Letting the Love Flow....

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
John 6:35

There is a story in the Bible that has always fascinated me. It is when Jesus feeds the 5000 with the bread and fish. I imagine Jesus reaching inside a basket and grabbing a loaf, breaking it, blessing God and handing it out. Then almost magically inside the basket another loaf appears and the process repeats itself until thousands are stuffed and there are even baskets of leftovers. 
"There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, about five thousand in number. Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted. And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.” So they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves left by those who had eaten. hen the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, “This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!” John 6:9-14
Of course we know that in the natural this is not possible, but it is a miracle of God, and since he is the creator of all things in the beginning, and the creator of a new heaven and new earth in the end, well surely He can create anything He wants in the middle as well!

Keep that image of the bread supernaturally recreating in your mind for a bit...  I will come back to it.

I want to tell you about a conversation that came back to mind this weekend. It took place in a delivery room nearly 10 years ago when my sister in law just had her 6th child.  We came in to visit the baby boy and check on mom.  She is the person who had led me to Christ a few years earlier, so we had no trouble talking about deeper things.  I had asked her about what it feels like to have another child when your heart is so full already...  This is a paraphrase of what she said:

"Every time you have another child, it's like your heart instantly expands and you have this additional capacity to love that much more.  You don't love any of your previous children less, you are just supernaturally able to love that much more."

I often think about what she said that day, but it wasn't until this weekend when God connected her observation to the loaves from the story of the 5000.  Just like Jesus was able to increase the bread to satisfy the hunger of those sitting on the hills that day long ago, He is able to increase the love in our hearts whenever we have people in our lives that need it.

If I had to demonstrate this visually I would take take a glass of water.   In the natural, we just have 1 glass of water, and if we need to share the water, with others,  there is a limited supply.  If we have 2 empty glasses to fill then we could only get them half full.  If there were 10, we could only give them a sip.   But with God, the water is not limited (He is a fountain of Living Water), the only thing that is limited is the amount of glasses we try to fill.  And like the loaves, the bread was not limited, it was only the number of mouths to feed.  And he still made leftovers.  God is not limited in the amount of loaves, or love He can make for who need it.  He just needs us to give it out.

I don't know why God brought this to mind now and made this connection, but I wanted to share it because I think it is profound.  We tend to place all these limitation on ourselves, but when we let God flow through us freely there are no limitations.   If we feel spread thin or overwhelmed, that should be an instant red flag that we are relying too much on our own strength and not letting God flow through us.  I am victim to this far to often, so if you are like me, perhaps you can use this illustration to help remind yourself that God is able to expand our hearts as needed to fill everyone we meet if we will just give it out.

God Bless You all!  I can't wait to be with you all in the presence of Christ in heaven someday soon!


  1. Thank you for your message! It is indeed true! As many people as we know in our lives, new co-workers, new neighbors and others, the Lord gives us love for them if we let him act through us!

  2. Thank you Brad for sharing the powerful message above. Thank you too for everything that you do to shepherd this site. It is a genuine blessing to be part of this family!

  3. Brad, Blessings

    What a Wonderful teaching that Our Lord has unpacked into your life through His Word, amen, and retold so clearly, here. Thank you.

    Timely, as always. Funny, I had always pictured the original loaves and fishes simply never being consumed. You rip off a nice chunk of bread loaf, warmed in the sun, aroma greets your nose invitingly, and the the loaf is simply no smaller than when you started; add some olive oil, a sprinkle of basil, pass the loaf, repeat. Ditto the fish jerky. Making me hungry...

    That this area of His Word is one which we are Exhorted to pay special attention to is found in a section of Scripture which Our Lord has me dwelling in, richly, of late: Mark 8, but the latter half in which Jesus, Himself, reiterates the lesson as a stern teaching to his closest:

    17 Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked them: "Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened?

    18 Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?

    And don't you remember?

    19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?"

    "Twelve," they replied.

    20 "And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?"

    They answered, "Seven."

    21He said to them, "Do you still not understand?" Mark 8

    Wowzers. Not envying being in THAT class. Ofc. Our Lord chides them for missing his warnings concerning the teachings of the Pharisees, a bit earlier. In all of this I hear Our Lord's joy towards us as we ever chase Him, here.

    Your twist to the plot focusing the abundance on the supply as a Call to bring every vessel in the land to be filled is a great commission to each of us, personally, and treat to hear.

    Shalom & Maranatha!

  4. Some eye-opening conditions the World Athletes are suffering under the Chinese World Order restrictions during the Winter Olympics in China. Why even go. A lot of Athlete’s Dreams are gone now due to their ‘quarantine’ and by conflicting Positive/Negative Tests.

    By the time they get out, the Olympics will be over. It is horrible. This will be the ‘New Normal’ worldwide soon with the next Batch they are Cooking-up to release on the World. Is it any wonder the opening scene of I Pet Goat 2 was of a mesmerized, bar-coded Goat, alone in a Gulag Style Camp?

    Life in the Olympic Gulag: Daily Mail

  5. It's horrible! I think, and I could be wrong, that since the athletes are malnourished and all, and their team is treated well, it's because the damn country doesn't want athletes to succeed in competitions if they can have negative tests. And that leaves an opportunity for athletes from that bad country to win. There is nothing that surprises me in this dark place.

  6. Finally, when a Reporter does his Job.
    If only such would be asking the White House about the WHO/CDC/NIH/COVID Tyranny.

    Exchange between U.S. State Department Spokesperson: CSPAN

    1. That pencil neck spook got a run for his money. Now he’s MIA.

  7. A Total Psyop
    Here is another disturbing Report of a Middle School performance where Students hold-up Pfizer and Moderna Signs and sing that if you are not Injected, ‘You are no Friend of mine’. Is Pfizer and Moderna paying the School Board or Teachers to promote their Medical Experiment on Children? In my Mind, by doing so, such Teachers, Schools, Superintendents have become now no better than ‘Drug Pushers’, Drug Dealers to Children now ‘Legally’ on behalf of Big Pharma.

    …Middle School Student getting the COVID Injection; ‘So, will the COVID Shot give my Immunity?’
    …The Nurse: ‘Only for the Pfizer and Moderna Companies.’
    …Middle School Student: ‘Oh, I see, cool’.

    Students Hold Pfizer, Moderna Signs While Performing ‘Safety Dance’ Parody

  8. Brad, dear Brother, I found what you shared to be so very comforting. At a time when we are threatened with food shortages we are reminded of HIS LOVE for us--a love that manifests in miraculous ways such as causing the MULTIPLICATION of food. The tie-in of LOVE and PROVISION in your above study is profound. Thank you.

    1. Amen to that, Lyn! More crucial than ever to trust in Him as our Provider, our Protector
      and our Oh So Great Physician!
      And such a perfect way to explain to a child the boundless limits of love.

      It’s been a really tough week health-wise for me with some severe back pain out of nowhere and prob a long overdue diverticulitis flare-up.
      So not been too active, but as I was praying for some relief a few days ago, I clearly heard Psalm 30
      recommended in my spirit. Each time I read it aloud, I not only find physical relief, I find my peace and faith strengthened. Esp. with verse 2:

      “O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.”

      What a blessed and forever promise:-)

      Another thing is my grandbaby Joci is sick and was diagnosed this morning with RSV.
      Not too severe at this point respiratory-wise, and praying against pneumonia setting in, but mostly fever and inflammation in her ears. Her doctor did warn her mom that this RSV is a different strain they haven’t seen before and that it’s now affecting older kids and adults who can develop much more severe symptoms than what the toddlers are experiencing. So it seems that more than the C is now mutating.
      But more than ever we are trusting in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whom we know will turn all of our mourning into dancing and gird us all with gladness that we may give Him the Praise and the Glory forever.😊🙏

  9. Family, Blessings

    Prayers up Sheila B. and for Joci and all the Fam.

    So, Gigi @ blue heaven YTC relayed an alert from NY Prepper from one of his contacts overseas who said, on the 7th, that foreign powers are lined up to hit the USA with700 ICBMs, tomorrow, 2/9. Well, it so happens that, as Gigi shared, as she had noticed this prior to NYP's alert, that Venus will be at its closest point to earth and be THE brightest Bright Morning Star of 2022 on, yup, February 9th, tomorrow. Hmmm...

    Personal update: Yesterday I received via mail a service of the 2nd response of the Ex to my Motion to Amend Parenting Time, this one basically capitulating and wanting to finagle some details. So, then, the hearing, this morning, via remote, resulted in the court recognizing the swap in primary parenting and then arranging some free arbitration for early March, to hammer out the details and, assuming agreement, a court order shortly thereafter to make it all official. Translation: Winner!, winner!: Chicken Dinner. Praise the Lord!


    1. On the note of things possibly at hang-fire and awaiting a spark, @ Monkey Werx US YTC we have an unscheduled sit-rep noting that the air maps are all showing a dramatic ABSENCE of intel and other flights that have been ABUNDANT and incessant over the skies of Ukraine, et al and are now simply GONE. This aligns with a likely hammer-down situation within the next 24-48 hours and is also supported by the few military flights likely indicating removal of embassy and other personnel and some wrap-up and scram flights on the eve of.

      Commercial air traffic over Ukraine is also shown as nearly non-existent currently. Stateside analysis of air traffic and some train movement of likely US Army FOB set-up gear cammo'ed for ME deployment also aligns with the same possibilities.

