Perspective - Hampson / Morning Star - Unsealed

The following email below was sent out by Todd Hampson. I thought it was so encouraging in light of all the disruptive events we have seen recently:
One change in perspective can make a world of difference. We've been talking about the events related to Covid-19, the staggering unemployment numbers, the horrible death of George Floyd, and the ensuing nationwide riots that have been taken place. How does all of this fit into Bible prophecy you ask? In 2 Timothy 3:1, Paul said, "Mark this. There will be terrible (brutal, dangerous, scary) times in the last days."
One of the other qualities Paul mentioned in the list that followed his opening line is lawlessness. 2 Thessalonians 2:7 informs us that "the secret power of lawlessness is already at work." That passage goes on to say that this lawlessness will come into full bloom after the rapture. Lawlessness will characterize the world and the future antichrist after the rapture of the Church (all true believers worldwide). The Holy-Spirit-indwelled Church is holding that lawlessness back and keeping it from taking center stage.
What we are seeing in the realm of lawlessness (whether by rogue police officers, politicians, paid anarchists, or rage-filled citizens) is the secret power of lawlessness trying to push in and take over. When that dam bursts, the Church will be removed—and visa versa. When the Church is removed, that dam will burst. It seems to me that the dam is almost to the point where it will give way. Were it not for God's sovereign timing—and the preserving effect of the salt and light of the Church, it would have burst long ago.

God's timing is perfect. All of this was foretold. Keep that in perspective and it should take away the fear and anxiety that is gripping so many. I'm an optimist by nature, but God's Word informs us that these birth pains (Matthew 24/Luke 21) will get worse, not better. I believe (based on a passage in Isaiah) that the birth pains will lead up to the rapture and the "birth" that will occur is God's wrath against evil. We know that time of wrath as the tribulation period. So, as much of an optimist as I am, all of this is leading to global calamity—yet I have hope. My perspective helps me see that #1 the rapture will (from all indicators) most likely be in our lifetime, and #2 there is still time to turn to the Savior!
People will be able to put their faith in Christ after the rapture—and I believe multitudes will after seeing the reality of the rapture. But, most will be martyred for their faith at that time. Let's leverage everything to point people to Jesus in these unprecedented times.

Lastly, I am sure you all have seen it, but Gary has a MASSIVE article and video out tying all the end time signs together...  I encourage you to check it out if you haven't already...  Well done Gary!!!

Here is the link:
Morning Star Rises! A New Sign in the Heavens Catches Us All By Surprise

Here is the supporting video:


  1. Good job Nick VanderLaan (May 22)

    Part 1: RARE Rapture Sign: The Day Star Rising

    Part 2 and Part 3 are there too.

    1. Charlie, Blessings. Wow, in light of Sheila B.'s and my tete-a-tete, closing the prior thread , and my spontaneous unpack of 2 Peter 1:19 which aligns nicely with what Nick sees, this is cool. With it being just 'seen' over at UNSEALED it seems The HS, ala Mercury, as Nick highlighted earlier, is Surely Drawing Our Attention Back To Christ In Us And Affirming This 'Time', nice.

    2. This was just one of those nifty little "winks" for me, but I had just read Mal.4:2 before walking out to look at the sunset this evening and seeing the neighbor's newest little calves close to the fence, I had to cross the road to visit with them. All three are pretty little white-faced bull calves. Two of them came up to the fence to investigate me and I said in my cutest little baby cow talk voice, "That big ol' Taurus Bull in the sky is telling us Jesus is about to be headed our way, ain't he?" And I'm not kidding, those little bulls both started nodding their little heads like they knew exactly what I was saying. Can I get a witness....:-D

    3. @Brad, thanks for sharing.

      Heads up everyone, first few seconds in and cross-checking with Nick's About section on his channel, and he appears to be preaching a false gospel.

    4. Ya I had to stop watching his videos a while back. Just stared noticing a leaning tords a works based gospel.

    5. We can argue law vs. grace until blue in the face (ala scripture) and keep calling each other "FALSE" for not following one's own leaning or one own's educational flavor/ church upbringing.... There are legalistic and grace teachings throughout the NT.

      Bottomline, if one is NOT loving the LORD and loving fellow MAN, they are not following the LORD. We 'love' by following His commands via His word.

      Barry Awe nails this point well in his latest starting @ 23:51


      I don't think following the 10 commandments is a bad thing?

      I don't think fearing the LORD is a work?

      I don't think "true" believers are knowingly coveting/lusting over their neighbor's spouse yet claims to be saved by GRACE?

      Are true believers out there bearing false witness and hating another (while covered by grace)?

      Peace to all

      (even with all our own leanings and personalities)

    6. BTW Gary, thank you so very much and all the Unsealed (staff) and thank you Brad for every piece/ post you've produced/ posted and your diligent watch for our LORD's return.

      Great to have brothers and sisters watching HIs-story unfold in the shaymaim above.

    7. Now here is some FALSE Christianity (new age/ NAR/ neo-evangelicals/ modern ecumenicalism/ female leadership/ experiential worship/ modern music/ occult):

      Ecumenicalism = the doctrine of the ecumenical movement that promotes cooperation and better understanding among different religious denominations: aimed at universal Christian unity.

      Third Adam 2: The Great Seduction
      From Spencer Smith (6/6)


    8. This isn't a minor issue, but as Martin Luther said, this is the issue by which the Church itself stands or falls. The gospel is not law + grace. It is grace + nothing. Obedience flows from salvation, it doesn't merit it, and Nick by his own admission is preaching the message of salvation by keeping the commandments (including Sabbath). That is a false gospel. Salvation by faith alone is at the heart of everything we stand for. Grace alone through faith in Christ alone. Christ is the only way. Not Allah or Brahma or even Nick's law-keeping (which he can't do, nor anyone). Obedience = good. Obedience as a result of salvation by faith alone = true. Obedience to merit or maintain salvation = false.


      P.S. I fully agree that a lot of ecumenicalism is heretical, but the Church joining itself with grace+law mixture is equally heretical (Gal. 5:4).

    9. Gary, so well said, amen!

      Lusting for example, remember what Jesus said, one lustful thought equals the act of fornication.

      No offense meant by saying that but I dont really think that my Brothers here (and anywhere) have never checked a girl while buying groceries for example.

      The same goes for women too. Yesterday I've been binge watching Rod Stewart videos on YT because I like him and because I find 1970s and '80s Rod superhot and he's a damn good singer and yep, I felt the feels!

      To borrow the expression, a *nanosecond* of lust/anger/name it is enough to violate the Lord's standards.

      None of us is able to keep such high standards in this flesh and the Lord knows it, that's why He did for us what He did.

    10. Nora...I always liked Rod Stewart, too. My all time favorite was "Reason to Believe". Loved the violin part:-)

    11. Sheila, !!! :-)

      If I can ask you, pls pray for him, for his salvation! I'm praying for him too. He mentioned in an interview that he believes that the Lord gave him his voice, it's His merit, (plus I heard that he& his wife turned toward God after 9/11) I just hope that he's either already saved or he's on his way but I dont see into the hearts of people like the Lord, so prayer is always the best option. (Besides friends&family, all my celebrity crushes&their families are on my prayer list! LOL)

    12. I thought that was very funny Nora about the Rod Stewart binge watch disclosure, and then how it ended with "and Yep I felt the feels". Gave me a good chuckle..

      Yep I think every many woman and teenager would have to fess up that they lusted every now and again about someone they saw or passed in the street, so it is farcical that the legalist stand up waving their bony fingers, saying they have repented of all of their sins, and condeming everyone else around them for not doing as they have done.. Hypocrites, on the out-site, they appear as whitewashed tombs, but on the inside they are full of dead mens bones.

      Praying for Rod too, it would be great if he was a neighbour of ours in the Heaven, and we could listen in on him making music in his Big Garden.

    13. Jordan, thank you for praying for Rod, that's so nice to imagine, you spoke from my heart! :-)

    14. Always room to add another to the prayer list, Nora:-) I've always hoped to see Elvis P. there.
      I know he grew up in church and they say he was never happier than when he was singing Gospel and he sure sang some beautiful Gospel. Most "works" people will rail against that hope, but I don't care what they think because we we've all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and only He knows what was in that man's heart and what really occurred in his final moments at Graceland. Maybe we'll get to hear them singing a duet of Praise. Wouldn't that be interesting...

    15. "...we we've all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and only He knows what was in that man's heart and what really occurred in his final moments ..."


    16. Absolutely cracked up at your honesty Nora. That's so anorable, I mean adorable. Lol. Anyway, always praying for everyone as the Spirit leads. Celebrities and leaders included. Amen.

    17. Miguel, :-) agree, everyone is included in prayer, as the HS leads!

  2. Brad...TY for the postings! Re Todd's e-mail, it couldn't be more timely as the militant mobs cry out for lawlessness across the nation and the insane politicians are acquiescing to their demands with vows to either defund or disband their law enforcement agencies. Mayors and Govt. officials are refusing to enforce curfews and rejecting crowd control patrols in favor of catering to the rioters and looters. It seems they have truly been given over to the reprobate/debased minds of Rom.1:28,29.

    2Pet.1:19 is surely in play and our Blessed Hope has never shined brighter than it is at this moment.

    Thanks to Gary for both the article and the great video that is so confirming to the closeness of our Redemption and I so appreciate the dedication and hard work @unsealed that has blessed me so very much over these last few watching years, Blessings, Brother and Maranatha!

    Not dissing Nick V's contribution/confirmation on the same info, but his style is just not my cup of tea, so I don't watch him. But I'm sure he has his followers that this same information--which is GOD-Given--needed to get out to as well that perhaps aren't tuned in to @unsealed, or any other site that might be sharing the same insights. In other words, the market isn't cornered when it comes to how our God decides to reveal something to His Body of watchmen/women and we are just so Blessed that He always provides at least two, if not more, witnesses. All Glory to God, Amen!

    1. Gary, I'd like to ask sg: based on the theory that the tribulation will end sometime in 2027 as you mentioned in your video, sometime around the fall in 2027, what is the possible rapture-related-timeline for this year now? What is the latest possible "date" for the rapture to happen this year and the tribulation to start if we follow this possible timeline?

    2. It's all speculative, but if Second Passover is true this year, Pentecost would be June 28th I believe (although I'm always hesitant to jump aboard the delayed feast date theories). It's possible though.

      Also, the American flag was adopted on June 14, 1777, which is celebrated to this day as Flag Day. The largest American flag was just torn into pieces. Trump (think the last trump) turns exactly 888 months old on Flag Day this year.

      Beyond this, I've also speculated that Christ's ascension and our ascension/rapture could mirror each other in relation to Pentecost. Christ 10 days before and the Church the body 10 days after. That would be around this Wednesday.

      After this, perhaps it isn't a feast day and coincides with the Israeli vote in July to implement the DoTC. After that, we'd move to Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, Tabernacles, and Shemini Atzeret, but I think it's this year.

    3. Thank you, Gary! I'll keep that in mind.

      The flag being torn apart and the monument that was struck by lightning (the Lincoln monument? I remember so), so eerie!!! I have a hard time to believe that both were a coincidence.

    4. I may have shared this already, but just like the flag ripping could symbolizes the soon coming end to the USA, I think even the name George Floyd does as well....
      George: Name means Farmer, also our first President - Symbolizes the beginning of our country.
      Floyd: Name means Grey, Grey haired - symbolizes old age

      He was also born on a Sunday (1st day) and died on Memorial Day which obviously is a day we remember our soilders who have "passed away".

      In fact: "The definition of memorial is relating to something in honor of an event or a person who has passed away. "

      Anyone who studies prophecy knows that it is very hard to find America. As the worlds super power there must be some explanation. For me the most logical choice is that our country becomes powerless in very quick fashion at the beginning of the end times. No country would be impacted more by the Rapture. So my explanation is that the rapture happens and then we are crippled, leaving behind those without the Holy Spirit who are very open to the idea of a 1 world peace and safety plan who will be very swayed by a strong delusion and a mr fix it AC rising to power filled with charisma and smooth talk....

      To me the death of Mr Floyd and the resulting lawlessness that spread like wild fire is just one more major God Wink showing us that the Rapture and resulting fall of America is extremely near.

      I didn't included it but the Deal of the Century peace plan that divides Israel and creates a 2 state solution is also a major factor in our eventual fall as well per Joel 3:2.....

    5. Blessings Gary and Family! I was reading through the posts this morning before going on a long walk. I just needed time alone with Him without the distractions of everyone who's home.

      It was a pretty pathetic conversation with me basically whining, "Lord, how much longer?"
      But at the same time, I just laid it all at His feet and told Jesus that He is all I need.

      I walked for about an hour, and as I headed home and turned onto our street, I heard this in my heart: "This is how close you are." I thought, "Hmm, okay."
      Then I felt led to count the number of houses from the corner/start of our street to our house. Six houses.

      I came home and looked at the calendar to see if there is anything special in six days and saw that it is Flag Day and thought how crazy that I literally just read your post Gary about Flag Day!

      So I thought I would share this neat God wink with you all and we will see what the Lord will bring!
      Looking Up and watching every day!
      Blessings and Maranatha!

    6. The insights just keep a comin'!

      Brad and Ryan...Blessings and TY for sharing! Also interesting to note is that in the IPet Goat II video, the American Flag is ripped apart in a storm between the two scenes of Obama wearing the graduation cap. The second scene when he is pictured in the cap behind the windows made me think of the "virtual" commencement speeches he's been giving with the last one just held yesterday after a respectful postponement for the GF memorial...And shortly after that, the video depicts the arrival of the AC.

      And Mom! Our God is so amazing in His encouragement! So glad you took that walk:-)
      I went to bed late last night and was laying there with that very same "whiny" question when the thought to check sunset time in Israel came to mind. I grabbed my phone to look and Civil Twilight for both today and tomorrow --7:43 pm Israel time.
      So checked the Strong's G# out and just had to laugh at His wonderful ways:

      G#743--archaggelos--chief angel, archangel used 2x in 1Thess.4:16 and Jude 1:9

      I think He was telling me it could be today or it could be tomorrow, but it will definitely be when you hear the voice of the archangel;-)

      Anyway, that's as far as I felt the need to dig into that last night just satisfied with knowing He's always listening--and that He will keep us all going however far we have to go:-)

      Blessings and as always, Looking UP!

    7. Mom, the Lord bless you, you're sharing such encouraging stuff!

      Let's hope that *the six houses* is closer to six days than to six months LOL (concerning the lenght of time till the rapture)!

      What I've been doing today is (though it's been going on like that for a long while), whenever the WISH for the rapture struck my heart, I asked the Father to PLS allow Jesus to come for us, adding: to get all the people that He knows will come to Him as soon as possible!

