The Signs and the Cross...

Saturn and Jupiter set behind a church ahead of their conjunction, as photographed on December 18, 2020 in Jersey City, New Jersey. (Photo by Gary Hershorn/Getty Images)

I have a note written in the front of my Bible.  
It says....

When following God we must go at the right pace, and the right direction.

I am not sure who said it, but it struck my heart, and thus was written in my Bible.

I think about those words now, as the Great Conjunction is slowing working it's way apart at the same pace it came together.  

So when I saw the picture above, the thought below hit me like a ton of bricks...

As watchers, signs will come and go from our minds... But the CROSS will never move!

The cross should always be center. Without it, nothing else matters.

The truth is that every second that passes brings us that much closer to Glory, but I know for many of you that fact is hard to grasp when it feels like you are hanging on by your finger nails just to get through each day.  And these high watch days give you hope!

To you I say this...

You are not alone.
We all feel it that tug.
We are all ready to go...ready to grasp His promises of a new home.
Ready to bask in the warmth of heaven.
Ready to see the blessed hope change to our blessed reality.

Sometimes I even think that knowing we are so close makes the waiting even harder.
But most of the time I am thankful for the gift of perspective.

Knowing that time is almost up.
Knowing that we have something amazing to look forward to.
Know that our best life is not now, but soon to come.
Knowing that this sad and sorry world is not all there is.

So when it gets hard I share this small bit of advice for you to write down in your Bible...

All we can do is trust that God knows what He is doing (He does).....
and live each little moment of our life the best we can... for Him.

At the right pace.
And in the right direction.

He will do the rest. : )  

Keep Looking Up!  Maranatha and Merry Christmas!
"If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit."
Galatians 5:25


  1. Amen, Brad! TY so much for keeping and sharing that Divine perspective. In a very late night family discussion I was trying to get across the importance of really “trusting” in God’s Perfect and Completed Plan of Redemption. It’s hard for some to wrap their minds around the fact that from His Eternal viewpoint, it’s already been Accomplished—Finished and Done and we as true Believers are just waiting with great anticipation for the Magnificent Revealing. The Cross is not only our Foundation on this side of Glory, It will be our Foundation throughout all Eternity:-)

    Blessings and Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!

  2. Hang in there, Brad...we're almost across the finish line! We appreciate all that you've done.

  3. We are going on full lockdown on December 26 where I live, near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!
    I cannot thank you enough for this precious communication Brad!!! I wish all of you, dear brothers and sisters, the greatest joy in our Lord Jesus Christ, which can never be taken away, while we wait patiently for our glorious redemption!

    1. Thank you Shiloah! Amen! ‘Greatest joy in our Lord Jesus Christ, which can never be taken away’! I will note to me this great thought! Many Blessings! See you soon in the air!

    2. Amen Shiloah! His Joy is ours forever as we are in Him and He is in us😊

  4. Thank you for this beautiful message! Yes, without the cross and without our wonderful Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, nothing really matters. He is our reason for living, our beating heart, our breath of life. I pray that during these Christmas and New Years holidays, people who are alone, without visitation, love or attention, may have a special blessing. May Christians alone be filled with immense joy and peace despite everything and feel the presence of the Lord with them. And that others, non-believers, may receive special attention from a child of God, some gesture, and may God reveal Himself to these non-believers during these special times. Most of us, will be, children of God, with a spouse or our family, so I think of the people who will be sad at the holidays. I wish you all happy holidays, in the love and protection of our King of kings and look forward to seeing you all in Heaven. Maranatha !!!

    1. Carole...Blessings, Sister and praying in agreement with you for all of those who are in dire need of compassion, companionship and Salvation—that our precious Lord and Savior will Stand in the Gap for them with His comfort, joy, mercy and grace!🥰

    2. Amen Carole, Christmas can be such a lonely and sad time for some people. and now with the these lockdowns and forced isolation, it can tip people over the edge. In agreement that prayer. May he switch on the light of hope in many lost this holiday season, and draw them to himself before that ark door closes.

    3. We had a blessing today announced in Alberta in the midst of our current level of Lockdown. Originally, my Mother-in-law was only allowed two cohorts of which are my husband and myself. Our kids were not allowed to see her. Christmas plans involved figuring out how to do facetime for present opening and then my husband was going to take over plates of Christmas dinner for himself and her to her home to eat with her and FaceTime our children and myself again for the meal.
      We had figured out that would possibly happen when they announced restrictions at the beginning of December and were prepared for it. So I was very happy to hear that they are allowing single people who live alone to have one household that they are allowed to visit between the 23-28. This is great news because now my Mother-in-law can come over and spend all of Christmas day with us as she has always done.

    4. Very blessed today and thankful for that announcement.

      My family gets together on Christmas Eve and so we will be using Facetime to open presents that were dropped off ahead of time. I am thankful that in the midst of all this upheaval, we are still able to spend time with what matters- God and Family.

    5. Blessings Sawdy. I’m happy that you will be able to be with your beloved family. I feel outraged, however, that we have to be thankful when tyrants, who preach Do as I say, not as I do, throw us peasants a few measley crumbs and expect gratitude for it. Guaranteed, those tyrants will have unlimited, maskless family at their gatherings.

      I took my cat to the vet today and marveled that, in 45 degree weather, with the wind blowing, sitting in our cars in the parking lot, everyone was masked to the gills. We were outside in the fresh air. No crowds elbowing each other. No one breathing in someone else’s exhalation. Even those inside their cars were masked and it occurred to me that soon, I just bet in this extended Twilight Zone episode, our pets will have to be masked too. We already had assigned parking spaces with an empty space between each car. I haven’t worn a mask when I take my pets to the Dr and I haven’t been asked to put one on. The truth is, we would all have to follow the disinfection practices of dentists, who change gloves, masks, etc, 8-10 times a day or more, and I’m positive the average person neither knows this nor follows this procedure. The video of the young woman using her mask to clean up after her dog, turning it inside out, and then putting it back on her face, comes, sickeningly, to mind.

      I shudder to think what it will be like in six months if we are still here. Two weeks to flatten the curve.....right.

    6. Sawdy...Blessings and Praise God for that gift of togetherness! Wishing You all a wonderful family fellowship in Jesus


    7. Hooray for Canada's CHURCHES!

      This one is in Edmonton, AB, but gets a thumbes up from me. Too bad we have cowards, hirelings, and fat sheperds around here,w ith a minor few.

      Pastor Preaches Blistering Sermon on Why Churches Must Faithfully Gather Throughout the Pandemic

      An Edmonton-based church pastor has delivered a fiery, passionate, and at times tender sermon on why churches must gather during the pandemic, serving as a living emblem of biblical faithfulness even as he and the congregation bear the costs of their defiance.


    8. BRAVO to Windsor Ontario!

      Pastor Pledges To ‘Take Church Underground’ Afer Facing Fine 100k and Year in Jail For Remaining Open

      A pastor in Canada facing massive charges and jail time for having church services of more than 10 people, a violation of the province’s regressive and tyrannical shutdown laws, is pledging that his congregation will find a way to gather for the Lord’s day, even if that means talking the church underground and practicing civil disobedience.

      In a statement released today by the Elders at Harvest Bible Church in Windsor, Ontario, they explain that their Pastor Aaron Rock was informed by law enforcement officers that he’s been charged under the “Reopening Ontario Act” for having church last week. The exact fine will be assessed by the courts and ranges from $10,000- $100,000 and one year in prison.

  5. Just want to thank Brother Gary @Unsealed for his latest video teaching on the 24 elders. Wonderful clarity and an easily understood message.
    So encouraging and I agree that a Christmas Day departure would bolster the Rapture witness and that ALL days belong to our Lord!


    1. Great share of Gary's/Jeff's "Death Star" on (below)

      Don't forget IceMan moonlights here too (FD)



      This from Gary and Jeff. Outstanding watchman skills.

      At around the 52 minute mark is when you will be presented with undeniable proof that the elite are fully aware of "the star" and have planned for it - well in advance. Incredible proof.
      Undeniable proof. I urge you all to watch the entire video as it contains valuable information.


    2. From Charles' crew @ Sword of God YTC

      The Escape (Rapture of watching bride) - A December 25 high watch date


    3. From God a Minute

      30 (cute) Clues For A Christmas Rapture


    4. On December 25th, Tammuz was born, son of Nimrod (so the legend goes but so also goes the legend of Jesus Christ being born in 12/25 with very few attempting to find the 'real' time and even fewer attempting to disprove 12/25 (within churches) or get away from it altogether).

      Happy 'Saturnalia' Babylon - Christmas Chronicles The Documentary
      From SMHP, 12/22

      Comment: I refreshed my memory about Saturnalia yesterday. Xmass is, w/o a doubt, repackaged Saturnalia, made to be palatable to Christians.

      Comment: Ever wonder why people said, the "spirit" of Christmas (aka Saturnalia). Evil spirits for sure.

    5. Ryan,

      I came across this one too re: Death Star

      "Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen multiple posts and articles regarding the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which is set to be at its closest proximity on December 21, 2020, which is also the winter solstice.

      Many Christians are attempting to tie this alignment to something positively prophetic, and some are even calling it the return of the “Star of Bethlehem.”

      First, let me start off by saying that the conjunction that is happening is in fact NOT in association with what was known as the star of Bethlehem."


  6. Dr (V)ega territory below.....

    3 Raptures @ Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles

    “Celebrate a festival in My honor three times a year. Observe the Feast of Passover. As I commanded you, you are to eat unleavened bread for seven days at the appointed time in the month of Abib, because you came out of Egypt in that month. No one is to appear before Me empty-handed. Also observe the Feast of Pentecost with the firstfruits of your produce from what you sow in the field, and observe the Feast of Tabernacles at the end of the year, when you gather your produce from the field. Three times a year all your males are to appear before the Lord God. (Exodus 23:14-17)

    The traditional view of the Rapture, the “harvest” at the end of the age, is that there is only one harvest, and then comes the end. However, Scripture gives abundant witness to show that it actually consists of three separate phases that differ in timing, as well as in the crop harvested.

    These three phases of the harvest are: the barley crop, the wheat crop, and the crop of grapes. Our Lord is profoundly merciful, and does not want anyone to be lost forever. All three positions are correct. There is a Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation, and Post-Tribulation Rapture, symbolized by the 3 main feasts.


    1. Thank you Charlie, but I still hope we'll be gone before next Passover!


    2. Hi Carole,

      BTW, I am going to work on summarizing the INL vid (re: "They're Here) for you this evening.

      As to the above, I am banking on my list of multiple departures. Now more and more comes in/ is revealed, it may be departures AND harvests in the day(s) ahead.

      I believe there IS a difference between the types of departures as shown in the OT and I believe there a difference between departure and the (main) Harvests. I do believe there will be Harvest-workers, those who are translated or protected but will work here in Earth during all thta is coming (invasion of US, Psalm 83 War, ETs, 10 Kings, etc.).

      My Guesstimation:

      1. Young Children/ Children in Mind/ the Cripple/ the lowly of lowly Outcasts - a departure
      2. 144k - a departure (translated/ transformed?)
      3. Bride - a departure (translated/ transformed?)
      4. A Resurrection of the Dead-in-Christ - the arrival of the walking dead (Sign of Jonah). Will the people who witness these Jonah-like beings then repent? Believe in Jesus?"
      5. Bridal Party - a harvest/ Passover?
      6. Gentile Trib Saints - a harvest/ Pentecost?
      7. Jewish Trib Saints - a harvest/ Tabernacels?

      I am not stuck on man's basic understanding of the "rapture" because once you begin to search out the (Heb/Gk) meanings of words (like child, sons of God, sons of Zion etc) it makes it clear there ARE different groups.

      When one discovers the 4 Gospels are written for 4 different groups in this order:

      John - Spirit
      Luke - Bride
      Mark - Bridal Party/ Gentile Trib Saints
      Matthew - Jew Trib Saints

      It opens the eyes to the layers upon layers of the Bible. God is not the author of confusion but as DBA puts it, there are 4 layers to or 4 different levels of understanding?

