Sustaining and Restraining - JD Farag

Shelia had a great suggestion to share JD's recent update as it is full of testimonies of how God is sustaining us (and restraining evil) is these trying times. I was able to embed his full messsage directly from his sight below. I know that many are feeling backed into a corner as the world system is closing in, but God has promised us the Blessed Hope and hope is what we will do. Be encouraged, as close as we thought we were back on September 23rd, 2017, how much closer are we know 4 years later.... The answer? SO CLOSE! Be encouraged!

Here is another type of testimonial that you may find interesting as well:


  1. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm glad Brad shared J.D.'s latest here at Rev12daily because just yesterday I was able to watch LAST week's Prophecy Update!

    With the La Palma Volcano situation, thought I should share Endtimes Darkness Descending's latest blog article:

    I appreciated Lu mentioning the Sep 23-Oct 7 Rapture Window because as much as I want outta here, it is possible God might (in His mercy towards the world) make us wait. Here is the Comment I left at ETDD's article:

    It is very possible, dear Brother, that the La Palma Volcano situation, if it causes a tsunami, may only be the first of the great waves to hit America.

    Since becoming a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, He has given me only a few prophetic dreams, but this has changed. Beginning in 2014 I have had several tsunami dreams. On September 15, 2016, after a time of prayer, I sent a text to my friends and some of my family which read “Beloved, HEADS UP! The impression in my spirit is we might see Lk 21:25 (the sea roaring) b4 or at the same time we are raptured. IF it occurs I believe it will be a great wave caused by earthquake, asteroid, or nuclear detonation.” (I have recorded these at my blogsite.)

    Above you imbedded Perry Stone’s America-The Coming Earthquake and Tsunami video. At the 9:50 minute mark Perry explains one of his many tsunami dreams and says, “I was looking out this window. . . I saw a wave. It was not the 100 foot wave that I’ve seen in the past nor was it even 50 feet; but it was a wave nonetheless, and I heard somebody yell, ‘TSUNAMI! TSUNAMI!’ And this wave was coming in after an earthquake.”

    In that dream Perry seems to be describing the type of wave the La Palma Volcano would cause (estimated to be a possible 150 feet OR LESS); BUT many other Brethren have been shown much larger waves. Efrain Rodriquez, a pastor in Puerto Rico, was shown a 1,000-foot tsunami that would form as a result of an ASTEROID strike.

    Although Efrain believes this particular tsunami will occur before the Rapture, it is my belief that he was shown what I call the Rapture Tsunami. Of course, if there is more than one tsunami coming to either coast of the United States, there is no way to be certain WHICH tsunami is the “Rapture Tsunami”. However, Bob Barber of Endtime Dream & Vision YTC has said that in the collective of dreams Brethren have sent him the Rapture of the Church Bride occurs simultaneously with a mega-tsunami.

    We are currently seeing the Beast System converge upon Those in Christ much like the Revelation 12 Dragon that “stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born”. But as soon as the Man Child is born, he is harpazo-ed to the throne of God amidst great spiritual warfare (Revelation 12:3-9). This type of spiritual warfare would manifest and be seen by the Bride of Christ only tentatively for the Rapture would instantly follow as seen in Revelation 12:5.

    This could explain why so many believers have had dreams and visions of witnessing tsunamis, asteroids or a comet, nuclear missiles and fallen angels posing as “aliens” coming in UFOs just prior to the Rapture. [end of Comment]



    1. Perry Stone - Necromancy - the Occult - TBN



    2. Perry Stone (2020 Inappropriate behavior w/ Female Employees PLURAL)



      Remember when Benny Hinn & Paula White were caught having an affair?


      No consequences! Perry is now "restored to ministry" after a little slap on the wrist although he still isn't really admitting to anything, giving a halfway sort of apology.

      The Charismatic Chaos Continues ;-/


      At least the RZIM organization no longer exists. The "former" RZIM will be facing lawsuits for the rest of their days.

      As of 8/2021:: Class-action lawsuit claims RZIM misled donors, covered up Ravi Zacharias’ abuse



    3. F4F | Perry Stone: Full Mental Alchemist

      The now white haired snake oil salesman begins @ 12:12



    4. Perry Stone Embraces The Cancel Culture!

      Such is the sad state of international evangelist, author, teacher and host of the TV show Manna-Fest: the myth, the legend, Perry Stone.


      There once was a day when you simply stood by what you believed and said publicly regardless of what others might say about it.

      But no more.

      In this day and age, if someone disagrees with you and you happen to have more power than they do; you simply cancel them. You squash them like a bug.

      The 'Christian' church has now sunk to such depths.

      Instead of marshaling the passages of Scripture to make one's case and standing by them or being better informed of a more biblical understanding and a humility to move towards that truth, just shut all opposition down.

    5. has been clearly requested as part of the comment guidelines here @Rev12daily to kindly avoid vitriolic attacks against other ministries, well known or not, because it encourages no one, offers nothing to the Glory of God and it certainly doesn’t add anything to anyone else’s righteousness. This isn’t a “Christian”gossip column and should not be treated as such. It’s one thing to politely state one’s disagreement with a message, but no one should be made to feel that they cannot mention a particular source of encouragement or information without having that source
      personally demolished or “cancelled” out for them.

    6. I think calling out the “scam faction” of ministries is exactly the right thing to do. They have caused untold damage to Christian witness, and silence from the gallery does little more than confer tolerance. I disagree with what I call the “White Wall of Silence”, which is similar to the Blue Wall of Silence among police. And you say that this site isn’t a “gossip column”, but given much of what is said here, and the often referenced “news” sources, I beg to disagree. The primary articles are fine, but the comment section is often little more than a fact-free clubhouse dominated by a clique of about 6 or 7 people.

    7. No...sharing news report sources or discussing the current events in relation to Biblical prophecy is not gossip. However, engaging in the personal destruction and character assassination of other Christian-based sources does qualify as “Christian” gossip with the obvious intent being to build one’s self up by revealing the faults and failings of others, whether real or perceived. It’s both hateful and hurtful in nature and lacks both the Mercy and Grace we ALL require for our own failings.

      But if one wishes to partake in such stone-throwing “witch hunts”, there are a number of little stalker channels on YT that would covet your support in their comment sections, even if under the cover of anonymity. But the gracious Brother in Christ hosting this site has the right to request that his efforts to provide this platform of fellowship not be represented in that light and he has done so.

      And ofc anyone who does not appreciate the interaction of this Fellowship of Believers always has the option of opting out—just as anyone who wishes to
      join in with respectful discourse, opinion and debate is always invited to do so. And I would dare to say that these 6 or 7 people you’ve referred to as a ‘fact-free cliquish clubhouse’ have most always been first in line to offer Scriptural encouragement and answer every request for prayer that’s been asked for by anyone for several years running now. And All Glory to our Lord God who has not only heard, but graciously answered so many of those prayers!!!


      anyone who wants to comment I

    8. Oops.. there’s a line that got away, lol.🤷‍♀️

      Anyway...a lot going on with the Southern Border crisis today as
      WH is said to be sending in troops to get the humanitarian chaos under control. Govt. Abbott to soon give a presser response to this sad and terrible situation.

  2. I found this blurb about the Volcano/Tsunami interesting, for surely we expect a big earthquake before it is time for us to go UP

    - “ For it to happen otherwise, a very high magnitude earthquake would have to occur simultaneously along with an eruption with a high explosive index.”

    1. Article title: Can the volcano in La Palma produce a tsunami at the east coast of United States?

  3. Thanks Brad - the c19vaxreactions link you have posted above makes me furious that doctors are ridiculing individuals who are suffering significant side-effects. We have reached 75% (over the age of 12) vaccinated in NZ now and I honestly hate to think how many folk are going to be suffering come Christmas.

    1. The Covid-19 Vaccines have harmed and killed more children in the USA than all other vaccines combined according to official data.

    2. Always bearing in mind that children stand little to no chance of even getting CV19, and, even if they do, are very likely to recover and then will have antibodies. What a raw deal they are getting.

  4. Thanks Brad for including the list of reactions as it gives us a whole other group of people to lift up in prayer not only for their healing, but for their turning to Jesus Christ in their need. As many of them will find no real medical help in this new
    system of denial of and the refusal of proper treatment for their viper injuries, our Great Physician stands ready and waiting to embrace those who will call upon His Name place their faith in Him!🙏


  5. Unmistakable

    Jan Markell (and her gang of vipers)



    1. Unmistakable

      Pastor JD Farag 2 (Deceiving Many) Wolves posing as Sheep



    2. Unmistakable

      Calvary Chapel Pastors (Faithful Serpents)



    3. Unmistakable

      Dr Andy Woods 2 (response video)



    4. Unmistakable

      Calvary Chapel, Kaneohe, Hawaii / Pastor JD Farag (Satanic Hand Sign)




    5. Unmistakable

      Pastor Greg Laurie/Misleading The Masses (Satanic Hand Sign)



    6. Unmistakable

      Calvary Chapel Linking with Islam

    7. Christians who live in constant fear of the enemy’s deception make for the easiest targets in spreading his slander among the Body of Christ. Maybe if some of these YT “hand signaling” devil watchers would get into the Scriptures and study a little to show THEMSELVES approved, they might learn it’s better to keep one’s eyes on Jesus Christ and turn to His Word as their source of Truth rather than gathering their “accusatory” knowledge from the enemy, himself. It IS Satan after all who is revealed in Scripture as the accuser of the Brethren.

      We are given the gift of discernment as to who speaks Truth and who speaks lies from knowing God’s Written Word and having it in etched in our hearts—and NOT from chasing around after the devil’s
      use of symbology and then applying that to how CHRISTIANS might express their speech with their hands. What a silly yardstick for not only judging, but then assassinating the character of anyone dedicated to preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.🤦‍♀️

      Proverbs 2:1-15 KJV describes the basis for attaining some Godly wisdom and it doesn’t point to YT personal attack videos against
      other members of the Body of Christ who are SPEAKING the Truth.

    8. Well Ryan...I did see someone with some common sense offering advice to the affect of requiring preachers to wear mittens to help keep them from becoming demon possessed. Maybe we should all get a pair. Ofc, that might interfere with our typing🤣

    9. Unless a person has studied what hand signals are demonic, how would you know? I have done sign language and also sometimes talk with my hands. I have not studied what hand movements are "disallowed", so I have probably made those motions/signals many times in my life. Do we not give grace to those who move their hands and yet DON'T know or mean them as demonic signals? This means I am guilty unless I sit on my hands.

    10. Blessings, Vicki and I believe it’s pretty much like everything else the enemy co-opts for his own use—like the Heavens for example.

      In service to our God, it’s a study of His “astronomical” Glory.
      But in service to the enemy, it’s the use of his corrupt “astrology”.
      And many professing Christians are so afraid of the enemy’s corruption that they deny others their dutiful right to seek out and understand the Glory of God’s Own Handiwork. They do this by making false accusations of occultism, thus falling into the enemy’s truly intended deception themselves—which is to act as his outreach into the BOC by becoming “accusers of the Brethren”. They aren’t relying on God’s Holy Scriptures for their source of Truth, but rather the seeds of fear and mistrust planted by the enemy, himself. Same thing with this hand gesture
      paranoia (and these people are more likely than not in theological disagreement with their chosen targets).

      @Dr. Barry Awe was accused of this same hand gesturing thing awhile back and as it turned out, he’s just a habitual user of sign language because of his hearing impaired daughter. But it was a hurtful and needless time consuming thing nonetheless.🤷‍♀️

    11. JD Farag addressed the accusation weeks ago. He was doing the "shaka" sign which is VERY common in Hawaii. The meaning behind the sign is: a hand gesture in which the thumb and little finger are extended outward from a closed fist, used when greeting or parting from someone or to express approval, solidarity, etc." My late husband was born in Hawaii and spent part of his childhood there. He used that sign as a greeting occasionally, and he was no Satanist. Somethings are just cultural, and people do them innocently. Where's the grace?!

  6. RE: The Number 4 and La Palma Volcano connection to Rev 12 Sign

    So, been considering the convergence of several factors in keeping with the possible Resurrection Rapture theme:

    - As we know, 9-23 will be the 4th Year Anniversary from 9-23 of 2017.
    - The 4th Year is when the Grace Period was over for the Unfaithful Fig Tree.
    - On the 4th Day is when Jesus resurrected Lazarus.
    - The Red Dragon tried to spew from his Mouth water to devour the Woman.
    - But the Woman was given Wings to take flight.
    - The possible Tsunami, if powerful enough to hit the USA… ‘Virgin-ia’, ‘Mary-land’?

    I do have, however a reservation about this possible ‘Tsunami’ from La Palma Volcano, if it would split the island is that in comparison. If you all remember the Indian Ocean 9.1 Earthquake? As powerful as that was, the waves barely did anything by the time they got to India. And that distance is half way from La Palma to the East Coast of the USA.

    So, it would have to be an Asteroid that would have to hit the Atlantic Ocean and near the USA, like the Caribbean to cause the 100 ft or more waves to top the New York Skyscrapers as seen in the movies and in countless dreams from People.

    But the prophetic imagery of the Red Dragon spewing-out the water to get to the Woman, the ‘Virgin’, the ‘Mary’ that the Revelation 12 Sign is interesting seeing also its 4-year and number association with a Flight and an actually ‘Harpazo’ as seen with the Man-Child.


    1. RE: Project Veritas Undercover in Hospital Phoenix Indian Medical Center
      Have you seen the latest from Project Veritas? A Christian Whistleblower came forth and recorded what is actually happening in her Hospital.

