Turning the Tables...

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. -Ephesians 5:11 
As we wait for the coming of our Savior, we are unfortunately subject to the evils that abound on this planet for the time being.  The political events of this past week are putting that evil on display, at least for those willing to look at the evidence.  The fraud is on a scale that few could have comprehended... and the media is willing and eager to cover it up.  But the word of God will not return void (Isaiah 55:11) and all those prayers said and hymns sung on our presidents behalf have surely reached the ears of our Father.

Hope and faith come into play at times such as this...  This is when our faith should shine...  We are not the first of Gods people to feel like this.   Gods people have been subject to worse situations, and His enemies have been in far stronger positions...yet time and again God has turned the tables!   I am choosing not to worry.  I believe God is on our side.  And just like in times past, I see how God can turn certain destruction back onto his enemies, when it was intended for His own.

Here are 3 examples of this principle:

1. Red Sea Miracle
Egypt had the Israelites pinned with now way out.  Pharaoh was set to slaughter them.  Instead God opened the sea, allowed His people to pass through, and brought destruction upon those who thought they had the upper hand.

2. Daniel in the Lions Den
Daniel's enemy's laid a trap.  They were able to get Daniel thrown into the pit.  They had the upper hand, but in the end Daniel survived and the conspirators were the ones devoured by the lions (along with their wives and children).

3. Haman and Mordechai
Haman had the perfect plan to take our his biggest rival along with all of the Jews.  He was just a day away from seeing the plan fulfilled.  Yet in the end, God exposed the plan, the Jews survived, and Haman was on the hanging from the gallows.

Those three Biblical examples illustrate the same principle.  God enemies may think the upper hand, all external evidence may point to it, but He has a knack for taking the destruction meant for our brethren and laying it at the feet of His enemies.  He did it for Moses, Daniel and Esther, He did it on the Cross, and I hope and pray He will do it in this situation.

Despite what you may have heard from the propaganda on television and the internet, this election is not over.  It won't be until it is certified.  It cannot be certified if it is in litigation...and litigation involves presenting evidence.   The evidence of fraud is abundant, and my prayer is that when it is all brought to light the destruction meant for Trump and his supporters will fall upon his political enemies.  My hope is that God will turn the tables.  Most likely it will take several recounts and rulings from the supreme court.  Things could be much different a month from now.

Here are two videos that seem to be pointing in this direction.  Watch each and every second of these videos and share this info with those losing hope...  This is far from over, God is in control and He is the way maker.   He has done it before and He can do it again!  Keep looking up!!!
Sid Roth interview with Mario Murillo Interview (18 min)
Description: Mario Murillo reveals new evidence in the U.S. election. Will President Trump be re-elected? Will the election fraud be exposed?

Pastors Point of View with Andy Woods (86 min)
Description: Friday November 6, 2020. Pastors’ Point of View no. 143. “America on the Brink.”


  1. Thanks Brad, I choose not to worry too, each day passed, means we are a day closer to our departure and meeting out LORD in the air.

    Hey Guys,
    I was working on a mini video series this week, called "The Salvation Series". Which basically has 9 VERY short videos about all things salvation.

    Hopefully anyone who needs to see the videos will stumble across them. But just thought I'd paste the link here incase any one wants to check them out...

    YTC: Jordan Clarke - The Salvation Series

  2. Brad, Blessings; thank you muchly; very fitting and well done.

    AA, Blessings; excellent shares post-200 mark on last thread, worth the go-back for all.

    Well, while respites may loom, justices yet undone prevail and exposures come to pass, and we will certainly rejoice in them all, a clock ticks and continues to approach the role from a.m. to p.m.

    China has announced the launch of the first 6 G Satellite. Even if it is really a hot air balloon on steroids, the 'tell' is that we again see into the immediate future. McFly?! Maranatha!

    1. Thank you, brother. It sure comforted me. I know Shakespeare said, “Let’s kill all the lawyers” in Henry VI, but I’m sure he would have made exceptions for Giuliani, Powell, Sekulow et al and the magnificent Clarice Feldman. Sometimes, a lawyer can be one of your best friends:)

  3. RE: Elections Assessment
    I would agree but there is a difference that you cannot stop Prophecy. My take is that there is presently a dichotomy for the USA though. How? In how is has to fall. Not being fatalistic, nor desiring it nor apathetic as in ‘let the Biden’ win. The fall of the USA has to occur Politically because as the 2nd video with Andy Wood stated, the USA has to be taken down. Why? It is in the way of the ‘Elites’ who are at the ready to usher in their New World Order. It is coming weather Biden or Trump wins. You think that it is not going to happen if Trump won?

    And to many Christians that have hoped it would be Trump, would they sigh a relief and go back to not trusting Jesus -wholeheartedly? It is a cynical question. Then Spiritually, the USA has to fall. Why? It is now ‘filled its cup’ with abominations….The USA’s sins are brimming and on the brink as Andy alluded to. This fraud exposure, I suspect will amount to nothing, just like the Planned Parenthood baby parts being sold, or Epstein’s, Pizza Gate…the list is long.

    I was writing-up a political/prophetic response to the US Elections here but ended-up being over 1 page, then 2 and 3, 4. So, the link will be below. Just to say that Trump knew all this was coming, so why not use his executive powers to address the issues and ‘cut it off at the pass’? I am disappointed in Trump. For his ‘Art of the Deal’ and knowing the Swamp, he knew better, or something is up? There is now no time for ‘proving’ Voter Fraud in the courts. And where is Jered? Sure, the Electoral College could reverse all this and will see if that happens but not likely unless it is part of the Cabal’s calculus to do so in a scheme to really foment a pseudo-Civil War perhaps.

    Just saying something is fishy here. But the ‘horse is already out of the barn’ or Biden. You will not be able to put this back in the bottle. It is one thing to be able say, ‘I won’. But you have to prove that even if it be true. The Cabal will make sure that does not happen. Most or many Judges are Masons. But this is my point. The mere case of how this fraud has been perpetuated is symptomatic of America’s core condition…That the USA has become ‘fraudulent’ on all levels. What happened to the ‘City on a Hill’?

    I suspect that all those fraudulent ballets showing up at 4am at the Polling Stations have been orchestrated by the very Intelligence Agencies that are against him and run by the Cabal. They are all in the fix…If one issue has come up for Trump is just how much corruption has been exposed during his Administration and this is something that cannot be allowed to continue.

    If one thing I did miss in my write-up, in retrospect is that what did not help Trump, ironically is that since there was no major war or military operation during his Administration, that usually rallied the nation around the President. But I wholeheartedly support all that are exposing this fraud, but Trump should have been working on this for 4 years to have this not happen.


    Article: Solomon Syndrome – US Elections Assessment

    Call for an Uprising YouTube

  4. Hi Guys,
    A new video just up from from the Interrupts 165 channel.

    Interrupts 165 | Understanding The End Times Events Escape, Rapture, Then Return (1 Hour 26 mins)

    I haven't watched it yet, but going by their last few videos I would imagine it would be a good-one.

    1. Jordan, Blessings; beat me to the punch with the link. I'm only about 5 mins in and wanted to give a heads-up on expectations. Amish is taking a very classical approach to laying out there understanding which has baffled so many when referred to, in passings. They will, it seems lay out their 14 year scenario, 40 days of Christ, likely more, but, first, we start with a 'definition of terms' both to bring along babes who are new to all of this, as well as to Scripturally and logically underpin every brick in the build.

      Remember, the 1st attribute of the Bereans is that they received the Good News with a 'Readiness of Mind'. So, if the opening seems a bit pedantic, let it roll; maintain openness as I would not be one to argue that it isn't HS Led so trust the path taken.

      RCH12dotcom has one out built entirely around DT having lost in past tense. In light of Lu's thoughts, Blessings, apart from RCH12's perspective speaking volumes about foreign perspectives, likely worldwide, it may well be spot on, ultimately. Hey Lu, as you touched on and I posted previously, I see a mass judo move afoot designed to unravel the emotional heart of this land and turn it against itself; that he HAS been diligently working this for 4 years; and the layers will continue to unfold in unexpected and unprecedented fashions and everything on stage now is to delegitimize the next phase. Ofc, your picture is the MORE likely, esp in re national memory B v G, et al, and either one can be stoked to fever pitch easily, surely.

      In any event, after a day, or so, of YTC'ers catching their breath and now putting some hot, spicy dishes on the table, let's all remember to play nice.


    2. I think I'm on the same page as Lu being as this is not our world nor the outcome of this election our Blessed Hope, but there are too many Christians out there who are not ready to let go of it despite the obviousness of that cup of abominations being full--to the brim, it would seem to me. I have read here and there the idea that yes, this outcome will be overturned, but for nefarious manipulation rather than redemptive purposes. The far left wing is ecstatic to have their man/woman in, they celebrate their victory, are high on their socialist possibilities of freebies for all, then wham--the gavel comes down and it was all for nought--the orange man still reigns and they go totally ballistic with the burning, looting and rioting--justified in their anger to steal, kill and destroy. The Right has no choice but to take up the arms they still possess and a survival of the fittest war is on, but as TPTB see it, their desired New World Order will arise from the ensuing ashes of Chaos. So what happens with the US govt. is anybody's guess, but as for what happens with the Body of Christ who are now spread out across the whole world--we have the more sure word of prophecy, Amen:-) 2Pet.1:19

    3. aaaaaand there's your HAMMER, once again.

  5. TY Brad for the encouragement and I've been meaning to get to Pastor Andy's vid and just keep getting sidetracked. So this was just the weirdest thing today, but a God-thing nonetheless.

    Speaking of "McFly"...Based on Jimboni's ref I watched Bro. John's vid @WFTGD re the Gen. Tom McInerney exposure of the Hammer Surveillance Program and the imbedded Scorecard vote-flipping app which with further research appears to be a very plausible scenario re the election theft and one that is getting more and more coverage. A Lou Dobb's interview with Sydney Powell and Tom Fitton explains it as well (and also interesting to note that as it was being used for surveillance to gather leverage on high-powered individuals such as The SC*TUS, the Ch. Justice JR surprisingly sided with the libs in most major decisions.) But as soon as the Hammer Program was mentioned, I was prompted to go "Back to the Future" again, so I jotted down a note to myself and finished watching @WFTGD's video. (I also learned that this Hammer Program is referred to as "the keys to the (or their) kingdom" for it's capabilities re blackmail and voting manipulation.)

    To make a long story shorter, I ended up on the Aug 7, 2018 post Brad titled "Til The World Ends--Peter Garcia" where on 8/8-9/2018 we had a convo going re "Kilauea, a Hammer and Hurricane Hector"--which The Weather Channel had dubbed a Time Traveler that goes "Back to the Future". Jimboni had cited Is.59:19 in re to Kilauea being a sort of "Hammer" and I had come across the water "Hammer" which is a pressure surge or wave set in motion to stop or change directions suddenly--to create a momentum change. (Pretty much what this Hammer/Scorecard app has apparently accomplished in this election.) *Sherry had also noted that HRC used a "Hammer" to destroy her incriminating devices.

    So what's my point in this re-hashing? I think it may be that the prominent exposure of this Hammer Program cropping up right now is a marker for us. The name HECTOR means "TO CHECK OR RESTRAIN" and Jimboni had pointed out that Hector is phonetically entangled with "hidings and revealings" and that he was not counting Hector out even though we saw it fizzle at the time. We also discussed the Removal of the Restrainer and the sealing of the 144K and Cathi had brought up Esther and the meaning of her name being "Star"--which has been another current topic. It was @WFTGD that first put those "Back to Future" clues out there a couple of years ago if I remember correctly and it just feels like those clues we were being given back then were actually pointing to right where we are now and in a major way. I don't know if this is making any sense at all, but there it is. Just feels like He is saying that all of what we've seen in the past was pointing to where we are right now and it's finally Hammer Time! Just as soon a "Hector" is out of the way;-) Maranatha and Looking UP!

    1. Shelia B., Blessings. Love your post; HS wave: Surf's Up! Grab a board a RVCA! Your close tickled a connection back to God's Gifts recent unpack of the 19 kings of Israel, the last being Hoshea.

      (Sidebar, Hoshea served after murdering the 18th king and an interval period of no-rulership known as an 8-year interregnum of warfare, after the killing. Sound familiar?)

      Anyways, in terms of HECTOR being 'out of the way' in like manner to Hurricane Hector, which "we saw ... fizzle at the time", GG's touched upon HOSHEA's final passing, vanishing in the pages of history, as being shown in Hosea 10:7 KJV,

      "As for Samaria, her king is cut off as the FOAM UPON THE WATER."

      Think of the mirrored duality there, THE KING, BoC, and the 'king', presently, both vanishing as the 'foam upon the water', and here, your picture taking us back to that EXACT water illustration, which we NOW see from Scriptures aligning with now, to where we were, back then, looking back, to see our own future, here. Wowzers. 11/7 10:47:


  6. Thank you Brad!
    A time for Christians to call upon God and say: "Now what Lord." Knowing that there is more heavenly work to complete ,prayer with thanksgiving, and reaching the lost
    As Pastor JD Farag. nmentioned: God is STILL on the throne! Let us finish the heavenly race by His Spirit and be with Jesus our Lord and Savior .

  7. Pastor Tim Henderson is calling for a corporate fast of breakfast, tomorrow (or any 1 meal, if getting this later) and spending some of that meal time in prayer for Truth and Justice to be done.

    He reminds us the lady with the faith in Jesus and The Word: (1) SAID, "If I can but touch the Hem Of His Garment; (2) ACTED, touching his tassel; (3) RECEIVED the Blessing Of His Response; and (4) SHARED her testimony, of Christ, with others.