      I have learned from others and believe not one has it all correct, but everyone discovers something or reveals something new here and there and adds up (ex. Ty Green's latest but it only helps to connect other things but was not all inclusive).

    3. I agree with you Charlie, and I find you very nice.

    4. That order of events really doesn’t make any sense per 1Thess.4:14-18.
      While there are those who are saved and gathered during the Tribulation period, why is it so hard for folks to just accept that the entire believing Body of Christ will be Raptured up together along with the living innocents AFTER the Dead in Christ have risen FIRST? Is it because they can’t accept that all true Believers are on equal footing as Eph.2:8-10 explicitly implies? I just don’t get this insistence on such a division of the BOC other than some considering themselves to somehow be
      more righteous or more deserving than others in re to the Rapture. And if that’s the case, then they are the ones in my understanding who may find themselves with some more unwanted time to reconsider the True and Complete Source of Righteousness
      for all Believers—and it does not stem from any of us. We are either covered by His Blood and cloaked in His Righteousness or we are not. He made it so simple that even a child can understand.
      “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up TOGETHER with them (the dead in Christ) in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (emph. mine)
      Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
      The only division suggested there in that plainly spoken text is between the dead in Christ and we who are alive and remain. That would, according to the Inspired Words of the Apostle Paul, seem to comprise the whole Body of Christ—pinky toes and all😊🙏

      Blessings and Maranatha!


    5. Hey Ryan,

      Here is a quick 101 Overview: Understanding The End Times Events Escape, Rapture, Then Return

      Start @ 27min for a beginner's overview of the Differences in the Gospels.
      From I-165

      The more one reads into then compares the different books and places and times and varying accounts etc.., the intended "audience" becomes more and more clear. Luke, the only Gentile author in the 66 books in the canon, was a Gentile (clue).

      BTW, you did not reply to my Ur-anus question in the last post? It was under a discussion with Dr (V)ega. Humor me ;-)


  7. For informational purposes only, if we fear and know the Father we should fear no man. I am not suggesting anyone dig in as a result of what may become our near term New Year outcome.

    Russia, China, and Others Preparing to Carry Out an All-Out Invasion of the US?
    Note: the fifth anti-us column are those "internal forces" currently working and will be yet another "force" to combat when things go pop.

    From 12/22

    From YTC: People laughed at me when I first published the intentions of the Russians and the Chinese to attack the United States from all sides as this was in 2014. In 2020, when I again raised the possibility, some people howled. Today, we sit on the edge of this happening.


    1. Another recent infomercial on the happenings... from a "patriot" so whatever it is worth to you...

      U.S. Military Briefed on Possible Invasion by China & Russia


      TOL - I am no mil strategist, but what good are the us naval forces in the water when it is going to be an internal then land-based attack. These forces are already in place/ on the move.

      One E M P or a few can shut down the entire "force field" around N. America from Alaska to Florida. I've always wondered why it is called the department of "defense" when all I've known in my lifetime was the us playing offense. I know I know, sometimes your best defense is a good offense to keep the other guys down....


      When those guys slip/bust/carve their way through (via artic and via cuba or via Mexico or via the land of Maple Leafs), there is one huge problemo. A little over confident is the us?

      Well, if we go we go with a smile knowing where we're going.


    2. Adding Germany to the list of invaders from other intel reports and such.

      Perhaps their operation is being called "Blitzkrieg 5.0?


    3. We don’t have a chance against Russia, China, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America and other countries as Dumitru Duduman prophesied in “Wake Up, America!”

      I think we’re closer to that invasion than most people realize.

      Russia vs United States - Who Would Win? Military Comparison 2021


    4. Here is Dumitru Duduman's own words from what he was shown/given...very specific on how america will burn, what specific cities/states God has "marked".

      Start @ the 50min mark

      DD states when there is "peace and safety" in america THEN
      Some from the inside will revolt against the govt THEN
      The govt will be occupied w/ the revolution THEN
      From THE OCEAN comes...

      DD states how His (real) sheep WILL BE protected during the BURN. Just as Daniel and the others where (protected) in the firey furnance, so shall the (real) sheep. The pretenders will be burnt up.

      BUT those who want to be saved must REPENT!

      [The words of warning are out for "the church" to repent, seek forgiveness over its MULTITUDE of sins -> just name it from adultery to lust to divorce to theft to bearing false witness to anger to hardening of the heart toward God to worshiping idols to following the world and the world system to witchcraft to the occult to sodomy to unbelief etc.....

      Hopefully Ravi Z. earnestly sought God's forgiveness before passing].

  8. There has never been a more expedient time to say that I cherish each and every one of you and all who have gathered here before. Knowing you each, as I do, that I can picture your prayers for our continued provisions and endurance means so very much. I prayer polish each of you, like ornaments on my own tree, every time you come to mind.

    In a world unlike anything we would have pictured, yet not at all a surprise to the Christ Whom We Follow, May His Spirit Indwell Us All With The New Birth Of Christ, Within, as we have long christened these select days to honor His Birth Amidst Us, amen.

    Merry Christmas, one and all.

    1. Peace be with you, brother! Looking forward to seeing you on the "other side".

    2. Brother Jimboni, I will echo your words. While I do not post often, I visit this family place multiple times a day. You, my brothers and sisters have been used mightily by the Holy Spirit to encourage and uplift your fellow family members. I am so incredibly grateful to my Jesus for this family and this family gathering place. Can’t wait to meet each of you!


      NEW - Pope to step down after Christmas, according to Vatican source.
      6:14 PM · Dec 22, 2020·

      Pope Francis will step down before the end of the year, according to a source close to the Vatican, who said there was "no doubt" the Pontiff "will resign in 2020."


    4. Thank you Jimboni, for all your words, so erudite and sharp yet personify you so well.

      May the Prince of Peace, the only "peace" we ought to seek and to know, be with us all.

      Blessings Brother

    5. Jimboni...A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you and the family.
      Always lifting you all in prayer as you come to heart and mind as well and praying Caleb is doing much better now🙏😊

    6. Blessings Jimboni. Every comment of yours is a pearl of wisdom that enriches us all.

    7. Blessings Brother and thank you for that beautiful sentiment. This is indeed a special place of fellowship the Lord has gifted us through Brad.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family and Merry Christmas to all who come here.


  9. Question:

    Can someone/ anyone explain why the V jab is NOT the MoTB?

    So IF one reads the Bible (Rev 13) and learns/ reads of and is affected all these new world-wide rules/laws/regulations against ANYONE who does NOT take/ receive their "offer" .... mark = scratch or jab or implant...

    THEN why is this jab (scatch or implant) NOT the MoTB?

    "Because they have told us it is not and there is no beast (system) in plain sight" is not a propoer answer.

    C'mon guys!

    All you in Maple Leaf Land to the North. (I can assume one cannot go out and about without the jab once they have allowed you all to roam freely. But also perhaps they want everyone inside so the Russians, Chinese AND Germans can move freely in preparation for their Southern incursion??)


    Jabs "offered" and administered by the brave folks of the US A in Ohio? When will the jabs be mandated?


    One cannot travel on or use public transport in France WITHOUT the jab?
    Anti-vaxxers Could Face Public Transport Ban In France


    1. From NTEB: TRUST THE SCIENCE: Experimental Vs are Good!

      There is no forgiveness for taking the MOTB, and while these opening rounds of the vaccines are not the biblical MOTB, they are being used as a psyop to mentally groom you to receiving an injection from the government.

      Look around you, what do you see? Airlines mandating you receive a vaccine before flying, sport stadiums telling you that an Immunity Passport will be needed to attend events, countries like Israel and the nations of Europe using Green, Yellow and Red restricted zones. All this for a virus with a 99%+ recovery rate.

      OK, today the gloves come off, (not that they’ve ever really been on), and I am going to make this as clear and as plain as I possibly can.

      What is happening all around you right now is the prophesied New World Order foretold in the book of Revelation. That’s Fact #1. In this New World Order, the population will be controlled by a bio-electronic injectable device called the MOTB.

      These rushed, unproven and highly-dangerous Messenger 33 mRNA vaccines are the first stop on a ride that leads you to the doorstep of Antichrist. That’s Fact #2.


    2. I'd like to point everyone to this (new study below) from a familiar "face" around here [ the Resident Dr (V)ega ].

      Ryan, as you correctly stated, no way are the current V is going to be able to be "offered" to a majority of the world in the near term and they are also using a:tiered system to deliver as everyone knows.


      What "can" they offer and "can" be delievered to every doorstep via Amazon, FedEx, UPS etc.? What else can folks "put on" their skin (arm or forehead)? ->

      New V Delivery System for CV-19

      "The purpose of this study is to consider the new technology that seems is coming along at the right time to administer the coming mandated COVID-19 vaccinations. Interestingly enough, the V is said that it will not be administered by way of the conventional known hypodermic type of injection. It will be a patch, much like a band-aid applied to the skin. What is the need to have to write about this, from a Biblical End of Days perspective? Because of the background and rationale of why it was thought of and developed. The study will consider why the team of researchers who have created this delivery system were inspired by snake fangs and its bite or sting. Thus, here one has an imagery of the snake biting a human, which naturally if untreated would very well lead to certain death."

  10. Hey're going to like this video as it supports your theory of the children being Raptured first and of a potential Christmas Day Rapture.   Be sure to click the additional link entitled "My Experience in Heaven" (A Christmas Wedding Party) done in 2009.   I found both of the videos to be very uplifting.  Enjoy!

    Notice that the ratio of children to adults being Raptured is 10 to 1.   And didn't Dr. Barry briefly mention a few weeks ago that there are perhaps only 1 million people (adults?) on Earth today out of nearly 8 billion (very small %) that are true believers/watchman/individuals seeking the Truth through interpretation of Bible prophecy, etc.   Could that select group be what we consider the Bride?  With the Bridal Party and other groups following as has been preordained?


    1. I am loading up my ammo can on this one. But for an appetizer...

      Yes, I do absolutely believe YOUNG children (the innocent ones) will be taken (violently seized, snatched/ harpazo'd) BEFORE the sh&$ falls/happens.

      The snatching of the innocents, from all over the world, will serve as a MAJOR wake up call and yet another warning for "adults" as to what time it is and what is ahead.

      Oh what a time for this to happen such as (Saturnalia/Tammuz) Christmas Day!? It is held by most, adults and children, Chirstmas is "for the children", right?

      God is going to snatch what are His BEFORE it really long Silent Night. For some (the true believers and truthers), it will be Joy to the World knowing they are safe in the Father's house, far away from this place. Also Joy knowing our time is coming soon after the children depart.

      Is the Bride translated/ transformed/protected soonafter to console, minister and witness to the world when the innocent....disappear? Is this the time when the Bride carries out her awesome service here on Earth (real signs and wonders, not the stuff we see on TV from Fakers) to work the fields for a great harvest (the lukewarm Bridal Party, the truly lost etc...) ? TBD

      Does the 144k depart at this time as well? TBD


      Additional commentary from a fellow watchman on this very topic:

      The modern Christian church will be rocked to the core when God carries out HIS PLAN for the “little ones of the flock”. Since the church refuses to study prophetic events described in the OT prophets, they will be caught off-guard when God takes action.

      Hosea 4: 6
      My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me.

      Proverbs 2: 6
      For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;

      The Words of Jesus concerning the Little Children:
      Matthew 19: 14
      Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

      Matthew 24: 19
      Jesus said 19How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing

      Luke 23: 29 For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’

      So a Question: Why would Jesus mention in both verses pregnant woman and nursing mothers above and even say the society will say it is good to be childless?

