Gary and Jeff Discuss How Close We Are...

It has been a crazy week dear brothers and sisters, but God hasn't failed me yet! I am sorry for the delay in the new article, but here you go. I was able to listen to this last night and find it so comforting listening to Gary and Jeff discuss the end times in there calm and logical way. As you know, they are dear friends and I am so thankful for all that they do, day in and day out. God Bless you all... Keep looking up!! I just know that one day soon we will all sit back and be in awe of what God has done these last few years... not least of which is this wonderful community that has persevered here on this little blog. : ) Love you all... ABBA UP!


  1. When I at first saw the subject matter of their video, I was downcast because I love the Rapture watching❤️‍🔥 stuff the best, BUT this was well worth viewing! Duh! Of course🙄

    As I watched Jeff and Gary's video, I thought, "AHA! I always wondered where Apollyon fit in with the Satanic hierarchy!" It makes total sense and I can't wait to dig into it even more.

  2. Thank you for this new message my brother! I'll copy and paste the last post I wrote on the previous post as we have a new post now:

    I have a question about the Indonesian little girl's dream. Nothing special happened in the US on October 10th as she said which could be huge based on what I know at the moment. Could it be that his dream came from his soul? Since there are dreams of God, of the soul, or of the devil, and the Word says in Proverbs that dreams arise from our worries? Maybe the little girl was worried about everything that was going on and she had to be aware of several things, think about them from time to time. I'm not saying that her dream is not true or that the little girl is not sincere, but I do know that dreams are often misleading. What do you think since many dreams of believers have not come true?


    Here is a link to a short video that says babies 2 years and older will be vaccinated within 2 weeks at the latest in India:

    And the quantum dot tattoo looks ready to give to people as they are going to try it on the little ones. It goes quickly!

    1. Thank you Zeal Life! I think so about this dream. And on several other dreams too. What do you think of the two links I gave about children? This is terrible! There is a person who commented on one of the 2 links. Here is what she thinks about it: He has to let things play out. He didn't stop Herod from murdering the babies in Bethlehem. He didn't stop Pharaoh from murdering the Hebrew slaves babies, what makes you think this is different? The enemy has been given authority on this earth. It's going to get ugly. Prepare yourself for disappointment. Pray for Messiahs return. Strengthen your faith by abiding in Him and His Word. We can't be wishy-washy right now. Put on the full armor!

    2. Blessings Catherine’s dream...ofc dreams are always subject to human understanding and interpretation with elements that may, or may not pan out the way we might think, even with God-given dreams. And I know from my own experience that our carnal minds will often try to fill in the hazier parts for us and often incorrectly. But in Catherine’s case, although she believes she was given a date of 10/10 for something hugely damaging to America, she wasn’t given a specific year for that. However, that “flying microchip” she saw just before the child j@bbers came to her door” in the dream from over a year ago are two unique elements that have materialized in the news just over the past month. And IDK, but it could even be that the damaging event she saw is still in the offing for a future year like 2022. But Scripture does say that these type of spiritual gifts will be at work as God pours out His Spirit in the latter days. I just really take encouragement from these kids who love and trust our Lord and Savior enough to have and share such dreams.

      And while children have always been targeted for slaughter throughout history, its my belief that we are looking at something quite different here in re to the “transhumanism” element involved that harkens back to Noah’s Day and that is so desired by the agents of the NWO.
      They are attempting DNA corruption with these viper bites—not to mention their strong push for gender dysphoria starting with pre-K. We’ve seen what they’ve already found in the adult vials and bloodstreams and we have no idea what they have planned for these children, but it’s likely awful beyond physical death. So really looking up with little Catherine in hopeful expectation for our Savior’s intervention in the nick of time😊🙏

    3. Thank you Sheila! You really have a gift from God for the right words to give! Big hug!!!!

    4. God bless you both and sister Shelia I agree 100pc. Too many fuses all burning at once that seem to mirror prophecy for it to all be coincidence- I pray we won’t wait another year, but His will be done…..
      Reading more about the Shmita; I’m not sure how that fits but lots of knowledgeable folks here.

      I find the subject fascinating and think it’s relevant- how neat it would be for all is believers to be harvested before letting the land a d crops “rest” for a year- or 7..

      Anyway, God bless all of you and I’ll try my best to only post this once!!

    5. Just stay away from that bottom back arrow, Brother😁

    6. Think I have the technique down now 🥸

  3. Hold onto your "two" lips. I think the Lord just prophetically slapped us all in the face with a big wet rapture fish: WAKEY! WAKEY!


    1. Psalms 90:13 (ESV) "Return, O LORD! How long? Have pity on your servants!"

      9 (Judgment) x 10 (Law) 90 years on the 13th (Rebellion) day of 10th month (Divine Order)

      Hope that helps; nice catch

    2. Which means it would be a year more to wait to leave this world. If there is no mistake, it is really going to take the grace of God in all of our needs because things are getting worse everywhere. At least God is faithful and he will keep us until the time of the rapture.

    3. It sure does Jimboni Stalloni ... Looks like that big fish was bigger, fatter and wetter than what I initially thought. Looks like we have rapture hints AND judgment hints in this historic event.

      Nice catch.

    4. Not necessarily Maranatha321. It may occur around the beginning of the year (if it is the year to begin with). That would mean about 6 more months or so if we're looking at a Pentecost rapture. But like you, there is a part of me that recognizes that, with the rapid development of events making things rather dark for the Church for us to be here much longer, it would seem the rapture has to occur sooner ... as in, this year.

      We watch, we wait.

    5. ...and the more it feels like a 'catch your breath', the ride's about to go over the cliff' moment, the more likely our Harpazo seems likely. The impending train collision which Zorro Swoops In And Rescues Us From is also a part of the picture. Maranatha!

    6. Aah...I was watching some of that this morning thinking “Now what are we supposed to be seeing here with ol’ Capt. Kirk going up on his real life maiden voyage to rub elbows with the Final Frontier?”
      I kept looking at that “Blue Virgin” capsule moniker after they touched back down
      and drawing a blank.🤷‍♀️
      So TY Brothers, for those “wet Rapture fish slap” insights! Very cool😎

    7. My bad...bad eyes that is. No wonder I drew a blank since it’s the “Blue Origin” capsule.
      I thought perhaps Bezos and Branson were collaborating, or something🙄

    8. Well, Jimboni Ramboni Stalloni and all the watching Church. It seems that the fish is taking on a slimy stank now. The hits just keep on coming. It turns out that If we are looking at the rapture occurring in 2022 corresponding to Psalm 122, it may be worth looking at the biblical meaning, or possible biblical connotation found in the number 2. Indeed, there seems to be.

      "The number 2 conveys the meaning of a union, division or the verification of facts by witnesses. A man and woman, though two in number, are made one in marriage (Genesis 2:23 – 24). There is also the union between Christ and the church (see 1Corinthians 12).

      The testimony of God is divided into Old and New Testaments. His agreements with mankind are divided into Old and New Covenants. And, though 2 in number, God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ) compose a single Godhead.

      The first man, Adam, sinned and brought death and destruction into the world. Jesus, however, as the second (or last) Adam brings the hope of the resurrection and eternal life (1Corinthians 15:21 – 22, 45 – 49).

      Notice the union of Christ and the Church consists of the number 2 (obviously). Then there is the marriage between a man and a woman (symbolizing the Church’s marriage to Christ). In scripture, the Church is referred to as the “bride” of Christ. When the rapture occurs, we will officially become married as it were as we (the raptured church) will also sit down to the marriage feast and, presumably, "pig out." (Lol - thought I would just throw that one in there).

      The idea of "division" obviously consisting of the number 2 is interesting considering the stark division, or separation, between the lost (left behind) and the taken (those who get raptured). Yet another (perhaps) clue that the rapture will take place in 2022.

      Here is a Holy Spirit headlock noogie after the big fish slap to the face ... William Shatner was the 2nd man to ever take a human space flight. Further still, the name of the human flight capsule in which Shatner "lifted off" into space on was called the ... wait for ... wait for it ... "New Shepard" capsule. In John chapter 10 verse 11, Jesus reveals to us that he is the "Good Shepherd":

      "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" (John 10:9-11).

      Regarding Jimboni's observation of judgment associated with the number 9 (Shatner is 90 years old) and the number 10 (the "Good Shepherd" is revealed in chapter 10).

      Thus, the "New Shepherd" capsule.

    9. But then, there's always the Gematria angle which clears it all up, @ Acquaviva 12:59, James T Kirk 153, & Part Deux which reminds us that while there actually IS a Final Frontier, its in a basement somewhere in Hollywood 04:19

    10. Lets also take note of the first word in the name of the Shatner capsule - "New" Shepard. Jesus Christ is the testator of the "New" covenant ... or shall we say - the "New" Testament. It is only through the "New" covenant of Christ that any man or woman will "lift off" (rapture) from planet Earth into Heaven. He is the only way.

      Giving more weight to the number 2 and the Psalm 122 (2022) rapture speculation, we now find out that William Shatner is also the 2nd man ever to take flight into space aboard the Blue Origin space capsule.

      Someone pick their lips up off the floor and fry these fish ... they're smelling pretty funky right now.

    11. I watched the launch on Jeff Bezos's website and listened to their secular views. Of course not one prayer was said...except the standard "Gods speed" phrase that was tossed out.

      But right before the launch, the announcer read comments from the crew members on the previous flight. But Jeff Bezo said ...."you lucky bastards"...

      That set the whole demonic spirit that is behind this group.

      I would not have been surprised has it blown up.
      Then one commented aftereardsc that it was the most meaningful e vent in their whole life.....perhaps they could experience excepting Jesus Christ and see if that would make what they just experienced very miniscule in

  4. Prayers up for ya’ll in NZ, Ryan. Hold fast, Brother! I could tell from listening to Tony @a minute to midnite that ya’ll are really feeling the crunch. Removing anything from the shelves that offers help seems to be their protocol as I was talking about on prior thread in re to the news from Israel about the benefits of aspirin against micro clotting. And the very next day...Bam! US previous aspirin guidance for heart attack and stroke prevention bad! Now more harmful than beneficial, so forget that stuff! Could they be any more obvious
    and yet half the country will prob throw out their aspirin and line up for their b00$ter$.🤦‍♀️

    Even so, Lord, come🙏

  5. RE: Israel’ Shemitahs?

    Dean and Team,
    So, I compiled most of my research over the years concerning the Sabbath Cycle or the Shemitah’s studies. But realize that the ‘Shemitah’ is referring to the 7th Year of the 7-Year Cycle, which we in now. Fall 2021 to Fall 2022. So, the 11th since 1952 will begin thereafter, thus from Fall 2022 to Fall 2029. And it begins in the Fall with the Civil New Year. Why 1952? The Article below will explain all that, but to say that it is the 1st Shemitah since Israel entered back into the Promised Land, and it is based on when Israel entered the Promised Land with Joshua. So, sure, the timeline could be off…but this is where I am at.

    There are too many links to place here so, I will refer to the Article and go from there. As to the question I have gotten of how, now being in the 7th Year, there is to be no Sowing, Pruning, or Harvesting. And as such, how is that relatable to the ‘Harvesting’ of Souls to close-out the Church Age then? Well, here is my take.

    10 Reasons why the 2022-2029 will be the ‘Last Shemitah Cycle’
    1. Israel and Church Body are currently overlapping, never before occurred. It is the Age of Grace.
    2. Israel was brought back in Unbelief and is a Secular Modern State. So, no ‘Collections’ made yet.
    3. Israel is not under the Headship nor Lordship of Jesus, the Messiah. But will be by the Imposter.
    4. Israel’s Farmers, for the most part are not observing the Sabbath Cycle Rest for the Land.
    5. The Sabbath Cycles are not concerning the Bride of Christ as it has to do with the Rest of the Land.
    6. Jesus is our Rest but that in the Tribulation Period, Israel will re-engage in this count. Why?
    7. It will correspond to Daniel’s 70th Week of Years, euphemism for a Sabbath Week. Debt collected.
    8. And as stated before that such ‘Weeks’ are what Israel owes YHVH still, not the Bride of Christ.
    9. And lastly, how the Psalm 90 factor of 70-years should thus be pegged to 1952, not 1948. = 2022.
    10. The Church Age has to thus, conclude before the 11th one, which means ‘Judgment’ begins.


    Article: Israel’ Shemitahs

    1. For the Chart of Israel’s Shemitahs, I have incorporated the Celestial Signs of the Blood Moon Tetrads for a Historical and Prophetic Context perhaps. Sure seems to match-up.

      Chart: Israel’s Shemitahs

    2. Many thanks, brother! All very encouraging, and helped me better understand 1948 vs. 1952. My spirit was encouraged while reading and watching the video, and I can see our exit sometime soon - hopefully not a year away, but I pray we’re all strengthened and edified for how much ever longer we have to go (I’m still hoping for later this month, but we’ll see!).

  6. Replies
    1. Wow, they did not like what I had to say! lol

    2. RE: Biden's Statement
      The Article above is in reference to what Biden ‘broadcasted’ on October 1 about the Minute, Day and Week. And how that countdown, lands on November 18, which is the 322nd Day of the Year. The reason I shared is that many have commented on how by that time, lots of World Governments, Companies and/or Employers have the Deadline to take the Injections, or else.