    In like manner we would Discuss our assembly and the Faithfulness Of Him To whom we gather, act to fast a meal in faith, receive His Favor for our faith, Whatever That May Look Like, and, then share what Our Lord Does, with others, while we can.

    Sounds good to me.

  8. Is America Over?
    Not to be a bit sensational here but based on what the ‘eclipses’ or the ‘Sun, Moon and the Star’s would say, the USA as we know it has 4 more years. And that of a ‘Dark Winter’ syndrome. How so? Consider that the ‘Eclipse Story’ of the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 is not over yet, much like the Revelation 12 Sign. And that factor being its ‘shelf life’. So, I would say, its ‘prophetic’ shelf life perhaps? And it was in tandem with the Great Sign, at least in ‘Act 1’.

    ‘Act 2’ is coming on April 8, 2024. The ‘reverse’ Great American Eclipse will occur then, as many know. So, what is the big deal? Well, ‘X’ marks the spot, or will it be an ‘X-ing out’ or Exiting out as a Nation? As I have mentioned and alluded to, GOD gave the USA 4 years of a reprieve, much like Nineveh with Trump back since 2017. There was some ‘repentance’ and waking-up but in the end, it succumbed to judgment. And so, I suspect that is what will befall the USA, sadly. Not something looking forward to or wishing or maybe that is what is needed?

    And as many liken the eventual fall of the USA to the depiction of the Great City by the waters, how the ‘merchants’ and all those that enriched themselves with its power, influence and decadence, will so lament over her destruction in 1 hour. And is that not the chant of the Left, ‘burn it down’ anyway? They will do that legally and with all political force and desire from within. Ok, enough of this ‘doom and gloom’ but here is what the numbers show pertaining to the Act 1 and Act 2 of the Great American Eclipse saga, you be the judge.

    1. From August 21, 2017 to the September 23, 2017 Great Virgo Sign we know it was 33 days. Coincidence?

    2. From August 21, 2017 Act 1 to Act 2 of the crisscross corresponding total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 is or will be….

    2424 days, end day included. What?

    Interesting no? 24 as in a double whammy of a duration of a time of day and night perhaps? Perhaps alluding to the ’24 hours’ of ‘day’ we had with Trump, but now ’24 hours’ of darkness, a Winter Darkness with Biden. I liked the video that noted how ‘Bi-Den’ is alluding to a division, etc. Prophetic perhaps? I think so. But then as mentioned, it gets creepy. How so? The exact halfway marker from 2017 to 2024 eclipses is……is….December 14, 2020. It is the 1212th day. And now we know what is so special about this day.

    1. The U.S. Electoral College meets to ‘certify’ the Presidency.
    2. A total solar eclipse occurs on this day?! What….

    Only a day that will decide the most contested U.S. Presidential election in the USA’s history…Nothing else. So, to just say that we are at the ‘intersession’ or midpoint and we are about to go then into the ‘Dark Winter’ that will culminate with the end of Biden’s President, if he be he in 2024.

    Remember, I did a study on now this coming year, 2021 will be the end of the 33rd cycle of 7 years since the USA started coining its money supply by way of the Banksters….they started it and they will ‘pull it’ down to make way for the Reset. So, just saying that for this ‘Dark Winter’ we are about to experience, may we put on the ‘thick’ coat of the Holy Ghost’s anointing and protection!
    Love America,

    Chart: X Eclipses Across America

  9. So, while the media was announcing the “President-Elect”, the real President posed for a pic with a bride on her wedding day..


    1. From SMHP - Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me!

      Slick Willy said MAGA too, did you know?

      16min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4X6i8YOL6o

      If voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it. Elections are selections in this Hellywood charade we are living in. Right and left were put in place long ago to divide the masses while they continue forward with their one world order satanic system. A reset is coming and many FF events are in the pipeline.

      Stop putting trust in your government god (are you listening TH???). Yeshua Jesus is the only one that can save your from eternal damnation. Put your trust in him and him alone!

    2. Ofc DT was playing golf on this fabulous weekend weather day we had here in DC land, there is no pressure as it is all going as scripted and there is NOTHING to worry about, might as well get in a round of golf.

    3. Forgive me but when did liking or admiring someone or even loving him or her become akin to trusting in or worshiping that person? Am I wrong to vote against a Chinese-owned traitor? A man and family so woefully compromised that his camp is already openly discussing burning alive their opposition? That’s correct; they’re discussing burning Americans alive after already stealing an election. Guess they’re gonna just dispense with the gulags and start executions.

      If fighting against and protesting my own enslavement and that of fellow Americans and not acquiescing to it is wrong, then I’m guilty as charged.

    4. I suggest one study third world revolutions and see what Castro, Mao, et al did to their opposition.

    5. There is no personal attack here.

      The point being (and esp with SMHP) is they (red and blue) are both on the same team and this is all scripted.

      Stand against evil for sure but know it is all just an act and we (the general population) are being played as fools.

      Don't get your body all twisted up..... this is all one giant (evil) play.

      Let go of this carnal world. Turn off the TV, the radio..the Internet.

    6. 2 Wings Of The Same Bird - They Are Openly Mocking You!
      30min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvdA3p1LHoY&list=LL&index=4

    7. I understand about evil people in high places pulling the levers of power. While we are in the world, we still have choices to make that we deem to be in our own best interests. That's all I'm doing. Listening to Rush as I post this😄

    8. Tell me you don't listen to Chris Plante:)

    9. From https://www.but-thatsjustme.com/cant-you-feel-it-dont-you-see-it/

      Note: If you have followed my blog these past years then my belief in this world system will not be a surprise to you. I am thinking a major twist is going to come and cause the chaos and riots that are one major goal to gain order out of chaos to help in the cause of bringing the country down and to shove it into the Beast system global government.

      I think the rug may be pulled out from all the celebrating after the Supreme Court announces that Trump is the winner. Just like back in the Bush Gore deal. But for me, I do not think any candidate has our best interest at heart. I think it is them against us and has been for quite some time.

      People don’t have to believe that if they don’t want to but what people may want to brace themselves for is the chaos that is heading our way and the judgment on this country. Our focus needs to be on Jesus and his coming kingdom not America.

      We are in the last days.

      The Tribulation will begin and judgment is coming. It matters not if the double cross happens or not. Even if they keep the announced winner as president the end results will be the same.

      Tony from A minute to Midnight posted this 11/8. Very interesting. Use discernment as usual but take it in consideration just in case we see these events actually take place! Only 12 mins long.


      No radio talk shows for me today. A while back, sometimes. CP rings a bell, but I listen to Wagner before I'd listen to any radio jock talk.

  10. RE: Mario Murillo

    Here is one where this Mario fella is selling ($$$$) the spiritual secrets (the Jesus-Business). Seems Mario is from the Binny Hinn's ilk as well as Bethel's School of Healing and other (FAKE) healers. These guys are known to use devices (lke B did in the first debate) and other shenanigans for their shows.

    Mario Murillo proclaims that 1,054 people were healed that night. A variety of ailment and diseases all disappear. But was there every any follow up to this?

    11min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQEcGyeIiy4

    Wow, Really? Aligned with Sid Roth, what a duo.

  11. Sid Roth is a joke and so is DT's "spiritual" advisor Paula White:




    No wonder why 'Christianity' has become a household joke... It is because of these WOLVES


    These are embarassing for any true believert but it is very easy to make light of 'God' and not fear Him because of all these preachers/ pastors/ televangelists/ faith leaders etc....  They are certainly "praying" now because they are ALL losing their access to the WH and their seats within the WH. Of course with B there is no "faith" council.

    These are all short, under 2mins ea  


    Cat meme:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkrnpX8ZsOQ



    RWW News: Paula White Uses Kenneth Copeland Church To Rally Support For DT


    Note: Franklin Grahm, Greg Laurie, Jack Hibbs and ALL others on the WH "faith" council are invited by this PW character as she is the (cult) leader of DT's "spirit" posse. So, these WOLVES are invited then they have to accept the invitation to DC. Therefore, they might as well be on stage with this Word of Faith Properity JOKER. (just as much plastic surgery as the Joker, eternal smile they have)

    Birds of a feather flock together.

    I want nothing to do with any of these charlatans or the remaining 98% of those out there today.


    Tracy Cooke and Kevin Zadai Together With Sid Roth! - Sept 2020
    7min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIiJhTCPsto


    There is a whole volume on Sid Roth's mockery of the Faith/Bible/Jesus. Did you know before entering into the "Jesus business" he was Wall Street Financial Guru?   

  12. Hey BS, you should take a break from the (mainstream media voice) Rush pedal and put more attention over here:


    At least the CRN is more Biblically sound than RL. While a hero for the right, he is the "business" afterall.

    And as WE SHOULD KNOW BY NOW, tis all a show and Bill Mayer/ RL are just two sides of the same coin.

    You need to let RL go, he is just another actor on the stage with the others. Search out Josh Sparrow and Jeremiah Cohen's YTCs to "see" what team RL is really on at the end of the day... it is not team Jesus (while he "proclaims Jesus") but this is just for the (evangelical) show ofc.

    These "famous" Christians may be in the Gospel of Mark camp.

    1. Blessings BB. I am reluctant to pass judgment on anyone’s salvation or not since it’s not my job and only God can know the state of one’s heart. It’s between that person and God. I don’t listen to PW or other Charismatic preachers. I am drawn to Pastor Andy Woods, JD Farag, Billy Crone and will listen to others at a friend’s recommendation, but these few Pastors are my trusted inner circle. I’m praying for Rush’s healing along with Dan Bongino. I love these men. They are like family to me, and I will never change my mind about them. Many hate Rush without having listened to him as they are more apt to believe the Mockingbird media’s constant lies about what he supposedly “said” about this or that person. I listen to him everyday for 3 hours, so I know what he actually says about any given subject. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Rush. We in his audience consider him to be family, and the feeling is mutual, trust me on this. I also love his brother David who is an attorney and have read several of his books. He could be a preacher tomorrow if he chooses to do so. Rush’s family is comprised of biblical scholars and jurists. They have massive appeal to me on an intellectual level much like Ravi Zacharias does,and as far as turning away from them, it’s not going to happen:).

    2. I will check out CRN. I humbly believe that we can still learn from people we don’t agree with as discernment from God guides us in this arena.

  13. I will refrain from posting the entire blither, but in summary:


    "T will be re-elected, but he will be removed soon, O will return to the stage to start the final three and half years.

    B will be taken out also, B is just a puppet of O. In fact, behind T and B, O is controlling everything.

    They work together, whatever T and B are doing right now, actually is to stir up riots, violence and civil unrest, this is what they want.

    T is simply doing whatever his master tells him to do, provoke people to fight for him, to bring about massive chaos, riots, civil unrest and divisions, to usher in the New World Order, to make the son of perdition sits on the throne, and to bring utter destruction to the United States.

    They are carrying the banner of righteousness, but actually THERE IS NOTHING about righteousness in it, many many of my children are DECEIVED and DELUDED by T.

    My children think T is for Israel, but look what he has done to Israel, he is making a way for O, the anti-christ, so that the son of perdition could sit in a man-made temple and call himself god, so that he could sign a peace treaty TO DIVIDE My holy land.

    I grieve for America, she is about to fall, just in ONE HOUR.

    But I have the Remnant, I shall rise them up to bring in a great spiritual revival in America while the judgements fall upon her, bring many many souls to enter into My kingdom."


    So, cold water splash Ice Man AND to the I-165 crew..... some say 2024, some 2027, and some say 2033/34. This message/blithering says things end in 2024....but only "time" will tell right?

  14. With all that is going on in the US and around the world I keep coming to Psalm 120.

  15. G'day, Family, Blessings.

    Surfing, this morning, and we are seeing another set of 2 Watchers coming to a similar place, by different means, entirely. That place is already well lit by others, through their own methods and uncoverings, such as I-165 and others. It's immediacy, over these next couple days, invokes protective diminishment of their messages as we seek to protect our hearts from another trip 'round this mountain of delays, which aren't. Most, however, likely press on in the same spiritual cognitive dissonance which has brought us this far, illustrating a walk NOT by natural sight.

    T Renshaw has been on twice, this morning, unpacking things in-flight. Her 1st offering, RAPTURE ALERT🚨🛑🚀, while echoing several points/counts we've already noted, she quickly opens new lids on these boxes and it goes by quickly, like a slide show running a bit too fast. Her mind so adroitly leaps from aha to aha that pausing, often, and prayerfully meditating on each point will serve listeners well. Her trail, there, ends rather abruptly at 1143, the # of days from TGW to today, 11/9/20, with 1143 being the last stop on a series of fairly amazing connections. Well, Prompted, it seems, to go a bit farther, the theme of late, her 2nd video, There will be weeping., shortly thereafter, takes us to 1145. Both videos, together, are about 20 minutes and, after watching them, then step over to TRP.

    The Rapture Puzzle's Journey mirrors all the rest, with stops and starts and do-overs and revisits, et al. The diligence of her work can be difficult to follow unless one's been tracking the details all along, and many haven't the patience, myself included. Wonderfully, Our Lord Fashions Our YTC Watchers Such That we all tend to have our 'fav's', which we can digest most easily. If TRP isn't one of yours, her latest, at 11:22 (!!! yup), is light and easily placed in context even if not closely following her work. Again, esp in light of the convergences all around & as I ref here, after prepping with 'T', head over to 11:11 & The War to End ALL Wars!!!.