      My bargain with the Lord these days is this current spring/summer season. :-))

  3. Thanks Brad's.
    It is astonishing to see the destruction and division of America taking place before our eyes.

    And this is how it looks while the light and salt are still in the world (aka is, the Holy Spirit indwelt church). I can only imagine with horror, what kind of Lawless and evil will abound when we are removed.

    For sure as Todd mentioned, the dam holding back lawlessness looks like it is very soon going to breech.

    All indicators are screaming, RAPTURE SOON!!

    Praise the LORD

  4. Also, I just want express my gratitude for our dear MOM, you are such a thoughtful, encourager sister. I love how you remember all our personal circumstances, and you regularly lift our brothers and sisters in Christ here and also our lost family members and friend's up in prayer.

    You are such a blessing to us all sister. And I want to express my gratitude and love to you.

    Very soon, we will meet our LORD, and all those prayers you prayed will be shining like a beacon before the Lord.

    May God bless you richly sister.

    1. NICE work..........Is Stellarium 1 year off ? 2020 should be 2021 ? They counted an extra year when we went from BC to AD ?

    2. Oh my goodness Jordan, what an unexpected and kind thing to say! Thank you you so much, you have greatly touched my heart.
      Blessings brother and Maranatha!

  5. While hearing out Steve Fletcher's reasoning why six-six/seven would not be Penetcost, as "argued/worked/shown by some," it ocurred to me there were TWO Passovers and thus, two counts to Pentecost.

    But I was also redirected back to Lyn's recent post [on Pentecost] and sure enough here it is:

    "When is Pentecost 2020?

    Recently, I [Lyn] have made a new friend--Michelle from Australia--who left me a wonderfully confirming comment in my April 29 post. Since then she and I have exchanged a couple of lengthy emails. Michelle postulated the theory that perhaps this year Pentecost would be determined by counting from Second Passover and for good reasons:

    Second Passover is the provision of a “make up” day for Passover observance where it is not possible to celebrate it because of certain circumstances.

    Paul Dawson made the suggestion that Second Passover was important this year, firstly because Israel was under lockdown this Passover because of Covid-19 therefore making Second Passover come into play Biblically this year, especially for Israel. I believe this has merit. Secondly he also ties the timing to the new unity government in Israel and the 'Deal of the Century'.

    IF this is the last Passover before the “70th” Week of Daniel’s prophecy,

    THEN it is a VERY IMPORTANT time for Israel, as it would represent their last chance to acknowledge Jesus, the Lamb that was slain, as the Messiah, on Passover before the Tribulation.

    Her theory may be correct; however, God seems to be purposefully following the Hebrew calendar not because it is accurate, but because it will get Israel’s attention when He does significant things on those days!

    Keep Looking Up!

    1. Could the Dead Scrolls hold the mystery to the timing of the Rapture?

      Could it happen on this year's Pentecost on 7th June?

      Pentecost Calendar 2020, Another Possible Rapture Date : 7 June 2020

      From the Shofar Call (6/6)

  6. Jaco's latest:

    The WEEKEND of June 6th, could prove to be one that the world will remember in a similar fashion than that of 9 ! ! . The enemy's predictive programming is pointing to this time as being the start of very important events in the world that will bring even more change to the world than that of a world wide pLandemic.

    Keep your eyes on O's virtual graduation event that will occur on Saturday, June 6th at 3 PM ET and also on what happens to Berlin during this time. If anything of significance happens, and since I could only speculate at the time of uploading this video, then pay close attention to the rest of the information in this video. It will provide you with an idea of what to expect in the month before us.

    The Series on the Harvest and Temple models is found at the link below and explains WHY there will be a division in God's harvest and between the waters above the firmament and the waters below the firmament. Please watch it if you have not seen it yet! It will answer a lot of questions you may have surrounding the Rapture and when it will occur.

    When You see all these things...Know that Summer is Near! We Fly Soon!!

  7. We all know LIGHTNING struck the masonic temple in DC this past week

    I Beheld Satan As Lightning Fall From Heaven
    From SHMP (6/7)

  8. Afraid you don't know how to walk in love? Let's get set free from this idea right now. (25:02 mins)

    by David Benjamin in Christ YTC

    A very edifying and insightful video, gave something to me to chew on, felt on my geart to share it here too.

  9. @TyGreen has a really nice vid today titled "They Knew" (19 min) re the knowledge of Elijah and Elisha and the sons of the prophets who were aware of Elijah's departure date and the high watch moment of this weekend.

    I'll just say that as we know the Heavens declare His Glory and we've been shown what the stars are now revealing at this very moment in time, we cannot take it for granted that we have even another day here on earth despite what we might perceive re day counts and feast timings. So I'm just looking UP and rejoicing in the message of His heavens.

    And re Dr. Barry Awe's channel, it's my understanding that this Brother does believe in the Finished Work of the Cross and our Eternal Security that comes with that, but he chooses to extend grace to all who have believed in the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and assumes that God the Father will ultimately clarify the Depth of our Redemption through the Righteousness of His Only Begotten Son Alone to every one who has truly believed in Him. (Philippians 1:6)

    I will defend the Gospel of Salvation by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ Alone and our Eternal Security in His Finished Work on the Cross as long as I have the breath to do so, but I can live with that kind of gracious generosity knowing that we who truly do believe the words of 1Cor.15:1-4 as well as Eph.2:8,9,10 are all sinners saved by His Grace who in the flesh are still quite capable of sinful behavior and failure. While some will attempt to practice the unwise "abuse" of His Grace and Mercy and some will practice the equally unwise "denial" of the Fullness of His Propitiation...He Did Not and Will Not Fail those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Rom.8:28,29,30)

    Showing my age here, but as ol' Paul Harvey might say...That's the "REST" of the story;-)

    Blessings and Maranatha! <*)))>< <*)))>< <*)))><

    1. Sheila, I'm with you in the hope for our soon rapture!! One thing tho... In the case of Elijah and Enoch, only 1 person was snatched away and not millions and millions and Satan probaby wasn't lying in wait to devour them like in the case of the Church. The Rapture of the Church I believe is unique, there are similarities but there might be strategic reasons in the here and now that werent present in the case of the harpazo events of the OT saints. That's why I'm still skeptical that we'll know the "very close to it-time".

      Personally I dont think that the "not knowing the day and hour" is for the rapture. My guess is the Second Coming OR the making of the New Heaven and Earth which is talked about in the prev. passages so it could mean this as some people pointed that out.

      Because really, why would He command us if we could not know at least the season? So I still have some hope tho I have doubts when it comes to pointing out special days bc of the above mentioned reasons.

      Still, the thing is, I WISH to know at least the year because personally (again) it would gave me strenght even to KNOW that THIS is the year!!! That made a lot of difference to me! And if it were not so, I think I could prepare in Him to that too and not feel to let down anymore when watch-days come and go.

      So, I've been seriously thinking if a collective prayer with like-minded believers would be possible, to make acollective request to the Lord to reveal to us at least the year, at least if THIS is the year or not. I dont know, becaue if He revealed that it's still years away that would backfire as almost everyone is tired.

      BUT IF 2020 IS the YEAR, I wish I'd know for sure(!!!), that's my main point! The Lord knows the time, I'm sure so I yearn for this hypothetical scenario that IF 2020 is the year, it would be great if He'd reveal it to us without the tiniest possibility of misundrestanding and doubt!!! That's my main wish toward Him right now!

      Anyone else feels this way?

    2. Sheila B. and Nora, Blessings and Blessings. Such luxurious, deep waters you stir, thank you. Perfect segue for some thoughts I've been a thinkin' here. I'm thinking this may seem a cat chasing its own tail, furry Ouroborus (?) (Miguel P. appreciates that one), as OI spin a tale (tail?). (Miguel P, make sure I tell you about 'Spin The Kitty' some time.)

      Well, imo, Scripture makes it abundantly clear that Christ is found with the heart, not the head, whilst All Things Of Christ Far Surpass the scrutiny of either, and, further more, it is not actually found as much as Revealed. 1 Corinthians 2:14 In fact, ABBA, Himself, Intervenes, SPECIFICALLY to prevent the unrepentant from discerning their salvation intellectually. 2 Thessalonians 2:11

      Without going to depth-Vega, for brevity, leveraging just on that snippet, I conjecture that Our Harpazo Aligns. That is to say, one cannot know the moment until such time as it is Chosen To Be Revealed. Daniel 12:4 Which elicits the Q, Why Would He Do It This Way? The Command to Watch the unsightable?

    3. Ofc, that is a rhetorical Q, in this room. Refining; Separation; Drawing Deeper, Expanding The Kingdom; Expanding The Ranks; Doing His Good Pleasure, and much, much more. Meanwhile, the enemy is chomping at the bit to have his day.

      The BoC draws ever closer to their Lord, pours forth a prayer covering unlike any other in history over the world, which Christ Doubly Indwells, Matthew 18:20, Psalm 22:3, Pouring Forth His Spirit Upon ALL Flesh, Acts 2:17 Joel 2:28 and much, much more; Upholding Each Of Us Through It All. John15:5 MUCH of what is rewarded at the BEMA SEAT will likely occur during this period since TGW and esp NOW, to HIS GLory. Luke 10:2 Amen! and, again I say, amen! The Enemy, under the same constraints as all, lacks The Mind Of Christ and is thus Forced To Watch Our Lord's Saints, Loving Their Lord And Chasing After Him, for insights, quite possibly. Talk about 'Rubbing It In'.

      Fortunately, Our ABBA, and Christ, Our Lord, Is Unchanging. James 1:17 Orderly. 1 Cor 14:33 Gives Prophecy To Sustain us. 1 Cor 14:3 Trustworthy Father. Matthew 7:9 Confidant John 15:15

      And Watching for His Rescue is a lot like 'finding' him in the 1st place and involves seeking with all your heart.

      Deuteronomy 4:29; Proverbs 8:17; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:9


    4. Nora and Jimboni...Blessings:-) Nora, I understand your line of thinking although I believe the enemy has always lain in wait to devour God's people at every opportunity and if memory serves, Elijah went from place to place to place to place before crossing the Jordan to finally meet that chariot of fire. Witnesses and confirmations were gathered along the way and while Elijah and the others knew his departure was at hand, IDK--perhaps this step by step by step by step journey threw the enemy off as to when the exact moment of his departure would occur. I feel like that's similar to what we've been experiencing since we became aware of TGW of Rev.12:1,2 and knew we were in THE Season of our own departure and have met each "high-watch" day in a similar step by step by step by step manner. But once Elijah and company got to the Jordan, they all knew he had arrived. IMHO, 2020 has all of the earmarks of our "Jordan" crossing. I personally believe it's already narrowed down to seeing that dry ground on the other side as we are witnessing the separation of the light from the darkness and being led to wind up our final messages and prayer requests from here.

      And re the smoting of waters, I came across this article tonight: June 7, 2020 "Biblical Village of Bethsaida 'Where Jesus Fed the 5000' Is Flooded by Rising Sea of Galilee"

      "The place where Jesus miraculously fed the 5000 has been totally submerged by flooding, forcing archaeologists to abandon the excavation site." (does this mean we're done with our shovels;-))

      And could this be the "water breaking" that we've been anticipating?
      IDK for sure ofc, but....

      G#5000--Tabitha used 2x in Act 9:36,40 in re to Tabitha, who by interpretation is called Dorcas, being raised from the dead:-)

      H#5000--naveh--becoming, comely, seemly, fitting, lovely, suitable, beautiful
      used 10x (esp, in the Psalms and Songs)

      Perhaps we are about to pass the mantle to those who will become the Tribulation Saints and my fervent prayer for all of them is at least a "double portion". They are going to need it, Amen!

      Blessings ALL and my best encouragement is to JUST. BE. READY.

    5. And wowza, Jimboni as you might say..that thought re Elijah and Elisha kinda connects back to the gist of Caleb's LOTR dream:-)

    6. Thank you Sheila and Jimboni for the encouragement and thoughts to chew on!

  10. Nora blessed to hear your thoughts and hope for the soon coming rapture. Though weary at times , I keep my eyes on the proposed high watch dates. One of the thoughts that keep me from being disappointed is knowing that God reveals his thoughts to us , however we see him part .... and yet knowing His ways are higher than our ways. Yesterday started and finished and I woke up this morning with the words of my mouth ‘Jesus is coming soon‘ Well. soon there after, I thought about if Jesus were not to come today, what can I look forward to in the upcoming days or weeks. And the answer is ...the Lord has more for us to do during this time frame. Is it another person to witness n to preach the gospel, or is there another area my life that needs to be cleaned up? And although I feel ready for the Lord to come ...because Presently. life is very Difficult. Today there was another protest in Ventura county.... fortunately there were no deaths or rioters at this point. Yet my husband was driving ...a bit frustrated he expressed how ridiculous everything was and of course the loving wife reminds him that Jesus is coming soon and America has changed for the worse. I also think about Moses and Joseph and many others in the word who lived during difficult times. Nora I want to have a story to tell them how challenging it was when we waited during these end times for Jesus to come pick us up. I don’t have the answers to the long waiting but I do know one thing Jesus said he is coming and that he will do so. Nora, Lord
    bless you as you continue to wait and bear much fruit.
    Yes let’s collectively pray for the word from the Lord .. I want to know tooo !!!! Oh maybe Lord
    ..the week or the mont . or year!!! Thinking of Gideon with the fleece Judges 6:36-40. Lord we need you !!!

  11. Take a look at Coach in the fight " June -The Covenant Day"

    1. The comment section very encouraging

    2. Nora, I will also pray to ask God if he will reveal the year and even the month to us. Maybe our wonderful Father will tell us one way or another. Carole

    3. Carole, VeeBee, thank you! Thank you for praying with me too! IF 2020 is indeed the year and He shared that with us I'd be happy! I think I'd feel that whatever the world (and the enemy) throws at us, does not matter because we'll be out of here this year! The saddening possibility that we'll be here who knows how much longer would be gone if 2020 would be confirmed by Him without a doubt.

      Simply, that's just how I feel right now, the world is so dark, and there's such oppression in the air that frankly, the thought of even one more year is a very bleak prospect to me right now!

      Ofc in the end only the Lord knows if it's in His good will to share such information and again only IF 2020 is His chosen year for the rapture, (though maybe IF 2021 is the year it would be good to find that out too to brace ourselves but more years than that would be indeed too much to contemplate right now).

      I think I'll pray for a revelation from Him on it from now on and thank you guys for all the prayer support if you feel about that like me!

    4. Hey Nora... I know our Lord has already heard your prayer and knows your longing for understanding which indeed reflects the longing of us all. But as I'm thinking about even a corporate request for a doubt-free confirmation--which I've no doubt asked for myself a 1000 times over many years, I'm wondering what that would even look like. Have you got an idea of how He might answer that prayer in a way that would suffice for everyone waiting and watching? Outside of a Booming Voice from heaven, or finding an elusive Scripture that plainly states at least the specific year of our Rescue, I can't think of how He might answer that in a way that wouldn't involve taking the word of others for a personal revelation and we all know how that has far anyway. And even as others explain to us their Biblical interpretations of the heavenly constellations, we have to exert a certain amount of faith in that person's God-given understanding. So IDK, sweet mostly thinks it will remain an exercise in both our faith in Him and His Word and the gift of spiritual awareness as His prophetic fulfillments come to pass. I guess it goes back to the ol' kiddos in the back seat metaphor--"Daddy, are we there yet?"