      I just find the timing not coincidental. I tried posted a summary of it but was not successful; just too many catch words that implicated the Guilty, I would say. Business as usual but the Tyranny is intensifying as our Red Sea Moment comes to a head.


    3. Lu another interesting point of 11/18 is that 2,520 days later is Shemini Atzeret in 2028

  7. Thanks for sharing! Love you all. Maranatha.

    1. Blessings, Gary and many Thanks to you and Jeff both. Really appreciated the chiastic structure diagram and your interlude and overview explanations. Great work as usual!

  8. According to, the UN charter was effective October 24,1945. 1945 and 2021 are running almost parallel as to the Gregorian calendar and the Hebrew calendar. 10/24/1945 and 10/24/2021 both fall on the 18th day of the 8th month according to Torah Calendar. So if Torah Calendar and Israel were a month early on their calendars this year and in 1945, sunset 10/24 to sunset 10/25 both years would be the third day of Sukkot. Also somewhat interesting that Donald Trump's "calm before the storm " statement happened almost four years ago 10/5/2017 which was the first day of Sukkot that year. More coincidences.

  9. Family, Blessings.

    Can you believe it's the middle of October? Sheesh.

    New @ UNSEALED: Iceberg, Right Ahead!

    1. Brother Ron’s Titanic video that Gary shares there is a good one, too. Then @ET:DD shares some more Titanic points in the comment section.
      Speaking of Psalms yearly correlations, Ps.12 (April 14,1912) seems to speak to the prevailing attitudes of the Titanic situation
      and God’s response to their arrogance.

      And for me, Psalms 121:7-8 KJV speaks to my hope for 2021 with these last verses:

      7)The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
      8)The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.

      Number-wise 21=3x7 which are the Biblical numbers for Resurrection, Perfection, Divine Completeness, Spiritual Perfection.
      while 21 itself expresses the Exceeding Sinfulness of man. So both sides of the coin are represented. And I can see in Psalm 122 a picture of Intercession for Israel which is something the BOC will be doing from the Throne Room of Heaven. And right now depending on one’s calendar views, we are betwixt the 7th or 8th month (which I have personally been sensing that an odd calendrical overlap of some sort may be at play this year.)

      Looking at the Torcal, the Sabbath Readings for this month at 7 day intervals:

      10/8-9–Noach (Rest)

      10/15-16–Lekh Lekha (Go Out)

      10/22-23–Vayera (and He Appeared)
      *Also beginning of Sukkot if it’s actually (or somehow also) the month of Tishri.

      This Parashah theme harkens to Matt.25 as the wise virgins SLUMBER, then arise and GO OUT to meet the Bridegroom when HE APPEARS, which is interesting as well.

      So Looking UP for any day and every day now as a strong possibility for that Trumpet Call!
      (And I keep thinking of that little cemetery right up the road from me. A lot of small children buried there who died back in 1918 from the Spanish Flu. It’d be so awesome to see those little graves burst open—in the nick of time.😊🙏)

      Blessings and Maranatha!!!

  10. Sharing, once more…

    The storm is coming.
    Seek shelter now.
    (by T.W. Tramm - FB Page)

    OCTOBER 16 marks the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year in Judaism.

    In ancient Israel, the Day of Atonement was the one day each year the high priest was allowed to enter the innermost sanctuary of the Temple. There, standing before the Ark of the Covenant, above which God’s presence would manifest in a cloud, the priest would perform a series of rituals designed to atone for Israel’s sins (Lev. 16).

    The provisional forgiveness obtained by the high priest on the Day of Atonement was a precursor to the ultimate forgiveness obtained by our High Priest, Jesus, when He paid the price for sin, once and for all, on the cross (Heb. 7–10).

    Corresponding to the themes of recompense and redemption, the Day of Atonement is also when the Jubilee year is declared:

    “On the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you” (Lev. 25:9, 10).

    The freeing of slaves during the Jubilee is prefigurative of man’s liberation from sin and death via Jesus’ atoning sacrifice.

    So for the believer, the Day of Atonement is a day of forgiveness and freedom. For the non-believer, however, it is a day of condemnation and judgment. When one rejects Jesus’ atonement for sin, he puts himself in the position of having to pay the penalty of sin, which is death and eternal separation from God (Isa. 59:2; Rom. 6:23).

    For those belonging to the final generation, the one who saw the “fig tree,” Israel, come to life and put forth leaves in 1948, rejecting Jesus’ atonement carries the added consequence of having to face an unequaled time of terror and calamity on the earth (Matt. 24:21; 32–34; Jer. 30:7).

    A convergence of biblical timelines suggests the time is near.

    If you don’t know Jesus, call on Him today. Confess with your mouth that He is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved—not only from eternal hell but from the period of “hell on earth” about to commence.

    . . .


    1. According to the modern Jewish calendar, the Day of Atonement corresponds to September 16. However, as happens in certain years, the Jewish calendar is a month out of sync with the true biblical calendar in 2021. When the biblical New Year, Nisan 1, is correctly reckoned the first new moon after the spring equinox per the command to “guard the month of Aviv” (Deut.16:1), the fall festival dates occur as follows:

    Feast of Trumpets: October 7–8

    Day of Atonement: October 16

    Feast of Tabernacles: October 21–27

    2. The Day of Atonement is associated with Judgment Day throughout Scripture:

    In Revelation, an angel performs the Day-of-Atonement ritual of offering up much incense before a slew of terrible judgments are unleashed upon the earth (Lev. 16:12–14; Rev. 8:3, 4).

    In Joel’s dramatic rendering of the Day of the Lord, we find multiple references to the Day of Atonement, a day of fasting, solemnity, and the high-priest ritual: “Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly …. Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar” (Lev. 16; 23:26–32; Joel 2:15, 17).

    In Isaiah, Jesus’ blood-spattered garments evoke the garments of the high priest on the Day of Atonement, which would become heavily stained due to the many sacrifices (Isa. 63:1–6; Lev. 16).

    In Isaiah 61, the Year of Jubilee (declared on the Day of Atonement) is linked to the “day of vengeance” (vv. 1, 2).

    3. It is important to understand that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ez. 33:11). The tragic reality, however, is that an unequaled period of calamity is what it will take to awaken Israel and others to the fact that Jesus is the only way of salvation. So while the time called “Jacob’s Trouble” may seem cruel on the surface, it is actually an expression of God’s mercy—a last call and final opportunity to receive the One who forgives our sins so that we may inherit eternal life.

  11. Dear family, I have been crying since I listened to a video in French about the vax ... new findings from a female doctor from Canada, and at the end the video shows babies born from September of this year including both parents have been vax ... and what newborn babies look like and how they react. I was in tears !!! So many believers said that when the vaxx was given to little children, we would be gone according to what God showed them. But already in Cuba they started it and elsewhere as well. And the newborns in the video look like they've been vax ... with everything they're going through. I don't understand why our Father allows innocent babies and toddlers to go through this great evil and not go with the Lord. I pray that God will come and take them even if I stay here, because I find it too unfair and it hurts so much to see them like that and we're still here too. I think that I need encouragement because I admit that there, it goes far with the fetuses and the babies in this abomination. I know god knows what he's doing but I just don't understand!

    1. Marantha- I will be keeping you in my prayers for comfort from this evil that you saw on the video and the knowledge of what is going on. I don't understand it either, but God knows your tender heart and will comfort you.

    2. Thank you my sister! You are kind and compassionate!

    3. Thanks Carole - I am in conversation with a sister of a pregnant mum who is trying to figure out what to do and research around birth defects/miscarriages etc (data seems sparse). Do you have a link to the video? I can attempt to see if a local French speaker can translate for me? Thanks for this.

    4. Blessings, dear Carole. When things get real bad, I always think of Jesus’ warning of Matt 24:6 and remind myself that these things have to happen. I might be incorrect to extrapolate and include everything that’s happening from that Verse, but in my mind, it helps to explain it and helps me to endure. Blessings to you and your family.

    5. Greetings! I will gladly give you the link and the brother who made the video is a Christian. In the video there are portions in French but other parts (several) are in English and translated into French at the bottom of the video in writing. So maybe for the English part, if you remove the translation settings, which might get in the way at the bottom of the video, you will be able to listen to it more easily. The video is for babies from about 1 hour 3 minutes until the end of the video which is 1 hour 12 minutes in total. You will see a beautiful baby with strange eyes, terrible deformities, skin diseases, and babies with abnormal neonatal strength. But there is also the female doctor from Canada, who shows up a little earlier, around 54 minutes 57 seconds and she presents horrible photos of the interior of the vax .... It moves and it lives! And it looks smart! God bless you!

    6. Thanks for this Carole - extremely interesting yet concerning.

  12. Friends, this story is from 2018. I recalled a couple of finer points lately, watching news (which I probably watch too much of). What does it remind you of?

    1. Another interesting tidbit I noticed closing the article is that DM is one of those websites I think you have to whitelist, or it finds a way around it somehow. Had 3 adds - top, left, and right to do the 🐍 thing…

    2. More deep thoughts by jack handy

      2 Peter 3:6

      World, or perhaps worlds? AND we’re the one to get fire?

      The whole chapter is relevant 🥳

    3. More fb stuff

    4. Whoa - woe? 3 shots and that’s it?

      More random musings

  13. Hi all - anyone aware of some excellent teachings on Romans 13 (and 1 Peter 2) in reference to submitting to the governing authorities etc. We have more churches here using this in reference to taking the jab. My understanding is that its in reference to the earthly authorities in place to distribute discipline towards those breaking God's laws/commands (whether they are believers or not). Its a theologically tricky one and the 'thou shalt not murder' discussion on foetal cell lines are falling on flat ears. We keep the speed limit because we dont want to be responsible for an unnecessary car crash death/injury, so why not the jab (aside from the obvious side effects etc). Thanks all!

    1. Blessings, Ryan. I’ve heard that the government referred to in Romans 13 is righteous, whereas the governments we are dealing with today are like the one represented in Acts. Hence, Peter’s admonition to the Church and government :

      Acts 5:29

      “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”

    2. Thanks for this AA - and have been thinking about you today re your illness. Gods overflowing goodness and healing towards you sis!!!

    3. Thank you, brother! God bless and protect you and your family, also, in these perilous times.

      When I look at the headlines at DailyCrow, I can barely believe what my eyes are seeing. Surreal. I’ve heard the contractors at my job are being told they have to take the j@b. Dr Ruby talked about a pilot dying on the flight deck and the plane having to make an emergency landing. Mike Adams’ show is getting more horrifying by the day. There’s no parts for airplanes or anything else now. There’s a months-long wait. We are in God’s Hands and have to keep looking up because it’s too rough down here for sure.


    4. We have a constitutional amendment that abolished slavery, number 13. I think that unless that gets repealed we are not going against the government if we decline the jab. Pretty simplistic, I guess, but I am a pretty simple person and someone can probably dismantle that argument.

    5. “Rebellion to tyrants is Obedience to God.”

      Ben Franklin

    6. Hey Ryan...this interview posted @Daily Crow today is worth a watch re these type of questions.

      “Bombshell: Pf!zer whistleblower says....”

      Knowing what we know as people who know their Bibles, we do know better. We are now living under rogue governments that are violating their own laws and constitutions left and right through the use of falsely adopted emergency powers. Nothing about these viper mandates
      are ‘legal’, therefore our rejection of them does not violate Scripture.

      Rev.18:23 warns of the sorcery involved in the type of “pharmakeia”deception we are now seeing. Something tells me these same churches will accept the MOTB under that same line of reasoning of ‘legal’ obedience and convenience. They are not ones who really trust Christ’s words in John 12:25,26. We are the last generation living in an extraordinary time and we can absolutely know from the get go in the Genesis Flood that our Lord God Creator prizes His Creation’s genetic makeup and what will happen to those who’ve dared to tamper with it. Another reason I truly believe He will soon Intervene to save the children. Ours is not a god of convenience, but The God of Perfect Purpose.

      To Carole’s concerns, I can only say that sadly there have always been those people who are willing to sacrifice their own children for the sake of prosperity and convenience. No telling how many have already been offered up for humanistic experimentation. BUT GOD...He will surely gather all that is His unto Himself.🙏

    7. I also believe it’s becoming very clear that the majority of those who’ve chosen to accommodate this deceptive C0v!di@n ideology are not open to logic or reasoning, Biblical, or otherwise against ANY of their own cult-like “truths”.
      Such willful ignorance gratifies the sinful nature and lulls people into a dark spiritual sleep that cannot and does not comprehend the real truth. They will even despise the real truth so much as to wish the darkness of death and destruction upon all of those trying to shine a light on it. So our fervent prayers in love for them in accordance with 2Tim.2:24,25,26 is the best hope, imo.

    8. Thanks all - the legality issues around emergency powers and 'overreach' of government are goodies so will use these for further consumption! THank you!!!!

  14. Thanks Sheila - yes I bulked up the pantry on aspirin last year when the blood clots were first noted so we are sorted yay!

  15. This is neat brothers and sisters sure seems like things are lining up -

    Several asteroids comparable in size to the Washington Monument and Great Pyramid of Giza are heading towards Earth within the next few weeks, according to NASA's asteroid tracker.
    Each of these asteroids has a maximum estimated diameter of around 160 meters or more. This is notable, as an asteroid must have a diameter of at least 140 meters to be considered a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA).
    The first asteroid coming towards Earth, dubbed 2021 SM3, ranges in size between 72 meters and 160 meters, and is set to fly past the Earth on October 15.