      The video has profanity but COVID-19 and what they are doing to People is Profane. So viewer discretion is advised. It is from the YouTube channel, but most likely will be pulled down shortly. There is a Twitter account too.

      PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings "Vaccine is Full of ……"

    2. Thanks for that, Lu. Mike Adams mentioned donating to PV. Apparently, 130K was stolen or taken from them. He does awesome work.

    3. Hey AA...I think I read the PV facilities in NY got destroyed in storm IDA and they were needing help with restoration. That is truly some horrific stuff that he is now revealing. Praying it will wake some folks up to the gravity and depravity of this medical tyranny.🙏

    4. Oh, I hadn’t heard about the facilities getting wiped out. Terrible. I remember when James O’Keefe exposed ACORN. Incredible investigative journalist. This current vid is so indicting and powerful evidence of what’s going on at hospitals.

    5. Mike Adams mentioned that he suspects bad actors have released aerosolized toxins at the Health Freedom gatherings that have made many attendees sick, including himself and Dr Tenpenny. Unsettling to hear.

    6. On the project verita vid - I was intrigued to hear from the head nurse that HCQ had been tried and found to be 'dangerous'. Be interesting to see data on that.

    7. Through and Through, I took that to be the Lancet “study” that was published in 2020 (July?) which they were forced to retract because of false information. They lied.

    8. ahh good hopefully. I thought they might have implied actual use but withdrawal after first hand experience as to efficacy (or not). Must admit it didn't stack up.


  8. So, on 9/23/21 is the USA gonna be History? Perhaps Tommy Boy is telling us.

    @ Ken Potter 02:02 239, 21, U.S. History, Tommy Boy

    2 days, or 3, depending


    1. I just wish signs like these could be in Apocalypse Now or Full Metal Jacket or even Age of Innocence😂.

    2. Blessings, Lu...back to La Palma and a possible Tsunami, I’m thinking a volcanic landslide itself would likely not be enough to drastically swamp our East coast, but if it was helped along by, or even used as cover for, a strategically placed submersed nuke or two or three. That has long been a concern I’ve seen expressed. And now we have all of this AUKUS Alliance controversy going on that involves some anger disputes over submarines. So that might be something
      to consider as a possibility for such an event. Ofc the right asteroid would suffice as well. Just Praying!🙏🙏🙏

    3. There are weapons, too, that can “help.”

  9. So for those of you who want an "insider" perspective on what's happening at the La Palma Volcano in the Canary Islands check out Dunamis333's latest video (12:33 min):

    If anyone can figure out how to subscribe to this person's channel directly please let us all know.  I'm sure he's got some good info to share.   Thanks.


      His youtube channel is called Bushcraft Bear

    2. Thank you, Jessica. Looks like he gets around a lot!

      You may also want to check out this drone video (5:11 minutes) by Global News showing lava flowing into this person's swimming pool:

      The music is very Armageddon-like, no?   If that's the right terminology!   The video shows how all our material things (homes, swimming pools, etc) can be taken away in an instant!   As such, best not to cling onto our Earthly possessions too tightly!

    3. Bobby Z, remember the Tenerife airport disaster? Can’t think about the Canary Islands without recalling the worst aviation disaster ever.

      “ On March 27, 1977, two Boeing 747 passenger jets, operating KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736, collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport on the Spanish island of Tenerife. Resulting in 583 fatalities, the Tenerife airport disaster is the deadliest in aviation history. A terrorist incident at Gran Canaria Airport had caused many flights to be diverted to Los Rodeos, including the two aircraft involved in the accident. The airport quickly became congested with parked airplanes blocking the only taxiway and forcing departing aircraft to taxi on the runway instead. Patches of thick fog were drifting across the airfield; hence visibility was greatly reduced for pilots and the control tower. The collision occurred when the KLM airliner initiated its takeoff run while the Pan Am airliner, shrouded in fog, was still on the runway and about to turn off onto the taxiway.”


    4. AA...I only vaguely recall that air disaster as I was busy studying while attending my first spring semester in college.   Can you believe after all those years I'm still studying my butt off and desperately trying pass Lu's Bible Prophecy 101 Class!   Lol!   But seriously though, if La Palma blows and a tsunami ensues, that KLM and Pan Am air disaster you describe is going to pale in comparison!

    5. Back then, I was trying to skip as many school days as possible. It was an impatient pilot’s actions that caused the appalling tragedy.

      Don’t worry about Lu’s final. All your diligence will pay off.

    6. I'm sure I'll do fine...with your assistance! Just kidding! Btw, for those who don't know me, I would never do that! I was not an honor student for nothing! Now if I could only convince Lu of that!

    7. An interesting side note on the accident at Tenerife. Several decades ago, my husband (an air traffic controller, and pilot) and I ordered a book from a Christian bookstore. The book was Terror at Tenerife, written by a survivor who was not a believer until the moment of the accident and called out to Jesus. We were told they couldn't order it because it was out of stock and no longer in print.

      Fast forward several months later, and the book arrived. While it wasn't necessary that we own the book or read it, or loan it out, it was a sweet blessing from God and we have shared it with many people. Amazing testimony from the survivor, he credits God and God alone.

      Thanks for the memory of God answering a prayer that was only a "could you, please?"-Vicki

    8. Wow, Vicki, interesting. Only about 60 people survived that catastrophe. When I hear the name Tenerife, I still get a chill. It was such a tragedy.

    9. The book was written by Norman Williams. He says that he and his mother prayed before he left for his trip, so I was mistaken he was a believer. He says that he oddly felt no fear or panic though he was witness to a horrifying scene, and was trying to get out. He says he cried, "In the Name of Jesus, through Your shed blood, I stand upon your Word." He says he felt as though he was being guided, pushed, and helped out of the burning plane by God or an angel.

    10. I know an experience like that can definitely make a believer out of someone. I’ve heard accounts from accident survivors that said they were helped out of crumpled cars by the outstretched hand and reassuring voice of someone that disappeared shortly after they were safely out. I made a habit of praying in my car after too many bad experiences with crazed drivers on the road. It made all the difference. Once, during a snowstorm, my car spun a 360 in the slippery stuff, and I felt oddly calm during the unexpected ride, almost curious to see how God would save me. He did, too. I didn’t hit anything and He made sure the other drivers waited until I started moving again. The peace of God that envelopes you in a crisis is indescribable.

  10. Family, Blessings

    So, just a reminder that when J McGaha hit the scene I chimed in that, aligning with Lyn's and others' motif's re Planet X, et al, if this ties things together then we should watch for an uptick in all things fluid to reflect the compressions/expansion waves arriving as well, i.e. tidal waves.

    Since then we've seen a series of eruptions and pauses in Iceland, currently on an eruptive pause the past 36 hours, or so, and the most accurate site I'm following thus far prognosticates seismic data revealing a central chamber dynamic sitting above a magma pool which has been being recharged then discharged, each time with a larger Magma eruption on the surface, and, we are once again seeing a surface 'pause' while, lurking below, the holding chamber is being recharged with more magma than ever thus far for the next eruption pending. This eruptive cycle we've witnessed fits perfectly with planetary fluid reactions to ripples in incoming tidal waves resulting from a collection of incoming bodies, several of which are rotating around each other in the field of debris and large bodies approaching.

    Meanwhile, newcomer La Palma delivers epic footage and seems to fall right in line with a leaky kettle boiling over at every spot.

    Speaking of which, Mt Aetna in Italy blew her top earlier today in a dramatic, if not yet epic fashion. reports 51 active volcanoes erupting now, versus an average of about 25, previously.


    Well, earlier, Our Scout comes out of his room, "Hey, Dad! Check this out!" and he shows me a black T-Shirt which he came across in a drawer, putting some laundry away, which he had forgotten about.

    The front has a pic of the earth, circled in flames, with "Global Warming" emblazoned across the picture and "You don't want to be here when things REALLY heat up!" screened below it. On the back is the verse:

    10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. 2 Peter 3:10 ESV

    "I'm gonna wear this shirt for our fire on Thursday night!"

    2 Days

  11. RE: FDA Meeting over Shots for Children Outcome
    In that Veritas Video, the Nurse heard saying, ‘I am not going to lose my job’…and that Ivermectin is ‘Dangerous’? Well, that is what the official ‘Party Line’ is told to them to say and what they honestly believe. After all, why would the FDA, CDC, NIH be lying to us? Ivermectin is actually still listed in the NIH website as an ‘Official Treatment’. But in other pages, they have changed it to, ‘Not Recommended’.

    We had today a Cal State University systemwide-meeting on ‘The Facts About COVID’. All Faculty and Staff of the 23 Campuses were invited to join the online presentation. They chose a Kaiser Permanente Doctor, who although said he did not get paid to do the presentation was given ‘time off’ from Kaiser do it. So, what do you think his perspective was going to be? …the Corporate Party Line. And what is that? He presented a ‘Myth Busters’ list. In his assessment, COVID-19 Shots:

    - Do not change DNA.
    - Do not cause Sterility.
    - Do not shed other viruses.
    - Are safe for children.
    - Yes, some Myocarditis in teenagers, mainly boys but nothing to worry about.
    - Ivermectin is for horses and animals, stop using it.
    - Get your Flu Shot.
    - Boosters are needed to increase Immunity.
    - The 3rd Dose was ‘Approved’ by the FDA for those with compromised Immunity or secondary health issues.
    - Pregnant women should get the Injections
    - Natural Immunity is not enough.
    - Face Masks work and have to be completely sealed on face.
    - Showed a chart of ‘Cases’ and how the ‘South’ because they are so ‘laxed’ have ‘Cases’ through the roof. He was basically ‘Red Neck’ shaming.

    What everyone does not understand is that the numbers may seem daunting and alarming and such, the ‘Fear Factor’ is maintained. But ‘Cases’ do not equal Deaths. He did not go over that. At every point that he made, I could have presented a Scientific Paper to the contrary and how I wish they would have had an Independent Doctor to also present the counter argument. He kept saying, ‘no vaccines is 100%’. And he admitted that the Shots do not prevent Infection nor Transmission and need a ‘Boost’ in Immunity, as it wanes. Yet, in the next sentence then stated that they are ‘Safe and Effective’. I was thinking in my mind, who are these People? The Psychosis is astonishing.

    He did mention the FDA meeting on September 17, 2021, but shrugged it off as only ‘Political Bickering’ and how it is only a Recommendation. And that the FDA, CDC, and NIH are going forward with the shots anyway for Children and the Boosters too but only to certain Age Groups because of the backlash. He seemed so disappointed. And this is despite the WHO’s recommendation for ‘No Boosters’….for now.

    1. So, with most Medicine being ‘Corporate’, they control the Doctors and Nurses. And such will not loose their jobs by going contrary to the ‘Official Narrative’ that is killing more People than ‘saving’ them. Big Pharma has monetarily incentivized ‘coding’ for as many to be sick with COVID and not treat so as to charge more. It is a racket.

      Only Remdesivir is the ‘Authorized Treatment’ in Hospitals. But studies found they are killing more people by it. And guess who only Authorized it and has stock in the company. Fauci. And, so this is why to an extent why more Doctors and/or Nurses in the Corporate Web will not dare go against it.

      The following is a very long and comprehensive evaluation from a Doctor that basically went through all the ‘Red Flags’ about what was not discussed or looked at in the present research concerning COVID-19 and the need for ‘Boosters’ for Children now. The FDA meeting lasted about 8 hours and at the end, a 16-2 vote was made to not recommend the Shots be given to Children.

      Yet, the FDA, CDC, NIH appear to dismiss this as only a ‘Recommendation’. Wish they would have done the same when they ‘Recommended’ the go-ahead for the ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ to roll-out the Injections. Of particular concern is the skyrocketing Myocarditis that is happening with the young teenagers that are basically giving them ‘Heart Attacks’ and/or how they will have life-long Heart Damage.

      It was also reported that 2 Senior Doctors involved with all this resigned. Not sure if it was over this but I guess their conscious got to them.

      Wiseman Ph.D., M.R.Pharm.S. September 10, 2021
      Opinion Editorial by: David Wiseman Ph.D., M.R.Pharm.S.
      This article is currently FREE to read and SHARE without paying.

    2. FDA Hearing: Doctors Testify Govt DOES NOT Have Data COVID Shots Do Not Cause More Are the Covid-19 vaccines “safe and effective”?

    3. Fraudci’s fingerprints are all over the HIV/AIDS deaths via AZT, also. Ref Mike Adams, Freddie Mercury took large doses of AZT and died. Magic Johnson stopped taking AZT because it made him feel worse. He’s still alive. Both were advised to take AZT by Fraudci. He purposely withheld life-saving drugs from people with AIDS and gave them AZT which killed them.

      CV19 is his newest scam.

    4. Lu +AA...this whole CV-19 thing has been a scam from the get-go!  Take a look at Peak Prosperity's recent video "Odds Increase that SARS CoV-2 was Lab Made" (43:29 minutes):

      And guess who's fingerprints are all over it!   Now we got all the doctors and so-called experts towing the "Corporate Party" line as Lu stated.   What a sham!   Meanwhile, the rest of us will be forced to take the jab and used as human guinea pigs!

    5. Bob,
      That is a good Vid…I just have started it and it is really good. It is what Senator Paul was trying to expose but Fraud Fauci denied it all in the Public Hearings and that was that, move along. It is also what Dr. Mikovits has exposed and Dr. Li-Meng Yan who worked there and defected to the US over it. No one is paying attention as if they are mesmerized or spellbound.

      I think what was eye-opening about what the Corporate Kaiser Doctor said in our meeting is what he said in end in ‘how to win over your Loved ones to get the Shot’.

