Summer is Near...

With so much excitement heading into this week (that also seems to be tempered with so much watching fatigue) I just didn't know how to address it. As Robert Breaker explained in a recent post we are approaching the 9 month mark since the Revelation 12 sign, a connection that seems somewhat obvious since the sign was all about a woman giving birth. But will it amount to anything, we just don't know. This sign has developed our patience more than we thought possible.  But as I was mulling over what to post next, the following email came in from Mike.....

I appreciate all that you do to keep Christians informed. However, it does surprise me that no one is discussing the events converging next week.
  1. For the first time in 70 years, a member of the British Royal Family (Prince William) is making an official visit to Israel. It is no secret that Prince Charles and other members of the Royal Family have been deeply involved in the occult (Freemasonry, Order of the Garter) for decades. Prince William is a member of the Order of the Garter and he was also born on the Summer Solstice—this is a huge deal to those associated with the occult.
  2. The Summer Solstice marks 9 months (270 days) from the appearance of the September 23 sign. It seems to me that if we are trying to understand the significance of such a great sign and where it is pointing, the first place to look is obviously Sept 23, 2017. The second place would be 9-10 months after its appearance because after all it was a sign depicting a woman giving birth.
  3. The first day in the month of Nisan used to be determined by the first appearance of the new moon after the Vernal Equinox. If Nisan 1 had been determined that way this year, Pentecost would be occurring on June 24-25 instead of May 20. I don’t know which date is correct in God’s eyes but this is interesting.
So, there is a highly significant visit by a very important prince who is associated with the dark arts next week on the day that might be Pentecost but is also 9 months after the appearance of the Great sign.
Of course, I don’t have any idea if anything is going to happen but I am also reminded of the Parable of the Fig Tree, “…When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near…”
Blessings and keep up the good work!

Mike's email sums things up pretty well I think.  What about you guys.... we know we are in the season, but could this be the month?  As for me, I am pretty much in agreement with Brother Todds recent video.... especially in regards to Johns announcement from the Watchman for that Great Day channel....(THE DAY OF THE THIEF...........FOUND!!!) I hope this is it, but we will see.... if not, PLEASE STAY ENCOURAGED!

As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Luke 21:30-33


  1. Great thanks Brad! Praying for you continually! Great stuff really! "PLEASE STAY ENCOURAGED!" Amen!

  2. I have read about Prince William and had thought about commenting before this post ... For me, I just can't see him as the Antichrist ... I know his schedule is more on the Palestinian side of things whatever that means and so I am not seeing his visit to Israel a good thing inspite of Benjamin Netanyahu's excitement.

    1. Sister Cathi good morning ! Could it be that the government is sending him to Palestinian authorty to persuade them to swing their vote in favor of the peace plan or could it be obama sending him to make sure they dont vote in favor of the peace plan? I thought I had heard he was going to visit Bibi and that Bibi was going to welcome him with open arms ? Thanks for clearifying that he is going to palastine I wasnt aware of that ...

  3. After asking Gary at about where the sun would be in the mazzaroth. Gary found an alignment with the morning star and the beehive cluster of the constilation cancer. His article "Stranger Things" addresses it. But it this isn't the time for us yet, don't be discouraged. For the love of Christ covers us forever. Blessings.

  4. It's Different This Time

    In describing this moment with my son, Caleb, I was noting that it is different now, from September, significantly so. On the one hand, that is in our rear view, so, it shapes us. Still, the wind on the sails is telling a different tale, to me.

    I told Caleb that I sense that we are quietly ebullient this time around and it is a pleasure to sense the hush in the room. Well, that was a new word for him, so we looked it up: from the Latin; overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited ( Precisely. However, it's the "quietly" part which is different this time. Of course it would be. Last time was a GREAT Wonder, by it's Author's Own Description, and we, like moths drawn inexorably to it, amen. This time, much like Salvation, into which, in the final moment we will ALL be caught up into, but which was, first, an individual moment, no? So, here we are. This time, 'quietly' ebullient. Or so it seems, Maranatha!

    Ebullient : J:401 : E:631
    G401:anachusis: a pouring out, overflow
    G631:apomassó: to wipe off; clean
    H631:asar: to tie, bind, imprison

    Interesting little Bunny Trail in search of morsels dropped from the table (Matt 15:27). Interesting that the entire picture is viewable like an Escher Drawing, especially in light of the sole verses for the first two being negative in connotation. 631, especially, in light of the Nature of the double-edged sword of Harpazo, when viewed from the Gentile versus Hebrew perspectives. In light of such connections being sewn into the fabric of the creation itself, ala recent postings concerning the mathematical proof of this, and Our Lord's certain anguish for what lay ahead, the double nature here is appropriate and telling. Maranatha!

    1. Jimboni-

      Me too. I have a calm yet my spirit is just jumping and my stomach is in knots. I noted somewhere else the world seems to be eeirely quiet.

      Funny, I have been unemployed since early March and while I am aware/ awake of the Time and Season, I am still expectantly waiting for God our Father to act/ to answer/ to do a miracle/ present me the job offer I desire...Allthewhile, it does not matter one iota because we are out of here in mere moments. :-)


    2. Charlie in DC, amen and amen. The Spiritual Cognitive Dissonance is huge. I, also, have some things 'hanging' that, in the natural world, are significant. However, I have no unction to resolve them, and they are much beyond my control anyways, but it doesn't really matter to me now. (Blessings on your journey's details and challenges also.) Someone posted that they no longer buy green bananas and marvel at the 10-year plans of others. Like you, I am oddly calm while there's this 7-year old in my gut excitedly stamering...but, but, but, but... Maranatha!

    3. Charlie, so good to see you posting here again, Brother!

      Jimboni, I had to get a bit excited watching @Many Fish this morning. Remember the blue Monoliths thing a while back...the words I woke up with to watch for them?
      MF covers the Anthem Veteran’s Memorial in Anthem, AZ and how every 11/11 at exactly 11:11 am, the sun shines down through portals on these 5 marble military pillars to light up the Great Seal of the USA. I know they are actually white but they reflect the sky and in the photo, they are blue. He is tying this in with the solstice and all. I was breathless for a bit. As ya’ll are saying, that kid in me is bouncing with anticipation while the grownup part is saying “please calm down and wait quietly...” 🤨

    4. So absolutely true! No green bananas here. Sheila I could hardly contain the laughter for you summed it up perfectly -

      ". . . that kid in me is bouncing with anticipation while the grownup part is saying, 'please calm down and wait quietly . . . '.

      Some days the kid wins . . . other days the grownup rules. I'm really very grateful for both. I do not wish to live totally unfettered always with the child, but neither do I want to be the stodgy grownup who has lost the sense of awe, excitement and majesty of what is occurring . . . whenever that time may be.

    5. Sheila B., Yes! the moment he went to that photo I heard "when you see the blue monolith" echo in my head. I couldn't remember if it was with an 'S' or not, but still, even if not, the resonance back to your vision was still there.

