
The Church is on Borrowed Time...

Happy New Year brother and sisters. As we enter into what could be an extremely consiquential 2025, I thought it would be great to share another video from Stan. He has encouraged me in so many ways and I really believe that the Lord has given him some insights that many others have overlooked. We are so close to going home now, but sadly many beleivers are asleep to the end times, and others discounting large parts of prophecy that could apply to us. I personally think the Stan has shared some amazing gems that open up prophecy in an new and exciting way that really makes alot of sense. The problem is, so many teachers are afraid to look at things with fresh eyes and it may cause some things to be missed. All I can say is that I think much of what Stan has shared in the past year or so has been amazing and I encourage you to dig in for yourself. If you have chance, also please include Stans sister in your prayers has she has been battling deblitating headaches. When you watch ...

Prophecy Update w/ Pete Garcia

Hello dear brothers and sisters. As we approach Christmas, the world seems to be sitting on a knifes edge. One one side, with the recent election you could see a time a relative peace and prosperity sweeping the nation and world. But with all of the prophetic events and political disruption, it seems that we could also fall to the opposite side wear any number of disasterous events could take place. That is what is so comforting about having atleast a basic understanding of end times prophecy... Because while no one knows the exact events and there timing, we atleast have a framework that assures us that there will be a Rapture and Jesus IS coming back and wins in the end. So that is why I wanted to share this update... Pete Garcia has long been one of the most resonable teachers out there and was very fair in his analysis of the Rev 12 Sign when he wrote about it on the Rapture Ready website. He is a very reasonable and knowledge about student of prophecy and it's always gr...

Happy Thanksgiving

I am sharing this post that I had originally shared back in November of 2017.  It was a few months after the Rev 12 sign and were all anxiously wondering what was going to happen.  Obviously the Rapture didn't take place like many had hoped, but the world sure did change in the time that followed. I think about this post often and want to share it again for you guys.  I hope you all get some special time with your family and loved ones this Thanksgiving and are able to give glory to God for all of our blessings ever chance you get as we wait patiently for His precious Son to appear.   God Bless you all... -Brad -------- As we try to wait patiently for the coming of the Lord this Thanksgiving, we must consider the farmers as the Bible instructs to do. Consider.  Ponder.  Put ourselves in their shoes. Let's do just that.... A dear brother in Christ emailed me that verse out of the blue today....(thanks Todd).  So I pondered it.  I con...

Latest from Greg Lauer on the Election

I am so thankful that Greg Lauer released his article on the election at the perfect time so I could share it with you all. I agree with the vast majority of what he shared and hope and pray that God's will involves a respect (however brief it may be) from our country's seemingly steeper and steeper slide down this slippery slope of outright rebellion to Gods Word and all that His people stand for. If all things were fair, I think we all know how the vote should turn out, but know that weights and measures are not balanced and God repeatedly calls that an abomination, see Prov 20:10, Prov 11:1, Prov 20:23. But despite what we are up against, I do believe that God is greater than all of this and His will can and will be done despite of the best efforts of the evil one. This is were our faith is tested, and no matter what happens God is on the throne... we must do our part and vote. In an effort to encourage that, I share Greg's article, which as always it beautifully r...

It's Happening - JD Farag

It's been a little while since I shared one of JD's updates, but with all that is happening in the Middle East (and here in America), he is one of the best guys to keep us informed and focused on the imminent retrun of Jesus Christ. This week he focuses in on several different prophetic happenings that are all unprecedented and simltanious. The youtube video is good, but if you want his full "uncensored" updated then click the link below. God Bless you ALL!!!