      -Facts would not do it.
      -Yelling would not do it.
      -Name calling would not do it.
      -Shaming would not it.

      But Monetary Incentives would, Mandates and Celebrities, make it look and be ‘cool’, especially for Teens.

      He said that the only way or the best way would be through the ‘Emotional’ Route. Like:
      -Do it for Grandma…like it was from the beginning even though that is who they want dead first.
      -Get back your Freedoms… World was fooled to ‘Flatten the Curve’ for only 14 Days right?
      -Go back to ‘Normal’…

      Here is another vid to add to the dystopia we are in. It is off the pages of the Brave New World and how they conditioned the Babies to hate what was Good, Natural and Beautiful. It is from Dayz of Noah YouTube Channel. I like him because if his more Philosophical in his discourse. In his latest vid, he goes on to show the criminality of what they have in store for Children. It will make your blood boil, so beware.


      Happy Last Day of Summer!
      And hopefully it will not be that long.
      This demonic insanity cannot hold up much longer.


    6. Lu...excellent video!   So sad what's going on in our schools and to our young children.  His discussion about Virex and mask wearing made me think about my daughter's classroom, where she teaches 3rd and 4th grade Special Ed students.   I can see why they would want to disinfect the classroom, but using a product like that on a daily basis could have long term health consequences for the children by ultimately "weakening" their immune system.   Isn't it important to get some exposure to germs, viruses, food allergens, etc. at an early age in order to develop one's immune system and to not develop food allergies?   And forcing that young child to wear a mask at that early an age seems a bit unreasonable.   Thankfully, the Bride of Christ and the "innocents" will be departing shortly!    And just in time!

    7. Lu - as noted above, I think the veritas vid nurse mentioned HCQ being dangerous...didnt hear her saying that about the ivermectin. Alice has also pointed out that it is likely in reference to a previous lancet paper (withdrawn).

  12. This is an interesting excerpt from Sabine. Lu also mentioned “Virginia Maryland” signalling.

    Sept 23-24

    “Enemy signalling of an anti-type triumphal entry | In the image gallery below we see enemy signalling of a Venus-related sacrifice centred on palms, re-enacted in real life through this week’s Gabby Petito ritual (modelling a white princess bride, Alice character).

    They also portray the opposing duality of the dark princess bride, carrying a sacred flask, resonating with Pandora. We see the dark, mourning woman in a demonic mirror of Mary’s pieta against a backdrop of a nuclear detonation styled eruption and aircraft carriers sinking.

    Osama/CIA ‘commanding the waves’ and his warhead vessel/iceberg are stylised like La Palma (flint knife and dragon head shaped) as it collides with Hawaii (scapegoat or lamb shaped), marking the sacrificial atonement of the old order and birth of the new through large scale human sacrifice.

    Such an anti-type of Mary’s anointing before triumphal entry is proposed to manifest in tribulation judgment – not in judgment while the bride of Christ is still here – starting with USA Babylon‘s downfall, kickstarted through judgment of the NYC ‘Big Apple’.

    We see an old locked-down harlot (who is modelled after the east coast) in a rocket style lighthouse on the east coast (Virginia, Maryland signalling), startled as judgment comes in which cannot be held back by means of witchcraft, likely manifesting in coastal flooding (waters breaking).

    This reinforces the hydro-volcanic explosion scenario of La Palma and the anti-type of anointing before triumphal entry. H/T brother Victor for the image of Mary and the IPGII and the La Palma dragon heads in the image gallery.”

    1. Jimboni-For what it's worth, I have enjoyed and been blessed by your countdown.
      Thank you-Vicki

  13. Hello Everyone, just a little God-wink this morning: As I pulled into my Christian chiropractor's parking lot, the odometer on my car rolled over to 33,333, exactly. Since tomorrow is my physical birthday, and like all of us here, I am praying for it to be our "third" birthday, I thought this was a sweet wink from our Lord. Maranatha! May this be our true countdown! Blessings, judi.

    1. Took my Chariot for an oil change recently. My odometer read 4242.

      Lockdown miles.

    2. Blessings, Judi...TY for sharing as that one gave me a little rush of those Holy Spirit chills!

      Got a little wink myself this morning when I was thinking again about our Brother Dan Matson’s going Home this past April 17th. How many days between then and 9/23-24?
      159 and 160.

      G159–aitos—author or cause of
      Used 5x and but just once in the KJV in Hebrews 5:9 KJV re the Author of our Eternal Salvation.

      Used only 1x in this passage from Prov.7:18,19,20 about the goodman of the house returning home on the appointed day.
      The word for the ‘money’ he had taken with him is:
      H370–keceph—silver, money, purchase price. (Redemption)
      Used 403x

      G160–aphnidios—sudden, suddenly
      Used 2x in 1Thess.5:3
      and Luke 21:34

      Used 40x

      Maranatha and Let the Spirit and the bride say come! Super thirsty for going Home with Jesus! 😊🙏

    3. This vintage video shows Archangel driving around in her Chariot vehicle on the planet Niburu!   What you doing there, AA?   Answer:   An early expedition to explore the mysterious planet and to warn the inhabitants of Earth about the danger that's coming our way!

      As a kid, I really enjoyed watching Lost in Space, before I moved on to Star Trek and Star Wars, then to becoming an "imaginary" Captain on Flight 777!     Lol!

    4. Or is it Utah's Moab National Park, lol...
      Look out Bob...!

    5. 😱That terrain was daunting! But I loved driving that buggy! 🚗

      😺loved it too!

    6. Director Lu...where's your sense of really was planet Niburu!   So, I had better look out, eh!   Same goes for you!   Incoming!!!   But you'll like this one, as we're clearly on the same page!

      AA...that was a bumpy ride for your felines, no!

    7. If you strain to see, you can just make out Lu in the back. I made him sit in the back so my felines could sit up front. He wasn’t too happy about it but he knows it’s my Chariot. 👍

  14. RE: The ‘Lost’ Trumpet, not the Last?

    First, no disrespect to Mormons. But, as you may all know, on my side time, I love investigating the Sacred Geometry layout of World Capitals and Ancient Sacred Sites using Google Earth. And how I link their ‘triangulation’ to the Cydonia, Mars Ancient Pyramid Complex. I postulate that such Spiritual Beings that constructed what was and is on Mars, was and is being replicated on Earth. And by the same ‘Beings’ because these are the same Entities that rule Earth from behind the Curtain, etc., as in the Fallen Angels. And so Salt Lake City and the Mormon Religion is one such case.

    Well, I finally got to Salt Lake City to map-out this triangulation. And in my research, I come to find out that back in March, there was that Utah Earthquake. I vaguely remember it…It was a 2.1 but it was strong enough to dislodge the Trumpet from the Fallen Angel Moroni. So, maybe some Poetic Justice going on here? And, what if it is related to the Year that the True Trumpet is to sound instead for the True ‘Church of Jesus Christ in these Latter Days’!?

    The whole incident reminded me of when the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines and put in the Temple of Dagon. And in the subsequent days, the Statue dedicated to the Fallen Angel was cast down before the Ark and later then di-membered. Is this a ‘Signaling’ of sorts going on with the Fallen Trumpet of this Fallen Angel ruling over the Abode and Sacred Temple of the Mormons?

    But as to the Cydonia, Mars triangulation connection, here is one example of how in this City, it forms a Hexagram. So? It is in such Sacred Temples of Worship, of Power and Financial Forces that derive their essence from the particular Fallen Angels ruling over that Site, Region, City, Nation, etc. They interact through the Sacred Geometry. And so this is the case with the Fallen Angel Moroni of whom the Mormon Temple and Utah area is dedicated to and is overseen by.

    Such a direct and overt Mars connection was severed after the Flood of Noah. But this interaction and Fallen Angel activity still exists. So, this assertion does cross over into the Unseen Realm of the Principalities, Powers and Thrones that rule the Earth from such Heavenly Places, for now. The Bride of Christ will be helping Jesus dethrone all these Fallen Angels at the 2nd Coming. The Earth will have to be disinfected and fumigated to rid of such Fallen Angelic Being that have caused so much suffering, death and destruction on Earth for Human Beings.

    So, I thought it interesting to comment on this, especially as we get nearer to the true Blast of the Last Trumpet for the True Church of Jesus Christ. I also found it rather amazing that in one of the local TV Station’s reporting of the incidence, in the headline they actually used the term, ‘Fallen Angel’. I wonder if anyone commented or Mormons complained about it. Or it is just that no one watches this channel anyway?


    Chart: Salt Lake City – Cydonia Triangulation Sacred Geometry Layout

    1. News Article with Video
      Fallen Angel Moroni Trumpet Recovered From Salt Lake Temple Spire

    2. Pretty cool correlation with that Moroni trumpet re how our God handles their silly idols, Lu. And they will all come tumbling down before it’s over.

      Interesting and rare 6.0 EQ Down Under in Melbourne as the Australian stormtrooper thugs are cracking skulls, beating up old ladies and dragging women with hysterically screaming children
      off to jail for non-compliance. Got a feeling it was just a warning.

    3. I really like that face of Ala-Lu! You trying to get another nickname! I think you have about 5 already! Perhaps you can explain to Jimboni that they are a "badge of honor" and that it will make great conversation at the FunTable!

    4. EQ activity in Alaska and Chile.

    5. Kinda looks like that creepy 'Imhotep' guy (side profile) on the main volcano in La Palma that nobody saw but me! Not even Lu who looks for those kind of things! No wonder you had him sit in the back seat of your Chariot while exploring Niburu! Lol!

    6. 🤣that face comes with shoulders, too, I noticed. Very creepy. He looks angry.

  15. Ok boys and's time to get serious!

    This is your Captain speaking.   We just received a High Alert notification from the Control Tower (compilation of various watchmen reports) that "we are to be ready for take-off" in a moments notice.    The notification specifies that we'll be entering a very "High Watch Period" between 9/23 and 10/8 based on the following:  the 4 year anniversary of the Rev12 Sign is tomorrow, the "parable of the fig tree" may soon be realized (Luke 13:6-9), there will be a unique sequence/arrangement of the sun, moon and stars (around Virgo) in about 2 weeks signifying that a "big change" is about to take place, the "mystery of the calendar" may have finally been resolved and the upcoming "true" Feast of Trumpets is expected to occur on 10/7-8.   All that to say, this finally may be the "grace period" (our Blessed Hope) that we've all been patiently waiting and praying for.    So my fellow passengers (Christians), keep your seatbelts on and get ready for the flight/adventure of your lifetime!    And when we get ready (if you can!) to meet your Savior, the "Prince of Peace", face-to-face and triumphantly "rejoice" in all His Glory. 

    On behalf of Spirit Airways and the crew of Flight 777, we thank you for your patience, your unwavering commitment to YHVH and the fellowship we have shared over the past few years.    May Jesus continue to Bless the Bride of Christ by ensuring that we have a safe and glorious flight home, like being under the wings of an Eagle, until we unite and become "one" with our Bridegroom in Heaven (John 14:20).    

    Cap't Bob

  16. Ok, Cap't Bob, I finally have to get in here: over 50 (yes, talk about dating myself!!) years ago I was a flight attendant, Stewardess in those days, for TWA. Back then the first class service was a 5 course meal served on fine china, linen and crystal--Coquilles Saint-Jacque for appetizer, lamb chops or chateaubriand for entree, dessert and cheese course to folllow e.g. It was truly a lovely service. I will be happy to serve our passengers but I don't think there will be time ;-). Nor will I need to give the O2 or ditching procedure instructions, lol. Can't wait for the meal to beat all meals with our Lord in heaven.

    1. judi...that first class meal sounds really good, but you're right, we won't be needing it because when we depart, it's going to be very sudden and there will be no time as you said. And yes, that first meal we're going to have in Heaven, sitting with all our Brethren, Jesus, the 24 elders, Mose's, John the Baptist, etc at the 'FunTable' is going to be absolutely Glorious!   See you in the clouds, Sister!

  17. God bless the citizens of Australia for fighting back. America is where Australia was just a year ago.

    Australian police fire rubber bullets to clear demonstration at Melbourne's war memorial as third day of rallies by anti-vaxxers turns violent.

  18. Julie Ponesse - Professor of Ethics. Lesson in Medical Coercion.

    @RevCh12dCOM 04:54

    When sanity is a crime punishible by corporate death then we know the world has gone completely mad. Or rather, the world's ubiquitous, immemorial insanity, now openly presented in all of its vanities, is no longer deniable to even the casual observer.


    15 Hours

    1. How pathetically ironic; an Ethics Professor forced out for being ethical. Outrageous and just so sad. Indicative of the times we are in. Truly a Zeitgeist moment.

    2. Yes, when the Lord said good would be called evil and evil good, I never imagined that would flesh out through the malevolent usage of an invisible bug that would attack what was left of the moral fiber of every nation on earth all at the same time and turn the human ability for reason and logic on it’s ‘scientific’ ear. I think animals know truth better than most people now.🤦‍♀️

  19. Extreme Weather & Catastrophic Events All Over The World From The Two Preachers - 9/20/2021

    I was out of the loop due to stomach symptoms when much of this happened. I’m shocked at the extent of the flooding. The sign in the sky in Papua, New Guinea looks like Jesus in the clouds waving to the people!

    1. AA...and to ALL a Blessed Rev.12:1
      Four yr Anniversary Day....

      I was just going through and caught your comment again about your “Chariot” oil change at 4242 ‘lockdown’ miles when it occurred to me that 9/23 is also 7/16 this year on the TorCal which I recalled in the Strong’s to be:
      G716–harma—CHARIOT, used 3x in Acts.8:28,29,38 in re to Philip’s Gospel message to the Ethiopian just before he was carried away,
      or ‘translated’ elsewhere.

