Prophecy Pros Podcast

I want to take this post to let you know about a resource you may not be aware of... Todd Hampson and Jeff Kinley are two very solid pre-trib prophecy teachers and they have been putting out a podcast for a quite a while now. If you are cutting the lawn, taking a road trip, or just looking for something solid and full of truth and encouragement to enter your ears in this world of lies, I recommend listening to these guys!  God Bless you all... hoping to see you all soon at the sound of the long awaited trumpet call!

 Here is a link to all of their episodes!


  1. Replies
    1. how long do you think it will take for the Kremlin to respond to Lithuania's, a NATO member, recent decision to ban the transit of some goods to Russia's Kaliningrad region?   While you're at it, how close do you think we are from WW3 starting in Europe?    Finally, with the Israeli government in shambles, how close are we from Jacob's troubles?   Amir's "blue book" exam questions for the day!   AA, you really don't need to answer these questions as we already graduated plus "School's Out for Summer" (Alice Cooper)!

    2. Bobby Z!!! Well, Hal Tuner had this to say:

      "Russia has explicitly WARNED Lithuania that unless unrestricted rail passage is restored to the Russian state of Kaliningrad, immediately, "Russia will take action" against Lithuania.

      These words were written and handed to the charge d' affaires of Lithuania, who was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry to receive the written warning today.

      The last time Russia warned a country they had "X" time to do something, was Ukraine. Seven hours after being given that five hour deadline, the Russian Army entered Ukraine by force."

      I think July will be an eventful month.

    3. Excellent answer, AA!    I'll give you + Hal Turner an A+.   So many "powder kegs" about to blow up all over the world right now.  I agree July is going to be an interesting month!    We either get blown to "smithereens" or we get Raptured!   Let's Go!   723 or bust! Lu's version of Jeff's earlier comment!   Lol!

  2. Just FYI, A transcript also appears below each podcast link, for those who prefer to read it..

  3. Copying Carole's last post prior thread to insure notice:

    I (Carole) started listening to Steve Fletcher videos again lately and here is his latest also with some signs in the sky that I didn't know: SUMMER IS NEAR UPDATE! Dragon Devours the Kids / Arrival / Israel Divided - JUNE 21 - JULY 1, 2022

    Steve Fletcher's Video

    Carole, Blessings, this is an awesome share, thanks. Steve brings together several items I've not seen anyone else covering. Not even Amir, who's recent post by AA, Blessings, was well worth the watch. One point Steve makes is to draw parallels between recent heavenly spiral sighting in New Zealand with the one previously in Norway, a few years back, and tying it to O'Bozo.

    Adding some additional gravitas to that idea, though not mentioned by Steve, there is likely some period which these 2 spirals acts as bookends for, making them 'Alpha/Omega' signs, AND, the 1st one was over Norway, top of the globe, the most recent one over New Zealand, bottom of the globe, therefore, we also see being invoked the idea of 'as above, so below'. Definitely worth checking this out folks...Waaaaay too much significance in so small a space. Maranatha!

  4. Jimboni, thank you rather to you dear brother!

  5. Family, Blessings

    PSR Time. Our Scouts follow up examination by the surgeon went as hoped in that all infection has cleared in the area and now we simply let the healing continue there with oversight. The Dr. educated me as to the site details and confirmed that the more concerning possible origins seem very unlikely from her exam so now we continue as we have been doing so far and have another follow up in a mid-July to make sure things are still moving along.

    Thank you for your care and intercession. Shalom.

    1. So happy to hear this positive report, Brother. God is so merciful. Glory to Him!

    2. Very good news, Jimboni! TY for the update.😊🙏

  6. A partial list of things the "Planetary Parade" may symbolize:

    1.    A wedding procession

    2.    Passengers lining up at the boarding gate

    3.    Parishioners in line for communion

    4.    A line-up of "spiritual entities" showing their respect to YHVH

    5.    A separation/division of sorts (wheat from the chaff)

    6.    A  "planetary staff" with Jesus (Sun) being the focus

    7.    A Heavenly clock hand pointing to our soon departure

    8.    A Jedi "lightsaber" sword to battle the Red Dragon

    9.    A "planetary light beacon" showing us the way to Jesus

    Just a few ideas off the top of my head!   Please feel free to add to the list as I'm sure there are many more!

    1. Hep Cap'n Bob, Blessings. Gigi's video @ blue heaven was in relation to the many Dreams people have sent her concerning Harpazo shortly after the alignment. The one phrase that caught my attention was "its all lining up."

      As we and most watchers we follow have commented on how the details of the Tribulation, et al, are casting shadows into the present as we see things converge and arrange, I felt this was a big DOH! SO simple, how can we miss THAT one? Maranatha!

    2. Blessings, Jimboni.   Agreed, much of the planetary alignment stuff listed above is so simple and in plain view for all to see and interpret, yet many people could care less and/or are not seeing it for what it truly is.   Take #6 above, how many people look at the planets being lined-up and think of a "staff", like the bronze snake/staff Moses created to protect the early Israelites during the Exodus after they were bitten by a venomous snake.   Quite honestly, it wasn't until today that I made that comparison.   Like then, as today...we're needing to put our full faith and trust in Jesus in order to be saved!   My point is that history (specifically the time of the Exodus) seems to be repeating itself once again!   At least for us Gentiles!

    3. Cap'n Bob, this doesn't really fit in with your list, but I keep thinking about that dream I had a year ago with this upcoming planetary parade on the 24th. It's the one where I was trying to get to my destination but was being delayed several times by certain of them being a parade.
      Jimboni, in looking back at the 'New Article From Greg Lauer' 2021 thread, you had made a comment regarding George @trotk's map with the V, feeling similar to the checking of my map in my dream. I find the timing of all this interesting.
      It really feels like this planetary parade is a massive proclamation of our SOON coming King!
      Blessings and maranatha!
      Great news regarding Caleb

    4. Mom, I just have this sense that your dream is connected (without knowing all the details): we have been blocked from getting to our destination thus far, no matter how promising the signs looked. Now we have another major sign all month, but especially tomorrow, that is a parade. Maybe THE parade that is leading us Home! May it be, Lord, may it be.

    5. Blessings Judi, and I echo your request: May it be, Lord, may it be!!!

  7. Dear family, my husband is sick. He has severe gastroenteritis. Vomiting and diarrhea, and stomach pain, burning sensation in the stomach. He tries to drink some water but it doesn't really work and he feels like he can't drink anything else either. He has a job at the municipality, snow removal, street repairs and everything, but for the first time on Monday, his employer forced him to go and fix a sewer in a big hole, caused by a construction worker who broke this sewer . And of course, it's a sewer where the urine goes and everything... Not a storm drain in the ground. He had no protective equipment, such as an oxygen mask and protective clothing. Nothing was provided and it was an emergency according to the employer. Daniel said to call a specialized team to do it but they refused. Now he is sick and I pray for his recovery and that he does not contaminate me either. Thank you to those who will pray for healing and protection. Be blessed!

    1. This is terrible to hear. I remember long ago when I lived on Long Island, three generations of one family were overcome by fumes when they went down the manhole on their street to try to fix something. One went in and then the other went in to try to rescue the other one. It was awful. Grandfather, father and son. Praying for Daniel, dear Carole. In America, OSHA would have been called immediately. Every rule for workplace safety here is because of blood shed and lives lost by innocent workers.

    2. Praying for ya’ll, Carole.
      Sounds like a terrible safety violation by his employer. May the Lord be watching over the both of you and Daniel recover quickly.🙏

    3. And I am praying for your sister, for full recovery of her sense of smell. What is her first name?

    4. Thank you all for your prayers! Barb, my sister's name is Sonia and I appreciate your praying for her. Jimboni I have no more CS but I will try to buy some if possible. Tomorrow I will also buy some paedialyte at the pharmacy, which contains mineral salts and a little sugar and potassium, with electrolytes. I have to remember that God is in control because otherwise I would tell my city authorities what I think and show them that it is a great irresponsibility on their part and that it was not an intelligent decision that was taken by them who are supposedly responsible people, but I hold myself back. And these are not my employers but Daniel's. God knows what is going on and the evil heavenly spirits are still at work against us in reality.

    5. Carole, so sorry to hear of this. What an awful thing to have happened to Daniel. Will keep you both in my prayers.
      Blessings dear sister

    6. Dear Carole, we your family here, in Jesus' imputed authority to us, declare the authority of Jesus' Name to effect the healing power of His Blood, not only in us, but for all contagion upon us! The power, healing, life is in the blood. Praying that His Blood cleanses Daniel's and protects you as well. May he show improvement--even today, and we give God all the glory!

  8. I am praying for Daniel. Perhaps raw sauerkraut juice or kombucha tea might be helpful as they are good probiotic bacteria.

    1. Carole, it is terrible what has happened and I have lifted your family to The Throne of Grace. If you can get some Colloidal silver (CS) it isn't necessary for Daniel to actually drink it. Anything held under the tongue in liquid is in the bloodstream within 90 seconds, so, a small amount of CS held under the tongue will get it into his system ASAP. It will leak out, slowly, anyways, but even a small amount will help and by using this method Daniel can avoid getting too much liquid at once. Blessings

  9. RE: Why Pentecost is in July/Tammuz
    End of the Wheat Harvest
    After the Summer Solstice

    PART 1/5
    I have been studying the Timeline leading-up to July 23, 2022. I put it into a Chart Illustration format for a better Visual. See Link at end. What I also did, was to superimpose a 40-43 Week Human Gestation Period to it. It is very interesting in what correlates to the overall Theory of when true Pentecost is. It got too long to condense but I decided to post it all here, on the Blog for the Record. It looks ‘Promising’, but as mentioned, it has to be Tested to see if the Theory is correct. If it is, the Bride has Arrived, and I like Lyn’s Moniker of, ‘In July, We Fly!’ May it be so. If not, We are in for a lot of ‘Hurt’. So, it is another Deep Dive. Have Aspirin close at Hand.

    Chart: A Rapture Gestation Period

    One finds it very suspicious and Interesting how now that the Israeli Government has collapsed, it will be run by the Interim Prime Minister, Lapid. But as some Political Science Pundits have rightly assessed, there can be Government formed, if they wanted to, but it has not been decided for that. Instead, the Israel will be left without a ‘Leader’ or Ruler until Elections on October 25, 2022. Interestingly, this Date is just 7 Days from one’s suggested and possible Tribulation Timeline. One wonders if ‘They’ are leaving the Spot for the ‘Ruler’? Which at that time, all Power and Authority will be given to Rule Israel and then the New ‘Reset’ World Order.

    October 18, 2022 (Shemini Atzerets)
    + 1260 Days = April 1, 2026 (Passover)
    + 1260 Days = September 11, 2029 (Yom Teruah)

    The following are just some more tid-bits as to why one believes and is convinced the true Pentecost is in July or the 4th Month of Tammuz in the Array of the 7 Feasts of YHVH. And as to one’s Correlation that the Resurrection-Rapture event could thus occur at such a time, that will remain to be seen. What strengthens the Argument of ‘But what Year?’ Question, is the Fact of the Sabbath Cycle Patterns. Out of all prior Years since 2015, the point is that the Rapture Timing could not have occurred or even thought of until 2022, in Hind-Sight.

    But that the Rapture event would materialize, only in the Year in which either a New End/Beginning Sabbath Cycle would occur. Perhaps. That logic would be why no Year since 2015, could have the Rapture occur, but in 2022, and this is the Year now. It is now a real possibility, but still Conjecture and an Educated Guess as the Rapture ‘Window’, is ascertained to be in the 4th Month, based on the 99th Day Count from Nisan 15, etc.

    So, this means that out of all the prior 6 Years in the Sabbath Cycle, none but 2022 could be even considered to be a High Watch Year, as it is then for 2022, in one’s Estimation and Calculation. The Chart will show that the Feasts of YHVH follow the Agricultural Seasons of Sowing and Planting and that they are pegged to the Solstices and Equinoxes, in one’s Understanding. Realize that this Time Reckoning is solely based on the Sun, as opposed to the Rabbinical Calendar that is solely based on the Moon. That is why there is a Discrepancy and Confusion in the overall Day-Counts.

    1. PART 2/5
      Before the Jewish Diaspora, by the Romans and the Temple being destroyed, a Solar-Lunar Calendar Matrix was used to Synchronize the Sun and Moon Times; to know when exactly to Celebrate and Celebrate the Feasts of YHVH, etc. The Hillel Calendar was then Mathematically formulated, based on only the Lunar Cycles as the Sanhedrin disbanded and this Rabbinical Calendar became the next best Instrumentation to go by. It was because the Jews were scattered throughout the Nations, as the Bible said this Last Time they would be. This Calendar served to keep their Identity and Unity.

      And this Rabbinical Time Reckoning is aside from the Torah Calendar, the Enochian Calendar and the Creation Calendar, and the Essenes Calendar. But also take note that the Enochian, Essenes and the Creation Calendars use the Solar Cycles, based on the Equinoxes and Solstices, to varying degrees. Here is the example of why, on average, at least in the Northern Hemisphere and in particular, North America, the Summer Wheat Harvest begins right after the Summer Solstice of June 21.

      It should be noted that it is an Average as certain Regions may have had their Wheat Harvest ready for Harvest early, by as much as 2 Weeks, etc. Nonetheless, the point is that the Summer Solstice kicks-off the Summer Wheat Harvest. See Video Link for a Visual and Commentary at end. Why this is important, and why one seeks to tie it to or make a Prophetic Link to the Rapture Timing, is that consider the following Day Counts below.

      Realize that the Wheat that is being Harvested, starting around, after the Summer Solstice of June 21, on average is really what is called the Winter Wheat. The Wheat Crop was planted back when? Around the Fall Equinox of September 21 of the Prior Year. And guess how many Months will that have been? 9 Months. This is the same Time-Frame as that of a Human Gestation Period. And? The Point and Correlation is that the Wheat Harvest staring in the Summer typifies this Spiritual Analogy that even Jesus inference, as to the Harvest of Human Souls on Earth being ‘White for Harvest’, i.e., Wheat. Remember the 120 Numerical Coefficient. 4 Months x 30 Days = 120. This has a Prophetic Inference to the 120 Jubilees set for Mankind, as revealed be YHVH in the Old Testament. And it is based on the Number of Sabbath Cycles of 7 Years, etc.

      Also have in mind, that in considering all of this, most Watchers and Students of the Bible and End Times would agree that the End of the Church Age will be likened to a Harvest and a ‘Birth’. That is what is currently happening and has since Pentecost started the Commission to ‘Go out into the Harvest, to Sow, Water, and Reap Souls’. This is why the Prophetic Fulfillment of Pentecost is on-going. But the other Key Prophetic Typology of this Present Pentecostal Intermission, is that of another Spiritual Typology, that of a Man-Child that is to be ‘Born’. This has direct implications to the Revelation 12 Motif. Here are the possible ‘Rapture’ Human Gestation Equations.

      September 21 Winter Solstice to a June 21 Summer Solstice = 273 days

      Or 9 Months excluding the end date. (39 Weeks)
      Human Gestation Period is 9 Months or on average of about 42 Weeks.

    2. PART 3/5
      But if one uses the Winter Solstice of September 21, 2021, to see how long it would be to the July 23, 2022 Speculated true Summer Pentecost, and thus possible Rapture Date, the following Day Count results.