      Going a bit deeper (as I usually do), I didn't recall the 5 monoliths being the 5 branches of the armed forces. It would appear that this sixth branch would go at the taller end, be the largest, the FIRST the Sunlight passes through, and become PRIMARY to the rest. In light of our thoughts/inklings of impending extra-terrestrial deceptions, this would seem appropriate that, "when you see THIS Monolith", likely planned long before they even built that monument, THEN it is complete. Of course, it will then have SIX pillars, again, quite appropriate and predictable.

      It is also possible that the 'Monolith' is also symbolic of those who move us to the rebellion of worshiping a created THING which is presented as superior/powerful, but isn't (Rom 1:25). Maranatha!

    6. Yes, Jimboni, it was plural and you tied it to the 2001 Space Odyssey then and here these 5 monoliths are tied to Trump’s new “really big” Space Force (dare I say Odyssey) and 6th monolith. Another turning point. For sure can’t make this stuff up.

    7. Sheila B., I remember now. It WAS plural and I was trying to fit that into the movie as there was only one, though seen from various ages, etc. WOW. So, then, "...when you see the Blue MonolithS" it is and THAT, my friends, is a KEEPER, Maranatha!

    8. P.S. I think that means....we JUST 'SAW' THEM....Oh my, oh my, oh, my, ... JOHN!.....Maranatha!

    9. Mmm hmmm.... and the news and world is about to look a lot more like the story we've been told in the Bible and have been telling....

  5. I am not a "dreamer" as we understand those who have prophetic dreams. I've had one of the moon turning to blood & the sun turning dark, like sackcloth, but as far as I know my dreams are just....regular old dreams.

    However, today I was going through some archived emails and "randomly" opened one I sent almost 5 years ago. At the time I was in a much different place than I am now and had closed the door on eschatology decades prior, but the dream was so vivid that I couldn't help share it with a friend, but I had completely forgotten it until I read it again myself in this email. I wrote:

    "I want to share with you a vivid dream I had last night ... I gave birth beneath a fig tree. I had stopped to gather figs and suddenly I was in water beneath the tree, and gave birth to a baby I could see still wrapped in a birth sac (is that what it's called?) It began to hail, and as ice fell from the sky I somehow made it to a nearby shelter, like a shed, but something told me to return to the fig tree, so I went back but as I sat under it in my birthing water, surrounded by figs and ice, I could see bright fresh blood pouring into the water and I was desperate for the survival of my baby. So I pulled out my cell phone (gotta love dreams) and called a midwife who started walking me through what to do to save my baby. It drifted off after that, but I'm struck with the imagery and appropriateness of this dream to my life."

    Finding this today, and remembering this dream in light of these times we live in, feels significant and surreal. I'm not sure what will unfold over the next few days / weeks or this season, but I agree with Jimboni above who said that there is a quiet ebullience about the days. It feels to me like the holy hush of a birthing room.

    1. Hillary! Well, birth sac sounds good to me!
      What a dream ... I could feel it all or see it as you described it. Laughter too (pulling out your cell phone - I was pulled back from the days of Jesus and seeing the green grass and a fig tree to ... today).

    2. all very pertinent as we discover that the royal family has just had its heaviest baby every delivered:
      - its a girl (no name as of yet).
      - its the heaviest child in the royal family so far (not near as heavy as the rapture child!)
      - its the 7th grandchild.

      Our PM is still prepping for birth, two days past due date so far...

    3. Jimboni, thank you so much for that phrase. “Quietly” ebullient is a perfect description for what I have been unable to describe even to myself.
      Blessings, Brother.

    4. Hillary, thank you for sharing this dream. Do you understand it?

    5. Hillary, I believe that the significance of your dream is apparent in its reappearance after almost 5 yrs. Just to look at the elements you described indicate a strong relevance to what we are on the cusp of.
      It does seem to be Tribulational to me
      because of the fig tree. And it’s looking like the Rapture will give birth to the beginning of those days.
      A baby still in a birth sac—those who will be, but aren’t delivered yet?
      Shed—temporary shelter?
      Fresh blood in the water—martyrs empowered by the Holy Spirit?
      Cell phone call to a midwife—a call for the intercessory prayers of the Saints already in Heaven?
      Just some thoughts
      as it is your dream and I can’t do it proper justice, but I do feel a real confirmation of the nearness to our own birth in it as well. TY for sharing with us.
      Blessings, Sister and found your latest articles @unsealed to be beautifully inspiring and encouraging:-)

    6. I must admit that I am waiting for the nation of Israel to 'cry out in pain' prior to our departure. While labour is painful (as my wife tells me), it is that final labour process that is particularly excruciating ( my wife tells me). However we have yet to see this in Israel. While all hope is on for our departure the next few days, unless we see something significant in Israel - are we jumping the gun...again??

      That being said, it wouldn't take much from Hezbollah, Iran etc to rain down fire on Israel in a short time...

      ...what I am looking at very carefully, is how much the US has railed against President Trump these last few days in the economy/immigration space. The US is vitriolic about Trumps supposed injustice with the border child detention, and news readers are milking it for all their worth. Even the GOP is turning on him. The stock markets are fuming also at the tariff war...makes me wonder how much is too much before the libs go spastic.


    7. forgot to add...the US pulling out of the UNHRC, unthinkable in previous years. As the world continues to isolate the USA, Israel will likely also be isolated in fuller measure.

    8. I am waiting to see a chunk of Hawaii to fall off into the Pacific causing a Tsunami which would slam into the entire western coast of N. America? Could it be THIS weekend when the S&G fest is taking place in SF?

      Could something slam into the Atlantic (or maybe a sizable earthquake) causing a Tsunami which would slam into the entire eastern coast of N. America? Could it be THIS weekend when the S&G fest is taking place in NYC?

      Great evidence out there to suggest June 23/24 is the very day of the S&G judgement.

    9. @Cathi, thank you for bearing witness to this with me! It is funny how things can randomly stand out...mundane everyday things within the intensity just present a striking contrast that can't help but feel a bit comical.

      @Through and Through, very interesting about that baby! I have wondered about Israel's cry out in pain part too. These are certainly very interesting times. It all feels like we are at the breaking water breaking, maybe? At the point in labor when the water breaks, things certainly move very quickly. "Behold, I am coming quickly," and "sudden destruction" both stand out to me.

      @Miguel, I can't help but notice the elements that align with Rev. 6 and Rev. 12...figs, hail, blood, water, child. But I am not a dream interpreter so I guess my answer is...sort of? Maybe? I think what stands out to me most is that this occurred 5 years ago and Rev. 12 stuff was not even on my radar. I really love what Sheila B. shared.

      @Sheila B., I really appreciate your insights. The shed as a temporary shelter had never occurred to me. It makes me think of the time when the woman flees into the wilderness and is nourished and protected from the dragon in Rev. 12. I was reading Zechariah the other day, where it talks about Jesus returning to stand on Mt. Olives and the mountain splitting in half, and a way opens for them to flee through. I have not studied this deeply, so am just thinking out loud here, but we know that the woman is protected for 1260 days in the wilderness. Something must bring her back to Jerusalem after the 1260 days are up. Does the same group flee again per Zech. 14, or is it a different group? At any rate, you really blessed me with how you unpacked the symbology of this dream and it seems very clear. Thank you, and thank you for your kind words.