      Blessings, love you much and still praying and asking with you as we wait for that loud Booming Voice that says "COME UP HITHER!"

    5. Sheila, to your question: "Have you got an idea of how He might answer that prayer in a way that would suffice for everyone waiting and watching?"

      That's a good question, I'll have to think about it. My first thought about this was that somehow everyone will get a *knowing* thru the Holy Spirit about the timing, via dreams/visions/hearing from the Lord, the way they uniquely&personally communicate with Him.

      "I can't think of how He might answer that in a way that wouldn't involve taking the word of others for a personal revelation and we all know how that has far anyway."

      Yeah, sadly, that's not easy.

    6. "Blessings, love you much and still praying and asking with you as we wait for that loud Booming Voice that says "COME UP HITHER!"

      Thank you! :-) *hugs* Prayer support means a lot!

      What I noticed is that I have strangely intense dreams, it's been going on for a while too, and I just realized that all of them are about some sort of traveling. That easely could be my yearning for the rapture tho, as my soul reacts to it and it manifests in dreams.

    7. Family, Blessings. Only having started following Dr Barry Awe recently I cannot rate his latest to earlier ones, but, this one is tops. Nora, he does a good job, simply looking at the world around us, in the face of Our Lord's Declarations in Psalm 91, and makes a very good case for this being the year. His opening is classic, if you can handle the truth. Encouraging details re Pentecost as well. He brings Joshua and Caleb into the story, which speaks to us here, ofc. (Mini-PSR, this latest wave of improvements has Our Scout feeling sensations in INDIVIDUAL toes and more spots on the skin below his waist.)

      Wait for it! Chin up true believer!

    8. Dr. Barry's newest has my highest recommendation. Strong Bible-based reasoning for our soon hapazo (this week??), fun presentation as always, and a great defense of the true gospel!

    9. Thanks Jimboni for the link and recommendation, gonna check it! (Heard of him bc of the Pentecost dates but havent watched his vids yet.)

    10. Thanks Jimboni for the Dr Barry Awe's latest. I agree it was awesome.

      Quiet amazing, that so many have locked Pentecost down to a one day Festival, and yet in the Book of Deuteronomy 16:15-17 it definitely seems to say that the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is for 7 days moedim. Especially when it also was hinted at again in the book of Acts 2:1-21 KJV , where it says, when the Day of Pentecost was fully come. (meaning that maybe it fully comes on the last day of Pentecost, which if Dr. Barry Awe's calculations are correct would be: 13th of June.)

      I can handle one more week!

      + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
      Deuteronomy 16:15-17
      15 Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn feast unto the Lord thy God in the place which the Lord shall choose: because the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thine increase, and in all the works of thine hands, therefore thou shalt surely rejoice.

      16 Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the Lord empty:

      17 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath given thee.

      + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    11. Blessings Family! Just finished watching Dr Barry's latest and came on here to share it but you all are much quicker! Lol

      It certainly encouraged me and maybe, just maybe, we really do only have six more houses to go! :)

      Blessings, love, and Maranatha!

    12. Loved Dr. Barry's intro on this cool! It's a shame he has to "dis-infect" his comment section, but it's to be expected I guess--especially when he's sharing so much encouraging Biblical Truth with those who have the ears to hear. And sad because those little foxes so intent on spoiling the vines NEED to get a witness more than anybody as they really are just like the complainers and naysayers in the Exodus when only Joshua and Caleb were walking in faith--and we all know how that went for those negative Nellies. Love that story, too.
      Chin Up! Amen:-)

      Jimboni...wonderful news on those INDIVIDUAL toes. Amazing Praise and Progress report!

    13. Still laughing at the end and his "still waiting" scene on the roof with the Happy Birthday Balloon:-D Then went to comments and saw that there were 969 and immediately thought of Methuselah and what his death portended Then I saw the attack comments right off. I can't even imagine how miserable it must be to feel a "calling" to be such a hateful "exposer" of the watching Brethren. SMH, but still feeling the JOY along with Dr. Barry and the rest of the watching family:-D

    14. Bro Barry shared some things to ponder and it was encouraging, I agree. There's always the chance of human error but I hope that -as the Lord guides him- he'll turn out to be right about this year! Fingers crossed. Flying away this summer would be great!

    15. It seems as if "Pentecost" has also given all the "scholars" the slip too. [Hello Stephanie Dawn, can you weigh in on this with your wonderful Pentecost mini-book fit to print?]

      Right, there are three (3) pilgrimage festivals each being 7 +1 days long: Passover,/Unleavened Bread Pentecost, and Taberbacles.

      WE (hmmm, everyone until recently) have thought Pentecost to be single day while it (as it was pointed out in the vid) would have NOT made sense for folks to travel to Jerusalem (for days/weeks) just for a single day event just to turn around and go back (within 24hrs).

      Help me here with some other gray bearded 'scholars' with this same finding? Did Jack Langford have the same conclusion from scripture? How about some of the older fellas?

      Glad to see he (BA) knows the punches/ slaps/ spit/ slander were coming and his personality/ humor is ready for it. I am pleased to see this community 'see' him more clearly now.

      So, if six six/seven was the START of the Pentecost festival/ week-long gathering... you all have already come to the mathematical conclusion above.

      Here is to keeping on our 'toes' (wink to Jimboni/ Caleb)

  12. Colorado Senate passes new vaccine bill requiring parents who don’t vaccinate to take new steps

    Colorado parents are allowed to not vaccinate their child for personal belief, religious, and medical exemptions. [This impacts parents who choose the Religious or personal belief exemption].

    So, attacking the children via their parents.

  13. "the decision by the Minneapolis council to disband the police..."

    Never thought that I'll hear about such a thing on this side of the rapture! It's surreal.

  14. Wow, Ryan...never would of thought to connect those St. Paul/city of lawlessness dots, Brother!
    Some amazing insight there for sure and more evidence that the enemy has no choice but to follow the Script as written. Blessings and TY for sharing that:-)

  15. Blessings all. Hope all is well with everyone and family. I tell ya, I am so excited about meeting our Precious Savior! The One everything in Creation revolves around! The most important Person who ever lived! Imagine, any second now we will be in His Glorious Presence! Forever! Aren’t you psyched!?

    Pastor JD got me hysterical as usual yesterday talking about how God speaks of how hard ants work and seeing an ant in his (JD’s) office carting off and struggling mightily with a kernel of JD’s beloved popcorn and realizing that that ant had read the Bible!

    Pastor Billy Crone really freaked me out with his teaching on A.I. yesterday and how A.I. can build an entire house, conduct job interviews, hire and fire people (or at least recommend) and the utter loathing A.l has for humanity. Oh yes, our time here is getting shorter and shorter. I think a lot of us can remember when AI beat the world’s chess champ. They literally have trillions of bits of info at their artificial fingertips. AI beat a law student at answering a complicated tax question in 30 seconds. Now, maybe many people wouldn’t mind if lawyers became extinct. Jesus has harsh Words for them. Many believe that their jobs can only be performed by humans but they are wrong. Oh how wrong.

    Well, if police are defunded and blue helmeted rapists are patrolling our streets, just be ready for them. Bibi seems intent on annexation July 1.

    Every good surfer knows the 3rd wave is the worst. I will, uh, pass on the lust subject.

    Beltway Brother! Listen, if you think the earth is flat I am not gonna stop talking to ya. We have much more that brings us together than separates us. I think you’d like the DollarVigilante. He’s in Mexico and makes some really insightful observations as he walks his sweet chihuahua Lucy. Very entertaining and informative. HIghImpactVlogs and ACallForAnUprising are good too. Dan Dicks at Press for the Truth is great. Poor guy got hit in the face by an anarchist doofus who threw a bottle at him unprovoked and who do you think got arrested? There’s this YT channel Anonymous I find interesting. I remember on the ID channel a story of a young girl who was assaulted and ended up committing suicide and nothing happened to the perpetrators and then Anonymous put out a vid basically saying we’re coming for ya. Then charges were brought but ended up being a tap not even a slap on the wrist. Thank God for citizen journalists!

    They’re sneaking updates on my iPad and even my galaxy tablet has a covid whatever. But I look at it this way: I serve an Infinite God and won’t let some app scare me!

    Take care and God bless and protect you all.


    1. Beltway Sister, I do not believe anything N a S a has to share nor do I believe a word from Carl Sagan.

      I believe in the Bible (p.s. there are no comets, meteorites, asteroids, planets, milky ways, black holes in the Bible). Hailstones and coals of fire are mentioned, but none of the above.

      The cosmos is NOT evolving nor is it infinite as these two (anti-Bible) entities claim or theorize.

      One is dead (and probably now knowing there is a God/YVWH) and the other is steeped in the occult/ FMY. Could be both entities.

      Yes, AI is doing tasks which humans used to do. I am certain contact tracers will start with humans and soon be replaced with AI/ droids/ other bots.

    2. The Bible doesn't specifically mention a lot of things that exist. But He did give mankind the eyes to see and the intelligence to look. Ancient civilizations were more aware of heavenly activities than some people these days are. Get a telescope maybe and check it out....
      And if The LORD GOD, Himself is Infinite (unless you are denying that), common sense would suggest that His Dwelling Place is Infinite.

    3. Question: Since the Bible is literal and there is a literal 'Bottomless Pit,' how then or where is this bottomless pit within a ball?

      What makes (cognitively and literally) more sense?

      A1: A ball. It is a structured finite structure/mass with defined bounaries. I don't think a bottomless pit can exist within a ball. One cannot fall into oneself for eternity.

      A2: A Table or Stage. For example, there can be a bottomless pit if using a table or stage. Think of a table/ stage with a "trap" door. This "trap" door can (or probably does) represents the opening which one will fall fall and fall and fall and fall for eternity.


      The sun, moon, and stars rotate about the (motionless) Earth like clockwork giving us days, signs (aka markers) and seasons (aka moedim).

      Carl Sagan and N a s a created/ made up their endless/ fairytale cosmos. No way YVWH would allow His creation to enter His dwelling place (3rd heaven) or even the Spirit realm (2nd heaven).

      The 1st heaven (the Firmament above) contains the sun, moon, and stars just like the Bible tells us (from the very Beginning!).


    4. So in your scenario, this bottomless pit located beneath the flat motionless table-like earth is infinite, but the heavens above are not infinite--just the pit is infinite...hmmm...
      And just curious...where do the Scriptures mention this eternal falling and falling in a physical or literal sense? I don't see that in the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. And where would the Lake of Fire (which seems to be the final destination for death, hell and it's inhabitants) be in this scenario?

    5. And while I am a believer in the literal Word of God, I also understand that metaphors are used and the word "bottomless" can be and often is metaphorically used to refer to something as being "very deep" and the bottomless pit or abyss as described in the Bible IS a place of "containment" for the fallen angels, etc. and as such it would imo likely have some kind of boundaries which could readily be contained within the depths of a spherical earth.

    6. Adding to what Sheila said, about, the bottomless pit, I also understood it like it's very-very deep but not actually bottom-less. Btw, several philosophers from the past imagined and explained it this way naming the experience of hell as "the eternal fall/dive" into the abiss. I've read about that. It is a human imagination&interpretation imo.

      The Lord will reveal everything in its proper time. I'm not in a hurry to see that horrible place. I think I've seen it a few times in visions. I saw a large round hole, and there was such a darkness in it, it was darker than the darkness of space, absolutely without light, it was horrible! And the sense of its deepness was like what makes one dizzy when they're standing on a high place (if that description make sense). I dont wish to anyone to go there!

      I believe so too that the Lord's creation is infinite which maybe includes multiple universes, multiple dimensions etc. I can't wait to discover His vast creation!!!!

    7. Amen! Nora on what we are going to be discovering! And I definitely believe it's going to be including some dimensional travel. Warp Speed, Sister:-))

    8. Sheila, I'm already planning some awesome discovery journies! NOT alone of course but with groups of friends, everyone who wants to join is invited! :-)

  16. When I’m up well past midnight, I find myself watching “Alien”. I can keep the sound and subtitles off and still follow along effortlessly. I don’t know if it’s the pace or mood of the film, but it’s the one, not unlike Terminator in some ways, that I put on as I study or watch the latest vid by teachers I follow. Think Ridley Scott directed both if I’m not mistaken or that Cameron guy.

    Yes, the end is happening fast. Watchwoman65 has a devastating vid I just watched about what’s happening. I only bend my knee to Jesus Christ. It’s idolatry otherwise. Looking forward to that great day when ALL knees will bend to Him and affirm Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father!

    1. Terminator was directed by James Cameron, Alien by Ridley Scott. Alien is the typical movie what I call *Satan's porn*. Or *Satan's violence-porn*. I think (horror-) movies like that shows what he'd wish to do to all humankind if we'd be totally under his rule without the Restrainer and the Lord's interventions.

      I remember how terrifying and shockingly disgusting it was when I've first seen bits of it, I was around 7 or 8 years old, it's even worse when you're a child. (E.T. also scared the sh*t out of me!!!)

    2. Blessings Nora. I always found ET boring and have never watched more than a few minutes. I remember my brother read the Alien novel and he said it was very scary. The two scariest books I have read are Salem’s Lot and The Shining. Slept with the lights on and didn’t go near the window for awhile. Many decades ago. But I remember it. Silence of the Lambs was scary too.

    3. The Shining is one of my favorite SK books :-))

      E.T. ... I still have the memory hiding behind the armchair every time the advertisement of that movie came on the TV!!! The need to hide was INTENSE!

    4. I had a laugh when a guy who's in my age group (Millenials) mentioned in a podcats about movies that he was traumatized by ET too. He also found ET scary, so to alleviate his fears, his parents brought him to the movies and it actually made it worse because he found out that there are MORE OF THEM!!!


  17. ZEROHEDGE | UN Declares Mass Starvation Coming in December!

    The beginning of sorrows, is starting... so that means our redemption is drawing VERY near! Hopefully June is our escape month. It sure feels like it could be, Given Jaco's latest video a couple of days ago.

    Matthew 24:7
    "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be FAMINES, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."

    Luke 21:28
    And when these things being to come to pass, look up, lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near.

    1. BTW, I appreciate your kind/ supportive comments on both BA and TOL. Two guys who understand there is/ could be a date and who are unpacking things using a methodical step-by-step process.

      Personally, I enjoy a target date as it gives me great hope and something to look forward to.

      I appreciate all the date-setters in the recent past and those today who are able to coordinate and speculate based on the Bible, Math/Phi Ratio, and the Shaymaim/ Mazzaroth.

