Grace in this Place....

Hello all.   Each of you are precious and I am so grateful for every single person God has led to visit this place over the years.  I have said it before and I will say it again, you guys make this place what it is, not me.   But I feel led to share some thoughts about how I would prefer to see the comments section of this blog be handled moving forward.  Whether you comment rarely, often or never, I believe what I plan to share below will apply to you all equally.  Take heart, I will not be singling anybody out and I truly believe every single one of you reading these words are here because God lead you here as a integral part of this fellowship. 

With that being said, over the past few months there has been a slight shift in topics and tone in the comments section.  This shift has, in my personal opinion, somewhat detracted from the intentions and aspirations I believe Jesus has for this site.  And since I was called to start this place, I feel the burden and responsibility to step in now to help keep it on track so that it can continue in a positive spirit until the day Jesus returns.

Obviously as the creator of the site, I have access to some fairly detailed stats regarding the number of visitors that come here.  While there are around 30-40 people or so who comment on a somewhat regular basis, there are in my estimation at least 500-600 regular visitors who never comment that are checking in here at least once, often multiple times a day to see what you commenters are saying.  Think about that, 500-600 people checking in daily... that is three times the size of the congregation of my church!

  Imagine you were given the chance to speak to 500 or 600 Christians... what would you say, how would you conduct your self, what topics would be your primary focus?

Here are couple charts showing the stats for this site.  I humbly share this so you can see how many people are reading your words, and how consistent that family has remained for the last few years.

Here is the chart for the last 12 months.  Each of those lines is the number of visits each day...

Here is the chart since the site began in the spring of 2017:  This shows how many visits there have been monthly. 
What  I see in the chart above can be summed up in a word.... Family.  While some may look at that peak in Sept 2017, I am more blown away by that amazingly consistent horizontal line that extends from the beginning of 2018 up until now.  That is a family... a group of people lifting each other up and walking through these last days together.  That horizontal line almost brings tears to my eyes.  And it wouldn't be there without all of you.

My point is this.  Please don't think of this place as just some internet chat room between just a few of you.  Think of this place as a huge yet cozy fellowship hall for fellow Christians who are desperate to feel connected to brothers and sisters in Christ... Brothers and sisters who are eager for Jesus to return and aware of the signs pointing to the imminent fact!  

For some of us, this is one of the few places we have to connect with others who share such things.  Our churches don't talk about it, most of our Christian friends dismiss end times talk, so this place really is a refuge for us.  In a way, it's holy, set apart for Jesus.  I ask you from the bottom of my heart to please treat it that way.

So this is what I would like to see MORE of moving forward in regards to comments...

Encouragement - For those who need prayer and who are struggling.  (If you need prayer please post, many of us pray even if we don't leave a comment).

Information -  Relevant information and links that point us to the Blessed Hope, the return of Jesus Christ.

Positive Fellowship -  taking opportunities to build up one another, give them a lift as times are tough for many of us.

Grace -  Grace for your brothers and sisters who comment.  Grace for brothers and sisters in christ who might come up during discussions.  Grace for everyone on this every single soul on this planet...especially those in the body of Christ.

So this is what I would like to see LESS of moving forward in regards to comments...

[Harsh words, crude jokes, flat earth talk, tearing down of others (famous people or otherwise) and politically charged debates]

I have no desire to be an comment censor.  I am relying on the indwelling Holy Spirit in all of you to handle that.  My days are very busy with my job and houseful of young children.  But I do feel a responsibility to protect and guide this place the best I can... and with your help I will continue to do so.  All I ask in return is to treat this place and the people here with tenderness and grace.   

Thank you and I love you all.  Maranatha.
Let us hold resolutely to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25
And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. 1 John 2:28
Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14


  1. Thank you my dear brother!
    May everything be done for the glory of God!
    I love you all too! Carole

  2. Blessings all. I hope everyone is well. Sadly, this will be my last comment at this beloved blog as the self-appointed Sensitivity Mob took it upon themselves to decide that we are living in a Post-Joke World, and, as such, no humor will be tolerated.

    There are many places in the Bible that have always made me laugh, like when God made Balaam’s donkey talk, when Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal and when Moses “fled” before his staff when God turned it into a snake. Humor has gotten me through some rough patches in my life, but, it appears, my humor is a bit too overwhelming for the more delicate, fragile ones here.

    I’m mad at BB, but I miss my brother and it’s just not the same here without him. I know he’s not coming back. I can’t figure out how or why he could so misinterpret my remarks about Rush’s birthday and then attack what is, and I pray he’s not, essentially, a dying man. BB, you’re still my brother and you ain’t heavy..

    I think the Sensitivity Mob should consider if they are driving people away with their pronouncements on others’ posts or attracting them here. Neither of you holds editorial sway despite what you may think.

    Stay cool, Jimboni. My interactions with you were enjoyable.

    1. Archangel, I am sorry that you think this way and feel this way about the humor used in having a couple of drinks.
      I think in a blog of born-again believers and those who read the comments, whoever they may be, it is not edifying in any way to be joking about having a couple of drinks and implying your buzzed because every one looks like Hugh J. afterward (as in relation to the vid clip that was linked). For me, this is approving of drunkedness just as if someone was bantering here and there about things that hinted at sexual innuendos, etc. It just would not be appropriate on this site or others like this.
      It is not a self-appointed sensitivity mob here at all. I stand by what I had said.
      Yes, there is humor in the Bible tho I don't see any kind of humor as to joking about drinking in the bible.
      It isn't just making a mountain out of a molehill. It isn't being a killjoy. It isn't being a prude. It isn't being oversensitive. It isn't being weak. It isn't being fragile. It is being a person who wants to act in a Christlike manner.
      It takes strength. Because to do so is like walking on hot coals. It goes against the grain.
      Archangel, have you considered that you have driven others away yourself?
      "Neither of you holds editorial sway despite what you may think"
      I am sorry that we are not measuring up to your standards - and therefore you can dismiss us.


    2. I will miss you dear Archangel, and Sheila B too. You are precious to me! You have been pearls in my life.
      I love you very much and can't wait to see you in the air. We'll give each other a huge hug. Carole XXXX

  3. I'm going to miss you, Archangel. You backed me up several times and I appreciated it. I have trouble expressing myself in words as a result of long term lyme. So I don't often comment because I know it is easy to misunderstand what I want to say when I can't get the words together. I'll look forward to meeting in person in the near future. Love to every one of you, family.-Vicki

  4. I would like to see a comment from Cheryl. How Jesus has walked with her during this time and what she has learned. I hope that she could be welcome here. If not, then.. I'm done.

    1. May, it will always be your choice to leave just as it was Archangel's choice to leave the site.
      We are sinners. We make mistakes. We make decisions not in our best interests. We disagree ...

    2. Thank you May. I kind of prefer just to be a spectator at this point. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness. I felt the Lord told me the day after the riots to focus my eyes on him, and don’t look to the left or right. Jeff had posted a similar comment that same morning that felt like confirmation. I have a feeling we are in the home stretch. I hope so.

  5. Thank you Brad for your faithful stewardship of this most precious site. Thank you also for your leadership and integrity. It matters. Thank you too for your loving care of this family that clearly the Lord brought together for such a time as this.

    1. YES! Thank You Brad, for this wonderful web site and all those who contribute to it! As you state it is lonely out here, as even Churches shun the important topics raised here. Even that is strong evidence that Time is getting so very close to our RESCUE, off this sinking ship, by our SAVIOR via the Rapture! Blessings to all. TITUS 2 v13, 2 timothy 4 v 8, MARANATHA!!

  6. Bless you Brad and thank you so very very much! I agree 100% with everything you have said as you are spot-on!!! I tried to address this issue by commenting once and I was told by one of the participants to just “relax” and “chill”, and NO ONE else backed me up or said anything at the time.

    I am one of those “silent” ones that comes to this site to fellowship and try to learn as much as I can and grow in my walk, and I just don’t see certain comments as edifying and helpful in that regard. I’m trying to get away from worldliness and this just hit me WRONG. If I had wanted that kind of humor I could’ve gone down to the closest dive and hung out.

    1 Cor 8:9 But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.

    So, thank you for addressing this. God bless!

    1. ML, I do remember the response you were given and so I went back to find that exchange. You were graceful in your questioning this person. I do feel bad that I didn't speak up. I knew when I read it the first time that it wasn't right what this person had replied to you. And, I apologize for that and also that there was no one to back you up or to say something.
      i understand how that feels, because I felt like this in the last thread, when I addressed this issue. I wasn't seeing any support. I told myself I was just being prideful. Or, worrying I was not kind and loving in my comments. There was resistance in my case, so I hunkered down in a way.
      I think at times you kind of hope that the "issue" will go away. Or, that someone else will say something. Nothing ends up getting said. I think this issue took on a life of its own, and it became more difficult to address. Indirect comments fell to the wayside. Our intentions may have been there, but were easily distracted and we find ourselves looking elsewhere. It is like you see a mountain in front of you and you don't know how to scale it. Your frozen. It is easier to avoid the issue. Or, you think it isn't my place, or you'll be ostracized in some way. Or something. Anyway, blessings to you, ML

  7. Sheila, I really hope you will come back when you feel ready. I have learned a lot from you (as well as many others here) and look on you as a mentor. I will miss your strength and intellect. It will feel like part of the body has been amputated and that satan won this skirmish. Don’t let him win please.

    Matt 25:35, 40. ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me’...’Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’


  8. As one of the 500-600 that come to this site (almost) daily, I find it so cool to see the straight line on the chart! This has always been one of my favorite blogs to check and feel like I’m not alone, so thank you for your hard work.

    In the past I would read most of the comments too because they were so uplifting, but as you said I also noticed a change in the comments, and felt they were no longer for the “entire family” to read, if that makes sense, so I stopped reading them.

    God bless you all!

    1. Kate, thank you for sharing your thoughts. And, I do hope that there will be a time where you will be reading comments again.
      These are uncertain times we presently are living in and support on end time events as well as discussing what is happening like mask wearing, etc and the looming vaccine as it is moreso distributed is difficult for many to have that someone in their life they can talk to about all of this. It becomes fear-laden and lonely. It is comforting to know your not alone in any of this. We weren't meant to be in a vacuum. I hope I don't sound too sappy. But, I am one of those alone in all of this. I would hate to see the site end up saying goodbye. Blessings to you and yours.

    2. You’re so right, Cathi! I think the comments to me seemed like an insider conversation at times that I wasn’t in the “loop” of, not so much that I felt any of it was wrong, more so the topics weren’t really pertaining to the post (not that they always need to!). But again I haven’t read them lately!

      You’re definitely not alone, even though we feel it at times. It’s nice when we as believers can rely on each other for comfort and motivation to follow Christ through these uncertain times.

  9. Well, it's sad to see a bit of unraveling here. I'm one of those visitors that rarely contributes, yet almost daily checks in. There's been so much perspective offered; the site is not merely an echo chamber. I have learned who to disregard and who to heed. I didn't have any relationships here, but in a sense I felt like I knew people, which is always comforting.

    It should be no surprise that cyber-drama has exacted a toll here...spiritual warfare knows no bounds. I shall continue checking in, and hope to see insightful banter as before. If that's been lost...well, that is a genuine loss.


    1. Unknown, - Well, I don't think it will have been lost, God willing. Maybe you can be one of those with some insightful banter ...

  10. Blessings, Brad, and thank you again for all you do to make this place available.

    I wanted to share something that happened earlier today that had God's fingerprints all over it. Backstory (I promise, this is about grace, not politics): we live in a neighborhood that is comprised mostly of older people who are very liberal, and every time we went somewhere it felt like we were running the gauntlet through a sea of political signs. The worst was when our neighbors across the street put up a big sign for Biden/Harris right in the line of sight from our kitchen window.

    I know that my hope and happiness isn't based on this world, however, it's been hard to have grace toward our neighbors who are rooting for a team that is diametrically opposed to values I hold dear. I have been praying about it, especially since time is so short. I don't want to stand in God's way. To be honest, it's been a struggle, especially having to stare at that doggone sign every time I washed dishes.

    I got a message from our across the street neighbors, asking if we could help them move something. I said of course, and we went over at the agreed upon time. When we were done they said they wanted to thank us for all our help (we help them move things occasionally, nothing major), and since they couldn't take us out to dinner because of covid, they wanted to offer us unlimited use of their fabulous workshop. They had seen us working outside on presents in the months leading up to Christmas, and they knew we didn't have a lot of space to work in our garage. They even offered to give us a key so we could come and go without being a bother. Wow. I had been praying about showing grace and God answered by our neighbors showing us so much grace and thoughtfulness. You know something is from God when you are surprised, humbled, and impressed.

    BTW, Google thinks I'm in a different time zone. As I close it's just after 11. I mention that because my dad is one of the many readers here, and I don't want him to think I'm up in the middle of the night ;)

    1. Well, I am still up and that is funny, Rebekah! I also had to laugh over your seeing that doggone sign out your kitchen window when you did dishes! How wonderful that your gracious prayers led to your being blessed in a way that was beyond your imagination!

    2. Rebekah, thank you for sharing that great story of answered prayer - I was so encouraged by it!

    3. Rebekah~Thank you for sharing that story. I pray the Lord will continue to use your family to reach your neighbors for Him--that they would come to the knowledge of salvation through Christ our Lord✨

    4. :) Thank you, Cathi G. I'm not sure how gracious my prayers were. Some of them bordered on grumbling. God is so gracious. He saw the best part of my prayers and didn't get after me for the rest.

    5. Thank you, Lyn and Brian. I pray that God will help us to use this last bit of time well, and that we will run this last stretch of the race well. Looking forward to seeing you all at the finish line :)

  11. Thank you Brad for this wonderful site, and the many blessings it brings to me. Like many (if not all) of you this is the place I go to find out what is going on in the world in regards to prophecy. When I have asked for prayer it has been given. When I have asked for thoughts on a subject it has been given. Although I appreciate everyone here, I have also learned to scan the comments, and just avoid the ones where people are just "shooting the breeze".
    Here are my thoughts on the comments section, please don't take any offense these are my thoughts, and how I feel. In no way am I condemning anyone, but just want to tell you what it is like for one of those 400 or 500 hundred looking in through the window. Those of us who don't comment very often or not at all. To me it's like walking down the street on a dark and cold night, and seeing a house that has several cars parked in front. Inside through the brightly lit window I see a group of people laughing and chatting and having a grand time. I realize that I know everyone in there, but I wasn't invited. Maybe because I don't talk much, maybe because I just like to listen, or maybe it's because no one wants to hear what I have to say. Maybe I keep my mouth shut for fear of being rebuked for my words or thoughts.
    I think Kate said it so well in the above post, that some of the comments were not for the “entire family”. Like her I have just learned to scroll on past since I wasn’t invited anyhow.
    Like ML said, although I don’t recall the comments he was speaking of, I have seen instances where someone has said something, and one or more of the “regulars”, has just told them to “relax” and “chill”. Remember you weren’t invited, we don’t mind if you stand on the sidewalk and look through the window, but just keep your opinion outside. There have been times I want to say something, but I would rather not spend my time getting chastised for my opinion, so I just keep my mouth shut. I'm sorry to the ML's, I should have spoken up.
    Sometimes it seems like a private conversation with the “family”. Not the Christian brotherhood/sisterhood family, but, you know, the click, the jocks and the cheerleaders. Us nerds will just sit here and watch, and hopefully from time to time hear something that actually lifts up our GOD, our Jesus, our Saviour. Something that teaches and edifies us, and brings us closer to our LORD.