    TRP, like Sheila B., Blessings, did recently, takes us back to points highlighted not far past, these concerning WWI ending on 11/11 @ 11:00, et al, as well as other, quick details. If you've been following the convergence surrounding 11/1-11/11, prayerfully ponder T's thoughts and then take in TRP's latest, you will surely also see that SOMETHING major is breaking: the Dawn?

    Be Blessed, Maranatha!

  16. Replies
    1. And a quick repost of some of the blither above:

      "T is simply doing whatever his master tells him to do, provoke people to fight for him, to bring about massive chaos, riots, civil unrest and divisions, to usher in the New World Order, to make the son of perdition sits on the throne, and to bring utter destruction to the United States.

      They are carrying the banner of righteousness, but actually THERE IS NOTHING about righteousness in it, many many of my children are DECEIVED and DELUDED by T."

    2. There’s no moral equivalence here.

    3. BS, see above re: B, T & O for fuller context


      From another blithering...

      "Everything has been laid out. All the players are assembled and the stage is ready for what comes.

      Your king (T) is a key player in this drama that ushers in the New World system that will collapse the institutions and freedoms you once knew. Soon a decision will have to be made regarding your Presidential election.

      KNOW THAT MY HAND IS UPON THE WORLD’S POLITICAL STAGE AND THINGS ONLY HAPPEN IF I ALLOW IT. I AM SOVEREIGN and MY people must open their eyes and see the deceit all around them – but also My SOVEREIGN HAND In this political farce.

      The man who is your leader (T) will be reinstated but know that his fall is imminent as justice must prevail in this hour.

      I have asked My people to repent and their king to acknowledge Me but all to no avail.

      The world is too busy playing politics to consider Me the GREAT I AM – but there will come a day when all will know My name."

  17. WILL TRUMP Still WIN—WHAT NEXT? | Data Dream of Dana Coverstone, Jeremiah Johnson & Kenneth Copeland.


    Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

    1. Apparently, Pastor Dana saw a casket on Dec 17 with the remains of the dem candidate in it.

    2. Have you checked on the new VP spose heritage ?

    3. Blessings VeeBee. We have had a foreigner in the WH before....seems like it’s no big deal to Congress.

    4. Lol! VeeBee, sorry didn’t realize you meant “spouse” thought it was “supposed”. Too much caffeine today🤣

  18. STOP

    Whatever you were planning on doing next and read what God's Gifts has posted. It's under 5 minutes as she scrolls though the online post of a committee member of a CAN*DIAN Political Party, as you read it to yourself (no sound).



    1. We are now in the second wave of the virus and our region is "red zone". Confinement and everything will repeat itself as in spring. We can no longer have any gatherings and we are not allowed to have a single person in our house or on our land who does not live with us. Not even a neighbor who comes to talk to us. Single people will have the right to only one person to visit them. We are at this beautiful episode !!! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

  19. Yes, Thorough agenda for the boroughs on Earth. Jared read this a few weeks ago. A shocking decision. by the council. To add to the robust nature of rhe plans, the French report (Archangel posted a link) summarizes the process and nightmare with the planned pandemic
    Fortunately, they reported real solutions that incorporate prevention. Waiting for the Lord to expose all the evil plans. Our God Says: . And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

  20. PTH, 12 minutes previously, citing NEWSMAX:

    Huge News! PA and AZ now undecided and rumors are NC following same Path. Victory for Pres. Trump

    VeeBee, Blessings. Hadn't followed that trail before and didn't realize was a repeat, apologies, all.

    1. Jimboni, you are never a repeat.. Deep conscientious, gifted and a servant of the Lord.. And ,hear you are at the fun table with believers in heaven

    2. Well, I'm not privy to the seating chart and certainly won't reco any changes to it, amen. Still, I have a suspicion that, while it won't quite be Animal House, it won't be Sunday Brunch at Sunset Acres, either.

      BTW, quick 'lil PSR: Our Scout's previous 12-18 hours, in rising crescendo, is wave after wave of opening sensations from waist to toes. Sensation is growing continuously in random spots, much more frequently than previously, such as, earlier, rubbing the muscle above the Achilles tendon and felt it; likewise other, random spots. These spots/events likely mappable if we knew the pathway of the neuro-circuit, but, intuitively, and Spirit Led, the progression is recognizable, just not predictable as to where, next.

      For those not familiar with Spinal Cord Injury, every single time anything new happens below his demark, at his waist, it is a major victory, and not a 'one-off'. When popcorn kernels pop, they don't turn back into kernels, again, after they cool, right? Similarly, every time a new area 'pops', it is OPEN and begins to very slowly regain more connection. In the last 2 days, more as it goes on, he is a walking fireworks display and clearly in the process of getting a LOT back and quite possibly soon. Neuro-recovery, completely outside the published knowledge base of modern medicine and most commonly discounted, by them, as unachievable and certainly not something one can initiate or develop, involves reactivation of neuro circuitry with interactions and catalysts completely outside modern understanding, but there, nonetheless, incontrovertibly. From my own experience as a head injury survivor, and my research, it is well established that such recovery commonly comes in 'spurts', as we've seen, and, is also marked by sudden major advances in function, while ongoing, from whatever causation involved, often beyond common understanding of what is even possible. The patterns afoot these last 2 days, esp today, say that such a wave is breaking for our Scout. Nice timing, eh?

    3. Forgive the reflexive (Prophetic?) figure of speech. Our Scout is not YET a 'walking' fireworks display, but you get the picture. The 'walking' part is still in the wings, but prepping, surely, for it's entrance, amen.

    4. Jimboni.....First of all...I am touched to the heart reading about your scouts nerve regeneration. I can only imagine the ongoing trial this has been for you sir. I must say a sincere prayer for his continued connections. I realize that such additional connections or sparks have to be more significant to him as it is a much higher percentage of connections to his challenged body than it would be to yours or mine. But God bless you for hanging in their on deep prayer and all the other you provide for him.

      If I may request something of you that may help a little. I am personal friends with Vance Breese who lives in California. His dad of the same name is world famous as being one of the early test pilots for the P51 Mustang. My friend had trouble growing up in his dads shadow, and at the age of 13 he went out to make his own shadow. Vance got into a successful career of racing motorcycles, later transitioning to the Bonneville Salt Flats where he running over 300 mph on a motorcycle setting a new world record. He was the fastest man on two wheels on earth at one time., but he crashed end over end at over 260 mph. Vance lost 30% of his brain, and one eye. He was told he would never stand unaided, or speak in complete sentences.
      Jimboni...let me verify that Vance does public speaking, using words that I kid him that I need to carry a dictionary around when we talk, and he walks fine.

      Vance also is an FAA licensed gyroplane instructor amassing thousands of hours in his rotorcraft.

      Please google "The adventures of Vance Breese vimeo" and you will see a short video someone made of his story that brings tears to my eyes everytime I watch it.

      If you ever would like to talk to this famous person, I would proudly give you his private number. Vance is an icon, my best friend who has visited my stair shop several times in Illinois.

    5. Jimboni...Blessings and TY! As always, I'm so uplifted by your PSR's on Caleb--love the "fireworks" analogy! I just got a mental picture of our Scout dancing into Heaven with a trail of sparks flying from his joyful feet:-)

      And interesting that Stan brings up his P-51 Mustang share again as I've had Jayden's Rapture dream of that Heaven bound Little Red Texaco Plane (a P-51 mustang) on my mind again this morning:-))

      Also...speaking of the T. Renshaw and TRP vids and WWI's ending on 11/11 at 11:00 am, I just find that Anthem, Arizona Veteran's Memorial (located in Maricopa County) to be fascinating as the sun shines down through those Monolithic Pillars on 11/11 at exactly 11:00 am to illuminate the Great Seal of the USA, esp since this precise area was the first and as yet still hotly contested place regarding this Presidential Election. And it was 2 years ago tomorrow that on 11/11/2018 that the Earth inexplicably "Rang Like A Bell" while there are also reports out this week about that mysterious and unsettled microseismic pulse of the Earth that occurs every 26 seconds. 26=The Hebraic Numerical Value for 'The Name of GOD' Yod Heh Vav Heh. (and He did say in Luke 19:40 that even the stones would cry out in praise of Him, Amen:-)

      @israel365news.com "The Earth Is Now Pulsating At A Rate That Coincides With The Name Of God"

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. In re your Flash Vision of Our Scout 'dancing in', let me share something I've long wanted to but never had the segue.

      Last Summer, when Our Scout was having several, very vivid dreams which were clearly ET in nature, often involving seeing great atmospheric unrest outside our home, or major objects aligning in the sky, seen from our deck, and such, he had a specific dream, different from the others, and which has Encouraged Him since. First, however, one thing I noted was the consistency of ET events in these aligning with a greatly recovered, but not yet entirely recovered, Scout's condition in these dreams; either barely able to stand/walk but hesitantly, or just short of that ability, in every dream re ET events surrounding our home.

      In this dream, however, Caleb saw a vast, open, grassy hillside, many hills, actually, across a huge, sweeping landscape. Having also seen this place, myself, in a vision when in coma, I knew he was in either Paradise or a Redeemed Earth. He was observing from a higher spot, either a higher hill or simply from above, and, rather far off, though he zoomed in as the dream progressed.

      Here he saw a formation of mighty men of great stature, clad only in a non-descript loincloth, of sorts, perhaps 7 or so across, and 20 or 30 rows of them, well apart from each other, running with great pace down one of these hillsides, in PERFECT cadence and formation. Every move that any one of them made, they ALL made at exactly the same instance, as if all projections of a single man, though they were not. While he sensed that they were about a serious trek, of some sort, he also felt great joy.

      As he zoomed in to see them more clearly, he realized that, as they all ran, at great pace, down this hillside, they were all actually dancing as they ran, and,

      He was among them.


    8. Sheila B., Blessings. Yup, yup, yup. Now let's toss this ball of yarn in the air and see it get really entangled. You likely saw my comment re the monument MANYFISH discussed, with 5 Pillars, 1 for each Branch, will now be adding a SIXTH, for the Space Force; attendant symbolism abounds.

      Meanwhile, back at Kim Fisher's ranch, she recently shared a revisit of a T vision, from a year ago, I think. After posting that she noticed it was 02:36 in length and HS Reminded Her of an UNRELATED unpack she had done around G/H236, some other time, which was pretty amazing and very confirming, once all 'tied back together'.

      Well, before watching TRP's vid, I had commented on kf's 2nd vid that there was, maybe, ANOTHER unpack in that 2:36: 2 + 3 + 6 = ELEVEN. I got a Heart shortly.

      Then I kept surfing and saw TRP's vid along the way, and surfed on, all out of mind. Then, while reading your first few sentences, I got a notice someone had Sub'd to my YTC and then I saw their comment saying my connection of kf's 2:36 was awesome. Well, that redirect of my attention, RIGHT THEN, had me then notice ANOTHER unpack in the 2:36, now relating to the 11/11 monument, which, as I commented on in reply to his comment, fulfills 'every thing is affirmed by 2 or more witness.' .

      Five Pillars/Branches becomes 6 Pillars/Branches, right? Well, 2 + 3 = 5 => 6.

      The 2nd alignment is a second witness. kf's, TRP and myself make 3 witnesses. There's your 2 & 3 Witnesses.

      OK, then. Someone let this dog out.

    9. Wow...that is just so cool! And God is so good to give Caleb that wonderful dream vision of the future state of his being. I saw your comment @Kim Fisher about the 2:36 adding up to ELEVEN which was a really good catch. I just went back to see your others there and I knew I'd seen something somewhere about them adding a 6th pillar to that monument, but couldn't find anything on that this morning, so 5 --> 6=11. Hmmm....
      I really hadn't gotten far into TRP's WWI video, so listening now and I see she mentions the Mayflower. I was looking up the anniversary of the Mayflower Compact yesterday which was signed on 11/11/1620 (400 yrs ago). She sees many awesome things re relevant events, but unfortunately she loses me with her Rapture and Timeline theories, especially when she talked about unbelievers being snatched up at the same time as only SOME believers to two different fates in order to cause confusion? Really? And I just don't believe that "delay, delay, delay...we were 'supposed' to be Raptured 3-1/2 yrs ago, but it just didn't pan out" theory as I fully believe the Lord has had an Appointed Day set from the Foundation and He hasn't had to adjust anything re His Perfect Timing. It seems more to me like she is finding cover for her date miscalculations without considering the possibility of her own misunderstandings, but that is ofc, just my opinion. And you know me and how I see God's timeline as just not being that complicated. (Rapture will occur before the 70th week that has been determined upon Israel begins--along with all of the misery and miracles that will entail--and then comes the Millennial Reign:-)

      *I also need to correct myself on the Anthem monument sun timing above as being on 11/11 @ exactly "11:11" am, and not 11:00.

      Getting more exciting by the moment:-)) Maranatha and Praying for the Scout!

    10. Hey, Sheila B., Blessings. I fully appreciate your perspective on TRP and felt the same for quite a while. Over time, I've come to better 'get into her lane' and understand her ongoing work with the Puzzle as genuine and Spirit-Led. Still, I rarely watch her vids and am not raptly following her unpack, more a survey class for me.

      Yeah, the 2+3=5 becoming 6 is somewhat a poetic usage of the math to build a sentence, => meaning "becomes", somewhat like a 'function of...' notation. Back to the Rabbinic tradition that any way one can parse the letters of Scripture, soundly, Reveals.

      Good reminder of the 400 years, tomorrow, or the Mayflower Compact; 400 years being the Biblical time Allotted before ABBA Judges The Nation(s) He Has Used to correct/chastise His Own.