      There is a 'fixed date' for sure and it is hidden for those who DO NOT watch the 3 things mentioned above.

    2. When the Lod said "look up, lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near" I always thought He ment to be be looking for His return, but I think there is also the command to be looking and studying the stars like the Magi did to know that we are in the season and to be encouraged.

  18. Hi Guys,
    I Just have a question, that I want to ask, and hopefully you guys can share your opinion on it.

    I have asked the LORD to reveal the truth to me about, but so far I see supporting scriptures for both sides. The majority view is that Hell is forever, and a fringe view is that Unbelievers will be destroyed after judgement.

    Do you believe in:

    [] ETERNAL CONSCIOUS TORMENT for the unbeliever FOREVER and EVER.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [] Genesis 3:19 KJV, (From dust you came , And to Dust, you shall return)
    [] Ezekiel 18:20 (The soul who sins shall die.)
    [] Matthew 10:28 KJV (who can destroy both soul and body in hell)
    [] John 3:16 KJV, (Perish means to be destroyed)
    [] Romans 6:23 KJV, (wages of sin is death, NOT ETERNAL PUNISHMENT))
    [] Philippians 3:19, (Their end is destruction)
    [] Revelation 20:14 KJV, (2nd death thrown into the lake of fire)
    [] Revelation 2:11 KJV, (this is the 2nd death)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [] Isaiah 34:8-10 KJV - (It will not be quenched night or day. Its smoke will go up forever)
    [] Daniel 12:2 KJV - (shall awake... ...and some to shame and everlasting contempt)
    [] Mark 9:48 KJV - (where the worm never dies)
    [] John 15:6 KJV - ( Branches gathered up and burned (Although this is a parable))
    [] Jude 1:7 KJV - (Sodom & Gomorrah A punishment of Eternal Fire, But there are no fires currently burning in S&G))
    [] Revelation 14:11 (the smoke of the fire that torments them goes up forever and ever)

    There are good arguments for either. And I am currently undecided about what is the correct interpretation, but one of the strongest arguments for Destruction of the unsaved soul is:

    Namely: Is God a sadistic God? that would literally torture your granny, or teenage child or parent, for billions and trillions and then more billions and trillions of years more never ending, because they had lust in their heart, or they lied to their parents or had an abortion when they found out they were pregnant and didn't feel able to cope? If they had not recognized Jesus as their Savior before their death?

    Would be very interested to hear your views on this one.

    1. Jordan ... You do know there was a recent battle about this after Renee Roland expressed her views on this subject because of misunderstandings on what she does believe? I am sure you are and this peaked your interest? Mr. Christian expressing his belief that if you don't believe in an eternity in hell you were not believing in the gospel. Barry Scarborough​ making video a video on it is about grace and believing the gospel and not about your views on the eternity of hell because this would be adding works. Tim Henderson addressed his view on the eternity of hell, mentioning Renee's video. And, I may have missed others addressing this issue.
      I don't like to think about it, not one iota. Once, I read that we have a soul created by God and it will never die. Then, I think about Jesus as did he not say, fear God who can destroy both the body and soul. Does destroy mean non-existence? Renee believes hell and death at some point are thrown into the lake of fire and this is when unbelievers souls are destroyed? Do they get a body after death and is it an eternal body that is destroyed along with their souls? It seems clear from scripture that the false prophet, Satan, and the AC are eternally in the lake of fire. Ultimately, if there is an eternity in hell it would not be about the sins one committed (are there not deeper levels of hell (the depth of darkness). So, is this darkness hell and death and not being eternally in the lake of fire? Rather, having your soul (your essence) destroyed afterward in the lake of fire (Including your body)?
      Unbelievers are judged for their sins whereas the body of Christ is not. Is the punishment in hell as deemed by God for each person and then the second death is hell and death thrown into the lake of fire for destruction of their bodies and souls? Of course, this seems fair to see it this way.
      I also had read that we will understand in eternity (afterall, does the Word not say there will be no more tears? Are our memories of on earth erased? If so, then is our remembrance of ourself also eradicated? Do we have new identities? (David Benjamin, I believe, sees it this way and has a video or more on this subject.

    2. Jordan, I'm not sure that my reply will help much but I'll make a try. :-)

      I really think that this is one of those typical *issues* that we'll only know clearly on the other side of the rapture. It really seems like one of those things we only see thru the glass/mirror dimly right now. The thing is, I don't think that the expressions of *second death* and *destruction of the soul* mean annihilation. I don't know.

      All I know is that when -on the other side- we'll finally see clearly, the lingering feeling (coming from our current limited understanding and our flesh) that the Lord is somehow *unfair* (concerning the Lake of Fire and Hell) will be totally gone.

    3. p.s. I wanna re-phrase sg:

      I don't think that the expressions of *second death* and *destruction of the soul* neccessarily mean annihilation. But I don't know.

    4. Brother David (DB in Christ YTC) made a video I've watched not long ago, it made me think. Maybe it answers some of the things you've also mentioned.

      unbelief is not just getting it wrong but a willful rejection of truth because of hatred

      (20:52 mins)

    5. Jordan, Cathi, Nora, et al...I was wondering when this would come up here and it's a sticky wicket for sure, but I'm with you, Nora, on thinking that we will not be able to fully understand the horrific consequences of condemnation to the 2nd death on this side of heaven. And I do think it's wrong for any Christian to condemn another Christian as "unsaved" based on their opinion of what the White Throne Judgement will ultimately mean for those who rejected the gift of Jesus Christ's Propitiation. But I do know this--whether it's for a thousand years (at a minimum for those now living) of suffering in hell, or it is an eternal torment in the eternal lake of fire, it surely IS an eternal separation from God which is worse than the BADDEST of BAD and actually incomprehensible to me. And I also know that God's Judgments are Righteous and True and He does nothing that would fall outside of that Perfect Judgement. So whatever it is, all we who are His will be in complete agreement with Him.

    6. Thank you, to you both,
      Yeah it is a interesting topic, and you are right Cathi, it was originally from Renee Roland's video a couple of months ago, that peaked my interest. I had never thought of it before, and just assumed that both Heaven and Hell were eternal destinations.

      I did hear of the fall out that occurred on YouTubeland involving Mr.Christian and Watch Woman 65 , and David Benjamin, but didn't follow it too closely, and didn't see much input on it from other channels. it can be draining listening to or reading though table tennis explanations and accusations.

      So I would really like the LORD to show what is the correct understanding on it. I can definitely see the case for an eternal conscious torment, it is a much stronger motivator to not go there, if Hell was eternal, as oppose to, you will be tormented for X number of years, and then you will be destroyed.. but the other side of it, is it is really hard to imagine a loving father, that laid his own sons life down for us, and wills that none perish, but that all come to a saving knowledge of the truth, and that anyone who doesn't accept this free gift, will be tortured for all eternity, which is a very long time.

      But my ways are not God's ways, and his judgments are always fair and right, so I guess if it doesn't become clear in the short time we have left, I am sure as you said Nora, we see through a glass darkly, but soon, we will see as God sees. and boy will that be a awesome day, when all the confusing and conflicting doctrines are annulled and clarified.

      God bless to you both, thanks for your two cents on it...

    7. Adding my thanks to you too Sheila,

      Yeah it would be a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:31) Thankfully I just have to suffer lose of rewards, as oppose to judgement for my sins, otherwise, I'd be a goner.. Praise his mighty name.

    8. Jordan, you asked about our thoughts on the lake of fire and whether it is eternal torment or annihilation. Perhaps there is a 3rd option - the lake of fire is a place of purification. Maybe a place of testing where people see the consequences of their sins and finally turn to Jesus.

      The bible says that God wishes none to perish and all to be saved, God is love and God's thoughts are higher than ours. The bible also says that all our tears will be wiped away. Perhaps this is not because our memories of lost loved ones are erased, but we get to understand the real truth of the bible and they will be saved eventually.

      Many passages in the bible have been mistranslated, including the KJV. Tested has been translated as tormented. Forever and ever, is the greek world aen from which we get Eon, and it means an age. Brimstone can mean purification.

      Perhaps the 2nd death that the bible talks about is spiritual death, as in death of the 'old man', the man of sin. We are made a new creation in Christ, so perhaps we've already experienced our 2nd death. But for non-believers they have to face this 2nd death so they can also become a new creation in Christ.

      Of course all these non believers will miss out on the millenial kingdom and will have to face the great white throne judgment and the lake of fire, which even if it is not for punishment but for purification, is still likely to be difficult and painful.

      I only read about these ideas for the first time, yesterday. The same day you posed the question. They came from Lorraine Day's website who was a recent guest of Israel News Live. I'm still mulling them over, but they feel right and would answer some of the apparent contradictions of bible regarding the lost.

      Although I don't necessarily agree with all her ideas, these are some of the articles of interest:


      Was the Doctrine of "Hell" Manufactured by Theologians?

      The "Destruction" of the Wicked

  19. Quick note: from video evidence, it seems ALL of the Queen's markers have been REMOVED. Also note, no royal guards, only RAF folks.

    So, what is going on over there?

    Last post I had provided links/ comment on how the Queen n Family were in there on a false notion and the "true" King of England was taking it (power/ title) back.

    Interesting days/ times, oh yes.

  20. Blessings all. I just started watching a series of vids by Pastor Billy Crone called Protection from satan and his demons. He spoke about Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and how they must put on the whole Armor of God. It’s tragic that 5/7 Churches failed. First losing their First Love and that was Ephesus! And once that Love for Christ is lost, then Pergamun let the world in and Thyatira tolerated Jezebel. One by one, in order. First losing the love for Christ. Many wars are fought, many battles, but not all are left Standing. Corinthians is gone. Cling to Christ, esp now. He’s our Only Protection. Cling to His Holy Word. Things are getting worse. At my job I take either calls or chats and for the first time ever, someone used the Lord’s Holy Name in vain in the chat! And so I chatted back and finished his blasphemy with the rejoinder “.....loves me very much.” I explained that what he was asking me to do was incorrect regarding our work and then I cautioned him about taking the Lord’s Holy Name in vain. He ended up thanking me for explaining things to him, at least regarding work because he said no one ever takes the time to, but I really hope that’s not all he got out of our chat.

    Almost 20 yrs there and seeing and hearing things that make me ache ever so more to be in front of our Lord’s Throne trembling with Honor and Gratitude.

  21. I need to share this recent breaking news video by Pastor Tim because around the middle of it, he's got a sudden "message-revelation" from the Holy Spirit and it's extremely encouraging!!! YAY :D

    Attn. Prophecy Watchers! World Info Update 6/9/20. (9:20mins)

    by Tim Henderson YTC

    1. Nora, Blessings. Now that folks have had a couple days to watch that I (re)post this CM vid comment knowing it would be a SPOILER ALERT for those not yet having seen the in-flight connection made by PTH. It aligned so well with what CM has been trying to communicate re our departure being the Removal Of All Holy 'Light' From This Dimension. In short, the Creation Act was the Insertion Of His Light, which ultimately, now, dwells within US, predominately, from the creation so indwelt, leaving it back into it's state at the Beginning (invoking Alpha/Omega).

      Colleen, Blessings. In his recent video, Pastor Tim Henderson was HS Shown a connection which I clearly also Saw, as he walked us through it, real-time live, and which I was also IMMEDIATELY Shown as touching your ministry/message re the upcoming removal of the Light from the Darkness.

      In short, PTH set the chaos of our times as a book-end to the chaos spoken of in Genesis 1:2. BEGINNINGS/ENDINGS = ALPHA/OMEGA "In the Beginning, the Earth was without form (H8414: tohu: CONFUSION/EMPTINESS ) and void"... (H922:bohu: EMPTINESS (!)) GEN 1:2a. PTH explained that 'tohu bohu' describes an ENTIRELY (Spiritually) DARK/EVIL CHAOS. When PTH showed that IN THE BEGINNING, INTO WHICH ABBA Spoke "Let it BE" and LIGHT WENT INTO THE MIDST OF THE DARKNESS, I immediately saw the picture you have been showing of that SAME LIGHT BEING REMOVED as WE GO. Maranatha!

  22. An amazingly encouraging, eye-opening and insightful study by Brother Chooch, it was such a delight to listen to:

    TOL End Times: Rapture Timing - Follow The Fruit & You Won't Fret! (34:47 mins)

    by TOLEnd Times YTC

  23. What a Sham. Don't let a bad thing go to waste. What a set-up.

    George Floyd’s Family Petitions United Nations to Help Disarm Police in the United States

    The family's legal "team" has sent a letter to the globalist United Nations to ask for its help in disarming police officers in the United States of America.

    I recommend visiting Shaking My Head Production ytc for other important compilations as well of the 'Stage' we are on and the 'Stage' being Set Up right now.

    But Jesus, the Name above all Names and the ONLY Name which one can be saved.

    1. Also from Rapture Ready today:

      PSYOP? George Floyd “death” was faked by crisis actors to engineer revolutionary riots, video authors say

    2. CBS report on the legal team's letter to the UN asking them for 'help' in the US

    3. Charlie, Blessings. Not yet watched your PSYOPS link but that comports with several threads emerging in the skeptical community. Notably, the individual's faces, from the incident, don't line up with those same faces in later photos; the funeral was a closed casket, very odd considering a not-disfigured deceased, so bereaved by his beloved; while GF was a rather tall, heavy-set man, several folks reported the casket to be diminutive, like one a much smaller individual, one stated "a child" would use and clearly too short for him to fit within, seemingly. I was waiting for this data to emerge in a more researched format to share. In light of their prior relationship, GF's compromised character emerging, the clear resolve with which the act was carried out, the failure of parameds to admin ANY CPR or other lifesaving technique AND to significantly mis-handle the victim's body, allowing his head to dangle loosely in moving him, WHILE IN CLEAR SITE OF ALL, speaks of a willful demonstration to make a point, as opposed to the act of a seriously trained professional being mindless in the facer of known rolling cameras and major inspection, later. A strong narcotic, ingested while under the 'pin', and the pinning officer awaiting it to have taken effect, within the menagerie, explains it all perfectly. Were this Vergas, I'd put all my chips on that one, personally.

    4. Hi Jimboni, I watched a video from HardNews TV 2 questioning GF's casket. This is her preferred site, (as HardNews was a link from a commenter I think that was from NeverLoseTruth YT). I think she also mentioned how the officer's hand was casually in his pocket as he had his knee on GF. This would fit in with the scenario on his receiving some kind of narcotic and they had to wait for it to take effect (which would seem then it had been miscalculated as to the amount of time needed since he was a big guy). I mean, 8 minutes and 45 seconds with this officer looking straight ahead into the camera.
      On another note Ty Green had a video on the two pastors who spoke (I think it was the Houston funeral) and one used a verse from Amos that was about the Day of the Lord and the other was in 1 Thessalonians that was about the rapture. He found that interesting. The Amos quote doesn't seem to apply to a funeral. But I think with the BLM, and Pastor Sharpton officiating it does fit their agenda.