    I hope no one leaves, Every one of you has contributed to my knowledge, and in some way has been a blessing to me.
    Pro_11:11 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
    God forbid that someday in the future (the near future I hope) after we have all been called home, that someone comes here searching for answers to what has happened, and is turned away from the Saviour because of the bickering going on among the brotherhood/sisterhood.
    May God bless each and everyone of you.
    Always Looking Up!!!

  12. Brad, I am one of the many that check in almost daily, but rarely post. I totally support your leadership here in re-aligning the discussion back to where it started - the looking for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I look to this website as a place I can go to discuss Bible prophecy in a way that I simply cannot in my church. I love my church family to bits, but they largely interpret the bible in a amillennial fashion and do not see Israel as being significant. I also totally believe the Rev12 sign was a fulfilment of Revelation 12:1,2 and originally looked to your blog for discussion on this topic. I personally think that verses 3,4 have not yet been seen and welcome discussion on that topic too. Thank you Brad for all the hard work you put into this blog and to all the contributors that make it worthwhile coming back on regular basis. I particularly like the links to articles and video's that I would not normally find by myself. As a non-American, watching your country self-implode, it has been fascinating to read the debate, but just remember the centre of the Bible is ultimately Israel and some of your readers (like me) do not fully understand some of the things you refer to! BTW life in the UK is heavy lock down. We have not had a physical church service since last March, with all being on Zoom. We can only leave our homes once a day for exercise and the police are cracking down hard on rule breakers. I wanted to go for a walk with a church friend the other day, but was advised against it. Anyway, thanks all,

    1. Hi MarkO! It's so good to know you and others are here with us even if you choose not to comment. I saw that you wrote " I also totally believe the Rev12 sign was a fulfilment of Revelation 12:1,2 and originally looked to your blog for discussion on this topic. I personally think that verses 3,4 have not yet been seen and welcome discussion on that topic too."

      We definitely saw the sign of Rev. 12:1-2 in 2017 and perhaps have seen the heavenly sign of verses 3-4 but we definitely have NOT yet seen the MANIFESTATION of these prophetic signs. I believe we soon will. As I shared in my last article, The Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture I believe there will be a ✨GREAT CONVERGENCE on the DAY OF THE GREAT HEAVENLY EXCHANGE✨

    2. Hi Lyn! I read your blog too. I particularly like how you link to the source from your text, so I can go and do my own research. Well done on putting together such interesting content. I totally agree with your comment that we have not yet seen the manifestation of Rev 12:3,4. I accept, that some of the ideas offered for the 2nd sign in the heavens could well have been it, but none convince me like the original 23rd September 2017 did. I am a keen photographer and attempted to capture them all, and to be honest, some of them I could not even find! However, I do believe we will see a literal sign in the heavens, fulfilling verses 3 and 4, and it will be obvious like the 1st sign was. I don't know if the manifestation of this 2nd sign happens at the same time, or there is a delay. My gut feeling is there could be a short delay - 3 hours? 3 days? but no strong opinions here. As to what the heavenly sign is, I really don't know. Many people have suggested unknown planets, which is certainly a strong possibility. We will just have to wait, watch and see! One thing though, I do think this bit of Rev12 connects with Gen6, and Dan2:43 i.e. fallen angels.

    3. Amen, MarkO! I am in agreement with your observations. Thank you for your encouragement to me. I have more time to research and write now and so I'm putting out articles more often since there is SO MUCH info to sort through and digest. If you have time, please feel free to comment at my blog site. Comments are monitored so don't worry if you don't see it post right away! Many blessings on you and yours💖

  13. Ryan....I am touched to see my name listed here. I am really an outsider that comes here several times a day. When I post, I am very reluctant, as to my views, but we all have something here that is more valuable than anything , and is extremely a small minority of this planet. The common belief that Christ died for our sins, rose again, and covered our sins for those that believe, and that should be MAJOR encouragement!

    This world is so fallen, and the book of Timothy lists the various pitfalls our world is falling into.

    I keep saying I must be an odd duck, as the worst I see this world fall, the more my faith increases! I thank God very often for that! I mean, ...think about it....satan wants us to weaken our faith as he tightens his demonic grip on this world.

    What group is he going to single out? He already has the secular world. Why, it is us Christians that he is trying to divide and conquer. I give satan a lot of points for being very effective at putting a strangle hold on the secular world, he has them already gored on one of his horns, now he is focusing on his greatest prize, those that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

    I take it as a badge of honor being a Christian that satan so wants to destroy. If one isnt getting stung withmuch persecution, one isnt poking at the secular beehive hard enough or often enough.

    Time out here....I am VERY much talking to myself here. I do not do near enough evangelizing....probably a lot less than most that post here regularly. I am NOT talking about preaching to fellow Christians here, but to the lost ones in the secular world.

    I really feel we all are needed to reach the lost in this fallen world. There is so much lifeless eyes out there as the souls behind those eyes are not shining through.

    We should have the lift of the precious spirit of Christ that we are so blessed to have.

    Please, take a moment and look inwards at how precious our redeemed souls are, and how fortunate we have one. I cant help but smile typing this. The darker the world becomes around me, the more brilliant the light in my own soul becomes.

    We are indeed EXTREMELY BLESSED to be in this situation.

    Around seven years ago I was the top poster on a worldwide helicopter forum. I had built my own turbine powered helicopter. I had the secular world by the tail....but I was empty inside. A few events that would take me days to type had God winking at me through coincidence after coincidence while I was building a certain curved stairway for a very well known worldwide client. This curved stair building supported my helicopter habbit. Now mind you, I never was a rabble rouser and conducted myself in a non arrogant way, but my life was empty.

    Long story short...these coincidences caused me to start reading my Bible for the first time in my life. I soon did the unthinkable amongst my helicopter friends. I sold my beloved turbine powered helicopter that took me 3 years to build, and that won Grand Champion Rotorcraft at the PRA annual convention.

    Instead of hovering over the earth in my helicopter, I am hovering over my Bible now......and even though I am physically lower now ....the love of Christ has me hovering so high now, a conventional helicopter would not have the air to support its hover.

    My hover with Christ needs no air, just the dense spirit of God.

  14. I’m one of the people who checks in here several times a day but almost never comments. Our blessed hope is in Jesus soon return to take us home. That’s what I come here to read about. I get discouraged by all the politically charged statements because I truly believe this is one of the tools the enemy has been very successful at using to divide us. Would much rather focus on those positive and uplifting shared beliefs that bring us together and lift each other up.

  15. I am one who has been reading daily since 2017, but rarely comments. However, I do read almost all of the comments as I find the insight and other suggested readings or videos via links of value sometimes. It is apparent that spiritual warfare has expanded to this little corner of the Internet as well. This is a difficult time, and it's easy to succumb to the flesh (fear, anxiety, irritability) instead of staying in the Spirit and fully trusting the Lord with the outcome. I know that I am struggling, and I consider myself to be a mature Christian with a good foundation of understanding about the end times. I never could have foreseen things playing out like this in the US. But God is still in control, and His will will be accomplished. Since what we say (in the comments) has the power to encourage or discourage, we should all choose our words carefully. Before you speak (or comment) THINK - is it TRUE, is it HELPFUL, is it INSPIRING, is it NECESSARY, is it KIND? Blessings to you all. This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

  16. Brad, I had been praying that the Spirit of the Lord would guide you in your words for this particular article and I believe He truly has. I love each Brother and Sister here with all my heart, yet we must MUST consider what we comment on and how we comment in light of who we are in Christ Jesus. It can be news worthy, serious, funny or even silly, but does it build up🏗️ or tear down💥?

    I believe ALL who are born again of God's Holy Spirit have something to contribute to the Body of Christ whether their eschatology matches mine or not; HOWEVER, not everything we say, write, or do is always SPIRIT-LED.

    [There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. - Romans 8:1 KJV
    So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. - Romans 8:8 KJV

    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. - Philippians 4:8 KJV

  17. Hi family! I haven’t commented in a couple years, but this seemed a fitting thread to change that.

    Like I suppose is the case for many of us, I got REALLY caught up in the back and forth of election news, opinions, theories, lawsuits, investigations, or lack thereof. And while I can dig my heels in and die on the mountain of election injustices (which I did more than I’d like to admit) - what does that do to further the gospel of Christ and Him crucified?

    Romans 12:19-21 has been giving me great encouragement in this troublesome time:

    Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    (‘This is My Father’s World’ accompanies this well)

    I need to remind myself that it doesn’t say I should overcome evil by being strong or standing up for my rights - God’s awesome vengeance is wholly up to Him and His timing.

    So I must repent for straying from the hope and joy we have in Christ. For a couple months, I didn’t want to hear JD’s weekly exhortations, spend much time with the Father, or encourage anyone in the faith. My heart and hope were more taken in by the transient save DJT or save the US theory du jour than I was by the eternally living Word of God.

    Recent events won’t somehow ‘slip His gaze’ - but vengeance was never mine to begin with, so I’m re-entrusting my hope to the one who, while exacting His vengeance perfectly, found it more fitting to spare me from eternal wrath.

    That thought disarms me and encourages my heart to share the good news with others once again.

    Blessings :)

    1. Totally, and while it was a nice 'golden' age - it's good to remember the very ground under our feet will be gold in Heaven. Thanks for affirming that, ZL :)

  18. Great thanks Brad really! Studying these words you gave us: Encouragement, Grace, Felowship etc. It's very interesting. I found the first word "encourage" in the Bible. Deut 1:38 (KJV)
    "But Joshua the son of Nun, which standeth before thee, he shall go in thither: encourage him: for he shall cause Israel to inherit it."
    I think it's all for us. We are encouraged by the Lord to inherit really! Want to see all of you now!
    Next thought about. Joshua 1:6 (KJV)
    "Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them."
    The Lord encourages us with His promises as here! I think we become strength now very much!
    Jer 1:11-12 (KJV)
    11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree.
    12 Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.
    Do we see the signs really? The Lord will hasten His Word, and He makes it now! The Signs are all around us now! Let us go through together! I think the signs are alongside in Heaven and in the Earth now! Blessings to all our Community! Maranatha!

  19. This is so encouraging to see our Lord uniting us together in His Spirit. Blessings to all of you ,
    my brothers and sisters. I wanted to share with you what The Lord is impressing upon me
    greatly today. Isaiah 40:31 (LSV) But those expecting YHWH pass to power, they raise up the
    pinion as eagles, they run and are not fatigued, they go on and do not faint. Amen

    1. A very encouraging verse Cierra! Thank you for sharing.

  20. Hello family!
    Thanks so much Brad for this place of fellowship 🙏
    I consider all of the people who visit this page my family
    It’s my most visited website daily
    I think like any family sometimes we rub each other wrong
    It’s understandable to need a break
    I hope you all will return 🙏
    I really enjoy the different perspectives
    God bless you all
    Also a prayer request
    I posted a couple of months ago about my brother in law having lung cancer
    He died a little over a week ago he was 56
    Please lift up my sister for strength and comfort only Jesus can provide
    Much love

    1. Praying Ally for your sister! Agree with you, all will return! Lord's Hand is here! Job 12:9 (KJV)

    2. Hi Alla. That was a very apropos verse and it brings comfort to me and I am sure for many others.

      Prayers also Ally for your sister.

    3. Praying for your sister, Ally

  21. Hi Brad (& All)
    I was in agreement with everything you said, until you brought up that we are not allowed to talk about flat earth.

    This specific constraint on what we can talk about kind of shocked me.. Do you KNOW without a doubt that the world is not FLAT?

    Because I felt I "knew" too, until I gave it the time to REALLY look into. You might be shocked to discover that Charlie was right about the shape our earth, and that it is stationary, sits on foundations, that it is unmovable, and that there is an actual physical DOME made of molten glass covering it with the waters of the deep above that FIRMAMENT or DOME, and that God's throne is located above the firmament.

    I made a video about TRC: JORDAN CLARKE | THE FIRMAMENT this week, and several people who watched it said to me, their mind was blown after watching it, and that they now believe from the evidence I presented, that we might actually live on a flat, stationary earth covered by a dome as the bible tells us.

    I will leave these verse here, because they are in the bible, and if you believe in a ball shaped earth flying through space, you had better have a good think about how to reconcile these verses, and still hold to your ball shaped earth view. Because to me, the bible should be taken literally, (unless obviously a poetic or metaphoric verse or passage) and these verses scream FLAT EARTH:


    + + + + + + + +
    "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the FIRMAMENT of the heaven to give light upon the earth." - Genesis 1:17

    + + + + + + + +
    "So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. - Joshua 10:13

    + + + + + + + +
    “Fear before him, all the earth: The world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.” - 1 Chronicles 16:30

    + + + + + + + +
    "The world also shall be established that it shall not be moved.” – Psalm 96:10

    + + + + + + + +
    “Who laid the foundations of the earth, That it should not be removed for ever.” – Psalm 104:5

    + + + + + + + +
    “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, Which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?” – Job 37:18

    + + + + + + + +
    "But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool….” - Matthew 5:34-35

    I respect this is your site Brad, and I am eternally grateful to have this location to stay on top of end time events, and to fellowship with like minded believers, but to be told that it is forbidden to talk about Flat Earth, I think that one step too far, when that appears to be exactly what the bible supports.

    So I won't bow out completely, and if I come across anything interesting, I will post it, but being gagged like this on certain biblical topics, is a step too far.

    God Bless to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    1. Jordan, Blessings. I've not caught your video, yet, so this response is unbiased by that. To Brad's defense, I would posit that Brad's likely motivation, on this one, is to sidestep an area of great division, amongst us, as well as a cliché' often hung about Christian's necks, derisively, foiling seekers. That is a tough call, but an understandable one.

