.

      Notice that when Lot tried to ‘Speak some Sense’ with them, they replied, ‘Who made you Judge over us?’ This implies that if Lot was a supposed Man of Authority, his Witness and Influence was Useless or was Compromised, as he ‘Went Along to Get Along’. That is so implicated in the Christian Church, in America, and now look what has been allowed, and is being allowed. It is the Total Sexualization and Politicization of the Children. And the LGBT Mob, say the same thing, ‘Who made you Judge over us’? They are going after your Children.

      Get out of our way, they replied. This Fellow [Lot] came here as a Foreigner, and now he wants to play the Judge! -Genesis 19:19

      For the likes of me, I cannot understand how Mothers take their Children to see those Adult Porno Drag Shows, labeled as ‘Family Friendly’, as they Grind on Children in front of their Mothers. This is like what Sheila mentioned that the ‘Lots’ are giving their Sons and Daughters willfully, willingly up to these Ped-o-Files. Here is an Article about how a Former KGB Spy speaks about how to make People Destroy their own Nation from within. These Protocols have now been Succeeded in the USA. The Interview is from the 1980s and has been around for a while. Not sure if you all are familiar with it but in case.

      How to Make a Nation Implode from Within

    6. PART 2/4
      So, at my Campus, our University-Wide ‘Diversity’ Admin sent out a Survey to all Students, Faculty, Staff and Admins to rate the ‘Climate’ of ‘Diversity’ on Campus. OK. So, I took the Survey. Typical Diversity Mumbo-Jumbo. But 1 Question, the one that one would have thought would be or should be one of the core vital Question of the Survey, it asked, ‘What is your Gender’. OK. Easy right? No. There were like 7 to 9 Options…’Cis-That, Cis-This, Trans-That, Fluid-This, Bi-Something…

      But no ‘Man, Male’ nor ‘Woman, Female’. Interesting. Could not find it. So, the last Option was 'Decline to State', which one chose, as one had to, in order to advance and finish the Survey. So, afterwards, I wrote to the Diversity Admin and stated that the Question was ‘Deceptive and Railroaded’. I got a reply and will be meeting with her on Monday at 3pm, California Time. So, please Pray for me that I represent Jesus, be Cordial, Polite, Civil but voicing a Legit Concern of this Nonsense.

      Remember, ‘He who Controls the Language, Controls the Narrative’. She also mentioned a Response I wrote back to our University President, in how back on March 31, being Cesar Chavez Day, the President sent out an All Campus Notice about it. OK. But it was a Problem. He linked Cesar Chavez Day, also to the Trans Day, that happened to be on that same Day. It is the 1st Year one had every heard of that Trans Day, etc. I believe the Correlation was inappropriate, and detracted from the Sole Purpose Cesar Chavez Day.

      He should have sent 2 separate Notices, for each. What he did, in one’s Estimation, is that he diminished the Accomplishment of the Latino Community’s Efforts, now linked to the Trans Movement. And I mentioned of how it was Insensitive and in lacking Discernment in that, Celebrating the Trans Day, came off the Massacre of Christians, Children, intentionally Targeted by a Female Trans Shooter.

      The Trans Movement has surely lost its ‘Innocent’ at this Point. They have Blood on their Hands now. So, I guess we will be talking about that too. It will only be a Half Hour, which is not enough Time. I will update on what came of it. Nothing will be, I suspect, if I know Higher Ed, and I know Higher Ed. It is 1 of the Battlegrounds for the LGBT Entrenchment. It is now ‘Gay’ Everything…Here is a Poster I did about YHVH’s ‘Pronounds’…

      #738: YHVH’s PRONOUNS
      HE HIM HIS
      In the Image and Likeness of GOD

    7. Part 3/4
      At the University Level, Everything and Everyone has to Go Gay…or else you will be Marginalized like me and moved away from Policy and Decision Making Powers. Just by me, stating that, ‘I believe Marriage is to be between a Man and Woman’, I am a Racist and Homophobic. I have had students tell me that Professors now in the Classroom, rather than Teach, have to watch every Word they say so as to not possibly ‘Offend’ or Mis-Gender any one, and get Fired. The Biology Professors will now, not go on Record or Publicly Define what a Women is, for fear of losing their Tenure Application or not getting Re-Hired, etc.