Thoughts on the 7 Year Anniversary

If you are like me, you remember exactly what you were doing 7 years ago today.  I remember that here is was a beautiful blue sky day.  It was a Saturday and we spent the day at my parents house filled with excitement about our seeing the Blessed Hope potentially happen!  It felt like time had slowed down leading up to that day.  When I first learned about the sign it seemed like so far away.  Then as we inched closer to it, time slowed down even more as we found so many amazing nuggets in the Bible and in the Heavens confirming and enlightening us to parts of Gods prophetic word.   It was an amazing time when it seemed that the Holy Spirit was bringing His word to life right before our eyes!   We were going to see something straight out of the Book of Revelation!   Whether it fit with your preconceived interpretation of Bible Prophecy or not, It. Was. Happening.  The Heavens declared it and modern technology confirmed it.  Be...

Rev 12 Sign Anniversary - Last Days Awakening

Pastor Jimmy from the Last Days Awakening just put out a great video about the 7th Anniversary of the Rev 12 Sign. He starts out with a brief Psalm study and then jumps in to a very in depth summary of the Rev 12 Sign. Like us, he is convinced that Revelation 12:5 is a clear reference to the rapture of the church, thus the verses preceeding that are things that will happen before it... with the actual sign from Rev 12:1-2 happening back in 2017 and all of changes to our world and attacks on Israel and christian persecution that have happened between now and then a set-up and or manifestation of the last half of Rev 12:4. I highly encourage you to watch this video and keep looking up as proceed through what could be a very tulmutious and prophetic month of September. God Bless you all!

Endtime Watchman - For Your Redemption Draws Neigh

Hey brothers and sisters, hope you all are staying close to Jesus as these last days tick by. It is so much easier to endure when we know others are in the same boat with us. Lyn Melvin shared a link to a new Youtube Channel and I wanted to share one of his videos as I found this brother Patrick very encouraging while we wait. Patricks channel is called Endtime Watchman and you will see by his hat, he is hooked on Jesus! Please check it out as he discusses several topics and reads relevant scripture in support of what he shares. I hope you like him as much as I do and heck out his other videos . He puts out short ones fairly often with things that he finds relating to the end times and revelation. God Bless you, keep looking up and I am so excited to meet you all at the feet of our precious Savior Jesus Christ. Abba Up!

Trump says ‘God alone’ Prevented His Assassination

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. Psalm 34:7 Just a few thoughts on this event. I share a video from NBC below, and thier headline can be read two ways... Perhaps they are mocking him, saying that it is crazy to believe in a God who saves. Or perhaps they are just reporting what He said. But regardless, we KNOW the God is REAL. He does save, and to have a bullet pass that close to your head and not kill you changes a man. Many close to Trump say that he has changed, and he has publically given God the credit for still being alive repeatedly since the event. The fact that God allowed him to survive is clearly a miracle, but to allow him to be shot in the ear, just so we all can visually see HOW CLOSE this was is amazing. God allow some pain so that something greater would come of this. The visual of him rising up give so many of us hope that God is not finished with out country yet. We will see how it plays out, but I agree with Tru...

The Final Judgement - Greg Lauer

The Great White Throne judgement has always been a bit foggy in my mind... Who exactly is being judged, when does it happen, etc. etc.   Thankfully Greg Lauer was led to dispel any and all confusion about this pivotal moment in our future with his latest article.  I was especially excited to see this as Greg always does such a thorough job of laying out Scripture in a easy to follow and comprehensive way.  He answers several key questions such as: Who is sitting on the Great White Throne doing the judging? When will this judgment occur? What groups of people will stand to be judged? And there are more.... Bottom line, the less fog we have in our minds regarding prophetic events that are clearly spelled out in Gods word, the sharper and more prepared we will be.  God gave us His Word to prepare us, and I believe we Honor him when we read and clear understand what He is sharing.  Thank you Greg.... can't wait until these prophecy's are fulfilled in Heaven wit...

Lyn Melvin - The Greatest Generation

It has been a while since I shared one of Lynn's articles, but I hope many of you follow her blog via her convenient links she places in the comments.  Here latest is a sweeping post covering many topics that seem to converge on this coming November.  As we all know, the summer leading up to this election is likely to be quite disruptive from a a earthly perspective, but when you overlay ALL of the prophetic signs of the times it truly seems like we could see some unprecedented events.... events that will leave you shaking unless you are firmly connected to Jesus Christ and taking His Word very seriously.  Let us a pray that we have the strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and stand before the Son of Man.  Luke 21:35 Please check it out and keep looking up....  Jesus Is Coming! Here is an excerpt and a link to Lyn's article.   “You are the Greatest Generation,” I heard in my spirit.  Father God then gave clarifica...