      Scripture Speaks of teachings being provided in keeping with the aptitude of the learner, from milk, moving to meat, over time. In like manner, one perspective would be to accept that such teachings are likely beyond the school grade of most of us, yourself included, until you made a willful step to correct that and dove in. Personally, I find it WAY more likely to be true, than not, esp in light of the efforts to convince/prove otherwise by TPTB for MILLENIA. I see a hidden, evil hand behind that, just saying, it fits. Still, I am not yet up to planting my flag on one hill, or the other, shame on me, perhaps, or perhaps He Has Not Yet Called Me to it?

      So, that would be my take on this request. Nonetheless, I find your rejoinder also fitting. While it is good to avoid topics causing division, the fact is that unity ONLY exists In Christ. Thus, ALL other 'unity' is fable, fiction, fantasy anyways. That said, it seems we generally settle into our camps, on this topic, without strident argument, thus far.

      As the FE model comports most easily With Scripture, ibid., at even a casual glance, the fact that it very possibly Is the Absolute Truth, I agree that we should not shun the topic, even if a bit off-putting for visitors. That we are not all in agreement on this, here, should be adequate bumper guards to assist any for whom such topics obscure the Gospel Message. In short, as your thrust declares, unless one can absolutely, Scripturally prove otherwise, the very fact that such is also a very real possible Truth, of Scripture, of Creation, of Christ, I agree we should allow it to stand, or fall, on it's own merits. Maranatha!

    2. Hi Jordan! Thank you for these Scriptures and your thoughts about. Just yet I can't say that the Earth is flat from these Scriptures. They are to study first of all. I studied some of them and will study now deeper. For example the Firmament is Hebrew word raqia [רָקִיעַ] – an extended surface, expanse.
      Gen 1:6-8 (LSV)
      6 And God says, “Let an expanse be in the midst of the waters, and let it be separating between waters and waters.”
      7 And God makes the expanse, and it separates between the waters which [are] under the expanse, and the waters which [are] above the expanse: and it is so.
      8 And God calls the expanse “Heavens”; and there is an evening, and there is a morning – [the] second day.
      The waters are under the expanse and above the expanse, and the expanse is Heavens (plural), and there are three Heavens, then the waters are also above the throne of God in the third heaven. Where is here the speech about flat earth at all?
      Ps 148:4 (LSV) Praise Him, heavens of heavens, || And you waters that are above the heavens.
      There is very deep symbology in all these terms. We will go through waters in Rapture as Israel through the Red Sea! And there are much to study really! I think also that here nothing says about flat eart really. But I will study, thank you for these Scriptures once more! Many Blessings!

    3. Thanks Ryan for this verse – Mark 13:27 (KJV), I thought about and found this Scripture.
      Ps 18:16-19 (KJV)
      16 He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters.
      17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.
      18 They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay.
      19 He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.
      This is also our situation now here really! As also the situation of Israel before crossing the Red Sea! This is the Type of our Rapture! The Lord takes us OUT OF MANY WATERS into the LARGE PLACE! Many waters are these:
      Ps 148:4 (KJV) Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
      And the Large Place for us is this:
      Isaiah 26:20-21 (KJV)
      20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
      21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
      See you all my Brothers and Sisters in the air now!

    4. Hi Jimboni,
      I appreciate your level-headedness, and openness to accepting that the earth could be flat, or equally it could be round. As I expressed in the previous posts, I was leaning towards believing our earth is a ball shape. But the evidence I looked at, really opened by eyes. I tried to summarize it as best I could in my video, So i would be interested to hear if it changes anyone's stance on it.

      Hi Alla,
      I agree, the FIRMAMENT of itself does not convey a flat earth, but in my video I try using 20 or so scripture verses, that paints a picture of:

      The early Earth dweller’s believed they could get to Heaven by building a high tower of bricks. (the tower of Babel)
      The Earth is stable does not move
      The Earth is set on a solid foundation of pillars
      The Earth was formed out of a body of water.. (body’s of water are always LEVEL)
      The Earth is described as a “footstool” (which is pretty flat)
      The Earth has a FIRMAMENT above it
      The FIRMAMENT divides water from below from the water above it
      The FIRMAMENT is made of molten glass (Job 37:18) - Someone please explain this??
      The FIRMAMENT is described as a tent or tabernacle
      The FIRMAMENT has windows.
      The FIRMAMENT contains the sun, moon and stars
      The SUN & MOON is said to move along the path/circuit or a set course
      The SUN & MOON were told to stand still to give Joshua time to win the battle (Joshua 10:13) - someone really needs to explain that one to me, the bible clearly says, the SUN & MOON STOPPED.. not the earth stopped spinning, but the sun and moon stopped. there is no hint that this is poetic or metaphorical.

      There is no-single verse that specifically says the earth is flat, but equally there is no verse that says the earth is a ball shape either. But the bible does give us the above description of our cosmos, and man tells us we are hurtling through space a 66,600 miles per hour, while spinning at 1000 miles per hour per day around the son. Sorry my sense do not concur with what man says.

      For me the clincher verse of a flat earth is:

      “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” - Revelation 1:7

      how this verse supports a flat earth theory? Well EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM. This is only possible if the world is flat. If it were round, the people on the opposite side of the world wouldn’t see him coming in the clouds. I know some would argue, that “every eye will see him” means because of TV’s or smart phones.. but I don’t think so. You see not everybody has a TV, and not everybody has a smart phone. There are many people who don’t have these luxuries. But if the earth was FLAT, every eye would indeed see Christ when he returns in the clouds.

    5. Hi Ryan,
      The FE evidence is all around you, the same as the PRE-TRIB evidence. But if your mind is closed off to these things, you won't search it out, nor believe it when it is presented to you, instead prefering to rebuf it, instead of looking into it and proving or disproving the claims with real tangible evidence.

      I have watched hours of research on the FE, because like you I was VERY sceptical. I saw:

      How items that had presumably disappeared over the horizon due to the curvature of the earth, and should be impossible to see were brought back into view by a zoom lense.

      I saw a test describing how sonar waves can only travel in a straight line, and not curve around something, and if the earth was curved, submarines, would simple have to just hide several miles away to avoid being detected.

      I saw how a green laser beam that was shone over a luke, and received more than 8 miles away, when this would be impossible if the curvature of the earth was true.

      I have seen how amatuer rockets hit and scrape off the firmament on their assent.

      I have seen professional rocket launches, their tradjectory path leveling off from shooting upwards to leveling off as they disappear beyond the vanishing point.

      I have seen experiments that test the tempature of the moon light on an object, and notice that the object is warmer when placed in the shade, the direct opposite of how objects behave in sun light, proving that the moon gives her own light, and is not a reflection of the sun's light.

      But if your mind is not open to these things, and you are not curious about seeing if they are true, you will just throw up the verses:Job 26:7 & Isaiah 40:22 and exclaim, see these verses prove the earth is round.

      But they don't, they actually more prove a flat stationary earth covered by a dome.

      RE: Isaiah 40:22
      The fact that it says, we all look like grass-hoppers, (people would not look like grasshoppers if God was sitting on a globe) He says grasshoppers, similarly if we were high up in let’s say in a helicopter, we might say that people look like ants. Also notice it says he stretched out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in, this phrase definitely seems to imply some type of dome or covering over the earth with a high vantage point for God to look down on the earth.

      RE:Job 26:7
      In my opinion this is a weak scriptural support, as it says, he hung the earth on nothing, which means he didn’t hang it, it’s not hanging on anything, it’s resting on it’s foundation. So again it more proves a flat stationary earth.

      Anyway will leave it there. Blessings to you my brother down under.

    6. Hi Jordan,

      Personally my favorite shape is the theory of the inverted sphere. It also allows for every one to see Jesus return. Jesus is the center. 😉

      I lalso ove the idea of a oblate spheroid hurtling though space and the thousands of galaxies proclaiming how great is our God!
      But I can equally see the beauty in a perfect raindrop. A raindrop on a flat surface has a flat bottom with a rounded top which magnifies what is on the flat surface. Is that how God sees us from heaven? I cannot be certain and therefore is one of the things I am looking forward to finding out.

      Earth Shape discussion is very polarizing and I appreciate you linking your video and for being open-minded but I can agree with Brad as to why it can be divisive.

      Thank you for your contributions to this comment section. I am mostly a lurker since 2017 but come here daily to find out what is happening and to keep up to date with prophecy and to be encouraged to keep on watching.

    7. Brother Jordon,
      Sorry Brad, I just have to address this.
      I'm not sure how, in the big scheme of things, what difference it really makes whether the earth is round or flat.
      I will tell you my personal take. I spent 20 years in the Navy in communications. Back in the early 80's crossing the Pacific Ocean somewhere between Hawaii and the Philippines I was up hanging out on the Signal Bridge with the folks on watch. It was beautiful day, sometime in the morning. The sea was like a piece of glass with a very slight swell. Maybe one foot swells and no white caps at all. Just a big blue carpet all around. One of the watch guys was on the "big eyes" ( scanning the horizon. The big eyes are a 20X120 pair of binoculars, weighing probably 100 lbs and mounted on a post. We had two pairs on this ship, one port and one starboard. The gentleman, told me to get on the other set and look directly out in front of the ship. On the horizon I saw a "white stick" poking up out of the water. As I continued to watch it came up higher and higher out of the water. After a minute of the stick coming up more and more, a cross bar appeared on the stick. Because of the view and the magnification of the binoculars it appeared as though it was coming out of the ocean. After several more minutes another cross bar appeared on the stick, then the top of a ship came into view, and eventually the entire ship. By now I no longer needed the binoculars to see the ship and watched as a big beautiful cruise liner went passing down our port side probably a mile or so away. Most likely heading to Hawaii. I continued to watch as it went on by and eventually I had to get back on the binoculars to see it well. And just as it had came into view a little at a time, I watched in disappear over the horizon in the same fashion, until I could just see the tip of the mast, and then it slipped out of site.
      I do agree that because the eye can only see so far that a ship may have appeared to have gone over the horizon, and that with magnification you can see that it has not, but eventually it does. I have watched it with my own eyes aided of course by magnification.

    8. (cont) On another note, I have experienced the reality of UHF radio signals. Communications between ships in a Battle Group often use UHF, as the distance is limited by line of sight, once a ship goes over the horizon and the transmit antenna on the sending ship is below the horizon of the receive antenna on the other ship, you can no longer use UHF to communicate. UHF is also used with Satellite communications, and works great as long as you have "line of site" to the satellite. Traveling across the ocean from the West Coast of the US to the Indian Ocean we have to eventually change the direction of our transmit antenna to focus on another satellite because it is past the horizon and we can no longer communicate with it. So if the earth was flat, and we use the same amount of power out on a UHF radio that we communicate with other ships on, as we do when we "talk" to the satellite there is no reason why when two ships are only 60 or so miles away from each other that those two ships shouldn't be able to still communicate with each other. As we used to say, if you can't see it, you can't talk to it.
      At one point a few years ago, possibly from reading something you wrote here, I started looking into the possibility of a flat earth. While researching I came across some videos that were taken of a sail boat out on the horizon that appeared to be disappearing over the horizon. Then the photographer zoomed in on the sailboat and you could see that much more of it could be seen with the magnification. This was what reminded me of what I had seen early in my Navy career, and convinced me that this was a rabbit hole I no longer wanted to explore. It also made me realize I was wasting a lot of time looking into something that in the big scheme of things, didn't really matter much.

      Keep looking up

    9. Thanks all of you – Jordan, Ryan, sawdy, Chris for your thoughts! Watching and looking up together! I don't think that the Earth is flat, it requires high level of proof!
      We are going to live with the Lord forever! Blessings!

    10. See here in lies the problem guys:

      What is the difference between Google YouTube deleting comments & videos that go against official government narrative & advice from health agencies on CV-19 and prohibiting a certain biblical topic from a discussion forum setup to discuss End Times and biblical topics?

      It is wrong to rule something out to be discussed because you don't believe in that!!!

      How would you feel if Brad told you, from now on there can be no more talk on this platform about PREPPING, or the POST-TRIB RAPTURE, because I don't believe in those things. Even thought there is plenty of evidence in the bible about prepping for hard times, as seen by Joseph?


      How would you feel if, Brad said, no more talk about a MID-TRIB RAPTURE, because I don't believe in Mid-Trib rapture even though when you look in the bible, you see passages that support your position?

      Or Jimboni or the Interrupts 165 guys,
      how would you feel if you were told, no more talk about a 14 year tribution, because we don't believe that here?

      Sheila & Cathi G,
      What if Brad says, no more talk about FREE GRACE, or that we cannot lose our salvation, as this site believes we can lose our salvation!1

      My guess, is there would be a mass exodus from the site, and people would no longer contribute.

      As Dr. Barry Awe said, we will learn more from each other whom we disagree with, than just being in an echo chamber and having everyone say AMEN to everything we say.

      It is wrong to silence a voice because you don't agree with their point of view.

      Flat earth is a minority view in Christendom, but it is a growing view as more and more people are questioning what their text books say, scientists, and governments are telling them. Nobody here, can categorically say, that the earth is not flat.

      Chris O,
      You said you thought it was me, that said something about Flat earth a couple of years ago. It wasn't!! I only became a FLAT EARTHER 2 or so weeks ago.

      I understand that you don't see any evidence of a Flat Earth. I didn't until I started looking for it, and now that is all I can see. Apart from what we can pickup with our own senses, We also have been instructed to walk by FAITH, not by SIGHT. If the bible tells us there is a FIRMAMENT Above our heads, we should believe that.. If the bible tells us it is made of MOLTEN GLASS, we should believe that.

      I don't see any evidence that the earth is traveling at 66,600 miles per hour through space while at the same time spinning at 1000 miles per hour. Why do people say "the sun rises" or "the sun sets" because this is passed down knowledge and what we observe with our own eyes, why when you look at the horizon it is ALWAYS FLAT?

      I appreciate you are a very intelligent and accomplished man, unfortunately you lost me with your arguments, but my argument for a flat earth, which is stationary, unmovable, set on a solid foundation, and has a molten glass firmament over it which contains the stars , the sun & the moon, and we are told that the sun and moon travels a set course is in the bible, so that is good enough for me. Sorry I am simple that way.

      There are people way more clever than me, who hold to a FLAT EARTH BELIEF too, such as:
      Daniel Valles from YTC: INFORMED CHRISTIANS

      (continued below...)

    11. (Part 2)

      To all,
      I asked a direct question about (Job 37:18) if anyone can explain how a SKY CAN BE STRONG AND MADE OF MOLTEN GLASS, how could this be understood any other way than AN ACTUAL PHYSICAL DOME over our head? but nobody answered me. This wasn't a trick question!! I am seeking how anyone else understands these verses?

      I also asked how can it say: "that the sun stood still, and the moon stopped? It didn't say that the earth stopped spinning. in another verse it says, that the sun went back 10 degrees. nothing about the earth reversing it's orbit.