      = 10 Months or 43 Weeks

      According to Research, ‘the Average Gestation Period of Humans is 280 Days or 40 Weeks. The Gestation Period begins on the 1st Day of the Woman's Last Menstrual Period. Full-Term Babies are Born from 37 Weeks to 42 Weeks of the Estimated Date of Birth. The Stages of Human Gestation are broken into 3 Trimesters that are 3 Months Long Each’.
      ‘Can a Pregnancy be 43-Weeks-Plus? Yes. Even when the Doctors are sure of the Dates, some Pregnancies last longer than 40 Weeks. After about 42 Weeks, Doctors get real antsy about it, though. The Key is Placental Function and Baby's Head Size, both of which can usually be determined by Ultra-Sound’.

      It is understood that, based on the Teaching of the Apostle Paul, he linked the Bride of Christ to that of a Baby, in the Spiritual Process of a Gestation Period. And what is being ‘Formed or Birthed? This is Paul’s Perspective: ‘My Children, for whom I am again in the Pains of Child-Birth until Christ is Formed in you’... -Galatians 4:19

      Paul even identifies as a sort of Mid-Wife that is seeing that the ‘Delivery’ is on Schedule and to be completed to its ‘Term’. If this be the Spiritual Case, then the Spiritual Typology is to follow in now there is some sort of Spiritual 9-Month Human Gestation Variable at work. And? That his Time Sequence will lead-up to the ‘Harvest an ‘Birth’ with the Resurrection-Rapture Timing.

      This is why one is emphatic that, here comes an ‘Impossible Word’ Alert… It is Impossible for any other of the Spring or Fall Feasts of YHVH to be associated with a Harvest Feast and Gestation or Pregnancy coming to ‘Term’. Well, aside from Tabernacles of Sukkot, but that is emblematic of the Year’s End Harvest. Many Watchers do believe Sukkot is a likely Candidate for the Rapture because of this. But not in comparison to the many Typologies given as Innuendos and Clues about a Summer Wheat Harvest and a Gestation-Birthing Process that is tied to the Wine Harvest 1 month later after the Summer Solstice. How so?

      Here is where one has the Statement of Jesus, alluding to the fact that in 4 Months, there will be a Harvest or a ‘Birth’? It is assumed that He made that statement just prior to the Crucifixion in the very Month of the Spring Equinox, being March 21. Thus if one counts 4 Months of 30 Days each from March 21, the Day Counts are as follows.

      March 21 to April 21 = 1st Month
      April 21 to May 21 = 2nd Month
      May 21 to June 21 = 3rd Month = (A Trimester of Time)
      June 21 to July 21 = 4th Month
      or 120 Days Total

    3. PART 4/5
      All that, to infer as to why true Pentecost took place and will take place on the 4th Month of Tammuz or in a Mid-July. The Point? In approximately 1 Month after the Summer Solstice, the Grape Harvest begins. This would be starting in the Mid-July 20s and why the Apostles were then accused of being ‘Drunk on New Wine’ as that was being then Harvested. One cannot say the same of Tabernacles/Sukkot or any other Fall Feast, as Yom Teruah or Yom Kippur. But again, all these Day Counts and Suppositions are based on there being a Double Count (49 Days + 50 Days) to determine true Pentecost, in the 4th Month of Tammuz (July). One cannot prove that 100%.

      Although one is convinced of this Hypothesis, based on both the Day Count, how Israel left Egypt on Nisan 15 from the Exodus Account. Then from the Counting of the Omer, results in the same Day Counts. Traditional Pentecost is pegged to the Rabbinical Calendar and in one’s Opinion, based on a False Mis-Understanding that ‘Pentecost’ is just the 50th Day after Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see what the 1 Month Countdown or the 30 Days to July 23 for the Year 2022 will bring from the Summer Solstice.

      The following Section will attempt to explain the Chart Illustration. First, note the Phi Ratio Time Correspondences based on the Feast Days of YHVH. The Chart reiterates that true Pentecost occurs on the 99th Day after Nisan 15 in the 4th Month of Tammuz. This would put the Pentecost, based on a Double Count of 49 Days + 50 Days in Mid-July of a Given Year. For 2022, it would be July 23. What is highlighted is how from the Fall Equinox of September 21, 2021 to the Summer Solstice of June 21, 2022 is 40 Weeks or 9 Months. Is it suggesting a ‘Birth’ Innuendo, that could be Prophetically synced to the Rapture Timing? Is not Pentecost the event were a ‘Birth’ was insinuated of the Church Age and that of a Royal Commissioning to go into the ‘Wheat Field’ of the World?

      What one wishes to highlight from the Chart are the following Observations. Notice that for 2021, the Rabbinical Calendar was off by 1 whole Month or approximately 29 Days as that is the Lunar Cycle difference needed to re-align with the Solar Cycles. It so happened that for 2022, the Jewish Lunar Calendar synchronized with the Gregorian Solar Calendar. This proves that the Rabbinical Lunar Calendar ‘drifts’ and as a result, for 2021, a 13th Month had to be added.

      Note that based on the Sabbath Cycle Theory, 2022 is the 70th Sabbath of Sabbath Cycles, meaning that it has been 70 Years since 1952, which one argues is the true Start Date for the Countdown to Daniel’s 70th Week and the End of the Church Age. This of course necessitates the Resurrection-Rapture event, if one holds to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario. And this means that the Rapture Timing Window is but at most 3 Month out to the start of the New Sabbath Cycle. Then note how from the Spring Equinox of March 21, 2022, adding 4 Month or 120 Days results in July 21, 2022, just 2 Days shy of the Supposed true Pentecost Day that is arguing for 2022.

    4. PART 5/5
      As noted, the Numerical Coefficient of 120 is an Inference to the Jubilees that are based on the Number 50, as is Pentecost. It is in reference to what YHVH told Noah in that there would be only 120 Year allotted to Mankind. It is directly tied to Humanity’s Judgment in the Days of Noah, and so will it be after the ‘Harvest’ or ‘Birth’ of the Bide of Christ when the Rapture event occurs. Some Bible Researchers have assumed a Double Entendre in that if one dissects the Mathematics, it would be the following.

      120 Cycles of Time x 50 Pentecosts = 6000 Years

      This Prophetic Equation, to some, signifies the period Humanity has in relation to the 6 Days of Creation Pattern. It leaves the 7th Day or the Sabbath to correspond to the Millennial Kingdom once Jesus returns to Earth. The Numerical Coefficient of 120, as mentioned is also the Time Duration that is also directly associated with the Disciples in the Upper Room. They had returned from ‘Going Fishing’ and had caught the 153 Fish in the Net. This Exact Numerical Coefficient also alludes to the End of the Church Age. But more, is the Mathematical Fact that it relates to what is called the Vesica Pisces.

      If one takes the difference of 153 from 120, the result is 33, the Age of Jesus. Then, in Mathematics, the 153 Numerical Coefficient is a Factor of the Vesica Pisces. And? It is a Motif of the Womb in that it infers a Birthing Process. And that is perhaps what the Timeline is suggesting in the Gestation Period that will end in a ‘Birth’. The Chart will also note how there are significant Day Counts leading-up to the Supposed true Pentecost Day of July 23, 2022. There are 70 Days from Israel’s Independence Day, on May 14, 2022. There are 50 Days from the Rabbinical Day of Shavuot of June 3, 2022. There are also 33 Days from the Summer Solstice.

      And 50 Days out from July 23, 2022 will be September 11, 2022. This has also a direct connection, if the start of Daniel’s 70th Week does begin sometime in the Fall. How so? The 7-Year Timespan, that ending in 2029, on Yom Teruah will be September 11, 2029, etc. And to reiterate, the Chart will show how one believes that YHVH ‘Clocks’ Time in Phi Ratio. Consider that from September 21, 2021, being the Fall Equinox to the July 23, 2022 supposed true Pentecost Date, the Phi Ratio delineations match April 1, 2022 as being Nisan 1. And it would correspond to when the Partial Solar Eclipse occurred on April 30, 2022. Then to Triangulate when Israel celebrated its 74th Independence Day.

      There is another Phi Ratio correspondence of Nisan 1, or April 1, 2022 which corresponds to April 14, 2022, being Passover to then triangulate to the May 14, 2022 Independence Day of Israel. Coincidence? No, if one understands Mathematics and Sacred Gematria in Motion, and how it is applied to Prophetic Time. All this to strongly suggest that July 23, 2022 is significant as far as all the pieces of Evidence are concerned. In some cases, they are but Circumstantial, but nonetheless, for one personally, July 23, 2022 is the Highest Watch Date of the Year for the Rapture. And only because one is pegging it to the supposed true Pentecost Date. It is only that from there, one is projecting the Supposition that, if and when the Rapture would or could occur, Pentecost would be the Prime Candidates to Close out the Church Age with as it began, a ‘Harvest’, and as a ‘Birth’.

      Keep the Watch

      Oklahoma Wheat Harvest Update - June 18, 2022

    5. And welcome again America to the Fresh Hell Report ...

      Today, we have breaking news that diesel is running out in 4 to 8 weeks leading to mass famine and possible mass starvation.
      RED ALERT: Entire U.S. supply of diesel engine oil may be wiped out in 8 weeks… no more oil until 2023 due to “Force Majeure” additive chemical shortages

      With that, we hope you have a wonderful day.

      Hmmmm ... right around the time of Lu's proposed rapture high watch date .... Hmmmmmm

    6. Excellent write up, Lu.   Lucky for us your Final Exam has already been given, as the mathematics section surely would have caused us all to fail big time!   But none of that matters now because we can officially start "The Final 30-Day Countdown" beginning today.    Btw, based on your recent post the bookies have increased your odds to 7:1 and are now referring to you as "Double-Down", Lu!   

      Hey Luigi...this is Jiminiconi.   You had better win the race or my "mafioso" friends will be coming over to see ya!    Capisce!!!

    7. Lu & Fam, Blessings

      In a manner similar to when one hums at a tuning fork the note to which it is built, it hums back to you, I felt a resonance in my spirit concerning your opening idea, "One wonders if ‘They’ are leaving the Spot for the ‘Ruler’? Which at that time, all Power and Authority will be given to Rule Israel and then the New ‘Reset’ World Order."

      What immediately came to mind is that, over the past several years, a few statements concerning 'Messiah' have come from the current Sanhedrin members, to wit, that they know who he is, that he is awaiting the proper time/events to come forwards, and, that they have already taken the measurements and fashioned his crown.

      Putting that together with your question and it begs the response:

      That is EXACTLY what is going on.


    8. Considering that everything we purchase spent time on a truck, train, barge, etc, which all use diesel fuel, if we do run out of it in the next 4-8 weeks as Mike Adams said, and I have no reason to suspect he's wrong, society will start entering the first stages of shutdown. The military uses diesel. It's needed for farm and construction vehicles, hospital generators, and electric utilities use diesel generators for back up and emergency power supply. The list is endless. We may be approaching the unthinkable. As bad as CV1984 was, I suspect this scenario will be worse on a day to day basis. I pray our Rescue is sooner rather than later.

  10. Trumpet won Best in Show at the Westminister Dog Show. How telling!

    1. Yes, Lindsey…and it was a BLOODhound no less.

    2. Trumpet comes from St. Joseph. IL..
      .near me and the same town my daughter lives in.

    3. Yes Shelia! So much imagery! Can't make this stuff up!

  11. Dear family, BLESSINGS!
    (by John Traczyk - FB Page)

    Sunrise June 26, 2022 5:42 AM Israel Time the crescent Moon will 7.7% illuminated when it passes in between Venus and Pleiades in the constellation Taurus.

    "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" Genesis 1:14

    "Seek him that maketh the seven stars (Pleiades) and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is his name:" Amos 5:8

    "The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches." Revelation 1:20

    "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." Revelation 22:16

    "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.." Psalm 19:1-4

    -- -- --

    @Lu --> Grateful for your effort and dedication in your studies and clarifications about our BLESSED HOPE!
    LOOKING UP! (723)


  12. Greetings to my family, thank you for your prayers. God bless you all! Daniel is recovering slowly, he has eaten a little, and now, as he is weak, he has gone to bed. God is so kind to us!
    I listened to Amir Tsafarti's video and it immediately made me think of rapture. Go listen to the video which is 15 minutes long. Important people were snatched from their hotel rooms and put on a private plane to be rescued from mortal danger to enter their homes. WOW! The Lord speaks loudly!

    Amir Tsarfati: Breaking News: Drama in Istanbul and Tehran!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Blessings, dear Carole. I read that as much as 44 pieces of safety equipment is required before attempting the type of repair Daniel was forced to undertake. Thank God for protecting him. I am glad he is getting better. You are also in my prayers.

      Thank you for Amir's update. Thank GOD for his Divine Protection. Iranian agents have been working diligently trying to kidnap/assassinate Israelis in Turkey. Yet, another daring rescue via Mossad. I read "The House on Garibaldi Street" at the recommendation of the late Ravi Zacharias about the capture of Eichmann by Mossad agents. These men and women are a different breed. They have humiliated and defeated Iran again.

  13. Well, I think I may have caught the bug from my husband because I feel weird and my stomach is turning a little. And I'm slightly dazed. We'll see.... Except that in my case I already have microscopic colitis, so it can sometimes happen to have diarrhea but when I have gastro, it's different because I already have a weakness in the intestines and it lasts a long time. The struggle continues but God...

  14. Family, Blessings

    @ RevCh12DOT com 16:15

    The Planetary Parade. Glory to God!

    Some thoughts:

    Jupiter in the Israel fish of Pisces reminds me of The Father Returning His Attention To Israel;

    Uranus, the 'Sky God', could aka as Prince of the power of the Air and I see this as aligning with the Dragon before the woman in travail;

    Neptune, the 'Sea God', in Aquarius Judgment pouring out) & Between Jupiter and Saturn speaks to me of (1) the time of decision; (2) the entire Cosmic Chess Match, ala LA Marzulli; (3) the peoples of earth receiving the coming judgment (water) AT THE SAME TIME as the Fish of Pisces being Lifted Upwards Into Living Waters;

    Mars ON THE BAND of the left behind Fish calls out "Damascus, a ruinous heap" as well as war for Israel.

    Plus everything our host shares, Maranatha!

  15. Thanks to pray for me, I still feel weird but at the moment nothing is happening so it can be ok. As long as it doesn't get out of hand. I also saw that in 2020, on the 4th of July, there was also an alignment of the planets, 5 planets I think, and that was on one side of the sun as well. So I don't know how different it is this year apart from all the signs that follow one another, who makes it could be more important this year 2022? From what I had read, it is a rare alignment but 2 years is not rare?

  16. I decided to try to see the alignment this morning. Sunrise was supposed to be at 5:27 so I set the alarm for 4:50. The alarm went off and it was already daylight! Plus it was a little foggy, so I missed it.

  17. After 50 yrs Roe V Wade has officially been overturned!!!
    And on this day of the beautiful planetary alignment I did get to witness this morning and also 40 days after the 5/15-16 Blood Moon eclipse (and right after Trumpet the Bloodhound became 2022’s Top Dog. Trumpet was sired by a Bloodhound named “Nathan”…perhaps another little wink to the prophetic days we are living in;-)

    Blessings All and looking UP!

    1. Barb, I tried too but our house is midway up a hill and trees/houses pretty much blocked my view. I set my alarm for 3:45, as when like you I tried later, closer to sunrise, earlier in the week I missed it then too. (I think that was a horrible sentence!) Sheila, yes, so many prophetic implications with 50 year anniv. Roe v Wade, the Great Planetary parade, rioting to come, along with diesel shortages, food shortages, famine on the horizon. Lu/ET:DD any more with the numbers here? Tyler (Generation2434) made good observation: just what is the agenda behind the overturn of R v W at this point in time? Summer riots to replace BLM riots? Chaos from which to bring order? What we can know is none of this is without the elites' planning and intent . . . .