  16. Not sure if anyone follows Dr Kim YTC, but from time to time I watch. May this video bless you all and edify us while we wait: a study on Philippians 3:

  17. On a somewhat lighter note, some very interesting connections arising in the lyrics, esp for believers, now, watching La Palma, et al, through the lens of Scripture and The Holy Spirit's Whisperings To Us In Dreams & Visions and, simply put, more than ever, in human history, we just don't know where we're a 'gonna go when that volcano BLOWS!


    1. Right on, Jimboni. Lots of gloom and doom but my head is lifted up brother!!

      New one at God a Minute that is great

  18. Please sing this song with me to the tune of I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas:

    I’m dreaming of a Fall Christmas
    A Christmas like we’ve never known
    Where our new bodies glisten
    And people listen
    To hear angels speak the everlasting gospel!

    I’m dreaming of a Fall Christmas
    With every article I write
    May your days be hopeful and light
    And may your gown this Christmas be white!

    Brethren, I know that Shemitah-wise we have until Fall 2022 as our deadline for The Tribulation; HOWEVER, I'm dreaming of a Fall Christmas based on what the Holy Spirit has revealed to many, many Brethren of the Lord saying He will come for us when they enforce the v@((ine. Love you all. May you be encouraged:

    Christmas is Coming Early

    1. Lynn, Amen!

      A fall Christmas to celebrate Our redemption.

    2. Encouraging article, Lyn! And I recall back in July when that Dollar Gen mgr. told me that Christmas was coming early this year and they’d be stocking their shelves with decorations in August. So they had holiday supplies for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all displayed together this past week and I was thinking how it looks like time is just being overlapped into this month of October. So very much looking toward this 7/8 overlapping of Sukkot right now for not only our shelter from the heat and the storms, but the Blessed Hope of Tabernacling with our Lord and Savior.

    3. 🎄Thanks, VeeBee and Sheila!
      And I forgot to say THANK YOU also to Lu and Gary whose work was featured in this article. We truly need the WHOLE Body of Christ to encourage one another❤️‍🔥

  19. 🧐.

    The slaps in the face keep coming…more of them, closer together…

    1. More uh oh in the news😲. Kind of makes me think of all those clouds with the beautiful silver linings. Clouds nonetheless and of course with profuse prayer for those affected.

      BTW I wish blessings to all but as mentioned some time back, I’m but still a young one but perhaps zealous a bit in ways…. Business background and in but not of the world. My apologies for any course language that may have caused offense in the past; only hope I speak to some that traffic in such and beg forgiveness if I’ve offended. A good Lutheran by birth and a bit prodigal.

      Only share the gloom and doom as I know a lot focus on it and I see it as a great urging indicator to get out your Bible and dig on the word. Watch it unfold in the news and get ready to great your KING.

      Maranatha to you all - may God bless those who still can’t See

      “The village was completely submerged, about two meters (6.6 feet) deep, and the houses and furniture were all immersed in the water,” he said.

      “The village was completely submerged, about two meters (6.6 feet) deep, and the houses and furniture were all immersed in the water,” he said.

    2. If you haven’t hid my posts by now and have insomnia, Citizen Kane is on TCM. It was if I recall the fave on one DJT. Loaded w good stuff

    3. Blessings, Dean...and thanks for a bit of bio.
      While I have to admit I don’t always ‘get’ what you are saying exactly (probably an age-related thing), I haven’t seen you be mean-spirited, rude or harsh toward anyone and I have been seeing you sharing an energetic encouragement and hope in Jesus Christ with a humble spirit.
      It does take a lot of different voices to reach a wide variety of people and your willingness to fellowship here is appreciated.😊

      It’s always a good thing for all of us who fellowship here to remember this is a public forum that gets a lot of ‘silent’ views everyday and what we say really can make a difference to someone out there on the fence about the validity of the Gospel message and the urgency in these last days to choose whom it is they will be serving for all Eternity. And our God has, through the dedication of our Brother Brad, blessed us so much with this platform to keep us all watching closely for the Return of Our Lord and Savior with like-minded Brothers and Sisters while keeping us in His Word and in Prayer for one another. I can’t even imagine what it would’ve been like to go through these past few years without all of you here.
      While we are all as yet imperfect and still have the propensity to rub each other wrong at times, I believe most here are just like me with slim pickings in our personal arenas for the kind of encouragement, strength and Biblical wisdom that we’ve found here in this fellowship and can’t wait til our Blessed Hope is fully realized and we all get to meet face to face at His Feet in perfect unity.

      Blessings All and Maranatha!!!

    4. Amen! Blessings, Dean. I enjoy your posts and those of ETDD and others. The fellowship here can’t be matched anywhere else for many of us.

    5. Even when the world seems pitted against our Abba gives us even secular encouragement. Found this today (I haven’t lost all my marbles!)

  20. Meanwhile, back at the GENTILE ranch, and Carole this one is esp for you & hope his language settings are OK for you, Jeffrey McGaha's latest is so much a picture of, likely, most every one of us as we explore our own Gifting, finding His Treasures Along The Way. His Unction, ofc, is to share.

    I'm about 53 minutes into the total 1:34:10 and simply can't wait to pass it around. With such profound clarity, if true, it sweeps aside so many of our concerns as Our Lord Only Magnifies His Name By Romantically Entwining His Moedim in ways we will marvel at eternally but could never foresee, and, thusly, all of our meticulous work is like the detail on the Taj Mahal: exquisitely ornate and intricate but only internally valid.

    Found It (Watchman of the Dragon 10/15/21)

    Some teasers: the 9/23-24 'miss' has been effectively decoded & affirmed; supernatural manifestation of Revealed Truths on Jeffrey's path have occurred and are validated by 2 or more witness; lastly, this, current, tarrying when there really isn't any tarrying is already coded in predictive programming, to the number of days, he simply hadn't been Shown yet.

    Like with the many Truths we've encountered along the Way, NEW info and understanding Unfolds when certain things move into the rear view mirror, THEN providing insights into Scriptures or prior clues Shown but SEALED, ala Daniel, though dutifully scoured for clues by geniuses for hundreds of years. Going back and re-examining evidence and Seeking Our Lord paid dividends.

    In like manner, esp for all those really viscerally experiencing it or joining into the deep pain of understanding the horror of the abomination we are swimming in, I still think Jeffrey's got it and we are OUTTA HERE this year.

    1. Blessings Captain Bob

      Hopefully we still have some brethren up there in air traffic control!! Any news???

      I for one could go for a few wings

    2. Thank you so much Jimboni for this kind attention. At the moment in the video there is no translation parameter. Sometimes it can take several days for it to be installed. I will check every day cause I can't wait to listen to it!

    3. Carole, Blessings. Ultimately it points to a 41 day delay, that is November 3rd. It fits many things in many ways.

  21. Hey Dean + others...this is not my original idea, but in case you missed it, here's an interesting date and time calculation:

    From and including:    Monday, May 14, 2018 (Israel's 70th Anniversary)
    To, but not including Monday, October 25, 2021

    Result:    1260 days

    Which makes Sunday, October 24, 2021 potentially another "high watch" day!   I believe Lu pointed out in the last thread that the Feast of Tabernacles starts on Saturday, October 23 (assuming the calendar is off 1 month) and continues for 7 days, ending on Friday, October 29.   I believe other watchmen are looking closely at that day as well, including right up to Halloween.   But we'll see...could be just another "Nothing Burger", which is why it may be best to remain low key or keep your expectations low!     As you can tell, I'm still a bit disappointed that the "true" FoT came and went without anything happening,  but as Archangel stated previously, we can't or shouldn't put the "King of the Universe" in a box!    True words of wisdom!

    Hey Dean, do you think YHVH is finished taking His nap? All those festivities on the "true" FoT were pretty exhausting, eh! Lol!

    1. Oh yes, Cap’n. I still have a touch of a headache and could never remember my nap dreams.

      I awoke with just a touch of righteous indigestion but the Word eased my Pain. Blessings to you dear Brother

    2. RE: October 25, 2021

      Well, nice Math/1260 day count Bob. I was planning a ‘Pop Quiz’ for everyone but you ‘saved’ the day. So, giving out to you as a Class Token, either a Decoder Ring or a Cracker Jack Box with Mystery Item?! Lol. I like May 14 to Oct 25 1260 day connection. There may yet be some Air in this ‘Tabernacle’ Sail to consider if but a 10 more days from today. The reason why is that as mentioned, if one has been inclined to surmise the Rapture with an ‘End Harvest’, it is coming from one’s mindset that it has been then be around Summer or the end of Summer.

      But if one is using the 7 Feasts of YHVH Pattern to extrapolate the possible Rapture event, then Pentecost, as much as one would have hoped or a Time/Season associated with it would only be ‘midpoint’. (But I have not given up on that totally just yet.) Why possibly Tabernacles then? The 7 Feasts, as we know start with Passover and end with Tabernacles.

      This 7th Feast of Tabernacles is tied to the Gentiles and mirrors the 7-day Creation, Menorah Pattern. So, this to say that if one then keeps to this 7-day Feast type, it would stand to reason that Pentecost would not be it as it is the 4th Feast. Thus, Tabernacles, being the end and 7th world constitute the culmination or termination of the Feast Cycle. Or the 1st if considering the Civil Calendar count.

      But still, the ‘End’ being as the ‘Beginning’ and the Beginning’ as the ‘End’, not? Well, that would put the 3rd day of the 7-Day Feast of Tabernacles on the Radar for me, as it then will correspond to the October 24/25th. Note that the Jewish Days are staggered. And with Bob’s 1260 day since May 14. Humm….nice.

      -Feast of Tabernacles: October 21–27
      -Full Moon on the 20 (Bob, do not be hauling at the Moon, you hear now.)
      -‘3rd Day’ of the 7-Day Tabernacle Feast = October24/25!

      For me, the ‘Air’ that is still in this Tabernacle ‘Sail’ comes from the notion that then one can perhaps consider that Tabernacle is 1 of the 3 ‘In-Gathering’ required YHVH….Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. What is powerful is that out of the 3, as mentioned, the Gentiles are directly associated with it. And will be still during the Millennium. Now, my extra layer in the cake is that I am also ‘decorating’ it with how it speaks about the 2nd Day and then will be resurrected on the 3rd Day, just like Jesus’ timing no? So, is alone is worthy of watching still then. Again, hope it is this year.


    3. Lu...I think I'll take the Decoder Ring! Lol! Btw, nice follow up! You've once again given us all some hope. What you write makes perfect sense to me. I just pray that it happens this time! Would it help if I howl 7 times on the 20th (full moon)! Sleep tight, Brother!

    4. Oh I don’t know about this...Bob is already dangerous enough without giving him a Decoder Ring. He’s liable to get so busy with that, he’ll forget all about flying the plane. 😂😂😂

    5. Lu...I used my Decoder Ring and couldn't verify if the Feast of Tabernacles is from 10-23 thru 10-29 (as noted in your previous thread) or from October 21- 27 (in the above post). Please confirm. Did you give me a defective Ring? The Cracker Jack Box w/mystery prize is ok, but I prefer to know what I'm getting (as long as it works!). Lol! you think I'm already too dangerous w/o the Decoder Ring, eh! Lol! Just wait until I get it to work properly! Once I do, better watch out folks. If you think my "Imhotep" profile was out there, you haven't seen anything yet! Oh btw, in flight school I was trained to be a multi-tasker, so you're all safe flying with me! Cap't Bob

    6. Hmmm....not so sure about multi-tasking pilots, but I’ll take your word for it as long as I know Sally, Bones and Judi are all keeping an eye on you😉

      Re’s interesting that he was revered as the ‘god of medicine’ as you connect him with the La Palma eruption that’s occurring in conjunction with this strong push for global medical tyranny. So anyways, you line up that dot on the middle dial of the decoder ring with the volcano symbol on the outer dial, then go to today’s Bing Art for an aerial view of the Temple of Hatshepsut,
      go down that rabbit hole of info, spin all three dials at once and see what you come with. I have no idea where that might lead, but that’s how my decoder ring works😁

    7. “...and see what you come UP with.” Sorry, I was multi-tasking with that other pilot flying the Little Red Texaco Plane.🤣

    8. Sheila...lucky for me I've got an excellent crew (Sally, Bones and Judi) to keep me focused and out of trouble! In real life, I'm a terrible multi-tasker, but as Captain, anything is possible! Still can't decide which of the Egyptian god's (Imhotep 'god of medicine' or Anubis 'god of the dead') will show up in La Palma. Still believe there's a connection between La Palma and Egypt but we'll see. If I can only get my Decoder Ring to work! Lu, I want a replacement pronto! Lol!

    9. BOB!! Remember what I said about getting grounded!? Please don’t do any howling at the moon tonight! That’s not for another couple of days :)

  22. Ok folks...since none of you commented on my "Imhotep" (head profile) image that I posted previously, I'll try one last time to convince you all.   And this time I'm going to partially rely on "predictive programming", an area which I know nothing about!   Lol!    But first, you must watch Colleen Minter's latest video:

    As she recounts in her dream, La Palma becomes separated or divided along the southern top ridge line, just south of my "Imhotep" head profile (mouth area in particular).   Although she does not specifically say this will cause a mega-tsunami, one can infer that's the end result.   Meanwhile, archangel Michael was seen praying at the southern tip of the island (as he is depicted in the Coat of Arms).   To see my next video (the predictive programming one!) continue reading my next post.