      How can the FIRMAMENT divide the waters from above?
      The FIRMAMENT has windows & doors?
      How is the earth UNMOVEABLE?
      How is the earth on FOUNDATIONS?
      How is the SKY STRONG, like a TABERNACLE?

      These verses and the other verses ARE in the bible, I am not making them up. They were put in there for us to discover truths. We can't just sweep them under the rug, and pretend we didn't see them, because they are a bit tricky, and we don't want to look like a crazy Flat Earther.

      Someone posed the question, what does it matter, flat or ball shaped, who cares.. well it does matter, you see the Alien deception requires a round planet earth (one of billions of other planets) spinning and traveling through space. But if you believed that the earth was flat, stationary and protected by an impenetrable glass dome, as the bible tells us and was a habitant especially designed for mankind, and that God is closer than we realized, no way would you (or more specifically your left behind loved ones) fall for the strong delusion that will be sent on the world.

      I really don't care if I look crazy. I believe God put it on my heart to look into this subject, and to present my findings. that is what I done. Who knows maybe one of the lurkers on this site will benefit from this discussion.

      But I am very disappointed that the majority people here are quite OK with being told what bible topics they are allowed to discuss. It would be different if it was something like no talk about trading financial instruments, or no talk about quantum mechanics, but to be told specifically no mention of FLAT EARTH... is just sooo wrong, Especally when a small percentage of Christians (about 24%) according to a survey of 350 people Survey of What is the FIRMAMENT that I put out on my channel. But going by the reaction here, I would imagine that percentage is probably less than that.

      Anyway. For a topic that is not allowed to be spoken about, it is certainly getting a lot of discussion. Charlie would be so proud!|

    12. Jordan, I am not a flat earther at this point, and I prefer not to even comment these days. But you are right imho. This isn’t Twitter, and flat earth isn’t dangerous. I don’t see a mob of them storming the Capital. I find it strange that ideology that is dangerous and chock full of lies and deception has not been strictly forbidden, and has flourished here, but a non salvation issue like flat earth is being banned. Perhaps there is a reasonable explanation, but I don’t know what it is.

    13. I say the following with love and to clarify my heart on the position I stated on this topic. The Revelation 12 Sign is directly connected to the Sun, Moon and Stars and flat earth teachings say that the sun moon and stars are not real. The FE worldview directly contradicts the clear understanding and interpretation of the Rev 12 Sign so it doesn't makes sense for this forum. It's really that simple...and that's just part of the reason I would believe it should be avoided on this site.

      Besides the key point above, it also tends to create division, distractions, and road blocks for baby Christians or those investigating Christianity. The Bible verses commonly shared can be interpreted as allegory, symbolism, and other types of figurative /poetic language found throughout the Bible. The Bible can be 100% true without each word being taken 100% literally. For example, we are not actually grasshoppers, we are not carried on the wings of an eagle when we are weary, etc.

      We don't all have to agree, but I am asking everyone to humbly set your views aside on this minefield of a topic for the sake of the big picture... Jesus is coming soon. Any benefits coming out of this debate will be far smaller than the potential division it causes, and I really don't want that for this place and I really don't think Jesus does either. Hope this makes sense. God bless you all.

    14. Hi Brad,
      "Flat Earthers don't think the sun, moon and stars are real". That is not my belief at all, and I haven't come across any other FLAT-EARTHERS holding that view, it is obvious the sun, moon and stars exist, but they are not millions miles away, and they are just contained above our head in the FIRMAMENT, (molten glass covered dome above our heads), and move around above us, and the earth is stationary. There is a big difference in the poetic language of "inhabitants LOOKING LIKE grass hoppers" (Isaiah 40:22) obviously poetic with the simile.. and the sky WAS STRONG, as a molten looking glass, some translations use the term, "STRONG as a CAST IRON MIRROR" (Job 37:18) - this is not a simile, this is a description of how the sky is, there is no poetic language used.

      Also if we were hurtling through space, why do we only see the same 12-13 constellations around the ecliptic plane for 1000's of years, surely these would change if we were hurtling through space?.. but they don't.. How come Polaris (the North star) never changes it's location?

      Anyway no point re-hashing what was said. I respect your decision. this is your blogsite, and you can set the rules. I probably don't have a lot to add to the conversation I guess.

      Thanks Mom, Jimboni & Cheryl for the supportive comments regarding this topic, thanks to all the regulars, and thanks Brad for providing a platform where we could all gather and talk about topics that are important to us, and lifting each other up in prayer

      Hopefully see you all very soon as we accompany our LORD & SAVIOR through the FIRMAMENT into Heaven.

      I'll take myself off now, Blessings to you all.

    15. Jordan...this was the very concern that I tried to express to you...the FE gospel taking precedence over the many invaluable additions you have contributed here re the The Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Return which is THE central theme of The Scriptures and THE central theme of Rev12daily. You have your own channel with which to promote the FE viewpoint if you so desire and Brad is only asking you not to use this platform that he has created for that purpose. I sincerely hope you will pray about dismissing his request to simply respect that his intentions for this site be honored. It’s really a matter of Christian conscience and if some people come to your channel and turn your comment section into an “anything should be allowed” whether or not it violates your own purposes and principles, I hope you won’t consider that as acceptable behavior.
      As Scripture CLEARLY tells us, there is a time and place for everything and God has clearly given us His Word re our conduct toward each other in the Body of Christ. It has nothing to do with censorship and is no different than going into another man’s house and rearranging his furnishings to your own taste against his will. Just not something you do, little Brother;-)

    16. Jordon....
      If Brad requested that I not mention post trib again..that is fine with me., because it is his site. I try my best to leave that topic alone and come in here daily to harvest what is uplifting to me.

      I was just getting started on my spherical earth pages, but out of respect for Brad, I wont post any more as I dont want to appear like I am piling on. .......and....with your hands being tied, what kind of person would I be if I kept posting stuff against FE when you arent free to respond?

      However, I stated that I would not get into a back and forth debate on each example, even if you were free to respond.
      What I wrote has just basic stuff in it, and I mentioned that it would not change anyones views.

      I dont post here much, but I am here several times a day...I plan on keeping that the same mode of operation in the future.

      My future posts will try to focus on uplifting our faith...pointing out how thankful we should all be for whatever good we each have. Dwell on the positive and it will consume much of the negative.
      If we all would just stop...look at the fact that we as Christian believers are but just a small parcel of the worlds population. How glorious us that for us????....but then how awful it is for them...the vast majority? It is a rejoicing and a sickening moment of realization I know Christ desires us few to reach those out there that are the many I feel so small right now, but blessed to be in such a small portion of this planet.

  22. Brad, thank you dear brother for your spirit-led leadership and words that were fitly spoken "like apples of gold in settings of silver." I too am a daily reader (have been faithfully reading since early 2017) and rare commenter, but have been so blessed by this spiritual family and the maturity, intellect, grace and wisdom of many of the regular commenters. I truly feel like I know many of you, but have actually never met or spoken directly to you before...that's extraordinary! We are to "know no man after the flesh but after the spirit"...I feel I know so many of you after the spirit. So many beautiful, kind, incredibly intelligent, witty and unique souls...a taste of what we'll experience in the Kingdom for eternity.

    Something I noticed in one of the graphs was that the flat line remained consistently flat until a few weeks ago at which it appears to drop to its lowest levels since we started. This may be a telling indication that something has changed. I think we all feel it and sense that something has in fact changed. Clearly we are all engaged in some of the most intense spiritual warfare - of late it's been some of the most intense of my own life. The enemy knows his time is short and he has unleashed an assault against those who carry the testimony of Jesus - why would we ever expect it not to happen to us?

    I hope we all can all humble ourselves, receive the Father's loving correction, repent and be restored to fellowship. That's His ultimate will for all of us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your posts and for making this a truly unique place for those to come who are looking, longing and loving the appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ!

    1. Yes, Keith! I saw that dip in the graph as well, so I am glad you addressed it--well said! May this CORRECTION cause the dip to raise in Jesus' name as we respond with the love of God!

    2. Amen Lyn!...think we’ll see a rise over the last two days that hopefully will continue to move upward over the coming days. Lots of love being expressed here now!

    3. Take heart... I believe that dip is because we are at the mid-point of this current month. By the end of the month I suspect the end of that line will rise to be at (or possibly above) the typical trend line. : ) Does that make sense?

    4. Makes perfect sense Brad, thank you!

  23. Prayerfully, I’m feeling led to respond to this spiritual family that has been a major part of my daily life for so long...both those who’ve spoken up daily
    or only occasionally and the many invaluable more who’ve walked along beside us in quiet support and prayer. I’ve always been aware that you are there and have always been enriched by that fact.

    I’m just so blown away and tearfully humbled by all of these Christ-Centered comments that are breathing a breath of what I know is Holy Spirit fresh air into this Fellowship. What a Blessing!

    Speaking for myself, I was just really beginning to feel weak and spiritually snowed under
    by not only the fully expected trends we are seeing out there in this world, but what felt like a stealthy invasion of that here in this safe and what I consider a sanctified space and I was losing my own Grace footing. But with what I am seeing here, maybe that was a needed slip. God does truly work all things to our good when we love Him and are called according to His Purpose:-)

    My love and prayers are with you all as I regroup that footing both here in this spiritual family and with my own physically close loved ones that are really in need of His grace-filled encouragement shining a steadying light on our Blessed Hope. Jesus Christ IS coming and His timing will be nothing less than Perfect, Amen:-)

    Hope to be sharing prayers, encouraging and relevant prophetic insights and maybe even a *Bing ping, or another little Jayden story, Lord Willing.
    But first and foremost, the Love of God🥰🙏


    1. Oh my dear sister, that you make me happy! An answer to my prayers and the prayers of others! God is great, he is good all the time !!! A Father filled with love and compassion. I love you my sister and it makes me happy to know you still close to us, with your insight and your love for Jesus and for us! Glory to God!

    2. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did. It was the right thing to do. My comment about your not being discerning a while back was because you seemed to turn a blind eye before. I realize now that you were just trying to give the benefit of the doubt to someone whose earlier posts had been fine. And I was, and am, the outsider after all. But thank you for wanting to see this site return to the purpose it was meant for, and a place where everyone can feel welcome. Kudos.

    3. 💖✨YAY!!!✨💖 Sheila's back! I thank God for working in your heart to return--WE NEED ONE ANOTHER and I especially believe the Rev12daily readers need you, dear Sister💖

  24. Dear Sheila, as one of those "who has walked along beside us" your post here has brought gladness to my heart as I am sure it has to the 500-600 others here in the rev 12 family! I have felt a close camaraderie especially with you and several others on this site. God has blessed you with a keen understanding of His bountiful grace. His ministry through you and the many commentators on rev 12 is an immeasurable blessing! The Body of Christ will not be divided! God bless you sister! John (in SoCal)

  25. Dear Sheila, I'm very happy to hear your change of heart. Like many others, I rarely comment but visit daily and have been truly blessed by your wisdom, strength and love over the last few years. I'm so glad you decided to return to this precious Rev 12 family before we hopefully fly very soon.

  26. Dear Sheila, this morning my exact thoughts were as you stated above, a fresh breath
    of The Holy Spirit is blowing through this fellowship. It feels like springtime in my heart.
    What is on my mind , renewal, revival, Rapture !!! Blessings 😇

  27. Thank you to Brad and to all who post or visit or read here. I can’t wait to meet this family in the sky!


    1. Love you, Aimee💖✨Can't wait to meet you there also!

    2. Thanks Lyn! Btw- your latest article was Awesome! I read everything your write! ❤️

  28. TY All so much for your kind words. God’s Grace toward us is a Precious and Perfecting Gift, but our handling of that Grace toward others—not always so perfect. Without leaning heavily on Him, Grace can be a double-edged sword of sorts (as anyone who has raised any kids well knows). Too much invites abuse and too little becomes abuse and a happy medium can sometimes be hard to pinpoint. Looking at this site from Brad’s shared viewpoint and being one who has spent prob more than my fair share of time at the podium here, I sincerely regret my failure in either direction and I intend to pray for a lot more of His guidance in that regard.

    But the one thing that really has my attention now is the fact that others—and who knows how many—felt like they were standing on the outside looking in, knowing they belong here with us as family in the BOC, yet not feeling like they’d be welcomed enough to come inside and take their place among us. I know that was never an intentional thing and I think we all just took it for granted that the door not being closed was an open invitation—esp since that’s how we came in. But that’s not a good excuse and it can’t be like that because if it is, I guarantee that Jesus Christ will be standing outside there with them. So I believe it’d just be a good thing for us all to pray for our Lord God to bless us with His Increase of Christ-centered voices at Rev12daily, then make it a point to encourage those voices.

    Mailman rarely ever comment, but whenever you do, I sit up to take notice and I’ve never been disappointed. Blessings and TY Brother and the Lord keep you safe in SoCal:-)

  29. I too am saddened at the happenings here at this blog. I visit frequently although I rarely post. Archangel, I will very much miss your posts. Although I didn’t always agree, many times you put things to words that I wasn’t able to. And I loved hearing about your beloved pets as animals are a great joy of mine as well.

    I wonder if the increased stress of world events has caused us to have shorter fuses so to speak. It’s a shame as we need each other more than ever now. I will miss your comments.

    1. AMEN Angel Marie!
      I also hope that all those who have left come back to the site. We all have different gifts from God to share together and for his glory! Brothers and sisters, please come back! We love you!

    2. Oh my goodness, you sweet ladies are going to make me 😿. Thank you so much for your kindness. And thank you, too, dear Vicki. I am very touched by your words.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣oh Ryan, now if I weren’t SO busy watching Hugh Jackman’s movies, I might be able to give an update on the, ya

  30. Thank you, Brad, for stepping in to help all of us remember why we are here in the first place.
    It's Jesus.
    We are all eagerly waiting and watching for our Lord Jesus but I guess the constant bombardment of this ever darkening world along with the enemy himself began to have an affect on our watch here.

    My heart has felt so many emotions today as I've come on to read everyone's posts. Sadness over ones who've walked away with hurt in their hearts, encouragement in seeing so many who either haven't posted in a long while or posted ever, share how much this place means to them, joy in seeing a beloved Sister return, and a heavy heart for those who feel left out. For the longest time, I too, felt as one looking in from the outside because I was too afraid to comment. But I wanted to let people know I was here with them, watching and praying. So I asked God to help me step out of my comfort zone and share my heart from time to time. It's still very hard for me!!

    I look forward to moving forward with our eyes on Jesus and His SOON return!

    A couple of scriptures I'd like to share that always stop me in my tracks with the incomprehensible reality of what our Lord and Savior Jesus went through and did for us are these:

    "I gave My back to those who struck Me, and My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; I did not hide My face from shame and spitting." Isaiah 50:6 NKJV

    ".....He poured out His soul unto death..." Isaiah 53:12 NKJV

    He did this for us! Because His love for us would stop at nothing in order to save us.