      G4242–presbeia—ambassadors with a message—which is what the BOC is for Jesus Christ while here on earth.

      Also interesting to note that Acts 21:8,9 tells us that this same Philip had ‘4’ virgin daughters who did prophesy.

      So def seeing another God Wink in your “chariot” oil change comment😊🙏

    2. Outstanding, Sheila B2.0!!! I love it! And, yes, Happy Rev12 4th Anniversary to all our Brethren!

      I was stunned when I looked down and saw the 4242 on the odometer. Of all the numbers it might have been…

      Ofc, I can’t think of Chariots without remembering my fav Prophet Elijah and his stupendous snatching away to Heaven in a Chariot of Fire. What a sight that must have been to behold. I’m sure Elisha felt grieved at his master’s departure, but he was given advance notice. He did receive his double portion, too. Not bad.

      Thank you for making all those connections. Exciting, indeed.

      On another note, what a difference a week makes! The med the GI Dr gave me eliminates much of my stomach pain and heartburn. I’ve just had the best two days since this personal nightmare started. God is SO good, and I am deeply grateful to all of you for your prayers.

      God bless!

    3. Praise God!!! Sister. So good to hear! Just know there are no coincidences with our Lord as we anxiously await our own Chariot ride, Amen😊🙏

    4. I know, isn't it awesome! Just think of it, 4 years ago today we all got one. The secret decoder ring. I know I treasure mine. Just like y'all, I sent my 2 dozen danglybobs and another 6 collected boxidly toppers to that PO box in Montana and and isn't amazing how we all got our secret Decoder Rings the very same day!

      I love how we now get all these numeric messages we can decode in newspapers, license plates, dashboards, fast food receipts, wowzers. Yeah, the other kids at school still don't get it and think we're all nuts, but, I just smile 'cuz they just don't know:

      What have I got in me pocketses?

      12 Hours

    5. Praise God indeed Sister!!! The fact that you are feeling better shows in your writing! The Lord can allow trials in our lives so that we will then be able to help and encourage others who may be enduring the same kind of challenges. Your gratitude and attitude and praise are very uplifting!

    6. Blessings, Lori S! Thank you so much. That’s so true, too. I’ve always believed that God allows our trials, suffering and pain to teach us compassion and to help others. Countless times we have seen parents that have tragically lost children start foundations, etc, in order to prevent the same from befalling other children in like manner. Our pain is never in vain, as it were.


    7. Jiminiconi, you are just too funny. Mike Adams was doing his best Sméagol recently and I almost ended up on the floor laughing.

    8. Indeed loves mine, too!😁

      Been a weird few days in my trips to town. It seems like these little kids riding in the shopping carts want to talk to me. They stare at me with big penetrating eyes and try to get my attention by waving and asking me what my name is. I just realized today that they and their parents have all been wearing masks while I do not. Almost like they are just excited to see someone who can actually smile at them
      and speak clearly.
      I’d thought the masking was going away for the most part here as it’s no longer mandated, but many people are voluntarily wearing the face diapers everywhere again. It’s really disheartening and I’m pretty sure that it’s predominantly the vipered that are doing
      that. But for our Lord’s Soon Rescue, just the emotional and mental toll on children would be very steep over time.🙏

    9. Blessings AA! Joining you and the family in praise and thanksgiving for our Lord's hand in bringing you relief as you walk through this health trial. As I was reading your update, my time spent in Matt 11 last night came to mind, mainly verses 28-30:

      (28) Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      (29) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
      and you will find rest for your souls. (30) For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

      Last night, Jesus' words: "learn from Me" resonated deeply in my heart. I am a visual person and I could see the visual of the yoke and me simply coming under His yoke besides Him and all I need to do is look at Him, follow His lead and learn from Him. It's such a beautiful picture! We don't need to strive for anything, we can just take His hand and let Him take care of all that is laid out before us. All of the unknown ground, the bumps and clumps in the road, the unexpected turns...
      All of it.

      This greatly blessed me and I hope it does you as well and anyone else who sees this.

      Sheila B! Happy 4 (Dalet) year anniversary to you and everyone else too!! Holding my breath, dear Sister!

      Jimboni! I love my secret decoder ring too! Even those times when I can't figure out how to use it, Lol

      Family, it's strange skies around these So Cal parts. I noticed the daylight looking a bit strange this morning so went outside to see why. There was a massive amount of smoke in the air behind our local mountains. I checked online but couldn't find any news on a fire in the area. Turns out, it's smoke from the four major fires some 270 miles north of us that are burning in and near the Sequoia National Park area. So crazy that that amount of smoke could make its way down here and has now completely covered our sky!

      One thing I had read regarding the fire is a potential threat to the giant sequoias in the national park. It's known as the Giant Forest and is home to more than 2,000 giant sequoia trees including the General Sherman tree which "is the largest tree on earth by volume."
      General Sherman stands an incredible 275 feet high and is 36 feet in diameter!

      This made me think of those long ago heard words:
      "When the treetops fall, I am at the door." Hmm
      Sheila and Jimboni, bust out your decoder rings and point them at these tree numbers. Maybe there's something there :)

      Looking UP! family and waiting with you all in excitement!

    10. Blessings, Dear Mom! Thank you so very much for all of your prayers. I’m so moved and encouraged because they surely worked. I’m feeling much more like myself without the enveloping haze of illness engulfing me and my thoughts. It’s frightening how quickly I felt I had reached rock bottom, and your prayers and those of our beloved Brethren lifted me up by God’s Grace. May He bless all of you richly as we wait for Him!


    11. Greetings my dear sister Archangel!!! Praise be to God! I'm glad you're better. As our sister said, it is true that trials are often there to help us encourage and help people who are going to go through the same things, but it also brings praise and thanksgiving to our Creator and Daddy of love!

    12. Thank you so much, Dear Carole. I was really stunned by the severity and multitude of my symptoms that seemed to strike all at once. Really out of the blue. I went from feeling fine to thinking I was losing my life. I’m going to take the other tests the Dr wants me to have, but I am doing so much better already and feel I am on the mend. Thank you for your kindness and concern. God bless you always.

  20. Take an ear to CDC Live

    1. They are in recess now Oops. Neverthe less , God does not need a recess. Amen

    2. TY VeeBee for the heads up. I listened to some of that meeting of the “minds” and just can’t imagine how anyone doesn’t see their illogical insanity. It’s so obviously not about a V that actually works to save lives, but about how to convince people to participate in their dangerous human experiment. Just kept hearing about not having the “data” to know anything, but pushing ahead with it anyway. And I think their over 65 plus any “high-risk” category approval will ultimately cover everyone. The poor folks in nursing homes are surely gonna be the first victims and they will conveniently blame it all on the bug-bite rather than on their snake-bite. SMH.


  22. Haven’t watched yet but @Jeffrey McGaha has a new vid up “Enter the Dragon (7 min.)

    1. I watched that earlier, Sheila B2. I'm not sure what I think. I want to go Home a few hours from now, but I haven't been following him closely and so I don't really understand his premise. At this point I don't care who's right, I just hope one of these godly watchman has received Devine understanding and we are with our Savior SOON! What do you make of Jeffrey McGaha's theory? I'd appreciate your input as I think you are levelheaded and Biblically grounded.

    2. Yes,
      Can someone summarize the Premise? I have heard bits and pieces here and there.

      -Rapture on 9/23 but now on 9/24?
      -Asteroid will hit off coast of USA, believes that is the Red Dragon coming down?
      -At 1:17 am Eastern Standard Time?

      For sure there seems to be some Numerology going on in all those Predictive Programing movies...

      I did hear some of that CDC presentation and got also a general sense that 'we don't have enough data yet'....'but let's go ahead anyway'. And true, the high risk group are the 65+ But why on Earth would they now be seeking approval for the Children?

      I have submitted both Medical and Religious Letters but no answer yet. The 30th is our deadline. Perhaps they are waiting till after that...we'll see.


    3. Hey Joanna, Lu...from what I’ve seen, @Jeff M. closely monitors the predictive programming in a lot of movies unlike what I’ve seen others do. He catches what he sees as encoded events or language in the movie scripting that seem to intentionally coincide with specifically encoded dates and timing on the scrub line, (or time stamps) I guess you’d say. For example the script might use a phrase like “Enter the
      Dragon” at exactly 9min 23 secs into the clip with somebody in the clip looking at a clock that shows it be exactly 1:17 am.
      ( I just made that one up cuz I can’t remember them all, but that’s the gist of how he sees it) Anyway, it’s all been pointing him to 9/23-24/2021 at 1:17 am CST (I think) through a bunch of different movies made over the years. It looks like the TPTB have been looking for and signaling this same date of 9/23-34/2021 for a long time now through the Hollywood entertainment system. It’s obviously a purposeful encoded phenomena to say the least that would take an unusually insightful person to catch it, IMO.

      He also watches the Planet X or Niburu “Dragon” System and through his research sees it to be passing by in that time frame with the earth being caught in the debris trail.

      We shall see. Just Praying Jeff is correct in our going Home moments prior to this Dragon event of Rev12:4-5 —if he’s correct on his other prophetic/ predictive dating interpretations.

    4. So, Lu, et al, Blessings.

      In short, this Dragon system is already passing, right now, and has been for some time. "His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven" Rev 12:4 speaks to causality and timing. That his TAIL does the sweeping aligns with J McGaha's work to show, in the skies above us, along with many other YTC'ers these past few years, some Christian, many not so much, that the DRAGON system arrived a while ago and has passed, or is passing now. This would also align with things Mike from that bad 70's sci-fi show said concerning May 2021, seemingly unwitnessed.

      NOW, the point when the debris field intersects with the face of earth occurs, i,e,, the 'tail'. The earth passes through the field for a full hour and, likely, the eastern hemisphere is toast. The population numbers align with scripture that way while not affecting Israel, as covered by Pastor Steve Ciccolini & discussed here earlier as well. TPTB, esp as in league with FA, et al, know exactly the date and hour when their computer model perfectly tells when the manure hits the ventilating system and it is 9/23/21, on the West Coast and 9/24/21 when debris simultaneously hits the East coast at 01:17 a.m. EST.

      In keeping with The Rules, the Enemy must tell this and not lie although he can do it in a way as to use it for his own ends. Thus, in many movies, if you stop the film when key words or ideas are spoken you will note patterns or simply the presence of the numbers from which you can easily form 08 23 21 &/or 09 24 21 or '117' appearing in various places seemingly abstractly. For example, as I noted to him, the MAIN character in the entire HALO REACH X-B@X game series is "John, Spartan # ***117***" and it is so in your face.

      So, apart from his being unable to watch anything without seeing this everywhere as The Lord's Anointing Simply Rules His Vision, Now, his other Revelational insights seem elusive, although best pictured in his interview with Ken Potter, not long ago:

      Ask The Watchman, Jeffrey McGaha 08/31/21 01:33:00

      Well, it got cloudy, go figure. We played a couple games, came inside to catch up on some online games then we'll go stoke the fire in about an hour,

      2 Hours

    5. Wow, I accidentally published that. It should read Western Hemisphere is toast."

    6. A key 'premise' underlying his model is that this 'DRAGON' system is a specific collection of astronomical bodies locked into some erratic but consistent orbit pattern with our solar system and intersecting, to some greater or lesser degree, once every 300-400 years. This is consistent both Scripturally and historically.

      In 1054, one example, this system was visible from Osaka, Japan, in the skies for 6 months, and its pieces were artistically rendered and astronomically recorded and calculated. This is also consistent with our sun being most likely part of a binary system, to be statistically consistent with its class of stars in the Milky Way, and that 2nd star being a dark star, Brown dwarf, etc., is also very possible. That it would have some sort of system locked in its gravitational well/embrace is quite feasible as well.

      When you really take this apart it also includes the likelihood that, in addition to being causative of the events of Noah's Great Flood, it also was behind the destruction of what now appears as the asteroid belt and which is tied, in pre-history, to later shenanigans on mars, et al. When the Dragon tail hits earth, the FIRST IMPACT will be large bodies impacting each coast, as noted and repeated revealed, as he decodes, at 09/23/21 10:17 p.m. on the West Cost and 09/24/21 at 01:17 a.m. on the east coast.

    7. Lastly, he posits that the 'Midnight Cry' could well be when, at about midnight over the Central Time Zone, the system will impact the technology hiding what is coming and it will app appear SUDDENLY, like a thief, in the night and we will be HARPAZO/RESCUED nearly simultaneously to the other shoe dropping, as it were.

    8. You explained that so much better than I could, Jimboni. I do know Jeff is very passionate about what he has been shown and like I said, it takes someone with some uniquely given insight to even be able to catch all of that. So I give him the benefit of any doubt unless we see different and then I’ll chalk it up to “keep watching closely because Jesus Christ definitely IS coming” and just pray for Jeff’s further understanding.
      That’s exactly what I’ve had to do for my own self. But the closer we get, the more real it’s getting!

    9. Just went out to look up and the moon is bright with a rainbow halo around it... a few wispy clouds. Wish I had better vision when it comes to seeing the stars. My eyes are getting so bad, but Jupiter, (I guess) off to the right is bright, too.
      A nice cool breeze blowing out there as well. Beautiful quiet night here in rural Central Texas.😊

    10. Thanks Jimboni and Sheila,
      Humm, I do have reservations, but that is just me. I see all the Predictive Programming and logic of the incoming Planetary Body but based on the catastrophe it is going to make, that would be more appropriate for what is to occur during the Tribulation.

      I just have some Red Flags in what I heard him say. Of course anything is possible. We all have our theories and timelines. But for me, what determines the year? That is the variable that has been elusive for the Watchmen to determine.