    10. Hillary, I had the same impression about the woman’s
      flight. Overall, an amazing dream given, then tucked away for a time of more understanding. Just another God signature on it imo.
      Maybe you will hash it out for us per Zech.14 in another article:-)
      Blessings, Sister!

    11. @Shiela, I agree with you completely that the fact that Hillary found this dream recently attests to its significance, and I really liked your interpretation. The blood really struck me and I couldn't help but notice there was something almost beautiful about it. That confused me until you recognized it had to do with martyrs. I think you are right. I also saw it as tribulational.

      @Hillary, your dream is about the tribulation, but you will be gone by then, so do you know why you are giving birth in the dream? I think it is because one aspect of the dream is to tell you that your study and clarification of the Bible will somehow help Israel. Yes, Hillary, I know that's big. I think you should consider that for whatever reason, your study and dividing of the word may wind up helping people in the tribulation. (I think all of our work will, but you possibly have a specific role/message here.)

      @Ryan, I think the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about this "crying out in pain". After all, it is in Rev 12. First the celestial alignment, then the crying out in pain, then the red dragon, then it's tail sweeping stars, then the birth. Does this mean that we need to see the crying out in pain and the dragon before the rapture? Maybe. Are these things weeks, days or even hours away? Absolutely! Yes.

      @Charlie in DC, I have been praying for you as I hadn't seen you in a little while. Your comment a couple days ago on the times and seasons article really encouraged me. I keep wondering about tsunami/earthquakes/volcanoes in the US too. I feel you could be right.

    12. Miguel, as for Hillary's dream ... Is not the child still in it's birth sack representing not yet born ... We are that child, the church about to be taken to Heaven. She (Hillary) stays behind because she represents Israel. The shed she ran to could be the safe place for the Jewish who flee Jerusalem and are protected supernaturally by God the remaining time of the tribulation. The water breaking would be this flood that scripture says Satan uses to overtake the fleeing Jewish remnant. Satan turns his attention on the rest of those who believe in a murderous rage ... The river of blood then are those martyred in the tribulation. To me, this would fit in with the abomination of desolation taking place at the mid-point of the tribulation 7-year time period. Yes?

    13. Re: the "child in birth sac" => didn't anyone of you recall Isaiah 66:7-8? This "child" cannot be the church but is about "the remnant of her seed" (Revelation 12:13-17) being BORN DURING JACOBS TROUBLE.

    14. Cathi, I see it as another child I think... the one Annabel is mentioning here. Not us. But your point about Hillary/the one giving birth as being Israel is interesting. It makes me think...I wonder if Hillary has Jewish roots? I am just thinking out loud. LOL.

    15. Miguel, I see that ... The "man-child" is taken up to Heaven (the church - Revelation 12:5 - and, many do not see this but believe it represents only Israel). Whereas, this child born with the birth sac in Hillary's dream is Israel's remnant that flees to their safe place. As in Revelation 12:13-14 where the woman flees who had given birth and in Revelation 12:15-16 where the serpent poured water like a river to stop her. And, in Revelation 12:17 the dragon is furious at the woman and went to make war ... on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
      Interesting, that in one verse Satan is a serpent and in the other he is the dragon. Thank you, Miguel for your kind way of saying this to me! Much appreciated!

    16. Honestly, Annabel - no CAPS needed!

  6. I'm no expert on matters such as this, but it is my understanding that the British Royal Family is and always has been anti-Semitic, with the exception of a few members perhaps. Now with the plan of the Vatican underfoot to divide Jerusalem into quadrants in the near future, perhaps the Royals decided to make diplomatic gestures to get a piece of the pie.

  7. Pentecost on the 24th aligns with the Enoch calendar which uses 364 days a year:

    7 days x 52 weeks = 364 days.

    If you take April 6 32AD (Palm Sunday) and add 2000 Enoch years (728000 days) you'll arrive at Sunday the 15th of June 2025.

    If you subtract 7 Enoch years (2548 days) you'll arrive at June 24 2018.

    7 Years are of course a reference to the tribulation period.

  8. I would like to notice that the USA have pulled out of the UN Human Rights Council now (click!) which is a good thing per se (I would never join such a hypocrite community either nor pay for membership) BUT which means that Israel will have no more defending ally within this circle now. Preparations to leaving Israel all alone soon by pretending 'moral issues' to the world?

  9. Hey family my nephew baby Maddox is in Lavines childrens hodpital trouble breathing , and a goid friend Tony fell from a ladder yesterday 8 feet on his head on concreate and is on the hospital too prayers please thank you all in advance amen !

    1. Praying Jeramiah for your nephew and all yours! And for your many Blessings! Amen!

    2. Thank you sister Alla as your in my prayers as well as all pir family !

    3. I saw your request this morning and began praying then. Let us know how things turn out.

    4. Praying for them both, Jeramiah.

    5. Praying for both as well Jeramiah and you as always! Blessings - Sherry

    6. Thank you family baby Maddox is coming home and is doing better, Tony is still in the hospital he has blood brain lesions still waiting to see what they say its touch and go right now ! Love you all thank you so much !

    7. Gods Warrior, glad to hear baby Maddox is well. With all these prayers for your friend Tony, may he feel the stir of angels wings! God Bless.

    8. So thankful the baby is ok, Jeramiah, and I pray for Tony to mend and for
      The Lord to use this all to His Glory.
      Blessings, Brother:-)

  10. There's a new Unseaed Jeff Church of the Firstborn (Part I): Certified Citizens of God's Eternal City.

    1. TY again, Alla. I did go and read it.That article was simply breath taking for me.
      What a wonderful miracle our God is performing! @unsealed is serving up some important food hot and fast...adding to a real sense of “any moment”.
      Going back to Jimboni’s Word “ebullient”, one definition I found really struck me: Bubbling up into a boil.

    2. Sheila B., Yes, Sister, I had also seen that as a more historical/root-word definition which I chose not to refer to in my post but, like you, I also felt a resonance with that definition in these moments.. Spot on, most assuredly, Maranatha!

    3. I like that word ebullient, also. It is a positive thing.

  11. Blessings and prayers family ! Lets talk about the earth slowing down , back in 2017 scientists released the news that earth was slowing down and quales and valcanoes would intensify but they didnt explain why it is slowing down, I have never seen these quakes and Hawaii is getting hammered like over and over again and the oceans receeding out for miles as we see also many floods as of late worldwide many in the United States and cracks and sinkholes opening up everywhere like earth is cracking apart ! Could the earth slowing down be to shorten the days ?. Could it be to crack the earth apart and slow it down the beggening of sorrows we all look for timelines and I think we all can agree that we are most definately in the end times by what we see happening just in the past year alone ! Below are 2 articles on the earth rotstion slowing down and one saying the equator has shrunk due to the earths rotation slowing down... I believe the days are becoming shorter as well ..

    1. Jeramiah, check out Dr Claudia Albers on YouTube she explains pretty well how the earths core in fact is heating up from the "red dragon system" approach (thats what makes the "climate change" debate so nonsensical as the heat comes from inside the earth) and how the expansion of the earth causes all the cracking up. Blessings...