    2. So, THE worst ruling SCOTUS ever made has been reversed. That sure puts a kink in PRIDE month merriment, huh??

    3. Blessings, Judi…and yes, TPTB’s intents are to foment chaos and anarchy, which this ruling surely will, but thankfully, our God’s Plans and Intents will always supercede theirs. The fallout will serve as a further testimony to the Righteousness of His Judgments as dark hearts are openly revealed. And prayerfully, some little lives will be saved as this is passed down to the individual states—even if only over a period of a few days or weeks. It is interesting that this Decision was announced at 10:25 am
      this morning and in the Strong’s:

      G1025–brephos—babes, babies, infants (used 8x)

      H1025–Beth-Haemeq—a border town in the tribal territory of Asher, the 8th son of Jacob. Per Bible Dictionary…”Perhaps Asher’s greatest hero was Anna, the prophetess who bore witness to the Baby Jesus.” (Luke 2:36-38)

      Hopefully, seeing this occur 40 days after the May Blood Moon eclipse, along with the average pregnancy being 40 weeks, it’s a prime indication that our Lord is getting set to deliver the BOC from the jaws of that abortion loving dragon.😊🙏

    4. Blessings, AA…I’m sure it does having them pulling their frazzled hair out, esp on top of SCOTUS ruling yesterday upholding the 2A in the New York case. These reprobate minded people are about to get really dangerous and listening to the lying lunatics in charge encouraging them along today, it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if they started thinking those awful “Purge” movies are a good idea.🤦‍♀️

    5. O’Brainless is now on calling for Congress to enact a law to restore RvW. Pure evil walking proprietor of death for the most innocent among us. His father’s beady-eyed gleam is in his normally blank and dead old eyes.😵‍💫

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. That ruling yesterday on the NY case was epic. I hope the June 25, 1962 Engel v Vitale decision is reversed, too. Kids need prayer back in schools. It has left a legacy of incalculable destruction in its wake.

    8. RE: Supreme Court Decision – Abortion
      PART 1/3

      I find it very interesting and ‘timely’ that the Supreme Court Decision to Reverse Roe vs Wade came on the Day that the Great Planetary Alignment reached its Maximum. And Reasons for possible Prophetic Implications as surmised in the prior Study presented. Also tied to the Decision is how it happened right after the Summer Solstice that again signifies a ‘Turning Point’. The following are the 3 Factors that have an Astronomical Correlation, as seen by some and that of a Human Gestation Typology in itself.

      1. Great Planetary Alignment that some have calculated has not happened in over 1000+ Years.
      2. Decision pegged right after the Summer Solstice of June 21.
      3, Inferring a 9-Month or 40 Week Countdown to the Decision since the Fall Equinox of September 21, 2021.

      And how one assessed, not really having in mind the Supreme Court Decision, but how from the Summer Solstice, minus a 40 Week or 9 Month Human Gestation ‘Birthing’ is eerily inferred, perhaps. So, Abortion or Murder of Defenseless Babies in the Womb, on Demand is no longer Federally Protected under the U.S. Constitution.

      However, Abortion or the Murder of Defenseless Babies will continue in the States to be determined. What is the Big Deal? Realize that the Primary Reason why Roe vs. Wade was passed, was that it was argued that Abortion was to only be considered in case of Rape, Incest, Medical Complication to the Mother, etc. But in fact, what it became and still is, is that it is the Prime Method of Birth Control.

      One received this from a Follower of one’s Work online. He asked, ‘A jubilee Year for the Un-Born?’ One thinks this is brilliant in how, indeed, it is a sort of a Reprieve, or ‘Jubilee’ Type. It is in the 50th Year that a Decree is made. In theory, the Un-Born are ‘Free’ from the Evil Doctor’s Scalpels.

      Monday, January 22, 1973 to Friday, June 24, 2022
      = 18,050 days
      = 49 years, 5 months, 2 days excluding the end date.
      = 593 months, 2 days excluding the end date.

      But one suspects that all this is also about a continued Psyop of Demoralization and Division of the USA, in particular. As the Left will Protest and Riot, forthcoming, it echoes the Summer City Riots that burned-down innocent Business, due to the Floyd Incident. At that time, many Democrats came out in direct support and even some Congresswomen incited the Crowds to Violence, which is a Crime in itself. Did the Justice Department do anything then? No.

    9. PART 2/3
      As the News of the possible Supreme Court overturning of the Abortion Rights Law 1st were ‘Leaked’, Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers and Churches have been Fire-Bombed. These are Acts of Domestic Terrorism. But had the Justice Department acted as fast as they wanted to Investigate Concerned Mothers and Fathers who showed-up at Local Board Meetings to question the Pro-LGBT Agenda? No. They rather label and put Mothers on Domestic Terrorist List, along with Christians who believe in the Rapture and End Times Scenario of the coming 7-Year Tribulation Period and Apocalypse. They are joined by Returning Veterans, Gun Owners and those who believe in the Constitution, etc.

      And the Orchestrated Mass Shoots will continue as it is coming out that the Shooting in South Texas was again, allowed to happen. It has been now reported that one Mother that could have saved their Child and others was detained from going in. It took over 1 hour for the Police with Equipment to do anything to prevent the Murders. That was the Plan. And in another case, the actual Husband of 1 of the Teachers that was murdered, who was a Policeman, in hearing of the incident, as he was proceeding to enter into the situation had his gun taken away from him and was detained.

      And how can a confused, Trans-Questioning Adolescent, mocked for being ‘Odd’, Weird and Poor acquire the $10,000+ Dollars’ worth of Guns and Ammunition to carry out this act, with such marksmanship as the Police waited? If one believes in ‘Gun Control’, great. And that Guns should be confiscated and rid-of. One would agree then, but that it also includes the Federal Government. One is not worried about Criminals that acquire Guns, regardless of No Gun Zones. See California. But it is the Government that has the Guns that one is worried about.

      It is when the Government starts to take away the Guns, look out. All you need to take care of Bad People with Guns, shooting-up Schools is to have Good People armed with Guns killing those Bad People with Guns. So, on 1 Hand, the Great Planetary Alignment has signed that this ‘Delivery’ of the Supreme Court Decree, ‘Gestating’ for 40 Weeks or 9 Months was not to be ‘Aborted’. And that it is on the 50th Year running, the Decree is likened to a ‘Jubilee’ of the Unborn, Free from the Evil Doctor’s Scalpels.

      And to one’s surmise, it has then a direct connection to Pentecost, i.e., ‘50’; of a coming Supernatural Delivery of the Man-Child that will NOT BE ABORTED perhaps at a Pentecost, on a 50th Year? Thus, could it be then that the ‘Man-Child’ that the Evil Red Dragon, Lucifer and his Minions have tried to ‘Abort’ the ‘Birth’ of the Bride of Christ, of the coming Rapture Date in how the coming Resurrection-Rapture event will be like? It will be like a Birthing for Theological and Eschatological reasons pointed-out in the prior Post.

    10. PART 3/3
      On the other Hand, the Powers-That-Be, exactly calculated the Decision to occur on such a Monumental and Celestial Day. In part, it is to maintain the Tension of Conflict, especially in the USA, as it is just a ‘Move’ in their Luciferian Chess-Board Reset Agenda. The Abortion Decision will continue to foment the Great Divide, especially since the 2017 Great American Eclipse. It was an Omen of Division and Separation that cast its literal Shadow upon the USA.

      But the coming Demonstrations will also serve as an outlet for the Frustration on the Left, in particular due to Biden’s less than Stellar Achievements. And also, to deflect from the Left’s Questing and Doubt now of all those still dying as a result of their Obedience in receiving the Dangerous New mRNA Injections. Remember, to the Left that deny YHVH, the Creator and Jesus, the Savior, they have to replace that ‘Void’ and Savior.

      Thus, at this Place and Time, it has been ‘Science’ and Politics. Thus, Biden and People like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are the ‘Gods’ and Saviors of the Left. They have to be right and obeyed at all costs. They cannot be False nor really telling Lies in disguise that actually want to Kill and ‘Abort’ all those in the Left.

      Consider this Dichotomy. Yes, the U.S. Supreme Court may have overturned the Abortion on Demand as a Constitution and Protected ‘Right’. ‘My Body, My Choice’. Great, yet it does not apply with the Government Mandated Injections that also infringe upon the Bodily Sovereignty of one’s Body, regardless of Issue or Reason. But as the Left is known for, ‘Rules for Thee, not for Me’. They are Hypocrites and delight in a Double Standard of ‘Social Justice’. It is a Farce.

      Conjecture? The FDA approved, unanimously to approve the Dangerous mRNA Injections for COVID to Babies now. The Point? Such a large-scale Injection Schedule, already on top of the 30-50 Injections to be given to Babies by the time they reach 2 Years of Age, will ensure an ‘Abortion’ Like Outcome will continue, as millions will die because of it, if not to be damaged for life. That is the Plan of the Evil Luciferian Eugenicist, Globalist that to Contaminate, Cull and Control all Humanity, to enslave it.


    11. It's ironic and sad that Roe was overturned just when On Demand abortion might be declining due to miscarriages caused by the lethal injection.

      There were witnesses at Columbine High School that said there was more than one shooter. I am sure it was the same in the TX shooting. No wonder they didn't want to let anyone in to witness it.

    12. correction: Witnesses said there were more than two shooters.

  18. Dear Lu,
    thank you for your great articel about the rapture congestion period. It is all very conclusive! Wow!
    I know, you are seeing Rosh Hashana of 1952 (the beginning of a new shmita cycle) as a starting point for the "fig tree generation ".
    Just a thought. If we consider Nisan 1 as the beginning of the (religious) year, as in early times, Nisan 1 of 1949 would be the beginning of the first year after the birth of Israel in 1948. 1949 is 80 years before our supposed date for the second coming of Christ in 2029.
    Nisan 1 of 1949 was March 31.
    From March 31 of 1949 to July 23 of 2022, there are 26 777 days.
    Like a triple confirmation of Strongs 726. Hopefully, our flight 777 will depart in that day!
    Maranatha, come quickly Lord!

    1. Stephan...welcome aboard Flight 777.   As Captain, I can make sure you get seated next to Lu and Ty Green in First Class!   Sally (flight attendant) can serve you green tea or a nice cold frappy!   Or, something else if you prefer!   Although the Flight has been delayed several times in the past 4+ years, it is scheduled to depart on 723 per Lu's calculations.   So, I'll see you then!   Cap't Bob

    2. Wow Stephan,
      Good Job! Yes, it is intriguing and interesting, no? Seems to be ‘Lining Up!’ lol. Thanks for making that Nisan 1, 1949 Connection/Observation. One would totally agree and the Mathematics would appear to fit into the overall ‘Equation’. One is telling you all, this July 23 is getting ‘Weirder’ by the Post, lol.

      The 1952 Platinum Jubilee Year, 2022 would not only fulfill Psalm 90’s 70 Year Countdown to Daniel’s 70th Sabbath Week but as Stephan has pointed-out, at the end of the 1st Year (Nisan 1, 1949) Israel returned to the Promised Land, although in Unbelief and as a Secular Nation would be 80 Years to the Year, Nisan 1, 2029.

      1. Fall 1952 + 7 Sabbath Cycles of 7 Years = Fall 2022

      2. Nisan 1, 1949 + 80 Generation having ‘Strength’ = Nisan 1, 2029 (80 Years)

      Stephan gets the ‘Gold Star’ for the Day! You get extra Milk and Cinnamon Crackers during our Romper Room Breaks. Just beware of Bob and Archangel as they can be up to ‘Mischief’ at times, lol. Yeah, this Guy ‘Bob’, who thinks he is a Captain of a Star Fleet Ship who is going to meet the ‘Great Spirit in the Sky’… :0 Love you, Bob.

      But check this out. As you all know, the current Timeline one is looking at: Fall 2022 to Fall 2029 has the exact 1260th Day Mid-Point on April 1, 2026, which will be Passover. But Passover on April 14, 36 Months later, will be exactly also on Passover, April 14, 2029.

      From Israel’s 1st Year commemorated in the Promised Land:

      March 31, 1949 (Nisan 1) to Sunday, April 1, 2029 (Passover)
      = 29,221 Days
      or 80 Years Exactly
      or 960 Months

      Thus, as then one’s Timeline suggests, 1260 Days from April 14, 2029, will be September 11. Yom Teruah finishes as it is a 2-Day Observance and Excluding End Date. So, yes, amazing Calculations and it does seem to ‘Line-up’. May this be the Last Rehearsal as we have entered Rap-Con 1 Alert Status.


    3. you ever wonder what it would be like without your favorite students in your Bible Prophecy 101 class + 'Romper Room'?   I'm sure you'd agree that it would be a lot more peaceful in both places!   Just think, no more disruptive and mischievous students in your classroom, no more listening to "Rock 'n Roll" music, no more 'Ayes/Nays' exercises and no imaginary Flight 777 or Cap't.   But thankfully that's not what YHVH planned for us as our lives seem to be intricately intertwined as we move forward to fulfill our destinies.  O love you too, Brother!

  19. So many things happening in the world today (rare planetary alignment, overturning of Roe v Wade, etc), now add to the list the DJIA trading intraday +666 (9:05 am PDT) "once again"!   Not quite sure what to make of all this, but we know  ⚖️  is coming as well as our Redemption + Salvation!    Hallelujah!

    1. Another +666.48 and +666.09 at 10:28 am PDT!   Plus another +666.61 at 10:33 am!    Woe, Woe + Woe!!! Never seen this many 666's before in the same trading day and we still have 2 hours and 20 minutes to the close!

    2. Bobby Z!!! Blessings. If you look at today's date, there is plenty of 6s. June is the 6th month, the 24th add up to 6 and 2022 also equals 666.

    3. Wow!   Didn't pick up on that one, AA!   Do you think someone is trying to warn us of something?   Lucky for us that 'someone' has a Jedi saberlight to protect us from  👹!   Btw, I actually saw that saberlight in the sky this morning!  Well, I 'would have' if I woke up in time!  

    4. Now, this is completely unrelated, but I was wondering if you have ever seen Tom Hiddleston dance? I think he could give HJ a run for his money. I happened to come upon a YT vid of the "15 celebrities who are surprisingly good dancers", and Tom came in at number one. Then, I came across him dancing on a show called "Chatty Man". If you go to the 15:43 mark, you can see him and the comical reaction of the host, whom Tom tries to teach one of his moves. At 3AM, it was pretty funny.

    5. AA...that was really funny!   Especially that first part of the dance!   HJ is a good dancer, but not that good!   Btw, my wife enjoyed watching it too, at noon!

    6. Lol! Glad you both enjoyed it. Who would expect such a thin Englishman, who is very accomplished as an actor, to break out such moves? He explodes all the stereotypes of the staid Englishman to pieces. I have read that he's quite the bookworm, too.

    7. The DJIA ended up closing today +823.32!   So what does that translate to?   8 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 18 = 6 + 6 + 6 =  👹    See what you just taught me, AA!    Perhaps with our new found skills, we can team up and teach a mathematics course at Sonoma State!   Yeah rite!   We can all so teach a English/righting class!    Lol!

    8. Wow, that's something. Lol! My math was so bad at Queens College that they put me in some "special" class that met once a week for 3 hours. I ended up with a B+ and the credit goes to my brilliant Iranian Jewish teacher who managed to help me learn a subject that held zero interest for me. Today is turning into quite a day. I still have 726 coursing through my grey matter but 723 will be fine, too.

