Blood Moon over America
While eclipses are not that rare (at least 4 a year... 2 solar and 2 lunar), the location where they are visible varies so much they feel rare to us. When I saw the map of this weeks lunar eclipse it struck me with how is almost perfectly centered it is on the USA, and that is rare indeed. The eclipse takes late this Thursday Night / early Friday am if you want to watch it. Lunar eclipses, also known as Blood Moons due to there reddish color, have been discussed quite often in prophecy circles since before the Rev 12 sign. It was back in 2014/2015 when Mark Biltz was all over YouTube with his discovery and John Hagee wrote the Book "4 Blood Moons" which became very popular . The verse that causes so many people to pay attention to these is Joel 2:31 The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. As the heavens are Gods clock, and new moons, full moons, and blood moons are mentioned fr...