    2. I’ve followed Rev12 Daily for quite some time and very much appreciate the spirit in which comments are shared. I’ve not joined in with you folks mostly for reasons of personal disability and some significant health challenges, but if I might, I’d like to sew some seeds for thought --- seeds which I recognize may seem a bit “out there.” Still, this Comments section (which seems to function as a forum) seems like a place that can handle ideas that are quite distanced from the mainstream, so…

      I’ve previously studied the very things you are sharing here, God’s warrior. They are very compelling. But what if we were to consider an even more radical idea? What if the earth isn’t actually moving at all? What if the earth isn’t even a globe?

      Others whom I’ve come to respect greatly have laid out a biblical cosmology that describes our world as planar and stationary (“firmly established, immovable”). As all who have pursued that radical paradigm shift (and one who served in public ministry for over 20 years), I fought for some time with a zillion objections and questions. But one simple idea kept blowing my mind.

      If the world is rotating at roughly 1040 miles per hour, that’s about 17 miles per minute. How does an airplane ever land successfully? A runway becomes quite a moving target! How, indeed, would a commercial airliner traveling west to east ever reach its destination at commonly accepted cruising speeds of approximately 550 miles per hour?

      My point with regard to our watchfulness is this: If what I’m suggesting here is scripturally supported --- if it’s the truth --- then clearly the level of deception currently blinding the world --- and the vast majority of the elect --- is so massive that virtually everything we perceive of this world is a lie (Mike alludes to this in his first point). It’s one of the reasons so many missed the grandeur and awe of the Revelation 12 sign back in September.

      We live in a world-wide system of lies from the father of lies, deceptions which have already deceived the vast majority of the world and the elect (note how the KJV translates 1Tim 6:20 with regard to G1108).

      How much more the final grand deception that is being prepared even at this moment (2Thess. 2:11)?

      Surely the time to our Lord’s return is short. How much more ready can we be if we reclaim the first 10 words of our English bibles?

      I find this video incredibly helpful. It’s not perfect, but it’s so very important:


      You're not totally incorrect in your conclusions, but your understanding of physics is flawed. That's ok. Its not intuitive for most people. The earth isn't flat but it is not the issue at hand even if it were.

      When you see conspiracy theories and radical ideas, look for the reasonable answer to the questions you have. Matthew 10:16.

    4. I posted as Unknown earlier before my Google handle propagated. My name, by the way, is Craig.

      Daniel, I completely understand your objections and hesitancy. Thank you, still, for reading my post and responding.

      I'm familiar with the arguments your physics link provides. Maybe it would work if we could pop a top on the earth and roll up the windows ;) Actually, and ironically, the scriptures describe a planar earth with a top on it, so to speak. Hey, that does make it easier to "look up" as our redemption draws near (think about it)!

      It's not my intention to try and convince anyone of anything. I don't claim to be a physicist. I'm very aware this isn't a flat-earth forum, and I don't believe I've treated it as one. I was just responding to God's warrior's post and suggesting there may be bigger questions afoot than the possible slowing of the earth's rotation.

      I'm thinking that if others read my post, some will recognize the reasonableness, importance, and relevance of the considerations presented. I stand by every word I offered in light of the coming harpazo. I can assure you I wrote with a lot of care and a ton of prayer. Thank you for letting me share, Brad.

    5. Ready ToGo, while I am not a flat earth subscriber, your voice is valued as a Brother in Christ. I don’t see this topic as a Salvation issue
      and if you want to share your pov’s on it, I’m sure everyone can read your thoughts and make up their own minds.
      The main thing here is respectful fellowship and our common faith in Christ and Him Crucified for us
      as we look and long for His appearing.
      Blessings to you and Maranatha!

  12. Gary, you mentioned brother John (Watchman for that Great Day). I love him and his enthusiasm. Regarding how close we are to the rapture he really went out on a limb with his latest video (6/19) by giving a “Thus sayeth the Lord.” And he wouldn't go into any detail of what he found to support it. So that bothered me a bit. However... I believe we're all in agreement that we must be so close to the end now. So many signs have lined up, converged and unraveled. This stuff has a shelf life, as it's been said. And if we're still here by the end of 2018 then... O Lord help us! Maranatha.

    1. Dave Aldrich, It was a bit unsettling to have John withhold the nugget at the heart of his 'find', although he said he will share it with anyone 1-on-1 if they call or email. In light of the vicious space any such details becomes the center of, and, in light of not wanting to attract the attention of, nor provide any 'tip' to TPTB, it seemed a reasonable, if unusual, approach on John's part. Clearly he has learned a thing or two about the YT ET space and I respect his move on this one. Maranatha!

    2. Did anyone call John or willing to disclose his find. I listened to Brother Breaker on subject so was already high watch. Man I pray this is it. I don't want to go back to the world.

    3. True, @Jimboni and @nolongerlukewarm I did John say that. I was hesitant in contacting him, but I will now. Thanks for the reminder.

    4. Thanks Brother Dave. Please share!

  13. If this isn't it. Which I am willing to accept. I think We may have awhile left. I guess we have FOT . I just don't see him coming in summer. I don't know.
    I am a product of the sign and yesterday the thought of the sign being in my lifetime just brought utter chills to me. Just like it did the first time. We are all here right now for a particular reason. I wonder why so many of us knew in our hearts that the sign had so much meaning. The sign that brought this little undeserving sheep back to the flock. When I first found out I was so excited and thought everyone would feel the same way as I. However that wasn't the case. I truly love everyone here and hope to see my new family very very soon.

    1. Nolongerlukewarm, maybe it was being open to seeing something in a new way than in only believing what a person was taught. When I first heard of the Revelation 12 sign and read about it, I was tremulously excited!

    2. Cathi and nolongerlukewarm,
      Jeff’s article at @unsealed really nailed the miracle of of our being a part of all of this.
      Just realized what I said...and yes, it truly is a Miracle that was nailed...and brought us all here to this place and time...

    3. Sheila, Amen. It's like no matter how many try and say it ain't so ... We are embulliently looking up!

    4. Me too. And you know what popped up on my YouTube feed today?
      A video of a DOLPHIN giving birth!!!

    5. Isn't that interesting? Have you checked into the Decan Dolphin and the early Christians seeing dolphins as King of fishes?
      I had read that they are known to herd fishes - maybe you had read that also.

    6. Yeah, I did that research on the Decan Dolphin which is why this was such a nice surprise today, especially since the family will be swimming with the dolphins this weekend, Lord willing. Along with that dream I had, I know He was showing me He will be there with them.
      Plus with all the other birthing being discussed, I thought it was a really neat thing to catch.


  15. I never have dreams about anything important but in the last week I have dreamt that I was getting dressed in a long white dress for church. Another dream was of a huge door (like a wooden church door, but I got the impression it was solid bronze). On the front was a white angel wing which was glowing white. In the dream I knew that I was looking at a door through which the angels were preparing to go. Then yesterday I saw the number 2256 appear right in front of my eyes. I said the number out loud and heard “yes, 2256”. I woke up and looked up the number in Strongs Greek. It means “half an hour” and appears only once, in Rev8:1where there is silence in heaven for half an hour.