      As to the LGBT Agenda? It was 1st about being ‘Compassionate’. I see. Then, it was about being ‘Tolerant’. I see. Then it became about being ‘Accepted’, I see. Then, it is about Requiring Mandatory LGBT Training. I see. And now, everyone has to be Celebrating it… That has been the Agenda and Protocols. Mission Accomplished. And that is how Lucifer works, through a Slow Generational Creep. It is sickening and over-reaching. It is beyond the Pale-Horse. And to a large part, it has been the past 3 Decades of the past 3 Generations , X, Y and Z, that have been Lost and given to this Spirit of Baphomet.

      The Christian Church was told by the LGBT’s, ‘Don’t shove it down our Throats!’, Don’t’ get involved in Politics…Stay out of the Schools. Separation of Church and State… But not realizing that in the Vacuum, something else will be replacing it, and it did. They Did. And with their LGBT Agenda, which is Anti-Christian. These Z Generation Young People, especially, ‘Scare’ me. Not as in Fear, but Fear what will become of this Nation. This Nation is Doomed. About 70% of the Z’ers now Identify as Gender ‘Fluid’ and are Adamantly AntiChristian. So much for ‘Compassion’, ‘Tolerance’, ‘Acceptance’. No. They are now taking-up Arms and going after Christians.

      These will be those in Power soon that will be more than Glaad to send Families to the FEMA Camps and Guillotines Deaths during the Tribulation. And now such a Movement has taken Arms to actively seek out Christians to Murder for just being Christian or voicing their Constitutional 1st Amendment Opinion. Free Speech or that of one’s Religious Belief, the Constitution says is ‘Guaranteed’. That is in writing but it is no longer being Enforced nor Guaranteed. Like that Female Athlete that went to San Francisco State, probably the most Extreme Leftist Antifa Communist Campus in California.

      She got Mob Assaulted and it was ‘her fault’ and the Campus Admins said it was a ‘Peaceful Protest’. Like the Tennessee Shooter. It is the Christians’ Fault, and the Nation needs to rally around the Trans People. They say, they are the ‘Victims’. I bet you if that Little Girl she shot and the others were Black and the Shooter was not Gay/Lesbian, their Pictures would have been international News, Front Page.

      So, what about the Little Girl, the Staff? What about their Victimization at the Hands of a Domestic Trans Terrorist? Where are their Pictures and Empathy for them. No, the LGBT Mob says, it is their Fault. It is an All-Out War. What is Manifesting in the Physical is now what only had and does happen in 3rd World Nations. But alas, that is the Agenda to do for the USA.

    8. PART 4/4
      Here is an example of a Headline. They call any Normal Concerned Parent the following. And how such Headlines are no a Common ‘Normality’. It is 1 thing, from a Ge-Political Point of View and Assessment that there have always been a LGBT since the Dawn of Creation. Case in Point are the Giants and the Cities of Sodom. But it is when a Nation Codifies this Perversion into Laws that then Divine Judgment comes upon a Nation.

      Rabid Christian Activists swarm City Council Meeting to get Pride canceled because of "Satan" Story by LGBTQNation

      Congregants gathered to Worship Abortion at the first MASS of a New Church exalting Women's Autonomy

      Ottawa School Board's Gender Consultant ripped for Good Friday tweet calling Jesus a Drag Queen: 'Disrespect'

      Teachers' union urges schools to promote drag queen story hours to help further 'inclusive atmosphere'

      No Nation can sustain a Foundation build or supported on Lies. When the Appointed Woman to the U.S. Supreme Court cannot say what it is to be a Woman, the Nation has lost its Mind, Moral and Soul. But it is when a Nation ‘Goes Gay’ that it reaches the Cycle of its Shel Life. Case in point was Rome. And the USA is Rome 2.0. Did you know that the District of Columbia used to be called Rome? And the Capital and the Washington Monument Mirror, exactly the Vatical Capital Dome and the Obelisk taken from Luxor?

      And how did Rome Fall?
      -Overextended Military with Bases and Army in Far-Away Land.
      -Hordes of Immigrants rushing its Border and Invading the Land.
      -Rampant Violent Street Crime.
      -Open Acceptance of Homosexuality/Lesbianism and Pe-do-philia.
      -Rampant Prostitution and Immorality within the Marriages.
      -Abortion in the form of Babies thrown into the Tiber River.
      -The Elite trying to hold Power over the Masses with just ‘Bread and Circus’

      Such is the USA now. It is asked, how can GOD allow the continued Suffering of the Children? Realize that there is a ‘Measure’ of Sin that has to be reached or Filled that the Woman of Babylon has to Drink of the Blood of the Saints. It is like during the coming Tribulation and the Martyrs ask GOD, ‘How long will you wait to Avenge our Blood’? And what was the Reply, ‘Wait until the Number of your Fellow Brethren are Murdered. So, in some Mysterious Way, Jesus has to allow Evil to take its full course. The Accounts will be settled at the end.