    Dear Family, let us continue forward in Jesus' own words:
    "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35 NKJV

    Blessings and maranatha!

    Jordan, dear Brother, I just want to say that I applaud you for your courage to step out and humbly try and share what you believe the Lord is showing you. IMHO, I don't think any of us can definitively say the earth is one way or the other because we're not the ones who created it.
    I think once we get to heaven and the Lord Himself actually shows us how everything looks, we'll be utterly amazed at how He designed it :)

  31. Bro Brad ,
    Thank you so much for the continuation of this site, I have been here since middle of 2017 , sometimes posting hardly ever, but always reading and learning.

    And to EVERYONE who posted above. what some wonderful, blessed commentary to read , thank you for showing your support and Love . The old devil may think he had the upper hand by causing division and strife but the BOC just showed him who will ultimately win the war.

    Jordan dear , Love you as a brother in Christ but I could care less if this earth is round or flat !!!! That’s just my 2 cents . It won’t make one difference when we get to heaven. I prefer to put my focus on watching and waiting on Jesus .

    Sheila B , so glad your still here waiting and waiting with us.

    And everyone around the globe the USA is a hot mess right we need prayers badly. don’t even begin to know the half of what’s going on but when 25,000 troops are in DC for one supposedly inauguration somethings up and it’s not the temperature.

    Blessings everyone
    Stay safe

    Donna N

  32. A long time ago Brad has a post about being in an email list in case the blog went down. As a long time lurker, I made sure to get on the list as I don't think I would want to go without checking my rev12"daily" for updates.

    Sometimes I get bogged down in the abbreviations, not fully understanding and yet English is my first and only language. And then sometimes I figure one out and it is akin to solving a crossword entry for me. A moment of excitement followed by the drudgery of not knowing the next clue.

    I have always appreciated the comment section here as I have felt it was very welcoming although I didn't really have much of anything to add to the postings and so I never really joined in.

    Life over the past year has me growing weary of waiting. At the beginning of the lockdowns back in March 2020, I was frustrated and enjoyed relaxing with a beverage. The next day was stressful too and I had another. The next day I was stressed but knew that is not the road I wanted to go down and so I stopped. Although I enjoy a beverage occasionally, I always think of the words of my beautiful Great Aunt (who is now in heaven). She once said "I do enjoy a glass of wine, but if I drink, how can I pray for those who struggle with drinking?". She made the conscious choice to abstain in order to be able to more feverently pray for those who struggle.
    Both my Great Aunt and my own Oma both passed away prior to Covid. I am glad that they are in their heavenly home, but I have struggled because I don't have the ability to call them up and learn from their wisdom during this trying time we are in. I speak to my Dad weekly but have never been able to really speak about end times with him in the manner I could with my Oma.

    For me personally, that is why this site is so important to me. You have become the family that I don't have that likes to talk about the times we are in. I read about your joys, your struggles, your peace, and your prayers and I pray alongside you.

    My goal is to finish the race well. My motto that I have adapted for life in 2021 is for "Progress, not Perfection". Recently my Pastor spoke on "Unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and love in all things". I may not be able to complete those tasks perfectly, but I can definitely progress to becoming better at them.

  33. Jordan.....Flat earth is a very interesting topic to me. I own a lot of farmland in central Illinois....very flat land...about as flat as the oceans surface...but it is still curved. I will explain from a view point of actually draining such flat ground on my several farms.

    Farming was not my occupation. Building curved stairways is.....but unfortunately my dear father passed away in 2014, and I now am in charge of maintaining my God given stewardship of this farm ground.

    But my curved stairbuilding involves lots of interesting math that God has allowed my little pea brain to understand the God designed relationships between points in space on a flat plane, and also on a curved spherical surface. God has blessed each of us with different gifts, and another one out of His goody bag that I so lovingly enjoy is a sound grasp of physics. That same goody bag was empty when I reached inside trying to find a musical talent gift, a physical athlete gift, a gift of leadership, a gift of poetry creation, ......many hear acquired those gifts and numerous others I dont have time type out.

    But I will use my understanding of math and physics to take on a few of the examples that FE believers use to try and prove the earth is not spherical. I pray I do this kindly, not arrogantly, and I will not get into an endless debate , as I know no matter how many words I type, no minds will be changed that are pushing this FE policy.

    In my mind, such writings when viewed by lurkers that frequent this site, will in my opinion cause a few to roll their eyes and also then roll their eyes at our belief in Christ. Only because of a friend of mine out in Oregon am I persuaded to crawl out of my hole and even attempt to start typing. I have an ALL IN ...or an ALL OUT personality mode. I either sit like a bump on a log and read what time it is when someone asks ...or if someone asks ME what time it is....I tend to get ALL IN and tell them how to build a clock. So....against my internal resistance, here I go...but in a very limited typing. I WILL NOT get into a back and forth argument. I AM NOT googling or looking at any notes , but solely sitting on my back in bed with my cellphone.

    I mentioned my flat farm ground. This flat ground is very productive soil....some of the best in the cornbelt and world for growing corn and soybeans I am near Champaign, Il....and if you do google land will find such ground produces well.

    We have laser guided farm drainage equipment that such ground needs to be super productive. The precise accuracy and absolutely dead straight characteristics of a laser beam has to be actually seen to be convinced. Surveyors laying out large spanning buildings do indeed have instruments showing that if say a half mile wide building had its concrete footings dead straight....the outermost ends can definitely be measured as actually being higher than the center, simply because the earth is curving very slightly away from this straight footing. Could that footing on a half mile long building be poured dead straight? Absolutely, simply because even though the earths surface is curving is only a very minuscule amount.

    But on wider projects that involve tensioned cables such as the Golden Gate bridge, this curvature MUST be allowed for. I promised I was not going to be a "google " researcher here, so just recalling from years ago memory....the vertical towers on the Golden Gate bridge are something like 9/10's of a mile apart....yet the tops of these towers are something like 4 to 5 inches wider apart than they are at the bottoms. Please verify this for yourself, as I promised I would only go from memory. I could easily go look it up, but I would rather keep my word and be proven in error by an inch...than to parrot absolutely correct information. I expect such information to be not accepted...but I will continue on this one of several points why I believe the earth is a sphere....something I cant believe I am even defending.
    Continued in Part 2

    1. Part 2.....

      Draining our farm has the very accurate laser beam guiding this huge equipment that buries drainage tile as flat as having only 1/2" drop every 300 as to drain subsoil water off the very flat farm ground. Water does not flow up hill...but its path that makes this very slight altitude reduction can be measured with this laser. I could post exact data with pictures of the readouts, but the equipment is nestled away in our farm buildings not being used now during frozen ground time. From the past release of such obvious proof being "flatly" rejected..pun would be a waste of time if I could present such evidence. All I can say is I see it first hand myself often.

      I could get into GPS guidance that steers this very highly technical equipment, but hey, if one poo poos there are even satellites as the FE preach, then I am not going to waste my time even going down that rabbit hole.

      Then there is this example I read often from flat earthers regarding the flight of an airplane. This argument basically is why does a pilot not have to continually lower the nose of the aircraft as it is flying straight and level over the earths surface??. PROOF THE EARTH IS FLAT!! they exclaim!

      Well hold on a second. I am trying to soeak from experience and not second hand knowledge. I am a licensed airplane pilot and also a licensed helicopter pilot. To obtain these ratings, at least a basic fundamental understanding of math and physics us required. God has given all of ya different gifts. One gift I absolutely love is using this gift of a sound grasp if mathematics and then appreciate the divine creator and author of mathematics and physics that on a human level explain the majesty of the heavens. I look forward to the day when we all are with Christ, and we all will know as Christ....and then we will all understand the design of Gods universe that my pea sized human brain is barely barely barely understanding now as a mere speck of a disgustingly ignorant now.

      On to Part 3

    2. Part 3.....

      Another area of this spherical/flat earth discussion involves basis High School regards to the study of simple angles. As I mentioned, I build curved stairways for a living....and very often for multi millionaires ...and even two billionaires. What got me to doing curved stairways started with building straight stairways, which involve the basic High School math mentioned above. I am going to use a rough example of the width of the USA. I promised not to cheat and not to google educate myself , but shooting from the hip. TIME OUT... That word "shooting" is yet another memory jog I will type in Part I am an avid competition shooter, and love to study the ballistics of artillery shells, but that sleeping dog is over in the corner on my flat floor! ha

      Back to the USA. I am going to round off its width to being 3000 miles...and here where I live in Illinois...I am going to pretend I am exactly between coasts. In reality...I am closer to the Atlantic than to the Pacific ...but lets pretend I am in Iowa. My dear friend who persuaded me to talk a little on this FE topic lives in Oregon.

      Here is the basic math problem. Lets say the sun is directly overhead of me and instead of using what I believe is 93 million miles directly overhead, I will use a common FE figure of 100 miles max. I have seen posted that it isnt any more than 70-80 miles...but I will use 100 could be any amount as I can quickly use my basic straight stairway math on any height from one millionth of an billions of miles...but I will stick with 100 miles here.

      Okay...the sun is directly 100 miles above me at the centerline of our 3000 mile wide country...

      My friend in Oregon is looking to the east at this same sun....and she being at 1500 miles west of me. Again...that figure is rounded to 1500 miles...close but it actually is a little farther.

      The sun at an altitude of 100 miles above me makes a 90 degree angle of elevation to me as I stand on a supposedly flat earth. My friend looking to the east at this same sun from 1500 miles away , is viewing the sun at a 3.8 degree angle. This is basic math folks. Divide 100 by 1500...take the tangent of that angle and you arrive at 3.8 degrees.

      There is a big red flag here already. This person will NOT see this sun at such a shallow angle! Because this person is on a curved surface 1500 miles away, their view if the sun is much higher that 3.8 reality it will be two hours of the spherical earth rotating two time zones, which is 30 degrees. This person is seeing this same sun at a 60 degree angle while I am craning my neck looking at it directly overhead! Please understand thar I am saying directly overhead meaning on a vertical plane while looking due sourh as we both are above 40 degrees of latitude. For simpler math sakes, I am pretending the equator goes right under us. The sun is directly south at high noon on a line that is directly overhead.

      Let me try just one more example here, and I will leave this one area and move on to a few more.

      Lets say I am viewing this same sun from a flat earth perspective. as it is just at sunrise for me. The sun is supposedly following a glass dome which I am using FE fugures rounded off neatly to 100 miles. My friend whom is 1500 miles west of me in Oregon is outside on their phone listening to me talk about this beautiful sunrise God has blessed us with. "Blessed us with?? my friend replies. It is still dark here and we wont see the sun for another two hours!"
      They call me back two hours from now and say...'It is a beautiful sunrise!

      But then I realize that same sun they are seeing just cracking their eastern Oregon horizon looks to me as being roughly 30 degrees of angle...simply because it is! I will say no more on this example but move on to Part 4

  34. I thought he said don't post flat earth ...

    1. Part 4...

      I love math and physics and I thank God often for bestowing on me what little I understand, but yet enough to realize He has so much more to show all of us when we meet Him face to face.

      I try to use MY REAL WORLD experiences, as then it doesnt come off as "someone else" told me. I look at my Bible with EXACTLY the same merhod. I have always been a hard sell show me type....and perhaps that has made me very reluctant to start posting verbage trying to show others that are just as hard sell as I am on any topic. If you say the price of eggs are too high, I am going to verify that before I pass it on. By the way, I feel eggs are not too high as they are a very nutritious meal....and no...I am not an egg farmer! ha

      I used to shoot guns in competition at the local, state, and national levels. I know ballistics.

      I have studied the coriolis effect that clearly when understood, happens because of a rotating spherical earth. I am FORCED to talk in brevity here on this yet another proof to myself the earth is a rotating sphere.

      NOTE: I do have experience in long range rifle shooting which the coriolis effect, though measurable, is so insignificant to not cause but a fraction of an inch on th trajectory of a long range , say 500 yard shot. But where this effect only known due to a rotating sphere , does indeed effect artillery shells lobbing in from 25 miles away.
      DISCLAIMER... I was never in the military, and have never shot artillery shells 25 miles, but I thoroughly have enjoyes semi-understanding this very complex topic with my limited brain power God has blessed me with. I also pick the brains of military friends and family having such experience firing artillery shells 25 miles...they are aware of the drift of the earth as it spins below the free falling artillery shell..enough to know how much to compensate this drift for, and in what direction. My mind needs to know WHY...and so my lifelong studies on such topics.

      I am north of the equator. If I were to fire an artillery shell upon a target 25 miles south of me....I have to realize that this target is closer to the equator, and having a longer circumference than my lattitude. Since we are a spinning sphere, we all turn one revolution a day. But any target south of me is spinning faster than I am! Champaign, Il is 25 miles south of me and it is traveling faster than I am!

      So, when I lob an artillery shell upon Champaign, Il...and lets say I am aiming at an ammo depot of the enemy. I actually have to aim a few hundred feet to the east of the ammo depot simply because of physics. Once that artillery shell leaves the muzzle, it is now a free falling projectile that has a slower horizontal velocity than the faster moving target 25 miles south of me. This is part explanation of the coriolis effect. If I aimed directly at the the minute or so flight of the shell reaching its target....the target is now 100 yards east of the actual impact......and oh no..I hit some civilians!
      If our army shot artillery shells without compensating for the coriolis effect of this projectile traveling over a rotating sphere, they would miss every time.

      Part 5 comtinues

    2. Part 5....I am moving on from artillery shells to the coriolis effect on our weather system covering the whole earth. From satellite photos taken hundreds and even a quarter million miles away from the moon....your eye can clearly see the rotation of moving weather systems over the earth. As a pilot, I had to demonstrate some basic knowledge of this coriolis effect and how it effects high and low pressure weather systems I may be flying into.

      I am not an airline pilot, but I assure you they REALLY have to demonstrate a sound grasp on this topic...whereas my airplane and helicopter ratings required just basic knowledge. I am hard wired to dive into such interesting topics this so follows into my interest in physics. I do try to speak from a strong posture of actual experience. A far as my flying experience, I have built 4 of my own gyrocpters...and my last project was a three year long build of hand building mh own turbine powered helicopter. If one wants to verify my statements that I am trying to only present so as to add credibility to my words....please google "Helicyclepilot videos" and you should find over 280 youtube videos. This is by the way my beloved helicopter that God caused me to become way more interested in hovering over my Bible, than hovering over the earth. So ...I sold it and have been blessed beyond words since, studying my Bible that I used to toss onto my nightstand just 7 years ago in disgust because I could not understand it.

      Part 6...continues.