    11. Thank you for the explanation, Jimboni. It's now Friday morning, and all is well (as well as can be...) here in Idaho. My attention is now focused on 10/7-8/21 per Dr. Barry's teaching. However, I'd settle for ANY day now!


    12. So unlike many "other" watchmen over the years, Jeff gives a sincere and humble apology... BUT we all SHALL continue the watch,,, as commanded to do so!

      Why are so many skipping over the remainder of today, tomorrow, this weekend?

      FYSA, Sabine Vlaming closes the "summer" doors on 9/26.

      An Apology
      From Jeff M

  23. Our Scout & I have just set into our 1st chess match of the evening beside the fire in the yard. A new lantern awaits the darkness, a couple dozen wings, marshmallows and more are ready and the cozy fire grows quickly.

    Ah, the night is young, and so are we...

    7 hours

    Enter The Dragon (Watchman of the Dragon 9/23/21)

  24. RE: Keeping Healthy this Fall/Winter

    As a consolation, as we continue to wait and watch…and we have entered the Fall Season, or ‘Flu Season’, here is a tip to keep Corona at bay.

    It is based on 3 small studies but very insightful.


    Mouth Washes That Inactivate Coronaviruses
    Drbeen Medical Lectures


  25. Last Days WARNING ⚠️ Within 2 Weeks

    From Real Bible Real Life

    See also all the OTHER messages (a dozen or so) of the same thing


    1. Charlie, THANK YOU for this!

      At about the 4-minute mark in that video is the prophetic utterance from this woman's grandmother which is: "In 2 weeks [Oct. 3?] something is going to happen. People will be running around screeching. Something will happen that involves buildings and many other things too. It's going to be bad. People are going to be so scared!"

      There are no more details than that, so we don't know for certain if she is referring to a mega-tsunami or some other catastrophe. HOWEVER, two of the related videos she lists give a MEGA TSUNAMI TWO WEEK WARNING FROM SEP 16 which points to SEPTEMBER 30, 2021.

      Perhaps Sheila is right that man will "help" orchestrate a mega-tsunami? Will it be the Rapture Tsunami? Sure hope so!

  26. Had hope for the 4 year anniversary of the Rev12 Sign, but as Chuck Missler wrote regarding the jewish wedding ceremony:

    The Hebrew marriage first started with the Ketubah, the betrothal, which was generally initiated by the bridegroom. He’s the one who established the marriage covenant. The mohar was his negotiating price, the payment he had to make to purchase his bride. Once the mohar was negotiated, the bride was set apart, sanctified (so to speak) for her bridegroom. At that point in the traditional ancient Jewish wedding ceremony, the bridegroom would depart to his father’s house where he would prepare a room for her. Sometimes it took quite a while to construct and prepare this room, during which time he would, by the nature of his commitment, remain separated or apart from her.
    As a symbol of the covenant relationship that had been established, the groom and bride drank from a cup of wine over which the betrothal had been pronounced Then, while the groom was away, the bride would prepare herself for his return.

    It’s an interesting concept referred to throughout Scripture; the bride and bridegroom are not yet married, but they are committed by a covenant. The bridegroom is away and the length of his absence is deliberately indefinite. The bride does not know when he will return, but she believes and keeps herself prepared.

  27. Hopefully this will offer some comfort and encouragement to others as it did for me while we yet wait and wonder.

    Last night after midnight as I was trying to decide whether or not to call it a night and get some rest, I went into prayer that at first set out with the question of “Why oh why are we still here, Lord?” but then this overwhelming sense of deep gratitude and awe began to envelop my heart and the power of that grew in my spirit until I looked up and whether just in my mind or what, IDK, but I saw a beckoning Hand and began to boldly repeat the words, “Keep Coming! Keep Coming!! Keep Coming!!!”
    Afterwards, all I wanted to do was just Praise Him for everything I could think of.
    And this morning I was led to this passage of Scripture which I believe speaks to my original question in that Prayer.


    Or as in the KJV:

    15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
    16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
    17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
    18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

    So as hard as this is, even knowing we can’t last much longer here in the flesh, we have to Keep Going, Keep Watching and Keep Praying.
    If just one more of our loved ones can make it over His Finished Line in these few remaining moments we have left here, not one of us will be saying say it wasn’t worth it, Amen.😊🙏

    Blessings All and Maranatha!

  28. Oh, THANK YOU, Sheila for that encouragement--loved it!

    And in the spirit of "If just one more of our loved ones can make it over His Finished Line in these few remaining moments we have left here", IT WILL BE WORTH IT--please let me know what you think about my latest article I just finished by leaving a Comment here or over at my blog site:


  29. RE: Checking-In

    I still believe, that for this year, we are in the highest Rapture Watch Zone still. As to Nibiru upon us? I do believe from what I have read, researched that it is in-coming but not like ‘on top of us’ just yet. Remember that in Revelation, it is at that time and place that its effects will manifest and be catastrophic. I believe Christ will be using it as an Instrument of Judgment upon the World. The effects will be Extinction Level Events, nothing like it is now.

    Yes, the Giant Brown Dwarf is causing all the Perturbations, heating-up the entire Solar System, causing significant increase in Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions around the World, triggering the Rings of Fire, disrupting Weather Patterns on top of the Weather Weapons already being used against Humanity. But we have not entered its Debris Field just yet. If we had, we would be having 100-pound hail storms destroy 1/3 of the Planet. Then there are to be 2 Asteroids the size of Mountains hit the Land and Water as the Earth will swing in and out of the orbit twice. This is what will cause the Mega Tsunamis.

    This is the cause of the 200-500 ft waves that will topple city skyscrapers. And then there is the 1/3 of the Planet that will have all its vegetation and green grass burned-up because of its Magnetic Discharges and Flares from the Sun also. It will cause the Sun to heat-up the Earth so intensely, that People will seek to die from it. Then because of its Magnetic Attraction and proximity to Earth, it will reverse the Polarity of Earth (Pole Shift) and cause such a worldwide Earthquake never experienced before in Human History. It will level all the coastal cities of the World, instantaneously and at the same time. So, nowhere are there yet, thank the LORD.

    As to the Rapture Timing, as mentioned and presented, I believe that the type of Boaz and Ruth is in play as to the key in Wedding Timing…In how they got Married after the Summer Season Wheat Harvest. So, after the Fall Equinox, but not before the Fall Feast. So, we are in the ‘Rapture Zone’ now, if it is this year until October 7/8. If not, I am looking for next year. Sorry. Why? It is because of the Shemitah Year we are going into. It is the 7th….but the ‘Reset’ will not occur until the Fall of 2022.

    Now it does not mean that the Rapture cannot occur prior to that. And this I would hope so and need to happen. I am of the belief that the Tribulation starts after the Rapture, collapse of the USA, World Economy and there is that major Regional War with Israel that will necessitate the advent of the AntiChrist to then implement his ‘World Peace’ Plan. And the 3rd Temple has to be built. Why? Because it is from the start of the Daily Sacrifices that the set of 1260-Days Counts occur; not from the Rapture or even when the Covenant is Confirmed.

    It is ‘What Year’ that is the unknown variable still. But, based on the Sabbath Cycle of 7-Years or the Shemitah, we are currently about to enter the 7th Year or the Shemitah. Meaning that the ‘Reset’ occurs next year, Fall 2022. I believe, as others that the Rabbinical Calendar is off 1 Month. So, the Fall Feast start in October 7. As to the Shemitah? This is the pattern, like since 2001, 2008, 2015 and now 2022. Fall of 2022. Which I then suggest will be Daniel’s 70th Week or the Tribulation Period. And that the 70-80 Generation from 1948 is not from 1948 but 1952 when the 1st Shemitah had occurred as Israel returned. So, we are that close….at the Door.

    Well, I can go on and on, but I’ll leave it at that. It is a lot to consider but it is a ‘Leaning Curve’ and with each year passing, we do get some more Pieces and Clues and through the Process of Elimination, we know more and it is getting close, really close.


    1. Thank you so much my brother Lu! Glory to the Lord, that you are with us all on this family site. You are precious to us.

    2. LU, dear Brother! Your description of the cosmic events during the Trib are of course spot on. IF any apparent natural catastrophe occurs in America that affects the entire nation PRIOR to the Rapture, it will not be God's doing--it will be man-orchestrated probably using fallen angel technology. America has tied God's hands so we as a nation have pretty much lost our hedge of protection.

      “That which God designs, in smiting us, is to turn us to himself and to set us a seeking him; and, if this point be not gained by lesser judgments, greater may be expected . . .”
      Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
      Volume 4, Isaiah to Malachi

      Scripture does not reveal all the specifics of what happens leading up to the Trib other than the Rapture itself. Whatever the Lord reveals via His Spirit is how we foreknow any specifics. Unfortunately, we only see in part.

      So, Family, I know sometimes what I share is not what you want to hear. Heck! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT EITHER! Yet it is better to be readied for a possible emergency by being forewarned and regularly seeking His face. Whatever may come, I KNOW He has His people in the forefront of His mind and in the palm of His mighty Hand AND that the Rapture will follow quickly afterward!!!

    3. Blessings, Lyn and as usual your article puts forth some interesting correlations and information and always a learning experience for sure.

      Over and above the intent to divide Israel,
      I would imagine this new unlimited and murderous abortion law of the land that Pelosi and company have just passed to prevent individual States from setting any limits at all is going to bring severe judgment down on the
      head of the USA and rightfully so.

      But the abundance of sheer spiritual evil we are already swamped with is enough to contend with for any one day, so in thinking about the possibility of a MegaTsunami coming from the La Palma Volcano, hopefully we have a hint as to the BOC being Rescued just ahead of such a flood similar to the winged Rescue provided for ‘the woman’ of Rev.12:14,15 just before the dragon spews that flood out of his mouth. (Can’t help but look at that livestreaming Volcano and think of it in terms of a dragon’s mouth.)
      Sure praying so anyway!😊🙏

    4. Thanks, Sheila, God has gifted you with saying the right thing at the right time💖
      Our life in Christ IS a continual learning experience that's for sure!
      Thank you also for mentioning the new abortion law--it makes me sick to my stomach just to type that. Dear Lord--how do we even pray? America has sunk so low. Lord Jesus, come and LIFT US HIGH!✨

  30. Re Checking In - to Cap’Bob: if there is time to eat, can we hear some Dylan?

    From Slow Train Coming, Precious Angel:

    Precious angel, under the sun
    How was I to know you’d be the one
    To show me I was blinded, to show me I was gone
    How weak was the foundation I was standing upon?

    Now there’s spiritual warfare and flesh and blood breaking down
    Ya either got faith or ya got unbelief and there ain’t no neutral ground
    The enemy is subtle, how be it we are so deceived
    When the truth’s in our hearts and we still don’t believe?

    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Ya know I just couldn’t make it by myself
    I’m a little too blind to see

    My so-called friends have fallen under a spell
    They look me squarely in the eye and they say, “All is well”
    Can they imagine the darkness that will fall from on high
    When men will beg God to kill them and they won’t be able to die?

    Sister, lemme tell you about a vision I saw
    You were drawing water for your husband, you were suffering under the law
    You were telling him about Buddha, you were telling him about Mohammed
    in the same breath
    You never mentioned one time the Man who came and died a criminal’s death

    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Ya know I just couldn’t make it by myself
    I’m a little too blind to see

    Precious angel, you believe me when I say
    What God has given to us no man can take away
    We are covered in blood, girl, you know our forefathers were slaves
    Let us hope they’ve found mercy in their bone-filled graves

    You’re the queen of my flesh, girl, you’re my woman, you’re my delight
    You’re the lamp of my soul, girl, and you torch up the night
    But there’s violence in the eyes, girl, so let us not be enticed
    On the way out of Egypt, through Ethiopia, to the judgment hall of Christ

    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Shine your light, shine your light on me
    Ya know I just couldn’t make it by myself
    I’m a little too blind to see

    1. Dean...thanks for sharing that beautiful song by Bob D.ylan!    Lol!   Hadn't really paid much attention to the lyrics until now...but so appropriate for the times we're living in.   As for dinner, I think we may have a little more time than originally thought!    Perhaps we can get Sally (flight attendant) and Judi/Hmewrdbd (former TWA stewardess) to serve up one of those first class meals she was reminiscing about!    We can watch a Bob Dylan concert on the movie screen while enjoying our Chateaubriand steak!   Cap't Bob

    2. Welcom aboard, everyone! I found some cute stewardess emojis but I can't get them to paste here, so just know that dinner will soon be served! Blessings all, judi :-).

    3. Hey judi...check out this vintage video of TWA flight attendants:

      Do you recognize any of them?   I think I may have spotted you carrying the 707 carry-on bag.   Now wouldn't that be something if it said 777! A bit before its time I suppose! Cap't Bob

    4. LOL, Cap't Bob! Actually my era was just past that (1966-68) at about the 2:21 mark. Believe it or not those were paper dresses--though I've never seen the long one before (??). There was a season wherein they had us change into paper dresses for particular themed flights. Crazy, eh! At any rate thanks for the walk down memory lane--Looking forward to flight 777 and our guaranteed arrival with no delays, turbulence, St. Elmo's fire (yep, saw it travel right down the center aisle!), lightening, etc. We'll get to change clothes in-flight for this one too, but the garments won't be paper!

    5. Judi...I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Isn't it fun to go down "memory lane" once in awhile. Looking back, those were the best times of our lives, especially in comparison to the way things are now. Paper cool was that! You're right, we'll be getting a new change in clothes (white linen) before we meet up with our Lord in Heaven. Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer! Blessings, Sister!