    Blessings to you all - we are so close to going home!

    1. Awesome! God is answering our prayers and expectations for dreams. (see the comments in "3 keys to the Mazzaroth" article.)

      Hillary was just reminded of a dream she had a few years ago. And now you have had dreams. So cool.

      and uhhhhhhh, WOW! did you look also at Strongs Hebrew for 2256? Who wants to unpack this one?

      I am just so excited that the Lord is answering us so personally. I mean, do you ever have that moment where you realize, you are going to be in paradise and face to face with our Creator, Savior, Shepherd, Father, etc....? I literally have no words to describe that thought.

    2. Wow, Sarah. Now that gave me chills.
      I wonder if that half hour corresponds to Hillary’s dream of the call for a midwife or what I could see as maybe a call for intercessory prayer
      for those in the Tribulation. I almost feel as if the Lord is reminding us that for all of our joy at getting Home, there will be serious and critical business we will be attending to as well.

    3. And Miguel, TY. The H#2256 hits that thought right on home for me.

    4. Yes, Sarah ... As Sheila said, 'Wow'.
      Very nice interpretation and your thoughts too Miguel.

    5. Quick summary/overview of H2256 so folks can get the broad scope. From Blue Letter Bible online:
      Lexicon :: Strong's H2256 - chebel The KJV translates Strong's H2256 in the following manner: sorrows (10x), cord (16x), line (7x), coast (4x), portion (4x), region (3x), lot (3x), ropes (3x), company (2x), pangs (2x), bands (1x), country (1x), destruction (1x), pain (1x), snare (1x), tacklings (1x).

      Outline of Biblical Usage:

      I. a cord, rope, territory, band, company
      A. a rope, cord
      B. a measuring-cord or line
      C. a measured portion, lot, part, region
      D. a band or company
      II. pain, sorrow, travail, pang
      A. pains of travail
      B. pains, pangs, sorrows
      III. union
      IV. destruction

      That about says it all, no? Maranatha! (That one is mine:)

  16. Yes, lots there in the Hebrew - including birth pangs and inheritance. Just more and more confirmations of how close we are.
    You’re right Miguel - there are no words! How blessed are we to be living to see all this?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Sarah! Making many thoughts! I've looked in Hebrew and found some verses:
      H#2256 – [×—ֵ֫בֶל] hebel
      Deuteronomy 32:9 (KJV) For the LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. (the lot)
      Joshua 2:15 (KJV) Then she let them down by a cord through the window: for her house was upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall. (a cord)
      Isaiah 66:7 (KJV) Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. (pain)
      Sorry for delete, because of errors. We are almost at home really! I have no dreams at all!

    3. Alla, TY and what you have, Sister, is steadfastness and a basket full of Gal.5:22-23. Be well and blessed:-)

    4. Very nice, Alla. Thank you for taking the time to share these things with us.
      When I read about Rahab and her scarlet cord I just felt joy ... Because it shows us that inspite of our past and our sin and who we are - salvation is offered to us. She believed ... and she is in the line of King David ... to our Savior, King Jesus.


  18. Hillary had sent her dream to me via Email & we corresponded about it. Since she posted it here, I'm certain she won't mind my sharing my interpretation & the confirmation dream I had. I'm sensing, as usual, it's not either now or Tribulation it's both. I think you have added the Tribulation part to my Now Part, Sheila, Cathi, Ryan - Spot on!

    Your Dream -

    Very significant I believe. As soon as I read it and prayed about it I felt I had the interpretation & then last night I had a dream which confirmed it. Here’s what Holy Spirit gave me -

    You are “under” the fig tree - The Fig Tree is representative of Israel, yet her figs were dried up by Jesus. The Church is temporarily doing the work (I call it homework) Israel was to have done which is to take the gospel to the nations and the “Church”, the body, - you - are producing and harvesting fruit (souls) from the tree. We are being hit hard right now from the outside with false doctrine and from the inside with naysayers and those who would shut us down in our sharing & teaching so we are tempted to run to shelter to get away from the hail stones. But Holy Spirit encourages us back into the game to continue giving birth. He’s on the phone - in touch with us - telling us what to do - encouraging us. We (the Body of Christ) are producing the fruit Israel refused to do, we’re doing their homework.

    In my confirmation dream we (Believers) were moving to a new workout facility. There were “others” - non-believers & naysayers around teaching another gospel - but we kept going and we were given a giant stove/heater in our building which “purified” and turned to white ash anything that was in the atmosphere which shouldn’t be there. We seemed to be very little bothered by the “others” and were growing stronger. We had a trainer who was always with us and encouraging us and pushing us on. Very little was said or notice given to the “others” we just kept pushing on.

    The reference I was given was 3:21. No book, but I sensed it was a scriptural reference & not a number sequence. I checked the Strong’s anyway and it may be both.

    H321 - ‘ochoran - Aramaic - Another Daniel 5:17 - Give thy gifts to ‘ochoran (another) G321 - anago - to lead up; by extension to bring out; specially, to sail away: —bring (again, forth, up again), depart, launch (forth), lead (up), loose, offer, sail, set forth, take up The references given on the Greek are very interesting - Satan taking Jesus up to the Temple, taking Jesus down again in Acts, interesting.

    The Scriptures I think are relatable are:

    Philippians 3:21
    21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

    Acts 3:21
    21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

    1 Peter 3:21
    21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

    1 Peter is a bit more obscure, but definitely speaks back to your dream and the Waters you were in which is the Baptismal/Birth waters which raise us and our “fruit” anew into Christ.

    I really hope this is encouraging to you - it was to me. We are where we are supposed to be, aided by “coaches” and “mid-wives” and we are doing the work we were given to do. We should just ignore the stones & the naysayers and listen to the voice on the phone - the voice of our trainer/mid-wife. We are in the waters and in training and the things which would beset us are being dealt with and we are being protected to “stay in the fight”.

    Blessings All - we're in the birthing process & the workout together - Stay Strong - Blessings - Sherry

    1. Wonderful, Sherry. It answered moreso the shed in Hillary's dream and her running to it and then running back under the fig tree! Also, with the cellphone and calling the midwife. I kept thinking why a midwife - why not 911? And, I like 1 Peter 3:21 in referring to the baptism (waters) as our appeal to God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (ESV). In 1 Peter 3:22 He is in heaven and at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to Him.

    2. Awesome Sherry (note small correction to your ref Acts 3:21) - It is easy to allow this world to cause us to 'lose hope', but as long as we keep our eyes steadfast on our faithful 'midwife (Isaiah 66:9)/husband', then our delivery (we are going to watch our own delivery!) is going to be perfect in every way!

      I must say, ever since we started having kids, my wife's end-time dreams have reduced in number (when you have children, even your dreams demand a break!), however I am going to start asking Jesus to restore these, as they were pretty awesome/amazing/terrifying etc.

      Bless you Sherry.