    1. Here's a scene from the movie "The Mummy Returns" back in 2001:

      Do you see any parallels?    I rest my case!    Back to the "Funny Farm" I go!    Lol!

    2. Special request for the Captain - can we request a flyover on the way out to take a close up look? Also I smoked some great ribs today - I highly recommend the “Holy Gospel BBQ Rub” - maybe a idea for our menu? There was only a little cabbage for sides, and of course bbq beans 🥸. MARANATHA

    3. Dean...your request has been granted! I too want to take a closer look at La Palma before we head up into the clouds. I'll check with Sally and Judi to see if we can add ribs with that "Holy Gospel BBQ Rub" on the menu. Hey, since it's GF, I might even try some! But cabbage as a side, I think I'll have to pass (Spirit Airways has strict guidelines for that kind of stuff you know!). Plus Sheila will be watching me very closely! Lol! Cap't Bob

    4. We sure don’t want to get grounded, brother!

  23. RE: Evil in the World and People

    You are asking about all the Evil that is allowed to occur in the world and how the Innocent suffer? Remember that this present Age is ‘Evil’ and the GOD of this World is Lucifer is actively killing, stealing and destroying. But thank GOD, that in the Laws of the Universe, Good is stronger than Evil. Jesus said, ‘Overcome Evil with Good’. Evil will be defeated; it has been with Jesus. But it took Jesus to use the consequences of Evil, Death to destroy Death by it. Evil is a Mystery we many not or will not fully comprehend on this side. But we ourselves are capable of Evil.

    Also consider that Jesus suffered, innocently from the Evil at the hands of Lucifer, his Evil People and Demons. They all thought Jesus was defeated finally at the Cross. Remember how yes, GOD could Judge Evil now but in the Parable of the Weeds and the Wheat, the Farmer is allowing the whole Field to be unrestricted of how Bad Weeds have to then grow next to Good Wheat. Only at the End of the Harvest will the Fruit be able to be distinguishable. And… the Good Fruit will not be lost by ‘accident’.

    Tares are poisonous and will stand upward and do not produce ‘Fruit’. Wheat does and it bends downward in ‘humility’ at the time of harvest. This is one main reason Jesus is allowing the Field of the World to produce its Evil and Good Fruit together to their full measure. It is sad and heart-breaking though to see the consequences as the Innocent suffer, mainly Children. But that is where we can make a difference. Since Eve and Adam, Humanity has excused GOD out of one’s life, decisions, family, marriage, job, nation, etc. And then the World says, ‘Where is GOD’?!! when catastrophes happens. He has been there all the time. The question should be, ‘Where have I been’?!

    So, GOD after being rejected, went to individuals…Then to a Nation, Israel. Israel eventually became just as Evil as the World and was disciplined, to this day. And YHVH is not done with this ‘correction’. That is the reason for the 7-year Tribulation... Israel still owes YHVH, not the Church. Then came the Church, the Body of Christ on Earth because of the crucifixion. But now the ‘Church’ at the end of the Age, the Laodicean ones have just become as Evil in the World. So much, they too have ‘excused’ Jesus out of the building. Jesus is not the Head, nor final Authority nor Power. Then consider that the Apostle Paul taught that with each passing day, the World is getting Darker and more Evil.

    Jesus came with the solution and cure, but GOD respects our Sovereign Will to say , ‘No thank you’. However, for Jesus’ Body, Jesus expects us to be His Ambassadors and be the solution and cure for the World, as much as we are able to. We may not be the Joseph’s or the Daniels’ in the World to influence entire Nations but can in our home, job, family, our schools, neighborhood, etc. For example, we had another Office Zoom Meeting about the COVID conditions to come back to campus. One person commented after realizing, that to ‘stay current’, and be able to continue working, People will now have to take the Booster Shots, whatever and whenever the Government says so.

    1. Then one person wrote in the Chat, ‘I am glad the Government is making People take the ‘vaccines’ to make everyone safe’. So, I replied in context. I posted, ‘How is the Government now forcing People to take an Experimental Injection to keep one’s job that is now proven to not stop Infection, not prevent Transmission and does not give effective and lasting Immunity to have to keep taking Booster shots? How is that going to make use Safe’? Well, there was silence. Lol. Did I ‘win the War’? No. A small Battle? Perhaps in some of the Minds of 1 or 2 that never have connected the dots.

      So, we know we are the Body of Jesus on Earth. We know the Restrainer collectively is restraining the Full Evil that could be, imagine that. I think that is why the Governments cannot put People in the COVID Camps, just yet. Most likely, it will be after the Rapture Event. And remember, that it will be as the Days of Noah in how Daniel 2:43 clearly conveys that THEY will be ‘mixing’ with the ‘Seed of Mankind’. We now comprehend that it is talking about the Human Genome. Since Noah this technology was never possible until now! We are it. It is happening with the Injections now.

      The mixing may not be the whole world or has been only with ‘Secret’ Military Super Soldier Programs for example. But the mass injection of billions will now make it easy for ‘Them’ to mix. I am not saying those that get the COVID Shot or have will now be part Demonic Fallen Angels, but that the Platform Scaffolding is being laid out. But they are using Animal Cell Lines. See Dr. Botha’s interview with Stew Peters below also that was like Dr. Madej’s about how Graphene Oxide or Hydrogel is in the Shots. This should be Headline News all over the World…but it will not be. Graphene Oxide is basically ‘Programmable Tissue’.

      It appears to be the self-replicating and the Graphene Oxide is harvesting the Hemoglobin, a type of Iron Oxide from the Blood in order to construct a ‘Network’ in the Human Body that can ‘communicate’ with Mobile Networks, A.I., etc., ‘Walking Cell Towers’ that I have coined too. You basically become a Human Network Device communicating with Cell Towers and Satellites, 5-6-7G, etc. Hydrogel was invented by DARPA, ‘Black Goo’. Graphene Oxide is the smallest, strongest and best Conductor of Electricity known to Mankind.

      Dr. Botha photographed even how they assemble, amazing. And this really the reason they want as many billions of People injected with it. And those that survive the Adverse Reactions will be equipped for the Digital Wallet and eventual Mark of the Beast. We have arrived. Realize, each dose of the COVID-19 Injection contain 15,000,000,000 of these self-replicating Nano-Bots having the ability to disassemble or reassemble. Ok then.

      Dr. Zandre Botha was shocked after studying the blood of "vaccinated" patients

    2. RE: Daniel 2:43 in the ESV

      I just noticed the translation for the post and ESV version is a horrible translation of Daniel 2:43. It is not talking about ‘Marriage’ although the indium of ‘cleaving to’ is used of a Married Couple as such. But half the verse is essentially missing and what is precisely at the crux of the point, that it is the Seed of Man that is what would be mixed, not a Marriage.

      The Seed

      Genesis 3:15 (The 1st Prophecy)
      זֶרַע Zera. = Seed as in a Descendant. But from Eve, a female that it pertains to Man.

      Daniel 2:43
      בִּזְרַ֣ע Bizra‘ אֲנָשָׁ֔א ’Anāšā. = Seed of Man, different than that of Eve’s type of Seed.

    3. Thanks Lu...I’m always looking at the ESV to compare with the KJV. One word can really make a difference in both the meaning and imo, even the intent of power expressed in a verse.

      We are surely living in Crazytown. Saw a report today that frames 2 parent households as racist and at the root of white supremacy. Imagine that...children having both mother and father present in their lives portrayed as an unacceptable privilege and this is an ideology they plan to institutionalize far and wide. And it’s backed by the big global corporations like Walmart who are now implementing this kind of garbage in their employee training programs. But to destroy a nation, the family unit has to be destroyed first, along with the erasure of faith in any Power higher than that of the government. It is time for the true children of The Lord God Almighty to be going Home. Our ambassadorship here is no longer welcome or even accepted by the current ‘inhabitants’ of this earth. BUT GOD...oh what a difference 7 years is going to make!

      Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    4. I was watching Jeff Berwick’s latest two vids yesterday, and he included a segment from Aussie Max Igan’s vid that showed plannedemic babies that are being born with creepy, black eyes that are otherworldly. They are getting teeth, rolling over, forming words and starting to walk by 6 months old or sooner. Max is pretty reliable and knowing what the j@bs are doing to human DNA, I believe it.

      I read at DailyCrow that someone on Jeopardy admitted to being a “chimera.”

    5. Where’s Alex Trebek when we need him😕?

    6. So interesting AA,I kinda like to watch sort of doomsday sci fi shows, I'm sure some of it is predictive programming...I know at least 3 series where a subject matter common to them is babies growing rapidly. It occurs in "Falling Skies", "Under the Dome" and I believe the "4400". Also all 3 have an Alien theme

    7. Blessings, Ally. I read “Under the Dome” a few years ago. I had no idea it was a tv series, too. For me, the most eye-opening sci-fi predictive programming is the X Files. I think the show’s creator Chris Carter is definitely in touch with TPTB. He was writing about stem cells and Super Soldiers decades ago. Ofc, the black oil and alien abductions are hallmarks of the series. I found myself studying each episode. Hard to believe the series ended almost 20 years ago. It holds up well and often exceeds some of the stuff around now. Never realized all those Sunday nights were getting us “prepared”.

    8. What is Jeff Berwick’s YouTube channel, please, I couldn’t find it.

    9. Hi, StephE. You can go to and click on videos. He’s also on bitchute and odysse. Here’s a link. He was kicked off YT awhile ago.

    10. Thank you so much, Archangel!

    11. Very welcome, StephE. I subscribe to Jeff’s vids. He’s well-informed. Blessings to you. He’s not a Christian (yet) but I’m praying for him. I love his chihuahua Lucy, too.

  24. Just saw this on MSM from

    “Lava Flow From Spanish Island Volcano Likened to a Tsunami”

    2nd 4.5 EQ in two days rattled the island as scientists describe the gushing river of molten rock as “a true lava tsunami.”

    “The volcano has coughed up ocean sediment that pre-dates the island’s formation 2 million years ago, Vicente Soler of Spain’s Higher Center for Scientific Research said.”

    So this volcano is now finding a “Tsunami” visualization in the mainstream media. Hmmm...

    1. Exciting and sad, but we know Jesus is adding souls to His Kingdom everyday. I hope Lu is right and the FEMA camps start business after we are gone.

  25. Hi all, did anyone see this on Hal Turner? Don't know how to verify as I don't read Chinese ;-).

  26. Replies
    1. Perhaps Taiwan and/or the U.S. should consider sinking the ferries before they reach Taiwan. But of course, that would likely start WWIII. Interesting times we're living in, eh! So many "powder kegs" all over the world just ready to explode. Time to beam us up Scottie (YHVH)!

  27. Hey, Lu. In your article on JB’s love of 666, you noted that Obama signed the last steel beam of the Freedom Tower on June 14, 2012. That was DJT’s 66th birthday. Hmmm.

  28. I have a thought to put out there for discussion. It keeps the fig tree generation within the May 14, 2029 timeframe, so Israel stays under 81, but it does not take Lu's 2022 tribulation start into account. (Sorry, Lu.) So, I am just thinking out loud.

    What if the 7 year Laudito Si deal being signed at the end of October is THE Daniel 9:27 deal, as we don't truly know what dictates or goals it includes. What if our rapture is even the same day. What if, of all the people signing the deal, is the AC, because he is one of the Pope's elite folks who are planning on signing. He could then be revealed later at any time.

    Is there anything in the Word that requires the Daniel covenant to be a result of the rapture chaos? I can't think of anything, but maybe someone here can. I'm just wondering if the trib, the signing of the covenant, could begin due to the elite's world takeover plans and not as a result of the rapture. The following chaos would be useful in implementation of the covenant and getting the people "on board" whatever it requires, and revealing a "great leader".

    Lu, I know that you believe the trib begins with the sacrifices starting, I'm not sure how to add that focus into my question. Anyway, maybe someone has some ideas. It's just odd that the Pope's religious covenant is for 7 years, so I have been thinking.

    Blessings to the family-Vicki


    Mike Adams said the hospital workers that quit or were fired will be replaced by foreign workers. All by design.

    1. So, “Yes, we can” is thank you, satan in reverse. 🙄 No wonder Obie said it constantly.

    2. Just another reminder that nothing these Luciferians do is accidental.

  30. Ok, just for giggles, I decided to check out the meaning of 907, which is the price of one large signature pumpkin spice latte and 3 donuts at DD. Don’t judge me🤣.

    Strong's Concordance
    baptizó: to dip, sink
    Original Word: βαπτίζω
    Part of Speech: Verb
    Transliteration: baptizó
    Phonetic Spelling: (bap-tid'-zo)
    Definition: to dip, sink
    Usage: lit: I dip, submerge, but specifically of ceremonial dipping; I baptize.