      Answer: Because the LORD will rescue the Little Children before His judgement comes


      So to finish the appetizer, head to (OT) Jeremiah chapters 10 and 50 for a good warm up.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Charlie,
      I think the reason why we are told that "blessed are the barren wombs", is for the Tribulation time, because quiet possibly, women who have received the Mark of the Beast, and get pregnant, they will give birth to actual little monsters. I get this from the verses, that tell us, that women will dash their children off walls, and Woman will eat the flesh of their own infants.

      [] People will be killing their own children - Psalm 137:9 & Isaiah 13:16
      [] Cannibalism, eating strangers and their own family members - Isaiah 9:19-20, Ezekiel 5:10, Lamentations 2:20,

      And also "we who are ALIVE AND REMAIN will be caught up together with them in the clouds" to me says ALL CHRISTIANS who have faith in Christ alone. I don't see even a little toe of true believers being left behind, (to borrow Sheila's analogy)

      The rapture is not a reward for good behavior, it is a promise to all believers. The rewards for works done, and sins turned from, will come later at the bema seat.

      So I don't think those verses tie in to the Rapture, but I could be wrong.

    4. I'm glad I was able to assist you, Charlie. Keep up the good work! I hope your right about the pregnant women, for my daughter's sake!


    5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      God's Plan to Take the Little Ones - the Innocents
      Here is a 10-page compilation of many words with many many referring Bible verses/passages for study. There are many recent past words but also current ones which refer to the same event with the same referring Bible passages. Note: we were warned messages would be less and less as the time draws close.


      Hi Jordan,

      [ Hey, we've been here before, full circle and maybe twice now! :-) Much love to you, really, I am being sincere ]

      Does anyone know someone who may "believe" in Jesus or God yet has no faith?

      Doesn't Christ ask, (from the Gospel of Gentile nonetheless), shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:1-9. Seems very applicable today considering the state of things and especially, the state of the (harlot) church. Too many warnings, words, and messages warning the Church to clean itself up, repent from its wicked ways, walk away from the world system.

      My current leaning is the following groups represent diffierent seasons of when different groups are taken or harvested.

      A single "rapture" event cannot fit all of these. To me, it is all a timeline and each of these words/terms are different groups of people.

      Wheat v Tares | Sheeps v Goats | Wise v Unwise | Righteous v Wicked

      The Bible is clear it makes distinctions between the use of a word yet has a totally different meaning from Book to Book from NT to OT but we have to now put the puzzle pieces together... which is leading me to my conclusions on the multiple departures and harvests.

      ------------------------ Here is How I can "See" a Difference ------------------------

      A Bride is not harvested.
      During a harvest, things are quickly plucked or snatched up with a violent force.

      A faithful Bride probably prepares and makes herself ready over time, getting all clean, staying clean, then waits for her Groom, waits patiently, stays alert while staying clean, staying faithful to her Groom.

      But then there are other non-faithful Brides who may fall asleep waiting or decide not wait any longer then returns to the life/world they are most comfortable living and it got so dreaded waiting for the Groom to show, staying clean was no longer an option because the world was so much easier to live in and was more fun than faithful living and waiting...for the Groom..while they knew he was on his they chose to forgo this special moment and returned back into the world giving up the moment of when the Groom arrives to take His Bride away.


  11. So here is an official announcement from RZIM, 12/23

    This will HUMBLE many for SURE
    (Note: we have been warned MUCH will be revealed and will shock many)

    The signs were all there: No accountability as CEO, too big to fail, associated oneself with (harlot church) Hillsong and (the occult) Mormons, and having laid off employees sign NDAs etc...


    Commneter: This really serves as a humbling example for that NO MAN is an exception from sin; no amount of "wisdom" or "knowledge" of God is a "guarantee" against one's failure.

    Our hope is truly in Jesus Christ, ALONE.

    Some folks need to, wholly put, their trust in Jesus Christ, ALONE and not any man/idea/church.


    1. Remark from Reformation Charlotte

      "While we applaud Ravi Zacharias Ministries for their transparency and honesty during this investigation, the fact that this wasn’t taken seriously by either the ministry, or those outside of the ministry who platformed them, before his passing, speaks volumes of the level of discernment in the Christian community.

      Ministries such as Reformation Charlotte and Protestia repeatedly warn Christians about the pervasiveness of worldly influence in the Church, yet, repeatedly, it’s always too late before the Church responds."


    2. A Reasonable Question: “Why would a [Christian] minister open a spa parlor in the first place?”

      An Unhappy Ending: Johnny Hunt and the Ravi Zacharias Spa

      Earlier this year Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) hired a law firm to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct that had been leveled against it its deceased namesake.

      This week that firm reported that “credible evidence” indicates that Ravi Zacharias indeed “engaged in sexual misconduct over many years”. Accusations of (among other things) credentials fraud and sexting plagued Zacharias towards the end of his life and career. To those who had followed the downward trajectory of his ministry, this latest report came as no surprise.


      It’s abundantly clear that Ravi Zacharias opened his own massage parlor (or “spa”) and commenced to ask his employees for sexual services.

      This latest confirmation of his behavior has left reasonable people asking, “WHY would a [Christian] minister open an establishment like that in the first place?”


  12. So,
    I had a viewer/reader comment on my latest Article, ‘The Sign of the Son of Man’ that presents a possible Tribulation Period timeline based on 4 converging Signs:

    1) 9-11-2029 birthday of Jesus, same as in -3 BC.
    2) Occurs on Yom Teruah or Feast of Trumpets, same as in -3 BC.
    3) Appearance of the Rev 12 Sign (2.0).
    4) Converges on 3 Feasts of YHVH points/dates marking beginning, middle and end.

    So, I then reverse engineered the 9-11-2029 date by subtracting the 1260-day set of counts that happen then to correlate to the 3 Feasts. What this person did was to take the day count from the Winter Solstice of December 12, 2020 (‘Star of the AntiChrist’). I believe as others have noted that as the Christ Star of Bethlehem had a 2.5 year ‘Shelf-Life’ for Jesus, perhaps so too will this one for the advent of the AntiCHrist. (2020.12 + ~2.5 years = ~2022.10.)

    So, the person wanted to see how many days that would be to the supposed ‘Start of the Tribulation on October 18, 2022 based on this ‘Son of Man Sign’ timeline. Well, the day-count is 666 days -out of all numbers! Things that make you go, hummm… Not saying it is a confirmation but wow….dang as I reiterated that in my reply.

    I just wanted to share that with you all. I am wanting to plot next years’ Feasts and Eclipses to see what that will look like especially from May to July. That will be my Rapture Zone window for me. It basically will span the 1st 50-day Pentecost Count and the 2nd 50-day Pentecost count, ‘when it fully came’. Think Boaz and Ruth.


    Subject: Interesting Number

    Hi Thanks for all your hard work. Not sure if you have it captured in any of your articles, but I took the date you have for the beginning of the tribulation and subtracted from it the great conjunction date and got the number 666. I find that interesting.

    Well now! No, that had not crossed my mind....Let's see, Yes. You are right lol. If I do any updates, I'll make sure I give you credit.
    Very interesting.

    So, to be clear, I am not dogmatic about the date or timeline as I only suggest dates, if at all. This is probably my most daring I have come to saying it 'might be'. The timeline does look very interesting so we will see!! It could just be a foreshadowing or prelude perhaps.


    From and including: Monday, December 21, 2020
    To, but not including Tuesday, October 18, 2022
    Result: 666 days

    It is 666 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

    Or 1 year, 9 months, 27 days excluding the end date.
    Or 21 months, (7-7-7) 27 days excluding the end date.

    1. Nice work, Lu. My brain is too fried right now to digest all your numbers, as I've been trying all afternoon to figure out why my pool sweep is moving so no avail! The joys of having a swimming pool! Hopefully we'll get Raptured on Christmas and I won't have to deal with it anymore! Lol!

  13. So, if the Pope does step down soon, and many believe he's the FP of Rev, incl me, that might mean the AC's arrival is very soon.

  14. What an interesting time Our Lord Has Orchestrated For This Wing of His Brood. Yesterday, weather turned unseasonably warm, or not ala DBA, for a couple days as I conveniently needed a small grocery run. Saddling up and find a flat tire, no inner tubes. Hmmm. Amazon; reactivate acct; says be here tomorrow. Got 3 for Our Scout's chair too.

    Today's High is 25 f. Clear and sunny, but, oh my. No tubes came; whaddayawant it's Christmas for cryin'-out-loud. (Hey, Zeus.) Meanwhile the freezer above the fridge in garage dies. Died, actually. Relocate to Kitchen side-by-side, well stuffed. Well, rabbit trail leads to most likely simply cannot be in a freezing garage. So, today spent with Alex & moi relocating said unit to the kitchen, along side #1 fridge. Nope, wont fit through either door, out the front, around the side, up the deck, through the sliding, yep. #2 fridge has been in a garage, without a single cleaning, at 3 properties, well over a decade. Four Kids.

    A few hours later, Alex has reconditioned the exterior nicely and Our Scout, the inside, is mostly done in the fridge section; now the freezer. Maybe tomorrow. Nah.

    During all of this, Alex brings up Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy which we bring up on YTC and crank/loop a dozen times while cajoling, cleaning, rearranging the kitchen and such. Before that, at one point Our Scout says, "You know what, in an odd way, this really feels like a Christmas thing we are doing, today!" He was so right on it inspired this post, esp alongside Alex' musical accompaniment, truly refocusing our thoughts on each other, our blessings, enjoying working together and Our Lord Having The Details Covered: THESE details and THOSE details!

    Right Pace - Right Direction, amen.

    BTW, you do realize that Bobby's song was a Rapture song, right? No, silly, it is hidden, like it should be. Listen to the song to soothe your spirit in these BIBLICALLY PERPLEXING TIMES, think about it with your soon to be in Paradise mindset and pay very close attention at 04:03. Realizing THAT is at hand validates the entire rest of the melody, amen.

    Feliz Navidad!


  15. Yep, this sums it up correctly | by Zerohedge

    2020: The Year The Church Was As Sharp As A Two-Edged Marshmallow

    True belief in the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is supposed to equip the Christian to overcome fear.

    Yet it has seemed to me that the reaction of much of the church to a coronavirus with an Infection Fatality Rate of around 0.2% – 0.26%, has really been no different to that of the non-Christian.

    What could have been a glorious time for the church to shine, with national leaders exhorting the nation to repent, exhorting people to overcome their fears by embracing the Gospel of the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ, became a non-event.

    But this is not the half of it.

    Fear of the virus has shaped the way many have responded to the most astonishing powers over churches for eight centuries. You have to go back to 1208 to see such a closure of churches, which was done by a Papal Interdict (interestingly enough on 23rd March – the same day as Lockdown began) which lasted for six years.


  16. (Natural News) Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 23rd) reveals how Trump appears to have chosen the “declassification” option to expose Joe Biden and the deep state traitors. But with InfoWars now reporting that Trump has been utterly abandoned by nearly all White House staff, is there anyone remaining to carry out Trump’s declassification orders?

    Correction: This podcast refers to a Reuters article that announced a test of the emergency broadcast system on Thursday. Upon further review, that article was from a previous year, not 2020, so that point stands corrected.

    Here’s what you’ll learn in today’s Situation Update:

    More rumors of C-17 transport planes arriving in Nevada.
    Rumors that Trump will speak to America on Christmas Day.
    Trump appoints Ezra Cohen-Watnick to Chairperson of the Public Interest Declassification Board, which is responsible for deciding which documents get declassified. Watnick is known to be an ally of Gen. Michael Flynn and Trump. (
    Trump signs new memorandum to allow John Durham and any new special counsel to use classified documents with grand juries in order to seek new criminal indictments against deep state players. This order would also apply to Sidney Powell if she is appointed special counsel in the coming days. (
    Joe Biden was involved in the 2016 spygate / FISA warrant scandal and may be exposed in the coming document dumps.
    Wisconsin judge testifies that over 200,000 votes were illegal and invalid in that state.
    Join the march in D.C. on January 6th. Trump says, “It’s gonna be wild!”
    National File reports that the White House has released an internal memo essentially compelling VP Pence to act today, rejecting the electoral votes from states that carried out fraudulent, unconstitutional elections.
    Georgia lawmakers move to certify their own election.
    Arizona lawmakers are working to certify Trump as the true winner.
    Patrick Byrne reveals Trump is just one signature away from unleashing a powerful solution.
    Trump meets with multiple members of Congress to discuss a Jan. 6th solution.
    Giuliani says a big revelation is coming about fraud in Georgia.