  19. John (Watchman for that Great Day) has a new video out:

    1. Thank you Sarah! Watched this video, very interesting! Much Blessings!

  20. Please note a very good bible study series by KEN JOHNSON channel entitled "Looking at the Rapture" (Pt. 1) starting with an irrefutable proof for a PRE-TRIB rapture from language and logical text structure alone out of 2Thess2 so you may share this also with anyone who is still not convinced to be snatched away first instead of becoming a tribulation saint. Part 2 deals with 1Thess4-5 and the next sessions will proceed to 2Thess2 and Daniel 12 after that. Please do not miss listening to brother Kens deep study and insight! MARANATHA!

  21. NZ PM in Labour this morning (21 June NZ time). Will she give birth today. Interesting to the next 24 hours:
    - 21 June - same birthdate as the future of England King of England (Prince William...ooooh)
    - The kingmaker 'winston' (wines town) Peters (rock etc) takes over leadership duties as of now.

    1. It's interesting indeed. Can I ask you Ryan what this means, in your opinion?

    2. Ryan, this all just has me on the serious edge of my seat!
      And now I’m going to go watch the new tv series premiering here tonight called “Yellowstone”.
      Tun ta tun tun....

    3. Gosh I know Sheila - I am honestly trying not to read too much into it. The only other woman to give birth while in leading a country was from Pakistan, with her name meaning 'unique/perculiar', and her birthday is today as well (if she was alive), and she would have been 55 (in strongs meaning 'upwards'). Why does God tease us like this...:)

      Alla - we have postulating any alignment with the current 'leader of the ends of the earth' giving birth (she is from labour and in labour) aligning with the possible rapture or at least the start of significant birthing in Israel leading up to the rapture. There are too many alignments to name here, but its all interesting nonetheless!

      If no birth has taken place this next 24 hours, (and no rapture etc by 23 June), we will be taking a hard look at all these things and asking the serious questions...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Well, Family, 10:21 p.m. here and calling it a day. Interesting development in the 'MonolithS' thread, above, which seems oddly affirming of even these 'last'? hours. Oh, that it be so. Looking at John's whiteboard on his YT video today turned my head into a black hole. Sorry, but that granular deconstructionism isn't my gifting and it hurts my noggin. To think of having to go back and rethread THAT needle? Ouch. Good 'eve, sweetest of dreams and longings to meet shortly. Maranatha!

    1. Just have to share this encouraging thing I was led to see this morning of 6/21:
      Today the earth’s maximum tilt toward the sun is 23.44 degrees.
      G#2344–a deposit, wealth, treasure
      Matt.6:21 KJV
      “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

      Blessings All and Maranatha:-)

    2. Love that! Thank you, Sheila!

  23. Interesting that Sara Netanyahu has been officially indicted for fraud...leading up to the release of the peace plan, it will be extremely interesting to see how the Israeli PM responds to this, particularly with all things President Trump seemingly being all over the place (noted with all due respect however, as I am sure you all know what I am talking about).


  24. Anyone seen the CNN article?

    Read here. Amazing keywords.

    Fig tree. Pregnancy. Birth. Summer is near. Harvest.


    1. That was a really interesting article for the reasons you specified.

  25. Very interesting article, thank you! What a broken world!

    June 21st is the fourth Intermational Yoga day and celebrations are held all over the world, including Stone Henge where 4500 gathered this morning:

    Every year there is a theme for Yoga Day, and this year it is “Yoga for Peace”! There’s that theme again....:0)

    Praying for us all as we wait, and for those who have yet to find true peace with Jesus.

    1. Sarah, thanks for that. The fact that they've chosen to hold their celebration at Stone Henge tells us where, or should I say who, yoga originated from. And so many people attending because it's so popular now! This news should be spread far and wide in the Christian community; so many Christians are involved in yoga, thinking it's harmless. There's even so called 'Christian Yoga' which many are falling for thinking that it's okay because of the 'Christian' component. Another delusion!

  26. Apologies - 9500 gathered at Stone Henge (which is 4500 years old).

    1. Since 4500 was in my mind... and was mentioned in the article (even though Stone Henge took many years to build) I thought I’d look it up in Strongs Greek. It means “with a loud noise” and is found only once, in 2 Peter 3:10
      Major goosebumps!

    2. There's that THIEF popping up again, Maranatha!

    3. Also saw where they perform sun salutations as part of these yogathons.
      I’m guessing that would be akin to sun worship.

  27. Hi all. I've been "missing" for a couple of weeks. Work was HECTIC, but holidays starts tomorrow, which I'm very grateful for. I don't know where to begin with the huge amount of reading you guys left in the comments and all the articles posted. What did caught my was the dreams. I also had one last night. It was very short....

    I dreamt that I was repeatedly bitten by hundreds of tiny was very painful, and as I cried and lifted my head, I saw Jesus in the clouds. That's it.

    Anyway, I might just be dreaming it, because I'm longing for His return.


    1. hundreds of tiny snakes would be all of the constant, frustrating, poisonous attacks from the enemy

      doesn't tell us the timing necessarily, but it does indicate He will rescue us before we are consumed/killed/destroyed.

      Where they were biting you might clarify the dream? I don't know. just my two cents.

    2. Yes, could be. Thanks!

      They were biting me on the legs and nowhere important.

    3. Immediately brings to mind Genesis 3:15
      Satan snapping at our heels whilst Christ will crush his head.

    4. Andrea Green, Your legs and feet are given for you to make your STAND and for your WALK. Sounds like a well-focused and specific attacks to me. Praise to the Rescuer, Maranatha!

    5. Andrea Green, as confirmation, I just watched Midnight Hour Oil's Latest concerning our need to 'cover the seeds' and the picture Melissa is given & giving us certainly parallels your dream although with an image of birds steeling seeds versus snakes attacking the planter. Nonetheless, it all seems cut from the same length of cloth, so to speak. Maranatha!

    6. Ah, thanks. Yes, all your comments makes sense. Thank you. Have a blessed day!

  28. An article on yahoo titled: "Aliens Might be Stealing Stars to Fuel Mega-spaceships" really caught my attention today. Because it rings a little of trying to explain away a red dragon sweeping a third of the stars with his tail...

  29. Fox news just said obama the real messiah google it yt chan below

    1. Wow, God’s Warrior! I just watched that little video. Very strange!!! The subtitle also refers to the “cult of Trump”.

      Things are getting stranger by the moment!


  30. Solstice thoughts and a conversation

    While watching the latest 'HI as shades of Mordor' video over at POLITICO, this morning, I heard The Spirit whisper a question to my spirit, in response to the standing questions there concerning the details of TODAY. What was asked was,
    "Has the lava stopped?" (Don't you love it when Our Abba asks a question, the answer to which is so obvious it is hard not to be trite in responding?)
    Well, actually, no, quite the opposite. Lava flow now approaching 20 mph flow speed, higher temps then previously seen and greater volume.
    "Have I not shown to you that HI is being used as part of the picture now being drawn in this Hour to show what is At Hand?
    Yes. That connection was made and felt valid and insightful.
    "What Changed?"
    "Exactly. Be encouraged as you watch the earth pouring forth on itself. This is a picture of both judgement and mercy. What is happening there, now, IS a message, so be encouraged as it continues to speak to all. For the world, it's message is a sobering call to repentance, as you were shown. To My Watchers it speaks to the UNSEEN reality you are watching, that you not get confused and think anything has 'stopped'. It hasn't. "


    1. Awesome Jimboni. Nice confirmation or rather gentle prod by the HS. Thank you for sharing.

      To all my brothers and sisters above, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Praying for yall as we limp towards the (earthly) finish line...looking forward to the meet in greet in the Great Banquet Hall.