      Stan, Blessings. Thank you. Our Scout is challenged receiving new inputs, often, so I may not be able to get it in front of him 'ere Departure. It has been mentioned and we'll see. In any event, the sincerity and personal nature of the share speaks volumes to The Love Of Christ.

  21. It's all a show Ryan, they are all in it together. I can hear AA now, but but but Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram and Rush and Hannity. Come on.

    No no no!

    This is all a farce and I am just waiting for the next "beruit" boom heard around the world.

  22. And again, reposting from the blither above (re: zio nist news outlets "turning" on T)


    "T is simply doing whatever his master tells him to do, provoke people to fight for him, to bring about massive chaos, riots, civil unrest and divisions, to usher in the New World Order, to make the son of perdition sits on the throne, and to bring utter destruction to the United States.

    They are carrying the banner of righteousness, but actually THERE IS NOTHING about righteousness in it, many many of my children are DECEIVED and DELUDED by T.

    My children think T is for Israel, but look what he has done to Israel, he is making a way for O, the anti-christ, so that the son of perdition could sit in a man-made temple and call himself god, so that he could sign a peace treaty TO DIVIDE My holy land."

  23. IF yourselves or ANY "pastor" is a true believer in the LORD,

    THEN why are you or ANY of these "pastors" so wrapped up around this (s)election axle?


    This is all a play? Can you/ they not understand this?


    Can yourselves/ they ("pastors") not comprehend (or acknowledge) the net result is (mutual) destruction for the US? Whether T is indeed found to be the "certified" winner?

    T is NOT a savior but only part of their plan. Certainly being used (as a tool by the LORD) but T is NOT righteous yet "some" are making T to be Mr. White hat combating Mr. and Mrs. Black hat allthewhile it is all a game/ sham/ play... against humanity.

    1. We watch and comment on this as we would any other sign of the impending Rapture. No more, no less. IMHO

  24. Sorry, BB, but I just find it impossible to believe that a man who thinks America has 57 States and who said “Navy Corpseman” has the requisite military and political genius to be the AC. O is a lightweight who’s trying to punch above his weight and fails every single time. Not buying that premise for a NY minute.

  25. Not so much Hannity. Rush and Tucker definitely. I like Laura but just don’t get to listen to her as much.

    It’s not me to be indifferent to what’s happening. I dare say throwing up one’s hands and relying on Its All Out of my Control and TPTB Have it all Planned is exactly what TPTB want all of us to do, thereby making their fiendishness that much easier to accomplish. No, I won’t aid and abet them. I won’t be a party to their evil deeds by turning a blind eye and doing nothing. And, most of all, I won’t allow them to infiltrate my mind with thoughts of defeat and acquiescence to their NWO. Blither is blather. I get more reliable info from the National Enquirer.

  26. I hear you, Charlie, but I disagree. I believe that about the Bushes and the majority of the presidents before Trump...that they were all part of the big globalist team and that’s why they never followed through on what they promised. I don’t believe that about Trump. I don’t believe he’s part of the plan and that is why they hate him so much.

    I certainly agree that the globalists will try and use him and his decisions to their best advantage of course, but I do not believe he is part of their plan. Nor do I believe that Rush Limbaugh or other conservative voices are deliberately trying to mislead. You are certainly entitled to your opinion as I am to mine and I wanted to state mine here as an alternative point of view.

  27. O couldn’t draw a crowd in Philadelphia and I’m supposed to believe he will captivate the entire world???


  28. As much as I would love to see our President re-elected, I am more excited for what a Biden presidency means - the Rapture surely must be around the next bend!

    1. Blessings and Amen, Gary, but I think that's true either way. It they overturn the call for Trump and he retains the Presidency, then all hell is going to break loose on the madly disillusioned socialist left and their Globalist NWO backers will likely act in one way or another to take down the US sovereignty. But the good news IS--either way--the Body of Christ is going HOME:-)

  29. ...around the next bend? Looks like we are on a winding road coming down a steep hil.

    PTH, moments ago 02:31

    Whoa! Australians face up to 5 yrs. imprisonment and $66.6K fine for not getting it...WFS!

    1. Have The Abrahamic Blessing spoken, afresh, upon your day:

      PTH, moments ago 02:13

      Perfect Storm for Rapture! Birth Pains, Asteroids, Volcanos...Let’s Go!!

    2. Fireballs Will Light Up Sky During Northern Taurid Meteor Shower

      Article: Megan Marple, CNN. CBS4 Boston, online. Pub. 11/10/20 10:26 a.m.

      "(CNN) — Dazzling fireballs will light up the night sky in the coming days, making it a great time to grab a lawn chair and gaze at the stars.

      The Northern Taurid meteor showers have been spotted in the sky since October, but the annual shower will peak on November 11 and 12, according to the American Meteor Society. The Northern Taurids are visible from the Northern Hemisphere. "


      Note that the weather box, on the same page, shows that the High in Boston, Wednesday, 11/11/20, is projected to be 73f. In Boston in November? Maybe in the 7th/8th month, not the 11th.

  30. Sharing...

    Jaco Prinsloo (FB Page)

    “Hello Brothers and Sisters,

    Just a quick update on something interesting I just saw. Last year, part of what we saw on November 21st, will again appear in the sky at dawn.

    Tomorrow morning at the time of dawn in Jerusalem, the alignment that is shown to you in the image below will be what will be seen in the skies above us.

    You will see that the Day Star is in the middle of Virgo and Venus will only remain in the enclosed area (trapezium) of Virgo for 7 days. Tomorrow at dawn would be the middle of that 7-day time period. Could this represent the Day Star being in the "heart" of the Virgin at this time and one wonders if this could then be fulfilling this passage in 2 Peter 1:

    2Pe 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

    The moon is at the tail of Leo and the enemy has also been pointing to this part of the configuration in this alignment on the cover of the Economist Magazine for the World in 2017, when they predicted the Antichrist would be stepping forward to be introduced to the world. Last year this alignment occurred on November 21st and this year it falls on November 11th, which could also be interpreted as 9/11 since "novem" in Latin means 9. Could this be the second 9/11 that our enemy has been pointing at even by the events that occurred on September 11th, 2001?

    I am not saying that the Rapture will or has to happen in the next day, but there are some peculiarities about this celestial alignment in the heavens that are standing out to me and I thought I would share it with those who are also looking for new clues and who are eagerly watching and longing for the return of our Redeemer and Saviour.

    I hope this will bless you as it did me, just now, and how awesome will it be if we could be in our new heavenly homes when the rest of the world is expecting nothing!


    . . .


    1. Jeova... There you are! I was praying about missing your always encouraging presence here yesterday:-) Thank you for that summary re this 11/11 alignment. 2Pet.1:19 just keeps popping up. Our Canadian sister Carole wasn't given that big "Dawn" God-wink for nothing, Amen:-))
      11/11/2020--Looking Up! Something (or perhaps SOMEONE;-) is coming! Let It Be So!!!

    2. Jeova, yes a blessing to see this . Sabine Vlaming highlighted this in her blog .. thank you! Sheila, praise God you are back safe.

      Alas, another dental visit and sitting in car praying to have all the caines.(novocaine) fly away. I must say, am looking up a the blue sky whilst Jesus comes, I ll be looking up.

    3. Hi, VeeBee and I am sorry to hear about these dental woes you are dealing with ... too bad your doctor didn't have skylights (or, do they?) as you are Looking Up! May this have gone smoothly with no mishaps and no residual effects.

    4. VeeBee...Blessings, Sister and Praying for your dental work to go as easy on you as possible and praying it's the last time you'll ever have to be going through that:-)

    5. That is what I asked the Lord today when I was sitting in the dental. chair. Lord is this the last time I will be here? I have peace there is a perfect appointed time.

    6. And Thank you Sheila,I believe the Lord's sits us down so that we can pray for others and the lost. It seems that the ears are closed and the eyes are shut to Gods reaching out.

  31. Unfortunately, for many years the presidents and most government officials are merely Bank sock puppets. I voted for Trump in 2016 but when I saw how he played along with the scam-demic to test, trace and vaccinate people at "warp speed", turning  us into property of the State, I realized he was working for the Luciferian NWO agenda.  Of course I could never vote for Biden but the point is that all government leaders are compromised and they are working to enslave us under the Great Reset NWO Beast system!

    The two parties are two wings of political deception (Demon-rats - Biden and Rep-tards - Trump) on the same bird of evil with the head of Nefarious Narcissistic Nerds in Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech who are programming us through the Main Scream Media with the BS of the Global NWO reset and its religion ... "Trust the Science". The Main Scream Media is the AI propaganda/programming machine of the coming NWO Beast system that "gaslights" the public with lies 24 hours a day, especially lies concerning this "lie-rus", so you will surrender your critical thinking skills and cave in to dystopia life of the New World Normal. 

    This pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic is their final solution: hail "the virgin" Mary pass of the Global demonic elite ... they are doubling down on their lies because they know their time is short ... Jesus is coming to judge this world.

    All government leaders should be held accountable for committing crimes against humanity (including Trump) since they have willingly and knowingly participated in imposing deadly draconian measures of Medical Tyranny upon the world for a "lie-rus" with a 99.98% survival rate for those 49 and under.  It's time to stop petting and feeding the Beast by hoping this issue is going away.  There is the Blessed Hope that we will "go away" in the Rapture but while we are here we are to redeem the time!   Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings

    I have started a BNT channel to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and call out this evil.   https://brandnewtube.com/@rogersings

    Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. -Ephesians 5:11   

  32. Long time reader, first time poster.

    I live in Plymouth, Massachusetts and my church just posted that tomorrow at 10am EST they are having people from around the nation here to blow the shofar at the memorial site of the Mayflower where the pilgrims first landed on the 400th anniversary 11/11/2020.

    Just a cool tidbit of information given the timing of everything. Celebrating the big anniversary when we're about as close to the end of the U.S. as we know it.

    1. RE: The Pilgrims!
      Hey, great to have shared that. It reminded of Bullinger’s Witness of the Stars and our ‘Greater Argo’ Ship and how we are Pilgrims about to head-out! All about? Bob?!! Where are you Captain Kirk!!? 'Listen Pilgrim'....John Wayne says. ;)

      3. ARGO (The Ship)

      ‘The Pilgrims safe at Home
      This is the celebrated ship of the Argonauts, of which HOMER sung nearly ten centuries before Christ. Sir Isaac Newton puts the expedition of the Argonauts shortly after the death of Solomon (about 975 BC). While Dr. Blair's chronology puts it at1236 BC. Whatever fables have gathered round the story there can be no doubt as to its great antiquity.

      Some think that the story had its origin in name, as well as in fact, from the Ark of Noah and its mysterious journey. All that is clear, when divested of my thic details, is that the sailors in that ship, after all their dangers, and toils, and battles were over, came back victorious to their own shores. The "golden fleece," for which

      the Argonauts went in search, tells of a treasure that had been lost. "Jason," the great captain, tells of Him who recovered it from the Serpent, which guarded it with ever-watchful eye, when one else was able to approach it. And thus, through the fables and myths of the Greeks, we can see the light primeval shine; and this light, once seen, lights up this Sign and its constellations, so that their teaching cannot be misunderstood.’


    2. PS: Did not the Isrealites stay in Egyptian bondage for '400' years and then they bugged-out! To the Promised Land, a New World Order, GOD's! :)

    3. Wow! BigBoss...Blessings and that is an awesome thing to be aware of. Trumpets on the site of the Mayflower Landing and every time I think of the Mayflower, I also think of making a big move. Thank you for sharing that and wonderful to know you are with us:-)

    4. Yes! The Mayflower Compact of 1620.

      Good question re: the above. Is the American promise (to the LORD 400yrs ago) to advance the Christian Faith 'expiring' tomorrow?

      See Genesis 15:13

    5. Since you summoned Captain Kirk...

      "You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. There is no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood." James T. Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver"

    6. That's exactly what I was thinking, Lu. 400 years of slavery. Also, the so-called "inter-testamental period" between Old and New Testament was 400 years of "silence". The Lord sure does love his numbers. Even the year 2020 (20x20=400). As I was looking into it I saw a half dozen other "40s". Forty days in the wilderness, Moses was 40 years in exile, the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. First mention of Jesus was in Matthew (40th book).

      I see why you guys enjoy the search so much!
      Thank you for taking the time to respond

    7. Archangel, from what I've seen, there is a great deal of discussion relating to the time spent in slavery. Genesis 15:13 as shown by Charlie says 400, as well as Acts 7:6
      Meanwhile, Exodus 12:40 says 430. I have found several explanations that attempt to determine the starting point of the Israelites time as sojourners, including the idea that they weren't in actual slavery for the entirety of their stay in a foreign land.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Whilst we ponder wheels within wheels, and deals within deals, and steals, and squeals, and 'What have I got in my pocket?", says the king, it arises: President Trump calls ‘Million MAGA Rally’ on Nov. 14 article oann.com

    3:50 p.m. 11/10/20

    "President Trump is calling on all American patriots to join his upcoming rallies in Washington D.C. On Tuesday, the 2020 Trump campaign announced two rallies that will take place in the nation’s capital, this coming Saturday.

    The first event is called the ‘Million MAGA March’ and it will bring together the supporters of President Trump in a massive show of force for the Republican party.

    The second rally is called ‘Stop the Steal’ and it’s aimed at exposing and denouncing voter-fraud in Democrat-controlled states."


    Uhm, that sure sounds like a Mobilization of grass roots counter-counter-revolutionaries, esp in the age of such mobilizations, no? Pull in TENS of THOUSANDS of really PO'd, disenfranchised voters, tired of being on the receiving end of such, and, then what? Somehow it doesn't seem likely designed to simply coil the spring tighter; too much effort, esp for distance travelers, to go to a rally and get a T-shirt. The flailing final acts as Caesar Falls with one last counter-punch? "OK, let's all go home now, and get on the phones to our Senators and Congressmen!" Sure.