  31. Hi all
    Love reading all the comments and learning so much from you all. I was just thinking when I was praying this morning that we who are watching for His return are much like Anna and Simeon who were waiting in the Temple for such a long time to see Him come the first time.

    Now we are that temple of His spirit and are awaiting with tiptoe anticipation for that calling up of His Body. So easy to become distracted but really can't understand how some think life is just going on as it always was.

    Even if 9/23 has come and gone we continue to watch. We must not grow weary in well doing, for we will reap one day soon if we do not faint.

    Love in Christ,

  32. Long but brilliant read (Lu - you will love it:)) The Marek link is interesting (in the article), partly due to me knowing about Marek's disease, but never clicking on the background to it and me standing here eyes wide open on the ever growing number of vaccinated folk in NZ and possible implications. BUT GOD!!!

    1. That was a very detailed researched article. All the main points where hit. But like the Doctor at my Campus Zoom meeting stated, 'You cannot convince them with Truth, Factors or Figures'. Not even using Logic and Reason as the Article was based on and I champion too. In fact, the Sub-Title of one of my other books on COVID is, 'Souring Out Natural Immunity'.

      Staying the course has to be maintained at all costs. And as we can see in Australia, Canada, and the UK, it is really now a Medical Martial Law type of Police State that is immerging. It is New World Order template to be implemented worldwide and soon.

  33. Dear family, BLESSINGS!
    I hope this is my last post here.

    (by T.W. Tramm - Facebook Page)

    The fruitless Fig Tree and 2021

    IN LUKE 13, Jesus speaks a parable about a fruitless fig tree:

    Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down’” (Luke 13:6–9).

    The keys to understanding the parable are . . .

    • God is the owner of the fig tree.

    • The fig tree symbolizes the Nation of Israel (Hos. 9:10; Jer. 24:1–10).

    • Fruit signifies a relationship with Jesus Christ (John 15:4–5).

    • The Cutting down of the fig tree signifies judgment.

    The lesson of the parable is that while God is long-suffering, allowing ample time for repentance, He will ultimately judge Israel for rejecting her Savior–Messiah.

    Since Israel, on the whole, has yet to accept Jesus, the fig tree remains barren and thus subject to judgment.

    How long will God suffer the fruitless fig tree? Since the Bible’s other Fig-Tree Parable in Matthew 24 links the fig tree to a “generation,” one might conclude the same timespan applies here.

    Scripture defines a typical generation, or lifespan, as 70 years (Ps. 90:10; 2 Sam. 5:4). Also, the number 70 signifies the fullness of time and judgment pertaining to Israel (Jer. 29:10; Dan. 9:24-2).

    Counting 70 years from when Israel became a nation in May 1948, the fig tree reached full maturity in May 2018.

    Time to check for fruit!

    According to the parable, however, no produce is found for three consecutive years—no fruit in 2018, 2019, or 2020.

    Time to cut the tree down!

    At this point, the vineyard’s caretaker steps in and persuades the Owner to allow the fig tree one more year. He will dig around the base and surround it with dung to try and spur some growth. If the tree still bears no fruit—by May 2021 in our scenario—it is time to cut it down.

    As of this writing, May 2021 has passed.

    So has summer.

    In Scripture, summer’s passing portends judgment for Israel:

    “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved!” (Jer. 8:20).

    “This is what the Lord GOD showed me: I saw a basket of summer fruit. ‘What do you see, Amos?’ he asked. ‘A basket of ripe fruit,’ I answered. Then the LORD said to me, ‘The time is ripe for my people Israel; I will spare them no longer’” (Amos 8:1, 2).

    Furthermore, the impending fall festivals foreshadow God’s final reckoning with the Jews (Lev. 23:23–44).

    Could 2021 see the cutting down of the fig tree that has had ample time—a generation plus 3 years—to accept her Messiah and bear fruit?

    It could. However, since there is no way to know if we have correctly correlated the parable, we will have to wait and see.

    Regardless of the exact timing, the vital lesson of the barren fig tree is that without Jesus to cleanse us of our sins, we are subject to God’s wrath (John 3:36; Rom. 5:9). Scripture says “every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matt. 7:19). This is why Israel and non-believers will face a period of unequaled tribulation. It is a warning and foretaste of the eternal torment that awaits those who reject their Savior—a last call and final opportunity to receive the One who washes us clean so we can stand before God on Judgment Day.

    A convergence of signs and timelines suggests the Day is near. If you have not yet done so, call on Jesus’ name today. Believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead, and you will escape the fire that awaits the fruitless fig tree (Rom. 10:13).

    1. NOTES:

      1. To bear fruit one must abide in Jesus: “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4, 5).

      2. God is patient with the wicked, desiring that no one would perish: “As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live” (Ez. 33:11).

      3. The number 70 signifies the fullness of time and judgment pertaining to Israel:

      • A typical human lifespan is 70 years (Ps. 90:10).

      • Israel’s greatest ruler, King David, died at age 70 (2 Sam. 5:4).

      • The Jews were liberated from captivity in Babylon after 70 years (Jer. 29:10).

      • God’s plan of redemption for Israel and Jerusalem is comprised of 70 weeks (Dan. 9:24-27).

      • There are 70 jubilees from the time of the Exodus, or birth of the Nation of Israel circa 1500 BC, to the present.

      4. Commentators suggest that the caretaker of the vineyard who convinces the owner to spare the fig tree another year represents our intercessor, Jesus (Rom. 8:34).

      5. Some speculate that the 3–4 year allowance for fruit-bearing before cutting down the tree alludes to the time of Jesus’ ministry. However, Israel was not actually “cut down” until 40 years after the crucifixion when the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. Another theory is that the 3 years allude to the Levitical prohibition on harvesting fruit for 3 years after a tree’s planting, or the fact that fig trees generally only begin to produce after three years (Lev. 19:23). However, in the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree, there is an expectation of fruit, indicating the tree is fully mature and expected to yield. This is why the owner decides to cut it down: it should be bearing edible fruit but is not. Thus, the meaning of the 3–4 year period remains somewhat of a mystery, perhaps being indicative of the actual year of Israel’s judgment as proposed here.

      6. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it could be said that the whole world has been metaphorically “covered in dung” throughout 2020–21. Could the pandemic and host of negative consequences be a final effort by the vineyard’s caretaker to stimulate fruit growth before Judgment Day arrives?

      7. That 2021 marks Israel’s 73rd birthday is significant as the average global lifespan is currently 73 years: “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near … Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened” (Matt. 24:32, 34).

      8. Correspondence of the Bible’s two fig-tree parables:

      The Fig Tree Parable in Matthew 24 states: “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near … Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened” (vv. 32, 34).

      Since Matthew’s fig-tree parable specifies that “all these things,” including the Tribulation, must occur before the generation passes, we count the biblical upper limit of a human lifespan—80 years*—from 1948 to arrive at 2028. We then subtract 7 years for the Tribulation to arrive at 2021.

      Thus, the Bible’s two fig-tree parables point ultimately to the same year: The barren fig tree points to 2021 by counting 70 years from 1948 and allowing 3 more to bear fruit. The parable of the budding fig tree points to 2021 by counting 80 years from 1948 and subtracting 7 for the Tribulation.

    2. *Scriptural support for the 80-year generation maximum:

      • In the psalms, Moses defines 80 years as the average upper limit of a lifespan: “Our days may come to 70 years, or 80, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away” (Ps. 90:10).

      • The Hebrews were released from bondage in Egypt when Moses was 80 years old (Ex. 7:7). Thus, they would have entered the Promised Land—a picture of Israel entering the Millennial Kingdom—when Moses was 80 had they not rejected the Land and spent 40 years wandering the wilderness.

      • There are 14 generations between Abraham and David (Matt. 1:17). Since chronologists calculate there are about 1,100 years separating these two figures, a generation consists of 80 years: 1,120 years ÷ 14 generations = 80 years per generation.


    3. Jeova...thanks for sharing T.W. Tramm's comments.   As the owner of a small fig orchard (50 potted trees), I can totally relate to the "parable of the fig tree".   If the tree doesn't produce any fruit after a certain amount of time or the figs are of poor quality, the tree needs to be cut down (or another variety grafted onto it!).    His points are well thought out and I concur with his conclusion:   "the impending fall festivals foreshadow God’s final reckoning with the Jews (Lev. 23:23–44)."    It starts with the Rapture of the Bride of Christ on the "true" Feast of Trumpets on 10/7-8 followed by judgement (Jews and Gentiles alike) on the other festivals or soon thereafter.    Maranatha!

    4. Amen! Jeova on hoping this is just about it and TY so much for sharing your encouraging info with us once again:-)

      S👀N and Very S👀N!

    5. Another great synopsis and conjecture of just how close we are. The only reservation I had/have is that 1948 - 80 years = 2021 calculation. It does appear to be 'right'...but, then 2021 has to be the year that the Tribulation Period starts. Ok, but we have now basically 3 months for all those items listed in prior statements made in my manner of seeing it.

      I just see the return of Israel entering the Promised Land, then with Joshua as now under David Ben Gurion as the type that had to wait for the Sabbath Year Cycle to begin, etc. Or, to have Israel's Prophetic Clock synchronize to them. It would be 1952. In this way, the 70 year Generation is still/would be in play and the determining factor. Of course, the way events are happening so fast, 3 months can fulfill all the items on the List.

  34. I listened to TOL Endtimes last evening and he had a good idea. What if the 4 year anniversary of the Rev 12 sign is on God's calendar, and therefore the day after FOT in October. According to Lu's calculation of the Shemeta year the day after FOT would be a 7th year and a non-harvest year so no rapture harvest then. But I have seen multiple calculations of when the Shemeta year should be and I'm not 100% confident who has the correct year (sorry, Lu, stay with me here).

    So, IF we are not raptured between now and true FOT, and then not raptured on true FOT, what about the day after? If it is year 5781 that was the 7th year (and therefore a non-harvest year), then FOT starts a new set of 7, that would make it a harvest year. I'm just thinking out loud and pondering possibilities, like they say. No criticism to folks who have been calculating the shemeta schedule.

    Blessings to the family-Vicki

    1. Good points. For sure not saying I am right. I just do base it on mere calculations and if is a year off and we go ahead of what one sees is the true Sabbath Cycles, then I am all for that. As to the notion that in the 7th Year, 'No Harvest is to be made'? It is on the contrary. As far as metaphor go, they do have a limit and interpretation doe then varies.

      But, to say that the Rapture, as the culmination of the Church Age 'Harvest' of Souls would have to be brought in, before the 7th Year or the Shemitah begins. That is why this Window until the Feast of Trumpets , for this year is pivotal to watch. Of course, this does not mean that no Human will even then be 'saved' during the 7th Year Shemitah. But that the Dispensation changes back to Economy of the Law and Localized Holy Spirit. There will no longer be the Body of Christ on Earth.

      Of course this is if one subscribes to Dispensation and Pre-Trib Rapture scenario. Could this Rosh HaShanah then possibly start the 1st year of the next 7-Year Sabbath Cycle? Sure. But the Sabbath Cycle calculated by Nolan Jones since Israel entered the Promised Land and waited for their 1st Agricultural Cycle to pass, does appear to be in Sync with the Cycles we have witnessed since 1967 with the Liberation of Jerusalem.

      So, this 7-Year sequence since then is right on track and would corroborate that Fall 2022 to Fall 2022 would be the next 7-Year Sabbath Cycle and not start this Fall 2021 on Rosh HaShanah. But yes, again, it can be off as we do not know the year. I have shared this Jubilee Study but if you all want a refresher and deep dive, the article clocks the Sabbath Cycles since Israel entered the Promised Land. The Cycles appear to be in sync with 32 AD Crucifixion Year, and the actual year Jesus proclaimed the Year of Jubilee in Nazareth, etc.


      And remember that the Jewish Year straddles the Western Year. So for example,
      1966/67 = 1966 is the 49th Year and the Year of Jubilee was then proclaimed on Yom Kippur of October 1966 to the Fall of 1967. This is why the 6-Day War in 1967 was then the 50th Year or the Year of Jubilee and the time Jerusalem was 'Freed'.

    2. Vicki, thanks so much for sharing that insight! If Oct 7-8 is the true 2021 Feast of Trumpets, it marks the 4 years since the Rev12 Sign at the 2017 Feast of Trumpets! And, Lu, thank you again Brother for sticking in there with all of us and sharing your valuable research/links.


  35. ================================================================
    The MoTB/ JAB is just like the 3 piercings of Jesus

    From Watchwoman, 9/25


    The JAB is a 3 part process but it IS the MoTB.

    Right now they are up to two jabs but soon it will be 3.

    These jabs are ALL "voluntary" and ALL jabs have his name (lucifer) and his number (666) IN THEM.

    People are doing this with their own FREE WILL.

    All jabs have graphene oxide which (per Daniel) is the IRON mixing with CLAY.

    These JABS transform humans (transhumanism)


    1 - Acceptance (of their pharmakia/sorcery and willful obedience to the BEAST, perhaps by coercion but definitely BEGUILLED)
    2 - DNA Change (Lucifer takes the place of the Holy Temple/ the Holy Spirit)
    3 - (eternal) Death (to be)


    1 - Acceptance (of Jesus as the only SAVIOR and willful obedience to HIM alone)
    2 - Santification (currently here for some "believers"...the lukewarm are not "working out" their salvation)
    3 - (eternal) Redemption (to be glorification)


    We are witnessing Rev 13 NOW as Revelation is NOT in chronological order.