  17. Hearing text alert from Pres Trump today at 2:18PM.

    1. Wow. That would be unprecedented. Can't wait to hear the Lord call for us. The state of our world is exhausting, and I know something so much better awaits us in the place He's been preparing.

    2. Yes, I think Pres Trump will use the National ER Broadcast System. The interview with CEO Patrick Byrne was so enlightening. He said he was shocked in the Oval Pffuce meeting at the disrespect shown Pres Trump. He said if the Pres has one flaw, it’s that he’s too nice. Gen. Flynn, God bless him, stepped in and shut them all up. The worst mistake VP Pence made, said Byrne, was pushing for Gen. Flynn’s firing. I must agree. I hope he has learned.

    3. VP Mike Pence surprised no one yesterday by proving to be a total coward, refusing to issue a letter to the states in which overwhelming fraud has occurred, wherein Pence could have ordered them to submit legitimate electoral votes to Congress. (The Pence-Raiklin Maneuver.)

      Instead, he remained silent, effectively stabbing Trump in the back. Once Trump achieves his second term, he should demand Pence’s resignation and replace him with someone who is willing to actually fight for America.

      On December 22nd, I published a list of 10 feasible pathways for Trump to achieve victory. Two of those options have now collapsed (#3 and #5), reducing the number of remaining options to 8. (The incoming acting AG at the DOJ seems unwilling to appoint a special counsel.)

      The first option — “declassification” — still appears to be the most viable option, short of invoking the Insurrection Act or declaring martial law. (Which is likely to take place after Jan. 6th, unless things move to a contingent election.)

      The December 24th Situation Update is embedded below. Here are the highlights:

      Bill Barr exits the DOJ. One less swamp creature at the helm.
      Pence fails to act, proving he will also betray Trump and the nation.
      GOP party emerging as a party of traitors. A powerful anti-GOP movement is forming among Trump supporters.
      Trump vetoes the NDAA, which also contained a hidden provision to nullify the Insurrection Act. Congress will need to re-convene to attempt to override Trump’s veto.
      Karl Rove, a feckless RINO / Bush holdover, calls Sidney Powell a conspiracy theorist for her truthful statements about election fraud.
      Trump publicly calls for the DOJ to appoint a special counsel to investigation election fraud.
      Pence publicly states, “We’re going to keep fighting until every illegal vote is thrown out,” but then he stops fighting and allows illegal votes to count. No one is surprised.
      Jeffrey Prather hints that Chris Miller’s DoD team may have intentionally leaked bad intel to the Biden transition team to see if they passed it to the CCP. Biden’s team may have already been caught in acts of treason.
      Michigan’s GOP senate leader clears Dominion of any wrongdoing, despite all the overwhelming evidence of vote manipulations.
      Trump staffers at the White House are told to stop packing up, “Updated information will be shared in the coming days.”
      Speculation that patriots may begin to mount an uprising against tyranny around Jan. 9th.
      Arizona may invoke the “Sergeant At Arms” to seize Dominion voting machines from Maricopa county.
      Hydroxychloroquine factory in Taiwan blown up in mysterious event that may be a Big Pharma attack on the HCQ pipeline.
      Deep state rumored to be threatening Trump with nuclear weapons detonated in the USA if Trump refuses to concede. (Rumor only.)
      Rumor that deep state is trying to physically remove Trump from the White House by next week.
      Miles Guo reveals that Hunter Biden’s sex tapes, pedo tapes and Joe Biden’s CCP financial bribery documents have been handed to Trump.
      Trump publicly chastises Pence for not fighting hard enough for America.

    4. I’m very disappointed in VP Pence.

    5. I really didn’t think VP Pence would allow the ticket he is on, too, to be stolen.

  18. Sally (Flight Attendant):    Good morning fellow passengers.  The Captain has informed me the aircraft is approaching the runway and the "Fasten Your Seatbelts" sign is now on.  So, please buckle up your seatbelts and get yourself mentally prepared for take-off.   We assure you that this flight will be unlike anything you've experienced in your lifetime!   And the destination will be absolutely glorious!   The "Prince of Peace" will be the first one to greet/hug you in your new heavenly paradise.  I'm told it will be quite a moment, so prepare yourself, if you can!   Oh, one last announcement...Happy Birthday Dr. Fauci and Cap't Bob!  Lol!  

    Bones(co-pilot):  Yippee!!!   I love to eat chocolate cake!   It tastes so yummy with coffee ice cream!

    1. Hey, Flight Attendant Sally, Merry Christmas to you and the crew. You know, folks say you're just a gal with her head always in the clouds, to which I say, amen!, and would add, much like us at Rev12, with the rest of you soon to follow! We so appreciate you always being on a swivel and always ahead of the details for us. Good thing Co-Pilot 'Bones sits in front, too, as, like he always reminds us, "the dead in Christ will rise FIIIIRST!"

      So, Sally, my fellow passenger, Alex, pointed out something pretty jarring, really. As you look out the window at the world passing, below, you will note that we are closer to our arrival at 2050 than our departure of 1990. Wowzers. Have Mr. Bones get us the skinny on that one, would ya?

      Gledelig Jul !

    2. Jimboni...wishing you and your family a "Gledelig Jul" as well! Btw, Sally told me your "head in the clouds" comparison to the Rev12 family was quite funny and yet so true! And Bones thought your comment about "the dead in Christ will rise FIIIIRST!" was absolutely brilliant! He reminds me all the time that he will be departing before the rest of us! But that's ok, because he can be our scout! Lol! Cap't Bob

      P.s. Bones is still trying to figure out Alex's 30 year riddle! Lol!


    3. RE: The dead in Christ will rise FIIIIRST!"

      First for "what?"

      When? @ Passover or Pentecost or Tabernacles?

      Do the dead in Christ walk/fly around the Earth as zombies (Jonah was surely not his prior self when we warned for 40 days) before the what translation/ transformation/snatching?

      Happīkurisumasu! :-)

    4. Hey Charlie..I was kind of hoping the "dead in Christ" would be rising first TODAY followed by the rest of us! Still have about 7.333 hours for that to happen, at least here on the West Coast!

    5. Hey Lu + others...just finished watching "Wonder Woman 1984" on HBO max and I swear I saw her use her golden "Lasso of Truth" to briefly attach onto Flight 777's tail while flying high up in the clouds! However, that could have been just my imagination playing tricks on me! Though I'm definetely sure I saw Lu and Wonder Woman flying together in their "invisible jet" as they sought to save the world prior to their flight to heavenly paradise! Lol!


    6. Hey Bob (and anyone else eagerly looking/ waiting for the Escape like now and/or very near future),

      Remember "Christmas" is really a 12-day celebration. So, 12-25 to 1/6. (thank you to our friend dunamis333 ;-) )


      ***** This is pretty awesome for the R12 crew! *****

      HUGE! Jupiter Saturn Convergance CONCLUSION!!!
      From Speaking Truth in Love

      CLIFF Notes: GWR12 then "Another Wonder" then "He Stood before the child". Larson's BS presentation

      Key Point -> Stood = GK2476 = same word used in Matthew for the Bethlehem Star as used in Revelation 12:4.

      [ OFC, I do believe they (stars/angles) are standing still :0 ]


      BTW, Dr (V)ega and our Canadian friends know, dunamis in French = Miracle. The Synoptic Gospels use the Greek word "dunamis" (power) to describe "miracle". The (Gentile) Luke uses the word "dunamis" as the Greek word to describe the word power, which literally means, miraculous power or might.

      When are "THINGS" supposed to go down? 12/28 - 1/6 and THEREAFTER.

    7. Hey Bob…
      Did you see us fly in our ‘Invisible Jet’ over the D.C. area, Charlie’s place? We flew over and thought of picking him up but did not want Charlie to be the ‘3rd Wheel’! lol…Sorry Charlie. :) Ty Green had graciously allowed us to go ahead as he is waiting back at the terminal ready to compare notes for a May-July Wheat Wedding Rapture, ala ‘Boaz and Ruth’. lol.

      Yes, did see the movie with family I am visiting. It started out great then went downhill fast, in my opinion. It was actually corny. Too bad but that is to be expected in these politically correct Last Days, …don’t offend anyone except white males it seems.

      Charlie, I like the presentation of Speaking Truth in Love. She is doing a good job and I would confirm the timeline as I too come up with the dates and strongly suggest the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ the Magi saw was Jupiter ‘standing’ in its retrograde on the 25th. But the ‘woman’ did flee. In this case it was the entire family to Egypt until Herod died. And yes, as I have been also suggesting that in fact, the Magi arrive on December 25 to Jesus’ house when He was a toddler, about 1.33 years old or so.

      The part I do not agree though is that although the language correlation is good, Jupiter in this case cannot be the ‘Red Dragon’ that ‘stood’. If so, she and others are attributed all that is bad and nemesis to the King Star and all that is ascribed to be good and a euphemism of Jesus, etc. I would have believed more if it was presented in how it would be Saturn that ‘standing up’ and is associated with the Dragon, etc. But all good.

      So, see you all in May to July of 2021!!! Ya’all.


      Chart: Timeline of 1st Christmas

      Chart: The 1st Christmas

      Chart: Jupiter over Bethlehem

    8. Charlie…just watched our friend from London (dunamis333). He's such a likeable guy and exudes so much positivity (some may call it wishful thinking!). Anyway, it looks like there still may be a chance for a Christmas Rapture, as it appears to be a 12-day celebration (12-25 thru 1-6) as he noted. But we’ll see. In case you missed it, Debra (Speaking Truth in Love) mentioned that the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction may begin to start separating in a more noticeable way on January 4th which may tie in with the extended Christmas celebration. This probably should be verified in Stellarium. Btw, I think the parallels she drew between the Bethlehem Star and the Christmas Star? (Jupiter/Saturn conjunction) were remarkable as well as her dual meaning symbolism between the two (birth of Jesus and Rapture of the Bride). But I found her discussion on Rev 12: 3 and 4 perhaps the most intriguing (as the Dragon “stood” before the woman) and her contention that the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction represents the 2nd sign (another) wonder to appear in Heaven. If I’m not mistaken, haven’t we all been focusing on seeing the tail of the Dragon throwing a third part of the stars (meteorites or something similar) to Earth, not the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction itself (as the 2nd great wonder in Heaven)?

      Lu…I actually did get a glimpse of you and Wonder Woman flying over the D.C. area… but I’m sure the idea of picking up Charlie in your “invisible jet” lasted only a scant millisecond as you had other thoughts (intentions) on your mind! Lol! And who could blame you since you were sitting next to such an attractive woman (nothing sexier than a woman carrying a gun or “Lasso”, no!). Sorry Charlie…maybe next time when I’m not so preoccupied! Lol! As for Ty Green, I’ll bet you can hardly wait for that chat with him at the Terminal, but before that happens you’re going to have to make it through 1-6! Then and only then, can you start celebrating! And need I remind you about that ‘anytime departure’ you reluctantly agreed to! Lol!


    9. OK you California Dreamers (not forgetting VeeBee),

      Not throwing a wrench or anything but as I have supported a wheat harvest too for sometime, one of several.

      I will follow up, BUT using a solid Bible foundation, can show it was:

      **** John's (the Baptist or the Forerunner) B-Day @ Hannukah

      Note: according to DBA, Hannakah has YET to happen by the sun, moon, and stars. The Jewish counting system is off by a month. So therfore, Haggai 2 is still in play, I wrote a lot about Haggai 2 in the prior post --> 24th Day of the Ninth Month.