      SITUATION REPORT 2 08 22

      Sit-rep begins :40 secs in and another, full Sit-Rep scheduled for tomorrow (or not, eeek!)


    2. Blessings. I’ve been watching MonkeyWerx, too, lately. Steve Fletcher has one out now:



      On a different note, I once worked with Olympic fencer Keeth Smart. Pleasant guy. He told me, after the bitter disappointment in Athens in 2004, that the Judges were unduly harsh on Team America. He sounded like he wanted to quit altogether. I tried, feebly, to encourage him to try again in Beijing in 2008. Fortunately, he did and won the Silver. I’ve always remembered my interaction with Olympic royalty as it helped ameliorate a rather jejune time in my workdays.

    3. Well I’ll try this post again.🤦‍♀️

      Blessings, Jimboni... Praising our Lord for those battles being won and good to have that stress factor in the rearview, I’m sure.

  10. Replies
    1. I have to advance an opinion contrary to that of the author of this article as, based on a reading of Ez 38&39, it’s the USA that remains on the sidelines when the Gog Magog coalition descends on Israel. In fact, Israel Herself remains neutral as God Almighty swiftly defeats the multitude of enemies that cover Her “like a cloud.”

  11. “You won’t even have time to blink your eye when you execute Article 5.”

    V. Putin

  12. My satphone contacs all agree something is about to go hot with Russia/USA...Britain....
    and then Israel.

    I feel Hosea 5:3-7 is going to play out with the USA/ Britain...and Judah....all falling within a months time.

    God may delay...or He may not.

    The whole spiraling downfall of this planet is so orchestrated and is in too much harmony .....in my opinion.

    I had over over 50 messages on my satphone...

    1. Sounds ominous, Stan!   Now if you can talk my wife into purchasing a satphone for $600 and paying the monthly service fee I'm all in!   Did I previously mention that I rarely carry my TracPhone with me as I'm rather "old school" when it comes to that kind of thing.   Not that I don't use a cell phone, I just rather use my wife's phone as I'm usually with her most of the time.    Btw, that $600 can buy a lot of freeze dried food plus many other supplies!  

    2. Bobby Z! After you purchase the satphone, you will need to buy airtime, too☺️.

    3. Great! So, where do you work at again? Little did I know that you and Stan were in the 1% club! Lol!

  13. Of course this could be a precursor event....but if I were a betting person...I would wager that chaos is arriving very soon.....then comes order.....order out of chaos...

    I could be wrong and this could blow over giving a little reprieve...but prophesy will not and can not be stopped with any amount of prayer.

  14. Well, if the USA is crippled, it partly explains why it’s on the sidelines in the Ez 38,39 war and only protests it. The MSM is not reporting what Putin said. He’s aware of that and asked that it be carried in print, online, etc.

    1. AA...yeah, that's the scary thing about Ezekiel 38-39. What's gonna happen to Babylon USA where we can only protest it? Better keep your satphone handy, Archangel! Btw, are you one of Stan's contacts? Lol!

    2. 🤣No, but I did go through a prepper stage around 2011-12. I find tinfoil hats fashionable.

      1%! Yikes.

      Some believe America gets destroyed in a one day fire war. The US’s notable absence in End Times prophecy leads me to think it’s a real possibility. With JB removing sanctions from Iran, bad things are headed for America. Genesis 12:3.

    3. Bob...Let me comment on that 1% label I seem to have acquired here. :)........
      I am retired but still am blessed with being able to continue my occupation of building curved stairways. I refuse to call it work...it is pure enjoyment.... As far as being in the 1% club....Its all about not spending elsewhere to free up money for "somewhere."
      I never traveled much because of my wifes condition...and can count on probably 2 hands the number of hotel nights my wife have bought in our soon to be 48 years of marriage. Seriously!!
      I have never been further west than Pikes Peak near Colorado Springs. Have only been to Canada once and the only other time we left the country was when I took my wife to Jamaica in April of 1982 and because of that vacation we were blessed with a daughter 9 months later.
      I never paid golf fees, have only seen one professional basketball game as sports just dont interest me. So, yes, I would say I am in the 1% club that has enjoyed my life building curvrd stairways because I cant build anything straight! ha

      My above life has freed up tens of thousands of accumulative savings which I have only spent a small fraction on survival planning and strategic stuff like a satphone.

      I built my own home and just pay as I go all my life...all with my wife being a stay at home mom while I took on extra stairways to provide for my family. So...I am blessed to be probably in that 1% club of watching most other dual income families do so much more travel than I have in life....yet still being very thankful to God for letting me find a few extra dollars to spend on such stuff others seem is extravagent. :)

    4. Stan...based on what you describe, it looks like you're living way below your means, which is actually a good thing in my book!   Although my lifestyle is different, it is similar in many ways.     Gardening, propagating fig trees, fishing, riding my mountain bike, wine tasting with my wife and friends and most recently, baby sitting my 11+ month old grandson are all relatively inexpensive hobbies.  In your particular case, I would probably do the same thing!   But clearly, your mission or ministry in this life is to be around during the Tribulation to help other people.   Everyone has a different calling, so kudos to you!!!  

      I recently reminded Lu of the following, but it also applies to you.

      T  =  Thankful for being Chosen

    5. Bob....I feared typing what I just said to you like I had my shorts in a knot...kind of did...but not at you. I really live a simple life but all most people hear is my curved stairbuilding ...which are often extravagent 6 figure creations...but...for "others". Yet my own stairway is a basic stairway.

      Also my helicopter that I used to fly....was acquired by building and selling 4 other gyrocopters until I could afford to build my own turbine powered helicopter which I have 280+ youtube videos....

      If you recall....I sold my helicopter 8 years ago as that is when the things of this world grew strangely dim and I started hovering over my Bible in my easy chair instead of hovering over the earth in my helicopter.

      My divergent views given here are just saying what drives me to prepare.

      We will all rise at the same time...unless we have died...then we will arise a twinkling of an eye prior! :)

  15. This was a timely message, Brad! Thank you!

  16. Replies
    1. To which Joseph Acquaviva2222 adds some quick icing Gems @ 01:37:

      Bengals Rams I Pet Goat II

  17. Hello dear family! Today is a weird day. It all started with a dream so real that I am still overwhelmed by it. It's as if I were there but without being able to intervene in the dream. A huge war tank crushed a young teenager in front of his helpless father.

    The tank driver never saw anything of what happened and continued on his way. The young man got up painfully and his father took him in his arms. The young teenager just had time to shout PAPA very loudly before collapsing in the arms of his father who was crying loudly while holding him in his arms. I woke up afterwards. Later this morning, just 15 minutes after returning from his night shift, my husband received a call from the doctor who absolutely wants to see him tomorrow morning. Daniel underwent blood and urine tests. He hasn't been healthy at all for a couple of years. To be continued!

    And a few minutes later, my little Candy fell from our bed which is quite high. She's been sleeping with us since she was a baby. She doesn't move much, but if I touch her, she doesn't react to pain. For now, she stays in bed. I have been on sick leave since January 14 but I have no financial aid at the moment so finances are at stake. But in all of this, despite my worries, I know that I am not tested on this. above my strength and may my God reign always, seated on the throne of grace. I don't want to complain, others are more affected than us, but Daniel finds it more difficult to live with this and he still suffers from insomnia. Praise be to God because if I didn't know him, I would crumble. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
    to the God who is, who was and who is to come,
    For centuries and centuries.
    Amen. (Alleluia.)

    1. Carole...continued Prayers for you, Daniel and little Candy. We are just under attack, Sister, but we WILL all by His Grace prevail! Billy got some take-out last night and he apparently got some food poisoning.🤦‍♀️ Within 30 min of eating he was so violently sick it was awful. BUT GOD...he got it all out and he is okay today, albeit a sore belly. And little Joci took a turn for the better last night, so praying that continues to hold for her. TY so much for your prayers.
      I know our reciprocal prayers here are helping us all to contend with whatever the enemy is throwing at us.

      I have especially been praying for those Prodigals that most of is us have in our family circles, as well as those who may have the head knowledge, but have not received the Truth in their hearts as yet. In His Word, we can have the Highest of Hopes for these and yes, even for the Rapture. In light of (Matt.20:1-16) I fully believe and trust in His Sovereign Grace and Merciful Discretion which, thanks be to our God, is not predicated on man’s own natural perception of fairness. So I pray accordingly and as this post that Brad has shared with us here proclaims, we ARE talking about The One Who Works All Of The Miracles!😊🙏

    2. Thank you Sheila and glory to God for Joci who is doing better! I also pray that Billy gets better too. God is in control of everything and that is what secures me in all of this.

    3. Carole, lifting your family up in prayer.

    4. Barb, I hope your family is well? How are your daughter and her husband since the heavy loss of the baby? I still pray but it's good to be up to date for prayer. And thank you for your prayers like all the others too.

      Sheila, I also pray for complete healing for you and Billy from the bites, and for your family who had mold troubles, and several were sick, how is it now? And is your daughter better from her lupus and pain? Does she have any treatments?

      I'm also praying for anyone with health issues, so how are you Charlie? And Lu, Jimboni, Caleb, Archangel, Vicky, Alla? I quote you every day before our great God, is there any change in your illnesses?

      Mom, you had lost weight and a health problem. Are you doing better ?

      Jeova and Jimboni, could you give some news from time to time about your sons Israel and Alexander James?