    1. Brilliant Jimboni.

      I hope to be translated and or whisked away prior to this "gathering" on Saturday mere miles away from my current location.

      I am sure the good ole boys from Richmond and more south-western areas of VA will be arriving soon, I will be on the lookout for them.

      It was not a positive outcome between the Sharks and Jets and it will not be on Saturday, between two seething sworn frenemies.

      A trap (ofc).


      BS, you making your way into the beltway on Saturday?

    2. I have to work this weekend😒

    3. In 1993, I was within 3 feet of the Don at the Plaza Hotel. Got a couple good pics of him. Showed off said pics to several coworkers. Fully expected some derogatory remarks but they all just stared in silence (awe, I wonder?). Who knew that blustery NY winter’s day, that I had crossed paths with the future Leader of the Free World?

      I remember 25 years ago, the Million Man March. And now everyone will be gathering for one man who, for all intents and purposes, is another Atlas. Hopefully, he won’t shrug.

      If you stare into the abyss, eventually the abyss will stare back.

    4. Hey Jimboni...I was just watching @T. Renshaw's "There will be weeping" video again and as she talks about the 1145 day count from TGW to 11/11/2020 pointing to the G#1145 drakuo which means weeping (and if she mentioned this somewhere, I didn't catch it) I realized it also points to the 1 time the word is used in the shortest NT verse where "Jesus wept" just before He resurrected Lazarus in John 11:35. What made that stand out to me so much is that as I made a quick drive to the Dollar General late this afternoon, I passed the little old historic cemetery just down around the bend from my house and noticed an open grave with a mound of fresh dirt piled up beside it. It was strange because there was absolutely no one around and no tent had been erected. Normally they put the funeral tent up before they leave the site, but it was too late for a graveside service today. They just normally don't leave an open, unmarked and unattended grave after dark. In fact it's usually always a same day operation. But anyway, coming back from the Dollar Gen, I couldn't help but pause there, pray for whoever was facing such a loss and think about the Resurrection of the Dead in Christ and how really, really close we are to that Miraculous Event.

      And another thing I was looking at in re to 11/11/2020 was the twilight times in Israel.
      As I've mentioned before, I've just been drawn for several years to the phrase "when the sea meets the heavens". IDK...maybe it has to do with the 153 fish being caught up, but anyway I always look at when the Nautical Twilight meets the Astronomical Twilight and tomorrow that is at 5:36 pm IDT. The Strong's G#536 is aparche--"the first fruits" and used 8x and the H#536 is umlal--feeble, weak, languishing, pining away, used 4x.

      Whatever happens, I'm praying for a Very Blessed 4th day of the week tomorrow for ALL who are in Jesus Christ:-) Maranatha!

    5. The only mobilization I have any faith in at all right now is the Harpazo of the Body of Christ:-)
      My daughter called me today as she's heard all of these contradictory reports flying to the left and flying to the right and asked me "How in the world are we supposed to know what the real truth is?" I told her there is only ONE answer to that and His Name is Jesus Christ. There is NO truth to be found in the elements of this world system, but HE is the Way, the Truth and the Life and I just told her to "hold on, Baby Girl...our Savior is coming!"

    6. I know it is the stuff of a movie thriller, but, imagine if DJT invokes the Insurrection Act from behind the podium at the "Stop The Steal" rally, after leading the assembled 80,000 person crowd in a passionate cheer of "Lock Them Up!" and then giving marching orders to empower them to fight n the streets to defend their towns. The only reason such a thought is even worth this post is that it is no more crazy than these 2 rallies, themselves, at this time and in this manner. Such a gathering of fanatics (not meant pejoratively), now, seems so out of place in the choreography UNLESS it is the PIVOT POINT. If you were DT, about to drop this Hammer, wouldn't you rather do it with 80,000 of your closest, fanatical supporters red hot for leather, in the room and ready to march?

    7. Consider the magnanimity of this Showman. He could possibly effectively Deputize every person in the crowd and give them a Presidential Directive to assist in keeping order.


    8. So how about Joker telling this in the Dark Knight?

      Fear = Chaos or create chaos to instill fear....?

      4min 4min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylwMWpbv5Fk

      Where is Miguel with the popcorn?

    9. THE DARK KNIGHT: How the creates doubt

      14min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40y7dhSS1y0

      Insert < whomever > in for the Joker here and you'll realize how they are playing their "joker" part while in front of the red or blue state of things. How much if this are we listening to now?

  35. A couple 'Peace & Safety' gatherings going on this week as well.

    Check out Sabine Vlaming's latest series for more info!

  36. For some really fun population and voting statistics supplied by G**gle, go to @Florida Maquis YTC
    "*ALERT* !Official Google Data Now Proving Presidential Elections Are Totally *Impossible(!)"'
    If it weren't so nefarious, it would be hilarious with how the narcissistic left wing loonies really believe all the rest of us are too dumb to add up 2 and 2 and get 4. SMH and Even so, Lord, come!

    1. Thanks Sheila,
      That was an interesting video from: Florida Maquis,

      What I found a bit bizarre on that video was:


      On the above video @15:18 (15 minute & 18 second mark)
      The Vote tally for BIDEN jumped UP FROM : 75,577,009 , TO : 75,577, 419
      The Vote tally for TRUMP jumped DOWN FROM : 71,038,812 , TO : 71,039,036

      Why would the vote count be changing on Nov 9th? when all the votes are already in, and counted?!!

      Hmmm, it looks like they are still playing silly beggars!!

  37. Blessings on your day, Family.

    As we seek to make out things going on behind the curtain, from in front of it, we look to observable patterns and logic to sift through. The ongoing Q meme of pending actions, mass arrests, et al, over several years, continues to have sway while also seemingly diminishing in likely actuality, daily.

    We know that, be it another act in a play, or legitimate, it will most likely happen quickly, if it does, like the strike of a rattler: by the time you've seen it, it's over. Thus, we look for tell-tale actions of import which are possible, 'last-minute' preps for such. Well, naturalnews.com's Founder's article, HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection 11/9/20 x Mike Adams, Founder, point to possibly just that. While there is nothing 'new' in his article, in terms of this meme, unfolding events, as covered, align as a doorbell, very likely. Posting this here, with excerpts and thoughts, as such events could easily begin today.

    If such occurs, it will definitely commence with an entire media blackout, for days, as we've been expecting. Web goes dark and national Emergency Broadcast System puts a single message on every screen in the country. Using the newly established system, we all get a text message from our CiC advising of his invoking the Insurrection Act, or other specifics, with orders to remain home, calm, and stand by. Remember, for well over a year, now, the ENTIRE Armed Forces Reserves have been called up and intensively training for handling domestic civil insurrection. RFB & DAHBOO have well documented the current mobilization of many thousands of National Guard to depots covering every major city in the USA as part of the 'CV' response/Vax plans, all of them 'jump-ready', right NOW.

    "Deep source insiders have been telling me for days that an “epic counter attack” against the deep state is about to be launched by Trump. "

    "Option #1) Invoke the Insurrection Act ...."

    "Option #2) Invoke Sec. 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment...."

    "Both of these options will likely require deploying elements of the military in left-wing cities in order to first carry out the arrests of the traitors and then maintain the rule of law as left-wing terrorists rise up and try to stage a kinetic coup / civil war in America’s streets. Because Mark Esper is a left-leaning deep state traitor, he had to be removed and replaced in a run-up to Trump launching his counter attack against America’s domestic enemies."

    "Watch for possible firings of Christopher Wray (FBI) and Gina Haspel (CIA) in the coming days. Bill Barr at the DOJ may even be on the chopping block, as he has... "

    "Rumors are circulating about “10 days of darkness” during which there will be a nationwide internet outage as Trump’s patriots make thousands of arrests of left-wing traitors. This rumor seems to be wishful thinking, so don’t make any plans based on it, but there’s no question that Trump knew this election would be stolen, as he repeatedly warned about it in advance. Trump is a strategic genius, and that means he planned for this. Is there a sting operation under way? We don’t know for sure, but we are certain none of this vote rigging was a surprise to Trump."

    Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator.

    1. THE LAST PRESIDENT, The Invasion is coming, Vaccines and D-DAY, Targeted individuals & more!
      From PayDroV YTC 11/11

      Note from PayDroV:

      T fired secretary of defense Mark Esper and will replace him with Christopher C. Miller who worked in "counterterrorism".

      Mark Esper was in charge of "operation warp speed" that will deliver the vaccines when they are ready. [See new links below re: OWS readiness]

      [Q:] why would they put an expert in "counterterrorism" in charge of operation warp speed that will lead the vaccine distribution etc.

      [A:] Is this a way for them to switch their transition and get ready to target individuals?

  38. US General says Operation Warp Speed vax “Ready to Execute” (Clips from 60 Minutes)

    11/11/20 By David Knight

    Note: T ordered and is funding OWS

    1. The New York State Bar Association on Saturday passed a resolution urging the state to consider making it mandatory for all New Yorkers to undergo CV-1984 vax tion when a vaccine becomes available, even if people object to it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”


    2. Seems they’re keeping mum about the fact that no one can be compelled to take a vaxx when there are clearly alternative treatments and/or prophylactics.

    3. DJT is a strategic planner alright; ACB, and 2 other SCOTUS Associate Justices were members of the Bush Team.

  39. Here’s Why Donald Trump Will Win Pennsylvania.

    Rich Welsh

    The law, you know that thing the Democrats and the mainstream news media really hate, but is still pretty important anyway, stipulates that Donald Trump has already won Pennsylvania.

    If you listened at all to the fake news media you have probably heard that President Trump wants to file a lawsuit against Pennsylvania to get them to “stop counting the votes.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The President wants fraudulent votes and votes that came in after the deadline to not be counted, and that is the law.

    These activists who sit in anchor chairs with coffee mugs that show media corporate logos have presented it as if Trump’s action is some unbelievable evil on our democracy, that it is not justified by any standards of common decency, and it is credibly unconstitutional. Actually, Trump is right and the clowns in our news media are wrong.

    The lawsuit is going to go through and it will go to the US Supreme Court, and I predict the votes in Pennsylvania will absolutely be thrown out. The reason for this is because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court broke the law to help the Democrats, and they violated Article I, Section 4 of the US Constitution while doing. Laws and rules mean things, folks. For these reasons the SCOTUS will have to rule in favor of Trump./But I thought the mainstream media told us that the Supreme Court already denied the request the Pennsylvania Republicans look into what the Pennsylvania Supreme Court did. Again, if we only had an honest news media.

    Here’s what really happened. On October 28, 2020, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania vs. Boockvar was filed, and the Supreme Court declined “a motion to expedite consideration of a petition for a writ of certiorari.” Okay, what the hell does that mean? All a writ of certiorari means, is The Supreme Court would orders a lower court to give them the record in a case that the Higher Court could review. In this case, the Court was being asked to issue a write against the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Republicans were in essence asking the Supreme Court to speed it up, because there are only so many days between the election and inauguration day. A writ of certiorari would have fulfilled that request.

  40. What this means is in the Boockvar case, the PA Republicans sent a request to the US Supreme Court to review a lower court case, and they also asked them to hurry up about it, and the US Supreme Court declined the motion to hurry up about it. But here’s what the lying mainstream news media never told you. The Supreme Court didn’t deny hearing the case. They simply said, we’re not ready to hear the case just yet, let the election happen, then we will hear the case.

    So what happened in Pennsylvania that got the Pennsylvania Republicans all upset?

    In 2019, the Pennsylvania legislature passed a law called Act 77 that gave allowed all voters to cast their ballots by mail, but as Justice Samuel Alito wrote, “unambiguously required that all mailed ballots be received by 8 p.m. on election day.”

    Here’s the exact text of the law: “No absentee ballot under this subsection shall be counted which is received in the office of the county board of elections later than eight o’clock P.M. on the day of the primary or election.” You can’t get more unambiguous than that.

    The law was also considered nonseverable. So what does that mean? It means that if any provision of that law is considered invalid, the entire law, which includes allowing people to do mail-in voting, is null and void.

    Again, here is the exact text from Act 77: “Sections 1, 2, 3, 3.2, 4, 5, 5.1, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 of this act are nonseverable. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remaining provisions or applications of this act are void.”

  41. So, in essence, the law says that if mail in ballots arrive after 8 PM on Election Day and they are counted into the vote tally, and then the Pennsylvania court overrules that law, the entire law that allowed mail in ballots in the first place is now invalid.

    Knowing this, and we have to assume that the PA Supreme Court justices knew it, in the face of the clear text of the Act 77, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court by a vote of 4 to 3, according to how the US Supreme Court summarized it, ruled that ballots didn’t have to be received by Election Day. Instead, ballots could be allowed if they are postmarked before or on Election Day and they gave the state a three-day extension to receive them, which clearly violated state law Act 77. The PA Supreme Court also ruled that ballots that didn’t have a postmark or one that couldn’t be read, has to be accepted. Another clear violation of Act 77.

    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court could have just rendered Act 77 unconstitutional and the Republicans would have dealt with that action instead of what’s going on now. But the Court didn’t do that. Instead, they changed the law, and the judiciary branch has neither the power nor the authority to do so. Only the legislature can do that.