    Oh, the "worship" of the BEAST (system) comes after the harpazo, when they turn on the five/six gee in which the graphene oxide will dance to their frequencies and ANYONE who took the JAB and did not seek forgiveness prior to the harpazo, will be FORCED to worship/obey the BEAST (system) by the "stuff" in their bodies.

    Hey Will, are you reading brother? It is not a medicine, you need to confess this abomination to the Father and seek his forgiveness for (willfully) taking their pharmakia.

    REPENT before it is too late.

    The blood of Jesus covers all ------BUT------- one MUST seek FORGIVENESS to be washed clean.

    OSAS = Poppycock!

    I would not bet your life on it. Not one iota. One cent. Zilch. Zero, Natta. Nil.

    1. Charlie, if this is the MOTB, then where is the angel flying through the air warning people not to take it? Please stop trying to put fear into people. I know your heart is to warn folks, but read the Book, God WARNS people audibly.

    2. These current j@b$ are NOT “ALL” voluntarily received. They are literally being forced on children, the helpless elderly in nursing homes and the disabled who are UNABLE to give informed consent, or any other kind of consent. Also re the 666 connection if it’s referring to that “patent” number, I’ve seen numerous reports stating that’s actually a patent for a digital currency of some sort. If you have it, some confirmation on that ‘fact’ would be helpful. Also per John 3:16, Eph.2:8-10, Rom.8.31-39 and Philippians 1:6 just to name a few, the word “poppycock” might be a bit insulting to the Author of those plainly stated Holy Spirit Inspired Scriptures.
      Those who deny the Eternal Security found in Jesus Christ Alone have NO SECURITY AT
      ALL. (And ours is not up for grabs or for demolition;-)

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Realize that on any average day, there are over 100 Earthquakes occurring all over the world. Most are nominal between 1.0-2.5. However, since 2000, and especially since 2015, the frequency and intensity of them have 'Skyrocket'. 10 Years ago, one would be hard pressed to see 5.0s once a year if at all. NOW, they are occurring DAILY! This is alarming. We are seeing now 7.0s every other week/month, etc.

      Same for Volcanoes'. On average, there are about 40 Volcanoes erupting presently all over the World. So, the notion that the 'Ring of Fire' is 'exploding'....well, yes and no. The Ring of Fire, especially the one in the Pacific Rim is being triggered, but in all other major Fault with La Palma, etc. Here is the Earthquake website. But like 'NASA', with its tactics, some of the Earthquakes are scaled-down. But I would say, for sure the Earth is mirroring the soon 'Birthing' of the Body of Christ. It is Scriptural as it says that the Creation is waiting, 'groaning' for the revealing of the Sons of Light. So, the contractions will get only more intense and frequent.

      USGS Earthquakes Website,-135.52734&extent=54.72462,-82.17773&sort=largest

  37. Still keeping an eye on the pressure valves

    Gigi @ Blue Heaven YTC noting recent posts by INL concerning Ring of Fire rockin' 06:40


    Article, earlier today, affirms, over at Geology In . com: Volcanos, Earthquakes: The 'Ring of Fire' Explodes in Activity

  38. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK Noah’s Ark hunters claims they’ve FOUND boat in Turkish mountains as 3D scans detect ‘shape matching Bible description’.

  39. Hi there AA, Keeping watch with you and all brothers and sisters

    This is live Now
    Hope for our times now Conference Session Two

    1. We have the promise in - Rev 22:6-7 , and share the everlasting hope ! 1Cor 2:9. "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
      Soon, we fly to meet the Lord in the clouds. 1 Thess 4:17 . Maybe on the upcoming days during Feast of Trumpets, or thereafter. Lev 25:10. (Vicki, thank you for. your encouragement.. See time is short stay close to the Lord, pray , keep watch, seek the lost and, and rejoice-our redemption draws nigh Luke 21:28 . 💙

    2. Dear VeeBee, blessings. Your timing is superb. I tuned in just in time to hear Pastor Billy Crone talk about the Lion and Lamb laying down together . I love the vid of the two men being reunited with the cub they raised who remembered them after a year apart. Can’t stay dry-eyed after that. Thanks so much, Sister.

  40. RE: Mark and Eternal Salvation
    Those that believe the current rendition of the COVID-1 Injections ARE the Mark, like Anthony Patch say the ‘Angel’ flying around, audibly warning the entire People on Earth to not take the Mark’ is an ‘allegory’ as are most other parts of Revelation.

    They essentially are saying that ‘they’ are the ‘Angles’ as that is what Angel means = ‘Messenger’. And so, they are the one’s warning the Public/World not to take the Injections because you do, you Will lose your Salvation. Period.

    And as to One Saved Always Saved? I find it interesting that such People, I believe are confusing the Command to live in Holiness as a result of one’s Salvation. That is to be ‘Separate’ as that is what Holiness means and keep ‘short accounts’ of Sin.

    Seems to me as we are still the in the Body of Flesh, we still Sin in though, word and deed, daily. So, does one then lose one’s Salvation on a daily basis and has to ‘get saved’ moment by moment? Daily? What a drag. Were not the ‘Saved’ early Church getting ‘drunk’ and fornicating in their Assemblies…yet did they lose their Salvation because of it or just had to ‘Repent’ of their thoughts, deeds and sayings?

    Seems to me, like in the case of Israel, they were under Covenant, Saved in the Promises, faithfully believing in the coming Messiah, but at times, YHVH admonished them to ‘turn’ from their Sins and Wicked Ways….this to the People and Kings. Where have they Saved? Yes. And they, as a Nation were evicted twice from the Promised Land. Yet, did they cease to be YHVH’s People? No. Of course there is a difference with Israel and the Church Age now, thank the LORD for the New Covenant that is in Jesus.

    And does not Paul teach that those having been ‘Saved’ can still be beguiled, bewitched, ‘Depart’ from one’s position in Christ? Yet they are Saved… as in Grace and Favor. Now, because we still have Free Will, obviously we like man in Christ chose and chose to walk in Carnality, or in the Flesh. Meaning, they stopped ‘walking’ with the LORD? Yes. But if they at one time genuinely came to the LORD and there was that ‘exchange’, that Contract’ made to have the Spirit, Soul and Body redeemed, then that person is Saved, Sealed and Delivered.

    Does the Bible not teach one is Sealed forever by the Holy Spirit? How can that be then if then it is lost in our Salvation every time we Sin? Does it not say we can ‘greave the Holy Spirit’. Or essentially put it out like in a candle metaphor? Yes but it is still there, forever as the ‘Down Payment’ of what is to come.

    Now, do People fake ‘saying the LORD’s Prayer’ or have what really was a ‘catharsis’ or crisis in life? Sure. Or it was just an emotional exercise and ritual or it was not genuine or real? Of course. And that is why the WORD says, ‘Only GOD knows whose are His’. Of course. But we can see evidence of Fruit and I would agree that if one genuinely came to Christ and one is Sealed with the Holy Spirit, there will be evidence, Fruit and one will be ‘looking’, acting, talking like Jesus. You cannot Fake It all one’s life. So, if someone is not ‘Saved’ to begin with, they are not even in the ‘Game’ sort of speak.

    1. And this is the ‘Walk of Faith’. And to qualify, what is to be ‘Saved’. As I have mentioned prior, it is a 3-Fold process, Past, Present and Future. All secured but because we live in the Present, we have a say and consequence, good or bad of one’s Sanctification. And I think, this is the area of confusion. Not being ‘Sanctified’ is being confused or inter-exchanged by being ‘Saved’. Past, we were Justified in our Spirit. Future, we will be Glorified in Body. That is why there is then language to ‘work-out your Salvation’, presently or how ‘Works without Faith’ is dead, etc. This Sanctification Process is:

      -Renewing one’s Mind Daily.
      -Repenting of Sin, Daily, in though, word or deed.
      -Be living and implementing the 4 Spiritual Anchors, Prayer, Fellowship, Bible Study and Worship.
      -Being conformed to the ‘Image of Christ’.
      -Putting on Christ, daily as one does for clothes no?

      These do not ‘Save’ you but are commands to grow in the Faith and Knowledge of Christ. In so, doing, Christ is then being Sanctified in us. This is how we can work out our Salvation, which is implied we have it already. We just need to tend to it as a Garden, a New Born Child, a Marriage, our Job, etc.

      it one’s Daily Struggle to take up our Cross, whatever that may be for one’s life. We wrestle with the Spiritual Powers of Darkness. Then our Self, Sin, Satan and the World. It is the Race and we are on a Learning Curve. Some ahead more than others. Some ‘shipwrecked’. Others ‘backsliding’. But if genuinely ‘Saved’, then nothing can separate that ‘Deal’/Contract/New Covenant with Jesus. Now I do believe that for those that have ‘Shipwrecked’ their Faith or have ‘changed’ their minds or have gone back to the World, there will be consequences and lose.

      See the consequences that we will all face, those that are genuinely Jesus’ at the Bema Seat of Christ. Our ‘Works’ will be evaluated, passed through the Fire. And anything that remains, will be allowed through. And those who lived in the Flesh, Backslided or Denied the LORD will suffer lose but, ‘saved’ as barely entering the Kingdom but the smell of smoke, toasty no? Not the way to enter Heaven. Again, assuming one is Saved, that has made that ‘Legal Exchange’, where one’s Debt of Sin has been paid for and covered by the Blood of Jesus.

      The MOTB Is Moving Fast!

    2. Amen, Lu and Thank You! One thing is sure...legalistic dogma and condemnation can not produce these true fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Gal.5:22,23).
      But truly knowing the depths of His Eternal Love, Mercy and Grace that we’ve been so blessedly embraced with will surely and ultimately produce those fruits.😊🙏

  41. With cold weather approaching, I encourage everyone to get a nebulizer and food grade hydrogen peroxide. Definitely don’t want to end up in the hospital needing a few breathing treatments just to have them put you on a ventilator instead. Amazon sells nebulizers for around $60. I checked mine earlier today. Hospitals are dangerous places now.

    1. Agreed! There are YT videos in which doctors demonstrate how to use the nebulizer. The one I watched uses 3 parts distilled water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide. You can use it daily to kill any bugs that are in your nasal passages and throats. Very safe and effective from what I've learned.

    2. Excellent. I’ve learned that the time to prepare your medicine cabinet is before you get sick. Once you’re in the throes of an illness, you will be too weak and/or disoriented to do it. I’ve heard store shelves are getting bare, so best to gather supplies now. Don’t forget pet food.

    3. gargling echinacea and/or essential oils (noting care needed for oil type) apparently is helpful as well...

    4. I’ve also seen where 3x a day gargling with a good antiseptic mouthwash like listerine for at least 30 seconds is a big help as well.

    5. Also very effective. Even if all you have in the house is warm salt water, that will do, too. Great for sinuses. My neti pot is indispensable.

  42. Just watched an uplifting Rapture Dream from Will at Worship and Watch Youtube Channel posted on September 23, 2021: Powerful rapture dream from the LORD! Coming to HIS Harvest Festival the first full week in October!

    In Will’s dream a childhood best friend, Alex, calls him to let Will know he is coming to the Harvest Festival in Will’s town--“It’s the first full week in October”. Surprisingly, Alex shows up before the first week of October. Walking to open the door, Will’s white T-shirt turns into a full-length white robe. Later in the dream Will asks Alex if he has a job for him and Alex (who represents Jesus) comes behind him and speaks into his ear, “I have created you to worship Me. Soon you will do it in fullness.”

    Will shared how the first full week of October (the 3rd through the 10th) is the timeframe several watchmen have pointed to as the more accurate time for the Feast of Trumpets but that Alex (representing Jesus) comes to meet Will BEFORE that week.

    As one who believes God has been marking feast days (such as the blood moons of 2014-2015) according to the calendar Israel currently follows, I’m thinking the Rapture might occur during Sukkot which began on Monday, 20 September 2021 and ends at nightfall on Monday, 27 September 2021 (according to God’s true Harvest Festival may be “the first full week of October”; however, Jesus comes before that week to gather us on a day that Jews would recognize as significant--perhaps Hoshana Raba--the 7th day of Sukkot?

    Why Hoshana Raba?

    In Exodus 23:16 Sukkot is called “the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field”. The 7th day of Sukkot or Hoshana Raba is September 27.

    “But since the Middle Ages, Hoshana Rabbah has been regarded as an extension of the deadline for Divine judgment.”

    “Hoshana Rabba was the day of the “seal,” wherein the verdict of man (passed on the Day of Atonement ) is “sealed,” or the day on which the “notices” of the verdict were sent out. . .”

    It is also interesting that the following 8th day:
    "is an independent holiday called Shemini Atzeret. In Israel, this is a one-day holiday; in the Diaspora it is a two-day holiday, and the second day is known as Simchat Torah. This holiday is characterized by utterly unbridled joy, which reaches its climax on Simchat Torah, when we celebrate the conclusion—and restart—of the annual Torah-reading cycle."

    September 27-28 is close to the 2-week warning that folks were giving. Of course, the Lord may choose to gather us on a day that is not significant to the Jews--this is all speculation. But what happy speculation, right!?!

    1. Hi Lyn, thanks for that link! Very interesting dream and interpretation. I noticed this from one of the comments:

      2 days ago
      Awesome dream brother, getting rid of the old clothes and putting on the new. :) I will share a few things with you to encourage you and hope to set your mind at ease, these are things I have found over the past 2 years from seeking:
      Something that blew me away is that everything Jesus did, he did at the Father's appointed time or Feasts, what I mean is, he died at Passover, he rose again on Unleavened Bread, he was caught up into Heaven on First Fruits to be a pure offering to God for our sins, and the Spirit came down on Pentecost. These were dates and times God set in stone at the beginning of creation.