    3. I want to finish the weather part that the coriolis effect is such a God designed amazing dynamic part of our weather. If it werent for the coriolis effect, our temperate weather sections of the earth would be in a narrower band much closer to the equator...and much hotter. The northern latitudes which would be much more frigid and consume a greater band of our planet.

      I could go MUCH deeper on this coriolis effect, and if I were a scientist studying such, volumes could be written.

      I strongly suggest anyone here to deeply study this fascinating topic and how it spins the weather counter clockwise around a low pressure weather system clockwise around a high pressure system....both examples if north of the equator....and vice versa south of the equator. God so beautifully designed spherical planets such as mars and jupiter that I have wirnessed with my own eyes that they are indeed rotating spherss. Venus is a hazy cloud covered planet that one can clearly see it has phases from the sun lighting one half its sphere, just like our own moon.
      Our moon keeps the same side towards earth, as it is in a condition called "tidal lock", but satellites have taken many pictures of it clearly being a sphere. If one doesnt believe the satellites never went around the moon....fine! I can still tell by shadows of craters and land features as the suns rays angle across it near its terminator( thats where the shadow meets the sun lit sude).

      My point being God clearly made spheres out of these heavenly bodies, and why not earth as well? Then there what is overwhelming evidence of our earth being a rotating sphere, that I am just briefly touching on several different clues proving such...and much more to come.

      Part 6 continues

  35. Thank you all so much! The heartfelt comments (and emails) from such a wide range of voices is like a beautiful song...a chorus! My heart is full. I love you all so much and am so grateful that Jesus would choose to bless me by bringing you all here to watch the book of revelation be opened up to us together! I could spend hours replying to you all, your spirt led words are so precious to me. Your encouragement has given me great strength to carry on until Jesus comes for us! With His protection this renewed place and the spirit displayed in these comments will remain, set apart for Him until that great day!

    1. I thought you might find this encouraging... this shows the visits from around the world, who have been on these pages in just the last 24 hours....

      United States 1,480
      Canada 239
      United Kingdom 41
      Netherlands 33
      Finland 26
      Germany 19
      India 18
      Australia 16
      Brazil 14
      New Zealand 14
      Romania 10
      Saudi Arabia 9
      Ireland 8
      Slovakia 7
      Philippines 6
      Egypt 5
      Russia 5
      South Africa 5
      Singapore 4
      Other 36

    2. TY Brad...that is just so amazing to know!
      May God bless each and everyone of them
      as we remember that the Saving Gospel of Jesus Christ is THE central theme of The Scriptures! Everything that was, is or ever will be created rotates around Him:-)

      And BTW, our Brother George @Return of the King has a greatly encouraging video out
      for those who are anxiously watching, waiting for and loving the Appearance of our Lord and Savior:-)

    3. Oh my goodness! What a work of restoration the Lord has done here! It is so refreshing to see so many comment and it is incredibly uplifting! Thank you so much!

  36. Part 7....

    The example of a ship not going over a horizon, but simply becoming smaller and smaller, with proof of a telescope finding more of the shrinking mast is another not fully thought out area. Again, I will state my views backed up with a Stan restrained limit of words, and I dont expect to change the minds of FE authors here at experiences show me such topics cause each party to dig in. Well, I am only stating what I have the energy for, and this is for the lurkers that come in here where the message of Christ is often spoken, and in my opinion, such FE talk would undermine the Christian message of believing on Christ, that he died and rose again for our sins.

    This shrinking ship is simply being slowly hidden by the curvature of the our line of sight is tangent with the curvature of its surface. Stretch a two foot long string and touch a globe with it. The point where it touches is the "tangent"point. I dont even want to go down that rabbit hole right now. God has designed and created these rules of the universe, that I feel so blessed to try to grasp but a fleeting thought of.

    I have read that with a laser can from an elevated point aim that beam right at the horizon its tangent point where it is just a above any wave activity....and proceed out past the line of sight of this laser where you can drive your boat right under it without seeing it. But then fly a drone above the boat and you can find it gaining altitude past the horizon, but it was actually going down hill towards the horizon.....but then goes uphill as the earths curvature takes it away. Much much more could be iterated on this topic...but on to post #8

  37. Greetings dear family! Here is a link to the new video from: The Return of the King. Be blessed!

  38. God sure works in mysterious ways, doesn’t He? Now, I’m not saying that Bobby Z and I deserve any kind of credit or thanks, but that “little bit of kidding around”, as dear Stan phrased it, sure led to an outpouring of truly inspiring comments from Brethren all over the world. I’m just floored by it all, frankly. Would it have come about some other way? Sure, it could have, but God sure seems to have used Bobby Z’s and my sense of humor to bring about a whole lot of good. I’m humbled by it.

    BB, I promise me that if you come back, you can post about people I admire and no matter what it is, I’m not going to get mad because I’d far rather have you here and posting than not. I feel like you’re my other half and it’s just not the same without you, brother. Siblings do one thing exceptionally well, and that’s argue. But, in the end, they’re still siblings. Please give me (us) another chance. We are getting so close to our Rescue and your input is vital. God bless you. I hope you are ok in the Swamp of DC.

    Jerome Corsi made an 8 minute vid the other day, and he has known Pres Trump for decades. He said Pres Trump always looks like he’s about to lose everything...just before he wins. Things are dire in DC, per Mike Adams. DoD is begging Governors to send Troops there. Patriot missile batteries have been moved to Tennessee and another State I can’t recall. They are expecting an airborne attack. It’s up to 30K Trroops and, bear in mind, there’s only 3000 Troops in Afghanistan.

    Pray, pray, pray. I know my Jesus is not in Heaven wringing His Almighty Hands over anything. He controls the dust on your (ok, my) tv and everything else. We can’t wait to be with Him, and He looks forward to having us with Him way more, which thought is staggering to me.

    1. Archangel~Growing up with several siblings, I must heartily agree that it is SO TRUE they will inevitably argue! It touched my heart what you wrote to our Beltway Brother. God also touched my heart recently related to something that happened when my siblings and I gathered at our mother's deathbed. I relate the story in the article I just posted. I think you and all here will be very blessed by it-- ARE YOU READY FOR THE HAND OF GOD?

    2. Blessings Lyn. Very encouraging article. Thank you. I think it’s something to be amazed at that even with our limited understanding and seeing through a glass darkly, we can still see and grasp how our Heavenly Father is so “well-pleased” in His Son. His Perfect Son. Our Perfect Redeemer. And, though it may seem last-minute to us, God’s timing for the Rapture is perfect and right on time. My cats and I are ready!

      God bless you.


    3. A prayer that has really resonated with me since October is the prayer Jesus laid out for us: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.". A verse that jumped out at me just recently was in Isaiah, I think Isaiah 60, where God states that He loves justice.

      As we navigate these turbulent days, it's vital to keep the big picture in mind, and to know that none of this is a surprise to God, or beyond His control. He loves justice, and if He is temporarily allowing injustice to flourish, that's because He has a plan that's bigger and better than we can imagine.

    4. AA not that you deserve any kind of credit or thanks for you and Bob Z and that "little bit of kidding around" as my dear Stan phrased it ...

    5. 🤣🤣🤣Why you so obsessed with me? Yes, I’m fascinating but still...

    6. Archangel, amen to your response to Lyn! Looking forward to meeting you and your cats in Heaven :)


    7. I'm glad you're also back Archangel. We hope Charlie will be back with us soon too. And Bob too!

    8. Dear Carole, I just find it impossible to say no to you. You and Mom, Angel Marie, Vicki, Lyn and all my Sisters and Brothers here are, indeed, family.

    9. Thanks, Rebekah. I can’t wait to meet you and everyone, too, and it may not be too much longer to wait. Blessings.

  39. Oh, I am so happy to see so many coming by and leaving Comments--WOOHOO! I love this Family!

    Brad and Family, I hope you don't mind if I go a bit off topic. Well, it's really a branching off. While my heart was breaking the other day, the Spirit of the Lord started showing me some things related to HIS HAND DROPPING THE 2ND SHOE👞 and I came across some very interesting 👞SHOE information related to the KINSMAN REDEEMER: ARE YOU READY FOR THE HAND OF GOD?

  40. Family, Blessings and good day. Just a little post to bring a smile and, maybe, some thoughts on another tangent.

    14 And David danced before the Lord WITH ALL HIS MIGHT, wearing a priestly garment. 15 So, David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns. 2 SAM 6:14-15

    Having always been a fan of dance, from afar, and in light of it arising in Our Scout's dreams, as shared, I am an convinced that both music and dance will be far more a part of our eternal lives than we expect. I so look forwards to having an Holy Impartation and really cutting the rug with Sheila B, Mom, Archangel, Lu and the rest of you Whakadoodles for Jesus as we blow it out in celebration Of Our King And His Redemption OF US! So, here's a little inspiration I came across.

    Remember Toni Basil? ("Oh! Mickey, your so fine, you don't understand, you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand...") Think 80's music. Well, Toni has been dancing and choreographing since the 60's and, in 2019, was 75 years young. Enjoy. 03:51

    Toni Basil at 74 busts out better dance moves than you - AMAZING!

    1. Maybe I'll actually have rhythm in Heaven! Looking forward to dancing and rejoicing with you, Jimboni :)

    2. Blessings Jimboni. I have always been intrigued by King David’s dancing. I’ve wondered what exactly it looked like. The closest I got was the King David movie with Richard Gere.

    3. Toni is awesome still. She and Paula Abdul haven’t lost a step. Being of West Indian descent gives me a leg up, genetically speaking, in the rhythm dept, I think. I love dancing. It’s gonna be so much fun, Jimboni. Thanks for the great vid.

    4. My brother Jimboni,
      I like it every time you share something! TY!!!

    5. I'm wit you Jimboni! I love dance and as I've aged gotten away from it, but I imagine myself in eternity being able to dance elegantly and powerfully before the Lord🩰

  41. Blessings all. So much is happening and will be happening in the next several days. Saturday’s Situation Update was one of the gloomiest, but Mike has received some new intel that’s very encouraging. I only post these updates because, for me, it’s stuff I’d definitely want to know, and I kinda extrapolate that out to many of you also wanting to be aware.

    “Because of the increasing popularity of the Situation Update podcast, information came my way that lays out a path for justified optimism on what’s coming in the days ahead.

    As I say in the podcast, “I now know what Lin Wood knows.” This statement does not in any way imply that Lin Wood is the source of this information, because he isn’t. It’s just that Lin Wood’s unfettered optimism now makes total sense to me.

    As Scott Kesterson recently said in his Bards FM podcast, the DC military encampment is actually a holding facility for enemies of America, and it will soon host military tribunals.

    Once that happens, the radical Left will engage in Chinese weapons-augmented kinetic attacks on the US Capitol. These are not attacks by Chinese troops, but rather by radicalized Leftists — long since radicalized by the left-wing media — wielding weapons which have been smuggled into the United States by the CCP. Those weapons include:

    Full-auto drop-in trigger upgrades for AR-15 and AK-47 rifles. (Some of these shipments have already been interdicted by Customs and Border Protection, as we have previously covered. See one press release from the CBP here.)

    RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades, used by enemy forces to attack fortified positions or armored vehicles.)

    60mm mortars, allowing attacking enemy forces to theoretically strike the Capitol Building or White House through indirect fire from range. These are known in the modern military as M224 mortars, which reportedly have a range of several thousand meters.

    Rifle suppressors, which allow more covert operations by enemy forces.

    Club-K concealed rockets and missile systems, hidden on standard shipping containers and boasting ranges of a few miles to 100+ miles, depending on the weapon.

    1. AA, Blessings. I know, esp in light of recent kerfluffles, that this is a tender spot at the moment. I align with our overall desire to seek Christ, alone, and Him Glorified, here. That said, Christianity is the sanest philosophy in existence.

      One aspect of sanity is connection to context. No loon lives in context, but irreconcilably out of it. All of creation can be seen as context-in-flight Upon Which His Story Unfolds, to our good And His Glory.

      As we watch for contexts foretold, as Commanded To Do, can we do otherwise than study the largest contexts unfolding before our eyes? Ofc, many seek to obscure, so details and insights are fitting when from more trustworthy sources. Although these updates are rooted in the political arena, as a nation of Sovereign Citizens, we are the King. In service, as Unto Christ, we are without excuse to be informed and your sharing these without excessive blathering/ politicking, serves us well. Thank you, again.

    2. Blessings Jimboni. You are so welcome, brother. Thank you for your kind words. I’m a rather opinionated gal, so I try to maintain the, “I report, you decide” credo when possible. I think I can see the vague outline of a much greater plan starting to take shape regarding our Nation, and one in which people will realize that only the Hand of Almighty God made it possible. If it works out the way I think, I see Churches being packed again with grateful citizens and no lockdown will be able to forestall it. The saving of our Republic may be the impetus for people discovering their backbone and tossing the masks and saying No Way to the vaxx. I’m not sure how long this Revival will last, but I think it’s certainly possible knowing Who’s in Charge.

      I never received a pat on the back or a compliment from any teacher, in any grade, in any school, that means more to me than those I’ve received from you, brother.


    3. I think these "political updates" given by AA is a bunch of wasted time. What political news? All it is, in fact, is T. saving the day ... Superman to the rescue.
      While here on this post - she is "thumbing her nose" up in the air big-time as she for one thing, mocked by commenting above to Ryan she was SO busy watching Hugh J. movies ... to give a "political update". A reference to the clip of a Hugh J. movie that BobZ linked which had a sexual innuendo on the previous post. (Only Donna N agreed with me as to Stan's comment on 'a little bit of kidding around on the previous post) And, Lu stood up against the clip of the movie with the sexual innuendo in it.
      She is taking credit or supposedly thinking so above (or whatever) with all these new commenters here because of this humor she likes along with BobZ. What? What? What a bunch of baloney.
      Even to say God used it to bring about all this good here ... What? Is anyone listening here?
      What is going on here?
      Why is not anyone calling her out?
      Everyone seems to have like monkey ears - don't see, don't talk and don't hear!

    4. It’s called the Jezebel spirit, and it has been embraced with open arms here. Jesus warns of this, but they don’t care. They are blinded by the witchcraft. Brad could step in, but it’s doubtful that he will, unless his stats drop.

    5. Cathi G, I don't think it's as black and white a picture as you are painting.

      First off, Jesus tells us plainly in the book of Matthew, "...there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring". To say nothing about these and other very significant signs on the Earth seems like ignoring an aspect of prophecy. However, we must always look at things through a Christ centered perspective.

      Also, Jesus set the example on how we are to treat others. He was honest with people, but He never broke their spirit. It's important to be mindful of where people are coming from, especially when we only know them through forums; to be honest yes, but with the goal of encouraging them to love and good works.

      Sister, I don't mean to be hard on you, nor am I defending everything Archangel ever said. I pray that we can all encourage each other to love and good works, especially as we see the day approaching.