    9. AA...perhaps this calculation will help clear your mind (or not!).   723 + 726 + 777 = 2226 ÷ 18 (6 + 6 + 6) = 123 (6).6666666!    I agree, it's been quite a day!   Both our minds are totally fried!   10/4

  20. Greetings to all, does anyone know the answer to the question I asked a little above about the alignment of the planets on July 4, 2020? And thank you again for your prayers, I'm not sick, I just missed it, nothing happened. Glory to God!

    1. Carole, Blessings IN keeping with Our Lord's Penchant For Concealing A Matter, today's Planet Parade is not 5 planets, but 9, though only 5 are visible to the naked eye. So, as I understand it, loosely, it is the alignment of all 9 planets on one side of the sun which is detail making this so rare; even though we've had fairly recent alignments of the visible 5, as you noted. Shalom

    2. Oh thank you Jimboni! I understand very well, it's nice of you to answer. People in different places were talking about it but they weren't saying anything about the number of planets, only that it wasn't uncommon.

    3. Carole and Fam,
      PART 1/3

      Allow me to expand on what Jimboni noted and to encourage the Brethren. Planetary Alignments, in themselves, are not uncommon. There are many Conjunctions with 2 or 3 Planets coming together on a frequent basis. But what makes it more ‘rare’ is when all the 5 Visible Planets (Mercury-Venus-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn) are involved and all in Alignment as it is the case now. What is more Rare is when ALL the Planets, + Uranus and Neptune, to include Pluto are in Alignment, which is the case now.

      This is why this is indeed ‘The Great Planetary Alignment’ This type has not happened since 947 AD, according to Research. For example, the last Time, only the 5 Visible Planets were in Alignment was back in December 2004. In fact, the 5 Planets align roughly every 19 Years, and some say all eight planets align every 170 years.

      Now as to July 4, 2020? You are correct. There was a Planetary Alignment also, but only of 7 Planets. Pluto was part of the Alignment to make 8 Heavenly Bodies, as it is not considered a Planet anymore. And they were all in the same Celestial Quadrant. What made that Alignment Significant, Prophetically in one’s Estimation and Interpretation was that Trump was ‘Going Down’. Why? There was a Penumbral or Partial Lunar Eclipse, right over Washington, D.C. on July 4-5, 2020.

      Chart: July 4, 2022 Lunar Eclipse and Planetary Alignment

      And it was at the Golden Gate. See Chart for a visual. What that meant, is that you have the Celestial Motif of a Conflict, a Struggle as it is Sagittarius who has the Crown or ‘Corona’ and a Bow that strikes Scorpio in the Head. It is a ‘Red Blood’ Mortal Blow. It was the Last Year for Trump as U.S. President and the Corona Virus was coming, 1 Year away. One suggested that it would be the Fall of Trump and the USA, in general but no particular specifics. Below will be the Article for Reference.

      Now, again to reiterate, what makes this Great Planetary Alignment for June 2022 is that ALL the Planets to include Pluto are aligned. But note that it is only the 5 Visible Planets from Earth that are in their Correct Order from the Distance of the Sun. And then you had that ‘Disappearing’ or Occultation of the Moon, the Proxy of Earth, going through Uranus, where the Earth corresponds in the Planetary Alignment Order.

      Many who calculate the Alignment say this one is a 1 in a 1000-Year Occurrence. One would agree. That is extremely Significant and perhaps Prophetic as one has alluded to in the prior Posts and Studies. Perhaps it could be the last Celestial Sign before the Rapture, etc.

    4. PART 2/3
      Consider also how this ‘1000-Year’ Factor is also occurring in tandem with World Wide Record Heat and Droughts, not seen in ‘1000-1200-Years’. This is amazing and Biblical in one’s opinion. Consider this, the 1000-Year Factor is half the Time the Church Age or Body of Christ has been ‘Alive’ going about the ‘Harvest’ and ‘Gestation’ Processes, on Planet Earth. Meaning?

      If the last Great Planetary Alignment of ALL the Planets occurred 1000 years ago, in 947 AD, that means that 1000 Years + 947 = 1947 Years. And? Here is a possible Prophetic Correlation to Israel’s ‘Birth’ and the Great Planet Alignment. Being that it is the Year 2022, and the last time the Alignment of All the Planets occurred in 947 AD, consider then that if one adds 1000 years to 947 AD = 1947. This year, from Creation is presumed and believed to be when Abraham was Born.

      Thus when the last Great Planetary Alignment occurred in 947 AD, it would be exactly 1000 Year or ‘1 Prophetic Day’, per the Apostle Peter wherein, Israel would be ‘Born’, 9 Months from the UN Report. And how Watchers know that in 1947 is the Year that the United Nations ratified the Partition Plan that created the State of Israel, then ~9 Months later, on May 14, 1948, on the Eve of Shavuot, the 49th Day from Nisan 15, Israel was ‘Born’.

      947 AD + 1000 Year Coefficient = 1947 (75 Years from 2022)

      Consider that the Origins or ‘Genesis’ of the Partition Plan was made into a Report and submitted in August of 1946, exactly 9 Months from May 14, 1948. The following was stated from Research: ‘In August, after 3 Months of conducting Hearings and a General Survey of the situation in Palestine, a Majority Report of the Committee recommended that the Region be Partitioned into an Arab State and a Jewish State, which should retain an Economic Union. An International Regime was envisioned for Jerusalem’.

      August 1947 Report to Partition Land to Israel Birth May 1948 = 9 Months (40 Weeks)

      Meaning? One believes that the End of the Church Age approaches and the Transfer of Dispensation from Grace to the Law is forthcoming. As Israel experienced their ‘Birth’, their coming to ‘Term’ and Delivery, although in War; Blood, Sweat and Tears, so it will be with the ‘Birth’ of the Bride of Christ that concludes the Royal Commission as the ‘Harvesters’ are summed to ‘Fall Back’.

      It will be a Command to ‘Retreat’ as they Hear the Trumpet Call. It will be that of the Silver Trumpet to Assemble….unto Jesus in the Sky. So too will the Bride of Christ reach her ‘Term’, Delivery and Presentation. In a Traditional and General sense, is that not what occurs once a Baby is Born, it is presented to the Father?

      1947 UN Partition Plan for Israel to End the Church Age? 2022 = 75 Years

      Consider the Prophetic Significance of a 75 Year Anniversary. A 75th Anniversary is called the Diamond Anniversary. It is sometimes referred to as the Diamond Jubilee and is considered the ‘Pinnacle’ of Anniversary Celebrations.

    5. PART 3/3
      Diamonds are the strongest substances on Earth, as well as one of the most desired, and therefore represent such an Esteemed Celebration. Anniversaries have long been marked by a Traditional Gift that is specific to each Year celebrated.

      These Celebrations get their root from Medieval Times when a Husband would Crown his Wife with a Silver Wreath for 25 Years of Marriage and a Gold Wreath at the 50th Year. Even today, People refer to the 50th Anniversary as the Golden Anniversary. Is Jesus, as the Groom about to Crown His Bride with the Diamond, Jewels Prepared to be given at the Presentation to the Father on this 75th Year Anniversary?

      If the Church Body on Earth was ‘Born’ on Pentecost of 32 AD, the Year one has calculated to be the correct Time-Frame of the Crucifixion, Death, Burial, Resurrection and Birth of Church Age, to 2022, and if the Rapture does close-out the Church Age, then the Church Age would have lasted for exactly 1990 Years.

      July 23, 32 AD (Pentecost presumed) to July 23, 2022 (Pentecost, presumed).
      =726,834 Days (Notice ‘726’, which in the Greek is Harpazo, Strong’s #726.
      or 1990 Years

      ‘At that Time those who Feared the LORD spoke with one another, and the LORD listened and heard them. So, a Scroll of Remembrance was written before Him regarding those who Feared the LORD and Honored His Name. They will be Mine, says the LORD of Hosts, on the Day when I prepare My Treasured Possession. And I will spare them as a Man spares his own Son who serves him. So, you will again distinguish between the Righteous and the Wicked, between those who Serve GOD and those who do not’. Malachi 3:16-18

      ‘The LORD of Hosts will Shield them. They will destroy and conquer with Slingstones; they will drink and roar as with Wine. And they will be filled like Sprinkling Bowls, drenched like the Corners of the Altar. On that Day the LORD their God will save them as the Flock of His People; for like Jewels in a Crown, they will Sparkle over His Land. How lovely they will be, and how beautiful! Grain will make the Young Men flourish, and New Wine, the Young Women’. – Zechariah 9:15-17

      Keep the Watch,


    6. Thanks Lu! Accurate and interesting explanations. I repeat, you are a blessing on this site!

  21. Bob, 3 more sets 6's this month:

    6-6-2022, 6-15-2022, and 6-24-2022

    1. Thanks for pointing that out, Judi.    When I see those dates/numbers all I think of is...Woe, Woe + Woe!   This is from a person/watchman who is not actively looking for 666's.   So far nothing terribly Satanic has happened in the world but I wonder if these 666's which keep showing up are warning us that something is about to change!      👹    ⁶⁶⁶    ⬇     

    2. Perhaps I should clarify...although nothing terribly Satanic has happened in the world so far...the "spiritual battle" between good vs evil is clearly raging worldwide right now and will likely get worse in the coming weeks or months.

      "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20)

  22. ET:DD interesting article in the Jerusalem Post this morning if you haven't seen it already, dragonbear:

    1. Thanks for sharing that interesting article, Judi.   I like the "DragonBear" symbolism re the China/Russia alliance.   Also the coming of the Four Horseman during the apocalypse.   While China and Russia become stronger, the  🇺🇸   becomes even more  ➗ , especially with the overturning of Roe v Wade.   "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"!    Isn't that what happened to the Roman Empire?

    2. Bob, more possible 666 connections: Steve Fletcher, 7 min vid, correlates the timing of the SCOTUS RvW decision with the Catholic Sacred Heart of Jesus festival and the AC in I Pet Goat II on the 24th:

    3. Judi…it’s interesting (although pretty disgusting) that this SCOTUS ruling could have a connection with the old lady in the tower in the IPG II vid with those pro-abortion protesters that were parading around in the white pantaloons with their crotches stained with fake blood…similar to that old lady tower scene. I believe their intent was to intimidate Justice Barrett, who is a devout Catholic. 🤷‍♀️

      Gigi @Blue Heaven shared an interesting dream from a sister who posted it back in 2017 re the Rapture occurring during a major planetary alignment and the moon shifting away from the alignment after the Rapture and in connection with the Boston Marathon—which is coming up on 6/26. She just didn’t understand what she was seeing re the alignment that wouldn’t occur for another 5 years. (Warning tho…Gigi shares her Scriptural perception of the Shavuot/Pentecost timing with the 50 day count beginning after the wave offering in Lev.23:15-16.)

    4. To clarify, the marathon in Boston on 6/26 is the 2022 B.A.A. 10K presented by Brigham and Women’s Hospital
      (Must be fully vipered and masks may be required to participate in a field of 10,000 participants😬)

    5. Judi...just watched Steve Fletcher's video and it literally gave me goose bumps!    It really gave me a very eerie feeling in light of my 666 post above.   Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of any of this, particularly since I'm the last person you want to interpret the I Pet Goat II movie scenes.   This connection to the Feast of the Sacred Heart which fell on 6-24-22 on the same day as the repeal of Roe v Wade is also very puzzling.  According to Wikipedia, this Feast or Roman Rite is now the most widespread liturgical rite not only in the Latin Church but in Christianity as a whole.   Even more puzzling to me is that before I knew any of this, I jokingly used the word 'rite' and 'Roman' in my most recent posts!   Something very strange is going on!   Maybe Lu or someone else can dig into this a little deeper as this is way above my pay grade!  

  23. Blessings dear family! Here is a very well explained reading for our blessed hope and pre-tribulation rapture from RaptureReady:
    Who Are the 5th Seal Saints? By Gary W. Ritter

  24. Hey Lu, here is an article that argues what you have been saying all along--regarding the true count to Pentecost. I haven't digested all of it yet, but find it fascinating that more people are seeing this scenario--

    1. Judi...did you notice how the author used the phrase "It is MATHEMATICALLY (AND PHYSICALLY) IMPOSSIBLE"... all in caps!    Hmmmm!    Where have we seen that before?  

      Ghostwriter Lu...the odds are slowly but surely shifting in your favor.   In fact, I'm sure the "bookies" will be increasing your odds to 5:1 after reading this/your newest article!    Lol!

    2. Hi Judi, Bob, Sheila, Fam,
      PART 1/2

      Wow. Thanks for the Pentecost 49+50 Day Count reference website. The study really went all-out with Scripture to back it up, far deeper than I have. He also addressed that issue about the 40 Days plus 10 Days that is traditionally considered to correspond to Shavuot. But how it has been mis-labeled as Pentecost with that next Day, being the 50th, which I agree is to mean 50 additional Days. It is the Minority View, if any. I think those that see it this way in interpreting Leviticus 23:15 can be counted in both Hands, out of Billions on Earth presently.

      I think what contributes to the Confusion is that the Grain in question, that is Harvested, is the Barley. But he makes the point that Wheat is ‘Impossible’ to be ready for Harvest in the Spring. This is true, in a general sense. This is why though, on the Summer Solstice, June 21 is the Traditional Kick-Off of the start of the Wheat Harvest. And it usually lasts about a Month, in the non-modern conventional way.

      Granted, with different Regions, the Wheat Harvest can begin up to 2 Weeks early now from the Summer Solstice June 21 Date. And with Modern Machinery, the Harvest can be completed in a matter of Days compared to what it took without Harvesting Machines or Genetics to have the Wheat acclimate to certain Environmental Constraints, etc. So, if one sticks to a 1 Month Average Harvest Wheat Season to account for all the different Regions, Weather, etc., it will end around Mid-July, in the 4th Month.

      Sheila, I did also see/hear Sister Gigi’s video on the Planetary Alignment and her notion of the ‘10 Planets’. Yikes. 10 Planets? I do not follow Gigi’s Channel or Work, but I am sure she is great as I know a lot of you do, good. But I think a Basic ASTR 101 Course is in order. Lol I think she means well, but just to clarify. Presently, there are only 8 Planets in our Solar System, that is if you believe in Space and Planets, etc. Charlie? I hope is doing well. The following is the Order of the 8 Planets from the Sun’s Distance.


      As we know, Pluto was the 9th Planet. If one knows the Work of the late Zecharia Sitchin, he surmised that Planet X was/is the 12 Planet. It just depends on how you count and from were. For example, the West counts the Planets from the Sun. But the 1st Civilization, that of Sumer who recorded their Creation Account in 7 Cylinders, stated that the Anunnaki, the Fallen Angels came from Nibiru, to Edin to great the Adamu. And they counted the Planets from the Outside, going towards the Sun. See Charts at end for a visual.

      In fact, that is how Planet X was ‘discovered’, as it was and is making all these Perturbations on the Planets, and why the entire Solar System is Heating-Up. There is ‘Global Warming’, but not because of Humans. But this is why we are having now 1000-Year Droughts, etc. This is now Biblical. Just 1 single Volcano Eruption emits the same amount of Carbon on Earth of Years of Car Exhaust combined.

      Planet Count – Sumerian Solar System

    3. PART 2/2
      The excuse is to blame Humanity for Global Warming is to have Population Control or as the Luciferian UN Agenda 2030 mandates, Population Reduction. It is coming, China Style with forced Abortions, 1 Child Policy, Carbon-Social Credit Score, what you can buy-Sell, etc. But it was how Pluto was discovered. I think that it would have been better said if Gigi would have said, ’10 Heavenly Bodies’. That would make sense as it was/is the following case of what took place on June 24, 2022, regarding the Great Planetary Alignment. The 10 Heavenly Bodies are the following.