    5. And just today the MSM is finally releasing the story that both this cop and GF were security
      co-workers in the same nightclub--which was burned down in the riots. The club owner says Chauvin worked for her 17 years and another worker said this cop and GF butted heads. But any way you look at this--even if you reject the Psyop scenario and buy into the whole racial narrative--these two had a personal relationship, so this wasn't about "bad cops" in general.
      Not at all. It was kind of interesting that from what I could see, the big guy in the black hoodie and mask at the Houston funeral did look a lot like GF, but then he is supposed to have a doppleganger kind of twin in the basketball player best friend. Getting tougher to discern fiction from reality as the days go by....

    6. It really is. I saw a segment on one of the major news/entertainment morning shows with their woman doctor and a journalist on the CDC recommending coverage for your eyes. I couldn't believe it! I didn't catch the beginning but at the end, the doctor holds up a regular pair of prescription glasses (you would be covered), a plastic, clear type of eyewear, and, finally a plastic shield of sorts that looked shorter but maybe it also covered the mouth. Back to the journalist in closing, and she said something is better than nothing.

    7. They want every human being (a unique creation of the MOST HIGH) to hide/ cover up His wonderful creation.

      Yes, submission is in play too.

  24. Full of hollywood predictive programming. The opening 2min is what we are seeing unfold today and what will be tomorrow (police disarmed while others have the gu ns n such).

    Get Out ! Is The Dark Knight Rising?
    From SMHP (6/7)

    (Camera Footage) Looters Steal Tanks & Guns | Run a Muck Everywhere | Law Less Ness Abounds

  25. I don't know how many are familiar with @Sherry Rich's videos re "Gone With The Wind" over the past year or so, but I just saw on Fox News the announcement that HBO Max is now pulling "Gone With The Wind" from their platform in the wake of the GF protests. Sister Sherry has related what she's been shown about this Classic Movie with the removal of the Restrainer. I just got chills watching this report as the timing is so perfect for just such a thing. Look UP!!!

    1. Amen, sister! I've been following Sherry for a while, and I am also familiar with her dream in reference to Gone With The Wind, Civil War in America, and the removal of the Restrainer.

    2. In reading your comments, Sheila, on Sherry and her video on Gone with the Wind - that is exciting. Wasn't it shortly after that or at some point she had her video on the two 20's? I remember that only because I had gone to an ATM in January of this year, and my two 20's blew right out of my hand as the wind carried them away.

    3. Cathi...I remember you commenting back and forth with Sherry about that! I wonder if she's seen the GWTW removal story. She's not been making many videos lately, but I'm sure she'd be interested to know about that:-)

    4. Hi Sheila FYI. I have let sherry know about the "gone with the wind" removal. I left a comment on her latest video about it.

    5. Awesome Jordan...maybe it will inspire her to make a new vid for us;-)

  26. An amazing 3min of truth from the mouth of Bill G.

    Sheeple Driven Thru The GATES of BILL

  27. If You Think 2020 Has Been Crazy So Far, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet Gary @UNSEALED

    As I've come to discover, a number of other watchmen and women had their start in 2010, as well. Could that have been a move of the Spirit, using trumpeters to wake up the Church and proclaim the final ten years' boarding call to the world? Perhaps Christ's warning [and promise] to the church at Smyrna was a template for the period of 2010–2020. The final ten years of the Church Age?

  28. This is pretty cool. Probably a change of pace for most here, but still worthy. Just some epic music based on Revelation.

    epic song

    1. Hey, Miguel. Nice song. The scenery caught my eye. Made it seem more like it was a new day and seeing into a better time. I think that was Speaking Truth in Love, seeing triples I think (444, 333, 222, 111). Maybe it was doubles. PTH heard it I saw 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

    2. Pretty video, too, Miguel. Really expressed that sense of looking for and longing for:-)

  29. Today I noticed that April 3 next year is not only the half way point between rev12 sign and 7 years later, but it is written as 4 3 2 1...kind of reminded me of that dream or vision someone had a while back. Not sure if there's any significance.

    I'm still convinced we will be gone this year.

    Another random thought...three weeks ago, I went for a walk and saw a tree i hadn't ever noticed. I looked it up and it was a red horse chestnut. They are really cool with big red flower clusters clustered like cones or horns. Anyway, it struck me that it was a Red Horse chestnut being that Red horses are mentioned in Zechariah and revelation. I had been reading Zechariah at the time.

    Another thing I saw recently was an article about d trump jr returning from a hunting trip to kill endangered Sheep! Kind of a prophetic quality
    in that too.

    That's my tidbit for the moment. Jimboni, cant wait to hear about spin the kitty.

    Tonight our big grey nebelong was acting weird in the yard. When I inspected, he had cornered the cutest little mouse and was taunting it. Cat looked embarrassed. I said go ahead and his eyes got real wide. Hilarious. I think my approval actually ruined the moment for him.


    1. *nebelung

  30. Really interesting Ryan. I was really intrigued by the bridge collapse in Minneapolis in August of 2007. Wonder if there's any prophetic significance there? Connected to St Anthony, which is north of St Paul.

  31. Great Awakening: Children of the FALSE Light

    From On Point Preparedness (6/7)


    1. This wave/ great awakening is the crowning of their ac.

      See INL @ 7:45.. Yes neo-Evangelicals too along with he zio nists. Looking for their Light.

      Which Direction will the Protests Take?
      INL (6/10)

  32. Hi Charlie,
    I seen this short clip, (<1 minute) Weather balloon observing an eclipse and I thought of you, it prob won't change your mind about the earth being flat, but to me it proves that the earth is spherical (ball shaped).

    Also there is another video here (broke in to two parts), that shows a weather balloon rising from ground level view up to 65000 feet, which you can see the curvature of the earth from.

    Space Balloon Ascending From the Ground - Part 1 ((1 Hour), but you can speed through to see it rising))
    Space Balloon Ascending From the Ground - Part 2 (1 Hour also)

    Also the question that was once asked, which to me put the flat earth to bed, was:
    "If the earth was flat, how can we explain a lunar eclipse? wouldn't we see a flat jam-jar style shadow on the moon, from a flat earth as it passed between the sun and the moon? That's of course if the earth was flat! But we always see a round shadow, coming from what would make sense to be a curved spherical ball shaped earth!"

    This is not an attack on you Charlie, as we all have our contribution to make to the body, and I am grateful for some of the expose's you have done on some of the celebrities that I mentioned here, that I had believed to be Christians, and after seeing the exposes, I was more hesitant to call some of them my brother. But it is more for the purpose of giving information to people who might be curious or confused about the shape of the earth.

    I just thought it was interesting, and to me this short video (the 1st one) was further proof of a round earth. God bless Beltway brother.

    1. Hello Jordan,

      Thanks for sharing. Yes, all good stuff. Remember cameras use and can have different lenses. Perhaps they used a fish-eye lense which curves the images. Using a regular setting or non-convex lense would provide a viewer a more "real" view of whatever.

      I liked this for real science (no CGI or camera cut outs and cut ins). The camera stays on the entire trip until the rocket hits.......

      Amateur Rocket Hitting______ Within 73 Miles!

      I am never "attacking" anyone personally either, I am attacking those who put out and have continued to put out fakery, especially those with a Rcc, FM, Jesuit, nazi, and/or demonic background/ purpose. The association of Walt Disney and Verner VanBrahn is not a coincidence.

      I don't believe Elon Musk one Iota and surely do not believe there is a Tesla somewhere out there...allthewhile they should us of a clip recently of the non-damaged car with astro dumby still chugging along. Would the extreme temps of space do something to the metal car?

      Like Disney, it ain't Christ believing nor God fearing but driving an agenda.

      Look at all those wars where millions upon millions of people (L)ied aI mean died because some 1% ers decided to reduce the population, specifically males. Let's have a war and Albert Pike (GFM) is 2 out of 3 correct so far.

      Did my dad go to Vietnam because the commies were storming the borders in CA? No, they say a N Vietnamese fishing boat attacked a US Destroyer. Yeah right. Much like everything we read today. Yeah right.

      The globe is a tough thing to give up, we all have been trained to live on it and to see it from early school years.

      Just the impossibility (to me) of the just-so-happened to be right here right then for any eclipse supercedes the simpliciy of God just covering up the sun/ parts of/ or having it turn a shade of rose.

      Last piece and then I will let you go: wherever anyone is, the horizon always comes to eye level. Even in an airplane at 35,000 feet. The horizon never goes away/ dips down but eventually meets you in the eye.

      You are kind Jordan and always have been, keep it up (the kindness) in these last days.

    2. Hey ‘Rob Skiba’, I mean Charlie! Lol…Kidding.
      So, I have delved a bit into the whole ‘Flat Earth’ thing and I just thought those that believed in the Flat Earth were those that just had flat feet. But I digress. Maybe. There is something to it but not fully convinced by what I have only researched and still have a lot of questions for sure which I do appreciate from that community. It is evident that NASA and other agencies are just a ‘front’ for the real research that is occurring behind and below the scene.

      Such questions would be that if the Earth is still encased in a ‘dome’ and the Sun and Moon just revolve around it:

      1-What is the plane of their paths?
      2-Do they or would they ever collide as they outrun each other at some time?
      3-How far up high are they? I have heard 30 miles? That is amazing.
      4-If such a model would be true, then at any given time, the backsides of both would be seen on Earth.
      5-Why are they not seen or lit up from the posterior point of view from those on Earth, if flat?
      6-How do you account for the phases of the Moon?
      7-How do you account for the measure of the speed of light in calculated distance in space?
      8-For trillions and trillions of galaxies and yet ALL these are confined to the dimensions of the Earth’s dome? Only some 8000 miles in diameter?? Charlie!!!! Humm…

      My spirit sounds the alarm as also something is not right with the whole narrative as such are using the Bible to justify it and some say it is a distraction and to discredit Christianity.

      Anyway, thinking still about Pentecost and how that 40-day count of Jesus appearing after the resurrection. In my latest study I propose that the 40-day count started or was mentioned, noted from Jesus’ last appearing. Remember that He appeared at least 3 times after the resurrection. If this is true, it would still workout with the 99-day count of there being 49 days + 50 days.

      This is to say that the 40-day count mentioned in Acts 1 started on the 49th day from the Sheaf Offering, on that ‘morrow after the Sabbath’. If so, then it would work perfectly as the 40th day would leave then that 10-day gap to then reach Pentecost, the 50th day after the 49th or 7 Sabbaths had passed.

      My take is how the 40-day countdown and the 4-month He mentioned can be seen ‘inter-dimensionally’ as in a Tesseract, thus a ‘Tesseract of Time’. It is ‘far out’ and against conventional interpretation but you know me.

      As to date-setters? Hum….I for one would be ok if they would try to be objective and academic as I try to be for that very reason. But I know I cannot impose that on others. I love the topic and watching and speculating, nothing wrong with that and I always try to say, ‘I believe, based on patterns, it appears…based on speculation, etc. But when most state, ‘the LORD told me’, or the ‘LORD confirmed in me’…ah, no He did not and it has not been the Holy Spirit, sorry. It is just all man-made interpretations and of one’s own interpretations.

      My point is that too often we in this community have made the Rapture the ‘Idol’ and we look to that more than we should of Jesus. I understand that we love His appearing and we long for our Blessed Hope but to keep ‘date-setting’ and then to arrogantly state that they will continue to do so, is beyond the pale and why many discredit the message. Have we not learned from the Rev 12 Sign? Just Saying.

      If you like to read the article, ‘A Tesseract of Time’, here are the links.



    3. Great, it is beat up on flat footed believers in a non-ball Earth hour! Having fun boys but I am in the middle of eating and not going to stop and dissect all you (Lu) have to say... or try to respond in the moment. Perhaps in due time sir.

    4. Lu, great point on re-focusing on 'Jesus' above ALL else (i.e., an event).

      Who is This Man Called Jesus? מיהו האיש הזה שנקרא ישוע
      From INL (6/11)

      The YHWH error ... God's answer
      From the Living Word

    5. Lu...I'm sorry, but I'm really surprised. That's the 2nd time in as many days that I've come across this watching for the Rapture as an "idol" insinuation--and from those who have been watching right along with us...? When did the desire for His Glorious Appearing become some sort of an "idol"? I and so many others have been praying and longing to be with our Lord and Savior for a very long time and now that we KNOW that we are on the very cusp of His Return and EVERY DAY is to not only be watched but anticipated, are we to be admonished or guilted into backing off of that somehow as if it were the "event" itself we are "idolizing"? I might expect such an insinuation from those who don't believe in the Rapture, or are still clinging to this sick world, or maybe even from some of the post-Trib "gotta earn it the hard way" bunch, but some failed dates of expectation shouldn't change our diligence one iota because it's NOT the date or event itself we're looking for--it's HIM! From the Depths of God's Heart to the depths of our own without ceasing, The Spirit and the bride say Come! because our very being is in Him. And I'd probably be sad about this, BUT GOD... (2Tim.4:8) (Titus 2:13,14) (Rev.3:11)

      And yes, we should occupy in His Name and be sowing the seeds of His Gospel wherever possible while we wait patiently and watch intently, urging others to do the same. Jesus IS coming and time is so-o-o-o very short!

      Blessings ALL and KEEP LOOKING UP! Maranatha:-)

    6. Hi Sheila,
      I hear you. That is why I tried to delineate between the longing and command to watch. I just wanted to point out that failed dates are totally different in my book. I just do see how a lot of Watchers put the emphases on wanting to force and/or demand the date or the Rapture event at any cost. And that ‘it was of the LORD’. That is all.

      And that it does bother me when Followers get discouraged or depressed even when the expected date being pushed as the ‘Rapture’ does not pan out as it hurts the Flock. Just that we should be more discerning -if possible...I realize that is not the to how we present our assumptions. In a lot of cases, it is just pure presumption.

      It can be likened to ‘crying wolf’ syndrome and/or Rapturitis…and it also heaps more mockery on everyone. So, to be clear, I am all for Rapture watches and dates as high watch days. I too put some dates out there from time to time as this coming July time but, I just can’t and would never say ‘The LORD told me’. When all these days come and go, then it makes the LORD look like a liar or is confused. Am I wrong?

    7. Lu...I totally understand there are delusional "Thus saith the Lord" people who are annoying, but they have been at it as long as I can recall in life and much more so now with the advantage of social media at their fingertips as they churn out steno-type letters or videos "received directly from the Throne Room" with failed dates and unfulfilled prophecies. I just assume that those who know the Scriptures, truly love God, have their faith firmly in His only begotten Son and are called according to His purpose can pull up their big girl panties, soldier on and encourage others to do so as well.