    I think that’s pretty cool. I think it means I have to keep going there…

    1. AA...were you able to eat all 3 of those donuts? I hope this means you’re at least getting some food down now, Sister.
      And that is pretty cool on getting the 907 ‘dunking’ at the Dunkin’. Seems like a confirmation to something. Hoping it means as a child of the Most High, your healing is nigh.😊🙏

    2. Yes, I did! Thanks. I know it’s not ideal, but if I take painkillers first, I can eat mostly sans pain. I’ve been eating a lot more fruit, too. Mostly peaches, pineapple and mandarin oranges, all packed in fruit juice. I wish I had emulated my mother’s constant devouring of fresh fruit. All that good vitamin C in her stomach prevented worse illnesses from attacking her. I’m trying to help my liver get back to normal. I have no idea what’s enlarging my common bile duct. I hope my MRI later this month sheds light on that situation. Maybe it’s just a gallstone(s). I used to take eating for granted. Not anymore.

    3. Ahem...putting the focus back where it belongs, We Simply See Our Lord Demonstrating The Intimate, Personal Care He Has For Us, Being Entwined In The Simplest Of The Details Of Our Days, While Comforting Us In A Cornucopia Of Ways, Amen. :)

      907: Baptizo Of course it is, of course it is....SMH

    4. Blessings, Jiminiconi and thank you. I read somewhere that the HS resides in our bellies. That’s where I always seem to feel things, either peace or despair. Then I recall what I read at

      “ Now for the issue of discussion. GOD SAID thousands of years ago that the spirit literally dwells in the belly. This idea may be shocking to some but it should come as no surprise to Bible students that the spirit and the flesh are fully interactive. Jesus Christ said in John, Chapter 7, Verses 38-39:

      38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”

      Interesting, huh?

    5. The brain and gut are intimately intertwined via the vagus nerve. Often, what is good for the brain is good for the gut and good for the heart is good for the brain, well, you get the idea…

  31. AA, Blessings and such a blessing to hear of some relief for you. I continue to press in for you and Alla D and all with stomach issues. Oddly, the Pope had surgery there not long ago, joining the aforementioned list, and it was very impactful, we hear.

    Just some fascinating harmonies to share. A new series arrives I've heard a tiny bit about, 'the Eternals' and I think it got prior mention here as touching upon the issue of class discrimination alluding to details in the Millennial Kingdom when WE, the BoC, are 'Eternals', though not the rest of humanity are. One of several such shows or works dealing with ideas flowing from the imminent Scriptural realities ahead.

    On similar note, Ty Green had a recent vid I'll not link due to what I find to be its rather disturbing nature. In short, another charismatic claims to be Jesus and is assembling a following. In his whiteboard lectures he writes, "I'm Jesus; deal with it." and then goes from there. The irony is that as we, the discerning Body of Christ see through this, By Christ, it is also a mockery OF US. In the not-to-distant future, spend some time on this in your prayer closet, we will be saying, effectively, as we administer the offices Which Our Lord Has Awaiting Us As Co-Rulers In The Coming Kingdom, when those we work with work with us question our calls, when working with us, they ARE Working With Christ, Deal With It.

    Joh 14:9 "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. "

    John 10:30 "I and the Father are one."

    John 17:21 21 "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May THEY also be IN US so that the world may believe that you have sent me."


    1. You missed one, Jiminiconi! "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you" (John 14:20) That's what we get to look forward to! Hallelujah!

  32. Hey guys...just finished watching Bushcraft Bear's latest video on La Palma.   Day 29 now.  Usual stuff...more lava flows, increased earthquake activity, poor air quality, people trying to live life as normal on the island, etc.   But what I noticed while watching the video (at or around the 5:40 minute mark) was the appearance of an "inverted pyramid" in the background view of the mountains.  The profile of the laying baby face can also be seen on the right side of the mountain ridge.   Here's the video link:

    Not quite sure what the "inverted pyramid" symbolizes, but thought I might share another unusual feature of La Palma and the possible connection with the pyramids of Egypt.   Any thoughts Lu, Lyn, Sheila ("The HorseSeer") or anyone else?

    While you ponder the significance or insignificance of the "inverted pyramid", this is what I found while searching the internet (excerpt from the book "The Unsolved Mysteries of the Bible" by Yohane):

    "The pyramid is an integral part of the seal of God's relationship with the patriarchs.   The pyramid--with apex at top-- symbolizes God bestowing from Heaven.   The inverted pyramid-- with apex at the bottom--symbolizes mankind worshipping God.   These two pyramids, when interlocked---forming a six-pointed star hexagram--represent the covenant relationship between God and humankind.   Therefore, this symbol may be found among many of the world's ancient religions, and--as the Star of David-- it was associated with the Bible's Moses, King David and Jesus.

    Scripture reveals that the pyramid's origin dates back to antiquity and that the children of God built them to worship and honor God.   Of equal importance is that the pyramid was constructed to withstand the passage of time to serve as a remnant to help unlock the mysteries of the Bible."

    I'm quite sure there is a lot more on this subject matter!  

    1. just to clouds which are forming millions of different patterns around the world, so a spewing volcano will be forming 10's of thousands of different unusual patterns/shapes/animal figures all the time. Spending time looking for the minutiae sometimes hinders us seeing the bigger more essential things taking place.

      Anyway sorry not purposefully wanting to be critical, but it does concern me a little.

    2. Bob, in the Bear’s video from (I think) Friday, do you recall the magnitude of the “strongest” EQ that awoke him in the middle of the night?

      4.1 , depth 38. All strings references for 4138 are incredible- be blessed!

    3. Hey Ryan...those are fair points you make.   Perhaps I'm seeing things when there is nothing.   I usually do not look for such images, but ever since the white and black horses were observed by many watchmen, my perception and/or senses have been heightened to look out for such things.   But perhaps I should spend my Sunday mornings tending to my fig trees, planting my fall crops, going on long bike rides along the river, spending time with my wife and grandson instead of watching YouTube videos and posting what could be significant.   Such is the life of a watchmen I suppose.   As Jordan Clarke once said, "being a watchmen is not for the faint hearted!"    And it definitely can be humiliating at times!    But one day, when the greatest mystery of the Bible/Universe is solved, it will be well worth it!   Especially looking down from Heaven! Blessings, Brother!

      Dean...according to EMSC, there was a 4.5 magnitude earthquake at a depth of 49 km on 10/16. That may have been the earthquake that woke him up at night.

    4. About 145 or so in was the one I heard in the video. Not sure if that makes the strongs references to fullness more or less relevant 🤓
      4138. pléróma
      Matt 9:16

    5. I’d try to link to the time but can’t even make the URL!

    6. Dean...gotta sometimes use the KJV on the G4138 to really capture the “fullness of the fullness” and then there’s H4138:
      moledeth—birth, offspring, begotten, born, family, kindred.
      Good implications for the BOC.

      But re the world, IDK the fullness of what’s being birthed on that Island just yet, but something tells me it’s gonna get much uglier. As for for me, I can’t help but see all kinds of evil looking apparitions coming up out of that volcano, esp in the night vids. Just makes me think of the pits of hell being opened up.

      And yes...I can’t imagine how many times even other Believers have thought me crazy for how I see things, but I’m sure it’s a lot, LOL. When one starts looking for God’s Signature or Purpose in everything, it can get a little out of this world for some of those around us to digest👀. BUT GOD...
      ain’t none of us seen nothin’ yet...😊🙏

    7. Right on sister!! Kind of hard to *not* see this these days. How exciting!!

    8. Sheila (aka 'Horseseer')...thanks for your support.   I'm so glad I'm not the only one seeing these things.   I was just about to admit myself to the psych ward!   Lol!   I really wanted to blame it on Lu's Decoder Ring, but unfortunately I started seeing these apparitions long before he gave it to me! 

      Hey Lu, weren't you suppose to back me up on this one?   After all, I was quite impressed with your Article #560 (Black Horse of La Palma) and posted glowing reviews about it.   Your silence leaves me somewhat puzzled on what you might be thinking.   Either your favorite student has gone whacko and needs to be admitted to the psycho ward pronto or you're busy writing another article entitled "Mysterious Inverted Pyramid and Baby Face Seen on Mountain Range in La Palma...What does it Signify?"    Perhaps it would be best if you kept me guessing or claim the 5th on this one!      Lol!

    9. RE: ‘Images’ from La Palma?

      Bob…What? You rang?
      Just been busy with work. About possible ‘Images’ and stuff? I am always in the middle of issues. I believe in ‘Balance and Harmony’… ‘Old Grasshopper’. I hear Ryan’s concern and Sheila’s. But with the ones that are ‘blatantly’ obvious, sure like the ‘Black Horse’ one. Others? Not so much. It is when we ‘go trying to find them’ that could lead to ‘Rabbit Holes’ and such.

      But such Evil and Demonic apparition did also occur during the explosions on 9-11 and there is increased UFO activity during eruptions as it has bee documented that the crafts ‘recharge’ from al the static electricity that is immitted, etc.

      So, to ‘Back you up’ Old Grasshopper, here is a compilation from Wallytron101. Not sure if he did it himself or mirrored it from other Channels. Now, be aware that I do not like his Spirit of Condemnation. He is flipping-out on every ‘Watchmen’ who believes in Once Saved and condemning anyone who says the Shot is not the Mark. So, beware.

      Carry on…

      Jeová: Excellent Post and encouragement about this year’s Tabernacles! May it be so this time…
      You have to tell TW Tramm to come join us here in the Funny Farm and sometimes Lunatic Asylum. ;) But a Godly One.

      La Palma Volcano - 5 Mysterious Creatures Caught on Camera At The Cumbre Vieja Volcano Eruption

    10. Master speak words of great wisdom!

      Young grasshopper!

    11. Master Lu...someday in the distant future!

      Older and wiser grasshopper!

    12. Something I’ve caught is that the ones I’ve seen teaching these current vipers are the actual MOTB (like @Off Grid..) are also teaching that we’ve already entered the 70th week/7 yr Tribulation period that has been determined for God to deal with that “apple of His Eye” aka Israel.
      (Dan.9:24 KJV)
      And I’d say the same thing to them on that-wise...they ain’t seen nothing yet.

      I woke up from a dream this morning about a very public announcement that
      the govts. would be purchasing souls through the use of a patent in exchange for protection from “the washing of the wicked”.

      After looking through some Scriptures, I take
      this to mean that those people who take the MOTB as it’s described in Rev.13 will not just be doing so in order to buy or sell, but will be knowingly seeking protection from God’s Judgments by willfully surrendering their souls to the enemy’s false promises of victory. I believe they will be making a conscious choice as to whom it is they are going to serve and that is what will ensure the damnation announced by the third angel in Rev.14:9,10,11.

      Ps.58:10 KJV
      Jer.15:3 KJV
      Jer.4:14 KJV
      Joshua 24:15
      1Kings 18:21

      So please just keep praying for those who for whatever reason have reluctantly or unwittingly taken these j@b$, or have even had it physically forced on them at this time, to be calling upon the Name of Jesus Christ for healing, wisdom and the purging of these toxic potions and propaganda from both body and soul. The BOC is still here and we are as yet still commissioned to share the Gospel of His Saving Grace with any who are willing to hear it this side of the Harpazo.

      Blessings All and Maranatha! 😊🙏

    13. Isn’t “safe” or “safety” the popular buzzwords right now? Peace and safety, too.

      "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" is a translation of a Latin phrase that Thomas Jefferson used: "Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem." It has also been translated as, "I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude."

    14. Sisters I’m once bitten myself. Walking from a big job to avoid but also sent a religious exemption letter. Everyone’s path leads to a different party - a big AMEN to your prayer and I’ll second for whichever count this is: MARANATHA

      I’m usually a few minutes early to most meetings, but think I’m going to go ahead and stow my tray-table. Want to ensure I’m following all of the rules on the Spirit 777 to one huge fun table. 🥳🙏.

  33. Dear family, BLESSINGS!

    I feel and know that the GREAT DAY is fast approaching - my heart beats and says: COME, COME, COME!!! (MARANATHA!)

    There have been many experiences and learnings here (since mid-2017) and I praise the Lord Jesus for allowing me this very special coexistence with true servants of the Living God.

    I share, below, the latest post by T.W. Tramm (FB Page), with interesting and encouraging information about the Feast of Tabernacles.

    Feast of Tabernacles - Types and Shadows

    THE BIBLICAL FEAST of Tabernacles begins October 21 this year.

    As the concluding harvest festival, Tabernacles marked the final ingathering of produce from the orchards, fields and vineyards. In ancient Israel, the granaries, threshing floors, wine and olive presses would be at capacity at this time (Ex. 23:16).

    To celebrate the harvest, God instructed the Israelites to “take palm branches and rejoice before the Lord for seven days” (Lev. 23:40, 41). Additionally, they were to build a tabernacle, a temporary hut or shelter, and inhabit it during the festival as a reminder of the temporary shelters they lived in after the flight from Egypt (Lev. 23:42, 43).

    Commentators generally agree that the Feast of Tabernacles foreshadows an ingathering of believers at Jesus’ second coming and, ultimately, the Millennial Kingdom when God “tabernacles” with man. However, some also see the festival as a plausible time for the Rapture.

    Here are some reasons why:

    • Tabernacles is a festival of ingathering (Ex. 34:22). The Rapture is a gathering of believers to the Lord (2 Thess. 2:1).

    • Tabernacles is the last festival of the year, so the trumpet blast announcing it is the “last trump” (1 Cor. 15:52).

