O Come, O Jesus Please Come
I don't know about your family, but our Christmas season has been seriously disrupted by illness in our family. We are on our 4th hospital visit in the last week for 3 different members of our family. Our youngest daughter who is just 7 months old is in there for the 2nd time in 3 days. Soaking in the joy of the season has become second to merely surviving. Your prayers for us would be greatly appreciated. We have family trips planned to see loved ones in the coming days and those may not happen unless we see some major improvement and no new illnesses surface.... so please pray for us. Your prayers have not failed us yet. One thing we have been able to do is listen to beautiful Christian Christmas music. The songs that center on Christ coming have really hit home.... Two songs like this have struck a cord with me this year so I thought I would share them. First is "The King of Glory Comes", and what I love is that since he came the first time, we can rest assured t...