    In fact, it’s much worse. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court actually acknowledged that “the statutory provision mandating receipt by election day was unambiguous” and the Court also capitulated that the law is “Constitutional,” and they STILL rewrote the law, because the liberals on the Court thought it needed to do so to face a “natural disaster.” In other words, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justified it’s right to change election law which just turns out to be in favor of the Democrats, under the Free and Equal Elections Cause of the PA State Constitution.

    With that said, there is a strong likelihood that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court violated the US Constitution. As Justice Alito wrote: “The provisions of the Federal Constitution conferring on state legislatures, not state courts, the authority to make rules governing federal elections would be meaningless if a state court could override the rules adopted by the legislature simply by claiming that a state constitutional provision gave the courts the authority to make whatever rules it thought appropriate for the conduct of a fair election.”

  42. In other words, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court violated Article I, Section 4 of the US Constitution that mentions how elections are to be held according to state legislatures and not the state courts.

    Here is Article I, Section 4 of the US Constitution that Justice Alito was referring:

    Art. I, §4, cl. 1, which states “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.” [Emphasis added]
    Art. II, §1, cl. 2, which states “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.” [Emphasis added]
    In plain vulgate English, the US Constitution gives sole power to say the time, place, and manner of holding elections in their state, and they have the sole power to appoint the electors. Therefore, when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that ballots could be accepted after election day, and even without a legible postmark, or no postmark at all, they violated the Constitutional authority of the Pennsylvania state legislature.

    So, no matter what kind of bullschtein CNN or MSNBC, the New York Times, or the Washington Post and others on the Left try to lay on you, this case is not about Donald Trump trying to “steal the election” in Pennsylvania, but that he is trying to make the election stand up to Constitutional authority. We have laws for a reason, and courts are not allowed to change laws.

    This is why I believe the US Supreme Court is going to rule 5-4 (Roberts is not a Constitutionalist) that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s ruling was unconstitutional as they rewrote Act 77 and violated the US Constitution in the process. This means, among other things, that the votes that arrived after 8 pm on Election Day will necessarily need to be thrown out. Since we already know that Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by 8 pm Election Day, Trump will win the state of Pennsylvania.

    1. How will they know which votes arrived late to "throw out". This will be their burden.

    2. There’s no remedy. They all have to be tossed.

    3. Rudy Giuliani has spoken about the law regarding mail in ballots. It states that mail in ballots had to be observed. This didn’t happen so they have to be thrown out.

    4. Enjoyed reading all this, Archangel.

    5. Blessings Cathi G! I’m glad you enjoyed reading the article. I heard Rudy on the Joe Pags podcast and then learned Rudy has his own podcast called Rudy Giuliani Common Sense. It’s at RudyGiulianics.com.

      President Trump has an eye for talent no matter what field of expertise it happens to be. I heard Lin Wood has joined. He helped Nick Sandmann. Outstanding addition to an already stellar team.

  43. Blessings to you all--

    With so so many things happening all around, I have been diligently researching, studying, praying, and pulling together prophetic voices in order to get a picture of what is coming as we near the end of 2020. So much of what I write contains warnings, so I sought the Lord to give me something encouraging in the midst of all this election chaos and "Dark Winter" signaling.

    Some of you probably saw that I shared already about the December 21 Great Conjunction and its significance. Tonight I finally finished my "compilation" of The End Game (incomplete as it is) and ask that you prayerfully consider it. Also, just the other day, my husband Tom shared with the family how it came into his spirit that the Lord said we are in the end game and there are not months left but only weeks.

    The link to my Great Conjunction article is within this latest blog post as well:

    Sheila, you're right I think--"If they overturn the call for Trump and he retains the Presidency, then all hell is going to break loose on the madly disillusioned socialist left and their Globalist NWO backers will likely act in one way or another to take down the US sovereignty. But the good news IS--either way--the Body of Christ is going HOME:-)

    1. Quite a compendum Lyn, I cannot believe we are even talking about winter and snow and December..... but it is already 11/11...

      And as Jimboni noted above, it is oddly warm here on the East coast, close to 80 yesterday and a warm 70 today.


      Liken to Tom's inner voice, here is something posted on Vincent Winand's community page:


      "Prepare My child, prepare to see the harvest I shall draw in, the likes you have never seen upon this earth. When I open the windows of heaven to call in the last harvest it will not in any way look like a man-made revival.

      My Spirit shall fall upon all flesh as My grace flows unto those whom I have chosen to come in at the last harvest.

      For indeed the last hour is upon you, there are days left not weeks."


      Please note, this Great Harvest does not include the Bride (aka Luke's crew). The Great Harvest (aka Mark's crew) will be post glorification during the incoming mayhem/ judgement befalling this Earth.

      Please also note: this is the second or third blithering I have read stating there are mere days left, not weeks or months...

      To your point and to Stan's perspective, days until "what"? dun dun da!

    2. Yeah, and was not the Rapture supposed to happen on Halloween, October 31, 2020 and then Jesus come down to Jerusalem for 40 days on November 9, 2020? He should be still witnessing there right now. I hope CNN can interview him.

    3. Lu, as you well know, inaccuracy in an anchor does not indict the timeline, tsk, tsk.

    4. Jimboni!!! Love you Brother and not geared towards you. Yes, it was a cheap shot. :) But if an anchor was suspect of being defective and then turns out to be, I would not want to board its boat. Just saying...

  44. Lyn....I honestly am not trying to be a contrarian, but we will be here for lots and lots of mayhem., whichever way the election turns out. I dont think 98% of the population has a clue how bad it can get with our grid going down, or antifa, blm, and the other demonic ilk shuts our trucking down.

    If Trump does turn around the election, the globalists will go all out and it will be mayhem on steroids.

    We WILL be here this time next year, I PROMISE YOU!! If you dont believe me, check back on Veterans day 2021....and 2022, and even 2023....We WILL STILL BE HERE, unfortunately some of us will be in our graves via natural death, or our lives taken early.

    Please, while they are available, get some freeze dried food at least.

    1. Dear Stan, it's a good idea to stock up on food, but if it goes too badly, we'll lose our homes and cars and everything. So we will only be able to keep part of this food supply in bags or something like that. We won't be able to hide anywhere. If it's chaos, we'll lose everything. I'm also stocking up on food, but I hope to go home this year 2020.

    2. Stan... I would just like to remind you of the encouragement found in 1Thess.4:16,17,18 and 1Thess.5:4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. I hope you don't get so caught up in stocking up that you lose the joy of Looking Up! Blessings and please don't mind me when I pay no mind to such negativity;-) He isn't called our BLESSED HOPE for nothing!

    3. Stanfoster
      Please do take this as me sounding mean or condescending but how can you say for SURE we will still be here 2 or even 3 years from now ? If you have more insight that what we all do that read here everyday please tell us. If Tr*mp is able to retain another 4 years then we ALL know all hell is gonna break loose here in America probably into a civil war.
      As I’ve mentioned in here before the deagle .com website has the USA population at 100 million in the year 2025 , right now we have roughly 330 million. That’s a huge reduction in population. That website has some other countries with less population but none with the loss it has for America . So, that tells me something major DRASTIC is going to happen ?? A civil war or the rapture. Pretty sure if a civil war starts they’ll come after the Tr*mp supporting Christians first - either way we go home !!!

      DONNA N

    4. Sheila....I wish I could prove how much I am looking forward to being with Christ. My stocking up is all for helping me help my family and to help be a bigger part of the greatest evangism this planet has seen.

      I am not trying to save myself, as 100 years of prepping wont buy me 1 second in heaven.

      But my faith builds as events unfold.

      Why does someone as myself who is of posttrib belief , come here daily and read all? It is to build my faith as there are lots of puzzle pieces I have gleaned from many that post here, that so nicely fit into my puzzle.

      I know in the end I cant save myself, but I pray myself can help save others.

    5. Stan...you CAN prove it simply by being more encouraging than discouraging. You don't know when He is NOT coming anymore than we now exactly when He IS coming, but we all should be on high-watch for Him while trusting in Him to meet our daily needs. When you try to convince folks it ain't happening for years to come, you are stepping on the very Blessed Hope that has carried countless numbers forward throughout this entire Church Age. There are so many out there who are just hanging on by a thread--people who have no means to "stock up" or may not even have the strength to get up out of a sick bed, esp. with this Covid thing denying them even the comfort of human companionship--and they get through to the next day simply by knowing that YES, this COULD be the day! Why in the world do you think He encourages all of us with that very HOPE day after day after day?! And I believe that is what He is expecting us to pass along with platforms such as this:-)

    6. Sheila B , Amen.
      I’ve been waiting and watching now for 35 years , and of course life happens some years more than others . But , like most of us here watching with eager anticipation since September 2017. And of course TPTB are hell bent on destroying America no matter who wins I can see a bad situation ( If Tr*mp they’ll start a civil war and if Bid*n he will push us straight into more lockdown and NWO ). Who would WANT to be here when / if all this starts to take place. And the tribulation to best of my understanding is NOT meant for the church !!!

      Sheila, Archangel
      I lost of one my beagles on Saturday he was only 6 1/2 . He blew every disc in the cervical area of his neck , it was pressing on the spinal cord so bad . Him and his brother both have had arthritis for years and I’ve babied and medicated them for 3 years now , but one of our neighbor dogs we think pulled him thru our fence by the snout ( nose swollen and puncture wound ) and when they did it got that neck area and due to the bad arthritis it was just to much on his little body . As he was dying Friday afternoon he just was trying to stay in my and my husband lap , I guess they truly know when it’s time to cross the rainbow bridge.

      Blessings everyone
      Donna N

    7. Oh Donna, I am so sorry. I remember how you've talked about your precious beagle babies.
      But it is so good to see you here again. I hope things are not as crazy in Alabama as they are elsewhere. Praying for you and your family as your hearts mends and knowing that pup will be bouncing up and down to greet you on the other side:-)

    8. I’m so very sorry to hear this, Donna N. How gut-wrenching! I love beagles. I once saw a beagle puppy at the vet and wanted to go and adopt one that day. He was cute beyond belief. I pray God will comfort you and your husband. Such a sudden loss and the circumstances make it especially difficult. The heartbreak is real and profound.

      Reunion soon, God willing. He’s not in pain anymore and waits for you now. God bless you, your husband and babies.


    9. Donna, dear sister, I cried while reading your message for your little beagle! It must hurt so much! It hurts when my Candy is sick, so I guess it must be horrible. I see the little dog scene in my head trying to find what little comfort your dog has left in your lap. As soon as I think about it, I cry again. I'm sorry for you and your husband. Carole xxx

    10. Sheila...You want to talk about being not being discouraging? Please help me with several people that watch these rapture dates come and go, many backed with dreams, Voices from God, etc. Do you have any idea how discouraging that is? Remember that gal named Carol back in September 23, 2017...making a statement that if the rapture didnt hapoen by Sep 24th, there wasnt going to be a rapture. She quit posting.
      That is just an example too many I have seen.

      I am ecstatic watching prophesy fall in line exactly like my posttrib brethren follow. I keep getting asked proof....it would be a total waste of time , and I havent seen anyones opinion changed , except their tempers.

      I am just going to let month after month, and year after year go by...and maybe some will see.

      Dont forget I was blasted in 2017 saying we would be here at least till 2021. I gwt that from we WILL see the AC come to power, and have to deal with him 42 months. If the AC performed the A of D tomorrow, then we would be here till May of 2024.

    11. Archangel, Sheila and Carole
      thank you so very much. Yes beagles have always been a part of our family they are so sweet and docile , not a mean bone in their little body - they just wanna hunt and eat. But for now Jase is still ok( Willie’s bro ) and I still have Roxie ( 5 year old) my Border Terrier and she’s very healthy , just a spoiled picky eater.
      Sheila, no things are just as crazy here as everywhere, our little memaw governor won’t let up on the mask wearing but she’s finally let all the business open back up without restrictions. I can’t stand those mask and refuse to wear them and so far only been forced to one time for a Dr app. But I’m sure overall those demonic mask are here to stay at least till way into the tribulation. I don’t work anymore so at least I don’t have to deal with that on a daily basis.
      Y’all keep praying for this election, oh my the supposedly corruption it’s exposing is astronomical. It’s very easy to understand why God has to do what he did with the flood , EVERYTHING is so corrupt and evil the world has to be wiped clean to start afresh for the millennium reign of Christ.
      I’m sure it’s been mentioned on here but has everyone seen the trailer for the movie Songbird ? Look it up, a scary preview of what’s coming for the tribulation.

      Blessings everyone and stay safe.
      Donna N

    12. Believe me, Stan...you haven't let anybody forget that you--StanFoster--were absolutely right about it not being time from 2017 until right now--as of yet...but in no way does that nullify my faith in the Pre-Trib Rapture. And there have always been disillusioned people like those you mentioned above--people like those who tagged along with Jesus for a bit in hopes of partaking in His Miracles or Victory, then walked away in disappointment when He didn't meet their desired expectations (John 6:66). And there are plenty of them out there today who walk away expressing their disappointment in those of us who don't try to hold our LORD GOD's feet to the fires of our own human expectations and understanding while never giving up on running after Him "As the hart panteth after the water brooks,..."
      (Ps.42:1-2 KJV )

      But anyway...blessings on dealing with that AC thing if you insist on that. My sin tab has already been PAID IN FULL:-) Nothing I can add to that! Nor is there anything I can add to that 70th week that I haven't already tried doing on this side of it--except for this: to joyfully receive the GIFT of partaking in the Miraculous Event that will soon serve to Glorify His Holy Name, His Saving Power and the Riches of His Great Mercy before all of Israel and the unbelieving world at large--The Pre-Trib Resurrection and Rapture of the Believing Body of Jesus Christ.