      **** Since John was born @ Hannukah, this pushes Jesus arrival to SIVAN or PENTECOST season.

      Using the "months" and all the times given in the gospels we can figure this out. The like R12Sign then BS at 9/11 3 BC was part of it but not the "birth." Probably conceived 9/11 then birthed 9months later in Sivan.

      The I-165 Crew is back with another one which proves this from the scriptures, as does Larson's presentation (where Larson's date actually reads 6-17 or June 17. A slippage?).

      [ I will post another source too which connects all the dates in the Bible provides ]

      What is the point?

      John the Baptist was a "Forerunner" to Jesus | type of Bride to go before the Bridal Party and or as the Bride is translated/transformed to "work" the fields here on Earth to "bring in the Harvest" (Passover and/or Pentecost and/or Tabernacles?).

    10. The Following is a Bible scripture-only study of the birth of John the Baptist. So let us focus on John then we can add six months for Jesus (per scripture).

      Note: we need to set aside what we've heard (from Larson and others) and what we've seen (from Lu's awesome charts which I have not seen yet) and what we've learned about the Stars and Bethlehem Star (aka stars and wandering stars).

      The following corroborates the latest from the I-165 crew (re: John being born in Kislev) without them corroborating on this specific study and these are totally different folks doing their studies at different times.


      This bible study will consider the timeframe of the birthing of John the Baptist (from Luke 1) where the Angel Gabriel plainly tells Mary the timeframe of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John.

      It would seem John the Baptist was born in the ninth month of Kislev.

      Will the modern day company of Christ - Forerunners follow the same pattern and be birthed in the ninth month also? It would appear that Hanukkah is that same timeframe - see how Hanukkah aligns with John's birth and also the Parable of the Virgins from Matthew 25:1-13 which centers around having "oil" in the temples of their bodies where Hanukkah has the same EXACT theme of enough oil in 'The Temple' in Jerusalem 167 B.C.

      No Video, a Study Document (in English)


      Conclusion from my end:

      John the Baptist was born in Kislev, perhaps during Hannukah


      Jesus was born six months after in Sivan, perhaps during Pentecost.


      Also a reminder on DBA's latest, he shows the sun, moon, and stars testifying to Hannukah not having come...YET. So therefore, Haggai 2 is still in play or more specifically, the 24th day of te 9th month or more specifically, THE GREAT SHAKING. Yikes.


    11. Hey Lu (and anyone else),

      What about "The Dragon?"

      What a List to Ho Through
      10 Kings
      King of the North- about to happen with IvI?
      King of the South- about to happen with IvI?
      Kings of the East
      Beast #1- from the Sea (7 horns)
      Beast #2- from the Earth (2 hoirns) who makes/creates/manufactures the image of #1
      Beast #3- from the Bottomless Pit
      Mystery Babylon/ The Woman (Rev 17)/ The Harlot- the rcc/vatican?
      The False Prophet

  19. I had hoped that the rapture would be the crisis that brought about the New World Order, but perhaps we will be here to see the start of it. It struck me today that we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Savior just as they did on that silent night 2000 years ago.

    Looking forward to meeting you all in heaven!

    Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas

  20. Merry Christmas, Brethren! 🎄🎁


  21. Hi dear family, normally I don't watch TV anymore except rarely. I wanted to take a time with my husband who often listens to TV since it was Christmas Eve. I just listened to the 2014 movie "The Giver" with the lead actor named Jonas in the movie. In this film very appropriate for the times we are going through, with the V. and its RNA and all, and the control of the NWO coming up, it boils down to: people take injections every day to forget their memories and to not to feel emotions, love, anger, sadness ... This way people are controlled completely and all obey the laws of the government. My husband says it might wake some people up since we're headed for something like this.

  22. A Merry and Blessed Christmas All! It’s been such a busy week that if it weren’t for MSM trying so hard to keep me reassured, I’d never guess there was a raging plandemic out to kill us all. I’m sure it’s not just us Texans, but when these little dictators tell us that we can’t do something, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do. It’s been full on family and friends around here. Dr. FrankenFauci would be so disappointed in us as we are trusting in God’s Truth rather than the enemy’s lies😁
    Maranatha and Looking Up!

    1. And on his 80th birthday, America's beloved immunologist was likely watching his favorite movie, "Fauci Crudeli."

    2. Lord bless you all. Yup, we look toward the guaranteed promise. He is coming to take us home. Can t believe the jabber circus.. that we are confronted with daily. We know the end of the book

    3. Merry Christmas and Maranatha!


  23. Calamity is still coming, let us not let ourselves lose the many warnings re: "December".

    While there is the worldly and politically focused Natural News situation reports and the reports from INL and others on "the Situation" and other geopolitical situations,

    Let is not lose sight of -->

    The many prophetic warnings presented by the many folks who have posted online (YT or otherwise). Calamity is just around the corner. It is time to heed all of the warnings, ensure your soul is in RIGHT
    standing with the LORD.


    Part 1 of 2







  24. Part 2 of 2






















    EZRA 10:1-17

    1 JOHN 1:9

    PHILLIPIANS 2:12-16

    JAMES 4:4 & 5:6

    2 TIMOTHY 2:21-26

    EXODUS 32:11-14, 27-35


  25. DONT GET LEFT BEHIND (part 1)




  26. DONT GET LEFT BEHIND (part 2)



  27. Newest from MANY FISH

    [ So, do we all still blindly follow and support Isr_ael???? ]

    Merry Christmas? Peace Peace on Earth? Woe Unto You Hypocr!tes!


    1. And the report from INL

      If you need the summary, woe to those who "support/bless" the workers of iniquity!

      Isr_ael is NO FRIEND of Christians, nor the US as it controls EVERYTHING

    2. be careful here, Charlie :) You may be saking on thin ice. Although only Messianic Jews will be raptured, the Jews are GOD's chosen people. The last 7 years prior to the 1,000 year reign will be focused on them.


    3. Understood rjmgoose,

      I am aware of the "bless them and I will bless thee" and "God's Chosen"...


      As both Keith (MANY FISH) and Paul D (R12DOTCOM) point out in their latest YTVs, current day Isr_ael is NOT only in grosse disobedience to God, they are willfully part of the cabal/ SoS. They are with their Father, the devil. They attack/ kill anyone and anything with the backing of the us (controlled and used by the cabal/SoS).

      Jesus points this out when he tells the Pharasee (Jews) this.

      Those who occupy govt positions and who attack innocent Christians in the arab world ARE NOT "Blessed by God" nor are they doing God's work by lloving Him above all and loving their neighbors.

      Those 'guys' in black suits and black hats entering the oval office then surrounding T gleefully watching him (AND all the other us presidents before him) SIGN THE NO-AH-IDE LAWS is not what God had intened in order to bless thee who blesses them... there is a difference.

      I-ran Isr_ael Show-Down at Hand

      Isr_ael moving assets into place as well as the US (submarines)

      I-ran also has stagged its own undetectable missiles around the region for a counter-attack.

      What kicks this Isr_ael v I-ran war will no doubt be a (FF event).


  28. Kind Reminder: Firey Kick- Off Event (FKOE) and all the prior "Test Runs" leading up to the MAIN ACT.

    Please note T is scheduled to be in NYC this coming Monday 12/28.

    Please note this planned "event" in Nashville could have been a test run, like many others (to see and test people's reaction to such events and how things "play" out). Note, all "comms" were down in/out of the area. With comms down and everything (in the dark), the city was pretty much a sitting or lame duck.

    Please note we've been told the FKOE will be much larger than the planned Nine!! event. The FKOE will shock us all.

    Please see the movie Under Seige.

    Please note Exalted Lamb 1's latest on such events (Outoftime 88, Back to the Future predictive programming --> 12/28 - 1/6 timeframe).

    Statistically speaking, there is a better chance of this happening than contracting cv1984.

    Plaese re-listen to Henry Gruver's Vision (2013) Re: Invasion USA

    Key Point @ 6:20min re: Peace & Safety claimed by the rest of the world kingdoms after the us is rendered useless/ neutered. Newer visions and current events tell us the other red army comes too along with other NATO frenenemies. This 2013 vision agrees with modern day words, lay waste to the coasts (with atomic energy) and invade (by land) the central part of the us (for a hostile takeover).

    So while the 'evil' jesters in DC (all of them, there is NOT one righteous) do their show in DC over the printing of paper $ to pay for gender studies in Pakistan and paying for ape studies in Siberia, they know "IT" is coming and keep up these frivilous DISTRACTIONs until the MAIN ACT hits. The jester (or fool) enterained while they were not the MAIN ACT.

    Enjoy these last moments, Maranatha and Adiós.


    1. From Florida Maquis

      Re: recent incident in Nashville and the BIGGER PICTURE




    2. @Stan Foster, here is one for you:

      FAA Warning | NOTAM for Nashville as of 12/26 | the plot thickens

    3. Charlie.... NOTAM ( notice to airmen) ..

      Yes, as a pilot, we need to check such notices out that are on or near our flight path. They will put out NOTAMS for stuff like tornado damaged areas, or other calamities that cause a herding of curiosity seekers.

      Interesting times we are experiencing, and we are just starting!

  29. Hi Fam! It's very interesting really by Brother Paul Dawson! Video very short:
    The Lord is really coming for us now!

  30. Dec 26 Situation Update:

    Highlights of today’s Situation Update:

    Miles Guo of Gnews says that the intelligence agencies of the world are fully aware Trump will be President for a second term.
    Guo warns that China’s domestic economy will instantly collapse as certain events unfold. Trump’s second term will make sure this happens.
    Defense Dept. official Andrew Knaggs lays out the spectrum of action President Trump may invoke, from the least controversial (the courts) to the most controversial (military martial law).
    Knaggs confirms Trump can appoint a special counsel himself and does not need the AG to do it.
    Discussion of the explosion in Nashville, and why it may have been a pilot test run to find out how easily telecommunications infrastructure can be taken out with conventional explosives. (Note: New video has since emerged, revealing this attack appears to be a missile strike from an aircraft, not merely an RV vehicle bomb.)
    Nashville Mayor laughs and smiles when discussing the bombing.
    The US Army may be plotting a physical coup against President Trump, to remove him from the White House.
    Militia defenses may soon be needed at the White House and the D.C. area.
    An analysis of militia structure and effectiveness.
    What happens when cities begin to fall: Survivors exfil to neighboring communities.
    The 20th Amendment and how it changed Inauguration Day from March 4th to January 20th.


  31. You knew this was coming.....Oh Ryan!


    We were last to get it perhaps because T did not allow C_hina to bring their Huawei, alleged stolen fiveGee technology from US Military, into the USA.

    Meanwhile, Italy, Spain, UK, Princess Cruise Ships and a few others rolled out Huawei fiveGee along with Wuhan in a celebratory fashion that led to a pandemic of CV-1984.

    Still, there are many using fiveGee technology here or at least they have fiveGee phones and we were the last to get it?

    In the mist of all the p(L)andemic, I heard T was working on fiveGee protection before it is to be officially rolled out in the US. With conflicting pieces of hearsay, I found there are companies selling radiation protective devices called micro-processors to PROTECT BIOLOGICAL OBJECTS (like humans) FROM THE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOGENIC ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION!

    If technology companies are agreeing that cell phones and computer devices cause radiation sickness it only makes sense to ask the next question – What’s really going on with the BIRDS DROPPING DEAD AND PEOPLE WITH ACUTE RESPERATORY FAILURE?

    So now they have found a virus (that won’t be named) which attacks the blood and robs it of oxygen. That is what they are saying. Let’s take a look at it from a biological standpoint and a healthy dose of critical thinking and a dash of common sense.

    1. Per Mike Adams’ Dec 25 Situation Update:

      He talked about Rush really being done in by the chemo. When he heard Rush’s diagnosis, he contacted him but never heard from him, sadly. Mike said cancer is easy to cure. He mentioned ***chlorine dioxide*** for possible oxygen issues.