    • Jesus’ transfiguration “after six days” is believed to have occurred during Tabernacles (Matt. 17:4). The transfiguration after six days foreshadows the Church’s glorification, or rapture, after 6,000 years (2 Pet. 3:8).

    • Tabernacles (Sukkot) is the name of the place the Israelites first camped after departing Egypt (Ex. 12:37). The departure from Egypt is a picture of the Rapture.

    • The Feast of Tabernacles begins at the full moon. Since the moon is symbolic of the Church, the full moon denotes the “fullness of the Gentiles” at the end of the age (Rom. 11:25). Furthermore, Scripture links the full moon to the return of the goodman of the house, a picture of Jesus returning to settle accounts at the end of the age (Prov. 7:19, 20; Mark 13:35).

    • At the Feast of Tabernacles, every man was required to bring an offering proportionate to the blessings God had bestowed upon him (Deut. 16:16, 17). The requirement to bring a proportionate offering recalls Jesus’ admonition concerning the judgment of one’s fruits at the end of the age: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required” (Matt. 25:14–30; Luke 12:48).

    • Solomon, a type of Christ, dedicated the Temple to God at the Feast of Tabernacles (1 Kings 8:65). The Temple is a type of the Body of Christ, or Church, which will be presented to God at the Rapture (Eph. 2:20–22).

    • Grapes and apples are harvested in autumn, around Tabernacles. In Song of Solomon, the passages depicting the Gentile maid in the presence of her beloved shepherd mention apples and grapes (Song 2:3–5, 13).

    • In the Book of Ruth, the Gentile bride marries the Jewish redeemer Boaz after all the grain was harvested or laid up in the barns (Ruth 2:21, 23 DRB). Thus, the typological wedding of Ruth and Boaz could have occurred around the Feast of Tabernacles (Ruth 2:21, 23; Deut. 16:13).

    • Tabernacles is when the last grain is brought into the barns, grapes are crushed, and figs and olives are harvested (Deut 16:13). In Scripture, grain represents the Church, grapes represent nonbelievers, and figs and olives are symbolic of Israel (Matt. 3:12; 13:24–30; 24:32–34; Rev. 14:18–20; 19:15; Jer. 11:16; 24:1, 2; Rom. 11:17–25).

    • According to Luke, Jesus returns at a time when people are “planting” (Luke 17:28). Autumn, the season of Tabernacles, is when many crops are planted.

    1. • In John chapter 7, Jesus attends the Feast of Tabernacles in partial secrecy because His time had not yet fully come and not even his brothers believed in Him (vv. 5, 6). Similarly, the Rapture is a “limited appearance” of the Lord at a time of unbelief.

      One of the most striking correlations between Tabernacles and the Rapture is in Revelation 7 where “a great multitude from every nation, tribe, and language is seen rejoicing before God’s throne with palm branches in their hands” (v. 9 abbr). Recall that Tabernacles is when the people rejoice before the Lord with palm branches (Lev. 23:40). Furthermore, it is said of the multitude, “The One seated on the throne will spread His tabernacle over them” (Rev. 7:15 BSB).

      This heavenly observance of Tabernacles obviously occurs well before the Second Coming as the Tribulation trumpet-judgments have yet to commence in Revelation 8. So while there is no way to know exactly when the multitude with palm branches arrived in heaven, their observance of Tabernacles is noteworthy and suggests a preliminary (heavenly) fulfillment of the festival prior to the Second Coming.

      Having highlighted some thematic correlations between the Feast of Tabernacles and the Rapture, we understand that similar correlations can be drawn with other festivals, particularly the Feast of Weeks. So while anything is possible, this study is not to suggest the Rapture will necessarily occur during Tabernacles.

      In fact, a case can be made that the Rapture may not coincide with a feast day at all, or at least not a day recognized as such (Matt. 24:36–51). This is not to say the Rapture will occur on a random day. God is not random. However, it is conceivable that the appointed time of this particular event is concealed so that not even the angels can know it:

      “About that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels” (v. 36).

      Concerning the timing of the Savior’s appearing, it is important to keep in mind that the God of the Bible is an “eleventh-hour” God: He will allow the wicked maximum time for repentance before bringing judgment (2 Pet. 3:9). He will allow believers to endure an extended period of waiting or uncertainty as a test of faith (Gen. 16). Most importantly, God will make a way where there seems to be no way (Isa. 43:16; Matt. 19:26). The Israelites trapped on the beach by the Red Sea saw no way of escaping the advancing Egyptian army. Yet, the path of rescue was right before them, concealed beneath the waves.

      This is why one should never lose hope concerning the imminence of the Rapture.

      And this is why one should be ready always.

      . . .


      1. According to the modern Jewish calendar, the Feast of Tabernacles begins September 21. However, as happens in certain years, the Jewish calendar is a month out of sync with the true biblical calendar in 2021. When the biblical New Year (Nisan 1) is correctly reckoned the first new moon after the spring equinox per the command to “guard the month of Aviv” (Deut.16:1), the fall festival dates occur as follows:

      Feast of Trumpets: October 7–8

      Day of Atonement: October 16

      Feast of Tabernacles: October 21–27

      2. There are seven biblical festivals. However, only three are harvest festivals, during which every Israelite male was required to appear before the Lord: Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), and Tabernacles (Deut. 16:16).

    2. 3. All biblical festivals are announced by the sounding of a trumpet (Ps. 81:3).

      4. The moon as a symbol of the Church: In Song of Solomon the Gentile/Shulammite maid, symbolic of the Church, is compared to the moon: “Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon .... Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee” (Song 6:10, 13). The spiritual parallel between the Church and the moon is that the full moon, as bright and beautiful as it is, has no brilliance of its own. It relies entirely upon the sun, which is a picture of Christ (Ps. 84:11; 19:4, 5), for its light. Without the sun, the moon has no light. Likewise, man has no light of his own. We were created in the image of God to reflect His brilliance and glory (Gen. 1:27). When we turn to face the majesty of God, when we surrender to Him and seek Him with all our hearts, we reflect His glory (Matt. 5:14).

      5. At the dedication of Solomon’s Temple, 120 priests sounded trumpets (2 Chron. 5:12). This could be an allusion to the 120th Jubilee, or 6,000th year, marking the end of the Church Age

      6. Possible timing of Ruth and Boaz’s wedding:

      Scripture records that Ruth lived with her mother in law until all the wheat harvest was complete (Ruth 2:23). One translation specifies that Ruth lived with her mother-in-law until all the barley and the wheat were “laid up in the barns” (v. 23 DRB). If Boaz’s supervisory duties as a wealthy landowner kept him occupied until the end of the harvest season, when all the crops were processed, sorted, and put in barns, it is possible the wedding may have been delayed until summer’s end.

      Another reason Ruth and Boaz’s wedding may have been delayed until summer’s end is a Jewish custom that requires certain brides to observe a 3-month period of separation before marrying. Havchana is a rabbinic law that requires a divorcee, widow, or new convert to Judaism to allow at least 3 months between the betrothal and the actual wedding. The purpose of the 3-month period is to ensure that the bride is not already pregnant before marrying and to avoid any confusion concerning the lineage of the child. Since the Gentile Ruth was both a widow and a convert to Judaism, it is possible that in accordance with the law of Havchana the couple was not married until the end of summer or early fall, about three months after the betrothal on or around Pentecost.

      7. In Revelation 7, it is said of the multitude waving palm branches before God’s throne, “Never again will they … thirst” (7:16). It was on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles that Jesus stood and cried out, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink” (John 7:37).

      8. Festival sequence in Revelation: Significantly, after the multitude of saints is seen celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles in heaven, we are shown an angel performing the Day-of-Atonement/high-priest ritual of offering up much incense (Rev. 8:3, 4; Lev. 16). After that, a series of trumpet blasts announcing various judgments evoke the Feast of Trumpets (Rev. 8, 9; Lev. 23:24). What is interesting is that these allusions to the feasts occur in reverse order of the actual festivals (Tabernacles/Atonement/Trumpets vs. Trumpets/Atonement/Tabernacles). However, this may be due to the fact that Revelation gives “snapshots” of events, which may be separated by months or years.

      9. According to Scripture, the Feast of Tabernacles will be celebrated throughout the millennial period, not only by Israel but by every nation, including those who came against her during the Tribulation: “Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles” (Zech. 14:16).

    3. Jeova, thank you so very much for copy/pasting TW Tramm's articles here! I do not do FB and the last two articles you have posted are not showing on his website. Thanks again. judi

    4. Blessings and TY Jeova...wonderful information that just confirmed what I’ve been looking at today. See if I can string this together coherently:

      It goes “Back to the Future” and also has a bit of relevance to Gary and Jeff’s video above.

      This morning I found myself thinking about @L Lott YTC, which I haven’t watched since last year, so went to check it out. Her last video was posted 8 months ago, but I felt led to look at where she was this time last year on 0ct.7, 2020:

      “More Details to TRUE Tishri and References To Time Travel!”
      Parts 1 and 2

      Now it seems Lynn was back then where we are right now in re to this calendar year being a month off and if Lu is correct, this being the Shemitah year. So her study that seemed so on point to her for an October 2020 Deliverance is interestingly more relevant to where we are now one year later.

      Lynn’s calendar comparison work reveals what she referred to as a “backwards/forward shift”, which reminded me of Gary and Jeff’s video teaching about the “Interlude” structure of the Book of Revelation revealing a “backwards/forward shift” as well. (Gary was saying the interludes of Revelation can look backward, or backward AND forward, but never only forward.) In fact, I guess one could say that the Whole of Scripture reveals a “Back to the Future” story, hence the chiastic structure that comes full circle with Revelation closing the Book as Genesis opened it—in Paradise.

      Lynn’s study is also corroborating some of what Jeova just shared above about Tabernacles as she looks at the Parashah readings last year. She also mentions the full moons and 10/23 being “Something to Behold” as shared last year by Darla from @Gods Gifts. Also very interesting was that at that time she was awakened with the words “5-4-3-2-1 Liftoff” which as of this week we can now correlate to the Blue Origin New Shepard manned space flight with 90 yr. old William Shatner who came back down warning the world of the “Coming Catastrophic Event” and his seeing mass death due to climate change via human abuses. And I believe that “New Shepard” namesake is a corrupted twist on our Eternal Great Shepherd, with none formed before, or after Him. (Anyway, it seems obvious that Shatner is a NWO devotee to Mother Earth even as he finds the human carnage to be “so sad”.)

      She also talked about seeing some confirmation in Eddie Van Halen’s death the day before she made these videos on 10/06/20 and learning about his cameo appearance in the movie “Back to the Future” from a site called ‘Looper’. So perhaps just some looking back to see where we are now? Like Lynn, I don’t know for sure, but hopefully, we are being pointed to His Appearing (Vayera) and our Tabernacling with Him in just a few more short days because the coming days are going to get even more confusing as ‘time’ goes on. (Dan.7:25)

      Looking UP and Maranatha!😊🙏

  34. Have been trying to keep up with y'all's Comments--such a mix of serious and funny. Sheila the Horseseer and Captain Bob have me cracking up😂 This is so good for us because looking at the world things are not funny.

    BUT they just show we are getting closer!

    JIMBONI~There was so much I wanted to share re. Jeffrey McGaha's latest video, I just went ahead and added a section to my last article:

    Dragon Tail Hits near Halloween?

    Jeffrey McGaha shared insights in his video, Found It (Watchman of the Dragon 10/15/21), regarding the Revelation 12 Dragon that so encouraged me, I wanted to add them here.

    SNOW: At 18:30 minutes into the video Jeffrey shares how he saw on his home monitoring system what looked like snow that early morning of September 24, 2021, but realized it was harmless debris from the Dragon System. What convinced me that he had indeed recorded debris from the Dragon System was the clip (at 21:29 minutes) from the movie Melancholia where it appeared to SNOW on a warm, LATE SUMMER day close to the time before the planet collided into Earth.

    (For more information on the Revelation 12 Dragon System also known as Planet X, Nibiru, and other names, I have written several articles on it but some basic understanding can be found in The Ark of Escape. To learn more about the movie Melancholia go to the 2020-2021 Comet SIGN Line section of The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child.)

    NOAH & LOT: Beginning at about the 41-minute mark, our Brother Jeff shares his belief of how Jesus’ words regarding Noah and Lot (Luke 17:26-30) line up with Planet X. Both Noah and Lot were delivered THE DAY God unleashed the astronomy of the Dragon on the earth JUST AS GOD will deliver the Man Child/Overcoming Church Bride THE DAY the Dragon is unleashed!

    Jeffrey McGaha includes many more gems along the lines of predictive programming in so many of the movies out there. Of course, I am unsure as to Jeff’s conjecture of a November 3 arrival of the Dragon’s tail of destructive debris; however, Jeffrey’s watch window matches the many dreams of a Halloween-related Rapture!

    [For related links and to read the entire article go to
    Christmas is Coming Early]

    1. Lyn, Blessings.

      Well, now. As we now know, Bro Jeffrey targets 01:17 a.m. as the highlighted moment of various impacts. For folks who've asked why his marker seems centered on NYC time I've conjectured it as the heart of one Babylon so it fits and Jeffrey hearted that one, plus it puts the midnight hour in the Central Time Zone which he notes is dense Bible Territory in all 3 Americas.