      2-Mercury (Visible)
      3-Venus (Visible)
      4-Moon (in Earth’s Position) Occultation ‘Rapture’ Effect over Uranus, God of the Sky.
      6-Mars (Visible)
      7-Jupiter (Visible)
      8-Saturn (Visible)

      Now, here is where it gets ‘Biblical’, and Gigi may not have picked-up on this possible Prophetic Motif that again, has this 1000-Year Great Planetary Alignment signaling the Rapture is upon us. How so? Assuming the 10 Luminaries in the Line-Up, only 5 are ‘Illuminated’ or seen, which are the 5 Visible Planets. If one considers the Parable of the 10 Virgins, only the 5 that were ‘Luminated’ or had their Light burning. These ‘5 Virgins’ went through the Door with the Groom (Orion), or in this case how the Planets go through the Silver Gate, led by Orion or Jesus in this case, taking Metaphorical Liberty.

      And as noted in prior Posts, this Planetary Line-Up is all to 1 side of the Sun. Lights on 1 Side, Total Darkness on the other Side of the Sun. A Division and Separation is coming. It is in Progress, I would say and how the Moon, on the 24th of June Eclipsed Uranus, which was/is at Earth’s Position in the Order. And amazing, all the 5 Visible Planets are in their exact Order from the Sun. This is ‘Impossible’, lol to just be mere coincidence. But by Proxy, the Moon made, in one’s opinion a ‘Rapture’ Effect or ‘Signal’ in how it made Uranus ‘Disappear’. And that has then a Prophetic Implication that the ‘Lights’ on Earth will ‘Disappear’ in the Sky at the Rapture event. Did not Jesus say that His Disciples are as Lights and Salt?

      Anyway, of course, even the Parable of the 10 Virgins is debated. Is it the Bride or the Bride’s Maids? Does it speak of those Christians not Up-to-Par in them being left behind? Is the Rapture a Reward? Is it Automatic regardless of Apostasy? For sure, one can read a lot into the Parable, especially one’s Theology. But as to the 49+50 Day Count Theory? As mentioned, it is not popular, nor really understood. And due to Millenia of Tradition, it is hard to convince the Church otherwise. And not that I am either trying to convince. To each their own as I have said about Eschatology, no? one is just sharing the Evidence for one’s own Theories, Hypothesis and Conjecture based on what is just another Opinion out there among many.

      I did like the point that the True Pentecost study made that for centuries, Pentecost was celebrated on the 99th Day by the Early Church. I bookmarked the Website. Well, if it is the Year, 2022 then next Month, July will bear that out. If not, we just continue Watching, Waiting, Worshiping and Witnessing as things converge in the Fall. I have been studying my prior Timelines and will Post on my observation that again speak to the Evidence that ‘2022 is the Year’, at least if one cannot know the exact day of the Rapture.


      Planet X Phenomena

    4. Yeah, I assumed Gigi was including the moon in that lineup to make up the 10 heavenly bodies without being specific. Guess she figured we’d get that. I did see several people picking up on the 10 virgins parallel in her comment sections which is also an interesting consideration, whoever one deems them to be.
      I came across that Arnold Bowen article sometime back while doing a search on the parallels between Mt. Sinai (which did occur in the 3rd month) and Pentecost, which is also an interesting study. And today I came across a little article discussing the parallels between Pentecost and the Jubilee re the 7x7 count of sabbath years and the 50th yr. foreshadowing the results of Pentecost.
      It can get amazingly complex with all of the different views, but I have noticed in re to Lev.23:16, many of the other Bible translations do seem to make plainer statements re the counting method to the day of presenting the new grain offering, so that may perhaps explain the minority view in re to the double-counting of those days. And for me, the differing views on the timing of the proper wheat harvest is still too fuzzy an issue to be conclusive one way, or the other. So this is why I’m one of those like Gigi
      who just look UP expectantly for our Savior every day, never considering that any day going forward is an impossible one for Him.

    5. Sheila,
      I totally get that most if not who hold to the Traditional View of Pentecost having now already past and is just the 50th Day thinks this way. No problem as using that specific Translation would or could be interpreted that way. But as you mentioned, other Translations make it clear(er). And if one goes to the Original Hebrew, the Argument is how in verse 15, YHVH states to ‘Count’ and then in verse 16, it commands to ‘Number’. I think we had visited this Point before, lol. But this is just 1 of the Primary Reasons why I and others think they are different counts.

      The only critique I would have, is that, although one would wholeheartedly agree that the Rapture can happen in any Day, this 99th Day is dismissed, even as a possibility. So, Watchers like Gigi or George just then go-on to the next Feast, which will be Tom Teruah to watch, no problem. But that Blast, is of the Ram’s Horn, the Shofar that is a Call to Assemble for War.

      It is not of the Long Sliver Trumpets which was associated with both Sinai and Acts 2 Pentecost. The Blast is also of an Assembling, but this is just conjecture on one’s part that there too is a difference as this sort of Blast is of a 'Retreat', to Fall Back...As in the Rapture, etc. The other Reason why I think why this 49+50 Day Count Theory/Interpretation should not be dismissed entirely is that you do have many other Bible Verse Translations that affirm it. But hat is all.
      Blessings as we Watch all Together.

      Hebrew Interlinear

    6. I promise you, Lu…if we get to that 99th day or 7/23, I will certainly be considering that as hopeful a possibility as any other high watch day. I know George took the leap to FoT based on his Feast Timing views, but that is yet a shore too far for me. And I think @Gigi is more of a steady gazer so to speak as well with all of these signs, signs….everywhere a sign and knowing we are in the Season. Blessings! 😊🙏

    7. Did you see Ricardo Garcia about the Pentecost date?

  25. Family, Blessings

    On the topic of things getting really, really weird and in a way which ONLY we would recognize, Acquaviva222 shares a D*sney poster for their new movie Z*mbies3 with the tag line:

    They beam down. We rise up.

    Pure coincidence, surely.

    1. Jimboni,
      Can it be more obvious of a ‘In Your Face’ type of Predictive Programming? It is almost word-for-word what L.A. Marzulli states will be the case, ‘When We Go Up, They Come Down’. The Powers-That-Be are revving-up the conditioning of the World’s Psyche to desensitize the Masses when the Rapture does occur and the ‘Alien’ Saviors show-up or Manifest themselves. It will be Close Encounters of the 1st Kind.

      What is also tied to these ‘Zombie’ Apocalypse Type of TV Series, Movies is that even the CDC had a Warning about it coming. What? Yes, they had a website wholly dedicated to, get this, ‘Zombie Preparedness’. And this tied to the COVID Shots. They know/knew what was up and going to happen as the mRNA Shots are not only affecting Humanity’s DNA or Genome, but also one’s Psyche or Soul as that is where the word comes from, in the Greek.

      The CDC received so many Questions about it, that it took the that part of their Website Page down. But with Time Machine that archives all the Internet, one can go back in Time and see Webpages at certain times before they are delated. It is true, ‘What is Posted in the Web, Stays Posted in the Web’. I downloaded the Website Page and took a Screenshot of it too. See below.

      You cannot make this CDC Zombie Apocalypse stuff up. If the CDC had ‘Warned’ the World about what is coming, imagine the Millions that are Injected and how that will be changing the Physiological Make-Up of Humans. One is not saying that just because one has taking the COVID Shots that they will start Foaming at the Mount and Change to a Werewolf. But the CDC, supposed ‘Trust the Science’ put out, that they predict will make many Injected Humans go ‘Zombie’. And as predicted, Food will be running-out as well as Water, Services. We know how bad it will get during the Tribulation Period.

      Consider that if Elijah will be 1 of the 2 Witnesses, then the Time of Signs and Wonders will define the 7-Year Tribulation. And then, how Elijah will call Israel to Account in whom they will Worship, the King Ba’al, Lord of Death, whom Israel made a Covenant with, i.e., the False Messiah or YHVH. It will be as in the Day of the Valley of Decision in which Elijah caused Fire to come down in the sight of Israel. But the point is that for 3.5 Years, Israel had suffered that Extreme Drought. There was Famine in the Land. So, Inflation will be so high that if one can find a Job, a whole Day’s worth of Salary will barely be enough to buy a Loaf of Bread.

      There are some Articles out there that People will resort to Cannibalism. It has happened before in History, even right up to World War 2. And it is in the Bible, how during the Siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and the Romans, the Jews did resort to Cannibalism. Horrible. The World will go ‘Zombie’. It already is. It is amazing Days we are living in. Truly, As in the Days of Noah and Lot.

      Keep the Watch,

      CDC-Zombie-Apocalypse Website (Deleted)

    2. 'the return of barbarism' ~ that was the subtitle of Constance Cumbeys 1981 book, "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow where she exposed the powers of darkness so vividly and changed my life forever as she brought forth Scriptural Truth. i met her in person in 2005 in michigan at a prophecy conference after years of speaking w her over the phone, Tears flowed and we are still in touch. She is now hospitalised and needs prayer altho i see that progress is being made in her health battle w Covid related illness. She has been such a blessing to so many over the years. Her second book in 1983 was called, A Planned Deception, where she exposed The Armageddon Script by Peter LeMersieur-which is essentially Project Bluebeam and the elites plan to bring forth an endtimes scripted version of a manmade tribulation scenario etc. Strange but documented truth. Constance stated that TPTB are falling right into the hands of Satan in doing so as they ultimately serve their fearful master. Entirely Shocking to say the least. Her research into Javier Solana was spellbinding! Solana turns 80 on July 14 this year and is still masterminding plans for the E.U.'s Defense Spending and the Roman Empires revival as the Beast that Worships the God of Forces in His Estate mentioned in Daniel chapter 7 i believe. Blessings folks, Shalom!

    3. Ozark,
      I hear you. I am not one to sit and read 4 to 8 pages of a Study, lol. Unless it is about Eschatology, the Rapture, Jesus, Miliary and Armageddon. In School growing up, not being able to read nor speak English, one only took interest in Dinosaur and World War 2 Books in the School Library. It kept my Attention and helped me start to learn to read English as I wanted to know what was being said.

      That is why when I was given my 1sT Bible, I read the last Book first, Revelation. :) And it had all that good stuff, War, End of the Planet, Dinosaur type of Creators coming out of the Earth. Fun. But fast forward with my in-depth Eschatology, Mars Conspiracies, realize that I started just posting my charts without any write-ups as I knew my English, Grammar and Syntax is not Conventional. But People wanted the Explanations more in detail, so I began to write.

      It was extremely difficult to do and still is to an extent, having Dyslexia and all. But as I say, I am not a Writer, and it is the best that I can do. I do admit my style is very ‘Academic’ and perhaps why a lot of People just do not bother. Well, as I said before, I am not out to ‘Conquer the Masses’. And remember, these are just my Personal Studies that I really only share with Family and Friends that are into such similar things and dept. Or else People would say and do say, ‘He is Nuts!’ lol…

      I think one cannot exhaust the profoundness of the Word, the Scriptures that would take a Lifetime of Study to just ‘Scratch the Surface’ as they say. There is so much to Learn that I personally wish was made available and plain for us to know, like about Free Energy, Self-Propulsion, etc. But there is Deception out there to contend with on top of it all. We will Know…in the Kingdom but as of now, just redeeming the Time and sharing it with you all.

      In Prayer for Constance Cumbeys. Thanks for sharing. You know, Jesus has His Watchmen in every Generation/Decade. But like I mentioned, if it is too much I can back off, just an overflow, I guess. And because if we do have till Mid-July to go, I want to be found ‘Sprinting’ to the Finish Line! Lol See, this is what you get when Teacher is out for Summer!

      PS: Since you took the challenge of reading the Posts, there will be an Exam on Friday.
      Study-Up :)

    4. Let it pour, Let it flow, all in key of Galilee ! We all know, that its true \|/

  26. Yuppers, already in the loop on all of that. Recall, also, that Gates of Hell's MSoft has Zombies in the T&C for a while now. Some more thoughts on my post:

    It is LA's tagline, but in reverse, upside down, as it were, as MANYFISH likes to always point out. LA says, "When we go up, they show up." is 7 words, their mimicry is 6, ofc. Note, also, that their mimicry is actually not backwards at The 2nd Coming. After The Great Tribulation, we DO "beam down" With Jesus and they DO 'rise up' to their fall at Armageddon.

    Satanic Gem value is 951: H951: boqer-- a herdsman; G951: (1) Amos 7:14; G951: bebaiósis: confirmation: (2) 1st: Philippians 1:7;

    1. RE: COVID Zombie/Demon Possession
      Part 1/3

      This Zombie Rabbit Trail reminded me of that video that came out last year, if you all remember that made some of the rounds. It was from an apparent Pastor who had an Australian or English accent and was Exorcising Demons out of 2 Women. And supposedly, under control and power of the Pastor, were asked about the COVID Shots.

      The Demons replied that the Shots were to kill as many People as possible, before ‘Redemption’ so that ‘Jesus would not get their Souls’. That it was Witchcraft… And that there are ‘Snakes’ involved, etc. I can give the link if anyone wants it. You can look that up on BitChute. It was on YouTube originally, but it was taken down. Of Course.

      Not sure if it is real or authentic, but it is interesting, and the Terms the Women used was chilling and right out of the Bible. If the 2 Women were ‘Acting’, they sure did an excellent job. But it also reminded me of another animated video that came out in 2007 that eerily has come true. It is called Vexille if not aware of it. Link at end.

      What is chilling is that the whole Premise is that what is injected into the Human bodies are slowly turning the Biological Flesh into Metal. At least those that do not confirm and is a sign of a Rejection and People then just die. Those Humans that do get ‘Integrated’, become ‘Zombies’ in the sense that their Brains are now able to be controlled…i.e., the Bee-Hive Syndrome, etc.

      What is Medical Fact is that 90% of the COVID Solution is Graphene Oxide or ‘Liquid Metal’. This is why they still need to push the Plandemics to get this into every Human Body as possible, but with increasing Doses, thus the need/mandated Boosters. This is how the Human Biological Tissue will ‘Interface’ with the Nano-Particles in the Solution that will convert every cell into Receivers and Transponders. It is like I had mentioned before when all this came down. The Powers-that-Be want every Human to be essentially, ‘Walking Cell Towers’, where you become the ‘Cell Phone’, in you.

      That is exactly what the Lecturers said at the latest DAVOS World Economic Forum. For sure a set-up to facilitate the coming Block-Chain Crypto Currency after the Reset. It is going to be sold as ‘Convenience’. And that is why they approved the Shots now being able to be given to Babies. A Report just came out of Israel that states that Children have ‘Natural Immunity against COVID’, and thus do not need to be ‘Vaccinated’. But will such Reports go Main-Stream, or Doctors communicate that to Parents? No.

    2. Part 2/3
      The last thought that came to mind about why do they want all Humans to get the Shot? Consider presently the Numbers in the USA alone. It is estimated that over 75% now have had the Shots along with Boosters. This means that over 200 Million People have this thing in them. In a pure Military Tactical View of the situation.

      It is about Numbers. How so? This is the question that was asked of the late Church Missler. It had to do with when, in Revelation 12, Lucifer and His Fallen Angels are to be Evicted from Heaven to be cast down to Earth. But Lucifer will not go out without a fight. Revelation 12:7-12. The Problem? He is out-number: 1/3 against 2/3 of the Angel Armies. And?

      Now here is a bit of one’s Theological Interpretation as to what will happen after the Rapture, as one understands it. There will be 3 Events that occur that the Bride of Christ must go through before Lucifer and his 1/3 Angel Army are Evicted from Heaven.