    2. Amen Charlie and Jimboni! Praying for you and for all! Looking up! Maranatha!

    3. Yep, thanks for that brothers. I concur with those thoughts. Amen! And thanks for the prayers Alla. Praying always for you too.

    4. I’ve been listening to that Maranatha Livechat off and on all day as it’s 3 hrs plus with Sam, Zeus M, John @WFTGD and Todd @It is Finished chimed in. He said he was sitting in a parking lot praying when a very pregnant woman walked up beside his car. He spoke and asked her due date. She said next week unless she had a c-section first. The baby’s name is to be
      Noelle Joy and the mother’s name is Hannah.
      Noelle Joy refers to The birth of Christ and Hannah means favor or grace. Hannah was also the mother of Samuel who’s child was dedicated to God in 1Sam.1:2.
      I’ve been hearing the term c-section bouncing around lately and it occurred to me that c-section babies are delivered from above.
      Just thought that was another interesting take on this already strange day:-)

    5. Disclaimer:-D
      Todd just put up a video and said Hannah was to be “induced” while John relayed “c-section” which is 2 very different things, but either way, Dear Lord, just let the baby be born soon and safe:-)

    6. Our local news talked about the soltice and it started at 5:07 and ended at 5:07 and how this was astronomical!!

    7. Well, someone has to:

      G507:anó: up, above,up to the brim, things above, heaven, the heavenly region.
      "...Jesus lifted UP His Eyes..." (Jn 11:41) Maranatha!

    8. Thank you, Jimboni. Isn't this mind-bending!

    9. Wow again. And I went to check out Latest EQ’s on my phone app and for the first time ever, I got a warning that my device couldn’t handle the number and I should modify it to receive no more than 500. I limited it to nothing less than 4.5 mag or greater and was astounded at the number of those that came up for just today. Didn’t count but it was a bunch.

    10. Love the video from Todd. Made me smile because I’m convinced that the names we give children are inspired by God. How many times in the Bible are parents given the names of their children? The names Noelle Grace and Hannah really made me smile. We have two little girls we adopted 4 years ago. We couldn’t change their first names, so we gave them two new middle names each. So one is Eliana (God has answered) Joy, and her sister is Johanna (Yahweh is gracious) Grace. God answered our prayer for a child by sending us two! Grace upon Grace!

    11. Sarah, that is such a blessing to read of.
      TY you for sharing and I’m sure those little girls are so blessed to have been given you as well. And “Sarah”, the name given by God to Abraham’s wife. Her faith is lauded in Hebrews 11:11.
      Blessings for your precious family:-)

    12. Thank you, Sheila and blessings to you and yours too!

  31. There'ra the last news about Israel today, very interesting to me, it seems it's really beginning!
    INN – ANALYSIS: Iran's endgame in Syria has begun
    A qoute: "… An attempt by the Iranian axis to take over the region along the Israeli border on the Golan Heights will almost certainly draw a military response by the IDF and could risk a spillover of the Syrian conflict into Israel."
    Kushner, Greenblatt meet with Qatari leaders: "Senior Advisor Jared Kushner and Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt returned to the State of Qatar and met today with Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. Building on previous conversations, they discussed increasing cooperation between the United States and Qatar, ways to provide humanitarian relief to Palestinians in Gaza, and the Trump Administration’s efforts to facilitate peace between the Israelis and Palestinians."

    1. And some very interesting for me:
      JP – Merkel: Iran's 'aggression' in Middle East must be countered:
      "AMMAN - Measures are needed to counter Iran's "aggressive tendencies" in the Middle East, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday after talks in Jordan with King Abdullah.
      The Jordanian monarch said that peace in the region could only take place once the Palestinians have a state with Jerusalem as its capital."

    2. TY for that update, Alla. Hard to keep up with everything without you. Stay well, Sister. Love ya!

    3. So its.gonna come down to a two state right?

  32. Shaking and quaking, Ryan. Speaking of births, I just saw on newsfeed that NZ’s PM delivered a 7lb 3 oz. baby girl today.
    Blessings, Brother!

  33. Earthquake in Hawaii this evening (5.4). Many others around the ring of fire. 763 quakes in Hawaii along in the last 24hrs. Things are really moving and not stopping.

    Paul Begley @ 830p EST:

  34. Alla D., Blessings and Prayers. Gods warrior, same for your nephew and friend, Tony. Prayers and Blessings for all the Family here, amen. Some pictures arose while Caleb and I were Noodling over things and I was talking through this moment with him which I'd like to share.

    What if. The Springtime Spoken of in the Song of Solomon, where the Prince 'Takes' His Bride, is alluding to the season we are now wrapping up: the Whirlwind Romance/Unveiling/Sifting Dance we've all been spinning within, while Our Prince, by His Spirit, Prepares us For Himself, amen. While we yearned eagerly to complete Spring, hoping that when Summer was but yet, still "near" (Matt 24:32), we would be in the proper season to be picked up by The Gardner, while more Truly, we now would look to the misery of the Sons of Abraham, who say, "The HARVEST is PAST, the Summer is ENDED, and WE are not saved" (Jer 8:20, KJV, emph mine).

    Summertime. and the livin' is easy. Catfish are jumpin', keep your eyes to the skies! Maranatha!

    1. Thanks for the laughter with that last paragraph, Jimboni. Reminds me of the Tammy movies ... Debbie Reynolds/Sandra Dee. A southern country girl. Trying to find something about it I came across a book from 1948 called 'Tammy Out of Time'.

  35. Prince William's visit is already causing a few ripples; with Kensington Palace releasing a a press statement referring to 'Occupied' East Jerusalem.

    Kensington Palace has released a statement detailing that the prince would be meeting Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, as well as visiting refugee communities; enabling him to enjoy the company of young Palestinians and “celebrate Palestinian culture, music and food.”

    It’s details of the prince’s second day that has infuriated Elkin. The statement goes on to say: "The next day’s programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territories will begin with a short briefing on the history and geography of Jerusalem's Old City from a viewing point at the Mount of Olives."

  36. "A Trip Towards Unity" - the Pope goes to Geneva, Switzerland on the Summer Soltice for a ten hour visit.

  37. Getting closer and closer to that one world religion.
    Need to watch Justin Welby too. They are getting closer all the time ever since they both came into office - see this news footage from a while back:

    Justin Welby was fast tracked into the “top job” and seemed to have come from nowhere.
    I saw him a couple of times while he was Bishop of Durham and he is a very unpleasant man. The first time he was having a tour of my school. He came into the class of 5-6 year olds and totally ignored them (what would Jesus have done..,) He ignored me too, so I went over and introduced mysef and shook his hand. When he left one of the children said “we’ll he was a rude man!” Other teachers got the same impression - very rude and arrogant. He gives me the creeps every time I see him - and of course he presided over Prince Harry’s marriage.