      So, wouldn't ya know, DBA spends some vinyl on the 117 connection in a completely tangential fashion, once again, which he credits Pastor Sandy for introducing him to, as he, DBA, rewinds and unpacks his next conjecture 01:01:41 : The RAPTURE of all Born Again by the Spirit will happen at "The LAST DAY" ... did you know 10/28....

      Meanwhile, Joseph Acquaviva dials in to more numbers zeroing in on 10/26, as are many 07:36: I THINK THIS IS IT! SOMETHING BIG COULD BE GOING DOWN THIS WEEK! NEW INFORMATION! 10/26 OBAMA 666

      Which serve as good markers, among many, indicating the Watcher community is being tee-ed up for 10/26-ish, big time, and 11/3-ish is serving as a fairly hard backstop behind it. Maranatha!


    2. "D"BA just copied Sword of God.

      After "D"BA struck out big time with Trumpets (which has NOTHING to do with an escape of the Bride and all to do with the return of the KING), he quickly looked to see others in order to post his own "discovery".

      "D"BA was a huge "Nothing Burger" with Trumpets but many still followed. SMH

      SoG is light years ahead of "D"BA and with greater Biblical insight, study and connections to ALL of the signs (Gen 1:14) we've had for us to ponder with a (A Beautiful Mind) analysis.

    3. BB….I was wondering where you were😀..


    4. See where all he world leaders (nephillim) are meeting with the king snake leader on 10/31.

      120 world snake-people and all of the US govt cabinet are going.

      What are they escaping? Leaving the destruction behind?


      BTW, why were Jared and Ivana meeting wth Bibi in Isr_ael (aka Judah/ NWO HQ/ SoS) celebrating the one-world "Abraham" Accords?

      Kind of like the "Abrahamic" Religions (aka One World Religion)

      Perhaps the DJT family are super under-cover working under the king snake leader (aka the Sith lord)?


    5. AA,

      I was looking to come over to JHU hospital but there are several of them...and do not know your name.... so it would have been a huge Nothing Burger in downtown Baltimore.



    6. I am going to repeat a Jimbonism here,

      It seems the warnings are over. I would assume some large shakings this week.

      Buckle Up Buttercups

      Per Lyn's analysis and others, we'd better expect to be here to see/experience "some" things before the rescue.....

      See Paul Dawson's update @ He is following the normal Greg and Torah calendar so today, 10/17, is the day the ark door is closed (prior to Chesvan 17 or Day of the Deluge which is 10/24).

      Is today the last day for sealing IN before the judgements Fall/Shake, Rattle N Roll.

      Deluge Day... Chesvan 17 / October 23-24, 2021


    7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      BTW, anyone know what is IN those containers which are surrounding the us?

      Foriegn People? Mil Hardware?

    8. I was at the ER on Orleans St. After the imaging tests, they discharged me. Kind of you, though.

  35. For a nice take from our brother Ross about imminence vs feast days I invite the curious to check out his latest:

    Turmoil Surrounding Israel. The next up and coming War.

    1. Either way I kind of sense the community going into a bit of- perhaps- labor? To bring in as many fish as possible on the last full court press?

      Maybe not but neat to ponder

    2. Like “NOW”??

      No. But how about now, metaphorically?


      Does it depend on what the meaning of “now” is?


      Be blessed

      I am Convinced That Rapture is NOW, and Watchmen/Women Were Raised Up to Confirm This!


    3. Hi Dean,

      Speaking of the latest from MANY FISH

      Rob Skiba. Sowed the Seed, Kept the Faith. Well Done.

      MF: I can only imagine how many eyes, minds and souls God used Rob to open up to the Truth, which is Jesus Christ! See you soon Rob!"

      So how many fish do we think are 1) believers and 2) currently walking with the LORD worldwide today...,having separated themselves from the world? It's a narrow path but only a few find it (Matt 7:13-14).

      153million (out of 8 billion) so, maybe 2%

      But we know soon after there will be a GREAT HARVEST of FISH to come in (a great multitude too great for anyone to number (Rev 7:9)) once the Bride has been removed and the real testing begins.


      The Sleepy and some of the LOST Fish will be caught soon after the DELUGE begins.... perhaps on 10/24 (Chesvan 17).

      Amazing if the LORD does commence the 2nd DELUGE on the exact day of the 1st one. So all those mocking now/ not looking/ not paying attention etc.. will have the same fate....

      But there will be extra mercy as these are the "End of Days".... unlike the flood which there was no mercy except for the 8 and the animals.


    4. This is the 153rd post and another nod to the 153 fish

      7-Day Warnings / October 24, 2021 - The Day the Nets Break

    5. Is it me or does Nic Cage show up in a lot of apocalyptic flicks? IE, “Knowing”, “Left Behind.” He seems to be the modern equivalent of Charlton Heston.

      Israel is doing more irreparable harm to themselves than their enemies can even imagine.😕

    6. They put Rob Skiba on a ventilator. Seemingly, this action ends many lives.

  36. Hey Charles,
    Hope all is well. For sure some interesting Day-Counts are floating around now presently to consider. I like the connecting the possible dots. It will be an exciting week to watch. As with every Fall Cycle of a Rapture timing probability, the Noah Connection is a strong one. Let’s see:

    -DNA manipulation, i.e. mRNA Shots. Check.
    -Increased Violence and Wickedness. Check.
    -World given over to different definition/type of ‘Marriage’. Check.
    -Pending theme of Judgment by Water (La Palma?) and end of an Age (Church Age). Check.

    So, to summarize are the following Number Associations pertaining to possible Day Counts for Rapture Timing perspectives. This is at least where we are at presently and one can see, in part. I imagine there are others factors and/or variables one is not aware of, of course.

    1. A 7-Day Warning
    This appears to coincide with the October 24/25 date of Tabernacles. And this would then correspond to the ‘3rd Day’ that I also think might be significant. Interesting. Over the decades, years, many have talked about there being some sort of 7-Day Noah Countdown.

    2. The 1260 days from May 14, 2018
    Israel’s Independence Day to October 24/25 ‘3rd Day of Tabernacles = 1260 days. This was noted early in the post by Bob in how 2018 was Israel’s 70th Birthday from 1948 and the year the 3rd Temple Altar of Sacrifice was re-dedicated and thus, adds some ‘Prophetic Weight’ perhaps.

    3. ‘1492’ Days for a ‘New World’ Order
    This would be from the Revelation 12 Sign to the same October 24/25 ‘3rd Day of Tabernacles. Now why this date of the ‘Discovery of the Americas’ over other prior ones? There is evidence that the Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Celtics, Norsemen had Settlements in pre-Native American history, i.e., America’s Stonehenge. The main reason is that many purport that it was the European Illuminati Bloodlines that financed Columbus, a ‘Crypto-Jew’ to find a New Home for the Israelites.

    Thus the USA as the ‘Tabernacle Nation’ and what I also propose as the corresponding Statue of Nebs. And how the USA, in particular was the New Atlantis, etc. It is then having him take that ‘New World Order’ theme and ‘legitimacy’. And also that the Papacy was involved in its sanctioning, etc. Thus, the possible ‘Signaling’ is that the New World Order is about to come and be ‘discovered’ and entered into. I would tie this event and date then to the prior Article and topic of the Columbus ‘Idol’ that appeared in Jerusalem back in March. #466 Columbus Christ

    4. A 153 Day Count and Net
    Then there is that 153 Day Count that Renee from the Philippines noted from Pentecost, based on the Rabbinical Calendar of May 23, 2021. That would also then to October 24/25 ‘3rd Day of Tabernacles. And we know that the 153 is ‘Code’ for the Number to be Caught in the Net and gathered-in to the shore, as the Net did not break. But in Math and Sacred Gematria, 153 is the coefficient of the Vesica Pisces, or the ‘Womb’ motif that signifies a coming Birthing Process.

    So, will the Rapture occur then on the 3rd Day of Tabernacles on October 24/25? It will be for sure a High Watch Date. Then, there are others who suggest the Halloween Day of 31 to be it. If you all remember God’s Road Map to the End, has always suggested this as a possible Rapture date too. And this is when all the Elites of the Luciferian present World Order will meet in Scotland and then to Rome. Realize that it was in 1957 that the Treaty of Rome birthed the European Union.

    1. Part 2/2
      Now about Renee’s predictions and the others? Just realize that she has specifically called the Rapture on certain dates in the past. And she lost a huge following because of it. Also with the likes of 9Nania that vehemently denies the Revelation 12 Sign, as a farce and that she ‘knows the true’ one and all who believe the September 23, 2017 are ‘Deceived’. Or that others say it was a ‘Half Sign and thus a ‘False’ Sign. I do not see that logic in that. Just saying we need to have perspective and what ‘Spirit’ such teachings and statements are coming from, including all of ours.

      Although they may provide interesting and credible information and insight at times or in part, I have a ‘Red Flag’ that goes up as I have dug deeper into what they all have said. So, only can go by what they said. And it is not just a difference of dates, or speculation but at the core of Theology. For example, 9Nania has stated that YHVH is Satan. Or now BP Earthwatch teaches that the Torah was written by Satan, etc.

      Just saying that as we ‘pick’ favorites or biases of Preachers and/or Teachers, we need to have ‘Harmony and Balance’, hu Bob, Grasshopper. For example, you have pretty much dismissed Barry Awe. Some love him, other hate him. But he is trying to watch and ‘figure it out’ just like all of us no? In looking into the videos you suggested. I am not familiar with Sword of GOD. But from what I heard, I like somethings, not others.

      For example, I track with him that there are more than 1 Rapture during the Tribulation. I have written on that before. Cool. But when he mentioned the year 33 as the year of Crucifixion, that is Mathematically impossible. Why? Even if one would disagree when Jesus was born, as they do in Tabernacles and if either -2, -3 and -4 BC, then Jesus would have been 35 years old at the time of His Death. For sure past 33 years old, assuming Jesus was born in Year ‘0’ then. Sorry, do not buy it. And we know that it is assumed that Jesus was 33 when He died.

      Then in listening to him and other that then were incorporated into the video, some 3-4 hours long….yikes. It was those guys that believe the Tribulation is 14 years long and Jesus is coming back in 2035. Ok. How the 2520 Day Count or 7-Year Tribulation that both Daniel and John in Revelation confirm and converge to have them then add another 7-Year Heptad is beyond me. And where they are not the ones that back a while they said, 100% that Jesus was coming for 40 days on Earth during Passover and then Leave, and not take us with Him? Come on, why still listen to them? I would ask the same of you. Not that I watch or follow Berry Awe. So, just example that we are ‘all over the place’ and no one has the corner on Prophecy.

      RE: Rob Skiba. Sad to hear but sadder is what were they thinking. Of course one does not know the details but a person like him or in his circles and living in Texas?….To just be taken to the Hospital where surely they have the Protocol to not treat but ventilate and essentially kill the Patient so they can charge/code their $50,000 US Dollars +? Did he or Family, Friends not know about Ivermectin, Zinc, the Zelenko Protocol, or Dr. McCullough’s of Dallas that has published this Protocol? What is going on?


      PS: Here is a transcript of Dr. Zandre Both of South Africa who also exposed what is in the COVID-19 Injections, ‘Black Goo’.

    2. Black goo reminds me of the black oil in the X Files. It was an alien virus. Oh, so much there.


    3. Luis et. al,

      I am just throwing things out there at his juncure. I am not holding onto any theory or interpretation at this time....just hoping and waiting for the SECOND SHOE to drop.

      Today may be it.

      The 20th on the full moon.

      The day of the deluge, 10/24 on the "regular" Greg & Torah counting system.

      The "true" Tabernacles. Which day?

      The "true" LAST DAY of Tabernacles as the Sword of God has shown (before SA or the "D"BA clown)?


      BTW Iceman,

      I am including some of your reference materials in my 12+ page "religious accomodation" letter.

      Well done to be informed and to explain it. I am constantly pounded with their "information" on COVID and "what to do because it is a good thing for the safety of the workplace".

      Just received a "Myths and Facts" about the jabs. The CDC being the main source of these facts so all their "facts" are contrary to what has been shown to be the real truth. So of course they are reversing or telling the untruth.

      Hopefully and maybe the CME/EMP/ Electrical Grid shut downs (blackouts) will happen before too long and all of this will be "history"....


    4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Re: crucifixition on 28 or 30 or 33 or other AD

      I definitely see 28 and I also see how 33 AD is key to SoG's entire timeline.

      There are so many possibilities for just about any pivot point or major event in these Biblical end times.

      Re: Rob Skiba and "the vent"

      Yeah, I wondered why they didn't look out for the home remedies and one would think they would have been aware of the trap(s) waiting for them at these healthcare places.

    5. Re: Rob Skiba-

      I read in the comments section that he did try to treat it at home for as long as he could but finally went to the hospital when he just could not breathe. I suspect he was informed as to home treatments, as he certainly knew how to research and dig for info. My heart was so saddened at his passing (happy for him, of course), especially for his family. Last winter when I was so sick, I listened to many of his teaching videos and enjoyed his lively delivery and his steadfast reliance on the Word.