      1. Bride Stands before the Bema Seat of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:10)
      2. Bride Stand before Accuser. (Job 1:1-11, Zechariah 3:1, Revelation 12:10)
      3. Bride Sits as the 24 Elders in Acquittal. (Revelation 5:1-14)

      After the Rapture, one supposes that Jesus ushers-in the Bride, Presented before the Father and the Mansions are displayed and assigned. Then every Believer and Follower of Jesus stands before the Bema Seat of Christ Jesus. This is not of a Judge’s Seat, but it comes from the Roman Typology of a Victory Procession. It is where in Rome, Caesar sat to review the ‘Spoils’ of the War Campaigns and now he Publicly rewarded the Generals by putting Crowns of Victor on their Heads, etc.

      1. The Bema Seat was/is not for Punishment although the language states that one’s Spoils or Works after Salvation, will be put to the Fire. And any and everything that goes through can be and will be taken to Glory thereafter, etc. But then, as the Old Testament teaches that there is The Accuser of the Brethren and Lucifer regularly appears before the judicial Thone of YHVH to condemn Jesus’ Followers, due to Willful Sin, etc. As this Justice demands a Verdict, the Accused has to face the Accuser.

      2. Thus, this is why Jesus is presently function in the Prophetic Office of Priest and all those Accusations are absolved by His Blood, and the Bride of Christ will be declared Innocent of any Charge, all paid by Jesus, who is the Defending Lawyer and whose Father is the Judge. It is best one Know Jesus, ASAP before leaving Earth.

      3. As the Bride is exonerated, The Great Assembly will convene in now then Jesus will transition from the Office of Priest to the Office of King. As Jesus sits down in Victory, in this Great Assembly with the Bride, the Scroll of the Seals are given to Him. Only He, Jesus, as a Human mind you that is in Heaven, currently of Flesh and Bone can break the Seals. This will be the Sentencing of Lucifer and his 1/3 Angelic Army of Rebels. For the Insurrection they cause and suffering, unimaginably, the Seals Break and with each one is and indictment against Lucifer. This will truly be an amazing ‘Star Wars’, etc.

      Imperial Roman Triumph from Ben-Hur

    3. Part 3/3
      Side Note: As we do have glimpses of how the City of GOD does appear, from Revelation, it has a Main Street/Avenue. This why I have come to believe that all the major Ancient City Acropolis mirrored this Avenue as in Teotihuacan, Mexico, Persepolis in Ancient Persia, etc. So, whenever I hear the Song, ‘When the Saints go Marching in’, you have no idea how literal that will be and looking forward to it as a Miliary Loving Guy.

      Ultimately, the end result is that Lucifer and his Angelic Army are Evicted from Heaven, never to return. This then will ensue with a Push-Back in how Lucifer will not go down without a Fight. But he is out-numbered. Thus, COVID’S. It is pure conjecture but if Humans can be made to be Hybrids, and they have been (Genesis 6) and they are, they can then join the Ranks of the Fallen i.e., ‘Zombies’, to be able to Supernaturally then be able to Fight against Jesus and the 2/3 Holy Army of Angels when they are all and we, as the Redeemed Bride come back to Earth at Armageddon, etc.

      Since Angels cannot be reproduced or created now, there are perhaps Billions of body-less Demon Spirits that are left over from the Nephilim that were all killed in the Flood. They need Bodies. I have read where some suggest that the COVID Shots are facilitating the Possession of such Spirts, i.e., the Demons out there to more easily be possessed as mRNA Shots has now been proven to change the Physiological Makeup of the Human Body as mentioned in the prior Post. (See Swedish Study on COVID.) And now with these Articles confirmed an up-swing in reported ‘Possessions’? And then consider that in the USA, with the Fentanyl Epidemic, the Population is poised to go ‘Zombie’ at some point in Time…


      VEXILLE - 2007 - COVID19

      Children have Natural Immunity Against COVID – Israel Study

    4. There was an X Files episode, ofc, that dealt with "a man believed to be dead from Gulf War Syndrome who comes back to life (zombie?) and slowly turns into metal while taking revenge on those who made him that way." 2001 episode is called "Salvage."

      It's chuckle-worthy to note that Robert Patrick aka "Liquid Metal Guy" on the set, starred on the X Files from 2000-2002.

      Doggett: "What are you saying? Ray Pearce has become some kind of metal man? 'Cause that only happens in the movies, Agent Scully."

      Scully: "Does it, Agent Doggett?"

  27. Dear Lu, first we have your academic/erudite/mathematical/astronomical/scriptural calculations, then the Bowan article using scripture only (along with the agricultural seasons), and now Ricardo Garcia gives the constellation calendar calculation: all pointing to July Pentecost. Hmmmm, what is that about 2-3 witnesses??? I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones showing up in the past few days. You were the first to bring it here though--and I want to say a couple years ago? At any rate, as our resident scholar, thank you!! Are you feeling vindicated? Or not till July we Fly? 😉

    1. Judi, Hugo and Fam,
      Thanks for the video link. I saw it all and I like all his Astronomical Clock Connotations. He and others actually have a greater number of People following this Line of Logic, that the Jewish Month is ‘Off’ by 1 Month and that the True Passover Date is pegged to when the Sun is in Aries, which is in May. Ok. But realize that due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Sun was not in the same House or Sign it is in now, 2000 Years ago.

      Although they would arrive at the same Conclusion that Pentecost is in the 4th Month by this method and it would agree with one’s Theory of that same Outcome, the Means by which they surmise the Points is still based only on a 49 Day + 1 Day Model. In other words, they do not believe or recognize the Double Count Theory as I and now Aaron Bowen from Hope of Israel believe to be the True Method, etc.

      So, I would agree with the Conclusion but do not agree that Passover has to start in May when the Sun is in Aries. The only verse, Psalm 81:3 that does peg the Passover to the New Year starts at the New Moon, is clearly understood by the Jews, that it was the 1st New Moon after the Summer Solstice of March 21, making Nisan 1 always in April.

      But yes, I have been harping and posting, charts for years about this Double Count Theory, Lol. And I just saw/heard Brother Chooch’s actual reading of the entire Article of Bowen…What? I had actually emailed Chooch my Articles and Charts about the Double Count, and the Shemitah Count. But I suspect that with my prior Article that he did read on Air, not too much of a liking. He dismissed the Shemitah or Sabbath Cycle Theory, being from 1952 rather than 1948. And he even read the part and agreed that as Bowen stated, even if this is as plain and true as Black and White, most if not all in the Body of Christ, who consider themselves Watchers will not change, lol. True.

      But like I said, I am not out to change the world or anyone’s opinion. It is a Theory after all, but I did like that this is fulfilling Prophecy in how even Chooch recognized, in that if Pentecost is in the 4th Month, on the 99th Day since Nisan 15, the Day after Passover and the Rapture does Book-End the Church Age with how the Spirit Came Down to Endwell Believers as a Down Payment, and likewise is to Go Up with the Bride, everyone will be shocked.

    2. As Chooch stated, ‘the Saints will be asking, is not the Rapture supposed to occur on Pentecost? Did not that pass already? And Jesus will be replying, …’Yes, the Rapture is occurring, on Pentecost, just as I had given you all clues’, something like that. Lol But like I have mentioned before, if one does not make a Video or post it on Facebook, it is not ‘Official’. True. Not that one is seeking Fame or Glory about it. One just wants to seek the Truth and as a Watchman, right, one’s job is to Report that back to the Camp, no?

      Now if the Camp, choses to not believe like the Bad Report of the 10 Spies vs. the only 2 ones, Joshua and Caleb that gave a Good Report…I think that speaks for itself in what are the Odds in Eschatology and Bible Prophecy. That would be, what? 16% would be prone to Believe the Good Report. Not that I am elevating one’s Insight or Understanding in comparison. I do not know. Many People have urged me, over the Years to do all this work and post it to a Video Format.

      I thought about it, but I did not get that Direction or Liberty to do so. First, a lot of what I say would be banned. So, all that work or YouTube for example would have been taken down by now. My Work is specialized and really only geared to the Body of Christ and for those that can go beyond an 8 Second Tik-Tok Sound Bite. Sure, perhaps in doing so, Millions could be reached. But I suspect this message is not for the Millions. I think it is an issue of Quality vs. Quantity. I just leave the Marketing to the LORD and trust he will bring the People that need to hear this Message and/or will receive it, at least to consider it.

      That is what I sense in one’s Heart, so just sharing one’s perspective. So, I do hope this Double-Count Theory is valid and, in that case, why July 23 for 2022 is the highest Watch Day in one’s Assessment. But the Rapture does not have to occur on that Day, and no one can guarantee it 100%.

      And if we are still here by the Fall, I will recalculate the Double Count for 2023 as I have been doing for years. But I do sense People are considering the Pentecost in the 4th Month a Possibility. I do wish though that more Research and Evaluation from the Watchers regarding this Theory would be made.


    3. I got this Email from a Bruce Kessler. I get messages from him from Time-to-Time. But why I am sharing his Post is that he comes to the exact Day Count of July 23/24. So, it is not just me and perhaps the Holy Spirit is now starting to reveal it to many others. He does Fast-Forward many of the Seal, Trumpet and Bowl Judgment that appear to occur, how he presents, as ‘right after the Rapture. This is the only hesitation in that 'all that' will be dragged-out for 7-Years, etc. So, wanted to share that.

      The current Jewish Leap year of 5782 and its gematria of 5+7+8+2= 22 means LIGHT OF THE WORLD WHO IS JESUS—in Biblical mathematics. The rapture must occur before Rosh Hashanah during the summer wheat harvest in Israel and 5783 means death in gematria.

      Ezekiel 38/39 ( WW 3) will be fulfilled this summer and true Pentecost (50 days of the Feast of Weeks + 50 days from Nisan 17= 100) falls on July 23/Tammuz 24( Jewish sabbath day) per Leviticus 23:15. The 1973 war in Israel was prophetic which was 49 years from 2022.

      This rapture watch day on the 50th day of a 50 year shimitah year. 100 means redemption, grace, harvest, and promise in Biblical mathematics. But Matthew 25:14 says only the Lord will know the exact day of rapture and watchmen will only watch the signs for imminency.

      There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and 22 Epistles in the New Testament. 2 means marriage in Biblical mathematics. The word of the Lord in 2020 was” I am coming very soon for my Bride.”

      The Bible says the wheat and tares will be separated at the rapture per Matthew 13:38-43 and Revelation 14:14-16 when the one with Golden Crown on His head reaps the wheat with His sickle.

      The lost are about to experience the 150 days of the Wrath of God/indignation/Day of the Lord post the rapture to replicate the time of Noah.

      Few will be left alive of 7.9 Billion after the rapture per Isaiah 24 and only 6% will be raptured per the prophets---Jesus will rule the planet from Jerusalem by Christmas.
      The one third of the Jews left alive will all be Messianic grafted into the Olive Tree per Revelation 1:7 when they see the one they pierced in the Second Coming to fulfill Zechariah 14, Jude, and Revelation 1:7 when the saints return with KING JESUS.

      The rapture will be followed by fire to repeat the time of Noah in the Gospels. Most will perish from Volcanic ash or a nuclear winter with the sun turning to sackcloth and moon to Blood.

      After the rapture the greatest earthquake in the history of the world will happen per Ezekiel 38 and famine will come per Joel 2:10,31,3;15, Amos 8:9, Ezekiel 32:7, Mark 13:24, Acts 2:30.

      Luke 21:36 says” Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape the things to come to stand before the SON OF MAN.”

      Baruch Hashem,
      Bruce Kessler

  28. "Good afternoon gentlemen, your savior has arrived."   Sound familiar?   No, it's not Jesus speaking to His male followers, it's just one of the lines 'Hangman' says in the movie Top Gun Maverick!

    After 2.5 years of not stepping foot in a movie theater, finally went to see Top Gun 2.0 today.   Hallelujah!   It's been a long, difficult Covid journey, no!   Well, for this individual, the experience was quite exhilarating and much appreciated after so many years of being deprived of something we had previously taken for granted.

    Hey Jiminiconi...prior to seeing the movie I trusted your judgement in giving Stan the nickname 'Hangman'.   Now that I've seen the's most definitely a compliment and honor for one to be given that nickname.   Did you hear that, Stan!   Hope so, because 'Hangman' was such a stud in the movie!   Now that "no-humor" pilot with the call name 'Bob', well that's a different matter!   Lol! However, I must admit we both wear the same type of "aviator style" glasses!   Just like JB!!!

    1. Hey Cap'n Bob, Blessings. So glad you had the chance to enjoy the flick. Phoenix tried to re-brand him as "Bagman", but Hangman quickly corrected her, so, no doubt as to the honor accorded the title and I appreciate your amen to that. I made mention of that line in a comment to Jeffrey McGaha, telling him that when that line came out I was like, "Timestamp! Show us the time stamp!"

      Jeffrey McGaha replied: "I remember the line, I'd say that's 11/3/22 encoded in the time stamps. Maranatha!"

    2. Blessings, Jimboni.  That certainly was a memorable line in the movie...especially for us Christians, and more so for us watchmen!   I think you may have quoted that line in an earlier post, but just had to repeat it again!   Hopefully we won't have to wait till 11/3/22 for the Rapture, unless Jeffrey is referring to the time stamp when the Dragon arrives!   It's hard to follow his logic sometimes!

    3. Bob D...I saw you mentioning my name. My wife and I loved watching Top Gun over and over for many years. We are looking forward to watching this latest movie. Probably will watch it later this year.

    4. Bob D, Blessings Actually, the date is the one he believes the AC is revealed, hence, the secret society's date for their 'savior' and the reason that would be the date tagged. Jeffrey's latest educated date on Dragon Destruction is 7/17.

      On the note of his missed dates, thus far, I believe that there is quite possibly some quantum details going on within the Dragon, the Orb and the debris field such that there is an erratic nature to the gravitational interactions within the group. Thus, while TPTB may well be able to see the thing, it does not travel in the predictable path as one would expect as when one follows most interstellar travelers. Due to the numerous, MASSIVE bodies in the pack, and their interactions being undiscernible from afar, it may actually CHANGE DIRECTIONS and velocity, without notice, as the group muddles along as a gravitationally DYNAMIC organism, of sorts.

      Also, it would explain why this is Created To Be a DRAGON and not just 1 body and why the interactions/ intersections with our planet are rather erratic. It does not visit regularly but intermittently, about once every 300-400 years, sometimes near and sometimes far. This is due to its path CHANGING as the marbles in the bag jostle around and alter the gravitational specifics which it rides within. Thus, TPTB are likely ALSO GUESSING as to its arrival as they cannot predict when the pilot will gun the juice or tap the brakes or nudge the wheel a bit. This also aligns with Our Lord Concealing A Thing, Exercising Sovereignty & Omniscience And Frustrating His Adversary.


    5. and your wife are going to love the movie.   The best movie I've seen in years by far.   But don't wait too long!!!

    6. Thanks for the explanation, Jimboni. Now I know why I'm not a Dragon watcher, only an occasional 666 watcher!

    7. Bob D. ...My wife and I haven't been to a movie in over 3 years. Last time we were advised not to go in by thr gate keeper. I asked why. She said they have trouble with gangs in the theater....and just let them have their way. Even though I conceal carry...we weren't going to enjoy that we got our money back...and free vouchers to any future movie. Wife and I just aren't that interested in the movie to go see it under such conditions. We have PLENTY of time to watch it....but I believe we will be seeing much REAL action coming to all theaters near us.

    8. Gang members harassing you and your wife at the local theater!   Say it ain't so, Stan!   Where did you say you live again?   Thought that only occurred in California and New York!   Lol!  I think you better bring your Uzi when you finally decide to see Top Gun!   Btw, those theatre buildings are going to be standing for only so you better go now while you still can!