      That is what I believe will provoke true Israel to jealousy (Rom.10-11) and rekindle the fire of real evangelism in all of those who will understand what actually happened and Who Jesus Christ Really Is, inspiring vast numbers to choose martyrdom for His Name's Sake. It's not just about a free pass rescue for us imperfect Church-Age Grace Believers. The purpose of the Harpazo is w-a-a-ay bigger than that:-) Maranatha!

    13. Blessings Donna N. Yes, I posted a link for Songbird earlier in this thread. Jeff Berwick said it’s just too well produced to have been made in June. All these movies that have been telling us what our future will be is just too uncanny and strange but I believe them.

      Snoopy was a beagle. My best friend in NY had one named Puffin. Such a sweet dog. God bless you for taking such loving good care of your babies.

    14. Sorry, I posted the Songbird link in the last thread. Finding it hard to keep track of time lately.

    15. Sheila- I mean no harm stating what I truly believe. Believe me, I would much rather escape what is coming, but I am hard wired to fulfill Matthew 24:45-46

      and Daniel 11:33.

      If I am wrong, I escape with you all......if I am correct....then I hope my warning to prepare has caught at least one persons attention.

      God bless us as we continue our journey.

  45. Interesting timing, YouTube been down a while, now.

    Stan, you are the Rock of Gibraltar; and they think Lu is the Ice Man, sheesh.

    Buckle Up, Buttercups, Maranatha!

  46. RE: Lyn’s Endgame Article

    Ok, Since I had the day off here on 11/11, I had time to read and write. I will also post, a 4-part synopsis for Lyn’s article to out-post Archangel’s 3! :)

    Act 1
    Great article and a good read for sure. Allow me to echo some points that popped-up to comment and offer more info on particular ones. I liked how you parallel the ‘Dark Winder’ to possibly be the literal power grid going down. If by attack or sabotage. Probably all the same at this point. Here is the thing, if that does happen, which I believe it will at some future time like Revelation does say it will, it would mean now, at the most critical time for them to start rolling out their vaccines would not be possible then. But does seem all want the USA to fall, fast and hard. You know the ominous outcome of an event or decision when you see the reaction of all your Enemies. In this case, look at all of the USA’s Enemies, all those gloating at what is coming.

    Seems like a Julius Caesar betrayal moment in how all will come onboard to sick a dagger in the USA. It will be like vultures circling above waiting for the slow death. They will eventually kill the Golden Goose. :( To me, politically, the Populace really only has direct power to vote in say…local elections and how it passes measure for their own immediate communities. But, choosing or ‘selecting’ a President? The world premier President? Na. Do not buy it. It is a façade. And coming from a 3rd world country that rigs elections, sure felt and appeared that way. Sad. So, to me, presently, it is ‘pick your poison’ type of deal. But no laughing matter at what is coming.

    So, if Trump pulls a ‘win’ after all, do the People win? Will not the U.S. Army still be delivering all those vaccines? Will not everyone still be forced to take them? And it will be at least 2 shots in a 21-day period. If Biden ‘wins’, still the same plan, no? Elections, or the appearance of such will not deter ‘The Plan’, and as I say, Prophecy. Sure, the 4 years that we had in the USA and the world as a result was a reprieve as mentioned before. So, if in the next 4 months, they will start to schedule the vaccine-rollout, that has no safety protocol, no liability of the corporations and is experimental? Does it really matter who is or will be President if he will be following their script?

    Well, for those not consenting to the mandated vaccinations, it will be, ‘see you later then’. All those ‘detention centers’ were not authorized for nothing or no one. So, to say that my days of being able to work or do write-ups are numbered. Realize that until one is broken down to submit to the vaccines, they will ‘quarantine’ you. They will have the legal cover to detain you indefinitely. There will be no ‘get out of medical jail card’. And as I have told many of my family members, do you think they will be giving us 3 hot meals a day and a hot bath when there will be food rationing going on due to the disruptions of the food chains and sources? Na.

    And they will go for the most vulnerable and defenseless first. The Elderly. And if they know and have said that 1000s will die just statistically due to reactions and allergies, the perfect cover will be blamed on COVID. Then the next in line will be the First Responders and Medial Frontline personnel. Many will succumb too, oh well. And if less of them, more impetus for chaos and lack of medical personnel. It is an ingenious plan and what was derived from the actual Operation Dark Winter back in 2001.

    1. Act 2
      And as many rightly keep trying to say for perspective, in the USA, we are under FEMA Law governance. The President is now just ‘Head of State’, not Head of Government. That is why the President said, ‘well, it was nice being your President’, etc. I will say, if Trump ‘knows’ what is up and the Endgame, he does still have the power to cancel by Executive Order the State of Emergency. Why on Earth does he not? I rest my case.

      But sure, hope the Rapture will occur by end of Winter, but have my doubts….you all know me. :) Doubting Lu!! As to Passover that will be March 28, 2021 (March 27, sundown) to start the Tribulation? I think it will be still too early. To me, that is based on a war with Israel and how the AntiChrist will then be ushered-in. Consider that the Spring Equinox is March 20, 2021 (and 7 days later, Passover). And yes, the 1260th day of Rev 12 Sign is March 6, 2021 (21 days 7-7-7 to Passover)!

      But here is my take of when the Rapture has to happen, that is, the circumstances as the exact day is unknowable in my book. So, we do know that Jesus gave the exact parallel of how it will occur. It will occur exactly as to when He sent the Angels to rescue Lot and his family. When? It was at the last minute before Sodom was utterly destroyed. And this is my point. The world has to all converge to this one similar circumstance.

      Will it be a catastrophe, bombs/missiles coming down as many have also dreamed of? Something like that. For sure, U.N. troops as well as Russian and Chinese troops will be entering the United States. As this could be part of the scenario. If Biden is confirmed, he is a Globalist and will welcome them. But as you all know, I’m still sticking to my Pentecost Harvest Season guns!! And that will logically demand such a foreign military presence.

      I loved the portion about Mount Hermon. Yep, I would concur wholeheartedly that the snow… it is indicative of it being ‘reactivated’…and all that it stands for. So, wholeheartedly concur that there is a ‘reactivation’ going on and about to occur. What is that? The end of the Church Age and the ‘reactivation’ of the ‘Under the Law’ prophetic economy for Israel. It will be a time as it was with ‘Signs and Wonders’.

      I am one of those that do agree that Mount Hermon is where the Transfiguration of Jesus took place. Mount Tabor is not a ‘high mountain’. It is only 2000 feet/ 600m high. Mount Hermon is 10,000 feet/3000m high. And at the base of Hermon is the Sanctuary of Pan. Can anyone say, ‘Pan-demic’? This is the place Jesus alluded to being the entrance to the Gates of Hell. And the area where all those 200 Watchers were put into Tartarus.

      This place is called Caesarea Philippi and from where about 3 miles southwest is the source of the River Dan and the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. It is where Ahab and Jezebel resided at and the Golden Calf. There is so much history and spiritual anti-Christ significance here that is coming back now. How so? The reactivation is occurring in that all those 200 Titans bound will be released during the Tribulation.

    2. Act 3
      As they come up, Lucifer and his .33 Fallen Angels will be cast down to Earth. They then converge as tools of judgment upon a rebellious Humanity. This will coincide with the 1260th day of the literal Tribulation Period wherein then, the Greater Ahab and Jezebel Spirit False Prophet that the Roman Church personalities, a ‘harlot’, will again dual it out with Elijah! It will literally be a ‘Valley of Decision’ Part 2 Movie Blockbuster!!

      But as noted in Lyn article, at that pinnacle of Hermon, our Jesus, was giving His Endgame plans to Moses and Elijah of that exact strategy that will befall the whole world and Israel in specific. And I would say that if there is any encouragement, while all the doom and gloom is to come and it seems the ‘Pan’ is let loose and the Bill Gates of Hell appear to prevail, there is also a coming Transformation!

      That of the Saints as they were on the snow-covering summit of Mount Herman. This will be typified of the clouds, also white as snow when we too will meet our King! But in the meanwhile, if Moses and Elijah will be the 2 Witnesses? I buy it. You will have the Ark of the Covenant coming out for the 3rd Temple and Kabbalists false Messiah to sit on, the very one that Moses built. ‘Hey I built that!’ But if we have a 2-year warning since the snow fell on Hermon in 2017? I would say how about 3.5 years or that 1260 day count?! Bob!!!

      I still do think and sticking to my 7-year Sabbatical Cycle guns…to time counting and how if the Rapture happens in 2021, the Tribulation cannot, not until then sometime in 2022 for that next 7-year cycle to be consistent. We’ll see soon now…Realize that all this speculation is narrowed down now to a matter of months!! Not years now. We are that close!! I like your connection to the Door with Hanukah and Winter on December 10, 2020.

      Interestingly, it will be from December 10-28. So, the halfway point will be the 14th. This is when the total solar eclipse occurs and coincides with the ‘middle light’ of the 8 branch Menorah. Really? And as to the Great Conjunction? Yep, it occurs on the Fall Equinox of December 21, 2020.

      And as written before, it astronomically signals the transitioning to the Age of Aquarius -the 5th Age and thus the New Age, or New World Order. Or perhaps the start of their ‘Reset’? No doubt this Kabbalists are in tandem with such Signs and times, etc. I like your Snow Boat at the end! To me it confirms the prior posts of noting the 400-year Pilgrim Anniversary 1620-2020 coming to the New World. And of their safe passage to a New World. Wil ours be any different?


    3. Hey Lu,

      Perhaps the "rapture" you refer to is for the Mark folks (summer harvest of 2021 - the large harvest so many are speaking of).
      The (very small) Bride (Luke's folks) is taken/ glorified/ transfigured sooner than later in order to minister/encourage etc. (as harvest workers) to Mark's folks during the travailing days ahead (but not yet within the 1,260 days, these are days of travail before the son of perdition).

      So this 'escape' is indeed a mystery as it was to Lot (and the angels who were sent to escort Lot out of the city).

      Part of God's awesome "Just-in-our-Time" Deliverance

    4. Hey Charlie,
      I hear you. I do understand you have a particular take on the Rapture sequence and types. No problem at all as we really do not know how it will all pan-out aside from certain key glimpses given in the Word. But this is just me as I see it. I do believe the one that is highlighted, only because it was asked about, that one found in Thessalonians and Corinthians by Paul, I do have a bias towards. So, I am thus led to synchronize it to the Revelation 4 one. It just makes sense to me and with a confirmation of truth in my spirit, but I could be wrong.

      And with that type and pattern to follow, as you all know that is my forte, I then do see 6 subsequent ones, or ‘translations’ occur thereafter in the book of Revelation for a total of 7, which the book is predicated on. So, yes there are still more types to come based on certain times and groups…but after the initial one of the Bride of Christ. At least in my book, lol. It is just that it is based only on what I or we can see in part, in Scripture. All else is just speculation and that is where I lose my peace about it. But even so, speculation is still acceptable but in context, as much as possible.


  47. I have not yet "studied" Lu's "little" posting here but came across this vid re: 2020. Some before-bed material Lu, thank you! :-)

    Where did "those guys" go? Who is on first and What is on second and I Don't Know is on third. Who is on third? No, Who is on first.


    Posted July 2020 (found via Exalted Lamb 1 YTC)

    "In this 2020 film "In God We Trusted", worship leader (Danielle Danz) shares a timeline of 3 prophetic dreams in 2015, 2017, and 2019 foretelling riots in suburban areas breaking out, America being destroyed through an internal civil war, and the number 11 in reference to the rapture of the Bride.

    I saw #11 (November??) I saw America Collapse War/Riots
    25min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ltiFij2D1M

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Fortunately YTC is back, for now. You'll want to spend about 90 minutes with whomever's on First, sooner, rather than later.

    "I mean, doesn't it feel like the hoof-beats of the Egyptians are within earshot, with the vax and everything coming?" --Amish

    Rapture still on! The number of his name sent out - Deep waters

    1. Wow Charlie!
      Great find and what a gem. It totally resonated in my spirit. It is true. I was awe-struck about the 3 separations of the USA’s flag colors. Red, White and Blue. But the White portion got Raptured up!! Does it not link up then with Lyn’s article about the Snow and then Mount Hermon that speaks of a coming ‘dual’ Transfiguration that is to happen in tandem.

      We fret not because as the Enemy has their ‘Endgame’, so does the Jesus. I am excited for next year as if the Jubilee Year count did synchronize with Jesus on 28 AD, and that based on the Israelites entering into the Promised Land like the video stated with the meaning of 11? What?! Then 2021 would be it!! If again, based on this 7-year cycle deal I am riding, lol…

      In the video, she also confirmed then my supposition that at the time/timing of the Rapture, it has to be like it was in Sodom and Gamorrah….so much so that she depicted the rioting even in the suburbs where she was at with family but at peace and then the Rapture happened!!

      Stan! We may not need all that food! Lol, Or at least not a whole lot of it but a blessing to be for sure to those that will need them.


    2. I liked this comment from the I-165 latest:

      "And also, last, T is going to win this election UNLESS HE CONCEDES..or something happens to him. But that doesn't mean the events that you're talking about isn't significant. It's very troubling.

      Are they waiting for the bride to leave?

      My guess is, yes. They know a lot more than we do.

      They might even know the date.

      Don't know. Very intriguing! Thank you for the video."

    3. Re another high-watch day come and gone, I truly loved the part of I-165's video where that Brother used the analogy of Moses getting all those people to the brink of the Red Sea with nobody having a clue as to what was gonna happen next. He just led them out there where they were all standing around in this open field with the deep sea before them and Pharaoh and his chariots hot on their tails and they were all screaming at him "NOW WHAT?!!" I had to laugh at that one cuz that is so us with this chaotic US election result, the threat of economic collapse, these forced vaccines, Christian persecution and NWO de-pop plans bearing down.