      Lu, your ex-wife, Nathalie, is in my prayers. Judi, I'm also praying for your son, so with news we can guide the prayer.

      Brad, how's the health in the family since the latest news and how is your health?

      I pray for this site and all who come here, whether to share, console, encourage, and those who pray in silence for all of us, because we are the beautiful family of God! Praise the Lord!

      Be blessed by the Lord! I love you all!

    5. Blessings, Carole and so thoughtful of you to follow up on everyone.
      Just got some scars from the dog bites. Joci is continuing to do better. The mold reports came back and not good. 5 different types with 2 highly toxic and involving their HVAC system. It’s going to require a whole house mold abatement process, so now they fight with the housing agency to try and get that done, or else try to relocate. So prayers for God’s protection meantime.🙏
      My eldest daughter is now on blood pressure meds and a waiting list to get in with a cardiologist.🤷‍♀️🙏
      And as for me, it looks like my lower back pain is due to a case of lumbar shingles that are just now breaking out. Guess it goes with the territory as they say 1 out of 3 people after age 60 will experience it at least once. But the good news is that it will likely pass in a few weeks and I’ve got the diverticulitis thing back under control. But God is Good and making it all bearable simply by Praising, Trusting and Thanking Him throughout the day. Using some natural remedies like Apple cider vinegar for the rash and that does help take some of the sting out of it.

      Hope little Candy is okay and praying for Daniel’s health issues along with yours. So many of us are surely ready for those glorified bodies, Sister!😊🙏

    6. Hi Carole,
      Thank you for thinking about us. Our family is healthy and the doctor actually approved my dad stopping chemo at the halfway point since his labs and scans look so good. I am realieved at this as the chemo was making him so tired and I was worried other issues would crop back up if he wasn't excercising.

      Also, I would like to update everyone on our family friend Dale who you all had prayed for last fall. He is still with us Praise Jesus and had been doing so good that the hospice nurses actually encouraged him to take a flight to visit family in Arizona. They did so but some issues cropped up so they returned home to rest early. But God has been so good and given them so many more memories than they ever could have hoped for months ago. Thank you so much for your past prayers, and if you can pray some more that the Pancreatic Cancer would be kept at bay, (or better yet, miraculously cured) that would be so so appreciated. : )

    7. Thank you for your prayers, Carole. My son and his wife are doing okay. The doctor told them that there is no reason that they should wait to try again. She is still sad, but it does take time to heal a wound. She has some anxiety at night because that is the time of day she had to go to the emergency room.

    8. Blessings, dear Carole. Thank you so much for your prayers for all of us. I’m dealing with severe exhaustion lately. I think my allergies are starting early this year. I just ordered quercitin/bromelain. The sneezing and coughing are awful. Really worn out.

      God bless you, your family and our Rev12 Family.

      Blessings, dear Lyn. I heard there’s a smallpox outbreak in Yemen. Wondering if it’s the start of plannedemic 2.

    9. Sheila, thanks for news of you and your family. For my chip, she's fine, she doesn't seem to have anything broken or anything. Thanks for asking. I'll pray for that shingles and everything. And I also pray that Jayden's heart will always be willing to love the Lord.

      Dear Brad, thank you for your loyalty to the site. This brings glory to God! I'm glad the family is doing well and I will continue to pray for your father. As for Dale, I pray daily for his salvation through this illness and for his family.

      Barb, I'm sorry I thought it was your daughter and son-in-law and it's the other way around, but God knows who I was talking about and I'm going to adjust my prayer for them.

      AA, I will continue to pray for your pancreas and also for your vitality, your allergies.

    10. Dear Carole, thank you kindly. If I lived near you, I’d visit you as often as you’d let me☺️. But we will be neighbors in Eternity for sure!

    11. Brad, I have the utmost sympathy for those suffering from pancreatic cancer. I still take aloe vera juice daily as I believe in its myriad health benefits, including fighting and beating cancer. It might help Dale in his battle. He is in my prayers.

    12. Blessings to you dear Carole, thank you for your faithful prayers for everyone here. You are a blessing to this Rev12 family.

      I called my OBG's office in December to make a follow up appt but have yet to hear back from them. I do have a dr appt with a new primary dr this month so will see how it goes. Thankfully the weight loss has steadied and stalled out, not going below 96 but for whatever reason I can't seem put my normal weight back on. I feel fine for the most part, I have an extremely sensitive system apart from this strange weight loss so some days are better than others, but all in all am doing well. :)

      My heart goes out to you and Daniel and to everyone who has posted all they have been going through recently.

      Lyn, your mention of "THE SHADOW OF THE TRIBULATION" resonated with me as earlier tonight during my prayer time, the Lord brought me to Psalm 23 and upon coming to "the valley of the shadow of death" I paused as it really stuck out to me. It is but a SHADOW, for we have been delivered from death itself all praise to our Lord Jesus!!

      Blessings all and looking UP!!

    13. I forgot to mention Caleb for his health and Ryan and his wife. I also pray for you.

  18. Thank you for your prayers, Carole, and everyone else. My health is stable for now, and I am very thankful. I do have a physical problem that might be able to be surgically fixed, but as you all would agree, I want to stay out of the hospital! I'm asking God to fix it for me as it is a daily problem.


    1. VS, I will continue to ask that your health be good and that you don't need surgery. God can mend if it is his will, he is so powerful!

    2. Blessings, Vicki...and same as you...they’d have to drag me unconscious to get me to go to a hospital these days. Our Lord knows that we can’t trust the medical system as a whole anymore and that we are leaning on Him Alone. But that’s the safest place to be anyway!😉🙏

    3. Sheila B2.0, blessings. Did you see this article at DailyCrow?



      Right outta Stephen King..

    4. I did see that, AA. Scary stuff.😳

  19. Well, well, well, my most Beloved Rev12 Family. We knew this life was a battle but it definitely appears that we have entered the WAR FRONT corporately.

    Get this--around the time Sheila shared of her and her family's health challenges, I got hit with a weird relapse of illness (with the fatigue and coughing etc all over again) and the following day my husband Tom became violently ill with food poisoning!! (What's weird is he ate the same thing we all did--a homemade crockpot chicken dinner--but he alone became ill.)

    Thanks to Christ in us, we have been made to overcome! I became righteously angry about all the illness and REBUKED it in the name of Jesus Christ and told it to leave our bodies and our home!

    It seems THE SHADOW OF THE TRIBULATION is indeed being cast upon us here in the Age of Grace. Like the rumors of WAR, there are rumors of more plagues and sickness mounting. It is part of us having to FACE THE Rev 12 DRAGON I believe, don't you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters just before we FLY?

    1. Thank you Lyn for your message filled with love! I'm going to pray for you both, that your health returns at a gallop. Thank you also for your site which makes us all good! I always look forward to reading you. I sincerely hope that you will continue with this comforting site!

    2. Blessings, Lyn...I believe you hit the nail on the dragon’s head
      there. Good to know you are facing him down, Sister! And that’s what we all have to do...Praise The Name of Jesus Christ, Rebuke the enemy in His Name, then give Thanks and hold fast knowing that He IS coming for us and He will not be too late!!!

    3. LOL on me, I wondered where everyone was. We are not a quiet group and my "notify" comments email had been noticeably silent . . . hmmm. Haden't seen the new thread, duh.

      Carole, thank you so much, all of you, really, for your faithfulness in prayer for the family. My son is still in rebellion to God and all things God-related--adamantly so. I accidentally (?really, Lord?) sent him a text meant for someone else with a link to an article by Dr. Robt. Malone touting the benefits of IVM. Oh my, that set off a nasty response. Only God can break through the deception our prodigas/unsaved loved ones are under. My other son and wife, one college age and one HS age children, though all are believers are in highly dysfunctioal relationships with each other. Oldest son, stepson, and his adult son are not believers. Only God, But God.Thankfully, He is able--if only they will at some point be willing! I know many others have similar situations in their families. Praying for all the Saints. Thank you all for your prayers. Judi

      Ryan, how are things with your family in NZ? You had family/friends on Tonga?

  20. I just wanted to insert something here that might be of some help and an encouragement to those of you that need medical care. I had been suffering with a physical condition that really needed to be addressed for a couple of years. However, I kept putting it off. Then Cov*d hit our family and the cough that came with it made matters worse. It became obvious that this situation had to be addressed. I began researching my options. I really was torn as to whether I should choose a local hospital that was close to home or drive two hours to a Dr. owned surgical clinic in a neighboring state that a friend highly recommended. I began earnestly praying and asking the Lord for wisdom. I "just so happened" to find myself listening to a video that Jan Markell posted on YouTube. I listened to the story of a woman whose mother was tragically mistreated and ultimately died while in the hospital. I knew the Lord had given me my answer. It was so clear to me that I was to travel the two hours to have the surgery done at the clinic. Within two weeks of my call to the clinic, my husband and I were on the road headed to Oklahoma. I was still pretty apprehensive as I wasn't looking forward to having such a major surgery, spending one night there and then traveling back home. Also, a winter storm popped up on the radar and I sure didn't want to get stuck out of town in an Airbnb as I recuperated. But God.....He already knew that everything would work out just fine. I had my pre-op visit Monday afternoon, surgery Tuesday morning and was on the road headed home 3 hours after my surgery. Before surgery, the Dr. had given me the option to go home without staying over night( if everything went well, and I felt like it) to avoid being stuck there due to the storm. He said it was very rare for even younger women to not want to stay overnight, but that he would leave that up to me. After waking up from an hour's post surgery nap, I woke up feeling pretty amazing. By 6:00 that evening I was snug at home in my own bed! Bottom line, God is able to make a way when there seems to be no way. I have been so encouraged by the testimonies here (most recently AA's) where God made a way for good medical treatment in spite of the crazy world we now live in. Our Father is such a good, good Father. I pray for each of the prayer requests that I read on this board, even though I rarely comment, and I know He has an answer for each of you. Blessings!