      And I find the idea of anyone insinuating those who are watching intently for the Coming of our Lord and Savior to gather us to Himself as practicing some kind of "Rapture idolatry" to be really discouraging and think trying to place that kind of "doubt" on those with the unction to be watching, warning and encouraging others to be ready in heart and mind could actually be more damaging than the disappointing date-setters. We can, imo, survive those guys without giving up any of our own passion for soon His Appearing.

      As I said, I ran across another popular YT preacher/teacher yesterday who was 'unexpectedly' casting this Rapture "idolatry" shadow out there as he was pontificating on those who spend "too much" time focused on the return of Christ. I believe I'll take my chances on that;-)

      Blessings, Brother and Looking Up!

    8. Sheila, I loved that line,

      "They Can pull up their big girl panties, soldier on and encourage others to do so as well."

      Amen sister. We are LONGING for our SAVIOR'S appearing. Why wouldn't we watch with intent and building expectation! Plus it is the RAPTURE for heaven's sake, how many generations have longed to be counted as those took part in the great escape!

  33. Charlie!!! Charlie!!
    Love you Bro. ;) I know, I know….
    Hey, but I didn’t know you were flat footed?!
    What? They don’t allow any with such conditions in the Army no?
    Or were you at Checkpoint Charlie back in the day?
    I knew it! They named it after YOU!! ...I'm kidding. ;)

    Charlie!!! ;)

    1. I was wrapping up Middle School as Reagan (the actor and most likely the first actor of many to come after him to 'act' as president) said those words.

    2. But whether or not you follow Tim Henderson IS a salvation issue, and extreme rudeness is acceptable then? Did you ever show grace to me? Absolutely not. Am I saved? Oh yes. And am I am watching just like everyone else? I am a widowed mother. And what does the Bible say about that? Do you even know? But folks like me don’t deserve grace from this channel because I can say that without the messages of Charles Lawson I would have given up by now. There’s a log in your own eye...

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      Just correcting a few inaccuracies in your accusation towards me.

      I don't follow Tim Henderson, purely because he puts out too many videos, and they are all the same. However he is a brother in Christ, as he believes in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the payment of all of his past, present and future sins.

      I have never personally attacked you or anyone else here ever. I have simply stood up for the GRACE of God, as Paul did also, so that the liberty that we have in Christ is not tainted with a false Gospel to bring back under the bondage of the LAW.

      Galatians 2:5 (NKJV)
      "To whom we did not yield submission even for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might continue with you."

      Of course you are entitled to and are afforded the same grace as any believer. Gods Grace is given FREELY to anyone who has fessed up they are a sinner in need of a savior, and have believed that Jesus is that savior, who has paid for all of their past, present and FUTURE sins.

      In any debates with you, my point was only ever about: If someone believes that repenting of their sins, or saying sorry for their sins each night before they go to sleep, somehow justifies them before God and pleases him enough to save them, they are missing the point of SIN which needs to be paid for or atoned for, AND GRACE, and they have in-fact FALLEN FROM GRACE, (as in they have never received it) because they have heard about it, and rejected it, instead they are believing that their own self-righteous works are somehow good enough for them to get entry into Heaven.

      + + + + + + + + + + +
      Hebrews 9:22 - "Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."

      + + + + + + + + + + +
      Hebrews 11:6 - "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

      + + + + + + + + + + +

      So begging for forgiveness does not get us forgiven.. Only Trusting that his blood was sufficient to cover all of our sins is what cuts the mustard.

      4th Charles Lawson.
      I stand my by opposition to him, he says he preaches Grace in his nice southern accent, and sounds like he is talking sense, but he is preaching out of both sides of his mouth, and preaches works, causing people to look at their own behaviour, and their own works of righteousness, and bringing people under the law. In my opinion he is a false teacher, and I will call anyone who adds one additional requirement to salvation, other than simply BELIEVING.

      Remove the log from my own eye before pointing out other peoples fault.. Yes I am a sinful, awful, many times angry, person, and I have many logs in my own eyes and short comings, but one think I am crystal clear on, is the Gospel.

      And if my comment caused offense to Lu, Miguel or yourself, or anyone else, I apologise, but I was just stating my opinion in what I tried to do in a kind way, as I felt it should be addressed.

      Blessings to you Cheryl.. I have no hard feelings towards you at all.

    4. Thank you Jordan. I believe we are going to have to just agree to disagree. It’s kind of like why you question the reality of hell. You seem to want the loving, forgiving side without realizing that he is a just God, and that his wrath is just as real. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But as you grow, you won’t just try to live right because you are afraid of consequences, but you will try to live right because you love him. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences. Even believers are chastised. I can vouch for that. The problem with folks like Tim Henderson is that he keeps folks on milk. I have a feeling as you grow spiritually you will start to sense that. We all have to learn to take the meat and spit out the bones so to speak. Yes, I believe in salvation by grace. But I also don’t believe in staying in the same place I started. I know I have grown since I started watching in 2016. We all are growing. He’s not finished with us yet. Blessings to you too.

    5. Hi Jordan,
      Thanks for sharing your feelings and admonition. What can I say or reply? So, you do not think I should be sarcastic on this forum. Yes, I have done it to lighten the mood and tone because at times, many here are very judgmental and critical. Nothing wrong with a good debate and so long as it is civil and if sarcastic, to ask permission… but I sometimes sense a lack of grace especially if others present issues not to our liking or belief.

      And with 2-3 sentences, it is hard to really grasp what we might mean or really think. So, I do like Sheila’s disposition to be mature enough to take date-setters with a grain of salt as they say but keep the fervor of watching for our Blessed Hope. I just find it sad that so many are so gullible at times and seem to like playing ‘Rapture Roulette’ to want to keep getting that ‘fix’ like some addict it seems…seriously.

      Realize that no amount of dates aligning, converging or sun, moon, stars, eclipses will ever give us the ‘date of the Rapture’. That is unknowable. But to say that ‘this is the day/date of the Rapture because’ of what I or others think will never be true, 2nd guessing at best.

      I would have thought that the purpose of this blog is to exchange thoughts, ideas, encouragement, theories, and fellowship. If one cannot say what one wants, is it then any better than YouTube taking down videos or it being the Twitter Police…of one not following the ‘party line’ or now to the point in our society where everything is ‘offensive’ so much so that statues are now being taken down because they are not squared to our ideology or theology?

      Realize that we will offend just be being who we are and think. The Gospel is offensive, the Cross is offensive, Jesus is offensive as that is what we were warned about. We are all on different stages of one’s Faith and understanding. And I realize not everyone on this blog likes each other, that has been proven.

      My goodness, if we are now offended at being sarcastic, we then have succumbed to this age and spirit of censorship here too? That verse you quoted is in the context and spirit of doing so in a premeditated malice for hurting and damaging others. My sarcasm, mainly has been with Charlie, sure but realize that he and I go back now like I think maybe 2 years when he first contacted me, I think from a 5 Doves post.

      We had a rolling bet in jest then and I had asked him if I could be sarcastic with him and that at any time to let me know if I crossed the line. Believe me, I am not one to ridicule others due to their behalf as I was bullied growing up in school in this country and called all names you can imagine, even now. And with the only other, Jimboni, I have only reciprocated any sarcasm that he has first initiated with me, and I appreciate it and take it. But I have always respected and treated the Sisters with no such tone and language.

      As to Charlie, yes he has been called out very spitefully at times and criticized but let me tell you, out of the many years and forums I have contributed to, Charlie is one keen Watch ‘Dog’…opps there I go again…that is on top of it. He dares to share his findings regardless if we think they are off or he is being stubborn. But no, no offense taken.

    6. No permission needed Lu, You are free to express yourself as you want to.
      Personally I am not a fan of sarcasm, (unless I am dealing with my kids)

      And Charlie is well able to take it, and to fight his own battles.

      Apologies for throwing in the oar into something that was not concerning me.

      I must have gotten out of the wrong side of the bed this morning or something, as once I started typing, I couldn't stop!. Blessings to you brother.

    7. Lu,

      Your sarcasm continues even when you don't even know it. I (Charlie) am the top 'Dog' in the movie: "All Dogs Go to Heaven"... No kidding.

      "It tells the story of Charlie B. Barkin , a German Shepherd that is murdered by his former friend, Carface Carruthers..."


      My current position is to "question everything." There are many intelligent "arguments" to hold any worldly position, but my senses + learning of the Bible from you all and others + the "signs" given + current events = my stance (and your stances too).


      No offense ever taken, we are all subject to sin and losing our cool from time to time.

      However, it is funny how I noted Jordan's kindness but then he came right back with "the rant."

      This is my only community and "safe space" so live and forgive often.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I deleted that comment guys,
      Sorry for getting involved in a row, that didn't apparently even exist!! and causing a big fuss over nothing!

      Sorry too, for bringing up something, that has long been forgotten.

      Can we start this day again!!! And I will go back to reading comments, as oppose to writing them :)

    10. Lu...I can vouch for your politeness as well as for that of our other Brothers to the Sisters. Always gentlemen! And granted, guys tend to engage more readily in the swordplay of words and are usually capable of bearing their own shields quite well. I've also really been noticing lately the difference in how men are more "data" driven while women tend to be more "heart" driven. And while it's not always that the meeting of the minds and hearts are sympatico, it's always nice when they work to compliment one another. I'm believing (or at least hoping) that is mostly what happens here at Rev12daily--even as iron doth work to sharpen iron:-)

      Blessings ALL and Eyes on the Prize! (Philippians 3:12,13,14, 20,21)

    11. Jordan,
      All good on my part. :) No need to delete. It is good to discuss things as we grow and learn from each other and get a better understanding. It is really also a factor of just having to get to know one another as such issues arise in fellowship. It is also a reflection of what is happening now in the USA and the world to an extent. There is a lot of soul-searching going on and a revisiting of old skeletons of the past that have not really been resolved.

      At such levels like this national consciousness presently occurring, only a national solution can be had but that it has to be brokenness and turning to Christ Jesus for reconciliation and healing to occur. Will this happen? It remains to be seen. Perhaps only after the Rapture that it will or can occur for the USA and other nations as well. It is no wonder why even in the New Jerusalem in Glory, there will be the Tree of Life that will have those ‘leaves for the healing of the Nations’. Due to sin, we sure have hurt ourselves and others since the Garden. But thank the LORD, He provides.

      I do not know what will become of this once great nation. Many say she is reaping what she deserves. Others are holding out for revival and repentance. I am currently studying the Prophecies of George Washington, how he had a vision of an Angel, a female type that gave 3 omens for the USA, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and a 3rd War from enemies coming from other nations. Seems legit and now is a good time to revisit this peculiar revelation, if true.

      So far, they are 2 for 2 so if the 3rd seems is upon us. I have told my friends and family, that if any enemy of the USA would want to attack the USA, this would be an opportune time to do it. In the final prophecy, the nation barely holds on but because only then would it repent and totally trust in the LORD, of those few that remain it seems.

      Many believe that perhaps after the Rapture, that which remains of the USA will be occupied by say…UN forces comprised of Russia, China, others as at least 1/3 get raptured out. Then there will be some sort of resistance and as the Antichrist is busy in Jerusalem, the USA grapples with being redeemed at a spiritual level. Perhaps such will be a lot of those that come out of the Tribulation Period type of Saints. I am curious to know if others have come across these prophecies in the past and what they think of them?

      George Washington Prophecies

    12. Thanks Sheila,
      Well, I think it is not fair. Let’s see, from what I have read, woman have around a 4000 word vocab a day compared to about a 2000 word vocab for a guy a day…hum… And then women, I read in bio class, if I recall think with both sides of the brain while us guys can only do 1 side at a time. What is going on?! :) So, women out talk us men, multitask us senseless, and out think us?! Not fair at all. And then women blame us men for not paying attention and can only track on 1 issue at a time?!!

      But do hope and pray your grand daughter, that she will be alright. I am not familiar with that type of spider but I have heard they can be very bad. I guess we are lucky to an extent here in California we don’t have to worry that much about mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, scorpions as much. I do know that when I did visit Missouri, I was so blown away by the Fireflies. Wow, wow…What a wonder and I could have watched them all day I was so mesmerized. A true wonder of the Creator is the simplest of things.

    13. Brother Charlie: "This is my only community and "safe space" so live and forgive often."

      That is definitely something we are in agreement with. Where else could we of this Fellowship go anymore to find those who really care enough about our passion for Christ and His Soon Return to even argue, much less agree on the finer points with us? This site, along with @unsealed is a unique platform for both contributors and visitors and truly a gift from God to a "peculiar" little group among His peculiar people:-) 1Peter 2:9 KJV

    14. LOL, too funny, Lu! No wonder we have so many headaches:-DDD

    15. And TY for the much coveted prayers for Joci. Those things are nasty and can cost limbs and even life. The base housing they were moved into has a spider problem and those brown recluses are really bad in that area and tough to kill out. They are supposed to be sending an exterminator in but that hasn't happened yet, so they are in kill em' one at a time mode and just having to be eagle-eyed.

    16. LOL, Ryan...if you can sing, you definitely got one up on me:-D Can't carry a tune with a bucket!
      BUT GOD...hopefully He will be giving me a heavenly voice with which to sing His Praises:-)

    17. Ryan...You're very blessed. TY for sharing her simply beautiful voice in Praise that was truly soul touching and a pleasure to listen to:-)

    18. Wow Ryan,
      you are right your wife has a phenomenal voice. Thanks for sharing brother.

    19. Ryan!
      Hold on, wait, who is Terry and Gloria? Is that you also singing ‘Rejoice’? You have been holding out on us! I looked at the ‘About Us’…and when I saw the other topics and subjects like Freemasonry, I bookmarked it and the song listings LOL. Sold! Wow, that the song playlist is free to hear, use and download is a blessing.

      Praise the LORD for the contribution!

  34. Getting back to the stars, and in particular, the BRIGHT and MORNING STAR (the luminary venus). At the beginning of month Gary and Nick V. showed us the rare sign of Venus in Taurus.

    Note: Even the Bible calls it a star (and not a gaseous plant, Ha!).

    Right ON Target! (the sign)

    [I hold ono Larsen's work on the Bethlehem Sar and 9/11 2-3 BC] however, there is some more stellarium awesomeness which puts a different spin on things and shows us what is happening with the BRIGHT and MORNING STAR upcoming in a few days.

    From Ministry Revealed (6/10)
    Go to 1hr 15min part for Stellarium part .

    Exciting Exciting times/ days y'all.

  35. Beloved family, blessings!
    Faced with the many difficult circumstances that surround us and looking for the certainty of confirmation, soon, of our BLESSED HOPE, I share with you a Word that touched my soul:

    “Thou which hast kept with thy servant David my father that which thou hast promised him; and spakest with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with thine hand, as it is this day.”
    ‭‭(2 Chronicles‬ ‭6:15‬ ‭KJV)‬‬

    There is an unbeatable combination in this confession of Solomon, son of David!
    Your eyes see the promise!

    It is no longer a promise, it is a real and concrete fact!