      Moses had no idea what God was going to do next--only that He was going to be doing SOMETHING BIG...so keep Looking UP! Folks...these determined watching Brethren are just doing their level best to make sure we are all exactly where we need to be standing when our GOD makes His next BIG MOVE, Amen:-)

  50. For a monring laugh (or cringe at these so-called evangelical bufoons)

    Ken Copeland and Sid Roth = Dumb and Dumber

    10min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc69wcIkoKI&t=405s

    Another bufoon (T's WH spiritual advisor mind you...) Paula White! (What on Earth??)
    2min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l2EjC1Hu5I

    1. Blessings BB. Our Savior is the Righteous Judge and He Alone. Bear in mind that Brethren from all over the world check this beloved blog every single day to learn, fellowship, find inspiration and encouragement and perhaps find strength to endure another day. Maybe it’s more edifying and ultimately does more for our own souls to pray for Kenneth Copeland, Paula White and Sid Roth if we feel they are in error.


    2. Sounds painful:-/...Praying for the woefully lost really is much more soothing. It may or may not get them Saved, but it does help us to prevent giving sprout to those roots of bitterness;-)

      But this was too funny this morning...so my school teacher daughter broke her cell phone and had to get a new one yesterday and I received this text from her this morning:

      "So my new phone uses face recognition instead of fingerprint. Why would they make face recognition a thing when everyone has to wear masks all the time????"

      I replied.."LOL...To drive us even more crazy cuz their whole game plan is to turn us all into a bunch of easily controlled drooling idiots who won't know the difference between a nice hotel stay and an internment camp."

      Blessings All and Maranatha! And Praise God! We know Jesus IS coming for us:-)

    3. I’m not of the opinion that casting aspersions and use of pejoratives, esp by the BOC, is going to aid in sharing the Message or edifying anyone, esp the unsaved. If we as a Body can’t rise above such behavior, I believe it may lead some to despair of ever finding the compassionate ear/shoulder he or she may be seeking in these pages. There is a need for rebuke and reproof at times, the method employed is critical, imho.

    4. @ Sheila B.

      Apparently there is a new, transparent facemask for $33 to help with the "facial recognition" phones you speak of...

      SMHP 11/12
      10min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QNF9_efp9M

    5. Okay Charlie...that was funny...although I figured it would be the phone co. selling such a mask.
      Got a chuckle from the clip at the end when Elaine Benis is yelling "What is wrong with you people?!! Have you all gone mad?!!" Uh...yeah, it's looking that way...

    6. That was funny Charlie, the people walking around with sanitary towels, plastic drink bottles, suits of armour and diving gear on their face. Good to see people are poking fun at the system.

      I usually refuse to wear a face mask when I go to my local small grocery store, I'm always the only one who is maskless in the store.. And nobody has ever said anything to me (not to my face anyway) about not wearing one...

      mind you I am running the risk of getting a €5000 fine for non-compliance, but I have a photo in my phone at the ready of the health warning on the back of a pack of masks, that says "WARNING: this mask does not protect against covid-19 or any other air-borne viruses!!.. (sometimes I do wear one, but usually I try to get away with NOT wearing one)

    7. I was covered half way at a store last week when someone in the medical field (by his scrubs and badge and porsche he drove) made it point to tell me to cover my nose, too.

      Well, this guy was a bufoon for sure. He had gloves and a real gas mask on! He warned me I'd be in the clinic next week if I didn't cover my nose. I told him my immune system is great and he was a little early for Halloween.

      Sad but true, people are so scared of those without full head gear and see us as the 'scary' or 'dangerous' ones.

      We've carried around 36 corona vir uses in our bodies for all of human existence and just now people are freakin out?

      Yeah right, submission to the state for sure.

    8. One of my coworkers started sharing his screen with a customer to diagnose an issue with his service. The customer ran and put a mask on.

    9. Charlie, if he didn't cover every orifice of his body, eyes ears mouth, and .... .....! Then he was not covered!! Simple virus protection. And the... talking, he was aerisolizing . !!! Shedding occurs in eyes, coclea ( ears) saliva gastrointestinal. Well , an opportunity to pray for his salvation. He may halt the virus spread but not have eternal life

  51. I think the Title of this post is:

    Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

    Ephesians 5:11

    1. Granted, Charlie...some people are acting as outright charlatans no doubt, but along with exposing their religious chicanery we should pray for them to come to their senses, repent and find the same Grace that we've found before it's too late--if only for the sake of those whom they are leading astray and then trust God to deal with them as He sees fit. Other than that, they have no sway over my walk with the Lord and I won't lose any sleep or peace over them. I am just reminded of 1Cor.6:9,10,1. Blessings, Brother and Maranatha:-)

  52. Let’s say an acolyte of said “bufoon” or “Dumb and dumber” by God’s Grace, happens upon this blog, and the first comment he or she sees is yours re Copeland, White or Roth, and then thinks, wow, people here will think I am dumb too...I am going elsewhere. Then that person will miss the rich diversity of comments and trenchant teaching found here, and all because of said name-calling.

    Beating someone up was only necessary in self defense on the playground.

  53. May the Lord keep you all safe under His wings. This is from Gems & Nuggets."The Road to Tribulation 2 " He has s a gentle spirit and focuses on the soon coming of Jesus. The YTC reviews the time frame from the
    temple decree to Jesus death, and the pause for the birth of churchs and Day of the Lord. Soon, Jesus is coming to carry His Bride the Church through the threshold .. We are blessed to occupy and Watch.

    1. I will give this a look, VeeBee.

    2. Awh good to see you, Cathi G. Don't get on here, often , life illness, family. The important step in our walk is to encourage one another, testify of Gods faithfullness,
      and look up... our redemption draws nigh.

  54. Whilst mockery and mimicry and deception abound, Gigi, @BLUEHEAVEN, shared some shares she had received which may be nothing, or not. I've not checked any of the details, just sharing.

    You've likely heard of that film, from 1958, concerning the 'End of The World' and, in which, a Walter Trump shows up with secret, arcane knowledge for the townsfolk to save themselves. Date of said EoW? 11/14.

    When DT went to John Hopkins, it was from 10/2 to 10/5. On the Torah Calendar, These dates are 7/14-7/17, mirroring Christ's Death, Burial & resurrection, After Which He Then Ministered for (40) days.

    10/5/2020 + 40 Days = 11/14/2020

    OK, if I-165's unpack of Enoch Calendar is accurate, and it likely is, and that is also the 24th of the 7th month, with ALL the alignments there, spec. another 'covenant with many', ibid., as well as being THREE DAYS after the (possible) expiration of the 400-yr mayflower Compact on 11/11/20, in light of the mind-blowing details from the last I-165 vid, concerning J. G. Hallett and the Queen of England and the ENTIRE ROYAL FAMILY having VACATED the palace and REMOVING THEIR COAT OF ARMS FROM THE GATE last March?

    1. Interesting that during it's rampage of 12 days and 3000 miles, Hurricane/TS ETA impacted 7 Countries, made "4" Landfalls in "4" Countries with lots of catastrophic flooding. It developed on 10/31/2020 with the first landfall in Nicaragua on 11/3 killing 120 people there. 7 are now reported dead in North Carolina w/3 more missing. Prayers up for all suffering the effects of yet another devastating storm.

  55. How a Civil War Could Start (comedic spin on a dark situation)

    From Awaken with JP

    5min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6luFJvZt-og

  56. Asking for prayer brothers n sisters Tuesday ...had dental work
    Work for a filling that fell out, excruciating pain been down the last 48 hours.

    1. Praying, VeeBee. I’ve read oregano oil can help and cloves.

    2. Thank you Cathi g and Archangel. We trust in the Lord.. BS Will try oregano .. did clove. Earlier.

    3. Praying for you, VeeBee!

      Mom...Where are you? Praying all is okay with you, Sister:-)

    4. Prayers dear VeeBee for your pain, may our Father bring you relief and healing.

      Blessings Sheila, I'm here, just quiet. I'm finding that while it was wonderful to see our daughter and grand loves, since coming home the grief of missing them has magnified. They were a huge part of my day to day life and I'm feeling that void greatly.

      On a different note, for some reason the Lord impressed on my heart the other day during my prayer time to look up the meaning of Jayden's name. It's a derivative of the Hebrew name, Jadon which means: grateful, thankful, or He will judge. The name is found in Nehemiah 3:7 and is speaking of Jadon the Meronothite who helped to restore the wall surrounding Jerusalem.
      I didn't really feel any other promptings or insights so I left it at that, but thought I should share this with you now.

      I'm looking UP with great hope despite my heavy heart.
      Blessings dear Sisters and Family! Maranatha!

  57. Replies
    1. Archangel, Blessings. Great. I'm looking for a rendo of "You can leave your hat on." Oh, yeah. BTW, a possible reframe on 'CiD's approach. Conan The Evangelist. Let your mind play with that a while. ;) Maranatha!

    2. Blessings Jimboni. I found a rather raucous Joe Cocker rendition of You Can Leave Your Hat On. Love it as well as pretty much every song by him. Agree it would provide Media Bear with some rich material there.

      Conan the Evangelist. I like it! I guess I have no choice:)

  58. OK, this is really, really weird. Gigi @blue heaven, just put up a short new vid, COMET C/2020 M3 "ATLAS" Approaches Earth Nov 14
    , citing earthsky.org, to which I posted a wonderful Strong's unpack, which disappeared. Which I reposted and it disappears, partially, then entirely. So, I'm going to try and put it here, where I was going to copy it to, anyways, when I went back and it was gone.

    Atlas in English Gematria is 332, interesting. Deeper

    G332: anathematizó: to declare anathema, devote to destruction (!!!) (4) inclg. Acts 23:12 Note it as a TYPE of 'conspiracies, et al, esp in light of the covenant I-165 has uncovered, involving every minor prophet, but 1, including DANIEL!, and on Tishri 24, which is 11/14/20 per Enoch Calendar, AND all the likely 'conspiracies' afoot since the Israeli elections mess and, now, ours!: 12 When it was day, the Jews made a plot and bound themselves by an oath neither to eat nor drink till they had killed Paul (ESV). Deeper

    H332: atar: to shut up, close, bind (1) Psalms 69:15 (ESV)

    15 Let not the flood sweep over me,
    or the deep swallow me up,
    or the pit close (H332) its mouth over me.


    1. TRP, just a bit ago, put up a good (05:12) compilation of several points including the comet, the movie, the New Moon, and a few other tidbits: Trump / Comet Atlas / Dragon Launch (November 14, 2020)

  59. From SMHP

    We have two Friday the 13ths in 2020 – in March and November – because 2020 is a leap year of 366 days.

    T declared a National Emergency on Friday (3/13/20). T 'gave up' the presidency this day (shortly after the (imposter) queen and royal family vacated the palace in England). Revisit I-165's latest for why this is important in the larger scheme of things.

    Will anything strange go down today (11/13/20) as big as the medical martial law declaration in March? Only time will tell.

    Friday the 13th - What You Need To Know!
    From 2019
    24min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5CNV-Z4dVg&feature=youtu.be

    1. Now for the Conan the Evangelist moment:

      See where the trail goes into 2020?.... Did you know Jack Hibbs shared the stage with (knight of malta or templar) Jerry Boykin just months ago at his "religious gathering" to include some famous NAR leaders?

      See how it is ALL coming together under ecumenicalism? Back to Rome?


      Jack Hibbs & John MacArthur Join False Teachers at 'Freedom Sunday' (what irony)

      Jack Hibbs and John MacArthur recently joined with false teachers in an ecumenical church service co-hosted by the Family Research Council. Among the spreaders of false doctrine at "Freedom Sunday" was notorious NAR heretic Ché Ahn. Jack Hibbs is quite popular in the Calvary Chapel circuit and among those interested in biblical prophecy. Ironically, he himself is showing to be part of that great falling away prophesied in the scriptures that will be a sign of the last days. This is what happens when you put politics before truth.

      From Servus Christi
      67min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VraAW8oi3Yg

      SMH, ready to go home yet?

    2. Started with the Johnson Act in the 1960s and then how most Churches baught into the 'business model' set up with their 501(c)3=CC=33. This is on one level how the Masons then controlled Churches ultimately. And thus, no 'prophecy allowed'.

      I wonder if the lockdowns are a double-edged sword. In that many heretical ones are being shut down all the same. And the money-making machine has come to a halt. The issue is for how the Remnants are to meet in homes s the 1st century gatherings took place but that is being restricted too.

      And did you all hear now 'scripted' the talking points now are parroted by Biden and Harris of the coming mandatory mask wearing for all the USA? So fake if one can see through all that, that at that level they just get the script handed to them to read. ...And from now on. The Globalist take-down is all but assured.

  60. Hi Guys,
    Found this news story on a mainstream newspaper published last week:

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    TITLE: End of the world: When will the Rapture happen? What does the Bible say?

    "The End of the world will be preceded by the Rapture, according to scripture in the Holy Bible - but when is the Rapture supposed to happen?

    The end of the world will coincide with war and natural disasters, according to prophetic scripture in the Christian Bible. Before the end times and Second Coming of Jesus Christ, many Christians believe the Antichrist will arrive to deceive the world during a seven-year period known as the Tribulation..."

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    If you want to read the rest of the article, go to the link above...

    I just thought it was interesting that a story like this is making main-stream news web-sites!
    Perhaps a last wake-up call from the LORD to the sleeping world to reach them where they are at?


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.