    1. Blessings, Texas Mama! I’m so happy and grateful to God for working every detail out so perfectly for both of us despite the dire state of medical care in general these days. Our Lord sent us to just the right Drs at the best hospitals. I’m amazed when I look back on my experience. I had so many symptoms of pancreatic cancer, which is the most lethal type along with stomach and esophageal. I was almost ready to visit the estate lawyer and the only aspect that gave me pause was the lack of jaundice. Even my ER appts afterward went extremely well. God was with both of us throughout our illnesses. There are just no words that can adequately express how good He always is no matter the circumstances. Glory to Him. Glad you are doing well. God bless you. Thank God that He never changes. He is our Rock no matter what happens.

  21. Replies
    1. Thank you Texas Mama for your testimonial! God is so good all the time. Not his grace, I try to keep my eyes on my Savior, Jesus of love, through the fact that I go through the storm and the darkness that surrounds me. He won't let go of my hand. It is always we who let go of the hand of the Lord, never our Lord! For the past year, I've had the Cov... and sinusitis and everything. I just finished taking Biaxin, again, because it works on sinusitis and pneumonia, because since last year I have had a persistent cough, strange cough! Maybe my lungs because the antibiotic should have helped me and I'm still coughing. Non-smoker, as well as my husband. Yes, God is in control, and all things are working together for my good regardless. I'm waiting for an MRI for my knee but I'm also hesitant to consult again for the lungs because they're going to bet everything on the fact that I didn't have the viper. I have a neighbor who started cancer only from the cough, no other health issues and she doesn't smoke. We are in this valley of death as Mom says, but Jesus is with us! For those who were praying for Daniel, he's seen the doctor and he has a total blood result that says he has anemia, but he doesn't. "What the doctor does not understand." He also has a high number in his urine indicating his prostate is not well and his cholesterol is at an all time high. These are trials for us, as for each of you, but God... Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his strength.

    2. Your trust in God, in spite of your trials, is so beautiful to see. Praying that the Lord will continue to give you wisdom and direction for avenues of healing, even ones outside of the medical realm. Do you have access to fermented foods (sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, yogurt, etc.)? They would be so good for you as you have been on Biaxin. May the Lord continue to encourage your hearts and strengthen you by His Spirit. Asking Him to make a way for health and healing for you and your household.

  22. Blessings, Brethren. I just listened to David Icke’s latest. He said unprecedented levels of censorship and economic collapse are next on the agenda. How would most of us have learned of the dangers of the lethal injection and false CV narrative if not for alternative media? Well, that’s who will be targeted. Jeff Berwick always said FB, Twitter, etc, were C I A creations to begin with, and now anyone expressing an opinion contrary to the govt narrative will be completely shut down. There’s a bill in Parliament in the UK to do it and D H S is calling those with different opinions “terrorists.” You can see the inflation numbers and Truth in Accounting said the US debt is more like 123 trillion. So, the next “crisis” will go unchallenged and people will be told the “collective” good of society trumps individual rights. They will tell you, ok, we we will settle the massive debt by taking all YOUR assets and you will own nothing and be happy.

    It’s not over. Some areas may have rolled back mask restrictions but in NYC, for example, you still need to show proof of lethal injection to enter businesses.

    1. It's definitely not over. I keep thinking of the adage, "Two steps forward, one step back." While it appears that they are loosening the reins, it's just an illusion to pacify the people before they roll out the next punch. It is encouraging, however, to watch the Live Feeds of people on the ground in Ottawa. The fact that there are still people willing to stand up for what is right is evidence of the Restrainer still restraining.

    2. I think Jeff Berwick made a very powerful observation in his latest vid. These truckers are uniquely qualified to make the last and best stand against tyranny. They are using machines that are fine at rolling over police cars, that are difficult to tow (impossible if the wheels are removed) and they are mobile. They can stay put for long periods, also. The men and women that drive them are made of hardy stuff. I pray they can keep on keepin on.

  23. Well, now, having spent some time in Ottawa, virtually hanging out with Aaron from God a Minute (Go! Jesus, GO! Eh?) after a bit of trucking around on the stopped Ambassador bridge, et al, and you have to admit that if ever there were a time simply demanding a YUGE FF to shift the center of social gravity afoot, this would sure seem to be it.

    So, on the note of various convergence, J Acquaviva tallies the connection to impending Valentine's day, this coming Monday the 14th, with details lingering in IPGII along with the usual list of naughty numbers tied into this mess. From V-Day to OB's Birthday = 522 days; Six Six Six & Son of Perdition Barack Hussein Obama & Satan Obama all also = 522, so, there's that.

    Meanwhile, a couple days ago, MANY FISHERS shares concerning the Stupor Bowl occurring 9 years, 7 mos. & 11 days, or 3,513 days since the release of IPGII. In there you may spot 911 and if you flip 3513 to its opposite, 3153, and add them, one arrives at 6666. Oh, of course you do.

    and, while may Canukes are beaming with a newfound sense of Canadian pride in standing up for freedom, and we cannot have too much of THAT, donchaknow, NY Prepper, who shared comments from Senator Tom Cotton, yesterday, re R*ssia expected to hit in days, not weeks, now shares reports from an NPR reporter claiming SIX highly placed sources in the US Intel apparatus have uniformly asserted that it is believed that Putin has given the 'GO!' order to the army and Kiev falls shortly:


    1. Jimboni!

      Just saw this today. Here's a recent article about a Yellowstone spin-off called...yep...


      Lol. It probably showed up in my feed algorithmically based on the fact that I watched the Many Fishers 6666 Super Bowl video.


  24. Hey folks...check out Akiane Kramarik's recent painting titled "Healing":


    It's not what I originally expected, but based on the comments (mine included) there definitely appears to be a purpose/meaning behind the painting.   I would encourage everyone to read all the comments.    For example, someone wrote..."No matter how broken we are, God can put us back together in a special way, looking more beautiful than before.   So we should carry our broken self and run to Jesus, so he can make us whole again."  From another perspective, another person wrote... "7 years bad luck"... in reference to Akiane breaking the mirror in order to make the painting.   As you can see, there are many possible interpretations of the painting...including the start of the 7 year Tribulation!

    1. While Akiane didn't specifically comment on my post, she did provide the following response when someone asked what the painting meant:  

      "It has many meanings and hidden interpretations.   However you will find our world in it, our (your) reflection, our clock, the circle of life, the dynamics of our society and many more.   It all appears broken, yet we are still connected."



  26. Replies
    1. Archangel....Thank you for that video link. A classmate of mine runs a major funeral home business near me....and he is coming across such clots....and the obituaries in my small town local weekly paper are much higher in number.

      A year ago such things as vaccine passports was laughed off as conspiracy theories.

      Vaccine mandates were laughed off.

      Now both are very common.

      Increased deaths among those jabbed was conspiracy theorists folly....now my personal record keeping of those around me are showing the predictions of those conspiracy doctors are indeed just starting to come true.

      We have a very weakened moral military....mostly jabbed...and just what Putin and Xi wants. But dont listen to me....I am one of those radical conspiracy theorists.

      I pity those that were deceived or were not strong enough to stand up to the jab.

      Hard telling what experiences the next 2-3 years we will be writing about....but I expect to see many coming to Christ.

      What a blessed time for some...and a cursed time for most we are about to experience as Daniel 11:33 will be our mission.

    2. Very welcome, Stan. Mike Adams mentioned the CEO of an insurance company who reported a 40% increase in deaths in the 18-64 year age group. He said a 10% increase would have qualified as a once in 200 year event.

  27. Is anyone shocked that JB’s new puppy and the “Washington Football Team” both have the SAME name? “Commander”(commie for short). How outlandishly appropriate, wouldn’t you say? I know John Riggins is displeased:

    “ I feel completely disenfranchised,” Riggins said on his podcast, “The John Riggins Show.” “And I cannot, for the life of me, understand how anybody who once played under the original franchise name could possibly want to be a part of anything with ‘Washington Commanders.’ It’s like, all of a sudden, you’ve entered oblivion.

    Yeah, lotta that going around DC.

  28. Blessings Rev12 family, this song has been on my heart for the past few days and I have been singing it as a prayer over you. May the truth of our Lord Jesus give you peace as we wait for Him in the growing turmoil around us. Much love to you all.


    1. Mom, truly, thank you for that. I'm sure others here may already be familiar with this song and for them it is a good reminder. But it is new to me and so very powerful. Puts me in mind of John Eldredge's book (recommended by "Unca" Todd) Moving Mountains. Todd's a kindred spirit in liking Eldredge's books. I even went to one of Staci's retreats in Colorado years ago.