    What is extraordinary is the exhibition of the architecture of victory !!!
    It is the union between the MOUTH and the HAND of God that makes real the fulfillment of a promise in our lives!

    Promise and accomplish!

    There would be no security if the working hand was that of another!

    For this reason, dear ones, literally, all the promises that THE MOUTH OF GOD spoke, YOUR HAND WILL EXECUTE and FULFILL!

    I would never encourage you with God's promises in your life, if it weren't for HIS HAND that made them come true in time and space! Today, in an objective and short way, I encourage you to rest and trust IN THE MOUTH THAT PROMISED AND THE HAND THAT WILL FULFILL !!
    So much in so few words!

    His guarantee is not a Church, a Pastor, a Bishop, a Priest, etc.
    His guarantee is based on the Mouth that spoke and the Hand that will execute the promise.

    Whenever the discouragement of waiting to knock on your door or the incredulity, that generates the withdrawal, blow the hot breath of dejection, try to see only once when this Mouth has failed or when this Hand has been unable to perform.


    (Do you know what the result is between this union of the MOUTH WHO PROMISES and the HAND THAT FULFILLS? Simply this: “AS IT IS IN THIS DAY”!
    Everyone will see!
    You will praise!)


    1. Blessings Jeova! Thank you for sharing that uplifting and encouraging promise from God's Word! Indeed! His Holy mouth speaks and His Mighty hand fulfills. Praise God! There is so much in that promise!
      Thank you, brother, I am going to meditate on this truth and allow it to speak to my worries, burdens, and heartaches.
      Blessings and Maranatha!

    2. Amen, Jeova! I knew you'd be coming in with something good for us even as I was missing your wonderful encouragements over the past few days:-) Blessings and Prayers for your family and your nation, Brother, and may our Father by the Power of The Holy Spirit draw many more Brazilians to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

    3. Sheila B, blessings!
      Thank you for your kind comment, as you always do, and for the consideration shown to this spiritual community, especially for me.

      In Brazil, the situation is very difficult in relation to this pandemic and, above all, to the consequences that will result from it (many deaths, unemployment, despair!).

      But GOD!
      He is in control of all things and everything is according to His Project (nothing escapes the Power of His Holy Word!).

      As the Body of Christ, in Brazil, yesterday we concluded a period of ninety days of uninterrupted intercession (24h) and fasting due to the situation that we are experiencing and the Lord addressed us, by His Holy Spirit, a Word that greatly rejoiced and encouraged us:

      “You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.' Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you.”
      ‭‭(2 Chronicles‬ ‭20:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

      Certainly, something wonderful will come to us, soon!

      I very much wish to meet you in the Glory of our heavenly Father and I pray that the blessings of peace, health and victory will reach you and yours, as well as this REV12 Family.


    4. TY, Dear grateful and in agreement with your prayers and His answer!

  36. Hi guys,
    new article from Hilary over @ in-case anyone missed it.

  37. TIME'S UP - Get Your House In Order! (includes the playing out truth from Paul Harvey)

    From SHMP but a compilation of the predictive programming of events happening now and how the Joker/ Ace In the Hole/ T_rump is indeed the two - faced player and how the sheeple are eating and feeding off of this red vs blue created division.

    Remember the 1%s skipped town back in March to hold out until all this comes to pass (the sheeple fighting the sheeple).


    Also see EntertheStars ytc

    1. In just watching the MSM, it's obvious that our govt. officials are in total disarray and D*T does not appear to be the acting C*I*C as we see the top brass paying him no mind at all and behaving in autonomy. His threats of intervention in the Seattle chaos are met with utter disrespect as he is admonished to "go back to his bunker" and stay out of their business.
      The inmates are definitely in charge of the asylum--all over the world--and demanding the masses to bow down before their lunacy.

      I was in Walmart and this indoctrination propaganda was being played over the loudspeaker the whole time I was in the store. The same message pops up every time I open my phone.
      My 5 month old grandbaby was bitten on the leg by a spider in NC, possibly a brown recluse and they wouldn't allow her to be brought to an ER because they had been outside of NC in the past 14 days. Just told to put hydrocortisone on it and only bring her in if it continues to swell up or ulcerates. I ask prayers for her and it has never been more apparent that there is nowhere to go from here but UP!

      **My daughter's new neighbor returned from being out of town. When they met yesterday and she learned of Joci's being bitten, her faced paled. She then told Ciji that she'd just had a dream of a baby being bitten by a "baby" brown recluse and that very little venom had been injected, so hopefully that was a gift from God indicating that she will be okay.

      Fervent Prayers for the Coming of Our Lord Jesus to gather us Home!

    2. Praying for your grandbaby Sheila.
      And fervent prayers for the LORD to come soon. The sooner the better.

    3. Chills, Sheila on reading of your daughter's new neighbor she just met and her having had that dream! I'll take that and thank God this baby, your granddaughter will be alright.

    4. Amen, Cathi! and TY as well, Jordan:-)

    5. Crazy times Sheila .. this violates the EMTLA LAWS ..So you can drop off in the Emergency a baby that is not wanted..but not provide care for an ill infant ..Sounds like the hospital does not have the rapid COVID test to test baby and mom... Going to another hospital might be a a solution ..There are some immediate herbals to address the venom.... I will pray for your grandbaby.... Sheila we know only by Prayer ... Lord moves mountains

    6. Blessings Sheila! Joining everyone in prayer for baby Joci! That is an awful thing to happen to a little one and it is beyond ridiculous that they were turned away from getting treatment.
      Our Lord cannot come soon enough!!

    7. TY ALL so very much! Just talked to Ciji and she has been applying a topical antibiotic and it is looking better and Joci hasn't shown any signs of an allergic reaction, Praise God. But she did do some research and did find that 'baby' brown recluses don't yet have venom and the juvenile ones do not inject very much. The bite had blistered up, but has now gone down to just one tiny blister. Our God is so good to give us that word through the neighbor. We are going to be leaning on Him even more under these Covid-19 circumstances because we apparently can't depend on our corrupted medical system anymore. And I hate that for all of the wonderful Dr.s and Nurses out there who've been caught up in this web of govt. deceit.
      And right there with you, Mom...He can't come for us soon enough!!

    8. I've never heard of *brown recluses* before, first time I've seen this animal's name so I checked it via google... what a nightmare-ish creature!!!!! I'm not a fan of spiders though I know that many of them are neccessary and not all of them are dangerous but still.

      It's good to hear that your grandbaby is doing well Sheila, I'm praying for her too!

    9. Nora...TY so much and yeah they are bad business. Ciji had a high school friend back in Florida that got bit on the chest by one. The poison ate into that boy's heart and he died from it. I'm sure she was remembering that. I also had a co-worker here in Texas back in the mid 80's that got bit on the cheek and they had to rebuild her face with another part of her body. Just looking for such a day when these sort of things are no longer a possibility, Amen:-)

    10. That's some real nightmare stuff! D:

  38. Blessings all. Sheila B, so sorry this happened to your grand baby! I don’t know if anyone mentioned aloe vera gel or if it will even help, but I know for burns and stings, it’s awesome. Also, onions. Yeah, a slice of onion can do great things for the skin.

    It seems DJT won’t do anything about that 6 ( there’s that darn number again) block area in Seecrazyattle until the first public be****ing takes place.

  39. I will also pray for the little baby. Our great God will heal him. I thank him in advance for the healing. And for the protection of the family against these awful critters.

  40. Blessings, all. Sheila B., sister, I've been in prayer for the little one, surely. I clearly recall those specifically called out in my Boy Scout, et al, and other survival trg as esp worrisome. PTL the Hedge of Protection Around! Amen! Well, I've something to add which I've not seen mentioned. I would suggest Momma get a bottle of pure mint extract, commonly available in a dropper bottle at supermarket or SPROUTS, etc. type stores. Put a good 8 drops in a 32-oz spray bottle and fill with tap water. Shake vigorously. OK, now put down a thorough suppressing fire along every floor/wall and wall/ceiling joint, the drapes, blast every square inch of the crib and crib area, then replace bedclothes, just getting started. Personally, I would go full 'Egon' (Ghostbusters) and likely drop the FIRST 32-oz in the kid's room, then 2-3 more bottles in the rest of living areas. "Zap! (squirt, squirt) BAM! (Squirt the drapes repeatedly) They HATE this stuff!" Bammo!" (Someone put this guy in a NET!)

    I resolved several insect challenges in our home, on a high desert & water plateau, including endemic earwigs, and bedbugs, AFTER exterminators had done 'what they could'. The MINT was the silver bullet, at the end. Western settlers in USA commonly grew mint, in their homes, for many benefits, including pest control. It is specified as an herb for which tithes are due, in Scripture. I am, uh, VERY serious about this. They HATE the stuff and a 1-oz dropper bottle and a half dozen 32-oz with regular refresh, with drama, will clear them out and all other various critters of their ilk. I did easily a half dozen full-home applications like this, in every room, and then outside, along the base/soil area and then under the eaves, all around. I now spot 1-2 insects a year in our home and in the far spots, laundry room, etc.

    Our Scout's latest milestone seems to be a dissolving/relocating of his demark point, downward, and a continuing cascading of sensations and tingling, hot/cold, and such, from the upper thighs to the toes. He is handling the attendant mental stress/demand much better and being stable.

    This past Wednesday, I finally had Ace Handyman rebuild the piecework platform/ramp I had hobbled together at the old house, then brought here and adapted; never painted, raw wood still. Well, Scott did a great job, had fun spouting Jesus ET stuff with him, a believer, though clearly not as fringe as I, er we, er whatever. Then I spent most of Thursday applying well over a half-gallon creamish whitish paint, nicely complimenting the trim, conveniently, as it was garage horde supply from idk when. Scott also added a nice 4*6 ramp to our back deck so Caleb can easily wheelie down to the yard and play ball with Alex, the dog, whatever; although an imminent release of actually needing to use the ramp would be cool, too, and not totally unexpected.

  41. Hey Sheila,
    I just read about your granddaughter, I think it was, that got bit by a deadly spider. DE (Diatomaceous earth) will kill them and every bug around. It's all natural and very safe for humans and pets. But make sure you only get the food grade, not the pool grade. Feed stores sell them in a variety of sizes including 20lb bags.
    You can find it other places as well.
    They can dust along the baseboards, under bags, everywhere. When we had a bed bug problem from living in an apt that had them, nothing worked except DE. God brought me to the knowledge after much research and frustration. We didn't want to move and bring the bed bugs with us. I over did it with the DE. It looked like it snowed in our apt. Lol. They can hide in electronics too. So I put it all over the place. But it worked! And we've never seen a bed bug since. That was in 2010. We now use DE for fleas in the yard, and all kinds of bugs.
    The DE just needs to be where the spiders will craw or drop down to.
    In the yard, put a layer all along the outside of the house/apt as much as possible. Inside, put a line every where possible. If walked through, redo the line daily. Find out where they like to hide and what time of day they come out. Sometimes, we have to take things into our own hands. Don't wait for the exterminator, oh, be careful not to clog the ac duct with it. I dusted inside the underneath of the unit and froze up the ac. But you can put a line of DE all on the outside, where the spiders will crawl out. They will cross over the line. It dries them out and they die. The babies will die also. Keep doing it for 2-4 weeks to be sure they are all gone. Use one of those catchup or mustard refill bottles that you buy at Wal-Mart in the kitchen section. They have a long nozzle which is great for along the bed and base boards. Even along the mattress, etc. If there is an attic, the recluse loves to live in the attic. Dust heavily all along the runner boards as they will be up high.
    Blessings. They must want to move, but the spiders can hide in their stuff and move with them. De will kill the spiders, then they can move if they are in apt, because in apt building, the whole thing has to be treated or they will come back into home from the neighbors. If they love in house, check with neighbours to see if they also have a problem. The idea is to be sure they aren't able to come back by treating surrounding areas.
    Hope this will be helpful. Even if the exterminator has come by now, DE is reassurance.

    1. Blessings Jimboni and Lovin' Jesus....TY for the hints and Prayers! I passed on the Mint Oil which sounds like it would smell nice, too. I think she's already using the DE per her neighbor's advice which I had advised as well after a one time battle with the dastardly BB's that came in with a suitcase a few years back. Great stuff:-)

      Always Praying for Caleb. I can't imagine the inner heart strength it takes to contend with recovering in such incremental steps when I know he just so desperately wants to get there, get up and RUN. But he IS getting there and he surely will run again. I'm so thankful for him that he has a father who is right there with him with every encouragement and that you both have THE Father who is doing the same:-) Maranatha!

  42. Sharing...

    Paul Watchman Dawson

    What is God doing with the land of Israel according to the Bible?

    Israel. Situational Update
    Which settlements are being "annexed"?
    The Location and the Meaning of the settlements?
    The 2.5 Tribal Inheritance by Moses
    The 9.5 Tribal Inheritance by Providence
    Casting lots for Israel & Christ's Garments
    Jeremiah the Benjamite's Field in Benjamin
    The Division of Jerusalem
    The Division of the Temple
    The Division of the Altar

  43. June 21st Solar Eclipse & The Day Star Rising

    A lot going on up there this next week.


    1. There are two ytc watchman watching, "speculating" on a 6/16-6/17 departure based on what they see in the heavens above + math + what they read in the Bible.

      This solar eclipse/ summer solstice + Day Star moving out from Taurus happens on 6/20- 6/21.

      Since we are in the wheat harvest season (up until Tishri 1), could the departure happen a few days before this (bad) omen arises?

      See also Lyn's laest: June, July, August 2020


      On another note from Watching and Waiting,

      Part of Seattle Has Been Taken Over

      The lunatic fringe in Seattle has taken over 6 city blocks of downtown. They have renamed their utopia, “Chaz”. It’s a police free zone. The liberal mayor has no clue what to do. Businesses in Chaz aren’t allowed to open so will be leaving the city. They have no food so are asking people outside of Chaz to bring them “vegan friendly” food which includes non-GMO grains.

      Friends, it is now beyond obvious that Roman 1 is in full play with these godless idiots.

  44. Boo, Hiss, ah man..... a 2021 departure? At Pentecost.

    Have not heard Steve Sewell in a while with a "prophecy" message, here is Blessed Hope Forever:(6/9)

    This is JUST or information purposes only, I am watching day to day and looking at this current harvest season. I believe Pentecost to be the start of the wheat harvest season and not one specific 'day.' So pinging Pentecost down to a single day just does not reasonate with moi.


  45. Sister Lisa (Watchwoman65) had a very encouraging message from the Lord in this video (despite the title of it):


    (9:37 mins)

    1. Agree 100% with the demonic presence. It is what some faux ytc are talking about, the FALSE LIGHT, the Awakening along with "waves" of happiness and "revival".

      All the movies and now along with some faux ytc personailites. they have foretold of how it will look/ be at the formal introduction of their "NW leader".