    9. I have plenty of firepower as I have shot in competition since 1979. But I am very streetwise with guns. A gun can get you into more trouble than it will get you out of.
      I just will probably wait until that movie comes out on my satellite....or if the internet is down...I will just pop some Coen and watch the live action outside!
      Hey, I read the odds of being out of here by July 23rd. What are the odds of my divergent view that we are still here thru 2025? I give it EXTREMELY likely.

    10. Stan...the "bookies" odds for a 723 Rapture currently stands at 5:1 and seems to be increasing each week, primarily as a result of Lu's continued research.   As far as your "divergent view" that we're still here in 2025, that's for the "bookies" to calculate not me.  However, if we're still here after 723 and certainly if we're still here after 2022, the odds of you being correct are expected to rise dramatically!    I suggest you continue to watch the race track board leading up to 723 and shortly thereafter.   One way or another, we can both agree that it's going to be a very exciting race!  

      Ice cold beer, here!   Hot doggies, nice warm hot doggies!   Peanuts, popcorn!    Lol!

    11. I am in for popcorn, peanuts, and hot dogs! Water.milk or Gatorade is my beverage of choice. The best use for beer that I have found is to shake it up...and shoot at it for target practice!. Don't consume any as IA "shot" will make you a poor shot!

    12. Good advice, 'Hangman'!   I'm glad to see you're having an enjoyable time at the racetrack!   Aside from our Earthly observations and musings, we're mainly spectators, no!

  29. Family, Blessings

    We have marveled in Wonder at the current Planetary Parade underway and many have conjectured various meanings being tied to this Majestic Metaphor, above. Hopefully you have all found encouragement from these pictures and I wish to add a bit more encouragement to that sum.

    One picture has been of a church aisle, or, perhaps, a wedding train, lined up in a church aisle. Beautiful. On that note, the Moon, representing The Bride, Reflecting The Light Of Her Groom, The Son, as she enters the church and proceeds towards the altar, she would, naturally, be WALKING DOWN THE CELESTIAL WEDDING AISLE!!!, passing each guest, in turn. 03:52


    1. WoW,...looks interesting! ty

    2. Lovely, Adorable, Magnificent * All Praise and Honor are Yours Lord Jesus ~ Hosanna in the Highest! \o/ So be it,... Please let it be true * Father Yahweh

  30. RE: In the 5th Year (Deep Dive Alert)
    PART 1/3

    As I had mentioned, I wanted to share my Research, Thoughts and Conjecture as to why 2022 is ‘The Year’, of the Rapture and End of the Church Age. It is just Evidence and not Proof, so one cannot conclusively say that 2022 ‘Is it’. But that the Points, Logic and Evidence presented appear to add to the current Argument of why, at least in terms of the Year, on the Gregorian Calendar, 2022 could very well be the End of the Church Age. And perhaps with this coming Month, the 4th Month, the ‘Door’ at True Pentecost and that of the 99th Day correlating to the Summer Wheat Harvest finishing-up, etc.

    But as to the Year? Thus, somewhere within Now for the Rapture to occur before the Civil New Year starts on the Rabbinical Calendar. One is assuming a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, etc. I had gone back and dusted-off one of my prior Timelines regarding Israel’s 70-Year Fig Tree Countdown. It was surmised how one believed the Church Age was about to End back in 2017-18, as Many Watchers did also. The Chart below will show the Timeline in how one incorporated the Blood Moon Tetrads since 1947. Why 1947?

    The Great Planetary Alignment of 2022 was said to have not occurred since 947 AD. That is Significant because it is exactly 1000 Years from August 1947. As mentioned in prior studies/posts, it is when the U.N. basically accepted their Commission’s Report and Established the Partition Plan in 1947. I believe, Prophetically, this is when Israel was ‘Conceived’. As we know, it was not until 9 Months later that on May 14, 1948, Israel was then ‘Born’ as it declared itself an Independent and Sovereign Nation. Not to have existed since 70 AD, which was exactly 1,948 years to the 2017 Year Anniversary.

    And what happened in 2017, it was an Exceptional Prophetic Year as the following occurred that are Mile-Stones in the Redemption of Israel, leading-up to Daniel’s 70th Week of Years and the End of the Church’s Commission. And what that means then for the Conclusion of the Pentecost World Harvest that has been in Play since Pentecost of 32 AD.

    YEAR 2017:
    1. 1,948 Year from AD 70 when the Temple, Jerusalem and Jews began the Roman Diaspora.
    2. The Revelation 12 Sign of Israel-Church being ‘Birthed’ and Raptured Motif. Wake-Up Call.
    3. The Trump Administration recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s Eternal Capital.
    4. It was the 50th Year Anniversary of the Liberation of Jerusalem in the 6-Day War of 1967.

    As one could see, the Prophecy Pages were leaping-off the Bible onto the World News Headlines. It was why many in the Watcher Community thought, perhaps 2017 would have been the Year of the Rapture and End of the Church Age. But it came and went. Then 2018. This year was also a Monumental Milestone for Biblical End Times. There were several main Prophetic Occurrences that stuck-out also.

    YEAR 2018:
    1. The Nascent Sanhedrin declared that 10 Red Heifers have occurred since Moses. The 11 will dedicate the 3rd Temple.

    2. In December, the Nascent Sanhedrin performed the Re-Dedication of the Altar of Sacrifices. This will be the Altar from where the Stones will be used to make the Grand One where the Daily Sacrifices will commence and be offered. It mirrored how Zerubbabel re-dedicated the Altar after their 70-Year Babylonian Diaspora, etc.

    3. Israel celebrated its 70th Year Anniversary since 1948.

    4-From Israel, using 1948 with the Parable of the Unfruitful Fig Tree (4 Years total).

    1948 + 70 year generation = 2018 + (3 Years + 1 Year Parable) = 2022

    1. PART 2/3
      Zerubbabel restored the Altar for Burnt Offerings (Ezra 3:2-3). Following 4 Years of Construction at the urging of Prophets Haggai and Zechariah, the 2nd Temple was dedicated, estimated to have been Dedicated in 515 B.C. (Ezra 6:15-18; Zechariah 4:7-10).

      2018 (70th Year anniversary of Israel returning / Altar Rededication) + 4 Years later
      = 2nd Temple Dedication
      = Fall 2022

      Thus, again, many believed that perhaps 2018 would have been the Rapture Year and End of the Church Royal Commission. One knew of the Sabbath Cycles then but could not quite reconcile the 50-Year, the 70-Year with the Sabbath Cycle or Shemitah that did not reconcile either Year. This is when one learned that based on the Sabbath Cycle, the correct ones would rather be or should be counted from 1952. Why? That is the Year that was the 1st Sabbath since Israel came back to the Land. And take note, the Sabbath Cycles have everything to do with the Land.

      1952 + 70 Years (10 Sabbath Cycles of 7 Years) = 2022

      In the Speculated Timeline, one made a Year Matrix, especially dealing with the initial 1947 ‘Inception Year’ for Israel. The Year Matrix was based on what one calls the ‘Olivet Discourse Prophecy Code’ given by Jesus. One has presented this Theory before. Jesus foretold of how 3 Major Prophetic Elements would be Destroyed and Re-Constituted before He could/can return, etc. The following are the mirrored Olivet Prophecy ‘Code’.

      Order of Destruction
      1. Temple
      2. City Jerusalem
      3. Nation Israel

      Order of Restoration
      1. Nation Israel
      2. City Jerusalem
      3. Temple

      And? Here was my Year Code Conjecture. Many Watchers at that Time, including myself, saw how the Prophetic Restoration of Israel’s Trek or Course or Timeline to its National Redemption all ended in Gregorian Years with the Number 7. It all got kicked-off with General Allenby entering Jerusalem on Hanukkah in 1917. This ended 400 Years of Muslims Ottoman Rule, etc. It mirrored the Liberation of the Israelites from 400 Years of Egyptian Bondage, etc. See Acts 7:6. Others argue 430 Years but realize that the Israelites remained Free for the 1st 30 Years in Egypt. Nonetheless, here are the 7-7-7 Year ending Prophetic Mile-Stones.

      -Then, as mentioned, Israel’s ‘Conception’ as a Nation occurred in: 194-7.
      -Then the Liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem was captured in: 196-7.
      -Then Jerusalem was recognized as Israel’s Eternal Capital in: 201-7.

      These 3 Mile-Markers in the Prophetic Timeline of Israel follow the Sabbath Cycles of 7 Years. And this Year Triangulation is in approximate Phi Ratio of Time, of which the Timeline in the Chart will show that they all correspond to the Blood Moon Tetrads. In fact, the Tetrads of 1949-50, 1967-68 and 2014-15 also occurred Mathematically in this Phi Ratio of Time. That is also another one of one’s Theories of how YHVH proceeds with Time, Prophetic Time. And?

    2. Lu, i believe that you are spot On with all of this but i don't know what more to say that could do your work any justice. im going to try and read your posts rather than just glean. i pray that i will be able to further grasp what you have brought forth. When i was in college back in the day i struggled like crazy w/ chemistry and biology and mathematics,... i made good use of tudors who helped me as i was dedicated in my studies but it was very tough for me to keep up w the crowd. i had some wonderful victories along the way that kept me going but ultimately fell short in reaching my goals and aspirations. i did find Jesus along the way! and i am so grateful that He grabbed a hold of me. i found my way into the work force as a Land Surveyor and workd w/ some fabulous people over the years and too care of my family with my head held up.Glory to God! I admire you and your brillance along with so many others here on the site. i am watching unto prayer! God Bless

    3. my mind is still revelling on the movie Top Gun 2.0, I've only had a chance to "glean" over your post.   Thanks for that word, Ozark!   I do believe you're onto something, especially that 777 Year Matrix.   Ofc, I'm somewhat biased for obvious reasons!    Cap't Bob

    4. Bob,
      So, I hear Iceman Bit the Dust in the Movie? Eh…. You ‘Predictive Programming me now’? Lol Here is what I was going to reply to Ozark as an Addendum. PS. Are you the Bob that Email me today about one of the Books, PDF Format that could not download? Just checking.

      I also forgot to mention that I am rushing, hoping to get to that Article #666 so I can do a ‘Hit Piece’ on Jeff over at lol. I do not think that I will make it. :) Just saying that I did take to Heart what my Mentor told me, that I have shared, in that ‘Jesus does not Call the Qualified, He Qualifies the Called’. It has Resonated in all that I strive to do, as unto the LORD. And because at the Bema Seat, I and you all will have to give an Account of what was entrusted to us. No light matter.

      So, I my personal case, I too was not the Best or Brightest. It is Jesus that gives Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, if we seek Him with all of one’s Heart and for Pure Reasons. I would have never thought I would be writing over 600 Articles and compiling them in to now, my 33rd Book. Get this, as you all may now, I grew-up in a Migrant Farm-Working Family. We lived out in-between Almond Orchards and a Processing Plant. Our Hight School was, 33 Miles away and we lived just off of Highway 33. No joke.

      But that is where Jesus found me in that small little Elementary School, of all places. It can be the Gutter, the Ghetto or the Getty Museum. But on the whole, Jesus, as we know has called and used what the World would deem, Not Qualified. I remember that after College, I stayed in San Luis Obispo, SLO and got involved with a Ministry there. I joined the Mime Troupe and did Outreach to the Farmers Market every Thursdays and Special Events.

      One Time we went to Santa Barbara to help with an Outreach there. As we meet-up with their Pantomimes, we rehearsed together. But the Leader of their Group just did not like our Abilities and Skill. We were ok, average, and we actually took Professional Mime Training. In working with me, the Leader just got frustrated and told me that I could not ‘Learn’ anything. Where did I hear that, growing up? I told him, in front of everyone, ‘We are not Professionals, we are doing the Best we can and hope that the LORD honors that Commitment and, in any way, possible, could use that to lead some to Christ’. There was silence and he said nothing. And that if we were not up to his Standard, then we might as well, just pack-up and go home, because we are, ‘not that good’.

      Remember that we are but Broken Vessels, yet put together, wonderfully in Jesus. We are a Work in Progress, Jars of Clay, etc. But I can understand that sometimes, we do need to be challenged and do strive for Excellence in the Service of the King. And one can get Haughty too, just like that Mime Leader. This happened to me. As you know, I love Logic as I am naturally inclined to be methodical as it is. So, in my Write-Ups I try to use Logic, Reason and Evidence, which can be ‘dry’ and structured.

    5. But one realizes that the Method alone is not what one is ‘banking’ on communicating the Idea, Point or Theory. If the Holy Spirit has not Inspired it, it is just mere Man’s Vain Philosophies. Although I love Philosophy. But Jesus chose to use the ‘Foolishness of the Gospel’ to confound the so-called Wise and Learned of the World. Here is what happened one day. Back in the late 1990s, I was sent to help out with a Church Start-Up in San Jose, CA. We would go to an Assembly in San Francisco for Worship. That is when I was an 8th Grade History Teacher. Loved it.

      So, on Sunday afternoons, we would go Door-to-Door in San Francisco to Preach the Gospel. Ok. We would be paired-up with a Local Saint. One Sunday, I was paired with this short, ‘Plain Jane’ Type of Sister, in ones’ Eyes. Ok. We would take turns and allow each other to speak without interruptions. Ok. I thought, I got this, I’ll handle it from here. I’ve done for Years…etc. So, it was her turn. She was nervous, stuttering, mumbling and in my thought, she was not making any sense. It appeared she was going through a Robotic Script that she memorized.

      And all the time I was thinking in my Heart of Hearts, no way will anyone come to Christ like this. So, she finished, and she then asked the Person, ‘Would you like to receive Jesus’. And the Person said, ‘Yes!' …What?! I went back home with my Tail between my Legs as the Holy Spirit ‘slapped me upside the Head, up and down, sideways. But it was a Good Lesson and reminder that Jesus does not Call me, thinking I am ‘Qualified’, but He Qualifies the Called’.


    6. You're correct, Lu... 'IceMan' did indeed Bite the Dust in the movie!   Even before he died, I was thinking about you.  But after he died, I thought...hey, I already drafted his obituary 3 years ago!   Do you remember that?    Lol!    Ofc, I'm just messing with you as you're not that 'IceMan', you're the Rev12 'IceMan', which is an entirely different person!   Splash, Splash not Crash, Crash!   Anyway,  you got nothing to worry about as we'll be 'outa here in 26 days!   I've got your "guarantee" on that, right!    Nighty, night!!!

  31. @ET:DD has a new article up continuing the walk through the Book of John and highlighting the Chapter to Chapter correlations with The Revelation. And he covers Chapter 5 in this one with his usual insightful perceptions.
    Another encouraging read for sure.😊

    1. Oh Sheila, you done right to lead us in the direction of ET:DD here n now,...WoW! lili,... Lili, lil o' lilly and the river of Life ~ its all there!!! i knew it!* \o/ ty kindly .. .. shoot eye reckon!

    2. Prophetic Update to the Lilium article titled: "LILIUM LIFT-OFF RAPTURE OMEN PROPHECY UPDATE: The Key Event
      June 28, 2022

    3. ET:DD, thank you for sharing that! Indeed. Makes me think of the One who holds eternity's keys in His hand. The doorway to heaven is locked--but readily accessible to anyone who has a key, being born again--we don't even have to retrieve it! We are given it at the moment of salvation. Hallelujah. May the plethora of signposts and pointers we see occuring in every realm truly be for this year! You aren't the only one who is/has been spiritually tired.