      Back when Integrity Music first got started--oh my, how many years ago is that now, 1987? I subscribed to their music club tapes, literal tapes in those days! I cannot express how their music ministered to me during a very difficult and stressful number of years. I often have said, and it is only mild hyperbole, that they "saved my life"--at least emotionally. There is nothing like praise and worship for that, eh. Now, all these years later, and much much older, I don't follow Christian music as I once did. I don't really know why, as I know and would promote in a heartbeat the benefit of musical worship. I'm more into quiet background harp music at this stage of my life. But this song you linked us to reminds me of the power of music, praise, declaration. Yes! We speak JESUS. If we only truly knew the power of that. How the enemy wants to keep us from exercising the power and authority imputed to us by the King over all creation! We must not let the enemy win in that. Thank you for this great reminder. Your prayer intercession and wisdom are highly valued by all here. Blessings! judi

    2. TY Mom! So much Power in speaking the Name of Jesus. A beautifully inspiring song when we are praying for so many for so many reasons.
      The 2 bother-in-laws I mentioned earlier with the C are now both hospitalized. One with a stroke and the other with a blood clot that stretches from his groin to his knee. Both are Christian men really in need of prayer. My sister-in-law, Winnie, just called and said “I know that group of people you hang out with online really believe in the power of prayer, so
      if you could just ask them for Harold...”
      And the other BNL is Jimmy. So grateful for this family of Believers and just be so glad when we all get Home!😊🙏

    3. So sorry to hear this, Sister. In prayer for both.

    4. In prayer also for both! And for their wives and families!

    5. Blessings Judi, I'm so glad this song touched your heart, it's been flowing through my mind continually.

      Sheila, your sister-in-law Winnie's prayer request really got me. Praying for Jesus to bring His healing and protection to Harold and Jimmy. Blessings dear sister

    6. Praying for Jimmy and Harold right now. My 96 year old grandmother tested positive for the virus and she is alone in an assisted living facility. Right now, she hasn’t had any other symptoms other than a head ache and runny nose. I’m thanking the Lord for his protection over her so far.🙌🙏

    7. TY All so much!
      Angel Marie...praying for your grandmother for protection from the C as well as His provision for truly caring persons to be looking after her.🙏
      The hospital will not allow Winnie to be there to look after Harold as his C test came back positive which set the poor man into a panic. So praying the same for his care. So crazy when going to a hospital is now more terrifying than the illness itself.🤦‍♀️🙏

  29. Israel calls on all citizens to leave Ukraine immediately.

    “ Israel called on all of its citizens on Saturday evening to leave Ukraine immediately, as a Russian invasion looked increasingly likely.

    “Following the tensions and concern at escalation, the Foreign Ministry calls on Israeli citizens in Ukraine to leave the country as soon as possible,” the travel warning reads.”

    Also from Jerusalem Post:

    Australia evacuates embassy in Kiyv, Ukraine.

    “ Australia temporarily suspended operations at its embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, and evacuated staff, following the deteriorating security situation caused by the build-up of Russian troops on Ukraine's border, the foreign ministry said on Sunday.”

    1. “ The commander-in-chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces warned that the country is ready to fight back against a possible Russian invasion, telling Russian forces "Welcome to hell!" in a statement issued on Saturday.

      “420,000 Ukrainian soldiers and every without exception commander have already looked in the eyes of death...We will not give away a single piece of Ukrainian land!” said Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lt.-Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi.”

  30. Family, Blessings

    Haven't really seen a comprehensive rundown around here, lately, so feeling the need to go a little Dan Rather has lunch with Paul Harvey at the 700 Club Diner and lasso a few things.

    We've been at Code Black Travel Advisory for Ukr. for a while now; 48 hours at least, that's no go and scram ASAP. U.S. and Russia have closed their embassies and evacuated ALL embassy staff. We now have either stationed, ready to jump, in Poland, or en-route to join those that are, some 5,000 82nd Airborne Assault troops with gear handy. Some 75 Stryker Units with 20+/- man assault teams each are also now stationed in the area and hot to trot. Plus the whatever we never hear about ofc.

    Ofc, the Bear has well over 250,000 men at arms deployed with all the attendant vehicles, etc., and well over 1,500 AFVs of many sorts as well as a sizable fleet or two in the Black sea coming out of a series of 'drills'. Bear with three ribs in its mouth? ...

    About 72 hours ago, a series of EXTREMELY detailed Russian battle plans which had allegedly been 'obtained' by the C*A had been leaked, at least in part, to Der Spiegel German news outlet, and detailed the systematic invasion of Ukr., Kiev specifically, down to nearly the squad-level, starting Weds the 16th. That news has circled the globe many times with various stories and counters. However, since then, the US & Russian embassies were ordered evacuated, do the math.

    Gee, that sure is a lot of hardware and manpower moving OUT of the Western Hemisphere, all at once, hmmm...

    Speaking of which, Jeffrey McGaha's latest, earlier today, conjectures that SOMETHING involving The Dragon's 'back', or 'spine' is about to be afoot from now through the 16th, i.e. Valentine's day, arising again from another source. He's not sure what it will be and is being more cautious, now, yet he strongly sees patterns that something will be UP and he had some telling sky pics to align with it. He gives the Stupor Bowl a hat tip along the way, which sits idly in the corner.

    Gigi, @ blue heaven YTC, having heard an alarming bit of intel from Off Grid Farming, which she recorded and shares, mixes the pot with D&V concerning WWIII, etc. As she was sharing, I recalled Ms. Colleen Minter, remember her?, having a D&V re "nuclear takes a seat at the table" which we all hemmed and hawed over for a spell, way back, a few volcanoes ago. Breaking/War/Nuclear/Rapture/16th Feb high watch Then, of course, there's

    1. Oh! Canada! If you've not been juicing the live streams from Ottawa, the Ambassador Bridge, et al, you are failing your outside classwork for humanities, watching history unfold before your eyes. Snapshot: After the RMCP fenced off the Veteran's Memorial, yesterday, an impassioned, somber and stalwart group of several hundred Canadian Veterans, in an extremely orderly fashion, stepped up to the barricades, earlier this morning, disassembled the fencing sections and, passing them down the line, stacked the pieces at the end of the route.

      While most of the days activities resembled 'Saturday in the Park', but at 20 below, though you'd never know to watch the revelers, by days end, several cars were towed, the truckers no longer sit on Ambassador bridge, though no traffic yet flows there either, and the Canadian Police have managed a series of methodical, one step at a time, pushbacks of the crowds, Paris police have unleashed teargas on patrons at an outdoor restaurant and are also seen surrounding and clubbing and beating a downed protester while surrounding police fend off any interruptions. The live scenes on RUPTLY news channel are downright way beyond Dystopian nightmare stuff as, esp in Paris, completely spanning the streets, wall-to-wall, black-clad and heavily armed and helmeted thugs coming down the street with POLICIA on their chest and backs, 8-10 men deep.

      Tonight will be cold. Tomorrow should be interesting.

    2. Little bit of of Oh! Canada cliff notes from the past hour or so...

      mistersunshinebaby 49k subs

      Ambassador Bridge Blockade (DRONE FOOTAGE) 00:20


    3. OK, this is simply getting too good. Apparently the vax passport is toast, rumors abound that the Canadian vax mandates are on the table now, they've removed the truckers from the bridge so that it can be open to traffic which isn't flowing, esp as the U.S. truckers have now, allegedly shut from the OTHER side, so, of course, having now also cleared all the protesters from the ridge we must

      bring in and block the bridge with CONCRETE BARRIERS 00"21

      Government efficiency. "The bridge can't be blocked" "We're going to block the bridge"

    4. Blessings, Jimboni... I’ve been keeping tabs on and praying for the Freedom Convoy and the offshoots since the getgo, seeing them as an awesome part of the Restraining Force still at work. We have both trucker family and friends and they’re all long haulers for sure. Hard people to put down when they set their teeth to something...used to handling all kinds of weather and the harshest of road conditions.

      AARON @God A Minute YTC, who has been on the ground there, made an interesting observation in re to the Exodus story with ol’ Trudi’s heart being hardened just like Pharoah’s. The people are just asking for enough freedom to get on with their lives and in his dictatorial pride, he can’t even concede them what little many around the world are already conceding with the mandates. And when that Israeli Poster came out featuring the big rigs breaking across the parted sea, that really put that Biblical connotation on it for me. And you just know that even if these people were to pack it up and peacefully go home, JT would have them pursued and punished for challenging his authority. Anyway, it’s almost like watching a modern day version of the Exodus play out, but instead of frogs and flies, it’s economic pains. And it will be real interesting to see what might happen Thursday after that 7th day Jericho March around Parliament Hill is finished and those horns go to blaring.
      I feel like this whole event is another huge harbinger of our soon departure.😊🙏

    5. Those big rigs’ horns sound like Trumpets sometimes..💪🏼🚚✈️🎺

    6. It’s common knowledge among Jeff Berwick’s listeners that JT’s real name is J. Castro.

  31. Crisis time: V.Putin activated the Russian Nuclear Triad - Great movement of forces - cause alarm.


    1. Fascinating. Do you see the parallel to what Sheila B., Blessings backatcha, just posted? "He hardened Pharaoh's heart," is clearly afoot. Coolio -

      Proverbs 21:1


    2. I remember Rush talking about Putin declaring the fall of the Berlin Wall as the greatest tragedy ever. He has been trying to reassemble the U.S.S.R. ever since.

    3. Well, well, well, it seems a Russian frigate attached to a fleet operating in the Bussel Strait, at the entrance of the Sea of Okhotsk, near the island of Urup (see Kuril Islands) in the past 24 hours, has used unspecified weaponry against a U.S. Submarine conducting fleet surveillance, forcing said sub to flee the area, after the submarine refused to respond to orders by the frigate to surface & 'leave Russian territorial waters,' per Russian news agency sources cited in a G**gle clip cited on THEREALGSNEWS ytc.