      I hope no one ends up needing this info.

    2. Also, ***food grade hydrogen peroxide** for oxygen issues.


  32. Dear Archangel, I don't understand what you mean for oxygen problems, what can food grade hydrogen peroxide do in this case? Sorry for not always fully understanding the information.

    1. Blessings Dear Carole. No need to apologize. I remember Dr. Mercola mentioning using the food grade hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer for lung issues. Mike had mentioned the chlorine dioxide treating lung issues, too.

  33. Natural News) The joke of the day is that after analyzing the DNA of the “human remains” found at the scene of the Nashville bomb, the FBI has just declared the bomber “died of covid.”

    Given the level of blatant disinformation being pushed by the deep state and a compliant fake news media, no one would be surprised to hear the FBI announce such an absurdity, perhaps followed by Anthony Fauci claiming that if you don’t get a vaccine, your vehicle might explode.

    But something else just as absurd has now been found by internet sleuths: The RV used in the bombing doesn’t match the RV found in the driveway of the supposed perpetrator.

    Is it me or is the Federal Bureau of Incompetence getting predictable?

    1. AA - Blessings News From The Front - Details emerging

      Nash bombing, which left NO CRATER, quite likely a newer 'paper' munition (no signature residue)(my note: I can confirm hearing of these, some time ago, other sources), air-to-ground, and one designed to effect a local-area EMP. As Mike A. points out, compare/contrast to OK-City bombing. There, WE ARE TOLD, a similar-sized box-truck of fertilizer blew the faced off the Fed Bldg., completely devastating the front structure. Mike testifies that his analysis of Nash site shows mostly superficial damage to windows and soft structures, here at NASH, though over a wide blast area. So, supposedly, a 5k+ lb. bomb, inside an RV, just blows out windows and there's no crater in the pavement under the RV, AT ALL? Pay no attention to the video footage he has of apparent rocket contrail falling in the air, near the site, moments prior to explosion.

      AT*T Data Center was target, Q is who/why? (My Note: At the time of posting, AT*T declares its network 60-85% restored, depending upon sector); Destroy evidence of prior elect activity; disable grid for other Opp, elsewhere (attack took down FirstNet, which is used by law enforcement, National Guard and emergency responders); Use of event as ongoing Psy-Opp; all of these are on the table.

      Meanwhile, a bit later, Hwy 231 in Wilson County, outside Nashville, a white 'box-type' truck was reported playing similar broadcast to that of the vehicle involved in the earlier blast, resulting in closure of that highway for most of the day. Later, that vehicle relocated on it's own, (extremely interesting that, under surveillance, it was LEFT ALONE TO DO SO) and local news reports indicate a driver and a teen were later apprehended elsewhere and taken in "for questioning". (My note: That this happened clearly affirms Psy-Opp angle, though NOT necc. by the same White/Black Hats who pulled off the initial caper.)

      S Powell & Crew are apparently back in communique with T, having penetrated the screen of inner advisors designed to keep him disconnected and disempowered (Jerome Corsi -Source).


      Remember, folks, Blessings, we've been recently reminded that this is a freshly hot war with teams lining up within the branches of the A. Forces. 5 US Servicemen and a Spec Ops service members known perished in the server raid in Germany. There were several server raids besides that one.

      NASH an Opp gone awry?, just as planned?, multiple 2ndary targets after the AT*T obvious one, wrapped in a FF with a Psy-Opp chaser,... Pick one, or a few. It is all the same show, new episode, and there is SO much happening RIGHT NOW we would be simply blown away to know. Good prayer time. Maranatha!

    2. Blessings Jimboni. We are assuredly living in times worthy of a Dr. Seuss book. Ofc, if we read more than we watch tv. The premier law enforcement agency in the world is a laughingstock as their capers are easily sussed out by some with a mere internet connection and phone. I doubt those malcontents even know or care.

      I am bracing myself, yes, Dana, bracing myself, for when VP Pence betrays Pres Trump and America and flees to Israel later on Jan 6. Kind of ironic, Israel being such a great friend and ally of Pres Trump.

      It may well come down to Patriots and Militias saving the Republic.

      I think Fox Mulder and Dana Scully far exceed in ability what real FBI Agents could ever hope to attain, perhaps with a few exceptions. As they always said, Trust No One, in light of what said Agency has proven itself more than capable of inflicting on us, I propose another truism, Believe Nothing (they tell you).

  34. Blessings Family! I'd like to share what I hope is an encouragement in our wait. Our family celebrated Christmas today instead of Friday. (We had to wait on a test result which praise God came back negative!) It was a lovely time spent with family. My mom's gift to me was an old pencil or ink sketch my sister had done 30 years ago. It's a picture of a dove entitled, Love & Peace.

    Later on, after everyone left, I went upstairs to spend time with the Lord. I brought my gifts upstairs with me and leaned my sisters sketch against my nightstand where I sit on the floor and pray. As I stared at her sketch, quietly missing her, I heard this whispered on my heart:


    I had asked our Father for something from His heart to share with you all as a blessing and this, I believe, is what He would have me share. I am not tech savvy at all, and am hoping I was able to correctly copy and paste the picture my sister's sketch I took to share with you so that you can see what I see.

    May the love of our precious Lord and the hope of His coming fill you with peace and joy.
    Blessings all and maranatha!


    1. Rats it didn't work. Here's a second attempt


    2. Mom...What a lovely gift! It sounds like such a beautiful inspiration for a One to one moment with our Lord God. TY for sharing some really sweet encouragement to go on. It always does my heart good to hear something so heartfelt and hopeful being shared. That’s just the kind of thing that speaks the Truth of His Love, Mercy and Grace toward us as we watch and wait, Sister😊 TY again!

    3. What a blessing! I have heard that whisper from Him in my heart before, too. In six month's time I lost both grandmothers and my husband back in 2009/2010. Knowing that the Lord's return is so close has carried me and given me hope despite so much loss and, while the blessed hope is about being with Jesus, I do look forward to seeing my loved ones who've gone ahead as well.

    4. Blessings Sheila and thank you for your kind words. Like you, I too am encouraged when others share from their heart. :)

      Blessings Joannah! I am so sorry you have had to endure such great loss in your life. How incredible it will be when our hope becomes our reality and that new reality will be for all time henceforth! All of the heartache we experience in this current life will fade away from memory as eternal joy will ever be before us.

      Cap'n Bob I need your help! You've shared photos of your figs here, how did you do it?

    5. Hi Mom. Honestly, I had my wife download the photos for me as it's a very complicated process. Generally speaking, you need to download the photo to MyGoogleDrive, right click on the photo to remove the restricted access to allow anyone to view the link, it then creates a new link, from which you need to paste the link to a word document, then copy the middle portion and then paste onto the provided link, etc... These are just the basic steps with more to do. I strongly suggest getting someone to help you (like I did) or search on YouTube on how to upload a photo and create a URL link. Hopefully this helps. Maybe someone here at Rev12 can explain it better than me. Good luck!

      P.S. I still owe my wife for uploading the photos and that was several months ago! Lol!

    6. Blessings Cap'n Bob and thank you! This is way over my head, but I'll give it another try.....

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. It's a no go. Oh well, no big deal I'll just leave it be. Thanks again for your help!

    10. Mom, don't feel bad, it's way over my head too! That's what us "old schoolers" have to deal with! Lol!

    11. Hi mom,
      To share a photo i find the best way is:

      Use - add the photo to a folder in Dropbox and go to the sharing settings, and just follow the onscreen prompts.

      Use if you have a Facebook account, and share the link to that photo after it has been posted.

      Or use a file sharing site such as:

      Where you simply drag the photo into their photo upload box and they will generate a short term link that will last for 7 days that you can send to people who can then access the photo.

      The last option is probably the easiest for people who aren't very technical.

      I hope this helps.

    12. Thank you Jordan for helping mom and me as well. My wife says thanks too! Lol!

    13. Thank you Jordan for your help! I apologize for turning this into such a production! I just wanted you all to see it, Lol
      I don't have Facebook so I will try the other two options. Thank you again dear Brother :)

    14. Yay it worked! To view it, just click on the eyeball icon on the file bar.
      Thanks Jordan!

    15. Mom...That is such a unique rendition of the dove. I can surely see it’s specialness in the artist’s circular and restful strokes. I tried to blow it up to study it better, but was unable to do so. I did look at the noted year of 90’ in the Strong’s G:
      G#90–adiaphthoria—soundness, purity, incorruptibility and integrity—in re to its use in Titus 2:7-14 KJV passage, esp. noting Titus 2:13 KJV.

      Also looked at the meaning of your sister’s name Kimberly (if I was reading that correctly:-)
      It means:
      “From the wood of the ROYAL FOREST”

      So yes...I do believe there was definitely an intended invitation for you to share a special moment of communication with our Lord embodied in your gif and as we all know, He is not in the business of mere coincidences.
      TY again for sharing
      the gift of your sister’s artistic gift with all of us😊
      Blessings and Looking Up, Sis! He IS Coming!!!

    16. Wow, Mom! Thanks for all your effort in sharing this quite amazing and unique pic. Your dear sister’s talent shows. God bless you. Not much longer...

    17. Thank you Sheila and Archangel for your words of affirmation and encouragement. Sheila, I got goose bumps when I scrolled over your Titus 2:13 reference! And I've never looked up the meaning of my sister's name before, that's really special.
      It would be neat to be able to enlarge it, there's a lot of interesting detail in her work. In the linked picture, there's a rectangle in the upper right corner next to the X that will enlarge it a bit.
      Looking at it from a slight sideway angle (not the straightforward angle I took) to me there looks like a trumpeting angel in front of the dove.

      Anyway, like I said, I believe the Lord wanted me to share this and I'm so thankful to Bob and Jordan for helping me with this. Thank you dear Brothers! :)

      So as you look at it, remember the word whispered on my heart...... Soon.

      Blessings dear Family and maranatha!

    18. You are more than welcome Mom. Glad I could assist.
      It looks like there is a whirlwind in the body of the dove, hopefully we will be taken up in the whirlwind very shortly.

      On another topic:

      Ireland has stated vaccinating people today.

      And what was noteworthy, was the number plate of the truck that delivered the Pfizer Vax had the number of: WU 3666 K

      YTC: HUGO TALKS | number plate of truck delivering vaccine to Ireland had the number 666

    19. Mom...just got back from a drive in the Delta. Glad to see you successfully posted your sister's painting. I can clearly see the angel you mentioned. The dove and angel appear to be looking right at each other! Now that you've mastered sharing a photo using Jordan's much easier instructions, you'll be all set for the next time you want to share something. I'm surprised that more of us at Rev12 don't do it more often! Other than being a pain in the butt, it's kind of fun!

    20. Jordan...They must just get a kick out of being so “in your face” about their rotten jabs., the number listed for Phizer Vaccines Customer Service is listed as:

  35. Blessings all. A friend recently shared a link with me of a song by the Hollies. I remember it so well from my father listening to it. The two men who wrote it only met three times but managed to produce this modern masterpiece. One of them was dying from lymphoma. It all stems from a little Scottish girl, who, when struggling to carry her brother, and asked about her burden by her Pastor, replied, ‘'He's na heavy. He's mi brither.'‘

    Out of the mouths of babes..

    Lyrics and video.