      Genesis 1:14
      "And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years."

      But that is only 4 of the 7 Feasts... so what about the other 3? :) This is where it gets EXCITING.
      The next feast that needs to happen in God's appointed order is The Feast of Trumpets, also known as "The Last Trump" of the Year. "At the Last Trump, in a twinkling of an eye..." Sound familiar? So what if I were to tell you that the People of Israel will have the incorrect dates for feasts at the end times?

      Isaiah 1:14
      "Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them."

      Notice how God says YOUR new moon feasts when he is speaking to them, not HIS feasts dates! And the Feasts of Trumpets is the only one that uses a new moon to set it's date!!

      So if the next major event that needs to happen is the dead in Christ rising... when do you think think this major event will happen? :)
      The Feast of Trumpets! At God's appointed time!

      The Dead in Christ will rise first, the 144,000 will have the Seals placed on them to carry out their work on the earth, and then we who are alive shall be changed, to be caught up with them to be with the Lord in Heaven for a time, he will teach us and get us ready to return and establish his Kingdom where we will rule and reign with Him on this earth teaching the mortals that survived and did not take the mark of the beast for 1000 years! Satan will be released one last time to tempt the mortals but will be defeated quickly, after that rest of the dead who were not Christian and the mortals that we watched over will be judged according to their lives to either live in eternity with us or to be thrown in the lake of fire if their names are not found in the book of life, and then a new Heaven (Universe and Beyond) and a new earth will be created and God will dwell with man forever, and our eternal rewards we have built up will never decay. If you are a King in the millennial Kingdom, you will be a King in the eternal one!

      And not only that, the correct date for this feast is Oct 7th-8th, and I will share with you a mystery to why:
      Revelation 12:1 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.

      If you go to stellarium web online, and enter location as "Dome of the Rock" and date/time as 10/8/21 at 7:30 am you will see the Constellation Virgo, a woman (it is made of 12 stars), she will be clothed in the sun, and she will have the moon below her feet at this time. The sign that was given in revelation!

      I haven't tried to check it out, but find it interesting!

    2. Sorry, only meant to post the last paragraph above about Virgo, Had trouble with posting and must have picked up the whole comment :-o

    3. Judi...I'm glad you did because whoever wrote that was brilliant! That's exactly where I'm at right now! But we'll see in about 12 days!

    4. Bob, did you happen to watch the whole video? He's in so cal and his figs are not ripe--still green. Can you help us with significance?

    5. Judi...I did watch the entire video and am perplexed why his figs are still green and have not ripened yet, especially since he lives in Southern California where the weather is quite warm. Could have something to do with the variety or when the tree was planted, etc. But I can tell you here in Northern California 99% of all my figs have ripened already. The only fig that is still green is my Strawberry Verte fig. Perhaps that's what he has (as it's also a green fig even when ripe). I don't believe it has anything to do with being 1 month behind in our calendar or being on the same equatorial line with Israel.

  43. A friend just sent me this: TOTAL SHUTDOWN Google Maps, Gmail & YouTube will be blocked on MILLIONS of phones within days
    "The search giant has confirmed that a handful of Android devices will lose access to Google Maps, YouTube, Gmail from September 27. Unless they update their phones or swiftly buy a new mobile, millions of people across the globe will be locked out of the software.

    Google announced the deadline in a short post on its website.

    The tech titan said it plans to block users from signing in with their Google Account on devices using Android 2.3."

    Millions of iPhones, TVs and other devices could go offline next week — here's why [updated]

    "UPDATED to add Windows-based servers as another class of device that might have connection trouble next week.

    Old Macs, iPhones, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo 3DS gaming consoles, an unknown number of smart TVs, set-top boxes and other "smart" devices, and even some PlayStation 4s may lose some internet connectivity next week.

    That's because a widely used digital certificate used to verify secure internet connections expires on Sept. 30, and millions of older devices won't be able to update to install newer certificates.

    As a result, many activities that requires a secure internet connection — from watching Netflix to checking your email to reading regular websites — may not work on older devices."


    1. Thank you my sister Lyn! I posted a message on your site the day you wrote to us that you had a new article. It does not appear yet. It is a good article interesting to read like all your articles. I also asked if it was possible to give us the link between Brother Miguel and his brother's dreams. Thank you for your faithful work.

    2. Carole, all I have is the actual Comment where Miguel shared his brother's dreams and now I can't find that!

      I'm not sure why, but I have not seen a comment from you since I posted Sam and the 7 Volcanic Mountains?! I know you are always so faithful to leave one💖

  44. Hey guys...check out this video about landslides already beginning to happen on La Palma:

    Just curious, how many of you think the Canary Islands represent what is stated in Rev 13:3 and Rev 17:9?   "And here is the mind which has wisdom.  The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth."   Ty Green has an excellent video that discusses this possibility.    Alternatively,  Lyn's recent article (Sam & The Seven Volcanic Mountains) suggests that it may be the Alaskan volcano Semisopochnoi, which is the “Island of the Seven Mountains,” or more precisely in Russian:  “having seven hills.”   Others suggest that it may be the Hawaiian Islands.   Any thoughts on this matter?    I ask this because if we can figure out this mystery, we'll have a pretty good idea what happens next, if we're still here!

    Although I have no idea, the Canary Islands do consist of 7 main islands.    In order of size, these islands are Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro.  The rest of the archipelago is made up of a host of smaller islands, islets and roques. 

    There are 8 main islands in the State of Hawaii.

    Alternatively, if we can figure out what sandy sea/beach the Apostle John was standing on when he had his vision we would know the answer! What is more likely, off the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, or the Sea of Galilee? Or somewhere in Heaven? Btw, this question will be on Lu's Final Exam!

    1. Blessings, Bobby Z. I’ve always heard the City of 7 Hills is Rome.

    2. Hey Cap't Bob, Seattle is also a city on 7 hills--I think the Lord likes to play hide n seek sometimes :-)

    3. AA, Dean + Judi...good guesses, but no cigar!   Just kidding!  As I said above, I haven't a clue either!  Lol!

      Professor Lu...have you considered the following:

      Contrary to popular belief, “Islas Canarias” translates as Islands of the Dogs and the native Canary bird is instead named after the islands.

      Where the “dog” part comes from is unknown and there are many plausible theories.

      One such theory is that the original inhabitants of the islands, known as the Guanches worshipped the Egyptian God Anubis, who had a human body and the head of a dog.

      Another theory is that upon discovery by the North Africans, the island was inhabited by very large dogs.

      Whatever the origin of the association with dogs, the coat of arms bears the symbol of the dog to this day.

      As protector of the necropolis, Anubis was known as 'He Who is Upon the Mountain'. The Egyptians believed that the god would keep watch over the tombs and graves from a high vantage point in the desert, ready to rush down to protect the deceased from desecration. Images of Anubis as a seated jackal above nine prisoners were stamped on many of the seals to tombs in the Valley of the Kings. They symbolize Anubis' protection against thieves and evil doers who entered the necropolis. He protected not only the souls of the dead, but their eternal resting place, too.

      Anubis had many epithets, including:

      The First of the Westerners

      Lord of the Mummy Wrapping

      Chief of the Western Highland (the land of the dead was thought to be in the west, where the sun set)

      Counter of Hearts

      Chief of the Necropolis

      Prince of the Court of Justice

      Master of Secrets

      The One Who Eats His Father

      The Dog Who Swallows Millions

      Did I read that last one correctly?   The Dog Who Swallows Millions!   Very interesting!!!    Tsunami anyone?

    4. Captain Bob...
      Good job on the research. As a 'Progress Report', you are at an 'A' in the class, lol...I will ignore the Conspiracy to Mutiny the class along with the other Band of Rebels! …For now.
      So, the Canary Islands have its connotation from Canaan, as in the Promised Land and the Canaanites, etc. Or as the Phoenicians that have their root origin from the People of the Phoenix. I love this kind of stuff but such names are derived from the Fallen Angels and Principalities and Powers of the God of the Underworld, etc. Thus the Phoenix motif of rising from the Place of the Dead.

      But my take is, all the above on the list. Yes, the 'Canary' Island is not named after the Bird but the Dog. Now it is a peculiar 'Dog', the 'Female' Dog Star, Canis Major in the Heavens much like an ‘Anti-Revelation 12 Virgo Sign’. This other ‘Woman’ is following/accompanying Orion. She is workshipped as the 'Queen of Heaven' by the Canis-anites and Phoenix-ians, etc.

      So, here is the link to the Revelation 12 'Woman' up there in the Sky with the Stars too. In how this irruption is connoting a culmination as a 'birthing' pang, and breaking of the water, perhaps....Rapture anyone of a Man-Child? We'll see what the days leading-up to Oct 7 time frame will turn out to be.

      But this Dog Star Deity is none other that of the Moon Goddess, Ishtar, Diana, Isis, etc. Such were the same People that colonized the 'Canary Islands' and beyond. There is even evidence that they made journeys all the way to Peru, in Lake Titicaca and up the Mississippi and East Coast of the USA as there have been found inscription of ancient Phoenician letter characters in ancient Native American burial sites.

      I'll make sure to note that on your Progress Report to your Parents and that… 'He plays well with others'.

      Lu ;)

    5. AA...see what those basket of figs sneakily placed on Lu's desk will do for you! Lol! parent's are really going to appreciate that Progress Report of yours! Sure beats a spanking! Lol!

      Great explanation re the history of the Canary Islands and the connection with the Canaanites, etc. I really was reluctant to post my comments above but I can't quite shake the significance of what's happening in La Palma right now. If the volcano explodes and/or there is a major earthquake/landslide then everything is going to change instantly. I truly believe there's a lot more to learn what's going on there. Sabine has touched on some of the symbolism but I believe there is much more. So feel free to continue on with your research as there are still many mysteries to be solved. May God Bless you, Brother!

    6. Bob~interesting info you and Lu have shared. I haven't watched TyGreen's vid yet but I think you are misunderstanding what I was conveying. You wrote, "Alternatively, Lyn's recent article (Sam & The Seven Volcanic Mountains) suggests that it may be the Alaskan volcano Semisopochnoi, which is the “Island of the Seven Mountains,” or more precisely in Russian: “having seven hills.”

      In my article I am sharing a prophetic impression I received upon learning that Semisopochnoi was 1 of 7 volcanic mountains. I was not stating that Alaska's mtns are the 7 mtns of Rev. 17:9--

      I wrote--
      "It is my belief that God is signaling to His people that He is about to blow up The Seven Mountains of man’s influence in the earth. If I understood and relayed correctly the two visions the Lord gave me, it may begin with a transitional Spiritual Awakening that will culminate in the Resurrection and Rapture of Those in Christ. The total destruction of the Seven Mountains will then be completed during the 70th Week of Daniel, the seven-year Tribulation.

      Both Commentaries by Matthew Henry and A. F. Fausset conclude that the “seven mountains are the seven hills on which Rome stands”--

      'The whore is the apostate Church. . .The woman sitting on the seven hills implies the Old and New Testament Church conforming to, and resting on, the world power, that is, on all the seven world kingdoms.' Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET"

      So the impression in my spirit is that perhaps God is next going to deal with the apostate Church (represented by the 7 hills) by causing a GREAT AWAKENING before the Rapture as a latch ditch effort.

      My prophetic impression could be wrong, of course. We shall 👀 and see!

    7. And to quote beloved pastor, Tim Henderson, "An awakening can happen in an hour!"

    8. Lyn...thank you for the clarification. I believe I was influenced by Ty's video as he was discussing the La Palma volcano then made some connections to Rev 13:3 and Rev 17:9. I don't believe he specifically mentioned that the Canary Islands consisted of 7 main islands, but that's where my mind went and then I read your comments about the Alaskan volcano.

    9. Oops, above I meant to write that Semisopochnoi was an island of 7 volcanic mountains.

  45. 7 continents. Check out NewNews on YT.

  46. Hey Ryan...all I know is that it’s pretty telling when they say they don’t consider any injury or death occurring less than 2 weeks after a vipering as a j@b related injury and that anyone who is hospitalized less than 2 weeks after being fully vipered is still listed as an UN-vipered person. That just seems like a pretty good number skewing tool to not only hide viper related injuries and death, but to place the onus of the v!ru$ sickened on the un-vipered. The intent is so obviously dastardly, but alas! It takes at least some logic and reasoning ability to get that.🤷‍♀️

  47. Brothers and Sisters, too good to pass up, although might be repeat for some.Similar to Ty Greens recent video on the timing of next Feast of Trumpets.

    A brother Reviews miscalculations of Jewish calendar. The times and seasons changed (Daniel); petrodollar gone; God has sun , moon, stars for signs. Yes looks like many are watching to remain awake.
    Gevte " The Rapture at True Feast "

    If you
    want to read along It's under description on thr YTC
    Be blessed that you know and love His soon appearing

  48. Just happened to pop over to Unsealed and you'll never guess what Gary just posted--ANOTHER prophetic series of 7!

    Was A Message Just Conveyed In An Earthquake?

    1. Lyn...that's the 3rd set of 7's that I'm aware of, but there could be more. Those numbers of perfection could be warning us of something prophetic. At the very least, it's a reminder to keep those engines running on Flight 777!

  49. Hey Ryan, et al...Wow...I don’t know who this “Spartacus” is, but this is the most comprehensive document I’ve yet to see on this whole plandemic scheme with all of the medical science included. And the biological detail included is amazing in itself along with revealing the bad actors and their purposes against humanity.

    @Zero Hedge

    “Damn You To Hell.....The Spartacus Letter That’s Gone Viral”

    (This is not from a Biblical standpoint, but a scientific one.)


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.