      However, we also need to see the 10 kings first unless they already exist and know it while we don't see it (know who they are while we can speculate).

      Remember the large neo-evangelical/ modern "church" gathering in Phoenix Arizona last summer called "The Awakening"? As "Elevation" church likes to chant, "Rising from the Ashes"

      While they (NAR and the other demonically possessed entities) await the arrival/coming out of their holy one, we await the redemption/ taking away/ exodus from the darkness from The Holy One (Jesus).

      Boy o Boy, how I was duped so many years by these songs from these new age false church houses.

    2. I posted this before.... this is, of course, in conjunction with all the other "things" going on is just so present. Perhaps these "churches" have ushered in these demonic entities:

      Modern Christianity = White Magic Occultism?

      Occult Practices in the Modern Church!

      ** you should re-check the "symbolism" used throughout calvary chapels... they are all in it together. **

      I caught this on several of Spencer Smith's videos (on the occult). @ 5:30 of the second video posted here, he himself is doing an illumin nati hand sign (i.e., one we see T_rump and many others do to show their allegiance and to whom they belong).

      The formed triangle using the two hands and placing the finger tips together is on purpose and unmistakenable. I see it used

      So we have FALSE light (under the cover of missionary) even telling us of their game plan and how they have been successful allthewhile they themselves are one.

      So, what is this telling me? We have one of "them" showing us EXACTLY what is going on in modern christianity today while he himself is one of them, mocking or part of the rule of they must tell the world of what they are doing before they do it. SMH

      For what it is worth, I have seen Charles Lawson do it too, nervously, but he has done it. So sad.

    3. article...Military nurse at COVID epicenter hospital: 'it's murder'.

      The story this legitimate Florida-based nurse relates with accompanying video and recordings reveals the truth of something so evil it's beyond comprehension that it's actually taking place in an American hospital among what are supposed to be trusted health care professionals. All I could say over and over was Oh, My God! How could they be getting away with this? And they couldn't...unless the families of these "victims" were being denied access to their loved ones. I sent it to my skeptical daughter who is not only a Florida nurse, but also teaches at a nursing college, knowing she must surely recognize the legitimacy of this woman's testimony. At least I'm hoping so.

    4. Correct. Admission to "HC" facility -> Sedation -> Respirator (of death) = Death (due to "virus").

      Ugly world we are "trapped" in.

    5. Those videos by Spencer Smith were interesting, it seems like satan has spread his net far and wide to infiltrate as much as society as possible, to dull the masses, and blind the masses and stupify the masses into readily following his deceptions.

      When you mentioned Charles Lawson, I was like, hmmm, I knew something was up with him!!

      For me, the tell tale sign of a false teacher is when they say: Yes, we are saved by Grace through our faith, apart from ourselves, and apart from our works, BUT YOU HAVE TO HAVE WORKS, TO PROVE THAT YOU REALLY ARE SAVED" at that point I usually lose interest in the rest of the message, as they are then double minded, and talking out of both sides of their mouth.

    6. Well, for me I am watching what I "do" and what I "say" to adhere to the 10 commandments. Not easy, but they are the foundation of which grace was given to us (+/- 2,000yrs ago) because people could not keep 10 among 613 commandments.

      I was only pointing out that even Charles Lawson can succumb go the "powers" which are present at this time.

      Saved by grace, yes, but we ought not to commit sin because of it (grace).

    7. I completely agree Charlie.. We ought not to, but it does not take away our salvation if we do sin! As each day, not every thought we have is up to God's perfect, holy standard, and it says, that anything that is not of faith, is a sin - (Romans 14:23)... so

      Worrying is a sin...
      Eating too much is a sin...
      Being absorbed on our phones is a sin (idolising),
      Downloading a free song, or movie without paying for it is a sin
      Eating a steak that was slightly on the rare side is a sin,
      Telling the kids that there is an easter bunny, santa clause or tooth fairy is a sin, or
      Even telling them that there are no more chocolate bars left, when you know there are, and you and your wife want to have one when the kids go to bed.

      These are all sins, subtle, and easy to forget or at least ones that we would tend to rationalise that they are not really important sins.

      So the only way, God can catch them all, is to give us GRACE, knowing that the LOVE of God constrains us, and that we should want to stop sinning for being given a free pass.. But SHOULD and MUST are too separate things.

      We MUST BELIEVE on the LORD JESUS CHRIST to be saved.
      We SHOULD try to quit / reduce our sins, and live a holy life after we are saved as a thank you to God for saving us.

      Anyway preaching to the choir.. God bless.

    8. I retract my kind words. You don’t deserve kind words.

    9. You are so evil. I tried to be nice, but it’s kind of like kneeling to BLM.

    10. Oh my...the Plot Thickens! And that didn't quite turn out like I thought it should. My daughter let me know that she believes this nurse is "full of it", should lose her license to practice and even worse--lives in her own town of Clearwater, FL. and she's really mad at me for wasting her time--again:-(

      So I started digging in a little deeper re the nurse in the above referred "exposure" video.
      ( should maybe do a little investigative work themselves;-)

      First, I do believe people are being maltreated and many have died unnecessarily on those ventilators, but that's neither here nor there for those folks because there is no liability or accountability under the PREP Act for Covid-19. Too many other HC professionals are questioning the treatment protocols and it's common knowledge that most of the other emergency bed resources in place in NYC were never even used. So something terrible has occurred there.

      But re the video Nurse in question who already has a tell-all book for purchase on Amazon:
      She is on the Florida Anti-Vaxxers Movement "u-know-what" list because they believe that she was an undercover operative for the Mandatory Vaccine Movement who stealthily infiltrated their Movement. They also believe she is connected with the Scientology Org. in a massive conspiracy to greatly advance a Super Vaccination Agenda, which would explain why she lives in Clearwater, FL. which is where their base of operations is located. Make Sense? NO....because Scientologists are famous for their anti-Big Pharma stance. (i.e their religion is all the medicine they need) But they're weird and they do love money and I'm quite sure there is a money trail here somewhere as they are all tied in with Dr. Paul Offit (a well-known vaccine pusher nicknamed "Offit for Profit"). And he's friends with ol' Dr. Fauci--who recently stated that there can be no govt. price controls put on the Covid-19 vaccines as a profit must be made on the "billions and billions" of doses that will be required if/when mandated. (and I understand both are heavily invested in Pharmaceuticals, but I digress.)

      So maybe that is the goal of this nurse--to terrify people into lining up for the vaccines while she pretends to be against them while exposing the certain doom of ventilators that one will face unless they get them? I know it sounds crazy, but it's probably just the tip of the iceberg, LOL. It's like reading a good mystery and trying to guess "whodunnit" without being able to skip to the last chapter--unless ofc you know the Bible, in which case you can look at the last Chapter and actually know how all of this is going to turn out:-)

      Blessings, Maranatha and I apologize for what is looking like an untrustworthy referral.

    11. Cheryl...that "evil" stone was uncalled for and no more a reflection of grace than what you've complained about. You already well know where Jordan stands on the issue of Salvation and Eternal Security. It seems like you just spotted an opportunity to attack him in your original comment above and one, btw, that had nothing to do with you personally. To my recollection, Jordan, although expressing his disagreement with your doctrine, has always been polite in your exchanges.

      And re Pastor TH--since you brought him up, while I do not always agree with the "way" that he says everything, I would challenge some of these anti-OSAS folks who "despise" his message of Saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ Alone to get up off of their YT thrones and try to imitate just one of his busy weeks of ministry. Probably couldn't keep up with the man for a day and maybe not even for a "nano second". At least he's got some Joy in the Lord to share everyday while he's out delivering physical and spiritual aid to as many as he can and that's a lot more than I can say for the sour and depressing bitterness I've seen spewed into the screen daily by those who are "exposing" and resenting him.
      SMH about that.

      Anyone is welcome to comment here, but it's a given that differences of opinion will often meet debate, esp among those who want to address doctrinal issues and that's fine--as long as it's done with some restraint. People at times will take a rant too far personally, but then usually delete or apologize once the Holy Spirit steps in with some conviction to remind us that Grace is not a one way street. May His Blessings be upon you as a fellow Believer and Maranatha! Eternity is a long time:-)

    12. (republishing comment, as "overtly", should have said "covertly" - as in he is secretly, sneakily against Grace)

      Thanks Sheila for standing in my corner.

      My comment was not personal to you. It was about Charles Lawson who is covertly against GRACE. You weren't even in my mind when I typed it.

      My goal with writing sometimes very personal information here: prayer requests, family member, names, and situational info is so that my LEFT BEHIND family members would recognise that "Jordan" is actually their son/brother,

      because in any left behind letters I have scattered around my home, is a referral to this great website & unsealed, and they will know that I was telling them the truth.

      It was nothing personal to you at all.

    13. Jordan and Sheila, in agreement with you.

  46. Replies
    1. BTW Jordan, when I said "it" was funny up above (saying how you are kind but then your rant), I really mean it was funny, it evoked a chuckle from me (like a ha ha back in my face).

      It was not a sarcastic "funny". ;-)

      Thanks for the BA vid, I do await them as I enjoy his humor/ personality in such a time like this.

      As the joker once said, "Why so Serious?"

    2. No worries Charlie. Glad I gave you a chuckle. (Kind until I blow a gasket)

      That message directed to Lu and Miguel is an embarrassment to me, I don't know what got into me. Except, no good thing comes from my flesh, only a sinful nature, and badness.

      And we wrestle not against flesh and blood.. but against the rulers and principalities, and the forces of evil in this dark world.. so defo I need to armour up in these last days, and to stay more in the word, than on the YouTube or articles... Easier said than done.. There always seems like another video or article, that is jumping and pulling for attention..

      Thanks for the "BTW". Blessings brother.

    3. Well, I did think it was funny Charlie and I did take it that it was said in the best of ways.
      Jordan, it is so true what you wrote above and, I certainly can relate to all of it.

  47. Blessings to all! I’ve been quietly following this site, as well as for several years. Reading the comments over the years has been uplifting and helped me in my own studies of Eschatology, of which I began 25 years ago. I went jogging this morning and believe that I have received a revelation from the Lord during our morning discussion, which gave me the courage to make this post. Also, over the next few days, I’ll submit a biography/introduction. While the vast majority of what I post (below) is nothing new to all the watchmen, the revelation I received is the significance of the two solar eclipses, and its correlation to the flow of Revelation 12:1-6. I have not seen this elsewhere, which prompted me to show how this might fit into the larger ‘end times’ picture. I am open to any and all criticism, as I believe there is truth in Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” My dates and significance may be off, but I truly believe we are close, and the Lord wants us to put the puzzle together, referring to Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.” Also of significance, is 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 “But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.” Lastly, like the Bereans, let us search the scriptures daily!

    For your review and consideration:
    - 08/21/2017: Total solar eclipse (one month warning prior to 1st Revelation 12 sign)

    - 09/23/2017: Rev 12:1-2 sign

    - 10/08/2018: Rev 12:3-4 sign

    - RAPTURE - Exact date/time unknown; (anytime from now until November 23, 2020) Fulfillment of Rev 12:5; high watch date: September 19-20 (Feast of Trumpets)

    - 11/23/2020: Peace treaty (covenant confirmed) Start of Daniel’s 70th week; Interesting side note: This is 20 days after the U.S. elections. Will the outcome of the elections assist/prompt a final confirmation of the covenant with many??

    - 04/08/2024: Total solar eclipse (one month warning prior to Abomination of Desolation (AOD) and beginning of Rev 12:6); X marks the spot after this 2nd solar eclipse over the United States; the center of the X is an area known as “Little Egypt”. Is this a possible reference to when the Israelites escaped tribulation/captivity from Egypt, as I believe many will again escape captivity/tribulation to the United States on the “Wings of an Eagle” after the AOD.

    - 05/06/2024: AOD; midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week; (11/23/2020 + 1260 days); beginning of Rev 12:6 fulfillment. The United States with its global transport capability will begin to transport Israelis on their “Wings of an Eagle” to safety during the 2nd half of Daniel’s 70th week or 1260 days)

    10/18/2027: AOD + 1260 days; End of Daniel’s 70th week; Final fulfillment of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

    01/01/2028: (AOD + 1335 days) Daniel 12:12 "And blessed are those who wait and remain until the end of the 1,335 days" - Start of new Millennium (2000 years from start of the ministry of Jesus Christ); Side note – I know that we often refer to the 2,000 years after Christ as the “Church Age”. I’d like to submit (as another possibility) a slightly different name, defined as “The age of salvation by grace through faith”, as this would be more applicable from the start of Jesus’ ministry all the way to the end of Daniel’s 70th week. When it’s referred to as the “Church Age”, it really wouldn’t apply until after the Day of Pentecost (birth of the Church), and would also not apply to the Tribulation, as the Church will be absent.

    Thank you for your time!



  48. Part 1.

    Probabaly will not have time to say all I want but here I go. Jordan, no worries at all about your wrong side of the bed moment. I could see your intention and actually felt it was a good catalyst to some things I have wanted to work through here with other brothers and sisters. Theres lots to it, but I will start with my address to Charlie. I know he is thick skinned and dances to his own drummer so wasn't worried about wounding him at all. I really felt it entirely appropriate to attempt to expose his credibility and motives when it comes to flat earth stuff as well as his very extreme views on about a dozen other things that I would call fringe topics on this blog.

    He kind of blows my mind that he so aggressively scours information related to end times and seems to filter very little. He brings us truckloads of info most of the time. I think there is good and bad in that. Good because it gets some more obscure info into our watching databank, but bad because some of the plain crap he brings could lead some to think we agree with it. No offense at all to Charlie. Charlie is cool and I'm looking forward to meeting him when we fly. Charlie,when pressed, often indicates that he doesn't agree with all of it. So that's good. But when it comes to flat earth and some of it's related aspects...this in particular could be extremely damaging to the primary message and basics of watching. Hence my rather strong but genuine and not derogatory-to-Charlie questions. I was getting context. I of course would love it if he said yeah I believe in flat earth because I've smoked a little too much poison and I have the IQ of a PE teacher. I am sure there are some brilliant pe teachers, I'm just using the stereotype for an example. No offense. Some of the smartest people I've ever met are also the least educated and simple, so please dont misunderstand me.

    How offended is everyone so far?

    1. Thanks Miguel,
      No offense from me, but I think I heard a few PE teachers bang the door on the way out in disgust. :)

      (Glad my wrong side of the bed message, might have some use afterall)

      Looking forward to Part 2...

  49. Miguel.....I am just reading along here and will offer myself as a curved stairbuilder to be used in place of PE teachers. I assure you I wont be offended in the least being looked down upon. I mean think about it. I only build curved stairways because I cant build anything straight! So please use me as a whipping post, and the PE teachers can get a break. Ha.

    Seriously, all professions should grow some skin. This society has to walk tippy toe around eggshells because so many have lost their testosterone, and become offended any words that challenge their ego. Tuffin up people!


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.