Why the Rapture is SO Important.

As we enter the summer of 2024, a year that could see significant social upheaval, prophetic fulfillments, and possibly even the Rapture of the church... it seemed like a good time to reset our eyes on the Blessed Hope. We have discussed this many times in the past, but the hope of the Rapture does so many things for the believer and it is clear why Our Lord instructs us to watch for His return over and over again in Scripture. Feel free to add to this list below, but here are a few reasons why I personally think watching and hoping for the Rapture is so important. Helps us keep an Eternal Perspective in the midst of our daily struggles. Gives us an urgency to share the Gospel before it's too late. Helps us hold the things of this world loosely and remember our treasure is in Heaven. Gives us something to look forward, a promise that will be fulfilled. Motivates us to Study the Bible, pray and encourage others believers. Perseverance in watching develops Godly patience and steadf...

Latest Prophecy Update from John Haller...

With all the protesting happening around the nation vehamently rising agaist Israel I thought it would be great to share the latest prophecy update from John Haller. If you haven't watched him before, each week he sifts through hundreds of news articles and shares the most end times relevant information. He does a great job breaking down the news from a distinctly Bibilical perspective and has alot on the protests this week. Please check him out if you want to know that latest that is going on and how it affects the believer. God Bless you all and keep looking UP!! Update: Thank you Judi for the nice comment, I am so glad all you still find this site to be a helpful landing place to fellowship and find information after all these years. I hope someday soon it will be very very uneccessary (if you know what I mean)! I do miss being able to respond, but just wanted to let you know I appreciate your kinds words! I pasted your links as clickable as well to make it easier...

What Iran's Attack On Israel Means For End Times Prophecy - Greg Laurie

Through our years of studying Revelation 12 and other key passages it is clear that Israel will be in an uncomfortable place leading up the the rapture of the church, akin to giving birth. How painful that will get it yet to be seen, but any major attacks or aggression towards Isreal should peak your interest as a prophecy watcher. The attack on Israel by Hamas and this latest attack by Iran has but unprecidented pressure on the tiny nation. Gregy Laurie is one of my all time favorite pastors and I was really happy to see him put out a message supporting Israel and pointing people to the soon return of Jesus. Please check out his short message and share any news on the war in the comments below. God Bless you All! On a side note, I know many of you have been wondering about Shelia and how she is doing since she hasn't been posting regularly like her unusual self... I texted with her recently and she has been having some health issues personally and in her family. Part ...

The Coming Eclipse...

With just a few short days before the solar eclipse, the amount of information coming out that points to possible prophetic significance about this event is quite amazing. Many have done studies of all the city names that fall within the path, other have focused in on the interesection of this eclispe with the 2015 eclipse that occured just prior to the Rev 12 sign. Even Prophecy Watchers had a guest on listing out many amazing facts, which prompted the host to say that signfiicance of the eclipse was "undeniable". Check out the video below, and no matter what happens in the coming days, keep looking up and stay close to Jesus as our ultimate protector and source of Hope and Truth! God Bless you all!

Surprise Encouragement!

I think it is so amazing how God can encourage us when we least expect it. When you are just doing a normal thing like watching random news stories with your kids and He comes in and just shocks you with His goodness.  I want you to feel the same joy and surprise that I did, so I am going to share this short news story below without further comment. Take the 4 short minutes to watch this to the end and be encouraged as I was. Jesus is coming back! God Bless you all and keep looking up!

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3. Highlight PASTE HERE and hit Ctrl+V to replace that text with your link ("leave the quotation marks there!").
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Colossians 3:2-4

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Philippians 3:20-21

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.