    He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

    The road is long
    With many a winding turn
    That leads us to who knows where?
    Who knows where?
    But I'm strong
    Strong enough to carry him
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother

    So on we go
    His welfare is my concern
    No burden is he to bear
    We'll get there
    For I know
    He would not encumber me
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother

    If I'm laden at all
    I'm laden with sadness
    That everyone's heart
    Isn't filled with the gladness
    Of love for one another

    It's a long, long road
    From which there is no return
    While we're on the way to there
    Why not share?
    And the load
    Doesn't weigh me down at all
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother

    He's my brother
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother

    1. Such an inspirational song, Archangel. Reminds us to think outside of ourselves in line with Rom.15:1,2,3.
      Blessings and TY for sharing:-)

    2. Amen. I thought of Gal 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

    3. Hey sister...haven't heard that song for a while! Such beautiful lyrics. I especially liked, "If I'm laden at all, I'm laden with sadness, that everyone's heart isn't filled with the gladness, of love for one another." Unfortunately, so true for the times we live in! As Christians, we need to rise above and always strive to love one another and help our brother's and sister's that have a heavy burden to bear! May God Bless you, Archangel. Bobby Z

    4. Bobby Z! Thank you, brother. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve been listening to it often and it makes me cry sometimes. It evokes strong emotions. I wish I didn’t fail so much in my daily walk. It’s easy for me to give in to laziness and getting angry over unimportant things. My everyday refrain is “Forgive me, Lord.” Ah, to be able to forgive quickly and often and not get so easily trapped in the web of unproductive emotions. If this song enables us to stop and consider, I thank God for inspiring me to share it. All for His Glory.

    5. noted in the lyrics, "the road is long, with many a winding turn." And I might add, having many distractions and frustrations along the way. My best advice (which I took myself about 2 months ago) is to let go of the wheel and let Jesus take over. Although very difficult to do at times (because we're control freaks!), it makes your life so much easier (less of a burden and filled with more joy) and gives you that needed peace, hope and love that we all seek and desire. It's all about letting go and having trust in Him! So simple, yet at times, so difficult to achieve! But I pray that you'll get there someday!

    6. Bobby Z, such sage advice and so attuned to my current state of mind. Thank you, brother.

  36. Updates from the Front - Mike Adams 10/28; a.m. Situation Update excerpts (berating AA to the punch, ha! Blessings)

    It is now increasingly clear that the explosion in Nashville was not caused by an RV bomb, nor a conventional missile but rather a “Directed Energy Weapon.”

    The evidence for this includes:
    * apparent missile “trail” in the skyline video of Nashville is also consistent with a stream of ionized atmosphere and particular matter suspended in the air;
    * large blue “plasma flash” observed on a street-level video camera, an instant before the kinetic explosion is consistent with the use of an extremely high-powered, high-altitude laser;
    * this “plasma torch gasification” process, which can also be created by an extremely powerful laser burst, releases huge amounts of hydrogen gas, which is itself explosive in a conventional (chemical) sense. What an observer would see is first a bright blue plasma light, followed by a yellow fireball, followed by black carbon dust all over the ground, and this is what we observe in Nashville;
    * The fact that no explosion crater appeared on the street under the RV, but rather a layer of charred carbon, which is consistent with the aftermath of a plasma state caused by an energy weapon;
    * The (targeted) AT&T / NSA center had intercepted all the traffic of Dominion voting systems software updates and real-time remote manipulations from China and other countries;
    * The Nashville FirstNet comms system also served the Huntsville, Alabama FBI “second headquarters” which Trump was setting up as a “white hat” FBI campus;
    * CodeMonkeyZ shares tweet: I heard there was a BIG meeting last night discussing “significant intel that is so much bigger than anyone can imagine”;
    * City Blue Imaging in Rochester burned down (in past few days) as part of a campaign to systematically destroy the evidence of voter fraud. This is the subcontractor involved in the printing of mail-in ballots. All equipment was destroyed in the three-alarm fire;
    * Fake ballots in AZ arrived via a cargo plane from Korea, ballots were protected by AZ National Guard and transported to Maricopa County for counting in order to steal the election (Source: Stew Peters);
    * It appears that Trump is dealing with much more than an election war, but rather a global war against human beings as citizens of Earth.

    1. Oh! That's "beating" AA to the punch, I would never berate AA, heavens forbid!

      Some thoughts I been a thinkin', these past coupla' days, are circling back to Mike's Sun Tzu analysis. One meme which is crystalizing beneath the surface and becoming distinct, over the past few days, has been a speaking to a final frustration point with this rubber-band circus stretching ad infinitum to no resolution. In fact, on, our new intel fancy, is an article entirely devoted to suspicions that T will ultimately do nothing and roll over and seeking to call out/speak to the resulting actions of many, allegedly (I wonder).

      When one considers what he is up against and his exposure, globally, to his interests and family, it is easy to picture that happening. As stated previously, whichever way this goes, it is consistent with well known Psy-Opp tactics designed to several ends and all of them bound up in benefiting from increased intensity of the popular, kinetic response and the increased scope of the chaos involved.

      However, if the earlier overlay of The Art of War is accurate, it will over-arch all things, as they continue to emerge. The Misdirect is pivotal, according to Sun Tzu: 'When you are strong, appear weak; when weak, appear strong.' Mike spoke to this very thing in the court chaos seemingly happening when he reported, such as the TX case being refused by SCOTUS and others.

      Well now, and it is, again, the bastion of grand wishful thinking, however, IF T is on the precipice of launching a 'Biblical' counter-strike then it is pure Sun Tzu to appear quite the opposite. Going further, the validity of the ruse is affirmed and furthered by voices raging from the Base about it, ibid. Such a ploy, if it is such, greatly disarms the targets, confuses the adversary at all levels, helps flush out traitors within and requires a TOTAL reversal when it is finally 'played'. As Rudi Giuliani recently stated, when the American people find this out 'it will be "ALL AT ONCE" and very disturbing' (loosely quoted).

      When you are STRONG appear weak


    2. Blessings Jimboni! No worries, brother. I knew what you meant in your prior post:). It’s my rare (feels like) day off, so, ofc, I’m behind in everything and experiencing Romans 7:15 firsthand.

      I will def check out Mike’s SU later. Thank you for your superb synopsis.

  37. What is happening with me is very strange! I wrote several weeks ago that I have pains all over the place that come and go, and enormous pain in my left heel. Which results from having difficulty walking because there is pain despite orthopedic shoes, Voltaren extra strength and Advil and all. What is special now is that my husband started to have pain too, "in his left heel" and difficulty walking after bed rest or sitting. Like me! Heel pain is not a contagious disease! I can't find any explanation for this and neither can my husband. If anyone has an explanation for this, you are welcome to tell me. There are two of us now having difficulty walking.

    1. Is there any chance of having had a tick bite? Heel pain is a classic symptom of bartonella, which can come along with other infections through a tick bite. It is also transmitted other ways. Here is an article I found, scroll down to symptoms of chronic bartonella. The only reason I thought of this is because I have had a tick bite and while I did not get bartonella, I did read about the symptoms at some point. I got other co-infections with my lyme. The doctors do not know if lyme and it's co-infections are sexually transmitted, research is ongoing. I hope and pray that it is NOT bartonella. Another classic symptoms is stretch marks in unusual places. Hope you feel better soon!-Vicki


    2. I will watch this tonight. Thank you VS. We never know!

  38. Blessings Dear Carole. What you are describing sounds like plantar fasciitis. My father had it and was able to avoid surgery by doing stretches for his heel. I am including a link with info about it. If you have steps in your home, sometimes placing your foot against it and leaning forward can give a good stretch or stretching the calf muscles.

    1. Thank you so much Archangel!
      I will go see this site. What's weird is that there are two of us with this disorder now. My husband is also starting to have pain in the same left foot.

    2. Very welcome, Dear Carole. I know it sounds like a wild coincidence that your husband is having the same pain, but it’s actually a very common ailment. You may want to check out using turmeric as an anti-inflammatory, too, for the pain or ice, or both.


    3. Do you mean to take turmeric in a beverage with hot water or how? We love turmeric and it tastes great in food.
      But I imagine it must take a fair amount in the food for it to have any effect.

    4. Hi Carole, I'm sorry your feet are bothering you - and your husband - so much. I don't know if this would help your situation, but it won't hurt, and is beneficial for all sorts of health issues. If you have time, I'll share a link on the benefits of magnesium oil. I use it on my bad knee and on my back and shoulders when I do too much crafting, but it's helpful for inflammation, arthritis, and a whole bunch of stuff, including cognitive ability, sleeplessness, and anxiety. I make my own (magnesium flakes are cheap, which is nice :) Equal parts flakes and boiling distilled water. Store in dark glass spray bottle and spritz up to 20 squirts a day. I usually do 10 sprays in the morning and 10 before bed. You may feel a little itchy when you start using it. Your body is just getting used to all those nutrients, so scale back on the amount for a few days and then build back up. What your body doesn't need will be passed through.

      I hope that's helpful for you and I hope you and all of us will be getting our brand new bodies soon!

      Link to copy and paste:

    5. Yes, turmeric can be added to milk and enjoyed that way, or I’ve heard Alex Jones’ turmeric supplements is very good. It’s at

    6. Thankyou Rebekah and Archangel and VS!
      Thank you to everyone who is always there, present, to help us when we ask questions. God bless you all!

    7. Very welcome, Dear Carole. God bless you and your husband.


  39. Latest From But Thats Just Me
    Will The Next One Will Be The Mark Of The Beast One? (to include Ty Green's latest)

    I was watching Ty Green’s latest 2min video about internet outages and Event 201. As I was watching, I noticed the Kabbalah string that one man at Event 201 was wearing around his wrist at the 1:26 mark and, right about the time he says “put the genie back in the bottle”. That stood out to me as I had done research and learned about Kabbalah (other blog posts on it) after seeing all the red strings being worn by musicians and entertainers in Hollywood as well as on some politicians. I wondered if anyone else caught it and so I scanned the comment section and came across another unrelated comment instead. Once I read that it just clicked for me and took precedence over my wondering of anyone else seeing that red string. When Generation2434 (another YouTube channel worth your time!) brought up the comment under Ty’s video (posted right below).


  40. Rick Warren: Churches Aren’t being Persecuted by CV Restrictions

    In an interview with Steven Strang of Relevant Magazine, Rick Warren, Lead pastor and overseer of the 25,000 members, 14 campuses Saddleback church last seen having racially segregated services so that the “black fold” can have a “safe space” to “heal,” described how his church has been thriving amidst the pandemic despite remaining shut down since March. He also explains how Churches aren’t actually being persecuted by restrictions, given that concerts and large sports events are likewise closed.


  41. Vs Are Already Creating A Two Tier Caste System

    From conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact, Singapore Airlines this week is the first major carrier to introduce a digital health certificate to verify passengers’ testing history and vaccination status while Spain has announced that it will now create a register of people who refuse the V.


  42. CV-1984 & Surveillance Tech: Expect 2021 To Get More Intrusive

    Grant Geffrey had a book called "Surveillance Society" and he nailed it (nearly 20 years).


  43. Good source of various bits of information, more than just pro T worship election hysteria

    Fear No Man
    YTC Community Page


  44. Latest from Sabine Vlaming: When they found him

    Part 1 of 2 15min

    Part 2 is on her YTC

  45. Things transcendent are weird, by definition. So, weirdness increasing around the NASH incident should be no surprise, eh?

    Quick intro, for those not informed. There is a school of thought that humans naturally place into their speech a deeper level of truthful communications simultaneous to our spoken words. It is not uncommon for this deeper messaging to entirely contradict the spoken one in revealing actual thoughts/intentions.

    To 'hear' this other messaging one needs to play the spoken words in reverse. Upon doing so the other message, when present, will be specific and distinctly spoken. I've not deeply studied this and am not vouching for it's truth, however, the work I've seen done on it, though scarce, was impressive. I know this touches upon playing records backwards, and all of that, but there it is. Interestingly, we also inherently decode each other's messages, subconsciously, all the time; which adds to the "hunch" effect.

    So, now on to the post point. While this is an excellent example, possibly, it is also possibly more contrived, here. Although, in light of my opening, FA beings would likely be able to utter such, or instruct others in that, knowing perfectly well the reverse dynamic and also the Gematria (plural) involved.