    9. It is like the Parable of the Evil Sower who sowed Tares within the Wheat in the Field. The Owner said to ‘Wait until the Harvest at the End’. That Harvest is soon approaching and will occur, in one’s Opinion, in one’s Generation. Remember also that Jesus stated, ‘Offenses much come’, but woe to those by which they come’.

      Evil will be Judged. We can take solace that in the End, Jesus will Right the Wrong and Compensate all the Innocent that were Murdered, Raped, Robed, Set-Up, Framed, Demoted, Dejected…Pay Back is coming. And the Question is asked often, ‘Why does not GOD intervene and Stop? Well, why are not we? We are his Body here and now. What are we doing?

      Or like that Christian Mom from Oregon that is being denied a Foster Child because she has Christian Beliefs that does not Affirm the LGBT Narrative. I agree with you all that we have reached, at least in the USA a Threshold of Evil. It is only getting worse by the Day. And I agree with Sheila, the Days of Lot are here….When several Trans People, and young ones have now taken-up Arms to specifically target Christians, it is on.

      What the Devil is Going on!

      The Spiritual Warfare has just now spilled-over into the Physical Realm. It has always been there, but so true, now that they have taken control of the Schools, Universities, City Counsels, Judges….it has been a Perfect ‘Set-Up’ and Take-Over as the Lots in the Church have capitulated by given these past 3 Generation of our Youth, X, Y and Z to Gay Mafia and Ped-os, as they now fly the Rainbow Flags outside their Churches and Marry Same Sex Couples….Yea, time for the Rain to start coming down or is it rather, Nuclear Fire and Brimstone?


  56. I don’t know about everybody else, but to me it sure feels like the “DAY” of Lot when that rabid mob of perversion was trying to beat down his doors to defile the restraining angels inside. It was at that point that those 2 angels said “We gotta get you people outta here NOW!”

    Even the Dalai Lama, seen as a “holy” man by half the world, publicly revealed his perverse nature this past week as he openly molested a little boy. His only regret was that he should have kept it more private???

    I don’t even know how to pray for this element of society anymore and I’m not even sure how many of them are still human. They dress like demons, look like demons, scream like demons and act like a legion of demons. And they are out in the open everywhere in every institution incl. the WH and church houses. (even in the attention getting beer and sports bra venues🤦‍♀️)
    And sadly, just as Lot did in a moment of fear, ignorant people are offering up their own children to appease their morbid demonic appetites.

    Cannot even imagine where this will be in another year or two. And this is just ONE aspect of this sickening world. So for me, I’m pleading with our Lord to come and get us ASAP! Time is up to either freely get on board with Jesus Christ who paid the Ultimate Price to Redeem anyone who is willing from this sickness of sinfulness, or suffer the tragic but Righteous consequences of His Wrath.

    “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” (Rev.22:17 KJV)

    I really believe that we’ve reached the “take it or leave it” point with His Amazing Offer of Free Grace.

    1. Sheila, I'm so with you on this one. I realize we could be here longer, and Lu your thoughts and research are always amazing, but my heart cries out for the children, most especially, to be delivered out of this evil/depraved/wicked world. We know our God is merciful and longsuffering, and don't we all want our loved one(s) to be that last little sheep over the fence (if only the rapture waited one more day), but at some point God surely will come and put a stop to our residence here and begin the judgment the world so deserves. I'm sure you saw Tyler last night on just this very topic. Our hearts are sickened at what we see is going on--and I'm sure it's far worse than we know, or want to know, at least any details of--and our hearts cry for deliverance. Come, Lord Jesus.

    2. Amen Sheila!

      Come, Lord Jesus, Come!!!!

    3. Blessings, Judi…I did see Tyler last night after I watched the brothers @UpTime who just reaffirmed what I’ve been seeing and feeling about where we are. This isn’t about the people who’ve chosen to live a personal gay lifestyle and those for whom we can very much pray for their Redemption. This has been a sudden explosion of govt. sanctioned evil darkness that seeks to devour and mutilate as many children as possible as well as anyone who gets in their way. And it’s something that is actually terrifying to many gay individuals.
      Definitely the same spirit of the ‘raging mob’ at Lot’s door. So I do agree with the sentiment expressed @UpTime that it’s time to be like that persistent widow in the parable of Luke 18 who relentlessly beseeched the judge until he just had to avenge her. This rising raging mob we are now seeing at our own doors are not only rejecting Christ Jesus, they are vehemently rejecting their own humanity and openly embracing the demonic realm.🤦‍♀️🙏

    4. Sheila/fam, don't know how you all feel about Jonathan Cahn, I don't follow him regularly, tho have read The Harbinger (like with many, I "ponder these things"), but he has an interesting video/11mins up about the spirit behind the Nashville shooting at the Christian School. We are more and more going to be targets. Not to be afraid, after all, the King of the Universe has our backs, but to see behind the veil as it were.