  32. Have a couple of interesting things I thought I should share.....

    Jimboni, I too have been watching some of Aaron's videos at GodAMinute? YTC--the first to catch my eye was his 5-minute video:

    Prepare To Be Shaken Before The Harvest

    Then I caught up with my new friend Rina van de Kamp who shares what her prayer group has been shown including a possible February False Flag event in NYC (the part specifically regarding NYC begins at about 31 minutes; I have the video link starting at 18 minutes:)


    Of course, it immediately reminded me of the vision and word the Lord gave me back in September 2019-- "New York, Chicago, L.A."

    We each only see in part, so please pray with me, dear Brethren, for wisdom regarding these things and for God's miraculous provision to those affected!

    1. Lyn, loved that vid of the harvest machines--makes me think of how tenaciously we cling to our "trees," but Jesus is using the "shakings" in our lives to detach us from the things of this world, separating us for His Harvest! Maranatha!

      Now, on to the next one . . .

  33. RE: Un-Masked Children being forcibly locked-up in rooms at Schools.

    Have you all seen this? The Kid knows his Rights…

    1. If I were that kid’s mother, they’d have to restrain me.

  34. FYI, Zot YTC has good coverage and interviews with Canadian truckers.

    1. FYI, dancing warms you up😜.

    2. I am afraid if that were my kid, I would be doing some "righteous indignation"....and would be LEGALLY locked up for doing so.

  35. RE: A Decades’ Old Globalist Plan, at Least…

    PART 1/3
    I was dusting-off some Research Notes I had first done way back when the Plandemic started. Few were aware of the Rockefeller Foundation Report that was published in 2010. Meaning that the Rationale, Directives, and Modes of Implementation of where we are today now, were hatched way before this Time. As we know, their Luciferian Plans are Multi-Generational.

    But, true to their Twisted Creed of Disclosure, they told us what they would be doing to us. In summary, their Diabolical Plan has been executed, flawlessly. This is why the current ‘Lull’ in their Matrix is a Ruse and part of the Plan, as many of us sense. In part, it is about coming Elections to keep those in Power, with Power. What will take place thereafter will even be more Draconian as that is what the Rockefeller Plan calls for, despite any Semblance of Alleviation of the COVID Mandates.

    For one, the damage has been done. There have now been enough Billions of People Injected that their Population Reduction Goal of ‘Maintaining Population below 500 Million’ is now going to be a reality. According to what is next on their Agenda, those that have not been ‘Injected’ will have to be dealt with before their New World Order can be birthed.

    Perhaps the worldwide effort to round-of those Un-Injected to their ‘Wellness Camps’ will commence once the Rapture event occurs. We know that such ‘COVID Camps’ are a reality now in many parts of the World, Australia, Canada, etc. And how even now, on the Books, the CDC has the Green Zone Protocols in place, once the Order ‘66’ is given. These have just been the ‘Beta Tests’ to study the Psychological Reactions, etc.

    However, now that Millions have woken-up to the Deception and their Pharmakeía Spell of the imposing Tyranny, the Powers-That-Be will be distracting the Masses with Superbowl’s, Nuclear War and more Fear-Mongering events. If you read the Plan, it plainly states, that whatever is prescribed is to only ensure a total takeover of Humanity’s Sovereignty, in terms of its National, Personal and Bodily Autonomy.


    1. I don’t think the Dems are worried about mid-terms. They stole 50 State elections from DJT and a couple Senate races. Their fraud machine is fine. The lockdowns were supposed to end in 2024. They’re improvising now out of necessity. They’re the equivalent of cornered animals which makes them especially dangerous now.

    2. PART 2/3

      A Rockefeller Foundation Report: 2010

      Excerpt from Lockstep Report
      ‘China’s Government was not the only one that took Extreme Measures to protect its Citizens from Risk and Exposure. During the Pandemic, National Leaders around the World flexed their Authority and imposed airtight Rules and Restrictions, from the Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks to Body-Temperature Checks at the entries to Communal Spaces like Train Stations and Supermarkets.

      Even after the Pandemic faded, this more Authoritarian control and oversight of Citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly Global Problems — from Pandemics and Transnational Terrorism to Environmental Crises and rising Poverty — Leaders around the World took a firmer grip on Power.

      At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their Sovereignty — and their Privacy — to more Paternalistic States in exchange for Greater Safety and Stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and National Leaders had more latitude to impose Order in the ways they saw fit.

      In Developed Countries, this Heightened Oversight took many forms: Biometric IDs for all Citizens, for example, and Tighter Regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to National Interests. In many Developed Countries, Enforced Cooperation with a suite of New Regulations and Agreements slowly but steadily restored both Order and, importantly, Economic Growth’.

    3. PART 3/3

      The Plandemic:

      1st Phase:
      Common/cold/Flu. Mild Symptoms at most. Media Endorsement of Mass Paranoia and Fear. Flawed Testing System utilized, which picks-up any Genetic Material in the Body and triggers a Positive Result. Inflation of COVID Case Numbers, through changing of Death Certificates, Double-Counting, and classifying all Deaths including other Diseases and Natural Causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian Laws, prevent Protests and identify Public Resistance.

      2nd Phase:
      The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and Frail Immune System through Lack of Food, Social Distancing, Wearing of Masks, and lack of contact with Sunlight and Healthy Bacteria. Exposure to 5G Radiation will further attack the Immune System. Thus, when People re-emerge into Society, more People will fall ill. This will be blamed on COVID-19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent Lockdown will follow until everyone takes the Government Injections.

      3rd Phase:
      If majority of People will not resist the ‘Vaccine’, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS Virus will be released. A lot of People will die from this. It will be ‘Survival of the Fittest’. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be Injected, in order to return to ‘Normality’. Those who have taken the Injections will be at war with those who have not. It will be Anarchy from all sides.

    4. “By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them.”

      That is a quote from the Lockstep document. So, it can be extrapolated that the lockdowns were supposed to continue until 2024 or 2025.

    5. I will resist testing, jabbing, tyranny and witness until I die, or Christ comes back and splits the Mt. of Olives.


  36. Stan, you are such a good sport--and kind soul--to hang out with us pre-tribbers! We so look forward to joining you and your wife/family for 7 years celebration--instead of tribulation. None the less, like you, we are resolute in not submitting to the injection, no matter how long we are here. Maranatha!

    1. Hmewrdbd: I will gladly accept it....and likewise will welcome you and all till we all rise together! :)

      Hey, the persecution is very very soft here....and if I could not take that, good luck to me standing up like many Christians are around the planet ....dying for their faith.

      Now that level is where my faith is going to take me.

    2. Amen, and agreed, Stan. I have a good friend who has always worried she wouldn't be able to stand up during severe persecution. But then she read the account of Corrie ten Boom's dad who told her (paraphrase) "Corrie, it's like taking a train trip, I don't give you the ticket until you need it." God will give us our tickets when we need them. I totally understand that is easy for me to say living here in this country with retirement income and no real pressures like so many others have. But we all must trust in our faithful God to get us through whatever is on the horizon. Blessings!

  37. .. .. ... NEWS FROM THE FRONT ... .. ..

    Ukr. anticipated to declare martial law, shortly and while all inbound commercial and civilian air traffic is forbidden, flights departing fairly non-stop as the monied class ex-pat themselves the ykw outta there. BTW, while Gigi does make mention of it in the shared vid, from a Scriptural perspective of Our Lord's predisposition to tie things to the Sun, Moon and stars, I had also meant to highlight that the upcoming 'Day of Judgement', as the Russian's call the operation, being slated for the 16th, is also the Full Moon.

    Take just a moment of simple sense and think about it wearing your "Putin For The Day" T-shirt. You're about to launch an historic military action that will forever define you to the ages , involving directly, or indirectly, over a half-million souls;

    assuming a night invasion, of course, given any two week span of days with quickly-departing favorable weather and ground conditions, do you go any OTHER date than the full moon? Uh, no.

    Now is the time to have ALL of your contingency plans IN PLACE. No internet, no debit card, no travel, no cell phone for 2 weeks. Deal with it well, or in panic; up to you.


    1. Amir Tarfati:

      So what does exactly Russia want?
      A short commentary by Amir

      Believe it or not but this present crisis isn’t about the Ukraine!

      Russia is demanding from the US and NATO to return back to the pre 1997 situation where no former eastern blockade countries hosted foreign armies. In addition Russia demands the dismantling of 7 US bases in Europe where nuclear weapons are present. Russia demands that NATO won’t expand eastwards anymore.

      Russia wants to change the present world order where America is the only superpower thus its foreign deployment takes care of its own interests only.

      America and Europe understands that saying yes to Russia is a political suicide but saying no to Russia is a military suicide.

      The use of sanctions won’t work as all takes for Putin is to stop the flow of gas oil and coal supply to Europe and the UK and they’ll freeze to death!

      In regards to America please know that three years ago Russia finally achieved superiority over the US in tactical nuclear weapon! Russia can destroy America by destroying 5-6 urban centers but America can’t destroy Russia and it’s vast landmass. It can hurt it severely, that’s all.

      We are watching history in the making:
      America is literally stepping down from the stage as the only world superpower!