    So, when "If you can hear this, evacuate immediately," becomes "I'm just wishing you a Merry Christmas," in reverse, and the Gem values of that can be shown to have encoding of both 12/25 & 12/31, well now...

    Amazingly, under 10 minutes (05:16), @ Exalted Lamb 1 also declares those dates to be front & center in IPGII Tsunami foreshadowing, as he is decoding all along. URGENT!! Nashville Christmas Day Bombing - BACKWARDS Message!! SHARE!!

    As a side note, the video of the explosion, very up close, entirely validates the prior post re DEW signature. Closely examine the opening scene, pre-blast, and note the 'duration' of the 'detonation' and compare to the craterless scene post-blast. Obviously this was NOT any conventional weapon.


    1. I really hope VP Pence is following Pres Trump’s instructions to wait until Jan 6 to act, thereby, netting even more fish, esp if declassification is on the horizon.


    2. Jimboni,

      Here is a twister on this NASH thing. Florida Maquis is leaning toward this being an OFFENSIVE pre-strike on the would-be much bigger disaster of a ka-boom.

      Summary: this was supposed To-Be much bigger IF things had gone as planned BUT D E W was used to pre-empt the trigger and thus, minimized damage.

      A theory (12/29) :


    3. Seems like T (actor in chief) is LURING folks to DC for a wild hoe down on 1/6

      A Storm is Looming

      From Headlines with a Voice, 12/29

  46. Sidney Powell: (interview with Todd Herman).

    “The very night of the election many people saw something that they had never seen before in the history of our elections. They saw votes being changed on the screen in front of them, going from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden. On top of that, the morning after the election, even that night, the voting stopped. They stopped counting in multiple districts at the same time before the vote got to 270 electors for President Trump. That’s never happened before. The only time votes have ever stopped being counted in this country on election night was when the Broward County problem developed over Hanging Chad’s in one county in FL. So for FIVE states to stop counting on election night is absolutely UNPRECEDENTED. And they did it because the vote count for the electoral college was about to hit [+ go over] 270 for President Donald Trump, because of the massive outpouring of votes for him that night. By the next morning, multiple mathematicians had contacted me and told me they knew the algorithm that had been run to change the votes. It was that obvious to people with mathematical expertise. It is a mathematical impossibility for 100’s of thousands of votes to show up for VP Biden alone and to have been injected into the system the way that they were. We have eye-witness testimony of countless people who saw votes coming in, in unsecured containers and improper means and looking different the night of the election. These people have come forward at great personal risk to themselves & their families to provide thousands of affidavits of voting abnormalities and actual crimes that they witnessed happen on election night. The very fact that the other side is working so hard to hide all of this. Federal law requires transparency in our electoral process and our elections.”

  47. Harvard Law Expert Calls on Mike Pence to Act As Thomas Jefferson Did in Upcoming January 6th Vote Count.

    “ Thus] Republicans [can] point to the historical pedigree of this position, observing that Republicans made the same argument during the disputed election of 1876 and that at least some recent law journal scholarship has supported this position. Unembarrassed by the apparent conflict of interest caused by Mike Pence simultaneously being a candidate for reelection and arbiter of the electoral dispute, these Republicans observe that Thomas Jefferson was in essentially the same position during the disputed election of 1800 and yet the Twelfth Amendment left this provision in place when Congress rewrote the procedures for the Electoral College afterwards.

    Wait, Thomas Jefferson pulled this trick? Indeed he did. The 1800 Presidential election was a contest between Jefferson, Aaron Burr, John Adams, Charles Pinckney, and John Jay. Jefferson, as the current Vice President, was the President of the Senate when it came time to count the votes. And he counted them in his own favor! Bruce Ackerman and David Fontana explain what happened in their article “Thomas Jefferson Counts Himself into the Presidency” (90 Virginia Law Review 2004, 551-643):
    Thomas Jefferson was remarkably aggressive as President of the Senate. Georgia’s certificate – granting four electoral votes to Jefferson – was constitutionally defective on its face, a deficiency that was announced on the floor of Congress and reported by leading newspapers of the day. To resolve all doubts, we have located Georgia’s certificate in the National Archives, and it does indeed reveal striking constitutional irregularities…

    Nevertheless, Jefferson failed to pause before counting George’s four electoral votes into the Republican column, declaring the final vote as if nothing were amiss. Had Georgia’s ballot been excluded, the vote count…would have admitted all five candidates into a runoff in the House… Without the decisive use of his power as President of the Senate, Jefferson might never have become President of the United States.

    Read that again: Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, the man whose face adorns Mt Rushmore, among the most revered founding fathers of our country, only became President because he used his unilateral power as President of the Senate to open and count the presidential ballots in his own favor.”

    1. Blessings Ryan. Thank you, brother, for your kind words. I think it was Mike Adams that said it shouldn’t be that one man should have so much power i.e. VP Pence. Even if he allows the fraud to proceed on its dubious path, there are still powerful remedies to set things right. It may come down to We The People. Astounding how our Founding Fathers provided for this inevitability. How prescient those brilliant men were and my admiration for them and our Constitution swells as we get more mired in the muck of the DC Swamp. Many prayers are invading the Throne Room of Heaven for the brash billionaire from Queens right now and the righteous few on his side.

  48. Blessings Family, I would appreciate your prayers. We found out a little while ago that a close family member who was here on Sunday began to feel ill after returning home and has tested positive. Please pray for healing of our family member and that the Lord would spare the rest of us (11) from becoming ill.
    Thank you in advance!
    May the Lord come quickly! Maranatha!

    1. So sorry to hear this, Dear Mom. I’m praying for your family. God bless and protect all of you.

    2. Blessings Rebekah and thank you! You were on my heart and in my prayers a little over a week or so ago. I pray you and your family are doing well.

    3. Blessings to you Archangel and thank you! Hoping for the best!

    4. I pray for you Mom and the family too.

    5. Mom...Praying in the Name of Jesus for you and yours to stay well and healthy and for a quick recovery for your family member😊🙏

    6. Thank you Carole, Sheila, Lori, and Vickie! I truly appreciate your taking time to pray for us.

      "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

    7. Jeová, you too! Your post came while I was typing :)
      Thank you dear Brother, and your son remains in my prayers. God will bring him back

    8. Mom...praying for you and your family's safety. Hopefully we'll be departing soon! Cap't Bob

    9. Thank you Jeff and Cap'n Bob for your prayers! And also thank you to anyone who is quietly praying for me. It truly, truly touches my heart when this Family rallies around one another. Thank you all and God's blessings on each one of you!

      And hopefully not much longer!!!!

  49. Replies
    1. Thank you, dear Mom, for your prayers. My mom's go to prayer, and one I go to often as well, is that we all hang in there till Jesus gets back. I have a beady eye on Epiphany Jan 6. Sooner is good too :)


  50. This is Shelia B2 territory.

    Is Google Signaling Nine9!! ??

    From God a Minute

    Final word(s) from dozens of warnings:

    1) War is coming, all over but specific to ME and
    2) Looks like game over for america (ka bloowie),


    1. I-ran Braces for US + Isra_eli First Strike

      From INL



    2. Yemen’s Entire New Parliament Killed (and more info on what is in the horizon)

      From INL



    3. Trust No Man: 2001-2021 was/is ALL planned. Do not bow for crumbs.

      From NWO Nemesis



    4. The Ten Horns Are Upon You America (+FF)

      10 Horns = 10 Kings = 10 Leaders = 10 nation/states led by these "Kings"

      1. Russia - this message and others
      2. China - this message and others
      3. Iran - this message and others
      4. Venezuela - this message and others
      5. Germany - Angie Merk hates good, IS Hitler's daughter, part of NWO 10 Nation Federation
      6. France - Macron hates good will rule like Jupiter, part of NWO 10 Nation Federation

      From Dumitru Duduman's prophetic word/vision from an Angel (aka messeger):

      Nation States to invade from the South are Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua plus some others.

      These are listed for firery destruction in one day, these today's S&G: California, Las Vegas, New York, and Florida.

      From Henry Gruver's vision: NYC, Miami, San Diego, LA, San Fran, and Seattle are obliterated by nuke clear weapons.


      Also stated by Dumitru Duduman from his vision, the Angel said,

      "The American Church worships people and NOT God/ Elohim."

      "Within the "Church" SIN runs amuck (adultery, divorce, sodomy, abortion, fornication, and all other types of SIN) and Christ will NOT LIVE/ABODE with SIN!!!!!"

      "Christ ONLY lives in HOLINESS"

      "STOP SINNING...GOD never stops forgiving."

      "On that DAY of TROUBLE, God will save those who have STOPPED SINNING and have REPENTED of their SINS"

      Q: So HOW will God save "those" who have REPENTED from the FIRE(s) to hit America?
      A1: Just like Daniel and the two others in the furnace, God will be there to protect HIS.
      A2: Just like HE saved Daniel from the Lions, this is how HE will save HIS.


      "God will forgive and save those who STOP SINNING and REPENT"

    5. Well, if we have to stop sinning to be saved, I’m out. I have to agree with PTH about the thousands of thoughts we each have everyday. Not all mine are, shall we say, sinless. Duduman must be superhuman or something.

    6. I am with you, Archangel. The gospel of grace is not to stop sinning to be or stay saved ... It is believing in the one who was sinless and perfect and took sin upon himself by sacrificing his life and paying our sin penalty on the cross.
      I listened to a channel today where he said to imagine the cross of Christ with him on it - and the first person approaches the cross and lays down a package of the 'good work' he did to show he is saved or continuing to be saved and he walks away. He went to get another fruit basket to lay at the cross. He is putting his works first. It is either adding to or substracting from the cross - from the work that Christ did. See
      Ecclesiastes 3:13-14.
      Do we think this is acceptable to Christ who took our place and died for us? In effect saying he is not enough? Salvation is a gift from God. See
      Ephesians 2:8-9.
      The other person before the cross accepted His free gift of salvation. He didn't fear God but had reverence for him. The first is motivated by fear and the other has faith in love. Any fear he has is mixed with love. He isn't thinking he won't sin and lose his salvation, but he knows he will sin, and he doesn't want to sin, because he wants to please the Father. He isn't trying to not sin out of fear because he knows that God does chastise us and he doesn't want to live with any of those circumstances.
      The person presenting his gift(s) before the cross lives out of fear because he doesn't love God. His zeal may have "heat", but he is not recognizing his own sin and his need for a savior. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. It is faith mixed with trust of who and what He accomplished.
      I am not saying this as well as the person who talked about this ... But, the grace of God is Christ, not our filthy rags of righteousness that we hold unto and present to him - whether it is our own self-righteousness or our feelings of despair because of sin. We look up to him who has redeemed us. We are the sheep - the prodigal who returns to the Shepherd, because he comes and looks for us in order that we can be, through the Holy Spirit in us, the light to the world. All praise and glory belong to God.

    7. Amen, Cathi! As for me, I will fully trust in His Perfect Righteousness and His Perfect Propitiation Alone for both my Salvation the Rapture!

  51. VP Pence’s Jan 6 trip to Israel cancelled.

  52. Hey guys,
    Check this out:

    The lady in this video went into Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in the UK on Monday December 28th, 2020 and she filmed the empty hospital. A hospital that is completely empty during a Pandemic!! is that not a bit odd? When the main-stream media news are telling us that the hospitals are over-run, and cannot cope at the moment with the surge in new CV cases.

    Later that day, the police came to her house to arrest her for filming it and were trying to stop her from getting dressed.


    The lies and deception surrounding this SCAM-DEMIC, is absolutely sickening!!

    1. It’s all so ridiculous. Asymptomatic spread is disproved so there goes the “reasoning” behind masking. A 75 yr-old man in Israel has a heart attack and dies after getting vaxxed. That nurse who fainted after getting vaxxed is likely deceased. Masks cause bacterial pneumonia. Like the woman in the drugstore said, I’m fed up. I’m healthy. People are starting to fight back. They’re going to have to fight continually. The bullies aren’t going to stop.


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.