    6. Blessings Rebekah. I appreciate your support, but it’s truly unnecessary, as after yet another glorious exchange with brother Jimboni, in particular, what the C &C Music Factory “thinks” couldn’t possibly matter less to me.

      😜 I just sit back and laugh, frankly. I have to care about someone before he/she can hurt me.


    7. Rebekah, bless you " I pray that we can all encourage each other to love and good works, especially as we see the day approaching."

    8. And you, my sister of West Indian descent who has natural rhythm, I bet you've read the epistles that spell out how Christians are supposed to treat each other and listen to each other. Don't make me get after you ;)

    9. 😇😇😇 I’m always nice😜...I’m dancing right now. Got my wireless headphones on and, oh, how I love my Bluetooth!

    10. Ally, blessings. Keeping your sister in prayer.

    11. I covet your prayers for her-she is the epitome of a servant, so giving and gracious married for 35+ years, he never professed Christ-she's hurting unimaginable, thank you sister <3

    12. If I may step in with my uninvited opinion, I'd like to speak to you all from God's Word and my heart. First of all, I want to give reminder that we are family. By blood. Jesus' Blood. When I read the words I shared above from Isaiah..."I gave My back to those who struck Me, and My cheeks to those who plucked the beard; I did not hide My face from shame and spitting"
      "...He poured out His soul unto death..."
      and then I come here and once again see snarky comments directed towards fellow brothers and sister in Christ, it disappoints and angers me. Where is the fear (reverence) of the Lord?

      We are all prone to sin and to acting out of our flesh instead of out of the Holy Spirit.
      Pride can be a subtle thing and we often don't even realize it's in our hearts. But ask yourself; Is what you are saying to a fellow brother or sister in Christ lifting them up or tearing them down? If it's the latter, then most likely it is pride that is doing the speaking. We all need to ask God to examine our hearts and reveal to us what is not pleasing to Him.

      "The beginning of strife is like releasing water; Therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts." Proverbs 17:14 This speaks to what happened on the prior thread. Let's not allow a repeat of that but instead let us all do as Philippians 4:5 admonishes:
      "Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand."

      The Lord is at hand!! So let's strive for unity and grace towards one another as we watch and wait for Him.

      I choose to bring to this place encouragement and love. What do you choose to bring?

      "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8

      Blessings and maranatha!

      Please continue to pray for me. I keep telling myself I'm getting stronger but I am still very weak and fatigued and need to spend 90% of my day in bed. It's been 19 days now. I have a video appt with my Dr on Wednesday.

    13. Very sorry to hear this, Dear Mom. What an ordeal. I will surely be praying for you. Belated Happy Birthday, Sister. So sorry about the circumstances.

    14. Mom, well said and,

      Appreciate the update on your health. I have been praying for you, and even though the Lord knows your current condition those of us who are praying for you aren't always up to date. Even though we can pray for you without knowing, it's nice to be able to go to the Lord at least thinking we know what we are talking about :).

    15. Lifting you up in prayer Mom


    16. Mom, I pray always for you, and you think the same as I do about this site, about conflicts in the family, and above all, about Jesus who is at the center of it all. I don't comment when it's negative, I pray instead. This is my character because I hate conflict and I am no better than anyone so I might get caught up in the conflict and I don't want it. The Bible says that the servants of the Lord are not to have quarrels. So instead of stoking the fire, or increasing the quarrel, I prefer to pray for God to intervene in everyone's hearts. Many of us can see that the attacks are not over on the site and the family of God. But God .... We prefer to pray, prayer is strong! We are different in everything, but the same family in Jesus. God showed me that: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

    17. My prayers for you Mom for strength, and Ally, Alla, all of us really.

      Just some thoughts this morning...
      I remember when my children were small and there would be bickering between them. You know, the kind where they got on your last nerve and you were constantly being a referee? I recall learning the old adage to “pick and choose your battles “ or you would wear yourself out. I guess this works for more than just toddlers.

      This verse comes to mind: Mark 6:11 (ESV)
      11 And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.”

      Shaking the dust off the feet is a symbolic indication that one has done all that can be done in a situation and therefore carries no further responsibility for it.

      And the Lord also put this on my heart...

      * Be still and know that I am God,” the first half of Psalms 46:10
      Verse used to encourage believers to be still and silent before the Lord.
      Promotes a healthy rest in the presence of the Lord.

      What Does It Mean to 'Be Still'?
      “Be still” or “cease striving” (in NASB and KJV) come from the Hebrew word transliterated raphah. This translation from Blue Letter Bible says it means to let drop, relax, to let go, to be quiet, to be still.

      “What a beautiful contrast. When the earth shakes, mountains crumble, and waters foam and churn, we can quiet our hearts in the Lord. When the nations are in chaos and the whole world panics, God’s people can have peace. We who know the Lord can drop our worries at His feet; we can let go of our disappointments and rest in His unchanging character. He remains our fortress in time of trouble.”
      (Excerpt from, Debbie W Wilson, writer)

    18. Mom...Not just praying, but pleading for your recovery, Sister. Your heart has always expressed what Brad was trying to get across re his intent for this site and we can all learn from you.🥰

      Those guidelines he gave are not meant to suppress or harm, but to encourage the consideration of all who come here looking for some encouragement, prayer, support and relevant Biblically supported Prophetic info re these very last days.

      Those “stats” he shared as he stated are for our realization that we are not alone here and our words are
      going out to many more than we might imagine of not only God’s people, but perhaps some of His prospective people as well. They are certainly not hard guidelines and in light of the many watching should really be observed. Popularity and kudos are always a nice ego booster ofc, but it’s not just about us as individuals. It’s about the Body of Christ as a whole.
      (Philippians 1:27)

      And Lu’s suggestion (TY again, Lu) on the prior thread re the principle of 4 Spiritual Anchors based on Acts 2:42 makes for a good fellowship foundation in any Christian-based gathering, Amen.

      Blessings All and Maranatha!

    19. Thank you all for what you have shared and thank you so much for your ongoing prayers, it is a comfort knowing I am being covered in prayer by so many dear brothers and sisters. And today I actually do feel a bit stronger!
      I'm sorry to be a burden of prayer right now, but if you wouldn't mind. I am having an ultrasound this Friday for an ongoing health issue. This isn't the first time for this, I believe it's the 3rd one with also having had a biopsy in between. I know the Lord is with me and that He is the keeper of my health so I need to trust His goodness in all things.

      Ally, blessings sister. I have been meaning to say how sorry I am to hear of you brother in law's passing. His diagnosis and passing surely hits home. I will keep your sister in my prayers. Your oldest son and other children also remain in my prayers.

      Thank you again and maranatha!

  42. I received this in a text message today:


    As Brother George @ROTK discusses in his latest video, The Beast System is rising and seeking whom it may devour. It is hungrily pursuing after all dissenters, including those in the Body of Christ and it seems everything in this world is now being spoiled with every kind of deception and distraction. I believe our God is allowing this in order to get our eyes on Him Alone. He IS coming quickly for His Body of Believers!


    1. Sheilabeetoo,

      I think most of us have our eyes on him, and are waiting to see what he will do next. Actually we know what he will do, but it's just a matter of when. I also think that he is calling out to all those that are not in the fold, giving them one last chance to call on Him. As a matter of fact I think he is screaming out to them to come before it's to late. There are still plenty of seats left in first class. Now boarding all those who that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

      Looking up!!!

    2. TY Sheila B and Chris! AMEN! MARANATHA!!!

    3. Chris O...TY and just want to say that although rare, I’ve really appreciated your contributions to this site and sincerely pray you will speak up more as long as we are still here to do so. I totally agree that the All Aboard! cry is being issued with the greatest intensity we’ve ever seen. And all our Merciful God requires for a boarding pass is for one to call upon the Name of Jesus Christ and believe in one’s heart that He is exactly Who He Said He Is and that He accomplished the full propitiation for all of our sin through His Death, Burial and Resurrection:-)

      Blessings, Maranatha
      and yes! Intently Looking UP!

    4. Sheilabeetwo,

      Thank you appreciate that. My issue with posting is that I'm kind of like Moses when it comes to communicating my thoughts. I know what I want to say, but often lack in assembling the words into sentences that make sense. Part of it is my limited vocabulary, never did well in learning the English language (my native tongue). I love to write, but it takes me a long time to write a post. Thus the reason my post tend to go on and on. I speak in the same manner, I will say the same thing over and over 10 different ways just to make sure I am understood. Maybe I should do it more often, you know practice makes perfect. Exo 4:10  And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. 
      God Bless you Sister, I'm so happy you are still here.

    5. Chris O...Absolutely practice makes perfect and I would never guess you had any issues at all, Brother.

      It often takes me forever to write a post.
      Believe me when I say I probably delete more than I publish, esp when pausing long enough to ask the Lord if He’s okay with it. I get a lot of His Editorial No’s, LOL.

      So anyway, please keep em’ coming whenever you feel inspired. We’ve all gotten pretty good at reading through the lines, typos and autocorrects. It’s your heart that’ll come through:-)


  43. Not been able to read everything. I cry without stopping. "I beg you my God, come and get all the babies who are going to suffer and take us at the same time please! It's time!" As the souls say under the hotel to the kingdom of God: "Until when, Lord?" Maranatha! Come Jesus, come!

  44. “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” Psalm 130:5

    “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:5

    “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in the spirit.” Psalm 34:18

    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matt 5:4

  45. It's 4 in the morning, and I have to at least write out the dream I just had.

    I went to bed with my thoughts on you all, and I felt concerned and like I hadn't said things as well as I should have. I asked God if there was anything He wanted me to share with you all, to please let me know. And then I had this dream, which was maybe a little crazy, but anyway, here goes.

    I dreamed that we were all working on something, and I wish I could say it was a boat, because that would be good symbolism, but it looked like a giant version of a shoe I'm making my mom. Mom from the forum was inside the unfinished shoe, holding up the big piece for the tongue of the shoe like a shield. Someone shot a number of bullets at it, and someone cut at it with a giant pair of scissors. When I looked again though it was completely unharmed, and I thought, that's the truth. I knew in my dream, as one does, that the material we were building with was the truth.

    Actually, maybe the shoe is good symbolism, because that's our walk together.

    Or maybe I should go back to sleep.

    I'll go ahead and post this, because maybe it will give people a chuckle to picture.

    Mom, I sure hope you feel better soon. Will be praying for you.

    Ally, I will be keeping your sister in prayer, and you also. Supporting someone who is grieving can be very draining.

    Okay, gang, I'm going to try to get back to sleep for a bit! TTYL :)

    1. Thank you Rebekah! It was a good dream because i think it is really what we are going through!

    2. You're a sweetheart, Carole :)

    3. Rebekah...Blessings!
      That’s an awesome dream and I def believe it’s about our walk together and also in accordance with Eph.6:15:-)

      I have another little “Jayden” story to share. My grandson who is 8 yrs old now always knows when his granny needs a lift.

      He FaceTimed me the other day from their Florida hotel room to tell me that he had been out at the pool practicing his Faith by trying to walk on water AND that he was pretty sure he had made it 3 steps before sinking.
      His Papaw reminded him that “fibbing” is not okay, but I looked at Papaw and asked him “When was the last time you practiced your faith by trying to walk on water?”
      Then I told Jayden to just keep practicing because before long we’ll all be able to walk on water with Jesus
      and he will be 3 steps ahead of me and his Papaw;-)

    4. Blessings Rebekah! Wow that was quite a dream! I agree with you and Sheila that it speaks to our walk together in this fellowship. I believe there's probably much to be said of the tongue of the shoe being used as like a shield as well. Your conclusion of it being truth is spot on.
      Two verses that stuck out to me with this dream are
      Proverbs 30:5 "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him."
      and also
      Psalm 141:3 "Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips."

      Thank you so much for sharing this and thank you for your prayers for me!
      Blessings sister and maranatha!

    5. Rebekah--Wonderful dream the Lord gave you! I couldn't help but think about my latest article (if interested, see my Jan 18 Comment above for the link👞) where I talk about WHEN WILL GOD DROP THE 2ND SHOE👞

      As you discerned the TRUTH is building the shoe--our walk with the Lord. It is the truth of God's promises in His Word that are HOLDING US UP and (as Mom pointed out) SHIELDING US as we speak/write them to remind and encourage one another AS WE SEE THE DAY APPROACHING!

      And when our walk on earth is completed perhaps that is when the 2nd SHOE will drop👞

      Sheila--loved that Jayden story💖 Thanks for sharing, Sis.

      Mom--Did you happen to see my comment in the last article posted here at Rev12daily where I wrote about drinking green tea and taking zinc? Take good care of yourself, cuz it sounds to me that the Lord still has work for you to do, dear one. After all, He has assigned you to hold up the ⛨shield/tongue of the shoe!

    6. One of my favorite things about sharing here is that people add their insight and perfect verses, and whatever I share becomes something better than just my story. Thank you, dear friends.

      Sheila, what a precious story about Jayden.

      Lyn, I'll look forward to reading your article.

      Mom, thank you always for your insight. Continuing to pray.

      BTW, after that dream

    7. Doggone it! Accidental publish. After that dream I dreamed that I suddenly had a Swedish accent, and I was happy about that because it added charm to my rather high pitched voice. And I didn't even watch anything crazy before bed!

    8. Blessings Lyn, I did see your recommendation for the green tea and zinc, thank you for that. I have those things and then some :)
      In case you missed it, I posted a small update and an added prayer request a few threads up.

      I enjoyed reading your latest blog post, especially the "Are you and I okay?" section. Well done dear sister.

      Soon and sooner we will be free of this growing darkness and will be in the presence of our Lord's glorious light!
      Blessings sister and maranatha!

  46. Bless you! Sending hugs to all those hurting today.

    “He’s got the whole world in his hands. He’s got the whole world in his hands. He’s got the whole world in his hands. He’s got the WHOLE world in his hands!!!” 🎶🎵

    Praise Jesus, Maranatha

  47. 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should BELIEVE A LIE: 2 Thes 2:10-11 Eph 6:15

    3 knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. 4 They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? 2 Pet :3-4

    STAND FIRM *THEN*, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet FITTED WITH THE READINESS that comes from the gospel of peace. Eph 6:15


  48. Hey Brad, Blessings. While this is obviously SPAM posting, it is actually, possibly, MUCH more nefarious than that. As a pro in the field, I immediately see that the content of this post is in direct violation of the DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health Education Act) and is therefore a legal liability for yourself, and for this site, regardless of your intent/knowledge of the content/subject.

    I STRONGLY encourage you to remove it at once and pray protection and guard for both, amen.