      Europe is in big trouble as it’s progressive pacifist doctrine with no armies or small “boutique armies”, making it very weak and vulnerable! If he wants, Putin can march to Berlin in 3 days!

      So where are we now?

      I guess all it takes is for the world to be afraid and eventually for Israel to be attacked and then the rise of the antichrist will be the new “good news”!

      “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” (Luke 21:28)

      Interesting, that was JD's theme today! Maranatha!

    2. Hmewrdbd.... Posts like yours is why I hang out here. I STRONGLY believe that Britain, USA and Judah will all fall within a month according to Hosea 5:3-7.

      A remnant will remain from each.

      Jeremiah 50:9...end of..."their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man; none shall return in vain."

      That sounds like getting hit out of left(north)field to me....coal cocked...blindsided...

      Jeremiah 50:23 asks..."How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken?...How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations?"

      Stay tuned and we will witness this live...

      Of course prayers can delay prophesy but no amount of prayer will prevent it.

      God give us His wings to protect ys through....

    3. If Ukraine, et al, doesn’t score a quick victory, America will be fighting Russia directly. NATO crouches only 500 miles from Moscow. That’s too close for comfort for Putin.

    4. If Russia and China cant see that our woke military with our unwoke(asleep) bumbling Biden at the lead....with his super sharp and super fast cognitive pigbrains....and how Bidens fu a cial dealings with Ukraine....and how him and his group of gay, liberal , transvestites leading us....I dont know when the stars could align more in favor for them. Now is the time to strike us....and I assume they arent reading this nor would they take advise from a peon as I.

    5. Watchwoman65 is reporting that War News is reporting that Ukraine has, uh, closed the Black Sea.

      I bet the Aussies would rather stay in Kiev.

    6. My satphone is screaming unverified military activities not on MSM....but not across the border.

    7. They’re busy watching the national occult ritual aka the super bowl halftime show.

    8. Archangel....I am watching the superbowl...but am not a sports fan all. I like seeing the underdog win. But anyway, I have seen a few cute cats in the commercials and thought of your cats that you love.

    9. Stan, this is my first Super Bowl without cable. I cancelled it last year. I think BB is right about the final already being predetermined. I’ve got my orange tabby next to me in my den as I start my fifth Stephen King book since December. I got stuck on the Bill Hodges series. I’ve got a Philip Roth novel after that.

      Listening to NYPrepper. He said 38 C17s have landed in Poland. I recall MonkeyWerx mentioning Russia using the Antonov AN 124, so it appears Putin really means business.


      Family, Blessings

      So, in Gigi's latest , in which she hilariously cannot recall the name of "Ukraine" while posting a message concerning a couple Words from On High, dealing specifically with it, in wonderful humility she left it up and was actually doing a great Bill Murray with the whole thing, rather unintentionally, eventually delivering her point adroitly, in recovering Valley Girl fashion, though not being able to recall the name through the entire share.

      In short, 'Mesopotamia' came to her out of the blue and, as usual, she had no idea what it meant. A bit later, she heard 'Prelude'. Meanwhile, hubby was watching Pastor Begley, (Are you SERIOUS!!???), yes, he was, now go get a cup of coffee, and Pastor Begley was sharing a dream from not long ago in which, while he and the world were focusing on events, ala Russia v whatever that other country is called, suddenly a MASSIVE explosion in the Middle East took the entire world by surprise and that event entirely overshadowed everything going on in whatever it is called, as of that point. So, Gigi surmises that the Russia vs that other, elusively named country is a Prelude and a ME event is about to go BOOM. (Me:) Damascus getting its stockpile detonated by Mossad? Hmmm.... Is Our Lord about to take back center-stage?

      Oh, and with the offset of the calendar by a month, due to Torah Cal shenanigans, the 16th is Tu Bishvat, the feast of trees. Ha!

      MonkeyWerx noted a lot of strange air activity in FL recently and Putin's latest video hawking his hypersonic, nuke-powered missiles shows them coming in over FL; now more assets going EAST, ala Europe; winter super-storms brewing likely to inundate the East Coast of U.S. later in the week, manufactured, of course, to continue to keep everyone OUT OF PUBLIC CIRCULATION. Weather, or Quarantine, it's easier to explain away what less people actually see happen.


    11. TY for the heads up, Jimboni. I love Gigi’s vids anyway and that one was so funny, but it hurts so much to laugh right now😂😬

      God bless her...and those escaping words happen to me a lot anymore🥴

  38. RE: American Gulags
    It is a fact that in some Nations, like Australia and Canada, there are already COVID ‘Wellness Camps’ that have been set-up. China is currently mass producing them. Even with the certain Russian takeover of the Ukraine, Putin has mentioned how Ukrainians will be placed in ‘Camps’, etc. It is rather morbid how in the 21st Century, it seems the World has ‘forgotten’ about Concentration Camps. The reality is that Concentration Camps have not gone away since World War 2. The Soviets actually perfected their version of such during the Cold War. It was not until the Fall of the Soviet Union that these types of Camps were exposed and dismantled of, for the time being. They did reveal that such ‘Micro-Gulags’, of a ‘Brave New World’ type of set-ups were not the stuff of Dystopian Novels.

    What was unique in this type of Soviet Concentration Camp set-up was how they were incorporated within Neighborhoods in plain sight of the Citizenry. The ‘Micro-Gulags’ ranged from Prisons to Buildings, Flats, Neighborhoods and Micro-Camps where Citizens were isolated for violating any Infraction the Soviet State deemed was ‘inappropriate’, etc. The point is that this type of former Soviet System Style ‘Gulags’ is what has been modeled for the USA now. How So? Consider, if you all have not been familiar with the CDC’s Operation Shielding Approach? It is on the Books, and its Protocols are waiting to be implemented. If you want to know how exactly the Concentration Camps in the USA will look like, be set-up, run, then please read the CDC’s ‘Shield’ Protocols that one argues will have such a similar set-up.

    The CDC calls these sites, ‘Green Zones’. These Sites will range from Civic Centers, State Buildings, Flats, Neighborhoods and Micro-Camps where Citizens will be Isolated for COVID, but then for violating any Infraction the State deems will be ‘inappropriate’, etc. The ‘Cover’ will be to ‘Protect the Most Vulnerable’ from COVID. All that is needed is the ‘Event’ that will trigger the Orders to start implementing their Shield Protocols. And what will that look like? Here is a summary of the main tenets of their Orwellian 1984 American Gulags coming to a Neighborhood near You. These Protocols are in the works, and they plainly admit is the Stuff of a pure Brave New World to come. The following will be the 30 Protocols of the CDC’s Green Zones or better known and called, COVID Camps. There have been alternate names, such as ‘Wellness’ Camps but it is all a Double-Speak intension to masquerade the desired Outcomes.

    What the CDC spells-out in it 30 Protocols is an intentional effort at Social Re-Engineering of the present Social Order. Why? At the core of the Social Order is the Family Unit. And this is headed by a Man, as the ‘Head’ of the Household. What the Luciferian Globalists are wanting to do is to deconstruct this Hierarchy. Why? It is because such a Social and Family Structure is Divinely Inspired, created after the order of the Creator, YHVH. The Family Unit, as is the Union of Marriage are Divine Institutions that Teach and Convey the Disposition and Purpose for Humanity. In the Luciferian scope of things, such are attempting to dismantle Humanity so as to then ‘resurrect’ it in his ‘Image and Likeness’. It will be through the State that Humanity will be Reconstituted. And by force, if necessary, in such American Gulags or CDC ‘Green Zones’. And for one’s Safety and the care of the ‘Most Vulnerable’, of course.


  39. RT.com:

    “ Ukrainian ambassador says Kiev ‘might’ drop bid to join NATO.

    Ukraine's ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystaiko said Kiev is looking for the “best way out” of the current crisis.

    Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystaiko appeared to allow a possibility that Kiev gives up its long-standing bid of joining the US-led NATO for the sake of preventing a major conflict with Russia, while admitting that such a proposition would go against his country’s principal law.

    Asked by BBC Radio 5 Live presenter Stephen Nolan on Sunday if his country might “contemplate not joining NATO” to avert a war, Prystaiko responded: “We might, you know, especially [having] been threatened like that, blackmailed by that, and pushed to it.”

    Prystaiko then appeared to indicate that some representatives of the military block have also rallied behind that option. “You know, we will sometimes hear voices from NATO that guys, maybe, really, we will be able to avoid…,” the ambassador said, trailing off in mid-sentence.”

    1. RE: War with Russia? Nope.

      PART 1/2
      Based on what Putin said last week, he drew the ‘Red Line’ against the Empty Threats of Biden and the EU/NATO. It is the Ukraine that Russia will invade, most likely and NATO/Europe and the USA will do nothing. Putin has called the West’s Bluff. He has now amassed such a Military Movement of Weapons and Soldiers to the Borders of the Ukraine, for nothing? He is committed. Russian has done this twice before already.

      1. In Georgia during the Olympics in China, 2008, a Breakaway Provence of South Ossetia and others sided with Russia and the Russian Generals activated their Nukes and waited to see if NATO would intervene. Georgia had just joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace and asked for EU and NATO’s help. It was left high and dry.

      2. Russia then annexed Crimea. NATO, the EU and the USA did nothing. Realize that most do not know the history of this situation. Crimea had for centuries been Russian. Most all speak Russian and identify as Russians. It was during the Soviet Union Era, that USSR’s Leader, Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, ‘offered’ Crimea to the Ukraine as a ‘Gift’. Russia has since wanted it back and has taken it back.