    5. I watched that video, too. I don't follow him either, but thought what he shared was interesting.

    6. TY, Judi…I think J. Cahn has had some extremely good insight on a lot of things altho I don’t follow him regularly, either. And I think he’s nailed it here re the spiritual void that’s now being filled. Also a lot of info on this same subject from @Pugcast Theology:
      “The Return of the Old Gods”.

  57. Hey Stephan--On April 11 you posted:
    "Remember: April 7, 2030 - 2520 days = May 14 (75. birthday of Israel).

    What is significant about April 7, 2030?

    1. If Jesus was crucified in 30 AD (April 7), it would be a very significant day. 2000 years later = April 7, 2030
      And May 14, 2023 is 2520 days earlier.
      Btw, Aaron @God a Minute has made a very encouraging video today. You should watch it!

    2. Thanks, Brother!
      Understanding that, I did a little digging and came across an article at

      Where they said April 7, 30 AD was one of the main candidates for the date of the Crucifixion.

      Interesting info...

      Will check out Aaron's vid--thanks again ❤️

  58. Did you know? I have several links but they are in the French language but you can certainly find it in English: A “hidden chapter” of the Bible found thanks to ultraviolet photography.
    I copy you a few lines:
    A long-lost chapter of the Bible that was erased over 1,500 years ago has been rediscovered under three layers of text using ultraviolet (UV) light.

    The manuscript is chapters 11-12 of Matthew and is one of only four Old Syrian writings that have been found.

    While the chapter aligns with the original Greek scriptures, the newly discovered version translates more detail that experts say “provides a unique gateway to the very earliest phase in the history of the textual transmission of the Gospels.”

    The researchers have yet to reveal a full translation of the chapter, but have shared some details they uncovered.
    Scientists from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) found the manuscript in the Vatican Library, which when exposed to UV light illuminated the hidden text that a scribe from ancient Palestine had erased.

    The manuscript is from chapters 11 to 12 in Matthew and is one of only four manuscripts written in ancient Syrian manuscripts to be found
    The process of using UV light has become popular among scientists hoping to uncover secret documents, as the hidden text absorbs light and glows a bluish color.

    The use of UV light is known as multispectral imaging, which involves taking photographs under different wavelengths of light, both in the visible part of the spectrum and in the invisible (ultraviolet and infrared ).

    This research used UV light because it can penetrate deeper into the manuscript – and it has been used to uncover the secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  59. Another video from Supernatural By Design

    Two Leaders, Two Eclipses And The Story of Esther - Why the 4/20/2023 Eclipse Will Change Everything

  60. RE: Jericho Stronghold - Star Map

    Since we are on the subject of the 50 Prophets from Jericho and Beit-El, here is 1 of my many Article about the Ancient Cities of the Old Testament. One Surmises that these were Sacred Sites deliberately chosen on Earth because of their Energy Ley-Lines that were harnessed by Frequency and Vibration to open/shut ‘Portals’ or Star-Gates. As in Traversing Dimensions, even. Wherein Fallen Angels, Lucifer, Demon would and do possessed them as ‘Spiritual Strongholds.

    Such are what the New Testament states we are to ‘Demolish’, nut foremost, in one’s Mind. But how, that the Type is fulfilled in Joshua Destroyed them. And ultimately, the Greater Joshua, Jesus Possesses the Greatest Stronghold of Satan’s Fortress on Earth, Spiritually Speaking.

    But one has tied it to my Cydonia, Mars Theory. It is how the Triangulation, needed to Activate these Portals, is done, in part, through Sacred Gematria. When this is done and applied, the Sacred Site becomes 3-Demonionalized by Blood Sacrifice and Ritual, etc., to be ‘Activated’ at Certain Times. For those interested in Astro-Archeology. :)

    Joshua Possessing Lucifer’s Stronghold

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Family, Blessings

    In re the above, Lu you rock; rock on. They're putting it in the food, it is becoming inescapable. Kind of like a final set of contractions with only ONE way OUT: Birth, amen.