    4. Blessings ET:DD…I wasn’t expecting your “Key Event” update to actually involve a key, but I caught something kind of interesting re that “Lily” key in the pic. In your explanation of the significance of “Lily” in the article, you cited Song of Solomon 2:1-17.
      In conjunction with that theme of lift-off and ascending vertically as it relates to the Rapture, I noticed that “Lily” key you were sent to retrieve is an ASSA V-10 key (for high-security locks) and you have Verse 10 of that passage highlighted in the article, which is definitely that “Key” event we are all watching and waiting for. Thanks for sharing that. Had me smiling and SMH…again!😊🙏

      Song of Solomon 2:10 KJV

    5. That's an interesting additional aspect of observance - the "Lily of the Valley" who holds the key to the door. Also reminds me of the rapture "come up here" door in Revelation 4:1. Christ is the "key" to going through that door.

      Admittedly, I was debating on whether I should have even shared that incident, considering that maybe it wasn't for me to share publicly, but maybe was just a personal message to me and for no one else. But all things considered, I figured someone else may also be blessed by it. Why hold back?

    6. Sheila ... Ha ha, O.k. then. I guess that answers my initial hesitation then ... of whether I should have shared this publicly or not. Very interesting observation!!

    7. Sheila ... I'm going to add that observation to the article update. It would be a disservice not to. Thanks again! 😃👍

    8. And additional commentary completed. What a ride.

    9. ET:DD and the symbolism just keeps coming. Rev. 3:20, Behold, I stand at the door and knock . . . . How heartbreaking that our Lord, the One with the keys to heaven and hell, must stand outside and knock on the door of one of His churches--Laodicea, the end time church. Gentleman that He is, He will not break the door down. The key to that door is in our hands. Your sharing and commentary are a blessing, encouragement, and spotlight for us all--so glad you didn't hold back😊

    10. Amen to that…and speaking of that spiritual tiredness trying to beset so many of us, Jesus is also ‘The Key’ to our healing and the renewal of our ‘get up and go’ strength as we can see demonstrated in the name meaning of ASSA, the maker of Lily’s key. It’s a name that in Latin means “mother of Simon” whom we find mentioned 3x in: Matt.8:14-15 KJV
      Mark 1:30-31 KJV
      Luke 4:38-39 KJV

      So yes, ET…I fully believe our Lord was responding to your sense of spiritual weariness, as well as ours, when He prompted you to minister to us in a “key” kinda way. I know it made me feel better after a bout with the spiritual doldrums. 😉🙏

    11. And another thought--we often think of "keys to understanding"-I think that applies here too, not only a confirmation but an underscoring ET:DD of what the Lord was showing you. Sheila, years ago I heard a teaching on Jesus' healing of Simon's mother that pointed out He touched her hand: to feature her role in getting up then to serve the others. I don't want to belabor the point, but hands are necessary to use physical keys.
      Don't know where I'm going with that--just the brain rattling around perhaps . . .🤷🏼‍♀️

    12. Good point, Judi…on the keys to understanding. That is something we see all of those watching grappling with right now as each passing day strangely gets darker and yet more hopeful at the same time. And I, too, thought about the implications of Jesus touching her hand. Mark in the KJV says “He came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up;”
      and I don’t know where I’m going with that, either, lol…but it sounded good to just stop right there and think on SoS 2:10 for awhile.😊🙏

    13. Guess I’ve got “keys” on the brain now, lol, but as I was thinking about starting my car this morning, it occurred to me that a key is often a gift that just keeps on

    14. ET:DD & Fam, Blessings

      Definitely blessed by this chorus being sung in the key of Grace. Are you a touch-typist, that is, 10-key by touch, in relation to the numbers herein? The number 10 associated with this key brings to mind all of Aaron's work (A God a Minute?) these past few weeks involving the number '2', throughout scripture as well as the number '5', also indicating a 'hand' (5-fingers). Ofc, 10 is 2 (twins/marriage) x 5 (Grace) with many layers there. Were I to 'give you a hand' in applause of your sharing it would involve (2) hands, 2x5, again. When Our Lord Blows His Trumpet He would Hold It With Both Hands (2x5), Or, If This Speaks Of His Voice, Perhaps He Places His Hands Near His Mouth as we do when trying to shout as loudly as possible.

      As we Give Our Lord A Slow Hand, Letting Him Know We Eagerly Await His Arrival To The Stage, all of us, in unison, Echo His Gift To Us, 2x5.



    15. ET:DD thank you! All your articles are always very good! I read them every time.

    16. Oh geeze, i've never seen such sweet dazzlin' comments in all my life! its like Judi stated, about them crickets talkin' (singin') back n forth in rhyme \./ ... there is so much being said here, Praise you Lord!

    17. Jimboni ... Yes indeed, I am a touch typist. I'm a ten key (home row keys) by touch. 2 hands and 10 fingers. That is how I learned to type when I was in grade school. Very interesting take on things. Like Sheila just said, keys are a gift that keeps on giving. I never suspected (initially) that there would be so many deep layers to this.

  32. the dividing of the land of Israel shall not get eclipsed by the roe/wade fabrication ~the mighty ozark speaks. So, is roe/wade an elite orchestrated ab ordo chao charade or a move of God! ,... or BOTH!! as all things work out for Gods Good for those who are called according to His purpose * im glad to be used by Yahweh to remind us all to keep watch on the 2 state (final) solution! It is like keeping watch for the crucifixion all over again,.. where the sky goes dark and the earth quakes and the veil is rip-torn in two giving His Own a total direct connect fulfilling surprise as the two, become ONE.

  33. RE: Cave Inscription Reveals Archaeological Evidence for Jesus
    It reminded me of Stan as I was watching it. :) And for sure how Conditions will be for the Tribulation Saints.

    1. So Lu....with all due respect shown your way...but little my way....please quote scriptures that show why a believer as myself will be left behind my opinion...we all are going at the same time...and time keeps passing on and I still have your blessed company! My ears refuse to be massaged just to create an avenue of escape.

    2. Stan,
      Forgive me Brother. That is not what I meant to insinuate. It happens when we make just flippant responses and the intent of thought gets Lost in Translation.

      I am in no way insinuating that you are going to be Lift Behind. I think to the contrary, most here believe you will be going with us. :) The Video Commentator, the Archaeologist spoke to how the Early Christians had to literally meet ‘Underground’, as in ‘Rabbit Holes’ due to Persecution. That is really what made me think of you in how you had said, you would be coming up and back from your ‘Rabbit Hole’ to comment on Posts, here-there, etc.

      I took that to be Metaphorical, of course. So, my main Thought or Response as to why we and you would be doing such the same, is only in the context of how things are getting bad, but not in the context of the Tribulation Period itself, just yet. Although that is what appeared to be said. I was really thinking just as Barry Scarbrough, often states, ‘Small T, Tribulation’.

      So, again my apologies if insinuated that you would be ‘left behind’ after the Rapture. The 'And' should have been a 'But' make the distinction between you and the Tribulation Saints.

      Mia Culpa

    3. Perhaps this will lighten up the discussion...

      Lu + Stan...I'm not sure if I'm more intrigued by the inscription of Jesus' name in the cave or what variety of fig tree is located at the entrance!   Deep lobed, five (5) leaf structure, no figs present...hmmmm!   What fig variety is it?   If I were to make an educated guess it's Hmadi or something similar.   Quite a bit of cross pollination in the wild so not an easy assignment.   Perhaps I'll ask Jesus when we cross the threshold!   Lol!   Hopefully on 723!

    4. love that 'blazing desire' Bob,... sooo Wild, you fly yer aero plane like 'at? :)

    5. Ozark...that's me, full of "blazing desire"!   I assume you're talking about my fascination with "wild figs" and perhaps the adrenaline rush I get when flying my fighter jet at 9g!   Catch me if you can, Ozzie!   Lol!   Fighter pilot 'Bob'

    6. Sooo 'Wild at heart' broman! as if to say, "i'm comin' down fast but im miles above you"! SHINE ON Bobber!

  34. "The fallen angel thanked Planned Parenthood, Moloch, and Nancy Pelosi for helping his cause."

    Satan Responds To Roe v. Wade Overturn

    1. That short vid is loaded with more truth than many will ever hear from the Pulpit. It's one of Babylon Bees most powerful satires.

      Meanwhile, the test pilot for the broom factory visited the pope and received Communion. There are no words. These monsters continue to shake their collective fist in the Lord's Face. I am so tired of seeing it.

    2. truly AA, they know not what they do,.... so lost at sea

  35. Blessings Family! If you're interested, I've put up a new post that hopefully will encourage anyone who, like me, await those unanswered prayers.

    1. That was very encouraging! Thank you.

    2. Mom, that was lovely. And don't we all have those kinds of unanswered prayers--most frustrating are the ones dependent on another's will, all our prodigal and unsaved loved ones. But as you say, God is faithful, and no purpose, word, of His goes unfulfilled. I am not familiar with the children's book but love that the cricket was finally able to sing when another cricket came along. Isn't that what we do here, while we wait for The Sound make music together, encouraging and praying for one another.

      Sing on, Saints, soon we will be marching in!🎺

    3. Lovely and loving little boost, Mom. TY so much!😊🙏

    4. Thanks Mom! It's little messages are often the most touching. When I feel a little discouraged by events and my prayers remain unanswered, I repeat to myself that God is in control anyway and that he was there at the time of the flood and that he is still there for me. Thanks for sharing! The just will live by faith. At all times.

    5. Oh Mom, you have caused us to 'feel the Yearn'! and to embrace it! by letting go of it!!! This just might be the secret behind Bob and Lu's, "lift behind" message! :)

    6. im pretty sure that the rapture has already happened and that we're already gone! look at Sheilas post that led to Jimbonis comment ~ we have escaped! We have Won! Yes, in the key of grace! Our Ace in the Whole! TY JESUS!!!

    7. Like Judi relates; Hmewrdbd !*

    8. Hey Tony, I hmewrdbd is my original, and first, userID/screen name from the early days of AOL and the Internet: 1995 or so. And we are all Homeward Bound and coming in on the home stretch! It's been a long cricket watch, but the singing is beginning. Not related but it just popped into my mind--I watched the movie Australia again the other night and the boy Nulla uses singing to draw people to him and accomplish things, and though it's not Christian by any means it makes me think of all the ways in which God and the Angels use song, singing us to them.

    9. Blessings and thank you Family! I am glad you found this to be an encouragement :)
      And while this post certainly can relate to our long awaited prayers of going Home, this was my hearts' spilling forth of waiting for that beautiful sound of a prodigal surrendering to his Maker.

      Judi, I love what you wrote above regarding all of us her waiting and watching together:

      "Isn't that what we do here, while we wait for The Sound make music together, encouraging and praying for one another."

      Amen Sister! This place has blessed me beyond measure over the years and has been a source of comfort during very difficult seasons. So looking forward to meeting you all soon face to face!

      Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!
      They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your countenance.
      In Your name they rejoice all day long,
      And in Your righteousness they are exalted.
      For You are the glory of their strength,
      And in Your favor our horn is exalted.
      Psalm 89:15-16

    10. nice choice Judi! right from the get go! We have hope, We have joy and the song in our hearts!!! i like how you said, "singing us to them" ~ ty for mentioning that movie, you speak beautifully * Shalom ~

  36. In Chuck Missler's Session 13 of the Book of Revelation, he included some Treasures from the Book of Ruth.:

    Boaz = the Goel, the Kinsman-Redeemer
    Law of Redemption: land for Naomi
    Law of Levirate Marriage; Ruth, the Gentile Bride
    Redemption sealed

    Goel = Kinsman-Redeemer
    -Must be a Kinsman
    -Must be Able to perform
    -Must be willing
    -Must assume all the obligations

    -In order to bring Ruth to Naomi, Naomi had to be exiled from her land.
    -What the Law could not do, Grace did.
    -Ruth does not replace Naomi.
    -Ruth learns of Boaz's ways thru Naomi
    -Naomi meets Boaz thru Ruth
    -No matter how much Boaz loved Ruth, he had to wait for her move
    -Boaz, not Ruth, confronts the Nearer Kinsman

    Boaz's Mom was none other than Rahab the harlot.

    Chuck Missler Revelation Session 13 Ch 6 Opening The Seals

    1. i am blessed by this! ty *

    2. Blessings, Ozzie. Very welcome. Me, too, brother. As Chuck Missler said, the Great Tribulation in the Book of Revelation is the MOST documented period of time in the OT and NT. The HS has gone out of His way to give us the specifics. We do well to heed it. One historian said, paraphrasing, that the people who live closest to the End of the Age would understand the Prophecies better. I agree. We see now how it ALL is possible.

  37. Chuck Missler mentioned some startling connections between the Book of Joshua and Revelation, some of which I have not seen elsewhere:

    Joshua vs Revelation

    -Yehoshua (Joshua) is a variant of Yeshua
    -A military commander dispossessing the usurpers
    -A 7 year campaign-Against 7 (of an original 10) Nations
    -Torah ignored at Jericho (Sabbath ignored; Levites involved)
    -First sent in "Two Witnesses"
    -Seven Trumpet Events
    -(preceded by "Silence in the heaven for 1/2 hour")

    -Enemies confederated under a leader in Jerusalem
    -Adoni Zedek, "Lord of Righteousness"

    -Ultimately defeated with
    -hailstones and fire from heaven
    -Signs in the Sun, Moon, etc
    -Kings hide in caves; (Rocks fall on us...")

    The Book of Joshua is an OT Book with Jesus' Name on it. Who fought the battle at Jericho? It wasn't Joshua; it was Jesus Christ. Read the last few Verses of Chapter 5. When Jesus tells Joshua to remove his shoes because he was standing on hallowed ground, Joshua would have remembered that from being with Moses at Mt. Sinai.

    Chuck said the Book of Joshua seems to be an anticipatory model of the Book of Revelation.

    1. OH BOY!,... wow, this is Fabulous, and then some! A friend of mine has been clue'n me in on Joshua 24 lately. TY for this, i see this as no coincidence. My friend, Rick is a workman who digs deep. He Amazes me to say the least. Maybe this comment AA could serve as a door for him to come and share on his findings on this topic. im so glad you shared this,... it is so profound! Blessings brother ~ Shalom ~

    2. Backatcha, Ozzie! Glad you liked it. Chuck left SUCH a legacy of wisdom to all of us. God bless his memory. May his teachings spread far and wide🙏.

  38. Replies
    1. This is Prophetically Important.
      Today, is now the eve of Tammuz 1. (Red Alert!)
      This is a tumultuous Month for Israel, Historically.
      This was the reason Saddam Hussain named their Iraqi Nuclear Reactor ‘Tammuz’.
      It is when on both Year and Days, the Babylonians 587 BC and the Romans 70 AD, breached the Walls of Jerusalem. And in 3 Weeks’ Time, that being Av 9, the Temples were destroyed. Thus, the 17th of Tammuz kicks-off a 3 Week Mourning Period that leads up to Tisha B Av, or the 9th of Av.

      Tammuz 1 = June 29/30, 2022
      Tammuz 17 = July 15/16, 2022 (Jerusalem Walls breached. Start of Israel Arab War?)
      Tammuz 24 = July 23/24, 2022 *Supposed True Pentecost Day on Sabbath. (723)
      Av 9 = August 5/6, 2022

      Keep the Watch

  39. Fam, I just have this sense that the various themes we are seeing in the comments today are interconnected, woven together by the scarlet thread of promised delivery. See ET:DD, you released the butterflies and we're landing all over the place--But. But I don't think these things are coincidences, even though they may seem disjointed at first glance. Keys/high security locks/doors, lilies, songs, OT-NT(Revelation) connections all seem to be pointing--and reminding us--to the arrival of our Beloved. He is The Key, The Song, The Connection, The Lily. He is altogether lovely.


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.