      3. Now Ukraine. Realize that if one knows Russian History, it was the Kievan Rus where the ‘Russians’ originated from. Ukraine is the Heart and Soul of all the ‘Russias’, etc. it is like the delineation of the North and South controversy of the USA. Russia is willing to go to war over it. Even Nuclear War.

      Most Russians are behind Putin. What has upset the Russians the most, is that NATO, the EU and the USA has broken their Pledge with Russia. After the Fall of the Soviet Union, gradually, the former Warsaw Pact Nation ‘Satellites’, like Poland, Hungary, Chechia, Slovakia, Romania, the Baltic Republics started to either join the EU and/or NATO. The condition was that NATO would not place any offensive Missile Systems in those Nations.

      Well, guess what. Under Obama, they started to that. This is a direct Threat to the Russians and a Red Line. The Ukraine has to be a Buffer Zone. It is no different than if Cuba, Venezuela and now Mexico would allow Military Basses and Missiles to be put there at the USA’s ‘Front Door’. This of course, happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

      So, in one’s assessment, Russian will take over the Eastern Portions of Ukraine, Donetsk, if at least that are predominately Russian at some point in time. As it is, they have already declared themselves ‘Breakaway’ Republics. Consider that in terms of Biblical Prophecy, at least at this point, ‘nothing will happen’ to Europe or the USA, Nuclear War wise. Why not? Europe will have to be intact as it is from there that the 2 Beast will arise from. This would not be able to occur if Europe is turned into a Nuclear Wasteland.

    2. PART 2/2
      Realize that it only takes about 50 Nuclear Weapons to totally destroy Europe. This goes the same for the USA. Russia: has about 4,500 Nuclear Weapons and the USA: about 3,800 Nuclear Weapons. The USA will be intact, at least for now as the Chinese will not want the Continent to be Radiated, just yet. As the Economic Collapse will occur in the Fall of 2022, based on the 7th Year Shemitah Cycle Pattern, the Dollar as a World Reserve Currency will collapse, and the Chinese own all the Debt. As mentioned prior in other posts, the USA’s Collateral has been its Natural Resources, Federal Lands, Sea Ports, etc.

      This ‘Collateral’ was first started with the 1st Bush and then with Clinton. China will have the USA be its Bread Basket as Egypt was to Rome. Now, if there is a Nuclear Exchange and Russia does launch a Nuclear Attack on the USA, it would most likely be in the Easter Seaboard, New York, DC, Navy installations in the South, etc. It would cut-off the ‘Head’ of the ‘Snake’ and due to the Jet Stream, it would carry the Radiation offshore. It would leave the whole core of the Nation still intact. Based on the Ezekiel 38-39 War details, at some point, the USA, assuming it is the ‘Coastlands’ will be Nuked, and that by GOD of ‘Those dwelling safely in the Coastlands’, etc.

      But this will be sometime during the Tribulation Period, in one’s estimation. I find it interesting that in comparison, the Russians have provisions for sheltering their entire City Populations underground in massive networks. Most major cities have them and especially those located in proximity to the Ural Mountains. During a Nuclear Strike, many of the Russians could survive. By contrast, Europe and the USA have nothing of this sort, except for their Elite Luciferian DUMB’s, Deep Undergrown Military Bases.

      And of all People, the Russians do not want War. Already, on 2 occasions, Soviet Commanders have averted All-Out Nuclear War. See references below during the Cold War Era. But, as I have commented, beware the Ides of March. Consider that in Latin, the 3rd Month is named Martius. The Ides begin on the 1st Day of March, but its Constellation Sign is that of Aries from March 21 - April 19 or 3-22 to 4-20. Where do we see such Numbers? Humm…


      Chart: Detonation of Nukes – Europe

    3. Video: The Man Who Saved The World...By Doing Nothing: Stanislav Petrov 1983

    4. I remember Obama’s stultifying response to the crisis in 2008. He said the UN Security Council, which Russia sat on(!) should look into it. 🙄

      Now, we have probably the only one in America, with the exception of his VP, who is actually more ineffectual and callow despite, or, perhaps, because of, decades in DC.

    5. RE: USA ‘Woke’ Military Readiness. Nope.

      Some say the Globalists have decimated the USA’s Might and Pride of is Soldiers in having them all go ‘Woke’. And now with having them having to take their Injections, have now compromised their Health, their Immune Systems, etc. It has wreaked them; and all this without firing a single ‘Shot’ by the Chinese or the Russian. Well, the Chinese with their other type of COVID ‘Shot’, and this thanks to all the leaked information now of the Gain of Function collaborated by DARPA, the U.S. Military and Mad Scientist like Fauci, etc.

      The Chinese Commanders have openly stated to the US Representatives when they met last year, to their faces that the USA is Weak, and in its Descendancy as a World Power. The smell Blood as they say and see Biden as a Metaphor for the entire USA. I would have to agree. If you have not come across this Army Recruiting Video comparison already, it has been out for a few months now and it is sobering.

      But if any one of you have had prior Military Experience, then you will know that the USA is toast. However, if one wants to live their lives as they wish, that is their business but in the USA Video, what was just wrong is how in the world would a Private be debriefing and/or coordinating an Operation as shown, to her Sergeants and/or Officers? Not happening. It is pure False Expectations. But U.S. Army Recruiters very lie, right? Lol I suggest you all start learning some Chinese and/or Russian phrases. :)


      Recruiting Army Videos Comparison: USA vs. Russia vs. China

  40. Illuminating interview Tucker Carlson had with Tulsi Gabbard on Friday.

    Tucker: Does Biden want war?


  41. A warning message from a sister in Jesus Christ! Information comes from Forward Observer. I don't know if this will happen exactly but I prefer to warn in case... Lasting 9 minutes 35. Do a copy/paste because I can't put the link directly.


    1. Thanks, dear Carole. Alex Jones thinks a cyberattack is on the way, too.

  42. Hal Turner RS:

    As part of their "Emergency Act" powers, the Canadian government has BLOCKED all social media posts originating from inside of Canada. Twitter, Facebook, etc., have been affected by the block.

    Users can post, but what they post WILL NOT APPEAR on any feeds, anywhere!

    This is what Liberals actually are, folks! Outright tyrants.

    History has shown countless times, there's only one way to stop tyranny. . .

    1. No information can get out of Canada via social media.

    2. Martial law in Canada. Civil liberties suspended. Canadian banks can now seize your money.

    3. Hal Turner RS:

      What is confirmed is that earlier today the U.S. State Department ordered destruction of computer equipment at the US Embassy in Kiev as it prepares to move to Lviv.

      What is also confirmed is that US intelligence stated today that Russia has moved artillery and missile systems into firing positions along the Ukrainian border.

  43. Can 10 minutes change the world? Can 10 minutes forever change a heart? Can 10 minutes bring such clarity that any thoughtful observer has no choice but to weigh themselves in the balance?

    Invest 10 minutes watching one of the most powerful oratories encapsulating the popular struggle against global tyranny unfolding in our laps and you tell me.


    1. Wow! Just wow! She is very eloquent and knowledgeable.

    2. VS, Blessings. I had to watch it twice, in immediate succession, before I even caught my breath. The 3rd viewing I was actually able to closely follow her incredible erudition and was thanking Our Lord for it, in which Alex, who turns 16 tomorrow, (got 1 box so far, Lu, thanks!), accepted my offer to watch, with me, and was definitely impacted and, among his sparse comments thus far, said, "Well, you did like she said: 'Get your kids involved', nice job."

      In our commutes home from his high school, Alex unpacks his day, class by class, generally, among our banter. Humanities commonly has him watching a video, or podcast, on Gender Norming or some other topic du jour and then engaging in a focus group discussion exploring it and each other's perspectives on it. I said, "Show THAT at your humanities class and watch all Hell break out after she pushes every single button in the room." While Alex fully got my point, and agreed, I may have sowed a seed...

    3. Family, Blessings.

      Going a bit off topic, here, but, then again, with the Canadian Freedom moment at hand and its Global counterpart, and all that arising from drama straight out of the Book of The Revelation, perhaps not.

      As they are always watching, my 'random' feeds had this video of pleasant millennial Brits, well, at least she is, I think, unpacking The Star Spangled Banner in terms of it's true origin in the lives of simple people dying for their freedom and honored to do so.

      It's about 15 minutes and enjoyable and, if you've ever wondered at the passions aroused amongst patriots when someone takes a knee at the anthem, or desecrates our Flag, and even if you thought you understood the 'general idea' of the anthem, the actual story will linger with you with this one. Having spent an afternoon, long ago, exploring the grounds of Fort Henry, standing atop the 'ramparts' spoken of, and run my palm along the steel of her guns, she is quite a Lady and a fitting home for the birthplace of The Star Spangled Banner.

      Listen for George Washington's quote concerning "American Christians" and you will get a peek at another aspect of this Revolutionary moment in history intentionally omitted from the history books.

      British Couple Reacts to The Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It!

    4. Procrastinator that I am, guilty as charged, I have just now, 4:30AM, settled down to watch this adorable couple learn the origins of our beloved National Anthem. So, the only National Anthem that ends with a question reflects the American prisoners' concern about whether or not our Flag was still flying amid the bombs and bullets. To know that all this history took place not that many miles from where I am now leaves me both stunned and grateful. Thanks, Brother.

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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.