    1. Along these very same headlines of the Pope (from



      In other news, the GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET is HAPPENING << Putin Dumps US Treasury Securities, Begins Mass Stockpiling of Gold for Russia >>

      Everything is converging and happening so fast now (now that it is "summertime").

      The Bridegroom is Coming, Keep Oil in those Lamps! Don't Fall Asleep Now!

  38. Interesting article on Earthshaking Moments (in the Bible) (

    One of them happened right after Pentecost...

  39. UFO’s (the Deception): How the Supernatural Reaches Out To Mankind (from

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Reminder about Day Six or the Sixth Day (in the Bible) => 6/22

    From Blessed Hope 2018

  42. Charlie, Fred, and Sarah, I am glad you have grabbed the binoculars. Thanks for letting us know what you are seeing. I would have totally missed many of the things you have pointed out. It seems that what we are waiting for and watching for is coming into view. I am excited. Much love to you. and Maranatha.

    1. Hey guys! The days are getting almost unbelievable, but the Lord is so good to keep us encouraged as we anxiously await. I was headed back from the airport feeling kind of melancholy this a.m. when I passed a brand new billboard. It said: Welcome to Wedding and I had to laugh and sing some praises.
      When I got home, I checked the E gem value and got 1092. Strong’s G— “husbandman” which led me to read James 5:7-8 :
      7)Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.8) Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. KJV
      We know His timing will be perfect with the net full of all who are willing on this side of it. And we know that’s right upon us.

      I also looked at Today’s Google Doodle and we know where they are coming from. It honors today’s b-day of a woman named Octavia E. Butler, famous for her award winning 1984 sci-fi story ”Bloodchild”. It’s about a human male impregnated with the eggs of an “alien” species, 9 ft tall and insect like. I think her name Octavia is Roman. Maybe it’s their way of announcing an arrival of their own?
      Could be Bro. John @WFTGD is not as off-track as some might think.

      Blessings and
      Even so, Lord, come
      Quickly! Amen.

    2. Yep, Octavia means Born 8th and is a feminine derivative of a clan name of Roman emperors. Interesting in light of Rev.17:11. Strange days... and I do see the google doodles as a “billboard” of sorts for their dark messaging.

    3. In checking out this author’s wiki-bio and book plots of some of her other works— like Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talent, I believe their celebration of her at this particular time is quite meaningful.

    4. Much love to you too Miguel!
      Sheila, I love that billboard! So amazing that God is sending these little encouraging messages to us. My daughters’ school is fundraising for a new Nursery and raffle tickets were sent home for us to buy. So I’m now the proud owner of tickets 777 and 778! No coincidence we got those particular numbers! Would have preferred 888, but hopefully not much longer to wait! Maranatha!

    5. Lol and much blessing on the raffle tickets. Loved your post above about the girls:-))

  43. From

    "Enough with the facade that this world has any collective hope left for revival this side of the Tribulation. While so-called traditional “Christian” American men hang out with their buddies in their rock-and-roll churches, go fishing until no bass are left breathing, watch their cars and horses race each other, and watch their favorite sports like football, baseball, basketball, hockey, the bloody and violent UFC, etc.—their own country is bursting at the seams!"

    "As I’ve said before—Satan is a crafty devil. No human being is a match for his experience and power of meddling in human affairs—as he has been doing for millennia after millennia. He knows full well how to wait for the pendulum to swing back in a reaction that will far outweigh any good that we may think will result from the noble efforts of our current administration."

    "Our gracious and Almighty God may have another plan—such as the very near and sudden Rapture of what’s left of His true Church. However: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7)."

    1. Weren't these the exact words of Jesus' rhetorical question about some "revival issue" in Luke 18:8? ;-)

    2. Great lead-in Annabel,

      I was lead to read Hosea chapters 4 and 5 which also has connections w/ Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel, Malachi, Joel etc.... and all the other OT prophets. If anyone has listened to Tim Foster's Bible studies, Hosea is absolutely prophetic re: things to come and who things will happen to (i.e., Ephraim => USA). Isaiah and Jeremiah have direct connections to (Ephraim, the destruction of).

      Let's jump in with, Hosea 4:6 (KJV), "For my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge: BECAUSE thou hast REJECTED knowledge, I (the LORD). will also reject thee, that thou hast forgotten the law of they God. I will also forget thy children.

      There is so much here in these passages connecting to/ foretelling of what is about to take place (destruction) BECAUSE of the REJECTION of the truth and knowledge of (Yahweh) God.

      Hosea 4:8 (KJV): They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity.

      How much has been opened (a better understanding and sharing of scripture via YT and sites like this) in these last of last of days!

    3. Paul Dawson has a great new video out today @REVELATIONCHAPTER12dotCOM titled Tulku—Holy Alter confirmation.

    4. Thank you Sheila, going to watch. I found also Jaco's new video
      Resolving the Contention between Bible Believers - Part1

    5. Ok, Alla, and I’ll go find Jaco’s. TY!

    6. Alla, that’s an amazing undertaking
      our Brother Jaco is going for. I pray he has much success at it and he seems off to a good start:-)

    7. ""Enough with the facade that this world has any collective hope left for revival this side of the Tribulation."

      "There is so much here in these passages connecting to/ foretelling of what is about to take place (destruction) BECAUSE of the REJECTION of the truth and knowledge of (Yahweh) God."

      I'm pretty much on the same page regarding this matter. I'm surprised whenever I hear about "coming great revival prophecies". I think the next big *wake up call* that will induce the "final harvest" will be the rapture of the Church and this great harvest will happen during the tribulation period.

    8. I might add that big and miraculous things have been going on for years and years now at places like Asia, Africa and the Middle-East where lots and lots of people are getting saved (while the Church is persecuted severely at these places!) and I could be wrong but I don't expect anything big happen for the "wealthy" and slumbering Western (and former Common Wealth) nations like the USA and (especially) Europe on this side of the rapture.

    9. Nora, you don't know anything about the nature of these "awakenings"... As far as I've watched reports from them, mostly they hint towards charismatic false spirits or even New Age Kundalini etc. Especially reports from Asia and Africa are to be taken with great caution. From the ME it might very well be there are still some true converts to Christianity, but yet you cannot know if it is the one way false Western Catholicism or the other way round Eastern Orthodox church. If there is a TRUE BORN AGAIN bible believer among them, this is great for sure! But these numbers will not full big halls nor be mentioned in the official press.

    10. You can't know for sure either, Annabel.

      "But these numbers will not fill big halls nor be mentioned in the official press." That might be your assumption but only the Lord knows exactly how many people are getting saved daily around the world. Plus, His measurements are different than ours. A "few seconds" to Him could be centuries for us and "a few" to Him could be multitudes to us.

  44. Blessings to you too Sheila! Still no name as of yet...


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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.