    6. Nice write-up, Lu.   Here are a few more dates I've been thinking about recently:

      9-19-21 (La Palma eruption begins) to 10-21-21 (1st day of Feast of Tabernacles) = 33 days

      9-19-21 to 10-28-21 (8th day per Dr. Barry) = 40 days

      10-21-21 to 10-28-21= possible 7 day warning (meaning Rapture happens on 10/28-29 as Dr. Barry suggests)

      10-21-21 to 10-24/25 = 3 days of possible darkness

      10-24/25 to 10-27/28 = 3 days of possible darkness

      Based on the above, it seems that there may be a connection between the La Palma volcanic eruption and when we depart.   Aren't we all expecting a "breaking of the water" or mega-tsunami/asteroid type of event to happen before the Rapture?   Not saying this will be the final sequence of events, but it sure seems the stage has been set for things to start happening soon or at least by Halloween!

      Btw, just for clarification and so nobody misconstrues Lu's comment about dismissing Barry Awe (that was directed to Charlie not Grasshopper or Cap't Bob).   I have always been and will continue to be a big fan of Dr. Barry.   He's one of the best watchmen I know of and he's been kind enough to lend me two of his characters (Bones and Sally)!

  37. Carole,
    Comment allez-vous et votre Mari? J'espère qu'il est moins stressé qu'avant avec son travail. Comment va ton Fils? Je crois que vous avez mentionné qu'il est l'armée non? A-t-il dû prendre l'Injection? Si oui, comment va-t-il? La raison pour laquelle je voulais écrire, est de vous faire connaître un site Web Français qui contient de nombreux articles sur l'exposition du mal dans le Monde et des dangers des Injections. Le site se trouve à l'adresse suivante:

    Je ne sais pas s'il est Chrétien, mais il a publié certains de mes Articles sur le Signe et les Symboles de l'Occultisme. Il a également traduit l'interview du Dr Madej qui a exposé les Nano-Particules et l'Auto-Réplication du ‘Black Goo’ que les l'Injection COVID-19 ont. Je voulais que vous connaissiez ces ressources dans Français. J'espère qu'il ne faudra pas attendre beaucoup plus longtemps.


    1. Article en Français
      Dr. Franc Zalewski en Pologne et Dr Carrie Madej aux USA ont tous les deux observé un Organisme Parasitaire dans l'Injection à ARNm, surnommé respectivement La Chose et ‘Hydra Vulgaris’

    2. You are being quoted in France of all places Lu - awesome!

    3. Hey Ryan…
      I know, cool and also in Spanish and Finnish too. Who would have thought? Hope and pray your Wife can get a Waiver somehow from not getting the Shot. If what Dr. Madej, Dr. Botha and Dr. Franc Zalewski have all discovered is true, and it appears so, no way should anyone be taking these ‘Things’ that will be growing and taking over one’s Body. But apparently also, not all the vails have them.

      Since it is a ‘Live Experiment’, they have to have Control Groups. Truly, the Days of Noah are here. Hopefully, our writings and waiting will soon be done one day…When our Faith turns to Sight. What a Day that will be. But now, if you could only translate some of the Articles into ‘Kiwi’, no? …kidding. ;)


    4. Thank you Lu for asking about my family. Health is extremely fragile here. Daniel, my husband, is always tired or weak or has to go to bed in the afternoon or very early at night and he has pain all over, a probable cause of arthritis and he is always stressed by the financial problems he has. . . He also suffers from insomnia. Me since this spring, when I had the kind of flu that comes from the bronchial tubes and throat, and which lasted for 3 weeks, I haven't been totally cured. As soon as I get a little better, if I work for a day, I start coughing again and having the same symptoms as in the spring, even though I don't work in the same place every day. Wheezing cough, a lot at night too, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache and all. I think the fact that almost all people are vaxx at work and I'm with them constantly, I had one of their many illnesses which is in their vaxx which is not going to go away ... The doctor told me once the vaxx was a danger to non-vaxx ... I've been like this for several months now! My 3 sons are vaxx ... and their wives too, but apart from my 2nd son who has a bad cold, they are all fine so far. My youngest son even says he is healthier than before the vaxx. He wants to believe it so badly even if I don't believe it! But I didn't keep telling him it was toxic, it just leads to a quarrel. They don't believe vaxx is a danger. Thank you for the link I will put it in my favorites.

  38. Just a note to those who think that the Biblical Chapter and verse delineation came about by man’s own desire for convenience and without the Hand of God involved...just a listen to @Dr. BA’s latest re the significance of God’s use of ‘117’ throughout Scripture might be enlightening. (Or else believe in a whole lot of unbiblical “coincidence”.)

    And I find it hard to understand how one perceives @SoG to be “light years” ahead of @DBA with as many “drop the mic” failed dates they have set. We are all looking through a glass darkly, but our God is looking and searching through the hearts of His Saints and He knows the intent of those who are searching out and sharing His Word to encourage the BOC while we are watching and waiting for His Appearing. And thankfully, He’ll be The One separating the “clowns” from the truly Faithful.


    1. I guess some folks still enjoy a carnal comedy skit over sincere line by line Biblical study (regardless of how many dates EVERYONE has missed).

      Here is Nick Vanderlaan exposing "D"BA over his carnal - loving ways.

      Dr. Barry Awe EXPOSED as a FALSE Teacher, Feeds Sheep Poison

      No, dressing up for Halloween is not pleasing to the LORD.

      No, worldly music is not from a holy LORD.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Dr. Barry Awe Mocks My Video & Deletes My Comment About MATTHEW 24 & 25


      Are you being decieved by this act?

    4. Like I said, HE will be the one sorting out the real “clowns” from the truly Faithful and like it or not, our Redemption is ALL based upon His Mercy and His Grace Alone and not at all on any man or woman’s filthy self-righteous rags. Rev.12:10 is soon coming, Praise God, and this kind of thing will cease to be among the Body of Christ.

      Psalm 100 KJV

      1 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD all ye lands.
      2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
      3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
      4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
      5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

    5. Sister Sheila - could not agree with you more on your response. Thank you for your continued diligence to call out these types of posts.

  39. Hey're going to love this video and music from Jeffrey McGaha. Enjoy!

    Bobby Z

    1. Bobby Z! Thanks, brother. That’s quite a compilation. Now, I feel like watching Blade Runner. 🛸🚀

    2. must be referring to the song "Tears in the Rain". I had to look that one up!

    3. Actually, I was thinking of the acclaimed 42 word monologue by Roy Batty at the end of Blade Runner. He’s about to die and tells Dekard:

      “ I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe...
      Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
      I watched C-Beams glitter in the dark
      Near the Tannhäuser Gates.
      All those... moments... will be lost in time,
      Like tears... in... rain.
      Time... to die...”

      He had just saved Dekard’s life, even though he was tasked with killing him.

    4. AA...hadn't even thought of that! Once again, you're one step ahead of me! One of these days I'm gonna catch up! Bobby Z

    5. 3 O LORD, what is man, that You regard him, the son of man that You think of him?

      4 Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.

      5 Part Your heavens, O LORD, and come down; touch the mountains, that they may smoke.…

      La Psalma's 144:3,4,5


    6. 😀ok, someone finally mentioned seeing Psalms in La Palma! 👍

  40. So it looks like our watchman friend from South Africa (Kingdom Come, aka Glory Day) also thinks there will be a mega-tsunami originating from La Palma between 10-24 thru 10-31.

    Now if he only had footage of the white and black horses emanating from the volcano I would totally believe him!    Too bad he doesn't follow Rev12daily or read Lu's articles!  He certainly would get a lot more donations!

    1. You undersell yourself Bob...I'm sure it was white horse, black horse, Imhotep and an inverted triangle at last read. Ha, sorry couldn't resist. Considering you're a die-hard 'committed for life' republican, I am sure you see the funny side of all of Jordan, you would make a great Kiwi!

    2. Ryan...I thought about mentioning Imhotep, the inverted pyramid and even that cursive 'hope' insignia that I saw in the crumbly lava flow, but I thought that might be a bit too much!   After all, I've gotta maintain some credibility with you guys if I want to continue to hang out!   But I do appreciate your humor!   Definitely a nice way to start my day!   Die-hard Republican, eh!   I thought we all agreed to rise above that and just be in the Bridal Party! Time to drop the red and blue and put on our "white linen" robes!

  41. Lately I have been reading about the Titantic sinking.
    The Californian ship , with Captain LORD in commanding the Californian , was close enough to the Titantic to have been able to rescue the ones freezing in the water. The Californian sent Morse code warnings to the Titantic warning them of icebergs in the area. TheTitantic sent back a message..."Shut up, shut up...we are busy..."

    Captain Lord decided to retire to bed around midnight and told his radio operator to do the same. The communications went silent from the Californian at 12:15 am on April 15th, 1912.

    However, records show that that same minute ..12:15 am...the Titantic started sending out a distress call as it had just struck an iceberg.

    This is so similar to the passages in Psalms 1:24-33.
    Verse 24 says.
    " Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;"

    That is so similar to the Captain LORD'S (coincidental name?)..warning to the Titantic...then just to be told to "Shut up, shut up"....from the worlds greatest ship that wont ever sink.

    That is like our mostly arrogant country of the USA acting like we cant ever sink either.

    Verse 25 "But ye have set at naught all my council, and would none of my reproof."

    We have been turning from God's warnings way too many times...and there is a point God will turn from us.

    Verse 26.." I also will laugh at your calamity: I will mock when your fear cometh."

    Captain LORD was told to Shut up, shut up
    ....Have we not be telling God to shut up shut up...over the last decades, silencing Him in our schools, taking Him out of government, thinking we are unsinkable as well?

    Verse 27..
    "When your fear cometh as a desolation, and your destruction come as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish come upon you.

    Verse 28.." Then shall they call upon me. but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but shall not find me;

    Captain LORD turned off the communication after being told to shut up, shut up....and the Titantic sought its help early...but they could not find him on the radio as it was shut off.

    Verse 29.." For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:

    Verse 30.." They would none of my council, they despised all my reproof."

    Verse 31.." Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

    Verse 32.."For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of the fools shall destroy them...

    In my simple mind, those verses clearly are speaking not only to the ones when this passage was written, but fits our arrogant ...we cant sink, shut up Hod, shut up...attitude we as a "whole" posess. those that need encouragement...the last verse in this passage is
    Verse 33..." But whose hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from the fear of evil.

    There will be a remnant saved just as a remnant of the Titantic was saved....and especially by the story of the actual minister witnessing Christ to those in the freezing waters to the ones alive floating in those waters...even giving his own life vest to another soul to save their physical life as he was already saved. That pastor ended up perishing, but LIVING with the Lord on that day.

    Finally to my point....That day was April 15th, 1912.

    I am NOT obsessed with running day calculators...but was specially urged to check this date out. I only entered a hunch...and added 40,000 days to April 15th, 1912. I again had not read, been told this, or was made aware of this other than my urge.....but what I found was 40,000 days lands on October 20, 2021....tomorrow.

    Will anything happen? I do not know, but just like the Rev 12 sign aligning on September 23, 2017...I see this just like that past a stark WARNING for all involved.

    1. Intriguing, Stan. Blessings. Staggering to ponder that a pair of binoculars could have made all the difference in the fate of the Titanic. Giving homage and reverence to God before setting sail even more so.

      On another note, several years ago, one of various jewelry tv shows had recreated pieces worn by the female passengers on the Titanic. Stunning and among my favorites for sure.

    2. Nice write-up, Stan!     Many great analogies you make.  I like the ending where you calculate that something significant (disastrous?) may happen on October 20th.   Hope you're right as this may mean we're going home sooner than we think!   You're slowly coming around, Brother! Well, at least I think you are!

    3. Barb....Excellent question!....I have no idea about the significance of 40,000 days except for the typical 40 number used in the Bible...such as rain 40 days and 40 nights, etc.

      and then considering the passage where a day is like a thousand years made me think perhaps a day could be like a thousand days as well??

      All I know is it could be nothing at all, and I am not saying it is or it isnt.....except an interesting wink to me at the least.

      It may just be a coincidence....

  42. Bob.....I am planning on being amongst the remnant saved from, not out of ....

    I am still strongly in my post trib camp....but of course would love to be wrong....because having wrong eschatological views has NOTHING to do with ones salvation. We all will resurrect at the same time....when...that is for us to find out!

    1. I hear you, Brother! You just gave me a little opening and I thought I would tease you about it! But I mainly wanted to compliment you on your good write-up! One way or another, we're both going to end up in the same's just a matter of timing! Bless you, Brother!

    2. I agree it was great - don’t know a lot about the Titanic but amazing to see all of the parallels. I remember not really enjoying the movie!!

      Seems like there are lots of personal confirmations if you look.

  43. Thanks guys for the interest in what I typed. What triggered it was the Titantic article on Unsealed.
    As typical Stan, I dig and verify....not trying to prove what I read was incorrect....but to prove to me it is correct. Then I get excited.

    But these are most interesting times to be living through.

    I can not believe the events unfolding at an exponentially increasing rate.

    Just a few short years ago I could not see how in the world the masses would fall for the antichrist. Now, with all this deception and sleight of hand ....I can not see how the masses will NOT fall for the antichrist. I have had a paradigm shift in my thinking painfully realizing how much the demonic deception is brilliantly unfolding.

    We all should be very blessedly thankful what a very small fraction of 1% we are so as to not be deceived by these entities DESTROYING our planet.

    The United States , she just is no more, as we drift down stream to its certain destruction.

    Watching the Bible scriptures unfold gives me enormous faith the worse it gets. Faith is the anti of fear....


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.