    Y'all know I am a fan of Ryan Hall Y'all and often refer to his reports as a 'heads up' for folks in tornado prone areas of the USA when it is rolling thunder. While he doesn't lift up the name of Christ, specifically, being a good 'ol Ken-tucky boy and from some things he's said, at times, I wouldn't be surprised to find a bit o' Jesus in the woodpile on his ranch. If any of y'all joined me in prayer for recent tornado sprees as the ET unfold across our lands you will enjoy seeing this as we all will. In fact, all revenue rom just this video being watched will fund future Y'All Squad Adventures 13:45

    Revelation 22:11; 1 Peter 3:11; Philippians 4:8

    Giving $100,000 To Tornado Victims


    1. RE 111?
      Got done listening to Tyler’s Video Teaching on the Day of Lot. Very well done and on-point about the Targeting of the Children. I was encouraged how the Restrainer will still Restrain and not allow the Mob into the House of those that belong to Jesus, even though it is surrounded now. He brought home the Point that the War is for the Innocence of the Children and the Sexualization of them. It is sick and how low Society has come to. Is there any wonder why Divine Judgment must come.

      I also wanted to say/report that as of 2-3 Days ago, on at least 4 separate occasions, I keep seeing 111 pop-up. And my Mind made a Mental Note of it. It happen on my Wrist Watch, on the Computer. The Number was flashed in some News Articles. After the 4th Time, I made a Mental Note that, the Next time I needed it to be recorded, Date and Time sort of thing.

      I actually was going to comment about it as I felt it was like that other ‘723’ Thing going on. Have any of you all, been seeing Recurring Number Patterns? Come to find out by the Video Suggestions you all Post here, is that it is directly tied to that April 20 Hybrid Solar Eclipse. Seems it will be Significant in more ways than 1 and why I have been having my Flashes of ‘111’ recurring for the past 3 Days.

      April 20 is the 110th day of the Year (111th in Leap Years) in the Gregorian Calendar; with 255 Days remaining until the End of the Year. And as I went over Tyler’s Community Post to look-up his Video, he had posted a Screenshot of that Presidential Executive Order, you all might have seen/read about. That on April 10, Biden Signed, that the COVID National ‘Emergency’ was over and to go into Effect, on May 11, 2023 in the USA. And I liked what Tyer had to say about it. It means that COVID did its Job and how they are going for their next Diabolical Phase.

      But that April 10 was/is the 100th Day of the Year. So these Luciferians do all their Calculations, premeditated. As no doubt, May 11 is Significant to their Plans too.

      Some Number and Day Counts

      February 11, 2020 COVID Declared Emergency by WHO and USA to April 10, 2023 Presidential Decree to End it.
      = 3 Years, 1 Month, 30 Days (A veiled 33.)

      To April 20, 2023, Day of Hybrid Solar Eclipse from
      February 11, 2020 COVID Declared Emergency
      = 3 Years, 2 Months, 9 Days (Here you have a 923 Code in Reverse.) ?

      And from COVID ‘Emergency Decree to End it, April 10, 2023 to
      May 11, 2023, Implementation of Decree.
      ¬= 3 years, 3 months (33)

      You tell me who is ‘Behind’ all this? Their Satanic Signatures give them away, for those who have Eyes to See them. So, if one would venture to say, what is to come? Seems that April 20 (420) and May 11 (511) will be very Significant in their Wicked Schemes and how their Date Markers are used to Telegraph all that. What that will Translate to specifically, remains to be seen. But if what many suggest, already a ‘New COVID’ is on its way, it is being Reported and here we go again. Or it could be a Prelude to the Dollar Crashing and Excuse then to go directly to that CBDC Unicoin Platform…It is coming. But so is Jesus.

  63. Lu, Stephan, et al…I just started watching this, but it looks to be real interesting. (2hrs 10 min)

    @Messiah 2030 YTC
    “Messiah 2030–The Prophetic Messianic Timeline”

    Covers 41 prophecies by my count as he breaks each one down Scripturally.
    (A lot of ads on YT, tho.)

    And speaking of how low society has sunk, my ‘disgust’ meter went off the charts last night as I watched CNN defend their “holy” man the Dalai Lama’s perverse and public actions against a child as “simply his playfulness and no more harmful to the boy than a plain bowl of rice—just a natural part of the Tibetan culture.”
    These excuses for human beings ARE truly sick and sickening.

    Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!!!

    1. Sheila, haven't watched it yet either but just saw it and was going to post link as well--


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.