    1. Thanks brother. Done. 20 of those on all different posts.

    2. Roger that; good to see.
      Kinda what we do around here, hadn't caught it before.
      Ezekiel 33:6

  49. Early this a.m. I woke up from a dream. Like Rebekah said about her dream, "here goes"..
    I dreamed that I was in a group of happy people who were sharing 3-D photos of their wedding day. The elaborate venue of one wedding seemed to be a 'walk-in' photo - where you could see everything like a hologram. The group is travelling to a country/rural area where boats and big yachts are displayed for sale. When we turn into the sales area, I see a small but seaworthy catamaran. My excitement is the central core of this dream. I tell everyone, "THAT ONE" is one we should buy. It's the first boat on view. But everyone wanted to see the equipped & fast racing yachts. There is much more.. in the dream. Too much detail and it's foggy. The small boat I saw was not outfitted for cruising like for having a sailing vacation. It was for the survival of one person. One man could sail this boat, alone, in an ocean. Also, it was a brown catamaran, like a dark wood color. To me, it was important that each individual have his own boat. Not to stay in the group. The end scene; I am voted against and the group buys a racing yacht.
    When I saw Rebekah had posted her dream, it gave me courage to post mine.

    1. Weddings and new adventures definitely sounds like a wonderful dream, May!

    2. May~I'm no expert in interpreting dreams, but in yours "it was important that each individual have his own boat" reminded me of how we as INDIVIDUALS are responsible for our relationship with the Lord and in what He has called us each to do. 2 Tim 3:17 is what I am inspired to share:

      All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: - 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV
      That the man of God may be perfect [ARTIOS], throughly furnished [EXARTIZO] unto all good works. - 2 Timothy 3:17 KJV

      The word "perfect" in verse 17 is translated from the Greek word ARTIOS:

      "(artios from root ar- which indicates appropriateness, suitability, usefulness, aptitude) means to be fit, complete, qualified for a function, sufficient, completely qualified and thus proficient in the sense of being able to meet all demands and to perform some function. Artios has reference to special aptitude for given uses. The man of God who is taught, reproved, corrected and trained by the Word of God is capable of doing everything he (or she) is called to do (cf. notes on Colossians 2:10)."

      THE REASON YOU THOUGHT IN YOUR DREAM THAT IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL TO HAVE A BOAT IS BECAUSE WE EACH HAVE A SPECIFIC CALLING IN CHRIST. By way of learning the Word of God and being led by the Holy Spirit (the wind in our sails) those in Christ are "capable of doing everything he (or she) is called to do" similar to a boat ⛵that has been fully furnished for a voyage!

      ARTIOS and EXARTIZO are loaded with significance! See this link for more:

      God seems to be letting us know through your dream that He has fully equipped us for what He has called us to do in these last days and hours!! Let's sail⛵

  50. Alright, let’s try this again…
    Hello all you beautiful Rev 12 Daily People.
    Is it safe to come out now? Lol…I surfaced to open the lid. Did I survive the purge? :) Good to have had a ‘Reset’ of our own, but probably won’t last long. Just being cynical and it hasn’t taken that long from what I read. Perhaps if Brad, you could appoint an ‘Official Moderator’ or 2 to help you out. Or did we have any? And if we keep acting like this, why not implement a YouTube ‘Community Guideline’ 3 strikes policy!? Seriously.

    Anyway, as I was saying…Well, JD Farag’s last weekend vid Bible Prophecy Update was taken down by YouTube due to his exposé on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines. He did repost it to his new website, I had a strong suspicion they would pull it down, so I saved the 5 Questions rubric he presented and mirrored that on my website. I also consolidated the Articles I have written since last year concerning the ‘plandemic’, to include posters and now some brochures. I made some brochures and leaflets to hand out or mail, email of the 5 Questions and list of why the COVID-19 vax is dangerous.

    I have been preparing for this to give and refer my colleagues when the time comes for the University to require the vax to get back into the offices and classrooms. I also have the link to download for free my book, The COVID World Order which is about a year’s worth of research and compilation of information. I’ve shared the link here before, but this can now be made available to others outside our Rev 12 Fam. Such could perhaps benefit from the brochures, etc . The brochure and leaflets are just basic introductory tools. I have also incorporated the ABC’s of Salvation on them. They are all in PDF format; USA paper standard but also formatted for European/non-American paper standard.

    Keep the Peace

    COVID-19 Free Online Resource Page

    1. Lu...TY for the update on the YT axing. This is why I believe it might be a benefit to this site if those wanting to share certain highly charged articles and reports with “hot” phrases in them to maybe just post a paraphrase and the links as opposed to citing the content. That way others can pursue the info if inclined and it lessens the chance of our being locked down—at least for a little longer until they get around to going after Christian related content to prevent the sharing of that. I know most have already been scrambling certain words and that’s prob a good habit to continue.

      Blessings Brother and TY for pointing us to your heavily researched resources.
      And Praying for your job/jab situation as well:-)

    2. WOW Lu!
      You always work so hard since I read you on this site! Impressive! I would like that back home, in Quebec, there would be Christians as talented with information and knowledgeable with the internet to do this kind of work in French. There are Christian sites, about salvation, Bible prophecy and everything, but with brochures and pamphlets on the vaccine, the dangers and salvation on top of that, wow, it's all complete. I have never seen one. If they exist, I don't know anyway. Glad you're still with us! I also thought yesterday that it would be nice to have 1 or 2 moderators on the site. Elsewhere, they often have moderators to help their sites perform well.

    3. @Sheila
      So, my water heater busted yesterday, so no hot water me! Meaning, I can't’ be ‘in hot water’ for a while around here ! :) So, only cold showers for a few days. It will probably wake me up. But I hear you about the censorship run-a-muck. The Left smells blood and their ‘Purges’ have begun. It will be a long-protracted war of 4-years of attrition against anything conservative, ‘White’ or Christian.

      I just got message from our Campus Senate and the campus is having the Faculty Retreat. We are gearing-up for when classes start next week. Guess what is one of the topics on the Agenda? And ‘Agenda’ for sure, it is entitled, kid you not, ’How to diminish Whiteness in the Classroom environment.’ I’ve read articles where the Left on campus is calling for any Tenured Faculty that is remotely ‘Right’ or supported Trump to be fired and stripped of degrees. And they pile-in 'Christians' for siding with him. We have entered the Brave New World surrealism, but now it is a bad nightmare while being awake !

      I have my website paid-up for about 3 more years. If our 'call from on high' is this year, then at least it will be up for the first part, if at all of the Tribulation. For sure such sites and blogs like this one will be shut down as 'Hate Speech' nor 'insensitivities', etc. But we work while it is still Day for the Night is coming fast!!

      Vos désirs sont des ordres! J'ai pris le format et je l'ai traduit en français pour vous et toutes les personnes que vous connaissez peut-être. Les liens seront toujours en anglais, mais au moins cela pourrait être une introduction au récit alternatif. Si vous pouviez consulter le grammaire, je l'apprécierais et je vous ferais savoir si certaines phrases pourraient être mieux énoncées.

      Bénédictions, Lu

      Le VACCIN COVID-19

    4. LU!!! So good to see you here--your humor makes me laugh out loud at times yet the sobering news you share (as in the above comment re. the classroom agenda) makes my mouth drop open in astonishment!

      Thank you for all your diligent work--I have added the link to your COVID-19 page to my article THE MASK AND THE MARK

    5. THANK YOU my brother!
      I was not asking that so that you make this gesture for me and my Quebec contacts but I thank you from the bottom of my heart! As soon as I have time, I'll go and see the French sentences, but I'm sure you've done a hard and excellent job. Thank you for your dedication to the cause of Christ and to all of us. Bless the Lord! Carole

    6. Lu, are you volunteering to be captain of the moderators??! : ) I can make you a very official looking badge!


  51. Hey, Fam, Blessings. New from MANYFISH for those needing clickables. No real 'aha' here but a long, winding affirmation that HUGE, interconnected ritual is orchestrating before our eyes. This goes aright along with Gigi @BH's recent trails concerning the 23rd symbolizing BIRTH, esp as Jerusalem's BDay, this time around. Something tells me that details herein are meant for others to string together this time. 15:16

    59th Razing of the -Temple-46. Ra!sing of -Os!ris-Apollyon-69-11. Be ye Separate-23!

  52. Blessings all. I found this info potentially helpful:

    “We’d like to share some information on your options if your employer seeks to require you to be vaccinated as a condition of your employment, or for your children in school.

    Employees with sincerely held religious beliefs that would be violated by getting vaccinated may be able to refuse an employer’s demand to vaccinate under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (Please note: you do not have to belong to any organized religion to have sincerely held religious beliefs.)

    Title VII makes it unlawful employment practice for an employer to discharge or discriminate against an employee because of such individual’s religion. (However, you may be required to take other steps required by the employer, such as wearing a mask, in place of vaccination.) This is true for any vaccine demanded by employers.

    In addition, with respect to COVID vaccines, they have been granted Emergency Use Authorization only, not full approval by the FDA. Therefore, at this time, employers are not allowed to mandate COVID vaccines, even for first responders and frontline workers.”

  53. Vaccine exceptions are also available for children. Parents can opt their children out of any vaccine required for school attendance by claiming a religious exemption in all but 5 states (California, Mississippi, West Virginia, New York and Maine), and 16 states have philosophical exemptions. Medical exemptions are also available in every state, although these may be very difficult to obtain, especially in California. For a map of state exemptions click here:

    Any medical intervention should require voluntary informed consent as stipulated in the Nuremburg Code and the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. But authorities tend to override these principles based on emergency declarations due to COVID.

    It bears repeating that these COVID vaccines are experimental, have been fast-tracked, and carry a high rate of side effects. According to the CDC, 2.7 percent of vaccine recipients were “unable to perform normal daily activities or go to work” after getting a COVID vaccine.1 Reports of deaths, especially among the elderly, are widespread.

    These adverse reactions are not a surprise. There has never been an approved vaccine for SARS virus diseases because all previously developed vaccines were found to be too risky.

    Yet despite these risks – or rather, because of them – vaccine developers have been given complete indemnity if (when) their vaccines cause harm.

    1. Blessings Archangel! You are still blessed if you have the right to refuse for sincere religious beliefs to be vaccinated. Here it does not work the same unfortunately. Until now, they vaccinate the elderly in the centers for the elderly and they do not care whether the religious conscience of the person is disturbed by this fact. The fines for those going out after the 8:00 p.m. daily curfew range from $ 1000 to $ 6000, and if people do not wear the mask or the distancing is not observed and they are very severe on the law. We are in "communism in disguise" if I may use the expression.

    2. Blessings dear Carole. Yes, I don’t think these options will be available for very long in the US, if they’re even really applicable now. Maybe, we get a grace period of six months, but then the inevitable will happen. Remember this whole thing started with “15 days to bend the curve.” I’m hoping my employer will be reasonable because there’s no way I am getting the vaxx no matter what they say or threaten. There’s so many horror stories of what the vaxx is doing to people, especially the elderly, that I don’t even bother to share the links here. There’s just too many. I heard 700,000 are getting the shot everyday.

      This world system grows more inhospitable by the minute. I pray our Escape is soon.

      God bless you.


    3. Appreciate the research & info on the jab everyone

  54. Tomorrow, the People of the USA and the world are going to witness the Left’s ‘Soft’ Coup d'État come to fruition, after 4 years of constant buffering. We are right in the middle of making history. But will not have much more to look back on to dwell on perhaps. It will be Obama 2.0 and as he foretold he would have a '3rd Term'. The Globalist will be finishing what they had in mind but were 'restrained' for 4 years. But it also just hit me that the whole of North America is now Left of Center.

    1. You have Trudeau in Canada, Left of Center and lockstep with Globalist New World Order, he even has said that a few Freudian Slips ago.

    2. Then you have Lopez Obrador of Mexico that is hard Left of Center. He initiated a whole new National Guard, basically has private police. He is following the blueprint of Venezuela that was taken from the Bolshevik's playbook.

    3. And now you have Bi-den of the USA, Left of Center that will be a trifecta. But, now the USA/North America WILL NOT be the major counterweight to China , Europe and Russia that are rising fast and will. She will be in the fold of the NWO in this her last chapters. No more.

    Remember Rome fell from within and the parallels are astonishing. And with so many U.S. Troops in DC, it looks like Baghdad now and as if they really want and truly want to start a ‘Civil War no? Any excuse to use if the day goes south and a False Flag event is initiated to blame the Patriots and Militias. It would give Biden and Congress ‘cart blanch’ to ban the guns. And there you go. Thank you very much.


  55. Remember the DailyCrow article that listed the uncanny number of 7s associated with Pres Trump in relation to Israel? Rev says this 7th King only continues for a “short space” before the 8th King appears.

    Things that make you go hmmm...


  56. Greetings to my dear family!
    I listened to a little Bible study today and had some heartfelt verses for all of you and for me. As times are uncertain, in the USA as everywhere else, God shows us that he is still the rock on which we can stand firmly. An indestructible rock! It doesn't matter what we go through. He only waits for us to go to him if we are afraid, fears, and let him act and give us his rest. He is the only rock, the true, the authentic, "Jesus Christ"!
    I hope this will uplift you and bless you! Here are the verses:

    Joshua 1:9

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

    Isaiah 44:8

    Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

    Joshua 1:5

    No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

    1. Amen and Amen Sister Carole! Thanks for sharing such encouraging verses!

    2. Welcome Lori, it is a pleasure for me!

  57. Family, Blessings. As we chase Our Lord through many means, often via numbers, check this one out.

    On the Gregorian calendar, today is a Palindrome: 1-20-21, the same backwards and forwards.

    As are the next 9 Dates: 1-21-21 1-22-21 1-23-21 1-24-21 1-25-21 1-26-21 1-27-21 1-28-21 1-29-21.

    Today's 'Inaug' occurred on the first such date in USA history.

    This pattern will not repeat for 1,000 years, though it comes close this coming December.

    Thanks DAHBOO, Hmmm...

    Wow! Inauguration Day Kicks off 10 Straight Days of Palindrome Dates! What's Going to Happen?

    1. That is fascinating.

      Listening to KC & the Sunshine Band to cheer myself up. Strange, I don’t feel as devastated as I thought I would. The uncertainty was unpleasant.

      Oh well...

    2. Sorry, Ryan, but I’m not going near the news today or in the future, if I can avoid it.

      Books, movies and music.

      Maybe you can keep me informed, haha!

    3. AA, Blessings. You do realize that the sax on, 'She's a brick, house' is Lionel Richie, from BEFORE the day. Oh, for the uninformed, a piece extolling the wonders of the Bride, from an earthly groom's entirely worldly perspective. Not the one's you're looking for, move along.

    4. No, I had no idea! I only recently discovered Machine Gun by the Commodores, and I’m not sure how I managed to live my whole life without it.


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.